#I went Batshit w this can you tell-
nulfaga · 2 years
maybe foundation explains this, my 1 p*rate site didn't have it and i cbf to shop around bc the art style is ugly but it baffles me that thane's first kill in 2158 was a human. you know for his training as part of the compact. right. so what human pissed off the hanar so badly (within A YEAR of first contact) that they wanted him dead. was he just a holdover from the war w/ the turians that no one knew what to do with. who was this guy. did he make it to kahje somehow or was thane carrying out interplanetary hits from day 1. so many questions
#this was 10 years after earth even discovered the mass relays lmao#humanity just had a KICK ME sign on its back right off the bat ig#also. something something thane's first kill as a child (a clumsy affair where he barely escaped w his life) being a human#something something he's a human culture buff who's read locke and the princess bride#and who takes his son to new mexico (home to roswell. come on)#something something kneeling in front of irikah & asking her to 'save him' & promptly rushing into a family life he wasn't equipped for#the very moment he caught on that freedom was an option#again idk if theres a timeline for all of this but i like to think he was VERY young when he and irikah got married & had kolyat like 20ish#(and anyway he can't have reasonably been much older can he. if he was even 25 then kolyat is 13 by the time of me2.#you look me in the eyes and tell me that is a 13 year old. there's no way)#but the reason i like it narratively is it's so like farcical and tragic like#the compact as a social construct stunted him so badly that the moment he saw an alternative he just went for it no holds barred#while being a traumatized adolescent killing machine w no marketable skills outside murder#leading to this batshit situation where he suddenly has a son he barely knows how to interact with#and then he has to fall back on the murder thing ANYWAY because he's no good at anything else#and kolyat age 10 gets to listen in while his father asks his mother's blessing to go shed some blood in order to put food on the table.#the fact that thane still talks abt the compact with pride in me2. when it set this batshit miserable tone for his life for NO REASON#massively effectual
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moneymartin · 18 days
nika hcs? anything tbh…… maybe things she’d do in a relationship! :)
gf!nika hcs ✧.*
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warnings: suggestive content and smut at the end under the divider :p
a/n: anonie this is so kyoot thank u 🥸 kind of long?? i got carried away 😣
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my beautiful croatian baby where do i even start with you…
this girl is the definition of ALL THE FIVE LOVE LANGUAGES
defff loves having conversations. could talk to you for hours on end and never ever get tired of hearing you talk
long talks = a good relationship w her
you two 100% play basketball together
promises to go easy but goes absolutely batshit crazy on you when shes playing defense
will literally break your legs if she has to just so she can score when shes on offense
when you guys go to the gym you spot her sometimes and her shirt always rides up andddddd and
ok what i’m saying is you love her abs
they’re great.
LOVES being touchy
esp in public… has no shame whatsoever and isn’t ashamed of it
keeps her hands on yours, grabs your arms, or always holds your thigh when she has the chance
also really super possessive and protective over you. if she sees someone staring at you for more than a second she’ll start to make out w you in front of them so they scram
hugs you in front of them too with her head over your shoulder so she can stare them down while you’re incredibly oblivious to what or why shes doing it 😭
she marks you up in easy to see places so ppl know that you’re taken…
also gave you a bracelet or necklace with her initial on it and a heart charm or something like that😇
when you guys cuddle shes 100% big spoon no debate abt it
loves seeing you all tired she thinks its adorbs 😢
plays with your hair while you try to fall asleep or does it while you’re on the phone trying to sleep
but if she’s in a really bad mood she’ll switch and be lil spoon
makes you scratch her back so she can relax before she sleeps
and you gladly do it!!
love love lovess doing the little things for you
if you’re sick she will cook you up something good asfk for breakfast in bed
babies you the whole time too cause she can’t help herself ☹️
when she’s at an away game and you can’t make it she has this little notepad and writes love letters on them for every day she’s gone (iykwim)
i feel like she’d spoil you too !
mention one small thing and she’s already ordering it off of amazon
if you mention an artist she’s buying you tickets to their concert already 🙇‍♂️
new clothes like every week i swear
acts of service is her thang too
will do the dishes or the laundry whenever you need her to
she doesn’t even say no either like she’ll stop whatever she’s doing and will do what you ask
drives you all over the place even if its in a wholeee different state 🥲
when you can’t make dinner she’ll do it for you
i feel like she’s also very open to trying new things
maybe new foods with you or new date ideas when you get bored of the reused ones
i think she’d LOVE roller coasters
thats probably the one place you two would never get bored of
cooks you croatian food 🥹
in summer she takes you there too and you get to go to all the places she went to when she was a kid there 🙁
loves talking abt her home country. she’s so proud of it
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soft dom. NO DOUBT ABOUT IT.
your pleasure is incredibly important to her
she doesn’t care about what she feels, she cares about what you feel
def uses a strap i can tell… she’d use it most of the time
LOVES overstimming you though its something she can do for hours but will stop when it seems like too much and you’re practically sobbing 😭😭😭
rough unless asked to be soft and gentle
service top is what i mean
10000% cusses in croatian 😩
like she’ll be face deep in between your legs and she’s mumbling curses under her breath and its SOOO HOT
when she tops too her face will be right next to your ear and every time she moves she’s grunting something in croatian
honestly i feel like she’d be a scratcher if you ever switched it up
marks and dots of blood ALLLLLL OVER YOUR BACK
you try to show them off afterwards so she knows how pathetic she ended up becoming 😇
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xiaoao · 2 months
ok so like I just finished “Bocchi The Rock” just recently and
i started thinking ab how the haikyuu teams would react or smth like that
im prbly gonna make this a series but yeah 
lets start with our all time favorite, Karasuno !!
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Words : 2.1k
ʸ/ᴺ ᵀᴴᴱ ᴿᴼᶜᴷ! ♪♫
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♩ - They’re overjoyed!! To hear that their heavily introverted manager has FINALLY found people to talk to
♩ - it’s a great thing that they all share the same interests!!
♩ - even they ( Karasuno ) can’t make y/n speak or do something like that, let alone perform in front of people!!!
♩ - they’re extremely proud, ESPECIALLY Kiyoko and Sugawara
♩ - “they’ve grown so much…. (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)” “they have.” - Sugawara and Kiyoko
♩ - Tanaka and Nishinoya almost cried in joy and almost tackled you ( Ennoshita grabbed them by the collar before they did )
♩ - everyone was so supportive!!
♩ - when you said that your first gig will happen soon and you had to sell a specific amount of tickets, you had to get more from the manager so that everyone could come
♩ - then a hard weather struck, despite putting up paper dolls to fend off the storm
♩ - you and your bandmates were DEVASTED, only a few ppl showed up
♩ - the bassist you met that helped you promote your band and had a street performance came though!!!
♩ - then suddenly, they came!! Even Yachi and Kiyoko came!!
♩ - your bandmates were pleasantly surprised, but was happy that a bunch of people came to watch anyways ( even if the large group came for you specifically )
♩ - at the end of the gig, the third years cried ( Kiyoko shed a few tears, after all, you were improving as a person. )
♩ - even though you still had room for improvement to look at the crowd when performing, everyone believed that it was worth walking in the heavy storm ( “Tsukki liked the performance! I can tell because he was really focused on you!” - Yamaguchi )
♩ - all in all, everyone love you dearly and is very proud of you
ᶜᴴᴬᴿᴬᶜᵀᴱᴿ ᴴᴱᴬᴰᶜᴬᴺᴼᴺˢ! ♪♫
#¹ ᴰᵃⁱᶜʰⁱ ˢᵃʷᵃᵐᵘʳᵃ! ♪♫
♩ - when he first met you as Karasuno’s manager training for Yachi’s support in the future, he was reaaaal hesitant
♩ - but when everyone learned that you played the guitar, everything went batshit ( positively )
♩ - but he’s supportive, your number one supporter absolutely 
♩ - watches you play cs he wants to make sure you arent injured
♩ - he isn’t aware that you’re THAT guitar he sees on his feed
♩ - thinks you’re very good at the guitar !!
♩ - he thinks your personality is a very big contrast into what you play ( rock )
♩ - thought you were a completely different person when playing the guitar ( partially true ig )
♩ - will continue to support your future gigs!! 
♩ - if you go professional one day, he says he’d go to every gig he can 
#² ˢᵘᵍᵃʷᵃʳᵃ ᴷᵒᵘˢʰⁱ! ♪♫
♩ - was so surprised when he learned you played the guitar
♩ - was probably thinking ukelele BUT NOOO
♩ - his eyes widened when he saw that large ass case and when you opened it it was an electric guitar
♩ -”????” was written all over his face
♩ - thinks ure still a cutie tho
♩ - he LOVES looking at your focused expression when trying to learn a new song
♩ - is so overjoyed he’s losing his mind
♩ - “MY Y/N IS SO TALENTED (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)” - Sugawara
♩ - when he learned you can play acoustic, he visited your place and listened to you play
♩ - he had SUCH a big grin it was so cute
♩ - not that u noticed since u were too preoccupied with the guitar
#³ ᴬˢᵃʰⁱ ᴬᶻᵘᵐᵃⁿᵉ ♪♫
♩ - You didn't expect he'd be so nervous when you touched the guitar
♩ - tbf you threw the guitar in your hands ( js shows your bond w the guitar 🤲 )
♩ - he, too, was also “????”
♩ - he worries for your ears 
♩ - and fingers, he noticed that they had scars and looked rough
♩ - he sees you as a talented person though!! 
♩ - he had a hunch you were THAT popular guitarist but just thought he was hallucinating
♩ - is willing to go to your gigs to support you!! Even if the people there are intimidating!!
#⁴ ʸᵘᵘ ᴺⁱˢʰⁱⁿᵒʸᵃ! ♪♫
♩ - His eyes went BRIGHT.
♩ - As if there were stars in his eyes!! Really!!
♩ - He was really amazed when he heard from Ennoshita that you play the guitar
♩ - Same as Sugawara, he was expecting something small like a ukelele or something like that based from your personality
♩ - Seeing that electric guitar in your hands, he smiles so brightly it shows his extroverted energy
♩ - will go to your gigs no matter when and where, LITERALLY.
♩ - in his timeskip, he travels around the world, and if he hears any news that you're gig is somewhere around the world, HE WILL AUTOMATICALLY GO THERE.
♩ - ALSO your number 1 supporter behind the 3rd years !!
#⁵ ᴿʸᵘⁿᵒˢᵘᵏᵉ ᵀᵃⁿᵃᵏᵃ! ♪♫
♩ - Was the most interested one honestly
♩ - since he was a “punk” or “gangster”, I feel like he'd be interested in punk music
♩ - it just so happens you cover punk music in secret!!
