#time 2 find bnha accounts
kickbutts-singsongs · 3 months
I know no one asked, but I have exactly zero (0) people to talk about bkdk with irl so here you guys go
My BKDK Journey
Yes, this sounds stupid, but my god it’s been almost three years of an absolute rollercoaster of feelings and denials and tears and revelations…
and if you don’t mind, I’m gonna rant about it.
(not spoiler free)
May 2021
To start off, i wasn’t always a bkdk shipper.
I shipped izu*cha at first (not saying it’s a bad ship btw; it’s actually quite cute. im just afraid people’ll be mad if I accidentally invade their tag lol), primarily because I assumed that would be the ship that became canon.
But also, my veryyyyy leasttttt favorite character… was Bakugou Katsuki.
When I tell you that I would’ve loved nothing more than to somehow spawn into the bnha universe and punch that brat in the face— AGHHHHHHHHHH
Now this wasn’t all his fault: A) I watched the dub first lol, and B) he reminded me of someone that i was not in a place to stand up to at the time, and his constant anger, yelling, and harsh treatment of Izuku—who i began to relate to—made me hateeee him.
There was a time when I literally said “if he died, I wouldn’t miss him.” <- this was later proven false lol
So, I was watching the anime dub with an absolute animosity for our resident deuteragonist, but on top of that…
I was watching it with a friend with a crunchyroll account who lived in another state that I was visiting and staying with for two weeks, so by the time i had to go back home, we’d only gotten up to the part where All Might was getting Inko’s permission to let Izuku stay at the UA dorms.
Anddddddd in my drive to consume more bnha once I got home, i somehow stumbled across an Instagram account that posted bnha sub episodes divided into parts,
but they only had season four and onwards.
Sooooo I never saw the second half of season three… more importantly,
(I will say that I had seen a couple photos/edits/etc, but I never knew what had been said, or why they fought)
June 2021
At this point in time, I’d been exposed to a lot of the fandom. My fyp on both IG and Pinterest were filled to the brim with all things bnha (because this is what happens when one has a hyperfixation), so I saw a lot of stuff.
Especially fanart.
This is where I started learning about the different ships.
I saw a lot of the side character ships and thought they were adorable (kamijirou, todomomo, even kiribaku), but then I saw some with Izuku.
Izu*cha was a given for me. I didn’t think there was a single person that didn’t ship it. But then I started seeing fanart of ships like tododeku, shindeku, and bakudeku.
And my first reaction to finding out that people shipped my beautiful baby sunshine boi with the person who bullied him for years?????
So with my (unknowingly) limited knowledge of their relationship, i was very much an anti (i never spoke out or anything, i just reallyyyy didn’t like the ship lol)
(And then, you know, I started to see all the bkdk hate online and kinda went “okay not touching that”)
But that began to change…
August 2021
…after I saw a manga leak for the first time.
I was scrolling thru my feed and all of a sudden. BOOM!
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I was like 😧
And i looked in the comments and yes it was.
I checked out the page and found that they had an entire account of manga leaks and was so happy.
I quickly began to read from the very bottom of that account, and it started from right about where Izuku first began his vigilante arc (i had no idea how much was in between then and where I left off on the anime, but I was willing to read it lol)
And so I waited diligently for the leaks every week (a practice I have continued to uphold lol), until one day, i came across an untranslated series of panels from the latest chapter. I looked at it and it was of Katsuki and Izuku, facing each other in the rain (you know the one). I knew the leaks would be coming a day later, but I wanted to look through them anyways, so I did.
I didn’t understand a word they said, but the pictures and imagery of them as kids then middle schoolers then where they were now seemed so touching…
And then I came across a pair of kanji that I recognized.
I was like “wait WHAT???”
I zoomed in and went “that— isn’t that—? That’s part of Midoriya’s name, right???”
And then I was like “wait a second… omg that’s Izuku, isn’t it. That’s the freaking kanji for Izuku.”
And it was!!!!!
So inside I’m having a mini freakout cuz—
Bakugou just called him IZUKU
Fast forward to the next day, and I looked at the translated version, and found out that not only did he call him Izuku,
And I was like “huhhhhhhh”
What happened between now and the most recent anime episodes for this to occur???? For Bakugou to do a complete 180 and apologize????????
Well, I finally got my answers…
November 2021
…when I started reading the manga.
I started from the beginning, cuz I wanted to see Horikoshi’s art style and the extra drawings and all the other stuff…
And when I tell you that Katsuki became a whole new character to me—
First, I read everything about early-on Bakugou— without hearing him yell in his dub voice—and realized “oh wow he really is just a kid with issues and a worldview that he’s now having to change.”
Then, I finally read what happened in that space between moving into the dorms and the beginning of season four (most importantly, DvK2).
Then, oh then, I got up to where season five ended and the rest of the manga began.
. . .
Funny thing: back when I read the leaks to ch322, I remember thinking to myself, “huh. what did Bakugou mean by Shigaraki making swiss cheese outta him?”
That was the moment where i truly ceased to hate Katsuki cuz holy character development batman
Then, of course, we see them in recovery
And then the vigilante arc and apology scene *sobs*
And then I was caught up.
(Btw I finished the entire manga up ‘til ch334 in just over a week. I read for nine days straight. During the school year. My emotions were all over the place goodness gracious I could barely concentrate.)
So that’s how I went from being a Bakugou hater to going “you know what he’s a complex character and he’s slowly becoming a better person” and realizing that he was now one of my fav characters and therefore cursed to die but I’ll talk about that later
Was I now a bakudeku shipper?
Hah nope.
December 2021
I began my dive into the true essence of any fandom: fanfiction.
Over the course of winter break, I had started off with fics that had no romantic pairing (I just wanted to see my boi Izuku), but then somehow stumbled across Mastermind: Strategist for Hire and then read the entirety of the For Want of a Nail series (shoutout to Clouds btw ❤️) cuz I was like “ok whew no bkdk fics” which was my mindset at the time.
But somehow (I can’t even remember how I found it) I came across a bkdk fic. It was called For Want of Izuku’s Toe Joint by Talavin (okay now that I think about it there’s probably a simple explanation lol).
I don’t quite know what compelled me to start reading it, but I did.
And I really liked it.
But not in the “I’ve been converted” kinda way.
It was like an “I shouldn’t be enjoying this why am I enjoying this?” kinda feeling. Like my head says no but my heart says yeah.
A really really really really guilty pleasure.
So, from that day on, whenever I came across any form of bkdk media, I would simultaneously feel discomfort and yet an odd sense of satisfaction.
A snippet of my daily life:
Me: *comes across bkdk fanart on pinterest*
Me: eww
Also me: *stares at it for like five minutes straight*
Me: who even likes this?
Also me: *saves pin to my mha board*
Me: not my ship
Also me: *scrolls down to more like this*
Bless my heart I was in such denial.
July 2022
Bit of a timeskip, but nothing of note really happened in those last six months so here we go.
We’ve gotten to the point in the manga where the final arc is underway and Bakugou is about to KICK SOME BUTT
He’s revealed his Panser Strafe support item and I’m gushing about it to my friend (she kinda fell out of the fandom but still tolerated my rants bless her)
Oh, side note: it was then that I also expressed my concern for Bakugou’s “alive” status
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For reference, some of my favorite characters are:
Beth March (Little Women)
John Reese (Person of Interest)
Joss Carter (Person of Interest)
Leonard Snart (Arrowverse)
Logan Echolls (Veronica Mars)
Fantine (Les Mis)
Eponine (Les Mis)
Jean Valjean (Les Mis)
Simon (Lord of the Flies)
Piggy (Lord of the Flies)
Grace Stone (Manifest)
Bubaigawara Jin — Twice (BNHA)
Wanna guess which of these guys died?
