#maybe if i draw the sword enough I might actually get it on the weapon banner
joudymoody · 2 years
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One fine afternoon I decided to draw Noah with the Mistsplitter Reforged cuz it just FITS. 
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bellarkeselection · 10 months
okay jaime request 🫶 so jaime just lost his hand and he worries that the fem!reader (jaime's wife maybe? 👀) will be disgusted by that but she actually showers him in love and affection as she's happy that he came back to her? like a lot of kisses and cuddling and fluff
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i'm so in love like look at him?! he's precious <33
Slight mature content in this one 18+ 😏 I honestly really enjoyed writing this one more than I have any other request for Jaime so thank you for sending this in
You're Still a Golden Knight to Me
Staring out the windows of Casterly Rock with my arms wrapped tightly around my waist out of nervousness. I hated the feeling and time of waiting for Jaime to return home from the battle between the Lannister’s and my family the Stark’s. Jaime and I were married a few months ago before the king officially rode North to ask my father to be hand of the king. We were wed in Kings Landing by King Robert himself before he died. And somehow in those short few months we became so close it felt like we had been married for as long as my sister Catelyn and Ned had been. "Oh gods please let him come home already I cannot endure anymore time terrified he might be dead." I mumbled to myself out into the quiet sea fresh air in the room until the chamber door made a noise causing me to jump slightly.
Stumbling around the bed as quiet yet quickly as possible I reached down by as much as my growing belly would allow me to so that I could grab the sword my father gave me out from underneath my bed. Ever since Jaime left I had basically been sleeping with the weapon at my bedside even though I had a whole castle army to defend me in the walls of Casterly Rock. Moving towards the door I raised the sword over my shoulder with both hands clutching the handle of the sword seeing the chamber door creak opened very slowly. "Show yourself you twat. I'm ready and armed!" I raised my voice outward holding back tears knowing it was better to show no fear.
Yet my entire conscious state was completely rattled when I heard someone call my name that was impossible for me to not recognize in a heartbeat. "Y/n...Y/n....Jaime...please don't....it's me...it's Jaime."
"J...Jaime. Is it...is it really you?" I croaked through heavy tears struggling to keep my grip on the blade handle on the off chance it wasn't and the gods were just playing tricks on my mind. Yet sure enough the door creaked open all the way revealing a sight that nearly broke me in two and shattered my heart.
My gaze focused on his figure when he slowly stepped out of the darkness of the door and into the light being provided by burning candles. He didn’t meet my gaze while I scanned over my husband’s face. His blonde hair was covered in mud and his clothes were torn and stained too. Yet that wasn’t what nearly broke me it was the fact that his right hand was covered in some bandages but it was really just a stump of where the hand used to be. “Don’t look at me, Y/n. You should go back North.”
“I’m not going back North you idiot. Do you honestly think I would leave you while you look like this. When I have been terrified that you might not come back and now you have…come on let’s get you cleaned and changed.” Moving towards him I sniffed through tears before I turned and rummaged around in one of the crates drawing out one of his tunics and trousers.
Slowly and gently as possible I helped Jaime inside the wash room knowing that none of the servants would be up in the middle of the night so I left it to me alone to take care of my husband. Running my hands down his tunic shirt I tugged on it hearing him wince since some of it was sticking to him. Untying the strings of his trousers they fell to the floor. “You don’t have to help me I….I can’t get this cleaned on my own.” He attempted to remain the confident man I knew but he dropped his right stump hand showing me that he couldn’t.
He managed to get into the water on his own giving me the time to untie the laces on the back of my golden dress letting the fabric pool to the floor without a care. Kicking it away I put Jaime’s new clothes beside mine since I had started to wear his tunics when I went to bed. “I’m your wife, Jaime. I know you don’t want help but please let me help you now.” I mumbled quietly seeing his stump hand was still wrapped up like a rag. He didn't respond so I slowly moved the material from his arm sitting it on the side seeing that it had healed a little bit when I ran my fingers over it.
“I’m not who I used to be without my hand…I was that hand. What am I supposed to do now, Y/n?” He shutters, staring at me as I attempted to retie a cleaner cloth on his stump. “If I pass out pull me out. I don’t want to be the first Lannister to die in a bathtub.”
Lifting my gaze up from me working on his injured hand where I placed my hands on his bare chest he winced when I started running some water over the wounds on his chest. “Jaime, I know you’re avoiding ye conversation but who did this. Did my brother Robb take your hand?”
“He kept me prisoner in his camp but it wasn’t him. It was this man named Locke..who hates high born. He took it to show me I was as safe as I thought I was. And now because of him I’m not the man I was. You’ll probably leave me in the morning because of this disgusting thing.” He glared down at the stump of his right hand while I moved my fingers through his hair getting the dirt out of it where it returns to its almost normal golden lion color.
Resting my hands on his shoulders I pressed my forehead making him finally look me in the eye. His green eyes were filled with tears and I could hear the shakiness in his breath. “Jaime, don’t put those thoughts in your head. I am not going anywhere. I would never leave you ever. Because I love you…and the little one will too.” Placing his left hand on my stomach I sucked in a breath hoping he would pick it up on what I was saying.
“You’re pregnant…when did you know?” He knitted his brows together questioning me and for the first time since we had reunited I saw a tiny genuine smile on his face.
Leaning forward I kissed him on his forehead brushing away some of the fallen strands of wet blonde hair that had fallen in from of his eyes. He closed his eyes briefly when I spoke and moved his head to lay against my bare front running one hand through his hair making it a slight mess. “According to the Maester I should be about three months along. I started having morning sickness the morning after you left to go fight the war with my twin brother.”
“Do you think I’ll be a good father and husband without my sword fighting hand. I want to be the man you deserve..considering we were arranged to and all. At times I didn’t the wound be anything like your mother and father.” Jaime lifted his head up slightly where I held his face in my hands seeing slight fear and concern in his eyes that he wasn’t worthy of me now.
Without saying another word I gently crashed my lips down onto his tilting his head up slightly when I climbed up into his lap. He pressed his bare back against the tub wall wrapping his arms around my waist tugging my flesh against his own. “Jaime Lannister, you are the best husband I could ask for. I didn’t fall for you because of how good you were with a sword or how attractive you are, although you are still as handsome as the night of our wedding. But you are still that golden knight to me. I love you.”
“When I was sitting in that shit cell for months I would drift off to sleep and think of you. Think of us laying in bed together after we made love. Or when you insisted I teach you how to swing a sword. You’re smiling face…your witty remarks…your smell and when you touch me…everything about you.” He buried his face into the crook of my neck placing kisses there until he found a certain spot hearing me moan and throw my head back giving him more access.
Moving my hands to his shoulder blades I gripped them in my finger nails craving for his touch and everything in between. “Jaime I…I need you. I have been miserable for months.” I whined into his ear feeling him shift so he could start to make love to me.
“I won’t deny you, my wolf wife. But not in here. Cause once I get you in our bed we won’t be leaving for awhile.” He responds in a raspy voice shifting his green eyes onto mine intensely where I could feel his desire for me. We quickly stumbled out of the bath and into our chamber forgetting about the fresh clothes we had too focused on our need to be in the others arms.
Climbing onto the bed throwing my hair around I smiled up at him when he crawled over me crashing his lips onto mine hungrily while he put our bodies together. Gripping his golden locks in between my fingers I felt my heart beating against my chest with him moving against me like this again after so long. “Jaime….I love you.” I croaked out when he broke the kiss with his hair falling in front of his eyes and his gaze dropped to the stump once more.
“Hey, eyes on me.” Raising one of my hands I grabbed his chin forcing him to look me in the eye. Leaning upward I pressed soft kisses against his mouth moving my other hand through his hair. “You still mean everything to me. All that I care about is that you are here with me and that you’re safe.”
The eldest Lannister lion pressed his forehead against mine before he began moving our bodies against each other very slowly again as if he was afraid I might disappear from him any moment. “I just don’t want to be less of a man to you. You are my sweet wolf wife…and I’ll do my best to be a good father to our little lion or lioness.”
“I know you will, Jaime. You will always be the same man I fell in love with from this day until the end of our days.” I whispered my next words into his ear since he had his head laying on my chest. My fingers were gripping his back while I struggle to not let the entire castle know what we were doing in the middle of the night. “I am yours and you are mine.”
The bed was moving against our actions where he kept hitting the specific spot that we both moaned afterwards to. He broke the kiss where I held his face in my hands tracing his cheek with him thrusting into me slowly. “Y/n, I love you so much!” He moaned when I pulled his head downward burying my face in his neck nuzzling my nose and kissing into his skin.
Finally we both reach our high and Jaime collapsed onto his back on his side of the bed smiling longingly at me. I was laying on my back still trying to catch my breath while my hair was a tousled mess but I never dropped the huge grin on my face. “You were right about it being so much better after the first time…or it could also be the fact that I missed you like hell. Please don’t ever leave me again Jaime.” Rolling over onto my side I placed one hand on his the stump of his right hand giving him a small tearful smile.
“I don’t intend of going anywhere, little wolf. You and this baby are my home from now on.” Jaime scooted closer to me where I shifted so that his body was laying on top of mine. Running my fingers through his golden hair I planted some kisses onto his head and bare shoulder that I could reach feeling all the nervous weight fade away.
He wrapped his arms around my waist hugging me tightly against his strong form nuzzling his nose against my stomach listening for a heartbeat and he smiled when he felt something kick against his head. “I guess our little lion enjoys their daddy being home too.” I chuckled feeling the vibrating against my belly making me smile.
“If we spend our nights like this again we might end with as many children as you’re family has. If you’re up for it someday Y/n Lannister.” Jaime raises his head slightly with that cheeky smirk on his face showing me he was getting back to being his old self. He kisses my belly then he deeply kisses me on the lips laying his head back down on my stomach trying to get some much needed sleep.
Resting my head back against the pillows I intertwined one of my hands with Jaime’s left closing my eyes after watching him fall peacefully asleep on top of me. “I will never say no to you my golden lion.” I mumbled before I shut my eyes finally getting a restful night of sleep being able to hold him in my arms.
Tag list - @makeshift-prime @rosie-posie08 @lover-of-books-and-tea
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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mcflymemes · 11 months
THE ELDER SCROLLS V: SKYRIM PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the video game, adjust as necessary
you're finally awake.
it would take a month to explain to you how that very question doesn't even make sense.
wait... i know you.
yes yes, what is it? we're all very busy here.
you're someone who can get things done. i like that.
i've been looking for you.
keep your eyes open.
looking to protect yourself, or do some damage?
i am sworn to carry your burdens.
either i'm drunk, or you're naked. possibly both.
i fight... because i must.
then it's true, what everyone is saying?
even with all my preparations, we can't be too careful.
need a ride?
i've had enough of you!
i cannot place it.
everything's for sale, my friend.
another wanderer, here to lick my father's boots. good job.
will you be a hero whose name is remembered in song throughout the ages?
is that fur? coming out of your ears?
giant spiders? what's next, giant snakes?
you picked a bad time to get lost, friend!
well ain't this a surprise!
what are you looking at? i'm not afraid of you, you know.
you were trying to cross the border, right?
everyone is obsessed with death.
what is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?
i look forward to hearing about the next person you murder.
let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll.
no lollygagging.
oh, what am i saying? of course you don't.
i will eat your heart.
perhaps this is also true.
i've been waiting for you to return, to consummate our love!
i've got important things to do. we'll speak another time.
iron sword, huh? what are you killing? butterflies?
the day might come when i am forced to draw my sword for one side or the other.
i'm a weapon in human form.
there's been word of some trouble nearby. i'm on my way to investigate.
that day has not come yet.
you've shown yourself mighty.
i've seen better. well... maybe not.
he's trying to have somebody killed!
your words give voice to that which we all feel.
time to end this little game!
i've been hunting and fishing in these parts for years.
i fight for the men i've held in my arms, dying on foreign soil.
lot of history in these walls. we're trying to make some more.
it's a lucky time to be alive.
i knew you had it in you!
um... actually i was hoping to get the ring back.
now it is up to you to decide what to do with your power and skill.
i used to be an adventurer like you.
the day when words are enough will be the day soldiers like us are no longer needed.
kill well... and often.
i've got my eyes on you.
heard about you and your... honeyed words.
watch the skies.
you're either the bravest person i've ever met... or the biggest fool.
go use your fancy magic somewhere else.
never should have come here!
i fight so that all the fighting i've already done hasn't been for nothing.
may this oath bind me to death and beyond.
family an honor. that's what it means to be one of us.
walk with the shadows.
why the elven blade, huh?
let me guess - you need a drink.
will your name be a curse to future generations?
you do not even know our tongue, do you?
you stink of death, my friend. i salute you.
your future lies before you.
you're hauling around a lot of junk.
you got no clothes. you should get some.
psst. hey! i know who you are.
you'll never find it.
my cousin's out fighting dragons, and what do i get? guard duty.
