#everything about before the storm is underrated please
svpergirly · 1 month
canon friendship dynamic because chloe gets SO serious about games and mikey is always laughing his head off while steph keeps adding fuel to the fire
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lia-loves-youu · 10 days
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A little more ~ Seonghwa x Reader
Notes (please read): So hello y’all<33 This is my first fanfic AND English is not my first language, so I really hope it won’t be too bad helpp- It’s based on “A Little More” by Lim Jisoo, please listen to it, it’s such an underrated song and I’ve been listening to it soo much lately :> I’ll try to sneak a few lyrics in, so if you listen to the song while/before reading, you can maybe hear the lyrics replay in your head (I’ll most likely change them up a bit so they don’t sound so weird tho)<3 Also, if you like this, please try to boost it so I can gain reach a bit faster, I’m really afraid that this will flop TvT I’ll also reply to every comment, so if you have something to say, please go ahead<33
pairing: Park Seonghwa (Ateez) x fem! reader
warnings: fluff so teeth rotting, it has you ready for a dentist visit, pretty cheesy, swearing, toxic friends (no physical harm), reader is sometimes talking to herself, everything goes pretty fast
tropes: love at first note, (implied) one true love
word count: 3512
summary: Seonghwa is out with his friends for a fun karaoke night, but when he returns from the toilet, he walks by a room out of which a beautiful song, well, rather a beautiful voice comes and fills his whole body (let’s just ignore that these rooms should be soundproof). Not finding the courage to ask the dark silhouette standing in the karaoke room for the song name, he writes a message on a tissue and slides it under the door.
Here’s the link for the song again<3
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'~'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
Fast steps fill the hallway. The dark haired man is searching for the karaoke room he and his friends booked, but suddenly he slows down and finds himself standing in front of a door. It’s not the one to the room his friends are in, but the intriguing voice which makes its way to his ears seems to stop him. His curious eyes are searching through the darkness of the room to finally see the silhouette of a girl standing in front of the karaoke machine, her back turned towards Seonghwa. Almost in a trance, he listens to the relaxing music complimenting your voice perfectly. Should he ask you for the song name? He wishes he could, but he can’t find the courage to knock on the door in front of him and interrupt you. His eyes proceed to search for any other way to ask for the song, or even your name, and luck seems to be on his side today. Quickly grabbing a tissue and a pen - which some staff member probably dropped as they were in a hurry - he scribbles a few sentences on the fabric. After sliding it through the small gap under the door, he quickly stands up and continues on his way back to his friends, the melody not leaving his head.
“No fucking way.” “Yes I knowww, I’m sosososo sorry again! We’ll make it up to you next time, yeah? Really!” Not even a second later the call ends. You stare at the now dark phone screen, laughing and huffing in disbelief. Your “friends” just cancelled your plans. Again. You already rented the karaoke room for three hours for you and your friends and just finished with the first song so you can warm your voice up a bit, but it looks like your friends had better plans. You wouldn’t be so disappointed if this was the first time, if you weren’t paying with your own money and if this wasn’t one of the most expensive karaoke places your friends had picked without even asking about your opinion. But unfortunately that’s the case.
Before the tears could even begin to fill your eyes, you already grab your stuff and storm to the door. Almost reaching the door handle, you suddenly slip and fall, while a short scream exits your mouth. “Ouch, what the-“, you look down to your and stop mid sentence, noticing the item which made your body meet the floor so painfully. You reach for the small tissue and turn on your phone’s flashlight to make words written in a neat and elegant handwriting out:
Your voice is so pretty and unique, could you please tell me which song you were singing? I mean the one with the calming melody
Blinking dumbfounded, you reread the note. “Telling them which song I was singing-? How am I supposed to do that, no name, no telephone number. At least I only sang one song, so I know which one they mean”, you murmur. After reading the note a third time, a smile slowly creeps onto your lips. It’s not the fact that you don’t know who this wrote, but rather how they complimented you. It clears your bad mood up a bit and you feel the need to tell them the song name, however that’s supposed to work.
“What am I supposed to doooo”, you let yourself sink into your sheets, talking to none other than yourself. You would’ve called one of your super cool friends, but after the countless instagram stories they had posted, dancing and drinking in some pub after having to sadly call your plans off again, you quickly gave up on the idea. At this point you would’ve already confronted them, but considering that they were the only people you talk to in and outside of school, you’re too afraid to be blamed and left out even more, loosing all the remaining social contacts you try so desperately to keep.
Suddenly a thought crosses your mind. It might seem a bit unlikely to happen, but what if the ominous person shows up at the karaoke place tomorrow too? You turn around, now lying on your back and sigh: “It’s a try worth, right? Which room did I have today? 127? 143? NONO it was definitely 119.” You don’t even know why you’re so touched by this stupid little message, but the thought of having someone you really share something with (unlike your friends) just doesn’t plan to leave your mind anytime soon.
The next day at school passes regularly, excluding how you try to avoid your friend group, walking through hallways they probably never ever seen before, skipping lunch and keeping your head down, hoping that they won’t even try to look for you. Luckily you also caught the first bus after school ended, so there are almost no people you’re already familiar with. A relived sigh exiting your lips you drop on an empty seat and close your eyes, already worried about the next day.
“Excuse me? Could I please rent room 119?” You smile awkwardly, recognising the receptionist from yesterday. He looks at you hesitantly, you can almost hear him ask if you will also leave two and a half hours early and without the three people which supposedly should’ve joined you, but he doesn’t. Instead he smiles and tells you that the room is already taken. “Oh please wait, he reserved for two people, you had the room yesterday too right?” Now that he said it so blunt your cheeks start to light up. You mumble a little yes and try to look as unaffected as possible, which quickly becomes irrelevant after realising the boy, as you just found out, probably reserved for the both of you and that he’s waiting in exactly the room you had, like he knew you’d think the same way as him. “Uhm yes?” “Great, follow me please- Or can you find the room again?” Politely declining, you turn around and quickly walk towards the door, trying to suppress a wide smile from your lips.
“Ahhh what should I say to him noww?” You nervously tap your foot on the ground and stare holes into the door. Shaking your head and after taking a deep breath you swing the door open, just for the air to be knocked out of your lungs again: The boy, who’s just sitting on the couch, if without doubt the most gorgeous and elegant person you’ve ever laid your eyes on. “Oh, so you must be the girl from yesterday?” “…” “Are… you alright?” Suddenly awaking from your trance, you blink and start to splutter a bit: “Ehh yeah- Yes that’s me, uhm my name is yn, yours?” He starts smiling - which makes your heart bounce and cheeks uncontrollably light up - and tells you his name in return. ‘Park Seonghwa’, a world stopping beauty with a pretty name, if his personality’s as good as the rest, you’re ready to sign him up for marriage on the spot. Not being able to stop smiling, you sit down beside him after asking for his approval and start a little conversation.
At first it was a bit awkward of course, but after you found a good topic, you both loosen up and seem like you won’t be able to stop talking and laughing together, like you’ve been friends for years. The hours vanish like seconds and neither of you realise how late it has gotten.
A sudden knock stops you from continuing your rant about people who chew with their mouth open, and Seonghwa takes a glance at the clock. „Oh shit we were supposed to get out of here like half a hour ago!“ After processing what he just said, you quickly get up, grab your stuff and sprint to the door, the tall boy right behind you. Bowing and excusing yourself you walk past the staff member and out of the building.
“Oh god I’m so sorry, I didn’t look at the time.“ You turn and look at the cute apologetic look on his face. Not being able to prevent it, you chuckle and tell him that it’s alright. His face instantly relaxes and he laughs with you. „Do you want me to walk you home? It’s already so dark and I’m a bit worried about you“, he offers sweetly. „I have to go by bus, I really don’t want you to take a detour just because of me.“ „Oh! I have to go by bus too! We can at least walk to the station together, if we don’t even have too take the same bus!” ‘If he doesn’t stop smiling so cutely like that I’m seriously going to cry’ Instead of actually saying what you just thought, you return his little grin and just nod.
The walk is a bit calmer and a comfortable silence encases the both of you (I hope I can say it like that?) “Soo which bus do you have to take?” You tell him an he starts to smile, telling you he has to take the same one - which he in fact doesn’t, but the thought of you being alone in the dark has him feeling a bit off. If he would feel like that about other people too? Probably, but his feelings and thought are also oddly different when he’s with you.
Chitchatting a bit about this and that, the bus arrives and you continue your conversation after sitting down.
“Oh, I have to get off at the next stop”, you pout a bit and watch a frown appear on his face as those words leave your lips. “Do you really don’t want me to walk you home?” You try to show him the warmest and most assuring smile you have and tell him how your house is only two minutes away from the stop, which seems to calm him down. “Ah by the way! I forgot to tell you the song name, it’s-“ “No stop, tell me next time okay?”, he interrupts you swiftly. “Next time?” “If you’re willing to give me one?” You chuckle: “Are you trying to flirt with me?” “Maybe?” You gently, jokingly punch his chest and start to already see your station in the distance. “Then I guess you better take my phone number now before I have to get off.” He pulls his phone out and opens it, already showing “add a new contact” on the screen, like he waited for you to give him your number. After you quickly filled the boxes in, you return the phone to him and stand up. “Text me then!”, you grin and walk out of the already opened doors.
The grin doesn’t leave your face until you drift away in the warm embrace of your bed, neither does the one on Seonghwa’s lips, even though he has to drive the whole way back and further now.
The days where you don’t see your sweet new friend feel endless, standing up at ungodly times, classes are even more boring, spending every damn break on the school’s roof to avoid your other friends, going home, doing the homework, eating, studying, sleeping and everything repeats again. Luckily there was only one day where you didn’t get to meet up. You only meet for lunch because school days are too busy, but today is Friday, which makes you unusually happy. Of course you’re always excited for Fridays, but this time it just feels more special.
You grin relieved, finally throwing your jacket off and jumping on the couch.
Hwa [2:47]
Are you free today?
Do you wanna meet up at my place? I don’t wanna go out to our cafe today :(
Your grin grows even wider.
Me [2:47]
Yeah ofc!! Do you live far from me? Can I go there by bike?
You don’t even wait for an answer before you already run towards your wardrobe, searching for your favourite outfit.
Hwa [2:49]
I’ll just send you the location
Should I pick you up tho?
| location attached |
You really can’t stop smiling like crazy and you also can’t tell why it makes you so happy that he asked if he should pick you up. “He’s so gentle and caring… Why didn’t I meet more people like him? Life would’ve been so much easier if I had some real friends- I should really stop thinking about them. I should rather ask how I deserved to meet Hwa. Okay, which hairstyle do I go for tho?”
After you’re done with your outfit and everything, you get your stuff together and pull your shoes on.
