#reality x kny
kari-810 · 2 years
Demon Slayer Imagine:
It was a typical day for Tanjiro, Inosuke, Nezuko, Konao, and Zenitsu. After the demon war ended, the could finally relax comfortably.
Zenitsu and Nezuko were talking, Zenitsu over the moon at the fact that Nezuko was human again. He found her voice beautiful. Tanjiro and Kanao were hanging out in peaceful bliss while Inosuke ran around, having nothing to do anymore and bored.
Suddenly, Tanjiro heard Nezuko scream. He turned around, only to see Zenitsu holding onto Nezuko's arm while she was getting sucked into a portal.
Tanjiro gasped. Inosuke and Konao followed him as he held onto Zenitsu. Zenitsu fell into the portal. Nezuko was completely gone. Then Tanjiro fell in, then Konao, and a second later, Inosuke.
Okay, you admit that you were a huge fan of Demon Slayer. It was your favorite anime of all time, even. So when some hooded person came from a dark alleyway and offered you a certain deal, you didn't hesitate to agree.
The deal was that for a good bundle of money, you can transport into the Demon Slayer realm. Even better, everyone on each would forget your existence, so no one will worry when you go. Of course you agreed.
So now you were in your room, reciting the movements and enchantment words for the spell. Once you were ready, you gave your family some last 'I love you's and all that stuff.
You sat down on the floor of your bedroom, a sheet with movement steps and enchantment words. You let your hands whirl around in the air while you recited powerful yet weird words once more. The air suddenly turned thick, but you didn't stop. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Your vision went black for a moment. There was multiple THUMP sounds, followed by a CRASH!.
You regained your vision and gasped. You weren't in the Demon Slayer world... But a few certain people had unexpectedly come for a visit.
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trancylovecraft · 10 months
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CHAPTER FIVE: "These explanations are valid. But it should be known if the same day a friend of the desperate hasn't spoken to him with an indifferent tone.."
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Mourning is the expression of grief after someone died. There are several types of mourning with an example being Chronic Grief.
Symptoms for this kind of grief can include extreme feelings of hopelessness, A sense of disbelief and a loss of meaning. All of which can lead to severe clinical depression or thoughts of self harm and even suicide.
The song of sparrows and swallows danced through the summer breeze, All sat nestled within the vegetation as they hummed their melody.
The soft sunlight shone down upon the shrine, Giving a blessing of quiet light to the abundance of blossoming flowers nearby. [F/N] blinked once, Trying to figure out whether what she was seeing was a mirage or reality.
Was this the afterlife? It certainly felt like it as the gentle warmth caressed her skin, A calm embrace that pacified her worries. It felt peaceful, Something so tranquil that she couldn't help but melt into the porch she was perched on.
She felt the heat of the wood as she laid against it, Like a firm hand cupping her cheek as she basked in the sunlight. Her worries quickly dissolving into nothing at the touch.
Afterlife.. Why did she mistake her everyday as the Afterlife? How did it even come up in the first place? [F/N] had no idea. She huffed lightly, Only mildly confused as she nuzzled further into the comfort of the timber.
She took a moment to take it all in. The rustle of the leaves, The cicadas in the bushes, The clear sapphire skies looking over her. It was beautiful, A serene little world all to herself, It was paradise.
Life was nice, It was simple and tranquil. She tended to the crops, To the shrine and the wellbeing of the forest. And after she was done with that she could spend her day roaming around with the wildlife, Spending time with her brothers and watching them train.
It was good.
She heard her name called out to her, And without a second thought or any bodily control [F/N] jolted up from her lying position to look across the courtyard.
"Lying on the porch again? You're gonna get sunburn if you keep doing that.."
[F/N] watched her older brother, Michikatsu, Slowly make his way over to her. He had a single hand on the hilt of his sword while the other was wiping the training sweat from off his brow, A light smile playing on his face as he did.
"Michi-Nii! You're back!" [F/N] exclaimed as she hopped up from the porch, Quickly dusted herself off before running over to him and jumping into his arms so swiftly that it made him stumble back a bit.
"Ah! [F/N], You need to be more careful.. You could of knocked me over." Michikatsu scolded, Yet the warmth playing in both his eyes as he held her up told [F/N] all she needed to know.
"As if! You're too tough for that." [F/N] grinned as she looked down on her older brother.
Michikatsu shook his head lightly
"You really give me too much credit sometimes.." Michikatsu remarked as he brought his gaze away from her, His smile was still there yet [F/N] could see the slight quirk.
She reached over and held his shoulder, The touch bringing him back to his senses as he looked right back at [F/N].
"You don't give yourself enough credit, You're able to train for hours at a time and not even get tired. I'd definetly consider that tough!" [F/N] said, The smile evident in her voice as she said so.
Michikatsu frowned
"I hear you saying things like that all the time to Yorichii, You know? I appreciate your words but.." Michikatsu trailed off from his sentence, The venomous undertone spiking in concentration at the mention of his twin.
[F/N] squeezed his shoulder.
"…But Yori-nii doesn't train for hours at a time, Does he? I mean all my words to him, I really do but if I am being honest.." [F/N] paused as she lowered her voice. "You've got drive to be strong. It's really admirable, You know? Yori-nii may be strong and such but honestly, You have the passion to do it.. It's you who I look up to." [F/N] admitted.
A nervous giggle followed her words, Like she was slightly embarrassed by the fact she was actually able to confess it to him.
Michikatsu seemed shocked as he heard this, The light in his blank eyed stare seemed to spark up like wood to friction as he looked up at his sister. The grip on her grew only a smidge tighter as he smiled.
"You.. You really mean that?" Michikatsu asked.
[F/N] beamed back at him, An expression that almost seemed as warm as the sun as she looked back at him.
"Of course I mean it! You're my-" [F/N] cut herself off suddenly, Her words dying on her tongue. The happy grin slowly dissolving into a puzzled frown.
"[F/N]?" Michikatsu asked as he noticed the grip on his shoulder loosen, Then eventually fall to her side.
"You're my.." [F/N] mumbled. Michikatsu set her down onto the ground, Her feet lightly touching the smoothed dirt as she stood there quietly.
Michikatsu went down onto a single knee to level his eyes with her far-off ones.
"[F/N].. Are you alright?" He asked, Eyes searching for the answer as he watched her brows knit together. Her stare returning to him as her visage contorted into a slightly alarmed expression.
"I.. I don't know.. Who are you?" [F/N] exclaimed, Her stance stumbled back. Her breath growing heavy as she felt the world around her darken, The sun burning so bright before seemed to melt away into a endless black void.
"[F/N]" Her name sounded so distorted when he spoke now, As she looked back at him she could see that it wasn't just the sun that was melting.
It was his face too.
Like melting wax his features turned into sludge. His nose, Eyes and mouth all dripped down and fell into a puddle on the ground, Which started pulling them both in like quicksand.
[F/N] screamed.
She tried to pull away once his molten arm lunged out for hers, Yet she was too slow. His rapidly deteriorating limb locking onto hers, Yanking her forward off her feet and into his grasp.
[F/N] cried even louder, Tears starting to rush out of her ducts as she felt the sludge touch her skin.
He kept making noises as he pulled her in, Strangled and choked wails like he was in pain. Like his vocal chords were mangled and severed inside his throat. [F/N] struggled, She flailed about in his hold. Kicked, Punched, Hit, Anything. Anything at all to get out of the sludge starting to envelop her whole.
It latched onto her legs, Onto her arms and her mid-section. It was like it was desperate, Like it's life depended on bringing her as close as possible.
What was happening? Why was the entire world that seemed so tranquil before turn into a candle wax nightmare? The entire world seemed to follow suit of the monster intent on consuming her, Dripping away and mixing together like a raindrops on a window.
Her screams mixed into the dissolving world too, Sounds combining with the shrill cries of the monster as she felt the nigh-boiling heat of his molten flesh grasp onto her face. [F/N] felt her own skin start to bubble.
Then eventually, She felt herself start to melt.
Her body jolted like skin to an exposed wire, Eyes shooting open as she gasped for air.
She felt her lungs rapidly expand then decrease, A cold sweat running down her back as she tried to gather her racing thoughts. [F/N]'s body felt like it had been frozen to the touch, Both with the sheer temperature of the chilling room and the stiffness of her unthawed limbs. They felt so numb, The only feeling was the minute aching of her joints so far spread that it was like she hadn't moved in weeks.
What happened? [F/N] gripped the side of her head, A throbbing pain in her frontal lobe pulsated as she groaned in pain. It made it hard to recollect herself, To remember what could of happened.
Her spare hand felt around, Vision still a tad blurry as her fingers met the soft touch of thick fabric.
[F/N] tried to blink away the fuzz in her sight as she continued to feel around, It was the cotton bedding of a futon.
She groaned, Finally piecing together enough parts of the puzzle to come to terms of what happened.
[F/N] had fallen asleep, She had another nightmare.
[F/N] sighed. A tired yet tad annoyed exhale of air escaped her lungs as her body stilled onto the futon like a rolling coin, The soft mattress feeling like delicate silk on her skin as she relaxed.
Her memories, They came back to her like a heeling dog. [F/N] recalled the fight with Uppermoon one, Her fatal injuries, The destruction of her shrine.. She felt her heart jolt at the thought of it.
The walls which sheltered her through thick and thin, The ruined hallways that held such talkative life and the ceilings that housed the injured and maimed.. All destroyed within a single night.
The thought of it disgusted [F/N], During the fight she hadn't thought much of it- The raw adrenaline being a distraction to it's fall. She calmed down rather quickly however.
The fight with the Uppermoon, Her injuries, The shrine's destruction. It wasn't real, It couldn't be.
Because she was currently lying in her bedroom.
It was dark, [F/N] could barely see a foot in front of her due to the poor lack of lighting. Despite it however she could make out the basic shapes of furniture lying within the shadows. The closet, The dresser and the tatami mats lain out were all there, Just like they've always been.
The shoji door's that let in only a crack of periwinkle light, The several statues of worship scattered about, Everything she owned, They were here.
It all must of been a dream, Her bedroom was destroyed along with the rest of the shrine so it was completely impossible to be lying down on her futon right now.
[F/N] felt a low frustration rise in her throat. These nightmares were getting out of hand. It was easier when it was the blizzard, Then she knew what to expect, She knew what she was getting into despite how horrid it would be.
Now? Dreams involving "Uppermoon one", Both the melting flesh and the shrine invasion were so much worse. They changed every time, She had no idea what was coming, Had no preparation at all.
The latter was particularly worse. Mitsuri's face, Her hysterical begging for [F/N] not to go, It burned into her mind like a branding. Not to mention the finality of her death only to wake up and find out it was just a nightmare.
[F/N] thought she finally got it over with, She supposed not however, The shrine was proof of that.
Though these dreams had to be a sign, But of what?
[F/N] stretched her arms slightly, Trying to wear off the numbness in her joints as she tried to haul her upper body into a sitting position, Only to yelp out in pain and fall back into the silky mattress.
A sharp pain feeling appeared in her abdomen once she tried to get up, It felt like a dozen knives stabbing into her, Twisting and turning within her guts.
[F/N] groaned, Her hands reaching down to the point of pain only to come to touch with what felt like bandage dressing.
Her eyes widened, Needing to confirm this information she quickly shoved off the covers protecting her from the cold draft. And sure enough, She was right.
Wrapped tightly yet carefully across her abdomen were thick bandages, Wrapped entirely around the front to her back.
Small splotches of red seemed to stain parts of the dressing, One's that made [F/N]'s jaw drop agape as she peered down at her core.
What.. What does this mean..?
Her dream.. In her dream she was fatally wounded, She had finally died.. All due to deep injury inflicted on her. It had to be a dream though, She was in her shrine of course!
But it was here, The dressing was covering the exact place she had been struck.
[F/N] planted both hands on each side of her and with great effort she slowly pushed herself up into a sitting position, Careful not to trigger the pain.
Beads of sweat rolled down her forehead as she finally sat up. She was simply dressed in an oversized Jinbei, Sleep clothing that seemed too big for her stature yet stayed comfortable draped on it anyways.
She breathed in and out. What was happening? The shrine around her started to seem more distorted than it did before. Furniture seeming bigger or smaller than she remembered, Things misplaced.
All of it just starting to seem.. off.
It was her shrine but.. Something was wrong. Something very wrong. The feeling creeping up her spine didn't help either. An uncomfortable dread climbing up her back and drenching her in sweat, A feeling that felt like she was being watched.
Her open maw snapped shut. Her body growing rigid in place, The eyes like that of a gorgons.
Something was watching her
From her peripherals, She could see six glowing amber eyes were watching her from within the darkness.
They were piercing. Even though she only dared to see through the corners of her vision she could tell how intense their gaze was, How they seemed to be looking right through her, Glaring right into her soul.
She felt her hands start to tremble. Her mouth growing dry as her thoughts felt like they were going a thousand miles per minute, Racing to find a solution.
The eyes.. There eyes were looking at her.. What was she going to do? What could she do?
[F/N] had no time to think as they started to move.
The six glowing points shifted and moved within the shadows like fireflies. [F/N] could only make out the general shape of the being as it morphed within the darkness into what looked like a standing position.
[F/N] didn't need to have another thought, She knew who it was. It was the man from her 'dreams'.
Uppermoon one.
In her dream or at least what she thought was a dream he seemed much less.. Imposing. It's not to say he wasn't, He certainly was but it was easily ignorable due to the heat of the moment and [F/N]'s own desires.
But now as his frightening form emerged from the dark corners, His sinister prescence nigh-radiating from his figure she could only turn her head over in horror to meet his hellish visage staring right back at her.
This was the man from her dreams. The man in the blizzard, This was him.
The image of his open mouth ready to bite down, Body lunging for her. Teeth digging into the flesh of her arm. All of it flashed in her mind in rapid motion. How could she be so stupid to not figure it out?
This was what Inari was warning her about.
"You're awake.." His voice sent a freezing chill through her system, Her heart feeling like it was restarting inside of her chest as her breathing grew ragged.
Her mask. Where was her mask?
[F/N]'s fight or flight activated. Her fighter instincts finally kicking in as her hand shot out to where her mask usually sat, Hidden within her haori.
But she came up empty, Her hand only touching the side of her jinbei.
Her mask was nowhere in sight.
"I've been waiting so long.. For you to awaken.." Uppermoon one rasped. He took careful calculated steps towards her, A steady pace that moved him closer to [F/N] ever so slowly.
What was he going to do to her? She couldn't fight back, Her mask..
She was completely useless without her mask. It was the source of her body strength, The one she was most used to fighting in. Her body now was too frail, Not to mention the large gash in her abdomen.
She was helpless.
The only thing she could do was back away on the futon, Pushing herself as far into the corner as she could. Get as much distance between him and her as she eyed him up and down, Waiting for his next move.
"W-What do you want.. How am I here..?" Her voice was filled with defensive malice, Yet it shook under the weight of the situation. Her terror seeping through it all.
Kokushibo didn't falter in his stride as he approached her. The room was dark, The only thing illuminated was his eyes as he stopped in front of the futon. Staring down at her shrunken form.
His eyes narrowed as he looked at her, His knee's crouching down so he was as close to her level as possible.
[F/N] felt like a sitting duck under him. His hand reached out, Light from his eyes shining off his claws.
She clenched her eyes shut, Not wanting to know wha-
A cold palm touched the side of her cheek, A chilling sensation that felt like dry ice on her skin, So much so that it almost felt a scorching fire.
"Open your eyes.. I want to see them.." He commanded. Out of fear she did what he said and gazed up at him.
She looked upon his face, Her eyes locked onto his that looked down at her with such an odd emotion, Such a strange way his bloodshot eyes seemed so calm. A way that disturbed her down to her very core.
His palm was cupping her cheek, Claws careful not to graze her as his thumb rubbed gently over her skin. Eyes searching for something before a small uncanny smile appeared on his face looking so unnatural on him, Showing off the row of sharp teeth settled in his maw.
"You're here.. You're really here.. The gods have given you back to me after all these centuries.." He mumbled under his breath as his thumb rubbed the outline of her cheekbones.
[F/N] didn't understand, Mind like tangled threads as she spoke out once again.
"W-Where am I.. Why.. W-Why am I alive?" She cried. Tears brimming on the ledge of her eyes as she shied away from his sickening touch, Not for long however as his hand just gripped the side of her face harder, Keeping her in place.
Kokushibo shook his head lightly.
"You are frightened.. It is understandable.. You have woken up with an injury and most assumedly a headache.. I do sincerely apologise for that.. But I ask you to calm down.. You are safe now.." He spoke, His tone trying its best to mimic a comforting tone while [F/N] didn't believe his words for a single second.
She swallowed down the sheer terror in her throat.
"A-Answer me.. W-Why am I here.. Alive?" [F/N] repeated. Kokushibo only caressed the side of her cheek, His face filled up with thought as he began to speak.
"..It is a rather silly question.. Why you are here should already be obvious to you.. And alive..? You are lucky I was able to provide first aid.. Otherwise.." He trailed off, The last of his words going unspoken as his smile dropped.
[F/N] took the chance to speak, A small slither of vigour still left in her as she did.
"It's not obvious at all.. Explain it to me, I-I should be dead.. I should.. Why am I alive, Where am I.. What do you plan on doing with me?" She looked back up at him with the steadiest expression she could muster, One of which he completely ignored in favour of his stare turning.. Miffed.
"You.. You should be aware of why you are here.. Do you not recognise me, Little one?" Kokushibo asked. His demeanour started to shift to a more recognisable aura, Something serious. More dark in the hum of his voice.
"I-I.." She recognised him alright. His face was burned into her vision every time she blinked. Met his eyes every time she slumbered, But judging by the tone of his voice.. That wasn't the right answer.
"No.." [F/N] said, Shaking her head as she watched his frown contort into a scowl. One which she shrunk back into the corner at as he dropped the hand cupping her cheek, Letting it fall to his side.
"I.. No.. You said my name.. You called me by my nickname, The one you always used.. You remember, Don't you?" Kokushibo's voice, The serious tone was still there, Permeating his voice yet the lilt undertone of a pleading man, Desperate and confused radiated within his voice.
[F/N] sharpened her jaw, She had no idea what he was talking about. He spoke as if he knew her, Like she was an old friend yet she couldn't recall ever knowing him.
"I.. I don't know your name.. I-I.. I don't know who you are.." [F/N] replied.
Her words seemed to trigger something within him, His scowl growing more angry as he backed away from the futon. [F/N] watched on as he turned his back to her, His body going completely still, Almost disturbingly so as he just stood there without making a single move.
[F/N] took a deep breath in, One she didn't know she needed as she tried to steady the beating of her drumming heart. The sweat dripped down her face freely, She needed to make a move.
Quietly swinging her legs over the side of the futon she placed them down onto the wooden floorboards, All while eyeing the demon a few feet away from her like an ticking bomb.
[F/N] softly got up from the futon. The pain in her abdomen diluted down, The shock before had caused it to seem worse than it already was. It was bad, But she could work with it, She always had.
She placed another foot down in front of her, The wooden boards were old, She needed to be careful as she quietly circled around him. Trying her best not to alert him to her movements as she went.
[F/N]'s stretched out hand eventually felt the wood of the shoji door, The one letting bioluminescent light through the single crack it made. Feeling around she caught her fingers on the edge.
She carefully slid it open, Though it didn't matter as the careful light illuminating from the other side flooded into the room like a rising sun over a dead night. Snapping Kokushibo out of whatever trance he had been in and jerk his head over to her position.
[F/N] didn't wait to hear what he had to say, Her feet moved for her as she took off into the hallway at the first alarm raised.
She ran throughout the hall barefoot, The sole of her foot feeling the sharp splinters digging into her like porcupine hide as she went. It didn't matter in the slightest though, Not the pain stabbing into her soles or the warped caricature of her shrine's hallways as she sprinted through past the old tapestries and near-ancient support beams.
Is he following me? Where's the exit? Run now, Think later she chided. [F/N] didn't stop for a second to look around or listen out for the possibility of heavy footsteps following her as she went. Her mind was dead-set on escape.
She sharply turned round corners, Fumbled her way through the winding hallways as she finally reached a set of creaked cedar stairs. [F/N] took no time in descending them, Each step slightly bending under her quick motions as she got to the bottom.
Despite the warped mimicry of her shrine, Walls and hallways worn out and minimized, [F/N] could still navigate it with a finesse that left her fast on her feet.
Her internal GPS carried her feet and guided her along. In front of her was the main shrine doors, Two wide cedarwood doorframes with windows that let in a bluish-green light into the shadow blessed pathway.
This was it. She was going to get out, It was only a few more seconds until she reached her salvation. Her exit from this live-nightmare, Such a thought that made her pace quicken. Heart thudding so hard she felt like it would explode.
[F/N] reached out her steady hands, Reaching the door she slammed her hands down and shoved them wide open to where the courtyard should be.
Rushing out int-
[F/N] stride shuddered in its steps. The once determined sprint fizzled out into a walk, Then she stopped completely in her tracks all together.
Her eyes widened, Irises shaking in their sclera as she felt her knees start to wobble.
W-What.. What does this.. Where..
In front of her wasn't the courtyard. No.. It wasn't the courtyard at all.
Standing before her was an infinite sea, An endless dark plane that seemed to stretch on forever. There was no end. Up, Left, Right.. All of it was an infinite expanse in all directions. A fast breeze blew out from nowhere at all, Hitting her face and snapping her out of the horrified trance she was stuck in.
