#none of these kids could pass for younger versions of their parents sorry
goddessofroyalty · 2 years
Did Vi still went to StillWater in your ZaunFamily au? Maybe for a shorter amount of time than the original series (like 1-3 years instead of 7 to 10 years) but I could imagine Vi having a violent/troubled phase (maybe roping her siblings into pulling off the hex core heist despite not having to with Silco and Vander providing them with enough food and shelter).
Like maybe they death of her bio parents and unresolved childhood trauma are abit more prominent because she didn't have to mask it in this verse. Maybe she also had a massive fight with Powder that causes her to never want any contact with Vi during her time in Stillwater.
(Also Caitlyn being Vi's parole officer is hilarious)
In the main version of this verse no she doesn't. Her parents are way too powerful (and honestly way too aware how bad it would look in their relation to Piltover if their daughter gets arrested) too soon after they adopt her. They are absolutely fixing any situation so she doesn't face any real punishment for it (other than Vander's disappointment which for Vi is probably punishment enough).
Two things under the cut 1. How the Hex Core heist happens in this verse 2. An offshoot where she does end up in Stillwater
Okay, I do feel like I need to explain what happens with the hex core heist in this verse. Because Vi and the younger kids do still do it. It's actually when she and Caitlyn first-first meet (other than seeing each other in super-passing at events, point is Cait does know who these kids are but they have never interacted until now).
Caitlyn just takes the fall for it.
Which okay more Jayce takes more of the fall for it because Caitlyn's story is "Jayce showed me these gems and despite telling me how dangerous they were I still went and played with them and then one exploded I'm so sorry". None of that is exactly illegal just... not listening to rules. She gets a slap on the wrist and a "when people tell you something is dangerous you should listen" and Jayce is in an even greater world of hell because he put Caitlyn in danger by keeping dangerous items somewhere she could get them.
And then Heimedinger (unknowing to the whole situation) puts Viktor on the clean up and any evidence that would suggest there was someone else involved gets vanished (and Viktor gets a partner and later husband out of it; and also gives his siblings a verbal smack down when he next visits because what were they thinking!?). And Grayson who also does not want civil war on the doorsteps gives Caitlyn a little nod of approval on the side for putting her own safety at risk (not really but a little) to protect others while quietly telling anyone who claims they sore some other kids fleeing the scene that no you didn't.
And they all gaslight Jayce into thinking he imagined the other blue-haired girl there.
But offshoot time.
While I do think that Vander and Silco would fix any crime Vi commits the idea of Caitlyn being her parole officer is just too good to pass up. So IDK some Enforcers who aren't happy about the whole deal with Zaun have their eyes particularly on the family waiting for one to slip up and Vi happens to be that one in a way that's bad enough that all Vander and Silco have the power to do is argue for a reduced sentence and not no sentence.
Vander and Silco probably still visit her. But, especially at first, their visits are spent with her sulking on the other side of the room and not wanting to talk to them because she's ashamed. And them not really knowing what to say. They don't want to support her outright because what she did was bad (not that Silco can talk but she got caught) but also she's facing a punishment for her actions they don't want to make it worse. And, yeah, if she and Powder had a bad fight right before I could see Powder being reluctant to visit her (partially again for not knowing what to do or say) and that making Vi's guilt all the worse - she can't be there to protect her sister.
Actually can we have it that this happens after the Hex Heist in this verse? Because the last time they met Vi was protecting Caitlyn from an explosion (that her sister set off but whatever, semantics) and now they meet again with Vi being introduced to her knew parole officer.
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hayscodings · 6 years
all i ever wanted since before s2 aired was for the kids to not play their parents if the show did a flashback episode and of course that’s exactly what’s happening. why is this show so ugly why does anyone want this
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
And another thing, he said as if its ever just ONE more thing, hahahaha look, fuck you numbers, I’m not about to be limited by the likes of YOU.
Anyone else think its kinda weird that in all the many years of “Dick not so secretly resented Jason because Bruce adopted him and made him Robin and that’s why they were never close” fics.......there seem to be a big whopping zero that take the fix-it approach: 
“What if Bruce had been aware of the tension between the two because he’s not actually a Dumb Dumb McStupidhead and thought to himself, gee, if only there was something I, the parent, had the power to do about this resentment from one brother based on something I, the parent, did for the other brother who never did anything because he is not the parent and also he did nothing wrong? What if given that I and my actions are the actual problem here, I, the parent, he who holdeth both the actual power in this family as the parent and the power as the problem-causer, to address the problem.....like what if I got off my ‘matches with Batman’ butt and.....did...something? About it?”
Like.....oh I don’t know, just spitballing here....maybe explaining to Jason just what it was Dick was resentful about when it came to Robin and that Jason wasn’t the one Dick was actually mad at, which more than likely would have prompted the extremely empathetic at this age Jason to take Dick’s side and be like wtf, you gotta fix this B. 
Or maybe like, going to Dick and expressing how sorry he is that he didn’t consider how Dick would feel about any of this and that he’s let it go unaddressed for so long since then, which more than likely would have NOT resulted in Dick continuing to hold a grudge against an innocent third party but rather be like thank you this is literally all I ever wanted, a fucking acknowledgment that you’d hurt me and that my being hurt mattered to you? 
Or if the problem is more Dick being resentful that Bruce adopted Jason and not him, maybe Bruce explaining this to Jason and that Jason wasn’t the one Dick was actually mad at, which again, more than likely would have prompted the extremely empathetic Jason to go umm, wtf are you talking to me about this for then, if you think he’s upset about that why the fuck aren’t you going to talk to him about it and tell him all this stuff about regretting not adopting him before now and sparing him this hurt instead? Like what are you waiting for old man, your fucking helicopter to come pick you up? NOW. Go NOW. You’re not getting any younger, geez Louise, why are old people so dumb.
Or maybe like.....Bruce going to Dick and expressing how sorry he is that he didn’t consider how Dick would feel about.....look, you see where I’m going with this, right? You get it? Its not actually all that tricky to grasp?
Or hell, maybe even just in a fic where Jason nurses his own resentment over the fact that he’s heard so much about Dick and looked forward to meeting him and yet months and months go by since Jason’s adoption and in all that time his alleged big brother apparently can’t even be bothered to come introduce himself, RIP Jason’s feelings, guess he can’t possibly matter all that much to the guy, way to welcome him to the family......
I mean, its not like THAT thought neeeeeeever comes up in fic, so its like, hmmm, counterpoint, but where are all the fics that take the angle of rather than let Jason think he doesn’t matter to his predecessor and let Dick take all the blame for this impression when there’s LITERALLY nothing Dick could do about it since he found out about Jason from the freaking newspaper months after the adoption and only after Jason debuted as Robin.....maybe Bruce, could again, just like....start a conversation. And be like Jason I seem to have inadvertently given you the wrong impression here, but trust me, Dick not coming to meet you before now had nothing whatsoever to do with you and was purely because I never actually told him about you.
Again, cut to Jason, the actual brains of the family at this point in time, staring at Bruce with his mouth hanging open:
“Wait, so you’re telling me that after the two of you had this big fight and you haven’t seen him in like eighteen months, AND after his eighteenth birthday came and went without you bothering to even call him and let him know you still wanted him in your life despite him no longer legally being your ward, AND after you went and took me in and adopted me......you never at any point picked up the phone and said hey kid that I raised and consider family and still want to be part of my family no matter how long its been since we talked......I just thought you should know, given that we’re still family and all, that our family is now bigger, because that’s information that is kinda key to give to people you consider family, as NOT keeping them in that loop could kinda sorta maaaaaaybe give them the impression that you DON’T think of them that way or else you would have thought this was relevant information for them to have?”
Bruce: I’m not sure I see where you’re going with this.
Jason: How are you this dumb. No but seriously. HOW. 
Anywho, cut to me, twiddling my thumbs here all super casual like.....
But HMMM, isn’t it WEIRD how fandom, which is totally better than canon, and definitely does not have patience for that unnecessary family angst porn DC is so obsessed with and just wants these goshdarn idiots to be a FAMILY, like......neeeeeeeeever utilizes the transformative power of fanfic and their much more reliable takes on Good Parent Bruce Wayne to like....have Bruce....do something about the problems between past Dick and Jason? In any of these fics? And instead has him just....let the opportunities to make things better for them, AND HIMSELF in the process, just like.....sail away into the rear view mirror, waving a hand at them as they pass, content to let things fester and worsen until cut to after Jason’s return, like.....oh gee, really wish something could have been done about the relationship between Dick and Jason way back when, maybe Jason could have benefited from another close relationship in his life then and maybe Dick might not be as bad off now if he wasn’t burdened with unnecessary guilt over having had human emotions when he was a teenager?
So so SO weird that this angle never comes up or gets tackled in ANY fics that emphasize Dick’s alleged history of being an asshole to Jason and the reason they were never close or barely knew each other. I mean, its such an EASY and OBVIOUS fix to all that, don’t you think?
Unless, of course.....in the fics that make an emphasis of this fandom created dynamic.....its not actually considered a problem to fix at all.
But rather, this manufactured dynamic IS the fix, to what they see as the ACTUAL problem......any kind of real or explored focus on what Bruce actually DID and didn’t do, that caused the resentment they’re all too happy to show Dick nursing, but seem keeeeeeeeenly deft in avoiding any exploration of him FEELING. Except of course when it comes to a reason for him to feel even guiltier BECAUSE of it.
Its almost like we would have had a ton more variety in how fics depict the early years between Dick and Jason, perks of this oh so easily arrived at fix-it angle.....unless those fics were always doing exactly what they intended by keeping every one in the comments sections so busy commenting on what a jerk Dick was in that chapter or in the older events that chapter mentioned, that they just so happen to never really spend much time considering Bruce’s inciting choices back then to be AS worthy of comment or criticism.
Idk you guys, I just happen to find it kinda hilar in that ‘what a weird coeenkeedink kinda way’ that so many of the things a lot of fandom are EXTREMELY loud about holding against Dick (whether Dick did or not actually do those things in the first place)....just so happen to be the very things that most of these same people REFUSE to ever hold Bruce accountable for, or admit that he actually did.
Y’know, like how Bruce never actually fired Dick as Robin, that was just a retcon (when there’s literally been more versions of events where Dick WAS fired than WASN’T at this point).....but meanwhile, Dick very much definitely did FIRE Tim, that was exactly how that went down.
Or how similarly, Bruce neeeeeever actually kicked Dick out, let alone made him give back his keys, but Dick DEFINITELY kicked Tim out of house and Gotham.....even though Dick literally did none of that and in fact was living at the penthouse the whole time he was Batman, meaning Wayne Manor was perfectly available to be Tim’s home base the whole time, if he’d wanted it. 
Or how Bruce has never lifted a finger at his eldest, or thrown any kind of a temper tantrum, because he is a good person who would obviously never ever do that, BUT if the son he spent the longest time raising just so HAPPENS to end up with a reputation of having a hair-trigger temper, going off at the drop of a hat, blowing things all out of proportion and lashing out physically whenever he’s overwhelmed emotionally.....well, that certainly has nothing to do with Bruce or anything he’s ever done, lol why would it, BUT its definitely something that needs to be commented on time and time again because it very much did happen all these times in canon, whereas all these times you’re talking about with Bruce are very clearly out of character writing because see, Bruce just isn’t like that, uh doy.
Or how Bruce definitely wasn’t being problematic as hell when it came to his non-interactions with Dick back when Jason was living with him, but Dick’s non-interactions with Jason are 10000x more worthy of comment and criticism. And Dick’s responsibilities towards the emotional wellbeing of the kid he didn’t pick to be his family and wasn’t even actually legally family with at the time, let alone actually obligated to, are definitely the same as Bruce’s responsibilities to the emotional wellbeing of both the kids he did actually pick to be his family and did actually make obligations to. Thus the one is definitely more deserving of a call-out post than the other....wait, what? Dammit, I was SURE my math checked out on that one this time. Well fuck a duck, now I am THOROUGHLY flummoxed by all this.
Just really funny in that lmao ‘actually not at all sorta’ way, how its the extremely PRECISE things that so many fans absolutely REFUSE to acknowledge Bruce ever doing, that they just can’t help but ‘expose’ as a mere retcon, bad writing, ooc behavior, writers just ‘not getting who Bruce Wayne is,’ etc, etc, whenever it does get brought up by other people....
It just so happens to be these very specific things that come up time and time again as the things people just WILL NOT LET GO when it comes to Dick doing them.....even when.....in most cases he didn’t even actually do them! Not because they were ‘mere retcons’ or just ‘bad writing’ or ‘ooc behavior’ or ‘writers just not getting who Dick Grayson is’....but because they literally. Did not. Happen. Until fandom for some reason - ‘despite’ HATING canon for having Bruce do THESE VERY SAME THINGS - put their own interpretative or transformative spin on things and MADE those things happen in such huge numbers that a lot of new fans coming into fandom by way of fics honestly believe that THESE are the canon moments and its the ones attributed to Bruce that are just fans of other characters having their sour grapes moments.
I mean....
You gotta laugh.
Anyway. So I mean, unless I’m just totally reading the room wrong, I’d have to hazard a guess that the only real reason we NEVER see fics addressing things the way I outlined in my earliest examples at the start of this post.....is that a whole lot of fandom just kinda decided over the years that it was just waaaaaay easier to just redirect peoples’ ire at other characters, away from Bruce, than it was to go to the trouble of like....actually ADDRESSING Bruce’s pesky little canon mistakes.
Cuz see....writing a happier, more united Batfam in the years before Jason’s death is only a fix-it fic if the problem you’re fixing is the family’s relationships.....and not ‘Bruce acknowledging - let alone taking ownership of - his mistakes.’ If the latter is the REAL problem, well a more ‘together’ family isn’t something you actually need at all....you just need someone else to pin its divisiness on.
But I digress.
Aaaaaanyway.....now standard stock disclaimer that as I’ve always always always said....I don’t actually hate Bruce nor do I have anything whatsoever against Good Dad Bruce.....my issues are always just with peoples’ approach to his canon mistakes or poor writing being to double down on the problem but just make it someone else’s. And that one little thing where the Smartest Man In The World can come up with a way to fight Doomsday with a paper clip and some chewing gum, but goshdarnnit if he’s not completely helpless and powerless when it comes to fixing his own mistakes or interceding in his childrens’ emotional problems. 
(As in by just y’know, parenting them. Sitting them down for a conversation. No, bugging their apartments and calling that his love language doesn’t count.)
Also, an Honorable Mention Pet Peeve goes out to all the fans who love to dismiss Dick Grayson stans raising this issue because ‘this sort of thing happens with all the characters’ when lololololol, no, it really actually does not. Given the weeeeeeeird similarities and parallels in the very specific things we tend to gripe about Bruce doing in canon and others tend to gripe about Dick doing in fanon, like, I’d actually think some of you would be a bit more empathetic about how much it sucks seeing your fave character condemned for stuff like this, given the lengths you go to when avoiding acknowledging Bruce doing it. But then again, that would defeat the point of attributing all that to a Bruce scapegoat instead of a Bruce in the first place, so I mean, I guess not actually.
But whatevs. I guess I’m just not able to grasp the nuances of how people criticizing or even fixating on some of Bruce’s worse actions in canon gains the ire of fans who are like, I am just here rolling my eyes at you guys for being so addicted to your shitty misery porn that you like, just loooooove going with the takes where Bruce is just the worst person ever and a totally shitty dad....
While meanwhile.....many of those exact same fans.....
Two seconds later: Now if you don’t mind, we have to get back to making up scenarios and bad faith interpretations that paint Dick as being just the worst person ever and a totally shitty brother or son. But in a not-that-we’re-addicted-to-shitty-misery-porn kinda way or whatever, because we’re obvs SO not, that’s YOU guys, this is totally different. We don’t LIKE doing this, we’re only doing it because we HAVE to. It has nothing to do with us not actually minding the writing or the content of what’s being written whatsoever, we just don’t like that it makes Bruce look bad, and as long as you keep fixating on how it makes Bruce look like, duh, what other choice do we have but to make someone else look worse instead? When you think about it, this is all your fault, really.
Anyway. You just gotta love the takeaway.
Us: Griping about something Bruce does in canon and how the writers portrayed it and any resulting followup.
Others in Fandom: manufactures a parallel scenario with Bad Brother/Son Dick Grayson out of a single out of context panel, tinfoil and some dental floss.
Fandom: These two situations are the same.
Us: Okay but see they’re really fucking not tho, is the thing....
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peterxwade24 · 3 years
Safety Found in Red Sleeves
Chapter 5
Here is the long awaited Chapter 5. Also, due to my own desire, all of the temporary heroes will have suits fashioned after outfits from “Avatar: the Last Airbender”.
Con trai means “son” while Con gài means “daughter”, or at least that’s what the website I found them on says. (the website is www.vietnamesepod101.com if you’re wondering)
Also, I made a typo in chapter 2/3 with Marc’s pronouns but since then, I’ve changed it. I hope you all will continue to receive this fic with the same enthusiasm you have thus far.
Jason danced around his kitchen with Damian on his hip, his sisters sitting on some of the kitchen counters. Bobby Day’s “Rockin’ Robin” poured into the kitchen from his bluetooth speaker.
Tim wandered into the kitchen, one hand rubbing at his eye and the other on the wall, and ran into Steph’s legs. “‘ephanie?”
“Hey Tim.” Steph gently pushed Tim in the direction of the fridge and laughed as she watched him stumble to the fridge.
Jason ruffled Tim’s hair as he walked passed and smiled. “Good morning Timbers.”
“Good morning Uncle Tim.” Damian murmured from where his head was resting against his dad’s shoulder.
“Wha-?” Tim turned to look at the pair. “When did-?”
“Just went through yesterday.” Jason smiled. “Don’t worry too much.”
Tim nodded and got his glass of water before returning to the girls and settling between them. “Have you told Dick yet?”
Jason shook his head and opened the oven door to peek at the muffins he was baking. “No. But he, Wally and the kids are supposed to come over for lunch today.”
Jason carefully pried the sleeping form of his son off of his hip and passed him to Roy with a smile before looking at his brother. “So, Dickiebird, how are you holding up?”
Dick shrugged, playing with Mar’i’s hair to distract himself, before smiling. “I’m fine.” He glanced over at Wally for a moment. “Wally and I have been helping each other with this single parent thing.”
Wally smiled before turning to watch Jai and Iris chase each other around the dining room table. “Dick’s a great help with those two, they always have so much energy.”
Jason chuckled and shook his head. “Of course they have so much energy, look at who their father is.” Jason was about to say something when someone knocked on the door. “Give me just a moment.”
Wally and Dick sent him a pair of thumbs up as he stood up and walked towards the door.
Jason opened the door and simply raised an eyebrow. “What can I help you with Mr. Wayne?”
“There’s a French class coming to Gotham. They’re staying in one of the company hotels in the heart of the city. You and your brothers had best be on your best behaviour since Dick is the tour guide for their tours through the company buildings and you’re the acting bodyguard for their tours around the city.”
Jason rolled his eyes. “Hey Dickiebird! I didn’t know you signed up to give some tours to some hoity toity French kids.”
“I didn’t know I signed up to give some tours either.” Dick leaned on the wall next to the door. “When did either of us sign up to help you?”
Bruce sighed and looked at his two oldest sons. “Don’t do it for me. Do it for Alfred, he would like it if any of you came around.”
“Mmm, no can do B. My son is the child of a rogue and the grandchild of a rogue, my sister is the child of a rogue, my sisters are children of rogues, my brothers and I associate with rogues. Alfred is more than welcome to come around. You can give him my address and then forget it.”
Dick nodded and slung an arm around Jason’s shoulders. “When is the French class supposed to be here?”
“They’re flying in on Saturday but don’t start their tours until the following Monday to allow for them to get used to the time change.
Jason nervously tapped his foot on the floor, hoping and praying to whatever deity came to mind first a certain god of destruction that everything would turn out alright. He took a deep breath, shook out his hands and knocked on the door to the apartment.
The door opened and Selina appeared, dishevelled hair and shirt falling down her arm. Selina was sleepily rubbing at her eye with the other hand still held the door, just open enough she could see whomever was at her door but not open enough that anyone could see into her apartment.
“Aunt Selina?” Jason whispered while praying again to the deity. “Do you remember me? I’m-”
Selina let go of the door to wrap her arms around Jason, pulling the much taller boy against her chest. “Oh Jason. Why didn’t you come to me immediately after you breached city limits?” She pulled back just enough to hesitantly trace her fingers over the scars that marred his otherwise conventionally handsome face. “My poor bird. My poor, poor, little bird.”
“Aunt Selina. I’m fine now. Dick and Tim have sided with me against Bruce. I know how much you care for him and I understand if you’re taking his side, I just, I needed to see my Aunt Selina one last time.”
“Jason Peter Todd. I’m not the Joker. My one goal in life isn’t to be the Bat’s one and only. The day he brought Dick on the scene I decided then and there that you all weren’t his birds. You were mine. And cats are just as likely to attack bats as they are birds.” Selina’s fingers paused on top of a set of three very faint white-silver scars just under his jawline. “I am sorry that I ever caused you pain my little bird.”
Jason nervously straightened things around his apartment, Damian, Roy and Lian sat on the couch watching his mad dash around the apartment while Stephanie and Cass sat on a pair of counters with Tim standing between them. Dick, Wally, Mar’i, Jay and Iris were nervously looking out the window as Jason continued to clean.
Dick, Wally, Mar’i, Jay and Iris suddenly scrambled away from the window to sit down around Damian, Roy and Lian.
A few minutes after they sat down, a firm knock came at the door. Jason brushed the dust off of his shirt and approached the door. Jason opened the door and smiled. “Hi Aunt Selina. Hi Grandpa Alfred.”
Alfred smiled at Jason and glanced down at the covered dish in his hands. “I made my key lime pie.”
Selina simply chuckled. “Little bird. At this point, I’m your mom. Just call me Mom.”
Thana looked at her friends, Chloé steadfast in her loyalty, Nino firm in his friendship, and Kim unshakable in his protection, and smiled. “I love you guys so much. You are my family.”
Chloé smiled and wrapped her arms around Thana. “We love you too.”
Nino and Kim joined their hug, the four friends uniting in their found family and solidifying their bonds. “You’re our family too Thana.”
Desgracia watched as Marc took a deep breath before looking at Kaalki. “Kaalki, full gallop.”
Marc was encased in a pale brown light. When the light disappeared, they stood in a loose-fitting gray bodysuit with brown knee-high boots with dark orange-red bands around the top of the boots and around the ankles, dark red wrist gauntlets covered in orange horseshoes with dark golden yellow bands around the top and bottom of the gauntlets. Over the gray bodysuit, they had a dark red tunic which crossed over their chest which was hemmed in a red-orange. The bottom half of their face was obscured by the turtleneck of their gray bodysuit while they had a dark orange-red domino mask with light gray eye lenses. The domino mask had a thin golden yellow outline, akin to glasses, while their hair had reddened. While their hair had previously been pitch black, it was now a dark chestnut that had lengthened to resemble Sesshomaru’s.
“What’s your name?” Desgracia’s eye lenses were blue-green and flicked over his suit in vague interest.
Desgracia’s eye lenses darkened to green and hissed. “Hero name. We don’t use names in the field.” A gruff voice repeating the same words to a much younger version of her older brother sounded in her head.
“Oh, uh, um.” Marc frowned and tapped their chin in thought.
“Well, you’re using the Horse Miraculous so it should be something horse related. Poulain, because you’re new at this so you’re like a foal.”
“Poulain rouge.” Marc smiled and shook out their shoulders. “Poulain rouge because my hair is more red now.”
“Welcome to the team Poulain rouge.” Desgracia smiled and leaned over to ruffle their hair.
Thana sat under the stairs which lead to the second floor of the school, sketching an outfit for a client when another person tripped over her legs. She glanced up to see it was Marc before looking back down at her sketch.
“Sorry. I didn’t-” Marc started before Thana cut them off.
“Would you wear this?” Thana pushed her sketchbook towards them and tapped her fingers on her leg.