Trick question! It’s all of them (:
Yeah so anyways those following chapters really made me excited and nervous cuz YEAH KICK HIS ASS BAKUGOU but also IZUKUUUUU WE NEED YOU
hah hah.
August 2022
Utterly gobsmacked. Cried. Disbelief. Horrified. Confusion. Anger. Went through the five stages of grief and then some.
Sometimes I hate being right 🥲
But the good thing that came from this was that my positive view of Katsuki only grew after seeing his utter faith in Izuku (and his thoughts being on him in his final moments???? 🥺🥺🥺)
And it was at this point in time where I could admit to myself “you know what? i see it. i see the appeal. i wouldn’t mind this actually becoming canon.”
Did I think that it would actually become canon?? No.
September 2022
I don’t know how I thought Izuku was gonna react to seeing Katsuki’s body on the ground, but GOOD LORD IT WASNT THAT
Even sweet little blind me realized “oh wow he like really feels intense stuff for Katsuki huh”
(But some things I missed—cuz I was still a bit wired for izu*cha—were shigarakis implications “yeah u looooove the present I got u” and the freaking HEART that blackwhip caused??? when Izuku reeled himself back in???? like how did i miss that i read that chapter like fifteen times??)
So this is all to say that I’ve missed any and all actual bkdk hints up until this point. I finally lifted my head out of the izu*cha fog when…
July 2023
…Ochako and Toga had their chat about romance.
The first actual hint was when Ochako had told Toga “I’ll give you my blood for the rest of my life.”
Little blind me became a bit less blind that day, cuz I was like “um. ochako? that— that sounded kinda like a proposal. like. a marriage proposal. ochako??”
And then those chapters just kept getting better!!
Bebe Ochako’s determination???
The Spirited Away moment?????
“I’m envious of your smile”????????
For the first time, I was looking at the manga without the assumption that izu*cha would be endgame. And it only got better after I…
August 2023
…got Tumblr!!!
Everything was downhill from here folks.
In the best possible way.
I came across some analyses of what was going on with togachako, and consequently led me to some bakudeku analyses. I read them and my goodness they made so much sense.
Like not even just personality-wise!! Those metas brought in actual things Horikoshi said about wanting to go outside the norms of shounen (and about not liking the Naruto ending 💀), and compared bkdk to tropes in different works of fiction, and even discussed how bkdk made sense narratively. They properly convinced me of the ship.
And then for good measure, I reread the manga in its entirety thru a bkdk filter, and lo and behold things took on new meanings and my eyes were opened.
I totally and irrevocably shipped them! And I actually thought they had a chance at being canon!!
(And then I binged so much bkdk fanfiction omg you wouldn’t BELIEVE like I read the ones with the highest kudos first and then just picked the biggest collections I could find and read down the line
It was like being on drugs like each fic gave me more dopamine than the last I was so happy oh my god)
October 2023
And then finally, the day came.
The answer to “is bakugou alive yet?” became a yes.
We screamed. We cried. We jumped for joy. We told bakugou antis to suck it. But most of all, our bkdk hearts soared to see our boys make eye contact with each other for the first time in over a year 🥹
And from that moment on, I truly began to believe that bkdk would indeed become canon.
And so, this concludes my 42672288 page rant about how I came to be a bkdk shipper.
Thank you for reading, and before I go, I want to ask:
How did you guys get into bkdk?
Did you convert over from izu*cha? Or perhaps tododeku? Or maybe kiribaku? Or are you one of the few who have shipped them since the beginning??
In any case, I’m happy you’re here. And while it may have taken me a couple years, I’m happy that I’m here too :)
(and thank you @animelover32456)
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k-nayee · 18 days
BLURB and Author's Note
Cradle Rock M.List
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ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ
In a blur of motion, a walker lunged through the wire. It grabbed at Sunny's back in desperation, its decaying fingers grasping at his black fur.
The cat hiss and screech as Carl's heart leapt into his throat. "Shit!" He fumbled, hands moving to steady the gu—
❝STAY BACK!❞ Before he could fire, you were already on top of the walker. You voice was a guttural, bloodthirsty scream echoing through the air. ❝I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOOOOU!❞
Your fists hammered down relentlessly, each punch punctuated by your rage and fury.
Freed from the walker's grasp, the black cat bolted up Carl's leg.
Shocked and surprised, he instinctively cradled the feline against his chest, allowing it to turn its head towards the gate and let out a hiss at the walker.
Though a part of him should have been amused by the animated, childlike action, Carl was too focused on you. He watched in a mixture of awe and horror as you continually bashed the walker's head until it finally went still.
The only sound left was your ragged breathing.
❝Well goddamn, lil' lady!❞ Daryl whooped, a toothpick dangling from his lips. ❝Sure do got a lot of anger in ya, don't ya?❞
You turned to face the group, their expressions a mix of shock and disbelief. How are you not getting eaten right now?
❝____!❞ Everyone turn to see a still-injured Michonne determinedly limping towards the gate.
Your face lit up with pure joy. Forgetting the dead walker at your feet, you harshly shoulder any nearby walkers and grab at the gate with a big grin. ❝Michonne!❞
════════════════*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═════════════════
Oh mankind...
They were always trying to play God, and you were living proof of that hubris.
In response to a mysterious virus affecting small villages decades ago, Operation Cradle born in hopes of developing a cure to future biological threats.
The secret government program injected expecting women with the virus in hopes of creating a generation of immunities, each one given a different dose.
Over a 1,000 babies were subjected to this experiment, and most ended in tragedy—miscarriages, infant deaths, even infected mothers from cross-contamination.
But you?
You were a success.
Raised in an facility with no contact to the outside world, the sterile white walls and simulated sunlight was the only world you knew.
People in white coats and silent guards were your only human interaction—apart from your mother, who not only defied the rules and given you a name, but taught you everything she could.
So when the program was shut down from fear of drawing too attention or causing a possible outbreak, your existence had to be even more hidden.
Now, in a world ravaged by the undead, you navigate a life of chaos and death.
But in this apocalypse, you quickly realize survival is just the beginning.
While seeking answers about your past and purpose in a world that created you and then abandoned you, you soon meet Rick's group.
And even with your survival skills, you're faced with a challenge far greater than any walker: the complexities of human relationships.
If you came from my Vespertilio Bnha or Traveler Multi-Fandombooks, welcome back! If not, that means I'm at least doing sum right and gaining reads🤧
Not gonna do a whole ass speech, we all know the basic things. But to make sure, the most important things I wanna emphasis on will be bolded so you cant say I didn't warn ya:
1) Plagiarism is a HELLA big no no. Takes a lot of time and energy to even to write out a whole completed chapter other than half-assed drafts. If I find out you stealing without credit: I'm blocking and reporting until your account is taken down.
