#love how you use the same brush effect for their and the lantern's glow to form a ring around his eye for further haunting effect
halloweenhoneylover · 4 years
summary: spencer and the reader have the best couples’ costume, and they like to slow dance (spencer reid x fem!reader)
word count: 1.7k
author’s note: i’m uhhh not super happy with this but whatever it’s halloween babey!!! the song is i love you (for sentimental reasons) by nat king cole and you’re legally obligated to listen to it while you read. also, morticia and gomez addams are peak romance <3
“Are you ready?”
“Yeah, I’m ready.”
“Count of three?”
“Count of three.”
You both burst from behind your respective doors and gasped. A smile crept onto your face and stretched until you grinned from ear to ear, and with an appraising eye, you scanned him from up and down, trying to take it all in. Spencer’s usually unruly mane was combed neatly and gelled back with a precision you hadn’t known he was capable of, and his already lengthy limbs seemed to stretch on for miles in the pinstriped suit he donned. You had to laugh at the fake mustache he had placed on his upper lip; it looked fairly realistic (his application was superb) but was incredibly amusing all the same. This style was different, but you had to admit some welcome warmth began stirring in your stomach at the sight. With a breathless laugh (a weak attempt to disguise the full extent of his effect on you) and a wild amount of sincerity, you murmured, “You look good.”
His face flushed with your comment, but his pink cheeks paled in comparison to the fact that he hadn’t recovered enough from the sight of you to even shut his mouth, so he just stood there gaping at you, mind utterly blank. This outfit was certainly an impressive debut for you as well. Spencer was always so enamored with the amount of color you could fill your daily outfits with, but he couldn’t deny that you dazzled just as spectacularly in noir as well. Unfamiliar sleek locks of raven hair spilled over your shoulder, and your dress, Spencer prided himself on being a man who very much respected women and refrained from letting his eyes wander, but he couldn’t have stopped them if he had tried. 
Black velvet that was simply begging to be touched, black velvet that fell just right. And a devilishly plunging neckline that made his mouth go dry. While he was well-acquainted with the gentle planes of your neck and décolletage, seeing that skin presented so...elegantly was enough for him to squirm. When he mustered the strength to meet your gaze again, he nearly passed out as you looked up at him from beneath long lashes, the dark, shimmery shading of your eyelids only sharpening the gleam of your eyes.
Reclaiming some control of his voice, he spoke lowly, “You look utterly bewitching, mi amor.”
Somehow your gaze brightened even more at that. “Has somebody been brushing up on their Spanish?”
“I have to get into character, of course,” he teased right back, coming back into possession of his mental faculties.
You finally bridged the gap between you, hands coming to rest on his chest, and you mindlessly adjusted his lapels. “Well, I, for one, think you make an excellent Gomez Addams.”
He smiled, and finally, he gathered enough courage to rest his hands on you, gently holding your hips. (The velvet was just as lovely to feel as he thought it would be.) “I’d be nowhere without my Morticia though.”
Laughing at that, you fiddled with his tie, and your voice went soft. “It’s a good thing I’m here then, mon cher.” 
He took your hand from his tie and pressed a kiss to your knuckles, hazel eyes firmly meeting your gaze. “‘To live without you, only that would be torture. A day alone, only that would be death.’”
Ducking your head, you huffed out a laugh. “It’s only 5:00, and you’re already getting sappy on me?” You turned to sashay towards the kitchen (it was hard to do anything besides sashay in a dress like this), and he followed like a lovesick puppy, very nearly tripping over his own feet on the way. (He was really good at getting into character.)
“That’s a direct quote!” he protested, but you just shook your head and grinned. “Besides, it’s hard not to be sappy when you’re around.”
“Okay, Mr. Addams, you can still be the biggest sap in the world as long as you help me finish setting up. People will be here in a half hour.”
“Anything for you, querida.”
Heaving the door shut, you sighed. “I believe that was the last of them.”
Spencer called from the kitchen, “I think tonight might have topped last year!” The sweetest of all sweet things, he was already cleaning up, putting dishes in the sink and picking up paper plates shaped like pumpkins. 
Tugging up the sleeves of your dress, you joined him. “I will admit this year was pretty good, but can anything really top Hotch’s drunk rendition of Vincent Price’s interlude in Thriller last year?”
He chuckled slightly at that and continued to battle a particularly stubborn lipstick stain on Garcia’s wine glass. “No, I’m not sure anything could.” A beat. “But this year was pretty great.” His smile was warm as he spoke, his words laced with an incredible tenderness. You hummed in agreement. And shoulder to shoulder, you stood there quietly washing and drying dishes, immersed in this moment of balmy domesticity.
Music drifted softly through the apartment, gentle notes dawdling around corners and settling in the soft places. You mindlessly hummed along until one particular melody tickled your ear, and you gasped. Somewhat startled by this breach in the reverie, Spencer looked to you with questioning brows, and you grabbed his wrist. “Oh, Spencer, I love this song!” you gushed. “Will you dance with me? Please, it’s what Gomez would do!”
The way your eyes shined up at him made Spencer’s heart twist in his chest. (Despite the substantial length of your relationship, it somehow always came as a pleasant surprise that you looked at him with those gleaming, lovely eyes.) His expression softened as a grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. “Well, if that’s what Gomez would do….” He refrained from saying something stupidly sweet and cloying like, you don’t even have to ask, or I’d do anything for you, my dear. 
It seemed impossible, but your smile widened even further as you lightly dragged him into the next room. The string of jack-o-lantern lights that hung from the mantle doused you in a warm orange glow, and Spencer took a moment to glance around the room, admiring the little votives you had set on shelves and the various spooky decor that seemed to occupy every bit of free space in your apartment. Brushing the tips of his fingers with your own, you regained his attention, and he grabbed your hand. His other hand slid around to your lower back, relishing in the now familiar velvet and pulling you close, while you slid a hand up to hold on to his shoulder and rested your head on his chest.
As you settled into a nice slow sway, he finally took notice of the song. Nat King Cole’s smoky tones dripped like honey as his pianist’s fingers tumbled across keys. 
I love you, for sentimental reasons.
Spencer huffed a small laugh at your song choice, and pressing a nose into your hair, he murmured in your ear, “I don’t know how you can complain about me being sappy when you’re the one making us dance to cheesy jazz songs about love.”
You scowled teasingly, “We both have our moments.”
Smirking mildly, he nodded. “Yeah, I’ll give you that.”
A few moments drifted by wordlessly with gentle swinging, and Spencer swore that his heart had never felt so full. It had been a lovely night with his family, and now he was slow dancing with the love of his life, and in thinking back on all of the choices he had made in his life, he could not pick out the rights ones that lead him here to this exact moment, and it didn’t really matter because he really was here, right now, with you. Fate had always seemed a fickle thing to him, but he thanked whoever was in charge of this wildly arbitrary universe for being so kind as to give him you. He wasn’t sure how he’d gotten so lucky. His thumb smoothed up and down the back of your hand, the littlest movement to remind him that the kindest, prettiest girl tucked into his chest was still very, very real. Cursing himself, he tried to blink back the tears welling in his eyes at the thought of just how happy he was. (He didn’t mind crying in front of you, but if he cried, that also meant you were right, that he was the biggest sap on the whole planet, and he didn’t want you gloating.)
Leaning against his chest with your eyes shut, you breathed out a contented sigh before joining Mr. Cole in serenading your dear Spencer. “I love you, and you alone were meant for me.” His eyebrows raised slightly at your sudden breaking of silence, but then he settled back into the dance, listening to your honeyed words. “Please give your loving heart to me, and say we’ll never part.”
Beaming, he replied, “I promise. You can never get rid of me.”
You both laughed at that.
You continued this little back and forth, you singing syrupy lines of longing and Spencer chattering away in response, the biggest grins on your faces.
“I think of you every morning.”
“Funnily enough, I do the same.”
“Dream of you every night.”
“So, I’m the man of your dreams?”
“Darling, I’m never lonely—”
“I’d sure hope not.”
“—Whenever you are in sight.”
“That’s very sweet of you, cariño.”
You snickered at that, “Ah, so Mr. Addams has made a reappearance, I see?”
Taking your hand and gently spinning you, he used his free hand to tap his moustache. “He never left, dear Morticia.” You rolled your eyes but couldn’t resist a grin, while humming in understanding.
“Well then, darling Gomez, how would you say tonight was? Was this Halloween everything you had hoped it would be?”
“Mi amor, tonight was perfect.” He brought his lips to your knuckles, placing a chaste kiss on each, and there was no resisting the blush that flooded your cheeks. Funny how you were just as smitten as the day you first started dating. His hazel eyes flicked up to meet yours, and you couldn’t help but feel like you were home.
Your voice taut with emotion, you whispered with a blistering smile, “I’m glad.”
Pushing a fallen strand of hair behind your ear, he cocked his head slightly and came to rest his hand against your jaw. “‘Are you unhappy, my darling?’”
“‘Oh, yes—yes, completely.’”
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starlxghtmoon · 4 years
Spread Your Wings || Chapter One
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Pairing: Hawks x Reader || Tangled AU
Warnings: None!
Word Count: 2,000+ words
A/N: I’m super nervous about this, but excited! Sorry if this first part is boring, it’s supposed to act as an introduction and I tried to add more feeling to it than just happiness all around ajbfkjabkjawoifn but whoever reads this shitty fic of mine, I hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not own BNHA or Tangled, both and all characters except OCs [Mimi the cat] belong to their respective creators. This is purely creative fun.
Chapter Two
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An elderly hooded woman approached the shrub with caution, looking around to see if anyone had followed her before pulling back her hood and uncovered the mysterious object. Underneath sat a golden flower, it looked ethereal with the way it softly glowed in the night; many tales have been made about this flower, some say it bloomed from a droplet of the sun that fell to the earth and could cure any illness, heal any wound. But the woman who was selfishly hoarding it, used it to stall her own time with a simple song.
“Flower, gleam and glow.” 
The flower began to glow brighter as she sang her song in her old worn voice.
“Let your power shine.
Make the clock reverse.
Bring back what once was mine.
What once was mine.”
As she finished her song, her aged voice grew rich and light, a satisfied smile tugging at her lips as her appearance shifted back to her younger days, gray going black. But the sound of shouts and flickering lights interrupted her serenity and in her rush to hide the flower once more and hide her own identity, she knocked over the shrub disguise, uncovering the flower for the guards approaching her spot to find.
“We found it!” A guard called out, commencing the uprooting of the magical flower, bringing it to the ill queen and healing her sickness. Soon after a princess would be born with snow white hair and e/c eyes.
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However one evening, that same woman would sneak into the king and queen’s quarters where the baby peacefully slept, needing the flower’s magic to stall her mortal time once more.
“Flower, gleam and glow.”
She began to sing again in her croaky voice, the baby girl’s hair, white as snow began to glow a soft f/c. The woman leaned in, reaching out for a strand of her pure white hair, the effects of the magic flower already doing it’s work on the woman’s body. 
“Let your power shine.
Make the clock…”
The woman cut a strand of her hair as it glowed, but it immediately lost its power, the strand of hair changing from stark white to h/c. And since she’d cut her own song short, the magic didn’t take, reverting her back to her aged self. Gasping out of shock, the woman had no other choice than to take the baby.
As the child let out a cry, the woman scooped up the baby and made her escape, the sound of the baby’s cries awoke the king and queen, sending them both into a panic as the woman stole away the baby, disappearing into the night.
Restlessly, the kingdom searched and searched for the princess, but deep in the forest, hidden away in a tower, the woman would raise the girl as her own. Determined to keep her new flower hidden.
However, as well as the woman could keep the girl hidden, she couldn’t hide the outside from her as each year on her birthday, lanterns would be released into the night sky in hopes that the lost princess would return. And that lost princess was...you.
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The shutters of the tower were swung open, as you grinned mischievously and looked around out the window. In the corner of your eye, you caught sight of a fluffy black tail swishing around behind one of the potted plants. You slapped a hand over your mouth and snorted softly before getting an idea and a mischievous glint to your eye. Straightening up and crossing your arms, you nonchalantly shrugged and looked away.
“Well, I guess Mimi isn’t out here.” You spoke, easing the midnight creature outside your window, making her let her guard down before suddenly she was yanked up by her tail, letting out a distressed meow. “Gotcha!” You exclaimed with an amused laugh. Letting the cat down from your trap of hair, you began to add on, “That’s 22 for me. How about 23 out of 45?” The cat grumbled in response, “Okay. Well, what do you wanna do?” The cat perked up at that question, letting out a gleeful meow and turning to the outside of the window, pawing out with a suggestive nod. “Yeah. I don’t think so.” You picked up the cat and swung your legs around to dangle out the window, placing the ball of fur in your lap. “I like it in here, and so do you.” Pointing at the cat, she stared up at you unimpressed. “Don’t look at me like that, you’re literally a cat. You should like being inside with me.” Mimi’s ears drew back in distaste. She did like being inside, but she also adored you and wanted you to have a taste of the outside world too. You've been cooped up in this place for 18 years straight, c’mon! “Oh, come on, Mimi. It’s not so bad in there.” You scritched behind her ear, eliciting a purr from deep within the cat’s chest before you pulled the cat into your chest and slid back inside.
You climbed up onto the roof beams, preparing for the morning and opening up the ceiling shutters before swinging back down with your hair. You then glanced over at the clock on her wall and began your day with your usual routine.
“Seven a.m. the usual morning lineup.”
Fetching the broom, you started with sweeping up the floors.
“Start on the chores and sweep till the floor’s all clean.”
Next, you equipped yourself with a mop and scrubbers to continue on with your chores. If you didn’t, you’d surely die of boredom. Not that you didn't already suffer from basically being a bird trapped in the cage you called home.
“Polish and wax, do laundry and mop and shine up.”
At least you had Mimi there to keep your spirits up as you swept around the tower again, checking the clock again with a slight roll of your eyes.
“Sweep again and by then it’s like, 7:15.”
It only took you a good 15 minutes to do all that? Sighing a little, you continued on with busying yourself. What a drag.
“And so I’ll read a book or maybe two or three.
I’ll add a few new paintings to my gallery.”
You knew you were running out of space on the walls, but you could always find nifty places and open spots to paint. One day you might run out of room and as morbid as it sounded, the thought did cross your mind that you’d even expire here. But you hoped you wouldn’t, you stayed optimistic that you’d be able to leave the nest and fly. Until then, you’d continue busying yourself around the tower, counting the hours and days… maybe even years. Hopefully your activities would help distract you from those spiraling thoughts as well, it was for the better that you were stuck here, right?
“I’ll play guitar and knit and basically,
Just wonder when will my life begin?”
As you pulled a freshly baked pie out of the oven, you spotted the perfect spot to paint on the wall, measuring it up with your hands. 
Busting out your paint, you shoved the decorative piece aside and began painting. Filling the spot with soft blue paint as a base and planning out what you'd put there.
“Then after lunch it’s puzzles and darts and baking.
Papier-mache, a bit of ballet and chess.”
At this point, you were just annoying Mimi with your various different hobbies you picked up. Internally cackling at her torment. But none of it was malicious, Mimi loved you and you loved Mimi, she was your only solace here. One would never abandon the other. Your bond was unbreakable. 
“Pottery and ventriloquy, candle-making.
Then I’ll stretch,
Maybe sketch,
Take a climb,
Sew a dress.”
Mimi was absolutely over it and exhausted when you put her in a minidress resembling yours. She lowkey loved it, but it just wasn’t right. Cats weren’t supposed to wear dresses, but Mimi sure looked adorable in one!
“And I’ll reread the books if I have time to spare.
I’ll paint the walls some more
I’m sure there’s room somewhere.”
Now you were really getting stuck, looking for spots was slowly becoming more and more impossible. You sighed a little, slowly the same old same old was beginning to eat away at you. Grumbling a little, you decided to instead distract yourself with brushing your lengthy hair.
“And then I’ll brush
And brush and brush
And brush my hair.
Stuck in the same place I’ve always been.”
Finishing up brushing the ends of your hair, you sat there for a moment, breathing out a puff of air. You looked around from your seat upon the beams of the roof. The space was big and anyone would be comfy in a home like this. Right, a home, not a tower. You were a caged bird. And you certainly had the ability to leave, you could do whatever you wanted with your 70 foot long hair... but would you? Probably not, you wouldn’t dare betray your mother. Besides, the world was a dangerous place, your mother said so multiple times. But… you longed for something more. To feel the grass on your feet, feel the wind flow through your hair, swim in the water, explore the world and… see the floating lights that never failed to appear on your birthday every year.
"And I'll keep wondering and wondering
And wondering and wondering
When will my life begin?"
You approached the open window of the tower, longingly looking out at the scenery before you and sighing softly. Tomorrow you'd turn 18. For a moment, you wondered how many more birthdays you'd have to spend locked away, with so many questions and curiosities.
"Tomorrow night the lights will appear
Just like they do on my birthday each year."
You rested your cheek within your palm, leaning on the window sill as your gaze swooped around the trees and hills surrounding the tower. Your heart ached for more than what you had here and in a way, it made you feel guilty. Your mother did everything for you, she sheltered you, she fed you, she gave you a home and unconditional love. Sure, she was harsh and brash sometimes, but she only wanted the best for you, she wanted to keep you safe. She was protecting you and your gift. You wouldn't survive without her. At least, that’s what you believed.
"What is it like out there where they glow
Now that I'm older.
Mother might just let me go."
You put the finishing touches on that painting you'd been working on, you were jealous of your own artwork. The depiction you'd made of yourself watching the floating lights with pure amazement and wonder. You placed your hand on the dry paint, brows furrowing in frustration. Why do you feel so guilty for something you want?
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"Wow, I could get used to a view like this." His stop on the roof caught the attention of the two men with him. The dark haired one of the two rolled his eyes in annoyance.
"So could I-! I've seen better." The masked man with them commented, switching from amazement to stuck up. His outburst made the dark haired one immediately hush him, the masked man slapping his hands over his mouth.
"Do you wanna get caught or something?" 
"Sorry, Dabi." He spoke lower this time, making Dabi shake his head a little in dismissal before redirecting his attention to the other man with them who continued to stare at the view. 
"Hawks. We gonna do this or what?"
"Hold on." He made him pause, Dabi rose a brow, heavily annoyed and completely fed up with his antics. "Yep. I'm used to it. Guys, I want a castle." Hawks placed his hands on his hips, still admiring the view.
"We do this job, you can buy your own damn castle. Yeah?" Dabi stepped forward, grabbing the blonde by his collar and yanking him back.
Dabi and Twice securely held onto the rope, carefully lowering Hawks down into the crown room. If it were up to Dabi, he would've dropped his ass for the guards to take, but they needed that damn crown and he was gonna get it. 
One of the guards sneezed and Hawks let out a mocking groan, "Hay fever?" The guard looked over his shoulder, not noticing that he was there.
"Yeah." He looked back in front of him before realization dawned on him, "Huh?" He whipped around, the crown and Hawks gone. His gaze darted up, but they were already gone and so was the lost princess's crown.
"Can't you picture me in a castle of my own? Cause I certainly can." The trio sprinted away from the castle, Dabi ignoring Hawks with a roll of his eyes as Twice switched back and forth between approval and disapproval. "All the things we've seen and it's only eight in the morning! Gentlemen, this is a very big day!" 
"Would you shut up already!"
"Yeah, shut up, Hawks! No! Be louder!"
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ratedbangtann · 4 years
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐜𝐭 | 𝙆𝙞𝙢 𝙉𝙖𝙢𝙟𝙤𝙤𝙣 𝙭 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙠 𝙅𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙣 𝙭 𝙅𝙚𝙤𝙣 𝙅𝙪𝙣𝙜𝙠𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙭 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 
 𝙲𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚘𝚍𝚜 𝚘𝚗 𝙷𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚊 𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝 𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚊. 𝚁𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝?
                                        Pairing: Namjoon/Jimin/Jungkook/F Reader Word count: 5.2k Warnings: unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, oral, choking, double penetration, throat fucking, voyeurism (sort of)
a/n: hi so um this is unedited and probs littered with typos 
                                        "I'm not sure this is such a good idea, guys..." you whined as they shoved their tents and overnight bags into the back of their cars, Jungkook and Tae both attempting to shove each other in at the same time.
"Um...she's got a point," Hoseok stood beside you, quivering like the terrified little child you also were. Both of you just didn't see the up side of spending Halloween night in the middle of the woods, around a campfire telling scary stories. How dumb could you get?
"I mean didn't you guys ever watch Friday 13th? Kids getting killed at some camp in the middle of the woods? We're just asking for trouble," you protest as Jungkook yanks your bag out of your grasp to add it to the pile.
"Don't be a whimp, y/n," he teased. You hit out at his shoulder playfully.
"Aww, is my little pumpkin scared?" Jimin wraps an arm around your shoulder, using his overtly sexual charm to lighten the mood. He's constantly flirting with you, making passes that could come off sleazy but because it's Jimin, it's strangely charming. "I'll keep you safe, y/n. Maybe me and you should share a tent, hmm?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
"I'd rather get eaten by a werewolf, Jimin-ah," you grimace, pushing him off you with a smug smile as Yoongi scoffs at the idea.
"Well, if you wanna be eaten, I can arrange tha-"
"Ew. Stop," you hold a hand up to him, interrupting him. He laughed at you and got into the car.
"It'll be fun, y/n. Nothing to be scared of, I promise," Joon shut the trunk to the car he was designated to drive, turning to you with a reassuring smile. Now him, you could believe.
Taking a deep breath, you joined the rest of the group in climbing into one of the cars - Jin's car - and setting off on your Halloween adventure.
After the debacle that was trying to set up the two large tents in the middle of the forest whilst the sun set and daylight became scarce, you were having even larger doubts about the night to come.
Jimin had - of course - been teasing you with mild sexual advances the entire time, while Namjoon tried to reign him in (to no avail, of course.) Jungkook and Tae had thought it would be a wonderful idea to sword fight with the tent poles rather than actually use them to hold the damn tents up. Jin had lost his patience with the maknae's more times than you could count on one finger, whilst Hobi and Yoongi surprisingly actually attempted to help with the set ups.
You had tried to lend a hand, interrupting the sword fighting and snatching the poles back before Jin blew a blood vessel in his neck, but that only turned the pair on you. They thought trying to freak you out with google searches about murders paranormal phenomenon in the woods was a marvellous idea, when actually it was making you more anxious than you let on.
By the time the tents were actually in place, the sun was already half-tucked under the horizon, glowing an astounding red colour that seemed just a little too apt for the Halloween atmosphere. It cast a blood orange glow through the trees and illuminated the dying leaves so brilliantly, you had to snap a few shots for instagram.
Namjoon suggested getting a large campfire going, and setting up a few lanterns outside the tents. You had eagerly jumped up from your camping chair to help, ready to get as much light surrounding you as possible. And once the campfire was lit, the eight of you surrounded it to cook some food and drink, as was the plan. You had hoped that by your fourth or fifth beer you may have started to care a little less about your current predicament; sat in the forest in the dark on Halloween night with seven of your closest friends.
And you had been right, until...
"Okay can we start with the scary stories, now?" Jungkook whined, clearly bored with the Love Yourself tour as the topic of conversation. He wanted the spooky stories; it's why they came after all, right?
"Alright but make them good. If they're not actually scary, what's the point?" Yoongi grumbled, tucked under 3 different fleece blankets he had brought with him for his personal use only.
"Don't worry hyung, this is gonna scare the shit out of you," he rubbed his hands together with exaggerated glee, making shifty eye contact with everybody to emphasise his point. "So this happened at my old high school..." Jungkook dove into his story with dramatic reenactments, accents, even sound effects as he told the story of the masked man who crept around the grounds, and how if you ever looked into his eyes he would come after you while you slept that night.
You could help cowering into your blanket, only your eyes popping out of the top of the burrito you'd created for yourself. Every snap of a twig in the distance or rustle of leaves had you jumping like a fish out of water. Hobi had moved his chair as close to you as possible to cling onto your side, cowering just as much as you. With each of Jungkook's sudden outbursts and jump scares, he buried his face in your hair and gripped onto you tighter, as if you were in any position to make him feel better.
Once Jungkook had finished scaring the shit out of the pair of you, Yoongi decided to go one better. He was unfazed by Jungkook's attempt to scare the group and decided to tell one that was a little too close to home...
A story about a little girl who got lost in the woods, mauled to death by wolves, and creeps up on unsuspecting hikers and campers, begging them to help her escape but actually leading you to the same pack of wolves w. Had you been paying attention to anything other than Yoongi, you may have noticed Jimin get up and wander off. However, it wasn't until you heard Jin's worried 'where did Jimin-ssi go?' that you had looked up to see his empty chair.
Panic flooded through you, the whole group looking out into the dark veil of the forest to try and find him, but nothing...
Just as you turned your head to look behind you, you heard a panic-inducing growl, like some kind of wolf directly behind you. You jumped up, as did Hobi who still clung to your side, and crumbled to the floor in a pile of you, him and blankets.
The pair of you hugged each other, shaking with pure fear and waiting for the inevitable death you felt coming, but all you heard was a very, very familiar laugh.
Looking up, you saw Jimin, screeching with laughter, holding his stomach and rolling on the floor like he always did when he laughed so hard.
"JIMIN-AAAHHHH!!" you shouted, absolutely livid that he would do that to you and Hobi.
"Fucking asshole!" you stood up, brushing the leaves and dirt off your clothes and blankets, before hitting out at him. Hard.
"Ow, y/n that hurt..." he whined like a child in his thick satoori accent.
"Serves you right!" Hobi scolded, equally as pissed as you.
"Fuck this, I'm going to bed. Enjoy your night," you spat, pissed off and ready to leave. You stomped over to your designated tent, zipping the hatch closed with as much anger as it takes to slam an actual door.
From inside, you could hear the muttering of the boys scolding Jimin.
"Jimin you idiot, you know she was already freaked out about coming here..." Namjoon whisper shouted.
"That was a little too far, Chim..." Tae mumbled.
"You just had to fucking terrify her, didn't you?" Yoongi didn't bother to lower his voice.
"Hey, you were the ones telling the stories!" he argued, but Hobi clapped back.
"Still it wasn't funny, Jimin. She's not gonna sleep now and neither am I, you jackass."
You felt a little guilty that Jimin was getting so much shit for scaring you. It wasn't really fair; he was trying to have some fun, you guess...
