#Inner Peace Synonym
truevedicastrology · 3 months
Jupiter's Blessings
A Journey Through the Houses
The mighty Jupiter, king of the planets, showers its benevolent influence upon each area of life depending on its position in your birth chart. Let's embark on a cosmic expedition, exploring the unique gifts Jupiter bestows in each of the twelve houses:
1st House: The Charismatic One: Your presence radiates confidence, attracting opportunities like moths to a flame. Your ever-evolving style reflects your inner spark, and your optimistic outlook paints life in vibrant hues. Physical well-being and financial fortune seem to follow you effortlessly.
2nd House: The Affluent One: Financial security and a love for life's finer things dance hand-in-hand. Your sharp wit and insightful conversations win hearts and minds, while early financial success empowers you to build a secure future.
3rd House: The Connected One: Warmth and understanding define your relationships with family and friends. Communication flows effortlessly, and your sharp intellect paves the way for academic achievement and success in travel endeavors.
4th House: The Rooted One: Familial harmony and a sense of belonging are yours to cherish. A peaceful home environment, possibly in a dream location, nourishes your soul. Your connection with your mother is a source of strength and solace.
5th House: The Expressive One: Your talents shine brightly, propelling you onto the stage of life. You excel in sports and possess a diverse skillset. Romantic encounters are filled with joy and shared passions, while your adventurous spirit thrives on taking risks.
6th House: The Harmonious One: Health and well-being are your birthright. Your work routine is a source of enjoyment and discovery, leading to financial abundance and promising opportunities through supportive colleagues.
7th House: The Sociable One: Serendipity guides your relationships, leading you to soulmates and fulfilling partnerships. Your magnetic personality attracts admirers and opportunities for social recognition, while legal endeavors find favor under Jupiter's gaze.
8th House: The Resilient One: Inheritance and investments are blessed with fortunate outcomes, shielding you from financial hardship. Deep connections flourish, bringing happiness, and your emotional resilience ensures swift recovery from setbacks.
9th House: The Wanderer One: The world is your oyster! Frequent travel, exposure to diverse cultures, and encounters with inspiring individuals broaden your horizons. Your insatiable curiosity and enthusiasm for life's adventures make every journey a treasure.
10th House: The Achiever One: Career success comes easily, often fueled by the support of family or ancestors. Leadership roles and recognition become synonymous with your professional journey, and your wanderlust fuels your exploration of diverse cultures.
11th House: The Networked One: Dreams manifest effortlessly, surrounded by loyal and intelligent friends. Your social circle is a tapestry of diverse backgrounds and languages, and influential connections propel you forward.
12th House: The Intuitive One: Even adversity holds unexpected blessings, deepening your spiritual connection and highlighting your moral compass. A contemplative nature and a keen awareness of life's subtleties guide your intuitive decisions. You travel to destinations chosen by your soul, seeking profound connections.
Remember, this is just a glimpse into Jupiter's influence. Delving deeper into your individual birth chart will reveal the unique ways this benevolent giant shapes your life's journey.
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eamour · 8 months
daydreaming and imagining
when it comes to manifesting, people like to either daydream or imagine their desires which does sound like pretty much the same. nevertheless — it's not. daydreaming does not equal imagining, vice versa.
meaning · thinking of your desire
to daydream replaces the term "thinking of your desire". when you are daydreaming, you occupy a state of mind where you view yourself as well as your desire separated from each other. you could also say that you only pass through your desired state without truly embodying it and end up going back to your old dwelling state (wavering). you don't claim to have your desire, nor do you declare yourself to be in possession of it. you feel distant to it, almost as if it's impossible, unrealistic or illogical to achieve. you are desiring, aware of wanting your desire, craving and longing for the feeling, making you experience the lack of it. you feel uneasy about how your current reality looks like as you are waiting for some sort of movement or shift. you are dissatisfied about the present moment and view your manifestation as a target you need to aim for, perceiving it as a goal to attain. internally, you know that your desire hasn't been realised yet and wonder how it could possibly materialise. you analyse and examine your outer world a lot, judging it by its looks. you often ask yourself if your desires are ever gonna unfold. thus, you rely on the evidence of your senses, using the 3D as a tool to validate you. by waiting for its confirmation that you ask for so desperately, you automatically assign meaning and also power to the outer world. you let the physical world determine and dictate your mental world. by doing so, you give away control, but still continue to feel responsible and guilty. you repeatedly spiral, wondering what you could be doing wrong, not having full faith or trust in yourself. you don't quite believe in yourself and tend to give in. you endure the 3D as best as you can but often times, you consider your desire to be out of reach. you dream of the mere possibility and depend on the next moment you feel a motivational boost. frequently, you start to doubt, feeling uncertain and unsure about your ability to manifest. you find yourself feeling incapable and scare away from seemingly "big" wishes and wants. you feel needy, irritated and confused. you fight feeling resistant or pressured towards how you want your life to be like. you are afraid that you might never manifest your desired life.
