#honestly I think she would be really diligent with her work
cissa-calls · 1 month
Countdown to Agatha: Day 779
Y/N: “Do you still have the spellbooks from when you first started learning magic?”
Agatha: “Of course I do! Every notebook, every tome, every annotation.”
Wanda: “Let’s see them then, oh masterful historian to your art of witchcraft?”
Agatha: “You want to see them?”
Wanda: “You can’t just tell but not show, especially after such bragging!”
Agatha: *summons books* “They might be a little worn, well loved is more apt actually-“
Y/N: “Are some of these pages held in with scotch tape and chewing gum?”
Agatha: “What did you expect! They’re from the 17th century!”
Y/N: “No offense, but you would be terrible at art or artifact restoration.”
Wanda: “All the offense! Scrolls from the library of Alexandria have more substance than these!”
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shimzus · 1 year
kiyoko is one of the more blunt characters in haikyuu , evident by the way she refuses second-year tanaka’s proposal , humbles the third years during their shrine visit by informing them that a prayer to the gods won’t grant them a victory at nationals , explains to sugawara that she has no intentions of marrying him when she tries to steady his hands with her own , and constantly rebukes tanaka and nishinoya’s outlandish requests to be spanked/scolded. 
this blunt character is unique , not only as a character trope , but also in cultural context. directness is viewed as a negative attribute in japan since it can be conceived as abrasive and self-centered—— and it’s especially considered a negative trait for women. in a lot of ways , japan is still conservative about femininity , and women’s behavior is certainly not exempt from scrutiny. most women in media and in trends exemplify youthful cute charms ( girlish femininity , innocence , kindness , etc. ). 
it is rarer to see mature and “sexy” styles , especially those that also involve blunt and direct personality types. part of the reason that kiyoko isn’t criticized for being blunt is because she’s attractive and able to suit this style. other haikyuu characters who go against the natural grain like ushijima and tendou don’t have the same sort of social “clout” that a beautiful high school girl does , so their directness is considered a fault. tendou isn’t conventionally attractive and he’s a bit of an otaku nerd ( which isn’t a problem in today’s high schools , but in a private high school 10 years ago could easily have been an isolating factor ) , and ushijima is attractive but a jock-type who doesn’t have the same social fluency as other students ( since he focuses mostly on volleyball and might produce very one-note conversations ). kiyoko may be blunt , but comparatively she doesn’t have anything that ostracizes her from fitting in. she simply chooses not to engage with people at times.
of course , if she weren’t attractive , her bluntness would be considered a fault. it’s simply because she was lucky enough to be beautiful that her direct personality isn’t considered “abrasive.” instead , it lends her character to the onee-san trope ( a mature , no-nonsense , cold woman type ). being beautiful and blunt effectively elevates a woman to some goddess-like level. it may be because onee-san types are somewhat “rarer” to find—— not only is beauty “rare,” but a woman who isn’t the average girly/cutesy type is also “rare.”
however , i think it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that kiyoko isn’t completely cold-blooded and unfeeling. her behavior with the team may make her an onee-san type , but with other characters and other teams , she’s not quite the same. rather than directly refusing others , she adopts a technique of disregard or avoidance. she ignores oikawa who tries to talk to her , rather than confront him—— a person she doesn’t know—— by saying she has no interest in him. she also avoids talking to the players on other teams at the training camp in tokyo who are ushering to try saying hello to her , by instead chatting with the female managers she’s more comfortable with. 
when she does have to interact directly with someone , she’s polite and indirect. terushima stops her in the hallway at the spring interhigh and rather than be blunt or ignore him , she uses the typical japanese style of deflecting ( which is considered more polite ) and explains that she has people waiting for her. in japan , people understand an excuse like this to mean that she’s not interested and to signal that she’d like to break away. 
also , the way that she interacts with yachi and the other female managers completely contradicts the notion that she’s cold and blunt. tanaka and nishinoya even ogle that she’s chatting a lot , smiling , and having lots of “girl talk” with the other managers , which means that she’s not the sort of solitary person who blocks everyone out.
at face value , an outsider would see kiyoko’s behavior of being quiet , enjoying time to herself , and avoiding/ignoring interactions with people she doesn’t know as being very onee-san-esque. it’s easy to label her as an onee-san because of her outwardly expressed behaviors , in conjunction with the fact that she also doesn’t fit neatly into the cutesy girly trope. from my experience , most japanese women are sorted into these two categories ( the third might be somewhere in the middle , like the “girl next door” type , though that tends to lean youthful and girly too ). but this trope is , of course , just a shallow label and doesn’t hold any weight when considering the spectrum of kiyoko’s social styles. it may just be because most people don’t end up talking to her that they view her this way.
in my portrayal i try to emphasize depth in her personality—— her humor , her tendency to take care of others without being asked , and her thoughtfulness that may not fully manifest as words or actions beyond simply her own ideas. i do think that she’s more blunt and direct than most people. i think she’s not afraid to speak her mind , and to do so concisely—— which isn’t common in japan. i think it makes her a unique character when compared with others in the series. however , i don’t think it’s the one and only aspect of her personality , nor do i think it should be emphasized as the encapsulation of her personality. it’s just one element , and clearly one that she disproves by her proclivity for disregard and avoidance , and her ability to have friendly , sensitive , and supportive conversations with other characters.
#headcanon tag tba.#anyways i just think the onee-san trope is really interesting#because from my experience like 90% of the japanese women i meet are all very cutesy girly and feminine#(obviously from a western perspective theyre much more feminine than me or american women)#so i'm often called an onee-san bc i'm not 'cute' .... like i'm very ambitious and focused and my coworkers have said its very 'sexy'#and i think a lot of people think onee-sans are very refreshing because they're not the trendy norm in terms of style or attitude#but like all tropes saying kiyoko is onee-san type is very shallow because she's actually quite normal and she can have warm conversations#she's a normal high school girl it's just that she doesn't really fit in the cutesy trope box that well and her attitude is more...#'i enjoy being alone too' and 'i'm focused and serious about things that matter to me' and 'i don't always care to humor weird requests'#so on the outside that would make her seem like an onee-san type. and for a lot of people that means she's EXTRA beautiful#i dont wanna unpack het mens psychology and why onee-sans are so attractive but honestly#i think kiyoko gets more attention than a cutesy beautiful girl would... even though theyre both beautiful#her personality SOMEHOW makes her more attractive and i can only think its because its not really common here#and it definitely makes women seem untouchable and elevated to be a bit colder and mature-like#one of my coworkers is quite beautiful and serious about her work... and our other coworkers are in awe of here#her*#even though there are other teachers who are equally as attractive but not as diligent; and some who are diligent but not beautiful#it's really interesting jgksj anyways#i do want to explore more... nonblunt kiyoko stuff.... kiyoko with friends being warm
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bby-deerling · 4 months
Hi!!! Can I request Sanji and Kidd (separate) with a S/O who shows love by making things? For ex. She’d make bracelets or drawings as nothing that comes to mind honestly. If something makes her think of them she would whip it up in no time, she’s always had a knack for crafts! anyways your fics make my day, I love reading them sm! Hope you’re healthy!!
awee nonny, this is so cute! i threw in zoro too bc i looooove him or whatever, i hope that's okay!
one piece men & a s/o who makes them things
ft. zoro, sanji, kid || masterlist
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he isn't very vocal when you give him a gift, but most of the time he simply is at a loss for words. zoro isn't the type to think much about gifts that people give him, but something handmade from you holds a special place in his heart, especially if creating art is related to your dream—to him, it shows dedication, a trait he really admires in you.
will wear any bracelets you give him until they inevitably fall apart from excessive wear and tear or getting accidentally sliced off in battle; at first he simply wears whatever you give him, but after a while he'll gruffly ask you to make the next one black and green.
he's terrible at expressing it, but he enjoys the drawings and paintings you make of him that range from full-fledged pieces to silly doodles. at first, you weren't sure if he was even keeping them, until you find a stack of them at the bottom of his drawer, kept neatly out of harm's way.
fawns and coos over every scrap of paper and gift you make for him; he loves to show your accomplishments off and brag to anyone who will listen and can't help but ramble on about how talented his lover is with all things crafty.
will wear any piece of jewelry, even if it makes him look absolutely silly. one time you turned a neat looking shell you found on the beach together into a necklace that was far too clunky and large to look good, but he wore it to death anyways, getting emotional every so often as he recalls the memory.
when you redraw his first wanted poster, creating something that both you and he feels is more accurate to his likeness, he falls to a heap on the ground and cries in happiness. the way you capture him, mixed with the care you put into each stroke of your colored pencils melts him into a puddle of lovestruck goo.
one-upping each other with handmade gifts is a not-so-silent competition between you two. he deeply loves and appreciates all of your gifts, in his own clumsy, brutish way, but he can't help but want to return every present you give him with something better.
though he is resolved to knock your socks off and "win" the never-ending competition between you, he also takes it upon himself to help you take your own projects to the next level, even if it sometimes spoils the surprise for him. he teaches you basic metalworking and wire-wrapping to make your handmade jewelry more professional, and has no problem doing some plundering to get his hands on some rare stones for you to use.
some of his favorite times are spent tinkering in his workshop, with him working on a large-scale mechanical engineering project while you diligently make your crafts alongside him. though most of the time you have to yell over to each other to overpower the hum of machinery, spending time hanging out and chatting with you while you both create something worthwhile means the world to him.
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starzshopoflove · 4 months
Double Trouble (Johnny "Soap" Mactavish x Reader)
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request fill for @bringinsexybackk69  <3 hope you enjoy this little drabble!! Notes: fem reader! sfw, chaotic couple, fluff, civilian reader
Soap: getting a girl
Okay, not unbelievable; he's quite the pretty boy. He’ll usually squawk about some bird for a few weeks, then shut up once he’s done with her. Sometimes he’ll bring them around base for a round at the pub or to a government charity event the squad was forced to attend.
Recently, he has been less rowdy and more active. And by active, I mean rushing home as soon as he’s done with work on base. He’s been saying some nonsense about his family being in town.
He’s been more diligent with his paperwork, gathering up the lot and running himself down to the archivist to drop them off before getting home. Not even stopping with the force to grab a pint at the pub or have dinner.
Of course, he does eventually crack and tell Ghost. The poor boy can't keep his mouth shut for anything. Giggling as he unlocks his phone to scroll through and show ghost pictures of you together, his personal favorite being a screenshot of you holding a burnt pan of something thats supposed to resemble food thats been charred to nothingness with the biggest smile on your face, of course paired with a little text.
‘My man is eatin' good tonight. Bon appetit, baby.😍’
Ghost gave him a weak thumbs up. You were gorgeous; don't get him wrong, but for a civilian to be as strange or erratic as Soap meant some screws were definitely lost, perhaps multiple. Soap finally let himself yap a bit more about you to the squad, explaining that he actually wanted to take you seriously and didn't want to jinx it by bragging about you before he could really be sure.
Soap started bringing you around the base after a few weeks, ready for you to meet his friends—well, more like brothers—and Price as his proxy dad. You concerned Ghost more than annoyed him, and you clicked with Gaz almost as easily as you did Soap. Price didn't get to meet you on the same night Gaz and Ghost did since he was held up in a meeting.
Your first encounter with him wasn't exactly charming.
Price was honestly just trying to get on with his day; he was already pissed off dealing with rookies misbehaving. All he wanted to do was drop off these papers and nurse a nice, good scotch before bed.
He stood in front of Soap’s office door, knocking on it, waiting for some reply. Hearing nothing, he tried again. Still nothing.
'Whatever, he's probably pissing or something, I’ll just drop these and leave’
Sighing heavily, he leans his head against the door, bringing a tired hand to the door knob and briefly shutting his eyes, imagining the drink that will soon be his. Hey, he's actually kind of happy right now. Maybe he’ll wait for Soap and take the boys out for a round; maybe that'll make his day.
A small smile cracks on his face fondly as he twists the doorknob, cracking it open. That same smile drops just as quickly.
Oh, what the fuck?
He’s greeted by the sight of Johnny's desk on fire—no explanation, just the table on fire. No, not the papers on the table on fire, but the actual table on fire. Also, he’s screaming, and so is the lady with him. Wait, who the fuck is she?
Johnny's shouting—actually screaming—how did he not hear this behind the door when he was coming in? Price just stands there, eyebrows wrinkled as he squints his eyes, barely able to process what he's seeing at 11 p.m. with his brain feeling like mush.
Oh great, now she's screaming. His eyes wander over to you in your screaming match, trying to figure out the fire extinguisher. Johnny's trying to fan out the flame while you're struggling to pull the pin.
“YOU MEAN THAT, GUY? HI, Mr. Price."
Johnny whips his head to the open door, where Price stands still verily confused as the lady works a miracle, extinguishing the fire while also covering Johnny in the same foam. Panting, you drop the extinguisher on the floor, slapping your hands on your knees. You turn to look at Price, shooting him the same grin Johnny has had before.
“Lovely to meet you, boss!!” You seem to chirp out happily.
"Pleasures are all mine” is all Price can manage at this point.
It seems like thing one has finally found thing two.
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host-club-hq · 1 year
Indeed: ~y/n's Promotion!~
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➼ pairing: kyoya ootori x reader
➼ summary: A long awaited promotion, indeed...
➼ word count: 7.4k
➼ what to expect: "Compose yourself, y/n, smile y/n."
➼ warnings: teensy bit of angst if you squint
➼ chapter navigation
➼ welcome to season 2 of Indeed! i thought we would start it off with a bang :)
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"Oh... dear God." You gawk at the dress placed in your arms by Hikaru, glancing up at him for reassurance. "You're joking." It's more of a plea than a statement.
"C'mon, surely you knew our theme for today was service staff by now." Hikaru scoffs, shaking his head.
"Honestly, Senpai, you're our manager dating our director... how are you out of the loop?" Kaoru tsks with a sigh.
You crane your neck to glance at your aforementioned boyfriend behind you, your glare worth daggers, "This was your idea?"
Kyoya's eyes merely flit to you for a moment, returning to his laptop quickly, "You know me better than that, y/n. Whose idea do you think it was?"
Another quick turn of your head to Tamaki, the same glare present. He sweats nervously, "Those idiots told me you'd look good in a maid costume! It wasn't my idea!" He defends himself adamantly.
You grumble, "Too bad we can't stick Haruhi in this dress."
"We can after club hours." The twins smirk devilishly.
"Senpai." Haruhi whines.
"Sometimes I forget why I didn't just go to London." You drape your costume over the back of a chair, threading your fingers through your hair with a sigh.
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"Because Kyoya-Senpai begged you to stay, remember?" Hikaru and Kaoru deadpan, appearing by your side once more.
You snort, "Oh, yeah. It was just Kyoya. Mhm." You cross your arms with a cocked brow.
"And I didn't beg. I asked." Kyoya pipes up, not bothering to meet your gazes when the three of you turn to him.
"You're delusional." You snicker, throwing him a knowing glance. He rolls his eyes, returning diligently to his work.
"Enough of your bickering. y/n, our guests are arriving soon- hurry up and put the dress on!" Tamaki whines, pushing you by your shoulders to the backroom.
"I don't understand why I have to wear everything that you wear! Can't I just wear black and white? I'm not even a host." You pout as Tamaki shuts the door behind you. You tear the dress from its packaging and begin stripping down.
"You wouldn't be-"
"-as cute that way, Senpai."
"I beg to differ." You grumble, stumbling as you slide the bodice of the dress up your torso. You, personally, think you'd look just as cute in black and white clothing, but you digress.
"Don't forget the headband!" You hear the door handle jiggle at Hikaru's voice.
"Ah! Don't you dare! Give me ten more seconds." You exclaim in a scolding tone.
"Back away from the door, Hikaru." Kyoya pipes up. Hikaru does as he's told, gulping. You nearly laugh.
"How do I look, Haru-chan?!" Honey tugs insistently at Haruhi's arm, forcing her eyes to fall upon himself and Mori dressed in their servant uniforms.
