#its like ok but could u be good at it like could u actually learn to be good about it at least. could u not ruin a human beings life
suffarustuffaru · 5 months
What If Julius and Subaru both met when Julius was a commoner and Subaru got transported Sooner
fun stuff im sure !! but haah okay given julius was a kid when he was a commoner - yeah theyre both kids here!! not sure how old but definitely somewhere before the age of ten. and i think theyd be up to some shenanigans together im sure!! theyre both very mischevious kids (or from what little we know of little kid julius, given iirc tappei hasnt specified just How Much of a "delinquent" little kid julius is okay. but hes definitely the type to sneak out past curfew or something. stay up late reading too, probably. that sort of thing). and also subarus a kid and no way he ISNT missing home poor guy T^TT getting ripped away from home like that is bad enough at seventeen, getting ripped away from home when you are like. no more than eight or something is Bad. but luckily!! im assuming subaru gets found by the juukuliuses (julius's parents probably?) and thats how julius and subaru form their friendship / long-term yearning for each other (if you so desire that) (okay but no way subaru ISNT gonna form long-term yearning for julius flajsdlf). but yes i think julius and subaru would be silly happy kids together and julius's parents would be like oh no this other kid is so lost where is he from :(( but hes so loved by julius already too... well we got another kid under our roof now.
except. julius's parents die in a flood. so i mean. Hypothetically.... either julisuba survive this one first try or subaru dies for the first time. which. ohh god. oh god. oh g -
#IM. IM JUST GONNA LEAVE ON THAT OMINOUS NOTE#yeah so i think this would turn into childhood friends to Possibly Mutual Pining but actually it might not be mutual if you wanna interpret#reinjuli a certain way. but then but THEN later it can become mutual if u so want#like when u know a person for such a long period of time u change over time. u know?? both you and the relationship u have with this person#has its alterations over time!! thats just how it b but if youre meant to be together youll stick it out <3#julisuba in every universe they befriend each other for good is#Bound to be together for the rest of their lives. To Me. they are soulmates to Me okay their relationship is important#regardless of what form it takes!!! they could grow to think of each other like brothers in an au like this if u so desire too!! which i#think would be really touching <3#yeah so. julisuba childhood friends au. shit goes haywire sometimes. its really awful bc subarus a kid so u can imagine the kind of fucked#stuff hes learning rn hahaha. or you can go the happier route and subaru doesnt learn about rbd until later </3#either way. julisuba real. subarus an eldritch horror. these are both crucial facts for every timeline#i think julius would probs be a bit better having a companion by his side from the very beginning throughout all of this for sure!!#and someone who Gets the jealousy / do i want to be with him or Be him ;-;#i have a fondness for reinjulisuba (THE MESSIEST LOVE TRIANGLE YOUVE EVER SEEN)#and ok if subarus an eldritch horror since childhood then he and reinhard are gonna have Even More in common#hooray for childhood joys and traumas!!!!!#also julisuba visit julius's parents graves :(( leave nice flowers there im sure#subaru-joshua hostility begins also. that sort of thing#rezero#re:zero#ask#natsuki subaru#julius juukulius
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lokh · 5 months
heterogenia linguistico is so interesting...
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i-cant-sing · 11 months
Ok. Ok. HEAR ME OUT. Miguel hanging out with reader (shes chained to the chair) and feeding her (shoving food down her throat) bc she mentioned she hadn't eaten anything while Miguel was out handling business (beating up a child)
Ommg yess but like imagine reader being a spider person and unbeknownst to her, Miguel has grown really fond of her, seeing her as his own daughter and so he... dotes on you. Look, his family loss is still fresh, so he has this abundance of platonic love that he just needs to pour and you are luckily (or not) that person.
And papa Miguel is like trying so hard not to show that he cares about your well being, but HE DOES and he's always worried about you and he just wants to pull u out of the field and tell u its too dangerous for u to be spiderman, but he doesn't wanna say it because then he'll have to explain his concern for u and I've already told u guys that he's an emotionally crippled father who cant say "I love you" but their actions always scream out the words.
So, he thinks its best to just take care of you as best as he can without arousing suspicion from you or pulling u out of the field (cause he knows u love being a hero). He makes you food(mostly mexican because everything else doesn't have enough spice and it doesnt matter if u cant handle spice, you will LEARN to), okay? I mean good, homecooked meals, 3 times a day and he expects you to eat breakfast and dinner(ofcourse u have a curfew) with him. But lunches? well, since you're always on missions during lunch time, he packs u up some food for u to take and he always checks your bento box (ALSO SPIDERMAN THEMED OBV) but perhaps this one day, you forgot to or didnt want to take your lunch along (a very tasty burrito) and when Miguel sees your lunch in his kitchen, he is LOSING it all. My man here is making himself go crazy(ier) by overthinking the worst possible scenarios (because this is unusual behavior in his textbook) and he sends a sort of AMBER alert on your ass because you're not answering his calls/texts(cause ur busy fighting bad guys) and Miguel just sends the ENTIRE spider society to find where you are and bring you home ASAP. Obv the spider society follows his orders to bring you because he's boss man and he probably has some important reason to drag ur ass home and not because papa's heart cant handle that his baby missed lunch???
Omg can you imagine reader finally finishing tying up the bad guys and now stops by a pizza place to grab a slice and girl looks outside to see 100 spidermans swinging around, all coming her way. These guys all shoot enough webs until you were practically cocooned in them and perfectly immobilised, and then they all open up the portal to deliver u to Miguel.
And Miguel just shoos them all away before he begins to free u from the webs and asks where u were, what happened, did the bad guys hurt u, were u kidnapped.
"Yeah-" you pulled the webs out of your hair. "-by your men!" And Miguel explains that he sent them after you because he thought something bad happened to u.
"Why would you think that?"you inquired.
Because you forgot your lunch at home. No, he cant say that.
"I- my spider senses were telling me to. I guess they were wrong." Now before you could ask more questions, he changes the topic. "Anyways, you must be hungry. Lets eat lunch-"
"No, I actually ate a slice of pizza before I was brought here-" you start but Miguel glares at you as he pulls out a dish of enchiladas from the oven, placing it in front of you.
"You will eat. You're hungry."
"I'm actually not. Like I was saying-" but he glares at you again, piling up your plate with enchilidas.
"I wasn't asking, mija." He hands you the utensils, red eyes piercing you. "You are hungry, and you will eat. Now."
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kraviolis · 1 year
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i told y’all. i told y’all i was gonna go crazy over this post made by @gummy-goat-galaxy​
full disclosure i drew literally all of this before looking into the details of the AU so this is 70% my interpretation of his original post but i need to explain my thought process so. here’s the post explaining the details of the actual AU!!! and below is what my brain made up on the spot
ok so belos finds tiny child luz and is like “fuck everyone. this is mine now” and treats her like a goddamn princess. to him, she is a Gift From God to remind him to stay on his Righteous Path. an innocent little girl who is just so bubbly and always tries to see the good in everything, including him. she is a reminder of how Pure and Good humanity is, and seeing as though she’s the literal only human he’s had any contact with besides caleb in 400 fucking years, he is never letting the demon realm corrupt her like it did to him.
she’s basically his Lamb and he the Shepherd, and because he’s so desperate to keep her “““pure”““ he strictly keeps her within the castle and even then not all of the castle is available to her. he keeps her contact with witches to an absolute bare minimum.
he entrusts her protection specifically to hunter, despite the fact he’s only 2 years older. his reasoning is “caleb did a pretty good job raising me so this’ll be fine probably.” when belos himself cannot keep an eye on her, it’s hunter’s job. luz and hunter end up being raised in a sorta similar situation to catra & adora from she-ra but they are actually siblings and not just best friends.