Marc looked over the sketch and nodded. “Yeah. Looks good. Who’s it for?”
“A client. Hey, you’re good at writing, right?” Thana looked at them and seemed to be imploring them to answer.
“Could you look over my website and figure out what’s wrong with it?” Thana smiled. “You can come over to Chlo’s to look over it. Well, Chlo’s or Kim’s.”
Marc nodded. “Sure.”
Thana and Marc followed after Kim as he walked into his home.
“Mẹ! Mèo con and our friend came over, I hope that’s okay.” Kim called as they entered the house. Kim and Thana toed off their shoes on instinct while Marc just copied their movements.
“Con trai. Con gài.” Kim’s Mẹ wrapped the two up in a hug before pressing kisses to their foreheads. “Ni hao. I’m Kim’s mom, and Marinette,” Kim’s Mẹ noticed how she flinched at the use of the name and corrected herself, “Thana has practically become my daughter.”
“My name is Marc Anciel.” Marc shook Kim’s Mẹ’s hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you ma’am.”
“None of that ma’am stuff. Just call me Mẹ, those two do.” Kim’s Mẹ was, arguably, a very attractive woman. She had short black hair and warm caramel brown eyes and she was just a few centimeters shorter than Kim. “Come on in.”
The three teens smiled at the woman before they went back to Kim’s room. Thana pulled up her website and moved out of the desk chair to allow Marc to look it over.
Marc looked over the website while Kim and Thana did their homework. “Are you sure you want the whole webpage to be gunmetal gray? You could mix it up with the background being light purple so the gray stands out.”
Thana nodded and let out a quiet “huh”. “Hey Marc? Do you care if I hug you?”
Marc’s eyes widened and they smiled shyly. “Sure.”
Thana wrapped her arms around Marc. “Thank you so much.”
Desgracia looked over the field, making sure each of her teammates weren’t being overwhelmed with this Akuma’s minions, when she saw the Akuma gunning for Poulain rouge.
Desgracia lept from the rooftop, landing on her toes in front of Poulain rouge and glared at the Akuma. She twirled her baton in her hand, keeping it low enough to not hit Poulain, before she looked back over her shoulder at Poulain. “Go get Monsieur Punaise. Tell him to hurry.”
Poulain nodded, turned around and ran to get their fearless leader who had one fear and it was Desgracia.
By the time Poulain returned with Monsieur Punaise, the Akuma was barely holding on. Monsieur Punaise called for his Lucky Charm, a plane ticket (specifically one for the flight they were taking soon), before deakumatizing the Akuma and throwing the Lucky Charm in the air with a call of “Miraculous Monsieur Punaise”.
Desgracia wrapped an arm around Poulain’s waist before jumping away, leaving her more even tempered teammates to assist the Akuma victim.
Desgracia landed on a rooftop and put Poulain down on the rooftop. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. He didn’t get close enough to take a swipe at me.” Poulain rouge chuckled and shook their head. “Don’t worry about me. Are you okay?”
“Poulain. I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. All damage dealt in the battle was rendered useless and disappeared when Monsieur Punaise cast his final charm.” Desgracia cupped Poulain’s face in her hands. “You have to be on guard at all times in battle. I won’t always be here. You need to trust your teammates to protect you in battle.”
Trâu landed on the rooftop and chuckled. “Desi, you can’t just kidnap our Foal.”
Desgracia turned her green eyes on him, however after assessing him as no threat her eye lenses turned back into their normal blue. “Trâu. I didn’t kidnap them. I just needed to ensure that they were fine.”
@southamericangothamite @maribat-is-lifeblood @mystery-5-5 @our-preciousss @mochegato @chocolatecatstheron @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @2confused-2doanything @wannajointhecrabcult @dreamykitty25 @tomanyfandomsonmymind @moonlightstar64 @justafanwarrior @mialuvscats @pheony1882 @pepelachanel @moongoddesskiana @abrx2002 @ladybug-182 @greatcatblaze @thatonecroc @vixen-uchiha @superbwhispersconnoisseur @lilkymilky @susiej1118 @thatonecroc
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yuta-nakamots · 4 years
Groove - k.ji
Tumblr media
Pairing - Idol!Jongin x Choreographer!Reader
Genre - Fluff
Warnings - None
Summary - You are a choreographer chosen to work with Jongin for his upcoming solo album. He’s an idol and you’re not, it’s as simple as that until you find yourselves dancing between the lines of business and something more intimate.
Word Count - 6k
A/N - This is the reworked version of ‘a dance to remember’ which I wrote when I was about 15 years old. That piece itself is based on a dream I had about EXO. This essentially is a fic written about a fic written about a dream so I’m sorry if it seems kinda disjointed.
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When you were younger, you had discovered that you had an immense passion for dance and you had begged your parents to let you join the small dance studio near your school. Even if it was just an average dance school it wasn’t uncommon for the bigger entertainment companies to recruit backup dancers or choreographers from studios like yours, which is how you had met a handful of idols before. Each month, you had to go in and perform a short piece that you created in order to keep track of your progress. Normally, the room these progress videos were shot in are empty aside from you, the company director, and a couple of cameras set up to catch multiple angles.
However, this time around, there was a man standing next to your director. As you entered, you quickly greeted and bowed to your director and did the same to the guest. He was wearing a chocolate brown hoodie and light blue jeans along with a pair of rounded glasses and a face mask. He was quite tall and looked almost intimidating until you met his eyes that were warm and inviting but awfully familiar. Not wanting to be weird, you quickly turned around and made your way to the stereo equipment to plug in your phone and start the music. You finish your recording quickly and respectfully thank your director before leaving the studio to head home, your thoughts still preoccupied with the stranger who you were confident you had met somewhere before.
A week later, you received an email from the director: Good evening Y/n, From your video we recorded earlier this week, you’ve been recruited to work with EXO member Kai as a choreographer for his upcoming solo album. Congratulations on this achievement! We are looking forward to what you will create this time around. I will give you more details on this after your regularly scheduled class today.
The warm brown eyes that were all too familiar flashed inside your mind as you thought about all of his performances that you had watched before, wanting to learn from him and his style. The eyes of the stranger that had stood next to your director the day you recorded your video. No, it couldn’t have been him, you thought to yourself, there’s no way an idol would come to our dance studio. You shook your head to break yourself out of your imagination as you got ready to head over to the studio and teach your class.
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You were going through your text message as you entered the room your class was in and walked right into your director. You immediately back up and profusely apologize, freezing once you recognize the person he was previously talking to. “Oh, y/n, this is Kai from EXO! I was just telling him how he should stay to watch you teach this class so he can get a taste of what your style is like.”
Kai looked from your director to you, offering you one of his signature smiles that have been known to melt hearts. “I’d love to” was all he had to say to make your stomach drop to the floor and your hands start sweating.
As you taught your class, you felt an intense stare on you the entire time, glancing over at Kai only a few times, finding him looking right back at you, causing you to suddenly jerk your head away only to hear Kai let out a quiet giggle from the corner he was sitting in. Eventually, you learn to ignore his presence and you continue teaching your class and wrapping up as you normally would. As your students begin filing out the door, Kai eagerly gets up and strides over to you. “Hey, y/n, I really liked the energy of that class and the genre of the piece you taught, I’m looking forward to working with you!” he said, the edges of his eyes crinkling as he smiled at you, “if you don’t mind, I’d like to get your number so we can talk more about the album” and he offered you his phone, already open to a blank contact page.
You quickly wipe your hands on your shirt before grabbing his phone, entering your number and handing it back to him with a shy “thank you, I look forward to working with you too”.
Later that night, you got a text from an unknown number.
Unknown > y/n 10:15pm: hi y/n, this is Jongin! ^^
You type a simple greeting back to him as you add him to your contact list and slip into bed. He immediately responds and starts asking questions about you, which you brushed off as him just being friendly. Your conversation continues for another half hour, consisting of mostly him asking about you and your interests accompanied by various cute emoticons until you finally grow tired of it.
y/n > EXO Kai 10:49pm: Why do you keep asking about me? What if I want to hear more about you?
EXO Kai > y/n 10:51pm: because I want to get to know you better (⌒_⌒)
10:51pm: I like to have a connection with the people I’m working with. even more so now, since this solo album is something new and special to me
10:52pm: besides, you can hear about me all the time from the fansites and media 
His response makes you pause and set your phone down for a bit as you realize that there’s more depth to Kai and his personality than you thought. Wow, not only is he an amazing performer, he has a kind heart and values his relationships, even if they’re only for work purposes. You were shocked, to say the least. From your experience working with idols, yes, you did get to know each other but they didn’t ask you about your hobbies or favorite foods like how Kai did. This just added to your list of reasons why this man is out of your league. No, he is not out of my league. We are not even in the same sport. He is an idol, he will not date you, stop it, you thought as you reprimanded yourself. However, you picked up your phone to message him back and continue your conversation, even though you dozed off not even five minutes later, failing to see the new texts you received from Kai.
EXO Kai > y/n 11:03pm: y/nnnnnn 
11:03pm: where did you gooooo >.<
11:04pm: ah, you must have fallen asleep
11:04pm: rest well y/n, goodnight ( ̄ε ̄)
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The rest of your week passes by uneventfully with you going to university and teaching your classes as usual. The only new addition to your schedule was a sort of ‘date’ with Kai on Thursday afternoon, your free day during the week, and also the day you were scheduled to meet with the other staff working on his album to get a sense of what kind of image they wanted. He had texted you asking if he could treat you to lunch at the SM Cafe after your meeting which you agreed to.
By the time Thursday comes around, you’re already feeling worn out from school, barely even able to put together an outfit and settling for a simple black t-shirt and jeans. You took the bus to the company building since you didn’t know where to park and you figured it would save gas anyways. The meeting was a nice refresher, as you were interested in the ideas the staff was putting out and you left the meeting feeling reenergized with tons of ideas flying through your head. You met Kai at the cafe as you had promised, finding him easily due to his large frame.  “You look nice, y/n” he commented, as you sat down opposite to him. You said a shy ‘thank you’ back while turning and looking out the window, hoping he didn’t notice the blush that had begun to show up on your cheeks. 
Lunch goes smoothly as he allows you to ask him questions this time around and he tells you about his hobby of playing with legos and putting elaborate things together to give to his nieces and nephews or how he has given up learning how to bake. You don’t miss the way his hands brush yours when you pass him a napkin after some of the coffee he was drinking spills out the side of this mouth or when both of you reach for your phone before it falls off the table. Maybe it’s because of all the times you’ve daydreamed about him after learning one of the dances he’s done, but to you, this ‘casual lunch’ is beginning to feel more and more like a date. Luckily, you two finish eating quickly and he asks if you’d be willing to show him some of the ideas you have so far. You eagerly told him yes along with a few details from the meeting and how you’re really excited to further refine them. 
Once both of you are in a practice room upstairs, you and Kai decide to sit in the middle of the room and talk about possible concepts and stories that could be portrayed, however, the conversation quickly strays off-topic due to Kai and his seemingly never-ending curiosity when it comes to you. “What do you do besides dancing and teaching your own classes?” he asks, looking more like a troublesome toddler than the idol you were supposed to be working with. 
You push that thought aside before responding, “I’m currently in university, majoring in business since I’m set to take over the dance school from the director.”
Kai keeps his eyes glued to you while you speak, the only movement coming from his fidgeting hands. After you finish speaking, he looks down in his lap before shyly speaking, “sometimes I like to think about what I’d be doing if I wasn’t an idol, you know? Would I have joined a dance studio like yours? Would I be in college right now? Would I have a girlfriend? Would I maybe even have a child?” He paused for a bit and ran a hand through his hair while moving to lie down. “I genuinely think that if I weren’t an idol, I’d still be in school. Being with animals and kids gives me so much joy, I’ve often thought about being a veterinarian or an elementary school teacher. Though they are drastically different, I find both of them to be so appealing” he said, letting out a sigh at the end of his sentence.
“Do you ever think that you’d be happier doing those things rather than where you are now?”
Kai looked over at you, not noticing you had laid down next to him as if both of you were outside looking at clouds. “Maybe...however, I’m still satisfied with the path my life took. Yes, there are drawbacks to being a public figure but I’m happy with all the experiences it has given me.” Sensing how the mood has become a little too serious for his liking, Kai decides to ask you another question. “Who’s your favorite member in my group?”
You let out a laugh, dumbfounded by his sudden question. “I’m not saying this just because you’re here, but it’s you and has been for a while now” you said sheepishly, keeping your eyes locked on the ceiling to keep yourself from looking at Kai and showing him your now pink-tinted cheeks.
“For a while now?” he asked, quoting your words. “How long have you been a fan of us?”
“Since your debut,” you said, throwing your hands on your face to hide your embarrassment before exclaiming, “ah, this is so awkward, I can’t believe I’m telling you this.” Fortunately, your embarrassment didn’t last long thanks to your roommate who had just sent you a text. You gladly moved away from Kai to check your phone, inwardly thanking your roommate for saving you from what could have become a shameful memory. Oh shit it’s already past 10? you thought to yourself, shocked at how quickly time passed while you were with Kai. “My roommate was just asking where I was since it’s getting kinda late,” you told him, “normally I don’t stay out this late since I have class tomorrow morning so I should probably get going now, especially since I have to catch the last bus which comes in a bit, I think.”
You stood up, but before you could so much as take a step towards the door, Kai stopped you. “I can drive you home” he offered, to which you vehemently refused, “you’re my choreographer and I’d hate for anything to happen to you when you haven’t even taught me the dance to my own song yet” he said, giving you the puppy eyes you’ve seen countless times through videos of him.
You can tell that he’s being sincere so eventually you accept his offer, but something about his words doesn’t sit quite right. You had told each other so much about yourselves and shown such an embarrassing side of yourself to him, yet he only regarded you as his choreographer. Because that’s what I am, you thought, trying to shove those thoughts out of your head, I’m nothing more than just his choreographer, a work acquaintance. This is simply a relationship based on our work together. He is an idol and I am his choreographer. Nothing more, nothing less. You internally slapped yourself for getting riled up over his words when he was only trying to be nice.
Once you were in his car, you told him your address as you put your seatbelt on. The ride home is mostly silent aside from little side comments made between the two of you, like when he tells you about how he and the members once went to the samgyeopsal restaurant you passed earlier and how Chanyeol proceeded to get absolutely wasted to the point where the members played rock paper scissors to decide who would be taking care of him for the night.
Time, again, seemed to pass a little faster than normal when you were talking to Kai and laughing with him. When he pulled up in front of your apartment building, you unbuckle your seatbelt and began to thank him, “Kai-”
“Why do you keep calling me that?”
“Calling you what?”
“...Because it’s your name?” At this point, you were beyond confused as to what Kai was getting at.
“It’s one of my names, but it’s not MY name. My name is Jongin. Yes, Kai is my name as well but that’s who I am on stage...please, just call me Jongin from now on” he let out, sitting further back into his seat once he realized how aggressive he sounded.
“O-oh, okay. Goodnight Jongin.” Though you were used to saying that name while talking to your friends about his dancing or when they showed you pictures of him, this time it sounded foreign. Almost even forced, as if you shouldn’t be saying it.
Once you unlock the door and walk into your apartment, you receive a text from him.
EXO Kai > y/n 10:36pm: I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have snapped like that, it’s just that being called Kai all the time makes me feel disconnected from people, you know? It’s like people see me only as Kai the idol and not Jongin, a regular person.
10:37pm: Kai is the side the fans and the media see and want while Jongin is just the sad guy behind the mask
10:37pm: Sorry, I probably shouldn’t have said that either. I’m just making this worse aren’t I?
You see the bubble pop up again, showing you that he was typing but before he can send you another message, you text him back.
y/n > EXO Kai 10:38pm: Jongin, it’s fine. I may not be an idol but I get what you mean
10:39pm: I didn’t know that even something like your stage name could have such a restraining feeling for you, and I’m sorry about that. But thank you for opening up to me
You see that he read your message but you don’t see him typing a response so you lock your phone and start your night routine, eventually forgetting to check your phone.
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When you woke up the next morning, you saw that Kai, no, Jongin, you reminded yourself, texted you around midnight but you didn’t open his message until lunch when you were done with most of your classes for the day.
Jongin > y/n 12:16am: Goodnight y/n. I’m sorry I’m not the idol you always looked up to, but thank you for listening to me and respecting me as a person. Thank you, see you next week. I can’t wait to see what you have choreographed for me (⌒ω⌒)
And there it was again, the way he speaks so fondly towards you yet he still brings it back to work. You had to remind yourself that the relationship between the two of you is only because of work and that no matter what, you cannot develop feelings for him. It’s not like he’d have time for me anyways, I’m nothing special compared to those other girls he’s dated, you thought to yourself.
You spend the rest of the week doing your usual activities along with choreographing for the title track of Jongin’s album. Though the company sent you just the demo of the track, you could already tell that this sort of song was definitely his style. Sexy yet sweet. Hot but undeniably cool.
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A month had passed since Jongin first confided in you about his idol dilemma. After teaching Jongin and the rest of the dancers the choreo you made for the title track, you were no longer needed quite as often in the practice room, which resulted in you seeing Jongin less as his preparations started to stack up in his schedule. He still made it a point to take you out for lunch or dinner, which surprised you since he didn’t necessarily need to keep up a relationship with you now that your part in the album production was over. It was at those times when you were reminded of the instance when he was dropping you off, that he’s human and has friends he hangs out with, you just might have gotten lucky and become one of them.
Your text message chat with him went back and forth between you two talking about the choreo and the comeback to deep late-night conversations like how Sehun saw a cockroach in the shower one night and ran out butt-naked, screaming. Just like your chat, your relationship with Jongin became more confusing as the line between business and friendship blurred even further. Jongin texts you late on a Wednesday night to come to the ‘cloud’ room, which you had mistakenly called it once after watching one too many of the old SM dance practice videos, tomorrow around noon. Similar to when the incident with his name occurred, his message didn’t have the cute emoticons you were used to him sending. You wondered if something in the choreo needed to be changed last minute and sent him a simple thumbs up to let him know you’d be there.
You spent the rest of your Wednesday night reanalyzing the choreo you made, trying to find any flaws that would have resulted in Jongin texting you so seriously and asking you to come in person instead of sending a video along with his questions as usual. By Thursday afternoon, you had a few things in mind that you could easily smooth over and your mind was flooded with different combos and formations to use as you walked through the building to the practice room you told Jongin you’d meet him at.
You entered without knocking since usually the whole team is at work and you don’t want to disrupt whatever they’re working on, so you quietly stepped in and closed the door but you yelped when you heard a loud bang from the area near the sound equipment. Glancing over, you spot Jongin with his balled-up fists on the table and realized the rest of the team wasn’t here. It was just you and him, which led to you being even more confused as to why he had asked you to come in. After hearing the noise you made, Jongin’s head perked up and found you, “oh, y/n, you came.” His tense features immediately relaxing into a loose half-smile where you could see just how tired he was. “I need help on the main part of the chorus. No matter how many times I do it, there just isn’t the right feeling with it and I don’t get it” he said, almost whining.
You sat against the mirror, watching him do it a few times until you got up and stood next to him, facing the mirror. “Jongin you’re treating it way too strictly. This is the chorus, not a dance break, just groove with it, have fun with it, you know?” You danced the part to further show your point.
“Groove with it? What do you mean ‘groove with it?’” He asked, confusion clearly evident on his face and in his voice.
“Relax and think about the song itself. Think about the meaning, the style of it, not the choreography” you responded. He did as you showed him and looked at you for approval. “Good, but keep that same intensity in your eyes from earlier.” He did it again, staring straight into your eyes through your reflection in the mirror, almost sending shivers down your body. You smiled to acknowledge that you liked it and Jongin’s face lit up, seeing as he finally perfected what he deemed to be the ‘killing point’ of the dance, as he had said when you first showed it to him.
After another hour, you and Jongin had gone over the entire dance and worked out any remaining questions he had for you. Just as the two of you were getting ready to leave and head over to the cafe, Jongin called out your name, coming to stand next to where you were packing up your bag.
“Hey Y/N...I-uh-wanted to tell you that I-um-I think-” he began, before you interrupted him, not wanting to hear him stuttering anymore.
“Jongin, do you want to go over something again? Is that what’s bothering you?”
“N-no, it’s just that I think, uh, I think I really like you...r dance...yeah...I really like your dance, the one you made for me in my album, uh haha yeah thank you.” His cheeks and ears started turning pink as he quickly turned around to go gather his things.
Did he just say what I thought he said, you asked yourself, no, he couldn’t have. There’s no way he’d say that. All it would do is hurt his career anyway, he wouldn’t do that. You silenced your thoughts and left the practice room with him to get dinner.
You ate with him at the cafe but your conversation didn’t seem to flow as naturally as it normally did. He kept looking at you like he wanted to say something but never did. The normal playful touches you usually shared weren’t there either and you hated yourself for noticing these things. This was probably just his way of nicely ending our relationship since he probably won’t be working with me again in the future.
As you both made your way down to your cars in the parking lot, Jongin stepped in front of you right after exiting the elevator, looking down at his feet like a little kid would when they’re being scolded.
“Y/N I’d like to thank you for working with me for my solo debut, it really means a lot to me,” this is where you think he’s going to just thank you and say goodnight, but he doesn’t, “I’d like to ask you if you’d come to the first broadcast next week Monday. I know you have class but I won’t be going on until later. You don’t have to if you don’t want to because I know you’re really busy being a student and all but-”
“Jongin, please, I would love to.” You said, saving the both of you from his endless ramblings.
When he finally meets your eyes he gives you a look full of cuteness and adoration be exclaiming, “Really?!”
“Yes, really.”
“Yes, Jongin. I promise I will be there.” He hugged you so tight you thought you were going to suffocate but before you could, he released you and skipped off in the direction of his car while happily giggling to himself, “goodnight y/n” he yelled, “see you on Monday.”
You slapped yourself for blushing at his cute outburst. He’s an idol, you’re not supposed to feel this warmth in your heart that yearned for him to hug you again, yet your mind constantly wandered to him during your whole drive back to your apartment.
As you were lying in bed, just about falling asleep, you got a text from Jongin.
Jongin > y/n 9:08pm: SHE SAID YES! (@^◡^)
9:08pm: oh shit
9:08pm: sorry, that was meant for Baekhyun hyung
9:09pm: we were talking about a special girl (#><)
Your heart immediately dropped. It’s probably another girl he’s dating, seeing as how he’s dated other girl idols before. You knew that you shouldn’t be upset but you just were. It was at that moment that you realized your feelings towards Jongin. You quickly sent a simple ‘haha okay’ back, but his message left you wondering about the lucky girl he was talking about, hurt that you didn’t know who it was. He has no obligation to tell me anything, I’m only his choreographer, you told yourself, probably for the millionth time now.
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Ever since that night, you hadn’t initiated a conversation with him though he still texted you occasionally. Sometimes it would be a goodnight message, other times it was just his late-night thoughts about how dogs would wear pants or what kind of sounds a koala makes. You didn’t want to admit it but that one text bothered you for the rest of the week, and as it got closer and closer to his first performance, the more you didn’t want to go. Almost as if Jongin was reading your mind, you received a text message from him.
Jongin > y/n 7:45pm: y/nnnnnn I can’t wait to see you tomorrow -\\3\\-
You were going to send another thumbs up again, but opted for a more cheerful ‘good luck!’ since you knew how much this meant to him and how hard he worked for this and you didn’t want to let your own feelings get in the way of his achievements. It’s not like you were going to be involved in his work much longer once his promotions ended. Maybe it was for the best if you just kept your feelings to yourself so he could go back to being just Kai, the idol, to you, and not the sweet and playful Jongin you had gotten to know and the one you had, unfortunately, fell for. Going to sleep that night was a huge struggle for you, constantly asking yourself if you were going to see him tomorrow or not. Eventually, you fell asleep before reaching a clear answer but knowing you’d have to decide tomorrow anyways
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The next morning, you woke up to the sight of sunlight already filling your room, which was not a good sing. You quickly checked your phone and saw that you were already half an hour late to your first class along with noticing Jongin had sent you another message around 6AM though you didn’t read it since your first priority was to get to school. You turned your phone to Do Not Disturb mode and rushed through your morning routine, getting to school just as your second class was starting. After running in five minutes late and profusely apologizing to your professor, you took your normal seat in the back of the room, letting out a sigh of exhaustion.
