#sorry hulk jr
lavoixhumaine · 1 month
Bobby bringing himself back to Athena after some stormy weather.
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sadnymi · 27 days
「 ✦ The masked boy. ✦ 」
regulus black x reader x barty crouch jr
Summary: following Regulus to what I expected to be a harmless party turned into a night of hidden desires and whispered secrets. Just to meet the masked stranger who seems to know more of me than I expected .
Words: 3,5k
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Going to the party was undoubtedly a risky decision, but the allure of secrecy and adventure pulled me in. I overheard Regulus discussing it, and despite Pandora, bless her sensible soul warning of potential trouble, curiosity, that insatiable beast, had her claws firmly sunk into my insides. Ignoring her dire pronouncements, I transformed into a shadow the moment Pandora had fallen asleep Sneaking out I followed Regulus carefully, staying hidden until we reached a mysterious secret door within Hogwarts.
The door creaked open a sliver, revealing two hulking figures clad in black. Their imposing stature and steely gazes instantly confirmed my worst suspicions – this was no ordinary gathering. Fear, cold and sharp, snaked its way through me as one of them addressed Regulus in a low, gravelly voice.
"Who is this?" he rumbled, his gaze fixed on me with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine.
Regulus, his back momentarily turned, whirled around at the sound of the question. His face, usually a canvas of bored indifference, contorted into a mask of surprise and, dare I say, a hint of… fear? Our eyes met, and in that fleeting moment, I saw my own panic reflected back at me.
He recovered quickly, however, mustering a semblance of nonchalance. "She's with me," he declared, his voice a touch too loud to be entirely convincing. He strode towards me, a forced casualness in his gait, and placed a hand on my shoulder.
"Don't worry," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper, a hint of desperation clinging to the words.
Once inside, the doors clanged shut with a finality that echoed my growing unease. Regulus whirled on me, his green eyes flashing with fury. "What in Merlin's beard, Y/N, were you thinking?" he hissed, his voice barely a whisper above a growl.
Shame burned hot on my cheeks."I… I followed you," I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper. "I was curious, . I just wanted to see I’m so sorry reg …"
He threw his hands up in exasperation. "Curious ? This isn't some harmless gathering, Y/N! You have no idea what you've just gotten yourself into!" The anger in his voice was laced with a hint of fear, a chilling realization that sent shivers down my spine.
The gravity of the situation sank in as I realized the potential consequences of my impulsive decision. Regulus's protective instincts were in full force, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for putting him in a difficult position.
bravado I'd mustered to follow Regulus evaporated, replaced by a tremor that ran through my limbs. Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring the dimly lit chamber.
"I-I'm so sorry, Reg," I stammered, my voice choked with a mix of fear and remorse. "I had no idea… I shouldn't have followed you."
He sighed, the anger momentarily replaced by a weary resignation. "Hey," he said, his voice softening as he reached out to brush a stray tear from my cheek. "Don't cry. It's alright. We'll figure this out , Just… stay close, okay?"
He reached for a nearby table, his hand snagging two ornate masks. The intricate designs, fashioned from a material that shimmered faintly in the low light, were a stark contrast to the rough stone walls surrounding us.
"Put this on," he instructed, handing me one.
As I took the mask, a wave of self-consciousness washed over me. My baby blue sweater and jeans felt utterly out of place amidst the air of clandestine secrecy.
"I… I didn't know there was a dress code," I mumbled, feeling foolish.
He let out a humorless chuckle, the sound devoid of mirth. "There isn't, exactly.There's more to this than a dress code, sweetheart,"
then his voice dropped to a low murmur, laced with a seriousness that sent shivers down my spine. "Don't talk to anyone inside. And whatever you do, Y/N, never, ever reveal your name. Understand ?"
Shame burned in my throat, hotter than any fiery Goblet of Fire. I nodded mutely, the weight of my recklessness pressing down on me.
"Good," he said, his voice a touch softer. "Now, stay by my side. We'll get through this."
His words, laced with a newfound protectiveness, offered a sliver of comfort amidst the swirling vortex of fear and regret. With the mask obscuring my features, I clung to him.
With a newfound resolve, we ventured deeper into the hidden chamber. The air grew thick with the stench of sweat, spilled ale, and a musky perfume that hung heavy in the air.
The sight that greeted me upon entering the main hall was enough to make my eyes widen in shock. Bodies, clad in various states of undress, writhed and swayed to the pulsating rhythm of an unseen band. Laughter, tinged with a hint of hysteria, echoed through the cavernous space.