She snapped her head down to the ground she was standing on. What should of been the smooth dirt of the courtyard was instead a wide rickety dock, One that seemed just as endless as the void, Branches of the dock stretching out like tree roots around the shrine connecting and ending seemingly at random.
This.. This couldn't be real… This must be another dream, It had to be! It appeared like a lovecraftian-esque pocket dimension, Nothing from the real world, Nothing from reality at all.
Her palms were clammy. [F/N] took a few wearied steps, Disbelief shown in her eyes as she felt the heel of her foot land on nothing. She yelped out, Quickly backing up onto the dock as she peered over the edge.
It was an aquamarine sea. The one that the dock's structure ventured deep down into the depths of, Blurring out in the faint turquoise glow rising up from the foaming aqua. Gumussevri, The light it emitted being the only source within the infinity surrounding them.
This didn't make sense.. It couldn't.. How could it? [F/N] felt the glimmer of hope extinguish under the seafoam waves of the water below. How could she ever hope to escape..?
[F/N] felt the slow depression of the dock before she heard the footsteps. Heavy, Slow and stoic as she felt the doors behind her shut gently, That being the thing bringing her attention as she turned around.
Kokushibo was only a couple metres away from her. [F/N] felt her eye twitch, That's why he didn't run after her.. That's why he didn't catch her a soon as she stepped foot out of the room.
He knew she had nowhere else to run.
"[F/N].. I am offended.. Why would you try to get away from me..? You.. You must remember me.. You must. You said my name, It's undeniable proof.." He accused, Standing in a complete stance.
His eyes pierced into her like javelins, Sharp and scrutinizing yet it still held that strange quality of desperation. It made her shiver and that in turn made his frown sharpen. How he knew her first name didn't matter to her in that moment, She only opened her mouth ready for a rebuttal.
[F/N] breathed. She had gotten this far.
"I've told you, I don't know your name nor do I know how you know mine. I don't know who you are and I certainly don't know what you want with me.. Whoever you think I am, I am obviously not." [F/N] argued. She bared her teeth, Trying to steady her jaw.
Kokushibo shook his head. He took a single step towards her and in response she took several more back.
"[F/N].. You have been asleep for a few weeks.. I suppose I should of predicted your confusion but.." He paused
"Maybe it's possible that you don't recall.." He muttered. A few weeks?! She had been asleep for several weeks, Assumedly healing under the care of this cold monster standing in front of her acting friendly as it could.
She'd lament over it later though, What mattered was here and now. And right now he was starting to aggravate her.
[F/N] clenched her fist. How stubborn could he be? She didn't know him, Had only seen him as warnings in dreams yet he acted as if they had known each other for decades. He was completely delusional and to spite all the terror she was feeling in this moment, It pissed [F/N] off.
"Then if you do not remember.. Let me refresh your memory, Little one.." Kokushibo said.
"My name is Kokushibo.. I hold the highest rank within the twelve moons, Sitting at Upperrank one.." He started.
"Though.. You should be recognising me as Michikatsu Tsugikuni.. Your older brother.." Kokushibo announced, His eyes staring down onto her, Closely examining her facial expression. Waiting intently for her reaction.
[F/N] stilled. Her body growing rigid as if she was fixed to the dock by nails.
"..I'm sorry.. What?" She asked. Her eyes blinking rapidly as she looked up at him in disbelief.
"..I am your big brother.. And you are my little sister.." He repeated so clearly yet his voice seemed incoherent to her ears. [F/N] swallowed a lump in her throat, If she thought he was delusional before he now looked completely insane to her now.
He was a demon.. An Uppermoon, He must of been hundreds of years old at the very least yet here he was claiming to be her sibling? It didn't add up, He looked at her like she was meant to understand but she couldn't find a single puzzle piece that fit.
"Impossible.. You're hundreds of years old and I have absolutely no older siblings.."
Kokushibo breathed out, The carbon dioxide showing in the chill-raising air as he took another step forward towards her. This time, [F/N] didn't move back.
"Impossible, Yes.. I thought the same thing once I saw you again.. You died near enough five hundred years ago yet there you were.. Bleeding out within the rubble of your desecrated shrine.. For centuries I grieved for you.." He lamented. A sudden pain crossing him as he seemed to recall something deep within him.
He was spouting sheer madness. He was the one who took her here against her own wishes and nursed her back to physical health, It made her heart writhe around inside her and this time she couldn't bite her tongue.
"I-I am not your sister, We are not related in any way… I don't know how goddamn delusional you need to be to think as such! You are a demon, Not my brother.. I want you to piss off and leave me alone, You fucking monster!" [F/N] cried. The terrified tone only an afterthought suddenly grew back into the forefront of her mind as she watched him close.
As soon as the word monster rolled off her tongue his body stilled, His expression going blank as he stared down at her with an unrecognisable expression. It disturbed her right down to her stomach, Even more so when she felt the heat.
"You.. You will not speak to me like that, Little one.." He said through gritted teeth. [F/N] felt her body raise up into that state of flight or fight once more, His soul radiating such a boiling hot heat that [F/N] could feel it in her bones.
It was obvious he was trying to hold back his anger, Yet it spilled out of the brims of his expression. The twitch of his fingers and the glare he gave her, She could tell and it utterly horrified her.
"As your older brother and the last remaining head of our clan.. You will treat me with respect.. It doesn't matter if you're confused or have.. forgotten entirely.. You address me in proper honorifics like a good younger sister should." Kokushibo hissed. Venom near dripping off every word as he started approaching her trembling form.
His footsteps were slow, Drawing out every step as he finally loomed over her. Shadow cast over him as [F/N] looked up at him, Body aching for her to run.
Whatever façade of cold comfort he put up was completely shattered now, His eyes brimming with malice and his fingers itching the reach for the hilt of his sword. Itching to strike her down.
"I've been praying for this day for centuries.. For the wish that you would come back to me.. You said you would never leave me again, And I fully intend to hold you to your promise.. You cannot run.. So come back here now and I will forget this little mistake.. If you do not, I assure your time here will be much more.. Nightmarish.." He commanded lowly. Slowly moving towards her
"..No matter how far you go I will always be right behind you.. You will not escape me."
But that didn't mean she wasn't willing to try.
Her legs moved before she could comprehend she was. Quickly turning around and sprinting off down the dock in her nightwear and splotched dressing as she cried out in sheer utter helplessness.
Kokushibo paused as he watched her go. He didn't bother run after her, He knew she wouldn't get far.
As [F/N] carefully navigated throughout the labyrinth of docks she could hear his quiet voice call after her, Echoing through the void and seeping through her as she ran.
"Tire yourself out all you want.. Run as long and as far as you like but you will never be able to leave me.. Not again. When you come back.. Do not expect to be treated with such affection that I have offered you thus far.. Not until you stop with this stupid rebellious phase of yours.."
Though [F/N] could barely hear him, As his silhouette shrunk further and further into the vastness of the void.
All until he disappeared completely
Knock! Knock! Knock!
Three soft and precise knocks hit against the thin cut of the rosewood door.
Sounds of quiet shuffling could be heard from within the house, Settling of cups and screeching of chairs as footsteps started to move their way over to the closed entrance.
The door slid open only a peep, Only enough for the weathered face of a middle-aged man to careen his head over to get a good look out past it.
"Hello there!" A polite and cheery voice spoke out to him, One that sounded exaggerated and overly-friendly compared to his quiet yet cordial tone. The girl the voice belonged to smiled lightly and clasped her hands together.
"My name is Shinobu Kocho from the Demon Slayer Corps, If I am not mistaken.. This is the Kanroji household is it not?" Shinobu asked. Glassy orchid eyes staring into the ones of the older mans, His own softened at her introduction as he nodded.
"Ah.. Yes. You two must be my daughter's colleague's." He said. The slightly cracked open door slid ajar, His shoulders softening and a small welcoming smile grew onto his aged face as he looked at the two slayers.
Shinobu, A woman of short stature similar to that of a mantis. She held an eternal far off gaze that seemed clouded with the salesman smile plastered onto her face like concrete. Her butterfly haori and short tied hair danced in the wind as he looked over at the other man behind her.
"Greetings.." Was all the other slayer said as he lightly bowed down to him.
Despite being taller than his colleague, He was still rather short. He had a mop of choppy black hair that looked overgrown as it covered his shadowed his face well, That and along with the bandages he used as a mask made his features nigh hidden. The only thing peeking out from over the mask was mismatched eyes.
"Ah, You must have more manners then that!" Shinobu exclaimed lightly as she giggled it off.
"I apologise for my friend here.. This is my co-worker Iguro Obanai. And yes, We're here to see Mitsuri-chan about recent events I'm sure you've been informed of?" Shinobu inquired, Tilting her head to the side while Obanai muttered something under his breath and swept his head to the side.
Mr. Kanroji nodded, His smile only dropping an inch.
"Yes.. I'm aware. You two better come in then." He nodded as he stepped a side, Raising an arm to welcome them into his abode. Shinobu smiled and thanked him as she made her way inside, Iguro following closely behind her as they entered the livingroom.
It was a cosy little room, It was homely and warm yet had enough room for a large family to move around in comfortably. It was beautifully decorated, Clean-cut furniture and masterfully painted moving doors.
It was a rather large family home, The inner walls of the house being compiled of entirely open shoji-doors revealing the wide open plan of the entire building.
"It's a nice home you have.." Iguro muttered as he made his way to the middle of the room.
"Thank you. Me and my wife are both rather house-proud.." He chuckled lightly "It's been easier to take care of since the little ones have grown bigger and gotten much more responsible. I love them all, But do they make mess I'd tell you.."
Shinobu airily laughed along with him.
"Yes! I have a few little girls who I provide for back home with me, Children are quite troublemakers aren't they?" Shinobu replied as she turned to the man.
"Aha! Isn't that the truth.." He smiled. "Though unfortunately we aren't here to talk about our kids.."
"No, Unfortunately not." Iguro confirmed, Nodding his head lightly as he started talking.
"It's about The Shrine Invasion Incident that occurred a few weeks ago, We're here to talk to Mitsuri-san about what happened when she was there and get her statement. About both the demon that attacked and the.. Casualties" Iguro explained.
Mr. Kanroji sighed.
"Yes. You're referring to [F/N], Right?" He asked.
Shinobu nodded.
"Correct. I understand that [F/N] was very close to Mitsuri-chan.. That and along with Fujimori-san of course." She said. As she did she slid a quick wink over to Mr. Kanroji and subtly signalled towards Iguro, Who didn't notice a thing.
Mr. Kanroji paused before nodding back.
"Right. Come, We can discuss this while we walk" He said. Beckoning them with his hand and turning his back and starting to walk at a leisurely pace out of the livingroom. Both slayers nodded and followed after him.
"So, Can you recall what happened when she came home?" Shinobu asked him as she trailed behind.
"Yes. It was in the early morning.. Both me and my wife were barely awake when we heard the banging on the door. When we opened it she just ran into my arms, She was hysterical and we could barely make a word out of what happened.. It was a painful sight to see.." He explained, Shaking his head.
"Ah.. I see" Shinobu said. "I'm aware that you and your wife were also quite familiar with [F/N]?"
Mr. Kanroji smiled once again yet it held none of that bright attitude he had before, It was instead blocked by a dark cloud hanging over him like a noose.
"Right.. Mitsuri and [F/N] were basically inseparable back when they were young, So much so that she was over at our place most of the time. [F/N] didn't have the best home life you see, Not that she had much of one to begin with but.. She stayed over so often, Helped out with chores and played with the younger kids so much that at points I even considered her my own. And I'm pretty sure my wife did too" Mr. Kanroji tried to play off the sombre undertone in his voice with a light-hearted giggle, Yet it was futile under the heaviness of his bleak voice.
"It was horrible when the news came to light. We both were broken up by her.. Choice of actions. But Mitsuri.. She just.. She just broke down entirely." He said. Shinobu's eyes narrowed in confusion.
Choice of actions, What he meant alluded her.
Before she could question it however he stopped at a closed door, A rarity amongst the open ones spread about the walls of the house. He turned around and looked at them with a serious expression.
"Alright then, This is it." He started as he looked down at the both of them
"Please, When you go in try to be gentle when speaking with her. Don't try to overwhelm her or make any sudden noises.. She's not in the best mental state right now." He said quietly, Nigh-whisper as he waited for their answer.
"Understood." They both said in unison.
Mr. Kanroji nodded before turning back to the door.
Raising a single fist he lightly knocked at the paper shoji door. He smiled a best as he could as he spoke.
"Pumpkin? Are you awake..?" He called out.
There was no answer.
Iguro shifted around uncomfortably in his stance. Mitsuri Kanroji, The woman he loved and cared for.. She wasn't anything like this. He knew her well. He knew she loved to eat, He knew the way her lip quirked when she was confused and he certainly knew she was a light sleeper.
Anything could wake her. A sneeze or the drop of a pin, Anything at all. And it was certain that she would definetly wake at the light knock on her door. For her not to answer was concerning at best. Mr. Kanroji tried once more.
"Your friends from work are here to see you.. It's about a few weeks ago.." He called out once more though this time you could hear the audible shake in his speech.
"Come in.."
A weak voice called out from behind the door, It was so quiet that you could barely hear it. Both Shinobu and Iguro took a glance at each other before Mr. Kanroji grabbed onto the handle and slowly slid the door open.
It was dark. That was the first thought that entered their heads as they finally saw the inside to the room, Their sole source of vision being the new light from the other side flooding in only a crack to reveal only the bare shapes of furniture inside.
"I'll leave you two to it.." Mr. Kanroji whispered as he stood behind the open door, Nodding towards the room.
"Thank you.." Shinobu replied lowly as she took the first few steps in, Iguro following closely behind as she slowly entered the abyss that was Mitsuri's room.
From what they could make out, It looked more like a guest room than it did an actual room. The source of light was the window which was meant to be open, Instead it was locked and bolted shut tight leaving their environment hard to navigate.
Iguro's foot hit against something on the floor, Looking down he gagged slightly.
It was a small plate of food. It looked to be a normal meal consisting of pork cutlets and a side of omurice. Though on closer inspection Iguro spied the signs of mould starting to gather up on the meat from most likely a day or two, It hadn't been touched at all.
Iguro swallowed down his bubbling concerns and tried to ignore the smell as he stepped around it.
Both Shinobu and Iguro moved towards the centrepiece of the room of which being a large futon. Growing closer they could see the shapes of several duvets and pillows scattered amongst it, Reminiscent of a crows nest from the built up barrier around the lump poking out from under one of the duvets.
Shinobu kept up her smile, Though as she moved it started to look more strained and forced like one you'd see on an advertisement or billboard.
They finally reached the futon. Both Shinobu and Iguro shuffled around the side, Avoiding scattered clothes and stray furniture as they tried to get a better look.
They could barely see anything at all, Both from the lack of light and the duvet covering the girl below it. The only thing they could make out was only the upper half of her face sticking out from under it, Lime irises staring up at both of them.
Iguro bit his tongue. He backed up a bit as his hands reached out for the window-shutters. Eyes not taken off of Mitsuri's as he opened it up, Letting the late-morning light fill the dark void of the room.
Once the sunlight bounced off the walls of the room, Shinobu's smile quickly switched down to a frown while Iguro's shoulders tensed up.
The room was much more of a mess than first thought to be. The odd scattered clothing or two turned out to be more like piles.
Uneaten meals more rotten than before were also placed about, Some on furniture, Some on the floor.
But what really put off the two was the girl they called a friend, Lying curled up in a fetal position within the bedding.
Now that the light hit her face she flinched back from the sudden exposure, Eyes clenching closed to prevent the sudden light hitting her pupils flood in. Both of them noticed the swollen red under her eyes and her stuffy nose, To which she sniffled lightly every so often.
"Mitsuri-chan.." Shinobu mumbled, Her face a practiced sympathy as she took another step forward towards the futon. She stopped however when the sudden movement of Mitsuri cut her off, Mitsuri hauling herself out from under the covers and up into a sitting position
"I.. Sorry about that.. Comfortable position and all.." Mitsuri giggled lightly. Yet the sound never quite reached her bloodshot eyes.
Coupled with the greasy tangle that was her hair and the rather shaky smile she held it was obvious to see her true self in that moment. Iguro took his turn to take a step forward.
"Mitsuri-san.. I.." He felt the words caught on his tongue once he looked down upon the painful expression of the girl in front of him. Despite lying in bed it looked like she hadn't slept for days, Weeks even.
"Y-You're here about a few weeks ago right? Were you able to look at the ruins..? F-Find anything?" Mitsuri's voice shook more than her ear to ear smile, It wasn't liked Shinobu's perfectly perfected one. No, It was instead like an unknowingly widowed wife in the ER room lobby, Waiting in ignorant bliss for what she assumed was just a cut.
Both Iguro and Shinobu shared another glance at one and other. Both having a silent conversation between the two before Shinobu turned her head back around to face Mitsuri.
"Well.. We were able to get a report back from the ruins of the shrine.." Shinobu started. Reaching within her butterfly haori she pulled out a small piece of folded paper.
Starting to unfold it she peered down and started to read.
"Lets see here.. There were more injuries than casualties.. Seventy two severely injured and thirty four deaths. Majority of the casualties being Kakushi and Lower ranked slayers.." Shinobu read out, Eyes scanning down the list.
Mitsuri slowly nodded.
"T-That's unfortunate.. I hope their families are doing okay.." Mitsuri replied softly, The first glint of genuine concern showing from behind her eyes.
"But.. Erm.." She started again.
Shinobu nodded, Sad smile painted. Mitsuri didn't have to finish her words for Shinobu to know what she meant.
"Yes.. About [F/N] and Fujimori.." The mention of the names caught Mitsuri's attention immediately, Her head perking up to give her undying regard as the glint in her eyes burned back up.
Shinobu's nose twitched, Body stiffening ever so slightly.
"..We weren't able to recover any bodies.."
The light in Mitsuri's irises started to grow, Yet it wasn't from the hope or finality of the news. Instead it was the reflection off the water starting to grow at the rims of her eyes.
Shinobu took in a deep breath and continued.
"The only trace was of Fujimori.. Which was a pool of blood located near the back of the shrine." Shinobu shook her head, Trying not to focus on Mitsuri as she continued.
"Our leading theory is that.. Well.. Fujimori was most likely eaten by the demon in question.. There was nothing left of him.." Shinobu whispered, Yet within the confines of the room it sounded like an reverberated scream to Mitsuri's ears.
And that's what broke the dam.
Mitsuri let out a quiet cry, Her shaky smile still spread wide across her face as the tears in her eyes flooded over. Rolling down her cheeks and dripping onto her lap as choked noises escaped her hoarse throat.
Iguro instantly went into action at the first sound of her cries, He quickly moved over to her side, Sitting down next to her and placing a hand on her shoulder. Which was quickly dismissed by Mitsuri.
"D-Don't touch me.. Just, Please.. N-Not now.." Mitsuri wept. Iguro quickly obliged, Moving away from her on the bed as she planted her face into her palms. Shinobu looked on as she put the paper away, Eyes filled with pity.
"I.. I-I can't believe this.. I.. Why didn't I recognise the signs.. I.. D-Doesn't she remember our promise..?" She whispered. Her nails digging into her skin as she looked through the cracks of her fingers, Eyes staring off into the distance of the floor.
"She..? What do you mean by signs..?" Iguro asked lightly.
Mitsuri withdrew her face from her hands to look up at Obanai. Her eyes meeting the mismatch of his with a disbelieving gaze, Like his tongue spoke of heresy to her very own religion.
Her pained voice spoke out once again.
"F-Fujimori.. [F/N].. They.. They're the same person.. And I.." Mitsuri whispered.
Iguro's eyes widened to that of circles, He shook his head adamantly and responded quick to her.
"No.. That's impossible. Fujimori and [F/N] look completely different, How could they be the same?" Iguro asked. His soft voice was still present yet there was an edge to it, A sharp confusion and bafflement at her words.
Mitsuri didn't listen to him, It was like he wasn't even there.
"I-I knew it was there.. I really did but I just.. I-I just ignored them.. If I had tried just a little harder.. I-If I just.." Mitsuri's voice seemed to break down into children's babble, Ranting off under her breath about this and that Iguro just couldn't understand.
He took a step closer.
"Mitsuri.. Please, Tell me what you mean.." Iguro asked softly. He lowered down onto a single knee to match her eye level, Pleading silently with her to tell him.
Mitsuri mumbled something so quiet, So incomprehensible that neither Iguro nor Shinobu could hear.
"What did you say..?"
Mitsuri's lip quivered. Bloodshot eyes staring back at him with that disfigured smile still on her face. Her voice only turning up a single notch as they were finally able to make out what she said.
"[F/N].. S-She killed herself."
Shinobu's frown sharpened into a tight-lipped grimace. Iguro's brows furrowed, His bandaged mask concealing his parted lips, Information still processing in his mind.
"I-If I just tried a little harder.. If I just made sure she was okay, Said hello or just.. Just ask her what was wrong.. S-She would've still been here with me.. I.. I did this.. I-I shouldn't of let go of her hand, I shouldn't of let go.."
Mitsuri's gaze was Far-off as she stared back into the vivid face of [F/N] appearing in her mind. The blank eyes so dull like she was nothing more than a caricature of her true self, The tried and true smile, The angle of her nose and the dimensions of her face.
All of it she tried so hard to cling onto. Grasping desperately at the memory, Begging with whatever god was up there. Pleading with whatever was listening that she wouldn't forget her face.
