#health and hygiene movement
goodwilltemptation · 2 years
Sascha Schneider
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Schneider lived with painter Hellmuth Jahn. Jahn began blackmailing Schneider by threatening to expose his homosexuality, which was punishable under section 175 of the penal code. Schneider fled to Italy, where homosexuality was not criminalized at that time. In Italy, Schneider met painter Robert Spies, with whom he traveled through the Caucasus Mountains.He then went back to Germany, where he lived for six months in Leipzig before returning to Italy, where he resided in Florence. When World War I started, Schneider returned to Germany again, taking up residence in Hellerau (near Leipzig). After 1918, he co-founded an institute called Kraft-Kunst for body building. Some of the models for his art works trained here.
This strange historical interval, more developed in Germany in the early 20th century than anywhere else, goes by the English name of the Health and Hygiene Movement. In part a response to rapid industrialization, urban crowding, and the fear that modern life was weakening the inherent strength and drive of Germany's youth, this reformist movement proposed a bold solution, at once forward and backward looking: it advocated a return to a classical conception of the gymnasium — of training the body as well as the mind through youthful exercise outdoors, preferably in the nude, all in pursuit of a natural health and vitality. Conjoining an idealized youthful beauty, sport, and bold nudity, Freikörperkultur (which literally means free body culture) made paintings, photographs, sculptures, and especially public murals that today look strikingly homoerotic, merely part of the visual landscape of early-20th-century Germany.
Adherents of the movement claimed that only through the confident and shameless exposure of strong, beautiful, male bodies, would young German men throw off the enervating effects of modern life and return to their natural vitality. The emphasis on male nudity had a simple rationale: not only had modern life ostensibly put the German ideal of "manliness" under pressure — a dynamic that would have tragic repercussions with the rise of the Nazis — but since the erotic dimension of female nudity was widely acknowledged, male nudity was paradoxically framed as inherently purer and untainted by eros, as an image of German manhood and its strength and power without any admixture of desire.
Schneider, who emblematized Freikörperkultur in almost every work he ever did, nonetheless came to understand the limits of a social world that accepted homoeroticism but not homosexuals.
Schneider's fortunes as an artist were so intimately bound up with this historical interlude and its inherent contradictions that his career couldn't survive its passing.When he died in 1927 his star was already dimming. By the end of World War II, he was largely forgotten. But through the efforts of one man, the German collector Hans-Gerd Röder, who became fascinated by this unknown figure while still in his 20s and began to seek out every work by Schneider he could find, a tattered reputation in modern art history has been painstakingly restored.
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sayruq · 3 months
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Only a few minutes into Biden’s speech, several protesters interrupted, calling for a cease-fire in Israel’s U.S.-backed military operation in Gaza, which has killed more than 28,000 Palestinians and set off a maternal and reproductive health crisis. The president was interrupted over a dozen times as security struggled to wrangle protesters who were screaming “Genocide Joe!” and demanding a cease-fire. Hundreds of Biden supporters tried to drown out the protesters by clapping and chanting, “Four more years!” “Israel kills two mothers every hour in Gaza! Cease-fire now! End the genocide!” one protester yelled at Biden, who was standing on stage in front of a massive “Restore Roe” banner and flanked by supporters holding “Defend choice” signs. A video of the event shows Alexis McGill Johnson, the president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, clad in her trademark hot-pink pantsuit, standing up and chanting “Four more years!” as security dragged the shouting protester out. It was a real-time illustration of the growing rift in the reproductive rights movement during an election year that will determine the future of reproductive health in the U.S.
Basic prenatal care, such as treating anemia, is nonexistent, causing more women to die during childbirth and more babies born prematurely, many of whom die without access to hospital incubators. Food shortages are leaving pregnant women, new mothers and newborns malnourished. And a lack of menstrual hygiene products has caused an increase in infections in women and girls. “No one is making the connection that there’s a huge repro genocide happening in Gaza that we are funding, and the big repro organizations that are endorsing him are pretending like it’s not happening,” one leader who has met with the Biden administration on abortion issues told HuffPost. Most of the workers who spoke with HuffPost asked to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation from their employers or others in the reproductive rights field.
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pastel-charm-14 · 3 months
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ten habits you should start in 2024 *:・゚✧*:・゚
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daily gratitude practice: take a few moments each day to reflect on the things you're grateful for. whether it's the warmth of the sun on your face or the love of your friends and family, cultivating gratitude can enhance your overall well-being and perspective on life.
morning meditation: start your day with a few minutes of meditation to center yourself and set a positive tone for the day ahead. focus on your breath, let go of any tension or stress, and cultivate a sense of calm and presence.
regular exercise routine: prioritize movement and physical activity in your daily life. whether it's going for a walk, practicing yoga, or hitting the gym, find activities that you enjoy and make them a regular part of your routine to boost your energy levels and improve your health.
healthy eating habits: nourish your body with nutritious foods that fuel your body and mind. focus on incorporating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins into your diet while limiting processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats.
daily hydration: drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and support your overall health. aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, and consider carrying a reusable water bottle with you to help track your intake.
mindful screen time: be mindful of your screen time and its impact on your mental well-being. set boundaries around how much time you spend on devices, and take regular breaks to disconnect and engage in activities that nourish your soul.
prioritize sleep: make sleep a priority by aiming for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. create a relaxing bedtime routine, optimize your sleep environment, and practice good sleep hygiene habits to ensure restful and rejuvenating sleep.
daily movement breaks: incorporate regular movement breaks into your day to break up long periods of sitting and keep your body active. set reminders to stretch, take short walks, or do a quick workout to boost circulation and reduce stiffness.
practice self-care: prioritize self-care activities that nurture your body, mind, and spirit. whether it's journaling, taking a bath, or spending time in nature, make time for activities that recharge your batteries and promote overall well-being.
mindful breathing: practice mindful breathing throughout the day to reduce stress and promote relaxation. take slow, deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth, focusing on the sensation of the breath entering and leaving your body.
incorporating these habits into your daily life can help you cultivate a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling year ahead. start small, be patient with yourself, and celebrate your progress along the way. here's to a year filled with growth, joy, and well-being! ✧.*
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screamingfromuz · 7 months
Hi there! I am reaching out because someone sent me a question about how to help Gazan civilians without accidentally helping Hamas or spreading more hate against Israelis. I honestly feel lost on this myself, but as far as I can tell you are someone who has done real activism in Israel. Do you have suggestions for diaspora Jews who want to help fight for peace?
So a small disclaimer to the Gaza problem. We have 2 main problems with getting aid into Gaza, the first is the limited amount of aid that is allowed in, sending more money cannot make it go in faster. Problem number 2 is that much of the physical aid ends in Hamas's hands or in the black market and there is nothing we can do with that. I have heard recommendations to wait and see who opens a field hospital on the Rafah border crossing, and donate to them. Despite that, here are some charities to help Palestinians both in and out of Gaza.
I will admit, most of my activism is focused on deradicalization on the Israeli side and solidarity work, so I had to ask around for some of those charities. Some of the groups I know of do not currently have an international donation link, so if I get more good ones, I'll make another post.
Medical aid for Palestinians-
Doctors without borders-
Palestinians outside of Gaza and Peace movements:
Palestinian red Crescent- they also work in Gaza, but as the main source for Palestinian ambulances in the WB, I put them here.
mistaclim (Looking the occupation the the eye)- this group is helping to protect Palestinians from the illegal settlers
Keshet- this is a big one. they support Bedouin communities in normal times, and now they are working on getting bomb shelters to the unrecognized villages, and providing a mental health first aid line.
standing together- totally biased, as I am a member of this organization.
Women wage peace- a feminist based solidarity group
Haqel- they represents Palestinians in cases related to land ownership and access. there work is still ongoing even during the war
Center for Jewish non Violence - a diaspora org that also does a lot of work in the South Hebron Hills.
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honeytonedhottie · 4 months
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a gift from me to you for the new year, to help give tips that can help u succeed 🫶🏽 a post filled with resources, and advice to help u guys improve in every aspect 💗 i love and appreciate u all and i hope u find it helpful.
