#it’s just that this one goes off the fucking rails from the first sentence
i’m working on the next chpt of imposure therapy i PROMMY
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ginnsbaker · 1 year
In Flames I Sleep Soundly (2/2)
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Chapter Summary: The aftermath.
Word Count: 9k+
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Chapter Warnings: Angst, Non-graphic depictions of violence
Author’s Note: Thank you for your patience, I hope... I don't know what I hope. I'm just grateful that you guys took the time to read this piece and leave comments in my inbox. I do have more to say later, but for now I just needed to post this. 
Let me know if you have some questions or clarifications. (yes, I wrote this sentence after sending a work email)
AO3 / Part One / Masterlist
Part Two
You’ve always thought that life is like a train ride. 
And as a passenger, you know only two things: the direction of the course and its scheduled stops. And so, it’s like this: get born into the world, take your first steps, go to elementary school, go to high school, go to college, get a job, get married, have children, have grandchildren, and then die in your sleep. If there’s an afterlife, perhaps get resurrected into a young version of you, and move into another train. And then begin another journey. 
But what the passenger doesn’t know is that a train can only move forward when it’s on its rails. And this is where the helplessness of every individual in that train becomes apparent. Your life–or at least how you want it to go–is not entirely in your hands.
For you, a single phone call managed to completely derail your train from its tracks. And then, as if still unsatisfied, it plucked you violently from it and left you on your own in the middle of nowhere.
You didn’t know where to go, only where you’ve been. Like a diamond blade that cuts through steel, it segmented your life into just two parts: Before and After.  
Before was going home to your wife after a tedious day, resting your head on her lap while she threads her fingers through your hair.
After is knowing those same delicate fingers raked through someone else’s tufts of blonde in throes of passion. 
Before was her telling you she loves you and feeling it to your bones.
After is her telling you she loves you and only hearing a lie.
Split in the middle, you presume you can simply choose to live in one or the other. 
“Love’s a fucking bitch.”
Inside your car, you’ve been quiet the whole time, just staring at the photos in Natasha’s phone. You stare at Wanda walking out of the theater, hand-in-hand with a tall, lanky man you don’t recognize. 
“His name is Victor Shade. Goes by ‘Vision’. The only son of a high-profile neurosurgeon on the East Coast.” Natasha tells you, eyeing you closely.  
You brush your thumb against the image of the laughing woman in the picture. She wore your wife’s face and smile, but all you see is a stranger. 
“What are you going to do?” Natasha asks.
Briefly, you consider this could all just be a prank. Maybe Wanda is watching you fall apart right now, giggling in hiding because she got you this time. At least it’s the sort of cruelty you’d fight over for a day or maybe a week, and then laugh about in ten years.  
“Y/N?” Natasha tries again.
You finally look up at her and immediately hate the look of pity on your best friend’s face.  
“I don’t even know where I’m sleeping tonight.” you say, handing back her phone. 
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. You should talk to Wanda.”
The laugh that bubbles up your throat is nothing short of deranged. For almost a minute, you laugh into your steering wheel until tears begin to prick at the corner of your eyes. Natasha watches you with a worried expression, her hand hovering over your back hesitantly. She thinks about the beautiful person she met in kindergarten, the girl who gave her own blue crayon so Natasha could color the sky properly while she was left to color hers with a red one. It hurts her to witness the light snuff out of the person who was her own light in her darkest moments. And when your laughter subsides into muffled sobs, she cries with you. 
When you’re done, you systematically wipe the tears and snot off your face with the sleeve of your shirt. Natasha patiently waits for your next move.
“Did you get his address?” you ask with a surprisingly steady voice. 
“Yes, apparently it’s in one of the luxurious apartments near the university.” Natasha says as she texts you the exact address. 
“Good,” you say, then turn your attention to the empty roads ahead of you. 
You lied when you had implied to Natasha that you didn’t know what you’re going to do. 
A Victorian style of housing is unheard of in this part of New Jersey, but here you are, standing outside of one. His rental is on the second floor at the end of the street where a sports car is parked carelessly in its spacious garage–an august flex coming from a college kid. Wanda crosses your mind once again as you take in this grandiose lifestyle before you. Was it money that attracted her to him? You never pegged her for a gold-digger, but then again you also didn’t peg her for a cheating whore. You screw your eyes tightly shut at the unpleasant adjectives you now associate with your wife as you lose some of yourself in the process. There’s something frightening and unfamiliar threatening to consume your entire being, and you have no clue what to do with it. 
With a deep breath, you walk to his doorstep and ring the doorbell. A few moments later, you jerk in surprise as the door swings wide open towards you, the lock stile of the wooden panel narrowly missing your forehead.
“Sorry, I keep meaning to get that fixed and it’s easier to push,” A man in his early twenties with yellow blonde hair comes into sight. 
“Can I help you?” he asks. 
You have to tilt your head back slightly in order to meet his cerulean eyes. 
“You’re Vision?” you ask.
“Actually, it’s Victor Shade. But yes, everyone calls me Vision.”
“How old are you?” 
Vision shuffles his feet, uncertain if he should answer your question. It’s rhetorical of course, a question you didn’t mean to actually come out of your mouth. You could guess–but truthfully, you’d rather not now. 
“Who are you?”
“Y/N Maximoff.”
He raises his eyebrows quizzically, your name not ringing a bell.
“Wanda’s wife.” you supplement domineeringly, as if declaring it would stake your claim on her once and for all. He drops his gaze at the mention of your wife’s name, like a child that has been caught doing something he shouldn’t. It doesn’t matter that he’s at least half a foot taller than you are. He isn’t quite a man. Not to you.
“May I–May I come in?” you ask as politely as you could. 
After a second of doubt he smirks, and then says, “Sure.” You can sense the shift in his stance. He knows you’re onto him, and this is a showdown. Like any Alpha male scrambling to be on top of the food chain, he finds you to be an exciting piece of challenge. It makes you wonder if he was looking forward to this moment as much as you were dreading it.
You didn’t notice before that he’s barely covering his naked torso with a peacoat, and you try not to think about what brought on his current state. If by chance, you had just narrowly missed one of your wife’s regular visits.
Once you’re inside his apartment, you immediately scan your surroundings. There are papers and books scattered all over the floor. You can make out a thin trail of smoke coming from an unfinished cigarette in his living room, where the couch is covered by a tarpaulin smeared with ink and acrylic paint. 
On an easel beside it is a painting covered by a dirty towel you assume he’s been working on before being disrupted by your presence. “Can I look?” you point at it. 
“No. Sorry,” he says, before taking the painting from the easel and bringing it to his room. “It’s not done yet. An artist’s rule.”
You nod, and then noticing the only thing that he has organized, you say, “Nice vinyl collection.”
You stare at each other for long seconds. It feels ridiculous to expect an apology from him, but it’s something you think you deserved at the minimum. 
“So, tell me. How did you meet my wife?” you ask when it becomes apparent that he doesn’t have any intention to be an active participant in this meeting.
“Art History 101. I’m one of her–”
“Students.” You complete his sentence with a grimace. Somehow that just makes things more fucked up than they already are. Jesus fucking Christ, Wanda, you curse in thought. Yet in a twisted way, it also kind of makes sense now. What they have is the stuff of sexual fantasies–a goddamned kink show is what it is. You’d never guess she’s capable of this. 
“Yeah, and she was really knowledgeable in the subject. Not to mention, a natural teacher. Everybody in the class was awestruck by her.” Vision continues to talk about Wanda as though he’s talking about her to a person who didn’t know her down to the ground. You don’t need to be told how spectacular your wife is. You knew better than anyone. How dare he?
“How’s it going?” You cut him off before he could accidentally trigger something fatal inside of you.
He looks at you, bewildered at the random question. He waits for the punchline that never comes, and then chuckles, “It’s been swell.” 
“This is where you meet?” you ask.
“And she likes it?” You mean this place that looks like it’s been ransacked ten times over.
“Well, I guess. She never complained.” he says, and then cowers at the dirty look you throw his way at his callous comment.
“Do you stay in all the time or do you go out too?” you ask.
“It depends. We actually like to drive to new places in and out of town. Especially in the first week since she’s never ridden a convertible.”
“She likes that? She likes…aimless drives with no particular destinations?” 
“Oh, yeah. More exciting than being stuck in a routine, I guess.” 
It’s an obvious jab at a lifestyle he thinks you saddled Wanda with. 
Heat rises to your cheeks and you walk closer to him. “Did you know that we’ve been married for five years? And before then together for six?”
That you have a dog. Plans to have kids in the future. Plans to retire in a beachfront property. The rest of your lives together. Does all that mean nothing? 
“I know,” Vision replies, his tone devoid of any sign that he might be sorry for fucking a married woman. “She also told me you asked to move here because of your banking aspirations.”
“My aspirations? You…talk about me?” You manage to blurt out incredulously. Vision shrugs at that, and actually regards you with mild concern when you start blinking rapidly behind your glasses. You can hear your heart hammering in your chest as all the blood in your body suddenly rushes to your head. 
He doesn’t answer “Would you like a drink?” 
“Yeah, why not.” you say and lean against the closest wall to you for support.
“I have water, orange juice…”
“Got anything stronger?” 
“I think I have some vodka left.” Vision mutters and then disappears into the kitchen. You take his absence as an opportunity to sneak into his bedroom. It’s smaller than you’ve imagined. A huge mirror is hanging across the foot of the bed and you instantly know what it’s for. 
Is this where it all happens? Where they happen? Did they watch themselves fuck? Did Wanda watch herself fuck someone who isn’t you and felt guilty about it? 
Did she think about you at all?
You sit on the mattress and stroke its silky sheets with shaking fingers. The bed is unmade, and you know there’s evidence on them if you try to look for it.
A framed painting peeking out from his dresser takes your attention. You walk over to it and pull it out of its hiding. 
Your eyes go round in recognition. It’s the painting Wanda asked you to retrieve in Soho. You turn the painting over and discover a small piece of paper plastered on it.
‘To Vision, the only secret people keep is immortality.’  - W
You crumple the note tightly in your fist. Suddenly, all of it becomes more real than you can envisage: on a Tuesday morning, you’re perched on the exact spot your wife’s been betraying you over and over. You can almost smell Wanda from where you’re sitting–can feel her damp, soft skin, can hear her little sighs as she catches her breath.
You’re not prepared for the overwhelming rage that consumes you next, as you abruptly get up and walk the small distance to the kitchen.
You come to thirty seconds later, to broken pieces of porcelain and an unconscious man lying on a puddle of blood on the floor.
Your first instinct is to call Natasha. She picks up on the third ring.
“Nat,” you say in a rush. “I need your help. I-I didn’t mean to–”
“Hey, hey. Slow down. What happened?” 
“I’m at Vision’s. I did a horrible thing a-and I’m so sorry, Nat, I–”
“Focus, Y/N,” Natasha’s voice is eerily collected. “Is he still alive?”
You scramble to place your index and middle finger on his neck, and let out a sigh of relief once you find what you’re looking for.
“I got a pulse. Should I call 911?”
“Don’t, I’ll handle this. Just grab a towel and wrap it around something cold like frozen vegetables or ice, then apply it gently to the area of the injury.” Natasha says. 
You squeeze your eyes shut for a moment to absorb the instruction. Getting a grasp of the situation has started to feel like an impossible task. 
“Did you hear what I say?”
“Good,” Natasha says. “You’ll be fine, okay? I’m on my way.”
And then she’s gone. And you’re left to deal with the vestiges of your crime. You have no idea how much longer Vision will have a pulse. You try to do what Natasha told you to, but you find yourself unable to move a limb, stuck in the loop of wanting him dead and wanting to do what is right. 
That is, until you hear the familiar tone of a message notification. It came from the rear pocket of Vision’s bloodstained cargo pants. You fall to the floor and dig out his phone. To unlock it, you take his cold hand and press his thumb against its screen. 
There’s a new voice message from a certain ‘W’ in his contacts.
You hit play.
“I hate to do this here,” Wanda’s voice is tremulous and you can easily tell that she’s been crying. “But this is the only way I can trust myself to go through with this decision. This needs to end. I can’t live like this. I’m tired of lying and hurting Y/N. She’s my family. Whether you believe it or not, she’s everything to me. I’m sorry. And I hope,” Wanda’s voice breaks on a choked sob. “I don’t know what I hope. I’m sorry.”
You listen to it again before making the decision to delete the message. You slip the device back into Vision’s pants.
Afterwards, you try to save his life.
Five Days After 
You wake up with a start. The clock on the nightstand reads 4:34 A.M. 
The dreams are more vivid now, and they have progressed to you jabbing a kitchen knife into Wanda’s chest as Vision takes her from behind. 
In reality, Wanda is lying half-naked beside you, snoring softly. She looks like the Wanda from Before, but your mind knows better. You want to trace her outline with your eyes and your lips, as you’ve done countless times whenever you’d wake up first. You want to kiss her temple and whisper how you love her even if she can’t hear you. You want, and want, and want. But you know what she’s done and with what little dignity you have left, you don’t fall into the trap of your remaining feelings for her. 
In reality, her ex-lover is in some hospital in New York with his family waiting for him to wake up.
The first two days were the hardest after finding out about your wife’s infidelity. Wanda could read you like an open book, but for some miracle she didn’t see past the calm demeanor you put forth. You still comment nice things about her cooking, hug her goodbye, kiss her good night. 
And then the nightmare starts all over again the minute Wanda leaves the house. Because when she’s near you, you don’t have to wonder where she is or who she’s with. You don’t wonder if she notices the empty seat in her classroom that used to belong to Vision. You don’t wonder if there are another pair of eyes like his, looking at her intrepidly with desire. The longer you carry on with your life as if nothing’s happened, the more you realize how much of your existence the past several months were built on lies. 
Maybe the wife next to you is no longer yours, but how do you reconcile that with the truth that you’re still hers? 
“Y/N?” you hear Wanda speak as you get up from bed. “Where are you going?”
Wand hugs the comforter to her more securely. You want to scoff at her question.
“Going out for a run.” you say after a beat. 
“Want me to come with?”
“No, thanks. Just go back to sleep.”
“Oh,” Wanda glances briefly at the time and then says, “It’s still too dark outside.”
You shrug. “So?”
“Could be dangerous, don’t you think?” 
“It’s Westview,” you repeat the same thing she said to you the first night she came home late without calling. The night in which she probably fucked him for the first time. “What’s the worst that could happen to me?”
“Be careful.” she acquiesces softly. “Do you want anything for breakfast?”
“No.” you say, grabbing your running gear from the dresser. 
Sparky tries to follow after you but you lock him in the bedroom with Wanda, and head out to change in the guest bedroom. 
There’s a slight itch at the back of your throat and you’ve stopped sweating just a while ago. Nevertheless, your tired legs refuse to stop their strides as you reach your tenth mile, and end up in a deserted farmhouse where Natasha is waiting for you.
“He still hasn’t woken up,” Natasha announces, handing you a bottle of ice water. “And while I got rid of the paintings, we’re not out of the woods yet.”
You take a swig from it like someone who’s been left in the desert for days, before leaving just enough of the water to pour over your head.
“What do you mean?” you ask after you recover from your run. 
“His family is suspicious. They refuse to believe it’s an accident. You should expect cops to visit your house soon. Don’t panic. I scrubbed that kid’s apartment, they won’t find any traces of you.”
“How many years are we looking at?”
“It’s too early to worry about that. We don’t even know if he’ll ever wake up.”
“If he doesn’t, then I’m a murder, Nat.” you say candidly, like you’ve already accepted the monster that you now see yourself to be. “If he does wake up, then it’s attempted murder. Again, how many years are we looking at?”
“Even if he dies, you’re not going to prison. I promise you.”
“I don’t need you to promise me anything. Just answer the question, Nat.”
“Up to twenty years in the state of New Jersey.”
It figures. Despite it being more than half the amount of years you’ve been alive, you deem it a short punishment for the years you’d be taking from the boy. In twenty years or less, you’d be stepping out of prison to live out the rest of your life, and Vision would still be six feet under and being mourned by his parents. 
You look down at your dirty shoes, and say, “I see.”