Yet as she continued to imagine her face, It faded further and further away from her grasp. Already blurring into a distant memory along with the warmth of her hand drifting away from her palms.
Iguro looked back at her. His heart felt like it was twisting and turning inside him, Hurting at the sight of the woman he held so close to it.
The new information felt so unsolved in his mind, He doubted it. Yet the raw grief that was coming from Mitsuri in front of him made it seem so real. Yet, He needed to question it once more.
Though before he could, He felt a small tap on his shoulder. Looking up only to come face to face with Shinobu.
"Iguro-san.. I think you should go wait outside." Shinobu said. Her voice suddenly serious, A side of which was barely shown through her friendly disguise.
He looked back at her and she stared back down at him with an unwavering gaze.
Iguro nodded slowly before getting up from his kneeling position. As he quietly moved out of the room he took only a single glance back at the two of them, All before opening the door and exiting the room.
As soon as the door slid shut Shinobu made her move, Head turning towards Mitsuri who looked up at her with the gaze of a wounded animal.
"Mitsuri-san.. These are massive claims, I don't mean to be insensitive but could you explain to me what happened? According to reports you were rather hysterical, Both from the handmaiden escorting you out and the various people you asked about [F/N]'s whereabouts." Shinobu asked. Voice levelled and calm, Her friendly self back up with a small smile to contrast her words.
Mitsuri didn't waste anytime for a shaky hand to extend out behind her towards her pillow, Reaching under it she carefully fished out a worn piece of paper. It was folded several times and looked rather worn from first sights.
Shinobu carefully plucked it out of her hands once it was offered. Carefully unfolding the flaps she held it in her hands and started to read.
Mitsuri sat there uncomfortably on the bed despite the mountain of pillows and blankets surrounding her. She had stopped crying at this point but by no means did that make her okay.
Her form was trembling as if she was in the middle of a hailing blizzard. She felt as if she wasn't in her body, Like she was just looking through the vision of someone else entirely while she was just a spectator within her own mind.
Shinobu's glassy eyes scanned over the paper, Carefully reading over every line with upmost delicacy as her gaze descended downwards.
She reached the bottom, The finality of the signature registering in her mind.
Shinobu was quiet.
But after a moment, She let out a single sigh.
"I see.. Well.. That's unfortunate.." Was all she said. She refolded up the paper in her hands and sitting it down on the windowsill.
Suddenly brought back into her own body, Mitsuri's head snapped over to look up at Shinobu. Her mouth going agape along with her eyes as she looked up in disbelief.
"..Is that all you have to say?" Mitsuri asked. [F/N]'s note, Her very last words written down onto a carefully made parchment. The story of her life, The words she could never express to anyone aloud yet scribed down with her entire heart and soul put onto this single letter.
And Shinobu just shook it off, Like it was absolutely nothing.
"Well.. It's an unfortunate turn of events, Taking one's life always is. Though I do have to admit I never saw it coming.." Shinobu said, That same tone of plain apathy dripped off every syllable and hit Mitsuri like acid as she stood up.
"H-How could you?" Mitsuri gawked. Her unstable footsteps numb from hours of not walking as she took a few steps toward Shinobu.
"[F/N] was your friend too.. You're the only other Hashira who ever knew about the truth.. She.. S-She trusted you.." Mitsuri exclaimed, Her previous cries starting to boil and hiss into a rising anger as her face twisted into an ugly expression.
Shinobu's shoulders raised as she looked back at her, The anger on Mitsuri being a completely foreign view. She wasn't even acting like herself anymore, [F/N] really meant that much to her..
"Yes.. She did." Shinobu agreed "I'm not trying to say-"
"You don't need to say anything, Y-You're making it clear enough!" Mitsuri butted in. Her arms raising to hug her self as she feverishly shook her head, Trying to keep herself calm.
"T-This isn't just my fault.. This is yours too. This is everyone's fault.." Mitsuri heaved. Her breathing picked up speed as her overgrown nails dug into her elbows, Backing up a bit as she did.
"Mitsuri-san.. You're not yourself right now, You're still in the grieving process. You don't mean what you're saying.." Shinobu said.
Mitsuri looked back up at her, Sheer rage burning inside her eyes like infernoes
"H-How many of the Hashira actually liked [F/N]..? How many of them insulted her every time she was late to a meeting? How many snide looks.. How many nasty comments, Shinobu? T-Tell me.. How many?" Mitsuri choked out. Shinobu could feel the strain as it did.
"I.. I don't kn-"
"How many?!" Mitsuri yelled, Her voice shaking the very walls of the room she was in. Quickly turning away from Shinobu, Her hands grasped both sides of her head catching strands of messy hair in-between them.
"[F/N] never harboured any true resentment towards anyone! S-She may not of been on time or handled her duties well but she cared for every last one of us, A-And the only thing she got in return was scorn.." Mitsuri at this point broke down into strangled sobs. She hugged herself tighter as Shinobu could only watch her.
"G-Get out.. Y-You did this, We both did.. But.. Y-You don't even care at all…" Mitsuri ordered. Turning her back on Shinobu as she tried to reach out a hand to her.
"GET OUT!" Mitsuri screamed, Turning back to Shinobu with a high-pitched wail as it faded back into soft cries. Mitsuri fell back onto her bed, Pulling her knees up to her chest and pressing her face into them.
Shinobu didn't need to be told twice. She turned her back and walked away towards the door.
However she stopped once her hand gripped onto the handle.
"Mitsuri-san.. Just for the record, I may not show it but I do care for [F/N].. She really was my friend and trusted comrade. I don't mean to be indifferent.. I am not at all.. I.. I really will miss her a lot. Me and the rest of the Hashira may not have favoured her at points, But she was still apart of our ranks and was our comrade.. We.. We all grieve in our own ways.. And I promise you.. One day, We will get vengeance on the demon who did this.. We'll avenge her, I promise you."
That was all Shinobu said. Mitsuri lifted her head from her shins but she couldn't see Shinobu's expression. Her back to hers, Mitsuri could only see her high shoulders shake and the grip on the sliding door tighten.
But it faded almost immediately. Shinobu slid the door open and stepped out.
Closing it over and walking away.
Heavy yet light footsteps hit the rickety wood in quick succession, Each step taking no time to waste as [F/N] kept running faster and faster along the spiderweb docks.
[F/N] had to plan her movements in advance, The dock was hard to navigate with branches ending at random and others looping straight back around in the opposite direction. If she wasn't careful she could be thrown overboard at any moment, And she didn't want to find out whether the bioluminescent water was safe or not.
It felt like she had been running for hours, The infinite sky showing no sign of an end or exit in sight. But [F/N] knew it had to of only been half an hour or so, Otherwise she would of already collapsed.
Kokushibo was nowhere to be seen. Once [F/N] had taken off running she thought he would be dead on her tail, Chasing her down for even daring to leave whatever he had planned for her.
"My name is Kokushibo.. I hold the highest rank within the twelve moons, Sitting at upperrank one.. Though.. You should be recognising me as Michikatsu Tsugikuni.. Your older brother.."
Was he delusional? Out of his mind? Or could he be manipulating her with some so-crazy-it-works method. Michikatsu Tsugikuni, The name meant absolutely nothing at all. Her older brother he called himself, There was simply no way in hell that could of been true.
He was a centuries old demon, Whatever parents gave birth to him would of died a good long while ago. It was impossible that they could've been related but..
"Impossible, Yes.. I thought the same thing once I saw you again.. You died near enough five hundred years ago yet there you were.. Bleeding out within the rubble of your desecrated shrine.."
Maybe, Just maybe she shared some resemblance to the sister he had as a human. And maybe she shared the same first name as she did. And when he saw said resemblance, Somehow in his mind he had decided that they were the same person and then decided to spare and kidnap her away to this cold hell.
Even then that was baffling on its own.
[F/N] had saw from first hand experience how a demon would rip apart its own siblings, Parents or children just for another meal. Demon's had no sentimental attachment to much of anything, Especially not people.
So why? Why would he do this, Kidnap her away and try to feign an act of familiarity with her? Demons don't do that, They don't think that way. [F/N] swallowed back a lump in her throat.
How much did his sister mean to him? Was she really that important that he would still hold affection towards her?
But either way he wasn't anywhere at all.
No noises, Glimpses or auras. Nothing.
She had no time to dwell on it, She chided herself for getting distracted over a demon. Run now think later. The prospect of escaping whatever pocket dimension she had been siphoned to was vivid in her mind, A yearning feeling brought back to the primal desire for survival as she kept going and going.
Her abdomen hurt too, Every time she moved it felt like a needle jabbing into her side. She tried her best to ignore the pain however, She couldn't let it stop her now, Not since she got this far.
But then it hit her.
Why was she trying so hard to escape?
Her sprint faltered only a little as the thought crossed through her mind. Her lip upturned. Why was she trying so hard?
[F/N] wanted to die. She wanted to find an end for months, To get it over and done with and get out of everyone's way. To stop being such a stain on the Hashira and a burden on the corps. She had no use, No worth or redeemable qualities.
She may of killed a thousand of their kind, She may of been given the title of being the strongest Hashira but that name weighed down on her shoulders like steel blocks.
It wasn't a title, It was an expectation.
And [F/N] couldn't live up to it, She didn't even want to live at all. So why was she running? Why didn't she throw herself into the docks or go back to slaughterhouse behind her? Why was her body so insistent on continuing?
Because.. Because.. She wanted to die, Not be tortured. That's the reason. If she was here then it was obvious she was wanted alive, If she did try to throw herself off then whose to say Kokushibo wouldn't be watching her right now and prevent her from doing so?
If she was here he might be wanting information, The location of the Ubuyashiki estate. This entire 'dead little sister' thing was just a manipulation tactic to get it out of her! And once he realised she wasn't falling for it he'd resort to more violent methods.
Yes, That's the reason.
Turning around another dock and searching for a path she stared out into the open distance of a void. Her heart burned, There had to be an escape. She was so tired, She felt like she was going to collapse any second.
And that's when she saw it.
In the distance, Staring off into the vastness of the void she could make out a vague shape settled amongst the darkness.
Her eyes sparked up, Lit aflame as she spied her saving grace, The light at the end of the tunnel. Something had finally changed after running for so long.
Her pace picked up along with her breathing, Her breaths turning into light wheezes under her normal rhythm as she took far strides.
Sweat beads dripped down from her brow and stained her jinbei, Everything burned. Muscles ached but she kept moving forwards, Kept going faster and faster towards the building in the distance, Getting closer and closer.
Keep going, Almost there.. I can do this- I can escap-!
[F/N] stopped in her tracks.
Her sprint jittered down until she was completely still, Fixed on place to the dock as she stared up towards the building, One now looming over her like a guillotine.
It.. It was her shrine.
Towering over her was the behind of the shrine, The other side from which she came from. The walls, tiles, Wooden frames and the closed shut windows. Her eyes scanned over it in disbelief, The realisation crashing into her.
She had done a full circle, She had just came back from the way she came.
T-This can't be true.. How could this be-!
[F/N] felt her heart fall into her stomach along with her knee's collapsing to the ground, Finally giving out from exhaustion as her eyes were still locked on the shrine.
Her knees hit the wooden docks, Splinters digging into her bare shins as she felt all hope leave her body. She had been running for so long, The docks didn't loop or go in a circle, If it did she would of known. But how was she back here? How?
Heart drumming faster in her chest her head felt light and airy as if she was thousands of feet in the air. Nausea creeping up her throat and unsettling her stomach even more than it already was. As she felt herself fade, She had only one thought.
How.. How is this fair?
Kokushibo walked slowly down the wooden step-way of the shrine it surrounded.
Taking a few careful steps down the stairway he felt the weight of it depress under him, Reaching the bottom he peered over from the corner he stood next to.
He watched the body of his younger sister collapse onto the dock, Her chest raising and lowering rapidly as if she was starved of air. Her hair was a mess along with her clothing and general appearance.
It was nothing he didn't expect however. He knew she would tire herself out eventually, Run until she couldn't and fall down onto the ground. He knew it would happen, And he couldn't help but feel a sense of catharsis out of it.
He stalked up towards her, All until he was staring down at her defeated form in front of him. Kneeling down with her neck exposed, Easily cut and easy to wring at any given moment.
In any other scenario this would of been a sort of guilty pleasure, The way life was held within his hands felt so electrifying. He never took time on making people grovel before him, He never saw the need to.
He was after strength, To stay eternally strong forever. Not to make insignificant and weak human beings bow down to him.
But he couldn't deny the way he dictated human life with the edge of his blade felt great. And it tasted even better once he bit into their throats, Tearing out their jugular giving them no time to scream as the sweet nectar of their blood hit his tongue.
It was empowering. But, It was different in this scenario.
He didn't feel any sense of power over the girl in front of him, Not the way he usually would anyways. As he looked over her broken form the only thing that he felt was.. Pity.
"Are you done now..? Have you tired yourself out..?" Kokushibo asked in that usual monotone voice. He sounded as if he didn't care, As if his sister lying stray on the dock meant absolutely nothing to him. But he knew that wasn't the case.
[F/N] didn't answer, It seemed as if she had fainted.
Again, It was predictable. She had just woken up after sustaining injury and had used all her energy to try and run away, Only to collapse right back at the place she had tried to escape from.
Kokushibo gritted his teeth slightly. This wasn't how he thought this was going to go.
He assumed that she remembered him. Throughout the time he had taken her, Cared for her wound and nursed her back to health he had heard murmurs from within her sleep. Places, Memories and names only she should of known was what she mumbled in her unconscious state.
He assumed that as soon as she had awoken she would remember him, Feel just as elated as he was at their reunion.
But now he knew that wasn't the case, And if he was being honest? It made him angry.
Kokushibo kneeled down. Reaching his arms out he scooped up her limp body into his arms to settle her within them.
He got up and examined her face, Her eyes and her hair. Every angle and dimension of her face he surveyed left and right. This was her, Everything just lined up too perfectly not to be.
Same name, Same face and Haori. Not to mention that she spoke his name once.
Kokushibo held onto her tighter as he started to walk away with her in his arms. He moved up the stairway careful not to drop her. He moved quickly yet steadily towards the entrance of the shrine.
Entering the building and shutting the door behind him with his foot and made his way up to the second floor where her bedroom was located.
Once he got there he slid open the shoji door, Letting the aquamarine flood the shadows of her room as he walked towards her futon.
Setting her down onto the mattress and tucking her in the duvet with the utmost care, He looked at her once more.
Kokushibo was angry. He truly was livid. The mere fact that she didn't even remember him angered him, Even more so once she called him a monster. He loathed the way he felt his heart wretch in that moment.
Yet he couldn't bring himself to hate her. A part of him wanted to dispose of her, To get rid of her entirely. She was a weakness, Something Kokushibo just could not afford.
But the much larger, Louder part of him detested this with all he had. As the thought of killing her entered his mind he felt disgusted, Horrified at the mere imagining of her being harmed.
She was the only person who ever loved him more than Yorichii. The one person who saw him for himself instead of his brother, She admired him. She loved him. How could he bring himself to hurt her? Kokushibo took in a deep breath, The anger kept at bay as he smiled lightly at her unconscious state.
Even if she didn't remember him, That doesn't mean she won't in due time. The pieces of the puzzle were already there, They were just waiting to be solved is all. Even if she had some 'new life' or whatever may have happened to her. Maybe.. No.. It didn't matter, She was here. That's what mattered.
He breathed out once more. 'Her new life', It felt so wrong as he thought about it. Kokushibo found her as a Hashira of all things, One he had struck down as a man like a god to a heretic.
Gods, He had questions. He had so many questions.
How was she here back with him? How did she become an entirely different person while fighting him? Where did she learn or how would he get her to remember him? Hundreds of questions rushed through his head. Possibilities and chances.
He tucked a small strand of hair behind her ear. He had many questions, And he'll get answers eventually when she was awake.
His little sister was finally brought back to him. The one who died in his arms and the one he would never let go of again. She'll learn to accept her fate here, Understand she has nowhere to run. She'll understand her place was here with him, Her big brother.
He'd crush whatever rebellious phase she was going through, Whatever disobedient little chapter of life she was going through right now. Insulting him, Running away..
He breathed out, Trying to keep away the bloodlust at the thought of her escaping.
She was safe now, And that's all that matters.
Next Chapter
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closetweebsmh · 1 year
Admiration || Tokito M. Demon Slayer
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Pairing: GN!Reader x KNY Tokito Muichiro
Summary: The Mist Pillar had been training in the Butterfly Estate’s grounds when a curious onlooker found themselves admiring from afar.
a/n: been obsessed with kny, especially w muichiro so i made a short oneshot of him! hope u enjoy ~ kinda proofread aha
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EVERYTHING ached tenderly as you laid pitifully on the hospital bed, an apparent frown upon your face. The multiple bands of medical wraps around your chest and arm made it difficult to move, much less breathe. The injuries you’ve sustained were thanks to running into a former Lower Moon demon in a mission you were out on—its tricky demon art and persistence in redeeming itself to their Demon Lord had left you in shambles and a steady stream of salty curses left your mouth as you laid in the shady woodlands.
However, it wasn’t the dull pain that made your stay at the Butterfly Estate miserable. But rather, it was the resounding boredom you felt as you stared at the wooden ceiling for how long now, the only thing keeping you mildly entertained was the intricate crevices of the ochre wood above you and the faint sweet symphonies of the birds outside the estate.
While shutting yourself from reality, you steadied your breathing, ensuring that you’d maximize each puff with the intent of easing the pain in your body. It was a habit you’ve picked up on from training with Tanjiro and their little squad during their rehabilitation at the Butterfly Estate. Huh, maybe all that hard work paid off, you chuckled helplessly.
A sharp clang of metal resounded outside, taking you out of your total concentration. Your curiosity piqued, driving your attention to the commotion outside despite the soothe aches of pain numbing your limbs.
You painfully sat up on your bed and peaked through the window conveniently next to you. Through the worn-out window, you could make out a young demon slayer with bright-ended tips of hair training vigorously, metal ringing as his sword clashed with others.
His moves were concise and elegant, ripping through the air in a flurry yet kept his calm demeanor and his eyes on the target, as if he was the cold blade of steel he held in his hands. His body exuded confidence in each calculated strike and had the strength to make sparks fly at each contact. His hand on his blade never faltered nor wavered, only gripped tighter and struck at his foes with improving precision—you swore you saw trails of mist forming around his figure if you squint enough.
In short, he was amazing.
Unknowingly, your face was dusted in faint red and your eyes shone brilliantly—as if your heart was set ablaze. Either in admiration or something else, you can only agree that this person is beyond ordinary.
“Oh? [Last-Name]-san, what are you looking at?” Shinobu’s soft voice permeates, startling you out of your trance and your face flushes fervently. “A-Ah, nothing, Shinobu-sama. Just curious, that’s all.” You uttered shyly, fiddling with your bandaged hands and straightening up on your bed.
Shinobu could only blink at you owlishly before glancing outside, taking note of the Mist Hashira’s appearance and your flushed cheeks then smiled knowingly. “If you say so.” Shinobu sang with a bright small smile and proceeded to tend to your dressings for your regular check up as if nothing happened. You could only look away in embarrassment and bright cheeks as your Hashira-Doctor smiled innocently yet knowingly at you.
You don’t think she’ll ever live it down, now.
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snowmist-hashira · 1 year
Hi! I just read the fics that you wrote and i love it!
If you don't mind, I'd like to request a fic where Muichiro and y/n are kinda in a forbidden love relationship. Like the reader's a civilian and her father was a demon slayer, and her family doesn't allow her to have a relationship with Muichiro, 'cause they know how dangerous being a slayer is and they don't want her to get hurt. Y/n and Muichiro often meet up secretly, but when they're around others all they do is stare at eachother longingly.
I'm m really in the mood for some angst rn hahaha.
Thank you and take your time, but feel free to ignore this request if you want!
[Chapter title: Condemned Love]
[Requested] Muichiro Tokitou x Reader
Wattpad:[KNY Fanfiction] (One shots) Tokito Muichiro x Reader Archive:Kimetsu No Yaiba: Tokitou Muichiro x Reader Master list:♠ Information ♠ Word count: 1,920
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Artist link: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/41742637/artworks
I am open to requests for Muichiro x Reader content, and I also enjoy engaging in roleplays. If you're interested in either, please feel free to check out my pinned post for more information. ~ ♠
Thank you for your kind words! I hope you find as much enjoyment in reading my works as I do in writing them. I hope that you are still in the angsty mood, and that was I able to convey it effectively in my writing.
[Whispered Secrets] (Condemned Love, Follow up) [Shattered Constraints] (Condemned Love, Part 2)
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The demon slayer corps embodies a formidable and awe-inspiring vocation, where individuals willingly put their lives on the line, ready to make the ultimate sacrifice in their unwavering pursuit to eradicate the formidable foes known as demons.
Everyone who was familiar with the world of demon slayers understood the inherent peril that accompanied the profession, and this understanding was no exception for Y/n. She grew up with a deep admiration for the demon slayer profession due to her father's involvement.
She understood the risks and dangers associated with the job but was inspired by her father's dedication to protecting humanity from demons. As a child, she would eagerly listen to her father's stories of his encounters with demons, even though they were meant to scare her into sleeping.
Y/n's father instilled in her a sense of duty and the importance of defending innocent lives. She saw him as a hero, willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good.
One night as she lay in bed, wrapped snugly in her blanket, her anticipation for her father's return grew. It was a routine they had developed, where she would wait for him and listen to his tales of demon slaying. But that night, something felt different.