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ physical movement and activity
find something that u like and thats fitted for ur needs. for me, all of the workouts that i do come from youtube. a girlblogger that always has a lot of workouts to try is @4theitgirls-workouts. to motivate urself to move ur body i recommend buying something cute to workout in because it always makes me feel good. i rly like to do pilates, so since i enjoy pilates -> i'll wanna do it more.
so dont be afraid to try different things and see what u enjoy the most and stick with that bcuz u dont wanna be forcing urself to do something that u won't enjoy/that won't give u the results that u want. if working out in general isn't rly ur cup of tea at all, thats totally okay! try going for walks or start running. maybe try out for a sport or start a style of dance. the whole point of this category is to get urself moving bcuz its rly rly good for ur physical and ur mental health, and it'll serve u in the long run. another youtuber i rly recommend for pilates workouts is madeline abeid.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ self improvement youtubers that i love and watch regularly
the wizard liz
sammy ingram
hailey gamba
the freezia
₊˚⊹ ᰔ law of assumption
of course if u wanna learn about and practice the law of assumption then u can learn and apply thru my advice, experiences, ideas and more. neville goddard is like, the guru of manifesting and hes written a bunch of books, here are neville goddard's books online for FREE so that that then u can learn and see it HIS way bcuz the thing with manifesting is u gotta figure out how it works for you cuz its your reality.
if u like subliminals this is my favorite subliminal maker on youtube. their subliminals r amazing and i enjoy them bcuz they dont have music layered onto it (i like subliminals that have soothing sounds like rain or water or anything asmr). last but not least my absolute favorite manifesting coach/teacher on the whole internet, sammy ingram - literally the best manifesting guide. she rly simplifies things and her channel is full of helpful advice, success stories, challenges and her perspective on manifesting is brilliant so i rly recommend her.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ mental health
journalling is honestly the best thing that i have ever done for my mental health, the ROI that i get from it is actually incredible so i highly highly recommend it. if ur someone who doesn't rly like to write a lot, use ur notes app or whatever just get the thoughts out of ur mind and onto a piece of paper/notes. i understand that sometimes when ur mental health isn't doing too well and u dont feel motivated rly to do anything (like u feel lethargic and stuff) forcing urself to do things ISNT always the answer. i rly recommend having alternate routines cuz we ask a lot from ourselves sometimes so some days, ask a little less.
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give urself the break that u deserve. when u feel like crying, CRY. even if its for no reason, the body holds onto pent up emotions so when u cry u gotta CRY. with time you'll find the things that help u feel better. for everyone its different. for me, when my mental health is in a slump what helps me is : 1. doing one thing differently (i'll go for a walk maybe) 2. get ready (take a quick shower, or if i dont even have the motivation to do that i'll do a sink shower) 3. drink a cold cup of water and make myself a meal. dont ever have zero days. always give at least 1% or do at least one thing.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ hygiene
hygiene is so instrumental in mental health cuz like i've said before looking good -> feeling good. i make sure to get ready everyday even if im going nowhere. just bcuz the process of getting ready gives me so much momentum. smelling good gives me so much confidence bcuz im the type of person thats rly rly scared of smelling bad. im a hygiene JUNKY so im always buying soaps and fragrances. when u make self care a daily thing it'll feel so natural. dont neglect ur oral health, invest in quality products that are suited for your needs. be meticulous when it comes to ur hygiene cuz a solid routine is lowkey comforting. i rly recommend korean skincare, indian haircare, african body care, and arabic perfumes and fragrances. some of my favorite hygiene based youtube channels are : SARA BEQELE and anna renns world
₊˚⊹ ᰔ school
TAKE. SCHOOL. SERIOUSLY. the feeling that u get when u get a good score on an assignment or test is unmatched. at the end of the day ur responsible for ur education. it's not hot to be a loser. if ur someone who struggles to stay on top of assignments, write down the assignment as soon as its assigned and at the next possible chance do it. as soon as u get home from school. reward urself for good grades and for ur accomplishments cuz ur AMAZING. study effectively instead of excessively.
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pursue excellence always. find ways to motivate urself throughout the school day (for me, i always try and incorporate girliness into school cuz that motivates me) all my pens and pencils and folders are pink and i get myself ready everyday before school. cuz when i FEEL good -> i perform well. if u ever dont wanna study remind urself that studying>failing. advocate for urself, dont be afraid to ask questions cuz ur responsible for ur grade if u need accommodations or longer time to take a test (even if u dont) always set urself up to have the most time possible and the most resources. the resources that u have USE THEM. the goal of studying isn't to "mostly" know the material its to know for SURE. when u can explain something thoroughly, thats when you can know if you've studied enough.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ organization + planning
of course for the new year and for life in general, organization is rly helpful. manage urself mindfully and intentionally. even if ur a messy person, organizing isn't difficult if u do it in a way thats right for you. for me, notion - is literally the best organizational tool. i have an agenda, calendars, school pages, and so much more.
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with notion i rly organized my life on a whole other level. aside from notion, the notes app on ur phone is rly useful, when it comes to organizing ur day to day life, i think its important bcuz it helps u to maximize ur time. for planning out ur year, if u find it difficult to stay "on task" or achieve the goals that u set for urself, try this : dont see the year as 365 days, instead separate the year into 4 quarters (90 days each) and in each of those quarters choose one aspect to focus on and pour into. make sure to log and track ur progress on those goals. the idea to this is breaking things down. break down big goals -> to more digestible goals so that then its more believable for u. remember, your limitless.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ nutrition
if ur someone who has bad nutrition, or unhealthy eating habits in general and u wanna change that my biggest advice would be to NOT BE EXTREME. bcuz i feel like if u go fully extreme so quickly then the change isn't sustainable. take it slow. start off by introducing a fruit into breakfast and having a vegetable at dinner, then eating fruit with ur breakfast and having fruit as a snack, and eating veggies with lunch and dinner. ik it sounds repetitive and overdone but u need to be consuming ur fruits and veggies. if ur not eating it with ur meals then maybe have it in a smoothie if that works for u. take supplements for things that u dont rly incorporate into ur diet, and the key to a good diet is BALANCE. dont deny urself food that u love. life is WAY to short to be scared to eat the burger that u so desperately want. its okay to eat what ppl might consider "junk food" but everything in BALANCE and moderation. keep the 80/20 principal in ur mind. 80% of what u eat should be good for u and 20% of what u eat should be whatever u crave. DRINK WATER, dont go on extreme diets if ur not an adult and haven't consulted a doctor it does u more harm than good.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ informative
learn every single day. even if ur not in school anymore. a way to help learn and sharpen ur mind every single day is picking up a hobby that can help u do so. for me, the hobby i have is reading, reading keeps my brain sharp, it keeps me entertained, and when i read nonfiction it keeps me informed. so the hobby of reading has a high ROI. whenever u get an idea of any sort, ACT on it. u dont have to wait a billion years before acting on an idea. when u get ideas, its for a reason, ur mind is brilliant and imagine how many ideas that u wasted. thats why i recommend having a creative outlet of some sort. for me, my creative outlet is my blog where i can come and talk with you guys 🫶🏽 but ur creative outlet can be ur notes app or ur journal or ur sketchbook. just a way to get the ideas in ur brain -> onto paper.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ stuff i wish i knew
ur never ever tied down to one version of urself, u can always change ur mind/opinion, u can create a new version of urself whenever the heck u want. remember that u have free will and that ur always in control. bcuz it is your life it revolves around you and it is your responsibility. its not something to mess around with. take responsibility for urself, ur actions, ur reactions etc.
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1% of progress is better than 0%, a little is always better than nothing. ur social anxiety or ur fear of being perceived is HOLDING U BACK. forgive urself for ur mistakes, everything that ur embarrassed of in ur past let it go and LET YOURSELF LIVE. become ur own project, ur own muse and if all else fails (which it won't, you'll be fine and everything will work itself out for u even better than u could've ever imagined) love yourself unconditionally.
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hillbillyoracle · 4 months
So you can't get out of bed...
This is a resource list for all those who are having trouble getting out of bed. Whether that's because of injury, disability, or mental health, this collection of resources should help address some of the common pain points I've experienced over the years. Some will require modification if truly bedbound but my hope is this sparks ideas and gives you a place to start.
