#so the fact that the flag was still banned...
heritageposts · 20 days
🇵🇸 From the second ESC semi-final: man waves a small Palestinian flag during Israel's performance, and is immediately escorted out by security
I've seen people try to excuse this by saying there's always been a list of approved flags for Eurovision.
And yes, while it's true that ESC has had an official flag policy for years now—with nation flags either limited to those with UN status, or to participating countries—it's also something that has only been selectively enforced in the past, and never which the kind of hostility we're seeing in Malmö right now.
The first time I remember hearing about the Eurovision flag policy was in 2016, when a Sami artist was representing Norway. The Norwegian broadcaster of ESC, NRK, reported then that the Semi flag was "technically" banned from the ESC arena, but that, according to ESC's the former head of communications, it would be up to the security at the arena whether they enforced this ban or not:
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The music competition's rules state that it is only permitted to use flags from the participating countries, from countries that have previously participated, or from countries that are full members of the UN. It is therefore not allowed to wave the Sami flag when Agnete goes on stage on 14 May in Stockholm. - Technically speaking, that is correct, as the Sami flag is not part of the UN or is represented in the Eurovision Song Contest. I understand that the question can arouse emotions as Agnete has Sami roots, says Paul Jordan, communications manager for the Eurovision Song Contest to Sameradion in Sweden When asked what might happen if the public shows up with a Sami flag during the competition, the communications manager says that it will be up to the doormen to decide. - Technically, it is not allowed according to the current rules. Right now I don't know what would have happened at the entrance. Technically, it can be confiscated, but I cannot guarantee that, says Jordan to Sameradion.
I could write several paragraphs about just how revolting it is that the Sami flag was even banned to begin with (they reverted it in 2016, after months of backlash), but the point I want to drive home right now is that there is nothing "apolitical" about the EBU's flag policy, or the way it is enforced.
Reminder again to BOYCOTT EUROVISION 🇵🇸
Don't watch, don't vote.
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leverage-ot3 · 3 months
okay I absolutely get and adore harry being oblivious about ot3 developments, but consider:
after breanna makes it explicitly clear she’s queer in the card game job, harry starts Researching™
he’s trying to be good, be better. he likes this girl and wants to be there to support her and be her friend, someone she can trust. it doesn’t help that she’s around the same age as his daughter, who barely wants to associate with him anymore
he learns breanna is queer and dives into researching. watching TED talks in his spare time. reading ebooks on his phone in between playing roles in a con (bringing a physical book is less convenient and he doesn’t want to wave around the fact that he’s researching like he’s trying to be performative about it). he reads about legislation and book bans and wonders about how they could work their magic through a con to fix those things. he reads about asexuality and recognizes the flag colors from the sticker on breanna’s laptop, which he files away for later
he learns a lot! he has been peripherally aware of queer stuff- it’s kind of hard not to be in the 2020s, but now he is much more informed on a lot of issues. he has memorized at least 50 different labels and terms and has an index of resources in his head (and on his phone) if anyone might need them. he wants to understand the people he loves and cares about, whether it’s breanna or one of his daughter’s friends, or anyone in his life that is queer and he doesn’t know it yet. he wants to be ready and prepared to support them!
he learns about sapphicness and bisexuality and intersex rights and the gender spectrum. he learns about karyotypes and stonewall and other queer history. he learns about kink (blushing, but still reads because it’s important!) and relationship diversity… which leads him to discover the term polyamory
he tries not to actively apply the terms he has learned on the people in his life because he knows it’s wrong to assume things about other people. BUT. harry spends a few days reflecting on parker, hardison and eliot’s interactions and wonders. he thinks about the long hugs and lack of personal space and near telepathic communication not just between parker and hardison, but parker and eliot AND hardison and eliot. how parker knows how to make eliot take care of himself, how he knows when she forgets to eat because she’s so hyperfixated on planning a con. how parker jumps on his back for fun and no matter what, he always catches her. hardison’s absence is felt when he’s gone, deeply by the both of them.
it could just be a deep friendship, he knows. they have been working and living together for over a decade, of course they would be close!!! maybe they could even be queerplatonic! (another new word he learned!)
but. still. he quietly observes, watches closely, and thinks.
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wilwheaton · 1 year
Elon's new blue-check subscription service was a massive flop, and the sudden removal of nearly half a million blue-checks suddenly made it crystal clear to Twitter's user base that the blue-check club going forward was going to be populated almost entirely by right-wing weirdos. There would be no hanging out with Stephen King or LeBron James; your fellow blue-checks would instead be a few notorious racists and jokes from (checks notes) influential wag "catturd." In fact, by so clearly labeling the worst of Twitter’s worst people, it spurred a genius #BlockTheBlue backlash, in which people gleefully banned the blue-check trolls that now populated the top of every single prominent Twitter thread (like those of actual celebrities announcing their refusal to pay for what was now a worthless mark). The visible unpopularity of the program wasn't just embarrassing for Musk. It's an existential threat to the program’s viability. Musk sold the subscription service as a way to become one of the site's Important People without merit; if all the Important People didn’t just stay off the program, but mocked it, only the most diehard of Musk loyalists would be eager to sign up for that. As the collapse of the program became self-evident, third parties had already begun working on automated #BlockTheBlue plugins that would systematically block all checkmarks. So Musk immediately set out to salvage the reputation and very existence of the $8 club—by forcing Important People to be in it whether they liked it or not. And by "immediately," we mean "by afternoon."
Elon Musk's Twitter Blue is a verified disaster
I was one of Twitter’s early adopters. I was one of those accounts they suggested you follow when it started to get big. I went from a few thousand followers to a hundred thousand in a matter of days, and was at 3 million when I closed my account.
I left Twitter long before Musk took over, but I kept the account to protect it and the branding it comes with from bad people.
Last year, before Musk bought it, I posted a couple of tweets to let those three million accounts know that my memoir had been published. It seemed silly not to. I turned replies off, and just let it be an announcement.
Then Musk took over, and I watched Twitter turn into 4Chan. When it started to become 8Chan, I deleted my entire archive, unfollowed everyone except family, and then made my account private. I figure I still need to protect the username.
I don’t look at my account, but someone told me the check was gone. (Oh, I was one of the earliest verified users, too). I was thrilled. I didn’t want anyone to think I gave that bozo my money.
Then the same person told me the check was back, shortly after I think all decent people had concluded that blue check = red flag (or red hat). So I signed back into my account and updated my bio to make sure nobody ever thinks I gave that dumbass any of my money.
I know I’m not alone. That check mark is now toxic, and I’m not the only longtime verified user who doesn’t want anything to do with it. I wonder if someone more famous than me, with more at stake, makes noise about the implied endorsement  / affiliation the blue check now carries with it, and the brand damage that comes with it?
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rea-grimm · 5 months
Full moon - Werewolf Shanks
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You sailed aboard the Red Force under the black flag of the red-haired pirates for a little over half a year.
During that time, you had a chance to notice Shanks regularly locking himself in his cabin once a month like clockwork. Or when you were on land, he would disappear and only come back in the morning.
You let it go. Everyone had the right to their privacy and most importantly it didn't affect your relationship in any particular way... Maybe just a little when he pushed you away with various excuses in those days.
You were sailing the sea and there was no land in sight. You saw the captain getting more and more nervous by the day. He tried to be his classic self, but you noticed the little details that gave him away.
You tried to distract him and cheer him up a bit, but it didn't help much. Of course, he appreciated your effort, and he smiled, but there was still that unusual nervousness.
However, it disappeared the same afternoon when a new island finally came into view. You saw on him how the stone fell from his heart.
You only reached the island in the evening, when it was slowly getting dark. Shanks decided to go look for supplies while the others stayed on the ship. The ban on leaving the ship applied mainly to you.
You protested that you wanted to go too, but Shanks stood by the fact that the island was too dangerous for you. Ultimately, you had to promise him that you would stay on the ship.
As a reward, he kissed you on the lips before leaving and promised to make it up to you the next day. And with that, he left the ship. Leaning on the railing, you watched him disappear into the forest.
After some time you just went for a walk around the deck when you noticed the others watching you warily. Some hid it well, but others completely turned around and were quite noticeable.
Something was wrong. But you didn't want to ask right away. Instead, you went to the study room to look at the maps. You pulled out a few books and the right maps and started searching.
After some time you finally found the proof you needed. This island was not dangerous at all. Exactly opposite. There was no danger at all.
There was no population and no dangerous predators. Now you were even more curious about why he lied to you.
You first decided to find out from the crew members who knew more than you. But no one was going to tell you anything.
Only Benn then told you that it was the captain's secret and it wasn't his place to tell you. That only made you more angry, but you knew it wasn't worth arguing about.
Defeated, you returned to your cabin. But that didn't mean you were giving up. You just needed to come up with a plan.
You finally managed to slip out the window in your cabin undetected. You made it to the island and made your way to the forest where you had seen the captain go before.
A lot of time had passed when Yasopp came to you saying that Lucky Roux had prepared dinner. However, when you didn't answer, he peeked into your cabin and noticed the open window and your absence.
He immediately went to inform Benn and Lucky, who were supposed to keep an eye on you during Shanks' absence. It wasn't difficult to connect one and one and they immediately set out to find you on the island before something happened to you and it was too late.
You wandered through the forest and the only light was the moon. There was a full moon and not a cloud in the sky. You could even see the stars through the treetops. You called out to Shanks, but the only answer was your echo. Even so, you kept going and kept calling out to him, hoping to find him.
