blueopinions49 · 1 year
Understanding Type 5
An intro to enneagram 5
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Beth Harmon (Queens Gambit) INTJ 5w4 so/sp 
Core Desire (Exploration of the Mind)- They crave knowledge and understanding of the world around them. 
Vice (Avarice)-They will cling to things (Not necessarily material) and keep them guarded in order to feel a sense of comfort. 
Fixation (Miser)- Will hide away their knowledge and general understanding of things due to feeling like it doesn't give as much result as it takes to share it. 
5w4 (The Philosopher)- With the w4 they become more interested in metaphysical constructs and imaginative processes. Interested in the aesthetic and symbolic representation of things. Might be more introverted possibly a bit more on the intense side. Emotionally inaccessible while maintaining a level of intesity. But due to being a withdrawn type and a rejection type all of this emotional intensity is purely internal. 
5w6 (The Troubleshooter)- While the 5w4 will focus on metaphysical constructs and the understanding of the metaphysics on knowledge the 5w6 will be more interested in the  categorization of this knowledge. Will be more practical than then 5w4. More likely to be interested in the applicability of this knowledge in the outer world. Due to their interest in practicality they are gonna be more interested in methodical processes than imaginative ones. 
Triads- Head (5-6-7)
they have a tendencies to withhold all of their emotions to avoid all form of emotional attachment. 
Harmonic Triad- Competency (1-3-5)
Focuses on the gain of information and performs action in an “objective” manner withholding their emotions from getting in the way. 
Hornevian Triad- Withdrawn (4-5-9)
Detach themselves of reality to preserve their selves due to their being avarice they will withhold allot of themselves around others. 
Object Relations- Rejections (2-5-8)
They will reject any form of emotional attachment that comes their way. will withhold from any form of emotional attachment. 
Social (so)- The social 5 focuses on sharing their knowledge to others they want to expand on information. This subtype will use the knowledge and sharing it in order to keep themselves from feeling. They are more on the social side due to them wanting to share the knowledge they have gained in their life. They are extremely driven, social and competitive. Due to this qualities they can look like 3s and 7s. 
Ex- Benoit Blanc (Knives Out) INTJ 5w4 so/sp, Reed Richards (MARVEL COMICS) INTP 5w6 so/sp and Lara Croft ISFP 5w6 so/sp
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Sexual (sx)- As the counter type of 5 this subtype will focus on gaining the perfect relationship. They will start the relationship slowly by putting you via certain trails if you will. This subtype is only interested in connecting with someone who they can share their inner world with another who understands them. They can be more sensitive than the other 5s and due to this they'll look like 4s while still being a 5 at their core.
Ex-Joe Goldberg (You) INFJ 5w4 sx/sp, Mister Darcy (Pride and Prejudice)  INTJ 5w4 sx/sp and Mother Miranda (RE Village) INTJ 5w6 sx/sp
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Self-Preservation (sp) the self-preservation type 5 will hide themselves from others by maintaining themselves away from others by creating physical and metaphysical walls between themselves and others. However they minimize themselves in order to have a safe space for themselves in comfort. They can be more social however it's a social battery that can run out. They can look like 6s sometimes. 
Ex-Alice Liddle (Alice in Wonderland) INTP 5w6 sp/sx, Raven INTJ 5w4 (Teen Titans)  sp/sx and L (Death Note) INTP 5w4 sp/so
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Moves (Positive and Negative)
Moves to 8
Positive- They become In tune with themselves and uses their anger to pursuit their goals more. They become assertive in their wants
Negative-They become more withdrawn and uses their anger punitively to push others away more.
Moves to 7
Positive- They become in tune with the enviorement less paranoid and fearful. Becomes more interested in the outer world and experiences they can find in it. 
Negative- Overindulges and becomes distracted easily. 
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thethirdromana · 4 months
Blake's costumes, rated
Every time I do one of these, someone asks me for another one. So... I guess I'm doing the set?
Here are my thoughts on Blake's costumes in Blake's 7. Get ready for a whole lot of brown. Screengrabs from here (they prefer their images copied, not linked) and record of what Blake wears when from here. Here's the same for Avon, Servalan and Jenna.
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As seen in The Way Back, Space Fall, Cygnus Alpha, and Time Squad.
This is Blake in his normal, pre-Liberator clothes, and wow are they boring. This is clearly a man who was waiting for any opportunity to cut loose. Look how small his sleeves are! This isn't the clothing of a freedom fighter; it looks like the uniform of a handyman at an eco-friendly adventure park. It's not really Blake at all. 3/10.
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As seen in The Web, Seek-Locate-Destroy, Mission to Destiny, Duel, Project Avalon, Breakdown, Deliverance, and Orac.