meaning · thinking from your desire
to imagine can be used as a synonym for "thinking from your desire". as the term says, when you imagine your desires, you think from the point of view where you have them already. you experience them and live life from having whatever it is that you desire. you occupy the state of your wish being fulfilled, knowing and accepting that what you want already exists within you. you understand that nothing can exist outside of you and that life happens from you, so you trust yourself, believe in your capabilities and have faith in the law. you feel calm, confident and content as you are fulfilling your inner self, leaving the outer world as it is. you don't feel the need or the urge to change or control the 3D. there is simply no need for you to stress, worry or struggle. you understand that everything is yours, creation is finished and it all exists already. all you do is step into the state of having and being, living in the end where you got it all. you are one with your desire, you are connected to it as well as all the other contents of your reality. your desire has now become a part of you and you are free to chill, relax and to surrender. you have full trust that your desire will and has to unfold exactly how you want it and don't disturb your inner peace by overanalysing or unnecessary questioning. you don't need to rely on external proof, making your state of being depend on the outer world. you are the owner of your desire, the owner of your reality and stay unbothered by any physical circumstance. you are unaffected by anything that isn't favourable for you and refuse to be led on or negatively influenced. you remain living in your imagination, declaring it to be your one and only reality. whenever you desire something, you know that you don't go outside of yourself, searching for what is already within you. anything you could possibly seek, exists in your mind.
with love, ella.
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Femme Fatale Playbook: Unleash Your Dark Feminine Energy
Cultivate your sense of self: Let go of your people-pleasing tendencies. Discover your values, likes, dislikes, goals, and dreams. What are your most genuine desires? What gives you energy? Who and what ignites a fire inside you? Write down your list of core values and 'rules for life.' You deserve a personal manifesto.
Build your cult of personality: How do you want your authentic self portrayed to the masses, your inner circle, partners in business, or pleasure? Which aspects of your personality do you want to be associated with your personal brand? How do you dress, smell, and carry yourself? How do you do your hair, nails, and makeup – what's your 'signature' look? What industry, professional, and social circles/activities do you want to be associated with? What hobbies, favorite meals, music, and destinations, should be synonymous with your name? Over time, these aspects of other people's lives with be synonymous with you. Elevate yourself with this allure of living through association. It encourages others to perceive you as equally relatable and unattainable.
Refine your wardrobe, speech, and habits: Streamline the external and internal aspects of your personal brand. This attention to detail demonstrates that you value yourself, your appearance, and your presence with others.
Set goals: Professional, financial, health, relationships, self-development, creativity, and pleasure. How do you want these areas of your life to look? What activities can you engage in to feel fulfilled, successful, and desirable in each category?
Construct routines, habits, and systems that serve you: Cultivate a ritual for every aspect of your life and time of day. Set a morning routine, night routine, diet and workout plan, workflow and schedule, budget and investment plan, relationship and sexual expectations to help you achieve your goals.
Indulge daily: Drink your favorite coffee in the morning, invest in high-quality skincare and pajamas, have that glass of wine after work, listen to music that speaks to your soul, draw, sing, dance, write, create a vision board – find ways to make your soul feel alive every day.
Set Boundaries: Protect your peace at all costs. Your life is for you. Decide what behaviors, people, and circumstances you will accept. Know when to compromise and when to walk away. Your life is for you.
Seduce yourself daily: Write and say affirmations, admire yourself in the mirror, and engage in activities that make you feel more confident (in your body and mind). The perception of an alluring personality starts with the habits you practice alone.
You become magnetic once you make peace with and work daily to live as your true self.
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IN THE BLUE CORNER, get ready for a spectacle of tranquility and grace! we have a guest that will captivate your hearts with its serene presence. please welcome the MOURNING DOVE!
with feathers as soft as a gentle breeze and a demeanor that exudes calmness, this avian beauty is a true marvel of nature. known for its soothing coos and tranquil aura, the mourning dove represents peace and harmony. but don't underestimate the mourning dove's quiet nature, for it possesses an inner strength that cannot be denied.
so, prepare yourselves as we witness the graceful beauty and unwavering spirit of the mourning dove. get ready to be enchanted by the mourning dove's serene performance, as it spreads its wings and brings a sense of peace to the ring!
IN THE RED CORNER, we have a guest that will make you laugh, cheer, and soar with excitement. making its way to the ring, hailing from the land down under, please welcome the charismatic master of mirth, the KOOKABURRA!
known for its contagious laughter and infectious energy, the kookaburra is the embodiment of joy and frivolity. the kookaburra's call is synonymous with any jungle scene in the movies, regardless of whether it takes place in australia or not. that's how you know it has a real star quality, folks!
get ready for a rollercoaster of entertainment as the kookaburra takes center stage, bringing joy and hilarity to the ring like no other!
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vesora · 1 year
detachment - mindyourreality
original post by MIND YOUR REALITY (i will make it into a series because this site helped me a lot) please read until the end of the post! :)
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Attachment is Doubt, Detachment is Faith
Whenever you are attached to someone or something you effectively strip yourself of your authentic power to consciously create the life you choose because you are living from the vantage point of 'me and outside things and people' with no true conviction in the belief that your reality is a projection of your consciousness. Moreover, you cannot be grateful or feel joyful or feel any degree of certainty when you are attached to the unfolding of a specific outcome. To be attached is synonymous with doubt while to be detached is synonymous with faith. So let's learn how to detach by first taking a look at what attachment looks like.
What Does Attachment Look Like?