Natasha puts her hands on your shoulders and ducks her head, trying to meet your eyes. 
“You’re not going to prison. I won’t allow it.” 
You step back and out of her hold. 
“Now, about that other thing. I already contacted this lawyer who owes me big time. You’ll just have to pay 30% of her regular rate for the entire divorce process.”
You look at your best friend, considering it. You could give Natasha the go signal now to hire this lawyer, but in the end all you say is, “Thanks, Nat. For everything.” as you turn your back on her.
Natasha’s brows snap together. “Where are you going?”
“Home.” The word leaves a bitter taste in your mouth, knowing that for so many years ‘home’ was a person you felt the safest, a person who you could be with as you are. Wanda didn’t just cheat on you, she left you homeless. Home, in every sense, no longer exists.
“On foot?” 
“You’re being ridiculous. Just get in the car, I’ll drive you.” 
But you’re already bouncing on your feet and moving in the other direction.
The next day, you sleep on your alarm again. It’s the second consecutive week you’re calling in sick late in the morning, and your immediate supervisor at work is understandably worried. He offers you take the rest of the week off, partly fearful for anyone at your branch catching whatever illness he assumes you have. Ironically, broken marriages are arguably endemic in this country. So perhaps, you really should stay away from people for a while. 
The blinds were shut, so that as little light as possible dances through the gaps between them. You are encouraged to stay in bed by the lack of sunlight, but as your mind starts to wake up, something about the gloominess of the room urges you out of bed. It’s a Monday, so that means Wanda should be gone already. If you’re missing work, then you could make use of the time to think about your next course of action.
You’re halfway down the stairs when the sound of Wanda’s voice reaches your ears, making you stop in your tracks. 
“This will be our little secret, okay? Y/N can’t find out.”
You nearly miss a ladder in your step at the implication of her words, only to see she’s speaking to your dog. 
Wanda is sitting in the living room with Sparky who is thoroughly enjoying the morsel of cheese she’s feeding him with. If this was any other day before, you’d already be walking towards her to give her a morning kiss, and she’d complain that you didn’t brush your teeth long enough. You’d impishly lock her in your arms while you blow puffs of breath on her face, and she’d squirm and fight you off until the both of you are nothing but a blur of two idiots happy and in love. 
“Wanda,” you blink at her in confusion. “Aren’t you late for your morning class?”
You watch Wanda’s eyes light up before she could spot you at the foot of the staircase. 
“Hey, sleepyhead. Actually, I quit my job.” Wanda declares, wide-eyed, her green pools swimming in starry fervor that you almost squint.
“Since when?” 
“Since today.” Wanda shrugs, and you can see that she was hoping for a different reaction and not the mild indifference that she’s currently getting from you. 
“Why? Did something happen?” You ask as you pick up Sparky and bring him to the kitchen for a proper meal. You hate to see Wanda give up something she seemed so passionate about. But then you recall her recent affair with a student, and there’s really no telling where that passion was truly directed at. 
“Honestly, I’ve been meaning to for some time.” she muses while playing with her wedding ring. You leave a generous amount of boiled chicken in his food tray, before moving to sit on the opposite end of the couch, conscious to put much distance between you and Wanda.
“For a while it looked like I finally found a worthwhile career that isn’t so ambitious,” Wanda says. You glower at her allusion that her prior dreams were too extravagant to come true. “But in the process, I also lost myself to it. I sort of left you behind, while you always brought me to every milestone of your achievement. And for that, I wanted to apologize.”
It’s the closest thing to a willing confession you’ll ever get from Wanda. Her quitting her position at the university is her way of burying this and moving on. Maybe it would’ve been better if you simply waited for your marriage to fix itself instead of snooping around for her secrets. You wish you weren’t so addicted to the truth. If grace exists in this world, then it comes in the form of ignorance to all of the things that bring so much suffering. 
You’re thinking of something to say, but you’re afraid that the dam inside you will burst if you open your mouth. 
“I’m sorry it took a while for me to really comprehend how I feel about you.”
“We’ve been married for years, Wanda,” you remind her in disbelief. “That’s something you should’ve comprehended fully before you decided to say yes to a life with me.” 
“That’s not what I’m trying to say,” she hurries to explain. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you. Please, Y/N, don’t get mad. Of course I know how I feel about you. I simply didn’t care to explore the magnitude of it, because I was complacent. And selfish.
“And when it comes down to it, you’re all that matters.” Wanda says and scoots closer to you. Then she takes your hand and kisses your knuckles. Your eyes close in their own accord, sighing at the contact. This might be the only thing that stops you from falling further apart. Even through the worst thing she's ever done to you, you crave to be this close to her. 
Wanda tries to read into your thoughts, and then says, “I know, I know. Acta non verba.”
“What?” you ask distractedly. 
“It’s what you always used to say back in college: deeds, not words. I’m going to show you. I’m going to make you feel how you make me feel.” she smiles at you tearily.
This isn’t how things are supposed to go. You’re to wait it out until the matter with Vision is resolved, and then serve her the divorce papers. She’s not supposed to declare her love for you and for those words to still have a substantial effect on you. 
“Wanda, I–” 
“Here,” Wanda retrieves a box from underneath the pillows and pushes them into your hands. “An advanced anniversary gift.” 
You try to stop your hands from shaking as you stare at the box in your lap. 
"Wanda, there's something we need to talk about."  
"Later, baby. Please, just open it." Wanda says and you try not to cringe at the pet name. 
You're about to pull the lid off when the doorbell rings and Sparky comes rushing to the door, yapping away. 
"I'll get it." You mumble and yank your hand from Wanda's grasp. The haze in your head instantly clears up the moment you’re no longer touching her. 
You open the door to two gentlemen in a dark suit. You remember Natasha’s warning yesterday, not really expecting them to show up this soon. 
"Wanda Maximoff?"
"No, I'm her wife, Y/N. Can I help you?"
The taller one with blonde hair makes the introduction with, "I'm Detective Rogers and this is Detective Barnes.”
You wipe your hands on your pajamas before shaking their hand and inviting them to come in.
“We're here to ask your wife a few questions about Victor Shade." Rogers says. 
You hesitantly glance back to Wanda who suddenly looks so stricken.
"They're here for you." you tell her. 
"Mrs. Maximoff, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Rogers walks over to her and introduces himself and Barnes to her. 
He gets on straightaway with the questions. “Where were you last Tuesday afternoon?"
"I was at work, attending a departmental meeting. Did something happen? Is something wrong?"
The two men look at each other. Then the shorter one, Barnes, says, "Your former student, Mr. Shade was involved in a serious accident."
Wanda gawks at their news. "I–I was told he dropped out of school for reasons that were not disclosed to me and the class. I had no idea. My god, that's... That's terrible." 
“Yes, we’re aware. His family wanted the whole thing in the wraps in case it turned out to be more than just an accident.” Rogers explains with 
“Why would they–” Wanda tries to ask but Barnes interrupts her abruptly.
"Were you close?" he asks. 
He watches your wife as you do–closely, and observing every crease in her features that would give her away. But after months of lying, it's evident how she’s become so good at it. 
“Uh, no,” Wanda shakes her head and smiles through her absolute lie. A strange feeling creeps at you at having to see your wife display such confidence in front of authorities. “I’m afraid there’s nothing I can share apart from how he performed in my class.”
Rogers and Barnes exchange even-handed looks again. Barnes glances at you briefly, before nodding at his partner to continue.
“Here’s the thing, Ma’m,” Rogers takes out a small notebook from his pocket and flips through it. “We found your name and contact in Mr. Shade’s call history. There are dozens of back and forth calls between you and him. This is actually the reason why we wanted to get in touch with you, because you’re the only one aside from a classmate of his that he’s spoken to for the entire semester. We want to know if he ever confided in you or if you knew someone he might have had a disagreement or altercation with.” 
You can feel Barnes studying you again, but you refuse to meet his gaze, trying to keep your face as neutral as possible with just a tinge of curiosity. 
Wanda remains unfazed and says, “We do communicate over the phone. But again, it’s strictly about his studies.”
“What about his studies?”
“He was having a hard time with his final project. It can be any form of art–a sculpture, a painting or maybe even a video, and they need to emulate their deepest and darkest desires to it. H-He needed my input every now and then.” 
“Sounds quite a challenge,” Rogers mutters as he writes on his pad. “And have you seen his painting?”
“No. I highly discourage them from showing me their works in progress. Why?”
It’s Barnes who answers her this time. “There was no painting found in his apartment.”
“Oh, he must have kept it someplace else then.” Wanda says, more to herself. 
They don’t comment on that. 
“When did you see him last?” Rogers again.
“Monday of last week. He came in late to class. Anyway, it doesn’t matter.”
“May we ask why ‘it doesn’t matter’, Ma’m?”
“I no longer work at Westview Institute.”
“Really,” Rogers lifts an eyebrow, taken aback. “Since when?”
“This morning,” Wanda answers. “Personal reasons. You can talk to the dean for the details if you want.”
Rogers simply nods and scribbles on his pad some more.
“Have you ever been in his neighborhood? Ever been to his apartme–” He badgers on but you interrupt him. 
“I think that’s enough,” you say with authority. “I don’t see what other questions could be relevant to your investigation, but my wife’s told you everything she knows.” 
Barnes tries to protest but Rogers signals to him. 
“Very well. Thank you both for your time.” Rogers says as you usher him and Barnes to the door. 
“Wait!” Wanda yells, chest heaving. They both look over their shoulders, waiting. “Is he… is he okay?”
You catch the knowing smirk on Barnes, but it goes away as soon as Rogers warns him with a look. 
You weren’t expecting she’d ask about him despite their obvious suspicions on what kind of relationship they had. It hurts you in a way that you can’t even begin to describe.
“Last we’ve heard he’s stable. But I’m afraid he’s still in a coma. For all we know he might never wake up. But let’s hope for the best, shall we?” Rogers says, and then with a polite nod, leaves with Barnes in tow.
“I, uh, I forgot that I need to formally file a resignation letter.” Wanda says after you close the door behind them. She frantically grabs her purse, all the while avoiding your gaze. She’s not appropriately dressed to go outside, but you don’t point it out to her as you continue to act the part of the oblivious spouse.
Wanda returns home three hours later. A nostalgic smile finds its way to the corners of her mouth, when she spots the note you left for her on the fridge.
Went to the park with Sparky, it says. 
The post-it notes were a long-standing tradition. Sometimes you’d put one on her rearview mirror, something along the lines of “have a great day ahead, I love you” written, and Wanda would stick one on your lunchbox that said “don’t skip on the vegetables”. 
And while she blames herself for your recent aloofness, she was hoping to remediate it on your anniversary. She already booked plane tickets to Hawaii and made reservations at a 5-star hotel. Your boss and probably the entire staff of your branch already knows about it, when she filed a week of vacation leave on your behalf. And then she put all the documentation and details of the trip in the box she gave you this morning. 
She planned for everything, except the part where two cops showed up at her house to talk about Vision. Admittedly, he was another thing that was never a part of her plans. Wanda used to deride people who make mistakes, and when asked to explain, could only say ‘it just happened’. She’s heard it too many times in the past, mostly from her ex-boyfriends. 
It just happened. There’s no better way to put it should you ever find out what she did. She wasn’t lonely or unsatisfied or neglected. The only struggle she could think of about her marriage is thinking about what to have for dinner, because you neither complain nor you ever know what you’re in the mood for. 
In actual sense, her life was perfect. Because of you. Because you work for her happiness. The guilt eats at her everyday. But she knows what she’ll lose if she comes clean. And she can’t afford that. She’d rather confront her demons than risk losing you. She tells herself she can’t put you through this kind of pain.
Wanda pulls herself out of her thoughts. She needs to focus on you. She truly hopes Vision would make it, so he can go on to live his life and she’ll live hers with you. 
Wanda pads through the bathroom to run herself a bath. While waiting for the tub to fill, she pensively walks around the bedroom, noting how the room still smells of you. That’s when she  finds her gift on your work desk, next to your laptop. It’s still wrapped in a bow. Wanda frowns, wondering why you didn’t bother to open it. 
All of a sudden, your laptop makes a sound. Acting on impulse, Wanda unlocks your computer with your password–her birthday–and then opens your email account. 
There’s a new email from Natasha. The subject reads ‘in case you need them’.
An odd, overwhelming feeling consumes her, and without thinking, clicks on the email. 
Wanda waits for the message to load with its attachments and then–
She freezes and her stomach drops. 
About four pairs of couples attend your small dinner party that you have planned several weeks ago. Your boss, Scott Lang came with his wife and daughter all the way from New York just so he can, in his own words, ‘taste your wife’s famous Paprikash’. Wanda reminded you that you were hosting, and you had spent the rest of the day shopping for ingredients and red wine. She asked if you should cancel, but you figured an evening with seemingly elementary lives would do some good for the both of you. 
And you’re right. It’s not a nuisance as you thought it’d be when you were roped into it. In view of the recent episodes that no doubt defined the lowest point of your life, it feels nice to experience a little normalcy in your home. Your introverted nature makes you a disastrous host to these events, but Wanda is the opposite–she’s a natural at hospitality. She’d go around and entertain people, exchange gossip, and make them take shots. She’d dance in the middle of the room, with that devil-may-care attitude of hers, attracting people to her like moths to flame. But at the end of the night, she’d go home to you and sleep in your arms, because she’s yours. As you and Wanda grew older, you became a more exclusive sort of couple. But on rare occasions like this one, Wanda would put on the old party hat while you’d watch her be the best part of it.
The only problem right now is that Wanda went away. Physically, she’s in the receiving room with everyone, nodding and smiling at whatever warrants a nod and a smile, but you can tell that her mind is off somewhere faraway. 
“So, Y/N, what’s the first thing you wanna do in Maui aside from stuffing yourself with Poke bowls?” Scott asks. 
“I’m sorry?” You tilt your head at him.
“You know, the…” he starts doing what looks like a hula dance, but you shake her head, still not getting any of it. 
“Wait, what? Wanda hasn’t–” Scott looks at Wanda, in panic. “Oh, god, I didn’t mean to spoil it.”
Wanda’s been keeping to herself the entire night. And she’s been drinking a lot, the contents of her glass never quite reaching the bottom before it gets another refill.
“It’s fine, Scott.” Wanda says.
You look at Wanda expectantly, but she just studies her drink. Increasingly annoyed, Wanda downs the rest of her wine and then says, “I was planning to take us to Hawaii on our anniversary.”
“Oh, that’s… that’s pretty awesome.” you say.
Wanda huffs out a mirthless laugh, before standing up and telling everyone she’s going to take a nap.
“Good idea, dear. You’re looking puffy around the eyes.” Emma, another co-worker of yours that Wanda never really warmed up to, quips at her.
Wanda clenches her jaw tightly, but chooses not to engage.
You excuse yourself from the group and follow her out of the room. Wanda feels your presence behind her and spins to look at you for the first time tonight.
“I’m okay. Just go back to your friends.”
“They’re not my friends and you don’t look well.” you say.
“I just need a few minutes to myself,” Wanda offers you a smile, but it’s wobbly. “Please.”
You can’t deny her anything and you can’t stop caring about her. She heads to the stairs before you can utter another word. 
After Wanda sees the last of the pairs to the door, she finds you in the bedroom with all the lights off. She can only make out your silhouette–shoulders hunched and perfectly still, while you look out the window to watch the couple trade playful kisses before getting in their car and driving off into the distance. 
From your peripheral view, you watch Wanda approach you slowly, cautiously, like a hunter stalking its prey. It’s easy to guess that she already knows. She has her arms wrapped around herself as a defensive stance, probably afraid of what you might do to her. You nearly let out a laugh at the absurdity of it, because you don’t think you could ever hurt her the way she’s hurt you.
“What happened, Y/N?” she asks as she stops a few feet from where you’re standing. 
“What did you do? Did you cause his ‘accident’?” she carries on with the questions despite your refusal to even acknowledge her existence. 
“Y/N?” Her voice is frantic and presumptuously privileged. 
