#green lantern our worlds at war
somewherefornow · 2 months
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desperatecheesecubes · 9 months
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I do appreciate that the first time Kyle runs into Sinestro he is immediately and completely underwhelmed by the experience.
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giantsizenerd · 1 year
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31 Days of DC
Day 1: What was the first comic book you ever read?
It’s been over 20 years, so I don’t remember exactly. But I know it was one of these.
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letoasai · 7 months
dp x dc Chronos part 5
Part 1 - Previous - Master list
Diana was furious. 
She’d known her young uncle for only a handful of hours but here she was, ready to go to war for him. Perhaps that was what her grandfather had meant earlier, his words still ringing in her ears. 
I have a task for you, Diana. One i do not think you will turn now but i’ll give you the illusion of choice.
Perhaps it was less an illusion and more her grandfather merely knowing ahead of time how she would react. If Danny was to be believed – and he did seem such a trustworthy boy – his Clockwork knew every path one could take. 
She knew there were still questions to be asked, but Danny had been able to tell her a great deal before his eyes began to droop and she insisted he try to sleep. The curtains to the room had been left open and she watched as his eyes happily glazed over at the sight of open space before him. It had only taken minutes for him to fall asleep. 
Now she had a lot of work to do and she planned to get as much done while Danny slept as she could. 
She entered the conference room with a quick stride, many members already present for the meeting she had ordered via text. They’d learned that some equipment didn’t work well around Danny. Visuals were blurry at best and audio crackled into something indistinguishable. Diana had instead been texting information to Bruce and Kal to look into while she focused on the boy. 
“Were you able to find anything?” She asked immediately, not elaborating on which fact she was talking about. She’d sent them so many little snippets that she didn’t really care where they started. 
Batman just grunted, and despite wearing his cowl, she could see just how unhappy he was. 
“You’re not going to like it, but you expected that.” Superman said, papers laid out in front of him. He wasn’t the only one doing his research. 
Green Lantern and Flash were still there, the latter looking like he was having an existential crisis over the topic of ghosts. 
Martian Manhunter had also arrived, his frown informing her that the others had caught him up on what had been happening. 
“Can we confirm the truth as Danny has laid it out for us?” She asked, taking a seat. 
“Oh, yeah.” Hal muttered, rubbing a hand down his face. “Constantine will arrive later, but he could confirm the new High King of the Infinite Realm went by Phantom. Never heard him sound so horrified as him learning that someone had punched a hole into another realm in their house though. Inter-dimensional war crimes on our end are stacking up.” 
“Our end?” She asked. 
“The GIW…” Bruce began, sounding a mixture of exhausted and livid. “Are completely out of their depth and did not have the authority to just name a species unidentified to the rest of us as non-sentient. If the Infinite Realm retaliates, and John thinks it’s a possibility, it won’t just be aimed at the GIW alone but the entire dimension. That makes this more of a mess for us to clean up than it already was.” 
They’d already decided to help, that was what they did. But there was a difference in lending a hand and righting a wrong and taking responsibility for someone else’s fuck ups because they had to. 
“Can we prove it?” Diana asked. 
“Absolutely.” Kal nodded. “Honestly, for a government agency, their security is a joke. There was a backdoor already in place. We can ask Danny about that later.”
Diana nodded, certain the information would be good in his hands. She turned her attention back to Bruce. “The Fentons?” 
There was a certain level of disgust that tried to choke her out in that situation. Danny had been so hesitant, the betrayal fresh and painful. She had lived in the World of Men for a long time now and it had as many delights as it did drawbacks, but to learn what Danny’s parents had attempted to do to him left her burning to seek them out herself. 
His mother had lost her privilege to refer to herself as such.
She didn’t care what the circumstances were. Capture and torture with the intentions of vivisection was inexcusable. The target being a child made it all the more heinous. Diana knew Batman would understand without her saying a word. 
“Run of the mill mad scientists. They might have been onto something once when it came to energy but their bias took over. Even if they had been correct about ecto-entities, their language is incredibly inappropriate. No licenced and competent science journal would be associated with that.” He stared at her unhappily. “They’re lunatics. The fact that their children grew up in their home is outrageous.” He hit a button on the remote and a location appeared on the computer screens. 
A bricked house on a street corner, enormous Fenton Works sign taking up most of the front. It was an eyesore, but not as much as the sci-fi looking shuttle sticking out of the roof. The OHSA violations alone should have had the building condemned and there was no way permits had been granted for any of that construction. 
It was a supervillain's dream and not the least bit subtle. It should have been a crime in itself for the town to allow it to remain in a residential area and was shocking that no calls to Child Protective Services had been made. 
Yes, Danny was an exceptional being, but Diana understood now all the likely scenarios where he could have died in that house. Danny had called his death an accident, but she wasn’t so certain about that. “They were the ones to hurt him.” Diana said, hating how her throat was tight. She was already emotionally compromised. 
“Yes, i know.” 
Diana’s attention snapped back to him. “How?” 
“Simple reasoning. They are unstable ghost hunters with questionable science. Danny was removed from his home for his safety. Chronos said he needed a guardian. That doesn’t paint a pretty picture.” Bruce muttered. “Either his guardians couldn’t care for him, or shouldn’t care for him.” 
She felt her shoulders relax somewhat, knowing that such a logical conclusion should have occurred to her too. She really was worried about Danny’s recovery. “We can add it to the file i know you’ve created, but i’d prefer if no one asked him about that at this time. This last attack only happened several days ago and it is still fresh on his mind.” 
Bruce’s eyes narrowed, always a hound when it came to sniffing out abused kids. “This last attack?” 
“They’ve been after him for a while.” Diana hummed, though she’d only had a vague example or two since Danny hadn’t wanted to get into it. She couldn’t imagine how he’d just returned home every day to parents who tried to capture his other persona. 
“We must factor in his identity.” Martian Manhunter approached them, having been listening. J’onn had been doing his own research the last several hours. He laid down a startlingly clear picture of Danny in his white haired ghost form. A print out of an Amity Park newspaper article. 
“What is that?” Bruce frowned, sliding it closer to read. 
“The hero of Amity Park. Phantom. The articles are biased and unfavorable, but that is not the current accepted public opinion. Phantom protects the living from ghosts. He also protects the ghosts from the ghost hunters.” J’onn explained, voice carefully neutral. “Phantom appearing other places, perhaps shouldn’t coincide with where Daniel Fenton ends up.” 
“A name change could be warranted. If that’s what he wants.” Bruce adds. 
J’onn gave a single nod. “It’s a great deal of pressure on one teenager's shoulders. Being a king of a realm on top of that…” 
It was silently agreed upon that Danny deserved this break and Diana was going to get it for him.
“It was only a matter of time before something had to give.” Diana said, turning enough to speak to everyone in the room. “Well he won’t be dealing with all of that alone now. We start with dismantling the GIW, appealing the Anti-Ecto Acts, and smoothing over our relations with the Infinite Realm.” 
“Only that much, huh?” Flash muttered, trying to wrap his head around the science of ghost hunting. 
“Why not get some of the kids involved. Young Justice, maybe?” Hal was rubbing his eyes, not looking forward to the consequences of this mess. “Once he heals it might do him some good to be around others closer to his own age. People he wouldn’t need to hide half of himself from.”
When put like that, Diana could only agree. 
“I’ll mention it to him.” “I’ll get the information i have to Lois.” Clark said, sliding his papers into a binder. “If public opinion of Phantom is already decent in Amity Park, then we’ll up the exposure to put pressure on our oblivious government.” 
“I’ll take a few of the GIW facilities.” Bruce muttered, but he had that familiar tone that said he was about to let his children go buck wild. “A little recon…” he added vaguely. 
Before anyone else could put in their own two cents, the sensors went off, exactly how they had before Chronos had arrived. A paranormal knock of sorts before the very air seemed to split in two, a glowing green portal building around it. 
“Here we go again.” Barry muttered, each of them surrounding the portal as they’d done early for safety’s sake but they were less inclined to fight immediately. 
As J’onn was seeing it for the first time, he remained near Diana, keenly watching the portal manifest. It wasn’t Chronos who stepped out though, it wasn’t human at all. 
From the portal stepped a creature that Diana didn’t have the name for. Bipedal, humanoid, but beast like in appearance. Horns on his head and spikes from his tail made of ice were noticed secondary to his arm of ice that still encased his bones inside. His fur was white, his claws could easily kill and he was covered by a kilt and cape. 
What gave Diana pause as the bag slung over one shoulder, the tell tale signs of a medical cross across the front. 
“Who are you?” Superman asked, more polite than their earlier run in with her grandfather. 
The creature, a ghost presumably, held himself rigid. He was doing a great deal to make himself appear smaller then he was but his gaze was assessing. He was ready to fight if necessary. 
“I am here for His Majesty, the Great One.” Was his response. 
Diana stepped forward, deciding this was exactly what she suspected. “I am Diana. Granddaughter of Chronos who Danny fondly calls Clockwork. You are Frostbite, come to check on Danny, yes?” 
All of his attention was on her now, but he seemed to see what he wanted in her after locking eyes. “I am. Frostbite, Ruler of the Infinite Realm’s Far Frozen. I have come to see Our Savior the King, as his primary physician.”
“He’s a doctor.” Flash whispered. 
“Fascinating.” J’onn muttered, sounding a little winded by whatever he was sensing. “He is who he claims.” 
“I’m relieved.” Diana muttered, approaching him with a smile this time. “Please come with me and i will take you to Danny. I’m afraid we did what we could but his unique biology left us questioning our choices. He is resting in a private room.” 
“Did something happen to setback his recovery?” Frostbite asked, serious over the care of his charge as he followed Wonder Woman out of the conference room without so much as a glance back at the other heros. 
“Excitement, i believe.” Diana offered. “He may have been a little too excited to show off his alternate, living form and seemed to forget his condition.” 
Frostbite actually snorted. “Sounds like him.”