I was going to say that this is a long time to be wearing the same outfit, but at a closer look, Blake does change his shirt. Thank goodness, because the question of who does the laundry on the Liberator has bothered me before, and I didn't like to think of Blake being stinky for most of series A.
Also, this is a great outfit. I feel like the way it has four different elements and textures should be too much, but it's working for me, particularly the chainmail-esque sleeve detail. 8/10.
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As seen in The Web, Seek-Locate-Destroy, Duel, Project Avalon, Bounty, and Orac.
Jenna made the pink version of this look cool; Blake looks like a dad in a National Trust car park. There might be poo bags for the family Labrador in one of his many pockets. Honestly, kudos to the Blake's 7 costume designers for this one: obviously functional and yet perfectly of a piece with the more ridiculous outfits in the series. I don't love to look at it but I have to admire it. 6/10.
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As seen in Redemption, Shadow, Horizon, and Killer.
In which Blake appears to be wearing an entire cow. Honestly, I love this outfit, from the sleeves to the boots. It's Romantic hero meets Robin Hood, it's ridiculous, it's wonderful. Gareth Thomas must have been so warm. 15/10.
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As seen in Shadow, and Voice From the Past.
I got a telling-off in the notes on my Jenna post for not including her in the karate ghi. So let the record stand that I approve of the karate ghi universally for Blake's 7 characters. I particularly appreciate that Avon and Jenna have theirs fastened up, while Blake's is open halfway to his midriff. Quarry chic, you can't beat it. 8/10.
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As seen in Weapon, Pressure Point, Trial, Countdown, and Voice From the Past.
This feels to me like the classic Blake outfit. It's like Avon's bajillion studded black leather jackets: green leather and bishop's sleeves are simply what Blakes in their natural environment should wear. But it's not quite as batshit as some of his other outfits and so I can't love it quite as much. 7/10.
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As seen in Horizon.
I accept that I'm straining the definition of "outfit" here but come on, I couldn't not include this moment. I love the artfully placed grime; I love the way, it being the 70s, that Blake's trousers come up to his navel; I love the fact that this is, to the best of my recollection, the one and only scene of someone taking their top off in the whole of Blake's 7. 10/10.
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As seen in Horizon.
The Romantic hero look is BACK. Here Blake is starring as a rebel version of Colin Firth's Mr Darcy. Get this man a lake to jump in. It is my firm belief that no man has yet existed who doesn't look good in this kind of shirt, and Gareth Thomas is no exception. 9/10.
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As seen in Hostage.
This is one of those "who wore it best?" moments and I have to be honest and say: Avon did. The rule that Avon should wear tight things, preferably leather, and Blake should wear loose things, preferably with massive sleeves, is not being disproven here. 4/10.
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As seen in Hostage, Gambit, The Keeper, and Star One.
There's just too much stuff going on here. The chainmail effect outfit was also quite busy but in a way that made Blake look bigger and bolder. This is the opposite; he looks almost smothered by it. There's a lot of fabric around his neck. It's brown and there's leather, but Blake doesn't look at home. 4/10.
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As seen in Blake.
Normally I rate these costumes based partly on how good they look, and partly on how well I feel they suit the character, and normally those two things are in alignment and it's all good. But here, I'm so torn.
Blake looks like shit. He's wearing some kind of horrific quilted knee-length gilet like a cross between a knight and someone who spends too much money in Jack Wills. It's too big for him and the little grab-handles on the front are... well, they're not very functional without Avon around to be grabbing him, are they? But on the other hand, it would be really weird if he looked good at this point in his story. The costume designers have judged this perfectly, and I hate it. 5/10.
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🌈 Queer Books Coming Out in April 2024 🌈
🌈 Good morning, my bookish bats! Struggling to keep up with all the amazing queer books coming out this month? Here are a FEW of the stunning, diverse queer books you can add to your TBR before the year is over. Remember to #readqueerallyear! Happy reading!