You don’t owe her anything. Especially answers. Anger burns in your chest like a candle–fragile but with the potential to burn an entire field. You imagined the many ways she’d beg you when you discover each other’s skeletons in the closet. You imagined she’d be on her knees, clinging at your ankles, insisting she loves you and that it will never, ever happen again. You imagined you’d kiss her for one last time, right before you’d tell her that you’re done. 
You hate yourself for allowing her to beat you to a confrontation. For coasting through this mess until Wanda takes the mantle of the interrogator herself. She gets to nag you with questions as if after weighing each other’s transgression, yours turned out to be worse than her cheating. 
“Did you hurt him? You did, didn’t you? Jesus, Y/N. Talk to me,” Wanda pleads, and then out of desperation she screams, “Tell me what you did!”
“No. You tell me what you did.” you whisper menacingly, finally letting go of the restraints you placed yourself in for her sake.
You abruptly turn on your heel in her direction, and then stalk towards her in quick, menacing strides. Wanda cowers, but doesn’t yield. She stands her ground like the courageous heroine of her own movie. 
“How you fucked him over and over and over! How you lied to me…” Your chin begins to tremble and your vision begins to blur. “...over and over and over.” 
“Y/N, please–” 
“Don’t. You don’t get to talk to me now.” 
Wanda bites the inside of her cheek, the weight of her sin materializing in the form of your bared teeth and the vein pulsing in your neck and temple. 
“You didn’t think I’d know? I wouldn’t feel it? I knew from the very first night. Because I know you, Wanda. Every thought. Every look. Every fiber of your being. I know you and I fucking hate you!” You hear yourself yell, as real as the wetness you feel running down your cheeks. 
“I didn’t want to hurt him, I wanted to hurt you!” 
“Oh my god,” Wanda sobs out in anguish, cupping a hand around her mouth. “Y/N…”
There was a time, from long before you were married to her, when loving her broke your heart more than it made it whole. You didn’t think it’d happen again, but even if it did, you thought you’d find a way. You’d always find a way for Wanda.
You were happy together, weren’t you? Before this happened, she never gave any indication that she wasn’t. She made plans with you. Five-year, ten-year plans that meant she wanted to continue being with you. In return, you gave it everything you have and more. You turned the dreams into blueprints, and from blueprints into milestones. 
The arbitrary nature of her infidelity is what shocked you the most. It meant you couldn’t have done anything to prevent this. It wasn’t up to you. Love is a gamble and you’ve lost.
You’re both on the floor now. You, leaning against the side of the bed, and Wanda, hugging her knees to her chest as sobs continue to rack her body. 
When both of you can breathe again, it’s Wanda who breaks the silence. 
“I’m so sorry.” 
As much as you need to hear it, an apology now is just a drop in the ocean. Wanda can’t unfuck Vision. You can’t un-crack his skull. 
A thought suddenly occurs in your muddled brain.
“Was there anyone else aside from him?” you ask.
“He must be really special then.”
She shakes her head furiously, denying it.
Against your better judgment, you ask the one thing that’s been plaguing you since you learned of her lover’s name. “Do you love him?”
“No,” Wanda mumbles without a second thought. “I thought I did, but no.” 
She didn’t love him. But it still kills you to know that it definitely crossed her mind that she might’ve felt something for someone else.
“Did you…” You stare intently at the ceiling, willing gravity to pull back the tears threatening to fall from your eyes. “...ever love me?”
“I love you,” Wanda says, her voice low and trembling, though she dares to look you in the eye. “I know how fucked up that sounds to you right now. But I do, I love you, Y/N.”
“You know,” You wince at the way your voice falters. You’re so tired and dehydrated, and your head is starting to hurt. Your lips quirk up in a bitter half-smile. “You have such a lovely way of showing it.” 
Wanda lets her legs slide straight in front of her as she openly weeps into her hands. Under different circumstances you’d be out the door right this second, getting all her favorite snacks and a bouquet of flowers. You have loved her for so long. 
“You should’ve just killed me. I don’t see any difference. At least there’s no pain in being dead.” you say after some time.
“Baby, don’t say that.” Wanda hiccups, struggling to control the spasms in her chest. 
“You don’t get to call me that anymore. Even hearing you say my name makes me sick.”
Wanda looks away, like she’s been slapped.
“You can stay,” you say, and Wanda looks up at you with hope. “In this house. For as long as you want. But I’m leaving.”
“No. Don’t leave.”
But you’re already pulling your wedding ring off your finger even as she rushes to kiss you roughly. Wanda pours everything in this one kiss. She has played all the cards she’s dealt with, and this is her final, desperate move. 
As for you, you take it for what it is: a goodbye. It’s messy and salty, and everything anyone could ever hope for in a last kiss. When it’s over, Wanda ducks her head under your chin. She finds purchase in the area just above your heart, trying to commit to memory the rhythm of your heartbeat. 
You don’t have it in you to push her away, but you take the hand of hers that’s still cupping your face, and put the cold metal that once symbolized your commitment to her, in her fevered palm. And then very gently, you force her fingers to close around it. Albeit the numbness in your legs, you manage to push yourself up into a standing position and out of Wanda’s grasp. 
“This isn’t over. It can’t be over.” you hear Wanda speak, but you’re not sure if it’s to you or to herself. 
Out in the hallway, you examine the finger where your wedding ring had been. It’s going to take some time before its mark on your skin completely fades away.
A Week Later
“He’s awake.” 
Natasha sits across from you in the diner. She’s back in town to pick you up and drive you back to her condo in Manhattan, where you will be staying for a while until you find your own place. 
You swallow and take a breath, poking at your scrambled eggs. 
She’s wary of you–this zombie-esque version of you. And it’s not only apparent in your behavior, the gauntness of your cheek is more noticeable, and your clavicle more protruded. You look like you’ve aged ten years overnight in as little as two weeks. 
“He doesn’t remember anything.” she adds and this gets your attention.
“How convenient.” you say.
“Look, Y/N. You don’t need to act tough around me. Because I can see right through every mask you have on. You want me to prove it? Let me prove it.”
“Nat, just–”
“You’re more relieved to know that he’s woken up, than him not remembering anything. You’re compassionate to a fault. There can’t be a purer soul than yours.”
Your best friend’s impassioned speech puts a small but genuine smile on your face. Natasha does a little victory dance with imaginary pompoms, and the laughter comes easily to you. 
“I know I have no right to say this, nor do I really understand what you’re feeling right now. But, Y/N, someone will come along and take every broken piece of you back together. They will love you so hard, you’re gonna have to actually beg them to ease off.”
You humor her. “You think so?”
“I know so.”
In all honesty, it’s hard to think about the far-off future without the stinging reminder that Wanda is not in it. But as you sit idly in diner for a very late brunch–and might as well call it lunch–you realize that you’re not left entirely empty-handed. You have Natasha. You have the rest of your friends back in New York, although you haven’t talked to them much lately. You have your career that is getting a fresh start at a new company. Wanda has gotten custody of Sparky. As much as you love him, you have a feeling that she needs him more than you do. 
The point is, you’ve already seen the bottom of the sea, and it’s time to break the surface.
“As much as I hate your wife…soon-to-be ex-wife… or whatever,” Natasha shoots daggers at someone behind you. “She’s here to talk to you.” 
“Did she put you up to this?” you ask, pinching the bridge of your nose. 
“She called me to collect a favor, and this is the best bargain we managed. She’s not going to contact me anymore after this.” Natasha says, and then she gets up from her seat and takes her plate of bacon and eggs to enjoy at another table. 
You hear tentative footsteps approach the booth and brace yourself to face Wanda. 
Much to your chagrin, she looks as immaculate as ever in her parka over a simple white v-neck and high-waisted jeans, her glossy red hair cascading in perfect waves past her chest. 
“Hey,” she says and slides into the booth with you.
You take a huge bite of your Reuben sandwich. “Hi, Wanda.” 
“Sorry for cornering you like this. You rarely return my calls and it’s been almost impossible to match our schedules.”
You concentrate on chewing your food, trying to appear perfectly disinterested in what she’s saying. 
“Natasha told me you’re already talking to divorce lawyers,” Wanda pauses to catch your eye, and you see no traces of sharpness in them. Her green eyes are bright with determination. “If you’re decided that it’s what you really want, then I’ll give it to you. I’ll cooperate.”
You look at her from beneath your dark lashes. “Okay.” 
Wanda swallows nervously and interlocks her fingers on top of the table. You can’t explain it, but your eyes automatically search for the wedding band in her left hand.
It’s still there. 
“I, uh, got something for you.” she says. 
“No, thanks.” you say.
“But it’s yours.” she argues softly, digging for something in her jacket. You watch her pull out a ring box and place it in front of you.
“What’s this?”
“Your wedding ring.” She says matter-of-factly. 
“I don’t want–” 
“I don’t care. I’m giving it back to you, and I’m keeping mine. You can do whatever you like with it. But I can’t keep it for you.”
You consider it momentarily, what she’s asking of you. In hindsight, it makes sense that she wouldn’t want to hold onto the residual love you have for her that the ring represents. 
“Fine.” You reach for the small box and Wanda heaves a sigh. 
“So, you have your ring back, and I’ll sign the divorce papers when they’re ready.” Wanda recites mechanically, her voice thinning towards the end of her sentence, as if she’s not at all prepared for what she needs to say to you next. 
“Then, I’ll come for you.”
You almost spit out your coffee. Some of it actually dribbles past your lips and you quickly grab a napkin to wipe your mouth. She tenderly smiles at your little accident, finding your clumsiness endearing. 
You gape at her, unable to think of a response.
“I didn’t want to believe you when you told me that night that you hated me. But I guess that’s better than indifference.” Wanda’s smile turns into a sad amusement at herself. 
“I don’t hate you, Wanda,” It’s the truth. Even though anger is the only emotion you can process most days, you’ve only ever hated the way she makes you feel. 
“You have no idea how much that means to me,” she laments. “Thank you.”
You can tell she has more to say and you wait. 
“I’m not going to give up on you, Y/N. On us. What we have, and I’ve thought a lot about it, is something I’ll never find in another.” Wanda says, giving you a long, level look. 
“I’m not telling you this to get a reaction out of you. I know you’re not exactly thrilled at the idea of me pursuing you, but,” she falters, the first sign of her vulnerability. “This time, I want you to know everything. I don’t want you to be blindsided by my intentions, so I’m giving you a heads-up.” 
“Wands,” The nickname rolls off your tongue before you can stop it. “You can’t torture yourself like this.” 
“I’m not,” she assures you. “I just refuse to give up on my dream.” 
You’re my dream, Wanda had written in her vows. You remember it, clear as day.
Wanda gets up to leave. “I’ll see you soon.” 
As soon as Wanda exits to her car, Natasha returns to the booth with a strawberry milkshake in hand. 
“Is it over?” she asks offhandedly, referring to your conversation with Wanda.
You hesitate, then look at her with an unreadable expression on your face. You give her the only answer that feels right to you:
“For now.”
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arrowmaker15 · 1 year
Headcanon: Jason "I don't care about anyone and I hate everything" Todd threatens people that have any relation to his friends and family whatsoever. Whether it be a relationship, or hurting them, he has probably threatened them. Sort of a sequel to my last headcanon.
For example, Cass? Despite who her parents are, Jason has tracked both of them down, and had the balls to threaten them. Hell, for her dad he pulled out everything he knew and beat his ass to a pulp, just for the way he raised her. Shiva, all he said was that if she showed up in Gotham, it didn't matter where Jason was, he would be there within that week, and she would not like him.
Tim, oh Tim, Bernard got a visit not from vigilante Red Hood, he could handle that if it happened, but instead got a visit from overprotective big brother Jason Todd, and that guy was scarier than the vigilante.
Dick? You can fucking bet that Jason goes overboard with that one. Finding out what Tarantula did to that him sent him off the rails, and Tarantula paid the price dearly. Everyone took that as a warning to "stay the FUCK away from Nightwing."
For Duke all he does is send a picture of himself behind Duke who is looking at a street during the day, pointing a gun at the camera with it titled as "Hurt him, I will be out during the day regularly" to every corner of Gotham's underworld, everybody coming to an understanding.
Then there is Stephanie, problems with both parents. The first night he let Steph crash at his place, you can BET he went to her house and paid a visit to ol' Arthur Brown, aka Cluemaster. 9 broken ribs, a concussion, a fractured arm and 2 black eyes is how he returned to prison, the man walking down the road to where he was kept with a sign wrapped around his neck saying "Take me in, I escaped." When Steph heard the news, she knew who did it but never mentioned anything.
The way he handled talking to Jon after Jason got reintegrated was downright awful for Jon. Jason made it known he had kryptonite, and somehow managed to sneak it onto or into Jon without him knowing, Jason sharpening knives and cleaning guns in the same room he was in, always loading his gun with a lead encased clip, glaring at him the whole time.
Then there was Kate, the first person to reach out to him after he made his return, he obviously got protective considering she was "the cool aunt". Naturally, Maggie and Alice got a visit, not playing games.
He talked to Selina calmly about Bruce. They came to an understanding quickly, but only after he got reintegrated.
Finally, the unlikely friendship is Jason and one Harleen Quinzel. All he did was walk into Ivy's greenhouse and talk to her, making sure she knew exactly what would happen if she were to mistreat Harley, just like the Joker had. Ivy, for the first time in her life, just shut up and nodded.
The best part, nobody knew he was doing this. Shiva stopped showing up in Gotham without explanation and everyone was confused, David Cain was nowhere to be found (he was in a coma), Bernard got out of the same room as Jason as fast as possible and outright refused to go to the Manor for 3 months afterwards with nobody knowing why, Tarantula was never seen again (Dick was glad, though confused when people stopped hunting him down in Blüdhaven), Duke was at a loss for why crime was so much lower in the daytime than one would expect, Cluemaster served his sentence without complaint, Jon always got sweaty around Jason and Damian thought it was because of himself, Maggie was extra careful not to hurt Kate while Alice seemed more docile than one would think, Selina was normal, and Ivy made sure to check her actions and review them with thought sometimes right in front of Harley.
Absolutely nobody knew it was Jason (minus Steph with Cluemaster) and thought it was just weird occurrences. Jason proceeded like normal, and he would take what he did, and what he will continue to do in the future if necessary, to his second grave.
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narcolini · 1 year
coping mechanisms
angel reyes x gn!reader (& bonus coco), angst, 1683 words
no warnings, just men being dumb and fighty
for day 21 of whumpril: ‘it’s just a scratch’
tagging: @drabbles-mc @cositapreciosa @hausofmamadas​ (let me know if u wanna be tagged for angel fics)
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Angel’s been like this since EZ’s arrest. Desperate for distraction. He’d been bothering the guys at first, tagging along on every job he could, calling round for drinks when they didn’t want guests. You could only keep him busy for so long too, because you always had to go to work eventually. No matter how much of yourself you gave in the time in between, it wasn’t enough. He was driving himself mad with it, really, the pursuit of an occupied mind. When no-one was there to help, he drank instead, but his wallet complained as much as his head did on that one.
And then he’d started fixing up his bike.
New parts, new paint. He stays out all day, polishing it, tweaking it. Riding out until it’s dirty and doing it all over again.
He’s at it now, in the lot, down on one knee to add shine to the front wheel arch. You’re watching him from the porch of the clubhouse, forearms on the wooden railing. You try to be a part of what helps. Offer him every escape you can think of: movies, dinner, sex. But he just goes right back to the bike afterwards. It’s the only thing that keeps his mind from running away with him. The repetition, you suppose, the little tasks, over and over again. He can’t think about EZ’s sentencing while he’s doing it. It’s just polish, and detailing, and the instant gratification of doing something practical with his hands.
There’s no waiting for someone else’s decision with the bike, the control is all his.
‘You want a beer, Ange?’ you shout.
His head shakes from across the yard. ‘Nah, you’re good.’
You’d expected as much, but offering a drink every now and then is all you can do when he’s like this. You were trying to be patient. Supportive.
‘I wanna go eat soon,’ you tell him, which he nods to. ‘In like thirty minutes?’
‘Yeah, sure.’
He hasn’t looked up from the bike once, is just raising his voice so it carries instead.