Minutes turned into hours, and still, there was no sign of her father. Y/n's excitement slowly turned to worry, a knot forming in her stomach. She couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong. She waited, hoping that he would come through the door any moment with a smile on his face.
Suddenly the door swung open, a flicker of relief spread across Y/n's face, thinking it was her father returning home. However, the smile quickly faded as she realized it wasn't her father standing there but her mother, tears streaming down her face. Confusion and concern took hold of Y/n's young heart as she remained in her bed, trying to make sense of the situation.
Her mother, anguish evident in her eyes, hurried to Y/n's side, dropping to her knees and enveloping her in a tender embrace. Y/n's confusion deepened, the weight of her mother's sorrow seeping into her own being.
"Mama, what's wrong?" Y/n's voice trembled, her small frame seeking comfort in her mother's arms.
Her mother's voice quivered as she spoke, her words heavy with grief. "Oh, my dear Y/n, I'm so sorry. Your father... he won't be coming home."
“When will he come back?” Y/n's innocent question pierced her mother's heart like a dagger, a painful reminder that her husband would never return.
The weight of the reality settled heavily upon her, making it difficult to find the words to respond. Silently, she held her daughter, her tears continuing to flow, their sorrow mingling in the embrace.
Y/n's question lingered in the air, left unanswered, as the two of them grappled with the harsh truth.
In that moment, the truth crashed over Y/n like a tidal wave, shattering the remnants of her hope. Her small frame trembled with the weight of her realization; her innocence punctured by the harsh reality of loss. The room, once filled with warmth and love, now felt cold and desolate.
The days and weeks that followed, Y/n grappled with the truth, mourning the loss of her father and attempting to make sense of a world that had been irrevocably changed. She would find strength in her memories of him, the stories he had told, and the love he had shown.
Years had passed since the untimely passing of Y/n's father, but the memories of him remained etched deeply within her heart. The room that had once been shared by her parents now served as a sacred space, a place of remembrance and connection.
Every morning, Y/n would enter the room, a gentle smile gracing her lips as she approached the framed photograph of her father. Surrounding it were vibrant flowers, a colorful tribute to his spirit. She carefully lit an incense, clasping her hands together in a gesture of reverence.
"Good morning, Dad," Y/n whispered softly, her voice carrying a mixture of love and longing. The fragrant smoke from the incense filled the air, mingling with her heartfelt memories and love.
Y/n knelt on the tatami floor, lost in her act of paying respects to her father, she was startled by the sound of her mother's voice. The sliding door hastily opened, revealing her mother with an initial tone of anger on her face. Confusion washed over Y/n as she gazed up at her mother, unsure of what had caused her sudden reaction.
"Y/n!" her mother called out, her voice filled with both frustration and concern. But as her mother's eyes met Y/n's innocent gaze, her expression softened. The scowl on her face gave way to a gentler countenance, etched with concern for her daughter's well-being.
"Ah, I thought you were seeing that demon slayer again," her mother said, her voice tinged with worry, Y/n then feign innocence.
A smile formed on Y/n's lips as she closed her eyes, pretending not to understand her mother's implication. "Of course not," she replied, maintaining her innocent façade. "I was just here to pay my respects to papa."
Y/n's mother studied her for a moment, her eyes filled with a mixture of relief and suspicion. She chose not to press further, wanting to believe her daughter's words. “I just want the best for you, dear.”
“I know, no worries.” As Y/n replied to her mother, her mother quietly slid the door closed, unaware that the other side opened simultaneously to mask the noise. Unbeknownst to her, another presence entered the room, its arrival marked by a pair of hands wrapping around Y/n's form.
Y/n's senses heightened as she felt the strong embrace, recognizing the familiar scent of mint and the sensation of broad shoulders pressing against her back. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized who knelt behind her, his black-to-mint strands of hair falling gracefully at the side.
"How sneaky," she murmured, a playful tone in her voice, acknowledging the lengths he went to in order to see her. The familiarity and tenderness in their interactions made her heart flutter, a mixture of joy and apprehension intertwining within her.
Muichiro responded with a soft smile. He leaned in closer, gently placing a kiss on Y/n's head. A quiet chuckle escaped Y/n's lips as she felt the warmth of his breath and the gentle touch of his lips tickling her.
Y/n turned slightly within the embrace to face Muichiro, her expression a mix of concern and affection. Her voice carried a touch of worry as she spoke, aware of the risks they faced.
"This is a dangerous place, you know," she whispered, her eyes darting around the room as if expecting someone to discover them at any moment. "We'll get reprimanded if they see you here."
Muichiro's gentle smile remained unchanged, his eyes filled with unwavering determination and adoration. He understood the dangers they faced, the potential consequences of their clandestine meetings. But his love for Y/n outweighed any fear or reprimand that awaited him.
"I know," he replied softly, his voice filled with sincerity. "But I wanted to see you first. Being near you, even if just for a moment, gives me strength."
As Muichiro leaned over Y/n's chest, his ear pressed against her steady heartbeat, a sense of comfort washed over him. He felt the rhythm of her life pulsating beneath his touch, a reminder of the precious connection they shared.
With a tender touch, he wrapped his arms around her back, securing their embrace in an intimate gesture of love and protection. He held her close, cherishing the warmth and closeness they found in each other's arms.
"I have to pretend like I don't know you outside," Muichiro murmured, his voice tinged with a hint of longing. "Do you know how much I hold myself back from hugging you?"
Y/n's heart swelled at his words, understanding the depth of his struggle. She knew the sacrifices they had to make, the act they had to put on in public to keep their forbidden love hidden. It pained them both to deny their true connection to the outside world.
A soft smile graced Y/n's lips as she replied, her voice filled with affection and understanding. "I know, Mui. It's difficult for me too.”
Y/n understood the intentions behind her mother's concern. She knew that her mother wanted to shield her from the pain and sorrow that came with being involved with the dangerous world of demon slayers. It was a line of work that took loved ones away, leaving behind a trail of grief and heartache.
However, Y/n knew that she couldn't simply discard the love she felt for Muichiro. Their connection went beyond the risks and challenges they faced. A bond that defied the boundaries of their roles and the expectations placed upon them.
As the crow landed on the porch of the room, Y/n's heart sank, knowing all too well what it meant. It was a sign that Muichiro was being summoned for another mission, one that would inevitably separate them once again. The weight of the impending departure hung in the air, but Muichiro remained locked in their embrace, unwilling to let go.
Y/n's voice, filled with tenderness and a hint of sadness, broke the silence. "Mui," she whispered softly, her hand gently caressing his head, fingers intertwining with his hair.
She stared at Muichiro's vulnerable figure, her heart ached with a mixture of love and uncertainty. The reality of their situation weighed heavily upon her, reminding her of the pain and unpredictability that came with the life of a demon slayer.
A sense of sadness crept into her eyes as she contemplated the possibility that their paths might not cross again.
‘We’ll meet again later, right?’
He then sensed the doubts and the change of emotion in the air, he gently pulled himself away from their embrace, his eyes locked with Y/n's. His mint eyes, usually calm and serene, now held a resolute determination that pierced through her uncertainty.
With a soft yet unwavering voice, he spoke words that resonated deep within Y/n's heart. "I'll always come back to you."
In that simple sentence, Muichiro conveyed a promise—a promise that no matter the dangers, the obstacles, or the uncertainties that lay ahead, he would always find his way back to her.
Y/n's gaze met his, her eyes searching for the truth behind his words. And in that moment, she saw the sincerity and conviction reflected in his mint eyes. She could feel the depth of his love, the determination burning within him.
A flicker of hope ignited within her heart, dispelling the doubts that had clouded her mind.
A gentle smile tugged at the corners of Y/n's lips as she nodded, "I trust you, Mui. I'll hold onto your words, knowing that you'll find your way back to me."
Muichiro then reached out and gently took her hand, leaning in and planting a soft kiss on the back of Y/n's hand, a gesture filled with loyalty, devotion, and promises.
The touch of his lips against her skin spoke of his unwavering commitment and the depth of his love for her.
Reluctantly, Muichiro turned to leave, but before he disappeared from view, he looked back at Y/n, his mint eyes shimmering with a mixture of longing and hope. His gaze held a silent promise, a reassurance that their paths would cross once again.
“Until we meet again.”
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otaku553 · 9 months
How goes the fma x albedo fic? I hope that doesn't sound pushy, I'm genuinely curious. And in that vein, do you have any little drabbles you may have written or want to write? Especially with your recent kny ocs/yourself and your siblings. That'd be super fun to read about! Your art AND your writing is so freaking good, the moment I see you've posted something new on your blog I'm clicking it so fast. Same with your ao3 account ❤️
Thank you for the kind words!!! Currently not working on any fics, since I just came out of 10 weeks of summer research where my days began at 8 am and ended at 9 pm for probably less than minimum wage hahaha (doing research is a Bit Sad but I get a whole month to relax before classes start again so thank goodness for that)
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I do however!!! Have a lot of plans!!! If you’re interested you can read more below!
Plans include but are not limited to:
Finally working on Homuncular Nature again!! I definitely do have a lot of plans and cool scenes playing out in my head for the next chapter, it’ll just come down to when I actually put pen to paper (or stylus to iPad) to actually organize and write them all. The road block I think is that I have seen neither Albedo nor fmab very recently and all my concrete ideas are for around the 30 episode mark for fmab, the turning point with the first actual confrontation against father and the subsequent Briggs arc.
Rewriting Ten Thousand Maple Leaves! A lot of people have been very kind but I think I missed the mark with my first chapter to be honest. My writing has gotten a lot wordier and less succinct, which feels like I’m filling a chapter more with fluff and unnecessary description than actual content. I think I also dislike how I characterized Sanemi and how quickly Kazuha was willing to agree with things. Writing both of them is kind of a difficult challenge tbh! I think in rewriting it I want to give back to Kazuha more of his vagrant role in the games, where he is avoiding the law for reasons somewhat out of his control.
Ebisu siblings content! I think it might be fun to try having them interact with more of the canon characters in kny but I also think there’s some value in a complete sort of outsider point of view when inserting characters into a piece of media. I feel like whenever I see self inserts I see a lot of ocs making themselves indispensable and making meaningful relationships with existing characters that way and that’s totally valid! That’s a lot of what I do for crossovers as well. I think when it comes to my own ocs though, I want them to feel grounded in some form and the reality of it is that none of the characters I make based on myself or real people are that impressive or remarkable. But I also think there’s a lot of value in showing smaller scale things outside of the main interactions and plot to show that even though we aren’t remarkable, we still have our own meaningful connections and ideologies and stories :) in the end the Ebisu siblings are a lot more visual though so I may just continue making doodles and art without writing anything haha
Kirby & Meta Knight ageswap AU: I was mostly doing this on my ask-gikabi sideblog in short form comics, but I lost sight of what I wanted to do after making the discord and starting to interact with some of the people who followed it. I think a lot of people are inspired and have their own very cool ideas that I wanted to take into account but then eventually it was no longer my story or the story I wanted to tell, which is why I’m thinking of restarting it as a fic. This one is still in very rough idea stage though, I have honestly no clue how I’m even going to begin organizing it
Yanfei ace attorney crossover: this one’s just pure crack lmao I would definitely write it as crack taken seriously but I think this is fun to explore just for small ideas that pop up every now and then, i.e. yanfei is semi-immortal because she’s half adeptus so it would be Really Funny to me if she showed up in dgs era, got her attorney’s license, went into hiding after it became obvious that she wasn’t aging, and then re-emerged after rebranding herself as her own daughter or granddaughter. That, and I have a lot of fun imagining someone as pragmatic as yanfei trying to get through the sheer chaos of aa despite being otherworldly
Continuing winter weather advisory: I got to a really good point in that fic and was rereading it today like,,, damn I wrote that? And it would be fun to see where I planned on going with it so I do want to also try working on that a bit if I can
Kazuha & Kunikuzushi role swap au: this is something I posted about a Long While ago but it’s an idea I continue to be fascinated with :) I especially enjoy how these two characters could have had completely different roles and personalities depending on how their pasts happened (with wanderer being so nice and turning so bitter and kazuha growing up so spoiled (for lack of a better word) and turning out so weary and yet kind
Link click and mha crossover: this one is honestly just a very recent idea but I think it would be fun to make a drabble on how lightime photo studio would be able to continue operating even in another world and the trouble they might get into for illegal quirk usage and what using cheng xiaoshi’s powers in a world where being able to tell the future is canonically possible would entail
I have!! So many ideas!! And not enough time or motivation to actually write any of them most of the time :’)
But I’m very glad to hear that you enjoy them and look forward to my posts!! :D I really hope I can work on some of these over the last month of summer vacation that I have :)
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xjulixred45x · 8 months
Kaigaku Inadama/Nobara Kusigaki x Reader from out time
Request: Nobara (JJK) y Kaigaku (KNY) with a Reader of our times please? Good luck with your Exams!
Thanks sweetie!
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: Neutral
Warnings: none really, fluff
Nobara Kusigaki
Nobara is a quirky girl, we all know that.
Now, with a reader who comes from a world without curses? That's a new level of extravagant.
Nobara, regardless of gender, would like to go on shopping dates, or even go to cute cafes (even cat cafes) to have a quiet environment to be with her partner (God knows she needs it with her job).
She is very interested in what her S/o has to say about her world, especially because it ties her to reality in some way.
Let me explain to you.
Her S/o IS the little normal thing she have in her life.
Since she entered the world of Sorcery at least.
So I think she really appreciates this new, more "ordinary" perspective on life that her s/o has even though it may seem "more boring" at first glance.
For Nobara you will never be boring.
And partly she wishes she could enjoy the same things as you that she can't afford now (or perhaps never allowed herself due to her context).
I think that thanks to this Nobara would be one of the few people in the entire series who would be very good with a non-Sorcerer s/o. She trusts her abilities to protect you, and honestly, you're the closest thing to a "home" she's had in a long time.
Someone to act her age around and not have to worry about cursing or work is very welcome.
she will protect you no matter what, since you are not from that world, you are obviously not used to dealing with curses, so she will happily take care of them for you.
(she doesn't recognize it, but he loves to show off his skills for you.....whoever she deceives, she shows it off shamelessly).
You are one of the few people who lets you into her heart easily, so he won't let anything happen to you.
If you want to learn to be a Sorcerer, she will be conflicted, on the one hand she wants both of you to be a ✨power couple✨ but on the other hand the VERY likely possibility that you will die terrifies her.
But it's your decision. If you decide to do so, you will have ✨Scary Dog Privilge ✨ because Nobara will make sure NO ONE messes with you, be it curse or humans.
If you decide not to do it, she's fine with that, according to her "I can be brutal for both of us."
In general she protects you more than most because she cares a lot :3
Kaigaku Inadama
He definitely thought you were joking at first.
More so when you told him about the things of our time that OBVIOUSLY had not been invented for the Taisho Era. But more than bothering Kaigaku, he found it fun. At first.
Now, if you had some proof that what you say is THE TRUTH (like a phone or even a flashlight, some small but technological thing), Kaigaku.Exe stops working.
And he spends a LONG TIME questioning everything.
But then he realizes that if man-eating demons exist, then what you say may be possible.
I think he would also be impressed (even if he doesn't admit it) with his S/o's level of education (in the Taisho era people barely knew how to read and write, so if you have finished high school, you look like a GENIUS in comparison to Kaigaku).
But he also realize that your S/o is used to a much more peaceful type of life. Which means he has to constantly protect you.
It doesn't bother him, he likes to show off his strength with you (although he WILL DIE before saying it), so he constantly shows off when there is danger nearby.
In a way that his S/o comes from a future without demons gives him some hope, because it means that 1-or the demons FINALLY become extinct or 2-the Pillars will defeat Muzan at some point. Either one is good.
Of course, I don't know if it's a good idea to talk to him about Hiroshima or Nagasaki ☠️
Besides, he doesn't understand at all the historical or cultural references that his S/o throws at him, but he dismisses it rather than getting angry.
While Kaigaku is confident in his abilities to protect his s/o, I can see him being somewhat paranoid, so he would give them Wisteria fixes in case he had to go on a mission and they couldn't come.
If his S/o wants to be a Demon slayer, I think he would be very against it, more than anything he doesn't want to lose the little positive that has come into his life (he doesn't say it, but he lets it be seen), although if his S/o insists A LOT, he'll probably let you see Jigoro, and if they manages to pass the training, he would have his S/o go on all his missions with him (except when it is MANDATORY that he go alone).
If S/o remains a civilian, perhaps Kaigaku would recommend going to work in one of the Wisteria houses that the guild has, it doesn't require much training (from what I understand) and it would be much more practical to see each other more often.
In general, he is less of an idiot and more protective of a reader in our world, believing that you could not defend yourself as well as him.
But he loves you just the same.
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theshinazugawaslut · 25 days
can you rate mha ships? i agreed w/ your kny ship stuff so i'm curious
izuku midorya x uraraka ochaco - 7/10
I think it's very over-hated as a ship!
It's initial dynamic was very good but was ruined by Horikoshi's writing but Ochaco is a really sweet girl and I think it's just what someone like Izuku needs!
I don't like how they look somewhat similar though, that's what bothers me!
izuku midoriya x katsuki bakugo - 10/10
I actually don't ship this at all but I still think it's a 10/10 ship
I totally understand where the shippers come from because it's kinda damn obvious lmao
A very over-hated ship, their dynamic is unique, well-written, and special.
izuku midoriya x shoto todoroki - 2/10
They genuinely just seem like very platonic friends
I don't like the ship
It looks like grasshopper x candy cane; I don't like how they look together
I love them individually but together they'd be quite boring
But it's cute in its own way, just not for me
katsuki bakugo x todoroki shoto - infinity/10
I love this ship
This is my most favourite ship in all of fiction
Their dynamic is so good together
The fanfics have such good understanding of both these characters, it's refreshing to see.
The ships fanfics also don't focus a lot on smut because these two characters both require a much deeper level of emotional intimacy to even hold hands.
I love this ship so much.
shoto todoroki x momo yaoyorozu - 0/10
This is like sanekana for me; I absolutely fucking despise this ship
I don't want it anywhere near me
A fucking yawn fest
Individually brilliant characters but together, not so much.
It lacks any sort of dynamic, emotional aspects, they don't even look good together. I'd actually believe they were cousins.
Shoto looks fucking gay to me and Momo needs a much more different man than Shoto.
Not well-written, doesn't work.
katsuki bakugo x camie - 0/10
Get this ship away from me.
Almost as bad as sanekana
I don't know where this ship comes from
It shouldn't be a ship
Looking at both their characters and writing, neither of them would ever like each other romantically. At most, they're gay best friends.
I may write bakugo fics but in reality, he looks fucking zesty.
dabi x hawks - 10/10
I don't care what y'all say, I love this ship, it has so much potential
The way these two speak to each other, their parallels, their dynamic, their designs, the possible tropes is all chef's kiss.
Enemies to lovers, hero x villain, like sign me up
shigaraki x dabi - 10/10
While I don't ship this, I love all the fanfics; it's very interesting and overall, they're super funny together.
Dabi also gaining respect for Shiggy throughout MHA is such a cute thing to me.
mina ashido x eijirou kirishima - 2/10
Random ass ship.
I despise this as well.
They look like two monsters put together.
Mina is so boring for me and while I think it's sweet she inspired Kirishima, her writing overall is very forced for me and perhaps if their story and interactions had been written better, it could've been a possibility.
mina ashido x tokoyami fumikage - 7/10
We don't see much of them.
But I really liked their interactions in the second film!
Not a personal shipper but it's very nice!
eijirou kirishima x katsuki bakugo - 0/10
I don't really like this ship because to me it feels like brothers for me, like brothers in arms/comrades, as if Kirishima taught Katsuki the meaning of friendship. They just remind me of gymbros.
Kind of like a basic trope to me so I don't really enjoy it but I love them platonically!
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serodev · 2 years
hi hi!
saw your inbox was open and bolted into it bfewal-
but i was wondering if i could request or just get your thoughts on Rengoku w/ a m!reader who owns his own bakery in a nearby town. the reader is seen as small and weak, seeing as he has no visible muscles. but in reality, he could probably throw someone 5x his size/weight over his shoulder.
do whatever you want with this ^-^
Warnings: None!
Pairing: Rengoku x male!reader
Note(s): *cracks my knuckles* I'm so happy to do headcanons based on this because 1, I love Rengoku, and 2, there aren't enough kny x male!reader headcanons and fics. I hope you enjoy these headcanons!!
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» First things first: Rengoku got to know you for the first time thanks to your bakery (and his love for food), and he fell in love with the place (and you!) right in the beginning because of the pastries and the other baked goods you made tasted amazing.
» He got more than surprised when he saw you lift up those big bags of flour (you had known each other for a while, so you had given Rengoku permission to walk around the bakery, and this included the backyard as well, where you got the shipments delivered to). He knew not to doubt your strength because, hey, you were a man after all, but you looked so tiny and weak that he almost yelled out your name when he saw you lift the heavy bag!
» This poor man choked on his saliva when he saw how easily you lifted that bag up like it weighed nothing, and it also made him realize one more thing: he had a crush on you. This was the first time he had ever fallen in love with a man, so he was understandably confused!! He had always joked with Uzui about being bisexual, and it seemed like it was true!
» To be honest, Rengoku started to admire and respect you a lot more after that because even he couldn't lift something that heavy as easily as you did, and he went to the gym every other day!
