#oh also Crowley and Deans summer of love
biboomerangboi · 2 months
Need a word for not shipping but like I know a situationship happened like it’s canon to me that these people did something romantic with each other this is a fact to me no matter how positively or negatively I feel about it, it did in fact happen.
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zmediaoutlet · 1 year
happy wincest wednesday!! if you could sort your own wincest fics by kudos which 5 (or 10) would be at the top?
happy wincest wednesday! (sorry i did not send an ask today ;-; -- thank you for keeping up the high fives anyway <3)
Um... hm. I guess this is effectively an 'author's favorites' list, although you could split some semantic hairs here and have it be which fics do you wish were most appreciated, which doesn't necessarily overlap with my own favorites. Tricky. Esp since my own taste (even for my own writing) changes so much, lol. But I can try!
oh so good, oh so fine -- this is my actual top by kudos and tbh it probably deserves to be there. plus the act of writing it was fun and it feels kind of... right, to me, that it's the top.
how badly i have let you down -- also pretty high up in fact, but I actually really like how it comes together as a destabilizing first time, especially since I don't actually like writing first time. Plus, like oh so good, it was written all in one sitting, and I just… often like the fics better when they're one quick shot from the hindbrain like that.
detente -- soulless!Sam/Dean, but it's really more about... Dean scraped down to misery entire, and a Sam who could give a shit but will take advantage if it's convenient. A lot grimier and grittier than I usually write spn, but it worked here.
freud's for suckers -- the early relationship here is just so fuckin cute. Written after I read Less, and if you've read that you could probably tell. This feels like a very Me version of a Dean POV.
eiderdown -- this is just frankly hot as fuck. A Sam who knows what he wants and will get it and isn't shy about it -- also very Z.
asceticism -- The Piss Fic, but more importantly the whole dissection of Dean's relationship to his body feels. idk, correct. Almost wish I hadn't tagged it correctly so people would read it for the part that actually matters, yanno.
the hollow summer -- sad, sad, sad. Whenever I write an AU it will nigh-inevitably be worse than canon. I put some real-life grieving in here and the writing's... honest. I really love the part where Dean beats the shit out of Sam (or tries to, at least).
buccaneer -- I know this is Dean/Crowley (and in fact Deanna/Crowley) on the face of it, but what it really is is the echo-shape of Dean(na)'s overwhelming, overarching need for Sam, felt in the absence of what's been cored out. Plus Deanna's sexy.
be subject to each other -- a rare sequel, but the established relationship here and the intimacy of finding yet another layer of ways to be known just makes me warm on the inside.
In a Cursed Hour -- this is technically gencest-that's-going-to-turn-into-fullcest, and might be a weird inclusion here, but if kudos actually reflected the level of work that goes into a story rather than whether someone's dick got wet in the approved way, this would have about 9000. So. I'm including it, lol.
Turns out I have ~160 posted spn fics, and one way or another they're all wincest (even the ones that have another pairing entirely -- that's how wincest the wincest is). So, picking ten of those. No links -- if anyone wants to read one they know how google works -- but this was actually kinda fun to think about, bud. Thanks <3
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laufire · 1 year
I was tagged by @blairwaldcrf to do this (ty!)
Pick any five OTPs and choose just one song you associate with each.
I’m just going to choose a few ships that have been on my mind. Also, tbh, the song choices are heavily influenced by a.) what I’ve been listening to recently; b.) a very sui generis sense of humour. I’m not sorry.
-Eleanor Guthrie & Max from Black Sails. Mirel Wagner’s “What Love Looks Like” was the first that came to mind. PERFECT for their breakup, IMO (“this pain I breath / has poisoned me / dreamt a dream / now I’m spitting bitter tears”). But. I won’t lie. Immediately afterwards I thought of Donna Summer’s “Bad Girls” , which I’ve been listening to on a loop this week. Err. Take it as a pre-show established relationship thingy that highlights a messed up, rarely talked about aspect of their relationship? (“hey mister, have you got a dime / mister, do you want to spend some time, oh yeah / I got what you want, you got what I need / I’ll be your baby, come and spend it one me”).
-Lyra Silvertongue & Will Parry from His Dark Materials. I’m going to pick Hozier & Karen Crowley’s “In A Week”, Because (“we’ll lay here for years or for hours / thrown here or found, to freeze or to thaw / so long, we’d become the flowers / two corpses we were, two corpses I saw / and they’d find us in a week / when the weather gets hot / after the insects have made their claim / I’d be home with you, I’d be home with you”).
-Caroline Forbes & Klaus Mikaelson from The Vampire Diaries. I’m specifying that one show, and focusing on the early days, because TO had a progression that definitely doesn’t fit the song that came to mind LOL: Alanis Morissette’s “Uninvited” (“like anyone would be / I am flattered by your fascination with me / like any hot blooded woman / I have simply wanted an object to crave / but you, you’re not allowed / you’re uninvited / an unfortunate slight“)... yeah xDD
-Bela Talbot & Dean Winchester from Supernatural. I keep thinking of them thanks to, of all things, this gifset of Lilah and Wesley in Angel (which is also making me want to rewatch the season 4 finale and cry about it, btw). I’m faaaar better at coming up with solo Bela songs than with Deanbela songs, I can’t lie xD (some of them work for both of them since the similarities are there, but not exactly for their dynamic iykwim). But, I mean. I don’t think I can’t resist picking Siouxsie and the Banshee’s “Face to Face”. It’s the Batcat song! ( “another life, another time / we’re siamese twins writhing intertwined / face to face, no telling lies / the masks slide to reveal a new disguise / [...] / and you’ll never know / you’ll never know / you’ll never know”).
-Laila Rose & Darius Calantis from The Essence of the Equinox (see rec post here!). Florence & The Machine’s “What Kind of Man” popped into my head immediately. Although, in my mind, it’s Darius singing it <333 (“and with one kiss / you inspired a fire of devotion / that lasted twenty years / what kind of man loves like this / to let me dangle at a cruel angle / my feet don’t touch the floor / somethings you’re half in and then you’re half out / but you never close the door”).
I’m tagging... @missbrunettebarbie @equusgirl @nectargrapes @grapecaseschoices @bellamygate @homosexualslug @peresephones and whoever else feels up for it!
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mlobsters · 6 months
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supernatural s11e6 our little world (w. robert berens)
crowley is stronger than amara? okie doke. so does cas's janky wing situation mean he still can't zap around? (presumably to add tension or whatever not being able to teleport over to save the day etc). anyway.
always interesting when they choose to have someone be traumatized by the traumatic things they've done/had done to them. this surely isn't the first time cas has beaten dean up, or killed a bunch of people/angels.
remember the days when i grumped about them not even acknowledging the mystery spot trauma for sam? well, i still grump about it. but now that's like a drop in the flood of traumatic experiences that get passed over.
anyway. we'll see how they do this ptsd/agorophobia situation.
too many plotlines/characters ugh. rowena in the wind, metatron popping up, cas doing whatever, crowley trying to control amara, amara out there partially eating people. a good chunk of why 11x04 was good for me was there wasn't all this bullshit going on :p
at least sam and dean know about amara and crowley now.
SAM No, no, no. Dean, wait. We can exorcise him. DEAN What? SAM Save his meat suit.
look at that, they remembered! :p also feels like the perennial excuse for not having to exorcise people is demons are all running around in dead bodies they're keeping alive. they're all dead anyway, huzzah, stab away
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SAM Wouldn't it be smarter to keep her in Hell? DEAN Yeah, but then he'd have to spend more time there, and he hates that place. SAM Oh, right. I keep forgetting about you and Crowley's summer of love.
lol it needed to be said! bring that bitchy energy, sam. i'd seen gifs of that, definitely requires one to capture the vibe
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unfortunate hair styling choices. 90s prom? beauty pageant? weird.
SAM No, that's not what I meant. We're going in to kill Amara. Are you ready for that? DEAN Why wouldn't I be? SAM Because we don't know the first thing about her, Dean. We don't know her powers. We don't know how to take her down. Hell, you know what? We don't even know if she can be killed. DEAN I know. But she's too big of a threat to wait. I say we go in there and we hit her with everything we got.
maybe i'm a doofus but i didn't consider until now that dean is trying to get to amara for other reasons? blugh. cat'll be out of the bag though if sam's around when they find her though surely. i'm tiiiired
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haha take that credit, bro (honestly i can't even remember)
he has a fine actor but i am *so tired* of metatron. i hope he gets taken out of the equation sooner rather than later. i guess the opportunity to beat the shit out of him fixed cas's mental health situation. tada.
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remind us of demon!dean days so we'll remember the context of the voicemail :p cute nonetheless. oh i bet that's in the recap too. i dunno why netflix doesn't have the beginning of the episode recaps anymore, started in s10. scrimp on music licensing?
OF COURSE they have to split up and just dean is going to amara.
CROWLEY Do you know how disturbing it was to realize that I couldn't bring myself to kill you? I've had tons of chances over the years, some you don't even know about, but, still... I made my peace with it, embraced my softer side, learned to accept that there was just too much going on between you and I–bromance.
not sure why dean looks surprised by that but ok
CROWLEY But you know what? I think I am gonna kill you today. I feel different somehow, ready. What can I say? Fatherhood changes a man.
feel like that was just a setup so amara could show her ~bond~ to dean (oh actually this is dredging up vague memories of a fic i read a long time ago, hmmm ok. chance to pick sam over amara). anyway point i was thinking about was wondering if they'd ever have crowley seriously try to kill dean at any point going forward
right, sammy's gotta save these rando demon guards meatsuits, hope they're not just walking corpses
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think you need to be lookin the other direction, sam
for whatever it's worth, jackles did a good job looking vulnerable with amara being creepy
CASTIEL You said you were close. Dean, how'd she get away? DEAN I'm sorry, what part of "God's freaking sister" did you not understand? She overpowered me -- end of story.
i'm just so tired of it because it's happened so many times. we just did this last season. and before that and before that. i'm exhausted. you make the brothers and their relationship the lynchpin of the show, and then you have them do this over and over and over. like, so tired and frustrated it made me cry a little bit. just like. COME FUCKING ON. not like we're lacking for conflict or plot. i can't appreciate if it's better executed this time (compared to i dunno, stabbing jewel staite) because i'm so FUCKING sick of this. maybe if this went down several seasons ago, i could appreciate it more.
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i appreciate they made the cage aesthetic here like the little tiny glimpse we got of dean in hell. again wondering if sam didn't remember the cage after he got his hallucifer stuff fixed. i assumed he did. sure makes a different in characterization if he's not toting around x amount of years of torture like dean.
abrupt segue into girl you'll be a woman soon. can't really hear that song without thinking of pulp fiction. this is me just realizing it wasn't the neil diamond version in the movie?? it's urge overkill lol (also the version used in the episode). wild
and update on what the baby episode did to my brain, i was listening to the guitar man and getting weepy and thinking how that totally could be a j2 edit/fic/something song lolsob ridiculous
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shinelikethunder · 1 year
1) While I feel more warmly to SPN than you do I'm highkey loving your posts + tags on the subject (BOBAzazel!), 2) thanks for namedropping Sheila bc srsly her meta is god-tier and more people should read it, 3) hate to break it to you but there's more puppy-play incoming, in S11. But instead of Dean it's Crowley. And it's grody. Brace yourself
oh don't get me wrong, I'm feeling more warmly towards it than i ever expected to! but i do find it much more rewarding to watch as "a bad and infuriating show that manages to pull off way more shockingly good stuff than you'd ever expect" than "a narrative powerhouse whose price of entry is wanting to cringe your entire face off every 2.5 episodes or so."
(backstory here is that i watched the pilot once in college and was so fucking irritated by its treatment of women that i 100% bounced on the entire show for like a solid decade, and only agreed to a groupwatch of s1 this summer on the condition that i could be a petty recreational hater in the chat. i've since been talked around to more charitable readings of a lot of its gender stuff in the monster-of-the-week eps, but Rock Bottom Expectations remains the only bearable approach to its treatment of recurring female characters (to say nothing of the chronic fucking racism, eurgh). hell, sometimes even that isn't enough and i need to watch with a healthy dose of revisionist "fuck the text, i am suing for custody and i think this poor little meow meow should've gotten to do more crimes and be more annoying, also bb i am SO glad you were able to fake your death and go into witness protection." but i suspect i'm preaching to the choir on that, and anyway it turns out half the shit that makes me want to cringe my face off is either way more mundane or way weirder than the outright offensive bullshit.)
a n y w a y yeah. god bless sheila o'malley. i don't know that i always fully subscribe to her takes, but they are some galaxy-brained blow-your-third-eye-wide-open shit and i NEED to either smoke weed with her or get my hands on some of whatever she's smoking. woman is giving grad-level film studies lectures in jensen ackles derangement and i, a fellow-sufferer still in the early stages, can only sneak into the back of the auditorium and nod along in rueful recognition.
thanks for the heads-up about s11... unbelievably cursed that the "dogfucker episode (disambiguation)" tag turns out to be some kind of hubristic challenge to the gods of grody SPN eps. at this point i don't even want to guess what the final tally will be.
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bustyasianbeautiespod · 10 months
Episode 69 Transcript: i think i hauve Covid
[intro guitar music]
G: Hello! My name is Grey.
C: And my name is Crystal.
G: And this is Busty Asian Beauties, a Supernatural commentary podcast where I, someone who has seen this show several times...
C: And I, someone who only knows the show through social media, discuss every single episode of Supernatural from start to finish. Also, we are both Asian.
G: Both Asian! So this episode, we will be discussing Season 4, Episode 9: "I Know What You Did Last Summer," written by Sera Gamble, directed by Charles Beesen.
C: A rare win for women conducted by Sera Gamble, I have to say
G: It is such a win for every woman.
C: Yeah.
G: This episode is fucking amazing.
C: It's good. It's a good episode.
G: It's good. It's good! [both laugh]
I mean, we're introduced to Anna, which is - I feel like Anna is such an apocalypse character. Like, here in Supernatural, she could have only existed in season 4 and 5. She is such of her time. And it's- I don't know. Well-acted, well-everything; it's wonderful.
C: I mean, like, I feel like if Cas had left after Season 5, we would also say "Cas is such an apocalypse character, and he only could have existed in seasons 4 and 5." G: That's true.
C: They- he changes a lot to fit the rest of Supernatural.
G: Evolution, yeah.
C: I feel like Anna could have stayed. But they hated women.
G: Yeah. But from what we get in Supernatural, like, she is such- I think of Season 4 and 5, and Anna is a big part of that. You know what I mean. Like, she is a substantial part of what makes these seasons good, I feel, so I really like her. What can I say? I really like her. And it's such a good introduction for her character.
C: It is.
G: Yeah, we will get into it once we start talking. I mean, [laughing] the other part of this episode that is really good- [laughing]
C: Is how Ruby is hot?
G: [laughing] Is how Ruby is fucking hot it's unreal.
C: [laughing] Like, is Genevieve Cortese a good actress? Eh. Is Ruby really fucking hot? And a cool character? Yeah.
G: Hell yeah.
Anyway, so, Crystal, what did you know about this episode before going in?
C: So I knew that it would open on Anna in a psych ward drawing pretty pictures and that we would see Ruby in the first time in a while and that she and Anna would meet. And that we would get like, the full Samruby backstory flashback with like, her being in several different bodies and saving Sam's life, and then becoming his mentor, and then them fucking. And I also knew that Cas and Uriel would show up to take Anna back.
G: Did you know that this will end with a "To be continued..." or-?
C: No, I think I got like, 4.09 and 4.10 kind of squashed together.
G: Yeah, me too.
C: But I also knew they had to be separate episodes because  Dean and Anna have to fuck next week. But yeah. I did not know it was going to be a "To be continued." I thought that like, being an angel would be revealed in this episode. But it's not.
G: Do you fucking remember the "Road So Far"?
C: "Road So Far" is one and a half minutes long for no particular reason.
G: It's so long.
C: Because all we get is just a summary of Season 4. Like, that's it.
G: Yeah. When was this aired? November 13th.
C: Oh, are you saying there was a hiatus? Nope.
G: There wasn't. They just did this for no reason.
C: Yeah, for funsies.
G: Well, I guess this is like, where the plot picks up. So that's a reason.
G: We start the episode with this woman who is a redhead. I mean, that's gonna be- Supernatural loves a redhead. They fucking love when a woman has red hair. Have we ever seen a man with red hair in Supernatural?
C: Huh.
G: I don't think we have, and I don't think we will ever.
C: Yeah. I guess men with red hair can only be Crowley on Good Omens.
G: Is this your attempt at putting Good Omens into this podcast?
C: Oh, yeah. Yeah. I know that there is antagonism between the two fandoms on Tumblr, and I will always be on Good Omens's side. Sorry, guys.
G: There is? Between Supernatural and Gomens?
C: Yeah. I mean, okay, so what people are upset about are that- "Okay, sure, your gay angel finally got to-" Oh, wait, this leak is not supposed to- You know what? None of this should be aired. The end. Goodbye. [G laughs]
G: Yeah, let's just cancel the Gomens Season 2.
C: Well, okay, no, okay. I think the idea is the- Okay, there's like, two gay angel factions, right? Because we have Aziraphale, and then we have Castiel, and I think a lot of it seems to be people being upset at the people who are nice to Neil Gaiman in the Good Omens fandom or say that Good Omen isn't queerbaiting, and I agree that people who are nice to Neil Gaiman are pretty annoy, but Good Omens is more- it's better television than Supernatural. Also, I saw someone saying once- like, a Supernatural fan say once that they wouldn't watch Good Omens because they heard it was racist and like-
G: Bruh. [both laughing]
C: - it is, but literally, it's not Supernatural racist. And that really just stuck with me. Which is why I will always be on Good Omens's side.
G: [laughing] When I'm in a racist television show competition and my competition is Supernatural.
C: Oh, one more thing, people saying that- like, people who are part of this rivalry who say that, like, Crowley from Supernatural is better than Crowley from Good Omens. [note: SPN Crowley is pronounced cr-ow-lee and GO Crowley is pronounced croh-lee]
G: Bro.
C: Like, first of all, okay, Crowley is based off of Crowley, so fucking respect your elders, first of all. And secondly, Crowley [SPN pronunciation] sucks. Have you considered that?
G: For real.
C: And Crowley's [GO pronunciation] my special little boy. But yeah. Anyway. That's- [laughs] We are very off topic, and that's because we both watched this episode five days ago and don't remember anything about it.
G: That's true. That is very true.
C: So let's try to remember shit about it.
G: Yeah, anyway. God! Even the first shot of this episode is like, OMG. Like, she's angelic. She's looks just like a saint.
C: Yeah. Dressed in all white, the room is all white. She's like, looking up and tilting her head.
G: Yeah, there's like, a far away look in her eye. And then we hear someone in the background go like, "Anna? Like, do you remember where you are?" This is a psychologist. I guess she's trying to evaluate Anna, like, what she's up to in her brain. And the conversation basically goes like, apparently, Anna's here because she had like, an episode where she was hysterical and forewarned-
C: They say hysterical.
G: Yeah, they literally say hysterical.
C: Are they still saying hysterical in medical settings? Is that still happening?
G: I don't think so. I think it's not used in the way- in that way anymore.
C: Yeah, I only use it when I mean something's funny.
G: Funny, yeah. But to be used in a medical setting, I feel like that's like- don't do that.
C: Yeah, don't do that
G: Anna's saying, like, :I was trying to warn them." She is hesitant at first, and the psychologist keeps on pushing, and then finally, she says, like, "Oh, like, the Apocalypse is coming" and that Lilith is trying to break 66 seals. And then she clarifies that like, "No, no, no, like, there are over 600 seals, and she just needs to break 66 of them." Which I think is the first time we've heard of that kind of lore, right?
C: Yes. Yes, and it's very interesting. I love the combinatorics of it all.
G: Yeah. Yeah. And like, I love the idea that, like, nobody knows what those 66 are gonna be. That's really fun. That adds to the spice, you know? Because you can't just like, stand guard over like, 66. You have to stand guard over 600, and given the angel population, I don't think they can do it. [laughs] Fucking look at them. [C laughs] But yeah. She says that everyone's going to die, the angels can't stop them. This is what's gonna happen.
And then we flash forward a little bit. She's hanging out.
C: She also specifically says that she can hear angels talking to her and that's how she knows all of this. Well, least we have a shot where she like, turns her head, and we can hear like, whispering sounds, so like, you can guess from that.
G: She says that angels are talking to her, like, way later, but there was a segment here where she like, turns to her side and starts listening to like, whispers. And the doctor goes like, "Oh, what are you doing?" She goes, "Nothing."
C: Yeah. She also is doing some really cool drawings in her notebook, and we find out later that they're just like, the stained glass in the church that her father works at. I thought that they were angel trueforms for a while, and I would like to continue believing that instead of the truth.
I really like her body language during this because she's like, incredibly tense, like, the entire time. Like, you can feel like there's something larger inside of her that's straining to get out, which makes it very cool when she's an angel later.
G: Yeah! Anyway, somebody comes in to give her medication, and the moment the man comes in she just goes like, [panicked] "What are you? What happened to your face?" And we realize that the man is a demon. Anna, like, mind controls a bunch of drawers to the attendant, and then the guy like, gets pinned against the wall. And that's the end of our teaser!
C: Sam wishes.
C: We cut to a bar, and we finally see them hustling pool. Like, is this the first time we've seen them hustling pool in the show? Because they talk about doing it a lot, but I feel like I haven't seen it.
G: Yeah, I think it is. Like, we have that one shot from I think 1.03 where Dean comes out with like, some money.
C: The money that he waves? I thought that was in "Bugs."
G: Was it in "Bugs," or was it in "Road 666," which is also not 1.03? I'm not sure! We'll never know. [laughs] We will never know.
C: I'm pretty sure it's one of our cover images for an episode, but I don't wanna look for it.
G: It sure is, yeah.
Hustling pool is good. Like, every time they do a hustling pool scene, I'm fucking love it. Like, there's a Dean hustling pool scene way later in the show, and it is one of my favorite Dean scenes, because it's like, "OMG. Love that."
C: Yeah.
G: Also, 0ne of my favorite episodes of this show is the fucking episode where they play pool, like, as a plot point in the show. I don't know how to play pool, so every time I watch anyone play pool in any way, shape, or form. I'm so impressed because I don't know how it works.
C: I have attempted to play pool once, and I was very bad at it.
G: I was so bad. Like, I can't even get a shot. Like, I can't- [laughs] I'm not gonna expose myself for how bad my hand-eye coordination is. But like, it's bad. Just to say that.
C: So Sam's like, doing a thing where he's pretending to be drunk, which is very fun, and he keeps like, slurring his words and saying like, "Please, like, give me one more chance to win it back." And Dean's playing this role where he's like, "Oh my god! You're such a mean person! Can't you tell my brother's too drunk to be making bets? How could you do such a thing?" And Sam decides to bet $500 cash. And like, they're about to start, and then he sees Ruby across the bar, and I- [laughing] Guys, Samruby is like, real. Anyway. Jesus. I don't know. I felt many, many emotions. But yeah. He sees her across the bar. She's gorgeous. She's sitting there. She has her leather jacket on, her face is like, perfectly lit in the shadows of the bar. I love her so much. And he just immediately, like, he goes, "Keep the money" and leaves. Like, he loses $500 to talk to her. And I know it's because it's like an emergency and she's not supposed to be here, but have we considered that they're in love for real?
G: Yeah. But also, love or not, I'm not letting go of $500. [C laughs] You're insane if you think I will.
C: I mean, they have their fake credit cards most of the time anyway.
G: That's true! If you have fake money, why do you need real money? Just use the fake money. [laughs]
C: Yeah, I mean some places only take cash.
G: That's true. And you know what? Those are the best places.