“I did not realize how badly wounded he was. We had been talking about our arrangements and he was answering my questions about ghosts. He appeared sore, but fairly pleased to speak with me. Given what he had just been through…” 
Frostbite grunted his agreement. “His heart is soft, but his will is unlike anything i have ever known. Many of us saw this tragedy coming, but he insisted on seeing it out for himself, hoping for a favorable ending.” 
Diana cracked her knuckles out of habit, that anger still simmering. “He will be safe in my care, i assure you.”
“The Great One is the rightful King to our realm, but many forget he is still just a child.” Frostbite said, eyeing her even as she led him through the Watchtower. 
“It is not something i am likely to forget.” Not after she’d seen how small he was in their medbay bed. “He’s resting but weak, you can help?” 
“As long as he has not taken more damage, i’m sure i can.” Frostbite said, a gentleness to his voice as they stopped at Danny’s room. Diana went in first to prove the area was a safe one but that may not have mattered given how quickly Frostbite followed her. 
He was at Danny’s bedside in an instant, having somehow moved passed her without knocking into her. He could have gone through her for all she knew. For all he seemed to be a hulking beast, Frostbite was nothing but gentle as he examined Danny. He looked over any and all work that had been done to Danny since his arrival, and checked the bandages across his torso. He went as far as to grab the clipboard on the foot of Danny’s bed to read, having no trouble understanding the medical jargon. 
From his medical bag, he pulled out several small bottles, all of them growing a toxic green. Injections were given to the teenager, and it didn’t seem to matter that he was in his living, dark haired form. 
“Has he explained to you what it means to be a halfa?” Frostbite finally asked, breaking the silence. 
“Only in vague, teenager terms.” Diana said. She’d been quite sure that Danny’s flippant attitude was more a coping mechanism than anything.
Frostbite just hummed. “Then i will have to fill you in.”
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britcision · 9 months
*blowing a horn* sorry my friends! For some ungodly reason for the past couple weeks Wednesday has been my busiest day/night? But never fear, I have not forgotten you and the new chapter is more than half done!
(Also got to go see a friend before she flies back to Newfoundland, climb another waterfall in 3” platforms, and do a photoshoot at said waterfall! Busy weeeeeeeek!)
So here is this week’s belated WIP Wednesday, with some more good news for y’all! Wonder Woman is here to save the day!
Well You Did Get Down On One Knee part iii
There was not a single thing on Earth or the Watchtower that he wanted less than to stop and talk to John Fucking Constantine and Diana after the meeting.
To be completely fair, Constantine clearly didn’t want to have that conversation any more either; Bruce had not been wrong about how well the magician would take the news that the United States had declared war on an entire dimension.
He was visibly green, had actually ground an unlit cigarette into a grainy mess against the table in lieu of lighting up, and looked about ready to lick up the tobacco.
Diana did not look happy either, but she never had. Her face was as stony and grave as Bruce had ever seen it, concern writ large even as she caught his eye.
The sure knowledge that her lasso would follow if he tried to leave was the only thing that kept him from ignoring her.
But since the only thing he wanted in the world at this moment was to have his son in his arms, and there was no chance of that happening until they were in the same dimension once more…
Bruce shot a quick, questioning look at Clark as the traitor made his way to the exit along with the rest of the Justice League. The Kryptonian at least had the grace to look a little guilty as he shook his head, stepping quickly out the door.
Wonder Woman hadn’t specifically told everyone else to get the fuck out. She had simply molded herself into an immovable force, concluded the meeting, and instructed Bruce alone to remain and discuss these… complications.
Bruce considered making an argument for Superman’s inclusion. They were the original three, and they’d probably need at least his and Aquaman’s help to handle the diplomatic situation.
Possibly the Oa, and Bruce was quite sure Green Lantern wasn’t looking forward to that possibility any more than he was. Hal Jordan talked a good game, always far too flippant, but he’d been pale enough by the end of the lecture that his suit made him look frankly unwell.
Unpleasant times would be in all of their futures it seemed. It was no real comfort as he slipped into a seat across from Wonder Woman and the slumped form of John Constantine.
The magician didn’t even look up, but clearly noticed.
“Didn’t fuckin’ think anyone’d fuck this up worse’n you, Bats,” he groaned, face still pressed into the table.
Bruce grunted, uninterested in his judgement.
“There are new complications we should focus on.” A vain hope, and one Diana instantly crushed.
“One that makes the contents of our discussion all the more vital,” she corrected sharply, piercing blue eyes narrowed as she watched his face. “It seems we have already caused unintentional offence.”
Which was an extremely light way to phrase the declared genocide, but Bruce didn’t bother arguing that position. Not when Constantine would do it for him.
But the mage just let out a long, hearty groan.
“Offence. Yeah. Maybe if we saw off the United States and toss it through a portal the rest of us will be fine,” he snarked, raising his head just enough to bang it off the table. Repeatedly.
By the third bang Diana gripped the back of his head, holding him in place against the table.
“Whatever the situation,” she growled, her tone daring either of them to comment, “we must deal with it as it is. You believe we would have noticed any countermeasures from the former Ghost King?”
She released her grip a moment later, and Constantine rolled his head just enough to glare at her through one eye.
“Pariah Dark? Sister, it wouldn’ta been a single town bein’ pulled off the map. We’d have lost the continent, and probably the world. You wouldn’t miss it,” he added with a bitter laugh, clearly considering banging his head off the table again.
Diana placed a hand on the table. Constantine set his head back down gently.
“And the new king?” She prodded, all icy control.
Bruce had to admit, even he felt calmer watching her.
He knew all the follies and foibles of gods, had no delusions about the limits of her power. He also knew her strengths. Her wisdom. Her ability to cut through complex issues with sword or words.
Whatever he missed, she was removed enough from this mess to catch.
Constantine shrugged, still not rising.
“No fuckin’ clue. All I know is they’re better’n Pariah, which is the lowest damn bar I ever saw. They call them Balance, and we’re not gonna fuckin’ like when the scales come due.”
Bruce’s brows furrowed. What could be a sufficient counterweight for demanding a whole people be hunted and experimented on until extinction?
The dead always vastly outnumbered the living.
Diana cut across his thoughts, her tone as sharp as her blade.
“So you believe we’d notice.”
Constantine sighed heavily and flopped back in his seat hard enough that he nearly toppled over. Diana steadied the chair with one hand, eyebrow rising archly.
Constantine stopped flailing, went to fold his arms, and instead stuffed his hands in his pockets.
“Probably’d be pretty hard to miss too,” he agreed gruffly. Diana nodded, having received the answer she wanted, and interlaced her fingers.
“Then we have time to rectify matters before word reaches his ears.” She paused, brow furrowing as she recounted John’s words. “Do we not know if the King is a man?”
Constantine shrugged again, pulling something unidentifiable from his pocket before hastily shoving it back in, coming out again with a lighter. He spun it between his fingers, eyes fixed on the metal lid.
“Nah. “King” is just a loose translation to living tongues, for what yer used to. Easier to say than “Supreme High Ruler, Core of the Realms”. Not even likely that they were ever human; not even the Ancients could take Pariah solo to take the crown, so a human ghost wouldn’t stand a chance.”
Huffing out a mighty breath, Constantine looked from the lighter to Bruce, his gaze somehow immeasurably more tired. Bruce had imagined that talking about Amity Park made the man look ancient.
He looked haggard enough to be an ancient ghost himself now.
Raising his other hand, he began counting off points on his fingers.
“We know they’re young. Everything agrees on that. Could be any time in the past few centuries, but it’s still a timeline. We know they’re tougher’n Hell and all its demons put together, cuz they put Pariah down single handed. Had to to get the throne. Might not have Ended him, the Casket of Eternal Slumber’s not turned up looking for a new occupant.”
The magician stared at his two fingers for a moment, then sighed and raised a third.
“And we know ghosts like them. They’re less scared, though most of ‘em never knew shit about Pariah. Didn’t even react to him waking, which had to happen for the change in power. That or it all went down too fast for the shockwaves to reach us here; not bloody likely. Wouldn’t take more than a day, and ghosts fight for decades on a whim.”
He hesitated for a moment, considering that last finger. Finally he sighed and shook his head.
“Can’t rule it out though. Pariah waking up’d be as much an emergency for them as it’d be for us, putting his ass back down is an all hands on deck situation on either side of the veil. If this new king is Balance, Pariah’d be their opposite,” he finished gruffly, glaring at all three digits before stuffing both hands into his pockets.
Bruce nodded, drawing a deep, calming breath in through his nose and then out through his mouth. Even this much discussion had something itching in the back of his mind, a building tension that he had to Get Away.
He was in control of it though. Could tell the difference between his own unease and the burning ember of the oath.
Turn and run right away his ass. Magic could never hold out against cool, calm logic.
“And this new king, Balance, has stamped a damn mark on Jason.”
And his breath hitched.
Sharp, white hot panic flared behind his eyes, every muscle clenching with the effort of not leaping straight from the table. The only reason he didn’t was because he had no idea where to go.
What would he even do? Run to Jason’s side? The boy was in another dimension, far beyond Bruce’s reach.
He was losing Jason again. Losing him to this Ghost King, this Balance, this-
Diana’s hand clamped firmly over his, the Amazon’s grip immovable steel. Bruce felt his bones grinding together before he even noticed he’d stopped breathing, before he managed to look up enough to meet her eyes.
Stern, determined, brilliant blue locked with his. Her grip tightened a little further, the ribbing on his gloves creaking with the pressure.
She wouldn’t break them… probably. They were designed to hold up against any of the supers the League dealt with. Prolonged contact was another thing entirely though.
His attention now locked on her face, Bruce managed a deep breath in along with her. Held it when she did. Let it out.
She didn’t release him for another few repetitions, until he was breathing mostly on his own again. Then she returned her attention to Constantine.
“What.” It wasn’t aggressive. Just a completely flat, completely toneless statement.
Constantine gave her an entirely hopeless smile, pulling his hands from his pockets to give her jazz hands.
“And that’s what he’s not ready to hear yet. Your boy, Jason, Red Hood, has gotten himself personally warded by the Ghost King. He’s the next thing to invulnerable right now,” he added bitterly, as if that made any of it better.
