#new marvel superheroes just dropped
priapussdick · 2 years
oh my god.
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midastouch013 · 2 months
"Find Me Attractive Again"
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Based on this request
Summary: You had a wonderful girlfriend, and so what happens when you discover she has an eating disorder
Warnings: Eating disorder, Hurt Nat, Sad Nat, Neglecting Y/n. Panic Attacks. Purging, throwing up. Major hurt/comfort, from both sides.
P.S I wasn't really satisfied with the ending, so I apologise. I also took my own spin on it since it was kind vague, so I hope you like it'.
P.S.S And also, after such heavy fics, I'd really like for someone to drop me a fluffy one, Not just Nat, any Marvel woman please.
It was a typical summer day in New York City when your paths first crossed. You, wrapped up in the chaos of your medical residency, were rushing through the streets, white coat flapping behind you like a superhero’s cape, while Natasha Romanoff, the infamous Black Widow, was navigating the crowds with the ease of someone who had seen it all.
It was at a street corner where fate decided to intervene, in the form of an iced coffee and a collision. Natasha, in her sleek elegance, accidentally bumped into you, sending her cold drink cascading down your front.
“Shit, I’m so sorry!” Her voice was a mix of genuine contrition and a hint of amusement.
You blinked, the cold seeping through your shirt, but you couldn’t help but chuckle at the situation. “Well, at least it’s a hot day,” you replied, trying to brush off the mess.
Natasha quickly handed you some napkins, her green eyes twinkling with amusement. "You're a humour one I see"
"That I am" you grinned "I've also cost you your coffee"
Natasha went to open her mouth, but you spoke instead.
“Let me make it up to you. Can I buy you another drink?”
"But I'm the one who spilt mine on you?" her eyebrow raised as she questioned.
"I should be the one buying for you?"
You're smile didn't falter " Where's the chivalry in that?"
And that was the start of it all. What began as a clumsy encounter turned into a friendship neither of you expected. Natasha’s charm, mixed with her trademark snark, drew you in like a moth to a flame. Soon, the two of you were spending your precious free time together, swapping stories over drinks or taking long walks through the city.
Despite her guarded nature, Natasha opened up to you in ways she hadn’t with anyone else. You became her confidante, her sanctuary in a world filled with chaos and danger. And in turn, you found solace in her presence, a respite from the relentless demands of your residency.
As your friendship deepened, so did your feelings for her. You found yourself falling for the enigmatic Avenger, captivated by her strength, her wit, and the vulnerability she only showed to you. And one day, gathering every ounce of courage you had, you asked her out on a date.
To your delight, Natasha said yes, her smile lighting up the room in a way you had never seen before. And just like that, your friendship blossomed into something more, a new chapter in both of your lives.
Now, as you walked hand in hand through the bustling streets of New York, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of contentment wash over you. With Natasha by your side, you felt invincible, ready to take on whatever challenges life threw your way.
Little did you know, however, that behind the redhead’s confident facade lay a secret she was desperate to keep hidden. An invisible battle she fought every day, one that threatened to consume her from within.
And so, all it would take for you to find out, as a plate of untouched food, and certain other stuff
The elevator door opened with a ding, admitting you into the familiar warmth of your shared home (Floor in the compound that Tony had so happily given) with Natasha. The faint scent of breakfast lingered in the air, a reminder of the meal you had meticulously prepared before your short 12-hour shift at the hospital.
But as you stepped further into the living space, your brow furrowed in confusion. The plate of food you had set out for Natasha sat untouched on the dining table, a solitary fork resting against the edge.
"Nat?" you called out, your voice echoing in the quiet apartment. There was no response, just the eerie stillness of an empty room.
Concern gnawed at the edges of your mind as you ventured further into the living space, scanning every corner for any sign of your elusive girlfriend. But Natasha was nowhere to be found.
However, before you could think what to do next, the sound of retching echoed through the apartment, sending a shiver of dread down your spine. Without a moment's hesitation, you bolted towards the bathroom, your heart pounding in your chest.
As you flung open the door, the sight that greeted you was enough to make your stomach churn. There stood Natasha, hunched over the toilet, her face contorted in agony as she forced herself to purge.
Instinct took over as you rushed to her side, your hands reaching out to grasp hers and pull them away from her mouth. "Nat, stop," you urged, your voice laced with urgency and concern.
For a moment, she resisted, the muscles in her arm tense with the effort of her struggle. But slowly, reluctantly, she relented, allowing you to pry her fingers away from their self-destructive task.
The sight of her trembling form, tears glistening in her eyes, tore at your heartstrings like nothing else. You wanted to wrap her in your arms, to shield her from the demons that haunted her, but you knew that this was a battle she had to fight on her own terms.
Gently, you guided her away from the toilet, leading her to the sink where you wet a washcloth and pressed it against her clammy forehead. "It's okay, Nat," you murmured, your voice a soothing balm against the turmoil raging within her.
As you helped Natasha up from the cold tiles of the bathroom floor, her silence weighed heavily in the air, a palpable barrier between you. You guided her to the bed, her movements sluggish and unsteady, and gently urged her to sit down while you prepared a bath.
With practiced efficiency, you filled the tub with warm water, adding a few drops of lavender oil to help soothe her frazzled nerves. But as you turned to help Natasha undress, you noticed the way she recoiled from your touch, her body tensing at the slightest contact.
Your heart ached at the sight, a pang of sadness settling in the pit of your stomach. You had always prided yourself on being there for Natasha, on offering her the unwavering support and love she so desperately needed. But now, faced with her silent withdrawal, you felt utterly helpless, like a bystander watching helplessly as a storm raged on the horizon.
With a heavy sigh, you stepped back, giving Natasha the space she seemed to need. You watched in silence as she rose from the bed, her movements slow and deliberate, before making her way to the bathroom.
It was only then that you noticed the small click of the lock as she closed the door behind her, a barrier sealing her off from the outside world. The realization hit you like a punch to the gut, a stark reminder of the walls Natasha had built around herself, walls that even you, with all your love and devotion, could not penetrate.
For a moment, you stood there in the empty room, the weight of Natasha's silence bearing down on you like a leaden cloak. But then, with a resolute shake of your head, you pushed aside your own doubts and fears, determined to stand by her side no matter what.
Taking a deep breath, you squared your shoulders and made your way to the bathroom door, your hand poised to knock. But at the last moment, you hesitated, the sound of running water and Natasha's soft sobs echoing through the wood.
But when the sound of retching pierced through the closed bathroom door, a surge of panic shot through you like a bolt of lightning. Without a second thought, you abandoned your plans to change and rushed back to the bathroom, your heart pounding in your chest.
With a swift motion, you twisted the doorknob, but to your dismay, it refused to budge. Locked. The realization sent a fresh wave of fear coursing through your veins, igniting a primal instinct to protect Natasha at all costs.
"Nat, open the door!" you called out, your voice tinged with desperation. But there was no response, just the sickening sound of her struggle echoing through the small space.
With a burst of adrenaline-fueled determination, you threw your weight against the door, the wood groaning in protest as it gave way beneath your force. For a moment, everything seemed to blur together in a haze of motion and sound, until finally, the door swung open with a resounding crash.
And there she was, hunched over the toilet once more, her body wracked with violent spasms as she forced herself to purge. Without hesitation, you rushed to her side, your hands reaching out to grasp hers and pull them away from their self-destructive task.
"Nat, please stop," you pleaded, your voice cracking with emotion. But this time, there was no resistance, no struggle against your touch. Instead, Natasha collapsed against you, her tears mingling with the cool touch of your skin.
With a sense of resolve, you refused to leave Natasha alone in the bathroom this time. Instead, you stayed by her side, offering silent support as she struggled with the demons that haunted her.
As the water continued to run, filling the tub with warm, comforting steam, you gently guided Natasha towards it. She hesitated for a moment, her eyes cast downwards, before finally sinking into the water with a heavy sigh.
You stood by the tub, your presence a silent reassurance as Natasha submerged herself beneath the surface, her shoulders tense with the weight of her burdens. With a soft exhale, you reached for the shampoo, pouring a small amount into your palm before lathering it into her hair with gentle, soothing strokes.
"I won't look," you murmured softly, your voice barely above a whisper. "I promise."
Natasha remained silent, her gaze fixed on some distant point beyond the confines of the bathroom. But you could sense the tension in her body, the invisible barriers she had erected to keep you at arm's length.
Undeterred, you continued to wash her hair, your fingers working through the tangles with practiced precision. With each stroke, you hoped to chip away at the walls she had built around herself, to offer her a glimpse of the love and acceptance that lay waiting on the other side.
But despite your best efforts, Natasha remained distant, her silence a heavy weight in the air between you. It was as if she had retreated into herself, lost in the labyrinth of her own thoughts and fears.
With a heavy heart, you finished washing her hair, rinsing away the suds with gentle care. Then, reaching for the washcloth, you began to bathe her body, moving with slow, deliberate motions as you washed away the stains of the outside world.
Gently, you lifted Natasha from the bathtub, her body feeling almost weightless in your arms. The sight of her frail form, bones protruding beneath the thin veil of her skin, sent a shiver of concern down your spine. It was a stark reminder of the toll her eating disorder had taken on her body, a silent battle she fought day in and day out.
With tender care, you carried her back to the bed, laying her down with the utmost gentleness. You tucked the blankets around her, the soft fabric a comforting cocoon against the cold reality of her struggles.
As Natasha lay there, her eyes distant and unfocused, you made your way to the kitchen, your mind racing with thoughts of how to help her. You knew that she needed nourishment, both for her body and her soul, but convincing her to eat was a battle in itself.
With a determined resolve, you rummaged through the pantry, searching for something light and easy to stomach. Finally, you settled on a plate of sliced fruit, the vibrant colors a stark contrast to the darkness that threatened to consume Natasha from within.
Returning to the bedroom, you found Natasha still lying there, her gaze fixed on some invisible point in the distance. Carefully, you placed the plate of fruit on the bedside table, hoping that the sight of it would stir something within her.
"Nat," you said softly, your voice a gentle reminder of your presence. "I brought you a snack. It's just some fruit. Would you like some?"
For a moment, there was no response, just the steady rise and fall of Natasha's chest as she breathed in and out. But then, slowly, almost imperceptibly, she reached out a trembling hand, fingers curling around a slice of apple.
You held your breath, watching intently as Natasha brought the fruit to her lips, her movements hesitant and uncertain. But then, with a small nod of encouragement from you, she took a tentative bite, the sweetness of the apple filling the air between you.
A sense of relief washed over you as you watched Natasha eat, each bite a small victory in the battle against her eating disorder.
As Natasha slowly nibbled on the fruit, you settled beside her on the bed, the familiar weight of her body a comforting anchor in the storm of uncertainty. With a soft click of the remote, you turned on the television, the familiar theme song of F.R.I.E.N.D.S filling the room with its nostalgic melody.
You glanced over at Natasha, her gaze fixed on the screen, her lips curved ever so slightly in the beginnings of a smile. It was a small victory, a glimmer of light in the darkness that threatened to consume her.
With a tender smile of your own, you wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close against your side. The warmth of her body pressed against yours, the steady rhythm of her breath a soothing lullaby in the quiet of the night.
Together, you watched as the familiar antics of Ross, Rachel, Monica, Chandler, Joey, and Phoebe unfolded on the screen before you. The laughter of the characters, the camaraderie of their friendships, served as a reminder of the bonds that held you and Natasha together, even in the darkest of times.
And as the episode came to an end, you turned to Natasha, the ghost of a smile still lingering on her lips. "Feeling a little better?" you asked softly, your voice a gentle caress against the silence of the room.
Natasha hesitated for a moment, her eyes flickering with uncertainty. But then, with a small nod of her head, she leaned into your embrace, her body relaxing against yours.
It was a small victory, a flicker of hope in the midst of despair. But for now, in this moment of quiet intimacy, it was enough. Together, you would face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that as long as you had each other, you could weather any storm that came your way. As you snuggled into Natasha, the fragile contours of her body pressed against yours, you couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion welling up inside you. With each delicate curve of her form, you could feel the sharp edges of her bones, a painful reminder of the toll her eating disorder had taken on her.
Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as you held her close, the weight of her fragility pressing down on you like a leaden weight. "Why, Nat?" you whispered, your voice thick with emotion. "Why do you do this to yourself?"
For a moment, there was only silence, the weight of Natasha's unspoken pain hanging heavy in the air between you. But then, as your grip tightened around her, almost as if you were clinging to her for dear life, she spoke, her voice barely above a whisper.
"I..." she began, her words faltering as if caught in the tangled web of her thoughts. But then, with a small shake of her head, she fell silent once more, the words hanging between you like an unspoken promise.
As you thought Natasha had drifted off to sleep, you reached for your phone, the glow of the screen illuminating the dimly lit room. With a deep breath, you dialed the number for the hospital, your heart pounding in your chest as you prepared to make a decision that would change everything.
"Hello, this is Dr. Y/l/n," you began, your voice steady despite the nerves that churned in the pit of your stomach. "I need to take the next month off."
There was a brief pause on the other end of the line, followed by the sound of a hesitant voice. "Dr. Y/l/n, are you sure? We're short-staffed as it is, and your patients—"
"I'm sure," you interrupted, your tone firm and unwavering. "I've already made up my mind."
The person on the other end of the line hesitated, clearly taken aback by your sudden decision. "But Dr. Y/l/n you're one of our top surgeons. We can't afford to lose you—"
"I understand that," you replied, your voice tinged with frustration. "But right now, I need to take care of someone who needs me more than anyone else."
There was a moment of silence as the gravity of your words hung heavy in the air between you. And then, with a resigned sigh, the person on the other end of the line relented, agreeing to grant you the time off on the condition that you'd go unpaid for the month.
As you ended the call, you couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over you. You knew that taking time off from the hospital was a risk, but in that moment, the only thing that mattered was being there for Natasha when she needed you most.
But as you turned to check on her, you realized that she had been awake the whole time, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.
Natasha's voice cut through the silence of the room, her words heavy with emotion. "Why did you do that?" she asked, her eyes searching yours for answers.
You met her gaze, the weight of her question hanging heavy in the air between you. Taking a deep breath, you reached out to brush a stray strand of hair from her face, your fingers lingering against her cheek.
"Because you needed me," you replied softly, your voice barely above a whisper. "Because I love you, Natasha, and I would do anything for you."
Tears welled in Natasha's eyes as she listened to your words, her expression a mix of gratitude and disbelief. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the steady rhythm of your heartbeat. "For everything."
As Natasha's words hung in the air, a heavy silence settled between you, punctuated only by the soft hum of the room's ventilation system. You could see the turmoil swirling behind her eyes, the weight of her burdens threatening to crush her beneath their weight.
"Why did you do that, Natasha?" you asked gently, your voice laced with concern. "Why do you hurt yourself like this?"
Natasha hesitated for a moment, her gaze drifting away from yours as she searched for the words to explain the unexplainable. "It's… it's complicated," she began, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Try me," you urged, your tone soft and understanding. "I want to understand, Natasha. I want to help you."
With a heavy sigh, Natasha began to speak, her words halting and uncertain at first, but gaining strength with each passing moment. "It's not just me," she confessed, her voice trembling with emotion. "It's… it's the comments, the stares, the whispers behind my back."
Your heart ached as you listened to her words, the pain and anguish etched into every syllable. You knew all too well the harsh realities of the world Natasha inhabited, the constant scrutiny and judgment that followed her wherever she went.
"It's like… like I'm never good enough," Natasha continued, her voice cracking with emotion. "No matter how hard I try, no matter how much I achieve, it's never enough. And the news, they… they only make it worse."
Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as you watched Natasha unravel before you, the weight of her suffering a burden too heavy for her to bear alone. In that moment, you felt a surge of anger rise up within you, a burning indignation at the injustices Natasha had endured.
"And..." She trailed off
"And?" You pulled her into your arms, holding her close as if to show that you were there for her. You could feel the ache in her voice, the raw vulnerability laid bare before you.
"I just... You," Natasha began, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "You used to look at me with such... such longing. You'd initiate everything, your touch, your kisses... But lately, it's like you don't even see me anymore."
Your heart clenched at her words, unsure of what to do or say.
"I thought... I thought maybe it was because of how I looked," Natasha continued, her voice barely above a whisper. "I thought if I worked out more, if I stopped eating, if I... if I purged, maybe you'd find me attractive again."
Your breath caught in your throat at her confession, the pain of her self-inflicted suffering tearing at your heartstrings. How could she think such a thing? How could she believe that her worth was tied to her appearance?
But you remained silent, allowing Natasha to speak, to purge the demons that haunted her soul. For in that moment, you realized that the only way to help her heal was to listen, to truly listen, without judgment or condemnation.
"I just wanted to be enough for you," Natasha whispered, her voice breaking with emotion. "But I was so wrong, wasn't I? I was so wrong."
And as she buried her face in her hands, her words seemed to sink in, making you feel like the ground beneath you is crumbling away, leaving you adrift in a sea of guilt and self-loathing.
Your hands trembled as you pushed yourself away from Natasha, the weight of her words crashing down on you like a tidal wave. You stumbled backward, your eyes wide with shock as you realized the role you had played in her pain.
"Oh my god," you whispered, your voice barely audible above the sound of your own ragged breaths. " I did that"
Natasha's eyes widened in concern as she watched you retreat, her voice tinged with fear. "Y/n? Are you okay?"
But you couldn't answer, couldn't bring yourself to face her, not when the guilt threatened to suffocate you. You hated yourself in that moment, hated the way you had let work consume you, the way you had neglected the person you loved most in the world.
And then it hit you, a wave of overwhelming emotion crashing over you like a tsunami. You sank to the floor, your body racked with sobs as the weight of your own self-loathing bore down on you like a heavy burden.
Natasha's voice was a distant echo in the darkness, her words lost amidst the chaos of your own thoughts. But you could feel her presence beside you, her hand reaching out to touch your shoulder in a silent gesture of comfort and support.
But you couldn't bear it, couldn't bear the thought of her touching you, not when you were the reason she was in pain. So you pushed her away, stumbling to your feet and retreating further into the shadows.
"I'm sorry," you choked out, your voice barely audible above the storm of your own despair. "I'm so sorry, Natasha. I didn't mean to… I didn't know…"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," the words tumbled from your lips in a frantic mantra, each repetition a desperate plea for forgiveness. But the only one you blamed was yourself, your own self-loathing swallowing you whole.
Natasha's voice was a distant echo in the chaos of your mind, her words lost in the tumult of your own despair. But you could feel her presence beside you, a steady anchor in the storm.
But even as she reached out to comfort you, you recoiled from her touch, the weight of your guilt too heavy to bear. You felt betrayed by yourself, , the person who had allowed this to happen.
"I'm sorry," you choked out once more, your voice hoarse with emotion. "I'm so sorry, Natasha. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to…"
But the words fell flat, empty and hollow in the face of your own self-condemnation. And as you sank further into the darkness, the weight of your own despair threatening to consume you, you knew that there was no escape from the demons that haunted you.
"Y/n, listen to me," Natasha's voice was firm, cutting through the haze of panic that clouded your mind. "You need to breathe. Deep breaths, okay?"
You nodded, your chest heaving as you struggled to regain control of your racing heart.
"That's it," she encouraged, her voice a soothing balm against the storm raging within you. "Inhale... and exhale. You're okay, I've got you."
You focused on her words, on the steady rhythm of her breathing, allowing them to anchor you in the present moment.
"I'm not going anywhere, Y/n," Natasha continued, her grip on your hand reassuringly firm. "I'm right here with you, and I'm not letting you go."
Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as you clung to her, the weight of your own self-loathing threatening to crush you beneath its suffocating embrace.
"I'm so sorry, Natasha," you whispered, your voice thick with emotion. "I didn't-"
Natasha silenced you with a gentle finger against your lips, her eyes soft with understanding. "Shh, it's okay," she murmured.
With trembling hands, you grasped Natasha's palms in yours, feeling the warmth of her touch seeping into your skin like sunlight breaking through storm clouds. Without a word, you pulled her into a tight embrace, needing to feel the steady rhythm of her heartbeat against your chest.
"I love you, Tasha," you whispered, your voice cracking with emotion. "I love you more than anything in this world."
Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as you pressed kisses against her forehead, her cheeks, her neck, each touch a silent testament to the depth of your love for her.
"I'm sorry for everything," you murmured between kisses, your voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry for making you feel unloved, for neglecting you when you needed me most. I promise, I'll do better. I'll be better for you, for us."
Natasha's arms tightened around you, her own tears mingling with yours as she buried her face against your chest. "I love you too, Y/n," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "And I forgive you. We'll get through this together, I promise."
Over the next few days, you devoted yourself wholeheartedly to supporting Natasha, determined to make amends for your past neglect. You woke up early to prepare nutritious meals for her, ensuring that she had the sustenance she needed to fuel her body and soul.
You gently guided her through each day, offering words of encouragement and reassurance whenever she needed them. You deleted all the news apps from her phone, shielding her from the harsh judgments and scrutiny of the outside world.
And when you learned of the agents who had dared to badmouth Natasha, you wasted no time in tracking them down and giving them a piece of your mind. With a fiery determination burning in your eyes, you confronted them head-on, refusing to let them tarnish Natasha's reputation any further.
"You have no idea what she's been through," you spat, your voice laced with righteous anger. "She's one of the strongest, most resilient people I know, and she deserves nothing but respect."
The agents cowered before you, their faces pale with guilt and shame. And as you walked away, leaving them to ponder the consequences of their actions, you felt a sense of satisfaction wash over you.
Every time you sensed Natasha spiraling, you were there, a steady anchor in her stormy sea. You showered her with kisses, peppering her face with affectionate gestures, a silent reminder of the love that enveloped her. Your touch was a constant presence, your fingers entwined with hers or softly tracing patterns on her skin, a tangible reassurance that you were there for her, always.
You made sure she had everything she needed, anticipating her wants before she even voiced them. Whether it was a warm meal or a comforting hug, you were always one step ahead, ready to offer her solace in her moments of need.
But even as you tended to her, Natasha noticed the turmoil brewing beneath your surface. Despite your smiles and jokes, she saw the shadows lurking in your eyes, the weight of your own struggles weighing heavily on your shoulders. And though you tried to hide it, she knew that your sleepless nights were spent wrestling with demons of your own.
As the time came for you to return to work after a month of devoted care for Natasha, a sense of dread settled in the pit of your stomach. The thought of leaving her alone, vulnerable to the demons that had haunted her in the past, filled you with a gnawing anxiety.
You found yourself making up excuses, delaying your departure in a futile attempt to hold onto the precious moments you had shared together. But Natasha saw through your facade, her eyes searching yours for the truth that you were desperate to hide.
"Y/n, what's going on?" she asked, her voice gentle but firm. "You've been acting strange lately, avoiding going back to work, making excuses to stay. Is something wrong?"
Your heart constricted at the concern in her voice, the weight of your own fears threatening to suffocate you. But you couldn't bring yourself to voice the truth, to admit to the depths of your own insecurities.
"I… I just don't want to leave you," you confessed, your voice barely above a whisper. "I'm afraid that if I go back to work, things will go back to how they were before. I'm afraid of losing you Tasha."
Tears welled in your eyes as you spoke, the vulnerability of your confession laying bare the depths of your fear. But Natasha's response was immediate, her arms wrapping around you in a tight embrace, her warmth a comforting balm against the storm raging within you.
"Y/n, listen to me," she said, her voice steady and unwavering. "I'm not going anywhere. We've been through hell and back together, and I'm not about to let anything tear us apart."
With a heavy heart and a sense of resolve, you made the difficult decision to resign from your position, knowing that your place was by Natasha's side. As you prepared to leave, a fierce determination burned within you to make the most of the time you had left together.
With a hunger born of love and longing, you pulled Natasha into your arms, your lips seeking hers in a passionate kiss.
An so as you hold Natasha close, your heart overflowing with love and devotion, you feel the need to express the depths of your feelings to her.
"Nat," you begin, your voice soft and tender, "I need you to understand something. I love you more than words can express, more than I ever thought possible."
You press a gentle kiss to her forehead, savoring the warmth of her skin against your lips before continuing.