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noodyl-blasstal · 6 months
Look into my Eyes
Day 29 of @taznovembercelebration, one more day to go! Today's prompt was "ignore" and you can read it below or on Ao3. Missed yesterday's? Catch up here!
“You’re gonna have to kill me, Lup. I’ve had a good run, I’ll miss you most of all, but we all knew this is how it would end. It’s what I would have wanted.” Taako opens his arms wide and waits for Lup to stab him through the heart with her handy dandy kitchen sword or whatever weapon she has on hand. Tenderising mace?
“Hello Taako, lovely to see you too, why yes, I did have a great day, thank you for caring, brother mine. It’s so touching that you’re so interested in my life.” Lup grins infuriatingly instead of murdering him where he stands. Rude.
“C’mon!” Taako keeps waiting.
“You’re sure this is what you want?”
Lup strides towards him, kitchen scissors in hand.
“Wait no! Taako wants to live, nevermind.” He tucks his arms around his chest and makes himself as small as possible. It turns out his survival instinct is strong. Who knew?
Lup wraps her arms around his ball of self-preservation, scissors discarded on the counter. “That’s what I thought. Wanna tell cha’girl what’s going on?”
“Taako’s fine, great even!” He doesn’t know why he’s even bothering to lie, but it drips out easily.
“Uh huh.”
Not necessarily believably.
“Yuh huh.”
“Is it Kravitz?”
“He only cares about dead people.”
“And you’ve decided this because?”
“He’s always hanging out with them.”
“It’s his job, KoKo, and he’s not so much ‘hanging out’ as ‘preparing them for their funeral’. Slight difference.”
“Not when it involves not going out with Taako.”
“Did you actually ask him this time?”
Taako hesitates. “I see how it is, you ask ‘did you ask him Taako?’ and not ‘shall we go and tell that bastard off, Taako’?” This isn’t the support Taako deserves.
“I’ll take that as a no.”
“I did ask him!” Taako’s indignant now, how dare she not believe him?
“How?” Lup says and raises an eyebrow in the way that means she’s full not going to pander to any of Taako’s bullshit.
“Does it matter?”
“Yes.” Lup stares into his soul.
Taako gives up. “With my eyes.”
“You fucking what now?” Lup’s mouth is a firm line and she’s breathing deeply through her nose.
“I did the thing. You know.” He flaps his hand dismissively.
“Show me the thing?”
“You know the one, the thing.”
“I don’t, remind me.” Lup’s tone leaves no room to argue.
“You might fall in love with me and that’s illegal pretty much everywhere.” Maybe the cold hard truth will shock her out of unreasonable demands.
“Fine.” Taako gives Lup his most soulful eyes.
“Fuck, I’m in love with you.”
“I warned you! Shit! You have to leave the house, not me, it’s not cha’boy’s fault.” He’ll miss her, but it’ll wear off within the year probably.
“Oh wait, no, hang on, that’s not love, that’s a deep confusion about what the fuck you were just doing with your face.” Lup’s mouth is twitching and Taako knows she’s trying to hold a laugh in. How dare she? This is serious!
“It’s not funny.”
“It’s a bit funny, Ko.”
Taako scowls. He scowls hard. Double hard in fact!
“Let's go over the facts. Here…” Lup points to the sofa. “... you go sit down, I’ll get us a drink, and we can talk it through.”
Taako flops obediently on the sofa, but ragdolls as much as possible. If he lists sadly enough to the side Lup might not decide to use facts against him.
“Move.” She says, nudging him with her toe.
Taako flops the other way, then straightens up again when he realises she’s sacrificed some of her fancy bitch presse stash for him.
Lup rolls her eyes, hands him the cup, then sits down onto the other side of the sofa and draws her legs up under her.
“So you want to ask Kravitz out.” It’s a statement, not a question.
Taako takes a long sip of his drink, decides he may as well just go with it. “Yes.” He answers anyway.
“And you’ve been seeing him three times a week for the last two months?”
“When he’s not hanging out with the dearly departed instead.”
“Yes, we’ve covered that.” Lup unfurls a leg to nudge him with her foot. “Stay on topic. So you’ve been hanging out?”
“Yes.” Taako could say more, he could say a lot more, but he’ll try and stick to the questions so she doesn’t bully him further.
“Going to dinner together?”
Taako nods.
“Sleeping over at his house sometimes.”
“Once or twice.”
“How many rooms does he have?”
This is a trap. “One.”
“Huh.” Says Lup, but doesn’t press any further.
“And on these ‘friend hang outs.’” Lup does quote marks with her fingers. “...would you say you’ve been asking him out with your eyes?”
“Yes!” Taako’s glad she gets it.
“And he hasn’t reciprocated?”
“No.” There’s no need for her to rub it in.
“Not even with his eyes?”
Taako pauses. Fuck. This was a trap in a trap. The ol’ double trap fake trap trap. If he doesn’t answer she can’t get him.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought… Taako, I have a novel idea.”
Taako keeps his mouth shut. Inclines his head. He can’t be arrested for that.
“Why don’t you try asking him with words?”
“Gross.” Taako wrinkles his nose.
He could swear Lup growls slightly under her breath.
“Because then he could say no!”
“So your plan is to be a corpse?”
“He likes spending time with them.”
“Uh huh. And how are you going to enjoy that time together if you’re dead?”
Taako thinks for a long moment. “Fuck.”
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its-captain-sir · 1 year
oh my gosh, genuinely- PLEASE tell me about your turtles/zelda crossover
YESSSSSS I HAVE BEEN ENABLED ok ok ok so. don't have any explanation for Why it happens but the turtles end up in Hyrule at some point before the calamity. They're not together when they arrive, but rather split up amongst the four major regions. I'm sure you can see where this is going as to me drawing connections between the turtles and the champions hakdhskdjs I'm still missing a lot of the plot reasoning for all that to make this a truly solid au idea, right now it's kinda just been me thinking about who would be best matched with who, though it does get a little more complicated than just magically appearing in front of a champion and going from there
Meeting Mikey is point where it all sorta starts in my head. It's actually Zelda and Link who run into Mikey first on their way to Gerudo Town! He's just kinda been wandering the desert for a day or so after getting turned away from the town, and up until this point he actually has no idea that he's in a different universe, he honestly thought there was some kind of portal mishap and he ended up by another hidden city somewhere else in the world. Getting everything actually sorted out is a bit of a mess, but Zelda promises to help him search for his brothers, he and Link become cooking besties, and then they have him tag along to meet Urbosa. These two I paired together mostly because I felt like their powers of fire and lightning complimented each other well, and Mikey's chains might just be fast enough to help prevent something later on...... :)
Raph ends up in Goron City! In the hot springs more specifically, as it's the only place protected from the heat as Death Mountain becomes more active. Luckily Daruk was out and about though, so he finds Raph pretty quick before he spends too much time alone and takes him back to the city to get fireproof elixirs and eventually a custom fit set of fireproof armor. Raph has a BLAST with Daruk and they definitely spend a lot of time sparring (without having to hold back too much!) and showing off their different protection powers! Eventually though they do set off towards Hyrule Castle hoping someone there will have the answers to how Raph got here and where everyone else is.
Leo ends up in the Hebra Mountains and his first meeting with Revali is Absolutely Horrible. for Revali. Kinda like Mikey, Leo was on his own for a bit wandering around, except he ran into wayyyy more monster camps. Just bokoblins so nothing too bad, but it does mean his new motto becomes stab first talk later which makes for a bit of an issue when he runs into a Rito patrol spearheaded by Revali. They think he's a monster, he thinks they're monsters, it's a mess hdkdhdkfhd just as he's about to enter a really serious fight with Revali he finally gets clued in that these are People rather than monsters, so he drops all pretenses in his usual manner and backs off instantly and Revali's just left scrambling like "what." And really it only gets worse for him from there cause here's yet ANOTHER blue coded sword wielder except this one. this one tries to be annoying to him on purpose. Leo has absolutely no qualms about throwing all Revali's bullshit right back at him and pesters him beyond that just for fun (he's just similar enough to Donnie that Leo knows alllll the right buttons to press). Revali wants to get rid of him right away, but who knows, maybe Leo's portals would be enough to make a difference in the final hour if Revali had him on his side.......
Donnie is the only one to appear right in front of a champion right in the middle of Zora's Domain, so there's no escaping meeting Mipha hskfhskdhsj she's very nice to him though! And he likes how thoughtful she can be and that she's not overly loud. There's also something to be said about being long ranged weapon buddies <3 it's honestly just a very nice match up that quickly comes to be built on a lot of respect for each other, and so Mipha is the one who offers to accompany Donnie out of the domain and to Kakariko Village where hopefully the researchers there will have some answers (but Donnie will have fun exploring their whole entirely new form of tech regardless hskdhskdjs and he definitely becomes close with Robbie and Purah)
Eventually everyone heads back or gets redirected to Hyrule Castle and an actual reunion can happen! As for what happens after that point.... I don't know really. The only other ideas I've tossed around are how the blight fights could potentially go if they all had a little extra help on their side. If anything, I think this crossover would be in a similar vein to hwaoc, just not as easy and without time travel forewarning hskdhskdhsj it's something to keep thinking about though! Thank you for indulging me in my ramble cause I really do have so many thoughts and ideas about this hakdhskghsj
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blorbologist · 2 years
Growing up, if Percy hadn’t been so interested in engineering and metal work and instead, took the path of biological sciences, what kind of character/person do you think he would be? In your mind, how do you think that would affect the story and whatnot?
Heyo! Saw you sent this to @essayofthoughts - hopefully our answers are different enough!
You have no idea what a delight it was to receive this as a biologist myself >:3c
First point: (fantasy) engineering is something that works on a completely different timeframe to (fantasy/early) biology, and with different rewards. Percy can make a seige arrow in a night of unbridled guilt - you can't grow a flower in that time without magic, let alone make an entirely new morph or something. A lot of biology, until fairly recently, was done with knowledge being the reward, the takeaway, which could then be used, while engineering can make, you know. Guns.
Today of course we can make trangsenic strains of all sorts of species, and do tiny surgery on tiny organisms to lesion regions of the brain or inject something in them, but this is likely beyond the abilities in the setting - again, without magic. Biology just works on too long a timeframe... usually.
I think, first of all, that a more nature-inclined Percy would be more patient than we see in canon - again, long timeframes - and with less DEX but more WIS (for observation) and (even more) INT. Still likely fairly introverted before the Briarwoods, but drawing more satisfaction from knowledge than he already does given he can’t really create much. Given his broad interests in canon, I could see him dabbling in all sorts of fields: basic anatomy and neurobiology (I think neurobio would facinate him, but ofc early neurobio is... dubiously ethical at best. Very best. Fuck.), botany (the poison garden was likely fun), ecology and zoology (the Parchwood is right there!), genetics (as a noble family, the de Rolos likely had horses and hounds of quality, maybe falconry birds too - I could see him having an interest in the breeding of domestic species, and livestock and crops too), maybe some basic microbio (maybe he invents a microscope? If we wanna give him a potential avenue to be a Gunslinger like canon - use microscopy + biochem as the stepping stone to guns).
Next big question, of course, is: if Orthax can't inspire him to produce guns, assuming we don't just use 'Percy invents the microscope which gives him the experience Orthax needs to produce firearms'... what tool of vengeance will Percy use?