A warning: this is a *long* post. I went for thoroughness over brevity so people had options where possible.
This video from Sarah McGlory of Adaptive Cleaning details her system.
It is excellent. I have a similar bin to her first in my room for high pain and low mood days. Prioritize high fiber and high protein shelf stable foods. Make sure electrolytes and water are within easy reach.
If grocery trips are too much, it's worth looking into pick up or delivery. In my experience, the delivery services through stores are better than Instacart and the like. The retailer who must not be named also has a great snack selections that hold up pretty well in transit.
Fruit + veggie pouches, baked chips, and RXBars are some of my favorites to keep on hand.
Clean Space
This video from KC Davis of Struggle Care details her "Five Things Tidying Method".
If you can't tidy your whole space, focus on the walkways. Make sure you have a walkway to your bedroom door, to your front door (or other way to leave your house), to the bathroom, and to the kitchen or where you store food.
Another tip from KC Davis - if you're struggling to get your plates back to the kitchen before they stick or attract bugs, get gallon sized plastic bags and seal the plates inside of them. You can always wash and reuse them once you've delivered it safely to your sink or dishwasher. When you're just surviving, it's just as okay to toss them after.
Bonus: This no-mess method of decluttering from Dana K. White is low energy friendly. You can stop whenever and your space is still better.
This post details my care kit that I use.
If you're unable to shower regularly, I'd add in some baby wipes. Yours probably won't look exactly like mine but I hope it can be a jumping off point. If I could only pick two items, it'd be the disposable toothbrushes and a good facial lotion (since it can also be used on the body). If you can't bare to change your clothes, just change your underwear. This helps prevent health issues down the road.
Arm Workout in Bed: [3 Min] [5 Min] [10 min]
Core Workout in Bed: [3 Min] [5 Min] [10 Min]
Leg Workout in Bed: [3 Min] [5 Min] [10 Min]
Yoga in Bed: [Morning] [Anytime] [Evening]
Stretching: [5 Min] [10 Min]
If you're able to stand + move but not up for leaving your room, then Rick Bhullar's walking workouts are great in a small space.
For a long time, I thought that you could only get exercise by getting dressed in specific clothes and going outside or to a gym. Now I know that there are lots of options for getting a little movement in bed. Even a short 3 min workout a day can help decrease muscle atrophy. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good enough.
Bonus: I also just walk laps around my room/apartment. You don't have to go outside. It can get a little boring sure. But quick 5-10 min walking breaks through out the day add up.
This is ultimately going to be specific to you and your tradition. Even if you are not religious at all taking a moment to think about your bigger picture values is important. Since my core spiritual path is Buddhism, here are some recommendations in that vein. I could not find good links for all of these. I don't necessarily do all of these everyday but I try to do a few.
Three Refuges by Plum Village
The Five Precepts by Access to Insight
The Five Remembrances on Wikipedia
Chanting Om Mani Padme Hum
Chanting Namo'valokiteshvara
Reciting the Heart Sutra
Bonus: A pagan practice I enjoy is reciting the hymns to the planet of the day. Offering water and incense is great but optional. Praying to and thanking ancestors and land spirits is also a great practice.
Alternatives to Social Media
It's easy to get stuck in the black hole of scrolling. It's good to have something enjoyable to pivot to.
Cozy Games
My favorites are Stardew Valley, Wingspan, and Animal Crossing. The first two aren't terribly expensive. A lower cost alternative to Animal Crossing would be Cozy Grove which regularly goes on sale. Sims can be cozy as well - minus any pool shenanigans.
This is an app that allows you to send messages but delivers them on a delay based on how far away you are from someone. It makes it fairly easy to find penpals though, as with anything, it can be hit or miss. I've even convinced a few of my irl friends to try it and write them little letters on there. The delay makes receiving them more special. It's a great way to play letter writing rpgs with friends. I'm currently using it to play Grandpa's Farm with my partner.
750 Words
Ever wished you could do morning pages digitally? That's what 750 words started out as being but you can ultimately use it however you want. Some people use it to hit word counts on their writing projects. I'm a fan of using it to brain dump and then micro journal. It does cost a small fee after 30 days but it's by far been worth it to me.
Getting outside - even if it's just for 5 minutes - once a day is a great goal. But if you can't, take a break and watch one of these feeder streams for a while. Even just seeing images of the outdoors, is calming. I sometime throw this up on one screen while I'm playing a cozy game or doing some non-screen activities.
Screen Breaks
We all know it's important to take screen breaks - but it's extra important to do it when you're in bed and you're screens are a big part of how you spend your day. Below are some of my favorite ways to take a break. 10 minutes every two hours or 20 minutes every three hours can make a big difference.
Postcrossing or writing letters to friends
Solo RPGs - here are some of mine, here's a D&D example
Free adult coloring pages
Read a Book - reading challenge, get personalized recommendations
Play a solitaire card game - there are so damn many now
Walk around for 5-10 minutes, bonus if it's outside.
One of the big feelings that come up for me when I'm mostly in bed is that I feel like a burden to others. Rather than trying to "be productive" I've found it's much better to try to positively contribute to others even if it's in small ways - sending a text to someone remembering/thanking them for something kind they did for me, ordering a little present for someone I know who's had a rough time, sending a card to someone who has a birthday coming up. The little stuff really helps people.
If you don't have many people in your life like that to help or you'd like to help some strangers too here are some other options.
Sigma Phi Eta
This is a 100% online and free greek service org I'm trying to get off the ground. 3 hours of service to become a pledge which count towards the 10 needed to become a member. 10 hours each year to stay active. We maintain an updated list of online/distanced volunteer opportunities as we find them. We have service awards for those who want to go above and beyond. Plus once you're a member you can wear our letters.
We're small right now but if you want a group of people to talk service and grow with - come join us!
Letters Against Isolation
LAI is probably my favorite charity I volunteer for. Volunteers write cards and letters to people in nursing homes, assisted living, and those connected to senior centers through Meals on Wheels and other programs. They're always adding new facilities so the need is always growing. They have facilities in multiple countries they write to and could use people who speak another language especially.
Warm Up America
Mostly for crocheters and knitters - this org accepts donations of all kinds of patterns and distributes them to smaller projects and charities who otherwise wouldn't be able to access these kind of goods at scale. I've made a few things for them - simple hats - and greatly enjoyed the process. Great use for your cheaper acrylic yarns.
7 Cups
I've had a mixed experience with 7 Cups. I really have enjoyed my experiences chatting with people on there but it can be really hit or miss as to whether I feel like I've helped people. There's also the usual people who try to use any chat service for sex. That aside, I still think their training is pretty good and it can feel meaningful when you're able to connect with someone who's not doing so hot.
Have you cleaned yourself + changed clothes? [ ]
Have you tended to your spirituality? [ ]
Have you fed yourself? [ ] [ ] [ ]
Have you tended to your space? [ ]
Have you gotten some movement in? [ ]
Have you taken a social media break? [ ] [ ] [ ]
Have you taken a screen break? [ ] [ ] [ ]
Have you volunteered or done something nice for another person? [ ]
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aidenlydia · 4 months
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Please donate to UNRWA!!
“In the days following the ICJ's decision, the US, Canada, UK, and at least 7 other countries have cut over $662 million in annual funding to UNRWA. The cuts to UNRWA's funding, which constitute the overwhelming majority of its current budget, are an impending catastrophe for more than 6 million Palestinians residing in 60 refugee camps in Occupied Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria.
UNRWA, or the United Nations Relief and Work Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East, was created in 1949 as a response to the 'Nakba' or catastrophe of 1948, to provide relief and support human development for Palestinian refugees exiled in 1948 and later years, along with their descendants.
The decision to defund UNRWA a day after the ICJ's decision to grant the majority of provisional measures requested by South Africa is not coincidental. Imperialist powers are seeking to offset the international developments around the ICJ ruling, and prevent aid from entering Palestine.”
- Palestinian Youth Movement
Want to do more for Palestine? Here are other resources and funds:
e-sims | pious projects - feminine hygiene kits | palestine children relief fund | world food programme | bds boycott list | insta accounts to follow | other resources
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khaire-traveler · 2 months
🩺 Subtle Asklepios Worship⚕️
Take your medications, if any; take medications if you need to (headaches, stomaches, etc.)