You sigh, relaxing into the support in front of you. EZ’s trial can’t come soon enough. You need your boyfriend back. Need a decision, a sentence, so he can stop avoiding what’s coming and deal with it instead. The longer he goes like this, the harder it’ll be when it happens and EZ goes in for good. He won’t even talk about it. Acts like he doesn’t have a brother at all, and if you bring it up, then, well. It’s worse than letting him spending hours and hours waxing the leather of his seat cushion.
There’s another bike pulling up now, Coco on his own, rolling into the space beside Angel’s. You can see right away that he’s got the angle wrong, probably from squinting into the sun. He goes wonky, then straightens, too close to where Angel’s working. You can’t be sure, but it almost looks like he’s made contact. Bike to bike.
‘Ey, ey, yo!’ Angel’s standing, tossing his cloth onto the seat. ‘Watch your fucking bars, homie.’
Coco’s engine cuts off. ‘Relax, bro,’ he says, craning to look between the two machines. He pushes his own bike back, walking it with his boots, before kicking down his stand. ‘It ain’t that serious.’
But Angel’s bent again, inspecting the paintwork of his own. ‘You fucked up my bike,’ he snaps, finger swiping along the mark he’s found.
‘What?’ Coco dismounts, hair swinging as he walks to stand beside him. When he’s there, looking at what Angel’s looking at, he laughs. ‘C’mon bro, that shit’s barely visible.’ He pushes Angel’s shoulder dismissively, grinning like they’re in on a joke. ‘The fuck is wrong with you?’
But Angel isn’t laughing. ‘The fuck is wrong with you?’ he snaps back, shoving Coco harder than he had done in the first place, away from him and into the handlebars of his own bike.
You straighten. Even from here you can see that they aren’t joking, can recognise the tension stretching between your boyfriend’s shoulder blades. He’s pissed, and he means it.
Coco laughs again as you take to the stairs, path set toward them. He’s not cocky with it now, but nervous, laughing from the shock of Angel’s reaction. ‘Yo, chill,’ he says, ‘it’s not that deep, Angel.’
‘Me chill?’ Angel’s hand flies out, gesturing to the bike. ‘You’re out here damaging my shit cause you can’t fucking ride, asshole.’
You’re a step away now, close enough to exchange a look with Coco, a what the fuck is going on, look. He’s got a right to be annoyed, sure, but this? This is beyond rationale. You and Coco both know that, but only one of you is patient enough to realise it’s not really Coco he has an issue with. Or the bike. It’s not really that at all.
Coco scoffs, righting himself, and setting his kutte straight over his chest. ‘You need to get a life, homie,’ he says, making your stomach sink. He shouldn’t take this route. He shouldn’t say anything at all.
‘Let’s bring it down a notch, yeah?’ You stop in front of them, looking between the two.
‘Ever since EZ was arrested this is all you fucking care about,’ Coco continues, ‘it’s fucking sad, man.’
Angel tuts, face tilting to the ground for a minute. You can see his jaw working, can imagine his molars clenching and unclenching.
‘He’s done for, bro, making your bike all nice and shit isn’t gonna—’
Angel swings at him, too clumsy to make contact with his fist—Coco flinching back in just the right moment—but his elbow catches his nose on the way back, and then it’s happening so fast that you lose track. Coco rushes him, taking them both back into Angel’s bike, swearing and grunting and grappling like children. Like boys in the mud of the school yard.
‘Fucking stop!’ you shout, hooking a hand around Coco’s shoulder because he’s closest, and yanking him as hard as you can.
It isn’t easy, and you’re ashamed to admit that you might’ve pulled his hair, just slightly, to get him to release, but eventually he lets you, and you drag him away from the stupid fucking fight.
‘What the fuck is wrong with you guys?’ you pant, pushing Coco behind you. When you turn to throw the question at Angel, he bumps into you, all momentum. He hadn’t realised that you’d gotten in between them yet. ‘Hey.’ You shove him back, two palms to his chest. ‘You’re acting like children.’
‘He started on me, man,’ Coco whines, pinching the bridge of his nose. ‘You gave me a fucking nose bleed, asshole.’
Angel’s panting, chest lifting up and down wildly. ‘Yeah. Eye for an eye, fuckwad.’
You tut. ‘Angel.’ He’s embarrassing you. You’re actually itching under the skin with it.
Coco’s shaking his head, looking at the red on his hands, before putting them back to slow the flow of it. ‘You’re fucking crazy, homie,’ he says, tracking backwards toward clubhouse. ‘Stay the fuck away from me.’
‘Likewise, bro,’ Angel quips back, saying it over your head, all attitude and childish bitterness.
‘Will you fucking act like an adult, Angel?’ You’re staring at him, eyes wide and disbelieving. ‘It’s just a scratch. An accident.’ You’re close enough to see the mark for what it is now, and honestly, it’ll probably buff out. It’s probably just a streak of rubber over anything else. ‘Are you even seeing yourself right now?’
He scoffs, turning away from you to grab the cloth from his seat. ‘I don’t need shit from you too, y’know.’
‘You threw a punch over a scratch, Angel!’
He sours, grumbling, ‘You heard what he said about EZ.’
Yeah, the truth. He said what everyone else, besides Angel, has already accepted. ‘Really?’ you ask, head shaking. ‘You’re gonna lash out at literally everyone that talks about it?’
You watch him run the cloth through his hands, once, twice, waiting for a reply that never comes. You expected him to have a moment of realisation, to meet his stubbornness head on and accept that it isn’t fucking working. For him, for anyone. But he just stands there, waiting for you to leave.
‘You know what, Angel?’
‘What?’ His head twitches toward you, too sharp for your liking. It just adds fuel to the simmer.
‘I have been so patient, and understanding, letting you do your fucking…’ You wave toward his bike, toward him. His avoidance. ‘But you really need to sort your shit, and fast,’ you tell him. He needs to act like the older brother for once.
His head goes back, with a sigh bigger than he has any right to. ‘He scratched my fucking—’
‘The bike is not the fucking point, is it?’ you snap, cutting him off before he can complain any further. ‘You’re going to have to deal with this, okay, I know it sucks, but you can’t just keep yourself busy and never address the giant fucking elephant in the room.’
He’ll go crazy. You will too. Like a stone tied around your middle, thrown off the bridge with him.
‘EZ is likely to go down.’ Your voice catches, forcing you to swallow. ‘For a serious amount of time, and you need to deal with that, Ange.’
No more distractions, no more snapping at everyone that mentions it. Just him, and the real fucking reality that he’s trying to avoid. Your stare at him, waiting still. He says nothing. He can’t even bring himself to match your gaze.
But that’s fine. If that’s how he wants to be, then fine. You aren’t going to helicopter over his neuroticism anymore. You huff, turning on the balls of your feet.
‘What, you not even gonna let me defend myself?’ he scoffs, trying to sound arrogant and failing, too delayed to have any real impact. He’s only saying it now because it looks like you’ve won. 
‘No,’ you reply, eyes set on the door of the clubhouse. ‘I’m going to see if you broke his fucking nose.’
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honeybcj · 9 days
jarty anon has returned :3
so. i was reading the most recent beautiful asks and thought... evan/barty tops and james potter bottom. (this is more on the waist beads scenario btw)
james has taken to wearing waist beads all. the. fucking. time. and it is driving barty insane, and evan is getting all of bartys complains about how "he's wearing waist beads, evs, what the fuck am i meant to do? just go on about my day without thinking about fucking him? his hips, oh my fuck, they could cut glass..." and evan is Sick Of His Shit (and horny), so he hears "hips" and "fuck" in the same sentence and grabs barty, yanking him down to eye level, and says "you need some help tiring him out?" (barty immediately sports a semi). they make it through the rest of the day (barely) and b pulls james aside after dinner, tells him to meet in his room at midnight.
james is horny as fuck. he's been sitting in his room for hours and it's just a stupid fucking comment from barty crouch junior but his head is running through all the possible scenarios and he still hasn't taken the waist beads off. at 11:59, barty knocks on his door and he scrambles to open it, and in come b and evan. james looks like a mess, cheeks flushed and hard and on the verge of whimpering from the wait. b asks "evans joining us. that cool?" and james is out of his mind and just nods, pupils dilating. evan walks forward, grabs the back of james' neck, and throws him onto the bed, and barty does that same rip-the-beads-off trick that had gotten this whole thing started, tying james' hands together with the string while evan removed his shirt. barty is taking off james' pants and harshly kissing the insides of his thighs and evan is just.. watching. waiting. james forgets about him, whining at barty to just move up a bit, boxers scratching terribly against his dick, and then evan moves in. he bites james' nipple, hard, and james arches clean off the bed, knocking barty aside. b holds his hips down and nips his thighs while evan meticulously goes after james' nipples, til they're red and sore and so, so pretty; ev undresses a bit, telling barty to open james up, so b starts eating him out and james just moans, loud and whorish. evan moves to suck bruises into james' chest, neck, and collarbones, making him sting all over before licking back across the marks, and all the while barty is devouring james like it's the last thing he'll ever eat. evan rolls off from where he's straddling james and puts on his strap, and james is salivating and begging evan or barty to fuck him, "please, please god just-- fuck-- ah," and then evan pushes just the tip in and james is gone, whimpering, pleading evan to push in further. barty whispers to him that he needs to learn patience (some other time i will in fact write edging), and then evan slams in and starts railing james, the bed slamming against the wall with every forceful thrust. james screams, and barty starts making out with him, teasing his cock ever so lightly and stopping when james begs for more. james can't touch himself because of the beads, which are now leaving indents in his wrists, and finally he comes untouched, evan pulling out and jerking off barty.
(after all that, they untie james, take a shower all together, and collapse in the bed. sirius finds them the next afternoon when he shows up at james' place, shrieks + whacks them with pillows, and lovingly calls james a whore. evan joins them some more in the future, because james came so hard he blacked out and needed to get more, and it could turn into evan/james/barty or could be platonic idk)
um anyways
it's significantly less kinky but i'm currently thinking up a knifeplay one for james and evan and a transmasc james thingy soooo
my beloved nonnie hello <3 first of all, good morning to me. this…today is going to be a good day. i just know it because what i’ve just read is actually brilliant. i am in awe with your brain. especially because bottom james <3 let james get fucked more please and thank you. and the barty/evan dynamic with james??? oh that’s exquisite. look, i just need more whining, whimpering, panting, sobbing, sloppy, ruined james. i need to see all his walls come down and be fucked until he can’t think straight. like yes i’m so glad it’s barty and evan fucking him senseless. i talk a lot about james’ oral fixation and his love for giving head, but my barty loves giving head just as much, so when barty is eating out james…….it’s like the perfect reward for james because he deserves to feel just as good as he makes other people feel. and evan leaving all the marks and bruises rahhhhh that set something off inside more, way more than i thought. like james has no idea what he’s done to deserve both of them touching him at the same time, but he is definitely not opposed, and evan is more than happy to help out, especially when he sees everything that barty has been going on and on about. i feel like there isn’t much more that i can add to this because, just know, it’s stunning. i adore it. i love your brain. you’re doing things for me. changing lives one day at a time. i just—i can’t get over the waist beads on james like that fucker knows exactly what he’s doing. because me too barty i wouldn’t be able to take it for a second. i’d be snapping and bitching to evan about every little thing about james. i’d be perpetually light headed. but i’m also screaming about sirius showing up the next day like “what the fuck” ahhhh that is so funny to me because he’s just like “james what are you doing???” but james is all sheepish about it, going red in the cheeks as all the memories from the night before come flooding back. more evan in the future? sign me up.
jarty anon, you are doing great things for this world and for me. your mind is a beautiful place. i feel honored to get to see a sliver of your thoughts. have the most gorgeous day ever mwah mwah mwah! <3
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demons-and-demigods · 1 month
Demons and Demigods Part Four: Written Scene #2: Cousins
Again, please excuse the tense inconsistency 😅
Percy pops his head over the side of the Argo II looking for Annabeth and, upon seeing two massive, muscled dudes standing with her, launches himself over the railing and lunges for Dean, knocking him to the ground and holding Riptide to his throat. Percy snarls and glares down at him with his patented Wolf Stare.
“Stand back or I slit his throat,” Percy growled and shifted his gaze to lock eyes with Sam, who stepped back quickly and held his hands up. “Annabeth, are you alright?” Percy asked, though he did not look away from Sam.  
Annabeth just rolled her eyes. “Percy, it’s alright,” she said. “Would you put your sword away? This is Sam and Dean.”  
Percy’s eyes widened and he scrambled off Dean. He stowed Riptide and hauled Dean back to his feet in one smooth motion.  
“Shit, sorry, dude,” Percy said with his customary crooked grin. He rubbed the back of his neck and his smile turned sheepish. “I wanted to make a better first impression,” he laughed and shook his head. “I’m excited to meet you guys! My mom didn’t tell me much, but from what she did say and learning about all the other nightmarish shit out there, well, you guys sounded really cool.”  
Sam and Dean were a little too stunned to respond immediately, still reeling from the whiplash of Percy’s complete one-eighty from murderous intent to sweet smiley kid.  
Sam recovered first. “No worries, kid. With lives like ours, you can’t afford to ask questions. We’ve made our fair share of ‘shoot first, ask questions later’ entrances.” He grinned and offered Percy his hand. “I’m Sam, and I would love you to show me how you put my brother on the ground so fast.”  
Percy laughed. “I’d be happy to after all this is over,” he said, gesturing vaguely at the Argo II. “I’d ask if you guys wanted to join us and help defeat Gaea, but I don’t think the prophecy would take kindly to that.”  
“What is the prophecy, anyway?” Dean asked, finally over his shock enough to speak.  
Percy winced. “Not pretty, that’s for sure,” he sighed. “Seven halfbloods shall answer the call / To storm or fire the world must fall / An oath to keep with a final breath / And foes bear arms to the Doors of Death.”  
Dean let out a low whistle and Sam cursed under his breath.  
“Gaea is rising, and so are her children, the giants. They’ve chained the doors of death, so monsters aren’t staying dead like they should. We have to free the doors and stop the giants’ plan to raise the earth mother.” Annabeth said.  
“How?” Sam asked incredulously. “I mean, that’s . . .” he trailed off, unsure how to even finish that sentence.  
“We don’t know yet,” Percy said with a shrug. “That tends to be how it goes. Things usally only start to make sense when we’re in the thick of it. It can be annoying, but when you’re a demigod, you just gotta learn to roll with the punches.”  
Suddenly a voice called out from aboard the Argo II.  
“Percy! Annabeth! We gotta go! Quit chatting with the hired muscle numbers one and two!”  
Percy turned around to wave dismissively at the curly haired kid leaning over the boat’s railing. “Yeah, yeah!” he called. “We’re coming, Leo! But cut me some slack! I was just possessed by a weird spirit and these are my cousins that I didn’t know existed! Figured I should say hello before we head off to our almost certain deaths!”  
Leo yelled something back in Spanish that made Percy cackle before turning back to them.  
“Well, guess we better get back to the ship before Leo decides to take off without us. We’ll have to meet up again if we make it out of this alive, yeah?” Percy smiled at them before grabbing Annabeth’s hand and heading back to the ship.  
Sam and Dean watched as the ship disappeared before turning to each other with identical incredulous expressions. “What the fuck,” they exclaimed in unison and then busted out laughing.  
“Shit, that was really scary, but also kinda funny,” Sam said as his laughter calmed down. “I mean, he had you laid out faster than either of us could track!”  
Dean groaned. “I can’t believe he took me out so easily! I mean, yeah, we’re close to the same height and he definitely solid muscle under there, but he’s still so small! How the hell did he pin me like that?” Dean threw his hands up in the air and turned around to stalk back toward the impala.  
Sam snickered. “He did have a sword at your throat,” he pointed out.  
“Yeah, but I know how to get out of a hold like that! I’ve done it before!” Dean whirled around to glare at his brother. “I couldn’t move, okay? Kid’s strong as hell, and not just with his godly-mojo-stuff. I mean, Annabeth got it cleared up quick, but I tried to flip us over or buck him off, and I could hardly even twitch!”  
Sam’s eyes widened. “Wait, for real?” he gasped.  
