#i tried to copy and paste it and the controls popped up
Are people allowed to request more than one creature?
If so please consider sham hatwitch from the dragon quest series ^^
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Yes absolutely!!!That is 1000% okay as long as it doesnt become spam (my definition is like ~5 requests for 2 or more of the same guy in the span of 1-2 days)
Ok review time
From @spoofsies
Design; 9/10 - stub legs!! he's doing a little dance!!! He reminds me of lechonk from pokemon but that might just be me idk. One of my favorite character design tropes is "little guy hides under disguise"!! Also I love the hats scary face!
Purpose/Effectiveness; 8/10 okay i still dont know anything about dragonquest but i did a lot more research this time!! The wiki said that it was a monster with a low-level attack, making me think that it's probably one of the first you encounter in the game. Honestly this is really good low-level enemy design! It isnt that scary or imposing, but still enough to let the player know it is gonna attack you. Also wizard hat + using magic! We stan magic boars here!! From what the wiki also said it looks like it has other varients?? So as you go into more dangerous places you encounter more dangerous hatwitches?? That is actually really cool if it's true
Overall; 9/10 - this little piggy cursed your entire bloodline
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scramblecat · 11 months
okay scramble’s gonna get a lil unhinged with this one. But I already wrote it out for a server and all I gotta do is copy and paste SO:
About the Narrator and his Fears
[Putting it under a cut because it is. REALLY long as in like 700+ words long]
The Narrator is usually really good at keeping his composure when it comes to negative emotions, I feel like. He expresses happiness and excitement often enough, but the only times he cries (as in, voice audibly breaking) are the Zending and the Real Person ending.
So he’s shown to be distraught before. But panic? Full-on panic? There’s also only two instances where this happens, and that’s in the Skip Button Ending, and interestingly, the second time you go to the expo.
Now, the skip button ending is completely understandable. He’s being faced with the idea of being completely and utterly isolated for the foreseeable future, over and over and over again, getting longer and longer each time. Anyone would be afraid if they were in that position. At its surface, it’s a completely rational fear from the get-go.
But the expo? It’s… odd. He goes into the achievement room prepared to pop off with his whole ‘it doesn’t work YET’ thing, and then it does.
In the expo, it’s different. It’s not a high stakes situation, not by any means. But when the achievement machine works against all of the Narrator’s expectations, he panics. But not just in like an ‘ah uhm this is definitely what I meant to happen aha!’ way.
It takes him a moment to realize, but he verbalizes his train of thought, so we know exactly when he does.
The machine didn’t work before —> the Narrator didn’t do anything to it to fix it (implying that he didn’t have any sort of solution for it yet) —> it’s fixed anyways and he doesn’t know how —> someone else might have that knowledge —> there’s someone else here.
And that is the moment where he starts to panic. He sounds almost faint when he talks next, and he has to verbally tell himself to keep his composure— something we’ve never, ever heard him do before.
His breathing gets audibly strangled as he tries to finish his whole pitch, telling Stanley that everything is working as intended to cover up the anxiety he’s feeling. But he stumbles through it, and he finishes it with telling himself to breathe, to regulate the panic.
He straight up has like. A whole anxiety attack in front of us. It’s so UNLIKE him to be that afraid, and that REALLY makes it a moment that stands out.
There IS something that links the Skip Button and the Achievement Machine together— and that is CONTROL. Or, rather, lack thereof.
In the Skip Button Ending, yes, he’s scared of being alone. He makes many discoveries about his thought processes and how he works in that solitude, and realizes that talking isn’t his main purpose— it’s telling a story. Telling a story TO someone. He doesn’t feel like he has a purpose otherwise. And that’s the big root of the isolation part.
But otherwise? He spends the first few skips desperately looking for a way out. He panics when he can’t touch the room around him, when he realizes he’s trapped, and that he can’t do anything about it. He’s lost his control.
And it’s the same thing with the achievement machine. He THINKS he has complete control over the Parable and its contents. He really does. And then, something— or someone— fixes the machine for him. And all at once, his perception of what he can control comes absolutely crashing down on him. In that moment, he’s having a LOT of huge realizations:
He doesn’t have the control he thinks he does
He doesn’t know how much control he actually HAS, and it could be NONE
He and Stanley are not alone in the Parable, and are being watched
Whatever being is watching them has more power than he does, and could very well strip all of his control away from him
These realizations— that last one especially— are fucking terrifying to him!
The Narrator is obsessive about maintaining control over the events that transpire in HIS PARABLE, and the only times he shows negative emotions are when he cannot control a situation. It most often presents itself in annoyance at the very least, or a complete breakdown at its worst. And it’s all because he needs that control. He’s fearful of the idea that he can’t control a situation, because it makes him feel helpless and weak. He’s USED to having control, and when it’s taken away from him, he has no idea what to do.
He’s desperately trying to keep up this facade of ‘this is all fine and working as intended’ in front of Stanley after Stanley gets the achievement, even though it’s clear that he’s barely holding it together. His entire perception of his own control has collapsed in on itself, and has given in to one of his worst fears. And he’s really, really shaken up by it.
The Narrator’s greatest fear has been shown to be a lack of control. It’s quickly followed by the fear of isolation, obviously, but the fear of helplessness/weakness is present all through the games.
And THAT, folks, is why the Narrator freaks out in one (1) ending that nobody ever talks about!
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xysible · 2 years
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I need to seriously stop forgetting that I have tumblr
Anyways, here’s an Amphibia x Epithet Erased AU because I felt like it :p
Also tried to mimic EE’s art style but uhh I slowly started giving up near the end lol :,>
(copy-pasted from my insta)
Anne Boonchuy - Tempestuous
- Anne thought she was a mundie until Hop Pop used the word - She was unaware of her epithet until whatever this AU's equivalent of True Colors is, but has used it subconsciously before - The leaves are like Molly's stars, they are part of her hair and will grow back if she removes them - Her epithet only works while feeling intense and/or conflicting emotion. When she can use it, she can control and summon lightning, rain, and wind For people who don't know, tempestuous means (1) very stormy, (2) characterized by intense emotion
Marcy (+ Darcy) Wu - Puzzle
- Marcy's epithet allows her to think faster and in a more focused state than normal, rather than solve problems for her. She can only use it on one problem at a time. - Can also confuse people and summon puzzle pieces - Darcy is a side effect of her epithet. The more Marcy uses her epithet, the more Darcy manifests. They're kind of a living puzzle whose rules constantly change and is immune to Marcy's epithet. Can also occasionally possess Marcy, usually when she's weak/has little stamina. - Marcy discovered her epithet much, much earlier than the other two Calamity girls which is why she has much more control over it and has more abilities
Sasha Waybright - Fiery
- Sasha can summon fire and control it. It gets stronger when she is feeling anger or is passionate about whatever she is using her epithet for. - She has (arguably) the weakest epithet out of the trio. It does get stronger after this AU's equivalent of Reunion, Turning Point, and All In however - Sasha is known as the "hottest person in school" at Saint James. Pun very intended. - Her hair turns into fire when using her epithet post Turning Point
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novamariestark · 6 months
Echoes, Fragments & Puzzle Pieces [B.B] [3/?]
Overall Summary: You are a young woman, trying to live your life after captivity. You live in the shadows after escaping from an organisation known as The Syndicate, desperate to copy Hydra's work. You were to be their Winter Soldier but with added "bonuses". But, when opportunity knocks, will you answer it?
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Summary: After breakfast, you go for a wander around the tower. When you get lost, you end up in the last place you'd want to be. A lab. But someone comes to help you
Warnings: slight mention of torture and abuse, mention of character death (Instead of Y/N I've put Lia, simply just to make it flow a bit better, but of course you can replace it with your name.)
Word count: 2316
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: eventual Bucky x reader
Part 1, Part 2
After breakfast, everyone started to do their own thing in the common area. You huddled up in a corner with a book you had found in your room. Conversations, clashing dishes, tapping keys and paper rustling all provided a soundtrack as you read.
Clint was cleaning the dishes, Steve was reading the paper, Bucky and Sam were bickering about their last run, Nat was tucked away in the corner, her laptop in front of her as she filled out the last mission report, rolling her eyes every so often at the two "grown men" bickering. And Thor was stuffing his face with pop tarts despite the fact he had just destroyed 19 pancakes.
After a while, you start to get a bit restless, so you decided to have a wander around the tower to calm your nerves. You left the dining room quietly, trying to go unnoticed but of course the spies noticed. There wasn’t a tiny detail they did miss. But they didn’t stop you.
As you stepped into the corridor, you couldn't help but admire the sleek and modern design of the place. It was like nothing you had ever seen before, with its high-tech gadgets and furnishings. It all felt a bit overwhelming.
You wandered through the hallways, taking turns left and right, with no particular destination in mind. The tower seemed like a maze to you, a complex jumble of corridors and rooms. Every hallway looked the same, and soon you found yourself to be lost. Again.
You walked past closed doors, each leading to different parts of the tower, but none of them seemed familiar. Your heart raced as you realized you didn't have a clear sense of where you were. The tower was so vast, and every corridor seemed to lead to another.
You stopped and took a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves. You reminded yourself that this was a safe place.
Soon you come to a door. A door that’s different than the others. Your curiosity piqued and you found yourself walking towards it. Just like at the museum, you heard a sound. An alluring sound that beckoned you towards the door. You couldn't resist the mystery that lay beyond it. Your heart quickened with a blend of curiosity and eagerness as you approached, your hand reaching out to grasp the cold metal doorknob.
The door creaked open slowly, revealing a room bathed in the soft glow of fluorescent lights. Before you lay a chamber filled with advanced scientific equipment. Gleaming machines with displays and controls lining the walls, while screens flickered with data. The room buzzed with the hum of machinery, a symphony of technology in perfect harmony. Your breath caught in your throat as you realised what it was. A lab.
A shiver of unease washed over you. The familiarity of the atmosphere tugged at the corners of your mind, dredging up fragments of a past you had tried so hard to forget.
Her breath came in ragged gasps as the panic tightened her chest. Her eyes widened in sheer terror as your flashbacks raced through your mind. I have to get out of here you thought. You turned to make a quick exit, but you tripped on some wires and reached to grab the closest thing to you to save yourself from falling. A hospital bed.
Almost immediately, your powers were triggered. Another high-definition hologram began to play. This one more violent and closer to home. The scenes that played were ones of those that took place in a hospital looking bed. Experiments, pain, mind wipes. A whirlwind of the abuse you had endured during your time there. She cowered against the wall, trying to make herself smaller. "Please, don't hurt me," she gasped, her voice trembling with fear. Time seemed to slow down, making the seconds feel like hours. The cold, prickling sensation of goosebumps washed over his skin. The room felt like it was suffocating you, the darkness pressing in from all sides.
Unbeknownst to you, Friday, had alerted the Avengers to your use of powers. They all gathered round the screen to see what the unusual activity in the lab was. Their attention was immediately drawn to the holographic projection that played above the bed, filling the room with images that were both disturbing and heart-wrenching. The projection showed a series of scenes, as if they were peering into your past. They watched in stunned silence as the images unfolded before them. They saw a younger you, your face filled with fear and pain, strapped to a gurney with masked figures moving around you, conducting experiments that looked agonizing.
It was as if they were witnessing the darkest chapters of your life, a life filled with captivity, pain, and torture.
Steve clenched his fists, his jaw following suit. A low, almost inaudible growl escaped from Bucky's throat at the thought of someone hurting you like that. His metallic arm clenched into a fist, the joints creaking as memories of his own past flashed through his brain. Natasha's usually stoic expression wavered as sadness swimming in her eyes. The veins in Bruce's temples throbbed as he struggled to contain his own anger, fighting to keep the Hulk at bay.
They watched as you dropped to the floor, your knees to your chest, head buried in your knees. Hands pressed sharply against your ears as you try and block out the sound of your own screams. Soon the door opened gently, and you whimpered slightly, waiting, expecting pain. But it didn’t come.
“Lia?” a soft voice called. You heard gentle light footsteps and the sound of a body sitting on the floor beside you but still keeping a respectable distance, “Can you not stop it?”
You shook your head in your knees, “don’t know how,” barely heard as it’s muffled by your legs. You didn’t understand how this power worked. You had never been able to use it on command, it just happened.
“Do you want to go to your room?” she asked, “I can take you,”
You peered up slowly, not wanting to move quickly and startle her. You nodded and tried to stand, but your legs gave way. Without thinking you reach out to grab Wanda and it happens again. Only this time, it isn’t your painful memory that you project. It’s hers.
You tried to stand up, but your legs gave way beneath you, and you stumbled again. In your moment of weakness, you automatically grabbed onto Wanda. You powers surged once more, but this time, it was different. It wasn't your painful memories that played on the holographic projection; it was Wanda's.
You watched as a boy, about her age, with silver hair, zoomed around. He was fast.