C: Yeah, including the Roadhouse, right?  Doesn't Ellen have a thing where she's like, "I know all hunters have fake credit cards. Don't try me." Good for her. I hope she comes back. But she won't until Season 5, and it'll just be [overlapping] to die. Sorry.
G: Yeah, RIP.
C: You know, they go over to talk to Ruby. Dean's very, like, "Blah blah blah, I hate you. Go away. Why are you here?" whereas Sam's a lot more receptive. And, you know, Ruby stays within Dean's rules or whatever, and she just says, like, "I'm just here to deliver some information to you, and then I will leave." And she tells them about how Anna escaped from the psych ward yesterday, and a lot of demons are trying to hunt her down, and they want her to be captured alive, which means that this is a pretty big deal. Sam's like, "Okay, let's check it out." But Dean is against such things. You know, Ruby snaps a little and says, like, "You know, just do whatever the fuck you want. Like, whatever. I told you. I'm done." And Sam's like, "Okay, wait. Just tell me the name of the hospital." And we cut.
G: Dean is so fucking unbearable. I hate him so much it's unreal.
C: Yeah.
G: Every time Dean talks to Ruby, and I've said this before, and I will say it again: Every time Dean talks to Ruby, I think of that one thing that one of my friends said, which is, "Dean gets to kill Ruby, and that makes every interaction they ever have so unbearable to watch." Because it's like, literally the entire time, he just goes, "I want to kill you, bitch. You fucking bitch. [C laughing] I hope you die, bitch." And then he fucking kills her, and it's like, "Oh my god." Agh!!
C: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. However, sadly, this is the scene where I finally have given up on Genevieve Cortese being a good actress-
G: That's true! [laughs]
C: Because like, something about this scene. Like, she's really bad in it because it's like, Dean's like, talking and being a shithead to her, right? And then, like, the camera's cutting to her reactions. And the thing is that every time the camera cuts to her, she is actively reacting. Like, her head moves about one-third the width of the screen [G laughing] in like, affronted affront each time the shot is on her, and it's like, I don't know. Have some subtlety! Just like, glare a little!
G: Yeah, Gen is not the best actor we have ever seen. And you know what? She might be the worst! [both laughing] And she's so bad! Like, I'm so sorry, but- I mean, maybe we'll warm up to her. The thing is, like, if this was just her, like, if she started out as the Ruby, it'd probably be okay, 'cause we'll just be used to like, "Oh, this is Ruby!" But because we have like, an idea of what was the Ruby was like with Katy Cassidy, who, by the way, so fucking good. Like, she was amazing in that role. So like, because we already have this idea of what Ruby's supposed to be like, and, you know, Ruby 2.0 isn't- the acting with her isn't really on par, it's like, it's even more obvious than it should be or it would have been if it was just her from the get-go. I mean, much later, much later, there's a scene where she wakes up in this body and she goes, "I would kill to get some fries in here," or like, "Does anybody know where to get some fries in here?" or something, and like, the delivery of that line is like, it's so uncool. You know what I mean? [C laughs] It's like, Ruby is supposed to be like, cool. Aand that's how I feel a lot when she's on screen. Like, this is a person trying to be cool, not a cool person, like Ruby is.
Sorry. We're not- we're not expert actors. I don't know why we're so fucking annoying.
C: I don't know. I feel like if like, I can tell that something seems unnatural, then it probably is like, extra bad acting because I probably can't catch like, the more subtle forms of bad acting.
G: That's true.
G: Anyway, we're in the car. Sam basically confirmed that Anna Milton is real and she's in the hospital, and Dean is like, "Ugh, it's a fucking three-day drive," and Sam's like, "We've done more for less." And then Dean is just grumbling and mumbling. So Sam goes like, "If you've got something to say, just say it." And Dean is like, "Oh, I'm saying it." [laughs] He's so fucking unbearable. And he goes like, "This sucks. I don't want to be here." And then Sam's like, "If this was anyone else who told us this, you would be okay with it. But you're just pissed because it's Ruby who told us." And he goes, "Yeah, because, as far as you're concerned, the hellbitch is is practically family." [C hisses] God.
C: Cannot stand him.
G: I hate him. And he goes like, "Did something big happen when I was in Hell? Because, you know, you're bffs with her." And Sam's like, "She helped me go after Lilith!" and Dean's like, "You have to tell me more." And Sam says, "Sure, Dean. You want to tell me about Hell? Let's trade stories. Don't spare the details!" [C laughs] What an asshole. Good for him, though.
C: Oh, I love him. Yeah, good for him.
G: This is like- like, at some point, you just have to bite back. I learned that from Matilda. [both laughing]
C: So like, Sam's looking at the window all pensive, and then we go into a flashback. And it says it's 6 months earlier, which means that- yeah, okay, so the math is, Dean was in Hell for 4 months, and then we're on the ninth episode. Each episode is a week in real time, so it's been 2 months since he's returned, so this is like, basically right after he died, then is the implication.
Okay, so Sam's summoning a crossroads demon, and he's very noticeably drunk and doing really badly. And he looks so scared and sad and vulny. And he starts like, yelling to the air like, "Come on! Where the hell are you?" And the demon who appears is a man, and I do think that this guy is gay or something.
G: Yeah. And I mean, we have all heard this story behind this, which is that Sera Gamble wanted Sam to be bisexual, and that's why the fucking crossroads demon is bisexual. I mean is a man. [C laughs]
C: He's bisexual. Wait wait wait, I knew that she wanted him to be bi, but I didn't know that that inspired this specific thing.
G: No like, that's the reason why they crossroad demon's a guy.
C: Okay!
G: I think! You know what? I could be spreading misinformation. [laughing]
C: Yeah, like, sometimes I say things on this podcast that I saw on a Tumblr post like it's real, true facts, but like, I saw it on a Tumblr post.
G: We're fucking talking about Supernatural. Like, who even give a shit? [laughing]
C: Yeah. Okay, yeah, this isn't gonna ruin Sara Gamble's life if it's untrue. And if it does, well.
G: I mean, didn't Eric Kripke say it. Didn't Eric Kripke say that she has like, a sick fantasy because of this? Like, that's where the quote is from, right?
C: I feel like I looked that up-
G: And was it real?
C: I looked it up, and it seemed to be taken out of context. Like, I think she was talking about how she likes when Sam got tortured a bit or something.
G: Ah. Well, don't we all?
C: Which, you know. Good for women. [G laughs]
G: God, there's a scene in Season 12 where they literally burn Sam's feet [C laughing] so graphically on screen. And I was watching it, and I was like, "Girl. What the fuck is this? [both laughing] What is this for?"
C: There's something for everyone. [G laughs]
Yeah, okay, right. Because I was like, "This is the first crossroads demon that we saw that is a man."
G: Hell yeah.
C: Like, before, it was all sexy women, and then, like, a little girl who like, talked to Bela. And Azazel is a yellow-eyed demon. He's not a crossroads demon. So yeah, I was like, "It does seem meaningful that he's a man." And according to Tumblr, it is because Sarah Gamble wanted to Sam to be bi.
G: Hell yeah!
C: Hell yeah. And he appears standing, like, under a street light which kind of looks like a halo, which I thought was very fun. So they have, you know, a conversation where the demon's taunting Sam about Dean's death and then tells him to, you know, put down the knife so that he can't hurt him. Also, at some point, Sam does the famous shot where he like- how do I? where he like, lifts his arms, spreads like out, like "Come at me," but like, it also is part of the Sam crucifixion universe. And he's in his Carhartt. It's a good shot
So Sam has not set any devil's traps because he just wants to make a straightforward deal. But the demon goes like, "Well, this sure is a cycle, and also no."
G: Did you mention the knife?
C: Yeah, that he puts the knife down in front-
G: Yeah, did you mention how fucking sexy it was?
C: Okay, yeah, it was- Sorry, I didn't mention that part. [G laughs] I apologize to our audience [both laughing] for this grave misstep. It was very sexy when he did that.
G: It was fucking sexy, yeah. He like, makes a face, like, a growly face. You know everyone who is like, "Sam is such a dogboy"? Like, I get it.
C: Is Sam a dogboy, or is he a wolfboy?
G: No, he's a dogboy.
C: Okay. Yeah.
G: He is literally like, golden retriever boyfriend material. If he was like, slightly less broody and slightly more well-adjusted.
C: Yeah. Sure. Maybe. He did run a dog over once, though, so. Do you think that precludes one from being a dogboy?
G: Yeah, and then he fucking fucked the dog's owner! Like, life is good, buddy. [C laughs]
C: He didn't fuck the owner. Amelia wasn't the owner. She was just the vet.
G: Yeah, it was Amelia. [both laughing] When they got together.
C: She was at the vet's, and she said, "Because you ran this fucking dog over, as the vet or the vet's receptionist or someone, [G laughing] I demand that you pay penance by taking this dog in and becoming its dog owner," which is an insane thing to say. But you're right. Eventually, they co-own the dog.
G: Yeah. And then he died in her cervix. [both laughing] That's still such a funny fucking thing. Like, it's so funny. Literally, Sam was a military husband.
C: Yeah. Good for him.
So he stabs the demon in the hand with the knife, which is pretty hot. And, you know, he's shouting that he doesn't want any time, he just wants to trade places with Dean, and it's a fair trade because Lilith wants him dead anyway. And like, he's really really shouting here. It's- perhaps it's bad acting, but I was taken in enough.
The demon's like, you know, "It's not about your soul. In fact, like, Dean being in Hell is right where we want him. We have everything exactly the way we want it." which is a fun little hint about the breaking of the righteous man being the first seal.
Yeah, the demon says something about how like, just, you know, "Go ahead and kill me." And we cut away before we figure out what Sam does, but I feel like he probably did kill that guy.
G: I think that's the implication.
C: Yeah. Which makes it really weird when he cares so much about vessels, like, one day later.
G: Well, I don't think it's one day later, but, like-
C: Well, he runs into Ruby- like, he's coming home from this. Like, he's in the same outfit, and he's still like, drunk.
G: But the training isn't one day later.
C: But he demands that she, like, leave the secretary vessel the night that they meet, which is this night after he comes back home.
G: What caused that, by the way, do you think?
C: Caused what?
G: Like, what was the reason why he was concerned about that?
C: I mean, I heard from Tumblr [laughs]- so who knows if this is correct, that, like, Gen herself was like, "We need to establish that there's not a person in the vessel-"
G: No no no, like, I get that. I get that. Like, I get the meta reason why this was a concern. But like- and I'm sure like, if Sam were to have sex with Ruby, like, that would also be a concern for him. But like, at this point-
C: [laughing] He wasn't planning ahead.
G: - why is it a concern? Because, like, I don't think Sam was like, "We're gonna fuck it out raw with her [C laughs] in like, 15 minutes," you know.
C: Right. Yeah, I don't know. Was it just like, a general, "Like, okay, if you want me to trust you, you need to prove to me that you care about people" sort of thing?
G: Ah. Yeah, that makes sense. We can run with that. But really, it was because so they can fuck.
C: Yeah, yeah. Perhaps he was planning that far ahead. Who knows?
G: That's true.
C: Like, we don't know if he- he could have had feelings for her in Season 3, as far as we know.
G: Aww. I love romance. [laughs]
C: Yeah.
G: Fucking love it. I hope everybody becomes a demon and then fucks each other.
C: Yeah. I've heard you talk about Succession so much in my life that every time you say "romance," I think you're going to say Roman.
G: Roman Roy?
C: And then when there's the extra sound at the end, I'm like, "Oh, new word."
G: I'm completely over Succession, but mostly because it's over. Which makes it so fascinating to me that I'm still talking about Supernatural! [laughs] Like, Supernatural's also over, and yet here we are.
G: Well, back in my day, aka the present, we have Sam and Dean arriving at the health facility. And they're asking about Anna and how she escaped, and like-
C: Do we need to- Should we discuss like- Okay, like, Sam was so against Dean sacrificing his life for him. Like, what's Sam's motivation for trying to do this with the deal?
G: I don't even know. I think he just feels guilty as hell. Typical Catholic.
C: Yeah. He was drunk. Well, we we find out later that he is just suicidal. Like, this is maybe just part of that. Like, he's like, "Well, at least I'd be able to do something. Like, I want to die, and if I'm gonna die, then, hey, at least get Dean out of Hell about it."
G: Yeah.
C: Yeah, I never know what's going on in Sam's head. Like, I feel like- haven't you noticed that whenever we discuss an episode, like, we will spend time analyzing Dean's motivations, but every time Sam does something, I just go like, "Okay, well, that's Sam. He did a thing!" [G laughs]
G: Typical Sam behavior, yeah.
C: Typical Sam behavior. Doing things on the television.
G: Yeah.
C: Which is so weird of like- because the Supernatural writers and marketers still view Sam as the main character of Supernatural.
G: I really don't think so. Ah, when they talk about Supernatural, yeah.
C: Yeah, when they talk about Supernatural, they talk about it like Sam's the main character, but they never treat him like he's the main character.
The person is saying, Oh, she knocked out the guy like, so cold that he has amnesia now." [both laughing] I didn't know why I find that so funny. Dean even makes a comment like, "Oh, the guy's got like, 80 pounds on her. Okay." And, you know, they're saying that she planned it. And also, they're saying that two months ago is when her schizophrenia started.
C: Right. Which is perhaps an important time given that that is when Dean rose from the grave.
G: Yeah. And, you know, she was saying that demons were everywhere. Sam receives the notebook that she was drawing on, and they realized that what is in this fucking notebook, like, in one of the pages, at least, is the Samhain situation, like, the Samhain seal from- what the fuck is that? "I'm not a hammer, as you say" episode title? That one?
C: "It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester."
G: Yeah. Great Pumpkin episode. And they do this thing where Dean's like, "Oh, it's in Revelations," and the psychologist is like, "There's no pumpkins. There's no Jack o' Lanterns in Revelations." And it's like, why are we doing this?
The psychologist was like, "Anna's father was a church deacon, and that's why her delusions are religious in nature." So Sam and Dean take this as a hint to go to Anna's parents. When they do, they enter the house-
C: Well, we also learn a little bit more of Anna's backstory, which is that she was a journalism major.
G: Oh, yeah. Not French.
C: I only care about this because I was trying to do math to make it so that she and Cassie could be in love. But unfortunately, Anna is 22, and the latest Dean and Cassie could have met was Sam's last year of college, so, like, Cassie, has at least 4 years on her, so that doesn't fit within my shipping parameters for age gaps, sadly. But also, like, Dean is about to sleep with Anna, and he's like, what? Like, fucking 30 by now? [G laughs] So.
G: Bro.
Yeah, you do the stupid things when you're in college.
C: Yeah.
G: Like fuck a guy who can get you a 401k. [C laughing] You know? [laughs] Do you even- did you know what I'm referencing?
C: No. [laughs]
G: [laughing] The fucking roommate of yours or whatever who was fucking a guy and you were like, "Wow! He should get you insurance!" [C laughs] And then he was like, "Maybe I shouldn't fuck him anymore." [laughing]
C: Oh, right. Yeah, no. He was hooking up with a 27-year-old, and I was making fun of him about it, and he got quite upset. Sorry. Well, I feel like once I got to the like, "Well, I hope you'll be able to support him like, when he's in the nursing home" bit, he was like, "Shut the fuck up, I already decided to meet up with him. Like, why are you saying anything?" [G laughing]
G: Oh my god. People will date anyone. [C laughs] Like, people will fucking date anyone. It's wild.
C: Yeah. Yeah, they sure will.
G: [laughing] I mean, look at me. [both laughing] Literally fucking anyone. God! Anyway- [laughs] Mr. and Mrs. Milton are dead. [both laughing]
Yeah. It's a brutal scene. They're like- the blood is so dark, and it soaked the carpet completely. Sure is a look.
Sam and Dean explore the place, and there's sulfur.
C: I have a question. What is the mechanic by which demons leave sulfur behind?
G: I think they just fuck around and find out.
C: Like, is their skin just secreting it?
G: Yeah, I don't know why.
C: Like, when Sam fucks Ruby, does he smell nasty afterwards?
G: God I hope so.
C: Like, where does the sulfur come from?
G: [laughing] Did you hear my comment?
C: You said, "I hope so," [both laughing] and I decided not to respond. [G laughing]
G: Anyway...
C: The smell of sulfur cannot be a turn-on. [G laughing] Like, do you really want to sniff those armpits?
G: I don't actually know. It's just like, the vibes. The vibes of sulfur.
C: Yeah, I don't- is it every time they use their powers? Like, where does it come from?
G: Yeah, I don't know.
Sam and the start brainstorming about where Anna could possibly go, and then Sam realized that the pictures in the house of the family in the church or whatever match the drawings that Anna has drawn on the pages. Like, the stained glass.
C: These are really badly Photoshopped photos, also.
G: Oh, hell yeah.
C: Yeah, a Supernatural staple. I don't get it. Like, they had all the actors on set on the same day. Like, couldn't they take photographs together? Like, is it that hard?
G: Sam says, "If you were religious, scared, and had demons on your ass, where would you go to feel safe?" And I felt quite seen because I have been like, that person. [laughs] I was like- I have been the person who's like, "Bro. Life is so miserable, and I'm scared to fucking death. Let's go to the church." So just like Anna for fucking real.
C: So they go to this church, and they go in with their guns out-
G: Of course they do.
C: But then eventually, they put them away, thank god. 'Cause they see that there is someone hiding behind like, a pane of stained glass that has like- I don't know what- like, there's a person on it, but I don't know if it's like, a saint, or like some kind of- not a recognizable figure to me. But it's fun when we see like, the shadow of Anna behind it.
They are like, "Anna, come out. We're here to help you." Sam says, "My name is Sam, and this is my brother Dean." And Anna goes, "Sam? Not Sam Winchester." Ah, I love it!
G: Love that.
C: And then she comes out- good for her. And then immediately goes back in the closet by saying, "And you're Dean? The Dean?" Which-
G: Oh my god.
C: Isn't that the opening of the- [both] Clicky AMV!
G: Clicky AMV, baby. That AMV sure did click
C: It definitely did do that. and Dean seems pretty flattered about this. I don't really know what he's going for. They are gonna fuck, like, next episode.
G: Yeah, so I guess that's what they're going for.
C: But I don't think that's where he's at quite yet.
C: Yeah. He is like, basically 30, right? Like, I'm not wrong about that?
G: Yeah.
C: Okay. Anyway.
G: Well, when they fuck, is she an angel?
C: Oh, right? She might get her grace and all her memories back. So maybe it's okay. Anyway-
G: Also like, 22 is not-
C: Yeah. It's not that bad. It's not yeah 4.07-
G: Blaze it.
C: - level bad.
G: What is 4.07?
C: Oh, the jailbait scene.
G: Oh. Yeah. I haven't edited that yet. [laughing] Have I? Maybe not.
C: Also, this church is gorgeous. Like-
G: No.
C: No?
G: It was fucking-
C: I like, the like, purple, and like, pink and white glass behind her that frames her during this scene, though.
G: Of course you do. You're fucking bisexual. [C laughs]
C: And what are you? [G laughing]
G: That's true. Valid argument.
C: Anyway. So, right, she comes out and she's in front of this really fun stained glass window.
G: Oh my god, she comes out. C: She literally does. That looks like that modern art, by which I mean there are rectangles of different colors behind her. [both laughing]
G: It literally looks like modern art. I love that.
C: And she has such big, shiny, wet, sad, cat eyes this entire scene. So like, she and Cas are like, definitely siblings, you know?
G: Yeah. I was gonna say that earlier, but like, it's such a- like, Cas and Anna, out of every other like, angels in the show, are so obviously like- like, I think Anna, like, the actress for Anna, may have seen Cas and went, "Yeah, that's how I'm supposed to act." And I feel like, she's the only one who did that.
C: Yeah. Yeah. Good for her.
G: And like, Uriel a little bit.
C: Yeah. Uriel's a good time.
G: Uriel, Anna, and Cas.
C: But since Uriel's a foil to Cas in some episodes, I guess he can't act exactly like him.
G: Yeah.
C: I know a lot of people say Hannah acts like Cas, but I haven't met her. I don't know.
G: That's true. They made girl Cas, and they were like, "They should kiss," and then they didn't. God. One day-
C: No, they did.
G: Did they kiss?
C: It was like, her husband, the vessel came back-
G: Her husband! Yeah! [laughing] Bro.
C: And she was like, "I have run away to be with this man," and then they kissed.
G: And then they kissed! [both laughing] I dread the day when we have to do like, angel, like, what the situation are.
C: Like, "Is this incest?" discussion?
G: Yeah. [laughs] I fucking dread it. I hate it! I don't want to fucking do this!
C: Well, as Danica has said, Cas and Anna are sisters, and Cas and Balthazar are definitely weird cousins. [G laughs]
G: Yeah, there's hierarchy.
C: Yeah. So anyway, she says, that like, "The angels talk about you, Dean, all the time. Like, they talk about how you were in Hell, and Cas pulled you out, and some of them think you can help save us." And then she like, turns to Sam and goes, "And some of them don't like you at all."
G: So real.
C: God, poor Sam. Blow after blow. And she says that she feels like she knows them because of everything she's heard. First fangirl, I suppose. And she explains that she can't talk to the angels, and they probably don't even know she exists. She just overhears them in her head. And then Dean says "angel radio" for the first time, and all the Destielers say that Cas got all the angels to call it angel radio, but like, maybe Anna did it. She heard it first.
And then she says that the voices started on September 18th. "First words I heard, clear as a bell. Dean Winchester is saved." Ahh!
G: Hell yeah.
C: Hell yeah.
So they figure out that the demons probably want to get her so that they can hear in on the other side through her. And he makes like, a joke about how she's like, 1-900-ANGEL, and she, like, actually like, laughs at it a little. Like, they're establishing a dynamic where, like, Dean's jokey nature is helping her feel better in this moment of panic. I really hope that she's an angel again before they fuck because or else this would be like, the exact dynamic we complain about all the time.
G: Yeah, that's true.
C: Yeah.
G: Also like, I will get it out there. You know, it's one of those situations where it's like, my preconceived notion of the show before I rewatch it kind of situation, right? Dean and Anna has always been so unappealing together. And I really wish they just didn't try with that. Or if they tried, they would have done like, a slow burn or whatever the fuck. But like, the fact that it happens like, so quick. Like, it was always something that I was like, "Oh, don't like that."
C: Well, at least she went back in time and fucked his mom?
G: That's true! You know what? Like, the thing is like, when I think of Anna ships, I don't even think of Dean at all. I think Annaruby and Annamary. So like, you know. I'm living my truth in my life.
C: Yeah, Anna has never been attracted to a man before, like, in my mind.
G: Yeah! Yeah!
C: Like, what do you mean? Who the fuck is Dean? Her son-in-law?
G: [laughing] It's like triangulation of desire [both laughing] or whatever the fuck the Tumblrina's call it. That's so mean. I'm so mean.
C: "I can't have her, so I'll fuck her son." [G laughing]
G: If you can't have her, fuck the guy she hates so much it's unreal.
C: Wait, who's-
G: That's Annaruby.
C: Oh, you're talking about Annaruby. Yes, you're right. For real. At least we got a little bit of Annaruby in this episode.
G: Oh my god! When she goes, "She's not like other demons," I was like, "Oh my god! It's the start of something new, it feels all right to be here with you." [C laughs]
C: What song is that?
G: [laughs] It's from High School Musical.
C: Oh, well, I never watched that.
G: Oh, that's horrible.
C: Is it good?
G: It was High School Musical. And I remember vividly my sister putting it on the TV, like, we had a DVD, and she was like, putting it on the TV. And then she had to tell me, "Grey, the songs are gonna be different in this movie." And I was so upset, and I was like, "Why don't they just use the sauce from the last High School Musical?" [C laughs] She was like, "That's just how it is. It's gonna be different songs." [both laughing] And yeah. So it was that kind of experience for me.