Instinctively, I raised a hand to my mouth, stifling a gasp.
"Y/N, sweetheart," Regulus hissed, his voice tight with urgency, "if we're going to survive this, you need to feign normalcy."
I lowered my hand hastily, trying to avert my gaze from the two scantily clad figures who brushed past me, their movements more suggestive than celebratory.
"Reg," I whispered, my voice barely audible above the din, "what is this place? Why isn't anyone wearing any clothes?"
Regulus offered a wry smile. "Perhaps you were right about the dress code here," he said, his voice laced with a dark humor.
"Is this some sort of… secret society?" I pressed, trying to quell the rising panic within me. His silence spoke volumes.
"Does this have anything to do with your new tattoo?" I ventured, the question tumbling out before I could stop it.
Regulus' lips stretched into a tight smile as he politely greeted a scantily clad woman who offered us flagons of an unknown, steaming beverage. With a practiced flick of his wrist, he disposed of the drinks once the woman had sashayed away.
"Don't consume anything offered here, Y/N,Not food, not drink. Understood" he murmured, his voice low and urgent. "Just stay close, and whatever you do, don't draw attention to yourself."
Guilt gnawed at me as Regulus navigated the throng of pulsating bodies, his hand a constant presence on my arm.
"Listen closely, sweetheart," he murmured, his voice a soothing balm amidst the cacophony.
"After the clock strikes the hour, I can't stay by your side any longer. I have… business to attend to. However, there's a hidden staircase leading to the rooftop. Go there, and you'll be safe. Once I'm done with what brought me here, I'll find you. Don't be afraid, Y/N. I promise you'll be alright I won’t let anything happen to you ."
He reached out, his touch surprisingly gentle as he brushed a stray strand of hair from my face. "And what about you, Reg? Will you be alright?"
He offered a smile, a gesture that felt more strained than comforting. "I'll handle myself, sweetheart. Just remember everything I told you: silence and anonymity are the keys . Don't speak to anyone, and for Merlin's sake, never reveal your name. Now, go."
His voice, laced with urgency, left no room for argument. I followed his gaze to the ornately carved clock dominating the far wall. The hands were inching closer to the ominous hour. My heart hammered against my ribs, a frantic drumbeat echoing the approaching chimes.
Regulus squeezed my hand once, a silent promise of reunion, before melting back into the throng. Taking a deep breath, I found the hidden staircase tucked away in a darkened corner and ascended, each step taking me further away from the revelry and closer to the safety of the night.
Emerging onto the rooftop, I was greeted by a breathtaking vista. The moon, a luminous pearl in the inky expanse, cast an ethereal glow over the sleeping castle. Hogwarts, usually a source of comfort, seemed alien in this context, a silent sentinel against the backdrop of the forbidden revelry below.
I pulled my knees to my chest, the cool night air stealing the heat from my flushed cheeks. Fear, a potent cocktail of adrenaline and unease, churned in my gut. But amidst the turmoil, a flicker of hope remained. Regulus had promised.
The passage of time blurred on the rooftop. Every rustle of wind, every creak of the ancient castle, sent a jolt of fear through me. How long had I been waiting? An hour? Two? It felt like an eternity.
A soft voice, barely a whisper, shattered the silence. "Nice sweater "
I gasped, whirling around to find a stranger standing behind me.
This wasn't supposed to happen. My sole purpose was to wait for Regulus, I whirled around, my gaze falling on a tall figure shrouded in shadow. An ornate mask, similar to the one Regulus had provided, hiding his eyes , leaving only a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes , and a smirk in his lips
Silence stretched between us, thick with unspoken tension. Perhaps, I thought, if I remained quiet, he would simply melt back into the darkness, a fleeting apparition.
"Are you mute, darling?" The stranger's voice, dripping with a sardonic lilt, shattered the fragile hope , I opened my mouth shocked by the rudeness of his words
"That's a cruel thing to say," I retorted, my voice barely above a whisper, yet laced with a defiance born of desperation. Although his face remained half hidden, I could sense the widening of his smile, a predator relishing the chase.
"So you do talk," he chuckled, taking a step closer. I instinctively scooted back, the cool stone pressing against my spine.
"I know who you are, darling," he continued, his voice a low murmur that sent shivers cascading down my spine. Panic, a cold serpent, coiled itself around my heart. Don't look at him, don't look at him, a mantra echoed in my mind. He's bluffing.