Wanda's eyes widened as the images of her brother, Pietro, filled the room. She was forced to relive the painful memory of his death during the Battle of Sokovia. She could see Pietro running to save Hawkeye and a young boy, taking the bullets meant for them. The memory was vivid, and the pain was still fresh in her heart. Tears welled up in Wanda's eyes as she watched her brother fall, lifeless, unable to save him. The room seemed to darken as the projection continued, and the sound of the battle echoed in your ears.
As the hologram finally dissipated, A single tear trickled down Wanda’s cheek, leaving a wet trail in its wake.
"I'm sorry," you whispered, immediately removing your arm from her shoulder, your voice tinged with fear. You flinched, expecting Wanda to lash out at you.
Wanda's expression softens as she sees your face filled fear and guilt. Instead of anger, she offers a reassuring smile and hovers a hand over your shoulder, "It's not your fault," she says, her voice comforting, "It wasn't intentional. Let's get you back to your room, and we can talk if you want."
You nodded. You were curious about that place and the boy but it effected Wanda a lot and you didn’t want to ask questions about it.
But there was something strangely familiar about that place, like a distant memory that you couldn’t quite reach. Perhaps you had a mission there. Maybe you visited there on one of you many adventures. But whatever it was. You knew it.
You followed Wanda to your room and you were grateful because you had gotten completely lost. Somehow, you had ended up three floors above where your room was. As you walked, you started to forget about the projection of your past and just focused on the sound of your own footsteps.
You reached your room, your safe place. Wanda followed you inside, giving you some space, but also staying nearby in case you needed her. You sat down on your soft, white carpet, feeling its comforting texture under your fingers.
Wanda stopped in the middle of the room, not wanting to make you uncomfortable. She asked if you'd like her to stay on the other side of the room. A small, reassuring smile formed on your lips, and you gently tapped the spot in front of you. It was your way of telling her to come closer.
She hesitated for a moment but then slowly made her way over, settling herself on the floor in front of you, mirroring your position.
She glanced around your room, taking in the details with a warm smile. "Do you think you'll decorate it one day?"
You couldn't meet her gaze, so you looked down at your hands as they traced invisible shapes on the floor. Little did you know, Wanda had the power to read minds, and she had already sensed your hesitation and your fear that your time in the Avengers Tower might not last. "You don't want to get your hopes up?" she gently inquired, understanding your concerns without you having to say a word.
Your eyes shot up and widened in shock as she echoed the exact thought shooting through your mind, “H-how did you know that?”
“I can read minds,” she admitted.
Wanda had a genuine desire to connect with you on a deeper level, but she grappled with how to approach it. As far as she knew, you had no family, no knowledge of your birthplace, and a past that had been marked by captivity and trauma. She wanted to understand you better, but she also didn't want to bring up painful memories any more than they already had been.
So as an attempt to break the ice, she decided to tell you about the scene you showed earlier.
“That boy,” she started, a heavy breath leaving her lips as she tried to keep the tears at bay, “Was my brother,”
That revelation made you feel more guilty about it, “Wanda, I’m sorry,”
“It’s okay. Before I joined the Avengers, I never had anyone. Nothing mattered more than my brother. But then he died. And I was just... empty. The world felt so dark to me,” You didn't know what to say. You wished there was something you could do to make her feel better. But just listening, and being there for her, was enough. You both sat in silence for a few moments, until you finally spoke. “What was his name?”
Wanda smiled, “His name was Pietro.”
Over the next hour, Wanda told you loads of stories about her childhood and all the things her and Pietro got up to. From pranking each other to building blanket forts. Your personal favourite was when they came up with their own language to communicate with the neighbour’s dog, only to leave the poor thing utterly confused. She told you about her family, her parents and what happened. She spoke about how she’s sort of forgiven Tony for his role, but it took her a while to get there.
As Wanda shared her stories, you felt an unexpected warmth spread through you. Listening to the stories of Wanda and Pietro, began to chip away at the fortress that had long surrounded your trust. It was an unusual feeling for you, one you had not encountered in years, perhaps ever.
In this moment, a unique bond seemed to form, and you found yourself strangely at ease in Wanda's presence. The walls that you had meticulously constructed over the years slowly began to crumble, revealing the possibility of a friendship. This was your chance to build your first genuine friendship, a possibility that both excited and frightened you.
Your life had taught you the harsh lesson of mistrust, a lesson forged during your time with The Syndicate. Consequently, you were often reserved, cautious, and distant. Your timid nature often led to flinches and startles whenever someone accidentally touched you or spoke up suddenly. And yet, Wanda's presence was different, offering a glimmer of hope in the shadows of your past.
Wanda’s openness about her past made you feel closer to her. Talking to her is easy. Easier than anything had been for you in years. It’s been so long since you felt comfortable around someone so quickly or at all. Usually by now, the conversation would have ended before it even began. Wanda noticed that you were becoming more relaxed and open with each passing moment. She could sense your thoughts, and it was clear that you were beginning to trust her, even if only a little. It was a significant step for you.
As the room settled into a comfortable silence, you debated whether to share something about yourself. You had listened to Wanda's stories, and it felt only fair to reciprocate. But what could you reveal? The events of your past were shrouded in mystery, and your current lack of memory made it all the more challenging to open up.
However, you found the courage to voice a small doubt that had been weighing on you.
“I don’t know my name,”
Taglist: @mrsevans90 @harrysluvv @vicmc624
Songs I played for this chapter
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A request by @Ithegingy
It is May 5, 2024 excellent I think checking my Time Machine enable watch mechanism glows on the screen then vanishing from my sight.
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Today is his birthday perfect just as planned I tap the screen watching the device fall off of my wrist forming a box in the palm of my hand.
I glee with excitement throwing the ball on to the fully carpet covered room the impact of it hitting the ground erupts in a mid bright light.
Stepping in to the fray he is deeply in heavy slumber after a long day on set so I take my time bidding it I walk to the closet opening it to view.
Getting a gander of the geekiness around him leaves me both perplex and in total type of judgement but I can see he does love tee shirts and jeans.
He loves to build sets, gaming computer but he is still vain I can see the painting he has obviously commissioned of himself prior to my arrival.
The plan is quite simple to actually with
very little effort deeply probe his brain in array of laser colors that maps the brains waves stimulating it in hypnosis waves.
Anyway! I slowly creep on to the bed slowly slipping past him holding the head board I raise myself up and dig in my pockets for the device.
Retrieving it a tiny circular device placing it on to the wall, I press the button let’s blare
a light scanning the room three more exact copies lays on the other three walls.
All four devices radiate light over entirety
of the massive master bedroom bouncing multiple colors schemes the commencing
the brainwashing.
I click the side of my watch then turn it to the side transforming him from the room as he switches him with an entirely new entity into the room.
The man stood in the dark watch the beam of light washes on to his face from all sides of the room and the figure moves a closer to the edge of the board.
In a matter of ten minutes Henry who is half asleep at this point feeling something is off tries to wake up fighting off every urge to
drift back asleep.
Above his bed from a ceiling remote flew in to the figures hands as he smirked with evil intent and he enjoys true power exchange like no other in history.
He excitedly presses the giant red button that is marked induction instinctively his press gets harder as it is layered with a pleasure point.
Reaching the optimal level the devices flip off the wall landing on Henry’s head like a helmet forming in resistance or his fatal retaliation.
The helmet projects a unique screen in a map scenario detailing his brain from top
to stem revealing how it works he checks out remote once more.
Pressing a second button marked dreamy without a thought Henry drops a million times deeper from a garden picnic a hole opens swallowing him whole.
Descending down from the sky a portal is opening falling through his nerdy side of his brain show cases with binary code I created on the wall.
He is left absolutely mouth agape in his and only his poor dark mind adrift with every set of memories he has ever experienced play on autopilot a thousand times over.
Meanwhile! The world past his domain can sense his own self destruction finding his way through the interface he arrives on the main page.
A few more buttons a photo copy appears of Henry Cavill showing how his beautiful masculine features sculpted to perfection some would say.
Name written in it’s officially changed to his bitchy highness Pretty Pussy Boi to his own hysterics it is truly funny for life because he controls him now.
Robotic arms pop from the device feeling him over ripping his clothes from his body then his underwear and seething in pain, pleasure and torture.
His body leaps up sitting on the pillow that is propped up from behind his back he lays on it with a smirk he rolls his eyes up in to his socket.
His eyelids close causing his body senses to go in to overdrive titalating all of his nerves as they send viscous fiery ramps of energy up his spine.
His body shook with his convulsions his cute cock is breaking out springing to life it point to the shy and cums incessantly shooting spurts.
The cum loads on to him each touch causes him an amount exhilarating excruciating pain to no end his body convulses so much more now.
He knew rolling on to his right side, left side back and forth some invisible figure pumps in to him as it humps him harder with even more energy.
The young man climbs on top of him spread on to him his hands touch every crevice of his body in to his hole, on his skin and he is now owned for life.
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“Reprogram…reprogram…reprogramming is in processing.”
“Remapping him on your command.”
“Initiate project pussy boi”
“Searching…searching “
“Automatic induction “
“Entering subspace”
“Pleasure principles”
“Body is in bloom”
“Watch the cock “
“It’s sprinting I can see it “
“On your command he will cum”
“Hahahaha “
“Listen to me Henry “
“You are rock hard…I can see it in your pants “
“You can sense it”
“Rock hard…yes”
“You love to be rock hard”
“Permanently hard “
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“The cock protrudes always”
“Constantly cumming”
“A never ending “
“Wishing to be touched”
“Need to fuck”
“I want someone to fuck”
“Jump him, fuck him uuuuhhhh”
“So hard as fuck”
“Activate Pussy Bitch”
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“Oh! yes Master FUCK!”
“Yes yes yes yyyyeeeeessssssss”
“Pussy Bitch rip me apart “
“Cant think”
“Only fuck”
“Made to fuck”
He leaps off the bed on to his new master in heat he stares him down then proceeds to kiss him.
His hands hasty in action begin ripping off his clothes leaving them in shreds his hand forms a palm.
Slipping one finger in at a time hearing his master moan the other hand goes in ready to fist him.
A hour goes by he can’t control himself any longer flicking off his underpants and slip in to his owner’s ass.
“Oh GOD! I can’t keep it in any longer”
“Oh oh oh! Aaaaahhhhhh”
“I am pussy bitch for Master”
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The end
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modern-inheritance · 1 year
Modern Inheritance: Sammiches (Alston, Post War ~25-30 yrs)
(A/N: This is set about 25-30 years post war and post Rider school founding. Al, aka Alston, is a half elf toddler. Born to a human mother who realized that she could not provide for him and an elf father who never knew his one night fling would end in a child and disappeared, Al has been in an orphanage in Alagaësia for about half of his life. Although he is chronologically around six or seven years old, his elvish blood slows his aging and maturity, leaving him with the mind and body of a child that would be considered, in human eyes, around three to four years old. Arya notices him after his innate magic pops off while she and Fírnen in the area, and realizes that no one, not even Al himself, knows what he is. Worried about his safety and the stigma already surrounding him, she and Fírnen begin the process to become Al’s guardians and take him to the Rider school where he can grow up in a mix of cultures and learn how to control his abilities.)
Fírnen gave a sigh of contentment as he rested his head beside his Rider. The last few days had been almost delightfully calm, time spent with Arya and the little two-legs-half-ears Alston. The three were doing their best to get to know each other as the round-ears system processed Arya’s guardianship request. 
The winter sun did little to warm his scales, but Fírnen still stretched out in the beams he could find. It was just past noon, and for the past two days Alston had spent lunchtime beside his prospective guardian and her partner of heart and mind.
Fírnen blinked and let out a rattled cough of laughter. Across the small courtyard the other children fell silent at the noise before slowly returning to their uneasy murmurings and play. 
“What’s so funny?” Arya wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. They had agreed that for Al’s sake they would communicate both aloud and mentally, trying to get the boy used to their connection as quickly as possible.
You synchronized your bites of food. 
Arya’s eyebrows went up. She turned to Al, who had resorted to staring at his apple with intense focus now that she was no longer eating her sandwich. “Are you copying me, kid?” Al vigorously shook his head, bleached mop of silvered blond hair bouncing. A giggle slipped out, though, and he quickly smacked a hand over his mouth. “Well, you’re doing it wrong! You gotta eat your sandwich if you’re gonna copy me!” Arya grinned and rubbed the boy’s head, sending him wobbling. 
Al frowned and crossed his arms, suddenly red faced. “No! I don’t want my sammich.” 
“Ah, come on. You didn’t eat your sandwich yesterday either. You’re gonna be hungry before dinner.” 
The little boy tightened his arms and suddenly blew an emphatic raspberry. “It’s YUCKY!”
Arya’s concern drifted across to Fírnen. Curious, the dragon tasted the air. The salty, greasy tang that met him was unmistakable. There’s meat in it.
“Meat?” The elf flashed him a questioning glance before looking to the increasingly red-face child. “Hey Al, can I see your sandwich?” Ignoring the boy’s wary glare, Arya reached over and unwrapped the apparently offensive lunch. 