Your lecture ended faster than you expected and as you waited in the line at the cafeteria you finally pulled out your phone to go through your notifications and saw that Jongin had sent you two more messages.
Jongin > y/n 6:13am: I’m so excited, i could barely even sleep! Good morning y/n, today’s the day! \(≧▽≦)/
Jongin > y/n 10:20am: We’re in the cafe ordering sandwiches to eat at the recording studio later. What do you want to drink? I can’t remember if it was the honey lemon tea or the honeydew milk tea (>_<)  
10:25am: y/nnnnn please answer meeeeee (╥_╥)
You couldn’t resist his cuteness and texted him back.
y/n > Jongin 10:27am: honey lemon :)
As soon as you hit send, you froze, realizing you had dug yourself into a hole, ultimately forcing yourself into going to the studio he would be performing at later. You were brought out of your dazed state when the person in the back of you cleared their throat loudly and you noticed it was your turn to order.
After you had ordered and received your food, you sat down and ate your lunch quickly, wanting to go to class and get your mind off of Jongin who was walking around up there as if he owned it.
The rest of your day went by quickly and as you got into your car, you let out a long sigh, not wanting to believe that you’d be going to the recording studio to support the man who not only held your heart in his hands but also unknowingly crushed it.
Once inside the studio, it was quite easy to find Jongin’s room, seeing all the staff rushing around with their SM lanyards on, similar to the one you had on. You walked into his room, expecting to be greeted by a loud Jongin, but instead, you were met with the blank stares of his fellow members, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and Sehun. Baekhyun was the only one who acknowledged you while the other two simply looked back down at their phones, thinking you were another staff member. “Ah, so you must be the wonderful y/n that our Jonginnie is always talking about! That idiot is always telling us about you, we were just wondering when we’d be able to meet him. He may fall in love quickly but he does have good judgment if you know what I mean.”
Both of the other members immediately perked up upon realizing who you were as your cheeks turned a bright shade of pink after hearing Baekhyun’s words. “J-Jongin talks about me?”
Baekhyun let out one of his big laughs before responding, “All the time! I can’t believe it took him this long to ask you out.”
If it was even humanly possible, you swear you turned even more pink. “Oh, we’re not dating. I think you’ve got me confused with another girl.” Your mind flew back to the text Jongin had accidentally sent you and all your emotions were about to come flooding back to you.
At that moment, Jongin entered the room and walked right into you. Baekhyun caught you, preventing you from what would’ve been an embarrassing fall, however, he only took it as an opportunity to push you right back into Jongin’s arms while yelling, “Ya! Kim Jongin, you idiot! I didn’t raise you to be such a coward, just ask her out already!” He then proceeded to bulldoze both of you out of the room and close the door while Chanyeol and Sehun only laughed while recording the whole thing, probably to send in their group chat later for the others to see.
Once both of you processed what just happened, you and Jongin looked at each other and he immediately released you from his hold and looked at the ground. You took this moment to appreciate his stylists for doing such a good job. He was wearing a full navy blue suit, similar to the legendary red one he wore in the Love Shot music video, further accentuating the light brown contacts he had in his eyes. He brought his hands to your shoulders before taking a deep breath and meeting your eyes.
“Jongin-” you both said, at the same time.
“Oh, sorry, you go first.” You blurted out, your heart already racing.  
He lightly squeezed your shoulders before saying, “I don’t know how much they told you in there but I suppose you probably already know that I...like you.”
The look on your face told him otherwise. “Weren’t you texting Baekhyun about another girl? A ‘special girl?’ That text you accidentally sent me instead of Baekhyun...” You trailed off at the end, thinking about how stupid you must look.
Jongin dropped his hands to your waist as he threw his head back in laughter before looking back at you. “No, you silly, we were talking about you. You told me you’d come to my first performance, remember?” Everything began to come together for you and you couldn’t believe that Jongin, the perfect man in front of you, had been talking about you to his members and that he likes you. Jongin saved you from further embarrassment when his hands trailed off your waist to find your own hands as he intertwined your fingers and pulled you closer “I’ve tried so many times to do this but I was always too scared of what would happen.” Your eyes locked with his gorgeous hazel masked ones that made it even harder to look away. “I really like you but I didn’t know if you liked me back which is why I never had the strength to ask you out. I was afraid of rejection, but at this point, I don’t think I have much else to lose with what Baekhyun hyung just did. It’s okay if you don’t like me back, I just want-”
As usual, you had to stop his endless rambling, but this time you did it with a quick kiss on his cheek. “I like you too, Jongin.”
Your eyes briefly met his before he enveloped you in a bone-crushing hug. His lips next to your ear, whispering the words he never thought he’d be able to say to you. “Will you be mine?”
“Only if you’ll be my boyfriend.”
He let you go only briefly so he could cup your cheeks and land a light kiss on your lips, both of your eyes fluttering closed, only to reopen suddenly at the sound of the other three members cheering from the doorway, all of them holding their phones up and recording the scene in front of them. You tried to pull away from Jongin but he only grabbed your waist and pulled you even closer.
“Jongin what are you-” you began, already having experienced enough embarrassment for a whole lifetime.
“Shhhh, just follow my lead,” he muttered before kissing you again “come on, just ‘groove’ with it” he said, between kisses, imitating your own words, igniting a fire in you as you remember teasing him with it during one of your most intimate practicing sessions together and you started kissing him back, moving your lips with his, much to the members’ disgust.
“Ewww” Sehun whined, right before Baekhyun and Chanyeol made simultaneous coughing and gagging sounds.
Hearing their reactions, Jongin’s lips finally left yours, a playful smile on his face before pulling you into another hug, this one full of warmth and affection. “Thank you y/n, thank you for giving me this chance. I’ll make you happy, I promise.”
You pulled back to face him, “thank you too, Jongin. Maybe it’s just our thing to ‘groove’ together” you said, bringing a finger up and playfully booping his nose.
He rolled his eyes at you before pushing your head back into his shoulder and letting you both enjoy the feeling of each other’s embrace, momentarily forgetting about the other three men standing in the doorway until they started making repulsive noises again.
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A/N - This is the reworked version of ‘a dance to remember’ which I wrote when I was about 15 years old. That piece itself is based on a dream I had about EXO. This essentially is a fic written about a fic written about a dream so I’m sorry if it seems kinda disjointed. Any feedback at all is welcomed :)
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fan-enby-anonymous · 4 years
Hi @mentosmorii, so fun story, I was going to reblog your post about why Opal was a reoccurring villain in the Artemis Fowl series again with some of my thoughts, but then some of my thoughts became ALL of my thoughts, and I didn't want to do my homework. So, I'm sorry in advance but here are all of my thoughts on all of the Artemis Fowl villains. I'm sorry.
I think forcing the LEP to be involved is probably the main factor in having Opal be the archvillain, but i also think the other Artemis Fowl villains are meant to be different kinds of foils than Opal is.
Cudgen started as Opal's partner in crime, so he could have been an archvillain, but he was a foil to Root, not Artemis, so he fizzled out narrativly speaking shortly before Root did. They both served their purpose to the story.
Spiro is a foil to Artemis, but he isn't so much a representation of what Artemis's own ambitions gone unchecked could turn him into as much as he is a representation of what his Father's ambitions gone unchecked could become.
While our Artemis definitely mirrors a lot of his father's values, and who could blame him, he's just a kid, they're not exactly the same. Artemis II values knowledge and willingly details his own plans in order to learn about/from the people on numerous occasions. (Dismantling Holly's traker so he can see how it works rather than just destroying it, agreeing to help take down the goblin revolution, etc.) And he's also loyal to his family above all else. (I don't think I need to explain that one, go read book 1.)
Artemis I however, he doesn't seem to care about anything but the family business, at least in book 1. He pays no mind to how his abuses and reckless business deals effect his wife and child, he makes promises he never intends to keep, and he gets many people killed trying to get ahead. He doesn't have his son's loyalty or any of his remaining innocence and curiosity. In book 1, Artemis I is Spiro.
Then, Artemis I is rescued and somewhat changed his ways, but, book 3 still opens with Artemis II feeling conflicted about his father's recent changes and their relationship. Some part of Artemis still longs for his past relationship with his father, because he knew his role back then and their relationship was strained and dissatisfying, but it was simple to navigate and allowed Artemis freedom.
Spiro is there to tell Artemis to stop wishing for the past. Maybe his relationship with his father was "easier" when his father was still a terrible person, but returning to those ways will only get Artemis another villain in his life, and it's better to sort through the messy emotions than let that happen.
Minerva is another can of worms altogether. She does function as a foil for Artemis in the story, but from the way that Colfer talks about her, I don't think that was his intention when writing her. By Colfer's own admission, Artemis and Minerva were supposed to be the same person, that's why he dropped her character so quickly, he didn't think he could do many interesting things with two people who were functionally one character, so he wrote her out.
The problem there is that the fandom didn't see it that way at all. I and many others thought that Minerva was actually a very different character from Artemis. Minerva's motivation for kidnapping a demon is to win a Noble Prize and be revered by the academic community; Artemis's motivation for kidnapping a fairy was to save his father's life. Minerva's relationship with her remaining parent is strained due to his ineptitude at handling her personality and her own defensiveness; Artemis's relationship with his remaining parent is strained due to Angeline's worsening delusions and the long periods of time Artemis spends away from her. Minerva is used to her role as an older sibling and treats her brother's health and safety in a casual and caring manner that most siblings are probably used to; Artemis is completely unprepared to become an older sibling at the end of book 5 and we later see him interact with his brothers clumsily, acting more like a teacher or a parent than a brother. And that's just scratching the surface.
They're very different, and more could have been done with them, but their differences aren't intentional, so nothing was done with their relationship. (And even if Minerva did show up again, I doubt it would be as a villain. She's learned too much to become an antagonist to the people again.)
And the other book 6 villain, Leon Abbott or N'zall, while a very interesting villain who could be argued to be a metaphor for many things (including government corruption, fascism, and just plain capitalism) was a very niche villain. He wouldn't pack the same punch in any environment other than Hybras, so he wouldn't have been a very good archvillain. And, the poetic justice of someone who only ever desired power through threats, manipation, and violence straight up getting turned into a hampster is just too good to pass up.
And Kronski, he's a strange case. He is meant to be a monument to Artemis's insecurities and failures, but he's modeled off of 10yo Artemis.
10yo Artemis, while narratively interesting and definitely fun to read about, never felt like our Artemis to me. He seems more like an alternate universe version of Artemis than a younger version of him that naturally progressed to become the person we met on book 1. I know that they explained this by mind wiping young Artemis but... that didn't really work for me. I guess a revenge seeking, time traveling Damon Kronski could have been a recurring villain in the series, but I'm glad he wasn't. I was very glad when Opal overshadowed him in that story, she felt like the first familiar thing in a story that had become something other than the Artemis Fowl I knew.
And finally, there's Turnball. He falls into the same trap of being a foil to Root and not Artemis, but I think he's better written, so I'm going to talk about him more. Turnball is narratively interesting because he's a representation of the greatest failures of fairy society. Namely government and police corruption, racism, sexisim, and a blindness to these very flaws. He was a corrupt politician and police officer, one of the most powerful out there for a while, used this power in order to stoke racial tensions in Haven to ensure he'd stay on top, and goes on sexist tirades against both Holly and Opal on multiple occasions. And, for all the damage he did, no one noticed for a hell of a long time and even after they did, it didn't take much time for people to forget him or for him to convince the prison staff that he was ultimately harmless.
So, why wasn't Turnball the archvillain. Well, aside from being a little late to the game, I think the main reason he wasn't the archvillain was that he'd take way too much attention away from Artemis.
Artemis already isn't the only main character of the books, he's very much sharing that title with Holly. And Turnball is the perfect foil for Holly as well as for Root, he's a perfect blend of what she hates about her society and the negative traits she has to grapple with in herself. Making Turnball the archvillain would take the focus away from Artemis and Butler and put it on Holly and Root. They just wouldn't fit in a story about confronting police corruption. And, while I'd love a more Holly centric storyline with more time to explore Root's character and more career given to Haven's problems, that wasn't the story Colfer signed up to tell.
So that leaves Opal. And, just because none of the other villains don't work as archvillains, it doesn't mean she does. But, I think she actually fits the role really well. Just like Turnball is a perfect foil for Root and Holly and Spiro is a perfect foil for Artemis I, i think Opal is the perfect foil for Artemis II.
Opal is the most cut and dry representation of Artemis's insecurities that we get throughout the entire series. Artemis feels very insecure about his relationship with his father. He's put under undue pressure from a young age to conform to what his father wants him to be and when their ideals don't line up Artemis finds it nearly impossible to communicate this dissonance in a healthy way. Opal felt exactly the same way as a child, albeit for different reasons, and destroyed her father because of it. Artemis has to deal with his selfishness throughout the series. The more he comes to terms with the fact that he has to think about other's needs, not just his own or his father's, the more he improves. And, as time goes on, Opal ends up becoming even more selfish and falling further and further into her delusions or grandeur, making her the perfect person for Artemis to project onto as the worse Opal gets, the worse Artemis's opinion of his past self becomes. Artemis is petty and jelous around his schoolmates, so is Opal, and she slowly lets it consume her life to the point where she wants to murder Foaly... because? he won? a science fair?
Anyway, this very much got away from me, but Artemis and Opal mirror each other in unique ways which is why I think Colfer chose her specifically as Artemis's nemesis.
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inorganicone2230 · 4 years
All That Led Us Here (Part 1) Yandere!Overhaul x Fem!Reader
Part 2
Summary: Orphaned at the tender age of six, you are taken in and raised by The Head of The Shie Hassaikai along with his young son, Kai, who takes a strange and immediate interest in you, to an obsessive degree... one that only seems to grow as the years go by. A life with him and The Yakuza is all you've ever known, but is it all you really want? Kai would certainly have you believe so, and he’ll do whatever it takes to make sure you never question it.
Warnings: None for this chapter, in fact, the first few will be relatively tame as we build up to the darker chapters later on, but I will make note of them as they pop up per chapter.
Side Note’s: Just a few quick things to help give you an idea as to how this AU’s world is set up. So first off, there are no quirks in this world, so that means that the Yakuza clans are still strong, wealthy and a huge influence in the Japanese underworld, unlike in the cannon version, and the Shie Hassaikai are one of the biggest if not THE biggest. Second, Kai is The Big Bosses biological son and not just some street rat that he took in. Since we never actually learn the old guys name, I figure that it can easily be played around with to suit the needs of this story and Kai’s looks can be explained by saying that he takes after his deceased mom. And finally, Eri will NOT be making an appearance in this story as of yet.
And as always, I want to give a BIG thank you to my amazing friend @talpup for all the brainstorming and encouragement on these stories! I’m sure I would have given up on this blog a while ago if it wasn't for all of their help. I highly encourage anyone who takes the time to read this to go over to their page or their AO3 account under the same name and check out their works, especially Chaos and Erase The Shadow. They are two of my favorite BNHA fics of ALL TIME!
Kai could still remember the first day he met you, no matter how much time passed or how many years flew by, that day was always going to be crystal clear in his mind.
It was the middle of a sweltering hot summer and his father, the head of the notorious Yakuza clan, The Shie Hassaikai, had received a call from an old friend asking him to come visit him on his deathbed in a nearby town. His father had immediately left, but returned just a few days later.
Only, he wasn’t alone when he came back…
It was already early evening when Kai, who was ten at that point, heard the commotion coming from downstairs and had gone outside with all the others to greet his father when he arrived home and was just as shocked, though he hid it very well, as everyone else to see that he had a little girl no older than six with him.
A tiny little thing wearing a purple sundress and hiding behind his father’s legs while she trembled like a leaf. She was so small that, if it weren’t for the quiet little whimpers coming from her, she may have gone completely unnoticed and Kai couldn’t help but idly wonder who she was and what she was doing with his father.
“Kai?” His father had called out to him once he was spotted by the gate. “Come over here Son, there’s someone you need to meet.”
Kai, being the well behaved and dutiful son that he was, immediately went to his father. He couldn’t deny that he was curious as to who the little girl was and even a stoic child like him was still prone to childlike tendencies every now and then.
“What is it Pops?” He asked, his voice already showing signs of deepening despite his young age. And since he had recently hit a growth spurt, he was easily a good foot or so taller than the little girl currently clinging to his father’s hakama.
His father stepped aside to reveal the child to him in full as he gazed down at her with a look of of care and pity. “Kai, this is (Y/N), she’s the daughter of a dear old friend of mine who recently passed away and she’s going to be living with us from now on.” His father reached down to pat you on the head and Kai knew from experience just how comforting that hand could be in a stressful situation, though he’d likely choke on those words if he ever tried to admit them out loud. “She’s family now, so I want you to look out for her. Ya hear me boy?”
Kai had nodded in agreement without a moment's hesitation, he was always eager to please his father no matter what the task was, though, to be honest, Kai had no real experience dealing with kids his own age, let alone one so much younger than himself. He tended to avoid the idiots at his school, they were always running around, getting filthy and he wanted no part in that, and it’s not like there were any other kids that lived in the compound for him to interact with. Hell, there hadn’t even been a woman living there since his mother died nearly eight years prior.
Kai snapped himself out of his own thoughts when he heard his father speak again, seems he wasn’t done talking just yet.
Kai watched as his father gave you another pat on the head as this time, he addressed you directly, his voice much softer and kinder than Kai could ever remember it being. Perhaps it was because you were a girl, or maybe it was because he felt sorry for the situation you were in, your father had just died after all. Either way, this was a side to his old man that he only ever saw when he talked about his late wife, so this was a rather surreal experience for the young boy.
“(Y/N), this brat here is my son, Kai.” He said, motioning his head towards the golden eyed boy. “If you need anything at all and you can’t find me, I want you to go straight to him, alright? This is going to be your home from now on and that means that you can just think of him as your big brother if that makes it easier.”
You had been looking at the ground for the majority of the time, but when you briefly glanced up to meet his gaze, Kai couldn’t help but feel drawn to the big (e/c) eyes that seemed to take up the majority of your chubby little face. They were wide and full of fear, but also a great deal of curiosity as you took in your new surroundings.
You gave him a small, barely there nod of your head as you mumble out a quick response, your voice just as tiny as you were in stature. “N-Nice to m-meet you Kai-san. I’ll try n-not to be a b-bother for you.” And then your eyes are back on the ground and Kai is left with a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach as he uncharacteristically thinks that he wants you to look at him again, and for longer this time.
The old boss tries to muster up a weak smile in the hopes that it will put you at ease. “I’m sure the two of you will get along just fine once you get used to each other. Now, why don’t we go have some dinner and then get you off to bed? It’s been a long few days and I’m sure you’ll feel a bit better in the morning.”
With affirmative nods from both children, nothing more is said as everyone is urged to get back to their usual duties despite talk over who the unexpected new addition to the household is and where she came from.
Later on that night, after a quiet dinner was shared amongst the three, Kai went off back to his room and quietly continued to work on his summer homework. Pops was insistent that he keep up his grades, inciting that just because he was set to inherit the role as head of a mob family, that didn’t mean that he was allowed to be an ignorant fool with no brains to back himself up, and Kai was inclined to agree, there was only one thing he hated more than filth and that was stupidity and a general lack of common sense.
Tonight however, this usually easy task was proving to be just a tad bit harder to stay focused on.
The main reason?
He can hear your soft cries from down the hall in your new room and it’s proving to be rather distracting. Not that you were being overly loud, but thin walls and shoji screen doors don’t provide much in the way of soundproofing or insulation. And with the two of you bring the only ones living on this floor, his old man's room being situated one floor above and everyone else further down, it was even more quiet than a normal house.
Without really stopping to think about what he was doing, Kai got up from his desk and left his room to wander down the hall until he found himself quietly standing outside your door. He debated with himself for about thirty seconds before he made the abrupt decision to just open the door uninvited.
There you were, curled up on an unfamiliar bed that was definitely way too big for someone so tiny, your shoulders shaking even as your head shot up at the sudden sound of sliding wood and big fat crocodile tears continued to roll silently down your cheeks.
“U-Um… w-what are-”
“You’ve been crying.” Kai interrupted you.
You looked down, he really wished you’d stop doing that, almost as if you were ashamed to have it pointed out so bluntly.
“I’m so-sorry, I w-won’t do it a-again, I pro-promise.” You managed to get out between more sniffles.
Kai normally hated the sound of crying, it was like nails on a chalkboard to him and he attributed it to weakness, yet another thing that he so deeply detested. But, he supposed that given the events you had likely been subjected to over the course of the last few days, your blatant display of emotion was understandable, if not outright expected of you.
And besides, he thought, he knew what it was like to lose a parent, but he still had his old man at least, that was more than could be said for you, you didn’t have anyone.
No one but him and Pops…
Kai wouldn’t be able to properly articulate to himself what it really was, not until he was older and understood himself a bit better, but he felt an odd sensation swell up in his chest at the thought of you relying on him, of you needing him, he liked the idea of you staring up at him with those big watery eyes and asking him for help, begging him to make the hurt go away.
But more than that, he wanted to be the reason you smiled. He had yet to see a smile grace your face, but he knew that he wanted to be it’s cause when it did finally happen, or at the very least, he wanted to be the first one to see it.
It was a strange feeling, and not one he was at all used to, but Kai was a pragmatic child and rarely ever second guessed himself once his mind had settled on an idea. His father often told him that if he continued to cultivate that trait, it would make him an even better boss than him someday.
And to that end, he did what his father would expect of him…
“Do you… want me to stay with you, until you fall asleep?”
The two of you stared at each other for roughly a minute before you mutely nodded your head and Kai silently made his way over to your bed, easily climbing onto the tall mattress and sitting upright against the headboard while you laid your head back down on the pillow.
Kai never took his eyes off your face.
“Thank you Kai.” You mumbled sleepily, your swollen, puffy eyes already drooping as sleep threatened to finally claim you.
He wasn’t really great at comforting others, not that he had ever tried, so he acted on pure instinct, reaching out and taking your tiny hand in his own and closing his fist around it, an act that both shocked and astounded him, though he never let go of your hand regardless of that.
It had been so long since he had touched anyone else that he’d almost forgotten what another person’s skin could feel like and despite his steadily growing aversion to physical contact, he didn’t feel even the slightest bit of disgust when he felt your skin against his own. In fact, it was no different than if he was reaching up to touch the flesh of his own face.
Kai knew that this had to mean something, he just didn’t know what that something was just yet.
But he could figure it out, he thought, gazing down at your peaceful face as he brushed some of your hair behind your ear. This was your home now, and he had all the time in the world to learn what it was about you that seemed to set you apart from the rest of the filthy world.
About an hour later, Kai was just beginning to feel his own eyes drop as sleep fought to overtake his senses when he heard a shuffling sound by the still open door and, looking up, he wasn’t all that surprised to find his father standing there in the doorway.
The Boss couldn’t sleep and so he decided to wander down and check on his new charge, he was already beating himself up for leaving you alone in a dark, unfamiliar room. He half expected to find you still awake and crying, however, what he found instead was something far more surprising than anything he could have imagined on his own.
You weren’t crying, in fact, you were sound asleep. Sound asleep and holding his sons hand, his son who hated all unnecessary physical contact. To say he was surprised was an understatement, he never would have expected to find a scene like this, not in a million years.
Kai meanwhile, couldn’t help but feel the slightest bit annoyed that his time alone with you was being interrupted. How was he supposed to think and ponder these new developments if he was being distracted by his father’s eyes boring holes into him.
But, he supposed this could have it’s own benefits, now that they were alone, he could ask his father some questions that have been plaguing his mind since he first arrived home.
“Why is she here Pops?” He asked quietly, never taking his eyes off your sleeping face.