Try herbal teas as remedies for MINOR health issues (nausea, stomaches, etc.)
Try to visit the doctor when needed and if able
Take care of your physical health
Exercise; get some movement throughout your day, even just stretching
Have a candle that reminds you of him (no altar needed)
Keep a picture of him in your wallet
Wear jewelry that reminds you of him
Have a stuffed animal snake or horse (potentially a rooster; doesn't seem to be a confirmed sacred animal; horse is due to Chiron)
Have symbols of his medical staff (a single snake wrapped around a stick), centaurs, stars (specifically his constellation Ophiochus), or healing (anything you associate with it) around
Take regular breaks from screens
Take a walk/hike outside, especially under the sun when you can get some Vitamin D
Try to eat healthy if you can; eat fruits and veggies, drink milk or calcium-rich drinks, eat fish or protein-rich meats, etc.
Drink herbal teas or natural juices
Try to take care of your hygiene; take regular showers, brush your teeth, wash your hands, use moisturizer, etc.
Eat three meals a day
Try to work on maintaining a regular sleep schedule
Engage in relaxing or calming activities before bed or when you're stressed
Have a morning and night self-care routine
Be gentle with yourself, especially when you're having a difficult time
Practice mindfulness; try meditation if you can
Keep your space clean; make it comfortable and physically safe for yourself
Remind yourself that healing, especially mentally, is rarely a linear path
Look into healthy coping skills for any anxiety, depression, trauma, etc. - anything that can improve your mental/emotional well-being
Prioritize your own well-being
Practice compassion, especially toward yourself
Spend time with loved ones and pets
Try to feed your pet healthy foods; make sure to keep any pets healthy (measure their food intake, give them regular exercise, groom them regularly, etc.)
Support others who are going through a difficult time IF YOU CAN; sometimes we're not well enough to help, and that's ok!!!
Keep a self-care/self-love journal
Take a self-care bath/shower, especially with herbs
Try eating healthy snacks, such as nuts, seeds, berries, or granola
Learn about healthcare, anatomy, or any medical conditions you or loved ones have
Learn your rights when it comes to healthcare as well as your options; educate yourself on HIPPA (if in US)
Support healthcare, humanitarian, or homeless shelter organizations
Cook a meal for someone in need
Cook a meal for a loved one or pet
Donate clothes, food, hygiene kits to homeless shelters; donate warm clothes in the winter
Sit outside, especially in sunlight, for a while; meditate if you're able or do something relaxing, such as playing an instrument or drawing
Feed neighborhood cats, dogs, birds, etc.
Grow your own herbs or produce
This is my list of discreet ways to worship Asklepios! I hope it helps someone out. I may add more later on. Take care! 💚
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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opencommunion · 3 months
Palestinian Ministry of Health, 22 Feb 24, via RNN:
"Israeli occupation forces withdraw from the Nasser Medical Complex and position themselves in its surroundings, besieging it.
Israeli occupation forces are preventing movement to and from the Nasser Medical Complex.
Staff and patients of the Nasser Medical Complex are without drinking water or for personal hygiene, without food, without electricity, without oxygen, and without therapeutic essentials.
Medical teams were able to bury 13 martyrs inside the Nasser Medical Complex, patients who were martyred as a result of the generators and oxygen stopping.
Sewage water floods all the ground sections in the Nasser Medical Complex.
The occupation still prevents the repair of water tanks, the sewage network, and the operation of the electric generator in the Nasser Medical Complex.
Israeli occupation forces continue to besiege Al-Amal Hospital in Khan Younis and target it repeatedly.
Israeli occupation forces endanger the lives of staff and patients in Al-Amal Hospital due to the lack of water, food, oxygen, and treatment.”
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♡𖠣 patchwork♡𖠣 II childe x fem!reader II mutual pining, childhood friends to lovers, cheery epilouge
Childe needs to see you before he meets his end; a precipice he is very near to by the time you find him miles from your home, crawling through the snow. To his confusion, you've taken him in and dedicated yourself to nursing him back to health. Little did you both know, your love for one another ran deep enough to heal all wounds.
content warnings: Childe is badly injured so there are descriptions of blood, broken ribs, aches and pains. Descriptions of applying medical stitches to close open wounds. Nothing too descriptive. I am not a doctor so do not try this at home. Mutually possessive themes. A suggestive comment in the epilouge. Let me know if I should add anything else!
Also, happy Thanksgiving everyone :) I am so grateful to each and every person who finds my work and enjoys it; these past six months of my blog being up and running has been so fulfilling and magical. I'm so lucky to have this community ♡ I'm sending all my love to you today ♡
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Childe puckered his split, dry lips and let out a weak breath---no power behind the gust at all. The hot steam that rose from the spoon you held to his lips mocked him; such a small opponent, unshaken and uncooled by his efforts.
You sighed; he wasn’t healing as fast as he should be...meaning, he most likely was ignoring your instructions and not adhering to his strict bed rest.
You were straddling him where he lied on the bed in your guest room, propped up by a mountain of pillows---including the ones from your own bed and the throw pillows from your couch; a desperate attempt to make him as comfortable as possible, which was a feat not easily achieved given his broken state. If you’d sat at his side, he wouldn’t be able to face you, since his cracked ribs made any movement excruciating. Even so, he refused to stay put, risking his health every time he got up in the middle of the night to use the shower or the bathroom. You told him you should be assisting him any time he had to exert himself, but he vehemently refused your help with his hygiene---it was simply humiliating that a grown man like him would need help washing himself, especially your help. “Save me my pride.”, he begged, the grim and embarrassed look on his face making you cave. You agreed to his demands as long as he’d let you walk him to and from the amenities, that way he wouldn't risk falling on his way and injuring himself further. But he’d still disobey and take himself there while you weren’t looking. You took to smelling his hair every time you came to check on him, smoothing it back and lifting your nose to his forehead to check if he showered without you getting him there safely. He always smelled clean, bringing that frustrated frown he loathed to be the cause of to your pretty face.
“You’ll kill yourself.”, you’d warn, “And I’ll have to bury you in the backyard.”.
He didn’t understand why you cared so much—why you, literally, dragged him back to your house after finding him beaten and bloody only a couple miles from your cabin, having crawled from a camp in a Snezhnayan forest he had been instructed to collect a debt from the residents of. They'd expected his visit and prepared an ambush of twenty. Normally, he could win a battle such as this with ease, but his exhuastion from the continuous missions he was assigned by the Fatui without breaks became too much for him. Thank Celestia you found him when you did, having fortunately been scavenging for snow berries in the very same forest.
He had been hauling himself in the direction of your cabin, trying to get as far as he could so that he might deliver you the letter he’d been saving in the breast pocket of his daily coat for years. One he’d carried with him always to ensure that, in the event he met his end, that his final confession would reach you.
A letter he’d been too cowardly to send to you in life—his one and only friend, the girl he grew up with in grade school, who he’d chosen to play make believe in the snow and ice-skate with, rather than hunting and roughhousing with the other boys in his class. It wasn’t that those boyish activities didn’t interest him, it was that his interest in you outweighed those hobbies by tons. You were everything, still were.
That’s why it was so mortifying that you had to nurse him back to health; shouldering the consequences of his deadly line of work.
Not only did he almost lose his life to his opponents, but for you to find him at his weakest made the shame burn all the worse.
You leaned over to where you brought the spoon a centimeter from his lips, nose nearly brushing his own as you gently blew on the sip of homemade chicken soup inside. He felt your warm breath on his lips, the feeling of you made his pale cheeks turn pink and weak heart sputter in his chest.
If his ribs weren't broken, if they were still in the healthy condition of a cage they once were, he might believe his chest housed a hummingbird; the pace of his heart mimicking the incessant beating of it's wings. The way just being close to you stirred and electrified him, you could bring him back to life with just a kiss.
Your eyes flicked back up to his, urging the spoon to his lips, indicating you wanted him to open them.