2) This story will contain profanity, violence, dark humor, and other mature themes
3) I will either skip over certain parts of the show/comic or diverge the plot because I don't wanna follow every episode
4) Canon characters may/will be slight ooc, but will maintain their overall personality
5) I may end up making the book an "in-between arc" type of story if I either get too lazy or don't know how to end it
6) Other than the white strip of hair and sickly/murky color tint in the eyes: skin tone, eye color, hair color, and other descriptions are up to audience
7) I live a life outside of Tumblr, so please don't be commenting "update update!" That shit is rude and disrespectful and I don't like pressure; takes the fun out of writing.
Okay! That's all I gotta say for this. See y'all later!
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ay-chuu · 10 months
300 Follower special: Matching/Shipping Event!
Fandoms included: Twisted Wonderland, BNHA, BSD, Genshin Impact, Obey Me
Due to my mental health problems, im finishing ship requests with 16 asks. Hope you will understand <33
This is my first follower event… I'm very excited SDFJGKLDJGDJ  Those who know my account know that I've done a matching/shipping event before. But this time I want to make a change! So let's get started ^^ ٩(˘◡˘)۶
1) First of all, I want to say that I will be able to do an event for 20 people, since I am busy studying lessons, and the school is approaching. (Studying for uni exam ^3^)
2) Please follow this post and find out if you can send an ask. (16/20)
3) If there is any disrespect, racism, etc. in the ask, it will not be accepted. In other cases, if the number of people sent exceeds 20, it will be deleted.
4) I will try to share at least 2 pieces of ship per week. But as I said, depending on my studies, this number may increase or decrease. After all, none of us know what life will bring!
5) An event valid only for male characters! But your gender doesn't matter ^^
6) You can only choose 1 fandom!
The criterias I want:
Necessarily; your mbti, your zodiac sign, hobbies, phobias, some things you like and dislike, your ideal male type, gender/pronouns.
Not so necessarily: the information you want to add, your appearance, 1-2 details that you will like, etc.
And an uncoming surprise! ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ
After I have written you some short headcanons with long sentences, I will write a tiny drabble. (100-200 words) But you have to choose the topic of this drabble and you only have to choose one! Please select one of the following and add it to ask after writing down the features I want! ^^
*First meeting
*First Date
*First kiss
*Your most special moment
*Your anniversary
* Comforting (Please insert that the person who is comforted, you or the character)
* Valentine's Day
Except that... Thank you again for everything &lt;3
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cryptid-crawly · 2 years
BNHA Canon Timeline (Old)
EDIT: I’m working on a newer version. I’ll share it on my bnha resources account @afoisawhore when I’m done ~
Because my mind is full of bees I put together a timeline of BNHA a while ago for my own reference in fics. (I actually have separate timelines for individual fics but I made a canon one to base them off of). In case anyone is interested, here’s the short of it:
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Some details & reasoning below the read more.
The actual years are obviously a guess, but the time between events (ex: 1 year, 2 years) is as accurate as I could get.
School dates are based on typical Japanese calendars. I used days of the week if given in canon, as you can see below. The second column is the estimated day of the week, the third column is info we know, and the fourth column is exact day of the week if given:
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As for the rest....
Izuku says that humans haven’t gone to the moon as a result of quirks emerging. The moon landing was 1969. The first object sent to touch the moon was 1959. By my est, the Luminescent Baby was born sometime in the 1950s-60s range. This also assumes that the baby was born post-WWII. I assumed AFO wasn’t born immediately after quirks started showing up, so I put his birth somewhere in the 1980s (obv there’s lots of leeway but I would put it 10-20 years after the Luminescent Baby). In my timeline I didn’t specify a year because it’s a guess.
All of that is my basis for “present” time in BNHA. We know quirks appeared ~200 years ago, so based on that it’s been somewhere within 180-230 years since the Luminescent Baby was born. That gives us a “present year” (which we’ll equate with the Sludge Villain Incident) somewhere in 2130 to 2200.
I picked 2190 because of vibes.
For the rest, we know Endeavor’s age and birthdate. Same with Aizawa, etc. We also know Yagi was AM for ~30 years and is 3 years Enji’s senior. Assuming Yagi spends 3 years in America and is ranked #1 before Endeavor gets #2, we can find his Japanese Debut. And then in canon our only reference to ranking is sometime in November. Assuming it’s annual and not quarterly/biannual, etc. I just stayed with November as the time for new ranks.
Endeavor was ranked #2 by age 20. At 18 Hawks entered the top 10.
The timeline doesn’t go past the start of Term 2 on account of I didn’t need it yet, but I’ll update it eventually. And maybe post the updated version.
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randomscreaming · 1 year
Naruto/BNHA crossover
[Damn it, I can’t get this idea neither out of my head nor into coherent words, so I’m going to take advantage that no one cares about this blog to ramble here]
Senju and Uchiha are hero families, with an aggressive rivalry for the #1 spot since a few generation before (quirks are relatively new as in Bnha)
Uchihas are strictly fire users, and despite they are really invested in the rivalry, they are quite reasonable about it. Tajima married a civilian with no strong quirk for love, and of his five kids he let three of them chose other careers/retire pretty easily. 
Senjus are still renowed as a family of a thousand skills, but the main family are almost all wood/mokuton users, famous for their incredible resistance, given their quirk doesn’t have any other drawback than tiredness, and even then they make up for it with thier legendary stamina
Madara and Hashirama have already graduated. They were classmates at the Konoha Academy (K.A.), and of the idea of ending their families rivalry by opening together an agency, but because of Butsuma’s influence on Hashirama (forcing him to do all his internships under him) and Madara jealousy of his friend’s relationship with Mito (he took the rejection of his unspoken crush badly), they had a fallout during their second year.
Madara’s bitterness worsened in the years since not only Hashirama always beat him during school, but in the three years since they debuted the eldest Senju brother is already #1 thanks to an incident in which he saved the day and gained endless popularity. Meanwhile Madara is ‘only’ #6 despite his strenght, on account of his abrasive personality
Mito’s quirk is Adamantine Chains, she is #9; Touka has her illusions, she is #15
Tobirama and Kawarama are fraternal twins and in the same year as Izuna, but all three are in different classes. They are 3 years younger then their older brothers
Despite Madara staking a lot of pressure on Izuna to win the sport tournament he flunked it terribly during his 1st year because he underestimated Tobirama. Having won easily against Kawarama’s mokuton, he hadn’t deemed worth gaining intelligence on the other twin, not considering that not only Tobirama ranked first in the entrance exam, but that his mother is the water user hero Moon Tide
Tobirama would’ve chosen the Support course, but his father forced him to enroll to the Hero one, to the point they are still not talking to each other. The only reason he decided to fight Izuna seriously was to vindicate his twin’s humiliating defeat
Their 2nd year the sport festival was cancelled because of the incident Hashirama later gained his #1 spot for
The story starts at their 3rd year sport festival, where, despite Izuna this time taking all the matches seriously and winning uncontested, both the Uchiha brothers are dissatisfied, as Tobirama didn’t use the whole range of his quirk
Madara confronts him later, commenting about how his poor showing today won’t help his initial place in the rankings after he graduates, to which Tobirama comments he is there to get the work done, aka helping people, and not to win some ‘popularity contest’
Moved by that conversation, Madara remembers the core reason he had wanted, years ago, to open an agency together with Hashirama. So, the next time, instead of trying to steal the win from his old friend he collaborates with him against the villain and lately accepts Hashirama’s proposal (he had started to suggest it again in the previous year, as soon as his position as #1 freed him enough from his father’s influence)
The story jumps to 2 years later, to Madara finding Tobirama in the crowd of the sport festival at K.A., there to see Itama competing. He comments how the younger man had made a name for himself as a support tech [his techs share the same names as his canon jutsus], and implies he suspect he is also the underground hero the underbelly of the city is talking about. He then proposes him to stop suffering the tribulation of working on his own by joining their agency.
