#i followed this sport since i was a wee child
masochistic-tifosi · 8 months
If I drink a green soda during the race, will it make the Aston Martins go faster?
If I drink a green soda and where my lucky aloha shirt do, they negate each other or do they work together and give both Astons a good race?
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pretty-toru · 1 year
lovesick┆gojo satoru
୧ genre: fluff
୧ wc: 1.4k
୧ synopsis: megumi is sick with a common cold, and gojo is simply lovesick for you.
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Gojo Satoru convinces himself that he's not jealous.
How could he feel such a prickling and burning sensation in his lower tummy, slowly rising towards his heart making his blood boil and face grow hot just because you're nursing eleven-year-old Megumi back to health? The same little rascal that he had previously gotten into a spat with over something stupid and it doesn't help that the brat's sticking his tongue out and pulling down his lower eyelid taunting him.
But of course, you're too busy doting over sweet and innocent Megumi to notice. Too preoccupied with fluffing the pillows for the young boy to rest his poor head on, gently tucking him in with a cozy throw blanket, putting something on the platinum screen with the promise of brewing him a ginger-honey tea to make him feel better.
No matter how much Gojo tries to ignore Megumi, his facial muscles twitch and contort on their own in utter dismay and his Six Eyes zeroes in on the couch-ridden boy with his lips curling into a deep frown before sticking his tongue back at him.
"Come on, Satoru. Be nice to him, he's really sick." You say as you start the kettle and reach for a mug from the cabinet. Gojo's forced to acknowledge that Megumi wasn't faking the snotty nose and loud sneezes, but he still doesn't like the idea of losing to one smug child and giving him the satisfaction that he's secured his revenge which is your devoted attention. Maybe Megumi knew that his guardian would go a wee-bit insane being treated as a second thought but Gojo will never admit that it's working.
"Hey honey, you know what? I don't feel so good either. Here, feel my forehead." Gojo takes your hand and places it over his forehead to check if it's warm to the touch and he makes sure to do his best impression of looking pathetically sick—droopy eyelids, jutting his lower lip into a pout, and slumped shoulders to get your sympathy.
"Satoru, you feel perfectly fine. There's nothing wrong with you."
"I swear I'm not feeling well. My throat feels weird and scratchy, my body feels flashes of hot and cold, my head is pounding and it's killing me, and.." Gojo tries to convince you that he's experiencing every symptom he could think of and you knew he was determined to be sick. Between your "uh-huh" and "right" you decide to humor him as you follow his explanation and tried your hardest to hold back a smile when he throws in an exaggerated detail or two.
"Alright, you big baby. We can't have you feeling sick now, can we? Can't have the strongest sorcerer out of commission for long, hm?"
"Nope, that'd be very bad. As long as you drop everything and pour all your attention on me, I should get better in no time. No pressure or anything, but the world does kinda depend on it~" Gojo flashes you a toothy grin then quickly remembers that he's supposed to be sick and feigns a cough or two averting your knowing glance.
"Hmm, okay I'll see what I can do. Now come here, let's get you all nice and comfortable so you can get your much-needed rest and get well again." You lead him to your shared bedroom and reflect the covers back for him to climb onto the mattress and ensure he's warm and cozy as you pull the comforter over him. For someone who's supposed to feel horribly ill Gojo sure can't seem to wipe the smile off his face. "You seem a little too happy to be sick, don't you think?"
"Just glad that you'll be the one to help me get back my strength is all." Through his fluttering lashes, he sports the most innocent and angelic expression he can muster and you can't help the soft giggle given his stellar performance up until this point.
"Alright, if you say so. I'll get you something to eat, okay? I'll be right back."
As you're turning on your heel to head for the door, Gojo pouts and protests. "Wha- No sweet kiss to hold me over? You might be a while and I'll get lonely since you're not here to keep me company."
"Aw, sorry baby. But you know there's no kissing until you're all better. Can't get myself sick now that I have to look after you and Megumi, right? I promise you I won't be long."
"...Not even a forehead kiss? :(" He murmurs under his breath as he watches your back to him and eventually disappears into another room. Once Gojo's left to his own devices, he wonders how long it would take you to complete your task on hand. He fiddles with his thumbs and counts the passing minutes. One minute becomes five, five becomes ten, then ten becomes twenty and he suddenly cannot bear to be apart from you much longer and checks on you.
"Sweetheart, what's taking you so long? I thoug-" And there he stumbles across the answer to his own question. Megumi is being spoon-fed rice porridge by you because he claims that his arms are too weak to do it himself and you couldn't leave him starved in his condition. Gojo appears crestfallen and disgruntled in the throw blanket draped over his lanky body and with a small huff he grumbles, "So that's what you've been up to. Fine, fine I guess it's up to me to take care of myself, huh?"
"What's wrong with him? Is he sick too or something?" Megumi asks nonchalantly as he watches his mentor's dejected form return to his bedroom to sulk. You gently shake your head and offer the young boy a soft smile, but you do feel a little bad that your husband has been acting unusual lately hence his needy and clingy tendencies.
"He's just going through a phase, but don't you worry about him and focus on getting better, okay? I'll find a way to make it up to him."
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When you enter your shared bedroom with a platter of breakfast in your grasp, you found Gojo hiding under the covers in an attempt of giving you his silent treatment. You place the serving tray of food on the nightstand and situate yourself on the bed beside him, smoothing your hand over his covered shoulder as he's laid on his side with his face away from you. "Satoru, my love, I've brought you breakfast."
With a soft shrug of his shoulder, he responds with a strained hum but you know it's just him being melodramatic because he could never truly be mad at you. "Do you wanna tell me what's on your mind? I'm all yours if you come on out from under the covers."
Gojo shifts his body weight around and tufts of white hair start to peek as he gradually pulls the blanket down until you meet his azure gaze and he receives your sweet smile. "Hey there, is everything alright? Did I do something to upset you?" The tender warmth of your hand finds its home on his cheek with a gentle caress and he sighs contently at the familiar touch. You're patient as you wait for him to gather his thoughts, your fingers moving to his soft tendrils in soothing motions and he inches closer to you.
"You've never done a single thing wrong ever. You are perfect," he begins slowly. "I just missed you and ever since I got back from my mission you were too busy with the kids (Megumi and Tsumiki) that we haven't had any time together and I just wanna be with you." Gojo confesses as he's playing with the hem of your shirt, feeling a bit vulnerable to look you straight in the eyes. "Oh, and another thing... I'm not actually sick I only said that so you'd notice me more."
"Thanks for being honest with me. And I knew that you weren't sick. For someone who's supposed to be good at anything he tries, I'm glad that you turned out to be a pretty bad liar."
Gojo's face heats up at that and he unceremoniously buries his face in your lap from embarrassment, as muffled words of "Oh, so you knew. I thought I was pretty convincing" managed to reach your ears.
"Tell you what, how about we have ourselves a nice picnic this weekend? Just the two of us, I'll find someone to watch the kids. And I think maybe spending an afternoon in the sunshine will do us some good. What do you think?"
Gojo suddenly lights up at your proposal. "I think you're wonderful for planning the perfect date."
"You're sweet for giving me so much credit." Your soft laughter quickly melts his heart and he returns your affections, feeling a little more in love with you as you're both sharing a moment together. "I love you."
"I love you so much more, my sweet angel."
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dira333 · 5 months
Away from home - Oikawa x reader
Follower Celebration Request
A/N: Since I had quite some trouble characterizing him, I'd appreciate it if you told me how well I've managed
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Your last roommate had been less difficult.
Granted, he’d only been on the lease for a month before he moved out again, and even then, you barely saw him. 
But this guy is different. He’s been overly charming during the interview, to the point that it made you suspicious. Who flirts that much over a simple room? Especially when it had already been clear that he got it?
Oikawa Tooru is tall, good-looking, and aware of it. He’s also your roommate of one day and is already going on your nerves.
“The laundry.” You’re standing in the doorway to his room, laundry basket heavy on your hip. “You need to put it away when it’s done or I can’t use the washer.”
“Oh, I was going to do-” Tooru scrambles up from his bed where he’d been watching something on his laptop, his ridiculously floppy hair bouncing as he moves. He’s like a walking shampoo ad.
“Yeah, now.” You put the laundry basket down. “And I need it in half an hour when my load is done.”
“Sure thing, honeycup.”
“Don’t call me that.”
You had wondered, for about half a minute, how he was dealing with the culture shock that was Argentina. It had been tough for you, coming from America, but it had to be worse for him. You still remember how he blushed when you casually used his first name - like you were used to doing - before realizing that that’s not really a thing in Japan. 
Was he as homesick as you? Did he miss familiar sights, the simple things like being able to get your favorite brand of chocolate in the nearby store instead of having to find a specialty shop and paying an arm and a leg for it? 
You wanted to ask, kind of, until you walked back to his room thirty minutes later only to find your laundry basket still filled with wet clothing.
“Are you serious?” You ask. He looks up from his laptop, brows furrowed.
“What?” He asks.
“The laundry. I told you I need the basket.” 
“I was going to-”
You grab the basket, lift it up, and turn it over, watching with a sick kind of satisfaction as it drops heavily on his bed - and partly on him too. 
“I’m not your mom.” You remind him and storm out of his room before you can lose your temper even more.
A week later you’ve learned a few things about Tooru.
One, he needs longer in the bathroom than you. Especially in the mornings when you really have to pee.
Two, he has the worst diet you’ve ever seen and you lived with your diabetic grandfather until you moved here. How can he survive on coffee and Tortas Fritas and still look like someone cut him from marble a few hours ago?
Three, he never seems to sleep. Twice you’ve got up in the wee hours of the morning because your bladder insisted on it, only to find him up, watching sports on his laptop like a maniac.
Four, he owns at least five pairs of Alien-themed loungewear. That you know because he keeps forgetting to put his laundry away.
Which brings you to the fifth thing you’ve learned about him. He never, ever, ever puts his laundry away.
It’s a miracle he even knows how to start a washing cycle. But as soon as he presses the button he seems to forget that the machine even exists until you put the laundry basket in his room and insist that he hangs his clothes to dry. When you come back around and find that he hasn’t done that, you can either hang it up yourself to avoid the smell or nag him until he does it. Which in turn will lead to you nagging him about taking down the dry clothes. You suspect he just picks them from the clothes line whenever he needs to wear them, entirely foregoing his closet.
And you should be above this. He’s your roommate, not your friend. He’s a stranger and not part of your family. He’s not even a child, even though he acts like one. So even if you’re studying pediatric medicine, that does not mean you have to throw yourself in front of every man-toddler who seems to need your help.
But he does. And you cannot make yourself stop caring.
“Listen up, Buttercup.” You start the moment the door clicks shut behind him.
“Oh?” He asks, voice hopeful. The smile slips from his lips the moment he sees you.
Your hair is pushed away from your face thanks to the most ridiculous headband you own - it has two plush black crows sown onto both sides instead of cat ears because your little brother had both a sowing and a crow phase at the same time. You hold your spatula like a sword and point it at him.
“We’re cooking today.”
“I don’t need-”
“You cannot live by Tortas Fritas any longer.” You declare. “My medical degree will not allow it.”
“You don’t have a medical degree yet.”
“And you’re not Karch Kiraly but you sure act like him.”
That makes him perk up. “You know Karch Kiraly?” 
“Who doesn’t?” You throw an apron at him. “Get dressed.”
“Do I have to?”
“Do you want to ruin your clothes?”
He makes a face like he’s hurting. “It’s just… it has crows on it.”
“Yes, my brother made it. You can use your own apron if you cannot handle some cute crows.”
The hurt look intensifies but he wraps it around his body, fiddles with the strings.
“You’re hopeless.” You step behind him and tie it closed, making sure to pull it extra tight as punishment for last week's actions.
“Do you have any allergies? Sensory issues?”
“I don’t like slimy food.”
“Well, you’re in luck, we’re not making slime today.”
Tooru is, surprisingly enough, not a fool in the kitchen. He knows how to cut vegetables without hurting himself and he manages not to burn anything. 
But he talks. A lot.
His English is as good as your Japanese is rusty. His accent is kinda cute, but you choose to ignore that. His Spanish is downright criminal and you have to remind yourself of his awful laundry behaviors to keep from swooning every time he points at something and names it in Spanish.
“You’re very adamant.” You point out. “Your Spanish is good, you could probably slack off a day or two.”
The look he gives you has you shivering.
“Why should I slack off?” He asks. “What do I gain from that? Do you know how hard it is to get rid of your accent?”
There’s an intensity to his voice that makes you take a step back only to bump into the table behind you.
He stops, freezes, and for some inexplicable reason - ducks his head.
You stand there for a second, speechless and confused until he seems to realize that whatever he was waiting for isn’t coming. When he straightens up again, sadness washes over his face and you know that look - it’s Homesickness.
“Who are you missing right now?”
“Iwa-chan.” He turns around to flip the frittata. “He’s my best friend.”
“Did he ruffle your hair?” You ask, “Is that why you ducked your head?”
“No.” He laughs, still not facing you. It must be easier for him to be open like this when he’s not looking at you. “He’d throw Volleyballs at my head when I was misbehaving. I’m sorry, by the way. I didn’t want to scare you.”
“Like you could scare me.” You joke, trying to downplay the effect he really had on you.
“Oh, I can be scary when I want to be, don’t you try me.” He turns this time, but the smile on his face ruins the joke. You like him more when he’s honest instead of charming.
“So that Iwa-chan.” You move to plate the food. “He’s your mom? Mom-Friend? Did he also make sure you did your laundry and went to bed early and ate healthy?”
It’s more meant as a joke than a real question and you falter when you realize that you hit the nail on the head. 
Tooru seems to fold under your question. 
“Yes.” He pouts. “I thought… Well…” He grips the edge of the sink, stares out the window instead of facing you. “The team I play for offers housing. I had a nice apartment all to myself.”
“But you need the reinforcement of a second person to actually get your life together?”
“Yeah.” He doesn’t even sound ashamed about it.
You step forward, as close to him as you dare. When he turns, you level him with a glare, stick your pointer finger into his ridiculous buff chest. 
“You listen to me, you little shit. I am not your mother and I am not your Iwa-chan. I will not run after you and remind you to eat and take a shit and go to sleep. You are more than capable of doing it yourself.”
He opens his mouth to answer but you’re not done yet.
“If I catch you with another Tortas Fritas this month, I’ll whoop your ass.”
Tooru smiles so bright you can see a dimple forming. “Is that a promise?”
“Eat.” You turn away before he can see how flustered that comment made you.
Two days later you find him in the kitchen, making a ridiculous show of it as if he’s there to film an ad for an apron instead of cooking.
He’s bought an apron for himself. Something told you he wanted to buy an alien-themed one but couldn’t find one.
Should you tell him that Godzilla isn’t an alien? He seems pretty happy about the little guy destroying cities on the flimsy fabric.
It’s been a rough day for you. Both your period and your work studies have you rubbed raw. You want to crawl into bed, not think about the boy that came in today, the one who reminds you too much of your little brother.
“Hey, am I doing this right?” Tooru calls after you as you make your way to your bedroom to unload your stuff.
“For sure.” You croak out, half turned to look at him. 
There’s something in his smile that makes it look wobbly. Not for the first time you wonder if he’s just as homesick as you are. You drop your bag on the floor in front of your bedroom door and walk back to the kitchen.
“What are you making?”
“Curry.” He waves his spoon around like he’s a magician instead of a cook. “My mother’s recipe.”
“Oh, I don’t think I’ve ever tried Japanese Curry. Can I try?”
“Of course.” Tooru grins proudly. “I made enough for both of us. And there will be leftovers.”
“That’s neat. What’s the special ingredient?”
“No special ingredient. It’s a basic recipe, I can teach you if you want.”
“Yeah, I’d like that.” You lean against the sink, surprised when he pulls something from the fridge. 
“Iced coffee. Thought you might like one when you get home.”
“You’re a godsend.” You groan and take the first sip. You’re not sure what’s more effective at waking you up, the caffeine or the coolness of the drink against the heat of all of Argentina.
“You shouldn’t drink that much coffee.” He points out when you’re halfway done with the drink.
“You shouldn’t tell me what to do.”
“You could sleep more.”
“I will when you do it too.”
He looks up, a grin on his face that speaks of danger. “Deal.”
“Bedtime for both of us. Does ten sound okay?”
“You’ll never be able to get to bed at ten. Don’t you have to bingewatch sports for five hours at night to feel complete?”
“Ouch. I’m just doing research.”
“Mhm, or you have a fetish.”
He laughs at that, loud and carefree. You like him like this.
“Tell me about your mom.” It sounds a little too harsh, but he doesn’t seem to mind that you’re demanding instead of asking.
He looks different when he speaks of his family. Younger and taller, both at the same time. Like he allows himself to be vulnerable and grows above himself through that. 
You wonder how he could ever think that his fake smile could work on women when his real smile is this attractive.
Days turn into weeks, into months.
Tooru is now the crowned king of the kitchen - after a few too many cooking battles that you’ve all sorely lost. It’s not that he doesn’t know how to cook, he just needs a reason to do so. He jokes it’s the smile on your face when you eat, but you don’t want to believe that.
It holds too many implications to believe it.
In turn, you’ve taken up all laundry duties. It’s a good system and you don’t have to nag him anymore. If he doesn’t put his dirty laundry out on Tuesdays, he will go without clean clothes for another week. Enforcing that rule has already gotten you plenty of pictures to use for blackmail, your favorite the one of him in a bright pink jumpsuit he was supposed to bring a friend. Pink suits his flustered face.
Iwa-chan is coming today. He’d told you about it weeks in advance when his friend booked the flight.Tooru has been like a headless chicken ever since and you’re happy for him, you really are, but there’s also a pang of jealousy. Why can’t your family take the time to visit you?
You know why, but it still hurts that you’re going to have to watch him be happy, pushed to the side in favor of his new friend.
“Hey.” He stops by your door, throws himself into a ridiculous pose like he always does and grins when you can’t help but roll your eyes. “I’m leaving in five minutes. Are you ready?”
You furrow your brows. “Ready for what? I told you you have to clean the apartment, he’s your guest.”
“No, to come with me, silly. I can’t go into the madness of an airport alone! What if someone recognizes you?”
“Well, they might do as a favor and kidnap you.” You joke and watch him pout. It’s ridiculous how cute that makes him look.
“Take that back.” Tooru whines and you laugh. “Never.
“Take that back!” He repeats, taking one step, then two, only to drop himself on you.
You shriek in surprise at the sudden weight, try to wiggle away but his face is so close, grinning from ear to ear, his eyes full of light.
You don’t really know who moved closer first. You, him, both of you? 
But your lips meet and your eyes close and it’s just him and you and your joined breath and the softness of his lips, his weight on you and your hands in his ridiculous fluffy hair.
You don’t speak for a while, don’t need too. Exploring this is more important.
Eventually he pulls away to press his temple against yours, to squint into his eyes.
“You like me?” He asks, voice uncharacterally shy. 
“I hate you.” You tease and move for his lips again. He pouts.
“Don’t tell anyone.” You whisper against his lips. “Okay? Don’t tell Tooru.”
“Just Iwa-chan.” He whispers back, caught in the feeling of it. “He’ll be able to guess it anyway.
You giggle against his lips, kiss him again, once, twice, until you can feel yourself getting lost in it again. But there’s a thought nibbling at the edge of your brain now and it gets louder.
“Tooru?” You ask when you pull back again. “Shouldn’t we leave for the airport?”
His eyes widen comically as he whips his head around to look at your alarm clock.
“Shit! He’s going to be so mad!”
Iwa-chan is a monument of muscle, a building of a man. He’s not that tall, at least not taller than Tooru, but he’s impressive in his sturdiness, arms folded in front of his chest as he glowers at Tooru.
Tooru seems totally unimpressed by that, even as you drag your feet, a little scared of his friend. 
“Iwa-chaaaan!” He sings, drapes himself over his friend's shoulder. “I missed you!”
“Clearly you didn’t! You’re half an hour late!”
“It’s not my fault.” Tooru smiles coyly, pulling you close by the hand he’d been holding since you exited his car. “Can you blame me? I got distracted by beauty!”
“I…” You stumble. “I’m sorry. This time it really is my fault. But I kicked his ass on the way here.”
Iwa-chan’s lips quirk up into a hint of a smile.
“Good. I’ll leave the rest of the ass-kicking to you.”
You salute him, which has Tooru whining like a child and begging for mercy.
You pull at his ear, just enough to tease him. 
“Come on.” You tell him. “You need to show Iwa-chan how well you cleaned your apartment.”
Tagging anyone who helped me - it was much appreciated:
@alienaiver @misfit-megumi @missalienqueen @amecchii @notsochillnerd @ur-local-simp @krishnaabhistha @fuzztacular
Hope I didn't forget anyone. If I did, forgive me!
my Kofi if you want to tip me
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astonmartinii · 21 days
i saw this tag floating around and wanted to let yall get to know me better since i’ve been doing this a while and have only really spoken in the form of authors notes! also im not going to tag anyone so just do it if you wanna!
who is your favourite driver?
i think for anyone who has read anything i’ve ever written it’s probably a bit obvious but max verstappen! what can i say little me was told we’re supporting red bull and here was this little charmer (emphasis on little who let that child get into an F1 car)
do you have other favourite drivers?
also based on my writing you can probably tell that my top three are max, charles and oscar! however, i will also say that alex is a close fourth for me (he’s also very nice irl). also as for retired drivers i think the mamma mia series is a bit of a spoiler but i love jenson, seb and kimi
who is your least favourite driver?
i used to say i didn’t dislike anyone on the grid - that was a lie. i’ll still write for anyone within reason but you can also probably tell with how in detail the back and forth is on certain pieces that i am really not a fan of sainz, actually people who get yelled at while i write them would argue it’s more than “not really being a fan of” but i am fake and i have maintained that if i meet him at silverstone (which i very nearly did last year) ill tell him im his biggest fan! also not the biggest fan of like pierre he’s just kinda there for me and a wee bit too cringey ALSO what you may not be able to guess from how i write him… im not really a fan of lando! ive really, really tried especially after his win but he just kinda rubs me the wrong way (i was immediately proven right with the trump comments lol). people say i should pull for him cause he’s from bristol which is where i live but he’s from glastonbury babe - also ive done a few swimming competitions at the school he went to a WOAH baby has so much money.
do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?
i mostly pull for drivers but like i guess i like red bull? well i did. i love max so i would follow him everywhere but i did like red bull as well as a team (i like alex, danny and checo so that also helps) but this whole protection of christian horner shtick is really disappointing so id say im a driver person.
if you like teams, who do you pull for?
like i said red bull were the team id pick if i HAD to follow a team - i support chelsea so i cant handle even more disappointment if i followed ferrari and also i only like charles there and they’re the source of all of his misfortune so …
how long have you been into F1?
so my family has always been into F1, my cousin karts and my uncle is a mechanic and makes karts on the side but i had always been more into football cause i could actually go to that with my dad - and also for young me who didn’t know what the fuck a strategy was it seemed kinda boring. but i’d say from maybe 2016ish i started watching it more regularly (hence the max stanship). my mum loves it and her first love in the sport was mark webber which is why we like red bull. but yeah i remember watching max’s first win and was like MUM I WANT THAT ONE (and i have technically met him? idk we made eye contact when his taxi nearly ran over my foot)
what got you into F1?
my mum! i love her and she’s just as much a passionate fan (and hater when appropriate) so it’s a nice thing to do together - especially because me and my dad are season ticket holders at chelsea so spend a lot of time together doing that so this is like my sport time with my mum (along with the olympics that’s our shit we’re very excited for the swimming). so i guess it was being around her watching it and listening to her and my dad argue about it! my mum is an ardent seb supporter and my dad is like a twitter account away from being in teamLH so canada 2018 (2019?) was VERY entertaining. also my uncle loves it so he likes that im proper into it (like have a sports journalism degree) and so we always chat about it - he’s trying to recruit me into motogp next
do you enjoy fanfic/RPF?
i mean i’ve written so much i must love it. lol jokes i do enjoy it and i feel like it helps me like people more (case in point: when i was trying to make myself enjoy the lando win i just read my own fics of him LOL)
but also its something fun to do that’s also creative and has helped me make new friends from all over
how do you view new fans?
ugh i hate the hate new fans get like not everyone can be born into loving a sport? if anything the more people that watch and love the sport the more money it’ll make? idk this whole superiority complex some fans have is just so unneeded for the sport and we all know why is majorly directed at girls. i do fear that some of the new fan behaviours could border on worrying - waiting outside hotels and ambushing drivers is stalking actually!
but overall im always happy to have new people in a sport - a bigger community is always good and new fans bring new perspectives which is good as older fans may just be desensitised to “normal” things in the sport but new eyes can remind them - hey halos are the best thing to happen to F1 and red flags in heavy rain are necessary.
if you could take over as any team principal for any team who would it be and why?
i know i previously dunked on ferrari but there needs to be an intervention because my girly max already has three championships and i need charles to get at least one so i can die happy - then ill move to mclaren, kick zak brown up the ass get a piastri championship and bounce (honourary race with willams or whatever team alex is with cause i need all three 2019 rookies to be race winners)
are your friends and family into F1 as well?
i feel like my other answers answered this but yeah! i also recently reconnected with an old primary school friend who is also really into it. i went to a sports uni so basically everyone there liked it as well (which means me and a friend did trek to the F1 arcade at 4am to watch aus 23 where she had a public meltdown over sainz (i enjoyed it)). also ive made a couple friends through working at races!
are you open to talking to other fans/making friends?
i always am! i am a year out of uni and working from home with all my home friends still at uni after taking gap years so i am big time lonely so always feel free to slide into my messages!