You stopped in your tracks as a wolf howl echoed through the forest. It caught you by surprise because according to all the books, back wolves weren't supposed to be here. No wolves, bears, lynxes and generally no predators.
You realized too late that you didn't even bring any weapons with you. You relied on books that never betrayed you, that there was no danger to be found here.
However, you weren't going to just come back empty-handed, so you moved on. You reached the edge of the forest, from where you had a view of a vast meadow where a doe and several deer were grazing.
You watched them there for a while when you noticed a large wolf-like figure in the distance. The wolf was standing on its hind legs and was missing one of its front paws. 
You hid behind the nearest bush and watched from there as the wolf got close enough to go unnoticed behind the doe before running after them.
The herd immediately fled, but it was too late to save everyone. The wolf managed to pull the largest deer to the ground and bite through its throat. Once the deer was dead, he set about feasting.
The wolf was thus in the middle of the meadow. You decided not to disturb him in his dinner and instead wanted to go around the meadow and continue your search.
As you walked on, your eyes kept sliding to the wolf. But that was your biggest mistake because you didn't notice the protruding root and you tripped. You stumbled and fell on your chin into the bush in front of you.
The wolf also heard this noise and immediately looked up from his dinner. He breezed through the air and heard the twigs crack beneath you as you struggled to get out of the bush.
As soon as you scrambled to your feet, you ran away. You only had to see the wolf coming towards you out of the corner of your eye. If he jumps on you like that deer, it will be the end of you.
You meandered through the trees like a rabbit, slowly losing the lead you had. Moreover, the forest slowly ended in front of you and before you knew it, you found yourself in a small clearing. It was only a matter of time before he knocked you to the ground.
You screamed as the werewolf jumped on you and braced yourself for the worst. Now you regretted disobeying the captain's order.
When you fell, you rolled and now you were facing the wolf. No, you faced the werewolf. At the same time, he scratched your ribs during your fall and was now pressing you to the ground with one paw. He was leaning over you with bared teeth.
You had his muzzle so close that you could see his golden eyes and the three familiar scars above his left eye. However, you focused more on his teeth, as they were the closest to you and the biggest threat.
You finally closed your eyes and tilted your head to the side. You didn't need to see everything before your end. You felt his wet nose on your cheek. You didn't understand what was happening, but you still had your eyes closed.
The werewolf stopped growling and you felt him run his snout over your face, sniffing you. You opened your eyes when you felt his wet tongue on your cheek.
You didn't understand what was happening. He nuzzled your face and you saw him wagging his tail. You carefully pulled his muzzle aside with your hand and he started licking it.
Then he looked at you with his mouth hanging open and his tongue lolling out. He looked much happier. He had a sort of smile on his face. You caressed his cheek and now noticed the red fur that at first appeared to be dark brown.
You recognised your captain in him and slowly his behaviour began to make sense to you. Why was he always locking himself up or walking away.
“I'll get back to the ship,” you said resignedly after a moment of scratching his ear long enough. 
You were about to head back to the ship when Shanks grabbed the hem of your shirt with his teeth and refused to let go. He slowly started pulling you back towards the meadow.
"I'm not sure…" you already broke his order like this. Besides, now that you knew the truth, you weren't worried about him. Shanks only huffed at you and rolled his eyes as he dragged you on.
Finally, you followed him back to the meadow, to the deer carcass. Shanks pounced on the deer and you sat a little further away. You didn't need to see everything. Even though you noticed how he chewed, he kept looking at you.
When he finally finished he licked himself contentedly and laid down right next to you before resting his head in your lap. You scratched his head and slowly leaned against him. His fur was as soft as hair. As the night wore on, your eyelids drooped and before you knew it, you were asleep.
You woke up in your bed in the morning. You sleepily sat up and wondered if it was all just a dream. You uncovered yourself when you noticed you were covered by Shanks's coat.
You were about to stretch when pain shot through your ribs. You grabbed the sore spot and noticed that your ribs were bandaged. This was evidence that last night truly happened.
When you came on board, everything was as before. Everyone was having a good time and laughing. 
Later, the captain invited you to his cabin. Shanks wanted to make sure you were okay but then reprimanded you for disobeying his order. You defended yourself by saying that nothing happened to you.
However, he explained to you that that was not the point. It was dangerous. He was dangerous. He could have killed you. But even that didn't deter you. 
Nevertheless, he admitted to you that he tolerated this transformation much better. Mostly he had negative memories of it, but this time it wasn't so bad.
That was also the reason why he forgave you. He pulled you closer to him and leaned so close he almost kissed you. You were already expecting his lips on yours when he told you that you would be receiving a private punishment that evening.
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pinksiames · 1 month
Thought dump… Gale and Bucky ABO au
But it’s omega!Gale who’s trying everything he can to conceal the fact that he’s an omega. Dating Marge who’s a beautiful omega herself as a front, taking supplements to hide his scent and to boost a false one of an alpha. He and Marge play pretend out in public, Gale being the strong alpha that keeps his sweet omega protected and cared for. But once they’re behind closed doors they’re more like really good roommates, tending to each other’s needs when needed, being a source of comfort during their heats. That’s how it’s been since he presented. Since his father struck him with the back of his palm, swearing he’d never have a whore for a son, a breeding bitch that begs for an alpha knot.
He kept up the facade by enlisting to join the military, proving to his father that he was still strong despite his biological makeup, lying on the form of said genetic fuck up. The front show played well even when he met the strong, assertive but still kind alpha that was John Egan. Hell it was still going when everything in his fiber was screaming at him that Bucky was his alpha, that this was the man to keep him happy and sedated through life. Even after the man gave him his own goddamn name.
But he couldn’t.
Omegas were completely banned from the military, they were meant to stay home and tend to the children running amok, to wail and cry for their husband’s return. Technically that was what Marge was doing, worrying herself sick about her best friend, a man she considered her platonic soulmate. It would be a death sentence if anyone from the 100th figured out what he was. The shame and embarrassment that would come of it. So he kept it to himself, the only person who knew was a close Beta friend Marge had, she knew the whole situation and was sympathetic, supplying him with the medication he needed to keep up his front. It was good, it was great even. He had his best friend Bucky with him, a man who was completely aloof to the situation that was Gale. He had Marge back home, waiting for him, taking care of their little apartment that they called home.
Until he was shot down.
Of all the things that scared buck in that moment wasn’t the fear of death, or the fact that they’d torture him. It was the thought of them finding out what he was.
He had heard horror stories of what the Germans did to the omega men and women in their camps, keeping them separated from the rest to fuck and pleasure themselves like sex slaves. Kept them awake all hours of the night, being ran through like breeding stock. Most of them died within the month of being flagged. They were third class citizens to them.
He was smart enough to keep supplements on him when he went on missions, mostly because of those stories he heard. He had enough to last him through the autumn, but once winter hit he was screwed.
He was both relieved and anxious when Bucky arrived, his Bucky. Relieved that his best friend wasn’t dead, that he wasn’t among the piles of bodies that lay waste in the countries forests. Though it looked like he wasn’t far from meeting that grim fate. But he couldn’t help the anxiety and fear rise up in his throat knowing one of these days he’d have to tell him, once his pills ran out and his temperature spiked.
It was December when it finally caught back up to him, specifically 3 days before Christmas. He had been feeling like shit for the past week, which wasn’t out of the ordinary. Most of the men here were sick as a dog or just about to be. The cold just about took everyone out, heteronormative be thrown out the window when they started sharing bunks, trying to maintain what little heat their bodies still possessed.
Gale had retired earlier that day, curling up in his makeshift bed, his muscles sore and aching, feet shuffling like his body weighed double his size. For the first time since arriving he felt the urge to peel away his layers, his skin hot like hells surface.
Bucky himself had been feeling under the weather, the chill winds weren’t of much help. But he had been keeping his eye on buck and Gale knew it. He knew when he would meet eyes with the large man, how his eyes shined with concern, seemingly growing more and more frustrated with each of gales wave off’s.
“I’m fine Bucky, there’s worse men who need to be tended to more than me. It’s just a cold.” He’d say because that’s what Gale did. Brush off his own suffering and misery while making sure the boys under his command were taken care of. He knew it wasn’t the answer Bucky wanted but it was the one he was given over and over and over again. Gale was getting worse and it showed. But he had to keep face, couldn’t slip up, or else he’d get a far worse punishment than death.
Bucky didn’t know that. It made it more confusing to him when he’d be huddled up next to Gale, chest plastered to the smaller man’s back, and a sweet, lavender smell would wave In front of his nose. It was faint, like a whisper of a kiss. But it was there, and it was coming from his buck. He kept getting little hints of it at night, lavender with traces of coffee beans, and just a dash of pine. It was an odd mix but somehow it screamed buck, made his grip on the man in front of him just a tad bit tighter.
It scared him when buck started to pull away, keeping his distance by keeping himself busy, staying cooped up in the library away from everyone else. He could hardly catch a glimpse at him most of the time, and when he did those baby blues were dull, almost lifeless. It made his heart hurt, knowing Gale was so obviously struggling with something but couldn’t show it in front of everyone. He was resentful at first, how Gale took charge and kept everyone together, while John just wandered around, making up baseball games in his head. Why was Gale able to be so calm? How come he wasn’t as affected as he was? And then he caught that glance, that empty stare. It was almost like he had accepted his fate here, that he was put here to die. He wanted to tell him that they were going to make it, that he had Marge waiting at home for him. But Gale avoided him like the plague.