"I think we should probably just get into our tents... I'm calling it a night. Jimin maybe you should sleep in the other tent tonight..." Jin suggested, trying to remain soft. He knew how much Jimin liked you and he'd never do anything he thought would actually hurt you.
You poked your head out of the tent and the boys all turned in unison.
"It's fine, Jin. Just freaked me out, that's all." Jimin smiled apologetically at you, kicking the ground with a newfound shyness. "Get in here, asshole. And whoever else we're sharing with." You rolled your eyes and settled back down on your blow up mattress.
You were sharing with Jimin, Namjoon and Jungkook. The others were in the tent opposite, but still close enough that you could hear Tae's deep vibrato snores at 3:42am. And it was keeping you awake.
That, and the underlying anxiety in the pit of your stomach about sleeping in the woods on Halloween night.
Looking around the tent, you could make out the dark silhouette of Jungkook, who had flung his leg over Joon's and was cradling him like a monkey hugging a tree trunk. In the years you had known the boys, you knew Jungkook was a cuddler. It was cute but in the times you had shared a bed, highly inconvenient.
Joon didn't seem to mind, soft little snores coming from him, laying on his back and fast asleep. Jimin was next to you, on the other side. He was facing you, but in the dark it was difficult to make out his sleeping face. You could barely see his features, just his frame rising and falling in rhythm with his breaths.
You lay awake, staring up at the fabric of the ceiling and flinching at every little noise your heightened hearing picked up on. You really couldn't wait until sunrise. Only a few hours to go...
You let out a deep, breathy sigh, aggravated at your lack of sleep and ability to fall into it.
"Hey..." a soft whisper from Jimin's side had you flinching away from him yet again. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you..." he whispered again.
"I-it's okay... I just thought you were asleep," you whispered back, turning your body to face him in the dark.
"Nope. I can't... I feel bad, y/n. I'm sorry I scared you."
"It's okay..."
"You're still awake because I freaked you out. I wanna make it better..." he shuffled a little closer to you, lightly tracing circles on the back of your hand with his finger.
"Jimin, this isn't the time for your ridiculous flirting," you scoffed.
"No, no... I'm not trying to do that. Just wanted to help, I'm sorry." He rolled onto his back, removing his finger from your hand and placing his hands behind his head. You sighed, feeling like an asshole. You know Jimin wouldn't ever actually try anything, no matter how much you sort of, kind of, completely, not really, but definitely wanted him to not be joking...
You both lay in silence for a few moments, before you inched closer to him, resting your head on his chest and getting comfortable. Jimin was still your friend. A good one. And he could still comfort you when you felt scared...
After a moment of confusion, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled your body closer to him, snuggling into you and protecting you from absolutely nothing other than your own fear.
"You're not always an asshole," you joked. He chuckled at that, squeezing you a little in his arms.
"I know I go too far sometimes. If I make you uncomfortable, just say. I'll stop, I promise."
You shifted a little uncomfortably, knowing that if he were ever serious, you'd jump at the chance. Who could blame you, though? You weren't stupid; Jimin was gorgeous. And you were only human...
Spending your time with seven heartbreakingly beautiful men meant that you were more than a little, shall we say, hard up...
"You don't make me uncomfortable, Jimin... I just-" you stopped yourself before you went any further. This was not a good idea.
"You just, what?" he probed. Damnit.
"I just wonder sometimes if you're serious or joking. Sometimes it's hard to tell." Jimin hummed beneath you as he thought for a moment.
"Would it make a difference if I was serious?" he asked, no humorous tone to it at all.
"M-maybe..." you stuttered, the tension in the air starting to thicken. His grip on your waist tightened ever so slightly as your reply.
"Do you want me to try?" he lifted your chin to look up at him in the dark, speaking so softly and delicately through hooded eyes as the first embers of desire started to burn inside him.
You nodded slightly, lips parted as his got a little closer, almost touching...
"Jimin, I-" before you could say anything, he had planted a soft, lingering kiss on your lips. The pair of you pushed against each other, slowly but surely deepening your kiss as lips parted and moulded together. When Jimin pulled back, your lips followed him, trying to reconnect so desperately. In the dark, you could just see the outline of a smirk on his face.
"Do you want me, y/n?" he whispered, still trying to keep quiet to not disturb the other two men you were sharing the tent with, let alone the four in close proximity just across from you in the other tent.
"B-but... the others?" you protested weakly as Jimin pushed your shoulder to lay you flat, hovering above you.
"You'll just have to be quiet, won't you?" he teased, leaning down to press another kiss to your lips, soft but so heated you could feel your blood rushing to your cheeks. "Do you want me?" he muttered against your lips between kisses, just starting to use his tongue against you.
"Mmhmm," you hummed in approval, weak to his advances and knowing that you truly did want him.
"Say it, y/n. I wanna hear you say it," he mumbled against you again, starting to leave open mouthed kisses along your jaw, down your neck...
"I want you, Jimin. So much..."
He wasted no time at all pulling your blankets back and helping you shuffle out of your underwear and of the fleece pyjama bottoms you wore to keep you warm. The cold fall air immediately hit your skin, a layer of goosebumps raising immediately.
Jimin noticed, wrapping the blankets around himself and over you in the process as his mouth attached to the soft skin below your belly button, leaving sloppy, wet kisses down towards the warmth of your pussy.
With Jimin hidden beneath the blanket, you couldn't see what he was doing but god, could you feel it as he inched closer and closer to where you needed his mouth most.
Finally, his mouth covered the mound of your pussy, leaving a sloppy wet kiss to it before using his tongue to give between your folds to find your clit.
You had to slap your hand over your mouth to stop a moan escaping. Whatever he was doing with his tongue as he attacked your clit felt incredible, like nothing you could ever mimic with your own fingers or toys.
Jimin's hands slid under your thighs, coming around to hold them apart as he dipped his head further down to tease your entrance. He'd imagined how you'd taste so many times, but he never imagined you'd be this sweet, lapping up your juices as the arousal pooled right before his eyes.
His mouth re-attached to your clit as he slowly slid two fingers inside you with no warning, the sudden stretch not unpleasant in any way but completely heavenly. You were already so turned on your pussy welcomed him. You had to bite down on your hand to stop another long, loud moan escaping but you couldn't help the small mewl that slipped past.
You both heard and felt him chuckle against you as he started to curl his fingers inside you, finding that spot the had your body jolting up the air-mattress with a squeak. Jimin held you down by his free hand on your thigh, his fingers digging into the muscle almost painfully.
With his mouth and his fingers working their magic on you, you found it so difficult to keep quiet, soft little moans and whimpers slipping past your lips as your hands fell to clutch the blanket where Jimin's head was protruding. Even more so when he quickened the pace of his fingers, tapping at the sweet spot inside you harder than before.
Just as you were about to let a deep, loud groan emit from your throat, a hand clasped over your mouth to stop you.
Your eyes snapped open, suddenly very aware of the hand inside you, the hand on your thigh, and the hand on your mouth... That was too many hands...
You looked to your side and saw Namjoon looking down at you, his eyes standing out in the dark as he stared, lips parted and lids heavy with lust. Your eyes widened in horror; you'd been caught.
Jimin, unaware of the situation beneath the blanket, continued to assault your cunt bringing you closer and closer to a climax as Namjoon continued to stare down into your eyes, watching as you became more and more panicked the closer you got.
As the pressure built in your abdomen you couldn't help the moans that were muffled by Joon's hand from erupting. Your hips bucked from the air-mattress and hand flailed about trying to grab onto something  when your orgasm finally hit. Jimin didn't stop, his tongue still dancing slowly against you as your hips moved, riding his face as you came down.
Namjoon just grinned as he looked down into your face, watching the tears that had rolled out of your eyes from the intensity of your orgasm fall down the sides of your face.
Just as Jimin was about to sit up, the blanket covering both him and your modesty was ripped off the pair of you. But you hadn't moved. Jimin hadn't moved. Namjoon hadn't moved.
Looking up, you saw Jungkook's dimly lit form sat on his knees, blanket in his hand, smirking impishly down at Jimin who was still between your legs.
He looked up, making eye contact with all three of you and only now realising that he had been caught. The game was up.
"Oh, fuck..." he cursed, hiding his face against your thigh as he laughed a little, embarrassed.
"What the hell, Jimin?" Jungkook sounded offended, almost peeved at his hyung. "We promised." Huh?
Namjoon lifted his hand from your mouth, using it to push a strand of hair back past your ear.
"Promised what?" you demanded, confused.
"Uh... we kind of, um..." Jimin sat up onto his knees, still between yours, and scratched the back of his head awkwardly.
"We all made a promise that none of us would make any real moves on you, y/n," Namjoon finished for him, bluntly stating a fact.
"What?!" you asked, surprised. "All of you?"
"Yeah, we had like, a group meeting about it..." Jungkook laughed, realising now how stupid it sounded aloud. "You've no idea how difficult it's been."
"Y-you all..."
"Wanna fuck you, y/n." Namjoon, again with the bluntness. It seemed that perhaps he was a little too affected by watching you cum to put on any airs or graces. "And Jimin had the fucking audacity to break a pact, right in front of us..." he emphasised his disbelief.
"Wh-what if... what if I let you?" you asked, suddenly shy as all three boys stared intently at you.
"Let us what?" Jungkook asked.
"Fuck me... I-I want you to."
They didn't need to be told twice.
Namjoon immediately attacked your lips, harshly forcing his own onto you with such bruising force you had to use all your strength to push back for some control. The hand he had used to cover your face was now around your neck, applying just enough pressure to send your heart racing and adrenaline flooding through you.
Jungkook immediately undressed, throwing his pyjamas off to one side and using a hand to pump his already hardened length a few times. Jimin sat up to, removing his own clothing.
Namjoon sat back, beckoning to Jungkook; already he had taken control of the situation, governing who would get to do what to you. You loved it, watching his dongsaengs willingly submit to their hyung knowing he was in charge.
Namjoon moved out of the way, sitting back and palming himself through his sweats he wore to bed and watching as Jungkook knelt beside your head and pressed the tip of his cock to your lips.
Gladly, you opened up for him, innocently staring up into his eyes as he pushed the head of his cock into your mouth. He moaned as he felt your tongue on the underside of his cock, the warmth and wetness the most incredible feeling he had felt in so long. He hissed as he bottomed out, feeling your throat muscles constrict around him.
"Fuck, you're taking me so well..." he muttered, drawing his hips back and slowly pushing in again. This time you hollowed your cheeks, creating a drag against his cock that had him leaning forward over you, rest on his fists and using his upper body strength to keep from falling over completely.
Namjoon moved to sit next to Jimin, hungrily eyeing up your pussy that was still glistening with the sweetest glaze.
"Jiminie, how did she taste?" he asked, not bothering to look up at him.
"Like fucking cotton candy, hyung," he mused. Namjoon hummed in approval as Jimin moved out of the way, letting Joon dip his head between your legs and lick a long, wet stripe against your slit. You moaned as much as you could with Jungkook's cock in your throat, the vibrations setting his nerves alight.
"Ah, shit... Make her moan again, hyung."
Using his fingers, Joon spread your pussy open to him again, dipping his tongue into your entrance. The intrusion felt incredible, another moan vibrating deep in your throat. Jungkook growled and thrust his hips a little faster, chasing the feeling.
Jimin sat to one side, stroking his own cock in a steady rhythm, watching his best friends use you the way he wanted to. It was such a turn on, his cock leaking pre-cum at the sight.
"Oh fuck, Jimin you gotta feel this..." Jungkook sat back on his heels, letting Jimin take up position on the opposite side of your head as you turned to face him, mouth wide open. He sank his cock deep into your throat as another throaty moan left your lips at something Namjoon was doing with his fingers on your clit.
"Shit..." his hand stroked your cheek, feeling the bulge under the skin where his cock pressed against the inside of your mouth. "B-baby, can I fuck your throat?" He sounded so desperate, you couldn't say no to him.
You nodded your head, looking up at him with doe eyes. Jimin started to piston his hips, slowly at first but gaining pace as he chased that intense feeling of pleasure your throat constricting gave him. You gagged a little, but it wasn't unbearable and the lewd noises of your wet mouth was starting to affect everybody.
Namjoon stopped to undress himself before spreading your thighs and kneeling between them, rubbing the head of his cock through your slick to ready himself. You were so desperate for him to fill you up, you moaned as loud as you could with your mouth full to encourage him.
"Wait, I have an idea..." Namjoon stopped, gripping onto your waist and flipping you onto your front. "Jungkook, get under her." He did as he was told, the both of you moving to let Jungkook lie underneath you. "We're both gonna fuck you, y/n, okay?" he whispered in your ear. Your eyes widened at the idea, the thought of being stretched to your limits, filled with both of them.
"I-I don't know if I can..." your voice shook with nerves until Jungkook interrupted you with a finger to your lips.
"We'll take care of you, princess. You trust us, right?" he asked. You nodded. And then slowly, Jungkook positioned himself at your entrance and pushed into you, filling your pussy up. You gasped at the feeling, wondering how on earth you were supposed to take Namjoon as well. He wasn't exactly small...
Jungkook started to move, his hips lifting and bucking up into yours, enjoying the feeling of your walls constricting around him.
"Gonna use a finger now, sweetie. Okay?" Namjoon whispered in your ear again, leaning over your back now that you were on all fours. You nodded, nervous.
As he slid in his finger alongside Jungkook's cock, you couldn't help but bite your lip. The added little stretch felt so good, albeit a little painful. It was nothing you couldn't get used to though, and soon he had added a second, pumping them into you with the same rhythm as Jungkook was thrusting into you.
It didn't seem to bother either Namjoon of Jungkook that they were both intruding on each other. If anything, Jungkook seemed to enjoy it even more. And Jimin... god, he was in awe of you. How you could take both of his friends like this, and how you were about to be filled even more so by them both... He had to use his hand on himself, turned on far too much to be able to sit still.
"Okay, you ready baby?" Namjoon asks, slipping his fingers out of you, spitting into his hand and lathering his cock up with enough lubricant to ease into you.
"Y-yes... please," you begged, needed to feel full, needing to feel the stretch.
Jungkook stopped moving, patiently waiting and pressing little kisses to your neck as you hovered above him. Carefully, Joon pushed his cock into you, the tightness compressing against both him and Jungkook.
"F-fuck..." you cried out. Jimin immediately leaned forward, cupping your face and searching for any sign you wanted to stop this. You didn't, you just needed a minute.
"You okay, y/n?" he asked. You nodded.
"J-just gimme a second," you stuttered.
"Of course, baby. Whatever you need," Joon cooed from behind you, drawing circles on the curve of your back as you got used to the intrusion.
After a few moments, you nodded, signalling both boys to move. Without even communicating, the pair of them found a rhythm that worked not only for you, but for each other too.
"Fuck, this feels better than I thought," Joon groaned, loving not only the tightness of your cunt but the way Jungkook felt against him too. This was new territory for them both but god damn, they were loving it.
With a comfortable rhythm mapped out, you were now feeling nothing but pure fucking bliss as both the men hit spots inside you that you didn't know existed until now. You had nowhere to hide now, completely stretched to your limits and your walls constricted with each pulse of pleasure they gave you.
"Jimin, come here," you looked up at him, never wanting to leave him out. He shuffled forward, and you happily took his cock in your mouth, the movement of both Joon and Jungkook fucking into you propelling you forward and back enough to engulf Jimin's cock and bob your head along his length.
Jungkook and Joon never relented, not even when the pleasure built up so dramatically inside you you were practically crying out, tears slipping down your cheeks just because it felt so. damn. good.
You knew you were close, you could feel that coil tightening inside you.
"F-fuck, y/n. Gonna cum..." Jimin groaned, throwing his head back. "Can I? In here?" he tapped your cheek and you nodded, using your tongue as a weapon against him and bringing him closer to his end quicker and quicker, until he released inside your mouth, a deep growl emitting from his throat. His hot cum filled your mouth, so much of it you almost had trouble keeping it in until you swallowed it, every last drop.
Jimin sat back, out of breath and weak from his orgasm as the two other men continued to fuck into you,  your own orgasm so fucking close.
"J-Joon I can't hold on much longer... Should I pull out?" Jungkook asked his hyung, unsure of the boundaries in this situation.
"I don't mind if you don't, Kook," he grunted, his thrusts getting a little harder, hands gripping onto your hips.
"Wanna cum inside my princess. Would you like that?" He brought his hands to your face, making you look down at him. You moaned in approval, biting your lips trying so hard to stave off your climax. "O-Oh fuck..." Jungkook stuttered, his rhythm faltering as his orgasm ripped through him, thick spurts of cum coating not only your walls, but Namjoon's cock at the same time.
The new layer of slick inside you gave Namjoon the edge he needed to get himself to his own end, motivating him to thrust harder and Jungkook stayed put, motionless and catching his breath.
"J-Joon, please..." you begged, needing that sweet release you were so close to.
"I know, baby. I'll get you there, I promise," he said, changing the angle of his hips to hit directly into your g-spot continuously, the tightness inside you getting unbearable. Just as Joon was about to lose his shit, your orgasm burst through you.
You fell forward onto Jungkook's chest, his arms catching you and holding you as your body shook and muscles convulsed, Joon still fucking you to get you through it with maximum feeling. Another few hard thrusts had him cumming too, spilling inside you as both he and Jungkook slipped out of you.
Joon sat back, panting like a dog in the sun, watching with glazed eyes as both his and Jungkook's cum dripped out of you onto the air mattress.
"Fuck," Jungkook was the first to speak, running his fingers through his own sweaty hair and looking at you lying on his chest, totally spent.
"Fuck, indeed," a new voice spoke, a hint of annoyance behind it. All four of you turned to look towards the hatch that was now unzipped, four very pissed off men looking in on the rest of you.
"Well, this really isn't fair," Tae grumbled.
"Wait, before you say anything..." Jimin held up his hand to the other four members of bangtan poking their heads into your tent.
"It's fine, Jimin," Jin spoke softly, interrupting him. "We'll let her get her breath back, before we get our turn..."
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nishigo · 4 years
lunar new year. // todoroki shouto x reader.
lunar new year. // todoroki shouto x reader
hello! hope you have had a lovely day, here’s a little todoroki love for you all as the Chinese New Year starts tomorrow! much love to you all~
words : 1528
tw : none , fluffy fluff !
request status at time of post : open !
in which he failed the first time to convey his feelings, but luckily, he had another shot.
Todoroki glances at the small house, tilting his head softly as he glanced from the red packets in his hands to the soft glow of the candles guiding towards the backyard. He heard the chatter in the background, how everyone from class had joined together to celebrate the lunar new year. Although rarely celebrated in Japan, many of those in the area decided to support their Chinese neighbors and cheerfully greet the new year. It was also another reason to party, which no one could deny. Your parents had decided to go to their friend's house to celebrate, leaving you with just the house to yourself until tomorrow. It was smaller than most, however, after doing a small raffle, your name was drawn from the jar and here he was, in front of your home.
Todoroki has just gotten back from seeing his mother in the hospital, in which he had finished ranting to her about what would partake in the night. Of course he was nervous, you were the only person who could make him feel such a way. His mom reassured him that everything would be fine, but what if it was not? He shook his head, no time for that now. It is also where he got his red packets from, as everyone was forced to bring something as a token of cheer, whether it be food or games, and needless to say, the boy was not exactly poor. His mother insisted to stick to tradition, smiling at her son as he took them with a swift nod but slight concern. A sigh escaped his lips as he began to walk towards the back, hoping for the best as he kept a relatively cool demeanor.
Todoroki walked into your backyard and took in the sight. It has a large tree sprouting from the ground, lanterns of all colors, shapes, and sizes hanging with various symbols in both Chinese and Japanese wishing good luck for the new year. Bamboo lined along the white picket fence, little red banners hanging off their small branches with stars and more writing Todoroki did not recognize. All around the tree were small tables, and various red mats were sprawled around them for his friends to sit and talk, whether about school or how excited they were. A long table lined the side of the house, food decorating every inch of it. The smell of moon cake, rice, pork dumplings, and duck filled his nose, making his mouth water slightly as he walked closer. The whole place was brightly lit up, decorations of stars of gold and red painting his vision, along with various peonies, carnations, and orchids. It was amazing how much effort you had put into making this an enjoyable experience for all, and frankly, he was touched.
“It’s Todoroki!” The boy whipped his head around and looked at the owner of the voice, who happened to be Midoriya. He sported a red sweater and black pants, grinning from ear to ear. Actually, everyone was decked out somehow with the color, whether it be a simple bracelet to Kirishima, who had on a red outfit head to toe. Todoroki got pulled towards the food, where he finally saw you for the first time this night.
You had your hair brushed out and away from your face, eyes sparkling as you served food and made conversation with all of your friends. Your energetic attitude was contagious, and Todoroki could not help but smile at how cute you were when you were passionate about something. Sporting a red jean jacket and gold bracelets, earrings, and necklaces, you looked right at home as you explained to Iida what eating long noodles symbolizes to the Chinese. As he picked up a plate and began to grab some food, he caught your eyesight and gladly went up to him to talk
“Hey! Todoroki, I am so glad you could make it! And- Oh! Red envelopes? Here, let’s add them to the pile over here, I will be handing them out later after everyone settles down from the food.” You took them from him quickly, putting them into a basket full to the brim of various family names and money. Turning back around to face him, you paused as you opened your mouth slowly and began again.
“Hey, Todo, mind heading inside with me? I need to pull out some more food, looks like noodles and dumplings are running out.” Todoroki blushes lightly at the nickname as he nodded, watching as you made your way towards the back door and allowed him to slip in with you and towards the kitchen.
Trays of food were stacked on top of each other, still piping hot as he shuffled quietly behind you. You took a deep inhale, exhaling loudly as you took some trays and separated them from the rest, supposedly what was needed more outside. It was a bit weird for once, since both of you were quiet and there was no one else around. Maybe this was an opening, maybe he could-
“Take these outside for me, will you?” He retracted his outstretched arm, quietly sighing as he nodded and grabbed the various trays and doing obediently as he was told.
The night unpaused after that brief moment alone with you. His heart was racing inside his chest. Jeez, it’s as if you used his own fire quirk against himself, he was heating up just looking at you. He went on to sit at your table along with Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka. He chewed his food silently, internally praising you for your delicious seasoning on the pork buns. With his cheeks stuffed, the conversation varied in the night, but all he could focus on was you. He saw words come out of your lips, but no response was made on his part. Just sitting by you was enough for him, and he was content with the positioning. It was bugging him, though, that he had not completed his final motive, and he only had a little time left to succeed.
The hours began to lengthen, and soon enough, people were starting to leave. You had handed out all the red envelopes and it was fun to see people jump for joy at how much cash they were getting. One by one, he watched as his classmates received a hug and a wave from you, holding various leftovers as the food coma was beginning to hit and drowsiness arose. He waved off his friends goodbye, cracking a small smile as he then turned around to see you working hard to get everything put away. With a large amount of pity from him, he sighed and began to help you pack up tables and stack mats. Lanterns were turned off one by one, and with a quick flick of his fingers, a frosty blast sent all of the candles out, nothing but smoke left.
Inside, you two panted as the effects of doing so much hit you all at once. Stretching slightly, you pulled your hair tie down and he watched as your face was cupped by your lovely locks. Now, since it was just the two of you and silence, he decided to break out. May his mother’s words be true, and with courage, he spoke.
“Y/N, a word?” You glanced back at him in small confusion, grinning from ear to ear as you shuffled close to him, signaling for him to continue.
“I missed it at the beginning of January, and I was meant to tell you that night. However, I never gained the courage to do so, so tonight…” He took a shaky inhale, glancing away softly as he pulled out a packet he had saved for you along with some deep red roses, making you stop in your tracks in awe.
“I wanted to try again, since the lunar new year is another beginning. Basically, I am here to say I’m in love with you. No, wait, scratch that, I’m infatuated with you. You make my head spin and makes me freeze up and melt at the same time. So, would you happen to want to become...a couple?” He repeated his phrase that he had said over a million times in the mirror, hoping that his words would be enough. He could not read your reaction for a second, but soon enough, tears began to flow out of your eyes as you nodded sweetly, taking his red envelope and flowers into your hands and quickly grabbing him into a hug. Although Todoroki did stumble a bit, he caught his balance and hugged back, a breath of relief flying into his lungs before he began to smile and bury his face into your neck shyly. A sweet blush overtook both your faces, and innocently, you pecked his cheek with the brightest smile in existence and he mimicked your actions back at you. Elated, exhilarated, overjoyed, you two were many things, but to describe it the best...
You both were over the moon as the ringing of fireworks popped in the background, signaling the start of the new lunar year and your relationship.
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fraink5-writes · 3 years
From Darkness Into the Lantern Light - Chapter 8
Is there a more exciting way to start the best month of the year than with a heartfelt conversation between two fictional characters?
Thanks to @leio13 for her innumerable contributions!
Summary: Once upon a time, there was a cold-hearted queen. Although the Tsaritsa, as she was called, possessed her own divinity, she coveted the powers of the other Archons. Aiming to steal the Geo Archon’s gnosis, she sent her strongest warriors to Liyue Harbor. But just when Rex Lapis was almost defeated, he escaped to another vessel, that of a powerless baby, and was swept away to a hidden tower for his protection.
Many years after the great fight, the young and ambitious Harbinger, Childe, arrives in Liyue to grant the Tsaritsa’s desire, but, on his search for the Geo Archon’s gnosis, he ends up tangled in a mysterious man’s dreams to see Liyue Harbor’s Lantern Rite.
This chapter can also be found on Ao3 here. Without further ado, please enjoy!
The sky glowed bright orange, not unlike Childe's hair, when Childe's eyes cracked open. With a lingering hazy look upon his face, he gazed up. "Zhongli?" he asked in a mumbled whisper.
"Did you sleep well? Are you feeling better?" Zhongli smiled.
Childe nodded. "I had the strangest dream…"
Zhongli could not suppress his sigh. As long as Childe believed that what happened was a dream, Zhongli's secret was essentially safe.
"It wasn't a dream, was it?" Before Zhongli had realized, Childe's eyes had returned to their usual keenness.
Zhongli conceded with a shake of his head.
"I knew it," Childe declared while sitting up. “But don’t worry; I won’t ask about it—as per contract.”