Attachment is a feeling of obsession with having to have what you want and if you don't then you cannot be happy. It is to place so much importance on whatever it is you are desiring, that you have made it more important than you, you have placed it above you. And when something is above you, you feel that it is superior to you and so you feel that attaining it is very unlikely because you are not worthy of it. Whenever you are attached to something you want to happen in this way, you are indirectly thinking of it not happening and so inadvertently send your creative thought power to your current circumstances that you want to change.
What it Means to be Detached
Detachment is a mindset. The essence of how to detach is to feel that you already have your desire in the present moment and to believe it! When you already have something, it's yours so you can no longer desire it! Learning how to detach also means to be at peace with what is, knowing that whatever you are experiencing, whether wanted or unwanted, is a product of your mind, only that to date your circumstances are mostly a seemingly random projection of your countless subconscious beliefs that you did not choose to begin with and that you may not even be aware of.
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How to Overcome Attachment
The most direct answer to how to detach is to have faith. Not the kind of faith that is blind or based on wishful thinking. But rather, the kind of faith that comes from 'seeing' the invisible plane with the eyes of your mind, with the same clarity with which you see the visible 3D world with your physical eyes; and knowing that it is the invisible that changes the visible in time. Learning how to detach comes naturally when you internalise the truth that your circumstances are a reflection of your inner world and that to see any transformation in your outer world, no matter how miraculous you may deem it to be, all you need to do is imagine what you want, feel as if you already have it and believe it.
How to Detach in the Face of Panic
Panicking that your intention may not manifest is usually a sign that you are attached. Instead of trying to desperately detach from your intended outcome in the face of panic, just take a deep breath, relax and gently tell yourself that there is no need to panic, that you are one with Universal Mind, that your unwanted circumstances are just shadows of your past imaginings that are subject to change through your imagination, and that your mind is the creative centre of your reality. When you gently remind yourself in this way, your panic will dissipate as will your attachment. When you first set out to consciously manifest what you desire, this can prove very useful in learning how to detach.
What Detachment Feels Like
Do not confuse detachment with no longer wanting your desire or not being allowed to ever think about it. Of course, you are not attached to those things you do not want or even to those things that you have a lukewarm desire for. But nor are you attached to all those things that you already do have. Herein lies the paradox of somehow feeling like you no longer want something in order to detach—the reason you may feel as if you don't want it is because you believe that you already have it. You can only want and be attached to those things that you do not have but desire to have.
When you imagine your desire persistently in the present moment, having felt what it feels like to already have it and believe it, then any sense of attachment will fall away. This can happen in the first visualization or after many sessions. And if you happen to think of your desire in your normal day-to-day moments, gently smile knowing that it is done and be grateful.
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The 'How' is None of Your Concern
You may find that your attachment is a result of not being able to see how what you want will happen given the current 3D world circumstances. And when you can't see how something can manifest, you can't see how to detach either. Rest assured, however, that how something will happen is none of your concern. All possibilities already exist timelessly so when you imagine something you are simply imagining an already-existing possibility. 
Leave the how up to the All-Powerful Universal Mind or else to your Higher Mind. Part of learning how to detach is to not limit Universal Mind by thinking that something is difficult or can't happen because if you think something is not possible for you, then it usually isn't. Since Universal Mind is Absolute, your mind is Universal Mind in Its entirety, so what you think, It thinks.
Detachment in My Experience
Thoughts such as 'what if it doesn't happen', 'why hasn't it happened yet' or 'what if none of this works' are the breeding ground for attachment, more so if you think that having these thoughts will alone keep your desires away from you. For this reason, I want to share my experience in this regard.
I have found that even if I think such thoughts, my desires still manifest as long as I remain faithful to imagining what I want, feeling it real in that moment and taking the inspired actions that may arise naturally. For this reason, I have concluded that imagining and feeling you are already experiencing a certain condition in the present moment is more important than detachment in this sense. After all, fleeting thoughts of attachment are only thoughts and as long as you don't become obsessed with them, they should be countered by what you are imagining. By approaching detachment in this way, learning how to detach becomes easier.
The last thing you want to do is stop imagining the fulfilment of your desire just because you can't get such thoughts out of your mind. And then when what you desire doesn't happen you think it's because you did not detach, whereas the real reason was that you stopped imagining. When I have such thoughts I just put them out of my mind and say to myself that all is good, all is done and go back to remembering my True Self. Admittedly, I tend to have such thoughts when visualizing for healing because the stakes 'appear' to be higher and the worry more exacerbated. Nevertheless, I have still experienced the fulfilment of my imaginings with great success as long as I persist. This does not mean that you need not learn how to detach, but rather do not become attached to its idea.
Thy Will be Done
Now, let's get back to how to detach from the outcome because it does make the experience more enjoyable and simpler while also bringing your manifestation into 3D physical reality in the shortest amount of time. When you are truly detached, there is no sense of desperation because you have access to your true will power. But not the kind of will power that is generally associated with forcefulness, self-control and overcoming obstacles.
In contrast, true will power does not require force. Your True Will belongs to your True Self. And as your True Self, you gently declare a 'thing done' through the power of knowing your oneness with The Absolute that is your God Self. When you consciously imagine what you want to create, you declare that what you have imagined is done without any need to force anything or anyone. 
