allllium · 8 days
Heyaaa, I have a request! If it's not too much trouble, have you listened to too sweet by Hozier.. that song with the tf 141 boys (if it could be Ghost, it would be great!!)
Thanks in advance!!! And it's perfectly fine if you don't wanna!
~ I'm really sorry this took so long, I have not been feeling great but here it is. I hope you like this because honestly I am terrible at comprehending songs but I think this fits pretty well :)
~ If you're not happy with this for any reason please let me know and I will happily redo it with your advice <3
~ Fluff, WC: 1,189
You have a crush on Simon Riley. You know this, and so does everyone else, including him. Despite the very obvious adoration on your part he's never said anything about it.
You honestly have no idea how he feels about you and you're not sure you want to know. You do tons of little things for him and he does things for you, but that's all your relationship entails.
You are both so different it's not like you could ever fit together so perfectly, right?
I take my whiskey neat
“Here you are Lt.” You slide him a drink across the table. He makes a face behind his mask that you now recognize as his scowl. “Don't make that face at me.”
“You can't even see my face,” he replies, in his signature thick accent. “And I don't need you buying me drinks.”
“Well that's too bad 'cause’ I did. Don't tell me you're gonna let good whiskey go to waste.”
His deep brown eyes stare at you for a heavy moment before picking up the drink, lifting his mask just enough to show his cut jaw and full lips.
“Usually this is where I get a thank you.” You taunt him, trying not to let your gaze linger on what you can see of his perfect but slightly messed up face.
“Don't push your luck, Sargent.”
My coffee black…
“Oh dark like your soul, ain't that right Lt.” You gesture towards his black mug of black coffee.
Simon takes a deep breath as he takes in your words, his chest rising and falling in annoyance. He shakes his head silently, apparently not wanting to pleasure you with a response.
“Seriously, how do you drink that?” You put your hand on his perfect arm to push him out of the way of the coffee pot.
“Oh let me guess you take your coffee with a pound of sugar.” He rolls his eyes at you, in more of an attitude than you appreciate.
“Incorrect. I'm sweet enough as it is.” You smile at him while you turn around to stir your drink.
“Maybe a little too sweet don't you think?”
“Only to you.” You mutter under your breath.
…And my bed at three
“Oi Lt, what are you doing up at this hour?” You take amusement at the way this giant of a man jumps slightly at your voice.
“Did you just say oi?” He asks as if he didn't just hear you say it.
“Yes I did, do we need to get your hearing checked?” You make fun of him for the hundredth time that day.
“Why?” His gruff voice cuts through the air.
“I want it on record that I don't appreciate this attitude of yours. And I said "oi” because I'm becoming more like you.”
“I don't say oi.”
“I don't believe you. You sound like you say it.” You shrug and take a seat on the couch next to you.
“What does that mean?” He sits down next to you but he seems like he doesn't want a real answer.
“Your voice.”
“What's wrong with my voice?” This time it seems like he actually wants to know what you think.
“Oh nothing. It's a nice voice but it just gives me oi vibes.” He stares at you like you're crazy.
“I have a nice voice do I?”
“Don't let it get to your head.” You lay your head.on his shoulder.
No one speaks for a while but eventually Simon sits up. “It's three in the morning, we should get to bed.”
“Yeah that's probably smart.” You give him a big smile when you stand up. “Goodnight Lt.”
You're too sweet for me
“And here you are.” You take a dramatic bow as you hand Simon his gift, acting as if you just delivered the most important thing in the world.
“What is this?” He asks with a tone of impatientence.
“A gift.”
“It's not a holiday-” You quickly cut him off.
“Or your birthday I know, but I remember you saying something about it and got it for you”
“How do you know it's not my birthday, I've never told you that.” He pauses for a split second before continuing, “Did you look at my files?”
“That's not important, open your gift.” He shakes his head but opens the bag you've given him.
Quickly, he pulls out a mask just like the one he's currently wearing. A mask you've handmade just for him.
“What is this?” He instantly demands.
“That is what we call a mask sir. I remember you told me about that one having an annoying hole so I thought I'd help you out. Originally I was just gonna patch the hole but then I figured that mask has been through a lot so you deserved a new one.”
He loudly clears his throat. “I hope you know there won't be a gift in return.”
“I don't expect one, simply doing a nice thing.”
“Well thank you Sargent.” You smile at his thanks, feeling how much he means it.
“Anytime.” Is the only word you get in before he runs off.
You're too sweet for me
“You know this is basically our third date.” You randomly blurt out. You're sitting with Simon in a coffee shop off base. You don't know what you were expecting with Simon off base but one thing you never thought about when inviting him out is his absence of the mask.
Obviously wearing it would draw more attention than usual but now you're sitting straight across from the face of the man you're practically fawning over.
“This is not a date.” He defends roughly.
“Yes it is, our first was dinner and second was the bar so that makes this the third.”
“Those weren't dates, just outings between friends.” He runs his eyes everywhere but your face.
“Aww so you admit we're friends.” You can't help but tease. “But I'm being serious Simon. You can't deny it forever.”
“Yes I can.” He fiddles with his drink as you continue your mini interrogation.
“No you can't. I know you like me, Lt. Why won't you say it.”
“You're different.” He begins.
“If you start to say I'm dumb you're getting punched.”
“No! Of course not. You're different from me and I don't know if we would work.”
“Bullshit. Spill it.”
“Fine, you're too sweet.” He spits out as if it was fire coming out.
You can't help the bubbling laugh that spills out your mouth. “Too sweet? What does that even mean?” You ask him, still laughing.
“I don't know. You're too sweet to me, you give me things and you say all the right things and I don't think I could give all that back to you.”
‘I don't want you to give me anything back. I want you to give me you, you're too sweet for me too Lt. Even if it is in a different looking way.” You slide your hand across the table to lay on his. He returns your hold and gives you a smile that is uniquely his. This is all you need.
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kedreeva · 3 months
as someone who is ace and entering college years, how has your dating life been as an ace? what other struggles have there been that you have advice for? i dont know any aces or similar around me older or otherwise. thank you for your time and i hope you have an easy day!
Okay this will get a little long so I'll put it behind a cut
Honestly I'm probably not the best person to ask, since I never really...struggled? Not specifically with asexuality or with anything related to it. I can tell you my experiences, though, and you can decide if there's anything worthwhile to take away from it!
I grew up in a house run by science and math. I knew the prefix a- meant without/not and I knew there was heterosexual and bisexual and homosexual, so when young and, importantly, before really ever interacting with other queer folk, I went Ah ha, these are (prefix)(sexual) and so therefore I am asexual (without sexuality), and that was that. That was literally all the thought I gave to it. People had crushes on other people, I didn't have crushes on people, end of story. If, for some reason, I developed a crush on someone, I would deal with it then.
Maybeeeee midway through HS, a very good friend of mine asked me about it, and I said well, some people like everyone the same, and I dislike everyone the same. And she said well, then it sounds like you like everyone the same, that amount is just zero, so that seems like bisexual? (she didn't know the term asexual was an actual sexuality term either at that point, just the biological term for reproduction and, well, I could reproduce theoretically so couldn't be that) And I said well, alright then, and called myself bisexual for the next 6 or 7 years. THEN I found out asexuality is a sexuality not just a mode of reproduction and I said Ah Ha, I was Correct, and that was that again.
So I guess if I was offering advice it would be... you know you. Don't let someone else tell you about you if you think they're wrong. Make up a word if there isn't one. Use a new word if you find one that already exists and fits.
Also, that it's fine to not worry about it. Literally it's fine to just never think about it if you have better things to do. I think a lot of people get really wrapped up in finding the right label and/or "what happens if-" when like... you're not a canned good. You don't need a label. Worry about what-ifs when they come up, don't borrow anxiety if you can help it.
I dated a few people in HS, like... three people I think, and one Almost. One predatory mistake I thankfully recognized (HEY because I had older folks online I could talk to about it!) and got out of quickly, and one hot mess relationship that was a LOT of fun- my boyfriend, Sark, and then his ex-girlfriend, and then I stepped out so they could get back together, and then they said wait no, and invited me back in, and that went on for most of the end of HS, and nearly into college, when I stepped out again (and peacefully, I am still friends with both of them and I married Sark in the end). There was one guy whom I was always, perpetually, extremely fond of, and we hung out a lot, kissed once, and I think we would have had a lot of fun dating, but ultimately it was a near miss that became a fond memory, because we were never in the right place together. Sometimes life does that, and that's okay, too.
In college, I simply didn't date anyone. I had better things to do. I met my best friend, @idkfandomwhatever, online that year (and still talk to her almost daily, sometimes for hours, despite that we are on opposite sides of the world!!), and in person @mishapeep who was the best roomie I ever had (hi!!!!! i love you!!!). I had great friends, I went on a TON of adventures, worked a cool job where I had awesome coworkers, and just all around had a blast learning stuff and napping in sunbeams or on couches at the food court. A couple of guys made passes, and I turned them down because I just wasn't into it, and we remained friends. There was one coworker at my dispatch job that I got along with like a house on fire, and everyone ELSE thought we should be dating, but neither of us ever brought it up- I can't say why he didn't for sure, but I know I never brought it up because I was 85% sure he didn't swing for the right team to date me, which I ALSO never brought up until he found me on facebook years later to tell me about his husband running for local election somewhere. so. again, don't let anyone else tell you what to do lol there was ALSO another guy that I had NO interest in that spent a lot of time around me, but we mostly sat in my bunk watching Queer as Folk, which I KNOW was his first exposure to queer material. I never talked about queer stuff with him otherwise, but I heard from a mutual friend of ours that he's also happily married to his husband. Sometimes just being yourself, openly and without shame about it, does more than you think, even if it's not doing anything directly for you (but it is, it's good for you too).