“It’s all right.” Zhongli fidgeted with his ponytail. “It would be better if I told you myself than let it fester wildly in your imagination.”
“Good plan.” Childe smirked. He scooted next to Zhongli, crossed his legs close to his chest, and leaned his chin on his hands as though eager to hear a story.
Zhongli inhaled. This was the consequence of his actions. The price was only fair. Childe had risked his life to keep Zhongli from danger; as such, it was only natural that Zhongli put himself at risk by revealing his secret as repayment. He exhaled. “As you saw, my hair has the power to heal injuries. When I use it, it glows just like this.” Zhongli held out his now-amber hair for Childe to see.
“Woah…” Childe’s voice came out as barely a whisper. “Does it… does it do anything else?”
“Anything else? Not as far as I know.”
“How long has it been like this…?”
“As long as I can remember.” Zhongli twirled a few tiny strands of hair that he had hidden behind his ear. “When it’s cut, it loses its power and doesn’t grow back. That’s why my mother hid me away in that tower, and I never left. If someone were to find out about its power, they would try to take it for themselves. Such a power needs to be protected.”
“But now you’re old enough to leave on your own.” Childe gazed sympathetically as he reassured Zhongli. “You’ve spent all that time training to protect yourself.”
“Yes, I suppose you’re right.” Zhongli was at a loss; he didn’t know what kind of reaction he would receive—he had never even planned on telling anyone. Yet Childe’s composure put him at ease—if only a little.
“Come on. Like I said earlier, don’t worry. What could happen with the two of us?” Childe’s confident grin mellowed into a small grin. “I appreciate that you told me this.”
“I didn’t think it would be possible to keep that secret much longer.”
“Right? It’s only been two days, but it’d be hard to say we’re strangers at this point. Well, I consider anyone willing to fight with me a friend—which makes you, by definition, a friend!”
“Is that so? A very odd definition of friends, especially since we don’t properly know each other’s names.”
“Ahaha…” Childe scratched his head while laughing weakly. “So that wasn’t a dream either…”
“Are you mad?”
“Not particularly. But I am curious as to why you chose to lie.” This was true. As their contract essentially stipulated that they remain strangers, he couldn’t expect Childe to follow the same code of personal conduct. However, he couldn’t help but agree that he and Childe had, in fact, surpassed the status of strangers, so, accordingly, he was curious about Childe’s real name.
“Don’t take it personally! I didn’t just lie to you; I stopped using the other name a long time ago.”
Zhongli and Childe stared in silence as Zhongli tried to repress his curiosity. Childe's face, as usual, was illegible, but rather than a fake smile, his mask was solemn.
"Alright, I'll tell you." Childe sighed. "Because I think you have a good point about the names." Breaking eye contact, he leaned back. "Ajax. That's the name my father gave me."
"'Ajax'… That's a nice name. Certainly not one to be ashamed of."
Childe chuckled with a shake of his head. "Don't misunderstand—it's a noble name. The original Ajax was a great hero and adventurer." As Childe explained, Zhongli thought he glimpsed a flash of light in his eyes.  Zhongli wished to grab hold of it and draw it out, but it quickly vanished into a shadow. "Such a proud name shouldn't be tarnished. That's why I left it behind when I started down this path." Childe laughed hollowly. "So that's it."
That's it? The empty conclusion brought a brief frown to Zhongli's face, but he was quick to push it aside on his search for Childe's light. "I want to know more about Ajax."
"Ajax?" It was a promising start as Childe smiled again. "Where to begin… As a great hero in Teyvat, he has many stories—" But the attempt ended in failure.
"No, the other Ajax."
"The other Ajax?" Childe blinked. "Are you sure? It's not a very good story. Boring at best, a downer at worst."
"I don't mind. I enjoy reading non-fiction." Frankly, Zhongli did not care about drama or excitement; he preferred facts about the world around him, and, in this case, he wanted to know how the man besides him came to be the way he was.
"Suit yourself." Childe sighed. "I'll do you a favor and skip all the boring parts though. One day, when Ajax was fourteen, he was walking through the woods. All of the sudden, some scary wolves appeared!" He paused for dramatic effect then continued miming the story with his hands. "Their claws marred the snow's face with dirt—and their fangs! Their fangs were dripping with blood! Powerless against the ferocious pack, Ajax turned and fled. He jumped over logs and ducked under branches, but alas! He was not careful enough as he went tumbling into a deep, deep hole! And, unfortunately, Ajax never quite made it out of there. The end."
Zhongli clapped. "That was a compelling story, but it was missing one crucial part." As emphatic a storyteller as Childe was, his story had a glaring hole. But it was such a dark and ominous gap that Zhongli dared not explore deeper. Its contents were locked deep in Childe's heart, where they should remain undisturbed. "The beginning."
"You really want to hear that?"
"Of course, the beginning is essential for getting to know the characters."
Childe raised an eyebrow. "Fine." Despite his reluctance, a grin sprouted on Childe's face as soon as he started speaking. "There once was a boy named Ajax, who lived in Snezhnaya, where it's so cold that if you stop moving, you freeze to death. He was named Ajax by his father after the great hero, and this fact brought much pride to the boy who loved ice fishing."
"Ice fishing?"
"Yeah, it's a little different than regular fishing." Childe mimed casting a fishing line into the water. "Once you've found your spot on the ice, you drill a small hole—a fish-sized hole—lower your bait, and then wait. Wait, wait, wait. If you feel a tug, you've got one! Sometimes it never happens, and that's fine too."
"How inefficient.”
Childe laughed. "Well, the fish aren't important. What's important is what you do while waiting. For example, you can sit down next to each other and tell stories, just like we are. That was Ajax's favorite part, listening to his father's stories. Thrilling adventure stories of renowned heroes and many from his father’s own youth. To little Ajax, his father was the greatest hero. As Ajax listened to these stories, hooked on every word, he dreamed of his own adventures, ones that would impress even the heroes he admired."
Just like little Ajax probably felt listening to his father, Zhongli was enamored by Childe’s storytelling, but, on the contrary, the details felt like the least important thing. He was mesmerized by Childe’s hopeful gestures, excited tone, and his eyes, which dazzled like the surface of the ocean on a cloudless day. They exuded an unfamiliar warmth, drawing Zhongli closer.
“Ah! How could I forget?” Childe suddenly exclaimed. “I should introduce the other major characters.”
Zhongli tilted his head.
“You see, besides his loving parents, Ajax has many wonderful siblings—five, to be exact! Two older and three younger: Teucer, Tonia, and Anthon. They are his world. Let’s see. Teucer is still so young, so he loves toys, and, among those, his favorite one is ‘Mr. Cyclops.’ I just defeated four of them back there, you know. Anyway, to Teucer…” As Childe described Ajax’s family, a subtle but persistent upturned curl played at his lips. His words fell softly like a blanket enveloping the characters. His faraway gaze reflected a fathomless affection, and, after an indefinite time, when they finally turned steadily towards Zhongli, he nearly melted. “How was that? Are you satisfied?”
Zhongli nodded. “Almost. However, I think I prefer Ajax.”
“Huh?” Childe’s head turned. “But you don’t even know him.”
“That’s not true. I just met him, and I’ve learned so much from your stories. He’s much more genuine.”
“If you think so, I’m glad.” Although Childe smiled, his eyes were dull with sorrow.
“It’s not too late. To be the hero in Ajax’s dreams, to be the person Anthon, Teucer and Tonia believe you to be.” Zhongli reached out his hand, his fingers lightly brushing Childe’s cheek. “I know that Ajax didn’t die in that forest. May I call you that, Ajax?”
Childe nodded, gently intertwining their fingers.
Ajax could feel heat building up under Zhongli’s hand on his cheek. He glanced side-to-side. Since when was it so dark? He had been so caught up in stories of the past that he forgot about the passage of time. He stood up. “I didn’t realize it was so late. You must be hungry. I’ll go get something to eat.” He quickly turned around.
“Thank you.”
Ajax paused. “You don’t know how to start a fire, do you?”
“I may have read about it in a book.”
“Alright, let me show you real quickly.” Ajax scrambled to create a fire pit. Then he carved his drill and board in order to create the beginnings of a fire. “The goal is to create enough friction in order to get sparks.” When he created enough coals by turning the drill, he lightly blew on them to encourage a flame before putting them in the pit. After a sizable fire had started, Ajax stood with his arms akimbo. “See? Just like that.” Zhongli stared wordlessly, his mouth slightly agape. Of course, Ajax knew that it was a terrible demonstration, but he wanted to leave quickly. “I’ll be back soon, okay? I don’t expect any trouble, but if anything happens, you can hold your own.”
Zhongli scooted closer to the fire. “I’ll be fine here. Good luck out there, Ajax.”
Ajax’s heart thudded. He nodded brusquely before taking off. Running away from a fight was the response of a coward, but this was different. He needed to be alone to think and catch his breath.
Ajax, Ajax, Ajax. Ajax’s heart beat rhythmically to the repeated echo of his name. It had been years since anyone had called him that, except his family (and even then, he rarely had the opportunity to see them.) The sound of it bounced around his brain with such trepidation, such joy.
Was it okay for Childe to have told Zhongli all that? His name, his past and his family were his greatest secrets that he held closest to his heart. Not even his fellow harbingers knew about Ajax.
But Zhongli was different. He wasn’t calculating or malicious. Although justifiably paranoid, Zhongli lived earnestly and put a lot of trust into his principles and into others. Childe had given up on living like that, but he wanted to be worthy of Zhongli’s trust. 
Childe scoffed. Perhaps telling Zhongli about Ajax was another act of deception, for it was too late for Childe to return to how Ajax once was. He was a member of the Fatui. He operated through manipulation and murder. Even as he guided Zhongli to Liyue Harbor, the true intentions of his trip had always been to steal the power from Rex Lapis. At his core, nothing remained that was worth trusting.
When Zhongli dropped his paranoid guard, he was in fact too trusting. That fact had not left Ajax’s mind since Zhongli befriended the Crux Fleet. Although such a weakness was objectively exploitable, Ajax found it to have the opposite effect as well: it was endearing. It was an earnest, inadvertent manipulation that transformed Childe from a weapon to a shield. Maybe because Zhongli had not felt the cutting edge of Childe’s blade, he believed in Ajax. In return, Ajax would protect him. If Zhongli were the only person who believed, Ajax would become a hero like those of stories for him alone.
At least until Liyue Harbor. At Liyue Harbor, no matter what happened, Childe would have to confront all that had led up to that point. At Liyue Harbor, it would all end.
After Ajax had gathered a decent amount of berries and sunsettias, he was met with the issue of the main course. His only two blades were impractical for hunting if he chanced upon a bird or boar, but fruit would not suffice as a meal. He circled around the pool at the earlier battlefield until he spotted a shielded mitachurl sitting against a stone wall. Although there was no fire, it was unlikely that a hilichurl would make camp without a meal. Ajax crept closer, sure enough there were two more hilichurls and a boar carcass. Perfect. After clearing out the hilichurls, the meat was Childe’s for the taking.
Childe charged at large hilichurl. It jumped up, erecting its sturdy shield. With no way to deal with the shield, Childe danced in circles around the beast, swiping continually with his blade. An arrow grazed the side of his head. Aside from a few strands of hair, it was probably nothing to worry about. His thoughts returned to his main target: the mitachurl. On the next opening, he jammed a dagger into its back. Seeing their strongest member stagger, the samachurl frantically waved its oversized wand a few times before scrambling up the cliff and away. The hilichurl with a crossbow fired several directionless shots, but it too dropped its weapon as Childe slowly approached. Childe waited, daggers in hand. Finally, it turned, running after the samachurl. 
Ajax sighed as he inspected the dead boar. He and Zhongli would not need so much meat. Besides, he didn’t want to be the one to show Zhongli his first animal butchering. So he decided to carve out a piece there and carry it back to their fire. The hilichurls could enjoy the rest if they ever returned.
Ajax peered at the ground below his foot. There laid a red mask, broken in two. It must have been knocked by that arrow. He sighed. Despite never wearing it properly, Childe had always been fond of that mask, but he couldn’t possibly fix it—not in his current situation, at least. He stuffed the two pieces into one of his pockets. Then he hurried back to Zhongli, picking up some mint for flavor.
“Welcome back, Ajax.” Zhongli warmly greeted Ajax upon his return.
“Sorry for the delay.” Ajax sat by the fire and prepared for phase two: the actual cooking.
“It’s no problem. It looks like you brought back plenty. Do you need any help?”
“Nope. Just sit back and relax. I don’t think I mentioned this, but Ajax is also a talented chef, you know.”
“Is there anything he isn’t?”
“A good diplomat, for one. Unless you count being atop everyone’s wanted list.”
Zhongli’s laugh brushed past Ajax’s ears like a warm breeze. “Well, I’m looking forward to whatever you make.”
Ajax impulsively looked away, blush creeping on his face. “It’ll be ready soon. In the meanwhile, if you’re hungry, you can eat the fruit; they don’t need to be cooked.” For the remainder of the cooking time, Ajax focused keenly on the roasting beef.
When the beef was nicely cooked, he seasoned it with a bit of mint then handed a portion to Zhongli. “Enjoy!”
“Thank you.”
Before he could even think about eating, Ajax watched intently for Zhongli’s reaction as he bit in. Widening eyes, curled lips and a swift second bite—even without words, Ajax knew he had succeeded. His chest swelled with pride. Nevertheless, he couldn’t help himself. “How is it?” He asked. 
Zhongli daintily patted his lips clean before responding. “It’s delicious.”
Ajax beamed. “What did I tell you?” Only when he was full on compliments did he take his first bite.
“Ajax.” Zhongli lowered the sunsettia he was eating. “Concerning tomorrow…”
“I know, I know. Tomorrow’s the Lantern Rite, right?”
“Yes. Of course, you know this route better than I, but…”
“Don’t worry! We’ll definitely make it on time. But we should leave early, at dawn. I want to show you all Liyue Harbor has to offer.”
“Okay.” Zhongli sighed. “What a relief.” After finishing the sunsettia, he stood up. “It would be good to get some rest soon.”
“Yeah, about that, we should sleep in shifts. Unpleasant types flock around ruins. Sorry that I can’t provide anywhere better to rest for the night.”
“Don’t say that. You’ve already done so much.” Zhongli covered a yawn with his hand.
“Why don’t you go on and sleep first? I already got plenty of rest earlier.”
“Then I will. Thank you.” A meter away, Zhongli lay down on the grass, his back to the fire. “Goodnight, Ajax.”
“Goodnight.” So soft, Ajax’s whisper probably never reached Zhongli’s ears. As he finished off the remaining food, unwilling to make waste, he watched the rhythmic rise and fall of Zhongli’s shoulder blades. How peaceful. How could he, a man who had more at risk than Childe, trust the man at his back so blindly?
Ajax put out the fire to deter any potential visitors then he crept closer to Zhongli. When he was certain Zhongli was sleeping, he picked up a few silky strands of hair and brought them to his lips. How strange to think that this hair was the string of fate which drew them together, that it was the source of their problems.
I’m sorry, Zhongli, about our contract.
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war--lords · 5 years
Warnings: Female!Reader, mild family conflict, possible inaccuracy Word count: 3,648 words (Exactly same as last chapter! What sorcery) Tagged: #hanayome Translations and important notes:
It’s done! This is the last chapter. I plan on putting out another one that is kind of like an optional chapter with no plot in it whatsoever.
I also really hope you understand what’s happening in this chapter, there’s a lot of explaining and I stayed up till like 3 am to try and write it so it may not be the most cohesive.
Part 1 Part 2
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You don’t remember losing consciousness.
You let out a sigh, your skin enjoying the coolness of the futon you lie on. Its fabric is softer than what you’re used to, almost like satin. It is with great reluctance that you open your eyes, because you don’t feel like you want to leave the bedding. Blinking slowly, you try to gauge your surroundings—a regular-sized room, its flooring covered with regular tatami mat, making it look almost like an inn. A nice inn, granted, thanks to the artistically placed decorations and plants. 
In the corner of the room in front of you sits a man. He is facing a low table, pouring something from a flask into a saucer-like cup. Sake, you assume.
Strange. Your fever seems like it has dissipated, for you no longer feel woozy or mildly uncomfortable, but you’re still warm—from sleeping, perhaps? The weather outside is far from hot, the night breeze cool after the rain. 
You sit up, allowing your eyes to adjust to lantern-lit room. It’s still dark outside, but there’s enough light from the inside to let you look at him more closely. Nobunaga, he said his name was. What an awfully human name. His raven black hair frames his face, carnelian eyes seemingly glowing as he focuses on the cups. You can see his profile quite clearly from your spot in the mid-sized room—the slide of his nose, his lips, his jawline…
Even while appearing human he possesses an unmistakably supernatural aura. It’s almost visible to the naked eye, rolling off of him slowly in huge amounts like midnight waves by the beach. There’s something about him that draws you in—that something being everything.
“How are you feeling?”
“Confused,” you reply, as if you didn’t just pass out. You regard your clothing: a silk sleeping kimono and a beautiful red haori that you are thankful for, as it effectively covers the curve of your bosom. Your irouchikake is neatly folded by the side of the futon, and you try to ignore the fact that he undressed and redressed you. Did he see you naked?
“How long was I out for?”
“An hour, maybe a little more. You collapsed while trying to walk.” He walks toward you with a cup. “Drink.”
Liquor sounds counterproductive right now, but it could help you accept the more bizarre things that will undoubtedly unfold, so you take it from his hand. There’s a spark when your finger touches his. You do your best not to let your surprise show and grab the cup before downing its contents whole, the warmth down your throat distracting you from the effects of his touch.
His eyes watch you and you notice that his face is rather close. He is handsome, exceptionally so, and it frightens you a little to be thinking that in such a situation. You have pressing questions that are more important than admiring his physique—you can’t let yourself be distracted.
“You came here expecting some answers,” he says. He’s doing that again, ‘reading your mind’. Casually placing a hand on your forehead, he gauges your warmth, and upon finding none, he returns to the corner to carry the table closer to the futon. “But before I entertain your questions, you must entertain me first.”
“Go?” You ask, inspecting the board game spread out on the low table. 
“Surely you are familiar.”
“Yes,” you answer. Popular temple pastime. Still, it’s surprising to know that he indulges in human games.
The next few minutes are filled with silence, with the exception of the clicks and clacks of pieces on the wooden board. For a lone god dwelling in a mountain, he is a great player—never rushing, almost as if savoring the consideration of each move. You, on the other hand, find yourself mostly trying to avoid being overpowered. A strategy that is working so far, but you feel that it won’t last for long.
He pauses during his move, watching his pieces intently, and you can’t help but stare.
His hands and fingers look strong, yet elegant, the kind you’d see in koto or shamisen players. He wears a simple black kimono decorated with gold elaborate designs, leaving behind his additional outer layers—even gods have attires that are purely ceremonial, you suppose. The loose sleeves allow you a glance at his forearms, beautifully curved with muscle. Without checking yourself, your gaze goes up and up, to his shoulders and collarbone, to the teasing parting of his kimono on his chest, to his collarbone—
By the time you arrive at his face, he’s already looking at you, a positively smug expression pasted on his face. You look down at the go board despite it not being your turn yet—the embarrassment! Willing all your blood to avoid your cheeks at all cost, you try to focus on the game.
It makes you wonder why you lost. The focusing did more harm than good, so it seems, or he’s just really good at playing. 
“Was that entertainment enough for you?” You say, brushing your loose hair as a temporary distraction. You still refuse to believe he caught you staring.
“Quite,” he answers amusedly, putting away the pieces and the board. “It has been a while since I’ve had a human opponent.” Which means he’s always played against inhumans. You wonder if his playmates are other gods, a question that you decide to push to the bottom of the list. Important questions only.
“You may speak your business,” he declares, sounding official even as he casually pours out another glass, this time for him as well. 
“May I be honest with you,” you pause, “Lord Nobunaga?”
He doesn’t seem to dislike the honorific. Also, you realize the redundancy of your question too late. He can see through you like a book. Wordlessly he permits you to continue, examining you with unreadable eyes. How unfair it is, that you’re so transparent in front of him while he’s still such a mystery.
“You have ruled over us for centuries, and never has it been written that you demand young women as part of the annual sacrifice. Why now?”
Again, Kiku’s voice rings in your ear. He said your name... he wants you.
“Destiny,” he answers, as if simply announcing the weather. “It is destiny that demands it, not I. Us gods may be almighty, but none of us are more powerful than destiny. Not even the Great Mother can escape it.”
You don’t even have to ask the question.
“You call her Amaterasu, ancient beyond all ages.”
“The Sun Goddess,” you murmur, nodding, “of course.”
“To us, she is the Great Mother of all beings, god and man alike. Even now she watches over us from the sky each day, but she has said that she is not above destiny. One day, though far away that day may be, the sun will die out.”
You remain quiet, considering your words. “So you’re saying destiny told you to marry?”
“At the beginning of my existence, destiny has whispered to me my predeterminations. I did not ask for a life of conquests—it was handed to me. My powers are the same.”
He looks at you just then, with a tenderness that no man has ever looked at you with. His hand reaches out for yours, enclosing around it with warm fingers, as if the electricity from before had melted away. Your heart skips a beat. 
“Your name was given to me when I came to being. I saw not your face, but the very essence of your soul. I have known you long before your ancestors were born—and I waited.”
There is a certain weight in his words, but strangely you feel your soul soaring in response. His warm hand feels as though it is holding your heart instead, gently and with great care, and you feel like you could give up right then and there.
“Have you no influence on people’s lives?” You ask quietly, as if not wanting to speak at all. You remember whatever romantic encounters you had with men—were those experiences merely to keep you accessible for him? There’s bitterness in your throat when you speak again.
“Could you not have any part in mine, some way to lead me to you?”
“I could,” he begins, and as he speaks he strokes your fingers with his thumb. You find it very comforting. “But everyone is bound to fate. I didn’t have to because I know that you are bound to me,” at these words he gently squeezed your hand, looking at it with an almost nostalgic look on his face, “and I to you.”
“So self-assured, even for a god.” Your commentary is meant to be incisive, maybe a tad reprimanding, but it comes out nearly like a loving, welcoming nudge. The corner of his lips turn into a smirk, definitely catching the same connotation, and you find yourself embarrassed, not unlike the way you were during the Go game earlier. 
“If you understand the course in which fate’s threads run, you’d be confident too.”
Perhaps he is discreetly addressing the creeping insecurities holding you back despite how right it feels to trust him. You want to just because it is the natural thing to do, but in the crevices of your heart lie doubts, and they have teeth, sinking into you slowly. What about the message he delivered himself—the young bride he wanted? Surely he knows of the abbot’s younger daughter.
“If you’ve known my name and face, why shoot an arrow from the sky?”
“To teach your father a lesson,” he answers. He always has an answer, it seems.
Your eyebrows knit together in confusion. “When he was only following your instructions?”
Something changes about his face, the subtleness of it making you think that he is somewhat surprised at your rebuke. He stops stroking your hands. When he looks into your eyes, it’s clear that he is searching for something that he doesn’t find. You’re left confused.
“What?” You ask, not able to stand the stillness.
“You don’t know,” he declares then, returning to his normal self, but in his amber-like eyes is reluctance.
“What is it that I do not know?” You ask again, insistent.
He seems to consider this for a while, examining your face like he’s evaluating how determined you are to know the truth. Seeing no signs of hesitation on your part, he yields, though everything about him remains as composed as ever. He then holds both your forearms, and with a sliding motion down to your hands, tells you to open your palms and face them up. You feel your breath picking up and heart palpitating, unsure of what he is about to do to you—he is going to explain, isn’t he?
“I shall show you,” he answers your silent question. “Close your eyes.”
You do as you’re told.
He purses his lips slightly, watching as you sit, eyes closed, in front of him on the futon. He has never been the deity that meddles into human affairs too much, only interfering if necessary. And at this moment, it is necessary—you have climbed many steps to reach his dwelling looking for answers. He saw this coming, yet it is still rather unfitting for him to be the one revealing such a personal matter. 
But denying you the truth would be unfair.
So he cups your cheek and he still finds it unreal. One would think meeting a god is unreal, but for so long you’ve been a phantom in his mind, shapeless and untouchable, and now you’re alive, in the flesh in front of him. His hand wanders up to your forehead, mapping your skin, feeling its warmth. Closing his own eyes for focus, he then presses his thumb gently to the center of your forehead, and begins to chant.
The incantation is foreign to your ears, but a few seconds in and you recognize a familiar feeling: floating. You almost feel drowsy, like you’re stuck between consciousness and sleep, but an uneasy sensation up your spine prevents you from losing grip of reality. His voice grows louder, unnaturally so, as you hear an otherworldly echo after each phrase he recites.
Images begin to float in your mind. The stone patterns of the staircase heading up the mountain repeats before your eyes, but this time it’s heading downwards. You follow the path, down, down, reminding you of the fever dream you had in the prayer room. It feels real. You can smell the earth in the rain, hear the sound of the bamboo forests rustling. From the sky above, his voice resounds, a constant stream of recitations as your vision brings you down the mountain. It isn’t long until you reach the temple.
The night is dark and none of the lights are on. In fact, it looks as though no one is home. You feel a force guiding you inside the main building at the furthest area of the temple grounds, where your family lives. All the hallways are empty, and you see nobody on the way to your quarters. Your heart begins to beat faster as you approach your room, the sliding doors just an arm’s reach away. What are you doing here?
It is then the sliding door next to your room opens, slowly. You feel your throat clench, blocking the air to your lungs—Kiku emerges from the darkness, looking around her cautiously, and even though you’re right in front of her, she can’t seem to see you. Astounded, you follow behind her. Where could she be going, sneaking out in the dead of the night?
You don’t have to venture far. Kiku is swift but silent, tiptoeing to minimize the sound of her footsteps, and before you know it, you find yourself at the hallway leading to the temple’s stone courtyard.
The sight before you stops you in your tracks.
Kiku runs towards a man at the edge of the grounds, a familiar silhouette in the night. Once within arm’s reach, the man brings her into an embrace, and she willingly buries her face in his chest. He tips her chin up and leans down to kiss her, deep and hurried, and it only takes one second before Kiku brings her hands to his face. Their lips lock desperately, like they only have the night to be together, but they eventually part. The man takes her hand as the two of them rush towards the stairs leading to the village, disappearing out of your sight.  