An icy hand clenched in Bruce’s chest again, but he forced himself to still. To breathe through it. To not turn and run, run until he found his child and tore him away from whatever influence had him.
The Ghost King had a hold of Jason. Jason who’d all but ordered Bruce to let him go.
“And Jason must have been in direct contact with the King to receive these wards?” Diana asked sharply, and Bruce’s head snapped back to her.
It was a good question. Important, obvious, there was a connection there that he should be making, but he couldn’t think. His head was spinning, heart pounding, and every shadow seemed black as pitch.
Constantine grunted an agreement, shooting Bruce an almost sympathetic look.
Could. Could this be the oath? Not his own instinctive, natural panic?
Bruce couldn’t tell, he’d been so afraid for so long, ever since he held Jason’s broken body in his arms. Ever since he buried his son.
It felt the same. But he had mastered that fear long ago, so this would not control him now. He had to be better.
Frowning at Diana, he leaned forward.
“Explain.” She’d probably assumed that he’d made the same connection. He probably should have.
There was just a brief flash of surprise on her face before her expression softened, her hand gentling over his.
“Jason was the one who told you of these Anti Ecto Acts, was he not?” She asked pointedly, a dark brow arching delicately.
Bruce about managed a grunt of agreement, his jaw clenched too tightly to speak. She waited a moment longer, watching his face, and then sighed.
“Then is it not likely that either he has told Balance of these Acts, or that Balance was the one that told him?”
Constantine jerked and got halfway through a bellowed curse before she cut him off with a glare. Her tone brooked no argument as she continued with a firm, frosted patience.
“Jason is a principled young man, even if not of the exact principles you prefer. Either he has warned you because he believes we have time to fix this, or because the King would prefer we handle it,” she said bluntly.
It sounded so simple, put like that. Far too simple. Bruce shook his head, leaning in.
“We can’t know for sure-”
“Batman.” There was nothing harsh in her tone. Nothing so overtly aggressive as the glare she kept giving Constantine. Just a calm, cool statement that sucked the air from his lungs.
The weight of her own mantle, the Amazon princess who would one day be Queen. Not his friend Diana; Wonder Woman.
Once she was sure he wouldn’t continue, she fixed him with a sapphire stare.
“Do you believe Jason Todd would condone the end of the world?” She asked simply, and that at least was that plain.
“No.” It didn’t even require thought; whatever he feared ever since his son took his first life, Bruce knew that.
Jason was fundamentally a good boy. So kind, so giving, ironically he had been the most well adjusted boy Bruce had ever given the mantle to.
Which was what made what he’d become so painful. It was everything he never should have been.
Wonder Woman nodded as if that solved all the rest.
“And yet you called the meeting, not him. He has known for several days already and did nothing to alert any of us. Therefore, he does not believe this is an urgent threat.”
It sounded good, and Bruce almost believed it before Constantine snorted.
“Yeah, great, except the kid has no fuckin’ clue what he’s dealing with. Didn’t even know he’d been fuckin’ marked or that sellin’ his fuckin’ service was the dumbest fuckin’ thing he coulda done,” he grumbled and Bruce’s heart fell.
Wonder Woman was not so easily swayed. She raised an eyebrow slowly at the magician.
“And could those protective marks have been placed on Jason against his will?” She asked pointedly, like she knew the first thing about magic.
Constantine hesitated. Frowned a little, thinking hard. Finally he threw both hands in the air and leaned back in his chair, scrubbing them down his face.
“Technically, yes, alright? But I can’t think of a damn reason why they’d bother. Like I told the old Bat, it’s technically a good thing; I couldn’t even get a basic diagnostic spell off, he’s completely fuckin’ magic proof an’ anythin’ that can read that ward will run like fuck.”
Something in Bruce’s chest flickered hopefully. Wonder Woman nodded firmly, then redirected her stare to him.
“Then until we have reason not to, we assume that Jason Todd has control of this situation. He has assigned us to deal with these Acts, either before his king discovers them or on their behalf. You, Batman, will defer to his experience along with that of our experts,” she declared with all the ringing command she was capable of.
It chafed. And yet… he could hear the echo of Harley’s words in her voice.
What if Jason was wrong? It was the kind of thing he always thought about, the kind of thing he couldn’t stop thinking about. The kind of thing that had the Batman able to stand and go toe to toe with gods.
But what if Jason was right? What if Harley, Diana, Constantine were right, and his usual measures would spell disaster?
He had a dozen contingency plans that any member of the League could use to take him down.
Tag List: @welcometosasakiworld @kyrianclawraith @someonebored0100 @stealingyourbones @starkcravingmad @frostedthroughghost @akikkobara @rainbowbunny0159 @littlefeather345 @violet-catsarelife @serasvictoria02 @wolfjackle @blacksea21090 @secretdestinywerewolf @anime-hipster-the-amazing @undead-essence @skitscratched @blackroserelina @snoodly-boop @mayoota-blog @xysidhe @little-apricot-the-writer @chaoticmistake @the-legal-shipper @bun-fish @aroranorth-west @demon-cat-goes-woof @perfectwastelandcreation @onyxlightdragon @larks-and-katydids @peachesandcreamfemboy @jesus-camp-the-sequel @may-rbi @mothman-the-mothman87 @viyatrix @stargirl1331 @idfk-man10 @thedepressedrobin @skulld3mort-1fan @rootsmudge @ravenshadow17 @cankoking @phantom-dc @mentalcarebear @magic-pincushion @redamancyardor @lyra689 @itsparadoxlacuna @alcorbearson @asphyxia778 @why-must-i-be-like-this @tkiesai i @greenpyrowolf @frivolous-pastel @honeysuckletook
Thaaaaaat’s a whole lotta new names that can’t be properly tagged, have I missed something?
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kaedahana · 1 year
the great war.
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art by @ izeichan on Twitter
late night thought; have you ever missed someone you don't... know? i do. yes, inspired by the great war by T.S <3
CHARACTER : Kaedehara Kazuha - Reader
fluff? angst?
You and Kazuha have never been happier to spend your whole spring and summer together until that one night.
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It was summer when Kazuha and you shared a long kiss under the vast night sky. The leaves were lively green and crickets were playing both of you a lullaby. Every day that summer you wished on every star that your name and his are etched together forever in the ether. Laying on the soft blanket that you made over the spring season as you stare into each other’s eyes. Mesmerized by one another. You can see eternity in his eyes. You closed your eyes, fingers intertwined with his. You thanked the archons to be blessed with this moment. Kazuha is in your arms, safe and sound.
But of course, fate plays a cruel game and flips your whole world in a matter of days. Standing in the doorway Kazuha looked at you grimly, as he held the letter crushing it and letting it fall onto the floor.
"You can't go," you whispered. Your being brimming with resentment, sadness and fear. They threaten to take over your body and wreck everything.
"I have to, they're calling me."
"You can't go!" you run a frustrated comb through your hair with your fingers, biting your lip trying not to cry. Looking away, hoping and hoping that this is all just a dream. That when the morning comes, you're gonna wake up to Kazuha lovingly kissing you. Spinning you in his arms. There’s no war to fight in. No bloodshed. No fear.
"I have no choice"
You walked to him, "What about me? You're going to leave me behind? You expect me to be okay?!" you shouted unable to hold it any longer, you fell to his legs and broke down. You sobbed harder when you can feel the never ending tears trailing down your face. You hugged his legs and begged for your future together.
"Darling, please don't. I-I can't live like this" you said between sobs, struggling to catch your breath.
Kazuha squat down to your level and embraced you. His heartbeat speaking to you in words he can't muster.
He only held a pinkie finger. linking it with yours. He brought your head close to his heart, hearing it go faster and louder. He kissed the crown of your head, smoothing your hair with his hand.
"I'll be back, it's a promise dear. I'll fight for you, I'll live for you and if I have to… I'd die for you"
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Slowly the same green vibrant leaves turned into shades of red and orange as autumn rolls around. You stared at the maple orange leaf that landed on your hand, tracing the outlines of it. Your mind goes back to Kazuha, missing the pillow soft feeling of his lips, his slightly red cheeks, and the eyes that you love. You feel an unpleasant feeling in your stomach and continue to walk around the festival so you could distract yourself. Anything to get rid of the thoughts that maybe… he's gone.
"Darling!" a voice shouted from behind you.
Immediately, you looked back. Disappointment fills you up when you didn’t see him. You run a hand across your face, missing him terribly now. The poems. The teasing. The cute names he calls you. Him.
You recalled the last letter you got from him a month ago;
My dove,
I hope this letter finds you well. You've been on my mind and never left. You're the only shining star I need in this dark world, your glow is enough to illuminate my whole world .This room is silent but I can still hear your enchanting laugh. I close my eyes yet all I see is you my darling. I'm sorry it has to be this way, I miss you a lot. I would do anything in my power to close this dreadful gap of ours and be in your arms. The fate that brings people together is not a cord so easily cut. I love you with my whole heart, soul and mind.
Children rushed past you with huge grins across their faces, daughters and sons dancing in the streets, lanterns illuminating the path ahead of you as darkness falls into the world. Even with people around you, you feel more lonely than ever.
You walked to the forestry area, shivering as the breeze blows past you. You stuffed your hands into the pockets of your coat. You find yourself humming the song Kazuha hummed the day he comforted you when he got the letter that took him away to war.
You spotted a pond away from the town and decided to dip your legs into the water.
The water was cold and the fishes were glowing in vibrant colours. Leaves swaying across the water. Your eyes stuck to the reflection of the moon in the water. Then you talked to the stars.
“Where are you? Are you safe? What did you eat? Today... the lantern festival in town is nothing without you. I need you back, please.” you pleaded with your whole heart, wringing every bit of hope into wishes.
Then warmth wrapped you up from behind, pulling you into a comforting embrace. The scent you inhaled, it’s ever so familiar it relaxes your body
“Just as I promised, darling” a voice whispered into your ear. Your heart going fast, is this a dream?
You turned your head and there he is, Kazuha. Your star-crossed lover. Your forever. Your eternity and beyond.