SINCE college ended, I dated one guy I met through an online game and that was great in person briefly, but ultimately didn't work out because he couldn't be a nice person, another guy I met through the same online game and that didn't work out at ALL in person, and then I started hanging out with Sark and co again. I was on the phone with him driving somewhere, and I said something to the effect of someday you're gonna find a gf and she's not gonna want you to keep going on adventures with your ex, and we won't be able to talk anymore and I had a real recordscratch moment where I realized absolutely NOT on MY watch, I wanted that boy in my life forever actually, and we've been married now for... this is year 8.
I may have landed in a soft place, but I didn't seek it out. I just lived my life and didn't worry about my sexuality or about who I was or wasn't gonna date. When I DID date, I was up front about what I wanted from any of those relationships and part of the problem with the relationships that didn't work out was sometimes that I did not KNOW what I wanted, yet. But, it was IMPORTANT I think, that I gave the chances I did, because I did learn about myself and what I wanted. That's probably the hardest fucking thing to learn, that relationships sometimes happen not because they're likely to be permanent, but because it may be fun or be a way to learn what you do or don't want. Maybe alongside of that, the lesson that it's okay to go "hm, actually this is Not For Me" and exit peacefully whenever possible. But it's okay to give temporary things a shot and see how it goes, even knowing up front it may be temporary (honestly maybe that even takes some of the stress of it off? if you don't have to worry about it being forever, and you don't have to worry about "what if I never experience other things," and you don't worry so much about messing it up so it feels easier to take chances saying and doing stuff you might otherwise consider too risky to ask for etc).
I'm aware I'm lucky that things went pretty smoothly for my entire life so far, insofar as dating or sexuality is concerned. Part of that was definitely because even the worst of the people I dated weren't really all that bad of people. A lot of it was that I just didn't date if I didn't want to. I didn't care about sex, so I didn't have sex for the first time until a few years after college, and only one guy ever pushed the issue at all (the guy in HS I immediately dropped all contact with).
The thing is... I dated or nearly dated like ten people, flirted with countless others (because it's FUN), and the only one I still have regular contact with (not just occasional friendly hellos) is the one I kept at the end.
But the friends I made in college? I kept a lot of those. I still talk to several of my college friends on a regular basis. I have made other friends since, some of whom I talk to every day, some of whom have become irregular contacts I am still fond of. But those bonds are important and the ones you make with your friends from here out do have the potential to span at least huge chunks of your life, if not the entirety of it. If you only take away one thing from this little novel...take that knowledge.
also this has nothing to do with asexuality but for pete's sake find SOME kind of hobby club to be a part of, or make one if there isn't one, follow your stupidest instincts for adventure on occasion (like playing freeze tag frisbee in a lightning storm on the PAC lawn at 11pm until the campus cops show up to make you go home), and take at least one "fuck it this sounds fun" class. Mine was archery at 7am, the only early-morning class I ever took. Worth it, we were all TERRIBLE but god it was awesome.
Good luck out there!
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vsaintsin · 8 days
Writeblr Re-Intro
Yo! I'm V Saintsin. Or V or Vin or Saintsin or whatever you want to call me that sounds right on your tongue. I'm a self-proclaimed Social Media fumbler who got a late start to the party and has never quite figured it out. I hate how hipster and edgy it sounds to say "I'm bad at social media" but like I used to work with some people who actually managed the social media accounts for the business we worked for and there were rules and whatnot and damn, I think online media is just not my medium. That being said, here I am! Hah
I'm an author and general mess who's hoping to be the miracle man (somebody who makes a living writing silly little stories). I do use a pseudonym but please hear me out when I say I didn't realize how edgy it sounds, it just has some sentimental value to my personal life. I'm so sorry that I sound like I'm in my emo phase HAHA
About me -
He/Him Transguy from the American Midwest (arguably the south, depending on who you talk to, but the older people still say "Sodi-pop" and "ope").
I'm dysautonomic, bendy, permanently sleepy, and a survivor of Crappy Doctors Who Suck At Doctoring.
I like DnD, Pathfinder, Baldur's Gate 3, Cyberpunk, Dragon Age, and other things in that vein.
I do make art of my stories and characters (Tablet is currently not working so I'm in a dry spell).
My writing background is predominantly ancient, dusty RPs from as far back as the foopets days and fanfic writing on Quizilla - I am an old and wizened elder of the net.
My formal education was music performance and behavioral neuroscience, I don't really know how I got where I am.
This is not my first rodeo with tumblr but it is the first time I have anything to SAY instead of just lurking.
In the event of malfunction, you can put me outside for 5 minutes and I'll probably factory reset.
My existence as I know it hinges on a massive number of sticky notes plastered throughout my room.
What I'm lookin' for -
Idk, whatever? I'm down for most things. Did you write it? Cool, let me see. I'm not too bent on genre or anything, just fascinated by the art of storytelling.
A bit tentative with fanfiction but that's just because if it's not a fandom I'm familiar with I am rather clueless about what the hell is going on and if it's a fandom I am familiar with I HUNT DOWN THE DEEP LORE.
I like art a whole lot, including fanart. Also art advice, love seeing things from different perspectives and learning something new.
Mutuals, really, for any reason. Building better connections on here, getting to know people. I am hideously bad at this but I try.
What I write -
Science Fiction with heavy subjects that matter to me - trigger warnings on a story-by-story basis.
High Fantasy (eventually books I think?) characters and their backgrounds for DnD and Pathfinder - I have been tempted to share these to help people get ideas or just for free use?
Things that I delete because I have crippling imposter syndrome and publishing makes me nauseous (doin' it tho).
Stories that I hope will make people feel less alone or that people could relate to, stories that I wish I had when life was worse and I was reaching out for anything I could find to keep me afloat, stories that try to be critical of things that SUCK in a way that's any helpful.
Lots of curse words and cussing (that's just how people talk 'round here), dubious science, things that I hope might make you cry but in a good way though.
Character-Driven stories that revolve more around the development of the person and less around the plot itself if that makes sense.
I've put blurb things below for my primary project/series which features a grumpy, queer, 37-year old chain smoking Frenchman and his misadventures with life and love and unbridled rage. If any of that sounds cool stick around and hang out? (This part is a plug bc I did a thing and I'm proud of it) And if my books sounds interesting the first one is 99 cents on Kindle and you just need a phone and a free app to read it!
THE SECRET OF LIFE (Published) - Sci-Fi/Psychological Thriller, Bi M Lead, Lovers to Enemies, AI but the oldschool cool kind not the real world thing that's stealing our future
Carlisle-Trystan Antoinette is a mercenary on a hard road, navigating life and death itself in an infinite cycle started by powers above his understanding. He has one mission - warn The Dianican Space Station of the coming threat and put a stop to a war that would encapsulate the whole of the Sol System before it can ever begin. Unfortunately for Carlisle, reality is a tenuous thing, made up only by our understanding of it. At least, according to his Psychiatrist, who tells him that there is no war, that he was never a mercenary, and that what Carlisle is experiencing is a severe but manageable psychotic break. Stripped of his combat enhancements, his bio monitor, and everything he's every known, Carlisle has a decision to make. Does he give in to the thoughts and memories, so real that he can almost taste them, or does he live a life of comfort and ease, returning to a husband and daughter that he left behind?
TWs: Domestic and War Violence, suicide, rape, medical trauma, grief, drug use
THE SILENCE OF ANGELS (Due July '24, TSoL 2) - Betrayal and Rage, Learning how to love again slow-burn romantic subplot, Learning how to Dad, A general inability for any one thing to just go right
(Quick Rough Blurb that offers no spoilers for TSoL) Making connections isn't easy for somebody who's accustomed to burning bridges. Isolation has always been Carlisle's mantra for surviving his life. Playing a role comes second nature, pretending to be the man that everyone else wants to see in him. When an old friend is murdered Carlisle finds himself as the primary suspect with all evidence pointing to him so clearly that even he calls to question what he is capable of. Unwilling to believe that he could commit such a heinous crime, Carlisle sets off to find the truth of his friend's death - was Carlisle framed or does he truly have the capacity to bring such harm upon those he loves? Old and new bonds will be tested, faith broken, and the future of everyone called into question as lines are drawn and sides are picked.
TWs: Violence, mentions of SA, graphic character death, more grief, more death
I don't know what else to say... Later!
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scribblesandsherlock · 3 months
FNAFMovie!Incorrect Quotes: Part Four
Tumblr media
WILLIAM, as Steve Raglan: You're clearly not listening. I can say whatever I want, can't I?
MIKE, half asleep: Tell me about it.
WILLIAM: I murdered another kid last night.
MIKE: I feel you.
WILLIAM: Now I have the taste of blood, I can't stop killing.
MIKE, yawning: Been there
MIKE: If I seem intense, that's for one reason and one reason only, okay? I don't wanna be here and I'm really sad.
VANESSA: Why is Barbie's the Nutcracker the only good film adaptation of the ballet that has ever been made?
MIKE, who’s been around Abby too long: Because Barbie movies slap, next question.
WILLIAM: it's time for you to die.
ABBY: One sec, let me ask my brother
WILLIAM: It's not a choi--
ABBY: Mike said no.
MIKE: I did what I could, you know, while I was also trying not to bleed to death.
WILLIAM: I will ruin your happiness, no matter the cost!
