#Also I just noticed there was a random F all on its on in a paragraph and...
jvpiterzs · 2 days
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𐙚 WARM WELCOMES — LEO VALDEZ .ᐟ ˚⋆. ˚ ₊ · ͟͟͞͞➳ ꒰ leo valdez x gn!reader — a riordanverse blurb ꒱
— ordered﹔yes / no - here!! — ingredients﹔fluffy whipped cream, use of y/n, purpose use of lowercase alphabet soup, reader has a supporting/loving family, established relationship, probably not well proofread, lmk if i missed anything! — wc﹔500+ // 4 min average reading time — recipe﹔read the order above :) — cassie's tea time﹔i've been scrolling on pinterest for so long and couldn't find any good photos for 'handmade' stuff so i decided to just go w those three 😔😔 i also had like no idea what to name this HELP [also thank you to that anon who told me what i got wrong because i was like half asleep when i wrote this]
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﹙the cafe // dishes // menu // barista board﹚
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leo valdez stood nervously at your doorstep, one hand stuffed into the pockets of his jeans and the other fiddling with a gift he brought for your family. despite the confident grin he usually wore, you noticed the anxiety in his eyes. you reached over and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.
"they’re going to love you, i just know it." you said, smiling warmly.
"easy for you to say," leo muttered, but his smile became more genuine as he looked at you. "you're not the one who has to impress their partner's family."
"you'll do great," you assure, kissing his cheek.
as you opened the door, you could hear the sound of laughter from the living room. leo’s grip tightened on your hand for a moment before he took a deep breath, following you inside.
"mom, dad, this is leo," you introduced him to your parents. leo smiled nervously, giving them a small wave, his eyes looking around the room as if taking everything in.
your father stepped forward first, a kind glint in his eyes. "nice to meet you, leo," he said warmly, extending a hand. leo shook it firmly, a bit of the tension easing from his shoulders.
then came your step-mother who treated you like you really were her own. "my child's boyfriend, yes? she talks about you a lot." she chuckled.
you blush, and leo can't help but laugh as he glanced at you, his anxiety melting into amusement. "they're truly one of a kind."
"i made a few things for you guys.. just as a gift, y'know?" leo says sheepishly with a smile, handing your family the handmade gifts he had spent all night working on.
"made this yourself?" your father says, impressed as he examined the wrsitwatch your boyfriend gave him, turning it over in his hands to inspect the fine details..
"yep!" leo nods, squeezing your hand for reassurance.
"can you really make anything?" your little brother asked, eyes wide with awe and curiousity.
leo grinned enthusiastically, his eyes lighting up with excitement. "pretty much. wanna see?" your little brother nods eagerly.
he pulled a few random items from his pockets — a couple of screws, a piece of wire, and a small chunk of metal. in minutes, he had crafted a tiny bird that flapped its wings and chirped. your sibling’s eyes widened in amazement.
as the evening wore on, the tension leo had disappeared. by the time dessert came around, he was trading jokes with your dad and sharing stories with your mom like they’d known each other for years.
when it was time to leave, your parents pulled you aside.
"he’s a good one," your mother said softly, her eyes warm. "and he clearly cares about you."
your father nodded. "just make sure he knows we’re always watching," he added with a wink, his tone teasing but his meaning clear.
you couldn't help but roll your eyes playfully. "yeah, yeah, dad, got it."
you walked leo to the door, the night air cool against your skin. he turned to you, his expression a mix of relief and happiness.
"that wasn’t so bad," he admitted, pulling you into a hug.
you laughed, resting your head against his chest. "told you they’d love you."
leo kissed the top of your head. "thank you for believing in me."
you smiled up at him. "always."
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— thank you for placing your order, and i hoped you enjoyed your meal! kisses from jvpiterzs <3 — cafe guest list﹔n/a
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theimaginatrix27 · 2 years
After seeing Kinta's comic, I felt I had to write my own post. I can't do an art. I thought about doing a oneshot but I doubt I'd do it justice and someone else probably already had and wrote that particular premise. So I'll just share my thoughts.
The truth is, part of me feels like I don't really have the right to be as impacted as I am. I never read Takahashi-Sensei's manga. I couldn't. I'm blind. I couldn't appreciate his art in any of its forms. I couldn't even watch the anime in the sub, in his native language, because I never got fluent enough in Japanese to understand it.
All I know is that, in one of the darkest times of my own life, when my family was going through difficulties I still have trouble discussing in public (Kinta you're braver than you know), Yu-Gi-Oh was there. When I ran out of Dragon Ball content, Yu-Gi-Oh was there. When I couldn't sleep, which was often—I've always struggled with sleeping at the correct times—Yugi and his friends were there in my imagination. Even when I gave up fanfic for a few years, Yu-Gi-Oh's influence was there, in Catrion and Vienata's eye-colour, in Antario's personality, in the creation of the Lanotehara.
I never saw the end of the original Yu-Gi-Oh anime. I had to find out what happened from Wikipedia, in 2012. I suspect the TV networks down here followed the US's lead and switched straight to GX. I don't think I ever saw Season 5 on free-to-air. But I fell in love with GX too, and 5D's. After that last one was so rudely cut off, however, I was disinterested in future spinoffs. I haven't watched anything past the end of Season 1 of 5D's, which I resented anyway because I'd just been hit in the gut by what 4Kids decided to make the Season finale of GX after avoiding saying characters were dying for half a season. I will never forgive whoever did that to me, and to the story being told.
In the 2010's, I found out fanfiction was a global phenomenon, and of course Yu-Gi-Oh was one of the first series I read fic for. Thanks to the Yu-Gi-Oh fandom, first on FF.net, and then Tumblr, I met many wonderful people I am glad to have in my life. @kohakuhime, @gwen-skyes, @kintatsujo, @iced-blood, @thejanestofdoes, @entamewitchlulu, @aceyanaheim, @littlemomentsofgold, @mpuzzlegirl, and others I might know less well, or didn't meet through Tumblr, or whose names I have simply forgotten at this time, but who are no less dear to me. I would not have known these people without Kazuki Takahashi's work to bring them to my attention. Yugi wished for friends, and would never know his wish was not just for him. I don't think I have enough words to express my gratitude. I'm trying, but it doesn't feel like it's remotely enough.
Thank you, Takahashi-Sensei. I hope that, wherever you are, you know how vast and positive your legacy is. Also, thanks for creating the best backstory possible for a rich kid's favourite card. Nothing will compare to the Blue Eyes White Dragon in popularity or general epicness.
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ghost-proofbaby · 24 days
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mind blown (eddie munson x fem!reader)
summary: when you get a certain achievement while playing baldur's gate 3, it catches your boyfriend's eye.
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
warnings: slight spoilers for baldur's gate 3 game, TALK OF MONSTER FUCKING/TENTACLES, you literally have the option to fuck a monster in the game and that is the premise for this one-shot. it isn't described in great detail, but is a background bit. and eddie makes fun of you for it. a lot. oral (f receiving, insinuated m receiving at the end). use of nickname "good girl". minors dni.
wc: 3.5k+
a/n: for anyone who was forced to witness me rizz the emperor on my last bg3 stream - consider this my... apology? half the time i was writing this i couldn't take it seriously so please laugh with me.
also, shout out to @hellfire--cult for the best possible divider EVER.
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You don’t even notice when the notification pops up in the lower left corner of your screen. It’s the smallest of blips, hardly signified by the quiet ding from your Steam account in a pitiful attempt to congratulate you for the monstrous crimes you were currently committing on your screen. 
But hey, you’ve got to experience the entire game, right? 
“What the fuck,” you whisper to yourself as you click on the second dialogue option, eyes locked on your screen is disbelief in your own actions, “What the fuck.” 
2. Take its tentacle in your hand, invite it in.
You watch in absolute awe as, who would have guessed, your Tav takes the tentacle in their hand, inviting the Mind Flayer in. 
Oh, you’re not seeing Heaven for this. You’re getting kicked straight to Hell, receipts pulled up of this very moment in your lifetime. That time you only cackled when your younger sibling broke their wrist? Fine. That time you let a door slam shut on some random grandma? Forgivable. 
But making your video game character fuck the tentacled-should-be-enemy? No, yeah, you’re heading straight to the flames. 
“Oh. My. God.” 
You really, really, really should have noticed the achievement notification. Should have considered the fact that this was an achievement at all. Should have considered that your achievement would be public. Should have noticed who was currently online, and who would be getting the notification of your sins. 
Should of thought of your boyfriend, in the living room, playing the very same game on your shared gaming laptop that had been reduced to solely allowing the two of you to play Baldur’s Gate 3 at the same time. 
But you’re too entranced by tentacles and embarrassment and shit, is this kind of hot? Is The Emperor kind of hot? to think of any of this until it’s too late.
One moment, you’re leaning far more forward than you had realized, drawn into the screen as your mouth hangs wide open in that continued naivety of disbelief that the game actually allowed this, and the next, two hands are landing on the back of your chair and shaking you out of the trance. 
“Shit!” you can’t help but scream, scrambling wildly to yank off your headset with flailing hands. A few of your knuckles connect with something hard, and you spin quickly to find Eddie standing there with a hand clutched over his nose, “Oh my God, baby, I’m so sor-”
“Are you fucking the mindflayer?” he all but yells, not looking to be in an ounce of pain even as he continues to shield his face where your hand had blatantly smacked him. His eyes catch the screen in the same trance you had just been under before yelling out, “Holy shit, you’re fucking the mindflayer!” 
“It’s not what it looks like-”
“You are literally fucking the space squid right now.”
“I didn’t mean to-”
“You’re fucking a glorified piece of sushi right now. You are literally-”
For the second time in the span of what hasn’t even been a full minute, your hand slaps Eddie’s face. This time, it’s more purposeful, slamming your palm right over his mouth before he can continue what you can’t even be sure is teasing. 
And you’re missing the entire scene. Thank God for learning to quicksave as a reflex, you suppose. 
“Eddie, I swear to God, do not speak another word when I drop my hand,” you threaten, no real violence behind your words as he glowers at you. You can see all that mischief swirling behind the look he gives you, every possible bad idea to ever exist in this Universe manifesting in those big brown eyes as they stare widely into yours. “Do you understand?”
He nods. Your mistake for trusting him, you suppose. 
The moment your hand has dropped from him, it reveals that giddy smile, dimples screaming for your instant regret before he even opens his mouth to say, “Play it again.” 
“Excuse me?”
“Go ahead,” he waves towards the screen where the scene is beginning to wrap up, your current companions interrupting the moment in horror. If you had still been entranced, you would have been an absolute mess. But all your focus had been stolen away to the boy towering over you, “Reload the save. Replay the scene for me.” 
Your brows furrow as you cross your arms, shaking your head, “No.”
“No,” you repeat yourself more firmly, leaning into your stubbornness, “I am not replaying the scene for you after you just made fun of me for partaking in it.”
Eddie wastes no time pouting as he throws himself down onto the bed nearby, looking at you with unimaginably forced disappointment, “Come on. You’re no fun.” 
You hate how cute he looks right now. Bottom lip jutted out for dramatic effect, legs splayed out to straddle the corner of the bed. He leans back on his arms, torso elongating as you watch him take every steady and expectant breath. He looks determined. 
Unlucky for him, you’re just as stoic in your decision.
“C’mon,” he whines softly, changing his approach when he realizes the cocky exterior isn’t chipping away at that set look on your face, no faltering in your decision to ignore his request, “Please? We both know that I’m not going to be fucking the squid, so this is my only chance to see the-”
“He’s not a squid,” you groan, starting to turn your chair to face the screen again and continue your gameplay, “Might I remind you just how hot my guardian was prior to the whole tentacle reveal? You can’t even blame me for succumbing to this, you know.” 
His lips press together tightly, biting back a grin.
“Your guardian was very hot. But, pray tell, baby, why did you choose to fuck the tentacled version?” You’re not having this conversation. You blatantly refuse to, picking your headphones back up and beginning to slip them over your ears when Eddie’s hand shoots out to stop you, “Wait. I have an idea.” 
“I’m not reloading the save so you can see the scene, Eddie-”
“What if…. I technically don’t watch the scene?” 
You halt all movement willingly, headphones still hovering in midair even as Eddie takes his hand away. “What do you mean?” 
He leans forward, elbows digging into his thighs, sly smile shimmering on his lips as he finally abandons the god-forsaken pout. He’s radiating pride as he simply asks, “Wanna have your mind blown in real life?” 
Your entire body flushes with heat, starting to actually get embarrassed that Eddie wasn’t letting this go. 
“With God as my witness, if you do not stop making fun of me for this, I will kick you out of this room and lock the door.” 
“I’m not making fun of you,” he says slowly, inching off of the bed, dropping to his knees on the carpet of your shared bedroom, “Not in the slightest, sweetheart. I’m making you an offer.” 
You eye him cautiously as he slowly makes his way closer to you. When he’s nearly tucked under your desk, you’re quick to bring your knees up, still terribly weary and unsure of where he’s going with this. 
“What do you mean then, having my mind blown in real life?”
Eddie’s smile has gone downright salacious as he easily fits himself under the desk that holds your computer, situating himself perfectly so that if you were to drop your legs back down, he’d be kneeling prettily between your knees. 
“Reload the scene. And drop your legs, yeah?” 
He says it so casually, nonchalance dripping from his tone as if he’s just asked you to pass him salt or inquired about the weather rather than the actual request he was insinuating. It has your knees pressing more tightly together, your chin dropping on top of them as you stare down at him in the cramped space. 
“Are you… are you seriously suggesting what I think you’re suggesting right now?” you question, each word falling from your mouth slowly. 
It had been a while since either of you had really gotten your hands on one another. Not on purpose, of course. The two of you had simply fallen victim to the immersive game, spending most of your free time either playing your individual campaigns or joining one another on a multiplayer one. Afternoons melted away from gameplay, and the two of you were usually already to the point of exhaustion once you’d end up in bed together. There had been a certain lack of affectionate touches, suggestive squeezes of your thighs and faux-innocent kisses of the neck. And neither had noticed, minds equally preoccupied on thoughts of pixelated characters and harrowing journeys over a screen. 
You can’t remember the last time either of you outright suggested sex. 
“Deathly serious,” you can see the shine of his teeth as he flashes them in the dark space. You continue to hesitate until he quickly adds on, “Only if you want to, of course. If not, I can always fuck off and leave you to Squidwar-”
“I want to,” you interrupt, ignoring the new nickname for the Mind Flayer that he had started to taunt you with. You carefully let your feet slip off your chair, avoiding knocking him in the face with your ankles. He aids you, a careful hand running from the back of your knee and down your calf as he guides your legs to rest on his shoulders. The fact that you had started gaming without pants was suddenly very helpful. 
“Good girl,” it’s sort of ridiculous, the way his words cut right to your core, nearly making you let out a small gasp. Your body is suddenly very aware of just how long the accidental bout of celibacy had been, “A few rules before we begin. You’re going to reload the scene, and really watch it this time. Headphones and all, got it?” 
He places a chaste kiss to your inner thigh, and this time, you can’t bite back your little gasp. It only elicits a chuckle from him as you eagerly nod. You could care less about the game at this point, but you can’t seem to find the words to tell him this. 
“If you stop focusing on the scene, I stop eating this pretty little pussy.” 
If you weren’t so light-headed from the way his breath hits your clothed core currently, you’d probably see just how ridiculous this entire scenario was. It was downright laughable. Even a little shameful, honestly. By no means was it the weirdest situation that you and Eddie had turned into a game of sex, but it was certainly up there. 
God, you were in love with a fucking weirdo. And it made you just as weird, if not weirder, as he was. 
He gently slaps at your knee, forcing your attention to focus back on him, “Got it?” 
“Got it,” you manage to choke out just as his hands begin to trail up to your hips, playing with the lace of your panties teasingly. 
You lift yourself ever so slightly off the chair as he slips your underwear off, bringing the fabric down agonizingly slow. He has to shuffle plenty, guiding your limbs around just to finally remove the garment, but you hardly pay attention to all that awkwardness. Your Tav is still on the screen, awaiting instruction just as you were. 
When Eddie finally has your panties off, knees back to hanging on his shoulders, you can hear him let out a soft groan at the sight of you. 
“Fuck,” he sighs gently, leaning his cheek against your knee ever so slightly, “The tentacles really do it for you, huh? Already fucking soaking-”
“Shut up about the tentacles,” you groan out, throwing your hand back in exasperation, “For the love of God, please shut up about the-”
“Ah, ah,” he tsks, pulling farther away from you, “Might I remind you the whole point of this is all those tentacles on your screen right now, baby? Maybe I should have you hook up your speakers instead of your headphones just to make sure I can hear the entire scene.” 
You’d honestly forgotten about the scene at this point. It was the least intriguing part of your evening now. 
When you stay quiet, biting your lip to avoid making anymore smart ass remarks that would only prolong what you desperately wanted, desperately needed, he finally takes it as his cue. 
That damn grin, dimples and all, look up at you with all the ill intent in the world as he gestures for you to slip on your headphones. You do it immediately, and just before you’ve fully engulfed your ears with them, Eddie says, “Now, please do the honors, and hit F8 for me, doll.” 
Immediately, the only noise you can hear is the ambience from the game. One swift punch of your F8 key pauses it entirely, sudden music replacing it as the reload screen appears on the computer. Eddie waits, staring up at you for a few moments, probably having memorized just how long these damn reloads take from how much the two of you save scum in the game (Ironic, given during your first playthroughs, he’d scolded you endlessly for save scumming rather than just trusting the dice and letting it all play out.) 
After a few beats of stillness, you can see the scene prepared and ready for you to begin to click the options again to initiate the scene in your peripheral. Your eyes are still locked on Eddie’s, though. 
He makes no move to move any closer to you, though, still smirking before he finally mouths ‘watch the game’. 
It’s only once you do as you’ve been told that he has his mouth on you. 
He starts slowly as you distract yourself with the screen, peppering kisses along your knees and inner thighs, working his way towards your pussy. Teasing you, taunting you, dangling what he knows you want so badly that it aches and has you spasming around absolutely nothing. It takes more effort than you could care to admit to focus your vision on the dialogue options, and even more to remember which one is going to initiate the goddamned scene. 
When your shaking hand reaches for the mouse and finally clicks the correct option (thank God), his mouth finally hovers over your slick folds. 
Whatever the Emperor says falls on ringing ears. Subtitles are useless, the words blurring together on the screen when his tongue takes its first stride across your core. 
Your knuckles are paling from how tightly you grip your poor mouse, and you almost consider what you would do if this situation leads to you breaking such a vital piece of the shared gaming setup, but Eddie’s mouth is quick to distract you. You feel the vibrations of the hums falling from his lips just as they trail to wrap around your clit, forming suction as he gives one harsh suck that has your mouth falling open in a silent gasp. Your eyes can barely manage to stay open as you blindly click for the next dialogue option being presented.
Kiss the tentacle and hope that it’s an erogenous appendage. 
Not quite the same path you’d taken before, but it’ll get the job done. Especially when Eddie’s fingers are digging into the flesh of your thighs even harsher, pressing himself even harder against you as his tongue dances over your sensitive bundle of nerves. Kitten licks, but every single one sends a bolt of electricity up your spine. 
The sound that comes from the Emperor in the game doesn’t matter to you, completely overridden by the audible groan you can just barely catch from Eddie as your headphones begin to slip off. 
Was that… a good sound? 
You hadn’t noticed you’d breathily recited the words you read across the scene until movement below the desk catches your eye, and Eddie is nodding into your cunt more eagerly than the character on the screen could ever be capable of. 
It’s the type of eagerness that has you whimpering, the kind of enthusiasm that guides one of your hands away from the keyboard and down to tangle into the roots of Eddie’s curls. 
He’s going to be the death of you. 
His grip tightens until he’s tugging your hips hard enough to bring you further slumped down in your seat, letting your thighs cradle either side of his head. His nose bumping your sensitive clit as his tongue circles teasing against your entrance. Once, twice – and then it dives in, pushing you to arch your back, a soft cry leaving you as you yank at his hair. 
With a heaving chest, you find yourself reciting another line of words from the screen despite making no move to click any options, “Do it again. Please, God- do it again.” 
He lifts to look at you at that, smiling wide with glistening lips and chin alike, “God? Oh, you’re making me blush, babe.” 