[ Release dates may have changed. ]
❤️ Spring on the Peninsula - Ery Shin 🧡 When I Arrived at the Castle - Emily Carroll 💛 Bloodline - Jenn Alexander 💚 Grey Dog - Elliott Gish 💙 Every Time You Hear That Song - Jenna Voris 💜 I'm in Love with the Villainess v. 2 - Inori and Hanagata ❤️ The Caravaggio Syndrome - Alessandro Giardino 🧡 Leather, Lace, and Locs - Anne Shade 💛 Firebugs - Nico Bulling 💙 I Married My Female Friend v.2 - Shio Usui 💜 The Final Curse of Ophelia Cray - Christine Calella 🌈 A Sweet Sting of Salt - Rose Sutherland ❤️ The Selected Shepherd: Poems - Reginald Shepherd 🧡 Rough Trade - Katrina Carrasco 💛 Aubrey McFadden is Never Getting Married - Georgia Beers 💚 Taming of a Rebel - Eada Friesian 💙 Dayspring - Anthony Oliveira 💜 The Titanic Survivors Book Club - Timothy Schaffert ❤️ Orphia And Eurydicius - Elyse John 🧡 The Fellowship of Puzzlemakers - Samuel Burr 💛 A Good Happy Girl - Marissa Higgins 💙 Winnie Nash Is Not Your Sunshine - Nicole Melleby 💜 Here We Go Again - Alison Cochrun 🌈 Women! In! Peril! - Jessie Ren Marshall
❤️ Blood City Rollers - V. P. Anderson and Tatiana Hill 🧡 The Prospects - KT Hoffman 💛 Crazy Like a Fox: Adventures in Schizophrenia - Christi Furnas 💚 WATCHNIGHT - Cyree Jarelle Johnson 💙 Love From The Sidelines - Tuesday Harper 💜 The Pleasure in Pain - Roxie Voorhees ❤️ Mal - Perla Zul 🧡 The Black Girl Survives in This One - Desiree S. Evans and Saraciea J. Fennell 💛 Darker by Four - June C.L. Tan 💙 Otherworldly - F.T. Lukens 💜 Hearts Still Beating - Brooke Archer 🌈 Tryst Six Venom - Penelope Douglas
❤️ Teenage Dirtbags - James Acker 🧡 The Heart Wants What It Wants - D.M. Batten 💛 Something Kindred by Ciera Burch 💚 Sheine Lende - Dr. Darcie Little Badger & Rovina Cai 💙 Rainbow Overalls - Maggie Fortuna 💜 Flowers for Dead Girls - Abigail Collins ❤️ Canto Contigo - Jonny Garza Villa
❤️ Court of Wanderers - Rin Chupeco 🧡 Molten Death - Leslie Karst 💛 Triad Magic - ‘Nathan Burgoine 💚 You, Me and Bad Movies - Twoony 💙 The Faithful Dark - Cate Baumer 💜 A Case for Discretion - Ashley Moore ❤️ Party of Fools - Cedar McCloud 🧡 The Last Love Song - Kalie Holford 💛 This is Me Trying - Racquel Marie 💙 Dear Wendy - Ann Zhao 💜 Sun Eater - Dre Levant 🌈 The Breakup Lists - Adib Khorram
❤️ Bad Dream - Nicole Maines & Rye Hickman 🧡 If We Were Stars - Eule Grey 💛 The Broken Lines of Us - Shia Woods 💚 Eye of the Ouroboros - Megan Bontrager 💙 Henry Henry - Allen Bratton 💜 Dear Bi Men - JR Yussuf ❤️ Paige Not Found - Jen Wilde 🧡 Mechanic Shop Femme’s Guide to Car Ownership - Chaya Milchtein 💛 Wide Awake Now - David Levithan 💙 Merciless Saviors - H.E. Edgmon 💜 Smile and Be a Villain - Yves Donlon 🌈 Crash Landing - Charmaine Anne Li
❤️ Call Forth a Fox - Markelle Grabo 🧡 Central Avenue Poetry Prize 2024 - Beau Adler 💛 Good Bones - Aurora Rey 💚 Curiosities - Anne Fleming 💙 Someone You Can Build a Nest in - John Wiswell 💜 Revisiting Summer Nights - Ashley Bartlett ❤️ Bright Spring - Emmaline Strange
❤️ Girls Night - I.S. Belle 🧡 Late Bloomer - Mazey Eddings 💛 Withered - A.G.A. Wilmot 💚 A Wolf Steps in Blood - Tamara Jerée 💙 It Always Finds Me - Anthology 💜 Dulhaniyaa - Talia Bhatt ❤️ Moon Dust in My Hairnet - JR Creaden 🧡 Blood Justice - Terry J. Benton-Walker 💛 Relinquishing Control - J.J. Arias
❤️ Selamlik - Khaled Alesmael 🧡 Houseswap 101 - Jaime Clevenger 💛 Earthflown by Frances Wren & Litarnes 💚 Covenant v.1 - LySandra Vuong 💙 Honey - Victor Lodato 💜 The Dragonfly Gambit - A.D. Sui ❤️ Double Dyno - Sharon K Angelici & Taylor Rose
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forasecondtherewedwon · 3 months
second's (eclectic) masterlist
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Hello! Under the cut, you’ll find all the fics I’ve written for these fandoms:
The Artful Dodger ⁎ Bodyguard ⁎ Bridgerton ⁎ Daybreak
Deadly Class ⁎ Dickinson ⁎ A Discovery of Witches ⁎ Dollface
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier ⁎ For All Mankind
Gilmore Girls ⁎ Hawkeye ⁎ Heartstopper ⁎ The Irregulars ⁎ Loki
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel ⁎ Masters of the Air ⁎ Nancy Drew
Never Have I Ever ⁎ Peaky Blinders ⁎ Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Preacher ⁎ The Queen's Gambit ⁎ Riverdale ⁎ Sanditon ⁎ Schmigadoon!