MIKE: My happiness?
MIKE, turning to Vanessa: I'm happy?
ABBY: You wanna see how hardcore I am?
ABBY: *punches wall*
ABBY: Take me to the hospital.
MIKE: Well, well, well. If it isn’t my old friend...the dawning realization that I messed up bad.
MRS. AFTON: Hey, it's your turn to wash dishes.
MRS. AFTON: 'Kay, but before that, wash the dishes. Also, use soap this time?
WILLIAM, a career counselor: Look, I would like to give you moral advice, but I have very questionable morals.
MIKE: You're my little sister and the most important thing in the world to me. I would do anything for you.
ABBY: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule.
MIKE: Absolutely not.
MIKE: What doesn't kill me should run, because now I'm ticked off
MIKE: You saved me. I owe you my life.
VANESSA: No, thanks. I’ve seen it and I’m not very impressed.
WILLIAM, first interviewing Mike: You look familiar. Have I killed one of your loved ones before?
MIKE: Fool me once, I’m gonna kill you
MIKE: Do you have any skeletons in your closet?
WILLIAM: You mean literally or figuratively?
MIKE: Honestly, the fact that I have to specify...
WILLIAM: 'Person of interest' is almost too flattering.
WILLIAM: Like, if the police were to pound on my door and go, 'Someone has been murdered in your building and you are a person of interest,' I'd be like, 'Moi? Oh, do go on.'
VANESSA: I've already sent good vibes your way… they’re coming. There’s nothing you can do to stop them.
MIKE: This is the most threatening way I’ve ever been cheered up.
MIKE: People are always asking me if I'm a morning person or a night person. And I'm just like, 'Buddy! I'm barely even a PERSON!'
ABBY: Oh just so you know, it's very muggy outside
MIKE: Abby, I swear, if I step outside and all of our mugs are on the front lawn...
ABBY: *Sips chocolate milk from bowl*
MIKE: Schrödinger’s cat is overrated. If you wanna see something that’s both dead and alive you can talk to me any time of the day.
(This can apply to both the movie and the game)
VANESSA: You know, I'm starting to regret showing you how that blender works.
MIKE, drinking toast: Why do you say that?
MIKE: Okay, maybe playing, "Whose family is more dysfunctional" was a bad idea. Vanessa's sobbing in the bathroom now. We can't get her out.
MIKE: I slept for almost 12 hours but I might still be tired so let's go for 12 more just incase.
VANESSA: Mike, that's a coma.
MIKE: Sounds festive.
VANESSA: Don’t worry, I know exactly what I’m doing. Everything is going to be fine!
MIKE: How can you still say that?
VANESSA: Because sometimes, when things get tough, denial is all we have.
WILLIAM: Okay. I get it. You've had a really hard time lately, you're stressed out, seven people died-
VANESSA: Twelve, actually.
WILLIAM: Not the point. Look, they're dead now and really, whose fault is that?
WILLIAM: That's right: no one's.
[Mike is the only one raising Abby after his dad’s depressed and his mom lost it]
MIKE: I think I'm having a mid-life crisis.
Mike’s Dad: You're, like, 15 years old
WILLIAM, sitting with his back turned: I’ve been expecting you, Michael
MIKE: How did you do that without turning around?
WILLIAM: ...To be perfectly honest, the first couple of people I did that to were not you.
[The career counselor scene]
MIKE, explaining why he's gone through so many jobs: Bad things keep happening to me, like I have bad luck or something.
WILLIAM: Mike, you don't have bad luck. The reason bad things happen to you is because you're stupid
MIKE, banging on the door: Vanessa! Open up!
VANESSA: Well, it all started when I was a kid...
MIKE: No, I meant--
ABBY: Let her finish.
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skzpixiekaifei · 3 months
Taglist: @mynameisnotlaura, @palindrome969
Kai: Hey, you want some leftovers?  Minho: What's that?  Kai: You've never had leftovers???  Minho: No, because I'm not a quitter. 
Chan: I drink to forget but I always remember.  
Kai: You're drinking orange juice. 
Kai: Can we talk about that mass email you sent?  
Changbin: Why? It was important.  
Kai: All it says is, "I'm back on my shit".  
Hyunjin, shrugging: The people need to know. 
Kai: *pitches an idea*  
Jeongin, impressed: Huh, there might be something here!  
Seungmin, under their breath: Yeah, a lawsuit. 
Kai: You know the sound a fork makes in the garbage disposal? That's the sound that my brain makes all the time. 
Kai: Twilight Sparkle was the main character because she represented the element of friendship—  
Kai: I'M NOT DONE!  
Kai: And Rainbow Dash was the sporty girl— 
Felix: Coca Cola can remove rust from metal, imagine what it’s doing to your body.  
Seungmin: Pfff, getting rid of the rust, idiot.  
Kai: Hmm... I've been drinking soda and my body's rust free... not sure where you're getting your facts from... 
Jeongin: Don't have a bookmark? Try ketchup instead!!  
Kai: What makes you think I read? 
Kai: Christmas lights?  
Chan: Check.  
Changbin: Thermos of hot cocoa?  
Chan: Check.  
Felix: Santa suits?  
Chan: Check.  
Kai: Shovel?  
Chan: Check.  
Minho: Alibi and bail money?  
Chan: Check- wait, WHAT?! 
Han, taping a knife onto a Roomba: Be free, my child.  
Kai, entering the room with a small cut on their ankle: Who the f- 
Changbin: I love you.  
Kai: I love you too. I've waited so long to hear you say that.  
*Kai and Changbin kiss passionately*  
Minho, to Seungmin: You owe me 20 dollars. 
Seungmin: Changbin, I don't like you.  
Changbin: What did you say?  
Seungmin: You heard me!  
Changbin, internally: And it turns out I actually didn't hear what the fuck you just said. 
Felix: It was me...  
Chan: ...Is going to be forgiven because everyone deserves a second chance. 
Felix: We call that a traumatic experience.  
Felix, turning to Seungmin: Not a "bruh moment".  
Felix, turning to Kai: Not "sadge".  
Felix, turning to Han: And DEFINITELY not an "oof LMAO". 
Jeongin: You use emoji’s like a straight person.  
Kai: That’s literally the worst thing anyone has ever said about me. 
Hyunjin: What do you think Kai will do for a distraction?  
Han: She'll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That's what I would do.  
*Building explodes and several car alarms go off*  
Han: ...or She could do that. 
Kai: Am I a boy? Am I a girl? It doesn't matter. I'm going to burn your house down. 
Kai: *cocks gun* Go to Bed. This is no longer a request, This is now a Threat. 
Hyunjin: I’m not stupid, you know.  
Kai: Well, you’re doing a really good impression of it! 
*Kai and Felix texting*  
Kai: Come downstairs and talk to me please. I'm lonely.  
Felix: Isn't Hyunjin there?  
Kai: Yes but I like you more. 
Jeongin, referring to Han and Felix: Those guys are dorks.  
Kai: Yes, but they’re my dorks. 
Seungmin: Is anyone going to tell me what's going on in here?!  
Changbin: It's kind of complicated, but Kai- 
Seungmin: Got it. Forget I asked. 
Seungmin: Hey do you wanna hang out this weekend?  
Kai: Generic excuse.  
Seungmin: I can’t believe you said that out loud, to my face.  
Kai: I can. 
Kai: Me when someone tells me to stop eating mayo packets like they’re gogurt tubes. 
Changbin: If you want my advice-  
Han: No offense but you’re the last person I want relationship advice from. You tried to kill your significant other. Multiple times.  
Changbin: First off, that was before we started dating. Secondly, they’ve also tried to kill me.  
Hyunjin: It’s true. It was mutually attempted murder. 
Kai, singing to the tune of I Kissed a Girl: I killed a guy, and I liked it-  
Seungmin, whispering: Should we call the exorcist?  
Hyunjin, also singing: The taste of his cherry chapstick.  
Chan, appalled: Call the exorcist. 
Kai: What’s your name?  
Changbin, whispering to Jeongin: Can I tell Her my real name?  
Jeongin: No!  
Changbin: I’m… Jeongin.  
Jeongin, whispering to Himself: The ONE TIME he gets my name right… 
Kai: The shadow realm? No, I’m sending you to Ohio! 
Hyunjin: Subs are so fun to play with. All you have to do is hint at what you might do, back them into a corner with a look, or grab their wrist in a certain way and they're a wide-eyed mess.  
Kai: What the fuck kind of Subway are you going to?  
Han: Substitute teachers deal with so much shit.  
Seungmin: Guys. 
*at 3am*  
Felix, holding the vlogging camera: *runs into Changbin’s room and turns on the light* Wake up sleepyhead!  
Changbin: *wakes up* Dude!  
Felix: *cackles*  
Kai: *sits up from where they were sleeping behind Changbin* What the fuck, Felix?  
Felix: *jaw drops* Wait WHAT- 
Kai: Clownery. Tomfoolery. Absolute fuckery, I am going to revoke your life privileges. 
Changbin: Stay foxy.  
Han: Die lonely. 
Kai: How many children do you have?  
Chan: Biologically, legally, or emotionally? Because there is a difference. 
Chan: Hey, Changbin? Can I get some dating advice?  
Changbin: Just because I'm with Kai doesn't mean I know how I did it. 
Kai: “Ladies and gentlemen” is unnecessarily gendered, overly formal, lengthy, and honestly, I’m falling asleep already. “Cowards” on the other hand, is inclusive to all genders, to the point, and dramatic. 
