#sweater that looks like it could be soft if i lie to myself enough but ISN'T and i TOUCH IT and it's NOT SOFT [sobs and cries]
keeps-ache · 2 years
anyway i wish i had the superpower to dematerialize both old spring mattresses and itchy clothes just by thinking it
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forever-rogue · 4 months
I have a pretty personal request ❤️ (and I completely understand if you don't feel comfortable writing it.)
But I have been struggling with self-esteem and acceptance of myself since gaining some weight. I know I'm beautiful, but that stupid, nagging voice in the back of my head can be a bitch.
I came up with an idea about reader who's in an established relationship with Joel Miller. They've settled into Jackson, and with the changes that come with that stability, she's noticed the changes in her own body and has to deal with it. I can just imagine how soft and fluffy Joel would be once he's made aware of what she's dealing with.
Or maybe I just really need a Joel of my own to cuddle and tell me I'm beautiful 🥺🥰
Thank you!!
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AN | Here you go, I hope you enjoy! Also, a friendly reminder that you're lovely just the way you are 🥰
Pairing | Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Language, Weight Discussion
Word Count | 2k
Masterlist | Joel, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
This was the first time you'd looked at yourself in a mirror in a long time. Like properly looked at yourself. You'd been in Jackson for a few months now and were experiencing a stability that you hadn't known in so long. It still felt odd some days, waking up next to Joel in a warm, soft bed without having to worry about anything. But it was slowly becoming your normal life and while it was an adjustment, you were beginning to love it. 
Happiness and peace looked good on Joel and Ellie. And you. But, and this was what had been nagging you, lingering in the back of your mind, you'd noticed some physical changes as well as everything else. You'd felt them before you'd fully looked at them - at yourself.
The bathroom boasted a large mirror but you usually didn't spend a while lot of time looking at yourself. You hadn't for years, so why start now?
Well, the simple answer was that now the changes were undeniable. 
With a heavy sigh, you closed the bathroom door and glanced at yourself. Your face was a little fuller than you'd remembered, the darkness around your eyes lessened. Your skin looked good and your hair was styled and shiny. These were the changes you liked to see. You noticed the same, more or less, on Joel and Ellie too. 
It was the rest you were worried about. You shucked off your sweater and pajamas pants and slowly allowed yourself to look over your body. You didn’t fixate on your body too much; for a long time survival and getting through your day to day was all that was on your mind. But now it felt like you had all the time in the world. 
As you looked yourself over, you could see that there had been some physical changes. You looked softer, your tummy and hips fuller than you’d remembered since you were young, your thighs bigger as well. You sighed to yourself and turned on the showers before you could think too much about it. It wasn’t a big deal, you reminded yourself, it wasn’t a big deal. 
You heard a knock on the door before it was slowly pushed open and Joel poked his head, “hey sweetheart, got room for one more?”
You panicked for a moment, trying to figure out how you could manage to get out of this one, “umm, I’m almost done actually. I’ll be out in a second and then its all yours.”
“Alright,” he lingered for a moment; you knew that he knew that something was up. Joel wasn’t stupid and he was very perceptive, “sounds good. Everything alright?”
“Of course,” you almost choked on the lie, “everything’s fine.”
Joel made a small sound before gently closing the door. You tried to swallow back your tears but soon enough they were running down your cheeks and mixing in with the stream from the shower.
It was just another change and it would be okay. You’d get there eventually…you hoped.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Hey baby,” Joel found you as you were in the kitchen, chopping vegetables for dinner, a small smile on his face. He’d noticed that you’d been acting a little off but didn’t want to push it, he knew that you’d go to him when you were ready to.
“Hi Joel,” you looked up and offered him a smile you hoped mirrored his own, “what’s up?”
“Nothing,” he insisted softly as he came over to you, “just wanted to see my girl.”
You tutted at him softly as he came to stand behind you, wrapping an arm around your middle as he leaned his chin on your shoulder. You froze for a moment, sure that he was going to make some sort of comment about how soft or squishy your body was but he said nothing, instead pressing some kisses to your shoulder. You stopped what you were doing, closing your eyes and leaning into him, “Joel.”
“I love you, you know,” he whispered before you slowly turned around in his arms so you could face him. He reached up and put his hand on your face, slowly brushing his thumb over your cheek. 
“I know,” you promised, leaning into his touch and turning your face so you could press a kiss to his palm, “I love you too.”
He watched you for a moment before leaning in to kiss you. You decided not to think too much about, not to worry about anything, and instead leaned into him and kissed him right back. It had been a bit since the two of you had a bit of time alone, and you hadn’t helped anything but pulling away from him whenever it was just the two of you. But you’d missed this and missed him, his touch, his everything. 
You relaxed into his touch, letting him kiss you dizzy. Eventually his hands wandered down to your hips and that caused you to freeze up. You put your hands on his forearms and pulled away from him, breaking the kiss. Joel, good man that he was, stopped immediately and let go of you. You shook your head, more at yourself than anything else and blinked back your tears, “sorry, I just…it’s me.”
“It’s alright,” he whispered softly, “you don’t have to apologize. If you want to talk about whatever’s been going on, I’m here. You know that, I ain’t going anywhere. I love you.”
You inhaled deeply before slowly letting it all out and nodded, “thank you.”
“Do you want a hand finishing dinner?”
“Yes,” you appreciated the kind and gentle man that he was, “I’d like that a lot.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You walked into the bedroom, finding Joel already in bed and reading. You closed the door and leaned against, looking him over for a moment. He paused after a moment and looked up at you before marking his page and setting it to the side, “penny for your thoughts?”
You nodded slowly before making your way to the bed, sitting cross-legged on top of the covers next to him. There were a few moments of silence as you sat there and picked at a few loose strands on the hem of your sweater. Joel reached out and gave your knee a gentle squeeze. You reached for his hand and weaved your fingers through his, “I don’t want you to hate me.”
“Baby,” a small huff of laughter escaped him but his voice was low and gentle, “I don’t know what you could have done or do that would ever make me hate you. That’s impossible.”
“It’s just…I don’t know,” you shrugged, reassured a little bit that he wouldn’t hate you anyway, “I really like it here in Jackson. I’ve liked it since we’ve been here. But I think I’ve gotten too comfortable.”
“Too comfortable?” he repeated slowly, “ain’t that a good thing?”
“It’s….my body,” you admitted reluctantly, “I look different…I’ve gained weight. I don’t look like I used.”
“Okay,” he brought your hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to your knuckles. You were a bit taken aback by his nonchalant response, “I guess I don’t understand why it’s a big deal. But I want to understand.”
“I…because I look different and I was worried that you wouldn’t want me anymore.”
“That’s the silliest thing I’ve ever heard,” he tugged on your hand in a small attempt to pull you closer, “there’s nothing you could do to make me love you any less. That includes your body changing - happens to everyone. I’ve grown a little softer around the middle since we’ve been there but I haven’t heard you complaining. We’ve all grown comfortable here, but that’s a good thing, it means we’re safe and home and we’re living. Not just alive, but living.”
“I…hadn’t thought about it that way,” you whispered, “I hadn’t really noticed anything different about you.
“See? It didn’t matter to you, why would it matter to me? And even if it wasn’t any of those things, it wouldn’t matter to me. I love you,” you were perched on his lap now, looking at him with soft eyes. His hands settled on your hips and he gave them a gentle squeeze, “besides, ain’t nothing wrong with a little thicker, baby.”
“Joel,” you were laughing now, but a few tears managed to run down your cheeks; but these ones weren’t of sadness. He wiped them away tenderly, “thank you.”
“Nothing to thank me for,” he insisted, “I’m just telling you how it is. Can I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
“Is this why you’ve been avoiding me and only had sex in the total darkness?” admittedly it sounded silly when he said it like that. Your face warmed up as you bit your lip and shyly nodded. That look on its own was enough to make him practically melt, “oh baby.”
“It didn’t seem stupid at the time!” you burrowed your face in your hands to try and hide but he pulled your hands away from your face, “don’t laugh at me.”
“I’m not, it’s affectionate,” he grinned, “you also don’t think I noticed anything. I might be dumb at times, but I ain’t stupid.”
“But you didn’t…say anything,” you cocked your head to the side as he raised an eyebrow.
“Again…why would I have?”
“You’re the best,” you leaned forward and wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned in to hug him, clinging onto him like a koala, “I love you so much.”
“I love you,” he pressed a kiss to the side of your head, “no matter what either of us look like. You’re still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
“No you’re just trying to flatter me,” you snorted in amusement as you pulled back to look at him, “don’t look at me like that with those big brown eyes, Miller. That’s cheating!”
“It’s not flattery, it’s the truth,” he said, “and I’ll look at you any which way I want. Okay?”
“Okay,” you teased, “whatever you say.”
“That’s right,” he nodded in agreement, “now take off this sweater and leave the light on…only if you want to though.”
“Now that I can do,” you grinned, “gladly.”
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b0xerdancer-writes · 2 months
It Wasn't Supposed To Happen Like This Part 6
Eris x Rhy's Sister! Reader
Summary: Eris used to be attached at the hip to Rhysand’s younger sister. Now that he has taken over as High Lord of the Autumn Court, his father’s old high table have been pressuring him to take a wife, he comes up with the brilliant lie that he's already courting someone and has been for several years now. Eris asks Rhysand’s little sister, the best way to get away with it and make it believable, to fake court her.
Warnings: Elain and Mor slander, cussing 18+, some nsfw lean but no sex scenes yet, alcohol, parental abuse, death, murder, arguing. Not proofread.
Trope/Prompt: Fake Dating
Word Count: 4,644
Notes: Let the ball begin.
A few weeks later I awoke to a soft knock on my bedroom door. I had been sleeping soundly with the small hound curled into my side, however the small knock was enough to wake her up. I had named her Brandy like the drink my mate was so fond of, she stretched and licked my face to wake me further just as the door squeaked open. Lucien laughed as I groaned and picked Brandy up off of me.
Lucien had been out in Autumn Court helping Eris with preparations for the festival for about a week and a half now. His return was a surprise to me and I shot up from the comfy spot I had created.
“Lucien! What the fuck? When did you get back? You arse! You could have told me you’d be back today, I would have had breakfast made!” I growled at him, had he not had Brandy tucked into his arms I would have chucked a pillow at his face.
He laughed back at me and smiled brightly, his hair pulled up in a messy bun and dressed in  a cream colored sweater, some comfy loose flowy  pants that poofed around his knees from his riding boots, a small tabard for the dagger i had gifted him the first birthday he had that I had seen him since he had escaped to the Spring court. He smiled brightly and looked around my room where gift bag upon gift bag was piled up. 
“We finished preparations a day earlier so Eris sent me back here to make sure everything was good and you were ready for tomorrow, He just got his suit last week and didn't need to get it altered by the way. I see he got a bit carried away with his little gifts.” He scratched brandy behind her floppy little ears and let out a small chuckle as she whined whenever he stopped.
“Honestly these are all from throughout the week you've been gone. I just haven't had a chance to go through all of them yet. I mean do we have anything to do today? You could help me, Luc!” I tilted my head at him and he sat Brandy on the floor.
“Well then let's get to it we have a lot to go through, I’ll go get us some coffee and some breakfast sweets from that bakery you like down the road, while you get dressed and ready for the day.” He dismissed himself from the room and I could hear the click of his boots on the floor as he made his way back to the front of the house. 
“Hey Luc? Can you take Brandy on her morning walk since you're going out?” I yelled down after him and Brandy barked excitedly. 
“Yep! I got you sister!” He whistled for Brandy who raced out of the room after the ginger male. 
I heard the jingle of him clipping her leash followed by the click of the door shut. I forced myself out of bed and into the bathroom to freshen up for the lazy day, I moved my hair from my face and slipped into my closet. Once I had changed into some comfy clothes I sat criss-cross on the floor and began  digging into one of the bags, the dress I would be wearing tomorrow was neatly hung on my closet door and was a looming reminder of what tomorrow could mean for me and Eris. Lucien returned just as I was beginning to sink into my own thoughts, Brandy was the first to greet me as she climbed her way into my lap.  Lucien sat our two cups of coffee on my vanity table and joined me criss-cross on the floor.
The three of us went through bag after bag of gifts, Brandy helping the best she could by being our clean-up team: Her job? To tear up every loose scrap of tissue or wrapping paper that didn't stay in the distinct pile me and Lucien had created. The gifts were unpredictable, the variety too large to guess, still Lucien and I tried our best. So far it had ranged everything from a bottle of wine and nice glasses to drink from and small pieces of jewelry to toys for Brandy, decor pieces to make the small apartment more obviously themed like the Autumn Court, and some very obviously expensive pieces like the last bag I had just opened. Wrapped in shimmery copper paper and tied with a dark green bow, the box was light and Lucien hummed loudly.
“What do you think it is?” He chirped
“Hmmmm, my guess is going to be something for the dance tomorrow, it's the newest present that just came in yesterday.” I hummed back in response.
Pulling the large bow, it untied itself effortlessly, I removed the lid. Just as quickly as I had peaked inside I slammed the lid closed. Lucien looked up at me startled.
“What is it?” He leaned forward trying to grab the box from me to peek inside himself. I swatted his hand and hissed.
He pulled his hand back with a faux-shocked look on his face as he gaped at me. I opened the box again and stared at the jewelry within it. Lucien stared at me expectantly and I tossed the lid into the trash pile, Brandy growling at it as it almost fell out.
“No… he didnt.”Lucien gasped and covered his mouth, the metal eye whirring as his eyes widened.
My eyes darted between the box and Lucien.
“Oh you have him hooked. Seriously hooked.” Lucien mumbled and grabbed a sip from his coffee. 
“What do you mean Lucien?” I hissed.
“That, sister, is from the vaults of the autumn court. I saw it earlier this week when I went down there with Eris looking for a piece of art he wanted hung up in the main hall for the dance.”
He murmured as he took another sip to be dramatic.
“Oh.”I mumbled, stunned.
“Oh is right, he's wrapped around your finger hun.” Brandy deposited one of her new toys in his lap and he threw it out in the hall for her.
In the box, nestled on a silky pillow the same color as the bow, was a gold diadem decorated in branches and leaves with a ruby in the center of the point that came between your brows and it somehow matched the cuffs and necklace he had bought me earlier. Beside it was a folded note, written in the familiar cursive scrawl I knew as Eris.
“All preparations have been completed for the festival, Lucien has been a major help in setting everything up while I've been in meeting after meeting. I’m sure you are able to recognize this piece is older, I spied it while in the vaults with Lucien, while I admit it was not my intention at the time to be in the vaults for this piece and I was in fact there for an ancient painting that has been passed down in my family. After I had left the vaults the piece you hold now refused to leave my mind, I imagined how well it would match the cuffs and necklace you will be wearing with your dress for the festival in two days time, I would be honored if you wore this with those accessories as well. It would send a message to all my advisors and those I wish to see replaced, I know it seems a lot and it will take everyone by surprise to see you wear a crown from autumn but my mother had it crafted as a gift for whatever female I decided I was going to court, so it will see its use in you. I will be forced to wear my own similar crown due to my duties as High Lord, so it will make us match even more and present a further unified front to the people of my court who doubt me and pressure me into taking a wife. I thank you in advance my dear. Love, Eris.” I read aloud.
Lucien stared back at me with wide eyes as he prompted my response.
I didn't give one, simply picked up the diadem and rose to my feet. I stood in front of the mirror on my vanity and placed the small gold band on my head, then looked at Lucien with tears in my eyes. He smiled sadly.
“You’ll look like a High Lady tomorrow. Mother save him, Eris will have you decorated and on display more than Rhys does with Feyre.” He huffed with the slightest smile.
I took the crown off and gently sat it on my vanity next to the other jewelry I would be dressed in tomorrow. “Honestly Luc… I think I’m okay with that. I mean it will get suspicion off of Eris, and show him the lengths I'm willing to go for him. Fuck, maybe it will even cause the bond to snap for him, a girl can hope right? If it doesn't go well then I still get to have my fun and imagine what it would be like, right Luc?” I mused at him, sadly at first but then excitedly as I processed the information myself.
He simply smirked at me. “Sure thing, Sister. All I’m saying is, I called it~”
We spent the rest of the evening in the living room burning the tissue paper in the fireplace, eventually Lucien stood and announced he was going to start making dinner. Our night stayed uneventful as we both took our places either side of the table to eat, Lucien eventually herding me to his room to show me the outfit he would be wearing and to show me the trinkets he had brought back himself. Brandy eventually stumbled into the room tripping on her own ears with a big yawn, I collected her from the floor and she whined softly, eagerly awaiting bed.
Lucien chuckled as I dismissed both Brandy and myself from the room, he wished us both a goodnight and closed the door behind us. I had installed steps for Brandy, courtesy of Lucien, so she could climb up and down from my bed as she wished; however due to her size and tendency to trip on her own ears from time to time, often enough I just picked her up to help her up and down. I had sat her in a faux-fur blanket and she began immediately curling into a ball. I couldn't blame her, tomorrow was going to be a long day and she would be joining me; Eris had gifted her an elegant collar that had been lined with fur padding, a deep wine red collar that had small maple leaves embroidered into it, and a little copper maple leaf tag hung from it. I changed into a night slip and joined her in the warm covers, the second I laid down she curled into my side and I dismissed the faelights. 