My first thought is bioweapons. Weaponize some new pathogen - to which he also produces the vaccine, but no cure because this is *vengeance.* Maybe this Percy is still a Fighter - focused on swords instead, getting right into the fray to unleash the toxin near enemies and stab it into their flesh methodically. Or maybe an Artificer, with things reflavored to be based more in science than a touch of magic. Or Orthax compensates for the lack of guns by making him a Warlock (maybe Percy tries to delude himself his powers are all perfectly non-magical, but... he's not stupid.)
I think it would be very difficult for Vox Machina to sympathize with this Percy. Sure, the guns are terrible, but they're very practical and usually kill quickly enough. They're cool. Bandits dying, frothing at the mouth, as some preternatural poison eats up their nerves... that would be way less easy to justify. Keyleth especially would likely struggle with it, despite getting along with Percy more otherwise. Vex might be a little freaked by it, too, though with Vox Machina and Trinket (and any really trusted allies) vaccinated against it friendly fire shouldn't be possible. How would Vex feel about poisoned arrows, I wonder? How would Percy poke at Fenthras, lighting up with ideas? Would he combine his tallents with the girls' to devastating effect? Use this species for brambleshot, the spines are actually glass. Dragons are reptiles - they usually can't breath and run at the same time, use this to set a trap.
Part of his crawl out of vengeance during/after the Briarwoods arc would likely involve making a cure for his bioweapon. Because though no one can directly reproduce his weapon here, it can spread naturally - through immune individuals or asymptomatic carriers. Hell, probably spreads more quickly than the guns, if the pathogen acts quickly enough to be used in combat.
Of course, I'm die-hard Perc'ahlia, so I can't help but wonder how their dynamic would be impacted. I think they would both still grow close - Percy isn't in sniper's roosts with her anymore, but they can bond over their love of the natural world. This Percy would be absolutely fascinated by Trinket - how the ranger bond and adventuring impacts his behavior, how Vex trained him, etc. which would certainly endear him to her despite the whole 'weaponized virus or whatever' deal. Maybe he loves the Sun Tree, too, used to (pathetically) climb into it as a child despite the protests of the religious because he wanted to know and learn and he shows Vex his initials he carved before he knew it bad to scar a tree like that. Maybe they take time to point out interesting plants or tracks or critters to eachother. Maybe Percy's Nat 20 in the Saundor fight fires something terrible for trees right into the fucker, and for all his curiosity he encourages Keyleth to burn all that remains to the ground. Maybe Grand Mistress of the Grey Hunt means even more, because he had wanted that title for himself when he was young - that's what he was going to be, before, and he’s giving it to her instead.
Tldr; I think a bio-oriented Percy would be fundamentally different to our engineering Percy, due to the rewards and reward timeframe offered by this area of interest. He would also be a far harder character to sympathize with, given the special kind of awful of bioweapons. Like a terrible, angsty Louis Pasteur and Charles Darwin crossover.
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artyfartyperson · 1 year
you do not have to answer ALL of these ofc im just kind of rambling HEHHEE. okay so.!!!
do you have any particular story behind kais arm burn and gold tooth??
why is lloyds gi sleeveless/has a different sleeve design than the rest? tbh i can see kai and cole taking their sleeves off but not so much lloyd..
are there any meanings/inspiration the sash designs + end tassles come from or are they just Aesthetic? same question for nya and jays gloves!!!
does cole have a ponytail/bun? it kinda looks like he does but ita so dark i can't really tell JGJGNFJG
also just take this as an opportunity to talk about any of the design things you want!!! and like i said if you only answer one or two (or none!!!) of these that's totally good!!! :] im just a curious guy sometimes HGHGJDJF
Yeyeye! I can answer all of them :))))
1. I have a. story for Kai’s arm, it’s got to do with my oc Akako in my AU! It’s around the finale of Season 2, when they’re on the Dark Island. Akako wants to prove to Garmadon that she’s good enough to keep (maybe there’s a conflict or a threat that the Overlord/Garmadon will leave her on the Dark Island while they return to ninjago.) So this time she doesn’t hold back, and neither do the ninja considering she’s been a thorn in their side for some time.
They aren’t exactly aware of her element, and how it works until it’s too late. Any damage she takes she can use it against others, though at the cost of her having to deal with those wounds. This includes elements (if she was struck by Jay she can zap him back ❤️)
Thus, Kai attempts to finish her off once and for all, and stabs her with his sword (im pretty sure their weapons at the time can harness their elements). Akako while decently hurt, uses this as a final opportunity to attack before fleeing (or before going insane who knows (i don’t)). She attempts to absolutely incinerate him but he’s only able to dodge so much and gets burnt really badly on his arm. He takes the gap between season 2 and season 3 (maybe even up until 4) to recover properly. And when she eventually does get her goofy redemption arc he’s the last person to trust her.
As for his gold tooth I’d imagine he got it knocked out around season 5 and got the gold filler before or at the start of season 6 to show off honestly. I think it suits him 🦐
2. Lloyds gi is sleeveless because i thought it’d look decent enough 💀 He’s admittedly a little thinner/lankier than the others though so I might go back to him wearing a tank top or something underneath. He does have gloves that go really high up his arms, so he’s covered up a little bit. Those are just concept sketches I made on a whim however, I’m working on the proper reference as we speak :)
3. There’s somewhat of a connection yes :) Though i need to figure out the plot reason behind it, I do know that they’re based off the tassels of Akako
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The season I’m making that those gi appear in is a season based around her, so I thought it’d be neat for their designs to all tie together!
I actually did take a bit of inspiration from Sky: Children of Light, and their cape outfits. There’s a certain cape with tassels coming from them and I thought that’s be cool to incorporate and personalise for each ninja. It’s also a callback to back in 2017/2018 where when I drew them as silly little stickmen I liked to draw their tassels differently! Akako is a reworked oc from back then as well (vomits)
Nya and Jays gloves are more of an aesthetic choice for me, but I do take a lot of inspiration from steven universe and their designs sometimes. With Nya specifically I loved the one fingered gloves that Sardonyx from Steven Universe wear :)
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4. That is indeed a Cole man bun he has too much hair for his own good
5. *breathes in sleeveless designs* I like the season 4 designs so much they are my absolute favourite of the bunch! So idk i thought it’d be cool. I have such a soft spot for season 4 oml (i have trauma from season 4 I WROTE A FANFICTION OF SEASON 4 WHERE I INSERTED MY OC INTO IT BUT I WROTE IT WHEN I WAS 10 AND HER NAME WAS SKYLER AND I SHIPPED HER WITH JAY AND KAI HAD A CRUSH ON HER AND SHE WAS LLOYDS COUSIN AND NAWWWWWWW
yeah i’m so normal about season 4 designs
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.22--Episodes 2-3
I have watched through S3E3; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for anyone further behind than I am.
—These episodes have had some pretty obvious plot devices in them, such as the map needing ✨special circumstances✨ to activate, but I don’t mind. It’s yielded some insight for Emma’s character, as well as fun, deadly family adventures.
—Speaking of deadly, if Charming dies I will be very upset. Also, he’s being stupid, not telling Snow that he’s been poisoned. Sure, it saves her some worry, but in the end it doesn’t help much.
—Snow and Charming drawing their swords in unison is couple goals.
—Fake Excalibur was a pretty sword. Of course, now they’ve set the expectation that I might see the real Excalibur eventually, so they’ve gotta make that the most spectacular weapon in the universe.
—I love that Rumplestiltskin conjured an image of Belle when he wanted someone to talk to. (Although, I do wonder if Belle is in any way aware of it, like her spirit was transported to Neverland; or if it’s just a very vivid hallucination.)
—I’d like to take the fact that he’s worried about making the selfish choice as a sign that he genuinely wants to do better this time.
—That straw doll following Rump around the island is creepy as hell. No thank you.
—The parallels between Emma giving up her kid, like her parents did, and Rump abandoning his kid, like his father did, intrigue me. As depressing as these plot points are, they’re also somewhat hopeful, as both Emma and Rump are trying to do better. It’s a nice, rare appearance of ending the cycle.
—Confession time! I’ve watched most of the movies in the Netflix Christmas Movie Cinematic Universe. I watch them on repeat every Christmas. (My mom watches those with me, too.) So of course, we had a jolly moment recognizing Tinkerbelle as Queen Amber from the Christmas Prince movies.
—Tinkerbelle is definitely cute, but she’s not quite my type. Especially when she’s all grimy and whatnot in Neverland.
—Her bright green dress in the fairytale world is among the best fairy outfits, though. Seriously, the Blue Fairy’s dress is ugly as all get-out. Just disgusting.
—Henry trying to shoot Peter was outstanding. I just wish it had worked.
—I hope at some point Emma and her parents manage to patch things up, because their current situation makes me very sad for both of them. It also makes Emma a little bit hypocritical, because she seems to expect Henry to forgive her entirely, but she isn’t willing to extend forgiveness to Snow and Charming. She’s a bit oblivious at times, so I’m willing to bet she’s not even aware of that irony.
—I want to know more about Hook and Tinkerbelle’s past adventures together. Sounds fun!
—Robin Hood being a father is a dynamic I really like. He needs something to fight for, or he just seems like a rogue with no reason for existence—and also no motivation is not a good way to build a character—but usually the only reason he gets is a vendetta. And you all know, there’s more than enough vendettas to go around already. Having his introductory motivation be his family is a lovely twist on the character.
—Robin is Regina’s soulmate? Color me surprised! I will now put yet another portion of my shipping energy (which believe me, is just about limitless) into hoping they get a happy ending. Besides, then Regina would get another kid in the bargain, which would give Henry a little brother, and that’s even better!
—That weird, pale, blond Lost Boy looks like his name should be Jimmy. Don’t know why, he just does.
—Baelfire actually made it to Neverland! I am both thrilled and trembling with fear. With him now in the equation, I have to place my bets on either him or Rump dying, and since Bae recently had a deathfake, it’s probably going to be Rump.
—On the other hand, maybe now Bae will have a chance to see his father doing the right thing. The would be excellent.
—Just remembered that Rump sent his dagger off with his shadow. Boss move, honey, but also stupid. It could possibly be the cause of that whole death thing.
—Getting a bit of full-on Dark One Rumplestiltskin was a fun part of these episodes. I love any scene where he’s at his spinning wheel.
—Snow White’s vest and jacket when she’s rebelling against Regina are gorgeous. Also, I adore that her hair is messy, because she’s living in a forest and it should be.
—The dwarves being like seven overprotective, angry brothers is hilarious to me. But I appreciate that they were willing to back down when they realized that Charming wants what’s best for Snow. Overprotective becomes overbearing rather quickly, and then it’s no fun.
—How dare they give me a faint glimmer of lesbianism and then take it away? I mean, for all I know it’s a total fakeout and Mulan is in love with Philip after all, but come on!
—Her being a Merry Man is cool, though. Maybe Robin could take them to, say, Scotland or Arendelle, and Mulan could meet one of the other Disney Lesbians™?
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foggyfanfic · 1 year
Disneyland Clue
Been thinking about posting one of these for a while, for whatever reason one of my hobbies is creating games to be played in Disneyland. Although you could probably adapt it for other theme parks. Let me know if you play it, send me pics or feedback. Actually, definitely send me feedback if you play it, I haven't yet and I'd like to work out any kinks. (And if there's any millionaires who'd like to pay for me to go to Disneyland and lead your family through a game, hit me up.)
Welcome to Disneyland! One of your party has been murdered.
Step One: Pick a Victim
Determine the least mobile person in your party. If you are the least mobile and really want to play, then pick the person who is least enthusiastic about the game. Congratulations! That person is dead. (Alternative: If you are playing with children and have a kid that’s too young to play but old enough to understand there’s a game happening, you can make that kid “in charge” of the answer cards, with an adult assistant. But maybe don’t tell your kid they’re “dead”. Or do, shout out to weird kids!)
Step Two: Set Up
Have the dead person draw a murder scene card, and a murder weapon card. Now hand out the remaining cards to your suspects. (Optional: You may all pick code names for a bit of extra flair. Ex: Miss Scarlett, or Cinderella)
The murderer is decided by the Murder Potato (does not need to be a real potato, but you do you), give it to your dead person, they will select the first person to pass it to. Choose something relatively durable for the potato, it will be passed around like in the game hot potato.
