#Air Shoes upgrade was my nightmare
sonysakura · 1 year
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Hey, here's a preview of my SA2 Shadow card for @sonicshadowzine aka Live & Learn: a Sonic/Shadow zine 💙❤
Each physical order gets a free card out of a 16-card deck, so pre-order yours until Feb 19th, and maybe you'll be lucky to get him! And if you want to secure SA2 Shadow for sure, I recommend getting Rival Shuffle, a full set of cards (with Super Sonic and Super Shadow being exclusive to it) either on its own or as a cheaper add-on to one of the other bundles.
🔗 sonicshadowzine.bigcartel.com
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jinlizz-dragondrama · 10 months
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Chapter 8
Hide n Seek and Evil Shoes?
3rd POV
Two years have gone by, and it feels like yesterday when you just met Donnie and the gang. You guys are pretty much inseparable, heck Master Splinter thinks of you as his second daughter (Number one daughter goes to April love you girl!!) Anyways, with you now, soon to be turning 16, and in your sophomore year of high school, things have gone by pretty smoothly. You've grown into quite the woman, acne please def not an issue (lucky bastard wish I didn't have acne in high school) *clears throat* Now then you still have your cheerleader bullies and are still a bit insecure about your eyes so you continue to wear brown contacts.
Your pops have been acting suspicious lately, and it doesn't help that you've been having nightmares that keep you up all night. Such terrible dreams of vines and purplish red tentacle-like appendages protruding from your back, eyes turned into cat-like slits with yellow scleras, teeth sharp and pointy. People scream in the background as you are holding your best friend Donnie by the throat choking him with a vine. An armored person from head to toe walks up behind me, the metal foot pads clanking with each step it took, a menacing stare and red eyes glare at the turtle, it places its sharp metal hand on my shoulder encouraging me to finish him. Don's eyes are brimmed with tears as he reached out to you, as he was desperately trying to force air into his lungs. No matter how hard you try to let go, you can't. It's as if your body isn't your own. Then you are thankfully woken up by your alarm.
Waking up in a cold sweat, I sit up and try to catch my quickened breath. My T-shirt is sticking to my skin, my hair is an unruly mess, and warm tears streak my face. As I slow my breathing, I check the time and see that it's 9 am. on a Saturday. Dropping my phone onto my bed, I walk to my bathroom, and start the shower with cold water, walking past the mirror I look at my reflection and a flash of an evil grin and murderous eyes stare back at me. Rubbing my eyes and looking back quickly, the image is gone. After my shower, I get dressed in some grey leggings, a sports bra, and a hoodie, skipping on putting in my contacts as I doubt I'd see anyone I knew from school. Grabbing my phone, charger, some snacks, and an already-packed swim bag with a change of clothes, make my way out of the new secret hideout under the shoe store. Using the back entrance, I make my way through the alleyway. Clicking my sneaker heels together the skates pop out, and looking down at them I admire how they look thanks to Donnie's upgrade I can go way faster, input coordinates and not have to move my feet. But I only use the autopilot if I'm going long distances, skating to the school pool, climbing over the fence, disabling the cameras from my phone on an app (perks of having a tech-savvy friend and after the purple dragon incident he got a pretty good layout of the security system which in his words was "subpar"). I changed into my bathing suit and started my workout. Even with swimming I couldn't escape the images and sounds from my nightmare once finished I dried off wrapped a towel around me, sat on the ground, and began to meditate to calm my mind.
I was soon rudely interrupted by my phone ringing, opening one of my eyes and seeing the caller ID is Mikey. My anger quickly dissipates, and I answer getting an invite for pizza and hang-out time. Dressing back into my clothes, finding the designated manhole, and jumping down. I enter the lair, and walking into the kitchen I see Raoh opening a piping hot box of pizza, putting my stuff down on the floor I walk up to them.
"Ok, Rock, paper, scissors for the first slice. Me and Mikey are up" Raph says
Knowing full well that Raph picks Mikey because he always uses scissors. Everyone but poor Mikey has realized this. Of course, Mikey loses and Raph is about to take a bite into his slice when the lights go off, then back on, and his beloved slice is gone. Soon the lights flicker again and the whole pizza is gone, we all freak out at how quickly it disappeared.
"The table is eating our pizza!" Mikey shouts
We hear chuckling, scampering, and mouth-stuffing sounds.
"It's the chair!" Mikey shouts and points at the chair
As the boys start to get ready to attack the chair, Splinter appears seemingly out of thin air eating a slice of pizza. Apparently, today is the day we learn about ninja stealth and invisibility. He shouts "Lights off jitsu", the lights flicker again, and the pizza slice he threw at Leo disappears. We meet on a building behind a billboard, I sit next to Splinter behind the billboard while he explains to the boys about sneaking into Big Mama's Yokai Hotel.
"Ninja invisibility lesson number one keep to the shadows," he says while he moves into the shadow of the billboard
"Lesson two Blind spots use your enemy's blind spots," he says while popping out of each of our blind spots which freaked me out a bit not gonna lie.
"Lesson three be as light as a feather...as quick as a fast feather move quickly and softly," he says as he bounces around our surroundings
"Lesson four Slooow Moootion Juuutsuu" he says while I watch him slowly grab Donnie's tech Bo from his hand and his wallet.
"Oh please like you can sneak up on- hey give me back my Tech Bo" he pats himself down "And wallet"
Splinter tosses my Donnie's wallet and I catch it with an evil grin.
"Sweet now I can buy some stuff off my Amazon wish list!" I say evilly
"You wouldn't dare!" Donnie says while pointing at me.
"Now using your new skills sneak up on me and attack," Splinter says while side-eyeing them with his back turned towards to boys.
Mikey....being well Miket announces he's about to attack but is reminded not to do that by Splinter then he does the most hilarious thing and attempts to do lights-off jutsu with the sun. I couldn't help but snicker at his attempt. But then Raph tries to do light as a feather jutsu and you can guess how well that went...spoiler alert it didn't go well his stomping caused a mini earthquake that shook us about and caused a water tank to topple over and wash us into a garbage-filled alleyway.
"Boys you're not kindergartens, Lesson five blend into your surroundings," he says After using a ninja smoke pellet and disappears
The boys can't seem to find him, but he reappears in a turtle disguise. I immediately know it's him but I let the boys figure it out...which they don't. I roll my eyes and smack myself on the forehead when they fall for the trick and they attack a bag of garbage that was very close in shape of Splinter's body. Each one of the boys receives a karate chop to the head after he removes the disguise. Master's last hope is to send the boys on their own to figure it out for themselves. They hover over to the hotel using Donnie's battle shell. We watch them leave and Splinter tells me to go after them and that I'll benefit from this lesson. He tosses me a disguise brooch that Sunita gave to him for me, placing it on my clothes I transform into a teenage turtle, putting on my pink ninja mask and quickly admiring my turtle body I take off after them. (Don't judge my design please it's a work in progress 👀)
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Splinter watches the Nexus Hotel waiting for us to return and several days go by without our return. He starts to go into panic mode.
"I've sent my children to their doom! Don't worry kids help is on the way" He shouts and runs towards the hotel.
Once he arrives he changes into Bell Boy clothes and sees that the hotel is in utter chaos...come to find out it's spa day for Big Mama. Splinter tries to close the elevator but a bunch of Yokai fill it up and Im pushed in as well. Once they all leave the elevator and reach their floor, Splinter and I look at each other and sigh. Donnie and Mikey, are hiding under a room service cart not their greatest moment but I got bored of hiding in the shadows and watching each of them utterly fail so many times to get the dog tag. So I dressed in the hotel staff uniform and was pretty much blending in. They roll themselves into the elevator and Mikey thought it would be the best time for him to try slow-motion jutsu which made me sweat a bit with how slow he was going that it was very obvious. Once they reach their "desired" floor the boys speed off and almost bump into Gus. Thankfully Master was able to distract Gus with a steak dinner that was on the tray. We then go to find the other two boys, Raph is doing horribly at blending in with the shadows, he grabs a huge leaf, chuckles to himself, and tiptoes towards Gus to get the tag, but his sneaking up on people stink activates and I toss a tennis ball towards Gus which he gleefully catches and plays with while Splinter hides Raph behind a painting. We then get back into the elevator to look for Leo, we find him in a room full of yokai, quickly grabbing a seat at the bar. Leo moves from blindspot to blind spot, which thankfully no one notices because they are distracted by the fight that is being shown on these snow globe tv things until he reaches Gus and goes for the collar just as one of the competitors wins and everyone stands up to cheer. Leo is left dangling and holding onto the collar we both spit out our drinks when Gus recognizes him. Leon splashes Gus's drink in his face and takes off running, we quickly follow him.
Mikey and Donnie are going up a stairwell with the service cart still hiding them, but Leo runs into them, he tries to grab onto something which ended up being me and we fall down the stairway. We all take off running and crash into Raph as we roll into a hidden room. We are surrounded by a bunch of Big Mama's henchmen. They look at me with confused looks on their faces.
"Who's she and how did she get here?" Mikey says
"It's me you dumb dumbs, but now is not the time," I say interrupting their awe
"Come on let's make Pop's proud," Raph said
"Lights off jutsu," Mikey says as he claps his hands
"Oh come on Mikey that's not gonna-" Donnie says before he is cut off by the lights going off and the giant lava lamp is still on but casts very dark shadows around the room.
"I will never doubt you again," Donnie says shocked
"Alright guys, keep to the shadows," Raph says as we disappear
Taking out each henchman at a time, Master watches from the air vent in the room. The lights turn back on and we each take turns demonstrating what Splinter taught us. In the end, Donnie catches the dog tag that Raph unhooked from Gus's neck. Once we made our way back to the building with the billboard we start to celebrate and Splinter congratulates the boys and me on a job well done. We are dismissed to go celebrate as a group, I jump onto Donnie's jet pack and we head out to get pizza.
"So are we gonna talk about Aqua's turtle disguise or nah?" Leon says with a smirk
I roll my eyes and retort, "Well this is a disguise brooch I got from Sunita, now I'm part of the turtle club"
Leo snorts and we fist bump. Unbeknownst to me Donnie is blushing as I took on the characteristics of a Soft Shell turtle just like him.
Donnie POV
Wow, who would have thought she'd look adjacent in both her human form and a turtle form?
We grab some pizza and head back to the lair to play some games and possibly watch a movie. April finally stops by wearing a work uniform and tells us about her job working at the Foot Shack. I smile that she got a job there and we can be work buddies. I've been working there ever since they opened, it's a fairly popular store and I love working there. I even designed a few shoes.
I'm on the couch with one of Donnie's purple weighted blankets and with a closed Jupiter Jim comic on my lap. The boys had left the room before April came and once the movie was done to skateboard. Splinter returns to the lair doing his "conga dad dance" (Don't judge the name of the dance lol). We both laugh at his dance, which surprises him and pops his back out of place. We try to help him but apparently the conga dad dance has more than one use and he uses it to pop his back into place.
He sees the Foot Print on April's shirt and says "That is a curious symbol"
"Yea, it's my Dads logo for their shoe store, April and I are work buddies now" I say happily while high fiving April.
"The Foot Shack, hm perhaps I should drop by I do love kickies" he says somewhat suspiciously
April puts an end to it by telling him that his whole "situation" isn't gonna come and disturb us at work. But knowing Splints he doesn't take no for an answer. April and I leave to head into work and Splints gets to work with his teenager disguise.
April and I are stocking up the shoes when we see Splints wearing open toed shoes. Those puppies have seen better days, I try my best not to puke.
"Now do not be alarmed, but I suspect your store is being run by the most evil forces to ever walk the earth" He quietly shouts to us
"You cannot be for real" April retorts
I start picking up the boxes April dropped when both of my dads walk in. They walk past us but not before Papa Brutus ruffles my hair and gives me a thumbs up. They enter through a circular door vault that locks behind them. April tries to get Splints to leave well enough alone but he makes a break for it and rushes up a fire escape to look into the secret room.
We follow after him, I briefly hear the boys screaming and some loud flapping but when I turn around I don't see anything. Shrugging it off and watch as Splints falls through a window and lands on upper part of the room.
April and I hop down and see both of my Dads and a group of Foot Clan warriors. Splinter pulls us down and shushes us
"You two please, you do not know the great evil these men are capable of" he says seriously
"Behold warriors of the Foot Clan" says Papa Lui as he pulls a cloth to reveal something...it was a really long cloth so the suspense was killing Splinter.
"Our new sprung line, aren't they beautiful" Papa Lui says
"Wait a minute pump sandals? That is a real thing?" Splints says completely shocked
"Hey!" I say taking offense to that statement
"That our darling daughter created" Papa Lui says proudly
"Such talent" Papa Brutus says while wiping a tear
"Oh sorry Aqua..." Splinter says awkwardly
But he continues to laugh "The Foot Clan has become shoe salesmen"
"Which we will use in today's aquasituon" Papa Lui continues while holding a scroll and revealing an armor. Both Splinter and I freakout a bit before April pulls us back before anyone can see. I have flashbacks of the dreams I've been having lately and start sweat and have a mini panic attack. Splints tells us the history of the armor, April and I gasp while looking at eachother.
"I work at an evil shoe store" April says exasperated
"For years I had a hunch they were hiding something from me" I say sadly as a tear runs down my cheek.
April tries to comfort me, the Foot Clan starts to leave the vault while wearing my new shoe design to the van. Splints goes to jump down but slips, kicking over shoe boxes and falling onto two foot clan warriors. We both look downbat him as he rips the uniform off of a guy.
Rushing back outside we see the warriors getting into a van, Splints gets in line with them and April and I follow behind.
"Were coming with you!" I say
"No, I'm going deep undercover to make sure they take not one shred of the evil armor. Please give my love to my sons." Be says heartfelt
"Hey guys your pops loves you, do not reply all" April says while quickly typing the text to the boys
Meanwhile the boys are attacking a giant mutant pigeon but we'll get back to that later 😉.
April gets a text notification and it Alerts Papa Lui, he quickly shows us away telling us to get back into the store.
"Awww, you never let me get to go on your missions" I say trying to get him to let me go which fails miserably.
Splints is able to get in the van with everyone. April grabs her bike and I follow her using my roller skates. We quietly enter Grand Central Station finding places to hide. The Clan starts searching for the armor pieces. April ends up making noise from her hiding spot and I peek my head out from my spot. The two of us are dawned in Foot Clan clothes and Splinter instructs us to distract the Clan while he gets the piece. (Insert not so ninja moves as we make our way over lol) Once we successfully distract them, I hear the sound of a horn, the Turtle Tank comes barreling through the glass window.
"And he sticks the landing" Leo says proudly
I face Palm myself and groan inwardly
"Mystic Metal" Donnie shouts while pointing at undercover Splinter who's holding the metal
"Just as I planned...wait what are the flameheads doing here" Raph questions while using Donnie's habd to point at the Clan.
The Clan starts to attack, April and I rush uo to Splinter, he gives is the metal peace and quickly make our way to a train. Getting onto a train we are ambushed by purple tentacle vines, immediately I fly into action using vines to fight them back to protect April, it was a pretty intense fight that I desperately hope to win.
The warriors were easily defeated by the boys, seeing that Splinter is the only one standing Papa Lui forces him to fight The boys. Which he kicks serious butt wish I was there to see it. Knowing Donnie records everything he wouldn't let me see it...scoff. Anyways purple tentacle vines force their way through the floor and causes it to collapse. Draxum, The boys and my dads exchange words, but is cut off by Draxum throwing April to the floor and holding me tightly with his tentacles.
"Caught these two stealing our property, But this one is quite interesting, put up a really good fight, I wonder who this could be" Draxum says while pulling off my mask.
"Let go of me you overgrown goat freak" I shout
Everyone gasps and Donnie clenches onto his Tech Bo ready to attack and save me.
"Sweetheart what are you doing here?" Says Papa Brutus shocked
"Let her go, she's one of us" Papa Lui says
"What no way Aqua is a part of the Foot Clan?" Mikey says
"Yes, I mean no, it's complicated" I say while struggling to break free not bring able to concentrate and use my powers.
Draxum looks at me and smirks, "Interesting I think I might do some experiments on her, her powers may be of use to me"
The boys get into fighting stances and My dads had looks that could kill directed towards Draxum. Splints goes to attack Draxum but his pops out of place once more and quickly does his conga dad dance which the boys recognize and freak out once they realize it's their Dad. Draxum grabs Splints, he breaks free from the tentacles and comes to the realization that he's Lou Jitsu. In their shocked states April reveals herself and they charge an attack to save me, both my dads think the boys are coming to attack me so they send paper ninjas to protect me. The armor piece gets tossed onto the tracks of the train and gets run over. The gang easily defeats a few of the paper ninjas, Donnie hits Draxum with his Tech Bo, Draxum ends uo dropping me, Don catches me abd holds onto me tightly. Papa Lui sends more after them, Raph grabs all of us and jumps onto the oncoming train. It was like everything was moving in slow motion, I see my dads reaching out to grab me with sad looks on their faces, tears stream down my face and I bury my face in Donnie's plastron. We hop if the train once it reaches near the lair, Splinter karate chops the boys and grounds them all. I'm in a corner trying to calm down and wiping tears from my face. Mikey comes over to comfort me, Donnie awkwardly stands back and rubs the back of his neck.
"Well since you have no place to go-" he's cut off by a glare from everyone. "I mean um you're welcome to stay with us as long as you want, right guys!"
Everyone agrees with him and smiles at me.
"Yea, we know you aren't in kahoots with those guys you'll be safe with us" Leo says confidently
Smiling and rushing to hug everyone doing the weird crying-laughing thing. Splinter interrupts asking one of the boys to carry him and we make our way to the lab. Little did we know that my dad's and Draxum put the armor pieces together and attached them to the almost complete armor. My dad's vow that they will stop at nothing to bring me back home to them. And this is the start of my new life with the Turtle brothers.
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alanwake2downloadpc · 9 months
Alan Wake 2 Full Version
Alan Wake 2: The Movies and TV Shows That Inspired Remedys Survival Horror IGN First
This has affected the scenario design; across the duration of the chapter my objectives take me back and forth, discovering and revisiting locations as new items and information expand the story. For 13 years he’s been a prisoner in the Dark Place, where his nightmares, his fears, and his stories manifest as reality around him. For 13 years, he has been fighting to stay sane and write a story that would change reality around him in order for him to escape. In Alan Wake 2 Download Alan Wake 2, this overlap can be found in a place literally called The Overlap – areas where Bright Falls reality merges with nightmare New York. For Alan’s Big Apple, there needed to be a whole new dossier of reference material, albeit, again, with some overlap. Since 2020, Fortnite has included DLSS 2 and NVIDIA Reflex, enabling all GeForce RTX gamers to play at super fast frame rates, with the lowest possible system latency, for the definitive experience.
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Wake added that Alan Wake 2 might feel slower than its predecessor, for being a survival horror game rather than action adventure. "With that comes somewhat slow pacing for the overall experience." But he's confident it'll feel in synch with Remedy's work in general. This fall, Portal with RTX upgrades to NVIDIA DLSS 3.5, making the game even more beautiful, immersive and realistic with the introduction of Ray Reconstruction, a new AI-powered technique that further improves the quality of ray tracing.
Lake added that, Remedy's sense of audience expectations notwithstanding, he himself has difficulty setting aside hours for longer games. "[It's] just struggling with finding time and you know, being interested in a story, wanting to see it through," he said. "So it can even be daunting at times to start playing a game that you know is really, really long." Alan Wake 2 PC Download NVIDIA DLSS is constantly evolving, and is available today in over 330 released games and apps. Now, we’re unveiling NVIDIA DLSS 3.5, featuring Ray Reconstruction, our newest innovation that enhances ray tracing with AI. It's made all the more exciting by the infrequency of these encounters and just how many shots enemies look like they can take. Across more than an hour of play I experienced the entirety of Local Girl, the third chapter of Saga’s story. Within it, I saw plenty of things that will make long-term Alan Wake devotees happy. There are generators to power up, and your shadow-burning flashlight is still a fundamental part of combat. But the shift from nightmare horror to grisly detective thriller on Alan Wake 2 pc download Saga’s side of the story is the first sign of the bold, sweeping changes that Remedy has made in its long-awaited sequel. Deliciously pulpy horror storytelling was at the heart of the original Alan Wake. It returns for the sequel, too, but the Stephen King-isms look to be confined to The Dark Place; the New York-styled nightmare cage the titular writer is trapped in.
Two such distinct styles demanded two different approaches to tone, however. PAYDAY 3 is the much anticipated sequel to one of the most popular co-op shooters ever Alan Wake 2 pc download made. On September 21st, step out of retirement and back into a life of crime in the shoes of the Payday Gang, the nightmare of law-enforcement wherever they go.
It's reminiscent of masterpieces of level design like Dishonored 2's Crack in the Slab or Titanfall 2's Effect and Cause, albeit more focused in scale rather than level-wide shifting realities. If the opening walk through Watery presents an air of Silent Hill, then this later approach positions Alan Wake 2 pc download Alan Wake 2 close to Resident Evil, which has long used its police stations and villages in a similar manner. As I get closer to Coffee World I stumble across a number of containers, each locked by a brain teaser with a difficulty level that scales in correlation with the rewards inside.