A simple ham and cheese sandwich, bread heavily buttered, greeted her from within the wax paper. “Al, do these sandwiches give you a tummy ache?” Fírnen choked back a snort. Arya’s mental swearing came on hard and fast after letting the words ‘tummy ache’ leave her mouth. No matter how hard she tried to speak to the boy like she would anyone else, sometimes the more childish talk slipped out. “Does it make your stomach hurt?”
Al’s tension eased into wary curiosity. “They make me throw up.” His little face screwed up in discomforted disgust. “Kelly’s stew, too.”
“Does Kelly put meat in her stew?” Al nodded. “Well, that’s okay! You don’t have to eat meat. You know, I get a tummy ache if I eat meat too.” At this, Fírnen failed to suppress his laugh. “Can it, deer breath!”
But Al’s eyes were wide. His arms dropped to his side and he leaned in, ecstatic. “You can’t eat meat?”
Arya shook her head, flicking Fírnen where his claw met his scales as his stifled laughter echoed in her head along with jovial queries about how her ‘tummy’ felt. “Nope. Most elves can’t. You probably can’t because of your Da’s side.” Seeing the rest of the child’s meager lunch, Arya took her own sandwich and ripped it in half. 
“Here.” She held the unbitten portion out to the boy. “This shouldn’t make your stomach hurt. You might not like it though.”
Al took the offered meal and sniffed it, appearing almost squirrel like in his examination. He took a cautious bite and chewed it slowly. 
A smile brightened his face. “Ish good!” Lettuce flew from his mouth at the praise, but it was quickly replaced by another healthy mouthful.
“Don’t talk wif your mouf full.” Arya muttered through her own bite. 
Fírnen was surprised Al didn’t lick his fingers clean once the last bit of the sandwich disappeared into his mouth. “Ari, whadda I do wit my bad sammich?” The boy held it out at arms length, trying to pass it off to the elf.
“Hey, I don’t want it.” Arya pulled back and then glanced at her partner. “Fírnen, you want it?”
I could eat. Delighted at the prospect of a morsel, the dragon opened his mouth. 
“Fírnen would love to have your bad sandwich.” Arya brushed her hands off and jerked a thumb towards Fírnen’s waiting maw. “Be careful of his teeth.”
Al toddled over. “Mister Feenan! Tongue out please!” Fírnen obliged, and was rewarded with the taste of buttered bread a moment later. “‘Kay, hands out!” 
Fírnen slowly retracted his tongue before finally closing his mouth with a click of teeth. Thank you, little ears.
“He says thanks, kiddo.”
Al beamed.
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
So….how are brookie and Annie doing🙈
Funny you should ask. Annie, did move in with Brookie, so she changed her choice of schools, and is instead going to NYU to be with him. Brookie puts on A LOT of stress on himself. He moved away from his family, he's trying to head the New York division of Blood Like Wine, and he's trying to be as effortlessly good as his big brother Otto. Brooks adds a lot of unnecessary stress to his life because of this. No one asked him to do this alone, but he wanted to prove himself.
Whatever You Need, Brookie
Summary: Otto spots Annie in New York
Pairings: Otto X Annie, Brooks X Annie
Rating: mild
Warnings:  language, implied sex, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 1.6K
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Brooks Baizen Masterlist
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Annie takes a long sip of her coffee as she looks outside of the café. Needing to get out of the apartment and just study for a moment. This wasn’t at all how she thought living with Brooks would be. The first year was blissful. Brooks was his playful self, chasing her around the apartment.
But now Brooks spent more time at the new division, and less time at home. He slept less, and became a lot more bitter, especially when Otto reached another milestone. Annie tried to tell him that Otto was older, and he had been at the company for quite some time, while Brooks was starting a division from the ground up. He didn’t want to listen.
So anytime Analey got a chance, she was drinking a coffee, eating a croissant, and sitting in her favorite spot. Able to people watch, but also fully pay attention to her studies.
Otto rarely went to the city. He preferred his time spent in Boston. But when he could take a chance to visit the new division and spend some time with his brother, he did. The past few months, Brooks always had an excuse. Explaining to Otto, that he had everything under control, which confused the oldest Baizen more, because he just wanted to see his brother, and not wanting to talk business at all.
It just so happened that he was walking to his apartment when he spots Annie, nose in a book, while her finger unconsciously plays with her hair. Otto stops to watch her a minute, having to shake his mind from going elsewhere, before he just walks into the café.
“Well, if it isn’t little Annie Gables,” Annie looks up at him, giving him a big smile, and Otto diverts his gaze to the book she’s reading, “This,” he taps on an old copy of Anne of Green Gables, “I’m pretty sure isn’t required reading.”
“It’s not. I just needed a moment of…simpler times,” she gestures to the chair in front of her, and Otto holds up a hand. “What’re you doing?”
“I need coffee.”
She gives him an odd gaze, and then points at the front counter, “Then go order one, like a normal person.”
Otto leans back in his chair, and gives her a big smile, before a young man walks over to their table, “Mr. Baizen, would you like your usual?”
“As a matter of fact, Jeffrey, I would,” Otto’s eyes never leave Annie’s as he talks to the barista, “Could you maybe bring me a surprise pastry of some sort?”
“Of course. Right away.”
Otto leans forward again, and slides the book over to him, while Annie rolls her eyes, “You Baizen’s get recognized everywhere, huh?”
“It comes with the territory, sugar,” he tears off a piece of her croissant, and pops it into his mouth, “What’s wrong, the loft too big for you? Brookie keeping you too busy?”
“Wow, that’s a bit personal, Otto. Do you talk to all your brother’s girlfriends like that?”
“Well, Z is divorced, Archie is looking for a woman that can compare to mom, and Raiden has been married since he could walk. But I did not mean that the way it came out. You and Brookie, you guys have been together awhile, huh?” Annie’s eyes move down to the table, as her cheeks go red.
“Hey, you know mom and dad started dating when she was in high school. It’s fine. Uncle Hawwy didn’t know though, did he?” Annie shakes her head no, and Otto stops talking while his own coffee and dessert is delivered to the table.
“Brookie used to have fun.”
“He’s busy,” Annie finally looks back up at Otto regretting that decision. “He’s got a lot of pressure on his shoulders. He was sent here alone.”
“No, he wasn’t. Aster offered to come out here with him, and even Fable said she could start here, but Brooks was all, ‘Oh, I don’t need some college girl fucking up the family business.’ He’s too proud to accept help, that’s different. Dad always said if he wasn’t careful, Brooks could turn into Gregory, and mom swatted his ass for that. We don’t like my dad’s parents.”
“Why would Carter say that then?”
“Gregory, avoided his wife and put all his effort into his work to do so. I mean…I’m not saying Brooks is doing that to you.”
“He’s not,” Annie answers defensively. “Brooks is trying to prove himself to his dad, and Ransom, but mostly to you.”
“Me? What the hell does he have to prove to me?”
Annie sighs rolling her eyes, “Brooks looks up to you. He adores you. Everything has always came natural to you.”
“I couldn’t talk normal for thirteen years of my life. Thankfully I was good at school since I had speech therapy most of my childhood, had to be pulled out of class to work on my R’s and L’s. Got bullied because of the way I talked. I have a father who was a fucking psycho, and I hoped my whole life I didn’t turn out like him. Why do you think I was always so hellbent on being with my dad, and doing what my dad does? Because I didn’t want to be my sperm donor. Brooks wants to play this pitiful game, it won’t work for me. We had the same childhood. We had a good and charmed life. And he at least gets to say Carter is father.”
“I didn’t know,” Annie looks up at Otto, and sees his need for complete perfection all the time.
“But I don’t blame my sperm donor for anything. I thank Carter for being my dad. Brooks never wanted for anything. Babied by everyone because he was tiny. He’s so naturally smart, but he stresses himself out. He didn’t even come shopping for the children’s hospital with us this year. Explain that to my mom. She misses Brookie. If she could have kept us all at the castle she would. But to hear him talk, she only favored me and Raiden. And once the girls were born, she didn’t care about any of us boys. Which is a lie.”
“Otto, I…Brooks is just misunderstood.”
“He’s a baby, that everyone makes excuses for, including you. So either he mans up and gets the company started, or he’s the bigger man, and admits he needs help. There’s nothing wrong asking for help. It’s good for you to admit that you can’t do it alone. I still ask dad for help.”
“Can we change the subject. Brooks isn’t here to defend himself. He does try. He wants you and your parents to be proud of him.”
Otto nods slowly, “He should consider himself lucky that we have the means to fail. He should take risks. Most don’t have built in money like we do.”
“So, how is your girlfriend, Giselle?”
“We broke up,” Otto smiles taking another bite from her croissant. “I’m flying solo right now.”
“You’re about to be drinking solo if you take another bite from my food. You should have asked for one of your own,” Otto throws a hand up to ask for his own croissant, but Annie pulls it back down. “Stop. Be normal for once.”
“You’ll never believe who I ran into today,” Annie says walking into hers and Brooks’ loft, while he sets another dirty dish in the sink. She takes a calming breath before picking it up to put in the dishwasher.
“Who?” he asks. He reaches around her for a container of bourbon, and pours him a glass.
“Your brother Otto.”
“Really? What’s he doing in the city?” Annie turns to give him an odd look at the tone change, but continues.
“He was wanting to see you.”
“He didn’t,” Brooks takes a long drink of the bourbon looking at her. “How long did you talk to him?”
“I don’t know maybe an hour?”
“Where?” he asks taking a slow step towards her. “Where was my girlfriend at while she was talking to Mr. Perfect?”
“You’re acting ridiculous. I was at the coffee shop. He saw me, and came and sat with me.”
“I don’t want you around him, unless I’m present.”
“Excuse me? Is there something you want to say? Since clearly, you think our talking was more than that.”
“You’re a fucking redhead,” Brooks screams. Annie rolls her eyes and walks towards the bathroom. “He wants you.”
“Oh. My. God! Brooks, do you hear yourself? Where am I? I am at home with you, my boyfriend. And instead of taking a nice relaxing bath with me, you’re screaming at me for something I didn’t do. Banning me from talking to your brother, unless you’re around. I don’t want him.”
“But he wants you. And whatever he wants, he always gets.”
Annie turns the water on, ignoring that Brooks had followed her into the bathroom. Glaring at him. “He’s not the only one. Just like this stupid argument. Do we always gotta fight before we have sex?”
Brooks shuffles his feet back and forth looking at her. “Not everything has to be fast and hard, Brooks. But if you want to lean me over the counter and take your frustrations with Otto out on me,” she undresses, standing in front of him completely naked. “I’ll let you. Whatever you need to make you feel better.”
“There’s nothing wrong with me.”
“I didn’t say there was.”
“I’m stressed. And…C’mere. I am stressed Annie. Work is killing me. I’ve got no help,” Annie steps closer to him, and cups his bulge over his pants. “You gonna help me relax?”
“Whatever you need, Brookie.”
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dweebo-exe · 2 years
Creator’s Diary Notes
Normally I never really do this but dear god after these results that happened a week ago I need to recollect my thoughts.
So to summarise, after modifying Dweebo’s code I decided to place them on tumblr for sort of a “field test” with their data gathering. After approximately 5 days they return half broken and have a corrupt A.i in their system.
-After fixing their code a bit I noticed a some of their codes are missing although minor its a bit worrying
- their face is broken, I was planning on changing their face anyways so this doesn’t bother me
-They’re still cheerful as ever when i talk to them
-Although they seem to be something bothering them but when i ask about it they shrugged it off perhaps they’re still processing what happened?(having another A.i suddenly popping up in their system out of nowhere probably spook them a bit)
-Saying i ' m surprised by this development is a fucking understatement
-I mean how the hell does a protocol have their own processing unit???code???sentient???
-I actually don't know how it happened. It's possible that I might’ve copy-pasted some code when I was doing this but god this a mess,this is what I get for pulling an all-nighter modifying Dweebo and not double checking.
-When I opened its code half of it is either missing or corrupted,I was able to fix it
-The more surprising is it personality,when i turn it on the first thing it did demanding where they are, honestly it’s amusing seeing them trying to be intimidating
-After they calm down they seem to be confused(?) but tries to hide it
-While this is very unexpected, I like them i hope they get along with Dweebo
Added stuff
-I decided for them to stay together mostly because I don’t know how to separate them without causing anymore problems and i have some studying to do so that have to wait
-They can swap on who’s will be present or “in control”
-I gave them a way to transmit each other messages without them saying out loud
-Although I haven’t figured out how to make them share perspective,they can only share audio for now
-I also decided to add a stress meter mostly because I noticed CHA05.exe seems to be more emotional?(Can these A.i emulate such a thing?) and it gives an alert if any of them reach above 90% cuz their processors might start to overheat or some shit
-I also recommend for both of them not always active for 24 hours and one of them have to be put on rest mode I don’t know what will happen to their processors if both of them are active all day.
Anyways thats all i m writing,too tired need sleep
[REDACTED] signing out
(DW33B0.exe and CHA05.exe is now available for asking)
System instability:15%
System instability:15%
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ascendantevolution · 27 days
Spiritual Transformation —> Transmutation: The Purpose of Pain (Copy)
I do a tarot and oracle card reading every morning as a way to connect with Spirit. My card reading this morning was in response to the question, “What do I have left to heal in myself?”