Sex Education ⁎ The Sex Lives of College Girls ⁎ Stranger Things
Ted Lasso ⁎ WandaVision ⁎ Why Didn't They Ask Evans ⁎ The Wilds
Avengers: Endgame ⁎ Black Widow ⁎ The Hunger Games ⁎ Inception
King Kong ⁎ Marriage Story ⁎ No Time to Die ⁎ Spider-Man ⁎ Star Trek
Thor: Ragnorak ⁎ Top Gun: Maverick ⁎ Wonder Woman
my fic masterlists
10 fics - the artful dodger
13 fics - the marvelous mrs. maisel (midge x lenny)
12 fics - masters of the air
13 fics - nancy drew
13 fics - the queen's gambit (beth x benny)
38 fics - riverdale
71 fics - spideychelle
21 fics - top gun: maverick
deadly class
E / 5k / Petra x Billy - “Rats’ Waltz”
E / 9k / Petra x Billy x Lex - “We Test on Rats”
a discovery of witches (phoebe x marcus)
E / 2k - “Gladly Be a Fool”
E / 3k - “The Night Today”
gilmore girls (rory x jess)
E / 11k - Dreams I’ve Yet to Find
E / 24k - You Need Me to Be With You
peaky blinders
E / 15k / Tommy x Grace - The Grand Dream of Things
E / 3k / Tommy x May - “Preferred Pastimes”
sex education
E / 3k / Ola x Lily - “and the stars (they all aligned)”
E / 2k / Maeve x Isaac - “Please May I…?”
star trek
E / 3k / Bones x Carol - “The Deserted Planet, the Gorgeous Woman, and the Goddamn Torpedo”
E / 7k / Scotty x Jaylah - Something to Fix
why didn’t they ask evans? (frankie x bobby)
E / 2k - “One-Man Chauffeur”
E / 5k - “Sailors’ Hands”
M / 2k / Emily x Sue - “Another Dickinson”
T / 1k - “How Luscious Lies”
G / 376 / Emily x Sue - “Lands Away”
for all mankind
T / 1k / Margo x Sergei - “The Bridges of Madison”
G / 286 / Pam x Ellen - “Ode to the Front Porch”
T / 1k - “This Mortal Doyle”
the hunger games
E / 2k / Peeta x Johanna - “Elevator Pitch”
E / 2k / Katniss x Peeta - “Finally, Finally”
E / 4k / Katniss x Cato - “Lonely at the Top”
G / 1k - “If You're a Robot and You Know It, Clap Your Hands”
G / 1k - “Mr. Second Chance”
T / 2k - “Riding in Cars With Lokis”
the wilds
T / 2k - “Fourth Coming”
T / 738 - “Interviews by the Pool”
T / 1k / Shelby x Toni - “a verse about expecting the worst”
never have i ever (devi x paxton)
E / 4k - “Boy Meets Girlfriend”
M / 2k - “No Harm, No Towel”
T / 4k - “Runaway Ride”
M / 5k - “Swimming the Sonoran”
stranger things
T / 2k / Steve x Nancy - “Always Mr. Right”
T / 458 / Eddie x Chrissy - “And Here’s to You, Chrissy Cunningham”
T / 1k / Lucas x Max - “The Kate Escape”
T / 1k / Lucas x Max - “The Lovers’ Lake Effect”
ted lasso
E / 8k / Keeley x Rebecca - “Cat Ladies”
T / 1k - “Crimminology”
E / 2k / Roy x Keeley - “The Halftime of It”
E / 3k / Ted x Sassy - “Sass Backwards”
T / 11k / Eloise x Penelope - All the Belles and Whistles
E / 1k / Colin x Penelope - “Candle With Care”
E / 2k / Charlotte x George - “In Charlotte's Garden”
T / in progress / Eloise x Penelope - The Ladies Whistledown
M / 2k / Penelope x Colin - “Wallflower After Hours”
percy jackson and the olympians (2023- )
G / 830 / Sally x Poseidon - “but for the grace of gods”
G / 1k - “lullaby for a rottweiler”
T / 1k / Percy x Annabeth - “salt-and-vinegar dreams”
G / 967 / Percy x Annabeth - “soundtrack to a tooth alignment”
M / 875 / Sally x Poseidon - “a tall, tall tale no one believes”
E / 34k / Darcy x Jimmy - Hex Life
G / 1k / Wanda x Vision - “Mailbox Blues”
T / 1k / Wanda x Vision - “The Neighbour Never Rings Twice”
G / 1k / Wanda x Vision - “One Papaya, Two Papaya”
T / 26k / Darcy x Jimmy - Only in a Sitcom
G / 1k / Wanda x Vision - “Our Names in a Heart”
the falcon and the winter soldier
T / 7k / Sam x Bucky - 3 Simple Rules for Dating a Centenarian
T / 1k - “À la Carter”
E / 5k / Bucky x Sarah - “Chasing Water Pumps”
E / 8k / Sam x Bucky - The Great Madripoorian Snake Off
T / 3k / Bucky x Sarah - “Guest Side Story”
T / 3k / Sam x Bucky - “Never a Gull Moment”
T / 4k / Sam x Bucky - “Stare Enough”
T / 2k / Sam x Bucky - “They're Sayin' (You're Gonna Be My Man)”
Avengers: Endgame : Dolls' Eyes
Black Widow : “Same Day, Different Jumpsuit”
Bodyguard : “Don’t Ever Let Me Start”
Daybreak : “Garden-Variety Monsters”
Dollface : “Fender Is the Night”
Hawkeye : “An All-American January Christmas”
Heartstopper : “we sum up perfection like a handbook”
Inception (2010) : “Je Ne Regrette Rien”
The Irregulars : “The Sun Is Coming Up (I Think It’s Time)”
King Kong (2005) : “I’m Actually Quite Familiar With Your Work”
Marriage Story (2019) : “the whole night and the next day together”
No Time to Die : “The Blood You Owe”
Preacher : “Lonely, Handsome”
Sanditon : “Finding Georgiana”
Schmigadoon! : “I Fleetly Flee, I Fly”
The Sex Lives of College Girls : “An Abundance of Caution Tape”
Thor: Ragnorak : “In the Arms of the Anus”
Wonder Woman (2017) : “Unconquered”
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le-trash-prince · 5 months