Tears spilt from your eyes as you squealed and wrapped your arms around his torso. He laughed wholeheartedly as both of you fell onto the ground with you on top of him. You took in the view of your lover. Handsome as ever with his abdomen tightly wrapped in bandages while his hanten hangs loosely on his shoulder. He offered you a reassuring smile.
"Am I going crazy or are you here?" You asked unable to believe that he's here. You can feel his warm breath fanning your cheeks. You can feel his soft skin against yours. You can hear his heart beating, yearning for yours. You lay beside him, resting your head on his bandaged arm. "Are you okay?" you whispered. He just nods, staring at you with so much love and bliss.
"You're beautiful," he said under his breath before pressing his lips against yours. His lips... soft on yours as he gently places his hands on your waist pulling you closer to his body. You glide your hands across his bare chest, letting it travel freely over his abs. He tugged on your hair as you withdraw to catch your breath. He hovered on top of you with his arms trapping you. He inhaled your scent from your neck and sighed in contentment.
"I almost forgot what you feel like" 
He raised his eyebrow at this, his eyes averting to your lips.
"Then let me remind you again"
So yes, fate is a cruel game but you couldn't care less because your destiny is him and with him is your destination.
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fun-k-board · 5 months
Rules / About Me - Writing Masterlist - Profile Picture Masterlist - Media / Characters I Write For
My Writing Masterlist
Note(s) : I'm going to be putting all the writing I've done in one Masterlist! I hope the links all work (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
Sam Raimi's Spider-Man -
Nothing here...
The Spectacular Spider-Man -
The Sinister Six find out that Spider-Man is Peter Parker - Part 1
Ultimate Spider-Man -
Nothing here...
The Amazing Spider-Man -
Nothing here...
Marvel Cinematic Universe Spider-Man -
Nothing here...
Marvel's Spider-Man 1 / 2 and Miles Morales -
How Would The Spider-Men Be With a Horror Movie Night Headcanons + Oneshot
How Would They Be If Their S/O Loves Halloween Headcanons
Black Cat kissing her S/O
Spider-Man : Into / Across The Spider-Verse -
Spider-Man Into / Across The Spider-Verse Gwen Stacy Headcanons
Ben Reilly X Gender Neutral Reader Dating Headcanons
X-Men: The Animated Series / '97
X-MEN '97 - Little reader who's more fussy and tends to have tantrums
X-Men : Evolution -
The Brotherhood X gender neutral crush
Fox X-Men Movies -
Nothing here...
Wolverine and The X-Men -
Nothing here...
Fantastic Four 2005 / 2007 -
Nothing here...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003 -
Nothing here...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2007 -
Nothing here...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 -
TMNT 2012 X AFAB Gender Neutral Reader On Their Period Headcanons
Bayverse Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles -
Leonardo X Fem Reader Who's Short and Busty
Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles -
Nothing here...
Mutant Mayhem
TMNT Mutant Mayhem X Gender Neutral Reader Dating Headcanons
Mortal Kombat X -
What Type Of Cards Against Humanity Players Would The Mortal Kombat X Kast Be Headcanons
Mortal Kombat 11 -
How Would They Be If Their S/O Loves Halloween Headcanons
Mortal Kombat 2021 Movie -
Champions With a Platonic Child Reader Headcanons
Mortal Kombat 1 / 12 -
Tomas Vrbada / Smoke Friendship Headcanons
Syzoth / Reptile Friendship Headcanons
Bi-Han / Sub-Zero X Boyfriend Reader Who's His Childhood Friend
Johnny Cage X Gender Neutral Popstar Reader Intros
MK1 X Gender Neutral Spider-Man Reader Intros
MK1 X Gender Neutral Venom Symbiote Spider-Man Reader Intros
Young Justice / Green Lantern : The Animated Series -
Young Justice With a Gender Neutral Reader Who Accidentally Sneaks Up On Them Headcanons
How Would They Be If Their S/O Loves Halloween Headcanons
Gotham -
Nothing here...
Titans -
Nothing here...
Gotham Knights -
Nothing here...
Prequels / The Clone Wars / The Bad Batch -
Nothing here...
Originals / Rebels / The Mandalorian -
Nothing here...
Sequels -
Nothing here...
The Arcana -
Nothing here...
Last Legacy -
Nothing here...
Monster Manor -
Nothing here...
Genshin Impact -
Genshin Impact Platonic and Romantic Headcanons
Honkai Star Rail -
Nothing here...
Legend Of Aang -
Nothing here...
Legend Of Korra -
Nothing here...
The Lord Of The Rings -
LOTR With a Platonic Child Reader From Our World Headcanons
The Hobbit -
Nothing here...
Nothing here...
Nothing here...
Nothing here...
Nothing here...
Nothing here...
Nothing here...
AVATAR 2009 X Human Gender Neutral Reader Who Adores Christmas Headcanons
AVATAR : WAY OF WATER With a Moth From Sky Children Of The Light - Prologue - Part 1 - Part 1.2 - DISCONTINUED.
Rotxo X Metkayina X Gender Neutral Reader
Angst AVATAR : WAY OF WATER Headcanons
AVATAR : WAY OF WATER X Human Gender Neutral S/O Who Has Psoriasis Headcanons
Nothing here...
Rocky Rickaby X Gender Neutral Reader Who Awkwardly Confesses To Him
Lackadaisy With a Teen Gender Neutral Reader Who Wants To Be Apart Of Lackadaisy Headcanons
Child Rocky Rickaby X Child Gender Neutral Reader
Rocky Rickaby X Gender Neutral Reader Dating Headcanons
Mordecai Heller X Gender Neutral Reader Dating Headcanons
Dammon, Rolan and Zevlor If Their Gender Neutral Crush Accidentally Confesses To Him Headcanons
Nothing here...
Macaque X Gender Neutral Reader With Umbrakinesis Headcanons
Nothing here...
Nothing here...
Hort X Gender Neutral Reader Who Has a Relationship With Him Like Morticia and Gomez Addams Headcanons
Hort Of Bloodbrook x Gender Neutral Reader Dating Headcanons
Hester X Gender Neutral Reader Dating Headcanons
Nothing here...
Nothing here...
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geekcavepodcast · 8 months
DC Comics' Elseworlds Line Returns in 2024
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DC Comics has announced the official return on the Elseworlds line of comics. Elseworlds comics are out-of-continuity stories featuring DC's characters. To celebrate, DC also announced upcoming Elseworlds titles - Gotham by Gaslight: The Kryptonian Age, Batman the Barbarian, Green Lantern: Dark, Batman: Nightfire, and sequels to Dark Knights of Steel and DC vs. Vampires.
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Gotham by Gaslight: The Kryptonian Age is a 12-issue series from Andy Diggle and Leandro Fernandez that will expand the world created by Brian Augustyn and Mike Mignola. The greatest heroes of the world will come together, forming a 19th-century Justice League to face the greatest threat that the world has known. In the process, the heroes will learn of the world's secret Kryptonian history.
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Batman the Barbarian is a 6-issue series from Greg Smallwood. The comic is a retelling of Batman's origin set in a medieval Earth.
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Green Lantern: Dark is a 7-issue series from Tate Brombal and Werther Dell-Edera in which the DC Universe is a dark fantasy wastland where monsters overrun a post-apocalyptic Earth. "Now, darkness prevails as humanity struggles to survive on a corrupted planet. Only one hero remains, the one who wields the green flame that can return light to a dark world—The Green Lantern. But she’s been missing for years, and, on the isolated island of New England, the horrors only get worse by the night." (DC Comics)
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Batman: Nightfire is a 6-issue series from Clay Mann and Seth Mann. Bruce Wayne tries to "rectify a devastating tragedy by traveling to the past. What secrets does this Batman hold so tight that he would watch Gotham be reduced to ashes? What truths are exposed when there is nowhere left to hide?" (DC Comics)
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Dark Knights of Steel: Allwinter is a 6-issue series from Jay Kristoff and Tirso Cons set in the world of Tom Taylor's Dark Knights of Steel and inspired by Norse mythology. In the series "the snows fall thick, blood runs black, and color itself is only a distant memory. The legendary assassin Deathstroke stalks a frozen wasteland, killing for coin among a nation of ever-warring jarls. But when our murderer for hire finds himself cast in the role of reluctant guardian, will he fight to end the icy curse destroying his land, or be consumed by the sins of his own dark past?" (DC Comics)
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DC vs. Vampires: World War V is a 12-issue series from Matthew Rosenberg and Otto Schmidt that serves a a sequel to DC vs. Vampires. Sunlight has been restored to Earth, but did it come too late? "As a new Ice Age dawns, humanity faces their most deadly threat yet—Barbara Gordon Queen of the Vampires!" (DC Comics)
(Images via DC Comics - Covers / Promo Art for DC's Elseworlds Logo, Gotham by Gaslight: The Kryptonian Age, Batman the Barbarian, Green Lantern: Dark, Batman: Nightfire, Dark Knights of Steel: Allwinter, and DC vs. Vampires: World War V)
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i hope this isn't too big of an ask but i have an idea for a fic with jenni and bart and i really want to get jenni right. is it possible that you could create a jenni specific reading list? i basically want to read only the comics she shows up in. im not saying that legion of supers is bad i just dont have the time to read everything for one person.
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Post-Zero Hour Legion of Super-Heroes but it's only Jenni Ognats Reading List (you're still reading a lot of comics anon).
** NOTE ** Jenni is a reoccurring character in two comic series that run simultaneously for a long time; Legionnaires and Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) - you will be flipping back and forth between series. For my sanity, I am grouping the series separately and listing just the issues she appears in.
Suggested LOSH reading.
#0 - Her first appearance #19-#27 #29 & #30 #35-#43 #45 #50 #53 #55 & #56 #58 & #59 #61 & #62 #64 & #65 #76 - #81 Annual #2 Annual #3 - Jenni centric, this is her journey back to the 30th century after she leaves Bart in Impulse #12
Legion of Super-Heroes (1989)
#62-#69 #72 #75 #80-#84 #88 #91 #100 #104-#106 #108 #120 #122 & #123 #125 Annual #6 - Her origin story Annual #7
Once these series end you will no longer be flipping back and forth.