C: I see. Yeah.
So she asks if her parents are okay, and they are both like, "Uh, I don't know how to break it to you," but luckily, they are rescued by Ruby! And, you know, she runs in and says, like, "Okay, you got the girl. Let's fucking go." Anna freaks out a bit at Ruby's demon face, but Sam reassures her that, you know, she's here to help. And Ruby says, like, "A big-timer demon is coming, and we have to run." The demon was following Sam and Dean, so that's how he's getting here. And then Sam notices, you know, one of the most fun shots of Supernatural in general, which is a statue of the Virgin Mary, I believe, who is weeping blood. God bless.
G: It's so good, it's so nice, I love it so much.
C: Uh-huh. So Sam shoves Anna in the closet. Boo. And he like, is ready to fight with some holy water. But Ruby says, like, "No, you have to just like, exorcise him with your demon powers immediately when he shows up, or else we will die." And Dean protests. But Ruby just goes like, "Now is not the time to bellyache about Sam going dark side." Love that line. So, you know, the demon enters, and we don't learn who it is until later, but it's Alaster. Or is it Alastair?
G: #Alastair. Alastair.
C: Alastair.
Sam tries to do his thing, and it does not work. Very sad. Alastair's eyes turn white when the smoke goes back into him, which is fun, but he says, that Sam doesn't have the juice to take him on. And it's because Sam's been abstaining from demon blood for like, a few weeks, right? After "Metamorphosis."
G: Yeah, but it can also be just because he wasn't training.
C: That's true. That is also part of it. And then Sam gets thrown down the stairs. Dean goes at him with a knife, but it is not working out. Also, Ruby runs into the closet with Anna.
G: Hell yeah.
C: A win and a loss for lesbians everywhere. [G laughs]
So, you know, Alastair's beating Dean up and-
G: He says, like, "Don't you recognize me? Oh, I forgot. I'm wearing a pediatrician." And I laughed at that. I thought it was so funny.
C: Yeah. Yeah. What do demons look like in Hell? Is it all just true face shit?
G: Yeah, perhaps.
C: What do humans look like. Because they don't have a true face yet-
G: Their soul?
C: Okay. Do we have confirmation that souls, like, actually have a look? Because I feel like- Has Cas ever said anything to Dean about how his soul looks or is that just fanfiction?
G: I mean, I think that's just fan fiction, but also, [laughs] a funny idea I had was like- 'cause the Dean dies, and then he goes to Heaven, so like, we can say that that's his soul. And like, everyone who was in Heaven, basically, like, Bobby, for example, how he looked like when he died is how he looked like in Heaven, you know. But Sam dies at like, age 85 or whatever, [laughing] and then he shows up in Heaven looking like, 37. [both laugh] And I find that so fucking funny.
C: Right. So his his true form is his 37-year-old self.
G: A 37-year-old, yeah.
C: Okay. That's when Heaven decided he peaked.
G: Yeah. God.
C: Okay, my current idea is that demons probably look like themselves when they go to Hell, and then like-
G: Slowly, yeah.
C: The torture fucks them up so much that their true face is just like, their face, but grievously injured.
G: Yeah, that slays.
C: Yeah, that slays. Anyway, so, he says, like, "We were so close... in Hell!" And Dean says, "Alaster." Or "Alistair"? Oh, what the fuck, whatever. He says that guy's name.
G: It's okay. I say that one guy's name like, weird too. The fuck's his name? Azazel. I used to go a-zeh-ZELL. [both laugh] It's okay. And I do call Castiel cas-chel, so.
C: I mean, that is cas-chel.
G: [laughs] It is cas-chel.
C: Yeah. So the knife is on the ground, but Sam has gotten up the stairs, and he stabs Alastair in the chest with the knife, and it just does not work. And the knife is like, stuck inside of Alastair, and like, they're all gonna die, so Sam and Dean jump out of the purple stained glass window.
C: So they have no knife anymore. Very, very sad.
Does Ruby say how her knife was like, made? Like, is there a special metal that they can just get to make a new one?
G: No idea.
C: I just feel like if they could remake the Colt, like, or at least the bullets, I feel like they should be able to remake the knife.
G: Yeah, perhaps. But they were not able to remake the Colt.
C: That's true. Just the bullets.
G: Yeah.
C: Oh, right. And they needed Ruby's help to make the bullets, too, right?
G: Yeah.
C: Like, what's the secret ingredient? Like, a demon has to spit on it? Like-
G: Girl. That's my secret ingredient.
C: ...
Maybe it's demon blood. [G laughing] It'd be fun if it was demon blood. [laughing] Are you laughing at the fact that I'm not acknowledging your statement?
G: [laughing] Yeah, let's go do that.
G: Yeah. So Sam and Dean are in a fucking motel room yet again, and they are bloody, they are broken, they are etc etc.
C: I feel like we haven't seen as much wound-
G: On them, yeah.
C: - aftercare in this much detail on Supernatural before. Which I liked. I liked that we got the hustling pool, and like, the agonizing stitching yourself up afterwards scenes in this. It feels like a very behind the scenes look at Sam and Dean.
G: Yeah, that's true. Sam is sewing himself up, and Dean is like, "I got a dislocated shoulder," and he's drinking whiskey. And then Sam, like, finally finishes sewing himself up and then goes, "Give me that whiskey" and then pours it over the wound!
C: Yeah.
G: Bro, just get a fucking alcohol-
C: Wipe?
G: Like, we've had this conversation before, right? It's less expensive! Just get the fucking alcohol that's used for like, sanitizing things. Jesus Christ.
C: Yeah. But they have to be cool.
G: Yeah, they have to be so hot and sexy, which they're not. So.
C: Mm.
G: Well. [both laugh] Well, there's a scene later that's maybe gonna change your mind.
C: I don't remember what you're talking about.
Oh! I was looking at Ruby's back. Every time Sam's back was on screen, I was like, "Who give a shit?" [G laughs]
G: Yeah. That's so real!
Anyway, they're discussing like, stuff like, about the knife. And Sam asks who the demon was. Dean refuses to disclose. And Sam is like, "Okay, I'll fix up your shoulder." 'Cause Dean has a dislocated shoulder, it's gonna pop it back in. And Sam goes like, "Okay, I'll do it in three. One..." [C laughs] and then he just pops it back. Which is so fun.
C: Yess, slay.
G: And Dean is saying that like, "How are you so sure about Ruby? Because we- as far as we're concerned, she could have taken Anna somewhere, and like, this was all a way for her to get Anna" and blah blah blah. And Sam is saying like, "Oh, we can't track her down right now because the demon is gonna follow us." And Dean just asks straight up, like, "Why do you trust her so much?" And Sam's like, "I told you. She helped me locate Lilith." And Dean is like [Dean voice] "You know, I'm not trying to pick up a fight, [C laughs] but like, you need to to tell me more." He says, "I deserve to know more," and I was like, "Fuck you."
C: Fuck off.
G: But Sam does respond. He goes [dramatically] "Because... she saved my life." [laughs]
C: Which she did, like, every other episode in Season 3 already.
G: She literally did! She literally fucking did.
C: What gives?
G: We go to 6 months back, and Sam is, I guess what you said, he just came from the fucking crossroads deal that didn't go as he would have hoped. Two people attack him.
C: So there's like, a man, and he's like, a demon, and he's trying to kill Sam. Which I guess probably - okay, maybe the crossroads demon - maybe he didn't kill the crossroads demon, and he like, alerted the other demons to where Sam was. Or he could have done that before Sam killed him. Who knows?
Anyway, there's this random demon, starts trying to kill him. And then this other demon, a woman, comes in and starts taking Sam like, in the crotch [laughs], it looks like. And Sam's trying to defend himself with the knife, but she takes it, and she goes, "Thanks for keeping this warm for me, Sam." God, they want to fuck so bad. And Sam goes like, "Oh. Ruby." And this isn't either of the Ruby vessels we've seen before. This is like, some other woman. And she says, that she was like, in a really awful place in Hell, but Lilith gave her one more chance to like, redeem herself, and all she had to do was find Sam and kill him. And Sam says, like, "Fine. Go ahead. Do it." and like, shakes off the other demon and sort of stands there like, daring her to do it. And then, like, she like, raises the knife, and then she stabs the other demon instead of Sam! God, what a good scene.
G: Hell yeah, baby!
C: And she tells Sam, "Let's fucking run!" So they end up in the Impala, and Ruby is like, being pretty flippant. She's saying like, "Let's get some French fries because I just escaped Hell, and I deserve a treat." And she also tells Sam, like, "Hey, maybe you should say thank you." So this whole time Sam is just staring straight ahead, not looking at her, like, driving like a man who is angry. [G laughs] And he's like, "Who even asked for your help?" blah blah blah. And Ruby keeps talking about how Hell was so awful, like, "I was in the fucking worst parts. I had to do so many things to prove to her that I could be trusted." And Sam's like, "I don't want to hear about all this." And she says, like, "I'm a fugitive for you, Sam. I took all this risk to get back to you. So yeah, I deserve a damn thank you." And Sam goes, "Who asked you to save me?" Agh His suicidal slay! Anyway [both laugh], so yeah, Ruby is like, "I want to help you," and Sam's like, "Well, can you help me save Dean?" And she says, "No," and he just- he stops the car.
G: "Stop the car!" And he does.
C: Love when Sam is driving and can stop the car.
G: Literally! Love it when Sam stops the fucking car. That's his like, go-to. Like, for some reason, every time there's a confrontation in the Impala, Sam's go-to so far has been "Stop the car," and I love that.
C: Yeah, it works every time.
G: Yeah.
C: He says, like, "Okay, like, if you can't help me save Dean, then you're useless to me. Get the fuck out." And Ruby's like, "Sam, come on." And then he goes, "Whose body are you riding, Ruby?" And she says, like, "You have never cared about this before. Like, why do you care right now?" But he says, like, "I do now, so tell me." And she says, that she's riding "some secretary," and Sam says that Ruby will have to let the vessel go, or he will send her right back to Hell. And yeah, as we've discussed earlier, no idea why he cares about this now, like, from a Watsonian point of view. But you know. Whatevs.
G: Yeah. But I'm glad they had the presence of mind to do this.
C: Yeah.
G: Like, by "they," I mean, like, Sera Gamble, yeah.
C: We're in a hospital room, and there's the like, prettiest, hottest Jane Doe to ever exist. Ruby really did choose this one. So basically, there's like, a woman in a coma, who is Genevieve Cortese, and there's like, "Jane Doe" on the bed, which means that they can't identify her body, right?
G: Yeah.
C: So like, there's no one looking for her as far as we're aware. And the doctor is like, "Okay, let's pull the life support." But as soon as that happens, she sits upright, and she goes, "Who do I have to kill to get some French fries around here?" Which you said was bad acting.
G: It was.
C: I could not tell that much that it was bad acting, but you're probably right.
G: You know what I find so fascinating? I mean, it's like., you know, I hesitate to be like, "Oh my god! Trans allegory," whatever the fuck. Because, like, that's not the intention, etc etc, who give a shit. But you know what I mean, right? But like, it is such- like, if you want to look at it in that way, like, the whole like, this, like this specifically, like, choosing a body for yourself? Hashtag transgender! Good for them.
C: Yeah. Yeah.
G: Yeah, like, with Cas- which is why, like, I'm sure this is true. Lots of trans people, me included, gravitate towards Cas and, like, his story of making his body his own, you know. And like, the fact that, like, it's given to him, but also like, it's his now. You know, like, the whole shebang of that. And how like, there's an episode in Season 12- I mean, I don't know why I'm being vague. Like, in Lily Sunder, right? There's a guy who comes in. What the hell is that? What's the name of that guy?
C: Ishim?
G: Yeah, Ishim is like, "Look at you. You used to be a man's man, and now you're just in this body." And like, you know, like, those kinds of comments, it's like, there is- like, if you want to, you can interpret it in a way that's like, "Oh, this is about like, being in your body, and like, what that means." And that is very like, "What does it mean to have a body?" and all that crap. And there are various ways to go in that direction. Like, for me, specifically, the way I reflect on it is in the whole like, I'm physically disabled thing, and like, I'm- like, you know, the trans thing. So it's like, you know what I mean? I don't know. It's vague. It's just like concepts, vibes, whatever.
C: Yeah. Yeah.
G: But it is something that makes me think of those things, you know? Like, this scene, for example, of Ruby being like, "This is my body now." And like, with Cas specifically growing into his body and going from angel to like, angel man? That's fascinating. Does this make any sense?
C: It does make sense.
G: Or is this like, bullshit that I need to cut out? Okay.
C: No, it does make sense. I like it.
G: Yeah.
C: This is probably the first time Ruby's been in a body alone, like, all the other times there was the original vessel like, screaming in there or something.
G: Yeah.
C: So yeah, I wonder if that is an emotional thing for her.
G: Yeah.
C: And I wonder if she wouldn't like, even hit on Sam if she didn't feel like, she was at home in her body.
G: Mm-hm. Yeah. There is also the aspect of like, "How do demons choose- or like, angels choose which body?" Like, you know, like, the concept of like, gender as like, "Is it something that you experience outside of the body?" And like, you know, stuff like that. I think it's interesting.
C: Yeah, also, like, race.
G: Oh yeah, that's true.
C: Like, is Hannah's second vessel, like, brownface? [both laugh] Or like, what is the deal? You know?
G: Yeah. It's so fascinating.
C: At least with demons, I just assume that they have an original race, and I just assume that Ruby was once a white girl. Which makes it interesting when she possesses a Black woman briefly in this episode. But yeah, I don't know. Stuff. Stuff to think about.
G: Yeah, I think in- yeah, that's the difference between a demon- it's like, they may be going back to what they were like as humans. Versus the angel equivalent of like, "But they didn't have that." So it's like- it's everyone.
C: Yeah.
G: Although there is the whole linearity of bloodlines, with the angel shit.
C: Yeah, yeah. So yeah, the way I think about it is like, "an angel's race is just sort of like, the race of the vessel that holds them best."
G: The lineage, yeah.
C: Yeah. But like, that's a whole family, and there are people different like, races and ethnicities in there, so yeah. Hard to know, hard to tell.
G: Hard to know, hard to tell, interesting to think about.
C: Yep.
G: Anyway, Ruby comes in. New Ruby, you know, Ruby 2.0 comes in at like, Sam's door, and he's like, "Oh, what are you doing here?" And Ruby's like, "Oh, I'm in a body that's just all me, baby, 100%, nobody's in here." And Ruby goes on to say that she really can't bring Dean back, but she can get Sam Lilith. Sam's like, "Oh, you want me to use my psychic powers." And Ruby is like, "Yeah, I know it spooks you, I know it's scary," and Sam's like, "No, no, no, I don't give a shit. Like, let's just go. Let's do it."
So Ruby tells Sam that he can't just go barging in. He needs to train. And Ruby goes like, "With a little patience and sobriety. Promise me that. And I will teach you everything I know." And then the next scene is like, they're back in the motel room. Dean is saying, "What'd she teach you?" And Sam goes, "The first thing I learned... I'm a crappy student." [laughing] It's so fucking corny!
C: It's pretty corny.
G: This fucking- [laughing] this dialogue is so corny! I hope we all die. And we will.
C: Thanks, Will Wood. [G laughs]
G: Thanks, Will Wood! [both laugh] Thanks, Will.
So Sam and Ruby are now in a room with a demon who is sitting on a chair tied down, Devil's Trap, the whole shebang. And basically, Sam is just trying to exorcise this guy, except it's not working. Like, it's working a little bit, but it's not working enough. So at some point, the demon just goes like, "Mwahahaha!" [C laughs] and Ruby gets pissed and knives the guy in the neck. Fun visual! Love a knifing of the neck.
C: Yeah. And that's the move she did like, in 3.01 with the-
G: In the first one! In the first one! Ahh! Literally, she's the girl who just saved your ass.
C: Yeah. Yeah.
G: That was so cool. It was slow motion, and she's like, slashing throats, baby, knifing throats. It's so cool. Ruby's so cool.
C: Yeah. Love her.
G: Yeah. And she says, like, after- because, like, the demon's laughing, and then she knifes the demon, and she goes-
C: Mick Jagger voice-
G: [British accent] "Not funnay!" [both laughing]
Yeah, for context, me and Crystal constantly say [British] "Not funnay!" to each other, so-
C: We don't say it. We say it over text.
G: Yeah. [laughs] We say "John Mulaney voice Mick Jagger voice not funny." Yeah.
C: Yeah. Usually about our podcast. [G laughs]
G: Yeah, like, I'll be editing the podcast and I'll say, "Crystal, did you remember that we said this in the podcast?" and I'll go, "John Maley voice Mick Jagger voice not funny"  And it really isn't.
C: It really isn't
G: [British] "Not funnay!" [laughs] When she said that, I had to pause because I was laughing so hard, and I was like, "This isn't even anything. Like, this isn't anything."
C: Yeah.
G: But you know what? It's everything to me.
C: It is sort of like a- also, in this episode where Sam supposedly cares about vessels, like, is it not offputting to him that Ruby would kill the demon and their vessel, like, for laughing at him? Does that matter to him?
G: I don't think he gives a shit. Maybe he really just did want to fuck Ruby.
C: You know what? Yeah. That's the path I'm going with too. That's what makes sense in this episode.
So yeah, she tells him like, "Just give it time. It'll get better."
G: Ruby starts saying, like, "You know, I know losing Dean was difficult." And Sam is just like me for real. He's like, "Hey! I don't want to talk about it! [both laugh] Don't tell me sonething's difficult for me! I don't want to hear it!" And he goes like, "What the hell do you know?" And Ruby says, "I used to be human, and I still remember what it's like to lose somebody. I'm sorry." And she's sincere. And then, like, she offers like, a hand on Sam's arm. and Sam refuses this. And Ruby goes, "Sam, you're not alone." And then she starts kissing Sam, and Sam's like, "[gasp] What are you doing?" And Ruby's like, "It's okay, Sam."
C: Yeah, I've read this described as like, sort of a conversation that would happen in a lesbian pulp novel where one is convincing the other that it's okay to be gay.
G: It is a little bit. Like, this is like, you know, it's not an ideal situation, but I get like why it's like this. They needed to do the push and pull because Sam- this is not something Sam would- like, even if he wanted to do it, like, it's not something he would- He would think to himself, "This is wrong. This is bad." So like, they needed to do the whole queer allegory "We're lesbians, and this is okay." [C laughs] "No, it's not!" thing, so.
C: Yeah. Yeah. So what's Ruby's motivation here? Like, does she think it'll make him easier to manipulate or like, does she just want to fuck him?
G: I think it's the first one. I think it's gonna make Sam easier to manipulate.
C: Yeah. Well. Girlboss.
G: Yeah. And then, you know, Sam's saying, "It's not okay!" And Ruby is like, "What's wrong?" and he goes, "What's wrong? Where do I start?" And then Ruby, like, climbs on Sam's lap.
C: Not yet. She's like, kneeling before him, and like, putting his hands under his shirt.
G: Yeah, that's true. And she goes- and Sam's like, doing the thing where he's like, looking away and like, scrunching his face.
C: Yeah.
G: [laughs] This is so uncomfortable to talk about. [both laugh] Girl. Anyway.
C: Hashtag i think i hauve Covid. [G laughing]
G: [laughing] i think i hauve Cov- [both laughing] Anyway, yeah, Ruby is going like, "Oh, is it because of the body?" And she goes, [both laughing] "It's only me inside of here. There's no one else. And it's nice inside this body." And she goes, "Soft..." and it's a whole thing. And Sam's like, "What are you doing?" And Ruby goes like- and then she climbs onto his lap now, right?
C: Yeah, I think? Maybe?
G: I don't know. It's blurry. And Ruby goes like, "Is it because you're scared to go there with a demon? Because it's wrong, [overlapping] and it's bad, and we shouldn't." And then it just goes like, "Eagh!" [C laughs] and then grabs her face, and like, they start making out like it's the last thing they're ever going to do with their lives.
C: Yeah. Yeah.
G: And, you know, shirts are flying off. She's not wearing a bra.
C: Yeah, exactly. What the hell? Does she have like, pasties on? 'Cause it's a tight shirt.
G: Yeah, probably. But you know what? That shirt was tight, and there was nothing in there.
C: Yeah. Yeah.
G: Yeah. I would love to say- I hate how I worded that. "I would love to say"? [both laugh] I would like to say, I think this wouldn't work with Ruby 1.
C: Yeah.
G: I think the reason why this scene works so well is because [laughs] Jared Padalecki and Genevieve Cortese-Padalecki wanted to fuck each other so raw and so hard. [both laugh] Like, I very genuinely think that. [both laugh]
C: Yeah, you're right. I feel like- yeah, I just feel like Ruby 1 could not have really even pretended to have wanted to fuck Sam. Because I don't think she did.
G: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But, girl, Ruby and Sam here, now.
C: Yeah. It's quite extended. We see shots of both of their backs a lot as they're writhing and such.
G: Yeah. Like, Sam- where's that one post about like- not post. IMDb review about like, "Oh, like, Sam, has sex, like, so rough," blah blah blah. Do you remember that one?
C: Are you talking about the TV Tropes thing? "Sam fucks"?
G: No, no, no. Like, on IMDb, we read a review - on "Heart," we read a review, and one of them was like, "This is my wife's favorite episode." [C laughs] And then there's a review on top of that's like, "I know why this is your wife's favorite episode." [both laughing] That's how I feel about this episode. [G laughing]
C: Wait, let me find it. "We finally- Sam's sex style revealed. We finally get to see Sam getting some, and he's rough... and awesome! Not as good as his sex scene with Ruby, though. To the guy who says this is his wife's favorite episode: No freakin' wonder, dude! Oh, yeah, the story isn't too bad, either." That's the review. [G laughing]
G: Yeah.
C: And you know what? Real.
G: Okay, we need to talk about the thing we talked about prior to recording. For context, we tried to record this episode like, what 3? 4 days ago?
C: 5, at least.
G: 5? Holy shit. 5 days ago, and then we just didn't. But [laughing] we did talk about the sex scene, and Crystal was like- What do you think-?
C: I spent so long being like, "What's Sam's psychology during this time? Like, how do you- what do you think made him give in? How does he feel about like, having sex with a demon like, given like, his whole demon blood blah blah blah."
G: Yeah.
C: And then in the end, I was just like, well, if I was there, and Genevieve Cortese was there, I feel like I know what I would do. It is what Sam did. [G laughing]
G: Literally, I think the only thing that's in Sam head is "This girl is hot."
C: [laughs] Yeah.
G: RI-fucking-P. And that was it.
C: Yeah. I mean, she is.
G: Yeah, I mean, should we do the whole like, "Oh, she's a demon. It's like-"
C: Okay, the the implication is like, it kind of turns him on that it's like, wrong?
G: No, no, I don't think it's that. I think, like, the implication is that like, he feels a lot of guilt over this. But I don't think so. [C laughs] Does he?
C: I don't know. Like-
G: Yeah.
C: Has he started drinking demon blood at this point?
G: No, I don't think so.
C: Okay, so like Ruby was like, "Hey, why don't we incorporate some bloodplay into sex today? And also, by the way, this will give you powers. So."
G: Yeah.
C: Good for her.
G: I don't know. I don't know. Wild shit. Honestly, I think Sam literally was just like, "Bruh." [C laughs] Like, that's his only thought. He just said "bruh," and that was it.
C: [laughs] Yeah. And you know, who mungus?
G: Yeah, who mungus?
C: So we cut back to the motel, and Dean says, "AO3 tag: Dean needs brain bleach" or whatever people put in like, all the Destiel that aren't well written. Sorry. Was that mean? I'm sure there are good Destiel fics with the tag "Sam needs brain bleach on them."