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Ray Reconstruction is a new option for developers to improve image quality for their ray-traced titles and is offered as part of DLSS 3.5. Rasterized games featuring DLSS 3.5 also include our latest updates to Super Alan Wake 2 pc download Resolution and DLAA, but will not benefit from Ray Reconstruction due to the lack of ray-traced effects. As the chapter progresses, the Dark Place opens up and reveals what appears to be a Metroid-like nature. The combat navigated with it appears fundamentally similar to that fought by Alan Wake 2's other protagonist, Saga. Alan uses a flashlight to burn away the dark armoured cloud shielding his enemies, before filling their slightly more human form with bullet after bullet. There's an uncertainty as to which of the many shadows haunting the streets will actually be hostile, though. This seems to add an extra level of tension to every step; a moment of hesitation before the precious flashlight battery life is potentially wasted on nothing more than a dark shape. It's edge-of-your-seat stuff and yet another example of the sequel's descent into full horror. Anderson’s case spirals into a nightmare when she discovers pages of a horror story that start to come true around her and suggest disturbing links to Alan Wake, a writer who went missing in the area over a decade ago.
Epic Games fully funded the project with Remedy, we learned last year, so that probably means Epic will be publishing the unannounced game, and therefore it'll very likely be a full-on Epic Games Store exclusive on PC. We’d like to highlight that from time to time, we may miss a potentially malicious software program. To continue promising you a malware-free catalog of programs and apps, our team has integrated Alan Wake 2 Download a Report Software feature in every catalog page that loops your feedback back to us. Clapped-out Soul Reaver enthusiast with dubious academic backstory who obsesses over dropped diary pages in horror games. "I think that with Remedy games - if we go back through the whole history - being very story-focused games, have traditionally been quite short, like 10 hours or so," Lake observed at one point.
0 notes
marvelous-writer · 3 years
i’ll chase away your nightmares and keep you safe
Tony looks at him with a worried frown as he hands him a plate with a sandwich and a side of chips. He reaches a hand up and brushes a few stray curls off of Peter’s aching forehead. “You don’t look too good, Pete,” he says.
“I don’t feel that great,” Peter admits, not having the energy to pretend that he is.
“How’s your head feeling?”
“Hurts,” Peter mumbles miserably.
“Hmm,” Tony hums, as he braces his hand against Peter’s forehead.
Peter lets his eyes slip shut as he leans into his cool hand, bringing only a small amount of relief to his pounding head. He almost wants to cry when Tony takes his hand away.
“You do feel a little warm. I wouldn’t have had you slaving away out there in the sun if I’d known you didn’t feel good, Pete.”
“It wasn’t this bad earlier. I think I’m just tired or my brain is fried,”
Peter experiences a bad migraine while he’s staying up at the cabin and Tony helps him through it.
Word count: 3,159
Genre: whump, angst, hurt/comfort
Link to read on Ao3:
A/N: Part 3 of @webpril
Peter squints against the harsh sunlight as he wipes sweat off his forehead, trying to ignore the pain pounding away in his head. 
“Hand me that wrench, will you?” Tony asks from his position kneeling on the grass in front of the pressure washer that had broken down as they started to power wash the house.
Peter nods as he reaches into the red toolbox and grabs said wrench and hands it to Tony. “What do you think? Is it going to make it?” He asks with a hint of sarcasm. 
“Well,” Tony says with a grunt as he tightens a bolt on the machine. “I think she has a few more good years left in her.” He says, shooting a smile over his shoulder at Peter. 
Peter smiles in return, trying not to wince when his head lets off a particularly sharp throb. He’s had this killer headache since he woke up this morning but it hasn’t been this bad until now. Sitting out here in the middle of a heatwave in the sun probably isn’t a wise decision on his part. He’d rather be inside where the cool AC is, sprawled out on his bed in the dark, sleeping this off. But he’d never say no to spending time with Tony, even if it involves a mundane task of fixing a pressure washer. 
“So… I was thinking—” Tony says as he hands Peter the wrench back when he’s done using it. 
“That can be dangerous,” Peter says. 
Tony huffs out a laugh as he shoots a grin over his shoulder at Peter. “Like son like father, I guess.” He says. 
A warm and fuzzy feeling bubbles up in Peter’s chest at his words as he smiles, ducking his head down as he puts the wrench back in the toolbox. “What were you thinking?”  
“I was thinking… what if I made some fettuccine Alfredo for dinner tonight, get some ice cream at your favorite place down the street, and we can have a nice, relaxing family movie night?” Tony asks as he wipes his oily hands on a hand towel, standing up from the ground with a small grunt when his knees click in protest. 
“Yeah, that sounds good,” Peter says with a smile as he pushes himself up from the ground, only to pause when his head gives off a particularly sharp throb from the new position. He reaches up and rubs at his forehead, hissing slightly though gritted teeth. 
This always happens when he tries to work through the pain of a headache, which hopefully isn’t upgrading to a migraine but with Peter’s luck, it probably is. 
And of course, Tony’s dad senses tingle. 
“You okay?” Tony asks, looking at Peter with his brows pulled together in concern. 
“Yeah… just a headache.”
Tony’s still frowning as he looks down at his watch to check the time. “It’s a little after noontime, so how about we head on inside and I’ll whip you up a sandwich for lunch.” 
“Sure.” Peter agrees easily, letting Tony guide him inside the blissfully cool house and out of the intense sun and heat. 
They find Morgan sitting on the couch in front of the tv watching one of her cartoons, one that Peter doesn’t know because it came out sometime in those five years during the Blip. 
“How about you sit with Morgan while I get lunch started?” Tony suggests. 
Peter slips his shoes off at the front door before he walks over to the couch, wincing at the sunlight pouring in from the windows, mixed with the obnoxiously bright colors from the cartoon on the tv. He plops down on the chaise section of the couch next to Morgan and throws a pillow over his face to shield himself from the light. 
“Are you okay, Petey?” Morgan questions. 
“Yup…” Peter mumbles beneath the pillows. “M’ all good, Morgs.” 
“Why are you hiding?”
“M’ not hiding. Just trying to sleep and the light’s bothering my eyes.” He tells her. 
“Does your head hurt like Daddy’s does sometimes?” She asks. 
“A little.” 
“Oh! I’m sorry.” Morgan whispers.
“S’okay.” Peter mumbles. 
 It takes only a few minutes before Peter feels himself drifting off to the soft murmurs coming from the tv, but he can’t quite fall asleep with his head pounding away. It almost makes him want to cry at the unfairness of it all—why his brain just won’t shut off and let him fall into a pit of painless nothingness.
He’s taken out of his almost-asleep state by a hand gently shaking his shoulder. “Pete, you awake? Lunch is all ready.” Tony says in a soft voice. 
“Mhmm…” Peter hums as he slowly sits up, letting the pillows fall away from his face, finding the room’s curtains to be drawn with the tv off, settling the space in a soothing semi-darkness. 
Tony looks at him with a worried frown as he hands him a plate with a sandwich and a side of chips. He reaches a hand up and brushes a few stray curls off of Peter’s aching forehead. “You don’t look too good, Pete,” he says. 
“I don’t feel that great,” Peter admits, not having the energy to pretend that he is. 
“How’s your head feeling?” 
“Hurts,” Peter mumbles miserably.  
“Hmm,” Tony hums, as he braces his hand against Peter’s forehead. 
Peter lets his eyes slip shut as he leans into his cool hand, bringing only a small amount of relief to his pounding head. He almost wants to cry when Tony takes his hand away. 
“You do feel a little warm. I wouldn’t have had you slaving away out there in the sun if I’d known you didn’t feel good, Pete.”
“It wasn’t this bad earlier. I think I’m just tired or my brain is fried,” 
Tony huffs out a small laugh. “Your brain isn’t fried, Pete. You’re just tired and you’ve been overworking yourself lately. How about you eat what you can and you can nap until dinner?” 
Sleep. That sounds pretty nice right about now. 
“Okay.” Peter agrees easily. 
After lunch, Tony helps Peter upstairs to his bedroom and draws the black-out curtains, engulfing the room into darkness, much to Peter’s relief. 
Peter is about to lie down but Tony stops him by handing him one of his pain meds. 
“But they make me feel weird and loopy,” Peter argues weakly. 
“I know you don’t like taking them, but it’ll help with the pain,” Tony says. 
Peter sighs but takes the pill anyways just to please him, swallowing it down with a few sips of water from the cup Tony gives him. 
When Peter is lying down on his side with his eyes closed, he hears Tony walk out of the room and down the hallway to the bathroom before the sink turns on, until footsteps approach his room. 
Peter breathes out a relieved sigh when he feels a cool, wet washcloth being placed over his eyes and forehead. 
“Better?” Tony asks as Peter feels the bed dip down next to his hip. 
“Mhmm…” Peter hums, feeling the coolness take the edge off his headache so it no longer feels like his head is at risk of exploding from the pressure. “You gonna stay?” He asks hopefully. 
“Sure thing, kiddo,” Tony says, hearing him get up again before the bed dips down beside him until he feels the man’s hand card through his curls. 
The feeling soothes Peter as he breathes out another sigh of relief as he allows himself to relax, feeling the tension leave his body. 
It only takes a few moments before Peter finds himself drifting off to sleep, feeling the pain grows duller as his consciousness fades away. 
Peter can’t breathe as dust begins to fill his lungs. 
He looks up with wide, tear-filled eyes at Tony, who’s standing several feet away from him, looking equally as scared as Peter.
“I don’t wanna go,” he pleads, voice wobbling as he takes a few stumbling steps towards him. “P-Please��P-Please, I don’t wanna go. I don’t wanna go.” 
Tony opens his arms as Peter falls forward, but instead of falling into Tony’s arms, he falls right through him as Tony suddenly crumbles to nothing but a pile of ashes. 
“N-No!” Peter screams as catches himself on his shaking arms, saving himself from face-planting on the orange, dirt-covered ground… which is now covered in Tony’s ashes. “N-No…. p-please,” Peter sobs as he carefully picks up a handful of it, only to break out into a harsh cough that has him doubled over, finding that he’s coughing up dust. 
That’s all he sees. 
Peter blinks away the tears in his eyes as he looks around himself, seeing figures of ashes floating in the air where the Guardians and Dr. Strange once stood. 
He’s all alone. 
Peter takes in a shuddering breath as he looks back down at himself, only to see that his hands are now disappearing, dust falling from his fingertips, joining Tony’s on the ground. It quickly travels up his hands, then his forearms, climbing up his entire body. 
Peter sucks in a gasp, feeling like his insides are now full with his own ashes, suffocating him. 
He’s dying. 
He’s all alone. 
They all fall down. 
They all… fall… down. 
Peter’s eyes snap open, only to be met with a horrible, pulsating pain radiating through his skull, feeling like it’s about to explode as something hot shoots up his throat. 
Peter shoots up into a sitting position as he gags, only for more waves of sharp pain to stab at his head as he tries to get up. But the moment that he manages to swing his legs over the bed, he gags again and hot, liquidy vomit spews out of his mouth, landing all over his lap and the floor. 
But the only thing he can see is ashes. 
Peter gasps in the middle of a gag, only to break out into a harsh round of coughing but it only brings back the memory of him coughing up dust in his nightmare… or was it real? Is he already dead and this is a dream? Or his worst nightmare that he’ll have to live again and again in a constant, torturous loop?
His head and ears are pounding too much, Peter doesn’t hear the pair of footsteps running up the stairs towards his bedroom. 
Peter slams his eyes shut as he coughs up more bile—more ashes. 
His ashes. 
It’s happening again. 
Thanos snapped.
Half the universe is gone. 
Thanos won and they lost. 
“Peter! Peter—look at me, kid!” A voice filters its way through the sheer panic racing through him, mixing with all the pain. “Pete—open your eyes for me!” 
Peter snaps his eyes open, only to find Tony’s worried face in front of him—but it’s just like before, except Tony turned to ashes right in front of him. 
“T-Tony p-please,” Peter hoarsely says, feeling something cold slide down his cheeks. “P-Please—I-I don’t wanna go. P-Please,” he begs as he slams his eyes shut, unable to get the image of Tony crumbling to nothing in front of him. 
His breathing comes in quick gasps now, and it feels like his insides are filling up again—oh God. It’s happening again. He’s going to die and there isn’t anything or anyone that can stop it. Thanos won again—he’s always going to win. He’s never going to stop coming. 
Peter’s dying all over again. 
“Pete—you’re okay. Peter! You’re not dying—kiddo, please listen to me!” 
He’s going to die. 
Peter lets out a choked sob, only to throw up more bile. “I-I can’t-” he sucks in a sharp, choked breath. “Can’t breathe-”
Black dots dance around in his vision as he opens his eyes, finding a blurry figure in front of him, feeling cold hands on his face. 
“Pete you’ve gotta listen to me, bud. You have to breathe.” 
“I c-can’t,” Peter chokes out around a sob, squeezing his eyes shut again. “I-I can’t—I c-can’t!” 
“Yes, you can. You can breathe. You’re not going anywhere. I promise you, Pete. Please. Come back to me. Try to take in a deep breath, okay? Think you can do that for me, kiddo?” 
Peter sucks in a gasping breath, feeling horribly lightheaded now, but he tries. 
“That’s it, Pete. That’s it, kiddo. In and out.” Tony soothes. 
It feels like forever until Peter’s lungs give in, letting air in and allowing him to breathe. He sucks in a shaky breath that triggers a harsh round of coughing, before he opens his eyes and blinks a few times to clear his blurry vision. 
“T-Tony?” Peter asks, seeing the man kneeling in front of him with a worried expression on his face. 
“I’m right here, Pete,” Tony tells him in a soft voice. “You back with me?” 
Peter blinks, his brows pulling together as he shakily nods. He closes his eyes against the pounding behind them, mixed with horrible nausea churning away in his stomach. “I don’t feel good,” he mumbles. 
“I know you don’t kiddo. I’m so sorry,” Tony says, feeling a hand brush away a strand of damp curls that are stuck to his sweaty forehead. “How about you take a minute to catch your breath and we’ll get you all cleaned up and back into bed, okay?”
Peter blinks hard as he looks down at his lap again, but closes his eyes at the disgusting state of his lap. He opens them back up again and looks at Tony, brows pulled together. “I-Is this… is this real?” He asks. 
Tony’s face falls as he reaches up and gently wipes a trail of tears from Peter’s cheeks with a calloused thumb. “Of course it is, bud,” he softly says. “This is real, I’m real and you’re at the cabin with me, Pepper and Morgan.” 
Peter sniffs wetly. “B-But… it just felt s-so real.” He whispers. 
Tony nods as he runs a hand through Peter’s hair. “I know, Pete but I promise you it wasn’t. It was just a nightmare.” He says in a soft voice as he places the back of his hand on Peter’s forehead, frowning. “You’re burning up, kiddo. It looks like this is more than just a migraine.” 
Peter breathes out a sigh at that. “‘Course it’s not.” He mumbles miserably. Good ol’ Parker Luck. 
“How about we get you cleaned up, hmm?” 
Peter wordlessly nods as Tony helps him stand up, grabbing him a change of clothes from the dresser before slowly leading him out of his room and down the hallway to the bathroom. Tony is practically carrying him with how wobbly his legs are, but they manage to make it to the bathroom and Tony helps him sit on the closed toilet seat. 
Peter closes his eyes against the painful throbbing going on behind them, letting himself slowly slump against the wall next to him. He’s barely aware of Tony wiping his face with a warm washcloth until he’s gently shaken. 
“Pete, you gotta open your eyes for me, bud,” Tony says softly. 
Peter lets out a low, hoarse groan as he blinks open his eyes, squinting against the LED lighting in the bathroom. 
“Arms up,” Tony instructs as he helps him out of his ruined t-shirt and into a clean one. “Think you can stand up on your own so you can change your pants?” 
Peter binks slowly. “M’ kinda dizzy,” he admits.
Tony frowns at that as he goes back to the task at hand and helps Peter slide his ruined pajama pants off, grateful to have a pair of boxers on to save him any further embarrassment. Tony helps him stand up on shaky legs to pull on the clean pair of sweatpants he grabbed, helping Peter pull them up to his waist.
“I think you’re good to go, bud,” Tony says, offering him a small smile.
Peter tries to smile but he thinks it comes out more of a grimace. Tony wraps an arm around his waist and helps him out of the bathroom and back down the hall towards his room at a slow pace. When they walk back into the room, Pepper is throwing a white duvet over his bed and she looks up at them, offering Peter a warm, sympathetic smile.
“How are you feeling, honey?” She asks.
Peter makes a weak sound at the back of his throat as he blinks sluggishly, too tired to form words anymore.
“He’s feeling pretty crappy,” Tony answers for him as he guides him over to the bed and helps him lie down on the clean sheets, which Peter suspects Pepper changed while they were gone.
Despite how out of it he is, Peter feels guilty that she cleaned up after him.
“M’ sorry,” Peter mumbles as he blinks open his eyes as Tony pulls the covers up to his chin. “M’ such a problem.”
Tony frowns as he exchanges a look Peter doesn’t catch with Pepper before he looks back down at him as he sits on the edge of the bed. “No, you’re not,”
Peter shakes his head, feeling tears pricking at his eyes. “I am,” He argues weakly. “Y-You shouldn’t have to deal with me.”
“Peter,” Pepper says as she sits down on the edge of the bed on the other side. “You’re not a problem, honey. You’re sick and you’re tired. We want to help you, okay?”
“Yeah,” Tony agrees. “Besides, it’s part of the job description.” He says with a small smile.
Peter honestly doesn’t know what he’s done in life to deserve such an amazing and caring family.
“Why don’t you try to get some more sleep?” Tony says as he fixes the blanket around Peter and tucks him in.
“Okay,” Peter mumbles as he blinks up at him with half-lidded eyes.
“Feel better, honey,” Pepper says softly as she smoothes a hand over his hair before she stands up and walks out into the hallway.
A spark of fear shoots through Peter as Tony stands up and he thinks he’s about to leave too. “Can you stay?” Peter slurs tiredly.
“Of course I can,” Tony says, the corners of his lips turning up in a small smile as he walks to the other side of the bed and settles against the headrest.
Peter slowly rolls on his side so he’s facing him and wiggles himself up so his head is resting against Tony’s chest, earning a chuckle from him in response.
“Feeling a little cuddly are we?”
“Mhmm…” Peter hums as he closes his eyes, feeling Tony’s hand settle in his hair, hearing the faint, comforting thumping of Tony’s heart against his ear. “T’hnks for taking care of me,” he mumbles sleepily.
“That’s what I’m here for, Pete,” Tony tells him, warmness in his voice as he cards his fingers through Peter’s curls.
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watermelonlipstick · 3 years
Dreams, Chapter 16
If you haven’t read this series before, you might want to start on Chapter 1, or check out the Dreams Masterlist! Here’s the series description:
When Dean dies for good leaving Sam and his girlfriend (the reader) behind, they must figure out how to carry on without him. Alone, reeling, and unsure what to do next, trying to honor Dean’s memory and follow their hearts gets even more complicated when their nightmares become dreams that feel a little too real.
Title: Dreams, Chapter 16
Pairing: (past) Dean Winchester x Reader, (eventual) Sam Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 1754
Summary: Some of Sam’s efforts to ‘nest’ in their new life together reveal new possibilities.
Warnings: angst, FLUFF, swearing, s l o w  b u r n
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           Water laps at the weather-beaten wood of the dock underneath you slowly and the rhythm feels like hypnosis with the sun beating down a blanket. You sense Dean at your side without opening your eyes.
           “So…was he any good?”
           You can’t help but laugh, hearing the echo go out over the small lake, and get up to your elbows. It’s bright enough that you have to squint over at Dean where he lays next to a couple fishing poles and a cooler, t shirt hitched up to show a sliver of his stomach with his arms behind his head. His smile is devilish, made even more smug with eyes closed against the sun so his lashes cast an inch-long shadow on the dusting of freckles across his cheeks. “You can’t ask that!” you giggle.
           His lips flatten into a knowing line. “So that’s a no?”
           “Jesus Christ, of course it’s not a n—you know what, I’m not talking to you about this,” you smile, laying back down.
           “Ooh, so it’s a yes,” he teases as he turns on his side to face you. “Go Sammy. That mean you two are, like, going steady now?”
           You let your head loll over to him and roll your eyes. “Are you done?”
           “Not yet. Is he going to let you wear his letterman jacket? Take you to junior prom?”
           “I’m giving you ten more seconds.”
           Dean laughs, free and easy. “Fine, okay, I’m done. Wait—did he wrap it?”
           “DEAN!” you yell, covering your face in embarrassment.
           “Okay, alright, okay.” He’s still chuckling when you open your eyes to look over at him and reaches over to slip a piece of hair behind your ear. “You, ah, you seem happy.”
           You search his eyes for any hidden anger and find only the softness of calm affection with a pinch of solemnity. Where his hand lingers in your hair you turn into it, pressing your lips to Dean’s palm. “I am.”