"You look great, Senpai." She nods with innocent eyes, straightening her own bow tie around her neck at the collar of her crisply white button-up shirt.
"Oh! Daddy's little girl looks so cute!" The telltale sound of Tamaki's fawning reaches your ear as you straighten the straps to your apron.
"Look at you in your tailcoat!" By the sound of Haruhi's groans, it sounds like he's smothering her.
You crack the door open and thrust your hand into open air, wriggling your fingers expectantly, "Where's the headband I must wear?" You groan.
"Come all the way out and get it." Kaoru teases.
"I don't have to wear it, you know-" Suddenly, the headband is placed in your palm and you snicker triumphantly.
"Thank you, boys." You chuckle, shutting the door promptly.
You slide the headband over the crown of your head and allow it to sit just behind your ears, straightening it the best you can and dusting off your apron before stepping out hesitantly.
You grumble, "This feels really demeaning." You pull at the ends of your dress, turning in a circle to get a look at yourself.
"Am I going to carry around a tray and do little poses?" You demonstrate your meaning by popping a leg up and holding a peace sign to your eye.
Your ears catch a light chuckle, twisting your neck to find Kyoya dressed in a black tailcoat tuxedo, straightening his clean, white gloves, shaking his head at you.
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"Well, don't you look fancy." You snicker as he moves a gloved hands to his glasses to adjust them on his nose.
"That is the intention, yes." With a somewhat knowing smile, Kyoya peers down at you in your own costume.
"Alright, men!" Tamaki claps his hands to gain each host's attention, and he does so effectively.
"And women." He adds secondly, continuing on with a coy smile, "Our guests will be arriving soon. Now, it is important that we all play well into our roles as servants for our ladies today. Today, we not only charm our guests, but we will wait upon them as well!"
"Now you get to experience what I do everyday." You nudge Kyoya in the ribs, earning a scoff from him. "I doubt it'll be difficult," he replies with a coy expression.
"I never said it was difficult. But remember, I never said you'd like it, either." You tease mischievously, offering him a soft pat to his shoulder as you waltz off to take your position for opening.
And as the first guest of many arrives, the club is there to welcome them warmly in perfect poise, hands folded diligently with deep bows.
"Welcome." The usual chorus of voices reaches the ears of the first guest as they enter, earning a second chorus comprised of gasps and soft exclamations of awe.
You bow traditionally, "Welcome, ladies. May I ask who you would prefer to serve you this afternoon?" In your one hand, a notepad, and in the other, a pen, as you await their reply.
The guests snicker to themselves, flattered by your sudden attention. One of them speaks up. "Hikaru and Kaoru, please."
You smile and gesture with an open hand for the girls to follow you, "Very good, right this way, please." You bring them to their seats as if you were a hostess. That very word causes your heart to flutter excitedly, but it quickly dies down as you focus on your duties that are simply those of a maid.
You continue to seat guests at the respective tables for each host.
The more and more guests you escort to Kyoya's area, the more you become confused. Your romantic relationship is more than common knowledge ever since the twins couldn't keep their mouths shut about the whole stunt Kyoya pulled on the last day of the Ouran fair. You assumed more guests would be devastated by this knowledge, avoiding Kyoya as a host, but it seems his numbers are skyrocketing.
"Kyoya, tell us how you saved y/n again! It's so romantic!"
Kyoya nearly loses his composure at the sudden inquiries flying his way, slotting a hand behind his neck awkwardly, "Well, I hardly think you'd want to hear about that. I'd much rather talk about you."
"But Hikaru says you fell off the bridge! And you confessed your love to y/n all at the same time!"
You can't help the own rosy tint that falls over the apples of your cheeks at the notion that the guests know all about your private affairs. Well, not so private...
"That is true, yes..." At Kyoya's confession, the guests crowding him squeal, faint, and shake each other incessantly.
Both you and Kyoya had discussed the possible repercussions of being together publicly, and he mentioned that he wouldn't particularly mind if his guests seemed to dwindle off into smaller numbers. But currently, you're looking at an insane influx of patrons surrounding him.
"Did you really dance in the water? Did you kiss her?"
"Oh, I wish someone would do that for me!"
"I can't believe she was going to leave!"
You make a mental note to bash Hikaru's head in when you get the chance, a more cherry tint spreading across your cheeks and inching toward your ears.
"Welcome, ladies! Can I get you some tea?" Honey approaches his table with a tray full of steaming teacups, one for each customer. "Oh! You know what would go great with this tea? Some cake!" he says, brimming with excitement. Mori appears at his side with one arm folded behind his back, the other gracefully carrying a tray of cake slices at Honey's suggestion.
"Thanks, Honey!" A guest says, graciously accepting his offering. "Won't you stay and enjoy it with us?" she requests curiously.
"Well... okay! But only for a little bit, because then I have to go back to waiting on you pretty ladies!" Honey leaps onto the sofa beside his guests and promptly munches on a slice of cake offered to him by the guest adjacent to him.
Tamaki glances over his shoulder, excusing himself from his guests for a moment, throwing in an excuse — something along the lines of bringing them more refreshments.
"Hikaru, Kaoru!" He hisses in a whisper, snapping his fingers briefly. The twins slide into view at his beck and call, saluting their leader and mimicking his tone, "Yes, sir!"
"Gather the others and meet me in the back room! Make sure y/n doesn't see any of you." Tamaki implores, shooing them away.
"On it!" they eagerly reply, bolting off to grab the first host in sight. Hikaru and Kaoru sweep up Honey first, who hums in question as they scoop him up effortlessly. Mori follows soundlessly after that, head barely tilted curiously.
"Thank you, ladies, I- hey! What are you doing?!" Haruhi stammers, suddenly feeling Hikaru and Kaoru's arms looped under her own, dragging her on her heels away from her guests. The girls seated in Haruhi's area blink disorientedly as she's whisked away.
Just as the twins are even thinking about taking Kyoya with them by force, he raises a definitive gloved hand, "No need, I'm coming."
They comply immediately, nodding shortly and making their way to Tamaki's designated meeting place.
And suddenly, when you glance around aimlessly for a host... there are none in sight. In fact... they're all gone. Guests slowly get up from their seats across the room, making their way over to you with curious expressions.
"y/n? Where did Tamaki go?"
"Yeah, and Hikaru and Kaoru are missing!"
Your eyes grow wide as you stand speechless in the middle of a sea of guests, all tilting their heads in your direction with questioning eyes.
"Uh..." You murmur, unsure yourself as to where you boys have wandered off to... all... at the same time...
Meanwhile, in another room, Tamaki throws his arms around Hikaru and Kaoru's shoulders on either side of him, forming a makeshift huddle as Mori and Kyoya remain standing upright, all the while participating in the discussion.
"Alright men, we need to think about this carefully," Tamaki begins.
"What exactly are we doing?" Haruhi glances to each host for an explanation, completely and hopelessly lost.
"Discussing the operation, of course." Kyoya vaguely mumbles.
"What operation? What's going on?" Haruhi looks to someone else for a clearer explanation.
"When we go back out there, we give y/n a run for her money! This operation is improv style- come up with whatever ridiculous request you can, and make sure she does it!" Tamaki whispers harshly, earning nods from his fellow hosts, who seem to be following along diligently.
Haruhi tilts her head, "Huh?"
"Yes, sir!"
"Alright, 'Operation: y/n's Host Trial' is a go!"
~y/n's Promotion!~
"Wait, what? We're making y/n-Senpai a host?" Haruhi asks with wide, incredulous eyes. Glancing to Kyoya's side profile, he gives nothing in return but a small, slowly forming smirk tugging at his lips.
"Hikaru, Kaoru: You know your jobs?" Tamaki inquires, pointing to the twins with a determined finger.
Kaoru shrugs, "Make y/n-Senpai-"
"-as busy as possible. We got it." Hikaru finishes, mirroring his brother's shrug.
Haruhi nearly pales, grimacing. When the twins are making someone busy, they're usually not doing it in a way that's particularly... tolerable.
"Are we sure that's a good idea?" Haruhi tries carefully, but no one seems to be listening. And if they are, they're intentionally ignoring her... which is definitely the case — Kyoya sees, hears, and knows all.
"Honey-Senpai?" Tamaki turns to Honey next, who salutes him immediately.
"Make y/n-chan take care of all of my problems!" He beams, contradicting his words.
"Kyoya, you are to-"
"Make sure y/n stays on task and doesn't get distracted." Kyoya adjusts his glasses, interjecting.
"By any means possible! Make y/n work!" Tamaki declares to the general group.
"By any means possible!" The hosts chorus back to him, save for Mori and Haruhi. They glance to each other apprehensively, exchanging concerned expressions.
"Mori-Senpai, I want you to keep a lookout for anything going wrong. Bring it to my attention immediately." Tamaki orders authoritatively.
Mori hums, but he doesn't necessarily agree... something seems off about this whole operation, and only he and Haruhi seem to be the ones who are not completely agreeing with everything Tamaki is saying.
"And Haruhi-" Tamaki begins optimistically.
"Look, Senpai, I don't know if I'm okay with working y/n-Senpai to the bone... she already does enough. Besides, hasn't she proved herself worthy to be a host already?" Haruhi implores, her expression quizzical.
"Nonsense! y/n has never actually hosted before. We need to see if she's up to the task!" Tamaki exclaims with an aura of dedication.
"... and to do that is to give her even more menial tasks than she already has?" Haruhi's shoulders slouch over in defeat when she realizes that Tamaki has absolutely no logic behind these trials... and the other hosts seem to be going along blindly. Which is... worrying.
"Senpai, I thought you were smarter than this." Haruhi grumbles, glancing up at Kyoya with an disgusted expression.
"I don't know what you mean by that. Besides, I don't see the harm in testing her a bit." Kyoya shrugs, not sparing her a glance.
"You realize that giving her hostly duties would be the way to do this? Not more errand girl duties? I don't even know why she still does those in the first place... she's our manager." Haruhi rubs her chin between her fingers in thought.
"She used to have a debt, remember? I just assume it's second nature to her by now to do all of those things." Kyoya proposes.
Haruhi hums thoughtfully, barely paying Kyoya any mind now.
As the two think out loud, chaos has been orchestrating among the trio of idiots with the addition of Honey.
"You all have your jobs, now get out there! We've been gone for way too long!" Tamaki ushers the twins out the door, followed by the rest of the hosts, and only two of them are starting to already rethink this horrible operation.
"There you guys are. What on earth were you thinking, all disappearing at once like that?" You huff, hands angrily on your hips as you approach them.
"Just discussing host things!" Tamaki assures, which doesn't make you feel any better in the slightest.
You raise a brow, irked. Rolling your eyes, you wave them off, "Whatever." You grumble.
Tamaki and Honey make discreet eye contact, and Tamaki nods subtly.
"Wah~! y/n-chan!" Honey wails, immediately gaining your attention.
"Senpai, what's wrong?" You appear to his table in the blink of an eye, brows furrowed in concern as his tearful eyes look up at you.
"I'm out of chocolate cake! Can you please get some more?" He hiccups, his hands drawn to his chest as he sniffles.
Your eyes fall on a perfectly full tier of strawberry and white cake, glancing back at Honey with an unsure expression, "But Honey-Senpai, you have plenty of cake right here-"
"But I want chocolate cake!!" He insists with a whine you rarely hear from him, especially in such an insignificant situation.
His guests chuckle nervously, offering you confused glances, and you return them with an apologetic smile.
"Alright, alright... I'll be right back."
You turn to head to the storage room, stealing a slight glance back at Honey as you go. It's common for Honey to act childish, that's his whole gimmick... but you rarely see him throw a tantrum like a true toddler. Maybe you shouldn't have given in, like a responsible mother wouldn't have. Well, a responsible mother wouldn't allow her child to eat as much cake as Honey does anyway, so that idea is long out the window by now.
Upon reaching the cabinets that store treats and sweets, you find that the host club is completely out of chocolate cake — not one slice to be seen.
You tilt your head. "Odd..." you say to yourself, quietly. You swear you'd seen an abundance of it just days before... Honey couldn't have possibly gone through that much chocolate cake in a few days... could he? Maybe you just need to stay more on top of things. No matter: you mark acquiring more chocolate cake on your mental to-do list and suppose that the academy's refectory will have to do.
You return to Honey, who looks hopeful at your arrival. You sigh, "I've got to run down to the refectory, our cupboards are barren of chocolate cake... I'll be right back."
Honey's eyes water, his prominent pout returning.
"I'm going now! I promise, I'll be right back." You swear.
And before Honey can burst into tears, which he looks like he's about to, you dash off, determined to reach the refectionary in record time... hoping that they either have chocolate cake on hand or that they can whip some up at lightning speed.
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With two armfuls of chocolate cake slices packaged in plastic, you push open the club doors and are immediately bombarded by a host.
"Where did you go? You were gone for quite a while." The not so melodic tone of your partner's voice reaches your ears, arms crossed.
"We ran out of chocolate cake and Honey-Senpai wants chocolate or nothing." You groan, adjusting your stature to better cradle the inconveniently shaped packaged cake slices.
"You still shouldn't leave us without warning, guests have been waiting for their refreshments." Kyoya follows close behind as you start your journey to the storage room.
You blink, surprised at his lack of understanding, "Kyoya, I was only gone for fifteen minutes, you can't pour tea yourself?" You try your hardest to laugh off the comment.
"It's not our job to pour tea."
You haven't heard him belittle your duties like that since he disregarded your debt... since before you were dating. But, before you can react, you're promptly whisked away.
"y/n, where have you been?" Tamaki circles behind you, pushing you by your shoulders to the back room, "Put those away and come out immediately, and bring the tea!"
You blink as Tamaki leaves you to the storage room, putting the cake slices in their rightful place in a sort of daze. The boys have scarcely ever been quite this urgent with you. Even if they are, they try their best to be as forgiving as possible if you're running a bit behind.
You arrange the pot of tea and matching cups on your familiar tray, hoisting it off the table and into your hands as you scurry out to meet Tamaki, who apparently so urgently needs you.
It seems as though every time you pass through a doorway, you're needed by a different host. This time, the twins are at your side in an instant the moment you enter the main room.
"Hey, Senpai, we need your opinion." Hikaru begins, both twins effectively blocking your path.
"Yeah, it's urgent." Kaoru nods with a seemingly forced intense expression.
"Um..." You grimace, fingers tightening around your tea tray, but you don't see the harm in humoring them only for a moment.
"What was it that we wanted to ask her again, Hikaru?" Kaoru inquires, fingers stroking his chin in thought. Hikaru mirrors his twin, humming.
"I can't remember, Kaoru... hm..."
"Guys, I really need to-"
"No, no! We'll only be a second, just give us some time to remember it." Hikaru interrupts you.
You sigh with exasperation, shoulders slouching as you semi-patiently wait for Hikaru and Kaoru to remember what they spontaneously needed your opinion for.
"y/n, what on earth are you doing? We needed that tea tray two minutes ago." Kyoya materializes at your side, checking his watch and beckoning you to follow him.
"Sorry, guys." You hastily apologize to the twins, following Kyoya at his heels.
"Here, Kyoya, can you bring this over? I really need to make sure Honey-Senpai has his-" You offer the tray up to Kyoya as you follow him, but he turns sharply and holds his hand out.
"Nonsense, I have my guests to attend to. I simply don't have the time." He informs you.
Your brows furrow, "Well, neither do I, Kyoya, that's why I'm asking you to do it. If I had the time, I'd-"
"I don't want to hear excuses. Deliver the tea, then attend to Honey-Senpai." Kyoya leaves you with that.
You're left bewildered at his choice of tone toward you, gawking in the direction he disappears in.
You inhale sharply and exhale just as quickly, shaking your head to yourself as you arrive at Tamaki's table, setting down the tea tray and adorning a bright smile, "Here's your tea ladies. Now, if you'll excuse me." You direct your glower in Tamaki's direction, putting a particular annoyed inflection on your words as you find him simply lounging on the sofa, surrounded by swooning guests. Tamaki grins sheepishly.