Me [3:00]
Nono I’ll just go by bus, don’t worry :D
“…Huh? That’s definitely not how he got home last time, I was the first one to leave and we took the same bus. Ahh I shouldn’t worry about it now as long as I’ll arrive at his home”, you mumble, looking at the route while waiting at the station. Just as the bus stops, “A little more” starts to play in your earphones, making you smile subconsciously. ‘Ahh I still didn’t tell Hwa the song name, the week was just so busy I forgot about it… I really have to do it today.‘
Just as you took the first ten steps out of the bus, your whole body stops moving, your hands drop and everything starts to turn, but not the people in front of you. “Ohh if that isn’t our sweet, dearest little yn. Do you maybe want to… I don’t know, apologise? Why are you not answering our messages and leaving us alone in the breaks? Girl this is literally so annoying, you know?“
You don’t move, neither do you speak, which visibly makes the girl in front of you angry. ”So, listen you stupid fucking-“
“Uhm, excuse me please”, the group turns around, moving aside for Seonghwa to walk towards you and ask with a cute little smile, “Do we wanna go in now? I was kinda worried you might wouldn’t find my apartment, so I’m her now.” You’re still not able to answer, but your friend already starts to talk again: “Oh my god who are you?” She eyes him up and down and grins stupidly. “So you’re friends with yn? Why didn’t you introduce us before? Don’t keep your handsome friends to yourself yn, are you single by the way, mr. handsome? I’m free this weekend by the way hihi.” Disgustedly raising his eyebrow at this horrible attempt to flirt, he looks down at your face, which finally shows some type of reaction. “If you excuse me-“, Seonghwa says still softly and gently grabs your hand, guiding you through the group and quickly to a building. “Wait, you forgot to give me your number!” Rolling his eyes he closes the door which he just opened for you both and walks to an elevator.
The silence is slightly awkward, but addressing the elephant in the room right now would’ve made it worse.
“You can leave your shoes and jacket here, do you want a glass of water?” You shake your head and smile at him, which he returns and your cheeks warm up. His smile always makes you feel all fuzzy inside, which is in fact not the greatest sign, falling in love with the only person you have right now was definitely not on your bucket list for this year. “Do you want to watch a movie with me? I think I still have popcorn left! Wait, let me see real quick.” As he walks away, he makes little happy jumps which results in him looks even more adorable than he always is. Your checks turn even redder and you’re sure you’ll never recover from this while slowly following him.
Seonghwa is already rummaging through a cabinet when you reach the kitchen, a few strands of his long black hair falling on his concentrated face, making you chuckle quietly. He looks up at you, his doe eyes making your legs weak, and smirks: “God you’re red, are you fine? I found the popcorn by the way, do you want it sweet or salty?” You clear your throat, lowering your head and telling him your preference. Still laughing he continues.
“Okayy it should be ready in 15 minutes, let’s pick out the movie now.“ You follow him to the living room, where he sits down on the couch and starts to scroll through Netflix. After you just stood there for a few seconds he turns his gaze to you and pouts, which makes your face burn again. “Why aren’t you sitting down? Are you really okay-? I’m starting to get worried, I should measure your temperature.” You wanted to stop him, but it was already too late as he gets up and suddenly presses his forehead against yours. “Uhmm I’m pretty sure you don’t measure temperature like that”, you manage to mutter, but he just laughs and lets his head fall from your forehead onto your shoulder, wrapping his arms around you and giving you the warmest hug in forever. It feels special and caring, not like you didn’t expect that his hugs were like this or if you weren’t hoping to get one of them every single day, but the way his hands rest on your back and caress you so gently makes your body long for him more and more.
After standing like this for several seconds, Seonghwa slowly gets away from you, hesitantly asking: “Do you think you could… You know, tell me about who these people were and what they did to you? It’s nagging me since I saw your horrified face back then.” You look at his worried expression but don’t answer.
“I know it’s hard to trust me, that’s alright, considering how we don’t know each other for that long yet. I’ll wait for you, tell me when you’re ready, okay? I’m here with open arms.” You can’t help but chuckle, making Seonghwa’s gorgeous face clear up. “Okay okay Hwa, I’ll tell you. Let’s sit down though, if that’s alright.” He nods and wraps a blanket around you after you’ve made yourself comfortable on the pillowy couch.
You really try to hold the tears back while telling him anything in detail, but bringing all the memories and emotions back is just too much. Usually you don’t cry that easily and definitely not in presence of other people, but all the denied feelings break down on you. You lower your head, hoping the man in front of you wouldn’t notice, but of course he does anyways. Slowly bringing his soft hand up to your face, he swipes your tears away and strokes your cheek: “Don’t worry and please don’t cry, I guess you at least have me now, right? Shhh please don’t cry, c’mere.” Carefully skidding over to you he pulls you in another hug, this time it’s even harder for you to not completely loose yourself in his embrace.
As less tears drop on his neck and your muffled sobs get quieter, he assures: “I’ll be your best friend. I’ll always be there for you and never do such things as your stupid little ex-friends. I’ll be everything you ever wanted and won’t hesitate to hold your hand.”
You burry your head deeper in the crook of his neck and take all your courage together: “I don’t want you to be my best friend”, Seonghwa’s body tenses up and you notice a quiet “oh” from above you, “I want you to be more than that.” You sit up, looking at Seonghwa’s sweet eyes. “I know this all happened way too fast, but I couldn’t hold myself, you’re just too… perfect. I never had someone like you and after being alone for so long, you were just like a savior. I can’t really explain what I feel, but I hope you understand. I’m always on top of the world, because of you. All those little ‘dates’ just made me realise how important you already are for me. Seonghwa, I love you, I’m sorry.”
Silence. You don’t look at him anymore, gaze directed on your hands before your crossed legs. You can feel that you tear up again, so you press your eyes shut.
You suddenly feel hands on yours, which kind of startles you. “Please look at me, yn.” Sullenly you look up to meet his deep, dark eyes. “I know what you mean and feel. And I feel the same way. I think of you so often and my day is just not complete without having some kind of conversation with you, please, stay by my side. Forever. And come closer please, I want to hug you again.”
You two spend the rest of the day with eating the popcorn and watching Star Wars, Seonghwa also proudly showed you his Lego collection and cuddled with you until you both were about to drift into sleep. “Oh, by the way, the song I sung was ‘A little more’ by Lim Jisoo”, you manage to mutter before falling asleep.
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'~'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
Please don’t kill me if this was shit<3
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lamemaster · 10 months
A Conspiring Universe (Curufin x Reader)
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Pairing: Curufin x Reader
Genre: Lovers to enemies (hehe)
Summary: Such was the unfortunate tale of your meeting with Curufin. A fate orchestrated by the entire universe.
AN: Idk Curufin just came and demanded this so here it is. Another story for the underrated character event. @doodle-pops
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"Your father destroyed lives, he does not get my respect," your words reverberate through the serene room, a stark contrast to the tranquility that hangs in the air. The faint scent of ripe oranges and sugar from your marmalade fills the space, a bittersweet reminder of domesticity amidst the impending storm.
In the golden light of the Sun, you see him for the first time. The last time you laid eyes on him, the Sun and the Moon had yet to grace the world. "You never even gave us... my family a chance. Always on your high horse. Always preaching whatever your parents told you about," Curufin remains unchanged. Despite the passage of time, the regrowth of his fana has not tamed his fervor, nor dimmed the fire that has long defined him.
This is how you greet your husband after eons of separation. Your veins pulse with adrenaline, your heart pounds like a drumbeat of fury. "You and your wretched family took away everything from me," your accusatory finger jabs the air, finding its mark on Curufin's conscience.
"You took away my son, his happiness; you trampled upon his heart," your steps carry you closer to him, until your breaths mingle, noses almost touching. "And in doing so, you took my everything," you refuse to let your tears fall. Not today. Not in front of him. He does not deserve them. Not after the last time you had begged him with the same tears. You had pleaded for your son.
"I wish I hadn't met you," the words slip out, unhindered by any interruption. So you continue, your voice like a river finally allowed to flow freely. "I wish you had perished at Alqualondë, or I wish you had ended my life before you departed Tirion," a tremor runs through you, but you steel yourself against it. After all these years, after carrying the weight of a bond you never asked for, it all crumbles like a dam breached under pressure. "I wish... I... I had died."
"Please," his voice is a whisper, a fragile sound that blends into the walls around you, almost lost in the echoes.
"Every single day of your exile, I yearned for death. To depart this world. To journey beyond even Miriel's reach, and to leave you. To abandon you as you abandoned me," your voice wavers, your knees threaten to give way, and the tears stream down. At that moment, the arms that wrap around you. 
You do not allow him to embrace you completely. You shrug off his arms even as the world blurs. “Curufinwe I hate you,” your voice is a whisper but you know he hears it. “I hate you so much.” Tears not belonging to you, stings the skin of your hands. Tremors foreign to your body rock your shoulders.
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Curufinwe, like his father, fell in love with the most unexpected person. None in Aman had expected such to occur, yet, it had. Just like none had expected Feanor to marry unremarkable Nerdanel. They hadn’t expected for his son, his shadow, Curufin to wed the daughter of a priest.
But love comes where it is destined. And it stays there like an unwelcome tenant. It came for Curfin and you. 
Your upbringing immersed you in tales of the Valar and their valor, bound by reverence and tradition. Curufin, however, was raised in a household that reveled in defiance, a family that dared to question the authority of those who claimed dominion over Arda. Neither Feanor nor your parents had assented easily. But that too had come to pass.
Or else what could have been the chances of Curufin getting a sudden impulse to stroll, a mere few hours after he had delved into his father's smithy, a place he could stay in for days without respite. Why did he choose that exact moment for a break? And why did his steps lead him to the temple, a place his family had shunned? How was it that you, who usually worked out in the gardens of the temple was the one singing the hymn that morning? What had led you to sing like that, that particular day?
It was as if the entire universe had conspired to blend your path to him. On a pleasant sunny day, when the flowers bloomed bearing all the colors of the rainbow, and the air thrummed with the subtle fragrance of incense, you met Curufin. 
It had happened in a fraction of a second. Your eyes met his and it was undeniable. In a hall full of people your singing faltered at his sight. Notes forgotten and worship discarded. Curufin on the other hand did not pause. He moved towards you uncaring of the eyes on him. 
Such was the unfortunate tale of your meeting with Curufin. A fate orchestrated by the entire universe.
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flurrys-creativity · 2 years
Recs tag game
Tagged by the wonderful @aura-mp3 some time between a week or two ago...
Rules: recommend 5 or more of your own works that you would rec to someone asking what they should read first & explain a little about the work. these can be the most popular, the ones you think are underrated, or your own favourites! Then tag five other writers!
I write anything and everything... so that's why I chose these five stories:
1. Flying Kangaroo
A Bang Chan short story. Very fluff, very soft and simply adorable
2. Sailor Kook
A Jeon Jungkook two shot to show my most favourite genre of fantasy! There is a lot within the term fantasy but this is a good example for it! And like the name suggests yesss, some things are loosely based on Sailor Moon... which also shows I can work cross fandoms 😅
3. The Bastard Trilogy
A Johnny Suh story... All short chapters... and very heartfelt... so if you desire something to make you cry in the end.... this is it...
4. Rain storm cuddles
One of two mxm stories that I wrote! While I do prefer to write with a reader insert, I do not shy away from writing other forms as well! This is also a quite soft story btw with Jooheon and Kiyhun from Monsta X...
5. Illecebrous
Want something filthy? Here ya go... basically no plot only smut... the smuttiest smut... with Im Jaebeom...