Kai: Hey guys, I’m making french toast sticks in the oven. I’m gonna take a quick nap, so wake me up in 5 minutes to flip them over.  
*5 minutes later*  
Jeongin: Kai it’s been 5 minutes, time to flip your sticks.  
Kai: snnnzzzz...  
Han: Life is like Kai. It's short. 
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gigidragonbbxxx · 2 months
Okay so I'll try to make it as simple and short as possible, for me the most logical way to manifest is REPETITION by repeating any affirmations over and over again it has no option but to manifest either a thought or a visual representation of your manifestation. So I've been repeating this one scenario in my head for around 2 years like the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep this specific scenario has been looping in my mind non stop even when I gave up on manifestation I quite all technique and everything I still used to loop this visuals (video) where I've everything I want like rn I'm thinking as if, I don't do this to get something I genuinely love doing this (acting as if/ visualizing) because obviously that gives me happiness my question here is why my subconscious is not reprogrammed yet when every second evey hour there is only scene in my head I don't get this and now finally I'm so hopeless and actually want a answer. Whether you believe it or not repetition is the key if you repeat something over and over and over and over and over again our brain creates new neural pathway and then it will show up in our reality. Then what the fuck is wrong with me
Everything will be okay. To whoever sent this, no you do not want to die. You want your new reality very badly and that's understandable.
So please bear with me and know I'm saying all of this with kindness:
from what I'm reading, you've been looping this scenario in your head for 2 years and are still looking for it. you already seemingly have read and taken the advice of repetition, acting as it, etc.
I'll be honest, I'm worried for you so I'm gonna go back to basics.
Are you viewing this reality as "It's mine now" or do you view it as something you're chasing?
Steps to Take:
take a break. seriously. take a break.
take stock of what has happened in your life within the 2 yrs you've been manifesting it - have there been small changes? have you been experiencing at the minimum, some of your desired reality?
take time to refocus on YOU. sit down, make a mind map of who YOU are and then make a separate one for your dream reality and see if they're truly different
treat yourself the same way the version of you in that reality would, just to jolt yourself in the feeling of living in the end and not just imagination, sometimes ppl need a lil 3D encouragement. for example, if the version of you always gets what they want, go into a store and buy your favorite snack just because. practice feeling good about your life.
even if you know what to do, going back and reading Neville Goddard or listening to edward art on youtube is helpful.
Final Piece of Advice
Suggested Affirmations
No matter what I feel, no matter how frustrated I am, nothing messes up the fact that my manifestations are coming in for me.
I know I am worthy of my dream reality.
I always do everything right.
I release any blockages or resistance that hinder me from experiencing my desired life
You know you deserve it. Treat yourself with love.
See you in your desired timeline, xx, gigi
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fortpeat · 1 year
I'm kinda feral over the fact that fort has so unabashedly mentioned on three different occasions (and maybe even more idk) that peat is the one that lead them or gave advice on what to do during their nc scenes (and all the while also being proud that he did well lmaoo) and each time he mentions it, my boy peat has looked shocked and/or embarrassed.
exhibit 1: https://youtu.be/gXh4fh2_jKg (around 3:55).
mc: "on the topic of "spicy" and handsome, what about p'peat do you think is hot in real life?"
f: "well for the nc scene, the one that gave me advice was p'peat, he suggest what to do"
p: *embarrassed laugh* "kill me, the cat's out of the bag now"
f: "really, before shooting p'peat suggested how to do things better, that's probably his "spicy" side. isn't that right?"
and this interview took place sometime in may I think where they said they were only around 50% done with filming. (also, really just recommend watching the whole interview because they're just so cute and fort is Whipped wbk)
exhibit 2: https://youtu.be/I7cpHuhzfdE (around 3:27) in which I assume filming was finished
q: which scene is hard?
p: "I think... love scene"
f: "really? but you guided me"
p: *shocked* "don't believe what he said. I just gave regular advice. I feel like love scene is something hard. I'm just a rookie actor. when it comes to love scenes, my heart will beat faster. anyway, I managed to do it. right?"
f: "you're right. though it's hard, you gave me a good tip. I did it well"
exhibit 3: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CkNQsQKLwYL/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= or https://twitter.com/poppydrc/status/1585524613504606208?t=boDncjXqZMP_kQSg7fsfSQ&s=19
and in this last one, it was definitely after filming had finished and they were also talking about the office table/board room scene
f: " actually p'peat was the one to give me suggestions since we filmed the official pilot. "fort, you have to do it like this"."
mc: "so he is the one teaching you"
f: "it was like "fort if you want me to feel something, that's my sensitive spot" something like that. "just giving you some suggestions". I was like oh, I see. but at the end, I would still follow my heart"
p: "you are making this up right?"
f: "noooo"
mc: "really? you are close enough to tell each other your sensitive spot?"
p: "yes, because we want to make it as natural as possible. my sensitive spot is my ears, but fort kept touching parts other than my ears"
mc: "touch where?"
f: "it was because of the setting. sometimes, I just couldn't reach his ears. something was blocking between us, and it was out of my reach"
mame: "it was an office table"
fortpeat: *put their heads down in laughter and embarrassment*
LIKE ??? Peat?? my son? but also fort leave my embarrassed son alone? and stop being smug? but not really because I love this for me. I'm sorry, I'm just Not normal over them at all. I've been thinking about this for days and I need more people to know about this just because.
also, peat has mentioned multiple times how it took them 3-4 takes (vs bn's 1-2 takes) to film their nc scenes because fort kept messing up (implying he was doing it on purpose). and fort mentioned how on nc scene filming days, the staff would tease him saying it's his time. like fort really was just there to have a good time with peat lmaooo
Hey nonnie ❤️
Sorry for the late reply 🙈 (time zones and I was sleeping) 😁
So moving on to your revelation MY JAW IS ON THE FLOOR. LIKE WHATTTT WAIT A GODDAMN MINUTE. IS THIS FOR REAL. (proceeds to run to YouTube)
Poor Peat, trusted Fort to keep it a secret between them and my baby is so smug that he did so well for the first time in NC scenes (be proud my love, you were phenomenal 🤣)
Also it is such a FortPeat thing to do you know for Pear to direct Fort how to do and what to do and Fort to follow it to the point. 😌🤌
I bet every time Peat showed TLC to Fort there would be fireworks blasting by the Crew just to celebrate Fort's happy moment. 🤭🤭
Also kudos to Fort following his heart and doing what he wants to NC scenes coz I feel like that has surprised Peat coz I have noticed that during the boardroom scene while Sky is still in the chair And Prapai is on his knees and just before Pai picks up Sky he looks a bit surprised and does a action like a (double take) and I always wondered what Fort was doing in that moment 😂
P. S Thank you sharing all this gold information with us. Really appreciate it ❤️😚
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How to NOT get screwed over when getting a new job
Ok, some of you might be “Uh... Why is this on a fanfic blog? (and where is a new fic? It's coming.)” Why I am addressing this is because I know that some of you are at that age when you search for a job.
Before I start, some background info: this was my first job. My parents were always supportive of me since one of them is an immigrant who knows how hard it is if you don't have the right papers in the right country. So they agreed on helping me financially until I had graduated. You know, so I have a good chance of getting a decent paying easy job. I am no genius so they also wanted me to focus more on studying than some sort of side thing happening in my life.
Now, I am not going to say here who my employer is since I signed a paper not to share stuff about them on social media. I am not violating my contract by not saying who they are since it can not be traced back to them. (Already messed up enough that I have to say this but ok, moving on.)
The first red flag was actually already present when I signed my contract. (Crazy, right? Bad employers doing a shady job since the beginning.) So I sit there , doe eyed, singing it. The person who was the representative of the company, in my case, more or less flew over the most important things but didn't get into details. My first advice: Nope. This is not good. First red flag.
Go into detail. Ask them specifically how many hours per week can be added with or without your consent. Some companies are a bit more relaxed and allow you to choose whether you want to work longer than you signed up for or not. Now, the guy said something along the lines of “You could”. Yeah, no. I always have the long shifts and from what I can see, everyone does. We are all overworked and are in desperate need of more hands. (I am not going to be advertising them. Don't worry. They even want to cut costs by not hiring any more than the absolutely necessary minimum of workers. And they wonder why peeps go on strikes...)
The second is, he was awfully relaxed in his way of talking to me. Not in an “I'm relaxed because today is a not-so-busy day” but in a “we are friends and this is a big family”. A bit too much like he was an old friend. This had been a bit weird for me since the beginning because, well, the guy literally decides whether I am getting hired or not. Shouldn't he be a bit more, idk, professional? But I noticed sooner than later (to be exact, one week after I started working for them) that the guy was simply trying to butter me up. Not in the typical way of companies roping in workers. No. He had to do this because otherwise there wouldn't be a single reason why you would start working there.
I talked about that point with one of my friends. They have a bit more experience with finding jobs and they explained to me that such “buddy-buddy” strategies are always a red flag for them. If a company is good in what they do they don't have the need for such a thing. They have a more professional way of recruiting and whilst a joke or two might be made they are by far not mostly made out of relaxed chit-chatter.
There might be even more factors that I don't even notice being at play here. But he made me sign a contract that 1. makes me to work even longer than I signed up for on some weeks (like, way too much but I am not allowed to speak about details here) and 2. pays me less than I was promised. Heck, I even had to call the German taxing department or however you call it in English because they even put me in the wrong tax-paying class. Now, if this was a small company then ok, not cool as well but at least you could push all of that on the fact that they are so small and might even be inexperienced that they make mistakes but (and a huge reason why I don't lose a word about who they are) such a huge company? They make at least MILLIONS. This is also why I avoid getting into a fight with them. If they were to throw me in front of a judge then I wouldn't be able to keep up with them. They have so much money that they can literally buy themselves out of a situation.