You turn on your heel to find Honey-Senpai, who seems to be having the time of his life entertaining his guests... until he catches your eye. Suddenly, he blinks in rapid procession and tears are streaming down his cheeks.
"y/n-chan, I need my chocolate cake!" He whimpers, arms flailing in a tantrum-like manner.
"Okay, just a second!" You call over your shoulder, rushing back to the storage room and throwing open the cabinets. You all but snatch a slice of chocolate cake... grabbing another for good measure, and dash out to tend to Honey's blubbering cries. Placing the slices in front of him, you anxiously await his reaction.
His sobbing subsides all too quickly, and he's left beaming up at you, "Thanks, y/n-chan!" And with that, he's devouring his sweets.
You exhale with an aura of relief, folding your hands before you, "Not a problem. Can I get anyone else anything? More sandwiches?"
Honey's guests shake their heads, smiling, "We're okay, y/n, thank you!" They beam politely. You nod and slip away.
But you don't get a moment to yourself for long before the sound of shattering glass catches your ears, silence falling over the room after a round of surprised gasps.
You turn to find Hikaru and Kaoru at the scene of the crime, both standing over a mess of what looks like two broken teacups... that seem to have fallen straight from their hands and onto the floor... at the same time...
"Whoops! Clumsy us!" They chorus, a certain undertone of mischief present in their voices.
"y/n, could you get that for us-?"
"- yeah, we've got other stuff to do." They link arms, sauntering away to attend to their guests who are just as confused as you are.
You groan all too loudly for Kyoya's liking, apparently, as you make your way over to the mess and start to gather the bigger pieces.
"Remember, y/n, compose yourself. You'll have to learn to be compliant with anything if you want to get anywhere." Kyoya reminds, carelessly scribbling in his notebook as you slave away on the floor over a pile of broken china.
"Compose yourself, y/n, smile y/n." You mock in a high pitched tone under your breath.
"I heard that." Kyoya lifts his eyes briefly from his half-written sentence to meet your sheepish eyes, your lips drawing into a thin line. Kyoya's unamused eyes bore into your soul.
"Heard what?" You don't give him a moment to answer as you're off to discard of the larger pieces of china, acquiring a broom and a dustpan for the smaller shards.
Watching from afar, Haruhi crosses her arms, "They can afford to break fine china. If I broke a saucer, I'd be paying it off for two weeks."
As you pass her slouching figure, you giggle, "Yeah, double standards, am I right?" You snicker, dumping the shards of china into the nearest waste bin. Haruhi beams.
After making sure your palms are clean of glass, you swipe a tired hand across your forehead, sighing in relief at the momentary break you receive.
The key word is momentary, and you're not even sure you can call it that, as you're leaping to attention when Honey wails deafeningly once more. You grimace at his volume, cautiously peering over your shoulder to see what could possibly be the matter now.
"y/n-chan, I spilled tea all over my pants! I need new ones!"
Surely enough, just as you arrive at his side, your eyes immediately fall on the dark stain covering his pant legs, still slowly growing. Luckily, you know Honey's tea has been sitting out long enough to have grown cold. Still, you cannot fathom how he would be comfortable in a pair of damp slacks.
"Did you pack an extra uniform, Senpai?" You question, tilting your head.
Meekly, Honey shakes his head no. You suppress the strong, strong urge to groan loudly, as that would only upset him further.
"And I suppose you want me to find you one?"
At your offer, Honey beams, "Yes please!"
You feel your eye twitch involuntarily, forcing a strained smile, "Sure thing..." You say through clenched teeth.
As you turn around and lose Honey's attention, you snatch a throw pillow from a nearby sofa and shove it over your mouth, muffling a loud, frustrated groan, stomping your foot.
You inhale deeply through your nose, quickly regaining your composure and putting the throw pillow back in its place. You clear your throat and dust yourself off before setting off on your new mission.
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The only solution you found for Honey's problem was nothing short of embarrassing... to say the least. You've managed to venture all the way to the primary school building, thoroughly out of breath and practically begging for one of the sensei's to lend you their spare pair of boy's uniform shorts that they keep around in case of the elementary students having accidents.
You return to the club with the fresh shorts slung over your arm, receiving immediate attention from Kyoya.
"Where did you run off to this time? You were gone for-"
"Give me one second, please, Kyoya, I'll never hear the end of this if I don't give these to Honey-Senpai now." You forcibly shove past him, leaving him to watch you approach the elder, feeling anxious at the new frustrated attitude you've adopted.
Cautiously, you gain Honey's attention by tapping on his shoulder. "Senpai, these are the only pants I could find you," you say, presenting him with the elementary school uniform shorts. Although they're small, you expect them to fit. And, well, they're dry.
You barely notice the way, Honey glances to Tamaki for approval, as he would be fine accepting the pair of shorts you are offering him, but his boss shakes his head discreetly, indicating that Honey must give you a reason to do something else.
He sniffles on que, "I'm not gonna wear little boy's shorts! I want my uniform pants!" He hiccups.
Truthfully, by now, the wet spot on Honey's pants is mostly dry, and you can't even see the liquid given that his slacks are black to begin with.
You sigh in exasperation, "There's really nothing else I can do. These are the only-"
"No!" Against his better judgement, Honey smacks the shorts out of your hands and to the floor. The room grows silent at his outburst and everyone is patiently awaiting the next choice of words from either of you.
"That's embarrassing, y/n-chan! I don't wanna wear elementary shorts!" He insists, brows furrowed.
Your teeth grind in a heavy effort to reel in your outrage, afraid you'll explode and say something you regret to the poor boy.
"Senpai," Your tone is wavering, eyes shut as you do your best to regain a steady composure. "Unless you want me to drive all the way to your house and personally select another pair of trousers from your closet and come back here, there is nothing else I can do for you."
Honey can sense the sheer frustration in your voice, so he doesn't say anything further. He's decided he's played too much of a part in this little game, and he doesn't think it's very fun anymore... someone else is going to have to step in.
And someone else does. Just as Tamaki is starting to realize that this little "trial" has gone too far, Hikaru opens his mouth.
"Come on, Senpai, isn't this your job?"
Even his brother's eyes grow wide, tugging on Hikaru's sleeve to tell him not to push you anymore, but Kaoru freezes while doing so as you turn around menacingly, your gaze tearing daggers through Hikaru as you fume.
"No, Hikaru, it is not my job to be your personal servant-"
"Don't you serve your dad all the time at home? Get to it, y/n, we don't have all day."
Your fury is replaced by absolute astonishment at Hikaru's choice of words paired with the insult of lacking an honorific.
"Hikaru!" Kaoru scolds with a gasp, seemingly pushing HIkaru's consciousness back into reality as he realizes what he's just said to you.
And that's when Tamaki realized this entire operation was a mistake, uncrossing his arms in a state of shock.
Haruhi's attention turns to Mori as he stands adjacent to her. His eyes are closed in disappointment, as if he knew something like this would happen.
With an indignant huff, your voice slightly breaking, you throw the elementary boy's shorts to the ground, as a loud smack! echoes through the silent room. You manage to suppress your tears as you storm past the onlookers and to the grand double doors, slamming them behind you and bolting down the hall.
Tamaki does his best to disperse the crowd, directing intrigued guests back to their tea and snacks with a polite smile. As the crowd dissipates, Tamaki throws a panicked expression in Hikaru's direction.
"When I said make y/n as busy as possible, I didn't mean make her busy crying!" Tamaki stomps his foot, fuming.
"I didn't mean to! I just wanted to make her mad!" Hikaru whines, feeling the immense weight of guilt pulling at his heart strings.
"She was already mad, you pushed her over into hurt." Haruhi pipes up, arms crossed. She could have guessed that this was exactly what would happen if you were pushed to your breaking point.
Hikaru hangs his head, ashamed of his words toward you as his heart pulses painfully. Kaoru clings comfortingly to his side. "Don't worry, I bet Senpai knows you didn't mean it," He assures. Hikaru only nods slightly.
"I didn't think she was gonna cry!" Honey cries, now bursting into genuine tears. Honey seeks Mori for comfort, lip trembling as his mind runs rampant with his intolerable behavior toward you. Mori places a still hand atop his head without a word.
"I think we'll have to move ahead with the plan a little early." Kyoya adjusts his glasses, taking hold of the reins of this operation.
"Tamaki, could you have the room ready by the time I get back? I'll go make sure she's alright." Kyoya tucks his notebook and pen away.
Tamaki nods, "Good idea, Kyoya. You heard the man, get to work." He orders, clapping his hands twice. The remaining hosts scurry away at his command.
As Kyoya withdraws from the clubroom, he has the slightest inclination as to where you might have run off to. Trusting his intuition, he sets off to the place he has in mind.
It's a bit of a longer walk, and Kyoya can't imagine that you ran all the way here, but his intuition was, indeed, correct. He nearly smiles fondly to himself when he finds you perched on the edge of a familiar fountain in your maid's uniform, knees drawn to your chest. Kyoya's chest aches painfully when you brush a stray tear from your cheek, sniffling quietly. He can barely hear you over the calming sound of trickling water flowing in the fountain.
Kyoya steps out from underneath the covered walkway and you notice him immediately.
"Oh." You straighten up, quickly wiping your damp cheeks and hoping your nose isn't too red. Luckily, your cheeks darken to the same rosy hue to match the tip of your nose.
"Want some company?" Kyoya offers gently. You nod wordlessly.
At your given consent, Kyoya sits on the ledge of the fountain beside you, craning his neck only slightly to peer over your shoulder as your back is turned to him.
"Are you alright?" He tilts his head.
You sigh, closing your eyes for a moment, "I know he didn't mean it, it's all part of some stupid charade you're all doing, but it still hurts."
If it wasn't for your last statement, Kyoya would have laughed. Of course you were aware of something going on, you're incredibly observant.
"I know. I'm not entirely sure where that came from, but it was unnecessary." Kyoya reaches out tentatively. His fingers gently caress your arm with an aura of hesitancy. He can't quite tell if you want him by your side or anywhere else.
Soon his uncertainty is settled, however, when you swivel your body and lean into him, still hugging your knees to your chest. Kyoya slithers a casual arm around your shoulders, holding you secure to his side.
"I don't want to go back in there," you say. Kyoya can practically hear the pout on your lips. He smiles softly.
"I think you'll be surprised." His optimistic tone brings your head up toward him to meet his eyes, looking hopeful.
Kyoya knows without a doubt that what they have planned for you will raise your spirits in the most wonderful of ways. He angles his head to face you, eyes landing upon your expectant irises. The warmth in his heart spreads across his whole chest.
And when Kyoya promises something, you don't have a doubt in the world. A faint tint of red spreads across the apples of your cheeks, reaching the bridge of your nose when Kyoya places a gentle kiss just below your hairline.
You sigh quietly to yourself, hoisting yourself from the side of the fountain, "I better go and give Hikaru a chance to apologize anyway, I bet he's worrying himself sick." You tease, walking closely to Kyoya's side and nudging his shoulder.
Kyoya chuckles, "You know him all too well." He puts a simple, guiding hand to the small of your back.
"Well who do I have to thank for that, huh? Back in the day when you used to boss me around..." You quirk a brow, grumbling.
"Something good came out of it, right? I know they're a pain, but they certainly hold you in high regards." Kyoya says, moving to shove his hands in his pockets.
"Yeah, I sort of figured that after they staged an entire fight to get the chance to visit my house." You scoff, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
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You reach for the handle to the clubroom, but you're quickly stopped as Kyoya grabs it before you. You glance up at him with questioning eyes, hand poised mid air.
"Allow me." And with that, Kyoya pushes open the door. It creaks all too familiarly, and unexpectedly, you're flooded with a surge of rose petals.
You swat stray petals away from your line of sight, thoroughly confused: "We already opened for the day, what's with the theatrics?" You blink, realizing the room is shrouded in darkness.
"... are you guys just sitting here in the dark?" You squint. You turn to find Kyoya for an explanation, but he is nowhere to be seen.
The echoing thud of a spotlight switching on turns you around, and Tamaki is standing illuminated under a beam of light.
Lining a pathway toward him is an additional, less spectacular row of lights that flash from above. Hikaru, Kaoru, and Haruhi stand on one side in a row, and Kyoya, Mori, and Honey stand parallel from them. They all stand as if they're uniformed soldiers in their butler costumes, arms folded behind their back and eyes glued to you.
You blink, brows furrowed at their unusual formation. You haven't got anything planned... no special event or party that requires a dramatic entrance.
"y/n, would you please step forward?" Tamaki bows like a true prince would, one arm pressed to his chest and the other outstretched, head slightly angling up to glance at you.
Stunned to silence, your legs carry you to move closer to him, barely sparing each host an apprehensive glance on your way to the King.
You cannot even begin to fathom what is going on, a million ideas running through your head at a hundred miles an hour. Are you in trouble? Are they going to ask you to join a cult? Have they joined forces with the Black Magic Club and this is your initiation?
"You've proven yourself worthy against our trials, my dear." Tamaki announces in a royal tone.
"Trials?" You tilt your head to the side, looking curiously at the hosts around you.
"And so, I present you... with this." Tamaki looks to Kyoya a moment. Kyoya hands him a luxurious pillow, meant for ceremonies. Something is sitting a top it. It doesn't look too big, and it looks quite delicate.
When Tamaki is handed the pillow, he moves it into the light, lowering it to your level to reveal...
... a yellow rose?
"A rose?" You have to admit, it's quite beautiful, in perfect condition. However, you can't help but wonder what on earth he's giving it to you for... and in such a formal fashion.
"Your rose." Tamaki corrects in a gentle tone as if he were speaking to only you.
"My rose?" You parrot.
And then, it clicks.
Your rose.
Your rose.
The rose meant to represent you. To represent you as a host.
Your eyes tear from the beautiful flower to meet Tamaki's lilac irises, your lips parted in disbelief.
"Are you serious?" You absentmindedly take the rose with gentle fingers. The gorgeous pale yellow of its petals glisten under the sharp light above Tamaki's head.
"It's long overdue." Tamaki nods. He can't help but smile at your complete bewilderment.
With a cheek splitting grin, you let out a purely delighted laugh, surging forward and throwing your arms around Tamaki's neck, arms constricting tightly around him.
As surprised as Tamaki is at your reaction, his arms are quick to reciprocate, the warmth in his chest spreading to his lips as they smile fondly.
"Thank you." He hears you sniffle. He chuckles.
"It's wasn't my idea." As Tamaki gently lets you go, you know immediately who to look to.
Your gaze falls upon Kyoya's, already fixed on you with a soft simper.
He truly is a vision in his butler's tailcoat, arms tucked behind his back and eyes focused entirely on you with such an aura of adoration that it makes your heart pulse in the best of ways.
As you approach him, you can't wipe the smile from your lips, "You're really okay with this?"
Your consideration for his anxieties sets Kyoya even more at ease with his decision than he was before.
It's not necessarily the fact that you're becoming a host that excites you. Sure, it's a role you've longed for these past few years and you think you'd be an excellent candidate... but that's not the reason you're over the moon.
It would take only a bystander to realize how uncomfortable the notion of you becoming a host made Kyoya in the past. The idea of you catering romantically to anyone didn't exactly sit right with him, but that was when your combined futures were uncertain. That was before he knew the extent of your affection for him. It used to make him nervous to see you interact in such a way with others, but now...
Of course you're excited to become a host and explore the possibilities, but you're ten times more moved by the fact that you have gained such trust from Kyoya. A trust that exceeds his boundaries, a trust that allows him to put your ambitions above his anxieties.
And that is more important to you than anything he could have ever given you.
Such a notion brings a few tears to your eyes and your lip trembles in the slightest, a sound of appreciation caught in your throat as you reach toward him, hands cradling his jaw as you pull him down for a searing kiss. Although he hadn't expected it, Kyoya's hands quickly find their place caressing your waist, eyes slipping shut as he basks in the feeling of your lips pressed together.