Dean nodded.  
So Dean and Sam have a bit of a crisis lmao while the seven are off to Rome.  
Back on the ship, Percy has his head buried in Annabeth’s shoulder. “I can’t believe I attacked them,” he bemoans himself. “They probably hate me now,” he wails and Annabeth just rubs his back consolingly while she tries not to laugh. 
They carry on.
This scene is short, but some real doozies are coming your way, don't worry.
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valkyriecrane · 1 year
G Witch Ep 12 Thoughts
(Right, there's gonna be some foul language in this one, also MASSIVE SPOILERS FOR EP 12) What The Fuck Prospera, no seriously WHAT THE FUCK. "That Girl"!! "THAT GIRL"!!! I guess that's one way to reveal to the world how little you give a shit about the girl who wears your daughters face. Prospera is definitely the worst parent in this show, and that's saying something considering Mr. Delling "I'm gonna auction my daughter off to the best fighter" Rembran, and Mr. Vim "You lost too many battles, you're no longer my son" Jeturk are in this show. Talking of Vim, hands up who didnt see that one coming. Of all the parents who was in this show, he was never the one I expected to die first, and yet he does, glad that he's finally found his missing son, whom he loved but struggled to show it. Too caught up in status and politics to see what he was doing to his child.
And it killed him, once he realised what he lost. Killed by his own estranged son who through a lack of communication and time was forced to watch his father die by his own hand. Where this leaves Guel I dont know, perhaps he'll join with Shaddiq now, until he finds out what he's planning, and that he's ultimately responsible for the death of his father. Wouldnt that be something. Delling, the cold calculating businessman, who when it comes down to it, puts himself between an explosion and his daughter. All of the politicing, all of the lies and distance an attempt to protect his daughter, but then, just as the estrangement began to fade, it was torn away by others scheming. And now we come to the new enhanced witches, Sophie and Norea. They're fun, even if Sophie does have a slightly massive obsessive streak. I dont have much on them today, but I do want to touch on the idea that Sophie calls Suletta her 'big sister.' Now there are three things this could mean: - First, and most likely in my opinion, is that this is metaphorical, Suletta is Sophie's big sister in that she too pilots a gundam, and so they're all part of a big family of Witches, people persecuted and hated for the powers their suits posess. - Second, and a little less likely, although not by much, is that Suletta too is an enhanced person like Sophie and Norea, probably enhanced at the same facility they grew up in, and so Sophie feels a familial bond to her due to their shared origin. - Thirdly, and the completely batshit off the rails option, is that Suletta Mercury, is their full blood sister, who has been altered in much the same way EL4N and EL5N were, in order to give her the face and body of Ericht Samaya. Either way this is gonna be fun. Talking of Ericht, lets talk about the Aerial. Her new design is pretty interesting, even if it shares more similarities with the mobile suits of typically antagonistic forces than it does with a traditional Gundam now. That line about it 'not being designed for combat' solidifed my theory that the suits used in Asticassia are massively tuned down compared to actual combat use suits, so like, how powerful is the Aerial going to be when it gets tuned up. Finally, lets talk about Suletta Mercury. The Witch. The Cyber Newtype, the girl so conditioned to obey her mother that she'll straight up murder a guy and maintain her chill floppy exterior. I'm scared for her and Mio-Mio, I think this might be the action that sends them to opposite sides of the war, at least for now. Suletta goes from being terrified of killing, to happily doing it in a sentence from her mother. Suletta Mercury, what did Elnora do to you, what's Quiet Zero, and why can you casually enter Permet Six with no ill effects while others are almost dead at three. I cannot wait for April, this is gonna be such a long three months. Ah well, back to watching through Gundam-X I guess.
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mako-neexu · 9 months
What do you think it would take to legitimately break guda? Not in the way where they will recover within a few hours/minutes like in lost will, but legitimately mentally*break*. The kind where they go ape shit, cutoff their emotions cause it's too much, or become an emotional wreck. Breaking in a way where they are no longer able to function semi-normally as they have been if not become a full on beast of humanity.
i think thats an easy question.
Hmm but ngl canon-wise outright Beast Guda would never happen (or they would die first before it comes to that/or juvenile beast at best??? seal designation is also their next sentence if part 3 happens in the current world where chaldea is persecuted)
... bc they really dont have the ability to give up/cant afford to give up given how bloodstained their hands are at this point, except it did in some way happen in a jp event but thats an event and not canon.
So if it fanon then this is the delusion/scenario in my head:
Killing Mash off in the story.
As in Dr. Roman-dead. No Throne of Heroes allowing them to meet again. No plot armor. Remove all traces of Galahad's elements from Mash to prevent her being fully imprinted into the throne. Turn her simply into the homunculus Marisbury created for his project. Back to the girl who was a successful experiment, unfeeling, cold and innocent. Just an unremarkable thing. Then pull a final curtain call on her.
or just outright kill her without fanfare. +No Throne of Heroes allowing them to meet again. no fou to save her. no grand exit, no final goodbye speech. just a cold and ruthless death.
(Guda already loves a lot, to their friends, to their found family, to the people they meet, says hello and goodbye, saving them as long as theyre able to, as long as they can still think and breathe, theyre a tool to the counter force, two qualifications of becoming a beast fulfilled with "beings oppressed/persecuted by humanity" about to be true if chaldea manages to bring back the real world from CHALDEAS- ah then again theyre already persecuted by the humanity of olympus... )
(theres also where they absorbed all the grief, burdens, feelings, regrets, resentment and curses deep in the trash heap of their subconscious from facing enemies left and right, to the present, the future, and alternate worlds, if left to rot and spread it could also manifest beast guda?)
Mash is one of the people who has been there from the "start"
guda reached out to mash in her last moments in the explosion, held her hand and stayed by her side. to make sure she doesnt die alone and suffering. one offer of a hand was enough to grant a person peace in their last moments. that act of kindness was enough to change a timeline.
guda's kouhai, shield, friend, lover, companion, exclusive servant, a special bond grown by fighting side by side for what feels like almost a decade or more, mash is the servant and the one closest to guda in grand order.
mash is the one who keeps guda from going off the rails, mash is the one person who has bonded with almost the same people as them, so they share the burden and pain. they share the memories of those they loved, those they cherished. mash is literally also one of the few people left to remember dr. roman too
lb6 answers this especially. norwich chapter the most + intense mashguda reunion narrated by a jealous oberon (read: at least to me, where i had my obeguda vision 'on' asdfghjmnbvc) in the trip to the rain clan's ruins haha
so tldr; mashguda went through a lot that their bond is unbreakable, and would kill guda in more ways than one if something were to happen to mash
so dont fuck with mash (this also goes the same for guda even though theyre a little chill about getting betrayed or get practically killed bc they expect it, mash is very protective of her senpai)
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katie5000 · 1 year
Ok, here's episode 7 from OP's blog. This one didn't piss me off quite as much.
One comment was on how Wolfwood and Vash don’t need to become friends since it is Wolfwood’s job to take Vash to Knives.  That is totally correct - however, the ‘98 anime and manga both make it a point that Wolfwood and Vash become friends as it adds to their character development.
And I still think they're gonna go in this direction. Be patient. There's three or four episodes left, at least in this season.
The episode starts off with everyone panicking as the Sandsteamer is off course and under attack.  And it is heading straight for Hopeland.  Cue Wolfwood panic even further!  The map labels the Hopeland Orphanage but the dialogue indicates it is also a town.
There was a small town at the base of the cliff in the prior episode's flashback.
Honestly, it would have been best to label it as the town of Hopeland and note it has an orphanage through context than making that the key landmark.
That's fair.
The original stated that the Church orphanage is located 300 iles from December according to Wolfwood.
It did. But again, this series is not that series.
Again, the fight sequence between Wolfwood and Livio is brutal and the July MPs remark that the two of them are monsters.
Well, yeah. What would you think if you grew up knowing nothing about Lost Tech or weird cults, and then found yourself watching two men with overpowered guns shoot the shit out of each other only to immediately heal themselves right after? They understandably noped the fuck out of there.
While this is happening, the Bad Lads gang is raiding the Sand steamer and not really doing that much honestly.  They are doing a hit and run.  No B.D.N. - personal sadness.
I have to admit, I was also disappointed that he wasn't there. I thought for sure that there would be a standoff between he and Vash while Wolfwood fought with Livio.
We had more 2D flashbacks about them and Wolfwood is resolved to take him out by insulting him and pretending him like he does care.
You mean "pretending like he doesn't care." Otherwise this sentence makes no sense.
Anyway, Wolfwood is trying to steel his resolve to do something that he doesn't want to do, but feels he has to do.
...when he goes to shoot him at point blank range, his shot is knocked off course and destroys Zazie’s monitoring insect. This is where he turns to Vash in shock, since this is one of the few times Vash has fired his gun in the entire series...
And now that Wolfwood knows that the insect was there, it becomes clear to him why Livio was there - meeting him was no coincidence.
Vash keeps pushing him to try to find a way to connect with Livio...
And Wolfwood listens. Wolfwood watches Livio change the magazine in his gun using a characteristic flick of his wrist. There is a flashback that shows kid Wolfwood doing this same thing with a cigarette lighter to show off for kid Livio. Kid Livio is impressed and attempts it himself, but can't do it. In the present, Wolfwood takes out his cigarette lighter and flips it the same way, in an attempt to connect with Livio again. It works, at least partially.
But all of the brainwashing from the Eye of Michael kicks in and he staggers about pointing his guns at Roberto, Meryl, Vash and Wolfwood . . . before he snaps and shoots himself in the head and falls off the steamer.
Okay, I have to admit this shocked me the first time I saw it.
Wolfwood is clearly concerned and looks over the railing and notices a car that he knows is likely Legato and others. 
..."Clearly concerned?" Wolfwood is freaking distraught - even he's not sure that Livio could heal from a head wound. But yeah, he sees that car, and that just confirms that none of it was coincidence.
Legato...state[s] that Wolfwood’s ‘lack of faith’ is an issue and in order to get him to serve Knives better they need to destroy everything he cares about; Livio and the orphanage. Once Wolfwood no longer has these important connections, it will be no problem to control him...
Jesus Christ, OP, and you were saying just last week that you missed Legato's sadistic tendencies. Well, there they are.
...In the last episode we already had Legato establish that this version of Wolfwood has a very strong will and attachment to others...
And this is what Legato is trying to break. Legato had nothing as a broken man himself until Knives came along, and then Knives became his everything. Now he assumes that if he can get Wolfwood into a state where he has absolutely nothing as a broken man, then he will make Knives his everything as well.
What is throwing me for a loop is that Legato is the ‘religious’ one in this version.  That was squarely Wolfwood’s thing in the manga and ‘98 anime.
Not necessarily. In Trimax, Legato says that when Knives spared him and allowed him to tag along after destroying the town he lived in, he was "born anew" or "born again" - an interesting choice of words.
He seems to (based on his dialogue) believe that faith in something is greater than emotions.  Yet, in this episode, we do get some actual anger from him in his voice as well as a more sinister facial expression indicating our bad boy has emotions.
Legato wants to believe that his faith is all he needs, and that everything else (including emotion) is unimportant. But I would imagine that from time to time he "slips" and his emotions get the better of him - he is not as "devout" as he'd like to be.
(Incidentally, this is probably the "good word" that Legato talks about wanting to spread - if one just has enough faith, one doesn't need anything else anymore. Not emotions, not attachments, not anything. However, this line of thinking only serves to betray Legato's underlying trauma and mental instability.)
He seems to be going through somewhat villain motions...
What do you mean, "somewhat"?? He's absolutely going through "villain" motions. Everything he's done so far has been villainous.
I’m also missing his Knives worship.  We have no indication that he’s a man craving validation from a person he’s obsessed with.  Granted, we didn’t get that early on either, but he made it clear he was there for Knives’ agenda.
I mean, he's made that clear here, too. Legato outright states in the previous episode that Wolfwood will be the "Punisher" of heretics in Knives' noble plan, and you even said yourself, OP, that Legato is trying to destroy everything Wolfwood cares about so that he will serve Knives better.
As for Knives worship, well. The official website quite literally states in Legato's character profile that he worships Knives like a god - just because we haven't seen it yet doesn't mean it's not there at all. I have a feeling that we'll be seeing Legato interact more directly with Knives soon.
Part 2.
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anarkissm · 1 year
∗ 13 & 20﹕ sender  takes  a  picture  of  receiver .  lifts  receiver's  chin,  invoking  eye  contact .
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the florescent lights had flickered slightly inside the bus. joey stood in the center of the aisle, their gloved hand curled tightly around the grab-handle hung above them. staring across the length of the cab. staring at the stranger that sat with a magazine opened above his lap, an ankle weighing over his bouncing knee. the dawn of his eyes rising up from the pages, and staring intently into the sockets of joey’s skull-painted balaclava mask.
joey felt a surge of suspicion. felt provoked. and did not react. joey knows they can not afford to risk drawing attention to the legion, currently off the grid and on the run. joey stares out of the panoramic windows, the bus stops disappearing out of sight as the shuttle drives past them. the stranger never moved from his perch; front row, first seat. as the seconds ticked inside their digital watch, joey shoved their hands into their jacket's pockets and maneuvered between the empty seats.
then, then, @goatmasks​ moved. standing up. lazily tucking the magazine under his arm and rolling his shoulders. waiting for joey, as the bus driver jostles the lever that opens the folding door.
joey gestured for the man to leave first, jerking their head dismissively at the exit. jaw tightening, as joey watched his mouth stretch into a conceding smile.  as he descended the short steps leading into the street, joey quickly rammed their shoulder into his chest, pinning his body against the railing.
the bus driver shouted something indistinguishable, admonishing. joey ignored him. "...woops." they stepped back, lightning-quick and jumping off the steps of the exit, jogging as soon as their velcro boots hit the sidewalk.
joey did not look back, smoothly unfolding the stolen wallet in their hands. weathered leather. thirty-dollars in american cash. a florida ID card that identified him as jed olsen.
they stopped walking.
jed olsen. joey remembered that name. used to keep newspaper clippings emblazoned with headlines of the ghost, alerting the killer's recent crimes to florida denizens and subscribers to the roseville gazette. obsessing with every article, each carefully constructed sentence that reached inside joey and squeezed something primal and unknown.
joey turned sharply, their gaze searching the street. but the bus was gone.
now, joey is tucked inside a payphone booth, carefully punching the numbers to a burner phone provided by the ID card. the heel of their boot tapping restlessly into the ground, syncing to the staccato of their racing pulse. “yeah,” they speak into the phone, “that’s right. you must have dropped it. i can meet you, just tell me where... oh. yeahyeah, i know it. that motel’s just a block from here.”
the motel resembles a barracks; a long, single-story building with boxy rooms equipped with barred, backdoor patios for smokers. impatiently, joey jams their knuckles against the door to jed olsen’s motel room.
and he opens the door, smiling.
joey’s chest tightens. their eyes are fixed to the wall behind jed, the bleed of newspaper clippings and photographs pinned to it with color-coded thumbtacks. at the center of this morbid visual menagerie: a photograph of joey’s (dead) missing coworker. they can feel their feet moving, shouldering through the door and brazenly entering the dim room.
“i know you,” joey says, uninterested in introductions. too exhilarated to care. “you’re that guy who writes about the ghost. but this is obviously not their M.O., so why the fuck are you all the way out here?”
jed has not stopped smiling. easy. indulgent. he gives joey space to gawk, idly pacing, idly reaching for a camera sitting on the nightstand. no flash. “i like interesting stories. the kind with shock value. a poor ol’ store clerk in a small town goes missing... who knows? could be more to it. could be fun.”
joey stares at him. allows a hmph of laughter. “you’re crazy.”
“you’re the one who reads about a serial killer. you even kind of dress like them. heh.” 
joey did not expect the accusation, a flush of heat burning their ears. burning hotter as jed clamps his fingers around joey’s chin and lifts it, appraising.
“oh yeah, juust like the ghostface,”  jed laughs.
joey winds their fingers vice-tight around his wrist and shoves him back with the weight of their body, hot-faced and furious. pinning the journalist against the wall, the link chart.  “you think i won’t hurt you, asshole!?”
jed hums, raising his hands above his shoulders in feigned regret. “woops.”