G: You know what? I think there are good Destiel fics, period. [both laugh] But have I encountered any? [laughing] There are good Destiel fics, it's just I'm not in the mood, and I don't want to be there anymore. Yeah.
C: Yeah. Like, my Marked for Later on AO3 is 40 pages long, and at least 30 of those pages are Destiel fics that I will never read.
G: I've never marked anything for later. Either we're doing this now, or we're never doing this, baby.
C: Huh. Yeah.
G: Also, like, for context, I only read fanfiction at truly, truly-
C: - terrible -
G: - deeply miserable portions of my life. [laughs] Like, during endtimes, that's when I'll read fanficiton. So like, it's not a good sign for me to be reading fanfiction, so like.
C: Yeah, right, marked for later just seems pessimistic.
G: Yeah, like, if I mark this shit for later, it's like, "Looking forward for a nervous breakdown in 2 to 3 weeks!" Like, girl.
C: Yeah, yeah.
So like, Dean's like, "That was too much information," and Sam's like, "Hey, like, I'm just trying to be like, fully honest with you and shit." And Dean's like, "Yeah, but now I feel dirty." And then he says that Ruby is "a manipulative bitch who screwed you, played mind games with you, and did everything in the book to get you to go bad." Which is not fair because she already saved Sam's life one time in the story so far.
G: I mean, it's not fair, but like, the thing is, Supernatural does validate this.
C: Yeah.
G: Which, I hate that.
C: Yeah, Danica said that Ruby was originally supposed to be like, actually turning over a new leaf, like, wanting to help them, but then, after Gen and Jared started getting together, they were like, "No, that's too corny now." and then they changed it.
G: Bruh.
C: I don't know if that's true, but I generally trust what Danica says, 'cause she's probably reading this by like, Google articles and not Tumblr. But yeah. Sad.
Sam continues, and he says, like, "Okay, a little bit after that, I put together some omens that shows that Lilith was in town, and I wanted to go after her." So we're to five months earlier, and, you know, Sam's like, trying to gung-ho go after Lilith. And Ruby says, like, "Hey, like, stop. You're not ready yet. You haven't been too successful at exorcising demons in our practices, so like, this is not the vibe." And Sam takes the knife and says, "Okay, I'll just use this, then." And, you know, Ruby is like, "No, you need a plan. This isn't gonna work. We need to be a hundred percent sure that you're gonna take her out, and you only have one shot, and you're the only one who can do it, Sam." And she goes like, "So if she kills you first..." And then she has like, a little realization. And Sam goes, "What?" And Ruby goes, "Oh, you don't want to survive this." You know, Sam's shrugging this off, but Ruby says, like, "No like, you do. You want to die fighting Lilith. Because if you kill her and you survive this, then you have to go on without your brother." And she says, like, "This isn't what Dean would have wanted. This isn't what he died for." And she blocks the door. And Sam, like, tells her like, "Get out of my way." And she says, "No, this is suicide." And then he takes the knife and presses it to her throat. And like, you can see the teeth of the blade like-
G: Yeah, pressing on to her neck, yeah.
C: Yeah, like, you can see her skin go in at those points. It is truly an image.
G: It's hot. [laughs]
C: Yeah, I didn't want to say it, but if you're gonna say it, yeah. Yeah.
G: Yeah. Yeah. God. You know what? They should fuck it out raw. And they do! [C laughs] And it's amazing.
C: Yeah, what did I say on Peach? Like, "I just know they fuck crazystyle, and I do know it. Because they do it in the show." [both laugh]
G: They do.
C: And then, you know, he gets past her, he goes out the door, he heads to Lilith's place. He's also walking so- [G laughing] he looks really stupid. There's like, a wide shot of his whole body while he's walking.
G: [laughing] This is what you sent to me, and you were like, "Why does it look like he has been edited for his legs to be really small?" And it's because he's wearing multiple layers up top. That's why.
C: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And he's just- he's wearing like, his fucking skinny jeans with like, 3 jackets. So it looks like they like-
G: He skipped leg day, yeah.
C: - got two images, one of his top half and one of his bottom half, and they they didn't scale them to the same size and stuck them together.
G: Yeah. Yeah. [laughs] But Sam comes into the house, and Lilith, quote-unquote "Lilith" is there. But like, it's not Lilith. It's just a little girl-
C: At a table of like, cakes and such.
G: - just going like- sweets and stuff, yeah. And she goes like, "I want to go home!" and then two demons attack Sam. And like, I don't know. The knife like, clatters to the floor or something. And, you know, there's like, fight, fight, the demon says that Lilith- basically, this is a trap. This is what we learn. Lilith trapped him here. And Ruby shows up and knifes one of the demons. Ruby goes like, "Take the girl and run!" Which was it interesting to me because like-
C: It's similar to "Pilot" and "Home."
G: Interesting. Interesting observation. But like, what I'm going more for is that we are more and more like, establishing that Ruby does care about the people. Because, like, she could have just said, "Go, run!" or whatever, but like, she is playing the part here of someone who is like, "No, no, no, I care." Like, Sam is asking, "Who give a shit?" And she's going, "Me. I give a shit." That's so important.
C: Yeah. And it's interesting because her Season 3 take was like, "Sam, you have to harden up. You have to be more like Dean. You have to do things that'll make you sick to your stomach. Just listen to me." And like, when she finds out that that doesn't work, like, she comes back.
G: She pivots, yeah.
C: Yeah, "I'm ethically obtaining bodies. I care about people. You should train so that you can save the vessels," because, like, that's Sam's first argument to Dean in "Metamorphosis" about why he's doing this. And like, doesn't later, Sam say something about how like, "Oh, what she said was like, what you would have said." Like, in Season 3, she was like, "You have to become Dean." And now she's like, "Okay, I can like, play that kind of a role, and you can be Sam. And we can still make this happen."
G: Yeah. Yeah! Yeah. That's a good one.
C: Yeah. Love her.
G: Anyway, the demon like, hits Ruby, drops the knife, and the demon starts taunting her that like, "When you get back down in Hell, the things we're gonna do to you." And Sam comes back in and successfully exorcises this fucking demon.
C: Yeah.
G: It's the whole shebang. It's like, extended, you know, and like, his nose bleeds, and Ruby's standing in awe, and like, he just goes like, "I'm okay. Thanks." at the end, after.
C: Yeah. And it's so good, because, like, there's like, blood dripping from her mouth, and there's blood dripping from his nose, and it's like, soo "Such Great Heights" "I am thinking it's a sign that the freckles in our eyes are mirror images, and when kiss, they're perfectly aligned" of them! God bless. Samruby real.
G: God bless. Samruby is real.
C: This is the first demon he exorcised, and he did it through the power of love!
G: It's literally through the power of our fucking love.
C: Yeah.
C: Back at the the motel, right, Sam says, like, "Ruby came back for me, and whatever you have to say, she saved me, and she got through to me. What she said to me is what you would have said, and if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be here." And then, like, a maid knocks on the door, and she's like, "No, I need to come in to give clean towels." And then, like, she shows Sam a piece of paper and says, "I'm at this address." and Sam goes like, "Sorry, what?" 'Cause I think he thinks like, she's hitting on him or something. But she says, like, "No. You have to go now, like, through the bathroom window. Don't take your car." Did they run there? Okay. She says, "Don't take your car, don't pass go. There are demons in the hallway and in the parking lot." And Sam finally realizes, "Oh, this is you, Ruby?" And she says, like, "Okay, yes. So I'm possessing this maid for a hot minute. Sue me." And at this, she puts her hands on her hips, which is like- The thing is that, like, Ruby generally crosses her arms. This is not a Ruby gesture. And like, a lot of people have talked about this scene. Okay, like, for context, this maid is Black and Ruby is usually possessing a white girl, right? And like, the fact that she does this gesture, which I think is generally associated with like, funny, sassy Black women, just when it's this body. Like, yeah, I do think this is racist.
G: Yeah. But also like, there is the possibility that this actor was just like, "I'm just here for a job, and I'm not gonna figure out like, the intricacies of how Ruby poses." C: That is true.
G: But like, if we're looking at it from like, the Ruby perspective- you know what I mean?
C: And also from a directing perspective too.
G: Yeah. Like, there- There is one person who directed all the scenes where Ruby is in the rest of this episode, and, like, that director, also directed the scene with the other white girl who isn't Ruby 2.0, you know? So.
C: Yeah. So you know, you'd think that it's weird that the consistency only goes away with this particular vessel. Weird.
G: Mm-hm.
C: Yeah. And then she says, "Yeah, like, my coma girl vessel is rotting on the floor back at the cabin with Anna. So you know, I'm hurrying back. See you when you get there!"
G: Hell yeah.
C: Okay, so like, do demons just zap from random body to random body? Like, does it take them time to travel distances to get to other bodies? How does it work?
G: I think it does. I think it does take time. 'Cause, like, the physical movement of the smoke. Like, that's a thing.
C: That's true. We see it come out of vents and shit. But do they fly like birds? How do they do it?
G: I don't know. I think they just smoke out. It's literally just like, air.
C: But they have to be able to control the direction
G: I mean, you know what I fucking mean. [C laughs]
C: Okay.
G: [laughs] It's sentient air, okay?
C: Okay, alright. Got it.
G: Yeah, there are nerve endings in this clump of air.
C: Mm-hm. Coolio.
G: Specifically, it's like, fascinating how like, demons just like, jump around and angels have to do the whole asking thing.
C: Yeah, but also like, where are they before they ask? Like, do they land on a particular part of earth, and then they have to like, also, like, fly their spirits around until they find a willing vessel?
G: That's what's interesting about Season 9. Like, when the angels fall, it's like, "What does that mean?" Because it also means they can't teleport because they lose their wings.
C: Right. So like, are they like, little sentient spirits crawling around on the floor until they get a willing vessel?
G: Yeah. Exactly.
C: Yeah.
G: They go to the cabin that Ruby is talking about, and Ruby is there, greets them; they see Anna, asks how she is and she goes, "Yeah. I'm okay. Ruby's not like other demons. She saved my life."
C: And she does like, a smile at this, where, like, she like shows her teeth.
G: Yeah!
C: And it's like, kind of a shy smile, too. And it's like, wow. Lesbians. For the win.
G: Girl. Yeah. They literally fell in love in this cabin. I know it in my heart.
C: Yeah. Yeah.
G: And Dean is like, [reluctantly] "Yeah, I hear that he does that, I guess." and like, turns to Ruby, and Ruby's like, What? He goes like, [reluctantly] "Well, I guess I owe you now, and I just wanted... you know." And like, he's having such a difficult time to get his words out. Ruby goes, "Don't strain yourself!" And then he goes like, "Well, okay, then. Is the moment over?" And then goes like, "Ugh, that was awkward."
I mean, this is fine by me. Like, I know I kept on saying Dean is so annoying, but like, this scene, I think this is how he would do it, you know? C: Yeah. Yeah. And if this was like, the end of it, if, like, Dean was just nice to Ruby for the rest of the season, I'd be like-
G: Yeah. Not even nice. Not even nice in a like, you know, like, outwardly nice. If it's just this kind of awkward like, "No, like, you helped us out. Appreciate that." Like, that would be really great. Really fun. But alas, it's not what happens.
C: Yeah, yeah. He does kill her.
G:  Anna asks again about her parents, and this is when Sam finally reveals- Well, he just goes, "Your parents-" and Anna like, goes, "What about them?" And Sam just goes, "I'm sorry." And Anna starts freaking out. She's like, "Why is this happening to me?" And it's a whole, you know, she's very distressed.
C: Yeah, she's crying and clutching her head.
G: And Anna like, just perks up a bit and goes- perks up in that like, pays attention, and goes, "They're coming." And like, Sam goes and takes Anna somewhere off the back, and Ruby asks for the knife, and Dean is like, "Well, I don't have it!" And like, Ruby is like- I mean, we've seen what Ruby is like the last time they lost something. Like, when they lost the Colt, Ruby was like, "You guys are fucking imbeciles." Like, she was like- not even that. That's nothing compared to what she said. Like, she was so fucking ruthless. And Dean immediately goes, "It's not my fault!" [both laugh] which I found so funny, and Sam was like, "Okay, great. Thanks a lot." [C laughs] Yeah. And Ruby is, you know, upset at this, and the doors bust open.
C: Fuck yeah.
G: And who is it? [both] It's Castiel and Uriel!
C: God.
G: God, they're the dynamic duo, for fucking real.
C: Yeah. Yeah. They look great. They should have like, a dramatic pose for when they appear places.
G: Yeah! Like, they show up, and it's like- agh. I don't- you know when Cas showed up- for some reason, my head- Like, I knew that he was gonna show up, like, when the door started rattling. I was like, "Oh, yeah, this is when Cas shows up." And like, a part of me, was kind of surprised because I thought like, it was gonna be next episode. I didn't- I guess my brain like, put it in the other episode because it's so short here. You know what I mean? Because it's like, "to be continued," it's like my brain just cut it off before this happened. But basically, I thought it was going to be next episode. So when the door started rattling and it didn't end there, I was like, "Oh, so Cas is going to show up at the end of this episode!" And then still, when he shows up, I'm like, "Oh, wow." Like, I was like, mesmerized! It literally is the Castiel fucking effect. It does something to you. It fucking does something to you.
C: Yeah.
G: Yeah. Anyway, Dean says, like, "Please tell me you're here to help, 'cause, like, the demons have been on our ass all day." And Uriel looks at Ruby and goes, "I can see that. Can you explain why you have that stain in your room?"
C: Which I love. 'Cause like, for humans, it's "mud monkeys," and then for demons, it's like, "stain." So like, there's the uncleanliness imagery in both, right, but like, a stain is like, an unsubstantial like, leftover thing, right? And I really like the idea of like, a demon as like [overlapping] the leftovers of a person. Yeah.
G: Yeah. Anyway, Castiel speaks up and says, "We're here for Anna." And Dean asks him to clarify.
C: [laughs] He goes, "Here for her, like, [overlapping] 'here for her'?" Like, emotionally?
G: Like, emotionally, are you gonna give her advice about her dead parents? "We hear for you." [both laughing] Do you even remember that episode of Succession?
C: Yes! I never watched that episode, but I watched that clip on Tumblr, and I was like, "Maybe Succession is a good show."
G: We hear for you. [laughing] It's so stupid! Anyway, Uriel demands Anna, and Sam asks, "Are you gonna to help her?" And Castiel says the last line of this episode, "No. She has to die."
C: Fuck yeah, baby!
G: "To be continued..." Whoo!
C: I love all of this last scene so much. Like, I like the way that-
G: Every time Cas shows up for the last scene, it's like, "Girl, we're getting it." [C laughs]
C: Yeah. Okay, like, things that I liked about the scene: The way that it sort of parallels Ruby showing up, but like, Sam's whole, like, "Are you gonna help her?" like, Sam is, his face is way more closed off than Dean's, and like, he's way less trusting of the angels, whereas Dean immediately is like, "Oh, thank god, you guys are here to help." And I feel like it's very similar to the way they reacted to Ruby in the bar but opposites. And also I fucking love Cas's like, "No, she has to die." Because, like, I feel like certain brands of villains, like, in response to, "Are you gonna help her?" they would like, say something that's like, "Oh, yeah, we're helping her," but like in a way that makes it clear that they're not. But like, Cas is like, fully like, "No. Like, I know the thing I'm about to do here is not going to help her, and I don't plan on hiding this. This thing that we're doing is going to hurt her, and we are going to kill her." I know it's just to end the episode on like, a-
G: Dramatic note, yeah.
C: - note that seems more dramatic or whatever, but like, like, that is so Cas of him. And also, I feel like he knows that if he voices it like that, they're gonna try to stop them. And I wonder if he- I think he wants them to stop him a little bit-
G: Yeah.
C: - because Anna used to be his commander. Like, they used to be like, besties or whatever.
G: Yeah.
C: Anyway, Cas.
G: Yeah, yeah. Okay. Well, the episode is ended.
C: It sure has.
G: Any post-episode thoughts?
C: Women. You?
G: This is a- well, I think this is a good episode.
C: Yeah.
G: I love Anna, I love Ruby, and this is the part of the show where Ruby is truly becoming a character. Like, she's filling in, you know? And it's really nice. It's really good. And like, looking ahead for what's to come for her, it's like, "Oh, I'm so excited for the rest of this season to play out."
C: Yeah. Actually, I have another thing, which is like, in like, 4.02, she told Sam, like, "There are angels involved? No, I'm fucking out of here."
G: "I'm out," yeah. C: But the fact that, like, she doesn't run with Anna like, in this last scene, like, she stands her ground to fight with them.
G: Aww.
C: And I think that's so niceys of her!
G: Yeah. Really niceys.
C: And she flashes her eyes when they appear, and like, I know they would be able to tell she was a demon immediately, but the fact that she is immediately like, "Hello! I am a demon," like, despite being so scared of what angels would do to demons specifically, like, yay! Go Ruby.
G: Yeah. Yeah.
G: Well, Best Line/Worst Line. I would say, I was looking for a Best Line and a Worst Line when I was scrolling through the transcript, and there's a line where Sam says, "This is above my paygrade," and I was scrolling like, quite fast, and I read it as "This is above my gay pride." [both laughing] It literally is above his gay pride. [C laughs]
C: And that's the best line of the episode! [G laughs]
G: Yeah! [laughing] It's above my pay- it's above my pay gride. [laughs] I didn't even say it properly! It's above my gay pride.
C: It is. [laughs] It's above his gay pride.
I mean, I think this is pretty boring, but I liked when Ruby had her realization of like, "You don't want to survive this" because I think it it did hit the way they wanted it to hit. So, good job.
G: Yeah. I think my best line is "Ruby's not like other demons. She saved my life." Like, I just think Anna and Ruby could have been so interesting, and are. Like, they are interesting in what the show gives them, and it could have been even more interesting. And like, the fact that it's like- I don't know. Like, I mean the whole like, "Not like other demons" situation is like- well. I don't want to get into it. But you know what I mean, right?
C: Yeah, yeah. Like, you normally don't hear the sentence, "not like other blanks" and go, "Oh, I like this!"
G: Yeah. Yeah. But like, here, it's not about the thing that is being said. It's about the fact that they're getting along, and it's like, they have that kind of bond of like, "Oh-" like, the initial fear, and it's like whatever. I don't know. Now that I'm saying this, I'm realizing that this is like, the thing that we hate about Dean is like, "Oh, save your life! Blah blah blah."
C: True.
G: And it's like, the realization that this is a good person.
C: Yeah.
G: But I think it's- I don't know. I do like it still. When she said it, and she said it with that kind of smile I was like, "Awww."
C: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, yeah.
I mean, they would be a slow burn if they were anything, so I feel like by the time the slow burn ended, that initial dynamic would be eroded, especially because Anna would be an angel again by that point.
G: Yeah.
C: It would be sort of just- like, once she regained her like, angel memory- I don't know how anti-demon Anna the angel is in general, but I feel like if she is pretty anti-demon, once she regains her memories, the spark of like, Ruby saving her life would be like, what causes her to start questioning that aspect of her training, even though she's already questioned a lot of aspects of her training before. And then eventually, they meet back up. And then they make out.
G: Yeah. What's your worst line? Mine is when Dean calls Ruby [both] a hellbitch. I don't like that.
C: Yeah, that was also my first thought. So- what's the other time he's mean to- Yeah, he also calls her a manipulative bitch, but that's not as bad as hellbitch. And she is manipulative. But it's fine.
G: Yeah. Can't women do anything?
C: Yeah. [laughs] G: Exactly. Well, spread those sheets, baby.
C: Alright, BABPod Stats. Okay, we have... misogyny- I'd say probably a 1 at the most?
G: Yeah. Misogyny?
C: Yeah, for misogyny, just for- well, Dean's always awful to Ruby. Every time Ruby shows up and Dean is also there, like, there is misogyny. That is how it goes.
G: Yeah.
C: Racism, I'd say 1 for the maid.
G: 1 as well, yeah.
C: Yeah. And then for homophobia, was there any of that?
G: No, I don't think so.
C: And despite people being forced into the closet multiple times, we have 0 homophobia.
G: Hell yeah.
C: Hell yeah.
G: Okay. IMDb.
C: Huh.
G: I would guess this episode is pretty high but not that high. So I'd say 8.7.
C: Okay, yeah, I feel like that seems appropriate. I like this episode a lot. But I don't know if I want to go 8.8 or not. You know what? Let's do it. Let's live our lives with hope and trust in our hearts. I'm gonna go 8.8.
G: Okay. Let's see. Oh my god, it's an 8.6. You went the wrong direction.
C: Damn. Well. I should not live my life with trust and hope in my heart.
G: No, yeah, probably. [laughs]
Bro. This one says, like, "When it comes to acting, this episode is a huge treat. Misha Collins returns, delivering yet another great performance."
C: He had two lines!
G: [both laughing] He was there for 2 seconds! He was there for 5 seconds at the most!
C: Yeah, like, I think maybe you just want Misha Collins carnally.
G: Mm-hm. "The season of highs and lows. I absolutely cannot stand the actress who place Ruby. Her delivery is wooden. Everything else is awesome."
C: Fair.
G: Yeah, that's valid.
C: Yeah. Someone says that Anna Milton's last name might come from John Milton, which is possible. That's fun.
G: Yeah. I did read Paradise Lost - at least I tried to while I was in the middle of my Supernatural obsession era.
C: Uh-huh. How did it go?
G: Pretty slay! They mentioned perdition once, and I was like, "OMG, just like Castiel." [laughs]
C: Just like Castiel! This person says that "Anna's actress is good, but I think she could have been better." What did she do wrong?
G: Interesting! I don't think that's true.
C: I feel like she did a good job.
G: Bro, what the fuck.
C: Are you looking at the 7 out of 10 one [both laughing] that says, "The erotic scene with Dean and Anna is forced"? I think you're reviewing the wrong episode there, buddy.
G: I know! I laughed so hard.
C: "and is clearly added because of Destiel being a thing."
G: It's not Destiel, it's Destial. [both laugh]
G: Oh my god. They surely filmed all of this before Destiel was like, a thing, right? Like, this was filmed before 4.01 was-
G: Bro! There's one rating that's like, for Jensen Ackles's performance, but it's for the last scene of the next episode. [laughs]
C: Yeah. Yeah.
Okay, the last one - Jesus. [G laughing] There's a 9/10 one by hsabgardner titled, "Oh, sweet lord, that redhead is gorgeous." And then the entire contents of the review are, "
There isn't anything more to say. A n ivory complexion and softly colored red hair is one of the classical and iconic types of beauty." And that's the entire review. 9/10. July 31, 2020.
G: I mean, they did say [laughs] there isn't anything more to say, and they didn't say anything more. [both laughing]
C: Yeah. They stuck to their word.
G: Yeah.
G: I think that's it for this episode of Busty Asian Beauties. Next week, we will be discussing Season 4, Episode 10: "Heaven and Hell." Leave us a rating or a review wherever you get your podcasts!
C: Follow us on social media! We are on twitter at twitter.com/BeautiesPodcast and on Tumblr at bustyasianbeautiespod.tumblr.com. Our official tag is #BABPod, B-A-B-POD. Thanks to everyone who's donated to our Ko-Fi at ko-fi.com/bustyasianbeautiespod. And check out our merch at babpod.redbubble.com. G: Mm-hm.
C: Did you forget again?
G: Email us at [email protected]. No, I- well. See you guys next time! [both] Bye!
[guitar music]
C: Do you want- are you doing this-
G: Fucking- no. [laughing]
C: We're so bad at podcasting today. Why are we so bad at podcasting today?
G: No, for real. What is this? What are we? [laughs]
C: Like, there have been so many awkward silences. It's not good.
G: Yeah. What if we just quit forever now?
C: We've been out of practice for longer than this, so I don't know what the deal is.