6. And lastly "Yes baby, no baby"
Violence, yandere, horror... I think yes baby, no baby portrays perfectly that I'm also capable of writing stories that might make you uncomfortable or scared while reading... this Byun Baekhyun story is a heavily yandere one... definitely read the warnings before reading the story itself!!!
If you've been already tagged because I am once again pretty late... please ignore it... if not... I'm excited to read your recs:
@sanjoongie @star-lemonade @toikiii @defwoodz @moccahobi @strayed-quokka @wordycerty @yutasthetic
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construingseacats · 8 months
Umireread - Legend of the Golden Witch: Chapter 9: Night of the Storm   
Sat, Oct 4 1986 - 11:00PM
The following contains spoilers for the entirety of Umineko. Please do not read if you are yet to finish it.
And so we arrive at the shortest chapter in the series. Well, not counting Notebook Fragment in a Wine Bottle, but I’d be hesitant to call that a true chapter when it’s basically just a credits cutscene.
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Anyway - it’s funny how Shannon’s feelings at being proposed to can be read as embarrassment and trepidation for being proposed to… Or Yasu’s final feelings before properly committing to what she’s about to go through with. It would do a great disservice to Yasu’s character to portray her as some sort of perfectly calculated serial killer who can execute this entire plan without any problems. Seeing this last minute doubt and worry really humanises her.
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You know, if you take a step back, it does feel like this is Yasu doing a final round of the Manor to make sure everything is in place. That there’s not going to be any complication to mess with the scenes she’s about to paint.
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Our first true sighting of the Golden Butterflies as well - let our heralds and harbingers of fantasy serve us well in the days to come.
And so we get a final sweep of where everyone is. This is really good scene setting, even if ultimately it isn’t actually very helpful for figuring out the upcoming mystery. I mean, Kinzo shows up, so it can’t even be trusted in the first place. But still, it’s enchanting and captures your intention for what you definitely know is about to happen. Swallowtail Butterfly is an incredible piece of music to accompany us here - one of the most underrated tracks in the soundtrack, in my opinion.
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Love how Nanjo is just randomly in the void somewhere. I wonder how many first time readers see this as a major red flag towards him? After all, he’s the only one with a location left undisclosed. I think I remember picking up on this for my first readthrough.
That being said, you don’t get to see where Maria or Natsuhi is during this sweep, which is a curious decision. Maybe it’s because they’re both sleeping at this point? I’m not sure what other connection there would be that applies to both of them and none of the others.
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And so the clock strikes midnight. Our first day draws to a close.
This chapter being so short feels really weird. I know it helps add emphasis to it, but I don’t know, it just feels strange to have a literal 5 minute chapter when pretty much every other one is around 8 to 16 times as long. I feel like maybe I’d have split up last chapter and had the George-Shannon scene take place here for better pacing? But then you’d lose out on the great timing of the end-chapter screen break, and honestly, that’s definitely something worth making this chapter so short for.
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On the first twilight, offer the six chosen by the key as sacrifices.
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acacia-may · 10 months
Can I request a song and a headcanon for Elfman x Evergreen, please?
AHHHH!! YES!! Elfman x Evergreen the beautiful yet criminally underrated ship of dreams!! (As you can see, I totally love them a normal amount...lol)
In all seriousness though, thank you so much for your ask and for playing my ship + headcanon game! Your song and headcanon are below the cut! 🥰
I love these two so much that I'm really not sure I can put it into words, and I debated a lot about which song to pick for them before finally deciding on "Can't Fight This Feeling" by REO Speedwagon because we all know they were really trying to fight those feelings for a long time (but the feelings eventually won out 😉). In all seriousness though, I do think this song is very fitting for them. For instance, "What started out as friendship has grown stronger, I only wish I had the strength to let it show" feels so much like Elfman to me considering how concerned he is about being this strong man but then realizing that opening his heart to Evergreen and expressing his love to her is going to take a lot of strength. Then there are the following lines "I tell myself that I can't hold out forever. I said there is no reason for my fear 'cause I feel so secure when we're together" which feel very much like Evergreen to me--knowing she can't keep denying her feelings and keep being afraid to express them even though she feels this deep connection to Elfman and he has proven how devoted he is to her--how much he wants to protect her and take of her. Of course it makes her feel secure but the question is: is she ready to admit that to herself, let alone to him?
By the time we get to that chorus, it's really both of them realizing that they "can't fight this feeling anymore"--their love is so strong that they don't even remember why they were fighting it so much in the first place and they want to give up that fight, surrender to each other and finally confess.
So without further ado, here is an Elfman x Evergreen love confession headcanon:
Despite a lot of resistance in accepting then wanting to express their romantic feelings for one another, it is Elfman who "caves" first and decides he is going to confess. He plans a special dinner for Evergreen, but everything goes wrong (i.e. the food burns, it starts storming, he accidentally stains wine on her dress ect. ect.) which leads to them bickering like an old married couple. In the midst of this argument in exasperation, Elfman declares "Fine! Forget it. I'm not going to confess to you" and Evergreen promptly retorts, "Well, fine. I'm not going to confess to you either!"
It takes them a couple of minutes to realize that by declaring they weren't going to confess their feelings, they actually ended up inadvertently expressing that they did in fact have feelings for each other. And they have been together ever since. 😁
REO Speedwagon - Can't Fight This Feeling (Audio) - YouTube
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drarryruinedme7 · 3 years
Heyyy, can you recommend me some underrated heavy angst drarry fic please, thank you!!
Hi, nonnie! Sorry it took me so long to reply :) I tried not to mention well-known fics on this list as your request is for "underrated" which I believe is a bit of a subjective discernment. To choose the fics, I went with titles I've rarely seen recced in the fandom. That said, these are some of my favourites fics! Hope you enjoy and mind the tags.
Crucio by @rockmarina (T; 3.3k; 2019) *hurt/comfort
Summary: "It is our choices that show what we truly are." But what about those who don't really have a choice? This is how their journey together starts: with an Unforgivable, a confession and the incessant dripping of a faucet.
Alive by @fleetofshippyships-archive (M; 4.4k; 2017)
Summary: After the war, Harry is lost. Angry or numb, nothing feels the same. The only thing unchanged is the way Malfoy makes him feel, until that too is no longer the same.
Blood and Sugar by phrynne (E; 7.4k; 2017)
Summary: I wonder again if this, his touch, is the reason I keep taking hits on the field and not giving a flying fuck what happens to me.
Half Awake, Half Asleep by NoclueIdunno (M; 19.4k; 2020)
Summary: Twelve years after the War, on his final trip outside, Draco stumbles upon the last person he wanted to see.
Thunder by @keyflight790 (E; 21.5k; 2019)
Summary: The storm will disappear; the rain will subside; but what's left in its wake will last forever. A story of love and loss, redemption and thunder.
remember me by hupsoonheng (T; 31k; 2019) *memory loss
Summary: On a chilly day in October, Draco kisses Harry goodbye before he goes on yet another dangerous, undercover mission with the Aurors. And then Harry doesn't come back. Only Draco believes that Harry isn't dead, and pours himself into finding his husband despite his friends' pleas to move on and grieve properly. What he finds at the end of that work, though, is not at all what he wanted.
The Shadowy Corners by @kedavranox (E; 29.2k; 2013) *mpreg
Summary: Fifteen years after the war, Draco is still struggling to survive. Living in squalor and under heavy Ministry restrictions, Draco takes Pansy's advice on an option he had never thought to consider before. A means to regain everything he lost and more, courtesy of the wizarding hero --Harry Potter.
Everything That Happens is From Now On by @thusspoketrish
(E; 42.9k) 2018) *rape
Summary: After surviving a brutal assault, Draco tries to navigate the tumultuous waters of his mind, and embrace a bit of love and trust in his life. After all, the smallest steps forward can begin to heal the most fractured of souls.
Now My Neck Is Open Wide (begging for a fist around it) by LadySlytherin (E; 75k; 2016) *mpreg
Summary: Six months post-war, Harry meets Grayson Wenke, a famous Quidditch player. Harry believes he's found the love of his life, and a Happily Ever After ending suitable for the storybooks. When Grayson slowly goes from Prince Charming to a monster behind closed doors, Harry finds himself trapped, and alone, and fearing for his life. When Harry realizes he's pregnant, the opportunity for escape - and a real Happily Ever After - presents itself as none other than Draco Malfoy. The only question is if Harry is brave enough to take a chance, and strong enough to heal.
Though My Mind Could Think (I still was a mad man) by @cassiaratheslytherpuff (E; 87k; 2019)
Summary: After years of pretending he's fine and just waiting for the day he isn't needed anymore Harry wins the war. He tries to kill himself, but of all people, Malfoy saves him. Harry realises that if he has the courage to die, he should also have the courage to live. Ultimately this is a story about recovery, but it's also about all the things you sometimes have to go through to get there.
Tit for Tat by @mintamintathings (E; 388.8k; 2021)
Summary: Our story picks up five years post-war. Harry's ready to come out and leave the public life behind; Draco's looking for quiet reintegration into magical society in London. True angst! Emotional vulnerability! Romance of the star-crossed lover variety! If you're looking for a plot-driven epic with all the smut and all the feels, here it is, folks.
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idontblushsrry · 3 years
Haruhi Fujioka||SFW Alphabet
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A/N: Making gender neutral Haruhi Fujioka content because she’s criminally underrated in fic
Word Count: 1996
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A: Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Haruhi shows her affection by helping you and spending time with you. She’s actually quite affectionate. She’s pretty private with it, especially when the twins are around, but she likes to be held by you, preferring to scoot closer to you to lean her head on your shoulder.
B: Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
As a best friend, Haruhi is really good at giving you logical/calm advice . Like she’s very blunt and to the point and it might hurt your feelings a little but she never does it out of ill will. Also Haruhi is the best for doing random hobbies or going to random places because she’s just like oh ok and she won’t make fun of you or anything. Overall a good best friend to vibe with that’s also hella responsible.
C: Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Haruhi isn’t really big on cuddling. She doesn’t mind it and she’ll cuddle if you want but she’s not one to initiate. The one exception is during storms, Haruhi won’t even say anything to you, she’ll just walk up to you and let you hold her while she’s shaking until she falls asleep.
D: Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Haruhi is literally the spokesperson of domesticity across the world. Ms. girl has a whole recipe book don’t even play. However, while cooking and cleaning were things she picked up out of necessity, she loves you all the more because you do this for her without her even needing to ask.
E: Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If Haruhi had to break up with you, she’s very solemn about it. It’s almost formulaic like she practiced it 1000x (spoiler alert: she did). She cherishes every moment you both spent together, but she feels it’s best if you remained friends.
F: Fiance(e) (How would they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Haruhi really doesn’t care either way about marriage. She’s not super traditional in the sense that marriage is a deal breaker, but if you do have a wedding, she’d like it to be simple, with your closest friends and family. Do be warned that Ranka will be slightly butt-hurt if you don’t get married, however the fight between her and Tamaki on who gets to walk Haruhi down the aisle is probably worth getting married.
G: Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Physically and emotionally, Haruhi is very gentle and attentive. Physically, she’s very gentle, mainly because she’s unsure of what you’re okay with and the both of you are just getting a feeling for what you want. However, later on in your relationship, she’s still gentle but she gives her affection a lot more openly in a way that’s still secretive, like placing a kiss on your cheek and walking away like nothing happened. Emotionally, Haruhi is very attentive to the emotions of those around her, even if that person is very private or generally good at hiding their emotions. 
