#one too many rebirths ig
legacyphoenixx · 9 months
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Kicking this blog off with a sona ref. woe depressed fire chicken be upon ye
[ID: A reference sheet of Nixx, an anthropomorphic bird with black feathers and orange tips and V-shaped marking on the chest. Their head, forearms, and lower legs are skeletal. In the upper left corner is a close up of a yellow eye shadowed by the eye socket with the caption “eyes glow faintly.” Next to it are two headshots, showing Nixx with their purple-colored tongue sticking out in a playful way with the caption “no teeth, but a long tongue,” and Nixx looking at something to the side with an angry expression and their feathers puffed up, a thin light trail coming from their eye. Underneath is a drawing of their arm with smoke and small flames coming off of it captioned “can only produce some flames, smoke, and ash from their arms and tail now.” On the right is a small profile with their name and some info: “age: 20s (current life), species: undead phoenix, height: 6 foot 9 inches, gender: genderqueer (they/he/it), sexuality: biromantic graysexual.”
/end ID]
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solselah · 4 months
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Right off bat , you are a very powerful leader & creative. You could be a fire sign (Leo, Aries, Sagittarius) or have it in your chart somewhere 👀 either way, you carry the ability to remember repressed thoughts and memories from past lives ! I can see that while discovering this you will regret or reject the strength behind your ability. Please don’t worry too much about that ; it will fade away at some point. You may be a soul who is introduced to your abilities and gifts through a romantic connection or through the hardships of ONE. If you question why pain came with that love, the answer is because a catalyst was needed to usher in your abilities!
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PILE 2 :
You have the ability to GROW through your shadow side !! Like pure rebirth, it is the product of you discovering the dark parts of your soul ! This ability is heavy on control. There is a need for you to practice controlling how you utilize this ability/power!! It comes very natural to you, but because the lack of knowledge, you tend to ignore it or chalk it up as something Generic ! The whole time, this is a tool you can utilize when you are STUCK in situations that seem impossible to get out of ! This is something that is very hard to ignore, so I would simply learn to accept it and gain an understanding of how this works for you & how it may fit in your life as something you can benefit from.
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Your hidden ability is to trigger!! Your soul's light is so STRONG that it causes impurity to tremble. You already kind of know about this ability, but you have been waiting for confirmation that this is what it is ! You absolutely provide clarity for those who may be confused about life or even confused about who you REALLY ARE. I'm seeing so many people around you second guess your judgment, but little do they know you provide clear guidance to those who are willing to listen ! You may see a reaction from people that comes off as anger or conflict ! This is the result of the triggering you do on a daily. You don’t even try at this rate. This is purposeful and meant to be utilized and crafted as a character trait as well as a spiritual quality you have and Ignite within others! Ps: people can seem to leave your life quickly because of this. Never has this been a personal fault, more so just an energetic reaction to your rawness !
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The ability to be ATTRACTIVE!! Like you are really that GIRL/BOY / They / Them
Your attraction is your ability. It’s like a Gift from heaven, is what I hear ! Naturally. You have the means to abuse this gift, But I see you barely see yourself as such. You could be rejecting that part of yourself ! But your love, the love you put out there is so strong and FIERY!! It can blow a whole soul into Transcendence!! You quite literally blow people away. And 70% of that comes from your intellect & vibe. The other 30% comes from your natural-born confidence. You will be someone who truly enjoys their abilities once you understand what it MEANS to you ! 🔥🔥🔥
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Hope you Enjoy ✨
IG: @Soleccentric
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highpriestessaset · 7 months
Día de Los Muertos
“Day of the Dead” is a holiday traditionally celebrated on Oct 31, Nov 1-2, and/or Nov 6th. The celebration honors themes of life, death, and rebirth- respecting the memories of those who’ve passed on. The origin is said to date back to ancient Mesoamerica and is prevalent amongst various Latin communities today.
Pick an image: allow your intuition to guide you in your selection.
Please be open to receiving your message(s) with love-
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“Why are you so afraid to take risks?”
“Don’t you remember what I taught you?”
The message coming through says that you have so much power of attraction that you are not using. You could influence a room if you wanted to and completely brighten up everyone’s day around you. You are a blessing. Nurture your inner light and allow it to shine. You don’t have to make yourself small or fit in like a sheep. You have so much influence (maybe over a child/children, someone younger, or anyone who may look up to you.
“Have you thought about sharing your knowledge? Teach people.”
“You are resilient and very smart. Use your wits.”
“Follow your passion.”
[ Channeled initials/names: “Laura” or “Lauren” | BF | PO | IK | CX | OE | LC | FS | HA | JS | LH ]
I feel that in the dating department, there hasn’t been much luck. The message coming through says to treat yourself like royalty. Have standards and boundaries. It takes enormous willpower to say no to things you may enjoy with another, however, there is enjoyment to be had in flirtation and play. It may help for you to be more reserved and not show all your cards right away. Seduction is an art form that can raise confidence and make you feel more valued and in control of your body.
“Walls keep people out, boundaries show them where the door is.”
“Teach them how to treat you.”
[ Channeled initials/names: “Doug” or “Dougie” | II | SX | CF | EO | RA | IK | KD | AI | IG | AE ]
“Too much fighting”
“Why are you so angry?”
“You have so much to be grateful for.”
The message coming through says that you have so many things to be happy about but those are overlooked. Instead, the one thing that is wrong or out of place gets the most attention. Find relaxation that anyone who has wronged you or situations/people you may be trying to control, will receive karmic justice. All that energy and willpower you put into fighting, put it into your trust and determination that all will be as it should.
“When people reveal who they are, believe them.”
“Stop chaining yourself to the situation.”
“You could use a change in scenery.”
[ Channeled initials: AD | FI | XL | ML | DA | GI | AP | EP | VB | SR ]
*Readings are for entertainment purposes only.*
-// Blessings 🌺
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what got you into jondami?
I was like 12 and was tryna get into comics after rewatching the original Teen Titans and looking it up, we found it out it was DC so we decided to read the comics. We started with Deathstroke then went to Teen Titans, and that's how I learned about Damian. We looked up more comics of him (in Rebirth) but I ended up seeing a panel of Lois and thought she looked so cute I wanted to know who she is but Superman's son was cool too ig 😂. The comic panel was from Super Sons too anyway.
I am a sucker for enemies to lovers & childhood friends so damijon was already gonna be peak for me as both. In, like, the middle of Super Sons of Tomorrow I thought "this got kinda romantic fast". Then it ended with Damian telling Superman he'll protect his son and when he was the only one who voted for Jon-- I was squealing! I had an old Tumblr were I made incorrect quotes too lmao! I got my sister on board too after pointing out what was romantic & why they would be together. We tried to find as many signs as possible of them being together and said there was like a bi flag colors in one panel 😭 (guess we were onto something lol).
Then I started hyperfixating on other things but when I came back to comics my love for damijon came back immediately and I just started looking for crumbs lol.
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residentmara · 3 months
a little context for smth, the Astral Express Crew is this train of ppl, not really many ppl keep that in mind (ha, mind), that travels on the path of The Hunt, but the path they travel on isn't important, but they are following in the path of this Aeon (basically like, gods in the game but they're also not gods ?) who had died (I personally believe that the Aeon of The Trailblaze, the one they're following the path of didn't die, because there is nobody who knows how they died, it's unknown if it was at the hands of another Aeon even tho thats a popular theory in game, or if it was killed by a human or what) and they're just following in that guy's path and stopping at worlds when they can't pass, usually bc of a stellaron (cancer of all worlds) on the planets, and they help those planets and continue on their path
Mind (March and Dan Heng)
Mind would be March because of more like her backstory, she was found floating through space in a block of six-phased ice (I believe it was that or it was some 'eternal ice' but I am p sure it was six-phased) which Welt spent ages to get her out of, and I did get my facts a little wrong when I was being autism in dms earlier, her name is March 7th because that's the day the Astral Express Crew (which at the time I believe consisted of Himeko, Welt, and pom-pom (? for Pom-pom)) freed her from the ice, and she didn't even know who she was, so they took to calling her March 7th since that was the date, she canonically puts out this happy, bubbly, personality to cover up this like anxiety and sadness I believe is what Himeko says when you ask about March, but she puts on that personality and smile to cover up those feelings
and Dan Heng because he's smart.. and he also has things in his past that he's running from, he's generally a mysterious kinda guy (HELP IM REACHING DISCORD LIMIT ALR,, THE PRICE OF TYPING THIS ORIGINALL ON DISCORD WTF) theres not many lore rooted reasons that I'm saying Dan Heng for, though he does live in the file room (I think it was called.. words aren't wording but it is like 8:34 at night) and keeps things nice and filed n stuff for the express, he knows a lot about it, he also joined it because he was running from people from his past life / past (I say past life because even though he normally looks human, he's from this dragon looking species I can't spell the name of for the life of me who goes through this rebirth process) and he refuses to really talk to anyone about it, and if you in game ask Himeko about him she doesn't give you much information
Heart (Kafka)
I won't go deep into lore because I don't think we know much of Kafka's lore or she doesn't have too much to go into ig, but Kafka is one of these Stellaron hunters who's goal (you'll never guess it) is to get stellarons, Kafka can appear as this nice person but really she's kinda violent and slightly manipulative (though it is kind of for the 'greater good' in some sense depending on where your morals lie when it comes to lore of the entire game) also she uses a gun canonically when you use her ultimate.. enough proof there /silly
Soul as Himeko or the Trailblazer
tbh I'd mainly say Himeko, we don't really know too much about Himeko, only what you can get from asking Welt, but she found the express when she was a kid blah blah that's not imporant to why Soul would be her, she was there from the start, she knows like everything about everyone on the express, at least all there really is to know, she's the real owner of it, but she is generally who keeps things kinda calm on the express, she's who you trust (which when you put hms as pathos, logos, and ethos, we know who is what, Heart is Pathos, Mind is Logos, and Soul would be Ethos, and if you were to characterize Himeko as one of those, she'd be Ethos because you know you can trust her) + she has red hair
I'd say Soul as the Trailblazer (the Main Character) because that is also the only character you can be 100% sure of in the whole story, also I can kind of draw a connection from the Stellaron that is inside of the Trailblazer (they are generally supposed to just be a storage for it, we don't know why yet because that lore isn't rlly out yet) to the void seen on Soul in like the videos, they both have something that can like 'take over' them in some sense
and Whole as Welt
Welt is someone who also knows a lot about people on the express (not as much as Himeko though) but he generally is like this character that is like the 'dad' of the express, at least in my eyes (that I totally have shh I'm not a Heart fictive what) this is smth you can argue that Welt would be Soul for but he is in and out of the Astral Express this like peace keeper, there is a lot more of lore to Welt because he is a reoccuring in like another Honkai game (I think there is only one other ? but if not he's in the two others, but I cannot remember how mant there is) and I remember seeing something about a comic, but basically if you were to put a face on the express it'd probably be Welt or Himeko, Himeko because she is the actual owner but Welt because he is this powerful figure that has this cohesive story if any of my reasoning for Whole as Welt makes sense
Boom autism explosion pt 2, now I’m very sleeby so goodnight !! -💕
this is unironically the direct reason i got into honkai: star rail
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oh-my-may · 2 months
I FINISHED CHAPTER 11. *the final countdown starts playing in the back*
Nibel Region is beautiful. But lets talk story first.