I hope this helps you if you are searching for a new job or are right now on the lookout for your first one.
Stay safe and healthy! (Pardon me if I made some spelling errors. I wrote this on my phone.)
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shkika · 11 months
All, any, and every drop of Pebbles & Suns content adds +5 years to my lifespan. Every word from you about them is double that. Thank you for your service
I'm really charmed you like my rambles though oh gosh. Let's try to do a small Suns and by extension Pebbles ramble.
A warning from me is that this will be a VERY headcanon-y, because we know so little about Suns. I'll still reference the game, but I will also fill any holes I see fitting.
Which means btw that this will be very LONG I am sorry hehe.
I'm gonna pick apart their natural conversation they have in the deep green pearl. I think it's unfair to craft an idea of how they interacted when Suns was worried about Pebbles literally dying WHILE killing his sister.
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WHICH HOLLY SUNS. I think they have ISSUES! Because god you are MEAN to someone who is being genuinely vulnerable to you. And sometimes that means you yourself are scared of being vulnerable.
Even after Pebbles tells them to ease down, because he's genuinely looking for advice, Suns doesn't miss out on implying he's stupid.
We also know Pebbles really looked up to Suns as well, with them acknowledging this in their conversation with NSH and with Pebbles himself referring to them as mentor-like.
In my interpretation of Suns' character, they were made by a very religious colony. As in they were kind cultish in their way of treating Suns. You've seen vague(?) hints on my blog pointing towards this with Moon saying they have political power over their own colony and with the entire deal of that one Sunstone comic I made (x). (and even here (x) "Blesseth be my name" as a little joke that people probably use their name to exclaim.
I don't think they ever wanted that attention or responsibility. I think things were messy and words were often put in their mouth by various houses. Pushed to make decisions they wouldn't have really made. Their fluffy over the top garments didn't really fit at first until they grew to play the god they were made to be. They played being an all knowing god and they hated it, but they grew into that persona until it became an undeniable part of their character.
They LOOK really put together. And they LOOK like they have a lot of power and are revered by the ancients with no drawbacks.
At least that's how it looked to Pebbles at first.
Not only was he referred to as an abomination from before being even built. With some ancients on Moon REFUSING TO MOVE on him, because they don't want him.
Now we have Suns who by all means is kind of the opposite in every way of the person who Pebbles is constantly compared to (Moon) and is STILL adored, even worshiped.
And you get the idea of how maybe they became someone who he really looked up to. And they had very similar interests too!
(Time for canon lmao)
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Moon about the music pearl (riv campaign) states that there were those that loved cultural archiving. Obviously Pebbles is one of those iterators and given he and SRS were close friends I don't doubt they enjoyed being art nerds together. <3
So they clicked. They were genuine friends, but there was some sort of dynamic there. Suns was probably kind of condescending all the time as we see in the conversation. They tried their best to be good influence, but I cannot tell you if they succeeded.. eeh
They also didn't spare him any harsh truths, despite of what Pebbles might need to actually hear. Which ironically I think perhaps made Pebbles feel more respected. Aside the fact they showed genuine interest in his research and theories and so on.
I also think Suns really enjoyed Pebbles' company, despite the fact I can't tell you how healthy it was for them to have yet another person look up to them so much.
In conclusion those two are a complicated mess to me I think!!!! They care and they left each other deeply hurt and it's sad they never got to reconcile.
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k1ng0fn0b0dy · 2 years
may i request eret, quackity, sam and foolish comforting reader? thanks x
Of course! Take care anon xx
His entire presence is comforting in and of itself. They are just a very good person to be around in general if you need calming down.
Eret has a very natural sort of peace-keeping personality that he'd definitely be very good with angry-sad people.
Her voice is just very soothing and she's got a few breathing exercises memorized.
Eret also has a bunch of extra candy laying around that he's not afraid of using to make you feel better, because you're not you when you're hungry.
That's not to say they're used to it though, they can and will startle pretty easily
As long as they care about you though, she'd still try to help anyways!
He pulls a lot of the same tricks my Mexican mother pulls when I'm upset.
Which is essentially talking loudly over you and pretending you're not upset until it works.
Okay, jokes aside Quackity is very awkward around crying people so as long as your liquids are inside of you, he's good to go.
Quackity is very much of the mindset of 'comforting distractions' to take your mind off what's making you upset.
With jokes, stories, or even singing if that helps, though his default is Mexican lullabies (they're super effective, I can personally vouch)
He's also someone who'd set up an entire blanket fort just to platonically cuddle you.
but only because he read somewhere that hugs are supposed to make you feel better (pls don't tell this man otherwise, Quackity couldn't take it, he'd instantly explode and then you'd have to comfort him)
You can't rant to him though, he will have a million and one things to say
Sam is actually really good at handling people, even upset people
He's sort of just a natural, very empathetic and caring.
Not to say Sam does it very often, but he always tries to be there and let everyone know it
he's just naturally good at reading the room and catering to your needs
Need to eat your feelings? Sam has snacks! Need really shitty romance movies and a good cry? He quite literally has hundreds and tissues, go off.
A bit awkward with physical affection but always willing as long as you don't bully him too much for it
He's also a very good listener if you need to rant, Sam is also very good at giving advice (unless it's romantic, don't ask)
Sam just cares a lot, please do the same for him because he deserves it
This man is a mess
Foolish will definitely try his best to comfort you, I can promise you that
Will it work? Probably not, this man sucks at genuine comfort
Unless his fumbling comforts you, in which case: He's amazing!
Does try really hard to be there for you and Foolish will definitely make a million stops at stores looking for your favourite comfort candy
He's the type to look up wiki-hows for comforting people but with his luck, it's a coin toss for making it worse or somehow fixing it
Has his sister and mom on speeddial and WILL rely on them for help in the event that he does, in fact, make it worse by using wiki-how
He does put a lot of effort into trying though so please let him know you appreciate that! (And also don't let Foolish try comforting anyone ever again)
[Wow, I haven't posted anything for two months. A lots happened, certain things hit me real hard and life is quite possibly peak stressful right now. I'd just like to say that I hope all of you are doing well and taking care of yourselves.]
[I'm currently in the process of switching therapists and things are wack so I'm really sorry that I stopped writing for so long. I am healthy and taking care of myself so no one has to worry. I'd love it if all of you could consider donating to curesaracome.org and continue spreading Techno's memory.]
[That's all for now so take care.]
[L0v3, k1ng]
Taglist: @creatorofstars @hiwhatsupbruv
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faterpresources · 10 months
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Sᴘɪᴅᴇʀ-Mᴀɴ : Aᴄʀᴏss ᴛʜᴇ Sᴘɪᴅᴇʀ-Vᴇʀsᴇ (2023) - Pᴀʀᴛ 2
A collection of random lines compiled from the Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023) Feel free to change the pronouns in order to better suit the parts involved.