H: Hugs( Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?
Haruhi is fine with hugs, she doesn’t really initiate them but she’ll just stand there and let you hug her if you need to. The only time she doesn’t like hugs is when they lead to her being the center of attention and getting hugs from behind. Please don’t hug her from behind, it reminds her of when she got thrown in the ocean during the beach episode and she’s also afraid you might pick her up.
I: I love you (How fast do they say the L-word)
It takes Haruhi quite some time to confess her love to you because admittedly she’s a little dense when it comes to her own feelings. Once she realizes it, it’s all a matter of the perfect time.
J: Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous)
Haruhi’s jealousy is kinda deadpan. Like when she gets jealous, her face just goes blank and she just looks like ‘-_-’ the whole time. She’s silent and won’t make a fuss about it, even if the two of you are alone, but the whole time, she’s making that face until the person she’s jealous of goes away.
K: Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Haruhi’s kisses are polite in a way. She kisses like she’s grateful for the opportunity, she does get a little needy when pulling away. She’s always going on and on about how she could kiss you forever.
L: Little ones (How are they around children)
Around kids, Haruhi is honestly like the best. She’s very practical,, responsible, and pretty good at tuning out things that annoy her (read, the entire Ouran Highschool Host Club minus Mori) so she makes for a good babysitter and an even better parent. She’s also very attentive when it comes to kids, she doesn’t quite have the intuition for it but she has a determination and a willingness to learn.
M: Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Haruhi are very sweet. Haruhi and you will get up and make a meal together, even if it’s something simple like toast, Haruhi loves spending time with you, and what better way to do it than a slow morning.
N: Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights with Haruhi are nice, they’re sweet and slow. Haruhi will brew you both a thing of peppermint or chamomile tea and then you’ll be out like a light before you even know it. That’s when the real battle starts. Haruhi can and will snatch the covers from you and she’s surprisingly strong for someone unconscious. Good luck on recovering that blanket friend.
O: Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Haruhi is pretty open already. She is a natural after all, any vulnerabilities she has have been shared and any concerns have been brought up to you as her s/o
P: Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Haruhi’s patience is going to get a 76% rating. She does mind her business and make an effort not to be involved in certain things, but drama and mess always seem to just find her. Haruhi does not like messiness or any form of foolishness or buffoonery at all, she doesn’t care for it and is quick to anger when she comes across it.
Q: Quizzes (How much would they remember about you?  Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Haruhi remembers things about you in order of like responsibility. So she’s like memorizing your allergies, your emergency contacts, clothes and shoe size, etc. like she’s almost like a parent in that regard. She does it almost unconsciously too like one day you’ll be out at some street fair and she’s like “oh no Y/N that’ll trigger your allergies” without even missing a beat like it’s almost terrifying sometimes.
R: Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Her favorite moment in your relationship is when you got tickets for you both to go to a butterfly garden and you proceeded to spend about 20 minutes hyping Haruhi up on her outfit before you even left for the sanctuary. Once you both got there, you took so many pictures of Haruhi surrounded by flowers and butterflies, and honestly she looked ethereal. But that day with you she smiled and laughed so much that her face was a little sore when she got home.
S: Security (How protective are they? How would they like to be protected?)
Please protect this girl, she’s so sweet. Haruhi protects you by just sort of checking on your needs. The way she needs/ deserves to be protected is the real focus. Of course the general looking out for each other, but if you protect Haruhi like emotionally and she’s yours for life. A a kid, despite her dad’s best efforts, Haruhi wasn’t exactly protected, she had to do a lot of fending for herself and her dad, and she doesn’t resent him for that, but it does affect the way she thinks. So if you can prove that you’re a constant source of support for her,,,
T: Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
In terms of her gifts, and any anniversaries, Haruhi is extremely thoughtful. Even if she doesn’t have much money she still plans meticulously to make sure you have the best day. Her gifts tend to lean on the more practical side as opposed to the fanciful side but if she’s able to, she’ll still try to get you something like a charm bracelet. In terms of dates, Haruhi is still meticulous but most of your dates are you two doing some task but together. She tries very hard though to make time in her day for you even if you both only get to spend an hour or 2 together.
U: Ugly (What are some bad habits of theirs? (I’m gonna add arguments here because they aren’t on the prompt list I found))
A bad habit Haruhi has is that she tends to downplay serious issues. She tends to downplay her own issues but on occasion she does tend to downplay your feelings. Not intentionally of course, but you’ll be upset and she’ll just go “Y/N, that seems really small to be so upset about” in that deadpan tone. She does work on it though, but her tendency to downplay issues does cause arguments between you two.
V: Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Haruhi puts in enough effort to impress you. She’s not big on being ‘vain’ but she does like to look nice for you.
W: Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Not at all, in fact, one of Haruhi’s favorite parts of your relationship is that fact that you can both spend time apart and still want to come back home to each other. As much as she loves you, she still has other things in life that she wants outside of you. It fills her with the greatest sense of joy to know that you both have each other’s back and are there for each other after everything.
X: (E)xes (Any previous relationship experience. How does that factor into your current relationship?)
Haruhi canonically has 0 relationship experience and it’s completely her fault. She’s just very goal-oriented and a little oblivious romantically so she can’t really tell when someone likes her unless they tell her at which point she informs them that she’s got shit to do.
Y: Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner)
In general, it takes a lot for Haruhi to genuinely dislike someone as a person. She’s pretty level headed so it takes a lot for her emotions to override her ,mind like that. She tends to have character traits that are more of a no than people that she doesn’t like, a few things get her mad though, are inconsiderateness, thinking the world revolves around you, and of course, rich people.
Z: Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
You got Haruhi a sleeping mask with her initials on them and she sleeps with it pretty much every night. Like she has a schedule, it’s part of her night time routine there’s no going back now, even if she’s going on vacation, she’ll triple-check to make sure she’s grabbed it.
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saphirered · 3 years
Hey if you don’t mind could you write just a big fluffy Grog piece where I’m at right now I need me some Goliath cuddles 🖤🤍🖤🤍
Hope this turned out to your liking! 😘
There you are seated at your desk bend over stacks of books and paper scribbling as you go. You’ve been at this for more hours than you can count but you need to get this done. For your own sake because you don’t think you can handle another sleepless night just stuck thinking about this. Best to just get it over with. You’re hyper focused, driven by a lack of sleep. Everything around you as faded into the abyss, the scribbling of pen on paper drowning out the sounds of the world you. If no one comes to fetch you you’ll forget about breakfast, lunch, dinner, what time is it again? Nevermind. You’re almost done. Keep going!
Grog paces back and forth your door at the end of the hallway, book in one hand crumpled piece of paper encasing a feather quill that’s seen much better days. He takes a step closer in the direction of your chambers but refrains from taking another and goes back to pacing. He doesn’t want to disturb you. He knows you’re working on something important but you’ve been cooped up in your chambers for two days now and you haven’t come out to eat anything since lunch the day before. Two days is a long time to go without food and you surely haven’t had any Strongjaw Ale. He doesn’t know how you cope without.
“Hey big guy. Still hasn’t left the room?” Vax comes out of nowhere trying to jump scare the barbarian. Grog, although scared won’t admit it and play like it hadn’t affected him at all. Though, a keen ear could hear the grip on the quill tighten and crack. Unlucky for him Vax’ildan has keen ears. It doesn’t take a genius Vax worries for you too. It’s not healthy behaviour and you desperately need to eat something.
“Why don’t you go get something from the kitchen and bring them some food?” Vax had seen Grog’s pacing and moment of hesitation. He knows better than to play into his affections for you or whatever he’s doing with a book and piece of parchment filled with squiggly lines resembling letters.
“Yes. That is a good idea, I came up with myself but since you mention it, I think we are in agreement.” Grog holds his nose high. He should have thought of that himself but the half elf doesn’t know that, does he? Vax pats his arm. Totally pulled that off!
“Excuse me while I go get some food.” Grog excuses himself with the same attitude of a genius. Or at least a genius in his opinion. If he acts like this is his interpretation of a genius then what does he think you are? Vax doesn’t want to know and instead lets the goliath fetch you some much needed food.
Book and quill sticking out of his pocket, cask of ale under one arm and carrying a plate with a variety of things; mostly meats and things he’d actually seen you enjoy and knows you like. See? He can be a good listener! Grog approaches your door. Now how is he gonna knock? He knows you hate it when people just storm into your room. His arms are full. He’s got legs though. But what if he spills the ale? He’ll just gently bump into the door with his shoulder. Keyword; gently.
You hear a muffled knock on your door but you almost have this equation right! Just a little more. The knock returns a bit louder this time. You can’t snap out of it now! Almost! Another even louder knock more akin to something or someone slamming into your door. Ha! Success! You jump from your seat but are unsure if it’s because of your successful completion of your endeavour or because of the hulking goliath tumbling into your chambers.
Grog shoulder checks the door one more time and yes he’ll admit he might have been a tiny bit too rough as the door bursts open, he falls through. He allows the cask of ale to roll from his grasp and decides to save the plate of food. There you are jumping up from your seat nearly spilling a half drunken goblet but you too save it from spilling. You make eye contact with Grog and you burst out in laughter at the goliath quite literally presenting you a meal on his knees face inches away from the floor preventing a disaster.
“I brought you some food.” Grog states as he slowly gets up. He doesn’t dare look up at you yet both embarrassed and fearing he may have disturbed your work. When you walk around your desk over to him you take the tray from his hands. You nudge his arm, a thing you do to ask him to lean down a little, and when he does kiss his cheek. Immediately the worry disappears and the happy giddy Grog returns. He picks up the cask of ale as you guide him along to your desk and begin to clear the area to make space for the meal Grog brought.
Inspecting the contents presented on the fancy if not oversized platter, you notice they mainly contain meats which leaves you to think dinner but the waffles and fruits throw you off a little. Is this breakfast, lunch or dinner? You don’t know what to think. Grog takes one of the cups, the normal sized one first and fills it with ale presenting it to you. You accept it with a thank you pulling over a seat he could comfortably sit in.
You enjoy your meal, Grog having brought enough you tell him you’re not eating all of this alone so he better join in. You know he’d been eying that chicken, practically drooling. Grog fills you in on all the things you’ve missed in your uninterrupted work days. He may hype up some parts and underrate others, not mention some important things because he thinks they’re unimportant but you appreciate it nonetheless and enjoy the conversation. Grog gets more excited and loves every laugh and response you give hence him exaggerating some things knowing they’ll make you laugh.
Grog had forgotten the book, quill and parchment in his pocket until he adjusted his seating to be more comfortable and heard something creak, or more like crack and something tickle his bare stomach. He suppresses a giggle and you notice. Grog tries to move so the feather can’t tickle him but in doing so he makes it worse; the more he moves the more it tickles his side.
“Grog, is there something you need to share?” You question giving the goliath an opportunity to come clean about what the hell is up with him. You’re half suspecting some kind of prank from Vax or Scanlan to be the cause of this but you must admit you’re surprised when he pulls out a broken quill, crumpled piece of parchment and a book and puts them on the table. Grog looks down hiding his face from you as much as he can. You’re unsure if he’s embarrassed or nervous.