Step Three: Investigation
Enjoy your trip at Disneyland! You may only interrogate suspects when you’re with them in line for a ride. For every line, each person gets one turn guessing the murder, if you don’t get through each player before the line ends, those that didn’t get a turn may make their guess directly after disembarking, or get the first turn in the next line. Just like in normal Clue, the crime scene is automatically whatever land you’re currently in, you suggest whatever weapon you think was used. Starting with whoever is closest to you, ask if they have the cards matching your guess until one of them says yes. They will then show you the card. 
If you’re in line for the Haunted Mansion with the murder victim, you may ask them for a clue, but beware! The dead talk in riddles! Have them come up with two truths and a lie about their murder. It is up to the dead person how helpful they want to be. If you are playing with young children, or people who are being super casual about this, they can use this to narrow down the murder weapons/scenes (ex. “I was killed with the shovel. I was killed in Tomorrowland. I was killed with the web shooters.”). If you’re playing with people who are older, and more into the game, then your dead person is free to be as vague as they like (ex. “I was killed at a train station. I was killed with a fictional weapon. I was killed near water.”). 
If you have the Murder Potato, it can be handed off to somebody else when you’re sitting next to them on a ride. If you’re caught handing off the potato by a third party you must show the person who caught you one of your cards. If the person you are trying to hand the potato to tries to refuse it, they must show the entire party one of their cards. Whoever is holding the potato when the game ends is the murderer. 
If you are using the screen reader, this next part might be a little annoying to listen to. It is the list of murder scenes and their corresponding weapons, formatted like so "Place - Weapon". Obviously, the murder scenes and weapons would be mixed and matched in actual game play, plus you don't have to use the weapons I came up with.
Scenes of the Crime - Murder Weapons
Main Street USA - Horse
Tomorrowland - Astro Blaster
Hollywood - Poorly Lit Revolver
Fantasyland - Cursed Sword
Avengers Campus - Web Shooters
Toon Town - Anvil
Carsland - Tire
Frontierland - Pick Axe
Pacific Wharf - Boat Hook
Galaxy’s End - Lightsaber
Pixar Pier - That Lamp, you know the one
Critter Country - Bear Trap
Paradise Gardens Park - Killer Bees
New Orleans Square - Pirate Saber
Grizzly Peak - Bear
Adventureland - Cobra
Not all scenes/weapons need to be used during every game. Only include the Main Street, Buena Vista and Pacific Wharf cards if you have nine or more people in your party.
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subtletruamadumping · 2 years
Random Bits; A Game of Chess (3)
"A Game of Chess" was actually the first one I wrote in the series that was based on board games but is supposed to come last in the timeline. It was very technical and pretty boring to write, at points. I played a game of chess against a computer, copied down all the moves, then used each move as a chapter. The brothers are inspired by Thor and Loki, the world mostly from Lord of the Rings, but the story I can't remember.
It started out as throw-away smut from my fanfiction days...
TW: Fantasy Violence
Written at some point in middle/high school.
♟ Black takes a Pawn ♙
Oddr could see how the knights didn’t like being this closely guarded. Then head of the patrol, the one they had called Lycus, was keeping a strict watch over them. It was strange. They  acted as if they were expecting something to happen. Maybe there was more going on then they were aware of. Kean might not know all the details. Maybe Cian was up to something more. He couldn’t be sure, though. He did know how to find out, either. Now was not the time for it, anyway. He had to be sure that Drest and the others didn’t upset the delicate balance between the two kingdoms before they left. The boy was already on edge. He was obviously uncomfortable about Cian’s men, even getting defensive about it. He didn’t seem to enjoy his time in the presence of Queen Kry as Eoin had. He had probably been comparing everything about Cian’s kingdom to Kean’s. Thus was the trouble with children. He was easily susceptible to any comment the border patrol made.
“There is no way Arwen is more beautiful than Queen Kry.” One of the men snorted. They were talking amongst themselves, seemingly forgetting about their job to take the group back to the border. They all had one hand near their swords, however, so Oddr knew better than to accept their easy air. Drest didn’t catch on, though.
“She’s infinitely more beautiful.” He snapped, not liking his queen being insulted. The border patrol snickered at this reaction.
“She’s pathetic.” One of the said, rolling his eyes.
“She couldn’t lift a sword if she had Kean’s help.” Another put in “Kry could cut you in half in the blink of an eye.”
“It’s not proper for ladies to do any fighting.” Drest said, bristling.
“Then, why do you carry a sword?” Oddr saw the boy clench his jaw as the group laughed loudly.
“That’s enough.” Lycus said dully, clearly not worried if the continued mocking the boy. He was an easy target and the kept at him despite the comment.
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard of Arwen being outside of the castle.” One of the taunted “Is she afraid of sunlight.”
“No, she spends plenty of time outside.” Drest shot “She has the loveliest gardens--” He was interrupted by another roar of laughter. 
“A garden?”
“But, truly, I bet the servants do the actual gardening.”
“It’s a wonder she was ever married.”
“To Erikir’s heir, no less. Who would have the stomach to live with the swine?” Drest had heard enough. He reared his horse and turned on the nosiest of the party, drawing his sword. Instantly, the group came to a halt, swords drawn. Lycus and Oddr were the only ones who did not have a weapon in their hand. 
“Flannán, I said that was enough.” Lycus barked at the ringleader. The silence afterwards was thick, filling the air as no one moved. Drest must have known in the back of his mind that he wouldn’t win if he engaged in combat with the other, but he was almost too angry to care. Oddr could see his sword swaying a little, but refusing to be put away. Flannán held his sword steady and gazed at the boy with an unbreakable glare, clearly only having one qualm about striking the boy down right where he was: he didn’t want to start a war. Lycus rode forward slightly and pulled the sword out of his hand.
“I said enough.” He repeated firmly “It’s not much further to the border. Let them alone. They have nothing to do with your quarrel with Kean.” Flannán snorted and gripped the reigns of his horse tighter. The group seemed to slowly relax and most of the company began to put away their swords. Drest still held his, however, even after Cairbre and Eoin put theirs away. Soon, he was the last one.
“Drest, put it away.” Cairbre snapped at him.
“What quarrel do you have with my king?” The boy called out bravely “He is good and kind. He would never do anything to make someone upset.”
“You are very narrow minded.” Flannán hissed at him “You know nothing, boy. He’s done far worse things than you could ever imagine. Put that thing away before you hurt yourself.”
“There’s no sense in arguing over this.” Lycus said sternly “Let the boy alone. Ignore him.”
“You’re lying.” Drest growled “King Kean is honest and caring.”
“If that was so, why did my brothers die?” Flannán threw back “He lead them into battle knowing that they would all die. He sent them on a suicide mission, then swooped in at the end to claim victory. He cares for nothing but his own honor.”
“He does not!” Drest cried angrily.
“He’s a selfish pig and I would sooner be dead than under his rule again.” Flannán said loudly. 
Drest had been preparing to be a knight for quite a while, now. He had spent a whole summer only riding horses so that he would proficient at the task. To be a knight in Kean’s kingdom, one must do such things. Cairbre was also one of the best knights in the kingdom, so he had a good teacher. So, when he struck out at Flannán, he didn’t miss. The company watched and it seemed like everything happened in slow motion. The blade caught the man in the throat, knocking him backwards a little with the force. Drest’s horse stumbled forward as the boy put his force against it. The sword clattered to the ground. Both sat straight again. Flannán held his hand to his throat, blood seeping through. He had a pained look on his face while Drest looked slightly confused. After a millisecond which seemed like an eternity, Flannán fell off his horse and to the ground.
“Kean’s men have attacked!” Lycus cried, drawing his sword. Oddr saw the boy’s eyes widen with the realization of what he had just done. Eoin turned his horse and quickly came between the patrol and Drest. Cairbre grabbed his horse's reins and tied them to his own.
“Time to go.” He grunted to Oddr who nodded. They quickly spurred towards the border, Eoin following behind them.
Insolent fool. Oddr thought to himself as they raced through the trees I hate children. 
“Their not letting up.” Eoin called. Oddr and Cairbre glanced behind them only to see the patrol too close for comfort. Drest held on for dear life as they quickened their pace again. 
“They know the woods much better than we do.” Cairbre huffed.
“They’re bound to cut us off.” Eoin put in. The knights slowed down a bit and drew their swords. 
“No!” Oddr called back “We head for the border! We won’t stand a chance against them.”
“We will fight, if necessary.” Cairbre called to him. 
“Whatever you do, don’t kill anybody!”Oddr yelled at him. What else could he say? When it came to fighting, there was no way to disway a knight. However, the patrol quickly caught up because of their slower speed. Eoin and Cairbre parried attacks while Oddr lead the path back to their kingdom. Cian’s men were relentless and the knights were kept busy, but they also seemed to be losing the battle. They were simply outnumbered and out of place. There never was really any hope that they would come out on top. They just needed to get to the border alive.
Oddr saw Lycus swoop in and make a swing at Cairbre. The knight glanced the blade off his own and tried to steer his horse away. Lycus wouldn’t leave off and went at him again, with the same result. He chased Cairbre, occasionally swinging his sword in a wide arch to try and dismount the knight. He finally managed to make a successful strike, but not on Cairbre. He aimed low, jabbing the sword directly into Drest’s heart.
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stardusthhj · 3 years
We fell in love where the sun never rose - 01
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TW: mention of death, weapons, bruises. Reader’s discretion advised.
Genre: mafia au. Gang au. Revenge au.
WC: 2,3k
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Wrath is a feeling that could push anyone to extents they didn't think they could go to. And wrath is what pushed you in front of the black door, adorned by mildew and brownish cracks. You half expected a prestigious mansion. But after a second thought it was all the more logical that underground businesses were hiding- taking place underground. You softly chuckled at your own stupidity. The man next to you stretched his hand towards the door - or what was left of it- motioning you to push it open. You looked at him as his black hair fell to his eyes. His locks were thick and long, his hairstyle very trendy -just like the rest of him actually. He had the kind of face that would let anyone struck in awe. It would have affected you as well, hadn’t you be blinded long ago by everything you now longed for. By the sheer reason for which you stood before the door next to Hyunjin. His playful smirk wouldn't leave his lips. You observed him for a long time before and never had you seen his lips falling down. Whatever this smile was hiding it was probably more pain than a human could take.
You focused your attention back on the door, pushing it open. The light was flickering inside, as a long dark corridor took pride of place. You side-eyed Hyunjin, waiting for his signal. He walked in first, walking straight. As you crossed the seemingly never-ending corridor, you couldn't help your eyes from wandering to the countless doors on each side of the corridor. The air was heavy, or maybe was it your steps which finally came to a halt when Hyunjin stopped in front of a giantic door. It was none like the others, adourned in brown and gold. The door was beautifully decorated, like in the many novels you read about arabian architecture, with all the arabesque and gems. But something, right in the center of the door, took pride of place. The head of a lion, which paws were clunched. Its mouth hang open showing countless teeth, through which a red gem could be seen. Whoever carved this majestic animal in the door was insanely talented. "Are you going to stare at the door for more time? Because last time I checked you came all this way to become part of the gang." The sickening sweet voice drew you out of your thoughts. You shook your head ever so slightly, finally looking at him, waiting for the moment he’d push the door. Surprisingly he bent forward until his breath caressed your right cheek in a way that would make anyone blush. "I am not going to do it for you, dear. Push the door or run away, but be quick." You could hear his smile growing at the end of his sentence, voice dripping with honey. You exhaled, trying to get back your composure. You sighed one more time - maybe you were standing before Death. But you decided to keep Her close the day you decided to get your Revenge. You worked too hard for cowarding away now. And at that, the door flew open, letting the inside of the room be seen. Two luxurious brown couch were face to face, a small glass table in the middle. Under it was a white rug, hiding for some centimeters the marble floor. To your left could be seen a vase adorned by pristine drawings. Beyond the apparent living room, an open kitchen could be seen. It was all white, from the tiles on the wall to the furniture, next to which was a door. A black one. Very simplist given the room it was in. On the right side of the giant room a staircase could be seen. As pristine as the other items in the room. Not so idiot, after all, you thought. Hyunjin put his hand on your right shoulder, envelopping you, though his arm didn't touch your left shoulder. "Someone's eyes are constantly astray, it seems. The person you're looking for is that way." He said, his demeanor never-changing. He led you to the black door, the one behind which your future would be sealed. You knew the second your eyes wandered on it, that beyound it took place the most macabre ambiance. You understood by now, that whatever doors you crossed were the doors to your future, and that Hyunjin would let you open them yourself. He didn't want to seal your future, you were foolish enough to do so yourself. And so did you. You opened the black entrance, standing in the threshold of what seemed a normal study. You scanned the room, eyes narrowing. Book shelves were on each side of the walls. In front of the door was a brown desk on which messy papers were scattered. Behind the study was a window, letting enter little to no amount of light. Seated behind the desk was the black haired man with which you would probably trade your life for your goal. He eyed you intensely before motioning you to sit on the chair in front of his desk. You slowly walked, not even paying attention to Hyunjin leaving the room behind you. You sat, now seeing the man from very close. The first thing you noticed was his eyes. They were glassy. Not in the sense of looking teary, no. Glassy like glass. Thick, white, void. Almost as if a veil was drawn before his pupils. He seemed so cold, so cruel. "So?" he said, his voice not as rough as you expected it to be. You found yourself wordless. How? You prepared for this moment for at least six months. You knew what you had to
say, yet you couldn't bring yourself to say these words now. Were they too cruel? But to whom exactly? "I have a goal. I came here to accomplish it." you managed to say , surprised at your voice which didn't betray any of your feelings. You mentally gave yourself a head pat. "Revenge, am I wrong?" You looked up to him, astonished. Your reaction amused him, and he chuckled softly. "Do you think you are the only person that ever crossed my door asking for revenge? Let me tell you something; every Stray Kids member first joined to get revenge. Even the leader himself." He smirked in an arrogant way. "If you want your revenge, prove me your worth. Let me allow it to you."