I awoke earlier than I normally did, the dark of the sky just beginning to dim, to find Lucien finishing up his hair in the mirror and he offered to take Brandy out for her morning walk while I got ready myself. Passing him the sleepy pup, he gave me a soft smile and disappeared down the dim hallway, only lit up by one small faelight we used to make sure we didn't trip on any of Brandy’s toys when it was dark inside the house. I  slipped into the bathroom around him and leaned down to draw a bath, only to find the bath freshly drawn and warmed to the perfect temperature. Lucien and I had this habit, since we knew the others daily routine so well, from small things like fresh cups of coffee prepared to the perfect temperature with all the fixings in it we had wanted to things such as this, all in favor of making the others day easier for them; it had come to us naturally being roommates for awhile now and even before that when he was small, we would exchange small trinkets like something he found in the gardens and I would bring him a treat from Night Court the next time I saw him. 
Lucien returned about half an hour later, a few minutes after I had decided to finally leave the warmth of the bath, now feeling clean and fresh enough to look like the soon-to-be high lady Eris was wanting me to play. I wrapped a fluffy towel around me  and slid into my room, slipping on my undergarments and finally stepping into the A-line skirt I had fallen in love with weeks ago. 
Lucien knocked softly at the door. “Will you need any help with fastening the dress closed Sister?” 
Lucien’s new nickname for me rarely caught me off guard anymore unless he was using it to tease me for what he claimed was Eris’s obvious affections.
“Yes please, actually I could use it now.” I chirpped over my shoulder.
The door clicked open and Lucien stepped in quietly and began fiddling with the clasps on the back. “You know all the high lords will be there tonight right? It's the first holiday or festival hosted in the court since Eris became High Lord. All eyes will be on you two.”
I could hear his genuine worry for me in his voice. “I know Luc, I’ll be okay, Eris will be okay. We’ve got this handled.” I smiled over my shoulder at him and he offered me a unsure smile back,
“I know,” he sighed “I just worry about you two, you two are some of the only family I have, save for Jurian and Vassa.”
I raised my brow at him, he hadn’t mentioned any dealings with the two recently, though I knew the affections he harbored for the two when they comforted after Tamlin sent all of his stuff to the manor south of the Spring Court. 
“Will they be there today or tonight as well?” I offered him the ability to further discuss them.
“They should be, during the day at least. That's why we expanded the festival partially, so Vassa could also enjoy it while it also making a statement about Eris’s dedication to the court.” he seemed to brighten up a bit as he got distracted talking about the two.
He sat on the bed and Brandy scrambled to try and climb up the stairs, but when she failed and tripped over her ears Lucien ultimately ended up moving her into his lap. He continued to ramble about some need to know stuff that was seen as customary in the Autumn Court, amongst other subjects, I slipped on the golden cuffs, clasped the necklace around my neck and straightened it out, followed by the ring Eris had gifted me. I slipped on some surprisingly comfortable yet stylish black pumps that had gold detailing on the heels. I grabbed the collar from my vanity and turned to where Lucien was holding Brandy, he unclasped her old collar with a loud gasp and she leapt from his lap, bounding across my bed we both laughed at her antics until she finally calmed and I was able to slip the new one on around her neck.
Lucien stood and ushered me into the vanity chair, he refused to let me do my own hair for events if he had any say in it. He lost himself in styling it before finally setting the golden diadem on my head with a nod, he picked up the container of kohl I had and began lining my eyes with it. Once he had finished, we clipped Brandy into her leash and I picked her up in my arms, she seemed so proud of her new collar. We slipped from our apartment and the wards of the locks clicked into place behind us, he helped me down the stairs slowly making sure none of the tulle or silk got caught.  Once we were on the sidewalk I realized the many citizens of Velaris that were out walking around, the sun now early in the sky still well before noon, had their eyes on me and were whispering back and forth with each other with eager smiles on their faces. I knew what they were thinking, Lucien had graciously pointed it out to me yesterday, Oh how I was going to enjoy the look on Rhys’s face when he saw me tucked into Eris’s side; Azriel would probably be told to take a breather by Rhys unless they brought Elain, she might be able to keep him calm. 
Lucien tucked me and Brandy into his side, though I could have winnowed us myself Lucien was adamant about me preserving my energy as I ‘have a long day ahead’. Much Like Eris’s winnowing Lucien’s was warm like the caress of heat you would get from sitting beside a bon-fire, but it was unique in itself as it felt like it glittered or shined, that instead of bending the world around him the light and sun rays bent to his whim. Before I could even blink we had appeared in the Autumn Court, the smell of spices and cider filled the air and filled me with a warm familiarity that made my chest ache for Eris. It was only after I stepped out of Lucien’s side that I realized where we stood, the small clearing where me and Eris had once called our sanctuary had been turned into a private garden, a large hedge lined the outer edge of the clearing and led towards the forest house a short distance away. 
Only then as I looked around did I realize Eris had the entire clearing decorated in soft fae lights, a sculpted bench sat in the place the old wooden log had, the sir had a soft chill to it and reminded me why I loved this place as much as I did. Lucien stiffened beside me as I sat Brandy on the forest floor, leash clipped neatly to the padded collar, she barked happily in the way of the opening in the hedge that led towards the house. 
When my attention drifted towards the gorgeously carved archway, there stood Eris wide-eyed in a suit that matched my dress: primarily black, with the same flame effect of my underskirt on his waist coat. I swallowed sharply and smiled at him, my chest pounded and the bond throbbed with how perfect he looked, with how obvious it would be to all others he was mine.
He gathered his composure and stepped forward, hugging Lucien who dismissed himself through the way Eris had just come, then turned to me and brought my hand to his lips and he bowed softly. 
“Cauldron save me, you look gorgeous, just the image I wished to present to my court. Thank you for doing this my lady.” 
I smiled softly, feeling heat begin to creep into my face and a throb in my chest. “Mother above Eris, you call me gorgeous yet have you looked in a mirror? You are the epitome of a High Lord!”
He smiled back at me softly, pulling me into a tight hug he sighed softly. “No I mean it Darling, Thank You, tonight would have been so much harder without you beside me. At least now I’ll avoid having to deal with my father’s advisors barking at me to keep my eyes peeled for a pretty female.”
I leaned my head against his chest and sighed, taking in his warm scent. “No worries Eris, like I promised, I’m here if you need me. No matter what. You need me to face every high lord in Prythian all at the same time while posing as your girl? So be it I’ll deal with their eyes on me, no prob.”
I heard him chuckle softly and relax in my arms, Brandy however was not pleased with the fact she was not getting any attention and was adamant about letting us know it. He released me from his hold and looked down at the small hound, with his hands on his hips.
“I hear you mam!”  He turned back to me again. “What did you end up naming her?” he kneeled down and scratched behind her long ears.
“Brandy.” I smiled gently watching the scene unfold in front of me.
He snorted as he giggled, Brandy moving to nibble at his hand. “Fitting, she's got the spice of a fire brandy. And it's good to see the collar fits her.”
He knelt there petting the small pup, while looking her over. “No health issues? No training issues?”
I shook my head. “No, I haven't had any issues with her at all. She's been well behaved.” 
He smiled and Brandy rolled over onto her belly. “Good, I figured she'd be a good blood line, her sire was Maple’s great-great grandpup.” 
I smiled brightly at the two on the forest floor. “I thought I recognized the spunk.” 
We both laughed and he rose from the floor, Brandy in his arms happily trying to get to his face, tongue lolling out and settling for just licking at the exposed skin of his arm. I took her from his arms and he offered me his arm, I linked mine and in unison we both took a deep breath. 
“To the promise we made all those years ago to never leave the other alone?” He looked down at me out of the corner of his eye.
I nodded. “To the leaves of Maple that were the only beings to hear our promise.” 
He nodded back at me and squared his shoulders. All those years ago, when we had made the deal that initially was just him  asking to never be left alone, I had extended it to be either way: that We would never leave the Other alone. It had been just us and the trees that day, and as we sealed the deal we had spoken those words to each other for the first time; a sharp sting followed by a dull throbbing on my ankle led me to discover the sight of two small maple leaves intertwined with eachother. Eris had grasped at his protruding hip bone just below where his belt was clasped around his waist, the location of his tattoo had caused my face to heat, just the thought of it today caused blood to rush to my face. 
In my dedication to Eris as my mate I had never chased after another male, had no interest in them either really. Of course I knew what would be asked of me as his wife, if had come to that at that time, but all I had ever really seen was my brothers after training, or the low slung pants of male’s at Rita’s that revealed just a little too much for my liking. It had often caused me to lose interest in the current objective that led to me seeing the other males, the bond aching in my chest reminding me of loyalty to Eris, often caused me to return to my room or apartment and escape into the books either within the library or in later years what Lucien and I had collected within our little apartment.  Every time we echoed the promise we had made back in the day, I was reminded very quickly of the tattoo on my ankle and the same one on his hip. I felt the heat in my face extended to my pointed ears as my eyes glanced over where the concealed tattoo would be before I straightened my back and looked forward.
Tonight would be hard, I decided. With Eris looking so perfect, the ache of want that had settled in my chest with a slow throb, and the heat in my face and chest that slowly moved lower and lower every time I glanced at Eris by my side.  The crunch of fallen leaves under my heels drew me back to reality as we neared the gardens of the first house, I could hear music and laughter from within the house. The halls had been closed off in a way Eris and I could make a grand entrance together through the second entrance into the grand ballroom. 
Our steps echoed against the halls as we walked in silence through the now warm halls of the Forest house, till we stopped right in front of a set of large wooden doors. The music and laughter was obvious on the other side of it, two guards looked back and forth between each other and then to Eris.
 Eris looked down at me with a worried smile. “Ready?”
“Ready.”I echoed.
 We both nodded at each other and then Eris nodded at the guards. Two finely dressed males with simple leathers on, a helmet in one arm and a sheathed blade at either side. They knocked firmly on the door once, the music and chatter from the other side becoming quiet as I heard a loud booming voice clear their throat.
“Introducing our High Lord of Autumn, Eris Vanserra,” soft cheering erupted but was quickly silenced again as the male continued, murmurs replaced the cheering. 
“And the female he has declared he will be courting: The Princess of Night Court herself!”  Whoops and hollers could be heard as the doors began opening slowly.
Eris and I took a deep breath, Brandy made herself comfortable yet regal looking in one of my arms. I let Eris lead us into the room of Prythian residents. Eris nodded and mouthed a thanks to the small male I now realized was the announcer.  We came to a stop a few steps in front of the announcer, and Eris  cleared his own throat unlinking his arm with mine. 
“Thank you all for being here, I simply wanted to start this celebration with a quick speech.” The way the light of the grand glass chandelier hit him I was breathless, he seemed like the only male in the room as he drew everyone's attention to him.
“As many of you know this is the first holiday I will be celebrating with you all as High Lord, but I would not have been able to do it if it wasn't for the female at my side and my dear brother Lucien, both of you helped me greatly even if you don’t know it. Secondly, I would like to thank the citizens of Autumn Court for believing in me as their new High Lord. My goal from the second I took over the throne has been to reform this court and with your help and dedication I have been able to begin working in that direction. Think tonight not only as a celebration of a holiday but also as a celebration for your hard work. Now please let me not continue to ramble on because I will with thanking you for every little thing that has made tonight possible, and continue your celebrations.” Cheers erupted and I smiled sweetly at Eris as I extended my hand to him which he took eagerly, Brandy cheering him on with her own little howls and bays.
A servant brought around small champagne flutes, both of us taking one as we clinked them together.
“To tonight?” I chirped.
“To us.” Eris echoed my tone, and we both took a sip from the glasses in our hands.
No, tonight wouldn’t be as difficult as I had thought, tonight would be fantastic. I had Eris at my side after all and if all the eyes on us had any indication how it was going so far, it was working.
@stained-glass-eyes0708 @acourtofbatboydreams @abysshaven
@wallacewillow0773638 @azriels-mate2 @sassyslytherinshai
@sparksandstarss @pandabiiissh @saltedcoffeescotch @cirwin2013
@minnieoo @easchies @melsunshine
@sweetcarolina-24 @florenceivy @inloveallthetime
@azrielsmate3 @witchymomfrien @eternallyelvish
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inkdrinkerworld · 5 months
High Hopes pt2 sneak peek!
Cw: Mention of breakfast and Remus not having an appetite first thing in the morning! Friends to lovers (?) fluff!
“Oh yeah? So you’re just wearing his sweater and he’s spent the night in your room?”
You fail to hide your smile at her question and she laughs maniacally.
“I knew it!”
You stop her before she can get ahead of herself, “Nothing’s happened, we’ve just been talking and getting to know each other,”
“In all the ways.” Marlene’s eyebrows dance at her statement and you shake your head- mostly to dispel heat from your face.
“No, I asked him to spend the night in my room. He said yes, there was nothing else.”
Her eyes narrow, “No ‘good morning’ cuddles or kisses? You know you’re the only one with cute nicknames from him?”
You scoff, Marlene rolls her eyes, “‘Pretty girl’, ‘dove’, you’ve noticed only you get such nice names from Remus? He’s not exactly as forthcoming with it to anyone else.”
You ponder it for a while, sipping the remainder of your tea as you water the last plant.
“I like that he listens and he’s easy to talk to. And I feel like myself- like there’s no pretending when I’m with him, but I’ve also known him for maybe four months at best.”
Marlene touches your shoulder, “It’s not like you to go all in all at once, and that’s okay. Just don’t rush to label four months as not enough time- if you like him, and you think he likes you; I know for certain he does, but I know you need to know it too, then let it flow yeah? What’s the worst that could happen if you just see where it goes?”
Before you can answer her, Remus comes looking for you out the front door, “Breakfast’s ready, dove. Come eat before it gets cold,” he says softly, “You too Marls, before Siri passes away at the fact that you’ve been gone twenty minutes.”
She sends you a pointed look as he goes inside, calling out to Sirius.
“What’s that look for?” He asks as he takes your empty cup from you.
“Marlene’s scheming,” you say with a smile and Remus groans.
“Please nothing like her schemes that involve jumping into pools drunk again.”
You have breakfast right beside Remus, like the day before- thighs pressed together as you eat.
He doesn’t have his own plate so you divide your stack between the two of you- which he only has a couple pieces of.
“Remus you’re having breakfast?” Sirius asks pointedly and you frown.
“Does he usually not?”
James shakes his head, “Mostly toast and coffee. Or clotted cream and scones when he can manage it- never really has an appetite in the morning, our Moony.”
You look aghast as you turn to Remus who looks sheepish.
“You could’ve said something! And here I’ve been feeding you breakfast without a single thought.”
Lily and Marlene smirk at your concern and the boys roll their eyes at Remus’ bashfulness.
“S’fine, I wouldn’t have eaten if I wasn’t feeling for breakfast.” A lie. Remus would eat at whatever time you were sharing food with him. It wouldn’t matter if he’d just come back from having lunch himself.
“Now I feel like I’ve forced you into having breakfast,” you say softly and Remus kicks the shins of both the boys and glares at them.
“None o’that,” he says equally as soft, still glaring at his friends who can’t help but smile at your reaction.
Sirius and James ruin the sweet moment by miming a kiss to Remus while you’re not looking and then getting kicked again which makes them groan.
“Are we going onto the lake today?” Lily asks to change the conversation and it works perfectly.
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crimson-calligraphyx · 8 months
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A/N: don't hate me too much okay I'm sorry 😖
Tag List: @cheyfi @kingdomof-omens @daylightlvrs @blade-in-red @ladyveronikawrites @jay02bo @itsmrsfuentes @cncohshit @catj422
I held Liv close to me, cradling her head against my chest as my taxi pulled into the driveway, appreciating the moment for what it was. I didn't want to leave her to finish the tour, all I wanted to do was lie in bed with her in my arms.
I wanted to feel her warmth, trace her skin beneath my fingertips, and map out every curve of her body. I wanted to admire the way her small frame fit perfectly in my arms, her body melting into mine, and burn it into my mind in case—
No. I won't let that happen.
She looks up at me, her eyes heavy with repentance and melancholy. I cup her face delicately and ran my thumb across the apple of her cheek, reddened as the brisk air nipped her skin. I gave her a saddened smile, my lips pressed together as I felt my chest get tighter and tighter, knowing I had to let go of her.
I leaned down to kiss her and relished the way her lips felt against mine; soft, warm, full and comforting. They felt like home, and Christ, I was already homesick and hadn’t even left yet.
"I love you," I mumbled against her mouth after kissing her for as long as I could. "I'll see you in a couple of weeks, okay?" I watched her eyes gloss over, and she gave me a quick nod. "Okay," she whispers. She doesn't say ‘I love you’. I reluctantly release my hold on her and take a step back, my heart sinking from the lack of reciprocation.