I swear I love him! So much...
It is then the pressure on your forehead disappears—you don’t realize how warm your skin feels—and you open your eyes, once again finding yourself back in the room with Nobunaga. He has stopped chanting, quietly peering into your face out of concern masked with composure. You realize that he’s holding your hand now, and that you’re in a cold sweat again.
You stare at him.
At sundown, a fiery arrow shall come down from the sky and pierce the roof of the house in which this virgin dwells.
“She gave herself to the man she truly loved, even while knowing she cannot be with him.” He says, not letting go of your hand. It sounds like he is complimenting her. Meanwhile, you still feel trapped in the dream, all the memories of the next morning rushing back to you like a river runs.
Kiku has always been an early bird, but nobody ever considered that perhaps she didn’t sleep the night before.
“She really did love him,” you murmur.
“She still does,” Nobunaga tells you.
“But what does this have to do with teaching my father a lesson?”
“You should know that your sister and her lover is bound for each other,” he says, “like us.” You feel your heart jump at the addition. “Once fate decides, there is little man can do, though there are a few notable exceptions to this law. Your father, however, severed their relationship on the basis of his own arrogance.”
“Father thought the man’s social standing wasn’t up to par,” you add bitterly.
“He was clearly blindsided by the honor of his daughter becoming the bride,” Nobunaga continues, beginning to stroke your hand again, yet his words are unchangingly straightforward, “and again, he made the mistake of preferential treatment.”
“Did you arrange for this to happen?”
“I only plan what is necessary, and the whole commotion with your younger sister was not. If I had it my way, you would be here much earlier.” At this, he moves to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. The way his face tenses up slightly tells you that his regret is sincere. “As a matter of fact, I believe this to be predetermined by fate.”
“How so?”
“It is your father who has repeatedly behaved out of pride. First, he cast away an honest man who loved your sister for poor prestige, and then he sent the wrong bride out of personal preference. A mistake it may be, but standing on selfishness nevertheless.” He proceeds to comb your locks, a gesture you absolutely don’t hate. Dare you say his moderately intimate touches are keeping you grounded. 
“Now,” he begins again, “I shall justify why I believe fate is punishing your father. He is an abbot of a temple who has the privilege to be in my presence once a year, and whose duty is to intercede for my worshippers, keeping them in my favor. At present, he has failed to perform perhaps my most important instruction yet, a mistake that is not at all a secret amongst the people. One would consider incompetent, would one not?”
“To err is human, my lord,” you reply, albeit conflicted. You’re not sure why you’re defending your father.
“His true err is in his idea of principality behind his actions. If he didn’t desire to see only one of his children succeed because the other doesn’t adhere to his narrow-minded standards of decorum, he would’ve sent you to me. A head priest should know that the established practice is always based on succession, in which you come first. As for your sister, no suspicion shall be cast upon her amidst the turbulence surrounding the head priest, and so she will remain protected from all judgement until he is reunited with her lover.”  
Kiku, happily together with the man she loves most! You can almost see her in that shiromuku again, this time with a groom next to her and a bright smile on her face. You become quiet, unable to admonish what he said, mostly because you long for it to be true—the part where Kiku is happy, at least. Instead you resort to another question.
“Is destiny punishing my father by discrediting him, then?”  
The corners of his lips are upturned and at that moment you realize how much the man in front of you knows. It could be that you’ve been in his presence for too long it makes you forget he is a god.
“Destiny’s punishment is by demotion.”
Your eyes widen. For the first time tonight, he is truly smiling at you.
“I have known your soul since I was a new god, and for that same amount of time, I have known you to be not only a wife, but a partner.”
“My bride is predestined to also be a goddess.”
And she will dwell in the seiiki with him forever.
“As a human-turned-deity, you have the benefit of communicating with the people with no need for intercession and freedom to visit the mortal plane as you please. The head of the temple shall only rule over rituals of worship. We shall be known then as no longer two, but one.”
With you totally appalled, he takes the opportunity to lift you up by the waist and place you in his lap. 
“It is said by fate.”
You should still be in shock, but it’s as though your eyes have truly been opened, and every little second of your life has led you to this very moment. Everything makes sense. You remember the spark between your skin and his when they first brushed against each other, the palpitations of your heart when you entered the holy grounds. All of a sudden, the only thing you want to do is stay with him and never leave—it is unthinkable, for you would never want to escape from your very own sanctuary. He may have just offered you godliness in all its power, yet all you hear is an earnest proposal, to which there is only one answer. At that realization, you can’t help but smile—how are you supposed to reject when you can’t even think of the word ‘no’? 
He leans forward and presses the most tender kiss to your jaw. The touch of his lips is soft and unhurried, but it leaves a heated sensation on your skin. Then, nudging his nose against yours, he begins to speak. 
In nothing but a whisper, he calls your name, followed by the name of your mother, and your mother’s mother, and her mother before that. You sigh as he does, an unnatural shiver running up your spine. Everything about him emits warmth. It reminds you of the sensations you felt earlier when he lifted the enchantment off of the paper—you see flashes of your ancestor’s faces in your mind’s eye, only for them to comfortably slip like sand between your fingers, leaving only you and him in stillness.
He brings his hands up to cup your face, making you look straight at him. On his face is a mix of confidence and warmth.
“How would you like to rule the world at my side?”
You answer by gently kissing him on the lips, and the first rays of morning sun start to shine outside.
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jincherie · 6 years
Η πρώτη έκλειψη* | Hoseok
↠ written for the KreativeWritersNet au bingo! ↞
↼pairing: Hoseok x reader ↼genre: drabble, fallen gods!au, fallen god!hoseok ↼words: 1.6k+ ↼rating: sfw ↼notes: I’ve been busy sorting priorities but I finally did this and there’s only one more to go!! Massive props to @yminie and her beautiful brain for helping so much with all of these!!!
*☀   Η πρώτη έκλειψη // I próti ékleipsi / the first eclipse
Hoseok reminisces on your earlier times together.
↼posted; 04.01.2018
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↼Masterlist | Bingo Masterlist
High in the heavens, deep within towering, ornate palaces that glimmered with the reflection of the cosmos on their pearlescent, stardust walls and sat upon the very tops of thick, fleecy cumulonimbus clouds, there resided the gods and goddesses of the realm. Each deity had their own roles and responsibilities, and each deity followed the holy rules that kept the natural balance of the world. Each year after the lush heat and monsoon of summer, the god of autumn and fall would take to the earth and walk amongst the forests, painting the leaves and grass ochre, cinnamon and amber in his wake, the air becoming cool and crisp on his breath— but he would never touch the land longer than the heavens had deemed. As his time came, the god of spring would brush his fingertips against blades of grass frostbitten and deadened from winter’s bite, breathing new life and warmth into the air and unlocking the lush blossoms and greenery that remained dormant in the coldest season of the year. With each job and each responsibility, there was a complementary role. The gods and goddesses worked in perfect synergy; where one fell short another exceeded, and without the other one would not be able to perform their role.
Often the deities embodied traits of the aspect they governed, and the god of the sun and daylight was no exception. A smile that rained the warmth of the sun’s rays upon your face, hair that shone in all the brilliance of day and skin that glowed golden. It was his job to push the sun into the sky each morning and guide it down at sunset, but the moon on the other hand…
“The goddess!” a sharp cry pierced the air, a tiny arm thrusting up. “Is it the goddess, grandpa?”
Hoseok looked down at the three bouncing children before him, tiny forms jiggling with excitement where they sat on the wooden floor of the porch. The moon hung high in the night sky beyond the awning, full and beautiful, and the much-awaited event that sparked this particular storytelling was mere hours away.
He grinned at them, drinking in their bright faces as he pointed at the youngest of the three that had spoken, a boy who had a smattering of freckles across his nose and had hardly outgrown the title of toddler. “That’s correct!” he cheered, still sounding every bit as lively and excitable as he had when he was much younger. “The goddess of the moon and nightfall was in charge of raising the moon after the sun had set to slumber.”
Another child, a little girl with plaits and large doe eyes who could have been no older than four, shifted forward to rest her hands on his knee. Excitement was evident in her youthful tone as she gushed, “Grandpa, was the goddess beautiful?”
Hoseok leaned back and placed a hand on his chin, eager to invest in theatrics for the warm giggles they elicited. “Oh, she was! The goddess of the moon and night was the most beautiful in all of the heavens, and the god of the sun was lucky enough to see her every time he pushed the sun into the sky and guided it back down again.”
The children all cooed, “Tell us more, grandpa!”
So he did. “To the god of the sun, the goddess was the most beautiful thing he would ever see. The perfect embodiment of the moon and night with grace and beauty, it was no wonder that quickly, the god of the sun fell in love.”
The children gasped, and he grinned, “But oh, how lucky was he? For the goddess had seen him push the sun into the sky with all his might and with each day that passed she saw him guide it ever so gently, so carefully back home. She’d fallen in love with him too.”
At the eager looks on their faces, Hoseok smiled. “For centuries, the heavens knew no love so pure, so beautiful, so true as the love between the god and goddess of the sun and moon. The god gifted his goddess many things— whatever she would ask of him, he would bring to her, and she would do the same. Truly lovestruck, they floated through existence like happy fools.”
“But alas, when you are a god and goddess, you cannot afford to play the fool,” Hoseok said, lowering his voice for effect and watching as the children huddled closer. “The heavens have only one true decree; the gods and goddesses must never abuse their power, and they must never interfere with the natural balance they keep.”
“The goddess was a romantic, taken by the arts and dreams and so very curious of the world over which she ruled,” Hoseok shook his head with a soft smile. “When she thought the moon might feel lonely in the dark at night, the god created the stars and scattered them over the skies so they might glow alongside moon. When the goddess wanted see the moon bathed in another colour, the god painted it red with the rays of the sun and the air of the earth.  These gifts from the god to the goddess were allowed, because at the end of the day the sun and the moon still remained in separate skies.”
“But one day, the goddess said to the god, ‘Just as I met you, I want the sun to meet the moon’,” He couldn’t stop his fond smile. “And the god—oh how he loved his goddess— he made it so. He brought the sun to meet the moon, and for the first time in creation they intercepted in the same sky.”
The children gasped, and the boy in the middle threw his chubby hands to the sky. “The first ever eclipse!” he cried, eyes bright, and Hoseok laughed.
“That’s right!” he said, clapping his hands. “The sun met the moon, and it became night during day. But, the sun was never meant to meet the moon, and the heavens were not happy— the god and goddess had broken the vital rule and interfered with the natural balance of the world.”
He watched as the children’s jaws hung open, and found it so amusing that no matter how many times they heard this story they were still enraptured every time. He leant forward as he continued, “For breaking that crucial rule, the god and goddess were thrown from the heavens. They were stripped of their immortality, their powers, and sentenced to live their lives on earth as mortals. Once powerful deities, they had fallen from grace. But still, they were celestial beings, and their presence blessed the land and the village where they fell.”
“They were banished, but they were still missed. From that point on, every three years the sun would intercept the moon, and the moon would later grow red just as the god had painted it for his goddess in his love. The god and goddess of the sun and moon and the love they shared would never be forgotten by the heavens, and every three years the village threw a festival to celebrate and thank the celestial beings who had blessed them so. And that, kiddies, is how the Festival of the Sun and Moon came to be.”
The children clapped, cheering loudly as their favourite story was concluded yet again. But this year, Hoseok had decided to divulge something a little extra.
“But guess what? There’s something else… do you want to know?” he asked, instantly recapturing the attention of the three children before him and receiving eager nods. “It is said that when the god and goddess were still alive, each year of the eclipse they lit a torch and climbed to the highest point of the mountain. There is a beautiful marble shrine at the peak of the mountain, and every three years they lit the lantern within to show the heavens they hadn’t forgotten their sin, and to request that they keep blessing the village for the next three years to come. And when the god and goddess could no longer perform that duty, they passed it on to their children, and when they had children of their own they passed it on too, each time on the night of the eclipse. It has been passed on for generations, and tonight it is time for some more children to learn how to light the lantern.”
Hoseok paused, leaning forward for effect— the children stared at him with wide eyes full of cautious hope and excitement just waiting to bubble up. He could tell they had an inkling of what he was going to say. “So what do you say, are you ready to go up the mountain?”
The children immediately gasped and shrieked in excitement, jumping up to crowd around him and gush about the story and how they couldn’t believe it, how excited they were. Hoseok laughed heartily, catching the little girl with ease when she jumped onto his leg. Eventually they calmed down, and the little girl caught his gaze with her own large, inquisitive eyes.
“Grandpa, isn’t yours and grandma’s wedding anniversary today?” she asked curiously, and a secretive smile slipping onto Hoseok’s face. His gaze moved past the child on his lap and to the kitchen window, catching sight of you as you moved about inside and prepared the torches and everything else you’d need. He was sure anyone could have seen the fondness in his gaze— even after so long he was still whipped.
“That it is,” Hoseok answered, shooting the child a smile. “We’ve been married a very long time now, and I love her more than anything in the world.”
He met your eyes through the window, his chest warming at the bright grin you sent him. He turned to the little girl in his lap, shooting her a wink, “I guess you could say, she’s my goddess.”
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felixthekoala · 6 years
The Glow of the Stars
Group: Stray Kids
Pairing: FelixXReader
Type: Angst
a/n: Welp y’all wanted a part two to Remember the Stars, here it is!
Read Part 1 here!
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“Alright, (y/n), we’re going to put the sedatives in your system now, soon you’ll fall asleep,“ the surgeon explained as you nodded slowly.  “Can you count down from ten for me?”
“Ten... Nine.... Eight....”  you started, immediately feeling the effects of the sedatives.
“You’re so brave, (y/n),” the surgeon reassured you.  That was the last thing you heard before you went under.
Three hours.  It had been three agonizingly long hours since she went into the operating room for that dangerous surgery.  Felix was beside himself.  He took to pacing back and forth across the waiting room, hands gripped tight to his hair.
“Excuse me sir?” A stray hand tapped him on the shoulder.  “I’m very sorry, but you’re disturbing some of our patients, could you please take a seat or step outside?”
Felix turned to the sound of the voice, finding a smiling nurse.  He snapped.  “TAKE A SEAT?!  THE LOVE OF MY LIFE MIGHT DIE IN THIS SURGERY AND YOU WANT ME TO JUST TAKE A SEAT?!” he exploded, ignoring all the heads turning to watch the scene.  “I don’t care who you are, if she dies in there, there will be hell to pay,” he growled, storming off.
(y/n), why did you ever agree to this??
After what felt like ages, the doctors appeared through the doors and headed towards Felix, a serious look on all of their faces.
“You’re here for (y/n), right?” the doctor in the middle asked.  Felix nodded slowly, eyes wide with fear.
“She made it through the surgery with minimal complications. She’s resting right now but you can see her in about an hour.”
Felix breathed a sigh of relief.  She made it.  “Thank you.”  
The doctors nodded and set off back through the doors.
You woke to see a familiar smiling face, blinking back tears.
He tackled you, pulling you into a tight hug.  “Oh, (y/n), I was so scared you wouldn’t make it!” he exclaimed, squeezing you to the point of near-suffocation.
“That's- nice- Felix, but-  squeezing- just had- surgery.”
“Oh!” He relaxed his grip immediately, apologizing profusely.
“It’s okay, normally I would love to be attacked by Boa Constrictor Felix, but maybe not right after surgery,” you laughed.
“Well you must be feeling a lot better if you’re cracking jokes like you used to.”
You nodded.  “Even though I’m tired from the surgery, I somehow feel rejuvenated.  It’s hard to explain, but I’m just so relieved I’m finally free of cancer.”
“I’m so proud of you, (y/n), you finally overcame it.  I knew you could, my little fighter.” He smiled, tapping your nose lightly with his index finger.
“What have I said about booping my nose?” you warned, fighting back a grin.
“That it’s always acceptable, and should be rewarded with a kiss?”  He gestured to his cheek with his finger.
“Don’t be a smartass, Felix.”
“But that’s what you love about me.  Don’t deny it.”
You rolled your eyes.  “You’re a dork.”
“Come on, we should celebrate you being released from the hospital,” Felix urged, jutting out his lower lip.  You rolled your eyes, sighing.  You could never resist his puppy face.
“Alright, fine.  Where do you want to take me, then?”  You turned to face him as he draped his arm around you.
“I want to take you to see the stars.”
You were quite curious as to what exactly Felix had planned, he gave you no hints on the trip there, not even telling you where “there” was.  When you finally arrived, he placed a large coat around you, pulling the hood over your eyes.
“Felix, I can’t see!” you whined.
He laughed.  “That’s the point.  Here, take my arm so I can guide you.” He extended his arm and you happily took it, immediately being dragged along what felt like grass.
When you finally arrived at the supposed destination, you attempted to pull your hood off, but Felix’s hand grabbed the hood, stopping you.
“Wait.  Give me two minutes and then you can take it off, okay?”
You nodded.  “Alright, but hurry up.  I’m beginning to forget what light looks like.”
“Enough with the snark, cutie, you’ll regret it soon.”  The smile was evident in his voice and you couldn’t help but smile.
Finally, he was finished.  Slowly, he removed your hood, his hands over your eyes.  
“You ready?” he asked.
“I’ve been ready forever, Felix,” you laughed.  His hands dropped from over your eyes, revealing a grass-covered meadow with a large blanket and a basket, illuminated by a lantern.  “Felix, what is all this?” you asked, eyes wide in surprise.
“I told you I would show you the stars, didn’t I?”  He smiled, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind you.  “What better way to do that than a picnic under the night sky?” 
You leaned back into him, reaching up to peck his cheek.  “It’s beautiful.  I love it, Felix.”
“Come, sit.  I got a bunch of food for us, and your favorite drink.”
You gasped as you sat on the blanket next to him.  “Coca Cola?”
He nodded enthusiastically.  “I want you to be able to finally relax and have fun now that you’re finally done with all that chemo and horrible stuff.”
Wrapping your arms around him, you nuzzled into his shoulder.  “Thank you.  I can’t stress enough how much it meant to me that you stuck with me through everything.”
“Of course, i wouldn’t even dream of leaving you.  I can’t imagine a world without you.”  He touched your chin with his index finger, bringing it an inch away from him.  Gazing into his eyes, you slowly leaned forward.  His lips brushed against yours softly, slow and sweet.  Just as he began to deepen the kiss, a familiar ringtone sounded in your pocket.  You sighed, pulling it out and giving Felix one more quick peck before answering.
“Hello?”  you asked, timidly.  Having seen the caller ID, you were dreading the subject of the call.
“Hello, is this (y/n)?  This is Doctor H from the Oncology Clinic.”
You sat up, waving Felix away so he wouldn’t listen.  “Yes, that’s me.  What’s going on?”
“I- There’s no good way to tell you this, but unfortunately the bone marrow we used in the transplant has been showing... complications with other patients who received the same marrow.  It is crucial you come back to the hospital as soon as possible.”
The world started spinning.  What did this mean?  
“Hey, are you okay?” Felix asked, placing a palm on your forehead.  “You look a little faint.  You nodded slowly.
“Okay, I’ll head over there now.”  You hung up the phone, turning to Felix.  Trying to put a brave face on, you took a breath to speak when a sudden jolt of pain shot through your chest.  Grabbing your chest, you cried out.
“(y/n)!  Are you okay?!  What’s going on?!”  Felix exclaimed, catching your body as you collapsed to the ground.  “(y/n)!  (y/n)!”  He screamed your name over and over.  The pain was becoming unbearable.  Writhing in pain, you tried to distract yourself by looking at the night sky.
“Felix,” you breathed.
“I’m here.  What’s wrong?  What hurts?”  Tears streamed down his panicked face.
“Felix.  Look, the stars are glowing.” You coughed, choking on blood.  “They’re so bright.”
“(y/n)?  Stay with me.  Stay with me.  STAY WITH ME!!  HELP SOMEONE HELP!”  he screamed, voice cracking.  “(y/n) stay with me.  Stay with me!”  He held you in his arms as he wept.  “(y/n), you can’t leave me, you’re everything to me.  I don’t know what I’d do without you.  STAY WITH ME!!”  His voice was hoarse but he refused to stop.
You used the last of your strength to wipe a tear from his face, your arm collapsing on the ground in exhaustion.The world was slowing down.  You were slowing down.  Your eyes blinked slowly as you lost energy.
“The stars,“ you whispered.  The last thing you saw was Felix’s tear-soaked face contorted in anguish.  And then nothing.
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mirai-miri · 7 years
BTS x Disney - Hoseok as Rapunzel
Summary:  Have you ever thought about that, yeah, maybe this guy next door is like a prince, a really handsome one at that. But have you ever thought that, yeah, maybe, this guy fits the personality of this specific Disney princess way better? In this series, every BTS member will take the place of one Disney princess I thought fit him well, but there will be no gender switching! Just… role switching. Imagine Namjoon as the son of an inventor in a small town who is bored of the ever same life and ventures out to save his father who has been taken hostage by a ferocious female beast! And then – they fall in love.
Word Count: 23,9k
Genre: Crossover (is that a genre?), Angst, Fluff, Romance!
Characters: Hoseok as male!Rapunzel, Reader as female!Eugene, and all the original characters!
Warnings: none
Note:  Again, I have followed the Disney cartoon strictly and used most of its dialogue to keep it close to the original! Please keep that in mind while reading, this is --> basically a movie in letters :) Thank you.
Preivous Chapter
This is the story of how you died. Don’t worry, this is actually a very fun story and the truth is, it isn’t even yours. This is the story of a boy named Hoseok, and it starts with the sun.
Now, once upon a time, a single drop of sunlight fell from the heavens, and from this drop of sun grew a magic golden flower. It had the ability to heal the sick and injured, and was soon discovered by an old woman who knew how to use its powers.
Centuries passed and a hop, skip, and a boat-ride away there grew a kingdom on an island close to the main land, soon connected by a stone bridge. The kingdom was ruled by a beloved king and queen. And when the kingdom's prosperity grew further, the queen got pregnant. She was about to have a baby, people were excited about the new heir that was to be born, but life is unfair and so the queen got sick; really sick. She was running out of time! And that’s when people usually start to look for a miracle, or in this case, a magic golden flower. They flocked the forests in groups, every single citizen was involved and after long hours of worry and search they arrived at the cliff that the flower had grown on.
Now, instead of sharing the sun’s gift, the woman who had discovered the flower, Mother Gothel, hoarded its healing power and used it to keep herself young for hundreds of years. And all she had to do, was sing a special song to the flower whenever she felt herself aging.
Flower, gleam and glow. Let your power shine. Make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine, what once was mine.
Alright, you get the jest. She sings to it and turns young again. Creepy, right?
But this time, the royal guard found the magical flower, much to Mother Gothel’s dismay. They unearthed it and took it with them, back to the kingdom where the king anxiously waited on his beloved wife's side, never even breaking his attention from her. When he heard about the good news, he got excited and relieved, now they could save her, and both, she and the child would be safe in the warm embrace of the loving husband and father.
They made an elixir out of the flower’s leaves and the magic of the flower healed the queen. A healthy baby boy, a prince, was born, with beautiful, golden hair. That was Hoseok.
To celebrate his birth, the king and queen launched a flying lantern into the sky, and for that one moment, everything was perfect. And then that moment ended. During the night, Mother Gothel broke into the castle, crept into Hoseok’s room and sang the song to prove her assumptions. And really, as soon as she started to sing the special song, Hoseok’s golden hair started glowing, shining, affecting Gothel in the way the flower had. She didn’t have any bad intentions, she just wanted her flower back, so she took a pair of scissors and cut some of Hoseok’s glowing hair.
But as soon as the hair was cut off, it turned dark brown and lost its magic power, falling back onto the bed, just as lifeless as usual hair would, and the effect was lost. Mother Gothel was at a dead end. What would she do? Her only option for keeping her magical flower with her –
Was taking the baby.
And that’s what she did. She stole the child and went out through the window, right after looking back, seeing the newly awoken parents worrying over their screaming newborn baby. But it was too late, Gothel was gone.
And with her, Hoseok.
The whole kingdom searched and searched, but they could not find the lost prince. For deep within a forest, in a hidden tower, Gothel raised the child as her own. Gothel had found her new magic flower, but this time, she was determined to keep it hidden.
“Why can’t I go outside?” Hoseok asked while Gothel combed his hair that had grown to a respectable length by now, all the while he sang the special song so that Gothel could benefit from the magical powers of his hair.
“The outside world is a dangerous place, filled with horrible, selfish people. You must stay here, where you’re safe. Do you understand, Flower?”
“Yes, Mommy.”
But the walls of that tower could not hide everything. Each year, on his birthday, the king and queen released thousands of lanterns into the sky, in hope that one day, their lost prince, would return. Hoseok would sit at the window and watch, while Gothel was sleeping or gone someplace else, he would sit and watch in awe as thousands of floating lights, brighter than the stars, illuminated the sky, just once a year, on his birthday, which made it just that more special to him.
The years passed and Hoseok grew accustomed to his environment, and his hair grew to a length that wouldn’t be considered possible. He braided it to keep it safe and strong, he washed it and brushed it and re-braided it thoroughly every day.
And now, with his almost twenty years of age he had fallen into a routine and had made friends with a small chameleon named Pascal that was always by his side, sternly watching and assisting him with whatever task he wanted to finish. He would start in the morning, waking up at seven, starting the chores with sweeping, polishing and waxing the floor, then doing laundry and washing the dishes. He would grab a book or three to read, add a few more paintings to the walls, he would play guitar and knit and cook.
He was content with this routine, but every day, a small voice would ask him, if this was really all his life had to offer? Was this what his life would be about?
When the chores were done he would go for some lunch and then spend his freetime leisurely. He would solve a puzzle, play darts, bake, play pranks on Pascal, dance, play chess, do pottery, some magic tricks, make candles, stretch, dance some more and keep himself in shape.
And after all of this, there was still time left to kill, so he would read the books again, draw some more, or rather try to find a space that had not yet been blessed with one of his paintings, until finally, he would open the braid, brush his hair and re-braid it once more. Every day. So that his hair would be strong and healthy and Mother Gothel would be satisfied.
And was that all that his life would consist of? Ever? Was there nothing exciting, no adventure waiting for him out there?