“Eddie-” you start, but a smack on your thigh from one of his ringed hands effectively shuts you up. 
“Play the game, and I’ll do it again.” 
Your hand smacks against the mouse, and you must click the right option, the exact command you’d just demanded of Eddie, because the scene continues on. 
You’re not watching the screen. Not consistently. Your eyes can’t stop flickering down to your boy, to his dark eyes shining up at you as he keeps his face buried between your thighs, the only thing giving away his current grin being the slightest crinkle beside those eyes. 
The entire sequence from before is simply playing out, just as before, but your mind stays on the feeling of Eddie’s tongue on you. When he releases one of your thighs and brings his fingers into the mix, stretching you out far more fully than his tongue had, you’re preening beneath his touch. Gasps, moans, whimpers, sobs – they all fall from your lip as he knows just how to work you. All the right touches to bring your neglected body to the precipice, practically worshiping you on his knees as the brightness of the screen exposes your face to him. Eyes tightly screwed shut, mouth wide open, lips swollen from poor attempts to keep your noises down through biting them. 
It only encourages him further. Only has him forgetting entirely about the game as well, the only goal on his mind being making you cum on his tongue. 
And you do. 
In hot waves, broken calls of his name, both hands tugging mercilessly on his hair. Your thighs are squeezing his cheeks tightly as you clench down on his fingers. 
Somewhere between all the whispers of his name, numerous squeaks of please falling from your mouth, he slows down. He gives you a chance to bask in the after-warmth of it all, your entire body buzzing as you catch your breath. You truly, genuinely hadn’t expected to cum that quickly. But it had been a while, and if anyone knew your body well enough to get you off in record speed, it was the man currently still seated on sore knees with a winning grin on his face. 
“Your headphones aren’t even on anymore, you cheater,” he teases, sounding just as out of breath as you felt. 
You detangle your fingers from his hair, retracting your hands just far enough for one of them to flip him off, “Shut up.” 
Your eyes are still closed, head leaning back almost painfully as the headphones cut into your neck. If you could live in this moment forever, you probably would. 
He presses forward, placing a quick peck to your sensitive core that makes your legs try to squeeze together instinctually, “Make me.” 
At those two words, you finally open your eyes, slowly lolling your head towards him, eyes narrowing at the challenge. 
“Get off the floor and onto the bed, and I will.” 
You don’t have to tell him twice. 
The entire process somehow manages to remind you just how ridiculous the situation was. Watching Eddie clamber clumsily out from beneath your desk, cheekily flashing you the set of panties he’d taken off of you that he shoves into his pocket. Eyes glued on him as he flops himself down onto your shared bed, still looking far too proud of himself. 
Your heart swells as you look at the absolute idiot, knowing he was yours. 
“Well?” he asks expectantly, raising his eyebrows as he shimmies his shoulders jokingly, “You gonna make me or not, sweetheart?” 
You’re quick to start to jump out of your chair, just eager to be close to him again, deciding the game could wait until tomorrow. Just as you do, however, Eddie puts up a hand, biting back an even wider smile.
“I’m only reminding you because I won’t hear the end of it otherwise,” he drawls, slowly pointing a finger back towards the desk, “Don’t forget to press F5.”
You roll your eyes, but you do as he says. 
It works. It’ll save you time next time you reload the game – allowing you to skip the entire encounter, considering the way you’ve discovered there are far more fun ways to have your mind blown. 
Now, however, it was Eddie’s turn.
eddie's taglist: @capricornrisingsstuff @thisisktrying @hideoutside @vol2eddie @corrcdedcoffin
@ches-86 @alovesongtheywrote @its-not-rain @feralchaospixie @cheesypuffkins87
@thebook-hobbit @babez-a-licious @eddies-acousticguitar @aysheashea @kellsck
@cosmorant @billyhvrgrove-main @micheledawn1975 @eddiesxangel @siriuslysmoking
@witchwolflea @tlclick73 @magicalchocolatecheesecake @mizzfizz @nanaminswhore
@mikiepeach @ali-r3n @hawkebuckley @alwaysbeenfamous @darkyuffie-blog
@vintagehellfire @lilmisssiren @elvendria @loveryanax @stylexrepp
@princessstolas @fangirling-4-ever @eddiesguitarskills @babez-a-licious @josephquinnsfreckles
join my taglist!
(please let me know if the tagging worked!!)
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atsumou · 6 days
— miya atsumu x f!reader
syn: the moment atsumu asked you to come over, he knew he was hopelessly in love with you, especially after stupidly confessing his true feelings mid-orgasm. though, he couldn’t help but lie about it just to keep you, even for a little longer.
18+ MDNI; friends with benefits!atsumu, nsfw, shameless smut, porn without plot, dry humping, oral sex, unprotected sex, creampie, slight angst towards the end, unrequited feelings, hurt/no comfort. divider: cafekitsune.
word count: 2.9k
notes: purely self-indulgent. i make up a lot of angsty smut scenarios w tsumu so yeah <3 also not beta read.
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The moment you stepped foot into Atsumu’s apartment, everything felt foreign—the wooden floorboards creaking beneath both your weights, lips sealed together in a searing kiss, hot and heavy. All it took was one text message from Atsumu: ‘Come over?’ and you appeared right in front of his door in a flash.
However, you couldn’t shake the feeling of unfamiliarity; any other person would have easily overlooked it but you knew him like the back of your hand. Naturally, Atsumu wasted little to no time seeing your bare body beneath his own, breathless above you like a carnal beast with pure lust, clouding all five senses. Tonight seemed a little different, though, he took his sweet time with you.
Both fully clothed atop his bed, you straddled his lap as Atsumu locked your lips in a sensual kiss—fingers that usually dug into your skin with desperation now gently tracing random shapes, ghosting hands caressing all over your body, leaving trails of goosebumps beneath them. Atsumu pulled away, both hands finding their place beneath your jaw, he looked up at you with a strange glint in the depths of his caramel eyes. Lust mixed with something you couldn’t quite understand but god, did it send icy shivers up your spine.
You returned his gaze, face dangerously near one another—hot breaths intertwining, locked in an endless dance as Atsumu carefully admired your face, really taking in its beauty. As if you were an exquisite piece of painting with intricate details. You watched as his honeyed eyes ever so slightly shifted, tracing every feature on your face, both thumbs caressing your heated cheeks.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
You teased, a dainty smile forming upon your swollen lips. For a second Atsumu found himself considering it, hands that rested beneath your jaw twitching a bit, having the sudden urge to reach for his phone because you looked like absolute heaven. On any other night, Atsumu would have never relished in your beauty but he noticed the way his breath hitched and heart stuttered when you mirrored his gaze.
Nonetheless, he ignored your tease, swiping a thumb on your bottom lip, slowly dragging it down before releasing and going in for another kiss. This time, Atsumu didn’t press his face into yours, instead, he let you take control—something that rarely occurred. He subtly changed the way his lips moved against your own, letting you lead the kiss while he followed suit; pink lips parting to let your tongue explore his mouth. Atsumu moaned into the kiss, one hand resting on your hip to squeeze at it through the fabric, wordlessly urging you to move.
So you did, languidly guiding your hips across the obvious tent between his legs, earning a low whine of your name as he pulled away, letting his torso drop to the soft sheets beneath. Planting your palms on each side of Atsumu’s head, you moved your hips with eagerness, soft pants and moans filling the walls of his room. This was foreign, being on top of him and having your way with his body.
Atsumu always felt the need to be in control of everything—from the kisses all the way to the fucking. Always taking the lead and pulling you with him, wherever he went, you followed but not that you complained. Admittedly, it never failed to turn you on whenever Atsumu bent your naked body in all kinds of positions, easily manhandling you like a mere fucktoy but tonight felt oddly satisfying. Being in control, that is, even for just a moment.
Surely there were more where this came from—the admiring, the slow kisses, and now using him for your own pleasure—but for the meantime, you didn’t think anything of it. Atsumu slipped his hands beneath your shirt, palms sensually dragging up your abdomen to cup your breasts through your bra, squeezing and massaging.
“‘Tsumu . . Want you so bad.” You moaned desperately, as if you were the one who messaged him to come over.
“Ya have me. ‘M all yours . .” Atsumu breathed out, circling his palms around your waist to gently caress the bare skin. Fuck, since when did you look this breathtaking begging for him? Have you always been this beautiful? He knows the answer. You’ve always been beautiful in his eyes but in the heat of the moment where his hormones are all over the place, Atsumu seems to instantly forget about the way you looked, solely focusing on pleasure alone.
There was nothing wrong with it, after all, this agreement between the two of you was merely for sex—a quick fuck. No feelings, no strings attached, no making love.
But why did everything seem to be the complete opposite? Atsumu noticed the shift from the very moment he texted you to come over—heart racing a little faster as his thumbs hovered over the keyboard of his phone, nervousness setting in once the message was sent. Normally, Atsumu wouldn’t even think twice about it, the only thing in his mind was how he was going to fuck you.
This time, he considered your feelings. What if you were busy? What if you weren’t in the mood? So many what if’s that he almost took his message back if it wasn’t for your quick reply. Foreign was an understatement. Sure, his heart quickened every single time you came over but never did he feel the uneasiness in the pit of his stomach like he did now; the way his hands subtly trembled while reaching out to touch you.
He felt pathetic.
Next thing you knew, you were both naked and had switched positions—your bare back pressing onto the soft ivory sheets below. Without a doubt, Atsumu’s favourite position was to take you from behind on your hands and knees, lustful eyes keenly watching the globes of your ass bounce with every powerful thrust, his cock quickly disappearing and appearing between your sopping entrance.
But he wanted to see your face tonight. “Fuck. Just put it inside me, ‘Tsumu.” You let out a desperate whine, earning a genuine chuckle—not the ones he normally gave out that brimmed with nothing but tease. “Lemme taste ya, hm?” Atsumu didn’t bother letting you reply, placing a chaste kiss just above your eager entrance before licking a long, slow stripe up your slit. His tongue pressed flat against it, savouring the way your essence tasted against his taste buds, flavour lingering on the wet muscle.
A heated groan rumbled from his chest as he reached the top of your slit, pointing his tongue to prod past your wet folds.
Shaky fingers gripped Atsumu’s flaxen strands, tugging at the roots with the way his sinful tongue explored, and lapped at your insides like a madman. The tip of his nose pressed at your puffy clit as he ate your cunt with fervour, earning a string of incoherent words, face pushing further between the junction of your legs.
Pleasure prickled at your sweat-covered skin, gnawing at every fibre of your being as Atsumu deftly pleasured you with his tongue, not to mention skilfully maintaining eye contact in the midst of your thrashing hips. It was beyond sexy. Honeyed eyes, glossy with lust staring right into your soul—Atsumu stared at you with so much intensity that you couldn’t help but get sucked into the endless pit of caramel, hypnotising every fibre of your body, heightening the feeling of ecstasy.
Atsumu couldn’t help himself, satiating the painful ache between his legs by rubbing his hips beneath the ivory sheets. Your essence against his tongue drove him absolutely insane, as if a potent aphrodisiac causing him to lose every bit of sanity left—you tasted so fucking good that he just needed some kind of bliss to top it off. Who was he to deprive himself of a two-in-one pleasure?
The off-white walls of his room were filled with heavy moans and groans, the hot atmosphere weighing heavy on your sticky bodies as each passionate second passed. It was music to Atsumu’s ears, the way your dulcet moans shot straight to his cock, head spinning at how heavenly you sounded.
Circling your clit with the tip of his tongue a few more times, Atsumu pulled away, much to both of your dismay. Don’t get him wrong, he’d love to tongue-fuck you into oblivion but figured creaming around his cock was a better option. Fuck, just the thought of it made him salivate—it hasn’t even been a while since he’s had your cum coating his cock but holy hell was he desperate to feel it all again; the way your wet cunt shamelessly squelched—eagerly sucking him back in, the warmness of it, the sticky feeling. How lewd.
Atsumu didn’t think twice to seal you in yet another passionate kiss, tasting yourself on his lips. Your essence plastered across the bottom half of his face smeared against your own as he pressed himself further, as if the lack of distance wasn’t already enough. Without breaking the kiss, Atsumu deftly circled his digits around your wrists, binding them above your head with one hand while the other worked on resting a leg over his shoulder.
“How badly do y’want me?”
He panted, hot breaths mixing together, his lips hovering dangerously close against your own, teasingly pulling away as you chased for more.
Honeyed eyes gently traced across your features, blown pupils filled with carnal desire memorising the very sight before him—Atsumu brought a free hand up to your face, thumbing at your own essence messily scattered there before sticking the slender digit past your swollen lips. Muttered curses left his lips, the words slurring into the damp air of his bedroom like a broken prayer.
Atsumu never needed your words to tell how fucking badly you wanted him—all he needed to see were your glossy eyes, and furrowed brows as you stared up at him, nothing but a haze of lust clouding all your senses.
His heart stuttered; your eyes seemed to sparkle despite the lack of light. Atsumu thought you were the most beautiful woman he had laid his eyes upon.
A gentle peck on the tip of your nose caused you to flutter your eyes shut momentarily, unceremoniously bulging them open at the sensation of his blunt tip rubbing along your wet slit, taking his sweet, sweet time with you tonight. Atsumu let out one long groan from deep within his chest, caramel eyes threatening to close shut as he slowly inched his way inside your cunt—smooth, velvety walls tightly hugging his hard cock like it was made just for him.
He focused on the way your face contorted in pure bliss, brows knitting together to form a deep crease, lips parting to moan his name like a mantra.
Once fully sheathed inside you—the base of his cock snug against your entrance, Atsumu paused for a while, hand that supported your leg digging into your heated skin to ground himself. He stared down at you with hooded lids, chest heaving up and down as he relished the way your warm cunt hugged him. It was only for a moment but it felt like an eternity—getting lost in each other’s lustful gaze as the two of you connected in the most intimate way possible; almost like this wasn’t just a convenient release of pleasure anymore.
Almost like it wasn’t just a quick fucking session. As if Miya Atsumu was making sweet, sweet love to you.
Gone were the days of fucking each other like animals, like a distant memory of the past—a momentary blur. Moans reverberated throughout the room as Atsumu languidly pulled his hips back before fully burying his cock into you again; his cock twitched at your ecstatic expression. All because of him—pride bloomed in his chest along with the flutter of his lovesick heart. Oh, how smitten he was for you.
Atsumu’s hips picked up in speed, and so did both your moans—the once quiet room filled with nothing but soft sounds of pleasure quickly turned into something more lewd, and passionate. Ribbons of colourful curses, incoherent sentences, and each other’s names shamelessly bounced off the cream-coloured walls, mixing with the loud skin slapping, and squelches from where the two of you connected.
An icy shiver ran up your spine as Atsumu placed an open-mouthed kiss along your knee before craning his neck further to messily suck, and nip at your inner thigh, leaving small hues of dark purple and red. You chanted his name, back arching off the ivory sheets beneath as he changed the angle of his hips—the head of his cock hitting that sweet spot over, and over again.
“Ya like that?” Atsumu grunted, a pained tone leaving his lips.
He repositioned his hands, leaving the hold on your leg to travel up, up, up to intertwine each with your own—bending his body forward, your thigh pressed against your chest, allowing a deeper reach of his cock.
You and Atsumu never held hands during sex. Never. Whatever occurred in his lust-driven mind was beyond your understanding, not when he was balls deep inside you.
He pressed your hands into the mattress, using it as leverage to angle his cock deeper into your tight cunt, earning a loud whine of his name. “F-fuck . . ! Please don’t stop, ‘Tsumu!” You gasped, tears of pleasure threatening to wet your heated cheeks as Atsumu continued his relentless pace.
Your body jolted with each forceful thrust of his hips, moving further up the mattress as he ploughed into you. Oh, he was certainly not going to stop, even if he tried to, he couldn’t—the feel of your plush walls were way too addicting, mind spinning at how tightly you clung onto him despite his swift pace.
“S-so close.” Atsumu whined, hauling your body away from the soft mattress and closer to his own.
You now sat on his lap, one leg still over his shoulder—albeit, more uncomfortable now—and arms slung around his sweaty neck. Atsumu rested a hand on your waist, the other placed on your nape; he guided your limp body up and down his cock, eagerly bouncing you on him as endless whines left his lips. Tears rolled down your cheeks, the blunt tip of his cock delightfully kissing your cervix repeatedly, earning garbled moans from you.
That was all he needed to know that you were close. Atsumu pulled you tighter against him—sweaty bodies sticking to one another, he held your face dangerously close to his, not quite enough to seal your desperate moans with a kiss. “Cum on m’cock. .” He let out a shaky whisper, hot breath fanning over your parted lips as his honeyed eyes found yours yet again. This earned one long moan of his name from you, throwing your head back in absolute bliss as shocks of pleasure electrified every fibre of your body. Your walls quivered around his cock, clenching hard before the knot deep in your stomach finally snapped.
Atsumu whined at the tightness, eyes shutting closed as he leaned his sweaty forehead against your own, strands of blonde sticking to his skin. His pace became sloppy, messily bouncing you on his cock as he focused on his own pleasure, and impending orgasm. Rapid pants filled both your ears as he neared his climax, uncontrollably whining anything and everything that came into his hazy mind, paired with a fucked out expression.
The coil inside Atsumu snapped, a loud whine of your name uttered into the air as his body violently convulsed from a dizzying orgasm. Fingers dug into your skin, leaving crescent shaped marks as he pulled you flush against him, incoherent, breathless babbling tumbling past his lips.
“I love you.”
If it weren’t for his blissful state, and hazy mind, Atsumu would’ve retracted his words the moment he felt your body stiffen under his hold—an obvious reaction from his stupid, lust-driven confession. You pulled away from his arms almost instantly, the latter’s body growing cold the moment he could no longer feel your warmth. Atsumu looked up at you through hooded eyes, a fog of pleasure still in control of his senses but it cleared away as soon as he saw your expression—as if he were thrown a cold bucket of water, completely sober now.Ecstasy drained from his body, now, sheer fear took over for what was to come next. So, he beat you to it,
“I didn’t mean it.” A rather defeated laugh from him. Lies.
“J-just the heat of the moment, y’know?” Atsumu scratched his nape, offering a sheepish smile in hopes of shoving his feelings down, down, down where it belonged. He briefly closed his eyes, trying to forget that unreadable expression on your face—it was anything but pleasant, like you’d seen a ghost.
Atsumu would be lying if he said his heart didn’t crack at that. You slowly nodded before fully removing yourself from him, and off the bed, clearly unsettled by his words. He reached his hand out of instinct but immediately remembered where the two of you stood, so he let it fall back on the mattress, a soft mocking thud slicing the deafening silence.
Looking at your tense form, Atsumu explained even more. The further words stumbled out his mouth, the deeper he shoved his feelings for you. Lies. Lies. Lies. He’s never heard himself tell so many lies all in one night, especially not to the woman he’s hopelessly in love with. It was ironic, really.
But that didn’t matter because for you, Miya Atsumu would lie endlessly if it meant keeping you around for just a little longer.
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bahablastplz · 27 days
Cosmic Love: Chan x Reader x Felix
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A night at the club turns into a lot more than you anticipated, all thanks to a stupid text that you don't even remember sending. The next day, Chan and Felix invite you over for dinner. That's all it is, right? Content: Smut, minor angst, fluff Warnings: Use of petnames 'love,' and 'babygirl,' threesome, fingering, oral (f! and m! receiving), p in v sex, lots of praise, spanking (barely), humiliation/second hand embarrassment WC: 4700
It starts like this: 
Chan texts you the morning after you go to the club. Of course, you’re hungover out of your mind, but that’s to be expected. On Saturday morning, or afternoon you suppose, you roll out of bed with a loud groan, a pulsing headache making its way behind your eyes. 
You notice that your makeup has been removed and you’re now sporting clothes much comfier than your dress and heels that were suffocating you last night at the club. Your phone is also plugged in, and you have been notorious for waking up with a dead phone the morning after waking up from a night out. 
You have half the mind to wonder, how the hell were you cognizant enough last night to do all of this? You certainly don’t remember it. It all makes sense when you check your notifications, screen a little too bright for your liking, and see that Chan had texted you an hour ago. 
Channie: Hey babygirl  I don’t know if you remember, but Felix and I brought you home last night~  You were pretty fucked up haha  If you’re feeling up to it, you want to join us for dinner tonight at my place?  Me you and Lix  Hope you’re feeling okay this morning. Let us know if you need anything, yeah? 