           Dean smiles, straight teeth a perfect row of pearls so white you think for a second they might ‘ding’ with sparkle like a cartoon, and he looks relaxed enough as he puts his hands back behind his head that it calls up images of a kitten falling asleep in a sunny spot like this even as he keeps his eyes on you. “Took you guys long enough.”
           “And you’re still okay with this?”
           “Yeah, hell yeah. That’s the best I could ever ask for, you two happy. So, what do you say? Want to see if we can catch some fish?”
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           Spring was a blessing; clean greenness breaking through the grey and white purifying the air and breathing new life into you, Sam, and the community you’d come to be a part of. The cabin was that much nicer with the new hours of sunlight pouring through the windows and all the upgrades you had put into it, to the point that you began to feel truly comfortable there. You even invited the Kaisers over for dinner a few times, feeling more like equal partners in your burgeoning friendship with them.
           You started to feel stable enough to get things; picked up a bookshelf at the combination flea/farmer’s market that happened in the K-12 school’s field every Saturday morning and got higher quality spatulas to cook with, the kinds of nonessential stuff you never would’ve bought before knowing you were going to stay in one place long enough to get good use out of them. Sam, in turn, kept building: changing the locks to sturdier ones and erecting a shed big enough to hold a lawn mower.
           You’d been cooking on an early Sunday afternoon when Sam came home and crossed the cabin in a few strides, giving you a kiss on the cheek before setting a thick paper bag down on the kitchen counter. “Smells great, what’re you making?”
           “Ratatouille!” you buzzed, placing a slice of eggplant carefully into its slot. “I’ve never had it, but I’ve always thought it looks so pretty. Hopefully it’s good. Where were you?”
           “Hardware store. I thought maybe I could build a greenhouse; see if we could grow anything. Might be enough to work against the cold.”
           You raised your eyebrows in appreciative surprise. “Look at you! What’re you thinking? Poppies? Platinum OG? Purple Haze?”
           Setting a box of screws down, Sam rolled his eyes through a smile. “My plan was more along the lines of tomatoes or something, but I’ll, uh, take those suggestions under advisement.” You had a sudden urge to twist a gentle finger into the dimple that stayed on his cheek as he unloaded the rest of his supplies but didn’t want to embarrass him, instead sweeping some garlic skins into your hand to throw into the small bucket Sam kept under the sink to collect scraps for the compost pile. When the bag was empty he refolded it and took off his jacket, passing by you to put it on its hook by the door. “Want any help?” he asked, sounding about as breezy as you’d ever heard him.
           “It just has to bake for about an hour. Does a late lunch work with your construction schedule?”
           Sam leaned over to slip a hand around your waist and kissed the top of your head before grabbing an armful of stuff to take outside. “Definitely. Just yell when you’re ready for me.”
           You giggled and waggled your eyebrows suggestively. “I’m always ready for you.”
           He tried his best not to blush but bit his lip in spite of himself, looking up at you with a bashful twinkle in his eye. “I walked into that one, didn’t I?”
           In response you held up a spare slice of zucchini that Sam readily accepted, opening his mouth like an obedient puppy and chewing as he went out the back door.
           You loved watching Sam work on his greenhouse in the weeks that followed, getting so excited about the tiny shoots sprouting up from the soil that he sometimes woke up early to check on them before starting his day. After a few weeks he woke you up one morning with a cup of coffee, bare-chested under slightly sleep-tangled hair and the hems of his flannel pants sloppily half inside his boots. “I wanna show you something,” he said, throat still gravelly. You accepted the mug and got out of bed, following him drowsily and jamming your feet inside your shoes at the door, too tired to worry about the laces.
           He led you into the greenhouse with its clear plastic walls and pointed down at a petite bud on top of a green stalk. It had the telltale waviness of a basil leaf, and when you bent down to look closer at it the plant already smelled herbaceous. “It’s so cute!” you hummed. Sam practically glowed with satisfaction, an unbridled smile the perfect accessory to the broad span of his chest where it was backlit by the fuzzy light through the greenhouse walls. You straightened and rubbed his back in congratulations, staring down at the plant together with your coffees like parents on Christmas morning. Tucked in the corner of the greenhouse behind the basil, a scattering of bitty white flowers caught your eye against the burnt umber soil.
           “Wait, you already have stuff flowering in here? What’s that?” you asked, tiptoeing around the wooden stakes in the soil to get closer.
           “Oh—I, uh—” he stammered behind you.
           At arm’s length the flowers looked vaguely familiar and you stopped short. “Is that—?” You turned back to Sam, who seemed not to be able to come up with anything to say, his face the kind of blank surprise that indicated he didn’t know whether you were about to be upset. “Really? Where’d you even…how did you get some?”
           He tucked his hair behind his ears to stall for even a half second. “I—well, I found a guy who got me—got us—some.”
           “You still have an African dream root hookup?”
           Sam’s lips pressed into a well-practiced silent ‘I guess?’ and he reached back to ruffle the hair at the nape of his neck, the movement stretching his side distractingly enough that if you hadn’t been so startled by the discovery of a plot of dream root literally in your own backyard you might’ve forgotten what you were talking about altogether.
           You raised your eyebrows expectantly, waiting for him to explain.
           “I made some calls, found someone in Milwaukee who got his hands on some and he mailed it here. I didn’t want to, uh, tell you in case I couldn’t get it to grow.”
           All kinds of possibilities and frustrations raced through your head. “So you’ve had this for weeks? That’s why you built the greenhouse?” Sam didn’t answer fast enough. “Never mind, I don’t care,” you found yourself saying, and surprisingly, actually meaning. You took a deep breath to stop the words from jumbling together. “Do you think it’ll work?” you breathed, knowing he would understand the real question: would we be able to see Dean together?
           “Only one way to find out.”
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           For whatever reason you’d gotten freshly showered, made up, and dressed before brewing the tea with Sam on your next day off of work. It felt like there should be some level of pomp and circumstance about it, this giant undertaking that might be able to change your whole life again, even knowing that your prep wouldn’t translate into a dream. You were giddy with anxiety and almost wished you could reasonably put it off, the idea of this new possibility being yet another dead end making you nauseous.
           “Your place or mine?” you asked, trying to put a little sheen of humor on your nerves.
           Sam chuckled but you could tell he was nervous too, rubbing his palms dry on the knees of his jeans over and over again. “You haven’t done it before, right?”
           You shook your head. “Is there a learning curve or something?”
           “Honestly it’s been long enough that I don’t really remember. Hold on—hold still.” He reached out and very gingerly swept a finger across your cheekbone, drawing back to show you an eyelash stuck to the whorl of its pad.
           You straightened where you sat on the edge of the bed. “That’s as good a sign as any. Cheers, I guess.” Sam dropped the tiny hair into his mug and touched the ceramic to yours, his eyes hopeful and reassuring as you took tandem sips.
           And then you were off.
Continue to Dreams, Chapter 17
Thanks again for reading! If you liked it, check out my Masterlist or send me a request!
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 And as always, if you want to be on my taglist, were on the taglist and changed your handle, or I lost track of it, please let me know!
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jarofstyles · 4 years
Dirty Business - Latte
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A/N: This story. We are really proud of. It’s a spin on business man!harry x spoiled brat y/n. The character development and everything about it just made us so happy and we hope you enjoy :)
send us feedback and requests here
If you like this, check out our Patreon!
pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
warnings: cheating, a hints of angst 
word count: 9.5k
It had been one year since Harry had moved to New York and he still couldn’t get over how dirty it could be. He groaned when he saw it begin to get sunny outside, not because he didn’t want sun— no. Because it would make the humidity terrible. A muggy New York wasn’t enjoyable to many. Though, above it all, he did like it. He had a comfortable apartment with tuning water and head and air conditioning. A cat. A toaster and working appliances. A nice bed and couch, even a tv. He had done well for himself and the pay upgrade at his new level had been immaculate. Hell, he had even gotten a girlfriend! But it just felt a bit... lacking. 
He was working hard to get closer and closer to head spots. Harry has been given a pretty good role now, going out to discuss and make deals with potential clients and brands to partner with their locations. He was a people person. His boss, he loved him. He wasn’t sure why, but his work effort and apparently his accent made people here take him more seriously than they had previously. He did well bringing in deals and sweet talking clients to better deals for their end. He saved and made them money. He sighed, resting his hand on his face as he looked over a proposal. Investments were good and always changing, which helped. Just like the city. He needed some sort of excitement. He just didn’t expect to get it so soon. The knock at his door had his sitting up, placing the paper down. His reading glasses were pulled off, making out his boss and seemingly someone behind him. 
“Styles! My boy... I want to introduce you to my little girl!”
Y/N had it all growing up. Clothes, makeup, electronics, events, trips, you name it. She did what she wanted when she wanted, always on top of the latest trends. She always had an interest in fashion which her mother was all for seeing as she herself was a designer. Some call her a spoiled brat, and maybe she was, but she was a business woman none the less. She always got what she wanted one way or another, weaseling her way into fashion week when she was 15 to befriend all the designers, so much so that they sent her free things to this day! Now at the ripe age of 22, Y/N had her own boutique showcasing her designs for special order. She did quite well for herself, seeing as she didn’t really need to worry about money. It was all sort of just finding outlets for her creativity so she wouldn’t lose her mind. 
Her father of course was disappointed that her mother couldn’t give him a son to take over the business, but pushed Y/N to take over the business once he retired. It really wasn’t happening though. It just wasn’t her thing, dealing with annoying workers who simply wouldn’t listen to her. Sounded like a nightmare, no wonder her dad was so grey. Since she didn’t want to take over the business her father had come up with another plan. Tried pairing her off with his loser interns, or potential replacements in hopes to keep his claws in the company.
She had heard so much about Harry Styles. God, her dad couldn’t be farther up his ass! Apparently he was English and smart, saved them lots of money, he was extremely well mannered. Things her dad said to butter her up usually. Of course, coming in to meet him, she wasn’t expected to see that. Her eyes instantly locked with his, only tearing away so she could scan up and down his body. She wanted him. He was perfect! Every single hair placed on his head, down to his ring clad hands, and to his work shoes. Y/N wasn’t expecting this, but god was she happy to see him. 
“Hi Harry, it’s so nice to finally meet you.” She hummed, turning up the charm.
“Hello, it’s nice to meet you as well, Y/N.” Harry stood from his desk and rounded it to be polite, reaching his hand out. His smile was genuine, but his mind was nervous. His boss had often brought up Y/N in passing and said how he wanted her to marry someone from the company so he could know he was a good man, wanted him to meet her so badly, and now was that chance. It wasn’t that she wasn’t attractive— because fuck, that would be a lie. She was beautiful. Silky hair and glossy lips, chest on display and legs for days. Perfect hips and probably thighs, she was an absolute catch. But she was trouble. He could see it in her eyes and her cat like smile. She wanted something. He could see her mood shift from exasperated with her father for making her come, to interested. Which he wasn’t sure was dangerous or not. 
“Your father has told me a lot about you. It’s nice to finally meet you in person.” He murmured, trying to take his hand but failing when her grip tightened for a moment before actually letting go. He felt uneasy. She was looking at him like a cat that looked at a mouse— but he hid it easily.
“All good things I hope.” Y/N cooed, letting a little giggle as their hands separated. “I’ve heard lots about you as well, Daddy says you’re doing wonders for the company.” She smirked, knowing her father wouldn’t be too pleased with her letting Harry in on something but then again, she was playing the game. Y/N wanted Harry to know she had the power to make things happen for him but just as easily take them away. “I’m sure you’re very busy, but you should give me your number and we can do lunch sometime? I’d love to hear all about what your plans for the company are.” Y/N was kissing ass. God, she was practically oozing out desire. She was phrasing things so he couldn’t say no. She wanted to spend more time with him and she would, especially without her father so she could actually pull some moves. Her father had clearly gotten the hint that she liked Harry, smiling to himself. 
“Think that’s a wonderful idea sweetheart. It would be good for you, Harry could teach you a lot of things.” He nodded and Y/N’s smirk only deepened, “I’m sure he could...” She hummed, licking over her lips.
Harry could tell she was cornering him. Especially with the look she was giving him. She was quite a smooth talker and he could tell that just by looking at her that he was going to be in trouble. It made him feel a bit panicky inside. 
“Um... sure, yeah. I’d be happy to tell you about business.” He said clearly. Y/N looked like she didn’t care though, a laugh coming from her when he handed her his phone. The lock screen was his girlfriend, Caroline. She was a very sweet girl. Truthfully, she was a tiny bit too pushy when it comes to moving along. They’d been together for 6 months and she was trying to get them to move in together but he wasn’t ready yet. She was great but he still felt.. a bit flighty. She wasn’t exactly what he wanted but she was a lovely girl. He did like her quite a bit despite it all.
Y/N has typed in her number and the rest of her information onto his phone and texted herself his contact. She was going to make sure she had everything that she needed. She locked his phone and tapped the screen again seeing the photo of him and some girl. She was pretty, but she was alright. 
“Who’s this?” Y/N asked, looking over the photo for a minute before he answered. “Awe, isn’t that sweet.” She replied, her tone fake as all hell. She wanted him. That girl would be gone, she definitely wasn’t the type of girl who was going to give a man like Harry what he needed. Oh no. If he was the one inheriting her father’s company then he surely would be with someone just as driven, attractive, and interesting. Herself, she mostly meant herself and only herself. “I’ll see you soon then?” She raised a brow, already going to check her schedule. “I can do tomorrow at 12:30 if that’s good with you?” Y/N wasn’t asking, she was telling him the plan. “I’ll text you to address.” She smiled before he had the chance to answer. “It was lovely meeting you, Harry.” She smiled, going up to him and kissing his cheek. “Bye.” Y/N giggled and with that she made her way back to her father giving him a kiss on the cheek and a quick ‘bye daddy’ making eye contact with Harry and winking before leaving his office. 
Harry knew that women like Y/N wouldn’t let go easily. He knew that. It was just hard when he had the bit of internal want there too. He knew that he was bad for that, yes. He had a girlfriend. But the same way Y/N was drawn to him, he felt it. Which is exactly why he was going to push it all the way down. If it was at a bar and she was someone random? He would try it, but this was his boss's daughter. Every single red flag was there. Everyone. He worked so hard to get to where he was and he knew that this could single handedly destroy everything he worked for. If he was late for a date or got the wrong chocolates she could potentially kiss his career goodbye. He didn’t like this. His stomach hurt with nerves, feeling like he was going to be cornered into a wall and he hated it. He hated feeling nervous and worried because a woman like Y/N didn’t give up. She had the world handed to her and knew how to get what she wanted.
Y/N was excited though, finally one of her father’s prospects were actually promising! She couldn’t believe it, he’d actually chosen well not only for the job at hand but for her as well. 
“Daddy, I like him.” Y/N spoke on the phone to her father while she was getting her weekly mani pedi. “I need you to make sure you keep him around, okay? I’ll be in the office more... just— please make it happen?” She pleaded, knowing that as far as her father was in the loop she’d be okay. 
Later that day she had texted Harry the address to the restaurant that wasn’t too far from the building he worked at. It would be perfect for when they’d walk because together and Y/N would meet with her father to discuss what she could do for him. She wanted it to be perfect, wanted to get inside that beautiful head of his and hopefully get him to fall in love with her. She knew that she often came off as a crazy psycho bitch, but she could be nice and funny and sweet when she wanted. It just wasn’t something she wanted to do. People go nowhere being nice in her world, she learned that the hard way. 
There was no way he was going to ignore the brunch. Not after his boss had called him and said to take it easy today and take his time getting back to the office, wishing him well for the brunch. She had her father in the loop. She knew her power. He had put on normal work clothes, sunglasses on his head as he made his way in. Apparently she got a private table which made both fear and excitement rise in his head. He squashed the later down, making his way with square shoulders to her. He could be polite. Tell her business things. But he wasn’t going to develop into personal matters. He had a feeling that’s what she wanted but was hoping she may genuinely just be curious. 
“Hello, Y/N. I apologize I’m a minute late, the hostess wasn’t at the front and I couldn’t see you back here.” It was a back patio, beautifully decorated with vines and flowers and had a beautiful brick. It was great. Too bad he felt on edge. She looked gorgeous, but he had the feeling it was hard for her not to.
Y/N smiled when she saw him, admiring his choice of outfit. Did he always look this good? She hoped so. So clean and professional even when not wearing a single item of designer. That’s what Y/N called fashion, being able to pull off a look. They’d look great together. She could already see it all now, just how many events they’d go to. The dream. 
“No worries, Harry, I’m glad you could make it.” She cooed, “hope you don’t mind being out here... don’t really like being in there when it’s too crowded.” Y/N explained though it really was an attempt to just get him alone and really get to know him with ease, to not have to talk over anyone in a restaurant or have prying eyes. “Daddy said to put everything on his tab so, feel free to order as you please.” She told him, “he’s really excited to see me get out more, wants me to know more about the business... thinks you’ll be a good influence on me.” Y/N could tell he was nervous though, smirking to herself as she sipped on her mimosa. “Why are you nervous?”
“Hm? Oh, I have a big meeting with a client later.” He did, but he wasn’t nervous. She made him uncomfortable in the oddest way but he wasn’t going to tell her that. “The bigger accounts are a bit harder to navigate but it’ll be alright.” He paused when the waitress came over, seemingly pleased at Harry's presence. He knew he was decent looking. He was just polite, ordering water and a plate of French toast. He wasn’t drinking around her. No fucking way. “So what about the business were you interested in particularly?” He folded his hands in front of him. Was it an excuse to get him to come and see her? Most likely. Y/N was clever and quick and he knew that she thrives off of that and the fact that she thinks she’s going to get him. Her acrylic nails looked sharp.
Y/N smirked, knowing full well he was lying but she was going to let it go for his sake. He of course knew she was aware though, it made her feel a bit more smug. She was completely relaxed, just watching him as he spoke and sat all stiff in the chair. She wanted him to feel comfortable around her, but that would take a while. She needed to break him in. 
“You.” She flirted, taking a sip of her drink once again. Y/N wanted to know about the business if it involved him of course. He couldn’t exactly walk out either, her father would be very disappointed. “What? Does that come as a surprise to you?” She asked, genuinely amused. He was a good guy. He wasn’t even trying anything, he was pushing back even! Where on earth did her father find him? “Tell me about how you ended up over here in New York.” She started off small, deciding that she would ask the things she wanted to know that were less personal before she started convincing him about how he should break up with his girlfriend because he could do so much better.
God damn it. He truly was a cornered puppy. He couldn’t very well leave because he wasn’t going to let her father pay the tab. He was a gentleman in all aspects and even if he didn’t want to be here, he would stay and make it clear he couldn’t do anything with her. 
“That’s very nice of you.” He cleared his throat. “I can’t say I can get too personal however, I ended up here because I excelled in the London branch. Your father was impressed with my work and made it so I was transferred here.” He explained. “It was a nice change of scenery. New York is something else. Plus, I’d like to continue to grow in the company through the years and I’d have to be at the main branch to do so.” Y/N looked like she was eating every bit of information and that made him second guess what he was saying. Why was she so interested in him out of all people? He had nowhere near the money her father did. Wasn’t a big profile. He was a boring business guy with a fondness for cats, vintage things, and his guitar. Y/N furrowed her brows at his comment about how he couldn’t get too personal.
“Why not? I’m your boss's daughter, not your boss, Harry. There’s nothing wrong with making a friend, hmm?” She decided that that was the best way to get him to agree. Have him understand that though she was interested in him as far more than a friend, she wanted to get to know him. “Do you miss London?” She asked genuinely, “Feel like New York’s so different, doesn’t give you the same level of comfort.” Y/N shrugged, “sometimes wish we just moved over there instead but.. Daddy loves it here.” She sighed before asking her follow up question. “Do you travel a lot?” She wanted to make sure she covered all the bases, wanted to know what he was into and what he did in his free time. Y/N might seem like a bit of a snob but she could appreciate the little things. Maybe it was the perk of being raised by nannies? They gave that touch of humble that her parents never really handed down to her. 
“I think you’ll find a lot of success here though. Everyone loves you. Daddy’s always going on about how much you do for the company... don’t think you have much competition if you’re worried about not getting the promotion.” Y/N said honestly, “don’t think he trusts anyone else and to be honest, I wouldn’t either.”
“I do miss London, yes. Especially the food.” He was trying to keep the conversation in neutral territory. This was harder than he had originally thought, but thankfully she was talking about work and that he could talk about. “Thank you, I’m glad you both have confidence in me.” He let himself smile, happy to be in on that. “I want it but I do think I have a ways to go. I want to properly work for my promotions, learn the bases so that when I get there I can be the most knowledgeable.” That wasn’t a secret. Harry absorbed information like a sponge. “I do love working for this company. It’s where I’ve wanted to be for a long time and to see it shaping up is amazing. I wouldn’t risk it for anything.” A little comment he hoped she caught. “It’s nice to be able to get my mum a good Christmas gift too.” He said for a moment, forgetting she couldn’t relate to being broke.
Ah, he was one of those. She should have expected it, but something about him seemed too good to be true. He just kept getting better and better with every moment of speaking to him and she was growing more and more frustrated because well. One, he had a girlfriend who definitely didn’t realize the incredible man she had on her hands and two, that he wasn’t asking her anything about herself. Did he not want to know? Of course he did. Y/N caught his comment but chose to ignore it. She didn’t think of it as a risk, it was more of an investment. 