"I do not intend on telling you the story of my life." you said, harsher than you intended.
"Cold eyes, cold words, cold demeanor. I never expected you to narrate me your little story. I don't really care about it. I only need you to prove me with actions. You know what we say? Actions speak louder than words." He said, adding a wink at his last word. "But before you do anything, you'll receive a little training. Just so that you don't die." He leaned over, both elbows on the table and his head supporting his head. He starred at you for a little before shouting "Rhino". A boy with brown hair immediately appeared. The place was huge, how did he hear him and came so fast? You wondered. Was he ready all this time being? You eyed the man as he stood before you. His eyes were very pretty, and unlike the two other men, alive. His pupils were black, feathered with long eyelashes. His nose was long and sharp, and his upper lip was a bit bigger than his lower. He looked pretty, just like the two other men you met. His gaze fell on you and you found it hard to breathe. His eyes were surely alive, but they sent daggers through your whole being. He made it clear in one gaze that he was less than happy with your prensence.
"There's no going back, now" Said the man with glassy eyes.
The first steps you took were hesitant. You felt like being entirely swallowed up in the giant training room. Weapons were organized on shelves; guns, knives, and some wood-looking swords. You wondered why swords were present in the first place. On the ground were discarded thick rugs which you remembered using in high school. You didn’t notice your mouth was so wide open until the brown haired man next to you mentioned it. You looked at your feet, embarrassed. Now is not the time to be embarrassed! You thought. The man -Rhino, if you remembered it well- stepped first. He climbed up the rugs, heading towards the wooden swords.
“We’ll start with this. It’s convenient; you’ll learn how to many something else than a gun. Plus you won’t hurt yourself.” The first words he spoke to you were void of any feelings, just like his eyes were. But it didn’t matter; you weren’t here for acquaintances but to get to your goal. You stepped on the rugs as well, taking one of the wooden weapon he lent you. It was surprisingly heavier than it seemed. And so was his gaze. He was judging you, evaluating you through your very movements. It made you nervous to the point you wondered if he could read in your breath. “Revenge” he said, “did a relative got murdered by a gang?” You stiffened. How could someone be so insensitive? You chose to hold his gaze, frowning. Well, if he can read you so well, he should be able to read your anger. “It has nothing to do with you. You are supposed to train me, not talk to me.” You spat, venom dripping from your words. If he didn’t mind hurting others, he might as well not mind being hurt himself.
The right part of his upper lip lifted in what you supposed would be the closer of a smile you’ll ever see on him. “Sure. Be it. But then don’t expect me to tell you your wrongdoings. Find out by yourself.” His tone had nothing to do with the so called smile. He was mad. Mad at you. “So big boy likes to hurt others but can’t stand a simple remark? Is the poor boy hurt?” You feigned concern as you leaned closer to his heart, pretending to listen to his heartbeats. In a second, your back encountered the rug in a way that would sure bruise you. When you opened your eyes, a growl escaping your lips, he was right on top of you, his eyebrows closer than possible. His face was mere centimeters away, his breath fanning your own. Now that he was so close, you could see his eyes well. They weren’t black, they were dark brown, with some yellow and red tint here and there. “You surely like to talk back. In a real fight, you’d already be dead. Talk less, act more.” He said before standing up, straightening his white shirt in the process. You were speechless. All this time you thought you were at least good at fighting. You stood up yourself, your back hurting more than it should have. Damn it, you mentally cursed.
Rhino looked at you over his shoulder “get up, we have a long way to go.”
Weeks passed and the least you could say was that you significantly improved. You also noticed a slight change in Rhino’s demeanor. He would from times to times bring water bottles, and sometimes would even patch the handle of the sword you were used to many. You figured out it was his way of caring. Through very small things. And it was fine by you. Even if the only words you would exchange with him were about work. He even taught you a handful of laws, such as always protecting the leader, not doing anything that would put the whole gang in danger, sacrificing yourself for the well-being of the gang… all these rules you couldn’t care less about. For you would not give up on your life and your goal for a bunch of men you did not even know. It had been weeks, yet the only persons you ever encountered where Hyunjin and Rhino. You wondered where the others were. But it didn’t matter, you had to get ready to the day of the test. The rest was a mere concern for you.
Resting on the small bed of the room you were assigned to, you mentally replayed your last training session with Rhino. The way he held his gun, the way he effortlessly never missed any target. You wanted to be as good as him. No. You wanted to be better. A knock on your door drew you out of your thoughts. You opened it, revealing the brown-haired man you were so accustomed to. “Chan told me to inform you; tomorrow you are going on a mission with us. It’s as simple as handling a drug deal. There’s really not much to do, but have this.” He put in your hands a bulletproof vest. “Am I allowed to…” “As long as he doesn’t find out it’s fine. Wear it under your clothes. Wouldn’t it be a shame if you died before you’d even join?” He cut you off. You frowned. Why would Chan ask you to come help in a mission when you didn’t have enough training? Why would Rhino give you a bulletproof vest? It just didn’t make sense. You politely thanked him, sending him away. You slumped back on your bed, eyes fixed on the white ceiling. They really thought you were dumb. Soon enough, you were going to pass the test you prepared hard for. The exam they disguised as a mission. You thought about it for a long time. It was most likely they would test you on your loyalty, ability to apply the rules Rhino taught you and on the way you can use weapons. You clenched you fists, sitting on the edge of the bed. Whatever it would cost, you were going to pass the test. Not because you wanted to be part of Stray Kids, but because you needed to. It was your only way to get to your revenge. And your revenge was your it. It came before anyone’s life. Including your own.
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rheawritessometimes · 3 years
{ Childe x GN!Reader }
{ Summary } Childe gets an owie while sparing. Series Masterlist
{ Warnings } Violence, Swearing, Angry Reader, Injury, Physical Intimacy (Kissing).
{ Notes } Hurting Childe just a little because he refused to come home for me. Lost the 50/50. Reader is a sword user. Reader is suggested to be the Traveler. Self-indulgent again because all my writing is. This one is a real trainwreck but I didn't want to go too long without posting. Something better than nothing? Masterlist
{ Word Count } 2,404
Meeting Childe at the Golden House every week had been your routine for a while now. Right after you had defeated him the first time, he immediately begged you to train with him and you gave in, unable to bear those puppy-dog eyes. And the entire week he spent pestering you about it.
The whole fiasco with Osial had been put behind the both of you. It was probably true that you were too quick to forgive Childe, but he was just so charming. Not to mention he often paid for your meals, suggesting going out to eat after your sessions or if he saw you around the harbor. On a few occasions, you had been out eating with friends or on your own and found he had picked up your tab.
Since Liyue hadn't been destroyed and you got free food out of it, you really weren't all too upset about the situation. The Snezhnayan was actually pretty easy to get along with when Fatui matters weren't involved. He made you laugh too, so you supposed you could tolerate the once-weekly sparing sessions with him.
Childe called it sparing, but normal people didn't spar with actual weapons and fight like they were going to kill their partner. At first, you had tried to convince him it would be much better and safer for the both of you to use practice weapons instead of sharpened blades and arrows. He was quick to decline, saying something about both of you being competent enough not to get seriously hurt. You thought about refuting that on the basis that he had yet to beat you even once.
Even so, every week you found yourself pushing through the doors to the chamber Childe was always patiently waiting in. You'd never gotten there before him and wondered if he intentionally came early. You wouldn't be surprised if that was the case, he probably paced the room plotting his seemingly unobtainable victory.
The hydro vision paired with his combat experience and skill made him a difficult opponent, but he didn't seem terribly good at strategy. He might have been careless because it wasn't a real fight, but somehow you doubted that. He seemed the type to always give it his all. It could be that was his problem, since his loss usually came due to his exhaustion. Maybe if he didn't spend so much energy trying to show off he'd actually be a proper challenge.
"You're finally here," Childe proclaimed dramatically, voice echoing off the walls, "I thought you might have gotten lost on the way or something. Was starting to worry I'd need to go out and rescue you."
"I'm fifteen minutes early, Childe. How long have you been waiting?" you asked dryly, raising your eyebrow questioningly. You took a moment to shrug your adventuring pack off your shoulders and drop it near the door. You rolled your shoulders, relieved to be free of the weight.
"Ahah, anyways, we should get started. I have some business to attend to today," he responded, indiscreetly ignoring your question. It shouldn't have been very surprising that he didn't wait for your response before sending an arrow flying in your direction, but he'd always waited for you to signal you were ready before starting in the past.
Materializing your sword out of habit more than anything else, you raised it to block the arrow with the flat of the blade. The arrow bounced off the metal with a weak dink, clattering to the ground. If you'd reacted a moment later it would have pierced you.
You shot Childe a dirty look, irate from the cheap shot. He responded by grinning wider and taking aim again. You silently promised that he would face your wrath shortly.
Advancing towards him, you swatted the arrow flying your way with your sword. A bow would be less effective at close range, so you intended to close the distance. The redhead laughed, a hint of nervousness creeping into the sound at the pace of your advance. Or perhaps it was the building rage in your eyes.
The bow dematerialized, now Childe held dual hydro-blades in his hands in anticipation of close combat. Once in range, he immediately swiped at you with a blade. You stepped back out of the way, quickly bringing up your sword to parry the next slash coming from the opposite blade.
Childe seemed encouraged by you backing away, a smug look crossing his face. You furrowed your brows, he was so unthoughtful. He insists on using real weapons, shoots at you before you're ready, and now he has the audacity to get cocky.
You raise your blade to swing down at him and he catches your sword on crossed hydro-blades. He lets out a little huff of air, not expecting you to strike with such force, but his arms hold steady. You swiftly draw your blade back to slash at him again. Thorough training has you swiping at him with practiced ease while Childe is forced to switch to the defensive.
It gives you a sort of satisfaction to see his expression change to one of worry, it was your first time seeing such a look on him. You had no intention of actually hurting him, but it was nice to scare him a little. Maybe after this, he'd take the dangers of sparing with actual weapons a little more seriously. But probably not.
You're hardly thinking when his hydro-blades finally fail to parry your blows, the flat of your blade slamming into the side of his chest resulting in a soft crack barely loud enough to reach your ears. A look of surprise crosses your face when he lets out a pained grunt, what had happened finally being processed in your mind.
Immediately you drop your sword, ignoring it as it clatters to the ground before dematerializing. You were internally relieved to see his hydro-blades dissipate too, it would have been terribly unsportsmanly of him to stab you now. Stepping forward on instinct, you pause as you realize you're not exactly sure what to do.
Childe clutches his chest as he coughs a few times and a flood of panic washes over you. If you broke his ribs, his lungs could have been punctured. That would be bad.