» Please lift him up, please, please, please. He's going to light up like a kid on a Christmas morning if you do that, and bonus points if you actually manage to throw him over your shoulder! (Rengoku's going to laugh a ton!)
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Author's note: I hope you enjoyed these headcanons! I've been really busy these past few weeks, so it feels nice to get back to writing these headcanons for you! 
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asirensrage · 7 months
WIP Tag Game!
I was tagged by @themaradwrites for this. Thanks! I'm a little afraid lol
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs
Tammy Thompson Takes on the Upside Down (Stranger Things. Steve Harrington x OC)
Erudite!Eric - a study in intimacy (Divergent. Eric x oc)
Matt and Billy and OC make 3 (MCU. Matt Murdock x Billy Russo x oc)
Tammy - Alternate POVs
there’s a heaven above you (oc x the lost boys)
Halloween Challenges/Prompts (various)
the weight of all my sins Naruto ideas (various including Kakashi x oc)
Something Missing (something strange) (Gaston x oc)
Divination as a Diversion (Hermione Granger x The Darkling)
Serendipity - Wick fic (John Wick x oc)
cassia and varro (Spartacus: Varro x OC)
Reality is Fictional (who even knows. Various)
Saudade - May you be cursed to never find peace (Tokyo Revengers, OC x various)
Dig My Grave (take my hand). It's just a quirk. (My Hero Academia. Dark fic. Dabi x OC)
An Offering and The Sacrifice (Demon Slayer. Rengoku x OC)
Tokyo Revengers Oneshots
KNY Oneshots
Alpha (original work)
The question is timing (Naruto/KNY crossover. Sakura centric)
JJK - Balance (Jujutsu Kaisen. Various)
plane ideas and sleep deprivation
poetry (original work)
The Good In You (MCU. Steve Rogers x OC)
Prompts (various)
Soulmates (various)
AU Oneshot Ideas (various)
Dark Drabbles
Joyce Summers. Assassin. Conman. Thief. Mother. (BtvS. undecided)
A Slayer in Hawkins (Stranger Things/BtvS crossover. undecided)
Quest for the Ages (Divergent: Eric x OC Quest)
dreaming of falling (Divergent: Eric x oc Quest)
well well look who's at it again (SoA. Jax Teller x oc)
season 2 (SPN. sequel to Crossfire Sam x OC)
season 3 (SPN. third in Crossfire series - Sam x oc)
Ice Ice Baby (Stranger Things. Eddie x oc Emma)
favours (leverage. undecided Eliot x oc or Quinn x oc)
For the Children (Leverage. Eliot x oc)
Between Discord and Rhyme (Teen Wolf. Derek Hale x oc)
Riptide (Spencer Reid x oc)
Skywalker rewrite (Star Wars. various)
Les Tres Geckos (From Dusk til Dawn. Richie x oc)
Coffee Shop AU (original)
Fae Mafia (original)
this isn't even all of them...
tagging: @arrthurpendragon @faithfire @rey-of-luke @mabonetsamhain @chickensarentcheap @residentdormouse @renhoeku @comatosebunny09 and anyone else who wants to join in/share
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deleteddewewted · 2 years
Lady Muzan for the sweet and sour event. I want to do sour, obsessive love. Muzan fawns over a human and does the unthinkable to make them theirs.
Sour: Diseased
Yandere! Lady Muzan x Gn! Reader
❤️🖤Sweet And Sour Event (May 21 - June 26)(JJK, MHA, KNY Characters Only!)❤️🖤
❤️🖤Sweet And Sour Event Masterlist❤️🖤
W: Heavy Manipulation Themes, Mildly Suggestive, Murder, Torture, Nonconsensual Demon Turning, Obsessed/Yandere! Muzan, Mutual Attraction, Dark Themes
If you'd like to support my work (Check my Ko-fi and Throne!)
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Humanity was a matter that she cared nothing for. After all, spending centuries living un complete commodity and never needing to struggle for a single thing she wanted, Muzan grew complacent. She had lovers come and go, some of who she killed because she became hungry. None of them were worth anything to her since she had an abundance of suitors. She usually picked the ones that looked pretty and who would do enough to satiate her needs for the night but they would usually be disposed of in the end.
She searched for a new partner to help her pass the night, the Redlight district usually offered plentiful opportunities to find someone. Usually, she would walk around, her makeup flawlessly done that was complimented by a red lip, and see what person looked the most attractive out of a crowd that would form around her. Usually, the men would offer her a lot of money to spend the night with her, and some even offered to pay off her debt if it meant she became their wife. She ignored many of the offers, she was deeply offended that they thought she was a cheap whore so she made it clear that monetary incentive came at a high price. She charged higher than any Oiran ever cost but there were never any complaints, she was gorgeous, ethereal almost, and the pathetic men with only lust in their eyes never complained.
She planned on doing the same thing she usually did but tonight it was different. She caught a mysterious stranger’s eyes as she walked around the redlight district. They had something about them that attracted her, looks mostly, but she felt something foreign when their eyes met.
You made sure to present yourself the best way you knew that night. You had raised enough money to pay off your sister’s debt, the entire ordeal becoming more and more stressful as the years passed by, and no matter how much you begged the best stayed the same. It was a painful reality but you persevered through it all. You didn’t bother with looking around and certainly didn’t care at all about the beautiful women who walked around looking for their next client. You walked passed a dark-haired woman, eyes ruby red with a black kimono. You met her eyes and averted them once you were past her. She was beautiful but the feeling was fleeting. There was nothing significant there that made you want to stay and chat.
Rejection never felt good for anyone but for Muzan it was like someone slapped her across the face. A mortal, a human, ignoring her for whatever other task was insulting. She followed you with her eyes and watched you enter one of the houses. 
You bowed to the manager of the house and looked on the verge of tears as you waved your money around. The manager stanched your money and began to count as they spoke back to you. It was a pathetic sight, you were crying and snot was running down your face as you begged. Who knows what the reason was but she made her way towards you and the manager of the house and asked what the situation was.
“This one wants to pay for our Oirans debt but they haven’t brought enough.” The manager sneered. Muzan’s face darkened at the thought that an Oiran had bested her in capturing your attention.
“She’s my sister! I want her back! She deserves to be happy and live a peaceful life where she’s not being used and mistreated by any man who has enough money to pay to damage her!” More tears escaped you but this time someone’s hand had been placed on your shoulder.
”How much do they still owe?” Muzans grip tightened on your shoulder as the manager began to babble on about how she couldn’t possibly afford to pay off the debt owed. Muzan simply rolled her eyes and threw her purse at the manager who fumbled with it.
“That should be enough for the sister. Now-” She turned all of her attention onto you,” what do I have to do in order to get a moment with you?” An ever-widening grin became more sinister as she waited for your response.
Your sister and you lived in a large estate with servants who took care of the both of you. She found a husband who could give her everything she could ever want but instead of her leaving to love with him, he came and loved in the estate you both resided in. Muzan, the woman who had paid for your sister’s debt, had given you both a home to live in and feed you both properly. The clothes you both wore were expensive, none like you’ve ever owned before and ever thought of owning. 
“I can’t have any of you looking ragged. You’re mine now. You must look the part.” It was semi-aggressive but she was also very loving towards you. 
She had you sit down and proceed to crawl into your lap as she played with your hair. She would leave kisses all over your neck, her arms wrapped around you to take in your warmth. It was awkward in the beginning, you weren’t romantically involved with her and it was socially reprehensible that you both were both this physically close. Yet, it never bothered her. She continued it even in front of others. At times it made you feel like a criminal. You had a gorgeous woman enveloping herself in your clothes and in your being while other wealthy and socially respected men couldn’t.
“Why haven’t you seduced me into bed already. I’m starting to think you don’t like my company.” Muzan had been doing her makeup when she asked you. You felt too warm and stuffy sitting behind her and watching her. She was nude, naked as the day she was born, and all too tempting for you. Your face was warm and your ears heated as she turned to face.
“So you don’t like me.” You shook your head.
“N-no, it’s not that at all. I do find you attractive but I’m not of social standing. My family was poor and my sister was sold off to help pay off our debt but in return, she developed her own.” You struggled to ignore her breasts as she walked toward you and sat in front of you.
“I don’t feel like I am worthy of you. Of your affection or your body. You deserve to be with someone of higher standing, someone who could give you everything you want-” Muzan stopped before you could continue. Her hand smushed your cheeks together and prevented you from speaking.
“Ive done many things to show you I want you. I didn’t bring you to live with me just because.” She brought her face closer to your own, her breath a mixture of the sweets she indulged in and the alcohol she enjoyed drinking when in private with you.
“You’re mine.” Her lips met yours and for the first time since you’ve both met, you tasted blood. You choked as she pushed more of the vial flood into your mouth and gagged in an attempt to not swallow.
Your head grew hazy and your body began to burn as she kept you pressed against her. The kiss took your breath away but the emotions rushing through you were not pleasant. Fear and dread engulfed you as the woman you once looked at with admiration and care, dug her nails into your skin. The moment she let you go, your body fell forward and convulsed as she watched. Blood spewed out from your mouth as your awareness faded. Muzan held you as you laid dormant in her arms. Her body was warm and welcoming as you rest against her. 
“Ive done too much for you. Ive become soft, kind, and gentle with you.” Her eyes softened as your breathing steadied and your heartbeat settled.
“I can’t have anyone taking advantage of this. Ive done so many things to ensure that you’re mine.” She lowered herself and kissed your forehead with a silent plea that you would wake up soon.
She carried you to her bedroom and left you on her bed wrapped in her blankets. Her body felt the absence of your being, her nude body cold without you to keep her warm. She made her way to the cellar and was met with the pungent scent of decay. The bodies of those who had once courted her and those who defied her rotted away in the dark space. Muzan stepped over the limbs and ripped pieces of human until she reached the cell she was looking for. Inside laid the manager of the house that kept your sister, captive. Besides the manager, there was a strange man who Muzan later found out was the one who sold your sister and maintained your family in poverty by demanding high rent. She feeds off of them slowly, their screams becoming more satisfying as they beg her to stop. She did it because she noticed the stress it caused you, the horrible memories that talking about the past managed to do to you. You’d cry silently at night thinking that she isn’t able to hear you through the walls. The rage of knowing that you suffered at the hands of mortals upsets her more than she could have ever imagined.
She tore off both of their heads, the spine making a disgusting cracking and popping sound, while the flesh audibly ripped apart from where they were connected. The bodies slumped forward, the heads were thrown away to the side so they could rot away. Muzan’s only thoughts were to go back to the bed you lay in and embrace you the way she always wanted to. Hold you and adore you the same way you made her feel adored.
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meowzfordayz · 2 years
Author’s Note: loss is an infinite, endless feeling — remember to give yourself the time, space, compassion to grieve, to process, to heal. 💗
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Hashira x Reader, Tokito Muichiro x Reader
Word Count: ~1,400
CW: implied OC death
Emergency Request Fulfilled: could I ask for some emergency comfort headcanons for the kny hashiras? I just lost someone I was very close with and loved a lot, he was the closest thing I ever had to a brother. I’ve found that no matter how hard I try to express my emotions about losing him that I can’t get the words out, I basically mask my emotions until I’m alone and then break down again.
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Wakes you up at dawn to watch the sun rise
Waits until you fall asleep before drifting off himself
Gyomei’s no stranger to his own grief, but he’s less certain about how to walk beside you through yours. He recognizes, respects, the space and time you need to process, remember, hold onto… just as he’s terrified of unintentionally isolating you. And so, the quiet breath of dawn—the wordless embrace of nightfall—become his allies. You’ve never been one to rise with the sun, and he’s accustomed to early evenings, but there’s a softer, slower reassurance in the fragile touch, caress, whisper of steady hands, warm skin, blooming color; a languid patience in the maw of a billion stars as Gyomei’s pulse lulls you to an empty, soothing darkness.
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Coaxes you into talking
Not necessarily about your loss
About anything, really, to keep you anchored
Obanai knows he should be more cognizant, more gentle toward you, but he’s unsure how to translate the tenderness—the ache—in his heart into something tangible, something comforting. He knows you, better than he knows himself, yet finds himself stumped when it comes to addressing the ghostly flicker clinging to your stubbornly glowing stare. You can talk to me he wants to remind you, but one glance at your tired brow and he knows that you already know that. I know you’re hurting he wants to remark, but another glance at your hands shoved anxiously into your pockets and he knows that isn’t what you need to hear. “How was your day?” he murmurs instead, voice muffled by your shoulder as he hugs you firmly, his fingers interlocking to nestle protectively against the small of your back. “Different,” you mumble, muscles gradually, reluctantly melting into his heat. Different without him you wish you could confess, suffocating reality numbing your gut; heaviness sinking further every time the truth sticks to your throat, unwilling to name itself; eyelashes damp as Obanai squeezes you closer, whispering a heartbroken, “I know.”
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Holds your hand
A subtle, intimate, consistent offer of solidarity
Mitsuri’s always been physically affectionate (with your consent, of course). Shoulder bumps, elbow nudges, lingering hugs, casually sitting on laps, piggyback rides; G’morning nose kisses, I missed you exaggerated smooches, You look beautiful soft cheek kisses; holding your hand through fear, excitement, nervousness; in adoration, concern, and affection. I’ve got you her thumb says as she rubs small circles into your skin. I’m here her grip says, tightening when you stiffen, your eyes fogging for a fleeting second, loosening when your posture straightens. I’m not going anywhere her pinky says, linked promisingly with yours as you walk together, eat together, sleep together. “You can turn over,” you smile faintly, your hand cradled in hers, exhaustion tugging at both of you, “I know you sleep better facing the other way.” With a decided crinkle of her nose, Mitsuri huffs fondly, pretending to snore as she leans forward to kiss your forehead, “I sleep best knowing you’re okay.” And even though I’m not okay, you nod slightly Thank you.
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Brews you tea
And if you forget to drink it, then she brings you a fresh mug
“I didn’t drink the last mug,” you sigh quietly, ears warming, “I’m sorry.” Shinobu chuckles, entirely unbothered, sipping your now cold tea as she places a hot mug of chamomile and honey beside you. “That’s fine. I figured this might help you fall asleep.” Your eyes close, careful movements louder at night as she sets the cold mug on her side of the futon, kakebuton shifting as she joins you, familiar toes poking at your knees. “I’m tired,” you mumble, reaching subconsciously for her sweet scent, “Probably won’t finish this mug either.” Shinobu hums in response, stern palm cupping your jaw, fingertips tracing the sadness settled in your cheekbones, “I’ll drink it in the morning.”
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Takes on your least favorite chores
Ensures your surroundings are clean and tidy
Kyojuro understands the importance of dignity and self respect, of maintaining a sense of “normal”; recognizes the danger of the thickness, of drowning in the sludge of denial and finality; so despite how deeply he wishes to lessen the weight of the everyday—to protect and pamper you—he refrains from doing everything for you. He compromises with himself: folding the laundry while you put it away; cleaning the bathroom while you make the bed; sweeping the floors while you load the dishwasher; never badgering or rushing you; always pecking your temple, your forehead, your mouth afterwards. “Thank you for all your help,” you remark pointedly, plopping tiredly onto his lap, the couch squeaking as he readjusts his legs for you. A sheepish noise escapes him, warm blush hidden as he nuzzles at your clavicle, “You are most welcome.” I can handle myself part of you wants to insist I’m managing; But I miss him so much a larger part of you exhales shakily, quiet heat sliding down your cheeks as you tug Kyojuro’s arms around your torso, chest panging when he immediately squeezes, whispering gently, “I will always look out for you.”
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Randomly massages you
Hates seeing your visible tension and pain
Not, like, hates you for it — just hates how helpless he feels
“You’re tense,” Sanemi mutters, cool fingers skimming your shoulders as he stands behind you, chin digging lightly into the top of your head. No I’m not your usual sassy retort simmers in the circles under your eyes, audible groan heavy on your tongue as he kneads firmly. “Really tense,” he grumbles, bare chest pressing invitingly—comfortingly—against your back, “You should get in bed.” I’m not tired your typical protest floats lost in your esophagus, stare weary as you gaze out at the dim kitchen light, soreness in your thighs flaring as the realization of how long you’ve mindlessly sat finally registers. “Want me to carry you?” he teases softly, concern lining his tone. “Everything hurts,” you admit, touching your nose to the countertop with a hollow sigh Everything. You miss the way Sanemi winces at your casually uttered statement, hands stilling for a fleeting moment; miss the way his eyes narrow, stubbornness burrowing into his brow; the way he shoves his intrusive You can’t help them despair as far down as possible. “Let me carry you,” he repeats, delicate fingertip traversing the curve of your spine Let me ease your hurting.
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Isn’t confident in his ability to say what he means
So he writes you short letters instead
Another day of lukewarm silence. Of wanting to extend condolences. Wanting to cradle your pain in the palms of his hands. To tuck your swollen heart into the safety of his chest; to smooth the gentle agony in your haggard stare; to press warmth and promise against your dry, half smiling lips.
Dearest, I hope you slept well. Coffee’s prepped for you, just hit “Brew Now”. <3, Giyuu
Dearest, if I’m still in the shower when you wake, then feel free to join me. <3, Giyuu
Dearest, I’m here for you. I adore you. Your joy joys me. Your pain pains me. Your burden I wish to carry, to taste, to lighten. <3, Giyuu
Dearest, your laughter yesterday reminded me of spring. Of dappled sunlight and shimmering waves. You’re my favorite. <3, Giyuu
And even though the ache in your bones threatens daily to pin you in place, his letters nudge you. One foot, another foot, another foot forward.
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Invites you to train with him
Drills, weight lifting, running
Tengen doesn’t mean to pressure or guilt you, but he feels clearer—steadier—after training, so he figures: what helps empty his mind might help empty yours too? And it does, if only temporarily. The bright gleam in your focused stare; glistening sweat trailing slowly from your temple to your chin; unguarded grin flashing determinedly at him. “You’re beautiful,” he declares, stray damp hairs clinging to his neck as he leans in to steal a proud, cherishing kiss. “I feel good,” you peck back at his flexed shoulder, not so subtly grazing your fingertips across his clothed abdominals, pressing into the valleys of muscle. “I love you,” he whispers, voice catching at the unadulterated calm in your movements. “And I love you,” you peck at his other shoulder, creeping vines of grief momentarily relegated to the hinterlands of your soul, wrapping yourself in the sentinel devotion of Tengen’s compassion.
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rayasland · 2 years
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how you first met
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- ⊱┊pairings. tanjiro, zenitsu, inosuke x fem! reader [no nezuko]
- ⊱┊warnings. none
a/n; not very proud of this one. lmk what i should change though <3
lil note; can guys you please please give me ideas for uppermoons + muzan headcanons!! I am completely blank on ideas. i want angst because im not good at writing angst much and want to improve. thank you.
(please don't steal my posts and claim them as your own 🙏🏾)
sorry for any grammatical errors
kny masterlist
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˚୨ TANJIRO ୧⋆。˚ ⋆
in shinobu's mansion (after his trial).
you were shinobu's tsugoko, training to become a hashira in the future. you were given the task to help kamado tanjiro and his freinds to regain their strength from their intense battle against the spider family.
you and tanjiro become great friends. the only problem was that you both had feelings for each other and thought it was unrequited.
he'd try giving you hints that he had a crush on you by giving you sweet smiles when you locked eyes, always helping you with stuff even when you didn't need help, paying attention to everything you say and so on.
what's really stupid is that you thought he was just being friendly and that he does this with every girl he meets not really.
so basically y'all are hopeless unless one of you make a move, or someone tells you.
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˚୨ ZENITSU ୧⋆。˚ ⋆
in the wisteria house.
you were also a demon slayer who was led to the wisteria house after your mission.
as you were about to knock on the tall gates of the home, you suddenly heard voices getting closer and closer to where you were standing.
you turned around to see the trio, and zenitsu and inosuke fighting
tanjiro noticed you first and caught the other two's attention, them then glancing to where tanjiro was staring.
zenitsu swore that as soon as he laid his eyes on you, he instantly fell in love. but, it wasn't the 'cling-onto-you-and-beg-you-to-marry-him kind of love'. it was love.
zenitsu froze on the spot as you two made eye contact, him turning beet red and you turning away as soon as you made eye contact.
he was left behind as tanjiro and inosuke went over to you. his brain malfunctioned for a few more seconds, snapping back into reality once tanjiro called him over to introduce him, "and this is zenitsu!"
"ah, hello zenitsu.. i'm y/n!" you said.
he felt his heart skip a beat as soon as he heard his name roll off your lips.
then his eyes turned into hearts and he follows you around the whole day.
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˚୨ INOSUKE ୧⋆。˚ ⋆
in the entertainment district.
you are tengen's tsugoko and you're requested to go alongside him and three other demon slayers.
at first you thought nothing of it until you actually met the chaotic trio. but for some reason, you were always drawn to the boy with the boar mask. you didn't know if it was because he was wearing a boar mask or just genuine attraction.
that was when he had the mask on. but when he had to take it off for the disguise as girls, you fell in love.
for a while, you kept your feelings secret, until he started sharing his food, actually pronouncing your name correctly and even giving you presents.
"hey, y/n!! im giving you this acorn because.. well.. i don't know why im giving it to you but-"
"inosuke, i like you."
"hah?!" he had to ask tanjiro what you meant by 'like'.
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trancylovecraft · 3 months
Previous Chapter ☆♡☆ Masterlist ☆♡☆ Next Chapter
AO3 link
CHAPTER FIFTEEN: "..Soldier on, Achilles."