Was eagerly awaiting meeting Vincent. The way there was painful tho. Listen: I love Cait Sith okay. Love his gameplay, his voice, his character. What they shouldn't have done is put him solo for most parts of this chapter, my patience was tested many a time during the whole manor. Hated the Abjudicator enemies. Did not have the patience when meeting them for the first time - i changed Cait's equipment like at least 5 times and then still died over and over again with just him in the party. Eventually did it the next day after a few tries. The Yin and Yang guy was also annoying the first few times - as I said, I was eagerly awaiting Vincent and the game just kept throwing annoying enemies at me 😭
Same with the puzzles. Took me very long to figure out how to use the throwing system with the boxes. Still struggled a lot after. THE ONE PART WHERE YOU HAVE TO HIT THE MOVING THING???? I was actually going insane. Was getting very frustrated and hated myself for it. I usually like the puzzles in Rebirth, but this section felt too long... Couldn't enjoy most of it. Did like the other boss fights tho. The abandoned experiment felt way too easy but ig I'm at the point of the game where all party members have a decent build so I feel like story bosses up until now have been quite alright to tackle. (Besides a few exceptions like Scarlet)
Vincent was very cool, what can I say. Took a billion screenshots (pictured below). Love how he went all out just bc Cloud touched his coffin... edgy ass. Him and Cait were somehow cute... we love us some coworkers.
Also poor Roche :( his fight was fun but I did see this coming. Had me thinking about Broden from Kalm, hope he is doing alright. I really can't wait to find out the whole story of the cloaked men... i remember in the first game I briefly thought Genesis might be one of them 😭 hope we get to see him during the last game maybe.
Other than that no other thoughts about the story this chapter... just Vincent. I'm just a girl what can I say.
Exploration wise I'm like halfway through Nibel. Took me a little bit to figure put how to get the dang chocobo (I thought we were supposes to distract the other ones, not bait the main one...) but their ability is SO FUN. Water feet farts.
Tried to beat Thorin several times but I couldn't do it even at lowest difficulty 😭 made it only as far as phase 2 where he splits the arena... idk if I'll succeed in getting him ngl.
Other than that I haven't done fiend intel, protorelic or npc quests (besides accidentally starting the one with the chocobo sage bc I stumbled across the farm). Looking forward to it all tho! Then it's time to tackle the last few chapters and then I can finally catch up with hsr ...
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tkblythofficial · 4 months
I’m curious on your opinion of why she is so online all the time 😂 I know she is like only 22 but she must have an agent and a manager who could/talk her out of it or help mimimize things so she has some mystery 😂 do you think they are trying to cultivate a brand and seem young and relatable/relevant to fans/Audiences by letting her post everything that comes into her head lol
She’s always been chronically online even before she was famous. And didn’t she used to be a stan acct too? So she’s used to it lol. She’s also Gen Z and her career launched because of YouTube; it’s a natural thing for YouTubers to overshare and connect with their fanbase 24/7.
Some people can’t stay offline, like S. Gomez for example, they’re addicted to social media and people’s opinions of them.
I think her Twitter and ig are fine except for the relationship stuff. If she stops talking/posting J, it would be a huge improvement. Plus, THG fandom really helped her popularity. I’ve seen nothing but support for her recently (at least on Twitter) and it’s simply because of her interactions with fans. Keep in mind we got a lot of content from her because she’s online and posts everything. Without her, we would not have many T pictures or videos of TBOSAS. She lowkey relaunched the rebirth of TGH fandom lol
I even saw a comment on Reddit where someone praised her for donating to a fan’s GoFundMe to help save their pet and she gained new fans!
A lot of fans connect with her Twitter and she’s not doing anything problematic. Fans LOVE how online she is but I agree, she should make herself less assessable and more private. T needs to help her out lol
One thing about R is she’s very authentic and genuine imo. If you look at some of her old tweets, nothing has changed really. She’s not trying to be relatable or brand herself to younger audiences, she just happens to be naturally relatable. Like she’s a genuine fan of THG (relatable!), a tweet of hers went viral because she talked about Star Wars comics (relatable to a lot of people!) etc…
If I was her agent or manager, I would let her keep interacting with fans (nothing wrong with that) but wipe your page clean of relationship/personal issues and center your tweets around old/current/future projects lol
And despite what she says, I do believe she has a burner acct on Twitter, Tumblr, TikTok, IG, etc…
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mioalmonte · 1 year
"El Poderio"
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The representation of "Vulnerability" All photos in this article Captured by Perla Jaquez (IG: @lifeonfilrolls)
The ocean is a great metaphor as to what the experience of a Rebirth feels like. In other words, to be born again is to know the depths of the sea. Our bodies represent its mass, emotions are the waves, our mind resembles the ocean current, while our souls are the depths. The manifestation of a rebirth will interrupt your walk through life unprecedentedly. Something like a thief in the night which wakes you abruptly, or in the middle of the day like a terrorist attack. Either way, if you’ve met a rebirth or are in the process of one then you know what I mean. A rebirth is both the  best thing that can happen to us and the most inexplicable. Every person will have a unique version of their renaissance. There is no "one in the same" road through it. 
    In my case, most of my existence had been a consistent internal and external mess. My identity was shot-BOOM! From birth. Since I can remember I suffered from depression, anxiety, dissociation, generational curses, and much more! So much dysfunction was happening around me. From my father abusing me physically, emotionally, and psychologically to being molested by family members before I could even exercise my own will. While my mother's absence during pivotal years of my development also affected me in many ways. Being born into unhealthy family systems will automatically distort how we perceive our life experiences. My false self formed when I was a child, as many of ours do. What is a "false self" you may ask? A false self is a version of ourselves that we create to ultimately "protect" ourselves as we go along operating through survival mode "seamlessly" (so we think) for many different reasons. Despite your false self forming in your early years or later on in life I am sure that you understand the feeling of operating in a being or form that doesn't feel true to you. A feeling of "God this cannot be life , if so wipe me out NOW!" or "There has to be more to life because this ain't it". One too many times I asked God to take me in my sleep. I would say, "I don't want to wake up tomorrow, please just kill me. Get this over with". The agony of not living in our true form feels intolerable. It's poison to our spirit. A cross too heavy to bear. If you know you, you know.  
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 The representation of "Anxiety & Depression"
Consequently as time swims on by nothing changes, unless we do. True transformation only happens when we become who we no longer were. That takes time, effort, action ,and divine intervention. I believe God uses everything in our favor! A Rebirth is nothing short of that statement. We are spiritual beings living a human experience not the other way around and God is our source. To be in this earthly realm merely getting by with our false self will inevitably come to an end. Whether tragically or disruptively. The truth is that we came here on a mission, with a purpose in hand; to love and to serve. While healing happens in the span of our journey because of the collateral damage that we endure in the process. Everything else is the icing on the cake or a distraction intending to keep us from the mission of living out God's promises for our life. Which is exactly why we must "Be self-controlled and alert because our enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." [1 Peter 5:6+7]  
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The representation of: "Self Love/ Taking your Power back" & "Death"
To live from an empty cup is draining. It's like wearing sneakers without strings or attempting to breathe without air. It's discouraging, to say the least. The great news is that the symptoms and emotions which come along with our Rebirth are the indicators that God is going to set us free. Also known as deliverance. I will explain. Going back to what I mentioned at the beginning of this blog, most of the time the demons that we come against pertain to traumatic childhood experiences, life experiences, poor choices or by generational curses. Generationally speaking there are many things that have been passed down to us from our ancestors and usually we can only name a few. Thankfully God is graceful enough to reveal these things to us in the healing process of our rebirth. In our darkness lies our truth and I don't know about you but facing my demons has been the toughest part of my deliverance. Turns out that generational curses are so overwhelming that it makes it that much more inconvenient for us to want to face them. However, we cannot skip any steps because there is a divine order to all that is. What we would actually love to do is to skip that part to get to the good part. Especially because we feel that it has nothing to do with us. When in reality it has ALL to do with us because what we do not put a stop to simply keeps on repeating itself from generation to generation until someone in the lineage puts a stop to it. Which brings me back to why I KNOW that God will set us free. Once we pay our dues by doing the work, then the glory is ours. God is a merciful God, and a forgiving God.
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The representation of: "Solitude" "Resilience"
No matter what our trials may be, God will NEVER hold our shortcomings against us! I speak from experience. The devil will have us running laps around our mind telling us so many lies about ourselves plus all the reasons why we should give up. This article will not be sufficient for me to express the hell that I have been through just to get to the other side of me. The true version of myself. The version of me that is not identified as the pain that I've endured, and the countless trauma that I lived through, but the version of me that I was meant to be all along. A powerful and phenomenal woman, a great mother, wife, sister, lover, friend, servant, and healer (just to name a few attributes). My true self is a warrior. She is a force to be reckoned with and so are you. What God has done for me he will do for you ten folds. There is a real war out here. This war is being operated in the spirit realm and manifesting itself in the physical. Therefore, we must guard our heart, body, mind, space, and soul at all times. The closer we are to our breakthrough and liberation the more attacked we feel. The spirits of anxiety, depression, panic attacks,  suicide, frustration, fear, plus more begin to manifest with more potency as we get closer to our deliverance. Remember this - "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."  [2 Timothy 1:7]
When we are born again we awaken to our true purpose. We are granted a spirit of discernment therefore, no more wasting time. Whatever doesn't sit well with our spirit man will no longer be entertained. The devil knows this and that's why he attacks us in the ways in which he does in the first place. Let's say there are two mango trees, one of them has ripe juicy mangos and the other one has unripe/rotten mangos; which tree would you aim for with rocks to get mangos? The answer is the ripe tree. At least that's what I would choose. This metaphor is exactly why the devil tempts us to become addicted to substances, to commit suicide,  to become discouraged enough hoping we will then settle for less than God's greater plan for our lives. In the midst of our greatest torments the devil wants us to believe his lies because he knows that what we have inside of us is greater than what has happened. Once we are born again indefinitely the devil and his demons' time is up with us and our family. That means more beacons of light spreading light and love through the works of God in the world. This is the reason why we are challenged so much. In which case I say unto you to allow the pain, anxiety, depression, intrusive thoughts and whatever your demons are to open you up to ignite your curiosity toward knowledge so that you can make this process intentional. You must know that if there is one thing that the trials of our rebirth are trying to teach us is how to turn our mental, emotional, and spiritual afflictions into transformative power also known as spiritual alchemy. Which is exactly what happens when we are born again-We transform. Becoming completely new and more powerful than ever before. 