♩ - the first to find out that you were THAT guitarist, but didn't tell anyone for obvious reasons
♩ - he's actually pretty quiet whenever you're practicing with Karasuno
♩ - again, is willing to go to every gig you have if he's not too busy
♩ - ( the timeskip ) at one gig, he came with Kiyoko as a way to celebrate their wedding, and Tanaka cried at the amount of people who came to watch you
♩ - “Y/N HAS IMPROVED SO MUCH. (´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ `)♡” - Tanaka, Kiyoko was rubbing his back as you awkwardly stand there.
♩ - after the gig, he learned that a lot of people came specifically for YOU and he cried in Kiyoko's arms again
#⁶ ᶜʰⁱᵏᵃʳᵃ ᴱⁿⁿᵒˢʰⁱᵗᵃ! ♪♫
♩ - The sweetest 🥹
♩ - First to find out you played the guitar
♩ - he spotted you in one of the classrooms, on the brink of tears cs your guitar's string wouldn't tune well, so you thought it'd break ( since the guitar was given by your father, you didn't want to break it of course )
♩ - helped you calm down, even helped you fix the guitar
♩ - just watched you the whole time you practiced
♩ - helped you patched up your fingers too when they had cuts and blisters
♩ - if the 3rd years are you number one supporter, then he's your number 1 fanboy
♩ - similar to Tanaka, he literally broke down due to the improvement.
♩ - “I feel so proud (´ ͡༎ຶ ͜ʖ ͡༎ຶ `)” - Ennoshita
♩ - safe to say, you'll always see his face during gigs and concerts.
#⁷ ᴴⁱˢᵃˢʰⁱ ᴷⁱⁿᵒˢʰⁱᵗᵃ! ♪♫
♩ - lord bless his soul
♩ - when he saw your hands all blistered and covered in some tape he full on panicked
♩ - when you explained, his eyebrows raised
♩ - he stood there awkwardly and went like “oh.”
♩ - but despite everything, he was really invested whenever you'd practice with Karasuno
♩ - he sees you as someone ambitious, talented, and gifted
♩ - when he received the news you were in a band, he was skeptical due to your very Introvertedness
♩ - but in the end, he believed you
♩ - during your first gig, he was as nervous as you for some reason!!
♩ - but before the song you and your band created start, you hear him audibly whispered “You can do it!!” Together with Yamaguchi
♩ - Is still super nervous when going to your future gigs
♩ - he saw your improvement and is super proud and happy where you are at!!
#⁸ ᴷᵃᶻᵘʰⁱᵗᵒ ᴺᵃʳⁱᵗᵃ! ♪♫
♩ - he was also quite shocked, but one of the people to have expected you had a hidden talent
♩ - at some point, he wanted to ask you if you could teach him, but brushed it off
♩ - is super duper supportive!!
♩ - one time during one of your gigs ( a future gig ), he persuaded his family to come
♩ - they did NOT regret, his family said they wanted to come to the next gig
♩ - you were still very awkward that time, so you just awkwardly bowed as a thank you
♩ - mans great at persuading people cause bro got a lot of people into your music
♩ - ( time skip ) he still listens to your music even if he doesn't physically go to your gigs and concerts
♩ - he streams and shares your music to a lot of people he knows!
♩ - your number 1 moral support 🥹
#⁹ ᵀᵒᵇⁱᵒ ᴷᵃᵍᵉʸᵃᵐᵃ! ♪♫
♩ - when he first heard your skills in the guitar, he was so stiff
♩ - it's like that one time where he couldn't compliment Tsukishima
♩ - when he praised you, it was so awkward.
♩ - but, Sugawara came in to save the day and clear up what Kageyama meant
♩ - he.. Surprisingly listens to your music on an mp3 player ( back then )
♩ - during timeskip, he listens to your music, whether it'd be rock / punk music, soft music, solos, collabs, etcetera, he'd listen to it before volleyball matches
♩ - in all honesty, you were the second person Kageyama was close to, so he wants to support you in any way possible
♩ - not that he'd admit anything..
♩ - even when he doesn't go to your concerts and gigs, he's there virtually watching your concerts and gigs through the screen together with his other teammates in the Adlers
#¹⁰ ˢʰᵒʸᵒ ᴴⁱⁿᵃᵗᵃ! ♪♫
♩ - Was literally SO HYPED when he learned you played the guitar
♩ - “can you play something?! Pleaseee?!” - Hinata
♩ - thinking back at it, Hinata was probably your best hype man
♩ - he persuaded you to perform in one of the events in Karasuno, and it was a success
♩ - same as Narita, he invited his whole family ( except Natsu cause she wasn't allowed ) in your first gig, and you gained a lot and a lot of praise
♩ - Hinata is always, ALWAYS present when your practicing
♩ - he'd always be near you, sitting beside you, in front of you, etcetera
♩ - he's hyperfocused!! If only he can be this focused during class
♩ - he asked if he could be taught one day
♩ - he retracted that statement after learning his hands can get affected bro did not want to sacrifice it for the sake of volleyball
♩ - same as Kageyama, due to being a professional volleyball player, he doesn't have much time in his hands
♩ - but he'd listen to your music the night before a match, and just a few minutes before a match
♩ - he'll always support you!!
#¹¹ ᴷᵉⁱ ᵀˢᵘᵏⁱˢʰⁱᵐᵃ! ♪♫
♩ - bro looked like he expected it
♩ - well, actually he did, after seeing how rough your fingertips are, he had a hunch
♩ - also one of the few people that knows you're THAT guitarist ykyk
♩ - as much as he seems uninterested, he was actually invested during your first gig
♩ - he personally believed that you carried the second song after the first song being so untuned
♩ - but he won't say shit.
♩ - since you both are quiet, you two bond quite well
♩ - at some point you two were alone in the classroom, you were quiet as you strum the guitar
♩ - you can assume that's the time where Tsukishima started tolerating you better
♩ - he doesn't seem like a fan of your music, but during your high school days??
♩ - he had every song downloaded in his mp3, no one knew even Yamaguchi
♩ - that was his lil secret hehe
♩ - up until now, he listens to your music ( your solos and the soft music ) during studying, and the other music ( your punk / rock music ) before matches
♩ - it's his personal “hype man”
♩ - he'll always secretly support you from the shadows
#¹² ᵀᵃᵈᵃˢʰⁱ ʸᵃᵐᵃᵍᵘᶜʰⁱ! ♪♫
♩ - sweetie 🥹 (2)
♩ - he was the first to point out your fingers, that's how Tsukishima found out actually
♩ - whenever you'd leave your guitar alone and he's near the guitar, he'd always guard it just in case someone wanted to hold it
♩ - he even cleaned it once!!
♩ - when he could play music, he'd play your soft ( kind of lofi vibe ) ones on the speaker, or one of your solos where you sing and your voice is really comforting
♩ - he loves listening to you hum when you're practicing
♩ - Yamaguchi would share his mp3 playlist with other Karasuno members, or other people in general HAHAHA
♩ - loverboy. (2)
♩ - your number 2 fanboy. 🥹
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agendabymooner · 11 months
colour me your colour || toto w. x ofc (6)
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Summary: Tilly Marie nearly loses faith in her passion as she refuses to listen to everyone who told her to quit. Everyone but one. And it’s the man she met years ago at a racing event she didn’t want to attend. Who would have thought that her father’s partial ownership of three brands could take her to the zone of Mercedes and meet the love of her life?
Chapter summary: Toto makes it harder for her to not flirt in front of the cameras, and with the comfort that came with it, Tilly doesn’t even see the bad parts of the media. Not until the next day.
Content warning: Age-gap, mention of Kimi Raikkonen flirting, whipped!Tilly and Toto caught in 4K, touchy feely vibes, brief use of explicit language
Note: We getting that communications studies degree starting this fall 😩 omw to bag that f1 money ykwim 🙈
Also, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 140 FOLLOWERS?! You guys are batshit crazy and I love you all for it. I hope my cracked-out thoughts somehow made your day… or more. Here’s another chapter for our dearly beloved Toto. Enjoy xx
vi. love on camera
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   I’ve been with the sky sports people for almost three hours now. My feet are thankful for sticking to a pair of low pump heels instead of running around the paddock and garage with a five inch heel. 
And I’ve been thanking myself for dressing well enough today. It doesn’t even look like I’m here as a support for Red Bull. My linen shirt is loosely tucked in my bell-bottom jeans, two buttons are undone to allow the air to flow freely through my body. The Chanel belt hugs me so tight, I feel as if I have little to no oxygen to breathe in. A Red Bull jacket is worn over my shirt, and I left it unzipped as I feel warm. 
I had never worked on a full live set before. It was nerve wracking to say the least. But after finding out that my father practically sold me, I feel as if I have nothing to lose. Suddenly I’m worse than a pessimist. 
My sisters made sure to tell me that I’m live on television by sending filtered photos of myself. Our youngest sister is the one having the field day with the group chat. She’s been showing her friends that I’m on television. She better be thankful I love her. I never enjoyed being the topic of a discussion. I’ve heard enough from Christian, thank you.
So far, I haven’t thrown up nor fainted. That counts right? That means that my first two interviews went alright. I just have to laugh along. That’s what I did with Fernando and Kimi. They just laughed along, and flirted a little with me.
Or rather, Fernando joked and Kimi flirted; something about going for a drink? Yeah, certainly. The man doesn’t even talk much, but the Iceman definitely suggested we went for a drink (the right words were: “There’s a bar downstairs at the hotel that you may like.”) Fernando’s married and has a nearly year old baby— I would really hate to do something demoralizing.
It turns out, laughing along with their banter will bite me in the ass. Because I know my sisters will be the ones laughing at the television. 
The cameras are already recording and I can’t hear myself speaking as I introduce Lewis and Nico Rosberg to the camera as if I’m speaking to an audience. Then I remember talking about the qualifying today, asking Nico about taking the pole for tomorrow. 
My words are simply flowing out of my mouth as the interview goes on.
“Are you excited?” Few minutes passed by, I then turned to ask Lewis a question.
“For wha’?” He asks, obviously confused as he zoned out during my conversation with Nico. 
“Home race? You coming from Britain and representing the country?” I remind him before joking, “Or did you forget you’re British too?”
“I certainly did,” he realizes what I meant just about now, “but yes. I’m very excited. If the weather treats me right tomorrow, I’m confident that I’ll be able to make it to somewhere of a higher rank.”
“It’s okay, Lewis,” I chuckle, Nico rolls his eyes beside me. “You can say P1. No one’s going to be against that.” 
“You want me to get P1?” He teases me.
My face gives an incredulous expression, making him laugh. I joke, “I feel like I’ve told you this a million times now, Lewis. Do you want me to whisper it in your ears while you sleep too?” 
“God, no,” he shakes his head with a laugh, “your support is highly appreciated, Tils. I am so glad you’re here.”
“That’s why you should go for P1 tomorrow,” I nudged him, microphone still in hand. 
“Only for you, lovely,” he lips pucker up as I roll my eyes and place my flat palm against it. He murmurs against my palm, making people around us giggle. 