Kyoya pulls back only just, gaining your attention and flicking his eyes behind you briefly, jerking his head in the same direction with a faint smile.
You turn to glance over your shoulder, making eye contact with the twins: particularly with Hikaru. He looks as though he might chew his lip off, eyes darting away from yours the moment he sees you looking at him. Kaoru nudges his shoulder a bit.
Kyoya turns you around by the waist and you take the initiative to make your way over to Hikaru.
Hikaru fidgets with his sleeve, "Senpai, I'm really sorry about-"
But as you lean up on the tips of your toes and peck his cheek, Hikaru's words catch in his throat, eyes growing wide as a flush spreads across his cheeks. He gulps as you flash him a charming smile.
"I know. Thank you." You nod, seemingly convincing Hikaru that you don't notice the profuse blush spreading to his ears.
"I'm sorry too, y/n-chan!" Honey exclaims, leaping into your arms. Although you have less than a few seconds to react, you quickly support his weight with ease, playfully grimacing as his hair tickles your cheek.
As you set Honey down, patting the top of his head, you glance around at the hosts surrounding you, "Who's going to do all of my chores now?" You inquire curiously.
"All of us." Mori declares, allowing the corner of his lips to twitch slightly upward when you turn to him with an appreciative smile.
"Yeah, we're all gonna chip in a little." Kaoru digs his fist into Hikaru's arm playfully, who rolls his eyes and rubs over the spot that Kaoru punched.
"It's the least we can do." Haruhi grins widely.
Tamaki sweeps in, taking you by the hand, "Without further ado, allow me to introduce our newest host type!"
Ever a lover of theatrical presentations, Tamaki turns you to face the rest of the hosts, bowing.
"The gentle type."
As your heart swells, gripping your yellow rose tightly between your fingers, the hosts erupt into applause.
"Does this mean Senpai has to flirt with our customers too?" Hikaru raises a brow.
"Guess we're gonna have more male patrons." Kaoru grumbles.
"Guys, your jealousy is showing." Haruhi deadpans, flashing you a knowing look. You return it with a smirk.
"Indeed." Kyoya teases, unable to suppress the smile spread across his lips.
"Now, y/n! Allow me to teach you everything I know about the art of hosting!" Tamaki takes you by the shoulder, casting his hand to the sky and starting on a monologue that you couldn't be paid to listen to in a million years.
Turning over your shoulders with a desperate call for help in your eyes, Kyoya merely shrugs. You roll your eyes.
"When talking to a customer, ask them questions about themselves! Everyone loves to talk about themselves-"
"Do they now?" You quirk an unamused brow. Tamaki completely overlooks your interjection.
You groan. It's going to be a long, long day...
🎵I run and run a thousand miles, and I am barely breathing. Only the fuel of a passionate heart keeps this body strong and moving forward.
Could it be I found a place to rest? How far until I’m OK?
Trees of the town reveal the time has come once again to shift our shade and colors. 🎵
🎵The world always changes around us but weakness will always remain;
Through all the pain, believe in who we are right here and now! 🎵
🎵Raise one hand to the sky; raise them both lift them high!!
And you’ll cut through the darkness make it go!
The time to start is now! And I can show you how.
Start with me, and the world will be even bigger than ever before. 🎵
♡Next time, on Indeed...♡
It's a certain someone's birthday who doesn't seem to share the same desire to celebrate it as much as everyone else...
♡We'll see you then!! ♡
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want to read more? here's my ouran masterlist 🌹
and here's my bts blog💜
want me to write something you want to see? request something💌
have any questions? talk to my characters!🙏🏻
Adieu~ 🌹🌹🌹
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bullet-prooflove · 2 months
Here we go! Jealousy with either Alden or Dwayne.
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Alden will not admit he’s jealous despite the fact every single person in his orbit knows that he is. It’s in the way his jaw clenches when he sees Commander Ray talking to you, his eyes narrow and his nostrils flare. He doesn’t like feeling this way, it's an ugly emotion but the thing is there’s a familiarity in the way that Commander Ray touches you, an intimacy. He knows that the two of you have slept together, that he was the first man who tried to love you after Kris.
“I was the failure.” You had explained to Alden when you were talking about old flames. “I was too raw after the divorce, the wounds were too fresh. We couldn’t make it work.”
It’s been more than a few years since then but he can tell that Commander Ray’s feelings for you haven’t changed. In fact Alden thinks Commander Ray falling in love with you all over again and honestly who can blame him.
You’re a beautiful woman, diligent, smart, compassionate and you’re in a much better place than you were back then.
It comes to a head in the breakroom, Alden’s making coffee when Commander Ray makes an appearance. He offers him one because it’s polite and he knows that’s what you would want him to do. He doesn’t intend to stick around and chat but Commander Ray has other ideas.
“You and Lisa are pretty close right?” He asks Alden as he adds the creamer to his mug.
“You could say that.” Alden replies as he takes a sip from his coffee cup.
“I’m thinking of taking her to this little Italian place tonight.” He tells Alden as he picks up a sugar cube and deposits it into his cup. “Trying to rekindle the flame.”
“She does like pasta.” Alden remarks with an amused expression on his features because he knows whatever Commander Ray has planned for you, it won't be happening.
Commander Ray tilts his head towards Alden, he takes in his demeanour, his body language.
“You don’t like me do you?” Commander Ray ventures and Alden crosses his arms over his chest.
“No, I really don’t.” He tells the other man.
“You wanna clue me in?” Commander Ray asks. “Or do I have to guess?”
“Lisa, the woman you’re trying to fuck.” Alden explains as he holds up his hand to show Commander Ray the platinum wedding band on his finger. “She’s my wife.”
Love Alden? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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@kmc1989 @sarakafarrah @caffeinatedwoman @elefrog25-blog
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berryhobii · 8 months
Hello! I hope you are doing well! I love your work and I think what you are doing is amazing, thank you so much! I was wondering if you could write a drabble about YN and namjoon where she is jealous because someone is flirting with her man, but joon does not realise, so it ends up in really steamy sex where namjoon reasures reader she is it for him!
Thanks for your request! I really hope you like this!
There was no doubt that Namjoon was the ideal guy for a lot of people. He was the kind of person you’d be proud to take home to your parents.
Educated. Well spoken. Clean. Polite. A gentleman.
He was just wonderful. The absolute perfect man for you.
And only you.
Don’t get it wrong, you were very secure in your relationship with Namjoon. You’ve been together since college and were still going strong all these years later. Through college and your first steps in your respective careers, you two have always been joined at the hip. Supporting one another through every obstacle and loving each other through every milestone of your relationship.
There was no doubt in either of your mind’s that you two were meant for each other. It was wildly obvious that you were obsessed with each other.
But despite all of that, there were still some people out there who just didn’t know how to take a hint.
Namjoon had told you of an art show that one of his old friend’s was hosting and of course, you would be coming as his plus one. Supporting your man was very important to you and being there for him just made him feel so loved.
So you both got dressed to the nines—him in a sharp suit and you in a gorgeous floor length dress that made him want to marry you all over again.
The event was lovely, the art timeless and innovative, and the conversation both hilarious and inquisitive. Both you and Namjoon were in your element.
After chatting for a little while and browsing the art, you went to the bathroom to relieve yourself and touch up your makeup.
“I’ll be right back.” You said in Namjoon’s ear, taking your purse from his lap. He almost always carried it for you since you’d grow tired of it after a while. Especially if it didn’t have a strap.
He hummed and nodded, accepting a quick kiss from you before you stood to your feet to walk off. His eyes diligently watched you the entire time until you disappeared. Good thing he could see the opening to the bathroom from his seat. That lessened his nerves just a tad. He honestly hated when you weren’t in his eyesight. Not that you couldn’t protect yourself but he just always felt protective over you.
After you were done in the bathroom, you made your way back to Namjoon. A few people stopped you to chat, admiring your wedding ring and exchanging information for future business conquests. By the time you made it back to where Namjoon was sitting, your feet were killing you and you were about ready to call it a night.
As you caught sight of your giant of a husband, you paused in your tracks at the current scene going on in front of you.
Namjoon was surrounded by three people, 2 of which you’ve never seen before—2 men and a woman. The men were standing just to Namjoon’s right, laughing at something that was said and the woman was to Namjoon’s left, talking about something that you assumed was dumb.
But all you could focus on was her hand that was placed on his bicep. And did she just squeeze it?! The only person who could feel him up was you! Who the hell did she think she was? Does she not see the wedding band around his finger? An undeniable sign that he’s already spoken for?
Knowing Namjoon for all these years, you knew he wasn’t always the type to voice his uncomfortablenesses. He didn’t like making scenes over small things. You could tell he was the slightest bit uncomfortable with her hand touching him, judging by the way he kept lifting his arm to adjust his glasses so that she’d stop. But then she’d just laugh again and place her arm right back on his arm.
You couldn’t help the little feeling bubbling inside of you. It surprised you a little, honestly.
It wasn’t really jealousy though. No, that wasn’t it.
You weren’t jealous.
You were…….ticked off.
Straightening your face, you fixed your posture before strutting right up to them. Namjoon caught sight of you immediately, his eyes brightened and a smile spreading across his face, those kissable dimples indenting his cheeks. Goodness, he was so adorable. You just wanted to kiss his face and smother him with love.
He stood to his feet, her hand dropping from his arm again. Good.
“Darling, you’re back.”
You smiled lovingly at him, fluttering your eyelashes in a way that made his heart soar.
“I am. You look like you’re enjoying yourself.” Placing your hand on his arm, the same place she had, you leaned into his embrace but not before making quick eye contact with the woman behind him. She simply raised an eyebrow which ticked you off just a little more.
“Oh yeah. These are some of my old friends.” He moved so that he could introduce you and so that the others could fully see you. “Everyone, this is my wife, y/n.”
After introducing you to everyone, you learned Ms. Touchy Touchy’s name was Yui. Apparently, she was one of the people Namjoon studied abroad with during freshman year. That was before you even met him.
Namjoon offered you his seat but Yui jumped up from hers. “No she can sit here. Those shoes look painful. Cheaper ones normally don’t have support.”
Oh this bitch.
“Yeah. I guess my Jimmy Choo’s are cheaper than most of my shoes.” You shot back with a smile, stepping forward to take her seat. “I like your shoes too. I think I saw them when I was shopping for phone cases on Shein.”
Sucking her teeth, she moved to sit on the other side of Namjoon, placing a hand on his arm once again.
“So Namjoon, we were planning on grabbing some drinks later. You should join us. We can catch up some more. Unless you’re still as much of a lightweight as you were in college.” She leaned forward a little more, the opening of her blouse revealing her cleavage.
Namjoon lifted his hand to touch adjust his glasses again but her hand remained firm.
“Oh uh….” You could see the nerves in his face.
You decided to intercept before it got too far. “We can’t. We have to be up early to meet our friends for brunch, don’t we baby?” You lifted your own hand to place on his chest. It just so happened to be the hand with your enormous wedding ring on it. Her eyes caught it, just the hint of a sneer twitching at her lips.
Namjoon glanced over at you and then to her. “Yup! That’s right. We have brunch. Maybe some other time.”
Or maybe never.
“My love, I’m actually really tired. Don’t you think it’s time to go home?” You batted your eyelashes at him, bottom lip jutting out in a pout.
He kissed your temple again. “Of course baby. Let’s go say goodbye to Lee and then we can go.” He stood and held out his hand for you to take. “We’re gonna go guys but we should catch up soon.” He gave Jackson and Joshua a quick guy hug before turning to Yui and giving her a side hug.
“You should take my number down, Namjoon. We could catch up…..privately.” Her suggestive tone made you want to snatch her right out of those cheap shoes.
“His phone is dead. He always forgets to charge it. Come on baby. There’s Lee. It was nice meeting you guys and seeing you again Jackson.”
Once you and Namjoon got back home, he went to take a shower while you sat at your vanity to remove your makeup and take the pins out of your updo.
You couldn’t stop thinking about that Yui chick. What was her deal? Commenting on your shoes? Ha! Your credit card didn’t have a limit. You could buy every pair of shoes in her closet a thousand times over. And being all touchy feeling with your husband. It’s like she was asking to get taken out at the kneecaps.
The bathroom door opened, steam billowing out and your sexy husband stepped out. Water dripped from his hair and down his pecs, a towel hung low on his hips and another in his hands that he was drying his hair with.
Your sharp eyes followed him across the room as he walked over to the closet to pick out a pair of boxers. The thick muscles in his back contracted and shifted with every movement, light red marks stretched across the honey kissed skin, remnants of your love making from this morning. And you could still feel the bruises his fingers indented in your hips when he was giving you the back shots of the century.
Namjoon was yours. All yours. Pushy women like that didn’t make you nervous.
“What’s bothering you?”
You blinked out of your daze, just now realizing that Namjoon was crouched down next to you.
“Huh? What do you mean?”
He placed his hand over yours in your lap, his palm slightly cold from coming from the shower.
“You were quiet the entire ride home. And you didn’t come into the bathroom with me to have a conversation about dinner like you always do. What’s wrong?”
You couldn’t fight the smile that rose to your face. He knew you so well.
Sighing, you reached out a hand to cup his cheek. “It’s just, that Yvette chick kept touching you and I could see you were uncomfortable. You only fix your glasses that much when you’re uncomfortable.”
“You mean Yui?”, he asked.
“Yeah.” You nodded. “I didn’t like how she kept touching you. Then that comment on my shoes? Ugh.”
Namjoon thought you were adorable.
“Baby, are you jealous?”
You sputtered, scoffing and waving your hand around. “I rebuke that, of course I’m not jealous. I just don’t like people touching what’s mine.” The hand that was cupping his cheek went to grip his chin, tilting his chin up so that your dark eyes could lock with him.
“You’re mine. I’m the only one that can touch your arms like that.”
He smirked, lowkey loving how slightly possessive you are. Seeing you get all pouty over some girl touching him made him remember one of the many reasons he was head over heels for you.
“Oh yeah?”
“When will you learn you’re the only one I want? Huh? Fuck, you think I’d let this sweet little pussy go?”
You could barely hear him. The force of his thrusts was knocking your cute little brain all around. You’re pretty sure you just forgot your name but why did you need yours when you knew his?
“Na……nam….” Damn, you could barely get his name out.
Your moans and whimpers were only pushing him further. He’d fuck you until his cock was imprinted in your slick walls, until there was no amount of doubt left in you.
Grabbing both of your ass cheeks in his hands, he pushed his entire cock into you, the head of it resting right against your cervix. Your mouth dropped, hands scrambling to grab onto anything only to meet the mattress since you’ve already ripped the sheets and pillows off the bed.
You tried to run from him but he held firm. “No.” He growled in your ear. “Tell me who I belong to. Tell me.” One of his hands went around to your clit, pressing into harshly and rubbing quick circles on it.
You shook your head, mouth dropping and eyes crossing as he pushed you to your nth orgasm of the evening.
His hips started again, this time even faster, his fingers working your clit and stimulating the little nub past the point of overstimulation.
“Tell me. Who do I belong to?”
With drool dripping off the corners of your mouth, you let out a strained, “Me….”
“Again.” His hand that wasn’t on your clit placed 3 slaps in succession on your ass.
His grin was almost animalistic, ego flaring at hearing you moan out your claim on him.
“That’s right. I’m yours. All yours. Don’t forget.”
In a flash, you were flipped over on your back, feet pushed up to your ears. You instinctively brought your arms around your knees to keep yourself folded.
Namjoon bit his lip. Why would he let go?
Grabbing his cock, he lined back up with your abused cunt before pushing back into your dripping heat. Your head repeatedly hit the bed, the feeling of him filling you back up too much to handle.
The pace he set should be considered criminal, his own orgasm close.