You grab the parchment and begin unfolding it. Grog squeaks quickly pressing his fingers to his lips. You give him a look. Eyes fall upon the parchment and you notice the top half as dwarvish while the second half is common. The lettering isn’t the neatest but it’s readable and has seen some practice. On the back you see everyone’s names written out, most misspelled but it’s clear they’re your names. There’s little drawings with each name some a bit juvenile to where you entertain the thought he might have drawn some inspiration from your satire ‘satyr’ friend… They are actually quite funny.
“Did you do this?” You ask as Grog is midway through eating his own fist in suspense.
“Yes.” It’s the tiniest squeak possible. You don’t know how that sound came out of the goliath’s mouth. You turn it over and return to the writing giving it a closer look.
“It says ‘can you teach me how to read please.’” Grog says awaiting your response.
“Why the sudden interest? I know Pike’s been working on dwarvish with you. Don’t you like her teachings?”
“No. I do. I just…. I’d like to… I want to read this.” Grog grabs the book and you read the title. It’s your favourite. It’s not an obscure story no one’s ever read. It’s a common fairytale collection you grew up with. No matter the age, everyone loves these stories, if anything they grow more interesting with age and the ability to comprehend them better.
“I like you and you like books so maybe if I got better at reading I could help you and you won’t have to spend your time alone working.” Grog admits and it makes your heart melt. You know how hard it is for Grog to read and write and to know he wants to learn more for you, is too much to bear. It makes you a bit emotional. You get up and walk around the desk engulfing the goliath in the biggest hug possible.
“Of course I’ll teach you, Grog. I’d love nothing more.” Happily his arms wrap around you and pull you even closer to where you’re lifted off your feet. You know this is a sign of happiness from the man.
“Really?” He chirps and you nod giving him a kiss to his cheek.
“Of course.” You smile. Grog releases you but sits you down on his lap grabbing the book.
“Can we start now?” He’s excited flipping to a random page in the book. He’s very glad there’s pictures in this one too. You begin explaining the fundamentals of the story hoping that context will make it easier for him to understand. Reading word for word is one thing so you try to make it easier so he doesn’t have to focus on deciphering what he’s reading about just yet and focus on the words.
It takes a good amount of time but you get through the first page. Grog’s aware you could have finished the whole book by the time he finished the first page but you don’t mind and are enjoying teaching him. The smile and kiss you give him ever time he finishes a paragraph makes him feel giddy on the inside. He knows you notice and makes you vow to never tell the others.
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whumptimemain · 4 years
Deserted Island Whump
Lot’s of gorgeous, beautiful, magnificent environmental whump to be explored here.
How did they get there? 
Takes place in a modern setting? Crash their plane, strand their cruise ship, kidnap them and leave them there to die.
Fantasy? You probably know the setting better than me, but maybe they were travelling by magic, and ended up stranded and powerless.
Takes place in the past? Shipwrecks! I love them, please abandon your crew.
The Impact
Chances are, their method of strandation has left them injured, and that’s already prime whump material.
Do they have time to build shelter? How injured is everybody? I really like playing with who is injured, and how injured they are, you can create some unorthodox caretaker/whumpee roles that way.
They also need to deal with the emotional aspect of being stranded. Who will take it well? Who is gonna break done? Have fun with it!
The Long Run
If your characters are there for a while, there are plenty of ways to whump them more.
Are they dehydrated? Starving? 
In fantasy settings, maybe there’s something magical about the island. Are there mysterious gases messing with peoples minds? Strange plants that aren’t quite edible, but they need to eat something? Play around with it!
And of course, hidden injuries! Not everyone is gonna readily admit they’re hurt. 
Have them fall off cliffs when exploring.
Underrated in my opinion, but have somebody accidentally injure somebody while hunting. 
If anybody doesn’t know how to swim, now is the time to put that to good whumpy use.
Animals! What kind of wildlife is on the island? Bears? Cougars? Wolves? Throw all of them at your characters.
I can’t list everything here, because there’s so much potential. Mudslides, volcanos, being shelterless in the winter, wet caves, extreme heat, tropical storms, I could go on forever! 
My favourite part, is unlike environmental on trails, or forests beside towns, or even things like earthquakes in an apartment building, there is little hope that someone will find them anytime soon. When I write other kinds of whump, I struggle to find ways to make sure nobody finds my characters before the whumpy goodness is over. 
The moral of the story is: Environmental whump? Put it on an island.
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the-fandomwriter · 3 years
an animatic (i would make it myself i wasn’t the worst artist alive lmao) to the song “As The World Caves In” by Matt Maltese. 
except, it’s of everybody preparing for today’s stream, the day of reckoning. everybody preparing to defend L’manberg, hoping for the best, preparing for the worst. The underrated trio sticks close together anxious, scared, but so fucking ready to do whatever it takes to keep their home from being blown up. 
dream and techno are conspiring together, and meet in techno’s bunker with all of the wither skeleton skulls, and dream provides stacks on stacks of tnt, and their faces are illuminated with a manical, terrifying red glow. 
quackity is standing in el rapids with karl, corpse, connor, vikk, all of them. they’re watching fearfully, knowing that if L’manberg goes down, el rapids will likely go down with it. eventually karl (and maybe the others?) leave to join the others, leaving quackity alone, knowing he has to keep his word this once. 
eret and puffy are together, preparing 
ponk, sam, punz, jack, and hbomb all hurry to fill the chests with as many supplies as they can. sure, most of them aren’t apart of L’manberg, but it’s still a vital part of the smp, and they understand how important it is to fight against dream and techno, becasue if they blow up L’manberg, the liklihood of them taking everything over with their tyrannical ideology will turn the entire world into a hell scape. 
sapnap is by himself. he’s torn. he doesn’t know who to side with. george had been MIA, and he could no longer tell is dream was truly his friend of not. then george logs on for the first time in forever, and joins sapnap by his side. and they both agree. this isn’t the same dream. he’s different, he’s insane. he doesn’t care about them anymore, he only cares about the discs and power. they walk off together, meeting up with karl (and co?) along the way and join the others in final preparations. 
phil stays at techno’s cabin, unsure what to do. his head in a vice between helping techno, or standing alongside tommy. He’s been working alongside techno for so long, they’ve grown so close, and shared so many of the same beliefs and morals. but this wasn’t right. phil had a home in L’manberg, and so do so many other people, including ranboo and tubbo and fundy. he couldn’t just stand a watch as that was stripped from them. but he also couldn’t bring himself to betray techno. he stays in the cabin and pushes the thought aside. the plans of the universe were out of his control, what would happen would happen without him. 
ghostbur is roaming the unsettlingly quiet L’manberg, confused and scared. He had grown to love the place, despite his dark history with it. Despite how much things had changed, and how different Tubbo had made it, it was still his home. His unfinished symphony. He had an attachment to the place whether he liked it or not. He roams, prepared to give any fellow wanderers a bit of blue, in hopes of draining the ghastly feeling from the air. 
then it cuts to tommy and tubbo. 
they’re stood upon the hill beside the prime path overlooking L’manberg. Their inventories filled with potions, arrows, decked out armor and weapons. But they bear no armor. They stand, in the same clothes they’ve worn since day one. tubbo no longer sporting his suit, tommy his torn, dirty exile clothes. They’re sharing a moment, a long one. The silence before the storm is always terrifying, always unsettling and anxiety-bubbling. The air is tense, thick, heavy. But the two stand side-by-side for the first time in months. Finally, they’re fighting on the same side. Sure, things might be different, and they might never be the same again, but for now they’re working together. They’re fighting against the same enemy and for the same cause. 
And in that instant, the calm before the storm, everybody can feel that foreboding edge in the air. That yearn for the fight to be over already, for L’manberg to be safe. But they know it’s not possible to escape the inevitable. People will die, friends lost, homes burned. But they had to fight. No matter what it took. 
Vive la L’manberg, boys. o7
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locke-writes · 3 years
omg Noah!!! your 1.8k celebration!! I think I'm just getting in in the nick of time hahaha. I'm so excited to read what you come up for these!!
Fandom: MCU
Pronouns: She/her
Personality Description: I'm 100% a Leo, INTJ, and rated as chaotic neutral once on the big chart my friends made of the group this one time? I know we're mutuals but also I love writing up a funky fresh bio/description so!!!
Some of my niche interests include geography, languages, exoplanets, weird weather phenomena (that was my FAV when I was a kid, I used to want to be a storm chaser), and obvi old radio culture. I work as a hacking consultant/pentester for a cyber firm and on the weekends I love exploring my city and driving up to visit my friends on their farm (when work isn't having me on the go for crazy hours -_-) My roommate tells me I'm "addicted to chaos" which is pretty accurate lmao. Usually on the go and constantly sleep deprived afdsdhfkjfs
Shipped with a female character please!
The additional option you would like for your fandom life (see below): Mentor!
Fandom Life Requests Are Closed
Sibling: Carol Danvers
Best Friend: Scott Lang
Significant Other: Yelena Belova
Mentor: Hope Van Dyne
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Carol’s the supportive older sister who attempts to take an interest in whatever you’re invested in at the moment although she literally has no clue what you might be saying. There has been more than one occasion where she sets alien tech on the table where you’re working before asking if you’d like to hack it. She knows it can’t be easy with her off in space all the time even if she tries calling and texting you constantly. There are plans for interplanetary road trips all the time though and it’s quite strange to see your sister interacting with alien species while you try and figure out language mechanics by listening and purchasing children’s books. Turns out certain fairy tales are known and translated throughout the entire universe.
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Scott is the mayor of Chaos Town, let’s be honest. It follows him wherever he goes which makes him a pretty great friend when you have no idea what to do. Whenever you’re with Scott the two of you always end up having a great time whether it’s running around cities looking for underrated sites or him joining you on the farm (which he will run around pointing at everything asking if he can have it). Scott is an adult who acts like a child most of the time so do be prepared to reign him in if you have to but he does a good job of self-regulating. Although. He too is sleep deprived and that might not be a good combo since it has often led to movie marathons at two in the morning.
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Yelena is introduced to you through Nat and her immediate attempt at flirting is her showing you the vest. There are lots of pockets which hold lots of things and hey if this leads to her teaching you how to through knives well, that’s a first date right there. As soon as she finds out you enjoy languages she’s dead-set on teaching you Russian. Yes it does mean that she’ll get to speak with you in her native language and that’s cool but that also means she gets to flirt with you even when there’s people around because no one knows what she’s saying. Do expect her to brag about you to absolutely everyone that she knows, she loves you and she wants that to be common knowledge.
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Hope becoming your mentor was entirely Scott’s fault and while she hates to admit that, she is grateful to be able to take you under her wing (not literally although sometimes yes literally). It’s an off-handed comment about cyber security that leads Hope bringing you onboard to Pym Tech finding you a valuable asset. She trusts you with her suit to make upgrades as you see fit and encourages you to follow your passions. Always there to give advice she makes sure that you know you can come to her with anything. She’s also going to worry about you a lot and scold you for not having a decent sleep schedule (which Hank thwarts because he reminds her that she never slept and was constantly in the lab when she was a teenager).