Okay here is the final list of all the books I’ve finished this year! (since it doesn’t look like I’m going to get anything finished or even started this week.)
I tend to not finish things if I’m not enjoying them (two exceptions on this list because sometimes I am spiteful), so I liked all of these—but the ones in bold are those I particularly loved (I only bolded one per series or it would just be a wall of The Murderbot Diaries lol).
LGBT+ books read: 48
wlw books read: 22
trans/nb books: 17
I’m very happy with my year in reading. I hit my new year’s goal of 52 books finished. And I read a lot of things that I really fucking loved. Lots of robots. LOTS of scifi/fantasy sapphics which I am SO happy about. Some good horror, some good fucky “romances”. A lot of things written in response to the Trump era or written during 2020 lockdown.
I also enjoyed partaking in online book fandom for the first time in possibly ever! Especially Murderbot fandom, which is very active and creative and lovely.
(If you followed me for my bookblogging, thank you for enduring my Thai BL vroom vroom omegaverse brainrot. It will not be stopping anytime soon.)
For 2024, I am going to keep my goal at 52 books and save any extra time I have for rereading old things.
Anyways the list, for posterity:
After Midnight: A History of Independent India by Meghaa Gupta
The Old Place by Bobby Finger
Ocean’s Echo by Everina Maxwell
The Memory Librarian by Janelle Monae
Women and Girls With Autism Spectrum Disorder by Sarah Hendrickx
A Restless Truth by Freya Marske
Unmasking Autism by Devon Price
Divergent Mind by Jenara Nerenberg
Even Though I Knew the End by C.L. Polk
Strictly No Heroics by B. L. Radley
Love after the End edited by Joshua Whitehead
Juniper Harvey and the Vanishing Kingdom by Nina Varela
All Systems Red by Martha Wells
The Witch and the Vampire by Francesca Flores
Artificial Condition by Martha Wells
Rogue Protocol by Martha Wells
Exit Strategy by Martha Wells
Network Effect by Martha Wells
The Order of the Pure Moon Reflected in Water by Zen Cho
The Lies of the Ajungo by Moses Ose Utomi
Flux by Jinwoo Chong
Burning Roses by S. L. Huang
In the Lives of Puppets by T. J. Klune
Fugitive Telemetry by Martha Wells
No One Will Come Back For Us by Premee Mohamed
The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi
What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher
The Black Tides of Heaven by Neon Yang
The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling
The Witch King by Martha Wells
A Day of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon
We Could Be So Good by Cat Sebastian
Last Dance on the Starlight Pier by Sarah Bird
Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree
Galveston’s Maceo Family Empire by T. Nicole Boatman et al
Blood Sweat & Chrome: The Wild and True Story of Mad Max Fury Road by Kyle Buchanan
A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers
A Prayer for the Crown-Shy by Becky Chambers
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
Galveston’s Red Light District: A History of the Line by Kimber Fountain
Astrid Parker Doesn’t Fail by Ashley Herring Blake
In the Vanisher’s Palace by Aliette de Bodard
The Red Scholar’s Wake by Aliette de Bodard
Harrow the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
Linghun by Ai Jiang
Nona the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
A Snake Falls to Earth by Darcie Little Badger
The Salvation Gambit by Emily Skrutskie
Spear by Nicola Griffith
The Mimicking of Known Successes by Malka Older
Last to Leave the Room by Caitlin Starking
Light From Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki
The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri
The Oleander Sword by Tasha Suri
The Jinn-Bot of Shantiport by Samit Basu
Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders
A Power Unbound by Freya Marske
The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw
Sing for the Coming of the Longest Night by Iona Datt Sharma & Katherine Fabian
System Collapse by Martha Wells
Silver Nitrate Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Whalefall by Daniel Kraus
We Set the Dark on Fire by Tehlor Kay Mejia
Out There Screaming edited by Jordan Peele
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docgold13 · 6 months
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Profiles in Villainy
The Core/Dark Marcy
The Core was a biomechanical, artificially transplanted collective of minds created to guide the undersea kingdom of Amphibia. It was created long ago from an amalgamation of the smartest minds from across Amphibia's history. The Core lived under Newtopia Castle in a secret basement in wait for the day when the Calamity Box was returned to Amphibia. All the while, The Core acted as the hidden power behind the Newtopia crown.