“That’s always a nice feeling.” Y/N smiled at his comment about his mom, thanking the waitress as she brought out some appetizers. “As far as that goes, I don’t really think you have /anything/ to worry about.” She made it sure he too would understand her point. “So New York’s been treating you well then... how long have you and....” She pointed to his phone waiting for him to give her a name. “Caroline— how long have you and Caroline been together?” Y/N wanted to dirt, if he wasn’t going to give it to her himself she’d have to pull it out of him herself.”
He took her words into consideration. The thing was— he didn’t know her. He was going to be as nice as he could be until she started pushing buttons but she had the self destruct right in the palm of her dainty hand. He was worried about that. 
“Oh— yes, Caroline.” He smiled. “She’s lovely. Met her through some friends. We’ve been together for about 6 months.” He did like her but there was no passion and excitement behind his words. Fondness, sure. But that was about it. “New York has been treating me well. I like it. I don’t love the smells but, such is life.” He sighed, shrugging his shoulder before taking a bite. “Have you lived here your entire life?” He didn’t know that. He knew that she had a pony that her dad bought her because he had told him the story before, so he wasn’t sure where she lived. Where the damn pony was, but it was a tame question. Safe.
Y/N could tell just from the way he talked about her that she wasn’t what he wanted long term. If he really liked this girl, he’d be on the edge of his seat with fire burning in his eyes as he told her about how amazing she was. Instead he was sitting there, looking at Y/N with pupils dilated. 
“So you like her, but she’s not what you really want huh?” She stated simply, chuckling at his stunned expression. “Sorry, am I wrong? Dunno, feel like after six months someone’s a bit more than lovely.” Y/N knew she was pressing a button but she wouldn’t be pushing it if she knew she was wrong. “Or, you’re just being choice with your words... cause it’s me, don’t want me knowing too much. I get it.” She was reading him like a book. “Don’t ever underestimate me, save yourself the effort and the nerves.” And just like that she was already on to answering his question. “In New York? Yes, in the city no. My childhood home is in the Hamptons, but we all moved into the city when I graduated highschool.” Y/N explained, “it’s... nice? I live on my own on the upper east side, run my own boutique and help my parents out where I can. I’ve got lots to do, but yeah... wish I had more fun things to do.”
He didn’t want to be a play toy for an heiress. Yes, maybe she was correct about Caroline but he wasn’t about to dump her because she thinks he should. At least, that’s what her talk sounded like. He hated that she could read him. 
“Oh. That sounds nice, having your own boutique. I’m sure there’s plenty of fun things to do if you look hard enough. I’ve been focusing on work lately but I know there’s plenty of things out there if you look elsewhere.” No. He wasn’t giving in to her even though he knew that’s what she wanted. Y/N was going to try and wear him down, but he was hoping he could start early with ignoring the obvious digs. “Is the boutique what you’d like to do? Or do you have other career options you’d want to look at?” He asked, trying to keep his actual curiosities at bay. There were lots he wanted to know but this was one of them. A safe one.
The fact that he even ignored her little dig said enough. The point of that was more for him to know that she could read him and that he shouldn’t try and hide from her because it only made things more obvious. Maybe it was her being hyper aware, having learnt all the tricks people used to get close to her or better yet fuck with her heart. 
“I mean it’s amazing, it really is. I love designing and getting actual pieces out for people to wear and buy... try to make sizing as inclusive as I possibly can because I know there is a market for high end plus size clothing.” Y/N explained, “I guess it’s more of myself wanting to branch out. I like doing lots of things, but can’t seem to separate my own work from my parents.” She chuckled, deciding to be a little vulnerable and she wasn’t that girl. “Maybe it’s a bit cheesy, but ultimately what I want is a family.” Y/N knew it might be a bit much but if she wanted him to understand her, if she wanted him to be a friend and not just some guy who works for her dad, she had to show him who she was. Not that she ever hid anything anyway. “Really just want to be a mom and spend all the time in the world I can with them... I have the privilege of not needing to worry about financial stability so.. yeah.”
He was surprised that she was being seemingly vulnerable with him. This... this type of Y/N? He could like. He could be friends with. When it didn’t seem like there was an ulterior motive, he could definitely be more comfortable. 
“That isn’t cheesy. It’s something that’s very nice, Y/N. I do want a family one day so I can understand it as well.” He didn’t want her to think wanting to be a mother was bad or cheesy. It was admirable. His mum worked hard and raised both himself and his sister while their father worked an office job. They’d never been rich or even super comfortable, but they’d made ends meet. “I think going in a fashion route is good. Especially expanding in sizes if you see a niche in the market for it.” He praised that decision. He was in an investment firm. “It will be difficult to do that with affluent parents however, your work will surely speak for itself in the fashion industry if you want to continue down that path.” He had faith this woman could get nearly everything she wanted, but he could understand being frustrated by her parents' influence.
“I’m glad you think so.” Y/N smiled, feeling herself get all warm and fuzzy inside because no only was he being extremely sweet and kind, but supportive? He had officially ticked every possible box Y/N had for someone she wanted to date and marry. The poor man didn’t realize that he had just signed himself off to being hers without knowing. She’d stop at nothing for him. “What do you do when you’re not investing then? Hmm?” She asked, taking a bite of her eggs Benedict. Y/N felt like since she was more vulnerable he could be too, maybe he’d show her a side to him she didn’t know about, a side that she could possibly relate to. It was so strange, having a man not giving into her despite her attempts. She’d never had this happen before but it made her want him more. Y/N could only hope that he could see past the exterior of her and realize that she was the perfect candidate. She was exciting, young, had money, offered him job security, and most importantly incredible sex. All with time though, she’d get him to crack.
“I play guitar. I have a kitten, he’s growing up fast. Um... I watch documentaries quite a bit.” He admitted. Harry wishes he didn’t have to be so careful but he could still see too much interest in her eyes and he was nervous about her wanting more than just a simple friendship or work relationship. One slip up with her could cost him his job and life here. He’d have to start from scratch at a new company. It wasn’t what the man wanted at all. “I collect records? So I listen to those. I do a lot of research on my own time. Uh, go to bars with friends though I’m not much of a bar hopper.” This wasn’t anything he didn’t want anyone to know, so why did he feel so odd telling her? He didn’t want to unfairly judge Y/N, because so far she had been nice. Pushy, but nice.
“Really?” Y/N’s eyes had properly lit up and she put her fork and knife down. “Do you have pictures? Can I see him? What’s his name?” Y/N was so excited, it would probably be embarrassing to most but she only ever was this soft with animals and babies. “Oh my goodness!” She cooed at the photo, “I have to meet him!” Again, it wasn’t a question, it was a statement. “My mom never let me have pets growing up because of the furniture and now I travel too much... I would hate to leave a little angel all alone or even have them go elsewhere...” Y/N sighed, picking up her utensils again and felt herself get all giddy inside. Harry really was perfect. “That’s cool! So you’re like a proper vintage guy then?” She raised a brow, already thinking of all the cool things she could get her hands on for him. Even if they weren’t dating Y/N would probably do it anyway just because she was so damn fond of him. He was being so incredibly sweet, on a lunch date with her because he wanted to keep his job. It sort of made her sad, but she’d never admit it to him. Y/N wished he didn’t have a girlfriend and that she met him elsewhere so that there wouldn’t be this massive problem. Wished that it was different so that he’d want her and treat her nice. She was still very determined to get him. She knew she would.
He could see a bit of Y/N he was positive other people didn’t. Or, he thought so. There was a lot of softness in there that she definitely hid. He wondered why but had to remind himself that it wasn’t his problem. It hurt to think like that because Y/N was so sweet right now but he was protecting himself. Being kind was a given but he needed to set boundaries if she tried to push past them. He didn’t miss the fact she said she was definitely going to meet his kitten. When the brunch ended, Harry put his cash on the table. 
“I’m sorry, I’m going to be late. I will walk you to your car though?” He wasn’t sure if she had a car or if she walked, whatever it was. He wasn’t sure how to go about this. His head needed a break so he could refocus.
“Oh, that’s fine. Don’t worry about that though, I’m actually meant to be headed back to the office to meet my father anyway. He wants me to help with some things, but thank you for the offer that’s really sweet.” Y/N smiled softly at him, not forgetting to thank him for paying for the meal though he really, really didn’t have to at all. That just made it more of a date. As they walked out Y/N hummed, placing her sunglasses over her eyes as they began walking down the street towards the office. She stayed relatively quiet on their way there, just minding her own business. It wasn’t awkward silence though, perfectly comfortable even up to when they got to her father’s floor. “Thank you so much for coming, I had a really nice time.” Y/N smiled warmly at him, genuinely meaning it this time and he could definitely tell. “We’ll do this again.” She hummed, again kissing his cheek before bidding him a goodbye and heading towards her father's office. Y/N was persistent.
He couldn’t get her to back off. Every week, Harry has a new gift from her. A rare record. Gourmet cat treats for Oliver. A vintage Rolling Stones tee shirt. It was driving him crazy. He had told her over and over that it wasn’t appropriate to give him gifts and yet, every week he ended up with her placing one on his desk. Nearly every day though, she would be at the office and would spend an hour lounging in his office. When she would get too flirty Harry would shut it down with a simple reminder that she was being inappropriate. To which she would laugh and roll her eyes. 
Today though, he was probably going to lose it. Caroline and him had gotten in a fight the night prior because she was trying to slowly move into his place without him knowing— but he knew. And while she had originally come to apologize, it turned into a whining fest. 
“Haz, please? It’s been 6 months. It’s really time to take it to the next level.” He winced at the nickname. God, he hated that shit so much. The cringiest one. 
“Caro, love... no. I’m not ready to go further than what we are doing now. Sleepovers are what we’re doing. I can’t rush into such a decision.” He pinched the bridge of his nose.
“It’s not rushing! I barely get to see you as it is. It’s not fair.” And she had a point. Harry hadn’t been close lately. 
“I’m busy, I’m working. I’m sorry.”
Y/N had seen the tall blonde enter the office. She knew that she shouldn’t be nosy, shouldn’t interrupt and it probably took her about 10 times to convince herself that she needed a reason to go over there. So, she waited till her father had a paper or two that needed to be given to Harry and she strutted down with her plan set. She knocked on the door twice as usual and stepped inside with a bright smile on her face.
“Hey! I— oh.” Y/N paused and closed the door behind her. Showtime. “Didn’t realize you had company, my apologies.” Y/N spoke and walked over to hand him the papers, noticing he had been burning the candle she’d gotten him. Oh he made it so fucking easy. “I’m glad you like the candle though, they make one in those sent for the wax burner you have.” Y/N remembered he had mentioned that he couldn’t burn it in the house because Oliver was still quite curious and he was nervous about him knocking something over.
Harry closed his eyes. God damn it. Y/N was a pretty, rich girl. Young. Hot. And Caroline did have a bit of a jealous streak. She wouldn’t at all be okay with thinking Y/N was over at his place. She already was having her insecurities.
“Thank you, Y/N—“ 
“Wait— how do you know about the wax burner?” Caroline was making his blood pressure rise. God damn it. Why? He was just trying to get work done and two women were going to have a pissing contest over him— one who didn’t even have a right to? 
“Girls, that’s not important—“
“Yes it is? Is she why you’ve been busy?”
Y/N was smiling on the inside but part of her wanted to leave and let him explain. Of course, Y/N didn’t want to make it seem like she was doing it on purpose so she got a bit defensive. 
“It’s not that hard to find out, I gave him a candle and he told me why he couldn’t burn it in his house.” Y/N spoke calmly, watching the woman narrow her eyes at her. “What, you haven’t heard of being attentive?” Okay, maybe that was a bit much. “All the information is on the papers, H. Don’t have to brief you. See you later.” She said calmly, she knew it would get under the woman’s skin and made her way out of the office and back towards her fathers. Maybe she was evil, but she was a little pot stirrer. She wanted things to bubble over on their own, Y/N just had to be there to catch him. 
“Who is she? She seems awfully comfortable with you.” Caroline was getting antsy. She could tell how on edge Harry got when Y/N walked in the room, of course she would assume something was up. Even if she was assuming wrong. The thing was, he couldn’t technically be mad at Y/N because she hadn’t done anything inherently bad. Sure, she mentioned something no one would know unless they were close but it was a simple thing. 
“She’s Y/N, the boss's daughter. She’s been very welcoming.” He said simply, taking a swig of his coffee. For fucks sake. He was going to die if these women didn’t give him a break. 
“Why is she giving you candles? It’s weird. How much time do you spend with her?” She asked, obviously not happy. 
“I don’t know why she gave it to me, to be nice? Love, you’re completely overthinking this. She helps her dad out and runs papers. Sometimes she chats and asks me business questions. Nothing that you’re thinking about is happening.” He promised. It wasn’t. He hadn’t laid a hand on her. Y/N was touchy. Liked to fix his tie or his hair and multiple times he had said to not, it was appropriate. She didn’t seem to care— but he wasn’t going to tell Caroline that. 
The girl just nodded, leaving the office. Harry has told her not to come if it wasn’t urgent because he was usually busy. And now she wonders if he was busy with papers or in between the leggy girl’s thighs. Of course it was fate that had her almost crashing into her on the way out. Never in her life had she felt territorial over a man like this but Y/N was an obvious threat. 
“What is going on with you and my boyfriend?” She asked seriously.
Y/N was simply going to get her father and herself another coffee when Caroline nearly knocked her off her feet with how fast she was moving. If that wasn’t enough to piss Y/N off, the girl had the nerve to speak to her in a threatening tone in her father’s building? This girl didn’t know what she was doing clearly or how spiteful Y/N could be. She was trying to be nice originally, but she didn’t appreciate her tone or the look she had in her eyes. 
“Unfortunately nothing, yet.” Y/N responded in a snarky tone, “but you keep at the jealous girlfriend look, it’ll do you wonders.” She rolled her eyes and blocked her when she tried to storm out. “I better not see you in this building again? Got it?” Y/N raised her brow, “have a nice day.” She smiled at her, pushing past her to walk back towards her father’s office. Oh Y/N was livid. Livid. 
“That fucking bitch!” Y/N slammed the door with her foot behind her, moving the coffees on to her father’s desk. “Harry’s girlfriend was here and was chatting to him when I went to drop papers off.. I simply made a comment about the candle I gave Harry and she went off... stopped me in the hallway and questioned me all threateningly, like she had the fucking right.”
“Take what she wants.” Her father said easily. “You’re trying to. She thinks that. Take what she’s been trying to keep. I think you and Harry are a lovely couple. It’s a shame he doesn’t see the vision yet, however he will come around.” He was positive. He wanted the upper hand. Yes, he loved Y/N and wanted her happy, and Harry would promise that but he would ultimately have someone to give the company to, and still be involved. Keep it in his family. It was perfect. “I know my daughter, and I know you’re relentless enough that he should be cracking soon. Go talk to him. Comfort him. If his girlfriend was causing issues, being a source of comfort could help. Make a move.” He suggested. An evil man was always a business one.
So that’s what Y/N did. 
She took a second before making her way over to Harry’s office again. This time it wasn’t to give him papers or flirt or anything like that, it was to genuinely check up on him. Y/N knew she had been pretty forward and though he had told her to stop she was still being pretty relentless which, if the tables were turned, would be very problematic. It probably was now too. Y/N knocked twice on the door and stepped inside.
“Harry?” She asked in a soft and gentle tone, one she didn’t use with anyone. She closed the door behind herself and stood there, looking at him. “Are you alright?” She asked softly, “I didn’t mean to cause all that... I’m sorry if I did.” She really didn’t mean to make it that big of a mess. “Know you might not want to talk to me, but... I am here to listen if you need me to.” Y/N offered, hoping that he didn’t take it as some ploy to try and get to him. She really did just want to be there for him. She didn’t want to make it about her, which was rare, even though he could appreciate that.
“Yeah... m’okay, thanks. You didn’t say anything wrong. You just said an innocent comment but, she’s been a bit angry lately with me and thinkin’ I’m avoiding her so it made her upset.” He murmured. She wasn’t trying to get to him. She was genuinely asking and he could tell from the look on her face. It felt really nice, actually. Having someone ask him. He didn’t have his mum or dad or sister here so, seeing someone at least care a bit was nice. “It was... you just said wax melters? Am I crazy?” He rubbed his forehead. “Fuck. There’s nothin’ going on with us and still, she assumes. I’m good, Y/N. Thanks for checking on me.” He closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair, expecting her to let herself out.
“She asked me again when she was leaving... what was going on between us, and I told her nothing..” Y/N wanted to be honest with him too, wanted to let him know so he realized the level of jealousy his girlfriend was having. She didn’t want to leave him like this, she could understand the feeling to an extent but she would only leave if he asked her too. Y/N noticed he was too much in his head, clearly struggling to ground himself so she took the initiative. She moved to sit in his lap, her hand gently cupping the side of his neck and rubbing her thumb over the soft skin. She knew nothing technically was going on between them, but was there actually nothing there? Maybe now was the time to ask? “Know I’ve been really forward with you and I apologize if it’s been too much, because if that’s something that’s causing your stress I’ll back off— I will.” Y/N spoke gently, knowing he wouldn’t want her to, but she had to at least offer.
He hated how good her touch felt. How he wanted to melt into it and let her give him attention but every time he thought about giving in, he would remember his job. The years of being a stupid coffee boy. He couldn’t do that again. However right now, he felt vulnerable and upset at Caroline for doing that shit and especially confronting Y/N when realistically she hadn’t said anything wrong. 
“You’re not... fuck, Y/N.” He groaned. “I hate that I like when you tease me and touch me. I can’t like it, I can’t like you. It puts me in so much danger.” Plus, he was overcome with thoughts about her in his most intimate moments. The last two times he’s had sex with Caroline, he thought about Y/N instead. Took her from behind and imagined her unstead. It was so wrong. He knew that. “It’s okay. I just... you make it so hard for me.” He knew there she knew that. Especially when he felt her hand gently caress his cheek and her soft little pout. “It’s not fair that you’re everywhere and I can’t stop thinking about it when I get home... fuck. It’s so frustrating and I can’t even hate you for it.” He couldn’t never hate her. “Do you know how crazy it’s making me? When you come in here and make me want to cheat just by batting your lashes at me? It’s so fucked and unfair that all you have to do is giggle and I want to risk my fucking job— fuck.” He hissed. “And I can’t tell if you’re toying with me or like me for real. I can’t tell and It drives me mad.”
Y/N felt her heart swell up at his words. It felt tight in her chest, so many words buzzing through her mind as she tried to figure out what she could say first. God, she just. 
“I really like you Harry.” She said simply, forcing him to look in her eyes, her voice soft and quiet. “And I don’t want you to feel like you have to hold back because of who I am— I'd never do that to you, or to anyone for that matter.” She searched his eyes for a moment, feeling out the silence before speaking again. “And I’m not one to go after someone who is spoken for, but it’s you... you just have to be so damn perfect and I can’t help but feel like I can treat you better than she can... especially after what happened today I—” 
His silence was killing her. She was so thankful that he liked her, that he felt the same way she did but he didn’t want to risk his job and didn’t want to be a bad guy who cheats. Y/N wished he could understand she wasn’t asking for either of those things necessarily. It wasn’t even that he had doubts that she could treat him better. He quite liked the idea of her. He would need to open his heart to her but that wasn’t an option. Would it ever be? Maybe once he got the promotion but nothing could stop this growth he was wanting. However, she looked so soft. So so sweet and sincere as she told him that she thought he was perfect. Y/N being honest? It was something he liked. When she was like this and it dialed down her brat attitude, that’s what he enjoyed. 
He didn’t think before he did it and that was his fault, but he grabbed her face, and kissed her. He wasn’t able to stop himself. 
Just as she thought she’d fucked it up, his mouth was on hers. She wasn’t dreaming, this was really happening. She let one of her hands tangle in his hair, wanting to take advantage of what could be the only chance she had at this, a soft pleased moan muffled against his lips. Y/N let him have full control of this kiss, letting him take what he needed from her so that she could prove just how submissive she could be if he only let her be. She wanted him so bad and she felt like she’d finally gotten something from him, even if it was just a little kiss it was already a massive step in the right direction. When he tried to pull back she deepened the kiss, desperate to keep this moment going for as long as possible. She didn’t want it to end, didn’t want him to decide it was a mistake, Y/N just wanted to cherish it and remind herself that a nice man could like her and treat her well.
Harry knew that this kiss was going to place him in a lot of dangerous areas. Y/N would be relentless on getting more— which secretly thrilled and terrified him at the same time. Caroline, She couldn’t ever find out about this. But mostly? Her mouth was perfect. She tasted sweet and had a hint of coffee and some sort of sweet gloss, but he didn’t care. He loved it. He let himself lose, allowing the kiss to deepen. Her tongue running against his and the softest, most cock teasing noises coming from her as she clung to him. Submissive and soft and fuck, perfect. It pained him to pull away, Y/N chasing his mouth and pecking him as he tried to speak. Though, he wasn’t trying to truly stop her yet. 