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The representation of "Growth"
[Special note for the reader: Hurray you got this far that means that you read the entire article! : ). In faith I believe that this text has blessed you. These words are a labor of love inspired by my personal experience with rebirth. It was intended to fortify you. If you fall under the category of someone who is currently undergoing a Rebirth, my message to you is that you are not alone. All of the feelings, emotions, and afflictions that you are encountering are working in your favor because you can and you will break through! Every single thing that was intended to break you or destroy you by the enemy; God is going to use 100% in your favor. Keep going. We need you.]
The photos in this article represent some of the emotions that form part of a rebirth.
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laissez-fire-oh · 2 years
PAC #12 - A message for you from your future self
Suggested by @icehyunjin
A message from your future self (3-5 years)
Take a deep breath and relax. Take your time to ground yourself and connect with your insight. Once you feel ready, choose the picture or number that calls you the most and check the description. If you feel called by more than one, there might be more messages for you. Being a general reading, take what resonates and leave what doesn’t.
This is only made for fun and entertainment: remember to not take it too seriously and that energies can change, and you can change your own life as well.
Every pile is written mixing intuition and tarots (got myself a home made deck, so it might not resonate well with everyone). As usual, feedback is highly appreciated.
Sorry for any typo or grammar mistake!
All the photos belong to me and you have no permission to use them.
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Honey, I know you feel unsatisfied and unhappy with where you are and where your life is. When we were little we totally thought we would have been in a different situation right now... but I promise you, you’re going to do better. You were born to share your special gifts and your incredible generosity, and to get all the love and appreciation you deserve back to you. Just keep being strong for a little more, okay?
Be patient, endure all the effort and pain; even when you feel like nothing will ever change: balance and peace are coming in for you. I am saying this for real (I mean, I am here!). Don’t let others take control or make decisions for you: you, and only you, are in charge of your life, of our life, and you’ll take that leading role with great courage once you'll make up your mind, seeing where I am today! You are going to shine, and speak up for yourself in a way you have never done before... it is gonna be huge and sudden, and it is gonna feel great!
You can manifest literally whatever you want, the best outcome for you, for us. And you actually will succeed: I am the proof you will! You’ll get there, here, slowly, step by step, without rushing things but always believing in yourself, in us... my little turtle, slow and steady win the race, remember! You’ll be the abundant person you are destined to be. It is all written in the stars, you only need to start believe. You can trust me, you know?!
I’m waiting for you here.
Lots of kisses, I have trust in you honey!
(*for some: I saw someone upset, looking at a piece of paper/computer screen in a kinda dark room, looking kinda lost and repeating “i’ll never make it”. next image same person in a green environment -i take it as wealth too- happy and smiling, talking with someone else. sunny bright day, cheerful situation - could be work cause of the elegant clothes and a small red document folder in their hands-. WELL... guess you’ll make it? p.s. might want to check pile 3 too cause ig there can be another message there idk)
Sweety, do you have any idea how many things can actually change in 4 years? No? I bet, cause you’re totally going to witness that by yourself. And I promise you, you won’t believe that, not a single bit. It’s going to feel unreal. Until one day, you’ll wake up: and you’ll realize it’s all true: you’ve made it, we’ve made it!
I’m so happy and proud of you, I can’t even find the words...! The way you blossomed, and took your life by the horns! I know, I know it probably hasn’t happened yet and you’re still doubting your own abilities, but trust me, sweets, when you’ll get there... OH MY LORD! The world better be ready, you know?!
You are a fighter, you’ve always rebirthed yourself from ashes and got stronger and stronger. I know you’re doubting yourself, you are re-evaluating your past, our past, our decisions, and you’re in front of a very challenging and important crossroads, but guess what? You’ll make the right choice. Connect with me, connect with our guides. We are here for you. Take your time to evaluate and meditate: your recompense for all the work, for all the pain, for all the effort, is really in front of you, even if you cannot see it now. Take the time to appreciate all you’ve done until now, and be objective, cause I know you play down yourself!
When you’ll be done, when it’ll be time, you’ll be ready to get where I am. It’s all due to you, don’t worry! It all seems so far but it is so close!
Before I leave, a small tip: you’re smart, but you need to plan and organize yourself better, hun! Mwah!
(*for some: I saw someone waking up and realizing the “love of their life” -heard that- were sleeping -snoring, lol- by their side, a beautiful house and got the feeling they were having a fulfilling job as well. Could be also only one of these ofc but the mood was so cozy and profoundly happy/satisfied, like “i’m here, finally. it’s all good”, like taking a deep relaxing breath after a lot of struggles)
Love, you are amazing! Do you remember when you said you wanted to go to that school or move to that country? Well I’m not sure I am supposed to tell you this but... yeah, here we are! Successful and happy! We got new friends that are like family and we are just celebrating each and everyday. That decision has been the best of our life! I know it took you a lot of courage to make it, but you’re so determined! And also, that deep and meaningful speech you listened to at the right moment, it just opened our eyes and hearts. Everything changed from then on, and we went back on our track, you went back on our track, towards our destiny!
We’re going to leave all the pain and hurt behind, all those who didin’t believe in us, they’re staying in the past. We’re gonna keep working and shine bright like stars from now on. Nobody will ever make us feel unworthy of something anymore, not even us. Okay, darling?
It hasn’t been immediate, so many were trying to stop us... but once we put our eyes on a prize, it’s hard to change our mind, isn’t it? It’s been tough, it still is... we had to say goodbye to some people, but we need to look at what we have, at our desires and wishes that are now reality!
Well almost all of them... You know what I mean. Our path is just at the beginning, we still have a lot to do, but together we’re gonna make it once again!
We still need to work on ourselves, on our personal development, cause the road is still very long: we can go much further than this, and I know we will. But if we’re being able to do so, it’s only thanks to you! 
Remember, dummy, it starts today! *Wink*
(*for some: i saw someone in a kinda elegant suit, surrounded by people, smiling, holding a paper looking like they just graduated. i feel this person is happy but miss someone, like their parents, caus ethey couldn’t be there/live elsewhere and cannot celebrate their successes with them, but still they feel good. looks like only a few moments of “sadness”. but this person is really focused on living the moment and their life -i heard “finally” exactly now-, no matter what. they seem to feel free after a lot of time. similar to pile 1 for this part tbh feel free to check)
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batfamcraze · 2 years
Maybe it's me but I think what I like most about Damian is how much I don't like him. You can tell DC Comics is going for a redemption arc for him and we're really beginning to see him grow into a good person and fine young man. And they're doing it right. They're showing his growth rather than telling us. Damian is still making mistakes and still is rather standoffish, but he's getting there.
He's the one you want to root for and he's hard to love but I'm so excited to see where they take him. So glad your blog is heavily dedicated to him. (And thanks for the follow too!)
Damian is my favourite Batkid and my favourite Robin. I like all of the Batkids fairly equally, but Damian is my #1 because his story and character is so appealing to me! (I also acknowledge DC's problematic treatment of him and the Al Ghul family at the same time of course)
I read Damian's comics when I was around 13 years old and I thought he was the coolest bitch. I loved that iconic introduction of him saying "Father, I imagined you taller." He's wished to meet his father his whole life and that's the first thing he says to him? Amazing.
While I understand that you like Damian and I agree with your statement, what a lot of people don’t know is that Damian’s current redemption arc in Robin (2021) already happened in Robin: Son of Batman (2016). 
In Robin: Son of Batman (2016), He leaves Gotham for a year to travel, and calls it his “Year of Atonement” (to atone for the crimes he’s committed), it's about Damian not wanting to kill people anymore and become a hero like his father is. (And I recommend you reading it honestly, it has such a strong hold to my heart!)
There are a few comics that include Damian’s redemption arc like Batman and Robin (2011) I think, and more that I'm probably forgetting. (I need to re-read Damian’s comics again honestly, because my memory is a little poor because of how long ago I read them lol!)
From what I remember in the New 52 continuity (It was the current canon at the time I read it, so, yeah I’ve been a Batfam fan for a LONG time lol), Damian was a solid member of the batfamily, and was a good hero/sidekick. At some point he stopped being an assassin and became a new addition to the family.
Now you ask: “So Damian already had a redemption arc, and they’re doing it again?”
And my answer is: “YES! That’s weird isn’t it? Congratulations! You accidentally discovered a problem I have with DC too!”
Please bear with me, I’m going to give context as to why Damian is going through another redemption arc, and share my thoughts on Robin (2021) under the cut lol:
The problem with Robin (2021) imo, is that Damian already went through a redemption arc. The reason why DC is doing it twice, is because DC’s ex-ceo Dan Didio (Whom I greatly detest, caused many problems with multiple DC characters), planned to turn Damian into DC’s newest and biggest villain for their canceled continuity that was planned after Rebirth, and to take place after the Dark Knights Metal event. The new failed continuity was going to be called 5G (Stands for Generation 5). It got cancelled because the executive team had disagreements with directions that multiple characters had, as well as hating the idea of a time jump that would be a part of it (Damian was apparently going to be 18!). You can read more about it here in Article 1 and Article 2. (There are multiple posts that could explain 5G better here on Tumblr but I hope I tried lol)
Didio is also to blame for DC having multiple continuities like New 52, Rebirth, etc. So if you're mad about DC being confusing and having their timelines restart frequently, blame it on this guy lol (Thank god he doesn’t work there anymore). Currently, we’re in the Infinite Frontier continuity, but it’s not actually a reboot like the past two so I let it slide ig, because Infinite Frontier is technically a continuation of Rebirth. (If I'm wrong about Infinite Frontier lmk, but my point still stands because I hate Didio for creating New 52 and Rebirth lol)
While 5G was in the works before it got cancelled and Didio got replaced by Jim Lee, Damian was in multiple comics that was going to explain his new path to villainy for 5G. His fallout with the Teen Titans he led in Teen Titans (2016) because he didn’t have faith in the justice system anymore, dealing with the trauma of Alfred’s death, attempting to kill KGBeast because of the attempted murder of Dick, Dick not remembering Damian and turning into Ric, were some of the reasons for his new path. (Source here and here)(I apologize if some details are wrong)
Because 5G was planning on making Damian a supervillain, DC wanted to give the Robin mantle back to Tim. (Despite Damian being Robin for about 15 years, which means Tim hasn’t been Robin for about the same length)
When 5G was cancelled, Williamson was then given Robin (2021) and he had to write Damian’s redemption arc, which is where we are now. If it weren’t for DC trying to change Damian’s story and ruin his character. *cough* *cough* racism. 