Where is the force in 'thy will be done'?
This, however, must not invoke arrogance within you because arrogance and pride are extremes that in time will be subject to the Law of Rhythm's swing and cause you to 'fall'. Remembering and being your True Self is accompanied by a sense of joy and unconditional Love for all because you know that everything and everyone (including the physical you) is a projection of your mind, in the same way that a dream is but a projection of your consciousness.
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When You Truly Know and Believe
Think about it, if you truly knew and believed that you create your own reality and that through the power of your imagination you could create for yourself and others anything you may desire right now and even better, would you be attached to anything or anyone? Of course, you wouldn't.
If you truly knew and believed that your physical 3D world is but a projection of your consciousness in the same way that a dream is and that nothing is 'real' because everything is an illusion that is subject to change through your imagination, would you be attached to anything or anyone? Of course, you wouldn't. 
Just relax and take it easy sweethearts. You are God, be still and KNOW you are God. ♡
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jacevelaryonswife · 1 year
I’m hunting you down tonight
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You began to imagine him panting beneath your body, strong hands on your hips as you rode him fiercely. In some daydreams, his image was bloodied after you brutally hit him in the face with a axe.
∴pairing: Ettore x Fem!reader
∴warning and a note: mature content, mentions of murder, porn, smut, carnal activies, indecency and all the synonyms. By the way, I know Ettore is a piece of shit, but is Ewan Mitchell so… boom, fuck that. English isn’t my first language.
The option of being sent into space was not at all attractive. It was an experimental mission, it didn't take a genius in aerospace engineering or any shit like that to figure that out, after all, why would they choose someone like you for a glorious purpose? The account didn’t close. There was no light at the end of the tunnel, just a dense black hole swallowing your hopes of a minimally decent life every day spent on that ship, although you knew that not a single hair of yours deserved peace or happiness after what you did, especially for never to have regretted the harm you caused. It was innate to your nature. Still, you quickly agreed and submitted to the experiment — or were transferred to another prison — when the proposal arrived. Anything to get out of that disgusting hole where your confinement resided. However, the last few days have been too suffocating with the prospect of the future. There wasn't one on earth and there wouldn't be one on another planet, even if at times your optimism lit with a minimum portion of faith. Only to be trampled by the terrifying reality.
That was worse, everything on that ship was worse. Your thoughts turned violent, yearning for an axe to kill every motherfucker who shared the same air as yours, the memory of the blood in your body too vivid to dissipate. Until one day the air was absent from your lungs and a violent crisis took over your body, leading you to unbridled tears. You hated such vulnerability and fear, maybe even a little regret for your past actions, which was almost pathetic to think about, but if there was anything to be gleaned from it, it was the fact that none of your peers saw the situation, which you were mortally grateful. Maybe the extreme condition finally started to get to you, or maybe you were going crazy. Maybe both, but in a moment of awareness you recognized two options: succumb to madness and be soon murdered by some member of the mission, or fight to stay sane.
You've seen fit to walk the threshold between the two.
Over the next few days you developed a hyper focus on trivial activities to try to fend off some of the inner turmoil. The first victim was the floor, which you spent hours compulsively cleaning — and taking out a good deal of your fury. The final feeling was relaxing, although your arms ached from the aggressive scrubbing of the floor. It worked for a good few days, but the euphoria started to rebuild and you suddenly felt more stressed than ever. That night you almost punched your mate, however it seemed less detrimental to your stay to choose to leave the room and wander the aisle to take your anger out elsewhere. That's where you saw him.
Tall, thin, dark blond hair and a few tattoos along his body. You didn't know his name, you hadn't even paid attention to him before, but now he was all you could see. Him and his toned, deliciously exposed arms, his back to you as he masturbated to the disgusting sight of Dr. Dibs. Maybe that was the biggest proof of how reality could affect people, but you didn't care, especially when a low moan was emitted by him, making your pearl vibrate. That was the first time you wanted him, but not the last. For the next few days your focus was entirely on him, or as you recently found out: Ettore.
He had a reputation for not talking much and almost begging for sex from any pussy he saw. He wasn't nice or nice, but then neither were you. Mostly observant, horny and stupidly hot. The heat between your thighs wasn't common, you didn't used to be a sexual person, but then again, the reality lived before is no more, just a black hole about to drive you crazy. You began to imagine him panting beneath your body, strong hands on your hips as you rode him fiercely. In some daydreams, his image was bloodied after you brutally hit him in the face with heavy metal. A truly interesting dichotomy.
But if there's anything to point out, it was almost funny how he hadn't noticed your insistent, scrutinizing gaze. You were like a mouse: fast, good at hiding and could slip through dark places unnoticed. In fact, you were one of the few prisoners who didn't tend to draw attention, which was a plus point in pulling you away from any existing focus on the ship. And as a result, that night, you had reached the limit. It was time to hunt.
You knew he was out most nights to prowl the ship, especially to watch the girls' room like a fucking pervert. He wore only a pair of black shorts to cover his body, walked slowly down the hall until he saw you, his icy blue irises immediately confronted you as you stood sideways against the wall with an almost soft expression and seductive eyes. It wouldn't be that difficult to lure him, you thought, shifting off the wall and strolling back lazily, swaying your hips and turning for one last conscious look. Message given and understood, as he followed you slowly to the small room where the cleaning materials were kept.