After centuries in dormancy, the Calamity Box finally presented itself when the Warriors of Prophecy arrived in Amphibia, who were destined to end the Core. Upon this discovery, the Core sought to reclaim the Box and undo the prophecy by having its conscience transported to Marcy's body through a helmet, leaving the deactivated mechanical body behind and creating a new identity, Darcy. With one of the warriors as its host, the Core regained control of Newtopia, and launched an invasion campaign on Earth as it planned to a millennium ago.
During the invasion, Marcy was freed from the Core's influence after Sasha used her sword to sever the cord connected to Darcy's helmet. However, the Core managed to survive inside Darcy's helmet and escaped.
After making its escape, the Core ended up initiating its final gambit by connecting to Amphibia's moon and setting a collision course with said planet. Though the Calamity Trio used their powers to destroy the Core's drones, it was not enough to stop it, with Anne ending up absorbing Sasha and Marcy's gems to shoot a powerful blast that destroyed the moon and the Core, ending its reign of terror for good.
Actress Haley Tju provided the voice of Marcy as well as Darcy.  The villain first appeared in the fourteenth episode of the second season of Amphibia, airing on March 20th, 2021.
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comfortablynumb · 2 years
Characters on the Spectrum (Because I Said So):
- Todd Anderson from Dead Poets Society
- Robin Buckley from Stranger Things
- Gregory Eddie from Abbott Elementary
- Lilo Pelekai from Lilo and Stitch
-Anne Shirley Cuthbert from Anne with an E
- Captain Raymond Holt from Brooklyn 99
- Prince Henry from Red, White & Royal Blue
- Beth Harmon from the Queen’s Gambit
- Ferb Fletcher from Phineas and Ferb
- Jess Day from New Girl
- Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice
- Nico Di Angelo from Percy Jackson
- Newt Scamander from Fantastic Beasts
- Regulus Black from the Harry Potter universe
- Dipper and Mabel Pines from Gravity Falls
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uniquecellest · 1 month
Whistledowns Whistledown Partners
Mei. Zuko
Adam. Shiro
Lance. Keith
Neil. Andrew
Katelyn. Aaron
Katara. Aang
Suki. Sokka
Ikki. -----
Jinora. Kai
Asami. Korra
Sakura. Sauske
Hinata. Naruto
Flora. Helia
Tecna. Timmy
Kisara. Set/Seto
Syrus Truesdale. ------
Akiza. Yusei
Carly. Jack
Misty. Kalin
Tori. Yuma
Ruri. Yuto
Rin. Yugo
Serena. Yuri
Aoi/Skye. Yusaku
Hyacinth. Apollo
Charlie. Kit
Darcy. Tara
Elle. Tao
Satine. Obi-Wan
Anakin. Padme
Annalise. Julian
Dominic. Erika
Cornelia. Caleb
Will. Matt
Clover. Blaine
Steve Rogers. Natasha Romanov
Betty Ross. Bruce Banner
Bobbi Morse. Clint Barton
Diana. Bruce Wayne
Connor Kent. M'gann (s1, haven't seen s3-4 and been a minute on s2)
Dick Grayson. Zatanna
Barbara Gordon. Starfire
Artemis. Jason Todd
Raven. BB/Damian
James Rogers. Torunn
Cinder. Kaito
Winter. Jacin
Percy. Annabeth
Thalia. Luke (pre-tree Thalia)
Jason. Leo/Piper
Will. Nico
Bree. Nick/Sel
Red/Ash. Leaf/Green/-----
Henry. Alex
Luz. Amity
Willow. Hunter
Gambit. Rogue
Vaggie. Charlie
Blitz. Stolas
Moxxie. Millie
Cherri. Sir Pentious
Angel Dust. Husk
Kushina. Minato
TenTen. Neji
Kit. Ty
Dru. Ash
Alec. Magnus
Simon. Izzy
Helen. Aline
Cristina. Mark/Kieran
Aqua. Terra
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burnt2ashleys · 3 months
Amphibia AU
I'm gonna write about some of the ideas I thought up for this, and what generally happens plot-wise so I have somewhere to point to in case anypony asks what the deal is with these drawings I've been making. It'll be a big text wall, so, be warned:
The divergence point happens in season 3 (with maybe the exception of True Colors and Marcy not being stabbed, instead she's incapacitated in some other way), with Anne spending more time working with the resistance against Andrias. She meets with Mother Olm and gets guidance/training on better harnessing her calamity powers (the mossmen are hiding with the Olms and they help Anne out on this).
