#AIW spoilers
anthurak · 1 year
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“Let’s try to be more logical, shall we?”
Weiss clearly on point as a visitor to Wonderland XD
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ozlices · 2 years
im gonna choose to believe this is true bc my brain is huge & im never wrong
i swear nene feels like she’s intended to be an alice from pandora hearts reference. she literally has her bunny ear hair spikes, purple eyes, & is tiny. she’s also part of the alice in wonderland unit within proseka. 
the only major diversion is that she’s the caterpillar, rather than being the rabbit/red queen/alice. but like... everything else feels far too convenient to just be a coincidence. so im gonna choose to believe the proseka developers have Taste, and this was all on purpose.
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skepticalarrie · 2 years
https://twitter.com/popatthecinema/status/1573830914353799169?s=21 lol
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I posted about this jacket thing a few days ago, anon. I thought it was quite disturbing, to be honest. I wonder what this means for him, especially because he wore that a lot for stunt walks.
(DWD AND MP SPOILERS AHEAD) Talking a little bit about theories here, I suppose Harry has been playing a lot with a concept that is present in both his movies, where there’s a different parallel reality happening. In DWD where they’re literally living in a simulation and in MP where he’s living a double life as a closeted man. Also, the same concept can be found in his most recent music videos (AIW and LNT) and the imagery of HSH. So hm… food for thought on the reason why he may have connected with the plot of the movies so much and how that extends to his own life.
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fearcrowz · 10 months
Important question about Knell: Are there any patients who gained some kind of ability thanks to their mental illness? For example such as a patient (possibly from West Wing) that can warp reality because of their illness known as maladaptive daydreaming but the drawback is that they can only do it in their room or with 1-3 people alone like similar to Alice in wonderland syndrome (AIWS). Could it be possible or not and what is Laurel capable of?
Hm... Interesting questions. 🤔
It's not so much their mental illnesses that turn them into what they are, it's their fears and traumas, or wishes.
Which I play a little differently in the story. For example since you mentioned Laurel, due to her past, and to protect herself, her arms changed form to tear away or get rid of what she fears. She is extremely fast and dangerous.
Bastian turned into what he was cuz people called him a monster. Oswald turned into what he is because he wanted a kinder form but still very strong to protect the kids. Ben (Blank) changed his form cuz his own reasons, etc.
It could be possible that a patient could warp their own room as a safe zone instead of a blank room. Now to say that the patient did it or it's the Hospital's doing, not sure. The only way anyone could warp anything solidly around them to an extreme, they'd have to be pretty strong, and pretty dangerous, and you wouldn't be in either wing for that. But that's spoilers :V
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dice-and-sodas · 10 months
“Nishishi, what brings someone like you to a humble ‘arcobat’ like myself? Oh, wait, hold on!”
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“Care for a drink~?”
[ Kokichi Ouma has just arrived at the manor! But... he seems to be keeping himself quite busy! I wonder what he's up to? ] || [ Oh well! That doesn't quite matter! He's open for asks either way! ]
- Rules will be the same across all my blogs 🫶
- This does include spoilers for the entirety of Danganronpa V3!
- This is based in an AU I have with my friends, so just… keep that in mind 😊 the DR V3 characters are a little older than they were in their initial killing game as well
- Roleplay asks are fine and I even encourage them! Kokichi is something but, he can feign interest! Who knows, maybe you'll truly catch his intrigue.
- Will most likely consist of text based responses 🧐 it’s mostly headcanon filled with bits of canon mixed in!
This blog will contain themes of Alice in Wonderland Syndrome [AIWS], as well as murder, death, graphic descriptions of violence and more! So, if these make you uncomfortable, there will be two tags to help you curate your experience!
"Lost in Wonderland" - Relates to AIWS, and contains additional themes to derealization and depersonalization.
"Cracked Mask" - Relates to anything containing violence or death.