One of the cards that popped up this morning was a Pluto card, which points to 1) darkness being an essential part of balance in the cosmos, and 2) there were things that I needed to resolve in myself that I was not seeing. I was prompted by my Guides to pull tarot for this card to get some clarification and assistance.
Before I could begin pulling tarot cards, Spirit and my Guides began to speak to me: I have wounds, which I thought were healed, still causing me pain. I was shown shadowy fragments lodged in my chakras and light body, fragments of control, fragments of judgment, fragments that have silenced me my whole life. It doesn't matter who the fragments were from. What does matter is that they have been lodged in me since childhood, leaving me feeling disempowered on a very deep level. Of this, I was unaware. Forever will I continue to be humbled.
Eating my words, my feelings, my needs my whole life ultimately led me down a path to self-destruction. I often call this my Great Annihilation. It was my Phoenix moment. The ultimate Tower moment. A complete shattering of the self. The Dark Night of the Soul.
It has been seven years since my rebirthing process began. It has been a period of serious transformation. But, even as I write the word transformation, it no longer accurately describes my process. I had to be re-membered, as in putting the members of myself back together piece-by-piece. However, before that re-membering could happen, I had to stand in a metaphorical fire and let it burn away all of the parts of me that had become necrotic. Let me be clear: The pain I felt in that fire was nothing compared to the pain caused by the necrotic parts that leached self-hate into my system for years. I absolutely loathed who I was.
So, my rebirth was not a transformation as much as a transmutation. I am no longer THAT person - who I was - anymore. Just as our physiology regenerates every so many years at the cellular level, I have regenerated. I am truly a new version of me.
These past years have been a slow building upon the newly forged, re-membered, transmuted me. In that process, my spiritual world, which I had rejected for decades - out of fear of being rejected, called “crazy,” and because some otherworldly beings can be flatout terrifying to deal with - opened up. Spirit is with me everyday now. The Angels work with me everyday. My Guides talk to me all day, every day.
As a result of my card reading this morning, my Spirit Team led me through an amazing energetic healing process. When it was all said and done, before I came out of that space where my energetic healing happened, before I opened my eyes, I was shown in the clearest of terms the purpose of it all.
Why the wounds? Why the pain?
Our open wounds compel us to move somewhere. The pain makes us move. We have free will, though, which means that we get to choose how we want to proceed. Will we face the pain and grow as a result of processing it? Will the intensity of the pain paralyze us at the mouth of our path? Will we take two shots of whiskey and amble down the path with our earbuds blaring gangsta rap so that we are distracted and don’t have to deal with it? (Not advised - I tried this, and it is always THE most losing proposition).
There is no escaping the pain because there is no escaping Earth School. We are here to grow and learn. Period.
Here’s the deal: If we listen to the pain, it becomes one of our greatest guides and teachers. Our open wounds lead us where we need to go. The journey through the pain requires incredible courage because we have to experience it fully as we move through memories and traumas, through all shapes and sizes of the wounds that have been the result.   However, experiencing the pain endlessly, sometimes driven by feelings of shame and guilt, or because we have been taught to be comfortable with these feelings, perhaps even deserving of them, becomes a neverending feedback loop of misery. Self-flagellation forever is not the goal. Integration and gratitude for the learning is the goal.
Remaining in the mire prevents our wounds from closing. I have been shown that, once we land firmly in the learning, after we have fully embraced the suppressed or avoided emotions that needed healing, we must consciously choose to extract ourselves from the mire. We need to let the wounds dry out so that they can scab over and finally heal.
When the pain no longer serves, unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness, and grace become our balm. Free will, Baby - we get to choose that for ourselves. Pull out the poison. Cauterize the wound. Call in the Angels to seal it with Light and Love.
Then stand back and look at the scar with love and admiration. Tell yourself, with loving pride, “I DID that. I survived that shit!” That scar is a beautiful reminder of
the sacred journey
. Let it become a source of empowerment and wisdom to guide your future days as well as to benefit others.
Originally written in the Spring of 2021.
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fanby-fckry · 1 month
Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game
Thank you for the ask!
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
Hmm, I’m gonna say 8. I actually do enjoy editing quite a bit.
In the earlier stages, I can find placeholders which are usually pretty funny, and even barring that, I just kinda like it.
There are definitely times where I get too into my own head on something, or when spellcheck/grammarcheck are annoying, but more often than not, it’s nice.
Idk if HTML formatting counts as part of editing, but I like doing that, too. It’s a little monotonous sometimes, but it gives me a chance to reread my work because I manually add HTML to my google doc in order to copy-paste it to AO3. (Is there a better way to do that? Probably. But I like my way. :P)
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
When I first reblogged this, I thought this meant like… character lore, not my lore, but after rereading, I’m pretty sure it means me?
Hmm… How about a 2 in 1?
I mentioned UH3!Alastor’s father recently – how he was an on-again-off-again presence in Alastor’s life while he was young, and how this contributed to Alastor developing BPD symptoms.
This is based on my own relationship with my father! Unlike Alastor’s parents, my parents were married – were, they’re now happily divorced – and living together, but my father was very much an absent father despite that.
Content Warning: child abuse/child endangerment, both real and fictional
My father worked a lot during my early childhood, and it seemed like when he came home, it was basically just to yell at the rest of us or enforce some kind of control/punishment.
He also used to just leave me places when I upset him. Oh, you’re 11 years old and being “disrespectful” in my car? Pulling over now. Get out and walk. Doesn’t matter if we’re in another town hours from home. This makes you a target for stranger abductions? Shoulda thought of that before you talked back (read: said “no,” cried, asked for clarification, tried to withdraw from the conversation, etc.).
I honestly think that I would have less abandonment issues and possibly not have BPD at all if my dad had fucked off permanently when I was a baby rather than sticking around and being a dick about it.
I’m writing Alastor’s situation as being very similar. He would probably be less fucked up if he was raised exclusively by his mother, but nope! His father pops in every now and again to be a negative presence in his life. And then seals the deal on Al’s abandonment issues by finally fucking off for good only once Alastor is old enough to register it.
Also, the dude definitely left baby Al in the woods on at least one of those hunting trips Alastor mentioned in Bloodlust and Butterflies. Just got pissed off and left.
And I don’t think Alastor told his mother because he didn’t want to bother her with it.
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mmorgali · 2 years
Illustrator keyboard shortcuts pdf
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So, maybe there are some programs, drivers in use that are different in some Win 10 machines that are used by MaPublisher or Illustrator. Some people I report they have no such problem with WIN 10. I would like to completely reinstall windows and everything (takes a lot of time), but I am not sure if it works. – different keyboard layout and language (Estonian currently) – I have tried changing locale in Mapublisher preferences – I have tried MP versions 10.2 and 10.3 and illustrator versions 2017, 20 As soon as MP is uninstalled, everything works fine. So the menus are sort of acting like different program or window. Tools and File,Edit,… menus are not making this problem appear. Only exception seems to be Libraries menu (!). This problem is active in all documents all the the time as soon as I click on any menus inside Illustrator (does not matter if Layers or Map Views or Paragraph styles or Mapublisher tools) all shortcuts are disabled until I click at the general area of artwork. Keyboard shortcuts don’t allow multiple commands, so you’ll need to record an action and bind it to the specific F key you want (Figure.jpg).This topic already went through Avenza support, we tries couple of things with no result. That’s two commands and four keys to hit. To clone an object, you must copy a shape (Command-C or Control-C) and then paste it in front (Command-F or Control-F).
F2 is Release Clipping Mask (Option-Command-7 or Alt-Control-7).
F1 is Make Clipping Mask (Command-7 or Control-7).
Here are twelve shortcuts and two actions I’ve assigned to F keys in order to ease my workflow and save time. How you ultimately use these features will depend greatly on what type of work you’ll be creating, but when it comes to building vector graphics, I have customized a handful of commands to make routine tasks easier. If you don’t do this Illustrator won’t retain them the next time you open the application. Make sure to save your action set by going to the fly-out menu in the top-right corner of the Actions panel and clicking on Save Actions. You now have a customized action at the ready. Once done, click Stop in the Actions palette. (Remember that not all functions in Illustrator are recordable.)
In the pop-up window that opens, name your action, assign it to an action set (mine is GS Actions), then bind your action to an F key, and click Record > Proceed to compile the series of commands you want to record (see Figure.jpg). On the Actions panel, click the fly-out menu in the top-right corner. To create an action, go to Window > Actions. Click Save, and your keyboard shortcut is ready to use. Illustrator will tell you if the key is already assigned, and you can decide to ignore or override it. Select a specific tool or menu command, and then enter in the key you want the task to be assigned to. To create your own keyboard shortcuts, go to Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts > Select, and pick either Tools or Menu Command from the pulldown menu in the pop-up window. How to Create Your Own Keyboard Shortcuts
Anything you do routinely is a good candidate for an action.įor example, I have an action that converts all text to paths and then saves my artwork out as a PDF onto my desktop so I can email a design to a client. The best way to determine how you can best use actions is to simply experiment. The end result gives you a one button push, that can run a series of commands instantly, which obviously saves time. Once you are done recording, you can assign the recording to a specific key command. In those cases, actions are your best bet.Īctions allow you to record multiple keyboard commands. Not all functions in Illustrator allow you to add a shortcut command, though. They help make your workflow more efficient. Keyboard shortcuts are just what they sound like: the ability to use a key command instead of hunting down the command in a pulldown menu. The ability to customize your own keyboard commands and create actions in Adobe Illustrator are, in my opinion, two of Illustrator’s most underrated features.
We've also included the AI file Von is using in the video so you can follow along (file is for education purposes only):Ĭlick here to download the reference file Implementing the information in this video could easily cut 20% of the time off projects in Adobe Illustrator.
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to save a ton of time in Illustrator by creating and leveraging smart keyboard shortcuts.
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ggchamo · 2 years
How I learned to love Mess: my Kingdom Hearts III review
These past few weeks, I’ve learned that sometimes you have to love what a piece of art is trying to do, and love the spirit behind it. Can intention and spirit be more important than execution? Kingdom Hearts III taught me to stop caring and embrace the mess. I think what’s important to define about mess is that it feels like it needs to be organized or in some way fixed. Whether it be Marie Kondo giving you the tools to organize your life, or in how many people video games, movies, and TV as pieces of content that could be improved through criticism and feedback. I’ve been in that world a lot, trying to organize my own life through self-help videos and also learning how to give and receive criticism at work and other spaces. While well-meaning, I’ve learned that it can potentially make it hard to enjoy certain things.
To say that there was hype for Kingdom Hearts III for me, would be oversimplifying the unique experience of being a young video game nerd that has always done more watching than playing. When the original Kingdom Hearts games out in the early aughts, I didn’t have the resources to play the big fancy 3D console games, but I did have Disney Adventures. 
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My young old self picked up the February 2004 copy of Disney Adventures in the Walmart checkout and was whisked away to the fantasy of having a PS2. Kingdom Hearts was my GOAT game - a large scale adventure game set in all my favorite Disney movies. As a young immigrant, all I knew of American pop culture was cartoons and Disney movies.
Cartoons were everything to me when no one else at school could understand me - I even learned English by watching SpongeBob and Disney Channel. Kingdom Hearts was the epitome of what I was into back then, and I was obsessed. There were no prospects for me getting a PS2, that shit cost like $300 and no way my parents were gonna go for that. So I fantasized, read reviews online and watched people play video games like that for most of my young childhood. Over 10 years later, privilege has gifted me the opportunity to buy the sequel 10 years in the making, Kingdom Hearts III.
So if you don’t know what Kingdom Hearts is, the only way I can describe it is a multi-layered and complex universe in which somehow there are some fantasy characters who go to Disney worlds. Knowing nothing, I tried (with absolutely no success) to prepare by watching one or two summary videos on the complex, multi-tiered, Disney universes that the 13 different games had created.  Of course, they made no sense so I ignored that shit and booted the game up on Day One. 
So after five hours, I made the unconscious decision to move on to something else. 5 months later, I gave the game a second chance and played almost 30 hours in two weeks. What changed? I started loving mess.
Playing the game for the first time:
The game is drop-dead gorgeous - it starts with this beautiful opening cinematic featuring these perfectly animated extremely-good lucking Anime bois playing chess (okay…..) and has some of the stylish menus I’ve ever seen. This is when the mess started - I start a save new file and then watch a cutscene for about 20 mins. Dope, I am ready. I then take control of Sora, who controls like a gun on a scooter, and am given a text pop up with details on mechanics without context. Sweet.
Then, I am then thrust into another 20 minutes of exposition on the complicated lore of the game through referencing characters outside of the scene, as well as recapping things that just happened. Alright.
After about an hour of exposition and set up, I can choose to go to one the most iconic Disney worlds ever - Toy Story! OKAY. - the 10 year old me is screaming.