He did, his gaze not breaking from yours as he opened his mouth and let you feed him. It was such an intimate moment that you forgot to breathe, catching your breath as you watched him swallow the meal you'd prepared for him and him alone. Though you were both quiet, it felt like the room buzzed lowly around the both of you. He didn't know it, but the way he looked at you with such deep warmth made you shiver.
“You were up last night, weren’t you?”, you finally asked, already knowing the answer.
Indignity marred his face as he averted his eyes to the wooden floor of your house, but his break from your irritated gaze didn’t last long. You took his chin between your thumb and forefinger and redirected his attention back to your face.
“Tell me the truth.”
He had no choice now. You had him pinned.
“…Yes, I got up…sorry.”
Your disappointed face made him flinch—stinging more than your anger or scorn ever could.
You sighed, closing your eyes and moving your hand from his chin to cup his cheek, worried eyes boring into his and squeezing his heart.
“You’re delaying your healing process. Every time you get up without help—“
“I don’t need a walker like a decrepit, old man”, he spat, instant regret pailing him. He hated that he snapped at you, hated that he couldn't control himself. His embarrassment would overwhelm him---like it always did when you looked at him like a wounded animal. He turned his face away from you once again, but you pulled his attention right back.
“Stop it.”, your stern command sat like a rock in his stomach. Though, the heavy feeling dissipated when your gaze turned soft and fretting. “I’m sorry I’m playing 'demanding nurse', but I need you to work with me if you’re ever going to get better. I don’t want these wounds to be permanent; getting up without help will make your bones heal wrong, or open your stitches back up.".
He knew better than to take his eyes off of you at this point, but the guilt in his expression told you all you needed to know. His late night walk last night had come with consequences.
“You didn’t—"
Without warning, you threw the blankets off of him, only to find a bloody, crudely secured bandage over the deep laceration on his abdomen. He'd popped his stitches.
“Childe!”, your shriek made him wince. “Why didn’t you tell me!”.
“I’m sorry…”, he started, but you didn’t hear him. You were already running off to grab the first aid kit from the kitchen.
He was getting really sick and tired of disappointing you. He'd been in this room for weeks, been your constant source of anxiety and labor for weeks, and he wasn't getting any better.
...but you were never frustrated. Sure, he'd annoy you with his pride, but no amount of effort put into caring for him would ever be a waste, not to you, at least. He'd pop his stitches or worsen a crack in his ribs with a fall or sharp movement, you'd scold him, but no matter how many times it happened, you'd always redo them, always hold ice packs or heating pads over his aches; carefully, gently.
He watched your beautiful, soft hands work while they drew the needle and thread through him---and he wouldn't flinch. It didn't even hurt. It couldn't, when it was a mesmerizing sight; the way you left what would be permanent scars along his body---covering the old ones left by his enemy. Scars that were not made to wound, but to heal. Any mark you left upon him was gratefully accepted, knowing that he'd now carry evidence of you and your care with him at all times, all the way up until his last day in this world.
Like clockwork, the process was quick and painless. The first time you'd sewn him up, you had no clue what you were doing; fumbling and sobbing as you desperately tried to save his life. Tears clouded your view and your shaking hands couldn't safely find purchase on his abdomen. But Childe steadied you, held you close and whispered reassurances and apologies to you while talking you through every step. Now, he was like your personal patchwork doll. You'd sewn him up every time he went and hurt himself again, each stitch made with love and care.
When you were done, you wiped the area with a warm, firewater-soaked cloth, then applied an antibacterial ointment. He'd tried to take it from you, insisting he could apply it himself, but you smacked his hands away.
"You're my patient. Just sit back and let me take care of you.", you said it like it was nothing; a plain fact, your job. But it wasn't your job. He couldn't see why you were so compelled to shoulder this work yourself when you could've had him carted off to a Fatui infirmary the day you found him.
"They won't take care of you like I will.", was all you would say.
You knew the Fatui infirmary would prioritize getting their war machine in working order as soon as possible, rather than giving him quality treatment and time to heal. You also knew that, since visitors were not allowed into the Fatui headquarters, he would be all alone. And you wouldn't have that. You'd gotten letters to your residence that the Fatui knew you had their harbinger and were coming to collect him, but you used every one of them as kindling for the hearth in Childe's room. Soldiers had shown up at your front door, demanding entry or that you send their harbinger out to them, but to their surprise, you fought them like a wildcat. It was incredible how fierce you'd gotten over the subject of Childe's care, not allowing anyone but yourself to touch him. Your shouting startled the agents and they backed off as you swung the wooden spoon you'd been holding at them, warning them to get lost.
"He'll be back when he's healed and not a moment sooner!", you'd hollered as they begrudgingly trudged away.
Childe's gaze on you was proud and soft at the memory; you were the only person that had ever fought for him---and fought Fatui agents two times your size with a wooden spoon, too.
At your request, he greedily accepted your touch, closing his eyes as he let himself be blissfully consumed by the feeling of your kind hand smoothing the ointment over his skin.
When you finished, you sat back and examined him for a while. You did this often---like you were saving the image of him somewhere deep within you, like you were scared to forget him, scared to lose him. Your gaze washed him in warmth, his chest aching from the well of love he harbored for you. It made his eyes glitter and his heart ask questions it was desperate to know the answers to.
"...why do you put yourself through this?", the question slipped from his mouth in a whisper before he had the chance to think it through. It had been eating away at him since the day you took him in.
You tilted your head, the curious pout on your lips making him gulp; you were so very cute.
"Through what?", you asked.
"This.", he clarified, lifting his arms as much as he could to gesture to the situation you'd both found yourselves in. "...you know you don't have to.".
"I want to.", you argued. "The Fatui wouldn'---"
He interrupted your statement, "wouldn't take care of me like you would, I know. But that doesn't answer my question.", he looked into your eyes with furrowed eyebrows and painful confusion in his expression. "I know I'm burdening you. So why would you put yourself through this?".
In all honesty, he was terrified of your answer. He feared that asking would make you come to your senses and finally send him away; though he knew you deserved to get his hopeless corpse out of your house.
What he didn't expect was the lips he was so enamored with curving into a smile.
"You said you were mine; so you're mine to take care of. No one else's."
Now this perplexed him. He'd been yours since the day he met you, when your pretty face and gentle demeanor tethered him hopelessly to you from your first shared smile. And that tether coiled itself tighter and tighter around him with every day you spent at each other's side, every time he observed your unending compassion---building huts for creatures of the forest before snow storms would hit, patiently helping him with the school subjects he struggled in, babysitting his siblings with him while his parents were away...but what was so confusing was, he'd never told you. He belonged to you in silence and silence alone, neglecting to inform you of the hold you had on the heart he'd willingly given to you long ago.
He was at a loss for words, your exclamation hitting the nail right on the head. He was yours, but how did you know?
His wide eyes and crimson cheeks only made you chuckle, pulling his letter out of the apron you wore---the letter he'd saved on his person at all times for you in the event of his death.
"Unless this isn't yours?", you asked, cheekily.
His face paled. You must've found it after you'd taken him back to your house to care for him. You'd washed his clothes, including his coat, and emptied the pockets before throwing them in the wash bin---finding his letter for you safely tucked in the pocket that rested above his heart.
You opened the letter and read aloud your favorite passage to him:
"When you find my body, I ask that you carve out my heart and take it with you; it belongs to you, just as my body, my mind and my soul, though I fear the whole of me is too heavy for you to carry. Carry this, so you may have me and not be crushed by my weight. So you may have proof that I, and everything I am, belongs to you."
The rosy, dreamy smile that bloomed on your lips as you cantored his confession to him like gospel brought his deepest wishes and desires to life; you accepted him and his love with your full heart. His voice escaped him as you made his dreams come true with just a smile. Your perfect, perfect smile.
"Childe...", you said with a sweetness in your voice that rivaled any dessert he'd ever tasted.
His name falling from your lips made his heart jump.
"...I love you.", the phrase left your throat like a quiet, ardent cry. I love you. It came from a deep, ancient part of your heart; a space carved out long ago for the boy you spent your childhood with, a space whose walls strain against the fullness of it. You'd stuffed it full of so much care for him, it felt like it was just a pinprick from bursting.
Your words made his own heart whine and scrape at the confines of his chest like a puppy wanting out of its cage so that it may find its beloved owner.