Pausing at the entrance, Ettore peered into the room before closing the door, slowly approaching and placing his hands on your waist. Grasping his chin, you brought him closer for a warning:
“If you cum inside me, I'll rip your cock off with my mouth and burn your balls.”
He tried to lean in more, but you stopped him, waiting for the answer.
“I fucking understood.”
You turned against the door and brought him with you, attacking his lips hungrily. He was quick to reciprocate, holding your body impossibly close as he pressed you to the door. There was no romance or shyness, just an insane need for carnal contact burning through your body. He was quick to grope your breasts through your blouse, cupping, kneading and rolling them both in his palm desperately, pulling away from the kiss to remove the fabric and expose your skin to his needy touch. He seemed mesmerized by the naked part of your hot body, rhythmically touching and squeezing every bit possible. It was no different for you as your hands traced every pattern possible on his defined abdomen, leaning down to plant kisses and licks on his deliciously smooth and smooth chest. Immediately he stopped touching your breasts and pulled down his pants to reveal his semi-hard cock, raising your hands above your head and kissing you hard, grinding his cock just above your pelvis. You let go of one of his hands and cupped his jaw, before threading your fingers into the hair at the back of his neck and making him moan softly.
He slipped his tongue into your mouth and cupped your breast again, massaging and pulling between his fingers, reaching down with his other hand to cup your ass. You sighed into the kiss and bit his lower lip, giving him room to pull away and pull down your pants and panties at the same time, fully exposing your body as he knelt in front of you and held your waist, smelling your inner thighs and warm pussy, licking a long swath before sinking fully into your shell like a starving man. A long, high-pitched moan left your throat, tugging at his hair and pushing your back further against the door. The heat of his tongue along with his sharp nose against your clit was pure bliss, and all you did was spur him on by moaning his name like a horny bitch, bringing him to his feet almost immediately after one last sloppy lick all over your pussy and the kisses and bites down your stomach, lashing and sucking on both your breasts. You turned and braced your hands on the wall, spreading your legs and pushing your ass out so he could thrust his warm cock into your wet folds, pushing your ass further so he was fully inside.
“Fuck,” he moaned before he gripped your ass and waist possessively and began to fuck you deliciously. The rhythm he moved in and out of you was deliciously steady, the smallest of thrusts and touches on your body making you tighten around him. “So fucking good,” he smacked your ass, rushing to cup your breast as he brought your back to his chest. Your head fell back against him, closing your eyes to sink fully into the way his cock fucked your soft walls so well and the obscene sounds of wet flesh slamming together filled the room. The hand that was on your chest latched onto your neck and moved up to your jaw, forcing you to look up at him.
“Give me more, Ettore,” you asked.
And just like that, he let go your face and backed you up against the door to smack you like a dog in heat, gripping your hips to thrust harder every second, making it almost impossible not to moan freely as you'd like. Your hips began to move together, chasing the hot delicious length. When your back straightened, providing a more vertical angle, his cock brushed against your sweet spot and had you clenching and shuddering against his cock, moaning in response. He squeezed your ass again, thrusting deeper and more unrestrained before rubbing his palm against your pussy, spreading your wetness and stimulating your clit in time with his movements, buildin your orgasm in such a rush that white light blinded your vision temporarily as the coil burdt, your body vibrating and squeezing his cock as you milked him.
“Fucking hell,” he pulled out of your pussy quickly and began to jerk off close to your ass, coming in with a throaty moan as he spilled his seed onto your skin.
When your breathing normalized, you stifled a satisfied smile, the chill of the door bringing a nice jolt against your breasts. From your position, Ettore grabbed your ass and pulled you close, kissing and smelling your hair and neck, just to ask:
“When will we see again?”
“fucking” reads “fooking” in Ewan Mitchell accent.
