ageminijourney-blog · 6 years
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ageminijourney-blog · 6 years
believing in soulmates/astrology/ghosts/aliens/true love etc makes life interesting and fun
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ageminijourney-blog · 6 years
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ageminijourney-blog · 6 years
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ageminijourney-blog · 6 years
Whatever is worrying you right now, forget about it. Take a deep breath, stay positive and know that things will get better.
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ageminijourney-blog · 6 years
journal 11
thursday 1/11/18 @ 9:15 pm
i am really happy to say that i am doing much much better tonight. i struggle with anxiety and last night i was feeling extremely anxious about various things and didnt have the energy to talk about my day.
i knew that yesterday was just an off day but today was such a turn around. honestly nothing special happened i just felt genuinely happy and at peace all day. 
i woke up extremely tired so i slept in for a little before leaving for my morning shift at 6:30. after my morning shift  i came home (which i rarely do). when i got home i planned on being lazy and climbing back into bed but i didnt give myself that option. i wanted to be productive so i could enjoy my night and also enjoy my 3 day weekend coming up. 
while i was home on my split shift, i cleaned up my room, hung out with my dogs, i did all my laundry, i cleaned up the kitchen, made myself lunch, organized my planner, and read some of the book i am reading (its so good). 
then i went back to work and my shift went by so fast because i was just so caught up in the moment. i just had a lot of fun today. a few of my students just followed me around all day on the play ground and they were just telling me all these stories and playing random games. it was just fun. my students literally make me so happy sometimes and they dont even realize it. 
after work, i went to barnes and noble with my coworker that i occasionally drop off on my way home because she lives right down the street from me. i love giving her rides home because we can take the carpool lane and she is also super funny. 
when i got home i watched a new show with my mom called 911, then i took a shower, painted my nails, read more of my book while my nails dried and now i am here, listening to camila cabellos new album while blogging. also my sister is on her way home and we plan on smoking when she gets home but i wanted to post a blog first. if anything else special happens i will be sure to update you. 
today really made me appreciate the power of positivity. i could of easily fallen into a funk because i had a difficult day yesterday, but i told myself that i will be okay and that i need to focus on changing my mindset to be more positive and focus on the present moment. this is what my book is teaching me, i know it is about enlightenment but it has truthfully been helping me cope with my anxiety. i know there will be days that are more difficult than othersl but i know that i have the power to change my thinking to be more positive. 
i know that tomorrow will be another good day. well, my sister just got home so i am going to go spend time with her. have a wonderful night. sweet dreams. 
until next time, peace
and stay free
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ageminijourney-blog · 6 years
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ageminijourney-blog · 6 years
journal 10
wednesday 1/10/18 @ 9:35 pm
if i am being honest, today was just kind of an off day. like a lot of things were working against me today. like the universe was really testing me today. i dont really care to share details because i am just really exhausted and kind of drained. 
i know just yesterday i was talking about how genuinely happy i am lately and how i have been focusing on the present. i am completely still practicing staying present and i am still very happy but today was just a more difficult day. i know it could definitely be worse and thats why i dont care to share details because i would rather just move forward. 
i know this was a short blog but i am just not feeling that great tonight and think i should get to bed early. thank you for reading. i have high hopes that tomorrow will be a much better day. 
until next time, peace
and stay free
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ageminijourney-blog · 6 years
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ageminijourney-blog · 6 years
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ageminijourney-blog · 6 years
i really enjoy doing yoga but i rarely do it. i think i want to try and get into the habit of doing yoga regularly.
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ageminijourney-blog · 6 years
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ageminijourney-blog · 6 years
taking! care! of! yourself! is! not! selfish!
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ageminijourney-blog · 6 years
so like i mentioned the power of now has really been helping me with staying present and focusing on enjoying the moment. i know this will seem contradictory but just hear me out. please. 
so basically i register for classes tomorrow and i had the perfect schedule planned out. and so i just checked this afternoon to see how many spots were left in my classes and they were all filled up except for one class. i immediately started freaking out but i thought “what can i do in this moment?” because i obviously cant register right this second, i obviously cant force people to drop the class. but after calming down and talking to kourtney (of course, shes my fucking girl), 
i chose to email my advisor and ask for her advice. i asked about the likelihood that i will get added if i am on the waitlist and if i should look into other options and so on. i obviously want her to respond right away but that is so unrealistic and i know that. its is registration week and her inbox is probably over-flowing. i can only hope that she will get back to me before my registration time. 
but back to the power of now. after i sent the email. i told myself, “you have done all you can do in this moment to try and fix this problem. there is no purpose in stressing yourself out over something that has absolutely no way of being fixed at this moment. now just focus your mind on being in the present and enjoy yourself.” 
so basically i did just that, and in doing so i got so caught up in being in the present that i completely even forgot about registration until after i posted my last journal. i have had multiple moments throughout my day where i am sitting there stressing about it while talking to my friends from school, but after i move on from that moment in time when i was thinking about it, i completely forget about it and i dont spend my time dwelling on it. dont focus your energy and thoughts on things that cant be fixed in that moment. 