The Boss was not the kind of man that believed in treating his son with kid gloves, he told him how things were in a very direct manner and rarely ever beat around the bush when talking to him. He was going to be taking over one of the most powerful Yakuza clans in the country and he couldn’t afford to have his only son and heir be a spineless weakling. Some might call him cruel for laying so much on a young child’s shoulders, but he knew just how fast he could be swallowed whole if he didn’t possess the necessary moral fiber to stand on his own two feet in this dangerous world he was set to rule in. It might not seem like it, but he loved his son and wanted to see him succeed and push the clan further then even he had.
“Her father was an old friend of mine from back in the day.” He began and leaned one of his large, broad shoulders against the door-frame. “He wasn’t a criminal, in fact, he was a pretty average guy. But he helped me out of more tight spots in our youth then I care to remember and despite knowing about my Yakuza heritage, he never dwelled on it or judged me for it.”
Kai watched as a look of sorrow passed across his father’s face, something that only ever happened when he thought about his mother and he realized it must have meant that he really cared about this dead man, whoever he was.
“We lost touch over the years, but when I got that call from him, asking me to come see him on his deathbed, I knew I owed it to him to go and send him off.” He took a deep breath before continuing. “When I got there, I found out what it was he wanted from me. His last wish was that his only child, his daughter, be raised by someone he knew and trusted. Neither he, nor his deceased wife had any known living family that could take her in. So it was either I take custody of the girl, or she gets put in the system. Clearly you can see what my decision was.”
Kai suspected that there was more to the story than that, but he got what he wanted so he didn’t press for anymore then that.
“So, you want to tell me what you’re doing here in the middle of the night?” His father questioned him.
Kai still had yet to look away from you and to be honest, he really didn’t want to. “She was crying.”
“So you came in here to check on her?”
“Something like that.” Kai murmured, his usual monotone still firmly in place. “She’s different than the others, she’s clean and I don’t feel sick being near her. I can even touch her.”
It was nearly pitch black in the room but there was just enough light streaming in from the hallway that allowed him to see his sons face, and what he saw there nearly had him busting out laughing, but he refrained for fear of ruining whatever it was that was happening to the boy.
Kai was blushing.
It was small and faint, but the tops of his cheeks were definitely looking a bit darker than usual.
And this seemingly innocuous turn of events sparked an idea in his mind, one that he would need to put some serious thought into, he couldn’t just rush something like this without analyzing it from all angles, but it was an option that could ultimately lead to his child’s, no, his children’s future happiness.
“So I take it you’re not going to be having a problem with her being here?”
Kai looked down at you, at the steady rise and fall of your chest and the way you curled in on yourself. He took in the way you nuzzled your face just a bit closer to him and he found comfort in your soft little breaths that he could feel against him arm.
So, did he have a problem with you?
“I’ll take care of her.”
I hope you all enjoyed this! Please let me know what you thought if you have the time!
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bucky-iss-bae · 4 years
Reminiscences - Peter Hale x OFC (Part 2)
Hello againnnn - so I’m finally back, finally going to be active. 
My life has been a mess, I’ve not been motivated, and mentally I’ve gone through a lot the last 10 months, got thorugh University, Graduated, got a job, was a shit job, got another grad job during quarentine, and it’s been good and bad... 
Sorry for never posting and being bad at this, but I want to bounce back, so now its timmmeee. Also this Fic is actually completed. 
Want to post more, and just give you guys good content xoxo 
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Peter Hale x OFC (Calla)
Word Count: 2900 (Sorryyy, idk why it’s so long) 
Warnings: None - Slow Start I guess
Summary: Calla has grown up as Derek’s best friend, she’s known the Hales her whole life,she’s known their secrets and everything in Beacon Hills. Things in Beacon Hills are quiet, the pack are a family, and Calla realises that Peter knows more of her secrets than she realises.
A/N: Hope you all enjoy, any feedback is welcome x
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Peter Hale x OFC - Reminiscenes Part 1 
Part 2 
The days following that evening I completely ignored Peter. I saw him whenever he was lurking around Derek’s, I even went to the efforts of walking the complete opposite direction as him when I went grocery shopping. But if he remembers, everything every single thing I told him. Then I may as well die now. Especially since he’ll use that against me. This is Peter we’re on about.
“So you’ve apparently been ignoring Peter?” Derek asked once he settled onto my couch on Thursday.
I rolled my eyes, “And. There’s nothing wrong with that, he’s a psycho”
Derek huffed out a laugh, “There is when it makes him mopey. He comes around to mine in hope that you’re there you know”  
“Well, maybe he should stop trying to be such a stalker” I told his nephew. It was weird that there was such a large but short age difference between Peter and us. He wasn’t ever seen as the adult when we were younger, he had a boyish smirk, he had charm, and wit, and was so different compared to how he is now. He completely changed because of the fire, and the 5 years of solitude almost. He grew up, yet I didn’t see this change despite being the only person visiting him. I didn’t know he was the alpha yet I made a fool out of myself by being there for him, and he couldn’t even trust me.
“You sure it’s that?” Derek asked.
“Derek. If you’re here to talk about Peter then you can just leave. Actually no you can’t you don’t have an option, stop talking about Peter, tonight is about us. If you want I’ll send him a text saying hi later and then ignore him”
Derek shook his head a small smirk on his face. I felt a bit bad that I was taking Derek away from his boyfriend. But I needed my best friend sometimes as well.
“Good, now how are things with Stiles going?”
Derek huffed out a laugh, “They’re going well. Really well actually, never really thought that I would end up with him, but it’s the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time. And I sound like a soppy teenager. So let’s talk about your love life”
I snorted, “Right, what love life? Actually, I went on a date last week, it was a complete failure. I’m just glad that the girls who set me up with him don’t work in the same department as him”  
Derek started to laugh, “How comes I didn’t know about this?”
“Because I didn’t tell anyone. I didn’t even... it wasn’t even a big deal for me. I wasn’t excited, I just wanted to get it over and done with, and the worst thing is when I was getting into my car at the end of the night he tried to kiss me. And Derek I still cringe, what happened was I turned my head so fast he kissed my hair. Completely missed the cheek”
This caused Derek to laugh, loudly, at me. “Wow Calla. Who would’ve thought huh?” He asked.
I rolled my eyes at him, “Shut up. It was a mess, so I rather not talk about that. Instead, I’m going to set up a tinder profile.”
Derek still had this amused smirk on his face, it was nice seeing him like this. For the first time in years, he was happy. His life was on track, sure there were constant threats to the town, but that happens, that’s part of the job description of being a werewolf, and with Derek being a complete shifter, it makes a difference.
But being with Stiles makes a difference, you can literally see the way that he looks at him, and I haven’t seen him this happy in a long time. He’s almost that young cocky guy he once was, but a more matured version who has a history to him. Who has so much more to himself than ever before, and I’m proud of him. Proud of everything he’s gone through and defeated. I know his mom, and sister would also be proud of him, whether he’s an alpha or not, he’s still so powerful, and has such a good heart.
“Let’s get started then” He grinned at me.
I rolled my eyes and rather than Pizza we ordered Chinese food, and rather than watching a film we created a tinder profile for me. It was terrible, Derek called in the big guns and Stiles was on Face time with us, which made it even worse for me. But I didn’t mind, I love stiles, and boy let me tell you he added spice to my basic profile. And obviously gave my pictures a yes or no.
“I’ve helped you guys this far, let me help with the swiping” Stiles said through the phone.
I scoffed at him, “Derek say bye to your man he’s helped enough”
Derek shook his head with a small smile on his face, “You heard the boss” He said to him.
“All that help, you better show me your matches or who you’ve spoken to over the next few days Calla. I’ll know if you don’t”
I laughed at him and Derek soon hung up, “Come on, let’s see who’s around then”
Both Derek and I started swipping through these guys, commenting to each other, and swiping left or right. Mainly left. Let’s be honest. Most of these guys either looked like guys who were balding too early in life, or others who were after a quick fuck. Despite everything I did manage to swipe right a few times.
“Please let’s stop now. Like, if you think I’m going actually going to find anyone through tinder its... not likely. It’s just a bit of fun, could lead to a quick lay”
“The same way Stiles and I getting together wasn’t likely”
I grinned at him “I should’ve called it. When you constantly wanted to get mad at him, way back when, and you just couldn’t. But that itself feels like years ago”
“Yeah, the same way my uncle spared your life?” Derek said back.
I glared at him and hit his arm, “I hate you, and I’m pretty sure your uncle is a sociopath”
“Yeah. Same but, let’s be real here. He has a soft spot for you Calla”
“Derek, I will stab you if you don’t shut up.”
“I would love to see you try”
I narrowed my eyes at him, “I will call Argent right now and get him to help me out”
He laughed, “Alright, I’ll shut up now. I’m sorry”
I nodded, “You better be sorry... Also why do you keep bringing up your uncle of all people to me?” I asked curiously.
Derek knows nothing of what I done whilst he was away, he knows nothing of the feelings I once harboured for Peter, maybe I still do which is why I’m so defensive, but no one needs to know this. But still, there’s got to be a reason behind Derek’s madness right now. Maybe Peter wormed his way into his head? It’s a possibility.
“You just said you wanted me to shut up”
I shrugged, “Just curious. Then you can shut up, and we can watch something”
He shook his head, “The way he acts around you I guess. He’s a prick towards everyone, including you don’t get me wrong, but he’s a different type of prick round you. And he cares about you, he gets protective, worries, cares”
I would be lying if I said that didn’t affect me, but it does. Although it means nothing.
“Derek, are you forgetting that I was basically raised around him. Wherever you were, he was, or the other way around. Like he’s been a constant figure in my life for a very long time. Sure he wasn’t mobile for a few of those years. But he was still in Beacon Hills. So maybe that’s why, maybe he has something that slightly resembles feelings from when he’s younger and he sees me as the kid that he used to teach basketball to, and just putting this out there I am amazing at basketball, which has got to be the meaning behind this madness, and this is because of him, and maybe a little you, but still”
“Really? We live in this town, and that’s what you call madness?” He asked.
“Yes Derek. That is madness, you’re forgetting I’m just a human girl who only just knows how to defend herself and I rather have that as my type of madness instead of anything else”
“How have you actually been?” He asked me giving me a serious look, “Like... you’ve literally been thrown into this world again, months after your parents passed away, and sure that was a couple of years ago, but you rarely see your younger brother because he’s working abroad, and the only other family you have is us. But most weekends we’re off fighting something supernatural, and you’re just at the loft, waiting.”
I shrugged, “I’m fine Derek. I’m happy... sure I miss my parents a lot and that set me back a lot. That made me want to constantly curl up into a ball and just cry. But having you back, having this normal-ish again. These last few months, I’ve gotten better. Ive also got my girls” I said with a smile, but he looked at me, waiting for me to elaborate causing me to sigh and twist my body completely towards him,
“Derek, I’m working an amazing Job, sure it doesn’t pay the best but I don’t need the money. I have money, instead I’m doing something I enjoy, and they’re easy shifts. I’ve always wanted to be an elementary teacher, but without the stress so a teaching assistant is the best thing. And I have Fridays off, and I do talk to my brother. Just not as often as I want because he’s doing so well for himself in London. And I have you Derek, I have my life long best friend. After everything we’ve been through we’re both here and we’re both happy. Sure my life could be further along than it currently is, but I’m finally in a good place”
He nodded at me, “Good” He whispered, “I’m happy to hear that”
“I hate you” I said shaking my head, but in reality he knows that I love him and he is my absolute best friend no matter how much I want to kill him.  
Apparently Lydia and Malia found it amusing that I now have an online dating profile. Everyone did, all aside from one person. That person I’m still avoiding but he still finds a way to worm his way into my life, especially since I’m currently sat with the girls, who are judging each and every guy whose photo I scroll through, and his face pops up.
Malia was laughing, seeing her father’s face on my phone, and Lydia finding it as amusing made me realise I need more friends other than Derek my age. Especially since Lydia decided on swiping right.
“Well, well, it’s a match” Lydia laughed, “But it makes me think, whats the maximum age you’re hitting here”
I rolled my eyes with a small scoff, trying to keep my heartbeat in place, “Well, if I wanted to talk to him. I would, yet I’m not, and you just swiped for me, that’s not fair, and guy my age are… I don’t know” I said to them.
“Well he clearly wants to talk to you” Lydia murmured.
I scoffed, “He wants to get under my skin. It’s what he does. Anyway don’t you girls have I don’t know other stuff to do?” I asked trying to change the subject.
“Nope, completely free tonight.” Lydia grinned.
I internally groaned but only seconds later was I literally saved by the bell, my phone started to ring, and Derek’s name popped up.
“Hello” I answered.
“Where are you?” He asked.
“I’m at Lydia’s place. With Lydia and Malia. Why?”
“No reason. Just, a few threats about, tell me when you’re going to leave to get home, and message me when you get there alright”
I rolled my eyes but had a small smile on my face, “Yes of course Derek. Do you know who or what it is?”
“Not sure yet. Probably isn’t something too dangerous. But whatever it is, they’re drawing other hunters to town. And now we have twice as much to look out for.”
“Stay safe then Derek. Does Chris know the hunters?”
“He’s looking into it”
I nodded, “Alright then. Just make sure you’re all safe and everything ok”
“Yeah always. Remember to message me when you get home” He then hung up and I looked at Lydia,
“What’s happened?” She asked me,
“Something else is out there, along with some hunters. And now I’m worried that these hunters will obviously know about our boys, and one thing will lead to another and someone might get hurt”
She had a worried expression on her face before looking at Malia who was on the phone to Scott, “We’ll figure it out. We always do”
I nodded, although I didn’t get involved as much considering I’m human with no special ability at all, and no badge, and well I’m not the smartest of the bunch. I just make sure everyone’s safe and worry about them all whilst making sure they eat and do their homework. That’s obviously the teacher side of me coming out there, no matter what ages I teach even if I am only a teaching assistant who works 4 days a week.  
“So Scott just said that Stiles and Chris are trying to find out who the hunters actually are, and that he Derek and Peter are going to find whatever’s out there. He told me to stay here...”
“You’re not are you?” Lydia asked.
Malia smirked and shook her head, “Nope. And I’m pretty sure you two won’t either, so who’s going to drop me off at Scott’s house?”
Both Lydia and I looked at each other before sighing and getting up, we got our stuff together, she called out to her mom telling her that we were going to Scott’s before we all left.
“What are you all doing here?” Scott asked once we walked in.
“You think we’re really going to let all the boys have the fun?” Malia asked her boyfriend, “And come on, I know those woods better than anything” She shrugged.
No one could deny that, both her and Chris were the best hunters here. As in being able to physically find something with the given clues.
“And I’m here to assist Stiles and Chris apparently” Lydia shrugged, everyone easily let that pass before all eyes were on me.
“I thought I told you to go home. It’s dangerous”
I shrugged, “I know. I really didn’t have any other choice” I said nodding my head towards Malia.
“Well you should just go home then. You’ll just be in the way otherwise” Peter snapped at me.
I rose my eyebrows at him, silently cursing Lydia for swiping right on his stupid face.
“I might just stay, make sure you don’t snake anyone out” I spat back to him.
“What and you think you’ll be able to stop me?”
“Peter won’t do anything, we’re not even sure what the problem is at the moment. So just go home Calla” Derek told me.
I felt a bit taken back at how blunt and rude he was at that, and considering no one decided on saying anything, I just grabbed my bag and left without a word. Because hey there’s nothing new there, being treated like I’m nothing despite seeing everyone as family. I would’ve expected a bit more considering they’ve got literal kids in there helping yet I can’t. Even if it is to make sure they’re all safe and not making stupid plans. I was there when Talia was alpha, I know how things work. Instead I just get embarrassed surrounded by my friends, and left to feel worthless because I’m of no help.
As soon as I got in my car, I knew that all I needed right now was a glass of wine, and some trash TV.
Which is exactly what I done when I got home, wine, some trash TV, and the comfort of my own apartment. And as petty as I may sound, I just hate feeling this way, and knowing that it’s something that constantly happens, I don’t see why I get involved in the first place. It’s the same old thing, I try and be there for everyone, they shut me out whenever shit goes down and I just keep running back. But no this isn’t going to keep happening because this week I will make the time and effort to go out with my girlfriends. I’ll dress up and have fun without worrying about anything else. Derek won’t be there to stop me, Peter won’t be there with his snarky remarks, and I won’t be surrounded by teenagers.
Which is exactly why I messaged my friends that I’m always talking to yet never have the time to see because I’m constantly with everyone else. We spoke for a little while before I asked when everyone was free for drinks, and guess what this girl is doing on Thursday after work. A night out, with my girls, and I can’t wait.  
Because I really felt in the mood to treat myself, I also planned on going shopping with one of the girls tomorrow after work. So no harm done there, I’ll buy myself a new outfit, some new makeup all ready for Thursday.
Peter Hale x OFC - Reminiscences Part 3 
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⁂ Relaxed Day (Tooru Oikawa)
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Genre: Fluff, Friendship, Birthday, Slice of Life, College AU
Word Count: 2,491
Pairing: Reader x Oikawa
World: Haikyuu!!
Author’s Note: This was written for a dear friend of mine, @euphylli​ ‘s birthday. I really hope you enjoy this, darling ♡ Have a wonderful birthday!!
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Oikawa Tooru was an eccentric man, that was fairly obvious to anyone that met him. This was especially apparent to anyone that he loved because he always went above and beyond for them in the most unusual of ways. When he first asked you out, he did so by dressing up with a candy-striper suit after convincing a few of the band kids to sing acapella behind him while he sang a modified version of Jason Derulo’s ‘Will you marry me’. All of this right in your homeroom, mind you. He had a knack for drawing attention to himself and he loved it.
You, on the other hand, weren’t very fond of the spotlight being on you. You weren’t introverted perse, you just didn’t feel comfortable when everyone was looking at you. This is part of the reason you didn’t tell anyone about your upcoming birthday. Having people fuss over you wasn’t very appealing and you just wanted your birthday to be a day of peace and relaxation.
When the nineteenth finally arrived, you awoke to zero messages pertaining to your birthday so you believed that you had succeeded.
It was strange, you though as you headed for the kitchen. While it was nice not to be bombarded with messages and phone calls, a small part of you also felt a bit sad that none of your friends had remembered. Shaking your head to dispel the thoughts, you grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge before dropping down onto the couch with a smile. A glance at the clock told you that the all-day Harry Potter marathon would be starting in just a few minutes.
You felt lucky that the marathon was running on your birthday and briefly wondered if it was a gift from the universe. The thought made you smile.
About twenty minutes into the first movie, there was a knock on your door. You glanced at it, leaning forward to see around the small slab of wall that sat between it and the couch, but you returned your eyes to the movie. The knocking grew louder and you threw your head back with a groan before you forced yourself up to answer the door.
‘I swear if it’s someone trying to sell something… oh.’ “Tooru?”
He smiled brightly at you, eyes shimmering under the light of the early morning. “Good morning, my love!” He pecked your lips before sliding past into the apartment.
You eyed him suspiciously as he sat down on the couch, stretching his long legs out under the coffee table. You shut and locked the door before approaching him. “Don’t you have morning practice?”
Tooru pouted at you, his lower lip jutting out as his hand found yours, tugging until you fell down beside him, fingers lacing with your own. “You’re not happy to see me? How cold~”
“Of course I’m happy.” You poked his forehead with a playful smile. “I’m just surprised, is all.”
“What can I say?” He sighed dramatically, shifting so that his head was resting atop your thighs, eyes shimmering with a cat-like glint. “I’m a surprising man~”
Your hand instantly went to his soft locks, gently running your fingers through the strands, still damp from the shower he had taken before coming over. “You’re definitely something, Tooru.”
With a chuckle, he shifted onto his side so he could see the TV better, his hand resting on your bare knee. And that’s how the two of you stayed, enjoying both the movie marathon and each other’s company. At some point, you even got into a discussion about which house you believed suited one another. It was peaceful and even though he hadn’t wished you a happy birthday, you were content. You wanted to stay like this forever.
It wasn’t ’til around one pm that Tooru started to act nervous, shifting every few moments and constantly glancing at his phone. You frowned at the way he was angling it as if to hide the screen from you, but why would he do that? In the year and a half that the two of you had been dating, he had never hidden anything from you, partly because he was bad at it but mostly because he loved and trusted you.
Finally, an hour later, you had become annoyed enough to say something to him about his distracted behavior. “Tooru -”
At that exact moment, a message came through on his phone and he jumped up, giving you a panicked look. “Iwa-chan was injured!”
Your heart skipped a painful beat, the previous annoyance you felt being replaced with worry. “What? Is he okay?”
“I don’t know! Makki said he got into a fight with someone at Adventure Landing.”
“Why would he be there?”
“He’s babysitting his cousin today.” His eyes met yours and with just that look, you knew what he wanted.
With a nod, you rushed into the bedroom to get changed, throwing on the closest clothes you could get your hands on before returning to where he was waiting by the door, phone in one hand and keys in the other. He was chewing on his bottom lip, foot tapping against the floor as you slipped your shoes on.
“Let’s go check on Haji.”
Tooru nodded and the two of you left the house.
Adventure Landing wasn’t nearly as packed as it usually was simply because it was midday on Wednesday, but there were still quite a few people hanging around, including teenagers skipping school and parents with small children. Tooru seemed to know exactly where to go, heading for the back where the stairs led to a small second-floor landing that overlooked the game room.
Upon reaching the top of the stairs, you paused, a frown working its way onto your lips. The Aobajohsai team was sitting around the long table, joking and laughing with one another. Most of the Karasuno team was also there, along with Kuroo and Kenma from Nekoma. Your eyes fell on Iwaizumi, sitting at the end of the table having a conversation with Makki who sat beside him. He looked perfectly fine, not a scratch on his body – at least none that was visible.
Your heart jumped when you realized what was happening and before Tooru could say a word, you scowled at him, shoving his shoulder. “You jerk! I was really worried about Hajime!”
Upon hearing his name, the boy in question met your eyes, brow furrowed as he stood up. “Oi, Shittykawa. What did you do to Y/N?”
You huffed, gaze softening as you looked upon the uninjured male. “He told me that you got into a fight and were hurt!”
A collective set of oohs and groans passed through the group as the watched the scene, a couple of them facepalming. Iwaizumi’s eye twitched, his hand balled into a fist as he slowly approached your boyfriend. “Are you stupid? How could you worry them like that on their birthday, huh?!”
Tooru winced, quickly taking a few steps back to avoid being hit in the back of the head, but that put him closer to you so you took advantage, smacking him upside the head. “I’m sorry!” He pouted, his puppy dog eyes shifting between the two of you. “It was the only way I could think of to get them here!”
“How about, oh I don’t know, maybe asking them?” Makki rolled his eyes, an amused smirk on his lips.
Matsukawa clicked his tongue, dark eyes playful. “You should be careful, Oikawa. If you keep this up, Y/N might break up with you.”
“What?!” Tooru’s eyes widened, snapping over to you with a pleading look on his face. That was his biggest fear in life, losing you. “Y/N, I – I didn’t mean to -”
A heavy sigh passed your lips, expression softening at the terrified look dancing within his eyes. “I’m not breaking up with you, baby.” His shoulders visibly relaxed and he reached for your hand, but you pulled it away before he could grab it. “I’m still mad, though!”
Footsteps echoed on the stairs behind you, Hinata and Yaku chatting about the prizes they wanted to win. They paused at the top when they noticed you, their faces lighting up as they chorused, “Happy birthday, Y/N!!”
“We didn’t know you were here yet!” Hinata pouted, pulling you into a hug that you happily returned.
“Yeah,” Yaku scowled at Kenma, who quickly looked away. “You were supposed to message me when they got here!”
“We just arrived,” you offered him a smile to prevent him from getting angry at the younger boy.
The rest of the group exchanged looks before grabbing party poppers and chorusing, “Happy birthday, Y/N!”