❝ Kid's an anarchist. ❞
❝ Oh, what the heck? ❞
❝ Wanna see pictures? ❞
❝ "Chai" means tea, bro! ❞
❝ You're saying "tea tea!" ❞
❝ Would I ask you for a "coffee coffee"? ❞
❝ Yeah, actually, stop talking. ❞
❝ I don't see anything, boss. ❞
❝ This guy/girl is killing me. ❞
❝ You're welcome. Shut up. ❞
❝ You never made a mistake? ❞
❝ Why don't you have 8 arms? ❞
❝ I don't believe in consistency. ❞
❝ Neither was I! I'm in the zone! ❞
❝ It's a metaphor for capitalism. ❞
❝ You disrupted a canon event. ❞
❝ Do you wanna hold my baby? ❞
❝ Oh, I thought you hated labels. ❞
❝ I told you he/she was a liability! ❞
❝ This is what I love about heists! ❞
❝ Can you not talk for a second? ❞
❝ Did you go see your little friend? ❞
❝ Wanna go easy on the penguin? ❞
❝ You're not supposed to be here! ❞
❝ Baby... you're really not helping. ❞
❝ I was gonna try and ignore you. ❞
❝ Yeah, and how did that work out? ❞
❝ Look, I know I messed up, okay?! ❞
❝ How many sweaters do you have? ❞
❝ Why does the horse need a mask? ❞
❝ I don't always like what I have to do. ❞
❝ Of course I'm right. I'm always right. ❞
❝ I've given up too much to stop now. ❞
❝ No, no, no! I did not mean it like that! ❞
❝ Oh, I'm very good at reading people. ❞
❝ That's a sports metaphor, by the way. ❞
❝ This romantic tension is so palpable! ❞
❝ You can't ask me not to save my ___. ❞
❝ Could this day get any damn weirder?! ❞
❝ How can you guys even concentrate? ❞
❝ Do you know how bad this is for you? ❞
❝ I'm coming up to get you! Here I come! ❞
❝ You weren't expecting that, were you? ❞
❝ I promise I will not let you down again. ❞
❝ I always taught you to do it by the book. ❞
❝ I'll do it, but not because you told me to. ❞
❝ I didn't know they made those for adults. ❞
❝ We are supposed to be the good guys. ❞
❝ Cuz I think it's gonna change our vibe. ❞
❝ Running is the least crazy thing going on! ❞
❝ What are you talking about? I'm helping- ❞
❝ He/She just wants to be taken seriously. ❞
❝ I have never seen him/her so emotional! ❞
❝ You blew another hole in the multiverse! ❞
❝ I know you know I've been lying to you.  ❞
❝ I had a nightmare about that once. But no! ❞
❝ Why do you wanna be a part of this stuff? ❞
❝ I don't follow orders. Neither does he/she. ❞
❝ I think maybe we got off on the wrong foot. ❞
❝ We all want to live the life we wish we had. ❞
❝ You gotta promise nothing's gonna change. ❞
❝ Look, he/she's just some villain of the week! ❞
❝ I'm not following what's happening right now. ❞
❝ Man, what does it look like I'm trying to do?! ❞
❝ You got an hour to fix this, or I can't help you. ❞
❝ Wait! You don't know what you're doing, man! ❞
❝ Actually, we need you here, for some reason. ❞
❝ Stop pretending you know what you're doing! ❞
❝ How much trouble could he/she get in tonight? ❞
❝ You realize how messed up that sounds, right? ❞
❝ And this is where the British stole all of our stuff! ❞
❝ Are you talking to him/her, or me? Or... him/her? ❞
❝ Bit of advice: use the palm, not just your fingers. ❞
❝ How many missions have you been on together? ❞
❝ What am I supposed to do? Just let him/her die?! ❞
❝ Taking a crap on the establishment. I salute you. ❞
❝ You're both equally terrible. Does that settle it? ❞
❝ I don't even know what the right thing is, anymore. ❞
❝ I'm not a role model. I was briefly a runway model. ❞
❝ Oooh, you weren't invited, and you came anyway? ❞
❝ I'm trying to hold a serious adult conversation, here. ❞
❝ Do I, uhh... have web on my face? What's the deal? ❞
❝ You and me are finally gonna live up to our potential. ❞
❝ You let him/her leave, he/she'll only do more damage. ❞
❝ I'm about to be so much more than a villain of the week. ❞
❝ You made me feel empty, like I had a hole inside of me! ❞
❝ I'll make you pay for everything you took away from me. ❞
❝ I wouldn't call it a mess. More like a... success in progress. ❞
❝ Everyone keeps telling me how my story is supposed to go. ❞
❝ If I hadn't said it before, by the way, you're a terrible mentor. ❞
❝ Come on, go easy on the kid. He/She had a terrible teacher! ❞
❝ Please, hold your questions until I'm done breaking this thing! ❞
❝ Is this where... like, you dress up like your favorite character? ❞
❝ Where's the... the bad/girl guy you were supposed to monitor? ❞
❝ I just saw where you went, and went there without you knowing. ❞
❝ Ha! I knew I was gonna regret making him/her that web shooter. ❞
❝ It's because I thought if you knew you wouldn't love me the same. ❞
❝ This should work! Or vaporize me and everything in this building. ❞
❝ Do... do you want us to do something, or do we just stand here? ❞
❝ You don't get to have a heartfelt conversation with me right now! ❞
❝ I just need enough to get me somewhere with a full-sized collider. ❞
❝ Since I leveled up my game, I'm on a journey of self-improvement! ❞
❝ I can do all these things, but I can't help the people I love the most. ❞
❝ The hardest thing about this job is you can't always save everybody. ❞
❝ Hey, you! Could you please deactivate this wonderfully strong barrier? ❞
❝ You have a choice between saving one person and saving an entire world. ❞
❝ Don't be afraid of my friend ___,he/she just looks scary. He/She's got no bite. ❞
❝ Look bad things are gonna happen. It makes us who we are.But good things happen too, you know? ❞
❝ I hate labels, I'm not a hero, 'cuz calling yourself a "hero" makes you a self-mythologizing, narcissistic autocrat. ❞
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pinkxlicious · 10 months
Yule Ball P.2
Part 1
*Doesn't follow timeline*
I was gonna make this mushy but I have a 3rd part planned and I need things to be angsty.
Words: 2.2k
"What do you mean by that?" She asked, slightly offended and confused.
"Oh maybe its the fact that he's a player you have no idea what you're getting yourself into," He scoffed at her, "I'm actually surprised you haven't heard the stories about him, maybe you are really just a nobody."
"Oh that's really sweet, Malfloy. It's just a dance, and why do you care so much? Jealous?" She snapped, obviously irritated.
"Jealous? Why would I be jealous, I couldn't care less about who you go with," He lied, digging his nails into his palm, trying to prevent himself from saying anything stupid. Unfortunately, Draco was one to give in to impulsive thoughts and he would blurt things out without thinking.
"Oh really? Then why are you pissed that I'm going with Blaise? I don't think its a big deal, but you're acting like it is,"
"How am I acting like its a big deal? I'm just trying to tell you how he is!" Draco shot back,
"Since when did you care? I don't understand why you're acting like you care when you obviously don't! What is your problem, can't you just let me live in peace and make my own decisions??"
"No, I won't. Not unless you tell Blaise that you're not going with him," He said angrily, cringing at his own words.
"Who do you think you are??" She said in disbelief, "Why would I just ditch my date just because you told me to! For all I know, you're just trying to sabotage me!"
"Why would I sabotage yo- oh nevermind," He mumbled,
"Exactly, for the past week or two that I've known you, you've been nothing but insufferable and rude! You're constantly trying to make my life harder than it already is. And you wonder why I won't take 'advice' from you," She got up and left, she was beyond pissed and somewhat in disbelief. Who does he think he is?? Telling her what to do. What a slut.
Draco walked swiftly into the Slytherin common room, and angrily searched for his 'best friend' who he currently resented with much passion.
"Blaise," Draco said angrily and flatly, "how dare you, how fucking dare you."
Blaise already seemed to know what he was going on about.
"Look man, I know you're worked up but I have a reason-"
"No you don't!" Draco snapped angrily, "You know I like her, and you went out of your way to ask her out right? Why would you do that to me?!"
Blaise held up his hands in defense, the two seemed to be oblivious to the stares from their peers.
"Look, Draco c'mere man," Blaise guided Draco to the back of the common room with a shit eating grin. "Just hear me out on this."
"I'm not sure if I want to," Draco said lowly, following him reluctantly.
"Look I asked her out because I have a plan, a super brillant plan. I'm not gonna tell you the details because I know you're not gonna approve... But just wait, you're gonna swoop in at the right time and sweep her off her feet. Okay?" Blaise said proudly with a huge smile on his face.
"No, you have to tell me the details, Blaise. You and I both know I don't trust you enough to make decisions on your own-"
"No you just gotta rely on me this one time, you'll thank me I swear I won't mess this up. Plus, I've dealt with these situations before," Blaise smiled proudly at his words, hoping his best friend would take him up on his offer. He had a good feeling that this would go in his and Draco's favor.
"I... fine. If you screw this up I swear I'm gonna murder your entire family line. This is important to me, she is important to me," Draco warned, pointing a finger at him before sighing in exasperation. "You stress me out."
"I know,"
A day before the Yule ball, Y/n and Draco were still scrubbing cauldrons. Professor Snape decided to prolong their punishment once again, but thankfully he was merciful enough to let them off for the dance the next day. But for now, the two were stuck scrubbing their arms off on the dirty floor of the potions class room.
Y/n seemed to be extremely stressed, scrubbing the life out of her cauldron while half zoned out. She hadn't even responded to Draco's sarcastic remark to her frantic movements.
"Y/n?" Draco questioned, looking at her again genuinely concerned. Her eyebrows were furrowed slightly as her scrubbing intensified. "Y/n."
"Huh?" She snapped out of her trance, blinking her eyes in confusion. "Sorry, what?"
"Are you okay? You're like, acting weird, weirder than normal,"
"Ha ha," She said sarcastically, "I'm fine, just- I dunno."
Draco raised his eyebrows, surprised she didn't have a well prepared answer for him... Like she always had.
"What is it?"
"Why would I tell you," She scoffed, "you'd make fun of me."
He rolled his eyes, "Just tell me I don't care."
She fell silent, contemplating on whether or not she should tell him. "Did you really mean what you said yesterday? That... Blaise would just play me?"
Draco looked up, surprised she was so nervous over something he said. "Um, I'm surprised you actually took my words to heart," He said sheepishly.
"Were you just trying to get through my skin or did you actually mean it?" She said, staring him down as he scowled.
"Both, but honestly... it really has been a while since he's seen anyone. I don't know," Draco shrugged, but genuinely, he truly had no clue. He knew Blaise would play any girl. But this was Y/n and Blaise had told Draco explicitly that he had a plan. And he had no idea what this plan was.
"Are you just saying that because he's your best friend? Or are you being serious, not like you'd actually tell me the truth anyways," She mumbled quietly, Draco looked at her.
"Look, I really don't know. Just… just don't worry about it," Draco wanted to punch himself, wanting to say more but he couldn't. "Why are you worried anyways?"
"It's really not a big deal honestly..." Y/n thought about it for a sec. "It's just a dance," She thought for a few moments before laughing. "It's just a dance it's not like he asked me to date him! I don't know why I was so worried."
She smiled to herself before continuing with her scrubbing. This time she was a lot more relaxed and gently scrubbed in more fluid motions.
"Uh- how are you and Pansy?" Y/n asked, trying to fill the silence. Draco cringed and almost gagged.
"I cancelled last minute, I'm going alone," Draco admitted, slightly embarrassed that he didn't have a date. "She was just so persistent."
Y/n laughed, "I think she's rather pleasant, but yes she can be a little persistant."
"Pleasant? Are we talking about the same girl?" Draco asked in disbelief, a faint smile of amusement painted across his face. She laughed, leaning her head back, silently enjoying their brief bonding time.