When Bucky finally retired to bed he returned to his own bed, leaving buck cold and alone. He knew he couldn’t be mad at the man but it still festered in his chest. If Gale wanted to be left alone so badly so be it. At least that’s what he thought before soft sniffles and whines came from below. Guilt quickly replaced anger as he peeked over into crack between the beds and the wall. Gale was curled into himself, shivering and tears pouring down his face. He was about to give in and climb down and comfort the man under a faint, strangled moan pierced his ears. Taking a closer look he could see the sweat covering pink cheeks, drops running down his neck into exposed collarbones. He followed the trail, his eyes widening seeing hand movements under the thin blanket.
Gale was masturbating. Right here where everyone could hear him. But no one moved from their cozy spots, snores still echoing through the space. He quietly turned away from the scene, his cock rock hard in his pants. He didn’t know someone could look so-
“Bucky..” he froze. His train of thought crashing. Gale was crying out for him.
Taking another peak gale was now biting his pillow, eyes squeezed shut and back arched. There was no way.
“John..” This time it sounded more desperate, his eyes opening and a flood of tears poured down his face. Pretty baby blues shining in the moonlight. John wanted to devour him. Without another word he climbed down from his bed, heavy feet landing on the floor. Looking back over Gale wasn’t moving at all, no noise, no uneven breathing. Completely silent.
Grabbing gales blanket he shuffled his way under the cover, the heat hitting him in the face with how warm he was, and then the smell. That sweet lavender smell smacking him. Buck was an omega, and he was in the middle of his heat.
Gale looked over his shoulder at John, his face looking like a kicked puppy dog. He was shaking. In fear or of the cold he couldn’t tell. But his eyes were speaking to him.
Please don’t hate me.
John gave him a soft smile, large hand coming to rest on swollen cheeks before lowering his mouth down to gales ear.
“Let me take care of you darling.”
I was not expecting this to be this long 😭 but um enjoy ABO clegan even if it is a little wip
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corrodedbisexual · 1 year
The ultimate shadow ban survivor guide
I've seen multiple people I follow, or their mutuals affected by shadow bans lately (makes me wonder if it's @staff's attempts to fight bots going totally haywire). As someone who survived a 2-month-long shadow ban on my main this winter, I thought I'd make a post.
First step of being shadow banned: calm down and take a breath. A shadow ban is just a stupid glitch in tumblr's anti-spam system. You're not losing your blog. You're gonna need a whole lot of patience, and deal with inconveniences, but it's fixable.
Read the incredibly useful post All About Shadowban by @that-damn-girl. It outlines the symptoms quite well. The only thing I'd point out is "your original posts won’t be visible to your followers either" - afaik that doesn't happen. Everything you post and reblog will still be visible to your followers, and also they can interact with your posts - like them, reblog them, reply to them.
Just like the post says, contact support. I recommend using a different email than what your banned blog is registered to; not because your ticket won't go through (mine actually did, as I found out when they finally replied), but because you might not receive an email confirmation for your ticket (it's somehow tied to the anti-spam thing, I think), and you're going to worry and try to send more tickets, like I did.
Now wait. And wait, and wait, and wait. They are SLOW. I've seen some miraculous 1-day unbans in the #shadow ban tag, but most people, like me, wait around a month for support to reply. Those are the same guys going through thousands of bot reports every day in addition to user tickets.
If you're going to wait, might as well keep blogging. Now if this is your sideblog that's shadow banned, consider yourself lucky. Make a new temporary sideblog, use it to post your original stuff so it goes into tags (mind that it might take a few days for a new blog to start showing up in tags). Reblog everything to your shadow banned blog so you still have all content in one place and your followers see it. If it's your main that's banned, you can still do that, but there's the extra pain of not being able to reply to posts or send non-anon Asks, since that is only done from main. Might need to register a separate account for that.
Some more fun facts under readmore.
Fun fact #1
Trying to send support follow-up emails in the request confirmation email isn't going to do anything to speed up the process. But I did tweet at them using this tumblr support summoning picture by @cornmayor and offered a raccoon blood sacrifice to resolve my issue when it was like a month with no response. This is what they replied.
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3 hours later I got an email that my shadowban was lifted. I honestly don't know if it was a coincidence, but I mean, this is tumblr staff. Maybe they do accept blood sacrifices.
Fun fact #2
If you're wondering why my shadow ban lasted 2 months if I got a support reply after 1 month, well. It's hard to say exactly how their ban/unban system works bc support replies exclusively with pre-written template sentences, but basically they fucked up. The first time they told me my blog has been restored, I gained pretty much all functions back, except that my posts were still not appearing in tags. Which means probably that being hidden from tags is some kind of different flag on your blog that they forgot to remove. So I had to send a follow-up ticket and wait another month.
My advice is, when they tell you it's fixed, don't take that at face value, go and check all the functions you'd lost (replies, messaging, asks, tagging, appearing in notes, getting mentioned by others).
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purgemarchlockdown · 5 months
Autism and Amane
(CWs: Ableism, Child Abuse, Cults)
(Note: This is mostly based on personal experience and stories I’ve heard from other autistic people.)
It’s a bit of an understatement to say that I love Amane Momose. She’s my favorite character in the series, and I think about her constantly. It’s why I have this blog, I thought about her too much that I needed to write it out somehow.
A personal favorite headcanon of mine is the idea that Amane is Autistic. Mostly cause I’m autistic and I like head-canoning characters who I like with it. So now I'm just explaining why I find this reading of her character compelling.
Right and Wrong
There's no doubt about it that Amane is someone who is heavily constrained by rules and standards, and she expresses frustration towards certain rules in subtle or obvious ways throughout Milgram.
For example, the flag for vulgarity is the only one that is laying down on the ground in Purge March, something that is usually a sign for disrespect.
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Implying that this is the rule that Amane breaks the most, something that is consistent with a lot of the other information we know about Amane. Since it seems like a lot of the things she finds enjoyable (cute outfits, amusement parks, performance art) are either neutered to the point of being boring or outright banned.
Outside of that, Amane doesn't operate on the rules of "normal" society. She operates on her own rules. Rules that are molded by the cult but still Her Rules. She does not care much for acting in ways that would be considered normal to people, and has stated that she is alright with that.
(T2 Amane VD)
Amane: Aren’t we the same? Me and Warden-san. You know, I’m aware that I’m out of the ordinary. That my environment was peculiar, and that everyone [else] is normal. Es: Amane… Amane: In fact, there have been people who said that to me. I’ve been told things like, “You’re being deceived.” “You can still make it right now.” “You’re crazy.” Es: … A: You are treating me as a child after all. Because I’m a child, you believe that I must have been brainwashed. It’s not like that. I, too— children, too, understand everything! Please don’t just decide that people must be unhappy.
While this is influenced by her abuse and her justification of it, even before this Amane has been very consistent on repeating this idea that she does not mind not being considered normal and is not going to change how she acts just because other people said she should, for better or for worse.
22/04/19 (Futa’s Birthday)
Amane: ……I’m fine. I don’t know what you’ve done or what it is you’re worried about, but I think if there’s something you believe in, you should stay true to it. It’s not something that should waver just because other people said something. I personally don’t plan on changing my own beliefs even if I’m told I’m wrong either……
That isn't to say Amane Doesn't operate by rules, she does, to an extreme extent even. Something that is even shown above.
But she operates on rules she personally believes makes Sense. If she does not agree with a rule she believes to be nonsensical she will express that. If she does she'll follow it to the letter, even if it harms her or someone else.
21/06/27 (Amane’s Birthday)
Shidou: Amane, I heard it was your birthday today. I asked Es-kun if we could get this cake to give to you…… Amane: I don’t need it. I’ll gratefully accept your well-wishes, but I don’t eat things like that. Also…… Shidou-san, I can’t say I’m especially fond of the way you assume that all children will love frivolous things like this. Shidou: ………… Is that so… I apologise. I’m sure everyone else will be happy to eat it, so don’t worry about it. Sorry for intruding. Amane: ………… ……cake……
She's very inflexible and dogmatic in that sense. But not just because of her cult. As stated she seems to disagree with her cult's view on vulgar things, and seems to have broken that rule multiple times before in the past and has gotten punished for it.
Not only that but she is insistent on certain ideas of "rightness" that are Outside of her cults worldview. For example, she consistently reiterates that children also have feelings and agency, to the point that's her Major focus in her T1 VD. Not her religion, not her crime, but her feelings about agency. The idea was just too important to her to simply let go.
Insistence on sameness, inflexible adherence to routines, or ritualized patterns of verbal or nonverbal behavior (e.g., extreme distress at small changes, difficulties with transitions, rigid thinking patterns, greeting rituals, need to take same route or eat same food every day).
What is a promise, if not a rule you swear to follow?
Good Interests
Now I would personally love to argue she has a special interest in religion as someone who was a kid with a Catholicism special interest (trauma is weird) but I don't think I have enough ground to argue that interpretation.
What I can argue, is a performance art special interest.
Amane seems to be deeply invested in performing arts. While it is a metaphor for how she's performing for her family and cult, outside of that she seems to actually show a genuine interest in it.
Amane is a bit of a critic. She seems to be a choirgirl that hates the songs she's singing.