G: I think maybe because I didn't watch it immediately before.
C: Yeah, I also watched it- yeah, on Saturday or Sunday, so like, 5 or 6 days before. Okay. Okay. Let's be good at podcasting now. Who's taking the next scene?
C: Like, what's going on in their heads.
G: Yeah. we'll never know.
C: We will never, ever know.
G: Unless...
C: Unless? [laughs]
G: We interview someone.
C: Sure. Fucking Eric Kripke, [G laughing] come on Busty Asian Beauties podcast. [both laughing]
G: Where we will roast you to hell and back, etc etc.
C: I don't know if I could do that to his face. I feel like I become a coward once I am actually talking to people.
G: I would probably say, "Hey, Mr. Kripke. [C laughs] Um, big fan. Of the everything." [C laughs]
C: Okay. Okay. Yeah. That's a start.
G: Because I don't have a backbone, yeah.
C: Well, okay, if he's like, "So tell me about the backstory behind the title of your podcast," we'd at least give him a little heat about that, right?
G: Why are we- why are we discussing this as if it is something that can, will, and must happen? [C laughs]
C: Because it can, will and must happen. I don't know what you're talking about.
G: Yeah. One day, we will get Eric Kripke on this podcast. And when it happens, girl. We are- we are [laughs] becoming- ano. Whatever. I don't even know how to finish that joke. I'm so out of it today. What even is going on?
C: I also feel not particularly with it. I don't know what is going on.
G: Yeah.
G: Wait, can you send you?
C: Send you what?
G: What's this thing you're talking about?
C: I can find it. Yeah, okay. Are you also- are you already looking at Home of the Nutty?
G: Yeah.
C: Okay.
G: Oh, it's so fucking tagal.
C: What? Oh, slow?
G: Yeah.
C: Yeah. It's also being really slow for me.
G: Bruh. You know I'm like, tired and out of it because I keep on speaking in Filipino.
C: It finally loaded.
G: Bruh. I need to stop saying bruh! It's because I'm hanging out with fucking-
C: [laughs] Transmascs?
G: What?
C: I said transmascs.
G: Yeah. Yeah. Because now I have transgender friends
C: You've been hanging out with yourself the whole time. [G laughs]
G: Yeah. But I met a trans guy recently, like, in person. Usually, we just like, see each other like, on campus, and we usually hang out in a server situation, you know, like, we don't hang out one-on-one all the time. But the moment I arrived, and it was like, "Oh, this is the start of like, a lengthy hangout session," he goes up to me, and he like, clasps my hand, and like, taps my back. You know that kind of hug?
C: Oh, yeah, the the bro hug. Uh-huh. I know what that is.
G: The bro hug. And it was the first time that has ever happened to me, and I started laughing immediately [both laughing], and I go, "What the fuck was that?" I think I'm a really bad person. But I just thought it was so funny.
C: I just felt like most people only did that ironically nowadays.
G: I don't know! I mean, me too. That's why I was laughing so hard.
C: But you know, live your truth, live your life.
G: Live your truth, live your truth.
C: Home of the Nutty is literally never gonna load, and we're never gonna know anything ever again, [G laughing] and we're going to die sitting here. Just so you know.
G: We are never.
C: It doesn't even matter. It's just some random guy. [G laughing] Okay, we're getting close-
G: [laughing] Okay, just keep on talking. Just keep on talking and I will find it. Bro, I'm still in the fucking Home of the Nutty-
C: The "I Know What You Did Last Summer" album is starting to load for me. Like, that's something, right? [G laughing] That means something to the world.
G: Mine is still- I'm still at the fucking like, Season 4 list. Oh my god, it's loading! Life is so beautiful. You think it's on page 3?
C: Now we have to guess what page it's on. I clicked 4, you should click 3 to diversify our assets.
G: Okay. And I'll click 5 to the other tab I have open.
C: I'm sorry to our listeners. [G laughs]
G: I mean, I'm gonna cut most of this out.
C: Okay, I think 3 is the correct one, because 4 is a little too late.
G: Oh my god, it's here, baby!
C: Oh, no, web server is returning an unknown error.
G: Bruh, there's not even a person in here! It's just like, a fucking-
C: No, there is one where she's standing behind the glass. There's a person, I swear to god.
G: Oh, the painting! Okay, let me see that. It has 9 views. and we will figure out who it is, what it is, etc., etc.
C: Yeah, okay, yeah. That one.
G: Wait. Let's see. Oh my god! It's here.
C: Do you recognize-
G: I think this is- if I was Sam Winchester, I would look at that fucking clasp at his cloak and be like, "I know exactly who that is."
C: But you are not Sam Winchester?
G: I think this is- is this like, John the Baptist?
C: Why not? [G laughing] I have no way of contradicting that.
G: No, no, wait, wait, wait. Can we... who is this? God. Who even give a shit? [C laughing] Like, what are we doing here?
C: I don't know. Maybe if we make this guy our like, episode picture, someone will tell us.
G: Okay. Well, somebody tell us.
C: It seems rude to not put Aanna as the episode picture, though.
G: Yeah, that is true.
C: Next week?
G: Oh, wait. Let's reverse search image this with Google.
C: I don't know if it's- Okay.
G: Well, none of these- I'll reverse search image the clasp.
How the hell did Sam just memorize like, every fucking- No idea.
C: Because he didn't. Because he's fictional.
G: Yeah, that's true.
C: Also, he's now always wrong about lore.
G: That's true. That is true.
C: Except he's right in the world of Supernatural, but he's wrong in the world of of real folklore.
G: Mm-hm.
C: Anyway, let's just say it's John the Baptist. Why not?
G: Isn't there a Doctor Who think about weeping angels?
C: Yes, they are one of the main monsters. Introduced in "Blink" by Steven Moffat, unfortunately. [G laughs] Well, their thing is- they're like, aliens that can move super fast, but like, not if you're looking at them. Like, they turn into statues if you're looking at them.
G: Bruh.
C: So yeah, you can't blink, because each time you blink they can get closer and kill you.
G: I had a dream like that once, and it was the worst experience of my fucking life.
C: Oh, yeah, no, as a middle school, or being a Doctor Who fan was was very stressful to my eye wetness health.
G: Yeah. Mine was like, "If I don't smile, she can move," so like, I had to smile the entire time, or else she'll come to get me.
C: Geez.
G: And when she gave up, she told me, "Don't worry. I'll come back." And then I woke up from the dream, and I didn't sleep for three days.
C: Jesus fuck. [G laughs] Yeah, no, that's quite bad.
G: Yeah, I was like, in eighth grade. Yeah. Truly a fascinating time. And like, I remember my roommates being like, "No, it's okay, like, you can go to sleep. If we start like, [laughs] fucking screaming in your sleep, we'll wake you up." [both laughing]
C: That's true.
G: [laughing] God, being in a dorm is such an experience. God, imagine telling someone "If we start screaming in your sleep, we'll just wake you up."
C: Don't people who room together do things like tell other people to go to sleep closer to the door so they get murdered first. [G laughs] Well, that's just a sibling experience, I think.
G: Yeah, that's true.
C: Yeah. Anyway.
G: [laughing] I'm so sorry, I opened Peach, and I saw your bio. [laughing]
C: [laughing] Wait, what's my bio on Peach?
[G laughing, incoherent] [C starts laughing]
C: [laughing] I forgot that I set it to that.
I don't know. For the audience, my bio on Peach is "the jonker from the movie the jokner." [G laughing] which is a Will Wood quote.
G: [laughing] I'm laughing so hard, I can't even make a sound from the laugh. [both laughing]
C: Well, I'm glad that neither of us pay attention during our recordings. Like, you have to edit out the sounds of me playing 2048 on my laptop, and you're on Peach. [G laughing]
G: Ahh. It literally is the jonker [both laughing] from the m- [laughing] I can't do this anymore. Okay, let's continue recording.
C: [laughing] Okay. [both laughing]
G: Why is it so funny? [laughing]
C: Anyway.
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reblogging4thewin · 2 years
I'm the One He's Walking To
Rating: G | 1.2k words | Destiel
For @solarcas for @spnvalentines Happy ValenDestiVersary!
Cas invites Dean on a Valentine's Day walk. Even though Cas didn't put much stock in these kinds of holidays, Dean wondered: could this mean something? Little did he know, Cas had planned something special and sweet.
Read below or on AO3
“Do you want to go for a walk this evening?” Cas had asked Dean that day over lunch. “The sun is supposed to start setting around six, and uh, there’s a nice park nearby that I haven’t been to in a while.”
“Oh, a walk? Sure, Cas. Yeah.” Dean swallowed hard. “I’d like that.” Dean hadn’t really known what to say, because of course the answer was yes. He just didn’t know what to make of the invitation and didn’t want to sound too enthusiastic and scare Cas away.
Cas was his best friend, afterall; had been for years. Even at times when they’d gone separate ways, they always picked up where they left off; their bond never breaking. They’d been through so much together, and supported each other in the darker times. So why should Dean worry about a little walk?
Because it could change everything. Or, it could be nothing at all. It’s not like they’ve never gone for a walk before. Dean with his hands in his pockets, folding and tearing at an old receipt in his coat, and Cas cracking a joke at his expense under the warm glow of the streetlights.
But this was Valentine’s day. Cas had practically asked Dean to be his Valentine.
Friends do things together on Valentine’s day too though.
A few years ago, Dean had gone on a Valentine’s day walk with Crowley, before their “summer of love.” Dean had wondered at the time if that was supposed to be a date or not. He’d kind of thought it was; but it became clear that Crowley had not really seen it that way (though he’d apparently been hopeful for a date, he hadn’t considered the walk to be any more than a walk). That hadn’t mattered in the end, since Dean ended up turning Crowley down (or, more accurately, pushing him down) once he saw how toxic their relationship had been, and gained some more self-respect. Crowley had mostly ghosted him after that. They sometimes worked together, but otherwise, they rarely talked.
But this time, it was Cas who asked him to go on a Valentine’s day walk. Cas.
Dean sighed wistfully. He knew he tended to read too far into things. This may just be wishful thinking. Afterall, as an angel, Cas didn’t usually put much stock in cheezy, capitalistic human traditions. Cas didn’t even mention Valentines when he asked Dean to walk with him. Maybe Cas hadn’t even noticed that it was Valentine’s day. But, Valentine’s day does have a religious root - Saint Valentine. In addition to being a symbol of courting, St. Valentine was also the patron saint of beekeepers. Cas probably knew that. So he must know what day it is.
Shaking his head, Dean looked back down at the lorebooks in front of him and tried to focus.
Shutting the bunker door, Dean buttoned his coat as Cas simply adjusted his collar and scratched at the back of his neck, ruffling the back of his hair just a bit.
The last few rays of the setting sun illuminated Cas’ features in a mesmerizing way. Dean closed his mouth and cleared his throat, collecting himself.
“Shall we?” he said nonchalantly, gesturing towards the driveway.
The walk to the park was less than a mile; maybe even less than half a mile. Without Baby’s wheels rolling under him as a measurement, Dean wasn’t exactly sure of the distance - just that the walk to get there was very short. They had only just told each other how the rest of their afternoons had went before he was suddenly faced with the manicured greenery.
As they ambled through the park, passing ducks and squirrels, flowers and trees, they talked about nothing and everything. From the dreams they'd been having lately to how the hardships they've faced have changed their worldviews - for better or worse.
They talked about the times that they had been afraid the other would not recover from curses, hexes, and other life-threatening supernatural ailments, and how they rediscovered faith in each other - in sickness and in health.
They talked about how trying to get by on nothing (Dean when he was growing up and Cas when he was Steve [gosh Dean was kicking himself for letting that topic come up and for being so ~~stupid~~ trusting of Gadreel in the first place]) made them appreciate Charlie's magic card and use it responsibly - for rich or for poor.
As they walked, the sun gradually made its way down until it had stretched its rays across the horizon by the time they reached the pond.
Under the shade of an old tree, they stood right next to each other in comfortable silence for a minute or two as they watched the sunset glow and fade in bursts of pink and yellow.
The soft sound of Cas clearing his throat broke the silence.
"Hey, Dean?"
"Yeah, Cas?"
“Today’s the 14th.”
“Yes. Yes it is.” Dean replied awkwardly.
Cas hesitated for a moment before continuing.
"This may be kind of silly, but…" Cas started fumbling in his pockets. "I made this for you.".
He handed Dean a little heart-shaped card with a drawing of the two of them feeding ducks at the pond on it.
Dean took the card and stared at it silently for maybe a moment too long.
“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” Cas said sheepishly.
“Oh, no; Cas, it’s not that. I love it. I just…this holiday. The pink, the red, the-” Dean snapped his fingers, fishing for the right words.
“Anatomically incorrect heart shapes.” Cas supplied.
“Yes; exactly!” Dean turned towards Cas and took a breath, seemingly restraining himself from something. “I thought….I thought you didn’t care about that stuff.”
“Well, not really.” Cas smiled. “But you do.”
Now it was clear that Dean was holding back tears.
“Oh, Dean.” Cas pulled Dean into a tight embrace. Dean rested his head on Cas’ shoulder, and they stood there in each other’s arms for a minute as the last bits of sunlight dipped below the horizon.
Dean slowly raised his head. He didn’t want to break the moment, but he very much wanted to do this.
Their eyes met and Cas tilted his head slightly, but instead of a squint of confusion, his eyes were wide with wonder, and his lips were slightly parted in a soft gasp. Dean found what he was looking for in that expression, and so did Cas. They leaned in and met in the middle.
Under that tree, the seeds they had planted and nurtured finally bloomed into a lovely rose. The soft sweet petals of their lips eventually parted, but their arms were still wrapped around each other. They were both grinning, foreheads touching lightly.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” Dean finally said.
Cas chuckled. “I was about to say the same thing.”
“Then let’s do it again.” Dean’s eyes glinted mischievously.
“Oh, I don’t ever plan on stopping.” Cas leaned in and chased Dean’s mouth into another sweet yet intense kiss.
Yes, the holiday may be trite, but sometimes all it takes is an excuse to say something, to take the first leap of faith. Dean and Cas found faith in each other. The twinkling starlight reflected on the pond and filtered through the leaves of the tree as they kissed, and lit the path as they slowly made their way back to the bunker, hand in hand. They could take their time now, and they planned to take full advantage of that.
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ghostfacerseffect · 2 years
also…. 003, dean winchester
Update from once i finished this it has reawakened severe psychological damage within me i am not ok <3
How I feel about this character: How DON’T I feel about him. He’s so special to me. I’m having trouble trying to do this succinctly lmao I love him so much. He’s such a beautifully crafted queer character built up by so many intricate references and creative choices and he’s such a good representation of Rel Gen X Queerness. We meet him as an adult and we still see him grow so much. He doesn’t have or need a typical coming out arc, he lives and exists how he is, he falls in love and it’s beautiful and hopeful and it was so viscerally tragic when it was supposed to be the opposite. He's so full of love it's constantly spilling over! He’s breaking the cycle of abuse he’s cooking for his family he always thought he could be a good dancer if he’d tried he deserves to rest and live and love and be loved oh man oh god. Head in hands. There’s always more but i gotta stop now,,, I need to give him a hug
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Cas!!!! I also v much appreciate Benny and Crowley’s respective summers of love, Cassie’s a real one.
My favorite non-romantic relationship/friendship for this character: Charlie and Jody and Claire and Jack and Garth and all his FRIENDS HE HAD FRIENDS HE LOVES THEM THEY LOVE HIM!!!
My unpopular opinion about this character: He’s queer on purpose he knows he's queer he was going to say i love you to cas first
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: one good movie kiss ONE GOOD MOVIE KISS!!!! I want him to snap on Sam completely. I want him to apologize to Jack. I want him to hug everyone I want him to have a birthday party I want him to Live
My crossover ship: nah
going 2 go listen to billy joel and cry thanks xx
the ask game or whatever pls send me more im just gonna take the night off now lmao (╥﹏╥)
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x-childish-x · 3 years
Hello everyone! I decided to create this list of writing prompts for those of you that would like some regular prompts, so here it is. For any that are similar/the same as other people’s prompts, I’m sorry and I didn’t intentionally mean to steal these. 
Feel free to send in a ask/make a comment/dm me with a number(s) and a character! Characters are listed below! Other characters I may be willing to write for, simply ask! Please specific whether your requesting off the nsfw prompt list, if not then I’ll assume you mean this list!
Send in a request here!
Request Rules/Guidelines
If requesting off a prompt list, please specify which one!
Requests can be off any of the following prompt lists or not! Feel free to send in any ideas, requests, questions, comments, or anything else!
Please view my request rules before submitting a request!
“They’re good for each-other.” "You think so?" "They were destined to be together."
"That was so stupid." "And also kinda cool, right?" "No.. just stupid."
“Shut up and hold me.”
“I’m not leaving. Ever.” "What about when you die?" "Can't I just be romantic for once?"
"What if you leave?" “You’ll find your way back to me, I know you will.”
"You got us into this mess!" "Well then you should get us out if I'm the one that got us here!"
“I’ll take care of you.”
"What's that song you used to sing to me?" "(choose a song)" “Can you sing that song for me again?”
"And the moral of this story?" "Not everything has a moral. I don't have one either."
“You’re the reason I’m still here.”
"I swear to god, I'll beat you to death with my high heels, if you don't shut the fuck up."
“What's wrong? Are you hurt? What happened?”
"Do me a favor and don't start a war while I'm gone."
“I think (she/he/they/I) rubbed off on you.” "Is that really so bad?"
“Don’t let go.”
“You didn’t think you’d be able to get rid of me just yet did you?” "I wasn't planning to."
“Because I fell for you, isn’t it obvious?”
"Oh no, please, by all means... continue..."
“I haven't and could never get tired of you.”
"There are a thousand different ways to tell someone you love them, and I intend to try every single one."
“Are you alright?” “I will be.”
“If you don’t let her go right now, I swear I will break every bone in your body.”
“No you don’t understand, I have to get back!”
“I’m not your princess.”
“You say you hate it but your red face is telling me otherwise.”
“I don’t know if I want to yell at you or kiss you.”
“Stop flirting with me, I’m not going to fall for it.”
“Why does it sound like you’re saying goodbye?”
“Tell me why I should stay." “Because I need you...I...I’m not good with this sort of stuff.” "That's not enough."
“You’re in-love with somebody else...”
“It wasn’t supposed to end this way. This isn’t the person I fell in-love with.”
“Is that blood?” “.....No?”
“You were the one who walked out, not me.”
"I loved you."
“Are you really choosing (her/him/them) over me?”
“Forget it, you’re a fucking asshole.”
“Don’t you remember me?”
“You have to let me go." "Don't say that."
“Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?”
“It’s all in my head. This isn’t actually happening, you’re not real!” "Of course I'm real."
“Look me in the eyes and repeat what you just said... d-do you really mean it?”
“Why are you letting (her/him/them/me) do this to you?” “Because I love (her/him/them/you).”
“Why is it so hard for you to believe me?”
“Holding everything in doesn’t help, you know, it just hurts you more.”
“Are you hurt?” “No.” “Then why are there bruises all over your face?”
“Wake up! Please don’t do this to me.”
“I thought you said you wouldn’t fall in-love.” "I lied."
“(She’s/he’s/they’re) just a friend.” “We used to be friends to be ‘just friends’ too.”
“You’re weak.” "You're one to speak."
“People say I’m heartless.. but I guess they do have a point.”
“I'm never silent.. I'm either drinking coffee or saying bad words.”
“Another nightmare?”
“We are stranded here together, so we may as well work together to get off this rock alive.”  
“Get out of my head.” "I was never really in your head."
"(Was/Is) it worth it? Risking everything just for a chance.”
“I’m not going to fight you.”
“Can we please stop running? I think I’m dying.” "Well if we stop running, you will die!"
"If I die, I’m haunting you first.”
“Every time I think I’m close to finally figuring you out you end up surprising me.”
"Why would you lie to me?" "It wasn't my choice!"
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
Poe Dameron
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Kylo Ren
Han Solo
Luke Skywalker
Din Djarin
Pietro Maximoff
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Clint Barton
Bucky Barnes
Peter Maximoff
Kurt Wagner
Warren Worthington iii
Erik Lehnsherr
Logan Howlett
Wade Wilson
Hank McCoy
Alex Summers
Scott Summers
Kit Walker
Kyle Spencer
Jimmy Darling
Tate Langdon
James Patrick March
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
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stusbunker · 3 years
A Gentlemen’s Agreement Epilogue
A Supernatural Denny AU Fan-fiction Series
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Featuring: Dean Winchester/ Benny Lafitte
Other characters: Pamela, Jesse, Caesar, Crowley, Balthazar, Meg, Jo, Lee, Lisa, Sam (mentioned), Drea OFC, Robbie and SJ OMCs, Deanna OFC
Word count: 2340
A/N: Enjoy! xoxo Stu
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    The sun was bright, but the air was crisp. The remnants of the early snowstorm had left soggy lawns and damp sidewalks. Benny pulled up to the restaurant and parked on the curb, smiling over at Dean. He waited patiently. 
    “You sure this is a good idea?” Dean squinted in the midday light.
    “Been dying to meet ya. Figured it’s only fair, I met your folks, you can meet my people too,” Benny said simply. “But I’m not gonna force ya.”
    “I just, I’m not used to being out in public. In numbers,” Dean sputtered.
    Benny raised a single eyebrow at him. “Well, I guess this is your best shot to try it out, dontcha think?”
    “What if they don’t like me? I don’t want you to have to choose between me and your friends,” Dean explained the root of the problem.
    “I like you, they will too. Just relax, be your charming self and if you don’t know what to say, you can just keep eating.” Benny put his hand on Dean’s thigh, squeezing just so.
    Dean growled out a sigh. “Fine. But you’re paying.”
    Like that could make an uncomfortable situation worth it. Benny smirked at Dean’s logic, waiting for his face to soften from grouchy to amiable. Once Dean relaxed, Benny kissed him, just long enough to keep him flustered and climbed out of the truck.
     They approached a large round table midway along the heated patio, where four people were already seated.
A raven haired woman waved them over. “My good Benjamin, did you bring a straight boy to brunch, just for me?!”
“Pammy!” Benny leaned in and kissed her cheek. "Hate to disappoint ya darlin', but ain't nothing straight about this'n."
 “Hey, now! Can’t a guy speak for himself?!” Dean snipped defensively as he sat in the spot beside Benny.
Everyone laughed. Pamela raised her eyebrow in question.
Dean licked his lips and put on the smolder, “Sorry sweetheart, but I’m taken.”
“Wait, this--- THIS is your sassy mechanic?!” Crowley leaned forward, extending his hand, his English brogue gruff and pandering. “Nice to finally meet you, handsome.”
       Dean gave Benny the side eye and all Benny could do was shrug coyly. Dean shook the man’s hand, trying not to show his discomfort from his lingering glances. Benny made the rest of the introductions, Jesse and Cesar were also a couple, but had been married for a few years. They seemed to be waiting on someone before they ordered. The group sipped their cocktails with a fresh pitcher of Bloody Mary in the center of the kitsch tablecloth.
Benny poured Dean a generous portion of the red drink and slipped seamlessly into the conversation. Dean sucked the palmeto out of an olive and listened casually, not too sure where he fit in this part of Benny’s life.
Twenty minutes later a rail of a guy swaggered in, with oversized aviators and a black linen suit. 
“Oh, thank Christ for booze,” he huffed, grabbing Dean’s glass without even acknowledging Dean was there. The blonde chugged the entire drink, before breaking for air. “I just had the worst hook up of my life, no, well, the year at least. He took me to his mother’s house. She tried to make me breakfast. I was simply mortified. I just left. What could I even do at that point, honestly?!”
Now that his audience had his attention back, the man gawked at Dean. He even pulled down his sunglasses for a better look. “Now who the fuck is this? Is it show and tell?! Because I am not prepared in the least.” 