“Baby— no...” He felt her bite on his bottom lip, his heart beating. “Shit— Y/N, we can't.” He finally pulled away, taking in deep breaths. Fuck. He had fucked up. So why didn’t it feel like it?
The pet name rolled so beautifully off of his tongue that her heart fluttered despite the fact that he was telling her to stop kissing him. It hurt her, of course, having to be the better choice but never being the priority. With soft pleading eyes, she sat with a pouty lip while her finger slowly twirled around a curl at the base of his neck. 
“Why is it so wrong?” She asked softly, “Yes, you’re with her but... if you want me, you can break things off.” Y/N knew it was easier said than done but she was giving him an option. “And I’m pretty sure my father cares more about you more than me...” She chuckled sadly. She wished she was joking too. Y/N was soft and vulnerable now, having gotten a taste of what she wanted most. She didn’t want to go back to her apartment and be all alone. She wanted warmth, wanted someone to love and someone to love her. “Why is it such a bad thing to want me?”
“That isn’t true. He loves you. I think he finds it easier to talk to me because I’m a male and in business. You’re his daughter.” He tried to soothe. God. He just made shit a million times more difficult. “It's wrong because... what if something happens? What if shit goes wrong and then you get angry or hurt and your father fires me? What if people start shit and think I’m sleeping with you or something to get a promotion?” He said. “There’s nothing wrong with you. It just... fuck, this is hard. Maybe later. But for the time being... we can’t do this. I have to figure things out on my own and get it together. Think hard about it because it isn’t just a fling for me. This is my life, my reputation, and my career on the line.” He whispered, standing up. He was gentle when he put her on the ground.
Y/N let out a sigh, did he not realize that she had just as much power as her father? She was just about to make a point but he made it clear that his career was more important than whatever they had. She could understand that, but she didn’t agree. She would have him, especially now that she knew he liked her in the same way. 
“What if later is too late? What if I told you being with me can insure you have a job for life? It’s not just a fling for me either. It’s my life too, you know?” Y/N spoke quietly, “wish you’d have a little faith in me.” She said, clearly frustrated with the situation. Y/N decided she’d give him his space, looking at the time and shaking her head. “I better get going.” She spoke after clearing her throat, collecting her things as if nothing had happened and walked towards the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Have a good night, Harry.” Y/N gave him a sweet smile and closed the door behind her on the way out. 
Another long and lonely night.
Harry wasn’t sure if the kiss was a mistake or not. He wasn’t one to believe in regret, he did something and he had to face the consequences— however this? This was a whole lot. If he had thought Y/N had been much before, it was nothing compared to now. She came in and blatantly flirted with him, leaning over his desk in her sexy as fuck tops or dresses and gave him views he had been thirsting after, knowing he couldn’t. That he needed this job and she was tempting him at every turn. Not only that, but she would bring him coffee every morning and had figured out what scone he liked, coming to sit on his desk and flirting until Harry basically demanded she relax and go help her father. 
Why would she stop? She wasn't alone in her want and she knew that now. It was his fault, because he had shown his hand and Y/N knew every small rejection wasn’t genuine. It was to save his job, but internally, he wanted to give in. Still, she would straighten his jacket or come behind him and fix his tie, talking into his ear. Enough to make him distracted half the day. When he was called into the big bosses office, and saw Y/N? He was fucking terrified. However, he was smiling wide and telling Harry to sit— so he did.
“As you know we’re looking to expand our branches across major cities in Europe. I just got off a call with Jean Pierre, he needs me in paris this weekend, but I’ve already booked mandatory meetings with the builders down in Philadelphia.” Her father explained, looking down at his paperwork and then up at Harry. “I need you to go and meet with him and handle business. You’re already briefed on everything you need to know, just need you over there.” He smiled, of course leaving out the most important part. “I’m having Y/N accompany you, seeing as there are a few events you’ll be attending. She’ll show you the ropes, show you around Paris as well, won’t you sweetheart?” Y/N smiled brightly, nodding her head. 
“It’ll be amazing, promise I’ll show you a good time.” She cooed, watching his reaction carefully because of course he’d think she planned this. 
“All expenses will be covered and you will be paid. This is a huge favor I’m asking of you, I know. Have your suit sizes and passport information sent to me.” Her father requested, knowing that Y/N would want to dress him up for the occasion.
Well fuck.
He was going to be alone with Y/N, in the fucking city of love, and he couldn’t say no. Not that he necessarily wanted to— but it was putting him in such a temptation spot that it made him nervous. The business, he could handle. That wasn’t what made him worried. It was Y/N and her ability to wear him down and be relentless even after he tries to show no reaction whatsoever. She just knew how he was feeling. And she had been sweeter than pie to him, working slowly on bringing him to the spot she wanted. He knew that. 
“Oh— of course. How long is this trip for?” He asked curiously, side eyeing Y/N for a moment. He was praying for a short one but by the look on her face, it was definitely a week or more.
“Well, you’d be leaving Friday and arriving Saturday, your first meeting is on Monday and your last event is Friday night so... let’s say a week including travel?” He explained, already booking a hotel for the two of them at Y/N’s favorite place to stay. “Do you need to make any arrangements?” He raised his brow at him. 
“He’ll need to make some for Oliver.” Y/N pointed out, her father looked at her with furrowed brows. “He has a kitty, daddy.” Y/N cooed with a smile, “I’m sure his girlfriend can take care of him.” She said with a small smirk, knowing full well the game that she was playing. He had yet to break up with her and she was hoping he’d do it soon so it wasn’t on his cautiousness. Y/N was already packing in her head, knowing exactly what she wanted to bring and needed to bring. 
“I’ve forwarded the itinerary to Y/N, she’ll act as your assistant for the weekend, utilize her in any way you will.” Her father explained and Y/N smirked at that. She sure hoped he did.
[part 2]
A/N: a bit of a cliffhanger there, but oof.. tell us what you think! - n + d
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sparkexplosive · 4 years
Sentiment [Izuku Midoriya] ; 06
Precious Chapters in Sentiment [Izuku Midoriya] SERIES
Warning: Mental Health
Word Count: 2,010
Midoriya Izuku was standing in front of the invention room with his hero costume case because he broke his shoes once again. He is afraid to look at your face, but he needs to face you. Perhaps he isn’t ready to face you yet. He was about to turn around to walk away to ask Mei to fix his shoes instead. To only get startled by the sliding door opening to reveal Misaka. 
“Oh! Midoriya. What may I help you?” Misaka calmly gave off the customer service voice along with a smile. 
Midoriya couldn’t speak properly to the only rush through his word which leads it to be a scrambled mess. 
Misaka’s eye twitches in annoyance. She could never really deal with his random rambles. She looks on both sides of the hallway before grabbing his collar and yanking him inside. Midoriya was about to fall on his face due to the sudden pull into the room. She walks away from him to sit down on her chair to continue working on Kirishima shoulder designs, after testing it would be sustainable enough against Kirishima unbreakable form without shattering into pieces from her previous prototypes. 
She is just ignoring his presence until he learns how to speak. She is already irritated by him how Midoriya is not even standing up for (Name), her best friend. His friends are speaking to her best friend with hurtful words that would break anyone down especially under his watch is unacceptable. A screwdriver floats towards her which reminded him of his mother's quirk. 
Midoriya gulps down his saliva, sensing tension in the air and looks over to your desk to find it surprisingly neat and cleaned as if it hasn’t been touched for a few days. It's an unusual sight to see it so organized compared to the times he has been in here. His eyes wander off to Misaka's side of the room to see her blueprints on the cardboard. He does recall that you did mention that Misaka switched with Hatsume Mei because her room was a lot closer to the inventory room. 
The blueprints of her designs and items for Kirishima Eijirou upgraded costume pinned on the cardboard. She has a mannequin that was holding fabric that could be for his lower cape. In front of her were pauldrons blueprints with the design details. Misaka was adding the details on his pauldrons and messing with internal parts that seem to contain wires. 
“It’s coming out very well, Misaka.” Midoriya tries to break the tension in the air, before speaking for the real reason for his trip here. “Could you perhaps fix my shoes?”  
Misaka glances over to him and walks over to him to hastily take the case from him to evaluate the damage. She did catch his eyes looking over to your working station earlier. 
“She is banned from using this room for fighting one of your fangirls along with damaged property.” 
Misaka answers without him saying it out loud and takes the black metal shoes off his case to only collapse into different small pieces. Both of them just stare at the floor where the metal pieces collapsed into smaller pieces. “Well then. I could make a replica for you. It might be ready in the late afternoon tomorrow, b-” 
Midoriya brims up at the news with a small smile instead of his usual big grins. “Thank you!” 
She stops to turn to face him. “But!”
She stares closes the case hastily, before turning her blue eyes back into his green eyes. “Do you know about the rumors going around about (Name)?” 
Midoriya was taken back at the question but narrowed his eyebrows. “I only know about the check, but it turns out to be true.” 
Midoriya unconsciously flinches recalling the rumor was true and all the emotions that he has been pushing down resurface at once. She evacuates his body language and his eyes to see he is telling the truth. He seems to hang on by accepting the fact that your relationship was building on the bride. 
“Well, your friends are belittling (name) by telling her. She is a whore to slut because of the rumors going around. They are getting dramatized and getting out of hand. The rumors are getting worse every passing day. Unless you set it straight. It would calm down the rumors.” She carefully watches his body language and his eyes. 
From the dark lines underneath his eyes and more messy hair than usual. It seems he has been wrecked as well. The evidence is physical that he hasn’t been sleeping very well. Midoriya hasn't been able to sleep for the past couple of days due to getting nightmares repeatedly. 
But from his expression, he didn’t know at all, filled with shock, and a mixture of surprise was written all over his face. His eyes were wide open and his mouth agape. Before he closes his mouth before licking them and gulping down his saliva. “I haven’t been paying attention of late.”
‘I have been in mind all day and night,’ He thought to himself. 
His demons belittling why him and losing destroying himself confidence. The only time he can distract himself is by burying himself in schoolwork and training to quiet down that voice in his head. The other times, he unconsciously is blocking the world around him which makes his friends and classmates worry about him since he has been a less talkative and energetic ball of energy who is an excellent observer and analyzing at hand. 
Aizawa asks him to go to the counselor's office today or tomorrow. He knows that Aizawa is worried about him to personally ask him to look for help.  
His fingers fidget with the side of his tie as he licks his dry lips to confess.“I have mostly been in my world-”
“You have been in your mind. Midoriya. You are being your own worst enemy. Overthinking to thinking the worst possibilities. That's what you usually do.” Misaka interrupts him, before walking into your work station. 
She opens a drawer to go through it to see your blueprint on what your design to offer to Midoriya. She stares at it for a second before taking it out and reaching underneath the table to pull out brown boxes that contain two metal cases with one of them has a red ribbon. She places the blueprint inside and holds out to him if only he wants to accept. 
“[Name] might murder me for giving this to you. Its new equipment that they overworked themselves making sure this gift to you would be on time. But you know…. This would have been a future design blueprint. Just take a look and give those babies a try.”
Midoriya didn’t know what to say. His throats were dried up but his eyes landed on a red envelope attached to the metal case with red ribbon. It was possible the anniversary gift that she would have given him today. He forgot today was their anniversary before all this happened. They had plans but everything changed. He needed space and time to think. Y/N gave him the space that he asked and respected his decision. 
But the curiosity is killing him wanting to know what they are inside those metal cases. He unconsciously reaches over to grab onto the box to find it surprising a little heavy. 
“Take them and think would someone go through deep ends to create something so accurate for your liking and safety if they didn’t care about you. If you think you don’t want to accept it, you can go back and return them to me. I will have your replacements here waiting for you.” Misaka light heart comments. 
Midoriya looks up from the box to look into her eyes. “Thank you.”
The day before getting emotional after school, surprisingly you had a wonderful time with the loudmouth student from Class A-3, Bakugou Katsuki. He had surprisingly cheered you up with some food and fun time at the arcade. It was memorable and the most fun you had ever experienced in an arcade. The two of you were being competitive trying to beat each other's scores. 
You did realize in his way, he was distracting you from what happened the day before.
“Don’t let those extras get into your head. The only person you need to approve is yourself.” Bakugou advises while pointing at you with his chopsticks. 
Your eyes had widened shows bewildered at his words as if he was speaking from experience, once his words sucked in which brought a wide grin on your lips. 
“Thank you.” Your eyes were starting to shine like before the incident happened with the rumors. Your eyes are a portal to how you feel. 
Bakugou rolls his eyes, “You should know this by now. Extra's opinions shouldn’t matter.” 
He knew you were hurting inside while putting on a strong face in front of everyone. But everyone has their limits by putting on that armor to make people intimate from messing with you. He knows it very well. 
As he refused for you to pay for the dinner bill to pay him back from playing in the arcade. You know arcades are not cheap but expensive. However, he beat you from paying by taking his credit card before you could. 
“Save that money for your mouth-” He exclaims calmly. 
“Bakugou, that's a lot of money. Let m-.” You tried to reason with him, but he continues to shoot you down. 
“It’s fine. Don’t worry about it. Get it through your thick brain!” Bakugou slashing out, clearly getting irritated by you bugging him about paying him back. He clearly refuses to accept your money.  
At the end of the day, you were conflicted about how to feel about Bakugou since you saw another side of Bakugou that you haven’t seen until now. It's like Kirishima said to you before when you asked for Bakugou help for the gloves that you created for Midoriya. 
“He has a good heart, he just roughs around the edges. Give him time, he will get comfortable with you.” 
You had witnessed what Kirishima was talking about yesterday. Bakugou has a different way of showing he cares. However what caught you off guard when he had walked you back to your dorms like your bodyguard intimidating any students from looking over to you. 
You turn around in front of the steps of your dorm to thank him. “Thank you for everything. Bakugou.” 
Bakugou simply nods, like typical behavior for him. When you were turning around to walk up the stairs. He had grasped your wrist stopping you at your tracks. 
“You can call me. Katsuki, only if you want to... Have a nice night.” He lets go from your wrist. 
You were shocked that Bakugou even suggested it, but knew it's a big deal for him to permit him to call him by his first name. It could mean numerous things, but that is the moment you thought. He trusts you. 
Once you had sucked in his words, you only smiled back at him.
“I will be taking up that offer. Good night, Katsuki!” 
Unknown to you, Bakugoug Katsuki could feel his heart skip a beat from hearing your voice calling him by his first name. He couldn’t explain it, but it makes him feel weird in a way that is not normal for him. 
A small smile curls up to his lips while he was walking back to his dorms while recalling what happened that afternoon. He did have a lot of fun playing video games with you in an attempt to distract you from what is happening in school. 
He does care about you but is unsure why he is feeling this sort of way ever since the two of you started working together for your project of gloves. He has gotten comfortable with your presence more than he would like to admit. 
Perhaps, he has a crush on you….
It can’t be…, right?
I would love to hear any predictions or theories, you guys have!
Feedback is appreciated!
Please be kind within the comments. I hope you are enjoying the story. Sorry for any spelling or grammar errors.
if anyone wishes to be tagged, either send me an ask or comment below this post! Taglist will be in the comments.
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Family Relations - Part 5
Summary: Your criminology teacher is acting all kinds of weird, which is the norm, except for the part where his eyes glaze over and he tries to kill someone. Stiles, the hero he is, tries to stop your professor with little avail until he gets some unnoticeable help from you. Stiles seems to find himself with you at the location of multiple attacks, just barely making it out alive. Through the bloodshed feelings, family, and friends mix to create a perfect blend of chaos and calm.
T/CW: Crying, death of general people not any specific character
It was an excruciatingly long drive. Two hours in a car doesn't seem like a lot but in a car full of people, one of which was an angsty were-wolf and another of which was a hyperactive ball of anxiety, it was some weird version of hell. Allison had tried to fall back asleep about ten minutes after we left her dorm but soon realized that it was an effort in vain. Stiles wouldn't stop moving. His legs were shaking so much that it was jiggling his chair and the old car made sounds of protest whenever he shifted too much. Scott was trying desperately hard to stay awake, he wanted to be there to protect you all, but he was exhausted and he kept falling asleep while leaning against the car door.
Overall, it was an emotionally taxing trip. Maybe it was the fact that you were going to a place you'd never even heard of before, or that you were still processing the death of several of your neighbors, or maybe it was because you had less than 3 hours of sleep. For whatever reason, you were exhausted when Stiles stopped the car and pulled up in front of a light blue house, parking in the driveway and not bothering to open the garage.
"Where are we?" Scott had woken up from his nap and he still seemed incredibly disoriented.
"My house, my dad should be on a shift right now so I'll explain this to him when he gets back." The exaggeration he put on the word 'this' made you snort almost inaudibly, but Stiles heard it and gave you a bright smile in response, not seeming tired in the slightest.
"Stiles can you drop me and Allison at my house, there's not enough room for all four of us on your couch." Scott's suggestion made you flush, apparently you were staying with Stiles, the man you had a crush on and were having a harder and harder time managing to hide your romantic emotions for. This was going to be fantastic.
Stiles shot you a worried look, presumably at leaving you home alone, and you reassured him with a hand on his shoulder.
"I'll be ok Stiles, the sooner you get them to Scott's the sooner they can catch up on the sleep we stole from them." He grumbled something with the line 'life or death' before giving you a last stressed expression, which you knew only one way of calming.
Taking a deep breath you let a small swirl of air converge in the palm of your hand, trying to push away the sleepiness you mustered a smirk, putting up a confident facade to try and settle his mind down.
He huffed at your display of magic before rolling his eyes and giving you a hug, one in which he slipped you the house keys as he did so, a move you though was impressively smooth for a man as clumsy as Stiles. With a wink he was off, settling back into the driver's seat to cart his friends back to their destination of choice while you stood on his porch holding one strap of your backpack so it wasn't completely on the ground.
With a sigh you found the house key that Stiles slipped in your back pocket and unlocked his front door, the dark hallway and staircase greeting you. Toeing off your shoes you went to explore the house more, padding through the kitchen and the dinning room before settling on the living room couch. It was a comfortable couch, soft and not too small. It wasn't an upgrade from your dorm room bed, but it wasn't a downgrade either.
Before you could turn the lights on and settle in to wait for Stiles, he walked through the front door and locked it behind him. Immediately he went to the kitchen, starving after having not eaten almost anything since dinner time the day before. The sun was starting to rise, peeking out over the clouds and slowly bathing the rooms in an orange glow.
After grabbing a snack he headed for the living room where he walked in and saw you sitting stiff as a board on his couch. You'd never really been comfortable in other people's homes, especially homes you hadn't quite chosen to go to. It was more of a 'this is the best decision' stay than a 'wow you invited me to your house under no extenuating circumstances' stay.
"You ok?" His voice pulled you out of your thoughts, having drifted off into space for a moment.
"Yeah, kind of. It's a lot." He gave you a sympathetic look before tentatively moving to sit next to you. Leaning forward he let his elbows support his weight as he rested them on his knees gently.
"This sucks." You laughed out loud, blinking back tears that were coming now that you had more privacy without Allison and Scott around. Without a word Stiles pulled you into his chest, rubbing your back to sooth you as you sniffled lightly into his hoodie. He whispered quiet comforting words to you as you started to calm down, the trauma and seriousness of the situation catching up with you.
"They're dead Stiles. Actually dead. All of them." He grimaced, despite having dealt with lots of death from his years in Beacon Hills it was still a touchy subject, one he had problems addressing head on. He'd never been good at losing people.
"I know..." He took a sigh, the warmth of his breath brushing over the crown of your head before he continued. "We'll get whoever is doing this, I promise you we will." He sounded sure of himself, a confidence that came from experience exuded from him and it settled your nerves slightly more to know that you seemed to have a supernatural problem veteran on your hands.
"You've dealt with stuff like this?" Your voice was scratchy from crying and Stiles, unasked, got up and brought you back a glass of water before answering.
"Yeah, way too much actually. My years in high school seem to have a lot more death than other peoples'." He chuckled but there was no humor in it, just a way to avoid thinking about his pain.
"I'm sorry." Your voice was small and you felt eternally bad about being upset about an event that clearly Stiles had experienced multiple times over. You thought about how lucky you were to have a normal high school, one without so much death. In retrospect you knew you'd not have been strong enough to deal with the emotional weight of mass murder at that age.
There was simultaneous staring off into space for a few moments before you both seemed to return to reality and all of its problems.
"You should get some sleep ok? The pack will be here in a few hours and we need all the rest we can get. I'll be in my room so you can get me if you need something. Don't feel bad about waking me up." With that he left, thumping up the stairs to where you assumed his bedroom was. There wasn't much to do that would put off sleeping and the nightmares that you were sure were inevitable. You pulled the blanket off of the back of the couch and rested your head on one of their pillows, it was nice, worn and comfortable. You drifted off to sleep in no time.
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filthysweetie · 4 years
james bond drabble (dear diary pt II)
Prompt: “You’re getting crumbs all over my bed.”
Day 15!? this is a continuation of this fic that i am now calling Dear Diary. As with the other, oblique references to torture. I hope folks enjoy :)
Q, as a general rule, didn’t spend much time at home—contrary to what Dr. Yen seemed to think, this was a habit born of extended schooling and a rather ridged childhood and had little to no reflection on his most recent misadventure with capture. He may or may not be sleeping in his office a bit more, but his people have the decency to not mention it, instead leaving him little crumpets or new teas for him to try. It would be annoying, if the offerings weren’t exactly to his tastes. 