"Fuck, that hurts," he huffed out before he attempted to gingerly sit down, right in the middle of the Golden House. Childe winced at the movement, but he managed to settle, leaning on his arms for support. His breathing was heavy from the strain of sparing and you felt extremely guilty, broken ribs had a tendency to hurt terribly and pain would flare up with every breath. At least he seemed to be breathing okay, so his lungs were probably intact.
"Let me get something to ease the pain," you said hastily, jogging towards the door to grab your bag. Your first thought was to numb him up before bringing him to Bubu Pharmacy to get some proper help.
"Aw, are you actually worried about me?" he cooed teasingly, maintaining that signature annoying grin despite the pain that followed him speaking. It was easy to ignore him as you rummaged through your bag for something useful.
It crossed your mind that it would be exceedingly difficult to get him all the way back to Liyue if you gave him anything strong. That limited your options rather greatly, adding that on to your lacking medical knowledge and limited variety of resources left you with fewer options than you would have liked. He probably could make it back without any anesthetic but it would be slow and you'd feel terrible for it.
Even with your lack of selection, you were thankful to have some knowledge and materials for this sort of thing, adventuring made you better at improvising and you learned a lot along the way. Taking everything into consideration, you decided it would be best to go with something topical. You could make a salve to numb up the area and then hopefully drag him to Bubu Pharmacy.
"I'm really sorry, Childe," you apologized, "I didn't mean to hurt you."
"Oh don't worry about it, this isn't the first time I've broken my ribs. Probably won't be the last, either," he replied with a laugh, which caused him to wince. You only frowned at him as you pulled out some plants to grind up. A rock would have worked, but you kept a mortar and pestle for this kind of thing after realizing you'd be doing it often.
You were soon mashing some leaves and a few petals into a paste, with some water Childe so graciously provided. Having a hydro user around was rather convenient when practicing field medicine.
"Whatcha makin'?" Childe asks after a short period of silence, leaning over to get a closer look. You wonder if he's actually curious or if he just can't tolerate the quiet. It seemed the two of you were always talking when you were together, save for when your sparing got too intense to spare the breath.
"A salve to numb you up so I can drag you to Bubu Pharmacy," you responded, still mostly focused on getting the paste to the right consistency.
"What? No, I can't go. I've got work to do," he argued, moving to stand up now.
You were quick to grab his wrist to prevent him from getting up, furrowing your brows. Childe paused, waiting for your explanation.
"You have at least one broken rib, whatever you need to do can wait," you told him sternly, maintaining eye contact. He turned his gaze away from you to hum in contemplation. He knew well enough that giving injuries time to heal was important, but so was his job.
"Fine, I guess what I was supposed to do today isn't that important," he relented, leaning back into a comfortable position once more. Childe had a feeling that if he had insisted on working you'd have found a way to stop him anyway.
"Can you take off your shirt?" you asked, trying to sound as casual and not awkward as possible once you were satisfied with the consistency of the paste. You would have offered to allow him to apply it himself but you figured it would be less painful this way, plus you'd need to bandage his chest afterward, so it didn't make much of a difference.
"Oh my, you're not usually this bold," he teased, reaching to begin undoing the clasps holding his jacket together. His remark made you decide against offering your assistance despite the awareness that even just wriggling out of the jacket probably hurt. It's okay to be a little petty sometimes. As a treat.
Once his torso was bare you shifted your position to be a bit closer and examined his side. There was already the beginning of bruising, but it would get much darker by tomorrow. You ignored the scars and other bruises that were present, very aware of the fact the redhead would tease you for staring if you looked any longer.
"I promise I'll be gentle," you assured, "But it'll probably hurt a little."
Childe just hummed, waving off your warning, so you gathered some of the salve on your fingers. You silently wished you'd had gloves that weren't absorbent with you so your hands wouldn't grow numb later.
It was a quick process of spreading the paste over his ribs, but his eyes remained on you the entire time. You couldn't be sure if he was just interested in what you were doing, but it surprised you that he remained entirely silent.
"It'll take a little while to numb up. I'm going to bandage your chest for support. This will hurt more," you informed him, dragging your pack towards you to dig out a roll of bandages.
"Don't worry, I'm a tough boy," he laughed in response, and you could only smile and shake your head at him. You had faith in his strength, but that didn't stop the guilt you felt over being responsible for his pain. It did make you feel better when he started reminiscing on past injuries he'd sustained in battle once you began bandaging him. How he could look back on them so fondly was a mystery to you.
At first, you were mindful to touch him as little as possible while you were wrapping the bandages. They needed to be a little tight to provide support but you tried to ensure they put as little pressure on his ribs as possible. Unfortunately, your fingers started to grow numb and you hadn't realized you'd been bandaging too tightly until Childe let out a soft grunt of pain.
"Fuck, sorry," you apologized, quickly unraveling the last section of bandaging to rewrap it more loosely.
"Don't worry about it," he said, thinking for a moment before adding, "But, if you want to make it up to me, a kiss would make me feel better."
Pausing in your ministrations, you looked up to see a cheeky grin on his face. You raised a brow, giving him an entirely unimpressed expression. It wasn't entirely uncommon for him to flirt like this, trying to get a reaction out of you. But as you reached one hand up to gently grab his chin, it was his turn to become flustered.
Leaning up, you pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek before moving away and releasing your hold on him. You patted his cheek twice, giving him an amused grin.
"You're welcome."
"Hey! That doesn't count!" Childe immediately whined, pouting at you. You could only laugh at his playful antics as you finally finished wrapping his chest.
"You're cruel, you know that?" the Snezhnayan grumbled, eyebrows still furrowed as he continued to pout. He really did seem like a spoiled kid at this moment and you laughed again, causing his frown to deepen.
You knew his demeanor was all theatrical, but as you stared at his expression you found yourself leaning towards him again. You gently pressed your lips to his, smiling into the kiss when his hands eagerly flew up to your face. You indulged in the kiss for a few moments, smirking when he followed you as you pulled away. Putting a hand on his shoulder, you halted his attempt to continue.
"You can have another kiss once you get checked out at Bubu Pharmacy."
If you read all that, I'm sorry lol. I wanted to spend more time on it but I don't want to take too long posting things. Anyways, if you have any better ideas for what I should write send them in. Please.
There's a part two now: Part 2
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cuppakyle · 4 years
hello mcyt fans, I made sword designs for a lot of the creators and amazingly got a lot of love for them and I actually have like a lot of lore for all 16 of the swords so thats this post, a mega deep lore post for these mcyt sword designs:
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they’re all in order from left to right
So tubbo has two small and used netherite daggers, engraved with little bees. He made them with help from philza himself when he was young, they arn't perfect, the handle on the left dagger is a little loose and the leather on the handles themselves are worn out but they are sharp and loved. created with attention and always by tubbos side
His sword is a small but strong sword, thin and easy to conceal, the handle wrapped in a piece of Techno's cloak. It isn't used much but it's always carried, not many know of it.
So for techno it was about lightness, it's a thin sword made out of diamond with gold designs and a neatly wrapped leather and pearl handle. It's a very long sword that hangs on his waist.  He doesn't use it much as a king has other people to do the dirty work for him. But when he does need to use it  it's all about swiftness, it has to be light but incredibly sharp to work quick and efficiently. No need to get his hands dirty, he has potatoes to farm.
A netherite sword with an obsidian handle and a diamond for detailing which techno gave to him long ago. His sword is incredibly heavy but one of the strongest swords ever made. Not everyone can carry it let alone use it but Phil uses it a lot.  it's his main weapon and he carries it on his back. The sword is one of the most admired weapons there is as it was made expertly and given to philza as a gift of thanks, he treasures the sword but knows it was made to be used and does to beautifully
A dagger made from iron with gold lettering a messily wrapped leather handle and a delicate music note hanger. Wilbur isn't one for fighting he's a talker he doesn't need a big sword to intimidate his enemies so it's not used much but it's always by his side.  The dagger itself was given to him by techno as a gift when he noticed his friend didn't have anything to defend himself. Wilbur uses it mostly for cutting food or to look at his reflection but he treasures the dagger and uses it when necessary.
a beautifully crafted diamond sword with a gold handle. the detailing on the sword is matched by no other, the swiftness beautiful. most see a pretty young girl carry a pretty shiny sword and think nothing of her. before they know it the sword is at their neck big and strong and they blurt all their secrets out or they don't even see the sword before they leave the mortal world. no one even dares to say a bad word against her friends in fear of the sword and the woman that wields it
a golden sword, light, swift, unused. he is not a man to use brute strength to accomplish his goals but even the sight of the sword fears enough men to stop their insults. the ruby on the hilt was once found by tubbo on one of his adventures, he came back smiling and offered it to eret. not a day later did the ruby adorn the beautiful sword. the ruby is never dirty, the sword might have stains and might break but the ruby itself will never show age
a basic iron axe in almost every way, not specifically sharp, a little to heavy for the young fox and maybe a bit to blunt but this axe doesn't need to be sharp to hurt.  touch it even slight by any part but the rubber handle and a surge of electricity will end any hopes of a long life. fundy doesn't always carry it, why should he but when it's needed its carried on his back, proud and strong
a big and incredibly powerful diamond sword with a heavy iron handle and a piece of old leather wrapped around the handle. a sword with many scars and bumps, taped together in places. for a fighter like calvin the sword doesn't matter, as long as it's sharp. it's not like you'll feel that bump on the left side as it punctures your heart.
a golden sword, oddly shaped with an unusual wrapping around the handle. most people are to distracted by the sword to watch the man, which might just be the reason the fighter once bought it at a market. he was still young but he seemed to understand why he wanted that sword so specifically, now, so many years later the sword is worn with pride and whenever someone asks it's origins or the reason for the odd shape a different story is told.
an extraordinarily beautiful iron bow with netherite tips for the arrows, not one crack, not one bump all you can see when you inspect the bow is the intricate drawings carved into the iron, nestor will only react with a small smile if you ask what they mean the bow itself is so silent it's almost useless, why would you ever need a bow so silent, he uses it all the time, how is it in such pristine condition, so many questions but the mysterious archer won't answer any of them.
a smaller diamond sword, one shinier then maybe needed. a sword with a history, given to skeppy when he was young by is kind father, one with a family history longer then most countries. during all those years only two things have changed. the leather wrap around the handle and the netherite scrap the wrap a piece of the badboyhalo's famous cloak given to skeppy when they first met and the scrap given by technoblade as thanks. the sword is loved and always by skeppy's side, both the additions loved by the fighter.
a delicate netherite sword made for the fighter by a legendary sword smith, when it was made for bad he insisted on the diamond in the handle, a diamond given by skeppy and the muffin at the base of the sword. when the sword was given to the fighter something happened that has never been seen before or after, a dark mist appeared when it was touched, it took over the sword like a cloak. when bad leaves it its normal, when he takes it the mist takes over. it seems to have a strange power that has never been explained, when an enemy get touched by the mist their skin burns like a coal touched it. bad doesn't use the sword much but its always polished and sharp ready when needed.
a basic iron sword, not one that is very special when sapnap first bought it. no one knows what exactly he did with the sword that day but when the people saw the sword again it had a permanent smokey stain on it as if it's constantly burning from the inside.
a heavy and incredibly powerful netherite axe, in itself so powerful it couldnt be used by any man, the power needed just to hold it enough to scare any man but the eye on the top of the axe is what makes most run away at the sight the eye held at the top by a gold handle. the eye taken from a legendary ender man. not many have seen one let alone slain it and taken its eye not for the potions but just for decoration, just to show off you can.
A delicate diamond sword with gold and silver handle. the sword known to be from a historic house, a sword that every one of that family has with them at all time, only small details able to keep them apart. the power of just holding the sword is enough to frighten most.
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sister-dear · 3 years
Sentence Structure and Flow
Someone on discord asked me about how I structure sentences and how I learned to write. I’m going to do my best to answer! Hopefully it’s useful. It got long, so I made it a Tumblr post.
On learning to write:
Sky_squido, the author of “What Hyrule Hadn’t Seen” made this presentation and there were several points in it that I found incredibly helpful.