Teen Titans/Legion of Super-Heroes: Universe Ablaze
#1 & #2 #4
Legion Lost (2000)
#1 - She doesn't really say anything or do anything so this may be skipped honestly.
Legion Worlds
#1 #4 #6
The Legion
#4 #6 #10-#18 #20 #22 & #23 #25 #27-#29 #32 & #33
Teen Titans/Legion Special
Single issue. The 'end' of her primary run where she and her team are flung into the Void to become the new Wanderers.
Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds
#1-#5 - Where Geoff Johns retconns her origin (it's his primary thing) and gets multiple things wrong but she does play an important role.
That is it for her primary 'team' appearances, there are many other comics however that she appears in!
Suggested Flash reading
Impulse (1995)
The Flash (1987)
#108-#111 #145 - #150
The Flash 80 Page Giant (1999) #2
Single issue. Jenni uncovers some history concerning Wally that leaves her hopeful...
Other suggested comics
Young Justice: Our Worlds at War Special
Single issue, not much happens but she does meet with Bart.
Green Lantern (1990)
#98 - Jenni meets Kyle Rayner and talks about how Green Lanterns and Speedsters go together, Kyle nopes out.
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somewherefornow · 2 months
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desperatecheesecubes · 9 months
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What an angle
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dailyjsa · 1 year
The New Golden Age Continues...
Beginning in October, DC will be releasing three six-issue mini-series featuring founding JSA members Alan Scott, Jay Garrick, and Wesley Dodds.
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Alan Scott: The Green Lantern by Tim Sheridan (Flashpoint Beyond) and Cian Tormey (Superman: Son of Kal-El) will be Alan Scott’s first solo title since 1949. Through a twist in the timeline, Alan Scott: The Green Lantern revisits and recontextualizes the origins of the first Green Lantern through the lens of our modern understanding of the man. The story, which begins in the 1930s, is about an old flame – the kind that burns eternal – and the sometimes head-on, single-track collision of our personal and professional lives. This is Alan’s coming-of-age, in which he must embrace the man he is, to become the hero he’s meant to be. In the end, he’ll have gained a greater understanding of himself and his gifts – as he unlocks a new, previously unknown ability that could make him the most powerful Green Lantern in existence!
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Jeremy Adams (The Flash) and Diego Olortegui (Aquaman: The Becoming) are teaming up for Jay Garrick: The Flash. It’s hard being a parent, especially when your kid is a speedster! Jay Garrick has been reunited with his long lost daughter, Judy, but figuring out how to connect with her is proving to be difficult. They’ll need to work to find common ground when a mission that started in Jay’s early days as the Flash comes roaring to today. But will The Flash and The Boom be able to thwart a plan that’s been in the works for decades?!
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Wesley Dodds: The Sandman by Rob Venditti (Superman ‘78) with art from Riley Rossmo (Harley Quinn) shows the titular character as a pacifist. He has given up on the hope of a peaceful world, but he hasn’t stopped believing that people can be better to each other, if they’re only given the right tools. Possessing a scientist’s optimism and romanticism, he is convinced that humanity can invent cures for its own ills. Having learned about the battlefield horrors of World War I from his father, he sought to create a sleep gas that would allow for “humane” warfare. During his research, he recorded all of his attempts in his science journal - even those with horribly deadly consequences - swearing to never show them to the world. Now his journal has been stolen, and he must find the culprit and stop them before his deadly mis-inventions fall into the arsenals of the belligerent nations threatening to pull the United States into the next world war.
(Images and descriptions were taken directly from DC's press release)
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glorified-red · 1 year
As someone fortunate enough to attend DC's panel at MegaCon today with some of the biggest names in comics (Geoff Johns [Justice Society of America], Joshua Williamson [Superman], Simone DiMeo [DC vs Vampires], Mitch Gerads [Batman: The Brave and the Bold] and Phillip Kennedy Johnson [Action Comics]) here's all the information I managed to write down on what they discussed regarding the future of DC:
All quotes are NOT direct quotes, they are paraphrased. I may be a fast typer but not that good. Spoilers Ahead! Obviously.
Kicking off with the Flash Family, the upcoming releases will explore what Barry and Iris do when they "disappear" every week for date night. No one knows what they could possibly be up to! Turns out, they love to visit the future together, how they get there will be the true story. They also mentioned digging deeper into how being trapped in the speed force impacted ____. (I dont follow Flash so I don't know who they were referring to)
Next is the Superfam (and Arrowfam breifly):
Johnson spoke on Action Comics and said he wanted to evolve the Superfamily as much as the Batfamily has been. Recent comics have been able to take each member of the Batfam and develop them as solo characters to then let them interact with the others as a family. Johnson wants the same for the Superfam. He hates how the family has been boiled down to "looks" (i.e. Kon is just the one with the jacket, the twins are the lookalikes, etc) instead of them as defined characters. Within Action Comics and hopefully more, he hopes to delve into their entire family dynamic just as much as DC has done with the Bats.
Action Comics has been introducing the idea of Aliens coming to earth and certain protests spawning from it, wanting the earth to remain isolated and independent in the galaxy. They breifly teased the idea that this could be emotionally taxing on the Supers---especially Jon and Clark as the more active heroes atm---since they themselves are technically "Aliens". They also said that this new enemy set up will be very impactful for the future of the DCU.
Williamson Chimed in quite a bit to discuss the psychology behind Lex Luther and Clark Kent. "Lex isn't stupid. He's one of the smartest people in the DCU. When he looks at Clark, sometimes he recognizes that the world does need a Superman, but a good one. Lex may just have ulterior motives---i mean, he's lex, he always has ulterior motives---to force Clark to be a better Superman. And when Clark looks at people, all he sees Is the good in them. He sees their potential for growth. But when he looks at Lex, all he feels is disappointment. He feels disappointed in Lex sure, but he feels even more disappointed in himself for failing Lex."
"I love the backstory that Lex is from Smallville. When Clark leaves Smallville, there's what, ten years? Before he makes his way to Metropolis. And when he gets there, Lex is already there. What was he doing during that time? Metropolis had its fair share of villains but he destroyed them so that he could be Lex Luthor, the true villain of the city."
They then mentioned briefly about wanting to do the same thing for the Arrow Family as they did with the Bats and strive to do with the Supers. An upcoming series will explore Oliver getting "lost" and the family coming together to find him. Very exciting.
They showed plenty of beautiful artwork that has not been released yet! Sorry for the grainy photos, I tried as best as I could with my Motorola ok :P
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This is for my fellow writers out there!! When asked about this image, Williamson and Johnson said that Clark "wishes people could hear what he does. He hears all of humanity in a connected thum, it's one heartbeat, not billions overlapping. All of our hearts beat together as one. When searching for specific people, he has to focus in through that single heartbeat."
Green Lantern was next! They announced a new run titled War Jounrals which follows US Marine John Stewart. They took heavy inspiration from 80s action movies such as Alien vs Predator when crafting this series. With DC's emphasis on mental health awareness and representation, I really hope they dive into the PTSD that comes from war. Not much was mentioned about this series to confirm or deny this.
Stargirl continuation: When asked about the writing/inspiration behind the future of her comics, they said they "wanted to dig into what being a side kick means---used to mean, anyway---and bring that back. Side Kicks are supposed to be a hero starting within the community, starting small, but always taking the time to save a kid and instil hope in that kid. That small difference makes a side kick. They start with so much hope only to be forgotten about, we want to bring back the old bright tone that was in Young Justice."
The Justice Society of America will follow the Huntress. She brings villains onto her team to offer them a chance to reform and walk a better path, a good path. She wants to be the same way her father, Bruce Wayne, was with her mother, Selina Kyle. The Huntress will link into the rest of the current DCU as she will get trapped in a timeline? Do I know what this means? Absolutely not. But apparently its gonna be important so
And finally! The Batfamily!!!
The first major announcement was the relaunch of Batman: the Brave and the Bold. Upon looking back at the original source material, they decided to extend the 9 page issue to a 96 page story line. They really wanted to deep dive into the series since they thought it had more to tell than what it did originally.
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Since this is year one Batman, this will be the story of how Batman first encountered the Joker himself. They didn't share much on the contents but said it would stay true to the original, so this is not a retcon, it's just a more intesive retelling.
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The artist for this series admited that he actually forgot year one Batman wouldn't have such a modern suit. After realizing this only after completing the series, he had to go back and redraw every panel with Batman in it. He very proudly said "shit!"
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And of course, the HUGE announcement taking the internet by storm:
Batman and Robin
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This series will follow after the events of Lazarus Planet and the Lazarus Tournament Damian went through. It will follow Bruce and Damian Wayne as they "come together not just as heros this time, but as father and son." This series is going to be a pretty heavy one since it will dive into how they come together "without Alfred as the buffer as the mentor figure for them both." Not only will Bruce continue on his current character arc of viewing each of the Robins as his sons and truly supporting them, but Damian will be front and center to cope with Alfred's death.
Williamson spoke on this heavily as he was supposed to leave Batman and Robin, but he actually went to DC and said "I'm not done with Damian, there's still more story to tell. He's not going anywhere." But he also mentioned a key point for Damian's growth: "He was trained by Talia and of course by Bruce, but he was also trained by Alfred so you'll see how that shapes Damian interacting with Bruce going forward, especially as they grow as Father and Son."
They said this will tie into the next big series in the DCU which follows Damian having "nightmares and demons". That was all that was mentioned about that.
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The Gotham City Zoo will be a huge set piece for the series and I truly hope we see more canon content of Damian's love for animals in this run.
The focus of Damian is him growing into himself and become more emotionally aware of himself and those around him. With Alfred's impression on him, there will be key moments of Damian interacting with Bruce as Bruce goes through tough times.
Additinally, Williamson adores Damian being a fan of manga. Since it's shown Damian has been reading a romance one, there's some hope for emotional connection with others not in a romantic way, but moreso in the ability to be vulnerable with people in a way he has only been able to read about. It's implied he could be reading this manga as a yearning for connection to others on a deeper level, especially as someone who grew up to ignore his emotions. So this will follow Damian as he tries to let himself be more connected to his loved ones the way Alfred was teaching him to. Plus, his love for manga will not be going anywhere, it's "staying strong."