Like every year, his birthday was about to come, the next day to be more precise. He was expecting and anticipating the lanterns, but this year was special to him. He had plans. He wanted to know how it felt to see them from up close. He wanted to be where the lights would glow. Hoseok would be turning twenty the next day, he was older now, more mature, he knew what he needed to know, maybe this time, his mother would let him go and see them.
Back in the kingdom, on the roof of the castle of Corona, three thieves made their way to the room where the soldiers guarded the crown that belonged to Hoseok, as the true prince of the kingdom. They hopped and jumped from roof to roof, climbed the tiles and finally made it to the roof covering the crown room. While checking whether the guards patrolling down in the yard had noticed them, you, one of the thieves, looked down, relieved to note that the guards had no idea what was going on above their heads. Your hair was put into a high ponytail, as to not hinder your work in any way, and when you lifted your head to look at the horizon and admire the view for a short time, it waved in your neck softly. The other two thieves, the Stabbington brothers, who only differed by the fact that one had an eyepatch and the other did not, looked at you, waiting, while you gazed at the view, fascinated.
“I could get used to a view like this,” you said, enraging the annoyed brothers.
“Y/Alias, come here and get the job done!” they scream-whispered.
“Hold on, just a second,” you said, holding your hand to symbolize them to wait. And just a few moments later your face faltered into something more of an arrogant look. “Yep, I am used to it. Guys, I want a castle.”
“We do this job, you can buy your own castle,” one of them argued, approaching you, grabbing you roughly and lowering you on a rope, down into the room, just above the crown that lied on a pedestal, having a dozen guards watching the door, but not the crown itself; no other security systems. The room itself was plastered with the kingdom’s symbol, the sun, it was on banners and flags, on the carpet, and the guards even wore it on their breast plates and their helmets. But this wasn’t the time to focus on the sun, it was time to focus on the job. Your eyes flew back to the object of desire, the crown.
This was a crucial moment to you, although you had done similar jobs countless of times and you were quite good at stealing, this was something special. It was a highly prized crown and when this job was done, you would be able to live carefree for a long time. They lowered you a little more, the crown now in reach for you to grab. And you did, quietly so, as to not alarm the guards. Without making any sound, you put it into the satchel you brought specifically for this occasion. And all worked well, you were about to be pulled up again, when one of the guards sneezed. Well, you could have some fun while at it, right?
“Oh, hay fever?” you asked, smiling arrogantly while holding the satchel right next to your face.
The guard turned around, “Yes,” and turned back. Sudden realization set in, he abruptly turned around again, just to see you being lifted out of the hole in the roof you had been coming through.
“Hey, heeey!” the guard screamed and a tumult broke out, some of them running outside, following where you went, some went to alarm the chief of the guard, and the one with the hay fever just couldn’t process what had been happening, he was still standing there, in disbelief.
You and the Stabbington brothers were already on the only bridge leading to the kingdom and you were confident, arrogant even, when yelling “Can you imagine me in a castle? ‘Cause I certainly can. All the things we have seen and it’s only eight in the morning, this is a very big day!”
“This is a very big day, Pascal,” Hoseok said, while organizing his colors back into the little treasure box he used to store them in, his eyes jumping from what his hands were doing to Pascal, who was about to climb onto his shoulder, squeaking approvingly.
“I’m finally gonna do it! I’m gonna ask her!” he declared, his gaze lifting into thin air, focusing something that no one else could see.
With the new painting in his back that he had drawn onto the main wall that could be hidden with a curtain, he was balling his fists in anticipation, his courage was renewed and his confidence high. And just in time.
“Hoseok!” the voice of Mother Gothel sounded from the window, “Let down your hair~!” lilted her singsong.
Hoseok’s eyes got wide, this was his chance to get his mother’s approval to finally leave the tower. He took a deep breath, broadened his shoulders and hid Pascal from his mother’s view, on the painting, behind the curtain that he had closed carefully, making sure Pascal could still see. He gave last cheering squeaks and then blended into the wall. Hoseok made sure that the painting was well hidden once more and then shuffled over to the window, his mother already singsong-complaining about how she wouldn’t get any younger waiting for him.
He looked out the window, a short pre-greeting leaving his mouth, and then he took his braid that was trudging behind him, slung it onto the hook that was secured in the ceiling outside the window and threw the end of his braid out into his mother’s awaiting hands. His braid easily reached the ground, Mother Gothel caught it with practiced ease, made a makeshift loop and tightened her grip on the braid. She placed her foot into the loop and told Hoseok to pull her up, to which he obliged immediately. He started to pull on his end of the braid, the hair gliding over the hook and lifting Gothel up, slow but steady.
It took only a short while until Mother Gothel could set foot onto the window sill that was wider and longer to accommodate to this unusual way of entering the tower. She stepped inside, while Hoseok took his braid off of the hook and greeted her adequately, offering to take her coat.
“Oh Hoseok, how do you manage to do that every single day without fail? It looks so hard!” she says. Hoseok felt proud about his mother’s praise, but nonchalantly waves the comment off as nothing to which she responds that in this case she wouldn't understand why it takes so long. Hoseok is dumbfounded for a moment, his mother already laughing, talking about how she would only tease him and how he shouldn’t take everything so seriously.
She was right, he really did take things seriously, but her reaction had hurt him a little. How could she praise him and then tease him as if the praise wasn’t even meant seriously? Was he not doing a good job? Was she disappointed somehow? His confidence started to crumble and he wasn’t sure anymore if he could manage to ask the question he had wanted to ask forever. But he had to! This was his best chance. So he laughed along with her, stuttering a little, approaching her and beginning to talk.
“Well, mother, as you know, tomorrow is my birthday and-“
“Hoseok, look into the mirror,” she interrupts, pulling him close to her, pressing him into her side and gesturing to the reflecting glass in front of them where she had been standing pulling her face into different directions, checking whether she had gained any new wrinkles.
“Do you know what I see? I see a strong, young, beautiful human being,” she said.
Hoseok was proud, she had to be talking about him right, he was young, he was strong, he was good-looking, wasn’t he? He didn’t have anyone to compare him with besides his own drawings but from what he could see, he wasn’t ugly at least. He smiled, thinking everything would turn out well.
“Oh, look, you’re here too!” she exclaimed, feigning surprise and breaking out into small laughter, repeating her speech about her just teasing him and him not taking everything so seriously. She checked for wrinkles again. Hoseok was thrown off, how could she do this to him again? Didn’t she realize that she was hurting him? How could she build and break his confidence in just two short sentences? Twice in a row? How was he supposed to trust her and believe in her when all he ever got was teasing? He felt disrespected, but tried to regain his posture to continue his talk.
He didn’t even say five words when his mother interrupted him again, expressing how exhausted she was, asking him to sing for her. Well he wasn’t one to object his mother’s wishes, but he wanted to make it quick so that he could go on with his birthday wish. He frantically ran over the place, gathering everything he needed: his mother’s decadent armchair, the special brush they used (a really pretty one, silver, with a pattern engraved) and a small wooden stool for him to sit next to her. He hastily opened his braid at the end and laid it into his mother’s lap, sitting on the stool and immediately starting to sing the special song at twice the usual speed.
And the procedure adapted to the speed the song was sung. His braid started glowing and the light raced down, Mother Gothel confused at first and then fast to get the brush into his hair, just in time for the light that had rushed through the whole braid in a few seconds. A little puff of golden light blew against his mother’s figure, erasing every single indicator of her age, like it had done so many times already.
“Hoseok!” she scolded, but he would not let her talk, this was his chance and she would not take it from him again!
“As I was trying to say, mother, it’s a really special day tomorrow, because it’s my birthday!” he said smilingly, clutching at her arm to keep her attention on him. “Ta-dah!” he concluded, waiting for a reaction.
“No no no, I distinctly remember, your birthday was last year,” she answered.
“That is the fun thing about birthdays, they're kind of an annual thing,” Hoseok explained.
Of course his mother was just teasing again, but he liked this kind of teasing way better than that other kind. This one was fun, his mother didn’t hurt him, but she tried jokingly to falsify set facts and Hoseok had fun explaining things to her since he had been young. He had felt so good about himself when he knew something his mother seemingly didn’t. Now he knew she was teasing, but it was still a fun, small ritual they would play from time to time.
“Mother, I am turning twenty, I will be a legal adult from tomorrow on, and I wanted to ask, uh-“ it was still hard for him, he was afraid of what she might say, but he just had to, he really had to see the floating lights, so he took a deep breath and went on, “what I really want for this birthday,” and under his breath he mumbled, “actually what I have wanted for a long time now-“ but his mother interrupted again.
“Hoseok, stop with the mumbling, you know I hate when you do that. It’s really annoying,” and suddenly she changed her attitude, “I am just teasing you again, you are so adorable, I love you so much,” she said.
Now he did not only feel disrespected, but belittled. He was about to talk to his mother about something he had wished for so long, he was about to turn twenty and he should be able to leave the tower by then, shouldn’t he? He had lived all his life in this tower, he had always done his chores, he had always been there for his mother, listened to her and did as she said, was it really too much to ask of her to just listen to him this once?
His confidence threatened to break and shatter into pieces. Hoseok just didn’t have any courage anymore. He wouldn’t be able to make his mother listen to him, she would just wave it off and tease him again and he would spend the rest of his life in this damn tower. It was hopeless.
A little squeak from his left, from where his painting was, reminded him that this was his chance, his very best chance to actually have his wish fulfilled and if he didn’t use it right now, he might lose it forever. He twirled his braid in between his fingers, thinking and weighing his options. And then he decided Fuck it.
All of the nervous energy accumulated and exploded, he released it in one go:
“I want to see the floating lights!” he yelled, happy that he finally said it, anticipating what his mother would say, and hoping that she would see in his eyes how serious he was about this.
What he didn’t know was that Mother Gothel knew exactly what he was talking about. He was talking about the lanterns that his biological parents sent into the sky on his birthday every year in hopes of their son, the prince, returning to them. She couldn’t let him go see those lanterns! His hair would give away his identity and he would be taken away from her, she would be sentenced to death probably and everything she had done so far would be in vain! No, she promised herself that no one would find her flower, ever again, especially Hoseoks parents. She couldn’t grant him this wish, she couldn’t let him go outside, she wouldn’t let him leave her side. Ever!
But she had to play it cool. He couldn’t know what she knew. So she laughed innocently, asking what he meant. That’s when he drew back the curtains that had hidden his painting from her eyes, revealing a beautiful night sky, dark blue, supported by a dark green forest below. The only bright spots were the lanterns, the flying lanterns in one wide, bright path, leading upwards, and a small Hoseok figure, sitting on one of the trees, his long hair falling to the ground, glowing in the same color like the lanterns. It was a truly beautiful picture. Hoseok had put so much effort in it, so much feeling and so many emotions as well. It was no coincidence that his hair had the same color as the lanterns. And it was no coincidence that those were the only light sources and the rest was dark. Everything was planned out and painted precisely. That was the view he had when he saw the lanterns every year. A path of lanterns, rising from somewhere he couldn't see, illuminating the nightly sky, just once a year, on his birthday.
Mother Gothel seemed relieved, “Oh, you mean the stars,” and was about to drop the topic then and there, but Hoseok wasn’t done yet.
“That’s the thing,” he starts, using his braid to open a window too high to reach to let in some light and illuminate the ceiling that he had covered in paintings as well.
“I have charted the stars and they are always constant. But these,” he said, “only appear once a year, on my birthday, mother. And I can’t help but feel, that they are meant for me.”
He knew it sounded stupid and naïve. But it was what he truly felt. They only appeared on his birthday, once a year, not any other day, just his birthday, it seemed like fate to him. Those floating lights had a meaning, right? It was a ritual they were following. Once a year, on that one special day, it couldn’t be random. And that is what he needed to find out.
“I need to see them mother, but not just from my window. In person,” he concluded, watching warily as his mother’s face froze and she started walking towards the main window she used as a door. Then she closed it, repeating that he wanted to go outside in a questioning voice.
“Look at you, Hoseok. So fragile, so delicate, just a child,” she started. “You know why we stay up here in the tower – to keep you safe and sound, dear,” she explained, letting Hoseok’s braid run through her hands, touching his hair lovingly, while walking to another window, closing this as well.
“I knew this day would come, that you would want to leave the nest. But trust me, not yet.
Mother knows best,” she concluded and closed the upper window. Darkness surrounded Hoseok and he lost his orientation, it was pitch black now.
The following few minutes Hoseok spent in varying degrees of darkness and light, with his mother running around and showing just how many dangerous things the world outside held. She posed as a ruffian, a cannibal, a thief, she explained about poison ivy, quicksand and sickness that will await him. All the while reassuring him that ‘Mother knows best’ and she would always be there to protect him from this oh so dangerous world outside with all the things that would try to kill and harm him. He would always be safe in his mother’s embrace.
“Skip the drama, stay with mama!” she said, and Hoseok believed that she might be right. She knew the outside world after all, she had to know. She loved him and wanted to protect him.
But her concluding words scared him.
“I just have one request,” she said, waiting for him to give her attention and then continued, “Don’t ever ask to leave this tower again,” and she looked so grim, so serious, holding him on both shoulders. Suddenly Hoseok felt bad for even asking. He knew the reason he had to stay in the tower, it was for his own safety, so why would he bother risking everything?
“Yes, mother,” he responded.
“I love you very much, dear.”
“I love you more.”
“I love you most,” Mother Gothel said, took his face in both her hands and tilted his head down so that she could kiss the crown of his head in an affectionate gesture.
And with that, his mother was out the window once more, letting herself glide down Hoseok’s braid that he had hooked to the ceiling again, telling him she would be back soon, leaving him all by himself.
“I will be here,” were the last words he whispered before she reached the ground, he unhooked his braid, let it swing outside the window, no one will see anyways, so why bother taking it inside. He put his torso flat onto the window sill, following the figure of his mother with his eyes until she vanished out into the dangerous world.
Meanwhile, you and the Stabbington brothers were on the run from the royal guards that hadn't caught up yet. You had escaped into a forest and you were leaning on a big tree to take a short break and evening out your breath. Then you noticed the poster that had your photo on it, and a ‘Wanted’ written at the top in big bold letters.
“No… no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, this is bad, this is very, very bad, this is really bad,” it seemed you were desperate about the fact you were a wanted criminal but instead you continued, “they just can’t get my nose right!”
You held the poster next to your face, for the brothers to compare. They seemed a little confused and claimed that no one would care about that.
“Easy for you to say,” you explained, looking at their posters, “you guys look amazing.”
The sounds of hooves colliding with forest floor were way too close for your liking by now. Your head was shooting up from the lowered position you had assumed to look at the posters, now almost resulting in a whiplash you focused your attention onto the small cliff in your back. Proudly the royal guard had gathered at the edge, chest swollen under the plates with Corona’s logo engraved. The guard’s chief and his horse, Maximus, in the middle, obviously displeased at the fact that you had managed to steal the crown. They didn’t even linger two seconds on that edge when the chief waved his sword and commanded to chase the three of you into the forest.
You cursed your bad luck, shoved your wanted poster into the satchel where the crown was stored, and rushed off following the Stabbington brothers. Deep within the forest the three of you suddenly encountered a dead end in a ditch. There was no time to turn around and choose another path so you quickly made up a plan. It would be easy to escape if you followed three simple steps. One, the Stabbington brothers give you a boost so you could climb onto the high ledge above. Two, you would help them get up in return. Three, you run for your lives. Easier said than done because the Stabbington brothers demanded that you leave the satchel with the crown with them, they didn’t trust you at all. You feigned hurt, but it was just smart of them to not trust you, because in truth you followed another plan; but with just a little bit of adjustment, the result would be the same.
With an exasperated sigh leaving your mouth you handed the satchel to the brothers and waited for them to create a human ladder, one brother on the shoulders of the other. On your way up you made sure to push the heels of your boots as far into their faces as you could, masking it with apologies and grabbing the satchel, unnoticed by the brothers. Finally on top, the brother standing on the other’s shoulders reached his hand to you to pull him up, you just shrugged your shoulders instead, saying “Sorry, my hands are full,” revealing the satchel that you had snatched from them, grinning, winking and running off, leaving them behind.
You heard them shout your alias after you, more than unhappy about the fact that they had been tricked by you, but you couldn’t care less. Your plan had been a success and now the only thing left to do for you was actually escape with the treasure hidden in the satchel over your shoulder.
Unfortunately you were met with the royal guard that crossed your way, so you had to take a detour leading deeper into the forest, where you had no orientation whatsoever. Even more unfortunate though was the fact that not only they were way faster on their horses than you, but also they had armed crossbows and you had – nothing. Realizing that your life was actually put in danger at this rate, you sped up, your heart beating frantically, your survival instinct setting in and guiding you further and further, jumping logs and avoiding twigs and bushes.
You didn’t even know how it had happened, but there was a vine, and your instinct said “Grab it,” and you were like “Why?” but your instinct was strong and responded, “You gotta.”
Hanging from the vine, you swung around the big tree it was hanging off, not sure what you could hope to achieve with this move, but surprisingly it turned out well. Once you had rounded the tree and returned to the prior path, you knocked off the chief of the royal guard and in one swing managed to land in the saddle of his still galloping horse. You adapted quickly, prompting the horse to go even faster – then suddenly your face smashed into the back of the horses head.
It had stopped moving altogether, its muscles strung and tense, his head snapping around and shooting glares at you, even more so when you tried to make it move again, shouting commands and bringing your heels to its stomach. Only when his eyes focused on something else you were aware that this horse actually tried to steal the satchel from you, probably aware of the crown hidden in there; what a clever animal. But you couldn’t let him win, you held it further away but to no avail, he got hold of the bottom and you were holding onto the carrier and both of you pulling resulted in the tension within the satchel building and building and building until Maximus teeth lost their grip on the satchel and just like a rubber band it shot across the path over the edge of a cliff, hanging to the branch of a tree that awkwardly grew horizontally over the canyon.
You looked at each other, hadn't even noticed that during your fight you had moved so close to the cliff, gauging the others reaction now. Who would go for the satchel that so dangerously hung above a canyon? You moved first, you needed that satchel, you needed it; but the horse was faster. You tripped it and got ahead only until the horse kept you back by biting your boot and resulting in you falling face first onto the ground. Maximus took his chance to carefully step onto the tree, with you close behind jumping and clinging onto the horse's neck and head, trying to reach further than his teeth could. You lost your balance when Maximus drew his head back, now you were hanging on the underside of that tree, clinging with your hand and feet on the wood, warily looking up to the horse, anticipating his moves. And when Maximus started stomping, aiming his hooves to your hands, you had no chance other than to recede further into the canyon, closer to the satchel, avoiding the hooves that would make you fall. Faster than you had thought you reached the satchel that was dangerously close to falling down, you caught it with one hand, only holding onto the tree with the other, holding it into the horse's face, yelling "HA!" to express your victory, Maximus looked very displeased, when you caught a cracking sound not far from you.
Both of you looked back to the cliff where your accumulated weight was too much for the tree and broke off of its stem and took both of you with it, rushing down onto a protruding rock and therefore splitting the falling tree in two. Your combined screams echoed from wall to wall until finally the cliff ended in a soft hill that you were able to roll down and avoid major injuries and you quickly hid behind a rock to reevaluate the situation you had found yourself in.
The Stabbington brothers had probably been caught, Maximus was somewhere with you, but without its rider. He was clever, but you had no idea just how clever that horse really was. So after you had assured with a small glance over the edge of the rock that Maximus was going into the wrong direction you took your chance and slowly walked backwards, your eyes trained on the horse, when you reached an ivy curtain. You wanted to support yourself against the wall to avoid having to look back and lose track of the horse, but instead of a stone wall, the ivy curtain covered nothing but thin air, a secret passage onto the other side of the wall. Again, you had no other chance if you didn’t want to get caught, so you held your satchel close, shot one securing glance back at Maximus and slithered through the ivy, hiding in the shadows as you had seen Maximus approaching were you had been standing. Fortunately he had lost track of you and sped off into another direction, focused on finding you.
With a long relieved breath you put the satchel around your torso and followed the short passage right into a small valley, surrounded by unclimbable high walls of stone, hiding everything behind, only the sky visible in a bright blue right above the tower that was standing close to a small waterfall, leading into a small river, filling a cute pond with fresh water. The tower seemed both, out of place, and fitting. It had ivy grown all over the lower walls, some on the roof, it had certainly seen better days and the only entrance you could make out from afar was the small window high above ground level. The purple roof looked like a witch's hat somehow and from the looks of the fauna around it you assumed it would be empty and long since left alone. So you made up your mind, and promptly walked over and taking two arrows to help you climb the brick wall you made your way up, constantly looking back to make sure Maximus had not yet found you, entered the window, closed the shutter and turned to your satchel, a satisfied grin on your face when looking inside, murmuring "Alone at last," when a metallic sound and a sharp pain on the back of your head made you fall unconscious.
Hoseok watched you carefully from his place behind the armchair he had hidden after knocking you unconscious with a frying pan. You were the first human being apart from Gothel that he actually met and after all the stories that his mother had told him, he was frightened that you might do him harm or cut off his hair or worse. So after making sure you were in fact unconscious he approached you slowly, the pan still in his hands, Pascal always following at his side. He didn’t know what to do with you, he looked at the chameleon that just shrugged its shoulders. Softly he used the pan to turn your head sideways and with the handle pulled back your lips to check your teeth if they were sharp and pointy like his mother once told him evil people had, but no, just, simple, plain teeth. Relief flooded visibly through Hoseok and he dared to move a little closer. He was interested in who you were but first he needed to know what you actually looked like. Your face was hidden underneath your bangs. However, he still was not brave enough to actually touch you, so he used the handle of the pan to push your hair out of the way for him to look at you.
He stood in silence and awe, taking his time to look at your features, fascinated, amazed, dazzled and confused he took another step closer to you, eyes trained on your face when suddenly you opened your eyes, he got scared and reflexively hit you on the head with the pan once more with a tiny squeak leaving his mouth.
Now he wanted to hide you somewhere Gothel wouldn’t see you. His plan was to use you as a proof of his survival skills so that she would finally agree to let him go on the adventure he had always dreamed of. After a little trouble of heaving and storing your body in the closet he finally managed to close the doors and put a chair against them so that they wouldn’t open again. Repeatedly he said "I've got a person in my closet," turning away from the cupboard to the mirror to say it to himself once more he got into a feeling of euphoria about his achievement and self-confidently stated: "Too weak to handle myself, huh, Mother? Well, haha, tell that to my frying pan," and accidentally hit himself on the head while trying to nonchalantly let it swing around.
When he looked into the mirror once more he discovered that the satchel you had carried laid open on the floor with something shiny peeking out of it. He grabbed it with shy fingers and inspected it. What could it be? What was it used for? There were colorful stones and the material was hard and golden similar to the color of his hair. It was formed like a circle and seemed to have some kind of decoration value? He pushed his arm through and let it rest, giving Pascal a questioning look, but after brief consideration the chameleon shook his head, that didn’t seem to be the solution. Next, Hoseok looked through the big milky transparent stones, maybe they were meant to look through? Again, Pascal shook his head.
He turned to the mirror and with a feeling of epiphany he gently placed it on his head. Was that the right thing to do? Did it belong on the head like the hood his mother wore? He looked handsome with it, no denying that, but what was its intended purpose? Pascal gazed in awe for a short moment until, again, he shook his head. It looked a little stupid, truth be told.
The next moment, he heard his mother call for him from outside the tower. Frantically he took of the questionable object, placed it back in the satchel and hid it in an inconspicuous pot before he let down his braid to allow his mother entrance.
"I have a big surprise~" sing sang his mother, still on the grass outside the tower.
"Uh, I do too~" he sing sang back to her while starting to pull his braid back inside.
"I bet my surprise is bigger~" Gothel stated, resulting in Hoseok glancing back at the cupboard that you were still hidden in and smiling into himself while whispering "I seriously doubt it."
The second his mother was into view, she started explaining "I brought back parsnips," she sat on the windowsill "I'm going to make hazelnut soup for dinner," she turned around to bring her feet onto the stone floor and continued: "Your favorite. Surprise!" She ended in a ta-dah pose, clearly proud of what she had been thinking of.
Hoseok was indeed pleasantly surprised and it seemed that his mother was in a good mood, so he assumed that the earlier argument had been forgotten or at least put aside for later. He gathered his courage and started speaking. "Well, mother, there is something I have to tell you," but he got interrupted by a sigh from his mother, who was walking over to the wall to hang her coat: "Oh Hoseok, you know I hate leaving you after a fight, especially when I have done absolutely nothing wrong," she said, stressing the last three words while placing her basket on a nearby table and putting the parsnips onto the wooden surface.
But this was his chance, he had to continue what he started or else he would never be able to see the floating lights.
"Okay,I have been thinking a lot about what you said earlier-" he approached the cupboard slowly.
"I hope you're not still talking about the stars," Gothel interrupted.
"Floating lights, and yes, that’s what I am leading up to-" his hand was nearing the chair that was blocking the doors.
"Because I really thought we dropped the issue, sweetheart," his mother interrupted once more, still occupied with the parsnips instead of facing Hoseok to talk about this. She clearly was not interested in continuing with this matter.
"No, mother, I'm just saying you think I'm not strong enough to handle myself out there-"
"Oh, darling, I know you're not strong enough to handle yourself out there," she coldly stated, finally turning around to look at him, but her glance was piercing, cold, and unforgiving.
"But if you just-" he was almost there, with just one more step he would have reached the chair, open the cabinet doors and reveal his surprise.
"Hoseok, we're done talking about this," Gothel accentuated every word.
"Trust me-"
"I know what I'm-"
"Oh come on-"
"Enough of the lights, Hoseok! You are not leaving this tower, ever!!"
Hoseoks hand was lying flat on the chairs back, not moving, his other hand drawn close to his body, attempting to shield himself from the anger that radiated off of his mother. She had never before screamed at him like this. To say he was surprised would be an understatement. His body was tense, the words ringing in his head over and over again, not only the intensity with which she had screamed and had thrown her fists around, but also the meaning of the words hit him hard. He would never leave this tower? Never get to see the outside world? Would he have to sit in this small room for the rest of his life, all by himself, serving to keep his mother young and healthy? Was that everything that destiny had planned for him?
He looked back at her with big scared eyes, slowly retracting his hand and grabbing it with the other, as if to comfort himself. Gothel sighed, fell back into her decadent chair, head in her hands, "Great, now I am the bad guy."