"I love you for who you are, not for your past or your appearance. Every part of you, every scar, every imperfection, it's all part of what makes you so incredibly beautiful to me."
Your fingers trace the contours of her face, your touch reverent and adoring.
"And I want you to know that my love for you will never waver. No matter what challenges we face, no matter what obstacles come our way, I will always be by your side, loving you with every beat of my heart."
Tears shimmer in Natasha's eyes as she listens to your words, her own heart swelling with emotion.
"I love you too, Y/n," she whispers, her voice choked with tears. "More than you'll ever know."
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hard-core-super-star · 7 months
kate who gets horny when she sees reader wearing her hoddie 🙏🙏
what your hands were made for [K.Bishop]
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pairing: bottom!kate bishop x top!reader
summary: kate ruins a cute moment by getting a little too excited about you wearing her hoodie.
warnings: SMUT -> minors, this isn't for you [grinding/humping; pet play is more than a little implied...my hand slipped :); kate gets needy and cums very fast; teasing; kate's praise kink goes brrr; subby puppy gf kate]
wordcount: 1.6k
a/n: i've missed writing for kate so much that i blacked out and wrote most of this in one sitting. i literally can't tell you who the dominant one is supposed to be here and i feel like that's exactly the way kate would like it lmao. anywho, i'm still thinking about the marvels so have this while i recover. i hope you enjoy <3
* * * * * * *
It’s a cold early morning in New York when your eyes open to the sight of your adorable, sleeping, girlfriend. A small smile pulls at your lips as you take her in, everything from her disheveled hair to the subtle crinkle between her eyebrows sends your heart soaring.
You can’t resist the urge to reach out and tuck a piece of her wild hair behind her ear. She stirs but only to wrap her arms tighter around your waist, an incoherent murmur of a complaint tumbling out of her parted lips. 
Kate Bishop is many things…except a morning person, something you’ve had to learn the hard way. It’s honestly a miracle she’s managed to make it to most of her early morning missions on time considering how many attempts it takes to get her to even consider getting up in the morning.
It’s hard to find her bad habit annoying when she looks so damn cute, though. 
Unfortunately for her, you’re awake, you’re hungry and Clint’s supposed to drop off her beloved golden retriever in a few hours.
You don’t necessarily understand the arrangement the two archers have but you know it can’t do Lucky any harm to be taken to the Barton’s home every once in a while. Especially during weeks when Kate is swamped with superhero work and can’t find the energy to be dragged around Central Park for a few hours.
So, you disentangle yourself from the brunette’s strong embrace and get up. 
You hear her grumble again while your hands reach for the warmest thing in sight: one of Kate’s purple hoodies chaotically thrown onto her bedside table. Any other day you’d be fighting the urge to scold her for never putting her clothes in her ridiculously large closet but today, the hoodie saves you from the cold air that nips at your skin.  
The tell-tale sound of sheets rustling around fills the room for a few seconds before Kate speaks up.
“Where are you going?” She groans, her voice carrying traces of that sleep-filled raspiness you've come to love. 
“To get ready. Clint’s coming to drop off Lucky.”
“Yeah, but that's not until later and your girlfriend wants cuddles right now.”
You turn around to face her, ready to tease her for being such a grump in the morning, only to find the archer watching you with wide eyes.
“Um…you okay, babe?”
Your voice brings her out of her thoughts and you catch sight of the pink hue that threatens to overtake her beautiful face. “Yeah…yeah, just…that hoodie looks really good on you.”
“Thank you, I stole it from my grumpy girlfriend.” 
You're technically making fun of her but all she can focus on is the way her hoodie looks on you. On the subtle smirk that pulls at your lips and the small token of possession it represents. 
She's not a jealous person or an overly controlling partner but the thought of you wearing her things, of showing you're her partner and no one else’s…stirs something inside her that she's never felt before.
You can see it. 
The way her face slowly changes from a sleepy and dazed look to hungry eyes that seem to try to devour you with a single glance. It would be startling if you didn’t know her so well.
“Come here,” she says as she extends her arms out to you.
“You’re not even going to sit up?” You can’t resist the urge to tease her even while you do exactly what she asks of you.
She merely shakes her head in response, stable hands grabbing your waist and pulling you down on top of her. You don’t even get the chance to come up with another teasing remark before she’s leaning up and stealing your thoughts away with a kiss.
You sink into her, an almost inaudible sigh slipping out of your mouth and into Kate’s as the two of you mold together. Her hands mess with the fabric of the hoodie adorning your figure but she makes no move to remove the barrier just yet.
You assume she’s just waiting for your permission to take it off until she starts caressing you over the fabric. There’s no time to question what exactly she’s doing though since her lips detach from yours only so she can nip at your jawline. “God…you look so good in my clothes, baby.”
“Yeah? Is that why you’re trying to hump the air right now?”
The groan you hear in response is exactly what you’re expecting. 
What you don’t expect however is for her hips to literally buck against the air. Your words were supposed to be a joke but of course, your girlfriend would be into it. There’s a reason you call her your golden retriever girlfriend and it’s not just because of how loyal she is.  
Her hands go from soft and exploratory to demanding in an instant and you let out a groan of your own as she maneuvers your body until she’s able to trap your knee between her legs.
She’s been awake for less than ten minutes and she already has you right where she wants you.
“Kate-” She smothers the rest of your sentence with her lips and yet you can’t find it in yourself to be mad about the interruption.
You’re too busy kissing her back to attempt to tease her once she starts moving against you, impatient hips rocking every which way to find some relief. It’s hot and adorable in ways that make your heart clench and your clit throb with need. 
“Fuck,” she mumbles against your lips.
You take the opportunity to glide your hands underneath her shirt and remove it from her in one move. She shudders, both from the cold air and the pleasure overtaking her body, and it’s a sight you don't ever want to forget.
Kate’s desperation is palpable but you enjoy watching the way she writhes under you too much to touch her the way she needs. You merely let her grind against you while your hands explore her chest, basking in the beautiful, needy, sounds you draw out of her.
You're in the middle of teasing her hardened nipples when she breaks. 
“y/n…babe…please…” There’s no sweeter sound than the sound of your girlfriend giving in to the pleasure only you can make her feel. 
“Already?” You ask through a chuckle, watching as your words make her eyes clench shut. “I haven’t even done anything yet.”
“Shut up,” she grumbles before another moan tumbles out of her.
She grips the front of your hoodie with an iron grip, pulling you down against her so she can kiss you again. You let her do what she wants while enjoying every beautiful second of her borderline frantic movements. 
It’s unreal how fast she crumbles under you, how quick she is to lose the confident act and let herself drop into a state where all she wants, all she needs, is you. Even the air she breathes is incomparable to how alive you make her feel during moments like these.
Your lips leave hers right as you push your knee against her center. You’re sure she’s seconds away from soaking through her sweatpants considering how hard she’s humping you. 
“y/n-” She gasps, her back arched and her muscles strained while she rocks against you. “Please, I can’t…”
You admire her for a few seconds before giving her the permission she not so secretly craves. “I know, you’re just a needy pup, aren’t you? You can’t help yourself, can you, Katie?”
Her eyes fly open at that and the dazed look in her eyes is more than enough of a reward for you. She nods furiously in response, clearly only a few mess thrusts away from falling apart. “Yes, yes, I am, please, baby.”
“Good girl,” you say with that proud grin that makes her melt every time. “Go on, cum for me, puppy.”
The reaction your words coax out of her is instantaneous and it’s more than enough to leave your own underwear soaked through. Your arousal is the last thing on your mind though when you have a whiny, shaky Kate Bishop wildly grinding against you while she succumbs to her orgasm and the searing pleasure it leaves behind.  
You watch her for a few seconds, doing everything in your power to commit the sight to memory, before leaning down and pressing a few feather-light kisses to her sweaty skin. “So pretty for me, you did so good, puppy.”
The only sound that comes out of her is her heavy breathing and the quiet whine she can’t keep in every time she hears you call her puppy again. It takes her a few seconds to come back down to Earth and you wait patiently for her, pressing soft kisses all over her face and mumbling all the words that soothe the gentle storm inside of her.
Her hands finally release your hoodie and she wraps her arms around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer and groaning when you move so you’re not pressing up against her cunt anymore.
“You okay?” You whisper against her.
“Mhmm. More than okay, actually.” 
Kate doesn’t give you a chance to respond. She doesn't give you a chance to do anything but let out a gasp as she rolls the two of you over and triumphantly lands on top of you.
She wastes no time in burying her flushed face into your neck and nuzzling the warm skin she finds.
“We’re gonna have to get up eventually, puppy,” you remind her even though you’re already running your fingers through her messy hair and basking in the intimacy of the moment. 
“That sounds like a problem for later.”
She’s technically not wrong and it’s obvious she’s mere seconds from falling asleep again so you bite your tongue and let her have her win. As far as mornings go, this might be your favorite way of spending them, tangled up completely with the archer that owns your heart.
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radiance1 · 6 months
Alicorn parole au.
So, Billy Batson managed to successfully make friends with the two alicorns he kinda walked in on and learned their names. Pariah and Clockwork, he doesn't know how long they've been here but he knows that they're probably really old, like he pretends to be when he's Captain Marvel.
He doesn't tell them he's Shazam or the campion of magic though since they only just met, and it is a secret. Though he did have to leave to go back after he lost track of time and it is almost time for the field trip to end and he doesn't want to get left behind.
Clockwork gently nudge Pariah to go along with the boy, which confused Pariah since the boy already made to them without injury so he could obviously make it back. Except he's lost and Pariah realizes Clockwork wants him to guide the boy instead of protect.
Which he could do.
So he walks with the boy, and Billy found the silence pretty awkward so he talks to fill the silence. It's mostly a one-sided conversation and Billy felt like he was talking to a wall not going to lie, and he realizes that Pariah is listening, very intently in fact, about everything Billy is saying. Most of which was school stuff, then slowly changed to superhero stuff, Billy stops talking for a while when he realizes that maybe he's saying much more than a bystander should know and it would risk his identity.
But then it's okay because Pariah, genuinely, doesn't know anything about this world or its inhabitants.
Then he just, disappeared after Billy found one of his classmates and went back to Clockwork.
Billy then finds himself going back to visit his new friends, mostly when he had nothing to do, he memorized the way so it was pretty easy. Pariah keeps grumbling about how and why this mortal child could keep finding and passing through his barrier, which Clockwork chuckles at.
Clockwork, he finds, offers varying amounts of wisdom out of blue, wisdom that Billy does find himself using actually. Nor does he seem surprised when anything happens and just easily going with the flow more bemused than anything (a perk of being an all-knowing watcher of timelines for eons is that most things don't surprise you) while Pariah seems to be ready for a fight at a moments notice and seems to really want one.
One moment he's calm and composed, like Royality. The next he's acting like a warlord ready for a battle at the drop of a hat.
Overall, they act pretty different despite being of the same species (at least he's pretty sure they are).
A while after meeting them, Billy is given a piece of paper by Clockwork that Billy is supposed to rip apart in case of an emergency and both of them would come to his aid. Which he thought was nice, but he knew he probably wasn't ever going to use it since he's Shazam!
He still kept it though.
He never thought he would've had to use it, but his class being held hostage while on a field trip to Gotham city of all places was not something he expected. Nor did he even have an opportunity to turn into Shazam without risking his identity, and his teacher was at risk of death while trying to buy time for Batman or any of the birds to come and save them really.
So, he rips the paper.
He realizes two things that day.
One, his friend Pariah just might be (or was) an actual Warlord out for his enemies' blood and two, Batman's questioning glare is still scary no matter if he were Shazam or not.
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ferrstappen · 1 year
LONG LIVE l Esteban Ocon
(a/n): omg the first installment of the Taylor Swift Collection. I'll admit this one was a bit of a stretch but I just had this idea and needed to get it out! I hope you enjoy it and would love to have your feedback <3
disclaimer: in this au, the reader plays the role Zendaya plays in the franchise.
summary: Esteban Ocon (aka the biggest Spiderman fan, according to himself) tried to bribe his girlfriend, gave her the silent treatment, he called her out during race weekends, but Marvel was just too good keeping their secrets. (actress!reader).
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i) I said “remember this moment” in the back of my mind.
July 2018
When Esteban told his friend Lance that after months of liking every post and Instagram story of the actress playing Michelle Jones on the new Spider Man movies, he slid on her DMs in hopes she would answer, Lance laughed.
No, he didn’t laugh, he cackled.
It was July 2017, the first Spider-Man movie in the hands of Marvel Studios had just dropped and was a complete success, and of course Esteban had his team request a copy to the studios so he could host a viewing on his home theatre. 
He had avoided spoilers and even movie trailers in order to be surprised, most of his friends teased him about it, but he couldn’t careless, even dedicating that entire night to follow and stalk every cast member on Instagram. 
That’s when he noticed the gorgeous actress who played MJ, mysterious and intelligent on screen, and that’s when everything started for him. 
He googled her age, visited her Wikipedia page to see her accolades and projects, he even checked her dating history and the rumors surrounding her relationship with Tom Holland, the actor who played Spider-Man. 
His life went on, months went by where he silently liked her posts, just as another fan of the series and sequels of his favorite superhero, then he was focusing on the 2018 F1 Season, even as things turned ugly with not only having to worry about performing, but also with trying to keep his seat. 
Maybe his Instagram algorithm knew him a little too well when a Marvel fanpage showed on his timeline, announcing filming for the second movie of the Spider-Man sequel was taking place in London and Italy, and between the stress of training, press breathing on his shoulder about his future in Formula 1, he decided to take a risk.
Which takes him to his Canadian friend laughing at him. 
He made his way towards the Williams trailer where Lance was getting ready, not really caring that chances were he was going to take his seat at Racing Point, they were friends. That’s why Lance felt so comfortable staring at his friend in disbelief as he couldn’t stop the giggles that just kept coming. 
“Esteban, why would you subject yourself to being ignored? She’s from Hollywood, there’s no way she even knows who you are.” Lance tried to reason with his French friend, but Esteban shrugged. 
“It doesn’t matter, I know she’s probably not going to see it, but I have nothing to lose. It doesn’t even count as humiliation because we’ll probably never going to meet each other.”
Lance squinted his eyes at his friend. “You can’t have that attitude, dude!”
“But you just laughed on my face!” Esteban argued.
“Yes, because it’s my job as your friend, but at the same time I have to hype you up, you know?” Lance told him, but Esteban suspected he was just being too Canadian. “What did you tell her?”
Esteban sighed and scratched the back of his neck: “If she wanted to attend the British GP since they’re filming there.”
Lance let out a sound of approval. “You know? I think it could work out. Maybe you should find ways to drop how much of a fan of Spider-Man you are during press, you know? Just find a way, and then people will start ‘Oh, this Formula 1 driver is so adorable, he’s such a fanboy’.” The Canadian suggested. 
“How did you even think of that?” Esteban asked, but was interrupted by his iPhone going off, his engineer asking him where he was.
He didn’t get to talk with Lance again, just throwing himself on the hotel bed while his eyes were already closing due to stress and jetlag. Forcing himself off the bed to take a shower and then going to bed, checking his phone for one last time. 
His verified account worked in a weird way he still wasn’t able to fully grasp, only notifying him when other verified accounts messaged him or followed him.
And that’s what happened. 
Hey Esteban! I’m so sorry it’s taken so long to answer but ive been a bit busy. 
Attending Silverstone would actually be such a great time, is the invite still up? 
In case it is, this is my agent’s email so your people can give him the details ;)
The French read and reread the message at least ten times, not knowing if his mind was playing tricks with him, but when he read this notification, he gasped and dialed Lance. 
@(YNLN) started following you. 
ii) I was screaming “long live that look on your face”
(Y/N) thinks that Esteban exaggerated how much of a Spider-Man fan he was. They were officially dating now, so she figured it would eventually play down. 
God, was she wrong…
With the 2018 season finally over and Esteban not having a seat for 2019, he leaned heavily on her, even if he knew he was going to be under the wing of Mercedes for the time being, it wasn’t easy. 
She saw he was kind of down and with more free time than usual, plus they were still living the sweet first months of their relationship, so she surprised him with a guest pass and paper bracelet to allow him in the premises and set, leaving in on the table of her apartment while waiting for him to arrive for their movie date.
“Bebé, what is this?” He asked once he stepped inside your apartment, an envelope with his name written and an official Marvel stamp on it. He didn’t know what it was, but a grin was already starting to form. 
“Hello, Este. How are you? Did you miss me? Because I really missed you.” The actress placed her arms around his waist, shaking as his body trembled with a laugh before he leaned down to leave a caste kiss on her lips. 
“Of course I missed you, MJ.” He said and she playfully laughed at his nickname. “So, what is this?” He picked up the envelope. 
“It has your name on it, doesn’t it?” 
Esteban carefully moved from the embrace of his girlfriend and opened his gift, not even trying to hide the gasp that escaped his lips once he realized what was inside, carefully reading the letter inviting him to set, signed by Kevin Feige and Jon Watts, the director. 
“No, bebé… Is this for real?” He said with his accent getting thicker with excitement. 
“I think so.” She smiled before he kissed her, literally sweeping her off her feet. 
He knew he’d have to keep a low profile, the public not knowing yet about their relationship, the only one he had confided in was Lance, and now people in Mercedes knew, so it wouldn’t be long before the cat was out of the bag, but he was waiting for his girlfriend to feel comfortable to break the little comfy bubble they’d created.
They were in Venice when a black Mercedes picked them up at 4 AM, but he didn’t care. The street was closed and cameras were being placed, people walking all around as if it wasn’t the middle of the night and freezing. 
He knew it was cheesy, but the set lit up when she walked in. People greeted her all around, dozens of people and she stopped for each one of them, asking for their families and how was the hotel they were staying at. And the fact that he got to walk hand in hand with her, carefully carrying one of her bags, he was on cloud nine. 
But it got better. 
A British accent called (Y/N)’s name as they were approaching the luxury trailers parked not so far away from the set installed on the Italian streets. Of course Esteban recognized the accent, holding his girlfriend’s hand a little tighter. 
“Tom, this is Esteban, the guy you’ve been hearing so much about.” She said with a playful roll of her eyes, earning a chuckle from the brit as he extended his hand. 
“Pleasure to meet you, mate. I saw you during the Austin circuit, it looked sick!”
“I’m a big fan of your work, you’re the best Spider-Man,” Esteban said and his girlfriend just started to realize that maybe it wasn’t a play, he really was a huge fan. “And you’re always welcome on the paddock, just let me know.” Esteban said and Tom thanked him before being called to his trailer, telling the couple that they should go with the rest of the cast and other friends to have dinner.
“So… You’ve been talking a lot about me?” Esteban asked (Y/N), playfully raising his eyebrows and leaving a kiss on her hair. 
Esteban eyes followed as Peter Parker walked around the wrecked set, everything was wet and upside down, and he was in awe as he noticed (Y/N) making her way into the scene, questioning her friend if he was fine. 
Even if he couldn’t fully comprehend the dialogues or what was happening, his eyes were fixated on her, as she gave his co-star the same caring and sweet eyes that she gave him in real life, and he felt like the luckiest man on earth. 
The day was so great that they ignored the few tabloids that picked up the Instagram post of the Holland siblings, the happy couple, and other members of the cast when they went to dinner to a nice small restaurant. 
“Are Spider-Man star and F1’s star Esteban Ocon dating? We have the details from inside sources!”
 iii) When they gave us our trophies, and we held them up for our town.
Hungaroring, 2021
Every reporter went crazy when they saw (Y/N) driving a Land Rover with Esteban Ocon as her co-pilot, smiles on their faces as they pretended to ignore the hundreds of flashes capturing their faces through the tinted windows. 
They’d been dating for almost two years, but still hadn’t confirmed anything. Of course people knew; everyone involved in F1 and Marvel knew they were official since 2019, and of course their fans were aware they were together after seeing pictures of them together all the time, but no one has managed to capture even the slightest form of PDA between them, which made people still think they were friends… Very close friends. 
But there was something about this weekend that made them act more carefree, holding hands when they got out of the car, not caring if paparazzi got low-quality, grainy photos of the showing the tiniest bit of affection. 
The actress pecked his lips before he went to his driver’s room to get ready, engineers rapidly approaching him to talk a few things over. 
Time flew by and soon she was giving him one last hug and good luck kiss before he got in the car. 
“You know, this is pretty dangerous…” Esteban dramatically said, earning a grin from his girlfriend. 
“Estie, no.”
“But… I’m your boyfriend. You can trust me!” 
“It’s a secret, only a couple more months to go and you’ll watch it. Trust me, you’ll enjoy it more not knowing what’s gonna happen… Plus, I know you’re going to tell Lance whatever I tell you.”
“Is the multiverse theory true?” She was tempted to tell him something, but she always chose against it, having signed too many NDAs.
Just as she was going to answer, Esteban was called to get in the car before the race. 
“I love you, Este. Drive safely, okay?” (Y/N) got on her tiptoes and kissed him softly, like it was just the two of them. 
“Je t’aime beaucoup, bebé.” 
She became accustomed to the roaring of motors, the smell of gasoline and the rush of a pit stop, but that didn’t mean the worried butterflies on her stomach calmed down, she still bit her nails while listening to his radio and watching him overtake his rivals. His parents were the same, eyes not moving from the screen.
But today, it was a different kind of anxiety. She was on the edge of her seat, the fresh coat of nail polish chipped as everyone in the garage started realizing that they were going to win. The first for the team and for Esteban. 
She couldn’t stay seated during the last four laps, completely aware that F1 cameras were paying more attention to the Alpine garage, wanting to get the best reactions, and obviously she was there, but she couldn’t care less. 
It became real during the last lap, mechanics and engineers running to greet their driver on their maiden win.
Esteban parked the car and got out, jumping right into the awaiting arms of everyone involved, his face was one of pure disbelief, his eyes glassy with unshed tears and shaky hands.
She was holding your phone as his mom and dad went to hug him and congratulate him, wanting to immortalize the moment after so many years and sacrifices. Of course she loved his parents, but she wanted the moment to be over to hug him and congratulate him.
And that’s what happened when he noticed her. He noticed that he didn’t really know how to approach her, knowing cameras were filming their every movement and being broadcasted.
That’s why she took the matters in her own hands. Her hand went to cup his face, his arms found their home on her waist as he lifted her and kissed her. It wasn’t a pretty kiss, they were trying to pour every feeling, knowing words wouldn’t do it justice.
“Babe, I’m so proud of you, congratulations. Shit, I don’t even know what to say!” They laughed and went for another short kiss, people around them cheering. 
“You know what a great prize would be?” He asked her, gently placing her back on the ground. 
“Not a chance, Estie.”
(YNLN) just posted.
(YNLN): GP winner/king of my heart/love of my life @estebanocon
iv) Long live the walls we crashed through, how the kingdom lights shined just for me and you. 
Sadly, Esteban wasn’t afraid to admit he pleaded his girlfriend to show him the new Spider-Man script. He tried to bribe her with silly gifts, gave her the silent treatment. His last resort was to call her out during race weekends. 
“Esteban, we are living the last races of the 2021 season and you seem alone, did you girlfriend leave you for Peter Parker yet?” The interviewer asked him laughing, making Esteban smile. 
“Yes, she is in the middle of her press tour for the latest movie.”
“I don’t remember many movies creating this level of hype and mystery, do you have any inside details?”
“Don’t even get me started,” Esteban answered, his accent getting thicker. “I don’t know anything, she has kept everything a secret. I’ve pleaded, I even spoke with her co-stars and they told me (Y/N) warned them to not tell me anything! Not even after I offered full-access paddock passes!” Esteban was  shooting his last shot to get any information, even if it meant exposing his girlfriend. 
“Interesting, Marvel is that good keeping secrets, huh? We hope to see you on the red carpet. Good luck on the race! Esteban Ocon, everybody!” 
“You are shameless!” That was the first thing Esteban heard after he picked up the FaceTime call from his girlfriend. 
“Oh, you saw it?” He asked her nonchalantly, like it wasn’t a big deal. 
“You just have to hang on a couple of weeks and you’ll see it. Babe, I have to be back with the interviews soon, but I was told you can bring a plus one to the premier.”
“Am I not your plus one?” Esteban asked confused. 
“Nah, people like you too much now. We can walk the red carpet together, though!”