"She truly isn't horrible if you really talk to her! I was her potions partner last year. She was a bit insufferable at first I'll have to admit but through it all she's a very genuine person if you take the time to know her," She said, speaking fairly high of this supposedly persistant crazy girl. Draco shook his head and scoffed.
"Whatever you say..."
"No really!-"
"Okay, okay..." Draco cut her off, she smiled in satisfaction. Draco couldn't help but stare back at her with almost a smile, staring into her eyes. He just couldn't help himself but lean in just ever so slightly. She stared back, her lips parted gently as she got lost into his gaze. His gaze flickered to her lips for a second before he turned away, breaking the tension instantly. Her breath caught in her throat before she quickly returned back to scrubbing her cauldron.
"So uh..." Y/n trailed awkwardly, "Do you know what you're wearing tomorrow?"
Draco raised his brows and scoffed, "Why is that all you talk about?" she stared up at him, offended.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that's all you talk about, do you even have a personality outside of that?" Draco sneered, he wanted to shut himself up but after that moment of vulnerability he couldn't help himself.
"I- I was just curious, is that too much? I thought we were actually getting along, why are you acting up now?" She shot back, then she added softly, "Why do you ruin everything?"
Draco, looked at her with disbelief, "I ruin everything? Have you even taken a look at yourself? You can barely contain yourself."
"Now you're just projecting," She said angrily, “Look at yourself right now! You’re barely containing yourself as it is right now. And don’t you dare talk to me like that, you and I both know that I did absolutely nothing and I’m NOT taking your shit today.”
Cleared. Silence filled the room for a bit. Draco then cleared his throat.
“Uh, a tux… you?”
She smiled to herself softly, “I found this super cute pink dress when I was at hogsmeade. It’s gorgeous but not too over the top but not super basic. It’s got this lovely detail design and it’s beautiful,” She spoke enthusiastically, Draco looked at her with amusement.
“Did you only bring up the topic to rant about your dress?” He asked chuckling near the end of his sentence as she smiled sheepishly.
“Maybe…” She said, the two were bonding again. She liked it like this, she liked it a lot actually. Then suddenly a thought crossed her head. “Do you think Blaise likes me? Or…”
“Why are you bringing up Blaise?” Draco said a little flatly, but still curious and interested into what she had to say.
“Because you know him the best,” Draco shrugged and nodded in agreement. “He is rather dreamy I guess, sounds cliche and corny I know. But like he doesn’t act like a player.”
Draco held his tongue, fighting himself internally. Preventing himself from insulting his best friend out of jealously.
“Oh yeah?” He forced out, “How so.”
“He didn’t just ask me to go to the dance and never talk to me again. He talks to me everyday, and he’s really sweet actually. Does he normally do that to other girls?”
Draco’s breath hitched. Whatever Blaise’s plans were, he wasn’t enjoying it. But he trusted Blaise enough not to steal his girl.
“I mean no not normally,” Draco sort of huffed out, frustrated slightly. She examined his facial expression.
“Are you okay? You seem mad,” She asked cautiously, although they weren’t exactly on friendly terms, she wanted to care.
“Why do you care,” Draco said coldly, she seemed upset by his words.
“Why are you being so mean again, we were just bonding like not even five minutes ago,” She said perplexed by his mood swings.
“Bonding? You call that bonding?” He scoffed and laughed coldly, “All you did was talk about your stupid dress and hooking up with Blaise. And look, to lay it out for your small brain. Blaise is gonna break your heart, just because he treats you better than the other girls doesn’t make you special.”
She seems taken aback by this outburst, she seems confused, then hurt, then angry. Her brows furrowed and she looked him in the eye.
“I didn’t say I was special or different, I was just asking you if you thought I…”
“That you what?” Draco asked coldly,
“If I had a chance, okay?” She said quickly, peeking up at his expression.
“Why??” Draco asked with so much confusion.
“He seems like a genuine person, I don’t know…”
“Y/n I thought you were smart, I guess you’re actually insanely stupid. If you haven’t heard, Blaise is a big fat player who’s bored. So all I know is that he’s only asking you because he thinks you’re another pretty face to play with,” Draco said staring her down. “You’re no different than all the girls he’s ever been with.”
Her heart broke slightly at his words, “Look I don’t need you going so low when giving me the truth. And what if you’re wrong? Maybe he really likes me? You’re so impossible, you’re always just making things so hard.”
She kept her eyes down, taking in her embarrassment and and hurt from his cruel but possibly true words. She wanted him to be wrong so desperately.
“Don’t come crying to me when he shatters your heart in a million pieces because I won’t be there to listen to your dumb fucking rants. And your dress is probably hideous like every part of you.”
She got up and left without another word, she couldn’t let him get any satisfaction of her tears. Even though if he had saw them he would feel the exact opposite. Draco didn’t know why he said such cruel things to her. Especially this one, this one was much worse than all the others. And right now he wished he had just kept his mouth shut and listened.
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lqwrvsso · 5 months
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kissed you."
@stevieevenstar asked for number 78 so here u go🤭
u can read it on ao3 too !!
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Daniel put his beer on the coffee table, frowning, looking weirdly at Johnny.
"Why do you even care what happened?" he murmured, not with an 'angry' tone, more like a really curious tone. He's not used to Johnny caring about anything that happens in his life.
"Well, I- uh. Dunno. I like gossips," he said, and Johnny Lawrence talking about gossips? Jeez. "Like, you appear here at-" he looked at the clock. "Almost 2 am, with a black eye and say you just need a drink. Wouldn't you be curious in my place?"
Well. He has a point.
"I guess," he shrugged, biting his lip.
Johnny was way too close to him. They usually sit in different sofas, but since that first time when Johnny gave him advice, they started to get closer and closer and now their legs are- you know. Touching. A little bit too much.
"There was this… This stupid asshole at the bar I was," Daniel murmured and Johnny opened his eyes wide. "Yeah, Johnny, sometimes I go to bars too," he rolled his eyes but smiled softly with Johnny's face.
Maybe they drank too much already, but, who cares?
Not him. Not Johnny.
"So? What happened?" Johnny asked, moving his leg against his like trying to say keep going.
"I'm not really sure. He was bothering this girl and I just- I didn't even think before pushing him. But, you should've seen how I left him," he chuckled and Johnny laughed and- it was weird that Daniel was thinking about how much he likes to hear him laugh? A sincere laugh?
And it was weird that the feeling was even better because he made him laugh?
He took back his beer and took a long sip, wanting to think of anything else- until Johnny stretched and put an arm behind him- like- like those kids in movies do when they want to get the girl.
"And then you just thought that it'd be a nice idea to come here and keep drinking," Johnny said with a silly smile and Daniel could swear he feels him more close to him. "I was trying to sleep, you know? You messed up my sleep schedule," he smirked and Daniel rolled his eyes.
"I can leave if I'm bothering you," he said and made a move like he was going to stand up, but then, Johnny took him by the wrist.
"No. Stay," he murmured, a little serious. It was weird to listen to Johnny talking with some kind of seriousness.
Johnny pushed him back to the sofa and Daniel looked at his lips.
He could-
He could blame the beer.
That'd be a pussy move, but he could just-
Would his lips taste like beer?
His brain stopped working before he could decide if it was a good idea or not and from one moment to another, Daniel was kissing him.
Daniel LaRusso was kissing Johnny Fucking Lawrence.
He felt his cheeks getting so, so red and he felt how Johnny didn't kiss him back.
That was it. That was the end of their friendship. One night of him being way too drunk to think about the consequences of his stupid actions and he- he does stupid shit like this.
He got away, blinking fast like if that'd help him think.
"I- I'm sorry, I- Uhm. I shouldn't have kissed you. That was so stupid and I didn't even think I just I thought you were kinda interested in that but I think I misread the signals that probably weren't even signals and I don't want our friendship to die because I really like spending time with you and I jus-"
Before he could stop talking, some lips were on his. Well, Johnny's lips were on his. Like, his own choice. His own decision. Daniel was pretty sure he didn't start the kiss again and he was sure that Johnny is actually kissing him.
He opened his eyes wide before kissing him back. It didn't last long, but it felt so good.
"You still talk too much when you get nervous, huh?" Johnny smiled, taking a sip of his beer. How can he be so calm?! "I really wanted to kiss you, man. I wasn't sure if you were into that and all of that crap. Robby said I should try to play it cool and make you fall for me first, make the first move," he smiled like if that was the best thing he has done in his entire life and Daniel didn't really know what to say. He had a lot of questions.
But, he figured it'd be wiser for once to shut up and he kissed him again and again and again.
There was something on Johnny's lips that was really addictive. Daniel doesn't think he could live without them anymore.
And, well, he doesn't want to blame it on the beer.