Basic Muse Information || “Kokichi Ouma”
Name: Kokichi Ouma
AU Identity Progression: ??? -> The Ultimate Supreme Leader -> ??? -> The “Acrobat” Identity (we are here!)
Age: 16 (???) -> 17 (The “Ultimate” Supreme Leader) -> 18 (???) -> 19 (The “Acrobat”)
Pronouns: He/They
[ Alice's Adventures in Wonderland || Masterlist ]
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gogolstoelicker · 1 year
A lil bit spoiler for chap 7
From chap 7 on twst we know that the valley of Thorns has once go at war withthe kingdom of roses bcs of a mad king named Stefan (hearts? Roscent??).
So uhh i decided to make the entire history after the war. Idk man...
So king Stefan surely have a heir or heiress right? And i imagine that bcs of the tyranny of king Stefan still present at the royal court there will be somekind of rebellion, a coup if you will. And kill the entire royal family french revolution style.
Cardan, desiring the throne he make the plot with the group to overthrow the current royal family.
But there is one surviving member of the royal family, the crown prince. Let's name him Cardan. So there is surely some people that still supports the royal family and run away with Cardan to escape.
So they are kinda strays i guess? They stays in the isolated part of twisted wonderland and make a rebel group.
Oh yeah after the hostile government take over, the royal family of hearts (i am 90% sure that the royal family of the kingdom of roses descended from the queen of hearts herself) is replaced with the family of white (ahaha AIW references).
So this is where a certain blond haired blue eyes boy come in. He is from the same world as Yuu aka the earth just from different time (medieval) so this maybe will explain how or prove that this yuu is not the only one that have fallen to this twisted wonderland.
Lets call the boy Arthur.
Cardan found Arthur in the woods lost and confused. Cardan slowly explain that this place is called Twisted wonderland.
"How can i trust you," the boy asked narrowing his eyes at cardan
"I have revealed my identity to you isn't it? It's actually a rare case that i revealed my identity to anybody so tell me yours lost Alice" Cardan explained and smiled a warm smile
"My...my name is not Alice my name is Arthur, Arthur Wondré," Arthur bit his lip a habit he does if he nervous.
"Nice to meet you Arthur," Cardan offered his hand.
And that's the start of their friendship. They are allies, brothers even. Slowly but surely Cardan opens up about his trauma seeing his mother's head cut, or his burden as the leader of this rebel group.
"Truthfully, i don't really care about the throne," Cardan sighed and Arthur looks at him confused.
"Then why are you fighting for it then?" Arthur asked.
"To keep everyone here save, you see Alice after the coup everyone on the kingdom of roses reached out to other kingdom to hunt us down if i successfully take the throne back maybe they'll be safe."
"You do all of this for them?"
"Yes, for Wicher for general Spade for Gillian for Thomas for...you," Cardan looke at Arthur warmly but Arthur can sense the tiredness behind him.
Cardan reached out to a certain second prince of the afterglow savanna (no I'm not talking about leona) and make an alliance with him, he even speak to the high priest of the city of flowers asking for advice.
The day for the rebellion came day by day, the air around the base begining to tighten up.
The weapons are ready, the tactics are ready.
Little did they know there are a traitor among them.
Cardan run through the muddy cave below the kingdom of roses. He have told General spade to evacuates the citizen of the kingdom.
Nefala already know his motives but he know he will not say that to anybody. He liked him, seen himself inside Cardan. The throne is taken from him just like Cardan.
He reached the small room. The room crafted from the rocky walls of the cave painted with words upon words of the old anthem.
He eyed the room.
He has been here before, he has been here two times, he didn't have the courage to do that.
But he will now.
'Not everyone is made for the throne, but if the crown fits wear it.'
He remembers Nefala's words. About leadership. About the thing they both had yet everyone closed their eyes on them.
This is, this is the day.
"Withering Roses," Cardan whisper as sparks of fire danced on his fingers.
He reached out to the button that has formed in front of him.
"What are you doing?"
An unfamiliar voice sings, Cardan turns around to see none other than his cousin.