He casually patted at his hair and eyed Dean from top to toe. Benny chuckled, but Pamela was the one to make the introduction.
“Balthazar, our regular hangover diva. Meet Dean, Benny’s boy toy,” she deadpanned, eyes sparkling with mischief.
“Oh you can’t be serious,” Balthazar lamented, looking from Pam to Benny to Crowley and finally at Dean. “Fuck you southerners and your goddamn accents--- always gets the hotter ones,” he muttered defensively as he threw himself against the armrest of the chair, crossing his legs.
“Well, now that we’re all here,” Cesar ended the dramatics concisely. “Maybe somebody should find our waitress?”
Dean looked at Benny confused. “We’re always here for a while, she doesn’t bother us until we’re actually ready to order. Tend to annoy her otherwise.”
Crowley volunteered as he needed to head to the men’s room anyhow. Five minutes later he arrived with an obviously surly waitress.
“Well look what the cat dragged in,” Meg’s smokey voice broke through Balthazar's latest story. She centered herself between Cesar and Crowley’s seat and cocked her hip, tongue firmly in cheek as she waited for Dean to take her bait.
“Heya, Meg,” Dean sighed. The inevitable caught up with him after all, they just had to run into someone he knew.
“Oh, this has got to be good, now, pray tell, how do you two know each other?” Crowley probed.
“Oh me and this schmuck? We go way back.” Meg smiled without teeth.
“Is that so?” Benny tested the waters.
“Not like that,” Dean grumbled. “Meg, here, took my little brother Sammy out for a few spins, back in the day. Didn’t you, sweetheart?”
“Yeah, well, what can I say? It was high school.” Meg let her indifference coat her entire being until curiosity sparked to life in her eyes. “So what are you doing with this crowd, or did they bring you in just to add a new level of torture to my Sunday shifts?”
“Well---.” Dean swallowed, looked at Benny for clarification and got mild amusement instead. “I think you’re stuck with me now.”
“Joy,” Meg bristled before taking their orders, knowing most of the table’s usuals before they even opened their mouths.
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    Benny rushed into the customer entrance of the shop, the wet October air had kept the service doors closed for the past week. He leaned against the counter, decorated in local business cards and charity fliers, anxiously waiting for someone to talk to. His chest was so tight he worried he’d pass out from excitement. He just needed to see him was all, once he saw Dean it would be easier.
    Lee sauntered in from the service bay, they both had drawn the short straw it seemed.
    “Hey, mind getting Dean for me? It’s important,” Benny asked, unable to keep the burning smile from his face.
    Lee eyed him curiously but nodded and headed back the way he came. He didn’t shout, not really. “Dean-o, your boyfriend’s looking for ya.”
    Dean unfurled himself from the engine he had been tinkering with all morning and glared at Lee.
    “Husband, whatever, seems urgent,” Lee acquiesced. Dean nodded and wiped his hands off on the closest rag. Dean pulled his wedding band out from his undershirt out of habit more than anything. He couldn’t wear it on his hands at work, but he didn’t want to lose it so Benny made him a braided leather necklace once they got back from their honeymoon.
    Dean ignored formality and walked straight into the waiting room. Once he saw the look on Benny’s face he knew what was happening.
    “It’s go time?” He asked, shock and exhilaration sparking his instinct to move.
    “It’s go time, cher. Lisa called me on the way to the hospital. Sam’s driving her from the office. Her water broke about 9:30,” Benny explained, the nervousness slipping into his cadence.
    “Alright, I’m gonna clean up, you want me to drive?” Dean asked, gauging the unsteadiness in his usually stalwart husband.
    “That’s probably best, yeah,” Benny agreed. 
Dean leaned in and kissed him firmly, resting his forehead against Benny’s temple before pulling away.“Hey, we got this, alright? That kid is gonna be so spoiled having you for a daddy, you know that?”
“Look who’s talking, gonna have you wrapped around their finger before they can even crawl,” Benny teased back, inhaling with contentment.
Dean headed back to warn his coworkers that he had a baby on the way and to clean up enough to be allowed into a hospital. Jo followed Dean out into the lobby. Quickly, she hugged Benny before demanding regular updates to the group chat.
“Alright, get out of here, we’ve got you covered for the rest of the week. Let me know and I will put in paternity leave as soon as everyone’s home, okay?” Jo got all professional about things as Dean left.
“Oh, right, shit. Well, I guess I’ll let you know when you can come over and---,” Dean started before Benny pulled him by his elbow.
“We should be goin’” Benny urged. Dean looked at Jo one last time and nodded.
This was it.
   Dean held Benny’s hand the whole way to the hospital, their grip tightening every so often, grounding them both. Because Lisa was a friend and the surrogacy was looser than most circumstances, both Benny and Dean were allowed in the delivery room. They were the best cheerleaders a birth mom could have ever asked for. Seven hours later, one chubby baby girl entered the world screaming to high heaven and splitting her fathers’ hearts open for an entirely new level of love and devotion.
    Mary Andrea Lafitte-Winchester, or Drea for short, was a happy and healthy little girl. And an overprotective big sister to her twin brothers, Samuel Joel and Robert Fergus, who came along four years later.
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    They’re old men now. Dean is five years retired, while Benny works the register for their sons on the weekends. Both of their hands aren’t what they used to be. But they keep busy. Drea is bringing the kids round tomorrow, it’s the start of summer break and Dean’s been dying to teach her kids to fish.  
    Dean went grey after he turned fifty, but it hasn’t changed since, in color at least. Benny’s beard is as white as Santa Claus and he hides what little hair he has left under a cap. They’re both a little rounder, a little lower to the ground, but they got that way together and neither of them notice it on one another anyhow.
       Every year they visit Jesse and Cesar in Arizona for New Year's. Though they fly more than make the drive these days.
        They still take turns cooking the meals and the movie nights from their early days resurfaced into movie afternoons when their kids moved out. Dean can’t hear for shit anymore and, naturally, Benny makes fun of him for it. But Dean’ll put in his hearing aids if company is over.
 It’s early evening in the beginning of June and the bugs are orchestrating quite the soundtrack to their time on the porch. Dean pours his whiskey. Benny’s already sipping his sweet tea, his medications don’t let him drink much anymore. Jo’ll come by on Sunday, along with SJ and his wife and Robbie. Sam and Jess usually make it to every other dinner or so.
    “Hey there, handsome. Mind if I join you?” Dean teases, once a flirt always a flirt.
    “Not at all, cher. It’s a helluva view,” Benny glances at his husband, watches Dean take in the peaches and pinks kissing the slopes of the fields. They sit like that for an hour, until the dark is too thick to see through. Groaning and creaking they stand in turn. Dean keeps his hand on the small of Benny’s back as they head inside for the night, steadying them both.
    They moved their bedroom to the ground floor after Dean’s heart attack, a lot less worry about making it upstairs that way. After being married forty years, Dean still makes jokes about it being Benny’s place. But it’s always been his home. He kisses Benny goodnight, makes it a little saucy because he can. He’s the first to close his eyes.
    In the morning Benny makes waffles and tofu bacon. Dean pretends he can’t taste the difference, fooling no one. They make out while the sink fills for the dishes, too few to run the machine. Benny gets handsy first and Dean tries to squirm into the upperhand. They’re interrupted by a car pulling in the drive.
    “Busted,” Benny whispers.
    “You’re the one who wanted kids,” Dean grumbles against Benny’s neck, an old, unfounded retort.
    “Yeah, but the grandkids---,” Benny starts.
    “Were made to be spoiled,” Dean finishes and kisses Benny once more. Drea’s yelling at her kids to slow down before her dads even make it outside to greet them. Her eyes, blue as her daddy’s are tired. They don’t envy her the school aged years. Dean bends down as baby Deanna, who’s nearly four, comes crashing into his arms. He pulls her up and holds her tight, reminds him of her mama and he can’t help but get a little weepy over the passing years. 
    “It’s so good to see you, baby girl.” Benny pulls his daughter into a hug before helping with their bags. The older kids don’t come inside until it’s time to eat, climbing through the barn and splashing in the creek until they’re soaked. But Deanna sticks with her Grandpa on a simple stroll, while Pappy and Mama catch up.
    Dean still has the jacket he bought from Benny, though the pants are long gone. He’ll leave it to Robbie when the time comes, when his son finds himself a stud that’s worth settling down for. If that’s what he chooses. 
    For now, Dean lets his granddaughter pick up every rock and stick she finds and examines it to the nth degree. He explains what he can about each one. She’s very curious. He even lets her wipe her chubby little hands on his pants’ leg when she needs to. They get back to the house just in time to start dinner, but before they go inside Dean takes a mental picture of his husband on the porch, their daughter beside him and his granddaughter running past him.
   It is a helluva view after all. 
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jay-and-dean · 4 years
Firefly Chapter 7 : Eighteen and twenty-eight years old
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By Roonyxx and Jay-and-dean
Pairings : future Dean x reader ?
Summary :  40 years in Hell, but he didn’t spend all this time all alone, he had her.
Prepare to know what happened during those years Dean never talks about. To immerge yourself in Hell, only lit by the mysterious kid growing here…
And to see some of your favorite villains again : Crowley, Lilith, Lucifer… And also Sammy and Jack…
Serie Warnings : Hurt!Dean, Hell (torture, even if we tried to not give it graphic descriptions, creepy demons, blood, violence), swearing, angst, future fluff and smut.
This story is in both Reader’s POV and Dean’s POV
Wordcount : 4330
Note : This is our second collaboration. We can’t both edit the same post, so we decided we would post 1 chapter/2 each, like we did for Same.
We both worked as much on this story and it’s the result of both our brains but also both our hearts.
Please, if you want to show love for this story, don’t forget we were together in this.
This story will be around 10 chapters and we intend to edit it every Saturday if nothing delays it.
Firefly Chapter 1
Firefly Chapter 2
Firefly Chapter 3
Firefly Chapter 4
Firefly Chapter 5
Firefly Chapter 6
Jay’s Masterlist
Roonyxx Masterlist
She wasn’t moving at all. Sitting on the bench in the middle of this ocean of life, she watched people walk by. The sun had gone down now, after moving from building to building, making giant shadows change the whole city constantly.
She was overwhelmed, unable to move at all. Her eyes were drinking the world like new born baby’s ones. None of her muscles moved for hours, her fists clinging at her dress, her heart bleeding in silence for Dean.
A few people stopped to ask her if she was okay, but she couldn’t answer, her voice locked in her lungs…
But she finally got up.
After days of hiding in alleys, and walking on boulevards, escaping weird men yelling at her in the dark of night… It started to rain. A heavy, pouring storm rain that made her dress heavy and washed the dust out of her. And that warm loud summer rain somehow woke her from her torpor.
She had to live, and learn everything about life because that’s what Dean wanted for her… But Dean wasn’t here, and he will never be. So she came back to that bench, soaked and shaking, and started to cry for him. She had to be happy for the man she loved, and couldn’t without him… 
Her tears only calmed with the rain that day. And even when her eyes stopped crying, her heart never stopped weeping for Dean a single second.
Not when she got up from that bench to find a map of the city on the subway station, not when she found clothes, and ripped that stupid dress of her body… It was still weeping when she first found people in the street and asked her where to find food. It was screaming inside her during her first night in a foster home for homeless people… When she fought for the first time to escape men again. 
Her heart was weeping for Dean the first time she laughed, seeing cartoons in a TV store front, when she found out about drugs and abuse, cheating, wealth... when she started to be hungry, when she fell of exhaustion in an alley…
And even if her eyes stayed dry, her soul kept crying when the demons attacked.
Lilith had sent them after her as soon as the Queen noticed Y/n was no longer in Hell. She was hiding in an abandoned building when dozens of demons attacked her, she fought with teeth and nails to get them off and she won, but that wasn’t the end… Lilith kept sending more minions and, exhausted but determined to live, Y/n had only one option left.
She faked her own death. With the help of her powers and some research in the nearby library and in the maze of knowledge she had memorized over the years, she tricked the demons into believing she was dead, and used a certain pattern of sigils to hide herself, cloaked from every supernatural being.
Finally she was free.
So things went easier. After a little while, she met her own little angel : Sue. An older lady who offered Y/n shelter when she caught her dumpster diving her diner. Sue found Y/n a little odd at first, everyone thought that of her, but just as with every person Y/n had met on her way, Sue liked the happy girl she always seemed to be, enthusiastic about the very simpler things ; so she offered Y/n a job as a waitress in her diner.
 Y/n’s window was rolled down as the loud music blasted through the speakers of her raven black 1967 Ford Mustang as she drove to work, still the same job at Sue’s diner. And she was smiling wide on her way, because she loved every single thing about this job. 
She parked her car in the lot and made her way inside to take her light blue apron.
“Morning Y/n! How are you doing today sweetie ?” Sue asked.
“You know, same old same old.” Y/N shrugged.
Tying her apron on her, Y/n smiled kindly. She looked so different from what Dean had known, and hopefully different enough so no demon passing by ever recognized her. Her hair was tied together and no longer falling on a waterfall in her back. No more fancy dresses but only jeans and all the t-shirts she liked, with rock bands on it, or her favorite movies posters... 
Sue sighed and put her hand on Y/n’s shoulder.
“Are you still working on freeing Prince Charming ?” she asked Y/n with an apologetic smile. 
“Yes, I promised I would get him out and I won’t stop until he is” she said determinedly. 
When Sue had just found Y/n she kindly offered her to stay at her house until she could get on her own feet. Y/n dreamed a lot about Dean, some dreams worse than the others, so after the third night of her guest screaming Dean’s name, Sue had asked her who he was. Y/n couldn’t tell her everything so she said he was the love of her life and was wrongly imprisoned, and that she had promised to get him out.
“He’s a very lucky guy to have you, Y/n” Sue told her.
“Yeah, I just… I miss him so much…” Y/n said as she made the last knot on her apron.
“I know sweetie, but if you truly love him, he’ll come back, just wait and see” she smiled with that protective expression she always had when it came to her protégée, even if she seemed sometimes perplexed about all those stories she told.
She gave her her note book to write down the orders.
“Yeah I hope so” Y/n clicked on her pen and made her way into the diner to take up the orders of all the customers. 
It was a quiet day, she loved this little diner, the food was amazing and it even had a little jukebox she often used. It had given her a shelter, money to live, but also an identity and friends. A life.
Her smile faded like it did sometimes, Dean would have loved this diner too… She thought back to all the things she discovered on Earth.
She did everything Dean had told her about : She went to the movie theater, she learned how to drive (thanks to Sue), she had a date or four, went to a party, she got drunk a few times. She danced alone and with others, kissed a girl and travelled a little. Her appetite for life was never ending, so she had driven to the ocean and dived, she had smoked weird things once and ran in the forest, she had woke in the middle of the night to go buy ice-cream, she had sang in the shower and stayed home for an entire weekend crying while watching bad tv shows… And she even lost her virginity to a sweet boy. But nothing could get her mind off Dean, calm her weeping heart or divert her from her goal.
Every night she looked up at the stars and imagined him by her side, she could use her power to create an image of him that existed out of a million little stars, well more like a million little fireflies.
A lot of time had passed since she last saw him, her heart broke at the thought of him down there for so long. He must have forgotten her by now, if his soul even survived those many years.
A throat being cleared pulled her from her daydreaming. She turned to find a man smiling at her.
“Oh my apologies, what can I get you, sir ?” she asked the man, there was something unpleasant about him, he had dirty blonde hair and she didn’t like the way his blue eyes were traveling her up and down.
“Are you on the menu ?” he asked her with a sly smile.
Y/n sighed deep, why were a lot of men on Earth such… pigs ?
“No sorry, I was just joking” the man began. “I’ll take a coffee with some pancakes.” 
Y/n wrote his order down and left with a forced smile. 
He was the only customer today so Y/n handed the paper to Sue so she could make it and sat down at the little bar. She was watching the man in the mirror that hung on the other side of the counter. She couldn’t shake the eerie feeling she got from the man, he looked normal, but she could feel something… something powerful radiating off him.
The bell pulled Y/n out of her haze as she took the coffee and pancake to the man.
“Here you go sir, enjoy your meal” Y/n said as she dropped the food at his table.
“Thank you.” 
She was starting to leave when his voice stopped her.
“Can I ask you a question, miss ?” he asked as he took a bite from the pancake.
“Yeah, of course” Y/n shrugged.
“You haven’t been here for long have you ?” he said as he looked at her.
“Uhm no, not very long. Are you from around here ?” Y/n asked, he was just a normal guy, it was impossible for anyone to find her anyway. 
“Oh no not at all. But i didn’t mean this diner...” he kept on eating nonchalantly, he swallowed. “I meant Earth.” 
Y/n’s eyes went wide, she turned and ran towards the exit only to bump into the man who was just sitting at the table behind her half a second ago. 
“Who are you” Y/n asked as she stepped back from him
A deep sigh left his mouth.
“It hurts me that you even have to ask that, Y/n” he blinked and his irises turned to a fiery red.
Y/n ran towards the kitchen to get Sue. She pulled open the door and shrieked as her dear friend fell on her with her eyes burned out.
“No ! Sue !” Y/n started shaking, cupping her friend’s face. “WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER ?” Y/n screamed to the man walking in casually.
“She put too much milk in my coffee, so I ended her” he shrugged nonchalantly.
Y/n stood up, her eyes a flare as she widened her arms to unleash her powers. Two fiery tentacles wrapped around the man’s legs.
“You’ll regret this” she said, her voice sounding like a thousand people at once.
The man gave her a sly smirk and snapped his fingers, her powers stopped immediately. She thrusted her hands forward to him, but nothing happened. Fear shone in her eyes as she looked at him in disbelief.
“It’s time we should head home, Y/n” he stepped closer to her, his fingers tilting up her chin.
“We have a family to start” he whispered against her lips with a dark chuckle.
“L-Lucifer” she gasped. 
 His arms wrapped tight around her and before she could blink she was back in Hell.
The suffocating smell of sulfur and blood made her cough, her whole body started to shake as she started to desperately gasp for air, her lungs crushed by the most powerful anxiety she ever felt. Her arms reached to her enemy in a pleading scratch, like he was strangling her…
“Home sweet home, baby” he cruelly cooed in her ear, his breath heavy on her skin. 
She pried her arms between them to push out of his embrace. He chuckled as he let her go and she fell backwards, scrambling away from him.
“Stay away from me!” she finally managed to yell at him, her eyes flaring back to life as she was losing control over her powers.
He tilted his head at her as he watched her, his steps following her every move.
“You are such a pretty thing, I see some potential too. But I was told you were,” he hummed in thought “a pain in the ass. And I’m starting to see why.”
Her eyes were scanning everything, the bloody walls, the frozen air all around her, the never ending screams, the smell of fear and fire. 
No she couldn’t be back in Hell…
With a turn of his wrist she was lifted up in the air, she tried to fight his power, but he was too strong… She couldn’t take on the Lord of Hell…
“Y/n, I’m only going to tell you that only once : You will obey and be helpful” he said with every step until he stood nose to nose with her, his eyes drinking her in.
She gave him a sweet smile before she spat in his face.
“Never” she told him.
His hand came up to wipe her spit away, he licked his hand clean, humming at her taste. 
“As you wish, Y/n. Then my little slave needs chains...” he sneered.
Iron ropes wrapped around her as soon as the word left his lips, they burned into her flesh making her scream in pain. She fell heavy to the ground at his feet.
“For eternity” he finished as he sat down on his throne.
“No p-please, no chains… everything but chains” she begged him.
“Oh no baby, I know what you used to do when you’re set loose, but forget about that, he isn’t here anyway, no reason to go wandering. Jeal told me all about you and your little lover.” he said as he crossed his legs over each other.
“H-he isn’t ? H-How” she asked, suddenly able to ignore the pain of the iron digging in her flesh. 
How was that possible ?
“He got out, Heaven’s plans. Now stop asking or I’ll gag you too” he sighed, looking at her. “I’ll make you your own little cage, like they did for me. No way you’ll get away from this one. And don’t think your daddy will help, he still thinks you’re dead. Everyone does.”
She whimpered in silence, only one thought on her mind. He was free… 
Dean Winchester was alive.
Dean’s Pov 
  Dean woke up in a little painful whine, he opened his eyes and wiped the sweat off his face and neck, watching the ceiling, trying to focus on the contour of his body, the sheets and the pillow. He took a deep breath to calm his heaving chest. 
Another nightmare.
And this one wasn’t the violent surviving of Purgatory, it wasn’t the burning guilt of old fights with John, the crushing pain of seeing Sam die ; it wasn’t the despair of losing Mary again, the disturbing memories of being a demon… It was the worst : Hell.
And among the worst, the tortures and the screams, tonight’s nightmare had to be about the cruellest idea demons ever came up with : fake hope.
In his dream, he was laying on the floor of his cell, barely able to breath because of the blood drowning his lungs, and he felt her hand, her tiny soft fingers wrapped around his wrist to ease his panic. She whispered sweet things to him but when he lifted his eyes to see her face, only Alastair was there, laughing loud and sharpening knives. 
Dean stretched and shook his head, like he could get rid of those memories like that. He couldn’t let nightmares get to him, and he couldn’t let his past crush him. 
With his guts still aching from the dream, he forced himself to get up. Staying in bed only made the memories clearer, and the trauma cut deeper. He knew only another hunt could ease the pain. 
Maybe, just maybe, if he saved enough people, he would finally expiate.
The bunker was silent, even Sam was still sleeping so early in the morning. Walking to the kitchen, he frowned : His knee was still hurting and the bruises on his face and collarbones too. 
Damn demon.
He turned to enter the kitchen and jumped a little.
“Hi Dean, sorry I scared you” Jack said, looking up from his bowl of cereal, his big eyes going to the hunter’s wounds quickly. “How are you ?” 
“I’m fine. What are you doing up so early ?” Dean grunted, going straight to the coffee in his long grey robe. 
“I have trouble sleeping lately” the boy answered, frowning in confusion like he often did. 
“Try whiskey” Dean muttered low in a sleepy grunt.
“Alcohol is really not a solution to my problem I think” Jack turned to him, even more confused.
“I was kidding” he sighed, sitting in front of the young boy.
Sometimes Jack really was Castiel’s son…
The hunter scratched his scruff and took the cereal to plunge his hand in the box, eating some while reading the joke behind it.
“I hear a voice in my head” Jack sighed. 
Dean looked up, ready to make a mocking joke but he noticed a genuine worry on the boy’s face.
“A voice ?”
“Yes” Jack searched Dean’s face. “At first I thought maybe I overheard something on the angel radio, but… It seems different.”
“What does it say ?” 
“I don’t really understand it” Jack shrugged.
“Understand what ?” Sam asked, scratching his head while entering the room with his hair in every direction and the left side of his face still swollen and bruised. “Wow, everyone is up early this morning ! What am I missing ?” 
“Jack says he hears a voice” Dean repeated, getting up to get coffee now it was ready. “But he doesn’t know where it comes from or what it says” he groaned slightly. 
Please don’t let that be bad news again…
Dean sat heavily, rubbing his tired eyes while his brother interrogated Jack. How long had he been hearing the voices, were there several, was it constant… The boy only had a very few answers.
“We need to find where it comes from, Dean” Sam states, making his brother grunt again in his coffee mug. 
That didn’t sound like a good old fight and kill hunt, it sounded like trouble.
  Dean pushed the heavy metal door and went down the stairs, overhearing his brother, Jack and Castiel talking in the library. 
Reaching them, he almost threw the bag on the wooden table, not daring to ask any question seeing the three too serious faces looking at him.
“I guess no good news” he mumbled deep in his throat looking down to grab a beer from the bag.
“Dean” Castiel started with his worried voice, making the hunter look instantly slightly annoyed. “The voice comes from Hell.”