I shouldered my bag and made my way to the taxi, halting once I reached the back door to look at her one last time. She was hugging herself and shivering, the sweater she wore not thick enough to keep her warm in the frigid December air. I could just barely make out the tremble of her lips—I wasn't sure if it was from the cold or from holding back her emotions, but I wanted so badly to run back to her and make them stop.
I sent a timid wave her way and hopped into the backseat of the cab, and as we backed out of the driveway, I could see that she was crying. Her shoulders shook with each sob, her breath ghosting across her face with every exhale.
I watched her body get smaller and smaller as we drove away, and the vice constricting around my chest only got tighter as fear encased me. I didn’t know what to expect in the near future, and that terrified me. Would I come home to her as an empty shell of who she was? To an empty home? To divorce papers laid out on the kitchen island?
These thoughts wreaked havoc in my mind, my heartbeat ricocheting loudly through my head, and I couldn’t breathe. Each inhale was excruciating, my lungs felt like they were filled with mud and simply wouldn’t expand with the air I so desperately needed. I found myself choking and pulled at my jacket, trying to take some weight off my chest so I could just fucking breathe.
I was having a panic attack. I haven’t had one in years.
I tried my best to focus on something other than the way my lungs burned with each shallow breath that I took. The radio that was set on a low volume, the way the cab driver tapped his thumbs against the steering wheel along to the beat, the soft hum of the tires rolling over the pavement. Anything, something.
The last time that I had an attack, I was with Nick, and he helped me through it with the way he always kept his composure. He obviously wasn't here, but maybe if I called him, he'd be able to talk me out of it.
And so I did, somehow managing to get my phone out through the tunnel vision I had. He pulled me out of it by the time I made it to the airport. My head was clear, but breathing was still difficult, and during the flight, I started to cough.
"Sheesh, what happened to you? Liv give you two black eyes or somethin'?" I rolled my eyes at Folio's remark, him pointing out how dark the bags under my eyes were. "Yeah, something like that," I muttered, brushing past him to drop my bag at my bunk.
I was exhausted, mentally and physically, having barely slept the last couple of days due to not only the coughing and newly acquired sore throat, but the apprehension of whatever the fuck was going on with Liv—I didn't even sleep soundly while with her.
Normally I would want to jump right into the next show as a way to busy my mind, but for once I was thankful that the only task of the day was traveling to the next venue. I was obviously coming down with a cold and just needed rest, and maybe a cup of tea to help soothe the pain in my throat.
I absentmindedly cleared my throat at the thought, regretting it immediately from the burn that came from doing so.
"I'll be back," I grumbled, keeping my eyes on the floor as I began to make my exit from the bus. "Wait, where are you going? We're leaving in like an hour," Folio calls after me. I glanced over my shoulder at him, "I'm grabbing a tea, is that alright with you?" I snapped, immediately regretting my tone from the way he threw his hands up in surrender. I sighed and shook my head at myself. "Sorry, I'm just not feeling well, Nick." He gives me a quick nod, "All good. I'll, uh... Give you a buzz if you're cutting it close." I return the nod, promptly stepping off the bus to find somewhere to get said tea.
Though the air wasn't particularly cold, the slight breeze sent a chill straight to my bones. I shivered and flipped my hood up, pulling the drawstrings tight before burying my hands in the pockets of my hoodie. I knew that this cold was gonna hit me hard if I didn't take the necessary precautions, and I dreaded it. Now was not the time for this.
After a few minutes of wandering, I found a coffee shop and entered it with a sigh of relief once the door blocked the wind upon shutting. I took a gander around the quaint café, which has almost a rustic feel to it with the neutral tones and weathered wooden tables. Music floats through the air softly, and I walk further inside with a subtle smile. It felt homey.
I stepped up to the counter, asking the young woman for a small chamomile tea—with honey and lemon if available. She brandishes a friendly smile, and with a bounce in her step, she turns to prepare my tea. I notice how her ponytail of dark curls sprung loosely as she goes, and I’m immediately reminded of Liv.
I smile sadly to myself, reminiscing the way she would move so blissfully behind the counter when I’d pop in, preparing the chai that I regularly ordered. She would then join me at one of the tables with a cheery grin that reached her eyes, drinks and muffins in hand. She would tell me how her morning was going, ramble on enthusiastically about a new recipe or even new baking equipment—I didn’t mind what she talked about; I just admired the way her eyes sparkled with joy and the way her lips curled as she spoke.
“Sir?” A small voice breaks me out of my thoughts. I blink, shaking the fog from my head, and notice the tea that was now sitting in front of me. A wedge of lemon and a serving of honey sat on a tiny platter beside it. “Oh, sorry. Thank you,” I pressed my lips into a tight smile, reaching for the beverage. I quirked an eyebrow, noting it was quite large for the small I had ordered.
“You look like you could use it,” the woman behind the counter says, most likely noticing the quizzical look I flashed at the cup. I grimaced at her words—did I really look as bad as I felt? “That’s very kind of you,” I chuckled timidly. “But you didn’t have to do that." She gives me a shrug, sliding the items closer to me. “I know,” she muses. I could feel the heat radiating against my fingers as she grins at me. “Just an act of kindness, is all. You look a little lost.”
I snickered lightly and averted my gaze to my hands, nodding. Ain't that the truth.
"Anyways, enjoy," she says happily. "I hope the tea helps." I chuckled, taking my items. "Thanks, me too. Have a good rest of your evening." I pressed my lips into another close-mouthed smile and brought the tea over to a vacant table. I settled into the seat, took the lid off to let it cool and added the honey and lemon to my liking.
I stared at the steam billowing from the cup for God only knows how long, just mulling over the last couple of days. The anguish and uncertainty on Olivia's face, the way I knew her heart was shattering piece by piece as the tears fell from her eyes, the realization that she wasn't happy.
I thought about the way she felt in my arms before I left and the way I saw her crying as I was driven further away from her, now wondering if that was the last time I'd get to hold her. That thought was a sucker punch straight to my chest, and I once again felt like I couldn't breathe. I needed to fix this.
My phone buzzes in my pocket; I dig it out, seeing Folio's name on the screen. "Yeah, I'm coming," I muttered into the receiver, hanging up before he had a chance to say anything. I sighed while standing from my seat, placing the lid back on my cup, and brought my waste to the garbage.
I hope the tea helps.
"Me too," I mumbled under my breath, taking a large sip before leaving the café.
A week and four shows later, I was feeling worse than ever. No amount of tea, medication, or rest seemed to have helped at all. The cough progressed into a deep whooping cough, and I would be genuinely surprised if my throat wasn't bleeding by the end of the night from how much it burned.
Still, I threw my stage attire on and tried to prepare myself for tonight's show regardless of everyone's weariness. We only had a week left of the tour, and I'd hate to make it this far only to cancel our remaining shows, ultimately disappointing our fans because of a stupid cold.
I popped two Cepacol in my mouth, refraining from speaking so they would dissolve faster to numb my throat. It was only a temporary relief, but I'd take what I could get at this point.
Nicholas makes his way over to me, his bass slung across his torso as he places a hand on my back. "You sure you're okay to be doing this?" I nodded, avoiding the look of concern that I knew was strewn across his face. "I'm just getting worried, man. Last time this happened, you wound up in the hospital from smacking your head off the floor." "I'll be fine," I grumbled, beginning to walk away. "That was just pneumonia." "But the time before that—" I stopped dead in my tracks, spinning on my heel to look at him. "Don't. Don't fucking say it, Nicholas," I barked.
His lips remained parted, the words he wanted to say frozen in place from my hostility. His eyes danced over me, and I knew he could see how my chest was heaving. He knows how hard it is for me to breathe, he knows that it feels like there's a ton of bricks sitting on my chest. He knew the situation between me and Liv, and I knew what he was thinking, but I couldn't bear to hear it.
"I'm fine," I tell him once more while telling myself that it's just pneumonia. He straightens up, snapping his mouth shut, and nods. "Okay," he says, barely audible. I watched him swallow, his Adam's apple bobbing while his eyes bounced between mine apprehensively. He's searching for the sincerity in my words that I didn't have. I put my in-ears in, and with a staggering breath turned to head towards the stage, unable to keep looking at his sorrow-filled eyes.
Performing tonight was proven to be one of the most difficult tasks I've ever endured. With each falsetto note, razors dug into my throat, and my lungs rattled painfully with each breath. I was wheezing, trying my best to not erupt into a coughing fit until I finished whatever song we were playing. There were times when I just simply couldn't, and Jolly had to cover some of the vocals for me.
I could tell Jolly wasn't happy with me, aggravation heavy in his features as he glanced at me—not because he had to sing, but under the circumstances as to why he had to. He was the one who tried harder than anyone in our crew to get me to sit out and cancel the show, but of course, my stubborn ass just wouldn't do that. I couldn't.
We had one last song before our encore, and I was relieved knowing that I'd be able to take a breather soon. As I began the opening of 'Just Pretend', the crowd erupted in a roaring cheer like I knew they would. Normally the energy would radiate through me, giving me this high, this adrenaline that could make me run a marathon, but as the second verse hit, everything made a turn for the worse.
I know the pain That you hide behind the smile on your face And not a day Goes by where I don't think I feel the same
All I could see was the forced smile on Olivia's face from all those times I would tell her I'd make it up to her, or as of late when I told her that I loved her. The smile she had when she opened her Christmas present, that quickly faltered and turned into tears when she confessed that she felt this marriage was falling apart.
I can wait for you at the bottom I can stay away if you want me to I can wait for years if I gotta Heaven knows I ain't getting over you
It was ironic, how this song I wrote that was more or less a joke, was suddenly so fucking relatable.
We'll try again When we're not so different We will make amends Til then I'll just pretend
My heart sank as I continued to sing the words, tears springing to my eyes, and I squeezed them shut before the cameras around me would notice. I was losing Olivia, and it was fucking killing me. The more I thought about it, the more I struggled to breathe. The razors in my throat were suddenly in my lungs, and each inhale was more painful than the last. I couldn't handle the searing pain in my chest and throat for much longer.
I choked on my last inhale, my eyes shooting open in a panic as I gasped for air. The mic slips from my hand, feedback screeching through the speakers as it tumbles on the stage. I covered my ears quickly, the sound piercing through me and shooting a chill down my spine. There's a chorus of gasps, and I know the crowd is most likely in shock by the way I stopped singing so abruptly.
I ran off the stage from not only humiliation but hysteria, coughing relentlessly. Everything hurt so fucking bad—the fire in my throat, the vice around my chest, my heart shattering into a million pieces, and of course that dreadfully familiar pain in my lungs as something clawed into me on its way out.
I buckled and collapsed, catching myself on my hands and knees. The hacking never subsided, even after I finally expelled what was in my lungs. Through teary eyes, I saw the blotches of red on the floor below me and knew that my biggest fear had come true. The coughing was soon replaced by sobbing as the rose petals stared back at me, and tiny thorns scattered about—I lost Olivia.
She doesn't love me anymore.
|Chapter 14|
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kissthesungvf · 2 years
tis the damn season
part two
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j.m.k x f!reader
warnings: (18+) minors dni! | profanity | unprotected sex (wrap it up!)
word count: 1.9k
Here’s the second part to this short story, hope you enjoy! If you missed it, here’s part one !
"Fuck," you let out as Josh’s lips make quick work of your neck. You try hard to find a way to be mad with yourself for ending up in this situation with him, but it’s hard to do after such a tension filled flight.
"Are you sure you want to do this here?" You half moan the question through half lidded eyes, as you straddle him in the back seat of his rental car, his hands running up your thighs.
You told your parents not to bother coming to pick you up because you had "bumped into an old friend who offered to give you a ride home"- which wasn't entirely a lie. You were definitely about to take a ride.
"I really don't think I could make myself wait any longer,  mama." Josh says, his teeth grazing your skin as he speaks.
The two of you had made it a priority to get off the plane, and to the baggage claim as fast as possible. Running over to the rental counter like your lives depended on it, watching as he hastily filled out the paper work before taking the key.
He then threw both your bags into the trunk, skipping the niceties as he came around, opening the door and gently pushing you into the backseat of the moderately sized sedan, following close behind you.
"I meant here in the parking garage Josh.." you moan out, his hands slipping under your skirt, kneading into the flesh of your ass.
"It's fine, it's nearly empty anyways." He breaths out, taking only a brief pause from kissing you to look around and out the windows before resuming.
"Fine. But if we get arrested, you have to use some of that rockstar money to bail me out."
"Anything for you, babe." He mumbles against your chin, jolting his hips up into you.
His kisses make their way up to your lips, and with each heated kiss, your tongues fight for dominance.  You run your hands down the soft material of his white sweater, down to the button of his khaki pants.
You break the kiss, pressing your forehead to his as you try to focus on the button you've been fumbling with, finally getting it undone.
"Slow down, baby." he jokes as he helps guide your hands.
"Well we don't have all day, I still have to be home in time for dinner. They're expecting me to be in before 7.." you retort, pulling his zipper down.
You work together, lifting yourselves up , you just enough to slide your pantyhose and underwear down to your thighs, and he lifts up sliding his pants and boxers down to his knees.
You waste no time taking his cock in your hand to guide yourself down onto him, causing him to let out a quiet groan.
"Fuck!" You both moan simultaneously as you slide yourself down onto to his length.
"I forgot just how good you feel, mama." He groans, gazing at you through half lidded eyes, “like you were fucking made for me.”
"Shut up and fuck me." You whine, his statement causing heat to rush yo your cheeks.
You place your hand on the back of his neck to pull him into a kiss, beginning to grind onto him. Finding it hard to keep from moaning so loudly that anyone who might walk by could hear.
He kisses back harder, one of his hands grabbing at your hip, the other tracing up your back then pulling you down onto him.
"Keep that up Joshy, and I won't last much longer.." you pant, bouncing up and down his cock.
He smiles, his hands leaving your body only to return and lift up your sweater past your bra. He yanks down hard on the lacy material, letting your breast fall out. Wasting no time, he attacks your nipple with his mouth, tongue flicking against the hard bud, while he palms at your other breast.
You're both a moaning mess, your hands roaming over the smooth skin hidden beneath his sweater, dragging your nails down his chest.
You bring yourself to the very tip of his cock before slowly coming back down, doing that a few times until he can't take it anymore. He moves his hands to your hips, beginning to fuck up into you, causing a familiar warmth to build in your belly.
"Josh," you pant, one hand holding onto the back of his neck the other gripping his shoulder, "I'm gonna cu-"
"Me too mama, be a good girl and wait for me" he grunts, cutting you off.
"Think you can do that for me baby?" He questions through moans of his own, looking up at you through his lashes. You try to respond but you're too fucked out to form words, so you opt for a simple nod of the head.
"Such a good girl.." he strains, on the brink of his own orgasm.
His thrusts becoming sloppy as he finally comes undone, throwing his head back. The sight of him like this alone is enough to finally push you over the edge, cursing his name as it hits you hard.
You fall forward against his chest, eyes closed and chests heaving unison. After a minute or two, you feel his hand cup your jaw, bringing your head up so that your eyes become level with his.
"Missed you." He whispers, closing the space between your lips, smiling into his kiss.
"I'm glad to see you still have it." You joke breaking the kiss, avoiding his previous statement.
"I try," he smiles "..it's been quite awhile, promise I'll last longer next time."
"Next time?" You raise your brow, adjusting your bra and sweater.
"Well I hope there's a next time, or are you just using me for a ride?" He teases, reaching over to his backpack on the floor of the car to grab the Starbucks napkins he had shoved into the front pocket. "Here" he says handing them to you.
"Did you plan on this happening?" You laugh accepting the wad of napkins from him.
"No, just have a habit of grabbing napkins incase my coffee spills or something." He chuckles.
"And I don't know, thought you'd might be busy with family and all.." You finally answer a bit nervous, cleaning yourself up the best you could with what you were given.
"Well if it's alright with you, I would like to see you again (y/n)." He says rather than asking, helping you readjust your skirt.
"Fine." You smile, giving him a nod of agreement.
Fuck it why not? You thought. It's not like anything else exciting would happen while you were back, apart from Christmas and New Years. The days in between the holidays were always slow, you could only lounge around the house so much. And when it came going out with old high school friends, they flaked out a majority of time.
"Yea?" He asks in disbelief, making sure you aren't lying.
"Yes, Josh. Now hurry up, we've gotta get going." You look at him, watching that mesmerizing smile spread across his face.
"Stop staring at me and come on!" You laugh, scooting across the leather seats, pulling on the handle to open the door. You glance at the fogged-up windows as you step out into the chilly air, smiling to yourself thinking back on the past.
Once you're both settled, you begin the drive to Frankenmuth. You pull down the visor, attempting adjust your smudged make up in the small mirror, as you dig through your on-the-go makeup bag.
For a moment it feels like nothing had happened between the both of you, it felt like you left off at a time right before things went south. He smiles watching you wipe the smeared lipstick from around your lips, catching a glimpse of himself in the review mirror noticing the numerous lipstick marks covering his neck and face.