But he didn't stop there. He sank down onto the rooftop ledge beside me, completely ignoring the disdainful glare I shot his way.
"What are you doing here, sweet Y/N?" he cooed, his voice dripping with a false sweetness. "Isn't it a little past your bedtime?"
Denial, a flimsy shield, crumbled in the face of his unwavering gaze. "I'm not Y/N," I stammered, a desperate attempt at subterfuge that even my own ears recognized as transparent.
A slow smile, devoid of genuine amusement, stretched across his masked face. "Such a shame," he drawled,The way his eyes, though obscured by the mask, seemed to gleam with perverse enjoyment sent a tremor of unease through me.
Panic, a cold hand constricting my throat, threatened to erupt. "What do you want?" I blurted, my voice barely above a choked whisper.
He feigned surprise, raising his hands in a theatrical display of innocence. "Merely indulging in a bit of curiosity," he purred, his tone dripping with saccharine sweetness."What brings the Ravenclaw princess to this clandestine gathering?"
Ravenclaw princess? A flicker of confusion momentarily pierced the fog of fear. Was that what they were calling me?
"I told you, I'm not her," I insisted, defiance flickering in my voice. Yet, a new question gnawed at me. Who was this masked figure? A sliver of recognition tugged at the edges of my memory, a feeling that his eyes, obscured as they were, held a strange familiarity.
Determined not to reveal my identity, I turned away, my gaze seeking solace in the cool serenity of the moon. "I won't tell you who I am," I declared, my voice regaining a semblance of control.
"Oh?" he countered, a playful smirk evident in the way his voice rose at the end.
"Fine, I'll just descend and inform those… formidable gentlemen guarding the entrance about the unidentified young lady gracing the rooftop with her presence."
Panic, a primal urge, surged through me. I lunged forward, grabbing his wrist with both hands.
"No! Please, don't do that!" The words tumbled out in a torrent, a desperate plea born of fear.
He chuckled softly, the sound sending a jolt through me. "Relax, darling," he murmured, his voice surprisingly gentle as he captured my hands in his.
"You won’t tell them , would you?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper.
He shook his head, a ghost of a smile lingering on his lips."If I wanted to expose you, I would have done so already. I was messing with you "
"Alright," I mumbled, staring at our hands intertwined. "Can you release my wrists now?"
He held my gaze for a moment, a playful glint in his masked eyes. "Why, darling? They seem perfectly content nestled in mine." A smirk danced on his lips as he finally released his grip. My hands felt strangely empty without the warmth of his touch.
My cheeks burned. The playful endearment shouldn't have sent a spark of warmth through me, especially coming from a stranger.
"So, you won't reveal your name," he stated, more an observation than a question.
I shook my head, a mix of defiance and fear swirling within me.
"Fine," he murmured, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. However, his tone suggested otherwise. This wasn't over.
Desperate to shift the focus, I blurted, "Who are you?"
He chuckled softly. "You can't hide your identity and expect the same courtesy, darling."
Darling …. this word again , sent a jolt through me. Why did it sound so...pleasant coming from him?
"But," he continued, a playful glint in his eyes, "we can play a game, wouldn't you agree?"
I hesitated. The entire situation felt precarious, yet a strange sense of intrigue battled with my apprehension. Finally, with a sigh of resignation, I conceded, "okay ."
A triumphant grin spread across his face. "Good girl ," he said, his voice dripping with a hint of satisfaction. "The rules are simple: we ask each other questions, and truthful answers are mandatory."
A knot of apprehension tightened in my stomach. This was a bad idea, a terribly bad idea. Yet, before I could voice my second thoughts, I found myself nodding in agreement.
"good ," he murmured, his amusement evident even in the darkness. "You can ask first."
I wracked my brain for a safe question, something that wouldn't reveal too much about myself. Finally, I settled on, "What house are you in?"
He smiled, a genuine one this time. "An easy one to start with. Ravenclaw, at your service."
Surprise washed over me. We were from the same house? Could it be someone I knew? A classmate, perhaps?
"Your turn," I reminded him
"Do you have a crush on our Regulus?" he inquired, the question laced with a hint of amusement.
My cheeks burned anew. "Of course not!" I spluttered, indignation coloring my voice. "Regulus is my best friend. We practically grew up together."
Immediately, I regretted my outburst. It had been a stupid mistake, revealing too much about myself and confirming his suspicions.
He merely chuckled, the sound devoid of genuine humor. "Easy, darling," he soothed, the endearment sending shivers down my spine. "It was just a question."