Tobirama comments how their agency isn’t going so well in rankings, Hashirama has dropped a few rankings, now being #5, while Madara is #8. Madara comments he doesn’t care anymore for it, the area under their protection has never been safer, and that’s the only thing that matters.
Clealry satisfied by that answer Tobirama suggests he may be interested, to which Madara replies they could talk details in front of a coffee, the other accepts [heavy implication of it being also a date]
Other things:
Hashirama and Madara have lost rankings because disengaging from the family drama made them lose popularity: people are too invested in the pettiness of the rivalry to reward any hint of losing it. Also the difference of going from Senju/Uchiha resources to starting from zero was noticed by the public
Izuna still decided to join the Uchiha agency, and views Madara’s choice as a betrayal (but nothing as drastic as in canon, a few cutting remarks at family dinners at most)
Kawarama joined the Senju agency, more to continue its legacy than for loyalty to his father. Later, when Butsuma retires, he will have no qualms on collaborating openly with his eldest brother’s agency.
Itama has both his parents’ quirk, split in the middle like his hair, but the water quirk drawback of freezing from overuse means his other side is affected at the same time, making him actually weaker than his brothers. He will join Hashirama’s agency for a while as a hero, but realising he isn’t anymore under his father thumb, he will chose to retire early for a desk job within it
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koishiro · 10 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ꒰͡⠀ . ℎ𝑜𝑤 𝑡𝑜 𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ミ★ ☽ ͡꒱
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Requests will be done on a first-come first-serve basis. Naturally, in order to submit a request, you will require some basic information of the work intended such as au’s, character, prompt, reaction, etc. Being more specific about the work you’re requesting will allow me to write a more cohesive piece in response to said request!
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jjk men (gojo, geto, nanami, toji, yuuta, inumaki, itadori, megumi)
jjk women (nobara, maki, miwa, utahime, mai, shoko)
bllk boys (isagi, rin, nagi, sei, reo, chigiri, niko, bachira)
csm men (aki, yoshida, denji, kishibe, angel devil)
csm women (makima, himeno, power)
fruits basket (kyo, hatori, shigure, yuki, hatsuharu, ayame)
tokyo ghoul men (kaneki, hideyoshi, kishou, nishiki, sasaki, yomo)
tokyo ghoul women (touka kirishima)
haikyuu!! (osamu, astumu, hinata)
bnha (bakugo, tamaki, kirishima, todoroki, midoriya, dabi, shigaraki, aizawa)
genshin (diluc, kaeya, alhaitham, itto, kaveh, childe, zhongli, kazuha, thoma, dainsleif)
ateez (san, mingi, yeosang, wooyoung, hongjoong, yunho, jongho, seonghwa)
bts (jungkook, yoongi, jimin, taehyung, namjoon, jin, hoseok)
got7 (jackson wang, jay b, bambam, mark, yugyeom, jinyoung, young-jae)
monsta x (wonho, shownu, I.M, kihyun, hyungwon, minhyuk, joohoney)
fluff, comfort, au’s, prompts, etc. (I don’t write angst)
drabbles, hcs, oneshots, smut
share your thoughts in the ask box! I’m happy to elaborate on them even if not in formatted writing!
I really like learning new things so if I’m not familiar with the anime / game / kpop band, I will research into it but keep in mind it may take more time.
I do try and be as vast as I can with my posts ranging from anime to video games to kpop so I will accept any fandom requests as long as it keeps to my [rules].
I write for any gender and any pronouns! If you want a certain gender or pronoun please add that into your request otherwise I’ll keep to fem readers.
WARNING: my works do and/or will consist of some alcohol consumption, implied sex, detailed smut, substance usage, arguing, aggressive behaviour, suggestive content, making out, etc. my account is 18+, please be aware of this when reading! Works that do include any of the above will have warnings beforehand!
no descriptive nsfw or anything suggestive for characters that are underaged (e.g: yuuta, nobara, inumaki, maki, itadori, miwa, megumi, mai) I will age these characters up if so
heavy topics like eds, depression, suicide, death, etc.
no oc/name inserts, works are entirely reader inserts.
no major injury, incest (just don’t be weird pls or I will ignore you)
NOTE: I have every right to decline a request if I believe I am not comfortable writing/delivering/posting said content!
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swagglessmoth · 1 year
I’m gonna mention a few fics by name that have me hooked (some of them I’m pretty sure that have been discontinued but if there’s no note from the author then I’ll keep waiting 🤞)
1. On the edge of seventeen by Scratchienails (obviously) [ao3]
When I saw that the third chapter came out I went so feral I couldn’t read it for a full 45 minutes. That’s all I’m gonna say, I have three other full posts dedicated to this fic
By the same author theres also “But the sea changes colours” it’s based around the same idea that Roger never died but Roger and Shanks steal baby Luffy from Garp and Dragon (it’s very funny but I think it’s been discontinued)
2. A boy with a scar by Syluk [ao3]
It’s a fic about Luffy having been taken as a slave when he was a child and how this affects the story. It has 33 chapters and counting and IT IS SO GOOD AA. Really love when authors take into account all the consequences the changes of the au would have in canon, I mean, like characters that haven’t met the main crew yet still doing things off frame. And the characterization is on point, I love that
3. Blackout / How to catch a Shikari / Brothers under the moon by rikuai12 [ao3/fanfiction]
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That’s all I’ll say
4. Maybe this is home by Lilian_lav [ao3]
At first I was kind of hesitant bc Luffy was kind of out of character and everyone hated him, but as the chapters went on the little cryptid fuck grew on me and so did on the other characters. It has 24 chapters and counting and it’s really fun how asl interact with the heart pirates (though I’m kind of only interested in luffy but that’s just bc I’m hyperfixating)
5. Beyond blood by Justcallmecookie [fanfiction]
This one has permanently marked me and I will never forget about it. It’s about Luffy running away from the government and trying to find Ace after they find out he is Dragon’s son and call on a buster call on Dawn island. Sadly it’s been discontinued but it’s still a really good plot, story and writing overall
Though there is this fic (Blood is thicker then water by ImHyperfixatingdontBotherMe [ao3]) that is inspired by this one and kind of taking their own spin on it. It’s still ongoing and I do recommend it even though it doesn’t have the same vive as the original
6. Colour the ocean red (to prove my love to you) by Epiphany_Of_SummerSunsets [ao3]
It’s super cute with mer teen Shanks and little Luffy, I love their interactions and with there were more fics about them. I also like the mystery with the murders going around and the fact that they made Rouge Garps daughter. Really in love with the whole Monkey D. Gol D. family with asl + Buggy
7. Luffy is Lost in The MHA/BNHA world, but he gets taken in by the Yaoyorozu's and attends school by AndreiStrambeanu [ao3]
…listen, hear me out..
