#happy birTHday moon man!!
cacaocheri · 9 months
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i heard it was a certain guy's birthday? (maybe multiple guys?)
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jesperfahxey · 8 months
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SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME (2021) dir. Jon Watts
happy birthday @niccolofares 💋🧡
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tacxx · 5 days
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Happy b'day you sad boi..
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sun-e-chips · 1 year
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Thank you for everything you have brought to this community and for creating the world of Solar Lunacy!
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alexsiple · 2 years
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all i ever wanted was the world!
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visenyaism · 11 months
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alwayscaskett810 · 3 months
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nixotinix · 5 months
Wow it's my birthday!! One year closer to being a tax payer </3 anyways if u love me you'll send me money (/j)
Anyways here's some art for the occasion teehee
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And some close ups!
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ANYWYAS yea it's my birthday ^^ am officially 17 yippee
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Happy late 94th birthday to a legend Buzz Aldrin
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muirneach · 3 months
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nellarw95 · 3 months
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Happy Birthday Reese 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
March 22,1976
Buon Compleanno 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
22 Marzo 1976
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snowy-bones · 1 year
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It is once again the summer solstice! glory to the golden radiance!! happy birthday Sun! 6/21!!
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jacks-wierd-world · 9 days
JFK's 107th birthday🎂
A hail for courage!
A shout out for your competence!
A shout out for your boldness!
Always in memory 🕊️
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meateater-lamb · 9 months
never fucking buy wranglers
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violetlunette · 2 years
Hizashi’s Cancerian traits
So, it’s—hopefully--Hizashi’s birthday when I post this, and I wanted to talk about his zodiac sign. Particularly I wanted to discuss why I feel the Cancer sign is perfect for the DJ Hero. Some may argue that Hizashi fits a Gemini or Leo best, and it’s not hard to believe. On the Gemini side, Hizashi is smart—despite being treated like a joke—and intuitive, is easily bored, versatile, curious, unpredictable, impatient, and, most of all, loves to chatter. On the Leo side, Mic is socially active, kind-hearted, responsible, and, of course, flamboyant. Mic was seemingly born for the stage and he loves it. Again, it's easy to see why Mic could be associated more with the two signs he’s in between than his actual birth one. However, a deeper dive shows that while Mic isn’t the stereotypical Cancer, he’s still a Cancer sign.
I’m going to list common traits associated with Cancers and do my best to showcase how Mic fits them. Usually, I would add images to prove my point, but I’m worried it may kill mobile users.
Anywho, let’s begin!
Cautious: Others may argue, and this is a lot of YMMV, but I don’t think Mic is a very impulsive person most the time. During the fights with villains Mic will usually keep his distance from the enemy. He rarely engages the villains despite having a very powerful quirk. And on the occasions when we see him in action, he usually takes crowd control and works to keep civilians calm and safe. We’ve only seen him act risky once in the series, when Mic was a young teen. In this scene he had tried to charge Grady with the rest of the heroes he was working with. (And that was the last risk we ever see him take, for reasons...)
Protective: One of Mic’s biggest characteristics is that he’s very protective of the ones he loves. We see this mainly in his relationship with Aizawa. Now, we don’t ever get the chance to to see him physically protect Aizawa, as Aizawa doesn’t need that. The man is as strong as heck, despite his whump moments. However, we do get to see Hizashi stand up for Aizawa on many occasions against others. Hell, he's even protective of his students, as seen with Ochako, when he worried Bakagou was going to hurt her. Another chance we see this is when the idea of a traitor is introduced.
Passive: I made an entire post on this, so I won’t go into detail. Summary is that Hizashi’s basically a push over, especially when he knows no one will take his side. EVEN WHEN HE’S RIGHT. But I digress.
Shell: I think we all agree that Hizashi’s hero persona acts as a shield for his emotions and true personality. This makes sense as every time he’s made himself vulnerable, he’s painfully shut down, but more on that later. When people think “shells,” they imagine cold, stoic, and emotionless facades. And while I’m sure some Cancers have shells like that, there are also some who use a “Leo” persona to protect themselves. Present Mic is a performer made to entertain, while Hizashi is someone who works to take care of his friends and make others feel comfortable while he keeps his demons in his head.
Actor: Something that’s rarely, if ever, brought up is that Cancers are great actors. Cancers have a wild imagination and because of their empathic skills can easily slip into any role they want to play with vigor. Hizashi does this with his Present Mic Persona as he’s not as confident as he seems. (Sadly, he may be too good of an actor and it keeps him from getting the help he may need.)
Loyal: I’m throwing the gauntlet down; There is NO ONE more loyal than Hizashi in the whole MHA series (FIGHT ME). It’s takes true love (platonic, otherwise, read as you will) and devotion to stay by someone’s side when they’re suffering and support them. And boy has Hizashi done this. Hizashi has been by Aizawa’s side for over 15 years, offering him moral and emotional support, even when he doesn’t get the same. He is always by Aizawa whenever he can. And whenever someone talks bad about him, Hizashi is the first to defend Aizawa. Even when Hizashi is in the middle of an emotional hell, he speaks up for Aizawa. Oh, and the reason he unleashes hell on the doctor? Because he made Aizawa cry. Then, despite the world literally falling apart around them, he holds on to the crazy doctor because he’s the one chance of fixing Oboro. THAT IS A TRUE FRIEND.
Sensitive: Now, something most people don’t notice is that despite Mic's advice to “diss ‘em with rap,” whenever he is insulted or hurt, Mic takes it personally. Hizashi rarely says anything about it, but he'll usually make a face, showing that he doesn’t appreciate the insult. The most blatant example is when Jiro insulted him during the final exam. (Sometimes Mic will try to laugh it off with a smile, but you can tell when it’s a cover.) Mic is seen to be sensitive to other’s feelings as well, but let’s save that for now.