(if u havent seen she-ra, basically its their abusive caretaker creating a golden child + scapegoat dynamic, where one kid can do absolutely no wrong (which doesnt mean they cant still be abused/manipulated!!) while the other kid is blamed for literally everything that goes wrong. the caretaker also regularly pits them against each other to encourage competition & keep the all power in the caretaker’s hands.)
similar to catra & adora, the whole competition thing doesnt really work. luz is just too damn kind and too damn good for hunter to ever resent her, and she’s all he really has. because hunter is the scapegoat, he grows wise to belos’s manipulations WAY sooner. it’s easier to figure out when you’re being mistreated when you literally watch ur guardian treating ur sibling so much better than how they treat u.
unfortunately, because luz cannot help but see the good in absolutely everyone and can be empathetic to a fault, she doesnt realize belos’s game until she ends up sneaking out of the castle. she actually really loves belos and is thankful for him taking her in for a long time. she calls him uncle like hunter, despite belos nudging her towards seeing him as a father bcus he sees her as a pseudo-daughter. (but luz remembers her dad, and has no desire to replace him with someone else no matter how much she cares for belos)
belos does love & adore luz, he would do almost anything to keep her happy and “innocent” and “pure”, but not to the extent that he could still end up redeemed. he still manipulates & subtly emotionally abuses her to keep her in line, but it’s only when she sneaks out and meets eda the owl lady does she start getting clued into this. and once luz learns what belos has done to hunter it’s all fucking over.
hunter loves luz. she is his sister and always will be. but while he’s stuck to belos because of his duties as golden guard, she sees how green the grass is on the other side and doesn’t even hesitate to hop over there. watching her slowly grow more and more distant while she keeps sneaking out to visit with her new friends (eda, king, willow, gus, amity, etc.) is one of the most painful things hunter has had to deal with.
he feels betrayed at first, as if luz is replacing him with other people who arent broken like he is, and when luz actually leaves for good- belos lies to the public and says she was kidnapped- hunter is the one who leads the hunt to find her and bring her back home safely. when they confront each other, luz tries to do her whole dramatic speech about how wrong belos is and how he’s been lying their whole lives, but hunter already knows. the only reason he stayed was for luz, but she couldnt even stay from him? it fuckin hurts man.
they end up on opposite sides for a minute. hunter gains no satisfaction from trying to ruin this new life she’s found for herself but goddamnit, he has a job to do. he cant just defect. and then he defects after watching belos try to kill luz because she’s let herself become corrupted by the witches.
thats about all my brain got for this so far. TL;DR basically just listen to the “first time in forever” and “mother knows best reprise” and “broken crown” by mumford & sons and thats pretty much the gist of it.
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japhers · 7 months
Hey there! Long time lover of your art, and my curiosity got the better of me. I've checked your FAQ but I'm dying to know if you have any tips/tricks for how to render gold. No matter which style you draw it in, whether more painterly or simplified (like for Étienne & Benoît), your gold accents always feel like they have the crucial elements of both warmth and the like. reflectiveness?? ITS THE GOOD STUFF either way
OGH THIS IS GONNA BE A BIT HARD TO EXPLAIN BECAUSE it's a lot of accumulated studies but I'll try ;u;
FIRST OFF: I feel like I have to say that these are all just shortcuts- I've learned just enough about gold to be able to convey the illusion of gold on what I draw, in the fastest way I could do it, for quickly putting the ideas in my head on paper, but this is by no means a comprehensive guide!
If you really want to study the physics of it all, the way it would work with different materials and styles, then I highly suggest doing a lot of self-studies!
Even when painting smth new- if it's really something I want to work hard on, I tend to have gold references open on the side so I can look at them and figure out how they work!
Ok, so moving on:
I like to look for references because the type of gold/material is going to affect the reflectivity and the way I'd shade it, but by default I love doing the more chrome-y type of material on my stuff bc it reads the best as gold, yanno? Unless of course the thing I'm doing calls for more matte/textured types...
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Then depending on the colors surrounding the gold item, as well as the colors on the gold item, I can figure out the colors I want to use!
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By default though I like using a sort of yellow or yellow-orange with deep browns for the gold itself, light cream/white for the highlights and light blue for the bounce light (which is actually the simulation of an effect where the blue sky's color bounces off the ground and up onto your item!)
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I feel like the 'warmth' that you are seeing is the interaction between the reds and yellows of the gold, contrasted and made much warmer with the blue bounce light!
It's hard to see on the next one, but I airbrushed the Highlight color on an Overlay (sometimes an Addition) layer, which helps add a glow!
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For the Genshin style mockups I had to do some research because the specific way of shading gold that the MHY artists utilize usually go for less saturated, lighter yellows and browns, and not everything is shaded chrome-like!
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You can see my attempts to mimic the flatter shading on these parts of Etienne's outfit:
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and then return to my more usual shading methods on these next parts, which were more in line with the shading on the red box in the examples above!
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it's a bit long, but I hope you find what you were looking for in here somewhere! ;u;
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scudslut · 2 months
Ok hear me out. Reader and Daryl go on a run for supplies with a few other people. Reader makes a mistakes and almost gets seriously hurt/ near death experience. Daryl gets pissed at reader, maybe yells at her. Reader laughs it off and acts like she doesn’t gaf. Daryl later finds reader all shaken up and crying by herself. Love if you don’t, love if you do!
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stay with me
daryl x fem!reader
wc: 2k
warnings: typical twd gore/violence, mentions of death, mentions of trauma/ptsd
a/n: absolutely love me some good fluffy angst, thank u nony❤️ i hope you like it:))
As much as you tried to prepare yourself for the inevitable situations runs would put you in, the blood-chilling reality of it never got any easier. No amount of mental prep could stove off the sounds and smell of the dead, nipping ravenously for a taste of your sweet living flesh.
Of course, over time you’d learned just to shut your brain off and fight. Fight as hard and tirelessly as you possibly could, but mistakes could still be made. Shit happened, whether it was your fault or not.
Hours earlier, a group of you went a few miles east of the prison; Daryl having spotted a little strip a few days prior, not too overrun that he thought might be loot-worthy.
It was a simple run really. Keep close, hit a few shops in and out, then head back home. That’s it. Follow the plan, get as much useful shit as possible, and get the fuck out of there. You guys had it down to a science at this point, runs becoming so second nature it was almost too easy to let your guard down nowadays.
“Hey D, I’m gonna go check the storage room back here. Might have something we could use,” you voiced to your partner a few isles down, still keeping your tone as low as you could.
“Gimme a sec, I'll come help ya,” you heard him say but you kept moving. You two had already cleared the main area, you could handle a walker or two if there actually was any behind the small door. You figured you would’ve heard something by now, some sort of banging or grumbling to announce their presence, but there was nothing, the coast presumably clear.
You should have waited.
Crossing the few miscellaneous isles you reached the back door, giving it a small rattle. Still complete silence, not even the faintest groan or shuffle. Knife at the ready, hand clamped over the cool metal handle, your heart rate picked up a notch as it always did before opening into the unknown.
“You got this, come on,” you muttered to yourself, before throwing the door open, bracing for attack. The door flew wide, only to reveal a dark, empty room. Squinting through the dimness, a few high, dusty shelves were visible, stocked with all sorts of canned goods. Fuck yea, that was certainly useful.
“D! Come look what I found!” you rasped, dropping your knife into its holster and shuffling in. You unslung your backpack from your shoulders, digging through it for a flashlight excitedly. It’s been so long since you’ve found this much canned food, surely enough to keep the group well stocked through most of the winter that was approaching. A loud creak from the left caught your attention as you sped forward. Hands finally finding purchase on the flashlight, you flicked it on, scanning across the room to the sound.
Dust caked the air, making the already dark room fuzzier and your eyes took a minute to adjust. You took a few smaller steps closer, peering wearily ahead and then you saw them.
Beady, soulless eyes staring back. A whole rickety staircase of them, heads turning one by one to the light source in your hand.
“Oh fuck.”
There had to be at least 10 of them that you could see, the top of the stairs pitch black and unrevealing.