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saintsenara · 2 months
11, 13, 18 for the not from the usa asks 😊
thank you very much for the ask from the i’m not from the states ask game, anon!
11. who is your favourite native writer/poet?
i've given one answer to this here - and i still refuse to say seamus heaney - so i'm going to go with... the novelist anna burns.
13. does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions or traditions that might seem strange to outsiders?
as a nation, we love/"love" parades and bonfires. maybe you're thinking that doesn't sound strange... but it is the way we do it. the same is true of street art.
as a nation, we very much don't love small talk. this caused a lot of trouble for me when i lived in england, because people will ask you benign questions [where are you from? do you follow any sports? how do you pronounce the letter h?] because they're being nice... but over here any and all small talk is someone trying to work out what religion you are... [my apologies in particular to the wee girl who was trying to drum up interest in the christian union on my first day of university, asked me if i went to church, and was greeted with me immediately going full "who wants to know?"]
in terms of superstitions... we've got plenty. fairies are real, going out with wet hair will kill you, the child of prague stops rain, having itchy palms is a good thing, the devil lives in bread...
my favourite local one, though, is that a short drive from where i live there's the grave of a vampire king. because, the rest of the world is wrong to assume that dracula was from transylvania. he was actually an irishman.
18. do you speak with a dialect of your native language?
yes. in english i have a distinctive and beautiful accent which has only sometimes been described as "incomprehensible" and "nasal" [less so since i spent a decade living in britain and lost my rhotic r, which is a tragedy].
in irish, also yes. the irish language has three major dialects, which each have their own various subdivisions - so i speak the ulster dialect with a vaguely western-ulster flavour. you can get some idea of how that might sound from the youtube channel gaeilge i mo chroí - especially this interview she does with a native ulster speaker.
but it is worth saying that speaking any degree of irish is still relatively uncommon here. my dad made us learn the language fluently for... political reasons, but i was one of the only people who could speak it beyond a couple of phrases by the time i started secondary school [where it was on the curriculum]. so when i was younger i definitely spoke in a way which was slightly archaic/literary - and which was also influenced by the idiosyncrasies of my own family - which it took a bit of time to break the habits of...
contemporary irish-language media etc. in northern ireland is mostly found in belfast, so i also have a bit of a belfast twang in irish.
basically, it's a mess.
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When the Hurt Comes, So Does the Happiness.
Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: Torture, SPN level gore, mentions of rape/non-con, mentions of forced bestiality(nothing graphic), angst.
Summary: When Alastair disappeared after Anna’s death, he took you with him, holding you simply to torture the Winchesters. With the knowledge that angels are tracking him down, he sets out to hurt you as much as he can.
A/N: This kinda replaces the end of 04x15. Also my first work so please please please let me know how I did or anything else. Feedback is golden!
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When Dean came back to life after 40 years in the pit, he had had trouble believing he was, in fact, alive. Paranoia followed him from hell, and it took a while for him to realize that his resurrection was not some cruel joke. It had taken some time, but slowly, he had accepted that this was real. That you were real.
But now you were gone. Plucked from his grasp like a child plucks a flower from the earth. It made Dean wonder if he ever left Hell.
Alastair hummed softly, relishing in the cries of his latest victim. It had been surprisingly easy to take his best student little pet away from him, and, though he was no where near either of the Winchesters, the knowledge that they would be driving themselves into the ground looking for you almost had him singing.
He hadn’t felt such exhilaration during a torture session as he was feeling since the righteous man had fallen onto his rack. And while he couldn’t use some of his preferred techniques, considering he wanted you alive, the knowledge that Dean was suffering at your mere absence was delicious.
Carefully selecting a pair cuticle nippers from his cart of tools, he turned with a flourish, grin falling as he realized you were unconscious. You were no fun unconscious, after all, he liked your screams.
With an aggrieved sigh, he dropped the nippers back on the table and, begrudgingly, snatched up a heavy leather collar. He sulked over to the rack where you lay unconscious and cinched it around your neck, far too tight for it to be comfortable, then stormed out of the room
When you flickered back into consciousness, all you could do was try and breath.
The still air chilled your bare skin, raising goosebumps along the paled flesh. The leather around your neck, though suffocatingly tight, was eerily comforting, and though it confused you, you lent into it. You needed all the comfort could could get.
Despite the freezing air and the chills that ran along your skin, the outside of your left thigh burned with a vengeance. Tears welled in your eyes as you recalled the moments before you fell unconscious.
The pain from the brand had cast all other thoughts from your mind when Alastair had seared what he called a ‘permanent reminder’ of himself into your skin.
It was all too much, the cold, the pain, your hunger, and the confusing comfort of the collar. You didn’t see it coming, but you barely had seconds before you passed out once more.
Alastair waking you up by pouring water on you wasn’t unusual, as a matter of fact, it seemed to be his preferred method. But each and every time the water had been icy.
This time, it was boiling.
You screamed as it awoke you, drowning out Alastair’s cruel laugh as you gasped and sobbed. Your body spasming against its restraints, desperately trying to evade the pain.
“Good morning, pet,” the sickly sweet tone of his voice sent shivers up your spine, “did you enjoy your bath?”
A slight pull choked you for a moment as Alastair undid the buckle before the collar disappeared.
“You fell asleep on me last night, quiet rude don’t you think?” He grinned as tears streamed down your face, tinting pink as they washed away bits of dried blood. “No matter, we have plenty of time for just us today!”
A flash a metal caught in the cold light as Alastair brandished the cuticle nippers once more.
Slowly, delicately, he lowered them to your face, tracing your features just as Dean used to in the wee hours of the morning. If Alastair knew this, he would rejoice knowing that the seat gesture was now ruined by his doing.
He reached your lips, then without warning, split your upper lip in half.
Your wail was music to his ears, the fading sound leaving him yearning for more. He forced you to count threatening you with harsh punishment should you refuse.
By the time they got to one-hundred, your body was shaking with sobs, voice cracking. To add insult to injury, your stomach, having gone four days now with out food, rumbled and groaned.
Humiliation flooded through you, your cheeks burning.
Through tears you spared a glance at your torturer,  furrowed brow widened as you perceived the look of sadistic joy upon his face.
“Pet!” He cried, the same way a mother or parental figure does when you do something unexpected. "You should have told me you were so hungry!”
He released the nippers, letting them clatter to the ground.
“I wasn’t going to feed you just yet but I suppose we could switch things around a bit…” The strap across your forehead prevented you from turning your head completely, but your heart dropped into your stomach when you saw the contraption Alastair selected; a long tube, open on one end with a funnel connected to the other.
In a desperate attempt at self preservation, you clamped your lips tight, ignoring the burning pain that spread across your face at the pressure on your cut lip. Alastair snorted, the corners of his smirk curling up further.
“Very well then, if you insist on being difficult…”
You cried out as he shoved the tube up your nose. It wasn’t a large tube, but good god was it to big for such a small space. You could feel it scraping away at the inside of your nose, could feel the blood trickle down to your mouth.
There was barely a warning before it entered your throat; a slight tickle at the top of your mouth, perhaps.
You coughed and gagged as he slipped it down you throat further, eyes leaking tears like a faucet.
Finally, after what felt like ages, the tube stopped moving. Sniffling, you sobbed, not bothering to muffle the sounds of crying.
“Bonne appétit, kitten.”
You couldn’t see what he poured into the funnel, part of you didn’t want to anyways. Your muscles tensed in anticipation, waiting for whatever pain you would feel next. You did not expect to feel a tickle in your chest before your body spasmed into a coughing fit.
Alastair’s voice sent shivers up your spine. “Wrong way. I’m so sorry, kitten, how careless of me.”
Pulling it back out was just as bad as him pushing it in, it was unnatural and you so longed to claw at your neck.
It took him a moment to actually get the tube into your esophagus, but with a sharp jab and a feel around your neck, he was pretty sure it was in the right place now.
He was halfway through, ignoring your gags in an effort to repeal the foreign device, when his head shot up, eyes gazing towards the door, before a smirk adorned his mug.
“Well, pet, it seems that we have a guest,” he reached for the collar, tightening it more than he ever had before. “You’ll be a good girl while I go and greet them, won’t you?”
With a slight bow, he disappeared from your vision, exiting somewhere behind you and slamming a door you couldn’t see. The only sounds now audible were your gags as your body fought to expel the tube from its system.
Tilted onto your back, it was excruciatingly hard for you to vomit up the tube and you needed up spewing several mouthfuls of bile onto yourself before you could spit it out.
With Alastair gone, you began to process your situation.
Naked, shorn, and weak, covered in cuts and burns and bruises, sticky with blood and bile and the filth of the dogs Alistair had set on you. Helpless. Alone. Collared, branded, and chained like an animal. For the first time in these two weeks, it hit you just how pathetic you were was.
It was the straw that broke the camels back. The loneliness. The time to think. With a shuddering gasp, you descended into tears
Dean sprinted through the halls of the warehouse. Slamming his hands into every door, yelling out your name. The desperation raw in his voice.
He reached the end of the hall and tried the door; locked.
At first, he backed up, trying with all his might to kick it down, and then to bodyslam it open. When his body couldn’t take it anymore, he grabbed his gun.
Aiming it at the glass square in the door, he fired several times until he had a hole large enough to reach through.
Shards of glass still clinging to the door frame pierced his jacket at sliced his skin, he didn’t care, he had to check everywhere.
It was an awkward angle, and Dean could barely reach it, but he managed to twist the knob on the inside until the door swung open; revealing the carnage inside.
It took the Dean a moment to register that the form on the table was indeed the women he was looking for. No longer did you sport your gorgeous H/C locks, the hair barely dotting your shaved scalp as it began growing back. Your skin was so stained and burned and bruised it didn’t look human.  
Hesitantly, as if approaching a frightened rabbit, Dean paced forwards.
“Y/N?” His voice as hesitant as his steps.
Your eyes flew open, fearful as a rabbit chased by dogs. The relief that flooded them as soon as you realized who it was was immediate.
“de-an?” Your voice choppy and hoarse.
“Hey there, sweetheart.” Dean struggled to blink back tears.
“He’s okay, I’m gonna get you outta here, okay sweetheart?”
 You hummed, eyes half closed as your head lolled to the side, a couple tears cutting through the grime on your cheeks and nose.
Silence hung between them as Dean fiddled with straps around your wrists, slick blood and bile. The straps had been locked so tightly that they had rubbed the skin raw and left it paled as blood smuggled to fill back in.
As the moved to your ankles he grimaced, noticing the sticky white mess that dripped down your inner thighs.
You didn’t make a sound as he adjusted your prone figure to sit forwards, letting you lean against his shoulder as he fiddled with the too tight buckle around your neck. He didn’t care about the vomit that dribbled down your chin, staining his shirt, nor did he care about the blood that seeped into his clothes.
His only focus was you.
The collar fell away from your neck leaving behind rubs and bruised skin. Dean had expected the removal of the collar to calm you, not for your breathing to speed up ten-fold, nor to be able to feel your heart pound against his chest.
“no.” It was barely a whisper, a hint of a word, but Dean stilled, pulling back as he gripped your shaking shoulders. His mind was scrambling for answers, what had Alastair done to you? Why were you wearing t-
He pulled you tight against his chest once more, murmuring reassurances in your ear as he hid his own tears from view.
His rage burned as he recalled his time apprenticing under Alastair; the time that monster had shown him one of his more ‘refined’ techniques.
Training the victims mind into associating the removal of a collar or chains or the opening of their cage with extreme pain. It was a technique so ruthless that Dean had never been able to bring himself to do it.
Not even at his worst.
It took Dean a moment, but, as he desperately tried to banish those horrid memories from his mind, he shrugged off his jacket. Gently as he could, he draped the fabric over your shoulders and carefully guided each arm through the sleeves.
It was a bit too big, your fingers still hiding in the sleeves, but it gave you a shred of modesty and you clutched at him tighter.
When his arm wormed its way under your knees, you stifled your whimper as best you could but you could not conceal the tiniest of squeaks that escaped your cracked lips.
Deans eyes filled with pity, mouth parting to apologize but you beat him to it.
“P-please, just get me out of here.”
He hesitated a moment then steeled himself and nodded, his other arm supporting your lower back.
“Sorry about this sweetheart.”
You gasped softly as some of your injuries rubbed against his shirt and fresh tears sprang in your eyes. As he lifted you closer to his chest, you brought your trembling arms up around his neck, leaning your chin over his shoulder.
The beat of his steps both jarred your injuries and provided comforting sounds, lulling you into a more restful state. You would have fallen asleep had Dean not stepped outside moments later.
The air was crisp, slight breezing chilling you to the bone. Shivering, you burrowed deeper into Deans arms and he tightened his hold on you. As he carried you away from the hellhole in which you had been trapped, the sky came into view. And with the sky, came the stars.
They twinkled, blurring in you teary eyes and you took in a long, deep breath of fresh air.
You couldn’t help yourself; sobs wracked your body as it truly set in that you were finally free. Free from Alastair and his pain. Free from his torture. Free.
Dean didn’t say a word. He knew exactly the emotions that were coursing through you. When he had first come back, he had been hesitant and as wary as a rabbit. Not daring for ages to believe that his resurrection was not some cruel joke.
As he reached the Impala. He had to shift his hold on you to reach the passengers side handle and even then he had difficulty opening the door, but he managed. Not daring to set you down and the unforgivingly cold concrete.
Slowly ducking his head, he lowered you onto your back onto the cool leather seat of the Impala. He made to pull away but your arms tightened around his neck, terrified of losing him.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay sweetheart, I’m just gonna grab you a blanket, okay? I’m not going anywhere, okay?” He took time to check that everything he did was okay with you, letting you know everything so as not to leave you dreading something he would do, even if he knew he wasn’t going to hurt you. Gently he took ahold of your forearms, clutching them between fingertips, and lowered them to your chest. Pulling away quickly, he opened the door to the backseat, reaching up onto the rear dash to grab one of the thick blankets they kept there. He shut the door as quietly as he could, but that didn’t stop you from reflexively tensing at the abrupt noise. Though Dean noticed, he said nothing, it wouldn’t help you right now anyways.
Carefully, he worked the blanket underneath you, then laid you back down on the leather, wrapping you up nice and tight. He ducked back, about to shut the door when the rustling of feathers sounded behind him, alarming the both of you.
Quiet as a cat, in all his trench-coated glory, was Castiel. His eye were stoic and matched Deans fiery gaze.
“What do you want now?” Dean snarled, turning completely and shielding you from the angels view.
For a moment, Castiel was silent, eyes dropping to stare at the road beneath him before he returned his gaze to Dean, stepping forwards.
“This hasn’t been easy for you.”
“Yeah no shit! What the hell do you want?”
“I’m here to help.” He nodded at you.
“Why the fuck would you do that. You’ve done nothing for us since you pulled me outta hell!” Deans voice was low and angry, yet cautiously quiet.
Behind him, you shivered as the night air crept in through the open door.
Castiel said nothing, lifting his chin to regard Dean. The look he sported was not judgmental, but perhaps slightly inquisitive. And not the type of inquisitivity that came alongside confusion, no he knew everything he wanted and needed to, but instead a type of inquisitivity that prompted Dean to stop and think.
For a few tense moments, only the stars dared to move, it seemed even the air around the angel and the hunter stilled. Then, slowly, cautiously, Dean stepped back.
“Fine, but hurry the hell up!”
Periwinkle eyes softened, a look of compassion that one might expect when they thought of an angel, and he leant over you.
At first you shrunk away, not willing to be near anyone other than Dean, but you had to trust Dean, trust that he wouldn’t let anyone he didn’t mildly trust near you.
Eyes glowing blue, Castiel pressed but two fingers to your forehead. The tenseness in your shoulders seemed to relax and the frown upon your lips softened. A wave of warmth, like a loving hug, washed through you, chasing away the pain Though the bloodstains and other substances soiling your skin remained, the physical damage was slowly washed away.
He stepped back, allowing Dean to approach you and examine his work. Though Dean still had his back to him, Castiel gave one last thoughtful comment.
“We’re not all so stuck-up, if you give us a chance.”
Dean had barely started to turn before Castiels wings rustled once more and he disappeared into nothingness.  
He stared long and hard at the spot where the angel had once stood, the let his gaze wander upwards. Overhead, a patch of cloud was slowly pushed across the sky, and the moon glowed brightly. She smiled down at the hunter as he gazed at her in return.
Dean lowered his gaze.
He stood there for only a moment longer then turned, shutting the passengers door behind him and walking across the front of the car. He pulled the door open and plopped down in the drivers seat, exhausted.
He hadn’t expected it, but a soft smile graced his features as you scooted closer to him, wresting your head against his thigh.
Starting the car he pulled out from the curb, placing one hand on your head. You murmured then nuzzled into the touch.’
It would take weeks, maybe even months, but, as he sped away from Alastair’s hellhole Dean knew you would be okay.
Both of you, would be okay.
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sebastianshaw · 3 years
Since I did Fabian x Mami in an ask... Shaw x Mami? :>
AT LAST!! I'm so sorry, my friend! This took way too long and I hope she's ok! @episomalvector
Name: Tomo Shaw Gender: Cis Female General Appearance: A LOT like Mami, but with longer facial features, and much more slack ones due to her frequent lack of expression. Long, lanky limbs, like Shaw’s bones are trying to fit into Mami’s frames. She doesn’t wear clothes so much as they’re draped on her, long tops and loose knee-length skirts in cool neutrals. Likewise, her black hair is long, lank, and utterly unstyled yet always pin-straight. Tomo seems utterly still, unnaturally so, most of the time, except for very strange seconds where she seems to ‘flicker’ with a sudden rapid movement, and then no sign any such thing happened. Personality: Tomo began life as a very quiet baby, and became a very quiet, tomboyish child, punctuated with brief periods of animated girlishness. Tomboyish as in, she mostly wore her hair very short and boys clothes and played outdoors and wasn’t into tea parties or dolls, but unlike the stereotypical loud, sports-loving image, she kept to herself and was very focused on things like building grass forts for bugs. This interest in bugs would carry on to an adult interest in etymology, especially crickets. She also keeps some exquisite snails in a lush terrarium. Some people think they’re odd pets, but, well, Tomo is an odd girl.  Tomo has a bizarrely detached, apathetic manner. A lot of people would describe her as a blank slate, and she has a very muted response to how she’s treated by others, whether it’s good or bad, even violent. People notice this first. It’s only after you’ve been around her awhile that you notice she has no response to her external environment in general. Beautiful sunsets, smoggy city skies, garbage dumps, pristine mountain peaks, messy squalor or clean luxury----she doesn’t seem to have an opinion on her surroundings. It’s odd, after all, even an animal react to the environment in which they’re kept. And yet, Tomo becomes irrationally enraged or opinionated about most random of things such as the edges of a font. It’s said that still waters run deep, and perhaps that’s true for others, but Tomo has a sense of a deep abating emptiness within her. Yet, she’s not suffering from it, as others might. It’s a clean comforting sort of lacking, like a pristine whiteboard that’s never been written upon. She wishes to preserve it, rather than fill it with the clutter of a personality, emotions, relationships. Still, she’s not a total void. Tomo has lots of little quirks. For instance, the aforementioned interest in crickets. Or how her manner of speech has a tendency towards elegant, poetic metaphors and a perfect blunt politeness that must be heard to be understood.Or how has a minimalist approach to food, like nouvelle cuisine without the pretension, with a focus on as few ingredients and as little cooking as possible, fresh and natural. Yet she also  really fucking loves those pink and white frosted animal crackers and always has a bag in her room Tomo is eclectically social and morally uneven. For all that’s been said about her as detached and un-engaged and unemotional, at times she manifests a much brighter, engaging personality, very reminiscent of her mother’s default with people. Maybe she’s faking. Maybe she just goes through periods where she’s sunnier and more social. Maybe it’s Prime influencing her to behave like the other Mamis and find people to attach to, but can only exert said influence for a short time. That’s what the “eclectically social” side. The “morally uneven” side is that exactly how she behaves in moral/ethical terms really shifts around, almost as if she’s trying on different outlooks to see what fits.  Which, probably, she is. The best way to understand Tomo is to remember she is halfway an independent person, halfway something that is more like a very independent, long-reaching arm----what Mami is to Prime. But she doesn’t have a Prime to connect back to. She is an arm without a body. And she is comfortable like that for the most part, but also at times is trying to grow parts of a body as she finds necessity for it, whether it’s forming social relationships, developing a morality, or some other part of being a “person” that we do on our unconsciously in our development, but she has to deliberately DECIDE on for it to happen. And she won’t do that without a rational reason for it. So far.
Special Talents: - Quiet little creeper. Shaw SWEARS she needs a bell, she spooked him ALL THE TIME as a wee one. -  Excellent at finding the shortest distance of least resistance aka the quickest, easiest means of accomplishing a goal. It may not be something she can DO but she can TELL you what it is. - Very observant and VERY manipulative, or at least, has the capability to be so. She doesn’t always or even often exploit it, but she picks up on far more than people realize about others and has a very good understanding of what buttons to push and strings to pull for a desired result. She just DOESN’T do it, less out of morality and more because, due to her detached nature, there’s nothing she really wants people to do. She’s more interested in observing what choices they make on their own, if anything. - She has an entire fleshy funguslike network follows her around under the ground she walks on, tunneling through any substance to stay beneath her feet. This is a part of her, and it is a defense and offensive system. When she is threatened, it springs out of the ground or floor to defend her/attack her assailant. It can saps energy of others, which can keep her alive or heal her wounds as well as draining her opponent---to death, if she so desires. Or if it so desires---it’s a part of her, yes, but it may have a mind of its own, much like the stomach or heart functions without our conscious will. It looks a lot like. . .the twisting flesh of the parasites in Parasyte (but without the blades) or the multi-tentacled tongues of the vampires in The Strain, shaped like, again, a fungal network.  - Tomo has a sort of half-link to Prime, a mutual awareness but not much more than that. They can have a conversation of emotions, but not will or influence the other. At least, assuming that’s not where her more social extroverted perky side comes from. Assuming.  Who they like better:  If she had to describe how she sees Shaw, it would be as her memory of his gigantic trouser-clad leg---just one, the one closest to her---passing her by on the floor as a toddler. If she were to describe her relationship to Mami, it would be that between a moss or lichen and the tree upon whose roots its grows. Take that as you will. Who they take after more: Probably Mami in terms of sheer weirdness. Personal Head canon:  Besides entomology, Tomo is also extremely interested in using technology to explore the mystical and parapsychological, such as machines to pick up ghostly energies. She’s not entirely sure why she’s drawn to the subject of ghosts, but she feels she may relate to them in an “opposites attract” sort of way---they are spirits with no bodies, and she feels like a body with no spirit. She has a fantasy she doesn’t understand of decaying in a forest, at the roots of a great tree. Mushrooms grow from her eye sockets. Squirrels hide acorns between her ribs. It’s the most peaceful though possible and it helps her get to sleep. She’s not suicidal. She doesn’t want to die. She just. . .likes the idea. . .of being part of a natural system. . .I wonder why. . . it feels like home. . .  Face Claim: N/A
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supernaturalee · 4 years
Green and Gold: Part 2 - Gwilym Lee x Reader
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Pairings: Widow/Single Father! Gwilym Lee x Reader
Warnings: Some swearing, Mentions of X rated thoughts, and more KAREN
Word Count: 4.4k
Previous Parts: One
Summary: When Gwilym lost his wife two years ago he feared raising his daughter alone in a small coastal New Jersey town would be difficult. In the two years since her death, Gwil and Brianne are finally ready to start moving on. Following the words of a child psychologist, Gwil signs Bri up for cheerleading with the local youth squad, something Gwil knows nothing about. As he is thrust in the world of cheer bows and back handsprings, he will learn it takes a lot more than green and gold uniforms to mend his and his daughter’s hearts. Hopefully through the squad they will find strength, friendship, and possibly a spark of new love for the widow himself.  