@tssf-imagines @arcielee 👀
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tirfpikachu · 2 months
my transmasc nonbinary ex said that they keep getting gendered as female when going out, especially now that they're off testosterone, and that they're not opposed to it per se but it just gets tiring to be called the same thing all the time and they wish people would switch it up every now and then (so they feel more validated as enby)
i remember what it was like when i had nonbinary dysphoria and it was almost like a game. like you want a good ratio of being gendered as male vs female. they were gendered as male for long enough for years that they got actually dysphoric from it, like they got miserable living 100% as male. so now they're in-between. they've had top surgery, they have stubble but always shave it and want to get laser for it (they don't enjoy anything they rly got from hrt afaik, they just "needed something to happen" and top surgery was taking a while to happen at the time). so they're androgynous, but they're hyperfixated on how others view them. it's obviously not what they always think about, but enough to notice and keep track. if they only get gendered as female that month they get uncomfortable. if they only get gendered as male another month they get uncomfortable. it must be so fucking annoying. it was for me, anyway. like never feeling satisfied w how others view you, bc what you want is basically impossible unless you were super dedicated every single day to curating your appearance to pass differently
sometimes i feel like telling them just be yourself, even cis ppl get misgendered, try to feel secure in yourself and all the other bullshit will fade away. strangers only take a quick glance at you and your sex characteristics. and if you have an afab-typical body outside of a flat chest, and you wear stylish clothes, and you're conventionally pretty... and have shaved your stubble... i mean yeah, ppl are gonna think you're afab, and they use the typical sex-based pronouns associated w that. it sucks though. nonbinary ppl, including me from back then, tend to daydream abt a world where ppl would just be able to tell they identified as nonbinary and used they/them or did the "oh miss... i mean sir! sorry" thing every time. they're seeking that rush of "omg i did the nb thing!!" even though they themselves will use she or he for others unless the person is alternative enough & androgynous enough where they cannot believe the person is at peace w their sex. they'll say all day long that nonbinary isn't a look or a behavior but they really go against that aaall the time!!! honestly often the word nonbinary is basically synonym with "androgynous" in how it's used, and other times as a nebulous identity based on the understanding that everyone has an inner womanly or manly feelings inside their head except for special enbies. some nonbinary ppl are androgynous, others genuinely for all intent and purposes are considered gender conforming in society. sometimes i think that's to the detriment of genuinely androgynous folks (nonbinary-identified or not) who face the blunt of anti-gnc hatred
honestly once i embraced being a female human life seemed kinda boring at first bc i didn't get those "omg i reached androgyny!!" rushes anymore. it's like the game was over bc i aligned w my sex as a neutral fact. and all that energy i had focused on gender stuff i now put towards just seeing myself as a human who happened to be female, and would be female no matter what, and no matter what ppl thought it doesn't change the body type i was born in. i'm just like any other female animal. it means absolutely nothing. ppl can think i'm a dude all the time and i just laugh it off bc i know what i am, it's like a funny little secret i have when i get misgendered. but trans ppl don't view it like that... i wonder, what if they desensitized themselves to misgendering and found security in themselves and confidence in their identity? even while still identifying as trans etc? what if they could learn to laugh too cuz they know what they are? i feel like that's what they should work on instead of changing the world around them and feeling bummed out everytime they don't win at gender
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strawberry-soot · 1 year
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ♠️DEUCE BIRTHDAY SSR FLOWER ANALYSIS* ♠️*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
*Mandatory reminder that I’m no flower specialist, which means these are all very subjective opinions. Take everything with a grain of salt!
Poppy anemones, also known as windflowers, symbolize loyalty and the fragility of life – with its name referring to either the wind that helps blow the flowers open, or their susceptibility to wind. The blue color gives them the meaning of protection (against evil), though anemones in general are known to provoke feelings of expectation and excitement. They’re one of the flowers that open during daytime, but close again at night, so they’re ideal gifts for those coming of age, or currently about to start a new chapter in their life.
Deuce has blue hydrangeas, which carry the meaning of forgiveness, rejection, and regret, and are typically gifted when you’re looking to apologize, or to symbolize a new starting point. In Europe and the Victorian Flower Language they’re symbols of arrogance and boastfulness, but nowadays, they’re more commonly understood to show understanding, gratitude, or even as a way to express your concern for the recipients’ feelings (which is derived from their Japanese meaning).
Blue carnations are relatively new flowers that don’t grow naturally, and thus don’t have much history. However, they’re associated with peace, truth, and devotion. Carnations in general are synonymous for affectionate feelings for someone loved and adored. They’re a symbol of distinction, creativity, and uniqueness – and a popular gift for Mother’s Day. (Interestingly, in the Netherlands they’re associated with defiance and rebellion.)
The gentiana scabra in his bouquet represent justice, accuracy and victory because of its upward flowering shape. Another reading is that of lonely love, or loving someone who is sorrowful, or that of chastity.
Cornflowers are symbols of reliability, anticipation, prosperity, devotion, tenderness, and love. Depending on what color you believe Deuce’s flowers to be (because color-picking in photoshop has revealed them to be a lovely indigo – so exactly between blue and purple): blue cornflowers carry an additional meaning of hope, and striving for the unattainable, while their purple variation symbolizes power and dignity.
The small, white flowers in Deuce’s bouquet are either lupines or larkspurs. Lupines are used to symbolize growth and change, strength and protection, as well as transformation and renewal. They represent a passion for life and different experiences, and inner strength since they’re resilient and durable and one of the few flowers that can grow in any soil. White lupines also stand for self-sacrifice, selflessness and forgiveness, and are symbols of compassion for others. Although highly subjective, many believe lupines to be astrologically connected to the signs of Gemini or Cancer (with Deuce being a Gemini). Larkspurs, on the other hand, are symbolic of swiftness, strong bonds, and a beautiful spirit. They’re associated with lightheartedness and youth, as well as a desire for lightness, or simply a pure heart. White larkspurs are typically seen as symbols of happiness, pride, and joy.
Clovers are signs of protection and are believed to be charms against negativity and hexes. They’re closely associated with good fortune and luck, but can also carry the meaning of success, fidelity, joyfulness, and lightheartedness.
Naturally, these are only my un-educated guesses, but feel free to let me know if I got anything wrong/what flowers I might’ve missed.