Your heart warmed as your eyes swept across the group of friends you had accumulated over the years. All you had wanted for your birthday was to relax and watch the Harry Potter marathon, but… now that you were here, surrounded by people that loved and cared for you, you felt kind of silly for wanting that.
With a warm smile, Tooru carefully rubbed his thumb beneath your eye, collecting the tears that were threatening to fall. “Did you really think I’d forget, baby?”
“I should have known,” you chuckled, tugging at the hem of his shirt until he leaned down to capture your lips.
“Let’s party!!” Noya cheered, standing on his chair with one foot on the table. “To the laser tag room!”
Sugawara tried to scold him for getting on the table like that, but the smaller boy was already gone before the words could even form on his lips, several of the others following suit.
Tooru tugged you after them. “Let’s put them in their place!”
You laughed, the sound a welcome melody to your boyfriend.
“Thank you so much,” you smiled at Makki and Mattsun, giving them hugs as they wished you another happy birthday. They, along with you and Hajime, were the only of the group left, standing outside the game center. Night had fallen and the place was about to close, but Tooru was taking forever in the bathroom.
Hajime and Makki exchanged a look before the former spoke up. “Why don’t you guys get Y/N home? I’ll check on Shittykawa and bring him home.”
You frowned, feeling concerned for your boyfriend. After sitting down to eat the various styles of pizza, he had started acting strangely, complaining of a stomach ache. You worried that he was experiencing a reaction or had gotten food poisoning, but the latter seemed less likely – if something was wrong with the food, surely the others would be feeling it, as well.
Noticing your reluctance, Hajime chuckled, his large hand ruffling your hair. “Don’t worry, I’ll get him home safe.”
Finally, you nodded, offering him a small smile. “Thanks, Hajime.”
His eyes narrowed at Makki. “You better drive safe! If anything happens to Y/N, Shittykawa will kill you, then I’ll bring you back and kill you myself.”
Makki laughed, twirling his keys around his finger. “I would kill myself if I ever hurt Y/N-chan~”
Mattsun opened the passenger door for you and bowed, offering you a grin.
“You should sit up front,” you offered. “There’s more room and you’re bigger than me.”
“Are you sure? I don’t mind sitting in the back for the birthday royalty~”
“I’m not royalty!” You laughed before opening the back door of Makki’s Honda. “And I’m sure!”
With a shrug, he slid into the front seat, Makki starting the car. The ride back to your place consisted of the three of you loudly singing to whatever pop song happened to come over the radio. It was hella off-key and most of the time was spent laughing opposed to singing, but it was pretty fun for you.
When they pulled up to the house, you kissed them both on the cheek and thanked them for the ride before stepping out of the car. They stayed there until you unlocked the door and stepped inside before finally pulling away. You kicked off your shoes at the door, pulling the jacket from your body as you set the keys on the small table beside the door.
The day had been full of fun and excitement, but it had also been quite long and tiring. All you wanted was to take a nice hot bath with a birthday cake-scented candle you had bought for yourself lighting up the bathroom. The idea was heavily but, as you headed for the hallway, you saw something flicker through the curtains covering the sliding glass door.
For a moment, you just stood there, wondering if it was just your imagination. Just as you were about to continue, you saw another flash and curiosity got the better of you. You cautiously stepped toward the glass door, the wooden floor creaking under you. Just as you reached for the curtain, the door slid open, making you cry out in surprise, stumbling backward.
Tooru’s eyes widened, not expecting you to be there. He scrambled forward to catch you before you could hit the ground, holding you against his chest. “Sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you.”
You rested your hand over your racing heart. “Why didn’t you come in through the front door?”
He chuckled, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “Because your surprise is in the back yard.”
“My… surprise?” Your brow furrowed as you sent him a suspicious look. “Wasn’t the party the surprise?”
“One of them~” He smiled warmly, extending his hand to you. “Do you trust me?”
“With my life,” you responded sincerely and without hesitation, resting your hand against his.
His heart soared at the declaration and he had to remind himself to breathe. “Close your eyes.”
You did as he requested, feeling his grip on your hand tighten as he led you through the glass door into the backyard. You could hear him shuffling around and you strained your ears, but you were unable to tell what he was doing. After a few minutes, he moved so that he was standing behind you, hands on your hips. Warm breath fanned over your neck, causing goosebumps to erupt on your skin.
“Open your eyes.”
Cautiously, your eyes slid open only to quickly widen in shock. Hundreds of paper lanterns were slowly floating up from the backyard, lit up like fireflies against the velvety night sky. There had to be at least two-hundred of them and it was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen in your life.
“Happy birthday, Y/N.” His lips pressed a soft kiss beneath your ear, hands sliding across your body until his arms were wrapped protectively around you. You could feel his heart racing against your back as he waited for your reaction.
“It’s… beautiful,” you mumbled softly, a smile coming to your lips. You turned in his hold, arms going around his neck before pulling him down for a slow kiss.
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Lol that actually gave me an idea, a time travel prompt with Anna and Elsa witnessing the day the spirits cut off the enchanted forest and see their parents before their lives changed forever.
Oh my, the FEELS. This is going to be so much fun to write dundundunnn 
Elsa blinked, looking around. That flash had blinded her a bit, and when she looked around for her sister to make sure she was still near and safe, she saw by her flickering eyes that she was as startled as her.
“Uhm… What the heck just happened?” Asked Anna.
Before the blonde made any speculations, she frowned and scolded her sister. 
“I told you to not touch that rock.”
“But it was shiny!” Complained Anna, and she had a sorry pout. Her curiosity had led them in a weird situation... And it wasn’t the first time it did. 
Elsa sighed, then looked around as she thought. “I know those woods by heart now. I’ve never seen this rock before. And it was emanating a big amount of magic.”
“It was glowing a lot. I can easily imagine it was.” Nodded Anna.
The Snow Queen tried to understand what happened. Her younger had bent to pick up the rock, and then suddenly a flash covered them, but… Nothing seemed to have changed. The woods around them looked the same, and they were still standing at the same place. 
Elsa’s eyes narrowed when she then noticed something. 
“Wasn’t that tree… Way bigger when we passed by it?”
Anna turned at her gesture, and nodded. “Yep.”
The redhead then pointed at the sky. “The clouds also completely changed, for some reason.” 
Elsa lifted her hand and didn’t notice much difference, yet trusted her. She hadn’t paid attention to the sky, and on that, she congratulated her sister for her sense of observation. Anna also knew the name of the different types of clouds. Even if that knowledge came from years of boredom due to the isolation, it still was impressive. She nodded. 
“Yeah. The clouds are different. It’s weird. Did… Time pass? Did we faint?”
Anna held her chin as she thought. “I don’t remember falling down. I was getting up when the flash happened, so it’s not that. Also, the sun still has the same position, no?”
“It does. You’re right.”
The Queen smiled. “Look, I’m sorry for touching that magic rock. But we’re both safe, so maybe we should go back to the camp and ask if they saw something different.”
Elsa agreed with her decision. They walked back to the Sami camp from where they had taken a walk, and the Fifth Spirit heard a tinkling between the trees on their right. She also felt in the air that it was Gale, and she smiled. 
“Maybe we could ask Gale if they noticed something.”
They walked to the Spirit.
“Oh, they’re playing with a kid.” Said Anna.
The sisters now were a hundred meters away from them, but they still hadn’t noticed their presence. The Wind Spirit and the child, apparently a girl, were too busy having fun to do so. 
“Wait… I’ve seen that face somewhere.” Frowned Anna, bending her head in confusion. “Is she one of the Northuldra kids?”
She tried to remember where she saw that child’s face before, and as she was playing with Gale and moving around in flips, it was hard to look at her face. 
Then it suddenly hit her. And apparently, it hit Elsa at the same time. They instantly stopped walking.
“It’s Mother.” They both exhaled at the same time, and gasped in disbelief. 
There was no doubt. She looked exactly like the ice statues of her they had seen again and again in Ahtohallan on their regular visits. 
“Elsa, it’s…” Started Anna, a smile stretching her lips. 
She was about to say ‘miraculous’, but her elder ended the sentence in another way. 
They turned to each other, and exchanged a glance. 
“What do you mean?”
“How… How is she here? It can’t be.” Now whispered Elsa, to make sure that Iduna wasn’t hearing them. She also made sure that her magic was low, keeping a full control on it, to not warn Gale of her presence. 
“It can’t be? Come on, you were born with magic. Anything is possible. Look! It’s amazing!”
She pointed at their mother, for now only a teen, and she was giggling in the distance with a melodious Wind Spirit who also shared her joy. 
“How are we here then?”
“Well, we probably time traveled.”
“Time travel doesn’t exist, Anna! We’re not in one of your fantasy novels!” Blinked Elsa with a frown, trying to keep things logical and facts-based. 
Anna shook her head with an eye-roll. “You’re able to see memories of the past, but this surprises you?”
She walked forward. “Come on, I’m done whispering. It’s Mama right there, I’ve always dreamed of this moment! We can talk to her!”
“No, no no no.” Forbid Elsa, placing her arm in front of her younger sister. 
“What? Why?”
The Snow Queen couldn’t believe she was asking that question.
“Have you never read time traveling novels??” Grumbled Elsa. 
“You just said earlier that I did. Of course I did. You’re contradicting yourself now.” Mocked Anna, even if she knew that it was rhetorical.  
“Then you must remember that in every story, when the hero interacts with past events, it alters the future.”
“Yeah, in stories.” Underlined the Queen. 
“No, you don’t get it! In life too! - I can’t believe I’m stating this, but…” Interrupted herself Elsa. “…Anna, we can’t talk to our mother right now. We just can’t. We shouldn’t. Otherwise, everything will change in the future. In our future. Maybe… Maybe even none of us will be born.”
Anna considered each of her words, taking the news in. She was right… But not completely. 
“…Then why are we here?”
“Because you touched a magic rock!” Reminded Elsa.
“No, I mean… Why are we here, alive? If changing the past changes the future, our present time, then we can’t exist in our version, right?”
The blonde opened her mouth to reply, then closed it. Then opened it again, then closed it again. “Oh.”
“Is it a time paradox?” Understood Anna.
“It totally is a time paradox.” Sighed Elsa, closing her eyes. 
“Don’t go dramatic. It’s good news. It means that we can intervene!”
“No, it doesn’t really work that way…” Started Elsa.
Suddenly, it was like the air snapped. Something completely changed. In one second, the whole situation flipped. 
Elsa’s head quickly turned when she heard the familiar - too familiar - sound of steel from swords getting drawn.
“Oh no.”
“What?!” Worried Anna, who also felt that something was happening, but couldn’t tell what yet.
Gale had stopped playing with Iduna, who got dropped on her feet to the ground, and left behind by the Wind Spirit who hurried away. Some yells and grunts were heard in the distance, but it was too far to see what it was.
“It’s today.” Muttered Elsa, her eyes filling with tears. Sad, panicked and powerless tears.
The Queen frowned, then gasped when she understood. Iduna frowned in confusion at why the Spirit had left her, and heard the noises from afar, so she followed them. 
“No, she shouldn’t go where the fight is!” Exclaimed Anna, way too loud.
Iduna jolted at her voice, closer than the noises she heard before, and quickly turned to where the sisters where standing. Elsa gasped and strongly grabbed Anna to drag her behind a thick tree. Thankfully, they were far enough for their young mother to not spot them. 
“Elsa! What are you– hm-hmmm!” Got muffled Anna, Elsa slamming a hand on her mouth. 
“Shhh!” Warned the blonde, her eyes wide. 
She peeked behind the tree to see if Iduna had walked closer, and the girl still was searching where the voice had come from. 
“E-hah!” Tried to say Anna, her mouth still under Elsa’s hand. 
Her elder gestured her to stay silent with a finger on her own lips. 
“E-HAH!” Insisted Anna, gesturing at the hand Elsa had on her face, and trying to get free of her hold. 
“SHHHH! Will you shush up? You’re going to get us caught!” Whispered Elsa on the lowest tone possible despite her panic and anger. 
She looked at Iduna, but thankfully, though for the worst, she got distracted by the growing sounds of battle and ran to go help. 
After making sure that their mother had ran away and they were alone in that corner of the woods again, she let go of Anna’s mouth. The later gasped of relief as she did so, panting. 
“What is wrong with you?” Frowned Elsa. “She almost saw us! Why were you wriggling like that?!”
The redhead intensely rubbed her cheeks and mouth with her hands, trying to heat them. 
“Your hand was SUPER COLD!” 
Elsa’s eyes widened at the sudden realization. 
“Oh my goodness!! I didn’t notice, I… I was so stressed that I made magic in my palms, and… Oh Anna, I’m so sorry!!”
She hurried to check her state. 
“I’m alright.” Assured Anna, still rubbing her face however. “This just feels like I plunged my head into the fjord. This is fine.”
Elsa had a worried and sorry eyebrows expression, and clenched her fists to take all magic off her hands. She then rubbed them along her younger sister’s arms, apologizing in loops. 
This made Anna laugh, but her laughter stopped when they heard the fight between the Northuldra and the Arendelle soldiers getting closer. 
They looked at the fight that was playing a crucial part in their common past.
“Come on, we have to hide.” Advised Elsa, showing bushes a bit further. “We’ll wait here for now, and then cross the mist on the other way once it’s formed. We’ll just have to hold hands and it will part.”
“Wait, you want us to leave?!” Blurted Anna, eyes growing wide. 
“We should. The forest stayed this way for more than 30 years, and we can’t change the course of events by hiding inside… What do you think?” Elsa inquired, trying to build a plan. 
The redhead wasn’t responding, her eyes still wide and staring at the fight. She had just spotted their parents in the battle now arriving close. She also recognized the Arendelle soldiers in younger versions of themselves, and some Northuldra people as well. 
But she gulped when she saw how events turned.
Mattias was struggling to protect Agnarr. Even if she knew that he would make it, according to the future, she couldn’t help but worry. And Iduna looked panicked, frantically looking around and confused at why the Arendelle soldiers suddenly attacked. 
That was too much for Anna. Her natural and legendary impatience forced her body to move. She turned and already launched herself for a sprint. 
“NO, ANNA!” Muttered Elsa, her voice strong but wheezing to keep it as low as a whisper. 
Anna got restrained by a hand holding hers firmly, and her whole body stopped in one jerk at Elsa’s force. She almost lost her balance, surprised by her sister’s strength. 
“What are you DOING?” The Queen said through gritted teeth as she twirled around. 
“Preventing you from doing a big mistake.”
“But we can HELP! We can save them!”
“NO, we CAN’T!” Insisted Elsa. “Imagine what would happen if–”
“If we change the future? Yes, I got it. But if we’re alive, it means that we made it. Nothing changed.”
Elsa shook her head. “No. Nothing changed because we stayed here and did nothing. Nothing changed because we will do nothing.” She clarified. 
Anna looked at her, and there was a long silence between them as they stared at each other. Only the distant sound of battle punctuated it. Elsa sighed with a shaking breath.
“Anna, you have no idea how much I want to change the past too. When I saw Mama, I just wanted to run to her and take care of her. But…” 
The redhead had thought that Elsa was getting bossy and a killjoy, but her eyes now were filling with genuine tears.
“…We can’t. I’m sorry.”
Another silence filled the space between them.
“Don’t. Don’t be sorry. It’s not your fault. I’m actually sorry myself for pushing you.” Murmured the Queen. 
She turned to the battle, a sad yet decisive expression on her face. 
“Okay, where’s your hiding spot?”
Elsa smiled at Anna’s choice of vocabulary to light up their mood. 
“Over there. Nobody will see us.”
They crouched on the grass, Elsa in lotus position and Anna sitting with her legs bent and her chin on her knees. 
“And now we wait?”
“And now we wait.” Nodded Elsa.
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mostfacinorous · 4 years
Stoki Whumptober Day 17: I did not see that coming [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16]
When Thor arrived, the sky announced his mood before the expression on his face did. Both could be described as stormy, and Loki whimpered a little and all but hid behind Steve. 
“That’s Thor?” He asked, voice hushed and a new fear taking root there. Steve swallowed-- this whole situation was messed up, and this new version of Loki felt like something he shouldn’t be seeing. He knew the Loki they knew would never want to be seen like this. 
It had been a revelation, the expressions he was capable of, the openness that a younger Loki in this body was capable of. Even his bearing was looser, less restrictive, less uptight. 
Steve hadn’t really realized how rigidly Loki held himself, both figuratively and literally, until he had this version in comparison. And, for all that he seemed vulnerable and innocent and all of Steve wanted to protect him, he couldn’t help but want the Loki he knew back. Which was a confusion sensation, and one that didn’t need to be scrutinized too closely. 
He was more helpful as a fully grown adult, was all. 
“Loki.” Thor’s greeting sounded more like a warning, and Steve found himself raising his hand to keep Thor back a pace or two. 
“There’s been an accident, Thor. He’s not who you think he is.” Steve spoke quickly, then paused, aware he’d already messed it up. “Well, he is, he’s Loki but…” 
“Thor, I messed with a timestone, and the things they’re saying-- none of it makes any sense. Mother dead and I’m banished and you-- what happened to your eye?”
Loki sounded plaintive and young, and from his position between them, Steve could see the way his words hit Thor like a slap. 
“What is this?” Thor demanded, pulling his gaze to meet Steve’s, then Tony’s, then finally Bucky’s. 
Bucky held up the time stone.
“No trick. Just what we said, an accident. He says he’s like, five hundred years old.” 
Loki, thankfully, didn’t correct him about the exact age. But Steve could feel him all but trembling behind him. 
“Thor?” Loki asked, voice small and lost sounding. “Why do they hate me? Why do you?” 
“We were hoping you’d know how to tell if he was faking it.” Tony said, suddenly, and Steve glared at him. 
He didn’t know how anyone thought Loki could be this good of an actor. 
That possibility seemed not to have occurred to Thor before then, but he turned a considering look back at Loki, and Steve knew he wouldn’t like whatever came next. But he figured Thor wouldn’t hurt his brother. Especially not if it was what it seemed like, and the brain in Loki’s head hadn’t done anything wrong, yet. 
“I cannot tell.” Thor said finally. “I have rarely been able to see through the best of my brother’s lies. But I can think of a test.”
“I’ll take it!” Loki said eagerly, stepping out from behind Steve. Steve wished he wouldn’t, wished he’d stayed back there, where he could keep him safe, but he fully acknowledged how ridiculous that was. The guy might be a kid inside, but he was at least a full inch taller than Steve, and could shoot magic out of his hands and probably still deadlift a semi truck. 
He caught Bucky staring at him, and shrugged, hoping that conveyed that they should go along with it. 
“Loki, what would you think if I told you that you were adopted?” Thor asked, and Steve felt his mouth fall open.
That was a hell of a way not to pull a punch, considering that was apparently the news that had sent Loki into a homicidal rage spiral in the first place. 
This version of Loki, though, younger, less grown into his powers, merely went still. 
“That’s not true.” He whispered. “I-- it can’t be.” He sounded doubtful, hurt, like he might cry again. Steve rolled his hand into a fist, telling himself to ride it out, wait and see where this was going. 
“It is. Father brought you home from Jotunheim after the last battle with Laufey. You are a Jotnar runt, who was left to freeze to death, and he felt sorry for you. My parents lied to you your entire life.”
Loki shook his head horrified, and took a few steps back, and still Steve let him be, let Thor do what he needed to-- trusted he was doing this for a reason. 
“Why are you saying this, Thor? I thought-- you can’t mean it. Mother’s dead, isn’t she? She wouldn’t have… she would have told me.” 
“Oh, she did.” Thor advanced, eyes skating across Loki’s face, looking for something. Steve hoped he found it soon; this was painful to hear, and much worse to watch. 
“She told you, Loki. Right before you killed her.” 
Loki backed into a wall, his hands pressed against it at his sides, and shook his head. “I didn’t. I wouldn’t. I-- please Thor, tell me this isn’t true.” He was begging now, pleading. 
“And then you killed Odin.” Thor continued, advancing ruthlessly. Steve didn’t think it was the truth, but for all he knew it could be. “And then you tried to take the throne. Tried to have me killed.” 
“No, not you, Thor, not Mother, not-- why? Why would I-- I couldn’t, I didn’t--” Loki had tears streaming down his face now, and he looked like he was going to be sick. 
“And when you were banished from Asgard for your treason-- allowed to live because I still thought of you as my brother--” 
“No--’ Loki moaned, the past tense clearly not having escaped him. 
“You came here, and brought an army of mercenaries, and you slaughtered-- how many, Stark? Hundreds? Thousands?” 
Loki slid down the wall to grasp at his knees, rolling into a ball and keening. 
“I don’t-- I’m sorry. I… If I did all of that, you should just kill me. I don’t know why I--” His words dissolved into gasping sobs, and Steve had had enough. 
“Okay, Thor, back off. Do you have your answer yet?” He demanded, putting a hand on Thor’s shoulder before he could take the last couple of steps toward Loki. 
Thor turned and sighed. 
“Aye. He is not lying. He does not know the truth of any of this, and he did not deny it or defend himself. This is my brother, though… from long ago.” 
“Great. Fantastic. Thanks for that,” Tony said, babbling through his own horrified reaction. 
Bucky was looking around as if he was weighing something, but Steve didn’t have time for that. 
He knelt beside the ball of misery that Loki had become. 
“Hey, Loki? Hey, listen, that was-- that was the test, okay? You passed, it’s okay now-- everyone believes you.” 
“But I’m a monster.” Loki moaned, and curled into himself more, if possible. 
Steve looked up and glared silently at Thor, demanding without words that he fix this. 
Thor heaved a sigh and sat down on the ground in front of his brother. 
“Loki?” He asked, the name now a soft rumble that was much less of a threat. “I need you to know that I lied.”
Loki looked up, his face streaked with tears and his nose running, his hair sticking to his face in wet tendrils that curled slightly in the damp.
“I’m not--?” He asked, looking hopeful, and Thor shook his head. 
“You are my brother.” He said firmly. “You did not kill our parents. I am sorry, Loki. I needed to tell these falsehoods because the older you would know the truth, and would not be able to resist the urge to clear his name.” 
Loki sobbed again, then launched himself forward and into his brother’s arms. 
Thor held him, and Steve felt again as if he was intruding. But after watching all of that, he didn’t feel like he should leave, either. 
“Thor?” Bucky asked, and they all looked up at him, surprised at the interruption, all but Steve probably having forgotten he was there. 
“If you have a sec, I need to talk to you about this time stone, and how we go about fixing this whole,” he waved his hand at Loki, then at his own arm, “thing. And I’d like to talk to you alone.” He gave Steve a significant glance that Steve didn’t know how to decode, but when Thor nodded and gently pushed Loki away, he realized it probably meant that he was on babysitting duty. 
And judging by the way Tony had retreated to the bar, he was probably on his own. 
“Why don’t you take a break, Tony, maybe pull up the tapes for them in case Thor has some insight on how to reverse what happened?” He framed it as a suggestion, btu Tony snapped off a salute and looked about as relieved as Loki had upon hearing the false accusations had been lies. 
“Yeah, I can do that. Cool.” Tony took off, carrying his glass with him, and Steve eased Loki back up and over to the couch before steering him into sitting down. 
“Alright there champ, that was… rough.” He winced, not sure what he was supposed to be doing, much less how to do it. 
“But I passed.” Loki said quietly, looking down at his hands in his lap. 
“You sure did. And now Thor’s here, with any luck, we’ll get it set to rights soon.” 
“He said he lied,” Loki said slowly, before looking up. “He didn’t say it was all lies. And he didn’t tell me the truth. You said my mother was dead. Is that true?” 
Steve swallowed, feeling very much out of his depth. 
“It is. I’m sorry.” he confirmed. Loki just nodded and looked down again. “Thor said it was a-- a dark elf, I think. During an attack on Asgard.” 
“But they are extinct.” Loki said, looking back up, his face full of distrust. 
“I don’t know the whole story.” Steve admitted, pulling out his stark phone and pulling up a video, “But I know that some of them came to Earth, and there’s some video of Thor from our news, fighting them.” 