"That's why I take care of you. I love you.". It wasn't an explaination, it was a promise. It was a confession that you were just as tethered to him as he was to you.
Without another word, you scooted closer and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, careful not to lean too much of your body weight on him, but enough to envelop him in your warmth. He felt your heart beating against his, a passionate duet between lovers that had gone too long unsung.
He couldn't hold you in return, his arms aching too much to lift, but he buried his nose in the crook between your shoulder and neck, breathing in your scent as deeply as he could, pressing kisses to the soft space. You loved him. You loved him. He'd believe he was dreaming if the soreness from his wounds wasn't all too real---proof that he was living and breathing in the reality that you wanted him. That you wanted him and he was yours without any hesitation. Now, he was itching to heal, prepared to follow any rules you put in place for him as long as it meant that at the end of the process he could hold you like he wanted to---tight and possessive and finally.
He hungrily kissed his way up the column of your neck, just like he'd done in every daydream he had a moment to indulge in and in the periods of wakefulness he spun in before he fell asleep every night. Every waking thought he could spare was spent in dedication to you you you. He made his way up your jaw, to the sensitive spot behind your ear that made you gasp and shiver; spending a long, devoted moment tending to it eagerly. Then he kissed back down your cheek until he hovered right in front of your lips---pausing there. He looked up into your eyes amorously, pleadingly, silently asking for your permission to press his lips to your own. As if he was unsure if he was worthy or not.
Your loving gaze was enough to give him his answer.
So he shut his eyes and leaned into you as you braced yourself on his shoulders, squeezing them as his cracked lips finally met your own. He ardently devoured you, his desperation overcoming his physical limitations---abandoning his need for physical comfort in lieu of his need to taste you, to lick up every sweet kiss you would give him. He leaned forward as you attempted to pull away, his lips unable to satiate their craving. You relented, laughing lightly as you gently pressed him back down onto the pillows to relieve the sharp pain in his abdomen he sacrificed for a moment more of your lips on his. You indulged him, smoothing your hands up his neck to cup his jaw and hold him as you gave him as much as he wanted---which would never be enough.
No matter how much affection you'd give him, it could never fill the well of longing he'd been digging for you since the day he met you.
He'd yearn for you every moment of every day of his life. In this moment, he made a law for himself to follow: After he heals, he'll take care of himself, treat his exhaustion and avoid lethal injuries, so that he may keep coming back to you with his love in tow---offerings of affection he'd lay at your feet and pray you'd accept. He'd keep his heart beating so it would stay warm for you; so that the day you'd pry it from his chest would remain eras away.
· · ♡ · ·
"Childe, I can hold the spoon.", you demanded, attempting to snatch the spoonful of soup from his hand as he chuckled and evaded your swipes.
Your grumpy, flushed face was too adorable for his heart to take, and the sound of your stuffy voice was too funny.
Oh, how the tables have turned since the day you'd taken him into your home. Once he'd started adhering to your treatment plan wholeheartedly, he healed in record time. Your harbinger had grown stronger and livlier than ever, a feat which he acreditted solely to your kisses and love.
"All I'm saying is, I didn't start healing until you started kissing me.", he had claimed, grinning broadly as he brought you into his arms after being able to stand on his own without pain for the first time since his injury.
He'd moved in not too long after he came back from his first mission since his hiatus, favoring your cozy cabin over any mansion his money could buy. He was grateful to be home with you...but you'd caught a bug while he was away. When you opened your front door with bleary, puffy eyes and the sniffles, he couldn't help but pinch your cheeks and laugh, drawing you in for a kiss. You'd argued and tried to push his face away, shouting that he'd get himself sick, but he only captured your wrists and held them against his chest as he pressed his lips to yours.
"No weak little bug can take down a warrior as strong as me.", he'd arrogantly claimed...
...you hated that he was right.
So he got to steal kisses from you scott free while he nursed you back to health, just as you'd done for him.
And he delivered such sweet payback, playing 'demanding nurse' just like you had.
"C'mon, sweetheart. Open up. Medicine's gotta go down the hatch."
"You're not sleeping alone tonight, love. Gotta keep you warm so your cold doesn't get worse!"
"Maybe you shouldn't shower alone...you might faint. Just let me come with you."
You started to pick up on the fact that maybe not all of his rules and regulations were made solely in your interest.
Now, you were fighting him over whether or not you could feed yourself.
"My arms aren't broken!", you bickered, sniffling and pouting like a stubborn child.
"Ah ah ah! But any physical exertion could delay your progress. You wanna get better, don't you?", he argued, grinning like a fox.
"Then lay back and let me handle you. I gotta take care of what's mine, right?".
You only quit your grumbling because he looked so proud of himself. So cheerful that he got to make you feel better and call you his, just like you'd done for him.
He planted a kiss to your hot forehead, tutting as he pulled away.
"Your fever hasn't gone down yet. Let me get you a cool compress."
With that, he trotted off to the kitchen. You couldn't help but smile at his antics, running about without a break and spending every moment of the day doting on you---all for a little case of the sniffles.
And how could he not? You were his one and only love, and like he said, like he'll repeat any time you need to hear it...
You are his. He is going to take care of you.
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drnikolatesla · 5 months
Nikola Tesla on Human Energy
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In an article written in 1900 titled “The Problem of Increasing Human Energy,” Nikola Tesla shares his ideas aimed at revolutionizing the way energy is generated, transmitted, and utilized, with the ultimate goal of enhancing human well-being and progress.
Tesla starts with his philosophical perspective on human life–what is it, and where is it going? He implies that human life is a movement, and since the existence of movement naturally implies a body which is being moved and a force which is moving it, then wherever there is life, there is a mass moved by a force. Since action and reaction are coexistent (Newton’s third law of motion), then human movement, along with all movement in the universe, is rhythmical. He explains how we are witness to this rhythm in the motion of the stars, the surging and ebbing of the oceans, the changing of seasons, and the infinitely varied phenomena of organic life. Tesla then identifies humanity as a unitary whole, and comes to the conclusion that the same general laws of movement that govern the whole physical universe must be applicable to all living things, including humankind, and we may understand this movement by using mechanical principles. Consequently, Tesla implies we may measure human energy using the formula for kinetic energy, E=MV²/2, which is one of the fundamental physics equations that describes a moving object's energy. E represents energy, M being human mass, and V a hypothetical velocity. Tesla goes on to consider humans analogous to machines and asks how do we increase the energy of this machine positively and decrease the negative forces decelerating it? In answering this question, Tesla suggests:
Promoting marriage
Having more children and raising them to a higher velocity, or enlightenment, than their parents
Attention to health
Improving quality of drinking water
Providing healthful food to those in need
Encouraging a vegetarian diet rather than a carnivorous one
Discouraging artificial food
Moderation of exercise between both mind and body
Discouraging bad habits with alcohol, tobacco, tea, coffee, and other stimulants
Discouraging gambling
Improving hygiene, education, and morals
Reducing ignorance, stupidity, imbecility, religious fanaticism, etc.
Improving the productivity of soil by electrical means
Increasing the workforce
Ending warfare by developing machines (remote controlled robots, drones, etc.) to fight battles leading to fewer human casualties
Encouraging peace by bringing humans in closer contact
Improving methods of manufacturing (i.e., coal, gas, iron, aluminum)
Withdrawing from traditional energy sources and tapping into renewable energy
Tesla shares his invention of a radio controlled boat and its possible use. He also shares his experiments involving burning of nitrogen in the atmosphere, wireless transmission of power, and more. He discusses his vision for harnessing natural forces to help increase the energy needs of humanity. He proposes a global system of wireless power transmission, using the earth as a conductor and waterfalls as a power source. He also explores the possibilities of interplanetary communication and ideas related to tapping into cosmic energy sources and utilizing them for the betterment of humankind.