Nico adds, “I think you shouldn’t appreciate her support that much, mate. She still works at Red Bull.” 
Lewis finally pulls away and gives me a mocking dirty look, “Right. I knew there’s something dodgy about you.” 
“Thanks Nico, for turning my own best friend against me,” I exclaim in a cheery tone, a smile still in my face as there’s a voice incoming. There he is. 
My smile widens, I feel like I’ll have wrinkles at this early age. The space immediately shrunk when Toto stepped into the scene. He stands a few inches taller than me, interrupting his drivers’ interviews. 
“And here we have,” I introduce him to the camera and ask him about his thoughts on his drivers’ positions for tomorrow. I absentmindedly nod, looking at Lewis and Nico here and there to avoid being caught staring at the tall bloke. Have you ever seen someone so fit you’d continuously waffle on about them until he gives you the chance to snog you? This certainly isn’t me talking.
“Are you supporting Lewis tomorrow?” He asks me with a glint of mischief in his eyes. “Surely you are, right?” 
“I’m wearing a Red Bull jacket, guys,” their voices let out the heaviest laughter I have ever heard. “I’m certainly supporting Lewis, a Mercedes driver, to win tomorrow. Me, someone who’s wearing a Red Bull jacket.” 
Then, as I was chatting with the drivers, Toto pulls his sleeves up and takes off his black jacket, the three pointed star and his name embroidered. His outstretched hand holds the jacket in my direction as I pause from talking.
“What, what is this?” I ask, almost playfully. What’s he doing?
“You said you can’t support Lewis because you’re wearing a Red Bull jacket,” Toto shrugs with a cheeky smile, “you can have my Mercedes one. It’s a bit big but so is your jacket.”
“I really am jesting, Toto,” I giggle, watching him pull his hand back with a little smile. “I’ve said that I won’t be playing favourites so I will stick to my neutral place.”
Lewis reaches for the microphone and speaks over it, “She’s lying. She’ll support me regardless of what jacket she wears. Us Brits have to stick together.” 
“There you have it, folks,” I gesture at Lewis, “he’s explained it perfectly well. Us Brits have to stick together, indeed. I hope I don’t get banned from my own workplace after this— if I did, thanks Mercedes.”
“Well we told you that we’d be more than willing to take you in,” I look at Toto as he smirks, “it would be a shame for their part if they let you go.” 
“You lads flatter me so much,” I roll my eyes mockingly, grinning at the three as I say, “As I said, I’m supporting Lewis because it’s Lewis. I did not say I favour one team over the other.”
“You will, soon enough,” Nico chuckles. 
Lewis pulls me in and says, “If I win tomorrow you should do what you have to do.” 
“What do I have to do?” I ask him, wondering what he’s hinting at.
He shrugs and whispers to my ear, “Go on a date with Toto.”
I pull back and stare at him for a second. I really considered that huh. As if I hadn’t gone already.
“I have already. So don’t get too cocky, eh,” I tell him, his eyes widening as he eyes Toto for a second, my nudge tells him to stop as I dismiss the matter, “having an ego can get you places. But not P1.”
“Watch me,” Lewis grins at me. Like a piece of shit. His eyes also are asking me to tell him more about what was just revealed. I nod briefly, excited to tell him about it.
“Well,” I look at the camera, “that’s it for today. Tomorrow will be the 9th race of the 2014 FIA World Championship and we cannot wait to see how these drivers perform in such weather conditions. Best of luck to all. My name is Tilly and I hope you have a good night. Thank you once again, guys.” 
It didn’t take long until the wires on my body were taken off by Lydia, their media pen assistant. Nico and Lewis had already left. Toto waits for me until I start walking off the scene. 
We walk all the way to the motorhomes, silence shared between the two of us. 
“You left quite fast earlier,” Toto utters. This is the first time we’ve walked together since earlier this morning, and this is the first time he’s spoken to me after I’ve managed to avoid him hours after the breakfast date. I look at him. 
Then I remember walking away from the scene after arriving at the venue. Now I know what to tell him after seeing me speed walk from the sight of him and the journalists.
“Some of the reporters in there were the same people who harass me whenever I’m out and about,” I explain, not wanting to make a big deal out of it as I continue, “I didn’t want to be the centre of the attention today especially now that… yeah.” 
“With you interviewing the drivers for Sky Sports, I can assume Christian told you about Julius’ promotion?” 
I let out a heavy sigh, shutting my eyes close for a moment as I tuck my hands into the pockets. How do I not lose my shit?
“It’s something Julius needs to speak to me about,” I grimace, “if he wants me to do this then he’ll have to tell me upfront.” 
But it’s not like he’ll ever show up. I’ve never seen him since the day I was called to his office building. That was when I was told about this role that I didn’t think would be… important and big. 
“He’s a bit more involved than I thought,” I laugh humourlessly, “I don’t even know how to start with it. I don’t know how you do it.” 
“You’re just handling however much you can,” he tells me, “Christian and the others are more than happy to help you get a head start. You don’t have to get yourself involved with the engineering and strategy part.” 
“I have three degrees,” I deadpan, “three of which have nothing to do with building a car, let alone know the full terminologies. So between my father and I, I think I have less advantage in this field and he’ll most likely fail if I’m the one taking care of it.”
He pauses for a second, making me stop walking as well. My eyes are staring at his dark ones, my brows quirked at his sudden pause. 
“You are confident in front of a camera,” he starts, “I think you should be confident with how you will handle the business passed on to you, no?”
“Yeah I suppose,” I sigh, putting my head down as I keep my hands tucked into my pockets.  “I need to stop being sad.” 
But his chuckle did it for me. That and the way his heavy hand reached to mess with my hair. “Come on, let’s go.” 
“Where?” I ask him, looking up at him once more only to witness his eyes twinkling. 
“Back to the hotel because we all have a long day tomorrow,” he tells me, “that, and I do not exactly wish to have a conversation with any other people at the moment.” 
“Pshh,” I scoff with a grin, nudging him while I wag my eyebrows,  “I have heard a lot about you from Christian.” 
“Huh? Really?” He asks, his face has a mischievous smile that I’ll never mistake for someone else’s. I’ve seen him smile a lot. It’s quite a shame other people never did. He’s handsome and not many people have seen it. Too bloody blind, if they haven’t. 
Or he needs to smile more. But that’ll only scare people off.
“Yeah,” I nod, “something about you deliberately approaching him yesterday?” I raise a brow, still not letting go of my shit eating grin. I then notice the collar of his jacket and reach out to fix it as I playfully say, “Some may say that you’re interested in their acting Liaison.” 
“Hmm,” he hums as if he’s considering it, “did I not show you that earlier today at breakfast?” 
I burst into a fit of laughter as I shake my head, as if I’m telling him, “Unbelievable.”
Have I ever mentioned that this is happening around other people? People with cameras? 
And here I am whining about adding fuel to the fire. It’s quite difficult not to if the man in front of me continues on doing what he does best. Existing.
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drowningyoursorrow · 11 months
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kyle spencer x gn! reader (pt, 1)
You were a barista that worked at a coffee shop in a more secluded area, with only a selective few of customers. You often remained in the back, but ever since you started serving a group regularly. They called themselves witches, and you somewhat believed them. Typically, being away from the world, leading to unwanted loneliness in your work place. You've caught the eye of a certain dead blonde.
!!!: none W/C: 1.7k
IT has been weeks since your encounter with your customer regulars, and honestly, you didn't think it'd affect you this much. But there were many, many moments where you'd miss their banter echoing throughout the café. Sure, most of it was downright ridiculous and made no sense whatsoever from whatever they spurred to hold their place. It still entertained you nevertheless because they'd include you for your input, rather amused at your confused responses. You'd like to think you grew quite close to them because eventually you were even brought in their playful arguments.
They seemed to eventually like your presence as well, saying time to time that they enjoyed your shitty little café more than others. Which has grown quiet, you've begun to think that the guy that was freaking out in your café from before might've had something to do with it all. You've been thinking about the encounter of the whole thing for the time being, well, more about the ragged blonde. The guy started almost going batshit crazy when he couldn't see your face and didn't really speak well. So yeah, you'd say thinking about him was reasonable and not just you being randomly infatuated with him.
You eventually snapped away from your thoughts as you heard a ding from the entryway, shooting your head up. For a quick, fleeting second, you had hoped it would be the girls, maybe even with Kyle once more. It was just another customer, so you quickly got their order. Strange enough they decided they wanted to chat, more like flirting, but you'd pretend to be coy because honestly. You're just trying to do your job, and people like this make you want to chuck off your very own name tag and quit.
But this job was what was getting you food and your shitty apartment's rent, so you can only dream of making a scene to nobody when you quit. You zoned out for a quick minute and surprise, surprise, the jerk is still trying to woo you. Apparently, holding the bitchiest face that you could ever muster and not even staring at the guy is not a hint of disinterest. You wish the café wasn't so empty because he'd have a good reason to go away, but since he's not holding up nay customers. He can do as he pleases, and you're sure that your boss would give you hell if you yelled at a customer that the place barely receives.
As you were slowly going insane, the bell rang once more and there arrived your favorite group and the distinctive boy. They seemed to notice the guy's intentions and how uncomfortable you were, and quickly shoved past him as they ordered their usual. Then like before they made him order as they sauntered off to their seats, even Zoe went off with them. Giving Kyle a reassuring look, maybe to ease his nerves that were very evident on his features when he stood in front of you. You decided that it'd be easier for him if you just offered what he ordered from before, not acknowledging why you remembered.
“So, Caramel Macchiato, like before? If I am correct.” You held the sweetest smile which was strangely genuine in hopes he wouldn't cave into his nerves. He looked surprised that you'd remember what he got, which he struggled to tell you in the beginning. Kyle then fidgeted as he beamed at you now, his face contorting into deep thought. “No, No, I uh- don't want that. It was pretty gross.”
You lifted your brows, somewhat surprised that he spoke more naturally than he did before. Although he was still sort of sluggish with his words, you were impressed by the quick development. Is that why they were all gone? Helping him get better with his speech? The thought made you smile, “I like the speech improvement, impressive to say the least.”
Joking with him, but he seemed flattered nevertheless and just gave you a shy smile as his hands began to tap on the counter. “No caramel macchiato, then?” “Uh yeah- What would... What would you recommend?” He peered up at you, somewhat eagerly waiting for your response, a shy smile laced on his lips. You felt your face heat up lightly at his cheeky appearance, hoping to god that he wouldn't pick up on it.
“Oh, uh- well I don't really drink caffeinated beverages but just the espresso, it does it for me.” You cringed at your awkwardness, but still held a small smile to ease the conversation. Kyle looked deep in thought as he fidgeted before you, “can I get an...- Espresso, then?” His voice was light, and he spoke in a breathy tone, you could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke to you. “Yeah, of course!”