Loki accepted the phone and watched the screen, a mingled look of fascination and horror on his face as he watched Thor fighting the dark elf leader. When the video ended, he passed it back to Steve delicately, as if he was afraid he would break it. 
“So Thor avenged her, at least.” He said, as if he was trying to find some comfort in that. He took a deep breath, then pushed on. “What of my father?” 
“That one I don’t know.” Steve admitted. “I just know that Thor has had to split his time between here and Asgard since his passing.” 
“So he is also dead.” Loki confirmed. Looking up this time, and Steve wondered if he was trying to get the tears to stay in his eyes by sheer force of gravity. 
“And me?” Loki asked, not looking back at Steve. “Is it true, what he said, about my being adopted?” 
“Seems like it.” Steve said, apologetically. “Sorry about that. And it sounds like… when you found out for real, when you were supposed to in the timeline… it was a bad time for it. Hit you hard. You uh… did some bad things.” He winced, wishing he knew better what all that entailed, beyond the vagaries of the reports they’d put together based on Thor’s rambling and nonlinear retelling. 
Loki’s mouth thinned into a tiny line, and Steve knew for certain he was trying not to cry. 
“Hey, it’s okay, all right? It’s done, it’s in the past.” He reached out to wrap his arm around Loki’s shoulders, trying to be comforting. 
“For you, maybe.” Loki muttered, pushing the arm away and launching himself up and to his feet to begin pacing around. “When I go back, I hope I get to keep all these memories. I’ll confront my mother-- in my time she still lives. And I will tell Odin, my father, that the dark elves yet live, and we can hunt them down and stop them before they kill her, and I won’t do… whatever it is I am supposed to. I won’t become whatever I was that made you fear me.” 
That gave Steve pause. 
Did he fear Loki? Mistrusted him plenty, for sure, had a healthy respect for his abilities and strength, but he was trying to think of the last time he actually feared him. Maybe back at the beginning of all of this, when he walked in and found him on his couch, drinking. He’d thought maybe he’d come to kill him, but that had quickly gone away. 
Steve didn’t know what to say to that realization, and was spared it by the return of Bucky, Thor, and Tony. 
“Alright, short stack, I think we’ve got it figured out.” Tony announced, and Steve saw him clearing the video of before from his tablet. 
“So the metal my arm is made of, vibranium, it takes power aimed at it, and bounces it back amplified. But the metal that Thor’s hammer is made out of, it sucks power in like a sponge, and Thor knows how to safely discharge it.” 
Steve frowned, considering the implications. 
“You’re going to use the hammer on Loki?” He asked, and Thor tipped his head a little in acknowledgement. 
“Gently,” he added, obviously a little amused by Steve’s defensiveness. “Mjolnir has never taken Loki’s power before, and I do not expect that it will begin to now. We tested on the stone itself, though, and it seems it can siphon the power from it. And so…” 
“And so the hammer’s going to suck all the time juice out of Loki, and if that doesn’t put him right, Thor can zap him with it.” 
Loki clasped his hands in front of himself, then nodded. 
“Do it.” He decided, and Steve wanted to argue, but the plan seemed to have some logic to it, and it wasn’t like he had anything else to offer. 
Thor took the hammer from his belt and held it out. 
Loki reached out, closing the distance, and laid his hand on it. 
“What do I--” he started to ask, and then his eyes rolled back in his head, and a green light arced from his head to his hand and into the metal below. 
Thor’s eyes glowed with restrained lightning, and Loki’s legs folded, letting him drop like a sack of potatoes. Steve was right there to catch him, though, and he helped him to the ground, making sure he didn’t his anything on his way down. 
The power stopped as soon as it had started, and Thor shook his head, replacing the hammer by his side. 
“That ought to be that,” He announced. “I could feel his years returning to him. But if you will excuse me, I would rather not be here when he wakes. I don’t imagine he’s going to be too pleased with any of us-- most especially me.” Thor looked around, but no one objected. 
Steve considered it, but in all honesty, he figured Loki might be better off without Thor hovering while he recovered from this one. 
“Yeah, I’ll walk you out.” Tony said instead, and Steve nodded. 
“Thanks, Thor. For everything.” He wasn’t sure he really meant it, but Thor didn’t seem to notice, or mind. He raised his hand in farewell, and headed outside with Tony in the lead. 
“Well.” Bucky said. “That was one helluva show. Bet no one saw that coming.”
Steve looked down at Loki’s unconscious face, and wondered if his life would have been easier if he had-- if the small version of him had actually been able to go back with the knowledge, and make the changes he wanted to, how much differently that might have turned out. 
How much differently it might be to know him now, the type of people they’d be…
“Nope.” Steve answered. “I did not see that coming.”
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danetobelieve · 4 years
Mirror Mirror || Blanche and Winston
When: 27/06/2020 Who: @harlowhaunted & @danetobelieve. Where: The mirror hall at the carnival . Summary: Winston and Blanche get dumb emo whilst looking at themselves and that it. Warnings: None 
“I don’t think that’s how physics works.” Blanche walked directly into Winston, stumbling into them. The roller coaster made her legs feel a little like jelly. “Sorry, sorry. Shit.” Blanche snickered, shaking her head as she ran her hands down her face as she pushed her newly blue hair out of her face. “As far as first rollercoaster experiences go, that was wild. And I’m awfully glad I convinced myself to not get one of those pork tacos before we got on, holy crap.” She laughed. It felt hollow and a little wrong, but she laughed anyway. Because Winston and her needed a break, some semblance of normalcy that would keep them from having a nervous breakdown. She had only given a brief explanation to Winston as to why she’d shown up at their house in the middle of the night a few days prior - Granny moved on and was at peace. That’s all there was to it, and no she didn’t want to talk about it. It was a good thing. Ghosts didn’t belong on this plane for as long as Granny was. It just wasn’t how it was supposed to work. Blanche shook off the anxiety jitters from the rollercoaster, catching the entrance of the hall of mirror’s out the corner of her eye. “Winston, did you still want to go in there??”
Winston wasn’t entirely sure what had just happened. They were pretty sure that whatever it was had not followed the laws of physics. How could a loop make you feel that way? Winston wasn’t sure that jumps were a thing that normal rollercoasters had either. “I didn’t know that was what rollercoasters were like …” it had been Winston’s first time too, they were surprised they weren’t feeling sick from all of the g-force they had been subjected to. Winston laughed along with Blanche, they still felt drained and they were dressed in shorts and a t-shirt because it was very hot, despite all of that however they were enjoying themselves. This was the break that they needed. After everything that had happened, and with Granny moving on, Winston wanted to help keep Blanche busy for as long as possible. Blinking, Winston swuinted at the hall of mirrors. This was White crest and even if things seemed good Winston wasn’t sure they trusted a hall of mirrors. “Uh,” they scratched their chin before nodding, “yeah, it’s a hall of mirror those are always a goofy time right?”
“Do you think one will make me look taller?” Blanche asked. It was a joke - she could still do that. In fact, it was easier to do that. Easier for her to be normal with Winston than it was to be anything else, And, honestly, probably better for their mental state. Cleansing of the negative bullshit that had plagued them for the past six or so weeks. Blanche, admittedly, wasn’t too worried about the carnival as much as she should have been. The strange music that had been echoing in the graveyard the other day was creepy, sure, but if she really thought about it - really thought about it, it was the least strange thing out of all the strange things that White Crest had thrown at her ever, so it was probably fine. Blanche pulled Winston with her to the mirror hall. It was strangely empty as they stepped up to the entrance, and Blanche handed a couple tickets to the strange man in the booth. “You know, I’ve never been to this before,” Blanche said to Winston as they went in. “It comes every year and I just… never went.” Never really had anyone to go with. 
“Maybe you’ll finally be able to see what you’ve got on your top shelf?” Winston teased, a smile slowly creeping across their lips. “I hope they have one of the ones that makes you look like you’re a kind of wiggly person.” Slipping through the rows of carnival attractions, the almost eerie music playing softly in the background. A constant creeping melody that enveloped the space. The carnival seemed packed and empty all at once. Winston knew that there were hundreds of people surrounding them, but it was almost as if they weren’t quite there. Almost like it was just Winston and Blanche stood alone in a deserted carnival. Except, they weren’t. There was Miss Spencer from her mother’s book club, and that was their old high school PE teacher Mr Julius. Allowing Blanche to pull them into the hall of mirrors, they slipped passed the man in the booth and stepped into a dark corridor. There was an immediate bend and all Winston could see when they looked around them were various versions of Blanche and them. They looked back at themselves through their glasses and smiled, watching the mirror, well mirror their movements. “My parents never let me go,” Winston had always thought that was kind of weird when everyone else they knew went, “so this is actually my first real time too. I’ve like walked through it before but never really gone on any rides.” 
“But I’m already a wiggly person,” Blanche said, shooting them a small grin. They slipped into the darkened corridor and into the maze of mirrors. “I don’t think my parents ever really paid attention to it. I know Adrien liked going with his friends.” She had picked him up a few times. She remembered him staggering back to the car, face painted and exhausted. Blanche had felt almost jealous that her younger brother was so much more well adjusted than she had been. Blanche frowned, watching her mirror self do the same. Why was she thinking about that. But she quickly grinned as she turned the corner and she was suddenly very tall and very skinny. She snickered quietly. “Hey, come look, I got my wish.” And just as she said that, out of the corner of her eye, a flash of blonde caught her attention. She turned, squinting, and a little girl disappeared down another path. Strange. Weren’t children under nine supposed to be accompanied by an adult? Blanche squinted. “Hey, did you see that kid?” 
“I want to be a wiggly person too,” Winston giggled in reply, “you’ve just been such an inspiration to me. I want to emulate everything that you have become, I just need you to know that you’re an inspiration to me.” Slipping through the mirrors, Winston had to admit that this was pretty trippy. “Well, we get to enjoy it together and there’s no one else I’d rather do this with.” Turning, Winston grinned at the taller image of Blanche, they also spotted the girl and stepped forward with a frown. As they moved from the tall mirror to one that made them look squat and rotund, Winston frowned. Why was their hair grey and their face covered in wrinkles? “I definitely saw something weird,” Winston said recoiling away from the mirror with a frown, when they’d blinked, even once, they found that they looked normal. “This is weird, do you think that there are actually other people in here? It looked, well I thought it was empty in here.” 
“I aim to inspire,” Blanche said, giving Winston a grateful smile. That made her feel just a bit better. “I’m glad, because me to -” A wail cut her off, and Blanche practically jumped out of her skin, whipping around as her hand automatically went for her purse, for her taser. No. Stop. Fun house. Calm down, her brain pleaded with her. She didn’t, though, the anxiety crawling under her skin as her eyes whipped around to try and orient herself.   “Ah hell, I guess there were other people here,” she said, trying to breathe and slow down her heart rate. “I think that kid lost their person, or whatever,” Blanche grumbled, suddenly agitated as she strode forward to deal with the situation. “Hey kid, where’s your -” her voice caught in her throat as she rounded the corner, staring in disbelief. The kid would have been cute if she wasn’t wailing her freaking head off, large hazel eyes spilling tears, long blonde hair painstakingly curled into ringlets, wearing a red velvet dress that was too hot for the summer, with white tights and pinchy black mary jane shoes and a stark white unicorn clutched in her arms. “Winston -” Blanche said, slightly mystified. “That’s me.” She remembered this- the Christmas Party she caused a scene at when she was eight because one of the guests had a particularly mean ghost with a gruesome stab wound. For once, Adrien hadn’t been in trouble, and she was the one her father had screamed at outside in the cold. “That’s my stuffed animal, Corny.” Adrien gave him to her for her 21st birthday. And suddenly, the kid stopped crying, and just looked up at her curiously. Blanche stepped forward, confused and a little afraid as she reached out and - her hand met the glass of the mirror. “What the hell.” 
“You do an excellent job,” Winston replied with a smirk. The pair of them had barely known each other for six months and yet they already knew that they would die for her. There was just something about her that they gelled with so well. Yet they were almost immediately distracted by the sound of the noise. Their hand went to their own taser and giggled gently as they saw Blanche do the same thing. “Ha, twins.” A dull fear had settled into Winston’s bones and despite the humid and blazing heat of the early evening, Winston couldn’t help but feel a chill trickle down their spine. Spotting the kid in the mirror, Winston managed to work out where she should be and looked down at the spot to find it empty. “That’s because that isn’t real…” Winston said quietly, “I think … this is weird I think that this is just a reflection  but a reflection of you as a kid?” A bead of sweat rolled down Winston’s back and they swallowed nervously. They were about to suggest that Blanche and they make their way to the exit when they spotted what looked like a younger version of them. No, it was definitely them. They recognised the braces they’d had when they were fifteen. The thick glasses. The acne. The bulge of the inhaler in their pocket. They reached out too, instinctively, their fingers touching their reflection and causing a ripple to extend out over the surface of the mirror. It reached the edges of the mirror before spiralling back in on itself, the reflective surface beginning to creep up Winston’s finger. They tried to pull away, but they couldn’t get out of the reflection. It just kept pulling them in, the reflective mirrored surface creeping up their finger and reaching their hand. 
Blanche realized what was happening the second it started. The second the glass under her hands gave way. Her shoulders slumped, and she hardly resisted the mirror's pull. She was tired, and she wasn’t sure she had the strength to fight it off anyway. She was sucked through the mirror, and Blanche lost her balance, crumpling down to the floor. It was dark here, the only light coming from the opening in the mirrors. Blanche lay on the floor for a moment, just sitting there, before she cursed loudly and sat up. “Winston? Winston!” Blanche called for them, squinting in the darkness. She stood, brushing off her shirt and shorts with a groan. She saw a similar lump, some ways away, and she rushed over to them. “Hey, hey, you okay?” Blanche asked, kneeling down next to them. “You’re you, right??” Her words were friendly, but her tone had gone void of all emotion. Her face too, as she looked around. She was so tired of this, but now they had a job to do. She put a hand on Winston’s shoulder. “Come on, I’ll help you up.”
It didn’t take long for Winston to be dragged through the mirror and deposited into a heap on the floor. They lay there for a moment. Their glasses pressed somewhat lopsidedly against their forehead. Their face in the dirt. Pushing themselves over, they felt Blanche’s hand on their shoulder and frowned. “Thanks,” they said, allowing Blanche to pull them to their feet before dusting themselves off and checking her over to make sure she wasn’t hurt. “Yeah, don’t worry. It’s me. I fucking hate this.” Winston could fully believe that this was happening. This was White Crest anymore. They weren’t even surprised, just a little disappointed. It had been nice for a second there. “I’m okay, are you okay?” Winston asked concerned, Blanche sounded … different. “We’re gonna get out don’t worry, this is just another fun team building experience organised for us by the powers that be.” 
“Your glasses are crooked,” Blanche said, pointing. There was something building in the pit of her stomach, something she couldn’t quite identify. Blanche recognized that it was just about how she felt when she chugged half a bottle of vodka before she blacked out before high school graduation. All the pressure and everything had just been released and she just couldn’t handle it anymore. Blanche stared at Winston plainly, before shrugging. “I’m… I don’t know,” Blanche said. “I’m getting really sick of team building exercises.” She sucked in a deep breath, blinking back a few tears as she scowled at the glass that just pulled her through. It was a two way mirror, which meant she could see the outside. “I’m running into that full speed,” she announced to Winston. And then she backed up, and ran straight into the glass at full speed.There was a loud smack as she hit the glass. Not the smartest idea, but not as bad as it could have been. The material wasn’t completely hard, and it sort of bent with her before it sprung back, throwing her backwards onto the ground. “Ouch.” Blanche groaned. “‘That didn’t work.”
“Oh. Thanks.” Winston tried and failed to straighten them. Blanche looked like she was a little lost, Winston could put their finger on it but there was definitely something going on behind her eyes and Winston was dying to know what. “Yeah, me too,” Winston knew that they were honestly inches away from teetering off of the edge of a cliff and plunging into a full on nervous breakdown, “we’re fine, we’ll get through it and then leave White Crest or something.” Of course Winston was joking. There was no chance that they were going to be able to leave White Crest, not when their parents were still there and not when the town still needed them. Winston was about to protest against Blanche’s ideas when she did it without warning. Hurling herself into the mirror and then bouncing back onto the floor. Winston was by her side immediately. “Shit, that looked painful, are you okay?” they asked, before standing to their feet and moving forward to approach the mirror. “I could try and blast it with magic or something?” 
Right. Leave White Crest. How could she? Leave her friends and brother and all the people she had ever cared about in this pit of supernatural hell? Blanche couldn't even consider it. There was a time when she relished being able to go to Boston at Tufts, to get away from everyone and everything. That had quickly been overturned though, and now she was at the point where she wasn't sure she could ever truly leave White Crest. Blanche groaned in response to Winston, pushing herself up onto her elbows. “It didn't hurt like it should have,” Blanche said running a hand down her face. “The thing bends and bounces you back like a trampoline… a really hard trampoline.” She grumbled, pushing herself up onto her feet again. She looked at Winston, frowning. “I mean… sure?” Blanche said. It was worth a shot. What if it bounced back at them like a bullet ricocheting off metal? She ran her hands down her face and she gave them a shrug. “Worth a shot? I think, at least.”
The mere thought of them ever actually leaving this place was so absurd that Winston hadn’t really given it a second or even really a first thought. “You want help up?” Winston asked as she slowly got to her feet. That had looked more painful then she was letting on. Winston couldn’t blame her though. They expected that they would’ve felt the same way. “Let me see what I can do,” Winston’s initial plan was to summon just an orb of energy, it was something they’d learned with Nell. They were kind of like rocks of magic, sort of. It was complicated. The plan was to form one and throw it at the mirror. But as Winston attempted to summon their magic, they found something was different. This was the first major spell they’d attempted since the resurrection and it wasn’t even that complicated, really a simple one by all accounts. Yet Winston’s ‘energy ball’ was actually much more similar to a fire ball. It exploded against the mirror before the mirror spat it back out with a belch of fire, fortunately Winston had had the good sense to push the both of them out of the way. But they were pretty sure they had singed their eyebrows, otherwise what was the smell of burning hair from? “Well, that didn’t work.”
“Hold on, I think -” Blanche didn’t get the chance to finish when a big ball of fire burst from Winston and into the mirror… before bouncing straight back at them. Blanche blankly stared at it, sure this was it, until Winston shoved them both out of the way. “Thanks.”  Did she smell burning hair? Blanche looked up at Winston. “I guess that’s one way to get your brows done,” Blanche said, frowning. She walked up to the mirrors, and pressed hard on the surface - “What I want to know is where our reflections went,” Blanche said. The surface was hard, but it gave a little as she pushed hard on it. She turned leaning back against it with a frown. Squinting into the dark, she couldn’t tell if they were in a space where that darkness ended, or if they would hit a wall eventually. Either way, she didn’t think it was a good idea to go exploring off into the unknown, especially since their creepy reflections had been in here before. Or, well, maybe not creepy, but she hadn’t liked seeing the past. “You know, they could have picked some other memory,” Blanche said. “One that didn’t remind me of those horrible pinchy shoes.” She slid down to sit on the ground, leaning back against the mirror. “I have a knife in my purse,” Blanche pointed. “I could try to cut through it, see what happens?”
Gingerly reaching up and touching their singed face, Winston sighed and frowned. “Ever since the ritual my magic has been all fucky, and it’s always so fucking hot and my tech doesn’t work. I’m so fucking bored Blanche. Why else would I agree to go into a terrifying hall of mirrors? God I hate White Crest.” Reaching up with slender fingers, Winston tried and failed to adjust their glasses so that they were a little less lopsided. They failed dismally. But it was the thought that counted right? Nodding gently, they tapped a hand against the mirror and it reverberated gently. “There’s got to be someway out, we were pulled into the mirror and so we should be able to get out somehow. I don’t know if we can do something in the reverse?” They glanced at Blanche before shrugging. “I guess we should try the knife thing first, that seems more likely to work then whatever I can cook up.” 
Blanche frowned at the mention of their magic. “I knew something was wrong when you breathed fire. Other than the fact that you, you know, could suddenly breathe fire.” Blanche grinned at Winston weakly, resting her head against the mirror. She could feel it tingling just a bit, and she hated thinking what sort of cursed fucking magic this was. Blanche shifted to her feet again, sighing as she went and swiped up her bag. It was sort of crazy how much shit she had in it. All neatly organized - the salt, the small iron rod, taser, her wallet, and the mace. She took the mace out, checking the side of it for the lobster sticker. “Catch. That’s acid mace, we can try melting our way though too,” she said, tossing the can to them, as she pulled her small pocket knife out. She wished she hadn’t left the iron dagger Nell gave her in her purse. “What if we break it?” Blanche hummed slightly, flipping the blade out before she tried to force it into the wall. Nothing. Blanche scoffed.
“I mean, if I really try then I can breathe fire but you know elemental magic is kind of … not my forte. It’s less bad with the technomancy stuff but it’s still going fucky…” Winston hated not being entirely in control of their abilities. They also hated how drained they now felt from something they hadn’t even tried to do. It was beyond them to do anything about this now and part of them kind of just hoped that it would not be a problem long term. “Well, you didn’t break it.” Winston rummaged through their rucksack. With technology going fucky around them too they had left the majority of their stuff at home. Their laptop wasn’t here (yes they had it with them pretty much 99% of the time), their switch too, their portable charger and phone were at the bottom of the bag but Winston sure what help that would do. The small toolkit they had was there too and Winston pulled out a screw driver, tapping it against the mirror that rippled and vibrated with each impact. “I wonder if we could try and run a current through it and make it activate by literally causing an energy surge….” 
“Guess that rules out your career path from being a literal dragon,” Blanche replied flatly, but she felt the gnawing concern about Winston’s magic. “Have you talked to Nell about it?” It was sort of funny how casual she could be in this very moment. Blanche realized she should probably be flipping out by now, considering that they were trapped in a cursed mirror. The darkness loomed behind them, and she should be scared of how it felt. She wasn’t. Blanche swallowed hard, feeling weird for a moment before she let out a low sigh. “That’s a good idea,” Blanche said, pushing on the mirror with her hand. “I might be able to help with that,” she said, pushing her blue hair back out of her face as she stared hard. She hadn’t used her telekinesis since they grabbed August, since she threw a few tommyknockers into each other. “Stretch it a little, and then you run the current through it and it’ll just… break and we can get back to the other side.” Blanche glanced at Winston, suddenly a little sheepish. “But, uhhh, I might need to eat something afterwards. Or take a nap.” 
“Oh no, what will I ever do…?” Winston couldn’t help but wonder in that moment if maybe Dragons were actually real too. They couldn’t believe that they were. Surely that wasn’t something that could be hidden from the normal world. The supernatural was certainly real, but elements of fantasy like Unicorns or Dragons, well Winston wasn’t sure that was something that they were going to buy into until they had more information. “A little bit, I’ve kind of been trying to let her and Luce and Bea have some time, they’ve been through … well a lot. You know that of all people.” It was bizarre that despite everything that was going on they were having this conversation. But it wasn’t really. This was starting to become the new normal for the both of them. “Sure, we can grab milkshakes and corn dogs or I can carry you back to my car and tuck you up on the couch.” They pulled out their portable charger which vibrated angrily as soon as Winstonn touched it. Tech really hated them at the moment. Ignoring it, they prised the charger open, fiddled with a few wires, attached it to the mirror and looked at Blanche. “I’m ready whenever you are.” 
“Yeah, I know,” Blanche said, heaving a sigh. “We’ll get it sorted.” Somehow. Blanche was about to suggest Morgan, but she remembered how weird it felt discussing magic with her now that she died and presumably couldn’t use it anymore. God, everything was just fucked, wasn’t it? Lucas with his scary almost-poltergeist ghost, Winston and their magic, Nell and her arms, Luce and her heart, Bea and her head - Everything was just wrong. Why did it need to be like this? Blanche shook the thoughts off before she could spiral, shaking it off with a shake of her head. “Alright, well, I’m rooting for corn dogs and not nap time… Alright, let’s go.” Blanche centered herself, staring hard at the glass that was not quite glass. She raised her hand slightly, and tried to push from afar. At first, it didn’t work - Blanche didn’t feel anything, no strange energy released from her. So she pushed harder and harder until… there it was. The muscles in her body ached slightly from the effort, and she was fairly certain she had a bit of a headache now, but the glass pushed forward slightly. “Go, Winston,” Blanche said, squinting slightly to keep try and keep her concentration. Shit, this was harder than she thought.