Tesla finishes his article saying:
"I anticipate that many, unprepared for these results, which, through long familiarity, appear to me simple and obvious, will consider them still far from practical application. Such reserve, and even opposition, of some is as useful a quality and as necessary an element in human progress as the quick receptivity and enthusiasm of others. Thus, a mass which resists the force at first, once set in movement, adds to the energy. The scientific man does not aim at an immediate result. He does not expect that his advanced ideas will be readily taken up. His work is like that of the planter — for the future. His duty is to lay the foundation for those who are to come, and point the way. He lives and labors and hopes with the poet who says:
"Schaff’, das Tagwerk meiner Hände, Hohes Glück, dass ich’s vollende! Lass, o lass mich nicht ermatten! Nein, es sind nicht leere Träume: Jetzt nur Stangen, diese Bäume Geben einst noch Frucht und Schatten."
(Daily work — my hands’ employment, To complete is pure enjoyment! Let, oh, let me never falter! No! there is no empty dreaming: Lo! these trees, but bare poles seeming, Yet will yield both food and shelter!)
*Goethe’s “Hope." Translated by William Gibson, Com. U. S. N.*
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granulesofsand · 8 months
It’s okay if you can’t shower. Doesn’t matter why, it’s alright. Hygiene is great to maintain for health and comfort, but it’s also one of the first things to go when shit happens.
There are lots of times sponge baths don’t work. Mobility, pain, trauma, and so on. Depending on what it is, here’s a few things we’ve done to skirt negative the side effects of not showering:
Acne pads: the nonalcoholic off brand is less than $5 for 70+ little wipes, gets rid of body oil or makeup if you were wearing any (good for decreasing smell and greasy feel, no water required)
Room spray: lasts longer than perfumes on clothes, oil based sprays don’t stain unless dumped on (good for hiding smell, no water)
Spray bottle: ours is for cleaners, but we fill it with water and sometimes add soap (good for oily hair or dirt, ideal for rainy season)
Laundry: cleaning clothes and bedding more often (good for smell and acne from oil)
Swimsuit: refuse to take off clothes, bring clothes into the shower (only helpful for not seeing body)
Rain: stand outside for a few minutes and get wet (good for oily hair, no movement required)
Hand sanitizer: for small areas like wounds or hands that can’t stay as dirty (good for low expectation sterilization)
Wet wipes: infrequent use, same as acne wipes
Showering can be hard. Depending on your needs, there may be creative solutions. Reducing discomfort is usually our priority, but some of these helped for interviews or meetings we needed to pretty up for. Best of luck, whatever is causing you difficulties.
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 month
You know, I feel like in your A Berry Vs Bacteria au Shunsui might actually be one of the captians neither Ichigo nor Unohana will have much trouble with getting on the 'clean team' as I like to call it. Espeically when the guy learns that his bestfriend/boyfriend health will be much better if the Seireitei was way better at hygiene and such.
I could see it. Yeah, they might have to dunk him a few times to get the scent of sake to go away but once he finds out that Jushiro will have an easier time of things with this new clean movement? He's all in.
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newborn rituals
it should be clear by this point that much of my omegaverse anthropology and sociology is concerned with the rituals and practices surrounding packs and families. i have a particular interest in parenting in the omegaverse. while most familial rituals take place in packs, childbirth and newborn rituals tend to exist between pairs first, before expanding to include the pack.
in this post, i will discuss rituals surrounding the birth of a new pup. this post will concern itself primarily with a-o and b-o pairs, and i will note any observations on o-o and a-b pairs where relevant. to use neutral language, i will use the word ‘dam’ to refer to the childbearing omega or beta, and ‘sire’ to refer to the pup’s other parent regardless of dynamic. of course, each birth is unique, but this post will describe the ideal scenario.
end of pregnancy
pregnant people tend to scent mark pack members and soak (the practice of covering oneself in items heavily marked in packmates’ scents) frequently. just before birth, behavior tends to be similar to pre-heat, with strong drives for physical contact, emotional disregulation, and fatigue reported by nearly 87% of dams.
historically, packs would bathe less frequently in the weeks before birth in order to thoroughly mark their dens with pack scent. packs affiliated with return-to-nature movements have resurrected the tradition in the past decade, but most packs tend use unscented hygiene products to keep their scents unadulterated.
a pregnant omega’s partner, regardless of dynamic, becomes more protective through the pregnancy’s duration, and this protective instinct grows exponentially in the weeks and days prior to birth. the drive for physical contact tends to strengthen. bonded pairs tend to spend more time in their nest with the pup’s bedding included as nesting material.
in labor
the pair takes birthing classes provided by local health departments, birthing centers, and community groups. religious communities may also have birth rituals for which classes are necessary; but religious birth classes may not cover the medical aspect as thoroughly.
during early labor, the dam may feel restless and lethargic in waves. the sire and/or pack encourages rest and light, gentle activity to encourage labor progress.
during active labor, the sire focuses on the dam’s comfort. everyone is different, but almost 90% of omegas tend to want the sire present in the room. betas tend to feel less strongly, with a little more than 21% of betas stating that they would want to deliver the pup with support from someone other than the pup’s sire. among those who prefer to have the pup’s sire present, there is an almost even split between those who prefer to have the sire by their side comforting them (52%) and those who prefer to have the sire assisting with the birth and receiving the pup (48%).
immediately after the pup is delivered, they are placed directly on their dam’s chest or abdomen. with multiple births, the pups are arranged to have as much contact with their dam’s skin as possible.
this time is primarily for the dam and pup to connect. eventually, medical staff will need to retrieve the pup to clean them and look them over, and it is not uncommon to see sires—especially alphas—following closely behind the medical staff and performing self-soothing behaviors like growling softly, shifting from foot to foot, and clenching/unclenching their fists. these displays are an effort to vent the instinctive aggression/drive to return the pup to their dam.
some cultural traditions require the sire to carry the pup back to the dam after they have been bathed, and some dictate that for the sire to touch the newborn at this stage is bad luck. others place no importance on the sire handling the newborn at this state and leave it up to personal preference. usually, hospitals will have a record of which the parents prefer.
finally, the pair is given privacy with their pups. in larger hospitals, this usually means moving to a shared recovery room with a number of other new parents and pups. it is not advised for more than three groups to occupy one room, as too large a space tends to make new sires feel unsafe/aggressive, and too small a space leads to territorial aggression.
wealthier individuals and those who opt for birthing centers will be led to a private room or suite, and those who opt for home births will retreat to their nest.
presenting the pup
at this stage, the pup is presented to the sire. at this point, most cultural restrictions on handling the newborn are lifted.
in beta dams, this practice is adopted as a cultural norm rather than instinctive drive, and may simply constitute displaying the pup and having the sire scent mark them to ‘claim’ them.
in omegas, presentation of the pup is an instinctive drive. omegas tend to have less access to verbal language in the hours after birth, and rely on calls and behaviors like huffing, whining, nuzzling, and purring to express their emotional state. when displaying their pup to their mate, omegas tend to exaggeratedly scent mark the pup in request, nosing and nuzzling at the pup’s hair and cheeks until the pup’s sire claims them. this is a display of acceptance.
when the sire does not accept the pup, whether because they do not want the pup or because they are not present to claim them, the dam can experience significant distress. they may present the pup several times in hopes of the sire finally claiming the pup, and may experience depression or anxiety as a result. in cases where the sire is absent, it is recommended that the dam bring another friend, family member, or packmate to claim the pup instead. there are no negative health outcomes associated with a pup being claimed by a packmate rather than their absent biological sire.
in historical cases of adoption, the so-called subservient partner would claim the child first, then present them to the so-called dominant partner (e.g. the omega claims the child, then presents them to the alpha). some individuals and cultures maintain that practice, but typically when a child is adopted, the agency or biological dam presents them to both parents rather than one to another.
at this stage, omegas and their partners tend to nest and rest, and the pup has their first meal.
after dam, sire, and pup have recovered some, the pup is presented to their pack for the first time, and the pack scent marks the pup to welcome them into the family.