Taglist:@the-baby-bookworm​ @ixchel-9275​ @slutforbritdick​ @kurt-nightcrawler​ @radio-hoo-ha​ @imgonnabeyourslave​ @queendeakyy​ @girllety​ @im-an-adult-ish​ @what-wicked-delights​ @drivenbybri​
Author’s Note: It’s almost 2 am EST and I thought to myself, why not post part two. We are getting into meat of the story here, y’all! Again, this update is late, but my writing was hard to come by for a while. So without further ado, he is part 2 of Green & Gold. Please let me know if you want to be tagged in future installments. 
In the four short weeks since Brianne had started cheerleading practice, Gwilym had come to learn three absolute truths. First being that cheer made Bri happier than Gwil had ever hoped. In the time since that first practice, he had seen her smile more than he had seen since before Angela had passed away. Her eyes lit up now whenever she spoke about how the routine was coming along or how she was learning all of these different things. Such as stunts or new tumbling passages or jumps that had odd names like toe touches, herkies, and pikes. While Gwilym cooked dinner or checked over her homework, he could always hear her routine music coming from the stereo in the living room. Once he got her to wash her hands and then settled at the table. It would become Gwilym’s inquiry into the world of cheerleading and Brianne was more than happy to oblige his many questions. 
Bri had taken to cheering like a fish takes to water. It was in her blood, Angela’s cheerleading history flowing through Brianne’s veins now. It made Gwil so happy. She spent three nights a week on the mat now and Saturday during the day at either the home field or away fields cheering on the young football players. The football team’s age coincided with the cheerleaders of Bri's team’s ages. Or the Mustang Pee Wees as Gwil had learned. He had finally found out the difference between the game cheers and the competition cheer as Bri had once told him. He usually sat in the game bleachers trying to decipher how American football was more popular than actual football. Or as Y/N lovingly reminded him every time he complained, “It’s soccer here.” she would say with a smile. At first he thought it was kind of annoying but now anytime she reminded him, he found it endearing. The way her lips curled up in a smile as she said it, he found himself mesmerized by it. 
When Brianne wasn’t cheering and once her homework was done, she could be found hanging out with her new friends Jasmine, Joey, and Selma. The carpool Y/N had promised had been fruitful for Brianne and Gwilym on the friendship front. They had been the type of cheer parents Gwilym had hoped for and luckily he got in with them instead of the others. That was the second absolute truth he learned that, cheer parents were absolutely bonkers bananas insane. Karen Diguimi was just the tip of the massive iceberg that was the “Stepford Stangs” as Joe lovingly coined them. Gwil had now become a member of the mailing list. A dreaded place to be that he wouldn’t have agreed to had he known what a nightmare it truly was. 
He had now started to receive daily emails with updates on fundraising and how close they were to the nice buses. Game schedules, rule changes, and low fat recipes to keep your little cheerleader in proper cheering shape were among the other important articles. Plus little snide comments on the surrounding towns’ teams and how far superior the Mustangs were to them. It was like a tabloid magazine that Gwil now had a daily subscription too.
 Y/N had sent him a long paragraph text about the low carb recipes and how dare the “Stepford Stangs” imply that only certain shaped children could be cheerleaders. ‘It is the middle of October and they are nine and ten years old. WHY DO THEY HAVE TO BE SWIMSUIT READY?! Gwil, you will have to stop me from strangling Karen at the next practice.’ It made Gwilym feel a swell of pride for a moment that he read her text. It caused the return of a certain set of emotions. These feelings that he was feeling were something he hadn’t felt in a long time. 
Often he would check over the email for that week’s game schedule then file the email away. His new gang of misfit parents would mock the over ridiculous links in the emails or the fact that they received a new one every day. Joe always sent a meme or two about them, while Rami commented on the complete lack of email etiquette. ‘It’s too many emails and too many people hit Reply All instead of reply. It is chaotic!’ Rami had sent in their group chat. ‘I think its nice to keep us informed with the same information that we knew yesterday.’ Lucy had added. Gwil finally being able to put a face to the name as he met Rami’s other half at the first football game of the year. She was blonde, slim, and in a way almost fairy like. Her movements were graceful but she had this hidden strength to her. Rami and Lucy complimented each other well. Rami was a computer engineer, who like Gwil, could do most of his work from home. Lucy, on the other hand, was a certified midwife and a nurse at the local OBGYN. Often traveling between the hospital and the doctor office. Their schedules mostly allow for their twin girls’ busy sports schedules to work. Joe ran an accounting firm but swore he was bad at math. He stated he liked the business but preferred leaving the accounting to his dedicated small team of accountants.
Finally, the third absolute truth that Gwilym Lee knew was that Wednesday nights were now his favorite night of the week. It was the only night parents were allowed to stay for the whole practice. This meant about two hours of watching Bri have the most fun and grow into an even stronger, more beautiful young woman. It also meant getting to spend time with his new friends including Y/N.  Y/N had quickly become Gwil’s confidant in all things cheer related. Any question or need he had, she had the answer and was always there with a smile. It was just another reason why Gwil was now harboring a crush on this woman. He and Bri had not seen her coming. He thought he would scrap by with googled information and keep his head down. He would be quiet and lonely,  knowing just enough to get by. 
Yet there was Y/N with her intelligence, her helping hand, and her kind heart. Bri also loved her and Jasmine. She was treated with so much love, respect, and care by Y/N. Gwil found it hard to keep himself from melting every time he was in her gaze. He felt like a teenage boy with a crush. He had confided in Ben who told him to get back on the horse. However, to Gwil, the horse was a twenty foot tall bear that was very hungry. Angela was still on his mind, in his life, in his heart. He saw her every day in the brown eyes of his daughter. He feared that any new relationship he would start would be doomed to be branded as the rebound relationship for the man with the dead wife. Even if he found someone, they had to pass the most important test in his book, being well loved by the most important person in his life, Brianne. He shook away the heavy thoughts as the red light turned green. He pressed his foot on the gas as he continued the drive to practice. Bri and Jasmine chatting in the back of his car. 
Y/N had asked him to pick Jasmine up from school and drive her to practice. Y/N had a meeting with the college board about one of her students. She would meet them at the cheer gym later. Gwil’s mind couldn’t help but wander to Y/N. He hoped her meeting went well. He knew in just the short few weeks of knowing her that her job meant a tremendous amount to her. Professor Y/L/N had a very nice ring to it. His mind wandering further to dirtier thoughts. If they were ever to be together would she let him play the teacher's pet. His fantasy slowly took form in his head when Bri’s voice snapped him back to reality. 
“Dad?” No answer came from the driver’s seat. “Earth to dad. Father?” She laughed. Gwil pushed all X rated thoughts from his mind and looked to the rear view. 
“Hmm?” He answered, putting on a small smile to show her that he has really been paying attention the whole time. 
“Could Jasmine and Ms. Y/L/N come to dinner with us?” Bri asked sweetly. The two had joined them for dinner every Wednesday night since that first practice. 
“Please Mr. Lee!” Jasmine used the same sweet voice. Gwil rubbed his jaw with his free hand as the two girls started repeating the world please. 
“Please please please please please please please please please please please please please!” Bri and Jasmine begged together. Gwilym laughed, smiling. 
“It is fine with me but we will have to ask your aunt, Jasmine, when we see her.” He said.  Both girls cheered happily as they looked at each other. 
“Of course Mr. Lee!” Jasmine smiled. “Aunt Y/N likes getting dinner with you and Bri.” Jasmine said. Gwil felt his cheeks heat up for a moment. This came as a surprise to him in a way. Sure he knew she cared about their friendship but maybe this meant she also felt something more for him. He quickly pushed this thought away, no it wasn’t a good time for him to get into a new relationship. I’m not ready. His thoughts continued his mantra. 
“Well we like having dinner with both of you as well, dear.” He answered her. Jasmine’s smile grew. She was a wonderful little girl who Gwilym had grown to care for. She didn’t know what she was doing for Brianne, but Gwil did and how it helped her improve immensely. He had known his daughter had tried to hide her sadness from him. It was something she tried to do to prove she was strong like Angela but she didn’t need to. Gwil and her grandparents knew that Brianne had every ounce of Angela’s strength tenfold. 
As he pulled into the parking lot of the cheer gym he saw Y/N’s Jeep had not yet arrived. He also didn’t see Joe’s or Rami’s cars either which meant he would be alone. He would most likely have to face yet another conversation with Karen. Or he could just hide out in his car until his friends arrived. He shook his head for a moment, he had to go inside, he could handle this. As both young girls made their way inside, Gwil followed behind them making sure both safely got in the building. 
He signed both in at the desk where the young man who Gwil had learned was one of the coaches’ sons sat. He gave the teenaged boy a wave before moving to his usual spot in the bleachers. He had settled into the groove of sitting with everyone, Gwil sat on a lower bench due to his height, while Y/N sat on the bleacher bench above him so she could make eye contact easier. Rami would sit above her and then Joe would sit beside her, the four almost making a little diamond of security. His blue eyes looked around the room before he spotted her. 
Karen was talking to some of the other team parents, her eyes scanning the room for him. He dropped his head down trying to hide himself from her.
“Oh Gwilym!” She exclaimed, moving to him. Gwil sat up straight, damn he had been caught. He politely smiled and nodded. Please don’t come over, please don’t come over, please don’t come over… He repeated in his head, it was too little too late. She made her way over to his place of peace and quiet. 
“Hello Mrs. Digumi.” He said politely. Her smile grew. Damn, his British charm. She stood in front of him. 
“Please call me Karen.” She smiled still. “I wanted to ask how everything was going with Brianne. She is quite the little cheerleader. One of the best on the squad. Almost as good as my little McKenna.” 
“Thank you. I will tell her that later. She certainly seems to be enjoying it and that makes me happy.” He said honestly, maybe he was wrong about Karen. 
“You should have her over for a play date with my McKenna. You and I can exchange parenting tips or tips of some other kind.” She batted her heavily mascaraed eyes at him. He gulped softly. 
“I will have to talk to Bri about it and get back to you Mrs. Dig-Karen.” He corrected himself. 
“I am just saying Brianne seems like a very sweet girl and you don’t want her to get in with the wrong crowd before middle school. Popularity is key and my little McKenna is going to be one of the most popular girls in school. Just like I was. If Brianne settles herself with the likes of those children, her social life is over and I don’t want that for her or for you. Popularity is everything.” She said as she sat next to him. No, he wasn’t wrong about Karen.
Wrong crowd? What the hell, they are children not teenagers. He thought to himself before defending the children of his friends. Popularity is everything. What a bunch of bullocks. 
“Jasmine, Joey, and Selma are good kids. They are smart, fun, courteous, kind and they are Bri’s friends. They were the first ones to welcome her with open arms,” He said. Gwil was a bit taken aback that a grown woman would say something like that about ten year olds. If Bri and Jasmine weren’t on the mat about 50 feet away, he would have forgotten his manners and let Karen have it. 
“I don’t appreciate you talking that way about my friends’ children or about your child’s fellow teammates.”   He continued, his tone was serious and sharp. Her eyes went wide as she heard the manner in which he spoke. 
“Oh! I didn’t mean the kids! I meant, um, the parents.” She was quick to backtrack and try to fix her mistake. Her chance with the Welsh man slipping away. “Gwilly, you are new to all of this. I should have specified that I meant that if Brianne settles herself with the likes of the parents of those children, her social life is over. You both deserve so much but you are still so naive, honey.” 
“My name is Gwilym.” He stated. She had called him Gwilly, a nickname that Angela would lovingly call him after a few glasses of wine. How dare this woman even try to put herself in the same realm of love as his wife. 
“I am so sorry honey.” She smiled to try to cover up the large hole she had dug for herself. “Like I was saying to you that first practice those parents you have chosen to bond with don’t understand the mustang way.” It was clear to Gwilym that Karen intended to keep digging. “Especially Y/N, I mean she likes to pretend she was a good cheerleader because she was once a national champion herself. But she was the worst one of that team, I should know, I did date her brother.” Karen said as jealousy slipped between each word. It was clear to her that Gwilym cared more for Y/N than he would ever care for her. “They carried her to the gold medal and she got the recognition for it like everyone else. Even made her brother break up with me, how dare she. That bitch.” That was the final straw for him.  
“I am going to stop you right there, Mrs. Diguimi. I do not want to hear you ever bad mouth my friends or their children. Please understand I am friendly with you because I have to be. You are the team mom and I do not really like having issues with anyone. However, my daughter is the only reason I am here. Y/N, Joe, Lucy and Rami plus their amazing children came as an incredible bonus to all of this. You did not.” He said calmly. “Now please step away from me and know, this is the last conversation we will have that is not about fundraising or cheering information. I do not take kindly to people belittling others or their children for their own personal benefit. Thank you and have a good night.” 
Karen let out a breath of air through her nose, standing up quickly. Moving from the bleachers, staring him down. 
“Oh I understand.” Her voice dripped with sweetly sickening venom. “If you ever change your mind I am right over there with the good parents.” She moved to the other waiting ‘Stepford Stangs’. Gwil let out a long breath as a smile appeared on his lips. God, how good it felt to let her have it and god how he wished Y/N had seen him. She would be so proud once he told her. It was the sudden sound of two voices that drew him away from his fantasy. 
“I see you are on the list now.” Rami said as he and Joe joined Gwilym in the bleachers. 
“List?” He asked, tilting his head curiously. 
“I’ll let Joe explain.” Rami smiled. 
“It is Karen Diguimi’s way of saying you are cancelled until you apologize.” Joe smirked. “We just caught the tail end of what you were saying but from what we heard, it was fucking brilliant.” He said quietly enough for just the three men to hear. “Welcome to the list. I have been on it since the ‘I won’t let my underage child wash stranger’s cars in the shortest shorts debacle of last summer season.” Joe said. 
“Rami, how did you end up on the list? It seems like she likes you the most out of all of us.” Gwil asked. Rami chuckled. 
“I once asked her if the pom poms for adults were necessary at a competition because it was just one extra thing to carry.” 
“That’s not too bad.”
“She also hates my wife.”
“Ah, I see.”
“So we both reside on the list with Joe and Y/N.”
“What did Y/N do to get on the list?”
“What hasn’t she done to get on the list?” Joe laughed. “First it was being Dominic Y/L/N’s little sister during high school. Then it was becoming Jasmine’s key guardian when he died, then it was a few other arbitrary things I don’t remember, but most recently, it was getting you to be our friend instead of hers.” Joe said. 
“It’s a rite of passage to get on the list.” Rami said. All three men laughed as Gwil felt more at peace than ever before. Even though Karen had basically verbally bashed children in front of him and badmouthed Y/N, she did provide one key piece of vital information. Y/N as a former national champion for the Mustangs, maybe even on the same squad as his late wife. He marked it in his brain to ask her later. 
As practice started and the three men continued their conversation, still no Y/N. Part of Gwilym began to worry that something bad had happened. He checked his phone to see if she had called or texted but nothing. He tried to push the worry to the back of his mind as Joe began to talk about the upcoming competition this weekend. It was the same thing Bri had not stopped talking about for the past week. Even as he got her and Jasmine into the car today, they talked about their nervous excitement for it. 
Joe was going to ride up with Rami and Lucy. Figuring Gwil would want to carpool with Y/N. Actually all three of them, Joe, Rami, and Lucy, hoped something would blossom between the two. 
“Oh I hadn’t even thought to ask her. It is probably too late, I will just drive up myself.” He said he was a bit disappointed he hadn’t asked. 
“She’ll say yes if you do ask.” Rami smled. 
“She might not.” Gwil continued. 
“Oh no, she will definitely say yes.” Joe smiled slyly. Both men looked at each like they both held the same secret that Gwil wasn’t privy to. It was at that moment Y/N moved into the gym still in her work clothes. Her blazer that was once covering the purple silk blouse, was replaced by a jean jacket. She wore black slacks and black vans. 
“I don’t drive in heels, I don’t want to be responsible for that many lives.” She had told him their first Wednesday night dinner out with the girls. He knew that she kept a pair of black lace up vans in her Jeep for the drive home from the university. 
“Speak of the Devil and she shall appear.” Joe teased her as she sat in her usual spot. She laughed and Gwil’s heart skyrocketed into flight. 
“Ha ha. Good to see you, Mozzarella.” She snarked. 
“That’s Mr. Mozzarella to you.” Joe answered. Both tossing their heads back gently and laughed. There went Gwil’s pulse racing for a moment. 
“Did I miss anything?” 
“Gwil’s on the list.” 
“Oh hell yeah!”
“How? Tell me! I have to know how Karen’s little lust for you somehow got you on the list.”
“Karen’s little what?” Gwil said. 
“Dude, she wanted to bone you.” Joe said. “Hard.”
“Bone?” He asked.
“Sleep with you, knock boots, cherry pick, dude I know too analogies for sex.”
“She’s married!” Gwil exclaimed quietly to the group. 
“Hasn’t stopped her before.” Y/N said. “Anyway, tell me how you got on the list.” 
Gwilym began to tell the story of her confrontation with Karen. His own smile grew as he watched Y/N’s own smile grow as he got to the words match. 
“Mr. Lee you are bloody brilliant.” She said, her hand rubbed his arm for a moment before she withdrew it. Gwil blushed. 
“It was nothing.”
“This is cause for celebration. You being on the list. We will all go out kid free and celebrate soon.” Joe said. 
“Sounds good to me.” Rami agreed. Y/N nodded, her eyes looking up and waving to Jasmine as the girl waved back. 
“Hey Y/N, did you know Gwilym here was going to drive to Trenton all alone?” Joe stated. Gwil’s eyes went wide as he looked at the man over Y/N’s shoulder. He felt his cheeks heat up.
“Really?” She asked.
“Yeah. He was going to drive by himself.”
“Why don’t you ride with me? It isn’t as long as a drive if you have a partner.” She offered him. Her Y/E/C eyes meeting his blue. A small smile on her lips.
“Um, you won’t mind?” He asked shyly. 
“No, it will be a treat to spend time with you alone.” She said honestly, all the room felt almost like it was silent around them. Joe and Rami watching the two just share prolonged eye contact. Gwil could almost swear there was a light pink tinge on her cheeks as well. 
“Then it's all set. I’d love to ride with you.” He smiled. The tinge got a bit darker. 
Joe poked his head between the two, “Is your, um, neighbor coming?” He asked her. His voice was almost giddy, like Gwil’s when he talked about Y/N on the phone to Ben. Who was this woman  that was making Joe act like the same lovestruck teenager he was?
“Oh no. Unfortunately, Jolene had one of her advanced painting classes rescheduled to Saturday. It is too much money to miss out on but she promised Jasmine she was coming to Regionals.” Y/N said as she raked her hair up into a messy ponytail. 
“Oh.” Joe’s smile faded quickly. 
“You know you could just ask her out. She likes you too.” Y/N patted her friend’s shoulder. Joe shook his head. 
“The divorce is still too fresh to Joey. It wouldn’t be fair to him for me to get involved with someone new so soon after his mother and I split up.” Joe admitted. Gwilym understood that point. A divorce was a similar loss to a child as a parent passing. Everything became different over night for them, changing so suddenly. Joe and his ex were friendly enough to a point for the sake of their son. The one thing that will keep them forever linked. 
“Okay honey. One day though, Joey is just going to want his dad to be happy.” She said with a soft smile to their friend. Joe just nodded looking over at his son. 
How Karen could ever call this wonderful woman a bitch was past Gwilym’s arena of thought. He looked at Y/N and smiled. God how beautiful she is even in the lighting of this gym. He thought to himself. As more time passed for the practice, the three experienced cheer parents told Gwilym everything he would need to know to be ready for Saturday. How he would have to have Brianne ready before 6 am to get her to the gym so that the team could take a bus together to the arena before driving there with Y/N. He would have to make sure he paced enough bobby pins, snacks, water, everything. His worry level that he would mess this all up grew. Especially the idea that he would have to do her hair in a high slick back ponytail. Brianne had hair like her mom’s thick and wavy, he could barely get it into braids without at least three Youtube tutorials. 
“How about this? I bring Jasmine over at like 5. I can do both of their hair and you can make sure they have enough snacks?” Y/N offered, once again being the incredible person that she was. 
“Please. I fear what I would do to my poor girl’s head.” He said honestly. 
“I think you would be fine, but the first competition is the scariest for both the parent and the cheerleader.” 
“It will put not only my mind at rest but Bri’s mind too. Thank you Y/N.” 
“Anything for you, Gwil.” She smiled. “Oh and um, thanks for standing up for the kids earlier with Karen. She can talk all the crap she wants about me but Jasmine doesn’t deserve that. It means a lot to me and it shows me how wonderful of a human being you are.” She said before turning her attention back to the mat. His heart raced again. God, Wednesday nights really were his favorite. 
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is0gild · 4 years
Ice Cream and Fire Oven Pizza - Chapter 19
Pairing: Elsa x Lea/Axel || Side Pairing: Riku x OC
Summary: Modern AU. She's an introvert ball of nerves who works at Ice Palace, a mall food court ice cream shop. He's the outgoing, sassy goofball who works at the Pizza Planet across the way. Hilarity, snark, and fluffy romcom hijinks ensue.
Word Count: 9,165
Credit for super friggin’ cute and super friggin’ amazing cover art goes to the super friggin’ talented ky-jane here on tumblr!
Tumblr media
Neverland, as I was currently discovering, was a huge indoor playground at the Dusk Town Center mall. A place where children never had to grow up, or so its big overhead sign boasted. Its vast range of diversions for the little ones included such attractions as a jungle gym in the shape of a large comical skull, a huge green plastic alligator that had a slide built into its long back, and monkey bars supported at either end by large, spooky prop trees. Off in one corner, there were even synthetic, cute yet culturally problematic teepees for the tiny tots to crawl around and hide in. But its crowning jewel seemed to be the kiddie train that ran along the tracks circling the entire play area. Each of its carts were actually little pirate ships that could fit one child in it, maybe two if they were really little.
Since the playground was in the middle of a wide open mall walkway, many stores surrounded it, such as an antique shop by the name of Cave of Wonders. Beyond the rusty brass lamps in its window and past an old, tacky purple carpet draping off a shelf, a friendly young woman with long black hair tied back into a two-sectioned ponytail and wearing a turquoise crop top could be seen running the counter.
Next door to that was Game-A-Saurus Rex, a video game store sporting a green t-rex mascot as part of its logo. An absolute giant of an employee with messy brown hair was currently setting up a display pyramid but his meaty, clumsy hands accidentally knocked it over, wrecking it. I got the feeling this wasn't the first time from the look of being one hundred percent done he was receiving from his silver haired coworker with mismatched eyes.
Neighboring them, I was a bit surprised to discover there was even an Esmerelda's Secrets here as well, a… ahem, lingerie store, to use a more PG term. I found its location so near to the play area to be a bit of a questionable mall layout choice.