The best way that Winston had found to deal with their current reality was to focus on the next immediate problem and try not to think about anything else. Like try not to think about how the hell they were meant to work as a cyber forensics technician if they weren’t able to work with tech without it at the very least sparking and sometimes even starting to smoke and explode. Gross. “Corn dogs not nap time,” Winston repeated again and again, “corn dogs not nap time.” Maybe if they said it enough then it would come true. As Blanche worked, Winston waited, trying to really center themselves as much as possible and reach that inner serenity this required. It wasn’t nearly as hard as it had been when they’d begun with magic, the practice had truly helped. Yet Winston tried to really limit the energy that they poured into the spell. The charger sparked slightly before the current expanded through the mirror. It rippled and liquified like before but Winston wasn’t going to touch it without Blanche. “Let’s do it together, on three ..” they didn’t wait for her to answer, grabbing her hand and posing themselves, “... two,” Winston took a deep breath, “... one,” it was now or never. “Now.” 
Once the mirror activated, Blanche let go groaning quietly as she ran her hands down her face. Ow. Her head hurt, and she felt like she just tried to yeet a cinder block that was way too heavy. But Blanche gripped Winston’s hand tightly when they grabbed it, perhaps a little tighter than she meant, before practically throwing themselves through the mirror. Instead of slamming against it like last time, they passed through to the otherside with little issue. “We did it,” Blanche said looking around at the dimly lit mirrored hallway. They did it. One other challenge of White Crest conquered. Blanche pressed her lips together into a thin line, shoulders slumping slightly. Should she feel excited that they made it through? Blanche glanced at her reflection, her true reflection, for a moment. She looked tired, her healing black eye yellowing along with deep dark circles from lack of sleep. God. What had she done to herself? She turned to Winston, pushing her blue hair out of her face. “Do you - Ah.” Behind their head, she could see another person in the mirror. Middle aged, with long blonde hair streaked with blue and pink piled on top of her hair. She seemed relaxed, staring at them curiously through the mirror. It took Blanche a second to realize that was her. They made eye contact, and future her opened her mouth to say something. For a moment, Blanche wanted to listen to what it was. What she had to say. Ask her what was happening - why this was happening. Why was she even here to begging with. Some semblance of an answer.  But fear gave way, and she remembered this was just a magic trick house of mirrors and it wasn’t real. That calm looking woman wasn’t her. Blanche’s hand tightened around Winston’s and she started to pull them back the way they came. “Let’s go. Don’t look at the mirrors, we’re getting away from here.” Blanche said quietly, her head pounding. 
Going through the mirror felt as weird as the first time that Winston had been through it. They had done everything right however and despite the fact that they’d left their portable charger behind in the mirror realm, they were back in White Crest proper and Winston had never been more thrilled to be back home. Winston heard Blanche’s advice about the mirrors too late. They were dusting themselves off when they spotted themselves stood there. They looked like hell. Sweat patches at their armpits, their clothes ruffled and dishevelled and their hair sticking out at odd angles every now and then. Their glasses were lopsided and their trousers had a rip in them. But then they turned to speak to Blanche and caught sight of another reflection of them. An old man with wrinkles and a bright smile, his hand wrapped around another man’s hand as laughter echoed out of his mouth though it was silent in this reality. Not sure why, Winston couldn’t help but feel relieved. They would at least be happy later on in life, even if they weren’t happy now. They couldn’t help but notice the eye in the reflection. So maybe they would never get rid of it or maybe these were trick mirrors. Winston couldn’t say for certain which it was. “Too late, but yeah, we should definitely leave this place. I’m not sure that I want to come back here … ever.” 
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pilyarquitect · 4 years
The Worst Treason 2.0
Welp this is another One-shot for Triplet De Spell AU. This one-shot happens at the same time than the last one but from other triplet POV. @empro-8 @localscissors @cinnabunni5123 and everyone I really hope you’ll like it 😉
After leaving the room, Louie left out a sigh. How could Huey be so blind? And so stubborn?! The proves were there! In front of his eyes! And he once, and again, and again, refused to take them! The definitely prove, the DNA test the uncle Scrooge showed them. Scrooge wasn’t lying when he showed them this test. He said them the truth. That meant that they were McDuck’s family members. The real lost triplets!
Magica (Louie refused to refer to her as his aunt anymore) lied to them. She couldn’t be trusted. Why couldn’t Huey see that? It was painfully obvious what was the truth. They were kidnapped by Magica! There wasn’t another way to explain this.
Also, the way she treated them while she raised them, wasn’t a lovely way. Louie didn’t know what real love was until he started to interact with this family, and the more he interacted with them, the more he found out that he trusted more them than Magica. They truly cared about them, and as Dewey, he also found out that he had some similarities with Della. Not just Della, with Scrooge himself too!
And, Dewey was right. These similarities weren’t something that and spell could give. Similar physic aspect? Yes. Similar nature? No way! Huey should know that; he was the one who knew more spells of the three of them.
“Come on Louie! We’ve to find mom and the others.” said Dewey grabbing Louie’s hand to make him move. The boy dressed in green shock his head, that wasn’t the time to think about this.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming.” He answered. He should to talk with Huey later, maybe he could manage to make him see the truth about… everything.
The two younger triplets entered in the living room. There only were Lena and Webby. Seeing that Della wasn’t there, Dewey immediately left. Louie preferred to stay. He approached the girls, who were talking very friendly. In fact, since Lena started living in the mansion -she was rescued more than less at the same time that they were sent by Magica to get Scrooge’s dime- she got almost instantly Webby’s best friend.
Louie smiled. He found Lena a very interesting girl, and the coolest person he’s ever met. He sit next to Lena. From the corner of his eye, he saw Huey leaving the mansion. Louie thought that his brother probably needed a time to calm down. It was a Huey thing. Maybe if he calmed enough, Louie’d be able to talk with him once he came back.
“So, the ones who kidnapped you, what planned to do with you?” asked Webby.
“Webby, I’ve already told you. They planned to send me with other orphan-kidnapped kids.” Answered Lena.
“I know, but why? Uncle Scrooge and aunt Della don’t want to tell me the rest of the story. Please Lena! I beg you!” Webby put her hand together, to emphasize her words.
Even not being talking, Louie was also interested on know the rest of the story (none of the adult had tell them). Lena looked at Webby, she seemed to internally debate if she should explain that.
“Okay…” she began. “All what I know it that the ones who took me are part of a scam network and-”
“A scam? What kind of scam?” asked Webby excited.
“If you let me talk, maybe I’ll be able to explain you.” Replied Lena.
“Oh, yeah, sorry”
“For what I heard when I was rescued, this scam was about present themselves as an adoption agency, presenting us as possible kids to be adopted. That’s why they only got orphan children. I heard that the plan they used was to make the potential adoptive parents pay a lot of money but never give us to them. They got money and all the kids to continue swindling other desperate couples to be parents.”
“Wow, that’s really smart!” said Louie before he could stop himself.
“What?!” asked Webby and Lena at the same time.
“I mean, booo that’s very evil. Like really sinister, dangerous and evil scam. I’m glad you’ve been rescued.” Said Louie very quickly. Both girls smiled at those words.
“Well, it wouldn’t be possible without Della and Scrooge, they found me, and I also know that they ended with the scammers network. They saved a lot of lives.” Said Lena gratefully.
“Louie, you’re very lucky having Della Duck as your mom!” said Webby looking at him with a huge smile in her beak.
“You really think so?” asked Louie surprised by Webby’s words.
“Of course! You don’t?” said Webby getting closer.
“Oh yeah…” said Louie at first sounding unsure, but soon changed it “I mean, of course! My mom is the best!” sounding totally proud.
The three of them continued talking. They didn’t know when exactly, but slowly the rest of the mansion inhabitants joined them. Dewey instantly went to sit with the other kids.
“You know what, Louie?”
“No, I don’t know Dewey, but I’m sure that you’ll tell me, won’t you?”
“Mom said that I mastered that skate trick perfectly! She said that she’s proud of me and that she loves me!” his voice went less loudly “This is the best thing a mother can say to her children.”
“I’m sure about that.”
Louie then realized that all of them were there except… Huey. Where was he? Louie didn’t know if be worried for his old brother. Where could he go? Why wasn’t he at home yet? As if it were his entry signal, Huey suddenly slammed the door open. He had a big smile in his beak and looked a little scary… like Magica.
Louie felt a chill running down his back thinking in how similar Huey looked to that witch at that moment. His brother looked at all of them, smiling more than before.
“Oh great! You’re all together, you just made my work easier.” He said joyfully.
“What? What are ye talking about lad?” asked uncle Scrooge. Huey glared at him. Louie didn’t like the way he looked at him at all.
“Sweetie, is anything wrong?” asked Della sounding worried. Actually, as Louie could see, all of them seemed worried. Huey turned to her mom with a cold look.
“What is wrong is that you believed I could really think I’m your son! You’re pathetic!” he snapped. There was a collective gasp after those words.
“What?! How dare you?!” said Dewey sounding offended. Louie felt in the same way. But there was something strange, Huey never would act like that, especially because with his actual actions, he was ruining everything, ruining their mission, the mission he was so determined to accomplish. Huey smiled at him.
“Oh Dewey, my dear, emotional and also stupid brother. Do you really think they’ll accept us, after this?”
Before Louie could even try to realize what did Huey meant with that, he felt his body was pushed back. Fortunately, he hit the couch, so no harm was done. Others (his mother and uncle Donald for example) weren’t so lucky.
“Huey?! What the-? What are you doing?!” asked Louie sounding urgently. Why was Huey doing magic in front of all of them? That was the Magica’s golden rule! Never do magic in front of any of the family to not ruin the plan! Why was now Huey breaking it?
Huey approached to Scrooge, still trying to stand up after being pushed away like the others.
“I’m doing what my coward brothers, specially you Louie, didn’t dare to do!” said the duckling with cold voice. Once at his side, he bent and took uncle Scrooge’s dime from the place it was.
Huey smiled looking at the coin and then back to uncle Scrooge.
“A presto, Scroogie.”
Huey start laughing… like Magica. He turned to leave, but uncle Donald stood in his way.
“Huey, what’s going on? How is possible that you can do magic?!”
“Arg! I’ve no time to lose trying to understand you. Get out of my way!” replied Huey. With a fast move, he pushed uncle Donald with magic.
“Huey… I thought we were friends…” Webby sounded betrayed while saying this. Huey turned at her smiling with cruelty?
“Who’d be friend of a weird girl like you?” he said happily. Oh boy, how could Huey say that to her? The only thing Louie wanted to do was to hit his brother for saying all those horrible things to all of them.
Huey hurried to leave the mansion.
Louie soon stood up, why Huey did all of this? Why he was so similar to Magica? It almost seemed it was Magica into Huey’s body… wait… that’s it! This was, probably, what happened!
Louie hurried to help Dewey to raise up! They needed to go after Huey. They needed to find him and stop him before-!
Oh phooey, they forgot Scrooge. The two of them turned to look at him. He was clearly furious.
“Ye owe us an explanation!”
Louie gulped. What could they say?
“Mr. McDuck is right boys, you didn’t seem surprised when Huey made magic. Can you explain this to us?” asked Mrs. Beakley crossing her arms on her chest.
The boys looked each other. There was no other option. They had to tell them the truth.
“Okay we don’t have time so, short version. “started Louie. He took a deep breath “Magica was who kidnapped us years ago. she raised us and also trained us to perform magic-“
“WHAT?!” exclaimed all the mansion inhabitants.
“Ye’re telling us that ye’ve lives all those years with that witch? Ye’re on her side?!” exclaimed Scrooge furiously.
“No!” replied Louie quickly, they had to convince them that they weren’t with that witch, not anymore “We didn’t know we were the lost triplets. She made us believe since we were very young that she created us with her magic just to send us in the future pretending be the lost triplets.”
“But, as time passed, Louie and I realized that we were the real lost triplets, especially after you show us the DNA test results uncle Scrooge.” Dewey turned to Della “I do really believe that I- I mean we are your sons mom, you’ve to believe us!”
Della looked away. Louie never thought he’d see this kind of look on her. She seemed… disappointed, sadly disappointed of them. Like if they betrayed her, and technically that was the plan at the beginning…
“But ye’re with that witch!” exclaimed Scrooge still sounding furious.
“No! Not anymore! Dewey and I refused to fulfill her plans; Huey was the only one who still wanted to help her.”
“What? Why?” asked Webby more curious than mad, she still seemed hurt for Huey’s words, but she was trying to hide it as best as she could.
“I think he was afraid to discover that the only fact he believed that was real turned out to be a lie.” Explained Dewey.
“Lads… I don’t know if we can trust ye anymore, not specially after what had just happened.”
Louie looked at him shocked. No! After the hard work they did to earn Scrooge’s confidence, they couldn’t lose it.
“Look uncle Scrooge,” said Louie urgently “Dewey and I’ve betrayed Magica, and you’ve to trust us, we… we want to go after Huey and recover your dime before it is too late!”
“Late for what?” asked Della this time.
“Do you have any idea what’s trapped inside uncle Scrooge’s dime?” asked Dewey looking at her.
“What? There’s nothing inside my dime! It’s just a normal dime!” replied Scrooge narrowing his eyes.
Louie’s eyes widened. Could it…? Could it be that Scrooge didn’t know it?
“Wait, you don’t know?” asked Dewey before he could ask.
“Know what?” Scrooge sounded confused now.
Louie sighed. Time for another bomb. Wo-hoo.
“Magica’s powers are trapped inside that dime. This is why she want it so desperately.” He explained.
“Oh, curse me kilts! Why didn’t ye tell this to us?”
“We’re doing it now!” exclaimed Louie “And if you don’t mind, we’ll go after Huey to stop him!”
Without letting the chance to protest, the two younger triplets left the mansion. They could explain everything later. Now the first and most important thing was to find Huey.
The first place they looked was into the place they lived for ten years, but it was empty.
“How will we find Huey? He isn’t here, Magica isn’t here! What can we do?” said Dewey desperately.
“I’m thinking Dew… okay, okay, we can try a searching spell. How does it sound?”
“That- is a good idea, let’s do this.”
They performed a location spell, and they where surprised when the spell lead them to the abandoned theater. Was Huey there? Why there? When they arrived to the theater, it was almost dark, the couldn’t barely see anything. Where was Huey?
“Louie, there’s light down here, look!”
It was true, there was light coming from holes on the scenario. Louie instantly knelt to see through one of those holes, Dewey followed his example. What they saw, surprised them. Magica was chained while Huey seemed to look at her joyfully.
“Oh, don’t be so surprised. They all saw how you stole Scrooge’s dime, using magic. Dewey and Louie are probably telling everything to the others right now. They’ll probably tell them that you’re bringing the dime to me. They think that you’re a traitor!”
Okay, Huey was talking about what he did, but he seemed to be explaining it to Magica, as if she was the one who did it. Louie now was sure. Magica swapped her body with Huey’s body. And now the witch was explaining Huey what did she do with his brother’s body. Huey, fell down. He seemed distressed.
“H-how could you-?” he asked
“What! How could I do that?” snapped Magica “I was forced to do it since the moment you failed me! And now that I’m so close to come back I won’t let anyone by in my way!”
Without say anything else, Magica began to perform a spell.
“Time to get my powers back!” she said when she finished.
“Wait, why have Huey said that?” asked Dewey suddenly.
Louie looked at him, didn’t he realized what happened?
“Dew, please, it’s obvious that Magica -I don’t know how exactly- swapped her body with Huey’s body. She was the one who stole uncle scrooge’s dime, not our brother.”
“Oooohh, I see.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
Both continued watching, and they saw how Magica put an amulet on Huey’s chest and instantly their bodies swapped again.
“Yes! My powers are back! I’M BACK! It’s time to get my revenge against Scrooge!” Magica said excitedly in her body again. She turned to Huey “Nothing of this would be possible without you, dear Huey. You’ve been very helpful.”
Louie could see a furious look on Huey’s eyes. Welp, he seemed to finally know the truth, bad thing he didn’t trusted them before. Louie felt sorry for Huey. He discovered the truth in the worst way possible, and not just that, now his family hated him, thanks to Magica. Louie was sure that they’d have a hard time convincing them that who stole Scrooge’s dime was Magica and not Huey.
“I can’t say I’m happy for that.” Huey snapped suddenly. Wow, he sure was furious with Magica. “Now that you’ve your powers back, what are you going to do with me?”
Oh my… Huey why? If he just kept his beak closed, Magica’d probably leave forgetting him, what’d allowed Dewey and Louie to help him. Even if Huey could easily took away those chains himself. Why didn’t he did it yet?
“Leaving you here can be risky. I was thinking to take you with me so you can see how I take over the city and then the entire world!” said Magica after thinking it for a while.
Great, now rescue mission would be much harder. Thanks Huey…
“Why isn’t Huey using his magic?”
“I don’t know Dew, maybe he believes -which is absolutely true- he doesn’t have a chance fighting against Magica, at least not him alone.”
“But he could at least take off those chains, even me can do it without knowing a extremely complicated spell.”
“Dewey, I know as much as you about this situation!”
“My family will stop you! My brothers will fight you back!” Huey said suddenly. Those words made Louie open his eyes wide. Huey just referred to all the mansion’s inhabitant as his family? Did he finally accept them?
“Do you really think they have a chance? I AM MAGICA DE SPELL! The greatest witch of all times! Your family can’t defeat me! Specially not your brothers!” answered Magica angrily.
Good plan Huey, make an evil witch to be completely enraged.
“You always underestimate them! They’re more capable than you think!” he said proudly.
“Awww, did you hear that?” asked Dewey.
“Yes, I heard it. You know what it means?”
“What?” Dewey seemed confused. Louie let out a sigh.
“Huey is counting on us, in our entirely family!”
“Dew, it’s obvious! Look, we’ve to contact uncle Scrooge and tell him what’s going on and also that-“
“We’ll see that” said Magica suddenly.
The two younger triplets saw her tear the chains off the wall using her magic and wrap Huey with them. Then the witch made a magic bubble around her and Huey.
Oh, oh, Louie could imagine what was going to happen next. Grabbing Dewey, he run and both hide behind a column just in time. Magica appeared breaking the scenario floor and flew away taking Huey with her.
A determined look appeared on Louie’s face.
“Dewey, it’s time to use our magic training to safe our brother and protect this city.”
“YES! Let’s answer adventure’s call!”
“I couldn’t say it better dear brother. But to do it,” Louie took his phone “We’ll need help.”
I decided to make Huey AKA Magica saying something in Italian, I guessed that since Magica’a home is in Mount Vesuvius, she’s to know how to speak in Italian. Also I can be wrong but I think that some Italian surnames start with ‘Di’ or ‘De’.
A presto = See you soon
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crowbarstodd · 5 years
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Adrien needs help. It doesn't matter how many times he insists he’s okay; Tim’s familiar with longing gazes at indifferent backs, and lonely dinners in too-big, too-cold houses. Adrien thinks he’s fine, Tim used to think he was fine too.
Nobody is surprised when Bruce Wayne seems to have adopted a new son. 
Rating: G Pairings: None, this is all gen batbrothers stuff
The gala was a bore. Unsurprising, considering they were usually varying degrees of dry, unless of course, you were a hapless drunk like ‘Brucie’ was, stumbling ‘round the marble dance floor, laughing obnoxiously loud. Bruce was really laying is act on thick, though Tim supposed it was to be expected, considering he hadn’t been around in the past month to reinforce his civilian cover -- too busy fending off Queen Bee in Bialya with the League. 
Damian had long since wandered off, though Tim was impressed that the demon spawn managed to last past the first hour of cheek-pinching without insulting an esteemed guest. Alfred’s allowance of his absence was likely a reward for Damian’s recent good behavior, lucky little shit, Tim thought, as he swirled his champagne flute absently.
He’d never been too fond of the taste of wine, but sipping on it gave him something to do, and made him look contemplative and busy enough not to be approached by the giggling gaggle that had been eyeing him up since the beginning of the gala. Tim wasn’t Dick, charming and sculpted, but he was still rich, and a young CEO, which meant that with every event came potential suitors that he did his best to ignore.
From the gaggle and Damian, everything seemed perfectly normal, except... Well except for the boy. He was blonde, and looked somewhere around Damian’s age, standing awkwardly at the corner of the room, between a copy of an antique vase (they hadn’t had any genuine versions displayed since Dick had been adopted, according to Alfred. Apparently, he’d broken four one-of-a-kind antiques while tumbling around, and Alfred had the sense to put all the fragile decorative pieces away) and an old family portrait from before Cass and Damian were adopted. 
He was too stiff, his smiles forced, and his eyes tired. Even from his position on the other side of the room, Tim could see that the boy’s paleness was one of someone sick, rather than someone who hardly went out. The most peculiar (or rather, the most saddening) thing about the boy, however, was his nearly unwavering stare at a tall, lean man with rectangular glasses. Gabriel Agreste, a popular French designer. Which means, if Tim’s deductions were correct, which they usually were, that the boy was Gabriel’s model son; Adrien.
It was more of an impulse than a decision to approach the boy, but something about him reminded Tim of his younger, lonelier self, alone in the Drake mansion with nothing but his news cut-outs, and night-shots of Batman and his Robin(s). 
The boy -- Adrien -- startled, moving back a step. Interestingly, Tim noted that the boy’s right hand balled, while his left moved to the silver accessory on his right ring finger. 
“Sorry?” Adrien asked with lightly accented English. 
Up close, his green eyes almost looked animated, round, wide, and filled with earnestly Tim felt he couldn’t possibly deserve. “Are you tired?” Tim asked again, giving the blonde a small smile. 
Adrien’s eyes widened, looking positively alarmed. “No, no!” He insisted, waving his arms wildly, “no, this gala is magnifique, it’s an honour--”
At the sound of Tim’s snort, Adrien’s frantic babble halted. “You can be honest, kid, I promise you, you’re not the only one here bored to death.”
Adrien’s shoulders relaxed, and the trench between his brows smoothed over. He let out a laugh that was too stilted to be natural, but he conceded with Tim’s comment. “Well I wouldn’t say I would die of boredom, but…”
Tim snickered, nudging Adrien with his elbow as the younger boy scratched the back of his head. 
“Wanna get out of here?”
Tim let the question sink in, scoping the room for threats, more out of habit than actually believing a villain could have entered the Wayne household, not with the level of security Bruce insisted on. 
Tentatively, Adrien spoke up. “Are we allowed to leave?”
Tim grinned, mischief leaking through his eyes. “Well I mean, I live here, so I guess I could give you permission to ditch my old man’s soiree. You play any video games?”
Adrien followed, slightly behind, as Tim began to stride out the grand hall, nodding politely to each guest he passed, and sending Alfred a wave. “I uhh, well there’s this game called Mecha Stri--”
“Strike III,” Tim finished for him, looking back to give Adrien an affirming smile. “My little brother’s friend got it for him like, two days ago. Guess you’re lucky, huh?”
Adrien let out a breath. “Yeah, guess I am.”
They filled the rest of the short walk to one of the more used sitting room’s of the manor with small talk. Without totally meaning to, Tim kept a close eye on Adrien, watching out for any signs of abuse, mental, physical, or otherwise. 
He might have just been paranoid, but no good parent would leave their kid standing in a corner looking totally drained, and no good parent would let their high-profile child leave a party unattended in such a crime-ridden place like Gotham. 
Adrien’s hesitance toward everything was alarming, as well as his general people-pleasing attitude. There was a time, years ago, when Tim would sit, stock still, in an itchy Givenchy suit, hoping his mother would tell him something along the lines of “good job,” for staying out of her way. Instead, he’d get forgotten at some neighbour’s ballroom, left to find his own way home in much too early hours in the morning for a young boy to be awake.