Your feet stumbled backward, hands desperately reaching for the knife at your hip, dropping the flashlight in the process. It rolled and caught under your heels, knocking you on your ass as the corpses advanced, jaws snapping.
These were those moments. When you felt your heart in your throat, brain stuttering on action. Time moved so slowly that the fragments were almost visible and every thought screaming in your mind sounded like gibberish. You know you should move, is that what it was screaming?
The first one got to you, grabbing your leg trying to crawl up and finally, you were kicking, scrambling, grabbing onto the knife and slamming it into its skull with a loud squelch.
“Daryl!” you yelled. You needed him. Now.
3 more dropped before you, slinking towards you and you were trapped — the first corpse lying heavily over your midsection.
“Yea, yea girl. I heard ya,” you heard him respond, still sounding a few isles away.
No no no, this was not how you were gonna die. Not today. Please.
You kept stabbing, each kill taking everything out of you as you struggled against the body weight atop you. They just kept piling, you could hardly feel your legs anymore, the circulation surely cut off below your knees. And more were coming, a never-ending stream of hunger.
Another one landed before you and you had just enough time to catch its shoulders before it was inches away, snapping at your neck. Your arms burned, tears welling in your eyes as you realized this could be it. You didn’t know how much longer you had before they gave out and rotting teeth would be sinking into you, tearing you apart.
The walker kept snapping, so close you could see the layers of rotting flesh peeling from its face. You had been close to walkers before, had stared into the lifeless eyes too many times to count, but this was different. More were coming and the face in the reflection of its eyes was barely recognizable — terror painting every feature you’d known on you distorted.
The bones cracked in its left shoulder and it dislocated, dropping down to centimeters from your skin.
“No,” you sobbed quietly. Daryl wasn’t going to make it, you knew that. He was going to walk in and find his girl as dinner. You hoped he just booked it, and didn’t waste his time trying to save what would long be gone.
The walker fell limp in your arms and you flinched harshly, expecting excruciating pain to follow as it bit. But there was nothing.
“The fuck are ya doing! Get up!”
Daryl was suddenly right before you, ripping each body off your aching limbs and you were now acutely aware of the larger pile by the stairs, all with arrows and stab wounds littering their heads. When had he gotten in here?
You didn’t hear his words, adrenaline coursing so loudly through your system that all that could be heard was a loud, shrill ringing.
“Goddammit girl, wake the fuck up!” he shouted, grabbing you by the shoulders in an attempt to lift you. Your brain caught up then, as he harshly placed you on your feet. Walkers scattered the floor around you, and a grumble at the stairs announced it wasn’t the last of them.
Daryl reached down, grabbed your dropped items, and shoved them in your dumbstruck hands. “We’re gettin’ outta here, now,” he seethed, dragging you along and slamming the door behind you both, crossing the lines of isles quickly to the front entrance.
The fresh, afternoon air hit your nose in a gust and the last of the fuzz chipped itself from your senses slowly.
“Hope yer fuckin happy with yerself. Can’t ever listen to a goddamn word’a mine, can ya?” Daryl quipped beside you. His eyes were slits as they dug into you, so fuming you could see the heat radiating off his skin in the early autumn brisk.
He was angry at you, you knew that. But you also knew it was because he was scared. Hell, you were fucking terrified to stone back there, but if you wanted to calm him down at all, you knew you had to act unfazed.
Gathering any remaining wits about you, you took a deep inhale, “I’m sorry, I wasn’t expecting them.”
He didn’t respond, wouldn’t even look at you anymore as he began to pace the graveled parking lot.
“Hey don’t stress Dar. I’m alive, we’re good,” you attempted to soothe further.
“Don’t stress? Yer a real piece a work, y’know that! Always fucking up everyone’s shit cause ya don’t wanna use yer brain, huh?”
Well, that did not go as you expected.
The rest of the group had started shuffling out of the other shops around you, making their way to the vehicles.
“Jeez, you need to lighten up,” you brushed past him, head high. You couldn’t let his words affect you, not with all the other emotions coursing as well. You didn’t understand what he meant. You had never put anyone other than yourself in danger, how could you possibly be fucking over everyone else?
You decided to wait in the car as the rest of the group went back for the cans, tag-teaming whatever walkers remained. The loot had decently filled both trunks and everyone was happy to call it a day and head back.
Your eyes followed Daryl as he jumped into your car, eyes trained on the windshield, “Ya alright at least?” he muttered glancing at you briefly while shifting the car into drive.
“I’m good, you big grump,” you huffed with a tight-lipped smile. “That much food will last us a long time. I believe a thank you is in order, don’t you think?”
You were not good. Not at all, but there was no reason to worry him anymore, putting him through enough today as it was. Your hands were shoved tightly under your thighs, so he couldn’t see the tremors racking through you.
You had smelt death so many times it didn’t bother you much anymore. Today you had smelt your own. Saw your life in that walker's eyes, mere seconds away from demolition. It was safe to say you were shaken to your core.
The journey back was silent, both not in the mood to chat for very different reasons, and the whole time you were trying to keep each breath of yours steady.
You helped unload as much as you could, before slipping away discreetly to your cell. You didn’t want anyone to see you like this, you felt kind of pathetic honestly. This was life now, it had been this way for a long time now, you shouldn’t be so shaken up as you were but the terror just wouldn’t leave your body.
Panic washed over you once again as your eyes hit your dim cell. Your mind was quickly slipping back into those last moments, the darkness and dust all too similar. The fear you had felt coating your veins icily and your breaths started to become agitated. There was nowhere else to go though. If you left the cell someone would see you.
Subconsciously, you backed yourself into the corner of the room, crumbling down to the floor with your head in your hands. Deep down you hoped your hyperventilating would knock you out. You didn’t want to think anymore — see it anymore. Tears were burning the back of your throat as you held down sobs, feeling the walker's hands and weight atop of you all again.
A small yelp escaped you when the hands became real. Pressure on your shoulders and waist and your head snapped up from its hiding spot, reflexes already prepared to fight whatever presence was with you.
“It’s jus’ me, hey, hey,” you heard through your panic, his blue eyes just recognizable through blurry tears. “S’okay, relax.”
You couldn’t calm down this time, vicious sobs finally breaking their way out of your frame. Running was your first thought; you didn’t want anyone to see you like this, Daryl or not. Emotions were never a strong suit of yours and would always find yourself dealing with them in private, away from sympathetic words and pitying eyes. But Daryl was never like that, he drew you in and held you tight, uttering no more words other than the ones to confirm it was him. If you asked him to say more, he would, but he knew this was what you needed. Someone to ground you back onto Earth and out of whatever images tormented your head.
So that’s what he did. Held you for hours as your body expelled all its terror and lingering adrenaline. He’d give quiet coos through each wave of shakes, grabbing a blanket to warm you through the cold sweats. And finally, once the fear faded to exhaustion, he scooped you up off the stiff concrete and into your soft cot.
“Stay with me?” you rasped, throat parched and raw from crying.
It wasn’t a second thought for him. He was never truly angry with you, and he knew you knew that. He needed you safe with him.
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billskeis · 1 month
Could you do a smut where bill and the reader are just cuddling skin to skin and its all fluff but then it starts to get a little sexual and heads to smut THANK U
i kinda rushed it but im horny ok
ᡣ𐭩 bill loves thigh jobs
cuddling your back into the flush of bill’s chest, the two of you cuddle under the warm cozy blanket during a cold winter night. the two of you learned that skin to skin contact helps better regulate body temperature and all in all is a very intimate way that you and bill show love to one another.
he snakes an arm around your waist, arm hairs tickling you as he hides his face into the crook of your neck, “s’warm..”
you let out a small giggle, writhing from within his grasp to get even more comfortable. he allows you to adjust your body, moving his alongside yours so that the two of you are now fit together like a puzzle peace. all he does is place small kisses onto your shoulder blades telling you about his day.
that is, until you feel bill’s hard on press into your back. you let out a small shriek, screaming “b-bill! really??” and you turn your neck, cramping almost, to look back at your boyfriend who is now bashful and as red as a tomato as he’s pathetically horny from just cuddling you, “sorry baby..”