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Damian will get his own car! Williamson wanted to give him a car that matched him since hes "a little rough around the edges." It will be a fun addition while the duo grow as family since Bruce will have to be okay with Damian driving. "Its gonna be Bruce saying he's gonna drive and then you turn the page and Damian is saying 'he's got something' and Bruce has to get used to letting his son drive him."
Very much Bruce growing out of strictness to be more soft with his sons as we've seen in the more recent comics.
And ofc, Simone Di Meo will be the artist for this series!! As well as the cover artist for The Brave & The Bold!
I am super excited for how DC is starting to write the Batfamily and even the Superfamily. They're starting to tackle a lot of mental health issues and the trauma old comics have left the characters with. It's not perfect by any means, especially with Batman v. Robin being more than a little rough, it had it's moments.
My main concern is how they'll be treating Tim going forward. With TDR getting shortened and Damian returning as Robin, I really really hope they don't just forget Tim exists. My hope is that with Tim's new title, there will be room for another solo series under that title in the way Nightwing and Spoiler has been done.
The last thing I want is for Tim to go through all this work finding where he belongs and how he views himself just to join/lead another team. He's defining himself aside from the Robin legacy to define who he is under his new title. I think he needs time as a solo hero before rejoining a group for an extensive time period. I don't want them to erase all his personal growth just because they don't want to give him another solo series. I'll be more than a little upset at the lost potiential.
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Best Green Character Tournament
The first round of voting will begin at approximately 3:30 PM EST on Thursday, March 16, 2023. Each round will last 24 hours.
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Our Lineup:
Round 1-A
Peridot from Steven Universe v. Marvin the Martian from Looney Tunes
Roronoa Zoro from One Piece v. The Saint from Rain World
Oscar the Grouch from Sesame Street v. Choromatsu Matsuno from Osomatsu-san
Gon Freecss from Hunter x Hunter v. Bruno Madrigal from Encanto
N Harmonia from Pokemon v. Phonegingi from Dialtown
Gir from Invader Zim v. Heather Duke from Heathers
The Onceler from The Lorax v. Mojo Jojo from The Powerpuff Girls
Bulbasaur from Pokemon v. Jolly Green Giants from Green Giant Commercials
Round 1-B
Midoriya "Deku" Izuku from My Hero Academia v. Steve from Blue's Clues
Shintaro Midorima from Kuroko's Basketball (Kuroko no Basuke) v. Disgust from Inside Out
Zim from Invader Zim v. Green Mage from Everhood
Creeper from Minecraft v. Slimer from Ghostbusters
Pidge Gunderson from Voltron: Legendary Defender v. Hinomori Shiho from Project SEKAI
Louie Duck from DuckTales v. Ferb Fletcher from Phineas and Ferb
Shego from Kim Possible v. Grovyle from Pokemon
Fiona from Shrek v. She-Hulk from Marvel Comics
Round 1-C
Link from The Legend of Zelda v. Raine Whispers from The Owl House
Green Lantern / Guy Gardener from DC Comics v. Calliope from Homestuck
The Green Knight from Arthurian Legend v. Edd from Eddsworld
Gumi "Megpoid" from Vocaloid v. Amity Blight from The Owl House
Nepeta Leijon from Homestuck v. Rantaro Amami from Danganronpa
Retasu "Lettuce" Midorikawa from Tokyo Mew Mew v. Green Goblin from Spider-Man
Jonathan Sims from The Magnus Archives v. Leafy from Battle for Dream Island
Shaggy from Scooby-Doo v. Princess Tiana from The Princess and the Frog
Round 1-D
Willow Park from The Owl House v. Legolas from The Lord of the Rings
Green Arrow / Oliver Queen from DC Comics v. Chara from Undertale
Yoda from Star Wars v. Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist
Mike Wazowski from Monsters, Inc. v. Aisha (Princess Layla) from Winx Club
Lloyd Garmadon from LEGO Ninjago v. Rohan Kishibe from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Futaba Sakura from Persona 5 v. Grantaire from Les Miserables
Buttercup from The Powerpuff Girls v. Kanna Kizuchi from Your Turn to Die
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles from TMNT v. Qi Rong from Heaven's Official Blessing / Tian Guan Ci Fu
Round 1-E
Luigi from Super Mario v. Duo from Duolingo
Marina Ida from Splatoon v. Vylad Ro'meave from Minecraft Diaries
The Grinch from How the Grinch Stole Christmas v. Nao Midorikawa / Cure March (April / Glitter Spring) from Smile Pretty Cure! / Glitter Force
Fern Mertens from Adventure Time v. Ben Tennyson from Ben 10
The Riddler from Batman v. Piccolo from Dragon Ball
Grogu (Baby Yoda) from The Mandalorian v. Basil from OMORI
Poison Ivy from DC Comics v. Midori / Sou Hiyori from Your Turn to Die
Alicent Hightower from House of the Dragon v. Mei Dragon / Long Xiaojiao from LEGO Monkie Kid
Round 1-F
Toph Beifong from Avatar: The Last Airbender v. Theodore from Alvin and the Chipmunks
Rock Lee from Naruto v. Dimple / Ekubo from Mob Psycho 100
Duck from Don't Hug Me I'm Scared v. Frog and Toad from Frog and Toad Are Friends
Yoshi from Super Mario v. Sprigatito from Pokemon
Beast Boy from Teen Titans v. Scourge the Hedgehog from Sonic
Loki from Marvel Comics v. Fjord from Critical Role
Kanaya Maryam from Homestuck v. Jet the Hawk from Sonic
Jake English from Homestuck v. Riz Gukgak from Dimension 20's Fantasy High
Round 1-G
Kermit the Frog from The Muppets v. Morro from LEGO Ninjago
Larry the Cucumber from VeggieTales v. Brian Yu from Monster Prom
Green M&M from M&Ms v. D'Vana Tendi from Star Trek: Lower Decks
Green from Animation vs. Animator v. Beetlejuice from Beetlejuice
Jade Harley from Homestuck v. Plankton from Spongebob
Hulk from Marvel Comics v. Green Ranger / Tommy Oliver from Power Rangers
Double Trouble from She-Ra: Princess of Power v. Madame Vastra from Doctor Who
Snufkin from The Moomins v. Netzach from Lobotomy Corporation
Round 1-H
Marcy Wu from Amphibia v. Vera Oberlin from Monster Prom
Tinker Bell from Peter Pan v. Danny Phantom from Danny Phantom
Ralsei from Deltarune v. The Creature (Frankenstein's Monster) from Frankenstein
Tsuyu Asui / Froppy from My Hero Academia v. Surge the Tenrec from Sonic
Shrek from Shrek v. Sailor Neptune from Sailor Moon
Gumby from Gumby v. Gamora from Guardians of the Galaxy
Elphaba Thropp from Wicked v. Martian Manhunter / J'onn J'onzz from DC Comics
Marie Cuttlefish from Splatoon v. Rayquaza from Pokemon
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spinzzy · 21 days
Tell me more! Once everything becomes a dark world what actually goes down?
Alright so the main plot revolves around Frisk, now The Mage, trying to maintain the world, even as it continues to decay. The main characters would be Echo, a mysterious human child bearing an unlit lantern and an Echo Flower in their hair. They find themself in the Graveyard Sanctuary, a crumbling, over-grown ruin at the end of the world. This place is watched over by the Caretaker, an old peaceful creature that is content to maintain the Graves, but stops our heroes, making them prove they're strong enough to reach the black fortress.
Before they leave the Graveyard, Echo find a mysterious Cyan flame that dwells within their lantern.
Upon leaving the Sanctuary, they encounter Fallen, a shambling mass of thorny vines that speaks in riddles and rambles, and claims to know the truth. It flees upon seeing the Cyan flame in Echo's lantern.
Beyond the Graveyard, Echo enters the Frostwood, a dark, labyrinthine forest blanketed in snow. There are tales of mysterious shadows and indescribable creatures lurking within. Here they have two key encounters: the first with another human who carries a knife, who does not tell Echo their name. The other human tells Echo to seek the Scarecrow if they want to make it out of the forest, before disappearing into the trees. Following their advice, Echo soon has their second key encounter: the Scarecrow, a tall, thin, jolly fellow clad in red cloth. He and his brother, the Watcher, help to guide Echo through the forest, eventually reaching the Outskirts Village, a place at the edge of The Mage's kingdom. Within this village, Echo finds a strange Orange flame, that also comes to dwell in their lantern.
Unable to pass the main gate into the Mage's kingdom, Echo enters using the Underground Waterways, subterranean canals used for transport throughout the Mage's Kingdom. As they progress through the Waterways, they are pursued by the Knight Errant, a mysterious warrior clad in battered and mismatched armor, plagued by visions of a war that never happened. Whilst taking shelter in a cave behind a waterfall, they find a deep Blue flame, that as expected enters their lantern. They soon encounter the unnamed human from before, who reveals that they are from "the old world", and are trying to find out the true nature of the Mage's power. They soon leave once again, promising that they'll meet again.
Soon after that, Echo is met by a strange door, beyond which they catch a glimpse of a strange being who feels very familiar, before vanishing. Echo is unable to shake that feeling of familiarity as they continue through the waterways, eventually acquiring a purple flame, before confronting the Knight Errant.
After a deadly chase, they eventually slip out of their foe's grasp, entering into the Engines, a massive maze of metal that lies beneath the Mage's fortress. They are guided through this place by the Alchemist, all while being pursued by a "marvel of modern technology." They once again encounter the other human, who helps them hide from their mechanical pursuer, inadvertently leading them to a green flame. While they hide from their adversary, the other human explains bits of the lore, specifically about how the world became what it is now, and how they were trying to correct the "misguided wrongdoing committed in [their] name".