Maybe you spoke to eager? Nobody is that cheerful to make just anybody an espresso. Before you bored more insecurities at yourself, you quickly headed toward the back. Missing the eyes that pleadingly followed after you when you headed out of view, away from him. You leaned on a wall in the back, cheesing out because a cute guy was happy to see you, or well you hope.
Your coworker studied you, sighing, “you're ridiculous.” They knew of your sudden infatuation with the hesitant boy and thought it was just hilarious. And honestly you did too, you don't even know why you're so interested with him. Perhaps it's because of how he talks like he's never dated anybody in his life before, an awkward teenager. You smiled at the thought of his cheekiness from earlier and pondered as his order was being made.
You quickly grabbed it, heading out to see if he hopefully likes this one rather than the other one from before. Like he was from earlier, he waited patiently for you to come back. He looked lost in thought, before he heard your footsteps approach him, perking up. A grin reappeared on his face as he stood straighter before you, focusing on your face. It was like he was trying to remember every feature of you, scanning you.
His eyes made you feel nervous, so you awkwardly handed him his drink with a smile, avoiding his gaze. He accepted it, his fingers encasing around yours in a quick, fleeting moment. “Thank – you.” “Hope you enjoy!” You turned around, feeling the nervousness bubble within you, yet you felt so happy.
You held your face, sighing, turning back around. Jumping slightly because Kyle still stood in front of you, studying you as he drank his espresso. A smile still being held, but a worried look took place in his eyes. You didn't expect for him to still be there, since usually the customers head back to their seats. The girls were still in the back of the café, chatting away, seeming to forget about Kyle.
“Are, you- okay? I'm sorry if I uh, scared you.” He held a look of shame, looking at his shoes now, lowering the drink in his hand. “What? No, it wasn't that, you didn't scare me, Kyle. I was just surprised!” You quickly tried to reassure him, feeling bad since he looked like a kicked puppy. Your answer didn't seem to make him feel any better, but he did look back into your eyes, embarrassed.
What you were going to say now is rather a quick thought and bold, but maybe shoot your shot now before it's too late? Get hurt now rather than getting hurt later. Besides, maybe this can cheer him up, “how about I make it up to you, yeah? I can buy you, uh, coffee later when I'm off work. Unless you don't want to-” “I want to.”
He interrupted you, now beaming at you as he wore a huge smile, his embarrassment from before long gone, “yes we can, w-we..- We should!” You were baffled at his response, kind of suspecting that he would only look at you with confusion and brush it off. But you smiled back eagerly, the same as him, in sort of disbelief with your sudden confidence. “Well uh, yeah great. If you want, we can do it tomorrow, or if you even can wait for me?” Your hands felt clammy, and you felt your throat swell up as you tried to sort things out.
Hell, you were ecstatic, but your nerves were killing you. “I... I can wait for y-youuuu after work. Yes. I will be right here.” Kyle looked at you attentively, still smiling ear to ear as he struggled to get the words out. Too happy at the moment to even properly remember his speech practice that he's been working on. For you.
He begged Zoe to teach him more proper English, so he could talk and interact with you, without seeming crazy. He's been huddled up all day, working and working on how'd he'd casually talk to you like those couples in the movies. Although he couldn't see you during those days, he remembered that he could be more open with you later on. For some reason, when he saw you, he felt as if he should protect you and be alongside you. In the short moment that you two spent together, he felt safe and comfortable because you didn't look at him weirdly.
You spoke to him softly and didn't even flinch during his tantrums, he only saw curiosity and understanding within you. You have enraptured him. Not only that, but you both were drawn to one another, not even knowing really why. Maybe it was foolish to ask him on a date first thing, but the way he looks at you as you smile at one another. Makes you think, perhaps it's good that you both were being hopeless for each other.
Before you guys could say any more he was being pulled away once more from you, the girls needing somewhere to be. You couldn't really hear them, all you could see and hear was Kyle as he looked back at you. His cheeky smile still there, this time he didn't try pulling away from them. Because now he knew that you'd still be there, waiting for him, and you two would be together. You've doubted the idea of soulmates at first, but now, maybe you were the one that was wrong.
- I literally only watched AHS Coven for him - Frankenkyle is personally my preferred Kyle - I was listening to cheesy 80's music writing this - Proofread
Hope you enjoyed and if you have any requests or questions please dm!
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 9 months
what would the mercs' favourite shows/anime be? You might have done the 'shows' part before so im giving you the 'anime' option as a fresh twist ^w^ (No im not battling a double-hyperfixation of tf2 and jjba and seeking validation through mutuals why would you even think that-)
What Are The TF2 Mercs Favortie Animes?
Oh boy it's been a hot minute since I've watched an Anime, I used to be so feral for any anime 😭
Mutual appreciation comment!!! Thank you for your asks! I love seeing them pop up, you always have really good prompts 🫶🏻
Demo- Kakegurui
Did I ever mention that this man loves to gamble? Also, you cannot convince me that this man isn't super expressive when he does so. Literally is the anime. Loves how batshit insane it is. Loves getting whiplash from one episode to the next. Wasn't a fan of season two, but adores season one. Bindges, and re-bindges the show at least once a month. Just loves feeling insane when he watches an anime.
Engie- One Punch Man.
Saw Genos and immediately went "I could build that." And doesn't elaborate. He's not gonna lie, he may or may not have tried to follow Saitama's training routine once, but threw up when he got to the running part. Don't get me wrong this man isn't weak or anything but I genuinely don't think anyone on this team can run besides Scout. Loves watching OPM because he loves how unbothered Saitama is and wishes he could be like that, and also wishes he could be as strong.
Heavy- Your Lie In April
Loves the mix of a slice of life and melodrama. Doesn't care too much about how slow the show is. Just enjoys watching everything play out and being along for the ride. This man sobbed at the end. Couldn't believe it, well he could but he also couldn't? Even though it breaks him everytime he sees the ending, he still loves rewatching it.
Medic- Japanese Tales of The Macabre/Parasyte
HE. LOVES. JUNJI. ITO. It'd be so wrong not to think so. He has genuinely wondered about the logistics of Layers Of Terror... be afraid of this man if he gets a curious look in his eye over any episode of this anime. He likes the books more but also loves the anime. I added Parasyte too because this man is a sucker for all types of body horror and I think Parasyte should always be mentioned. Just lord help us after this man's mind starts working when watching his favorite body horror animes. You'll here a mix of screams from the poor characters and Yippees! From Medic as he watches the horror.
Scout- Death Note
I think this is everyone's starter anime, but it just happens to also be Scout's favorite. I can't tell if he'd think Light is a genius or insanely stupid. But that's not super important. Loves Ryuk! He'd want a death note just to have Ryuk hanging around the base. This man would be a menace if he had the death note honestly. He'd probably write his name down first just to label it, forgetting he'd die.
Sniper- The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
Man has never related to a fictional character so hard until now. Also wishes he could be perfectly average in the public eye and also has inhuman natural talents. It's not even funny how much I can imagine Sniper in this anime. He watched every season and loved them all (likes season one best though) and regularly rewatches the show when things get to stressful around him. It's his comfort show.
(Not that anyone asked but, I fucking love this anime, it's not even funny how much I love this anime I'm going feral.)
Spy- Black Butler
Can a fictional character have a kin? Well in my mind yes. Spy kins Sebastian so fucking hard. Picked up the trait of taking his gloves off like that. Definitely share the same annoyances, living with incompetent coworkers, an annoying child, a criminally insane friend or two, you know the normal stuff! Was severely disappointed by season two. Loved everything else though.
Soldier- Attack On Titan
I think he likes AOT because of all the Gore, blood, and fighting. I can imagine him kicking his legs and smiling all goofy while watching this. This man bindged the entire show, no doubt. Like the other mercs were genuinely worried about him. He's a mix of devastated and happy that the show hasn't ended permanently.
Pyro- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
The insane person loves insane anime, who would have guessed? No, but genuinely, you'd think they'd have a short attention span, wouldn't be able to understand what's going on, and lose interest. Nope! Absolutely love this anime. Has probably rewatched it a million times already. Has made Engie watch this with him and utterly confused the poor Texan. Feverishly waiting for part nine.
I hope you like this! I had to pull out my list of animes I've watched, and oh boy it made me realize how weird. Maybe? That my taste in anime is.
Also sorry its not super long or super indepth I was going off some very vague memories for a few of these!
I love you guys!
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nikethestatue · 4 months
Just seen a post that absolutely SENT me. “Dagger and the fawn or fox and the fawn” and it was tagged pro GA anti elriel ewriel pro Lucien whatever nonsense
And I’m just like??? Do people not READ?
Fire lord and bird of flame.
Things she did NOT say:
Squealing priestess and silent spymaster
pirate and flower
IS THIS A JOKE?? I swear to god every day I am losing it with these people? Like it is genuinely frustrating to deal with them because they just spread misinformation and don’t even read any other book than the bonus chapter (also wtf how are they just having such an online presence when not even reading the books??)
You can’t even tell them they are wrong because that’s “bullying” and telling them what’s canon and what’s not is “don’t comment if you know this content isn’t for you it’s sick” like huh??
I don’t care if your blog is “gwynselfinsert”, if you sit here and post that Gwyn is perfect for Az because she is going to save Illyria and his shadows protect her and she will do freaky sex stuff with azriel… IM GOING TO TELL YOU THATS INSANE??
Like I saw a post that said Gwyn was gonna tie up azriel w the ribbon and they were gonna f*ck and I was just like HUH?? The ribbon that represents her overcoming her trauma?? She gonna do what with that??
This has to be a social experiment. Honestly. Because how the hell are these people claiming they have 16 books of evidence (I don’t even know what that means) when Gwyn is BARELY in one book. Like are they really using throne of glass books as canon evidence for GWYNRIEL??
Is that not batshit crazy?? That’s like if I saw vlog of a celebrity TikTok and decided - omg I have the exact same napkin from the chinese takeout place they went to!! I MUST BE DESTINED FOR FAME TOO
I am going crazy can Sarah please put an end to this madness
That's why, whenever anyone asks me at this point 'have you heard of (insert crazy Gwynriel theory)?" I PROBABLY have, but I pay them exactly zero attention. I don't engage either. Because this whole thing has jumped the shark so badly that there is no coming back from it.
The disconnect between their fantasies and reality is entirely too great. It can't be bridged at this point.
We just have to sit back, wait for the next book to come and hope it will end the mind boggling insanity that is this fandom.
It's embarrassing. Can't even tell RL people that I read and like SJM. because I dont want them to look into this and then ask me, are you okay?
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flowersandbigteeth · 1 year
Meeting your mortician necromancer
General Plot: You wake up in a strange room and meet a handsome man who has something strange to tell you. Maybe there will be a pt. 2 soon
Necromancer (Zoltan) x female reader
Word Count: 2k
W: Domestic abuse discussion, murder/suicide discussion, sfw monster fluff with a yandere vibe, discussion of scars, almost yandere vs. yandere but not quite, some angst and heavy feelings
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You shouldn’t have woken up at all. Everyone wonders what happens after death. Waking up in a comfortable master bedroom, tastefully decorated in soft blue was not what you expected. You were confident you were dead.