“can i just..” as he begins to lift one of your legs up, immediately, you slap at his arm and frown, “‘m still sore..”
a heavy sigh leaves his lips. he needs relief, now. and the only person who could do it was the laying right beside him, you. he rubs your arms up and down, skin akin to one another as he presses his body closer to yours, hard on even closer now than ever before on the bend of your back.
slowly but surely, the head of bill’s cock peeks through from in between your thighs. the small triangle opening, right above where your cunt sits is now filled with his length. “ugh.. can i..?” he’s whiny, needy, and totally impatient as he slightly humps his hips into yours. you can’t bring yourself to say no with how his cock rubs against your folds.
the way it just separates your cunt to rub on your clit nonstop, you can only squirm and writhe from the overwhelming pleasure, sensitive from your previous orgasms from bill hours before he got hard again. “mmh..! b-bill slow down..” a plapping noise filling the room as he pretend fucks you, desperate filthy noises escaping his mouth as he’s practically in ecstasy with the way his cock thrusts against your thighs.
“‘msorryimsorryimsorryims-sosorryschatz.. f-fuck..! i-imsorry..”
whispering those meaningless apologies over and over again like a mantra as if he intends to stop his hips any time soon. but no! he doesn’t actually intend to, and he isn’t actually sorry. bill feels way too good to want to stop. you can only hold onto his arms that are wrapped around your waist so he can better fuck his dick into your thigh as the impact of his pummelling increases.
“doing soooo well f’me schatzi,” you’re doing nothing, you hold onto bill for leverage, and that’s it, “laying there all pretty for me hm? j-just keep still hun..”
his movements become sloppy over time, only needing to release. a still of his hips and cum staining the sheets can indicate he’s finally reached his climax, biting into your shoulder as licks and laps at the bite marks he’s left. breathless, bill lets go of your body to lay on his back. you turn to look at him and place a kiss on his cheek.
“feel better now?” you ask, “mmhm, thank you so much princess—oh!—look a’that :D,” as you open your legs in front of him, fingers spreading to reveal your glistening cunt, welcoming him in to fix the mess that he willingly made.
i fear i suck at writing LMFAOOO
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currently sick and all my friends r going clubbing without me :c pray for a speedy recovery
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ssparksflyy · 3 months
hii, this is my first time requesting and I’m not very good with English, so I’m a bit nervous but, I read the Leo Valdez x daughter of Athena and I loved it! So could I request for some general headcanons for Leo Valdez x daughter of Athena? Totally okay if you don’t have time or anything!
thank you so much 💗💗🥰
ask and thou shall receive ༉‧₊˚.
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leo valdez dating hcs ! ° ༘⋆₊˚ෆ
pairing: leo valdez x daughter of athena!reader warning(s): none!! a/n: hii! tysm for requesting! i hope u enjoyed this, i love writing leo w a child of athena cause i can finally talk abt his smarts !!
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nerd alert!!
its ok tho cause you guys are always able to help each other out when u have an issue with wtv ur working on
leo asks u for advice and ur opinions whenever hes working on a project
i feel like leo would be popular bcs he's a mf social butterfly
which means he knows everything abt everyone
that's why his hair is so big, its full of secrets
so while ur mapping out a plan for the next capture the flag game, you'll ask him if he thinks your plan could work based on how well people know each other
like ur not gonna put 2 ppl with beef by each other, cause then they'll end up fighting each other and not focus on the game
yk? yk.
ur smarts definitely compliment each other, and ut always trying to learn more about each other's interests
leo's definitely picked up some books in ancient greek about battle techniques and architecture
as have you on mechanical engineering
sometimes at the end of the day, when ur laying on the couch in bunker nine together, he'll ask you questions on architecture, just to hear u talk about things ur passionate about
he just loves seeing ur eyes light up and adores the way you practically talk with your hands as well
call me maybe crazy
athena would actually kinda like him ?!
she doesnt appreciate his constant jokes
but she thinks hes smart ( bcs he is ) and knows he makes u happy
hephaestus also rlly likes you
he likes anybody who shows his kids love lowkey
which means he likes you extra
if u were ever to get married, leo would 100% make your engagment ring, but hephaestus would me the one who would make you two the most beautiful wedding rings
its his way of showing he cares as a father
all of cabin 9 loves you
i feel like cabin 6 and 9 (omg 69) were already good friends, so they were ecstatic when they heard their fav mfs finally got together
i feel like in the flirting era it was a lot of spending time together, but just being unable to confess your feelings
now you still spend a bunch of time together, but dont rely on longing glaces and lingering touches
leo is the touchiest mf we all know this
but when u touch him?? the boy is in shambles
this sound a little strange but i promise i dont mean it like that
like yea he loves holding ur hand and kissing your knuckles
but when you kiss his knuckles?? hes a flustered mess
when he cups your cheek and you kiss the palm of his hand, he goes craaazzzyyyy
bouncing off the walls nd everything
he loves it when you tell him random little facts nd shit
ur literally his google
his go-to when he has a question
hes super proud of his smart gf ok ??
leo and percy actually get closer when you start dating
cause now they can both obsessively talk abt their genius gfs
and theyve evolved from the "my gf is smarter" "no my gf is smarter" fights
you and annabeth used to find their fights funny tho
annabeth is literally so supportive :))
she trusts leo and knows he makes you happy and has also obvi noticed how u light up his world
she still plays a semi-protective big sister role
like if shes leo getting a little to close, she'll shoot him one of her warning looks, and he'll move a little further away
but other than that she literally loves u guys :)
morse code is used quite often with you two
especially at night, when you dont want to break the comfortable silence, so you tap messages onto each other's backs.
or when your in a crowded room
or when your talking shit
before you met leo, you had only known a little bit of morse code but as you became closer, he taught you more nd more ♡
he loves it when you read to him
ur like his personal podcast
when you finsh reading a book together, u both write reviews about the book and have them all in a little notebook ♡
leo is for sure the type of guy to take pictures of you 24/7, 365
he has his all time favs taped up by his bunk in cabin nine and ofc has some of his bulletin board in bunker nine
he has the rest saved in a box, along with a bunch of other trinkets from dates u went on :))
you have a box like this yourself, filled with pictures of him, trinkets, and metal flowers he's made you ♡♡
oh and you for sure have a spot
you stumbled acrosss it while on your way to bunker nine and showed it to leo immediately
its a small clearing in the trees, where the sun shines through the leaves, and theres a small patch of flowers ♡
u have most of ur dates there, it ur special little place
leo is literally ur most perfect scholar bf fr ♡
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a/n pt.2 : heyyy, i hope u enjoyed these hcs!! im trying out hair rollers overnight rn so its a little hard 2 lay down but we will manage! also heres a leo x child of athena moodboard that i did for my event :) anyway, have a good day/night!!
peace from manhattan,
percy jackson ♡
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lokh · 1 year
ok. im genuinely ready to kill someone. you know when ur parent is like why dont you ever take initiative why do we have to tell you everything first EXCEPT literally growing up every time you did something of your own volition you Thought was right you would get chewed out because turns out it was wrong.