The two split up once again, and Echo makes their way into the upper engines, where they find a yellow flame, and have their final showdown against the rogue machine. After this encounter, they exit the Engines, finding themself at the very gate of The Black Fortress, fountain of darkness pouring into the umbral sky. Here they'd get the opportunity to explore the town surrounding the fortress a bit, before entering the fortress itself. The door is sealed by six locks, but as they near it, the flames in their lantern activate, breaking the seals and granting them access. They pass through the gardens, where they meet a friendly old gardener, who offers them a rest and some tea. Whether they accept or not, they soon enter the inner keep of the Black Fortress, where they are ambushed by Fallen, who covets the power of their lantern. However, the other human steps in, warding Fallen away with a deep crimson flame. After this encounter, they explain that the state of the world indirectly stemmed from them and Fallen, explaining that the two had once died in a futile attempt to free an imprisoned people, and that their resurrections were what led to the Mage gaining the power that they did.
The human finally reveals their name to be Chara, giving Echo their heart locket, claiming that they'll need it. Finally, Echo confronts the mage. During the course of their battle, it is revealed that the Mage is Frisk, and that they've been trying to save this world from its doom, and that all the denizens have been transformed by the darkness that now dwells in the very fabric of this world. The Mage knows who every denizen of this world is, all save one: Echo. It is revealed that Echo does not truly have a pre-fountain counterpart.
Upon this revelation, the mysterious familiar being from the door appears once again, introducing himself as Gaster, and revealing that he created Echo by gathering the versions of Frisk that were 'lost' when they loaded a save. Gaster could not directly intervene, due to the nature of his own non-existence, but through Echo he could save the world.
To this end he planted a piece of himself within Echo's soul, which is how he is able to manifest here, at the very heart of darkness. Fusing with the flames from Echo's lantern, which are revealed to be the human souls, transformed so that they would escape Mage-Frisk's notice, Gaster thanks Echo, before taking the Mage's power and stepping into the fountain.
The fountain surges, empowered to new heights, and all throughout the world Darkness rises anew, a tide of shadow that subsumes all, plunging the world into a deep slumber. As the darkness rises around the Black Tower, Frisk and Echo converse, and Frisk explains the loneliness that drew them to bring Chara and Asriel back, wanting someone that could truly understand what it was like to have seen and done what they had. They explain the desperation to not lose what they had so painstakingly achieved, that led them to opening the fountain.
The two sit together as the darkness overtakes them, and the world is still.
A human child awakens on a bed of flowers. They stare up at the sky, clouds drifting lazily by. A face pops into view, red eyes framed by brown hair.
"Are you gonna get up, or just lay there like a corpse all day?"
Chara offers their hand, and Frisk takes it, rising to their feet.
Asriel runs up to meet them, complaining about how Chara should've waited for him. Frisk smiles, as the two start down the hill, following after only a moment.
And so they walk into this new world, a lone Echo flower in their hair.
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everyones-fangirl · 23 days
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Delectable Little Pet
Warnings: 18+ This will be about after ascension Astarion so expect some extreme dark romance and future triggers. This chapter does contain descriptions of death.
Word Count: 3,810
Chapter 1
Naivety. It’s a word I grew extremely familiar with, especially after I left home. At home, I was considered unruly, a brat, and much worse. In my village, however, I was practically royalty, being the heiress and daughter of two extremely powerful wood elves. My father was a magnificent protector, a master of the forest and its creatures, while my mother excelled in healing, her touch capable of mending the deepest wounds. With those two traits, our family quickly became the cornerstone of our small community, a haven for refugees seeking shelter from the ravages of war and strife. We built our enclave from the ground up, nestled deep within the ancient forests of Faerûn. Our village was a hidden gem, a sanctuary cradled in the embrace of towering trees and verdant foliage. The canopy above was so dense that sunlight filtered through in a mosaic of green and gold, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor. Our homes were seamlessly integrated into the natural landscape, crafted from living wood that bent and shaped itself to our needs under the guidance of skilled elven artisans. Vines and flowering plants wove through the walls, creating a sense of harmony and unity with the forest.
The heart of the village was a large, open clearing where a majestic oak tree stood, its branches spreading wide to form a natural pavilion. This ancient tree, known as the Heartwood, was a symbol of our community’s strength and resilience. It was here that we gathered for celebrations, council meetings, and communal meals. Around the base of the Heartwood, a series of interconnected platforms and walkways, built into the trees themselves, created a multi-level village that felt like an extension of the forest.
Our village was a place of perpetual twilight, the thick canopy above allowing only the gentlest rays of the sun to reach us. Bioluminescent fungi and magical lanterns provided a soft, ethereal glow at night, bathing the village in a serene, otherworldly light. The air was always fresh, filled with the scent of pine, wildflowers, and the occasional hint of woodsmoke from our hearths. A crystal-clear stream meandered through the village, its waters sparkling as they caught the light. Bridges of woven vines arched gracefully over the stream, connecting different parts of the village. Children often played by its banks, their laughter mingling with the gentle babble of the water. Our homes, though simple, were beautiful and functional. Each dwelling was uniquely designed to blend with the surrounding trees, with balconies and windows that opened to the forest. Inside, they were cozy and warm, filled with handcrafted furniture and adorned with tapestries depicting scenes of elven lore and history.
The training grounds were on the outskirts of the village, a series of clearings where the young warriors practiced under the watchful eyes of seasoned fighters. Nearby, the healing huts stood as a testament to my mother’s prowess, filled with the rich, heady scent of herbs and the gentle hum of restorative magic.
Gardens and orchards were scattered throughout the village, providing fresh produce and herbs. These plots were tended with care, using ancient techniques that ensured the land was never overworked and always remained bountiful. The village’s self-sufficiency was a point of pride, and everyone contributed to its upkeep in some way.
Our sanctuary, while idyllic, was not without its defenses. Hidden watchtowers were strategically placed around the perimeter, and secret paths known only to our people allowed for swift movement through the forest. My father’s bond with the forest animals ensured that we were always aware of any approaching danger. In this tranquil setting, it was easy to forget the outside world’s turmoil. Yet, for me, the village was both a haven and a cage, its serene beauty a constant reminder of the freedom I yearned for but was denied. Word of our sanctuary spread far and wide, drawing elves from distant lands to our secluded spot.
My father, with his uncanny bond with animals, led our defenses, commanding both the beasts of the forest and the brave men who trained from a young age to protect our home. The forest itself seemed to come alive at his command, a living barrier against any who threatened us. Meanwhile, the women, myself included, took on the roles of caregivers and teachers. Domestic duties occupied most of our time, but the most thrilling moments were those spent mending the injured warriors who returned from battle. I especially enjoyed hearing their stories, even as a youngling. Their tales of bravery and danger, of distant lands and fierce battles, filled my imagination with visions of a world beyond our forest. Each scar carried a story, each wound a testament to the harsh realities outside our sanctuary. It was through these stories that I began to understand the true meaning of courage and sacrifice, and yet, it was also through these stories that I learned the extent of my own sheltered ignorance. My world was safe, my life blessed with the privileges of my heritage, but beyond the trees, a far harsher reality awaited—a reality I was yet to fully comprehend.
My parents were no help preparing me for the real world, steadfast in their refusal to let any woman train, especially their very own daughter. They believed that a woman's place was in the home, tending to domestic duties and healing, not out in the wild learning to wield magic or weapons. Their overprotectiveness stifled my spirit, and my mischief around the forest was my way of retaliating for not being allowed to learn how to do more with my magic than heal. Even as a child, my mischief in the village was legendary. The elders would often shake their heads and mutter about my antics, but secretly, I think even they were amused. My favorite pastime was sneaking into the armory, where I would borrow—without permission, of course—my father's weapons. The sight of a small girl attempting to wield a bow twice her size was enough to cause both laughter and mild panic among the guards.
Then there was the time I decided to "improve" the herbal mixtures in the healing hut. I had observed my mother blending potions so often that I was certain I could do it too. The result was a concoction that turned a patient's skin a brilliant shade of green. Luckily, it was a temporary effect, but my mother made sure I spent the next month sorting herbs as penance. I also had a penchant for leading my friends on daring escapades into the deeper parts of the forest. We would play hide and seek among the ancient trees, their branches twisting into natural labyrinths. My companions were often in awe of how I seemed to know the forest as well as my own home. However, our adventures frequently ended with a search party sent out to find us when we failed to return by nightfall. The relief of the adults was always quickly replaced by stern lectures and extra chores.
One of my more infamous pranks involved the village's festival preparations. I convinced a group of younger children that the decorations would look better if we "borrowed" some of the shimmering scales from the forest's sacred dragon statue. The elders were not amused when they found their revered monument looking rather bare, and the ensuing task of reapplying the scales was a tedious one. Despite the trouble I caused, my mischief was never born of malice. I was simply a child seeking adventure and excitement in a world that often seemed too small for my imagination. Each escapade, each prank, was a lesson in disguise, shaping me into the person I would become—restless, curious, and always eager to push the boundaries of what was possible.
My defiance began to crystallize into a plan. I managed to manipulate one of the younger warriors around my age, a boy named Aric, into showing me fighting styles and magic. Aric was a kind soul, eager to share his knowledge and excited by the prospect of a secret training partner. Under the cover of darkness, we would sneak away to hidden glades where the moonlight filtered through the ancient trees, casting ethereal shadows on our training grounds. Aric taught me how to channel my magic into offensive spells, how to hold a sword, and the basics of combat stances. Each lesson was a thrilling defiance of the rules, a secret rebellion against my parents' constraints. However, our clandestine sessions did not go unnoticed forever. One fateful night, we were ambushed by a patrol led by my father himself. The look of betrayal and fury in his eyes is something I will never forget. Aric was immediately dragged away, and despite my pleas and protests, my father decreed that he was to have no further contact with me. My heart broke as I watched Aric disappear into the darkness, his eyes filled with regret and apology.
My father’s punishment was swift and severe. He made sure Aric would never speak to me again, assigning him to a remote outpost on the very edge of our territory. I was confined to the village, my freedoms curtailed even further. The lessons Aric had imparted to me were now my only connection to the world of combat and magic that I so desperately yearned to master. My defiance had been met with harsh consequences, but it only fueled my determination to find a way to break free from the suffocating expectations placed upon me. I spent my days dreaming of escape, my nights planning how to continue my training in secret. Each act of rebellion, each small victory in my clandestine practice, was a step closer to the independence I craved. My parents had tried to shield me from the dangers of the real world, but in doing so, they had only ignited a fire within me—a fire that would one day lead me far beyond the confines of our forest home.