Some time after, there's a full battle between the resistance and Andrias + Frobos. This is it, a final push to save Amphibia, Anne's throwing hands with Andrias, everyone's giving it their all. But, in the thick of battle, Darcy shows up; she says that Andrias is a failure, and that from here on out, she'll be assuming direct control. The red moon opens its eyes. The Core's cambrian robots swarm the landscape, forcing the resistance to retreat. Andrias chases after Darcy.
Meanwhile, Marcy, partially amnesiac, is exploring the mental palace of the Core, interacting with its various personalities. She picks up on the situation outside from what she can gleam of far-away discussions. She finds out that several members of ancient newtopian royalty are leaving the Core to inhabit drone bodies of their own, claiming things like "an alien infant's body is a disgraceful host for someone as noble as me!" Those very same drones are summarily destroyed by the resistance.
Marcy realizes that she could use the same process to transfer herself into a small scouting drone to aid her friends on defeating the Core; though not without notice from the Core itself, which allows her to do so in order to get a fix on the resistance's location.
On the resistance's side, they stumble into Andrias and what remains of the Frobo army, still under his direct command. He's battered and injured, but after an initial scuffle he joins their ranks. A while later, Drone!Marcy finds them. The Core has them captured soon after that.
A great fight breaks out, but the girls are captured while the resistance scatters. Taken to the castle, they manage to break free, and rescue Marcy as well! But as they escape, Marcy catches a glimpse of herself in a tank. Unsure if she's the real Marcy or some kind of clone decoy, she joins the resistance, now regrouped on the remains of Toad Tower.
Now with (a still injured from True Colors) Marcy, the trio decides to pay a second visit to Mother Olm, to treat Marcy's injuries, and to confirm if she really is the real Marcy (she is, obviously). Now, all 3 girls can tap into their calamity powers! And right on time, because they'll need it.
The Core really starts to feel the heat around this point. Many former newtopian nobles went and blew themselves up thinking they were so much better than the resistance, those that remain understand that they're going to lose if this keeps up. Hell, they lost Marcy, and with all 3 girls under the Olms' guidance, they're starting to siphon away power from the music box! At this rate, they'll win without having to lift a finger!
In this desperation, the Core decides to let go of everything it once stood for, and for the sake of survival it merges all its personalities into one terrifyingly powerful intelligence. With the clone of Marcy primed and ready, this "Darcy Prime" recalls all the cambrian drones. The castle rises higher and higher into the sky. In this silence, the resistance finds out Darcy's final gambit: To use the Calamity Box to phase the Core moon out of Amphibia's universe and into Earth's.
Thanks to the girls siphoning power out of the box, the process is slowed, but not halted. They make their way to the castle while most of the resistance helps the population deal with the natural disasters that the moon's phasing is causing. There, the trio (+ Andrias & Frobots, for dealing with the drones) makes its final stand against Darcy.
The girls manage to overwhelm and defeat Darcy with a combined attack, and in stopping the teleportation sequence in the middle, the moon is in neither universe, and phases out of existence completely.
The girls safely retrieve the magic box, now sworn to be protected and never used for evil. The girls leave Amphibia, with a chance to return if they ever choose to, and hailed as heroes.
In broad strokes, that's it! That's the general outline for this AU that I made up, prone to change of course.
Told you it was a text wall...
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indirecticn · 3 months
the rules are simple ! post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people).
Loki [marvel] - only truly active one lol
Thor at @madeworth [marvel]
Nobody Owens @graveycrd [ the graveyard book]
Eros @amcrist [myth]
Matt Murdock @mttmrdck [Marvel]
Gefen Penzig @agentwhatevs[OC]
Barry Allen @zooomies [DC]
Sigyn @pekkt [myth]
Jonathan Pine [The Night Manager]
All manner of OCs [you guys have NO idea...]