And the ideas they had for 5G that they didn’t want to throw away, gave us 5G’s leftovers known as Future State (2021), Death of the Justice League (2022), and the Batman comic with Tim as his Robin that recently got announced (writer Chip Zdarsky). Even though Bruce is supposed to “die” in Death of the justice League? ... 😐
*Apparently, James Tynion IV didn’t like 5G either, so he decided to write DC vs Vampires (2021) instead. Lol the more you know! ✨ (Source here)
To summarize: Tim was going to be be the new Robin for 5G, 5G gets cancelled, now we have both Tim and Damian run around as Robin in Infinite Frontier because of their failed attempts of changing Damian to a supervillain, and have Tim replace him. Now Damian is going through the same arc he already went through because of their idiotic decision. (Side note: If you were wondering why they’re both Robin currently, that's why!) 🙃
*This is not a hate post for Tim. I don't hate Tim, I actually like him! I’m pointing out the fact that DC is racist, and that they’ve been pushing Tim to be Robin recently, because he's white and he hasn’t been Robin for 15-ish years. Don’t misread this post please.
So... After all of that context (which was very much needed), I’m going to finally talk about Damian in Robin (2021) lol. 
First of all, I don't have a problem with Robin (2021), I don't fully hate it! There are a few parts that I like, the Lazarus Tournament was a pretty cool idea tbh and the writing is decent. But I don't think I can ever love it, because this comic is a reminder that it wouldn't exist if DC weren’t racist, and that Damian would be on the same path he was on before all of this bs. This comic has elements from Damian’s past comics that, imo, has been handled better.
I’m sorry if you like this comic and that I probably ruined it for you, but it’s completely fine to like this comic and still be aware of the sabotage he went through! If DC sees that Robin (2021) is successful, then they will surely regret their past actions and never attempt to give his villain arc a second try in the future (If DC tries again I will fight them)! I understand why someone would like Robin (2021) because non-Damian readers aren’t aware that he’s no longer that snotty brat that fanon thinks he is. Yea, Damian can be arrogant and childish, those are his flaws after all (and he’s still a child btw, and flaws are very much needed in a character. And I don't like flaw-less characters because they bore me lol), but he's WAY more toned down after Robin: Son of Batman (2016) and Batman and Robin (2011). Damian was already a developed good person before Robin (2021).
Without further ado, here are a few of my fav random panels of Dami’s past redemption arc that I love:
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Damian's new friend Maya, helps him realize his potential to become a hero  💚♥️
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Maya tells Damian that she forgives him for killing her father Morgan Ducard.
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Damian was sent to kill a den of demon bats(?) in a cave, and sees a baby demon bat. When Damian tries to force it to fight back, it licks his nose, and Damian cries. This is how Damian meets Goliath ♥️. This scene represents how Damian saw himself in the demon bat, because he also had no desire to kill when he was young, but was forced to his entire life. Which is why he breaks down (including my own heart). [These pics are from Robin: Son of Batman (2016)]
I apologize if my reply was not at all you were expecting LOL, but I was going to make a post about DC’s failed 5G plan, and I thought why the hell not? I’ll do it now since it affected Damian A LOT!
“He's the one you want to root for and he's hard to love but I'm so excited to see where they take him. So glad your blog is heavily dedicated to him.”
Oh yes I absolutely agree! I’ve rooted for him on Day 1 and there aren't enough people on the Damian Wayne Defence Squad like me lmao. And thank you so much! That really means a lot! 💕 (I’ll also strongly defend the other Batkids too btw, I appreciate all of them lol)
Thank you for sending the ask! 💕 
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whumpshaped · 2 years
tw: cult and killing, also drugs ig?
so there's this part of the story in Miss Peregrine's where they go to an underground place where there's like a fight club where peculiars, people with powers, and monsters fight
and aside from that they also have this drug called ambrosia which when consumed heightens the users power for a time but comes with detrimental side effects
ngl looking back the book was really dark ;_; had stuff like talking beheaded head on a stick ;_; bruh how tf did 10 year old me read that and just go ok and wasn't traumatized-anyway back to the topic
so I thought about broadening the topic in my story using that idea
so there's going to be people who think that they shouldn't have to control their power because it's theirs and they don't owe that to anyone so them fighting each other is like their way of showing that their power is theirs and that they're going to use it how they want it
and with the drug thing I thought about maybe making different drugs that do different things, the current one I thought of was drugs that suppress your power for a time so you can live life without worrying about it, it's in the black market and illegal because many people think powers are a blessing and should be used etc
so what do you think
I also had this other idea of where someone with a healing power comes across the dying cousin of MC who just had their power taken and when they're revived they have no more powers and is like taken in by people who want to overthrow the government etc because they think the cousin is special bcos they have no power and they become like a cult with people having them become their "god"
because they're the first person in existence to turn away from the "gift" given by the "almighty god" which is their power and they follow them and do their bidding so that someday they can have their powers taken away too because they're desperate
and there are going to be a few people who cousin trust and they're going to tell those people they trust the truth of how they lost their power so there are people who are like spies and they try to find the guy who's power is taking that of others etc and idk but like imagine this dramatic thing where they catch him and use him for a while and the most loyal followers had this death ritual to take away their powers
which was by killing and healing them again, which is like rebirth, that they were born into a new life through death because they were literally killed and healed and now have no power
yes yes i support the drug idea!!!! we love some illegal black market drugs. and thats so real too like if u have ppl w such amazing powers there r gonna be a rebel group who think it shouldnt be suppressed... the superiority complex...
THE CULT???? OMG NOT THAT LITTLE BITCH BOY BEING TREATED AS A GOD BC THEY ALMOST GOT KILLED. HORRIBLE. but also the rebirth ritual is so good im such a sucker for that omg
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protectbatson · 4 years
i'm really mad asf, a bbrae fan just said damirae is toxic and abusive , can you please explain why damirae isn't abusive, but cartoon bbrae is , this salty shippers need to be shut down , since when?! cause i cant remember a single scene where damian and raven hurt each other, physically and emotionally! they also said damirae fandoms are toxic too, yet they're the ones being so loud and wont let us enjoy our ship
First I want to make it clear that I will no longer answer asks about ship war... I've had a lot of chase with this fandom and all I want today is distance....
Second, no... Damian and Raven never hurt each other physically or psychologically. The only time Damian said something that MAYBE hurt Raven's feelings was when he called her "witch girl". The truth is that, since New Teen Titans, calling Raven a witch was used in a pejorative way. But when Damian called her that, he still hadn't had what we call and know as "character development". Damian was spoiled, immature, brat and he felt obliged to be there because it wasn't what he wanted... Think, Damian was created to be something big, he was never among teenagers like him and so, he is sent for a team full of teenagers and being led by an alien... He was a kid. He freaked out.
And then, when he chose friends over his own blood, he changed... He grew up and understood... Damian never called Raven a witch again, never treated her like that again... Not even when they discussed in Judas Contract about Raven knows about Tara... In comics, he even goes so far as to say that she is the only Titan that maybe who comes closest to what he is... She is his right arm.... He trusts her and vice versa.
I can't say about bbrae in Cartoon because I never saw a real feeling there, Garfield loved Terra until the end. In comics, it's another thing... Garfield in comics has always been misogynistic, even when he wasn't with Raven... Even a long way from that, in the 80's. He was always a sexist character and when they wrote the couple in comics (bc fanservice of the cartoon) they made it VERY worse. Even afterwards, when they broke up, there were times when Gar hurt Raven... I don't want a yo-yo relationship to me... I don't want a relationship where I, having self-esteem problems, hear that "I'm not good at smiling". I don't want a person (who do people say is the love of my life?) To come into my room and make fun of my choices saying "I never imagined you being a normal girl". And the problem is not even these attitudes because charging non-sexist attitudes in comics from 2000 and little is like kicking a dead dog, but it always bothered me what came next. Every sentence, every fight was always masked with a hug afterwards, with an "I'm happy for you"... This is abusive. It's like saying "I do this, because I love you". Damirae never had that... And if it did, I wouldn't be a shipper... I HATE abusive relationships, it makes me disgust the characters on a level that I can't see him in front of me... For many years I hated Gar, things have changed at rebirth and I am so happy now that he and Raven are good friends (almost brothers by choice).
And third, I don't know why everyone is saying that Damirae is a toxic ship. We have endured years of free hatred from all the other fanbases... We had fanfics pursued and full of angry comments, fanarts with angry comments saying "Just bbrae" (I have prints of this)... I was chased by a bbrae shipper who reposted and mocked each one of my posts, even of my personal photos on IG simply because I said I didn't want to read fanfic bbrae because, while I was looking for fanfics on my ship, I bumped into the one that was on the Damirae tag and in fact it didn't even have Damian on history.
Damirae is not toxic, we just won't accept all this hate now in silence... We now fight back, we won't let it be thrown down and made of a punching bag... We didn't do anything to receive this hate and we won't accept it, simple as that.
Anyway... My ask was full of ship hate and I honestly don't want to start over again. The last post I made was the outburst about what was happening on twitter and I received so much support from people on other ships that now everything is fine... Every big ship has bad people but it also has mature and understandable people... Don't let bad people scream at you, they are just angry people....
If any shipper is chasing or harassing you can just block it, report this or ignore it... Don't let this put an end to your vibe, don't fall for their teasing. As my mother says: When one doesn't want, two don't fight.
Be fine
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luxinyourlife · 5 years
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“She threw away all of her masks and put on her soul.” 💜
My quote for this month. I really mean it, too. I haven’t felt like myself for a very long time. I haven’t been myself for four years. I really have felt like I’ve been in a cocoon. And I feel the wings being forming, pushing against that cocoon. I feel a rebirth coming. I’m getting ready to step outside of the cocoon and share “Lindsay” once again with the world at large. When I was fully broken, I looked around at all of the masks I collected from childhood on, cracked and chipped and useless. I didn’t want to use them or be identified by them any longer. None of them fit anymore. I’ve been very slowly reforming myself, healing myself, getting to know the true “Lindsay” — who am I? What do I want from life? Where do I want to go from here? How do I want my relationships and friendships to look? How do I want people to treat me? How do I want to interact with the world, and further what message do I want to send to everyone who encounters me?