Okay the title is pretty self explanatory and it may not be everyone’s cup of tea but I was bored and it was entertaining. The writing is kinda ass sometimes and there are a lot of plotholes (of which the author is concious about and doesn’t give any fucks) but it IS the author’s first fic (at least published on ao3) so I’ll give them the pass. It is meant to entertain not be a magnum opus, and it does it’s purpose. It is also still ongoing so I’ll take whatever I can
8. Almost giving up before we’ve even started by Leohanan [ao3]
Incredible piece of literature, I loved every second of it. Rouge adopting asl is the best plot and idea ever and I love it. AND ITS COMPLETE 10/10 would read again
8. Tempus Edax Rerum (I think that’s how it’s spelled) by appl_juice [ao3]
Really cute with little Shanks time traveling and ending up with the strawhats, it only has 4 chapters and unfortunately I think it has been discontinued but it had a really good plot and didn’t feel ooc which adds extra points
9. Oden’s eldest by Alexiledit [ao3]
I’ll be careful with this one cause I know the author is on tumblr
I really like it, but not for the fic itself unfortunately, but for the posts about it they have on their tumblr (which expand much more on the au). The fic has one chapter and I think it’s been discontinued, the writing isn’t magnificent but I like the plot. I’ve actually made several pieces of fanart bc this au stuck to my brain and refused to let go for some time. I have a bad habit of taking characters I love and putting them in already existent family dynamics with characters that have nothing to do with them, so I see why I loved this au so much
There are others like Old truths by GreaterAwareness [ao3] Flashy brotherhood by Airuna [ao3] and Tomorrow before yesterday beguins by Staryty [ao3] (this one I’m still halfway though) which have amazing plots and writing but I got kind of bored (I think bc they focused more on Ace or other characters other than Luffy and I exclusively read Luffy centric fics) but they are amazing anyway and should still be acknowledged like the rest.
This is not a tier list, I’m not ranking them in any order whatsoever. I just like ranting
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https-xoxodotcom · 2 months
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Welcome to my blog!
Hello there! My name is V, and I am a multifandom oc x cc roleplayer! I’ve been on the app for a while, and I’ve decided to make an alt account so I can start fresh with a fresh blog!
At the moment I am searching for some new roleplay partners! I personally specialize in oc x cc doubles for various fandoms! Below is what I roleplay:
- My Hero Academia (MHA/BNHA)
- Ouran High School Host Club (OHSHC)
- Stardew Valley
- Monster High (First Gen)
- Boyfriend to Death
- The Price of Flesh
- The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
- Stranger Things
There are many more but these are the fandoms I’m searching for at the moment!
As for my specifics:
1. I am an adult so I will not roleplay with anyone under 18! I enjoy some good ol’ NSFW scenes if the fandom allows it, and I don’t want to write that with a minor!
2. I am a discord only roleplayer!
3. I am searching for a partner that is a descriptive/flexible writer! Although I am not interested in one liners, I am interested in going with the flow during roleplays, and typing out 5-10+ paragraphs for each reply! That way it keeps burnout at bay and we still get to write out our scenes in a timely manner!
4. I am a full time student, so I am hoping to find someone that is understanding when it comes to short absences to work on homework/projects! If the same courtesy is extended to me, I’ll happily extend it to you!
That’s all I have for right now! At the moment I’m mostly searching for BNHA, and I’m looking for a Shinso to play against my OC!
Please message me if interested! :}
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candycandy00 · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you so much for tagging me, @scary-grace! This was a lot of fun!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 
18, though I’ve only posted a fraction of my BNHA stuff on there and there’s even some JJK stuff I haven’t posted there yet. 
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
217,870. And wow it took me way too long to find that lol. I didn’t even know about the Statistics page! 
3. What fandoms do you write for? 
Currently, Jujutsu Kaisen and Boku no Hero Academia. I wrote for a ton of different fandoms back in my “previous era” I’ll call it lol. I wrote for One Piece, Naruto, Final Fantasy (mostly 7 and 12), Death Note, Gundam Wing, Harry Potter, Durarara!!, and lots of other things (almost all of it featuring non canon ships like Cloud x Yuffie and L x Misa). I’d like to try writing for Bungou Stray Dogs and Demon Slayer at some point. 
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Doll House (2,280)
Human (390)
The Offering (377)
How to Seduce a Gamer (300)
Little Miss Nobody (234)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! But sometimes if it’s a comment on an older chapter of something I might not or if I got several close together I miss a few and then I’m too embarrassed to go back and respond later. Or if they just comment with an emoticon, I’m not sure how to reply lol. 
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
In my current era, it’s definitely the Mr. Compress chapter of The Dark Carnival. I have other fics that end badly for Reader but this one felt very tragic to me. 
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
Most of mine have pretty happy endings! 
8. Do you get hate on fics? 
Current era, I occasionally get people complaining that certain Readers are wimpy or stupid or whatever. I even had one person on AO3 write out a huge wall of text about how one of my Reader characters was a Mary Sue (they simultaneously complained that she was too weak and useless in a fight but also too perfect). But I tend to shrug off those comments. Readers are supposed to be Mary Sues. They’re literally Reader/Writer self inserts! Part of the appeal of x Reader fanfiction is the fantasy of Reader being an idealized version of yourself. So yeah she can hang out with the League of Villains and be the only girl Dabi has ever liked, or she can be old high school buddies with Gojo and Geto and they’re both crazy about her. It’s all fantasy. 
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? 
Yes! And I write pretty much all kinds that don’t involve my three “big no’s” (minors, animals, or scat/pee/vomit). 
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? 
Not since I was a kid, writing Sailor Moon/DBZ crossovers lol. 
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? 
Not in my current era, not that I know of. In my previous era, I wrote a Gundam Wing fanfic that got really popular in the fandom and was ripped off twice. Not exactly copied word for word, but very close in both cases. They basically changed the wording around a bit but kept the entire plot the same (and it was a very unique AU with a big, sprawling plot). 
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
Not that I know of!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
Like 20+ years ago a friend and I were co-writing a very fucked up DBZ fanfic together. It was actually pretty good, but it was unfortunately lost to time. I’d give anything to find it and be able to read it again, but she’s the one who was posting it and she deleted her account a few years later. 
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? 
I’m just gonna go with my current fave ships of my two main fandoms: BNHA (Spinneraki) and JJK (SatoSugu). 
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? 
Probably The League of Villains Heroes. I love it dearly but it gets practically no notes so I have little motivation to keep working on it. 
16. What are your writing strengths? 
I’ve always felt like dialogue is my strong point. Probably because, until I was up into my 20’s, I rarely read actual books and almost exclusively read comics/manga (which tend to be dialogue heavy). I think I’m pretty decent with plotting as well. 
17. What are your writing weaknesses? 
Descriptions! 😩 I am so bad at describing things. Or rather, I’m bad to just… not do it. I literally forget to. I’ve had friends read my work and be like “what does this place look like?” Or “what does that guy look like?” And I can see it all so clearly in my head that I forget readers can’t see it as well. 
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? 
I sometimes toss in some honorifics just because it seems weird to have certain characters not use them. Other than that, I try to avoid throwing in random Japanese (the only other language I would even consider using, just because these are Japanese characters). I did have Sukuna say his famous “Gambare, gambare” line once but it’s just too iconic! 
19. First fandom you wrote for? 
First I wrote for: Sailor Moon. First I actually posted a fic online for: Dragon Ball Z. 
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? 
I’m going to pick one from each fandom, only among completed fics. 
BNHA: Trending Topics
JJK: The Offering
Tagging @missrosegold and any other writer friends who would like to do this!