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T1Q14: Do you listen to music? A: Not really to songs that are highly entertaining.
Which implies that she knows what songs she Does find entertaining, and also that as established before Amane likes looking cute and pretty. She keeps on dressing herself in her MVs in cute outfits, and there is even a minigram about her being self-concussion about her hair and then getting it styled.
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There's a Sincerity in these aesthetics, it really seems like Amane Enjoys Performing as an art form. The way she portrays her revenge is not her Stopping the performance, but for the marching band to break from the routine and to go full force into the "real world."
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Not only that, but when Mikoto mentions he's an art student. Amane immdieatly asks him if he's good at drawing. The entire conversation shifting from their discussion about studies but about art.
Amane: It’s fine. If there are any words I don’t understand I can look them up later. An arts university, though…… Does that mean you’re good at drawing, then? It may be a bit rude to say, but that’s rather unexpected.
Her critic side even pops up here. Being surprised someone so "normal" seeming would be an art student.
It also seems like TV was a way for her to cope with her situation, judging by the final shot of Magic.
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This stuff is so Important to her that it bleeds in Everywhere. Even when she tries to hide it to seem more like a "good girl." The visual ideas of performing arts and music come through.
As mentioned above, it seems like these interests were considered "vulgar" by her cult. It's not something a "good girl" like her should like.
It's something...abnormal.
Highly restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity or focus (e.g., strong attachment to or preoccupation with unusual objects, excessively circumscribed or perseverative interests).
Amane is not as good of a girl as she wants us to believe or wants herself to believe. She knows it. She knows it too well.
Dear wise one, Am I worthy? Is it ok to spoil myself? I promise! A pinky promise is a pinky promise!
She's promising that she'll follow the rules this time. Promising that she'll be a "good girl." A status that gets her a modicum amount of respect and safety.
If you become a bad girl, monsters will come out This is the magic that stops that from happening
However, there's a sense of impossibility to become one, as if she was made Unable to fulfill the arbitrary conditions that were set by the people around her. Amane can only pretend to be a good girl, to...mask as one per-say. But she cannot Be One.
Only if, only if, only if I could be a good girl
Amane has been masking for basically her entire life, to various levels of success. To blend into the cult, and to seem "normal" in their eyes.
Except, she's inherently Unable to be one. It's not something about herself that she can change. To turn Amane into a good girl is to make Amane into something that isn't herself.
Amane isn't Human in the eyes of her cult, she isn't good enough to be one, she wasn't born in a way that allows for her to be Respected as one.
She's even Represented by The Cat in Magic.
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Her feelings of pain and anger and isolation by being different are given to something inhuman. And since this is Amane's MV, this is partially an acknowledgement that she is not good enough to be a human
Not only that, but even in the prison she's isolated. The way she speaks is surprising for a child so the people around her aren't sure how to interact with her, and her unwillingness to act in a "proper" way gets certain people (Shidou) upset.
However, she doesn't seem to even view her seeming inhumanity as a bad thing.
Amane is consistently more frustrated at people not understanding her than her not understanding them. She cares about her feelings because no one cared to adjust to Hers. She cares about asserting her agency because if she does she'll be infantalized.
Because, In spite of everything, Amane deeply loves herself.
T2Q20: How do you feel about you not being like everyone else? Nevertheless I was born as myself, so I'm happy.
I wrote this post partially cause I was inspired by this really good Dunmeshi analysis of Laios' autistic frustration. Which made me go "Wow I should do that but with Amane." So I did.
There's so much I can talk about really, but to me. Amane is a character who is in a world Hostile to who she is. Stuck between having to pretend to be "normal" for her own safety and hating having to do it because it's sickening and confining. Where her interests are controlled or considered "abnormal" meaning she is unable to indulge in them. Where the people around her can either demonize her or infantalize her for not fitting the standards they hold her to.
And, maybe it's just me. But I personally relate a lot to that, and I think there's something really amazing about how she's still able to love herself in spite of it all.
(And, I also think she's trans but that's a whole other discussion.)
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thegirlmirage · 3 months
Whatever I personally think about a user isn't super important but just to throw in my review of transphobia I've received on this site:
- I got so many death threats from asking for money for my HRT that I had to shut down my campaign. No bans made that I'm aware of.
- more than once a post of mine has been picked up by TERFs or other open fascists who have collectively harassed me and sent death threats - no bans - I had to rally my own response to that
- attempted to blaze a post for my transition fund and it was blocked despite earlier posts making it through
- I've watched many important posts for the trans community, especially depicting transition, real or artistic, get flagged
- the "porn ban" that is actually a sex ban. Gender and sexuality are often crossed together and they knew that when they banned it because that's what they've been chasing down since. If I want to talk about the sexual changes I've been experiencing with HRT there's a strong chance that'll be two reasons why my post and potentially account will be banned because I've seen it happen countless times
- TERF is such a protected status on Tumblr that they have their own circles, their own tags, and it's pulling in children to that ideology which on the surface should absolutely be against site rules. The fact no action is taken is the most absolute clear indication of this sites support of fascism and hatred of trans people
- the big fucking wizard hat when the transphobic game was being released. What the fuck was that?
Anyway there's more I'm sure but I've been called a lot of things on this site that I've not been called anywhere else. The Queer solidarity that should exist on this site is constantly under threat because of how much fascist ideology is allowed to spread and how much anything else is ruthlessly policed. Even if that's somehow an accident it's still having an incredibly noticeable effect. The persistent feeling from me and other trans people is that this site has been trying to remove us entirely for some time. But trans people have always existed and always will
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Here is where I stand with the Global Conflict this week (no one asked lmao)
1. The top priority for me is stopping the genocide in Gaza, and, immediately after that, establishing a Palestinian state/two state solution.
2. Hamas isn’t going to peddle any kind of solution/compromise. Hamas essentially took their “We want to kill Jews” treatise and replaced “Jews” with “Zionists” but nothing has changed. If you can’t see that, you’re dangerous and probably stupid.
3. The hostages need to be freed (if they’re still alive, which let’s be realistic, they probably aren’t.) If Netanyahu actually cared about freeing the hostages, he would have done it by now, and a large number of Israelis recognize that.
4. Recognition of the hostages/ October 7th and recognition of the genocide/ deeply awful conduct of Israel can and SHOULD coexist.
5. Joe Biden is a useless little bitch. Having him as President again would still be better than four more years of Trump.
6. The Met Gala was not orchestrated by Big Zionism to distract from the invasion of Rafah and saying that it was is just blatant antisemitism. That being said, the Israeli military does frequently carry out large strikes on nights like the Met Gala and the Super Bowl when they know that the American news cycle will be focused on something else. Both things can be true. Also, the Met Gala is inherently a stupid thing to get excited about I’m sorry.
7. Student protestors do often fall into traps of antisemitism and say shit that could potentially harm Jews. What else is going to happen, when you gather a bunch of 19 year olds and tell them to yell as loud as humanly possible? That being said, I do have to believe that a vast majority of college protestors have good intentions AND, most of all, even if they don’t, censoring them and spraying pepper spray in their eyes is draconian behavior that the history books will not look kindly upon.
8. I’m so on the fence about boycotts, especially Eurovision. Because on one hand, banning Palestinian flags and keffiyeh’s from the performance is wrong. And I don’t think that Israel should be allowed to compete considering everything that the government is doing, like Russia was banned in 2021. That being said, it does make me sad that this 19 year old girl wrote a song about losing friends and family on October 7th and in response, she’s been booed and told to stay in her hotel room lest the angry mob tears her apart.
9. I do think that celebrities have some level of responsibility to use their platforms for good. That being said, this is such a complex issue that I almost don’t fault some people for not making a 250 character Twitter statement. I don’t think the dying children of Gaza care much if you block Zendaya or Olivia Rodrigo on Instagram. It also gets ridiculous when you go in the comments section of creators with like 100k followers and you see people posting Palestinian flags like yeah I’m sorry that blorbo from my shows isn’t personally flying to Gaza to punch Netanyahu in the face.
10. If you punctuate every single acknowledgement of the genocide with “but what about the hostages!!” or GOD FORBID “it’s sad that Hamas made Netanyahu do this” you have been propagandized by your local Hillel. No one made Netanyahu do this except Netanyahu. There’s no way you don’t know that by now. Wiping out Hamas: another thing that Netanyahu probably would have done by now if he genuinely wanted to.
11. Whenever I see lists of “here are the celebrities/professors/writers/guy on the street to block and throw rocks at because he’s a Mean Scary Zionist” I am reminded of the lists of synagogue goers that Nazis used to track down Jews and their families during the Holocaust. Seriously if you’re peddling lists of “Zionists” ripe for demonization you might want to ask yourself what you’re REALLY doing, and why.
12. Fun fact about me: I actually consider myself a Zionist. I do think, historically speaking, that Jews do need a safe place and a homeland to prevent us from being killed again like we seem to be every few centuries or so. I just don’t think that place has to be Israel, and I DEFINITELY don’t think Palestine should be subjugated for it to happen. But whenever I hear “Zionism = BAD” I just cringe a bit because… you keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means
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neechees · 4 months
There's ppl who still believe that all those BLM accounts were Russian "spies" on tumblr when BLM protests were in high gear? Seriously? Tumblr staff is known for refusing to ban fash/t.erfs/white supremacists/nazis etc but then wiped all evidence of a tumblr user so much as pointing out a tumblr staff member was still into HP (a fact that was already public by said staff members' own blog by their own volition)? Staff who regularly ban trans girls for innocent posts? And we know that they hide tags of things like BLM & Palestine & were red flagging posts about Native Americans that didn't violate any tumblr guidelines as "nsfw"? But it's impossible that tumblr staff were just deleting outspoken Black users at the height of BLM as a movement & then lied about it?