“Hell” Dean repeated casually, taking a sip of beer to wash the word from his mouth. “There are a lot of voices in Hell, it’s pretty loud down there.”
When his eyes fell on Sam, a shiver roamed his back. He had the face, Dean hated that face, the “you’re not going to like it” face. So he put his beer down on the table and sighed.
“What is it ?” he finally asked.
“The voice, Dean” Jack said. “It’s calling you.”
“Me” Dean’s eyes widened. “There can be another dude named Dean in Hell !”
“Dean…” Sam sighed. “Who could be calling you ?”
Dean’s first thought went to Bobby. They had freed him from Hell a few years ago, he was supposed to be in Heaven, and Crowley had decided differently… Maybe someone they lost ? An innocent locked in Hell by mistake ? But Rowena was on the throne now… Would she do that ? 
“How can you hear a voice coming from Hell ?” he shook his head. “Do you hear them all ?”
“No” Jack said. “Only this one.”
Dean sat and took a deep breath, realizing this would mean that he would have to visit Hell... again. After those break in, the nightmares were always worse, and last time he had to deal with a panic attack in the shower. 
“Okay” he stated. “What is the plan ? And how do we know it’s not a trap ?”
 “So your plan…” Rowena frowned from her throne, her long dress nonchalantly falling on the floor. “Is letting the boy follow a voice like a dog on a leash ?” 
Dean’s face was stern, his arms tense, his heart a little compressed in his chest.
Each time he smelled that horrible sulfur mixed with blood smell, it was like he could feel the chains and the needles and hear Alastair’s voice all over again. Then he had two choices in his mind : Either he accepted it, and stayed with the demon’s croaky voice in his head for days, or focused on what had made him hold on for years back then : the secret girl’s soft touches ; but then the fear was replaced by the crushing feeling of despair and sadness, at knowing he had been fooled that bad, into believing innocence exited.
“More or less” his brother answered. “Rowena, you have to admit it’s something new… And if there are leaks in Hell…”
“Yeah yeah…” the witch sighed. “But don’t come crying when your little baby angel comes back traumatized. This is not a place for kids.”
Oh the irony.
“It’s not there” Jack cut them with a frown, looking around.
“What do you mean it’s not there ?” Dean grunted. “You were sure it came from Hell !”
“It does…” the boy stated. “Just deeper.”
“Deeper ?” Sam shook his head, but turned to Rowena, immediately trusting Jack as always. “Is there a basement in Hell ?”
“A basement ? Hell is a multi-dimensional…”
“Answer him” Dean cut her, losing patience.
Rowena got up and demons entered the room. She gave orders about getting the records, about the cage, and all. After a few very long minutes, a demon in an old man vessel came closer to the Queen, whispering something in her ear.
“Oh really ?” Rowena said. “Why am I not aware of all this ?”
“Because they’re all empty, your Majesty” the demon shrugged. 
“What is ?” Sam insisted with a flustered move of his hands.
Rowena sat again.
“There are cages, like the one that held Lucifer once. Smaller ones, but for all we know, they are all empty.”
“For all you know ?” Dean raised his voice a little. 
“No one uses them” Rowena shrugged. 
“They held an angel during the war between Heaven and Hell” the demon spoke, his voice shaking a little, obviously uneasy in front of the Winchesters. “I-in the dawn of time, but the angel was killed by Lucifer before Michael locked him in the cage… We kinda forgot where they were.”
“Take us to them” Jack ordered Rowena with this frown of his.
Rowena looked to the demon that didn’t move, his eyes on Dean, like the hunter could suddenly decide to kill all of them.
“Merihem, take us to those cages” Rowena called him. “Chop chop.” 
The light of Hell’s fire didn’t reach that deep in the pit, like the sun in the deepest ocean.
Dean was holding the torch like it was his lifeline in this vertiginous nightmare of deafening silence. Everything was threateningly pitch black, a perfect representation of the fear of dark, a big cold lonely nothingness… With stairs in the middle. 
“I didn’t know there was anything deeper than Lucifer’s cage” the Queen’s voice echoed weirdly in the void.
Suddenly, the stairs stopped and Dean banged into metal bars. He lifted his torch to see what was behind it, but the cage was empty.
“It’s here” Jack whispered. “I can feel it.”
Sam opened the empty cage, his arm hair ruffling at the touch of the same metal that held his soul for so long.
“Nothing” he said, holding back his own trauma probably as hard as Dean did.
“Dean…” a weak voice made them all jump, coming from the dark.
“Who is this ?” the hunter grunted, taking a few unsure steps to the next cage, firmly holding his torch in front of him with an almost trembling arm.
“Dean…” the voice now whined.
Sam put his hand on his brother’s shoulder to make him wait for him. They looked at each other, using silent words and joining their flames to fight the pitch black ahead of them. 
Even used to all kinds of nightmares, Dean wasn’t so reassured in the deepest of Hell, called by a weak and plaintive voice coming from the darkest of darks.
Something moved in the cage in a deafening metal noise, a shadow fleeing the light. The brothers both let out a shaky breath, moving closer with the demon and Rowena way behind them.
Dean swallowed, finally distinguishing a body, hunched in the opposite corner of the cage, shaking. Extremely long hair was falling around the pitiful form, chained heavily even inside the cage. 
“Who are you ?” he asked again. “You’re calling me, why ?”
No answer.
“Who is this ?” Sam turned to the demon that had guided them.
“I-I have no idea” it answered. “No one came here in years !”
“Dean ?” the voice seemed to struggle thinking straight.
“Jeez” Sam muttered. “For how long has she been there ?”
She ? Dean thought, realizing now it was indeed a woman, her thin delicate hands were clinging to the floor.
His heart was racing in his chest, from being in Hell, from the fear of what he would find, and from something else, something confusing, like an emotion flying in the air around him.
The girl finally lifted her face to them, teary eyes frowned at the light of the flame, her shaking hand open in front of her to soften the burning of the torch.
Dean felt hit violently in the chest, his breathing stopped in a strangled gasp as everything he certainly knew started to crumble in the back of his mind. He opened his mouth but nothing came out… After swallowing twice, he finally managed to speak.
“Firefly ?”
Next Chapter on @roonyxx​‘s blog
_Feedback is what makes the stories live_
Forever Tags : @parinarain @animegirlgeeky @mogaruke @masterof-agony @rainflowermoon @tftumblin @deans-baby-momma @roonyxx @thefaithfulwriter @vicariouslythruspn @emeow1496 @daryldixonandfrogs @holylulusworld  @cocklesbelli @sandlee44 @screenchingartisancashbailiff @donnaintx @stormchasingchick32 @akshi8278 @magssteenkamp @sister-winchesters99 @neii3n  @lyss-dw79 @im-a-shrub @sadwaywardkid@hopelesslydevotedtoyou1912 @slyqueenj @i-love-superhero @waywardsisterandpie @sunsetsandbooks @fangirlxwritesx67 @mrspeacem1nusone @stylesismyhubs @deanwanddamons @jawritter @peridottea91 @chelsea072498 @chocolateheart @vicmc624 @teresa-67 @jessie-michael @doctor-hp-mcu @hawkerz12​
Firefly Tags: @waywardsistersandpie @jessica-marsh09​ @teller258316 @busy-bee-angel-misska @theatrechic26 @lovelyrocker @couldabeenamermaid​
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luxshine · 3 years
Cis Straight Guy watching Supernatural UPDATE!
He has finished season 10, and is now starting season 11.
Once again, proving that he IS the one fan the CW desperately wanted? He actually found the ending of season 9 SURPRISING. As in, he wasn't expecting Dean to become a demon -which given how much he insisted SPN was predictable in the first seasons? is quite a laugh.
He also thought Cole was a "really interesting character" which, again, proves he was the demography the CW wanted. To think, he only watched it because I, the demography the CW kept insulting, recommended it to him.
He has a very love-hate relationship with Rowena. On one hand, he finds her incredibly attractive as she is JUST his type. On the other, he hates her because she's a manipulative witch who is only in things for her own benefit. So yeah, love-hate for now.
Wants to yell at the writers for killing every single female character he loves and has declared he will never love a female character in SPN again after Charlie's death who, in his words, should've just left for Oz forever if they wanted her out of the series.
But of course, loved Dark-Charlie.
Called Claire "a mini Dean" and asked if she accidentally called him Dad on the bloopers.
I might send him the "My two dads and uncle Moose" image.
He STILL claims he doesn't ship Destiel, but asked if Cas was jealous of Crowley and his summer of Love with Dean (And well, you saw the image he made in the last update, right?)
Is still angry they killed Death.
Informed me Sam is an idiot who can only do idiot things. I think he's angrier that he gave Rowena the book because that led to Charlie's death, rather than being angry about the Darkness.
because of COURSE he found The Darkness hot. But he thought they shouldn't have revealed she was Amara the baby right away.
Loved Crowley's orgy. In fact, he still is Team Crowley except for the time when he went "soft". When Crowley does that, now he calls him Fergus.
But the funnies thing this update? Well, back in season 2 when the anti-possession tattoos were introduced, and he was still riding high as a Dean fanboy (he is still, even if he rumbles about Amy from time to time), I asked if he'd get one, since he likes tattoos. His reply? "Look, I like the series, but I'm no fangirl. I'd never get a Supernatural tattoo".
Today? He asked me if I could get him a clear image of the Mark of Cain since he's going to tattoo it on his forearm.
Of course, I asked him if I could call him "Supernatural Fangirl"
He laughed, said yes, and of course said that Cain was cool and he shouldn't have died (I absolutely agree).
Oh, he also replied to Misha's facebook post about Castiel's birthday with a "Hi, mishamigo!" which, a bit late to the party as I don't think we've used that since Season 7 but... Well, he IS the CW fan who got here late to the party. Also, I think that officially makes him a minion, no?
He also asked me who was "that kid on the promos" (Talking about Jack in Season 15 promo). I didn't tell him, but man, sometimes is hard to keep him unspoiled as he watches!
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How I feel about this character
I love Crowley so damn much, even the toned down wifified version Mark hated. I think he's complex and sassy and fun and nuanced. My King of Hell, etc. He also has the best fucking insults and facial reactions.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I HIGHLY enjoy the canonical Drowley summer of love though I do not ship them. I also think he was an um active participant in what I like to call the "Cas cheated on Dean but it's not necessarily his fault bc Dean did not DTR (define the relationship)" in Season 6. I also do not ship them but the fact that they are cranky exes just makes their dynamic better; plus Cas knows Crowley is head over Winchester Derangement Syndrome heels for Dean and it pisses him off, etc. I guess I don't really ship Crowley with anyone. (Not a Crobby truther either sorry), though that seems unfair..oh wait! @doctorprofessorsong actually has a good head canon with Crowley and Gabriel! let's go with that (yell at. her about that in her asks I do not have the spoons for its entirety xD but trust when I say it's GOOD).
My non-romantic OTP for this character
While I do enjoy him being frenemies with the Winchesters and drunk dialing Dean on the reg, I gotta say I love the Cas/Crowley buddy comedy. Again, not really OTP but you know. Angsty exes. It's gold.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Ummm prob the whole Cas and he hook up because Dean does not DTR and Cas needs the help (I mean hi? They made a deal right? How does evilbestie seal deals?) scenario in Season 6 that I mentioned above xD
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
agh I wanted him to come back. I was truly convinced he was going to somehow. and yet. Jackles call Mark about the prequel challenge.
character ask game
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440mxs-wife · 4 years
Tea of Love
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Other Characters: Sam, Castiel, Crowley, Rowena
Imagine: You’re hunting a witch with Sam and Dean, only to fall victim to her curse.
A/N: This is my contribution to the SPN Bi-Weekly Writing Challenge offered by @supernatural-jackles. I signed up to contribute on a monthly basis, but it looks like I missed the deadline. Here it is all the same. Enjoy!
Dean parked the Impala a good distance away from the two-story farmhouse. Far enough away to be hidden from sight, but still within running distance for a quick getaway if needed.
You had received word that a witch was causing trouble, and had tracked her to the town of Smithville, Arkansas. The plan was to sneak in to the house, with you going in through the back entrance, while Sam and Dean went in through the front door.
"All right, weapons check," Dean whispered. Each of you ejected the clip from your handguns, yours from your .380, to make sure it was full of witch-killing bullets. Satisfied, you re-inserted the clip and pulled back on the hammer so that a round was in the chamber. After a successful weapons check, Sam went up the steps and started picking the lock on the front door.
"Ready?" you asked as you turned to head for the back door.
Dean nodded. "Hey? Be careful," he remarked softly.
You sent him a quick smile. "Always, Dean. See you inside," you replied. You and Sam be careful too, Dean, you said in silent prayer.
Quickly and quietly, you made your way to the back door. The wooden steps to the porch looked like they had seen too many blistering summers and frostbitten winters to still be stable. You carefully climbed the steps, sticking to the edges where the wood appeared to be less worn.
You gingerly tested the doorknob, only to find that it turned easily in your hand. An unlocked door could mean one of two things: a careless witch or you had just walked into her trap. While you were hoping for the first option, with your luck, you had a feeling it was probably door #2. You tiptoed through the kitchen, through the living room and down the hall to the bedrooms. First bedroom on the right was clear, second one across the hall was also clear.
As you carefully approached the last bedroom, you realized that you hadn't seen Sam or Dean yet. You stopped and strained your ears for any confirmation that they had even entered the house yet. Just as you were about to resume your progress towards the bedroom door, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You whipped around, only to be confronted by the mossy green orbs of one Dean Winchester.
With your heart hammering in your chest, you took a moment for it to return to normal before continuing your trek down the hall. "What is wrong with you?" you hissed. "You shouldn't just sneak up on me like that!"
"Well, excuse me," he shot back. "First of all, I didn't expect for you to have gotten this far without running into the witch. And 'B', isn't it better to go in knowing you have backup than only hoping you do?" he retorted.
You took a deep breath before answering. "You're right. Sorry Dean," you whispered. "Let's get this witch taken down so we can blow this popstand," you replied.
Dean nodded and motioned for you to continue down the hall. You turned the doorknob and slowly swung the door open. You entered the room first to assess the situation, while Dean stood just outside the door, ready to bust in if needed.
The witch had her back to you as she sprinkled something into a bowl. All of a sudden she raised her arms above her head as if in victory and turned to face the doorway. "I was wondering when you hunters were going to show up. I've been expecting you," she smirked.
Before you could raise your weapon, she picked up the bowl and threw its contents at you. The blue powder from the bowl doused you almost completely from head to toe. As she chanted some words in Latin, the powder started to glow and burn a bit wherever it touched bare skin. You cried out in pain, at which time Dean entered the room and fired his weapon. The witch fell to the floor, dead from the witch-killing bullet he fired.
"Dean," you pleaded softly as you started to feel faint.
"Whoa, hold on there. Stay with me, sweetheart," Dean said as he rushed to catch you before you could hit the floor. He called out for Sam, who had finally caught up with you and Dean. Sam scooped you up in his arms and carried you out to the Impala.
Dean filled him in on what had happened between you and the witch. "I don't know what kind of spell she got hit with, so we're going to have to be ready for just about anything," Dean said grimly.
You carefully opened your eyes enough to notice that you were back in your room, in your bed instead of the backseat of the Impala. You decided to sit up, only to be met with a splitting headache. A groan of pain escaped your lips as you eased back onto your pillow and draped your bandaged arm across your eyes.
There was a soft knock at your door, then you heard it creak open. "Hiya, sweetheart," Dean said softly. "How're you feeling?" he asked.
"Like I got hit by a truck. Twice," you grumbled.
Dean chuckled. "Here, I gotcha," he said as he handed you a couple of painkillers and a bottle of water. He helped you up to a sitting position, putting pillows between your back and the headboard.
"Thank you," you replied. "What the hell happened? The last thing I remember is that witch throwing a bowl of some kind of powder at me. Then I remember her chanting something, the powder burning into my skin, then you killed her," you finished.
"Well, that's about it, you collapsed after that and we brought you back here in the Impala," Dean explained. "Sam brought you in and put you on your bed," he remarked.
"How long was I out?" you asked.
"You've been out for about a day and a half, sweetheart," he remarked softly. "We called Rowena to see if she could tell what you may have been hit with, so we'd know how to counteract it. And, oh yeah, Crowley tagged along, just so you know," he grumbled.
"Oh. Fabulous," you deadpanned. "I'll bet he's just been a joy to be around," you snorted.
Dean laughed. "Yeah, he said he was bored in Hell, so he latched on to Mummy's magic bag to show up here," he grinned.
You reached over and took Dean's hand in yours. "Hey, in case I forgot to tell you, Dean....thank you for getting me out of there and taking care of me here," you remarked softly.
He shifted a little in his seat and nervously rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, sure, no problem. All in a day's work, you know," he said as he jumped up from the chair. "Um, I'm uh....gonna just....yeah. I'll check in on you later," Dean then bolted out of your room.
What the hell was that all about? you thought, as you replayed the conversation in your mind. When you got to the part where you took his hand, you mentally smacked yourself in the forehead. He was fine until then, you realized. After that it was awkward, because he doesn't want you to get the wrong idea. He's telling you that he doesn't think of you in 'that way'. You leaned your head back against the headboard and squeezed your eyes shut, willing the tears not to fall.
It's been almost ten years since you came to live in the bunker. You met the Winchesters through a mutual friend, Sheriff Donna Hanscum, whom you've known since high school. She never knew you were a hunter until after Sam and Dean showed up at that spa she went to. You had caught wind of some strange things happening at that spa, so you went in with her, but undercover as a patient.
You and Sam clicked instantly, becoming best friends. You both nerded out about the same things, like books, sci-fi, and research. You liked the same kinds of movies and were more at home in a library than the bar.
You and Dean were a different story. At first, you didn't get along at all, because he thought you would be someone else he'd have to be responsible for. That is, until you stepped in front of the swipe of a werewolf's claws to save his life. Despite your condition, you still managed to fire off three silver bullets at its heart to kill it before collapsing from your injury. After that, Dean seemed to see you as a fellow hunter, rather than a civilian he had to constantly keep watch over.
Too bad he didn't also see you as a woman--full of passion, kindness and understanding, with eyes only for him. You watched as he showered his attention and affections on countless other women, just not on the one woman who truly knew and loved him. So, you handled your feelings by using the Winchester Method: you shoved them down out of the way and pretended that they didn't exist.
A couple of hours later, you carefully got out of bed and wandered into the kitchen. You picked up the teakettle, filled it with water and added several pinches of your special blend of tea. While you waited, you grabbed your favorite cup from the cabinet and took a seat at the table.
"Well hello, dear! Nice to see ye up and around, 'specially after what ye've been through, darlin'," a voice from behind you said. You turned to see it was Rowena, which brought a small smile to your face.
"Hello, Rowena," you replied. "Any luck figuring out what we're up against?" you asked.
"Not yet, dearie. Still workin' on it, but don't ye worry abou' it," Rowena assured you.
"I hope so," you murmured. "Would you like some tea?" you asked.
Rowena shook her head and smiled. At that moment, Sam, Dean and Castiel came into the kitchen and walked over to the table. Sam and Cas each squeezed your shoulder as they took their seats. "Hey, sweetheart, you must be feeling better," Dean remarked as he kissed the top of your head.
You smiled and nodded. The teakettle whistled that it was ready to serve, so you rose from the table. "You guys want some tea? I made some from my secret stash," you grinned.
The boys all nodded, so you got out three extra cups, along with the cream, sugar and honey. You poured cups of tea for everyone, then resumed your seat at the table. You added a bit of creamer and some sugar to your tea.
"So, what's in this 'special blend' of tea you made?" Sam asked.
"Well, it's got some dried orange zest in it, some cinnamon, black tea leaves, ground nutmeg. And a few other secret ingredients," you winked conspiratorially.
"Mmm, I think it's delicious," Cas remarked as he took another sip, with Sam nodding in agreement.
Dean watched as you absently stirred your tea, while the others talked among themselves. Your furrowed brow showed him you were still coming to terms with what had happened in the past few days.
It had not yet been determined what kind of curse you'd been hit with, and he knew you had to be worried. Your eyes glistened a bit with unshed tears which told him you might be more than a little scared of that unknown. You stood up from the table just as he was about to reach out for your hand to comfort you.
"I think I'll go take a shower. Might feel a bit more human if I do, after wearing the same clothes for the past few days. Excuse me," you murmured as you left the kitchen. Dean stared after you, wanting so badly to help you. To show you it was okay to be scared, and that he would do everything in his power to figure out how to reverse the spell.
At that moment, Crowley waltzed into the kitchen. "Hello, Mother, Feathers, Moose, Squirrel," he drawled. "Where's our little Mouse? Can't complete the clubhouse roll call unless she's here to sound off," he smirked.
"She left to go take a shower," Dean grumbled as he brushed past Crowley out of the kitchen.
Crowley noticed Dean's full cup of tea and took a drink. "This is wonderful, delicious, wherever did it come from?" he asked. Sam told him it was from your own homemade blend of tea and spices. Crowley shrugged and continued to drink the tea.
As the men continued to drink the tea, Rowena noticed a bit of a change in each one. Their thoughts seemed to become more focused towards you, and had also turned more amorous in nature. Before she could voice her observations, Sam left the table after downing the rest of his tea.
After your shower, you brought your favorite book and settled into a chair in the library. Once you had made yourself comfortable, Sam approached you and knelt beside your chair. He smiled up at you as he took your hand in his and brushed his lips across the back of it.
"Sam, what's going on?" you asked in bewilderment.
"N-nothing, I just wanted to spend some time with you, be around you. What book are you reading?" he asked.
You were a bit confused at the sudden focus of Sam's attention on you. But you pushed it aside for the moment and explained the plot of the book you were reading. He asked if he could read it aloud to you, which you politely declined. Then he broke out the best version of his puppy-dog eyes, and you were powerless to resist. You relented with a smile, and he suggested that you curl up with him on the couch to be more comfortable.
Moving from your chair to the couch, you made sure to bring your favorite blanket with you. Once you got all settled, you showed Sam where you left off in your book so he could start reading. The gentle lilt of Sam's voice as he read to you caused your eyelids to feel heavy until you could no longer keep them open.
Dean walked through the library just in time to see you curled up with Sam, and for Sam to press a kiss to your forehead. An uncomfortable feeling settled into his chest, but he had no idea why. He shook it off for the moment and headed for the garage to work on the Impala.
About an hour later, you awoke to find Sam's arms around you and his cheek pressed against your forehead. You tried to extract yourself, but Sam tightened his embrace a bit more. "Mmm, don't go Baby, stay here with me a little longer," he mumbled.
Baby? you wondered. Since when am I 'Baby' to anyone around here?!? your thoughts screamed.
You managed to wriggle yourself out of his arms and into a upright position. "Sam, wake up. Sam! Wake up!" you shook his arm to try and rouse him. Your efforts were unsuccessful, because he stayed asleep. Puzzled, you picked up your book and your blanket then returned to your room.
The next morning, you woke to find that Castiel had set the table for the two of you to have breakfast. "Good morning," he greeted you with a wide smile.
Not quite awake yet, you answered him with a yawn then a smile. "Good morning, Cas. What's going on here?" you asked, gesturing towards the table.
"I thought it would be nice to have breakfast made for you when you awakened, Honeybee," he stated.
'Honeybee'? What is going on with the men in this bunker lately?!? you thought. "Well, you certainly brought out one of my favorites, peanut butter and banana toast," you grinned.
You reached for two slices of bread from the wrapper. Cas took them from your hands before you could put them in the toaster. "Please, allow me," he said. He added the bread to be toasted and proudly pushed down on the lever.
When it was finished, the bread popped up, perfectly golden brown, with no burnt edges. Cas placed the toast on a plate and set it on the table. Just as he was about to pick up the knife to spread the peanut butter, you stopped him. "Cas, not that I don't appreciate it, but I don't mind fixing my own toast. You've done so much already, why don't you take a little break?" you suggested.