"A pointless one," I muttered, trying to regain my composure. My mind raced, searching for a way to deflect suspicion. "Are you a good student?"
"The smartest ," he declared with unwavering confidence.
I scoffed playfully. "Reg is the smartest one," I stated, defending my friend with a touch of pride.
He raised an eyebrow. "Is he?"
"Definitely," I confirmed, a pang of something akin to longing tugging at my heart I wanted to say reg and a certain someone else with beautiful eyes and messy hair who I try not to think so much about right now
He smirked, his gaze locking onto mine. "What are you thinking about, darling? You're blushing again."
"Is that a question?" I stammered, desperately trying to appear nonchalant.
"Indeed," he replied, his voice firm. "And remember, honesty is key."
Panic clawed at my throat. Why was everything so difficult? How did I always manage to get myself into such precarious situations?
"I was thinking about... my actual crush," I blurted out, the confession tumbling from my lips before I could stop myself.
He leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with a curiosity that both terrified and intrigued me. "Yeah ? , and who might that lucky guy be?"
"That's not your turn to ask” I declared, surprised at my own boldness. A small spark of defiance flickered within me.
"very well ," he responded easily, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Your turn then, darling. Let's hear your question."
"Do you know Barty Crouch?" I ventured, my voice barely above a whisper.
He chuckled, a sound both familiar and unsettling. "Certainly, I do."
Thankfully, he hadn't inquired about my reason for asking.
"Your turn," I said
His gaze, intense and unreadable behind the mask, held mine for a beat too long. "Why are you cloaking yourself in secrecy? And I don't simply refer to this clandestine rooftop rendezvou , why are you hiding ."
"I'm not…" I stammered, the truth a bitter pill to swallow. "I'm not hiding."
He raised an eyebrow, skepticism etched on his features. "One might argue otherwise. You blend into the background, a shadow amongst your friends. You downplay your own brilliance, mentioning Regulus's intellect but conveniently neglecting your own place amongst Hogwarts' finest minds."
I remained speechless, a truth I hadn't even acknowledged myself starkly laid bare before me. No one had ever taken an interest in the quiet, observant girl I was.
The mask did little to hide the intensity of his gaze. The silence stretched, thick with unspoken understanding. Finally, I confessed, a weight lifting from my chest as the words tumbled out.
"I don't think I have anything interesting to offer. It's simpler to fade into the background. That's why I followed Reg today. Even though we're friends, they all see me ….. so innocent to handle such talks I wanted to prove something, to show them there's more to me than meets the eye."
Exhaling a shaky breath, I realized the truth in my own words. This wasn't just about Regulus or a forbidden gathering. It was about yearning to be seen, to be acknowledged for who I truly was.
A surge of defiance, quickly extinguished by the realization of my exposed identity, prompted a flippant question. With a brittle smile, I challenged, "my turn. When was your first official date?"
He chuckled, a low rumble that sent a shiver down my spine. "Does having sex in the storage room count as a date?"
Heat flooded my cheeks, and the words tumbled out before I could stop them. "No, God, no!" I exclaimed, horrified by the image his words conjured.
"Ah, so minus the sex then," he interjected, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "In that case, I can't say there have been any."
Desperate to escape the awkward territory of his past, I blurted out, "Your turn."
His lips curved into a knowing smile. He brushed a stray strand of hair from my face, the touch sending a jolt through me. "So, it's Barty, is it?"
Panic seized me. "What?" My voice barely escaped my lips.
"Your actual crush , Y/N," he continued, his voice a husky murmur. "Is it Barty?"
I cursed my own body's reaction as a blush crept up my neck. Breathlessly, I managed, "My turn."
"Certainly," he replied, his voice smooth as velvet. "Will you tell him?"
He leaned closer, his voice dropping to a husky murmur. "Fear not, darling. Your secret's safe with me."
My breath hitched. We were impossibly close now, his touch sending shivers down my spine. His fingers lingered on my jawline, sending a spark of awareness igniting within me.
His voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper. "Now," he began, his finger tracing the outline of my lower lip, "are those lips as innocent as they seem?"
A shiver ran down my spine as his touch lingered. My eyes fluttered shut, a soft moan threatening to escape my lips. His words sent a blush scorching my cheeks. Did he think I was… inexperienced?
Shamefacedly, I nodded, unable to meet his gaze.
He brushed a feather-light kiss against my jaw, his touch sending shivers cascading down my arms. I inhaled sharply, my eyes still closed.