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moonlayl · 8 months
This...got super long and to be clear nothing I have experienced nor will ever experience will come close to the horrors that Palestinians are facing right now. I just need to say that and make that clear, but these are just things I've been wanting to say for a while now.
Just a thought that came to my head, but I remember arguing with lots of liberals before about how I don't really support the idea that people shouldn't be able to say anything they want (except obviously spreading misinformation especially if you're in certain professions), even hate speech not because I ever want to hear hate speech, but because I can't trust any government to decide what hate speech is, and I was told to give an example
I remember at the time saying "what if one day, me speaking about Palestine starts to become classified as antisemitism or terrorism?"
I was told that was silly and would "obviously never happen" (I didn't believe them and called them naive at the time)
well....looking at certain countries right now, trying to ban Palestinian flags, ban common Palestinian/muslim sayings, ban any peaceful protest in favour of Palestine, even looking at imprisoning/fining people etc.... is kind of just proving my point.
Like most of us don't feel included or part of any western communities even if we're lived here our whole lives for so many reasons and it almost always boils down to us being Arabs/muslim.
can't speak for non Arabs and non muslims, but a lot of us feel this way.
seeing how fighting for the people who need it the most (2000+ Palestinians have been killed. 800 of them being children. 45 families completely wiped out, entire bloodlines, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, cousins, children, nephews, nieces, grandchildren, etc....like this is actual genocide. their entire family tree has been completely wiped form existence) is being banned or branded as "terrorism", or we're losing our jobs, or we're being silenced, like it says a lot about theses countries and the governments that run them.
They tried to suspend humanitarian aid to innocent people of Gaza for the love of God!! Thank God there were 5 decent countries who voted no!
Israel gets away with every goddamn crime and ANY "condemnation" of any warcrime it commits is just talk, while they continue to aid and support it.
How am I supposed to trust these governments, and MY government to decide what's acceptable and what's not when I know that during the most critical moments that matter the most, they won't be on our side, and they'll side with oppressors because they themselves are just that? That the little I can actually do for Palestine and any other country could be completely taken away?
These are "democratic" countries by the way, or they're supposed to be, and sure we can challenge all these things but there are things even we can't do. the onslaught of propaganda shared everywhere by the same news stations that refuse to invite Palestinians (and refuse to air the few times they do) and refuse to fact check their content, or report on what's actually happening in Gaza, can't really be stopped. We can do our best to spread what's actually happening, and to correct false information, but the damages have been done.
And its getting harder and harder to hear form the people of Gaza because of the bombs, cut of electricity, cut off internet access, and also, you know, the fact that the people sharing news are being killed one by one.
There's also many social media platforms completely erasing anything about Palestine. suspending our accounts and hiding our posts. I can't believe I'm saying this but maybe it's a good thing Elon Musk took over twitter because at least I've been able to talk about Palestine as much as possible without nay censoring and I'm still able to. Palestinians are still able to share their stories and the reality yon there. And sin't that crazy? Elon musk is kind of doing something right???
And you know something else? Israel killed one of their own journalists, and those people weren't able to properly report on it. They couldn't directly say it was Israel that killed one of their own workers. Like....its crazy (and they're cowards). Israel also killed 12 UN workers.
That crime is not making as many headlines as the fake stuff did. Those "journalists" and "reporters" who repeated false information (that resulted in far too many people believing them and suddenly being okay with genocide) are still working. they still have a job and they're still out there spreading more propaganda.
this post isn't well written because I'm just putting out my thoughts and what I've witnessed but to make one thing clear, I won't ever silence my voice or allow anyone to silence my voice when it comes to something like this, and i'm not afraid of what they'll do, but isn't so fucked that I could actually lose my job and have trouble finding another one for supporting the oppressed? Like isn't that just..disgusting?
Like what's that supposed to tell me other than majority of western countries are against us? It's not exactly surprising because I've known this, but everyone being VERY open about it is kind of tough to witness ngl.
Like this is not a complicated issue. if you have any morals and you're not biased against Palestinians/arabs/muslims already, then this is a very clearcut case. Israel is an apartheid state. Israel is and has been committing genocide and ethnic cleansing for literal decades and its been doing it long before Hamas came into the picture. Israel's war crimes and treatment of Palestinians is the reason Hamas even exists in the first place. you can condemn Hamas while also recognising that Israelis have no right to that land and that nothing justifies their never ending crimes. Palestinians are demanding for their rights ot live, be citizens, have rights and freedoms, and have their land that was brutally taken from them. None of those things are unreasonable.
You know what is unreasonable? the world deciding Israel is suddenly gonna be a thing and expecting Palestinians to just be okay with it. You know what is unreasonable? Palestinians being painted as the bad guys for "not wanting to share" when they literally shouldn't have to (especially because of the obvious scams of all those "treaties" and "agreements" that all gave every benefit to Israel)
Like the whole world literally let this happen and supported it and cheered for it. Some stayed silent but are showing their real colours (which those of us who haven't been blind have already seen) now.
We've got girls crying about how "they want to kill us T-T" at a university campus because people were protesting in support of Palestine, while a six year old boy was killed in his own home for being Palestinian. In the same country.
We've got celebs talk about how scared THEY are while 800 Palestinian children have been murdered.
We've got celebs posting "pray for Israel" while using pictures of Gaza in ruins or Palestinian children looking at rockets in the sky.
It's insane.
We had a protest for Palestine the other day. People were telling us to go back to our country. They were telling Palestinians to go back to their country.
....that's....that's what they want? Like we're very much aware of how much we're not wanted here just to be clear, and Palestinians across the damn globe would do ANYTHING to be able to go live in their homeland. except they can't. Israel won't let them. That's part of what we're fighting for. Any jewish person can go get a citizenship easily in Israel (even if they've never stepped foot in the country and none of their ancestors had either) but people who were born in Palestine or who's family owns property there can't get it in at all. It's absolute insanity.
I'm not sure how to end this but on every level this has been horrific. But despite that, the propaganda, the genocide, the threats, the whole world being against us, that's not gonna stop us from fighting for the oppressed and standing up for them. It's not gonna stop us from going out into the streets and no words can explain the bravery of everyone who continues to stand with Palestine but especially to the Palestinians who continue fighting and resisting (despite everything they've been through). Continuing to use our voices, donating, protesting etc... is the absolute least we can do and its our responsibility. and I truly, from the bottom of my heart wish the absolute worst for everyone who disagree with this. Like you guys are gonna pay for it. Maybe not today maybe not for many years maybe only in the afterlife (because I do believe in it) but it's gonna happen and every Israeli supporter or zionist is gonna deserve every second of it.
If you're silent, if you try to throw the "two sides" bs, and if you try to act like Palestine and Israel are in any way equal, you're included in this.
You're part of the problem.
Silence is compliance.
And screw every government that supports Israel in any way. Screw the double standards, the hypocrisy and the absolute cruelty towards innocent Palestinians.
I can't speak for everyone else but no matter what happens moving forwards, I'm never gonna forget this and I'm never gonna forgive.
I'm gonna keep trying to do everything possible which unfortunately is not much and thats frustrating on every level but I'm gonna keep doing it. feel free to unfollow/block me, but I'm not gonna stay silent about this ever. and I'm not gonna entertain any bigot or zionists either. it's gonna be a straight up block.
my asks are open, and my page is currently full of information, this site is as well, but I'm not gonna entertain those who clearly care very little bout genocide, because if you haven't opened your eyes by now, I doubt anything I say will change that. you're welcome to go through my blog or send me a polite ask (can't promise I'll get to it right away but I'll try) but I'm not tolerating pointless arguments that are basically me just repeating that Palestinian people deserve to live in their own country with all their rights and freedoms while the other person disagrees. I prefer not to argue with those who are depraved.
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bebx · 2 years
Even though Tiffany G. has (thankfully) lost, and AO3 is now protected from censorship as it should be, I still see some people who believe censorship is a good thing, because “censorship will get rid of CP and other illegal or morally wrong contents that you deem shouldn’t be on AO3”. So I would like to educate you why:
censorship will not solve any of these problems mentioned above (CP and other illegal or morally wrong contents that you deem shouldn’t be on AO3)
it is impossible/unrealistic to get rid of any of the problematic or illegal or morally wrong contents
Censorship will not solve any of these problems: CP and other illegal or morally wrong contents, which you deem shouldn’t be on AO3
You might think, “Why wouldn’t it help? It would ban all these contents so it should be a good thing”, but you forget one important thing: for these contents to be banned, someone will have to report it. And for someone to be able to report it, it would mean that someone will have to read the content, in order for them to know “oh my gosh! this is bad! this is wrong!”
Now you may think, “Okay, but how about we report these contents without reading it? We could do so, if the creators tagged it as underage”, which is also where another problem lays: if the creators tagged it as underage. Because… if Tiffany G won (the results are out, and she did not) that would mean people would stop tagging their works as anything problematic/illegal/morally-wrong. It won’t mean people will ‘stop making these kind of works, and that these kind of works will disappear from AO3’. It will mean people will now ‘continue making these kind of works, but they will stop labeling their works as anything problematic/illegal/morally-wrong in order for their works to not be flagged’.