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 3 months
examples of atla live action’s attempts to be more feminist and how they actually had the opposite effect and/or hurt the integrity of the show
already talked about katara and pakku. does not make sense that she did not have a master. point blank. just because something sounds empowering (ie katara saying “yes. and ur looking at her.” after zuko asked if she found a master) doesn’t mean it automatically is. there still needs to be logic and katara “being her own master” defies logic imo im sorry!
katara in general. she has no ferocity here which to be very honest i dont think is fully the writers’ fault. some of the blame goes on them but the actress for katara just delivered alllllll of her lines w the same exact mild tone. katara is overly motherly. she is bossy. she is passionate. she is nurturing. she is emotional. THERE IS POWER IN THESE THINGS!!!!! why would we take away her spark?!?!?!
i loved live action suki. however, i LOVE the line in the original when her and sokka part ways and sokka says “i treated u like a girl when i should’ve treated u like a warrior.” and suki says “i am a warrior” *kisses sokka on the cheek* “but im a girl too.” THAT LINE WAS SO PERFECT like lemme say it again there is POWER IN FEMININITY! there is no shame in that!!!!! why does this show wanna take that away so badly. at one point live action suki says something like “im not just a warrior, im a kiyoshi warrior” and before she parts ways w sokka she thanks him for showing her some of the world or something like that. which was fine but i just love the simplicity of the original. a girl can be a warrior and have a crush. why do we have to change that?
this is a small one and it doesnt REALLY matter, but i cant help but think they changed this to be more “feminist” which is just dumb. yue isnt betrothed? well she was but she broke it off? and hahn (her ex) isnt a huge dick? i mean it wasn’t the worst thing and i didnt really mind it but i was just kinda like ?????. feel like yue being betrothed tied into her sense of responsibility and foreshadowed the sacrifices she will make for her people. so. feels rly weird that they changed it. i think it was to show more women agency which is always cool. but in the original, yue finally gets her agency by becoming the moon spirit. that should be the end of her character arc. idk. a weird change that seemed unnecessary.
sokka not being sexist. honestly i think the live action did a good job at omitting this while not REALLY making it feel like something was missing. with that being said, something was still missing lol. once again, its apart of sokka’s character. i feel like everyone has already expressed their hate for this so ill just leave it at that.
i am a TAD indifferent on the women of the northern tribe joining the forces during the fight. on one hand i cant lie i smiled bc obviously i love water bending and i love women so there was definitely apart of me that was happy to see that moment. however. it was kind of giving like in endgame when theres that random shot of all the women superheroes in one frame so the movie could have a “slay queen. we are girlbosses:)” moment. like it just felt a little empty and it wasnt the feminist battlecry they thought it was. these women have been healing their whole lives. why would they be any good on the frontlines of a fight? they never learned combat skills! HOWEVER, when we see them, its mainly just them reinforcing the walls so like. that makes enough sense. im cool w that.
i know im dwelling but as we know i hold atla in the highest regards. it does a lot of things perfectly imo. and one of the things i think it does PERFECTLY is its treatment of female characters. literally the only thing i can think of that i dont like is when team azula beats the kiyoshi warriors and ty lee says something like “u are NOT prettier than us” NDBSKSJDJ like ok that was weird. but anyways. it irritates me how the live action kind of seems to have this pov that says “the original was good, but there were some ideas and plots that were outdated so we changed them to keep with the times” like they’re fixing something that was broken if that makes sense. when in actuality, i think atla’s representation of women is perfect and timeless. it was relevant and powerful in 2005, and it is equally as relevant and powerful in 2024. there was nothing about its feminist themes that needed to be “fixed” or “updated”.
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whyse7vn · 8 months
[ot7 x reader]
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8 participants - 8 online
hobi: i heard vogue paid jungkook in cheese
namjoon: what?
jk: yes
namjoon: WHAT???
jimin: you did a shoot for vogue and got paid in cheese?????
yoongi: is that legal?
tae: are u a rat?
jin: i know a rat…
jk: i like cheese
y/n: put his vouge money in a savings account don’t worry
jimin: you robbed jungkook???
y/n: can you read??
it’s in a savings account
jimin: ur savings account?
y/n: no
jk: i got cheese
y/n: i gave him the cheese
namjoon: jungkook are you ok with her doing that?
jk: yes
i got cheese
hobi: why did you do that tho?
y/n: are we forgetting that jungkook literally spent like 500k on a framed picture of the avengers
tae: that picture was cool asf who was the artist?
jk: google
tae: what?
jk: google
tae: oh
y/n: see
yoongi: yikes
jimin: was the cheese good?
jk: yes
i miss it
wish i could have more
y/n: i am not giving you more cheese
jin: didn’t he say he was lactose intolerant?
jk: i’m so upset rn
hobi: anyway ur vogue pictures were cool
jk: ok
can i have cheese
y/n: say thank you to hobi
jk: thank u to hobi
yoongi: is he high?
y/n: extremely
tae: WITHOUT ME?????
jin: playing with my clit rn
y/n: what the actual fuck
namjoon: what possessed you to say that
JIN A GIRL???????????????
jin: was that not relatable to you y/n?
don’t you feel comfortable?
y/n: no wtf???
i’m extremely uncomfortable rn
jin: ok kill yourself then
read a weverse comment that said you probably feel so uncomfortable and can’t relate to anyone cuz ur surrounded by men all the time
tried to help you
that is the last nice thing i do for you
jimin: wow i never thought about that
let’s all see how far we can squirt guys come on for y/n ❤️
yoongi: can you stop
jk: i’m gonna win
y/n: u all make me want to throw up
tae: no cuz let’s have a period together #bloodsisters
namjoon: that is not how it works
hobi: i’m bleeding real bad rn >.<
jimin: super slay!!!
yoongi: super slay?
tae: slay my pussy ong
tae: i love being a woman
jk: i want to seduce the king
jin: you can’t
i’m not into u at all
jk: ur no king of mine
tae: jungkook can you come over please i’m lonely
jimin: is this how you text your hoes?
tae: no only my bros 🫶🏻🥺
jk: i can’t tae :(
tae: why wtf
jk: too much cheese
tae: ?
jk: i can’t move
yoongi: pretty sure that’s the weed
jin: or maybe he’s shitting himself
cheese does that
not speaking from experience btw
jk: no
y/n: so how is everyone today?
jimin: don’t talk to me
tae: i’m still bleeding
jk: sometimes i imagine i’m a tiny little elf that works in the back of a coal mine just mining away but the coal mine is actually yoongi’s head an i’m inside it mining him new knowledge he can learn and after i mine the knowledge i give it to the other elves and they give it to the brain
hobi: are tiny and little not the same thing you did not need to use both those words
jk: soz
yoongi: why me
leave me alone
namjoon: i could be better tbh y/n
jimin: can we talk about how jungkooks new song
jk: do you like it?
namjoon: it’s not out yet
jk: do you like it?
namjoon: it is not out yet jungkook
jk: is it good?
jin: ur a slut
dare i say whore
jk: don’t dare
y/n: double dare
tae: i double dare you to come to my house
jk: :0
jin: like guys do you understand like jungook is a whore
yoongi: ok
y/n: it’s okay
jin: ITS NOT
jk: who is 3d
tae: the jack harlow feature is crazy tho
yoongi: it’s really not
stop putting white men the world doesn’t care about anymore on your songs
hobi: spilled
jk: i’m not white
do people think i’m white
do they not care for me due to my whiteness
am i white?
oh my god i’m white
namjoon: you are not white
jk: namjoon said i’m not white
tae: namjoon is your white father
jimin: what inspired 3d jungkook?
jk: y/n 🥰💜💗💗🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
y/n: ????????????????????
hobi: oh wow
yoongi: what
namjoon: okay!
tae: wow i didn’t know you got down like that kookie
yoongi: did you just say #respect
tae: yeah?
u wish you could right a sex song about my amazing beautiful girl like jungkook did
fucking mad loser bitch
hobi: *write
tae: wait
something is not right there
idk what it is
but i know it’s not right
hobi: maybe it’s because you used rigjt instead of write
tae: maybe
namjoon: ur so fucking stupid it hurts
tae: or maybe not
jk: what is going on
jk: i was talking about the aliens
idk what ur saying to me right now
hobi: clearly he kisses and tells
yoongi: clearly there is
wrote a whole song about it
jimin: at least you know you got good pussy!!
tae: me 2!
namjoon: can we not
tae: we can
im in my girl era
feminism in my boobs blood in my vagina
hobi: you take things too far..
tae: ok but it’s natural??
fucking men man i can’t do this y/n are you with me baby
y/n: stop talking for 5 minutes omg
tae: okay!