Esteban smiled at the sight of her perfectly dressed girlfriend. “No, it’s your moment, wouldn’t want to steal it with my perfect height and handsome looks.” He joked, earning a loud laugh from her, his favorite sound. 
She was right, time flew by. Now Esteban was admiring as people worked on her dress and makeup. Someone was fixing his hair for one last time before they left the fancy hotel room. 
Paparazzi were already lining up outside the hotel, waiting for them. They smiled before the valet got the car. She gave him a weird look, seeing a sports car, very similar to his Alpine car, with no one inside. 
“You didn’t think I was going to let someone else drive you, right?” He offered his arm and opened the door for her, helping her with the dress and leaving a kiss on her hand before walking towards the pilot seat. 
She couldn’t stop smiling, resting her hand on Esteban’s thigh during the short ride as he expertly drove, eyes not leaving the road to interlace their fingers. 
“Chérie… You have one last chance.”
“Esteban!” She stared at him in disbelief. 
“Can’t blame a fan for trying.”
Esteban would never tell her, but it was completely worth it in the end. His eyes couldn’t leave the screen for a second, too enthralled by the story being played in front of him, not even noticing the nervous eyes of his girlfriend, she wanted him to enjoy it because, as she found out during the time loving him, he was not exaggerating how much of a fan he was.
She noticed how he didn’t even try to hide the tears and the gasps during the movie, he probably didn’t notice how his grip on her hand got tighter every time a twist happened. Tears were falling freely as he watched his girlfriend on screen, playing what he thought was the saddest scene on modern cinema. 
He was the first one on his feet to start the stand-up ovation in the movie theatre. He didn’t care about anything when the lights were turned on, his only worry being softly kissing her lips while people around them were still cheering. 
“Shit, I still can’t believe he pulled it off…” 
That was Lance, shaking his head and taking a picture with his iPhone to show it at their wedding, knowing that Esteban and (YN) were endgame, even if he made fun of Esteban.
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ronearoundblindly · 1 year
Eight-Thirty PM
CEO!Steve Rogers x CEO!Reader (from It Had To Be You series)
Summary: Steve returns after a long business trip.
Warnings for smut. Yeah, it's not rocket science. They bang in the office. Yes, of course, on the desk. Yeah, up against the window, too. And a chair. And the floor. Look, it's just smut (with very light bondage, consensually unprotected sex, hint of marking kink, dirty talk, and the ever-expected fact that I'm going to hell). WC 3k
MINORS DNI, 18+ ONLY. There's plenty for you to read on my Light Masterlist, but this work is not for you!
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“Why are you still here?”
Your head shoots up from your tablet. You didn’t think he’d come back to the office. Steve’s plane landed only an hour ago, and after a grueling two weeks of flying around the world to five different countries, you thought you’d see him tomorrow after he’s slept off the jet lag.
Overnight bag in hand, your co-CEO and boyfriend is still wearing an overcoat and work suit from meetings on the other side of the Atlantic just twelve hours ago.
You’ve been in this office just as long, finishing up the odds and ends from new contracts.
Giving a quick shrug, you answer, “You know damn well I don’t leave until the day is done.”
He sighs dramatically in your doorway, giving a pointed glare to the clear night that has fallen outside. If he’s brought his bag all the way up though, Steve planned to work, too, the hypocrite.
“What’s left?” He drops his bag in the corner, the door automatically swinging shut, and walks to your side, planting one hand by your elbow and one on the back of your chair to peer at your screen.
For the last fifteen minutes, you’ve been scrolling mindlessly through news articles, dreading going to your empty apartment for one more night. You’d hoped Steve would call when he landed, ask you out to dinner, or immediately back to his place, so you waited and zoned out.
“Ah yes, pressing stuff,” he grumbles at your social media feed. “How dare I interrupt this?”
You drop your hands to your lap and spin toward him.
“How else am I supposed to keep you supplied with soothing yet hilarious animal memes?”
Steve hasn’t changed his lean over you, so his face is just there, within reach, but you hold firm.
He lifts the hand from the desk to stroke your cheek, voice like warm honey tea. “Of course. That makes sense.”
Like a magnetic dance of alignment, he shifts and so do you, forcing you to rise from your chair. Words don’t come to mind while Steve crowds your space, hands deftly finding your hips and petting—pushing, rather—you back towards your office window.
“Is this new? I like it.”
 The blouse you bought in Japan, the perfectly tailored pencil skirt is from Italy, and your ability to resist his presence was on loan. Time just expired.
His long fingers bunch the thick fabric of your bottoms higher and higher until your thinly veiled ass presses against the window for the whole world to see. Not that anyway cares; not that anyone can look in when you have an unobstructed view out to the water. You couldn’t care less when Steve is back.
He’s back, back here, back by your side, back against your body, a thin, reinforced pane of glass separating you both from a thirty-story, sheer drop. If you could shift your feet six inches farther, you’d be flying like a superhero above New York City.
That’s ridiculous. There aren’t people who can fly. Superheros don’t exist…but if they did…
Steve Rogers would be a prime specimen. He and his broad, stabilizing hands—the ones anchoring your hips to that precariously invisible wall, the ones suspending you between ecstasy and terror—would definitely classify as hero-level marvelous.
Your skin buzzes, alive and anticipating. Your mind drowns in the wave of rich, comforted by the scent flooding the air around you.
That damn soap.
Those broad hands move up your sides, gripping so firm and hot your blouse wrinkles in their wake until his fingers finally reach the column of your neck. He replaces the grounding effect of pinning you with a deliberate thrust of his hips. His breath rolls between his fingers at your throat. The sensation brings you back from truly floating.
Your leaden eyelids struggle to open. You hadn’t realized they were even closed. When he fills every sense, what’s lack of sight? He’s just so wonderful to feel, and he’s almost too glorious to behold: dark, blown pupils; tongue striping across his bottom lip; pristinely coifed hair slightly out of place in his rush to corner you.
You missed him. You missed this because this is Steve in your space, and he doesn’t invade. No. Steve enlightens the world around you. He lifts your work-weary soul up another thirty stories high and makes you believe that thing he’s always saying to you.
You’re amazing.
You sure as shit feel amazing when the first prickles of his beard scuttle across your jaw, the distance between you so minuscule now that you’re left with a void of all else but him and his oh-so-smooth, plush lips grazing yours.
With a shaky, deep breath and a sensual rasp to his voice, Steve starts, “So about the Cloutman contract…”
You almost laugh, but you almost slap him, too.
He just won’t quit. It really is so marvelously irritating.
“Shut up,” you huff into his mouth before taking hold of his lapels and making him.
You offer your best reciprocation of hot hands all over him, sliding beneath his coat and blazer to wrap his heaving chest and cling while he shrugs the layers off. Your tongues dance and slow. Your mouths suck and nibble. Your lips touch and tease.
You could not go on like this all night. You need each other after this long apart.
“Got any condoms in your office,” you ask during one break for air.
Steve freezes.
You didn’t actually anticipate the answer would be ‘no.’ Somehow, though he’s never dated much, though he’s rarely even touched you in the office these last two months of dating, you expected him to have…some sort of manly stash everywhere.
“Not in your bag?” you try.
Steve looks horrified, huffing, “You weren’t on the trip with me.” Why would he need condoms without you? his look continues silently.
You bite your lip and try not to laugh.
Door to door, the office to his place is over half an hour, the office to your place takes forty-five minutes on the best day, and to a drug store and back here would cost both twenty minutes and your dignity. You would never send a driver on that kind of errand, so you keep mulling over your options
Steve’s so disappointed, in mourning for his last moments before even more travel, running his fingers along the silky fabric of your blouse, the supple leather of your skirt, and the soft cotton of your panties.
“Maybe we should sit,” you suggest, thinking he’ll walk you over to one of the three chairs in the room, but Steve plunks his ass down right on his coat pooled atop the carpet. 
He pulls you into his lap, hands still roaming your clothing. He seems resigned to staring at the sliver of your décolleté beyond your collar, and it’s natural to tease him by starting to unbutton it. Two weeks is too long to go without seeing that slack-jawed look of envy for the fabrics that are allowed to kiss your skin all day. He’s as ravenous as an addict before they fall right back off the wagon.
“Okay,” you say finally.
Steve absently repeats you, but you’re solid in your decision.
Last week was your period, there are no fluctuations in your cycle to concern you, and you even thought that was a lucky break while your new-ish boyfriend was away. Then the word’s meaning seems to dawn on Steve.
“Okay-okay?” He swallows thickly.
Your top is undone, so you start on his, pulling the Windsor knot loose from his neck and moving slowly.
“Oh-kay,” you repeat, button by button.
Steve inhales sharply through his nose. “Like okay we don’t have one?” His face exposes his thoughts tentatively, a spark of something akin to hope here, a flicker of darker desire there. “You want me to…” he puffs out his chest “…and then I’ll just—“
“—come inside me.”
“—pull out,” he finishes. “What?!” It’s the world’s smallest exclamation. All the air rushes out of him. His blue eyes shadow as if dusk hit the harbor in a sudden eclipse.
You push the crisp white shirt over his broad shoulders.
“Precious,” Steve breathes, “are you sure?” Once the sleeves are off his arms, he pets down his beard. “You…”
“Uh-huh.” You nod, sliding off the navy tie.
“You’re sure,” he says again, unconvinced, short-circuiting. “I never…”
You understand his hesitation, you really do, but Steve doesn’t have to become a broken record questioning your choices. It’s a reasonable call in your monogamous relationship, and if he fucking ruins this for you after waiting half a month for his return, you’re gonna…you’re gonna…get ideas.
Ideas like this one.
You take Steve’s hands in yours and start wrapping the tie around his wrists.
He says nothing. He doesn’t even look down. He just stares at your face as you concentrate on tying a couple of knots on the makeshift binding and glance back up at him. He keeps his hands together, suspended between your bodies, unwilling to move yet.
So you keep working.
You undo his belt and unzip his pants, watching his lips fall open and the thoughts racing behind his eyes slow down. It’s a hard reset—one making Steve harder and harder beneath your touch.
“Hey, Captain,” you husk, leaning into his paralyzed hands only to have him recoil in alarm, “whatcha thinking?”
His long fingers grip gently at your face, face close to yours. Steve licks across his lips excruciatingly slow. “Say it again.” 
“Fuck me.”
He growls, sweeping his arms over your head and pinning you to his chest. With ease, Steve rolls onto his knees and rises, carrying you until your ass hits the chilly wood of your desk. He drags his body between your wide legs.
“Say it again.”
He bends forward, forcing you to lay back with his bound hands cradling your head, heat surging down your body when his warm skin sits flush down your torso. 
With his lips latched just below your ear, you whisper in his, “I want you to come inside me.”
You feel his teeth graze your throat as Steve grunts involuntarily, ripping his hands out from under you and shoving down his pants and boxer briefs. He orders you to remove your panties, demands you unhook the front clasp of your bra, and presses his erection to your core. He praises your exposed beauty while shushing your incoherent whimpers. His arms push past your shoulders and settle beneath the small of your back, angling you perfectly for his cock to slide back and forth through your folds, his hips nudging that too-long neglected bundle of nerves.
No more long, solo business trips, you think before your mind blurs in the low lamp light, you won’t survive another absence.
He spreads your arousal between you for an agonizing eternity, swipe after swipe, making you cry out every time the head of him notches in just the right spot. He could be in you right now. He could be fucking your brains out. At least that would give you reason to be this stupidly cock-crazed already.
“Didn’t use to need it like this,” Steve mutters into the valley of your breasts. “Went so long without. Can’t now.” He nips at the swell of you. “Not a day—not a night without…wanting this.”
He’s slow to push the head in, having foregone stretching you on his fingers, but he lavishes your nipples with attention enough to have you mewling for more.
“…wanting you…”
You gasp as his edging progression throbs across your whole body. His thick length and dextrous tongue coax every thrill back to the side of pleasure that curls your toes and shakes your thighs around him. He thrusts shallowly before pressing deeper, bullying a nipple with strong suction as he struggles to control himself.
“Missed you. Missed you so much.”
It makes you soar to hear him so broken, unable to separate his need for your company from his need to bury himself in you, unable to rein in his raw, animalistic desire to fill you in any way.
Steve fights this nature.
He fights to be respectful. He fights to be appreciative. He fights to ensure you always feel seen as more than just a woman, but right at this moment, it is the greatest accomplishment of your career to override the genius mind of Steve Rogers and make him crumble in worship of your pussy.
When he’s fully seated within your walls, you shiver straight into his embrace.
“I love you,” you breathe, pulling your arms out from beneath his to card through his hair.
Steve whines at the intimacy, muttering how good you feel into your neck before finding you for a kiss.
“I love you, too.”
Your spit-slicked nipples graze his rough chest hair with every bounce of Steve’s frantic and increasingly wild thrusts. His excitement fuels yours, his moans turning to groans while your core heats up like a kettle on the cusp of whistling.
“Are you sure?” he asks, but he sounds so wrecked, so incapable of any rational thought that isn’t pure praise of you.
His huge hands cling to your shoulder blades. The bite of short fingernails barely registers on your sweating skin. All you can do is scream in warning.
Your body clamps down, fluttering a strong and desperate rhythm of its own against him.
“Oh fuck, precious,” Steve pants, hustling to move his arms back around to your front, pressing into your tight stomach, imagining the glide of his cock beneath his palms as he holds you still.
He’s lost and lust-drunk, focused on pumping you full of his cum and relishing the new sensation. His eyes shut, lashes kissing his cheeks, and his head lolls back in one last choked shout.
It’s so much wetter combined with you, so much nastier and possessive.
He kneads gently at your belly, still pushed in as deep as he can be, and lets out a breathy chuckle in utter, debauched bliss.
A second later, Steve easily twists out of the looped tie, tossing it in a heap beside you on the desk and petting every inch of you he can reach as he comes down.
His descending calm only sends you reeling.
You watch the corruption of man in 4K high definition as Steve succumbs to this new, greedy delight. You see the very moment it dawns on him that he’s a righteously common man—replete with vice he’s unlikely to recover from. His downfall keeps you floating on shockwaves like you’re in a mosh pit, his every expression pushing you back into the fog of orgasm.
You did this. You did this to him as much as he did this to you.
Eyes glazed and dark, Steve’s fingertips finally trace the joint of your hip.
The tickle makes you buck against him, knocking him back a little, and slowly, Steve does pull out entirely. He never lets go of you though.
His thumb finds your clit and starts up another leisurely pace. He sits his bare ass on your office chair and looks directly at your exposed sex, staring as the stimulation makes you clench.
 You hear the powerful man between your legs roll forward for a better view. 
You feel him leaking out of you and know he’s holding that gaze for a moment longer before yanking out a few tissues from the box in your drawer and wiping up what he can. He’s gentle, but he doesn’t have to be so slow to clean you. 
You expect that to be it.
He’s brought you back down—albeit teasingly,—returned from his trip to some feral, nomad land, and that’s likely the end of your romp at work with straight-laced, kind Steve Rogers. 
But his hot hand finds your calf, lifting your leg to drape over his shoulder. He doesn’t even wait until the other leg is moved into place before his lips lock around that sensitive nub still aching from attention.
He goes to town, particularly ravenous for more noise, pausing for long periods to caress and nuzzle the plush skin of your thighs. He whispers how he likes the smell of you two together, how it’s stronger, maybe because he’s been away, how you smell potent and ready for him, and he didn’t hurt you, did he? He just wanted you so bad. Needed you.
You lean into his new-found obsession, steadily rising high again, body and soul.
Did he like marking you? you ask. Will he keep thinking about it?
Will he want to keep you full and watch it overflow from you? 
Is he ready to fuck you again already?
Your words don’t even shame the golden boy begging to suffocate between your legs; they only encourage him. He has you gushing again in minutes. It takes longer for the sparking electricity of your high to dissipate than it did to build the charge.
He simply watches with a smile on his face and his lips sliding across the tender back of your knee.
Eventually, you sit up, gasping for air, blouse and bra still trapped on your elbows, skirt still hiked up to your waist. No more words pass between you. You hold each other in an adoring gaze, giggling when he has to help you put your feet back on the ground.
You fluff your destroyed hair and step onto wobbly legs. Steve races to help, but you only move to straddle him in the chair, your hand finding his still-slick cock that’s well on its way to hard. His eyes meet yours and never falter, his hands steady beside your arms in case you need his strength but untouching while you jerk and toy with him. He unabashedly shows you the full mess of him you’ve made, like you let him see of you.
You look over to the clock near the door.
The night is still young, and you missed your boyfriend. He’s full of surprises and you want to explore at least one more before breaking to head home.
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@bucky-fricking-barnes-reads @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @fallinallinmendes @deandreamernp @rach2602 @patzammit @royalwritersoftheuniverses @supraveng @1950schick @yiiiikesmish
A/N: Hey gang, so I'm in a phase of this emotional cluster-fuck that I honestly cannot tell if my work reads well? Normally, I have a decent radar for the quality I'm looking for/proud of, but lately, absolutely nothing makes par. I'm kinda relying on you guys to tell me if and when we get to a point that it's bad and maybe I need to take a real break. I PROMISED SINFUL SUNDAY THOUGH, so I do hope it was at least passable as entertainment! 💚💜
[Main Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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demigod-of-the-agni · 11 months
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>:) very well, my people (currently screaming because i wrote a response but i accidentally CTRL+Zd everything out of existence lmao)
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The Mythic Mumbattan AU is me pouring the following ingredients into an explosive mess:
Hindu mythology and Indian culture overload
college!Spider-Man shenanigans
revamping the original Spider-Man: India plotlines and expanding the lore
character studies!!! my favourite :)
a potential and self-indulgent crossover with another indian superhero (if we ever get there)
the horrors.
Pavitr and his personal cast!!! just!!!! THEY!!!!!!
(keep reading if you want more goodies >:D)
So the CoffeeBean is a coffeeshop that existed in the mainstream Marvel universe and in real life but that's another thing; the cast below frequently drop by to hang out with one another. The Mumbattan-equivalent of the CoffeeBean is actually the TeaHouse which is another real life thing but shh and so in-universe they're called the TeaHouse gang, but in my heart they'll always be the CBG 😌
Everyone goes to Brihanmumbai State University (BSU). Lots of crazy things happen here. Pavitr's relationship with the others is always in flux but ultimately they're super close with one another (fuck it, they might as well be poly). Their personalities I try to keep as close as I can to the mainstream universe E616 comics, but I'm being creative and letting a few things from the SMI comics and ATSV influence them:
Pavitr Prabhakar — Tamilar (Tamil); he has the charm and skills from his ATSV counterpart and the smarts from his SMI counterpart; he can be a bit of a jerk and a flake, but he tries to be a good friend, and is much more open than he was in high school.
Meera Jain — Kannadiga (Kannada); basically how I've written her in tibim: everyone's first impression of her is that she's carefree and seems to not worry too much about life. She secretly deals with a lot of self-doubt and personal fears, but the gang's presence is enough for her to push them aside.
Gayatri Singh — Gujarati (Gujarati); she's probably the most quiet of the gang, but undeniably the kindest. She's more similar to Pavitr, in that she's stubborn and quick to judge. She's the glue of the gang and always willing to extend a hand to others
Hari Oberoi — Maharashtrian (Gujarati/Marathi/Hindi); the son of the man who tried to bring literal hell to earth, but other than that he's okay. He's a people-pleaser despite having everything, and struggles with his own self-image and who he should become
Ekansh "Flash" Travasso — Goan (Marathi); the high school jock who's grown more understanding and compassionate. He knew Pavitr the longest, so they have quite an interesting collection of interactions. (ALSO I'M SO SORRY I WROTE THOMPSON IN THE ART POST INSTEAD OF TRAVASSO 😭 maybe i should go back and edit that)
Spider-Man is Spider-Man'ing. Mumbattan loves him (sort of. Inspector Singh has mixed feelings). But another question: why is that every where Spider-Man goes the demons of yore all start showing up and begin wrecking havoc? Why is that? I am taking the magic in Spider-Man: India and dialing it up to five million — horrors and magic of every kind! I can get my hands real dirty and /really/ push Pavitr to his limit >:)
That is all for now. There will be more characters, but they'll show up in time. Lots of stories too, all old and new and revamped and crazy, but they'll be told when they're ready. Perhaps this is enough to satiate everyone's hunger? (unless you want to know something else, then by all means go ahead and ask!!!)
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cogentranting · 2 years
I think we should get a Marvel one-shot, that’s just one by one each of the New York heroes ending up in the same subway car and then riding in awkward silence together. 
The car is empty except for one person in the corner, reading a newspaper. Then the superheroes begin to enter, one at a time. Jessica Jones and Luke Cage, in their plain clothes, get on first, slumping into the seats. A few moments later Bucky arrives with his end of show costume and fancy arm-- he starts reading a book. Enter Kate Bishop in bright purple, awkwardly navigating her bow. A second before the door closes Danny and Colleen push their way in; Colleen is holding her katana and Danny has adopted his bright yellow and green outfit; they wave to Luke and Jessica who pretend not to notice. Kamala Khan hops on at the next stop in full superhero gear, immediately recognizes Bucky and tries to play it cool, while constantly darting glances at him. He notices but pretends not to, just reads more intensely. Matt in his Daredevil suit is the next to arrive. He collapses opts to lay on the floor instead of taking a seat, prompting stares (ranging from concern to confusion to judgment) from all. As the train moves toward the next station there’s a loud thud as something collides with the outside of the train, making them all jump and look out the window: Spiderman is now awkwardly hanging on the outside of the car. He waves. Kate and Kamala wave back. He stays there until the next station. 
The train stops. Spiderman swings away into the tunnel. Everyone else shuffles out and heads off in different directions. The car is empty again except for the man with the newspaper. He has not lowered it this entire time, but now he does, slowly, carefully, making sure the others are all gone. He drops the paper to his lap in relief once he’s certain he’s alone. It’s Stephen Strange. 
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sweetmariihs2 · 3 months
Today I found and bought two new Sofia The First magazines in a magazine stand, in a town next to mine. (That's what the post is about) 🪻✨️💗
I live in a small town, I came to the neighboring city (a slightly bigger one; where there is a cinema, adequate medical care and clinics, things that are scarce in my town and everyone comes here when they need one of these things) to do an eyesight exam, because recebtly I've been feeling my vision getting worse. Going to the clinic, I found a magazine stand on the other street, and I asked my family (who were with me) if they could accompany me there later. I did the exam, and I'm still under the influence of the eye drops, so it's been torture to write this text, but I need to tell you what I found. You won't believe it: TWO DIFFERENT EDITIONS OF SOFIA THE FIRST MAGAZINES! THOSE THAT ARE NO LONGER PRODUCED! IN FACT, SEVERAL COPIES OF THEM! There were like, 7 magazines from the same edition, perfectly new, never touched, ON THE FLOOR. (And no, I'm not from Rio De Janeiro, there are a lot of sidewalks with this pattern here in Brazil)
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A while ago, I think it was in January, I was wondering if I should also go to this city and look for Sofia The First merch, because in my small town I've already looked at all the stores and there's nothing left to see here (how many, about 4 ? 5? Yes, it really is a small city, I know all these places and you can visit them all in 1 or 2 hours at most, walking down the street, without a car). I found some stickers and birthday invitations, I posted them a while ago, I used them for journaling in my sketchbook.
(@shychick-52 do you see the Donald Duck magazines there?? When I saw them I immediately thought about you, they're on the bottom left of the pic and there's more in the top right. Pato Donald is Donald Duck, Tio Patinhas is Scrooge McDuck's name in Brazil. I don't know a thing about Ducktales, I'm sorry!)