But he did still go home—he had two cats to look after and he was nothing if not an attentive cat parent. Q kept his earphones in but kept the sound off, giving the look of distracted, common commuter will keeping himself as aware as he can of the space and people around him. He’s agreed with himself early on after getting out of medical, before he could even fully walk right, that he would keep taking the train. They weren’t allowed to take that from him. He wouldn’t be made to change himself because of what they did. 
This didn’t feel like winning though. Q’s whole body was taught, and as the stops continued and more people came into the train car Q felt like the air was getting too hot, too stifling. 
It’s fine. Too many people to do anything anyway. They couldn’t take him with this many witnesses. 
Q tried to remember how busy the train had been 43 days ago; had it been this full? Less? More?
Q pushed out of the train car spilling out into the platform, pushing past others maybe a bit more aggressively then warranted. Someone might have said something rude to him, but despite having no music flowing through the wires of his headphones he couldn’t hear them—couldn’t hear anything but for the rush of blood in his ears. His hands were cold and clammy. His feet hurt.
He’s at the exit now—somehow. He taps the Oyster card and steps out of the underground. Only a few blocks from his apartment. He’s walked this stretch thousands of times before. He did it yesterday, even (Why can’t he remember doing it yesterday?). He doesn’t run, but he’s breathing like he is. His coat is too hot, but his hands are still so cold. His feet hurt. 
Q gets into the building, but the tension stays, holding him upright. He’s already past where it happened—why does he still feel under threat? It’s aggravating. Q unlocks the door, shuts and locks it behind himself firmly, willfully ignoring how that does nothing to help him feel any more at ease than getting int his building did, which is to say, not at all. 
He sets his computer bag in the front hall, taking out his sticker covered book, feeling something as his fingers unthinkingly trace the raised edges of the different stickers. Today he got a Spock sticker. 
Montgomery—Monty—runs over from somewhere in the apartment to great him, meowing loudly and demanding pats. Spoon doesn’t come over; hopefully she didn’t get into the dry food. Monty follows him past the entryway. Spoon isn’t in the kitchen, which is something, but it buzzes something in the back of his brain and Q holds his diary up like it might be some kind of defense. 
The light is on in his room. He didn’t leave it on—hasn’t been in there besides getting clean clothes since the incident. Q grabs his pen—the one that has pepper spray and a taser secreted away in it. He sets it to taser. 
Spoon meows and Q hears something rustle. He can’t stop himself from being an idiot and walking right into the doorway, pen at the ready.
“Oh.” Q gets out in a dumbfounded kind of whisper. James is there, on his bed, eating through a packet of digestives and giving small bits to Spoon who is happily curled in his lap. He’s in his standard suit, ruining the lines of it by sitting crosslegged and getting cat hair that will never truly be gone on it. “You’re getting crumbs all over my bed.” 
Bond looks up, ignoring when Spoon paws at his hand for more, “Q.” He says, simply enough. A casual greeting for an encounter that is anything but. 
Hearing James speak does it—all the tension just up and releases and Q finds himself sitting on the floor. God his feet hurt so much, they’re throbbing. Monty buts her head against Q’s knee.
“Q!” Bond doesn’t yell, but he speaks urgently enough, and moves enough that Spoon leaves his lap—he’s kneeling half next to, half over Q in a matter of moments. 
“Tell me how you got in.” Q gets out, throat dry. It’s a dichotomy that is pulling him apart; James makes him feel safe, James is a threat but never to him, James, for all his cavalier attitude and penchant for collecting collateral damage tries so damn hard and can be so gentle it hurts. But James got in, he got into Q’s apartment without tripping any of the silent alarms and the knowledge that it can be done is burning in his mind. 
Bond connects some of that himself, or just doesn’t feel like keeping his methods a secret; he curses quietly and says “The kitchen window, over the sink.”
Q nods and stands on shaking legs, ignoring Bond’s offered hand. James may make him feel—a lot of things, but he’s already felt too weak for his British upbringing to call decent. He gets his tools and goes over to the window; James, Monty, and Spoon following behind, silent as cats. Q wires the window, hiding them skillfully behind the molding. He does the same to the two other kitchen windows. He hadn’t done that when he first secured the place—those windows didn’t have any accessible ledges or hand holds. Or so he’d thought. 
Q finishes the work, not even aware of how much time has passed, but very much aware that James is still there behind him. Q gets the electric kettle and fills it enough for two.
“Don’t do that again, please.” Q speaks to the sink, washing his hands.
“Of course.” The answer comes without hesitation and Q thanks all that is out there that James doesn’t try to apologize, doesn’t try to talk about it. 
Q pours their tea and while it steeps checks the cat food and water, keeping himself occupied. He feels too relaxed after being taught for so long, it’s left him trying to fill it with…anything. 
“I’ll order takeaway then?” James asks and Q finally looks at him. 
He opens his mouth then closes it. Bond raises an eyebrow. Q fights embarrassment coming from nothing, “Indian—there’s a takeaway menu in the left hand drawer.”
Bond nods and pulls it out, typing the number into his mobile, “anything in particular?”
Q shrugs, placing Bond’s tea near his elbow, then holding his own in both hands, leaning on the counter behind him. He alternates what foot he puts his weight on, feeling the pull of new skin. 
James orders a variety of things, too many dishes for two to eat. Q doesn’t stop him. He hangs up and the room becomes too quiet. 
“I have nightmares, somethings.” Bond says and Q’s whole heart squeezes tight. James is extending his very self, offering it out, and Q can’t take it because he can’t do the same. 
“Please don’t.” Q whispers into his tea. 
Bond nods like he knew Q would say that and that just makes Q’s heart hurt more. 
“I noticed a few other spots that could use some work,” he says instead.
Q sets his tea down, “Show me.” ——— James look at his watch out of the corner of his eye as Q tightens a screw. It doesn’t escape Q’s notice that the watch is one of his—one that James ‘lost’ half a year ago.
“I have to go.” 
Q hates how he can feel himself tighten, “right.”
“The food will be ready by now,” James says, an explanation that Q hates that he needs, “I’ll be back in fifteen.”
“Right.” Q gets out, his voice doing something he can’t pinpoint. He dusts his hands against his pants as if there was anything on them and walks Bond to the door. 
James steps through and turns back to Q, “I’ll be right back.”
Q nods, wordless. James gives that little smirk and walks away. Q closes the door and locks it. It doesn’t feel safe, but it doesn’t feel as threatening as it did before. ——— Dear Diary,
{Q pauses for a long moment, staring at the page, blank but for the date written neatly in the top right corner and his customary greeting}
I’ve upgraded my home security system, which seems a bit of a waste of time when that wasn’t even where I was taken—bodies in transit are always easier to take. I’ve planned enough missions on that premise alone to know that. 
{Spoon, the attention seeker she is, jumps into Q’s lap, curling up and immediately starting to purr like an engine. Monty sets herself the task of chewing at the string of Bond’s teabag}
But I take the underground and find it pleasant enough. No reason to stop taking it, at least. Although rush hour is always much too full. 
I don’t think about the events really at all anymore. {Q notices his leg is bouncing, he stills it.} Friday I {there’s a knock at the door—Q jumps and Spoon jumps from his lap. He slams the book closed.} ——— Bond is standing on the other side of the door, waiting like the respectable man he isn’t, a heavy looking takeaway bag in his hand. 
Q didn’t realize he didn’t think Bond would come back until he sees him, back. Q opens the door and James walks in, moving straight through to the kitchen after taking off his shoes. He’s already got it half unpacked by the time Q’s locked the door and shuffled back over. 
It smells warm and inviting. Q is suddenly very hungry. 
They eat, talking idly about the food, about other foods (James likes basil ice cream. Q didn’t know that was even a thing), and Q has to berate James for trying to sneak food to Monty and Spoon at least three times each. 
It’s very mundane and they touch on nothing of weight and Q hasn’t felt this relaxed since—before. As they place leftovers into the fridge, Q feels waves of tiredness crash over him and he looks at his watch. It’s too late to take the train back to work, he usually doesn’t stay home for this long. 
James is watching him, “Mind if I watch the game on the telly?” Bond asks, “I don’t have cable.”
Q makes a face, what game is on at this time of night? “Very well, just don’t be too loud, I’m going to bed.”
“Of course.” ——— Q finishes washing his face feeling odd in pajamas he hasn’t worn in too long. There’s a faint light and sound coming from the room that masquerades as a living room. If he peers out around the doorframe, he can see Bond’s shadow, backlit. 
He gets into bed—Monty and Spoon are immediately on him and Q tries not to feel bad for being away so much. 
Sleep finds him easily. 
“See you tomorrow, Q” he hears through his dreamless slumber. ——— When he wakes up, maybe a minute, maybe hours later after hearing the goodbye (or maybe no one said that at all), it’s to Monty meowing in his face. 
He walks out and the tv is dark, James no longer in his space. The blanket he keeps on the back of the couch has been refolded. Q actively does not think about what that means. 
Q wanders into the kitchen. His diary is right there where he left it, untouched. Q opens it gently, carefully flicking through the pages, distantly noting the gap from the pages he tore out ages ago (though the words still feel like they’re there, imprinted in his mind), until he gets to a blank page. 
He takes a deep breath, uncapping the pen, staring at the page. 
He scribbles—a graceless, meaningless tangle of lines and curves, covering the page. After a solid minute of mindless lines he stops, taking the pen tip from the paper. It’s a mess. 
Symbolic, maybe; a jumbled mess that can’t be undone, closing itself off from the world. 
Q’s eyes unthinkingly find the end of the line and start to trace it back to it’s origin. Maybe not so hard to untangle after all.
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tngrayson · 5 years
Once More, With Feeling - Ch1 - The Way I Used to Be
A/N: This took much longer to put out than I anticipated, especially considering I finished season 2 the day it released. Anywho...here you are! The sequel series to Break My Heart
Characters: Billy Russo x Reader
Word Count: 2000
Warnings: Angst
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Your lazy Sunday morning with Billy, fresh from a long tour overseas, was drawing to a close as noon approached. You decided to linger in the shower for a little longer after Billy got out. While you enjoyed your ‘me time,’ he tied a towel around his waist and headed into the kitchen.
Billy had always been a coffee person, while you preferred your tea, so he poured some water in the machine for himself, and put on a kettle for you. As soon as he lifted the handle to run the water, the pipes creaked and the water, a cloudy grey, jetted out into the kettle. “Shit,” he exclaimed, remembering the faulty plumbing.
The shower stopped suddenly, making you pause to fiddle with the knobs on the wall. A second later, the water came back full force and ice cold. You couldn’t help the scream that slipped out.
“Sorry,” you heard Billy calling from outside.
“You need a new apartment,” you said, padding into the kitchen to wrap your arms around Billy, both of you in just your towels.
He laughed. “You’re one to talk. Your place is tiny. You call that an apartment?” he teased.
“My place is not tiny,” you defended, crossing your arms over your chest. “…it’s cozy.”
The next weekend, you were helping Billy hunt for a new place. You had obsessed over looking at places online, while Billy was more eager to call some well-known realtors and make a few appointments.
After being led on tour after tour of apartments with ridiculously named floorplans, Billy took you to a building not too far from the space he was looking at renting for his new company. Most of the realtors had been nice enough, but this one took one look at you and Billy in your casual dress of jeans and sweatshirts and her attitude changed completely from how she sounded over the phone.
Rather than giving you a tour of the place, she opted to let you two take a self-guided tour—AKA wait in her car until you were done looking around.
“Well,” you said, writing off the realtor. “It’s not like you’d pick this place anyway.”
“Why’s that?” Billy asked, hanging his jacket on one of the hooks by the front door.
“Don’t get me wrong, this place is nice, but do you really need three bedrooms?”
“Course I do,” he said, pulling you into his arms. “Where else are our kids gonna sleep?”
“Oh, so we’re having kids now?”
“Mmhmm,” he hummed, kissing your lips. “The first four can share for a while, but we’d definitely have to upgrade in a few years when the others come along. I’d say this place is a little small for the family I want.”
“You really want that?” you asked.
“With you? More than anything,” he said kissing your knuckles, his tone suddenly serious.
There was a small silence between the two of you as you gazed into each other’s eyes.
“Come on, there’s plenty more of this place to see.” Billy wandered off into what was probably the master bedroom, while you stopped to admire the view from the kitchen. Just past the island was an open living and dining area. The wall was covered from top to bottom in sliding glass doors that let out onto a quaint balcony that overlooked the city.
For a moment you let yourself imagine living here with Billy and your children as they grew up. Frank’s parents practically raised you, and you loved Maria, Frank Jr., and Lisa endlessly, but you still knew the emptiness and loss of having no family. You never forgot those feelings from after your parents were killed. They stuck with you; they were why you clung to the Castles in the first place. You never wanted to feel that loss again.
You knew Billy felt similarly; growing up in group home after group home with no real family for more than a couple years.  You both longed for families of your own. Billy’s excited voice pulled you from your thoughts.
You hurried into the master bedroom and through to the ensuite bathroom. Billy was relaxing in the oversized bathtub, one leg draped over the edge as he invited you to join him.
“I think I like this place,” he said after a while, eyeing you in the oddly placed mirrors that lined the skylight above the bathtub.
“Me too. Besides, it’s a good twenty minutes closer to my place.”
Billy hummed, shifting a little, “I figure this place is big enough for both of us,” he said, leaving the statement open.
“Oh,” you thought out loud. “I suppose it is—oh! Are you…wait, really?”
Less than 24 hours later, Billy was signing the lease. He also talked the realtor into letting him pay a little extra to keep most of the furnishings.
The boys brought up boxes while you and Maria unpacked everything.
“You know,” she started, “This would be a nice room for Frankie and Lisa to stay when you two babysit..”
“As much as we love the kids, Maria, I think you’re gonna have to fight Billy on that one. Those rooms are where our first four children are supposed to sleep—at least until we have more than that,” you said with a wink.
“He said that?”
You nodded, taking the “Living Room” box from Maria.
“Is that what you want?”
“I’d like a few—eventually.”
Just then, Frank and Billy came through the door with the last of the big items from the moving truck.
“Thank you, Frank,” you said, handing cold beers to him and Billy after they set down the box.
“Top floor, huh?” he said nearly out of breath, knocking Billy on the shoulder.
Billy shrugged. “Only the best for my girl,” he said eyeing you as he took a swig of the cold beer. “Besides, elevator worked yesterday.”
Billy’s mind was fuzzy. At first, the mornings in the hospital were easier. He would remember things about himself and his life little by little, but after so long, things started to even out. The memories came slower and slower until it seemed like there was nothing else left. When he really tried, his mind was plagued by nightmares. Any other memories were hidden behind gruesome visions of skulls and broken glass.
When he asked, no one would tell him about you or Frank; at least, they wouldn’t directly answer the questions he was asking. He couldn’t tell if they didn’t know, or if they just didn’t want to say for his sake.  Beyond the confusion, he was hurt. He’d been in a coma for six months, confined to the hospital with brain trauma for six more months after that, and he hadn’t heard from either of you. They told him you visited once after the surgery, but the only other visitor he’d had since was the drunk FBI agent who came to taunt him nearly every day, even after the formal complaints. Who the hell was she?
Taking the doctor hostage and escaping the hospital had been an afterthought. He didn’t plan for that, and once he’d started, he didn’t stop—couldn’t stop. He knew what he needed was beyond the confines of the hospital. When he’d got on the bus, and after, when he ended up walking, he didn’t know where he was going, but he’d kept on all day until he was in front of a luxury apartment building. The place was familiar, but he couldn’t remember why.
Punching in the door code had come second nature to him. He let himself run on auto; walking towards the elevators and going up to the top floor. He found himself hesitating in front of the door.  When he knocked, there was no answer. Whoever lived there probably wasn’t home. Before he realized it, he was fishing in his pockets for something to break in with. Something was telling him that he had to get inside of that apartment.
Finally, he’d gotten the knob to turn. When he pushed the door open, he let out an audible gasp. He’d definitely been here before.
Before he knew it, he was walking through the apartment. The apartment though lived in and clearly elegant felt lonely. There was a room on the opposing wall, but he avoided it, taking to the two rooms on the side of the apartment he was on. The first room had been an unused spare. The bed inside was made, but there had been time for dust to start collecting on some of the surfaces since the last use. He closed the door quietly and went on to the next room.
The first thing he noticed was the smell. It was different from the rest of the apartment. There was a hint of cologne clinging to the air in the room; trapped in there for who knows how long. He couldn’t help but think that he liked it. There were boxes on the floor and on the desk. He walked over to the open closet and ran his fingers across the sleeves of the many tailored suits that were hung there so neatly. Dress shoes lined the floor, and probably fifty ties hung from a rack on the wall.
Billy took a deep breath in and thought to himself, ‘what are you doing here? Why’d you break into this rich asshole’s apartment?’
He made to leave, but the corner of a picture frame peeking out of a box caught his attention. He stepped toward the desk to pick up the frame. The picture was of the both of you together. The Castles were in the photo too. Frank and Maria were standing with the kids between them while the two of you clung to each other.
He put the frame down, trading it for a bundle of loose photos in the box. Billy standing with Frank; one’s arm over the other’s shoulder. Billy in the park with Lisa and Frank Jr. Maria kissing Billy’s cheek.  His heart raced as he tried to focus on the memories that accompanied each picture as he shuffled through them. Each memory clung desperately to the edges of his mind, but there was that damned skull, and it took everything he had to push past and try to remember.
Soon enough, it was all too much for him. He dropped the stack to clutch the sides of his head, sending the photos scattering across the floor. He took deep breaths to calm himself. When he opened his eyes again, clearing the frustrated tears that were forming, he spotted a photo of something he remembered clearly.  The second time he proposed to you. The first time you hadn’t given him an answer for three days. Eventually, you turned him down and he tried again a year later.
He bent to pick it up. He was down on one knee holding a black ring box out to you in the middle of a frozen lake. White snow covered the entire landscape as far as the eye could see. Your cheeks were red in the harsh weather, and you both had scarves wrapped around your necks. Billy could practically feel the chill sinking into his bones as he looked at the picture. Frank and Maria had been there, of course, but they kept their distance, ready to snap the photo as soon as the moment came.
Billy had lost a lot of time with this injury; lost a lot of feelings and moments, but he remembered this day with you so clearly. The moment was soured as he was brought back to his old thoughts though. Why hadn’t you been there for him in the hospital? He loved you; knew you loved him. What could have happened to keep you away?
Billy put the picture in his back pocket and left to investigate the last room in the apartment. He turned the knob, slowly opening the door, and there you were; sound asleep in the bed in front of him.
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miserablesoldier · 6 years
Texas Hold ‘Em
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader, Steve Rogers x Reader and (Platonic) Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary: Previously, on Go Fish, on a mission to capture an enhanced individual, Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes unassumingly come across them in an elevator in a run down hotel in which gets pretty awkward when it gets stuck in the middle of the night. Now, in the hands of the Avengers in their compound, the team find out and realise there are more sides to the story than just the good guys fighting the bad guys. You’re in their grey area. 
Warnings: Swearing 
Word Count: 3.4k+
Author’s Note: This is part two or a sequel to Go Fish, so if you haven’t read it I suggest that you do so you’re not all confused on what’s going on. 
You didn’t put up much of a fight. Hell, you didn’t fight at all. All you said was: “which way to your car then?” No commotion, not harsh words just a slow walk to the Jeep. 
You thought it was best if you didn’t make it more awkward with Steve and Bucky. You had a good idea of what they were probably thinking about you. Words of betrayal, lies, and a ‘why’ with lots of question marks circling their heads. 
Kind of like in Tom and Jerry. 
You preferred Ben and Jerry though. 
Steve put fancy electronic cuffs on you, the look on his face was just disappointment in you and probably himself for trusting you. “Is this really necessary?” You asked him in a low and soft voice, your eyes refusing to leave his alone. 
“Protocol, Ma’am.” Back to the Ma’am, great. Bucky pulled you gently from Steve, helping you into the back of the vehicle with the two super soldiers sat in front of you in case if you were planning of getting away or attacking them in any way shape or form. 
Not that you were planning to. Realistically, being with them was the safest place you could be in right now. Protected and guarded by not one, not two but three Avengers. What’s the point in making a getaway if you’re innocent? 
Well, depends which crime. 
The engine roared to life and pulled out of the car park of the motel. Tony was driving but was insistent with his questions of what happened. 
“So, (Y/N), is it? It is, right? No mistake from Scotland Yard?” Stark called from the behind the wheel and through the caged hatch from where you were uncomfortably sat in. 
You nodded. “Yeah, they got it right.” 
You were sure he smirked or was it a smile? It was hard to tell through the wired window. “You had a hell of a bad day.” He laughed through it. 
You frowned and narrowed your eyes at the back of his head. “Do elaborate, Mister Stark.” 
Tony ‘ooo’d. “Mister Stark? That sounds kinky.”
“If you think titles are kinky, no judgement from me.” You smiled and shook your head mid-laugh. 