Which will also mean the kind of contents, you deem as wrong and shouldn’t be on AO3, will still be on AO3, just without proper labeling — meaning it’s more difficult for people, who don’t want to see these kind of contents, to avoid these kind of contents, because there’s no way for them to know when nothing is properly tagged anymore.
It will means there are higher chances of children, you claimed to want to protect, browsing through AO3 and being exposed to contents they shouldn’t be exposed to, because said contents are no longer properly tagged like how they used to, before the censorship.
It will mean there are higher chances of people, who are triggered by some specific contents, being exposed to contents that are triggering to them half-way through reading what was rated as ‘General Audiences’ but is in fact Mature, since the creator decided against tagging their work as Mature in order to avoid getting flagged.
It is impossible/unrealistic to get rid of problematic or illegal or morally wrong contents on AO3.
We’ve been through this before. And I’m not talking about CP (because yes, that is a thousand percent wrong), what I’m talking about, is morally grey contents like “two main characters of the story have a toxic relationship where they’re both abusive”, abuse is wrong. However, this is a fictional work we’re talking about. But I’m not here for that discourse (about whether or not the romanticization of abuse in fiction should be accepted), my point is, it is unrealistic/impossible to determine if this piece of work that contains morally grey contents should be banned, because a.) it’s fiction, b.) to try to determine if it should be banned, you will have to try to figure out the intention of the work: if it was written to glorify problematic stuff, or if the problematic stuff was written as a trauma of a character. And most of the time a piece of work, as well as the meaning behind it, isn’t outright Black or White. What you see as a Romanticization of Problematic Stuff can be seen by other people as the means for a character to grow and overcome the trauma they went through.
I said, “We’ve been through this before,” because we have. The censorship thing happened to fanfiction.net, Tumblr, and other platforms where they center around fandoms. At first they said, “Don’t worry, we’re only banning CP and other stuff that are harmful to children”, but I promise you they will not stop there. Yes, CP should be banned, absolutely. What I’m talking about here, is what they will do after that. To make it as simple as possible, they will definitely ban queer contents next and will use excuse like “queer contents are explicit and are harmful to children, even if it’s just two women holding hands or two men kissing”. I said this because it has happened before. So many times.
Censorship will not stop at CP where it should stop. It starts there, and once it does, the next contents it will get are Mature contents that are properly tagged and are not for children, then anything Explicit that are properly tagged and are not for children, then eventually it will get queer contents. And their excuse will be, “These are all harmful to children.”
Censorship will not solve any problems, and it is impossible/unrealistic to get rid of problematic or illegal or morally wrong contents, because it won’t make contents that are triggering disappear. It will only make contents that are triggering harder for viewers — who do not want to see these contents — to filter them out, because now they are no longer tagged as such, and viewers have no way to know they’re being exposed to said content until they are half way through their reading and are already being exposed to said content.
Censorship will only harm creators and drive people away from the platform.
AO3 already has tagging systems that are almost flawless. Viewers can freely choose to include or exclude contents they want or don’t want to see. But that would no longer be the case, if censorship did happen and people stopped tagging and rating their works properly.
I am glad Tiffany lost, really. But I also wanted to bring these awareness into attention, especially when there’re people who still think censorship is a good thing. And I hope we can prevent something like this, if it were to happen in the future.
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themessengervevo · 6 months
Hello my followers. Today I'm posting something that's not a piece of art I made or a responce to an ask, because I need your help. Several days ago, with the help of my very supportful art teacher, I made a Google account and a Youtube channel as well. She wanted me to post my music on there because she liked it alot and wanted other people to discover it as well. I shared those thoughts too. I also wanted to have a Google account as well because I had one up until 2019 where a phone number being removed caused it to instantly remove my access to the Google account, and thus the Youtube channels I had, which included an earlier instance of a channel dedicated to my music. My most succesful channel only had a slight big over a hundred subscribers.
So I got the Google account, and the Channel set up to where I wanted it and started work on the first upload. It was supposed to a full upload of my album "Suffering Embedded in Logic" with a remastering done by me. I completed the full upload, and even gone through the effort of verifying my account for the purpose of being able to upload a one hour video without hassle. I uploaded it, the copyright checks went through fine, and I uploaded it to the channel. I, obviously considering the big steps I took to getting here, advertised it everywhere, and I wanted to advertise it on this account as well. But then, after a total of three days since creating the account, and not even a day after uploading the video, I was greated to a screen.
It said my video was removed because my account has been terminated. I was obviously very much distressed by this. What could've caused this termination? Why? Was it the full album I posted? Was it something completely different? Did I spent all this time wishing to have a channel again to then be euthanized like that? So I sent an appeal to Youtube regarding my channel.
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I got an email confirming that they were looking into the appeal, and that I would get it in around 2 business days.
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All well and good, right? Well, I woke up today to this lovely message in my Inbox:
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This was obviously shocking to me. In the email regarding my termination, Youtube said my channel had "severe or repeated violations of [their] Community Guidelines". I believe that I wasn't doing anything that could break their Guidelines. What part of the Guidelines I was apparently breaking was not detailed in any way, so in my appeal I said for them to atleast guide me to where in the Guidelines I was breaking these rules, but in their reply not only did they not tell what I was apparently breaking, but doubled down on their decision and are keeping me terminated. Fun little fact, you can only make ONE appeal to them, and no more.
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This was infuriating to say the least. Not only did they banned someone who didn't do anything, they didn't even include a reason or anything so at to why they did this. So in their Feedback form thing, I wrote them this:
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Please, PLEASE read this fully if you want to see my thoughts on this, but if you really can't, here is a "tl;dr" on my thoughts.
I have 2 working theories that might explain why I was inexplicably banned from this platform. And both arent the brightest in their image.
The first theory I have is that this is all a work of a Bot that just so decided to screw over a person for some false reasoning that it sticked to. This theory is confirmed by several support threads on Google's own support forums regarding this exact issue (which are still being made to this day), the one linked as an example. From there, I saw many a person talk about their channels being unfairly banned for unexplained reasons, including a small martial arts group that were only uploading clips of them. that martial arts group got the reasoning of "spam, deceptive practices, and misleading material" for their ban. I believe their network of bots sometimes falsely flag people and terminate them, and that human support doesn't come to correct these bots for many of the smaller people, resulting in an unfair permanent banning. As such, I proposed for them to give reasons as to why they ban people, as well as up the amount of appeals you can do, as well as for them to make their bots better.
The second theory though has more serious allegations. I don't usually talk about where I live, mostly for privacy concerns and also that I believe you shouldn't give out all your information for strangers online, but I have to talk about it for this part. I live in Russia. I have been living in Russia for my whole life. It isn't the best place to live in my opinion, but I've been stuck on this patch of land since I was born. Ever since the Russo-Ukranian War started, the already somewhat negative outlook of people outside of Russia has dropped significantly, many people from there who catered to people outside of Russia received many threats. One of my best friends, who I like to call Reggie, that is working in a store dedicated to people with Autism, had to stop working in Global markets because there was so much hate for Russians at the time that the Dollar-to-Ruble ratio dropped massively, and it was just too much. Many sites put sanctions on Russian sectors, including PayPal, which led to many Russians who used it to basically be poor. Which leads me to believe this: The reason why Youtube terminated my account with no explanation is because either it's human support is xenophobic, or that Youtube itself is xenophobic. I do not like this though, but I'm more and more convinced that this is the case.
Which leads me to a wider discussion of how Youtube is fundamentally broken. From letting big youtubers to stay on the platform despite them breaking their own rules, to many spam comments and scam accounts that exist solely to harvest subscribers and unsuspecting victims, to the whole ElsaGate debocle an how it returned in BIG amounts with Youtube doing nothing, to innocent channels getting silenced and punished for just existing, I believe that what Youtube meant in "making sure that Youtube is a safe place to all" is that they would make sure that Youtube is a safe place to all the big channels that are making money for them, which include scammers, botted accounts, hacks, and big television networks. I say NO to that. I say
Youtube has shown to be late to things that should've been resolved way earlier, that they do not care about serious violations of their rules unless it is explicitly called out on Twitter, that they are inherently racist, homophobic, and xenophobic as was shown in many cases prior to this one (CoryXKenshin immediately brings to my mind), and that they will let their biggest cashcows to continue thriving on their platform and giving them money, even if they are the most scummiest creatures of this earth. This should NOT be how Youtube is. It should be a safe community for many people to go about their lives posting things they want to do, knowing they are safe from the threats of people who would gladfully steal their work knowing they are bigger than you and can get away with it or the system not banning them for arbitrary things they dont know. It should be safe for all, but its only safe for the biggest. So I again say
Please spread my story everywhere you can. Reblog this, crosspost this, blaze it, share it anywhere (but especially on Twitter) you can to let my story be known. Please let everyone know how broken Youtube is, and keep fighting. Even when my Youtube account gets restored, keep. fighting. Keep fighting for the hope that Youtube will FINALLY listen to their cries, and that they will start fixing their shit, because any win we have is one step towards a truly safe place for all. If you have/had any experiences like this, or you live in Russia as well, tell me your thoughts and your story! Hopefully, this will lead to more stories of Youtube being in the wrong, and this will lead to a better future.