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dinglemingle · 3 years
What are 5 of your fave underrated or not talked about a lot robron scenes??? Hope you’re having a great day love! ❤️❤️
Hello love! Hope you’re well ❤️ Sorry for the late reply I really couldn’t pick this was a struggle™
There's so much content to choose from so this was hard,but i’ve narrowed it down to just the 5 (there were so many others though) They're in no particular order,and I have to be honest,despite being here for around 5 years now,I know nothing about anything so forgive me if some of these aren’t underrated.
1) Katie's funeral. Makes me FERAL! The whole episode,but especially this scene. I adore the angst of it all. Such husband power couple vibes despite the fact they're arguing. Iconic
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2) LOOK AT THEM! ANGST!!! Right at the beginning of the affair (that wasn't even really an affair yet) the yearning coupled with the tension. The period where they kinda hated eachother but also really wanted eachother is just A+
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3) Okay more light-hearted! Ripping off Mandy (it's what she deserved) Personally I really enjoyed the little mini sls where it's more chill and fun and they're criminals together. Also sex on the money how very them
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4) In a very similar vein, smashing Al's car (again, it's what she deserves) Marlon and Robron? Yes please my faves. Also just helping out family is quite a nice thing,imo they were kinda isolated sometimes so I liked seeing them with the better members of the Dingle family who they don't interact with as often. (Also Al is the king of wooden planks and a smug prick so...)
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5) Okay now I feel like this isn't underrated at all but I love it too much not to include. To be honest,I almost didn't because I refuse to believe that Ryan left and I physically can't watch the last few eps because they hurt too much,that being said this moment is just so soft! Aaron's bittersweet smile,he knows they're leaving everything behind,but he's got Robert and that's enough. Rob's little sway,he knows he's gonna give himself up,he knows this is one of the last proper moments he'll get with Aaron,so he's savouring it completely. It's heartbreaking but also incredibly loving. The calm before the storm if you will. And I'm a slut for Aaron comforting Robert.
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Honourable mentions to The first hug, during affair era after Cains aneurysm. Robert just pulling him in, Aaron being all wtf is this. The fact they were so obviously in love then wow (This nearly made it in but I couldn't find the gif because this hell site hates me)
The weed SL because what even was that! Specifically Roberts little riddle because he's a shit and I love him for it. Robron v Ross adds 10 years to my life
The wedding 1.0 head kiss because I'm soft for head kisses
Winning the pub quiz (I was so tempted to include this you don't even know) Again I love light hearted little things and them being quiz connoisseurs is a testament to the power they hold. They own Emmerdale wbk
The picnic!! Love a good picnic, love a good clothes swap,win win
Aaron's 2017 birthday kiss (in the bar before they go do the whole roulette thing) it's just a simple kiss but it shows so much and Robert looks so in love. (Also the suit and Rob chewing out Chrissie we stan)
All of these could have been included if I'd done this on a different day,but I'd already put it off too long because I'm ridiculously indecisive.
Anyways...I drag on I'm sorry ahh. Thanks so much for the ask :)
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itskyleeyo · 3 years
hadestown brain dump (songs)
ok so it may have been more than a few days, but what're you gonna do about it?
so i wanted to do another brain dump, and i wanted to listen to hadestown, so i'm doing a song by song brain dump as i go along. this means that my thoughts are going to be even more stream-of-consciousness style (if that's even possible.) also i'm talking specifically about the original broadway cast recording bc i haven't listened to any other version. (also this was completed across multiple months so it is even more chaotic lmao).
also i highly recommend that you listen to the musical and/or pull up the lyrics as you go along! enjoy!
road to hell. the way andre brings in the chorus is flawless please. also the way that hermes is both a narrator and a character in the story he's narrating? beautiful. "the king of the mine." he sounds so nice here for some reason. also love his self-introduction "maybe it will turn out this time" no it won't but thank you for trying. also breaking the fourth wall to acknowledge the chorus and crew is so nice, here comes reeve ;) mans sounds like an angel. you can hear amber's voice stick out of the chorus and i literally love it so much. i'd die for amber gray but we'll get to that later.
any way the wind blows. the fates literally sound so perfect together. Eva's intro throws me off every time, she sounds so pretty. dear god the harmonies with the fates hit so different. can this cast please narrate my life? there's the wind comparisons ;D the "ooos" are so good. "and it ain't because i'm kind" idk i just like how andre sounds here. oh and the funny behind "so i took him underneath my wing" because hermes has wings on his helmet and shoes.
come home with me. orpheus is so oblivious but i love it. also eurydice is literally such a mood. the wordplay with "come again". the "oh, he's crazy" is my favorite part of the whole song. also eva's voice acting is so good.
wedding song. the way she says "lover"? my ass cannot handle this. eva sounds so smug in the beginning of this song and i love it. "sing the song ;)" eurydice is so fantastic. the chorus of "la" is so pretty. eva joining in during the end is just. so perfect.
epic i. hell yeah introduce the king and queen (both literally and figuratively). reeve's falsetto <3 the way orpheus looks to hermes for approval throughout the musical. hermes narrating over orpheus singing.
livin' it up on top. HELL YES THE QUEEN HAS ARRIVED. i love amber gray so much. the gravel and the rasp. please step on me. also i love the idea of persephone being the wine aunt, especially because media usually portrays her as soft and breakable. the way she says "haaard". the way the music gets more upbeat and energetic when hermes says "the world came back to liiife!" the instrumental/dance? break is so good. please kill me with that trumpet good sir. the leadup to when amber starts singing again. orpheus really knows how to give a speech. "i will ;)" amber please step on me i am not joking.
all i've ever known (intro). thank you for the intro king. the music is so pretty. the way it picks up with the piano part <3
all i've ever known. eva sounds so pretty dear god. yay more wind references! the wordplay with "hold". and also the references to hot and cold throughout the musical. "i don't wanna ever have to let you go." lol ironic because she ends up going with hades. "i knew you before we met, and i don't even know you yet." the fucking wordplay. like holy shit. the "love at first sight" feelings. this line gets me every damn time. the wordplay from 2:10 - 2:38 is so fucking incredible. i lose it every time istg. the instrumental portion is so pretty. the wind! "we'll always be like this" i fucking love irony so much. its so underrated and adds so many layers to the story.
way down hadestown. amber gray. that's it. "you either get to hell or to hadestown, ain't no difference anymore". i fucking love this line so much. not really sure why but the delivery is perfect. also the whole thing with it being a train? i love that so much. all the allusions and comparisons they can make are fantastic. more amber gray appreciation. and ofc. the fates. more fantastic instrumental breaks. "and you better forget about your wishing well." this line is so good but so sad because its literally persephone saying that "hey, fair warning, life is shit down there" and i feel bad for her. like the way she's super sassy and shit, but just stops singing when hades gets there, you can tell that she's definitely not ok. speaking of hades, holy shit patrick page. sounds so fucking fantastic. thank you for existing good sir. eva with the breathtaking single lines. and eva's voice standing out when she sings "ground".
a gathering storm. the constant references to weather and nature throughout the whole musical. eurydice with the common sense. the wind again! "did you hear me, orpheus?" he did not, in fact, hear her.
epic ii. the different names for hades in each epic make me so happy. hades thoughts: "i think my wife might not come back cause i'm super controlling. whatever shall i do? oh, i know! be even more controlling!" lmao dumbass motherfucker. that might not work out so well. i fucking love the transition into "chant" so much.
chant. this is one of my favorite songs from the musical. the wordplay within the entire song is so fucking fantastic. hades singing about desire and then orpheus singing the "song of love" was definitely done on purpose and i'm living for it. every single one of eva's lines make me emotional. ma'am why are you good at everything?? the band! more weather references! patrick page singing "lover" hits different. orpheus singing about hades and persephone being blind and deaf. lmao irony because he's not paying attention to anything around him. the wind! weather! "the song of love" is what brought orpheus and eurydice together, but orpheus' devotion to finishing it is what drives eurydice to hades. "did you think i'd be impressed" i was right ;) it didn't work out so well.
hey, little songbird. the strings <3 patrick page is a god (lol i'm so funny). how does he manage to make manipulation sound so good? bird references! the vocal contrast! eva's voice has this kind of "innocence" to it. especially compared to patrick. not sure if that's on purpose or not, but i love it. also the low note kills me every time. the octave jumps between patrick and eva's voices is just. ugh. and also eva's entire second verse is so fucking good. the emotion she portrays in her voice is so spectacular. seriously hades with the manipulation is so interesting and its so good. (manipulation is not a good thing i just mean that its done so well in the show. do not manipulate people!)
when the chips are down (intro). "your ticket ;)" yes pls sir i'll take a ticket cause life sucks ass.
when the chips are down. i fucking love the fates dear god. gambling references! eva has literally one line and still owns my heart. the band! "shoot to kill" sounds so good like i love it so much pls. also this fucking line "cast your eyes to heaven, you get a knife in the back" is so good. i'm gonna have to get into quite a few lines throughout the musical in a different brain dump because i have so much thought.
gone, i'm gone. darling eurydice. its not your fault that you're starving stop apologizing. "talk of sin" lol she do be going to hell. that's funny. the harmonies.
wait for me (intro). the piano. heremes trying to change the subject hurts my heart. and orpheus' reaction is so sad please. "no.." just rip my fucking heart out, why don't you?
wait for me. the transition. andre coming in clutch with the narration. reeve sounds wonderful, as always. the fucking fates. just kill me already. they literally sound so good. the strings' build up between the "la"s. the chorus. the buildup at the end.
why we build the wall. the total 180 in the vibes. call and response has a special pace in my heart. mr page killing it again. god, hades is such a piece of shit and its perfect. he really is a master manipulator. fuck capitalism. the chorus sounds so good. i want to platonically smooch all of them. jesus fucking christ burn capitalism to the ground. the end is amazing. also the not-so-subtle references to slavery/forced labor.
why we build the wall (outro). i'd die for andre. "anybody want a drink?" yes ma'am. yes please. (don't drink, kids) i love you so much.
our lady of the underground. its so jazzy! jesus fucking christ. oh my fucking god. i would literally sell my soul for amber gray. what did we ever do to deserve her? god the raspiness fucking kills me. also love that she breaks the fourth wall to acknowledge the band. when she comes back in after the instrumental break? consider me dead. "what the boss don't know, the boss won't mind" she sounds so good here. also i love that she straight up doesn't give a fuck about hades here.
way down hadestown (reprise). hell yeah i love reprises. the fates. andre. the chorus. i love them all. i'm such a whore for reoccurring lyrics. the strings! fuck capitalism! eva's emotions are just so fucking good. "you've already forgot?" holy shit. this shit hurted. the "ahh ooh"s are so good.
flowers. the intro <3. eva sounds so pretty. the fucking symbolism in this song is incredible. i'm gonna get into this in another brain dump bc it's a very sensitive topic. the fact that she can't actually fully remember orpheus makes me so sad. so pretty <3
come home with me (reprise). hell yeah another reprise. the way the music is much more upbeat when orpheus shows up. their excitement! eva's vocal emotions are literally so fantastic pls.