You groan. Of course Chan and Felix brought you home last night, that makes so much more sense. Chan has always been a natural caretaker, and if he was at the club last night and you tried to go home with some random guy or even take an Uber, he surely would have become overprotective and offered to take you home himself. 
Your heart pangs when you read the text again. Babygirl. The pet name makes it easy to remember the major crush you’ve been harboring for him for forever. Him and Felix both, honestly. You really really hope you didn’t say anything embarrassing last night that you can’t remember. That would be just your luck, honestly. Taking a deep breath, you make a note to take some Advil as you text him back. 
Y/N: Thanks so much  I’ll be there! Can’t wait 
He texts you back almost instantly: 
Channie:  Sick  We’re super excited 
A red flag should have raised over the fact that, though him and Felix were your closest friends, they almost never invited you over to their place. They almost always come over to yours when you hang out, and hangouts usually happen more organically. You brush the thought aside, chalking it up to Chan’s protective nature and need to make sure you’re okay after what was likely a rough night out. 
That’s all it is, right? 
You’re only giddy because of this stupid crush on your friends you can’t quite push away. There’s not anything more going on and there’s no lines to read between. You repeat this like a mantra as you get ready tonight, putting on just a little bit of makeup (for no reason in particular!!!), and repeat it once more as you knock on Chan’s door, bottle of wine in hand. 
He opens the door with a large smile, all teeth, that makes your heart beat a little faster. When you hand him the bottle of wine you’re met with a hearty laugh. “You sure you didn’t have enough of this last night?” he teases. You shove his chest lightly, giving him a devilish grin.
“What if I brought it for you?” You quip back. 
“I think we were imagining a type of fun that didn’t involve alcohol.” You give him a smile at his words, brows furrowing for a second before brushing off his words. He probably just means they intend to stay sober tonight. You’ve had plenty of nights that were fun that didn’t involve alcohol, so that’s all he meant by his words! Shrugging, you put the wine in the fridge instead of cracking it open, taking his advice to save the drink for another day. 
Dinner is amazing. Chan made it with Felix’s observation, as according to Chan the other shouldn’t be allowed in the kitchen ever again. You laugh as he dives into several stories of baking incidents gone wrong, including a time that Felix and Seungmin ended up burning everything they made. You defend your friend, telling Chan that Felix ‘does make killer brownies,’ which the other can’t argue with. It’s decided that Felix should do most of his cooking alone, as anytime he cooks with anybody else it ends up in a minor disaster. Felix looks thoroughly flushed and embarrassed by the end of your conversation so the two of you relent on your teasing. 
You decide on a movie. It’s not even really that entertaining and you’re barely paying attention if you’re being honest. It’s some movie you’d seen a hundred times before. You find your place between Chan and Felix, your body squished between your two friends. You nuzzle your head into Chan’s shoulder and prop your legs up onto Felix. You’re comfortable, very much so, though you tense for a second when you feel Felix’s hand rest on your thigh. You can also feel Chan’s breath on your neck, and you suddenly feel hot. Very hot. 
You hope they can’t feel how warm to the touch you’ve become, and at such a simple action at that. Are you really that pathetic? God, your crush on them has gotten out of hand, you think, but when Felix’s hand raises further up your thigh and starts rubbing teasing circles you’re not so sure this is all in your head anymore. Chan has always been touchy with you and Felix moreso, but this is just a little bit out of character for them. You’re worried to speak up for a second, scared that your words would make Felix retract his hand. When he looks up at you with an inquisitorial gaze, however, you can’t help the words that spill from your mouth. “Lix–” 
You’re not prepared for the words that come from the man behind you. 
“Tell me, Y/N,” Chan says lowly. “Do you want me to fuck you nice and hard?” He punctuates his words and your body physically tenses. Your world has come to a full stop. 
“Do you want me to–” 
“I… I heard you,” you interrupt. “I’m just… I’m not quite sure what you mean.” You feel afraid to look up at Chan from behind you, and you certainly don’t look at Felix; though his hand has stilled, it still rests firmly on your thigh. 
“I don’t know if you remember this,” Chan says. His demeanor has changed, and you’re met with a chuckle and a deep breath. He seems very shy compared to the man just seconds ago speaking into your ear. “Last night when you were at the club, you texted me and Lix in a group chat.” 
That makes so much more sense, you think. No way would you have gotten that fucked up without doing something you would regret. You reach for your phone but a hand rests on top of yours, stilling your movement. 
“No, it’s okay,” he says in response to your panic. “I already have it pulled up. I was thinking I could read it to you.” 
“Chan, I’m sorry, I’m sure I didn’t–” 
He shushes you. For some reason sparks shoot up your spine at the action. You purse your lips shut, an action that implies your silence and you wait for him to continue. 
“Last night you were dancing with us,” he starts. “You were drunk out of your mind. I think you knew that already. But you texted Lix and I, and we could just tell you had enough to drink so we offered to take you home. But while we were in the car,” he laughs lightly. You don’t feel like laughing back, “While we were in the car, you texted us. It wasn’t meant for us, but you told us some things that you wanted us to, um, do to you.” 
“That’s not the worst part,” Felix provides unhelpfully. You glare at the man and he smiles sweetly. “Chris’ phone was connected to bluetooth and it read your texts out loud in the car.” 
You groan. Thank God you were drunk enough last night to not remember that because you’re not sure you can even relive the memory. In fact, even now you wish for the world to split open and swallow you whole. 
“Emmaaaaa,” Chan starts, reading your texts out loud in a voice that is obviously meant to resemble your own. You realize now that the text was meant for your best friend, the one that you use to hopelessly rant to about your strong unrequited crush for the two boys in question. 
“God they’re so finee  I want Channie and Lixie so bad fr  I just want them to ruin me  You know I’ve never been fucked right but I want Chan to just fuck me nice and hard ughhshh  I know you’re so tired of hearing me talk about this  But he’s so perfect I just know he could fuck me up sooo good  And Felix? I just want him to whisper filthy things in my ears With his perfect voice  He looks like such an angel I just want to see what he’s really like, if he’ll fuck me soft or nice and hard like Channie  I need them both to ruin me!!!! You don’t understand If I don’t get someone’s cock in my mouth–” 
“Oh my god that’s enough,” you interrupt. You’re not sure you can listen to another second of past-you embarrassing yourself, and you tell him as much when you shoot out of his grasp and turn around to look at him. He has a sly fucking grin on his mouth and you can’t help but feel like you’re the butt of a joke you didn’t ask to be a part of. “I… I can’t listen to you embarrass me anymore. I’m so sorry about what I said and I really didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. Hell, you know I don’t even remember it, and I know that really doesn’t excuse it but I hope you know I never wanted to ruin our friendship. I know you guys don’t feel the same way so if you want, I can go and–” 
Chan puts his hands around your shoulders, halting your movements when you try to stand. 
“Woah woah woah, babygirl,” he says, trying to interrupt your sad attempt at salvaging your relationship. “It’s not what you think, actually. You could never ruin your friendship with us, okay?” You feel tears prick at your eyes, truly humiliated with how the night has progressed. Even now, Chan is here trying to be nice to you so you won’t feel bad about what happened which is somehow even more humiliating. 
“Did you really mean what you said?” Felix says, finally. 
“Can I even take it back now?” you say, laughing sardonically. “You know, drunk actions are sober thoughts, or whatever they say? I’m so sorry, again. Like I said, if you want me to leave I can.” Your eyes flit between Felix and Chan, gauging for a reaction, any sense that they may be uncomfortable with your actions. You’re surprised to find none. 
“If you really meant it,” Chan says, inhaling through his teeth and clicking his tongue on the roof of his mouth, “Then we kind of had a proposal for you.” 
“What kind of proposal?” you ask suspiciously. 
“The kind where maybe we have sex? All three of us,” he suggests. 
“What!?” Your brain supplies the only word it can think of. This is a joke, right? Your feelings that have been unrequited for so long are being reciprocated this casually? You stare blankly at the two men who are waiting for some sort of response. 
“I… I’m not sure if I can,” you answer finally. Though everything in your body is telling you yes yes yes, the arousal already pooling in between your legs, your brain finally seems to be the one in the forefront making the decisions. “I can’t do that, have ‘just sex’ with you. Either of you. And maybe I’m about to make a fool of myself even more tonight, but I have to admit that my feelings for you both run a lot deeper than just… sexual.” You let out a heavy sigh when you finally admit the truth. “I’m scared that I won’t be able to detach my emotions from it all, and I really don’t want to ruin what we have going on.” 
You’re met with silence and you open your eyes but don’t look at either of them, instead opting to look at the floor. Did Chan get a new carpet? It looks really nice–
“I don’t think it would be ‘just sex,’ babygirl.” Chan and that goddamned pet name that makes your heart flutter. “We’ve, uh, both liked you for a very long time. And we want this to go further, if you’re interested of course.” 
For the second time in one night, you feel as if the world has tilted on its axis. Maybe it has, because you feel a little bit dizzier now and your heart beats a little bit faster than it did just seconds ago. 
“Are you sure?” you ask, worrying your lip between your teeth. Felix takes his thumb and pulls your lip out from between your teeth, his thumb lingering for a second before pushing into your mouth. Your eyes close and your tongue swirls around the appendage. 
“Do you want this, love?” The deep timbre of his voice sends shivers down your spine and your eyes open, meeting his gaze. For a second, it feels as if nothing but you and Felix exist in this entire world, and you ponder his words for a second. If they really mean it and they have both liked you for a while now, you don’t have to worry about separating feelings from sex. You ponder what this means for your relationships going forward for a second but the pulsing need between your legs and the way your breath hitches when his thumb pushes further into your mouth tells you all you need to know. You want this. You nod your head and know it’s the right choice when you’re met with a reassuring smile. 
“If you’re sure, then we’re sure,” Chan says from beside you. You feel his fingers on your leg, veiny hands rubbing small circles on the expanse of your thigh. When he grips the plush of your thigh hard you can’t help the gasp that comes from your mouth, and Felix’s thumb releases from your mouth, wet with your saliva. You feel his hand come to rest on your face as he caresses you softly, brushing a stray hair away from your face as he leans in to kiss you. 
You breathe into the kiss but let him take the lead, soft and plush lips delicate against your own. When his tongue barely brushes your bottom lip you’re already opening your mouth for him eagerly, letting his tongue come into contact with yours. The kiss is passionate but almost too romantic for what you’re about to let him do to you. When you moan into the kiss he deepens it, hands pulling your face even closer to his own. 
You note the movement on the couch next to you and Chan taps your shoulder. When you turn your head to look at him he’s crashing his lips into yours in a bruising kiss, messy and desperate and it catches you off guard but you return his advances eagerly, lips and tongue moving expertly against one anothers. 
Felix’s hand comes and snakes around your waist, stopping your kiss just long enough to lift your shirt over your head. His warm breath hits your neck and it’s all you can focus on besides Chan’s wet tongue against yours, but then Felix’s fingers rub your nipples over the fabric of your bra and you’re keening backwards into his touch, running away while simultaneously trying to get more at the same time. 
When Chan finally breaks the kiss it’s with a groan and a long string of saliva connects you, wet and dirty. He sits back and admires the work that Felix is doing, having you come completely undone for him with just his fingers against your still clothed breasts. It’s Chan that reaches and unclasps your bra, leaving you utterly exposed in front of the two men in front of you and he wastes no time before joining Felix in his ministrations. 
The teasing becomes too much, tongue and teeth and pinching over your abused breasts, and at this point you’re not sure how much more squeezing of your thighs together you can do before it comes to much. 
“Please,” you breathe, and you’re not even quite sure what you’re asking for. 
“Please what, babygirl?” Chan coos at you, words laced with a teasing lilt. You reach forward and grab his hand and it’s like your breath stops when you place his hand right between your legs where you need him the most. “Want me to touch you?” He asks. His breathing is heavy and you admire his attempt at trying to keep his composure. 
“Yes, please,” you nod, eyes never leaving his. Not even when his hand cups your clothed pussy and you buck up into him with a cry. Felix shifts from behind you and pulls your back into his chest as Chan reaches down to pull down your shorts with one swift motion. 
You’re completely bare for them now, and you have little time to dwell on this fact before Felix grabs your legs and spreads them open, hooking them over his own. His hands rest on your thighs, holding you into place and giving Chan access to your sopping core. 
“God, babygirl you’re soaked,” Chan notes, two fingers swiping in between your folds. You can hear it, the wetness pooled between your legs, but when he leans his face forward and meets his tongue with your clit you can’t help the surprise that creeps from your throat. 
He’s relentless, his tongue flicking and circling your clit mercilessly. Your legs shake and try to close but are held open by Felix’s own. 
You look up at the man behind you with teary eyes and open mouth, thinking about asking him to give you mercy but the expression on his face tells you all you need to know. He’s enjoying this just as much as Chan is. 
“Does that feel good?” he asks into your ear. 
“Yes, oh my god,” you tell him as his lips come down to meet yours in a short peck. They ultimately land on your neck, nipping at the junction between your neck and ear. 
“Tell me how good,” he instructs. “Tell me how good he’s making you feel.” 
“So good, Felix, oh,” you moan. Two of Chan’s fingers thrust into you, in motion with the way that his tongue abuses your clit and it’s already too much. “God, Felix, he’s making me feel so good. He’s… He’s eating me out so good, his tongue feels…oh my–” you know you’re babbling but you can’t help the moan that interrupts your words. Felix shushes you, and you think his hands are going to find place in your hair to soothe you but instead they make way to your breasts, still sensitive from just minutes prior. 
His thumb and pointer finger pinch your nipples between his fingers, tugging and twisting them. Your back arches at his touch and your skin prickles at his low voice in your ear. 
“You’re doing so, so good for us, love. Fuck, you’re being so good letting Channie eat your pussy like that,” he says. One hand comes to grab the flesh at your hip, kneading it as he continues to tease your pebbled nipple between his fingers. “Do you like being good for us?” 
“Yes, fuck, fuck, I like being good for you,” you cry out. “Love it so much, oh my god–” and as Chan’s fingers curl up inside of you, you find your orgasm being ripped out of you with no warning. You’re cumming hard around his fingers, pulsing tightly as he lets you ride out your high on his face. Behind you Felix takes to setting a slow pace in rubbing his hands up and down your body, grounding you with his touch as he whispers praises in your ears. 
When you finally open your eyes again, you truly feel like you have woken up in a different dimension. 
“Holy fuck–” you rasp, noting when Felix wipes a tear from your eyes you hadn’t realized you had shed. 
“Do you think you can take us, babygirl?” Chan asks as he pulls his fingers from your center. He reaches across your body to offer his soaking fingers to Felix, who eagerly takes them in his mouth for the chance to taste you. You don’t miss the way he moans around Chan’s fingers. 
“Yes,” you say softly. “Want you both.” 
Felix reaches down and kisses you, much more comfortable this time with the way that he allows himself to be rougher with you, pushing his tongue into your mouth with a boldness that was lacking earlier. When you pull apart you notice the large hands on your waist that aren’t his and you’re being flipped around by Chan before you can process it. Your ass is up in the air and you’re on all fours now, squeaking when Chan lands a quick hit to your ass and kneads the flesh. 
When you tilt your head up to look at Felix you notice him pulling his pants and boxers down past his thighs, letting his cock spring free and resting at your face. He taps it against your cheek and he looks down at you, silently checking to make sure  you’re okay. Looking up at him with bright wide eyes you blink, asking him for permission as you open your mouth wide for him. 
He pushes in with a groan, letting his cock rest on your tongue for a second. You suckle on his tip and let your tongue swirl around his head, watching how reactive he is with amusement. Even though you haven’t fully started sucking him off yet he is breathy, eyes dark in the way he looks at you and strokes your hair. 
He pushes his length further into your mouth and you groan, taking him fully. He sets the pace, slow and languid, pulling his cock fully out of your mouth before shoving it back in with expertise. 
You barely register the hands behind you that grab your ass until you feel Chan’s tip prodding at your entrance, barely pushing inside you. You let out a shaky breath around Felix and Chan takes that as a sign to push into you fully. 
The stretch is welcoming. Your jaw goes slack as you take a moment to process the protrusion, clenching tightly around him as he stills. Felix uses your mouth now, setting the rhythm for the man behind you as well. Relaxing, you let yourself be used by both of the men. You feel Chan’s thighs smack the back of yours, wet and messy and relentless. This causes you to jerk forward, pushing you back and forth onto Felix’s cock. Chan’s hands press into your hips, desperate and harsh and sure to leave bruises in its wake.
“God, love, your mouth,” Felix moans. His hand in your hair is soft in its caresses, contradictory from the way his hips snap into your face ruthlessly. “You’re doing so fucking good for us, baby. This is what you wanted, isn’t it? For Chan to fuck you nice and hard, yeah? For me to whisper filthy things in your ear?” 
You do what you can to nod your head, though it’s pathetic with the way your mouth is full of him. You know you look utterly debauched, absolutely used from the two men you’ve found yourself in between. The mascara you applied before is running down your face along with tears of pleasure, and you find yourself continuously blinking them away to look up at Felix. Your hands find place on the bed beside you, fingers curling into the sheets. You’re close, incredibly so, and you know it’s not much longer until you come over the edge. 
Felix lets out a low groan and you feel his cock twitch in your mouth. With a sharp grasp on your hair he spills into your mouth, right down your throat in hot spurts. You swallow around him thickly and he pulls out, wiping a bit of spit off of your mouth with his thumb. 
You fall forward into Felix’s lap, arching your back in order to give Chan full access to your dripping hole. He takes full advantage of it, fucking into you with reckless abandon. Now that your mouth is free, you have full opportunity to speak–though, the only thing that comes out of your mouth now are loud moans and broken, choked sobs. 
“Chan, fuck, oh my, I’m gonna cum, fuck I’m gonna come–” you babble. 
“Sweet girl, is he fucking you stupid?” Felix asks, wrapping his arms around you and making you look into his eyes. When you meet his gaze you nod your head sporadically. 
Chan grunts from behind you, his hips starting to stutter. “Fuck, Lix. I’m close,” he warns. “Touch her pretty clit for me, make her cum for us.” Felix does as instructed, snaking his hand down to where Chan pushes in and out between your bodies. “So good, love. Cum for us,” he says into your ear. 
His fingers barely brush your clit when you’re cumming hard around Chan’s cock, squeezing around his length hard. He rocks his hips into yours, helping you ride out your release before he pulls out and cums all over your ass. You’re whining and clutching onto Felix, though you don’t realize it; his hand runs small circles onto your back. When he looks down at you it’s as if you hung the stars, gaze so full of adoration that your heart batters against your chest in response loud enough that he very well might hear it. 
Somewhere behind you, Chan leaves and then returns with something to clean you up. You only know this when you feel the soft material on your back and you let out a grunt of appreciation. Chan sits next to you now, spooning you from the side where you lay across Felix’s body. 
“Are you okay?” Chan speaks softly. 
You scoff. “I just fucked the two people I’ve been in love with for years. You think I’m not okay?” 
“Love. You love us?” Felix asks. 
You laugh. You can’t help it, because how the fuck do you keep on embarrasing yourself like this? It’s as if they can read your mind, because before you can backtrack or word-vomit they’re already speaking. 
“I don’t know if I made this clear,” Chan starts. “But my feelings for you, they’re strong. I love you too. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.” 
“Same here, love. We’ve wanted this for forever. If you’ll let us have you, we want you to be ours.” He whispers a soft ‘I love you’ into your hair and you find yourself overcome with emotion. 
The movie is still playing on the TV. It makes you laugh when you realize something. 
“Did you both seriously invite me over for dinner just so you could seduce me?” 
“Hey hey!” Chan laughs, tickling your side for a moment. “You’re the one that begged for us to ruin you, babygirl. Did you get what you wanted?” 
“I don’t know,” you say, pretending to be in thought. “I’m not feeling super ruined at the moment.” 
“That can be arranged.” 
*** Last installment of the threesome series <3 Thank you everyone for reading. If you want to check out the other three chapters, you can find them in my masterlist.
Taglist: @lolareadsimagines @elizalabs3 @chvn-max
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Sleeping In
Fred Weasley x f!-reader. No house mentioned. 18+ smut ahead minors DNI!!