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pagalprotagonist · 2 months
How does somebody ever fall in love? When the genuine connection that love brings is nothing more than ease, sondering peace and warmth, how does one even fall in love? Doesn't love give so much? Doesn't love make you feel things you haven't felt before, things you thought aren't meant to be felt, things you didn't know could be felt, like a sensation on the left part of your heart, butterflies in your stomach, a skip of heartbeat, relief over your lungs? It makes you feel seen. Seen right at the centre where noone else even stands. Love, it hears you, it mirrors back a you to you, it becomes a shadow. The intimacy of love is so intimate, so powerful and so majestic that i wonder, how does somebody even fall in love? The love, not romantic makes you confident, it makes you comfortable, love, not romantic makes you tall, tall enough to reach beyond any limits that hold you. Love, the romantic one is so gut filling almost like a painkiller. To say, we know love is to undermine love. Love cannot be known but you know how to love and it knows you. Love does not have a path but you will reach there and it will find you. Love becomes the fire behind your ambition and the cure to the stress caused by it. Love is the synonym of holy water, it washes you of your inner demons, the ones that kill you internally and becomes the light around the sphere, the one that carries warmth eternally. When love is the literal definition of power then how does one even fall in love. We dream because we love, we chase our dreams because we love and we succeed because we love then how does somebody even fall in love? 
Only when something or someone is wrong, does one fall; they stumble down and they fall in love. Because certainly, when things are right, the right person, the right feeling and the right intention, noone falls in love. They rise in love. But not everything can be right at the same time. So it is love that has to be given in the right manner. Do not love cause you think you fell in love, do not love thinking what if it's meant to be, do not love with strings attached to it. Just love. Just give love. Because love is not meant to be stored. Love as much as you can, the more you'll give, the more it will want you back. So love and never look back at it.
(The idea that one doesn't fall in love and rather rises is not mine and nor is the line that 'noone falls, they stumble and fall down in love'. I read it a long time ago, copied it in my notes app and now I don't remember where I read it. So I am sorry if the author of that line stumbles across this . I will definitely give the deserved amount of credits or even delete the entire thingy)
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Blue eyes - Chapter 5
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warning : little fluff , hurt/comfort , little emotional , flirty , dreaming , tiny angst
next chapter , masterlist
The ticking of the clocks merged with the many sounds of the lab around them. The bright white and slightly bluish colors of the lab surrounded her.
Next to the occasionally changing colors of the individual friends and people, she concentrated on her work. The keyboard under her fingers with the small elevations for the brail script had been in use for hours.
She went through not only her reports on her avatar but also the recordings.
Despite this, she couldn't help but be excited for tomorrow. I'll finally be able to see it all, she thought for the longest time, grinning slightly as her fingers continued to run over the keyboard. There were only a few sentences left before she paused.
Something she had already been thinking about, something she knew was unsettling her. She would see him, but would he see her differently?
A short sad smile flitted across her lips before she continued writing. He sees you as a blue alien and you see him as a human...it doesn't fit, it's nothing she heard her own inner voice whose words could not have been truer. It was true though.
She would only be able to see him in her avatar form and then only for a short time.
As soon as she was linked, she would go behind the wall and try some tests and trainings. Finally she would see and experience Pandora. But most of all she hoped to talk to the Na'vi.
To learn from them to understand their connection to nature even better. That was something she deeply admired. This deep almost synonymous connection to every little plant or animal.
But conversely as soon as she returned and was no longer linked she would only have her memories of Quaritch. An unhofed imagination she told herself, but she still couldn't ignore the fact that her colors shone so brightly only with him.
Nor could she ignore her nervousness, her urge to prove to him that she was not helpless, to impress him and perhaps even get confirmation. Finally to be seen as what she really is and not as blind and helpless.
Shaking her head as she turned to finish her report, she let it go with a sigh and closed the file. ,,Doctor Augustine, I've finished my report and I'm going to get some sleep!" she called into the lab, not seeing or hearing the older one.
She heard a ,,Good night" from far away in the lab, but it could have come from Jake or Norm. ,,See you all tomorrow," she said before pushing her chair over and turning off the small camera. Before she left the lab and went to her room.
Sitting exhausted on her bed, she folded up her staff and ran it over her face. A quick shower and then sleep she thought before going into the bathroom and taking a warm shower.
Before she stepped out in her soft sleeping clothes and took her datapad. Quickly typing a message to her mother, she paused briefly. Before she deleted it and pressed the record button.
She owed her mother at least that for the day. For it they connected as family to cattle. ,,Hey, Mom, it's evening at our place and I'm about to go to sleep...something happened, nothing bad, don't worry, but it's about Dad," she began, interrupting herself several times.
Not only to pause but also to hold back the tears. Before she finished the video and slowly put it away. Before she slipped under the covers and fell asleep after some time, exhausted but also relieved. But the sleep should not be long from peace and quiet.
The dark colors gradually began to change back to the beautiful glowing forest. Continuing to walk through and let her fingers glide over the plants and trees, she enjoyed the peaceful forest.
The sun shone through the bright leaves and she could hear a few animals calling and birds chirping. The forest was alive. More alive than she had imagined. A smile was on her lips the more she saw of the forest.
It pleased her, relaxed her and gave her the feeling of freedom. ,,My daughter, it's time," she heard that unknown voice again. But no matter how hard she tried to find it, more and more forest seemed to appear around her.
Before she barely made it without bumping into something. ,,You'll feel it," she heard the words dully and looked around. Before she wanted to make another step, however, she got stuck on a liana that was on the ground and began to stumble. Trying to hold on somewhere, she slipped unsuccessfully.