I sighed, paper bag lunch crinkling in my grip as I glanced around.
Where was he?
"Are you sure this is where he told you he wanted to meet up?" Kristoff asked beside me, his eyes scanning about as well. Thankfully, he'd forgiven me by now for the minor phone-hurling fiasco and we were back on speaking terms again.
"Positive," I fished my mobile out of my pocket with my free hand, rereading Lea's text asking me to head to Neverland once my lunch break had started.
Since I'd never heard of it before, I'd asked Kristoff (him being the closest person at hand since he'd been working the Ice Palace registers with me) if he'd known what it was. I figured he could at least point me in the right direction, which would be faster than looking at a mall directory. Instead, since he was getting off shift the same time I was going on lunch, he'd offered to walk me there, saying it was on his way anyway.
But now here we were and a certain redhead was nowhere to be seen.
"Bah, I'm sure he'll turn up any second now," Kristoff shrugged off with a laugh. I said nothing, just continued to frown down at my phone before raising my eyes to take another look around. Shoving one of his hands into his pocket while he used the other to ruffle the hair at the back of his head, Kristoff said, "So… your sister…"
"Anna? What about her?" I muttered distractedly, gaze still jumping from face to unfamiliar face. Come on, Lea was a friggin' mountain with hair like a beacon that could light a path home for even the most wayward of lost ships. The guy should have been sticking out like a sore thumb.
He pursed his lips to one side, slightly widened eyes darting about now. "She's… well, she's really… neat." I blinked, slowly looking over at him now. He stiffened, then gave a weak chuckle, "Did I say neat? Not neat, I meant, ah… pretty!" His face blanched. "Pretty… pretty, pretty swell, that is! Yeah, a real bangarang," insert his wince here, "gal that, uh... that's really, er…"
Annnnnd now he was blushing. What was with him, anyway? It was so unlike him to be getting all tongue-tied and-
Oh dear. I knew what this was.
Someone had a crush.
Ugh, why did I have to be the one to break his heart by telling him my sister was already in a relationship?
"...anyway," his voice cracked and he coughed, beating a fist to his chest before trying again. "Anyway, what I'm trying to say, or… rather ask is... would you know if, ah… is... is she seeing any-" his idly wandering gaze landed on something past me and he froze, words dying on his tongue. Then his eyelids drooped. "...I think I found your boyfriend."
My brow furrowed at the face he was making before I turned on my heel, following his gaze.
I heard them before I saw them. Cheerful whoops and hollers echoing from the plastic tunnel over the railroad tracks, heralding the emerging train of pirate ships. Then there they were: Lea and Roxas, taking up a full boat each as the locomotive chugged along, their hands thrown up high over their heads as they cackled in almost maniac glee. The two kids in the cart behind them - a carrot top boy in a green cap embroidered with a red feather logo and a little blonde girl wearing toy fairy wings - were giving them funny looks.
I spluttered, my fingers shooting up to smother and hide the grin I was fighting. This was behavior I did not want to encourage.
There he was, ladies and gentlemen. My bad-boy boyfriend in all his glory.
I hope the Duke's spy wasn't here to witness this.
Scratch that, I'd rather no one were here to witness this.
"Those goddamn morons have been at this for over ten minutes now," I heard a grumble from a familiar voice close by. I looked to my right to discover Xion standing there, watching them with a scowl and one eye twitching. As the train drew near, she called out flatly, "Oh yeah, looking real classy there, guys!"
"We're posh as fuck!" Lea replied smugly with a pinky raised, heedless of what nearby young and impressionable ears might overhear. Then his eyes drifted past her to notice me for the first time. His already beaming face did the impossible and brightened even further. As his little pirate ship choo-chooed its way past us, he cried out, "There you are, El! 'Bout time! We're celebrating!"
"El? Who's El? No, you must have me mistaken for someone else. I don't know you," I shook my head, taking a step back. "Quick, let's get out of here," I hissed to Kristoff, snatching his arm with one hand and using the other to hide my face as I tried to make a hasty retreat.
"Oh-ho, no ya don't! You're not getting away that easily!" I heard Lea laugh behind me. I hazarded a quick glance over my shoulder to see him struggling to get out of the cart - he was wedged in there pretty good, seeing as how those boats were never meant to withstand a man of his considerable stature. However, he finally managed to wiggle himself free and jump off the moving kiddie train, stumbling over the railing surrounding it and leaving poor Roxas behind looking quite distraught at having been abandoned.
Then he was charging towards me and I spun around to face him, defensively throwing my hands up in front of me. "Got ya!" he declared triumphantly, snagging me by the waist, my arms instinctively going to hug his neck as he lifted me up and spun me around a couple times.
What was even happening?
"Right," Kristoff said. Don't ask me how, but I could distinctly hear the eyeroll in his voice. "I think I'm gonna go now."
He walked off and I frowned after him as Lea put me back down, though his arms still kept me trapped against him. Then I shrugged. Kristoff's wee crush would have to be a problem for another day. Looking up at Lea, I shook my head with a barely suppressed smile, "What has you so giddy?"
"I got my test grade back today," he chirped, nuzzling his nose to mine for all the crowded mall to see.
"Your test?" I cocked my head at him. Then it clicked. "Oh, the one I helped you study for? You passed?"
"Passed nothing, I aced that sucker! Made it my bitch and it was all thanks to you!" And with that, he was hoisting me up for another twirl.
"Dude, what the hell?!" a shout suddenly rang out across the mall before Roxas came bursting out of the press of shoppers, sneakers screeching to a halt in front of us as he glared at Lea. "Can't believe you just ditched me like that! I looked like a total dumbass riding that thing all by myself!"
"Oh sure," Xion deadpanned at his side, "cuz you looked like a regular Einstein before as a grown-ass man riding around in the widdle choo-choo train with another grown-ass man."
Roxas crossed his arms and stuck his nose up in the air with a harrumph. "You're just jelly cuz we didn't invite you."
She scoffed, "You didn't invite me cuz I turned you guys down the last ten times you tried to drag me onto that dumb thing because I didn't want to look stupid."
"Your face looks stupid!"
Xion lunged at him, but Lea had already put me down and was snagging them both by the scruff of their shirt collars, dragging them apart from each other. He sighed, "Kiddos, please, would you start acting like the grown-ups that you are?"
Said the adult man who'd just been joyriding in the kiddie train.
Seriously, how were these three even college students? They all acted like a bunch of preschoolers.
"Ha, fat chance with this dope," Xion snerked, reaching across to flick Roxas in the forehead.
"Why you-" he broke free of Lea's grasp. Xion gasped and managed to squirm loose herself, bolting and squealing with laughter as she disappeared into the crowd, Roxas hot on her heels.
"Oi, kids these days. I give up," Lea grumbled, shaking his head and tossing his hands up in defeat. "Now where were we?" Looking back at me, his eyes lit up. "Ah yes," he bent forward, bringing us nose to nose with a tiny smirk, "my reward."
Both eyebrows shot up my forehead and I staggered back a bit. "Your… reward?"
"Mm-hm!" he nodded, grin twitching wider. "For kicking that test's ass, I get a reward! It's standard girlfriend protocol."
I blinked, "...it is?"
"Didn't ya read your dating handbook?"
...there's a handbook?!
Wait. No. That was just a joke.
And wishful thinking on my part.
Because I mean, seriously, how much easier would my life be right now if I could consult a handbook?
That aside, I had to get back to the matter at hand: some kind of reward for Lea. Which was my duty as the girlfriend. Apparently. What did that even entail? What was it supposed to be? What was I supposed to do? My face paled and my hands clenched. This was too much responsibility to be thrust onto me all of a sudden! What, was I supposed to buy him something? Or… maybe this was this another PDA situation? I mean, I hadn't made a move in that department since the roller rink a couple days ago. If tripping and crashing into him even counted. Which, personally, I was still chalking up as one for the win column. Had to take my small victories wherever I could! That said… perhaps it was high time I gave it another go?
Yes. Okay. I was going to do this. This… I was going to do.
My gaze hardened and my nostrils flared slightly as I started taking deep, sharp breaths, psyching myself up.
I got this. No more putting it off. Be strong! Be brave! Carpe diem! Seize the day! Grab the bull by the horns! Strike while the iron's hot!
Lea snerked, straightening up, "Woah, El, your face! Relax! I'm kidding! Just teasing ya like I always-"
I dropped my lunch bag, grabbed his head in both hands, yanked him down and kissed him.
...on the nose.
Way to bury the lead there, I know.
But hey, it still counted! Let me have this!
I held it for the space of a few thundering heartbeats before I pulled back, releasing his face and doing my best to ignore the slight jitters I felt from the adrenaline surge.
Lea was stock-still and just giving me a blank, wide-eyed stare.
Huh… not the reaction I was expecting.
A few long seconds ticked by where nothing happened. My eyes darted about nervously. Then I slowly, awkwardly picked my lunch sack back up off the floor. And still nothing from him. Nada. Not one peep.
Should… should I say something?
That's when he jolted upright (startling me half to death, I might add) and brought both his hands up to cup his nose, spinning around so his back was to me now.
Okay, really, really not the reaction I was expecting. At all. Just what-
Then it hit me.
I hadn't asked his permission first! And after he'd been so careful with me all this time too! Apparently I couldn't even return the favor! Fudge, this was like the Kissident all over again. Except worse! At least then, it'd been an accident. This time I'd done it on purpose! This was premeditated! Not to mention this now made me a repeat offender! A… a serial kisser! Would my reign of smooching terror never cease?
Anxiety eating up at me now like a swarm of angry ants in the pit of my stomach, I bit down on my bottom lip and took a hesitant step forward. "Lea?" I asked, my voice small. "Did I do something wrong or-"
"Nope! No, it was good. Really, really good," he said quickly, voice tight and muffled still by his hands. Then I heard him puff out a slow breath, watched his arms fall to his sides and he whipped around towards me once more, huge smile splitting his face in two. "So good, in fact, it's high-five worthy. Whaddya say, wanna high-five? Let's high-five." He held his palm up in front of me. I wordlessly stared back at him, arching an eyebrow. He was being weird, even for him. And why was he talking so fast? He hastily dropped his hand, "Not high-five. Forget that. That's stupid. We should, uh… we should go. Wanna go? Let's go."
As he snagged my free hand in his and tugged me into a walk beside him, I tipped my head to the left and uncertainly gave him some side-eye. "...where are we going?"
Seemingly already recovered, his grip shifted to instead hook our pinkies together as he shot me a wink. "Where all couples sneak off to whenever they have a lil free time. Somewhere dark, secret and secluded so," here he raised his voice for all to hear over the mall hub-bub, "we can make out!"
My feet faltered and I stumbled, barely catching myself as my face spontaneously broke out into its best impersonation of a tomato. "M-make out?!"
He snorted, bending close to my ear and whispering, "Calm down, only said it for show. We'll just find some place to lay low until your lunch is over and let the gossip mill churn." Straightening back up to his full height, he beamed, "Sound good, my knuddelbärchen?" A crease formed between my eyebrows and he chuckled. "Go on, ask. Ya know ya want to."
I sighed, "And knuddelbärchen is…?"
"German for cuddle bear," he pinched my cheek.
"You can sleep on it, then get back to me."
I rolled my eyes but held my tongue as I continued to let him lead the way to wherever it was we were going. It wasn't long before we entered a part of the mall I was more familiar with and he turned us down the deserted wing that was under construction. Ah, back to the clocktower then, was it? So be it.
Once the locked door was picked and we were inside, I started to head for the stairs but he stopped me with a hand on my elbow. At my questioning look, he said, "Dunno where the kiddos disappeared off to. They may have beat us to the punch and could be up there already, which'll totally bust our whole fake make-out sesh. Better to just hide out down here instead."
"Alright," I nodded as he released my arm.
And there it was again. That strangeness that seemed to hang in the air whenever we were alone together now. Whenever we didn't have to put on the act of being in a relationship. I was now so used to him lacing our fingers together every chance he got that when he didn't this time, instead opting to stuff his hands into his pockets with a grin and a soft "heh," my own hand almost felt… slighted? Bereft? Sad? Could hands even feel sad? Well, whatever the hand equivalent of sadness was, it felt that.
There were a couple large, dusty crates stored in here with us at the bottom of the clocktower. I stepped over to one, gingerly dusting off the surface before setting my paper bag down on top of it. Then I cleared my throat and looked to him with a small, timid smile. "This whole rent-a-boyfriend thing is really becoming a full time job now, isn't it? Sorry… to be wasting your time like this. I'm sure there are better ways you'd be preferring to spend it rather than stuck here with me."
Lea blinked at me, then huffed out a breath of a laugh. "Hey, you already forgetting whose idea it was for us to steal away on our own like this? Ya got nothing to be sorry for. I like this, it's fun! 'Sides," he moved to stand in front of me, leaning one shoulder against the wooden support beam there that was holding up the decrepit old staircase above us, "it's not a waste. I'm a big fan of my El time. Love having any excuse to hang out with ya and have you all to myself."
Cue heart spasm.
Dropping my gaze and tugging my Ice Palace cap down to hide my warming cheeks, I zeroed in on opening my lunch bag with far more acute focus than was absolutely necessary. Let's see what Mama Rayne had packed for me today, inquiring minds were simply dying to know. To him, I just mumbled, "To each their own, I guess."
"So…" he reached a hand out, index finger flicking the bill of my hat back up so he could meet my eyes when he smirked, "...you kissed me."
All color drained from my face.
Crud. Was hoping this wouldn't come up.
"I'm sorry!" came bursting out of me.
His head rocked back before he snorted and sighed, "You apologize too much, ya know that? Fine, I'll bite. What're you sorry for now?"
"I should've asked if that was okay before I did it!" I took off my cap, wringing it between my hands. "I overstepped, I shouldn't have just assumed! I hope I didn't freak you out or make things awkward or uncomfortable or, or weird or-"
"Woah, woah, slow down," he chuckled, holding up his hands. "Ya got nothing to worry about. I was totally, one hundred and ten percent cool with it!"
My eyebrows knit together. "Really?" I frowned, absently setting the hat down on the box. "But you seemed so… I thought I might've upset you or-"
"Upset? Nah, not even a lil bit! Surprised, maybe, cuz I never in a million years expected you to, ah… heh…" he paused, pursing his lips to the right as he dragged his hand along the nape of his neck. Then he closed his eyes in a grin, "How 'bout this? This, right here, right now, is me giving you the okay to do whatever you want to me from now on in order to maintain your girlfriend cover. Anything goes, got it?"
Eyes growing round, I stammered, "A-anything?"
He couldn't be serious! Anything was a lot. Anything was… well, anything.
"Yup, anything! Don't hold back. Just feel free to go to town on me."
This was too much power. Do not want. Take it back.
"I, uh…" What does one even say to that? "O-okay… thanks?" Was this something I should be thanking him for? Seemed like a weird thing to thank him for. This whole discussion just seemed weird, period. Concentrating on my packed lunch once more, I pulled out a ziplock of baby carrots. "...I don't think I'll be, er… going to town on you any time soon though, but the offer is, ah…" Is what? "...appreciated?" Sure, let's go with that.
"Shame," Lea tsked under his breath, then snerked as his hand shot up to block the carrot I threw at him. "Kidding, kidding! Still, just know that door's always open, in case ya ever wanna put on a bit of a show for any audience we might have. I won't be bothered. Promise."
"I'll keep that in mind," I muttered, taking out a second carrot to nibble on as I averted my gaze. Was ready to talk about something else now.
"Still, fact of the matter remains," one corner of his lips curled up, "you kissed me."
Gah! Would he stop saying that already!
A soft harrumph. "Only on the nose."
"One lucky nose!" He hunched forward slightly, pointing at it, "I'll have you know I'm never gonna wash this puppy ever again."
I snorted, setting the ziplock down on the box and reaching back into the paper sack to see what other goodies it contained. "Be serious."
"I am! Wouldn't wanna lose the divine blessing you've bestowed upon it on this fine day!"
Biting back a smile now as I continued to root around in the bag, I shook my head. "Does this mean that you also haven't washed your lips since the-" I abruptly froze, eyes widening and mouth clamping shut.
There was a pause, then I could see out of my peripheral the slow cheshire grin spreading across Lea's face. "Go on, since the…?"
Since the Kissident, was what I'd been about to say.
I knew it.
He knew it.
But did I have the guts to actually power through and finish that sentence?
Frantic fingers grabbing the first thing they could out of the lunch sack, I shoved it into his face with a weak laugh, "Chocolate pudding cup?"
Nope. I sure as heck most certainly did not.
Elsa, Queen of the Skillful and Seamless Subject Change.
"Oo!" he chirped in delight, taking it. Well, he was easily distracted. That, or he was just being nice and letting me off the hook. Probably the latter. "A nose kiss and pudding? Big day!"
With a soft, relieved sigh through my nostrils, I fished out a plastic spoon to hand him as well. "Don't forget about the train ride too. Big day indeed… do you and Roxas do that often?"
Having already torn into it and taken a spoonful into his mouth, he swallowed. "Not really. Only for special occasions. Wouldn't wanna cheapen the experience."
My eyes crinkled. "Because it's already so sophisticated and highbrow to begin with," I said, forgoing the PB and J sandwich at the bottom of the bag for now and instead opting to pull out some string cheese. Removing the wrapper, I asked, "Passing an exam counts as a special occasion?"
"Only the hard as balls ones that can make or break my overall grade for the course," he shrugged, scooping out some more pudding and offering it to me, to which I just shook my head.
"Ah," I rested one hip against the crate, peeling off a thin strip of mozzarella and slipping it into my mouth. "How many years do you have left on your degree anyway?"
"Couple more. Though I hear if I'm a model student, they'll let me graduate early for good behavior."
"Don't think that's how it works," I hummed a low laugh. "Then after that… what was it again? ...a nice little ice cream shanty by the seashore, I believe?"
Lea grinned around his spoon, "Something like that."
Pulling off another strand, I hesitated with a slight frown. "...but why ice cream?" At his cocked head and raised eyebrows, I worried my lower lip between my teeth. How to phrase this? "...it's just been something I've been wondering about actually. What with your mother dropping you off at an ice cream shop before she, ah... split when you were so little, I would have thought it would just be a… a source of bad memories, is all."
He snorted, looking down at his spoon as he swirled it around in the chocolate goop. "S'not the ice cream's fault my deadbeat mom abandoned Saïx and me when we were kids. She's taken a lot from me, I won't let her take that too. 'Sides, also got a lotta good memories tied to ice cream. Fun times with friends and whatnot. It's nice that something so simple can bring a smile to people's faces and I just like the idea of being a part of that. Sounds silly, I know, but what can I say?" He thrust the now heavily pudding-laden utensil up high in the air, "I have a calling! And answer it I must!"
I brought a curled finger to my lips, hiding the tiny smile. "Some calling. You still haven't even guessed which one's my favorite yet."
"Told ya, it's a process," he stuck the spoon into his mouth, holding it there as he squinted thoughtfully. "Speaking of… lessee, what other flavors haven't come up yet… ah! Three Wishes?" he asked, pointing the plastic implement at me. Then he scoffed, "Yeah right. Way too gimmicky with all that blue cotton candy. It's trying too hard. Classy and effortless is more your speed."
My smile ticked wider as my fingers plucked further at the string cheese. "Are we still even talking about ice cream anymore?"
"Course! Trust me, I've got this down to a science. I know my shit."
"If you say so," I gave a soft snort. "You really have me at the edge of my seat here. I can't wait to see which one you finally land on."
"Me neither. I'm just as much on this journey as you are," he chuckled, tossing the now empty cup onto the crate alongside the paper bag. Propping one shoulder against the post again, he looked down and scratched his cheek. "...hey, so, ya free in a couple nights? Saïx's been wanting to meet my new lady friend and suggested we have you over for dinner."
Finishing the last of my own snack, I quirked an eyebrow at him. "He knows you have a lady friend?"
"Wasn't hard for him to guess since I've been out all night a lot recently, what with your couch being my new home away from home."
"Oh." My fingers reached for a tendril of my ponytail to twist as I mulled for a second. "Yeah, I suppose… I don't have any closing shifts coming up for a while, so I'm free for the next few nights. Just let me know when."
"Sweet! We can see this as a test run of sorts. Practice for the big weekend with your folks and-" he suddenly fell silent, head jerking to his right. I blinked, confused. Then I heard it too. This soft rattling coming from the doorknob - the telltale sounds of a lock being picked. "Crap! The kiddos! Hide," Lea hissed, grabbing my shoulders and shoving us both beneath the staircase, my back hitting the wall behind me.
The door burst open. I didn't so much see it since the stairs were now between me and it, blocking my line of sight, but I heard it along with the echoing laughter of two very familiar voices. As it slammed shut again and the staircase began to quake from feet running up it hard, I heard Xion ask, "Think we'll find them up there?"
"Probably." That was Roxas. I turned my head to the left, watching through the slats between the steps as his sneakers blurred past. "Giving each other tonsillectomies, no doubt."
My face heated as I realized they were talking about Lea and me.
But good news! Lea's plan was working. People thought we were off somewhere, er... shall we say, necking.
Or at the very least, those two thought so anyway.
I heard a snigger from Xion as her boots rushed past the gap not too far behind him. "Perfect. Let's scare them shitless."
They both cackled and tried to shush each other at the same time as I heard their thudding footsteps fade further and further away above us. Once I was certain they were gone, I puffed out the breath I'd been holding.
That's when I became aware of several things. Very, very aware.
Aware of the familiar feeling of Lea's eyes on me. Aware of how close we were. Of his grip still on my shoulders. Of my hands on his chest. Of the gentle thud of his heartbeat beneath my fingertips. Of his warm, spicy boy scent. Of his body pressed to mine, pinning me to the wall still from his rush just seconds ago to get us both out of sight. Of the fact that I could still sense his gaze on me.
Oh gosh, was there something on my face?
I slowly turned my head to look up at him and meet his eyes. He had that look in them again that I'd seen once or twice before. The one that made my insides twist and flip-flop.
Emergency! This is not a drill, people! Fetch the conceal-don't-feel armor and suit up, stat! I repeat, this is not a drill!
The slightest hint of a grin tugged at the corner of his lips and when he spoke, his voice was low. Barely above a whisper. "You know what would… really sell this make-out sesh? ...if right along here..." he ran the tip of his index finger along the side of my neck down to where it met my shoulder, so lightly I hardly felt it, his eyes following its trail the whole time, "...there was a hickey. Maybe two or three. Ya know… just for appearances, of course..."
I just stared at him for a second. Then two. Then I smiled, "That's a great idea!"
He looked taken aback, his gaze widening. "Wait, really?!"
"Of course! Did you bring any makeup with you?" I asked. He just gave me a blank look. "You know, like your guyliner. Do you have anything else? Something that could make the fake marks look convincing?"
He blinked a couple times. "Makeup… right… that's what I meant… heh..." his eyes darted to the left. "But shoot, you know what? Didn't bring any with me." A slow smirk stretching across his face now, he bent down to press his forehead to mine as his eyes hooded, "But hey... we could also always make 'em the old fashioned way."
Once more I stared, expression neutral.
Processing… processing…
Then my eyelids drooped. "...you're messing with me again, aren't you?"
Lea stiffened. Then he relaxed, straightening back up and bracing an elbow against the wall above my head, resting his brow to his forearm as his whole body shook with a soft chuckle. "Yup! Yup, you uh… you caught me alright! Totes was."
Conceal-don't-feel armor saves the day once again! If it hadn't been for that, my heart might have exploded in that situation.
Man, was I getting good at deflecting these little jokes of his now or what?
He shifted over and away from me, giving us both some breathing room now. "Do you think maybe we should go somewhere else?" I asked, my gaze drifting up the clocktower as I returned to the crate, repacking my lunch back into its bag and picking up my hat. Thank goodness the "kiddos" hadn't noticed this stuff before dashing upstairs. "Just so Xion and Roxas don't catch us down here?"
"Sure, good call. I gotta few other secret spots 'round this place we can hole up in until your lunch is over." He went to the door, pushing it open a crack so he could peek out.
"Okay," I nodded while waiting for him to make sure the coast was clear. Then I grinned. "You know, you almost had me going back there with the hickies."