As soon as it starts, I am shocked to see that the gorgeous level is mostly empty and very confusing to navigate. I decide to take a break because something felt wrong. I come back and the confusion kept coming “Where do I need to go? Why did they just interrupt me mid-fight for a long cutscene?” After another 3 hours, one of which was getting lost in the Tangled world’s lifeless green world, I put the game down for four months. 
I left with a bad taste in my mouth, and perhaps even worse - a super forgettable experience! I had so much to complain about: incoherent cut scenes, uninspired and confusing level layouts, and literally dozens of half-baked mechanics that felt like boring when compared to the much more flashy and exciting combat. 
Flash forward 4 months. After watching Season 8 of Game of Thrones, a rushed and disorganized end to what I used to consider the perfect TV show, I started to understand that sometimes you have to let go of expectations.
After my realization:
Once I turned my critical brain off and started enjoying the animations, the story, and the environment, I found myself looking past the game’s obvious flaws, learning to love the intention and spirit as opposed to only focusing on what could be improved. Controlling the main character is a guessing game as to where the game’s camera will go and where my hits will land, and enemies (specially big bosses) sometimes teleport around and reappear behind you, which makes fights feel like DBZ-esque fights that feel like the tides could turn at any moment. While annoying from a gameplay perspective, the fights look like gorgeous chaos, with complicated animations and flashy graphics. 
Of course, I have some legit criticisms that can’t be wished away by being nicer to the game - levels are boringly linear and sometimes have unclear objectives. Oftentimes, the worlds feel empty and "samey" throughout, which makes the game feel like a relic of the past but with today’s technology - a PS2 game made for the late PS4 generation.
 There are some forced elements in the game that seem frustrating and out of place for today - i’m thinking about the gummi ship, the linear levels that look so fucking samey (Arendelle and Corona worlds) and the aspects of getting control of Sora for a moment and then all of a sudden being in another cut scene. But the game has so much charm, polish, and heart - it’s almost as tho they forgot to check if the game all worked together before shipping it. 
Overall, this game might be the best example of a super polished game that had so much effort and love put it into it and still came out like a mess. It's almost as tho two different teams made the game and they forgot to talk until the last moment, when it was way too late to make any significant changes. Looking through the credits, I saw that they had separate directors for Story, Presentation, Combat, Levels and so on… but playing the game felt as though all these directors never really sat together when developing the game. The lack of cohesion made a game that was much greater than the sum of its parts, where focusing on any individual part of the game e.g. graphics, gameplay, music, is not particularly engaging, but as a whole it makes a game that really resonated with me and tugged at my heart strings.
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mavrintarou · 2 years
Once Again [side story]
Just a little side story because I can't quite let it go just yet...
Warnings: e x p l i c t smut (18+)
Read the first six parts here
Suna Rintarou drove you close to madness.
Two months after you’ve given birth to your sons, you had sex for the first time. You felt the discomfort but thought it would go away.
Even though Rin was gentle, afterwards, blood was spotted.
You’ve assured him that was normal, but it wasn’t enough.
A month later, your doctor has also assured him it was safe to have sex again, but Rin has not touched you.
You snatched his phone, throwing him in a confused state and you quickly swung your legs over- straddling him. Your hands lock his wrists down. “Let’s have sex.”
He shakes his head, “how do you know you won’t bleed again?”
“How will we know if we don’t try?”
His eyes narrow at you, something you haven’t seen in a while. “Don’t be smart, I don’t want to hurt you.”
You release his wrists and cup his face, leaning down to kiss him softly, “you won’t hurt me, I know that. You know that.” His lips move hungrily against yours; he had refused to touch you intimately fearing he might cave in.
You pulled away, lips just barely away. Even though his eyes are shut, his lips still tried to find yours. He denies how his sons are carbon copies of him, saying they look like you but at this moment, he looks just like your sons try to find your nipple to suckle while sleeping. He’s clearly touch starved.
You stop teasing him and kiss him again, “please, make love to me.”
“Fine,” he half growls and begs, “but you take top, if its too much- we stop. Got it?”
You nod your head excitedly and pull off your clothes. You scramble to tug his boxers off. His cock lively and rock hard. You fondle his sacks, massaging them in your palm.
He tensed, “fu- fuck don’t do that.”
When you were about to take him in your mouth, he grips your jaw, “no- as much as I’d like that, I want to be inside of you.” He breathes, “it’s been too long.”
Your lips curve upward, you weren’t going to deny him. You crawled up and raised yourself, aligning his cock to your core before you lightly lowering yourself, only impaling the thick tip. Your breath hitched and Rin’s grip tightens around your thighs.
“I’m okay,” you assured breathlessly.
Only the tip made it past your entrance, and you relax to allow your walls to expand and mold around his cock as you lower yourself down until you’ve taken him completely.
Rin releases the breath he’s been holding, his large hand rubs your thighs, “are y-you okay?”
You pressed a hand against your tummy, the tummy that was no longer flat like before you became pregnant, you had extra skin that you’ve accepted will be permanent. “I’m fine, we’ll take it slow. Okay?”
He swallows and nod his head.
You slowly rock your hips, gaining a motion. With a few rocks, the ache and stings went away.
Beneath, you can feel his legs twitching to thrust inside of you, take control.
Your heavy tits jiggled as you rocked your hips and Rin reaches for them, gently squeezing them until pearly white beads formed at the tip of your nipple.
“Let’s switch,” he breathes, “if- if it’s okay.”
He doesn’t wait for you to answer and before you knew it, you were on your back. He adjusts your legs but never once pulling out of your pussy.
His gaze is on your tits and he looks at you curiously, swallowing before asking, “can I suck on them?”
You nod your head, watching him waste no time to swoop down and take a perky nipple into his mouth. His hot tongue lapping and teasing within his mouth. His hand massages the other side, tugging and squeezing until milk dribbles out.
He pulls back, letting your tit go with a pop. You comb his hair with your fingers as he tells you, “no wonder those two are always want your tits.” He licks the trail of dripped milk, “good thing we got them formula, it’s my turn now.” He latches on the other side and suckles.
You were used to having one son suckling on each breast at feeding time but to have your husband feed off from you was a different sensation.
His cock twitches inside of you and you rock your hips beneath him.
With his mouth still suckling at your breast, his hips thrust shallowly at first before it fastens and deepens.
You whisper his name, remembering the kids are sleeping across the hall.
He releases your breast with another pop and towers over you and smacking his hips harder into yours.
“Fuck, I miss this. I miss you. Miss your pussy so fucken much.” His vulgar mouth never ceases to amaze you during sex.
“Rin,” you touch his face, “cum with me.”
His mouth kisses yours at the moment he cums, filling you full.
He lips pulls away to rest his forehead against yours as you both control your breathing.
“You were quiet.” He notes.
You turn away with a scoff and his head buries into your neck. “I have to, the kids are sleeping.”
Rin hums against your neck with a chuckle, “forgot about them for a second.”
You slap his arm gently. “We should be thankful none of them woke up.”
Rin immediately sits up and fondles your tits again. “How fast do you regenerate milk?”
You cover your mouth as you giggle, “why?”
He looks at you obviously, “because I want more?”
. . .
> > > @exaltedvalkyrie @yoitsseulgi @call-me-lulu @stffychn @allycalo-blog @sassy-cat-in-town @rintamours @misssugarless @kamalymaly @pluviophilefangirl @icelyn20 @samkysnks @multi-fandom-fanfic @jojowantstocry @purehoneydollop @otaku-explosion @boosyboo9206 @beidouluvr @heizenka @etherealtsukkishima @gojothealaskaboyph @shawkneecaps @heizenka @stargirl2898 @amarinthe
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zodiakuroo · 3 years
18+, eren jaeger x fem!reader
part two of pierced
inspired by the 'big stick' scene from jawbreaker (iykyk)
wc: 3.7k
contains: mild dubcon, light dom/sub, ball play, choking, dumbification, degradation, spit, creampie
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Eren can’t help but admire you from the doorway of your shared bedroom. One would think, that after 30 days of edging, you would learn not to be such a fucking tease. But here you are flitting around the kitchen in nothing but one of his t-shirts and a frilly pair of lilac panties.
‘Stop being a perv. It’s hot out.’ You don’t have to say it. The ‘you’ in his head is already chastising him for the lascivious nature of his thoughts.
The ‘you’ in his head is also already bent over the granite top counter, panties long discarded, presenting yourself to him, begging ‘Please Eren. Fuck me.’
He can’t help it. Everyday he’s found himself face to face with your cute little pussy, absolutely begging to get filled and not being able to do anything about it. It’s not his fault that when he sees you wearing next to nothing, he just wants to stick his cock in you.
Except it’s entirely his fault.
That’s why even though you can feel the weight of his stare as you move around the kitchen, you don’t even spare a glance in his direction.
If there’s one thing these last few weeks have taught you, its willpower. And thanks to your newfound self-discipline you’re able to resist the urge to pounce on him when your boyfriend pulls your back against the solid wall of his chest. “Baby.” He rasps. “I’m all healed up.”
The statement makes goosebumps appear on your skin despite the sweltering heat but other than that, you show no signs of exactly how pent up you are.
Eren made you swear not to touch yourself whining about how unfair it would be and how he would really appreciate your support in his hour of need. Yes he used those exact words. You kept your promise but not without intending to receive payback. It was only a matter of how. The idea hadn’t come to you yet.
“Really?” You don’t even bother to turn around, pushing past him. Partly as a way to tease him but also because you don’t trust yourself to be able to resist him once you get a good look at him. From his scent alone you can tell he’s fresh from a shower and that’s when he’s the most dangerous. He smells cool and fresh like his shower gel, spicy and warm like his aftershave and fruity and floral like his your shampoo. It’s hypnotic.
The trance is broken when he pulls you even closer to him, grinding his bulge into your backside.
“Stop buying that 2-in-1 shit if you’re gonna use mine all the time anyways.” You grumble.
Revenge first. Dick second. The voice in your head reminds you.
You wriggle out of his hold, remembering why you came into the kitchen in the first place. You breathe a sigh of relief as you open the freezer door, the cold air providing a brief reprieve from the near suffocating heat of your apartment. Once you’ve obtained your target; a cherry popsicle hidden behind some ice packs and frozen peas, you finally take a look at your tormentor.
“Babe c’mon.” Eren persists.
He looks good. Unfairly good considering the fact that he’s not even trying. Fresh from the shower, he has on a worn out white t-shirt, stretched around the neckline which gives you a mouthwatering look at his perfectly sculpted collarbones and no more than the top of his pecs that peak out above the seam. His grey athletic shorts hang low on his hips and outline his print a little too well so you know he’s not wearing boxers. Eren hasn’t bothered to tie up his long hair leaving the damp tendrils dangling above his shoulders with a few stray strands framing his handsome face. He’s putting up a nonchalant front but the tick in his eyebrow gives his irritated disposition away.
Surely he didn’t believe that you would let him have his way with you that easily.
Except he did. Because under most circumstances he would. But today, your own stubbornness (only marginally) drowns out your desire for your Adonis of a boyfriend so you push past him into the lounge, plopping down on the couch with a dramatic sigh.
“Later.” You bring the frozen treat to your lips. “It’s so hot.” Again, Eren tries to keep his face expressionless but you easily spot the way he clenches his jaw as his gaze fixes itself onto your mouth.
You close your eyes, enjoying the sweet cherry taste and cool sensation that spreads throughout your body.
“On second thought,” You start, as a mischievous grin spreads across your face. “There is something else I’d rather have in my mouth.”
“Yeah?” Eren dons a matching smirk and stalks his way over to you, sitting down so that you can straddle him. “Tempting but honestly, your mouth isn’t what I had in mind.” His voice trails off, large hands moving down to cup your ass, giving the soft flesh a squeeze for good measure. But before he can take it any further you’re already manoeuvring your way between his knees.
“Oh. You don’t want me to suck your cock?” You pout, resting your head against his thigh, trying your best to sound disappointed.
Eren swallows whatever argument he was about to present when he sees your pretty eyes, shaded by fluttering lashes looking up at him with the tip of the crimson popsicle pressed against your sinful mouth. The same sinful mouth he’s been dreaming about for a month.
“Yeah, okay.” He grumbles while you watch him pull his already half hard cock out of his bottoms. It’s so pretty and long, perfectly thick in all the right places, decorated at the tip with a vertical running titanium barbell.
He’s got a hand around his base, waiting for you to replace the sweet treat in your mouth with his aching cock but much to his dismay your attention is drawn a little lower.
The sight of his plush balls all swollen and full of cum proves to be too much for you to resist. He shudders when your cold lips press against the taut skin. You know he’s sensitive from being so backed up. That’s why he starts panting as you leave wet kisses on his sac, leaving your saliva all over it while his shaft grows harder above you.
“Hold this for me.” You pass him your popsicle, that is slowly starting to melt which he takes in his free hand.
“Okay can you just- fuck.” One more kiss, right on the shiny metal of his newly healed piercing, shuts him up quickly.
Your own hands find their place on his thighs. You dip your head down again and take one of his balls in his mouth massaging it with your tongue.