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nalanzu · 1 year
Weiss Kreuz Episode 16: Schatten
We are REALLY due for a breather after the nonstop frenetic pace of high drama in the last several episodes. What we get is goats in the Swiss (?) mountains and three old people in a castle discussing, in Japanese, how Takatori of the Japanese Division fucked shit up but good as he was unreasonably ambitious. The Japanese Division needs reinforcements and it shall have them.
This show does not know the meaning of the word "pace."
We get Yohji walking arm-in-arm with a pretty woman, with Omi giving us a voiceover asking how he's been doing since Weiss dissolved.There is definitely the sense that some times has passed, although it could be days, weeks or months. It's hard to say with this show and how it treats time. Yohji immediately abandons his date upon seeing a woman with Asuka's face (as you will recall, his dead partner's name was Asuka). After he catches up to her, she takes off her sunglasses and he realizes it's not the same face after all. Despite initial accusations of the new lady - Kyoko - resembling an old friend, Yohji and Kyoko end up on a date. She wants to take him somewhere quiet.
Aya is the next one to get a check-in, as Omi wonders how the beach is treating him. I'm sorry, the words Aya and beach do not belong in the same sentence. I think my brain just glitched.
Omi is distracted from his letter-writing by his classmates discussing a serial kidnapper/murderer who tortures all his pretty young victims and has been stepping up the pace of his crimes. The girls in his class feel unsafe going out alone, which demonstrates once again that the writers are men. Women always feel like this, regardless of stories of serial kidnappers.
In any case, Omi feels the need to point out to Aya that bad shit still happens but since there is no Weiss any more, it's not his job to worry about it. Omi also asks about his sister, who has been transferred to another hospital, and gives him an update on how much Sakura misses him. Which is a lot. Stop trying to write this into a romance, ok, it is creepy AF.
The next morning, a classmate runs into shout that one of the girls in their class was kidnapped. The class dissolves into chaos, as they determine that they can't do anything to help. Omi doesn't like this. He asks for Ken's advice. Ken, who is coaching seven year olds to play soccer, says they're not Weiss and it's not their job, but he does notice someone spying on him from the trees.
Back to Yohji and his date, he can't help but marvel how much Kyoko resembles Asuka. She has vague memories of something like being close to a man like Yohji while Yohji notices there's a car following them to an abandoned cabin in the mountains. What woman goes to an abandoned cabin in the mountains on a first date so help me. Fucking male writers istg. The car has followed them all the way up, by the way, and the male driver stares at them.
After dinner and (presumably) sex, Yohji hangs out on the balcony and is nearly strangled with his own wire by a surviving member of Schreient. They only reason he survives is the stalker flinging a paper airplane at them. Kyoko aka Neu flees and he chases her.
Aya's turn to check in, and we see that his sister has been kidnapped. Her bed has been slashed in the shape of a cross. No blood, though, so presumably she wasn't in it while it was disfigured.
The cycle moves on to Ken, telling his rugrats that yes, they do in fact need to keep practicing. The basics are important, he tells them, and then they nearly get run over by a mack truck crashing past the guard rail. The driver is dead, strangled, and Ken remembers Schoen's whip. He immediately assumes he is the target as the rain begins to fall over his crushed soccer ball. Aw, Ken.
Omi walks through the rain wearing a truly awful brown sleeveless shirt and puffy green shorts while mentally picturing the kidnap victims. He arrives in the flowershop basement only to find everyone else already there in a stunning coincidence. Ken points out that he and Yohji were both attacked, and Yohji came back to pick up his weapon.
Aya refuses to tell anyone else why he's there, and Omi immediately assumes something has happened to his sister or he wouldn't be. Yohji blames Schreient. There is a bit of bickering, interrupted by the stalker from earlier dramatically walking down the stairs and announcing that the dark beasts have taken up a vendetta against Weiss again. Following him is a woman, not Manx, but with the same sense of dramatic business wear.
The Possibly Not A Stalker tells them that a huge worldwide organization is starting to cause problems in Japan. Weiss, perfectly reasonably, wants to know who the fuck he is; his codename is Botan. (The only non-cat codename so far. I feel like I remember him ending up dead.) The lady is Birman.
Apparently Kritiker has been searching for Weiss since Persia's death, because they want to reinstate the group. The kidnappings, Botan and Birman say, are only the start. I say that if Kritiker couldn't find their own damn operatives, I have a number of misgivings regarding their competency as an organization overall. In addition, I have Questions about the timing of all of them appearing in the basement simultaneously. I can buy Botan and Birman having followed Yohji and maybe noticing someone else wander in and maybe waiting to see if the rest of them showed up, but like, all four of them deciding within the same hour to go back to the flowershop? Really? REALLY?
I wish this show would hang a lantern on some of the harder to swallow point points, but it just skates right over them as if the viewer isn't going to notice. To be entirely fair, I may not have noticed many things that are currently bothering me when I watched it the first time. But seriously, Kritiker really couldn't find them? At all? Except Yohji? And now here they all are???
Weiss protests that they're not Weiss any more and this is therefore not their circus and also not their monkeys. Manx appears to tell Weiss that it is in fact their circus and the name of the circus is Estset. She has, by the way, switched out her red suit for a purple one and her ankle socks for thigh-high stockings, but she is STILL WEARING SOCKS WITH SANDALS.
Brief aside, by the way, all of Weiss has switched up their outfits. Omi's crop-top floofy vest and cargo shorts are absolutely awful, as is Ken's forest green bowling shirt with white sleeves and a white collar. Yohji has a perfectly decent tan jacket that I don't think I remember him keeping, while Aya is now in black head to toe. Aya and his sexy v-neck shirt comprise literally the only upgraded look in the room, who approved the rest of these designs.
Manx tells them that Kritiker is trying to figure out WTF is going on with Estset and that they are involved with the kidnappings, with Schreient, and probably also with kidnapping Aya's sister. As he will absolutely do anything that involves his sister, Aya is 100% on board with the idea of a new mission. The rest of them are pretty twitchy about it. It only takes a few seconds for all of them to go for a walk in their assassin outfits (which they were stashing where, exactly?), the other three catching up with Aya.
We've been getting brief flashes of the sort-of-crucified kidnap victims on a stage in what looks like a ritual sacrifice, by the way, and now they are surrounded by masked people in robes with candles talking about the return or summoning of something or other in order to make the pitiful humans pay. Weiss interrupts this sacred ceremony just before the kidnap victims can be set on fire, but the kidnappers have lighters as well as candles and nearly manage to burn their victims to death anyway.
None of those victims are Aya's sister. He does check. Weiss assassinates their targets in true dramatic fashion, still in the rain. Ken desperately wanted to disappear, to leave Weiss behind, by the way, while Yohji is more or less resigned and Omi is almost fervent in his desire to punish the wicked. Aya, as we all know, is composed almost entirely of a ball of obsession and whether or not he's part of a team of assassins is entirely dependent on his sister.
I have some concerns about Omi's mental state, honestly. He is VERY enthusiastic in what the show would like us to think is a frenzy of righteous passion and the pursuit of justice, but I also think that the snap decisions Weiss is used to making have the potential to not be the right decisions. The constant exposure to the apparent failing of the criminal justice system and acting as a tool to rectify that situation also seems emotionally distressing and draining, but Omi is almost happy. Definite cause for concern.
The Get The Band Back Together episode is, honestly, not particularly compelling for me. I felt that it relied heavily on circumstance and coincidence in order to achieve its goals, and neither the episode nor the characters did much work in returning to something resembling the status quo. I didn't hate seeing what the Weiss members were up to when they went back to being their own people, but I also don't think we learned anything about any of the characters.
The most surprising part of that particular interlude was Aya working construction; given that all he knows how to make is flower arrangements and corpses, it's not entirely shocking that he would end up doing what's generally regarded as low-skill manual labor, but I really would have guessed he'd go for something a little more outwardly romantic or dramatic. He's a very melodramatic kind of person. But, of course, he lives purely for his sister, so it tracks that he would do the absolute first thing that would net him income in the general vicinity of the hospital in which she's being treated.
Yohji's dates, Ken's soccer coaching, and Omi's classes don't really tell us anything new about the characters. We're checking in with them to see that they are exactly where we left them, with no growth or development. These segments don't get much room to breathe, either, with the frenetic pace established over the last several episodes not letting up in the slightest as it pushes our protagonists back together.
It occurs to me to wonder, incidentally, what the purpose of having Schreient go after Yohji and Ken was; in the Doylist sense, both men needed an external motivation to return to the flowershop or we don't really have a show (kidnapping Aya's sister did have an actual purpose, as I recall, but that's a plot point for later). In the Watsonian sense, why give these allegedly dangerous men a reason to get the gang back together? Why cause trouble for them when all it's going to do is put them exactly where they're not wanted, namely under Kritiker's control again? Takatori was fucked by his ambition, yes, but also because he pushed Weiss into a corner and they killed him for it. The fuck are you doing, poking the bear?
I also want to know how the hell they got out of the burning building. And then apparently fucked off into the night leaving no trace of themselves behind and no way to be found despite all staying in the general vicinity of where they were to begin with. But mostly, honestly, how they got out of the burning building this time. And last time.
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blackbird-brewster · 1 year
i ADOREEE this. makes me want to kick my feet in the air and squeal at very sexy unfiltered jemily. i am those pizza delivery boys i would pay THEM. jemily so sexy together in a very subtle way. i feel like if u saw them out u would feel judged and turned on at the same time?
Honestly, yes. If I saw Jemily walking down the street and they made eye contact with me, I feel like I would spontaneously combust. Just the level of sexiness and confidence and ARGH!!!! Too hot. Too sexy. I perish.
Here's a smutty Jemily headcanon:
Emily keeps a pack of cigs in the night stand just for those REALLY good nights. And JJ always tells everyone she doesn't smoke but she's the first to grab the sexerettes and run to the balcony. Emily thinks JJ smoking is hot as shit (cause we all do) but when JJ is stumbling to the patio in a tshirt and her majestic lions mane is fuuuucked up and the wobble in her step is ultra pronounced, Emily's just like "yeah, I did that"
And Em often gets in trouble be cause while JJ is out there smoking in just a shirt Em's hands and wandering up her thighs and JJ is swatting her away but they always end up fucking on the balcony patio furniture. Just precariously against the railing. JJ's just like "Em, stop, you're gonna drop me" but she's not even listening. Emily holding JJ around her waist back pressed against a wall with one of JJ's legs hiked over Emily's waist
Bonus if it's on the bed and JJ's legs are over Em's shoulders. They stop having sex in the foyer (mostly, anyway) because the across the hall neighbours complained about the banging against the door and the noise
The older lady that shares a bedroom wall with their living room moves her bedroom to the other side of her condo and Jemily's mailbox is stuffed with "anonymous" complaints (and compliments tbh)
They put the best ones up on the fridge.
But sometimes when it's been a few days on a case they're stripping by the time they get the key in the door and Em is like "take me now" and JJ shoves the door shut, pins Em against it and takes her from behind like a pro
The first time they're interrupted during sex, when the knocking is too insistent and Emily forces herself to get off JJ and go answer the door to tell whoever it is to fuck off, she sees its the cops and sucks the corner of her bottom lip into her mouth because it's swollen a bit since JJ just bit it so hard, and she pulls the shirt she threw on tighter and more properly trying to cover the deep scratches on her back even though they can't see them and the bruises at the base of her neck and the cops are looking her over, thinking maybe Emily needs help and they're asking her questions about these injuries.
Obviously, Emily is NOT in danger and all her bruises and stuff are very consensual. She just wants the cops to go the fuck away, so she's trying to reassure them that she's totally safe and that she's a federal agent and they really don't need to worry but they also very much need to LEAVE.
The cops are still trying to ask Emily questions and JJ comes trotting around the corner in a robe and rubbing her wrists complaining how hard it was to uncuff herself but she found out she was way more flexible than previously thought and Emily really needs to come back to bed so JJ can show her this newly discovered flexibility.
JJ is loudly announcing all of this as she approaches the door, then finally looks up to see the cops and she stops mid sentence
The cops are both bright red and suddenly very, very, awkward and they just look at Emily and nod. ".......😳😳 have a good night, ma'am" and turn on their heals and very quickly retreat.
The next time there's a noise complaint about Jemily, JJ is the one who goes to answer the door and she just does so completely naked. The cops are very startled by this and JJ just says "We're having consensual sex, tell that bitch next door to buy some headphones." and shuts the door on them and goes back to the bedroom, fully committing to making Emily scream louder than she ever has before.
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natashas-wh0r3 · 2 years
Okay so I decided that since my professor wanda story is doing really well i’d do a part two, here you go, enjoy my horny friends.
Pt. 2) Wanda Maximoff x Reader (top wanda), switch (kinda) dynamic this time.
Disclaimers: smut (obv) oral w fingering(r receiving), thigh riding (r giving), little bit angsty, legal age gap, teacher x reader.