There are so many questions to take stock of while recalibrating yourself. Are you ready to take off your mask(s)? Do you feel like you’re surviving using one or more masks in your daily life? (By the way, that’s okay too.) I hope you are able to take the time to evaluate your mask(s), and take that time to sort through how it formed, if you want to keep using it and if not, that you feel comfortable just being the glorious, fabulous You.
IG luxinyourlife
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lightsandlostbells · 5 years
Skam France season 3, episode 2 reaction
Skam France is really leveling up
Eliott Demaury, raccoon enthusiast is the best creative decision they’ve ever made
Episode 2
Clip 1 - surejan.gif
Is the B-roll or w/e at the start of the clip the same place Lucas was brooding in the first clip of the season? It’s probably reading too much into it but I like that those two dudes on the bench are there for a reason, like mirroring Lucas and Eliott at the end of the last episode, sitting with space between them (no Chloé in the middle, though).
Lucas scrolls through his phone looking for Eliott. He doesn’t find him, but he does find a friend request from Chloé, which he accepts after a moment’s hesitation. Son, she’s going to take that as a marriage proposal.
Mika plops down beside him and nags Lucas about the rent. Now that Manon’s parents are no longer financing Lucas’ rent, seems like he’s behind. Can I just mention that Mika and Lucas look like they could be related? I know it is a running Skam fandom joke that the Evak couples look related (sometimes said with underlying homophobia IMO BUT I’m not going to go into that rant now) and I’ve seen people say Lucas and Eliott look similar, but Lucas and Mika are the ones who stick out the most to me. Actually, Lisa too. If you told me that this was an apartment of like ... three siblings being gay and cranky at each other, I would buy it. 
Notifications are going off on Mika’s phone. It’s because Mika changed his profile pic, which he helpfully shows to Lucas/the viewers - I mean, I can get why his phone is blowing up, not gonna lie. No dick from what I can see, but you know. Suggestive. Pubes are clearly visible.
Lucas is like, I don’t want to see that! Well, I don’t think Lucas objects to naked men but I believe him in this instance because Mika is fulfilling the big brother role. Mika teases him about seeing what a man’s body looks like. Don’t worry Mika, in like a month Lucas is going to have very thorough knowledge of what a man’s body looks like.
Mika then asks for Lucas’ advice on a straight dude who wants a blowjob. Does he want it for himself or to do it to Mika? He helpfully imitates a blowjob that freaks out Lucas. I mean, it kinda freaks me out, I had war flashbacks to that grapefruit technique video. (If you have not seen that video, all I’m going to say that it is highly NSFW, not to be watched in public or if you have a heart condition, and I’m sorry.)
Mika is like, if you want to suck dick, you’re not that straight. Lucas is like, well, maybe he wants to try. Maybe that guy is just curious! HMMM Lucas, interesting train of thought. I’m sure you have no personal investment in this debate whatsoever. Mika helpfully shows Lucas’ a picture of the “curious” guy’s butthole. That Mika, being so helpful today.
Lucas gets up because he doesn’t want to spend his weekend looking at naked guys. Well, maybe not guys, plural. Again, in about a month you’re going to look back on that comment and laugh, bro. 
Mika and Lisa agree that Manon was funnier. Lmao, I kinda love how they’re so unimpressed with Lucas. 
Clip 2 - Light and dark
Lucas walks into school on Monday morning and … goes through an attendance book? He didn’t even hesitate, this guy does not give a single shit, does he? He’s just going to grab love by the balls. The camera puts us in Lucas’ POV by focusing from top to bottom like it’s imitating Lucas scanning the list, which is a good detail. Skam France had some POV issues I didn’t care for in previous seasons so this feels more carefully thought out. 
Just as I’m noticing Raptor Alex’s name above Eliott’s, the man himself appears. Oh yeah, they’re supposed to be pals now. They have a short conversation where Lucas is like, WHOOPS, silly me taking the wrong book! When Alex asks for the register, Lucas snakes out and distracts him by congratulating Alex on him and Emma. Alex is like, “Huh? Did Emma tell you that?” Well, they were obviously making out at the party and hanging out together in their IG stories, so while it’s maybe an assumption that they are 100% a couple, there’s obviously something going on between them.
I’ve never really been like ... dying for Isak/P-Chris friendship or interaction post-S2, although I think it could have been interesting. Plus, Chris had graduated by S3 so there weren’t as many opportunities for them to interact. But it’s a nice follow-up here since Raptor Alex is still in school with them. (Was he supposed to graduate along with Charles last year, though? I totally forgot. It feels like those seasons aired forever ago.)
Bell rings, Lucas scampers off with the register. I was like, “Wait, did he even put it back?” until Alex calls after him for it, lmao. I like to imagine that it’s just gone forever, a casualty of love.
In the classroom, Lucas looks up Eliott on his phone. Unlike Isak, he has the wisdom to plug in earbuds before listening to anything.
He’s looking at a crowdfunding page for a project of Eliott’s. It’s noted that the project closed and that the funding was not reached, and that detail punched a hole in my heart. Instant poignancy, instant affection for Eliott. We don’t know the circumstances yet of why he didn’t meet his goal, and if it was at all related to his manic/depressive episodes - perhaps a nice bit of foreshadowing if it turns out they are related - but it’s automatically sympathetic to learn someone had a dream that went unfulfilled. 
In a video, Eliott is talking about his project - a film called Polaris, about two characters and a tunnel. One is a boy, and one is not specified, (a boy, a girl, a creature) which I think is hinting at Elliott’s pansexuality, that he’s okay with any gender, it doesn’t matter to him. The second character does not leave the tunnel, because they are afraid of the light, and they meet the boy, who’s afraid of the dark. They can’t live in each other’s worlds so they chat at the border without ever seeing each other. They talk and fall in love but never meet until one of them decides to conquer their fears and go to the other’s world.
So there’s a lot of obvious symbolism here. Tbh, it’s pretty on the nose and I wish they’d toned it down just a smidge, since this is like … probably exactly what is going to happen with them for either their first kiss or their version of O Helga Natt (or both), but I still appreciate the effort a lot and am eager to see it in action. This is what I wanted from S3 remakes, for each of them to develop their own symbolism that fits their characters, because Isak and Even’s symbolism is so specific to them, their names and their story, that you inherently lose something when you transplant it to other versions of them. The concept of rebirth is really beautiful in a gay love story about coming out and being born as one’s authentic self; I think the idea of light and darkness being used in a similar way - especially in terms of a coming out narrative, being in darkness, coming into the light - could also be beautiful, and of course there are the ideas of having to be brave in order to live with each other, very relevant for an m/m couple in a homophobic society and for someone like Eliott who would be afraid to get close to someone due to his mental illness. It also works in the sense that neither of the characters in the film see each other until they get over their fears - both Lucas and Eliott have baggage and neither will really “see” or understand each other truly until they confront their respective issues.
Right now it seems like Eliott would be the one in the tunnel and Lucas is the one who’s afraid of the dark, and Lucas is going to have to leave his world to be with Eliott. Because well, this is supposed to be Lucas’ story, and the name “Lucas” is associated with light, or meaning “light-giver” or something similar. We know that one episode is called “the boy who was afraid of the dark” and that’s probably referring to Lucas since it’s his POV. At this point in the story, too, we aren’t supposed to know that Eliott is mentally ill, we don’t know he’s struggling, so we might also think that it’ll all be on Lucas to change in order for them to be together. But I think it’s also plausible that maybe they’ll switch roles over the course of the season, they both take turns in the light and in the dark. Maybe Lucas steps into the dark for the first kiss, conquering what he’s afraid of, then he steps into the light for the O Helga Natt equivalent. Or Lucas steps into the dark for the kiss, Eliott must step into the light for O Helga Natt. There are many ways it could go. But this is also what I like about them changing the symbolism, it leads to this kind of speculation. 
I’d like to see Lucas and Eliott being a little more strongly contrasted, too, sort of like they’re ... polar opposites, eh? OK, not that corny and not that they need to be so different that they can’t get along. I just think it’d be interesting with the light and dark metaphor to have them be clearly different in some ways, personality-wise, arc-wise. I want to see their separate worlds highlighted at some point.
Also want to mention that you could perhaps apply this imagery to certain scenes already, like in the first clip of the season you had Lucas in the daytime, light reflecting off the water and through the trees, but he’s not really comfortable there, he’s alone and detached. Later that night, Lucas making out with Chloé in the hallway sort of put him in shadow (or that might be Skam France’s lighting in general, IDK). Might be a reach but it’d be interesting if those choices stacked up throughout the season and reflected the larger metaphor, when we see who’s playing what role.
Polaris itself is “the brightest star in the constellation of Ursa Minor” so that’s another nice allusion to light in itself.
Imane shows up and scares the bejesus out of Lucas. She was going to give him the weed, but he ruined it by being a weenie. However, he redeems himself by expressing interest in the common room project and saying he’ll be at the next meeting. I wonder what changed his mind? Daphne’s enthusiasm? No matter, Imane must see some progress in Lucas, like he needs a reward for good behavior, because she decides to give him back the weed.
He’s grateful, but the teacher sees their drug exchange and wants to know what’s going on. When she asks to see what’s under the table, Imane whips out some tampons and says Lucas brought them to her. LMAO, that’s pretty funny. 
She calls out the teacher for humiliating her in front of everyone, which is also funny, although I kind of feel bad for that teacher, lol. We haven’t seen her be a racist yet like Isak and Sana’s teacher, and I mean ... her students were passing drugs under the table, she wasn’t wrong about them being shady.
Arthur and Alexia laugh at them in the background. I want to know what’s going on over at that table! We can have two pairs of classroom buddies!
Lucas and Imane both laugh so that’s really the kickoff to their friendship. Tampons: saving the day, bringing people together. Tampax should make it into a commercial.
Clip 3 - Questionnaires
It’s the common room meeting, just the girl squad and Lucas, and they’re going over the questionnaires that people filled out. The consensus is that the common room sucks, and people make dirty comments when anonymous (literally the least surprising thing ever if you have ever seen a bathroom stall or any comments section on the Internet).
Daphne kicks out Emma when she gets a phone call and Lucas laughs along with the others. He seems way happier and more comfortable with the girl squad than with anyone else so far, and I think a lot of that is because there isn’t the pressure to maintain a typical hetero fuckboy persona with them as with the boy squad. They’re just girls engaging on a dorky project, so he can just relax.