its inevitable that that thought will eventually come to your mind again but it is ultimately up to you to change your stream of thought. tell your self, “that does not require my attention right now. i dont need to be getting anxious about a situation that has no solution right now. i am going to focus my mind on something more productive and positive.” 
productive and positive can be reading a book, writing, working out, blogging, i mean even watching silly tv shows with your siblings. as long as it is something that is not draining you and wasting your energy on negativity then it can be considered productive and positive. 
i know that this sounds fucking crazy and stupid but hey i am a flower child who lives for this shit. i have been practicing this for the past couple of days and it has helped my anxiety so much. i encourage you all to try it as well. like i said before i will do a book reflection once i am finally done. i am already taking notes about what i want to talk about in the post. anyway, i hope you enjoyed this extra little rant tonight. love you all. sweet dreams. 
until next time, peace
and stay free
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ageminijourney-blog · 6 years
journal 8 & 9
monday 1/8/18
and tuesday 1/9/18 @ 9:51 pm
soooo yeahhhh!! i am really bad at this nightly journal thing but i am really trying my best. honestly though most of the times i dont post is because i am really busy throughout the day and by the time i get home and chill for a little i am too tired and ready for bed. 
i wish i had the energy to stay awake and do these every night but i work at 6:30 am every morning so its really hard to transition back into that schedule so when i am tired and if i dont have time i will probably not post but i will eventually make up for it when i can. 
honestly these past two days have been really good. i keep telling myself that i know 2018 is going to be a good year and it has been. i have just felt genuinely happy lately and that is such a great feeling. 
i also just feel like i have so many incredible people in my life right now. i have the most amazing and supportive and reliable friends in the world. anytime i start getting anxiety about how much i miss them and i hope they dont forget about me, they will text me and hour later just saying that they love and miss me.. its honestly freaky how often that has happened to me with all my friends. 
it literally happened today with one of the most incredible people in my life, lauren. she is someone i will eventually dedicate a post to but anyway this morning i was thinking about her a lot and just telling myself that i just wish such good things for her and her family because i know they are going through a difficult time and they truthfully deserve the best. i also told myself that i know she knows i love her and i know that she probably needs time to herself and when she is free and has a moment to talk she will reach out and literally not even an hour later i got a text from her and i literally teared up. like that is the true meaning of friendship when your friend just telepathically knows somehow that you are thinking about them and they reach out to you. i also told lauren and our other amazing friend amanda about my blog and they said they will hopefully get around to reading it so if you do thank you!! yall are such amazing and supportive friends and i love you both. 
anyway one more thing about my friends. three of my closest friends all started new jobs yesterday and i am so excited and happy for all of them to be starting off their new year with a new window of opportunities and the new experiences they will have. aghhh i just get so excited when i see my friends doing well and succeeding and happy. my friends mean the fucking world to me and i just want the absolute best for all of them!
okay sorry for the sappy shit. but honestly sometimes you just have to rant about how much you love your friends and brag about how amazing they are. 
but back to the last two days, yesterday... i worked in the morning, ubered in between shifts, went back to work, then went home, rested because i had a migraine, smoked, went grocery shopping, came home and chilled with my sister, we ate and watched 90210 of course. 
that was the series of yesterdays events but honestly it wasnt anything too crazy. it was honestly really good to be back at work though. i feel like tensions were really high before break but everyone just took the time to recharge and all the vibes were great yesterday. but i did get a really bad migraine in the afternoon but eventually when i got home i smoked and i was all better. me and my sister also went to trader hoes and got a bunch of healthy meals and stuff. i had the best salad from trader hoes today for lunch and i cut up some avocado and dipped my tortilla chips into the salad. it was delicious! 
anyway...moving on to today, it was another average but good day. i worked in the morning, went and helped my grandma on my split shift, went back to work, came home and cleaned up a little, smoked, ate, watched a few episodes of 90210 with my sis again, and now i am “blogging”. i will probably go to bed right after this just because i know its the third day in a row for me getting up early tomorrow and it might be a struggle. i think i might cave and get a coffee tomorrow morning but i am really trying to not drink coffee. 
so like i said up earlier, i am just really genuinely happy lately and content with everything. i am truly surrounded by the most amazing people and life doesnt get much better than that. 
one last thing.. update on keeping my goals. i am doing pretty well. i am about half way done with the book i am reading (the power of now) because i have one more to read in january. i also have been drinking a shit ton of water and not drinking soda. but yeah i am trying my best. i cant wait to finish the book though and tell you all about it. it has really motivated me to focus more on the present moment and it has helped my anxiety so much. 
but hey i think i have talked enough for one post. if you made it this far, thanks i love you! i know it was long but hey your girl likes to talk. 
until next time, peace
and stay free
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ageminijourney-blog · 6 years
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ageminijourney-blog · 6 years
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