trying to do first person :)
As soon as the classroom door shut behind me, I realized what actually just happened. Holy shit I fucked my teacher. This is so bad, but it was so good. wtf is wrong with me? All of these thoughts running through my head. I realized I had a gap today between Ms. Maximoffs class and my history class much later in the day. So I decided to head back to my dorm, all the way there I thought about her. I swung the door open. ”ZARA GET IN HERE”, she practically slid over the countertop trying to get to me. “what what, wtf is going on”. I sat her down and told her EVERYTHING, from beginning to present. “So you’re telling me you got railed by your teacher and if it wasn’t for me it wouldn’t have happened.” “i guess you’re right but shhh, let me have my moment.” Just as I finished my sentence I heard my phone buzz in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked down. “Email from Ms Maximoff” it read, “oh shit”. Zara yanked the phone from my hand, “OPEN IT BITCH” she said slamming the phone back into my hands waiting in anticipation. “Okay alright”. I typed in my passcode tapping the mail icon on the home screen. An address was all that was included. 195 Westview Ave 97305. “is that her home ad?” Zara asked. “How am I supposed to know?” i ask. “we’ll go find out,” “I don’t think that’s a great idea” she rolls her eyes. “Just go for it”. “Okay why not”. I grab my car keys walking to the elevator and head towards the car park. As the elevator descends I put the address into my GPS. “only 2 miles away, atleast I wont be using a lot of gas.” The door opens and i walk to my car hopping in and backing out. Shorter than I realized I was at her house, or atleast what I think is her house. Just as I park the car I see the front door open. A man and three kids walk out followed by Wanda. Are those her kids, is she married!?!? She hugs the kids and the man as they hop into their car and drive off. I don’t know how but apparently I grew balls and went up to her. “oh hello y/n, I see you got my address.” “yes uh Ms. Maximoff-“ she cuts me off “Love, please call me Wanda.” “Sorry Wanda, who are those people, they aren’t your kids… right?” she chuckles “oh no that’s Clint my close friend and his children. I felt the weight of the world lift off my chest. “hon, theres no need to be worried you have me all to yourself.” She lightly cups my cheek pulling my lips to hers. The soft sweet lips I had only kissed about a few hours prior back on mine. She slowly pulls me inside guiding my back to a nearby wall. She pulls away biting my lip before releasing. “I wanna eat you, right here, taste that sweet little pussy of yours.” Involuntarily a moan slips out from between my lips. “yes mommy” is all i can mutter up. She goes straight for my neck kissing and sucking at the tender skin while guiding her hands down my torso. Her gentle, cold fingers moving towards the hem of my sweatpants. She unties the loop of the strings and slowly pulls my pants down kneeling as she does. God she looks so fucking sexy on her knees. She lifts one finger and places it on my clit causing my body to shudder. “my god baby, you’re so wet.” “Please… please mommy” she hooks her finger around my underwear pulling them aside. Before I can even prepare myself I feel her warm tongue on my pussy. She starts circling my clit with her tongue holding onto my thighs as she pleasures me. If i thought she was good with that fake dick she’s even better with her tongue. “does that feel good moya krasavitsa?” “Fuck yes please don’t stop” she moves her tongue farther down prodding at my hole. My body in full bliss as this woman pleasures me. I throw my head back, closing my eyes as she moves back up to my clit, I don’t even have time to ask for her tongue in my hole when I feel her cold finger enter my pussy. “OH FUCK” my knees nearly buckle out from under me as she keeps licking and sucking at my clit. “oh you’re such a slut, you wanted mommy inside of you huh?” I can only respond with incoherent moans. She pulls away from my pussy keeping her fingers in me. “Use your words detka” she says reaching
her other hand up to pinch my nipple. “yes, y-yes i wanted you inside my pussy, please please make me cum mommy.” Wanda let’s out a deep moan before throwing her tongue back at my pussy licking even faster, her fingers working at much harder into my aching cunt. my hand reaches for her hair as my orgasm builds in the pit of my stomach. Loud moans escape my mouth bouncing off the walls as I grip onto her hair for dear life. The sounds of her sucking up my wetness making my pussy throb. “you gonna cum whore?” she says driving her fingers into my soaked pussy. I open my eyes looking down to see her fingers covered in my juices. “yes yes please harder.” Her fingers rapidly move in and out of me, my walls clenching tightly around her fingers. Her other hand moves up to my clit rubbing it in tight circles. That’s all I needed for my orgasm to plow through me. “MOMMY” I yell as my thighs tighten around her hand. She slowly being her fingers to a halt pulling them out. “let me clean you up detka.” She sucks all of my cum into her mouth standing up and opening her mouth so I can see it on her tongue. She seductively stares at me closing her mouth and swallowing it all. I grab her face and pull it towards my lips. My tongue pushes through her lips eager to taste myself on her tongue. I pull back, “Now it’s my turn to please you, show me to your room mommy”. She continues kissing me as she guides me to her room. As we enter I pull away closing the door and turning around to see her stripping. God does she look so fucking beautiful. I do the same leaving my clothes all over the floor. I walk over to her now naked guiding her to the bed and pushing her back onto it. I get ontop of her immediately latching my mouth onto her nipple while massaging the other breasts. “Fuck you love mommys tits, is that right?” I just nod my head moving to leave hickeys all over her. I lean up grabbing her shoulders and flipping us around. “Ride my thigh mommy, use to me to cum.” she moans at my request. “My little baby so eager to please me.” she says while straddling my thigh. She lowers herself down I feel the warm wetness of her pussy on my thigh. Her hips begin rocking back and forth as she leans forward to gain better stability. Her ethereal moans begin leaving her mouth as her eyes shut. “mmm that’s it baby, such a good fuck toy” the bed begins creaking as she picks up the pace. I lean up attaching my lips to her neck and massaging her boobs. “yes don’t stop” she moans into my ear. I can feel the throbbing on my leg as her pace becomes violent, her juices running down my thigh and onto the sheets beneath us. “What do you want mommy?” I ask wanting to bring her to her orgasm quicker. “mmm fuck, suck on my fingers” I open my mouth inviting her inside. She temporarily opens her eyes to guide her fingers into the warm destination. I close my lips around her fingers sucking and moving my tongue around them. A loud shaky moan leaves her smooth lips as her thighs shake. She’s close, my hands grab ahold of her hips and I tense my thighs rocking her harder into me. “OH FUCK CUMMING” her body shakes above me, my eyes locked on her boobs as they rock with the motions of her hips. Her jaw drops as her orgasm waves over her. Her warm juices now all over my thigh. I stopped guiding her hips and slowly laid her down ontop of me . “You’re so hot mommy.” “that was the best orgasm Ive had in ages” she says through pants. she crawls up to embrace you pulling the covers over both your bodies. “Sleep detka, you deserve it”
Please let me know your opinions on this and if I should write a series!
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skinnyducky · 3 years
excuse me, i love you // v.h.
requested by @thatmultifandomlovingmf
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a/n i hope this lives up to your expectation ! i had an idea prior to writing this and i thought it would be nice to sort of mingle the two ! sorry, if this wasn’t what you wanted ! and also same, i still don’t know my ff terms that well either :D
Word Count: 1535, edited
WARNING: fluff, language, fluff.. and more fluff.
Vinnie and you were chilling in his room, lying on his bed. Well, at least he was chilling. You were cuddled into his side and fast asleep—college will do that to you. He took this chance to admire you. He truly loved everything about you, and it made him think: how was he so fortunate to have someone like you? Sure, you’d been best friends for a long time, but that didn’t mean anything—at least to him it didn’t. This thought danced around in his mind, and he recalled back to the event that started your relationship…
 Two years ago…
 It was a Friday night and Vinnie was sitting in his room, scrolling through Instagram and liking whatever random photos popped up on his feed. This wasn’t how he typically spent his Friday nights. Normally he’d be with his best friend, you. However, due to a series of unfortunate events—aka Jackson Dougland asking you out on a date—he was left to his own devices.
As he sat at the edge of his bed, he wandered why him? What made Jackson Dougland so great that you actually entertained going on a date with him? He was just your average dimwit who cared more about his sport achievements than anything else. You deserved better than someone who was just going to use you as a trophy; you deserved Vinnie—or at least that’s what he thought.
Vinnie was unsure of when and why he started to develop a crush on you. Maybe it was because you’re the only girl who really understood him, maybe it was because you’ve been best friends for years, or it could be from the fact that you appeared in every one of his dreams—and that includes the nightmares with Elmo. There was just something about you that made his love for you shift from platonic to romantic, and he had no clue why. He couldn’t tell you that though. For one, it’d be embarrassing if you rejected him. And two, he couldn’t bare to risk your friendship. So, he thought it’d be better to conceal his feelings than to let them pour out.
As he mindlessly stared at his phone, he heard a slight tap at the window. He fell into confusion as he looked over to see nothing there. Shrugging it off, he went back to looking at the small screen in his hands, but once again, there was a tap at the window.
“What the hell?” Vinnie muttered to himself, getting up and going to check out the ruckus. He opened the window and stuck his head out, finding no sign of where the tapping could’ve come from. That was until he was hit in the face with a pebble.
“OUCH, dammit!” He shouted as he rubbed his throbbing cheek. He looked down to see who the culprit was, only to find you standing there. “Y/n? What the hell?”
“Sorry,” you sighed. Vinnie noticed something different about your demeanor. Normally you were happy and cheery, but right now you were the complete opposite, from the slight frown on your face to your hunched stature.
“Can I come in?”
Vinnie nodded and rushed downstairs to open the door for you. Letting you in, he led the two of you back upstairs and into his room. Once you were inside, he shut the door and watched as you plopped down face-first on his bed.
“What’re you doing here?” Vinnie asked, leaning against the door. “Aren’t you supposed to be on your date with Dougland?”
You let out a groan and sat up, looking your best friend in the eye. “I was, but then I found out he had other motives.”
“What do you mean by ‘other motives’?”
“He didn’t really wanna go out with me. He was just using me for sex.” You said, fiddling with your thumbs. “I was just another notch on his belt; another girl he could brag about getting with to his buddies.”
Vinnie frowned as he sat next to you. “I’m sorry that happened.”
“It’s like, why me? What did I do to deserve this?”
“Completely nothing.”
“I thought he was so sweet. He went on and on about how we were gonna go to homecoming together, and that he wanted to spend the rest of high school with me. But come to find out, it was nothing but lies.”
“I know, I know.” Vinnie sighed. He hated seeing you down, especially in this instance. You deserved nothing but complete happiness, and the fact that someone came along and ruined that for you, it pained him. “You don’t deserve that.”
“Maybe I do,” You replied, your voice breaking. “Maybe this was a sign that love isn’t for me.”
Vinnie shook his head as he looked at you. “Now, Y/n.”
You groaned, “It’s the truth. Think about it, no guy has ever shown interest in me before, and if they have, they’re either like Jackson or they’re in middle school.”
“That’s a lie and you know it.”
“No, it’s not. I’m just gonna have to face the facts: I’m meant to be alone.”
“I should’ve known better.”
“Nobody would ever want me.”
Vinnie growled, getting up from beside you. “There are people who want you, Y/n! You’re just too blind to see it!”
You scoffed. “Oh yeah, and who might that be? And if you say one of your baseball boys, I swear to god-“
“Me, Y/n…it’s me.”
You finally stopped your yapping and sat there in shock. Vinnie felt at peace, glad that he was able to get you to calm down. However, that peace was disrupted once he soon realized what he had said. “Oh, shit.” He mumbled to himself, although it was loud enough for you to hear.
“What’d you just say?”
“Oh shit.” He repeated, though he knew what you were referring to.
“Not that, idiot, what you said before that.”
He sighed, sitting back down. “Fine. I said that I want you. And before you go off the rails, I truly meant what I said. I don’t know when I started having feelings for you, but I do know that they’re strong. I get that we’ve been best friends for a while and it’s weird, but I just can’t help the way I feel for you.”
“Vinnie, I-“
“I completely understand if you don’t feel the same, I don’t expect you to.”
“Just promise me that we can still be friends. I don’t know what I’d do without-“
Before he could finish his sentence, you smashed your lips against his. He was taken aback; so many thoughts were roaming around in his head which was nearly on the verge of combusting. When you pulled back, the two of you looked into each other’s eyes for a good minute.
“Wow.” He breathed, causing you to laugh. “I was not expecting that.”
“I could tell.” You grinned. “Do you really mean all of that…all of what you said?”
He nodded. “Of course, I do, Y/n. I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t mean it. I care about you, and it sucks to hear you go on and on about not finding someone when I’m right here, someone who wants to be with you for you and not for your body or anything. I love you, like so fucking much.”
A smile crept onto your face as your hands found their way to the back of Vinnie’s neck. “You are absolutely too pure for this world, Vin.”
The boy laughed keeping his eyes fixed on yours. “I honestly don’t know what to say. No one has ever said something that sweet and meaningful to me. Maybe it’s because you’re my best friend but hearing it from you feels ten times better.” You smiled. “You mean a lot to me, Vinnie. The fact that I mean that much to you, it’s sweet.”
“This feels like a friendzone speech.” Vinnie said as his shoulders fell.
“I wouldn’t have kissed you if I was planning on friendzoning you.” You chuckled, stroking his head. “I really wanna try this out.”
“You mean like…you for real wanna go out? This isn’t for play-play?”
“Yeah. I feel like we’ve always been a couple. It just took some maturing, a moment of weakness, and one of us to say something for us to figure it out. And now, since we’ve figured it out…I think we should try and see where it goes.”
Vinnie gulped, “But what if it doesn’t work out? I don’t wanna lose you, Y/n.”
“And you won’t.” You reassured. “We’ve been in each other’s lives far to long to just walk out. I have no intention of leaving anytime soon.”
“If that’s the case, then I guess all that’s left to ask is…Y/n, do you want to go out with me?”
“Yes, Vinnie. I would love to go out with you.”
 Flashback over…
 As the scene left Vinnie’s head, he couldn’t help but grin. Two years ago, he would’ve never thought being with you would be possible. But here he was together with you. He had all he could ask for.
And he wouldn’t trade it for the world.
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ahfbhdfgdx · 3 years
Please | Diluc x f!reader (NSFW)
Summary: diluc tries out some aphrodisiacs on u <3
Warnings: Smut, aphrodisiacs, intoxication, slight dubcon, oral, unprotected sex (lmk if i forgot any!)
Note: First post! If you like my writing, requests for nsfw or sfw are greatly appreciated :)
"Are you sure this is going to work..?" Diluc peered into the little vial that Albedo had bestowed upon him. It was a little bit foggy in there, a light pink tone. "This little of an amount too?"
Albedo nodded in silence, then walked back to his desk. "I think you'll find it actually works quite well. If it doesn't, let me know." He sat down and straightened the loose papers that were strewn across the tabletop. Diluc simply nodded in thanks and scurried out, closing the door behind him.
The sun has long set, nearing about midnight. Diluc stood in the tavern among the last few patrons chugging down their drinks. He wiped glass after glass, occasionally checking the clock. When would you finally be here, he thought to himself, placing another glass away.
"Don't get so worked up over her, Di!" Kaeya laughed, words slurring a little. He was sat at the counter with Rosaria. The rain pounded heavily on roof of the building, sending Diluc into further panic, although he hid it well. Maybe you had gotten caught in the rain? You could catch pneumonia out there! He tossed the rag down and leaned on the counter to catch a breath.
Rosaria glanced at Kaeya, both of them equally intoxicated and giggly, and turned back to Diluc. "Yeah, why are you so tensed up about her? It's not like she needs to abide by tavern hours anyway, she'll get here when she gets here!" She shouted the last line a little, Diluc scoffing at the stupor of these two. The tavern was closing in only half an hour. He could leave it open just for the two of you, it would make it easier anyway.
Suddenly, the door whipped open, and there you were, squeezing out your hair outisde the door. Head to toe, you were dripping wet. The three last people in the tavern turned to look at you as you laughed sheepishly. "I missed the forecast," you shivered and came to the bar counter, leaning over to kiss Diluc on the cheek, much to the delight of Kaeya and Rosaria.
He tensed up looking at you. Even fresh out of the pouring rain and all disheveled, you were still the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. You had mentioned being ok with what he was going to do before, so he knew that he wasn't in the wrong, but the feeling of doing something so taboo got him going, especially with you standing right in front of him.
Glancing at the time, 12:30 am, he quickly ushered the drunken Kaeya and Rosaria out of the bar. "Shall I get you a towel to dry off?" He patted your soaked hair as he turned to the stairs. "Nonono," you laughed, "Drink first. Then towel."
He gulped. Now was the time he needed to do it, arousal and nerves swirling around his mind. "As you wish," He breathed out as he poured a glass of dandelion wine, your favourite. While his tall frame was turned against you, he carefully slid the vial out of his pocket, pouring it into the glass. It dissolved quite neatly, save a few sparks that flew out.
He picked up the drink, turning around and placing it hastily down in front of you. Giving him a weird look, you picked up the drink and looked at it for a good few seconds. Shit, I've been caught, he thought as he stared straight into your confused eyes. Shrugging, you took a swig of the wine.
Eyes widening, you looked up at his looming figure, "This is great! Did you put something in it?" You joked and giggled as you took another sip. His heart skipped a beat and shook his head. "I'll go get you that towel," Diluc started climbing the stairs, looking down over the railing to see you take another swig.
Looking down on the glass in front of you, your head started to feel a little floaty. Your wet skin started to feel a little warmer, maybe the warmth of the tavern was helping. That's all you thought, until you started feeling a pulsing feeling. Where's Diluc is all you thought as you took another short sip from the oh so delicious wine.
Diluc came back down the stairs, sneaking up behind you to place the towel over your now damp hair. Whipping around, you grabbed onto his waist and pulled him closer. "Diiiiiiluc.." You groaned into his stomach. "I'm so hot.. and so wet.." Your doe eyes looked up to him, gauging his response. His crimson red eyes looked back down on yours, starting to fill with lust.
He thought whether to just satisfy you now, or let you finish the substance he oh so intensely bargained for. "Don't you want to finish your drink?" In your foggy brain, anything Diluc says goes, so you nodded, still cuddled in his chest. He could get used to this, he thought as he gently grabbed the back of your head.
Bending down to whisper in your ear, "Would you some help with that?" You nodded again, turning your head to try and kiss him. "Yes please, Luc." That set a light inside of him as he picked up your spiked drink, pulling your head back a little. Moving the glass up to your lips, you parted them just enough to latch onto the glass, drinking it thirstily as he tilted the glass further and further, right till the very last drop.
As the wine went down your throat, you felt a sudden jolt of pleasure, moaning into Diluc's arms as he picked you up. It was as if any touch had you off the rails. As Diluc carried you up the steps to the third floor of the tavern, you peppered little kisses and nips all over his neck and cheek. "Where are we going..?" You breathed into his neck as he pushed the top floor door open with his hip.
Diluc placed you down carefully on the guest room bed, then stood back to admire the blank canvas in front of him. How beautiful you were lying there, moaning as you grabbed onto the bedsheets, a hungry expression on your face.