I literally gasped. I was just going there for fun, as I like books, magazines and vintage products like records and CDs, so I really like physical media. Those places full of trinkets are extremely fun for me, and whenever I have the opportunity I like to look at everything, down to the smallest details. I love music and vinyl stores, stationery stores, party stores, haberdashery, so a magazine stand sounds amazing to me too! I hadn't been to one in years! (I never went thrifting in my life. It would be an amazing day to spend an evening)
There weren't only Sofia The First ones, you see, these kinds of magazines aren't produced anymore since kids don't have any interest in them. So most of the children's magazines there were dated around 2012-2016! You don't even have to look for the dates to know that, the Strawberry Shortcake ones, Frozen (FROZEN, DUDE! FROZEN!!!) (In one of my STF magazines there's even an ad of these Frozen magazines, they were produced during the same time), there were Disney Junior ones (If you look closely you can see the Lion Guard cover on that pic where I show you the pile of STF magazines, it's on top of them), Disney Princess, EVEN MONSTER HIGH. I didn't took a pic of this one, but as far as I know, you don't find these anywhere anymore. I felt like going back to 2015, when I was a kid those activity magazines and visiting the magazine stands were extremely fun, the themes on the children's magazines were exactly these, I remember the sticker albums, so many good memories. It makes sense, since they're the same ones, but they were never sold.
Besides the children magazines, they sell mangas, magazines, books, word search and activity books, cooking books, comic books/magazines (superhero themed or not- DC comics, Marvel, but also Disney and national works, for example our beloved Turma Da Mônica), and even toys and stuff.
So I figured maybe I'd find silly things here too, it's a bigger town but after all it's still small, it's just 40 mins away from mine, maybe I could find little birthday hats that I can cut out? Gift bags? Maybe stickers and coloring kits, silly things. Of course, knowing about the magazine stands there, something that my hometown NO LONGER has, inside of me had a small amount of hope that I could find something, but not much, as I live in the rural/interior part of Brazil and many products are bootleg, you know those princess books with wonky faces written "princess coloring book"? Stuff like that. But there was still a shred of hope, despite knowing that there probably wouldn't be anything interesting. I just went there because I have fun searching for little things.
It was like they were just waiting for me to get them, they were the first things that I saw. I KNEW THAT I WOULD FIND SOMETHING. In fact, as I always hope to find cool things in these stores I frequent, I always expect something. I'm usually disappointed, but I always try to find it. AND THIS TIME I FOUND IT. NOT ONE, NOT TWO, BUT LIKE A DOZEN of STF magazines from the same edition, still packaged AND WITH THE GIFT. ALL OF THEM.
As my parents had work to do in our town and needed to return, I had to look at everything quickly. Luckily the magazine stand was small, so I was able to look at a few things, and while the attendant (who seemed bored (thankfully, the fact that she was very slow gave me time to look a little more)) served other customers (she was slow with them too, which gave me more time thank god), I continued looking at all sides of the stand, observing every small detail to look for treasures. If there were several copies of an issue of Sofia The First magazine still packed there, then there must have been more, hidden behind that enormous amount of information. I didn't had enough time because my parents needed to go back home, but I wish I could have saw the content from the Disney Junior magazines. I opened it and looked through the pages, only the last two pages were about Sofia The First, but I still had a lot to look so I put it back and went to search for more.
That's the one I got, the edition I mentioned
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12 brazillian reais are worth around 2,50 dollars. For us, in talks about value, it would be like- 5 dollars? Not too cheap like literal 2 dollars, it's like, a cheap price, but not that much. For us, I mean. I don't know if you get what I mean, my explanation was terrible
Before, as we were late for the exam and the whole family was going (we all went to take the exam) I only took with me my cellphone and headphones, I didn't bring my money or even a purse or a backpack. My father bought me the magazine, I got so happy. Actually, he just let me have it and gave me the money, so I went to the attendant. The magazines had an elastic band around to secure them, as you can see in the pic, and I took them to the girl and asked for her help to get one out. As I'm used to being very friendly, and I was very happy, I approached the girl, asked for her help, and as she got them out of the elastic band, I kept talking "I can't believe I found this!! They are no longer produced, they are rare items, and I'm collecting them! I didn't think I would find anything like this here, it definitely made my day." I noticed that the attendant wasn't very friendly back, in fact she was very quiet and seemed a little bored, but I didn't care, I was too happy to worry about judgement looks from people I don't know, at least I was friendly and I did my part. My young brother later told me that when I turned my back she looked confused and shrugged, perhaps thinking "to each their own, right?". She went to serve the other customers and in the meantime I continued to look through the magazines, hoping to find more.
Important detail: I still had eye drops, my pupils were extremely dilated and I could see nearby objects blurred, so searching thoroughly was very difficult. Imagine looking at all that information without being able to see things closer than 1m from you. I'm still convinced I didn't manage to look at everything. I found more Disney Princess magazines (dated in 2014? 2015? somewhere around that) and that's when I saw it. I literally had to crouch down to look at the magazines in the lower sections of the shelf, they were stacked and they covered each other, and when I saw the Sofia The First logo I quickly grabbed it. IT WAS ANOTHER EDITION - A FLOATING PALACE THEMED ONE. Unfortunately this time it was out of the packaging, and I have no idea if someday there was even a gift with it, but I don't care, it was amazing to find this.
That's the Disney Princess magazines I was talking about! In that first pic I took, at the start of the post, you can see a Belle themed one. The Ariel themed magazine looks so old that the paint is stained and started to fade (it was in the front showcase while the other ones were carefully placed inside the stand), thankfully the STF ones were brand new. Well, almost.
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Now that I'm home and I'm already seeing a little better, I'm gonna show you the magazines. Not all of them unfortunately, because a post only supports 10 pics and each magazine has 15/20+ pages so like... yeah. I wanna scan them and put them in a Google drive folder, or at least post a video about them in my YouTube channel, but that's more unlikely. If I had all of them, definitely, but I don't think it's worth recording a video if it's not with all the issues, don't you think? Anyway.
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What's written in the first one: The Queen's Birthday Party! (This one came with the necklace)
In the second one: Sofia's vacation!
Let's take a closer look at the necklace
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I'm fighting the urge to use it. I really want to use that tag in my sketchbook and the charm of the necklace in something like a keychain, but I cann'ttt bring myself to destroy something that is not produced anymoreeee😭😭😭
In the Floating Palace magazine, there is not even a single page where the sea monster is in. Not even a single one.
But in the "Queen's Birthday Party" one, there are three pages where Cedric is in! Yayy!!! They did him justice!!!
If anyone's curious about Miranda's birthday party, it's a comic and someone already posted it on Tumblr. Here is the link.
You know, that "Queen's Birthday Party" it's very exclusive, I don't remember the show having any episode like this, and the next activities in the magazine talk about the vacation they did in the comic and also the birthday party. Besides that, we have a lot of activities related to Tilly and family, and the main arts and crafts activity from this magazine is making a family tree. I believe that this magazine's topic is family.
I can't show you all the pages, but at least I can publish the pages Cedric is in and add more stuff to my Cedric merch masterlist (and personal research)
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Well at least he's there. I have seen this art around like 20 times but they remembered that Cedric is a Sofia The First character so that's good I guess
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They did him dirty here
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I'll translate it to you this time, so you can understand how I'm feeling right now
Enchancia Castle
Title: Fraternal Bonds
Before leaving, Aunt Tilly gives her brother a big hug. Which pairs of siblings do you know from Sofia's world? Mark the correct pairs below.
that's what we had for today, I reached the 10 image per blog limit as always, no one's surprised
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ethanreedbooks · 1 month
First Look: David Corenswet as Superman with Classic Red Trunks in New DCU Movie!
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Get ready, superhero fans! James Gunn just dropped the first look at David Corenswet suited up as Superman, and it’s got everyone buzzing. Shared on Gunn’s official Threads account, this sneak peek gives us a glimpse of Corenswet donning the iconic Man of Steel attire. But here's the kicker: it looks like Corenswet’s Superman will indeed be rocking those classic red trunks—a detail that's sure to delight die-hard DC fans.
The image, taken on set by Jess Miglio, is all about building excitement for the upcoming DCU movie. Titled simply "Superman," the film is set to hit theaters on July 11, 2025, marking a new chapter in the superhero saga. Production kicked off on a fitting note—on Superman’s birthday, no less, back on Feb. 29.
But hold onto your capes, because there’s more! While details about the plot are still tightly under wraps, Gunn has let slip a few tantalizing tidbits. For starters, Superman won't be rehashing the hero’s origin story. Instead, we’ll dive right into the action as Clark Kent takes on the mantle of Superman in Metropolis, juggling his duties as a journalist at the Daily Planet with his crime-fighting escapades.
And get this—Nicholas Hoult is set to stir up trouble as the notorious Lex Luthor, hinting at an epic showdown between Superman and his arch-nemesis. With a stellar cast rounding out the lineup—including Rachel Brosnahan as Lois Lane, Skyler Gisondo as Jimmy Olsen, and Isabela Merced as Hawkgirl—this promises to be one superhero showdown you won’t want to miss.
But wait, there’s even more superhero trivia to geek out over! Before landing the role of Superman, Corenswet actually auditioned for a part in James Gunn’s Marvel movie, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. Talk about a twist of fate! Though he didn’t snag that role, Corenswet’s journey to becoming the Man of Steel is a tale of destiny and determination.
So mark your calendars and get ready to soar into action—Superman is coming to a theater near you, and it’s shaping up to be an epic adventure for the ages.
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bedlamsbard · 7 months
every time I see a trailer for The Marvels (new one just dropped if you're wondering what prompted this), I remember that I find Carol to be one of the least interesting characters in the MCU, which is saying something. like, I totally understand why other people like her, she just doesn't do anything for me.
but also...it drives me up the wall that the MCU keeps acting like she has the narrative weight of a Phase 1 character, but they never put in the work to give her that weight. and they've done so with other Phase 3 characters! they put the work in with T'Challa, so it's not a Phase 3 problem! she's one of the worst cases of shorthanding comics character weight and expecting it to transfer over to the MCU, and the MCU's strength has always been not relying on preexisting comics knowledge, so when they trip up there they really trip up. (I find the original Captain Marvel film basically fine as a fun superhero movie, but as a MCU movie it breaks like six pretty fundamental things, and I'm a big picture girl, breaking or not breaking the universe is always going to be the most important thing to me.)
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eightsisterofmatariki · 2 months
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
!! TW: child abuse !!
Billys P.O.V
I walked home and sighed in relief that the guy who owned the house was asleep, he was supposed to be my new dad and he was failing, hell even ignoring the abuse I didn't even know his name! I sat in my 'bedroom' and sighed. I wanted to run away, forget this place, welcome the streets.
And it's not like the guy upstairs would even notice until he missed a child support payment, but once CPS was alerted I was screwed. I doubt I could run form CPS for long as Billy and Captain Marvel would have no means of making money, at least as Billy I could beg which got me the food I needed. And here, when I was lucky, I could sneak a microwaveable meal, they weren't that bad raw, really.
Okay, that sounded pathetic even in my head. But another -more solid- reason was that the basement didn't freeze, even in winters, even if I was stuck awake I wasn't going to die from the cold, and most of the year it stayed warm enough that the abuse wounds healed by the time I went on patrol. Even ignoring what abuse wounds would do to my public image, I don't think I could deal with two sets of injuries. I was sure heartless muggers could and would replace a nameless drunk.
I sat down in my bed and my stomach rumbled, I ignored it, it was stupid that I was hungry. I could survive of meals from begging, the watchtower, and if desperate the cupboard. I snuggled into my jumper, pretending that there was someone in it, someone who cared enough to lie still of me; and if I cried myself to sleep that night, well that was none of your business.
I woke up with a sigh and as I sat up Phantom appeared "Why are you here?" I asked, Phantom held out a meal, a warm meal which varied from ration bars
"You can't check if it's poisoned." Phantom offered gentely, I took the food and ate it happily without checking. I was sure Phantom could've killed me by now, poison would be a waste. "I promise I'm here to help." Phantom said
"Why?" I asked suspiciously, something broke in Phantoms eyes
"Superheros- esspecially minors, often value their jobs above their own well being; and while I can't say that's bad even more hours for begging could change your life from what I've seen. I've never been in a situation like this but I know that presure and limited time can have effects, I just want to help." Phantom exlained, I hesiatated and Phantom opened up his... soul? Emotions? Mind? What ever it was it radiated safetruthcareprotect worriedconcernrelate helpnurtureteach protectsafe childghostlingbaby
"Okay," reliefhappydetermine "But nothing too big, I don't want to owe you or anything."
"Don't worry, I'm not a rope into deals kinda guy." Phantom said "I'll get you some food and heal what inguries I can." Phantom explained,
"If you're not lying... thanks." I said.
That afternoon I walked downstairs and found another meal, I ate it slowly and savoured the taste of actual warm food, I slept with a full stomach for the first time in a while that night. Next morning I woke up to the smell of another meal and relaxed when I realised it wasn't a dream!
A few weeks later when I walked downstairs Phantom was sitting there, "Uhh, hi." I said, he handed me a plate of food and I started eating,
"I looked you up, you have wisdom of soloumon-" I winced at how bad his pronunciation was "-or something. Does it apply to homework? For example can you know which one is the right answer on a multichoice math quiz?" Phantom asked while glaring at a book, I laughed
"I don't think so, I'm not going to be much help with math considering I dropped out before primary even ended." I mentioned, Phantom gave a long suffering sigh
"You know how to spell right? All my friends are busy and Clockwork's dealing with all the knots your speedsters keep making in time and Frighty and Pandora keep saying my grammars incorrect and suggesting words like 'twas' and 'shall' and stuff that belongs in a medieval movie!" Phantom complained, I made a mental note to look into Clockwork and tell Flash that he was pissing off someone powerful enough to have at least some control over time and know the ghost king.
"I can spell, just not really big words." I confirmed, Phantom gestured for me to sit next to him
"Great, you're helping me with my english homework." Phantom informed me
"You have to do english homework?" I asked in shock
"Yeah, I kind of want to strangle the guy who said that death is like sleep right now. Mr Lancer is relentless, oh and he doesn't know I'm dead yet." Phantom mentioned, I choked on the mouthful I was trying to swallow
"What?" I asked, Phantom gave me a small smirk
"What summoning book about me did you read? I'm a halfa, half human, half ghost," rings of light wrapped around him and showed me a very human looking teenager, almost 20, black hair that no longer defied gravity, teeth that have sharp canines but to a convincibly human level, freckles that were the same shapes as constellations but didn't glow, blue eyes that flashed green when the lights hit them just right, pink blush instead of green, a tan skin tone instead of a deathly pale, white and red socks, and a normal jumper and jeans with silver stars embroidered onto them. "I still live as Danny Fenton, not in this realm of course." Phantom said
"Wait, Danny Fenton, Danny Phantom... seriously?" I asked
"No ones put it together yet, I mean at the very start I looked pretty much like I do as a human only I glowed, and had green eyes, and white hair, and just happened to be wearing a hazmat suit. But I grew up within... two days I'd say, got a few more ghostly aspects, ghost instincts replacing or clashing with some human ones, and control over my powers. Then at two years of death I went through ghost puberty, Vlad is lucky, he just sped through it all in a hospital bed, I had to grow a mouth full of sharp teeth and deal with my nails turning into claws before I could control that stuff! Oh and get different forms and became way stronger but like, the teeth were really annoying and I accidentally sliced a door handle off when walking into class." Phantom ranted, I giggled
"That's gotta be hard to keep your secret identity." I said
"You'd be surprised what people are willing to overlook if you play it right." Phantom said, he waved his hand and a small portal appeared "Can you keep a secret?" Phantom asked
"Have you seen my secret identity?" I retorted, the portal cleared into an image of a guy with glasses opening a door and accidentally shattering the handle, another scene where the same guy pulled a different door off it's hinges, and accidentally lifted a weight which was definitely heavyer than most weightlifters could. "Is that... Superman?" I asked and I moved closer and sat down to watch
"Also known as Clark Kent, I'm the Ancient -which are... ghost gods? Kinda- of Space, Protection, and Heros. I have all of their moments." Phantom said happily, he pulled up a portal of some guy with spiderwebs in red and blue spandex swinging straight into a building, then a lamppost, then stopping while being chased by a giant man in a rhino suit to pet a cat. Then another portal of (IS THAT BATMAN!?) setting a pan on fire while trying to cook something, then deciding he could totally do that obstacle corse in high heels, then piercing his ear with a medical needle. I laughed as the scene changed and Flash ran into several walls, then managed to be late for work 3 times.
As I moved my hand up to cover my mouth it moved Phantoms bag and a few school books fell out, he sighed and closed the portal "Okay, okay, we're writing a novel on Frankenstein, how do we start this?" Phantom asked while clicking a pen
"Uhh, introduction, three paragraphs, conclusion. It should be TEXT, Topic sentence, Example, eXplanation, and then Tie back, you can swap the e's." I explained,
"Okay, uh, what about..."
The next morning I woke up leaning on Phantoms shoulder and curled into his hoodie, I sat up slightly and Phantom woke up
"Morning." Phantom said as he got up and stretched, turning back into the king he opened a portal "I'll get breakfast, take aways or cereal? The cereal might be slightly contaminated but it never really died so it won't come back to life."
"Your food comes back to life?" I asked
"That's not normal? I'll uh, get you a pastry and a smoothie." Phantom said, "I thought everyone's hotdogs unionised?" I heard him mutter as he stepped through the portal
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Sorry another zoomer anon about comics
Actually I was referring to new 52 about batgirl and Starfire. Did you know new 52 stated that Starfire don’t remember people names unless she had sex with them?
Obviously that was ignored and retcon to hell and back. But comic writers, there a difference between being a sexual liberating woman vs being a hentai slut
Also about a year ago iirc, the old head of DC Dan Didio (who responsible for the mess that was new 52 and 2010’s shit) said that comics lost a generation of heroes because mines wasn’t interested in superheroes…during the height of the MCU
Pssst Didio let me tell you something, there something called the internet so my generation can look up the history of dc and marvel comics.
We are not getting emotionally invested in comics who are handle by fuckers with the mentality of a ten year old
So we went to manga and hmm, what that popular shounen?
Ugh, how…out of touch these fuckers are?
Also you guys made it damn near impossible to get easy access to comics so manga is far easier to get. Obviously you can….but a comic shop is a huge luxury item
Sorry for this essay rant, and I only been into comics for ten fucking years
Pssst Didio let me tell you something, there something called the internet so my generation can look up the history of dc and marvel comics.
Sorry, about to hijack this ask to go on a rant but my God I fucking hate this idea that people can only ever be interested in things that they experience in real time. It's such bullshit. Do you know what I wasn't alive for? The original run of Spider-Man written by Stan Lee. You know what my favorite Spider-Man stories are? The original run of Spider-Man written by Stan Lee. I got into Spider-Man because of the 90s animated series on Fox Kids. From there, I got a few of the comics that were running at the time, and from there I found the Marvel Masterworks collections and absolutely devoured the older stories. And even for books I didn't really have much interest in like Captain America or Iron Man, I would get Marvel Encyclopedias and learn about the pasts and presents of all the comic characters, even some I'd never heard of. True fans will always seek out the past of the things they love. You think people who fell in love with the Lord of the Rings movies aren't devouring The Silmarillion? You think the kid whose first Star Wars experience is seeing The Mandalorian isn't going back and watching the original trilogy? You think someone whose only experience with Batman is the Nolan Trilogy isn't going to find and absolutely love Frank Miller's Batman Year One? Of course they are. True fans don't have blinders. True fans will educate themselves on the things they love.
You know who won't, though? You know who just consumes the things that are put in front of them and will never go beyond that, either through laziness or because they don't want to see anything that's "old" or "out of touch"?
Tourists are great during tourist season, but very few come back every year. And in the off-season, it's the locals who keep the place running. You can't always depend on tourists. They'll happily move onto the next big tourist destination at the drop of a hat. But the locals, the true fans? They'll always be there. They'll be buying books, buying merch, going to the movies, generating enthusiasm, organizing conventions, and everything else that comes along with being a true fan. The only things that will drive them away are when the people in charge of the things they love attack them personally or change the things they love into something unrecognizable. And even then, most will still love the thing as it used to be. The fans who hate Rings of Power didn't throw out their Lord of the Rings Extended Edition blu-ray collections. The fans who hate Disney Star Wars didn't smash their original VHS copies of the unaltered original trilogy. And true fans aren't just old fans or original fans. The thing about being a local is that anyone can move into town. And if they stay long enough and fit into the local culture, everyone else will embrace them.
So fuck Didio and everyone else who thinks tourists are the only group that matters. Fuck everyone who thinks that "modern audiences" can't love something from a different era with different stories and different characters from what everyone else is shitting out today. It's bullshit, and it always has been.
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romancomicsnews · 10 months
Blue Beetle is a triumph for DC, the Latinx Community, and Superhero Movies - SPOILER FREE REVIEW
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Ángel Manuel Sotos new DC film Blue Beetle is hitting theaters this week but has had a significantly hard road to get here.
The film was originally sold as a direct to streaming film, then was moved to theatrical release, was caught in the middle of a James Gunn take over, and now a writer's/actor's strike. Couple all that with superhero fatigue, and DC's not so clean track record, the film would have to jump massive hurdles to be successful most movies do not.
Blue Beetle, however, is a magnificent departure from superhero films of late that coast on past projects, name dropping, or cameos. It is a delightful film that centers on family, responsibility, and the many different types of Latinx experiences, all while being extremely funny and full of incredible action.
Director Manuel Soto breathes new life into the DCU in a way few directors have before. instead of opting for uniformity with other superhero projects, the film has a distinct color and design that feels unique and fresh. Excellent design, costuming, and vibrancy make up a beautiful Palmera City.
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One of the most notable aspects of the film was the fluid, dynamic fight choreography for Blue Beetle and our main physical antagonist, Carapax. While there are several heroes who have similar powers to Jaime, none quite have used it as interestingly. The shifting of weaponry, flight, and hand to hand combat make for types of fights we don't really see in live action.
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This film of course is not just made up of excellent visuals, but a phenomenal supporting cast. It is hard to pick out favorites, as most characters are given an opportunity to shine.
Through this cast, Manuel Soto shows the many realistic day to day fears and feelings of a Latinx/Hispanic person. Responsibility, family, and becoming who you are supposed to be are all at the heart of the film. As a Latinx man, so many aspects of the film hit home for me, sometimes comedically, sometimes tragically.
The movie also emphasizes different kinds of experiences in our community. Undocumented citizens, first generation, the religious traditional older member of the family, even the slacker uncle. Every member of the family feels different, but they all feel like a family.
For me, I'd say Belissa Escobedo as Milagro Reyes brings excellent sisterly back and forth with our hero and has some very emotional moments in the film. Brother/sister chemistry is sometimes difficult to pull off, but Escobedo makes it look easy. I think she has the making of a comedic star on the rise and is someone to lookout for.
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I'd say most members of the family will be someones favorite. George Lopez as Rudy, Jaimes Uncle Rudy, Damián Alcázar as Alberto Reyes, Jaimes Father, and Adriana Barraza as Nana, the matriarchal head of the family all got big laughs and, at times, tears from their performances.
This cast is phenomenal and elevates excellent writing into several iconic scenes. I don't see this film working without the perfect familial blend of actors. And they got it perfectly.
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While characters like Elpidia Carrillo as Rocio Reyes or Bruna Marquezine as Jenny Kord do get the short end of the stick in the film, I think they get their moments and will be greater utilized in (hopefully) future installments of the franchise.
What made it most clear that Manuel Soto understands character were the two antagonists of the film.
While they are not nearly as significant as the rest of the family, both Susan Sarandon as Victoria Kord and Raoul Max Trujillo as Conrad Carapax are not reduced to twirling mustache villains. They both have realistic and at times tragic stories that explain (but does not justify) their actions.
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While both give solid performances and are a step above your average Marvel/DC villains, I think the film could've benefitted from more of them.
But the real highlight of the film, to no ones surprise, was Xolo Maridueña as Jaime Reyes.
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Maridueña as Blue Beetle feels like one of those castings that seem impossible to be topped. He brings excellent comedy, pain, and honor to Jaime in a way that feels natural. He is Blue Beetle.
In the film, Maridueña displays a wide range of emotions while he goes through an incredibly grueling 2-3 days. There is comedy, awkwardness, strength, anger, and pain, and Maridueña nails every moment of it.
I expect you will see a lot more Xolo in the future even if we don't see more Blue Beetle. But I hope he does return.
I think this movie has the potential to connect with audiences in a way we just haven't seen in a long time from a Superhero film. It is original, fun, and shows us a side of DCU we've never seen before, without endless cameos and reminders of past projects.