The two main ideas that I found most beneficial:
It’s about the ~vibes. Every story or scene has some kind of overall theme or emotion. Once you’re far enough into your story to have found what that is, edit your word choice to match. If a word technically works but doesn’t fit the mood, replace it with something else. The actual definition of a word is sometimes less important than the emotion that word conveys.
Verbs are incredibly important. If you’re having trouble with your sentence structure - if your story seems boring or like the prose drags - look at your verbs. I tend to use “is” as a verb far too often (or “was” for those of you who write past tense), so a lot of my editing comes down to reworking some sentences to make the stronger, more interesting words be the action words. So instead of “Legend was walking,” the sentence would be “Legend walked.” Or, even better, “Legend strolled/stalked/slouched along.” We’ve gone from a passive sentence to something that tells us, in engaging fashion, not just what Legend’s doing but how he’s doing it and maybe even a little about how he’s feeling.
Filter Words
Another post I found incredibly helpful: examples of how to cut out ‘filter words.’ It’s great for adding urgency, establishing tone, and introducing strong descriptions into your writing. Basically, this is how to put ‘show, don’t tell,’ into practice at a sentence-structure level. I use this approach a lot when it comes to conveying character emotion.
A couple other points
Variation is your friend.
Repeating things draws attention.
Description slows things down.
1. Variation is your friend.
For most writing, it’s a good idea to vary your sentence structure and length. Dialogue with no tags is rapid. Same with short sentences. Short and choppy reads disjointed and fast. This also applies to paragraph lengths! Longer sentences and paragraphs read slower, and in turn cause your reader to linger; sometimes maybe even linger too much. A combination keeps things interesting.
Too many long sections in a row - be they sentences or paragraphs - causes reader fatigue. Don’t be afraid to break those up. Let your readers take a breather.
If all your sentences start the same way, rework some of them. Lead with the action in one sentence and the subject in the next.
Starting a new paragraph gets a reader’s attention. You can use this for punch.
You should have one topic, or one person speaking, per paragraph.
Important things go at the start of the paragraph. Readers won’t tend to remember as much stuff from the middle or ends. Speed readers might not read those sections at all. The above note about one topic per paragraph? This is why.
2. Repeating things draws attention.
This applies to everything from individual words to overall themes to something like a series of sentences all with the same structure. It can work for you or against you.
A lot of my editing winds up being me reworking sentences to avoid using the same word too closely in succession. I’m not talking basic words here, like ‘he’ and ‘said.’ Those are non-words. If you have enough strong words around them, they disappear. They’re fine. But to use a snippet from a current work in progress:
...(Legend) bares his teeth, river water dripping off his hair and sticking his tunic to his legs. He braces his legs, wet muck squelching over the sides of his boots.
I wound up changing to “sticking his tunic to his thighs” to avoid the repeated word “legs.” I didn’t want to draw attention to his legs themselves, but the state of them. “He braces his feet,” would also work, or I could just cut the sentence down. “He braces,” does the trick just as well, and might be what I go with for the final draft. If the sentence makes sense without the word, then you can let the unneeded word go and your writing will often be stronger for it.
This can be much harder to do with nouns than verbs. Sometimes you just need to call a sword a sword. That’s usually where I start to alternate between a small group of words. “Sword,” “blade,” and “weapon” can all be alternated between to try to avoid using the same word too close together. You might also be able to get around using the problem word at all, as in the example above.
Another note on non-words. Names and pronouns qualify! You can use them over and over again and readers won’t notice. In fact, trying not to use these words can actually draw more attention than just using them!
For example, referring to Hyrule as “the Traveler.” Is it relevant, in the context of what I am writing, that Hyrule travels a lot? Or am I just trying to avoid using his name too much? If the answer is the latter, either don’t bother or change your sentence structure to remove the name entirely. If you have a solid action word, the name will disappear in favor of the action.
Using ‘Traveler’ in this context draws attention away from whatever Hyrule’s doing to what he is. That may not be the best thing to draw attention to. If what you are writing is a story about Hyrule finally getting a safe place of his own to call a home, you could use it for contrast. In which case, save it. Use it once, so it has impact. But if I'm writing about Hyrule teasing Legend, referring to him in that way can disrupt the flow of the story. It draws attention away from Hyrule's personality and his interaction with Legend to his background.
The point is to do it deliberately! It’s okay to use names and pronouns a lot. ‘Traveller’ is a title. Titles stand out.
3. Description slows things down.
Anywhere you want to linger or draw attention is where your descriptions should be going.
The middle of a fast paced action scene where your character is concentrating on the fight might not be the best spot to go into deep detail about the surroundings or what the enemy looks like. Convey those details in bursts that are worked into the action: “Time nearly rolls his ankle on the rocky ground.” Be very sparing. What makes an action scene interesting is how the character feels about what’s happening. You only need enough information on what the surroundings look like for a reader to follow along, and you can probably do most of that setup in a brief paragraph before the actual action starts.
On the other hand, if your character takes a shocking injury in said fight and you really want to dwell on that moment? Or if they’ve got a really cool, flashy move that they unleash in one single exciting burst of fighting prowess? That’s the spot to let your inner poet shine. Slow those spots down and let the reader really enjoy what you’re doing by using your detailed descriptions there.
This applies to all action, not just fighting. Walking through a busy marketplace? Action. A conversation? Can be approached as action. The best spots to use lots of description will be the spots you want to linger on: the first glimpse of a long-lost friend through the crowd, that last hug as they say goodbye.
Description slows things down. Use it accordingly.
Most everything else I can think of is less to do with flow and structure and more to do with other aspects of writing, so I'll stop here.
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wing-ed-thing · 3 years
Retail Therapy (Kakuzu x Reader)
Synopsis: Deidara has a new partner for a combined effort with the Zombie Combo. However, something about you has Kakuzu heated.
Word Count: 2,123
Tags/Warnings: Violence, Threat of Violence, Probably Language, Gender Neutral Reader
Notes: Kakuzu content is probably some of the best stuff I’ve ever written. Right now I’m watching a video on fried milk. Ever hear of such a thing? Fascinating.
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Kakuzu didn’t like being paired up with Hidan, let alone joint missions where he’d have to deal with even more people. Not to say that Kakuzu hated people, because he did, but he never thought that he’d hate anyone more than he absolutely hated you. He hadn’t even met you yet, but he knew at his very core that you would quickly become the bane of his entire existence.
“Shopping?” Kakuzu asked slowly, the word forming on his lips as if he had an aversion to even speaking it. Deidara leaned back on the large bounder that he settled on and stretched his arms up above his head. The blond nodded with a short groan before his hands came to rest behind his head.
“Yep,” he answered, “And for hours too, so I’d get comfortable.” Hidan plopped down on a patch of dirt below, his back and scythe against the side of the rock. Kakuzu glared down at his partner causing Hidan to shrug. To Hidan, if Deidara thought that the three of them would be waiting a while, he would take his word and make himself comfortable. Kakuzu’s attention turned back to Deidara.
“Hours? What possibly could someone be purchasing that takes them hours?” Hidan gazed up from his spot, head tilted back against the surface behind him.
“And we only came like five minutes late too. Who takes off like that?” Kakuzu almost nodded in agreement, but knowing his partner, Hidan would take any excuse to complain. Deidara shrugged, basking in the warmth of the sun and stayed lounging even as a rustling came from the woods. Hidan’s hand immediately reached up to grip the handle of his weapon and Kakuzu took a defensive stance. Deidara’s eyes remained closed.
“Oh hello, boys! I didn’t know you were here!” You sauntered out of the trees, bags hanging from both arms. They were pushed tightly in a line, every other patch of your skin strained by the handles of a different shopping bag. Even in your altered Akatsuki cloak, Kakuzu took a look at you and immediately decided that you were decorated far too ornately and that he’d like to kill you when he had the chance. You were objectively beautiful, but if Kakuzu had his way, Deidara would have to be assigned another partner soon. “You haven’t been waiting for too long, have you?”
“You shouldn’t have left us waiting at all,” Kakuzu glowered, although not any more than usual. Either you didn’t hear him or you ignored him as you walked up to your partner. You plucked a package from one of your more reachable bags.
“I got you something, Dei-dei!” You threw it up to Deidara weakly but he managed to catch it. He opened the small, folded, paper bag. Deidara glanced down at you with a nod of his head and a fold of his lips. He took the neat band in his hand while you looked at him expectantly. “Aren’t they nice? Hair ties. Silk from a small village in the Land of Water.” Deidara held them up to the sun.
“That’s some great quality you found. Thanks.” Your partner glanced down at you again. “Must’ve been one hell of a fight assuming that you got a good price for it.” Kakuzu looked on at your exchange, increasingly beginning to lose his temper.
“Believe me, I did. And I found a ton of other great finds too. I gotta show you—”
“Enough,” Kakuzu growled and you finally turned your attention his way. Hidan had since passed out against the boulder that Deidara sat on. “You’re wasting all our time. The sooner we start, the sooner we can part ways.” You gave Kakuzu a once over with your nose wrinkled in disgust.
“Well someone’s grumpy,” you mused. You rolled your eyes and pointed your nose upward. Huffing, you threw your shopping bags into the air and as they fell, you swiftly unfurled a scroll. Your new items disappeared one by one. You rolled the paper back up, scowling as you slipped the scroll into one of many slots that you wore strapped to your clothing. The pockets ran down the small of you back and you latched the bundle of paper in place with a flip of your nimble fingers. Kakuzu frowned back, tentatively wondering if all the scrolls you carried contained the same amount of shopping bags. You approached him with crossed arms. “Okay then, tough guy. Let’s get started.”
You sat down and summoned a map of the next village. It laid out in front of you and placed your hands on your knees in challenge. Kakuzu sat down on the other side of the map, eyes boring into you. You didn’t budge. And as you began to speak, it was hard to focus, at least for Deidara. Though he supposed he’s seen you this fired up before.
“It would be easier if we lure the jinchūriki outside of the village,” you said, gesturing to the small, unnamed village on the map. It wasn’t large, but just big enough to serve as a maze for your prize. At least you knew the woods better and a jinchūriki was bound to stand out among the trees.
“I can get up some traps,” Deidara added and you nodded.
“Back them into a corner and cage them into a small space—” You nodded again— “We can use some explosives around the area… maybe here?” You pointed to a section of the map outside of the village. You looked up at Deidara. “You’d be our last line of defense when the jinchūriki tries to run.” Deidara smirked and puffed out his chest.
“Leave it to me!”
“We’ll need someone to drive the jinchūriki out of the village,” Kakuzu cut in, not particularly liking how you dominated the strategizing. “I’ll go with Hidan.” While Kakuzu thought that he would stop at nothing to get away from the Jashinist, this had to be a regrettable first. Hidan napped a few feet away.
You raised an eyebrow and scoffed, “You and Hidan? Psh… might as well have Deidara set off fireworks in the sky that spell out ‘single, hot jinchūriki in your a—”
“I can do that!” Deidara cut in before immediately backing down at Kakuzu’s pointed glare, not that he’d show it. You locked eyes with Kakuzu, taking his fiery stare off of your partner.
“I’ll go. You’re too conspicuous and, really, have you seen Hidan? You two would be spotted a mile away.” Kakuzu almost snarled.
“And you wouldn’t?” You let out a short, bitter laugh. Your left arm supported your weight as your knees touched together on the right side of your body. Kakuzu scowled at your blatant lounging. Everything about you challenged him and he hated you for it. Your lids narrowed in a smug smile.
“I’m not the one—” who’s fuckin’ jacked — “ with big-ass black stitches across my whole body.”
“And four faces on his back…” Hidan called out, still half asleep. You turned back to Kakuzu.
“And four faces on his back,” you repeated, much to Kakuzu’s vexation. The sass in your blinks was lost on the older shinobi. He stood, causing you to stand too. Deidara took a hint and retreated. Kakuzu crossed his arms over his chest and he planted his feet on the ground about the same width apart as his broad shoulders. He pointed two fingers at you harshly.
“And you’re—” Gorgeous. — “a brat. I should just kill you right here.” You stood your ground, daring to slap Kakuzu’s hand out of your face.
“As much as I’d like to see you try, tough guy, I’d actually like to do some quality work and get the hell away from you as quickly as I can.” Kakuzu huffed, gritting his teeth underneath his mask.