His face fell a bit, then all of a sudden lit up. "I just remembered that you like to drink milk with your peanut butter toast. Be back in just a moment," he grinned, tapping the end of your nose before heading to the fridge. Cas returned shortly with a small glass of cold milk. "Here you are, Honeybee," he remarked shyly.
"Thank you, Cas. Exactly what I needed. So, what are your plans today?" you asked.
"I'm glad you asked. I was going to see if you would like to go on a walk with me, maybe see some wildflowers? I know of a lovely field we could visit, if you are interested....?" he asked, his voice full of hope.
You were planning on doing some research to try and find something to counteract the curse. You also didn't want to be too far away from the bunker in case a cure was found. From the look on Castiel's face, though, you couldn't bear to disappoint him.
"That sounds lovely, Cas. We could leave in an hour, if you wish. That would give me time to finish my breakfast, take a shower and all that," you added.
"I shall endeavor to keep myself busy until you return, my sweet Honeybee," Cas said as he took hold of your hand and gently kissed the back. With a whoosh of his wings, he was gone.
As soon as he had gone out of sight, you slumped over the table, putting your head in your hands. Dean arrived in the kitchen shortly after hearing you let out a groan of frustration. "What's with you this morning?" he asked.
You returned to an upright position. "Good morning, Dean. Cas made me breakfast today, which was very sweet, and now he wants me to go with him to check out a field of wildflowers. I think there's something very strange going on around here. I wish I knew what it was," you grumbled.
"Why is Cas wanting to spend time with you and do things for you 'strange'? Do you not enjoy his company? I mean, if you don't want to go, just tell him. Don't string him along, Princess," Dean retorted.
You looked at Dean with a mixture of shock, anger and hurt on your face. "Like I said, something strange is going on around here. First Sam, then Cas, now you," you retorted as you bolted from your chair.
Dean closed his eyes and instantly felt remorse for what he had said, because he knew you weren't like that. You didn't play games with people's emotions, and when you loved someone, you did it with your whole heart. Unfortunately, doing so had led to your heart being broken by too many others along the way.
He understood about your independent nature, which was one of the things he admired about you. To have anyone do anything for you was sometimes hard for you to accept. You were so used to being the one who cared for or catered to others, not so much the other way around.
As he gave it more thought, he realized that neither Sam nor Cas had shown any romantic interest in you until recently. Dean began to wonder if maybe you had a point about strange things going on in the bunker. He promised himself that when you came back from your outing with Cas, that he would apologize.
You and Cas spent a lovely afternoon walking through a field of wildflowers. Cas told you about every species of flower and what each color meant. He found a spot underneath a willow tree, where he produced a picnic basket containing assorted fruits and cheeses. You showed him how to make flower crowns as someone had once shown you. Then you placed one on his head and took a picture.
Upon your return to the bunker, you searched for a vase to hold the wildflowers you and Cas had picked. As you arranged the flowers, Cas placed his hands on your shoulders, then began to run them up and down your arms. When you had finished with the flowers, Cas took one of your hands in his and led you into the library.
Cas punched some buttons on his phone. After appearing quite frustrated at times, he finally relaxed and music started playing from his phone. He pulled you into his arms and started dancing with you, a love-struck grin on his face.
At one point, Cas spun you out away from him, which is the exact moment that Dean walked into the library. He looked at you and Cas dancing with a raised eyebrow, which caused your face to grow warm. "C-Cas, th-thank you for a lovely afternoon," you stammered. "Sorry," you mumbled as you brushed past Dean and out of the room.
"Cas? Is there something going on between you two?" Dean asked.
A large grin spread across Cas' face as he sighed deeply before answering Dean's question. "I'm not sure, Dean. I've never felt the way I do except when I'm with her. I would be the luckiest man in all of Creation if she loved me," he answered dreamily. Then he seemed to snap back to reality. "I must go, I am needed elsewhere," Cas said, returning to what Dean considered "normal" for Cas.
Dean shook his head, even more confused as to what was going on. First, you were snuggled up with Sam, then dancing with Castiel. He decided to check in with Rowena to see if she knew anything more.
While Dean was in the library trying to figure things out, you were sitting on the edge of your bed trying to do the same thing. A knock on your door interrupted your thoughts. Your visitor was literally the last person you ever expected to see. Crowley had on an apron, covered in flour and bits of what looked like cake batter stuck to it.
"Good evening, Love," he bowed and took your hand in his. "I was wondering if you would consider, um, helping me with a small problem. You see, someone told me you were a fan of cheesecakes, and I ran into some difficulty trying to make you one. Might I request the honor of your assistance in the kitchen, so you can show me the proper....technique?" he suggested.
It took every ounce of self-control you had not to break out into laughter or tears. The absurd events of the last two days were leading you to believe the witch put an insanity curse on you. Quickly regaining your composure, you told Crowley that you would meet him in the kitchen in about 10 minutes. "Until then, my darling," he remarked softly, placing a lingering kiss on your cheek.
As soon as the door was closed, you sank down on the edge of the bed again. "This is too weird," you whispered to yourself. "Now Crowley wants to spend time with me?? This is some curse I've got on me. I think it's making me lose my mind," you mused.
When you opened your door, you heard a heated argument occurring in the kitchen between Sam, Cas and Crowley. You walked slowly to the kitchen, catching bits and pieces of the harsh words spoken between the men. Each one claimed to love you more than the other two, and promised to fight anyone who dared try and take you away.  Insults were traded and fists were raised, ready to do battle.
You turned around and were headed back to your room when you ran smack into Dean. "Well, Princess, looks like you hit the jackpot in there," he snarled, his arms folded across his chest.
"I--" was all you could say.
"Congratulations, you've got every woman's fantasy going on in that kitchen. Three men fighting for her affections," he taunted.
"Not every woman, Dean. Not me," you choked out as you pushed away from him, tears streaming down your face.
Dammit! How did I end up doing and saying the exact opposite of what I wanted? Dean thought. I need to go talk to Rowena, see if she knows anything else about this curse, he decided. First things first, though, he was going to put a stop to what was happening in the kitchen.
"ENOUGH!" he thundered. Sam, Castiel and Crowley all turned to look at Dean. "Everyone retreat to a neutral corner until we can figure out what's going on," he ordered.
Dean turned down the hallway to Rowena's room. As he came around the corner, you briefly met his gaze as you passed him in the hallway, only to quickly drop it again. Dean reached out his hand for yours. "Wait," he pleaded.
You shook your head at him, fresh tear tracks evident on your cheeks. "No, Dean. I don't want to talk to you right now. I never meant for any of this to happen. I think it's best if I remove myself from the equation for the time being. At least until Rowena can figure out how to reverse the spell," you finished. With that, you closed and locked your bedroom door.
Dean's heart ached to hear the pain in your voice and to see your tear-stained face. He knocked on Rowena's door and entered her room when she granted him access. "What can I do fer ye, Dean?" she asked in her lilting accent.
He mentioned how he had just left the kitchen, where Sam, Cas and her beloved son were fighting over you. "They've all been paying extra attention to her, being all romantic and stuff. What's weird, is that they've never even shown any kind of interest in her before," Dean explained.
"Sam's reading with her and snuggling on the couch, Cas is taking her out for a picnic and to pick wildflowers." He turned to Rowena, pointed his finger at her and narrowed his eyes. "Your son is wearing an apron, asking her to teach him how to bake a damn cheesecake," he huffed. "I swear, it's as if that witch cast a--" he broke off.
"A love spell?" Rowena asked. "Tha's exactly what it was," she confirmed.
"Can you reverse it?" Dean asked.
"I can, but.....," she started.
"But what?" Dean asked.
"It's no' real love that Samuel, Castiel and Fergus have for her. When they realize that fact, it's bound to be a bit awkward at first. They may act a little distant towards her, and she will think she’s done something wrong to make them pull away. She'll believe that the friendship she has with each of them has been ruined, that it's over. It could break her kind and generous heart," Rowena explained.
Dean dropped his gaze to the floor. He knew Rowena was right, and that you would probably isolate yourself in an attempt to maintain order in the bunker.
"Of course, once the right man declares his feelings for the wee lassie, her heart will mend. In time, anyway. Then Samuel, Castiel and Fergus won't feel like they have to stay away from her," she continued.
Dean noticed how she had suddenly focused her attention on him and scoffed. "Whoa, do you mean me? That I should declare my feelings for her? I'm not--"
"Aren't ye?" Rowena asked softly. "Search your heart, Dean. Ye've been in love with her for a while now, haven't ye? Seeing her together with another man, let alone three? Doing the type of romantic things that ye've thought abou' doin' with her? I'd say it's enough to make any normal man just a wee bit jealous. I can only imagine what it's doin' to ye," she remarked.
"Pfft," was the best response he could muster for the moment. "Start working on that spell reversal. I need to head into town for some supplies," Dean replied.
The next morning, Rowena announced that she had prepared the antidote for the witch's love spell. Turns out, it was your tea that had triggered the exaggerated feelings of love. You touched the tea blend with your fingers to add it to the water in the teakettle. Then, the effects of the spell were transferred to whomever drank the tea.
Each man drank the concoction and waited for its effects to kick in, which didn't take long once the antidote was consumed. As predicted, there were profuse apologies to you from all three men. They all assured you that though they didn't think of you romantically, they still loved you in their own way. You smiled and assured them that you were fine, no harm done, that you knew that the right someone was still out there.
But behind your closed bedroom door, it was a different story. At night, you laid awake, staring at the ceiling. You understood that their attention to you was only because of the spell.
You remembered how Sam, Castiel and Crowley all looked at you. You tried not to think about how it would feel to have Dean look at you just once the way they did. Still, you knew that the chances of Dean feeling that way about you for real were slim to none. Especially after everything he said while the others were under the spell.
Today marked a full week since you'd gone into hiding, emerging only for little more than a shower and something to eat. You took most of your meals in your room, instead of eating at the table with everyone else. Dean was growing increasingly worried about you, and was determined to get you to break out of your sanctuary.
He knocked at your door relentlessly, trying to coax you out with offers of a movie marathon with your favorite snacks. He even suggested a midnight stargazing outing in the Impala. However, nothing seemed to be working.
At one point you heard, "You can't ignore me forever, sweetheart," he muttered against your door. Oh yeah? You thought defiantly. Watch me.
Halfway through week two of your self-imposed exile, you needed a new book to read. You carefully unlocked and opened your bedroom door, then looked down the hall. No one was in sight in either direction, so you tiptoed out of your room and into the library. You chose a nice, thick book, then rushed back to your room before anyone could see you. Once back inside your room, you quickly closed and re-locked the door, breathing a deep sigh of relief.
"Hey, sweetheart," a voice rumbled from someone sitting in the chair in the corner.
The heavy book dropped from your hands and nearly fell on your toes. You gasped in surprise and clutched at your hammering heart. "What did I tell you about sneaking up on me?!? Not to do it, if I recall," you retorted.
"Didn't really leave me much choice, though, did you? I wasn't sure if you ever wanted to see me again, but I wanted to see you. Been hiding in here for almost two weeks now," Dean remarked softly.
"I've had my reasons, Dean. This whole curse thing has left me more confused than ever. Sam, Cas and even Crowley never thought of me romantically until that spell came along. And you? You've made your feelings clear about the whole situation at every turn.
"So," you continued. "On the one hand, it takes a 'love spell' for guys like Sam, Cas and Crowley to want to be with someone like me. On the other hand, when I am with someone like them, you don't like it and make nasty remarks about the whole thing. Please tell me, Dean, where's the incentive to make me want to be anywhere but in my room by myself? Hmm?" you challenged.
Dean rose from the chair in the corner and strode over to the door where you were still standing. He stood close enough for you to detect his woodsy cologne, mixed with the mint of his mouthwash. He reached up and tenderly tucked a stray lock of hair behind your ear.
"I understand how you feel. But, before I do this, I need you to know that I have always loved you," he said softly. The hand that had so recently fixed your hair slid around to the back of your head. It pulled you closer until your lips meshed with Dean's in a hungry, demanding kiss.
Dean swallowed the soft moan of pleasure that escaped your lips. His free arm snaked around your waist to bring you flush against his body. His kisses roamed everywhere, trying to leave no territory untouched. Your cheeks, your neck, collarbone and more was all fair game for Dean. "So beautiful," he murmured against your shoulder.
"Dean," you whispered. You reached up to cup Dean's face with your hands, stroking his cheek with your thumbs. You tangled your fingers into his spiky hair and gently tugged on it, earning a groan of appreciation.
Dean's hands roamed up and down your back, gripping and releasing the fabric of your shirt. When the need for air became too great, the kissing was broken, leaving you and Dean each trying to catch your breath. You put your foreheads together as your breathing slowly returned to normal.
Dean took your hands and guided you to sit next to him on the edge of your bed. "Baby, I'm so sorry for what I said to you before when that whole thing with the spell was going on. I guess it was because I was jealous of Sam, Cas and even Crowley," he admitted with a sheepish grin.
"Oh, my love. There wasn't anything to be jealous of. It was kind of weird, all of a sudden having those guys chasing after me," you giggled. You brought your hand down to cup his cheek, running your thumb over his stubbled jawline. "It's always been you that I've been in love with for so long. But, I thought you'd only ever see me as a fellow hunter, or at most, a best friend. Never as the woman who loves you," you replied softly.
"Darlin', what I see before me is a woman who lights up a room whenever she walks into it. A woman with a kind and generous heart that tends to put the needs of others before her own. I see a woman with an exceptional sense of humor, who's smart and sexy as hell. And just as she has chosen me, I choose her. Every time," he finished.
"I love you, Dean," you said softly.
"I love you too, sweetheart," he replied as he leaned in to recapture your lips in a soft, sweet kiss.
Tags: @supernatural-jackles @wayward-mikaelson @jawritter @deanwanddamons @janicho88 @magssteenkamp @lyarr24 @miss-nerd95 @hobby27 @jay-and-dean @waywardbaby
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StackedNatural Day 17: 7x03, 10x01, 11x01
StackedNatural Masterpost: [x]
October 7, 2021
7x03: The Girl Next Door
Written by: Andrew Dabb & Daniel Loflin
Directed by: Jensen Ackles
Original air date: October 7, 2011
Plot Synopsis:
Sam reunites with a childhood girlfriend who is supposedly preying on human brains.
Stoned Dean, Bobby is alive, more Sam hallucinations, Baby Sam, Sam goes rogue, Kitsune, the Superwho crossover we all wanted in 2011 (kind of), Dean is a liar, perpetuating the cycle of murdering parents in front of their children.
My Thoughts:
Okay y’all this post is gonna be fast and dirty because it is rapidly approaching my bedtime and I have things to do tomorrow.
Before I even watched this episode I wrote a note saying that they did us dirty because if they absolutely HAD to kill Dean in the finale then this kid should have done it.
I adore Dean and Bobby in the hospital. Little father-son face pat. The escape scene is really tense and well-filmed.
When I see Sam look sad and do the hand thing my latent Samgirl tendencies from like 2010 poke their heads up and this episode was good to them, especially with baby Sam. We love to see an episode here or there for the Samgirls.
A few years ago one of my friends told me I was a caricature of myself (I had just told them that in university I quit the acapella choir so I would have more time for the musical theatre club, it was justified) and I think about that every time Dean talks about pie.
It’s a shame that the leviathans had no lead up in their reveal and that the cgi is so bad on them because otherwise they’re actually decent monsters - I like it when the monsters are really smart. But the bad stuff overshadows it so much that I still hate them as a plotline.
Don’t love that they used the threat of sexual violence in a plot with a 15 year old girl so that baby Sam can be a white knight, but this is Supernatural so I don’t know what I was expecting.
I like that the kids bond over abusive parents. Once again, this is a John Winchester hate blog.
Is the scene where Sam gets punched in the face the same motel set from episode one? The shot is basically identical to when Sam drags Dean into the motel while he’s covered in mud.
Overall a pretty good episode, weird that they have baby Sam say three times that you have to stab a kitsune in the heart and then they’re all killed by being stabbed in the stomach region, but whatever.
Notable/Kickass Lines:
“They gave me morphine. A lot. Hey, look, a monster broke my leg.”
“Sam, you are a freak. But so was, I don't know, Jimi Hendrix and... Picasso. So am I. All the coolest people are freaks.”
“You're a hunter. So... You're supposed to kill me? And I'm supposed to kill you?”
“I see the way you look at me, Dean, like I'm a grenade and you're waiting for me to go off.”
“People... They are who they are. No matter how hard you try, you are what you are. You will kill again.”
Laura’s (completely subjective) Episode Rating: 8.0
IMdB Rating: 8.2
10x01: Black
Written by: Jeremy Carver
Directed by: Robert Singer
Original air date: October 7, 2014
Plot Synopsis:
Dean is a demon and running amuck with Crowley while Sam tries to figure out what happened to his brother. Meanwhile, Castiel is dealing with his diminishing grace.
Sam going to Any Lengths, Cas’ sexy French depression bathrobe, Drowley summer of love, Jeremy Renner knock-off, Demon Dean doesn’t make deals, an angel with human values.
My Thoughts:
I remember so little about this episode but I DID remember the sexy French depression bathrobe and I DID say “oh, Dean, his nipple is out” out loud while watching.
This is a good episode for me. I know Dean is a Demon but it’s nice to see him with so much less stress so I think he’s allowed a little murder, as a treat. He’s getting to do all the things he wasn’t allowed to do in his 20s because he was listening to John! E’s singing karaoke and probably having threesomes with men! I also kind of like it when the brothers act completely unhinged while trying to find each other. It’s just fun!
I gasped out loud in indignation when Crowley and Dean did the bitch jerk thing, even though I am extremely obsessed with the Drowley summer of love.
I was talking about Hannah having bad gaydar and the friend that I was watching it with said that Hanna reminder her of herself like five years ago when she thought she was straight and dated her best friend and then later they both turned out to be gay.
I don’t give a shit about the Jeremy Renner knock off hunter, but I was also watching with @meg3point0 and she said, “this guy is a hunter or ex-military or both” right before it showed his military photo, so everyone please give her a round of applause. She also wants me to quote her as saying “even when the show tries to make Sam the protagonist, it’s still about Dean”, which is correct.
Other things about this episode: the gay subtext is basically text at this point. Crowley basically proposed to Dean in this shitty little bar and Dean was like “a but I’m just a bachelor rolling through town” like come on.
Finally, I promised my brother-in-law that I would write “Deanmon” at the end of my post, so here.
Notable/Kickass Lines:
“I need your help. Heaven needs your help.”
“You mean when porn guy was stabbing the other guy to death 10 feet in front of me, and I was having a total code-brown moment in my favorite freakin' pants because I thought I was next, did I conduct a field interview?...No.”
“You know what tickles me about all this? It's what's really eating you up. You don't care that he's a demon. Heck, you've been a demon. We've all been demons. No, it's that he's with me and he's having the time of his life. You can't stand the fact that he's mine.”
“For the first time in thousands of years, I have choices.”
“We've howled. We've bayed. We've done extraordinary things to triplets, all of which have been massively entertaining.”
“ There's seemingly nothing but chaos. But not all bad comes from it. Art. Hope. Love. Dreams.”
Laura’s (completely subjective) Episode Rating: 8.6
IMdB Rating: 8.3
11x01: Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
Written by: Jeremy Carver
Directed by: Robert Singer
Original air date: October 7, 2015
Plot Synopsis:
Dean and Sam dealing with the aftermath of freeing the darkness on earth.
Infections that should have been Croatoan if we were gonna bring it full circle, Cas as a rabid dog, Amara the baby, the Darkness setting off alarms in Heaven and Hell, complete lack of chemistry between Dean and the Darkness.
My Thoughts:
This is my first time seeing this episode all the way through because this is exactly where I lost interest when it was airing live and I picked it back up in season 12 after the confession because @weedsinavacantlot only wanted me to watch the lead up to Jack.
I don’t really care for this episode tb and also it’s homophobic that all the other leads get to look hot when they go rabid forplot reasons but Cas looks like trash. Unfair to me personally.
Hilarious that Jenna hurt herself on rebar. We love a little accidental foreshadowing.
Dean and the darkness have so little chemistry it’s hilarious. Jackals just looks confused the entire time they’re on screen together.
Watching all these pseudo-zombies truck in to surround our heroes like why are they doing a shitty version of dta (not to make everything about dta, but come on).
I hate that demons used to be scary and now they’re just guys in suits. Surely there was a way to avoid this.
Notable/Kickass Lines:
“You didn’t call for help until after the orgy?”
“ Dean, if we don't change -- right now -- all of our crap is just gonna keep repeating itself.”
Laura’s (completely subjective) Episode Rating: 6.5
IMdB Rating: 8.6
In Conclusion: First three episode day totally kicked my ass, wis me luck for tomorrow.
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laufire · 3 years
Top 10 SPN episodes
I'm going to reply to these as they ~come to me:
6x20 "The Man Who Would Be King". Castiel's POV, his alliance with Crowley, making morally dubious choices, really intense Dean-Castiel scenes where Castiel refuses to back down when Dean begs him to... I really love this one.
5x10 "Abandon All Hope...". CASTIEL AND MEG'S FIERY FIRST MEETING!! And a pretty great episode in other respects lol. Crowley had a great intro, the Castiel vs. Lucifer meeting, Jo & Ellen's touching moment...
3x03 "Bad Day At Black Rock". Bela's introduction. It'd be enough for me to love it, but it was a pretty fun episode regardless :D
4x16 "On the Head of a Pin". Castiel starting to pull away from Heaven, Anna-Castiel gr10 moments, Sam leveling up power-wise, Samruby bloodsharing scene, Dean physically tortures Alastair and is emotionally tortured back by finding out he kickstarted the apocalypse... what's not to like??
7x21 "Reading is Fundamental". Castiel and Meg cute scenes, Kevin's intro, Meg's motto speech... "My caretaker" "thorny beauty". C'mon.
5x04 "The End". I'm obsessed with this post-apocalyptic future and you know it. All its possibilities, man. Castiel's alternate especially.
6x10 "Caged Heat". Megstiel's kiss!!! It's not higher because Meg's torture scene is REALLY FUCKING DISGUSTING.
4x09 "I Know What You Did Last Summer" (+4x10 "Heaven and Hell". It's a bit of a two-part). THE SAMRUBY FLASHBACKS. THE SAMRUBY *SEX* FLASHBACKS. ANNA'S INTRO.
3x12 "Jus In Bello". Ruby's beautiful "I told you so" to the Winchesters :DDD. Also, the one episode in s3 that had both Ruby AND Bela, if tragically not in the same scene lol.
5x13 "The Song Remains the Same". Sam and Dean go back in time to save their parents from Anna. I'm ALWAYS here for young!Mary. That the next episode is the one with the cupids reveal makes it even better.
Honorable mentions:
8x17 "Goodbye Stranger". Megstiel last episode and the "What If" it created. Can't be higher because Meg died in it :)))). Also, Meg-Sam bonding over tru wuv while Castiel has That Scene with Dean in the crypt asñldfkasdf.
6x15 "The French Mistake". Sam and Dean travel to OUR world and have to pretend to be their actors FUCKING HILARIOUS. Kripke is shot in the street xD
8x13 "Everybody Hates Hitler". Aaron Bass is a fucking great character that should've appeared more (AND being the one to kill resurrected!Hitler in that other episode, not Dean ¬¬). I freaking love his story, and he offered a fresh perspective on the Winchesters xDD ("Oh my God. These guys are psycopaths.").
13x10 "Wayward Sisters". I don't think it's a *good* episode; the dialogue it's a bit forced and the actors were a bit green, but I ADORE the relationships it set up and I mourn the possibility of an spin-off SO MUCH.
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