I hope other studios take away that audiences want more representation via original content from creative visionaries. But Hollywood often takes away the wrong lesson.
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All in all, Blue Beetle is an incredible film that balances comedy, drama, and action in a way superhero movies rarely do. If you get the chance to, I highly recommend you go out and give it a watch. Films as good as this deserve support.
Blue Beetle is out in theaters this Friday August 18th.
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amarriageoftrueminds · 3 months
Thinking about how great CATWS was and how Marvel dropped the ball on all the characters from that movie.
Steve? Got character assassinated beyond repair.
Natasha? Killed off, didn't even get an on-screen funeral and her only solo movie was more about introducing Yelena than her.
Bucky? Never got a prober story, was victim blamed, and will possibly die in Thunderbolts.
Nick Fury? Got character assassinated in Secret Invasion.
Maria Hill? Was killed off in SI.
Sharon Carter? Turned into a villian.
Sam Wilson? Unlike the rest they haven't completely fumbled the bag with his character but he was still screwed by FATWS in many ways, and his first solo movie doesn't look very promising either.
Also consider that their sequel to the movie where we find out Howard Stark knew about Nazis in SHIELD (the specific Nazi that tortured Bucky and killed members of the 107, and tried to kill Steve) ...was a movie where Howard is assassinated by Hydra and yet Bucky gets blamed and brutally attacked for it. Even though this is the same movie where we find out Bucky was mind-controlled.
And their sequel to the movie where we find out Peggy knew about Nazis in SHIELD is..... Uh. Nothing. They never address it. A character who died offscreen gets screen time wasted on a fulblown Royal funeral (attended by people who didn't even fucking know her!!)
They treat her like some kind of living saint, to the point where she's now a full blown Mary Sue, with yet another bloody tv show where every storyline must be about her, and her possessing Steve, and Steve is reduced to a Stepford Husband wheeled out to repeat 'Peggy. Is. Perfect' type lines. 😬 (Steve. Blink if you need rescuing.)
All Bucky's everything now belongs to Peggy.
Oh, apart from the blame of course! He gets to keep all of that! 🙂
(Oh, and as per What If, Sam is no longer part of CATWS, his own intro movie, and even Natasha's own movie is now about- guess who?? Peggy! And Peggy having Steve!)
Apparently Sharon has been turned into a villain in the comics, too. Just as they start product-synergy introducing MCU!Peggy to over-ride comics Peggy. I wonder why...
(It's so funny that TFATWS assigned MCU-Sharon MCU-Peggy's annoyance at being overlooked by men (cough the man she's relentlessly hitting on cough) and decided that this would be her villain origin story... and yet nobody has connected the dots to Peggy and her behaviour?)
Sharon and Sam's characterisation only feels like an organic continuation because, frankly, the MCU never bothered to write them being particularly nice people to begin with?
Sam being a fratbro-style dick to Bucky in TFATWS, with a side of dispensing unsound self-contradictory counselling advice, is consistent with being a dick to Bucky (and arguing against helping him) since CATWS and quitting a counselling job at the drop of a hat. (Only the 1980s movie locker-room homophobia queerbait is new.)
Sharon being a villain is consistent with being a Carter not being asked to join the 'bringing down Hydra' team in CATWS, dressing up as the same profession as Steve's dead mother to 'befriend' him while she's just spying on him (contrast: the calling-out Nat got from Steve just for not telling him something), staying in SHIELD while they were hunting down Steve and Natasha, immediately joining the CIA (aka, the people who just happen to have a superhero-proof electric chair and want to shoot Bucky on sight, who also have Everett 'ex-husband of Madame Hydra who laughs at the idea of Bucky getting a lawyer' Ross on staff), ...which is easily infiltrated by a (thinly-veiled-Hydra) villain who wants to mind-control TWS to bring down the Avengers (deja vu??), being snippy to Sam for no reason, continuing to lie about herself beyond the point of it being necessary, and also being a creep who expects a thank you kiss from Steve just for doing one basic helpful thing when asked. *phew!*
But the geniuses who inherited the job of writing her in TFATWS can't see any of that... They see no issues, so they think they've written her 'turning' bad. The writing is still shonky because it still isn't self-aware about what it's portraying. The cognitive dissonance is still dissonant.
(Same problem with Fury. They keep giving him 'bad' things to do, showing him instinctively first joining the 'bad side', eg. Pierce's SHIELD, the Kree, etc. But with the exclusion of Steve yelling at him in CATWS -- and only so that Nick gets called out, but not precious Saint Margaret, ofc -- it's never addressed. They can't do anything interesting with the moral charcoal that they've accidentally cooked up, because they aren't even aware that it's there. 🤦‍♀️)
We were mercifully spared from Joss Whedon's terrible ideas for Maria... (supposed to be a villain in A1, baffled as to what to do with a female character so obviously she should be hinted as a love interest for Steve out of fuckn nowhere in A2) ...only to end like that.
Outside of that AOU Avengers party, where she was chill and kinda gay, I feel like the best characterisation we got for her was when- was it in one of the Spidey movies?? -she was a Skrull. 😤 If only I could say the same of Steve...
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strbymacaroon · 2 years
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Spider-Man Eren! x Fem. Reader
VOLUME TWO: FAMILIAR FACES MEET: (2 parts) This is part 1
Previous Chapter: Broken Lenses
An alternate universe where Attack on Titan and the Marvel universe collide. Where the Spider-Man universes collide!
Where the new spider is the one and only nerdy, Eren Yeager. Who happens to have a world stopping crush on you.
Attack on Titan, Marvel crossover. Spider-Man and Eren Yeager crossover. Multiple parts.
Word count:
17.8k Words
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“Woah! Oh my god!”
Happy gestured to it. “Put it on.”
“Wait! You’re telling me this is mine?!” Eren felt his eyes fall out of their sockets. Hell, he felt like he was going to pass out! And a spider didn’t even need to bite him this time! “But, wha– wait, I— this is the coolest thing I’ve ever– ohmygod!”
“C’on Eren.” Happy said, snapping his fingers at the suit. “Tony needs to see how the outfits fits you.” 
“Wait. I— I– don’t understand, is this for me?!” 
Happy was already starting to walk away. Eren felt himself panic, “Happy— Happy, wait!“ Happy left, and loudly shut the door behind him. Leaving Eren in shock, and utter excitement. 
“Oh my god, this is insane— insane!” He turned his attention to the suitcase again. His fingers feeling the fabric of the high tech suit in front of him. Watching as the silver suitcase spread out beautifully. Almost hesitant to grab the expensive outfit– suit. “Oh my god!— Look at the eyes!” 
Eren pulled the suit to his chest, hugging it like it was you. “This is the greatest day of my life.” He flinched when he heard the door bang, Happy voice cutting through. “C'mon let's go!” 
Eren nodded, dropping the suits and grabbing the bottom of his shirt. Awkwardly pulling it over his head. “Right, sorry!” 
Levi shook his head, “Happy, the boys obviously excited. Give him a break.” He took a sip of his tea, glancing at Tony. Trying to silently get him to back him up. 
Tony looked at him, taking a second before nodding his head. “Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. He’s a kid, excited to be here.” He looked back at Levi, “He reminds me of you when I first gave you the suit.” 
Levi glared at him, “I was well over twenty five when you gave me my suit, Tony.” 
Tony snapped his fingers, nodding his head. “Right, right, right. Sorry, I kept forgetting when you’re— you’re so shor—“ 
Levi glared at him, silently daring him to finish that sentence. Tony bit the inside of his cheek, smiling to himself as he looked away. Trying to not laugh while his brother glared at him 
God, Levi wished Tony finished that sentence. 
The door propped open, but that was it. It just… propped open. Eren’s gloved, baggie hand coming out. “Uhm, Mr. Stark?” 
“Yeah, kid?” Tony felt his eyebrows scrunched together at Eren’s hand. Seeing the way it loosely fit him.
“I don’t think the suit fits..” Eren’s ears were burning. Was he just not muscular enough? Should he be hitting the gym more often?
Tony shook his head, “I don’t think so, kid. I had a girl half your size fit into that thing perfectly.” He stood up, walking to the door. “It’s supposed to be a one size fits all type thing.” Tony pulled open the door, looking inside. “Eren?” Tony briefly laughed, placing his hand to his face and turning away. Jesus, this kid was slow. “You need to press the–'' he raised his hand, putting a thumbs up. “Yeah, like that. There you go, there you go.” 
Tony moved out of the way, clasping his hand behind his back. Holding the door open with his foot. Allowing Eren to walk out in the suit. 
Eren took a second, before strutting out the room. Hands by his side, legs apart while he puffed his chest out. Getting to the center of the room. Then, doing a superhero pose. Or, what Eren thought was a superhero pose was in his eyes. 
Eren felt so cool. He flinched when a voice spoke to him. “Good evening, Eren Yeager.” 
Eren blinked a few times, the lenses of his suit blinking with him. He took a step back, dropping the superhero pose. Tilting his head at the voice, “Woah, good evening suit, lady, person.” 
“Her name is Karen, or whatever you want to call her.” 
“Karen works.” Eren smiled under the mask, watching as a blue screen of information flooded his vision. “Woah, what’s all this?” He gestured his hand in his frame of sight, watching as the information moved with his hand. Was it interactive?
“I still think the suit looks better on—“ Happy grimaced when Levi elbowed him in the side. 
Levi then spoke up for the both of them, “It looks good.” He walked forward, crossing his arms over his chest. “Just a small modification in the eyes, and it’ll be perfect.” 
Tony nodded his head, “That’s what I was thinking.” He brought up his phone, “I'll tell Bambi to look at it.” 
Happy smiled, “You know if she hears you saying that, she’ll punch you.” Bambi was quite literally the rudest, and kindest person Happy knew. Intelligent, sure– but so… smartassed. Happy loved her nonetheless. Favorite person to exist in Happy’s eyes.
Levi rolled his eyes, “Why do you think he does it?” 
“Bambi? Who’s Bambi?” 
Levi looked back at Eren. “Uh..” He looked at Tony, “You’ll meet them eventually, I promise.” He said, running his fingers through his hair. “They’ll be the person to modify your suit, or fix it in an event where it gets damaged.” 
Tony nodded his head, agreeing with Levi. “Just think about it, Kid. What’s one of the first faces you see when you enter the building?–” Even though it’s not really her job. Tony thought. 
Eren thought back to when he first entered the building. His mind went to the receptionist, Petra. Maybe even Pepper. Was that Bambi? Tony did favor Pepper.
“Tony.” Levi interrupted, glaring at him. “You’ll meet her soon.” His voice was stiff. Levi wasn’t a big fan of Bambi. Sure, he tolerated her. But, the two of them were always butting heads. In fact, they acted more like siblings then Tony and Levi did. 
“Wait, does that mean they’ll know my identity?” Eren asked, placing a hand on his face.
Levi placed his hand on his hip, looking to the side thinking. “No, we’ll just– we’ll figure it out.” He forced a subtle smile, “Don’t worry.” 
Eren jumped up excited. “Oh my god, I’m going to be an Avenger!” 
Happy turned away, suppressing the laugh that was bubbling in his throat. Tony tilted his head, glancing at Levi. “Mh. Uhm, let’s take it down several notches. Baby steps, Eren.”
Eren nodded, taking in a deep breath and outstretching his fingers. Smiling, “Sorry just—“ He laughed, “Really excited.” Oh my god, this is actually happening. 
“Good, that’s a good thing.” Tony reassured. “‘Cause it’s yours.” 
Eren looked at him, “The suit’s mine?” 
“Mhm.” Tony simply replied. 
Eren closed his eyes, softly fist bumping. “Awesome.” He shook his head, “Wait, so, like, I’m going to be helping on missions? Or?…” 
Tony's eyebrows mushed together, glancing at Levi for a second. “Uh, yeah— yeah.” He gestured to Eren, “We’ll— we’ll call you.” He raised his eyebrows, and nodded. 
Eren tried reaching for his pocket which contained his phone, but unfortunately he did necessarily have a pocket. He just gave up, and looked back at Tony. “Do you want my number, or something?..” 
Tony shook his head, waving his hand dismissively. “No it’s alright. We’ll call you. And, you work directly with Happy, so you’ll know if we need you.” He nodded once.
Eren never noticed how animated—or rather, how much Tony spoke with his hands. It grounded him, he would’ve never known that fact if he had never got this job. Or.. much rather circumstance, as Tony likes to address it. 
Eren smiled again, nodding his head quickly. To the point where he couldn’t help but say— “I’m going to be an Avenger!” 
“Eren.. no.” 
          Location:  The Sparkling City of New York…
“Word going around about a spandex-covered vigilante, running around the crime filled place of New York City!.. A Spider-Man vigilante! With the only question swirling everyone's head being!… Who is this masked hero?! Or Villain?”
Jean groaned loudly, tossing the newspaper behind him. Rolling his eyes, “How stupid.” Everyone's eyes were on Spider-Man. Which unfortunately had to include the whole university. Jean flinched feeling the paper he just threw get thrown back at him. Jean turned on his heel, about to punch the person who did it when—
The Spider-Man vigilante swang by, shouting, “Don’t litter!” 
Jean hated him even more. 
Eren flipped onto the building, running across the rooftops once he landed. “Karen?” 
“Yes, Eren?” 
“Play my music list.” 
“Which one, Eren?
Eren looked to the side for a moment, jumping onto another roof and shooting his webs. Grabbing onto a building and swinging, switching hands and using another structure for momentum. “Hm. How about you decide? Pick one for me Karen.” 
“Alright, Eren. Now playing; Spicy music for—“
“Not! That one.. Karen. Pick something else, please.” Eren said embarrassed, shaking his head slightly.
Karen laughed, “Now playing; Hype Music, for rooftop jumping.” 
Eren couldn’t help but think—did I really name it that? Before, nodding along with the song. Swinging building from building, and flipping forward, enjoying the actions he was doing. 
It had been a month since he first received the suit. A month since he moved into his new and improved apartment. A month since he started working with Stark Industries, which paid handsomely. And, a month since he started working with you! Which had been the best month of his life! 
His days usually consisted of… Swinging down to the ground, and grabbing street puppies. Ones that were about to run onto the street, then returning them to their owners. Something they were always grateful for. 
Like… Grabbing stolen bikes from their kidnappers, and returning them to their rightful owners. Well.. let’s just say a lot of the bikes in the town were decorated in a bright sticky note asking for their owners. Always signed by, -your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man! Oh! And, don’t forget the little smiley face. 
Or… Surveying the town. Swinging around while asking a general and kind, “Is everyone okay? Alright then!” Before swinging off again. Ready to ask another area or group of people in the city. 
Maybe… Giving directions to a location. Like a sweet lady who bought him a churro for showing her the way. Also there was that old lady he helped cross the street. She was so sweet! If Spider-Man was feeling generous, he’d even give out some recommendations on where to eat for tourists. Spider-Man loved interacting with tourists!
Possibly… Sitting on the edge of a building surveying the area. Maybe even a specific bus or train if he felt like it. Sometimes, he would just finish his homework. Enjoying the stunning view of New York. Sometimes playing a random game on his phone. Also, taking perfect pictures Eren could never before. Adding some notes from the perspective of Spider-Man. There’s a specific selfie Eren really likes.
Also!… Eren’s favorite! When he gets recognized! Sure.. the guy didn’t get his name right, but after a small correction, and backflip, Spider-Man’s sure he’s got a new follower. Along with an ego boost. 
Sometimes… He’d intercept a bank robbery, or stop a small burglary. Get into a small fist fight, Eren would always win, with someone trying to steal a bag from a nice old lady. He’s also webbed a mugger to a wall, and left a note for the police. Because Eren’s just nice like that. 
Of course… He's made a few mistakes… like trying to help a child find their Mother. Which could have looked odd from a distance. A fully covered man, holding hands with a child, and taking them along the city. Which actually, almost got him arrested… But! Once the young child found their Mother, it was all worth it. 
Even if it looked a bit odd. 
And there was that one time.. Eren accidentally punched a ‘bad guy’ that was actually just some random guy trying to get into his small shop. Also, when he completely webbed him against the wall, and taunted him for being a ‘stuck bug.’ Only to quickly find out he was the owner who left his key at home, and was trying to get into his shop. 
A lot of sorries and removing webs later and the man was free! Of course, the man didn’t take the action very well. Spider-Man was thanked with a mantra of curses. Which he couldn’t even blame him for. 
Sometimes when he was free… Eren would set up his camera and take dynamic shots of himself swinging. Whether that was mid air between buildings, or in the middle of the night with the sparkling lights. Or, him just taking a picture of himself doing cool poses in his suit. His favorite was the one of him hanging upside down from a bridge. 
But, his favorite thing to do was… Check up on you. As Eren was now Spider-man, he wanted to make sure that all the people in his city were safe. And, would you look at that, you also happened to live in that very city! So, every now and then, maybe once a day, Spider-Man would swing by and check up on you. Just to make sure you were okay. 
Watching as you went shopping. Or when you visited your favorite sweets spot. ‘My sweets.’ A place where you got your favorite desserts, and macaroons. A hidden spot where not many people visited. 
Eren was getting the hang of being Spider-Man! He knew how to swing around pretty well and had only hit a wall… twenty times?… 
Hell, Eren was pretty excited. 
Actually, he felt confident. Confident enough to.. to… talk to you!
          Location: Eren’s Comfy, Comfy, New Apartment…
Holding a circle mirror in your hand, you tilted it down to get a better angle. You wiped the wand of lip gloss over your plump lips. Rubbing your lips together before parting them, popping them quietly. You turned to Eren, blowing him a kiss and smiling. “Cute, right!” 
You moved next to Eren, sitting on your legs and leaning on his coffee table. Looking at him and tilting your head. “Anyways, I don’t even know what this whole project is about.” You mindlessly giggled, “It’s just like, writing right?” 
Nope. Eren was not confident enough to talk to you. He would never be fucking confident enough to talk to you. Even after swinging around the big city of New York. 
“Uh.. Uh..” Oh my god Eren, just fucking talk. “Yeah, creative writing.” He slowly said, “Uhm, we have to just create a—“ 
“Uhg, can’t I just draw something for you, ‘Ren?” You blink at him with your long fake lashes, pouting slightly as you spoke again. “Like a little puppy, or something?” You looked at your fingers, wondering if you should get some fake nails. 
Eren felt his mind move back to one word you said. Ren? Was that like a nickname?… You gave him a nickname? “Sure, yeah do that.” He nodded his head, giving a thumb. “Yeah, yeah. That’ll— I’ll make it work.” Stop nodding your head Eren. 
You smiled, biting your bottom lip.”Oh! I’ll totally make the cutest puppy.” You bumped your shoulder against his playfully, “Don’t you worry, Ren!” You crawled over to your bag, reaching inside. 
Eren looked in your direction, then immediately looked away, his face going red. 
Green panties. White short.. skirt.
God was really testing him today.
You grabbed your sketchbook, throwing it behind you and searching for a pencil. Eren took this time to look at your sketchbook. Which conveniently was open to a spread in your sketchbook. 
Eren felt his eyebrows mush together. 
It was… a spread of his eyes. Or.. Spider-Man’s eyes. Different expressions and— mechanics? Woah, your artwork was insane. It had details he didn’t even know people could see? Were you just thorough, or..
You gasped, quickly shutting your sketchbook and laughed awkwardly. “I’ve been seeing a bunch of pictures of Spider-Man, and wanted to draw him.” You held the book to your chest, “It’s just some picture I found on the internet.” 
Eren nodded his head, surprised by your sudden change in demeanor. It looks like you got flustered, almost as if you revealed your hidden nsfw art. Or, a weird tentacle hentai stash you had drawn. 
Eren wanted to reassure you, but struggled to even get a word out. God, why couldn’t he just talk to you? You know, like a normal person?!
Eren looked at the book which you held so close to your chest. His heart beating out of his chest like a drum. “It looks like you broke apart the mechanics.” Of the eye sockets. Hell, if you really wanted to, you could probably build the eyes yourself! It looks like you own the blue prints. You’re really good at drawing, gorgeous.
Is what Eren also wanted to say, but he didn’t. He didn’t have the guts to say what he truly wanted. Eren wished he did, that way he could call you the nickname that best suited you. You gave him one, it’d only be fair if Eren gave you one in return.
Your lips parted for a second, your sparkling eyes widening. A big smile coming over your face as you leaned into him “Yeah! I actually—“ You paused, blinked a few times. “Uhm, copied them off the internet.” You looked away for a second. “I was bored, or something. So, yeah..” 
Eren nodded slowly, looking back at his computer while biting the inside of his cheek. Did he say something wrong? It seemed like you were holding yourself back, or we’re just insecure about your drawings. Eren couldn’t help but feel down, he really liked seeing that side of you. Even if it was, because you were embarrassed. 
But, what if it wasn’t? What if he did say something wrong? What if it was for a different reason? He should probably just change the subject. 
“Spider-Man?” He softly muttered. Keeping a hard and strong glare on his computer, not trying to pass you a glance. Yet, he couldn’t help but laugh at himself. Wow, good job, Eren. Definitely changed the subject. And… ‘Spider-Man?!’ What am I? A fucking caveman? C’mon, man. ‘What do you think about Spider-Man, gorgeous?’ Something smooth like that Yeager.
You looked at him, jutting your bottom lip out and thinking. “The like— spandex guy?” You placed your sketchbook on the table, flipping to a blank page. Pouting slightly. “He’s okay, he fights bad guys, so that's cool.” You leaned on your palm, loosey sketching with your free hand. “I don’t know, he’s kinda scary and weird.” You mumbled. You shrugged looking away, “I don’t know, I don’t really know him.” 
“He’s not bad. Spider-Man’s a good guy who wants to help people.” Eren started typing into his computer. “He’s not weird.” I answered that way too quickly. And, of all things I actually talk to Y/n about is?.. Defending Spider-Man? Jesus Christ, Eren. 
You looked at him, surprised by the fact he said a full sentence. Looks like Spider-Man is a touchy subject for Eren. One that actually gets him to talk. Good to know. You giggled, looking at him for a second. “Sure, weirdo.” You leaned back, “If you have a crush on him just say that.” You teased. 
“I don’t like him.” Eren quickly defended. 
“Sure.” You sang, turning back to your sketch. 
You and Eren continued to work in silence. You on the drawing of puppies, and Eren on the actual writing. You stretched, arching your back over the cushioning of the couch. Reaching your arms back, and slightly moaning.
Eren could feel his ears burning up at your noise. Directing his attention at the computer, and trying his best to keep it there. Even if he really wanted to see your shirt ride up, and reveal your soft stomach. 
You brought yourself forward and giggled. “Done!” You looked at Eren, grabbing your sketchbook and shoving it into his face. “Isn’t it so cute!” 
Eren flinched once the paper hit his face, taking a moment to process. He slowly pulled his head back, grabbed the sketchbook and held it in his hands. Allowing him to see the drawing. His eyes took a moment to adjust, before inspecting the picture. Smiling at the adorable sketch. 
Eren wanted to compliment you, but he couldn't force the words out. So, he just thought of the sentence instead, This is really good. And it was, he didn’t know you were so skilled in art. 
You peered at him from behind the book, long lashes blinking. You bit your bottom lip, and waited for his words. After not gaining any reaction, you brought the book down and held it to your chest. “I drew it super quick, so it’s not that good.” You muttered, trying to hide your embarrassment. Your lips coming into a pout. Was it that bad it rendered him speechless?.. Jeez Y/n, we really need to improve then.
Eren blinked, shaking his head. Before putting a thumbs up. Forcing an awkward, and really attractive smile. You sent him one back, looking at the drawing. “Well, it’s cute, right?” You smiled, reaching for your bag again. Grabbing your pack of gum. 
Eren nodded his head again, making your giggle. Looking at him while you brought your legs to your chest. Wrapping your arms around them. Your eyes studied his face for a moment. Before you leaned into him, looking up at his face. “Do you not wear glasses anymore?” You rested your head on your knees. You smiled softly, “I thought they were super cute. They totally suited you, ‘Ren.” 
Eren thickly swallowed, looking away. “Contacts..” He muttered. Which was a lie, but it’s not like you can tell people, “I got powers that fixed my eyesight.” Along with other superhuman things. 