The last thing you remembered was staring down the barrel of a glock as your husband pointed it at your forehead. It was one of those bizarre murder suicide things that happens rarely. An otherwise happy couple from the outside with no other problems, but suddenly the husband goes batshit and kills them both. 
You’ll never know what threw Derek over the edge. If you’d read the papers, you’d know the doctors deemed him the “jealous” killer. He went crazy trying to get you more and more enmeshed and when it wasn’t working, instead of dealing with the pain of accepting the fact you were two separate individuals, he killed you both.
He couldn’t bear to not be one with you, so he took you with him in death. When the police had searched your house they’d found evidence of his obsession you’d never known existed, collections of your fingernails, spit samples, bath water. He’d had trackers all over your things, in your car, in your purse. Cameras were all over the house. 
To you, however, he’d never been anything but a devoted husband, maybe a little more anxious than most, but you’d thought your marriage was a happy one. You argued about his jealousy, but never so much you’d expect him to shoot you. 
You were processing that, wondering if it had all been a dream, when your hand drifted over your forehead. There was the slightest circle of raised skin that hadn’t been there before, not a scab or a growth, but perhaps a scar? 
Your attention was pulled away from it by a door opening and a man walking through. His appearance startled you a bit at first. He wasn’t at all ugly. One side of his face was very handsome with light gray eyes set in creamy skin, but the other half was red and mottled as if it had been burned a long time ago.
Somehow the burn scars made the unmarred side of his face more strikingly appealing. He was, if you had to be honest, very hot in the jeans and gray t-shirt he was wearing. It all kind of worked for him with his cut, looming figure and neatly cropped blue hair. That was the other odd thing. His hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes were all a bright cerulean blue, not any color you’d seen in a salon before. It sparkled and had an odd depth, with some strands lighter and some darker.  
His pretty eyebrows went up when he saw you’d awakened and he hurried over to you. 
“I’m so glad you’re awake (Y/N)!” he said. 
Your eyes narrowed on him. 
“Are you an angel?” you asked. Everything was done up and blue, gray, and white including him, and it all looked a bit heavenly as if an indie film director had designed it or something. The room was luxurious, the bedding plush and the sheets soft and obviously nice quality. The pictures on the walls were black and white photos of white doves. Pretty, delicate white curtains hung in the windows, filtering in white, glowing sunlight.
You knew your question was odd, but it just…nothing else made sense. You had to be dead. People didn’t survive point blank shots to the head. You’d heard the gun go off. You’d felt the blinding pain in your forehead and on the off chance you had survived, this wasn’t a hospital. He cocked his head and smirked at you. 
“You know…you could call me that,” he chuckled, “though I don’t know if angels can actually resurrect people from the dead.” 
Your eyes widened at his joke. It hit a bit too close to home.
“Wha…” you started. 
“My name’s Zoltan,” he said, sticking out his hand to you, “I’m uh…a mortician, actually, not an angel.” 
You shook his large hand loosely, still confused. 
“A mortician?” you asked, blinking rapidly, trying to figure out if you’d forgotten something, “h-how do you know my name?” 
He glanced away for a second as if he was wrestling with something in his mind. 
“I was your mortician,” he explained slowly, watching your eyes for comprehension, “your name and all about you has been all over the news and everything else was in your file.” 
You narrowed your eyes. 
“My mortician…” you asked, “but that’s impossible. That would mean I died…but…is this hell?”
He hurriedly shook his head at you, seeing your thoughts were going off the rails. 
“No no, you did die, but you’re not in hell,” he said, “this is my house, I brought you here after I resurrected you.” 
Your eyes got large. 
“R-resurrected…?” you asked, “you mean…like…with magic?” 
You knew magic was real. Everyone knew all about the Fairyfolk like fairies and dragons who could do magic. You just didn’t run in that crowd, so it had never affected your life. You’d married a normal human man, had normal human friends. Fairyfolk had their own side of town, their own shops they frequented. It was easy for your lives not to overlap. 
He nodded and gave you a small smile. 
“I’m a necromancer,” he said. 
You shook your head, still confused. He explained. 
“You can call me a type of demon,” he said, “despite popular culture and what the ones with horns will tell you. True demons come in many different forms. Those rosy, horned, tailed ones have a whole ‘true demon’ supremacy thing I’m not even going to bore you with. Suffice to say, my kind is much older than theirs so the idea is preposterous. I just happen to look a bit more human than others and perhaps have different affinities.”
You nodded wanly. That was all very interesting but not what you were really asking.  
“But why me? I mean…why not resurrect, you know…everyone? Wouldn’t that like…solve crime?” you asked. 
He laughed. 
“No, resurrection spells are very complicated and require sacrifices,” he explained, “you only do them for very, very important people with a lot of effort. Some try their whole life times unsuccessfully trying to bring family members and lovers back from the dead. I have a natural predisposition for such magic, but I can’t use it haphazardly. It costs part of my soul.”  
“But I’m nobody,” you said, “I still don’t get it. Why me?” 
He looked at you for a long time with longing in his eyes. 
“I just…saw you and knew I had to bring you back,” he said vaguely, “of course, the magic comes with some side effects.” 
“Side effects?” 
He looked over your body.  
“Well for one you're immortal, now,” he said, “we’d have to dissolve you in acid to kill you and even then your soul would become a formless spirit never reaching its next incarnation. You’ll never lose your memories, even if your body decays for some reason.”
Your mouth dropped open. 
“And…?” you asked. 
It concerned you he’d dropped what should have been the most worrying one first.  He cleared his throat. 
“You’re bound to me for eternity,” he said in one breath. 
“What does ‘bound’ mean?” you asked.
He looked around the room and shoved his hands in his pockets. 
“It’s not really that much if you think about it. I can find you wherever you are. I can actually hear your immortal soul singing in my head, it’s like a beacon…it’s kind of cool…If you do end up being dissolved in acid, your soul would just return to me and I could stick it in another body.” 
He smiled to himself for a second before your shocked face spurred him on. 
“Oh…and since I’ve kind of transformed you into a semi-demonic entity with essence channeled from my own soul you can only reproduce with me…our kids get immortality, too so that’s kind of cool. It’s almost like we are gods without all the weird omnipotence stuff. You get a bit of an affinity for magic, too, if we cultivate it. Think of yourself as a demon spirit, now. You’re kind of an extension of my soul, but with your own soul wound up in it…like a familiar.” 
Your mouth shut and you frowned. 
“You made me your slave?” you asked. 
His eyebrows went up and he threw up his hands. 
“No! No! Nothing like that,” he said, “of course, if I make a command you have to follow it. Your soul is all wrapped up in mine so my will overrides yours, but that’s only a consequence of the magic. I didn’t do it explicitly to enslave you, but…”
He snapped and suddenly, though he had already been very large, he was much, much larger. You tried to draw your brows in confusion, but you didn’t have brows anymore. 
Instinctively you twitched your nose as scent filled your nostrils. The room smelled like Zoltan. He had a slightly smoky scent, blended with sweet sandalwood and the fading scent of mortuary chemicals. You felt your tail wave elegantly behind you and you realized looking down at your paws that he’d turned you into a cat! A smokey cat. Tendrils of jet black smoke rose up off you in delicate whorls. 
You lifted up one paw to examine it only to find you left a little print of ash on the bedspread. 
“Don’t mind that,” he chuckled, “we can have it cleaned. Your familiar form is a projection of your soul, your element is fire apparently. Everyone has a natural element their soul drifts towards. I think if you practice you can spit flames, but the ash can’t be avoided.” 
He leaned down and patted your head and then stood, snapping again and you were back in your human shape, your legs hanging over the edge of the bed. 
“You made me into a cat!” you protested. 
He smiled. 
“Not a cat! A demon spirit in fire cat form,” he corrected. 
You rubbed your face in your hands and took a deep breath. This was a lot to take in. Suddenly something crossed your mind.
“Did my husband die?” you asked, “you didn’t resurrect him?” 
He looked a little dark. 
“Yes and why would I?” he snapped. 
You shook your head. 
“Of course not,” you agreed with a slight sigh, “I just…I needed…wanted to be sure.”
Nothing was as frightening as the betrayal of someone you truly trusted pointing a gun at you. You’d never forget that for what apparently was about to be a very long life. 
He sat down next to you and put his warm arm around you, pulling your face to look at him. 
“I want you to forget about him,” he said, “let’s act like you did die and this is a new life. You’ve been declared dead. You get to be a new person…with me,” he said. 
Your eyes narrowed at him, confused. You’d already been betrayed once by someone you trusted. How in the hell could you hope to trust Zoltan? 
“But I don’t know you…you’re a stranger,” you said, “I mean…I still don’t even understand why you did this.” 
He shrugged. 
“Details. We’re bound together. Our souls are entwined…we’re the farthest from strangers you can be, so let’s get to know each other,” he said, smiling at you, “I gave you a gift…take it.” 
You shook your head at the madness of this all and gave him a small exasperated smirk. 
“I guess I don’t have much of a choice, do I?” you asked, “I can’t  even die.” 
He squeezed your shoulder.
“Choices are overrated. What do the Rolling Stones say?” he said, singing to you in an adorably bad voice, “You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you just might find, you get what you neeeeed.”
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a-strange-inkling · 7 months
If it were up to you ( one of the best hellcheer fanfiction writer) what would you fix or change about the fight of Icarus?
Aw shux, that’s high praise! I really don’t think I’m worthy of that, but thank you 🤍
Oh God… what a laundry list 😆 read at your own risk below (I think I’ve finally run out of things to say about this book and will be moving on now 😅)
I’m going to be honest, the best way fo fix it would be to not write a book. Point blank. If I was involved with the show at all I would have NEVER written a book about Eddie in any official capacity. I don’t know if the author was aware of just how unhinged certain parts of his fanbase are (I’m sure she is now) but you’re not going to make anyone happy with this. Eddie’s ridiculously popular yes, I get it, but part of his appeal for people was how untouched his background was.
Flight of Icarus is kind of a mess plot wise with pretty weak/poor characterizations. There’s some good elements and scenes in it. It’s not bad, but it’s not great either. It’s pretty mid. I mean books based on tv shows aren’t exactly known for their… luster. It’s obviously going to lack the passion of an unpaid fanfic writer who has spent endless hours watching season 4 and doing in-depth research and analysis for their work… but that’s what we’re all used to. That’s our standard. So it’s kind of already set up for failure.
But, if I was in charge of a book like this, here’s some of the things I would do differently:
I’d have picked ONE main plot to focus on because there is way too much going on in these 280 pages for me to have the time to be invested or care about anything. There’s like three plus storylines going on with Eddie all to push ONE narrative which is basically him choosing between risking everything for a fantasy/dream of fame and money or staying true to himself and what’s real which is the steadfast loyalty of his friends and family. This takes the form of Al vs Wayne, Paige vs Ronnie, LA vs Hawkins, solo career vs band/hellfire, dropping out to try to become a rockstar vs being the first Munson to graduate, who Eddie wants to be vs who he truly is deep down.