Hope you read and understood all of this.
So now that you have read of my channel's unfortunate sudden end, you might be wondering this:
"Well that was sad to hear, but how can I help YOU specifically?"
Glad you're asking that! I would love to have your support in any way. So here are places where you can help!
Obviously, considering you where you're currently are, you can support me here on Tumblr by reblogging and following this blog, as well my side blog @mailyftw! Here I post the art I make, as well as any serious announcements, while on the side blog I like reposting various things and showing whatever doodles I made today. It would be very helpful for me. You can also support me on Newgrounds, it's basically my side art archive, and also a music archive! Speaking of music,
This is where I primarily upload my music on. I've been making Caretaker-like music since 2020, and I would love for you lot to hear it, espcially since I improved from that time. I may upload the remastered version of the album I mentioned earlier with some new tracks added, since I was planning to do this for a while now. I also host on there my supergroup The Haggstrom's albums. We've had some stuff out for a while to enjoy, infact we're making an album ABOUT the problems Youtube has! We have a dedicated server where you can talk about them and even make a submission for our projects, so if you want to support not only my work but the collective works of many people, you can do so by clicking this sentence! It would be very much appreciated, since work has exponentially slowed down there.
WeVidi and BitView
These two Youtube alternatives is where I currently upload my work to. On WeVidi, I upload content related to my music, particularly my albums. And on BitView I upload everything else basically, including memes and animation (hopefully soon). If you want to support me on there, please make an account on these platform and subscribe and share my videos, it will not only help me to be seen, but also help these revivals to thrive as more people see them. Hopefully, they won't lead to a Vidlii situation! Hopefully.
Socials, also known as "Other"
If you want to support me somewhere else, here are some other places I frequent: - SpaceHey! It's a revival of MySpace, and it's really great. I'm always on there, and I sometimes make bulletins or blogs. Friend me if you want! I'll accept most people that are sane and like the things I like. - Discord! Message me at the___messenger and maybe friend me too! Again, I'll accept most people that are sane and like the things I like. If you're one of the "big people", and you want to interview me, go ahead! Though please, link this blog post and the big places I'm in, and be mindful that I don't have the best camera in the world so I'll most likely be doing this in text or on phone. - Reddit! I'm active on there under Spot_Mark, you can message me if you want. Again, I'll accept most people that that are sane and like the things I like, or people wanting to interview me. - Escargot! If you are particularly privy, you can message at [email protected]. Once again, I'll accept most people that that are sane and like the things I like, or people wanting to interview me. Note that you'll need an escargot account and a copy of Windows Live Messenger, preferably 8.5, to even begin messaging. - Anywhere else! I'm on many platforms and places, usually on the smaller side. You can find me under "TheMessengerVEVO" or a similar name on a place. Any support will be thankful. - I'm considering getting a Boosty account for people to help me monetarily, since we here are basically scraping by, plus the wole PayPal nonsense. Hopefully yall could help when it comes out, if at all.
If you supported me because of this, I have nothing but the biggest thanks for you! I'll try updating you on this situation as it goes on, and hopefully it will result in things actually being done. I'm very scared of whatever might come, and also relieved now that I revealed the whole Russia thing. I wanted to reveal that anyway for the past couple of months. Anyway, I hope this gets big and gets the attention of Youtube!
- May our strength guide us forwards, The Messenger.
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00127am · 3 months
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@ cupidshootstokill! pretty boy point guard huang guanheng is far from a hopeless romantic. or so he thinks until he's struck by cupid's arrow (literally and metaphorically) for the ace archer of NCIT : you. the only problem is that his newfound cupid seems to be shooting to kill.
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huang guanheng. ⤷ affectionately called the pretty, prince point guard of ncit basketball-- a nickname which has provoked him into a very much one-sided rivalry with the archery team's prince: kim doyoung (who has no idea who he is) ⤷ the most talented at free throws, a fact that he constantly holds over his other teammates heads (especially marks who is the most envious of them all) ⤷ constantly pushing for the team colors to change to pink and white rather than green and white, an endeavor that jaehyun constantly shuts down ⤷ wants to be able to look in yn's direction without feeling so dizzy that he might just pass out (it's a bit counterintuitive to his aspirations of wooing her)
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johnny suh. ⤷ center johnny is the it boy of the basketball team, though he doesn't have a fan club--he has no shortage of admirers ⤷ joined at the same team as mark and jaehyun and is often considered an unofficial third captain ⤷ seems to rarely do anything at practice, yet somehow still manages to be one of the best starters on the team ⤷ wants to bleach his hair blonde for what feels like the millionth time but he's fairly certain that if he does bleach it again, it might starting falling out in clumps
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nakamoto yuta. ⤷ mark's self-proclaimed biggest fan, you'll never not find yuta hanging all over the underclassmen whether thats in or out of practice ⤷ yuta has an uncanny ability to rack up six personal fouls and get himself disqualified in the blink of an eye--it's for this reason that he's often only put in towards the end of the game, to score as much as possible, as quick as possible before he's flagged and tossed out of the game ⤷ has a obsession with the archery team's xiao dejun, mainly because he loves to fluster the underclassman, something that's as easy done as it is said ⤷ tells any and everyone he's the captain of the team (he is not even close) ⤷ wants to explode ten with his mind ... that's it, really
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chittapon leechaiyapornkyul. ⤷ the swoon worthy small forward is perhaps the most popular member of the team (even superseding jaehyun) despite his inability to take the sport seriously ⤷ contrary to his go-lucky, nonchalant nature: he picks fights with yuta constantly, bickering like cats and dogs or ... really just cats (they actually are very close but you would never be able to tell from any outside perspective) ⤷ takes part in five different extracurriculars, how he has time for all of them with his busy schedule is a mystery to everyone ⤷ the most agile member, ten currently holds the highest consecutive number of points scored in a single game (begrudging correction: he's tied with yuta) ⤷ wants to endlessly torture hendery over his embarrassing crush on yn
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jeong jaehyun. ⤷ captain of the basketball team ⤷ has his own cheer squad which will often attend practices and games, if they're lucky, they'll sometimes receive a wink and a smile from the campus heartthrob (an action enough to make their hearts nearly beat out of their chest) ⤷ he's not quite sure how he became captain in the first place but it doesn't seem to be a position which he ever had the option to decline ⤷ wants to watch yuta and ten bicker, there's something so entertaining about their incessant arguing that jaehyun can't help but provoke it
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mark lee. ⤷ vice-captain of the basketball team ⤷ says he doesn't have a favorite but very clearly likes yuta more than anyone else on the team (though no one is really surprised) ⤷ got banned from watching the archery team practice when they share the gym after teasing renjun about being cute one too many times ⤷ wants to score a three pointed (and win the game) right when the buzzer sounds, man ... that would be so cool
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lee jeno. ⤷ was ultimately forced by chenle to join the team, contradictory to popular consensus--jeno's membership is utterly involuntary ⤷ the 'samoyed' joke begin quickly after he joined the team but has evolved into something much more authentic over time (in fact, sometimes he catches himself thinking that he really is a dog--mark does not help with that) ⤷ the homebody desperately wishes that practice was only two or three times a week rather than five ⤷ wants to figure out a way to skip practice without mark or jaehyun coming down on him or worse ... dragging him there
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liu yangyang. ⤷ joined the team because ten, hendery, and chenle did, yangyangs more there for fun than any actual commitment to the sport ⤷ despite the above fact, he's actually very good at basketball ... though he tends to get too amped up during games and hogs the ball ⤷ much to the chagrin of his teammates, yangyang seems to have endless energy--everyone always tries to avoid rooming with him during away games unless they want to be kept up all night with his chattering ⤷ he wants to change his jersey number from 22 to 00 and despite all statements that 00 simply isn't a number you can have, that doesn't seem to deter him
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zhong chenle. ⤷ the most talented member of the team, chenle's reputation as king of the court precedes him in every game and practice match ⤷ he often brings his dog, daegal, to practice which has a tendancy to cause an upheaval by whoever else is using the space ⤷ most wonder why chenle isn't team captain despite being the ace of the program but the basketball star simply doesn't want to hold the responsibility of his nuisance causing teammates--he'll leave that to mark and jaehyun ⤷ he wants to custom order a jersey for daegal and bring him to games (something that seems completely out of regulation)
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oh sion. ⤷ the newest member of the team, power forward sion has skyrocketed to jaehyun-esque popularity after his debut at a game earlier in the semester (people often say they look alike but sion doesn't see the similarity) ⤷ he mainly joined after seeing daegal but he loves basketball too! he swears! ⤷ likes jeno the most out of everyone on the team and often hangs out around him, even though the pair rarely talk ⤷ he wants yuta to stop getting kicked out of games so easily so he can have more than five minutes of rest on the bench between quarters
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@ ncit archery @ home @ prologue
taglist. @yangasm @trourevaille @ikozen @90s-belladonna @hyuka-bby thank for you for supporting cupid shoots to kill! ♡
🧾 © 00127am 2024
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hussyknee · 6 months
Transcribed Twitter thread by Mouin Rabbani about why Israel has suddenly stopped equating Hamas with ISIS.