"You mind?" He asks, using his free hand to point to the rouge colored stains peppered over his skin.
"Oh, oops.." you mutter apologetically taking the makeup wipe, leaning over the center console, and gently begin rubbing the lipstick off his skin.
You take your time wiping away the makeup, admiring just how beautiful he was from this close. His long lashes, the dimples in his cheeks, even the small hoop earrings he wore put your mind in a frenzy.
"I didn't mind," he says, glancing over at you for a moment, "but it might've raised some questions from the family.."
You smile at him as you sit back in your seat, reapplying the same lipstick.
The rest of the ride goes by quickly, full of conversation, and Josh's terrible jokes. You frown a bit when he finally pulls into your neighborhood, knowing you'd have to part ways. Even though you knew you would see him again soon, you wished you could be by his side all the time, but that wasn't your reality.
"Well this is you." He says putting the car in park in front of your childhood home.
"Yep." You mumble under your breath. Stepping out of the car, tossing your coat on knowing if you walked in without it on your mother would scold you.
"Want me to come up with you?" He suggests, meeting you at the back of the car, taking your luggage out of the trunk.
"Oh no, it's okay." You say, grabbing the handle of your bag. "Thank you though, for the ride and all.."
"No problem." He smiles, wrapping an arm around your waist, pulling you towards him.
"What are you doing?" You question as he brings his other hand up to your face, placing his index finger under your chin, but his thumb resting on it.
"Saying goodbye." He says softly, pulling your lips to his.
"What if people see?" You pull back a little.
"Who cares?" He says quickly, keeping you from responding as he closes the space between you.
Unlike before, the kiss is sweet and you grimace when he finally pulls away, wanting more.
"I'll see you soon." He smiles giving your side a slight squeeze before stepping away and heading for the drivers side.
"Promise?" You call out, beginning to walk up your driveway, turning to watch as he rolls down the passenger side window.
"Promise, mama." He winks, putting the car in drive, slowly pulling away.
A wave of nostalgia washes over you as you continue to walk up your driveway, it was the same feeling you used to have every night after Josh would drop you off from your late night escapades. It felt different now that you were older though, the thought of sneaking around like you used to, sparked excitement in you.
The rest of night went by rather slowly, you were greeted by your parents with big hugs the second you walked through the door. You caught them up on your life at the dinner table, your dad tried to make you feel better when you told them about the breakup saying "he never really cared for the guy anyways". After dinner, you helped your mother wash the dishes, replaying the events of the afternoon over and over again in your mind, hardly listening to a word she spoke to you.
Instead you focused on how nice Josh’s hands felt gripping your hips, how it felt when he took your bottom lip between his teeth, and the pretty noises he made as you rode him.
Eventually your parents grew tired, saying their goodnights and heading off to bed. You carried you half full wine glass up to your room, setting it on your night stand as you felt your phone buzz in your other hand. It was a text from Josh,
'Is it too soon to say I want to see you again?'
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odsont · 9 months
"You're so lucky that you're aro, you never have to feel this pain"
"You're so brave, oh, I could never" "you're free like wind" (and soft like rain)
"It's great that you don't listen", "It's so cool that you don't care". (You're so mature, not like the others). "You have so many things to share!"
It doesn't matter, truly doesn't, it never does, it never will. A pretty sweater, pretty weather. And that's enough, at least today.
October was afraid I'll lose my tongue, "it is the only thing you have! >:("
Silly Oda, I still have my body.
But it's kinda... starts to disappear.
But once every language half forgotten, I'll simply feel and simply think.
(You shouldn't feel a thing, my daughter), (you shouldn't feel a thing, my friend)
I cry a lot, she's mad a little, but I tell everyone "it's only brain", a little spoiled, a little silly.
all this potential in vain.
"you look hurt, do you need something?" God, no, it's just body's reaction, can't they see? I used to need stuff like food and water. (But now I don't need anything but me)
It's cool, right? And even almost perfect,
There's only one thing left, but we'll make it fall apart. (Break it, throw it, kill it, mock it, break it, break it, knock it down.
That's just how it is, I'm right, as always. Even in this disgusting prison they call 'life", I'll find my way out, it'll be worth it,) and then I'll truly never feel or cry or lie.
(But why? Why such strong [something] in such a worthless body?)
do tears keep falling down? It still feels like.. Something..that somebody
Would feel and experience somehow.
It's wrong, it's wrong, and it's disgusting,
Call this...tickling(?) A pain.
Why do we keep being human,
When we don't féel like one?
a shame.
A curse send from above. A cruel joke, even.
We invented Gods, maybe that's why. We. Humankind created world where we can't live in
And the only thing that's left for us is die.
But I'm not scared, not tired, since she is with me.
The future me, talking to myself-writing-this-poem-in-memories, say "hi :3"!
I hope you're dead. Or maybe not real, like..really. It doesn't even make much sense.
But it doesn't have to, right? So silly ^^
Wait, let me try it out again.
She felt it, felt it very deeply,
Not good enough to make it, and not sad enough to speak,
That the entire world will never see me
As something else but spoiled, emotional and weak,
That she's not a supperstar, or tragic hero
But just annoying, stupid, useless bitch.
And I told myself, that I will be there,
That I will accept when noone does, I'll understand.
And if there's something in this world that still can hurt me,
Isn't that such a cruel and sad betrayal?
I wouldn't cry because I'm feeling lonely,
Because I told myself that there's no way that something's wrong with me!
Even if I'm mean with her like.. always,
I'll keep my promise forever, no matter what it takes,
Even if it means becoming souless,
And lie to my bones, and lie, and lie
Untill it breaks.
The humankind can call me things, whatever,
I wouldn't care as long as I say that I don't.
I wouldn't care as long as I say "it doesn't matter"
As long as I don't cry , not even a single drop.
But that's ok.
Oh, isn't that's great! Oh, I just love it!
That's very totally so very true.
And I can show it! I can prove it!
Because I created every feeling, every rule.
That's just the way I am, I'm happy :>
I'm not smart, I'm smart enough for me.
And I'm just never hurt, that is the meaning,
Behind every things that I did say.
-That's okay, I'll try to listen
-That's alright, I hope I'll understand.
And I don't think of everything I said or did. I mean it!
Not 24 hours a day each day.
Everything I do or don't do feels just perfect,
Everything I am feels simply right,
And not because there is no choices
Not because only humans are allowed to fight.
But seriously.. Is there anyone in there?
The world is painting made of atoms,
Feelings are just chemistry, the sun is nothing but a sphere,
The things only matter when we make them important.
And you have to make things important.
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orpheofenn · 2 years
Being transmasculine was not an easy journey.
I was still discovering myself when I realized that my pants didn't quite fit, bras were uncomfortable, dresses hugged curves I despised, the person in the mirror wore the gender well enough -- but all wrong.
The boys grew like weeds around me, the girls tried to make me more like them, conversation became difficult, I'd sewn polite niceties into it - but I was always somewhere else in my mind. They spoke of motherhood, heartbreak and dating, asking me what I felt -- but nothing in particular could be said.
The dress didn't fit well. The skirts didn't feel right on my bare legs, the lipstick didn't match, the blush was too much -- and every day I lied to myself that I wasn't who I thought I was.
Boys weren't short. Boys didn't sing like me. Boys didn't do soft things like make tea, sew or cook. Boys didn't wear makeup or perfume. I had all these misconceptions and notions about what women and men did - but none of it was correct. My mind had painted a landscape of what each looked like, I found myself in both and neither, and the pain of it was unbearable.
I thought if I tried long enough I'd find I'd enjoy being a wife, a mother, a homemaker-- but in my heart, I was a husband, wanted to be a father, to take care of our home in my own way. By filling it with the scent of freshly baked banana bread, chestnut tea and dark coffee. By folding clothes, dryer sheets smelling of dried flowers, doing dishes humming to Vivaldi and growing herbs on my windowsill. So I did.
In the winter, it snows, I wear my favorite pastel sweater. So does my lover. She works hard and her hands are rough from pruning flowers, while mine are soft and free from callous, built for piano.
I never became a father, but the rest I do every day, I no longer lie to myself. The injections sting less than living in denial, my deepening voice settles in my chest like it's always been there, I shave my chin and she laughs that I have any stubble at all. My aftershave smells like clove and pine, she wears perfume that smells like roses and lilies, she touches the new muscle on my arms and smiles.
"This suits you."
She says often,
"I've always known you were a man, I'm just glad you know it now too."
And I'm happy. I smile as myself. Sometimes I catch my broader shoulders in the mirror, the earned muscle on my legs and the sharper edge to my jaw - I think how lucky I am. Despite all of the heartbreak, the pain, the abuse, the things I couldn't say -- I'm here now.
I know who I am.
I'm the man my own father would have been proud of if he were still alive. I'm built out of fairytales, music, books and forests. I'm the person I was always meant to be.
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furrbbyx · 1 year
OMFG! Thank you for tagging me @sio-writes I had a hecking great time with this. I really got to explore Sable more, and of course I put my own spin on it.
I tag: @oracleact @atlas-nsfw @the-wizard-writes @bucketsofmonsters and @gaytrashfoodprocessor or whoever wants to join! I can't wait to read yours :D
Interview with a Character!
[Intro: Excited VJ about to play clips of the interview] Today we have an exclusive interview with Miss Sable, the unicorn model who is so hot right now! We caught up with Sable while she prepared for a spring themed photo-shoot. She was gracious enough to entertain our questions while enduring the makeup chair. Though Sable was working she had such an upbeat vibe that our reporter became a fan on the spot! Sable's work is available on Tumblr dot com where she also takes time to interact with her fan base in between shows and campaigns.
1. Are you named after anyone? No. My parents just wanted to celebrate my beautiful coloring. I grew to like it since it's kind of unique. I wont lie, sounds so good when someone is moaning it 🤭
2. When was the last time you cried? Omg today! I cry a little every day on purpose after I read about a talented Korean actress who cries for hours a day. I think crying is a form of self care. We don't do it enough in this world. I want to make sure I stay connected to my emotions. It makes me more empathetic too!
3. Do you have any kids? Oh, gosh. No 🤗 I'm not even sure I'm ready to have a little pony. I guess I'd have to have a steady polycule before I even think about it.
4. Do you use sarcasm? I'm more likely to use a pun. When I'm playing I do like to be a little sarcastic and a tease. But my playmates love it, I promise.
5. Whats the first thing you notice about people? Hmm. Probably their body language and if they smile a lot. People who smile put me at ease. I also notice height. Especially if I'm working with others for the photo shoot, of course I have to asses my angles. It's important to study people's body language and how they take up space to be successful in modeling. I'm able to be versatile and I'm never caught without a good option for a pose.
6. Eye color? Blue and sparkles!
7. Scary movies or happy to endings? Always happy endings! Unless you want me to ruin it for you 😘. If it's not HEA I don't want it. That may be a little naive, or boring to some but I think that we deserve more happy endings in this life. We are so quick to accept suffering instead of demanding joy.
8. Any special talents? Being a unicorn? Haha. I don't have any real talents except being cute I think. But that's ok! I get to enjoy everyone else who is talented. Like my buddy Eagleator? He's like, the strongest fighter I know. [Reporter: You're a model and that takes some skill right?] Haha, you're so right! I forget about that because modeling is really about looks and that's out of my control, but yeah modeling is a talent.
9. Where were you born?
I was born at home. A perfect little baby if I say so myself. My mom was kind of a granola-making hippie and she made a big deal about a natural birth. Specifically I was born in a little pink kiddie pool filled with warm water, patchouli oil, and wildflowers.
10. What're your hobbies? My hobbies are collecting soft pastel sweaters, drinking hot drinks in cute giant mugs, reading fanfiction, flirting, and bingeing hallmark movies. I also like carnivals and fairs, hyperpop and EDM, supernatural romance novels. Though those probably aren't hobbies, lol. I would say daydreaming is a hobby of mine. Sometimes I get so distracted in my own head, I kind of forget what's really happening. If you could use your magical horn to zap up the perfect fantasy would you care about politics? Exactly.
11. Have any pets? Hehe, only the ones that asked to be my pets. But none right now.
12. What sports do you play/have played? Is shopping a sport? Or getting the perfect manicure? Snagging the last pair of Wolfy Choos on release day? Haha. I'm just not really competitive. If I'm going to be running around it's gonna be for pleasure or maybe to chase down a cutie to give them my number.
13. How tall are you? I'm 5'10! Not the tallest pony but I get by hehe.
14. Favorite subject in school? Ick! School is a no. I hated it. Well except for getting to meet my besties. I had a hard time in school. I'm not really smart. Oh don't take that seriously. I don't mind being empty headed. There's so many smart people and creatures in the world why should I worry about that? Honestly I learned the most at the mall when I was skipping class. The real world has a lot to teach someone if they just embrace it. I'm just not the kind of pony to care what happened last century, or how many apples johnny has. I care more about how many apples I can eat and what's going on with the next season of the bachelor!
15. Dream job? Well I actually already have my dream job, though I wouldn't say it was my dream job before I started. [Reporter: Modeling?] Oh, no. This is kind of my side thing. Right now I'm working at this innovative lab that's developing cosmetic drugs. The company is really focused on providing therapies that help others reach their desired form. I feel like, as a model, I'm selling a dream, but as a lab tech I'm actually helping to make them come true.
[Fade back to the VJ] Wow! She's so sweet. To see the full interview follow and subscribe to the network. You wont want to miss this one. Our reporter and Sable get real cozy and reveal some surprising secrets about the modeling scene. And join us at 8 for our exclusive with Eagleator to talk about his crushing defeat at the Action Forest Finals!
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bucktoothymzkr · 3 months
Generic Love Story 1-1
Hello everyone! I offer to you a generic love story. Please enjoy it! And if there are any issues, please let me know.
If you asked me what her flaws were, I could spend a week talking about it; but I can spend an eternity talking about what makes her beautiful regardless. And I don’t think that’s enough. I recall when I first met her. It was a dreary morning, the ear-damaging shrieking of Cicadas drew through the air. I was in highschool then, which was to say, I wanted to look forward to something rather than stagnating in this little idyllic town that I live in.
No, it’s better to say that I have something to work towards, but I don’t know what it is. Perhaps attending highschool then was me lying to myself that I had to work for something to make my life worthwhile, despite not truly knowing what it was or what it could be. Just another lie to myself. In any case, the awful heat permeated throughout the world, but a calm breeze blew against the trees of the forest that surrounded this hill town. It wasn’t so bad, it wasn’t so good. 
I walked inside the school’s grounds, which, if it weren’t for the noise of children inside, would look more like an abandoned building than anything functional. The cement that held it up had visible cracks everywhere, overgrowth upon one side, no, every side. It was as if the gardens and greeneries that surrounded the school had been left abandoned for a decade, and rather than dying, it thrived. Nature found a way. I found no issue with it, I don’t think anyone has an issue with it.  The towering shrubs make for great shade to cool down under during the summer months.
Though, at the same time, it blocks one’s view from the side ground floors. Which means, before you reach the main door of the school, if you don’t look before crossing, anyone may bump into you. And you won’t even notice until it’s too late, deers get stuck in the headlights, but you won’t even see a headlight. 
That is to say, I’m a weak, frail, scrawny man. And any significant bump by a person twice my weight or even less can knock me over. 
That is to say, I did not see her.
Or, rather. I wasn’t even aware of her presence until it was too late.
It’s a tautology, I know. But I want to exaggerate on it more, dear reader. That when she bumped me, I was thrown two hundred meters away. Across houses, across fields, across the universe. That was how hard she threw me down on the floor. All bones broken, not a single fragment of my soul remained.
But it all came back when I stood up. A shadow loomed over me, one that was equal parts terrifying and beautiful. Her blonde hair flowed along the breeze, seemingly dancing as her pale hand reached out to me. I couldn’t see her face properly, blocked by the shadow she casted, “My, my. Sorry, I didn’t see you. Are you okay?” I grabbed her hand and my mind immediately raced at how soft and cold to the touch it was. A massive contrast to the ambient heat, as if she just left a human sized refrigerator.
And when I stood up, I realized that she was as tall, if not taller than me. Her eyes were blue, and she had a fair countenance. A look of worry washed over her, perhaps due to the circumstances of our first meeting, “I’m alright!” I replied, trying to alleviate any sort of worry by appearing chipper and fine.
I noticed then the clothes she wore, a long sleeved cream sweater and an ankle-length beige skirt. All that combined, she was beautiful. And her voice, soft, yet substantial, felt like music to my ears. To say that she fascinated me at first sight would be an understatement.
You read that right. Fascinated.
I was not in love.
Not yet at least. That would take a while to happen. All that is to say now is that I know she exists, her presence now took form in my life. And anything can happen with it. Hell is other people, after all. The things they do, indirectly or directly affects us, changes us, and we can’t do anything about it other than to accept. It’s frustrating. Disheartening, almost makes you question the free will you have over this world. How is it free will to be so restricted by the society around you? Or is it free will that you can choose to ignore all of them? The option is always there after all.