"And if I kissed you," he murmured, his voice sending shivers down my spine, "would you let me ?"
My head swayed, mesmerized by his closeness. I found myself nodding again, feeling a complete loss of control.
And then, his lips were on mine. Soft and warm, they moved against mine in a slow, intoxicating dance. His hands found their way to my neck, pulling me closer. The kiss was hungry, desperate, as if he was starved for my touch.
He broke the kiss for a moment, his eyes searching mine, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. Then, he was back, the kiss this time filled with a raw hunger.
We broke apart, gasping for air, foreheads resting against each other. The world spun, the only reality is the warmth of his body pressed against mine.
"Y/N," a voice split the moment .
I ripped myself away, panic and shame flooding my cheeks , I scrambled to my feet, my heart pounding a frantic rhythm against my ribs. Regulus stood frozen in the doorway, his face a mask of fury. The weight of embarrassment settled on my chest, suffocating me.
"Reg, I—" I stammered, but he cut me off.
"What the hell do you think you're doing, Crouch?" he roared, his eyes blazing with anger.
My gaze darted between them, finally settled to the boy beside me, only to find him smirking.
The realization hit me like a physical blow. I had just kissed Barty Crouch.
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eddiediaaz · 24 days
Fun fact: my half sis is related to the actor that plays Tommy (Lou Jr.) Through his dad being the hulk actor.
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTT holy shit (being related to lou ferrigno sr is also quite cool!!)
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tell your half sis to tell him that i wanna su- IM KIDDING! im so sorry. i am. tell him he did a phenomenal job and we all love him!!!
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janetkwallace · 1 month
Comparing old and new comic prints of Bill Sienkiewicz's The New Mutants
Bill Sienkiewicz is one of my favorite comic book artists, close to Romita Jr./Al Williamson's work on Daredevil. I'm very fond of abstraction and stylization, I think it ages well compared to realism, and Sienkiewicz's stuff, if I had a single word to describe it... I'd say it's very wild. He began to go crazy in his artwork on the pages of Moon Knight and The New Mutants, the latter which we'll be looking at today.
On the left are pages from my copies of "O Incrível Hulk" (Abril, 1989). On the middle are the scans of original prints of "The New Mutants" (Marvel, 1983), and on the right are the digitally restored pages from "The New Mutants Epic Collection Vol. 2: The Demon Bear Saga" (Marvel, 2019).
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You know what is the saddest thing about comic book restorations? That someone at the Marvel Masterworks program went through the effort of preserving the tiniest bit of details in Sienkiewicz's artwork, like those ink splatters, but the coloring still feels wrong. Everything looks so bright it's distracting. Like, does it really matter if you can sharpen the black areas and make the artist's style more noticeable in the pages if the background is pure white and the colors are oversaturated by result?
It's like Marvel is saying "I'm sorry we couldn't deliver the definitive edition of our works with all the past limitations" when it comes to restoring their old comics. I wouldn't say it looks terrible (in fact, I've seen worse, like those Silver Age comics with gradients all over the place), but when it comes to reprints, I believe Marvel should consider what paper the art was originally printed on and that the colorists at the time purposefully painted those pages with saturated colors knowing it would darken on cheap newsprint.
Coloring was very limited in the 80's, even more so when these comics were distributed and sold in Brazil, but the pages on the left are the closest I'll ever get to reading Claremont/Sienkiewicz's The New Mutants in my language and in newsprint nonetheless.
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yifeiyay · 1 month
top 5 f1 prospects (anywhere in the feeder series)
omg thank u for this nonnie. alright so this will be kids i acc think can make it to f1 and not necessarily my fav juniors rn. holds up a sign that says "ask me about my youths for hypercars recommendations"
5. victor martins
putting him 5th because i fear putting him higher will jinx him and ogs know vic is one of my main guys. has had a pretty ass start to the season which i am not forgiving art gp for btw, but if este and pierre really both go "fuck it" then victor could get a chance. but it'd only happen if both seats are vacant bc there's still jack. honourable mention to jack who did not make top 5 simply bc i like victor more but he's the 6th. oh also if jack gets the f1 seat but vic doesn't i would love to recommend him to a certain affiliated hypercar team. in the 36 bc im attached to 35's lineup already #thealiens
4. zane maloney
f2 championship leader rn. i know it's incredibly early days and he has to contend with theo BUT if he does win f2 this year he would have done it in 2 years as opposed to theo's 3. although his case will only truly be made if theo flops in superformula (probably measured by performance relative to other toyota cars rather than the whole grid, but if ayumu beats him it Won't look good.) anyway if the above two things do happen zane's in a real shout for an audi seat. come on audi you can't be serious about hulk rn can ya...