You glanced at Steve and Bucky for a split moment and they had the same expressions as they had when they found out you were who they were chasing after. They looked like wounded pups, the ones with soft floppy ears as well. 
Tony made a quick right turns and jerked the Jeep which made yourself, Steve and Bucky unbalanced and move involuntarily. You closed your eyes, wincing as you banged the back of your head against the metal back on the car. “Sorry about that.”
“No, you’re not – you were saying?” You pushed him to continue his mantra, anything but this silence with the lads would be more preferable. 
“Ah, your bad day. You were living in a crappy, dirty motel, got trapped in an elevator with those two and now you’re chained up. Like some kind of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost movie.” 
You cocked an eyebrow. “Wouldn’t that make me the unsung hero? Or one of the friends that gets killed off?” 
“Depends, are you innocent?” Ah, a test. That wasn’t really subtle but you had the eyes of Steve and Bucky on you. 
They were intrigued and listening to your answer. “Are any of us really innocent?” Bucky hardened his jaw and looked away as Steve looked down at his shoes. 
“Touché.” Tony muttered as the car picked up speed on the dirt road they turned off on. 
You leant your head back to the metallic, corrugated wall and closed your eyes. You knew the soldiers were watching you, as they had to, but they was something more behind it than just duty. Closing your eyes, you allowed your mind to wander to a place where there wasn’t any threat to you and there was genuine happiness and a family that loved you. 
It’s the same place you go when you need to sleep but sadly, you didn’t have the ability to manipulate dreams at all so they quickly turned to nightmares. Variations upon variations of what happened almost seventeen years before you boarded everything up and high tailed it out of there. At first, it made you sad and in tears but that faded. Year by year. Those tears down fall down the curve of your cheek anymore and the feeling of sadness is now nostalgia. 
Now, you have it as a goal. A future to look forward to and not run away from. Those boards will be torn down one day and will be filled with light, warmth and the smell of old books. 
A home was your dream and a hope to be a reality. 
You were forced out of that façade by a forceful and sudden stop. Opening your eyes, you met Bucky and Steve. Still sat across from you – still visibly upset no matter how much they tried to hide it. 
You knew.  
“End of the ride, folks.” Tony pulled the hand-break and killed the engine, pulling out the keys. There were no actual windows from in the Jeep so you had no idea where you actual was. 
You gathered that was the idea – you were pretty sure that they have a massive Avenger’s sign on the building like they did the tower so the objective of being hidden and discreet was thrown out the window. 
Tony opened up the door from the outside and Steve climbed out. Bucky got you up and in front of him, helping you out with ease. You were pretty sure that he could lift and throw you up in the air if he wanted. 
You followed Steve and Tony as they led you out of whatever basement this was and into an elevator. Stark smirked. “Hopefully this one won’t stall.” A glare from both super soldiers was earned. 
Tough crowd. 
You were guided into a cell or four star hotel suite by the look of it. A definite upgrade from the shitty hotel. If this is how Tony treats his prisoners than how does he treat the Avengers? You wanted to ask if you could be a prisoner for a while. 
“So, there’s the bed, shower, toilet and a desk as you can see.” They were going to leave you alone for awhile to stew and for them to come up with a game plan with what to do with you. 
You nodded, walking over to the bed and parking your butt on it. “Comfy.” 
“Glad you think so.” Tony left the room, leaving you with Steve and Bucky. 
They just stared at you and you haven’t decided whether you were uncomfortable or welcome to it just yet. The men were waiting on you to explain yourself but after a good, long sullen silence of five minutes – which was pretty awkward – Bucky groaned and left. 
Steve stayed for just one moment to say something that you thought could be at least something, anything. “There are set times for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Six am, twelve pm and seven pm.” You nodded. 
“Thank you, Steve.” That was genuine and the look he gave you made you actually feel worse for deceiving them even though that you literally met them eight hours ago. 
This confused the hell out of you. 
Steve left. As the door officially locked, your restraints were unlocked and dropped on the floor. 
“Nice.” You dragged out, looking around the room. 
Definitely better than the motel. 
Hours and hours went by, you figured it was best to sleep until someone either came in with food or came to interrogate you. Someone had come in while you were asleep, it was for dinner and they didn’t wake you up. The food was placed on the desk and, of course, you devoured it when you woke up. You were hungry and the last thing you ate was half a sandwich in an elevator and you knew they didn’t poison the food as they needed you. More like they needed whatever was in your brain to pin the crimes on you because that looked like the way it was heading. 
You sat up slowly from the bed as the door unlocked. A woman with dark red hair that stopped at her shoulders came in with nothing in her hands. You recognised her from whatever show or news caster was reporting on the Avengers that day. The Russian assassin or spy, whatever. 
She smiled, which you assumed was fake and to lure you in. “Hi there.”
She motioned to the unused half of the bed. “Mind if I sit?”
You shook your head. “Go right ahead.” 
“You’re (Y/N), right?” She asked. 
Your eyes scanned her. “Would you be here if I wasn’t?” You smirked. 
She exhaled a laugh. “Valid point.”
A silence and then she continued. “Natasha Romanoff.” 
“I’m aware.” You crossed your legs and you were also aware of the fact that she was observing and reading your actions to determine what you are like and what your next actions would be. 
Which would be nothing at all, to her displeasure. 
Natasha found your eyes interesting, you noticed as she kept coming back to them. “Do you know why you’re here?”
You nearly deadpanned at the question. “I reckon I’m here because you have the idea in your heads that I’ve done something bad worthy enough for the Avengers involvement.”
She smiled and raised an eyebrow. “You think we are wrong to suspect you?” 
“Wrong to suspect me? No. Wrong to in-prison me for it? Yes.” You enjoyed being vague especially with a highly trained assassin. 
Natasha straightened her back, she wasn’t expecting this. “You believe someone is framing you?” 
“I wouldn’t say framing me, just murdering innocent people in my name to prove a point. I imagine he wasn’t expecting for you guys to get involved.” You added a tidbit to entice her. 
Natasha was watching every little muscle you make, watching to see if you were lying at all but what you were saying was and is the truth. “He? Scorned lover?” She smirked. 
You laughed. “No, no, more like a guy thinking daddy could fix everything and get away with it.” 
“Could I get a name?” 
You raised an eyebrow and she informed you of why. “So, you’re not the person in prison for a crime you didn’t commit.
“Check my story, alibi, that sort of thing? He has a few names that I’m aware of.” Natasha got up and pulled out a blank note book from the desk as well as a pen. She handed them to you as you sat down. 
Overall, you wrote down seventeen names. One for each year. He would reform himself at the start of every year and get into all sorts of trouble and not the good kind. Natasha was surprised at how many you wrote down, you were sure that she was beginning to believe in your story. 
You were being framed. 
“Rogers and Barnes will be glad to hear of this.” Natasha dropped that on you as she got up to leave. 
You didn’t really believe that. “That so?” You had imagined that they would resent you for a little while, at least. 
“Very so.” And Natasha left, the door locking behind her. 
Getting back to sleep had proven difficult for a couple hours, so you let your mind wonder to a safe place. You thought you would be back in that house but no, you were in an elevator. You were sat down, with cards in your hands. Steve was there, smiling and laughing. Bucky was beside you, looking at you with those eyes you could actually lose yourself in. This was a safe place and you missed it. You missed being their friend or whatever you were in there for six or so hours. 
You were playing this by ear. You weren’t manipulative, you didn’t have a play in mind. You just wanted to live, survive, and play a card game or two. You wanted to get away. You wanted to go home but here you are. In the Avengers compound, laying on the comfiest bed you’ve had the pleasure of sleeping on I’m seventeen years. You had forgot how nice it is to sleep in a nice bed. 
Sleep came slow and naturally but you were nudged awake by a different woman with flowing long brown hair. “Can I help you?” You mumbles and groaned, wiping the sleep out of your eyes with the sleeves of your shirt. You didn’t have the strength to figure out her name yet. 
The woman had rolled her eyes. “I’m Wanda, and we know you’re innocent.” 
“Well, Wanda, I literally just woke up so give me a minute.” You were going slow and she just wanted you up and ready, wanting to shock Steve and Bucky in the morning with you at the table – they weren’t informed of what Natasha got from you last night yet. 
A red hue covered your body and forced you up to your feet. You frowned at the woman. “That was rude.”
“Get dressed, Tony cleaned the clothes that you had.” How kind of him. 
You got undressed with no warning whatsoever for Wanda, she quickly turned around and you chuckled. Stepping into clean clothes was a nice feeling that you’ve missed. You shoved your feet into your boots and tied your hair back. “You can look now, and we can go.”
Wanda opened the door and you followed, with no restraints this time. In the elevator up, you looked over at her.
“So, where are we going?” You weren’t exactly told. 
Wanda glanced at you and the shifted her body to face you. “The kitchen and dining room. It’s breakfast in five minutes.” 
“What’s on the menu?” Food sounded good right now. 
“It’s a free for all so there’s all kind of cereal, toast and sandwiches and any drinks really. Tony keeps everything fully stocked.” Wanda told you, which she didn’t really have to. You were under the impression that as soon as some kind of briefing went down and they went after the guy you would skedaddle out of there.
And finally back home. 
But that wasn’t the case at all, was it?
Everyone was already at the table, beginning to eat as you two left the elevator and walked into the dining room. Bucky looked up first and saw you, and then Steve. Those blue eyes were so wide and full of shock, it was quite comical. 
“Wanda, what are you doing? She’s in containment.” Steve rose up from his chair, his mood declined. 
You took a step forward towards them. “Didn’t you hear, lads? I’m innocent.” You smiled happily. 
“What do you mean innocent?” Bucky was the second to rise up from his chair. 
Natasha quickly diffused them. “Sit down, soldiers. She gave me her story and it checks out. (Y/N) is being framed by a guy with a crappy temper.” 
Steve and Bucky’s darkened moods seem to fade as they lowered themselves down into their seats. Wanda sat you down beside her and Clint. The two soldiers looked at each other and then you. You felt their eyes on you and you didn’t know what to say to them or think at all – and you weren’t about to say anything at all with nearly every Avenger at the table. 
Tony took a bite out of a piece of toast. “So, what’d you do to piss him off so bad?” 
“Tony.” Pepper hit his arm as a warning. 
He looked at her like he had no idea why she hit him. “What?”
You shrugged. “It’s okay, Miss Potts.” They might as well know. 
“I humiliated him at this massively and overtly expensive gala he was hosting for the very first time. I basically ended his social life on the spot and basically his future.” You began as your poured milk on top of your cereal. 
They were all quite content on listening to your story, especially Steve and Bucky. “Why were you at the gala?” Clint asked her, taking a sip on his coffee. 
“My family were invited.” 
Natasha twirled the stirring spoon in her coffee. “Wealthy?”
You shook your head. “I knew what he was and I found out what he was going to continue to do to girls, guys and anyone who got in his way. Whether if it was sport or pleasure. My great great something or other was in business with his great great grandfather so his parents were friendly with mine – that’s how we got in.”
You met Steve and Bucky’s gaze at the other end of the table. Steve spoke to her gently for the first time since the elevator. “What did you do to him?” 
“Nothing that he didn’t deserve. He hurt someone I care about and karma hit him. It hit him hard and now he wants my head for what I did.” You finished your cereal and downed a glass of fresh orange juice. 
Natasha softly spoke to her. “Hey.” She got your attention. 
“That cycle ends now.” 
You nodded. “Good because I’ve waited seventeen years and I want to go home.” 
After breakfast, Natasha and Wanda guided you to the wreck room where a pool table, fuse ball table, air hockey, plenty of video games and books were held. They left you to entertain yourself as they debriefed the mission to the team a couple floors up in the conference room. 
You sat on the ‘L’ shaped sofa and watched Hot Fuzz, it was a favourite. For the next three to four days, you had free reign of the facility all by yourself and Vision – who you found a bit weird but so were you. 
Steve came back a day early. He wanted to talk to you, alone. You greeted him with a soft ‘Hello’ and he just hugged you. You thought you would be crushed but it was actually nice. 
“Is everything okay?” You asked as you pulled away. 
Steve nodded. “Yeah, everything is being taken care of. They found him, and it’s happening tonight. Tomorrow you can go home.” 
You were shocked, you didn’t think this day would come and it has. That dream would become a reality. “Really?”
He smiled. “Really.”
“Seventeen years is a long time to be waiting, you know?” Steve sat down with you on the sofa. 
You gave him a small smile and nodded. “I had to. To protect the ones I love, I’m sure you could understand, Cap.” That felt wrong but sort of right to say. He was always Steve Rogers to you. You never saw the Captain America side of him – only heard of it. 
“Yeah, I thought we should talk finally after what happened.” 
“No time like the present.” You felt like you should go first but Steve happens to be a gentlemen. 
He looked shy. “I’m sorry.”
“Shouldn’t I be the one saying that to you and Bucky?” You relaxed your shoulders, removing tenseness from yourself for what’s to come. 
He had a few questions to ask. “When you met us, before the elevator, did you know who we were?”
You shook your head. “No, I didn’t. I only realised when I overheard you talking to Bucky when you thought I was listening to loud music then the elevator stalled.”
“That makes sense and makes me feel a lot better actually.” He chuckled, very relieved. He should have talked to you sooner. 
You raised an eyebrow. “I still deceived you a little bit.” 
Steve shook his head. “No, you didn’t. You made the best of a bad situation. You thought the worst when you realised who we were and wanted to survive.” 
“Self preservation and all that.” You looked at your hands, trying to focus on your next words to him. 
You came back to his eyes. Very nice eyes. “I don’t regret any friendship made in the elevator with you two. That was me. Those photos are real. Everything was real.” 
Another voice made you turn both of your heads. “I’m glad to hear that.” 
“Bucky.” You slowly stood and he walked over to you. He pulled you into a nice, deep hug which you thoroughly enjoyed. 
He took your hands in his. “When you’re ready to finally go home, take our phone numbers. Stay in touch.” 
“Maybe, come visit us here.” You smiled, how did you get so attached to these guys? 
Steve came up and stood by his best friend. “Perhaps, we could visit you. If you wanted.” 
Bucky smiled at you. “Play a game of cards?”
You laughed. “Game night at my place? You’re on.”
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dftgrftgh · 3 years
She is reportedly giving one last gift to Bobbi Kristina
She is reportedly giving one last gift to Bobbi Kristina, by working with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation in their Nick Gordon probe.. I have no such feeling; far from it. Morgan (Ed.) of Causal Analysis for Social Research 2013, There are a few new postings on my home page:410 Mohan, puma avid fusefit mid Pearl and Tian data as a causal inference problem. He has slowed down a lot and his shot can be put in the scary for the other team catigory. With both windows open wide, the light of the waning moon spilled across the bedchamber. From behind the wheel, the engine feels as up for it as ever and the chassis remains the very picture of agility.. “Why, Natasha would be a better match for him. “What is love? Desire? No man with all his parts could ever look on you and not desire you, Daenerys. The head of the college football coaches association, Willingham said the sportsmanship issue and what is a celebration continues to be debated.continue to battle with what is the right form of celebration and what should be penalized, he said.The key, he said, is to nike air vortex desert sand manufacture the right type of celebration that does not belittle the game and the sportsmanship that should be part of the game. The Shy Maid was folie samsung j6 2018 pt tot telegonil moored to a weathered pier on the east bank of the biciclete rusesti vechi Rhoyne. On the third day we learnt what had happened. He stressed Piazza needed medical care, but another member shoved him into a wall and told him to leave. At the hour fixed I went out to fetch the medicine, and at the same time went into a restaurant where they knew me and gave me credit. But thanks to a recent study by a team of researchers from Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany, it may now be possible air max 90 ultra se to determine the absolute maximum mass that is required for a neutron star to collapse, giving birth to a new black hole.. Do not judge, from my observations, that I am seeking catalog cercei aur turcia consolation for the abolitionists. There were two books lying on the table, a short geography and the New Testament in the Russian translation, pencil-marked in the margin and scored by the finger-nail. Tom Hanks plays a veneer of cool holding down panic as a lawyer who defends a Soviet spy and is then conscripted to become the unofficial of a prisoner exchange after the U 2 Spy Plane scandal of 1960.. Most causes of foot pain can be treated very easily, but there are different circumstances where surgery is necessary.. The dynamic on the Democratic side is as much about interest group politics as it is about political ideology, but you don't have to look hard to find it in the defeat locally of Washington Mayor Adrian Fenty and Montgomery Council member Duchy Trachtenberg, or nationally in President Obama's declining poll numbers.". The EDGE also takes things a step further and targets silence/quiet operation.. To eat of human meat was abomination, to mate as wolf with wolf was abomination, and to seize the body of another man was the worst abomination of all. I come across a person, who always come up to door (sometimesup to lift door) drop his guest. A few years as squires, and he might have six more knights to give his queen. The sailors would have laughed to see you drown. In keeping with the company's customer centric initiatives, the company offers special finance and exchange offer to help its customers upgrade and provides accidental insurance benefit of Rs. You never know with Tatters. At duci alkalmi ruha the Outcast Inn the patrons themselves did the singing, in drunken voices and half a hundred tongues. Stowe has done much to draw from him those concessions; and the putting forth of this “most invulnerable moral panoply,” that has just come into his head as a bulwark of safety for slavery, owes its impetus to her, and other like efforts. It had probably occurred to him that she would not take the first step, that possibly she was not thinking of him and felt no longing for reconciliation. One moment it felt like a game, the next like some nightmare, like a bad dream where he found himself opening a dark door, knowing that horror and death waited on the other side, yet somehow powerless to stop himself. Jon came around the table and drew her to her feet. All hail Rafa!. 42 year old David Flitcroft is preparing for his thirdfull season in charge at Gigg Lane after joining the club in December 2013, after he was sacked by Barnsley after 11 months in charge at Oakwell. They [the pilots] feel that they under pressure and that their airplanes aren maintained properly. 1 cause of the soot and smog deaths, according to the study. Skin and bones, he thought. “Lord Captain, he told me … he told me you would surely die unless we brought him to you.”. The gioco cubo di rubik amazon organization put the family in a hotel and is helping with emergency purchases. Nikolay Sergeyitch did маратонки puma mercedes amg not question Alyosha, since the prince had evidently been reticent in his letter as to the real cause of his son’s banishment. "We started playing the song 'She's Got a Way' which really knocked us out. The riders had been sixteen days on the hunt, with only hard bread oakley m frame ice iridium and salt beef to eat, aside from the occasional stolen kid, so that night Lord Ramsay commanded that a feast be laid to celebrate his return to Barrowton. In addition, housing vouchers, a key HUD program that the city relies on to keep the neediest from entering the shelter program will surely be subject to budget cuts. Affix a pointer on the sleeve aimed at a protractor on a stationary upright and it would be possible to dial in a target with a few rounds or consistently hit a target if the distance to target is known. Inflammation and injury to the joint cause a breaking down of cartilage tissues, resulting in pain, swelling, and deformity. Hosted by Fauzia Rafique. It must furnish support for all; but, while they increase, its capacity of supply decreases. And since September, three Lion Air pilots have been arrested after testing positive for illegal drugs. They went on in their childish pursuits, and some were laughing outright in the distant parts of the galleries; so low can man, created in God’s image, be sunk in brutality.. He said the CIFI pointed out that the footwear industry had a huge potential and that it was poised for a big leap. We converged on a modular shoe design consisting of a toecap and a heelcap with links that can be inserted between the caps to lengthen the shoe. Its initial flights may link Edinburgh, Birmingham in England and Cork and Shannon in Ireland to smaller airports in New England and the New York area.. Your shuttle bus departs from the Hollingbury ASDA bus stop on Crowhurst Road, BN1 8AF. They caused this mess! Grayson is just trying to help people who deserve and need help. Stones and spears and pots of burning pitch could be rained down on them from above, and all they could do was cling desperately to the ice.