Alex reads another questionnaire and the answers are all about Daphne. Lucas confirms that the phone number on the page is Basile’s. Daphne looks done with it, she’s caught him staring and drooling, she doesn’t get why he’s into her all of a sudden. Man, I’m already sick of Basile, he’s like Magnus from hell. Especially because Daphne is so not into it, and the fact that she’s noticed him salivating him over her makes it worse. I think it’s for comic relief but it quickly went to creepy territory, and I hate that they’ll likely hook up at some point. Please please don’t go there.
A lot of the questionnaires mention they dislike the mural, so I bet they’ll paint another one at some point, and I bet Eliott will have an idea that they use, being the artsy guy he is. Also, everyone wants them to throw a party so I’m sure that’ll be the setup for either the neon party or the Christmas party (whatever takes the place of those scenes).
Lucas reads another questionnaire that requests a vending machine (reasonable) and a nudist day once a month (not so reasonable) and I was gonna say it was Eliott’s form, because of the vending machine connection and probably some painful foreshadowing toward the hotel naked incident, but actually it’s Alexia’s form, LMAO. She wants the eye candy of naked guys and girls. A nice way to integrate her bisexuality since she’s into naked guys and girls. 
I notice that Alexia has a little rainbow patch on her jeans, so I’m hoping that they’ve taken feedback from earlier seasons and will more directly address her sexuality. I know her ex Clara has been listed in the credits, so that’s very promising. I hope they keep it up and maybe Lucas can connect with her over being LGBT, well, G and B, respectively.
Emma comes back and complains that Alex thinks she’s been telling people they’ve been going out when they’re just hooking up, but Lucas does not care (even though he is responsible for giving Alex that impression) because Eliott walks by the window. Lucas hauls ass out of there and goes out to find him - give him some credit, Lucas is being pretty upfront about approaching Eliott, or going after what he wants so far. What is that gonna end up meaning to his overall character arc? I’m fine with that approach to Lucas’ character, I’m just curious how it will affect his overall characterization from beginning to end. Because Isak wasn’t a total wallflower, he did pursue Even in his own way, but I felt like because he also could be reserved and shy about Even, it was narratively significant when he took certain steps for clear reasons to his personal growth. (I think Lucas and Isak are maybe not all that different about their approaches so far, just slight ways that make it seem Lucas is bolder - like going up to Eliott at the vending machine himself, grabbing the register instead of walking by a list, running after Eliott instead of standing still and locking eyes with him).
Before Lucas can go stalking, he runs into the boy squad. Yann is like, were you in the common room? Spending a lot of time with the girls, eh? Like is he just being a dick about that, because Lucas is choosing the girls over the boy squad, or does he think Lucas wants to hook up with one of those girls? Or is this more about the common room project seeming stupid to him?
Of course Basile has to ask about whether Daphne is thinking about him, GOD please shut him up. Arthur tells him Daphne doesn’t care about him. The hero we need. 
Lucas looks around the courtyard but no Eliott in sight. ur boys cockblocked u, bro
Chloé and Maria come up and invite the boys to their party on Friday. Maria’s fucking cute when she’s not puking, she does a little dance with the invitation. Lucas tries to say they have plans but Arthur’s like, no we don’t! We’re coming! No, Arthur, don’t say that, you know Basile is going to be a creep about it.
The squad gangs up on Lucas for saying no, because you’re always supposed to say yes to partying with girls, and it’s played for laughs with their reactions and stuff but really it is shitty how these guys don’t want to listen to their friend. I mean, let’s say situations were reversed and Lucas was a girl who said “this guy is stalking me.” We’d all be like, get away from that dude, you don’t have to spend time with him, right? Or we’d hope that girl’s friends would say so.
Lucas says Chloé has been clinging to him and it’s stressing him out, and Arthur’s like, I don’t get you, she’s into you, but you’re stressing out? Lucas is clearly stressed by this conversation and that he can’t tell the boys what’s up. All that pressure to like girls is draining him.
I think it is important to keep in mind that Isak also felt isolated from the boy squad at this point in the story, for similar reasons: he had a big secret that he couldn’t tell them, and he felt like he had to like girls to fit in with them, and they put pressure on him to hook up with girls, talk about girls, go to parties with girls. What I think is the big difference, and why it feels perhaps more noticeable with Lucas, is that Isak didn’t have the interaction with the girl squad other than Sana blackmailing him and Vilde annoying him, so we didn’t see him have this friendly outlet where he’s relaxed. In fact, the first time in his season we see him really start to relax and be himself is with Even. I think that contrast was valuable toward establishing Isak’s connection with Even, showing Even as someone who brings Isak out of his shell. But with Lucas, first he is able to laugh together with Imane - Isak and Sana had a moment but they weren’t like giggling together after Isak told off the racist teacher - and second he seems to be having a good time at the common room meeting. Then he goes to the boy squad and it immediately becomes tense. However, I don’t have a huge problem with Lucas laughing a bit with the girl squad here. It makes him seem somewhat less socially isolated, since he seems relaxed with them (even if this isn’t the deepest or most intimate interaction), but it still provides contrast to his interaction with his male friends. It would be nice if the story highlighted this a little more later on, as to why Lucas might feel more comfortable with the girl squad and not the boys when he’s closeted. 
Clip 4 - Polaris
At home, Lucas watches the animated storyboard for Eliott’s Polaris video. A guy and another person of ambiguous gender meet just outside the tunnel in the rain and finally kiss.
I like that Lucas got to watch the project itself (or a storyboard of it) and be invested in it. That’s something I loved about Isak watching Even’s video and then watching R+J - he got to fall for Even watching him be funny and strange talking about his Cap/Putin video, and then he got to watch a movie that Even loved and that awakened these very emotional parts of himself. He got to see a great love in action and wish for that for himself, he got a glimpse of Even’s soul from the art Even loves. Lucas does something similar here in that he gets a glimpse of Eliott’s creative mind, something very personal, and fall for him further, and Eliott’s video is also about great love that Lucas feels that he wants in his own life, it chips away at that facade he’s put up, the lie he’s living. Good adaptation.
The only thing is I suspect that their first kiss or O Helga Natt is probably going to go heavily like that storyboard, if not exactly, which will likely be beautiful, but again, slightly on the nose for me. To be fair, obviously Isak and Even’s first kiss imitated Romeo + Juliet closely; I guess this being Eliott’s own creation/vision vs Even’s fanboying a film by his favorite director makes it a little more OTT, like if a scene from a novel I’d written came into my life, I’d feel weird and self-conscious about it. But that’s just me! I can also see why it’d matter to Eliott, to take this longing and make it a reality. But I think I’d rather just see him make his actual film, accomplish his passion project, than to recreate it in his own life. Maybe because, filming a beautiful love story and falling in love in real life fulfill two different parts of one’s self -  one’s artistic creations are not substitutes for one’s social connections and vice versa - and Eliott’s unfunded film is a thing on its own that’s very poignant and begs to be carried to completion. Does that make sense? IDK, I’d like those big scenes to have similar themes and imagery but not like his storyboard come exactly to life. We’ll see how it goes.
I think it’s a little murky why Lucas searches for the “gay chat” - like is he trying to find Eliott there, or is he looking for any type of connection? Think it’s the former since that was shown more explicitly with Isak, but I guess you can say he’s just testing the gay waters.
The gay app that Lucas downloads features the picture of Skam France director David Hourrègue, much like Skam Italia had their male director in the gay app. (The directors look a tad similar, or is that just me?)
Lucas looks through pictures mainly of disembodied abs and bulges, until he stumbles upon Mika’s picture, and HA, that’s a REALLY good gag, hats off to Skam France. I remember being annoyed because they recreated the Jonas cunnilingus walk of fame in their season 2, except with none of the build-up that made the Jonas scene funny and emotionally resonant (with Eva’s reaction), so it lacked the impact and was just kinda there. This actually had some setup, good job.
Clip 5 - Two bros chillin’ at a bus stop
The boys are getting ready to go to Chloé’s party later and Basile starts talking about how he’ll get with Maria and I’m already so over this, please God let them talk about anything else. I get that this girl talk is establishing the overwhelming heteronormativity and pressure to pursue girls among these teenage boys, but like, let’s hear from Arthur about his hookup techniques, or if there’s a girl Yann likes, anything but Basile being a creep yet again.
He talks about calling himself “Daddy” to Maria as if I wasn’t already thoroughly horrified out by him. FUCK no. 
And the guys are like, I thought you were all up in Daphne’s business? Basile basically doesn’t care, one girl or the other will do, ughhhh GODDDDD.
They tell Lucas that he’s paying for the beer because they’ve taken their turns paying. Lucas waits at the bus stop, texts his dad for rent and grocery money, then texts Mika for money (presumably to buy the beer). MEANWHILE, a figure in a familiar brown coat sits down. I can’t quite tell from the angle, is he sitting in the next seat or is there still one between them? You’d think Eliott would learn from the past not to leave space for any Chloés who might come along. (At the end of the clip I still couldn’t tell, lmao. Feel free to clarify if you have better spatial awareness than I do.)
It’s Lucas’ turn to get startled by a dude just staring at him intensely. They have some banter, Mika texts back that he’s working, Eliott notices something is up, Lucas explains that he has no money to buy beer for a party, so it’s Eliott’s suggestion to come back to his place and get the beer he has. Not Lucas asking him for help, like Isak did. Lucas has seemed somewhat more forthright in pursuing Eliott so this is a bit of a surprise, because a noticeable example of Isak asking Even for something was switched to Eliott offering. I guess you could say it’s Eliott’s development, if he’s the one in the dark and is holding himself back? We’ll see.
Clip 6 - Eliott confirmed weirdo
They go to Eliott’s place and Lucas checks out Eliott’s drawings. They’re cute. Dude really loves raccoons. They look at the drawings together and Eliott says they’re old and that he’s better at drawing himself now. Lucas is like … that’s you? LMAO, Eliott is so fucking weird, I kind of love him. He likes that raccoons have a mask. Well, we know Eliott has his own mask, so it’s fitting, I suppose.
Okay, French fans, I have to ask - what are the perceptions of raccoons in your culture? I found this article saying that the raccoon was introduced to France in 1966 and is considered a pest. They’re considered pests in North America, too, and spread disease, and sometimes they fall through ceilings, but like ... they’ve always been here, so there’s something about them that’s normalized, I guess? 
Lucas asks if Eliott had to draw him what would it be. Well, that’s fucking forward. Eliott studies him and says he doesn’t know. So Eliott basically can’t figure out Lucas yet. What are the odds his later notes to Lucas will include his and Lucas’ fursonas? I know all Isaks are snakes but Lucas reminds me of a woodpecker, personally.