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kawaiijohn · 2 years
I've been working on making as many danny phantom locations and sim families as possible, and with my upload of Fenton Works, I feel comfortable enough sharing the few builds/fills I've done for houses.
My Simmer account/ID tag is 'DantePhante' and you can find me pretty easily through some of the tags I frequent.
Alright so here goes!
Fenton Works
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Completely built from scratch over like the last 6 months. Includes a fully furnished lab, Fenton Stockades, and weapons vault. Only CC is photos I took in game of a few of the sims and slapped on the walls. I will be uploading these guys after fucking Danny over and making him a vampire later lmao.
Manson Residence
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This was a shell of a townhouse I decorated fully and uploaded with a TON of clutter in Sam's room, a fully decked out movie and bowling alley in the basement too. Check it out, I'm proud of it!
Unfortunately, the houses I used for the Foleys and Westons were not shells, and I don't feel comfortable uploading them with my edits. I may do it for a short time if requested, but I know there's a big stink about reuploading people's builds without permission. I believe the Foleys are in a lot that's a row of townhouses and the Westons are in a split level suburban.

Manson Family: Ida, Jeremy, Pamela, and Sam. I think these ones might have the extra traits and skills, but I don't remember. I actually used the genetics system to make Jeremy and Sam look like their parents. Also, I think Sam is trans in this? I can't remember.
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Foley Family: Angela, Maurice, and Tucker. I redesigned Angela A LOT from her canon because it was dated and frankly, it needed done. She's I believe nurse profession if I uploaded after playing in game.
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Walker Family: Alicia, Flynn, and Danielle (Ellie). Listen, you can pry this headcanon from my cold half dead hands, but I see Flynn as being Alicia's son. Kinda yanked the design for him from Stove's swaggie redesign. I also love the idea of Ellie having a family in the form of Alicia so she can truly be Danny's cousin. She's a vampire, but I don't remember if I gave her the sun resistance trait yet for this upload.
Also! It says there's CC, but it's because I have a 'fangs for everyone' mod installed that messes with all my vampire and mermaid sims, so you don't need mods for them. I recommend slapping them in Henford on Baggley on an off the grid challenge lot.
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Weson Family: Walter, Nora, Easton, Kyle, and Wes. I have 2 versions of this family uploaded bc my headcanon is that Nora died in a tragic occult (cowplant) accident. But feel free to yoink whichever version you like! I believe Kyle's trans in this :)
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Other Families I'm working on:
Vlad is made, I'm working on his house before I upload him, same with the Fenons- Danny needs a bit of tweaking. I plan on making Paulina, Valerie, and Dash's families, as well as Kwan, Mr. Lancer, Star. Clockwork is on my to do list, as are Ember and a few other humanoid ghosts, and now that werewolves are out Frostbite and Wulf.
If you want full versions of families uploaded with relationship tags (like Danny and Ellie being siblings/Alicia and Flynn being related, let me know! I can do variations!)
I also have INCREDIBLY old/dated miraculous ladybug Sims and some BNHA families uploaded, as well as fun random families. Make sure to 'include custom content' while browsing my gallery. Comment if you see something you like!
Happy simming!
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thyandrawrites · 2 years
I kind of wonder what message hori. Is going for, with the mutants and everything else in bnha. Because the mutants stopped fighting, so presumably is that it for this part?
They were never going after the hospital staff or the patients anyway, it was even implied that the heroes weren't gonna be killed by the mob (they just wanted to tie up rock-lock right?), and the mutants bail because shouji told them not to be 'mere avengers', without giving them anything else and it works???
The heroes seem to be as flexible as they want to be in terms of morality, in doing what they need to do to win. Hawks, nagant, using the hero kids in the battles (wars), sticking by endeavor way more than what was necessary (I get that they still need him, but no hero has expressed anything negative at all towards him for all he did, hawks and jeanist are even worse).
I just wonder what the end game is, if the story and specifically the heroes aren't going to take responsibility for anything (something ironically the villains get called out on a lot) and not make any changes that would prevent all this from happening again.
Also I get that the next gen. Hero kids are supposed to fix things and be better, it's just that even if hori. Said we're not that close to the end yet, this is still the final arc. Right?
Do you think there'll be a bnha part 2?
No, I don't think there will be a part 2. The manga opens on Deku telling us this is the story of how he became the greatest hero, and I think he's going to achieve that by saving Shigaraki. I don't think we're going to see much after that, if not just a short timeskip to address any remaining loose ends.
I have similar perplexities about the direction of the writing as you do. But over time, I've come to terms with the fact that Horikoshi isn't really building up toward any significant systemic change. If he was, a lot of things would've been written differently. For example, Deku would've had a much more critical stance on Nagant, instead of blanket forgiving her for all her past crimes because she still displays a willingness to make society a better place. As you also mentioned, heroes always get that faith and support by default, without anyone on their side actually expressing anything negative about their pasts, and the further the story goes this is starting to sound more like a feature than a bug. For better or for worse, Hori isn't building up towards the heroes acknowledging their wrongs on a societal scale, but rather on them being the pillars of any "change" we might see in the future.
In other words, instead of depicting the flaws of hero society as systemic, as engineered by the Commission to keep the system functional, he's building a resolution that hinges on heroes themselves "saving" society by being better people than their predecessors.
Because of that, we see conflicts that should have repercussions on the civilians' perception of heroes get solved far too easily and with zero long lasting effects. So for example we have stuff like the press conference where civilians put faith back in the top three instead of holding them accountable for the stuff that was just exposed, or this mutant subplot where the rioters are won over by an argument that frankly has very little to do with the points they raised. It seems like any plot point that might lead to a reflection about the circumstances that lead people to villainy is always shut down before it can grow into a major issue, and this tells me that Horikoshi doesn't really want to explore it past superficial worldbuilding and foiling fodder for backstories.
We might like that choice or not (personally I find it cheap), but I think at this point hoping for a more nuanced ending is a set up for disappointment. After all, as you said, we're at the last arc, or very close to the ending anyway. Expecting Horikoshi to delve deep into topics that he only introduced this late in the story and provide solutions for them without a proper organic development first... is kind of a stretch imho
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thelreads · 9 months
Sorry in advance for this wordvomit. I've been re-reading your BNHA live blogs over the last few weeks from the very beginning, and I noticed one detail in Shigaraki's flashback that I've never noticed before. So, like... Throughout the entire 1st part of 'Tenko Shimura: Origin' Shigaraki is VERY in tune with his child self (which makes total sense, because he just re-lived these memories, so it's probably feels like it's all just happened recently to him)? His narration is very certain and straightforward, he is confident in what he's saying he was feeling at that time. But in part 2 that changes - he begins to describe his child self's perspective and what was going on in his head during the incident, but then stops himself and completely changes his story? And suddenly, there are maybes and must'ves all over the narration. And after that flashback ends, he thinks to himself that watching the family (save for Kotarou) dying made him feel calm and that it wasn't a tragedy, but the thing is - what we actually see happen in the flashback doesn't support that interpretation of his at all? It supports his first account (before the 'maybe') though. He was everything BUT calm watching all of them die. And the second 'I hate everyone' line wasn't actually Tenko's thought, it was Tomura connecting Tenko's words right before the incident to what happened. Like, I already thought before that his adult self's estimation of what happened to him was bullshit, but I've never noticed how weirdly it all contrasts how he was narrating his flashback in the 1st part. So it really feels like with all that AFO tells Tenko in 237, present!Tomura is trying to connect what happened to him with what he was taught later. Find a reason 'why', justify it somehow. And his negative thoughts about his family are what he latches onto and then puts it all through the lense of AFO's words (so instead of it being just 'I was the reason they died' it becomes 'I was the reason they died, but I hated them in that moment, and I destroy what I hate, so they died because I wanted them to'). I won't be surprised if somewhere in the future we'll get a moment of 'I had to want them to die, because if I didn't, why did it happen?' or something like that.