About a week ago the US and Israeli suddenly stopped comparing Hamas to ISIS. The term “Hamas-ISIS” had become de rigueur among Israeli officials in their public statements, and along with their partners-in-crime in Washington they often insisted Hamas is worse – much worse even – than ISIS. It’s a familiar playbook. In 2001 the Twin Towers had barely collapsed and Ariel Sharon immediately began insisting the PLO was no different than Al-Qaeda and that Yassir Arafat was worse than Usama Bin Laden. Israel’s flunkies and apologists immediately and dutifully followed suit.
But “Hamas-ISIS” is no longer. Israel’s acolytes have for the most part yet to receive the message, and continue parroting a line that has gone out of style with their leaders, but will probably follow suit at some point within the next 24 months.
So, what happened? Most obviously, the US and Israel have been negotiating, concluding, and implementing a series of agreements with “Hamas-ISIS”. It’s not a particularly good look to be in intensive discussions with, and make one concession after the other to, a movement that is purportedly more vicious and brutal than an organization that not only the West but also the international community considers entirely beyond the pale. Especially at a time when a broader agreement, extending beyond an exchange of captives, is reportedly being discussed in Doha by the CIA and Mossad chiefs – the city where not only the Qatari mediators but also Hamas’s current and former political leaders, Ismail Haniyyeh and Khalid Mashal, also reside.
The fact that Hamas is negotiating exchanges of captives and releasing not only foreign but also Israeli Jewish civilians, rather than slitting their throats in gruesome snuff videos also doesn’t help the cause. Nor do testimonies by released captives that, the violence and abuse of their initial seizure notwithstanding, they have generally been treated humanely. Of course, no civilian deserves to be held captive unless convicted of a specific crime by legitimate authority, yet the contrast between the testimonies of released Israeli and Palestinian civilian captives is enormous. Released Palestinian women and children speak of constant physical and verbal abuse, particularly since 7 October; all manner of deprivation; and an escalation of abuse once it became apparent they would be released. Furious at Palestinian joy at the release of their own captives, rampaging Israeli forces have also shot and killed several Palestinian well-wishers, enveloped most others in clouds of tear gas, and raided the homes of receiving families to evict journalists and warn against celebrations or even “expressions of joy”.
Palestinians are not ruled by the Israeli government in the same sense that Israelis within the pre-1967 boundaries are. Rather, they are subject to military government, effectively an Israeli military dictatorship whose rule is best described as totalitarian. It has for example banned flags, even particular color combinations (in clothing and painting for example), and in 2023 also “expressions of joy”.
Hamas videos of the release of their captives, in which they assist the elderly, provide water bottles, and wave goodbye (not quite ISIS-friendly optics) have been criticized as political theatre and propaganda. Fair enough. But it is still quite the contrast with the scenes outside Ofer Prison where Israel releases Palestinian captives. There, the best that Israeli propaganda can achieve is clouds of tear gas, intimidation of journalists, live ammunition, and bullet-ridden corpses. (And, for good measure, arresting more civilians than it releases.)
So not only did the US and Israel want to avoid the accusation they were negotiating with ISIS, the available imagery is also unconducive to the narrative. Joe Biden will go to his grave insisting he has seen videos of infants beheaded by Hamas, but it’s gotten to the point where even poor Jill rolls her eyes. Other Israeli and US claims have also drawn the short end of the stick. For example, the Israeli authorities recently reduced their tally of Israelis killed on 7 October from 1400 to 1200. The reason is that 200 corpses, burned beyond recognition, belonged to Palestinians rather than Israelis. This suggests Hamas was not systematically setting fire to live humans. Similarly, Israeli intelligence (or what’s left of it) has now concluded that Hamas did not have prior knowledge of the rave organized close to the boundary between Israel and the Gaza concentration camp. Therefore this could not have been a premeditated atrocity. I am of course not claiming no atrocities were committed on 7 October, but rather that as more facts become available the “Hamas-ISIS” propaganda line becomes increasingly untenable.
If we put aside Biden’s hallucinations and take Netanyahu off endless repetition for a moment, the ideological, organizational, and political relationship between Hamas and ISIS remains a legitimate field of inquiry. It’s also pretty conclusive. Hamas and ISIS are indeed both Islamist movements. But that’s pretty much where the comparison ends. To suggest they are equivalent or identical is akin to claiming there is no difference between constitutional and absolute monarchies because their heads of state acquire office in the same manner. Hamas is the Palestinian chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood, a regional Islamist movement formed almost a century ago. Its various national branches have sought to achieve political power through mass mobilization, and as such have formed political parties; provided social services; participated in elections, coups, and uprisings; engaged in armed campaigns against domestic autocracy and foreign domination; and in a number of cases formed internationally-recognized governments. It’s a fundamentally different template than that pursued by ISIS.
Hamas was established in the cauldron of the Israeli occupation, and like other Palestinian organizations actively participated in the struggle to end Israeli rule. In 2006 it participated in Palestinian legislative elections, fully certified by the Carter Center, which it won. In 2007 Hamas seized power in the Gaza Strip after a year during which its various domestic and foreign adversaries, to put it politely, actively worked to undermine it. In the intervening years it has in addition to attacks which have garnered global headlines developed relations with states as diverse as Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Russia, and Qatar; negotiated prisoner exchanges and ceasefires with Israel; freed and released foreign hostages (including BBC journalist Alan Johnston) abducted by rivals and criminal gangs; endorsed a two-state settlement with Israel; and cooperated with a variety of UN agencies and international organisations. Its governance of the Gaza Strip years has, to varying degrees, been hegemonic and repressive, but like its politics and policies defies any comparison to that experienced under ISIS’s self-styled caliphate in Syria and Iraq.
ISIS has in fact been bitterly critical of Hamas, and considers the group in its entirety, as well as its individual members, “apostates” and “polytheists” – its most serious transgressions of all. This is on account of, among other mortal sins, Hamas’s participation in democratic elections, its failure to govern solely in accordance with shari’a (Islamic law), relations with Iran and other regional states, and prioritization of Palestinian liberation. Perhaps for this reason Hamas made short shrift of attempts by the Islamic State movement to establish a foothold in the Gaza Strip, primarily in Rafah, during 2015-2016.
END. Postscript: @rao2of has kindly pointed out a significant oversight on my part: that in its efforts to normalise relations with Egypt after initial post-Sisi coup hostility, Hamas began cooperating with Egypt's anti-ISIS campaign in Sinai, drawing even greater fury from it.
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sadaveniren · 1 year
People who are coming into my ask box talking about exploiting children as if gay men (and women) haven’t been having and using their own biological kids to closet themselves since the dawn of time.
NOTE I’m not saying it’s okay to “exploit children” but it’s ONE OF THE WAYS GAY PEOPLE SURVIVE. THEY HAVE KIDS WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX TO SHOW THEY ARE NOT GAY! Gay people put themselves through forms of corrective rape to try and protect their closet. And so Louis having a kid play actor (obviously we can’t know what the kids knows or doesn’t know but my personal thought is the kid is told he’s an ACTOR) is just a different flavor of that.
And we can get into the entire argument about the exploitation of child actors at a separate time (WHICH WOULDNT BE ON LOUIS IN THIS CASE MIND YOU THIS WOULD BE ON THE KIDS ACTUAL PARENTS WHO ARE PUTTING HIM UP AS AN ACTOR!)
Basically what I’m saying is regardless of what we the fans think or feel Louis’ closet and BG are not OUR problems. They aren’t OUR decisions. They are a product of Louis’ closet and we do not know the behind the scenes reasons these things might still be going on. And also to look at BG in isolation of the last two or so years in terms of Louis “choosing this” completely ignores the fact he DIDNT choose it. He fought against playing dad for SO LONG. If he is still doing there is a reason and that reason might just be it is the most simplistic way to maintain his closet - WHICH IS HE CHOICE.
Walk quickly with me through this hypothetical situation where Louis ends BG AND maintains his closet. BG has been something that has been an internet meme since the beginning. If BG ends the likelihood of Louis being able to maintain his closet without doing something ELSE heterosexual would be near impossible (elounor engagement anyone?) because a lot of his interactions with Eleanor (and women in general) would be scrutinized.
His only other - non ramped up stunt - option would literally be to disappear for a couple years, to let it all die down and hope that things ease up and so by the time he came back nothing was talked about. Maybe going MIA for a couple years isn’t something he wants to do!
You are allowed to be upset that things aren’t ending but a lot of the arguments and talk I see and get sent makes Louis a villain when he’s just trying to survive in the music industry as a gay man. His documentary just got banned in Malaysia for (among other things) pride flags - which he didn’t cut out! Him AND Harry have both performed in countries where homosexuality is criminalized and sneaking pride flags in was an act of extreme courage.
Being closeted is OKAY. It has to be because being secretly gay and alive is better than being openly gay and dead. So please remember… gay people do stuff we may not agree with to protect their closet. Having a child actor spend 3 hours a day acting is really not that serious of a crime. He could have an ACTUAL CHILD who he ACTUALLY was showing off and making money off of ala… oh idk the Kardashians… Beyonce or plenty of other celebrities who make their child part of their brand. It’s not like he’s out here using Freddie to make an adidasxFreddie collab. He is literally just… pretending to have a son that he showed in his documentary because HES CLOSETED. And if he didn’t include him in the documentary that’s meant to show off his life - coupled with the fact he just broke up with Eleanor - would make fans start digging and low tier media would pick it up - just like they did in 2016 with BG.
Just. Please. Critical thinking. Compassion for closeted people. Learn to separate your emotions from choices other people make.
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