"Diluc, come here," you called out, shaking him out of his trance. He climbed onto the bed, positioning himself on top of you, pinning you down. "Yes, my dear?" He cooed, leaning down to plant a soft kiss on the corner of your lips. You in turn grabbed his collar a bit harsher than you meant to, staring straight into his moonlit eyes. "Fuck me, Diluc." You whispered just close enough for him to hear. "I need it. Please fuck me.." You trailed off, feeling him start to trail his mouth down your neck.
"As you wish," He smirked slightly, unbuttoning your shirt one by one. "You really want it that badly, darling?" You nodded your head vigorously in return, threading your hands in his red locks. "I need you Dilu-" You were cut off by the man biting your hard nipple. Moans escaped your mouth in a steady flow as he licked and sucked it, playing with the other in his hand. "M-More please!!" You cried as the spike really started to set in, causing an unsatiable fire inside of you.
"You're so greedy, you know that?" Diluc growled, pinching your nipple with his hot fingers, it felt like a zap in your system. "I did this to you and no one else," He continued as he bit at you more and more. "By the end of tonight, the only thing that'll still be in your mind is me.." Only half of it registered in your mind, but the sound of his low voice vibrating through your system is all you needed to remember.
"Repeat it, my love.." He raised his face to be inches away from you, slowly reaching his hand down your unbuttoned pants, "Only I can make you feel this way." He toyed his finger at your entrance as you gathered the words in your mind.
"Only you can make me-"
He shoved his fingers inside you deep in, finishing your sentence with a scream. "D-Diluc-!" You huffed out as he started pushing in and out fast, curling at your g-spot. "More! More-" You yelped, bucking your hips, pushing his fingers in further. "Oh you want more?" He licked your jaw, sucking at the rainwater still left over. "Almost.. There-" You prepared to have the orgasm of a lifetime but was stopped short by Diluc pulling his fingers out.
You whimpered as he raised himself back up to your level. You were so cute laying there quivering, he thought. "What do you desire, y/n?" He inquired, toying with your wet hair strands, your face now a mix of rainwater, sweat, and tears of joy. "Give it to me, DIluc," You pushed his head down, craving that sweet release that was stripped from you.
He scoffed at your selfishness as he pulled down you pants and underwear, as if he didn't do this to you. He'll make you understand the manners you need to use for him. His tongue slit against your throbbing clit, sending you back on the ride. as he dined on your clit, his hand found its way back to your sopping entrance, continuing the pace he was going at before.
Your sight was blurry as you looked down, all you could see was the shape of Diluc. Him and the stars that filled your vision. You've never felt like this before, each lick and suck he did felt like its own orgasm. Diluc's doing this. Diluc's the one making you feel like this. Only he can make you feel this way. The words he put in your mind were the only words left at all as he took your brain away piece by piece, he was all that was left.
"Diluc.. Diluc.. Diluc!!" You screamed as you got pushed to the very edge. Suddenly, as if he could tell you were about to fully become his, he pulled himself away again. Tears rolled down your pretty cheeks as you brought your hand down, needing to finish yourself but to no avail. "Tsk," He sat himself up, giving you his fingers to suck off.
"I'm afraid only I can make you cum, my dear.." He peeled your hand away from your clit, and you moaned in defiance, at least as much as you could with his fingers in your mouth. "But you made a vital mistake," He took his fingers out, trailing them gently down your waist. "You didn't say please."
"P-Please Diluc.." You choked out, taking extra time to remember the word please, all you could think of is Diluc. "There you go! Was it that hard?" He tucked your disheveled hair behind your ear as he unbuckled his pants, taking the pants and shirt off. "Now you'll get what you deserve, my love." You pulled his underwear down in a frenzy, positioning his hard cock right at your entrance to take the work off his hands. "Oh how kind you are, y/n, positioning my own cock for me." He smiled a rare gleam as he pushed himself into you, finally getting to moan.
"You're s-so beautiful, so perfect," He complimented you for every deep thrust he blessed you with, "And you're mine." He growled the last one as he sped up his pace. Your head lolled back and all you could see is red in your vision. Not that you were to notice, but all you've been doing is chanting his name as you bounced from his thrusts.
"You come when I come," he pushes the words out with great effort as his pushes got shakier. Your legs were already shaking violently from being edged like you had, and you nodded your head as best as you could. "Ready?" He called out as he thrusted the deepest he could go.
"3... 2... 1..." He came with a loud groan right in your ear as you cried out his name, clawing at his back to get as close as possible. He filled you up to the very brim, burying his head in the crook of your neck as he slowly thrusted, coming down from his high.
Your eyes stayed close as he took himself out, resting on top of you with his hands in your hair.
"I love you darling.." He whispered as he pulled the covers over the two of you, but to silent ears. "Y/n..?" He lifted himself slightly to get a better view of you. There was no way you were going to have any senses for a good day at least. He sighed into a smile, and cuddled up close.
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cedricslover · 3 years
can you write a oneshot with wolfstars daughter dating george
Here you go bestie<33 thank u for requesting!!
As a wolfstar shipper and a George girl myself😌, I hope you like this bestie<33
Pairings: Sirius x Remus, George x Fem! Reader
Warnings: some homophobia at the beginning, teasing Sirius Black lmaooo
Word Count: 2.4k
“You want a future with me?”
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“Hello dear” you turned around and saw one of your fathers, “Dad!” you jumped and hugged him, you just got off the Hogwarts express, this would be your last summer break since you’re going to be seventh year the next time you step at Hogwarts. 
“How’s my baby girl?” He looked at you as you broke the hug, you smiled at the sight of him “Doing great, where’s dad?” you looked around while he picked up your trunk, “Here!” you heard the voice of your other father and your heart jumped out of joy when you saw him, you ran to him and hugged him too. 
“Here’s a chocolate for our princess” he handed you a bar of chocolate, “Remus! You ruined my moment with her, you should show up at the exit, not here, you’re ruining my quality time with our daughter!” suddenly Sirius was having a tantrum, not likely a tantrum actually, he was just whining. 
“No” Remus answered and looked away while he bit into his own chocolate bar. You laughed at them, “Stop acting like kids” you said and linked your arms to theirs. 
“Excuse us?” They both said in unison and looked at you, their forehead creasing that made you laugh even more. 
“You may” you nodded while closing your eyes and your parents just looked at each other, and it seemed like they were blaming the other one as to why you are so sarcastic.
“Let’s just go home” you dragged them by the arms since theirs are still linked to yours. You giggled as you saw Sirius not even struggling while carrying your trunk and at the same time being dragged by his daughter, and giggled even more when you saw your other dad who was just eating his chocolate quietly while observing the surroundings. 
You three were just like a happy family, parents picking up their child that came from a boarding school, if it weren’t just the ugly looks the people gave you.
It seems like Sirius was also bothered by how people looked at the three of you, seriously? Can’t they just manage their own business. 
Remus on the other hand was like used to it, he didn’t show any bothered expression, he didn't want to feed their satisfaction. That is something you got from him, that’s why you just let the people be, but of course, Sirius being Sirius.
He removed his arms from your link and grabbed Remus' face and took a bite from the chocolate that was centimeters away from his lips-being that he was eating it, your eyes widened registering how did that happen so fast, your jaw dropped, and a smile slowly formed in your lips as you saw Remus turning scarlet. 
 “Gross” you removed your arm that was around Remus’ and walked past them, your smile didn’t left your lips as you see mixed reactions from the crowd at the station, some were smiling, some were confused, some were probably uncomfortable, and of course, the people who were obvious to be insulted or disgusted. 
Needless to say, Sirius is your father, so you flicked those people who looked openly disgusted by them, they were sneering, frowning, and rolling their eyes.
“Fuck off git” you mouthed as you walk, turning to them while your middle fingers were greeting them. 
“Good job princess” Sirius laughed and high fived you as you three arrived at the front of number 12 Grimmauld Place, you weren’t sure what was the good job for, is it for flicking those people off or for successfully apparating, you decided to shrug it off and just viewed the house, it was your father’s ancestral home, it was filled by terrible memories of his childhood but with you three living there, it was all buried deep down. 
You unconsciously stared at the beautiful house that was concealed in the muggles eyes. You felt nostalgic seeing your dads walking towards the door, memories from your childhood appeared in front of you.
A girl in a yellow flowy dress, around the age of four, was running towards two men with their arms open wide, expecting that the little girl would run to them instead of the other, but what they didn’t expect was the little girl would run straight to the space between them and both hug them from the necks. 
The little girl was giggling while her dads were teary eyed, that’s when they realized, she never had favorites, if she had the choice to not choose, she wouldn’t. 
“Y/N?” Remus called you from the doorstep, his head was cocking from the door. “Oh!” you ran to the door “call me before dinner yeah?” you told Remus as you removed your shoes. You raised your gaze to him with flashing eyes and maintained eye contact, waiting for his answer. 
“Alright” he replied to you, you felt sudden joy not even sure why but it did make you kiss him on the cheek. “Thanks!, Love you dad!” you shouted as you ran towards the stairs, 
“HOW ABOUT ME?!” you heard Sirius who was probably at the kitchen doing Merlin knows what, “I LOVE YOU TOO!” you yelled while you ran the stairway. 
“YOU BETTER BE NOT PREGNANT WITH THAT WEASLEY BOY’S CHILD Y/N!” Remus’ voice echoed and you laughed and stopped from entering your room and peeked down while holding at the stair rails.
“DON’T WORRY, I’M NOT PREGNANT!” you shouted back and you heard his sigh of relief, “YET!” you added and sprinted to your room and closed the door. 
You heard both of their voices shouting your name. You cackle while heading to your study table, your room was cozy, it was filled with different drawings you made when you were a child, there was your very first black leather jacket that Sirius gave you before he bought you a bicycle, it was hanging from a corner, properly displayed, he was expecting you to like motorbikes like he did, and you did, you like riding motorbikes. 
There was also your very first hair accessories that Remus bought for you, hair pins, hair clips, headbands, and many more. He was the one who likes to tidy you up, even before you make yourself dirty by running and riding the bike. Of course Remus struggled but thankfully, Lily did teach him a few hairstyles when they were teenagers, and the rest of his knowledge came from going to different hair salons just to ask how to style his daughter’s hair. 
An owl bumped on your window that made your brows raise and shift your head to that direction. 
“Errol?” you said the name of the owl and he dropped a letter to your hand before he headed to your table and lay down, acting very exhausted, of course to your utter panic you immediately got water and placed it in front of him. You sighed as he drank through the container, enough for him to drink. 
While he relaxed you opened the letter. 
Hello beautiful, 
                   I’ll arrive there at six, see you. 
Your husband, 
You bit your lower lip and smiled, then you forgot, you haven’t told your dads yet. Without wasting any time, you apparated to the kitchen. 
“Hey” you voice lingered behind their backs and they jumped, they turned their heads to you with wide eyes, “You don’t do that here” Sirius said while holding his chest, “I almost had a heart attack” he glared at you while you just tried to not laugh,
“You’re just getting old dad” you stated that made him glare at you more, Remus smiled very very sweetly at you, trying to bribe you to not say it “and you too” you smiled back, looking at their sour faces. 
“Enough” Remus raised both of his hands and shaked it, trying to shoo you. “I was about to say that George’s arriving at si-” you didn’t have the chance to finish your sentence when someone knocked at the door. 
“I’ll get it” you announced, you three were quite tensed as to who might be at the door, you weren’t expecting visitors this early, it wasn't 6 o'clock yet. 
You opened the door, ready to run back to the kitchen if something goes wrong, but what greeted who was something-or someone, who had a mischievous smile, his red hair shining because of the sun, and his brown eyes gleaming at you. 
“Hello dove” his smile became wider as he caught the perfect view of his girlfriend, her Y/H/C hair complimenting her skin, the eyes that were obviously shocked to see him, and the smile that slowly formed on her soft lips. 
“George!” you mentioned his name when you processed who was standing in front of you, he gave you a peck on the lips before he grabbed your waist and pushed you carefully to the side so he can walk, “hello Sirs” he cleared his throat and rubbed both of his hand on his pants before giving your fathers a hand shake. 
This would probably be their very first ‘formal’ meeting, they already met each other at Hogwarts, during the Triwizard tournament, but that wasn’t formal enough, unlike now. 
George was scratching the back of his neck and was being really nervous, you just surveyed them, and when you noticed something it was too late because your mouth opened before you can even think twice
“Dad, you’re the smallest” you told Sirius that made the three of them look at you, firstly George was shaking his head slightly, trying to tell you that it was not the right time, then Remus was also looking at you, he was trying his best to cross his brows but you can see the ghost of smile that was in his face, on the other hand, Sirius was there shooting daggers at you with his eyes like you’re not his child, then he slowly looked at Remus and George. 
George was obviously the tallest, but only an inch taller than Remus, while Sirius, he’s just not a six footer. 
“I-uh come George let’s prepare the table” even though it was still early, you reached for George’s hand, still feeling the stares of your father, you wanted to laugh, so hard, but he might not buy you your favorite cereal, so you chose to suck it up.
“Why’d you do that?” George started talking as you fetched his wand and used it to prepare the table using magic, “it was my mouth’s fault, anyway, you told me you're arriving at six, it's not six yet” you answered and watched the floating plates and utensils. 
“I was trying my best not to laugh dove, please don’t do that again in front of your parents, I might lose goodie points, and I meant six minutes not six o'clock” he chuckled as he hugged you from the back, wrapping his arms around your waist and laying his chin on the top of your head. 
“Even if you lose goodie points, I’ll still love you don’t worry” you faced him and cupped his face, his face that was always as perfect, those freckles that can make a constellation, his eyes that you would prefer to look at rather than the stars, and his hair that would always stand out. 
It was like a magnetic pull, your faces was slowly getting nearer and nearer, almost there, the finish line, his lips onto yours, inches turned to an inch, heartbeats getting fast, and you can feel his breath, then his soft lips was supposed to be next 
Not until someone cleared their throat that made you push George out of reflex. 
“No snogging in this house, you understand that angel?” Sirius crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows, “Yes dad” you replied, slightly embarrassed so you chose to continue to prepare the table while George can’t maintain eye contact with you or anyone in the room. 
“Sorry dad” you walked to Sirius who was still in the entrance of the kitchen, surprisingly he smiled at you, “Yeah that’s for bullying me” he wrapped his arms over your shoulder “But about that almost kiss? I’m not mad don’t worry, we all kiss someone at some time” he added like it was just common sense for him to not get mad.
“I love you” you said out of the blue while you two watched Remus and George laughing at the dinner table, you rested your head on his chest, “I love you more princess” you felt him kiss the top of your head. 
“Just walk with the boy outside while we clean here alright?” Remus looked at you and George, he tapped George’s shoulder before he turned his back to the both of you and be with Sirius who was still drinking wine at the table. 
“Come on” George called you and touched your back to guide you, your eyes were still looking at your parents, mesmerized by their strong bond. 
“Georgie?” you tried to get his attention while you two walked the dim lighted streets, only the flickering lamp posts and the moon were the sources of light. 
“Hmm?” he was busy playing your hand, touching every bit of it, and even comparing it to his. “You think we would be like them?” you stopped on your tracks, feeling the night summer breeze brushing your skin, "Like who love?" He stared at you, now holding your hand firmly, "Sirius and Remus" you answered and tucked the few strands of hair that was bothering your face because of the wind,  you looked at his eyes and saw amusement and adoration all over it.
“You’re asking me that?” a lopsided smile appeared on his face, you nodded slightly as an answer, “You’re thinking of marrying me?” he asked you again, now giving a full smile, you nodded again, “You," he pointed to you "want a future with me?” he pointed to himself, his eyes smiling the same as his lips, you nodded again, oblivious of how that made George’s inner monologues that was doubting what would happen with the both of you disappear, because who wouldn’t, you’re Y/N, raised by two amazing people, you’re beautiful, intelligent, bold, and many more that he would even consider you as perfect. 
And you’re here, saying that you wanted a future with him. 
Now, with the moon smiling at the both of you, the stars being your cheerleaders, your lips met, you hooked your arms around his neck while he cups your face with one hand and the other holding your waist. 
At this night, two teenagers shared a kiss under a lamp post, during the summer of 1995. 
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