Oh Don't worry I love those long, passionate long analysis of stories.
And yeah it did felt like there was something off there, and I don't even need to get on my theories about AfO giving him a quirk. It is clear that he messed Tenko's head quite a lot, he did say he would not let that wound close after all
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k-nayee · 8 months
BLURB and Author's Note
Vespertilio M.List
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ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ
With a final, devastating blow, you send the Nomu far away from the battlefield.
And as its monstrous form sailed through the air, your eyes lock onto Tomura Shigaraki's. Red vermillion filled with unbridled fury is what you meet.
❛Hmm...I'll fix that for him❜
❝YOU—❞ he starts, his voice dripping with venom, but he never finishes the sentence.
You materialize before him in a heartbeat, fingers wrapped around his neck in a vice-like grip. There's no triumphant glee in your eyes, only one of bored arrogance.
Time stops. Both heroes and villains alike freeze, their eyes widening at the sight of you—a mere student—holding the League of Villains ringleader by the throat.
Seething with humiliation, Shigaraki lungs for your wrist in attempt to regain control of the situation. His brittle fingers close around your skin, eyes squinting with a eerily grin as he waits for that satisfying crumble, that disintegration, that ultimate proof of his power.
But then he freezes. ❛No...no...nononononononono❜
Your skin....
❛My quirk....is absolute....It destroys.....So why...❜
Shigaraki's pupils tremble the longer he stares at your rapidly healing skin. It breaks and flake, like ashes scattering to the wind. And in their place, new skin forms, unmarred and whole as if nothing had happened.
❛Why isn't it working?❜
His thoughts whirl, a tornado of denial and disbelief, until the horrifying truth crashes into him: he is powerless against you.
 ❝Not so fun when it's happening to you...is it?❞
With a gnawing sense of dread, he shakily moves view from your wrist back to your eyes. Instead of reflecting the jovial tone of your voice; they were livid, bloodshot, filled with a rage and intensity he's never seen, never felt before. 
Shigaraki realizes—without a shadow of doubt—that you have the power to crush his windpipe, to end him right then and there. Terrified, he breaks from your gaze and frantically tries to release himself from your iron grip on his throat.
And in that instant, his eyes betray him. A flicker of genuine, unfiltered fear seep deep in those once malicious filled eyes—fear of you.
If you came from my Dreamer BTS book, welcome back! If not, that means I'm at least doing sum right and gaining reads🤧
Not gonna do a whole ass speech, we all know the basic things. But to make sure, the most important things I wanna emphasis on will be bolded so you cant say I didn't warn ya:
1) Plagiarism is a HELLA big no no. Takes a lot of time and energy to even to write out a whole completed chapter other than half-assed drafts. If I find out you stealing without credit: I'm blocking and reporting until your account is taken down.
2) This story will contain profanity, violence, dark humor, and other mature themes
3) I will either skip over certain parts of the anime/manga or diverge the plot because I don't wanna follow every episode (too many bnha fanfics out here, gets redundant reading the same order of events)
4) Canon characters may/will be slight ooc, but will maintain their overall personality
5) Mc (you) will hold reference to inner Moka Akashiya when she transforms. Any and all toxic traits said and done are intentional
6) Mc height will not be explicitly stated, however just know it won't be too short, so please refrain from those "I'm 4'9 🥺 so short" whenever height is brought up. Its annoying, we don't need to know how tall you are fam. Just enjoy the book
7) Other than the white hair and red eye color whenever Mc temporarily transforms into Moka: eye color, skin tone, and other descriptions are up to reader
8) Even if Mc simps after Aizawa, there will be no relationship. I don't care that the "age of consent in Japan is 13", its trifling and weird. Stop making excuses for why young kids can bang grown ass tax-paying fully brain developed ADULTS
9) I may end up making the book an "in-between arc" type of story if I either get too lazy or don't know how to end it
10) Please don't come on my most recent updated chapters and comment "can you update blah blah?" I live a life outside of Tumblr, so please don't be commenting "update update!" (plus that shit is hella rude and disrespectful and I don't like pressure; takes the fun out of writing) 🤷🏾♀
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aranarumei · 1 year
tagged by @hua-fei-hua! it’s been ages since I’ve done one of these it was kind of fun lol! sorry for the delayed answers...
1. are you named after anyone?
a couple of ppl assume my name is kiri because it’s like, referencing kirishima from bnha. i haven’t kept up with bnha properly since. honestly since the dabi reveal ch dropped so that’s… nov 5th 2020 lol. I’ve got residual feelings abt it but not much interest in actually reading it (sorry). nowadays I don’t get as much of that anymore—my name is just like. digimon dusk only lets your character have a 4 character name max so I hit various syllables together and keysmashed until it sounded good. im attached to it now.
2. when was the last time you cried?
…today lol. i cry easy when i'm frustrated.
3. do you have kids?
no. I have a Feeling this will be rather unrelatable to whoever I tag so. electing to present my own question:
3 (again). [FREE SPACE] recommend a song?
im gonna recommend Tsuru (en: Bowstring) by koyori / denbolP bc it’s great. I love this producer actually.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
mm I think im probably averagely sarcastic but like. I do have a habit of like. ex: someone will be like oh where’s [kiri]? when I’m literally right there and I have the immediate impulse to say, completely straightfaced, like “oh [kiri]? sorry they’ve been dead for seven years. they’ve never been in this room in your entire life.” so essentially I like doubling down on things when I think it’s funny.
5. what sports do you play/have played
i played basketball for six years!
6. what's the first thing you notice about people?
i think the first like, physical detail I pay proper Attention to is earrings. just cause I like em. apart from that it’s probably their voice and what they find funny.
7. eye color?
brown. comparatively I think it’s rather dark to the point of looking black.
8. scary movies or happy endings?
i mean I feel like this is a. false dichotomy but I really don’t have a good stomach for horror and stuff so. happy endings ig.
9. any special talents?
talents… I’ve memorized my squares up to 30-ish, so like if for example if someone says 28 I can rattle off 784. I’ve been told I have a talent for talking abt media I like but that’s also something said by my lovely friends lol.
10. where were you born?
on earth. im also electing to replace this with my own question:
10 (again). what made you make a tumblr account?
if ppl look at my blog they shall think I showed up in 2020 but I’ve actually been here since 2015. I just… deactivated my acct by accident when I meant to delete a sideblog. ok. so obviously I remade in that case. I made one back in 2015, though, because I was like, really into hxh and ran into some hxh blogs I was like. in love with. also some fairy tail fic authors I rly respected were on here. and I wanted to discuss hxh and post fic. so I joined.