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elonomhblog · 17 days
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oral hygiene
perhaps since i am a bit younger than most of the people on this app, or since my nana had owned a kindergarten, i am so aware of the importance of hygiene and health practices. i feel that everyone has put simple things like this on the back burner, since covid, since the internet's takeover.
i remember, when i was younger (2015/16ish) (note: i clearly wasn't in kindergarden at the time, but this is when the memories are from), the halls of my nanas kindergarten were lined with posters that encouraged parents to look after their child's health. current kindergartens, and parents--perhaps due to technology and widespread knowledge-- prioritize other things. it's about time we took responsibility of our own health again.
oral hygiene is the practice of keeping your mouth clean and disease-free. it involves brushing and flossing your teeth as well as visiting your dentist regularly for dental x-rays, exams and cleanings.
brushing your teeth: ✩ use fluoride toothpaste to protect your teeth from decay (cavities). fluoride strengthens the tooth's hard outer surface (enamel). ✩ angle the bristles toward the gumline to clean between the gums and teeth. ✩ brush gently using small, circular motions. avoid scrubbing back and forth too hard. ✩ brush all sides of each tooth, including your tongue. ✩ replace your toothbrush when the bristles become worn.
HOT TIP: if you get bored with, or struggle to remember brushing your teeth, consider swapping to a minter (or other pleasantly flavoured) toothpaste. this will encourage you to continue the habit, since it is more enjoyable.
flossing your teeth: ✩ plaque can build up between teeth, leading to gum irritation and gingivitis. ✩ floss daily to remove plaque from these areas. ✩ if plaque hardens into tartar, only a dentist or dental hygienist can remove it.
replacing your toothbrush: ✩ as you use your toothbrush, the bristles gradually wear down. bent or frayed bristles lose their stiffness and effectiveness in cleaning your teeth. ✩ over time, your toothbrush accumulates bacteria from your mouth. bacterial growth on an old toothbrush can contribute to oral infections and bad breath. ✩ you should replace your toothbrush when you notice that the bristles have become worn, or every 3-4 months to prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria.
storing your toothbrush: ✩ before and after brushing, thoroughly rinse the bristles of your toothbrush under hot tap water. this helps remove toothpaste residue, debris, and any airborne bacteria or dust particles. ✩ after rinsing, tap the handle of your toothbrush against the edge of the sink to shake off excess water. this promotes faster air drying and prevents bacterial growth. ✩ store your toothbrush in a cup or holder. keep the bristles up and the handle down. this allows excess water to drain away from the bristles, preventing bacteria buildup. ✩ place the cup or holder in a well-ventilated area, such as a counter or shelf. avoid storing it in a dark, enclosed space like a drawer or cabinet. allowing your toothbrush to air dry completely helps prevent bacterial growth. ✩ avoid cross-contamination by keeping your toothbrush separate from your housemates, or family members.
electric toothbrushes: ✩ some may choose to use electric toothbrushes, where you only replace the head of the toothbrush. electric toothbrushes use oscillating, rotating, or sonic movements to clean teeth and gums more thoroughly. many models have built-in timers to ensure you brush for the recommended 2 minutes. most electric toothbrushes are rechargeable, reducing waste from disposable batteries. ✩ personally, i prefer to use a regular toothbrush, since i feel it does a better job cleaning my mouth. often electric toothbrushes require you to take longer to brush your teeth.
eating choices: eating choices play a significant role in maintaining good oral health. first and foremost, consuming sugary foods and drinks can lead to increased acid production in the mouth. this acid can erode tooth enamel, making your teeth more susceptible to decay. it's essential to limit your intake of sugary snacks and beverages to protect your oral health.
frequent snacking, especially on sugary and acidic drinks throughout the day can harm your teeth. aim for regular meals rather than constant snacking to give your teeth time to recover between eating episodes.
staying hydration is crucial for overall health, including oral health. dry mouth (which is called xerostomia) can increase the risk of cavities and gum disease. salvia helps neutralize acids and wash away food particles, so drink plenty of water to keep your mouth moist.
remember to maintain a balanced diet, rich in vitamins and minerals. it is essential for healthy teeth and gums. nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, vitamin C, and phosphorus contribute to strong teeth and support gum health. include dairy products, leafy greens, fruits, and lean proteins in your diet.
to conclude: remember that good oral health allows you to enjoy life by speaking clearly, tasting, chewing, and showing your feelings through facial expressions like smiling!
further reading: ✩ What’s the Most Sanitary Way to Store Your Toothbrush? • Brilliant Oral Care✩The Best Way to Store Your Toothbrush & the Mistakes You May be Making | Gentle Dental (interdent.com)✩Whatever You Do, Don't Store Your Toothbrush Here - CNET✩Why Should You Replace Your Toothbrush? And When? – Mouth Watchers✩How Often Should You Change Your Toothbrush? Healthy Etiquette (healthline.com)✩When To Change Your Toothbrush | Colgate®✩Oral Hygiene | National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (nih.gov)✩Oral Hygiene: Best Practices & Instructions for Good Routine (clevelandclinic.org)
i hope this post was helpful!
❤️ nene
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memoriesndew · 3 months
how to get into your wonyoungism era
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🎀 what is wonyoungism?
The trend is named after the South Korean celebrity Jang Wonyoung. wonyoungism promotes a healthy lifestyle, with themes such as skin care, food, and exercise being central to the movement. exercises such as pilates, yoga, and mobility. healthy eating and dieting. mainly taking care of yourself. if you want to incorporate this aesthetic — the colours of this aesthetic is mainly pastel pink and white but you can find it in other colours
💌 how to embrace wonyoungism
🎀 prioritize your physical and mental health — prioritize your physical and mental health by adopting a balanced lifestyle that includes regular exercise, healthy eating habits, adequate sleep, and stress management strategies. make time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation, and don't be afraid to seek help from friends, family, or professionals when necessary. remember that self-care is critical for overall well-being and resilience when confronted with life's obstacles.
🎀 implement routines — having a routine for everything but having a routine in a few places is good to keep you on track and sets you up for days ahead examples of different routines are reset routines, self-care routines, morning routines, night routines, workout routines and skincare routine — examples of a good morning and night routine are below
morning routine
wake up early: set your alarm for the same time every morning, ideally early enough to give yourself plenty of time before beginning your day.
hydrate: begin your day with a glass of water to help your body rehydrate after a night's sleep.
stretch or exercise: to wake up your body and get your blood flowing, perform a short stretching routine or mild exercise.
breakfast: make and eat a healthy breakfast to nourish your body for the day ahead.
personal care: perform personal hygiene duties like showering, brushing your teeth, and getting dressed.
plan your day: spend a few minutes reviewing your schedule and prioritizing tasks for the day. this can help set the tone and keep you focused.
night routine
wind down: an hour or so before bedtime, begin relaxing activities such as reading, listening to soothing music, or practicing mindfulness or meditation.
unplug: reduce screen time and electronic device exposure at least 30 minutes before bedtime to help your brain prepare for sleep.
reflect: take a few minutes to reflect on your day
prepare for tomorrow: lay out your clothes for the next day, and make any other essential preparations to streamline your morning routine.
relaxation techniques: to assist your body and mind relax before sleeping, try deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation.
bedtime routine: set a consistent bedtime
🎀 take care of your skin — taking care of your skin is an important aspect of self-care and general health. here are some simple actions you may include in your skincare routine: research and determine your skin type and which products and habits will work best for you. there's no need for pricey products! In my experience, it's better to start small and not just waste your money on unnecessary skincare products — an example of a minimal skincare routine is below
serum (in my opinion this is optional for me though we all have different skin)
🎀 have an exercise regimen or a means to move your body every day — including daily movement in your routine is essential for sustaining overall health and well-being. just go for something that makes you feel good - I prefer walks and pilates. I advise you not to try and do too much; don't overwhelm yourself. It's better to do something you enjoy so you can keep up with it rather than just stop working out completely because the workout style you choose does not aid your body — so try out different workout styles and choose this can involve
strength training routines
🎀 have a balanced diet — a balanced diet is essential for good health and well-being. consuming a range of nutrient-dense meals such as fruits, vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, and healthy fats supplies your body with the necessary vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. a well-balanced diet aids digestion, boosts energy and improves mood and cognition. overall, eating a well-balanced diet can improve both physical and mental health, resulting in a superior quality of life.
🎀 implement habits that aid your goals into your days — incorporating habits that support your goals into your daily routine is an effective strategy to make progress and achieve success. by incorporating behaviours that directly contribute to your goals into your everyday life, you establish a strong foundation for success and personal growth.
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