White hair contrasting his own black, blue eyes contrasting his own red they are opposites the noble say.
"I'm doing this for them."
"No," Elijah shook his head "you're doing this for you, no one wants this," Elijah harden his Expression.
"There is once a saying, from a traitor," he eyed one of the lyrics at the wall.
Cheshire cat.
"The history is repeated unless we destroy the cycle," Cardan finishes, bringing his hand atop of his head.
A salute.
An explosion.
A salute upon this destroyed kingdom.
Her unfinished wish.
HIS undinished wish
Lmaooo this took so long anyway just a silly thoughts.
ik you're the one who created twst. its ok u dont have to hide /j
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redrascal1 · 2 years
I am a Johnny Depp fan, but one of my favourites of his is a film that received mixed reviews from critics, but which I loved.
It was Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland ...SPOILERS AHEAD for anyone who hasn't seen it or its sequel.
I found it funny, quirky, heartwarming and unexpectedly inspiring....but I loved most of all the chemistry between Alice and Depp's Tarrant Hightopp, AKA the Mad Hatter.
I hoped she'd stay in Wonderland with him, but alas...this was a story about 'female empowerment' (sigh), so at the end she returned to Victorian England, but I was cheered when she turned down the offer of marraige to a repulsive rich man and instead took over her late father's business. And I hoped maybe one day...she'd return.
So I was thrilled to see they were making a sequel.....only to find Through The Looking Glass a huge disappointment.
Because at the end she once again returned to England....but this time to look after her mother, because apparently 'family is more important'.
Excuse me....Alice's father was lovely, but he was dead. And both films portrayed Alice's mother as a singularly unpleasant woman. She was selfish. She was humourless. She wasn't very loving. But worst of all...she cared far more about money than her own child.
In AIW, she tried to marry Alice off to a horrible, spoiled rich man because his family were loaded. She wasn't much better in the sequel, Through the Looking Glass.
And one other thing.....Alice had a sister. Who was more like the mother in character. Why couldn't the sister have taken care of the mother?
Unlike the oriiginal the makers of TTLG didn't have a really good reason for Alice to return. But they had her return anyway. Because they didn't want a romance for Alice. They didn't want her to find true happiness with the people of Wonderland...her real family.
And guess who owns the rights to the films ?
That's right....Disney. The same company that owns the SW franchise. And apparently, despite making a LOAD of beautiful, romantic films, have decided to instead declare that 'romance is dead'. Their heroines are fated to forever remain single.
What a depressing bunch of 'wokesters' they have become.
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1864-66readingproject · 5 months
This is a sideblog for my own sort of personal reading project for the next couple of years. Based on the Reading Like a Victorian website, I have picked six/seven books published serially during 1864-1866 and will 'follow along' throughout 2024-2026, probably also reading some of the other publications from those years in their correct 'serial moment.'
See below the cut for the works I'll be reading and how I'll be tagging, etc.
Why 1864-66?
It lines up with my more general reading goals (at some point in 2024 I hope to move from a focus on literature from 1837-1859 to a focus on literature from 1860-1879)
It's the two-year period on RLV with the most novels I haven't already read (which have librivox recordings available - I have a chronic illness and have to spend a lot of my non-working time lying down, so the vast majority of my 'reading' is in audio form.)