But if only I knew how hot fire burned and how quickly everything could be taken away. If only I had understood the weight of my wishes, the peril of yearning for freedom without comprehending the price. How could I have possibly foreseen that one mistake would cast me into the clutches of a bloodthirsty monster, reducing me to the status of his slave? What surprised me most of all were the dark desires he dug from deep within my subconscious, desires I tried my best to bury and ignore.
The day of my downfall began like any other. I was practicing my secret spells in a secluded part of the forest, a hidden glade I had discovered weeks earlier. It seemed a perfect spot for my training, untouched and silent, surrounded by ancient trees whose leaves whispered secrets in the breeze. But I did not realize that my presence had triggered an ancient trap, a warding spell set to alert the dark creatures lurking in the shadows.
I was deep in concentration, channeling my energy into a swirling orb of light, when a sudden chill ran down my spine. The atmosphere shifted, the once serene glade now thick with a foreboding presence. Before I could react, they were upon me—dark, hulking figures emerging from the shadows. Their eyes glowed like embers, and their snarls echoed through the glade. They moved with unnerving speed, their claws extended and teeth bared, reflecting the dim light in sharp, menacing glints. My heart pounded, but I forced myself to stand firm, summoning the defensive spells Aric had taught me.
The first monster lunged, its claws slashing through the air. I barely managed to conjure a shield of shimmering light in time. The impact sent vibrations up my arms, and the force of the blow pushed me back a step. I retaliated with a burst of flames, the fire erupting from my hands and searing the air between us. The monster recoiled, its fur singed, but another quickly took its place, closing in with terrifying ferocity.
Lightning crackled from my fingertips, striking one of the creatures square in the chest. It howled in pain, but the sound was quickly drowned out by the growls of the others. They surrounded me, a circle of malevolence and fury. I spun around, casting spells in every direction—flames, bolts of energy, gusts of wind—but there were too many. For every monster I struck down, two more seemed to take its place. Their claws raked across my skin, drawing blood and shredding my clothes. Pain shot through me, but I couldn’t afford to falter. I drew upon every ounce of magic within me, forming a vortex of energy that pushed the creatures back momentarily. The air crackled with power, the glade illuminated by the glow of my magic. Yet, their relentless assault continued.
Realizing I was outmatched, I turned to run, my heart hammering in my chest. Branches and low-hanging bushes seemed to conspire against me, tearing at my skin and clothes, slowing my escape. I could hear the creatures behind me, their breath hot on my heels, their snarls filling the air with dread. Panic surged, my steps faltering as I glanced back. That was my mistake. I tripped over a hidden root, the ground rushing up to meet me. Pain exploded through my body as I tumbled down a steep hill, branches and rocks bruising and cutting me. The world became a chaotic blur of green and brown before everything went painfully black. When I came to, dried blood crusted the right side of my forehead and face, and my head throbbed with a relentless ache. I was face down at the bottom of a large drop-off, and it was a miracle I was even alive. Night had fallen, casting the forest in deep shadows, and there was no telling how long I had been unconscious. Slowly, I stumbled to my feet, the world spinning around me as I made my way back up the hill. Every step was a struggle, my limbs heavy and uncooperative. As I reached the top, the first thing that hit my senses was the smell. Smoke mixed with the acrid stench of what I now know was burning flesh, a scent so vile it made me gag. Then I saw it—the sight of a blazing inferno in the middle of the night, flames licking the sky like the fiery fingers of some malevolent deity.
Panic surged through me, and I broke into a run, my legs barely holding me upright. As I neared the village, the oppressive heat of the flames pressed against my skin, stinging my eyes and filling my lungs with smoke. The once serene and harmonious village was now a scene of chaos and destruction. The towering trees that had sheltered us were now engulfed in flames, their branches crackling and collapsing under the intense heat. I fell to my knees as I reached the clearing where my home sat ablaze. The silence was deafening. I briefly wondered why I didn’t hear any screams, why I saw no one running around in frantic desperation. The homes, once seamlessly integrated into the forest, were now little more than skeletal remains, their living wood structures consumed by fire. The bioluminescent fungi and magical lanterns that had once bathed the village in a soft, ethereal glow were now reduced to molten globs, their light extinguished.
Then I saw them—charcoaled bodies lying in the burnt grass, twisted in grotesque shapes. The air was thick with the sickening scent of burning flesh, and my stomach churned. Horror gripped me, cold and unrelenting. I could feel the malevolent magical essence that had assaulted me in the glade, lingering in the air like a toxic miasma. It clung to the ruins of my home, a dark signature of the evil that had visited our sanctuary. I stumbled forward, my legs barely carrying me, as I tried to comprehend the magnitude of the devastation. The Heartwood tree, once the proud symbol of our community, was now a towering inferno, its majestic branches consumed by fire. The gardens and orchards that had provided us with fresh produce were now blackened and barren, their plants reduced to ash.
I crawled through the ashes, my hands and knees blackened with soot, my mind numb with shock. The destruction was total. Every structure, every tree, every piece of the life I had known was reduced to smoldering ruin. I reached for one of the bodies, my fingers trembling, but recoiled at the sight of its blackened, unrecognizable form. The training grounds, once a place of discipline and learning, were now a battlefield of charred remains. The healing huts, filled with the rich, heady scent of herbs and the gentle hum of restorative magic, were now silent, their contents burned beyond recognition. In that moment, the weight of my wishes crashed down upon me. My desire for freedom, my defiance, had led to this. Everything I had ever known and loved was gone, taken from me in the span of a single night. The beautiful, harmonious village that had been my home was now a nightmare of flames and death. And as the reality of my loss settled in, a new fear took root—fear of the unknown future, of the bloodthirsty monster who now awaited me, and of the dark desires he had already begun to unearth within my soul.
There I lay, unrelentingly coughing on the smoke that filled the air around me. Each breath was a battle, the acrid fumes searing my throat and lungs. The heat from the dying fires pressed against my skin, a constant reminder of the devastation surrounding me. I curled in on myself, clutching my knees to my chest, the world reduced to a blur of pain and grief. Tears streamed down my soot-streaked face, cutting clean paths through the grime. I wanted the earth to take me too. I wished for it to open up and swallow me whole, to end this nightmare. The weight of loss pressed down on me, a suffocating shroud of despair. My eyes closed as I prayed to whoever would listen—any deity, any spirit, anyone who could end my suffering. I begged for them to take me instead, to reunite me with my family and friends, to free me from this agony. But the night passed slowly, each minute an eternity. My prayers went unanswered, the silence around me as cold and unfeeling as the ashes beneath me. As the first light of dawn pierced the smoky haze, the reality of my solitude settled in. The village, once a bustling sanctuary, was now a graveyard of charred remains and smoldering ruins. I stirred, my body stiff and aching from the night spent on the ground. As I came to, the morning light revealed the full extent of the devastation. The trees that had once formed a protective canopy over our village were now blackened husks, their branches like skeletal fingers reaching towards the sky. The stream that had meandered through the village, its waters once crystal clear, was now choked with ash and debris.
The silence was overwhelming. No birds sang, no insects buzzed, and the only sound was the faint crackling of the dying fires. I pushed myself to my feet, swaying unsteadily, my legs weak and trembling. My dress, once a symbol of the elegance and grace of my wood elf heritage, was now in tatters. It hung from my frame in ragged strips, torn and dirtied beyond recognition. The delicate leaf patterns, painstakingly embroidered with silver thread, were obscured by soot and grime. The rich, emerald green fabric, which had shimmered like the forest canopy in the sunlight, was now dull and stained with blood and ash. The sleeves were shredded, leaving my arms exposed and covered in cuts and bruises. The bodice, which had once fitted snugly, was ripped at the seams, barely clinging to my shoulders. The skirt, designed to flow gracefully with each step, was now a torn mess, the hemline uneven and frayed. Large gashes revealed glimpses of my scratched and bruised legs, evidence of my desperate flight through the underbrush.
As I moved, the remnants of the dress rustled softly, a sad echo of its former beauty. The once soft and comforting fabric now chafed against my skin, each movement reminding me of the chaos and violence that had led to this moment. It was a far cry from the elegant attire I had worn with pride, now reduced to a pitiable state by the night's horrors. Each step through the village was a journey through a memory turned nightmare. I passed the remnants of homes, their walls crumbled and burnt. The once lush gardens were now barren patches of scorched earth. I stumbled upon the Heartwood tree, its massive trunk split and charred, the symbol of our strength and unity reduced to ruin. My heart ached at the sight, a fresh wave of sorrow crashing over me. I sank to my knees, my fingers digging into the ash-covered ground. The faces of my family and friends, their laughter and warmth, haunted me, now nothing more than ghosts in a destroyed paradise. As the sun climbed higher in the sky, its light harsh and unyielding, I realized the truth. No one was coming to save me. The world outside our village had always been a mystery to me, a place of unknown dangers and uncertainties. Now, it was my only option. I had to leave, to find a way to survive in a world that had already shown me its cruelty. I gathered what little strength I had left, my determination hardening like the cooling embers around me. I would not let my family’s memory fade into nothingness. I would find a way to honor them, to fight against the darkness that had taken them from me. My journey was just beginning, and though the path ahead was shrouded in uncertainty, I knew I could not give up.
With a final, lingering glance at the ruins of my home, I turned and began to walk. The forest, once a place of safety and comfort, was now a daunting wilderness. Each step was heavy with grief, but also with a growing resolve. I would survive. I would find the monster responsible for this, and I would make him pay. My destiny lay beyond the ashes of my past, in the unknown world that awaited me. As I moved forward, the first rays of sunlight broke through the canopy, casting a hopeful glow on the path ahead. Despite the overwhelming loss, a spark of determination ignited within me. This was not the end—it was the beginning of a new chapter. And I would face it with all the strength and resilience my parents had instilled in me.
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