papers (intro). "young mannn" kill me patrick. train references! hell yeah persephone. the way andre gets louder when he says "raised up his voice." eva <3. reeve just always sounds so pretty. ohmygod the laugh. kill me good sir. mans straight up admits to owning people and is like "it's cool tho cause they signed a piece of paper. def not taking advantage of people that are literally starving or anything. it's fine." fuck you hades. go step on a fucking lego. orpheus is so sad :(
papers (instrumental). yes. sounds so good. i'm imagining an epic chase scene. the transition into nothing changes <3
nothing changes. respectfully? the fates could kill me any day and i'd thank them. the weather reference! that "anyhow" is so fucking good istg.
if it's true. another one of my favorites. pop off intro. the broken "is this how the world is?" sadly, yes. "but everybody knows that walls have ears." is literally such a powerful line to me for some reason. it does a great job of bringing in the chorus. and by calling the workers "walls" it shows that hades views them as "less than." they aren't even referred to as people. "what's the use of his backbone if he never stands upright." oh my god. because they literally cannot stand upright. anais mitchell is literally a fucking genius. fuck the 1%. gambling references! the chorus backing him is just so pretty. the way orpheus looks to the chorus for advice and support. "we're standing." ugh its so good.
how long. oh my fucking god. amber fucking gray. (that's it, that's the post). the way she sounds resigned/disappointed when she says "i've had enough" makes me so sad. there are no words to describe how i feel about 0:25 - 0:41. like their relationship is strained, and super mega fucked up, but it's obvious that they still care about one another. the emotion in their voices throughout this song is fantastic. the play on light and dark. also more bird references! how they view themselves/their self importance. hades is a most importantly king. persephone is most importantly a wife. it really show that hades views power as more important than anything else. "nothing comes of the songs people sing." holy fucking shit. cause their song is the "song of love," but they can barely stand each other and their relationship has fallen apart. persephone commenting on his love of power over his love of her. amber's voice during "the earth must die" is so nice and for what? god i love her. they sound so nice together <3
chant (reprise). another favorite hehe. the strings! it's all just so pretty. when the piano comes in i die a little. the self realization coming from the chorus when they're like "oh shit, this is wrong. i don't deserve to be treated like this." is so fucking fantastic. the "young mannn" again! hades really be like "manipulate her! make her depend on you financially! i've been ding this a while kid! i know how to successfully control women!" reeve sounds so pretty pls. the way that eurydice has basically become part of the chorus (since she's just another worker now). more self realization! the different ways that hades and orpheus view the "song of love." "sing before i kill you so i can use it to manipulate my wife and make her feel like shit." patrick's voice tho.
epic iii. reeve coming in with that falsetto like nobody's business. orpheus really about to bite you in the ass with your own damn song. amber gray <3. the "ooo"s in the background. the way the music picks up when reeve gets to the "la"s. it's just so fucking good. that falsetto again. orpheus really looked at the king of hell, a literal god, and said "i want to ruin him psychologically" and it fucking worked. which is some of my favorite irony because hades wouldn't have shit if it weren't for that fact that he's a good manipulator and takes advantage of the needy. that last line <3
epic iii (instrumental). i have no words for how fucking beautiful this is. i so desperately want an extended version. like for real love this so much. if i get married, i want this to be the song for the first dance.
promises. eurydice is so proud of him for finishing. the way that eurydice realized that she cares about him more that material objects. wind and weather references! "if we can do it so can they!" she sounds so excited. :( "hand-in-hand" lol nope. not them refencing wedding song, anyway the wind blows, and then giving their "i do"s. absolutely heart wrenching.
word to the wise. the fates. pls step on me ladies. the lyrics throughout this are so fucking good. lol hades being damned. cause he's the king of hell. honestly its solid advice tho. humans are really fucking stupid.
his kiss, the riot. give us them adjectives king. " how dare people want rights! >:(" hades is really trying to make himself the good guy rn. the music! 2:15 - 3:03 is so good pls. the lyrics are just so spectacular.
wait for me (reprise) (intro). hello again andre! hermes literally says "he's trying to psych you out and manipulate you. he wants you to doubt everything" and orpheus says "are you sure tho?" and then procedes to doubt everything. the way the music changes is <3. the song transition.
wait for me (reprise). my absolute fucking favorite song in this musical. the first fucking lyric is so good. it really sets an expectation for the song and i am not disappointed. lyrics that talk about how fucked up any single person's brain is are so fucking cool to me. god i love this song. how soft the first set of "wait for me"s are. the support/pressure from the chorus. the entire exchange between hades and persephone. the way amber's voice sticks out of the chorus. the fates coming in clutch again. train references! more brain talk! amber gray please end me. eva sounds so pretty. and the final note is so good!
doubt comes in. the long intro that builds up suspense. the first time that orpheus's "la"s aren't echoed by the chorus/music. wind! weather! the fates sound so pretty like always. reeve genuinely sounds so scared. the way the music picks up and the chorus joins in when eurydice starts singing. the music is so unsettling and i love it. god i love his voice. 3:44 - 3:57 always hits so different. you realize just how much she means to him. how it all goes to shit when the music reaches the climax. the fact that the music clashes on purpose. the sadness in their voices.
road to hell (reprise). it all comes full circle. god andre sounds so sad. the way you come to really hear the lyrics because there's no upbeat music to distract you this time, "its a tragedy" lol because the actual written story is a tragedy. "i learned that from a friend of mine" poor orpheus :(. the way the chorus slowly joins in and the music slowly picks up. the "can you feel it" is literally so fucking powerful. fuck yes amber. fuck it up queen. amber and eva sound so nice together. the "its a love song, its a sad song" is so sad. the final lyric is just. ugh.
we raise our cups. yes pls amber. this song is so pretty. good night queen.
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mAY I PLEASE REQUEST FOR YAKU MY BABY YAKULT YAKU 🤧😭 njsjJSNjs maybe a friends to lovers kinda thing? how they met, got together, how they are during the time they're together >.< and maybe throw in some teasing where the s/o teases yaku for his height lightheartedness even though the s/o's even shorter than him whjdj and ofc gotta throw in some classic boyfie hoodies/shirts from yaku👉👈 idk if a hc or oneshot is easier for you so please feel free to use whichever format's more comfy💕 and thank you for always writing such amazing work heh💓💕💖💝💗
hey anon!!
I haven't gotten the opportunity to write for yaku so im honestly kind of excited that I get to bless the yaku simps (づ◡﹏◡)づ
he definitely isn't a character that's on my mind often but I have to admit he is super underrated 
im not super familiar with his personality so I apologize if anything is ooc
alsooo ty for such kind words, my heart is full ♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡
anywhooo I hope you enjoy!!
(sorry if it’s a little choppy/messy >_<)
•Friends to Lovers HC w/ Yaku•
warnings: none
genre: pure fluff
character: yaku
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Yaku Morisuke
you had been friends with him ever since your second year of middle school
during your first year, you had noticed him from afar but hadn’t really talked with him besides a few hellos and good mornings
it wasn’t as if you weren’t interested in getting to know him but you had never really got the opportunity to have a proper conversation with him
he had always been occupied with volleyball and your schedules never gave you a chance to cross paths otherwise
however, the year after, you fortunately had been given very similar schedules which allowed you to introduce yourself to the boy in question
you two immediately clicked and grew closer then either of you would have ever expected
despite your comfortable friendship,your platonic emotions towards yaku slowly morphed into romantic feelings over the years
at first, it was little things like subconsciously watching his lips move when he spoke
but over time you begin feeling butterflies storm your stomach just from him being near or stuttering when you spoke to him
you had started to realize that this feeling towards him was no longer the same as when you two had first met
honestly, you didn't know what to do and spent quite a while trying to sort out you emotions 
while this was plaguing your mind, you didn’t notice that the libero reciprocated your feelings
but his team most certainly did
how could they miss the faint blush that painted yaku’s face whenever your name was mentioned or how his breath hitched at any sudden contact between the two of you
with this, yaku got the shit teased out of him until he was finally pushed to confess even so, the boys didn't go without a scolding from him for being so obnoxious
he had already mentally prepared himself to be rejected and have the strong bond between the two of you broken when he selfishly opened up 
this is why he was so shocked when you embraced him, letting him know that you had felt the same way
normally, he didn't condone the nosiness of his fellow club members but just this once, he could let it slide
you and yaku worked really well together, but being a great couple was expected with how good of friends you already were
yaku was a really great boyfriend
it wasn't a huge surprise with his natural motherly instincts and his love for you but it was still a big improvement with how you had been treated by people in the past
even though he wasn't a huge fan of pda, he always showed how much he cared for you
it didn't matter if it was placing his hand on the small of you back to guide you away from a potential accident or buying a coffee from the vending machine when he noticed you dozing off in class
he managed to express his emotions without getting crap from his friends
however, when the two of you were alone was when you really got to see his soft side though
he would intertwine your fingers when you two walked down the road or wrap his arms around your waist when you two were lying on the couch watching movies
and you never missed the small kisses that were placed on your temple when he thought you were asleep
although yaku was pretty short tempered with his teammates, he always seemed to have patience for you
sure you two bickered from time to time as couples do, but he always took the time to sit down and talk through things with you
the thing that you and the boys did have in common was his tendency to subconsciously babysit you all
you found him always checking to make sure you ate well, drank enough water, and got a good amount of rest
he made sure to watch over you and keep you out of trouble considering you were so close with team there was bound to be chaos 
he was never over bearing with anything though, and besides you knew that he couldn't help himself when it came to things like that
it was apart of his personality to take on the role of a caretaker and honestly, you found it quite sweet
yaku loved spending time with you
he didn't care what you two did, as long as you did it together
as cheesy as it sounded, it was true
his favorite dates were always the ones spent at either one of your houses
there was just something about staying in and enjoying your company that made those memories so much more special 
of course he didn't mind venturing out of his comfort zone and trying different things with you
but as cute as you were, you were also a little thief 
you constantly stole his clothes
hoodies, shirts, sweatpants, beanies, etc.
you name it and you probably had it in your possession
has much as he wanted to be irritated with your criminal activity, you looked way too good wearing his things
hell, you looked better then him in everything you wore
and he honestly couldn't complain since you always returned everything eventually and it always came back smelling like you which was a definite plus
one of your favorite pastimes was teasing your boyfriend
mainly about his height
which was pretty ironic considering, you were shorter than him??
he would always rebuttal with a snarky remark about your own height, earning a pout from you mission failed y/n, mission failed
of course the torment was never in a serious way and it was just nice knowing that you two could be comfortable with one another like that.
yaku was very passionate about volleyball, you had known that since middle school
you had always come to every one of his games being his best friend and all
but the game after you two had made things official, you decided to show your support by wearing his spare jersey 
as soon as he saw you, he broke yes y/n you broke your beloved boyfriend, go put him in rice or something pls and ty
you just looked so amazing and he couldn't believe that you had that much faith in him to be standing up there representing him 
he was on the brink of tears but he pulled himself together and stepped on that court with all the passion he could muster
safe to say, that was one of the best games he had ever played
as soon as you came down to congratulate him he pulled you into a tight hug and asked you to wear his jersey at every game you were already planning to but hearing the request whispered softly into your neck was nice too
if your boyfriend had to name one of his favorite sounds it would have to be your soft snores
when you two would spend the night with each other, you would always end up falling asleep first, but he never minded 
in all honesty, you looked so peaceful when you slept, it lulled him to sleep too
the way you would lay your head on his chest, just close enough to be able to smell the sweet scent of your shampoo and the way your chest rose and fell with the steady rhythm of your breaths
he usually found himself dozing off while running his fingers through your hair
but before he joined you in dreamland, he always made sure to let you know one thing,
“I love you Y/N, more then you know.”