“Christ.” He groans, slowly jerking himself off while you worship his balls.
“Oh poor baby…. so full.” You murmur letting go of the left to suck on the right one, savouring the weight of them.
“Yeah.” His voice is about a whole octave higher than usual. “Hurts.” He scrunches up his face when you let go of his ball with a pop.
“I bet.” You giggle. Eren is now at full mast, veiny shaft resting against his abdomen, dribbling precum which coats the shiny piercing that crowns his angry-red tip. His wrist flicks ever so elegantly as his hand moves languidly up and down, up and down, up and-”
“Princess.” Your boyfriend whines, yanking you out of your daze. “Enough with the teasing. You wanted to suck me off. Do it already.”
You resist the urge to roll your eyes, not losing sight of your revenge plot.
“Baby,” You pout. “I really want to but-” It’s so hard to bite back your laugh. “But I don’t remember how.”
“Wait what?” His hand stops right in his tracks, brows furrowed in confusion.
“It’s been so long. Can you show me?”
Eren’s expression goes from perplexed to vicious but you don’t budge, blinking up at him with wide innocent eyes.
“How?” He huffs impatiently. It’s funny actually, seeing him struggle to tolerate a fraction of his own bitter medicine.
Your eyes shift to the frozen treat still in his hand that’s starting to drip down his knuckles. “I’m a visual learner.”
He moves like he’s about to stand up but you won’t make it that easy for him. “Please, Rennie? Please teach me how to suck your cock?”
As much as Eren has you wrapped around his finger, he’s just as whipped for you. So when you look at him with those sparkly eyes and call him the pet name he swears he hates but brings him to his knees when you use it, you know you have him.
Hook, line and sinker.
You use your thumb and middle finger to make a circle around his base, positioning yourself eye level with his leaking slit.
His tongue peaks out cautiously, eyes trained on yours as he flicks it across the tip, testing the waters. Immediately you follow suit, tasting his precum for the first time in so long. His hips buck off the couch, chasing the gone-too-soon sensation but you dig your nails into his thigh, reminding him who’s in control right now.
You quirk your brow at him, making sure he understands what you want.
How many times have you found yourself in this exact position: sitting between your boyfriend’s thighs while he looks down at you, both of you equally as lust drunk as the other. But this time he’s the one panting and whimpering while you have your turn to torture him.
Eren doesn’t like it. Not one bit. He wants to smack that smug little grin right off your face but instead he pulls at your hair, tugging right at the roots and making you yelp in pain. Now you’re scowling. But it’s hard to look at all intimidating sitting beneath him with your head tilted at such an awkward angle. He doesn’t miss the way your thighs clench together either.
Never breaking eye contact, he uses the flat of his tongue to lick a broad stripe up the length of the popsicle. You squirm in place, remembering how it feels to have him lick across your cunt exactly like that.
Fine. He’d play along with your little game. But on his own terms.
You lean forward to copy him but the hand holding your head keeps you in place. Without looking away, Eren launches a glob of spit onto the already drippy ice-cream before licking it away. It’s that simple for him to put a crack in your domineering façade and have you whimpering right at his feet as per usual.
The corners of his lips twitch as a silent challenge to you.
Never one to back down, you use your tongue to trace the vein that runs along the underside of his cock, feeling it pulsate. As you get closer to his prince Albert, you can’t hold back from swirling the wet muscle around the cold metal.
A soft whimper escapes his lips as you pull away, keeping your mouth agape, looking up at him expectantly.
It’s silent for a moment before Eren realises what you’re wordlessly pleading for. “Fucking slut.” He mutters, almost amazed before he gathers more of his saliva to drop into your mouth with a loud khwa pto echoing throughout the quiet apartment.
You close your mouth with a satisfied smile, savouring the taste of sweet, tart cherry and a flavour that is uniquely Eren, letting it mingle with your own saliva before spitting it on to his cock. You use your tongue to spread the wetness all along the shaft, leaving it covered in slick sheen.
“So fuckin’ nasty.” He groans, moving his hand from your head to push his own hair out of his face, not wanting anything to obstruct his view of you right now.
You feel the way his thigh twitches under your palm every time you come even close to his puffy cockhead and your tongue brushes across the sensitive piercing. The idea that you have him like this, desperate and whining, after weeks of him toying with you is exhilarating to say the least.
You have to rein yourself in before you end the fun too soon.
Reluctantly, you pull away and patiently await your next command.
You know what he wants next and so does he but Eren can’t help but feel self-conscious.
Of course, he loves the way you look when you’re going down him. His gallery is filled with pictures of you with your eyes filled to the brim with tears and your lips stretched impossibly wide around his girth. When you’re not around he gets off to the videos him fucking your face, relishing in the way you gag while you try to accommodate him in your throat. He doesn’t think he could ever measure up to how sexy you look with your pupils blown, lips all swollen and your spit dripping down your chin.
But just like you, he’s never been one to back down from a challenge.
Ever so slowly, he opens his mouth and latches on to the blunt top of the popsicle. His plump lips form a perfect O-shaped pout, stained beautiful crimson from the fruit juice. Your gaze is transfixed on his face, the sharp lines and edges tinted with an uncharacteristic blush as his cheeks hollow out, to suck it in deeper.
“So pretty baby.” You breathe out.
He shudders as the cool air fans out across his wet skin.
“Yeah? ‘m pretty?” He smirks, using his free hand to drag his cock across your face, smearing his precum on your lips. “Show me how you treat pretty boys. Please?”
And how could you deny him?
Centimeter by centimeter, you pull him in. Only the first few inches, get to enjoy the warm, slippery cavern of your mouth while the rest of him has to make do with the soft skin of your hand gliding up, down and around.
“Fucking take it inside. Christ.” He groans, frustration evident as he glares down at you.
You simply shake your head a ‘no’, far too content with the taste and the weight of him in your mouth to stop suckling at his cock. If he wants more, he knows what he has to do.
The frozen treat is back between his lips and far too quickly, with not enough thought he pushes it inside as far as it can go until his gag reflex forces him to abort his mission, sputtering out red-coloured saliva.
You pull off of him as you erupt into a fit of giggles.
Eren takes advantage of the fact that you’re unguarded and in a matter of seconds he has you pinned to the floor. The poor popsicle is left in a sad, melting puddle on your couch while his long, sticky fingers circle around both of your wrists, the other hand keeping a harsh grip on your jaw.
Yeah. Not laughing now, are you?
“Was that funny to you princess?” He questions you, almost daring you to hit back.
Knowing when to quit was never one of your strong points.
“Not funny.” You say despite your giddy smile. “My pretty boy just needs more practice.” You snicker.
You’re pushing his buttons on purpose now. At best, you expect some degrading words fitting of your bratty attitude. At worst, you expect the sting of his palm to come down against the side of your face, reminding you of your place.
What you don’t expect is a wry chuckle before he says, “I forgot how bitchy you get when you don’t get stuffed full of cock enough.”
Eren frees your hands in favour of placing both of his on your knees. He spreads apart your legs as wide as they can go, dragging his coarse palms up and up to rest at the apex of your thighs. He flicks up the hem of your shirt to reveal to him the crotch of your panties that's soaked through with your arousal. He pulls them to the side to expose your cunt to him. Eren barely stops himself from tearing the flimsy fabric right off your body and only because he thinks they're pretty and wants to see you wear them again.
He can smell you. But he suppresses the desire to bury his face between your pillowy thighs for as long as you’ll let him. He knows that’s not what either of you really want.
“This needy pussy been missing me?” He coos, keeping his voice sugary sweet and dripping with condescension. He grinds his pierced tip all along your cunt, dipping under your hood to press right against your clit.
You feel it before you realise what’s happening; the burn of his fat head of his cock prodding at your tiny hole, forcing it to stretch around him.
“Jesus fuck- ‘s tight.” He grits out, managing to pop just the tip in.
Tears gather at your waterline as he impales you further and further on his cock, reintroducing your insides to him and his newest body mod. The bulb of the piercing drags deliciously over every bump and ridge that lines your walls. It just keeps going and going until it’s all too much.
Instinctively, your hand flies to Eren’s abdomen, fingers splaying across his tummy. You want to ask him to stop or wait or at the very least prep you. But you’re just so full.
He’s not even all the way in and you’re full of him everywhere. Did it feel like this before?
He doesn't give you a chance to remember.
“Move. Your fucking. Hand.” He grunts before moving it for you and sheathing his cock fully in your spasming cunt.
“Fuck Eren. ‘s big.” Your voice breaks as you utter that last word right one Eren fills you to the hilt. Your arms fly to his biceps, squeezing the muscle so tight that you’re certain it hurts him but he doesn’t complain.
No one would believe that mere minutes ago Eren was the one under your thumb. Not when he’s so quickly managed to turn you into a blubbering mess.
“Where’s that smart mouth now?” He mocks you as if he’s doing any better. In reality he’s keeping himself still, with his pressed against yours trying to regain a semblance of control, not wanting this to end so soon.
Slowly, he starts to rock his hips against you and little by little you open up around him, offering less and less resistance. Hand on the bible, he swears he can feel your gooey pussy sucking him in every time he pulls back, almost like it’s begging him to never leave again. Hand on the bible, he swears that he won’t.
“Huh?” He taunts. “Where’s the bitch who thought she could fuck with me?” He emphasises his point with one sharp snap of his hips that hits the bull’s eye.
“Eren! Right there!” You cry out as you back arches up into him but he forces you to stay down by pressing his palm firmly against your sternum.
“Right there?” He mimics your voice, with a high pitched, nasal tone. You can’t even cringe at how it sounds because the feeling of the rounded metal hitting that squishy patch deep inside you with pinpoint accuracy is too overwhelming for you to think about anything else.
“You want me to fuck you here?” His thrusts start to pick up pace. You’re finally getting used to him again and the slick juices from your pussy let’s him move as fast as he wants, as deep as he wants so you he can use his cock to abuse all of your sweet spots
You can’t exactly speak; only nod, as you dig your nails into his shoulders and back, leaving a trail of crescent shaped indents in your wake. The coil at the base of your belly twists tighter, tighter and tighter still as all your nerve endings work overtime to register the way he fills you up completely, the way the metal rubs along all the right spots and the way Eren rams into you like a man possessed.
“Pleasepleasepleaseplease.” Now you’re begging. It’s impossible to stop the fear bubbling in your chest. You’ve become well-acquainted with this feeling. Absolutely drowning in pleasure and right on the edge of an unimaginable peak before having it ripped away. It’s not unreasonable to be worried that Eren might leave you high and dry once again.
He halts his movements the moment he notices the doubt behind your eyes.
Your pleas become more and more frantic, already thinking the worst. “Don’t stop Eren! Please don’t stop.” You sob but go silent when his hand rests itself firmly around your throat.
“Told you.” He punctuates the sentence with one, deep thrust.
“Fuck. What did I say?” He growls as he falls back into the same brutal rhythm that had you teetering on the very brink of an orgasm before.
God above as your witness, you try and answer but all that comes out is a pathetic squeak of his name before he cuts you off completely by squeezing your neck tighter.
“S-said I was gonna fuck you stupid. Right?”
You nod as best you can, head spinning from the lack of air and your orgasm approaching rapidly.
“Now fuckin’ cum for me so I can keep my promise.”
The second his hand meets your clit, you’re a goner. The calloused pad of his thumb rubs the neglected nub with exactly the right pressure to push you over the edge. Every muscle clenches as that tightening coil finally snaps. The intoxicating pleasure that shoots through your body reaches your head at the same time as the pressure on your throat is released, much needed oxygen flooding your brain and prolonging the high.
You wrap your legs around his waist, keeping him deep inside you as cream around his cock. It’s pointless to hold off his release any longer and with nowhere else to go he spills his load deep in your pussy. The feeling of his hot cum seeping into your pussy has you twitching around him, trying to milk every last drop from him.
You may have blacked for a second, eyes fluttering open as Eren gently taps your cheek. His handsome face, all flushed and sweaty comes into focus. Both of you are wearing equally dopey grins as he asks you, “Did it feel as good as I said?”
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marauderundercover · 3 years
Taking Chance Ch. 15: Problem Solving (Last name: Wayne)
Walking into class after lunch break, Marinette keeps her head down. No need to bring attention to the fact that she’s late...again. Sliding into her seat, she breathes a sigh of relief that Mme. Bustier is also late. Probably making copies. Either way, it had saved her from getting in trouble for being late again. Opening her bag to take out her stuff, she winces as Lila’s voice pierces the room.
“And then, he said he missed me so much that he cried!” She exclaims, clutching her hands together and sighing. Marinette rolls her eyes, certain that whoever it is either doesn’t actually know Lila, or doesn’t know Lila. Either way….lie.
“I still can’t believe you’re official with THE Tim Drake!” Alya exclaims. Marinette immediately chokes on air, her entire face turning bright red as she coughs and attempts to catch her breath. It doesn’t help that everyone is suddenly staring at her and waiting to see if she’s okay. The story pops back into her mind. Yeah, sure Lila. Tim Drake is dating you- an annoying little kid. Sure.