"If only," he muttered so softly, I wasn't sure I'd heard correctly.
His shoulders tensed, then he breathed a feeble laugh as he glanced back at me, "If only… I'd, er... remembered to bring some makeup! Ah well, maybe next time, huh? C'mon, let's go." His hand reached for mine.
I took it and suddenly my hand didn't feel so sad anymore as I let him lead me back out into the mall.
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I couldn't sleep.
I rolled over onto my left side, pulling the sheets up to my chin and curling in on myself a bit. Then over to my right. A few seconds ticked by. Then I rested my back to the mattress and frowned up at my bedroom ceiling, at the long thin patch of frail moonlight slashing across it from between the curtains of my window. Sighing, I tossed over onto my side again and tried putting my head beneath the pillow this time, hoping the added darkness and some light hypoxia would do the trick to knock me out.
No such luck.
With another heavy sigh, I sat up, letting the pillow fall back down behind me. I brought a hand up towards one of my earplugs, stopping just short of reaching it as I frowned over at the wall I shared with my roommates. Then I tentatively pulled it out, already preemptively grimacing as the noises I might hear.
Instead my ears were greeted with a very different sound and from a different direction no less. Coming through my closed door from the living room was a faint, hollow murmur of voices. I squinted towards it, tipping my head to one side. Was that… the TV? Tugging the other earplug out, I set both down onto my nightstand as I listened for another minute, my fingers fiddling with my braid. Then folding my sheets away from me, I got out of bed, smoothed my nightgown and crept over to the door to open it.
Lea was sitting on his couch out here, the glow of the television screen the only thing illuminating him in the otherwise dark living room. Since him couch-surfing here was becoming a bit of a habit now, he'd started bringing an overnight bag with him for things like toiletries and the pyjamas he was currently wearing - a black tank top and PJ pants patterned with tiny fireballs sporting evil smiley faces. In fact I think it may have been the same design on the frisbees I'd seen back at his apartment. Some kind of brand logo, perhaps?
His elbows were braced up on the backrest behind him, temple propped against one fist as he watched the screen. He glanced over at me as I stepped out, quirking an eyebrow and lifting his head off his knuckles. "El?"
I gave my braid a tiny tug before dropping my hands and clasping them together, forcing them to be still as I gave him a small smile. "You're up late."
He grinned back. "Yeah. Never really could pass out to total silence," he nodded towards where his own earplugs laid discarded on the coffee table. Then he wrinkled his nose, shooting a sideways glance towards Rayne's and Riku's room. "But shit, you weren't kidding 'bout those two going at it like jackrabbits in there. Had to do something to tune 'em out, so turned on the ol' tube and guess what I found?"
I moved to stand beside him for a better view of the TV. The scene was currently zoomed in on a couple riding in the back row seat of a trolley. The girl was distracted, lost in whatever she was talking about while the guy was reaching his hand over to tuck her hair back, only to awkwardly snatch it away when she suddenly turned to look at him, completely oblivious to the gesture as she continued to enthusiastically ramble on. My smile grew as I took a seat next to Lea. "It's Before Dawn. Imagine that."
"I know. What timing, right?" he hummed a small laugh. We were both quiet for a few seconds, simply watching the movie. Then he nudged my knee with his, "And what brings ya out here in the middle of the night? Other than the pleasure of my charming company, of course."
That earned him a soft snort as I slouched more comfortably into the sofa and picked up one of the small throw pillows, hugging it in my arms. "Trouble sleeping."
"Oh?" he looked over at me, relaxing his hand along the top of the cushions behind my head. "Something on your mind?"
I gnawed on my bottom lip, not taking my eyes off the television even though I wasn't really paying attention to it anymore. "...it's just coming up so fast."
Brow furrowing, he squinted up at the ceiling in thought for a second. "You mean our visit to the parental units?"
My insides churned as I gave a small nod. "It's only a week away now. It doesn't feel like enough time. I don't know if I'll be able to go through with this… if we… if I will be prepared in time… if I'll be able to face them."
"Hey, don't worry 'bout it," he flashed a warm grin. "You and me? We got this. I like to think we've become quite the awesome dynamic duo. Gotten pretty good at this whole girlfriend-boyfriend thing. Got the entire mall buying into our story and if we can fool them, we can fool anyone."
"But it's not anyone," I muttered, squeezing the pillow more tightly to me. "It's Father. And Mother. And..." my face scrunched up, "...the Duke too? ...for some reason? Anyway, tricking Father for a grand total of five minutes was one thing, but now? Now it's my whole family. For a whole weekend. What if they find out?" Oh dear, I could already feel a panic attack coming on just thinking about it. I turned my head, frowning at him. "...what if I can't do this?"
The hand behind me lifted, hesitantly hovering and shifting about for a second before settling on a quick, reassuring pat to my head. "Just say the word and you can pull the plug on this whole op anytime ya want. Don't force yourself to do anything you don't wanna do. But just know you're a lot stronger than you think. And chances are? It won't be as bad as you fear." He poked himself in the side of the head, just above his left ear, "Our brains like to mess with us, tell us things will be a lot worse than they actually turn out to be. And 'sides, you won't be doing this alone. I'll be right there with you the whole weekend. Your sister too. We got your back. You got a support system. Consider us your safety net. We'll be there to pick up the slack and catch you if you fall."
I bowed my head, nose perched on top of the edge of the pillow now. "...thank you. That helps," I muffled into it, my tiny smile hidden. And I meant it. I could already feel some of my unease starting to slip away. Straightening back up and tossing my head back onto the couch, I inhaled deeply before loudly exhaling. "I should just stop thinking about it. Stressing out over it now does me no good. I need to be talking about something else."
"Something else, huh?" he mumbled, eyes returning to the movie as he scratched the tip of his nose. "...so I had a thought. Remember the other day when you said you'd be looking for a new place in a few months when lil Baby Hewley arrived?" His knee started jiggling up and down while out of the corner of my eye, I could see his fingers fidgeting with the seam of the backrest cushions. "Well, what if… and ya know, this would only be if you weren't able to find somewhere on your own and if, like… you had no place else to go and were up shit's creek and whatnot, but… what if you moved in with…" he glanced back my way, "...me?"
I blinked at him. "...you?"
His face brightened. "Yeah, whaddya think? We got plenty of space for ya! It'll be a total blast! And hey, we could even get ya a puppy."
Fighting a grin, I quirked an eyebrow. "A puppy? But what about Saïx?"
"Psh," he brushed off, one hand batting the air. "Saïx can fight me. You want a dog? You're getting a dog, end of story."
I snerked and looked down. Lips pursing to one side, I did a mental replay of what I could remember of when Lea had given me the grand tour of his apartment. "...am I forgetting a third bedroom you guys have?"
"Nah," he shook his head, "just the two. But you can have mine and I'll just… I dunno, sleep on the couch."
"You can't sleep on the couch in your own home," I scoffed.
"Sure I can! I'm actually growing quite accustomed to catching some Z's on 'em. These bad boys are surprisingly comfy," he pat the armrest next to him and beamed. "In fact, dunno if I can ever go back to a lame ol' bed again!"
Rolling my eyes, I said, "I meant because Saïx will see you. Won't he have questions about you sleeping on the sofa every night?"
"Oh. Right," he laughed, fingers ruffling his hair. "Well then I can just… sleep in the room with you. On the floor," he hastily amended. "Yeah, it'll be fun! Like a slumber party every night!"
One side of my lips twitched up as I toyed with the corner of the throw pillow I was still holding snug. "You're sweet, but… no, that'd just be crazy."
"...yeah. Crazy," he averted his gaze with a tiny chuckle. Then he frowned, plucking the short hairs at the nape of his neck. "...is it though? I mean, think about it. It'd be like the next stage of our dating evolution. That's what all couples do sooner or later, right? Move in together?"
"But the baby will be here in, what…" both my eyebrows rose as I stared off into space, "...four more months? Five? I figure we'll have probably staged a breakup by then."
"Breakup?!" he jerked forward in his seat, eyes widening slightly.
I knit my eyebrows together. "Well yeah. You… didn't think we were going to be fake dating forever, right?"
"Well, I…" he hunched forward, propping his elbows on his knees and folding his hands together beneath his nose as he narrowed his gaze on the floor. "...no, I guess not."
I tilted my head at him. Then opened my mouth. Then closed it. I focused on the TV instead. "...I figured… it'd be some time after we visited my parents. Depending on how it goes, of course. Once I was…" I shrugged, gripping the pillow more tightly, "...sure they weren't going to try to interfere with my life anymore. After that… maybe a few more weeks? A month, perhaps? Just so it wouldn't look too quick, too… suspicious or raise questions…"
Why was this so hard? Why did it make my heart squeeze, just a bit? Come on, it's not like it was a real breakup! Besides, this could maybe, possibly, eventually open up the door to actually start something more real with him in the future. If I ever got the guts up to even pursue something like that… whenever he started dating again… which would be when he no longer had to focus on his schoolwork… aka when he graduated...
...in two years…
Why did that suddenly seem like an eternity?
"...yeah," he sighed and slumped back again, his arm returning to its position behind me as he stretched them both out along the backrest once more, "that all makes sense, I guess." His lips were a flat line for a few seconds, but then he grinned over at me. "Tell ya one thing, though. Fake getting over you ain't gonna be easy. Might have to try and fake win you back."
"Oh no," I stifled a soft laugh into my fingers. "Hang on, let me guess… You. In a trenchcoat. Standing in the middle of the bustling food court. Boombox held high over your head and blasting out some old, cheesy love song. That about sum it up?"
He smirked, "Ah, fan of the classics like me, I see. Good guess, but I was actually thinking less John Cusack in Say Anything and more Heath Ledger in 10 Things I Hate About You. Me. With a mic hacked into the food court's overhead speakers. Singing and dancing around on table tops while mall security chases me all over the place."
This big dork really was a sap. That is, if his taste in movies had anything to say about it.
Shaking my head in amusement, I said, "Who's to say you'd even fake want me back? Maybe it's you who ends up fake dumping me."
He huffed out a derisive snort, "Not a chance. I'd never be dumb enough to let someone like you go." I looked away, grateful the light from the TV wasn't bright enough to reveal the gentle warmth spreading into my cheeks. Lea shrugged as he went on, "Now, dumb enough to do something stupid and royally fuck it up so you'd kick my ass to the curb however? Yeah, now that sounds like it'd be pretty on brand for me."
"No, I don't think so," I smiled, resting my chin atop the seam of the throw pillow. "...thanks, Lea. I feel a lot better now. You're a… a really good friend."
Lea was quick to return the smile, "It's what I'm here for!" His gaze went back to the screen and there was a brief pause where the only sound was the low drone from the movie. "So… was that your roundabout way of wishing me a good night?"
"Hmm..." A beat before I shook my head, "Not yet. I think I'd like to stay and watch for a little while longer, if that's alright."
"It's more than alright," the corners of his eyes crinkled as he settled into his seat more comfortably. "It's alright times two."
I'm not sure exactly when it was I nodded off. Last scene I clearly remembered was our leading couple sitting at a restaurant together, their hands miming phones to their ears as they made imaginary calls to one another, so it must have been not too long after that. Next thing I knew I was blinking blearily at the television as it showed the girl now sitting on a bed in a small apartment, serenading the guy with her guitar. They both looked maybe a few years older. Must have been one of the sequels to the first movie. I was less familiar with those. It seemed Lea had stumbled upon some sort of late night marathon.
As consciousness returned to me piece by tiny piece, it slowly came to my attention that there was something... off about the pillow my cheek was resting against. Like the fact that it was oddly firm. And warm. And…
Eyes fully snapping open now, they darted about to realize I'd fallen asleep on Lea. Against his chest, to be exact. Embarrassed and panicking maybe just a smidge, I immediately tried to straighten up and away from him, only to be held firmly in place by the arm - his arm - that was draped heavily around my shoulders. I furrowed my brow over at it. Wha-?
Then he made a noise and I tensed.
Took me several heart-pounding seconds to register that noise for what it was.
A snore.
Puffing out a hushed breath and forcing my muscles to relax, I tentatively, cautiously turned my head to try and look up at him. Didn't work, and it only took me another second to realize why. There was a weight pressing down on the top of my hair that I hadn't really noticed until just now.
He was using my head as a pillow.
Welp. This was quite the predicament I found myself in.
Oh gosh, I just hope we'd fallen asleep roughly around the same time and had just, I don't know... naturally gravitated toward one another in our slumber? If I'd been snuggling up to him like this while he was awake the whole time, I'd never live it down.
Next thing my brain decided to alert me to was the fact that I'd misplaced my throw pillow. I must have dropped it when I'd dozed off for I was pretty sure I could feel it on the floor brushing against my bare feet. But that wasn't the important part. No, the important part was what my hands had decided to do in the wake of its disappearance. Left hand? It was good. Just laying there in my lap, all well behaved and polite-like. The right one, however? Had found its way over to rest atop Lea's knee. The little trollop. Especially considering that one of his hands was currently covering it. Had it no decency? No shame?
I considered my situation for another minute. Then taking a deep breath, I decided to commence with the extraction. Should be easier now that I was fully awake and aware of my circumstances so I could approach it all with a cooler, more level head.
First I used my free hand to gently lift his arm from my shoulder and gingerly set it back down on the couch backrest. Another snore from him and I froze. After a few seconds where nothing else happened however and I was sure I hadn't disturbed him, I then proceeded to bring my hand back up, this time to delicately press my fingertips to his chin.
Careful now, careful… wouldn't want to wake him…
I slowly pushed his head off mine and kept going until it lolled back onto the cushions behind him instead. With nothing left weighing me down now, I crept up onto my feet and peeked back at him to make sure he still snoozed. I was rewarded with yet another soft snore. That was all the confirmation I needed. I turned to make a break for my room.
Victory! Success! Elsa, Queen of The Daring Escape and-
...okay, so something had just happened. More precisely, two somethings, both occurring at the exact same time. The first? Was my arm being pulled taut and bouncing me back like a rubber band stretched too tight. I stumbled but caught myself, the carpet muffling any sound I might have made. The second? Now that was just a word. One single, solitary word:
That one word sent my heart catapulting up into my throat as I whipped around to discover Lea had pulled his head up and was now looking straight at me.
Fudge, fudge, fudge, fudge!
...but actually… wait… his eyelids were sagging heavily. Half closed and groggy. His expression slack. And now that I thought about, when he'd spoken, it had come out sounding a little… sluggish? One might even say… drowsy?
...was he still half asleep?
I haltingly raised a hand to wave in front of his face. No reaction. As my shallow breaths began to slow and my heart rate calmed, I next looked down at my other hand to see what the snag had been there. This was the one that had been on his knee with his hand on top of it. Was still on top of it and, in fact, had tightened his grip around my fingers. This was what had snared me and brought my getaway to a screeching halt.
Yeesh, what a clingy sleeper he must be.
I brought my gaze back up to his face. He was still giving me that droopy, zombie-eyed stare. I tucked in my lower lip, studying him for a moment. Then I took a tiny step closer and bent over him slightly. My free hand came up, reaching for him. I froze midway, fingers curling towards my palm, hesitating. But only for a heartbeat before I was pushing forward again.
"Shh… go back to sleep," I whispered, gently stroking his hair just above his ear.
His really, really soft, silky smooth hair.
Which I'd not been expecting. Not at all.
Crud, I shouldn't be blushing this much.
However, it seemed to have the desired effect. His eyelids drifted all the way closed now as his head sank back down into the couch cushion. His hold on my hand relaxed enough for me to slip it free. I straightened back up, rubbing my rescued hand with the other as I watched him sleep for a few more seconds, my head tipping to one side. Then I retrieved the throw pillow from the floor and put it back on the sofa next to him before picking up the comforter to drape over him. It was only now I realized that it was too small for him for if I brought it up to cover his shoulders, it left his feet exposed.
The friggin' behemoth. Why hadn't he said anything? I'd have to see about finding a bigger one for him tomorrow.
I briefly considered turning off the TV but decided against it on the off chance the sudden lack of noise would wake him. Turning, I tiptoed back towards my bedroom, stopping in the doorway for one last backwards glance at him. Still out like a light. A grin pulled at one side of my mouth as I murmured, "Sweet dreams, sleeping beauty."
The only answer I got was a snore.
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Author's Note: Our awkward penguin did it! She intentionally "made a move" for the first time, I'm so proud T_T Looks like our fire boi tried to make a bit of a move himself under the clocktower staircase there… with far less successful results xD One step forward, two steps back, huh? *Siiiiigh* ah well, these two will get there eventually :P And this is yet another chapter I lament not writing anything from Lea's POV… so many scenes in my head going on for him off camera that will never see the light of day xD Fun fact: The ice cream this chapter, Three Wishes, is named after (you guessed it) Agrabah's keyblade and I imagine its description on the menu would look something like: "This blueberry flavored soft serve will have you wishing for more! Comes in a blue cone wrapped in a ring of matching blue cotton candy, with lamp-shaped sugar cubes and a sprinkling of extra sugar to top it all off."
Next chapter, with that "make a move" hurdle finally overcome, what's next in our couple's fake dating adventures? Looks like there's a certain dinner with a certain Moon Boy on the horizon, how will this lil "test run" go? Will it be a resounding success or could it spell utter defeat for our pair? Not to mention the weekend with the folks is fast approaching, will our couple be ready in time? And just how DOES Lea fit his behemoth self into those itty-bitty pirate ship train carts? Some things will forever remain a mystery, but for the rest, stay tuned!
Thanks for reading, I super duper appreciate it! And an extra BIG thank you to those of you who’ve liked, reblogged, and followed so far, seeing those lil notifications always brings the biggest, goofiest smile to my face!
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norbaum · 3 years
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                                     but when you 𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘵 the light i 𝑅𝐸𝒜𝐿𝐼𝒵𝐸...
✧ ( jack gilinsky + 21 + cis male + he/him ) — did you see 𝐍𝐎𝐑𝐖𝐀𝐘 ‘𝐍𝐎𝐑’ 𝐁𝐀𝐔𝐌 walking down 3rd ? rumor has it they are a 𝐁𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐑 @ 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄 & 𝐀 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐓 and have lived in 𝟐𝟐𝟑 e 66th st 𝐀𝐏𝐓 𝟒𝟎𝟏 for 𝐀 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐀 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐅. i’d describe them as ( 𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙙-𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙙 ) but ( 𝙜𝙪𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙗𝙡𝙚 ), and when they pass by i’m always reminded of 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐒 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐎𝐍 𝐀𝐍 𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐊, 𝐀 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐌 𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐇 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐍, & 𝐀 𝐅𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐃 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝟏𝟎 𝐃𝐄𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑. ( ollie, 22, they/them, est )
         one half ( the younger ) of the baum twins — the self-proclaimed christmas tree twins but really, it’s their parents’ fault ; works the first shift at the sunrise baking the bulk of goods for the day && has a love for baking in general ; a senior at NYU studying an individualized track of architecture ; a kind soul who genuinely means well even if he misses the point a bit ( read : a himbo ).
— norway baum was born in a buffalo, new york hospital two minutes and forty-three seconds after his sister fir baum, and unlike his sister, did not scream upon his arrival into the world. it snowed on that december night, CHRISTMAS EVE, an irrelevant fact considering the baums, jewish in heritage, did not celebrate. their parents knew quite in advance that their family would be increasing by two, so it’s anyone’s guess why instead of picking nice normal names for their children they settled on ( as the twins would realize as they got older ) two versions of what amounted to christmas tree.
— nor supposes he ought to be thankful they didn’t name him spruce, because at least norway ( despite also being a country ) could be shortened to a mildly acceptable nickname. instead they graciously made that his middle name leaving every time he gets carded to be an adventure in dubious looks as someone read “norway spruce baum” across the shiny plastic.
— the twins’ entrance into the world would remain a blueprint for most of their lives, fir — the feral child, nor — the calmer but dumber one ; though unlike predicted, they did not balance each other out ( at least in the sense that their parents hoped ). instead it was excruciatingly obvious from the moment they were capable of semi-complex thought that they would be absolute hellions together.
— they grew as thick as thieves as they got older, outgrowing the hellion age soon enough, but only to enter the scheming menaces phase that some may argue they still haven’t left. there were times they had their differences, sure, but in the end they never amounted more to a ripple in the ocean, quickly forgiven and on to the next grand thing.
— they were raised very comfortably in a large house some might consider a mansion ( a modest one at that ), having been privileged enough to be born into the lower upper class. the baums were a rather practical family all the same, in spite of the big house and healthy number of zeros in their bank account, raising their children to be humble, polite, and hardworking : for the most part succeeding ( hardworking might be a matter of perspective ).
— for high school, they attended the local prestigious private co-ed school, nichols ; nor apparently not quite as dumb as everyone seemed to think considering his passing of the entrance exams and decent grades to back that up. nor graduated from nichols ranked surprisingly well, thanks to apparent natural abilities in math and physics.
— college was a toss up, but the choice quickly become a no-brainer when fir was also accepted into NYU. move-in day was a flurry of excitement, most notably the first time the twins would be living ( somewhat ) apart in different dorms thanks to random housing placement and a no co-ed room policy. that excitement lasted about six days for nor, when he became frustrated with the fact that his new roommate, though by almost all accounts PLEASANT, could not seemingly read his mind.
— several other factors, one of which was definitely not separation anxiety, lead them to room together with a few of their mutual friends their sophomore year, and then seek an apartment together the summer before their junior year.
— the 66th st hadn’t really been somewhere nor had frequented, though the neighborhood was known to be affordable and good for students seeking reasonably priced apartments. besides, the apartments were nice, not such a bad commute from school, and they both needed jobs if they wanted to continue to continue to have fun : for though their parents’ generosity extended to both their tuition and rent, it did not extend to spending money.
— in spite of their chaotic energy, they somehow landed one of the apartments on the block and moved in the beginning of august before their junior year ( august 2019 ).
— nor is one of the bakers at sunrise on weekdays and saturdays, likely with the 4 am shift that makes the bulk of the baked goods for the morning rush. he also helps with the counter if needed when the shop opens. he’s kicking down the door of 401 a little after 9 am on weekdays just in time to bring fir breakfast and go to class, and noon on weekends. he’d always been a bit of an early riser ( though 4 am isn’t really an acceptable time for anyone, it’s something he’s grown accustomed to ), and luckily functions well on just five hours of sleep or so. he is prone to taking about an hour and a half nap in the afternoons, though. he does enjoy his work, especially walking through the near abandoned corner at the wee hours of morning.
— at NYU nor studies an individualized track in architecture through the gallatin school of individualized study ; his track combines studies in architecture with structural classes in the tandon school of engineering so he can better understand practicality and the importance of structural-based architecture.
— has played hockey since he was quite young and the baums were looking for some way to burn off his energy. a sports town like buffalo it was a pretty obvious choice. he played up through high school, until an injury and two surgeries near the end of his junior year pretty much put an end to any serious athletic scholarships to a hockey school. he still played his senior year, but was advised against the rigors of college hockey. it was also in this time that he discovered his love of baking. he has played for fun nearby on one of the beer league teams the past couple years.
— as mentioned above, he really started to get into baking end of his junior year and senior year when he was either in recovery or benched a lot and wanted to contribute something. he bonded with one of his grandmothers over this time and he definitely loves making her recipes even now !! he’s also definitely the type to make baked goods for the neighbors. he started out beginning of last season at sunrise just doing regular cashier stuff but in a pinch when they were running low on something popular and they didn’t have any bakers on hand he was able to whip up a batch and saved the day and after that his manager asked him if he wanted to be one of the bakers.
— of the two of them, nor is the one more likely to cook, but they probably still rely a bit too heavily on ordering take out ( they are trying their best ).
— nor is quite neat, but more due to the fact he doesn’t own very much for things to get messy.
— has plants in his room and absolutely talks to them
— probably falls asleep while rewatching episodes of the great british bakeoff every night.
— sings in the shower and hums or sings quietly under his breath when he bakes. he’s really not that bad but he definitely lacks the creativity to do songwriting or talent to play an instrument so don’t ask.