I let my mind wander often towards the dumbest things. It was not until I snapped back to reality where I realized how long I’ve held her hand. But it seemed she didn’t mind the overly long mode of physical touch, “I’m glad. That seemed like a significant fall.” Yes, it was significant, I felt my soul and breath get knocked out of me, but it’s fine now, “Still. You need to be careful. The shrubbery here makes it difficult to see anything passing by.” 
“I-i’m well aware. Just not this instance.” I gave off a pathetic chuckle. And now, terribly, to avoid making her feel any less terrible, and because she seems to be holding my hand for far longer than necessary, I introduced myself, “My name is Shinji Satou, I’m a new student here. How about you?”
It felt ridiculous asking someone’s name like this after they just bumped you so hard your soul gave in. But nevertheless this is what I read when it came to casual conversations and socialization. I’ve been a recluse prior to this, and to say that I’ve no one else to call a real ‘friend’ would be an understatement. Really, I locked myself in my room and read to my heart’s content. That’s what my life is up to this point, a selfish book-filled fantasy. 
Nevertheless, she shook my hand, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, I’m Anna Tsubaki. Also a student here, and again, I must apologize for that awful bump.”
I chuckled, “It’s fine, it’s fine.” I pulled my hand away. I felt like I was intruding far too much now, relishing too much upon her kindness to even grab my hand in the first place, “That said, this is the first time I’ve seen you here.” Considering  how far detached this place is to the rest of the world. It seemed weird to see someone so… worldly (at least in appearance) being here. It was not as if I was averse to foreigners. She did look exquisitely foreign, and it was the first time I’ve seen one. Maybe that’s part of why I’m so surprised. I’ve lived all my life in this narrow world, only seeing glimpses of the outside through the internet. And now there’s one person in front of me that looks traveled. 
“Oh, my sister and I moved here last month.” Just before school started again. And before she could speak further, we heard the bell ring from inside. We knew then that our time for pleasantries was over, as we gave each other a silent bow before we made our way to our respective classes.
The first day of this school year was unimaginably boring. For one to begin to describe it would be akin to describing how a paint dries over a period of fifty days. It’s not as if I detest the people around me. Quite frankly, it’s only because I find nothing out of them. All terribly superficial and shallow. One likes to read, another likes to play sports (actually at least fifteen of them do), and I, of course, am the only one there that takes a quiet interest in astronomy. And as I declared that to the class, they all looked at me funny, weirdly, perhaps terribly. Their wordless scorn which was blatantly unfounded had not escaped me. I am, once again, an outcast of this world. 
Not that it matters.
Not to me at least.
They all felt superficial. A shallow form of the self created and built to be liked by others, by the norm of the social circle they wished to partake in. If it were any different, I wouldn’t be so lonely. If there were people like me in this class, I wouldn't be so lonely. But as it stands, I am alone, I am the outcast in their garden of eden. But it’s alright. I do not wish to participate in it. Let them party, let them have their cake. I, alone, will be alright.
Even still, admitting that hurts. That because I was raised differently from others, I’d be so outcast and isolated from them. But it shouldn’t be so weird, right? It’s astronomy. Do they not look at the stars at night? Do they not see the constellations and the way they form? Do they not see the north star to guide them in the right direction? I do not know. But even saying that, I form myself to be a hypocrite. At least, in one aspect.
That is because I’ve never seen Polaris.
I’ve seen numerous constellations ever since I started looking at the stars.
But never Polaris.
It always eluded me, that dear north star. And maybe I’ll find it eventually. Even if it’s always just out of reach, always just below the horizon. 
The bell rang eventually, and the weight of all that has happened was lifted off of me. Lunch break was here, and I could indulge upon the perks of my isolation. That is because I partially own some land here in the school. Well, I say that but it’s not because I truly own it, but rather because no one else does. I reached the fifth floor of the school and stumbled down upon dilapidated hallways that served as the artery of abandoned classrooms. As one steps deeper in these hallways it feels like one is being watched. Though I’m used to it. 
Every step up here is a creak. If you look into the classrooms you would see piles upon piles of abandoned chairs, desks, and tables stacked upon one another. And there was one classroom in particular that entices me. 
It’s much the same view. Abandoned, dusty, piles upon piles of desks, chairs, and tables. But one stood upright against the pile. No, it felt like the pile was specifically made to avoid that chair. All seemingly trying to crawl away, through the walls, through anywhere. Anywhere but that room. That said, that room had not been touched in over a decade now as far as I’m concerned. And this entire section of the school had been abandoned due to some major mishaps that occurred during one school year.
But I digress, I came here because at the end of this hallway to the right, was another set of stairs. And if you climb it, you’ll eventually reach a closed door. Open it, and you’ll be greeted into the abandoned school observatory. A nice, tranquil environment separate from this outside world that I am a part of. Separate from the sportsmen, separate from the shallow ingrates that roam my school and my life. Do I sound bitter? I do, don’t I? Don’t think too much about it. There’s a reason I remember these days fondly, and why I talk about it in a bittersweet way… Let’s continue,
Half of the reason why this place was abandoned is due to prior superstition. Be it feng shui, or the ghost of researchers and students long passed. And really, I’m a man of science. So such things don’t affect me. I lay down my lunchbox, took a blanket out of my bag, and decided to picnic upon this observatory. 
Its windows are open, and from up here I could see the rest of the school’s courtyards, the town itself, and beyond. Like the green mountains that surrounded us, or the city in the far distance. I try to relax while I’m here. Though it’s a dusty place, even after I tried my hardest to clean it up during my free hours. Do you understand how difficult it is to clean a place filled with such delicate instruments? Or doing so and hiding it from the rest of the school in the first place? It’s terrible. And often I felt it beyond me. But it was one thing I would do to have a better workspace.
Today, my lunch consisted of my mother’s fried tempura, and black tea. A bit on the simplistic side of things but it was under my own request. And it’s not because I’m on a diet. No, my reasoning is much more shallow. You see, with this minimal setup, I only have to really bring one lunchbox, the teabag, and the thermos. Such a thing made my load much lighter, and thus I can… well, I don’t really know what I could do with such a light load, all I knew is that I wanted one. But forget about that. I’m caught yapping on again. 
There’s one important thing that happened in this observatory on this peaceful first day of highschool. And it’s only something I noticed when I looked behind me and saw the color of wheatfields in full bloom. Golden, dazzling and beautiful. She was just standing there, fidgeting, as if confused and lost. It was almost a pathetic sight to see that I couldn’t help but call for her, “Ms. Tsubaki? What are you doing here?”
She sighed, “Thank goodness, sorry. I got lost trying to find the observatory and I’m glad you’re here.” She spoke softly, as if the breeze carried her voice and the weightless birds that flew along with it. As I stared at her I noticed the small leather handbook she carried with one hand, and a lunchbox in the other. Just what was she planning being here?
“This place is abandoned, it’s now just a hangout spot for vagrants and delinquents.” In truth neither of those kinds of people even hang around here.
“But it’s much too clean for that, no?” She was good at this.
“Well, yes. If I want to eat at this place, I may as well keep it clean, no?” I replied back.
“No, it’s cleaner than that. It’s as if you live here.”
I do, well, I wish I did. This was the only place in this town where I could see more of the stars than is possible, what with it being set in the tallest part of the town and all that. “I don’t. But if you insist on eating here, then you’re free to do so.”
She bowed deeply, enough to make me feel ashamed enough to do so as well, “Thank you for having me.” She said as she made her way to one part of the observatory and began to eat her meal.
We sat in collective silence after that. We both ate our meals and I, for the life of me, could not see hers. It had no smell, nor could I particularly look at it. And I never felt to be in the position to ask what it was. No even if I was, I wouldn’t. That’s just the kind of person that I am. Distant with a cause.
Always putting people at arm’s reach. For better or worse, only ever at arm’s reach. Even my mother, my father, my siblings. Anyone who dared to call me a close friend. All of them were only an arm’s reach away. Never closer. Was it to spare me from the feelings of disappointment associated with simply being alive in their presence? I do not know. Nevertheless, she was the one that spoke.
In the prior paragraph, I must add that I was not one to answer questions either. Especially if it isn’t relevant to the matter at hand, or served as a way to dig deep into who I am. I never needed that. My future never needed that. All I could do, and all I could be is someone who could have something to work towards, preferably without anyone else. And that’s why I gave more weight to the nature of her inquiry, “Are you a member of the astronomy club?”
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yoooespinosa · 3 years
hi! i don't know if you write for cedric diggory but i saw in your post that it could be any pair (and also because i love your writings!!). so if it's okay with you, can i please request cedric x ravenclaw!reader. where the reader feels insecure around ced because she's the new gf and is a bit jealous of cho (because they're both in ravenclaw), so ced comes and reassures her that she has nothing to worry about.
a/n: Thank you for your request! Definitely got off track lol.
Ordinary, that’s how you would describe yourself while looking in the mirror. No matter how many times you pinched your cheeks for a flush, pluck your eyebrows or even lather your face in expensive face masks, you couldn’t help but feel ordinary.
You see a dull girl looking back at your reflection, what could you possibly have to offer?
Bringing your face closer to the other you, you try and look. To look and see what he can possibly see.
No matter how hard you search, you find nothing. You sigh, a pout to your lips.
“What’s wrong?” A gentle voice interrupts your heavy observation. “You’ve been staring at yourself for close to an hour.”
You almost groan, you must look like a weirdo.
You turn to face the girl that was leaning against the door frame that leads into your shared bathroom.
She was beautiful. Everything about her was beautiful, her eyes, her hair, her cheekbones, the shape of her lips, even her voice was beautiful. Cho had to be perfect. It didn’t help that she had such a good heart.
She was so perfect, you wanted to strangle her. How could Cedric, your beautiful boyfriend, go after you when he had a girl like Cho before?
You couldn’t possibly comprehend it.
You open your mouth to answer her, but then cut yourself off. “Nothing important.”
You pass by her concerned gaze, heading to your bed, letting your insecurities run wild once your head hits the pillows.
If you had stayed any longer you might have asked something stupid like, “am i pretty?” and you didn’t need the possibility of your fears being confirmed.
Cedric and Cho had broken up a year ago. They both agreed they were better off as friends. A few months after their breakup, he took a liking to you. He did everything in his power to win your affections, it was easy to fall for him. Cho had been supportive of it too, even helping him woo you.
So you don’t know why you have these doubts, even when your months in with Cedric.
You’re not even sure when you started the comparison of yourself. Always questioning everything you did, ‘Did Cho do this?’ or ‘Did he prefer to do this with Cho, rather than you?’
You even started comparing yourself to all the other girls that still shamelessly flirted with Cedric. Knowing he was taken didn’t seem to stop them. It didn’t help that even they were beautiful. You were scared that maybe one day he’d see it too and leave you for them. Or realize he made a mistake with breaking things off with Cho.
You felt like a shadow compared to him, Cho and every other pretty girl that glanced his way. You felt as if you were watching him live his life, while you sat quietly, watching for a little tell sign of his doubts of you.
But he gave away nothing. He gave you everything though. He gave you his love and you wondered why that wasn’t enough to kill those running thoughts.
He looks at you with nothing but love and admiration in his eyes. Yet, you still tear yourself apart every night. Thinking of solutions on how you can just be better. You pick yourself apart, until your numb.
You fell asleep with the echo of your unanswered why’s.
“Ready?” Cedric asks, taking a hold of your hand.
You hum in agreement, letting him pull you up.
You both just finished lunch and planned on heading to his dorm to hang out there. You hadn’t brought up any of the thoughts that were burning through your skull the other night and you didn’t plan to.
You focused on the path ahead, not noticing the stolen glances from the boy next to you.
Entering his dorm, you both take off your shoes and place them next to the door. You put your bag down and just take in the room. Trying to let the familiar space sooth your nerves.
“You’ve been feeling alright?” He asks, looking at you through his lashes.
“Fine.” Nodding your head, but you think the bags under your eyes speak a different truth.
“Cho’s been telling me that you’ve seemed off,” He paused, then adding “lately.”
You faintly wondered why he said it like that, but inwardly shaking it off as you processed his words.
“You and Cho talk about me?”
You wanted to ask that they talked in general, but you knew they did. You weren’t sure why the thought filled you with a sense of dread, why your chest compacted in with it.
That little voice in your head was making up all these sinful scenarios, flashing before your eyes that you almost felt like you were going to be sick.
“We’re friends,” He says gently, almost like he sees how fragile you are, how one wrong word could be the downfall. “she’s your friend also. And she’s just been a little concerned.”
You chewed on your lip, cutting up your gums, stopping yourself from saying anything you’d regret after. “Nothing to be concerned about.”
He sighs and stares at you for a second longer, it seemed like he was searching for something that you weren’t sure you wanted him to find, so you turn your eyes away.
You heard his footsteps walking to the other side of his bed, followed by the sound of his drawer opening.
“Here,” You looked up to find him holding a brown cable knit sweater, your favorite one he owned.
It brought a small smile to your face, making an ounce of relief flood his chest.
You mumbled your gratitude, then taking your leave to the restroom to change. A shadow fell over his eyebrows, you’d always just change in front of him.
He didn’t linger on the thought for too long once he heard the click of the door and your light footsteps.
You made your way to his bed, gently prying the sheets open and sinking into the warmth. You turned your back towards him, closing your eyes, and letting the sound of the changing of his clothes fill the air.
A dip to the side of you and arms enclosing in on you, dragging you into more warmth. Yet, the coldness in your chest stayed.
You clenched your eyes shut and prayed for sleep. This was your favorite part of day, these naps with Cedric, his dorm room empty and the chance to be alone without anyone in sight to compare yourself to.
But even with his arms around you and the smell of him surrounding the space you were in, didn’t stop the whispers of the troubled.
He must of felt how tense you were, different from the way you so easily melted into him.
“Y/n.” He whispers, you felt him shift behind you, his arms loosening.
You clenched your eyes tighter, trying to even out your breaths, but even you knew that it was not possible to fall asleep that fast.
“Y/n,” He hovers over you a little, looking at your face with an unimpressed expression. “i know you’re not sleeping.”
You unclench your eyes, steeling yourself, for the conversation you knew was bound to happen. Opening your eyes, you met his soft bright ones. His eyes, that spoke everything you wished you’d just believe.
“Yes?” You mumble softly, peeking at him through your lashes.
He stares at you a second longer, then kisses your cheek. “Talk to me.”
“About what?” You were never good at playing oblivious.
“About what’s going on in your head that’s making you look at me like that.”
You furrow your eyebrows, “Looking at you, like what?”
“Like i’m a stranger,” He mumbles sadly. “like i’m someone you should be wary of.”
Guilt washed over you, you didn’t know you were so translucent. You never wanted Cedric to be affected by the problems you were inflicting on yourself.
“That’s not true.” An obvious lie.
“It is.” He corrects you. “You can talk to me, you know that right? We’ll never fix anything, if you don’t talk to me.”
He was right, no matter how much you didn’t want to talk about this. You knew you needed to at some point. And it was looking as if that time was now.
“I just-“ You tried again. “Do you ever have, i don’t know, doubts?”
“Doubts?” You turn so your laying on your back now, him still half hovering over you. “About what?”
“Like,” A long sigh escapes past your lips, unwilling. “Do you ever regret getting with me?”
He gapes at you, almost looking offended of the question. “Why would you even ask that?” He sits up, causing you to follow.
“I don’t kn-“
“Do you think i regret it?” He rephrases, “Do i make it seem like regret it?”
Every scenario of him and you together flashes in blurs through your head and no he didn’t, the opposite actually. He looked at you as if you were the sun, as if you were brighter than the sun.
“No.” You mumble weakly, ashamed that even that revelation didn’t seem to dampen your insecurities.
“Then i’m confused on what brought this on.”
“Why are you with me, when you can be with someone as beautiful as Cho.” You meant for it to come out as a question, but it sounded like a statement.
Maybe you did mean to say it like that, it’s what you believed, the only thing you weren’t questioning the truth of.
You hear him get up and you feel as if your heart stopped beating. This is it, this was what you were preparing yourself for, you thought to yourself. Eyes already blurring.
Then a warm hand in yours, pulling you up. You stumble a little, but he steadies you, always keeping you grounded. Next thing you know he’s dragging you along to the bathroom. Confusion is clear on your face.
“What?” You mumble more to yourself.
He brings you in front of the mirror, the full body length one in the corner of the room. He stands behind you, towering over your smaller frame.
“Look at yourself.” He demands softly, when you don’t cast your eyes away from his.
You oblige, catching your own eyes. You furrow your eyebrows.
“What are you thinking about right now?” He asks, his hands ghosting over your waist.
“How could you possibly love me when i can’t even love myself?”
He looked pained by your words, that you could even have those thoughts.
“I’ll love you enough for the both of us.”
You give him a weak smile, “It doesn’t work like that.”
“Then i’ll help you love yourself.” He adds, desperately. “I’ll make you see what’s to love about you.”
He grips you harder, taking away the response you had.
“Look,” Because your eyes had ventured to his once again.