You nodded, crawling to the table and looking at his computer. “Oh, you finished! I’m pretty sure you can just email it to the teacher.” 
Eren nodded, and searched for the teacher's email. You took this time to rip the page from your book. Gently placing the cute drawing on the coffee table. You smiled, tapping your fingers against the small table. Watching as his long fingers clicked against the expensive computer. 
Your eyes bounced from his hands, to his arms, and then to his face. You never noticed how attractive Eren was. In fact, you never really even noticed Eren.
You tore your eyes away from his face, missing the way Eren let out a breath of relief. Your eyes on him were just too much to handle. You cleared your throat, “Alright then, I guess I’ll see you at class, Ren.” You stood up, holding down your skirt. Reaching for your bag, and throwing it over your shoulder.
When Eren quickly grabbed your hand. You lightly gasped, startled by his actions. Before you turned your head to look at him. You tried to smile, “Yeah?” You softly said, “What’s up?” 
Eren paused, reaching into his pocket and showing you something. You parted your lips, turning your body to him, and looking at what he was holding. Your eyes scanning the images in front of you. 
In an instant, heat traveled to the tops of your cheeks, nose, and ears. Your thick lashes fluttering, and your heart squeezing in your chest. You could feel your eyes turn glossy, butterflies erupt in your stomach. You couldn’t help, but feel emotional. You reached for them.
The pictures Eren gave you, were the ones you two took in front of the tree. One was of you, and the other was of Eren. The one you took. The picture Eren took looked stunning, the lighting and angle was perfect. The one that you took of Eren wasn’t too bad. Sure, it was somewhat awkward, but it still looked really cute. 
Eren looked really cute. 
It was so sweet he actually kept them, and printed them out. You can’t recall the last time you received such a simple and thoughtful gift without reason. 
Everytime Jean bought you a gift, he always wanted something in return. When Harry got you gifts, it was always a random item he had his server get for him. He never got it on his own. But with Eren, it felt real and genuine. He wasn’t asking for anything, he just wanted to give you something dear to him. And it was incredibly sweet.
You could feel the corners of your eyes wrinkle, bringing the picture to your heart. “You kept it?” You smiled, biting your bottom lip. “I thought you would’ve thrown them out by now.” 
Eren was surprised you even remembered the photos. He was sure you were going to freak out, or something..
You felt your lips part again, about to thank him when your body moved on its own. Engulfing him into a hug, “This is… beyond amazing.” You tilted your head up, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “It’s thoughtful and sweet, Thank you, ‘Ren.” You pulled away, smiling at him. “I’ll see you later, Eren.” 
God, Eren always loved how sweet you sounded. Eren nodded, his whole face as red as a tomato. Goodbye, gorgeous. He waved goodbye, and watched you walk to his door. Wondering where you planned on putting the photos. 
To your surprise, when you opened the door— two other males were already there. One about to knock, and the other holding a few bags of junk food. You immediately smiled, “Harry!” You cheerily said, quickly hugging him. Harry nodded back, wrapping one arm around you and glancing at Eren. 
You turned, looking at the other male. You snapped your finger, pointing at the blonde male. “Uhm, you’re…” You squinted your eyes, cutely grimacing. “..Armin?..” You smiled, “You’re in my smart peoples class, right?” 
Armin’s eyebrows came together, nodding his head. “You mean, science class?” 
You pushed yourself off Harry, nodding your head quickly. “Yup, that class.” You said, letting your hand come to the strap of your bag. Adjusting it over your shoulder. “I’ll see you there, c’ya.” You smiled, and sent a playful wink his way. Waving a simple goodbye Harry’s way. 
You turned the corner, sighing out in relief. Your eyes drift to the side as you let your smile drop. Biting the inside of your cheek, tightening the grip you had on your bag. A feeling that could best be described as dread filling your stomach. Despite those emotions bubbling within you, you couldn’t help but feel somewhat giddy. Excited for the next time you were going to speak to Eren. 
Hell, maybe you’ll even explain the Spider-Man sketch he saw. If you were comfortable enough that is. 
Armin walked inside the apartment, smiling. “Eren!” He sang out, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. “What was all that about?”
Eren sighed, “I’m glad you guys didn’t get lost.” 
Harry entered the house, closing the door behind him and locking the door. Placing the shopping bags on the ground and walking behind Armin. Surveying the area. 
Armin puffed out his cheeks, sighing dramatically. “We actually did but,” he shook his head, waving his hand dismissively, “It doesn't matter, we found our way.” He laughed briefly, “Anyways? Y/n?! Why was she here!?” He poked Harry’s side, “C’mon, spill. Harry and I are dying to hear!” 
Harry pushed away, removing his shoes and tossing them by the door. Going to sit across Eren at the coffee table. 
Armin’s eyebrows came together, displaying his confusion, before shrugging. He wasn’t too interested in why Harry was acting stingy right now. But… “I’m dying to hear! You’ve liked this girl since forever! Tell me what happened!” Armin grabbed a bag of chips from the bag, quickly going to the coffee table and sitting down next to Eren. “Go on, spill.” 
Eren’s hand came to his neck, rubbing it awkwardly. “It’s not as exciting, or…” he sighed, looking at your drawing. “Anything crazy like you probably think it is.” 
Armin looked at Harry for a moment, giving a face that could only be described as, 'bullshit.’ Before looking to the side, “Sure, Eren.” Armin opened the bag of chips, popping a crisp in his mouth. “You two were in your apartment for god knows how long, alone, and you two didn’t do anything.” He popped another chip into his mouth, letting out a sarcastic, “Suree.” 
Eren shook his head, glancing at Harry. “Literally nothing happened.” He said, “I couldn’t even really talk to her, I ended up working the whole time. While she just sat beside me and drew a puppy.” He grabbed the sketch and held it up, showing it to both of them. 
Harry grabbed the drawing, taking a better look at it. Armin’s eyebrows came together for a second. “Wait, you’re telling me. You and Y/n were in your apartment, alone. And you didn’t even talk to her?” Armin looked away, his hand coming to his face. “Jesus, Eren. This is even worse than Jean and Mikasa back in high school.” 
Harry placed the picture down, laughing slightly. “Honestly, he couldn’t shut up about her. It was a horrible two years.” 
Armin looked at him, “Dude, I forgot you’re brothers.” He laughed, “Tell us what's happening between the two? We’re trying to help Eren out here.”
“Jean and Mikasa, or Jean and Y/n?” Armin gave him a look that made him choose the latter. Harry forced a laugh, “Honestly, I don’t really know what’s happening between them.” A lie. Harry knew exactly what was happening between the two. “I think Y/n’s dating Jean, or something.” Another lie. You weren’t dating anyone. Just talking to… certain individuals. “Honestly, with how much he hates you, I’d probably just drop it. I personally wouldn’t want to risk getting beat up by Jean.” He leaned back on the palm of his hands. “But, that's just what I think.”
That’s not what Harry thought, at all. But considering how he… liked you a little more than he should’ve. It was fine to have Eren think like this for now. He didn’t need Eren ruining the connection between you two. 
Actually, now that Harry’s thinking about it.. you didn’t even really like Jean. You tolerated him because you wanted to be nice. And, you had no interest whatsoever in getting into a romantic relationship with Jean.  
At least, that’s what Harry thinks. He couldn’t be forsure. 
You, despited always being with Jean, always tried to make an excuse, why you couldn’t go out on a date. But Jean always persisted. You just allowed him to act as he pleased in fear of breaking your friend group. 
It was a conversation the two of you had over a call. Harry was glad you told him this. He just knew that was one less person he had to worry about. At least, that’s how Harry remembers it. 
Besides, you were too sweet for a man like Jean. Too airheaded, as well. You needed someone like.. like.. like Harry! He could take care of you. 
Armin bit the inside of his cheek, glancing at Eren. “Damn, that… sucks.” Armin shrugged his shoulders, “Maybe, they’ll break up.” He smiled at Eren. 
Eren looked to the side, shrugging his shoulders weakly. Somewhat bummed out by your relationship status. 
Armin frowned, leaning on his hand. “Anyways, let’s forget about—“ he held his tongue, not wanting to say your name again. He his his attention to Harry. “What’s happening between you and Gwen?” He asked, “I heard you’re going on a date with her tomorrow.”
Harry laughed, smiling cooly. “Yeah, I’m going on a date.” Just not with Gwen. “Just with some other girl.” 
Eren’s eyes widened, “What?” He drawed out, “You were so set on Gwen, what happened?”
Harry laughed, clasping his hands together. “She— She started talking to this other dude named Peter.” He shook his head. “Well, she’s always known him, but she’s always told me he was just a friend.” 
Eren’s eyebrows shot up, “Really? So, she really did fall in love with another person?” Eren shook his head in disbelief, “Honestly, I thought you two were just not communicating enough. So nothing has changed from last time?” 
Harry nodded, “Yeah, nothing has changed.” He looked at Armin, “It’s a long story to be honest. Just we’re not talking anymore, it’s over.” 
Armin grimaced, “Damn man, I’m sorry to hear that.” He leaned forward, “That’s why I was so confused when I saw them on campus holding hands.” He popped another chip in his mouth. 
Eren laughed loudly, “Armin I swear, you hear and see everything.” Armin laughed, shrugging briefly. 
“Anyways, sorry that happened, Harry.” Armin softly said, offering a chip to him. 
Harry waved his hand dismissively, silently refusing. “Naw, it’s okay. I’m talking to this other girl I really like.” He smiled, “And, I don’t think she’s going to leave me for someone else. Or, at least I hope.” You won’t. 
Armin laughed, “So, when’s this date happening?” 
Harry looked to the side, trying to recall the time. “Tomorrow at six thirty..” He casually said, “We’re going to that new restaurant near the..” Harry snapped his fingers a few times, trying to recall the place. “The water. It’s near Stark Industries.” He smiled, “On top of that, it’s on the second story. Looking out to the city.” 
Eren nodded his head, “Oh! That new restaurant that opened up, yeah, I think I know what you’re talking about.” Eren laughed, “Wait, isn’t it impossible to get a spot there?”
Harry shrugged. “I don’t know, I had my father book me a spot there.” 
Eren and Armin nodded their heads, looking at each other and saying, “Forgot who his Dad was.”
Harry laughed, “Yeah but, that’s my plans for tomorrow.” He smiled, “I hope things go well.” 
Armin shook his head smiling, leaning his elbows on the table and resting his head in his palms. “Wow, must be nice.” He cooed, “But, who’s the mystery girl? I don’t even remember you doing something like this for Gwen.”
Eren nodded his head, “Yeah, I think you took Gwen out to the movies, and expected her to have sex with you or something.” 
Harry shot Eren a glare, “I didn’t want to hav-“ He shook his head, ignoring Eren’s comment. “Whatever. I just want to make a good impression.” He leaned back, “I really like this girl, and I think she really likes me.” 
Armin coughed obnoxiously, adding a ‘and you wanna’ have sex with her.’ 
Harry rolled his eyes, “The sex appeal is there. If that’s what you want to hear.” He seethed, “Jesus.” 
Armin laughed, fist bumping Eren briefly. Giving him a knowing look. Eren laughed, “Show us a picture, I’ll tell you—“
“No.” Harry quickly said. 
Eren and Armin flinched. Surprised by how quick Harry was to cut Eren off. Harry noticed. “Uh, I mean. I just want to make sure, before I show my friends.” He forced a smile, “I don’t need you guys making fun of her.” 
Eren let his eyes narrowed at Harry, slowly nodding his head. “Okay, sure.” He smiled, “Whatever you’re comfortable with, sweetie.” 
Armin smiled, “Yeah, just show us a picture of you two on your date. Then, you’ll know, and you’ll have a cute photo.” He winked in his direction. “But, let’s watch the game. I mean—that’s why you’re here, right?”        
          Location: Waiting For Food, from the food truck…
Eren lightly groaned, rubbing his temple. He really shouldn't have drank as much as he did. Especially when he had to attend class the next day. Jesus, he’s never had so much trouble trying to follow a lecture. He had trouble putting on an outfit today. Which consisted of sweats, and a random hoodie he found laying on his bed. 
Eren shook his head, walked up the food truck, asking for his usual. Slightly hurt that the cashier didn’t recognise him. I mean, he always bought food here in his super suit… Oh. 
Eren grabbed his receipt, and gave his name before drifting to the side. Pulling out his phone and checking his messages. Which were unfortunately really dry. He looked back up, sighing out. Letting his sight wander the area he was in. When he felt his body freeze. 
Right across from him was a small shop he was all too familiar with. It was where he originally went to print out his photos. Before he gained access to do so at Stark Industries. And, through the clear window he could see you talking to the shopkeeper. Laughing airly pointing at something behind him. 
Eren flinched, hearing his name being called by the food truck. He quickly grabbed his food, and glanced at you again. Only to see you walking away from the small shop. Waving good-bye to the shop owner. 
Eren nodded to himself, slightly disappointed. Before feeling his phone buzz. He quickly picked it up, glancing at the caller ID. 
Happy :) 
He almost dropped his food. Eren quickly rushed to answer the call, placing his phone to his ear. “Happy, Happy! Hi, uhm. Wha— What’s up?” Smooth Yeager.  Smooth. 
“Right, uhm. Stark needs to see you.” 
“Oh uh..” Eren looked at the food in his hand, tilting it to the side so he could check the time. Then, looking in the distance to Stark Industries. “Sure, what time does he need me there?” 
“Like, now.” Happy quickly said. 
Eren’s eyes widened, “Now? You mean like— now, now?!” 
Happy scoffed, “What else would I mean? Yes, now!” 
Eren felt his mouth go dry for a second, unable to speak. “I—I’m like two hours away. I can’t get there in—I can’t get there now.” He quickly defended.
Happy felt himself die a little inside, “Why are you two hours away? Your apartment is literally five minutes away from us?!”
Eren felt himself laugh, “Happy,” he declared, “I have to go to class, my school is close to two hours away.” He was always thankful he chose late classes. 
Happy silently ‘oh’d,’ taking a moment to think. “You can still get here in under thirty minutes.” 
Eren groaned, “Happy… you know that’s not—“
“You have a high tech suit, Eren. You can get here in under thirty minutes.” He shook his head, “You could get here under 10 if you really rushed.”
Eren nodded, “Alright then, I’ll see you in—“ He paused, bringing the phone from his ear to his face. Did he hang… Yeah, he hung up.
Eren quickly bit into his taco, walking towards Stark Industries, glancing at an alleyway and rushing into it. Twisting his backpack to the front of his chest and reaching inside, grabbing his suit. He tossed his bag to the ground, and started to strip. Jumping up and down dramatically to try to remove his sweats, before shoving his foot into the baggie suit. Bumping into a wall before getting it over his torso. Shooting a web at his mask and pulling it to his body, then tugging the fabric over his face. 
Eren smiled, clicking the spider on his chest and allowing the suit to quickly adjust to his skin. Grabbing his backpack, and securing it over his shoulders. Shooting a web on the straps, so it wouldn’t fly off when swinging. 
A mistake in which he has made in the past.
“Good Evening, Eren.”
“Good Evening, Karen.” Eren quickly took to the sky, using a tall building to swing to his location. Which he did get to quickly. In twenty six minutes to be exact. With his spider suit under his sweats and hoodie, he walked into the tall building. Adjusting the collar of his hoodie to better hide the suit underneath. “Petra, good to see you again.” He smiled, “Uhm, Tony called for me. Do you just want me to—”
“Yeah! Just go on up.” She briefly smiled, immediately turning her attention back to her computer. Eren always wondered what she was doing on her computer. He shook his head, making his way to Tony’s floor. Making sure to just walk in and not knock. Besides, Tony’s floor was huge. Just a maze of rooms and twisted halls. 
The hairs on the back of his neck stood. How the hell did you get here so fast? Oh yeah, Happy actually liked you, and probably sent a car to get you. Happy was so obvious with favorites. “Did Mr. Stark call you?” You softly asked, walking by his side and tilting your head. “Or?.. Are you lost?”
Eren just nodded. 
You giggled, nodding your head and walking in front of him. “C’mon, I’ll show you the way.” You grabbed his wrist, gently pulling him with you. 
Eren just slowly followed, his eyes drifting over your body. You looked cute today. I mean, you always look cute, but you looked extra cute today. A light blue tight dress that frilled at the bottom. Making your skin pop. Some white short gloves which was an odd thing to see when you always wore black, and a light tan sun hat. Oh, and the cute heels you were wearing. 
You looked really nice. Oddly dressed up. Eren wondered how he didn’t see if sooner. “And, we’re here!” You turned on your heel, pointing to the door behind you. “Stark’s room!” You gave a thumbs up. 
Eren nodded again, bowing his head slightly and walking to the door. Watching secretly as you started to walk away. He noticed you huff, reaching into your bag and grabbing your phone. 
You stared at the screen for a moment, muttering “Harry..” before reluctantly sliding your finger over the screen. I mean, it was only 6:10. You still have twenty minutes before you had to meet up at your agreed location. 
“Hey, Love! What’s up?” 
Now, Eren was intrigued. Also, not very proud of his next actions. But, to be fair! Why was his best friend calling you? And why were you calling him.. Love? So, he followed you. 
You walked further into the hall stopping at the corner. Giggling into your phone, “Yes, I plan on going.” You bit your bottom lip. “Geez, you sound so.. paranoid.” You giggled again. “Yes, I’m going over there right now. Just had to get something from…” You paused, looking to the side and thinking. Actually, it just looked like you hesitated— almost reluctant to speak. “…Levi. He just needed some help” 
You flinched at Harry’s voice. It was loud enough for Eren to hear. “So, Levi called you? C’mon, don’t lie to me like that. Just tell me where you are, and I’ll pick you up.” 
You forced an awkward smile, “Uhm, sure. I’m at Stark Industries. I’ll see—” Your shoulders jumped as you paused. Pulling the phone down from your ear, noticing how Harry ended the call. You stared at your phone for a little, before sighing. “See ya’ in a little.” You placed your phone in your bag, looking at the roof and smiling. Blinking your eyes before walking away. 
Eren wanted to go after you, but couldn’t. I mean, what would he even say? Hell, even if he knew what to say, he still wouldn’t be able to say it. He just took a final glance in your direction, before walking back to Tony’s room. Weakly pulling on his door, and entering. 
“Eren! Good to see you!” Tony said, taking a bite of his salad. Raising a hand to his mouth, and continuing. “How’s the suit? Is it good? Any adjustments I need to make?” 
Eren shook his head, “No, it— it’s pretty good. It’s comfortable, and breathable.” He put his hand to his chest, “It’s good.” 
Tony nodded his head, turning his attention to his Brother. “See, I told you. I made that thing airtight Levi.” 
Levi shook his head, “Well, things change Tony. We have to be constantly checking on the suit.” He walked to Eren, clicking something on his side. 
Eren flinched before a screen of blue projected from his eyes. Levi went forward, and touched a date. Checking on the report. “Wait, this thing records me?” Levi glanced at Eren. But before he could respond, Eren asked another question. “And, how do you know I’m wearing the suit? It’s under my clothing.” 
 Levi pressed his lips together, pausing before answering. “Yes.” He quickly answered, “But, it’s only when you have to suit on.” He clicked another date, fast forwarding the recording. Stopping on Eren eating a churro. “And, it’s peeking over your collar.” 
Eren quickly looked down, glancing at the suit. Seeing it was visible over his hoodie. He could feel his cheeks heat up. “Oh,” He quickly shook his head. “Well, why do you even need to watch me?” 
Levi and Tony looked at eachother. “Well,” Levi began, “The suits are.. powerful. Which means,” He paused again, “With great power comes great responsibility.” Levi nodded once, “We can’t have you robbing banks or anything.” 
Eren laughed, “Sure, okay. I get that.” 
Levi waved his hand over the screen making it disappear. “Karen, send all the information to me and Tony.” 
“Yes, Levi.” There was a brief pause, “Now, sending information.”
“When you say recording when the suits on. You mean no matter where I am, if I have to suit on, it starts recording?” Eren bashfully asked.
Tony looked at him, “Yes, why?” Suddenly, Eren had a bad feeling. “I mean, there's nothing you should be hiding while inside the suit, right?” Tony and Levi were now glaring at him. 
Eren shook his head, waving his hands. “No, no! I mean—“ He sighed, raising his hands to his face. The tips of his ears turned red. “I— I sometimes wear the suit in my apartment and..” He deep inhaled, “..and I like pretending I’m—“
“Oh.” Tony said thoughtfully, “I get it kid. We’ll just tell Karen to cut out the recording in your house.” 
Eren peaked his eyes over his hands, “Really?”
“Levi, Tony. There’s a situation happening near a restaurant.” Karen voiced calmly.
Tony’s eyes widened, looking outside from his window. “God, how long have we been talking?” 
Levi checked his watch, “It’s close to seven ten.” 
Tony grimaced, “Jesus, uhm, Karen. Where is this located?” 
“The newly opened restaurant by the water, it’s called the—“
“The Rose.” Tony finished, he sighed. Running a hand over his face, “I swear that place is a goldmine for—“ 
Eren felt his stomach drop. A horrible realization washed over him. “Y/n’s there.” He quickly said. It felt like he was going to faint. “Y/n’s there. We– We need to–“ 
Levi's hands were on Eren’s shoulders. When did he get there? “Calm down, Eren. We know Y/n’s there. She’ll be fine.” 
“No, she won’t be fine. I– we need to go over there! She could get hurt, or worse…“ He pulled away from Levi, walking toward the door.
Tony was quickly on it. “Karen, pause.” 
Eren paused. Unable to move. He gasped, “Wha–What happened?”
“I seized your movements. You won’t be able to move until I allow it.” Tony sighed, his hands typing on the blue screen keyboard. Bring up the location of the restaurant and yours. 
Eren grunted, trying to move. “Mr. Stark, with all due respect– I’m not a kid. So, stop treating me like one.” 
Tony didn’t respond. He didn’t want to. 
Eren felt his anger rise, annoyed. Maybe he was extra emotional because you could be in trouble. He just started to slowly breathe, trying to calm down. Mr. Stark said you’d be safe. So, you’re going to be safe. Right?… 
Eren let his head drop, before lifting it up again. “Wait,” Eren quickly interrupted, “Since when could Karen do that? She’s never done that for me?” He looked down at his suit. “Why don’t you do that for me, Karen?”
Bitch. I’m sorry, Karen. I didn’t mean that.
“I can't, you're still exploring your suit.” Karen briefly replied.
Eren looked up, trying to glance at Tony or Levi. “Wait, what does she mean by that?” 
Levi looked to the side, walking away. Not wanting to be the one to answer that question. Tony would’ve cussed him out for that, but decided to stay modest. And most importantly, calm. “Uhm,” Tony started, “It means you’re still learning your suit.” He reasoned, “So, Karen won’t send you to the heat of battle just yet.” 
Eren’s eyebrows shot together. That anger returned, “What? I can’t ‘learn’ about my suit if I don’t fight in it.” He shook his head, closing his eyes. Debating about whether or not he should say what he wanted to. He did. 
“Karen, show me the way to The Rose.” 
“Eren,” Tony warned, “Calm down, this was just a precaution. We didn’t want you to die a week after working with the suit.” He gritted, “And, we certainly don’t need you dying now.” 
Eren scoffed, “So, do you just not trust me? I’m not gonna’ die from fighting some random robber.” He shot back, “I’ve dealt with that more than I could count.”
Tony shook his head, “Kid, this isn’t just about you! There are civilians there!” He scoffed, looking to the side and licking his teeth. “If someone dies, that’s on your watch, that’s on you, okay?! But, if you die, that’s on me.” He stood up, pushing his chair away. Running a hand through his hair and sighing, “And, I don’t want that on my conscience.” 
The room was deathly silent. 
“Then, you understand how I feel about Y/n.” He peered over his shoulder, “If she dies, that’s going to be on my conscience. Because deep down, I knew I could’ve at least tried.” He lightly sneered, “And that’s better than standing around and doing nothing. I got this suit purely because of luck, I’ll earn it.” 
Tony softly sighed. “Karen, release.”
Eren jolted forward, shakily exhaling. Placing his hand to his mouth and whispering, “Karen, we’re going to have a very serious talk about consent.” 
“Of course, Eren.”
Tony sighed, quickly looking at Levi. Reading his lips. ‘Don’t do it.’