Cassie [animorphs]
Rachel [animorphs]
Jeff Winger [Community]
Rapunzel [Tangled]
James Bond [James Bond Craig era]
Darcy Lewis [Marvel]
Jane Foster [Marvel]
Steve Rogers [Marvel]
Clint Barton [Marvel]
Tony Stark [Marvel]
Jamie Madrox [Marvel]
Boom Boom [Marvel]
Lila Cheney [Marvel]
Gambit [Marvel]
Wolverine [Marvel]
Nightcrawler [Marvel]
Pete Wisdom [Marvel]
King Arthur [LoTS Film]
Odin [myth]
Frigga [myth]
Baldr [myth]
Hades [myth]
Psyche [myth]
Basil Brooks [Cyborg OC]
Jude Lee [Technomancer OC]
Thad [Fae OC]
Dagr Ackr [Myth/legend OC]
Remy [ Werewolf OC]
Astraea [Witch/Southern Gothic OC]
Gad [Vampire OC]
Rory [Southie boston witch OC]
Daithi [Fae OC]
Any of them probably.
tagged by : no one
tagging : whoever
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bedlamsbard · 2 years
About 1K written today -- a small amount in edits, some for the next chapter.  I’ll go through 10 tomorrow and see how I feel about it, if it’s getting posted this weekend or if I want to sit on it for a while.  There’s not that much more of this story to go, but sometimes I say that and then I write another 200K so I don’t trust myself, you know?  That’s unlikely to happen here because this story is less complex than the ones where that happens (Gambit and Backbone), but I have learned my lesson, okay.  I do know where it ends.
Snippet from The Horizon Line chapter 11.
Yelena’s gaze flicked impassively over both of them as she hopped down from the car. “What, did you have to bring everyone?  Should I expect the War Machine to come join us?”  She waggled a finger at the sky above them.
“I did not bring everyone,” Natasha said. “You said bring a scientist.  I brought two.”  She turned to nod at Bruce and Darcy as they came around the side of the car to join her. “This is Bruce Banner and Darcy Lewis.  Bruce, Darcy, this is Yelena.  My sister.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Darcy said. “I mean, hi.”
“Hi,” Yelena told her, but her suspicious gaze was fixed on Bruce. “So you’re the ex.”
“Oh my god,” Natasha muttered, pinching the bridge of her nose between her fingers. “I should have brought Rhodey after all.”
“Uh,” Bruce said. “I, uh. I didn’t know Natasha had a sister.”
“Of course you didn’t,” Yelena said, turning her glare on Natasha.
Natasha rolled her eyes. “Can we just go?  You can yell at me later.”
“I’m making allowances because you’re upset about your boyfriend getting kidnapped by the Red Room,” Yelena said. “I just didn’t think you’d bring your ex.”
Natasha ground her teeth. “Steve is not my boyfriend.”
“Oh my god, are you married?” Darcy demanded. “Are Captain America and the Black Widow married?”
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dresupi · 4 years
Vampires ii - Darcy Lewis/Remy LeBeau
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for @darcygirl​ 202 words Rated T I’m not sure why I’m unable to hypnotize you
“I’m not sure why I’m unable to hypnotize you...” Darcy practically purred as she kept her gaze locked on his.  “Something to do with those eyes of yours, maybe?”
“Or maybe you just can’t bullshit a bullshitter?” he offered, shrugging and giving her a smirk that would have made her belly swoop once upon a time. But that was before she was turned.
“That what you are, LeBeau? Because I thought you were a member of the X-Men, but I guess I could be wrong.”
“You can be two things, cher,” he chuckled. “Like you, for instance. You feel cool to the touch, but I’m pretty sure you could burn me up if I let you.”
“Wanna let me?” she asked, grinning as her fangs popped down.
“Maybe...” he said, eyes lingering on her mouth. “Think I might like it.”
“You will,” she whispered.
He snorted and rolled his eyes. “I’m sure I would. But I done told you that wasn’t gonna work on me, darlin’.”
“Can’t blame a girl for trying,’ she said with a flip of her hair.
She really liked the sound of his laugh. Which was a good thing, because he did a lot of it around her.
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sherry-babyforme · 3 years
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My Wandavision theory is that everyone in the hex perimeter thingy will get mutant powers. This is 100% soley for the hope that Woo becomes this universes Gambit.
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filthyfirth · 4 years
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A decade of Colin Firth | 2010 - 2019
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meraki--kid · 4 years
I have realized that my ideal type is a mix of Remy LeBeau, Chato Santana, and Mr. Darcy. God help me.
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