His thumbs brushed over your body, the side of your face, until they landed under your eyes. Covering the dark circles from view, he smoothed them out gently.
“Your eyes,” He began softly. “they have to be the most captivating eyes i’ve ever seen. They were the first thing i noticed about you, the first thing that pulled me in.”
His fingers brushed over your nose, curving in with it.
“This adorable nose,” He pinches it softly. “home to the freckles i could spend all my time counting.”
He brushed over your cheeks, leaving a pink blush. His fingers stopped at your lips.
“Have to be the most kissable lips out there.” He drags your bottom lip down with his thumb. “I could spend hours just kissing you, these lips.”
His knuckles brush over your neck.
“Where else am i supposed to leave my marks that show everyone your mine?”
He spends an hour at least, going through why he loved every feature about you. Talking about the way you bewitched him with your looks, with your heart.
“Can’t you see how you’re the cause of my euphoria?” His chin was resting on your shoulder, his eyes burning into yours, you never felt more loved than right now.
Those whispers dimmed in comparison to his loving words.
His hands were still roaming slowly over you, like he couldn’t get enough, you were sure he couldn’t get enough.
“What do you see?” He whispers, once your eyes take yourself in again.
“I see-“ You think for a second, really think. “I see potential.”
Potential to love yourself. Potential to accept the love he gave you. Potential to feel worthy to have him. Potential to see that he picked you.
And from then, every so often he would drag you to the mirror and do it again. Adding something new each time.
Until potential turned to beauty. Undeniable beauty. Until the whispers were nothing more than the self assured.
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The Story of You
Well, here it is guys! Part 2, I hope you enjoy it and come talk to me! All the love, Mar
Disclaimer: In no way do I wish to spread hate or negative opinions about any of the characters here depicted, this is just fiction and with the purpose of entertaining you guys
Click on the visuals to enhance your reading experience!
Part Two: We'll be alright
May 19, 2021: Eleven Weeks
Hi baby! You’re eleven weeks today, did you know that your ears have now developed? This means that you will get to hear me and start recognizing my voice and listen to daddy’s music; speaking of, I know I haven’t told you much about him, but I think it is a good time as ever. His name is Harry, and he is from England, so he will probably make sure that you have his accent, but I will make sure that you don’t (although I love how he sounds when he speaks). He is a great singer and recently has started acting in movies, he has finished filing one movie and is already working in another movie. He has the purest heart and the most beautiful smile. He loves to listen to oldies music, especially Fleetwood Mac, I bet he’ll be very excited to show you his awesome collection. I am meeting your daddy today to tell him about you, I’m so thankful you look so good in your last ultrasound because I will be giving him a copy of it. I will let you know how it goes down. Until then, remember that I love you with all my heart.
I closed my notebook and looked at the clock, according to Harry’s text his driver would be here in about 20 minutes. I decided to change and fix my hair and make up a little, I made sure to store a copy of my last ultrasound and left my apartment.
“Roger! It’s so good to see you!”, “Likewise miss, I am glad to see you are doing well”, Roger had been a part of our New York City rendezvous, both good and bad, and I am not going to lie I was sad to say goodbye.
After he opened the door for me, he started making his way to Harry’s apartment, and I must have gotten into my thoughts deeply because the next thing I heard was Roger letting me know we had arrived.
I really did not want to be here; my hands were shaking, and I had to take some deep breaths as I rode the elevator to the 37th floor, the floor that held so many memories and dreams that are now a thing of the past. When the door dinged and it opened, the first thing I smelled was verbena, actually it reminded me of Betty’s office.
The second thing that called my attention was the soft music that I pictured came from his old record player on the corner of his living room, the third thing I noticed was that I felt out of place, when six months ago it felt like home.
I stood near the elevator waiting to be invited in, I didn’t feel like I could let myself in as if I owned the place, “Hello? Harry?”, I heard his walking from the right side of the hall, he was probably on his room finishing getting ready, “Hi! Welcome! Come in!”
I took my shoes off and as I was taking my coat off I felt him reach for it, I stopped breathing for a few seconds until I heard him say “You look good, how are you?”, “Hi Harry, I’m good, how are you?”, I turned around and my heart stopped; he looks so good, the sweater and jeans fit him perfectly.
“I am good, thank you, come on let’s go to the kitchen, do you want something to drink?”, “Uhm, waters fine”, as he handed me the glass, I noticed his eyes not leaving me and well, I believe he was checking me out, however I would rather think he did not, my heart has gone through enough.
“So, as glad as I am to see you, there is an elephant in the room I think we should talk about, so would you like to do it now or after dinner?”, as much as I wanted to avoid the talk, I knew I wouldn’t be able to eat if I didn’t tell him, or if everything went south I would be able to escape.
We sat down on his couch, and I took out the folder with the ultrasound, “I really don’t want to rant but I need you to know that I didn’t plan for any of this to happen, I understand that things don’t work out all the time and I do not expect anything fr-“, “Love, you’re ranting”, we both laughed and I decided to give him the folder because I knew that words wouldn’t come out.
Harry. New York City, New York. 7:30 Pm
I was excited to see her, I am not going to lie, she has been a part of me for the last 3 years and a big influence on my career, and although I am not able to pinpoint where things went south exactly, I know it was the right thing to do, or was it?
Since arriving in New York yesterday I was hoping to see her before our meeting, I really didn’t understand why I had the need to, maybe because of how we left things the last time. After cleaning up and cooking Jeff let me know he would be staying at a hotel for the night and to text him if I needed anything, after he left, I retreated to my room to finish getting ready.
My heart started beating faster the moment I heard her and I couldn’t make my way faster to her; she looked beautiful, I was so tempted to reach out and hug her, but I knew it was not right to do so. After offering her something to drink we sat down on my living room; truth be told I would have rather eaten before talking, but I know I wouldn’t have been able to do so.
She started ranting and I gave her a small smile, oh how I’ve missed her rantings; when she handed me the envelope it looked like it had some kind of pictures, shit, maybe I would have to call Jeff and PR to an emergency meeting, I didn’t really need this right now- wait a minute…
The first thing I saw was her name and birthday on the left upper corner of the picture, the second thing I notice was that it wasn’t your typical picture printing paper, this paper was kind of flimsier and more malleable.
The last thing I noticed was something I definitely wasn’t expecting. The next 30 seconds felt like hours to me, and I forgot how to breathe, because of all things I expected her to tell me, a pregnancy was the last thing on my mind.
“Are, you- Are you pregnant?” out of the corner of my eye I saw her nod and I gulped, “I really don’t want to sound like a jerk, but I need to ask, is it mine?”, I see her nod again. I let a breath out and dragged a hand through my face. Shit. Shit, shit shit.
“Are you okay? Is the baby okay?”, “I am, thanks for asking; and yes the baby is okay, eleven weeks growing strong as ever, I brought that for you, if you want it”, I looked at the picture and felt warm on the inside, that’s my baby.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t want for this to happen, I know how you feel, and I don’t want to force you to do anything, I just needed you to know because this baby is not guilty of anything that’s going on”, I could hear her voice and it seemed like she wanted to cry, so I did the most rational thing I could think of, I hugged her.
New York City, New York. 8:47 Pm
Oh that hug, I needed that hug, I didn’t realize I was crying until he wiped the tears away from my face, we pulled back and he gave me a little smile, “Hey, everything is going to work out okay? Now how about we eat? I want to make sure you’re both okay”, I know my heart shouldn’t do the leaps it did but before he could stand up I grabbed his hand and took a deep breath.
“Uhm although dates match and everything, if you or your management need me to have any paternity tests done, I’ll do them, I know this is also complicated for you”, he gave me a small smile and went to his kitchen.
We had a lovely dinner where we talked about everything and anything, except of our love life since we still respected those boundaries. Before I knew it a few hours had passed by, and I knew it was time to go home. Harry let me know that Roger was waiting for me and walked me out.
After helping me put my coat on he called the elevator, before it closed, I remembered “Oh! Harry, tomorrow I have an appointment, if you wanted you could come? Meet my midwife and see the baby? I’ll text you the details”, he smiled and nodded, I waved a little goodbye and just before the doors closed he said “Hey, we’ll be allright”.
Harry. New York City, New York. 11:45 Pm
I was panicking and I didn’t know how, as fast as I could I grabbed my phone and called Jeff, “Hey, could you come please?”
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vicious-vixxxen · 3 years
SugarDaddy!Enji X SugarBaby!Male Reader <3
Not entirely sure where this came from, but couldn’t help myself once it started :3 nothing crazy, and kinda short, so apologies for that, but I hope you guys enjoy it! Prompt fills should be out later this month: In the midst of a move, so slow going getting fills, out, but hopefully soon <3 thanks for the patience, and the continued support. Much love to you guys! Enjoy :3  Sugar Daddy!Enji x Sugar Baby!Male Reader
 (Sort of, kind of, it is but also not entirely the focus)
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“What would you do without me, dad,” Fuyumi sighed, though her smile was palpable, even if Enji couldn’t see it- as she’d stepped behind him to lint roll his dinner jacket. Enji adjusting his watch, and catching the time, puffing his chest up a bit as he shooed his daughter back, and glanced at himself in the full length mirror once more, briefly. Enji would lie down and accept the sweet, bitter kiss from the grim reaper, before he ever told his daughter just where he’d found his date from. But, and as hard as it was to so much as admit it, Enji did know when to wave the white flag of defeat, and after three hours of trying to pick his own outfit, he’d shuffled off to her room and mumbled the bare minimum about having a date from an app tonight. Fuyumi had freaked out for all of ten minutes, before growing startlingly serious, and rifling through his closet for articles of clothing Enji had no idea were even there. And now...well, he looked more presentable than he had in ages. Granted, his wardrobe consisted of his hero suit ninety nine percent of the time, but still. Bidding Fuyumi goodbye was a whole other ordeal, but soon enough, Enji found himself- or rather, his driver, pulling up along the curb of the restaurant he’d asked you to. Not even a moment to gather himself, or suck in a few lungful's of crisp evening air, before his eyes landed on you. Your dazzling smile so bright, Enji had to keep himself from squinting, as you hurried over, and without so much as a hello first, threw your arms over the hero’s broad shoulders, and brought him down into a tight, warm hug. Enji squeezed back awkwardly, though your cologne was mouthwatering, and the feel of someone wanting to be in his arms almost made the older man dizzy, as he pulled back, and smoothed out the front of his jacket. Just to busy his hands, as you eyed him up, and your smile grew softer. More intimate. “It’s so nice to meet, finally. In person.” You laughed, gesturing for Enji to follow you to the front door, as there was already a man waiting to escort you back to your table. Well, Enji thought. Here goes nothing. 
“You’re nervous,” you pointed out quietly- gently, reaching across the table to lay one of your hands over Enji’s much larger one: meeting the older man's gaze as he stopped jiggling his leg, and focused his full attention on you. “Observant,” Enji huffed, though not unkindly, as he took a deep breath, and reached up with his free hand to tug at the neck of his sweater. Cheeks flush, both from the heat within himself, and his nerves. You were much more...handsome? Pretty? Drop dead gorgeous?- than your profile pictures had given you credit for, and even then you were one of the most beautiful specimens he’d ever laid his eyes on, so that was really saying something. “I try to be,” you laughed, bringing your other hand around to sip at your champagne, before laying your glass-chilled hand over the other covering Enji’s, to clasp them on either side- just holding his hand, and smiling. Awkwardness creeping back up Enji’s neck as his throat worked around the words he couldn’t quite find. “I could talk, if you’d like? And you can interject whenever you’d like. No pressure to, if you’re not ready. I could probably talk enough for the both of us.” You we’re trying to cut the man some slack, bless his big confused heart. Your online chats hadn’t divulged much, though you did get the gist from Enji. Bad relationship with his children. Not too close to anyone of his own age. He was lonely. And so were you. You were also broke as fuck, but all thoughts of monetary value flew out the window the second you hugged the man when you’d arrived. Seen the restaurant he’d asked you to; and the private balcony dinner he’d arranged. Enji was trying so hard, and it made your heart beat a little too fast. Your smile almost too bright.  “That...would be preferable, thank you,” Enji replied gruffly- though he cleared his throat after like he’d done it by accident. It only made you smile wider “Of course. A very considerate daddy you are,” you teased, referencing the website you met on jokingly- or at least, half jokingly- though the way Enji’s blush deepened had you stuttering around your first few sentences- glancing down suddenly as Enji turned his hand palm upward- holding your hands in return, as you laughed, suddenly, and began speaking smoothly. Squeezing the man’s hands in silent thanks, as he listened intently to you rambling on about your life. Where you went to school, what instrument you played, your favorite movies, and books. He really /listened/, grunting every so often to show you he was- and even interjecting with questions every so often; Enji really wanted to know about you. He wanted to listen. You’d never quite had anyone like that before. Not even close friends who cared enough to really listen to you. Your chest felt tight suddenly as you began touching on your most recent life happenings. Pausing slowly, voice getting quiet as you held Enji’s gaze, you lifted the older man’s hand to press a kiss to his palm. Snickering into it as Enji’s flames burst across his face at the contact. “Ah-Ahem. What uh...what’s that for?” He questioned, voice husky as he turned away slightly. Embarrassed at his flames for the first time since he was a pre-teen. “Just thanks, for listening,” you admitted with a shrug, kissing his palm again, even softer this time. Enji turned then, pure honesty in his gaze as he gathered his courage to speak clearly, “I could listen to you speak...for hours, if I’m being honest. You have..a lovely voice.” “Ah,” You nodded, your cheeks just as flushed as the hero’s as you swirled your champagne in its glass gently. Missing completely the way Enji’s face fell, and he withdrew his hands from atop the table, and back into his lap. The rest of the night went pretty much the same, though you noticed Enji seemed slightly more reserved, and gruff than before. Still just as attentive, still nearly mute, just more...withdrawn. Less open then he’d become as you spoke. It wasn’t until the date had come to an end, and he was escorting you out of the restaurant, and to the car he’d called to take you home, did you realize why. “Here you go.” Enji spoke quietly, yet clearly, crowding you in slightly so the valet couldn’t see the wad of cash he was holding out to you. Crisp bills neatly folded into a money clip, engraved with Enji’s initials. “Oh.” You’d almost forgotten by this point that this was sort of part of it. Or...well, it was the whole point, really. Or had been. “That’s….quite a lot of money,” You thought aloud, frowning at the way Enji’s brows drew down tightly, and he thumped the money into your chest gently. “I apologize for the evening. Please, just take it. It’s triple the amount we originally spoke of. Compensation for the poor company I’ve been.” You froze, staring between Enji’s eyes, that wouldn’t meet your own, and the cash being held out to you, Enji’s grip so tight on it his knuckles were white. /Oh/. So that’s what he thought. Earlier in the evening, your reaction to his sincerity, he’d read into it wrong. ….Sweet old man. “Silly daddy,” You sighed, smiling despite the situation- reaching up to tug out one solitary bill from the stack, before pressing Enji’s fist back into his own chest with one hand- the other snaking up and around the man’s neck, to ease him down to your level gently. “I can’t say I’ve ever had a more wonderful time with anyone before in my whole life. You listened, and saw me. And only me. For hours. I don’t think I can properly describe how absolutely wonderful that was. Truly. Silly,” You laughed again, watching the way Enji’s shoulders hunched, and tensed, a myriad of emotions flitting across his face, before he settled on bewilderment it seemed. The tiniest flames danced across his cheeks as you leaned up on your toes, brushing noses briefly, before capturing Enji’s lips in a soft, chaste kiss. Hand carding up and into the soft hair at the nape of Enji’s neck, scraping your nails through his scalp gently as your lips began to move against one another. Unsure, and hesitant, before that quickly melted away, leaving only the deepest desire, and want. A soft, needy noise leaving your mouth, that Enji swallowed up happily. Panting into your face as he pulled away, breath a wash of champagne, and the chocolate cake you’d both had for dessert. “Tip...for your driver,” You breathed, slightly dazed as you fell back into the car, feet firmly on the ground now- tapping your pocket where you’d slid the bill from the stack he’d held out to you at first. “I...should get going. But if I don’t have a text from you with the details of our next date when I get home, i’ll be one very disappointed boy,” You admitted quietly, cupping Enji’s cheek briefly- thumb sliding across his plump bottom lip, before you opened the back door of the car, and slid in. Wishing Enji a goodnight, before the door was shut, and you were being driven off towards home. Enji checked the time briefly as you pulled away, and once more when he finally was able to get his legs working again- nearly an hour had passed, in which he’d tried and failed multiple times to collect himself. Had that really just happened? The feel of his lips twisting up into a smile felt strange, and foreign for the pro hero. And as he walked home, to allow himself a chance to breathe finally, he began to laugh. Cupping his own face, and touching his lips, an incredulous laugh bubbled from deep within him as he threw his head back and allowed it to overtake him. Smiling in a way he hadn’t in...so, so long. Pulling his phone out, he immediately began texting you, checking your schedule for the next night, before suggesting going to a play. A quiet, private balcony just for the two of you. Close seats. Beautiful music. He could watch your reactions under the bright stage lights. It sounded fantastic. A text from Fuyumi chimed into his phone as he was nearly home, and still smiling like a love struck teenager. So? How was it!?-FT Enji sighed heavily, catching himself in a nearby shop window- looking too happy to be real, and recalling your words from earlier. Wonderful.-ET It was wonderful, Fuyumi.-ET
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megumisbimbo · 3 years
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fushiguro megumi x fairy!reader/fem!reader
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this is my entry for @izukine’s fairytales and mythical creatures collab - hope you enjoy it liyah <3
This is nsfw work - minors pls do not interact
warnings: aphrodisiac(?), unprotected sex, slight oral (fem receiving), deception(?)
taglist: @erispancakes @innrsoul @ohno-otome @kirsteiiins @nkogneatho @puptarou @fiaficsxo @arumiee @mitsuluv @rintarouss @dukina @jean-prettyboy-kirschtein
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Megumi’s mind was racing. Exams were coming up and he was having a hard time focusing. He had tried everything. From classical music to meditation, nothing was helping him focus. This was his third and final year, he could not fail, no matter what. Megumi helplessly stared out his dorm window, the sunlight bouncing off the pavement and straining his eyes. A walk might do him some good, he thought to himself. He rolled out of his bed and slipped his shoes on, half eager to get some much needed vitamin d.