It’s just too much.
I’d have taken a little more time making Eddie three dimensional. I know he’s a side character, but a lot of heart and thought went into creating him (at least on Joe’s end). I’d have made more conscious choices for his character, especially if he’s narrating in first person (I would have not used first person). His outer dialog is great (the dialog throughout the whole thing is actually really great, you can tell the author’s a screen writer and it’s one of the stronger elements to the book) but his inner monologue is pretty ooc and at times really off. He lacks a lot of the things that drew people to him in the first place or it’s just not as strongly presented I guess. He doesn’t feel fully formed.
If I was going to give Eddie a love interest (I don’t know why you would do that to yourself at this point, his fanbase is volatile at best and either ships him with Steve, Chrissy, or themselves, no one is going to like it) I’d have given her WAY better writing than an immersive wattpad character with little to no character traits outside of her aesthetic and interests which is an alternative style and liking music. Wow. Groundbreaking. I would have her make decisions based on a fully formed personality verses the convenience of the plot. And if not, if she’s going to be a means to an end, I’d at least go all in and make her wild or evil or a total bitch or conniving or funny or grumpy or goofy or something. She’s not given enough focus or time to be well rounded so I’d just have fun and go batshit crazy with her (don’t worry Paige, you’re mine now and I will give you an actual character and vindication).
Eddie choosing between his dad and Wayne would have probably been the plot I picked to focus on and I would have really dived into that. The good, bad and the ugly of the Munson family. Because Al (that would not be his name btw 🤢) and Wayne reflect the two sides of Eddie’s character. A charming, self serving, cowardly asshole and a good, strong and kind person who protects and looks after others. I like Ronnie a lot and she’s probably the best written character in the book, but Wayne needed to have more spotlight for this.
I’d have definitely made the plot a lot less fantastical and way more of a simple character study. Just Eddie deciding between embracing the infamy of the Munson family or choosing to rise above it. Does he decide to scheme and cheat like his dad to get more out of life or does he do the right thing and stay the course to actually graduate and make something of himself. That’s it. All that’s needed. Eddie getting a shot at being a rockstar at eighteen in Hawkins is already kind of odd, especially when his in is a twenty year old “junior scout”??? Who just happens to be at his dive bar and have the hots for him and fucks him and pretty much offers him a life in LA on a silver platter with no issues other than having to bail on his band and high school club?? It’s… a bit much for our unlucky loser boy we see in the show. Book Eddie is as lucky as they come, but he’s a total dumbass and decides to trust and scheme with his deadbeat father??? Who has always failed him? Why? I get he needs money but his kinda girlfriend’s got a job and he’s pretty much got a record deal. What even is this? That whole storyline would be scrapped to hell. But hey, at least it’s more believable than an actual drug heist and a kingpin and a shoot out. Oh and arson. It’s giving… *shivers* Riverdale and not in a good way.
Lastly, I’d have taken the opportunity to develop characters from the show a little more. Not a ton, but like the author did with Higgins. I really like how he was written in the novel. He had a lot of fire and personality out of nowhere which was kind of hilarious. I probably would have expanded Jason the most actually, I’d have added more to that tense rivalry. And I’d have left Chrissy pretty much out of it. The talent show is best left to the imagination and we already have a delicate narrative between them because of the forest scene. I wouldn’t want to add too much there. But she’d have a cameo for sure. Like brief eye contact or a shared smile or something at the very end of the book. Just a little glimmer of what’s to come. I’m also a Eddie has always had a little bit of a thing for Chrissy truther, so in my bias I might have him quietly admire her from afar or something.
And there you go.
I mean you’re going to get my version of his backstory eventually anyway and bonus he and Chrissy live, get married and have kids. Yay!
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 4 months
I’m team william and kate definitely, but lately I’ve been assessing things to kind of get in the bottom of things and understanding where it all went wrong. I like to be more nuanced in viewing these people. I think some people can get carried away with viewing them in the worst way possible. While I do see Harry and Meghan as very problematic people, I wanna be careful about getting into batshit crazy conspiracies. Reading about all the conspiracies sugars have about kate’s condition opened my eyes a bit. There are a lot of people who hate h&m that actually sound as crazy as the sugars, but the difference is their conspiracies are directed towards h&m instead of w&k.
That being said, all the stuff with Christian Jones and Dan Woottoon seem shady to me, but tbh I don’t really fully understand what everyone’s been saying lol. But tbh, if Christian Jones asked Omid for Finding Freedom excerpts in order to bury the affair rumors, I don’t think that’s throwing Meghan under the bus exactly. We all know from the Jason Knauf emails that Finding Freedom was viewed by the KP comms team and Harry and Meghan as a way for them to correct narratives, so using excerpts from Finding Freedom to bury the affair rumors is like using positive Meghan stories to bury rumors about William that may or may not be real. So in a way, Christian Jones was just doing his job in a hitting two birds with one stone kind of thing by protecting two of his bosses in different ways. Idk, does that make sense?
It does, you make a lot of sense.
Scobie's issue seems to be two-fold:
He isn't as objective in his reporting of the royal family as he claims to be. Which is fine - everyone has a bias and a perspective that influences the way we see and interpret things. Where Scobie gets into trouble is by telling us he's completely objective, but not ID'ing who his sources are and telling us to "just trust me" instead.
He's right there in the thick of everything going on. To use a Superb Owl analogy, Scobie can only see the linebacker right in front of him, while we're up there in the sky box with a vantage point to see all the players, all the refs, all the coaches, and we're getting the commentary and analysis.
Both of these go hand-in-hand and affects how Scobie sees things. His experience of being welcomed by the Sussexes while being pushed away by the Cambridges, and similarly seeing the Cambridges push the Sussexes away at the same time, makes him more sympathetic to the Sussexes. He's more inclined to see things through their eyes because he has the same experience. And again, there's nothing wrong wtih that. It's human nature to bond over shared experiences. Where Scobie takes it too far is by refusing to consider other explanations, especially ones that are outside what he saw for himself. Maybe he doesn't see them because he's right there in the thick of things, or maybe he sees it as spin from the opposing side.
I do think you're doing the right thing, anon, to take a more critical approach to royal-watching. Royal-watching, like all hobbies and fandoms, is a spectrum that runs the gamut from toxic extremes to indifferent neutrality. Figuring out how you like to look at these things and doing the work to find where you fit in on the spectrum can make it a little more enjoyable, because then you're around more like-minded people and the discussions and the conversations are more open, especially and particularly when you disagree.
I like nuance too (in case you haven't figured it out yet) and I like looking at things critically. For me, the world has more colors than black and white, and there are more options than a binary either/or solution. I admire the people whose convictions are so strong that everything fits neatly into an either/or model, but I know I could never be like that. I'm too fascinated by "well, if I turn my head this way and if I sit down and I squint, does it change anything?" And sometimes it does. It's why I like reading the royal books; sometimes I learn new things that change how I think. For instance - Sally Bedell Smith's 2017 book on then-Prince Charles changed my perspective on Charles. Scobie's chapter on race in Endgame made me see that he does genuinely care about the firm needing to look like the people it serves and he isn't only doing it for the headlines or because he's in Meghan's pocket - and if that makes me a sucker, so be it.
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Can I ask for an Emily x reader from class of 09?
Emily x GN! Reader
AN: yo w i fuckin love emily. literally the goat. tbh i highly doubt emily would date anyone who's not actually at least mildly insane so i'm gonna make reader kinda fucked up yk :thumbsup: Pairing: Emily x GN! Reader Warnings: Drug use, Codependence, Unhealthy relationships, Violence, idk just expect similar shit to the stuff in class of '09
The two of you met when you were trying to find a plug to hook you up with some Addy's. It was pretty fucking surprising that you hadn't gotten your hands on some already, but that was mainly because you didn't want to die on the side of the road after downing some fake laced shit.
Emily was apparently a solid dealer. Sold for decent prices and gave discounts to people she liked more and it was pretty easy to ask her. You literally just walked up to her locker with a wad of cash and she tossed you a half-empty pill bottle and talked with you for a hot minute.
Somehow, you managed to win her over by bitching about Ms. Ames once and the two of you spent a shit ton of time together. Like, a LOT of time. Skipping classes together, going to the mall and selling crack, even sleepovers (that had way too much tension to be considered platonic).
After she stopped taking her anti-psychotics, she went full on batshit. All the shit about Emily being actually insane that all the bitchy kids were talking about? Fuck, they weren't lying. Emily was defending you with her fucking life. Fucking Jeffrey called you the lamest insult known to man and she practically jumped that fuckass.
Even though you guys were literally saying 'I love you' to each other like, 9 times a day, she was just your friend. Supposedly anyway.
Honestly, you highkey started thinking that you'd be 'just friends' forever until her gang boyfriend got his old ass hands on a huge fucking package of crack. You told her to sell it because some dumbass middle schooler would probably pay their life savings for half a gram, but of course, she doesn't listen.
Normally this shit would be mild as fuck but her parents were acting up and being bitchy whiny fucks so Emily had the genius idea of snorting a concoction of whatever mystery substances she had on hand and like half the entire supply of coke.
She was fucking blasted as fuck and she had the dead fish eye shit going on when she just started being weirdly clingy and she gave a violent but oddly heartfelt confession. It was like highkey concerning because of the sheer number of threats she not so subtly inserted in but it was endearing in its own twisted way.
Her words were slurred and the entirety of the little speech she gave could be summarized as the same shit she told Nicole in that one route but more sociopathic sounding???
Anyway boom I'm gonna put HC's on what it's like dating her now.
She probably wouldn't bother telling anyone that you two are dating, but it's so obvious. Like, everyone knows.
If someone says one thing that can be taken as offensive in the slightest to you, Emily will fucking pounce on the asshole and curb stomp them. She'd act all nonchalant about it afterwards.
Since a ton of the other people in the school have beef with her, if you defend her and slander the shit out of them, she'll be super happy about it.
Free drugs. She's not worried about OD'ing at all and takes smoke breaks with you all the time when skipping.
You guys have sleepovers like, everyday. Not even an exaggeration at this point. If your parents or her parents try to tell her no, she curses them out. If they're being particularly bold, she goes through with the slashing tires shit and is on the verge of actually beating the shit out of them.
If you ever get her a gift that she actually likes, she's going to constantly flex it. Get her a nice necklace or something and she'll literally never take it off.