Or maybe they will both be raccoons for the sole reason that I want to start calling Lucas Little King Trashmouth.
MISSED OPPORTUNITY for Lucas to say “draw me like one of your French girls” or something along those lines, though.
Clip 7 - What ... the fuck ...
Lucas and Eliott smoke and talk. While Eliott gets up to change the music, Lucas checks his phone and he’s got messages from Chloé waiting for him.
Lucas blames his absence on the other guys lacking motivation and THAT is the least believable excuse I have heard in my fucking life, come on, Lucas. As if those dudes aren’t panting after those girls. Did you even meet Basile? If you talk to him for ten seconds you’ll already know the names of five girls he wants to fuck.
And of course he types this as Yann is trying to get in touch with him about the party, very much motivated to go.
One of these days an Isak just needs to lie in a plausible way. “Sorry I’m sick, I think I have food poisoning, I’ve been shitting my guts out for the last hour.” If you overshare and make it disgusting, they’re not going to question you further AND Chloé will probably back off and stop chasing you. 
Lucas guesses that Eliott will be putting on some Chopin or Dad Jazz because the turntable makes him seem like a vintage collector but ACTUALLY Eliott is one weird motherfucker and I have to say, not even Even would pull this stunt this soon in their relationship, because what he puts on is dubstep and Eliott starts banging his head and jumping around in a completely unashamed way, and like, even Lucas in all his infatuation with this guy cannot help but stare at him like “what the fuck is going on.”
When Eliott asks about it Lucas responds, “....it’s cool!” in the same way I do when an older relative asks me what I think of The Big Bang Theory or the Minions.
Eliott asks Lucas about his tastes and Lucas is more into rock, like very famous bands, Nirvana, Rolling Stones, Beatles, The Clash. Eliott offers to put on Queen and luckily for the music licensing department Lucas is like, no, I like discovering new things. By which he means “I like discovering new boys.”
Eliott blows a perfect ring of smoke so we know he has more smoke skills than Lucas, going off Lucas’ messy shotgunning in episode 1, and then Lucas also starts to rock out to the music and I’m kinda feeling secondhand embarrassment but also, I guess this means they’re meant for each other?
Clip 8 - Piano man
They’re both sitting there stoned as fuck, Eliott doesn’t want to get up to change the record, so Lucas gets up and puts the record to the side. But instead of selecting a new one, he lifts the lid the piano and asks Eliott if he plays. Eliott says he can play the Star Wars theme - so he has Star Wars fanboying in common with Even, heh.
Lucas then sits down and starts to play perhaps too well for someone who’s probably pretty stoned by now (but I’ve never tried so who knows) and Eliott sits up. We get him smiling at Lucas, eyes shining. At one point Lucas looks behind him and seems to get encouraged by Eliott’s enchanted reaction.
Mmmm ... unpopular opinion, but while this is a really lovely scene, I kiiiinda wish they’d taken it down a notch or put the focus more on Lucas? Because there’s like ... not really any ambiguity about what Eliott feels after this, with his enamored stare at Lucas, and I think in context of the larger story, it takes a little tension out. I think with Even, the attraction was conveyed more in small looks and glances, and while I definitely thought he was always into Isak, from Isak’s POV you could see how the arrival of Sonja threw that into doubt, there was room to question whether Even really had feelings for Isak. Whereas here it’s like ... girlfriend or not, Eliott is smitten with Lucas, I don’t really feel that the ending reveal carries as much weight. I guess I’d put more focus on Lucas’ expressions as he plays, showing him getting into it and letting himself put down his emotional walls and express himself, showing him more open here with Eliott than he’s been so far anywhere else - this is his POV season, after all - and cut back on Eliott’s reactions to preserve a little mystery.
What I think is good about this moment is that Eliott got to share a part of himself, with his drawings (and his questionable taste in music), and unbeknownst to him his Polaris project, and now Lucas gets to share a part of himself with his piano playing, and so they’ve both let each other in to their artistic sides, perhaps establishing them both as creative types. It’s cool that we both see their respective interests. They might even complement each other’s, like Lucas’ music might end up serving Eliott’s vision for his film or something. And this was obviously a turning point for Eliott, he may have noticed Lucas on the first point of school but this is what took his interest in Lucas to another level as he saw Lucas just unleash this piano piece, catching him off guard with something beautiful. 
When Lucas is done, Eliott says it was impressive, and that Lucas is surprising, and he likes surprising people. Well they’re just being blatant as fuck, aren’t they.
Unfortunately, the night must end as Eliott has people to meet and Lucas has a party to endure. Eliott walks Lucas out and says it was great, they need to hang out again, Lucas agrees. I like this moment a lot because it is somewhat more ambiguous - like on the surface this could be a platonic conversation, just wanting to hang out as friends, but there’s just a little too much intensity, a bit too much of a pause in the delivery, to think this exchange is so casual. 
Just as Lucas is going Eliott adjusts his hair? I don’t even know what he was doing because I do not notice a single change in Lucas’ hairdo but Eliott sure did it as a memorable parting gesture. Lucas is internally screaming, probably.
Lucas goes out the door and outside he checks his phone, of course Chloé is pissed, Yann asks why Lucas is lying, Chloé has been posting “men are trash” messages on IG. I repeat: just tell them that you have unstoppable explosive diarrhea and people won’t be so quick to judge. 
Behind him, Eliott leaves his place and Lucas sees him greet a girl with a kiss. OK now that is actually a pretty big change because Eliott does not know that Lucas saw him with a girlfriend and like, I always thought Even was overcompensating with Sonja when he started to compliment her and make out with her, but Eliott was just casually greeting his girlfriend with a kiss, without knowing Lucas was there. He’s not going to know Lucas knows about his girlfriend the next time they meet. If Lucas is irritated with him, he’s going to be like WTF.
There’s piano music at the end, and with its inclusion in the clip itself, I’m thinking they’re going to use a lot of piano on the soundtrack this season. They already did it in episode one.
Social Media/General Comments
Lucas apparently ran away from Chloé at the bus stop, heh. She texted him to “subtly” see if he wanted to hang out and insinuated that she wanted to swing by Lucas’ flat some time. Or not subtly. Nothing about her is subtle. She’s wearing a sign that says BANG ME LUCAS.
Lol, as I mentioned above, Emma was hanging out with Raptor Alex and posting pics and stories on IG, I don’t know why they’re surprised people might think they’re an item after they also just hooked up at a party. Like not necessarily together-4ever but it’s not an unreasonable assumption they have a ~thing.
Lucas and Imane laugh over the tampon thing via text later, it’s a sweet moment. I wonder how they’re going to play the religion discussions since the two are already warming up to each other, Lucas being like, “Why are you religious?” in a confrontational way would kill the vibe.
Manon was supposed to see The Book of Mormon with Charles, then later she posted “Night in after all.” Dramaaaaa. Manon, fuck Charles and go by yourself. If some dude bailed on me that night I’d be like, whatever asshole, we paid to see these singing Mormons and I am going to goddamn see some singing Mormons. (Also, lmao at her dramatically posting that publicly, talk about a passive-aggressive swipe at Charles.)
Let’s talk about Basile, goddamn Basile, because he is by far my biggest issue with the season so far. Everything else is pretty solid, any other quibbles I have pale to my rapidly developing kneejerk GTFO when he appears on screen.
Some of the issue is that this dude is so one-note and in a really intense way, like you know when you’re a toddler and your parent hands you a pot to bang on and you hit it with a wooden spoon over and over? That’s Basile. There’s also just the element of overexposure. He tends to take over the boy squad scenes just because he wants to get laid. It feels like we’ve already had as much of Basile thirsting after Daphne and Maria in two episodes as we did Magnus crushing on Vilde spread over the whole season. 
You might say Magnus was similarly desperate to hook up with a girl, and that’s true of course. And look, Magnus isn’t perfect and he said some dumbass shit during the season, but at the same time, there was a kind of weird innocence to him? Even when Vilde is complaining about the first year girls taking the older guys, and he says he’s available to fuck if she wants, it’s an outrageous statement but the way it’s played has a bizarre purity to it, like hey, this girl thinks there won’t be anyone for her to fuck, I should offer! With Basile there’s more sleaziness to his behavior, like dude has been on Reddit too long and has read too many forums about embittered men seeking to get laid.
I think some of it also is that a lot of Magnus was not actively and aggressively pursuing specific girls and bothering them for the most part - after that first offer to fuck Vilde, we don’t see him nagging her or crossing her boundaries, from what I recall? The flirtation gets mutual. He mentions stuff like the Vilde sex dream to the guys but it’s not like he’s telling that to her. With Basile he’s directly going after Daphne in a very persistent way.
One way they could redeem Basile is have his behavior act as a criticism of toxic straight boy bullshit, to go along with the heteronormative pressure. We still have a bunch of episodes to go so perhaps Basile will have character growth.
One thing I didn’t care for was them breaking up the Friday clip into multiple parts and airing them one after the other. I suspected that it was due to time restrictions and I was right, according to the screenwriter on IG. It’s too bad because I think it interrupts the flow of the story. With Skam, we got to see Isak himself change over the course of the afternoon - he went from shy and reserved to opening up and being able to laugh and joke around with Even, and the fact that it’s all one clip makes it more noticeable. The length makes it feel like the lazy afternoon Isak and Even spent getting to know each other. Not Skam France’s fault they had to break it up, just a shame because it felt choppier - watching it clip by clip meant I kept going back to what I was doing in real life and losing the mood instead of sinking into it. But I appreciate what they were trying to do when they couldn’t have a long scene and I think the ways they cut the scene were probably the best places to end/start the clips, tone-wise.
On that note, I’m trying to avoid the BTS commentary but I ended up reading it when I saw the reaction to the Skam France writer’s thoughts on Isak. I get what the guy was going for, Isak was more reserved and shy than Lucas is and Even was doing a lot of the initiating, although yeah, I think his description was worded in an oversimplified way - I don’t think Isak was entirely naive and innocent, more like inexperienced (which is a different thing) and he was certainly the hero of his own story, he was brave. Just because he wasn’t as outgoing doesn’t mean he wasn’t taking control of his own story - I’d say that’s part of what makes his character development so powerful, that because he is more repressed, his choices to kiss Even, to come out to his friends, to learn to be himself, have even more impact. But I don’t think Niels meant to bash Isak or anything, and it’s very clear from his notes that he loves and respects the original season. I think his main point was just like “Lucas is more upfront in his actions,” lol.