Hoseok looked around the room, tears swelling to his eyes but not quite ready to be shed. He couldn’t be weak in front of his mother now, he couldn’t let her know how hurt he truly was, he just couldn’t. What was he supposed to do? His gaze was falling onto the painting that he had presented to her earlier, the floating lights up in the nightly sky, and his lonely figure sitting below and watching in awe. This was his dream. Why couldn’t his mother support his dream? Why would she not let him see the lights? Why did she not want him to leave the tower? She was going out daily and came back unharmed, so if she could make it, why couldn’t she teach him or go with him or anything besides locking him up in this damn tower that he quite honestly was growing sick of.
"All I was gonna say, mother, is that I know what I want for my birthday now," he said, his throat stuffed with a lump, his voice heavy and broken, lifting his head to look at her, shifting in front of the chair that was still obviously placed in front of the cabinet doors, in an attempt to not let his mother get irritated by that unusual placement of furniture.
"And what is that?" she asked, only slightly opening her eyes, her head tilting upwards just a little.
Hoseoks face was scrunched in frustration, sadness, and fright, his eyes still burning with unshed tears. "New paint? The paint made from the white shells you once brought me?"
"But that is a very long trip, Hoseok," Gothel said, now looking back at him, not really denying his wish. "Almost three days time," she ended, waiting for him to speak again.
"I just thought it would be a better idea than the – stars," Hoseok answered, hesitating before the last word. He knew he had lost the argument and if he wanted her to leave for a while he had to let her know that he was accepting his defeat.
Gothel pondered about that idea for a few seconds, then sighed and got up, her features softening while approaching Hoseok, who was still standing there with his arms crossed, a shield from his mother. "You sure you'll be alright on your own?" she questioned, and that was the moment Hoseok knew they were fine again. His mother would be going to get the paint, and she was not angry at him anymore. He dropped his guards and hugged his mother, responding: "I know I'm safe as long as I'm here," and his mother kissed the crown of his head, hugging him back.
While she was getting her coat, Hoseok packed his mother a basket with trail food and handed it to her, then letting her climb down his braid. He repeated their words to him once more: "I will be back in three days time. I love you very much, dear." "I love you more." "I love you most."
He waited at the window until she had vanished out the valley into the small cave tunnel. Only when she was out of sight he rushed back to the cupboard. Armed with his frying pan he slowly withdrew the chair, hiding behind it and carefully keeping an eye on the cupboard doors. He took a deep breath, grasped the handle of the pan a little tighter and only then did he use his braid to sling around the door handles and pulled the cupboard open. There was a moment filled with tension when he kind of expected you to jump out and scream around, but since you were still unconscious, your body simply fell forward and unceremoniously dropped to the floor face first. Hoseok looked at you curiously, approaching you and then deciding to safely tie you up to a chair so you couldn’t do him any harm.
After he was sure that his braid was securely tightened around your body and the chair he pulled it into the middle of the dimly lit room, hiding himself in the shadows. It was Pascal who was supposed to wake you up, so he sat on your shoulder, eyeing your profile up and down. His first attempt was smacking you across the cheek, as strong as the little Chamaeleon could, then quickly withdrawing, cowering and turning himself the same color as your shirt so you wouldn’t notice him. Even though you were tied up, he was still afraid. As you showed no sign of waking up, his second attempt was to smack you again, this time with his tail which held more muscles and more power, he gave two smacks across your cheek, poked you with it after there was still no reaction. He was getting frustrated and decided it was time for his ultimate technique, you wouldn’t be able to ignore that one. He sat on your shoulder confidently facing you, opening his mouth and letting his tongue slip into your ear. And boy, did that work.
You woke with a yell, Pascal flinching and falling from your shoulder due to your movement. It was difficult to see with the limited lightning around, and you couldn’t make out where you were on the spot and when you tried to move you noticed that you were tied up. Just… what kind of material was that? This wasn’t the first time you had been tied to a chair, but this was no rope, there were no cuffs, no tape. Whatever it was, it was hella strong, you couldn’t even budge. Your eyes followed the weird material that was bound into a… braid? "Is this… hair?" you asked yourself, slowly following the braid until you were met with a body in the shadows and then a male voice talking to you.
"Struggl-Struggling is pointless," he said. You could see him sitting on one of the beams, holding a pan. "Huh?" was the only thing you managed to say. The guy was jumping down to the floor, his pan in front of him like a sword. "I-I know why you're here, and I'm not… afraid of you," he said, hiding half of his body behind a curtain. Yeah, sure. Not afraid. "What?" Cautiously the guy stepped forward into the lit area, showing himself a little more confident this time, head high, pan sinking lower, gazing at you. "Who are you, and how did you find me?" he asked, lifting his pan again, an unspoken warning wavering through the air. You just stared at him and his pan, evaluating how he could manage to look just so not scary when he obviously tried so hard to come off as frightening. He just couldn’t make this work. Somehow there was a glow on him, his face was, despite angry, gleaming and glowing and radiating some kind of… warmth? "Uh-huh," you said, trying to figure out who he was and what he wanted. What was he doing here all by himself in this hidden tower?
"Who are you and how did you find me?" he repeated his question, gripping his pan tighter and scrunching his face a little more. You cleared your throat before speaking like you were from a fairytale: "I know not who you are, nor how I came to find you, but may I just say," you paused, looking at him before continuing: "Hi," you wiggled your eyebrows, awaiting some sort of reaction, but the guy just scrunched his face in confusion. "How ya doin'? The name is Y/Alias. How's your day goin', huh?" Obviously confused at your change in attitude, the guy was looking back and forth until he stepped a little closer, holding the pan right in front of your face and speaking with a strong voice: "Who else know my location, Y/Alias?" "Alright, Blondie-" "Hoseok" "Gesundheit. Here's the thing. I was in a situation, strolling through the forest, I came across your tower and-" you stopped, your eyes getting wide, frantically looking around for something, squirming in the chair, "Oh no, where is my satchel?" you demanded to know, looking at Hoseok, you knew he had to have it. "I've hidden it," he stated very confidently, his right eyebrow raised, looking at you from above, crossing his arms, "somewhere you'll never find it." Unimpressed, you looked around until a weirdly placed pot came across your sight: "It's in that pot, isn’t it," you said, pointing your finger towards it. There was a loud sound, your head hurt and you fell unconscious again.
The next thing you knew was that your head hurt and there was something slimy in your ear, again. Waking the same you had woken before you startled, throwing the Chamaeleon off of you and trying to rub its saliva from your ear off into your shirt with how little movement you had, exclaiming: "Would you stop that!" Hoseok was staring at you even more confidently, "Now it's hidden where you'll never find it," he started walking in circles around you, his face and the pan always towards you. "So, what do you want with my hair? To cut it?" "What?" "Sell it?" "Nooo, listen!" the pan was now almost touching your face and this guy was talking nonsense, what were you supposed to do? "Listen, the only thing I want to do with your hair is to get out of it, literally," you said, wiggling around in the chair to prove your point. "Y- wait, you don’t want my hair?" he asked, obviously confused, pan sinking lower. "Why on earth would I want your hair?" you asked. What was this guy's problem? "Look, I was being chased, I saw a tower, I climbed it. End of the story." "You're telling the truth?" he asked, holding the pan near your face one more time but way less threatening than before, even though it hadn't been threatening in the first place, you didn’t even move away from it. "Yes!"
He looked at you questioningly when the Chamaeleon appeared from his shoulder, walking down his arm and the pan and putting itself right into your face, clearly disregarding personal space, you flinched back. He eyed you warily, drawing one eye back to signal the guy to pull the pan back, one eye still on you, even while retreating, he was not losing sight of you, narrowing his eyes in warning. And now, the weirdest thing happened. This guy started talking to that Chamaeleon.
"I know I need someone to take me… I think she is telling the truth, too… she doesn't have fangs… b-but what choice do I have?" is what you could make out from their 'conversation'. What the hell? Was this guy insane? What kind of situation had you brought yourself into? You tried to free yourself from the braid once more, but it wouldn’t budge, it was still wound tightly around your body, your wrists, your ankles.
"Okay, Y/Alias," the guy started, placing the Chamaeleon on his shoulder and facing you again, "I'm prepared to offer you a deal." "Deal?" you asked. "Look this way," he said, pulling at his braid to move your chair around, but unfortunately you lost your balance and without a possibility to shield yourself, you fell face first onto the ground. Again. But it worked in some way, you now could see what he wanted to show you. This guy was pulling back a curtain, revealing a picture he seemed to have drawn himself. "Do you know what this is?" "You mean the lantern thing they are doing for the prince?" "Lanterns, I knew they weren't stars," you heard him say.
"Tomorrow evening they will light the night's sky with these – lanterns. You will act as my guide, take me to these lanterns and return me home safely. Then – and only then – will I return your satchel to you. That is my deal.
"Yeah," you started, moving in the chair until it fell to the side so your face got some rest, "no can do. Unfortunately the kingdom and I are not really 'sympatico' at the moment, so I won't be taking you anywhere."
Seemingly the guy had no patience left in him. He jumped back onto the floor, pulled his braid so that your chair got back into an upright position and pulled you closer to him with every word he said.
"Something brought you here, Y/Alias, call it what you will, fate, destiny-"
"A horse."
"So I have made the decision to trust you-"
"A horrible decision, really."
"But trust me, when I tell you this," he was now close to you, pulling strongly on his braid so that your chair fell over and he holding onto the back of above your shoulder was now the only thing that was between your face and the floor. This was the closest you have been to him and from here the glow was even stronger, this confident sparkle in his eyes and his- no. Focus.
"You can tear this tower apart, brick by brick, but without my help you will never find your precious satchel," he said, staring deep into your eyes, the Chamaeleon doing the same.
You cleared your throat once more before repeating what has been said: "Let me get this straight. I will bring you to see the lanterns, return you back home, and you will give me my satchel?"
"I promise."
Yeah, sure. Promise, wow. Was that the only proof you got from him? You were a thief you lied all day so how could you be sure that he wouldn’t do the same damn thing?
"And when I promise something I never, ever, break that promise," he said. As you raised an eyebrow in skepticism, he just added "ever" and thought that was proving it.
"Alright, listen, I didn’t wanna have to do this, but you leave me no choice. Here come the puppy eyes," you said, letting your head drop and preparing your cutest, sweetest, irresistible puppy eyes that you could do. This was your trump card, this got everyone weak in the knees, no one could resist you. No one.
Except for this weirdo and his Chamaeleon.
"This is kind of an off day for me, this usually works," you claimed, finally agreeing to taking him to see the lanterns. Overjoyed, he forgot to hold your chair upright so you fell face first onto the floor. Again. Ouch.
As you made your way down the outside wall of the tower, he didn’t seem too confident to leave, so you asked him if he was coming, not interrupting your descent. Hoseok was standing on the windowsill, his braid on the hook and in his hands, still in the room. This was the moment, this was his chance to leave the tower and see the lanterns, this was his chance of his dreams coming true, finally. But he was hesitating. Could he really do this? This tower was really high and he had never been out there, but he had always wanted to do this, he wouldn’t be scared now, would he? But could he really leave the tower that always had him safe and sound? Everything seemed so big outside of this room, did he really dare to enter this new and scaring world, maybe he wasn’t ready? Maybe his mother was right.
No. He was already halfway outside, he could do this, it couldn’t be too hard. If a pretty girl like you and his mother could survive in the outside world seemingly fine, how could you not? Now you even had a guide to take you, there would be nothing to worry about. Right? No. He had to do this.
And then he threw his braid outside following its lead and throwing himself after, going down further and further until just short before landing on the grass, he hesitated once more. The grass was now so close to him, and so green. He was scared just for a second longer and held himself above floor level. But when he finally set foot onto the unknown ground a wave of euphoria washed over him and he ran around, singing, jumping, touching everything he could reach, obviously freed and happy.
You looked at him, amazed at how someone was able to enjoy those little things that much. It was normal for you, you walked through this world every day, so how come that someone so close to this world had so much fun running around and taking everything in closely, observing and experiencing? It was cute. His eyes sparkled, his face glowed, his smile was bright, it made something in your heart swell with fondness. And then he was out the tunnel with you following close. He seemed genuinely happy.
"I can't believe I did this!" he yelled again and again and this was where your journey began.
During your walk you couldn’t help but notice his mood swings, ranging from this overjoyed happy emotion and yelling to deepest depressive episodes about how his mother would find out and he would break her heart. Over and over this cycle repeated and it seemed exhausting, how was he not exhausted by this? He still kept going on and on about how this was the best day of his life, not two minutes after he had sat sulking in a corner and drawing circles with his finger into the dirt.
This was the time you just had to walk up to him and talk about this issue. You cleared your throat carefully and squatted down to be face to face with the guy. "You know, I can't help but notice you seem a little at war with yourself here," you carefully formulated. "I'm only picking up bits and pieces here," *cough* yeah sure, "Overprotective mother, forbidden roadtrips, I mean this is serious stuff." You were back to standing now, looking down at him, taking in his sullen form. He looked at you with sad eyes and you had to admit, maybe his puppy eyes were better than yours. How could a human being look so sad?
"But let me ease your conscience, this is part of growing up. A little rebellion, a little adventure, that's good, healthy even," you said, shoving away the Chamaeleon that had climbed onto your shoulder. "You think?" he asked, smiling again. "I know, trust me. Did your mother deserve it? No. Would this break her heart and crush her soul? Of course! But you just got to do it," he said.
"Break her heart?"
"In half," you said, taking a berry from the shrub next to you, eyeing it.
"Crush her soul?"
"Like a berry," you stated, doing the same with the berry between your fingers, earning a despicable squelching sound.
"She would be hearbroken, you're right," he said, in shock over what you had just said. You put your arms around him and helped him stand up. "I am. Alright, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm letting you out of the deal," you turned your back to him and started walking back. "What?"
"That's right, but don't thank me. We just turn around and get you home. Here, pan and frog. I get back my satchel, you get back your mother-son relationship based on mutual trust and voila, we part ways as unlikely friends," you explained, pushing him along the way when he revolted, "No, I am seeing these lanterns."
You were throwing your arms up in desperation: "Oh come on, what is it gonna take for me to get my satchel back?" and his only answer was the pan back in your face with a glowing gaze and a daring comment: "I will use this."
The tension broke when the nearby shrub suddenly moved, something obviously hiding in there and threatening to come out. Hoseok quickly hid behind you, clinging to you, the pan in front of both of you, whisper-screaming: "Is this ruffians? Thugs? Did they come for me?"
And out of the shadows jumped a cute little bunny, looking up at them with his cute little eyes. How anti-climactic. You looked back to him and teasingly said: "Stay calm, it can probably smell fear." He loosened up his tensed body, holding his pan in front of his chest, seemingly ashamed, not looking into your eyes, apologizing. "I'm just a little bit… jumpy," he explained, now looking back at you.
A sudden idea hit you and it was the easiest and fastest way to get your satchel bag. "We should probably avoid ruffians and thugs, though," and he agreed. "Are you hungry? I know a great place for lunch," you asked with newly found vigor. "Where?" "Oh, don't you worry. You will know it, when you smell it," you claimed and pulled him in the direction you knew was right.
Meanwhile, Maximus was still looking for you, with his snout on the ground he was following the track of your smell, when he was confronted with your picture on a 'wanted' sign. And when Maximus hid the ridiculous nose he recognized your face, this was you, although the picture didn't seem to have caught all of your features correctly. In anger he chewed the paper into pieces. The resounding crack from someone stepping on a branch had him look up and direct his ears to locate the source of the sound. He quickly hid behind a rock and when the one who stepped onto the branch, whom he assumed was you, he jumped over and yelled, ready to catch you and – oh, it was not you. It was just a woman with black hair and a coat, probably on a road trip, how disappointing. Maximus instantly turned away from her and continued his search.
The woman, though, was Gothel and when she recognized Maximus as a palace horse without it's rider she was quick to draw a conclusion and worry about Hoseok, who still was the prince of the nearby kingdom. What if the guards had found him, recognized him, and had taken him away, back to the palace? What would become of her flower? She turned around on the spot and ran back to the tower, screaming Hoseoks name when arriving, asking him to let his hair down. And when there was no sign of him, she yelled once more, but after a few more seconds passed, she got anxious, ran to the back of the tower where the actual entrance was not only hidden but also closed up with a makeshift wall she had built herself, destroyed the wall and got into the tower, ran upstairs and entered the room, frantically looking for Hoseok, in every corner of the tower, desperate at the loss.
A sparkle caught her eye, there was something hidden beneath the wooden steps leading to the bedrooms. It was the satchel that Hoseok had hidden and now Gothel had found it. Glancing inside she recognized the crown as the one that he had been supposed to be wearing by now. But if he had seen this, if he had hidden this, didn’t that mean that in some way, the royal family was involved in his disappearance? Clues, she needed more clues and that's when she found your 'wanted' poster. Oh no, not like this, she was not going to lose her flower like this, she decided, got to her nightstand and took out the dagger she had hidden in there, and then made her way out again, with the satchel at hand, looking for Hoseok and you.
Meanwhile, you two had found the 'Snuggly Duckling', a known hideout spot for your kind of people. From the outside it was cute and nondescript, perfect to lure him inside, get him the scare of his lifetime and make him wanting to go back immediately. This plan was genius, of course, it was your plan after all. And when you opened the door, confidently yelling, "Garcon, your finest table, please," Hoseok realized what he had gotten into. This place was loaded with ruffians and thugs, all of them carrying weapons, shields, armor, scars, wounds, and most importantly, a really mean face. Hoseok was scared immediately, holding his non-threatening pan in front of him, while you pushed him further inside, very aware of the looks you two were given. You explained to him that this smell was a mixture of man smell and really bad man smell, somehow smelling like the color brown; you led him in even further, when one of the guys grabbed his braid, expressing just how long it was. "He is growing it out. Is that blood in your mustache? Blondie look at the blood in his mustache! Good sir, that's a lot of blood!" you exclaimed, this was working even better than you thought.
With him all scared and frightened you took your chance to approach him slowly: "Hey, you don't look so good, Blondie. Maybe we should get you home, call it a day. This is a five star join after all, and if you can't handle this place, maybe you are better off in your tower," you explained, carefully pulling him towards the exit when suddenly the door slammed closed and you were faced with one of the posters. A really really really buff and big man looked at you and asked with a really really really low voice: "Is this you?" His hand was on your poster-face and you immediately recognized it, but since they never got your nose right, chances were high that this, too, had a ridiculous nose drawn on it, so you moved his finger that hid that particular area and revealed a long nose quite like Pinocchio had. "Aw, now you're being mean to me."
"Oh, it's her, alright," another ruffian stated from behind, ordered another one to go get the guards and came closer. "Those coins gonna buy me a new hook," he stated, grabbing you by your collar and holding his hook he had for a hand right at your throat. When another thug grabbed you and decided that he needed the money more, a fight about you emerged. This is not how you had wished a bunch of guys to fight for you. This was way different than what you had in mind. They pulled on your limbs, each in another direction, and you had no chance but to let them do, all your disapproval went unheard. Hoseok, too, joined the tumult, first trying to talk to them, but when that didn’t work, he used his braid to pull back a branch that was hanging low and then letting it smack onto the first ruffian's head with force. It got eerily silent in a second.
Everyone looked at him now. "Put her down!" he yelled. "Okay, I don't know where I am and I need her to take me to see the lanterns, because I have been dreaming about them my entire life! Find your humanity! Haven't any of you ever had a dream?"
The tension was thick when the first ruffian pulled his axe from his back and neared Hoseok. You had been placed with your shirt on a hook to keep you in place, you were able to oversee the whole scene. When the ruffian was now a step away from Hoseok he looked up, nowhere in particular and explained with a rough voice: "I had a dream, once." He threw his axe to draw the attention of the accordion player to him who immediately started to play, trembling. And then they started to sing. They fucking started to sing, you couldn't believe what you saw.
Apparently all of them had a dream, and not a dream like "I wanna rule the world" but more of a "I want to a pianist" or "I am collecting unicorn figurines". It was ridiculous to look at, cringe-worthy and somehow gross in a way? You were still hanging from the hook, clearly not wanting to join this stupid sing-a-long. But when they asked you if you had a dream as well and you declined, they joined swords along your throat made you change your mind and suddenly you were singing along about how you wanted to be all alone on an island with lots and lots of money to keep you company. That's the best you had.
No one had realized that Gothel had been lured by the jolly music and singing she had heard coming from the ruffians hideout and she was now watching through the window, recognizing Hoseoks voice amongst all the other voices.
As soon as they had finished the door burst open with the one thug that had been sent to get the guards with a few of them following him. You reacted immediately, pulling Hoseok behind the bar to hide from them in fear.
"Where is Y/Alias, where is she?" the guards chief screamed. "I know she is in here somewhere. Find her, turn the place upside down," he yelled orders, slamming his fist on the counter beneath which you two were currently hiding. When you glanced above the counter carefully to evaluate the situation and find a way out of it, two more guards came in, leading the Stabbington Brothers in cuffs. You hid quickly when you recognized them. No way out. This was dangerous and you would probably die.
The hook of the first ruffian suddenly intruded your field of vision, you looked up at him and he pointed with his eyes towards a part of the floor with a duckling pointed onto that opened and revealed a tunnel dug beneath when he pulled one of the levers that looked like it would poor beer. Shielded by the other ruffians no one noticed what happened behind the bar and you were surprised but also relieved to realize that the ruffians and thugs were actually helping you. This was rare. Just like you did to the Stabbington Brothers you had assumed they would call on you and give you into the hands of the guards to save their own asses. But this was different. A warm feeling of gratefulness developed in your stomach, then the ruffian's words took you back to reality. "Go, live your dream," he supported. You thought he was talking to you so you responded: "I will," but instead he coldly said: "Your dream stinks, I was talking to her." Annoyed you crawled forward and Hoseok only lingered for a second longer, hugging the ruffian and thanking him with all his heart.
The guards were indeed turning the place upside down looking for you, the ruffians had your back and distracted them so they wouldn’t find the hidden entrance, and everything was going well until another guard stepped into the establishment.
"Maximus," the guards' chief shouted. And as he had done before, Maximus was following the track of your smell, the snout on the ground, until he found what he was looking for. He pointed over the counter onto the wooden floor panel with the duckling on it and when none of the guards caught on what he meant, he sighed and pushed the lever to reveal the hidden tunnel. "A passage! Come on, men, let's go," the chief commanded, leaving one of the guards behind to look after the Stabbington Brothers who easily overpowered him and used his weapon to open their cuffs expertly. Not the first time they had done this, obviously. And after exchanging a few glances they were off to follow you through the passage as well.
Gothel got herself a way to follow you as well, when she encountered a drunk ruffian who was easy to threaten she held the dagger in his face and demanded to know where the secret tunnel ended. Drunk men were so easily fooled and manipulated by a pretty appearance and so easily lured in with a flirty voice.
"Well, I gotta say, I didn’t think you had this in you, back there, that was impressive," you said, Hoseok had really surprised you and you felt lucky to have him around, otherwise this could have ended really badly. Like for those folks whose skeletons you were walking across with swords in their chests and their skulls far away from their bodies…
Hoseok yelled "I know," overjoyed and proud, retracted quickly and clamly stated "I know," once more with a small shoulder move as if it was no big deal. He was cute in a way.
"So, Y/Alias, where are you from?" he asked, but you immediately declined and explained that you didn’t do backstories despite becoming very interested in his. "I know I am not supposed to ask about the hair, or the mother, and frankly I am just too scared to ask about the frog-" "Chamaeleon." "Nuance, here's my question though. If you want to see the lanterns so badly, why haven't you gone before?" That was a good question indeed and it had been nagging you for quite a while now. Hoseok seemed at a loss of words but was interrupted in his thought process as a small stone fell from the ceiling onto his head. He looked up in surprise and only then noticed the small tremors going through the rock. Looking back you two noticed the guards coming after you, apparently all of them had taken on the chase and were determined to catch you. They were yelling your alias and even the horse seemed to be with them.
Without further ado you two started running, desperately collecting his braid so it wouldn’t hinder him, screaming "Run!" and dashing through the nearest exit. You found yourself at a dam, on a small area with a rope ladder leading down into a valley where from another exit the Stabbington Brothers appeared. The only other exit was behind them and that was your only way out if you didn’t want to follow the valley further.
"Who's that?" Hoseok asked pointing towards the Stabbington Brothers.
"Uhm, they don't like me," you explained.
Then the guards appeared from behind you, "And who is that?"
"They don't like me either."
Maximus followed, "Who is that?" Hoseok asked.
You grabbed his shoulders: "Let's just assume for a moment that everyone in here doesn't like me," you stated. Hoseok let his braid fall down, pushed his pan inside your hands "Here," and hiked it around a beam reaching out of the wooden dam. He jumped over to another platform with so much ease, you could only stand there in amazement. How did he do that? He was so confident and strong, much different to how you expected him to be and it caught you in awe. The guards' chief spoke up and you had to fight them off with the pan which worked surprisingly well until you were met with Maximus. This was a weird day, now you were fighting a horse with a sword in his mouth and you were only armed with a pan? And damn, this horse was a good sword fighter, where did he learn- he managed to fight the pan out of your hands. You lost against the stupid horse, the pan fell into the valley and only thanks to Hoseok who threw his braid over to you and pulled you off the platform into the valley right in between the Stabbington Brothers, that you escaped onto a wooden waterway. You tightly held the braid in your hands and shouted over to Hoseok to jump, and the same way Hoseok had let you down from that platform, you were now securing him on his braid, he only needed to jump. A little frightened you noticed that Maximus had loosened one of the beams securing the dam and was using it as a bridge to approach Hoseok fast. But he ran towards the edge and without a second thought he jumped off and glided safely towards the ground, tightly holding onto the braid, which was only held by you. He trusted you. You had only known each other for a few hours and he trusted you to get him down from a pretty high platform into the valley and just jumped off giving his life into your hands. That fondness came back. And when you had made sure that he had safely reached the ground level, you made your way down as well. And together, the braid in his arms, you made your way over to the other exit.