Also, I'm sorry for disappearing, I was stressed, and writer's block took its toll! Hopefully, I'll be able to do a request I have sitting in my drafts.
Word Count: 2.24k
"Oi, George, where's your sodding twin?" Y/n shouted, throwing her hands in the air as she entered the Gryffindor common room.
"Er, I think he's still in the dorm," George replied, nodding toward the stairs. The younger twin was sitting on the couch, playing cards with a few other students, his girlfriend Angelina resting her head on his shoulder.
Y/n huffed annoyedly, mumbling incoherently as she ascended the stairs, her nostrils flaring.
She reached the twins' dorm in no time, turning the knob and stepping inside, flicking the light switch.
"Ah, fuck me," A voice cried out, which Y/n immediately recognized as Fred's.
"Rise and shine fuckface," Y/n spoke, grabbing a random jumper off the floor and chucking it at Fred, who was busy rubbing away the sleep from his eyes.
The cloth hit him directly in the face, making him reel back.
"Ow," Fred mumbled, yawning again and blinking a few times.
"You were supposed to meet me in the library an hour ago," Y/n said, crossing her arms and shifting her weight to her hip.
"Shit. Did I sleep that long?" Fred said, his eyes widening. He looked at his nightstand, and the small clock read 11:23 am.
"Fuck," He mumbled, running a hand through his hair and glimpsing at Y/n, flashing her an embarrassed smile.
Y/n just rolled her eyes with a sigh, running her tongue along her cheek. She walked over to the curtains, pulling them open and letting the light shine in.
Fred cringed from the brightness, sitting up with his back against the frame, admiring her from behind, sucking in a sharp breath.
Y/n turned around, her eyes widening slightly as she saw him.
He was shirtless, his muscles on full display, wearing only his plaid pajama pants beneath the covers. His red hair was messily falling over his forehead, and his eyes were still drowsy with sleep.
She quickly looked away, her eyes focusing on everything but him, the curtains, his dresser, the wall.
After all, they were only friends.
"Get dressed and meet me in the library," Y/n said, starting to walk to the door.
As she walked by, his hand wrapped around her wrist, tugging her down on top of him.
A light gasp escaped her lips when his hands found themselves tightly grasping her hips, steadying her on his lap.
"I didn't mean to oversleep," He spoke softly, his eyes a pool of warm brown as they stared at her.
Y/n couldn't say a word, her mouth was open, but no sound came out, and her heart was beating a million miles an hour. She feared he could hear the rapidness.
"I did actually get up, brushed my teeth and everything, but then I took a...'five-minute nap.'"
"I looked like an idiot waiting for you," Y/n whispered. Her breath was shaky, full of nerves. She just now noticed her hand placement, both on either side of his neck by his collarbones, but he didn't seem to mind. Her legs straddled his waist, and the only thing separating them was the thin covers.
Fred let out a dry, breathy laugh. His eyes flickered to her lips before he lifted his gaze to hers.
Slowly, his hand raised to cup her face, his thumb gently tracing her cheek, making her inhale sharply.
His pupils were blown with what seemed to be lust and desire, and his eyes bore into hers, hesitant yet yearning.
Y/n's core burned with intense heat, her mind told her to back away, to save their friendship while she could, but her body's urge was far more powerful.
"Allow me to apologize," He said quietly, swallowing thickly as he gradually leaned forward, his hand still gently holding her face.
Y/n closed her eyes as his lips brushed against hers. With her lips trembling softly, she closed the gap.
Their lips met in a soft kiss. It was timid, slow, sensual, the calm before a raging storm.
Fred sighed against her lips, bringing his hand to the back of her head and drawing her closer, deepening their kiss.
Y/n leaned into him, her nails digging into his skin as she gripped his strong shoulder. Her other hand traveled to his jaw, holding it tightly.
A soft whimper-like gasp left her lips as Fred's free hand snaked under her shirt, his warm fingers brushing against the cool skin of her waist.
Like a bolt of lightning, desire shot through his spine from the noise. His tongue clashed with hers, and soft moans escaped their lips as the kiss dragged on.
"Fuck," Fred groaned, wanting nothing more than to rip off her clothes and ravage her completely. Hear her cry out his name as he fucked her into the mattress.
"Freddie," Y/n breathed, both of her hands now laced in his hair, lightly tugging it.
"Y/n, fuck. Can I?" Fred said, his fingers toying with the bottom of her black shirt.
She didn't hesitate to nod her head, a chorus of yeses quickly escaping her lips.
Fred lifted the fabric up and over her head, briefly disconnecting their lips.
Y/n didn't give herself time to feel ashamed, instead opting to connect their lips before he could scan her body.
Fred's fingers danced over her hips and around to her back, sliding upwards toward her bra clip.
If he died from kissing her lips, he'd die happy. There was no other taste in the world that could ever amount to her. She was the finest meal of them all.
"Yes, please," Her words came out in a whispering whine, a plead. She knew there was no going back to how things were, but hell, she didn't want that anymore.
Fred smiled, softly biting her bottom lip, kissing her passionately as he swiftly unclipped her bra.
He tossed it off the bed, pulling away from her lips and casting his eyes down.
If possible, his pupils expanded even more. He was so full of desire and passion that he felt he might explode.
Her body was perfect, exquisitely, and seemingly made purely for him.
Y/n could feel the shame rising on her cheeks. She felt the world slowly swallow her in the seconds before he responded.
"Bloody hell. You're so beautiful," Fred murmured, his lips attaching to her throat, kissing and biting downwards, making sure he left marks.
Y/n let out a soft gasp as he trailed further down, her head knocking back when he started on her breasts.
"Oh fuck," She whispered, biting her lip and squeezing her eyes shut as his lips thoroughly covered her nipples and breasts in hickeys.
"You look so fucking pretty covered in my marks," He said, smiling against her neck, kissing the sweet spot below her ear.
Y/n laced her fingers in his short red hair, breathing heavily, subconsciously rutting herself against him, searching for some sort of friction.
She hastily sat straighter, pulling the thin covers back and straddling him completely, feeling his erection through the cloth of his trousers.
Her lips found him again, and it was her turn to scatter love bites along his skin, which she did without hesitation.
Her teeth nipped and marked the skin around his throat, leaving a skillfully placed hickey just below his jaw visible to everyone.
"Making me yours, I see," Fred mumbled teasingly, his hand now drifting to her arse, head knocked back in pleasure.
"Not like you didn't do the same," She replied breathlessly, pulling back to admire her work, tracing her fingers over the various marks on his neck and jaw.
Fred smirked, taking her chin in his hand and dragging her back to his lips, kissing her deeply.
"Do I look pretty?" He asked, a hint of mischief in his voice.
"Very," Y/n answered, gasping as his hand ran over her arse, stopping at the waistband of her sweats.
"Take them off," She says before he can even ask, already assisting him in sliding them down, kicking them off and away from the bed.
Y/n's fingers hooked into the hem of his trousers. He soon helped her take them off and quickly discard them with the rest of their clothes.
Her panties were next. Fred practically ripped them off her legs, too impatient for anything else.
The cold air hit her bare pussy, and she shivered, but as soon as his warm body touched hers, her mind was clouded yet again.
She wasted no time taking off his boxers as well, the bubbling warmth in her core only growing larger when his large erection brushed against her inner thigh, teasing her.
"Do you- Do you have-" Y/n started to ask, but he cut her off.
"Top drawer to the left," Fred said quickly, an audible displeased groan leaving his lips when she pulled back.
Y/n would've rolled her eyes at his whines, but she was too wrapped up in lust to even care.
She opened the top drawer, took a condom from the box, and handed it to Fred.
He ripped it open with his teeth, spitting the plastic out and carefully sliding the latex over his aching cock.
Y/n could do nothing but stare and drool, the mere sight of him making her cunt clench in anticipation.
He was half propped on his elbow, one hand traveling to her neck, pulling her lips to his while the other held her by the hip.
Y/n kissed him deeply, aligning his cock with her entrance and slowly lowering herself onto it, breathing rapidly.
Airy moans left both their lips as he bottomed out, her tight muscles clenching around him.
The covers were hanging off her lower back, but she didn't care. There was no way in hell she would get cold.
His warm body pressed against hers as she started rocking her hips. Chest to chest, their bodies worked together, his hand on her back, pressing her further into him, her hand on his bicep, nails digging into his muscles as she moved.
"Ah- fuck, just like that, love," Fred groaned, his handsome features scrunched in pleasure.
He looked down to see where they connected, her back arching ever so slightly to take him all, her perfect pussy stretched around his cock.
He was able to hit every perfect place inside her, rutting against her g-spot, sending waves of pleasure shooting up Y/n's spine.
But oh fuck, he needed to be deeper, needed her moaning and mewling his name like it was a prayer.
So without missing a beat, he flipped their positions, her legs locking around his torso as he started thrusting.
She wrapped her arms around him, encasing him closely, their chests still touching.
"You're so good for me, angel, taking my cock so well," He grunted, breathing heavily from the sensation of her walls clenching around him.
His thrusts weren't overly rough, but they didn't need to be. He didn't want to fuck her. No, he wanted to love her, cherish her body like the temple it was, and make her cry out in intense pleasure as she came on his cock.
"Freddie," She whimpered, arching her back to meet his thrusts, each perfectly timed. Tears of euphoria welled in her eyes, starting to slowly drip and roll down her cheeks as her orgasm quickly approached.
He looked so pretty above her, eyes closed in pleasure, messy hair, the freckles dotting his pale skin shining from the droplets of sweat trickling down his body.
His forehead rested against hers, fingers digging into her waist as he chased his climax. His breathing became more labored and rapid with every passing second.
Y/n felt the knot in her stomach coiling, the bubble of heat ready to pop with just a few more thrusts.
"Fred, I'm so close," She whispered, pushing her body closer to him, back arching off the bed.
"Fuck, me too. Come for me, Y/n," He said, his warm breath tickling her neck, the sensation sending her over the edge.
Her orgasm washed over her in waves of immense pleasure, lightning in her veins, a shot of adrenaline straight to the heart. Her legs shook, and her core was on fire, burning through the high as she came with his name on her tongue, crying it out.
Fred finished a few moments after, his hips sputtering as he filled the condom, his stomach burning with heat and pleasure.
The first few moments after having sex with someone new are the most pivotal. They decide if it's a one-time thing or something more.
Fred swallowed, resting his forehead against hers and sighing deeply, trying to catch his breath.
Y/n's hand wrapped around his neck, lacing in his hair. She smiled softly when he let out a breathy laugh. The sound was always music to her ears.
"I think I need to sleep in more often," Fred whispered, pulling his head back to connect their gazes, admiring her fucked out appearance, bruised lips, hickeys everywhere, and dried lines of tears running down her cheeks. She was beautiful.
"I think..." Y/n breathed, propping herself on her elbows and cupping his face in her hands.
"I could go for another apology," She finished, a smirk toying on her lips.
A shit-eating grin spanned across Fred's lips, his eyes lighting up at her insinuation.
"If I ever say no to that, kill me,"
Hope you enjoyed! If there are spelling/grammar mistakes, I'm sorry. I wrote this at like 1 am.
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hannieehaee · 6 months
18 + / mdi
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content: pantysniffer!mingyu, pervert!mingyu, the unexpected return of this mingyu, established relationship, smut, afab reader, oral (f receiving), face-sitting, etc.
part 1
wc: 1384
a/n: i randomly thought abt a continuation to that one mingyu fic i wrote like a month ago and now here we are
you thought he would've been done with this by now. i mean, you were dating; exclusively. you had been dating for about a month, so it was quite strange for mingyu to still have this habit.
when you'd first met your boyfriend, you had only been roommates. he was clean, he kept things tidy, he was respectful of your space, and most important of all, he was really hot.
you hadn't known him very well until first moving into his shared apartment, only having ever heard your best friend vernon mention him in passing. which wad why you were in utter shock upon moving in with vernon and mingyu, now realizing that your best friend had been gatekeeping this muscly hunk from you.
admittedly, you had a bit of a crush on him, but you were an adult and you also appreciated the friendship you had quickly built with mingyu, deciding to not act on anything, or even give off any type of hint of your school-girl crush on him. this platonic dynamic, however, did not last long. but its demise was not your doing.
it all started some random afternoon, in which you had headed over to take a shower at the usual time you tended to. having roommates, it was just easier to have a schedule, so you'd always abide by it. except today's routine was quickly interrupted by the unexpected sighting of your panties in mingyu's hand, pressed against his nose while he breathed in the scent. you had only wanted to ask him for extra conditioner, not bothering to knock on his door (your bad), but absolutely not expecting to find the culprit to all your misplaced panties from the past month.
like any reasonable girl, this interaction ended with you letting mingyu fuck you into next week, but only after being thoroughly eaten out by the man as he lost himself between your legs. in very predictable fashion, this resulted in a relationship arising between the two of you, immediately informing your friend vernon that he would now have to third wheel as the three of you continued to be roommates.
you had thought that was the last of it. the last time mingyu would let his depraved tendencies thief you of yet another pair of panties. i mean, he had the real thing now, so there was no need for a washed out scent of your cunt for him to get off to, right? wrong. you had forgotten your boyfriend was obsessed with you, and by result, the lacy panties he knew you wore day after day.
that's why it shouldn't have been surprising when you walked into his room (which was pretty much yours by now) to find him in the same position you had a month before. you wanted to be scandalized, but much like last time, you were incredibly turned on at the thought of mingyu being so addicted to you he'd seek your panties if he couldn't have you immediately.
he noticed your arrival, not stopping his movements even as you neared him, closing the door behind you.
"baby ... left me all alone. 'm sorry, just needed you so fucking bad ..." his movements on his dick sped up, whining and pouting at you for fulfilling your adult duties and leaving him on his day off to go to work.
"gyu ... baby. wanted me that bad? couldn't wait for me to get back?", you were close enough now to caress his cheek, making him lean into your hand as he moaned at your condescending tone.
"mhm," he nodded, "can i have it? want the real thing, baby. wanna drown in it."
"how can i say no to you, pretty? c'mere, let me-"
"my face! sit on my face, baby, please!", it wasn't too common for him to beg for you, only ever happening when he was overly pussydrunk for you, so you were taken aback for a moment.
surprisingly, you had never sat on his face to date, despite his constant insistence on eating you out almost every day that allowed for it. to be fair, you two worked a lot, and had only been dating for a month. there hadn't been enough time to explore more positions or even explore each other as much as you'd want to.
"gyu? are you sure? what if i-"
"its fine!", he was suddenly not as dizzy from the arousal the scent of your panties had given him, all focus now on the thought of your thighs encompassing him as he licked at you from below their weight, "i can take it, baby, i promise."
it took a bit of enticing from him to convince you, with him beginning to kiss your neck and sneaking his hand under your shorts to run his fingers up and down your already-wet panties. he succeeded too quickly, knowing you had as little power to resist him as he did you.
and so now you were sitting on his face, worries buried deep in your brain as your boyfriend's tongue delved into the farthest depths of your cunt. you couldn't help yourself in holding onto his hair and begin riding his tongue, too blind on pleasure to even think.
what you hadn't realized was that your boyfriend was off even worse than you, constantly moaning against your cunt while his hand remained occupied on his own dick. he had never felt more turned on, falling in love with the weight of your thighs on his face.
"gyu ... feel so- so fucking good, shit! please ..." you had no idea what you were begging for. there was nothing more mingyu could do to make you feel better than he already was. he had managed to render you senseless, with no coherent thought left in you.
"so fucking good .. shit, so tasty, baby. ride me just like that ..." that was what you could make out of his mumbled words muffled by your cunt, but regardless, knowing he felt pleasure from the simple act of sucking on your clit made you even more aroused.
you began to ride him at an animalistic speed once you realized your orgasm was approaching, face now wet from the tears of pleasure he had pulled from you. mingyu was in no better state, humping his own hand at a similarly inhuman pace, cumming halfway through your own orgasm.
you fell limp on the bed, wearily removing your weight from his face and letting yourself become boneless while he somehow managed to get himself up to get some wet wipes to clean up the mess, but not without attacking your mouth with his tongue for a few seconds before actually getting up, moaning at the whine you let out at your taste on his tongue.
"shit. we have to do that again. we have to do that every time from now on. we-"
"okay, slow down," you giggled as he cleaned you up, "i need to recover. you're crazy, gyu, jesus christ."
"what? is it illegal to love pussy?"
"as much as you do? it should be. also, you're still stealing my panties? gyu, i-"
"listen!" he interrupted you again, now having thrown away the dirty wipes and wordlessly positioning the two of you so you could lay against each other under his covers, "it was an emergency, okay? i was so horny, you have no idea. and your panties were right there! it's like crack, baby. i couldn't help myself. are you mad?", he was pouting by the end of his explanation, paying no mind to how ridiculous he sounded.
"of course not, gyu. it's actually kinda, uh, i-"
"oh my god. you still like it?! you like when i sniff your panties and i'm the perv?", he gasped, now facing you as he berated you.
"shut up! i'm not the one going around sniffing people's panties, okay? you're the perv!"
"nuh uh, baby. can't turn this on me. gonna be stealing your panties even more now. i dont care if i can have the real thing, want both. gonna make you sit on my face every day too. cant even pretend you dont love it anymore," he was smug about it, knowing he was completely right.
"fine. you can steal my panties. happy?"
he dared giggle in response, "very."
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sturnsbabie · 3 months
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pairing: chris x reader x nate
summary: in which chris has been friends with benefits with y/n for a while now. his bestfriend nate also has always found the girl hot. one day he asks chris what its like to have her in bed and chris suddenly comes up with the idea of tagteaming her.
warnings: swearing,making out, f!recieving, m!recieving, p in v, unprotected sex,degrading, praising,slapping,creampie.
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chris and nate were currently chilling on chris’ couch just talking about random stuff til nate suddenly brought up the girl chris has been fucking for the past four months.
nate looks at his friend. “weird question but i have to ask what is it like fucking around with y/n?” nate asks if he hasnt imagined having her pinned down on his bed railing into her.
chris chuckled as he looked at nate. “she is so fucking good bro. she has the best pussy ever dont even get me started on that head game.” chris said as he started to think about all the times he has fucked her.
chris suddenly had a idea pop into his mind. “what if i shared her with you for a night?” chris randomly asked
nate widened his eyes making sure that he heard chris correctly. “would she even be down?” nate asked him not wanting to turn down a chance with the girl.
“i mean shes told me that shes always wanted to be tagteamed by me and someone else so im sure she would be down.” chris said
“i mean im down if you’re okay with that and of course her too.” nate said as he started to imagine the girls pretty mouth wrapped around him.
“im gonna text her real quick.”chris told his bestfriend as he grabbed his phone.
i just got out of the shower as i heard my phone go off. i seen that chris texted me. he wanted me to come hang out with him and nate.
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i put a hoodie and a pair of shorts on then slid my shoes on. i grabbed my phone and keys then headed to my car.
once i got to chris’ house i headed inside. this was normal for us since i was always here either for chris or to hang out with nick.
i headed into the living room and felt two sets of eyes stare me down. i sat down next to chris as he pulled me close to him. “hey mama.” he said as he kept looking at me.
nate was nervous for what could happen. he couldn’t believe he was gonna tag team the girl hes been down bad for with his bestfriend.
“hi chris”i said as i looked at him. fuck he looked so good with just a beanie and sweatpants on without a shirt. i could take him right then and there.
“what would you do if i said nate and i wanna tag team you?” chris said as i could feel my heat starting to get wet as i started to squeeze my legs together as they both noticed.
“i think she wants us too. what do you think chris?” nate said as he started to scoot closer to me leaving me in the middle of him and chris.
“i think so too nate. i can tell shes getting turned on just by thinking about us both using her like a whore.” chris said as he pulled me into his lap crashing his lips onto mine.
chris started to grind me down on him as we were making out as nate just sat there watching waiting to be touched by me. nate was so fucking hot, ive always wondered what hes like in bed.
chris suddenly pulled away from the kiss as he looked at me. “i think you should let nate get a taste of you baby. i think he deserves it dont you?” he said as i looked over at nate who was visibly getting hard.
i crawled off of chris’ lap. “come here babygirl.” nate said as he pulled me onto his lap as he grabbed me by the throat kissing me. suddenly it turned into a heated makeout session as i was grinding myself down on him.