— fir and nor have successfully gone to each other’s classes before despite being fraternal, most notably the longest gambit they ran sophomore year of high school where nor went to fir’s math class and she went to his history class and they kept it up until parent-teacher conferences in october ( something they had forgotten to take into consideration ) and their scheme was then exposed and they were subsequently grounded.
— he’s not straight and very much just loves who he loves. that being said, his tendency to look past people’s flaws and hand out second chances has gotten his heart broken a few times and has resulted in fir taking to examining anyone he shows the vaguest interest in under a microscope ( and possibly taken to interrogation ).
— fir and nor co-run the most chaotic tik tok @xmastreez. it has no real purpose or direction and mostly consists of capturing random shenanigans of each other, themselves, or random people. they have a modest following.
— put bluntly, nor is a rather kind and gentle soul ; he tends to want to see the best in people and that leads to him coming across rather naive. that may be true in a sense, but it’s less due to ignorance and more that he hasn’t let any hardship or heartbreak get in the way of his worldview. the exception to this is of course anyone who has hurt fir ; you will then learn that he’s very good at holding grudges too.
— nor isn’t someone to worry about the future very much. there was a point early in high school when he did, but after the injury his junior year, he took on a very one week, one day at a time sort of mentality. he is quite happy to live in the moment for now.
— he’s a hard worker, but only when it comes to things that he likes or wants to learn. he’ll put 100% into anything he deems worthy : his baking, hockey, certain classes of study, but try to get him to read something he doesn’t want to or learn something he dislikes and he will become the biggest slacker you have ever seen.
— he and fir bounce well off each other and though nor may be the more responsible one, it’s clear that fir is more of the leader of the two and that his resolve when it comes to his sister’s absurd ideas is not very strong. that being said he can be very protective of fir ( though not overbearingly so ), in a way that can be seen as quite endearing.
— nor is smart, but only in the context of his classwork. outside the classroom or the bakery, and especially in day-to-day interactions, nor just seems to be lacking a certain brand of common sense.
— honestly he’s a fucking himbo. need i say more.
— 5′11″ ( one inch taller than fir, a fact hotly contested between them and many times a moot point considering she likes to wear heels ), rather fit thanks to keeping up hockey as a hobby.
— brown eyes, skin that tends to always look a little sunkissed even in the middle of winter, dark brown hair that fluctuates in length, sometimes a bit short, usually a bit longer so that it starts to curl slightly.
— style : he likes black skinny jeans or semi-fitted army green pants that probably get covered in flour too quickly but he wears them to work anyway, and fitted t-shirts in any color. he’s a fan of hoodies, cycling through an old nichols hockey one, an adidas branded one, and a newer nyu sweatshirt he got when he committed to the university. he considers hoodies adequate enough for most of the winter, and hey he’s never really gotten sick from walking to class in just that so why change ?? though he may on occasion throw on a denim jacket over a hoodie. he wears practical boots when it isn’t too hot ( unlike his sister ).  — ref: yes, yes, and yes
— jewelry : nor’s not one for accessories, limited to a couple simple silver necklaces and an analogue watch with a brown leather band that probably takes him a little too long to read.
— scars, tattoos, etc : no tattoos ; a small well-healed scar over his left cheekbone from a hockey accident ( near invisible and most people don’t know it’s there unless they’re close or looking ), several other small scars on his legs and hands that he can’t recall what they’re from ; small birthmark on the outside of his right thigh.
🎵i wanna ~𝘷𝘪𝘣𝘦~ with somebody🎵 🎵feel the ᶜʰᵉᵐ with someboᵈʸʸʸʸʸʸ🎵
         hello everyone !! i’m ollie ( 22, est, they/them pronouns ) one of your admins. i am pretty much always on discord so hmu there pls, thank you so much for joining 66th, and i can’t wait to vibe w you all !!!!
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ravenforce · 4 years
Ithaca Pt. 2
Word Count: 2031
Warning/s: None
A/N: Hey loves, a deal is a deal. You got part one to over a hundred notes, so here’s part two. Natasha’s playing a huge part on this arc. So, I thought it’ll be good for you to get to know her in this alternate universe. Let me know what you think of it in my inbox or the comment section. Xx
PS. If there are any grammatical mistakes I’ve still overlooked, I apologize.
Parts: 1 | 3 | 4 | 5
5:30 AM
The alarm clock on Natasha’s bedside table reads. She blinked twice at it before sighing. She woke up earlier than her alarm again, not that she’s actually excited to go to school. Today, she’s actually supposed to tour the new transfer student, which is, by the way, is not her job as the Student Council President but Clint is out of commission for the week for some Intercollegiate archery competition in Washington DC. So, as President, she had to step in and do it.
‘At least, this is gonna be different from yesterday’, she thought to herself as she rolls out of bed.
Living in Ithaca since she’s a child meant Natasha knew the city like the back of her hand, knew almost every single family in town and went to school with the same kids since the beginning of her existence. It also meant being friends with founding family kids like the Odinsons, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, and Steve Rogers since forever ago. She was the only girl in their group until Carol Danvers moved in when they were eight. Maria transferred to their school and was easily adapted to their crew when they were thirteen. The last addition to their gang was Valkyrie and Wanda, who migrated somewhere from Europe when they’re fifteen.
Six years after, a new person arrives in Ithaca. The school didn’t give her a lot of information regarding the new student, only that it is a woman and Stark level intelligent. She tried to dig up info on her own, and thankfully she didn’t have to go far for a source since apparently the new girl is close friends with Tony and best friends with Maria. Maria is one busy nerd to track down though, and they don’t share a lot of classes together. So, Natasha wasn’t able to get too many details from her aside from a departing comment.
“Relax, Nat. She’s amazing; smart but not obnoxious like Tony,” Maria said before practically running towards her next class. She considers herself pretty intrigued.
‘How can someone be as smart as Tony and not be obnoxious? That sounds like an oxymoron,’ Natasha thought to herself.
6:00 AM
Natasha is the only founding family kid who liked being awake at the wee hours of the morning. She likes getting ahead of everybody, and she thinks better when the world is still asleep. So, being in school at the crack of dawn isn’t new too for anyone. Even the groundskeepers let her nowadays.
“Good Morning, Miss Romanoff,” the old security lady at the studio greeted her. 
“Good Morning, Mrs. Miller,” Natasha smiled before logging in her credentials. 
“Early start today?” Mrs. Miller asked politely and jovially. 
“Yes, Clint is away for a tournament. So I have to give the grounds tour to the transfer student later,” Nat explained with a smile. Mrs. Miller didn’t respond and just waved Natasha inside.
Natasha’s been doing ballet ever since she can remember. At first, she was doing it because her family wanted her to and all of the founding family children are doing one extracurricular activity every after school. Thor has been sailing since he learned how to walk, Loki, on the other hand, preferred fencing. Clint tried equestrian for awhile but his heart and talents were really in archery. Steve got so good in lacrosse that he ended up with a sports scholarship playing one. Tony chose chess because he deemed contact sports barbaric; he believes the battle of the wits is better than a physical brawl, which Steve always take as an offense. 
Being the only girl in their group, Natasha decided that ballet is her yoga. The boys know not to come within a hundred yards of the studio whenever Natasha’s practicing. Ballet has become Natasha’s sanctuary away from the noise and the usual ruckus of the boys. She shed everything inside the studio but today, Natasha finds it nearly impossible to focus on the movements and the music. Her thoughts keep drifting to the conversation she had with Tony the day prior about the new student. 
“Nat, what are you fuzzing about? It’s just a school tour,” Tony complained. He was tinkering around his home lab when Natasha arrived and being a regular visitor, she was allowed to roam and look for Tony herself. 
“I just wanna know what she looks like. So I know who to look for in the morning crowd,” she whined. 
Tony put his stuff down, pull the safety goggles off his face and looked at his friend. If Nat has been any other girl, she would have melted in the way Tony was looking at her. 
“Oh, trust me, you won’t miss her,” Tony said simply before smiling and walking out of his lab. “She’s breathtaking, in more ways than just physical.”
Natasha groaned and scrambled to follow her friend and bug him for more information.
7:00 AM
Natasha cut her practice short since she couldn’t focus. She showered and got ready in record time. She was leaning against the handrail of the front steps of the school, scrolling through her Instagram feed when she looked up and saw a face she didn’t know. Her fingers hovered over her phone mid-swipe, thankfully she had enough grace at that moment not to have her mouth hanging open as she gaped at the transfer student. She’s wearing a very preppy outfit, which wasn’t really Natasha’s style or the style girls she usually goes after but something about this girl that makes her stomach flutter with nervous butterflies.
“Y/N Y/L/N?” she asked, all trace of her nervousness gone when the girl came to a stop at the bottom of the stairs.
“Who’s asking?” the girl asked.
Natasha watched the girl take her in. She reined in the urge to squirm under the Y/N’s eyes. For God’s sake, she’s Natasha Romanoff. Various girls all over town wants her, she’s by no means gonna squirm under a stranger’s beautiful eyes.  
“Natasha Romanoff. Student Council President,” she introduced herself confidently to take back control. “Pleasure to meet you.”
Natasha smirked as the new girl blushed profusely before smiling up at her. “Pleasure is all mine,” she said.
‘Breathtaking is an understatement’ she thought to herself when she saw Y/N’ smile. Natasha’s not a sap, she doesn’t plan on being one but at that moment, she thought she’d do anything to make you smile at her every day.
“I’m here to give you the grounds tour,” Natasha explained before pulling the door open and prompting you to walk with her.
Usually, when she had to cover grounds tour for Clint, Natasha almost always wraps it up under forty-five minutes. She just points which buildings houses which classes, where the important areas are such as the library and the mess hall. Today, with you by her side, Natasha found herself giving her first, in-depth school tour. Literally giving out facts and even stupid trivia when she remembers it.
Natasha walked as leisurely as possible to prolong her time with you but she knew you have a 9 AM class. And she might not be as nerdy as Tony but she’s not gonna skip class, let alone make you on your first day of school.
8:30 AM
Natasha’s one of the quiet ones in her crew that’s why she get along spectacularly with Maria. Both of you filled the walk towards the art building with polite small talk about which classes you two take, how you finished a degree at eighteen and in one of the toughest schools in the country at that, and how you’re friends with Maria and Tony. God, Natasha didn’t want the tour to end. She didn’t want you to stop talking, which is new because Natasha finds it annoying when people don’t know when to shut up. She wants to get to know you more.
Her heart sunk a little when she caught you discreetly glancing at your watch but by the number of kids watching the two of you in the hallway, she knew that class is fast approaching. She decided to be a little playful.
“Oh,” Natasha gasped and frowned. “Am I boring you?” she asked quietly.
“What?!” you exclaimed, earning a few curious looks from students in the hallway.
Natasha watched the emotions play out across your face, and she thought you’re even more fascinating. She’s been friends all her life with Tony, another Mensa student, another genius. She thought you’d be obnoxiously cool and a little indifferent like him but in the past hour and a half, Natasha found you brilliant but not condescending, warm, and empathetic.
“No, no, you’re not boring. I was just wondering if I’m allowed to skip the first period on my first day of school because this is by far the coolest school tour I’ve ever done,” you rambled on.
Natasha couldn’t help but grin. If she paid attention to anyone else other than you, she would have noticed several students openly gawking at the toothy smile on her face. Natasha’s reputation was not built on being chummy with just anyone, especially new kids. But she wasn’t looking, she could only look at you. She will be caught dead before she admits to having a school girl crush at first meet but at that moment, in that crowded hallway, she decided she definitely likes you. She just has to find out if she has a fighting chance.
“You’re cute when you ramble,” she said matter-of-factly. “And no, you’re not allowed to skip the first period because you’re here.”
“Oh,” you said before glancing at the classroom door.
Natasha took a step towards you and tucked a stray hair behind your ear. “See you later, Y/L/N,” she said slowly, watching the blush crept up from your neck before dusting your cheeks.
‘Beautiful, so beautiful,’ she thought before turning on her heels and gracefully walking away.
“Blushing doesn’t mean she’s gay. Maybe she’s just the shy type, I can work with that,” she murmured to herself while walking to her classroom. She looked up when she heard soft muttering in front of her.
“Danvers!” she growled. Carol’s pressing a girl between her toned body and the wall.
Carol didn’t even have to look to know who it is that interrupted her. She knows that voice anywhere. “Tasha,” she said sweetly.
Natasha didn’t smile, she only continued to glare until the girl pushed Carol away and scrambled to get to her classroom. Carol swipe a hand through her hair before turning towards her friend. Natasha glanced at her watch.
“You’re ten minutes late already,” Nat started. “And your class is on the other side of the campus.”
Carol ignored the fact that Natasha still knows her schedule. She walked towards the redhead until she’s toe to toe with Natasha. Natasha didn’t step back, she’s used to Carol always invading her personal space.
“I got that class in the bag, Tasha. Relax,” Carol whispered before leaning in, kissing Natasha close to her mouth, and running away.  
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alluringoneirataxia · 4 years
Tumblr media
Long Winding Road Stay Strapped My Dude
By: Astoria Cathryn Andromeda
Alrighty, this is a long one boys. So I touched briefly on this in my Welcome to Literally Everything post. No worries I'll recap you, so you don't have to switch back and forth. I just diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, and then ADHD when I was 18 years old, and even then I had to fight for it after countless hours of research. See, there seems to be a wee bit of misogyny in the neurodiverse diagnoses. When I say a wee bit, I mean that scientists used to think that only boy could be autistic or ADHD. They only studied autism in males. Fortunately, nowadays we know that girls can be autistic and/or ADHD, but we present the traits differently than boys, and a lot of our traits are played off due to gender roles in society. For example, being overly talkative in girls is called chatty, whereas boys who can't sit still are sent off for testing immediately. This also causes problems for the boys, because little Johnny gets put on Adderall at the ripe age of 6 years old, just because he can't sit still for 8 hours straight, which by the way should not be expected of any elementary school kid, By the time, he's 25 he's 1) completely dependent on amphetamines 2) his body will stop producing dopamine due to being on the medication for so long. Nicht Gut. Generally, boys who are on the spectrum get picked out earlier due to late speaking, or lack of social skills. This is the one thing that girls happen to do better than boys. Girls are good at masking, which is basically taking social traits, phrases, personalities, demeanor, and copying them. In public, they put on a mask and at home, they have a meltdown. Girls are still not picked up as being on the spectrum, because shyness is called being 'ladylike' and 'dainty', and having a meltdown is just because :( girls are oh-so emotional, boohoo. Anyways tons of women do not get diagnosed with autism until they are well into their adulthood, I actually can be considered lucky to have technically still been a teenager when we finally got all the pieces together.
Alright, let's start with I don't know me as a baby. I did not speak until I was 2 years old, and then it was immediately full sentences from then on. I didn't do the babbling thing, which I don't know how impactful that really is to the topic. I was a very shy little girl. I was teeny tiny, we didn't know I if I was going to make it to 5 feet tall until I had a big growth spurt in 7th grade. I am 5'2 now and definitely done growing in case you were wondering, so not that short anymore. I did not like talking to adults, especially strangers, especially men. I did not look anyone in the face, and I will always hide behind my parent's legs when they would try to introduce me to people. I am an only child, and I spent a lot of time entertaining myself. I always had seasonal affective disorder, where my grades would dip in the winter. My parents knew I had a timer, they had 45 minutes from the moment they stepped into a restaurant before I would start breaking down. If I got off schedule as a toddler in any form, it was a catastrophe. Or this is what my parents and family tell me. I didn't really notice. I did not like being out in public a lot, I was a very picky eater, and I was extremely hyper. I was a very eccentric child, I only had 1-2 close friends and they were always a very well-liked outgoing girl who I just followed around. Looking back, I don't know how we missed it. I was shy because I didn't understand how social interactions worked, I was anxious about it because I didn't understand, I had sensory overloads, routines, and a very bland diet with a safe food which was ketchup. I put that shit on literally everything, eas, apples, mac and cheese, pizza, all meat, anything something forced me to eat that I did not like. But because I could sit still in class, and because I could zone out and daydream all day through school and still make A's nobody ever flagged me for anything and how I was supposed to know that not everybody just copied other people, scripted things before they talked, and could never pay attention. My mom always required me to be in a sport, and I was a gymnast and a swimmer for a long time, two very high-intensity sports, to help lower my energy levels, and because my mom has mild depression and she knows that exercise does help. Skip to middle school, my mom tells me I'm being bullied at church. It's not that I wasn't observing my surroundings I knew I was being excluded, but I didn't understand vindictive behavior, I thought it was my fault. I had zero friends in 8th grade until I sat down next to a random acqutaince I had gone to school with since I was 4 and the same gymnastics place. Then we were immediately attached at the hip after that. She is my best friend due this day and definitely got me through high school. Led me through so many social situations without either of us knowing. I had a very close friendgroup in highschool, all of them were on the drumline which I met through my best friend, and my first boyfriend was my best friend's neighbor. I ended up playing bass guitar for my high school's indoor drumline, and it was the best experience ever. I love my friends, but I had really bad depression when I was 15-now:) jk It's better. I didn't really realize I was depressed, I just didn't want to go to school, or swim practice, or do anything so of course, my mom noticed, and then once it was pointed out to me it got worse. My severe anxiety spiraled with my depression. Senior year of high school, my boyfriend and I were like toxic star crossed lovers, hurting each other over and over again without meaning to. My friends and I were self harming, all my close friends gad some demon going on. I finally decided to try therapy again after the disaster of being forced to go when I was 15 and the lady told me I wasn't depressed because I had a boyfriend and good grades. It helped a bit, I was able to get my panic attacks under control. Then I went away to college and stayed dating my senior high school boyfriend, we were just up and down as always, but with slightly better communication. My freshman year of college I joined a fraternity, a research lab, and my first hs boyfriend/ex/best friend and I went to a Christian campus place. By second semester, I had a lot of people who knew me and talked to me, but I didn't have any close friends, and even less close friends who were girls. All my close friends who were girls were at another college. My parents were worried about me, so they made me rush a sorority, which I knew was never my scene, but my parents made me join and I found a few girls I liked. Soon I was going to 6 classes, fraternity chapter, research lab meetings, christain crash group meetings, soriorty pledge meetings all on every Tuesday. I was different person at each of these events and wore a different mask. I was having what I know now were autistic burnout meltdowns every single day on the phone in my crusty dorm's stairwell. It was not cute. His mental health had always been bad too. Finally I decide I need to try a psychatrist and go back to therapy, and then he broke up with me. Then I made my first close friend, a guy who was in 3 of classes, and I took him to my fraternity's formal, and then coronavirus happened.  Rona kinda saved my grades, and mental health by sending us home event though it did suck. I got on anti-anxiety meds and things went up, but I was still having what I thought were panic attacks, they were austistic meltdowns. My psychiatrist, he's kinda an asshole, he diagnosed me with Obessive Compulsive Personality Disorder. I'll insert definition here: (OCPD) is a personality disorder that's characterized by extreme perfectionism, order, and neatness. People with OCPD will also feel a severe need to impose their own standards on their outside environment.> Basically hr told me I had rules for everything like how everyone drives on the right side of the road, but nobodythinks about it andwhen I broke one of my rules I got depressed, and when wasn't perfect I got depressed, and when I made an A I was relieved not proud. The diagnosis seemed to fit really well, and my therapist and I started working finding my rules, and getting rid of the bad ones, and making the others less harsh. I had thought every once and in a while in my life when I was really upset, what if I'm on the spectrum, because I just felt so hopeless for social interactions and I didn't understand. I always felt like I was a very specific person, but after the ocpd I started thinking more and more, and I saw a tik tok of a girl with lae diagnosed autism basically describing me and ranting about the misogyny. I did more research and I decide, yea I'mm gonna bring it up to mypsychatrist well he's a dick, so he was like um you don't act like sheldon cooper from the Big Bang theory,and I was like wellI just I have always thought I might have adhd like be neureodiverse, and he was like your grade point average in hs was a 97.8%, you're not adhd. I immediately cried, because I can't handle when anyone says anything in a even a slightest stringent tone. I'm baby, I know lmao. It made me angry though because I felt like he just brushed away all of my struggles I had in my whole life. I spent hours researching and typed up a 47 page document on evidence for why I was on the spectrum, and had my parents help will some of checklists to make sure I was getting outside perspectives. I rally my parents to be my back up and next psychiatrist appointment we actually talk about it and he asked my parents questions about when I was young and such and finally he was okay you're on the spectrum. I felt so validated and like I could start being myself. I slowly got more and more confident, changed my style of clothing, and researched more about adhd pushed to be tested, and oh look at that I also have ADHD. So basically discourse: "I feel like as a child I coded a machine to do life for me so I didn’t get bothered except I didn’t know about the machine I thought i was the machine and now I’ve become self aware and I have to learn how to read the code and rewrite the code because it’s dysfunctional because I’m not functioning well as a human being. I was really shy as a child. I would turn beat red when people talked to me or looked at me so I think I started cookie cutting situations and using them over and over again because they worked until I accidentally hard wired these expansion rules and expectations for myself. I didn’t may attention is class ever I just day dreamed and if I got good grades i wouldn’t be bothered i could just stay in my head and if I did my sport well my parents didn’t bother me. I was never asked if I did my homework I just did it so I wouldn’t be asked and have to deal with that situation. I would cookie cutter situations in class that would draw the least attention to myself.
I feel like i don’t have friends I just fulfill the expectation like a side quest on video games" I wrote this down pre autism confirmation when i just thought I had ocpd. Now I don't directly identify with ocpd, but I definitely think I developed that personality disorder a bit from living with undiagnosed autism. I am linking below the very informative Tik Toks by the lovely Paige on autism in girls. The imposter syndrome one really hit home. I had had so many panic attacks about thinking I tricked people into being my friend, or thinking I was smart.
I highly suggest watching these short tik toks, you'll definitely learn something
Imposter syndrome
I am also linking an article about Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory and Autism that explains why my psychiatrist was wrong, and also I am a girl and the spectrum is called a spectrum because it's a fucking spectrum no two autistic people are exactly the same it's like a color wheel.
Here is a fun comic about the spectrum and how to view it.
I am still learning about myself, and how to be me, and how to be myself but without breaking bad social rules. It's quite humorous though because I'll learn something is related to autism and I'm like oh shit again, like still, like, we're still discovering things.
"Tu ne me manques pas"
Bis später,
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malmiele · 4 years
oversharing ft. whale emoji
tagged by @4mulaone, thank youuu
🐳 name: real name is [redacted] on the internet for reasons. i’ve just been going by my online handle for so long it’s weird to use my real name now. so just call me miels lol
🐳 nickname: ok here’s a story. when i was a kid my kindergarten teacher (who was convinced i was british and nothing i did would make her believe otherwise but that’s another story) called me “xingxing” which is chinese for star. i genuinely thought that was my actual name until i was like 5 i think. then i had a childhood identity crisis. looking back it’s a cute nickname tho.
🐳 zodiac sign: rabbit 🐇 and virgo if you want the horoscope
🐳 height: like 164/165 cm idk
🐳 nationality: 🇸🇬
🐳 languages spoken: english, chinese and rabid bullshit
🐳 what time is it: 5.43pm
🐳 celebrity crush: could throw a dart at a pretty face and call it a day but the complicated answer would be i haven’t fully understood what crushes are and i’ve never felt attraction to any celeb...am i just picky or on the aroace spectrum i’m still trying to figure it out ✌🏻
🐳 favourite fictional character: hhhhh this is a hard one. right now it’s probably all the juniors in the untamed because i’m fond of children and have huge mothering tendencies
🐳 favourite musician: lana del rey probably, but coldplay and keane are close seconds
🐳 favourite sports team: the only sport i bother about is motorsport. not really a teams person but...envision i guess. bc behind the visor. and sam + robin.
🐳 favourite season: there’s only one season in singapore and it’s called hot as f-
🐳 favourite flower: hydrangeas probably?
🐳 favourite scent: when i was a wee child my mum bought me this snow white kids' perfume (this was during a time before "body mist" was a commonly used term, but it was essentially body mist.) either way that shit hit different.