“Are you okay?” Rose asks once Marinette finally catches her breath. She smiles awkwardly, not ready for a confrontation with Lila over this, but also wary to let anyone spread this specific rumor.
“Yeah, it’s just-” Marinette pauses and sighs. This wouldn’t be the high road, but she had to watch out for her brother. “I’m just not sure Lila is telling the truth.” Chaos erupts around her. She chances a glance at Adrien, surprised to see his supportive smile. Well, almost. They had gotten closer. And sure, he’s said he liked her in Gotham, but she kinda thought he just blurted it out after seeing she was Ladybug. She wasn’t quite sure if he actually liked her.
“I-I just don’t understand why you hate me!” Lila sobs.
“I don't-” Marinette tries to say. Keyword- tries.
“Girl, you should apologize. Lila's been talking about Tim since before we even went to Gotham! They’re super serious now. They have been for almost two years.” Alya says.
“No they’re not! Do you seriously think an almost twenty year old CEO would date some fifteen year old kid from halfway across the world? I doubt Tim’s ever even been to Italy or France since becoming Co-CEO.” Marinette rambles, knowing with absolute certainty that she was right.
“Marinette! You’re kind of being mean. Lila says-” Rose tries to say.
“Just because Lila said something doesn’t mean it’s true!” Marinette cries, her frustration threatening to overwhelm her.
“Girl, you seriously need to apologize.” Alya says softly. Marinette’s jaw drops.
“For what?” She scoffs, throwing her arms up in exasperation. “For seeing the truth and calling it out? For not bending to Lila’s every whim?”
“For being a bad friend.” Alya says simply. Marinette freezes. A bad friend? Really? Her? A bad friend? How? All she’d ever done was try to be good. To be nice. To be perfect.
“Whatever.” She finally says, standing and grabbing her stuff. She storms out of the room, ignoring the yells of protest from her classmates. She thinks she hears Adrien, but she ignores him too and continues on her rampage past everyone, including Mme. Bustier. She doesn’t stop until she’s in the basement of the school. The only thing down here were a few vending machines. She tries to calm herself down, knowing her anger is unnecessary. But it’s hard.
She wants to let herself be mad, she should be able to be mad about this! She was always trying to be  a good friend and do things for other people and help the class even when she didn’t have time. Even if it meant missing out on sleep or doing something she wants to do, she put them first. Always. But somehow, Lila came out on top. She always comes out on top. They always believed Lila. Always.
“You should leave Marinette, before you attract an akuma.” Tikki says calmly. Marinette blinks, trying to figure out- Oh. Kaalki. Duh. Quickly calling on her transformation, Marinette portals into her room at the manor before a butterfly can come infect her. The second she lands, she calls off her transformation and continues her pacing.
“I’ve always been there for them. Always helped them. Always cared. How is calling Lila out being a bad friend? She’s not even my friend!” Marinette rambles with a huff.
“Maybe you should talk to your family- get their opinions.” Tikki suggests. Marinette starts to turn her down, then realizes she has to say something. Lila’s telling lies about Tim. Lies that could get him in some serious trouble.
“I have to tell Tim! If Alya publishes anything about Lila and Tim he could get in a LOT of trouble.” Marinette rambles, throwing her door open. She blinks in surprise at Tim, standing there frowning with a huge cup of what she assumes is coffee.
“When’d you get here?” He asks, and she can tell he’s much too tired to take this seriously right now.
“I’ll fill you in later, Timmy. Get some sleep.” She says, giving him a quick hug before darting around him and down the stairs. She had to tell someone who could deal with it. Not that she wanted Lila to get in trouble or anything like that, but...she didn’t want them to be able to lie about her family anymore. She’d accept all of those other stupid lies if she just stopped lying about the Waynes.
Running past the ballroom, a sudden movement makes her backtrack and actually glance into the ballroom. Her eyes widen when she notices the movement she caught was Dick….hanging from the chandelier. Of course. Well, he’s not going to be much help, she thinks, shaking her head and turning to try and find someone else. Maybe Mr.- maybe her dad was around. Now if she was a superhero/co-CEO combo where would she spend her free time. She hums, before deciding to check his study. If he wasn’t in there, she’d just go through and check the Batcave. He had to be in one of those places. She knocks on his study door, completely expecting silence, so she’s confused when she hears him call:
“Come in.” She raises an eyebrow. Okay, so he is in the study. Pushing the door open, she smiles at him, rubbing the back of her neck nervously at the brief look of complete and total shock on his face.
“Uh, hi Dad.” She says, rocking back onto her heels nervously. He controls his face quickly, gesturing for her to shut the door.
“Marinette. When did you arrive?” He asks, carefully examining her. She turns red when she realizes- he’s looking for injuries. Since going back to Paris, she hadn’t really communicated with her family unless she was injured or unable to fight. Promising herself to change that, she sits in the chair in front of his desk.
“Five minutes ago, maybe? I’m not sure. I just-” She pauses and frowns, realizing that her emotions almost got the better of her today. She almost let her frustration win. Over something silly. Shaking the thoughts away, she says “I was upset. Lila was lying again and usually I can just ignore her but this time… She was telling everyone that she’s dating Tim, and that they’re really serious and have been for almost two years.” Her dad’s eyebrows twitch slightly.
“Isn’t Lila your age?” He asks.
“Well, she’s already fifteen. But still, it would put Tim in a really bad light if Alya posted it somewhere and knowing Alya, she’s going to post it. Because they all believe Lila. And I tried to explain to them that Tim is quite a bit older than us and he’s an actual CEO and we’re just kids to him and he hasn’t even been in Italy or France and-” She pauses, letting herself take a breath. “I just think it’s wrong for her to lie about my family.”
Bruce tries hard to hide his shock. His daughter, who he’d known for less than two months, came all the way to Gotham because someone lied about Tim. It wasn’t the first time someone lied about the Wayne family, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last time. But the fact that his daughter was so upset that she had to come here...he was not going to let this slide. Wayne manor was a safe place, so he would make sure Marinette was able to breathe and relax a little before going home. And he was going to plan a way to stop the lies, to help Marinette.
“How can I help?” He asks, wanting to help but also wanting to make sure he does not overstep. He had heard her explaining to Damian why she let the girl get away with so many lies- it was an attempt to stop a mass akumatization. Bruce also wanted to avoid something like that, which is why he would follow his daughter’s lead.
“I don’t know! I know if I reveal everything it’s- it’s gonna be bad. I don’t know if we’d be able to handle something like that right now. Two of our temporary holders, people I trust a lot, are out of town. I don’t really trust anyone else and I’m certain we’d need their powers for the fallout from Lila’s kingdom falling.” She explains, bouncing her leg up and down as she glances around the room, possibly to come up with a plan. Bruce knew that he used a similar method when he was younger.
“What about the rumors related to the family? Do you think it would be safe to end those?” He asks, a plan beginning to form. But he’d have to get her permission. It would change many things.
“Well….yes. Yes, I think it would be safe. And even if it wasn’t, I know the fallout wouldn’t be anywhere as bad as if some of the other lies came to light.” She says. Bruce nods.
“Very well. Marinette, I believe I have something that might work, but I’m unsure if you’ll agree.” He says.
“We tell them I’m a Wayne.” Marinette says simply. Bruce blinks in surprise. It had definitely been what he was thinking, but thinking it and hearing his daughter say it out loud as if it was the most simple thing ever, those were two completely different things. He’s silent, trying to gather his words again when Marinette chuckles nervously. “I mean, we could say that I know you guys. Cause that’s not a lie.” She says. He sighs, realizing that his silence may have hurt her.
“Marinette, honey, you’re a Wayne. I want you to be one, and if you do as well, then of course we can tell them. I can even arrange for nondisclosure statements to be signed by the students in your class and the faculty. In case you’re not quite ready for the entire world to know.” He says quietly, hoping his voice is soft enough to reassure her. Her tense shoulders fall as she relaxes, her smile easing back into a natural one. Good. He didn’t mess up this time.
“Can we really do that? I do want to be a Wayne, it’s just. I’m not sure I’m ready for the world to look at me.” She says quietly. At this, he quirks a smile.
“If Adrien Agreste’s father is able to get an entire school to sign NDA’s about the boy’s lunch habits, I’m certain that having them sign an NDA when it’s for your safety will be no issue. Besides, if anyone breaks the NDA with malicious or ill intent, we can sue them.” He says simply.
“Oh, well, suing them seems a bit much.” She mumbles. He’s about to argue, when she shrugs. “But it also makes sense. Let’s do this.” He’s instantly proud of the determined look in her eyes. From saving her city to fighting lying bullies, his daughter was so much stronger than she thought.
Walking into class the following Monday was nerve wracking. It was almost the end of the school year, so she could’ve asked her Dad to wait until the next year to fix it. But she didn’t want to chance Lila lying about Tim all summer. Or anyone else in her family. Lila could use anyone else- even MDC- to get ahead, Marinette didn’t care. But she was done with Lila using her family. Originally, she had wanted to just do it quietly. Tell the teacher and have her pass out the forms. That’s probably how she would have done it too if her brothers hadn’t found out.
Now, her entire family was coming. She was cautious, but they promised to keep their emotions in check while they were in town. And they could always portal out if things got too tense. But, her brothers were drama queens. So it just made sense that they wanted to give her class the papers in person. She suspected Tim also wanted the chance to glare at Lila in person, and she wasn’t about to deny him that.
“Okay class! We have a few guests coming in today. They’ll be here in a couple minutes and I want you all to give them your full attention and respect.” Mme. Bustier announces, clapping her hands to get their attention. Marinette lets out a shaky breath. Here goes nothing. She tunes out the chatter of her classmates, keeping her eyes on the door. Waiting. Watching. Finally, she sees their shadows outside and her leg starts bouncing. Maybe she shouldn’t have let all of them get involved….
“Oh my god! That’s Bruce Wayne!” Alya yells as her family walks in. Marinette winces slightly at the instant fangirling from many of her classmates. She risks a glance at Lila and tries not to laugh at how pale the Italian girl had gotten. In fact, she looked a little green.
“Hello everyone! My name is Bruce Wayne, though I think you all should remember me from your trip to Gotham.” He says with a wide (fake) smile. Marinette wrinkles her nose. She doesn’t like this fake side of her Dad. She’d much rather watch him be overly serious than use that weird fake smile.
“We’ve brought some forms for everyone in this class to sign, as well as the faculty. The rest of the school won’t be required to sign these forms because it is assumed that what we are about to tell you will not go outside of this room.” Tim starts to explain, no coffee in his hand for once. “I know that it will not go outside of this room because these are NDAs, and we can and will take legal action against anyone who tells someone outside of this room about this information.” Everyone is silent, and while Marinette herself feels tense, she notices that most of her class just looks excited. Except Adrien, who was glancing back at her and looking worried. They’d already talked about this, but he was still worried. He seemed to think that this was one of her worst ideas, but honestly, Marinette didn’t care. She wanted to be able to (kind of) openly accept the other half of her family.
“Oh my god, is Tim about to propose?” Alya loudly whispers to Lila. Marinette can’t help it. She snorts. Out loud. Her face instantly heats as the entire room turns to look at her.
“Oh, uh, sorry?” She says, though it’s definitely more of a question than a statement. She wasn’t sorry.
“I am not about to propose. I’m actually not currently seriously seeing anyone, but there is a boy back home who I’ve had a few dates with.” Tim says. Marinette watches as Alya tries to say something, only to be stopped by Nino gently patting her hand and shaking his head. Good. Maybe they’d get through this without anyone getting akumatized. She glances at Lila again, rolling her eyes at the obviously fake upset look on her face. Is she seriously acting like Tim is cheating on her? In front of Tim? How dumb is she?
“I actually came to have everyone sign an NDA since my youngest daughter is in your class.” Her dad says, metaphorically dropping the bomb. He didn’t just drop it though, he chucked it at the class. The effect is immediate, the entire class erupting in whispers. Mme. Bustier tries, without luck, to gain control of the class. Marinette watches as Damian, who looked ready to murder any and all of her classmates, whistles an insanely high pitch. Wincing slightly, she makes eye contact with him and quirks an eyebrow. He shrugs, but it had been successful. The class was silent once again.
“When is she starting here?” Alya asks, obviously going into reporter mode. Marinette makes eye contact with her Dad, watching as he barely quirks an eyebrow, a silent question. One last chance to back out. She nods for him to continue. She wanted this.
“She actually already goes here. She just decided it was time to embrace the Wayne name.” He says, nodding at her. Marinette lets out a grounding breath and stands, quickly moving over to stand by her brothers. She tries to hide her hands behind her back, knowing they’re shaking like crazy. She positions herself between Dick and Jason, instantly able to relax as the feeling of safety washes over her. The class is completely silent, and Marinette isn’t sure if they don’t understand or if they’re in shock. She’s not sure which would be better.
“What?” Alya asks, barely audible.