jk: do the aliens have drivers licenses
jimin: when’s the last time you fucked be honest
namjoon: why are you so invested in her sex life it’s real concerning
jimin: cuz it’s interesting????
like live a little joon jeez
yoongi: like?
hobi: like
jin: you turned him into a whore i know it was you
jimin: see mr kim namjoon
namjoon: ur just starting unwanted issues
jimin: IN LIKE???
come on spit it out we don’t have all day
y/n: i don’t have to answer that
yoongi: shocker
y/n: excuse me??
hobi: i can’t look
tae: wait she’s fr fucking jungkook no joke this is fr?
thought this was a joke the whole time
are we all on the same page rn???
jk: i think if we think about it we are the aliens to the aliens so if you think about it do we have drivers licenses?
namjoon: it’s like we run in circles every single day
yoongi: nothing
just know why you’ve been ignoring me for the last month now lol
hobi: he added the lol
wow he’s pissed
jimin: INSANE
namjoon: i’m going to shoot you all
y/n: so it’s clearly not “nothing” yoongi
and in the gc are you fr?
yoongi: whatever
y/n: and i haven’t been ignoring you i’m talking you right now aren’t i?
yoongi: this is different
jimin: he’s basically saying you haven’t been fucking with him for a whole month cuz ur too busy with jungkook
hobi: maybe he’s having withdrawals
namjoon: i think she gets it
tae: can i fuck pls
y/n: ur being really childish rn yoongi
yoongi: that’s crazy cuz that’s how you like your men no?
hobi: WOWWWW
jk: hiiiiii 🫶🏻🔥
y/n: and not that i need to tell you but i haven’t slept with ANYONE for like 2 months
i’ve been really busy filming and shit
fucking asshole
yoongi: oh
jin: wait no sex for 2 months that’s kinda insane icl 😭
hobi: pussywhipped 💀
namjoon: enough sex talk please
before i grab a gun
tae: what type
yoongi: y/n
jk: why are we fighting??????
jin: don’t worry son
jk: papa 🥺
jin: no sorry i can’t actually claim you i’m over you being a whore i just remembered how fucking annoying you are yikes
am i the high one??
wow wtf was i stressing over
yoongi: y/n
jimin: me when i fuck up
hobi: yoongi the sad ant with the stick rn
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*single tear rolls down cheek*
jimin: *screen fades to black*
namjoon: guys
y/n: anyways
jimin: no because i stand with you feminist till i die
hobi: i’m such a feminist i enjoy looking at wonho as much as cows eat grass
and that’s like all the time
jimin: right!!!!
jk: where is my papa
jin: ew
he’s so gross guys
y/n: don’t be mean he’s just under the influence!!
jin: of what? meth?
people high off weed are not freaks like him i’m telling you he does that hardcore shit just like joon
jk: papa joon
namjoon: stop
tae: i stabbed myself with a fork
pain is temporary
i needed it ❤️
namjoon: i need it
jin: ???
yoongi: i’m sorry
y/n: k
jimin: wow this is not awkward at all!
jk: i’m throwing up
jin: this is the 4th time this week
jk: papa
namjoon: how is he still alive
hobi: y/n feminist to feminist rn i say fuck yoongi and like come kiss me
yoongi: can you shut the fuck up
jk: i love you yoongi
yoongi: go away
jimin: can you guys not be boyfriends inlaw or something
yoongi: i’m going to punch you
jimin: ok i am going to stop talking now!
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agirlwithglam · 2 months
Hi!! I hope I'm not disturbing you but I wanted to ask how do I work hard. Because when I was younger I got really good marks without trying and now the subjects are hard and social media is distracting but I can't seem to delete it. This is also why my grades are even low then before and I'm really afraid to disappoint my parents (being the eldest daughter doesn't help). So can you please just give me some pointers on how can I actually study and not just cry because I don't know how to. Have a great day!! <3
literally omg. is this past me asking me a question?? like actually u have no idea how much i relate and understand this. the "gifted child" who always got good grades without needing to study now finds things more difficult. i know many people have said this, but i actually have been through this not too long ago. i hope these tips help <3
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how to work hard + actually study (realistic)
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forget hard work. at least do the work! (its so funny because i literally had a post about this all ready in my drafts about to get posted, so i'll keep this short and link the post.) stop focussing on doing hard work like studying 24/7. just put in the basic necessities you need to get a better grade. hard work post link
use the disappointment and embarrassment as fuel. (basically find a very strong why) (mini story-ish thing coming up, skip to the blue text for the actual advice) i still remember the day i got such a bad score on my math and science test, i was FURIOUS at myself and i cried about it! telling it to my parents was one of the hardest things i had to do and feeling their disappointment was even worse. but that became my turning point. i was so ashamed of myself and i resented me so much that i basically just told myself "i dont freaking care what you feel *with distaste*. you brought this on yourself you failure" (a bit very harsh, yes i know) but the way i studied that week- i studied more than i every had before! also doing this doesnt really lower my self esteem a whole lot, but if it does with you, please be gentle with yourself. : so what i'm trying to say it; use that feeling of shame and disapointment as a fuel, a motivation. The big “why”.
ALTER EGOOOSSSS. this helps SOOOO MUCH its so underrated. embody the energy of your fav people who are the academic inspiration you wanna be! example: rory gilmore, paris geller, elle woods, blair waldorf, etc etc! not only is this so helpful but it also makes it so much more fun and easier!!
parent yourself. i used to tell myself to do stuff like "go study now!" or "get up lazy-butt" but in my mind. but what if you tried to say those stuff out loud to yourself? it just creates a whole new level of real. So start telling yourself to do stuff out loud.
honestly just start. stop letting yourself think about how "uncomfortable" and how "annoying" it will be. All you need to know is that you need to get it done. Right? Ok. So now what’s the next smallest step you can take to getting to do the unwanted task? It may be taking out your material, opening your book, etc.
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( !! tough love, but very important rant coming up)
You privileged brat. Your parents gave up EVERYTHING so you could have the education that you are having. They worked so so hard for YOU. So YOU can have the life you want. And all for what? Just for you to throw it all away and say “oh im lazy”. HELL NAH.
And also, do you realise how fortunate you are to be even living in such a time/ era where you have access to basically EVERYTHING? You’re stuck on something? You could easily search it up!! And whats more is that you can further learn. You can search up and find out more about the thing that you’re studying, become the smartest person in your class, get so ahead in life. I hope you realise that if you do use all the resources and materials and help that’s been given to you, just imagine how far you could go! Further than Albert Einstine, Elon Musk, etc. you may be like “what! No that’s gonna be too hard!” But did they have the tools that you have right at your hand? No! They made it all the way with just simple stuff and having to work super hard. But you live in a time where you can do TWICE as much without working as hard!!
And one more thing, QUIT WHINING. “Oh school is so hard!” “Oh school is so boring!” Like whattt???? You are so FORTUNATE and LUCKY to be even getting access to such education! MILLIONS of kids out there would kill to be able to learn what you are so easily dismissing right now. So TAKE ADVANTAGE OF WHAT YOU HAVE. Put your ALL, your very BEST into studying and getting good grades because THAT is whats gonna take you so SO far in life.
Thank you very much, *mic drop*. (i still ly pookie)
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dealing with social media:
put the screen time widget on your phone home screen. i did this, and i became so embarrassed by the amount of screen time i had in one day (*cough* 12 hours *cough*) that i made certain to stop using it as much.
screen time limits. this may or may not help you, bc i know that when i knew the screen time password, it didn't do a lot of help but when someone else did (like parents or someone you trust), then it definitely worked. this is probably only best if you're a child around under 14 ish bc thats around the age when most parents put screen time limits + after that age you're gonna be a lot more independent.