The books I'll be reading serially are:
Luttrell of Arran by Charles Lever in 15 monthly parts, Dec 1863 to Feb 1865 (I didn't decide I was going to include this one in time to begin in Dec 2023, so read 2 parts in Jan 2024, and will otherwise follow schedule until Feb 2025) [This one is the only one not on librivox - I'm using a text-to-speech app instead]
The Doctor's Wife by Mary Elizabeth Braddon in 12 monthly parts, Jan to Dec 1864 (Jan to Dec 2024)
Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens in 19 monthly parts (the last month having approx twice the normal number of chapters, as a sort of double-installment), May 1864 to Nov 1865 (May 2024 to Nov 2025)
Wives and Daughters by Elizabeth Gaskell in 18 monthly parts, Aug 1864 to Jan 1866 (Aug 2024 to Jan 2026)
Armadale by Wilkie Collins in 20 monthly parts, Nov 1864 to May 1866 (Nov 2024 to May 2026)
The Belton Estate by Anthony Trollope in 16 twice-monthly parts, May 1865 to Jan 1866 (May 2025 to Jan 2026)
Cradock Nowell: A Tale of the New Forest by R.D. Blackmore in 16 monthly parts, May 1865 to Aug 1866 (May 2025 to Aug 2026
The 'other' works from 1864 to 1866 I hope to read at the corresponding 'serial moment' are:
Henry Dunbar, the Story of an Outcast by Mary Elizabeth Braddon, published as a 3 volume novel in May 1864 following previous serialisation (May 2024)
Brother Jacob by George Eliot, a short story published in a magazine in July 1864 (July 2024)
Enoch Arden by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, a (narrative?) poem published November 1864 (Nov 2024)
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, children's story published in one volume Nov 1865 (Nov 2025)
Felix Holt, the Radical by George Eliot, a three-volume novel published in August 1866 (Aug 2026)
I'll also be 'binge' reading other works (mainly Victorian, initially focusing on the period 1837-1859, then moving on to the 1860s, then on to the 1870s), so I'm not going to be *strictly* staying in the 'serial moment'... but it will be an interesting project for me nonetheless.
The reason I'm doing this on a sideblog rather than my main is that I want to post fairly unfiltered thoughts, and not to spend much time dithering over a post; therefore please be aware that this blog is highly likely to post untagged spoilers for the works, and probably untagged triggers.
For the most part, I will also not be using the standard tags for the works, as I don't want to clog up the main tags. I'll be using alternative tags like so:
#LoA (Luttrell of Arran)
#TDW (The Doctor's Wife)
#OMF (Our Mutual Friend)
#W&D (Wives and Daughters)
#Arma (Armadale)
#TBE (The Belton Estate)
#CN (Cradock Nowell)
#HD (Henry Dunbar)
#EA (Enoch Arden)
#AiW (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)
#FH (Felix Holt)
I may also tag with the month & year (e.g. #Jan 1864) and serialised part (e.g. #part 1). When I tag characters, I think I will generally do first name & work initials (e.g. for Bella Wilfer from Our Mutual Friend: #bella OMF) unless I want the post to go in the main tag for that character.
Things I hope to pay particular attention to:
Serialisation: serialised parts, how the part-breaks are utilised (or not), how characters who have been out of the narrative for a few months are recalled to mind (or not), etc
The characters of Cynthia Kirkpatrick (Wives and Daughters) and Bella Wilfer (Our Mutual Friend)... W&D and OMF are the only two books of the above that I've read before, and I don't think it would really have occurred to me to compare them as they are so different in setting and tone, but actually - once I began thinking about it - I realised that both of them explore, in different ways, the psychological effect of financial insecurity on lower-middle class young women, and how that affects their approach to life and the choices they make and so on, so l think that will be an interesting thing to consider as I read. I will also consider if characters in any of the other works also explore similar ideas.
Social class as it relates to romantic storylines (again, I think there are some possible parallels to be drawn between W&D and OMF at least)
Class more generally, and all the different things that contribute to class and perceived class (wealth, posessions, income, occupation, education, birth & family, company & connections, 'manner', 'respectability', etc)
Women and reputation
Women in sensation plots...