3. arvid lindblad
why not the loveable red bull f2 lineup? imo it's the timing; isack and pepe are too close to make it to the next big rb shuffle, but arvid is 16, youngest f3 winner ever, and has the time to polish the rougher edges to be the prime choice for the baby bull seat when it becomes vacant again. also arvid is good although he panicked at the end of his f4 campaign and handed it to kacper. but isack also panicked at the end of his f3 campaign and i still rate him so. also hi isack have you considered hypercar (i know pepe already has)
2. liam lawson
pre-f1 debut i would think liam was doomed to be forgotten by the red bull machine because it's not easy to get your foot in the door. but because he did, and also because of the general wackiness of the red bull driver situation rn, he could stand a real chance. most likely he will take ric's seat. in the event they decide to show both ric and checo the door, they probably won't put him straight in the red bull. then again maybe verstappen will veto sainz jr again and then they'd have no choice (they won't put yuki in the second rb. i don't trust like that.)
1. ollie bearman
lil bro's destiny is all but written for him at this point, i'm very confident he will get a haas seat. whether he manages to make it into ferrari will imo depends less on how the charles/lewis lineup does and more on whether he can get to grips with the beast that is haas. once upon a time mick schumacher won euro f3 and f2 but what did haas do for him? exactly. although he is the best fda prospect of his generation (i am so sorry dino) so i am more inclined to think he will swim rather than sink
EDIT HOW DID I FORGET ABOUT KIMI ANTONELLI. although i think the f1 community as a whole is hyping him up too much and he deserves some breathing space to do what he does at his own pace so i am not ranking him 🫶
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yoshihashismattebum · 6 months
I dont know if this is a weird question but how did you get into wrestling also who’s your favorite wrestler? (Mine is Kenny Omega)
Hi! Not a weird question at all!
So I'm one of those odd people who actually got into wrestling through video games! (But so did Shinsuke Nakamura, so I'm in good company!) I love a good character creator (can literally spend hours in them) and a YouTuber I watched at the time (thanks NerdCubed) was covering the WWE 2k games. Needless to say, my mind was blown. I decided I *needed* to buy it, even though I had no interest in wrestling at the time... And I loved it!
Then at about the same time (2015) some uni friends and I had started playing the old Smackdown vs. RAW games on an old PS2, and we were having so much fun that we decided we should watch some actual wrestling! Our first PPV was WWE Hell in a Cell 2015. We had such a blast that we ended up staying up until 5am for every PPV after that (oh to be 20 again – it would literally kill me if I tried to do that now). I fell *deep* into the wrestling rabbit hole after that (thanks, suspected neurodivergence) and 8 years later... here we are!
As for NJPW specifically, I started watching in 2019 because I'd quit WWE cold turkey and I needed something to fill the gap. (I'd always promised that I'd stop watching if they brought back noted racist Hulk Hogan... and then they did. So I had to follow through.) But I'd already realised through watching NXT that I preferred other styles of wrestling to the main roster WWE style, so it was the best thing that's happened to me as a wrestling fan really!
As for my favourite wrestler... it depends on when you ask me tbh! There are so many great wrestlers out there and I find it really hard to narrow it down to just one. Kenny is up there for me too, definitely. He's so damn good. But if you forced me to choose right now, I'd probably (after much complaining and indecision) have to say Zack Sabre Jr! He's on such a tear right now, and I adore his technical style. Plus his promos crack me up and I like his politics and taste in music. 
But honourable mentions to Eddie Kingston, Bryan Danielson, Tomohiro Ishii, Shingo Takagi, Willow Nightingale and Jamie Hayter (pls come back soon), and Sami Zayn who was my first favourite. Plus many more who I'm sure I've forgotten!
Sorry for the long-winded answer – I didn't have time to write a shorter one! Hope that answers your questions though!
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Before I start this I want to make sure I am very clear when I say that MOST OF WHAT I AM GOING TO SAY IS MY OPINION AND MINE ALONE. You are more than welcome to disagree, just be respectful about it.