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transmutationisms · 7 months
hi caden you’ve talked before about enjoying using stimulant drugs i am interested from the pov of someone who isn’t going to be like “they cured my symptoms <3” what they did for you. i’m considering getting an adhd diagnosis bc i think i could benefit from the meds even though i don’t think the classification itself is useful
finally, a medical advice question i can answer. i will cut to the chase here: i basically just like being mildly high on amphetamines. if you ever like, drank a shitload of caffeine all at once, that's kind of a shittier and weaker version of how it feels when an rx stimulant kicks in. they make you feel more energetic and awake (good for me because i am eepy), they can produce a mild sense of euphoria, they generally just sort of heighten your arousal / attention / alertness. for me, i pretty reliably experience this as being more confident / lively / interested in things (tho it's not uncommon for many people that this can also feel like heightened anxiety, so ymmv). i can use this boost to like, get work done, or just for recreational purposes lol. often both! i actually used to have short-release stims as my rx, and a lot of times i would snort them, again sometimes purely recreationally and sometimes more prupose-driven. if you're going to do that there are some additional health risks lol so i wouldn't necessarily recommend it casually, but ya know. (i have kinda soured on the short-release ones anyway because i tend to forget to keep re-upping them and then i get terrible crashes coming on and off them. the long-release are a little kinder in that respect, you just won't really be able to mess with the dose to the same degree.)
there's a lot of mystification around rx stimulants from psychiatric and pharmaceutical authorities who are trying really hard to differentiate their products from more stigmatised, illegal uppers. this really appealed to me when i first got dxed with adhd lol, but is basically horseshit, pharmacologically speaking; uppers are uppers and some people like them. for example, i also enjoy coke, but it's expensive, doesn't last that long, and comes with the risks of any black-market drug, where i'm not able to know for sure how much it's cut & with what, &c. so, i don't really think of rx uppers as being different categorically to black-market ones, but all drugs have different considerations and you might like one over another for any number of reasons.
anyway yeah: i like adhd drugs, and although i can and do use them to accomplish certain things (like, it is true they make it easier to sustain focus, eg on work or boring chores or whatever), i do also just like the feeling of using them. i don't feel like i need to justify either of those reasons for using stims lol, and also, separating the two is basically impossible in practice and imo is really just a fantasy of drug moralisers who don't want to admit that a it's, like, ok to enjoy substances. obviously, if you want to look into uppers, i would also strongly recommend keeping an eye on potential side effects and long-term risks, of which there definitely are some (particularly some cardiac things to keep in mind, and risks go up if you're using higher amounts, and/or mixing with other substances esp downers).
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laguezze · 11 months
PAC: Bold Words You Need to Hear
Theme: BS&T by BTS
Hello! I know my scheduled reading is "Characteristics of your soulmate" however I had a different calling. I sensed that some people needed to hear some advice so here I am with some bold words channeled for you all! As always, take what resonates!
These messages are BOLD. Some of it may not be pretty and what you want to hear. Please please please take what resonates and leave if it doesn't. I don't want to hurt anyone but it's what I channeled and what I feel called to share by my guides.
Here are the piles!
Pile I
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Pile II
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Pile III
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Ready? Let's go!
Pile 1
You are not lost. You're not beyond repair. But you are guilty.
The things that happened, happened. That's it. Can't change it, can't go back and fix it.
Now what will you do? How do you repair the damage done? How will you change for the better?
Stop whining about feeling guilt and do something about it. Playing the victim will not do anything. If you're so guilty and ashamed give yourself the accountability you need in order to heal.
You messed up, that happened. Now what?
Don't just stand there, do something. TAKE ACTION TOWARDS GROWTH.
You might have done something to someone, yourself, or a group of people.
I'm hearing certain things that are a bit PG and uncomfortable so I won't share.
I'm hearing some of you need to go to a support group, some of you might need to try therapy, join an activism group you damaged, have a conversation with the people you hurt, stop some bad habits you might have with yourself, quit addiction, respect yourself, journal.
Pile 2
Do you actually hate yourself? Do you actually feel sad and helpless? Because it feels like you may be enjoying this darkness you live in wayyy too much. Stop complaining about your issues while you do nothing about them. It's as if someone broke their arm and complained about the pain all the while not resting or visiting a doctor. Realize that true happiness is what you want and although it won't make you feel edgy and alternative and different from everyone else, it's what you need and want.
If you're gonna revel on your pain, at least be honest about it and stop complaining about it. Do you actually wanna be happy? Do you actually hate being this way?
Feels like some of you may be struggling with some things, you're not alone. However this is a call to get better.
It's easy to let yourself be consumed by the pain and to enjoy the attention it brings due to the pity you receive. But it's not healthy. Be aware of this.
If you're in need of help, seek it. There's nothing wrong with that.
Pile 3
Stop envying every single person you come into contact with. You want their life? Ok, then take steps in yours instead of longingly staring at them and expecting some miracle to happen that will make you become them. You're you and that's fine. Stop trying to imitate people. Envying someone is not good for you or them, realize that your life is yours and so you have power to shape it however you want.
You are not a little helpless peasant staring at some evil, big noblemen. Quit that. You're putting yourself in a position of weakness.
Don't hate people for having what you want. Work to have it yourself. Empathize. You're no different, you both pee and poop and breathe the same air so stop it.
Some of you have bad attitudes and resentment towards a group of people or person because of the fact that they have something you lack.
You are being called to work inwards and observe that your behavior is not great.
Work on being kinder and empathetic.
The End.
(it said bold and it is bold.)
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inchidentally · 6 months
Hi! I just saw your brilliant post about the Landoscar turning point and as you asked other people's opinions here I am, I didn't want to crash the original post so here are my thoughts about it (It may be long, sorry!)
Disclaimer: neither of us know how they actually are and this is all based on their public personnas.
I think Lando and Oscar are figuring their relationship out slow but steady, and it's super interesting because as you mentioned it's so different to Lando's previous teammate relationships.
Carlos: Instant click. Carlos quickly assumed the role of the older brother and experienced driver. Carlos is an introvert and Lando was VERY shy at the beginning of his F1 adventure, so it wasn't an overwhelming dynamic for Lando.
Daniel: The polar opposite. A very overwhelming extrovert. I think that's one of the reasons it took them longer to get along. Daniel tried hard to be friendly but Lando just needed time. It didn't help that Lando was probably missing Carlos. At the end of their first year together they were already what people was expecting of them: jokes, laughs and two funny guys having a great time.
It's unfair to analyze all of this without mentioning the sports-side of things which is vital. Carlos taught Lando how to be in an F1 team, shared his telemetries, gave him advice. I guess that for a 19-yr old Lando that made him feel closer to Carlos. In Daniel's case it was trickier. Everybody expected Daniel to destroy Lando but Daniel struggled. A lot. And we know Lando tried to help but it was a complex problem, and that must make things a bit more awkward and distant. After the 1-2 in Monza and Daniel finally getting a great result, that awkwardness seemed to dissipate.
And now Oscar.
Oscar is a reflection of rookie Lando, but older and probably less anxious. They seem at ease since the very beggining (a softer 'instant click' I'd say) due to Oscar's calmer nature, and we know Lando does better at first with those introvert types. Worth noting that I don't think Lando had this 'heartbreak' after seeing Daniel leave as he had with Carlos, because he knew Daniel was suffering in McLaren to the point it was affecting his health, so it was good for him to leave. So Oscar's arrival was already smoother than Daniel's, and it's important to mention that they weren't complete strangers, Max Fewtrell knew Oscar personally and probably talked about him to Lando before the Aussie arrived at Mclaren.
So a good starting point but as Lando said, Oscar is in his "serious phase". He wants to show that he deserves the seat and that he's not here to be McLaren's #2. Add that to his introverted personality and you'll have a difficult code to break for Lando. I imagine Oscar thinking at the beginning that Lando would want to play mind games with him, but that boy seems pretty honest and if he tries to get close to someone is because he genuinely likes them.
They're probably in that point where they know can trust each other, but they still feel a bit like strangers. They don't seem to have a lot in common aside of racing but give them time. Lando started playing golf because of Carlos. Daniel started to mess around with his photo camera because of Lando, I'm sure they'll find a common ground.
So I agree, they've not had their turning point yet, but I think they're cimenting a solid relationship without rushing things. Maybe not seeing each other during the off-season will bring them closer as I'm very sure they're going to miss each other. And if the car performance continues being good next year, that will help them too. More battles in track doesn't necessarily mean a brocedes situation, as most people think. It's way worse to have a shit car and being grumpy because you're battling for P12.
So to sum things up I think their current state is: Good relationship with a solid base to build a friendship. Mutual admiration and respect. And a dash of mutual fascination too ;) If you got here, thanks for reading!
I love this and I agree!!
what's so interesting is that i my other analyses (it's very weird I have so many askgfksagf) including my carlando astrology one is that I've never really considered before that Carlos is more an introvert than an extrovert like you said. I very much see him as a natural leader and his genetic makeup absolutely puts him in the more 'dominant' position with his teammates. and obviously he's very easygoing with humor and naturally funny but in fact he clearly isn't much of a show pony like Daniel. even him zoning out as he said is more that he just has kind of moved on from the conversation and is thinking about something else. and his romantic relationships are as private as an F1 driver's can be with the huge majority of content coming from paps and journalists and fans. his love of spending quality time with family during the winter break is also very introverted.
and I actually have a thought about the needing to find common ground the way he has golf with Carlos and friends and photography with Daniel. since Oscar truly is someone who has his job as a racing driver and then otherwise switches off to video games/TV/naps I feel like what's bound to happen with him and Lando is that they find their friendship in those liminal spaces. I feel like Oscar is way too shy to appear in Quadrant videos or Lando's streams but then Steve is a very lowkey part of that team so I still think he would work?? and I love like you say that Oscar already has that connection with Max F so it would be so cool to have him integrated into Lando's life that way... IF you could get him to agree to it which is a big if.
same about the brocedes worries (I did an insane post abt that too). Lando wears his emotions right on his face and doesn't have much verbal filter so if he were going to develop bad feelings toward Oscar then it either would have happened at the start of the season when the car was awful or when Oscar's success started paralleling Lando's mid season. but they both seemed to gain a lot of solidarity from that rough start and we know how hard Oscar has worked to show Lando that when the race is done, all rivalry between them is over.
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