11. what are your hobbies?
writing! and reading! and drawing! and playlist making. im basic. writing is probably #1 to me tho I rly enjoy it. like for all I complain about it I actually really enjoy the act of like putting down words and crafting stuff and editing. I’d actually love to beta fic more regularly. and get reallllly good at grammar (seriously if anyone has any resources on that chuck it at me) and action scenes. those r my big two dreams.
12. do you have any pets?
nope! i do have a depressing amount of wips I have not taken care of, tho…
13. how tall are you?
5’2” or about 158 cm, i haven't measured myself lately. I’ve been told my various sources that I have “tall person energy” tho. im not as good abt it nowadays but I tend to be a bit careful abt keeping my back straight. at the very least I’m pretty aware of it. I wanna say it was just cool of me to be that way bc I was into having good posture but I’m like 90% sure it was because I read skip beat and I really liked that kyoko stood that way.
14. favorite subject in school?
math by farrrr. literature is dependent on the teacher for quality imo and while I enjoyed it I was always a bit sad that we never did any creative writing. math is just very nicely methodical.
15. dream job?
honestly I don’t have one. like I’d love to publish a book some day but I don’t want it to be my Job. im pretty satisfied just doing smthing productive-feeling and where I have enough free time tbh.
no obligation to answer ofc to anyone tagged. also if you don’t want to answer any of the questions just reject them... I just provided alternates bc I felt like it. i think this is supposed to be 15 questions for 15 mutuals but i dont want to tag that many people... @icharchivist @sunnnfish @dirtbra1n @mxddyhero @heartsdash @watcher-ofthe-sky @estradasphere
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icharchivist · 2 years
Mainstream anime has really made people forget what beefy anime men really look like I've noticed. Every now and then I see people going crazy over how ripped a Genshin Impact character and then I look at them and they have pretty much the same physique as Lancelot. It's pretty funny ngl
tbh i haven't kept up with a lot of recent anime but like in my days we called those ikemen and we moved on.
also when it comes to Genshin Impact, it really has the worst case of that going on. Never have i seen this much denial to imply the twinkiest man you've ever seen is actually super buff/have an ass/is ripped.
i'll be honest but i feel also like this is kind of the "first" of many people. I jokingly call it "baby's first gacha" a lot because i really end up running into people who are completely new into the whole scene (it being gacha, rpg, anime/manga style, or Chinese media in general) who walk in with boasted confidence in everything they say.
And it reflects in that way they talk about assets like that and it's honestly pretty funny but also a little sad like man dude you're really that starved huh.
General anime, i think, are not really any better in that case, but it still cracks me up because it's not like beefy men don't exist in those same anime? like the list i saw, that included Dabi from BNHA, also included All Might and Endeavor. Men that technically do apply, but then you really put Dabi on this list? You saw what men with a bigger built look like and you include him? Likewise we were laughing with hxh fans that Illumi was on the list and not like, his father who has the built we would expect. Or what about Uvogin.
It's not like those anime are deprived of men with big built, there's jut a major type of denial going on and it's honestly hilarious.
Like if it was a Genshin only poll i would say they're grasping at straw but poor lads don't really have a real comparaison point when everyone except like 2 npcs, the antagonist enemies, and like, Itto (even if his abs are airbrushed on a thin sprite and it looks so sad i'm so sorry) ends up disqualifying from it to start with.
but in anime with actual diverse body built? what are you doing?
It really is if we made a gbf best tits award and we put Lancelot in it while Wilnas is somewhere else in the poll. The only thing you'd do is making him have an inferiority complex, look at him, this is so sad.
I think Granblue also kinda up the standards a lot bc the buff men aren't relegated to like, minor characters (like the hxh's buff chara i mentioned are so secondary that i can understand people forgetting them). There's a lot of buff, major characters so we're well fed and we have a decent range on what we can consider buff. Esp since there's a lot of different type of buff in granblue in general.
But it really is just. So sad.
I know there's a twitter account called "Pect of the day" who doesn't play Granblue but constantly posts Granblue men because "only Granblue gets me" and they post Reinhardtsar all the time because they find him peak design in that case. And i do remember some people trying to bring some Genshin chara to them (i do think it was Itto already) and them going "do you want me to starve." also if i recall it was around the same time as the dilf sauna event so whoever was behind this account was having a field day and this just took them like ????? seriously? in front of my salad?
I think Granblue just totally redefined my approach on that but it's genuinely so funny to see some pretty twinkish Ikemen in the list. you know a character is allowed to be extremely flat and still be considered sexy right. right. No need to put them through an imaginary inflation for it.
It's so funny. rip to people in saga without actual buff men but we're different, i guess?
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bnha-big-bang · 1 year
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I posted 73 times in 2022
25 posts created (34%)
48 posts reblogged (66%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 69 of my posts in 2022
Only 5% of my posts had no tags
#bnha big bang 2022 - 43 posts
#art - 19 posts
#mod skye - 16 posts
#fics from last year! - 12 posts
#2021 fics - 12 posts
#asks - 11 posts
#fic - 9 posts
#bnha - 7 posts
#my hero acadamia - 4 posts
#fandom event - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 48 characters
#talk to your lock (because communication is key)
My Top Posts in 2022:
Tumblr Messaging Issue
Due to tumblr having some problems with letting me message and since I'm the pretty tumblr face of this bang, I will have to dm the invite links to people over Discord. Please set your Discord settings to "Everyone can add you" until a mod reaches out with the invite link. We're very sorry for the inconvenience.
-Mod Skye
8 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
Mod Intros: Skye
Name: Skye
Pronouns: they/its
Introduce yourself!
Hi y’all! I’m resident chaos/omnipotent mod! I’m with the Eye and Know All :)
What got you into BNHA?
I started watching it because a bunch of my friends in high school called me Deku when I had short green hair. I really loved the show and have been keeping up with it since!
Who is your favorite character?
Either Shinso or Aizawa rn. Tired beanssss
What’s your favorite romantic ship, if any?
Erasermic but also getting dragged into the explodey boi polycule by Athena
What’s your favorite dynamic?
Hatsume and her babies
What is your favorite arc/episode?
Idk don't make me choose
Which character do you relate to the most?
Aizawa sadly
Anything you’d like to add?
I’m a gremlin of many fandoms. You’ve been warned.
8 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
2022 Interest Checks are Live!
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Hi all! The interest checks for the 2022 BNHA Big Bang are here! They’ll be open until February 3rd, with sign ups opening on February 5th.  Please fill these out so that we’ll have an idea of how many participants we are going to have! As always our ask boxes and messages are always open and you can find our schedule here and our faq here! We can’t wait to meet y’all!
-Mod Cess
24 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
BNHA Big Bang 2022 Sign-Ups Are Live!
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Hey yall!! The sign-ups for the 2022 BNHA Big Bang are here! They'll be open til February 13th so get your signups in! Remember, this is a 16+ event, so please be honest about your age. Also, since this event will be run via discord and will post on tumblr (and ao3 for the writers) we do require that you have an account on each of those platforms.
As always our ask boxes and messages are always open and you can find our schedule here and our faq here! Can't wait to meet yall!
-Mod Skye
32 notes - Posted February 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Hello everyone!!
We're excited go be hosting this event again this year!! It was great working with you last year!
Our Interest Checks open on January 27th, and our Sign Ups start on February 5th. Also, this year the bang will be a 16+ event.
Our ask boxes and messages are always open and you can find our schedule here and our faq here!
Let's all have fun this year!
-Mod Skye
84 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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