With a loud cracking sound, the dam broke behind you, washing away the guards, Maximus, the pan, the Stabbington Brothers and smashed against a towering rock that fell against the sheer force of the collected water and collapsed. You ran and reached the exit which was actually an entrance to a mine, shortly before the collapsed rock blocked it, no way out, pan floating in the water that was slowly but steadily rising. This wasn't a mine, it was just a small room, barely ten meters in diameter and it was dark, really dark and the water was rising and rising and SHIT this wasn’t how it was supposed to go, there just had to be a way out of here.
Quickly you dove beneath water level, while Hoseok frantically pushed and poked on the rock walls surrounding you. You, as well, tried your luck with those after you hadn't found anything beneath the water, but after two tries, and a wound on your hand thanks to that stupidly sharp edge on the rock, you had to admit that there was nothing that could be done. After one last desperate attempt to find a way under water you came back up, pushing your ponytail from your face onto your back again.
"It's no use, I can't see anything."
When Hoseok dived down you immediately pulled him back above water level, taking his face into your hands, looking at him in this dark cave, carefully pushing his hair out of his eyes: "Hey, there's no point, it's pitch black down there."
As realization sunk in, you two pushed your backs against the rock wall, sighing, throwing heads back and desperately trying to not freak out. This was the end. You would drown in here.
"This is all my fault," Hoseok started, holding his hand to his head, whether it was out of shame or desperation or fear or sadness, he didn’t know. "She was right, I should never have done this." He was talking about his mother Gothel. She had warned him that the outside world was dangerous. He didn’t listen. This is what you get when you don’t listen to your mother. His hand fell back down, he started sobbing and tried to hold the tears back with the back of his hand shielding his eyes: "I-I'm so, sorry Y/Alias."
Hoseok stopped sobbing at once, looked up at you, taking you in: "What?"
"My real name is Y/N Y/LN. Someone might as well know."
You had lived with your alias for so long, now revealing your true identity felt weird but relieving. Well, since you both were about to take that secret to your graves, you didn’t care all too much for it, so you just bathed in the good part of the feeling emerging in your chest and trying to push down the fear. Actually you might have just been feeling like bathing because the water level had now risen to your shoulders and this were the last few seconds of your life. You felt like you needed to prepare yourself, but you just didn’t know how. This wasn’t the first dangerous situation you had been in but you had always known a way out, this was different. This was the first time you were truly desperate and didn’t know what to do. So you looked back at Hoseok, gauging his reaction to the information you had revealed.
He chuckled, "I have magic hair that glows when I sing," revealing a secret that he had hidden from you, reciprocating the feeling of mutual trust now lingering in the-
Glows? "What?" Hoseok seemed to have caught on to something there. He repeated: "I have magic hair that glows when I sing!" he almost screamed it at you, quickly starting to do just that.
Flower, gleam and glow, let your power shine-
And they took their last breaths when the water inevitably filled the whole cave up to the ceiling. It was cold and pitch black for a moment. The second you recognized the shine of light through your closed eyelids you opened them, surprised to find Hoseok and Pascal, holding their breaths while Hoseoks braid was actually glowing from start to end. You accidentally released the air you had been holding in a surprised: "Whoa!" but quickly looked around in the now lit area to find an escape.
And, really, in the lowest corner Hoseoks braid was sucked in slightly which meant that the water was escaping there, meaning that this was their way out. A glance to Hoseok reassured you that he was thinking the same, and in the slowly fading light of his hair, you two worked the stones blocking the path out of the way, desperate when it turned pitch black again, worried you might not make it but finally your hand reached through into thin air, pushing the last few rocks aside, resulting in the water leaving the cave like it had done with the dam and taking you two with it into the river below.
You pulled yourselves onto the river bank, gasping, coughing, fighting for the fresh air that was filling your lungs again, soothing the burning pain lingering there.
"We made it," Hoseok said, Pascal and his pan next to him.
"His hair glows," you said in shock.
"We're alive, we made it!"
"I didn’t see this coming, his hair actually glows," you repeated, now talking to Pascal.
"Why does his hair glow?!"
"It doesn’t just… glow," Hoseok explained, Pascal now had his gaze focused on you with a weird smug expression.
"Why is he smiling at me?" you asked with a weak, teary voice, your hair all over the place, holding your wounded hand.
Gothel waited at the exit of the secret tunnel that the old drunk ruffian had revealed to her, dagger in her hand. But instead of you and Hoseok, the two Stabbington Brothers emerged, she hid behind a rock and observed what they were doing.
"I'll kill her, I will kill that Y/Alias." That was the clue she needed. She could use those two to get you out of the way and get Hoseok back to herself. When they talked about the crown that she still had safely hidden in the satchel over her shoulder couldn’t believe how perfectly everything was playing together for her. She revealed herself to them, offered them the crown and then lured them into her manipulative play and explained how they could get something worth a thousand crowns und would make them rich beyond belief and the riches wouldn’t even be the best part about it. The best part, obviously, was their revenge on you.
You and Hoseok had setup a campfire, sitting on a fallen tree in front of it, while Hoseok was busy wrapping his braid around his wounded hand which looked very cryptic and mysterious to you; kinda cool too, but you held that a secret, no one needed to know.
He looked at you very intensely when he was done. "Just. Don't. Freak. Out." You weren’t freaking out up until now that he said it. What would be happening?? You looked at your wounded hand and back to him, not only confused but also skeptical and anxious.
Flower gleam and glow. Let your powers shine. Make the clock reverse. Bring back what once was mine. Heal what has been hurt. Change the fates' design. Save what has been lost. Bring back what once was mine, what once was mine...
As soon as he started singing his braid started to glow at his neck and then the light travelled down, made its way through the hair that was wrapped around your hand and only faded when Hoseok stopped singing. The song should be stuck in your head for a while, that was for sure. Because of what happened, not because his voice was just so angelic and melodic, that would just be… Well, you were brought back to reality when Hoseok looked at you, gauging your reaction at what you were about to see.
When you unwrapped your hand from his braid and looked at it you saw nothing. Literally nothing, because the wound that had been there a few seconds ago was gone, healed, as if it had never existed in the first place. You turned your hand around, holding back a scream, chest heaving with heavy frantic breaths, your heart was beating strongly in your throat, the fear and confusing weighing you down and only Hoseoks "Please don't freak out" made you catch the scream before it left you, pushing it back down and instead hugging yourself, rocking you back and forth and then talking rapidly: "I-I'm, no, I'm not freaking out, are you freaking out? You just have very interesting hair and the magic qualities that it possesses are very – wow, how long has it been doing that exactly?" and shooting him an insecure, forced smile.
"Uhm, forever, I guess?" he responded, chuckling slightly, and truthfully a little proud that he had made you speechless, in one way or another, he had healed your wound and now you were okay again; he felt relief.
"Mother says when I was a baby people tried to cut it. Once it is cut it turns dark brown and loses its power. A gift like that, it has to be protected. That's why mother let me-" Hoseok sighed and didn’t finish his story. But he also didn’t have to. He looked so sad and lonely, you had the urge to hug him and tell him everything would be okay, but you restrained yourself and thought about what he had revealed to you.
"You never left that tower," you concluded. Hoseoks features expressed sincere insecurity and loneliness, he was so sad and also a little scared it seemed. The fond feeling was back but there was something that darkened your mood heavily: "And you're still going back?" you asked.
"No… Yes? It's complicated," Hoseok had his face buried in his hands. You watched him  and when he realized that your attention was completely on him, he pulled himself together, brushed his braid on his back, sighed and decided to turn the game around. You, too, had revealed information about yourself that he was curious about.
"Soooo Y/N Y/LN, huh?"
"Ah, yeah, well, I'll spare you the sad story of poor orphan Y/N Y/LN, it's a little bit of a downer, you know?" and you assumed he would just leave it at that, but he just sat closer to you, eyes on yours, expectantly waiting for your explanation to continue. And somehow you felt like you could trust him with any secret that might come up, so you continued.
"There was this book I used to read to the younger kids every night. 'The tales of Y/Alias', swashbuckling rogue, richest woman alive, not bad with the men, too. Not that she ever bragged about it." Hoseok chuckled and asked: "Was she a thief, too?"
"Uh, well, no. Actually she just had enough money to do anything she wanted to do, she could go anywhere she wanted to go… and-and-and for a kid with nothing, I don't know. She seemed like the better option," you concluded, relief filling your body that finally someone knew of your secret that you had carried on for so many years and you felt good, and you felt that your secret was safe. "Don't tell anyone about this, okay? That could ruin my whole reputation."
"Ah, we wouldn’t want that," he teasingly said.
"Well, her fake reputation is everything a woman has," you responded.
When the small chuckling faded, Hoseok looked at you with that same expression you felt lingering in yours. There was fondness and feeling in there, there was security, confidence, affection and sympathy reflected in his eyes. And in yours.
"Ahem, well I should ehm… I should-I should ehm… get some more fire wood," you snapped yourself out of your daze, stood up and made your way into the forest, but after only two short steps Hoseok stopped you: "Hey, for the record: I like Y/N Y/LN much better than Y/Alias." He said those words with a kind of serenity that made your heart flutter and your stomach do somersaults. Shyly you looked at your hands, kneading each other when you said: "Well, then you'd be the first. But thank you," looked back at him once more before receding into the forest.
The disturbingly shrill voice of Gothel was the next thing Hoseok realized. "Well, I thought she'd never leave." He turned around in disbelief he uttered: "Mother?"
"Hello, dear."
"B-but, I don't… how-how did you find me?" he stuttered, Pascal had hidden on the tree they had been sitting on, taking on the same color, crouching, while Gothel went to hug Hoseok which, truthfully, felt wrong to him. He didn’t hug her back.
"Oh, it was easy, really. I just listened to the sound of complete and utter betrayal and followed that," and after a short moment of silence she continued: "We are going home, Hoseok, now."
"But, mother, you don’t understand. I have been on this incredible journey and I have seen and learned so much… I even met someone," he stated proudly.
"Yes, a wanted thief, I am so proud," the sarcasm was strong in her comment, she grabbed his wrist and pulled at him: "Come on, Hoseok," but he pulled back.
"Mother, wait. I think – I think she likes me." Hearing that out loud made something in Hoseoks heart swell and skip a beat. There might actually be a possibility that she liked him. She, Y/N, with all her pretty eyes, pretty face, pretty heart, and pretty soul. Could it be that she really liked him?
"Likes you? Please, Hoseok, that's demented. This is why you never should have left! Dear, this whole romance that you have invented just proves, you're too naïve to be here. Why would she like you, come on now, really? Look at you, you think he is impressed? Don't be a dummy, come with mommy, Mother knows-"
"No? Oh. I see how it is. Hoseok knows best, is it?" she started going on, similar to the speech she had given back in the tower about how she knew better than him, now turning it around into that disgusting teasing sarcastic speech about how he knew better than her, quite obviously not believing a single thing. She revealed the satchel to him, stating that, as soon as you would receive it, you would leave him and run away, forgetting about him in an instant. "Put him to the test!" she concluded and left with a dramatic turnaround which made her cloak flow around.
When your voice echoed over the place Hoseok still held the crown in his hands, so he quickly hid it in a tree trunk and making sure you couldn’t see it before you were back at the campfire talking about how you feel like you have superpowers in your hand now, only then taking in the state of Hoseok, clearly worked up about something. But when you asked he just dismissed you. You pondered only shortly and then got back to the super strength in your hand while arranging the fire wook in a pile.
Gothel and the Stabbington Brothers were hiding in the shadows, waiting for their chance.
You woke from your slumber when you felt a drip of water on your skin and when you opened your eyes you saw an enraged Maximus standing in front of you, still soaking wet from the water from the dam that you only closely survived the other day. Instead of freaking out though you just shrugged your shoulders and said: "Well, I hope you are here to apologize."
Hoseok and Pascal awoke to your screaming when Maximus pulled you off into the forest at your boot. Hoseok hurried over to grab at your arms and pull you back. In a sarcastic feeling of deja-vu you were reminded of the scene in the snuggly duckling so you just hoped that this, too, had a good end coming. There was a lot of screaming and yelling until finally your boot slid off your feet and you fell onto Hoseok who quickly got up again to calm down the still raging Maximus that was about to stomp onto you on the floor. "Whoa whoa whoa, easy there, calm down, good boy, calm down," he said, standing in front of you, shielding you. And really, he calmed down and even listened to his commands of sitting down and dropping your boot. "Good boy, you're such a good boy!" Hoseok than exclaimed going over to pet the horse, finding his name on his harness and expressing how he understands that Maximus has got to be tired after chasing you for so long and that probably no one appreciates him. The scene unfolding in front of you was like out of a really bad comedy and you tried to not deem both of them insane in some way but you, too, calmed down and agreed on a truce for the day when Hoseok explained that, please, this was his dream, and also it was his birthday.
The sound of bells drew Hoseoks attention in and he approached the bridge leading towards the kingdom cautiously; you could see, though, that his excitement levels grew higher than ever. Even though you didn’t like the truce between you and the stupid horse, you decided to follow Hoseok, carefully plucking away the 'wanted' posters with your face and throwing them in the nearest bin. And whenever you and Maximus would get into a fight, Pascal was there, sitting on Hoseoks head or shoulder to signal the both of you to calm down.
When Hoseok entered the city the first thing he saw was a thousand suns all across the alleys and houses, painted on pretty purple fabrics hanging across every surface and every alley. The many people walking around excitedly, hurriedly, happily and the rumbling sound of so many people talking to each other were something that Hoseok had never experienced before. Suddenly, his small room was eerily silent in comparison and he enjoyed the flowing energy that quickly got him even more excited. The first thing they needed to do, however, was getting his braid out of the way. It was so long that people stepped on it frequently, so they asked four little girls sitting by the well if they wanted to rebraid his hair into something more adequate for the event, and boy did their eyes light up at that offer.
While Hoseok had his hair done, you were busy hiding from the guards, every time you did you earned a disapproving look from Maximus, but the truce forced you to stay calm. And although you thought you didn’t like long hair on guys, the braid that Hoseok now carried reached barely to his knees and suited him so well, you were smitten by his appearance, smiling like a fool, earning teasing smiles from both Pascal and Maximus. He shoved the stupid horse's stupid smiling face away and led you to a near stand where you stood in line to buy something.
While you were waiting, Hoseok went to the adjacent wall decorated with a mosaic, apparently displaying the current reigning king and queen and their child with golden hair and dark eyes. A little girl laid a flower onto the steps beneath and explained to her younger sister: "This is for the lost prince." The prince? Why did Hoseok had such a feeling of familiarity blooming in his heart? Quickly distracted by a marching band, he dropped that thought.
And then you and Hoseok enjoyed not only the festival, but the city itself. You went groceries shopping, read some books in the library you bought a fabric with the city's symbol on it for Hoseok, hid from the guards, painted the floor with chalk (Hoseok painted the sun symbol on a purple flower bed with purple people dancing around the sun as the center) and when you were back at the big plaza with the mosaic, Hoseok started dancing to the music constantly playing, and was soon joined by many citizens who then danced a traditional group dance, exchanging partners frequently and at the songs climax, having you two ending in a couple's pose in the middle of the plaza. The applause and cheer was immense.
"To the boats," was the shout of a man that got you out of you daze and into the rowing boat, rowing out of the harbor into the canal between the kingdom and the main land. The best day of Hoseoks life deserved a decent sight.
The night had fallen over the kingdom and now, you and Hoseok were waiting in the rowing boat on the water for the first lanterns to appear. But somehow, he seemed sad.
"You okay?" you asked.
"I'm terrified," he answered truthfully. And you couldn’t quite understand, "Why?"
"I have been looking out the window for twenty years, dreaming about what it might feel like when those lights rise up into the sky. What if it's not everything I dreamed it to be?"
You didn’t know why, but you were completely and 100% convinced that "It will be."
"And what if it is? What do I do then?" Hoseok seemed genuinely concerned.
"That's the good part, I guess. You get to go and find a new dream," you simply stated, looking at Hoseok, smiling at him, convincing him about how good this situation was for him. And in this short moment of silence that you two shared, you shared more than just that. It felt so real and so right. Hoseok was looking at you, and you could see just how much he believed in what you had just said, you felt the weight lifted off of your shoulders, you felt free, you felt good, you felt comforted in his proximity and you were just hoping that he would feel the same.
Hidden from the castle's walls, the king and the queen got ready to go outside and light the first lantern. It was a sad day for them. They only had one day with their beloved child and nothing had hit the king harder that day than the knowledge that he would probably never see his child again. He sunk into depression and only the queen's strength was capable of getting him to push through just another day in the deep belief that, yes, this ritual would, at some point, some day, lead their son back to them and they could finally reunite and be a family, once and forever.
It was always hard to see the king be so defeated on this particular day. He didn’t feel like doing anything. He didn’t fix his clothes either, the queen did, handling him with care, looking up at him, reassuring, strong, and wiping his tears with her soft hands. He leaned into her touch, looking at her with all the fondness and all the love that he had for her in his heart. Although he looked tough, and strong, in reality, she was stronger than him. Without her, he would have collapsed, and all of his gratitude mixed in with this empty feeling of helplessness and a broken heart and created that particular look on his rough face that no other event could. But she was there for him, always, and every day, ready to catch him when he felt like falling. And only with her by his side, he managed to step out onto the balcony leading into the castle's courtyard where a crowd had already gathered, waiting to share another night full with floating lights with each other, stay strong, and support each and every one of them, especially the king and queen.
When they stepped out onto the balcony, the already lit lantern with the sun painted onto the paper, was fastened to a pedestal, not unlike the one that the crown had laid upon. Together, the king and queen took the lantern into their hands, loosened it from its bounds, shared another glance at each other, and then sent it up into the nightly sky, following it with their gaze, hugging each other in search for comfort on this sad day, reliving the fear and the sadness once more.
The citizens lit their lanterns as soon as they saw the first lantern flow and like that the row of light extended from the courtyard down the main street, all the way into the harbor, to the bridge, to the boats, until every single lantern was lit and started their journey into the sky, quietly joined by a soft melody playing in his head.
Hoseok had been concentrating on the water, drawing circles with his fingers, distracted, until he noticed the very first lantern light up, its reflection right next to where he had his hand. Did he hallucinate? Or was this the real thing? Was this the one moment that his dream came true?
He looked up and really, there was the very first lantern, soon joined by hundreds of others, illuminating the sky, floating around and it was so much prettier than it had looked from his window. Excitedly he jumped up, got as close to the edge of the boat as possible and gazed and gazed, in awe over all those small lights that, for themselves, didn’t have as much effect, but in this number, it was the most amazing thing he had ever seen in his entire life.
He started to sing accompanied by the melody in his head, recapitulating all those years where he had been just staring outside the window and he had to say that frankly, even his dreams didn’t compare to what he felt right now. He felt so at ease, so good, so comforted, so in awe and every worry he had had was forgotten in this very moment. He turned around to share it with you and only then did he notice the two lit lanterns that you were holding, with a shy smile on your face. He sat on the bench across from you and wiggled excitedly, but before you could hand him one of the lanterns, he suddenly reached back into the boat and retrieved your satchel that he had promised to return to you after you would have had brought him home safely.
"I should have given it to you earlier, but I was scared. And the thing is… now I am not scared anymore. Do you know what I mean?" he said confusedly, handed you the satchel. But you just laid your hand upon his and pushed it back, you declined the satchel and instead handed him one lantern, came closer and told him: "I am starting to."
And then you joined the composition; singing together, you two relished in the moments this ritual gave to you, you looked at him, he looked at you, and both of you were feeling so happy, so content, so calm but at the same time so excited, but never afraid. This was your moment. You had asked yourself if such a moment would come and now, it was here and you knew that this was the right moment, you could feel it in every pore prickling on your skin, you could feel it in the flutter of your heart, drumming in your throat, the somersaults of your stomach and the small tremble in your hands. But your voice was steady and your thoughts calm. This was the moment you had to tell him how you felt. It was weird, it hadn't been long since you two had known each other, but this felt so right and so good that you couldn’t deny those feelings that were pretty obvious even to Pascal who was sitting further behind, hiding his face with his hands, peeking through his fingers.
And when you leaned in to kiss Hoseok he did the same. You were so close, so so close, when you noticed a weird green light coming from the main land, carried by two very familiar people. They wanted the satchel and they knew you had it.
Hoseok drew back confusedly, "Is everything alright?" and looked to where your gaze had been fixated to. Quickly you explained that everything was fine, but you had to take care of something, rowed the boat to the shore, and exited, the satchel in hand, telling Hoseok you would be back in a minute. And although Hoseok trusted you, there was just something about the way you had taken the satchel that didn’t… quite seem right. Hoseok was worried but he told himself and Pascal that everything would be okay.
You held the satchel in your hand when you walked across the shore stepped over a fallen tree and turned right into a small camping area where one of the Stabbington brothers sat on rocks, waiting for you.
"Heeey, there you are. I have been searching everywhere for you since we got separated," you tried to distract them but they seemed focused on their goal. You cleared your throat: "Anyhow, just wanted to say, I shouldn't have split, the crown is all yours," you said, throwing the satchel towards him so the crown fell out, "I'll miss ya, but I think its for the-" you turned around and bumped into the chest of the second brother. "-best," you finished.
"Holding out on us again, Y/Alias?"
"We heard you found something," the first brother continued, standing up from the rock and throwing his dagger into the dirt, approaching you slowly, "something much more valuable than a crown," he continued walking over the crown and the satchel like it was worth nothing.
"We want him instead."
Hoseok was still waiting by the boat, clinging to it in a futile attempt to calm his nerves, his gaze focused on to the two rocks between which you had vanished. And when finally a shape appeared in the fog, he felt relieved, you had come back. "You're back, I'm so relieved, I was starting to think you ran off with the crown and left me-"
There was a second figure appearing. Something was wrong.
The two buff guys from in the valley were approaching him quickly, he recognized them and instantly realized, he had no chance. But where were you? What happened?
"She did."
"What? No, she wouldn’t," he wasn’t ready to believe those ruffians.
"See for yourself," they stated, pointing their hands towards a boat without light, a figure standing at the wheel and appearing to be steering the boat. Although the boat wasn’t too close, Hoseok had no problems identifying the figure as you.
"Y/N? Y/N!!" he screamed in hopes of you turning back and resolving everything, telling the brothers to fuck off and stay with Hoseok.
When you didn’t, he was disappointed. Not only in you but also in himself, for being a fool and thinking that he had a chance with you, that you liked him back, that he could make it out here.
"Fair trade. A crown for the boy with the magic hair. How much do you think someone would pay to stay young and healthy forever?" one brother asked the other.
And now he was standing in front of two monsters of men, with no chance of fighting, so when they opted to grab him, Hoseok started running along the shore, running for his dear life, jumping over a tree when suddenly he was ripped back from where his braid had caught onto a branch and wouldn’t let go, despite how hard and desperate Hoseok pulled at it. He was done for. They would get him, they would sell him or his hair and he would live a miserable life, being sold and pushed around forever.
Two dull sounds echoed over, then his name being called, and when he went to look what happened, there was his mother, holding a stick, the brothers lying on the floor, unconscious, their weapons next to them.
"Oh, my precious boy," Gothel said, dropping the stick and awaiting Hoseoks return with open arms, hugging him close, asking him if he was alright or hurt, stroking his braid lovingly. "I was so worried about you, dear, so I followed you and I saw them attack you and I-" she couldn’t speak further, her voice broke and she hugged him again, his head on her chest, her arms around his head, shielding him from sound and sight.
Quickly she withdrew, checking once more if Hoseok was looking alright and said: "Let's go, let's go, before they come to," and hurriedly took two steps into the woods when Hoseok pulled back for a moment, watching you on the boat drifting off over the canal, back to the city.
The lanterns were slowly descending into the water, the fog had fallen softly over everything, it was hard to see, but he clearly saw your boat disappearing, away from him. Here he was, stupidly fallen in love with a thief who stole his heart and crushed his soul. He didn’t care that his dream had come true and he had seen the lanterns. Quite frankly, this was the worst day of his life. All the trust that he had set in you was destroyed in just a few minutes. He was hurt. He couldn’t believe that you would do something like this, leave him alone against two ruffians to whom you had seemingly sold him to!
But he couldn’t hate you. He wanted with all his might, but he just… couldn’t. It was weird but the only thing he felt right now was emptiness. With tears in his eyes he turned around to see his mother, standing there, opening her arms and inviting him back in, even though she had told him to not come crying when you would leave. She knew. And oh, she had been right all along. He should have listened to his mother like a good son should. No, he had to be egoistic and stupid and ruin everything with that journey of his that was now in shards in front of him, not to be repaired anytime soon. He flung himself into the arms of his mother and quietly started the trip back to the tower.
The boat that the brothers had tied you to had reached its intended destination, the harbor where the guards would spot you with the stolen crown in the hand on the boat seemingly trying to flee. You awoke startled, confused, then screaming Hoseoks name, pleading them to go and help him since he was in grave danger, but the only one who listened to your pleas was Maximus who had patiently waited for you and Hoseok to return. He looked over to the main land and when he took in your desperate state he knew that something was not the way it should be. And he knew he wanted to help.
You had spent the night in a cell. As soon as the sun rose in the early hours of dawn, the guards approached your cell, opened the door and the chief said: "Let's get this over with, Y/Alias."
"Where are we going?" you asked but as you got no answer but only a solid stare, you knew that they were bringing you into the yard to execute your punishment: you would be hanged.
Your heart dropped and your hand lifted to your throat, imagining a thick rope around it. So you were dying, after all.
Gothel and Hoseok had spent the whole night walking and now they were sitting in Hoseoks room, Gothel had opened the braid that the little girls had made and then raised her voice: "There. This never happened. Now, wash up for dinner, I'm making hazelnut soup~" she sang.
It was Hoseoks favourite, but he just couldn’t get himself to care. He had lost everything. Just a few days before he was quite content with his life and how it had been, but now that he had tasted freedom and experienced trust and love, he felt so empty and imprisoned in this small room that was way too quiet for his liking.
Gothel sighed: "I really did try, Hoseok, I really tried to warn you of what was out there. The world is dark, and selfish, and cruel. If it finds even the slightest ray of sunshine – it destroys it." With that she pulled the curtains closed that functioned as a door and left him alone, going downstairs to prepare the soup.
In his hands he had hidden the small purple fabric with the sun symbol on it. The only souvenir he had from this incredible journey. It was the fabric that you had bought for him. You, a thief, had bought something from a merchant and had given it to him, the one he had thought you liked. He had been trying to throw it away, but it held so many memories, so many fond memories, too, he couldn’t bring himself to lose it. Pascal was sitting next to him, trying to comfort him, but it was no use. He was just sad, disappointed, empty, and most of all, hopeless.