Though on a related note, the experience of watching the remakes has made me think that a lot of people don’t get who Isak is as a character, and especially have some extremely bad faith and unsympathetic readings of him. But that’s a rant for another time. 
Tbh I think the behind-the-scenes notes about production stuff like “Axel wasn’t a trained pianist but he practiced hard for this scene” is fine and fun, it’s more the stuff that’s like “Here’s the interpretation of the scene itself” that I wish would wait until the season ends. But lmao, I’m just gonna try to avoid that stuff again.
I actually did like this episode. I’m not sure Skam France is ever going to be my favorite remake, because there’s something about the way it’s filmed that feels more slick and well, TV-like than is my preference, but I can definitely see that they’ve upgraded from last season, and that they’re trying hard to give this story its own spin. The Polaris symbolism is the biggest sign of that so far.
If there’s something I do wish we could get more of with Skam France, it’s subtlety? As a show it often feels more dramatic and this episode leaned heavier on the blatant romance, which might be a cultural thing, and I can absolutely get why people are more drawn to that. There’s plenty of TV shows and movies that I like that are not subtle in the slightest. I guess I’ve just been thinking that I wish the remakes would not be afraid to rely more on subtext for parts of this season, especially building up this relationship. Like there’s nothing blatantly “romantic” about the Evak version of this clip - everything is heavily show don’t tell, and we have to read into the littlest moments, the shared glances. How Even smiles to himself for just a brief moment after Isak compliments his drawings, or how Isak gets flustered after Even teases him for not knowing who Nas is (because he wants Even to think he’s cool) and how Even says that they’ll listen to Nas later - the implication that Isak is going to stay a while and Even will share this with him. “We can’t go back now” is in relationship to the cheese toasties, except you know, it’s not really about the cheese toasties. With Lucas and Eliott, it’s really easy to pick out that Eliott is flirting when he’s flat-out telling Lucas how special he is and how he’s intrigued by him, and sure, that’s where they’re going with Eliott’s character and making him more direct but it’s also related to the overall method and effectiveness of the storytelling. (I mean ... having Eliott be like “You are this-and-that, Lucas” is the definition of telling, not showing, lol.) And I completely get why that works for a lot of people, it doesn’t NOT work for me, but the understated stuff is what makes me watch clips a dozen times to pick up on it all, the subtext is what gets under my skin. My favorite moment was their goodbye at the door because it was a typical friendly exchange on the surface but with more going unspoken, and I felt that on the screen. So not to whine, because I did legitimately enjoy the Lucas/Eliott interaction, those are just my preferences. (The show is not made for me personally etc etc., cultural differences etc etc. I’m aware.)
I am finally warming up to Lucas, after two seasons. I really don’t think that I didn’t care for him before just because his character was closed off and snaky, because I’ve liked every other Isak in the first season of their show even though they’ve also kept secrets and done shady shit. I think they’ve just found a way to portray his character more effectively after having to copy + paste S1 and S2. They can make the character feel more organic. Also, not gonna lie, it felt like they cut back on the serial killer looks (partially because Lucas has more smiley and relaxed moments) so A+ work, Axel.
Also, knowing that they had to redo the first two seasons so closely doesn’t really change my opinion of the quality of the first two seasons, but it does make me more sympathetic toward the cast and crew for having to color inside the lines, so to speak. 
Eliott is a fucking weird ass human being and I’m really feeling his character. They made his absurdly good looks more approachable by turning him into a dubstep-stanning furry, and I am here for whatever shit they tell us about him next. 
I also think think the use of music was much better than in previous seasons. There were some very deliberate choices in this episode, obviously, but it felt like they’re learning to use silence more effectively and not shoehorning the soundtrack as much.
Feel free to chime in or correct me about French culture/translation/other issues.
If you got this far, thank you for reading!
47 notes · View notes
gothammite · 5 years
zinda, helena, and charlie
favorite thing about them
i love my southern babey!!!!!! what a babe. i have so much love in my heart for her idk where to start. she’s super underrated. my favorite thing about her, in all honesty, is how fiercely loyal she is!!!!!!!!!! like bitch!!!!!! thats my fuckn… babey!!!!!!!!!!! when she comes back to the team after spy smasher’s bullshit……. god. and her strength, in her heart, is just so unparalleled. thats a legend right there
least favorite thing about them
her whole thing about not being told what to do is sometimes kinda annoying but at the same time too…. mood! men dont get within ten feet of me and immediately tell me what to do or ill kill you.
favorite line
i mean everything she says is basically. fuckin gold. but i mean the classic one is the ‘well butter my butt and call me a biscuit’ yknow
her friendship with babs and dinah…. 👌👌👌
HELENAZINDA PLEASE THANK YOU. also bardazinda is big valid
people ship her with guy. i hate that. and dont even fucking look at her @ killer shark
random headcanon
i would like to imagine that she has a crash course of piloting with all of the birds of prey (including barbara) and it just goes horribly wrong and she just gives up and they go out drinking instead 
unpopular opinion
i dont know if there is an unpopular opinion for her really since so many people just IGNORE HER but if there was an unpopular opinion to have ig it would be that shes an important part of the team since APPARENTLY everyone else is sleeping on her
song i associate with them
i feel like she deserves some gothic southern vibes so im feelin some brandi carlile, specifically raise hell (i love this song so im adding a link)  
favorite picture of them
i cant help it……… i love the otto schmidt design………….. shes so cute
Tumblr media
dsljkfn i make these too long so helena goes under here now 
favorite thing about them
a bitch gotta love a hard-headed, strong willed woman. ive grown to really like her rebirth iteration/her grayson(new 52) reboot……… i really liked seeing her sorta in charge in spyral because she’s usually portrayed as this hot-headed, spontaneous spitfire and that was super fun to see her being in charge!!!!!! but also i felt like the characterization was inconsistent between grayson into rebirth. and birds of prey rebirth…….. bleh.  but her spunk is just. undeniable !!!!!!!!!! legend!!!!!! shes so cool
least favorite thing about them
her temper is like. sometimes not the greatest thing in the world. just because of the fact that i feel like sometimes in bop everyone’s just staring at each other like >:-( all the time
favorite line
it’s stereotypical but i do love ‘the hunted becomes the huntress’ thing. i cant help it
her relationship with dick in grayson when theyre NOT being pushed romantically is nice! and i like her friendship with babs a lot. i feel like the respect there is really great
dinahhelena legend. also helenazinda is p great too. 
hmmmmmmm i dont love her with dick romantically. it feels really forced. also remember that time she was with penguin? sorry to remind you. 
random headcanon
anyone else feel like they could catch her yelling at an hgtv rerun of house hunters like: ‘are you fucking kidding me? a beach house with that budget? yeah sure uh huh’ and ‘ARE YOU JOKING??????? HOUSE 2??????? GET FUCKED TERRY AND AMY.’ 
unpopular opinion
stop shoving her with men and putting this weird emphasis on her sexuality……….. it’s annoying
song i associate with them
im feelin bury me face down by grandson………… i fuckin love that song. im linking that one too flkjsdnfjk
favorite picture of them
i love her super curly hair……. and ig dick is there too
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i fuckin….. love charlie
favorite thing about them
the time when charlie came around was like. fuckin dark. so for me personally my favorite thing about charlie is what a lot of people didnt like…… the fact that shes so fuckin peppy!!!!! barbara showed her stephanie’s fucking…… autopsy…… and she’s still out here doing her best. she’s unstoppable. i love her. she deserves to be brought back and i feel like she wouldve had a legit place in the new birds of prey lineup if dc wasnt like. yknow. cowards
least favorite thing about them
i will honestly say that sometimes her energy felt a little bit misplaced when standing next to the bop. however……………………… idc i love her (also her inexperience is a little like OOF sometimes)
favorite line
i dont really have any in my head that stick out but i know shes got some really good one liners 
i would really like to have her hang out with steph and cass :-( ALSO i could see her and duke getting along really well. especially as metas surrounded by nonmetas
i dont really have any ships for her! in my head she’s like. a whole child 
people shipping her with any of the bop…………… theyre like her moms……. maybe dont do that
random headcanon
she for sure plays dnd. i know it in my soul. i dont know who but i know she does. ALSO i really like the idea that shes huntress in the future. i know thats not a headcanon (since it was in teen titans) but it’s like. too good i love it 
unpopular opinion
people dont really have many opinions i think on charlie but like……. she should be in current continuity and be adopted by bruce. he sucks but like. she deserves a fambly and also see my notes above about duke
song i associate with them
RANDOM BUT fear by x ambassadors. maybe it’s because of its BOUNCE………… do you get the joke
favorite picture of them
I KNOW but she looks so cute
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emilykatie · 4 years
Birthday Gifts that are Apt for Other Occasions Too!
Birthdays are special days, awaited by young and old alike. It is only on this special day of the year you get treated like a king or queen. However, what make it more special are the people who wait for it with the same eagerness and show us that we are loved and cared, with their precious gifts. Even if you are separated by 13, 595 kilometers that separate America and India, then also you send gifts from America to India ranging from cakes, flowers or anything else.
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The most precious childhood memories of birthdays include-you, waiting to cut your cake and blowing the candles, surrounded by gifts and loved ones who are singing Happy Birthday and wishing you well. So why not recreate those memories for your loved ones even while sitting miles away and by sending a delicious cake their way? The most anticipated thing on gifts for birthdays, cakes are one of the best choices to send gifts from Saudi Arabia to India. In different flavors and types, your cake will remind your special person of you and make your presence felt. Also, to add the element of surprise and catching them unaware you can always send cakes with midnight delivery services.
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Variety is the spice of life; therefore, there are numerous other gift options like flowers in different types to send gifts from America to India. In different types including roses in various colors, orchids, lilies, chrysanthemums, carnations, daisies, baby breaths, and sunflowers these flowers will bring a smile to their face. An apt gift for other occasions too like anniversaries, graduations, and farewells etc. you can never go wrong with flowers. Portraying precisely the feelings you wish to convey these flowers are a very expressive gift with a charm that remains unparalleled.
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Trending the gifting rounds this season are potted indoor plants. These refreshing plants are symbolic of love, prosperity and good luck and a viable option to send gifts from Saudi Arabia to India. Including different types of money plants, bamboo stems, and bonsai these indoor plants don’t need much sunlight and water saving both time and effort. Symbolizing rebirth, health and of course, love these plants help clean the environment and beautifying the home. The best gifts for housewarmings and anniversaries, these green plants have many other benefits. Also, you can set them in beautiful pottery vases and pitchers or glass bottles for decorative purposes.
Gift Combos
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