Adrien sat at the far end of the couch, his back straight and his legs pressed together, watching wordlessly as Tim set up the game station. Eventually, he let out a quiet ‘thank you,’ and Tim relished the warmth that settled in his chest. Maybe B wasn’t so crazy, adopting five kids (honestly, the number was closer to seven), because it was at that moment he decided he had to do absolutely everything in his power to help out this kid. For Adrien, but also for his younger self. To do for Adrien, what others hadn’t done for him. 
He was grateful, for everything Bruce had done for him, given him. But at the end of the day, it was fact that Tim had dug his place into the family and into Bruce’s heart with his bare hands, and there was dirt under his nails to prove it. Restlessly, he worked to prove himself, because Tim Drake had everything and nothing all at once, and what he was now (love, trust, adoration, respect, reputation), he built on his own, with no saviour. And while he was proud of himself, there was a part of him that wished, wished, wished, that somebody had noticed and helped.
Tim Drake could and can do everything himself, and there was no doubt that Adrien could too, but Tim would make sure he didn’t have to.
Hours later, Dick would happen upon their slumped bodies, leaning against each other in peaceful slumber. He would take a quick shot, and regretfully wake the pair up. He’d wish he wouldn’t have to -- Tim had hardly slept that week, and he’d noticed the blonde boy dead on his feet earlier before he was stopped by Officer Jenkins and trapped into meaningless small talk. But he knew Gabriel Agreste was fiercely protective on the off day he remembered his son, so it’d be smarter to bring Adrien back to the party before it ended fully.
End Notes: Basically I decided I needed more wholesome maribat content without having Adrien a bad guy, bc at the end of the day, he IS a good boi.
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siribear · 4 years
she exhales and watches her breath cloud in front of her. northern winters are colder than she’s used to, even with her heavy coat and several layers. and out walks nate, finally, with her cup of hot coffee and his own cup of what she just knows is hot cocoa.
‘sorry,’ he says. ‘long line.’
she presses a kiss to his cold cheek. in her letter, she had said she hadn’t visited this coffee shop. too out of the way when the campus coffee shop is right there. his return letter was short, simple, gave them their second date when he took his next leave: i’ll take you there. promise.
the coffee is heaven. enough to drink for the taste instead of just the caffeine.
‘you were right. you were so right. i can’t believe i’ve been missing this - ’ she looks at him over her paper coffee cup. ‘ - nate?’
he’s pale. steam rises from his hot cocoa fallen on the sidewalk. when she holds her hand against his cheek, it’s even colder than before. his skin is ice under her fingers, frozen.
red spreads across his coat, onto her hands, and no one hears her as she screams -
‘ - nate!’
alice curls in on herself, nails clawing at the wooden floor under her. dogmeat whines, low, and pushes his head under her arm.
‘i’m okay, boy,’ she whispers, combing fingers through his fur. ‘just a nightmare.’ dogmeat whines again.
just a nightmare - until she hears a baby crying somewhere in the house. maybe a baby abernathy they tried to keep secret? alice can’t blame them. but when the crying continues and none of the family wakes, alice takes it upon herself to see to the noise. her canine companion isn’t happy about his sleep being interrupted, but he pads after her anyway.
instead of a baby, she finds the family cat clawing at the front door, crying to be let out. alice scoops the poor thing into her arms and sits on the nearby couch.
a shuffle from the back room announces lucy, who greets her around a yawn. ‘sorry, we’re used to her whining. maisie here is just used to being outside all the time, but we don’t let her go out at night. because, well - ’
‘absolutely too dangerous,’ alice finishes for her, scratching under maisie’s chin. her purrs vibrate through alice’s chest.
lucy watches the two of them for a moment. ‘are you really with the minutemen?’
maisie moves to curl up in lucy’s lap, who begins petting her absentmindedly.
‘i am.’
the younger girl leans toward her, pitches her voice low, and says, ‘do you think i could be one?’
alice blinks. ‘do you want to be one?’
‘yes! don’t get me wrong, i love my parents, but i want to travel. they barely let me go to diamond city anymore.’
she doesn’t want to mention mary. ‘when we rebuild the minutemen, the commonwealth will be safer. then maybe your parents will let you travel more.’
lucy frowns. ‘i know.’ she sighs as dramatically as she can for two in the morning with her parents sleeping in the other room. ‘i know. but, ugh. anyway. stay here.’ she stands up suddenly, spilling maisie onto the floor. the cat swishes its tail and moves to another room. lucy returns soon after, a folded piece of paper in hand. ‘you’ll go to diamond city long before i do, so can you do me a favor?’
‘another favor?’ alice grins. ‘how many caps is this one worth?’
‘five.’ lucy rolls her eyes and puts the paper in her hands. ‘can you make sure this reaches a guy named hawthorne? please? he’s a mercenary, you can’t miss him.’
‘oh, i see why you wanted to go to diamond city.’
the younger girl blushes in the dim moonlight. ‘you’re the only one i can trust with this.’
alice stops herself from ruffling the girl’s already mussed up hair. ‘i’ll take it to him.’ she unzips a pocket on her jacket and slips it inside. ‘and your secret is safe with me.’
without warning, lucy throws herself at alice, wrapping her up in a quick hug. ‘you are the coolest, i swear.’
‘sure, kid,’ she says, just to see her bristle. this time, she does ruffle her hair. ‘now - where did those raiders go that took your sister’s locket?’
lucy points the area out on her pipboy, and alice marks it on the map. the satellite station is only a few hours east of concord, but she isn’t sure what she’ll run into on the way there.
‘you aren’t leaving now, are you?’ lucy asks when alice makes to stand.
‘what? no. i enjoy sleeping in.’ alice makes a show of yawning.
‘okay.’ lucy stands. ‘i don’t believe you,’ she says, flat. then, ‘there’s some food and water by the door. i put it together when you went to sleep. good luck, alice.’ she returns to the back room, leaving alice with a wink.
true to her word, alice finally notices the small pile of supplies near the door. she sighs and watches the cloud dissipate before heading back to her own bed. dogmeat joins her for the extra hour of sleep she can manage, before she slips out of the house long before dawn.
dogmeat isn’t happy about being told to return to sanctuary. ‘everyone needs that food, boy,’ she tries to explain. to a dog. ‘the sooner the better.’ dogmeat shakes his head again, jostling the small pouch of seeds around his neck. ‘dogmeat,’ she tries again, voice stern.
finally, he gives her the dog-version of a grumble and separates from her and codsworth at red rocket.
‘ah, the open road again, mum,’ codsworth says as they turn left away from concord. ‘did you sleep well? my sensors say it’s just after four in the morning.’
alice pops open a can of water and downs half of it. ‘well enough. i’m counting on you, though, codsworth.’
‘have no fear, mum. together, we can tackle anything.’
she has to laugh at his optimism, but she finds herself truly smiling all the same.
together, they make their way to the satellite station olivia. it seems the whole commonwealth is still asleep. not even the mutated fauna bothers them as they walk the treeline, avoiding roads. codsworth hums a tune without a melody, just enough to fill the silence without making too much noise.
alice checks her pipboy to make sure they’re still heading the right direction, and makes a note about the quarry they pass by. just as she’s about to put the screen back to sleep, she notices a tab labeled radio.
she tunes in to the frequency for diamond city radio, surprised when music she knows from before warbles through the small speakers. ‘music survived,’ she whispers, listening as the ink spots croon on the station.
it makes the trip that much faster, and she smiles the whole way.
dawn breaks as she crouches behind a group of dead trees to spy on their location. ahead, a set of metal stairs leading to a lofted room; below that, a wooden shack; and a separate, concrete building with a raider dosing off in the window, their back to her.
‘flank them,’ alice whispers to codsworth, motioning for him to go to the opposite side of the fence. she waits until she sees his floating form across the way, then moves in.
the first raider she finds sleeping in the wooden shack. she slits his throat with his own knife. the second raider wakes enough to approach the shack, and alice presses herself against the wall. she watches codsworth float by the window and cleave the raider in two with the buzzsaw.
alice takes a deep breath and exhales.
no one else makes themselves known, and when they investigate the upper room, all they find is a bunch of scrap and a baseball bat. the scrap she stuffs in her bag for sturges to strip for parts. the bat she leaves.
inside the actual station doesn’t go near as smoothly. first: she barely avoids crossing a laser tripwire, disabling it and sighing at the electrical trap above her head. second: she and codsworth are noticed the moment they enter the larger room downstairs. third: one of the raiders has a minigun.
alice spends the majority of the firefight ducked behind large computer consoles, taking potshots as codsworth distracts the raiders with his flamethrower. two go down before they find her hiding spot, and then she’s pinned by minigun fire.
bullets ping off the computer towers by her head. some chip away the metal, making way for others to take chunks out of her cover.
‘codsworth,’ alice calls. one eye swivels her direction. ‘cover me!’
‘right away, mum!’ he charges in, turning the flamethrower on the closest raider. she flails, pats the cloth of her armor, but codsworth doesn’t let up. alice moves closer, just in time to watch the raider’s skin go black and charred. dead.
‘you fucking metal fuck,’ growls the last raider with the minigun. codsworth rushes forward despite the gunfire.
‘i don’t bleed, you know,’ he taunts. but then his movement slows, and parts of his metal chassis are blown across the room from the force of the onslaught.
his buzzsaw slices the raider on the arm before she slams the barrel of the gun into him, sending him flying across the room.
‘god damnit. where did you go, little girl?’ the raider drops the minigun for a pistol, favoring her injured arm.
alice vaults the table she hit behind and uses her momentum to knock the raider off balance.
if you’re too close, use the butt of your gun like this -
she smashes the butt of her pistol into the raider’s face. more blood curls around her fingers as she looks up at alice. the raider raises her pistol to fire, but alice is quicker.
- just might save your life.
the sound of mechanical twitching carries her to codsworth.
‘codsworth, hun, you okay?’
‘r-r-right as r-rain, mum,’ he stutters. he can’t sound like he’s in pain, but she knows some kind of mechanism got knocked loose. she looks at the scattered pieces of metal across the floor. shot off, more like.
one robotic eye blinks at her.
‘can you... move?’
his hover jet sputters and lifts him off the ground for a second before he falls back to the floor.
‘i’m afraid not. b-b-but i know you’ll be just fine on your own, mum. brilliant work taking down that raider.’
‘you did most of the work,’ she mutters. then, ‘wait, what do you mean on my own?’
‘i d-d-don’t think i’ll be leaving this floor, miss alice.’
‘that wasn’t an option, codsworth. codsworth?’
his one eye closes, and he doesn’t respond.
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avengersmusings · 4 years
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FULL NAME: Anthony Edward Stark MEANING: Highly praiseworthy, Priceless One, Flower NICKNAME: Tonio, Tony MEANING: Tonio was what his mom called him growing up (and she’s the ONLY one allowed to call him that thanks), and Tony’s just the shorten version of his name. AGE APPEARANCE: 46 BIRTHDAY: May 29th, 1973 ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Gemini SPECIES: Human GENDER: Cis Male ALLERGIES: None SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Pansexual THEME SONG(S): Back in Black by AC/DC, Because of You by Kelly Clarkson, Bastards by Kesha, I Don’t Care by Fall Out Boy
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HAIR COLOR:  Dark Brown with some grey peppered in because baby old. HAIR STYLE AND LENGTH: Honestly a mess, but like a stylish mess. It’s longer on top and always in that spikey MESS. EYES COLOR: Brown EYESIGHT: 20/20, he paid for corrective surgery when he was younger thanks. HEIGHT: 5′9″, don’t let HIM FOOL YOU WEIGHT: 190 lbs OUTFIT/CLOTHING STYLE: Tony’s probably wearing some band shirt with oil/grease stains on it and jeans. He also likes wearing tshirts, a blazer, and jeans. BUT ALWAYS THE SUNGLASSES. ABNORMALITIES: Miniaturized arc reactor in chest. DISTINGUISHING MARKS(SCARS,MOLES): Tony’s got a couple of scars from his father childhood, some old track marks along the crease of his elbow from his wilder days, and a giant ass scar on his chest from the one a half two heart surgeries that goes from the middle of his sternum down to almost his belly button. SELF CARE(MAKE UP): Tony either looks like he hasn’t slept in days or put together, there’s no in between. The only thing he really keeps maintained is his goatee. Because he’s vain about it. FIRST IMPRESSION ON PEOPLE: He’s Tony Fucking Stark okay, people either want to be his friend for his money or to hurt him so they try to impress him. SKIN COLOR: White BODY TYPE/BUILD: TINY BABY, he’s also fit but not like Steve level of muscle.  DEFAULT EXPRESSION: Tony always looks done with everything when in public. POSTURE: Oooooooof, Tony pretends to take up as much space as physically possible while keeping his back protected and everyone in the room in his sight. PIERCINGS: He has a closed up earring hole. DESCRIBE THEIR VOICE: Steve’s voice has a subtle Brooklyn accent and takes on a softer tone than you’d expect out of him. His voice hardens and deepens when he goes in Captain mode.
MOM: Maria Stark HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: Maria and Tony had a bond that was built off of both of them being abused by Howard. They’d stick up for each other when he got too hard on one of them and when Tony got older he started acting out more so Howard would take it out on him more rather than Maria. To this day, Maria is still one of the most important people in his life. DAD: Howard Stark HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: HoWARD STARK CAN FUCKING CHOKE YOU DUMB ASS BITCH. Howard was not a good father, he was not Marvel can fight me. He was abusive and cold and distant and had his son kidnapped so that he wouldn’t break when it really happened. Howard’s better off fucking dead. SIBLINGS: Isabelle St. Martin (Half-Sister) HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: Tony.........has no clue she’s his sister sorry. CHILDREN: Toni Stark, Morgan Stark, Peter Parker, and the Bots HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: Tony’s kids are hIS LIFE. His biggest fear is turning into Howard so he treats them like they’re the best thing to happen to him (which they are). OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS: Edwin Jarvis (Father Figure), Peggy Carter (Adoptive Aunt) PAST LOVER(S): so MANY ONE NIGHT STANDS TONY PLEASE. CURRENT LOVER: Pepper Potts REACTION TO MEETING SOMEONE NEW: Tony’s analyzing what they want from him and why they’re talking to him, but he’s keeping up with the conversation and probably trying to see if he can make them hate him. ABILITY TO WORK WITH OTHERS: It depends on his mood, honestly. HOW SOCIABLE(LONER,ETC): Tony can be sociable, when he wants to. FRIENDS: Elise Burke, Bruce Banner, Peggy Carter, Thor, Nat, Clint, basically all of the Avengers. PETS: Ginny, a miniature poodle (who is also a service doggo for his anxIETY) LEAST FAVORITE TYPE OF PERSON: People who take advantage of him or use his tech for evil. PARENTAL TYPE(PROTECTIVE,ETC): THE BEST, his kids want something and they get it. FAVORITE PEOPLE: Pepper, Elise, Bruce, Morgan, Peter, Toni. LEAST FAVORITE PEOPLE: Steve, Justin Hammer, most of SHIELD.
..WHEN YOU FIRST MEET THEM: ? Distant, Sarcastic, Pushy ..AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY LIKE YOU): Warm, Loyal, Giving ..AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY DISLIKE YOU): Cold, Mean, Closed-Off FAVORITE COLOR: Red FAVORITE FOOD: One of his mom’s old dishes or a Potts family recipe. FAVORITE ANIMAL: Cats (?) FAVORITE INSTRUMENT: Piano FAVORITE ELEMENT: Fire LEAST FAVORITE COLOR: None of them??? LEAST FAVORITE FOOD: Honestly, nothing. LEAST FAVORITE ANIMAL: Rats LEAST FAVORITE INSTRUMENT: Maybe a kazoo? Tony’s weird. LEAST FAVORITE ELEMENT: Earth HOBBIES: building things he shouldn’t be, hanging out with his kids, annoying Pepper in her office, sciencing with Bruce. USUAL MOOD: Honestly Tony’s eager to please so he wants people around, but HE ALSO DOESN’T WANNA SEEM TOO EAGER so like.......you have to come to him first.
DRINK/SMOKE/DRUGS: Not anymore. He used to do all three and stopped when he became Iron Man. Well, drinking stopped when he got together with Pepper. DARK VERSION OF SELF: OH FUCK. AN EVIL GENIUS. The entire world is metal and humans arE GONE. LIGHT VERSION OF SELF: hello see Tony thanks. Maybe less self-doubty and more willing to work with others. HOW SERIOUS ARE THEY: Tony can be serious if he wants to be, he just doesn’t want to be most of the time. BELIEVE IN GHOSTS: Nope. Science can’t explain it so they aren’t real :) (IN)DEPENDANT: Tony likes to pretend to be independant but CANNOT REMEMBER WHAT HE HAD FOR BREAKFAST. please help him. SOFT SPOT/VULNERABILITY: anybody hurting one of his kids or Pepper, failing the team, turning into Howard, people needing help in general. OPINION ON SWEARING: Will say fuck in front of a child if needed. Morgan probably knows a LOt of swear words. DAREDEVIL VS CAUTIOUS: Both??? He’s mostly just a menace to himself and lack self-preservation skills. MUSIC TYPE: Ear-shattering rock. MOVIE TYPE: .......Tony doesn’t watch movies he doesn’t have the attention span for them. BOOK TYPE: ..........i don’t see Tony as much of a reader either. Maybe scientific journals??? GAME TYPE: Tony can kick your ass at poker without even trying. COMFORTABLE TEMPERATURE: Tony likes it a little bit warmer than comfortable. The cold reminds him of the cave and being trapped in space :( SLEEPING PATTERN: .........tony stark..........sleep???? what. CLEANLINESS/NEATNESS: Tony is the cleanest messiest person you’ll ever meet. He never picks up after himself but IF YOU PICK UP ONE OF HIS TOOLS AND MOVE IT ANYWHERE IT THROWS OFF HIS ENTIRE SYSTEM.  DESIRED PET: who needs pets when kids keep showing up at your doorstep amiright HOW DO THEY PASS TIME: Bothering Pepper, hanging out with a kid of his, building up suits for the team. BIGGEST SECRET: Tony Stark has had three “suicide” attempts in his life and only one of them was intentional. HERO/WHO THEY LOOK UP TO: Everyone because he’s short.  His mom, Pepper, Steve to an extent. WHAT ANIMAL WOULD THEY BE: A cat. FEARS: BECOMING HOWARD, losing one of his kids or Pepper, space, failing the team. COMFORTS: Pepper’s shampoo, Morgan’s childlike scent, the smell of motor oil, being utterly surround by someone he loves.
SAD: Tony bottles it all up until it spills out and he can’t control it anymore. He’s getting better about opening up about when he’s sad, but he WASN’T ALLOWED TO BE SAD when he was younger THANKS HOWARD. HAPPY: Talking fast and probably waving his arms around TOO MUCH, getting up in personal space, SARCASTIC JOKES ANGRY: OOOOOFFF, the cold creeps in and Tony shuts off all other emotions. He tends to let the anger control him and doesn’t think things through. AFRAID: Tony’s not allowed to show he’s afraid because FUCK HOWARD so he keeps it to himself. If it gets too bad he has panic attacks. LOVE SOMEONE: Everything you’ve ever been in debt for is suddenly paid off and you have a nice vacation to look forward to and ANYTHING ELSE YOU NEED he’s giving you thanks. HATE SOMEONE: Tony’s cold and distant and probably wishing he could blast them with a gauntlet. WANT SOMETHING: Tony will take whatever he wants, he was raised spoiled okay. CONFUSED: tony stark doesn’t get confused HOW DARE YOU.
DANGER: If Tony’s in danger it’s no big deal, but if someone else is? He’s doing everything in his power to GET THEM OUT even if it means getting hurt in the process. SOMEONE THEY HATE WHO HAS A CRUSH ON THEM: Bitch bye, Tony doesn’t have time for people he hates. PROPOSAL TO MARRY: He’s already married sooooooooooo unless it’s Pepper he’s gonna say no. DEATH OF LOVED ONE: It depends on how close they were. But he’d probably hide away until the sadness went away unless someone makes him face it. DIFFICULT GAME/MATH/ETC: Tony will not rest until he’s solved it thanks. INJURY: Yeah no, Tony doesn’t tell anybody when he’s injured. He was literally dying and didn’t tell anyone so. SOMETHING IRRESISTABLY CUTE: My guess is Tony would want to make sure it’s taken care of. LOSS OF HOURS OF WORK: .............he’s sleeping with his boss so.
LANGUAGES: English, Italian, knows conversational various other langauges. SCHOOLING LEVEL: He has 3 doctorates. FAVORITE SUBJECT (S): Science, Science, and more Science. INTERESTED CAREERS: An engineer or inventor. EXPERTISE: genius level intellect, master engineer, master scientist, master buinessman, pilot of the iron man suits PUZZLES: Puzzles take him a minute but the serum helps him figure them out rather quickly. CHEMISTRY: Tony likes making things explode and probably has a good understanding of chemistry. MATH: TONY LOVES MATH. ENGLISH: Tony can speak it but has NO interest in interpreting what authors were trying to say in books thanks. GEOGRAPHY: Who needs maps when you have an AI running everything? POLITICS/LAW: Tony knows about them, and probably participates in them.  ECONOMY/ACCOUNTING: yOU DON’T NEED TO WORRY ABOUT MONEY WHEN YOU’RE RICH. COOKING: Tony can cook three things: scrambled eggs, spaghetti, and cereal. That’s it. SEWING: No. MECHANICS: Tony rebuilds classic cars in his spare time the fucking nerd. BOTANY (FLOWERS): lol no MYTHOLOGY: Tony knows about the different mythologies but doesn’t really believe in them? Atheism is a thing. DRAMATICS(ACTING,SINGING): besides the fact that tony is a DRAMA QUEEN, no. READING LEVEL: WAY ABOVE AVERAGE HE GRADUATED CO LLEGE AT FI FTEEN. HOW GOOD ARE THEY AT PLANNING AHEAD: no. just.......no this why he has Jarvis and Pepper.
DO THEY TAKE INITIATIVE: YES he loves bothering Pepper when she’s busy and a l w a y s gets his way. HOW DO THEY ACT(SHY,ETC): .........he’s Tony Stark.....that’s enough right there. GENTLEMAN/LADYLIKE VS KLUTZY: Tony can be gentleman like when he’s done something he’s not supposed to (or when he wants something) but other than that HE’S A DEMON. GO SLOW VS JUMP INTO: he was used to going fast and doing the one night stand thing, but with Pepper it was easier to take things slow (and then go really fast once they realized how WELL they worked together). PROTECTIVE: Yes. ACT LIKE FRIENDS OR LOVERS:  B O T H. WHAT KIND OF PRESENTS DO THEY BUY: ......tony doesn’t buy presents because he forgets birthdays and anniversaries. TYPE OF KISSER: It depends on his mood and what he wants :) DO THEY WANT KIDS: He didn’t want them, but now he has a small army of them so. DO THEY WANT TO MARRY: he’s ALREADY MARRIED. MAKE GOOD OR BAD DECISIONS: Bad decisions are unintentionally made because Tony might be a genius but he’s a dumbass. ARE THEY ROMANTIC: Y E S. HOW ARE THEY IN BED: Tony Stark literally did one night stands and one night stands only. He’s A M A Z I N G in bed he knows how to treat Pepper the way she should be and how to take car eof his WIFE. GET JEALOUS EASY: nO.  WIFE/HUBBY BEATER: nOPE. MARRY FOR MONEY: tony IS MONEY. FAVORITE POSITION: HOnestly? Pepper on top. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN ON THEIR DREAM DATE: A five star hotel while someone takes care of Morgan so Pepper can just relax. They spent as much time as possible in bed or relaxing. OPINION ON SEX: Sex was always just something Tony thought he HAD to do because people wanted it from him. And then he realized it was fun so he kept doing it because WHY NOT. But with Pepper it’s different and he could never go back to the one night stand thing. He likes the intimacy of sex with someone who cares about you beyond just getting off. 
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