There was a small park near Jujutsu Tech that Gojo frequently took him to when he was younger. Days of fighting horrible curses and now losing the only person he could call his best friend, Megumi was truly in need of some time to himself.
He found the biggest tree with the most shade and sat underneath it. The feeling of the cool grass underneath his fingertips and the soft breeze blowing past alleviated the pain that spread throughout his body like a disease. He closes his eyes and soaks in the feeling, relishing in the peace if only for moment.
Megumi doesn’t know what time he fell asleep, but he arises with a heavy weight across his chest. He looks down and sees a small figure no bigger than Nishimiya curled up against him. He couldn’t quite understand what it was, but he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. He didn’t dare move, afraid of waking you. It proved to be useless when you lifted your hand to rub your eyes.
“Um…who..are you?”
“Oh I’m sorry you just looked so comfortable…and I-I’m sorry I’ll go.”
You knew your intentions, and they were definitely not innocent. You were a fairy, of course, and not the ones told in cute stories for children. No you were much more…treacherous. You happened to stumble across exactly what you were looking for. A young boy with blood red as roses and as delicious as spring cherries.
“Wait-..don’t go…it’s ok. I didn’t mean to wake you. What’s your name?” Megumi asked, against his better judgement.
Megumi was known for having a strong mind, one must in order to be a jujutsu sorcerer. But something about you emanated pure beauty and comfort. He was under your most dangerous spell. Pseudo-love. The artificial feeling overcame Megumi and blocked all the self-control and discipline he had developed through his years of training.
“Y/n. Y/n is my name. And yours?”
“Megumi…it’s beautiful..” You say, a saccharine smile adorning your face.
If Megumi hadn’t fallen for you before, hearing the way his name rolled off your tongue had him practically at your feet. You had him exactly where you wanted him.
“I..I don’t have anywhere to go Megumi…would you mind if I stayed with you for a night or two. Only if it’s ok of course-“
“Really?! Oh thank you so much Megumi!”
Megumi didn’t mean to say yes, especially not so quickly. He barely knew you. But the way your doe eyes twinkle and the way your small fingers latch onto the hem of his sweater, he doesn’t think he’ll regret saying yes.
Megumi’s mind was racing. What is he thinking? Bringing a girl he doesn’t know beyond her first name into his room. Into jujutsu tech! He knows how irresponsible this is. How he’d be reprimanded, maybe even suspended, for letting a stranger into the concealed school.
“Megumi…is everything ok?”
“Hm? Oh..yeah everything’s fine. I just- never mind it’s nothing.” He answers, brushing you off and turning to face his window once again.
You walk towards him, your hands landing on his back running them up and down slowly. The feeling of your soft hands pushes Megumi closer to the edge. He doesn’t know how much more he could take. Your aura absolutely intoxicating. You run your hands under his arms pressing your palms against his chest and your cheek against his back.
“Is there anything…I can do…Megumi?”
You can hear his rapid heartbeat and feel the accelerated rise and fall of his chest. Your hands run down his chest, finding purchase underneath his sweater. Your cold fingertips delicately examine each and every muscle he’s cultivated over years of training. Your lips are quick to press against the nape of his neck.
“Can you take this off for me?” You ask gingerly.
Megumi hastily slips his sweater over his head as he turns to face you. He dips his head down to place a chaste kiss on your lips, his sweater and common sense long forgotten. Your lips sweeter than honey and more addictive than any drug. Your power engulfs his senses, the natural aphrodisiac emitted from your body surrounding the young sorcerer. Megumi was long gone, he was all yours.
“Can you take these off for me Megumi?” You ask, your fingers fiddling with the strings of his black sweatpants. Megumi is quick to follow your directions, stripping down to his boxers. You were still clothed in your short lace dress. You turn your back towards him and fiddle with the buttons that held your dress tight against you. Megumi understood your action and unbuttoned them for you. His fingers latch onto the neckline of your dress slowly dragging it downwards as he peppers your neck with kisses. He trails his kisses down your back following his fingers. You relax into his touch, the feeling of his nimble hands gliding across your body sending shockwaves through you.
It was always blissful, the feeling of your body being worshipped by mindless young boys right before you sink your teeth into them. Megumi’s hands grip your waist pulling you flush against his chest. One hand trails upward cupping your breast and massaging it softly.
“You’re beautiful.” He says, his voice deep and laced with desire.
“Please Megumi…I want you.”
“You have me.”
He’s quick to discard of your dress, his fingers now slipping past the waistband of your panties dipping into your sopping core.
“Oh fuck Megumi…just like that.” You moan out, his fingers pressing tight circles against your pussy. You grip onto his wrist, guiding his hand towards your entrance.
“Need it here Megumi..”
Megumi pulls his fingers out of you, eliciting a small whine. He leads you towards the bed, his arm cradling your back setting you down softly. He leans down to lick a stripe up your cunt before latching his teeth onto the fabric pulling it down to your ankles. You haven’t felt this good in a while, Megumi’s teeth leaving wine red blemishes across your skin.
He pulls his black boxers down just enough to let his cock spring free. The tip was flushed red, beads of precum slipping down. It was a sight to behold.
“Are you ready?”
Megumi presses the tip of his cock into your entrance, your moans filling his ears and clouding his senses. He pushes in and out slowly, his lips attaching to yours to distract you from the stretch. You notice his attentiveness, his careful touches and his soft praise. You couldn’t lie…in all the years you’ve had young men wrapped around your finger, this was the first time you had ever felt..so loved.
“Mmm-Megumi…’m coming!” You moan, your breathe catching in your throat slightly.
“Fuck- cum for me baby, cum all over my cock.”
One final stroke sends you both over the edge, Megumi’s lips pressing softly against your ear leaving candied kisses in between whispers of praise.
It’s working, you think to yourself…but suddenly you feel a shift in your energy. An unknown force clashing with yours. Thick black shadow surrounds you filling your lungs. You look up at the sorcerer and notice that he was indeed the source of the shadow.
“Megumi? What is this?” You ask, slightly concerned that you no longer had the upper hand.
“Have you finally noticed pretty?” He says staring into your now fear filled eyes.
“This is my domain.”
“Why did you bring me here?”
“Well isn’t it obvious? I wanted to give you a show before you suck me dry. I know what you are, fairy. There’s no need to keep up the charade.”
He knows? How? When did he notice?
Megumi was known to have a strong mind, and for good reason. He knew what you were the moment you slipped your hands underneath his sweater. The cursed energy emitted from your body similar to one explained by Gojo and the fairy he had exorcised a while back. But he couldn’t let his guard down, not while the odds were in your favor. So he summoned his domain, knowing he would immediately have the upper hand.
“There’s nowhere for you to run now pretty…just let me exorcise you. I’ll be gentle I promise.” He says, a cheshire smile replacing the helpless expression he adorned earlier.
“Please! Megumi please give me a chance to explain myself!!”
“What is there to explain? If I don’t destroy you now, who knows what innocent boy will be your next victim.”
“Please! I’ll do anything!!”
“Anything? Choose your words wisely curse, your life depends on it.”
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© megumisbimbo 2021
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wkemeup · 4 years
Sunrise (2)
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summary: After an explosion takes his arm and his only sense of belonging, Bucky is content to live out the rest of his days in the hollow comfort of the dark. This is, until Sam drags him down to the local VA and he meets you. (Modern AU) pairings: bucky x reader chapter word count: 3.5k warnings: heavy focus on Bucky’s PTSD/anxiety, hella nervous!bucky, dangerously sweet!y/n  🧡 series masterlist / series playlist
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“What the hell do you mean ‘you’re not going’?”
Bucky shrugged, taking a bite of the bagel Steve picked up on his way to the apartment. He flinched as Steve flung open the curtains, expelling a cloud of dust as the sunlight invaded the living room, illuminating over months of untouched mail on the coffee table and crumbs in the carpet.  
Sam kept his eyes burning on Bucky from the other end of the table. “You can’t back out now, Barnes. She’s expecting you!”
“What’s this about again?” Steve asked as he slid into the chair beside Bucky.  
“Book club. Y/n. Barnes is being a coward again,” Sam explained a little too nonchalantly for Bucky's taste.  
“I’m not being a coward,” Bucky grumbled, avoiding Sam’s eyes and very much proving his friend’s point. “I’ve just— I’ve got better things to do.”
He regretted it the moment it left his lips because both Sam and Steve exchanged a less than subtle, irritatingly familiar glance.  
“Yeah, like what?” Steve scoffed. He extended his arms out to gesture to the empty apartment. “You got tons of plans this week? Think you might see sunlight again or did someone hang garlic in the hallway?”
“Shut up,” Bucky warned, rolling his eyes. It had been a few days since he’d ventured out to the VA for the first time and it was more than he’d done in weeks. It should have been enough for these two, but it never was. They always wanted more out of him. They couldn’t just leave him to rot in his apartment, could they?
“It’s Sunday, you know,” Sam said, devilish smirk rising on his face.  
Bucky gritted his teeth. “Yeah, I’m well aware.”  
“Come on, man!” Sam groaned, slamming his hand on the table enough to cause a ripple in the coffee mugs. “I saw the way you were looking at her. You can’t tell me seeing her again isn’t a good enough reason to go...”
Bucky’s cheeks flushed red. They burned hot on his skin and it only seemed to make it worse. He’d never been like this before he was discharged – flustered and easily embarrassed. He supposed before he came home with one less limb and baggage the size of his living room, he didn’t have much to be embarrassed about. He was a flirt, a bit shameless about it, too. He’d had girlfriends and hookups and never thought much about it.  
But now? The vague idea of even presuming to be interested in a woman was borderline laughable. What chance could he possibly have? He was washed up and broken, missing a few pieces, and half off his rocker. There wasn’t a chance in hell you’d go for a guy like him. It was easier to just pretend like he didn’t care, give into the empty void he believed his heart to be, and waste away.  
“Seeing her again isn’t a good enough reason to go,” Bucky said flatly, much to Sam’s annoyance. It was a bold-faced lie, one all three of them were well aware of, but it didn’t mean Bucky needed to give them the satisfaction of admitting it.  
He thought of you in that sunset red sweater, holding a book tight to your chest with that sort of bright starlight look in your eyes as you listened intently to a retired vet go on and on about his personal connection to some corny book. He’d only met you for maybe a span of a few minutes, and still, he could somehow still picture your smile. He wanted to see it again.  
But there was a sharp pain in his left arm; it burned, enough for Bucky to reach across his chest and try to put pressure on it, only to slip through thin air and land against his ribs. The pain remained, like an extension of himself, on an arm that was no longer apart of him. There and not there all at once. He groaned.  
“It’s not a good enough reason, Sam,” Bucky repeated. “I’m not going. She probably won’t even notice.”
Another lie.  
Sam shook his head, the smile quickly leaving his face in favor of one Bucky knew all too well. Disappointment. Frustration. The thing was, it didn’t hurt as much when Bucky was purposeful in creating it.  
“I thought you liked her?” Steve asked cautiously, eyes catching Sam’s for only a moment before he turned back to Bucky. They’d been talking about him. He hated when they did that.  
“I don’t even know her, Steve,” Bucky shot back. He shouldn’t be getting angry with them. They were only trying to help. And yet here he was – pushing away the only two people left in his life that still managed to tolerate him. He rubbed at the stubble on his jaw, trying to push past it. “She’s nice, okay? She’s pretty. Is that what you want me to say?”
Steve sat back in his chair, exhausted. “I want you to be happy, Buck.”
Bucky scoffed. “Yeah, well, shoulda thought of that before I got myself blown up.”
“Let it go, man,” Sam sighed, setting a hand on Steve’s shoulder.  
Bucky felt like he could sink straight into his chair. Why did he always do this?
“I hope you change your mind,” Sam said simply, gathering up his things as he and Steve started to make their way to the door. “It could be good for you.”
Bucky knew what he meant by that, the underlaying message hidden just beneath the surface: she could be good for you.  
Right on cue, the pain started up again in his arm that was both there and not there, and Bucky tried to grit his teeth through it, though Sam could spot the tells almost immediately: his right-hand gripping to the arm rest, the flinch in his jaw, the short tense breaths.  
Sam sighed, pausing in the door frame. “We’ll be back in a few days. Try to clean up the place, will you? It’s a shithole in here.”
“Ma said she’d bake you cobbler if you promise to eat it,” Steve offered, too hopeful for his own good. It had been Bucky’s favorite once; the sort of dessert he talked about on desert nights when the mess hall served day old meatloaf and bland potatoes. He didn’t have much of an appetite these days.  
Bucky forced out a smile for his friend’s sake and nodded.  
A familiar silence swept over the apartment as the door closed behind them. It had been a comfort once; a darkness that swept around his shoulders like a blanket. It kept him isolated and suffocated and still, safe.  
Now, it mocked him.
He stared at the knob on the door, tapping his fingers against the edge of the table. He’d done this about a dozen times before, trying to convince himself to do something more with his days than waste away in an expensive one-bedroom apartment in Brooklyn.  
Steve was right. What the hell else was he going to do today? Stare at the wall for a few hours? Pretend to watch TV and not catch a single word of dialogue? Make a meal he wouldn’t eat?
He thought of you again. How you might scan the room in search of him and a frown might pull at the corner of your lips to not find him amongst the crowd. He wondered if you’d be dressed in yellow or orange or if you’d resemble a cloudless sky as the sun touched over the peaks of the city in soft pinks and purples.
He wanted to know so badly it was killing him.  
He dragged his feet to the bedroom to find something half decent to wear.  
It had been a less than ideal start to your day.  
The children’s reading presentation at the library got a little out of hand when the speaker – a local theater student – got caught up in the voices and scared half of the toddlers to tears as he took some interesting liberties with The Cat in the Hat.
Then, a rather unpleasant woman yelled at you for twenty minutes about a man sleeping on the bench outside the near the entrance as if it were a personal affront that this man, a little down on his luck, dared to catch a few minutes of sleep in a public place.  
The internet was shotty all day, leaving a few college students red in the face and with fat tears matching those of the toddlers in the next room over when hours' worth of work had suddenly disappeared in front of their eyes.  
And of course – the teenagers. A band of four boys who hid under the brim of baseball caps with skateboards tucked under their arms, who found it rather amusing to stalk out the adult section and flip through the sorts of novels with bare chested men on the cover until their snickering could be heard from the floor below.  
It warranted a coffee, at least.  
The only solace was that it was Sunday. Your favorite day of the week. It meant a few hours at the VA and catching up with the guys. You hadn’t seen Natasha in a while and you were hoping to see how her new job at the security firm had gone. She was exceptionally qualified and you were almost certain you had her interview answers memorized by the time you’d finished practicing together.  
But there was something different about this Sunday, something that left a few butterflies in your stomach where an easy contentment usually belonged. You were nervous, but there was an excitement, too.  
There’d be a new face in attendance.  
A beautiful face.  
A face that you imagined required a double take were you to see it for the first time on a busy street.  
“You’re smiling again there, darling.”
You looked up to find Mrs. Jefferson keeping a careful eye on you from over the top of her reading glasses. She wore a smile upon her face, one that blended into the laugh lines by her eyes. Her hand trembled with a familiar quiver as she reached up and slid the glasses off her nose. They rested comfortably on a purple beaded chain as they hung around her neck.  
“You always have so much going on inside that head of yours,” she quipped, chuckling to herself. She was a slow mover as she turned to the computer to begin typing in her code. “Have you checked out the books for the VA yet?”
“Already done,” you confirmed, your mind still a little in the clouds. Coffee would definitely need to be a requirement before you stepped foot in the VA.  
“Get a move on then,” Mrs. Jefferson said, gesturing to the door with a trembling hand. “I know you like to get donuts for the kids.”