“cmon nate lets take her to my room and treat her like shes nothing but a whore who wants to be used by the both of us.” chris said as i felt nate pick me up not breaking the kiss.
once we got into chris’ room nate threw me down on the bed roughly as both of them looked at me.
“strip.” chris said as he started to played with the hem of his sweats.
i stripped out of my hoodie and shorts til i was completely naked.
“i want you on all fucking fours rightnow.”nate demanded as i saw chris slip out of his sweats.
i got onto all fours arching my back for nate as chris got closer to me. “open up pretty girl.” he said as he slid his dick into my mouth.
i felt nates hot breath against my soaked cunt. “shes dripping chris. she really must want to use her. such a fucking slut.” nate said as he attached his mouth onto my clit with no warning.
i moaned against chris as i was deepthroating him the same time i was being ate out by nate.
suddenly two fingers were inserted to me as chris started roughly fucking himself into my mouth. i kept moaning against him in pleasure.
it felt so good to be used by the both of them. i often found myself thinking about what it would be like to get fucked by the both of them at the same time.
i felt chris’ thrusts into my mouth getting sloppier as i could tell he was getting close. “gonna cum in that pretty mouth of yours” chris moaned out as i felt myself getting close clenching around nates fingers.
“cum for me pretty girl.” nate said as i felt him slide his fingers out attaching his mouth to me as i felt my orgasm growing closer.
chris shot his seed into the back of my throat as i felt myself cumming on nates tounge.
nate licked me clean as chris pulled out of my mouth. “taste so good” nate said as he switched places with chris.
“cmere whore.”chris said as he pulled me to him and slammed himself into me as i let out a loud moan. he reached down slapping me on the face as i moaned in pleasure. “such a good fucking whore letting us use you”
nate pulled his clothes off as he got close to me sliding himself into my mouth as chris was pounding into me.
i teased nate as my tounge swirled around the slit of his dick before i took him all the way into my mouth. “dont fucking tease.” nate said
i felt myself clench around chris as he kept hitting my gspot. i kept deepthroating nate as chris was pounding into me.
“such a fucking slut already wanting to cum around my cock.” chris said pulled out slamming back in causing me to moan against nate.
“gonna cum all over that pretty face.” nate groaned as he pulled out of my mouth stroking himself as white strings of warm liquid was being shot onto my face.
“since youre being such a good whore you can cum baby.” chris said as i felt him start to twitch inside me.
chris pounded into me deeper and faster with each thrust as i felt my second orgasm growing closer and closer til i came around his cock.
“good fucking girl.” chris moaned as i felt him cum deep inside of me.
he pulled out of me as i felt nate flip me over to where i was on my back as he hovered over me.
“my turn.” nate said as he slowly slid himself into me letting me adjust to his size.
chris laid behind me as my head was laying on his thighs.
once i got used to the stretch of nates cock he started thrusting into me.
i let out a string of moans as he threw my legs over his shoulders so he could go deeper.
“youre such a fucking slut letting nate use my pussy yeah?” chris said as he was playing with my hair.
chris couldnt help but feel a little jealous at the sight of his bestfriend fucking the girl. he knew he shouldn’t because the girl and him were just fuck buddies. but there was a side of him that was turned on watching another guy fuck her as he had her laying on his thighs.
suddenly nate pulled out flipping the girl over til she was on all fours as he slammed back into her as she made eye contact with chris as nothing but moans left her mouth.
“look so pretty while getting fucked by another guy.” chris said as he felt his cock twitch with the eye contact the girl was giving him.
“wanna suck my cock again yeah?” chris said as the girl slid her mouth back onto his cock sucking him as she stroked him with what she couldnt fit into her mouth.
all that could be heard coming from chris’ room was the mixture of their moans and skin slapping together.
nate pounded into the girl as chris reached his hand down slapping the girls face once again.
“you like that dont you? you like being treated like a fucking whore letting me and nate use you dont you?” chris said as i felt nate slap my ass.
tears were rolling down my face as i was being overstimulated by being fucked by two different cocks.
i felt my third orgasm growing closer as nate kept abusing my cervix with his tip. “gonna cum!” i moaned out as i stroked chris while keeping eye contact.
“fuck you look so fucking sexy stroking my cock the sametime youre being fucked.” chris groaned
“cum for me princess. i know you can.” nate said as he pounded into me as i stroked chris til he came all over my hand.
i licked every drop of his cum off of my hand as i felt myself cumming around nates cock. a loud string of moans left my mouth as nate thrusted a few more times letting me come down from my high before he pulled out cumming all over my ass.
i felt my legs give out as i laid on chris’ thighs. chris pulled me up to him to where i was laying on his chest as he rubbed my back.
“nate go get a towel and clean her up.” chris said as he placed a soft kiss on my forehead.
nate went and got a towel as he came back wiping my ass off.
nate went back into chris’ bathroom to shower as chris cuddled me til i fell asleep.
i couldnt believe i just got tagteamed by chris and nate. something ive wanted for a while now.
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luvrxbunny · 9 months
hii sorry to bother you im just gonna request something for ethan landry idk if youve written for him before i havent seen. but im legit obsessed and can you do something about like him being in econ and then getting all flustered from reader sitting next to him and just talking and then after that idk you can make something up hahaha but they go to like readers dorm and SmUt and hes all whiny and subby and maybe mommy kink goirhetlghrtglrhtg :))) dhbckudhfxkd
can you tell im going a bit insane for this guy
if you cant do it its okay also i love your work so much it gets me shuddering like legit
Thank you so so much for requesting! Unfortunately, I have no clue who this character is, (i literally thought he was evan peter's character in ahs before this) so I’m sorry if anything isn’t character-consistent!
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Pairing: Ethan Landry x F!Reader
Summary: You find out that Ethan has a little crush on you.  
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, some dry humping, handjob, overstimulation, f!mastrubation, mommy kink (lmk if I forgot anything)
WC: 4.3k
A/N: idk how this got so fucking long idek this guy. also y'all see the compliments in the request?? flattery will get you very far w me
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You walk in just as the bell rings, breathing a sigh of relief as you sit down and the professor begins his mind-numbing lecture. You place your bag on the ground and get out all the supplies you’ll need for this god-awful class. 
You’ve finished setting everything up when you realize that you’ve sat down next to someone. You try and see who it is through the peripherals of your vision, hoping you didn’t just sit next to some random person when you realize it’s him.
You’ve been going to school with Ethan for a few years now. He’s always been pretty quiet so he doesn’t have many friends. You guys are friendly, a level a bit higher than acquaintances because you’ve known each other for so long but you don’t really talk that often. You developed a crush on him back in high school. It never grew into anything more because you could never seem to hold a conversation with him... But it never fully left either because he’s still adorable.
You were shocked when you saw him in class on the first day, unable to believe that you were lucky enough to end up with him in the same class, at the same college. You try to talk to him more when you both are paired up in class but he’s not the best conversationalist. 
“Oh! Hey, Ethan! I didn’t even realize you were sitting here!” You try and be extra friendly, knowing how hard it is for him to communicate with others but you’re still met with silence. “Uh- I was almost late again! Did you see me? I got here like- just in time. Maybe I should start walking with you, you’re always on time!” You open your notebook and start taking down the notes on the board as you speak. 
Ethan is still silent. It’s getting a bit rude at this point. You thought the two of you were friendly but maybe he just doesn’t like you at all. You turn to look at him, hoping you’d get an explanation but all you’re met with is his alarmingly red face, fixated on the board. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion. He has sweat lining his hairline and his back is unnaturally straight. “Hey… Are you okay? Are you sick?” Your voice is laced with concern as you speak, hoping this is the one thing he responds to. 
Ethan is trying so hard to act normal, be normal around you but he can’t. It would’ve been fine if you just hadn’t spoken to him. He could’ve easily pretended you weren’t there if he also ignored the smell of your perfume that was all but suffocating him with its ungodly sweet scent.
He’s been hard since you walked in, he always is. He can’t even help it at this point, he doesn’t try. In every class you’re in, his blood is in his dick. He used to try and prevent it, feeling like a pervert for being turned on at nothing but your presence but he’s given up. No one ever notices and he can just get off in the bathroom during lunch if he’s desperate enough. Only this time you’re sitting next to him.
He’s already leaking in his pants. 
To make it worse you were being so nice to him, too nice, and now you’re concerned about his health? Not even realizing that you’re the one who’s got him so hot, not a fever. 
“I’m- I’m fine. Thank you.” His voice is entirely flat as he speaks, trying to keep all emotion out of it in fear that you’ll be able to decipher what they mean. He doesn’t look at you, he’s scared he might cum on the spot if he does. 
You take these as signs of dishonesty. “Ethan… Are you sure?” You bring a hand up to feel his cheek, you’re so zoned into whether his skin is too warm or not, that you don't even notice when his eyes dart to your face. You move your hand to his forehead, deciding that his cheek isn’t reliable enough and your eyes meet his. 
You can hear his breath hitch at the eye contact and breaks it. It confuses you for a moment but you try and focus on the task at hand. “I don’t know, you feel kinda warm, Ethan. I don’t know if there’s a nurse on campus but we can check? I’d assume that-” 
His chest warms at your concern and he thinks it over. 
I can spend more time with her this way, and get to know her better. Can I handle spending all that time with her though? What if she notices my- Yeah. Maybe I just shouldn’t…
“Madame Late Pass?” Your eyes are already rolling into your head and you’re groaning quietly as the professor calls you out. You pull your hand away from Ethan’s face and give him the most distasteful stare you can manage. “Is there something wrong with Mr. Landry that’s distracting you from my lesson?”
“Actually sir, I think he might have a fever or something. I should probably take him to the nurse.” It’s an obvious excuse to skip his class but it isn’t technically a lie so he lets it go. You quickly pack your things up with a smile and motion for Ethan to do the same. 
You hold in your giggles until you guys are outside the classroom. “Okay! Do you wanna go to the nurse? We don’t have to- I don’t even know where it is, honestly.” Ethan is facing away from you, silent. 
Anxiety creeps in. “Hey. S- Sorry if you didn’t want to leave class. I- You could probably head back in a little bit… I should’ve asked I’m sorry. I just assumed. I mean wh- who likes econ y’know? I’m- I’m sorry.”
Your stuttering has his blushing even harder, the thought that anything he does could get any reaction out of you makes him smile. “I’m fine and I-” He lets out a light laugh that gives you butterflies “I kinda hate econ.” 
You place yourself in front of him with a huge smile. “Great! So do I, this will be great!” You lock your arms with his, a risky move, it has your heart pounding as he stiffens up with a sharp inhale but he never pulls away. You guys stroll down the corridors and talk. You have to slow your pace to keep up with Ethan and you’re doing most of the talking but you don’t mind one bit. 
You guys stop at the cafeteria for snacks and Ethan gently insists on paying, bringing the butterflies back to life and forcing a smile to your face as you thank him. You’re both sitting in a corner booth, away from most people, you’re talking and he’s squirming. 
Every few minutes he repositions himself and it was starting to get on your nerves a bit. It felt like he was uncomfortable being here, or that he was anxious for you to stop talking. You ended your story early, letting your voice die down, waiting for him to move again before questioning him. “Why are you so squirmy.?” 
He stops his movements instantly, and his eyes hesitantly look up to meet yours. “I’m not squirming.” He watches your feature turn into one of complete skepticism. “Ethan. I have eyes. If you want me to like… be quiet, or talk less or anything you can just say that. I won’t get offended or anything, I know I talk a lot.” You giggle at the end, Ethan twitches in his pants and has to suppress a whimper at the sound. 
“You’re not talking too much. You’re fine, it’s okay.” He’s struggling not to press his palm into his bulge again, needing any relief after being hard for almost half an hour now. Everything you do is making it worse and he doesn’t know how to escape the situation. 
The way you keep touching him is deadly. The way you linked arms with him when walking, the way you rubbed his back and thanked him as he paid and even now, the way you’ve placed your feet right next to his under the table, something about the action has his precum soaking through his jeans.
He doesn’t notice that you finished your food already and you’re now getting up and gathering the trash. He doesn’t have time to tell you he can do it himself before you’re crossing to his side. “I can take this for-” 
His hands cover his lap but you’re already staring. He doesn’t say anything, hoping that you’re staring at his crotch for a reason other than the fact he’s hard as a rock and soaking his pants. Your head tilts in confusion before you sit down, right next to him. Your scent wraps all around him like a blanket, his eyes fall shut as he breathes in your scent, his hands subconsciously massaging his dick gently. You feel the butterflies in your stomach turn to molten lava as you watch him. 
His breathing hitches as his hands stop moving and his eyes snap open. “I’m s- I’m so sorry. I’ll-” He’s gathering the abandoned trash and getting up but you place your hand on his arm softly and pull him back down. 
“You have nothing to be sorry about, Ethan. Although I’d like to know it’s um- origin.” Your heart is racing at the thought that you were the one to make him this hard, that you- just going about your day- could make him this hard. He answers you without saying anything, his face turns piping red again and he looks away. That does it. 
“Ethan, do you wanna come back to my dorm? I have something to… show you.” 
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He’s following close behind you, his shirt pulled down over his crotch and one hand in yours. You’re basically dragging him into your dorm, pressing him into the door the second he closes it. You’re leaning into him, your hands on his chest as his float awkwardly above your hips. 
“I wanna kiss you, Ethan.” He gasps sweetly at your words and leans into you instantly. 
His lips are soft and wet when they meet yours. You whine into his mouth, he moans loudly into yours in response and pulls away. “S- sorry.” His eyes are downcast and he sounds embarrassed. You couldn’t be more confused. 
“What?” You run your hands up his arms, over his shoulders, and to the back of his neck so you can play with his curls. His eyelids flutter at the action and you watch his adam’s apple jump before he speaks. 
“I don’t know. I was- I was loud. I didn’t mean to be…” You can’t help yourself. You smash his lips back into yours, forcing a beautiful moan out of his mouth, followed by a whine before you pull back. “I want you to be loud, Ethan.” 
You whisper the words to him, low and seductive. A little whimper slips out of his mouth and you kiss him again, walking backward towards your bed and he’s stumbling like Bambi as you do. 
His hands are finally on you, wrapped around your waist, trying to pull you in. You maneuver him around to push him onto the bed and straddle him. He’s moaning the moment your weight drops onto him, his hips bucking up into yours against his will and he’s apologizing again. 
You silence him with your lips, attacking his neck, and melting his words into groans and whines. You lift your weight off him, pushing onto your knees and cooing at how he whimpers and tries to follow you with his hips. You push him down to the bed, laying him out for you to admire. You run your hands down his arms, over and down his chest to the bottom of his shirt. Your eyes leave his body to check if he’s okay with this but his head is thrown back, pressing into your pillows with his knuckle between his teeth. 
“Ethan? Are you okay, honey?” A ragged half moan, half sob, shoots from his mouth as his hand leaves his mouth, gripping your arm desperately. He’s still not looking at you and his hands are shaking as they grip you.
“I-It feels s- so fucking g- good. You’re ma-aking me feel so good.” He’s incredibly breathless as his hips grind up into the air, searching for your warmth. You can feel heat explode in your stomach at his words, at his desperation from you just kissing and running your hands over his body. 
You drop your weight back onto him for a moment, to tease him and relieve yourself a bit. He rewards you with a shuddering gasp and his hands come to grip your hips as hard as they could. He can’t even get any words out as your clothed pussy slides over his sensitive cock. Your eyes are shut tight in concentration as you try not to make any noise, wanting to hear his noises instead. You grow a bit frantic in your movements, grinding on him harder, angling yourself a million different ways to try and get the perfect pressure on your clit when you feel his hand on your cheek. 
Your eyes snap open- you hadn’t even realized you closed them- and he’s pulling your lip from between your teeth with hooded eyes on you and a shy smile on his lips. “I wanna hear you too.” His voice is timid and breathy and you can tell he’s being genuine in what he says but all it does is turn you on even more. 
You moan as you dive for his lips, his hips follow yours up and his hand presses your head into his. He’s thrusting into you more forcefully, determined to cum against you but you lift your hips away from his again with a moan as he separates from your lips. “Why? I was- I don’t understand.”
He sounds like he could cry and his hips are still searching for any friction as you watch him, looking into his eyes and admiring all the emotion they hold. You can’t help the smirk that splits your face as he begins to whine for you, begging you to touch him, to make him feel good but instead, you fully remove yourself from him. You sit beside him and tell him to remove his pants, and he excitedly complies. He’s trembling beside you as you stare at the bulge in his briefs, in love with the way he’s leaking through the fabric. “Would it be okay if I touched you, Ethan?” 
You’re fixated on his bulge but you still hear the way his breathing picks up at your question. You crawl in front of him, your thighs laying over his, sitting between his spread legs with your pussy inches from his throbbing cock. Your hands run along his pelvis, tickling the skin just above the band of his underwear, and smiling at the way his stomach tenses under your minstrations. “P- Yes, please. Please- Oh-” 
He gasps prettily as you stick your hands into his underwear and pull his cock out. He hisses when it hits the cold air but falls into a moan as you start pumping him, wasting no time in getting him the pleasure he deserves.
“So. You got hard because..?” You prompt him, wanting to hear the real reason, and deciding this would be the perfect time to tease him. You’re not even sure he heard you, his eyes are still wide and staring at your hand as it glides up and down his cock, extra lubricated from all the precum his dick is spewing for you. 
You watch his face contort in pleasure, his head falling back as his eyes roll back and he begins to whine out your name on repeat. His hands start to shake and grip the sheets tighter, twisting the fabric in his fist before shouting out. “NO-”
You stopped. “Why are you- Why did you s- stop again? I was so- I was so c- close, I was gonna cum-” His voice pitches up at the end into a whine and he tries to fuck himself into your fist. You giggle at him.
“I asked you a question, baby.” He gives you a bitten-off groan at that. “You didn’t answer, which was quite rude but you do that all the time huh?” Your fingers run delicately over his length, watching it twitch as he struggles to respond. “I- don’t m-mean to.” You start jerking him off again, slowly. 
“You- You’re so pretty, I lo- I like y- you so- shit. I can’t speak- you turn me o-on.” He’s barely making sense as his hips fuck into your fist, trying to force you to get him off faster. He keeps cutting himself off with moans and debauched groans. His whole face is red, it’s spread down to his neck and up his ears too.
“I turn you on? That’s why you ignore me?” You stop again, your hand frozen in the middle of his dick. A broken wail shoots from him and his hands shoot up from the sheets to your face, pulling you in for a kiss. He’s licking up and into your mouth while letting his moans spill from his lips into yours. You’re shocked at the desperation and force of the kiss, your lips bruising themselves against his. He’s pulling at your hair gently and moaning as your tongue brushes along the inside his mouth. He pulls back and falls to your neck, whimpering quietly. 
“I can’t think- You make me so- I get so hot around you, mommy.” 
Your heart stops, every molecule in your body getting overrun with arousal at the words- at the name that just left his mouth. He’s pressing kisses into your neck and explaining himself further, as though he’s called you this before, like this is a normal thing between the two of you.
“-And everything about you just makes it so much worse. I just wanna cum for you, I want you to make m- me cum but you keep s-stopping and it hurts so much. I- please, I want you so bad, mommy.” He gasps at the end of his sentence that time and pulls his head out of your neck. 
His lips are wet , soft, and trembling, his eyes are terrified as they scan your face trying to decipher your reaction. He’s breathing fast, in a more panicked way at your silence. “I’m so sor-”
“So you want mommy to make you cum, baby?” His eyes widen with a gentle gasp but he keeps scanning your face, looking for anything that doesn’t feel genuine. His eyes lose focus though, as you begin to stroke his cock again. “I think I can do that… What do you think?” 
He’s nodding at you deliriously as his hips begin to roll themselves into your fist, his hand slides over the sheets until it finds yours and interlocks your fingers, causing warmth to bloom in your chest and stomach. You lean in to kiss his cheek as he moans your name but he turns his head so you catch his lips instead, his moans filling your mouth again. He’s barely kissing you, more like pressing his open mouth against yours, exchanging his breaths for yours as you smile at him. “That feels good, baby?”
His eyes open to meet yours and instantly roll back into his head. “Y- Mommy, don’t stop. Oh- You know it d- does. Please.” He’s interrupting with his own sounds again and his hand is wrapping around your waist, trying to pull your body closer to his. His moans are becoming more frantic and he keeps taking deep, stuttering, breaths in an attempt to calm himself down.