“Fine, go.” Tony said, “Just—“ Tony took a deep breath, “Just don’t die.” 
Eren smiled, nodding his head briefly. “I won’t.” 
Levi pointed to a window, seeing as it was open. “Go.” And just like that, Ere– Spider-Man was gone. His street clothes resting on the ground. Levi looked at Tony. “Want me to follow him.” 
“Oh yeah, definitely.” Tony enhanced his screen, “But, give him a chance. Only interfere if you feel his life is in danger.” He thought for a second, “Or wins.”
Levi nodded once, clicking his watch. Allowing the suit to bubble over his skin. Tony shook his head smugly. He was such a badass for finally working with Nanotechnology.  
          Location: The Rose, Some Fancy Restaurant…
You glanced at your phone. 
You scrunched your nose in distaste. The date already started close to twenty five minutes ago, yet it felt like hours. Harry was rambling about Oscorp. A subject you personally felt uncomfortable to hear, let alone talk about. You were literally working at the rival corporation.
“Are you enjoying your wine?” 
You smiled, nodding your head. “Well, I’m technically not allowed to but,” you leaned closer, whispering, “Yeah, it’s way better than random party beer.” 
Harry’s eyebrows came together, “Allowed to? Are you not twenty one?” 
You giggled, “Yeah, I’m twenty. I’m just a young senior.” You tilted your head, “I told you this over the phone.” 
Harry forced a smile, adjusting his collar. “Oh yes, I remember.” No, he didn’t. 
You chewed your lip. “Right, uhm..” you mumbled. “How’s– how’s Eren?” You said, desperately trying to change the subject. Eren just happens to be the most familiar. 
“Oh, he’s good. Working at–“ he gestured his hand at you, “Stark Industries.”
Do we always have to talk about Stark Industries? “I know,” you added, “I work with him.” You cringed at the awkward conversation. You let your fake nails drum on the clothed table lightly. Mindlessly looking to the side. Trying to think of something. “You two are best friends, right?” You asked. 
Harry slowly nodded, guilt traveling up his spine. I mean, here he was on a date with the girl his best friend had been crushing on for god knows how long. “Yeah.” He replied. 
“Does he like me?” You asked, eyes moving to him for a second. “Like a friend, that is.” You clarified. Feeling your face slightly heaten up at the small miscommunication. Harry noticed. 
“No.” He quickly answered, jealousy filling his mind. He noticed your hurt expression, and quickly spoke again. t
Trying to fix his answer, “I mean. I think he does. He doesn’t really talk about you.” Harry’s eyebrows raised for a second. A small gesture he did when not particularly speaking the truth.
He’s lying. You thought. But, why would he lie about that? “Really?” You slowly said, Harry nodded. You let out a small giggle. “Awh, that sucks. I totally was starting to like him.” You noticed the way Harry’s jaw clenched. You turned to the side, getting bored of the conversation. I mean, it’s not like you enjoyed talking to a liar.
Harry noticed how to slowly distanced yourself from him, “Uhm, what’s your favorite sweet spot?” He asked, trying to keep you engaged. 
You shrugged, “I don’t know. I don’t really tell people that, I don’t want it to be overcrowded.” Selfish, maybe. But you had to do what you had to do. 
Harry internally cringed at your response. If he thought you were bored before, he was certain you were now. “Have you been here?” He gestured to the restaurant. “I heard it’s really good, my father and brother like to visit often.” He shifted, slightly uncomfortable by bringing up his brother Jean. “But, this is my first time here.” 
You glanced at him. “Really?” You huffed, crossing a leg over the other. Eyes moving across the dimly lit area. People conversing with others, causing a background hum of conversation to play. “I expected someone like you to always be in a place like this.” 
He laughed heartily, “Oh no, this isn’t my scene. I prefer In-and-out from California. I usually go every weekend.” 
Right. You slowly nodded your head, reaching for your glass of wine and sipping on it. That was— a very out of touch comment. You’re such a hypocrite Y/n.
The air tensed again, conversation stopping. Soft drumming of your nails against the table being stronger than the connection between the two of you.
This date was not going well. 
“So, I heard you’re starting to work with nanotechnology.” He quipped, leaning into you. 
You slowly giggled, not really wanting to talk about your corporation’s technology. Or any corporation's technology for that matter. “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe..” You swirled your wine glass, taking a sip. “I think I’ve heard like, Levi say something.” You shrugged your shoulders. 
“Do you always talk like that?” He said, eyes boring into yours. His lips pressed in a thin line. 
You blinked a few times, tilting your head to the side. “Like what?…” You questioned with an unsure laugh. 
He smiled for a second, “Uhm, Like- Do you like? Sorry, are you like literally kidding me? Literally.” He laughed to himself, “That’s all I hear you say, it’s really—“ Harry paused with his mouth open, like he was stopping himself from speaking. “..weird.” 
You felt your tongue run over your teeth. He was going to say ‘annoying.’ Oh..
Your eyebrows came together. “What's that supposed to mean?” Was he belittling you? You placed your drink down, glaring at him. “Are you? Mocking me?..” you said with an unsure airy laugh.
Yes. Harry thought. 
He shook his head, raising his hands. “Of course not, I just—“ he sighed, looking to the side. His hand running over his chin. “It just seems forced, working at Stark Industries, holding school and city events, attending NYU. It just— it doesn't make sense.” 
You blinked a few times, your eyes trained on him. “What doesn't make sense?” You asked, hands grabbing the end of your dress. 
Harry took a sip of his drink, noticing your change in demeanor. Has Harry ever seen you mad? Actually, have you ever even been mad at anyone? He thickly swallowed. This isn’t going the way he planned, “I— You know what I mean Y/n..” 
You shook your head slowly, “No, I don’t.” You said, “I think you need to clarify.” 
Harry leaned back, his body slightly turned to the side. “I just— you have to be hiding something. Or, doing something behind the scenes.” 
You scoffed, “Are you saying I sleep with—“ 
“No, that’s not what I’m saying.” 
You shook your head and turned to the side, looking off in the distance. Trying to enjoy the location despite the person sitting across from you. 
“What I mean is, you can’t be a complete..” 
“A complete what?”
“A dumbass, you can’t be a complete dumbass.” 
You felt your eyes widen, shocked by his words. Well, not really, just more surprised. He thinks I’m an idiot. You scoffed at your thoughts. No, he thinks I’m a dumbass. Turning your head back to look at him, your lips parted slightly. “I— I don’t..“ You sighed, grabbing your drink again. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. This is how I am.” You bit your lip, “I don’t know how you expect me to be, Harry.” You sighed, forcing a smile. “This is how I am. I just happen to be very lucky with the opportunities presented to me.”  
“I don’t..” He sighed, “I don’t believe that, Y/n. Someone’s got to be–“ he pressed his lips together, before shaking his head. “I can take care of you.” He said, completely changing his sentence to something else. 
Your head tilted down, looking at him through your lashes. A look of slight discomfort, or pain washing over your face. Eyes glossy. 
Shit. Not good Harry. “Yeah, you— you wouldn’t need to do any of that. I could take care of it all.” He said. Good way to change the subject.
You could feel your eyebrows furrow. Why does this sound so familiar?... “Really?..” You slowly said. 
Harry nodded, reaching his hand out to your shoulder. Rubbing it soothingly, trying to calm you down. “Of course.” He cooed. 
You closed your eyes for a second, sighing. “You hate your brother Jean, right? Harry?”
Harry nodded, “I do, he’s horrible, controlling, cocky..” He laughed, lowering his hand to yours, holding it. 
Your eyes darted to his hand, before looking back at him. “That’s what I thought.” You laughed, pulling your hand back. You’re such a hypocrite, Harry. “Because, you sound exactly like him.” You stood up before he could even reply. “I think I'm going to go home.” You pushed your chair back in, taking a final sip of your drink and putting the cup back down on the table. “Goodbye, Harry.” 
Harry was stunned. He was anything, but his brother.
You grabbed your bag and walked away. You could hear Harry standing up and running after you. A mantra of your name leaving his lips, trying to get you to stop moving. 
Why does everyone assume you want to be taken care of? You couldn’t help, but laugh. Back in highschool everyone told you, you were too independent. And now you weren’t dependant enough? 
You glanced at the time. 
That was a short lived date—
You flinched when someone screamed. Turning your head in their direction. A random person running into your shoulder. You grimaced, bringing your hand to the shoulder. Rubbing it soothingly, “Ouch.” You whispered, rolling out your shoulder for a second before looking back at the initial sound. I mean, it sounded like someone got hurt. 
If anything —you laughed at the thought— it sounded a villain was attacking this plac—
You could feel every fiber of confidence drain from your body. Chills crawling up your body. You shakily inhaled, your arms going to your side, hands going slack. Dropping all of your belongings. You could feel your body tense with fear. 
Cold, pure, fear.
“What the..”
Because, in front of you, was a fifteen meter, giant, armed, tech, titan. Looming over the skylight. Eyes glowing bright yellow, staring down at you. 
Or, at least it felt like it.
Right behind him another, ten meters taller. 
You could feel your knees give out, failing to take a step back as you fell to your ass. Your pupils shrinking with fear, your lips parting. You wanted to scream, but were unable to. 
Now you know why Stark said you couldn’t use the suit. You were too frightened by things like this to even move. 
You didn’t even notice Harry was trying to call out your name until you breathed. Sucking in air like you were deprived of it your whole life. “Y/n, get over here!” 
You looked over your shoulder for a second. Before looking at the giant in front of you. Harry was way too far to run to. You’re sure it would catch the giant's attention. What—what do I do?
It’s like time slowed down, the villain's hand going to the roof. Holy shit, he was going to break it.
You rolled under a table. Feeling the cloth that covered it tanging into your body, and pushing through. A hand coming over your eyes as the building's roof collapsed. 
It was dark. 
Thick cloth covering the table’s sides. Draping to the floor, blocking the light of the restaurant. Dark. It’s dark. 
Your phone! Your phone! Call someone, Y/n! Your hands went to your thighs, patting it furiously. “Dress, fuck! I’m wearing a dress!” You shouted, unable to breathe. It didn’t even matter, your phone was probably under the ruble. 
You closed your eyes accepting, there was no possible way of getting it now. 
You felt helpless. What the hell do you do? You were wearing a minidress you couldn’t run in without holding it down. You grabbed a fork which had fallen to the ground. 
Taking a shaky breath. 
You listened.
‘Creak.’ ‘Creak..’ ‘Creak…’
Right. Was to the right of you?
A foot, a big foot. Walking through the debris. Creaking— cracking under their iron. They were walking, why was it walking? You were sure people were under that debris. And what about you? Were you about to get stepped on? You should be worried, right?
No, you had a fork. You had a fork. 
You could only listen. Your eyes trained on the dirty floor. It was quiet. Silence. Silent. Quiet..
When.. It was wet. Why was the floor wet? A pearl of water fell on your hand holding the fork. You were crying. Tears falling from your eye without the need of blinking. 
Because, it wasn’t dark. It wasn’t dark anymore. 
Eyes tilted up, peering at the settling sky and the massive hand looming over you. Grabbing onto your much smaller frame and lifting you into the night sky. Tight. It’s tight. It hurts. I can’t— breathe.
You tried— and tried. Stabbing into the hand with the dull fork. Screaming at the top of your lungs, throat dry and painful. Did it always hurt to scream? “Let go of me!” 
You tried to stab them. “Let go!” You screamed. Thrashing, hitting, crying, anything to loosen the grip this massive villain had on you. You cried when he brought you to his face. 
It was looking at you.
His free hand coming to your face, and whipping away your tears. You took this time to scan over your captor. The one holding you was the taller one. Twenty five meters. You wondered how it even saw you. 
“Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to touch women?” Someone taunted, “Or, are you just a jerk who needs to learn about consent?” 
You turned over your shoulder, hair whipping around as you peered at the person. Your lips naturally coming up into an awkward smile at the masked individual's words. 
So this was the infamous Spider-Man. “Hi, there Gorgeous. Don’t panic, ‘kay?” 
You nodded, watching him jump off the building— swinging in your direction. Webs shooting in different directions. Confusing you on where he was going to go. 
Wait, gorgeous? Stop, dont. Look where you are, try to help Y/n. You looked to the side, searching for Harry. Maybe— Maybe, he could distract the villain. And maybe, it would let go of you. He could help you escape. 
Harry, where are you? You could feel your stomach turn. Is he okay? Did he?— Only to see his car driving off in the distance. Well that’s good to know. You grunted, feeling the hand tighten around you. You needed to do something, and you need to do something now.
You weren’t going to die. Not to-fucking-day. You turned to the villain, hand pushing him away. Waving your arms around frantically, trying to gain the attention of the thing holding you. 
It looked at you. Your hand flew in front of you, outstretched. The fork flew into his eyes, stabbing it. The villain grunted in pain, hand hitting his face—trying to soothe the stinging pain.
Unknowingly letting go of you. Butterflies. You loved the feeling of butterflies on roller coasters, or droppers. You didn’t like them now. You didn’t like them knowing there was nothing stopping you from hitting the ground.
Holy shit, were you going to die? The other armored villain noticed. Almost panicking and reaching for you, trying to grab you before hitting the ground. 
You couldn’t help but wonder— Why?
Spider-Man shot a web at the villain’s hand. Sticking it to his face. Shooting another and swinging in your direction, scoping you up before you hit the ground. “Jesus, Gorgeous what did you do? Villains don’t grab random civilians, and try to save them for no reason.” he looked over his shoulder, glancing at the villains. 
What were they doing here? What was their goal, or purpose? What were they going to do in the small time frame he was gone? Trying to find a safe space to put you. What would they do? Who were they going to hurt?
You gripped his neck, stuffing your head inside.“I– I don’t know.” You sobbed, trying to answer his question “I really don’t, I thought I was going to— I thought..” 
Eren could feel his heart break. Seeing as you broke down in his arms, literally. He inhaled, pressing his lips together. His grip tightening across your waist. “It’s okay, it’s okay.” he softly reassured, “You’re safe, nothing’s ever going to happen to you.” I promise.
Spider-Man jumped onto a roof, helping you onto your feet.Your hands stayed on his shoulders for a second, fake nails digging into his suit before slowly letting go. His eyes widened for a second only to return back to normal. His right hand coming to your face and wiping your tears. “I’ll be right back. Once I know that everyone over there is safe, I’ll take you home.” 
Eren felt himself stop, his hand holding your face. His other on your arm. He didn’t want to leave. 
You nodded, leaning into his touch. Whispering softly, “Okay.” Before sighing, trying to collect yourself. You placed your hand over his. Squeezing it. “There were around one hundred and fifty people, upon the initial attack.” You quickly said, “When the building was damaged, roughly seventy five. I don’t know where the other half went.” You carefully explained, trying to make sure all this information was being processed. Even if it wasn’t that much.
You were sure you watched two of them get crushed under the rubble. Not a hundred percent sure. Spider-Man nodded. That grounded him in the situation, and partially shocked him. How the hell did you manage to process all that information, while also trying to keep yourself safe. In fact— your whole speaking mannerism changed. 
There are more important things to worry about, Eren. He nodded, “Thank you.” 
You nodded back and he was gone, rushing back to the restaurant. Leaving you a mess. You took a step back, exhaling shakily. Closing your eyes and clasping your hands together. Trying to comfort yourself. Moving your hands to your shoulders and giving a self-hug. 
“You know, it’s really odd to silently watch a girl, right?” You asked, your voice deep yet somewhat playful. A complete opposite of what you normally sounded like. “Or, do we need to have a conversation about that again?”
It always amazed Levi how fast you could switch. You really perfected your act as the innocent and stupid bimbo. Sometimes, even Levi forgot you were pretending. Levi shook his head, landing on the roof. “No, that won’t be necessary. I was just scanning you, Y/n. Making sure you're completely fine.” He put a hand on your shoulder, “And, I managed to remove all civilians safely.” 
You smiled, “Good.” Pressing his hand off your shoulder. Forcing a smile at him, while taking a few steps back. Enjoying the air. Trying to cool off from the very recent situation. Well, to be fair— this has become a normal thing after working with Stark. Of course, no matter what, you’d always freak out. Who wouldn’t? I mean, you’re looking at a deadly villain. But, it became something you learned to calm yourself down from. Even if it took a few minutes.
You raised your hands in the air, stretching out your arms. Trying to get your shoulders to pop. “Anyways,” You whispered, “Why didn’t you tell me you started using the suit I designed?” You put up a finger, “And, don’t lie to me, I can tell what my designs are.” You said, recalling back to the suit. 
Levi chuckled, “Of course you do, nothing can slip by the talented mind of yours.” 
“You don’t need to tell me.” You interrupted, looking at your nails and smiling. Peeking up for a moment for Levi’s reaction. He always hated when you played with him. But, that’s why you did it. 
Levi rolled his eyes, clicking his wrist and his suit reversing. “But, that’s not what I’m here to talk about.”
You placed your hand on your hip, “Of course. I knew you weren’t just checking up on me.” Levi was about to respond, but you put up a finger. Already knowing what he was going to ask you. “No, I don’t know the villain.” You sighed boredly, “And, I sure as hell don’t know why it tried to save me.” You took a deep breath, “And, I quite honestly don’t want to.” 
Levi nodded, leaning on a door leading into the roof the two of you were standing on. “Do you want me to take you home?” 
You felt your chest tighten at that question, wanting to immediately say no. Considering how last time he took you home he almost dropped you. –On purpose– you weren’t risking that again. “I’m good, Levi.” You said, waving your hand. You turned away, “I’ll let Spider-boy take me home.” 
Levi could have imagined it, but he could’ve sworn you smiled. He would’ve laughed at that thought, you? Smiling over a boy? Yeah, he must’ve imagined it. 
You literally hated every man you ever met. With the few exceptions being him, Tony, and Happy. Sometimes  
And, that boy you were starting to talk about at work. But, other than that. Nope, hated them all. And, he couldn’t even blame you.. 
Spider-Man landed on the ground, grimacing. Scoffing for a second, “They’re gone.” He searched around, trying to look around for any potential clues, or people. “But how?” He questioned, “Something that big can’t disappear without a trace.” He sighed, running a hand over his face. “Hey, Karen?” He slowly asked, flipping over a large piece of wood with ease.
“Yes, Eren?” 
“Can you do a scan of this place? Is that— something you can do?” 
“Yes, Eren. Currently scanning.” 
Eren looked around, trying to find anything. Yet, there was nothing. He groaned, “So what was the point of that thing even coming?” 
“Scan complete, unable to locate any civilians.” 
He sighed, taking a final step back. His foot landed on something. His head cocked back, looking at the item he stepped on. 
It was a phone. A bag not too far from it. Actually, this phone looked really familiar. It was your phone. Eren grabbed it, along with the purse. 
“Eren, you’re receiving a call from Tony. Do you wish to pick up?”
Eren bit his cheek, eyes drifting to the side thoughtfully. “Yes, please.” He briefly said, placing the phone inside your purse. Then slinging it over his body. 
Eren saw the corner of his display with a small microphone. Lighting up once Tony spoke. “Eren, how’d it go? Hope no one—“
“Everyone’s fine. No one’s hurt, I had Karen scan the place.” He sighed, walking to the edge of the building. Seeing as a metal piece was standing out from the rest of the rubble. How did I not notice that before?
“That’s good to hear, kid.” Tony paused, “Did you happen to find anything?” 
Eren squatted to the floor, wiping his gloved hand over the metal scrap. Trying to remove the wood dust. His eyebrows moving together, expressing his confusion. “Uhm, Karen? Is it possible to show what I’m seeing?” He tilted his head, “Like a facetime?” 
“Yes, Eren.” 
Tony’s face popped up, before quickly minimizing. “What am I looking at, kid?” He squinted, getting closer to the screen and grabbing his glasses.
Eren rolled his eyes at that question. “It’s a part of the villain's suit.” He pressed his lips together, disappointed. “There’s some writing engraved into the iron, but it’s scratched off.” 
Tony audibly sighed. “I’ll go have Levi pick it up.” He said, “And, make sure you go straight home after this..” 
Eren’s eyebrows came together. “Alright.” With that, the call ended. Eren sighed, keeping his gaze on the metal. His ears perked to the sound of one of the suits. 
Eren took it as he cue to leave. Trying to find the place he left you before. Eren landed on the roof. His eyes on your back, watching as you sat on the edge of the building. Watching the city. “Enjoying the view?” He asked, making you turn your head to him. 
“It’s pretty enough.” You plainly said, tossing a chunk of hair behind your shoulder. Trying to enjoy the soft cool breeze. Jeez, you should really cut your hair. 
Eren could feel himself pause. You sounded— different?.. Almost more chill, and sarcastic. 
He stood behind you, “What?” He said, trying to sound offended. “I made sure to bring you to my favorite building.” His hand went to his waist as he tilted his head. 
You peered over your shoulder, displaying an amused smile. “Did you now?” You taunted, eyes moving to the purse wrapped around his body. “It looks good on you.” 
Eren smiled, his eyes closing slightly. “Good to know.” 
You stood up, dusting off your butt and walking to him. Pressing a strand of hair behind your ear. Outstretching your hand for your purse. Grabbing your phone from the bag. Smiling at the small device. “Thanks.” You softly said. Checking the time. You grimaced. “It’s so late, jesus.” 
Spider-Man took a step in your direction. “It’s a Friday? I consider nine thirty pretty early.” His head tilted to the side. 
You sighed, shaking your head. “No it’s— I’m holding a big event tomorrow, and co-hosting a party a few hours after.” You said with a groan. “Honestly, I don’t even know why I agreed to the party.” 
“I’m sure you’ll find a way to manage.” 
You looked at him, then to the city. “It’s not only that.” You softly said, trying to hide a smile. “I kinda’ want to call someone and tell them about this horrible date.” Eren flashed through your head. You wanted to call him and tell him all about what just happened. 
Horrible date? Spider-Man thought. Oh yeah, you were on a date with Harry. Eren forgot about that. 
You sighed, looking back at the city. You softly sighed, “I swear, I don’t know why I put myself through that.” You said, “I didn’t even want to go on a date with Harry, I just said yes to be nice.” 
“Then, say no.” Spider-Man responded, “I can assure you, this probably wouldn’t have happened if you said no.” Also, Eren was salty. 
You turned back, glaring at him. Muttering a sarcastic ‘Thanks,’ through grit teeth. You watched as his eyes squinted as he nodded his head. The son of a bitch was smiling. 
Yet, you couldn’t help but smile back. 
You bit your lip, “I– I just can’t, I don’t want to hurt his feelings.” You smiled to yourself, taking a step back. “Besides, it would be out of character for me to decline.” You softly muttered, “I’m supposed to be the sweet and innocent–” dumbass.
Spider-Man’s hand raised for a moment, only to return back to his side. “If you’re not comfortable with something, you don’t have to do it.” He said, “As a woma–” He paused, noticing the way you glared at him. “It’s just not a safe mindset for you, you shouldn’t comfort people at the expense of yourself.” 
You felt your shoulder tense, your eyes darting to the spider in front of you. Eye wide and sparkling, before smiling– letting your hand rub your forearm. “Yeah?” You playfully questioned. 
Spider-Man nodded, “Yeah.” 
You nodded, letting your head fall to the side. “Maybe,” you said, “I’ll think about it.” There was a small comfortable silence between you two. Your hands coming behind your back and holding into your skirt. You blinked a few times, turning away as you felt your cheeks heat up. “Now,” You started, looking around, “How are you going to fly me home?” 
Spider-Man tilted his head. A hand on his hip, ���Who said anything about flying?” 
You blinked a few times. “We’re not flying?”
“Then.. what are we doing?” 
Squinted eyes, Spider-Man was smiling again. 
          Location: The Sparkling Buildings of New York…
You gripped onto his shoulder, wrapping your arms around his waist. “Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit!” You shouted, shoving your face into his neck. Why did I say yes to this! You would’ve preferred Levi almost dropping you to this. “I don’t think I want to do this anymore!” You shouted, shaking into his arms. 
Spider-Man turned his head ever-so-slightly to your ear. “You’re doing great, I promise you, you’re fine.” He sounded like he was whispering, maybe your ears were just ringing. 