You still had a few minutes left on shift, but Mrs. Jefferson was always so understanding. She had a son who was in the military once who saw about four tours. Always had a habit of going back, she’d said, like he was testing his luck. You weren’t sure how he’d died, but you knew he didn’t have the chance to go back for a fifth.  
She was a part of a group no one wanted to be in: those who have lost someone to war. Membership cost was steep and there was no going back once it was paid. It was a lonely group, one far too many people occupied. Your own membership card was heavy in your pocket.  
You glanced toward the door. The sun was shining bright on the pavement. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then?”
She smiled. “Yes, of course, dear. Tell the boys I said hello.”
“Yes, ma’am!” you called as you gathered your things and the shoulder bag stuffed with books and quickly scurried out the door before another disaster could reel you back inside.  
The sun was warm on your skin and you took a minute to savor it before shoulders started to bump into you, forcing you off balance. You could see your breath in the autumn air, and still, the sun touched your cheeks and left behind a comfort there. Smile on your face, heavy bag draped over your shoulder, you resided to grab coffee and donuts at a café close to the VA before book club started.  
It was one you visited a few times before, right across the street from a painfully busy Starbucks. The quaint coffee shop was often empty inside, save for a few college students with headphones in, typing away at their laptops, and a regular you often saw nursing a black coffee by the front windows, watching the people as they walked by.  
It smelled of coffee beans as you stepped inside. Fresh. Aromatic. You took in a deep breath.  
“Ah, Y/n!” a voice called from the back in a thick Colombian accent. “It’s good to see you again!”
“Hi, Luciana,” you laughed as the woman who owned the shop rounded the corner behind the counter and ran out to give you a hug. She was a tiny woman, short and shout, but her hugs could render even a giant of a man to a puddle.  
“Donuts for your friends down at the VA again?” she asked, releasing you from her embrace, though she still managed to pinch your cheek on the way out.  
“Yes, please!”
“And coffee for yourself?”  
She knew you too well.  
“I could use a bit of a pick-me-up,” you admitted. She knew your order by heart.  
“You should see if that Sam wants to have some good coffee for a change at his next event instead of the bean water he serves our veterans now,” Luciana inquired as she pulled on a pair of gloves and began to stack your box with assorted donuts. She had that smile on her face you recognized well. She asked about Sam a lot.  
“I’ll be sure to get his thoughts,” you replied, trying to stifled a smile.  
“Have him come by,” she offered rather smoothly. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen his pretty face and I could use a little pick-me-up myself.”
She winked at you and set the box of donuts on the counter. Then, your coffee; lid pressed on top, cardboard around the edges to protect from heat. You reached for your wallet but she snuck her hand over the counter and grabbed your wrist.  
“No, no, not today, my dear. My treat.”
You parted your lips to protest but she shook her again.  
“Tell those kids to come visit me every once in a while, okay? I’ve got a discount for ‘em,” she offered, bright smile over painted red lips. She waved you off and you knew there was no arguing with her.  
“That’s very kind of you, Luciana. I’m sure they’ll appreciate it.”  
“So will my business, dear.” There was that wink again.  
You laughed, heading for the door. “I’ll see you next week!”
The bell rang on your way out.  
The VA wasn’t more than a few blocks from Luciana’s, but the bag piled high with books was starting to weigh on your shoulder. It didn’t help that you had to weave expertly between the pedestrians to balance your coffee and the donut box, too; tourists walking about 10 mph too slow and locals stuck in their path with no qualms of shoving you out of their way if you managed to jump in their trajectory.  
As you approached the VA, the crowd began to disperse. There weren’t too many people who frequented this street as there was little more than the VA building itself to occupy the tourists. You were surprised to find a man standing in front of the doors, staring up at the building as if it offended him in some way.  
Dark brown hair tucked under a baseball cap, just barely peeking out at the nape of his neck. Right hand tucked deep into his pocket, rigid in his stance as he stared down the double doors. He was talking to himself, you realized, judging by the soft clouds of chilled air by his mouth.  
James Barnes.
A smile suddenly took over your face, enough that you had to bite down on the edge of your lip in an effort to suppress it. You’d hoped he would come, but Sam had talked about his friend Bucky long before you met him in the empty library of the VA a few days prior. He didn’t say ‘yes’ to much of anything and he seemed to be the sort of soldier that got left behind by the system when he returned home.  
But he was sweet. You could tell that just from the small interaction you’d had. Quiet. A little flustered. Maybe reserved. But he had beautiful eyes; blue, like they could capture even the faintest colors in the sky and the sweep of a current in the Mediterranean. He’d only barely lifted the corner of his lips to a smile that day and it left you wondering how lovely he was when it touched his eyes.  
“Bucky!” you called, moving a little quicker now as you approached, but he didn’t seem to hear you. Still focused on his staring match with the building, it seemed. For a moment, it seemed as though he might be turning to leave and your stomach twisted.  
You were nearly at his side, a little out of breath when you called his name again and it registered this time. Only, it must have startled him because an arm jutted out in your direction, knocking the coffee from your hands. You were too stunned to do much of anything about it as they coffee flung itself to the pavement, the contents spilling to the ground and over your sneakers. You clutched the box of donuts tight to your chest.  
Bucky froze, almost as still as a statue, his eyes focused on the coffee spilled on the sidewalk. His jaw clenched so tight you could see the muscle twitch and slowly, his eyes drew up to meet yours. He stared at you for a moment, mouth falling agape. His ears were burning red.  
Then, he seemed to come back to reality as he blinked a few times, his eyes darting from the shock on your face to the coffee on the sidewalk.  
“Y/n! Shit—fuck! I am—so sorry,” he started to ramble, his hand reaching out, though he wasn’t quite sure what to do with it. “I didn’t realize you were-- fuck—”
“It’s alright, Bucky,” you tried to ease him, a laugh in your voice. “Don’t worry about it. Probably didn’t need the caffeine anyway.”  
“I should, um,” he looked around desperately, scanning the street for the nearest coffee shop, his hand clenching and releasing at his side in a repetitive squeeze. It was really sort of sweet. “Let me buy you a new one.”
You smiled at him and he softened a bit. “That’s really not necessary.”  
He gritted his teeth as you bent down to pick up the empty cup and shook the excess coffee off your shoes. They were old sneakers anyway and you were looking for a halfway decent excuse to get new ones. Then came a shy ex-soldier barreling in from the sky with a strong aversion to your coffee.  
“I knew this was a bad idea...”  
He was talking to himself, grumbling under his breath, and you realized why he was staring at the building for so long. You took a step closer to him, studying the way his chewed on the inside of his cheek and shoved his right hand into his pocket.  
“Is it?” you asked.
Blue eyes flickered to yours, brows furrowed. He didn’t think you’d heard him. “Sorry?”
You just smiled at him, shaking your head. You’d been working at the VA long enough to recognize the man behind the soldier; one who’d been beaten and bruised and left to waste the second he was dropped back on American soil. Constantly beating himself up, constantly wondering if he was doing the wrong thing and struggling to be the version of himself he was before the war.
“So, James Barnes,” you grinned, “you decide if you’re coming in or not? It’s a little chilly out here. Don’t want you catching a cold.”  
Bucky stared back at you, unsure. But you could see the tension easing off his shoulders. His right hand was hanging back at his side again as his eyes flickered up to the doors again.  
“Come on.” You smiled at him again and you noticed pretty quickly that he softened when you did that. It made your stomach flutter. You took a step forward, hoping he’d follow behind. “There’s shitty coffee inside we can share before book club starts.”  
“I don’t even know what you’re reading,” he admitted, that sweet nervousness taking over again.  
“You don’t need to,” you shrugged and his brow scrunched up again, confused. You glanced back at the doors. “Well, I’m going inside. I hope I see you there.”
With that, you turned and shouldered your way through the doors, donut box clutched tight to your chest. You waited by the entrance until you heard the soft grumble of a graveled voice outside, and then, footsteps as they approached the door.
You smiled.
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mlm-writer · 3 years
The Kappa Situation (Ray Palmer x GN!Reader)
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Pairing: Ray Palmer (The Atom, LoT ver.) x Gender Neutral Metahuman Reader Rating: Explicit Words: 1915 Summary: You get injured, you get some flashbacks, Ray is a darling angel. Sexy times. Note: Mashed two requests together, then changed some wording to make it gender neutral since gender is sometimes so unnecessary. Uhh reader has the power to manipulate magnetic fields. Oh and a Kappa is a creature from Japanese folklore.  Tags: flashbacks, love confessions, idiots in love, oral sex, and hinted sub!Ray... ok it is kinda there. OH AN NO BETA BECAUSE I AM LAZY 
The ring moved slowly parallel to the metal bar it was around. With brows knitted in concentration, you manipulated the magnetic micro fields around it to move it to the finish without it touching the bar. You just passed your personal record. A smile formed on your lips as you moved it further. That was until the door to your room opened and the sound disturbed your concentration. The edge of the ring touched the bar lightly and a loud buzzer hurt your ears in punishment. 
“Dammit! What do you want?” You turned around to find Ray in the door. He looked at you like a kicked puppy. “Ah Ray… Can this wait? I am in the middle of training.” He frowned. Normally he would have gone already and given you your space. 
“I feel like you’re kind of avoiding me. Did I do something wrong?” He tilted his head. It was so cute. You tore your eyes away from him and grabbed the energy shake off the side table. That puppy look was exactly what you were trying to avoid. Dammit there were fairy godmothers and elves and whatnot wandering the timeline. There was no time for your dumb crush. Lives were at stake. 
“No, not at all, don’t worry about it. I just have been concentrating on improving my microfields. You know that if I refine it I could generate electricity right? That skill will be necessary eventually and I don’t want to be the idiot who did not train enough to get us out of regular Legends shenanigans.” You sat down on your bed and took a good swig from the shake, concealing your face with the bottle. 
“Oh… oh yeah ok,” Ray replied and you thought for a moment that he was going to leave you alone. However, he did not move from his spot. You kept on drinking, side-eyeing him. Your eyes raked over the perfect-fit jeans and the dark red sweater he wore on top of it. Oh how he was a champion of hiding his perfect body. When you came to his head, he had his eyes on you as well. You lowered the bottle and cleared your throat. “Can I uh…” Ray started, “God… I just want the truth. I don’t like people not liking me, especially not if I like them very much.” He ran his hands through his hair during his mini-ramble. The dark brown locks stood up in all directions now. 
“I like you too, Ray. I promise, I am not upset with you.” You chose your words carefully as you rose to your feet. Ray caught on your words. He was used to realising that your ‘better’s never meant ‘good’ and your ‘no lies’ did not mean ‘full truth’ either. You wondered when he had learned your loopholes so quickly. 
He walked inside, the door whooshing close behind him and the situation suddenly felt so intimate. “Not upset then… Perhaps disappointed?” You sighed and shook your head. He kept coming closer. “Then… Sad? Are you sad?” You chuckled and shook your head again. “Furious?” Another shake of the head. Another step closer. He stopped walking when there was half an arm’s length between you. He was talking, but you could not take your eyes off his perfect lips. You were so smitten. Dear Lord, have mercy on your soul. 
Inhibition slipped you as you finally looked up at Ray. Your intense stare shut him right up. “Ray Palmer, I have been avoiding you because I’m super into you. Now please leave me alone or kiss me.” No one could shut up Ray Palmer like you. The boy scout with so many words turned into a gaping fish at your words. Since he was not jumping at the opportunity to kiss you, you pointed towards the exit, but he took a gentle hold of your wrist. 
“No, no, I choose kissing… just… can we wait with that? I am pretty sure my breath still smells and I wouldn’t want our first kiss to be… gross… not that… I mean, ha, I am into you too, super into you, super duper…” 
You did not kiss that day. The memory was cut off with a dull ache in your chest. You opened your eyes, squinting at the ceiling. “Where am I?” You mumbled to yourself. There was shuffling and suddenly your boyfriend was in your vision. He was rambling. How typical. “What happened?” You, very intelligently, inquired, cutting through the words with only two of your own. 
Ray blinked at you. “You saved my life, don’t you remember?” As he stared at you with concern, you frowned, trying to remember. 
The kappa ran between the trees and the bushes. Ray was hot on its tail, his smaller size allowing easy navigation through the highly vegetated area. It was a wonder how Japan from the future had dense forests within the city serving as a park. You moved into position near the park’s entrance. You saw the green creature run right past it and you started running parallel to it. The sidewalk was full, even at this late hour. People yelled at you as you pushed them aside. You were just in time to see Ray change back to his normal size and make a jump to catch the kappa. 
He rolled over the sidewalk and right into the street. You sprinted as you spotted a hover car coming right at him. “Ray! Move!” You exclaimed, totally forgetting about your comm. You stopped in the middle of the crossroads and stretched out your arms. The magnetic field repulsed the hover car, slowing it to a stop right in front of Ray. You let out a sigh of relief, before you found yourself off your feet, right before everything went black. 
“Ah yeah, a car. You’re welcome, by the way.” You held your arm out and Ray took it to help you up. He helped you out of the medbay. Apparently you were all good, just bound to be sore with some minor injuries to your rib that Gideon could not fix for you. “Where are the others?” 
Ray was the perfect gentleman as he guided you to your new, shared room. “Still taking care of that kappa. We took it almost to the waverider, but it got away before the hatch was fully down.” You sighed, making a joke about how they were hopeless without you. Once in your room, Ray pulled you close and let you lean against him as he undressed you. You smiled as you smelled the mixture of his deodorant and grime of a long day. You helped him minimally, letting him undress you like a doll. Once you were down to nothing, he pushed you down onto the bed. “Don’t lie down yet. I’ll clean you up a little so you can sleep comfortably.” 
You hummed and let him take care of you. Ray returned shortly after with a bucket of water and a small towel. He was methodical and careful as he wiped down your skin. You closed your eyes and let your head hang back. The second he was done, you carefully lowered yourself down onto the bed, legs still hanging off the edge. Ray walked over to your dresser to get you some underwear. You whistled at him. He looked over his shoulder at you, an unspoken inquiry on his face. “I am naked on our bed and there is no one on the ship. Don’t you want to make use of that?” You winked at him, making him laugh. 
“As much as I would love to - for the record I really, really want to - I don’t think we should have sex with your injuries.” You pouted at him and trailed a hand down to your sex, rubbing yourself slowly, teasingly. “Uhm, uh…” You smirked when Ray was clearly having doubts about his righteous decisions. You saw his eyes follow the path of your fingers. “Just oral? I can do that, you can just lie there.” You failed at suppressing the grin that spread over your face. As he gestured to your body while suggesting you’d just lie there.
You chuckled and beckoned him over with your fingers. “I’ll take anything from you, but please lose your clothing as well.” Ray pulled his black shirt off in one smooth motion. He then unceremoniously pushed his jeans and underwear down together. Ray dropped to his knees like a man about to worship a god. He put your legs over his shoulders, removed your hand and got to work with his tongue. He lapped over you with languid strokes. Your eyes closed and your head fell back onto the bed. A happy sigh left you as his glorious tongue licked up your taste. 
“I love doing this,” Ray announced between licks as if you were not awfully aware of how happy he could be from just servicing you with his mouth. He teased you with only the tip of his tongue, before going back to those slow, long licks. You sighed and put a hand through his soft hair, pulling a little so he would put his lips around your most sensitive parts. Just one tug was all it took for Ray to drop the teasing and just get to work with sucking and licking and moving his head like he would die from a lack of your pleasure. 
You moaned at the sudden spike of pleasure. Your back naturally arched off the bed and you winced at the pain that stabbed through your ribcage. And just like that, the pleasure stopped and Ray was looking you over with saliva still dripping down his chin. “Are you ok? Are you in pain?”
“Yes and yes… You are so adorable,” you sighed as you shifted. “Sorry, could not help myself from moving. Having you suck on me like that is just very good.” You smiled sheepishly at him. Ray nodded and stroked your cheek with his thumb. He told you to relax as he went down again. He put your legs over his shoulders and you were expecting him to go back to what he was doing before, but instead you felt his tongue circle your hole. “Fuck Ray, please,” you whimpered at the idea of his tongue inside you. 
Your boyfriend was nothing if not obedient. He gently pushed his slick tongue inside, fuckign you with it. The pleasure was just as good, just less intense. While it was previously like bullets of pleasure through your body, this was like a continuous stream of pleasure that would slowly send you overflowing. You removed your hand from his head to touch yourself, your fingers gliding easily over yourself with Ray’s saliva still there. You allowed to let all the soft sounds escape you, being free in your expression of pleasure. 
Ray was a champ, who did not stop until he heard you gasp and then a hand landed on your abdomen to steady you as his tongue slid back up to replace your hand. An exclamation of pleasure left your lips, the feeling overruling the slight ache of your injuries protesting against the muscles tensing from your orgasm. You were panting as much as you could once the pleasure subsided. Ray rubbed your thighs for a hot minute, until he got up again. Your eyes were unfocused staring at the ceiling until they eventually closed, your body giving in to the exhaustion. 
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