Sensation plots more generally... In particular, I want to see if I can figure out why I've never seen anyone categorise OMF as a Sensation novel, despite it being from the right time period and including a lot of the hallmarks of the Sensation genre, including questions of identity, deception, crime, scheming, moral dilemmas, etc. I'm hoping that reading it alongside a few Sensation novels (Cradock Nowell is apparently a sensation novel, as are Armadale and both Braddon novels) and a few novels from authors associated with non-sensation literature (Gaskell, Trollope and Eliot), will help me figure out what I'm missing... [Actually, between writing the above and posting, I found this from the review of OMF by E.S. Dallas, published in The Times 29 Nov 1865: "The story, of course, we are not going to tell. It is very ingenious, and the plot is put together with an elaboration which we scarcely expect to find in a novel published in parts. All we shall say of it is, that those readers who pant for what is called "sensation" may feast in it to their heart's content on sensation; and that those who care more for quiet pictures and studies of character will also find that the author has provided for them. Mr. Dickens's range is wide, [...]"]]
Crime and morality
The role of the urban and the rural
Wives and Daughters contains a woman who becomes the wife of a doctor, and based on the title, I rather assume The Doctor's Wife does too... this could be a very shallow parallel but I guess I'll find out!
The last installment of W&D... I'm wondering if (by that time) being used to the 'rhythm' of the novel's serial publication will shed any sort of light on how things might have played out, beyond what is explicitly given...
Possible queer readings, esp of Our Mutual Friend
Other things worth mentioning:
The illustration used in my header and icon is by Marcus Stone, for the original serialisation of Our Mutual Friend.
I will also be attempting to do some relevant academic reading around some of the themes, etc, but 1) I want to avoid spoilers for the works I haven't already read, and 2) I don't have a lot of time/energy due to being both chronically ill and employed, so I don't know how successful I'll be at that.
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Are there are any pairings you haven't written fic for yet, but want to some day? If so, who are they?
From the list?
There are sixish different pairings i haven't gotten to write yet even though its in the itinerary to do so. The acts haven't come to fruition yet.
Alice (TB!AiW) x Margaret Dashwood
[3 Fics: The Wonder (currently in progress), NY Bookshop (Plotting) & Not as it Seems (plotting)]
(Redacted for spoilers)
[Not as it Seems fic]
Edward x Marianne
[2 Fics: Mark Me (plotting) & Mrs Brandon's sister, Mrs Ferrars (Plotting)]
Darcy x Elizabeth
[2 series: Broken Road(contains cameos) (one is in edits and the other is in progress) & The Colonel Mishap (starts in the second and continues throughout the rest of the series)(most of it in plotting, one part is in progress)]
Past!Willoughby x Eliza II (Beth)
[All the S&S fics because that is a plot point]
Past!Brandon x Eliza I
[In mostly mentioned but in Modern Dating for Dummies, its more prevalent (in progress)]
Besties Gwen and Alexander from Galexy Quest
[4 fics: Traveling Quest, Not again, Muppets version, platonic Survival (all are in plotting stages)]
It's going to be on the other account but yes I'm excited 😁
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hellmorrhoids · 6 years
Peter Parker in civil war : Mr StARk I cAn'T gO To gErMAnY I HaVe HoMeWOrK
Peter Parker in infinity war : HeY Mr STarK I kNoW I FolLOwED yOu iNto tHat sPAceSHiP evEn wHeN yoU tOLd mE noT tO AnD nOw wE're hEadeD To aN uNKnoWn PLanET BuT Do YoU ThiNK ThOR wiLL bE tHEre?
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stream · 6 years
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Behind the Scenes VFX Reel: Josh Brolin in Avengers: Infinity War [X]
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Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
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tomhollandisthicc · 6 years
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etnoika · 6 years
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EDIT: It’s come to my attention that a lot of people reblogged this without the spoiler tags and I’m so deeply sorry if this post ruined the movie for anyone. That was not my intention. I cranked this out on Thursday night after watching the movie to get my emotions out and I threw every spoiler tag I could think of in there. I also didn’t throw a title in there because I felt that would make the spoilers worse, but maybe I should have.
Also as several people have pointed out some of the lines are off and I missed a couple, I did this from memory at 1 am after watching the movie once so I got no excuse. If you’re interested @naivesansa made a way cooler version with all the lines.
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Me before Infinity War starts:
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Me when the Marvel Logo comes up silent:
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miadulceaphel · 6 years
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