Choose your words carefully. She's going to get pissed as fuck if you say one thing that she considers harsh. Drabble time woohoo "...Fuck, this is totally laced." Emily groaned, leaning her face onto her palm. She ran her free hand through her hair. Diverting her gaze from blankly staring at the table, she stared at you and raised an eyebrow. She opened and closed her mouth as if she lost her train of thought before giggling and leaning closer to you. "I love you. Like, I love love you. I'd kill anyone who even dares to be a bitch to you. I'd kill myself if you asked me to." She nonchalantly says. Batting her eyes, Emily firmly tugs you closer to her. She coyly twirls her hair around her finger while pursing her lips — and she's like 2 centimeters away from violently making out with you. What do her lips taste like? Xanax probably. Fuck, she's actually so pretty. "You're not gonna say it back?" She pouts. She's clearly high off her ass right now. At this distance, you notice the little minute details, like how she painted her nails today and how her mascara's just slightly fucked up. With a hesitant 'I love you too', she digs her nails into your shoulders and pulls you in for a kiss. She's acting almost rabid and she desperately wraps her arms around your torso and breathes into your lips. Slipping her tongue in, she pushes you onto the couch and pins your shoulders down. After what feels like a long ass time, she parts the kiss and takes heavy breaths while staring down at you. "Can I stay the night at your place?" AN: lmfao sorry that took a lil while my internet was freaking the fuck out. anyway this was fun as fuck thank youuuu :3
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maitaiwiththecorpses · 11 months
That Time Mat Went Batshit (Pt. 6/???)
So, idk if I've ever mentioned this, but I have kids. Like, little kids who look up to me and I make sure to check in with every day. They're my babies. And I need to do a character profiling exercise, so I'm going to introduce you to them in the most batshit way possible! (I will not be using their real names, obvi, but enjoy!)
shitposts in the group chat all the time
does not know the difference between a controversial joke and an unacceptable joke.
has???? a minimal???? amount of rizz????
knows everyone's secrets
can be wise when he doesn't wanna be an ass
the best techie EVER
The Jalapeño:
bby bisexual
addicted to Warhammer and Zelda
watches too much anime
forgets drink water
so. many. allergies. It's so fucking hard to feed him.
misled from time to time (reddit is his news source so we've had to have talks about what's fake news and real news)
is a gentleman (will give u his sweater if u accidentally bled thru ur pants no questions asked)
Stylish Arguer:
forgets she's desi all the time
too much tik tok
hot cheeto girl /pos
Gets into stupid arguments that I have to defuse 24/7
wears flared yoga pants >>>>>:\
the BEST hair of all time
so so good at basketball
Am I Your One And Only:
Will scream at you from backstage bc you're being a dinkwad
sexually frustrated lesbian
so many younger sisters
probably has committed a homicide
volleyball girl
wears slides everywhere (?????????)
Sam I Am:
needs therapy desperately
misinformed (reddit and twitter are his sources)
bitter at the world and needs reminders that sexism is still real
actually such a nice person tho
dyes hair, shaves hair
carries a suit in his backpack all the time
Abraham Lincoln:
has a dog :D
my og kiddo #1
NOT my fav tho (or maybe he is... we'll never know)
always gives me his ramen
is a gentleman (will give u sweater if u bled thru ur pants... but he'd ask so many questions and when he finds out... so embarrassed)
despite being uncomfortable about puberty, learns everything he can for his baby sister
baseball boy
mini golfs so much
can be a bit of an icarus (aka: jackass) from time to time. But if u yell at him about it, he will cry. So. Find a new way to tell him he needs to cool it.
smort boi
so much character growth from him!!!!
my og kiddo #2
NOt mY FaVoURITE i SWEAR-!!!!1!!
always lets me take his hat (it's his hat in my pfp!!!!!!!!)
learned how to be an intersectional feminist over night for reasons that will be disclosed later on
also baseball boy
bffs w abe link ^^^^^^
has minimal rizz, still pulls
finds pics of me and my worst enemy and photoshops hearts onto them
steals my food. Easy to feed.
asks a lot of questions abt sex. I'm happy to answer, but really HOW MUCH does he need to KNOW??????
Mini Me But Not Quite:
got louder over the course of eight months
big hamilton, heathers, beetlejuice, in the heights, [insert every musical here] fan
BANGER music taste
LOVES percy jackson, heartstopper, the owl house, amphibia [insert all quality media types here]
another bby bisexual
is the reason MENDOZA, GET IN MY OFFICE became an intersectional feminist overnight (that night was the night they started dating)
material GoWrl
is totally not my favorite
an amazing singing voice
came out of her shell bc of me??????????? T.T
does fortnite and tik tok dances all the time
gets into some dumb arguments
shit talks everyone
so kind
works so damn hard and she KNOWS it
not innocent.
fav Lover song is Paper Rings :D
Ham Boi:
doesn't understand hamilton refs despite being a hamilton
so dumb
Is The Jalapeño's bff
easy to feed
thinks you need to be 'one of the guys' to play DnD
knows what a chancla is (now.....)
is the baby of the group
needs positive reinforcement 24/7
got drama
so fucking loud after she met me
judges everyone.
has a good sense of Girl Code
SO stylish. My girl will coordinate her skirt, her hijab, and her JACKET in the same color family and show up to school lookin FLAWLESSS
thinks that I am a replacement for health class (I am)
makes such amazing art it makes me cry
writes so well and works so hard
I won't even deny she's up there with the favorites.
(i beg u to look at the tags. they're so fucking random)
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sea-jello · 1 year
to my movie morro enjoyers yall got me curious so i did some research and tweaked the laws of youth criminal justice cause it's a movie about legos
WHOOH i expanded on this a lot and its not even all the options
uhhh should i tag the people who said they wanted to see my half ass ideas
@star-ocean-peahen @here4dragons i know hes TECHNICALLY not the villain here yet,, but its coming Soon. just ignore if you dont care SORRY BOUT THE TAG 💀💀
so morros role in the gang is he like collects intel n shit, scouts and/or recruits new members, makes plans and gives orders from the boss (preeminent) so hes sorta like the preeminents ambassador. general?? right hand man?? number 2?? something. occasionally he participates in very low key crimes where his face and identity could be hidden. never does anything big and flashy, so hes the least likely to get caught and thats one of the reasons hes so high up. the boss usually has a business to cover for the gang so the preeminent has a bar or a nightclub or something where they allow you to cover your face and morro works there to be like,, closer so its easy to recieve orders/info or something yk. when asked he says hes small for his age with a VERY obvious undertone and they leave it at that, cause so what if the nightclub is a little sketchy, goddamn this kid whips out drinks faster than anyone. hes very in the shadows undercover and thats why they couldnt catch him/had no evidence he was high ranking (i need a gang name help should it just be cursed realm?? cursed spirits maybe)
IF we want morro to just have general shenanigans with the ninja then hes on parole. if you dont know what parole is basically they let you out after 2/3rds of your sentence to let you integrate back into society or something, but youre still under supervision. so the timeline is morro starts his criminal activity at 14, gets caught and arrested at 16 and then gets released at 17. if youre worried about the 3 years in the above post trust me the logic checks out
they KNOW morros the criminal mastermind running shit behind the gang, they just cant find any way to prove it so he only gets sentenced for gang affiliation. he spends around a year or so in juvie and they let him out for the next 6 months
they let morro stay with wu cause hes like,, the head of the fucking ninja team he can handle himself, BUT he has to have security guards accompany him to school to keep an eye on him/watch for signs of him actually being highly involved in the gang. lloyd is real fucking embarrassed about it cause morro loves to come up and bother him, and it attracts even more unwanted whisperings about garmadons cousin who went to JAIL. morro bothers him even more because of it
no one knew morro was lloyds cousin, so when the ninja show up to the garage one day and find the fucking ex convict just chilling on lloyds mech theyre like ??? WHY ARE YOU HERE. they knew lloyd had a questionable cousin when he mentioned he got out of jail, but they didnt know it was HIM. like i said, morros infamous for being a mastermind escape artist (i kinda want to give him an alias so drop suggestions 👀👀) even better wu walks in and he goes "ah i see youve met my son morro!!" and the ninja go batshit cause wu had mentioned visiting his son in jail which already rose so many unanswered questions back then, but not THIS GUY
im debating on whether lloyd knows morro was a criminal during the three years or not. cause if he didnt know it would be really funny when morro/the gangs arrest was on the news and lloyd goes 👁👁 THATS MY FUCKING COUSIN. but if he DID know he sees him on the news and hes like "lmao get fucked wait till i tell uncle wu" (again,, drop the opinions)
wu knows he was a criminal pretty early on and absolutely does not give a shit cause movie wu is bat ass crazy and jaded to fuck. he sees morro on the news in his like gang getup and goes oh look at him go 😄😄 i hope he remembers to tuck in his feet like i taught him to 😄😄😄 morro was terrified when he got caught by wu, but all he did was lay out two hard rules. 1. no killing innocents and 2. no drugs. morros like ?? thats it?? and wu just sort of stares at him and goes ‘‘i believe so. now don’t you have somewhere to be?’’ and morros like yeah.. i got a bank to rob at 2. JUST TO BE CLEAR morro has NEVER ONCE KILLED ANYBODY just to be safe, even though wu was all for dismantling the dictatorship or patriarchy and whatnot. when morro gets arrested wu visits him just to laugh at him (im copy pasting most of this from tags from this post lmao)
wu absolutely makes morro train the ninja cause lets be honest theyre dogshit without the mechs. morros idea of training is jumping them all around the city at random times. he bullies them so hard jay is on the verge of tears every day
(thank you @l0on for so many of the ideas 😌😌 find them in the reblogs)
morros got the cool older cousin vibe who acts like he doesnt care and he actually doesnt care. idc what yall say he does NOT go easy on lloyd just because theyre cousins.