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more *extremely* helpful resourses:
tips to decrease your phone screen time by @imbusystudying
how to reduce your screen time in the digital age? (an article)
studying tips from a straight-A student by @universalitgirlsblog2
how to study like paris geller by @4theitgirls
more blogs i recomend:
@elonomhblog @mindfulstudyquest @study-diaries @thatbitchery
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xoxo, vanilla
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allisonlol · 2 years
May i request Fyodor x fem!reader ( when they on their period ) 😳 ? Add some nfsw is the best ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ .I rlly love your words you writing cuz its easy to understand (for me). Ignore this is okay. Have a good day ( ╹▽╹ )
a/n: ur so sweet, i'm answering this SO LATE and feel rlly bad lol. i went and added other characters to compensate perhaps <3 this post ended up being super long lmao!! also don't ask me wtf happened in fyodor's part, y'all it's about to get nasty in a good way
warnings: fem reader, periods, blood, nsfw at the end of each!! i've partitioned the sfw & nsfw sections for those who wanna skip :)
(Fyodor, Dazai, Chuuya) When Their S/O is on Their Period [Sfw & Nsfw]
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before you, this man had never felt the touch of a woman (or anyone) so his knowledge on periods is quite limited
knows what they are from a scientific standpoint, but not really a sympathetic one
therefore u have to teach him a few things lol
gets the hang of it after awhile and ends up taking decent care of you when the time of month comes around
fyodor tends to shut himself off in his office for most of the day, which obviously doesn't help you
so, he now allows you to curl up in his lap while he types away at his computer
but if i'm being completely honest, he gets lowkey annoyed from ur whining and will kick you out of his office after an hour( ̄ー ̄)
this is fyodor we are talking about, after all
for the most part, he is attentive and plays the role of a supporting bf
makes you tea, showers with you, plays with your hair to help you fall asleep when you're kept up from the pain
copes decently with your mood swings etc. usually if you'd ever spoken to him in a rude tone unprovoked, he would be aggravated to say the least (◡ ﹏◡) but tries to have more patience & understanding since he knows ur going thru it lol
oh lord, where do i even start
so surprisingly, he was the one to suggest the idea of period sex first
but then...did not act on it? literally talked about it in DETAIL and then left you hanging
now, he did this on purpose tho. wants to see you desperate and begging for it, and you did
fyodor is a smart cookie so he knows that your hormones are all out of whack, and that you want nothing more than for him to help you out
however, it's only when you are begging him with tears of frustration in your eyes that he finally agrees
won't really comment on it but he's not a fan of the blood, and only uses it to degrade you
^will finger you but then stare blankly down at his blood covered hand, before roughly wiping it across your face
pace wise, fyodor will start off gentle and "caring" before quickly switching to rough and demeaning
rails you so hard there are blood splatters up both his torso and yours
the whole time he glares down at you with a look of disgust and almost contempt while you're practically crying from overstimulation
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LMAOO good luck
jk, he's not that bad. well...at first he was
but gradually dazai realizes that he can't tease you and be his usual annoying self when ur on your period
because you WILL burst into tears
after the fact... he is quite a doting boyfriend <3
probably asks yosano for advice tho LMAO
always stops at the store after work to pick up snacks for you or anything else you may need
but do NOT ask this mf to buy pads for you. because he WILL come home with like...diapers or some shit 💀💀
dazai still doesn't always grasp the concept of mood swings so when you snap at him or start crying he just looks at you like 0-0??
quickly learns to just agree with everything you say and NOT tease you as much during these times
ok but listen up. if you wanna use this to your advantage, just manipulate him into doing things for you by guilt tripping him <3
^ "ugh, i was supposed to run to the store but i'm in soooo much pain, i wonder who could do this for me instead..."
consider it payback for all the times he's made YOU run errands for his lazy ass
actually refused for the longest time out of fear it would hurt you
^literally the ONLY time this man has ever said no to sex. would instead give u a head pat & say "you should rest instead :)"
ok well what if we don't want to, dazai? what then??
you'd ended up giving him a pretty good speech on why it is GOOD to have sex while on your period and how it can alleviate pain and then he's like (¬‿¬)
after you've convinced him of that, dazai is down for it whenever <3 but only when YOU initiate it first & make it clear that is what you want
relatively gentle; prefers to go slowly and focus on hitting all the right spots deep inside you
loves watching the relief on your face as the pleasure overcomes the pain you'd been feeling nonstop
doesn't really like seeing the blood get on him tho...? not cuz he thinks it's gross or anything, but rather cuz it's your blood and it would make him think he's hurting you or something,,,idk but either way it would make him spiral
^so yea, the only side effect of this is that y'all must keep the lights OFF
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isn't super educated on it at first, but after getting into a relationship with you he put in the work to do some research
treats you like a mf queen!!! (albeit he already does...but it's even better during this time)
has a period tracker on his phone so he can prepare in advance
isn't afraid to buy pads for you...and he's smart about it too. actually knows which size and type to buy
^walks straight into the feminine hygiene aisle and you best believe that if anyone even looks at him funny for doing so, he's breaking their jaw
stocks up on your favorite snacks & carries them in his pockets so if you're ever out n about and need some, he'll already be tossing one your way
surprisingly, chuuya puts up well with your mood swings and tries his best to not get angry or argue back lol <3
sometimes he may forget and snap back with something rude, which of course sets you off more
but dw, he makes up for it afterwards by giving you snuggles
plus, who needs a heating pad when you can just have chuuya lay on top of you??
ngl the first time you asked he looked at you like 🤨
but after seeing the way your face fell at his reaction, he sighs and goes "well i guess we could try..."
dw, he very much WANTS to, he's just another one that needs to be sold on the idea out of worry it will hurt you
all you had to say was "it helps with the pain-" before chuuya is agreeing & pulling you towards the bedroom
after the first time he becomes lowkey addicted to it tho??
^it's the way you melt into his every touch, your voice cracks from the overwhelming pleasure, you're so much more wet...
yeah, he'll never get tired of seeing you this way <3
if you're worried about his reaction to the blood and all that, don't be because i promise he does NOT care. it's a normal bodily function and chuuya is the last person to judge that
^lays towels down on the bed to cover the sheets. wouldn't really mind if blood got on the sheets tho (he's rich anyway, he'll just buy more??)
OH and btw...yes he still gives head when you're on your period <3 when i said this man does not care, i MEANT it
taglist: @deadmitochondria @miycutie @chuuyasboots @shy-socially-awkward-intovert @beandaifuku @stygianoir @sonder-paradise @irethepotato @serenareiss @ashthemadwriter @mrsdostoevsky @clovcly
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
hey guys btw there is actually never a good reason to loudly and publicly talk about how much u dislike a fanfic!! Like. let's break this down for a sec:
i don't like it
ok, understandable. i've dnf'd lots of fics because i didn't like them. but the people writing fanfiction are doing it for free and for fun, and you don't know anything about their lives. they could be a young writer just starting out! they could be an older writer getting back into writing after years of being unable to! they could be someone going through a rough patch whose only source of joy right now is writing their silly little stories! talking about how much you dislike a fanfic literally does nothing except hurt the person writing it. that's it. it is not productive, it is not necessary. even strangers on the internet deserve basic human empathy.
ok but i really don't like it
babe, i feel u! i'm a hater too. rant about it privately. shit on it in private messages or group chats with friends. u can dislike something without dragging its creator into the town square to throw tomatoes at them, yknow?
ok but i really don't like it AND it's popular
ok? shouting about that on the internet doesn't make you cool or special or unique. it just makes you kind of mean and, honestly, bitter. like i said before, this is fanfiction. nobody is paying for it. nobody is profiting. there is no standard that these writers are obligated to meet. clearly, other people like the work. why not let them enjoy it in peace?
no u don't understand it doesn't deserve to be popular there are better fics that deserve it more!!!
talk about those fics then!! post about how much u love them!! uplift those writers!! ur tweet or tiktok or tumblr post is not going to suddenly make a popular fic lose all popularity, no matter how undeserving u perceive it to be. if this is actually coming from a place of frustration because you feel like there are other fics that deserve more attention, then just give those fics attention.