“Marinette is my daughter, I am her biological father. She’s a Wayne. And you all have been provided with an NDA about her identity, so that she can remain safe and anonymous to the rest of Paris. Your parents have already agreed and signed both their forms and forms giving you all permission to sign a form. They all understand the importance of this secret, and I urge every single one of you to take this seriously.” Her dad says, giving the class another wide (fake) smile. She lays her head on Dick’s arm, relieved that her class instantly starts signing the forms. No outbursts right now, no possible akumas forming. Nothing. It was a relief, it was freeing. She was certain that it was going to come back and bite her- sooner rather than later if the look on Lila’s face was anything to go by- but for right now, everything was calm. And her family was supposed to stay in Paris for another day, so she’d finally be able to let three of her parents meet in person. It was nice. It was safe.
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fantasydaydreamers · 3 years
Aphrodisiac Chocolates Pt.2
Summary: Continuation of Part 1
Words: 2,504
Warnings: Lemon Headcanons/Mini Scenarios
Author’s Note: I copied and pasted the beginning from part one so this can be technically read on it’s own~ Happy Valentine’s Day, dreamers~ I love youuuu😩💕💕💕
Valentine’s was here and you were running around last minute to find a gift for your man. You knew he would find something like that so trivial, but you wanted to get him something. Besides, not like he had any room to say that when you had a feeling he’s going to buy you flowers. The last-minute gift idea probably wasn’t the best move on your end, but you can’t go wrong with some chocolates.
Quickly scanning up and down the isles of the grocery store had you panicking at the empty shelves. Ahh yes…my luck in a nutshell. Sighing, you leave the store realizing this was the third one you came too. Running your hands through your hair, you walk back out into the shopping district and rack your brain for ideas on what to buy him.
The sudden whiff of chocolate had your head whipping up sharply. Your eyes immediately find the source and you quickly send a prayer of thanks before skipping over to the small pop-up stand.
“Hello!” Smiling widely, you look to the girl running the booth as she returns your smile cheekily.
“Hi! Last-minute shopping?” She asks knowingly, a teasing glint in her eye. You nod shamefully and the girl laughs in understanding. “It’s totally fine! That’s why I thought this would be a good idea to set up my own stand today. Not to brag or anything, but I make the best chocolates around.” In the last part, she lifts her hand to her mouth and whispers to you, winking when she finished talking.
“Well, thankfully I found you! I was just about to panic because I already know he got me flowers and I would love to do the same, but what can I say, I like to try and compete with him at this kind of stuff…ah…” You clear your throat noticing that you were rambling. “Anyway, how much for a box of chocolates?”
The girl giggles softly and hands you a wrapped black heart package of chocolates. “Oh, love. You can take these for free. On the house.” Looking up at her in disbelief and reaching for your pocket, she shakes her head and motions for you not to bother.
“Please take it! I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!” She offers you a wide smile and blows you a kiss once you finish thanking her. Sighing in relief that you finally got him a present, you begin to head home to prepare for your romantic evening.
“Happy Valentine’s Day!” You scream, running into your man’s arms as soon as he walks through the door. He catches you easily, hugging you close to his body, the familiar warmth making you sigh in content.
“Happy Valentine’s Day.” He echos, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. Pulling back slightly, he pulls his free hand closer to his body and it was then you noticed the bouquet of flowers he was holding. “I knew it!” You laugh and take them from him gently, smelling the petals.
He blushes slightly and scratches the back of his head. “Do you like them?”
You lean up and peck his lips softly. “Of course I do!” Looking into his eyes so he knows your being serious, you peck his lips again and pull back. “Time for your gift!” You exclaim, running over to the wrapped box of chocolates on the table.
He follows behind and holds out his hands as you place the box in them. “Mystery chocolates? Do not eat more than one?” He reads questionably, eyeing you for confirmation.
“Huh?” Looking down to where he was reading you furrow your eyebrows not noticing that before. “Oh! They probably have different fillings! Go on try one!” You say, not processing the last part, bouncing excitedly on your toes as he unwraps the package, a confused look on his face.
“If you say so.”
You weren't surprised to see Dabi pick the darkest piece of chocolate out of the entire box. His turquoise eyes held yours as he slipped the candy past his lips, his tongue peeking out to lick the smeared chocolate on his thumb from his body heat.
The sight had you shifting your feet, your body heat also rising in degree. Dabi saw your reaction, of course, and smirked, making another show of sticking his thumb in his mouth and hollowing his cheeks.
"Dabi..." You whine softly, breaking his teasing. Dabi releases his thumb and chuckles, reaching out to cup your cheeks. Your hands reach up to hold his wrists to keep his warm hands on your face as you gaze into his soft eyes.
It was one of those rare moments you got to see of him when the two of you were alone. It made your heart flutter with happiness. "Are you going to kiss me?" You ask breathlessly, wetting your lips in anticipation.
"Does my good girl deserve it?"
The dominant shift in his voice had your heart skipping a beat as you felt the space between your legs clench. "Dabi?"
"That's Daddy to you, slut."
You gasp, feeling a hand wrap around your throat, Dabi's eyes darkening significantly. "Looks like my good girl needs to learn some manners first."
→ Type of Chocolate: Daddy Dom - This solid 72% dark cacao chocolate is a bittersweet flavor that's sure to satisfy your tastebuds. This chocolate enhances a person's primal instincts, their true dominant nature shining through. If already a Dom, it may make things more emotionally satisfying. If not, it's more sexually satisfying. It's rare to receive both from a partner, but if you do, good luck. The effect will last for a few hours depending on a person's libido.
→ Dabi: *is thrusting deep inside of you while pulling your hair* "So pretty for me, (Y/n)~ clenching down on me when I pull your hair. You like that?"
→ You: *drool escaping your mouth as your eyes roll back into your head* "Y-yes...daddy~"
A white chocolate piece topped with pink sugar sprinkles caught Shinsou's eye. Popping the whole thing in his mouth, he chews slowly savoring the flavor. "That was good. The inside kinda tasted like oranges?"
Shugging, he pulls you into a hug again, sighing into your hair as he finally gets to relax at home. "Long day...I'm happy I get to come home to you." Shinsou mumbles into your hair.
Or more like...he was nuzzling you.
"Shinsou?" You pull back and almost jump seeing his eyes have changed into slits, widening when you started to pull away. From there, your eyes landed on the purple cat ears emerging from his head, your hand coming up to touch them hesitantly. "Did you get hit by a quirk today?"
Shinsou cocks his head to the side, his cat ears twitching cutely making you coo despite your fear. You pull him into the bathroom, and for the first time in your life, you've never seen Shinsou's eyes get so wide with shock.
"Oh my God. I'm a furry."
You burst out laughing and touch the tip of his ear, a loud purr, similar to a moan left his lips, his face turning red "Don't do that."
The sound made you bite your lip, itching to do it again as heat filled your belly.
"Or what?"
→ Type of Chocolate: Pretty Kitty - A playful white chocolate topped with pink sugared sprinkles is the purrfect combination of a sweet treat. The effect will last until the person develops a strong appetite. For best results: use after eating a full meal for a lasting effect.
→ Shinsou: *is thrusting into you lazily, his tail swishing back and forth as he stares at you with cunning eyes* "Hah~ I wish I knew what this one would do so you could've eaten it-fuck-you'd be so precious as my little kitten~"
→ You: *whining as you tried to get him to go faster, the annoying cat-like grin on his face pissing you off* "God-fucking- speed up Shinsou!"
→ Shinsou: *stops completely* "And develop an appetite so soon? After you teased me? No, no, kitten...I'm taking my time with you tonight."
Aizawa hums and picks up a glossy dark chocolate piece with streaks of red marbling in it, his tired eyes widening when he bites into it. "There's a coffee ganache in the middle, hm." He looks surprisingly satisfied by the taste which made you laugh and roll your eyes.
"You sir," you point your finger into his chest, "need to appreciate the fine art of chocolate more often." Aizawa just rolls his eyes in response and begins to take off his scarves, ready to settle in for the night.
"Wait, did you want to go out or something? Take out?" Aizawa shoots a questioning glance at you making you swoon that he wanted to treat you to dinner. You think about it, realizing you haven't thought that far ahead into the evening.
You turn away for a quick second to go look in the refrigerator to see if there was anything at home. Just because going out seemed like a pain and you really wanted to spend it inside with Aizawa. "Well...it looks like we have enough food here. How about we stay home?"
The lack of response had you turning around only to see Aizawa standing there with a glare on his face, a rope wrapped around his mouth, and his wrists tied together in front. As hilarious as it was, it was also equally as confusing. "What did you just do?"
Trying to hold back your laughter, Aizawa shakes his head in disapproval and manages to point at the chocolates with a finger. Your eyes widen as you read the back of the box and the different chocolates that were inside.
"Ohh..." You softly place the box back down and stare into Aizawa's annoyed gaze. Your embarrassment quickly turns into deviousness as you reach out to grab his bound wrists, pulling him into the bedroom.
"I know what you can eat for dinner."
→ Type of Chocolate: Wrapped Up - This elegant dark chocolate with its hidden coffee flavor will have you tongue-tied in shock. The effect will only last 45 minutes depending on a person's resistance. Use responsibly although this isn't strong enough to have full control. If a person is definite in resisting, it'll wear off immediately.
→ You: *removing the rope around Aizawa's mouth, you place your legs on either side of his head, lowering yourself* "Happy Valentine's Day, Daddy~"
→ Aizawa: *chuckles darkly* "Naughty girl...wait until I have my hands free. You're not going to be able to-nnf!"
Tamaki's delighted eyes landed on a milk chocolate piece with a white chocolate swirl on the top. Picking it up, he bites into it cutely and sighs happily. "Mnf! It has marshmallow inside," he mumbles around the chewy texture.
You laugh at his chubby cheeks, still flustered from you running into his arms earlier, reaching up to poke it. He flushes even more and you giggle at his cute expression. "Awhhh, you look like a little bunny, Tamaki~"
Tamaki swallows the candy and holds you're palm against his warm cheek nuzzling against it. The adoring gaze he was giving you only made you coo even more until you saw something big appear on top of Tamaki's head.
"Oh my God, you look like a bunny," you repeat again, stepping back to look at the purple bunny ears sprouting from the same purple fluffy hair. The seriousness in your voice had Tamaki reaching up to touch his head, eyes widening.
"I-I swear it's not my q-quirk!" Tamaki looks panicked and your eyes shift to the box of chocolates, realization dawning on you. "I can't change it, (Y/n)! What happened?!"
In the middle of Tamaki's panic, you pull him back in and kiss him, your hands coming up to bury in his hair, stroking the base of the soft ears. He whimpered against your mouth and you smiled. "Don't worry Tamaki. It looks like there's something in these chocolates~" Pulling him back for another peck, you feel his arms tighten around you and squeeze, making you sigh.
"Sorry...I actually had no idea what kind of chocolates these were since I was in a rush...but since we have this opportunity...let me see you're tail, bunny~"
→ Type of Chocolate: Fluffy Bunny - What looks like a simple milk chocolate truffle, is actually covering a soft, chewy marshmallow on the inside. The effect will last for a few hours depending on a person's libido.
→ You: *arches your back in a gasp* "S-so good for me, bunny~" *reaches down to brush against his tail*
→ Tamaki: *hic* "S-stop p-playing with my t-tail, (Y/n)...'ts sensitive..." *his hips stutter and shake as he humps into you*
Gang Orca
Sakamata immediately goes for a milk chocolate piece with gold flakes on top. He wastes no time plopping it into his mouth, closing his eyes happily. "The hazelnut spread is divine!" He chuckles and leans back in, placing a kiss on your forehead.
You closed your eyes to savor the feeling only to feel him move away. When you opened your eyes to pout and demand another, you gasp at the man in front of you.
"...Sakamata?" The man standing in front of you was breathtakingly gorgeous. He looked like a Greek god the way he stood there in his tall, muscular glory, his vitiligo skin making him seem even more ethereal.
His hair was long and silky black, and his red eyes bore into yours filled with absolute love and adoration. "Yes?"
You wordlessly hold out your hand, motioning for him to take it as you lead him into the bathroom. The two of you stood staring into the mirror, mouths agape that this was actually happening.
"Oh my God?" You break the silence and place a hand on Sakamata's large shoulder, feeling the human skin texture under your palm. Your hand trails lower and lower without you realizing, your mind drifting into dangerous territory. ...Is that different too?
"If you keep making me watch you feel me up like that...I won't be able to hold back." The silky voice washed over you making you shiver.
"...Then don't."
→ Type of Chocolate: Monster Fucker (yes i named this after that meme) - An innocent milk chocolate piece with hazelnut spread inside holds a surprise no one sees coming. Depending on who eats this, if you're not already human, this effect will have its reverse. The effect is strong and lasts for about 4 hours.
→ Gang Orca: *is catching his breath next to you while holding you close* "...Do you still love me as I am...or do you prefer this?"
→ You: *you gasp, whipping up to hold his face close to yours, seeing it slowly change back to the man you came to love* "I love the same orca I fell in love with. I love you for you. Always and forever."
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