He couldn’t take his eyes off your pleasured face. Your eyes were hooded and unfocused, your plump lips wet with drool and his kisses, your breasts bouncing with each thrust. You were so beautiful. He’d be damned if he ever let some old friend he barely paid attention to make you feel like he didn’t want you. He only wanted you. That ring on your finger, this house, all those Chanel purses—they were all for you. He meant what he said in his vows. You were the only person he had his eyes on and you would be for the rest of your lives.
If he needed to fuck it into you every now and again, he’d happily oblige.
Reaching out, he gripped your face, squishing your cheeks and making your lips purse. He leaned down to whisper, “I’m all yours baby. I promise. I love you and only you, okay?”
You knew that. Of course you did.
“Now cum all over my cock.”
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lastchancestardomm · 4 months
We Will Never Leave You.
Mercenaries x Teen!Reader
Word Count - 3.1K
Warnings: Implied drugged drinks. Heavy swearing. Fluffy Found-Family Mercenaries. OC-insert. Written accents.
Status - Not Beta Read
A/N: This is by far my biggest fic ever. I consider it my Mona Lisa. My tour de force. You get the point– this is my favourite Ana fic ever. Oh, by the way, you really should read my first Mercenaries x Teen!Reader fic, "A Real Family", because while it isn't related to this one, it does add some background. Ana is a chaos kid, just so you know. There's so much to this saga, and so few words to be able to express it. Also, all my fics are formatted on mobile 😎.
The Mercenaries were hard to live with. They worked everyday and when they returned to base they were tired as hell. On ceasefire days, most would be too exhausted, or busy with other work to hang out with Ana. And she was getting sick of it.
She had battles to win, friends to make, places to explore, rocks to kick, dirt to dig in– she wasn't a little kid who needed to be protected.
That's why on one night, while everyone else slumbered in their beds, she snuck out of the base. All Ana had on her was her pocket knife with the beaten-up blade, and some money. Looking back at the base, seeing the soft orange glow of lamps in various windows, she began her charge to the small town of Teufort.
As she reached the town, she plopped herself down on a park bench. It was a nice night, honestly; a light breeze, a full moon, and the smell of dew lingering in the air. Ana sighed deeply, knowing well that any of the Mercs would be (rightfully) pissed if they knew she were here. Especially so late. Ana took out her knife and began to fiddle with it.
The blade sprung out, ready for action at each flick of her wrist, only to be diligently pushed back into its handle by her thumb. She thought of her friend in town, Mandy Tanaka– maybe Ana could visit her, and stay until morning. That'd be nice, 'cause Mandy is too dumb to know that people shouldn't visit at 2:37 in the morning. Maybe they could–
"Nice blade there."
Ana jumped. Her head whipped up to be met with the face of someone. It was a guy. He was about six feet tall, and skinny; but he was intimidating. He had tattoos on his arms, a nose ring, and wicked hair that looked to be streaked with mud. His left eye also looked to be bruised. He wore a stained tank top and baggy jeans.
"Sorry kid, didn't mean to scare you," his voice was rough, like sandpaper on Ana's ears.
She frowned, and huffed, "I wasn't scared."
He chuckled. "Really? Whatever, shortstack." Ana was more focused with looking at the stains on his shirt. Some were red, others were brown. Unfortunately, he seemed to notice her staring.
"What'cha so interested in? Am I really that much of a looker?" he seemed to eye her up and down.
Ana frowned again, and backed up on the bench, her back pressing on the cool metal bars. "Your shirt, lollakas. What's on it?"
"Feisty, aren't we?" He commented, ignoring her question. "I like that".
Ana stuck her pocket knife back into its sheath on her boot, and crossed her arms. She eyed the guy critically.
"So, you wanna kick it with me, kid? You look like the kind to enjoy a little mischief,"
Ana's eyes met his. She hesitated for a bit. This guy was much older than her. Then again, she was only sixteen. He looked twenty, maybe twenty-two. She thought for a moment, before a mischievous grin tugged at her lips.
She nodded. "Jah. Jah, I'll join ya."
He smirked. "Whatever you say, kid. C'mon." He turned on his heel and began to walk off, hands casually in his jean pockets. Ana bounced onto her feet and quickly caught up with him. "So, kid, think you're ready for what we'll do tonight?"
Ana rolled her eyes. She's sixteen, not a kid. If she wanted to, she could drive a car. "I have a name, you know," she scoffed. The guy side-eyed her, and quirked a brow as he kept walking. "It's Ana."
He shrugged. "Alright."
She rose a brow. "So...? What's yours?"
He dug his hands deeper into his pockets. "Chet."
Ana stared ahead, and turned back to Chet. "What are we going to do?"
He smirked slightly. "You'll find out kid."
He led her to a warehouse type of building; adorned with rusty metal siding, and had to be at least three stories high with one lamp hanging taut on a metal cord over the door. Chet knocked twice on the dingy metal door and someone opened it from the inside.
"Hey sweetheart!" the girl who answered the door cooed. She was also skinny, like him, and had multiple lip piercings. She wore fishnets under jean shorts, and her pink tank top sagged to where it was showing a lot of cleavage.
Her eyes were covered by reflective shades that gleamed green and purple under the grody yellow light from the lamp hanging above them.
"Oooh, who's this?" she asked in her squeaky voice. A cigarette that was in her mouth fell wetly to the ground.
"Fresh meat," Chet said.
"Finally, a girl. I'm getting sick of you and all your goonies constantly coming over," she kissed Chet's cheek, "not that I don't enjoy your company." He seemed to smile, though it looked more like a smirk. Chet took Ana by the wrist and dragged her over to a beaten-up old couch inside.
They plopped down together on it. Ana sat across from them on the floor, legs crossed.
"So, kid, ever had alcohol before?"
Ana shook her head. "I'm not old enough. I'm uh, kuusteist. I, uh– um... sixteen..."
The woman cackled. "So? Hunny, the rules don't apply here! Here, try some, we got plenty!"
"Yeah, kid. Don't even have to swig it if you don't want to," Ana watched as Chet took a bottle of beer from a crate underneath the sidetable by the couch and popped it open. He took a long drink before setting it back down with an empty clink. It was completely drained.
He cracked open a few more, passing them to his girlfriend, who would ditch her empty bottles on the grotty beige carpeting. They gulped down the beers one after the other, the girl eventually pulling out cigarettes to pair with their excessive drinking.
Chet's girlfriend placed an open bottle in front of Ana, rolling the metal cap around in her hands. She took her hand and pointed a finger to it. "Drink it,"
Ana bit her lip. Her hand drifted over to the bottle and she picked it up. She stared at the bottle dumbly. Ana wasn't stupid, she knew pretty damn well not to take food or drinks from strangers. Her dad taught her that. She sniffed the opening, and it reeked of something strange. No, no; something spicy. Whatever it was, it made the beer smell wrong.
Chet's girlfriend looked at her. "Don't just stare at it, silly, drink it!" she drunkenly giggled.
"I- I don't want t-to.." Ana stuttered.
Chet's flushed face immediately darkened. "What?" Chet asked. Ana stiffened, eyes wide like a deer in the headlights. Chet let out an angry, strangled sound that was in-between a scoff and a frustrated laugh. "You don't want to? Kid. That wasn't a question. This shit isn't cheap. Drink that fucking thing right now."
Ana slowly stood up, unsure if she was to run or stay. Her eyes darted around. A bottle whizzed past her head, barely missing her by a hair and shattering into the wall behind her, and she fearfully collapsed back onto the floor in a heap.
"C'mon! It ain't that fucking hard to drink it!" Chet shouted. His girlfriend tried to grab his surprisingly well-built arms to hold him back.
"No! Chet, hun, chill. She's just a kid. I know you're not like this!"
Chet stood up and grabbed another empty bottle of the floor. "Nah, toots! This kid wanted to have a good time tonight. But she's gotta listen to us if she really wants to," Chet stepped closer to her.
Ana backed up on the floor, and kicked the bottle over by mistake. The hazel, bubbly liquid spilled out from the neck of the bottle right into the carpet. Chet stopped in his tracks, and stared at the growing dark stain. He looked back up at Ana, with a horridly familiar rage in his eyes.
"Didn't you fucking hear me?! Don't you know how fucking hard it is to get that shit?! Get out! Get the fuck out before I kill you!" Chet charged at Ana like an angry bull. His girlfriend tried to hold him back, but she was weak and delirious from the alcohol and fell back onto the couch with a whimper.
Ana gasped and stumbled up. She sprinted for the door, bashing through it like an unstoppable force (even if her forearms were already bruising because of the reckless maneuver). "Get back here you fucking runt!" he called after her.
She hightailed it, speeding through the small town right back to the safety of RED Headquarters. She ran faster than she ever had, that super fast kind of running that made her sides hurt. So fast, her poor feet couldn't keep up with her in the clunky military boots Soldier had gifted her.
Ana tripped on her own feet, and came crashing down; rolling along the dirt ground before coming to a rude stop by hitting a rock jutting out of the desert ground. Chet came up on her quickly after, and grabbed her by her shirt collar.
"Stupid little kid," he mumbled under his breath, which Ana further noted to be stinking with some kind of drug, along with alcohol. His nose flared as he dropped Ana back onto the ground.
Before Ana could try to crawl away, Chet plowed his foot into Ana's side. She curled into a protective ball, as more blows rained down on her. Ana grabbed her pocket knife from her boot, but as she tried to unfurl (intending to stab Chet in the foot) a well-timed kick clocked her right in the chin; knocking one of her top teeth out, and sending her flying onto her back. Her pocket knife wasn't sent too far, either.
Chet stomped on her chest, the pain burning as it felt like her ribs broke. Ana attempted to roll away, but Chet stepped on her back, pressing his weight onto her. "Not so feisty now, huh?" he bit.
He bent over to take the pocket knife from the red-orange dirt of Teufort–or most of the Badlands for that matter–and stabbed it into her shoulder. Ana cried out in pain, a shrill shriek accompanied by various tortured Estonian curses.
Before he could drive the knife deeper into Ana's shoulder, a figure tackled him to the ground. The figure held a long, knife-like object to Chet's neck, as he squirmed under their weight. "Think again, yah buggar," it muttered. The figure then cut Chet's throat, his desperate gurgling invading Ana's ears.
The figure stood up, and walked over to her. As it came closer to the dim streetlights, she could make out the hat and amber-tinted sunglasses of Sniper, who glared down at her disappointingly. He put away his Kukri, and bent down to take the pocket knife out of Ana's shoulder.
As the cold blade came out, all Ana could do was wail pained apologies to the kiwi. "Sniper, I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have left!" her eyes watered from the pain, but Sniper said nothing. "Ah... vabandust!"
He ripped a small part of his sleeve off to act as a temporary tourniquet until they got back to base, and once he was sure of the knot, he turned around and pointed at his back. Ana complied, crawling onto his back carefully.
He began to walk with her back to the base. His walking was quicker than normal from his height, but he remained silent throughout the ordeal. Ana nuzzled her face into his shoulder blade.
"Sniper?" He said nothing. "How did you find me?" He continued to stay silent. "Sniper, answer me." He stared blankly ahead. She checked his shirt. Yep, he was on her team.
Once she and him were back at base, he placed her down in front of the door. He leaned down to check his makeshift tourniquet, and pulled on the tails of the knot to make it tighter before getting back up. The lights in the base were on, and Ana could hear arguing from behind the door.
"Vell? Vhat should ve do? Sniper is gone, Ana is missing, and zhe others are having no luck finding her!" Medic cried.
"Ah'm tryin' to think, doc! Where would she have gone? Scout and Heavy haven't found anythin' on the battlefield, Spy hasn't reported back from the other base, Pyro's too busy bawlin' his eyes out, and Soldier is on a rampage God-knows-where followed by Demoman!" Engineer exclaimed back.
Sniper nudged Ana with his elbow as he walked by. He opened the door and strode in. "Herr Sniper! Vhere have jou been?! Is Ana vis jou?"
Sniper crossed his arms, with a scowl on his face. "Why don'tcha ask 'er yourself, doc?" On cue, Ana stepped into the base.
"Ana!" Engineer screeched with pure joy. "Medic! Check her! Ah'm gonna go tell the others!" Engineer ran out of the room, hot on his heels.
Medic rushed over and looked her over. Ana's whole body was covered in dirt and bruises. Medic paused when he laid his eyes upon Sniper's tourniquet on her arm. He applied some pressure to the covered wound, but just sighed as it had to do for now.
"Oh, Ana, vhere did jou go? Vhat vere jou doing?" Medic asked.
Sniper grunted. "The sheila was off in Teufort with some punk. He was kickin' 'er ass before Oi stepped in. Oi saw her leavin' from me van and followed 'er there." Some Mercenaries filled the room. Those included Scout, Heavy, and Pyro.
Pyro was a sobbing mess. His mask was off, and his face was all red with his eyes all puffy. "Ana!" he yelped, which broke her heart. His charismatic Italian-New Yorkan accent soiled by a scratchy throat from him wailing his lungs out earlier.
"Wh- why did you- you leave us?" He asked, sniffling. He quivered and Engineer hugged him. Medic stood up and strode over to Heavy.
Suddenly, Soldier smashed through a window, "Maggots!" he cried. Demoman followed suit, and crashed through the wall right next to Heavy in a cloud of shrapnel and dust. Heavy didn't even flinch, but Medic screamed and fell over in a panic. Soldier had tear streaks on his cheeks, and Demoman's eye was red and puffy.
Ana looked at all the worried men. She never expected them to cry over her. She knew they cared about her, yeah, but they were all grown men who had lives and live and jobs to do; not waste away their free time watching over a slimy, no-good, Eesti teen they didn't even need to watch over in the first place!
She was only gone for what? An hour and a half? But maybe they really did care more than she thought.
"Ana..." Sniper's voice brought her out of her thoughts. "Tell 'em why you were in Teufort,"
Scout gasped and stammered, "Wh-wh– wha-what?! Why did yah go so far? What were yah doin'?" his voice cracked mid-sentence. A chill ran up Ana's spine.
"Oui, chérie, and what were 'ou doing?" The Spy had arrived.
She stood quietly, and looked at each and every one of them. Demoman seemed shocked, nearly distraught; Soldier had a poker face, but tears still dribbled down his cheeks; Spy looked concerned, though wasn't crying. He seemed to handle this ordeal the best.
Sniper looked pissed off, and a bit annoyed; Scout was shell-shocked; Heavy was stone-faced, but had dried tear streaks on his face, and was helping a worried and frazzled Medic to his feet; Pyro had his face buried in Engineer's chest, still sniffling and hiccuping; and then Engineer looked... disappointed.
And Ana started to cry.
From her slumped stand, she collapsed to her knees and cried. She didn't hiccup or sob, but she took shaky breaths as tears flowed down her face.
"I w-was just s-sick of being left– left out!" Most men stiffened. "I wanted to g-go see– see the town! I wanted to do s-some– something instead of sit in my damn room! Like every other frickin' day!" she covered her face with her hands, her head feeling heavy.
She just wanted to curl up and disappear. Have them all forget about her. Make it like it used to be in Otepää when she was young. "Vabandust.. I didn't think you cared about me anymore,"
Demoman spoke up, "Lassie, we would nevah stop carin' 'bout yah." Heavy joined in, "Дa, leetle gurl needs us and ve need leetle gurl."
Pyro made his way over to Ana. He knelt in front of her and took her hands in his own, which were coarse from years upon years of fire burns. His face was very red, and many winding lines of tear streaks ran down his cheeks. "We will never stop carin' about yah, Ana," he said. "We will always love yah, and take care of yah."
"I'm sorry we can't be d'ere everyday. I'm sorry yah were raised up in such a bad place. I'm sorry we can't be the guardians yah need us ta' be."
Ana cried out more and threw her sore arms around Pyro's neck. "D-don't be sorry! You g-guys are the best any– anyone could ask f-for!" She felt Pyro's arms wrap around her, "I wouldn't give y-you guys up for anything!" she said.
"We wouldn't give yah up eithah, Roo," Sniper said, patting Ana on the back as she was held in Pyro's embrace.