Hides Emotions: Despite the representation that Cancers are moody crybabies, you'll VERY rarely see any emotion a cancer doesn't want you to see. Most Cancers have been taught early on in life that being too emotional can lead to getting hurt. So, unless you're close to a Cancer--or you really fuck up--you'll never know how they feel. (Which causes trouble for Crabs, but I digress.) In Hizashi's case he never opens up because whenever he opens his shell just a little bit to share his feelings, he's shot down and is forced to clam up again. (Most the time at least.) I spoke more about this in a post about Mic’s grief, if you want more information.
Caregiver: When people think of caregiving, they think of nursing someone back to health, but all in all, it just means caring for others, which Hizashi does in his own Hizashi way. We all know how Hizashi helped Aizawa emotionally for over 15 years after Oboro’s death, despite his own grief. Even before that Hizashi was always there to try and lift Aizawa’s spirit whenever he got down on himself. But Hizashi takes care of others as well—just in smaller ways. With All Might, Hizashi looks out for the older hero by making him feel relaxed and welcome around the other teachers of U.A. He also tries to help by making him talk about things that bother him, such as when All Might was worried for Izuku. Sure, Mic teases All Might, but it’s never malicious. It’s just to loosen him up. (Mic seems to do this with Thirteen as well, whom he treats as a little brother.) There are a few blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moments where he looks out for his students too. The first time we see this is during his first appearance. There, Mic had drawn Tenya’s attention back to him and pulled it away from Izuku, whom Tenya embarrassed in front of everyone. (I know it’s not much, but it's more than anyone else has done for Izuku before this point when bullied.) Then in School Briefs volume 3, Hizashi when to check on the Class 1-A students when a storm knocked the power out. (And got a full-frontal attack from the whole class for it. XD) In the same book, we get to see in Chapter 1 that Hizashi basically keeps an eye on all the U.A. teachers while they’re drinking. He makes sure they’re having fun and are comfortable, even hyping a drunk Ectoplasm up when he wants to do karaoke.
Roots for the underdog: Again, we can see this with his relationship with Aizawa. Aizawa wasn’t popular at school and had to struggle more than anyone in the hero course to get by. Yet despite this Hizashi clearly admired him. This is what made Hizashi like Izuku as his underdog nature and victory made Mic go, “yeah!” It’s also what made him really cheer for Ochako during her fight.
Retentive: He can read Aizawa better than Aizawa (of course, that could come from years of closeness). He’s also able to see through All Might and read his emotions. (Though, in honesty, that’s not hard. All Might wears his heart on his sleeve and his emotions on his face.)
Materialistic: Well, he works hard at three jobs, why shouldn’t he have a nice car or fancy threads? (He seems particularly attached to his sunglasses.)
Petty: YUP. Very much so at times. (Also, as fellow crab—OW.) YMMV, but we see hints of this after Bakagou beats Ochako, a student he likes. He pokes passive-aggressively at Bakagou throughout the tournament, and when they meet one-on-one, he pokes him (literally). Another time is during the final exam after Jiro insults him and Mic has just a little too much fun proving he’s “another league.”
Vengeful: Look at the scenes with him and the doctor who experimented on Oboro’s corpse. You tell me. (Would the the final exams count when he had too much fun showing Jiro he was out of her league?)
Crabby: We only get to see him be like this when agitated but yes he can be. An example is when he and Aizawa are driving to Tartarus after hearing about Kurogiri. Aizawa’s being moody, but is ultimately cowed by Hizashi’s mood in just a few words.
Magnetic: Debatable, but people usually don’t seem to mind having Mic around. Present Mic is also one of the first people others imagine when thinking about heroes. Not to mention Mic’s always called to host events and seems to draw a large crowd. He may not be “respected” but he’s popular and well known.
Sense of humor: He has a very Mic sense of humor which involves playfully poking at others (sometimes literally). Mostly he likes teasing, but he can usually take what he gives.
Blunt: Fun fact about crabs; we won’t tell you shit most the time about our problems, but with other people, we get to the point. Some are more tactful than Hizashi, but we get to the heart of the matter. (It’s out of love. We want to help you. But yes, it’s hypocritical. Some of us are working on it.) Mic is very blunt about things and situations. Because of this he can be seen as insensitive, but it’s his way of getting others to talk about things. We see this with Aizawa and All Might. With the latter, All Might will not ask for help, or talk about his feeling, but the tiniest prompt, and he’ll spill everything. (Seriously, it’s amazing All Might kept his secret as long as he did.) With Aizawa, he’s always there to inform Aizawa he sees through his grumpy exterior and gently pushes him to do things he otherwise wouldn’t do. Like going to help Koichi in Vigilantes.
Adaptability: Blink and you’ll miss it, but while he’ll initially freak out when others and events are crazy, he’ll quickly adapt. He’ll be like, “WHOA! WTF?!” to “Okay, this is happening, okay. Let’s keep roll.”
There’s more but I’ve made my point. Hizashi may act more like a Leo and a Gemini, but he’s a Cancer through and through. (Though I wouldn’t be surprised if Leo and Gemini featured heavily on his chart.)
I really like it when a character matches their sign as I think it adds a bit of depth, especially to side characters. Hizashi is also a unique crab as most Cancers are depicted as crybabies like Izuku and his mother. It a refreshing change of pace, ya know? (Though the Midoriya are good crabs too!)
Anyway, that’s it for Hizashi’s birthday post! I hope you found this interesting and if you have any other insights to share, please do!
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lildoodlenoodle · 2 years
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Steven welcoming Jake to the system
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