His bottom lip is being bitten red by his teeth, his eyelids are fluttering, struggling not to let his eyes close and roll to the back of his head. You can see his thighs tensing and jumping beside you, they press against your body, tense and stiff as his legs try to shut. 
“So cl- Mommy, I’m so- s-so- please. Oh, fuck.” His eyes snap open to meet yours pathetically. There are little tears that have gathered in his eyes and he looks so out of it, fucked out beyond belief, his head far up in the clouds. “Please don’t stop. Let-” You tilt your head at him as he collapses into a trembling sob, his hands beginning to shake where they hold you, his eyes shut again, and his eyebrows press up into each other. “Let me cum for you, let me cum f- for.”
His sentence is ruined by his orgasm and you can feel the force of it. Not by the way he all but screams your name, or by the way his body folds into yours. You can physically feel it. His cock pulses aggressively in your hand and you can feel each rope of cum work its way up his shaft and spurt out of his tip, running down your knuckles and dripping onto your bed. 
His thighs are trembling at your sides, trying to crush you as he humps your fist the best he can. He’s so loud against your neck, releasing passionate shrieks and wanton whines of your real name or your awarded one. He brings a sweaty hand to your cheek and pushes your face in his direction so he can smother your lips in his saliva, not waiting until he’s connected to your lips to start trying to taste you. You have to suppress a fond giggle at the action, letting him lick into your mouth instead. 
You’re still pumping him, trying to get out all the cum that’s been collecting in his dormant sac. His whole body is shaking now, repeated and choked moans falling into you as he crosses the line of overstimulation. You kiss him languidly and start to slow your hand, not wanting to overwhelm him too much. His fingers untangle from your hand and wrap around your other. 
He pulls away from the kiss and looks at you with hooded, clouded eyes. “I can c-cum again if-” 
He uses his hand to run yours over his shaft, jerking himself off with your hand. “If we- Can we k-keep going?” His eyes begin to cross as your hand establishes a rhythm, you’re not even doing anything, letting him get himself off with your hand. His hips are thrusting up erratically as he moves you frantically over his cock. “I wanna cum f- cum for you a-again.” 
Overcome with arousal, you slide your hand into your pants and start toying with your clit through your panties, your eyes falling shut at the pleasure. You’re already impossibly close, overly sensitive from all the neglect while being pummeled with stimulants; the way Ethan is reacting to you, his trembling body desperately pressing itself against yours, his moans, and the way he calls you mommy.
You hear his moans pick up and your eyes open back up to see his gaze between your legs before snapping up to meet yours. He stops pumping himself with your hand in favor of placing his hand over the one that rests inside your pants. He’s moving his hand in the same motions you are while you start jerking him off again, relishing in the way he’s twitching against your palm.
Ethan knows he isn’t doing anything, he knows that he’s not actually touching you but the way you moan his name makes him feel otherwise. The way you’ll moan at your own movements while his hand moves the same way, has him tricking himself into believing he’s the one making you feel good. The thought has him teetering- tipping over the edge. 
“Gonna cum.” He mumbles against your lips before dropping his head to your shoulder. You move your fingers faster over your clit, your hips beginning to cant up into your hand as your orgasm approaches. 
"Me too, honey. Fuck it feels so good, Ethan.” He moans brokenly as he cums again, thrusting weakly into your hand as his cock twitches pathetically, letting out tiny streams of cum onto your sheets. He’s gasping out a plea into your neck as he cums but you can’t make out what it is.
“-please. Oh, please. Cum, mommy. Cum. C-cum. Please cum. Fu-uck” You can’t help the way your body convulses against him or the shouting moan of his name that shoots out of your mouth as your eyes roll back. You can feel yourself soaking your panties as you shudder against him. His hand is still over yours, moving your finger over your clit in the midst of your orgasm, prolonging it as long as he can before you’re pulling your hand away and kissing him as passionately as you can. 
Both of you have your arms wrapped around the other as you guys kiss, dopey smiles on both of your faces when you pull back. He has a shy blush over his features that makes you giggle and press a kiss on the tip of his nose. You’re both lost in the moment, giggling and kissing each other, love-struck when you hear your dorm room open. “Oh god, what’s that smell?”
You hear your dormmate behind you and cover Ethan as best you can, with your body. “Sidney, fuck off!” You shout at her, hoping she’ll get the memo and leave but instead, you hear her speak again. 
“What?.. Oh eww.” You roll your eyes at her and look at Ethan, his face is red, obviously embarrassed at the presence in the doorway. 
“Oh my god! Shut up and just leave!” She finally leaves and you apologize to Ethan for the interruption. You kiss softly along his jawline and down his neck to calm him down, you fall for him the moment you pull away.
You get to see- for a moment- the face he had while you were kissing him, content and pleased, his eyes shut with a pretty little smile resting on his lips. 
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Thank you so much for reading! and thank you even more for requesting!! Please please please give any feedback you may have! I want it all!
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jgracie · 2 months
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masterlist | rules
❝ Hello can you do a Percy Jackson reader when she try to impress him by skating but monumentally fail because she faceplant in the ground. And softie Percy that kiss your bruise and all (yes I just fell down the stairs and it f*** hurt) please ❞ — @hope92100
in which you try to impress your skater boy (and fail miserably)
pairing percy jackson x fem!reader
warnings reader gets hurt (bruise + bloody nose) but she's fine dw
on the radio sk8er boy (avril lavigne)
an song has nothing to do with the oneshot i just thought of it as soon as i read the request LOL
When your [mortal parent] told you you were moving to New York for their new job, you were elated. Not only do you get a fresh start in a big city, but you also get to be closer to Camp Half-Blood, and closer to him. ‘Him’ being your boyfriend of a couple months, Percy. 
The timing couldn’t be more perfect. Before, you used to only see Percy during the summers - which didn’t really count, considering you spent half your time doing quests for the Gods - and occasionally during school holidays, if you were lucky. Now you could see him all the time! As soon as you heard the news, you Iris messaged Percy, planning all the things you’d do together once you got there.
The first thing Percy suggested (or insisted on) was going skating. He didn’t get to do it very often, since when he wasn’t busy being a demigod he was busy catching up on schoolwork, but it’s one of his favourite pastimes and so he had to introduce his favourite person to it! That’s how you ended up at the biggest skating park you’d ever seen, dodging random mortals in beanies and sneakers with Percy’s hand tightly tucked in yours.
“Hey, watch it, man,” Percy said, scowling at some guy who almost bumped into you. You simply smiled at him, really not in the mood to annoy random mortals. Together, you walked to the scariest looking ramp in the whole park. Even a non-skater like yourself knew that a ramp like that needed to be avoided at all costs. While the rest of the park was full of people, the area surrounding this ramp was empty.
Handing you his backpack, Percy did a few warmups, a grin making its way onto his face when he noticed your look of pure awe.
“Percy, have you ever gone on this one? It looks kinda terrifying,” you said, fidgeting with your fingers. You knew your boyfriend enjoyed thrilling experiences, having dragged you to every rollercoaster in sight the one time you decided to go to an amusement park together, but this seemed to be a little much, even for him. 
To your surprise, he replied, “nope! But what better time than now? My lucky charm’s with me, after all.” 
That was that. You knew you couldn’t convince him not to go on that awful ramp. You whispered a prayer to your Godly parent as Percy made his way over to it, wishing on all the stars in the sky that your first outing in New York wouldn’t end in a hospital visit.
At first, you were scared to watch, sweat beading at your forehead as images of Percy’s limbs pointing in directions they definitely shouldn’t be littered your mind. But then you heard him yell your name and let out a laugh of nothing but pure excitement, and decided maybe this trip wouldn’t end up in broken bones and hearts.
He was beautiful. Percy could’ve passed for a son of Zeus as the wind whipped around him, blowing his hair in the most flattering directions. Apollo seemed to be watching from above too, as the sun hit him in just the right way, highlighting the different shades of green in his eyes and making his skin glow. When he noticed you looking, he waved at you, doing only a few more flips before carefully stopping and running towards you.
“I told you I could do it!” He exclaimed, nearly bursting with excitement, “I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you! I failed all those other times but of course I get it perfectly when you’re here. You really are my good luck charm!”
“Percy, you said you never tried skating on this ramp before.”
“Oh… Well maybe I had a bit of practice, just so I could impress you.”
You giggled at his cuteness and suddenly had a surge of confidence. Maybe you should impress him too. Have you ever skated? No, but that didn’t matter, it couldn’t be that hard! You’ve done all sorts of hard things in combat training at camp, this was nothing in comparison.
Taking the skateboard from Percy’s arms, you set it on the ground and stood on it, causing him to frantically grab your hands so you wouldn’t fall, his eyes wide as he double and triple-checked that you were in one piece. 
“What are you doing?” He nearly screamed, “you’ve never done this before, you can’t just scare me like that babe!” His fingertips turned white from the amount of pressure he was putting on your hands and he slowly walked you around the park. After you circled the ramp he went on a third time, you decided you had enough of his help, wanting to really impress him.
Tugging your hands from his grip, you smiled and said, “Percy, let go, I’ve got it now.” He was hesitant, but did as he was told, kind of curious as to how this was going to go. It started off good, you did actually get the hang of it. As your confidence continued to skyrocket, you went faster and faster, and Percy’s cheers began to blur in the background. 
The issue came when trying to stop. You had gone slightly off course and were now skating in the midst of other people. Wanting to get back to where you and Percy were, you decided to stop and then switch directions, since you didn’t know how to turn around. That was when you realised you didn’t know how to stop, and you were heading right towards a wall. 
“Y/N!” Percy yelled, but it was too late. You face-planted right into the wall and then landed on the floor, nose bloody and bruised. You tried smiling at Percy to assure him that everything was alright, but your face must’ve looked pretty bad because he wasn’t having any of it, grabbing you and bringing you back to his house. 
Sally’s jaw had dropped when she saw the state of you. Did you seriously look that bad? Setting you on the couch, Percy ran to the kitchen, getting you a bag of frozen peas and a sliver of the ambrosia they kept for emergencies. You ate the ambrosia and put the peas on your nose, breathing a sigh of relief as they soothed the throbbing pain. 
Eyebrows furrowed, Percy said, “Are you feeling better? I’m never letting you skate again, y’know.” You couldn’t help but laugh at the irony of the situation you were in. There you were, worried Percy would get hurt on your first day in New York, when it turned out to be you. 
“I’m okay, Perce,” you began, smirking as an idea planted itself in your mind, “but I could use one thing from you.”
Immediately, Percy got up, ready to do anything to make you feel better, “what is it? We have more medicine in one of the drawers if that’s what you need, but I don’t think I can give you more ambrosia since I don’t know exactly how much –”
“A kiss,” you interrupted, watching as his face contorted from worry to confusion to a bright smile. You put the peas away and Percy held your face, giving you kiss after kiss after kiss, all over your face. Maybe getting hurt wasn’t all bad.
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prettyrenjunn · 2 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫
haechan x f!reader
themes- best friends to lovers, mutual pining, fluff & crack
summary- haechan gets unnecessarily jealous a lot considering you’re just little ole’ best friends and it takes renjun pointing it out for him to realise.
it’s my first time writing like this i wanted to try it out but damn it’s hard. also if there’s mistakes… my bad
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he’s ridiculous.
you think he might need a smack to the back of his head to finally come to his senses but you keep your hands to yourself, no matter how infuriating he is. “hyuck there’s nothing to be upset over.”
he’s going to deny it. he always does. “i’m not upset!” he grumbled back. “i just don’t understand why you and jeno were partners when we’re always partners.”
you can’t even fathom why he’s so upset you had a different partner for your friend groups game night but for some reason he always gets like this. you know donghyuck’s a clinger and he loves to be by your side with your attention on him as much as possible but god you were sick of this. “i’m not seeing the problem? i can partner up with whoever i want its not like we took a blood oath to always partner with eachother.”
it always goes like this until he gets frustrated and eventually..
“okay it’s fine let’s just talk about something else.”
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renjun claims hyuck is in love with you and that’s why he always acts like a possessive idiot but you’re quick to shut him up as you notice the boy himself strutting over to the table. “i’m heartbroken. hanging out without me is evil, are you replacing me now?”
you and renjun both roll your eyes at his dramatics. “i wouldn’t dare take your placing knowing you’d never stop whining.” renjun quips back. donghyuck pulls a face until he’s swallowed the big chunk of a sandwich he just bit into.
“i don’t whine.”
renjun bursts out laughing pointing his fingers at the boy. “sure you do. you whined when i called shotgun in yn’s car. you whined when yn went on a date instead of going to sit in your room to watch you game- which sounds like a horrible time by the way. the most recent case of whining was you getting pissy about yn and jeno being partners for game night.”
sheesh renjun had a whole speech. hyuck pursed his lips for a minute before nodding his head. “okay well maybe i do whine a little. i feel like it makes me charming, it’s not always a guy wants to be next to his witch of a best friend all the time..OUCH”
the kick to the shin was well deserved.
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donghyuck has become conscious of his problem of always wanting to be your number one. has he seriously always been like this? he wonders.
he notices when a random guy stares at you for a little too long or when jaemins hands linger on your waist for longer then they should- scratch that they should never be there in the first place. he knows jaemin’s a touchy guy but come on! everybody knows yn is his girl.
my girl??? oh my fucking god.
at this very moment donghyuck realises he’s been an oblivious idiot this entire time. how didn’t he notice sooner? he doesn’t remember ever being this dense but this explains everything. he’s not exactly sure what he has to do right now but one things for sure, he needs to tell renjun.
it takes 3 missed calls and a load of spam texting for renjun to stop doing whatever he was doing and meet up with him. donghyuck calls him a bad friend for not picking up on the first ring and renjun tells him if this isn’t something serious he’s gonna whoop his ass.
“seriously why the hell did you make me come here?” renjun questions suspiciously. “why aren’t you talking? lee donghyuck i swear to-“
“i like yn.” donghyuck whispers quietly in response as he stares down and fiddles with his hands nervously. “you made me realise the whole jealously problem and then i realised it’s because i like her.”
renjun wants to laugh at his friend but he doesn’t because he looks like he’s about to cry or piss his pants…or do both simultaneously. “yeah? and what are you going to do about these feelings?”
“cry probably.”
renjun laughs in his face and donghyuck stares at him appalled. “why are you laughing? this is serious renjun! she’s my best friend.”
renjun only tuts in response, how can two people be so blissfully oblivious. even from his and everyone else’s perspectives it’s obvious there’s something more going on than just a pair of best friends. “i think you have a 90% succession rate if you just grow some balls and confess.”
“90%” donghyuck cries out. “that’s not nearly enough! and i have balls already thank you very much. i felt them drop when i was 13.”
“if you’re not gonna listen to my advise why did i even come.” renjun glares.
“oh renjun aren’t you just so so sweet.”
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he’s acting weird and he knows you’ve noticed with the weird looks you keep giving him. in his defence, he’s in shock and you look really pretty and HE LIKES YOU!
“are you sure you’re alright?” you reach up to place the back of your hand on his head. “hm you don’t feel that warm but your cheeks are on fire hyuck.”
his mouth dries up at the close proximity but he needs to get himself together. “i think i just need some water.” he clears his throat. “can i have some of yours?”
you don’t hesitate to pass your bottle of water over and he realises he’s made a mistake.
an indirect kiss.
he’s going to faint.
“maybe you should go home just incase you’re getting sick or something.” you bring him back to reality once again. “come on, i’ll make sure you get home safe.”
donghyuck shakes his head frantically. “i swear i’m okay.” he bursts out. “and the others are already on their way.” he adds.
you nod and the next 5 minutes waiting for your friends to arrive is spent with you yapping and him listening along despite the breakdown he’s having in his head.
when your friends arrive they all notice donghyuck is acting differently too but they drop it after he says he’s okay, it’s only renjun that has an idea of what’s going on with him.
“yn i heard some guy in your lecture asked you on a date.” jaemin wiggles his brows as he starts a new conversation. “what did you say? is he taking you out or what?”
your friends heads turn to you straight away waiting on your answer. you can particularly feels donghyucks stare burning through your skull. “you’re all so nosy.” you chortle “but i told him i’ll think about it.”
donghyuck releases the breath he’d been holding at your answer and then he’s grabbing your hand in a hurry and rushing you out of the diner. “hyuck! what the hell? what are you doing?” you pull your arm back and he lets you, but he continues storming towards your car and waits for you to unlock it. “i’m sorry. can we go home please.”
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you’re unsure if he wants you to go into his apartment with him but when he turns back to look at you with glistening eyes you’re already unbuckling your seatbelt.
he drops himself down on the couch and you sit next to him, turning so you’re facing him. “talk to me hyuck? what’s going on?” you murmur but he stays silent. “it’s okay. you don’t have to talk about it. shall we watch something?”
he stays silent for another minute and then he turns to look at you as he speaks. “can you say no to him?”
“say no to who hyuck?”
“the guy that asked you on a date. can you say no?” you’re confused but you nod anyway. “thanks.”
“did he do something?” you speak up. you’re worried he’s some horrible guy but donghyuck shakes his head at your words. “oh then why-“
“i realised something.” he cuts you off and you let him without protesting. you’d rather he talk than bottle up whatever’s going on. “i get jealous and petty because i like you, and i think i get scared and insecure because you’re not mine.”
your heart starts beating faster, so does his. you’re about to talk again but he beats you to it. “you don’t have to say anything i know i’ve thrown this all on you out of the blue. i want you to know that it’s okay if you don’t like me the same way, we can move past this but please don’t leave me.”
he’s rambling and your smile gradually grows. “lee donghyuck.”
“i’ve always liked you.”
later that day he gets a text.
renjun: how is everthing?
he doesn’t answer yet but he thinks this is the best day of his life.
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muikitoo · 5 months
Their favourite physical part of you!
Rottmnt x gn! reader
Includes both sfw and nsfw(not direct action) the nsfw only goes for the future versions of the turtles!
I finally posted! Shocker i know. I didnt have any ideas but this js popped up cuz i used to love hc like these. I've never written for gn reader so pls give some tips, ty!
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- This dude likes your hands. He likes when you hold hands and how they fit perfectly in his.
- he LOVES to play with them too, especially when he has nothing to do or when hes stressed.
- Even tho he isnt big on physical touch, he LOVES when u hold his face. But i feel like he would actually enjoy it as long as it isnt unexpected or when hes irritated!
- he would probably try and sneakily hold ur hand around family without anyone noticing bc he will not hear the end of it (*cough cough* Leo.)
- probably zones out while watching u do anything with ur hands (paint, write, even fiddle with random stuff)
- you probably have him melting if u ever try and give his shoulders a gentle massage with your hands
- in short, he loves ur hands and holds them any chance he gets cuz hes touch starved af.
Bonus: you guys probably have some morse code and he taps his fingers a certain way if he feels uncomfortable and wants you to leave the room with him.
- i think its obvious he would like your hair.
- He loves playing with your hair when you guys are cuddling.
- will style your hair. Maybe even ask Mikey to join in too. Youll probably end up with atleast 50 hair clips by the end of it.
- if u have long pretty hair u bet he WILL DRAMATICALLY SOB once u cut it off, but he loves it regardless.
- melts and grins like an idiot if u dye it blue. Brags to his brothers about it.
- "guys look! See? See? They love me so much they dyed their hair blue!"
- low-key jealous u have hair..
- I also hc that he loves ur arms too!
- oh lord dont get me started on the arms. If you're a bit muscular and u start flexing/training he would be dead. Gone. In the grave.
- even so he would love to have you wrap your arms around him
- dude wants to be babied so badly
- ADORES your smile and your eyes.
- he loves how your eyes lit up when youre excited. Or the way a smile keeps up on your lips when you talk about something your passionate about.
- your sweet giggles are heavenly atp.
- loves loves loves loves the way u praise him when he creates something.
- you have this boy head over heels.
- the way you look at him with complete love in your eyes makes him want to sob on the SPOT.
- you're so adorable he just wants to kiss u on the spot (cuteness aggression atp)
- he js wants to see you happy :(
- i feel like he would also like your hands. Theyre so small compared to his.
- Loves everything atp, tho he does get scared. Especially if you're smaller than him. Hes so scared that he'll crush you!
- probably likes your cheeks.
- bro would squish and cup them then just slightly nuzzle your noses.