“Nice to hear that we’re on the same page.”
And with neither of your partners wanting to deal with either of you pissed off, you and Kakuzu were paired together.
Deciding that your cloaks were too noticeable, you sealed yours away. Kakuzu kept his draped across his arm, distrust of you evident. You walked down the road together under the late afternoon, waiting for nightfall. You hoped that striking at night would give you not only the surprise advantage, but also minimize the number of clueless civilians that would no doubt wander in your way. But as soon as your eyes fell onto the market, Kakuzu quickly began to wonder if his stubbornness landed him with an even larger headache. But his usual, standoffish demeanor remained the same. Kakuzu’s eyes drifted to their corners as he scowled down at you.
“No.” That was all he said, as if you would actually listen to him and not immediately march in the direction of the market. He reluctantly followed, every reach to hold you back by your robes falling just a bit short each time. By the time you were stopped, too many people surrounded the two of you for him to pull you away without drawing attention. Normally, attention from others wasn’t anything that Kakuzu would be concerned with, but your two teams had their orders and Kakuzu would be damned if he had to spend anymore time with you.
You stood in front of a booth with your hand on your chin. Kakuzu stood next to you, following your gaze to a simple, but sturdy-looking sword. You gingerly picked it up, carefully studying it’s craftsmanship. The man behind the booth leaned over his table, motioning to the piece of merchandise in your hands.
“Ah, you have a good eye, mercenary.” You glanced up at him.
“Land of Earth? Lots of excellent craftsmanship comes from there, I’m not surprised.” You ran your thumb across the dull of the blade. “Antique too, but still hardy.” The merchant nodded pointing to a few spots across the weapon.
“Could get you out of a bind too. Reliable smithing comes from Tsuchi no Kuni.” Kakuzu looked on at the show in front of him. In stark contrast to earlier, you seemed poised and he found you knowledgeable. You appeared calm and competent enough to handle yourself and for a second, Kakuzu became lost in your analysis.
You stepped back, turning the sword around in your hand to feel out the balance. The blade whipped around your body with ease. The seller softly applauded your embellished practice. Kakuzu almost rolled his eyes, but took some comfort in the fact that you were looking to purchase something of quality and not just anything at the very least. You looked down at the weapon with a nod or two before asking the dreaded question.
“So what’s your price?” The merchant didn’t hesitate.
“A hundred thousand ryō.” Kakuzu almost left right there, but a dominant part of him wanted to know what you were going to do. His hands grasped his biceps, his cloak still hanging from his forearm. Kakuzu watched you closely. You shook your head.
“You’re going to give it to me for twenty-five thousand.” The merchant gaped at the outrageous price you named. He sputtered a few times.
“That price is far too low for this quality. You must be joking if you think I’d sell this fine piece of equipment for practically nothing.”
You did name a ridiculous price. Not even Kakuzu could see getting what you wanted for that price without a fair bit of violence and intimidation. But you ripped into that merchant. You ripped into this poor seller like nothing Kakuzu had ever seen before. He didn’t even know if he could call it bartering, but whatever it was, it was likely one of the most skillful things that Kakuzu had ever seen.
He folded his lips under his mask. You didn’t yell. Kakuzu didn’t even find your appearance intimidating in the slightest, yet every point and number the merchant brought up, you countered. And by the end of the intense conversation, if Kakuzu didn’t know any better and had less of a spine, he’d likely be handing the sword over too. The man had long since started sweating, tugging at his collar. If Kakuzu didn’t see it with his own eyes, he wouldn’t have believed it as you handed over exactly twenty-five thousand ryō. He almost overlooked the complete waste of money as he still stood stunned, though not outwardly showing any such emotion.
You nestled the sword by your hip and the seller let out a breath of relief by the time you walked away. Kakuzu followed wordlessly next to you as you strutted off in triumph.
Perhaps he misjudged you. He stared, not noticing as he did so.
Yes, you were going to save the organization a fortune.
Notes: “oH mY gOd KaKuzU sAiD hE wAs GoNna KiLl rEader! wHy wOuLd yOu wRiTe sOmEtHiNg sO tOxIc???”... They’re criminal terrorists, Susan.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed and otherwise supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
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dr3amofagame · 3 years
more of the mutually assured destruction duo, post-prison this time! this one was really fun, thinking about what this dynamic might be like in the future gives me SO much brainrot, im so excited. this one’s also a little dark, so make sure to read the warnings + tags !! :D 
tw: implied prison abuse, starvation, toxic relationship, touch starvation, manipulation, panic attack, trauma, blood, injury
Dream hasn't been the same since he escaped prison.
And it's ironic, because Wilbur hasn't even been around, has been in hell for fuck's sake playing Competitive Solitaire for nine-odd years, but even he could've seen the self-destruction hanging like a cloud around the other's head from a million miles (and several months? years?) away. Perhaps, he thinks wryly, you can only see the signs when you've lived them, or maybe red flags don't raise alarm when you’ve painted the entire figure in blood, but it doesn't really matter, in the end, because the final result is the same.
Still, it's just a little funny when he's stopped in the middle of his journey through the Nether, not a piece of armor on him per usual and an unused netherite sword slung over his hip.
"Hello, Sapnap." The kid is standing in front of him, eyes gleaming in badly-hidden anger and desperation, smoke rising from the mottled red-black skin on his hands. "Fancy seeing you around."
"You-" Sapnap sputters, unable to speak as his face flushes red in frustration, and Wilbur smiles at him condescendingly. The expression on the other's face is one he's seen before - one Tommy had been particularly inclined to give him in the past, when his emotions raged so heavily that there was nothing for the pressure to do but build, too thick and heavy to force themselves out of his throat. "You're monsters," Sapnap manages, finally, and Wilbur quirks an eyebrow.
At least we're self-aware, he thinks, the all-too-familiar twinge of irritation at Tommy's - and apparently, Sapnap's particular brand of reckless naivety pulsing at the base of his skull. He lets none of these thoughts show on his face as he cocks his head to the side, smiles wider - and Sapnap, just like Tommy, takes the bait.
'Why are you smiling?" He looks achingly young - they all do, really, their expressions and reactions dripping with a sort of innocence and sincerity that dissolved from Wilbur's own face somewhere around the fifteen-hundreth game of poker, and it really does feel ironic, how quickly the outside world can fall apart compared to the unending constancy of the void - but he digresses.
He didn't know Sapnap well before his whole death thing, and as much as he wants to use his partner to get information on the other members of the server, he doesn't really think Dream is really even lucid enough for that - the man clearly hasn't been thinking clearly, not for a long time. It doesn't matter, though, because you learn to read people when your life becomes nothing but running the same broken-edged memories over and over again in your mind and smiling jaggedly over the same few card games - Wilbur had always been a people watcher, and Sapnap's feelings are stamped on every corner of his face.
"Monster, huh," he says, saying the word slowly, rolling it over his tongue like he's tasting it for the first time, watching from the corner of his eye as Sapnap squirms, "Interesting word you've got here. You use it often?"
Sapnap bristles, smoke curling from his nostrils - "It's what you are, dickhead."
Rolling his eyes internally, Wilbur keeps up the act, humming as he fiddles idly with his cufflink. "I mean, if you really believe that," he rocks forward on his right foot, stifling a smile at the way the younger draws back, "But really, it's all a matter of perspective." He twists himself around, pivoting around his heel, beginning to walk in an arc around Sapnap's left side, watching as he spins around, shoulders drawn up to his ears. "What do you think?"
"I think that you're full of shit," he says, voice flat, and Wilbur laughs. It's genuine, really, because well - Sapnap's different. He's fun; the entire server is, after so long in the void. You can only spend so much time with the same two people before they drive you a little up the metaphorical wall, but Sapnap's reactions are fresh and new and different, still saturated with vitality that hasn’t been leached out by the same deck of cards in the same scarred hands shuffled and reshuffled for eternity. He's interesting, and new, and most of all, predictable.
"Say, Sapnap," he continues, blowing over the other's anger, knowing that it'll only make the frustration build more. He lets his hair flop lazily over one eye, lets his smile grow wider, lips pressed together in amusement, turns his face so that it's lit eerily by the lava lake beneath them. "If we're monsters for, I don't know, setting off a few stacks of TNT," he waves his hand flippantly, watching the muscle of the other's jaw jump in poorly-hidden rage, "What does that make you for what you did to Dream?"
Sapnap's eyes go wide, and Wilbur knows he's struck the jackpot. He lets his lips part to reveal bared teeth, jagged and glinting in the light. "I'm sorry, did that hit a nerve?"
The kid's mouth opens- closes- emotions warring on his face, fists curling and uncurling at his sides, lip trembling. "We- we had to-" his hands come to his face, palms digging into his eyes, and while he's not looking, Wilbur draws his expression back a bit, becoming softer, more welcoming. When Sapnap looks back up, his eyes are shining, hands shaking still; he steps forward, then rocks back on his back foot like he doesn't know where to go. "What do you mean?" he throws the words like they're meant to be a threat, but by the end his voice has devolved into something high-pitched and keening, overflowing with desperate grief that Wilbur latches onto like a starving man (ha) with his last meal.
"I'm sorry, it does seem rather insensitive for me to assume," he resumes pacing around the other, voice lilting, soft, "I just mean, it seemed pretty obvious, don't you think? I don't think I've ever seen someone so skinny, really, but I guess that is what happens when you get starved,"
"Shut up-"
"Not to mention the whole panicking thing, I mean, he's like Tommy sometimes with all of the fucking shaky breathing and mumbling around like creepers, not that I'd know what all of that's about," he watches Sapnap through half-hooded eyes, darkly amused, "and pickaxes, oddly enough, but oh well. Who am I to judge?"
"Shut up-"
"And all of the scars - I thought they were from you, honestly, he told me about the whole 'taking his last life' thing, but then he jumped into lava one day - I guess there wasn't much to do in that cell, huh? He didn't even scream, it's really pretty fucking incredible - I thought I'd actually have to break him down a bit, but really, you've made my life so much easier-"
Wilbur watches with a too-wide grin as Sapnap finally, finally charges, a netherite sword appearing in his hand as he races blindly ahead, tears shining on his cheeks, his words more pain than thought as he brings the blade down-
A blur of purple, the sound of crumbling netherrack and metal meeting metal, flesh hitting flesh - Wilbur moves smoothly out of the way as Sapnap crashes to the ground, an armored figure bearing down an axe against the shield he's raised between them.
Dream, hair tangled and long, wearing armor that is far too heavy for his skinny frame, every inch of him shaking in panic, should hardly be a threat - but this is Sapnap, weakened by Wilbur's sharp words and crippled by the shock of seeing his former best friend's face again, eyes still unfocused from the rage and tears that had clouded over them moments before, so he can do little but raise his shield as the netherite slams into it, again and again. Not a word falls from Dream's lips, but he brings down the weapon at a ruthless pace - ever since he's been free, his attack style has changed greatly from the defensive style he used to favor, even to Wilbur's untrained eye - there's no skill, no art to the way he attacks anymore, just the fearful ferocity of a dog trapped in a cage for far, far too long.
He finally kicks Sapnap down the netherrack cliff that they're on, the other man left to nurse his wounds below them - Wilbur doesn't bother sparing him another thought; Dream's far too weak to cause any permanent damage. Instead, he approaches his partner, weapon, with a smile, watching, satisfied, when he whirls around with a manic expression.
"I'm alright, see?" he croons as Dream's shoulders move up and down with his heaving breaths, eyes fever-bright, teeth bared. He brings a hand down on the other's shoulder and watches as he flinches at the movement, breath hitching, every muscle freezing, knuckles pale on the handle of his axe, before moving again, stumbling forwards, hands reaching for Wilbur's head and stopping halfway. Wilbur tips his head forward, lets the shorter brush his face with trembling fingers, checking his unmarred skin for blood through the purpling bruises already forming on his cheek, and thinks how powerful he is to have a god at his beck and call, a perfect attack dog brought to heel, death itself obediently at his side.
Dream hasn't been the same since he escaped prison, and as Wilbur runs his hand up and down his back, feeling the way his spine arches at the touch, at the fluttering pulse under the skin-and-bone wrist under his fingers, he thinks how fortunate he is to be the first to notice.
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