0 notes
lohst-in-time · 7 years
exit82 be more chill - a written bootleg
first of all i’d like to say that the cheering was not nearly as excessive as tumblr led me to believe it wasn’t that bad and i could hear all the lines so!!! comfort to y’all
*spooky theramin hell dream commence*
okay but the dad though we have to admire his skill to put on his pants so quickly to go and be a bus driver
the whole time brooke chloe and jenna are having their conversation jere is just awkwardly trying to discreetly slide his hand to his locker and honestly me
also brooke just like skips everywhere it’s adorable
everyone was just glancing around at each other while rich wrote boyf on the backpack like 👀👀👀👀👀
this jake definitely did a totally different thing for his jake than jake boyd but i LOVED it and he was really great!!!
the set for this was so versatile and stuff like they turned around the lockers and BAM there’s the play signup sheet it was cool as hell
jeremy does this cute cut-off gesture on “end scene” and it’s A+
oh my god where do i start with christine her overalls were great, her cat stockings were great, her voice was AMAZING like honestly y’all she was a blessing
SO LIKE i was sitting right by this exit door and turns out it’s where a L O T of people enter from so michael walked in all casually with his slushy right in front of me and i was n o t p r e p a r e d
michael was acting so high during his part it was great
also when jere says his whole “i hate this school” thing michael just kinda smiles and shrugs so that was NICE
i can confirm that christine signing up for the play in this production is just as extra as it was in the original production
chloe’s “i like gay people” was like really loud it was great
can yall believe im still only in the first song
also the ensemble peeps were A++ i loved them
for the scene before play rehearsal there’s a whiteboard with drama club written on it in cute lettering and it’s great
the whole song jeremy is just watching christine with a goofy grin like heck yeah i love this human and it’s adorable i loved it so much!!
christine’s NOISES!!!!!! A++++++
at the end with the “we’re starting” christine just kept pausing at staring at the whiteboard expectantly until she turns to jere and is like “soooooon” and it was both pure and hilarious
when mr reyes says the thing about frisbee golf this ensemble guy just goes like “yeah!!” it was great
christine looked so genuinely distraught over midsummer nightmare with zombies
also when mr reyes announces it he flips the whiteboard to reveal midsummer nightmare with zombies written in like this beautiful calligraphy it was blessed
he’s so aggressive with “THE MAN IS DEAD LET IT GO” oh my god
so in this version jake is way more just obviously hitting on christine rather than genuinely saying all the stuff about romeo and juliet and i don’t know how i feel about it but he delivered it really well so !!!!!!
the audience audibly sadly awwed when christine didn’t notice jeremy speaking
the lisp is alive and well by the way
basically the squip song was very extra i loved it
everyone was so excited at the “its from japan”
michael just deadass lights a blunt during two player game it’s hilarious
the pacman tattoo is confirmed to be on michael’s right arm i took note
on the line “i wanna move on” jeremy just sorta whinily shakes michael’s arm it’s great
during the favorite person part michael just lowkey rests his head on jere’s shoulder and is promptly playfully shoved so that he falls facefirst into the two bean bags and he just sorta lays there for a bit it’s amazing
for the final chorus part thing they both just do these ridiculous karate moves and shit in the front while video game characters take off the set it’s so extra and blessed i loved it
instead of the sideburns comment jeremy just awkwardly says “so, my chemical romance right” it was the best
when jeremy opens the shoebox michael in the background just lowkey moves his phone up in the air and takes a picture then looks really satisfied and pleased with it
press f to pay respects to jeremy’s bar mitzvah money
the squip looks just like this cool villainy dude at first but over the course of the show he slowly gets more and more squippy and villainy looking it’s so FUCKIN COOL
also when the squip first shows up little drop down things on the ceiling of the squip wire shit shows up and there’s also more big ones that show up in upgrade it’s just a cool lil thing that i liked
the squip squat-sits a lot. just a psa
do you wanna ride was both uncomfortable and hilarious at the same time it was p amazing
there were these short pauses in between each “in” in pinkberry at the end it was super funny
at the end of be more chill part two when everyone sets jeremy down on the bed the squip says like “be careful with him he’s delicate”
jere: *aggressively tapping his head* hellooo are you on? mr heere: son are you talking to yourself again jere: i...guess i am mr heere: okay
from now on jeremy wears his eminem shirt AND this black coat vest thing it actually looks pretty good
at play rehearsal everyone does southern accents during their lines it’s amazing
“im sorry i don’t know why im crying” BIG MOOD JEREMIAH
“noooooooo....ot exactly”
jere is forced to make out with brooke and he clearly looks very uncomfortable and i felt so bad jvnghfkd
“that...that’s illegal” “yeah, it’s totally illegal!” SHFGJSCKISFTDYIDV
everyone highkey gasped/sadly awwed when jere said optic nerve blocking on
brooke’s sexy dog costume jvndhdksj
“i do not understand the request” YES YOU FUCKIN DO SHUT UP TIC TAC MAN
*bathtub prop is brought onstage* FUCK IM NOT EMOTIONALLY READY-
the audience reaction was INSANE people were ooing and awwing and gasping all around me and it was surreal as fuck
by the way this dude has the voice of an angel. of a god. a god angel. an angel god.
christine and jeremy’s weird noise exchange was the cutest damn thing ever
everyone in the audience sounded so sad when christine said no to going out with jeremy but i mean WE WERE SAD EVEN THOUGH MOST OF US KNEW IT WAS GONNA HAPPEN
they all start out in bathrobes and stuff (LIKE I ALWAYS PICTURED IT TOO I WAS INTERNALLY SCREAMING!!!) then they take them off to reveal these like shiny elastic outfits like in a zumba class or something it was amazing
okay but when the squip walks out for the scene before pitiful children he looks like a straight up evil electronic BADASS he got Cloaks For Days (also his makeup was On Point the whole show so just sayin)
everyone in the audience made sad noises when jenna said her line about knowing everyone’s business but honestly i felt a Sad at that part
JENNA NAILED THOSE HIGH NOTES also she just deadass pulled the Mountain Dew out of her coat jvnghfk
THE PANTS SONG WAS AMAZING also michael was super defensive when mr heere asked if he loved jeremy like he super quickly was like “NO” i just thought it was intriguing
during the rich flashback the play background curtain thing comes down a bit to show the flashback and then comes back up it was cool
THE KUNG FU FIGHT THING also michael still keeps jeremy in this body hug thing to keep him restrained long after he needs to be just something i noticed
during the “confession” part christine and jeremy slow dance again BUT i paid attention to michael in the background and he looked DISTRAUGHT i deadass actually saw him wipe a tear and start walking away (before coming back when jere gives her the mountain dew red) and HOLY SHIT YALL I WAS HURT
michael is just left in this pile of bodies and he literally just shouts “OH FUCK” and honestly SAME
R I C H A R D oh my god first of all this whole scene he is like just smiling his ass off in this full body cast and the lisp was super alive and everyone lost their SHIT at the totally bi part it was so great and when michael comes in he’s like so excitedly ranting about what happened that he fuckin shakes jere’s hospital bed it was great ALSO IM ALMOST POSITIVE THAT RICH WAS WEARING AN LGBT SHIRT FOR VOICES IN MY HEAD CAN SOMEONE HELP CONFIRM THIS
i have never heard so many people gasp because of a man walking onstage wearing pants
i was really glad that everyone including michael were so happy for jeremy and christine it was pure
im emotionally worn out that was a ride thanks for listening hope yall will be able to visually see this beauty someday
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mangled-dreams · 7 years
Dealings with a Devil (Part 28)
Dealings with a Devil (Part 28)
Reader X Darkiplier
You, Reader, have made a deal with what you believed to be a fantasized version of your favorite YouTuber’s alter ego, Darkiplier after he’d visited you in a dream. You believed Darkiplier to only exist in your dreams and on Markiplier’s YouTube channel, but by some impossible way he’s real and he intends on collecting on your debt to him.
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“Hi everybody! I'm Markilpier and welcome to another exciting video on the basics of starting your let's play channel. With me once again is a favorite artist and my favorite assistant in this venture, Mangled Dreams, AKA Y/N.” Mark announces as you wave at the camera set up.
Mark has upgraded his equipment and had moved to a new apartment since your last visit. You'd missed Mark and the others while they were on their hiatus. Mark and Sean still called, responded to your text messages, but it wasn't the same.
“Hello! Mangled Dreams here once again. Stepping out of the nightmares to spend some time with all of you and our main man, Markiplier!” you greet with a big smile. Nothing like recording with Mark to take your mind off the tension between yourself and your two suitors.
Halloween had come and gone in a flash and Thanksgiving had been a stress induced horror show that somehow had a good ending. Your family managed to get you and Dark to pose for some awkward prom-like photos during Thanksgiving dinner. It'd been fun, but horribly embarrassing.
As for today, it's the second day of the convention and you're with Mark in his childhood home recording in the room that started it all. You're about three episodes into the basics of YouTube. Between your commissions, working for your mother, and splitting your time between making videos and Dark and Anti, you're just tired and ready for a little break.
You go thought the process of video making and adding simple special effects. You're actually learning quite a bit each time you do one of these videos.
It's nearly five hours later that you're finally able to breath a sigh of relief. Recording had been harder this time, mainly due to the face you kept getting off topic and bursting into laughter at random times. Mark had done his best to keep in teacher mode, but it didn't work well.
Being nearly ten at night after a long day at the convention you head to your hotel room for the evening. You bid Mark a goodnight before leaving. Dark had informed you that he would be busy with a few things he'd been putting off since you'd be consistently around his human counterpart.
“You're late.” Anti greets you as you enter the large suite. You sigh and put the extra lock on the door before turning to Anti.
“Mr. Septiceye, how lovely to see you this evening. I wasn't expecting company.” You say glancing at Anti as you set your bag down and remove your shoes. You smirk at his expression.
“Is that really any ways to greet a friend?” Anti responds relaxing in the arm chair again. You roll your eyes, a playful smile on your lips still.  
“Friend, huh?” you drop your jacket over Anti's head passing by to go into the bed . You laugh as he tosses your jacket off his head. You close the door slightly and start to disrobe. “What brings you by, Anti?”
“To enjoy the view.” Anti responds appearing on the bed. You quickly slip your night shirt over your bare chest and glare at him.
“When I shut the door it means to not come in.” You inform him crossing your arms over your chest. Anti laughs and lays back on the bed. Ever since your dream he's been more obvious about his attraction to you. It hasn't really changed the relationship, which is a blessing to you. You hate the awkwardness that usually follows such a realization.
“Mr. Gloom was worried you'd be lonely.” Anti tells you. You half believe him. Dark dose worry, he just prefers to keep it locked up just on principal alone.
“Oh? So what are you doing here?” You ask raising a brow at Anti, a playful smirk still on your face.
Anti returns the playful smile. “To keep you company.”
Shaking your head you roll your eyes and sit down on the bed. “Anti, I'm going to bed. Nothing more, nothing less.” Anti chuckles.
“Wouldn't think of it.” Anti's form flickers before reappearing at the head of the bed, leaning against the headboard with his ankles crossed. You can't help but chuckle a little bit as you stand up and round the bed. Pulling the covers back you lay down and adjust your pillow, tossing two on to the floor.
Yawning you ask Anti, “are you like Dark? Do you not need to sleep?”
“We can choose to sleep. It's not a written rule that we don't sleep. There is jus' not a lot of places n'r people we feel comfortable around enough to sleep.” Anti tells you.
You hum in response, you've been so tired lately and the reason why still eludes you. Even your appetite has changed quite a bit over the past three weeks. You thought maybe you're pregnant, even as Dark reassured you it wasn't possible, and took a few pregnancy tests which came back negative. You had asked if it had to do with the blood letting and Dark didn't have an answer for you. Very few humans are changed, or even capable of being changed and each time it happened Dark did not have enough contact with the person to be a source of knowledge.
“You've been lookin' tired, Y/N, are you feelin' well?” Anti asks watching you drift between states.
You yawn and nod your head. “I'm okay. Just a lot more tied lately. Dark's not quite sure what's going on and the doctor said I'm in good health.” You tell him yawning again. “I guess between you two, work, and the videos with Sean and Mark, I'm just over doing it.”
Anti doesn't respond instead he wraps his arm around you and pulls you partially on to his chest. You think about protesting but it's comfortable and the steadiness of his breathing helps lull you into sleep. Anti appreciates that you don't fight against him.
During the night you have nightmare. Anti is there to coo to you. You remember an Irish lullaby he sang of key for you when your dreams refused to settle. When you woke in the morning he was gone. You shower, dress, eat a quick breakfast, then hurry back to the convention. Your hotel is thankfully just a quick walk away.
Showing your badge to the security officers you are waved into the secured entrance and hurry to your seat next to Mark again. It turns out to be another long day, but you meet so many people you liked talking with.
“God that was a long day!” you hear Ethan shout a few feet behind you. You chuckle softly and agree with him.
“Is anyone else starving?” Mark asks walking up next to you.
“Starving is an understatement.” You respond with a large smile. “Know any good places?” You add as you exit the convention center and immediately want to go back into the building. “Damn it's cold.” You hiss huddling into your jacket. You kind of wish  you'd put on or at the very least brought with you another layer.
“Welcome to Ohio.” Mark laughs huddling into his own jacket. You shake your head, slipping your gloves on quickly.
“Did you forget about the snow everywhere?” Tyler asks chuckling as well, his breath steaming in the cold air.
You roll your eyes at them. “Ha ha, very funny.” As you turn the corner leading into the parking garage an older man you'd seen many times over the past three days stops you in your tracks. He's holding a package in his hands and has locked eyes with you.
“Miss Y/N, I didn't have a chance to give this too you earlier, but thank this.” he says in a rushed tone, thrusting the box into your hands before running off before anyone would react, before you could react.
Standing with a mostly blank face you watch the man until he's completely out of sight before looking down at the box in your now shaking hands. “What...just happened?” you ask looking up to Mark and Ethan. They shook their heads and Tyler takes the box from your hands.
“I...we've all received gifts from fans, but only the more worrying ones wait until the convention is done for the day. Do you mind if we take this? If it's harmless we'll give it back, but...” Tyler looks in the direction the man fled. “That guy... I don't have a good feeling about you having the box.”
It take a few minutes before you can respond properly, so you simply nod your head and fight against the new cold setting into your bones. They get you into Mark's rental car. Mark takes a detour to a Jack-In-The-Box drive thought to get food, your plans for a sit down dinner altered.
The trio ensure you make it back to your hotel room safely before leaving you be. They did their best to cheer you up, and for the most part they succeeded, however it did not take away the knowledge that there is someone who is potentially obsessed with you.
You can't call out to Dark—you tried that already, and Anti won't be stopping by tonight. He left you a note before leaving you in the morning informing you of this. So, for tonight it's just you and your thoughts and that disturbing knowledge...
Mark looks at Tyler then Ethan as they look down at the context of the box you were given just a few hours earlier. Nothing dead or deprived lies in the simple brown box, but it is littered with photos of you. Photos of your day to day life. Photos of you simply being you. Walking around with your family, you busying yourself at work, even you walking around your apartment. Along with the photos is a note.
It's simple card stock with a crudely drawn rose with a few simple words written on it. We will be together. The three exchanged worried looks before closing the box up and putting it in a safe place.
They know they should tell you but they wait until they can talk to you in person. This isn't something they can just tell you over the phone. All three agree that at least one person capable of taking down the man is with you at all times.
Whoever the man is, he's potentially dangerous.
Part 29
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a-livebingo-blog · 5 years
Selecting Soccer Cleats - Lack or Nightmare of Knowledge?
There are so many selections. And all of this marketing nonsense out there. Exactly. There is no simple answer to this question. How exactly to buy proper soccer cleats could be very challenging but it does not have to become nightmare. With the adequate knowledge you can easily choose the right soccer shoes for yourself or your child, if that's the case. So, let's see what should you look for while buying soccer cleats? Aside from the price, you want to ensure they may be comfortable. But how would you know if they give you enough comfort, before you play in them at least few times?
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You won't. Nevertheless, you can increase your chances of buying comfortable soccer cleats by taking into consideration the following factors: 1.Manufacturer. 2.True Synthetic or Leather. 3.Studs Type. 4.Size. Let's discuss these factors a bit more. Manufacturer Nike and adidas are the 2 most popular. For reasonable. They are the best on the marketplace probably. While Adidas "forever" has produced soccer shoes, Nike has made great strides during the last few years. Both companies make good quality soccer shoes equally. Personally, i never played in Nike's shoes, so I can't tell you about this brand from my experience. My sons played soccer using both brands. After trying them for a while, the younger kid sticks to Nike while Pat (old) uses Adidas shoes only. They both are very pleased with their selections. Do you know why? Their feet are build differently. Pat has a much wider foot than his sibling. Adidas makes its cleats bigger in width than Nike. Basically if you have: ·Wide foot - choose a pair of Adidas Soccer Cleats. ·Skinny feet - look for a pair of Nike Soccer Cleats. It wouldn't be good not forgetting 2 other brands, almost as good as the above two: Puma and diadora. Other brands like: Umbro, Kelme, Mitre, Lotto - only when you really can't spend the money for brands mentioned above or if you just simply like these brands. True Leather or Synthetic Upper portion of every soccer shoe is made out of either true leather or man made material. What is better? True leather...for me. And I would recommend it to everyone who is seriously interested in playing soccer. True leather gives you an uncompromising feel of the ball. It molds to your feet producing great comfort. It also lasts much longer than artificial materials. And it is healthier for your foot. Synthetic materials don't let your feet "breathe" accumulating of sweat, potential feet and blisters problem soon. But...(of course there is a "but") ...True leather cleats cost more. You can find few different types of leather used to manufacture soccer cleats. The least expensive is full grain. Sometimes full grain leather soccer shoes may cost only slightly more than "artificial". Spending $10-20 more on far better shoes would be really worth it. The best leather from the market is K-Leather (Kangaroo). Though more costly but it is softer, lighter and durable still. If your feet are not growing like the speed of sound as well as your budget is not too tight, definitely consider buying soccer cleats created from K-Leather.
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There is certainly another "but" or an exception to my "non-synthetic soccer shoes" guideline: soccer cleats manufactured from high quality synthetic material. These soccer shoes are manufactured with special microfiber technology that upgrades synthetic materials, usually a PU (polyurethane). The PU is made because of it very soft, and strong, offering it similar feel to an all natural material. Top Super-Microfiber material is often as expensive as some leather just! Nowadays almost all-leading sport's shoes manufacturers use microfiber materials. For instance, Nike makes their top quality cleats from super lightweight synthetic materials called KNG-100 (Air Move Total 90) and Nike-Skin (Mercurial Vapor). Adidas even, for the first time, used microfiber because of its latest creation Adidas Predator Absolute (there is a Kangaroo leather model as well). So, my "non-synthetic cleats rule" applies and then a regular (cheap) synthetic material like PU or PVC (polyvinylchloride). Find out more info cheap Nike Soccer Cleats
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otaku-sfw-blog · 5 years
Selecting Soccer Cleats - Headache or Lack of Knowledge?
You will find so many choices. And all of this marketing nonsense out there. Exactly. There is no simple answer to this relevant question. How exactly to buy proper soccer cleats could be very challenging but it does not have to become nightmare. With the adequate knowledge you can certainly choose the right soccer shoes for yourself or your child, if that's the case. So, let's see what should you look for while buying soccer cleats? Besides the price, you want to make sure they are comfortable. But how would you understand if you are given by them enough comfort, before you play in them at least few times?
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You won't. Nevertheless, you can increase your likelihood of buying comfortable soccer cleats by considering the following factors: 1.Manufacturer. 2.True Synthetic or Leather. 3.Studs Type. 4.Size. Let's talk about these factors a little bit more. Manufacturer Nike and adidas are the 2 most popular. For reasonable. They will be the best on the marketplace probably. While Adidas has produced soccer shoes "forever", Nike has made great strides over the last few years. Both companies make good quality soccer shoes equally. Personally, i never played in Nike's shoes, so I can't inform you of this brand from my experience. My sons performed soccer using both brands. After attempting them for some time, the younger kid sticks to Nike while Pat (older) uses Adidas shoes only. They both are extremely pleased with their selections. Do you know why? Their feet differently are build. Pat has a much wider feet than his brother. Adidas makes its cleats bigger wide than Nike. Basically if you have: ·Wide feet - look for a couple of Adidas Soccer Cleats. ·Skinny feet - look for a couple of Nike Soccer Cleats. It wouldn't be good not forgetting 2 other brands, almost as good as the above mentioned two: Puma and diadora. Other brands like: Umbro, Kelme, Mitre, Lotto - only when you really can't afford the brands mentioned previously or if you merely simply like these brands. True Synthetic or Leather Upper part of every soccer shoe is made out of either true leather or synthetic material. What is better? True leather...for me. And I recommend it to everybody who is serious about playing soccer. True leather gives you an uncompromising feel of the ball. It molds to your feet producing great comfort. In addition, it lasts longer than artificial materials. Which is healthier for your ft. Synthetic materials don't let your toes "breathe" building up of sweat, potential feet and blisters problem soon. But...(of course there's a "but") ...True leather cleats cost more. You can find few different kinds of leather used to manufacture soccer cleats. The lowest priced is full grain. Sometimes full grain leather soccer shoes may cost only more than "artificial" slightly. Spending $10-20 more on much better shoes would be well worth it. The best leather from the market is K-Leather (Kangaroo). Though more expensive but it is softer, lighter and durable still. If your feet are not growing like the speed of sound and your budget is not too tight, definitely consider buying soccer cleats made from K-Leather.
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There is another "but" or an exception to my "non-synthetic soccer shoes" rule: soccer cleats manufactured from high quality man made material. These soccer shoes are produced with special microfiber technology that upgrades man made material, usually a PU (polyurethane). It creates the PU very soft, and strong, offering it similar feel to an all natural material. Top Super-Microfiber material can be as expensive as some leather just! Nowadays almost all-leading sport's footwear manufacturers use microfiber materials. For example, Nike makes their top quality cleats from super lightweight synthetic material called KNG-100 (Air Focus Total 90) and Nike-Skin (Mercurial Vapor). Adidas even, for the very first time, used microfiber because of its most recent creation Adidas Predator Absolute (there is a Kangaroo leather model as well). So, my "non-synthetic cleats rule" applies only to a regular (cheap) synthetic materials like PU or PVC (polyvinylchloride). Learn more info cheap Nike Magista
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