no but it's problematic
mmm ok. let's sit with this one for a second. i want you to ask yourself--is it really, really problematic? is it perpetuating harm against a marginalized group? remember, this is fanfic; it is outside the consumer economy, and the stories it tells will almost never make it to a mainstream audience. so is the story actually hurting people, or is the author just exploring something that you're uncomfortable with? because if you're just uncomfortable, then assuming the work is tagged properly, the best course of action is to just click away. as uncomfortable as it may be, people are allowed to write stories that you might find upsetting or gross or weird, and those stories existing is not inherently harmful in and of itself.
it is actively reinforcing harmful stereotypes/rhetoric/etc
okay! ok. if you are deeply concerned because you feel that this fic is genuinely harmful, then go to the writer. leave a comment. send them a message on tumblr or twitter or tiktok or wherever. explain your situation and see what they say! nine times out of ten, i'd bet that an ao3 writer means no harm and would be willing to listen and address your concerns. in fact, they might even be grateful to you for being kind enough to make them aware of a problem and educate them on it. every ao3 writer i've ever spoken to is an incredibly kind and thoughtful person; you don't need to immediately go on the attack
the writer is unreachable/nonresponsive/not willing to address or change the problematic thing
alright. if you truly feel that this fanfiction is actively harmful and can't reach any kind of conclusion with the writer, and you want to warn others who might read the fic, then do that. do that. make a post that says hey guys btw, x thing in this fic is not a good representation/perpetuates a harmful stereotype/whatever the problem is. and leave it at that! you don't need to go further and insult the writing or the person who wrote it. that is helpful to exactly no one, and if your goal is actually to make the world a better place, then you should learn how to draw attention to an issue in a way that encourages actual dialogue instead of dog-piling and personal attacks.
anyway the next time you feel the desire to post about how bad you think a fic is, feel free to use this as a guide before u do! xoxo
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Do you have recommendations for shows/books/whatever with canon/basically canon polyamory?
ok the only media w officially canon polyam i personally consumed are Iron Widow and Hades.
Iron Widow is a mecha scifi/chinese fantasy book, it has pacific rim mechanics, so it takes 2 ppl to pilot the mecha but its more dystopian in that the pilot (male) usually drains the life force of his concubine (female). the mc has a guy shes interested in from the start but she pushes him aside to seek her goals to become a concubine pilot (theres a very good reason for this but i dont wanna give too much away) ends up being forced to work w the most dangerous pilot (spoilers hes actually a misunderstood sweetheart and i love him), her first love somehow finds his way back into her life so he can be their ally and its very clear from the first time he meets the other guy that this bitch is bi af. At one point he literslly saves their lives and i wont elaborate on that cause again spoilers but someone mentioned it in a propaganda ask. They canonically fall in live w each other and start dating. Please look up the trigger warnings first cause theres some heavy subjects addressed in this book. The book itself has trigger warnings listed at the start so if u find it at a book store u can check them this was too.
Hades is a roguelike videogame w dating sim mechanics (ish) -you give gifts to characters to learn more about them, and theres two romance options but you can romance both at once, they're both aware of and okay with it, hinting that they mightve had a past even before zagreus was born (its greek gods one is death incarnate the other is one of the furies, they've basically existed since forever)
From the submissions I got:
ive been told Leverage is like the korrasami of polyam, as in they were as polyam as they could be in a show from 2010, so it sounds like its canon but not explicit because they couldnt get away with that.
The girls from Amphibia are apparently in a similar situation, heavily implied canon, someone told me it was confirmed by people who worked on the show, but i dont think its explicitly stated.
The Kane Chronicles apparently also has canon polyam, although its 2 bodies, cause I think one of them has a god in him or something? I never read the books, but I was told Sadie (i think thats her name? The girl) is in love w both of them, and kinda dating both too i think?
I dont know if Singing in the Rain is canon but theres that kiss gif that got prrtty popular on tumblr where kathy kisses one of the guys then the other, so it looks canon? or at least implied canon?
Sense8 as some people have mentioned has 1 officially confirmed to be canon throuple, 1 that has a lot of hints to confirm but a lot of ppl see it as a gay couple w a very supportive friend ig and someone else said in general because of the plot u could kind of see the 8 of them as a big polycule, although that one isnt canon
HoneyWorks/Heroine Tarumono is one of those songs turned novel turned anime. i dont think its confirmed canon but theres a lot of stuff pointing to the possibility, you mightve see @non-fantasy telling me about them in a few asks. im obsessed and ive yet to watch anything
Penumbra Podcast: Second Citadel has Rilla/Sir Damien/Lord Arum, i also haven't listened to this one but a lot of people told me rilla and damien were in a pre-established relstionship, both got crushed on lord arum separately, talked about it and worked things out to now be a canon polycule
im She-Ra (netflix) theres a trio that is implied to be a polycule at the end, a lot of ppl called them canon in the notes but i dont personally ember it being confirmed? i am very forgetful tho. It's Rogelio/Kyle/Lonnie, unfortunately they lost the prelim round
I believe people submitted some others that were canon but im very forgetful so i cant remember right now
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gothcryptid-art · 2 years
simon 'ghost' riley x reader headcanons
fully gender neutral + no descriptors because ghost is for the people. implied that reader is military tho. all lowercase bc im cool. wacky ass writing. no other warnings besides ghost being a deeply insecure individual
(literally just writing this bc i have the brainrot so bad i spent 95 hard earned canadian dollars on this stupid game im not even good at it its amazing i love it anyways enjoy u filthy animals)
- he's a dog guy. he secretly wishes he couldve had a stabler life so maybe he could have one or two. If you have a dog, he is ALL over it. will buy treats, toys, enrichment, literally anything and everything. he just wants to spoil the lil baby
- absolutely does not know how to cook, he can only use a microwave smh. if you can cook for him tho, he will absolutely get all heart eyed kickin his feet under ur dinner table twirling his hair round his finger he is in LOVE
- THAT BEING SAID!!!! he makes a bangin cup of tea. his fav is earl grey and he loves a good london fog, but with his line of work he just doesnt have the time. thats why every time he actually goes home, the first thing he does is make a proper cuppa.
- it's very difficult for him to trust anybody, much less fall in love, so when he falls he falls HARD. he'll go out of his way to do nice things for you. if you're out on a mission together and have some downtime he'll just grab your knives and sharpen them for you. He's already doing his own, why not yours too? He lovesss doing small acts like that for u. he knows a little kindness can go a long way.
- the same goes the other way around, if you do literally anything for him the man is SWOONING. he's about to head out but can't find something, and u pop outta nowhere to place it in his hands with a kiss on the cheek of his mask? he's planning a proposal as soon as hes out the door. he loves u. amazing.
- he knows he's a good looking guy, but before he shows you his face he's super scared about you not liking how he looks. He worries that he isn't your 'type' and once you see his face you'll get bored of him and move on to someone more entertaining like Soap or Alejandro
- He's not great at verbalizing his emotions, and tends to bottle things up. if he does it for long enough he'll get way too in his head and he'll start distancing himself from u (unintentionally). one day it gets to be too much and u just sit him down and make him tell u whats up
- he's just. not good at talking abt his feelings. his sentences have super long pauses where he overthinks everything he's saying. he's trying not to hurt your feelings if it's something relating to you, but sometimes that means he wont tell u the whole truth. but hes trying ok? he WANTS to communicate with you, he's just gotta learn how essentially from scratch.
- but man if ur able to break down his walls a little, and he can tell that you see him as a person and not just some mysterious puzzle to solve, he will go to the ends of the earth for u.
- he will devote a lot of his downtime to just being around you. he just likes your presence, hes the type of guy to want to sit in a room together and do your own things. he'll post up at a desk and look over the next mission's paperwork while you chill in a corner with a hobby of yours
if u made it this far hell yeah i hope u enjoyed, this is absolutely just self indulgent but i figured the world must be blessed as well. have a good one yall
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