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Amnesia is the loss of memory. It can inhibits the formation of new memories and/or the recollection of old ones. Several regions of the brain are involved in the process of memory including the amygdala, hippocampus, cerebellum, and prefrontal cortex. Damage to one or more of these areas can often result in post-traumatic amnesia.
Shizuko sat still, Legs closed and basketed at the end of the table.
The dark spots of his eyes remained enthralled upon the udon bowl before him, Unwavering as he watched the liquid residue of the noodle inside reflect the lights of the small dining room he sat in.
It was like watching fish make ripples in a pond. A quirk on his lips and a scrunch of his face, Tongue bit. He didn't even dare to pick up the lone pair of chopsticks sat beside the bowl, Seemingly went unnoticed by the boy.
Neither did the dim interior of the room, Where the sunlight of the brisk morning just didn't reach the small room. Only spits of radiance shining through the perfect square grid shoji-walls, No thin paper to let the sun from the surrounded garden shine in.
Despite the lack of light, Shizuko scrutinized the Tupperware, Scowling at the meal inside.
"Seriously, What the hell is that thinking face? You're lookin' at your udon like it offended you personally, Aren't you gonna eat it?"
Shizuko jerked his head up at the brash jest coming from across the table. Wide, Owlish eyes glaring back at Genya who spoke them.
Suddenly snapping back into reality, Registering the small dining room that they were located in.
"Mind your business. I'll eat it on my own time, You just focus on yours." Shizuko retorted, Quickly and despondent as he vaguely gestured towards Genya's own majority-eaten portion of Udon.
Shizuko swiftly retracted his hand afterwards, Defiantly tossing his head to the side to stare off somewhere else within the room. Anywhere but at him, Shizuko had better things to think about right now.
Genya's eyes narrowed, The pair of chopsticks entwined between his rough fingers lowered, Dropping into the bowl.
"..You're thinking about what happened back at the old Kakushi Base, Aren't you?" He asked, Knowing the answer not with words but by the way Shizuko snapped his eyes back over to his.
They widened like saucers, Accusatory in stance as he tried to keep his cool.
"Wow, Detective. How'd you figure that one out?" Shizuko retorted, Finally plucking the chopsticks from beside his bowl and scooping up the udon noodle inside. The woollen gloves hugging his hand being the only thing stopping from puking up at the touch.
Genya and Shizuko, The two renowned Tsuguko of Gyomei Himejima. Constantly in competition and combat with each other, Sparring or spat used interchangeably. Ever since they were both younger and in the care of their master, It had been that way.
So with all the time they had been together there was no question that Genya would be able to tell when Shizuko's off, Especially if it had been happening for a few months. Ever since that day in the billowing mountainside, Shizuko had just been.. Strange.
The ticking of his eye tocked a little more often, His sensitive fingertips were just a little more potent. He woke up just a little later, Sloppier when it came to training.
Genya could tell that it irked him.
"Whatever, I'm just saying that it's been months since it happened. I mean, I'm still pissed about it too but I mean.. Come on, Man." He scoffed, Rolling his eyes as he finally tossed down his chopsticks into the finished bowl, Only pungent residue remaining within the ceramic.
The other boy however paused the movements of his own chopsticks, Just before the udon noodle touched his lips.
"It's not like you could understand, You weren't there! You were stuck helping out on evacuations!" Shizuko scowled as he lowered his hand, Troubled face even more gnarly with that expression on his face.
Genya lowered a brow.
"Oh, You're going on about your fight with Upper Six." He said, Starting to sort his used Tupperware into a neat pile. "..You know, Neither you or Himejima-sensei has spoke about it. What did go down there..?"
Genya's follow on was much quieter than his starting statement, Dark eyes honing on Shizuko with a sharp glint. Since the Shrine Invasion neither Shizuko or Gyomei had talked about their brawl with the Uppermoon.
Not a lick or lisp of the event, A seemingly wordless agreement between the two to keep it under wraps. Genya couldn't deny he was curious. Especially since it was the catalyst for his allies discomfort.
Shizuko's lips pursed together, Thinning along with his eyes starting to wander off in what seemed to be thought.
The grip on his chopsticks tightened, Almost snapping them in half.
"..Upper Six, He was.. He was my friend.. Ne, Someone I was raised with and someone I use to consider my brother.." Shizuko whispered, His voice almost a brush in the air or a prayer amongst thousands.
His eyes focused on nothing, Nothing except the blizzard and the electric blue that chased it. Almost possessed, His gloved hand twitched and moved on its own, Covered fingertips raising to near graze his forehead under the mess of his curls.
They were shaking, His fingers. Even more once they brushed against his skin.
"He's.. He's the reason I had my accident, The reason I.. The reason I can't remember anything." His fingers entangled within the wilderness of his hair, Swiftly wrangling back his curls to reveal his forehead.
Large, Swollen and horribly malformed were only the first few words that came to mind. A massive scar where a gash had for no doubt once lain, Shaped like a star and mis-coloured from the rest of his skin, It was hideous and most seemingly painful.
Genya's eyes went ajar. The scar he was aware of through missed strikes of a training sword or a stray gust of wind, All accidents that were quickly covered up.
But now..?
Gloved fingers grasped at the scar on his forehead, Ever so slightly tighter and so absent-mindedly that the disgust of the sensation was forgotten in the moment, Along with the memories of how the scar appeared.
The only thing he recalled from that night was the emotion he felt. Betrayal, Terror and agonising pain. His head bashing against the far wall, Ichor bursting from the wound and the blood loss flowing out along with his memory lost.
That, And his face.
His childhood, Everything before he had came to the old monastery was gone like a drop in the sea. Forgotten in the waves of time, The only thing he remembered..
That touch, That warm touch..
It was divine.
"..I'm sorry." Genya finally spoke up, Much more serious in tone as he looked at him in shock. "I shouldn't of brought it up. Just forget I said anything.."
Shizuko sighed, Hand finally relenting from his forehead as the nauseating feeling of touch returned to him.
"No, You're right. Ngh.. I shouldn't be caught up in it, It's not like Kaigaku means anything to me anymore. He's dead in my eyes, Left us and became a demon.." Shizuko mumbled as he finally returned the udon to his lips, Starting to chew.
Genya shuffled on his knees, Now uncomfortable as the silence returned. The sounds of the early day and the chirp of the crickets in the square garden outside was no longer a comfort, Nor the birds warble in the trees, Just unsettled now.
Shizuko frowned, Sipping up the noodle into his mouth.
"Ne.. Either way, I have another demon to replace him." Shizuko chewed, Now directly gesturing to Genya with his chopsticks. Sly and sarcastic grin spreading his face, Watching as Genya's jaw dropped.
"Eh..?! Oh come on, I thought we were having a good moment there!" Genya exclaimed, A weathered fist slamming down onto the table which made the Tupperware atop shake and clatter together.
Shizuko however, Wasn't as startled as the dishes.
"Why, What's wrong? I'm just stating the obvious here, It's not my fault you're a demon muncher." Shizuko replied with an ever-smug grin on his face to which Genya scoffed at.
"It's not my fault you've got a girls name!" Genya retorted, Scrunch in his nose.
"Hey! It's not mine either, You think I wanted this name? What shitty caregiver I had must've hated me.." Shizuko muttered now with a slight tick to the smugness in his grin, Afterwards tossing the chopsticks onto the table and cupping the bowl to bring it to his lips.
Genya huffed.
"Must have, Though to be fair who wouldn't take one look at you and feel unbearable disgust." He jested, Trying to lighten the mood yet it seemed too heavy to be lifted as Shizuko didn't jab back.
A bad sign, Written in the boldest of inks.
Genya's smile lowered as he lowered his head along with Shizuko's, Awkward tension filling the air now. Shizuko tilted his head upwards towards the wood-panel ceiling, Bowl raising as he felt the savoury liquids enter his mouth.
He took a moment, Leftover toppings of broken seaweed and tofu chunks to chase it. It flooded onto his tongue until there was nothing but running droplets in the ceramic, Shizuko slammed it down with an audible clank!
Shizuko wiped his mouth on the sleeve of his clover-coloured kimono.
"Ngh.. Done." He breathed, Throwing a hand onto the tatami floor (Making sure it was just the start of his palm, Not his fingertips) to push himself up. "..I think I need to go take a walk in the garden for a bit.. I need to clear my head."
Genya blinked.
"Hey.. I didn't actually upset you, Right? You know I didn't mean that, Just said it to piss you off is all.." He admitted as he watched Shizuko get to his feet, Shake his hair until it was in an acceptable position and turn away.
"Ne, I know. I'm just not feeling well, Training from earlier really got to me is all.." Shizuko replied, Not turning back to Genya who still sat though a little more disgruntled than he was before.
He could only watch as his ally dragged his feet over to the sliding door. With practice, Using his elbow to push it open. Shizuko didn't look back at Genya and Genya knew that it wasn't what he said that irked him so.
It was still the Shrine Incident.
Genya wanted to know what really was up with him, But he wasn't exactly the right person to deal with it. He wasn't there, He didn't know his past with the new Upper Six, Nor was he there when he had his accident.
It was best that he stayed out of it, For now at least. Genya picked up the finished dishes, Cupping the Tupperware in his hands and not even getting annoyed at the ones Shizuko had left for him, He had other things to think about.
Genya just hoped Shizuko would search out the man who could cater to his worries. He sighed as he opened the adjacent door the the one Shizuko left from, Carefully balancing the ceramic in his hands, He started to march towards the kitchen.
"There.. It seems to be all healed now.."
The ever-dim darkness of the false shrine was finally broken by the faint light of a rusty lantern, The amber light flickered against the decaying walls like the ember inside. It sat on her bedside, Right next to the eaten bowl of udon licked clean.
As ever, The infinity castle was cold. But even more so against the bareness of [F/N]'s skin, Her mid-section once kept warm and bound by bandages was now naked, The garments laying in a scarf-like heap on the old floors.
She felt down her stomach where the stitches once were, That life-threatening gash that near took her like and most certainly put her in a weeks long coma. It was a miracle that she was still alive, That she had came out of it without any chronic debility.
So much so that there wasn't even a scar..
"I see.." [F/N] whispered as she laid her cold palm on her equally cold stomach, Shivering in the brisk air, Hair on her nape standing up. A strange sensation as her time was mostly spent within the cold peaks of her Shrine.
Her eyes were focused entirely on her gut, An uneasy-wonder as she looked at the scratch-less skin.
Kokushibo stood only a few metres away from her, The reason the chill had affected her so much in the first place. Her muscles still tense from his presence, That and the fact that she had barely anything on apart from a Koshimaki and a thinnish layer of bandages she had used a chest cover.
His eyes, Six glowing eyes that were even brighter than the faint spark of the lantern-light beside him. They examined her, Her injury or lack-there-of especially. He just stood there silently, Not moving a muscle facial or otherwise.
She knew very well that he wouldn't try anything, No, Whatever obsession he had with her was never like that. But it still made her feel vulnerable and easy to attack. An instinct from her childhood days.
Never leave yourself defenceless..
"..Do you mind if you just.. Leave the room while I change?" [F/N] exasperated, Headache brewing in her mind both from the current situation and what happened yesterday. "No offense, Kokushibo-sama.. But it's just disturbing when you stand there like that.."
Kokushibo's lip twitched, Only a tick.
"..We will be heading off to do your daily training straight after, There would be no point in me leaving.. Either way, It isn't anything I haven't seen before.." Kokushibo replied, Stone-faced and stoic as his voice rumbled in the room.
[F/N] swallowed, Disgust running on her tongue and sweat dripping down her neck yet it hadn't even gotten to the sparring part yet.
"..Right" [F/N] gulped, Swallowing down the nauseating distain pooling and festering in her mouth. "Then if you could just turn around that would be fine, I'd.. I'd just prefer if you weren't watching.."
As soon as the words left her lips, Drifted into the frozen air of the room she had waited for him to turn.
But he didn't.
Kokushibo continued to stand there, Stiller than she was as she waited for him to look away. But instead all six of his eyes continued to linger on her, Wandering away from her injury to her side, Sickly golden slits narrowing.
Had she done something wrong? Was there something she had somehow let out on her persons? What was he looking at..?!
Kokushibo hummed, A single step towards her that sounded like exploding rocks made her repress the urge to back away. His hand reached out, Slow like a knife preparing to cut. Talons and all as they grazed her side.
A burning pain shot through her side, [F/N]'s muscles tensed up.
"I wonder.. How did you get an injury like this?" Kokushibo drawled as he examined the bruised skin, Slightly tugging her around so he could get a better look at where Akaza had jabbed into her.
Her saving shot, Or whatever it would be called, The one where he broke his vow to hurt a woman but aided her all the while.
[F/N] would've rolled her eyes if it wasn't for the ice currently running through her blood.
"It's.." [F/N] directed her eyes away from Kokushibo, Tounging at the side of her mouth to try and come up with some explanation she could tell him.
Tell him that she tried to commit suicide? Her captor of all people? [F/N] still felt a deep regret burning in her for telling Akaza, Her state of mind warped back then, She wished she had just kept her mouth shut.
So there was no way that she would ever tell Kokushibo. Not like he "sympathised" with her or whatever, Not like he still had some inkling of humanity in him unlike Akaza.
No, He was just a monster.
"You still haven't told me how you injured your wrist.. Is there something you aren't telling me?" Kokushibo mumbled as his eyes snapped over to her bandaged hand, The injury she had caused when she had punched a wall into the shrine's structure.
His gaze sharpened.
"..I do hope that my Tsuguko hasn't garnered any.. Distasteful feelings for your prescence here again. Tell me, How did you gain these injuries..?" Kokushibo lowered himself so that his eyes met with hers, Stabbing, Piercing into her.
Her lips thinned.
"..I tripped down the stairs, Hit my side and my fist at the same time. You know, Kokushibo-sama, You should see to getting some kind of banister lining them.. This isn't the first time I near fell down them.." [F/N] responded, Snake's tongue speaking quick and somewhat formal yet she still refused to look at him.
Though for some reason, The lies she use to taste didn't come so sour anymore.
"..Ah, So my comment about your footwork wasn't taken to heart then.." Kokushibo remarked, Referencing his constant jabs at her apparently flawed "footwork". He retracted his hands, And [F/N] tried not to scrunch her nose up.
Was he trying to make some kind of joke?
[F/N] just silently stared at the floor, Almost waiting for his next move as he stepped back away from her. The air much more thick, The consistency of tar. She didn't laugh, Neither did Kokushibo as he continued to stare dead at her.
[F/N] kept her eyes on the floorboards, Not looking up at him. Kokushibo breathed out.
"..Go get ready. It is time for you to test your strength once more.." He spoke, Stepping back just a little further, Feeling the depression of the floorboards move away to the other side of the room.
[F/N] sighed, Shivering once more within the nipping atmosphere of the Shrine. Shaking off the still aching bruise on her side, She scoffed once she realised Kokushibo had turned his back to her, Giving her some semblance of privacy.
Sparring, Even though he knew she was injured. [F/N] stumbled over to the closet not even a metre away. Kokushibo didn't even bat a single eye, And he had many. [F/N] asked herself why he even wanted to clash swords with her.
He knew she was strong, She fought against him a few months ago as a formidable opponent. [F/N] fished out her old samue set, The one she used often to train in. Now she had been turned into nothing but a caged animal to be poked with by sticks.
He didn't need to test her strength, She was cursed with it. [F/N] was the one who killed a thousand of his kind, The one who gave him a run for his own money, The one who fought Upper Three barehand on this very roof for fuck-sakes!
Maybe he liked torturing her, That was it.
[F/N] pulled the trouser half of the samue up from her ankles to her waist, Slipped her arms through the loose-fabric sleeves. She folded it over her, Set it in place. Making sure everything was fine, She dusted it off.
It wasn't like she didn't deserve the beat-downs, It's not like she didn't want him to go too far one day. She deserved it after all, The blood of hundreds still ran down her. It's why she couldn't bare to look in the mirror, To catch a glimpse of that red.
She strained her eyes away even now, Much preferring to turn back to Kokushibo and tell him that she was done. Kokushibo cocked his head to the side, Examining her up and down before he wordlessly stepped out of the door.
[F/N] didn't need words to understand he wanted her to follow, She did soundlessly, Just wanting to get this over with.
The light filtered through the diamond-like holes in the walls, A designed pattern meant to illuminate the estate during the day.
The air was cool, Not the kind on a summers day but instead the faint chill of a golden hour autumn. A strong wind to blow through the hair and fabric of anyone caught in it. It was strange since it was the middle of spring, But the mix of both leaving summer heat and oncoming winter cold made it feel like it was much later in the year than it actually was.
Shizuko stumbled through the hallways, Wooden floorboards depressing under his minimum weight. He had traversed the rather linear hallways thousands of times, Yet he felt lost in his gait, A direction unknown.
He gazed towards the gardens, Barely lifting his head to catch glimpses of the carefully trimmed bushes and miniature lakes within. It was surrounded by the rest of Himejima's estate, A sort of plaza kept safe in the squared layout of the house.
He watched the water of the tiny stream trickle along the garden, Watched as the carefully made buddha statues held the aqua in their palms and guided it on their course. The reeds and the rye-grass all a vibrant green.
Shizuko sighed, Scrunching up his face. Genya bringing up his incident with Upper Six seemed to make him much more irked than he had previously thought. Now some weight was placed upon his chest, Now some throb came through the abrasion on his head.
The faraway aria of the birds wasn't anything that could calm him, Not right now. Nor the crickets chirp or the trickle of stream, Everything was just so.. Numbing now. It made him grimace as he paced the halls.
His memory was perfect. If you picked out a date, Any year, Any month, Any day. He could tell you exactly what he did as if it was written out plain as day. What he ate for breakfast, A word for word recite of the conversation he had with his master, Or even how many birds flew past him that day.
But he couldn't remember that.
Ever since his head was cut and mauled, He couldn't recall a single day before then. He might as well have just appeared one day. Everything before then was just a blur, Just one hot mess.
Except.. For that one feeling. The one that he felt on his hands as if it was yesterday, The only touch he could ever tolerate, Or even yearn for. It felt otherworldly, Comforting. That person of muddled face was like a god themselves, Elusive and unobtainable.
Shizuko wanted to know who they were, Who that person really was. But Shizuko didn't know who, Or where to even start looking. His master hadn't known either, Just recalling he had been left at their doorstep one day.
His master.
Shizuko stopped in his walk, A stumbled halt as he finally pulled his head over to the door beside him.
It was his master's private room he had built to pray in, The one always shadowed by the dark and candle-light was shown like stars in the night. Shizuko paused as he looked at the door, Faintly hearing the chants of sutras inside.
He was there, His master was inside.
Shizuko made an effort to be quiet, Careful not to step on any of the floorboards he knew would creak. He steadied himself on the doorframe, Leaning over so he could peer through the crack in the door.
And there he was, In all of his glory.
Shizuko could only see the back of his saturated-lime haori, The one emboldened with kanji. He saw his prayer beads and heard the faint clacking of them hitting each other, The sutra's also getting much louder.
Shizuko debated whether he should knock or not, Whether he should disturb him as he prayed at the candle-lit altar. Gyomei probably didn't want to talk about it, Hell, Shizuko didn't want to either-
"..You can come in."
Shizuko's eyes widened, Just now realising the sound of the beads clacking and his sutra's had went silent.
Gyomei turned his head to the side, And even though he was blind, Shizuko could swear that he was staring right into him with those white-out eyes. Gyomei waited, Shizuko barely snapped out of it before he answered.
"..R-Right, Sir." Shizuko stammered as he pushed open the door, Bowing down low in a sign of respect before stepping in. Gyomei turned around on his knees, Facing him now with his hands still together in prayer.
Shizuko closed the door only slightly behind him, The darkness becoming all the more present as he stood there awkwardly in front of his master.
He sighed.
"..I'm sorry for bothering you during your prayer, Himejima-sensei." Shizuko started, Formal in tone as he bowed once more to the man. "I just wanted to talk to you is all. I.. I have a lot of stuff on my mind right now."
The beads surrounding Gyomei's hands chattered together, Gyomei seeming to take in his words.
"I see.. Then please, Let me ask what bothers you so.. It would not be wise to keep it to yourself.." Gyomei advised in his ever-solemn tone, Bowing down slightly before gesturing him to sit down.
Shizuko nodded and took his offer, Hurrying over to the empty spot in front of the man and sitting himself down neatly atop it.
After settling down and the curls of hair were parted from his eyes, He took a moment for himself. Still hearing the crackle of the candle fire in the back, He listened to it for only a second as if trying to find the words to say.
"Begin whenever you like.." Gyomei assured, Nodding once in encouragement to his Tsuguko.
Shizuko sighed.
"Thank you.. It's just I've been thinking a lot lately, You know.. About the night at the Kakushi Base?" He explained, Slightly hesitant as he eyed the older man for his reaction.
Gyomei's frown deepened, Sharpening as the soft clacking of the beads started to pick up. Shizuko deflated, Knowing he had stricken a cord somewhere.
"..Ah, Yes.. I suppose I should have known that we would have this conversation one day, In fact.. I believe I even might have been expecting it ever since that accursed day in the snow.." Gyomei admitted, Slowly nodding to his words.
Shizuko bit his lip, Vision seemingly elsewhere as he tried to hold back the spill of words.
"I-I mean.. Kaigaku.. How could he do something like this? How could he become the thing that killed our family, My siblings..! Did we just not matter to him?" Shizuko scoffed. "Of course we dont.. How could I say that he gives a shit when he went and became a people-eater?"