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yourcoffindoor · 4 years
Bulletproof Heart Pt. 3
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Pairing: Gerard Way x Reader
AN: Without further ado, here’s part 3! Sorry if there’s any typos that I missed, I kind of speed edited this one. I have one more part planned for this series, so the end is coming up soon. Hope you enjoy!!
From city to city, crowd to crowd, the tour continued on, and you went on with the show, your unwelcome encounter with Alex only making you more tenacious, more determined to outperform every band there.
You put on an unaffected front, making it seem as if you couldn't care less that he was playing Warped tour as well. Gavin was the only band member who knew about your history, and he fluttered about you like a mother hen ready to offer comfort or homicide at the drop of a hat. He would regularly attempt to gauge your feelings, but it only served to make you withdraw deeper into yourself, denying that could ever be shaken by his presence.
But the truth was you were shaken. You were scared.  Scared that you would one day see that face smirking at you from a crowd and freeze, unable to ignore a presence so heavy and halting like a storm cloud threatening a downpour.
And then there was Gerard. You hadn't seen him since your first show, but your thoughts turned toward him again and again. What must he have thought that day, when Alex forced his way between you? When you stormed off alone? If he had tried to come and speak to you since that day, you hadn't heard anything. Did he think that there was still something left between you and Alex?
It was that thought that caused the most pain every time it crossed your mind, and you hated yourself for it. At night when you were alone your thoughts went around and around in the same infuriating cycle, from not caring what anyone had to think about you, to anxiously wondering if Gerard had someone else he was sharing that crooked smile with. You never let the words cross your mind or leave your lips, but your heart beat constantly with the hopeful thought: Please don't think that I could have feelings for anyone else.
Meanwhile, the Parties never ended--in fact they seemed to grow in boisterousness, picking up attendees like a tornado gathering wind. Your band mates went every now and again to socialize, but They held no value for you. Primarily because the chance of running into Alex was far too high-- You knew he would never miss an opportunity to get shit faced, and he would probably be skulking around in hopes of seeing you there, ready to latch on and torment you further. But beyond that, the chance of running into Gerard was likely to be less than zero.
That didn't stop your band mates from encouraging you to loosen up, hoping to pop the contemplative bubble that you'd encased yourself in for weeks.
"I'm gonna head out. What are you up to tonight? You should take a break from everything." Gavin suggested before heading out one night, despite knowing full well you'd die before you'd agree.
"I'll find something to keep me busy."
"I'd tell you to come with, but I know a certain someone you're crushing on won't be there."
"Oh really?" You flipped through a book on the table in front of you, playing dumb and failing miserably at it. "I do not know to whom you are referring."
"Yeah poor guy. Frank told me that there's too much pressure to drink here, so he's always in the bus alone. Bored. Desperate for human contact."
You gave Gavin the side-eye. "Alright alright, we get it."
He laughed. "Their bus is five down on the left. Y'know, if you feel like it. Thank me later." He said, darting out the door before anything could be thrown at him.
You rolled your eyes and flipped through the book, trying to read and forget the information that was just dropped in your lap. You remembered when you and Gerard had last spoke, how shy he looked when he attempted to invite you over before being cut off by Alex's sudden arrival.
Maybe a quick stop wouldn't hurt, you thought to yourself. He was in the middle of asking me to anyway...
Before you knew it you were on your feet, flinging on a jacket and taking a step outside. It would be the nice thing to do after all, since he can't leave the bus...
It took a bit of searching, but you finally found a bus with My Chemical Romance painted on its side in large black letters. Your heart did its familiar flutter as you walked up to the door, raising your hand and giving a rapid succession of knocks.
You heard a slight shuffle from inside, and after a few moments Gerard answered, his face changing from one of confusion to a soft smile as he shook the hair from out of his eyes.
"I hope this isn't a bad time," you said sheepishly, "I was told I could find some good comics here."
He flicked his spent cigarette to the ground, blowing smoke from the corner of his mouth. "Is there ever a bad time for comics? Come on in."
You followed him inside, and he stopped suddenly. "Aw shit." he muttered.
"What is it?" you asked, concerned.
"I just realized we're fucking slobs."
He wasn't wrong, you observed with a laugh. The interior of the bus was divided into piles of organized chaos; clothes tossed into piles on the floor and empty chairs, makeup left open and scattered amongst soda cans by every available counter space. A few stray guitars sat soundless, happily resting until their next performance.
Gerard was obviously a bit embarrassed by the state of the place, as evidenced by the faint red blush that clouded over his nose and cheeks.
"Yeah, so its not exactly Buckingham Palace in here..." he joked, one hand anxiously running through his dark hair. His bashfulness only endeared him to you further.
"Well my bus actually IS Buckingham Palace, and it looks just about the same so don't feel too bad."
"Perfect. Anything to make you feel more at home." He mused, relocating some crumpled clothes from a small sofa nearby. "Have a seat, your majesty."
"I haven't seen you around in awhile." You noted as he hastily shoved things into cupboards.
"I've basically turned into a hermit when I'm not performing. Since I can't step outside without seeing a bottle, I don't really have much choice."
So Gavin was telling the truth. Hm.
"Well, the hermit lifestyle is probably underrated anyway."
He laughed softly. "Oh for sure. And I'll show you whats been keeping me busy this whole time."
Gerard shuffled to the back of the bus for a moment before returning with an armload of comic books, laying them proudly on the table in front of you. "These are some of my current favorites," he began after taking a seat beside you, close enough for you to admire the look of sheer happiness in his expression as he spoke. He was clearly in his element. "This one here has some of the best coloring I've ever seen."
You must have stared at him for a bit too long because he caught your affectionate glance and paused.
"What is it?"
"Nothing," you said, immediately breaking eye contact as heat flooded your cheeks. "Its just nice to hear you talk about them. You're so passionate about it."
He laughed. "Well its also nice to talk about them with someone who gets it."
You felt like you could fly right out of your skin. Everything about him made you feel a sense of belonging that you hadn't found with anyone else before.
"Hey when do I get to see that comic you said you were working on? I think you mentioned that the last time I saw you."
"Oh you remembered! Uh, one sec, I'll pull it out."
He wandered back into the unknown void that was his bunk, and came back with a folio filled to the brim with concepts, sample panels and character sketches.
"I'm pretty proud of this. Its a work in progress so uh...be gentle."
You knew Gerard was talented, but you were taken aback at the skill and creativity that had gone into this endeavor. Here he had created a world entirely his own and you were drawn in immediately.
"Gerard this is fucking fantastic! Seriously I need a full length comic right now."
"Right now? I'd rather talk to you."
You and Gerard talked as if you'd known each other forever. You found him to be witty and charming, but most importantly sincere; and the conversation flowed with ease.
"You know I'm a little surprised. I wouldn't have expected a guy like you to be alone in his bus on a big tour like this."
He laughed. "What do you mean?"
"I mean there's a lot of bands here that seem like they're only motivated by the attention they can get from girls. You're not like that."
"Its never been about that for me. I find those guys just as annoying as you do." He paused for a moment, hesitating as if he was unsure if he should continue. "Speaking of annoying...That guy, Alex--"
"Oh, yeah, sorry about him. I didn't even know he was gonna be on this tour since I haven't spoken to him in ages. I'm doing my best to avoid him."
"You seemed pretty upset when I saw you last. Just wanted to make sure he wasn't bothering you or anything."
You paused for a moment, replaying his words in your head to process them. Gerard not only noticed your reaction to Alex, he remembered and was concerned?
"So you guys aren't like...a thing anymore?"
"NO," you said a bit too eagerly. "I mean no, definitely not. I'd have to be crazy."
"Good," he replied softly, "I mean, I'm glad as long as you're happy."
You realized you had been making eye contact with his lips, the pair of you inching closer to each other with every syllable.
Your breath slowed, and you tucked a strand of stray hair behind your ear. "And...there's no one that you're involved with?"
"No," he confirmed without missing a beat, "but there is someone I have in mind."
If there was a speed limit for heartbeats, you would have been violating the law. Your next words came out almost as a whisper. "And who would that be?"
Hazel eyes flashing, Gerard cupped the side of your face with one hand, and you instinctively moved closer to meet his lips. The kiss felt like it was part dream, too good to be true as endorphins flooded your veins, a heat kindling in your stomach. You couldn't begin to tell if it lasted seconds or minutes, but still when your lips parted, it felt too soon.
"Oh." was all you could say, and the pair of you merely grinned, satisfied to be silent in the aftermath.
You caught a glance at your watch. 1:05 AM.
"I can't believe I have the willpower to do this," you began reluctantly, "but If I don't head back now I'll end up living here."
"I don't see the problem." he remarked, and you punched him in the arm.
"Thanks for a great night." you pecked him on the cheek, and before he had time to react, you jumped up and made your way towards the door.
"Come back anytime for more talk about comics!" he called after you with a laugh.
Your cheeks were buzzing and a warmth spread through your veins, giddy from your night with Gerard. You paused outside of your bus door, taking a deep breath to try and steady your heartbeat. You didn't want to rouse any suspicion from your band mates-not yet anyway. You just wanted to keep this moment to yourself for awhile.
After you cooled down, you quietly opened the door, hoping nobody would notice you sneaking in and that you could hop straight into your bunk. Instead you were met with Gavin and Liz sitting down on the sofa, looking very concerned.
"Hey," you said with hesitation, "Everything alright?"
They shared an uncomfortable look.
"Y/N, I'm not sure how to put this..." Liz began, fumbling with her fingers in an attempt to find the right words.
"What's going on?" you felt the blush from only moments ago drain away into cold dread.
"Its Alex," Gavin explained, "He and his band have been going around with a camera getting girls to flash them in exchange for backstage passes..."
You rolled your eyes. "So he's still trash. What does this have to do with me?"
"Well, the thing is, he's been telling people he has video of you. And him. Together. And that its gonna be included with the rest of the fucked up footage they're recording."
Your pulse started racing, erasing your giddy buzz from only moments before. You slumped into the nearest chair, trying to gather your thoughts.
"I never even knew I was being filmed..." you said softly. Nausea bubbled in your stomach as you were unwillingly dragged back into your intimate memories, a place you had successfully moved on from in recent years but whose impact you could never truly erase.
"Are you ok?" Liz asked, her voice low and gentle as though she was afraid you were about to shatter. Those words were all you needed to be set off.
"No. No I'm not fucking okay." You stood up suddenly from your chair, pacing. "Do you know how hard it was to leave that situation? Do you you know you much I struggled to make a life an a name for myself? How I had to rebuild myself after him? And now this?" You were shaking, your voice trembling with pent up emotion. "This was supposed to be an amazing, once in a lifetime experience. The beginning of everything for us. So why can't I just be left the fuck alone!"  
Your band mates called after you as you stormed to your bunk, pulling the curtains tight behind you and burying your face in your pillow. For the first time in a long time, you let yourself break down, your unhindered sobs turning your pillow into an ocean.
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