He let himself fall onto his back on his bed and looked up upon all of his drawings to find some comfort or inspiration. He had spent so many years in this room, drawing and painting, so many hours and so many paintings he was proud of. Now that he had seen the art of the outside world, this beautiful scene at the canal with the lanterns, he just wanted to be out there again, not within the always same walls, never anything changing. It was weird.
When he looked at those paintings, there was just a weird feeling rising. He couldn't find a better term, he couldn't describe it. It felt like something was wrong…
He looked at the sun symbol once more, eyebrows scrunching in confusion, why did it seem so familiar.
Then it hit him. There was one of this hidden in his painting! And there on the other wall there was the same symbol, and there, and suddenly the whole ceiling was illuminated with these suns. This exact symbol was hidden in every single one of his paintings. Now that he could see the suns shining back at him it was just so clear, everything started to make sense, because now, now he was able to summon a memory from so long ago, so faded, but he could clearly make out the sun symbol and he recognized two people standing next to him. The mosaic, the king and queen, their son the prince, with the blonde hair and dark eyes, the image of him with the crown on his head reflecting in the mirror, just like –
He stumbled backwards in this epiphany, hit a table and a glass shattered on the floor.
He was the prince.
You were lead along the halls on the way to your execution, your hands cuffed, your head low. There had to be a way out of here, you had to go and see Hoseok and tell him how you felt, he didn’t know and he probably thought you abandoned him. You had to go and tell him the truth!
When you passed the Stabbington brothers you managed to get the guards off of you for a moment, get your cuffed hands through the cell and grab one of them by the collar, rudely pulling him into the bars.
"How did you know about him? Tell me, now!" you demanded.
"It wasn’t us, it was the old lady," he responded quite surprised at your outburst.
You counted two and two together and realized that it had been his mother all along, that she was the one that he should be hiding from, she was the evil in his life, but when the guards grabbed you, you saw every single chance of saving Hoseok drowning in despair.
"No, please, you don’t understand, he is in danger, wait!"
Gothel had been approaching his room cautiously, the sound had been weird, as if something had smashed on the ground. "Hoseok? Hoseok, what is going on up there?"
He breathed in and out, trying to get a hold of this information that just wouldn’t enter his understanding. At his mother's calling he stepped out of his room, mumbling as if to convince himself that it was true:
"I am the lost prince."
"Please, speak up, Hoseok, you know how I hate the mumbling," Gothel said, clearly annoyed at his demeanor.
He repeated clearly: "I am the lost prince. Aren't I?"
He stared into her empty eyes, her shocked expression and the moment of silence and disbelief a telltale sign that he was in fact right.
"Did I mumble, mother? Or should I even call you that?"
All of the hatred and negative emotions he had bottled up over the years and especially the last few days now got themselves free, his expression was serious and angry, his voice cold and his eyes piercing.
It took Gothel a while to react, but then she chuckled: "Oh, Hoseok, do you even hear yourself? Why would you ask such a ridiculous question?"
As she wanted to draw him into another hug, Hoseok pushed her back, disgusted at her proximity and everything that he suddenly knew she had done.
"It was you, it was all you."
Suddenly, Gothel got serious and her expression turned stern: "Everything I did was to protect you."
Hoseok pushed her aside, walking downstairs, raging: "I have spent my entire life hiding from people who would use me for my powers-"
"-but I should have been hiding from you!"
"Where will you go? She won't be there for you!"
"What did you do to her?"
"That criminal is to be hanged for her crimes."
It was a shock, Hoseok couldn’t believe what he heard. It wasn’t your fault! No one knew but you hadn't done anything to deserve to be hanged! He needed to go and save you and tell you how he felt before it was too late!
"No no, calm down, its alright, listen to me, all of this is how it should be," Gothel said, attempting to pet his hair like she had always done.
But not anymore. He grabbed her wrist forcefully, yanked it away and with an enraged and ice cold expression stated very clearly: "No! You were wrong about the world and you were wrong about me and I will never let you use my hair again!"
Gothel broke free from his iron grip, stumbled backwards and pushing over the mirror that was now in shards all across the floor. Hoseok looked at her for only another moment until he turned around on his way to the window to leave this tower and Gothel behind him, forever. But Gothel wasn’t done yet.
"You want me to be the bad guy? Fine, now I'm the bad guy."
Meanwhile, you were fighting against the guards that were still walking you through the hallways and you had wrecked your brain for every possible outcome, but it didn’t look good. That's when you noticed a tiny little unicorn figurine, placed on one of the sills, which went completely unnoticed by the guards. You remembered one of the thugs from the snuggly duckling collected these, did that mean that-
The door they were walking towards closed in front of them. Dumbfounded, the chief knocked strongly and demanded entrance. The look through window opened and the old drunk ruffian appeared, still drunk and asked: "What's the password?"
"Open this door!"
"Not even close."
"You have three secons," the chief of the guards shouted and when he announced the first second, the guard to your left disappeared, and with the second, the guard to your right was pulled into another room so when the chief was about to announce the third second had passed, you were alone in the hallway, hands still cuffed, waving at him.
The door opened and another thug used his state of disbelief to smack a pan against his head, he fell over and lay unconscious.
"Frying pans! Who knew, right?" Now you had a pretty good chance at getting out of here, you had the help of the thugs which meant a few fearless buff guys that fight until death if they had to.
The other door in your back was suddenly burst open by more guards and you were freed from your cuffs and then quickly followed the thugs that would guide you outside. And you almost couldn’t believe it, but it had been working well so far, you were entering the courtyard in which you were supposed to be hanged, followed by two thugs you glanced around, noticing the dozens of guards yelling and making their way towards you. The thug with the hook placed you on a certain spot and looked at you: "Head down," and put his head down, you followed suit.
"Head down."
"Arms in," he drew his arms in.
"Arms in."
"Knees apart."
"Knees ap- knees apart?" that one confused you greatly but you had no time to ask when suddenly from the second floor the one collecting unicorns jumped down onto the carriage and was therefore catapulting you, who was standing on the other end, up in the air, accompanied by your panicked screaming and yelling, not breaking your pose, over the courtyard, onto the outer walls where you quite comfortable landed on Maximus' back.
"Max! You brought them here?" your posture loosened slightly. Maximus just looked at you with a smug smile.
"Thank you. No really, thank you. I think that uhm… this whole time we just have been misunderstanding one another and-" Maximus was not impressed with your speech.
"Yeah, no you are right, we should go," you agreed, put your feet into the steps and took the bridle into your hands and let Maximus get you out of here. There were bolts flying around only missing you so closely, when you noticed that the one way you had was blocked with more oncoming guards and the only way left that Maximus seemed to speed up towards was the edge of the wall of the prison.
And that was exactly what Maximus had had in mind. He sped up once more, jumped over the edge, over the canyon that separated the prison from the city and landed on the roof of a house in the living area, trying to not get distracted by your constant screaming and yelling, sliding down the roof and landing safely on the floor, immediately speeding up again and rushing down the city's main street.
Now that the guards were left behind you, you could see a silver lining, you were out, now you could go and save Hoseok.
"Okay, Max, let's see how fast you can run," you said and boy, did he run fast. You were out of the city, over the bridge and into the forest in a blink and the trip that had taken Hoseok and Gothel a few hours was completed by Max and you in just a fraction of that.
Quickly you two entered the valley where Hoseoks tower was and at its foot you dismounted, and shouted upwards: "Hoseok? Hoseok let down your hair!"
And as nothing happened you attempted to climb the tower once more, but then the window opened and his hair was falling down, open now and not in a braid but that didn’t strike you as too odd, you were just hoping that he was okay, that his mother hadn't gotten on to him and that now, finally you two could see each other again.
You had reached the windowsill and entered the dark room saying: "Hoseok, I thought I would never see you again, I-" but Hoseok was crouching there on the opposite wall, hands tied on his back and mouth blocked by fabric. He shouted something akin to your name and then you felt a sharp pain in the right side of your chest and you felt all the energy you had before vanish, your knees gave in and you sank to the floor. Gothel had stabbed you with her dagger that she pulled out of you and made her way over to Hoseok who was screaming and yelling and squirming and fighting against her grip on the chain that was connected to his cuffs.
"Now look what you have done to her, Hoseok. But don't worry, dear, our secret will die with her. And as for us, ha, we are going where no one will ever find you again!" she claimed, working on getting Hoseok towards the stairs she wanted to descent with him, but he fought and fought while Pascal bit into the hem of Gothel's dress in an attempt to hold her back, but she just kicked him away brutally, leaving him close to unconsciousness as well.
"Hoseok, really, enough already, stop fighting!"
He managed to maneuver the fabric off of his mouth, fighting back again and shouting: "No! I won't stop. Every minute for the rest of my life I will fight and I will never stop trying to get away from you!" his breath was ragged, he calmed down a bit and looked Gothel straight in the eyes when he said: "But when you let me save her I will go with you."
But… he couldn’t be serious, right? "No. No, Hoseok!"
"I'll never run, I'll never try to escape. Just let me heal her and you and I will be together. Forever. Just like you want. Everything will be the way it was. I promise."
If he was going with Gothel like that, not fighting, not trying to escape, he would live a miserable life at her side, the magical powers of his hair never letting one of them grow old, or sick, and die. If Hoseok saved you right now, that would mean that he would spend eternity with this woman, obeying her and letting her use him and the power of his hair like she wanted.
Pascal couldn’t believe what he heard either. Both of you were lying there, close to unconsciousness, trying with all your might to save Hoseok who wanted to sacrifice himself for you.
"Just like you want. Just. Let me. Heal her."
You couldn’t let that happen under any circumstances.
Gothel had approved with an ice cold piercing gaze, the last thing that she wanted to grant him, and her getting an easier life without him struggling and fighting against her. To make sure that you wouldn’t follow, though, Gothel took the cuffs and the chain off of Hoseok and tied one of your hands to the stair railing.
The second she stepped away, Hoseok was all over you, yelling your name, taking your face into his hands, so close to tears. He brushed your hair away, caressed your cheek, and then slowly took your free hand off the wound to take in the sight of the damage which was pretty bad. The wound was deep, and you were losing a lot of blood rapidly.
"Ohgod, I am so sorry, everything is gonna be okay though," he said, about to put his hair onto your wound, but you held him back.
"No, Hoseok-"
"I promise, you have to trust me. Come on, just breathe and," he said.
"No, Hoseok, I can't let you do this."
"And I can't let you die," he said.
He couldn’t let you die, you repeated in your head. That means he liked you, right? All the more reason to save him. You liked him, he liked you, and if you could save his life, even if you died, you could die happy and without regrets, because now you knew.
"If you do this, you will die, Hoseok," you stuttered, slowly drifting into unconsciousness.
He shushed you, his hand on your cheek, he looked at you lovingly and said "It's gonna be alright."
A moment of silence was shared between you two, a moment of understanding and mutual love.
"Hoseok," you said, "wait," and with your free hand you reached up to his face, with your last energy you brushed his hair back and in one swift motion you grabbed all of his magical hair, reached it around and cut it off with the mirror shard in your restrained hand.
Your hand fell to the floor motionless, the shard dropped next to it.
"Y/N!" Hoseok whisper-screamed, desperation evident in his voice as he looked at the hair on the floor, its color rapidly changing from the golden blonde that it used to have, back to the dark brown that had been his original hair color.
The one shocked most was Gothel, taking in the scene unfolding in utter disbelief, collecting the cut off hair that was changing color, clinging to the few blonde strands left, screaming and yelling "No, no no!" repeatedly, watching her skin grow old at once as soon as the magic was gone along with her hair that turned white in a second, she rushed to the broken mirror to take a look at her withering appearance, pulling her hood over her face and stumbling backwards, further and further, towards the window. All of her live energy was taken from her so quickly it was overwhelming and she felt things that no one should feel because all the hundreds of years she had spent staying young were now catching up to her. She could feel every bone, every pore evaporate into dust, the pain was devastating as she felt her body age hundreds of years in a few seconds.
As she was close to the window, Pascal pulled at the hair so Gothel stumbled over it, resulting in her falling out the window, Hoseok grabbed in her direction, futile, as her scream echoed off the walls of the valley until there was only eerie silence and her coat dropped onto the grass, filled with only dust.
Hoseok needed a moment to process what had happened. He then quickly got back to you, your body almost lifeless now, limb in his hands, as he took your head on his lap, his hands caressing your face, desperately trying to get you back to health.
When you coughed weakly he talked to you: "Y/N! Look at me, I'm here, don’t go away, stay with me," and out of habit he placed your hand on his now brown and short hair, started to sing, crying, his voice breaking off every few words. It was not working.
"Hey, Hoseok," you said, pulling him towards you, drawing all of his attention on you. And with all the energy you had left in you, you managed to bring out the words that you had wanted to tell him since the night before.
"You were my new dream."
"And you were mine."
And that was it. You could die happily, without regrets, knowing that he liked you back. So you did the one thing that was left for you to do.
You let go.
Your body weighed a little heavier in his hands, now that you didn’t hold yourself up. He held your hand close to his heart, watching as your expressions softened into nothingness. His eyes were filled with tears, the silence was weighing down on him and you just lay there, unmoving.
You were dead.
He put your hand down slowly and held your head in both his hands.
He kept caressing your cheeks, now slower and softer.
The tears were about to spill.
And then, softly and quietly, he began to sing.
Heal what has been hurt. Change the fates' design. Save what has been lost. Bring back what once was mine, What once was mine...
It was difficult for him to keep his voice from breaking. The moment he had recited the text he laid his face so close to yours he could feel the rest of your body warmth radiating off and losing itself in thin air. His tears finally broke free, he started sobbing and as the first tear made its way down his cheek he was certain that he had lost everything he ever had.
The tear fell off of his nose right onto your cheek. And what Hoseok didn’t notice was that it vanished and left a small shining sun where it had been.
From that small sun on your cheek, the tiny ray of sunshine ran through your body, and when it had reached the fatal wound, a sunflower made of light grew out of it, the music to the song you had sang the night before playing in his head, clear and hopeful, which was what made him lift his head from your body to see what was going on.
Light radiated off of the flower into every direction, floating around in the room, reminiscent of the night before, even accompanied by the same melody you had sung when everything had been good. And as quick as it came, the flower was gone, leaving a few rays of light emanating from your wound that already started fading.
Hoseok wasn’t sure what happened, but his tears had dried and with new hope in his heart he looked up, taking your face into his hands, waiting for something.
Just slowly, you opened your eyes, blinked at him.
He couldn’t believe that destiny would grant him his dream to be fulfilled.
"Y/N?" he whispered.
"Did I ever tell you that I had a thing for dark hair?"
He gasped and overjoyed he took your body off the floor and held you as close to him as possible, hugging you tightly and sobbing dry tears into your shirt, you responded with the same intensity, closing your eyes at the warm embrace that held so much more than just relief. It held promise and hope for a better future for both of them, and it held the guarantee that Gothel would never be back to threaten any of them.
This was it.
Hoseok was free, and you were alive.
And both of you were together.
He drew back a little, looked at you with so much love in his eyes. Then he pressed his lips onto yours. It was simple and shy, but it was the best kiss you had ever gotten and when you kissed back your mutual feelings for each other displayed, it was the most memorable thing you had ever done before.
The only thing left to do now was returning to the kingdom and bringing them their lost prince, but more importantly, reuniting the king and the queen with their son. It was about time that they got to be a family.
The guard entered the kings and queens room hurriedly, out of breath, without a word, his face just lightened up and he smiled. They knew what that meant and without hesitation they ran down the hallways to the door leading to the balcony where they had started the ritual just the night before. They looked at each other for just a small moment, their feelings, their confusion, everything reflected in their eyes. But here they were, together, about to open the door and reunite with their lost son as a family after twenty long years.
The balcony was empty except for you and Hoseok. The king and queen took in your sight, as you took in theirs. Calmly, like shy deer, the queen walked forward, Hoseok not daring to move closer as he took in the appearance of his real mother, in awe and unable to speak or breathe.
The queen looked at him, reached her hand out for his face, his eyes focused on hers and then she knew. When she had first looked at her baby, it was the same pair of eyes staring back at her like it was now. She knew. She recognized him.
This was her son.
And he knew as well.
This was his real mother.
Tears started swelling up in their eyes as they hugged each other tightly, and when Hoseok looked over his mother's shoulder, he saw his father, standing and finally smiling a real smile again after all those years. He joined their hug a second later; Hoseok in the embrace of his mother, and him and his mother in the warm and safe embrace of his father. Is this what family and comfort felt like? They sank to their knees in their embrace at the overwhelming feeling that washed over them. It was indescribable, really. How could they describe the feeling of their beloved son returning after twenty years of worry and wait?
You stood there, watching them fondly, as the queen reached out to you. You assumed she wanted to thank you and let her take your hand. Instead, she was pulling you down into the hug as well so that now the four of you were kneeling on the balcony, tightly hugging each other, and sharing a perfect moment.
And well, everyone can imagine what happened next. The kingdom rejoiced for their lost prince had returned. The party lasted an entire week and honestly, you don't remember most of it. Dreams came true all over the place. The hooked thug went on to become the most famous concert pianist in the world, the other guy found true love, for the mime, you assumed he was happy, since he hasn't told you otherwise. Thanks to Maximus, all crime in the kingdom disappeared almost overnight; as did most of the apples. Pascal never changed.
At last, Hoseok was home and he finally had a real family. He was a prince worth waiting for. Beloved by all, he led the kingdom with all the grace and wisdom his parents had before.
And as for you, well, you started using your real name again, you stopped thieving and basically turned it all around, but the most important question is if Hoseok and you ever got married.
Well, after years and years and years of you asking him, he finally said yes.
Okay, he asked you.
And you're living happily ever after.
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drewebowden66 · 6 years
51 Captivating Courtyard Designs That Make Us Go Wow
A captivating courtyard design provides a modern home with a special sense of serenity, and allows nature to become a major part of a home’s makeup. Enclosed garden spaces act as personalised nature retreats that feed into adjacent interior spaces via the blurred boundaries of glass walls, retractable doors and atrium ceilings. To explore these glorious spaces a little more and look at the different ways in which they can be implemented, we have put together a vast collection of inspirational designs taken from all over the world. From South America to Spain to Sri Lanka, from Africa to Japan to India, we cover them all.
Architect: Jared Della Valle   Twinning is winning: Why settle for one courtyard if you can have two? It’s hard to distinguish the boundaries in this amazing modern home – and that’s kind of the point. Courtyards on each side of a walkway bring nature smack into the centre of this living space.
Architect: Figr   Extend the same interior ceiling finish out over an exterior courtyard design, like this continuous wood slat ceiling that completely disregards the border.
Architect: LIJO.RENY.architects   This is part of a gorgeous Indian home split by a covered garden atrium. A density of indoor plants grow in the vicinity of an interior stairwell.
Visualizer: Tarek Ali   Make a courtyard part of the decor. This highly tailored courtyard design looks as though in disguise as a botanically patterned area rug – though the tree growing out of it is a bit of a giveaway.
Visualizer: OMA   You will be surprised to know that this is in fact a cancer care building in Scotland. The Royal Incorporation of Architects, in Scotland, named it as the best building in the country back in 2012 for its bold and welcoming design that is so unusual for the healthcare industry.
Architect: Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP   Light it up with lanterns. This Japanese home has lanterns dotted around its courtyard patio to provide a magical glow at twilight.
Architect: XTEN Architecture   Make the most of an exterior courtyard by including some modern outdoor chairs into the layout, or add a full dining suite for al fresco dining opportunities.
Visualizer: NOTT   Everybody loves a bit of rock ‘n’ roll – incorporate some big rocks into the courtyard landscaping for a strong architectural effect.
Designer: Harrison Landscaping   Create different levels. By adding decks and platforms to your layout you can define eating areas or an outdoor kitchen. Decorate courtyard decks and patios with potted plants or raised plant beds.
Designer: Jungles   Make a frame with plants. A low maintenance patio can be framed by dense borders of greenery.
Designer: Handman Associates   If green borders still sound like too much maintenance for you, then how about a softly bubbling water feature to create an atmosphere of zen instead?
Designer: Corbin Reeves   A contemporary outdoor fireplace is sure to give the wow factor. This hearth extends almost the full length of the courtyard between two pebbled plant beds. The plant in the left corner is the European fan palm.
Architect: South Coast Architects   Romance a special Señorita or Señor in a Spanish courtyard. You can flamenco dance the night away around the columns of romantic arches – try not to fall in the water feature though.
Visualizer: Davide Weber   This rather fancy visualisation was one of the entrants to an Evermotion Secret Gardens competition held in 2016.
Photographer: The Blonde Abroad   Take the plunge. You can take a quick cooling dip in a plunge pool at the centre of this moroccan design covered with green and white tile. Comfy sun loungers invite you to stay all day.
Visualizer: Sasha Gnativ   Even a narrow space can be transformed into a magical spot. Incorporate plenty of colour in your planting to curate an uplifting view.
Designer: Architectural Services Division, Govt of Honk Kong SAR, China   This building is actually a crematorium in Diamond Hill, Hong Kong. The shape of the courtyard alludes to the circle of life.
Architect: Atelier Deshaus   Courtyards don’t have to be flat. A few little hills bring in a touch of the wild.
Visualizer: Tharik Mohammed   This is based on the famous Hooper House II by Marcel Breuer, which is a mid century classic.
Architect: Mia Design Studio   Cultivate some curtains, like these amazing hanging plants over a reflecting pool.
Architect: ONG&ONG   Build bridges – from one side of a home to the other.
Architect: Ayutt and Associates   Plumerias are a great plant for courtyards, with their whimsical form.
Architect: Wallflower   This one has a 100 year old Plumeria tree, living right at the centre of a modern pool.
Architect: Gaudenzi   Soak up the sun in a hammock. This is part of a great Brazilian home with lush jungle vibes.
Architect: Marcio Kogan   Erase walls with a retractable door solution.
Designer: Tom Howard   Maintain all of your ground space by fashioning a vertical garden, like the multi-tonal walls in this front courtyard design. A cool interlocking design is created at ground level with irregular paving planks and lawn. A fire pit keeps the seating area comfortable in chillier times of day or season.
Architect: Sebastian Mariscal   Photographer: Coral von Zumwal   Form a shaded area over the dining chairs and table for a cooler more comfortable outdoor dining experience in the height of summer, or to provide shelter from unexpected showers.
Visualizer: Andriy Maheha   Welcome to the courtyard bar. This outdoor bar is linked directly to the interior kitchen, to receive drinks and snacks, or simply chat to the chef.
Visualizer: Estudio Arquitecta Grin   Built-in benches at the borders can double as outdoor dining banquettes.
Visualizer: Sqool   This concrete bench wraps right around an outdoor kitchen, marking out its perimeter.
Designer: Studio EI   Mimic a pergola with wood framing across the ceiling.
Designer: Christ-Christ   A single Japanese Maple tree can bring in shades of green and deep red.
Architect: SAOTA   Make a modern path of slab paving stones across wild brush…
Designer: EPT   … Or across a bed of loose pebbles. These Mexican beach pebbles make a great combination with Foxtail fern.
Visualizer: Mia Design Studio   Live amongst the lily pads with a miniature lily pond. This one butts up so close against a sofa that you could even sit and dip your feet! Latticework overhead creates a cosy covered feel but still lets sunlight filter through.
Architect: Ambrosi I Etchegaray   Photographer: Rory Gardiner   Even if a courtyard is just a pathway from place to place it can still provide soothing garden views to interior spaces.
Photographer: Daniel Koh   Invest in exterior lighting to add drama to the smallest of details.
Photographer: Daniel Koh   In a sunken courtyard, flow planting down from upper garden levels. Both this and the previous courtyard are from this beautiful bali retreat.
Architect: Alpes GDB   A courtyard can form the core of the home. Situate an eye-catching nature design at the base of a stairwell to link your levels via a place of natural serenity. Incorporate built-in planters on the landings to tie the levels together.
Architect: Iván Andrés Quizhpe   Sometimes, a pathway and a pool are all you need. Looking at a still pool of water can help quiet the mind, feed the soul, and cool the body. The base of a shallow pool can be lined with stones and pebbles to enrich the feature with a natural look. Create a floating pathway effect by leaving small gaps between large stepping stones, and hiding the fixings.
Architect: Geoffrey Bawa   The architect of the above spaces, Sri Lankan maestro Geoffrey Bawa, is often considered as the father of the “tropical modernism” movement. If you love this style, we encourage you to check out Geoffrey Bawa: The Complete Works.
Architect: Khosla Associates   This is from a house in south India that is based around a 5000-year-old Indian design practice called Vastu, which can be likened to the practice of Feng Shui.
Designer: De earth   Simple brickwork planters and grass growing between paving stones give a quaint laid-back vibe.
Designer: Studio Mumbai   Conjure a dreamlike vista by sinking a water feature into wood flooring, like this house with a courtyard pond.
Photographer: Andy Serrano   Create a natural looking ravine by lining a stream with craggy rocks.
Designer: WA-SO   Make hills come alive with trees and moss.
Visualizer: Studio Aiko   Make a display case for your courtyard. This one has its floor patterned by the Japanese zen garden raking technique.
Architect: Log Urbis   A glass case can incorporate retractable glass doors to allow access, and to allow the garden space to be incorporated more fully with the interior when desired.
Architect: Carvalho Araújo   Pulling up a single patio paving slab can be all the opportunity needed to incorporate a little greenery into your life and living space. Put out a sun lounger and enjoy.
Architect: Andrés Stebelski   This is a house with multiple courtyards, providing interior spaces with a panorama of picturesque trees and shrubs.
Visualizer: Vika Seregina   Small potted plants line a bank of shelving in this apartment courtyard area, which allows the greenery to be moved and enjoyed in other areas of the home too. A bright red seat has been fashioned around the base of a courtyard tree, which contrasts with the cool blue of a neighbouring kitchen diner. A glass ceiling blurs the boundaries between inside and out.
Find more inspiration and tips for beautiful outdoor living spaces here:
50 Gorgeous Outdoor Patio Design Ideas 50 Modern Outdoor Chairs To Elevate Views of Your Courtyard & Garden
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