Engineer strode over, and took her from Pyro. He held her in an embrace, "Listen Ana, Ah don't want yah feelin' like we don't care for yah. We really do. Alla us would risk anythin' for yah. Sure, we're all busy with work and when we come back we're all tuckered out, but if yah wanna do somethin', we'll do it. Startin' today Ah think we should all dedicate a few hours to yah after work. Right fellas?" The others nodded.
"How does that sound darlin'?"
She shrugged, "I don't want you guys to hang out with me if you don't want to, or if you're tired,"
Demoman piped up, "It'd be worth it, lass!" Soldier agreed with the Scot, "Yes! I would climb a mountain and fight my old roommate if you wanted me to!"
Ana laughed, "But you fight him every Halloween!"
Soldier nodded, "Exactly, Cadet!"
"Leetle gurl?" Heavy asked. She looked at him. "You understand that all us men love you, correct?" Ana nodded. "Vell, don't forget."
She smiled at him. "I love all you guys, too. Ma armastan teid koiki in my language, just so you know." she giggled.
Medic walked over to her and placed his hand under her chin.
"Und ve vill never stop loving jou."
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wongyuseokie · 2 years
Leaf Me Alone | j.w.w
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Summary: Jeon Wonwoo is the newest hire at your flower shop, and he’s handsome, tall and painfully shy, and worst of all, in the last three months, you’ve exchanged three whole sentences and nods, you never know what he’s thinking, but you can’t help but wonder if he’s annoyed by your presence.  pg |☀︎fluff | ☁︎ mild angst |  ♥ completed work Word Count: 1814 words
Age: PG
Pairings: Jeon Wonwoo x Female Reader
Genre/Trope(s)/AUs: Fluff, hints of angst, reader rightfully thirsts over Wonwoo.
Content Warnings: Tooth-rotting fluff and miscommunication, but it is lowkey cute.
Smut Warnings: None, really, another tooth-rotting fluff fic.
Authors Note: I took inspiration from how introverted Wonwoo is, it’s incredibly endearing to me, but it’s also something that I worry that, as an extrovert, I’ll scare off any introverted person I meet. So, I just wanted to explore that idea. It’s very self-serving and fluffy 💕 Authors Note 2: Thank you so so much, my lovely @here4btsfics. For just hearing me go on and on about Wonwoo like every day and encouraging me with this story and yelling me to post it, I adore you dearly and thank you so much for helping me beta this too!! Thank you to @defwoodz for always reading over this and clowning me. Banner Credits: @classicseffects Cross Posted to AO3 © wongyuseokie 2022. All rights reserved.
Three Months Ago,
“Finally, this is Y/N, my daughter. She runs the shop most days. Y/N, this is Wonwoo, our newest hire,” your mum spoke as she introduced you to a tall and handsome man with a shy smile gracing his face. 
“Hi, Wonwoo. Nice to meet you!” You greeted him enthusiastically, making him grin more shyly before he greeted you.
“You too,” you responded, his voice deep and resonating, it was deeper than the ocean, honestly, and you were convinced that this man would be the reason you finally understood what a work crush meant. 
Wonwoo smiled at you once more before following your mother around the flower shop for a tour, and you smiled back at him. So, what if he was shy at first? Wasn’t everyone? You were sure that throughout working together, you two would be able to develop a friendship at least. 
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Your hopes of developing a friendship were shot to smithereens when you realised that Wonwoo was not only very shy but also very diligent. Never one to engage in non-work-related conversations during work hours and over the three months, he’d been working. You both exchanged roughly three whole sentences. 
“Stop staring and ask him if he wants a coffee or something,” your mum whispered, making you yelp and pout at her. 
“I don’t know what you mean,” you defended weakly, making your mother grin at you. 
“Those heart eyes can be seen from a mile away. Just ask him if he wants to grab a coffee or something. He seems like a sweet kid,” your mother encouraged, and you shrugged. 
“So sweet that he doesn’t speak?” You asked, and your mother just smiled at you. 
“He might not feel comfortable starting a conversation, but that doesn’t mean he can’t hold one or have one. It just means he might need someone else to start it sometimes. Plus, he’s the new one here, go,” your mother explained, giving you a slight nudge making you pout more as you walked over slowly towards Wonwoo’s station. 
Honestly, looking the way he did was a crime. You often thought this, his captivating features, often making him look cold or unapproachable, paired with a faded apron and his long fingers delicately arranging flowers into a bouquet, it all looked like something out of a romance novel. He was the mysterious, cold, but soft guy, and you were the wide-eyed girl who could only admire the man you knew nothing about. 
“Hey!” You greeted as you walked over to stand opposite Wonwoo. 
“Oh, Y/N, hi, you, okay? I heard you, I think, squeaking over there?” Wonwoo joked, and you grinned at him. 
Wonwoo, while shy, had his moments. You knew he could be funny and had a harmless and silly sense of humour, and it endeared to you dearly. 
“Yeah, my mum was talking to me, anyways I was wondering if you’d be free for a coffee or tea?” You asked quickly, and Wonwoo nodded. 
“Sure! I was looking for a boost. Where do you fancy going?” Wonwoo asked, and you smiled at him before suggesting a place. 
It worked! You thought it was fine, and you and Wonwoo would now be friends, and it was all because you mustered up the courage to speak to him. 
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Three Weeks Later 
Since the coffee trip, you and Wonwoo had gotten closer. You were getting to know him. You knew his favourite colour and what he’d do if he was upset. Wonwoo was so many things, but there was still a wall up, something you couldn’t get past. He wouldn’t let you in completely, but you had a trick up your sleeve. 
“Wonwoo, you know they say that you can tell much about someone based on their favourite things?” You stated lamely, and Wonwoo looked up from his floral arrangement to stare at you nodding slowly, humouring you. 
“Yes?” He replied unsurely. 
“Well, what’s your favourite flower?” You asked, and Wonwoo paused to think about it. 
“I don’t think I have one,” Wonwoo answered. 
You work in a flower shop. Your plan was failing because he didn’t have a favourite flower. You hoped he’d answer. 
“Doesn’t mean I need to have a flower,” Wonwoo answered, and you pouted, and you missed the way he smiled fondly at you. 
“But, to answer your question. I can tell you a flower I find pretty?” Wonwoo offered, and you nodded eagerly. 
“I like carnations. They look pretty,” Wonwoo stated, and you smiled at him until you recalled what carnations symbolise. 
“Don’t they mean new love?” You said, your voice quieter and Wonwoo shrugged. 
“I didn’t know that, but I guess they do, huh? How apt,” Wonwoo said with a grin, and you felt your chest hurt with his words, and you needed to get away. Of course, he had love in his life, and you were wasting your time. 
“Cool, carnations, um. I’ll see you later,” you rushed as you tried to move away. 
“Wait, you didn’t tell me your favourite flower?” Wonwoo asked, and you shrugged. 
“Doesn’t matter anymore,” you mumbled, and Wonwoo pouted at you but didn’t protest any further when you walked away. 
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Three Days Later
The following Monday, you got to work to find a bouquet of red roses delicately wrapped and placed on your workstation, and you saw a note on the bouquet.
‘You never told me your favourite, is this it?’ -Wonwoo
You had to fight off the smile that was making its way to your face. You knew he was in the shop. You could see his denim jacket out of your peripheral. You sighed and admired the flowers, put them in a vase, and paid no attention to them.
You thought the flowers were beautiful, but red roses were never your favourite.
Wonwoo wasn’t offended. He just made a note he’d try something else tomorrow.
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On Tuesday, you found a bouquet of daisies at your workstation, and you stared up to see Wonwoo smiling at you, and you shook your head, smiling at him, and he nodded, understanding that daisies weren’t the ones either.
 You did read his note, however.
‘No to red roses? I agree, they can be a lot; let’s see, how about daisies?’-Wonwoo
You almost felt bad for not telling Wonwoo your favourite flowers, you didn’t want him to keep making bouquets to figure out your favourite flowers, but you would be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy the attention. Plus, you figured that he couldn’t keep it up for too long. What was the harm?
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‘I mean, honestly, I don’t know too many people who like daffodils, but maybe you do?’-Wonwoo.
You couldn’t help the smile on your face as you read Wonwoo’s note Wednesday morning. You turned to face him, and he looked at you questioningly, and you just smiled softly and shook your head at him, making him pout. Then nodded at you.
“I work in a flower shop. I’ll find it,” Wonwoo declared, making you smile.
You’d stop him soon. What he was doing wasn’t entirely appropriate. It was getting out of hand, especially if he had a new love in his life.
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“They say orchids are wonderful. Tell me, Y/N is this your favourite?”-Wonwoo.
“Wonwoo,” you said as you approached him after you saw the bouquet at your workstation the following.
“I got it. Orchids, right? I guess Thursday is my lucky day,” Wonwoo babbled excitedly, and you shook your head.
“Damn, well, I still have Friday! I can’t stay and chat. I have a few deliveries to make,” Wonwoo said hurriedly, leaving you with a handful of Orchids and a soft smile on your face.
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“Like the sun, you brighten my day. Sunflowers must be the one?”-Wonwoo.
“Tell me. I got these, right? Make my Friday Y/N. Did I finally get the right one?” Wonwoo asked as you placed the flowers into the vase.
“We should talk,” you said, taking his hand and dragging him into the office.
“Wonwoo, if you have a girlfriend, it’s highly inappropriate to send me flowers,” you started to say, earning a chuckle from him.
“A girlfriend?” Wonwoo asked, and you nodded.
“Yeah, the carnations, they mean new love, and you said it was apt,” you explained, earning another chuckle from Wonwoo.
“What is so damn funny?” You questioned, and Wonwoo inched closer to you.
“Did I ever say I had a girlfriend?” Wonwoo asked, and you looked down at the floor.
“No,” you mumbled.
“Then?” Wonwoo pushed.
“You said new love was apt,” you argued, and Wonwoo smiled, nodding.
“I did, and there is someone I love spending my time with, except for the past week, she’s been ignoring me. So, I kept sending her the wrong flowers, hoping I’d get her to talk,” Wonwoo explained, making you look up at him.
“Wrong flowers?” You asked, and Wonwoo nodded, pointing to the vase you kept on your office desk.
“I put these in the vase every day, but sadly you only noticed the wrong ones,” Wonwoo explained as he pointed to the peonies carefully arranged and placed on the vase on your desk.
“I have a pattern of noticing the wrong things, I guess,” you mumbled, and Wonwoo shook his head as you turned to face him.
“Well, you noticed, late, but you noticed, so it’s good,” Wonwoo comforted.
“Wait, how did you know peonies are my favourite?” You asked, making Wonwoo smile shyly.
“Anytime you had an order with peonies, you held them and handled each stem, each petal with so much care, and when you were done, you’d smile at each creation and take a photo. I figured you liked them enough,” Wonwoo elaborated, making you grin at them.
“I also heard they symbolise love,” Wonwoo added, making you grin.
“How apt,” you mumbled, making Wonwoo laugh as he inched closer, his face inches away from yours.
“Now, may I please kiss you? You do owe me for making you the wrong bouquets for five days straight,” Wonwoo asked, pouting.
“Please,” you said quietly, and that’s all it took for Wonwoo to close the gap between you two as he placed his lips over yours, his soft lips melting and moving against yours as his hands cupped your face. He pulled away slowly, placing a kiss on your forehead.
“You can’t do that. I get flustered,” you whined, making Wonwoo laugh.
“Prepare always to be flustered now that you’re mine,” Wonwoo declared, and you looked up at him.
“I’m yours?” You asked, and Wonwoo nodded shyly.
“Good, then you’re mine too,” you said, leaning up to kiss him again.
“Out of curiosity,” you said as you pulled away. “How long would you have continued sending me flowers if I didn’t stop you?” You asked.
“As long as it took to end up in this position.”
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s0lam33y · 4 months
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long game
[ day 5 Of Shuriri Week ]
@shuririweek @mal-urameshi @neptoons1998
a/n: I wasn’t gonna post today but I’d drafted this up!
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Shuri has never been the biggest fan of phones. They’re not very convenient, limited as well. The most use she’s found for it is Google searches and why do that when she has her own AI?
But she somehow found herself waiting for her phone to ring. She’s in her lab, all alone, it’s too late for anyone but her to be in here anyway.
Her phone finally vibrates against her metal desk and she picks it up immediately. She smiles much wider than she should at the stupid screen. They’ve been keeping in contact for the past year, ever since Riri was sent back to MIT after the war. She and Riri call once a month if they’re both lucky. And today happens to be their lucky day.
“Wassup, Shuri.” Riri smiles, she looks as beautiful as ever, Shuri thinks. Her thick hair is pulled back into a sleek bun that Shuri has yet to see her in until right now. Her face is clear with subtle eye bags beneath them that Shuri has noticed have been beginning to worsen.
She’s got her phone on the wall behind her desk and is dressed in an oversized sweater that allows the fabric to slip a little past her shoulders.
“Hey,” Shuri smiles as she watches the scientist work diligently on a worksheet of some sort. She has this gentle crease in between her brows when she’s focused, Shuri wants to tell her she thinks it’s adorable but she holds herself back.
“Sorry for not calling you last month, I’ve been real busy.” Riri apologizes quickly, looking up momentarily to make sure Shuri understands what she is saying.
“It’s fine, I was busy too.” It’s not a lie. She was very busy but she had to make sure to clear her schedule on the day they were supposed to call and her heart sank a little when she was sent a text instead.
“How are you? I know the Royal duties are a lot. But you’re doing okay, right? You would tell me if you weren’t, right?” Riri asks while
keeping her eyes on her assignment.
Truth is, having the throne is not as bad as Shuri had imagined. She barely has time to do things she’s like but she knows it’s what her mother and father would want for her, what her brother would want for her. It’s what her people need. That’s what keeps her going.
“I’m okay,” Shuri honestly says. She wishes she could spend the rest of her days watching Riri, being with her makes her feel like herself. Not like she’s a queen or just royalty but like she’s Shuri and nothing else.
“I’m glad.”
“And you? I hope you’ve been enjoying yourself on campus.”
“I went to a party last week, shit was ass. I don’t drink like that so it wasn’t really my thing. I do wish I was in Wakanda using your cool ass tech.” Riri mentions, hearing a small laugh escape Shuri’s mouth.
“Mhm, I bet. How’s the progress on your suit?”
“Good, slow but it’s moving,” Riri admits, finally putting her pencil down and giving Shuri her full attention. It almost makes the Royal nervous.
“You lookin’ a lil tired these days, you been sleeping?” Riri questions. She herself knows how much time equations and models can take to make, as a scientist they understand that they don’t get much sleep but it doesn’t stop them from being concerned for each other.
“M’fine, I just have long hours of training and building.” Shuri sighs as a soft yawn sneaks its way out of her mouth.
“Mhm, yeah. You really gotta start taking your own advice, Princess.” Riri says with some sass in her tone. Shuri doesn’t have a rebuttal instead she chuckles because she’s afraid that if she says anything it won’t come out coherent.
She isn’t sure if it’s the rasp in Riri’s voice or the title. It’s not very accurate since she’s been crowned Queen but since Riri’s known her, it’s stuck to her like glue. Just like Riri has.
She pops up in the royal’s brain involuntarily, when she sleeps, and when she eats. It’s all consuming but a part of her doesn’t mind at all and the other is trying to fight it because, at the end of the day, they’re just friends.
“Listen, I’ll call you tomorrow, okay? You-“ Riri begins.
“But we just-“
“No, I can tell you need sleep. I want you to talk to me when you’re full of energy and got some comebacks ‘cause this ain’t the Shuri I know.”
“You’re irritating.”
“Whatever…g’night, Princess. Sleep tight.”
Riri hangs up and the only thing Shuri can think about is her friend. She knows now that she’ll play the long game. And a part of her, a rather big part of her doesn’t mind at all.
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duskyashe · 11 months
[First] [Previous] [Next] [AO3]
Phantom gestured her and Jason closer as he stood up from his spot midair. "First things first, I need to ask you both a few clarifying questions, and please answer as truthfully as possible without risking your alternate identities, I'm trying to figure out your species, not your names," he said, voice echoing slightly just like the last time she'd heard him.