It has come to my attention that the most recent MCU movie, The Marvels, has landed itself in the position of being the worst MCU movie ever, only bringing in around $47 million. This is worse than the 2008 Incredible Hulk movie in a comparison to another Marvel movie and is also worse than the recent The Flash movie. I've heard that this has put Marvel and Disney in a bit of disarray, with them thinking that they "need" to bring back Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans to drive interest back into MCU movies.
To me, hearing this makes me laugh quite a bit. My opinion is two fold here. The first is that all of the MCU movies after No Way Home have been so uninteresting that I didn't bother or downright terrible that I wish I had not watched then. The second is that if Disney/Marvel's idea of "fixing" the issue is to bring back their two big name actors then the MCU is in more trouble than they realize.
MCU movies like Black Widow, Shang-Chi, The Eternals, Doctor Strange 2, Thor 4 and Black Panther II just had little to no interest in them for me to even make me want to watch them and the one I did, Doctor Strange 2, was just awful. My biggest opinion as to why I think the MCU has been hurting is because of the Marvel shows on Disney+. Contrary to popular belief, not everyone can afford/has access to Disney+ so, for example, my own self was utterly lost with what happened to Wanda and Vision because I had not seen their show. I think this is a case too as to why I have very little interest in The Marvels because I've not watched Ms. Marvel so how am I supposed to know who this character is without having watched their show?
Personally, I think that TV shows based on Marvel characters is a fine enough idea but would be better if they were in their own self contained universe and not connect to the greater MCU as a whole. This is what the Netflix Marvel shows like Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, The Defenders and The Punisher did and those shows, in my opinion, were better off for it. As an example, I find that this is what makes the Arrowverse so good is that they didn't try to tie it all into the DCEU, even with Ezra Miller's Flash having a cameo in Crisis. The MCU's storytelling has become inconsistant over all the movie and the TV shows are not really helping if you ask me.
But, I think that the other biggest problem with the MCU is that they seem to have a thing for quantity over quality. This is apparent when you see that it would take someone around 350 hours to get through all of the current stuff in the MCU and that is just stupid. I'm sorry but that is just too much. But, what will Disney/Marvel do? I have no fucking idea honestly. Marvel is too much of a money maker for Disney for them to just stop. The only thing I feel like they can do is to slow down and make better quality movies and not this quantity over quality strategy that results in a more hit and miss thing with each movie.
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midnightcowboy1969 · 3 days
sorry for reblogging hulk jr
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sleepy-achilles · 1 year
I'm sorry are you telling me shawns first summerslam loss was too hulk hogan?
Are you kidding me? Jr are you pulling my leg?
Vince you really hated Shawn didn't ya?
In my eyes, shawn won that match. I mean, people only talk about his performance in that match.
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mainssouth · 2 years
Zombie hunter spidey
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#Zombie hunter spidey series#
The Cloak of Levitation, at first glance looks very nice. Hopefully a subtle hint as to what may be coming? To me, what makes this piece so interesting is the fact that the face sculpt looks almost like an artist rendering of what Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield, and Toby Maguire would look like mashed together. His eyes and mouth are both painted equally well, with no sign of splotches or misapplication. The paint detail is applied really well, the hair sculpt has depth, but is painted an even brown color throughout. What I really like about this figure though, is the unmasked head sculpt. The masked head sculpt is really nice and the eyes are very reminiscent of John Romita Jr’s work on the character. His web shooters are a silvery color, but with no added detail to them. I am a big fan of the stylized spider logo on his chest and was very pleased to see that the black paint on it was applied evenly and there were no scuffs or scratches in it.Īll of the black details on the costume are clean and the small silver web cartridges around his belt are also applied very neatly. The weblines on his suit are sculpted in, though nice, would have benefitted from being filled in with a line of black paint. The only problem is that the dirt and wear are all on the front of the suit, while his back side is clean. The costume has areas of dirt and wear, giving the appearance that it hasn’t been washed in a while and that Spidey has likely been living in the suit since the outbreak. I am really a fan of how they tweaked the Homecoming Stark suit for this program and the design on the figure looks exceptional. With that being said, let’s discuss how he looks. Review: Marvel Legends What If…? Wave Zombie Hunter Spidey 6 Inch Action Figure Sorry Spidey, no Accessory A for you today. The potential is there, for this to be a great figure, but the execution in accessorizing is a bit lacking. While the two head sculpts are very nice and the cloak is adequate, I guess maybe I’d have liked to have seen at least one webline to go with the figure.