🐳 favourite animal: how am i supposed to choose i love them ALL (except mosquitoes or smth. dengue fever bad)
🐳 favourite food: normally hard to answer. but in the spirit of lockdown i will tell you. hokkaido milk toast + horlicks is the bomb
🐳 dream car: bmw isetta 300. no i'm kidding lmao probably the jaguar f-type 400 sport (2017) bc that's my e-racing car 🙈 and i like it very much.
🐳 dream trip: half my friends have been to europe and here i am patiently waiting for my turn but life keeps getting shittier and i never get to go!!!
🐳 instruments: piano and cello but i suck at both
🐳 coffee, tea or hot chocolate: tea hands down. i tried starbucks once and it straight up gave me palpitations so never again!
🐳 dog or cat person: tbh this is a tie. i’m notoriously known for being unable to keep anything alive so i’ve sworn off pets. i tried to grow clovers recently but instead the soil grew mould. amazingly i work in the botanical industry. miracles happen.
🐳 following: 131
🐳 followers: 42 and i love you all 💋
🐳 other blogs: ok full disclosure i actually have a blog where i publish chapters of my original fiction. but it’s a private blog and on hiatus but maybe i’ll revive it who knows
🐳 blog established: 15 oct 2016 according to this site
🐳 do you have a tumblr crush: i have blogs which i visit daily like they’re the newspaper, if that’s what you mean
🐳 do you get asks: i got 1 anon telling me about how they and all their cousins would tune into a diff driver's twitch when the races came on. shoutout to that anon i love you
🐳 what is your lucky number: i had to google this. google says 2 and 3. thanks google.
🐳 what are you wearing right now: a tshirt i have had since i was 11 and shorts. (to put things into perspective i am 21 and apparently have not grown out of it yet!)
🐳 drink of choice: green tea with soy milk and pudding in it. the best shit ever
🐳 number of blankets you sleep with: one or none depending on whether it's hot or really fkin hot (singaporean problems!)
🐳 average sleep hours: 5-6h when i'm working. now like 9h bc lockdown babey
🐳 random fact: thinking of the funniest one. i’ve only been to a haunted house once. me and my friends entered just singing in the hall of the mountain king increasingly loudly and increasingly out of tune and it was chaos. i can’t even remember what was in the haunted house
ok gonna tag: @ricciardosea @cool-elli @morgensteorras @ricciardo-and-gang anyone else who wants to do it, just tag me :)
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juanitasupreme · 4 years
RULES: Answer 20 questions, then tag 5 bloggers you want to get to know better.  
Name: i am definitly not putting my name on tumblrdotcom because they are watching us. I can say i never met someone with my name
Nicknames: .... I will say one bc i feel nice : Nana (yes like the icons im jinah and nana mouskouri)
Height: I don’t remember but about 165cm
Languages: french, english lol, i can understand some other langages but basic stuff
Nationality: french wee wee
Favorite season: i dont have any
Favorite flower: hibiscus, rose (white/crème) and those red flowers wich grow during winter but i cannot remember the name.
Favorite scent: me i smell amazing, familiarity and other things
Favorite color: none
Favorite animal: idk whales
Favorite fictional characters: i would have to think about it but i dont want to so: azula, revy, shikamaru helga sinclair, santana lopez, mercedes jones,mulan, mushu, and the list go on.
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: tea
Average sleep hour: i don’t know
Dog or cat person: both 
Number of blankets you sleep with: rn one but most of the time two
Dream trip: somewhere with a beach, i can take nice pictures and surf 
Blog established: maybe 2016, i dont remember why tho maybe to watch porn who knows. Oh i know aesthetic pictures i think. well, i will reflect on this
Number of followers: 672 but at least 200 are porn bots i know it 
Random fact: when i was a child i couldnt have a dog (i still cant lol) so i learned all the species (groudbreaking). Also i’m good at every sports but bowling and ping pong
i have no  idea who to tag since we all have the same circle so: @stankl0ve @hungbitch @callmesuyinbeifong @metoo-3 @tisha-venturini @everlasting-beg
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isitgintimeyet · 5 years
Letting Go
So, the halfway point... any sign of a thaw?
A tiny smattering of NSFW... only a hint
Thanks to @mo-nighean-rouge for the beta and to @faeriesfanficblog for the advice on Stirling Castle
Thanks to @happytoobservenolongerdistant
Chapter 8: Day Tripper
She was a day tripper One way ticket, yeah It took me so long to find out And I found out Lennon/ McCartney
Claire and the other occupants of the flats fell into a routine fairly easily. Sunday mornings became their time for going out for brunch to the nearby coffee shop. Sometimes, due to work or previous assignations, one of them wouldn’t make it. Sometimes, if he was in Glasgow for the weekend, Jamie would join them.
She had grown used to Jamie being around, becoming practiced in making polite conversation, even managing to ignore his smiles as Anna looked up at him, or lightly touched his arm.
Claire, Anna, Mary and John had sauntered to the coffee shop and were now seated at their favourite table, in the window, the best position for people watching. There was a feeling of spring in the air, the palpable restlessness that seems to come with the longer, brighter days and milder temperatures.
“You know what we should do?” Anna clapped her hands together excitedly, thrilled at her own idea.
In the short time she had lived in the flat, Claire had got used to Anna’s ‘exciting’ ideas. These ranged from ordering several rounds of sambuca shots (easily achievable and considered a good idea at the time, not so good the next morning) to bungee jumping (agreed, following the sambuca shots, as a good idea but seriously reconsidered once sober).
“Let’s have a day trip somewhere… all of us. Next Sunday, instead of just coming here. We could have a picnic, or a pub lunch.”
“Nice idea,” John immediately agreed. “Yes. Let’s do it. Where should we go?”
Mary thought for a minute. “We’ve never been to Stirling Castle or the Wallace Monument. How about one of those?”
John laughed. “You two have been up here for how long? Seven years now, and you’ve never been there. They’re an hour’s drive away. Claire, please tell me you’ve been.”
Nine years ago
“How many more steps?”
“No’ too many. It’ll be worth it at the top. Wait till ye see the views. Ye ken all about William Wallace, do ye?”
“I may be a Sassenach to you, but I’ve lived in Scotland since I was a child. Of course I know about him.”
“And yet ye’ve never been here before.Yer uncle an historian, too!”
“Well, to Lamb, if it happened less than a thousand years ago, it’s not really history, more like current affairs.”
“See, Sassenach… look at the views, pretty amazing, aren’t they?”
“And, over there, that’s where the Scots thrashed the English. Jes’ think, yer ancestors and mine coulda been there, on opposite sides, fightin’ against each other.”
“I don’t want to think about that… being on opposite sides.”
“Nae, me neither, Sassenach… together forever, that’ll be us.”
“Claire, are you with us?” John playfully prodded Claire’s shoulder. “You were lost in a little world of your own for a minute.”
“Sorry, John. Yes, I’ve been to both. Wouldn’t mind another visit to Stirling Castle, though not the Wallace monument.”
Anna made the final decision. “Right, that’s it. I say we head out to Stirling Castle next Sunday. Claire, do you want to ask Joe?”
“I would, but I know he’s on call next weekend.”
“Or, how about Frank?” John asked coyly.
Claire felt herself blush a little. “No, we’re not really at that stage.”
“And what stage would that be, Miss Beauchamp?” John rested his elbows on the table, cupped his chin in his hands and stared exaggeratedly at Claire. “Hmm? Do tell.”
“Look, we’ve been out for coffee or a meal a few times. That’s it. We’re not at the ‘meeting each other's friends’ stage. And definitely not with you lot, it’d be like the Spanish Inquisition. No way.”
“Methinks the lady doth protest too much.” John joked as Claire deliberately turned away from him. “Well, I’ll ask Jamie. If he can’t come we’ll all fit in my car, otherwise he’ll have to drive as well.”
“Ooh, I love it when a plan comes together. Right, next Sunday… no working… no hangovers… no excuses.” Anna clapped her hands once more, sealing the deal.
The feeling of springtime continued through the week. This was, Claire decided, in some ways just like her budding romance with Frank -- the promise of a new start, a new life. And if, in this new life, there were certain things missing… the butterflies in her stomach as he approached, the breathless anticipation as his lips drew near, the almost unbearable desire to possess and be possessed… well, everything in life was a compromise. She knew that.
At 10 am sharp on Sunday morning, everyone gathered in the foyer, ready for their excursion.
“Jamie’s just parking up now.” John explained. “He’s got a new car and he’s desperate to show it off, I think.”
Right on cue, Jamie appeared at the front door.
“I’ve bought a new car,” he announced as they stepped out onto the pavement.
Jamie led the way around the corner to a midnight blue Audi sports car. “Picked it up three days ago.”
He stood proudly beside it and rubbed an imaginary speck of dirt off the driver’s door with the cuff of his sweatshirt. “But it means I can only take one passeng-- ”
“I’ll go with you.” Anna interrupted and darted around to the passenger door.
John laughed as he unlocked his Mini. “So that decision’s been made then.”
Claire clambered into the back seat of the Mini, before Mary and John climbed into the front.
“Looks like we got us a convoy,” John joked in a very fake American accent. “Or maybe not,” he added as Jamie and Anna sped away.
Jamie and Anna were already out of the car and waiting by the time the Mini pulled in to the car park near the castle. Claire eased herself from the back seat, and leaning against the car, did a few leg stretches while Anna, Mary and John tried to plan the itinerary.
Jamie wandered over to where Claire stood.
“No’ much room fer yer legs in the back of this wee car.” He spoke quietly, the comment clearly directed at Claire.
She looked up at him, trying not to show her amazement. This was the first time he had started a conversation with her since they had met again all those weeks ago.
“No, I know. They look good, but not designed for leg room in the back.”
“Aye, I ken. I havena been able tae get in the back of a car like this since I was twelve.” He smiled then a faint blush spread across his cheeks. “Tae sit fer journeys, anyway.”
Nine years ago
“So, why have we driven out here, James Fraser? Is there something you want to show me?”
“Weel, I was goin’ to spread a blanket over there on that patch of grass and lie ye down and slowly unbutton yer shirt and take down yer jeans. Then I was planning to look at ye, jes’ in yer bra and knickers, run ma hands down yer body and listen for yer wee moans. I was goin’ to take off ma clothes too and lie next tae ye before pulling off those silly wee knickers, which might have got ripped in the process, and then guiding ma cock intae ye, hard and fast… but the rain means we canna do that now... Sassenach, are ye alright? Ye’ve gone all red and I can see ye sweating…”
“James Fraser, you arse. Take off your trousers now and get in the back. I don’t care how cramped it is… it’ll be worth it.”
“God, Sassenach… to have those thighs around me… and those breasts in ma face… it’s always worth it… I love ye Claire.”
“I love you too.”
“No, these aren’t the most practical cars for transporting more than two people.” Claire agreed. “But then neither is a sports car. Yours looks really nice, by the way. Not that I know anything about cars.”
“No,” Jamie said softly. “Ye never did.”
Anna came rushing over, closely followed by Mary and John.
“So,” Mary began. “We’ve planned our day. We’re going to the Great Hall, then the Chapel, then the Palace and the Prince’s Tower. Sounds good?”
Together they started to walk up the esplanade towards the castle entrance, John and Jamie leading the way, followed by Claire and Mary, with Anna bringing up the rear.
“Don’t forget the café. We have to do the café, and the gift shop,” Anna called out.
“Aye. I guess we’re all in desperate need of some leather bookmarks and a Mary, Queen of Scots trinket box,” Jamie said dryly, under his breath to John.
They paused at the entrance to the castle, waiting for Anna who had fallen some way behind. Eventually, she caught up with them.
“It’s the cobbles. My heels keep getting stuck,” she complained. “And the slope. It’s playing havoc with my footwear.”
Everyone looked down at the cute little kitten-heeled ankle boots she was wearing.
“Really?” John sighed. “Is that really appropriate footwear for clambering about an ancient castle? Look at Claire. She’s wearing trainers -- now that’s sensible.”
Everyone switched their focus to Claire’s feet. She shuffled uncomfortably.
“But I have to wear these boots, they’re faux snake skin. It’s part of my ensemble.” Anna pouted and looked coyly at Jamie. “I’ll just need somebody to hold on to.”
“Aye, I dare say we can help ye out.” Jamie smiled. “Now, we dinna need tae bother with a guide, or those headsets. I did a project on this castle at school. Anything ye need tae know, I’m yer man.”
The group having paid, Anna now led the way through the entrance, heading straight for the café. “I’m desperate for some caffeine. Shall we do that first?”
All in agreement, they made their way towards the café. Jamie hung back to walk with Claire. Surprised, she cast around her mind for a suitable topic for polite conversation, one that wouldn’t lead back to memories of years before.
Jamie saved her the trouble. “So, are ye gettin’ something tae eat too?”
“Perhaps. I’ll see what they have. Maybe if they have a chocolate…”
“... Brownie.” He finished her sentence for her.
“Er, yes, my favourite.”
“Aye, I ken.”
He strode off ahead. Claire stared after him, automatically admiring the fit of the black jeans he was wearing. Much better than those cargo pants he used to wear. Stop it, stop it now, she told herself, don’t think like that. Think of Frank, think of what a cute couple Jamie and Anna would make, think of anything, just not that…
And then Jamie turned round and looked at Claire for a brief moment before rushing to catch up with Anna. His eyes blinked. Was that due to the sun suddenly emerging from behind a cloud, or was it his attempt at a wink? Don’t think about that… think about Frank… think about Frank...
Jamie wasn’t sure what had changed in his mind this weekend. Certainly when he first saw Claire again after eight years, the feelings of anger and resentment that had been suppressed all that time rose to the surface. He wasn’t proud of his behaviour towards her. He had just wanted those emotions, and Claire, to disappear, and to pretend that they had never existed.
That hadn’t happened. Nobody was going anywhere. And the feelings of anger had not disappeared, but merely been redirected… towards himself. He had let her go. She had given him an opportunity to compromise, eight years ago, and he had rejected it. And now he was home and Claire… Claire was with somebody else.
He had asked John about Claire’s new relationship and John had told him all he needed, and more than he wanted, to know. Frank was an historian, recently moved to work at the university. He potentially had a book deal -- explaining history for the masses -- with John’s publishers and who knew where that could lead? History programmes on television with charismatic presenters were very popular. The future looked bright for Frank. John considered him to be a good catch for Claire.
None of this was meant to hurt Jamie, of course. Following their conversation at the party, John just wanted him to know that Claire had moved on, he didn’t have to worry about her any more. Jamie was free to move on as he chose.
True to his word, Jamie proved to be a very entertaining tour guide. Most of thirteen year old Jamie’s school project emerged from the recesses of his mind, with only the odd surreptitious glance at the guide book he had purchased.
His small group of English tourists followed him from room to room, listening to the tales of long dead kings and queens, coronations and executions, sieges and surrenders.
He was a natural raconteur -- drawing Anna, Mary, John and indeed Claire herself into these stories of heroes and foes. He had matured from the ‘young buckie’ she had known and loved eight years before into this man she would love to know better. Unfortunately, she realised, that wasn’t going to happen.
Claire watched as he let Anna take his arm, pointing out little holes or uneven floors where she might lose her footing. His protectiveness was endearing… always had been.
Together they wandered around the castle, following the itinerary agreed earlier. Last stop before the gift shop was the Prince’s Tower, traditionally the nursery of the Scottish monarchs. After admiring the graffiti etched on a window pane by a royal prince over four hundred years ago, a collective decision was taken that tired feet and aching backs could no longer be ignored and a return to the cars, ‘via the gift shop’, was in order.
Anna let go of Jamie’s arm and rushed to the stone spiral staircase, quickly starting her descent, keen to enjoy a shopping opportunity. The rest trailed at a more sedate pace.
“Anna, be careful,” Jamie called out. “Some of these stairs are a wee bit uneven. Hold up, I’ll give ye a hand.”
She carried on down, ignoring his offer of help. “I’m fine, Jamie. I’m nearly at the bottom now. You know what we should do? We should all...”
She turned back to look at them.
Claire was never sure if Anna had missed her footing on a step, or if her heel had got caught in a crevice in the stones. All she could remember was Anna’s cry of surprise, the sickening thud as her body and head hit the stone floor and then a moment of silence.
Note: I’ve never visited Stirling Castle, but those areas named are within the castle. I have no idea whether there is a spiral staircase leading from the Prince’s Tower, and if there is, I’m sure it is maintained in a better condition than in this story.
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ravenforce · 5 years
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x OC!Daughter
Series: Final Installment to See You in A Minute (Part 1 | Part 2)
Word Count: 7496
Warning/s:  FLUFF.
A/N: Hey loves, I’m so sorry it took so long. To be honest, I feel like I didn’t wanna write it. I procrastinated a lot before committing to writing it. A part of me doesn’t want it to end but it’s time to let my baby fly. Thank you for riding this one out with me. I hope you like it. Hit my message and my ask box for feedback, I would love to hear from you. xx
It’s quite hilarious to see a room full of super-powered being clamoring to have little Asya on their arms, cooing soft words of love and affirmation to the little miracle that is your daughter but it’s also reassuring. Seeing the Avengers, literally assembled for your daughter’s birth grounds Natasha in a way that she hasn’t felt in a long time since you passed. Seeing her family around your daughter gives her the strength and confidence that she can, indeed, do this because she’s not alone; not really.
Carol, who arrived last as per usual, bounded on the bed with Asya on her arms. Nat smiled at the blonde, she looks ecstatic. She only smiled at Natasha before she sits on the bed next to her. They both look at Asya’s tiny, beautiful, sleeping face.
“Beautiful just like you,” Carol whispered so only Nat heard.
“Someone has a soft spot,” Nat teased.
Carol threw her a dirty look. “Well I suppose for this one, it’s okay.”
Nat pouted, “just for the little one?”
Carol laughed. “Alright, for the mama too,” she said before leaning and startling Natasha with a kiss on her cheek. Nat was lost for words. Thankfully, Asya saved her by promptly erupting with a good cry.
Natasha’s thankful she agreed to move with the Starks a year ago. She couldn’t imagine raising little Asya in your tiny shared apartment. It'll be intimate sure but also removed from everyone else, since you particularly chose the space to be your private sanctuary. At the lake house, she has more space to accommodate people as well as access to helping hands.
Here, she had Tony help build the whole nursery and assemble the furniture. Here, she has Morgan who willingly volunteered her service as a big sister to look after little Asya while she catches a few minutes of sleep. She would often wake up to Morgan softly reading to Asya. Sometimes, she'd wake up with not just Morgan but also Peter, telling his little siblings stories about you. Nat always pretends to be asleep and listens to him tell your story from his perspective.
“Oh kid, your other mom, she was amazing. She was strong, kind, and funny. She’s also super smart. I bet you’re gonna be smart too, just like her and Morgan here,” Peter whispered while Morgan giggled. It makes Nat's heart ache and swells knowing how your family loved you.
Most importantly, Pepper’s around to help teach her the basics. She thought her how to hold a baby properly, she walked her through breastfeeding, changing diapers, and how to sneak some sleep in between. Even though Nat hates having to rely heavily on people, she’s beyond grateful.
6 months
Asya could be the most behave baby in history. After overcoming the onset challenges of motherhood such as changing diapers, raising her is a breeze. Asya feeds like clockwork, sleeps like clockwork; no matter how long she napped in the afternoon, she still goes down before 9 PM.
She doesn’t wake every two hours anymore. She doesn’t cry her lungs out to wake up Nat at wee hours in the morning too. Instead, Nat finds her awake and playing in her crib quietly; waiting for her to wake up too.
“Hey, beautiful,” Nat greets softly. Asya would smile, raise her arms to prompt her mother to take her. Nat would always be obliged, giving her little miracle soft morning kisses.
Asya giggles, she’s a very happy child. “Come let’s get you some food.”
At 6 months old, Asya has already transitioned to some solid foods. She loves oranges, the way you always did. She can also fully support her weight too, so she’s been allowed to sit on the most advance baby chair there is built by Tony Stark himself. It has heating cushioned seat to ensure she’s never cold. It has built-in Dolby speakers to play her baby tunes to keep her entertained.
From time to time, members of the team would come by the Lakehouse just to see Asya and Morgan. Tony, Pepper, and Nat tried not to be offended (they’re not) but they loved teasing the others about it, especially Carol who comes by once a month with all sorts of space rocks to give the kids.
“Nothing for me?” Tony asked while promptly making breakfast for the whole fam. Carol arrived earlier that morning and is ignoring everyone in favor of bouncing Asya on her legs and answering space rocks question from Morgan.
Nat is helping Pepper set up the table. She gave Carol a light kiss on top of her hair when she rounded the table.
“Car, Tony asked you a question,” Nat whispered before going back to putting plates on the table. Pepper laughed at Carol’s blushing face.
“Sorry. What’s the question?”
“I asked if you don’t have anything for me?” Tony reiterated as he set the last batch of slices of bacon, eggs, and toasts at the table.
Carol cocked her head to the side and looked at Asya. “Nope, only good girls get space rocks,” she cooed softly at Asya who is twirling a lock of her golden hair.
Everyone laughed and proceeded to take their respective seats. Nat sat across from Carol, Asya turned in her arms and looked at her mother.
“Ma-ma,” she blurted out while reaching towards Natasha. Everyone was stunned to silence. She’s been teaching Asya words as part of her bedtime routine but up until that moment, Asya can only make gibberish words.
“Mama,” Asya tried again when Nat didn’t make a move to get her. Her lips wobbled a little, and that prompted Nat to take her from Carol’s arms.
“Hi,” Nat says as Asya wraps her tiny arms around her neck in a hug. Carol smiled at her before prompting everyone to start eating their breakfast.
Natasha never thought she’d ever fall in love again but every time she looks at your daughter, she’s absolutely, irrevocably in love with her. You’ve been gone for two years now, and Asya just turned one. They had a little party for you and Asya, and members of the team who are not currently in a mission – Clint (& his family), Bruce, Bucky, and Thor - came down to at the Lakehouse for some afternoon feast. The kids adored their beefy uncles, they make really good climbing posts after all. The boys savored the attention until Carol, late as per usual, landed on the front yard in all her Captain Marvel glory and took away Asya’s attention.
Nat smiled when the blonde walked up to her.
“Hey, sorry I’m late,” Carol said, rubbing the back of her neck. Nat opened her arms and Carol immediately stepped inside it and pulled Nat in a tight hug.
Thor walked up to the two women with Asya sitting pretty on his arms and clinging around his neck. The little girl lifted her pretty little face off her big Uncle Thor’s chest when she saw Carol.
“Car,” she said with a smile on her face. Carol gaped at the little angel, while Nat smiled proudly at her baby.
“I’m wounded little one, you know her but not me,” Thor tickled her, Asya giggled and squirmed away from him and towards Carol. Carol immediately caught her in her arms.
“Hi love,” Carol whispered reverently. Nat took her phone out and took a photo of the two together. In the past few years, Carol has been a constant presence in her life, an unexpected rock Nat learned to lean on.
There wasn’t a day where Nat didn’t wish she’s still waking up in your arms, that you were seeing Asya grow up but she couldn’t dwell on that. A huge part of her heart will always be your, a part of her will be yours but she has to keep moving forward. She resolved to be the best version of herself for Asya until she meets you again.
Until then, there’s only Asya for her. And at one, Asya and she are already inseparable. Asya love crawling around and following Nat in the house. She cries when Nat attempts to leave her – be it to go to the grocery or check-in at S.H.I.E.L.D - Nat has to take her because the sight of her tearful face, and wobbling little lips make her heart break. The moment Asya sees her body carrier the tears stop and her face would immediately break into a smile.
Nat has also introduced Asya to the tree; it has been part of their routine lately. Every morning Nat would help Asya walk towards the tree to soak in some vitamin D. It is quite a distance for her little legs but good training and exercise for her nonetheless.
Sometimes, Nat would just sit and watch Asya wrap her arms around the tree trunk and try to go around it. Sometimes, they’d have their breakfast right there while Nat tells her stories about you; how she met you, how she fell in love, how your smile lights up her world, how you saved her in more ways than one, how you’re a genius, and how she loves you so much.
“I'm sure if she’s here she will love you, even more, you’re our little miracle,” Nat would say.