- gets flustered when you cup his cheeks too
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NSFW‼️ Aged up!
If you do not wish to see any of this, please exit!
Thighs, chest or ass?
F! Donnie
- if i have to be completely 100% honest? He doesnt care about any. At all. Just loves you.
- but if i had to give an answer for sake of these hc? thighs. No words. Just thighs.
- loves it when you crush his head between them.
- will grip your thighs, leaving slight marks but not enough to actually hurt you. He doesnt want that.
- loves leaving marks and kisses on them.
- if hes stressed because of a failed project, he'll just lay between your thighs in your shared bed. Occasionally giving a small nibble here and there.
- If you're wearing short shorts, good luck.☠️ Do not expect slow and passionate Donnie.
F! Leo
- all of the above.
- mostly an ass and chest guy.
- He would probably slap your ass occasionally, but not hard enough to hurt you. Again, he hates that.
- but if you beg him to do that? He'll be hesitant but if you beg hard enough he might.
- leaves bite marks.
- I did say he loves your arms and when you flex them, but he also loves your chest.
- your gender doesnt matter. He notices you panting and your chest rising up and down?
- Lord. This man does not know is he wants to dominate you or be dominated.
- Loves trailing teasing kisses and slight bites up and down your chest.
- Loves to cum on your chest and ass. He thinks you look so pretty.
- still wants to shove his face in your thighs tho
F! Mikey
- Again, he probably doesnt care either. He loves you regardless of your body.
- He just wants to make you feel loved.
- But again, for the sake of this - i think he'd be a chest and thighs guy.
- Loves laying on your chest, loves leaving kisses and bites.
- nuzzles his face either on your chest or on the crook of your neck, inhaling your sweet scent.
- hes so sweet, but will shamelessly cum on your chest. Especially when youre giving him head.
- he loves your thighs, doesnt care if theyre small or big.
- he thinks theyre so soft<3
F! Raph
- Waist. And belly. Forget everything above, just waist.
- Again, bros scared he will crush you. Especially since hes much much much larger now.
- He really doesn't want to hurt you :(
- He loves to grab your waist. Its so tiny compared to his giant hands.
- Dont get me started with the belly. Chubby or not he loves squishing the soft flesh on your belly.
- covers it with his cum.
- He loves it.
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I just wanted to say these are not meant to be accurate, these are js what i think the rise turtles would like physically! I struggled a LOT with mikey and raph.
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mitchellpete · 10 months
Dating Maverick (Headcanons)
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summary: What dating Mav is like. (In ‘86 and in TG:M)
pairing: pete “maverick” mitchell x gn!reader
genre: fluff, a bit of angst
word count: 1278
A/N: if anybody wants a drabble/one-shot or for me to expand on any one of these (or if you wanna just talk about or exchange hcs), drop me an inbox! 
1986 (and a few years after-ish)
Maverick is a very gentle lover. It didn’t seem so at first, with how cocky and flirty he might’ve been to catch your attention, but after the second date? So vulnerable and soft with you.
He can sing! Like actually super well. You noticed one day and now you ask him to sing when you can’t sleep. He was kind of self-conscious at first, used to singing with Goose in a playful, rowdy manner, as opposed to softly to you. He grew more comfortable as time passed, and now he likes to sing you his mother’s favorite songs.
But also gets incredibly obnoxious sometimes and will loudly impersonate Elvis while you’re trying to get something done.
Spontaneous road trips on his motorcycle (when he’s able). Dinner in Oceanside. Lunch in Palm Springs. A pick up in Vegas. A day in Phoenix. When? Now! Now?!
Knows the Southwest like the back of his hand, actually. It’s not as fun as flying, but driving through the wide, open stretch of desert with you clinging behind him is one of his absolute favorite pastimes.
Is from somewhere in the Southwest, therefore he absolutely hates the cold. Will have the heater on in the winter time and is not opposed to getting wrapped up in blankets by you. You tease him on how easily cold he gets, and he’ll playfully go “Whatever.”
You frequently find random candid photos of you. Taped to his wall, to his fridge, suddenly framed on his bedside table. He almost never mentions them until you laugh and point them out, to which he responds, “I thought you looked pretty there.” (With a shit-eating grin.)
Definitely has one in his F-14, by the way.
Is very stubborn about his attire. Very insistent on dressing like a cowboy at all times. You had to buy him his first pair of beach shorts.
Loves seeing you in his clothes; he’s crazy about it, actually.
Very cute lunch dates. He knows the best diners.
He likes taking you out for ice cream. Sometimes you share a cone and watch the sunset and the planes soaring through the sky. 
He’s the best kisser. He prefers soft, sensual kissing and it definitely has its effect on you.
He has a habit of leaving paper planes everywhere. Some with love notes in them, others with funny doodles. Sometimes it’s just both of your names written, a little heart in between. 
He rambles a lot. He’s very, very passionate about flying, and about his plane. Though you might not know what he’s talking about, nodding along with a simple smile and asking him a few questions makes him so happy. “Well, no, you see..” And then he goes on and on again. 
At the same time, Maverick can be difficult sometimes. Especially after Goose. Sometimes he feels he needs to be alone, but don’t take it personally. He appreciates your support, but he’s been conditioned to “suck it up and move on.” It weighs on him to have to try, so expect him to be a bit quieter at times, a bit slower. You can sit around with him as he sulks, your head on his shoulder to let him know you need him, and that he’s loved. That he doesn’t have to isolate.
You get to watch him visibly becoming Bradley’s father figure. 
“Hey, about tomorrow’s date. Can I bring the kid?” 
Melting when he’s got Bradley in his lap in front of you, making airplane noises with a french fry to watch Bradley giggle and clap. Your heart swells at how good he is with him.
“Pete.. You can’t take him to watch that movie; it’s not for kids.” His signature grin. “Carole won’t mind.”
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Still sings to you. Or, in general, really. He likes to hum while making you breakfast.
He writes all your dates on his calendar. 
He’s very playful with you. Likes making you double over in laughter because it usually results in you wrapping your arms around him and kissing him.
But he also enjoys when you tease him. Tell him there’s something he can’t do as well as he used to and boy, he will prove you wrong. He insists he’s getting better with age.
He’s still as flirty as ever. Except, you’re already dating, so he does it to watch how flustered you get. He loves making you blush.
He likes pet names. Sweetheart and honey are the ones he calls you the most.
He still does not like proper beach attire. Will roll up his jeans and call it a day.
He loves beach days with you, though. He likes laying back on the sand and watching you sunbathe, or play in the water.
You’re almost scared of phone calls now, with the way you’ve been called and informed of the accidents he’s been in while testing his planes. Though most are minor, you can’t help but worry that the next one might not be.
You’ve cried to him a couple times, making him promise he’ll be careful.
He’s a bigger cuddler at his older age, with the habit of pulling you from where you stand, from whatever you’re doing, and tugging you into bed with him.
He likes it when you play with his hair. It’ll lull him to sleep sometimes. Especially when you gently massage at his scalp, and bonus if you’re giving him kisses too. The fastest way to get him asleep, truly.
Alternatively, he also likes playing with yours. He’ll randomly twirl a strand when you’re in front of him, will tuck another behind your ear, will softly intertwine his fingers in it while you lay on him. 
When he’s able, sleeping in together. As often as he can. 
He notices you so well. If something is bothering you, he’ll make sure to find out what it is. He’s also a very good problem solver (duh, but with mundane things too). You feel like he deals with a lot, so you don’t always take every single one of your problems to him, but boy, when he figures out something is wrong? Expect him to walk you through the simplest of things if that’s what you need. He has an unbelievable amount of patience with you. And if it’s something he can’t help with, he’ll at least want to be there with you as you deal with it. He can be the best listener if you need him to be.
Is a lot more domestic and able to settle down. Likes the idea of having a “home” with you. (Not that he didn’t when he was younger, but he feels more grounded now. More grown up. Able to breathe a bit better.)
He makes your coffee just the way you like it. If he’s up before you, he always wakes you up with it, and a kiss on the forehead.
The days spent in his hangar. 
Sometimes, in the summer, a late night thunderstorm will pass through, and there’s nothing more thrilling than cuddling up to him in the trailer, the both of you giggling at the sound of the rain pattering and the loud cracks of thunder. 
But also the days! Though he’ll be occupied with something, you’re always a mere 10 feet away, reading or sketching or entertaining yourself in whatever way you can. Other times you just watch him work. Other times you ask him to tell you his infamous stories, or about his dad. He’ll have sort of a sad smile as he talks, but you know that he loves talking about the past. You make sure to always make room for it in the tranquility of the desert.
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hangmansgbaby · 1 year
Three’s a Crowd, Unless its You
Summary: Jake and y/n wanted to spice things up in the bedroom so they brought Rooster in. And then the feelings started so Jake and y/n make a plan to permanently in Rooster to their everyday life.
Pairings: established jake x reader, bradley x reader, bradley x jake, bob x reader
Warnings: slight angst, threesome vibes, dom bob, mentions of subspace, swearing, smut, smut, and more smut, squirting, maybe cum play?, creampie, oral (f and m receiving), anxiety, basically lots of smut with some plot
Notes: A big thank you to @bobby-r2d2-floyd who practically wrote this for me cause I am not good at smut but wanted this to exist! Also thank you to @roosters-girl and @startrekfangirl2233 and @sarahsmi13s who bounced ideas around and read through it a million times with us!
word count: 5k
CassieMitchell Masterlist
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You and Jake had been together for a while, you two were comfortable with each other and with the sex that you had been having, but lately you both had been noticing the lingering gaze from Rooster whenever the Dagger squad was together, or when Rooster came over to your place to hang out. You and Jake had talked about bringing Bradley into your relationship for a while as a third lover, only Rooster had fallen deeply for you; he came around more often and started staying longer after rolling around the bed with you and Jake for a few hours to hold you. Aftercare moments got sweeter and longer, and while you reciprocate those feelings, you will always feel more love for Jake.
Jake noticed these small things and grew worried that you were tired of him and that he was losing you, but after a long night of you two together, you had assured him that you’re still very much in love with him. Jake was the one who suggested bringing him in, officially, actually. You knew from prior wine nights with Bob and Phoenix that he was quite the Dom in the bedroom, at the time it was random information but now? You can use that to your advantage. This began a plan of action, a sex-posal if you will, that will come to a head tonight. You had discussed the situation with Bob beforehand and he was all for it since he was getting tired of hearing Rooster talk nonstop about you and Jake any chance he got.
When you suggested bringing Bob into your weekly tryst with Jake and Bradley, neither of them were really prepared for it. They knew it was going to happen, it was just the when that they were unaware of. So when you surprised Jake one night when he got home from work, with nothing but his Stetson and a sexy lingerie set peaking from beneath one of Rooster’s Hawaiian shirts, he had a sneaking suspicion as to what was about to happen. You led him up to the guest bedroom, his brain whirring and cock swelling at the thought of getting a round in before Rooster showed up and the plan taking action, but instead he was pushed into one of the two chairs in the room.
“Whatcha doin’ Honey?” Jake questions as you move around to the back of the chair, looping the rope around his hands and the bars of the chair, loosely, according to the plan.
“Nothing.” you smiled innocently, moving around to the front of him, straddling his still clothed lap. “Just got a surprise for you, baby.” you kiss him softly on the lips before standing up. “Now, take this,” you wrap one of his bandanas around his mouth to gag him and slip a blindfold over his head, resting at his brows and ready to be pulled down just as Rooster calls out.
“Hey Pretty? Jake? I’m here!” he calls from the foyer, kicking his boots off at the door.
“Up here, Roos!” you call out and you look back to Jake, “you’re still okay with all this?”, he nods and you smile, slipping the blindfold down over his eyes. “Okay. Be good. Love you.” You smirk before strutting out of the room. “Hey big guy.” You hold the smirk, leaning against the entrance to the hallway, his shirt slipping down off your shoulder since you don’t have it buttoned properly.
“Well hello to you, pretty. What’s the occasion?” he asks, reaching out for you and you talk half a step back to tease him.
“Just a little surprise… wear this for me?” you ask, holding up the blindfold.
“Are you in charge tonight?” Bradley chuckles, taking the blindfold from you.
“You could say that. Now please?” You smile sweetly at him.
“Alright.” slipping the blindfold on, you take his hand and lead him into the room, gently placing him to the other chair.
“Ya know Pretty, normally I’m putting those knots on you.” Bradley chuckles, as you start wrapping the rope around his wrists.
“If you didn’t want me to use them on you,” you finish the knot, securing him to the chair. “You shouldn’t have taught me how to do it.”
You smile at your knot work before reaching over to pull Jake’s gag from his mouth before continuing. “Well, aren’t you two a sight for sore eyes.”
“Honey, whatcha doin?” Jake questions, still playing along with the plan and you laugh before reaching over and ghosting your fingers across their laps.
“Havin’ some fun.”
“What are you doing to us, Pretty?” Bradley groans as you move to sit on the edge of the bed.
“Remember when I asked if we could include Bob one day?”
“Yea baby, we had our meetings with him. We just gotta set a date.” Bradley says and you bite your lip before looking behind them to the shut bathroom door across the hall.
“Well how about right now? Bobby!”
The bathroom door opens and Bradley’s pulse picks up, not prepared for this to be happening.
“Oh, Pretty… I don’t know.” Bradley sighs out and you just smirk. “Jake?” he asks and Jake shrugs, knowing that Bradley can’t see but doing it anyway.
“I don’t see why not. It’s just a little bit of fun, Brad.” he says and Bradley’s anxiety is sky high over the situation.
“You sure you still wanna do this, doll?” Bob asks, his soft demeanor still showing, towering over you. You nod softly before going to pull Bradley and Jake’s blindfolds down from their eyes and Jake nods softly to you and Bob.
Bob grabs your jaw bone between his thumb and ring fingers, his hand essentially cupping the lower half of your face, forcing you to look up at him. “Look at me when I talk to you.” Bob says firmly.
“Hey woah Bob!” Bradley protests, “That's a little harsh, man.”
“You still wanna do this?” Bob asks and you nod, causing him to jerk your head again, “use your words.” Bob states, ignoring Bradley and his protests entirely.
“Yes.” you reply softly, receiving a light slap to your cheek. “Yes, sir.” you moan, skin tingling from the contact.
“Good girl.” Bob smiles. “What’s your color?”
“Green.” another slap, slightly harder. “Green, sir.”
“Bob, I don’t like this.” Bradley pulls against the ropes, trying to get to you, rescue you.
“It’s alright, Rooster. She asked for it.” Jake smiles at Bradley, thoroughly enjoying himself. “Plus, we’ve done worse.”
“And she’s not complaining. Are you, baby doll?” Bob drags his hand from your chin down your neck, thumb and middle fingers digging to the sides of your neck, just over your pulse points, dragging a whine as he gently chokes you. “What do you want, Doll?” his hands move to your chest, tugging on the lace cups of your bra. “You want me to touch you? Treat you like my little slut?”
You nod as he pinches your nipple, pulling slightly, a gasp sneaking past your lips.
“Ask them, doll.” Bob nods to Jake and Bradley, “Ask them if you can be my good little slut.”
Your eyes dart between Jake and Bradley as Bob’s lips begin an assault on your neck, “please-” you let a moan as Bob nips at your skin, “please let me be a good little slut for Bob.”
Jake nods and Bradley looks at Jake, adamant to let you go through with this but eventually he nods too. This causes Bob to smirk at the both of them.
“Enjoy the show ‘cause I know that your girl is really going to enjoy it.” Bob pushes you back into the bed with little care, rough but still respectful of the boundaries that you had set. “As much as I love this little number, doll, it’s gotta go.” he says before he rips the lingerie to shreds.
“Bobby!” He leans down to take one of your nipples into his mouth, gently nipping before swiping his tongue across to smooth it.
“And much as I love these beauties.” Bob smiles, long gone the shy backseater that Jake and Bradley were familiar with. “I’m more curious about how you taste.” he slides his left hand down your stomach, stopping momentarily to graze your clit before running his fingers through your slit.
“Shit, Babydoll, is this all for me?” Bob groans, feeling your warm slick. “Or is this because your boys are gonna watch me have my way with you?” he looks back at the two tied up aviators and smirks.
The moan that rips through your throat as he slowly slid one of his fingers into your wet hole was nothing short of beautiful to Bradley, who was trying to shake your knots free.
“Doll, these boys must not stretch you out very often if you’re squeezing me like this.” Bob groans as he feels just how tight your walls are around one of his fingers. “Don’t worry, we’re gonna remedy that right now.”
He pulls his hand away from you, slipping his slick soaked finger into his mouth and groaning at how sweet you taste. “Fuck babydoll, with as sweet of a pussy like you have, I don’t know how either of these boys don’t live between your thighs. Must be why Jake calls you Honey all the time, isn’t it?” he says as he adjusts his body so your thighs are thrown over his shoulders.
He gives you no warning before his lips are sucking your clit into his mouth. You let out a cry that nearly had Bradley breaking the chair to get to you, whereas Jake stays put, his cock rock hard in his service khakis.
Bob slips a finger back into your hole and immediately finds your g-spot, knowing enough about the female anatomy to get you screaming his name in a matter of seconds where with Jake or Bradley, it always took them a minute before they could really get you going.
“Fuck! Sir-please!” you cry out, fingers knotting in his short locks.
“Please what, babydoll?” he pulls away long enough to ask and you let out a sob.
“Pl-please let me cum!” you beg and he gets you right to the edge and then pulls away before you can fall into ecstasy.
“Robert!” you groan out and he slaps your pussy and you flinch, not in pain but in shock.
“What’s my name?” he says, teasing your hole with his fingers again.
“Sir.” you choke out as he gives a gentle stroke to your clit.
“What’s your color?”
“Green.” you barely finish the word before he’s slipping two fingers into you and massaging that special spot again, using this thumb to rub at your clit and you’re seeing stars as your orgasm builds.
Bob being the Dom he is, pulls away before you can come, again, and again, and again. You let out frustrated cry, tears running down your face out of pleasure and frustration as you nearly kick him in the ribs.
“Hey, do you want to be tied up, little girl?” he asks and you shake your head no.
“No, I’ll be good sir! Please.. Just let me cum I’ll be your good girl! I’ll be so good for you, please..” you beg and he kisses your inner thigh before sliding his fingers back into you for a final time, bringing your climax finally and you cry out as you soak the sheets below you and some of Bob’s neck, chest, and forearm.
“Fuck babydoll, you didn’t tell me you could do that.” he groans out, his accent prevalent and youre trying to catch your breath.
“Yeah I didn’t know that I could either.” you laugh a little and Bob kisses your clit before sitting up and looking at Jake and Bradley.
Jake is sitting there, wet patch gathering by this fly and Bradley is red in the face but also with a noticeable hardon. “Look at that, boys. I got your girl to do something that neither of you could. How does that feel?” he asks and Bradley struggles against the ropes again, cursing himself for teaching you how to tie these knots.
“You son of a-” he starts but is cut off when Jake kicks at him.
“Bradley, it’s okay. We agreed to this.” he tries to sound dejected but on the inside he is jealous as fuck. Bradley just huffs and sits back in his seat.
Bob slips out of his boxers before grabbing your hips and shifts you so you’re lying width-wise on the bed before he pulls you hips up so you’re on your knees, chest pressed against the bed as you look at Jake and Bradley. “Look at your boys, babydoll. I want them to see the look in your eyes when I split you open on my cock.” he says, running the head of his cock through your folds and you moan softly when he rubs against your clit.
You lock eyes with Bradley as Bob is pushing into you, your mouth falling open in a silent cry as he eases all of his cock into you, splitting you open into a way that was different than both Jake and Bradley. He doesn’t move, letting you adjust to his size for a second before slowly picking up the pace and he has you cock-dumb in seconds, the last look that you recognize on Bradley’s face is one of pain as he watches the woman he loves getting fucked by one of his best friends. His brain short circuiting in the worst of ways; maybe your love for him was all in his head, maybe you just wanted something fun for a while and you tired of him, maybe--
“Look at our girl.” Jake says, free of his bonds and running his fingers through Bradley’s hair. Bradley’s eyes snapback to your own unfocused pair, “look at how pretty she looks, all fucked out and cock-dumb from our best friend. “Think of how pretty she’ll look like this for you all the time.” Jake whispers in his ear and suddenly that’s all Bradly can think of.