"I thought you already knew what we were," she snarked before she could think better about it, her mask's modulator making her voice sound darker and more raspy while she ditched most of her natural Bowery accent, instead speaking with an accent more reminiscent of Bristol natives than anything else. She'd blame her friendship with Tim for that, but honestly, she got a kick out of learning and mimicking all the various Gotham accents, then throwing them at her victims after she got the drop on them.
Phantom just shook his head with a small smile. "I'm only about ninety-seven percent sure I'm correct about the two of you, which is a lot, but I want to be at least ninety-nine percent sure before we go any further. This is for both your safety and for my reputation. It can be really dangerous to treat one being like someone from a species not their own, dangerous for everyone involved, and it doesn't reflect well on me if I don't do my due diligence in making sure I'm teaching you the things that will actually help you grow and improve as the beings and entities you are. It also doesn't reflect well on the beings that taught me if I don't do my due diligence, and I really respect my tutors, and I really respect you guys, so I'm going to do my due diligence. Does that make sense?"
She and Jason shared a quick look, exchanging rapid quick signs just out of Phantom's view, before Jay responded. "Yes, that seems acceptable. Who would you like to question first?"
Steph had to admit, every time she heard Jay's Condor voice, she snickered slightly in her head. He'd very carefully designed Condor's vocal patterns and responses, as well as the voice modulator that he'd installed in his own mask, so that Condor was as audibly distinct from Jason's normal speech as possible without sounding outlandish, but hearing such highbrow vocabulary from Jason outside of dramatic readings of his favorite books would never not be funny to her. She did applaud his use of vocal layering technology, though, the effect was intense.
"I figured I'd start with Starling, if you don't mind?"
"— and then he started asking his questions. Have I ever gotten a really horrible migraine that started dying down after I screamed? Have I ever screamed while working on a case and suddenly all the information clicked together? Have I ever met someone whose vibes just did not mesh with what I was expecting? Stuff like that. After a bunch of questions along that vein, Phantom just nodded thoughtfully before grinning and saying, I kid you not, "Congratulations, it's a banshee!" The kid is hilarious, I'm telling you," she finished with a grin.
Jay nodded and added his own two cents. "He then turned to me and started a similar Q&A, though the questions were very different. Have I ever died and mysteriously come back to life? Has my relationship with fire been different since I came back to life? Different how? Have I ever felt the urge to vocalize my emotions, and if so, did anyone within hearing range start to exhibit similar emotions? He concluded that with a triumphant smile and declared me a phoenix."
They were all sitting around the debrief table in the Batcave after everyone had returned for the night. B had started the nightly debrief like always, starting with Dick and working his way down the ages, but tonight he'd saved hers and Jason's reports for last. While her brain was feeling more than a little stuffed full with everything she'd learned by the rooftop shrine, both about herself and about Jason, she couldn't deny she was excited to share it all with her family, her clan.
Tim let out a small noise before leaning forward to rest his arms on the table. He looked back and forth between her and Jay for a quick moment before settling his gaze on their older brother. "Phoenixes in mythology are said to be immortal birds made of fire, is that true? How does that affect you?"
Jay nodded with a smirk. "Oh, that's actually kinda cool, so phoenixes have regular burning days that basically reset them back to their prime. Each Phoenix has a different burning day interval, some have five year intervals while others have ten, twelve, or even fifteen year intervals, but until they have their first burning day after their initial revival, most orphan phoenixes actually think they're something else, like maybe a hell hound, or even the apparently notorious phoenix mimics known simply as firebirds. If a phoenix gets injured severely enough between burning days, they can force an early burning day, though apparently those are more intense and take longer to physically recover from than the regular burning days. Any injuries, up to and including scars, that a phoenix acquires between burning days will be gone after the next burning day, too, so that's pretty awesome, too."
"Okay wait," Duke said, waving a hand slightly. "Hold on. One of the questions Phantom asked you was about your relationship with fire, could you explain more about that, please?"
Steph and Jay shared grins. "Fire doesn't burn me anymore. I technically have pyrokinesis, and eventually I'll be able to pull my little "appearing out of a fireball" shtick for real," he said.
"Yeah, and he can express and share his emotions through specific sounds that apparently sound like bird songs and calls. Apparently it's a key form of communication for phoenixes, and it can be damaging to their mental health to go for too long without doing so, so Phantom said to let everyone know to expect some random fluctuations in emotions while Jay gets used to actually following his instinctual need to connect with us in that way," Steph added, bumping shoulders with Jay in a show of support.
B nodded in thought before gazing knowingly at the two of them. "I notice a lot of emphasis has been placed on Jason's phoenix status, but what about your banshee status, Stephanie? What can you tell us about that?"
She grinned as Jason trilled in excitement. "Oh, can I explain this bit?" He asked her, and she waved him on. "Turns out a lot of myths and folklore about the fae, the Seelie and Unseelie courts, are wildly out of date. There's been peace between both courts for centuries now, their governing systems are both complex and extremely easy to understand, and they have agreements on how to deal with humans and others who have offended them in one way or another. Banshees, who have pretty much always been associated with the Unseelie court, are basically fae PIs. They have an instinctual knowledge of the beings and entities around them and can tell if someone is human or not based on their aura, or vibes as Phantom put it. They use their screams to magically obtain information on a person of interest, usually someone who's been declared wanted for questioning by one of the fae courts but sometimes it's someone wanted by human courts, from beyond the veil of morality, which they can then use to either track the person of interest down or to officially convict them."
"I thought a banshee's scream signaled someone's eminent death," Dick mused.
Steph shook her head. "In olden times, sure, but the death penalty isn't exactly used much anymore, so a banshee's scream doesn't immediately mean death. I don't even have to scream in front of the person I'm screaming about, I just have to know some kind of basic information about them. I also don't have to scream when I first get the urge to, I can hold it in so I can get to a more appropriate place to let it out." She shrugged. "Apparently, though, the longer I choke it back, the more painful it will become, until I just have to scream, which I'm sure none of us want to test too thoroughly."
Babs cringed and shook her head. "Definitely not, that sounds extremely unpleasant and almost entirely impractical. We'll have to do some testing for future reference, but not to the point you potentially injure yourself," the redhead said before changing the topic. "So are we in agreement? We're going to continue these tutoring sessions with Phantom?"
Steph watched B as he looked at each of them in turn, getting various forms of confirmation from them all, before turning back to Babs. "Yes, I think we will. Steph, Jaylad, if Phantom gave either of you homework, I ask that you keep up with it. Just one session with him has settled the two of you in a way I hadn't noticed you weren't until you got back. I don't want that progress lost, and I'm sure neither of you do, either."
She looked at Jason, who was looking at her, and she knew Bruce was more right than he could possibly know.
Jazz looked up from her textbook when she felt Danny phase into their apartment at almost midnight. He popped into view with a beaming smile that caused some of the tension in her shoulders to relax. "I take it things went well?" Jazz asked as she set her pencil down and turned her whole attention to her little brother.
"Did it ever! Oh my ghost, Jazz, despite not having had his first burning day since reviving, Condor is already really in tune with his instincts. He's been struggling with explaining them to the others, he didn't have the vocabulary to explain them at the time, but he soaked up everything I taught him like a sponge! He took to vocalized emotional expression like a fish to water, and has already been dabbling with his pyrokinesis on his own!" Danny exclaimed, running a hand through his hair with a slightly hysterical laugh. "And Starling, Jazz, she's already had the five initial screams all banshees go through. She's been using her screams unintentionally for the past six months without even realizing it, she honestly thought she'd just been screaming in frustration and then having lightbulb moments of everything clicking together. Pandora said most banshees struggle with assimilating the information they gain from their screams that quickly until they've been screaming for years, but Starling's been doing it instinctually for months without problem!" Suddenly, he clenched his hair in both hands and tugged slightly. "Gah , I can't believe they've been left floundering like this for so long! Just from this first meeting, I can see the potential in all of them. If they're this good at what they do without knowing what they are and what they can do, I can't even begin to imagine how much more effective they'll be with that knowledge. But the kicker is, they could have been that good from the start if only they'd known sooner!"
"Hey," Jazz said as she got up and walked over to her little brother, gently grabbing his hands and working them free from his hair. "It'll be okay. They have you in their corner now. Sure, they should have known sooner, and it really sucks that they didn't, but they do now. Can you imagine how much worse it'd be if they never knew? I can, and honestly, it's kind of scary. You're doing the right thing, baby brother. Don't ever forget that, okay?"
Danny drew her into a tight hug. "Thank you for being here, for helping me keep my head on straight," he said into her shoulder.
Jazz smiled sadly into his hair. "I'll always be here for you, Danny. You don't need to worry about that," she replied as she tightened the hug. No matter what happens, I will never leave you, she thought fiercely.
FIRST STEPH POV! AND FIRST JAZZ POV! PLUS LORE! ✧⁠\⁠(⁠>⁠o⁠<⁠)⁠ノ⁠✧ I hope y'all enjoyed lol I had a lot of fun with this one. I legit couldn't wait to write it and had to orally take notes via audio recording while I was driving around running errands ಡ⁠ ͜⁠ ⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಡ good news is I now have concrete plans for chapter three!
I would also like to say that my takes on all beings, creatures, and entities based on real myths and folklore are exactly that, my takes. I have cherry picked myths, folklore, and canon for the bits and pieces I find cool or interesting, and threw out the rest. If that offends you in any way, I apologize but respectfully ask that you just don't continue to read this series. I write primarily for mine and my mother's enjoyment, and what we enjoy is taking apart and piecing together things that realistically don't go together. I understand that my writing isn't for everyone, but I sincerely enjoy reading the comments of those who also enjoy my writing.
Also, I've finally figured out how to do the "keep reading" thing on mobile! Let me know if you guys like it or not, and if I should keep doing it or not, please? 乁⁠|⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠〰⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠|⁠ㄏ
Also also, I've decided that, since I'm modding the Patrol Partners event as well as doing Camp NaNoWriMo this month, I'm taking Sundays off from writing. I'll post fics on AO3 that haven't been posted yet, I'll answer replies, asks, and DMs, but I won't be doing any writing on Sundays. Therefore, there's no day 2 fic that y'all missed, I just didn't write one (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ (I'm going to post this at the end of my author's note tomorrow as well so more of my readers see it, but I wanted to put it here now while I'm thinking about it)
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lablass-2882 · 4 months
Happy Cody Day!
So, in Honor of Cody Day (2/2/24), that I completely didn’t.....somewhat.... forget about until last minute.  I attempted to draw some cute fan art of Cody with all his nieces and nephews from my Clone kiddo Au.
I didn’t like it.  It just wasn’t working the way I wanted it to.  So, I tried something else.  And that looked terrible.  So I went for attempt number 3 aaaannnnd.... you can guess how that went.
Here is a cute little short story instead featuring Cody and one of his nieces from my whacky AU.
Story below the cut.
“Sorry.” Cody mumbled.
“They don't have to be....kandos” A small voice mumbled. (Perfect)
“Ba’vod is almost done. This will only take a moment.” (Uncle)
“Gar said megin eyn hour’ago.” The small voice retorted. (You said that an hour ago.)
Cody huffed as he stared down at his messy work.  Despite weeks of careful planning, endless research, and diligent practice..... he really sucked at braiding.  In particular, he sucked at braiding hair.  There was something about braiding hair chaffed him to no end.  His braids were always uneven, messy, and, quite frankly, just inadequate.  He was just really bad at it.  He always had been and he expected that he always would be.  Much to his young and fidgety niece’s bad luck.
Now, Taliyah, or Tally for short, was trying her best to sit still.  But she was also a ten-year old child who really, really wanted to go play with the other kids in the yard.  What had started as a simple request for twin braids in her hair had turned into a battle of attrition for the young girl.  She had been so blissfully unaware of Cody’s utter disdain for braids.  And now, two hours later, her patience was reaching a breaking point. So, in a moment of defeat.....Cody throw in the towel and let the messy braids win.
“Alright, I guess that will have to do.” He huffed out.  “So, how do they look?”
He handed Tally a small mirror to look at her braids.  Her pale purple hair was so different than Cody’s own.  It was softer than the hair of the clones and had more of a wavy curl when compared to the tight curls that he and Vod’s sported.  This made his usual styling techniques and tricks ineffective on most days.  Especially braids.  But Tally didn’t seem to care about the messy braids or their uneven alignment, as a bright smile blossomed across her face.
“Val're Kandosii! I Love it, Ba’vod Kote!” (They’re perfect.)
Whirling around to face him, Cody was met with a tight hug and a wide toothy grin that made his heart melt.
“Ori'vor'e, ori’vor’e!” (An excited thank you expression.) The young girl chimed.  “Now I have braids too.  Just like Aurora and the ashi’vods.” (other kids)
Cody hummed and nodded along with her excitement.  He honestly thought that he could have done better, but if his niece was happy.  That was all that mattered. 
“Now, these won’t last all day, okay.  I don’t think your hair is long enough to leave the braids in like the others.  If they start to get loose, come and find me to fix it.  Utre’la?” (Means alright or clear.)
“Ultre’la.” Tally nodded.
Cody doubted that the braids would last for very long.  Not with how the kids played, it would be a miracle if they stayed for the rest of the day.  Plus, Tally’s hair really wasn’t long enough for tight braids. Aurora, Neo, and Ulh’ta all had hair similar to him and his vods, and it could hold tight braids.  While most of Tally’s hair had been chopped off during her surgery. It was starting to grow back, but at a snail’s pace.  He had tried to explain that to her when she asked him about putting braids in her hair....... but her pleading eyes broke down any resistance he had. So, this old clone soldier dug out his styling tools and attempted to make his ad'ika happy. (niece, nephew, child, etc.) Maybe Rex was right, and he had grown soft.
“May I go play in the yard now? Geedet’te Ba’vod Kote.” Tally chimed. (Please, uncle Cody.)
“You may.” He sighed.  “But be careful and no climbing things.”
“Okay.” She chirped while trying to wiggle out of his grip.
“Especially trees.”
“I won’t.”
“And no hitting the other kids.”
“Shi meh val nynir ni sol'yc” (Only if they hit me first.)
“I promise I won’t.” Tally giggled before running off.  Metal feet clanged against the floors as she ran.  Pausing momentarily at the doorframe before turning back to face him, “kar’taylir darasuum, Ba’vod Kote.” (Love you, Uncle Cody.) And with that, she was off.
Cody signed and went to pick up his tools.  “Kar'taylir darasuum gar too ad'ika.” (Love you too, little one.)
And there you have it. A nice short and sweet like fic.
Apologies for no doodles or drawings. I attempted so many different ideas, but drawing.exe in my brain just wasn't working. So I went with a short story instead.
Anyway, see y'all next time.
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dirty-bosmer · 10 months
The very talented @sheirukitriesfandom came up with this writing game. Thank you so much for the tag! I'm finally recovered enough from my trip to take a stab at all the tag-games I've missed. It was both nice and a bit challenging to revisit my old works. Forgot a lot of what I had written, honestly 😅
Tagging: @atypicalacademic @justafoxhound @elavoria @kookaburra1701 @nuwanders @thequeenofthewinter @skyrim-forever @gilgamish @chennnington @throughtrialbyfire @thana-topsy @mareenavee @paraparadigm @ladytanithia @nine-blessed-hero @wispstalk @sylvienerevarine @expended-sleeper
And as always no pressure if you're not feeling it. Also consider yourself tagged if you see this and are interested in joining in :D
The rules are to share:
A line from your fic that makes you laugh
lmao I don't think humor is a strength of mine, so I combed through very briefly and pulled at the first thing I saw that made me snort.
Mathieu swore he'd had conversations of more substance with mudcrabs while five brandies deep, and yet it always fascinated him how little his Speaker could say in so many words.