You softly groaned, “No, I know I’m doing fine.” You cringed at the thought, “I’m just totally flashing everyone in this mini-skirt right now.” You tightened your arms around him. When you felt his free hand press against your thighs. Pressing the skirt against your skin. 
You jumped at the sensation, feeling your skin heat up. Was he touching your?.. You turned to him, pressing your lips to his ear. “I’m going to ignore the fact you’re literally touching my ass but–” You said with a laugh, obviously teasing the boy. You knew deep down he was just trying to help. 
You heard Spider-Man yelp, before pulling his hand away. “Oh my god! I’m so sorry– I was just trying to–” 
You loudly laughed, cutting him off. “I was just messing with you Spider-boy. I know you were just trying to help.” You teased, “Don’t take everything so seriously.” 
Spider-Man forced a laugh, nodding his head. When you felt him land on your staircase. Putting you down on your latter escape. You slowly placed your feet down on the railing, keeping your hands on his shoulders. His hands on your waist for stability. 
You were on your latter escape. Wait, you don’t remember telling him where you lived– maybe you did… You felt his hand slowly move up your waist. You couldn’t help but feel your skin spike. You really liked his hands on you, it reminded you of–
“And there you go.” Spider-Man said, hands perfectly pressed to the dip of your waist. His hands were so big. “All safe, and sound.”
“Uhm, thanks.” You softly said, letting your eyes drop to the side. “I appreciate you taking me home.” 
Spider-Man tilted his head, raising an eyebrow. “Really?’ he asked, “Cause I could’ve sworn you were begging for me to put you down.” I could beg for other things, Gorgeous– Don’t Eren. 
You smiled, “I could be begging for other things, Spidey.” You said with a laugh, leaning back from him. Still keeping your hands on his shoulders. Loving how he kept his on your waist. “But, I don’t think you’re for that.” 
Jesus, you were perfect for him. Spider-Man’s laugh echoed through your head, making your cheeks heaten up. How could someone with a face mask be so– attractive and kinda’ cute.
“Do you always mess around with guys that swing you home, Gorgeous?” 
You laughed, rolling your eyes playfully. “Do you call everyone gorgeous?” 
“Only the ones who are.” 
“Then, only the ones I like.” You responded, smiling as you stood on your tippy toes. Getting closer to his face. “And, I somewhat like you, Spidey.” 
Spider-Man tilted his head, his eyes squinting slightly. “How many other spider guys do you like?” He asked. 
You looked to the side playfully, smiling to yourself. “Just the ones who call me gorgeous.” You pressed a finger to his shoulder, “Which is a lot more than you’d think.” 
Spider-Man’s eyes closed for a second, letting out a loud laugh. “Really.” He playfully said, “How many guys are you talking to?” 
“So many.” You said with an eye roll, “But, they don’t matter.” Apparently more than half of them want to take care of me. “They’re all gross boys.” 
Spider-Man nodded in agreement. “Brutal. Men happen to be pigs.” He said, looking to the side. 
You nodded, before looking at your hand. Seeing you were still holding into him. You pulled away from him, placing your hands on his chest to push him away. “I guess it’s time for you to leave then?” You said questioningly, not knowing whether or not you wanted him to go. 
You didn’t really want him too. 
“Damn, do you think I’m a gross boy?” Spider-Man said, pretending to act offended. A hand placed to his chest dramatically. “Is that why you’re kicking me out?”
You let your hand drop to your skirt, fixing it around your waist. While dusting off some imaginary dirt, you giggled, “Oh yeah, the grossest of them all.” You exclaimed, leaning back on your sticker decorated window. “Ew, get away from me.” 
Spider-Man laughed, leaning back on the railing. Placing the back of his hand on his forehead, “Ah! You wound me..” He said, trying to suppress the laugh building in his throat. He wanted to mess with you, somehow..
You turned away, crossing your arms over your chest playfully. “Good.” You said, “Now get your gross spider-self away from me.” You turned over your shoulder, looking at Spider-man. He was just staring at you, like he was trying to figure out what to say. 
Before his eyes widened in realization. “If that’s how it is…” You watched as he leaned back, your eyes moving up and down his frame in confusion. What is he doing?.. You quickly reached out, twisting your body to face him as you rushed over– trying to grab onto his arm. Unfortunately, you were too slow. You watched in horror as his body fell back over the railing. 
You ran to the edge of the railing, peering over the side in fear. “Oh my god! Are you—” 
Spider-Man waved at you, holding onto the web attached to the railing. His eyes squinted. He was smiling. You rolled your eyes, scoffing. Throwing your phone at his face, only for him to dodge it completely— sending a web after it. 
“Asshole!” You shouted, watching him slowly climb up your railing again. You couldn’t help but smile, despite how much you desperately wanted not to. That’s why you kept your back to him. 
“Oh, so you do care about this gross boy.” 
“Shut the fuck up—“
“Here.” Spider-Man lifted your phone, handing it to you. 
You snatched it from him, giving him a playful glare. Muttering a strained, “Thank you.” Before leaning on the railing. Tilting your head down and looking at Spider-Man. Your lips pressed together tightly. 
Spider-Man tilted his head, his eyes squinted slightly. “Anything for you.” He said, noticing the way you avoided eye contact. Were you embarrassed?
You bit the inside of your cheek, looking to the side. Trying to suppress the big smile on your lips, only to fail miserably. You looked back down at him, tilting your head to the side. “You’re—“ you huffed playfully, “You’re something else.” 
“You like it.” Spider-Man teased.
You leaned further down, Spider-Man went a little more up. You couldn't help but say, “I do.” The two of you stayed like that for a moment, noses practically touching. You ran your tongue over your lips, tasting the peach lipgloss you were wearing. “What?” You teased, “You waiting for a kiss or something?” 
“Am I getting one?” If so, I’ll wait till the end of time. Spider-Man couldn’t help but think. 
You hummed thoughtfully, “Maybe.” You told him. Looking to the side, letting your hands fall to his face. 
“Then, I’ll wait till the end of time.” 
You laughed, biting your bottom lip for a second before leaning forward. Pressing a quick kiss to his covered lips. Then pulling back. You giggled for a moment, pointing at his lips. “You got a little something..”
Spider-Man laughed, his head tilting back for a second. His hand came to his lip, “Do I?” He pulled his hand in front of his eyes, looking at the slightly sticky substance. Lip gloss. 
“It suits you.” You told him, “you should wear it more often.” 
“Should I start now?” 
“Oh shut up.” You said, pushing him away playfully. “Get outta’ my face.” You leaned back from the railing, leaning on your window and slowly pulling it up. Opening the window to your pink room. 
“Only one kiss?—“ 
“Goodnight, Spider-Man.” You said, sliding into your room. 
“Goodnight, gorgeous.” 
You smiled. 
Spider-Man quickly shot a web, swinging away. Yet, he couldn't help but think how different you were. You’re snarky and sassy, bubbly and intelligent. It was nice. Eren liked this side of you. Actually, no. He was dying to know more about you by the second. 
You fell on top of your bed, grabbing onto one of your pillows. Placing your face into it and smiling. Butterflies swarmed your stomach, making you softly giggle. Why were you acting so… girly?
You reached for your sketchbook, grabbing a pencil and opening up the book. Flipping to a blank page, and placing your pencil on the paper. Sketching something out loosely. 
His eyes specifically, you wanted to make them more expressive. If that was possible. You thought it was cute, how his eyes squinted when he smiled. You wanted to expand on that, except when he spoke. Rather than only when he smiled. 
You jumped at the sound of your phone ‘buzzing!’ making you turn to the sound. You weren’t expecting a call from anyone. You picked up your phone, looking at the caller ID. 
You squished your eyebrows together, thinking for a second. Then, picking up the phone. “Y/n!” Harry exclaimed, “I’m so sorry for–” 
“Leaving me?” You asked. You could feel your eyes widen for a second. Crap, I’m not talking to Spider-Man anymore. 
It took him a second to respond. “Yeah.. Well, you can’t blame me! Survival of the fittest, right?”
You slowly took in a breath, holding it before responding. “Yeah, I totally get it Harry!” You told him, trying to bring your energy back. Yet, for some reason you couldn’t do it like before. It felt like… you were tired. “Don’t worry about it, babe.” 
“Right,” Harry said, “You’re not mad right?” He slowly said, “Like I said, it wasn’t my fault.” There was some shuffling before he spoke again. “No, I need you to drive to Stark Apartments.” 
Was someone driving him somewhere? You nodded, “Uh– Yes, Harry. I’m not mad, it’s totally fine.” You said, grabbing your pencil and continuing to draw. “I get it, I probably would have done the same thing.” 
“Alright, that’s good to hear then.” Harry said, sighing out in relief. “Then, how about a reschedule?” He asked. 
You opened your mouth, almost in shock. There was no way he was asking for a second date, not after he left you. You swallowed, “Uhm, yeah–” You caught a glimpse of the drawing in front of you. The person that you were drawing flashed through your head.
You thought for a second, remembering what Spider-Man had told you;
“I swear, I don’t know why I put myself through this.” You said, “I didn’t even want to go on a date with Harry, I just said yes to be nice.” 
“Then, say no.” He responded, “I can assure you, this probably wouldn’t have happened if you said no.” Also, Eren was salty… 
Yet, you couldn’t help but smile back. 
You bit your lip, “I– I just can’t, I don’t want to hurt his feelings.” You smiled to yourself, taking a step back. “Besides, it would be out of character for me to decline.” You softly muttered, “I’m supposed to be the sweet and innocent–” dumbass.
Spider-Man’s hand raised for a moment, only to return back to his side. “If you’re not comfortable with something, you don’t have to do it.”
You sighed, bringing the phone from your face and looking at the caller ID again. “So?.. I’m rescheduling?” 
“No.” You said without thought. You surprised yourself with the fast reply, before quickly adding– “Thank… you.” You smiled to yourself, “I already have plans.” 
“I didn’t even say the date–” 
You ended the call before he could even finish his sentence, not interested whatsoever to go on another date with him. I mean, he literally left you for dead. On top of that, he was more worried about rescheduling a date rather than if you were okay. Not once did he ask you that. In fact, he didn’t even ask how you got home. More or less, if you got home.
Besides, whatever date he said you’d probably be busy. You scrolled through your phone, searching for a contact. Smiling to yourself once you found it. 
You wanted to spend some time with him. 
          Location: Back to Eren’s Comfy Apartment…
Eren –well– Spider-man couldn’t help but feel giddy. He finally got to speak to his long term crush! You! Eren finally found a way to talk to you without sounding like a complete idiot. It was nice. On top of that, he spoke to a completely different version of you. He felt.. different– special. He really liked it. It was like a secret only the two of you knew. 
Today was just going his way. 
Eren landed on his balcony, removing his mask. Taking in a deep breath. Before removing the rest of his suit. Glancing at himself in the mirror, seeing how much more built he became after all the swinging and fighting. 
Eren grabbed some pajama pants, putting them on. He didn’t bother putting on a shirt, why would he? He was in the comfort of his house.
“What the fuck.” 
Eren could feel his heart drop. Turning over his shoulder and peering at his best friend Armin sitting down on his bed. 
There was a thick silence. 
“You're the Spider-Man— from YouTube.” He said, his jaw on the floor. 
“I’m not— I’m not!” 
“Dude, you were— fucking!” Armin gestured to the roof, then to the suit. “There’s no covering this up.” 
Eren felt his eyes widen, his hand coming over his face. “What the fuck are you doing here?!” He whisper shouted. 
Armin shrugged quickly, his eyes bursting out of his head. “I don’t know?! I was trying to cheer you up because I heard Harry was on a date with Y/n and when I saw you weren’t here I was like–” He took a deep breath, “I should wait for him in his bed or something! He’s probably out drinking! Then, you come swinging in like a fucking spider– and you think I’m crazy?!” Armin whisper shouted back. “Here you are dressed like Spider-Man!” 
Armin loudly –and dramatically– gasped. “Unless, you're the Spider-Man.” 
Eren slapped his face. Smart but slow his best friend was. He looked back at Armin, “Okay, look–” he started, “You can’t tell anyone this because if Mr. Stark or Mr. Ackerman find out– they’ll kill me!” 
Armin loudly –and dramatically– gasped, again. “Tony Stark made your suit?!” He asked, “Wait, do you think I could get a suit?!” 
Eren groaned, turning his back to his friend and running his hand through his hair. Jesus Levi’s going to kill me.
“Wait, does this make you an Avenger?!” Armin quickly asked, smiling like an idiot.
Eren felt his pride swell, taking a step back and puffing up his chest. And, not going to lie, he was flexing a little. “Yeah, basically.” He answered. 
Armin took a step back, practically tripping over his feet. Oh my god, he was going to pass out. 
Eren quickly shot a web, catching his best friend. Armin looked at the web connected from his friend's wrist and his torso. “Dude, this is so fucking gross, and cool.” 
Eren couldn’t help but be slightly offended. My power’s cool. Eren’s ears perked to the sound of knocking. Someone was knocking at his door.
Fuck me, god is really on my side today. 
Eren quickly shot a web at his suit, bringing it to his hand and shoving it underneath the mattress of his bed. He glared at Armin, “You don’t say anything!” He strictly said, “You’re going to stay in this room and stay quiet.” Eren shot a web after his broken glasses and placed them on, then ruffled his hair. 
Eren pointed a finger at Armin, glaring at him. Armin just looked at the ground in defeat, hearing Eren shut the bedroom door behind him. Eren rushed to his front door, opening it for the person. He groggily added, “Hello?..” To the person, trying to make it seem like he just woke up. Or, he stayed up late studying. 
To his surprise –and demise– it was Harry. 
“Eren, good, you’re up.” Harry said, walking into the apartment uninvited. Eren could feel himself grow agitated. 
How dare Harry go out with the girl he’d been dreaming of, then come to his place like he didn’t stab him in the back. How dare Harry lie to Eren’s face, then come to his house uninvited. This had to be a joke. “Yeah, I was just studying.” Eren told him, gritting his teeth. Keeping his hands clenched and strictly to his side. Like he was suppressing himself.
“Oh good.” Harry said, sitting down on Eren’s couch. “I was hoping you could do me a favor.” He flashed a charming smile in Eren’s direction.
Yeah, this has got to be a joke. “What do you need help with?” Eren questioned. 
Harry leaned back, “Okay, you know that date I was going on today?” He said, looking at his watch for a second. 
The one you lied to me about, yeah– I know. “Yeah.” Eren replied, “But, I don’t remember who it was with.” He said, leaning back on the front door. Locking it with his hand. 
Harry noticed, “Uhm, yeah– that isn’t important.” He said, “But, I feel like I kinda ruined it.” He told Eren.
I mean, running away like a coward seems like a ‘you’ problem. Not much I can do to help. Eren thought.
Harry reached for his remote and turned on the TV. Turning it to a channel he enjoyed watching. “Any tips?” He nonchalantly asked.
“Who did you go on the date with?” 
“Huh?” Harry looked at Eren.
“Who did you go on a date with?” Eren asked again, keeping his eyes on his ‘friend.’ For some reason, Harry felt cornered. 
“It doesn't matter.” Harry muttered, his hand tightening around the remote. 
“It doesn't?” Eren asked, “Then, you can tell me.” 
“I– Uh..” he knows. Harry thought to himself. 
“I– Uh.” Eren mocked, “You what? You can’t tell me?” He took a step in his direction. “You’ve been my friends for years now. Why can’t you tell me who the hell you were on a date with?” Eren seethed, his eyebrows furrowing. 
Harry was silent. Before deeply inhaling and exhaling. “It seems you already know.” He calmly responded. It only pissed Eren off more.
“I know,” Eren said, “But, I want to hear you say it. I want you to hear what you did behind my back.” He said, smashing his hand on the wall behind him. Why am I so angry? 
Harry thickly swallowed, his eyes moving to the hole Eren created. When did he get so strong? “I–” He started, “I went on a date with–” Harry paused, his phone ringing. 
Actually– no. It wasn’t Harry’s phone ringing. It was Eren’s. Eren slowly pushed his hand off the wall, swiping off the debris and looking at the cut on it. A few drops of blood hitting the ground. Eren ignored it, reaching into his pocket and pulling up his phone. Looking at the caller ID.
Eren couldn’t help it, but he smiled. Pride filling his chest. You were calling him.
“Who is it?” Harry asked. 
“It seems you already know.” Eren replied. 
“Pick up.” Harry said plainly. 
Eren’s finger slid over the screen. “That was the plan.” 
“Speaker.” Harry grit. 
Eren smiled cooly, “Of course.” he whispered, clicking the speaker button. 
“Eren?” Your voice is so sweet, it sickens him. You’re so perfect. No wonder Harry wanted you.
“Yes, Y/n?” Eren forces. He was still struggling to speak with you, but found it easier over the phone. Also, he was trying to make a point. He was fucking pissed at Harry. 
“Uhm, can I come over in a few days.” You asked, “I wanna’ check what I got on the project with you.” You said with a smile. “We can have a small celebration if we do good.” 
If I did good. Eren thinks. “Sure, I like the sound of that.” He responds sweetly.
“Okay, totally.” You giggle. 
Eren wanted to end the call there, yet he found himself asking you something. “How’d your date go?” His eyes moved to Harry experimentally. Trying to see his reaction. But, nothing, Harry looked indifferent.
The line went silent for a moment. “I’m sure Harry already told you, you two are like best friends after all.” You said with a giggle. “But, I don’t think we’re going on another one.. If that’s what you were wondering.” You told him. “Or, I don’t want to go on another one.” 
Eren smiled, suppressing a cocky laugh bubbling in his throat. “Oh, alright.” 
“We’re still on for the small celebration, right?” You asked.
“Of course.” Eren told you. 
For some reason you wanted to see him sooner. You nod, even if he couldn’t see it. “Alright, I’ll see you soon, ‘Ren.” There was a smile in your voice, Eren could tell you were smiling.
So could Harry. Fuck he wanted to punch Eren.
You ended the line, making the room go silent. 
Eren shoved his phone into his pocket, looking at Harry. He gestured his free hand in Harry’s direction, “As you were saying,” Eren said, “How’d you think the date went?” He smiled.
Harry grit his teeth. “Amazing.”
Eren nodded once, “You think so?” He said. Eren glared at Harry, “Now,” He started, trying to keep his voice calm and vocabulary clean. “Get the fuck out of my house.” Oops. So much for that.
“Don’t do this Eren.” Harry warned, “If you leave now, nothings stopping Oscorp from–” 
“From what, Harry?” Eren barked, cutting Harry off. “You’re telling me you were stopping Oscorp from doing something shitty for my sake?” 
“Yes!” Harry shouted back. 
“Yeah, but you couldn’t stop yourself from wanting to fuck Y/n.” He yelled, “Right?! You couldn’t stop yourself from that!” Eren placed a hand to his face, taking in a deep breath. Trying to desperately calm down. He was acting so emotional. “Harry, you know how much I like Y/n, and you still went out with her.” 
Harry went silent. Before he took a deep breath, “Well, you weren’t!” Harry shouted, “You’re telling me that if you had the chance, you would ask Y/n out?” Harry reasoned. “You can barely talk to her when she’s in your fucking apartment!” He shouted. 
Now Eren went silent. 
“Exactly.” Harry responded, “I’m not going to let you ruin something that could happen between me and her, because you fantasize about something that won’t happen.” Harry yelled, pushing himself off the couch. “You can’t actually believe someone like Y/n would date someone like you.” 
“But, she’s willing to come to my house instead of going on a date with you?!” Eren said, trying to fathom the thought behind Harry’s logic. “It seems like she’s more willing to hook up with Jean then his pathetic and stuck up Brother—“
Harry slapped Eren. Then, he slapped him again. 
Eren kept his face to the side, in utter shock. Harry just slapped him. 
Eren’s best friend– of years, slapped him over a girl he took from him. Harry was acting like the victim in this. He was acting like Eren was in the wrong. Eren grit his teeth, “Did that make you feel better?” Eren asked, not bothering to look at Harry. “Taking  the girl I’ve been talking to on a date, lying to me, then slapping me.” Twice.
Harry didn’t say anything. Just looked at his hand, it stung. He slapped Eren hard. He didn’t mean too— he just got hurt by what he said and— Fuck, I should apologize.
“Answer me!” Eren shouted. Harry flinched. 
Harry ignored his heart, “Yes, it does.” He replied. Harry ran his fingers through his hair. “Fills up a part of me knowing that no matter what, you’re less than me.” Harry gestured to the apartment, “And, with all of this happening– I just needed a reminder.” That I’m still better than you.
I don’t mean that. I do. Harry could feel his head split. 
Eren nodded his head, turning it back to Harry. “And, did you succeed?” He asked, “Because, from what I remember, Y/n’s coming to my house and leaving you in the dark.” Harry, scowled. Opening his mouth to speak when Eren cut him off. “Get the fuck out.” He calmly said, shoving Harry back from him. “Get the fuck out of my house.” 
“Don’t do this Eren, you don’t know what you’re doing.” He slowly said, “What I’m protecting you from.” 
Was Harry blackmailing Eren? “Protecting me?” Eren taunted, “What were you protecting me from?!” He said, placing a hand to his temple. This conversation was getting exhausting.
“Oscorp.” Harry quickly replied. An excuse. 
“Right.” Eren said with a smile, “Blame it all on Oscorp.” He turned away licking his teeth, “You were trying to fuck Y/n, the girl I love, because of Oscorp.” 
Harry tried putting a hand on Eren’s shoulder, only to have it harshly slapped away. “Don’t be like this, Eren.” Harry calmly said, “Don’t do this.” 
Not only was Harry blackmailing Eren, he was also gaslighting him. Oh, and to be generous, Harry was also manipulating him. “Don’t do what?” Eren said, exasperated. “What the fuck did I do?” Eren asked, tears brimming his eyes. Eren couldn’t lie, this stung. “What did I do to you Harry? Huh? What the fuck did I do?!” What did I do to you? What did I do to deserve this? 
I thought you were my friend Harry.
Harry felt that guilt rise again, but he hid it. “C’mon Eren, you can’t tell me this bothers you!” He said, “Besides, nothing is going to even happen now. There’s nothing to be mad about.” 
Eren leaned back, “Harry..” he sighed, “Just get out.” He said in defeat, “I’m tired and done with this conversation.” He obviously doesn't understand what he did was wrong. No, he obviously does. Eren thought to himself. 
“Eren, if I walk out this door– we’re done. And, there will be nothing stopping Oscorp from openly opposing Stark Industries.” He said, “You can’t be mad at me over something that isn’t my fault.” He argued.  “This is your fault.” Eren said. “Now, get the fuck out.” 
Harry bit the inside of his cheek, glaring at Eren. “Fine.” Fuck you, Yeager.
Eren watched as Harry walked for his front door, about to grab the handle when the whole room fell silent. Eren tried, he really did– but he couldn’t help the words from escaping his mouth. 
“You’re just like Jean.” 
And, Harry swung. 
Eren quickly dodged it, tilting his head to the side and sweeping his leg to the side. Kicking Harry towards the door. Harry landed harshly against it, making Eren grimace. He didn’t mean to kick that hard. 
Silence filled the room.
Harry lifted his hand to his face, feeling the inside of his lip. Blood. Harry looked back at Eren, placing his hand on the door handle and peeling it open. “Years of friendship, down the drain over something that wasn’t even my fault.” He told Eren.
Eren felt his eyebrows mush together in disgust. “You knew what the fuck you were doing, Harry.” There was no way Harry thought, in any way, he was the victim in this.
Harry took a step out of the apartment. “Fuck you, Eren.” 
Fuck you too. “Y/n will do it for you.” And, Eren slammed the door behind him. Taking in a deep breath, keeping his eyes to the shadow of the door crack. Seeing Harry standing on the other side. 
Harry didn’t move for a long time. 
Eren didn’t move for a long time. 
Until Harry was gone. Along with a part of Eren. 
Armin came out of the room, having heard the entire conversation. Eren just took a brief glance in his direction, not bothered to say anything. There weren’t any words to be exchanged, just a silent cry into Armin’s shoulder. Eren just lost his best friend. Armin rubbed his back soothingly. Hugging him tightly.
Eren doesn't know what he’d do without Armin. 
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Part 2: Here!
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