this is all set after the movie btw. morro only got away with so much for so long because everyone was occupied with garmadon
soo if we want him to be like the actual villain thats gonna be in another part cause god DAMN this got longer than i thought it would
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gayleafpool · 6 months
Talk about Varian
-> one thing i’ve been thinking SO hard about lately is the potential of a lady caine and varian friendship. imagine it. she lost her dad and varian thought he lost his which drove them to seek revenge against and grow to hate the royal family. they both get thrown in prison. and basically forgotten about. A FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN THEM WOULD BE SO FUNNY he would probably think she was soooo cool. wait imagine if they had cells near each other in prison. imagine if she saw the things he went through w andrew in prison and thought hm wow that was insane and fucked up. what if they meet again later on like post s3 and become sorta pals and feel like they can vent their lingering resentment toward royalty w each other and just like. idk talk about all the shit they went through. WHAT THEN HUH
-> related i get so emo about varian repressing his trauma and like, outwardly it seems like he got over everything that happened to him with the blizzard/amber/prison/etc etc but really it was more relief that rapunzel forgave him and was able to free quirin so it felt like everything should be FINE and it would easy to just leave everything in the past so he tries and he thinks he’s getter better and doing well but he’s really getting so much worse and refuses to address or process any of the shit he went through until it all majorly comes crashing down a while later. there are these little signs in the way he behaves like he acts weirdly reckless sometimes and will put himself in bad situations, just starts to exhibit signs of what happened to him. iykyk u know we know. and it’s so hard for him to rationalize this and accept this bc his feelings are so complicated bc he would tell himself that he deserved to be treated that way or even liked it because he was so lonely and desperate for positive attention so there’s this shame and guilt aspect that makes it 10x harder to talk about and AUGHHHHHHH. i could write an essay. this is so important to me. everyone be nice to me about this
-> okay lighter topic. something i always forget about varian is that he’s a good artist like canonically i think that’s so fun. THEREFORE: varian and rapunzel drawing/painting together. ENOUGH SAID!!!!! i love them
wait now i’m thinking more varian and rapunzel thoughts. rapunzel teaching him how to dance. rapunzel being one of the few people who’s happy to sit and listen to him ramble about chemistry n shit cuz she loves learning new things so she’s genuinely interested. they are so <3 IVE ALSO SAID BEFORE that i think varian looooves learning new languages and he’s really good at it and i think rapunzel would be too!! they just end up having lots of common interests
also i refuse to believe varian ever gets taller than her i just cant see it
-> mmfmfmfmfmf varian and ulla thoughts. the fact that they look so similar makes me crazy. i also like to imagine that his hyperactive inquisitive balls to the walls insane personality comes mostly from her too. cute but batshit 🫶🫶 also the anger issues. u know that image that’s like i inherited my mother’s anger yeah thats varian. also the idea that quirin is so protective of varian bc he feels like he couldn’t protect ulla esp when you factor in that varian is basically just a copy of her. WAUGH!!!!! i’m emo.
something something donella seeing hugo start to catch feelings for varian and being like oh so this little shit is EXACTLY like his mother. bc it reminds her of how she loved ulla but could never have her. and it makes her hate varian sooo bad. girl rein in the projection
this has been explosion hour with gayleafpool come again soon
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louff4tw · 1 year
Percy headcannon that when Gideon and Fabian died Molly was a huge mess and Author was barely home. Charlie and Bill were in school. Going by the photo in OOTP. Her brothers were alive in July 1981. So I feel like they died August 10 and the emotional pain led to the early birth of Ginny on the 11th.
He was already helping a bit with the twins before. The moment Ron was born they were sorta pushed towards him. He taught them how to walk and talk. George’s first word was Percy. Second Fred. Fred’s was George. Second was Percy. Ron’s first word was also Percy. But sounded more like purse then pierce till at 4 he finally said Percy. Bill and Charlie helped out as long as they could. But they had to go back to Hogwarts. They say Percy down and told him he had to be strong and Brave like a true Weasley. They he had to be a Perfect kid for Mum and help her out cause she needs help. That he had to step up and help. They both felt guilty but very relieved when they went back to school. Cause at least they could get away.
Molly would have trouble to get out of bed. Percy would do a lot of the childcare despite being 5-6. Molly didn’t even think of who was caring for the kids. Even new born Ginny. Thankfully Percy watched his mom make formula loads of times.
He would get the Babies up first as they were easier to handle then the twins. Get them fed and changed and put in the play pen in the living room. Then he would make breakfast for himself and the twins plus Molly. He would bring hers up. Tho she didn’t eat half the time. Then drag the twins down and the three would eat in the living room so he can keep a eye on the babies. And then he would clean up as the twins played. He would then busy himself with the kids. Feeding and changing when needed. Trying to get the twins potty trained was a mess. Molly put it off cause she was so overwhelmed with twins and two infants.
He also had to build a barrier in the living room cause Ron was walking and the twins were sprinting. He would sometimes yell at them to stop. Cause he’s a little kid and scared they would hurt themselves. At lunch he would put them all down for a nap. Clean up. Cook lunch. Bring some up to Molly. Bring down the barely eaten breakfast. Which would then be his lunch. He would make lunch for the younger ones for when they woke
Meal times were a hassle with all 4 awake. The twins would make a huge mess. Spurned on the more Ron laughed. Ginny had to be hand fed her bottle and Ron his baby food. More food ended up on Percy then in his mouth.
The twins would be super energized in the afternoon and just go batshit crazy. If you’ve met a toddler you know what I mean but times 2.
What made everything worse was for the first few weeks of this the kids would start crying for Molly but she never came. Sometimes she would hold Ron and Ginny but sorta refused to look at the twins. She would also tell Percy what needs to be done. To tired to realize. He’s just a little kids. Way to young to care for a premie infant. A baby and two toddlers.
Molly would come down and make dinner. It made her feel like she actually did something. Arthur would come home and eat some times or just after the kids have eaten. If he came home that day. Half the time he was a no show. It was Percy’s favourite part of the day. Almost like things were normal. But after she would go right back to bed. Arthur would either go to his shed. Back to work. Or join her upstairs. “I’m trusting you to watch them for a hour or so Percy, your so mature it’s like your a adult!” Tho it was never just for a hour.
Percy never complained. Or cried or fussed. He just assumed that this was how it was. And on the rare occasions that he was thanked. It made him grateful. He also wanted to make life easier for his Mom.
After dinner was hard. He had to clean all four kids. Make sure they were bathed. Hair brushed. Teeth brushed. The scariest was Ginny cause she was just so small he was terrified. But he managed. The twins would make a huge mess while bathing. He would get the babies down first cause the twins would take the longest. The babies would sleep in his room in case they needed him in the middle of the night. He would also read to them while showing Ron the book. Helping to teach him to read. Once down. He would wrestle the twins into pjs. Every glass of water they needed. How many stories they asked for. They would finally go down at 10pm. Way later then they should be. He would then spend the next few hours fully cleaning up. Not because everything was messy but he developed ocd and anxiety. A mess left today was doubled tomorrow. He would also meal prep and deal with the animals. And handle the garden gnomes. Finally going to bed at 2am. Crying himself to sleep from stress. Only to wake several times to feed and change the babies.
This would go on for Months. Slightly getting better as time went on. By the time he went to Hogwarts she was taking care of the younger 4 again tho whenever he was home they would go to him. Till he kept trying to be perfect. She continuesly comparing her kids and rifts forming.
Years later once he was back with the family she still doesn’t acknowledge how much he did for her and the others. Even tho there are questions she can’t answer. Like milestone questions.
Even when George jokingly asked when he was potty trained and she didn’t know but Percy did
One day he will realize how cruel what happened was. And part of him will never forgive his parents
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greg-montgomery · 9 months
Hi Fay! as promised I'm gonna recreate the ask i swear on thor odinson i sent to you but oh well here we go!
You said you were so sad greg wasn't with you 24/7 in your life so allow me to shed some light on a gaggle of reasons why he's a pain!
firstly, he spills. This man is infuckingcapable of pouring liquids or moving them from point a to point b without making a whole mess. So every morning if you wake up after him, there's water slopped all down the front of the fridge, a puddle beneath it. Your poor keurig is going to shock somebody because it's sitting in a puddle of coffee. NOT TO MENTION the state of this man's clothes. You make him tuck his napkin into his collar like his life depends on it because you cannot take one more red wine stain on his nice shirts. You've joked with him for years now about getting him an adult BIB because he really is that bad. Every surface in your kitchen is always wet from where he's either left a spill behind OR he's mopped it up by spreading it all over the bench.
secondly, greg is a whistler. Your mum always told you only happy people know how to whistle, so when you met Greg and he could blissfully create the tune of 'livin la vida loca', you thought you'd found the happiest man alive. Of course, after years of listening to him whistle ALL THE TIME, it's lost a little of it's charm. You now end up trying to tune out the high frequencies when you have work to do, but you can't bring yourself to yell at him for being happy. so, you deal with it.
the same CANNOT be said for when you two are sleeping, and greg doesn't snore, his nose whistles in his sleep. it's far less mood-lifting and in-tune than his usual song, and man does it drive you batshit crazy. EVERY time you're drifting off to sleep in his arms, wondering how you got so lucky, there's suddenly the sound of either a very large mosquito or a very small steam train in your ears. It's shrill and it keeps you up all night. You've tried the nasal strips to no avail. You end up buying a white noise machine to blast at its highest volume and hoping that'll cover his high pitched breathing.
Greg looks at you. A lot. It's a beautiful lovesick puppy look in his big doey eyes, but over time it's become a dangerous habit. He doesn't notice literally anything else around the two of you. He's TERRIBLE at judging when to cross the street, much too enthralled by talking to you and holding you close and you always end up yanking him back by his sleeve as a car whizzes by you two. "Greg did you see that new restaurant that opened up just around the corner?" No. Of course he didn't. He never ever does. He's not capable of noticing things that aren't directly between his eyes and your face. You want to gossip with him about how your friend was pulling away from her boyfriend when you guys went out dancing last night? he doesn't know what you're talking about. He was busy admiring your outfit and the way the cheesy disco-ball made your eyes sparkle.
Speaking of gossip, he never gets you any. He is too dedicated and frankly too self-satisfied and disinterested to go digging around for any interesting tea around his office. He never hears about the drama, unless it's because he was asking somebody how they've been. It has to present itself directly to him for him to take any notice of the juiciest details.
Greg is practically allergic to spice. You put pepper in his food and he'll turn to you with a light sheen of sweat and lie to you through gritted teeth about how delicious it is. His tongue is numb. He's almost crying but he'll still tell you he loves the food. You have to cook everything so bland for your sweet darling boy to handle it.
Also, he eats EVERYTHING. There's no such thing as leftovers in your house and there probably never will be again. You swear his mother was right about him having hollow legs. He can eat enough for a family of five and still go searching for dessert. Don't even think about meal prepping your lunches for the week and leaving them in the fridge. They're gone. Every time you turn around he's got an emptied vessel of food in hand. And once he's burned through all the real food in the house, he's eating boxes of dry cereal, old dates, raw carrots from the crisper, anything he can get his hands on. On the bright side, you never have to leave food behind at a restaurant. Your boyfriend can ALWAYS finish it with a smile on his face (unless of course it's even remotely spicy).
I tried making these all obviously forgivable traits, because I don't want any of us to really hate greg. But these are some pretty good reasons to miss him a whole lot less.
mission failed i now miss him even more ‼️‼️
plsssss rome this made me fall for him even harder 😭😭😭😭 i love his annoying habits i want him to annoy me :(((
omg especially the one where he only notices you and nothing else :(( that’s so romantic 🥺🥺🥺
and the gossiping LMFAOOOOO he drops a bomb of a gossip from work and then you’re like “AND????????” and he’s like “oh…i didn’t ask idk” and you’re like 😐
baby not being able to handle spicy food he’s so cute stop it rn 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 ugh but also eating everything all the time 🤭🤭🤭 the duality of greg
ahhhh i’m yearning SOOOOO BAD after this :(( i want a life with him :((((((( i want all these annoying habits of his to be part of my life and routine </3
rome thank you so much for sending this 🥺🥺🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂 i needed some greg fluff 🥹
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