(from The Illusionist Part 2)
A line from your fic that makes you sad
If she could hold the quill steady, she would write it ten times over. She’d say, I miss doing nothing with you, being nothing but with you. If nothing were as blissful as those hours spent beside you, perhaps I wouldn’t fear it so.
(from The Illusionist Part 2)
A line from your fic you're proud of
The Midyear sun blazed high and proud above Kvatch. Below, the city scrambled on. Another Midyear, another Middas. Magnus rose, its ascent resolute.
(it's actually the first line of The Illusionist Part 1, and it has surprisingly remained unchanged since my first iteration of the fic??? Unfathomable to me lol)
A line from your fic you think could have been better
Only one? 😅 Truth is, I'm perpetually editing old chapters, so I could pretty much insert the entire series of The Illusionist here.
A line from your fic that makes you want to punch a character
Lucien gurgled or perhaps chortled, then spat out a mouthful of blood. “I thought you preferred silence, dear Sister.”
(Lucien sucks so baaaaddd and I get progressively meaner to him, sorry. Kinda hate what I've done to him, but he is a loser and someone has to bully him, and the burden so happened to fall upon me 🤷‍♀️)
A line from your fic that makes you go 'aww'
Nim's hair draped around his face, shielding him from the dancing flames of the brazier, and when Raminus closed his eyes, she was the only light that existed in all of Mundus, brilliant and blinding. 
(Crying about my nerd Raminus Polus, what's new.)
A line from your fic that's full of symbolism
The shop windows taunt him from his periphery, but he will pass one hundred more if that’s what it takes to prove his presence. His footfalls are heavy. He persists, learns how to walk again, how to exert his body upon the world if only to feel it press up against his feet. 
(From Treacle)
A line from your fic that contains an Easter egg
“If we’re such pious servants, then why does Nana always speak of the Daedra as though she drinks with them every Fredas?”
From Slither and Writhe. It is referencing an OC of mine so idk if its really an easter egg, but I just think it's funny how the protagonists in TES games go about collecting daedric artifacts like they're halloween candy.
A line from your fic that's shocking
And if her mother had only been more inquisitive about her work, she’d know the difference between the stench of decay and fouled wounds and that of flesh mending itself together beneath fresh stitches and salves that Sylawen lathered on diligently with deft fingers everyday.
(from Slither and Writhe. A lot of lines in that fic are kind of er... gross 😅 It is about a necromancer, after all)
A line from your fic you want to talk about more
Abrim is gilded in the torch flame. Every part of him is a different shade of brown such that Scar-Tail needs only look at him in flickering light to feel he’s travelled all of Tamriel’s woods, seen every kind of tree there is.
Ramble time. While trying to describe this character, I was thinking of my uncles, how dark their complexion, how different the shades of brown are in their skin, their eyes, their hair. Growing up as a latina I used to find brown so boring and so common because I was preoccupied with a set of beauty standards that women in my community paraded about, only to realize they were full of internalized colorism :D Anyway, that was a decade ago, and there's this line I remember reading, and I have no idea where from— somos el color de la tierra, we are the color of the earth, and I think more people should be romanticizing brown because it's so diverse and so beautiful 💕
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unabashegirl · 10 months
Lycan 4 (HS)
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Author's note: I am so excited about the future of this series. It's also very freeing to write about mystical things, and it enables my imagination which I love. Lycan already has SEVEN chapters. All uploaded on my Patreon. I can't for you to read it when the time comes.
Please let me know if you would like to be tagged!
words: 1.3K
—all chapters of lycan —
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Y/N was speechless, and she felt very embarrassed. She could feel her cheeks flaring up from embarrassment as both men stared down at her.
“You are the mayor?” She asked again, surprised that the town had voted for someone so young. Y/N was also realizing how attractive the new mayor was. She liked how he was casually dressed in jeans and a T-shirt. He looked nothing like a mayor.
“I am Harry” he stretched out his hand. “Nice to meet you” Harry was very amused at how her expression and her tone changed.
“Y/N Y/L/N” she shook his hand, “I am sorry about my rudeness” She apologized which Harry found ridiculously cute. She mesmerized him, and he could tell that she was going to be incredibly special to him.
“See? That wasn’t that hard” Harry joked, “You are new in town, right?”
“Not really. I was born here” Harry nodded and listened carefully, “Just visiting my father”. She revealed.
“That’s nice. Well, it’s great to have you back. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you” Harry smiled at her making her swooned for him. “Niall, can I have a word with you? Have a good one Y/N” Harry waved as he turned his back towards her and walked back to his table.
“I’ll be right back” Niall winked at her and walked towards Harry.
Y/N tried her best to start eating and mind her own business, but she couldn’t stop herself to look up. From where she sat, it looked like he was diligently explaining something to Niall. The young cop only nodded back. Harry's eyes met with hers making her look down at her food quickly. She had been caught with the hand in the cookie jar, and why deny it? She was obviously checking him out. Y/N just wanted to pay the bill and run out.
“Y/N!” Mr. Brown called out as he walked up to her, saving her from the awkwardness. She tried her best not to look back, but she left someone’s eyes on her, and it made her uncomfortable. Y/N was being watched, but she wasn’t going to look up. She tried her best to ignore it and instead, she stood up from her seat and hugged Mr. Brown.
“Mr. Brown! How’ve you been?” She smiled widely at whom she considered to be the closest thing to a father figure.
“Good! It’s great seeing sweetie. How long are you staying?”
“Just two weeks. I hope. I’ve got to get back to work” Y/N explained, “I am just finishing up breakfast before going to see Robert”.
“You should come over to dinner tonight! We would love to catch up” Mr. Brown smiled, “Are you staying at the house?”.
“No. At the hotel” Mr. Brown nodded before someone started speaking on his radio. “Well, duty calls. I’ll see you later, honey” He smiled, “Niall!” He called out interrupting his conversation with Harry. Mr. Brown didn’t even wait for Niall, he walked straight out into his car. From, the corner of her eye, Y/N watched as Harry and Niall walked out of the diner.
“Cute, huh?” Mrs., Brown asked as she refilled her coffee.
“Who?” Y/N asked as she faked being interested in some Excel documents that she had opened on her laptop.
“Mayor Styles” Mrs. Brown responded, “Apparently he was born and raised in town, but I’ve never seen him before he was a contestant for elections.”
“That’s odd. How old is he?”
“I think he is thirty or thirty-one.”
“Should have seen him in school, but I don’t remember anyone by that name” Y/N wasn’t popular, but the town wasn’t as big to forget the names of the people at school. Nor was the school too big to never have met the students from older grades.
“That’s because he was homeschooled” Mrs. Brown shrugged, “To be honest I honestly didn’t believe in his campaign and thought that he was going to be a disaster.” The Browns had debated multiple weeks and the house had been divided. Mr. Brown thought that Harry was the way to go. Sure. He was young, but the town needed a change. “He has been doing a decent job lately. He is very attentive and open to suggestions. At least, he solved the issue with whatever was in the woods”.
Y/N's curiosity instantly perked up at the mention of the woods.
“What issue? What’s in the woods?” Mrs. Brown laughed and placed her hand on her shoulder with a big smile.
“Nothing anymore, honey. Harry took care of it with Mr. Brown” Y/N sighted and made a mental note to ask Mr. Brown at dinner. She was interested maybe what she had seen in the woods had some connection to it. Y/N didn’t feel crazy anymore. Her lack of sleep had been validated.
“I should get going.” Y/N looked down at her watch, realizing that visiting hours were just about to start in the hospital. If she wanted to check up on Robert, she needed to leave now. “I’ll see you at dinner” She winked and kissed Mrs. Brown’s cheek after putting down thirty dollars.
“Don’t be late! We are having lasagna!” She called out before Y/N left the diner.
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Y/N hated the town’s hospital with every fiber in her. Mostly after experiencing her mother’s death. Potentially it was the number of times that she had driven her to the hospital when she had gotten so sick or when her father had beaten her up so badly that she was unrecognizable.
10:05 AM her phone showed her after she parked. She sat in the parking lot for a few minutes, trying to bring down her heart rate. The truth was that Y/N was still scared of her father. She was older now and didn’t depend on him, but most of her darkest dreams had him in them as the main lead.
The first nights in college, she would wake up screaming and drenched in sweat. Her dorm monitor had even advised her to look for help from one of the psychology teachers. A piece of advice that she had taken as an insult at first but ended up doing exactly that. Things got better after she started assisting consistently. Pamela had been her salvation.
“Robert Y/L/N?” She asked at the nurse's station.
“You are?”
“His daughter” Y/N sharply said, annoyed that she had to keep revealing that she was related to him.
“Oh! Ms. Y/L/N, you are finally here! I thought you weren’t going to ever come. He is in room 206” The nurse smiled and pointed her down the hallway. “I am sure he is going to be happy to see you”.
“Thanks” She slowly walked down the hall. Suddenly, Y/N couldn’t remember the reason she had agreed to come up to see him. It was not worth it anymore. Her mental stability mattered more. Y/N finally came up to the door of the room and stood in front of it. She was stiff as a board; her muscles had tensed up. Y/N closed her eyes as she remembered Pamela’s words in her mind. She tried to remember everything that she had ever talked to Pamela about and everything she had advised her to do before seeing her father. “You are enough, a million times enough,” she said to herself.
Y/N opened the door and faced the monster of her story.
Click below and join our community to continue reading Different, Lycan or Enticing. Check our different tiers one for $3.00 USD or get access to all THREE series for $5.00 USD.
TAGLIST: @harryssky1, @jerseygirlinca
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furinabakery · 1 month
Neuviyuri au!
F/F Neuvifuri, a little genderfuckery, modern school AU
When Furina asked Neuvillette of this, it was simply out of desperation. Her determination to ensure that their theater club's major project would be a success prompted her to try all methods possible— even if that included being shameless enough to ask Neuvillette to play the lead role of a male judge.
But really, Furina was not expecting a yes for an answer. After all, Neuvillette has already done her a huge favor simply by agreeing to be part of this club, during the start of the school year. All clubs need to reach a minimum number of members for them to be recognized by the school, and back then, the theater club was on the brink of being dissolved— until Neuvillette, Furina's ever-gracious best friend, came to the rescue.
"I know you don't like being in the spotlight," Furina noted, after expressing her gratitude, "so I assure you you don't have to be in one to contribute meaningfully to the club! The ones working behind the scenes are just as important as those onstage. So there's no need to worry; as your club president, I'll make sure that you'll only ever do things you're comfortable with!"
Well. That was still true, alright. Furina was perfectly capable of respecting Neuvillette's decision had she said no. All she planned to do was try; it would have been a waste not to, when Neuvillette is the most qualified member of the club for the role. Neuvillette was dedicated, diligent, and she had a temperament similar to the character— she would master the role in no time.
And another important aspect was Neuvillette's physique. She was tall, slender, had broad shoulders; she had always been the sort of lady to look better in button-ups than dresses. Apart from that, there was also this certain aura in the way she carries herself... and ever since Furina became hyper-aware of these, she could no longer shrug off the vision of Neuvillette playing the strong and mighty judge in their play.
And so, after a lot of hesitations, of stuttering from Furina's part when she asked Neuvillette the question— they now found themselves here.
One aspect to pay attention to in ensuring Neuvillette's effective portrayal of the role was her makeup and wardrobe. So this weekend, Furina decided to pay Neuvillette a visit in her home, and help her pick suitable clothes from the ones she already owned. Furina also brought her makeup kit, intending to teach Neuvillette the most fitting look for the role she will play.
The wardrobe part was easy enough. Neuvillette's clothes mostly consisted of suits and button-ups, which were definitely in-character of a judge. What was a little challenging, however, was the makeup part, for the art of painting faces was not something that Neuvillette frequently dabbled on. Furina had to teach her the basics, before they could proceed with the specifics.
And at some point, Furina's more experienced hands had to be the ones to put the makeup on Neuvillette's face.
"Like this, Neuvi..." Furina said as she applied the contour on Neuvillette's face. "This will make the bone structure of your face more prominent... more— hm... more traditionally masculine...?"
"Hm," Neuvillette said, attention full on Furina. One of her hands was on Furina's waist to help her balance. "Just like the thick eyebrows?"
"Yeah, I mean... there are definitely men with thinner eyebrows and softer facial features, but... well... there are some... standards to adhere to..." Furina trailed off, her focus wandering. "But you know what I think, honestly? Even without this makeup you can pass off as a man..."
Absentminded, Furina took a few moments to realize what she had just said, the possible offensiveness of it. So, nervously, she looked at Neuvillette, tried to gauge her reaction.
But Neuvillette only looked back at her, only continued drawing circles on Furina's waist.
Furina swallowed.
"Done." She stepped away, prompted Neuvillette to face the vanity mirror. "What do you think?"
Neuvillette stared at her reflection for a while.
Then, her face went through a myriad of emotions that Furina had never seen before.
Furina did not quite have the words to describe them. There was softness, and then there was disbelief, then wonder, fascination... Could the most meticulously-planned and scripted plays ever produced by the school's theater club pull on her heart, the way Neuvillette's rawest and realest expressions did so in this moment? Furina doubted it.
In fact, Furina doubted she could find a greater beauty anywhere else, than the one this woman now possessed.
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Hi, the plagiarism case anon here. A few things: There can be no case for the "imgonnagetyouback" song by TS made by Olivia's team. Having the same or similar name between songs is not illegal. The songs (after hearing them both back to back) do not sound alike. There is nothing here.
Josh Farro left Paramore in 2010, but he is a co-writer with Hayley on Misery Business so if he feels that someone ripped off his intellectual property, he has grounds to request credits. Worth noting, he is a piece of shit. Hayley (and the rest of the band) were unaware of this because she did not seek legal action, HE did. That's why she was shocked when she got the credits.
I'm not sure if you're an Olivia Rodrigo fan (because I'm not) but they're not profiting off her, it looks like Josh Farro made a stupid case and Olivia's team was even stupider for getting scared of it and gave away credits without doing their due diligence. That's why in 2022 Olivia got new management (Aleen Keshishan/Lighthouse Management), to protect her assets more.
The reason why Farro (I'm not sure why you included Swift - she can't drop anything she didn't start, even though I don't like Eco-terrorist Barbie here I don't think she "started" anything) is because he saw he could get away with it. Swift, Williams, Antonoff, and St. Vincent probably just woke up and saw that their names were added underneath "Good 4 u" and "Deja vu" and I'm sure the money started to roll in shortly after. (I believe it was a 25% split for Farro/Williams and Swift also got 25%, Antonoff 20%, and St. Vincent 5%.) I believe Olivia still works with St. Vincent {she was credited in guts) which I find very interesting.
Olivia also tried to sue Korean singer Choi Yena and take her song down. I mean, the name of the song was bad ("Hate Rodrigo"), but the whole entire song was essentially praising her. She also has a lot of compelling plagiarism accusations from her dance routines to her merch designs. And Olivia's fans still send death threats to those two kids and she has said that she doesn't care (like actually, in an interview about the hate other people receive from her songs is "none of her concern" [Source: Interview on YouTube: IHeartRadioCA] so idk. I can tell she used to idolize TS. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree or whatever.
Hello, wow this is so much information, Thanks for sharing!
Honestly, I'm not surprised about Josh Farro being the one to start all the shit. He's been a jerk and will remain an asshole forever.
However, I really don't believe that Swift has no ability to just say "pass." That makes zero sense. It's not like Farro or anyone else can sue on behalf of Taylor Swift. Besides, if Olivia's team gave away credits, then the ones benefiting from the credits are now profiting off of her. Obviously, they are getting money from this situation.
Also, I'm not a huge fan of Rodrigo. So, I'm not going to waste time defending her for her own lawsuits or weird comments. I simply don't know much about it. This whole story caught my interest because it involves Taylor Swift.
I like that Olivia is at least more creative than Swift with her music. She also doesn't try so hard to make it seem more serious. It's just pop-music not pretending to be poetry. I would hope that eventually Olivia issues some type of anti-bullying statement, though. If she has not already done so.
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