Īlso, a set of wall crawling hands would have been a good addition. I like the cloak and I like the fact that it sits on his shoulders and doesn’t port into his back, however, though the bottom is fairly pliable, the top is molded to sit squarely on the shoulders, which limits articulation.ĭoes the number of accessories give him enough credit to earn the first A? Zombie Hunter Spidey comes with a masked and unmasked head sculpt, two pairs of hands, one fisted, one thwipping, and Dr. The real question is… how does he stack up with our Triple A: Accessories, Appearance, and Articulation? Let’s dive in and find out. I really dig the modified look of Peter’s MCU costume, coupled with the animated look to his facial features. Marvel Legends What If…? Zombie Hunter Spidey is a very sharp figure. Unfortunately for them, they arrive to find a destroyed country and a zombified Thanos in possession of almost all the Infinity Stones…. The group also finds T’Challa, the Black Panther, sedated and being used as a food source for Wanda.Īfter realizing what he’s done, Vision sacrifices himself by pulling the mind stone from his body.ĭuring the battle, Bucky and Okoye are killed and Banner reverts to the Hulk to stay behind and fight Maximoff, while the remaining survivors escape, with the Mind Stone, to Wakanda. Instead, they find The Vision who has secretly been luring remaining humans as food for his beloved Wanda Maximoff, herself a victim of the virus. Spidey, Bruce Banner, Ant-Man’s head, Hope Van Dyne, Bucky Barnes, Sharon Carter, Okoye, and Happy Hogan are left with the hope of finding a cure.Īfter losing Carter and Hogan to attacks from zombified Captain America, Falcon, and Hawkeye, with Hope becoming infected, the remaining members are lured escape and continue on, thinking they’ve found a cure. (Very shocked to find them, really or any of the other Legends I found, as they tend to get picked cleaner than bones from a piranha’s meal.įor those of you who haven’t seen the episode, in a nutshell, the Avengers are turned into zombies and pretty much turn nearly the rest of the planet. I happened across this figure and a few others from the wave at my local box store that rhymes with Tall-Cart. I had planned to pre-order the entire wave, but as is oft the case, bills and other pre-orders took precedence. These figures were planned long ago, to coincide as they were released prior to the end of the first season.
#Zombie hunter spidey series#
I confess, I absolutely, thoroughly enjoyed the What If…? Series and cannot wait for season 2.
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daydreamerdrew · 2 years
Hi Drew! Firstly, I want to say this is one of my fav comic blogs. I barely knew anything about Mary or the Marvel family but ur takes (n the stories in your pinned post) made me appreciate them more. I've been trying to get into Hulk comics and I saw that you were reading them. So I wonder if maybe you could post a guide (or link one). Maybe you already did it and I just need to scroll further through your blog. Sorry if there's any mistakes, english isn't my first language. Have a great day! ⚡
Hey!! Thank you! That's very sweet and it honestly warms my heart to know someone's used the public domain Mary Marvel reading list in my pinned post.
I've been following a list of all of the Hulk's appearances in order from since he first appeared in 1962 and am right now only just at the beginning of 1975 so I am quite a ways off from being familiar with his entire history.
But I can link you to that list of all the Hulk's appearances that I'm using and I can link you to this tumblr post which links to another list made by the same person that's of a selective reading list of essential issues across the Hulk's publishing history.
I will say that I've honestly really enjoyed reading through all of the Hulk's appearances in order and I'm very much not waiting for some future point in which it gets good, but I get that that kind of intensive reading isn't for everyone.
And since I'm talking about how I'm reading comics, I'll also explain how I've been going about following the Marvel Family's Golden Age comics, which is that I'm using their appearances listed on dcuguide so that I can read through all of their appearances across different books in publication order. Here's: Pre-Crisis Captain Marvel, Pre-Crisis Mary Marvel, and Pre-Crisis Captain Marvel Jr.
And you have a great day yourself! <3
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bekinds · 3 years
Avengers Age of Ultron Press Tour: Introductions
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miracleatmidnight · 5 years
Peter: I don’t wanna go, Mr. stark
Me: oh man that’s pretty sad. At least nothing can be sadder than this.
Peter: please don’t go, Tony.
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vormirjumper · 5 years
What if when Scarlett Johansson gets married she chooses the founding members of the Avengers as her "bridesmaids". That would be the most iconic wedding of the century.
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no one:
nobody ever:
i swear to you, not a single living soul in this whole ass universe:
I miss Tony Stark
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plethodontidae · 5 years
in endgame tony is either gonna be miss keisha or the bad bitch and i don’t think i wanna find out which one
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