Shizuko muttered, Suddenly forgetting his manners as he spoke. Knuckles near popping as he gripped the hems of his green haori, Near ripping the fabric in two at the memory. Gyomei hummed, Brows furrowing.
"Kaigaku has always been troubled.. He stole, He thieved and he robbed.. But he always did it for the sake of us, Shizuko. Kaigaku has become undesirable and an enemy to the corps. But I admit.. I do have blame to take for the way he has turned out." Gyomei spoke, Growing much softer.
Shizuko finally looked up at the man, Staring him dead in the face. Disbelieving as he shook his head, Barely hiding a scoff.
"Ne, Kaigaku was always a rat.. You had no part to play in it, Sensei. He deceived us, He lied to us, He used us for money! He.." Shizuko croaked, Teeth starting to bare as he resisted the urge to grasp his head. "H-He let that demon maul my face.."
Gyomei's lips thinned as he listened on to his Tsuguko's words, Hearing as his talk start to become a rant.
"..I understand, That night was the worst one of your entire life.. And it was mine too. When I laid my fists upon the demon that killed my kids, When I found out of what Kaigaku had done.. I felt rage, I felt anger at everything that denounced my Buddhist vows, I felt rage towards Kaigaku and his ignorant actions.." Tears now started to flood faster down his cheeks, Hot as they dripped onto his hands of prayer.
His frown sharpened.
"But looking back, I know I should have discouraged that boy.. I had chose to forget of his thieving actions because we needed the money. I knew he was troubled and chose to ignore it.. It is my fault that he turned out as such." Gyomei finished, The sorrow in his voice much more potent.
Shizuko couldn't supress a sneer anymore.
"..Every time I bring him up, You always take blame for his actions! You keep saying that he was just troubled- Why can't you just accept that he's a monster? Both now and then?!" Shizuko spat, Pushing himself up to the floor now with a single hand.
Gyomei turned his head up towards where he had stood, Proceeding to follow him up to the floor as he got onto his feet, Easily overshadowing the boy before him. Shizuko
He knew he had to diffuse this quickly.
"Shizuko, It's a complicated an-"
"I DON'T WANT ANOTHER EXCUSE!" Shizuko finally whipped his head to look up at him with angry eyes, He was pissed, Knuckles near popping as he tried to get up in the face of the admittedly taller man. Shizuko seethed.
"I don't want some stupid explanation as for why Kaigaku was just troubled! Or- Or- Deserving of sympathy! E-Even back then you refused to kill him, Even though he's a demon!" Shizuko cried, Starting to stumble over his words as he bared his teeth at his master.
"I-Isn't that what you keep harping about? Our duty as a demon slayer being to kill every last one? Not to rest until you do?" Shizuko reiterated, Shaking his head as he approached him "Y-You could've just killed him back in the snow, But you didn't.."
"I couldn't kill one of my kids.. Shizuko. Not you nor Kaigaku, No matter how far he may have fallen.." Gyomei lamented, Shaking his head. "You know how much it pains me to kill.. To go against my vows as a monk."
"So what?! He's a demon now, Not a human being! You said it yourself, You insulted him too!" The younger jabbed, Incredulous, Looking at the man with ire and confused anger.
Shizuko stepped back, Looking at the man he admired with such unfound before disgust. What respect was usually given was held back now, Only giving venomous looks that Gyomei could only feel burning into him.
Kaigaku, The person now demon that was the reason his family was dead, Why that monster mutilated his face. Why couldn't his master understand that? That he should be just as angry as he was.
Gyomei on the other hand, He had foresaw this coming, He had for months. He knew that this talk had to happen eventually and thus kept himself calm, Not a muscle tensed or ticked.
He tried to reach out a hand, To place on Shizuko's shoulder.
"-I said it so you could get behind him without him noticing." Gyomei corrected "..I feel rage at the boy, I promise you that I do.. But I should not let it get the better of me, Not like it did back on that horrid day.." Gyomei deplored. And if Shizuko looked close, He could see his hands-in-prayer start to shake.
The feeling of fists on flesh, Beating the bloody pulp of that demon into the ground until the sun hit his face. It was gorey, The feeling of hot blood spurting out onto his knuckles. He had never felt so fallen from grace before, Not before he truly found out how strong he was.
Even now he felt the blood trickle down his fingers just like it was yesterday, Like it was still there..
But now he felt Shizuko slap away the hand he offered him, Consumed by the moment and his enraged heart. Gyomei could only feel sorrow for the boy as he continued.
"Y-You keep saying stuff you don't mean, It wasn't even just at the shrine! You.. Why can't you just understand that he's the reason that our family is dead..! H-He's the reason that I lost my memories.. He's.." Shizuko's rage, The one that spilled out in rage started to turn out in tears.
They started to speckle his eyes, His mouth growing more humid by the moment as his lungs started to burn.
His face was still snarled, The candles embers still burning bright even as they flickered. The darkness of the room barely covered the anguish behind his voice.
"Y-You don't even know where the hell I came from..!" Shizuko mourned, Voice wheezing and choking from his throat. The tears in his eyes started to build, Boiling like a pot, Stinging him.
Gyomei sighed, Stepping towards him.
"Please just-!" Shizuko stammered, His voice dying down to a near whisper before the tears finally spilled over his eyes.
"..J-Just tell me who the hell I am."
Gyomei reached out once more, And this time Shizuko didn't argue once he felt the firm hand of his mentor grasp his shoulder.
He was shaking like a leaf, A rare moment when his resolve started to tremble like a tree in a storm. Shizuko's fists were balled yet he threw no punches, Only dropped his head down to stare at them as he tried not to weep harder than he already was.
Gyomei's hand squeezed his shoulder, A single thumb rubbing circles into it. His touch was unfortunately revolting, Making Shizuko tense up. But despite the disgust coursing through his veins, He didn't shake it off.
He didn't want to, Even though it made him want to sob even harder.
"..I'm sorry, I wish I could give you the answer that you desire but that is not for me to give." Gyomei assured, His voice was soft yet it sounded so loud within the darkness of the prayer room.
"..Who you are is for you to decide. My rage got the best of me once, And it almost became who I was. But I never let it consume me.. And I have tried so very hard to make sure it never happens again." Gyomei spoke "So please.. Trust me when I say that who you are is who you choose to become.. Neither your lost memories or your anger define you, Not unless you let them.."
Shizuko sniffled.
"B-But that's just it, Isn't it?" Shizuko croaked, Wiping his tears on the sleeve of his yukata. "I do remember just the tiniest bit.."
Gyomei's eyebrows knitted together, The thumb rubbing circles into his shoulder halted, Just for a moment.
"..Whatever do you mean?" Gyomei asked.
"T-There's someone out there that knows who I use to be. There's someone out there who held my goddamn hand.. And hell, It felt nice." Shizuko admitted as the dried tears quickly became replaced, Falling down quicker once that otherworldly warmth came back to him.
Gyomei however, Whatever reaction Shizuko had been expecting from him. Shock, Intrigued, Happy that he had at least some memories. And sure, There was some of that there but it was taken over by something else.
Something more.. It was something more hesitant.
Shizuko caught onto it immediatley, Observant eye able to pick up the oddities in his expression.
He sniffled, Scrunching up his face as he shook the newly born tears off.
"..You.. You don't know who that is, Right?" Shizuko asked, Stutter still in his voice yet more pronounced and steady now. Gyomei thinned his lips, The intensity in his muscles becoming much more visible.
"Shizuko.." Gyomei drawled which just made Shizuko move forward, Eyes on him like a hawk, Not letting them wander for a second. The way he was acting, Though difficult to see in the dark.. He knew something.
"..Master." Shizuko replied, Slowly and with intent as he carefully eyed the taller man who was currently in debate of his own. Stiff as the statues he prayed to at the altar behind him, Cold stone on his face as he played out the discourse in his head.
He recalls the conversation he had with Kanroji back at the Hashira Meeting, When they had discussed [F/N] and her relation to Shizuko as his older sister. It was a good while ago now, But he still felt confused by it all.
Everything. How he was simply tossed on the temples doorsteps as a child, How he spoke of an older sister. Knowing now that it was [F/N], A colleague he had allied with for years, It shone an entire new light on everything now..
Yet somehow, He was still in the dark.
"Shizuko.. " Gyomei muttered, His morals at war.
"Alright then.. But keeping lies is against my morals and good concious, If he does ask about anything pertaining to this then I will not lie to him.. And I do hope you tell him in due time, Kanroji-san"
It was against his morals and his good concious, It would be a sin to lie to him. But on the other hand.. How could he possibly begin to explain to him something Gyomei couldn't even explain himself?
"Master.. Please. Tell me, Do you know something..?" Shizuko whispered, As faint as the candles waning. His eyes scanned over every facial feature, Ones he had learned the ticks and tocks to. "Do you.. You do, You do know something..!"
There was no way around it. No avenue or alleyway he could divert down to direct the conversation to a different topic. He needed to be honest, Be truthful. That was what his principles spoke of, Right?
"Shizuko.. I've been meaning to tell yo-"
The call of that all too familiar beast called out, Followed by a sudden sound of what seemed to be rapid tapping at one of the room's window frames.
Gyomei instantly snapped his head over to where the sound was coming from, Where the window was hidden behind several rich tapestries depicting stories from his religion. Suddenly feeling awkward, Shizuko stared as his master moved towards the window, Peel back the tapestries and let light flood into the room.
It was blinding compared to the shadow the room was bathed in, Making Shizuko stammer back and raise a hand to cover his eyes. Gyomei, Unaffected, Slid the window-shutter open to reveal the crow behind them.
It's feathers shone under the afternoon light, Light near rolling off them. Once Shizuko got use to the light he finally recognised the crow as Kamakiri, The Insect Hashira's crow, One he had often seen flying around in Corps Area's he often loitered around in.
Her beak snapped once, The little butterfly charm around her neck shaking as she spoke.
Kamikiri's voice was loud, Echoing out throughout the entire room as she delivered her message. Gyomei hummed, Rattling the beads snaking around his hands.
"For what reason..? Did your master give you any cause?" Gyomei asked.
"NO REASON WAS GIVEN HOWEVER IT WAS STATED TO BE IMPORTANT! CAW CAW! DO YOU ACCEPT THE INVITATION?" Kamikiri squaked once more, Flapping her wings once in the radiant light and waiting for his response.
Gyomei lowered his brows, Seemingly taking in the words as the beads around his hands clacked together like heeled shoes on the floor. He wasn't summoned often, Especially not by another Hashira..
"..Yes. I will set off to The Butterfly Mansion as soon as I can.. Please tell Kocho-san I will be there by the next morning at the latest.." Gyomei spoke softly, Lowering down into a bow with his hands still pressed in prayer.
Kamikiri did the same, Mimicking the same bow a human would do but on her talons. Once she raised back up however, She squawked out a goodbye before she flapped her wings once more, Turned around and took off out the windowsill.
Gyomei raised from his bow too, Reaching back up to his full height. Shizuko watched as Kamikiri soared into the air, Wind was no obstacle to her as he watched her surge out onto the horizon. And once she was gone, He snapped his head back around to his master.
"..Shizuko, We will need to continue this conversation later.." Gyomei finalized as he resettled the heavy haori over his shoulders, Adjusted the shirt of his uniform and fixed his belt.
Shizuko knitted his brows, Stepping forward.
"Wait! Can't you just finish what you were about to say? About what you were going to tell me?" Shizuko gawked as Gyomei finished adjusting his clothing, Turning his head over to the younger boy. He sighed, Frown thickening.
"Later.. I promise you that I will answer you in due time, When I get my words in order.. But right now I must leave." Gyomei assured, Taking a few steps towards his apprentice and bowing down slightly towards him.
And when Shizuko looked in his uncoloured eyes, He knew he had fucked up.
Shizuko didn't react, Just looked up at him. The thundering of his heart started to slow, What storm inside starting to dwindle at the action his master took. Shizuko suddenly became aware of the past conversation, What disrespect he had shown.
He had let his emotions take over, His anger consuming him. He had yelled at his master, The one he had grew up with and the one he had trained under for who knows how long? Forget that forgotten memory, Just for a second, He needed to focus on the person he remembered.
Shizuko sniffled, The last of his tears drying.
"I.. I'm sorry, Himejima-sama." He spoke, Returning to his formal tone through his shaky voice. He lowered down into a bow, Just like his master did before. "I shouldn't of been so disrespectful to you, Please, Forgive me."
Gyomei sighed but eventually a small smile came to his face, Something now illuminated by the newly moved tapestries. He moved forward just a step towards him, The candlelight still burning bright in the back.
"You do not need to worry.. I understand." He spoke. "I will be heading out now.. But in the meantime, Please go and rest.. I know how hard you have been working lately, Do not overwork yourself.. It is poison to the body."
Shizuko looked up, Taking a moment to look upon his face before nodding.
"Yes, Himejima-sama.." He spoke, Almost as low as the wind drifting in from the window. Gyomei nodded towards him, Turning around before striding off towards the door, Hands still pressed together in prayer.
He said his goodbyes, Leaving Shizuko alone within the room. His only company was the cantata of the birds outside, The flicks of the flames on the votives and his own screaming head.
Shizuko turned to the open window, The tapestries still peeled back from the usually covered opening. He looked out into the gardens outside, The tree's swaying in the open wind.
Gyomei knew something, Something Shizuko had been longing for his entire life. But how could Shizuko have been so brash when asking about it? He had just let wrath come to him, Let it burn him.
It seemed like that had been happening more and more lately, Becoming bitter about the slightest thing and not the orderly soldier he was suppose to be. But he couldn't fret, Once Gyomei was back he could fix this.
Shizuko felt a throb in his chest, Gyomei actually knew something. The look on his face told him everything he needed to know. Well, Not everything, But he knew that Gyomei was hiding something from him.
And hopefully that answer would fix his irritability.
[F/N] tossed around in the air, Launched back by another one of his strikes. And just as all the training sessions before, Her body slammed against the wall of the far courtyard. As always she was defeated, Tumbling to the ground with her training sword flying out of her hand.
Hands gripped into the ground, Lifting her aching head only slighty just to sputter up more blood.
"As always.. Your footwork is lacking.." The voice of her captor called out from the otherside of the courtyard, [F/N] could almost feel the smugness showing through his stoic tone. It made her grit her teeth, Blood dripping down her busted lip.
She scoffed, Tasting the iron on her tongue.
"U-Understood, Kokushibo-sama.." [F/N] spat out, Ichor decorating the floor where she cursed him under her breath. Shaky hands pushed down, Levelling her up to her knees where she tried not to collapse once more.
Kokushibo stood under the great tree in the middle, His golden eyes piercing through the shadow to stare at her. He watched as she picked up her fallen sword, Dust off her dirty Samue and wipe the blood from her lips.
They narrowed in on her, Almost disappointed.
"Pick yourself up, Our session here today is done.." He simply stated, Sliding the flesh-forged blade of his sword into its sheathe. And without a word, [F/N] watched as he turned away.
And as soon as she blinked, He was gone.
[F/N] groaned, Hands going to grapple at her side. Akaza really didn't hold back there, Neither did Kokushibo as he mercilessly sliced at her. He didn't go easier on her despite her injuries.
[F/N] knew that she'd have a few more bruises to show for it, And she cursed Kokushibo out all the same.
She pushed herself to her feet, Stretching as she raised her arms into the air. [F/N] tried not to cringe once she felt that pain in her side, Almost like her ribcage was settling back into place.
It wasn't a pleasant feeling.
That bastard, [F/N] thought as she sauntered over to the tree. These sessions were completely pointless, Him telling her that it was "Training" which made absolutely no sense. She was a slayer, So called the strongest alive.
He knew this, He didn't care. [F/N]'s knees shook once she finally got under the tree's shadow, Too tired to even walk as she pressed her back against the stump. [F/N] slid down until she was nestled within the thick roots, Held high atop the little grassy hill.
[F/N] let out a sigh, She just wanted to sleep.
And she almost did, Eyelids fighting to stay vigilant. She had only woken up about an hour ago yet she still felt exhausted.
Haze started to set over her vision, Curtains closing as she felt her body grow limp.
[F/N] blinked.
"Oh.. It's you." [F/N] yawned, Rolling her shoulders as she propped herself up against the tree. A good few metres away from her stood Akaza in all his glory, Stature tall as his eyes narrowed in on her. Akaza rolled his eyes.
"Of course it's me, Who the hell did you expect it to be?" He scoffed as he took a few steps towards her, Something gripped tightly in-between his knuckles as he went.
[F/N] didn't respond, Only curling up into herself tigher. She seemed to bury herself into the roots of the tree, Not meeting his eyes. She didn't want to, Especially once she felt the heat of them burn into her figure.
Akaza's brows furrowed.
"Okay.. Fuck it- But are we gonna talk about what happened yesterday? I mean, Come on. Are we just gonna ignore your suicide attempt? Not talk about it at all?" Akaza took a few steps closer, Only making [F/N] curl up further.
[F/N] winced. Of course he was going to bring it up.
"I don't want to talk about it, I wasn't in the right mind back then. Just- Ignore everything we talked about. I was tired, I was bitter about being here.. I was just being stupid. Just forget it, Okay..?!" She hissed, A defensive snarl starting to appear on her lips.
Akaza just stepped closer towards her.
"But are you fine now?" He asked, Raising a brow at her. She stared at him, Only for a second. The shoulders [F/N] held up like a barricade started to lower, Leave it up to [F/N] to get defensive over a question, One that she knew was due to be asked.
She sighed.
"..Now, Yeah." [F/N] replied quietly, Still unable to meet his eyes. Akaza took a moment to look into her eyes, The ones that didn't look back at his. He almost didn't believe her, But unlike yesterday her fighting spirit wasn't roaring like it use to. No, It was completely dead now.
"..Right." Akaza said, Finally sauntering up the little hill and setting down the rectangular box he had been holding in his hands. Handle clattering into its normal position once he let go of it.
[F/N] blinked, Snapping her head over to look at the noise.
"Erm.. What's that?" She asked, Hesitantly eyeing it up and down like a ticking bomb.
"Food. If you want to get out of here and fool Upper One, You're doing it on a fighter's diet." Akaza replied as he kneeled down towards the wooden box, Starting to peel off the lid from the top.
[F/N] grimaced.
"I'm not hungry." She replied quickly as she watched Akaza open the box, Letting the aromatic smell of perfectly cooked fish and other delicacies inside flow out. [F/N] tried not to salivate at the scent of it, Not daring to look at it either. Slightly suprised that he had brought food for her.
Akaza shook his head.
"No, You're gonna eat it." He stated, Almost as if she had digested it already. "It's got everything you'll need to scale the Infinity Castle, This is the standard that your weight-class and gender should get."
[F/N] bit her lip.
"Yeah well.. I've just not been that hungry lately. Thank you but.. You can have it." She replied, Shaking her head as she smelt the scent of fish come from it. Seeing the enticing shimmer of the fish scales inside, She tried not to give in.
And fuck.. She was starving.
"I can't eat human food, Idiot. Besides, I can basically see you drooling there." Akaza scoffed as he watched her take peeks at the food "You look starving. Are you seriously gonna waste food?"
[F/N] quirked a lip, Already regretting telling him about her childhood. Dirty tricks, But there weren't much else he could play. Swallowing down the excess of her saliva, She finally turned her head to look at him.
"I hate you for this, You know that? Right?" [F/N] hissed as she reached a hand down towards the box, Bare hands starting to grab fistfuls of rice and fish-meat cutlets from within the neatly packed bowls.
"There's cutlery there.. Oh." Akaza trailed off once he saw her shove handfuls of rice and meat into her mouth, Bare-handed and she didn't care that she looked like a rabid beast choking down meat into their maw.
It matched the rest of her appearance. Her ragged hair, Her dirtied skin and clothes. Even her eyes had a wild look in them as she scarfed down her meal and wipe the excess off her samue's sides, Eyebags protruding them from her face.
Akaza almost gagged if not for remembering how he did the same thing, Only with human meat of course.
"So.. " Akaza started, Continuing to watch her scoop handfuls of mixed food and shove them into her mouth. "About that thing with Upper One.."
[F/N] choked down another chunk of rice, Wiping her mouth on her sleeve before looking up at him.
"What thing?" She asked.
"..You know? The idea that I suggested and the one you agreed to? To get closer to Upper One?" Akaza raised his brows, Watching as [F/N] narrowed her eyes before shoving another fistful into her mouth.
"Oh- Yeah, That thing.." [F/N] said through her chewing, Almost deflating once he reminded her. She had been hoping to avoid it but..
"So? How's that coming along?" Akaza asked, Folding his arms as he watched her scarf down her meal. [F/N] shook her head, Lowering her gaze away from him as she swallowed down her food.
Fuck.. She loathed how disgustingly delicious it tasted.
"..Come on, How exactly am I suppose to get along with him? He's an unfeeling prick.. I doubt he even has any emotions I could appeal to.." [F/N] groaned, Shaking her head at the mere prospect of him having feelings.
"You said he's fucking obsessed with you, So appeal to that?" Akaza exasperated, Shrugging his shoulders.
[F/N] rolled her eyes.
"Oh, Yeah, Right.. Let me just start acting nice and loving to him all of a sudden, I'll just start pretending that I actually like him. I'm sure he won't notice somethings up at all!" [F/N] sneered, A malicious smile spreading across her face which she proudly displayed to Akaza.
He sneered back, Shaking his head at her behaviour.