Asya’s very attentive even at one year old. Sometimes, Nat swears Asya could understand her just by the look in her eyes (oh those eyes, they’re almost identical to yours), and the way she would always reach out at Nat as if she can sense the height of her emotions.
Yet another cliché but time does fly. Asya’s now three and talking like she’s ten. Tony and Bruce said it could be an effect of hearing adults speak all the time. They have to be extra careful of their words now that Asya picks up on words easily. Today though, the Starks are having a little family vacation in Las Vegas where coincidentally a science fair is happening, which they’re supposed to go to but Asya’s nursing the flu.
“Mama can I watch Discovery after breakfast?” Asya said from her high chair, pushing around her pancakes, eggs, and fruits. She’s sporting a fever patch on her forehead too.
“Of course baby.”
After breakfast, Nat put on the Discovery channel. She kissed Asya’s head before stepping away to go back to the kitchen to do the dishes. Asya stopped her with fingers pinched tightly around the back of her mother’s shirt. She turned back to your baby.
“Mama, stay please.”
Nat smiled, it reminds her of days when you were feeling sick yourself. You always loved having her close, even though sometimes you’re already burning up. Nat kicked her shoes off.
“Scoot over then baby,” she said before squeezing herself between Asya and the back of the couch. She threw a blanket over them and cuddled her heart.
“I love you, mama,” Asya said before turning back to the show featuring Orcas.
“I love you too,” Nat whispered not watching the show but Asya whose eyes, even on her sickly state, reflects so much interest and warmth.
“Mama, you’re not watching,” Asya reprimanded.
Nat chuckled. “I’m watching the best thing in this world for me.”
Nat and Asya watched Discovery and History channel all day, with breaks to eat, pee, and take meds. They’ve shifted from one position to another throughout the day. By sunset, Carol arrived at the lake house for her monthly visit and found Nat asleep on the couch with Asya sleeping soundly on top of her. Carol smiled, took a photo of her two favorite girls.
An hour later, Nat awoke with a start with the realization that she doesn’t have Asya in her arms. She sat up, calmed a little when she heard voices in the kitchen. When she walked through, worry immediately left her and adoration washed over her. Asya’s sitting on the counter, reading a cookbook while Carol listens and stirs the pot.
“Auntie Carol, are you sure you put the correct condiments already?”
Carol laughed. “Yes, ma’am. Shall we put it to the test?” Carol asked.
“You should. I’m already sick, I don’t fancy being iller,” Asya said without looking up from the cookbook and with such straight face, Nat couldn’t help but burst out laughing. Asya turned at the sound of her mother’s laugh and smiled.
“I think your daughter just insulted my cooking skills,” Carol poured.
Nat walked further in the kitchen beside Carol and inspected their soup. It looks passable.
“I’ll taste it,” Nat said before opening her mouth. Carol watched Nat’s mouth with rapt attention for a few seconds. Nat cleared her throat before Carol scooped some soup and spoon feed her. Nat didn’t think much about it when she moaned quietly but Carol turned beet red at the noise.
“So?” Asya asked, breaking the tension between the adults.
“You can eat it, baby, it’s good,” Nat answered before rounding Carol’s other side to kiss Asya’s cheek.
“Of course it’s good mama. I taught Auntie Carol how to do it from the book,” Asya said proudly. Nat laughed. Carol just continued blushing.
On Asya’s first day of school, everyone has been so excited. Peter even insisted on seeing her off, just like he did with Morgan. Everyone was chattering excitedly over breakfast while they wait for Asya to finish getting ready.
“Asya, love. Come down please, you still have to eat breakfast,” Nat called out from the bottom of the staircase.
“Prikhodya, mama (coming mama),” Asya yelled back.
Nat stood shocked at the bottom of the staircase. ‘Did she just speak Russian?’ she thought. A minute later, Asya came thundering down the stairs and stood three steps away from her mother.
“When did you learn Russian?”
Asya's cheeks tinged pink. “I found mom's Russian notebooks in the reading room,” she answered bashfully before ducking out of Nat and towards the dining room just in time for Carol to burst in through the Stark side of the house.
“Hey! Your coolest Auntie is here!” Carol hollered which earned cheers.
Carol noted the little crease in Nat's forehead when she came over her to kiss her on the cheeks.
“Everything okay, Nat?”
Nat snapped out of her musing and smiled fondly at Carol. “Yeah, she learned Russian on her own and by just using Y/N's notes.”
“Did you expect anything less? She’s her daughter after all,” Carol teased before going over to Asya.
“Hey love, you look beautiful. Who dressed you?” Carol said squatting in front of Asya and noting her chosen outfit of a maroon skirt, white oxford shirt, and sneakers.
“I did,” Asya declared proudly. “Everyone always shows me pictures of mom, and she always dresses smart.”
“She did. Great outfit, Y/N is so proud of you,” Tony said before handing little Asya her lunch box. Asya accepted it gratefully, hugged everyone before dashing outside.
Carol was able to persuade Nat to let her drive everyone to school. Asya's about to get in the car when she changed her mind and started running towards the tree. Nat and Carol watched from the car while Asya reverently put her hand on the tree's trunk, whispered something before running back to the car.
“Alright, I’m ready,” Asya declared after buckling her seat belt.
Carol pulled out of the parking lot before Nat spoke.
“Love, may I ask you something?”
“Of course mama,” Asya answered.
“What is it you said back there?”
Asya stared at the side of Nat’s face for a couple of heartbeats.
“I told mom I’m gonna make her proud,” Asya admitted.
Nat turned as far as she could with her seatbelt on, “I’m sure she already is."
A week after starting, the school called Nat to come because they had to discuss something important. Nat was on edge since the call. Thankfully, Carol decided to stay for a little while longer.
“I’m sure everything’s okay,” Carol tried to reassure Nat on the way to school and pick up Asya. Nat reached out to hold Carol’s hand and they stayed intertwined the whole drive time.
When they arrived at school, Asya’s playing with the other kids. She immediately spotted Carol and Nat, she whispered to her friend who giggled before running towards her mother. Nat caught her in her arm easily.
“Hello beautiful,” Nat greeted before kissing Asya’s cheeks.
“Is everything okay, mama?” Asya asked as she notes the seriousness of Nat’s face.
“Of course, moya Lyubov' (my love). I just need to speak with the principal.”
“Am I in trouble?” Asya asked.
“No, of course not. They probably just want to tell your mama how amazing you are,” Carol jumped in, reassuring Asya.
Asya turned her eyes towards Carol and Carol couldn’t stop the urge to caress her cheeks. Asya leaned into her touch and Carol’s heart melted.
“Stay here, okay?” Nat asked her daughter before going into the principal's office.
Asya smiles at her mother. Nat turned back before entering the office, catching a glimpse of her daughter high-fiving kids twice and three times older than her. She smiled before the principal cleared her throat, forcing Nat to take a seat adjacent to Carol.
“Ms. Romanoff, Ms. Danvers,” the principal who doesn’t look an aged over 40 greeted.
Nat forced herself not to bounce her leg and frown, Carol smiled at the woman before putting her hand on Nat’s leg. The effect on Nat was instantaneous.
With the two’s continued silence, the principal continued. “Asya’s not in trouble. She’s actually very well received. I’m sorry if my summoning you here caused you any distress.”
“What is it then?” Carol asked.
“Ms. Romanoff, her other mother is Ms. Y/L/N, is that correct?” the principal asked.
“Yes,” Nat answered curtly.
“Has Asya ever took an IQ test?”
“Ma'am she’s five,” Carol tried to interject. Nat held her hand.
“Not yet, why?” Nat asked.
The principal smiled, “Well not a lot of five-year-olds can solve algebra equations."
Nat and Carol gaped at the principal lounging on her chair. She proceeded to tell them the story of how she found little Asya a couple of days ago, surrounded by a bunch of 8th graders at the library during the time she’s supposed to be down for a nap.
“I snuck behind them and hid at the nearest shelf. She’s brilliant, she doesn’t even let the older kids bully the answers out of her. She made them solve it,” the principal said as she ushered the two stunned adults of her office.
When they stepped out of the hallway, Asya’s surrounded by a bunch of older kids again. The adults stopped talking and just watched the interaction quietly. One of the kids saw them hovering and whispered to Asya. Asya looked up and beamed before excusing herself and flinging herself on her mother’s leg.
“Can we go to Stardust Diner mama?” Asya asked.
Nat picked up her little miracle, “you can go wherever you want moya Lyubov.”
Nat nodded towards the principal before walking away. Carol shook the woman’s hand before slipping towards her two favorite girls.
“What’s good at this Stardust Diner love?” Carol asked Asya over Nat’s shoulder.
Asya poked Carol’s nose, “oh you have so much to learn young Padawan.” Nat laughed heartily, Carol pouted.
Nat spoke to Tony about her meeting with the principal before dinner. They both decided to consult Asya regarding the matter. Personally, Tony doesn’t mind, Morgan took the Mensa when she was seven.
“You don’t have to take it now if you don’t want to,” Nat assured her.
Asya finished chewing her grilled chicken before speaking. “You said mom and Morgan took the same test, Uncle T?”
“Yes,” Tony started but was cut off by Asya vigorously nodding her ascent.
“The next Mensa test is in two weeks,” Morgan piped in.
For the next two weeks, Morgan without fail helps Asya study for the test. Tony administer short mock tests every after dinner. Sometime in the week, Bruce came down on the lake house too to help out. Nat and Carol can only watch her devour books, asks questions they can’t even phantom, and answer equations faster than even Bruce and Tony could. Tony is very confident she’s gonna do well but Nat is still worried.
“I’ll be okay, mama,” Asya said as Nat and Carol drop her off the examination room.
Before Nat could answer, Carol, kneel. “Of course you are, you’re the daughter of the two best humans I’ve ever met.”
Asya smiled before hugging Carol.
If there was any doubt that Asya was your daughter just by bearing your eyes and cheeky smile, Asya crushed them the moment the Mensa result was out.
Tony, Bruce, and Nat gaped at the paper.  
Asya has an IQ of 288 at five.
“What does that mean?” Carol asked while everyone just gaped at the laughing little girl while playing twister with Peter and Happy.
“It means she’s smarter than dad,” Morgan teased. Tony laughed, usually, she would take offense but since Asya’s her goddaughter and her second daughter too, so he let it slide. It wasn’t supposed to be a surprise, she’s your daughter and you were smarter than Reed Richards after all.
Amidst being a super genius, Nat opted to let Asya go through kindergarten to first grade. She knew you would have wanted your daughter to experience the joy of childhood, to play and act her age instead of her IQ.
Asya just turned seven the day prior, and Nat gave her one of the best gifts ever; full access to your lab. Asya just came from tinkering in the lab and staring at your pictures all afternoon when she walked in the kitchen and found Nat and Carol cooking together.
She just stayed quiet for a while and just watched her mother interact with Carol. Carol has been earth-based and living in the guest room at the lake house for two years now. It’s not even called the guest room anymore but Carol’s room.
Nat laughed at something Carol said. As far as stories from Uncle Clint goes, there has only been one person to make her mama laugh like that – you.
She knew all the stories about you from a handful of different people but she has always loved the stories Nat, Carol and Tony tell. She has watched your last holographic message for Nat a million of times too that she feels like knows you. She knows how much you loved Natasha, and vice versa; you would have loved for Natasha to move forward.
Instead of making her presence known, Asya quiet as her mama creeped out of the house and towards the tree. She climbed a couple of branches to reach what she deemed the most strategic branch to hide on, decompress, read your notes, and watch sunrise and sunsets. She has climbed the same branches for years now, opting to hang in there whenever she feels lonely or overwhelmed. It has been her sanctuary for years.
“Everything okay?” Nat yelled from the ground.
Asya looked down and saw her mother’s green eyes. Asya has read all your journals since she found where Nat stashed them when she was six. She read how much you’ve loved Nat's green eyes, and she does too.
“Yes mama,” she answered politely. “Just thinking.”
Nat laughed. Not only did Asya took on your eyes, cheeky smile, quirky personality, she also took on some your habits, even robbed of the chance to meet you. You’ve always been one to seclude yourself when you need to think. For you, it has always been the lab. For Asya, it has always been the tree.
“Well, dinner's in half an hour. Come down and get cleaned up,” Nat said.
“lyublyu tebya, mama,” Asya yelled.
Nat laughed quietly, caressed the trunk and whispered, “I love you both.”
Asya was accelerated to 8th grade that year and with full access to your lab, she has gotten good with robotics, mechanical engineering, and computer science particularly in coding. At seven and a half, she already made her own AI from scratch just like J.A.R.V.I.S and F.R.I.D.A.Y, which she calls Echo. She had access to a huge range of video recordings of you that she was able to code Echo to sound like you.
Nat was impressed and proud after she got over the initial shock of hearing your voice again. Asya has also finished the design upgrade for Nat's widow bite.
“For when you’re going on missions with Aunt Carol,” Asya said one night after she sneaked inside Nat's room for some cuddles. No matter how old she gets, Asya has always loved cuddling her mother for no other reason than she just loves her so much and she’s her best friend.
Nat inspected the weapon. “Where'd you get this?”
Asya cuddled closer to her chest. “Mom was building an upgraded one in the lab, I finished it for her and also for me.”
Nat leaned back a little to look at her daughter. “What do you mean?”
“So I know that you’ll always come home to me mama,” she said smiling.
“I’ll always come home to you, I promise.”
Asya went back to cuddling her. They fell asleep just like that, peaceful in each other’s arms.
Nat has started working a few jobs at S.H.I.E.L.D again now that Asya’s seven. Asya agreed only under the condition that Nat will always be partnered with Carol. Today though, Nat was sent on a simple surveillance mission with Clint rendering her unable to pick up Asya at school; which means it’s Carol’s turn.
“Hey love,” Carol waved the moment Asya burst out of the school door. Asya runs and barreled towards her in a hug.
“Hey, Car. Where’s mama?”
Carol opened the car door for Asya. “Director Fury needed her today."
“Without you?” Asya asked frowning after she fastened her seat belt.
“She’s with Uncle Clint. You trust Uncle Clint, right?”
“I do but I rest easier when I know she’s with you,” Asya answered as she watches the other children in the playground.
Carol turned on her seat. “I know love, I worry about her too but I trust Clint will protect her with his life, the way I would.”
Asya looked back at Carol, a mischievous smile dancing on her lips.
“What?” asked Carol. Suddenly she’s a little nervous. Asya’s smirk reminds Carol so much of you before you launched into some crazy idea.
“You got a crush,” Asya said flatly. Carol blushed profusely that Asya didn’t believe her when she tried to deny it vehemently.
“What? I..I don’t know what you’re talking about, silly girl,” Carol stuttered and tried to cover her nervousness with a laugh.
“I won't tell her, I promise,” Asya teased giggling.
Carol huffed before starting the engine. “You won’t tell no one because there’s nothing to tell,” she said.
“Okay,” Asya sing-songed cheekily.
Carol reversed out of the parking lot. “No Stardust diner for you, young Sith,” Carol said pouting which just confirmed Asya’s accusation and made her laugh harder.
Nat arrived from her mission two days after. It was an early Saturday morning when Carol was awoken by a loud thud. Carol came thundering down the stairs to check what happened, only to find Nat slumped on the couch. Nat turned her head and smiled as she watches Carol ran her eyes over her body to check for any injury. Carol looked up at her eyes and smiled when she deemed Nat wasn’t injured.
“Mission too rough without me, huh?” Carol teased.
“Not really,” Nat answered while Carol quirks an eyebrow in her direction.
“Is that so?”
“Yeah, I just missed Asya and you all the time,” Nat blurted out. Carol smiled before plopping down the couch and laying down.
“What are you doing?” Nat asked.
“It’s too early, come nap with me,” Carol patted the space beside her and smiled.
Nat chuckled before laying her head on Carol’s bicep and pressing her back against the other woman’s front. Carol tried not to squirm as Nat gets comfortable. When the redhead settled down, Carol snaked her other arm around Nat’s body and cuddled her. Carol’s perpetually warm, Nat didn’t have a choice but to succumb to the comfort and safety she offers.
Asya woke up an hour later. Little feet too light on the floorboards she was able to get to the first floor without waking anyone up. Except when she entered the common living room Tony was already standing by the couch and quietly sipping his coffee. Asya walked quietly beside Tony to see what he’s looking at.
“You know about this?” Tony whispered.
“Yes,” Asya answered simply before pulling Tony’s phone out and snapping a quick picture of her mother cuddling with Carol before walking towards the kitchen. “Email it to me, Uncle T.”
Tony raised an eyebrow. “Ammunition purposes,” Asya joked and Tony chuckled. She truly is your daughter.
“So you’re okay with it?” Tony said while popping bread in the toaster. Asya was inspecting the content of the fridge.
“Echo put blueberries on Mama’s grocery list,” she said softly.
Recently, she and Morgan successfully made a subdermal communication device with a built-in Echo and F.R.I.D.A.Y. With Nat and Tony’s consent, they were the first to use the implants as well.
“To answer your question, yes I’m okay with it,” Asya answered after pulling out the orange marmalade jam.
“You think mom would mind?” Asya continued.
Tony was quiet for a moment, then he glanced at the two sleeping women on the couch. “No, I think she would have approved.”
“I think so too. I think mom would want them to be happy,” Asya whispered before the toasts jumped out of the machine.
Nat noted the slight tension on Carol’s shoulder every time she caught Asya watching her like a hawk and smirking here and there. Nat also noted how Carol seems to stiffen up when Asya decided to sit on the other side of her, squeezing her in between mother and daughter.
“Love what are you doing?” Carol whispered when Nat went to refill their popcorn after the first movie.
“Ask her out,” Asya said laying her head on Carol’s lap.
“Why would I do that?” Carol asked frustrated but still running her fingers through Asya’s red hair.
“Don’t you love her?”
“I do,” Carol whisper yelled. Asya’s smirked grew bigger, then Carol realized what she just said. She clamped her mouth shut before she forgets she’s talking to an actual genius on a fishing expedition.
“Then what does the strongest Avenger got to lose?”
“You,” Carol admitted. “If I tell Nat my feelings and things get awkward... I just can’t lose you both. You two are my only connection to Y/N.”
Asya read your history with Carol and Carol has always been upfront with her. Carol was in love with you, she always has been.
Asya raised her hand to caress Carol’s soft cheeks. “If the stories about mom were true, I know mom would want you for mama. She wouldn’t think of anyone better suited for the Black Widow than Captain Marvel herself.”
“You don’t know that,” Carol countered.
“Car, my mom wanted nothing more than to keep mama safe and happy. She gave up her life for that cause, and from where I’m standing, you’ve been doing all that for the past seven years. I love mom with all my heart but she’s not here but you and mama are, and both of you deserve to be happy again.”
“Since when did you get so smart?” Carol asked sniffling.
Asya laughed, “since birth.”
Nat came back with three bowls of popcorn and saw Carol and Asya cuddling. The sight of the two getting along never fails to warm her heart. She guesses whatever it is that was hanging over them the past few days has already been cleared up.
Two weeks later, Nat was at home when she received an encrypted message from Echo that contains only a coordinate. Her mother’s instinct instantly kicked in. Thinking something might have happened to Asya, she hastily put on her Black Widow uniform and rode her bike to the location. Her heart is beating as fast as she’s driving.
The location was a cabin in the middle of nowhere. Nat parked her bike and noted movement inside the cabin. Not wasting one more minute, she burst in the cabin with her guns only to be met by Carol on her Captain Marvel uniform and arms raised and ready to blast her.
They instantly lowered their weapons.
“What are you doing here? Is Asya here? Echo sent me the coordinates to this cabin...” Nat questions before their phones chimed again with a message from Echo.
Go around the back. – A.
Nat and Carol looked at each other. Nat’s genuinely confused, while Carol had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. Nat stomped her way to the back of the house with Carol close behind. When they burst out of the back porch, they’re met by the loveliest dinner table set up.
Nat furrowed her brow. Carol instantly paled.
The lovely little shit, Carol thought.
Then Carol’s phone started ringing, it’s Asya.
“Love? What is happening?” Carol greeted. Nat crossed her arm protectively around herself.
“Yesterday, Aunt Wanda said some agent asked mama out,” Asya started. “Now, make your move before she says yes to someone else.”
An agent? They got some balls! Which agent is it? I want their names, Carol mused inside her head.
“Also, everyone helped me out with this plan. Don’t duck it up.”
Carol wanted to berate her for almost using a bad language but the line went dead faster than lightning.
“Well?” Nat asked.
“She’s okay,” Carol stammered.
She didn’t know what to say, she’s running out of time. The prospect of someone else coming in Nat and Asya’s life makes Carol’s powers to go bubbling up to the surface. She had to close her eyes and remember the breathing exercise Wanda thought her to get it under control.
Before Nat can ask what Carol was doing, her phone started ringing next.
“Asya Romanova – Y/L/N, what’s the meaning of this?” Nat tried not to let her frustration seep through.
“Izvini (I’m sorry), mama,” Asya knew her mother enough to know she’s frustrated. Nat knows her daughter enough to know she’s sporting her sheepish look at that moment.
“I just wanna understand,” Nat walked a few steps away from Carol.
“You’ve taken care of everyone for the longest time, mama. You lost the one you love the most trying to give everyone their happiness back,” Asya started.
“You’re the one I love the most, next to your mom,” Nat interrupted.
“I know, mama and you will always be ours. And because of that, I want you to be happier,” Asya explained.
Nat turned around, eyeing Carol kicking her boots on the ground.
“Asya are you setting me up with Carol?” Nat whispered.
Asya laughed on the other end. “I have eyes mama, you like her,” Asya teased. Nat tried not to blush for being caught red-handed by her seven-year-old daughter.
“I do but,”
“No more buts, mama. You’re allowed to love again,” Asya interrupted.
“I love you so much kid,” is all Nat could say.
“I love you too. Now go enjoy your night. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Asya said before hanging up.
Nat walked back to Carol with a soft smile on her face.
“So?” Carol asked, clearly nervous.
“Asya said you have something to ask me,” Nat asked; poker face intact. Carol internally cussed.
“I...” Carol swallowed the sudden lump in her throat. “I just wanted to ask if you Uhm... you know?”
Nat raised her perfect eyebrow. Carol sighed, Nat’s not gonna make it easy for her.
“I just wanted to ask if you wanna go on a date with me soon,” Carol rushed out in one breath,  blushing from head to toe.
Nat burst out laughing. Carol crossed her arms and pouted. When Nat got a hold of her laughter, she stepped close to Carol and put a hand on her chest. Carol swallowed.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh. It’s just Peter said, he saw some stuff on the internet,” Nat said before she started laughing again.
“What did he saw?”
“People, on the internet,” Nat said between giggles. “They call you daddy.”
Carol choked on nothing, Nat leaned in to kiss her cheek. “If they can only see you now, fumbling over your words asking the Black Widow out,” Nat husked near her ear before pulling away and going inside the cabin.
“Hey! That’s not fair! Have you seen yourself?” Carol complained.
That only fuelled Nat to laugh some more. “Get the food in here, change out of your uniform, and come cuddle with me. I’m sure Stark has Netflix even in the wilderness,” Nat yelled halfway inside the house.
Carol can’t help but smile before hauling the food inside. True enough, there was Netflix in the cabin. Nat chose a movie called, Lights out. Carol wasn’t paying attention because all she can focus on was Nat’s weight against her side, Nat’s head on her shoulder, Nat’s hand on her chest. All her senses are honed on Nat and Nat alone.
When the movie ended, they were too tired to move from the couch that they decided to just sleep there. Same position as last time, Carol between Nat and the back of the couch. Only this time, Nat has her head on Carol’s chest.
“Goodnight,” Nat whispered.
“Goodnight,” Carol whispered back.
She turned her head a little bit to kiss Nat on her forehead just in time with Nat turning her head upwards. Carol froze when her lips landed on Nat’s but relaxed when she felt Nat moved. They kissed softly in the dark for a couple of minutes, it was tender not rushed.
Nat pulled away first and Carol just pulled her towards her body and let the quiet of the woods lull them to sleep. Maybe this wasn’t the life they both envisioned to be, maybe there wasn’t any grand moment to know that they were heading here but it certainly felt right.
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