Despite Bob being balls deep inside if you, fingers leaving marks on your hips, you're calling out Bradley’s name. It’s his name on your lips as you cum, not Bob’s.
The thought alone of you in subspace from another man, and calling out for him, makes his cock swell again. He was the only thing on your mind at the moment, not even your boyfriend who has untied Bradley and is pushing him towards the bed, peeling off both of their clothes in the meanwhile.
Bob smirks at him, having long since pulled out but his fingers slowly working in and out of you, “Come on Rooster, come get your girl.” Jake gives him another nudge forward and before Bradley knows it, he’s naked from the waist down and slipping inside of you, groaning at how tight you still are around him and your gentle little moans and chants fill the air once again as he fills you.
Bob takes a quiet leave once the three of you are all distracted, not minding that he didn’t get off from the situation, he wasn’t supposed to. It was for you and Jake and Bradley, he can always go find someone at the bar or call up any one of his subs in his contacts.
Jake sits near the head of the bed, stripped of his khakis and laying back in his boxers, watching Bradley fuck into you slowly and before he’s reaching forward and rubbing your clit. You cry out softly and despite Bradley not being inside of you for too long, they both know you’re going to be cumming soon.
Bradley picks up his pace, his hand replacing Jake’s on your clit so the other can leave to go warm up some towels for you, knowing that you’ll want to be clean after you finish. He swings by the kitchen to also grab easy to digest snacks, having gotten suggestions from Bob prior to the night's activities, as well as a bottle of water and your favorite flavor of gatorade before heading back to the bedroom.
Bradley has since picked up the pace, fucking both you and him to a fast completion. You go over the edge first, chanting nothing but “Bradley! Bradley! Bradley!” as you cum and he’s nearly falling on top of you from how tight your pussy squeezes around his cock. He finishes deep inside of you with a groan, a ‘fucking shit’ tumbling from his own lips as his hips stutter, trying to get as deep inside of you as he can, filling you to the brim with his cum.
Jake watches from the doorway, a smile on his lips as he watches the love of his life getting fucked by the new, partial, love of her life. Bradley looks up and the two men lock eyes, sharing a knowing smile before Jake makes his way to the bed, handing Bradley his own towel for when he pulls out and using the other one to clean you up, taking care with how sensitive you probably are.
As Bradley pulls out, you let out a whine, your body not ready to deal with the loss of his cock from between your walls. Jake is there as soon as Bradley is out to catch the other man’s falling cum in the towel. He folds it in and uses a clean side to gently wipe at your abused and puffy folds and thighs, he bends down and places a gentle kiss to the base of your spine before helping Bradley maneuver you into a laying position.
You curl up against Bradley’s chest after he gets settled down in the bed. One of his arms finding their way around your waist, pulling you tighter to him while Jake strips the top layer of bedding and tosses it off to the side. You trace absent shapes on Bradley’s pecs and he places soft kisses to the top of your head, murmuring softly into your hair.
“You did so well, pretty. You were such a good girl for all of us.” he says and you let out a whine.
“Wanna be a good girl… wanna be your good girl.” you mumble and Jake presses himself to your back after handing Bradley the gatorade for when you’re a little more coherent.
“You were such a good girl, honey.” Jake presses gentle kisses along your shoulder and you let out a gentle sigh, letting your weight press more into Bradley as Jake puts more weight into you to help you feel settled and safe.
After a few moments of gentle kiss and soft words spoken from both men, you start to come to. Stirring softly against Bradley as you try to sit up. Jake leans off of you just enough to allow you to prop up on your elbow and Bradley is handing you the gatorade. You drink almost half of it at once before handing it back to Bradley who caps it and sets it to the side.
“How’re you doing, pretty?” he asks, offering you a granola bar and you shake your head no.
“I’m… okay. How are you?” you ask and he smiles a little.
“Honestly? I was a little upset in the beginning. Thought that you were over me and moving on with Bob.” he says and you feel a little bad, but before you could open your mouth he’s talking again. “Jake helped me out, made me feel better when he called you our girl. Brought me back out of my head.”
You lean up and kiss him softly, “I could never be tired of you, Roos. Jake and I want you as a permanent member of our relationship. No more nights without you.. No more pretending that there isn’t something between us.”
Bradley smiles down at you softly before pulling you in for another kiss. Jake watches from his spot behind you with a smile before he’s reaching across you, fingers threading in Bradley’s hair and pulling him in for a kiss of his own, showing Bradley that he’s just as much Jake’s at this point as he is yours.
“We’ll figure the logistics of everything out tomorrow, let’s just get some sleep for now.” Jake says softly and Bradley nods, you’re already mostly asleep against his chest after the night's activities. The two aviators are asleep not long afterwards, smiles on their faces and their hearts full as everything feels like it's falling into place.
The golden rays from the morning sun are barely peeking through the crack in the blinds, illuminating the room in gentle yellow and pink tones as the sun rises. You awake naturally, having moved from your place on Bradley’s chest to Jake’s. His arm around your waist and while Bradley is curled up and facing away from you, not used to sharing his bed with someone else.
You place gentle kisses to Jake’s chest, eliciting a groan from the blond as you slowly shift out of his arms and off the bed, throwing on Bradley’s discarded Hawaiian shirt and making your way to the bathroom to clean yourself up and brush your teeth.
Jake is used to you waking up earlier than him, so when he wakes up and he’s spooning Bradley and not you, he’s confused at first. His brain still fogged with sleep before his memories from last night kicked in. He smiles to himself, kissing Bradley’s shoulder before slipping out from the bed and following the smell of coffee to the kitchen.
“Good morning, honey.” he says, pressing a kiss to your neck as his arms find their way around your waist, pulling you back to him and you let out a small laugh as his lips assault your neck.
“Good morning.”
“Wanna taste you.” he mumbles against the skin of your shoulder and you shake your head no.
“I wanna taste you.” you say and put your now empty cup on the counter before dragging him away to the living room and pushing him on the couch. You straddle his thighs and kiss him, tongue slipping easily between his lips before kissing a trail down his neck, sucking on that spot just behind his ear that really gets him going, but careful enough to not leave a mark there that’ll get him in trouble with the Navy.
His hands grip your hips and you rut down against his brief clad cock, feeling him swell against you. You pull away and look down at him as you rock your hips gently into his, “wanna thank you for last night and for letting Bradley into our relationship.”
You sink to your knees, the carpet of the living room rug rough against your skin but you don’t care. You sit eye level with Jake’s cock as you work him out of the last piece of clothes he was wearing. Once his cock is free you notice just how red the tip is, after all he hadn’t had the chance to cum last night, despite the scene that played in front of him.
He lets out a groan as you take him into your coffee warmed mouth, his fingers gripping the upholstery of the couch in one hand, the other lacing through your hair as your tongue swirls around his tip.
You moan at his taste, slightly salty, a little sweet, and 100% Jake. You work past the head of his cock, slowly moving your head up and down his shaft, growing wetter yourself as his groans, moans, and pants of your name fill the air of the living room. One of your hands is perched on his thigh, keeping yourself balanced as you lean over his cock, the other squeezing the base of him gently.
“Oh fuck, honey. I’m gonna cum embarrassingly fast if you keep doing that.” he breathes out as you suck softly at the skin just below the head of his cock.
“That’s the point, wanna taste you Jakey… always taste so good.” you say, letting spit drool from your mouth and down on to his tip before thumbing his slit. You squeeze your thighs together as he lets out a groan when you tongue at the hole.
You slowly work him into your throat, moaning around him as he stretches your mouth open past what you’re used to, having never taken him all the way in. His other hand shoots to your scalp, fingers knotting themselves in your roots as he tries not to cum down your throat just yet.
He opens his eyes and sees Bradley leaning against the wall, arms crossed and brown eyes dark as he takes in the way you’re sucking your boyfriend off. They lock eyes and Bradley smirks. That’s all it takes for Jake to barely choke out a “f-fuck I’m gonna cum, honey!” before his cock is pumping hot cum into your mouth and throat. You gag softly, the choking noise sending another wave of your lovers seed down your throat. You swallow around him and take everything that he gives you.
You pull off of him and catch your breath, while Jake sits there and works to catch his own breath, nearly eye fucking Bradley as he finally makes himself known.
“If I knew that’s how mornings went in this house I would have tried to have been the first one awake.” he teases and your head shoots over to him, eyes wide. He takes you in as he saunters over, commiting how thoroughly fucked you look to his memory. Mouth and chin sloppy with your drool, lips puffy from being wrapped around Jake’s cock, hair disheveled from Jake’s hands.
Bradley wastes no time pulling you up to the couch next to Jake. He’s on his knees for you faster than you were on your knees. “Fuck, pretty. You got this wet just from sucking off Jake?” he asks, running his fingers through your folds and you let out a whine. “What made your pussy this wet? Having your mouth full of cock? Gagging on him?” he asks, lips attacking your clit before you can answer and you let out a cry, fingers finding their way into his curls as his tongue laps up as much of your slick as it can before he’s having to swallow your taste.
Jake groans from beside you, watching as the brunet eats your cunt out like a man on death row having his last meal. Bradley doesn’t care as your juices cover his face, he slips his tongue into your leaking hole, his ring and middle fingers spreading you open so he can properly tongue fuck you and you’re seeing stars above him as his nose brushes repeatedly against your clit.
Your orgasm approaches fast, taking you by surprise as you clench down around his fingers and the tip of his tongue, Bradley just moans in response before pulling his mouth away, fingers staying put and beginning an assault to your g-spot. He quickly pulls another orgasm from you, your cry silent as your pussy squirts out his reward. He wastes no time cleaning you up with his tongue, gathering your slick in his mouth before he’s sitting up and sliding his tongue in Jake’s mouth. Sharing the wealth of your cunt with your boyfriend. Both men are reveling in the shared taste on their tongue while you lay next to them and try to catch your breath.
Jake pulls away from Bradley long enough to take his two longest fingers into his mouth and sucks them clean, keeping the steady eye contact with Bradley as he does, causing Rooster’s erection to go from bearable to ‘I’m about to cum in my pants’.
You watch the two of them go through a power struggle only for Jake to come out on top, he looks over at you and smiles, “his face is looking mighty empty honey, why don’t you come take a seat?”
You just smirk and move from your place on the couch, crawling over to where Jake has Bradley pinned to the rug. You give Jake a kiss, tasting yourself on his tongue and you let out a soft moan as you pull away, moving to straddle Bradleys face.
“I have died and gone to heaven..” he mumbles as he stares up at your glistening pussy before he’s pulling you down on his tongue. He groans into you as Jake takes the other man’s cock into his mouth.
Bradley doesn’t last long at all; between the taste of you on his tongue and the warmth of Jake’s mouth on his cock, he works to quickly make you cum again before he’s spilling into Jake’s hand.
You get released from Bradley and move to sit next to him, his head finding a home on your still quivering thigh. You reach out and take Jake’s hand, licking Bradleys cum from between his fingers and moaning at the taste.
Once you’ve cleaned Jake’s hand the best you could, he stands and pulls his boxer’s back up, a wet spot very visible against the gray fabric. He heads into the kitchen and grabs another rag, running the water so it’s warm before he’s tossing it at Bradley’s chest.
Bradley cleans up his face, your thighs, and then the cum that’s drying on his abdomen before setting it aside.
“I think it’s safe to say that, as a threesome, we work out pretty well.” you pant out and run your fingers through Bradley’s hair and he nods. Jake chuckles at this spot on the couch.
“As long as Bradley knows that he’s the extra in this relationship, not me.” Jake says, being gentle but firm as he reiterates that you’re his girlfriend first, not Bradley’s.
Bradley nods, “yeah, no I got it… As long as I’m allowed to take her out on two dates a month.”
“I think I can make that work.” Jake says, passing a bottle of water to Bradley who moves to sit on his knees, pulling up his boxers first before taking the bottle.
“Do I get a say in this?” you tease.
“Nope, sorry honey.”
“Yeah pretty, sorry. Besides, you got me out of this, didn’t you?”
909 notes · View notes
okkotsuus · 1 year
jjk + domestic acts !
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featuring: yuuji i. megumi f. nobara k. yuuta o. maki z. toge i. satoru g. suguru g. toji f. kento n. sukuna r. choso k.
contents: short head canons. fluff. established relationship. 900 words.
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yuuji cooks for you. whether it be making you dinner when you come over for a date or making your lunch for school. he would be the type to make super cute bentos with the pictures made with seaweed. he also cuts everything into the sizes you like. he always waits to take the first bite so he can better see your reaction when you do. the smile and glow in your eyes fill him more than any meal could
megumi walks to the side where cars come from. whether it be walking on the side of the sidewalk closer to the road, closer to the middle lane in a parking lot, or walking between you and oncoming traffic when crossing the road. he always has a hand on you too just in case, usually, he prefers to rest it on the small of your back, but he also wraps his arm around your waist.
nobara buys things you like or she'll think you like them whenever she goes anywhere. she loves bringing the spoils of her travels back to you, a metaphorical tail wagging. she also gets things that remind her of you, like something from a show you watched together, or the candy she saw you eating before she left. like a crow who collects shiny things to bring back to the nest.
yuuta waits up for you when you get home late. if it's you coming back late from a mission, he'll be in the common area. if it's you coming back from a home visit, he'll be on the porch to help you with your bags. if it's you coming back from class and he gets back first, he's waiting outside your room. if he knows that you'll be gone overnight he sleeps in your room, not very peacefully, but it allows him to at least get a few hours.
maki orders for you. whether its placing reservations, ordering your food, or making a complaint for you, she's got it handled. she knows that these things can make people nervous and she doesn't every want you to feel like that if she can prevent it. whenever you go out as a class and she can't, she makes panda or yuuta order for you. because toge kinda can't.
toge leaves you notes. he leaves them on your bag, on your pillow, on your door, anywhere you have to look. usually they're a little compliment (ex. "your hair looks really pretty today") and a little doodle of him, you, or some random thing. he writes them on these little note cards that have onigiri designs along the border. it's how he makes up for not being able to say sweet nothings to you.
satoru carries your things for you. unless it's a cursed tool or something that you may need in a moments notice, it's in his hands. when you go shopping he is happily trailing behind you with all of you things. if you're going on a trip he carries both of your suitcases, he tries to carry all carry-ons as well but if he can't he'll give you the lightest one(s). he carries all the groceries in one trip too.
suguru always drives. if you need to go anywhere he's got his blacked-out benz's keys twirling idly around his finger. he puts his arm behind your headrest so he can turn around fully when backing out. puts his arm in front of you if he has to suddenly break. keeps his hand on the center console so you can hold hands. you get the aux, he likes your music.
toji doesn't pay attention to anybody but you. whether it's some random person flirting with him from across the room, he doesn't spare them a second thought unless you bring it up. sometimes he doesn't even notice cause he's too busy watching how the amber glow of the dying sun highlights your face and makes your eyes sparkle when you turn to him.
kento does the mundane things for you. if you're complaining about needing to fill your tank, he'll do it and pay for it. he starts you coffee for you so that when you wake up it's already made and cooled down. he starts the bath for you when you get home. he lays out your keys, purse, and other things on the table for you before he leaves.
sukuna scares away any and all danger. curses, humans, sorcerers, you name it; none of them with bad intentions dare to even look at you with him around. if they think you're alone and try to take advantage, he's already behind them. sometimes he disposes of him while you look away from him, he's back intact by the time you've turned around, a small splat of red on his cheek? its surely just the jam from the crepe you bought him.
choso listens to everything you say. he listens intently, his eyes never leave you except to briefly blink or if he sees motion. he looks at you like you're preaching when you're talking about this cloud that you saw that looked like a turd. nods intently and lets out soft 'mhm's while his elbows rest on his knees. leaned towards you like plants lean towards the sun.
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okotsuus 23
914 notes · View notes
A Family Thing | Yandere Blue Exorcist
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Yukio Okumura has had to limit and expand his definition of family many times on his exorcist journey. His brother was the only constant, which he was fine with. That is until his own demonic half awakened. Now alongside his brother, his identity morphed again like his pointed ears. He did think this might happen but he couldn’t help but connect the dots. But you know who made it easier? (Y/n) Pheles. 
You came to him and Rin on a cloud of strawberry-scented smoke. Literally. Wiping at your suit and tie you explained how the last demon you had fought had made its final stand in a churning pot of strawberry jam. You told them not to think about it too much.
With a smile that blinded them, you told of how you took a long trip around the world to meet the boys Mephisto was so keen on watching stalking. You gushed over them like the older sibling neither of them had. That is until you officially moved onto campus. Where exactly? That was never known for sure. All they could gather was that you were close enough to appear at a moment's notice to pinch their cheeks, ruffle their hair, and coo at them as they did their casual routine. 
He knew it was easy for Rin to lean into you, who openly gave affection to him. Yukio knew he couldn’t react as warmly. Was it his fear? His maturity? He just couldn’t do it. Wouldn’t. He thought you’d grow to love Rin more than him because of this only to be beautifully surprised when you lovingly held him in your arms.
“Hey, I love you both all the same. You’re my ducklings through and through! I’ve decided from this day on!”
Soon he was placed with that familiar ache when you waved goodbye from the window of their dorm on training camps. It was a good ache that affirmed the stringing demand that was creeping up his throat. He couldn’t let you leave them now. 
He can pinpoint the exact moment when this feeling first bloomed in his heart. It was so long ago, if he was anyone else he would have written it off as simply being a child, which he did for awhile, but he knew it was something more. It was back in preschool, Rin had returned to the class after a violent outburst at some kid he later claimed was a bully. While the teacher and other students avoided him like the plague there was one who refused to leave. Following Rin from afar, slowly inching her coloring station toward his–he couldn’t tell anyone why this irked him so. He also couldn’t defend his meddling when he crumpled the flowers left in his twin's cubby. He was his brother, who was she to take that from him?
It was an ugly habit of obsession one he realized he shared with his brother, as Rin mused absentmindedly. 
“Why…don’t we just keep them to ourselves, yeah? That way…they…won’t leave us.”
I mean it’d be bizarre if it weren’t for the two of them. With Rin’s inclination to have you baby him dividing your attention and his own perfectly timed conversations, it was nothing but a game to smother your ringing phone. Silencing it hours in advance so that any alarms or texts from whoever this 'persistent dude’ was. It was a tireless pursuit that seemed to unite him and Rin more than their shared demon heritage. 
It came to a head on a Summers's day watching from afar as you chased Rin with a hose. Yukio was particularly peeved not because he wasn’t on duty for distracting you that day he totally was but because your phone had been ringing off the chain. And whoever this mysterious caller was had caught on, texting you with random excuses about a glitching phone. Every time. He. Deleted. The contact. 
“You think you can keep this up?”
The coy question came from a familiar white terrier with a pink polka-dotted bow. Yukio groaned, harshly pushing up his glasses and biting back a snarl of his own. 
“Do you know who Denji is?”
The terrier's ears flattened and if it was possible its eye furrowed in anger. After a minute of likened frustration, an idea was spawned. Bringing a metaphorical smile to the dog’s face as he birthed a plan only obsessed freaks would concoct. 
“So? Will you help me?”
“Fine. But you can’t keep them to yourself. We won’t let you.”
“Of course not. I could only wish.”
It wasn’t long before there were some changes: a ring on your finger, you carrying that stupid dog around with you, and wearing strangely bright accessories that most certainly weren’t yours. All indicative of the newest addition in your life–a fiance named Mephisto Pheles. The principal and their current guardian: Mephisto Pheles. 
Suddenly Yukio and Rin are subjected to chaotic dinners with you and Mephisto. Days that were previously filled with your voice encouraging them were complimented by Mephisto’s ominous laughing and playful insults. But you were there and you were theirs, a promise you firmly upheld whenever you began an uncomfortable talk about your relationship. 
And even as you reached over your purple-haired husband to wave goodbye, blowing kisses as the limousine revved up, Yukio notes the sound of unsatisfied obsession. Watching the hands that linger around your waist and the caked-up makeup on your neck. He makes the realization that this too was a case of that feeling bubbling to the surface. The obsessive arm around your shoulders, the out-of-place stickers on your things, and the oddly convenient way Mephisto was always at the door, waiting to escort you home. 
It dawns on him how similar they are. Perhaps the string of obsession was a family thing. He didn’t entirely hate that.
“Welcome to the family (Y/n).”
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