"Oh come on! How about you shut it and actually try make some leeway here, Eh? I'm not saying you should start liking it immediately, I'm saying that you try and work away at it." Akaza snapped, Stepping closer to her until he finally got to her side.
[F/N] stared up at him, His eyes made all the more prominant as they shone through the tree's shadows, Glaring back at her. [F/N] dropped her malicious smile in favour of a frown, Finally turning away from him.
"..Whatever, I'll figure it out." [F/N] finally spat, Wiping away the last of the foods residue from her mouth. Rice bits shook off her hands as she finally deflated back against the tree, [F/N] didn't have the patience to argue.
Akaza in turn, Lowered his snarl once he saw her start to shrink in on herself.
He felt a sort of pull in his chest, One that he instantly shrugged off in favour of kneeling down and sitting back down beside her with a grunt.
[F/N] watched as he pushed his half-naked back up against the trunk, Bare feet entwined with the overgrown grass. He didn't look at her, Just stared off somewhere far-off and pulled his knees near his chest.
She gazed at his features for a second. His gaunt skin to contrast with the deep navy stripes running across it, The way his pinkish hair drifted in the air. [F/N]'s nose twitched, He had no right to be demanding.
But whatever.
[F/N] turned back to stare in her own designated place, Nowhere in particular, But somewhere she could just relax back against the tree and take in the air. The air that was fresh, The air that brought her back to her senses.
The only warm place in this entire place, The heart of the shrine. Despite the coldness surrounding it, It flourished anyways. Despite the harsh environment it endured, It was still thriving. [F/N] breathed in the air.
It was nice.
"..You still haven't finished your food."
"Fuck you."
The skies were orange, A pungent shade of burgundy into citron set over the small township.
The wind was crisp, Cool to anyone caught in it. Birds warbling an aubade could be heard in the trees, Crickets joining in for the chorus in the new morn. People were out in the streets, Walking by and happily conversing with one and other as they went.
Gyomei walked brisk, Short hair dancing with his haori waving within the wind. The Butterfly mansion was large, The biggest property in town so it gave him plenty room to just stride throughout the place unbothered.
But a walk wasn't what he was here for, No, Instead it was the Insect Hashira who seemed to be nowhere about. Despite asking around, Mostly from that Kanzaki woman and the three little girls that followed her, They had no idea where Shinobu was either.
So here he was, Wandering throughout the lavish gardens of the mansion. Striding past crops of fresh veg and tree's filled with fruit and fauna. The air was something Gyomei could appreciate, Something he almost stopped to enjoy within the daybreak.
He breathed out.
A voice called out from somewhere above, Somewhere that Gyomei tilted his head up towards. On top of the tiled roof of The Butterfly Mansion, Sat Shinobu perched upon the edge.
She smiled down at him, Soft and delicate. Glossy eyes honing in on him.
"Kocho-san..!" Gyomei called out to her, Soft as a yell could be as he pressed his hands in prayer. "You summoned me here for something important.. Not explained by your crow.. Please, Do you mind telling me the reason I have came today..?"
Shinobu hummed. Luckily for her, The part of the roof she was perched on was rather low. Somewhere she could easily make her way down from, Which is exactly what she did as she nudged herself off.
Shinobu almost drifted, Butterfly haori glistening in the orange light as her feet hit the ground with a barely audible thud.
But Gyomei's hearing was impeccable, Now fully turned to the direction of where she had landed. Listening to the soft patter of her footsteps as she made her way over to him.
"Yes, Yes.. I must apologise for the lack of information as I sent my crow out rather hastily, I'm sorry for acting so rash.. It's not like me to do so~!" Shinobu sang as she came closer to him, Pausing in front of the man before bowing herself down lowly in respect.
Gyomei, Sensing the action. Reciprocated as he lowered himself in response.
Shinobu rose.
"The reason I asked you to come here today is because I got a rather interesting tip-off from my crow!" Shinobu announced, Hand raising before going under her haori.
"You see, I had sent out my crow a few days ago to a village in Fukushima. He was tasked with purchasing some specific herbs that I needed from that region, But unfortunately things didn't go exactly as expected.."
Gyomei lowered his brows, The beads around his hands starting to chatter.
"Yes..? And what exactly happened..?"
Shinobu's smile widened, Yet her eyes darkened all the same.
"My crow was intercepted by a man in the village when he had went to pick up the herbs- He had fastened a rather interesting letter around her neck, One that I think that would interest you.." She drawled out as she watched his expression change.
Gyomei, A man of not many expressions simply stiffened his figure. A man had targeted a Kasugai crow? Of course, Demons were known to try and attack crows during the night. But a man? A human man? And of all things had wrapped a letter around it's neck and sent it on it's way.
Shinobu's expression was bright, Just as scorching as the sun that silhouetted her. Smile stretched on her face, Yet her eyes contained such thanatoid dullness. Something dark brewing within.
Something that even Gyomei could feel, An unease going through him.
Shinobu fished out the letter from within her haori pockets, Hair dancing in the faint wind as she unscrolled the spotless fibre from it's shape. Though she didn't mean to read it aloud, No.
She just needed to check, Just that she was reading it right, Just for the thousandth time.
"..There is a possible sighting of Uppermoon two, Apparently associated with some sort of cult near the village." Shinobu announced as she scanned her eyes across those two dooming words, The ones that she smiled so scaldingly bright at.
Gyomei's eyes widened, The clanking of beads stopping.
"This is.. You mean to say that there was another Uppermoon sighting..? Of number two, Of all moons..!" First it was Upper Six, Defeated in The Red Light District. Next, It was the attack of Uppermoon Four and Five on the swordsmith village.
Just like that.. In over a century several had been slaughtered from their ranks. Now, It was Upper Two?
"Of course." Shinobu nodded as she gently patted the letter back within her haori pocket. Gyomei sensed there was something she was not telling him, Something that she was keeping away. It made him suspicious, Incredibly so.
Gyomei had a frown on his face, Deeper than it ever was.
"Kocho-san.. I'd advise you to go to Oyataka-sama before me.. I am not the messenger you want since you happen to have all the information.. We need to plan something out before we act..!" Gyomei urged, Cogs already starting to turn.
Shinobu hummed.
"..Of course, I will go to him but not right now. Not before I do some scouting of my own, You must understand!" She laughed airily until it trailed off into the wind, Blowing past her before it died down entirely.
Gyomei paused.
"I.. Then why me..? Why did you ask me specifically to come here if you don't want to tell anything to the corps..? Something I deeply advise against.." Gyomei warned once more.
But Shinobu didn't respond, Just acknowledged it with a single warble of her throat before clearing it.
"Oh, Don't worry about it~! I'll explain to you in a moment.."
She smiled, Even wider.
"There is still one left to arrive.."
[F/N] laid, Still pressed up against the trunk of the tree, Listening to the sounds of air travelling through the shrine.
Akaza sat next to her, The box too now empty of the food it once held. Carefully packaged food, Bowls of rice, Canteens of soup and cutlets of many meats all ravaged and scarfed down.
[F/N] admitted that it was good. Disgusting, But good. Hard to swallow yet settled in her stomach fine.
She breathed in the air, Fresh and poignant as it filled her lungs with life. The aching of her bones from training earlier still had a lingering pain, Throbbing and bruised.
It almost spoiled her mood, Especially since she now felt something akin to normalcy once lazing on a mockery of hillside and it's lumber. She tried not to think about it.
Kokushibo and his little training sessions with her, What a monster he was. What reason did he have to do this all with her? With someone he already admitted was the best he had ever fought in centuries, You'd think she'd not need to partake.
He liked torturing her, That's what [F/N] came to. Some sadistic joy inside his dead little heart liked to watch her bleed, To bruise and blister. Always lingering around to watch her, Almost going over to get a better look.
[F/N] scoffed under her breath. He had even tried to gift her that hairpin, The one she still wore in her hair at this very moment, All to get her to stay compliant.
How could she? When every time they'd pass in the halls he'd keep his eyes on her, Expecting her to be what he thought she should. Keep her locked up here- All while beating her down daily.
There was no reason to it!
The warm air felt nice on her skin, Eyes almost drifting away into another dream. Akaza himself had long done so, His eyes closed and his breath steady.
[F/N]'s eyes widened.
A sudden hitch in her breath came, A neuron connecting within her brain.
Oh, That was the reason.
It was because he had no idea how else he could spend time with her.
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sweetheartdollii · 4 months
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Introduction 2 My Blog ! 🎀🧁🐬 ୭₊˚
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📧 > Hii! Im Dolly im 4teen!! this is my 2nd blog were i mainly post about things i like and my interests!! my main blog is @pinkpigtailsprincess im mainly making this blog 2 find mutuals with the same interest as me and mainly just 2 have fun!!
my interests ୭₊˚ ! ; Sanrio,lalaoopsy,bratz,barbie,monster high,strawberry shortcake,kpop girl groups,dress up games,kpop girl groups,anything pink!,roblox,cute tv shows and movies,hair,fashion,music,anime,manga,doll aesthetics,fnaf,dork diaries,dear dumb diary,loa,reality shifting,astronomy,gyaru,music,sugarbunnies,makeup,plushies,pinky street dolls,fancy nancy,pinkcalicious,mezzo piano etc!!
random all about me!! ୭₊˚ ! ;
🎀; i honestly dont have a certain aesthetic its mainly jsut things i find cute!!
fav animes; jjk,tokyo revengers,smile pre-cure,kny,soul eater,one peice,peach girl,nana,ohshc,sailor moon,bleach
fav shows ; strawberry shortcake,my little pony,bratz,monster high episode,my scene webisodes,as told by ginger,power puff girls,barbie life in the dreamhouse,tdi,the game,ugly betty,lizzie mcguire,totally spies,6teen,winx, ja’mie private school girl
fav movies ; sisterhood of the traveling jeans,all barbie movies,all bratz movies,all monster high movies,legally blonde (original & all sequels),mean girls,girls just wanna have fun,girl interrupted,clueless,the clique,one on one,16 wishes,charmy kitty in wonderland,sleepover,but im a cheerleader,bratz the movie,just my luck,get a clue,the parent trap,bridesmaids,just go with it,the proposal,prada to nada,eloise at the plaza,white chicks
ult kpop groups + biases;
new-jeans + heyin
kara - hara
girls genaration + jessica
twice + tzuyu + nayeon
ive + wonyoung
le sserafim + chaewon + yujin
enhypen - niki + jake + heeseung
nmixx - lily + sullyoon + kyujin
-after school,wonder girls,s.e.s,baby v.o.x,BoA,Lee hyori,red velvet,f(x),T-ara,AOA,Loona,Stayc,Girls Day,Orange Caramel,sistar ,jun hyo seong
other socials !! ⭐️
pint; https://pin.it/7axzFhmeh
spotify; https://open.spotify.com/user/6uoc61m2m84lswv465b8j6yv1?si=Byndq1CNRQSzRlhTfIGH3A
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snowmist-hashira · 1 year
[Chapter title: Study Tactics]
Muichiro Tokitou x Reader
Wattpad:[KNY Fanfiction] (One shots) Tokito Muichiro x Reader
Archive:Kimetsu No Yaiba: Tokitou Muichiro x Reader
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Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/49800985
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rainyforesty
I am open to requests for Muichiro x Reader content, and I also enjoy engaging in roleplays. If you're interested in either, please feel free to check out my pinned post for more information. ~ ♠
Muichiro in glasses looks unexpectedly sharp and handsome- cough. Considering I have just finished studying, I decided to do a quick one shot about it- I need motivation as well HAHAHA.
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It was a perfect day to unwind and embrace the bliss of relaxation. The gentle breeze, the warm sunrays create a soothing ambiance without being overwhelming, and the symphony of birdsong provides a peaceful soundtrack to the lazy day.
The tranquility of the surroundings creates an atmosphere that invites one to fully immerse in the moment and surrender to the delightful laziness that beckons. It's moments like these that allow people to recharge and find solace in the simple pleasures of life.
It would’ve been perfect.
However, there is an issue.
Y/n blinked, momentarily startled by Muichiro's voice pulling her back to reality. She looked at him, lost in her daydream just before that. Muichiro's frown emphasized his disapproval, reminding her of their original purpose for being at the library.
"We did come to the library to study, remember?" Muichiro reminded her, his tone gentle yet firm.
Y/n sighed, her pout still evident on her face as her figure slouched as she rested her cheeks against the table, her eyes fixated on the serene view outside the library window.
"I know," she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of longing. "But... look, it's so peaceful out there." Her words conveyed her lack of motivation to focus on their studies.
Muichiro sighed softly, understanding Y/n's longing for the peaceful scene outside the library. He glanced in the direction of the window and couldn't deny the allure of the serene world beyond the library walls. The sunlight filtering through the leaves, the gentle sway of the trees, and the sense of freedom that seemed to beckon.
"I know it's tempting," Muichiro conceded, his voice softening. “But you have to study, we have an upcoming exams.”
"… Mhm," Y/n responded, her gaze shifting towards Muichiro with a slight glare. She couldn't help but feel envious of his ability to maintain focus amidst the tempting allure of the tranquil atmosphere. She continued to pout, sitting up straight and casting a sidelong glance at the stack of books beside her.
After barely glancing at the books for a mere 5 seconds, Y/n let out a groan of laziness. "Aah, I don't wanna study!" she exclaimed, leaning back until her back hit the chair.
Muichiro couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at Y/n's exasperation and display of resistance. He understood that studying was not always the most appealing activity, especially when laziness took hold.
"You're the one who invited me to study in the library, and look at you now," Muichiro chuckled, placing his book down on the table and gazing at her lazy figure.
"Hmph, fine. I'll study," Y/n huffed, puffing her cheeks. She reached for the nearest book within her reach and started flipping through the pages, staring at its contents.
Muichiro's chuckle subsided as he observed her begrudging acceptance to study, his amusement transformed into a warm smile. He settled back into his chair, however stealing glances at Y/n every now and then.
After a few moments, Y/n slammed the book down, using it as a pillow. Muichiro observed her action and couldn't help but laugh. He found Y/n's immediate surrender to laziness quite amusing.
"At least that's progress," Muichiro softly chuckled, referring to the few minutes’ Y/n had spent studying before succumbing to laziness once again.
He glanced at her with a playful grin, recognizing the humor in the situation. "You have a talent for finding comfort wherever you can, even if it means using a book as a pillow."
Y/n's eyes narrowed playfully as she turned to face Muichiro, a slight pout forming on her lips. "Now you're just teasing me," she said, her tone indicating both amusement and feigned annoyance.
Muichiro responded with a mischievous smile, his eyes twinkling with playful energy. He casually flipped the book he had been studying, displaying his carefree attitude. "I can't motivate you, so I might as well have some fun," he said, his grin widening.
"Meanie, huh?" he responded, his tone filled with amusement.
He leaned back in his seat, observing Y/n as she turned her gaze away, focusing on the serene scenery outside. He could sense her lack of interest in studying at the moment. "If you don't want me teasing, you should focus on your books," he said, his tone gentle but teasing.
Y/n persisted, refusing to comply with his suggestion. "I don't wanna," she declared, her gaze fixed on the calming view beyond the window. It was evident that Y/n's mind was drifting away from the academic task at hand, finding solace in the tranquility of the outside world.
A mischievous glint sparkled in Muichiro's eyes as he observed Y/n's figure, a playful idea taking shape in his mind. He gently placed his book down on the table and propped his elbow on the surface, resting his chin in his palm. A small grin played on his lips as he prepared to deliver his promised motivation.
"Alright, I'll give you a motivation," he declared, his tone filled with a playful challenge.
“Hm?” Y/n's curiosity was piqued, but she didn’t turn to his direction.
Muichiro's smirk widened as he trailed off, his words holding a playful undertone. "Stop paying attention to the outside scenery," he said, his voice teasing. "Or my lips will pay attention to yours."
“…?!” Y/n's eyes widened further in surprise, the light pink tint on her cheeks deepening as Muichiro's words registered in her mind. She felt a mixture of emotions—surprise, confusion, and a hint of panic. “H-How is that motivation?!”
Muichiro continued to chuckle, thoroughly amused by Y/n's reaction. His playful demeanor remained intact as he met her gaze. "Well, it got you to stop gazing outside, didn't it?" he replied, a hint of mischief in his voice. He seemed pleased with himself, finding amusement in his unconventional approach to capturing Y/n's attention.
Y/n couldn't help but blush even more at his teasing response.
It was true that her gaze had shifted away from the outside scenery, but she had merely redirected her attention to a different direction, she was still avoiding to review.
“You better start studying too or I’ll kiss you.”
“Y-You wouldn’t…” Caught off guard, she stammered in response, trailing off as her voice betraying a mix of surprise and anticipation.
Muichiro met her gaze with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Try me, Y/n," he challenged, his tone filled with playful confidence.
"Ha, I-I don't believe you would do it," she shot back, her voice wavering slightly. Y/n mustered up a semblance of confidence, determined to challenge Muichiro's playful proposition. Despite her reddening cheeks betraying her true emotions, she retorted with a hint of defiance.
Muichiro's playful grin widened as he observed Y/n's attempts to maintain her composure. He could see through her feigned toughness, but he decided to play along.
"Oh, is that so?" he responded, his tone carrying a hint of amusement. "Well, I guess you'll never know unless you find out for yourself."
His teasing words hung in the air, leaving Y/n to contemplate whether she was willing to test Muichiro's resolve and discover if he was serious about his playful threat.
“H-Hmph.” Y/n crossed her arms, closing her eyes as it indicated her stubbornness and refusal to study, despite the playful challenge and teasing from Muichiro. She maintained a defensive stance, determined to stick to her decision of not studying.
Muichiro observed Y/n's stubbornness but couldn't help but find her actions endearing. He decided to play along with her playful defiance, knowing that she was testing his resolve.
He approached her slowly, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. Gently, he reached out and lifted her chin, causing her to open her eyes in surprise. His gaze met hers, filled with a hint of playfulness.
"You think I wouldn't do it?" Muichiro asked, his voice low and teasing. "Well, you're in for a surprise."
With that, he closed the distance between them and pressed his lips against hers in a gentle, lingering kiss. The playful tension between them dissolved into a moment of sweet connection, leaving Y/n momentarily breathless.
As they broke apart, Muichiro looked at her with a playful glint in his eyes. "Now, how about we find a compromise? A little studying won't hurt, right?" he suggested, a trace of amusement in his voice.
Y/n, still recovering from the surprise of the kiss, struggled to find her words. Her flustered expression and rapid breaths revealed the effect Muichiro's unexpected move had on her. After a moment, she managed to stammer out a response, her voice laced with a mix of surprise and shyness.
"I... Uh, yeah, a little studying... sounds... sounds good…"
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rottencoreflesh101 · 1 year
Warning: Kny Spoilers, discussion of aged up characters, mentions of MAPs, mentions of CSA.
I wanna start off saying that I simply do not mind if after this if y’all don’t want to support me and that’s totally fine. You can block or unfollow me however it does best for you.
My Opinion: I don’t mind aged up characters and I wont stop making them bc I simply do not like working with children. If I wanna draw Tanjiro, I will draw Tanjiro from my AU (unless its an unproblematic comm), Tanjiro is 19 years old in my au, same age as me. Genya on the other hand is 20 years old in my au and this is the Genya I use for every post I make about him.
Yes, aging up characters is a problematic subject but It all really depends how it’s portrayed for me. Please make sure the character you are aging up looks like an adult and not like their canonical child look.
Take in mind that fictional characters don’t grow up like us real humans. So we as the fandom create aus where characters grow up and do grown up stuff. Genya in this case, he canonically dies but in my au he survived his death and grew up and so on and on he continues to live his life, aging up, killing demons, settling down with a lover and have a family bc thats what I want for him.
What I do find unacceptable in the aging up act, is when ppl create content of adult x minor and use the “Well they’re an adult in this piece ☝️🤓” while the canon minor characters is still portrayed and looked as a minor. That is creepy behavior and triggering content.
I found out about Genya when I was 18 in october 2021, my friend who introduced me to it told me Genya was 18 and since I didn’t even knew from where he was I just believed him to be 18. January of 2023 was when I started to know more about KNY and get into it and that's when I found out that he was canonically 16 years old. I went a full on year and a half believing this mf was 18 like me so I decided to use my art skills to design him an older version of himself, one that can grow up with me and play a role with my kny ocs.
Now with that being said. I will NOT tolerate anyone calling me a MAP/Pedophile. I do not show predatory behavior. It is absolutely unacceptable for someone who doesn’t know anything about my stuff to call me a heavy life ruining word just bc I aged up a fictional character that doesn’t exist.
I will NOT tolerate being called a pedo in any form or shape just bc I aged up fictional characters. I AM NOT a MAP, I will not stand being compared next to my abuser, who is a real pedo who abused me and many other children.
I do believe fiction can impact reality. A great example is tv shows where they show sharks as these dangerous aggressive creatures and now we believe that sharks are dangerous animals while in reality they’re super cute and silly lil guys.
Conclusion: I age up characters. It is a touchy subject in the internet but I dont find anything wrong with it. If you no longer want to support me then feel free to unfollow and block me but I will bite back, delete or block anyone who dares to call me something so horrible. Instead of aiming your child protective services attitude towards me, aim it to real abusers, ppl who create content of cp.
If this harassment continues, I will take my leave. I downloaded Tumblr to relieve my old good memories, a safe space, to meet ppl like me not to be harassed bc I age up characters and for being a NSFW artist. May this be the first and last note regarding this situation. My mental health comes first, my heart condition's peace comes first, I am not in the mood to have heart therapy again.
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