Afraid of the impact, she automatically closed her eyes and stretched her arms in front of her. But said impact did not occur. Instead, she felt two hands on her hips that gently, but with strength and determination, brought her back to her feet.
When she opened her eyes again she saw that there was no forest around her. On the contrary, she seemed to be in the training room. At least that's what she assumed from the large mirrored wall and the hard floor.
But it was exactly the mirror that caught her attention because the person holding her seemed to be hidden in the shadows. She saw his hands as they did not move from her waist. They still held her in place. It was as if he was about to drop her, to lose her.
She felt through the fabric of her top that her hands were rough, as if they had already experienced a lot, gone through a lot and done things that she would not be proud of. She saw the arms as the muscles were still visible in the dark. They every moment around torn can turn to him.
Only from his face seemed to be hidden in the shadows, but she felt the gaze on her. Blue she recognized as the bright blue eyes flashed briefly almost as if he would confirm it for her. She dared to move a step away from him out of curiosity.
But before she could finish the movement the hands fastened her tighter. ,,Come on, try, sweetheart" she heard a delayed but engaging voice at her ear. For a moment she paused. Should she dare? But turning to him she did not, instead she tried to go forward again. What led to this, however, was that he grabbed her even tighter.
Not painfully but warningly almost with a hint of interest. As if he was hoping for something. Suddenly like a flash she remembered. The training. Her arms, which had previously rested loosely and almost gently on his warm hands, enclosed them just as firmly.
Before she took a last breath, she braced herself and tried to lift her body weight out of the air against him and bring him down. Getting up was one thing, getting him down was quite another. Instead of losing his footing or anything else, he didn't seem to care.
On the contrary, in such a quick movement that she hardly saw what was happening, he took her off him and put her in front of him again before he wrapped his arms around her and pressed her to him. She felt his arms on and under her decollete.
How he held her, pressed her to him, his calm breathing would not let her go. ,,Lost my darling" the voice purred before she felt his lips on her neck. They almost seemed to wait, savoring the moment of togetherness before she felt the soft lips on her aorta.
For a moment they remained there. Before she felt the smirk that came over his lips. ,,How obscene of you ma'am," he smirked before his one hand detached itself from her torso and slowly went to her neck. He did not squeeze hard, on the contrary, he lifted her head slightly. She felt that he wanted to touch more of her.
But what to feel ? Her heartbeat, her emotions, her feelings, her body, too many questions seemed to come over her before she heard the last smirk before the darkness fell upon her. Slowly she opened her eyes. Tired. The tiredness seemed to have really taken hold of her.
Only when she slowly realized that she was no longer dreaming and that she had no body or hands on her, she realized that she was back in reality. ,,What a dream" she mumbled and sat up. A small smile, a cautious smirk rather, was on her lips. Blue is a pretty color, she thought, remembering the dream in short fragments. But the blue. The bright blue of the eyes. It was beautiful.
Slowly moving her hand to her bedside table she took the datapad before reading out the latest news. ,,Wilder, get your ass to the lab right after breakfast, we're not waiting just because you can't find your way," she heard Grace's message and smiled slightly. She could almost see the slight smile on the lips of the higher-ups. ,,Already on the way" she said before she got dressed and finished getting ready.
The last thing she did was to take her staff before she left the room and headed for the cafeteria. Once there, she grabbed breakfast before being called to the table by Jake and Norm.
After two tries she found the right table and sat down next to Jake. ,,And did you sleep well?" she asked as she bit into a roll and looked back and forth between them. She heard a yawn that seemed to come from Norm. ,,I was still awake for hours, and I was looking through all the notes I could find," he said, before continuing to eat himself.
A smile came to her lips. Of course he did she thought and looked at Jake. ,,Well, I just slept a little restless, otherwise it was good" he said and she saw how the colors didn't change.
How should they. ,,And you?" he asked and she took a sip of the water. They don't have to know everything she thought and knew that she would skip the training area. ,,Well, I dreamed of Pandora, the forest, and someone called me," she told him, feeling Jake's eyes almost pierce her. ,,You can see in your dreams?" he asked, sounding fascinated but rather confused.
Norm sighed and ran his hand over his face and Y/n couldn't help but laugh. ,,Yeah Jake, just because I'm blind doesn't mean I can't see," she said, pointing to her eyes and then to him. ,,I see the world in different, well, misty colors...imagine that when you close your eyes you don't just see black, you see different tones" she explained, shrugging slightly as Jake suddenly put a hand on her shoulder.
He seemed completely taken by it. ,,That's so interesting, what colors do I have?" he asked and she smiled. Almost like a little boy she thought with a smile. ,,Well, you have blue and yellowish colors and Norm you...have reddish brown" she said and looked at the other. ,,That's fascinating" Jake mumbled and continued to eat his food and Norm seemed rather unimpressed. ,,Yes it is," he said rather dismissively, but she didn't take it from him.
Why should she? She knew he was smart enough for the answer. They finished their meal before heading for the lab.
When the door opened and the colors changed to bright white, she saw the grayish green of Augustine arriving. ,,There you three are, off to the capsules at last," she ordered, and the younger one could still smell the faint cigarette smoke on her. She seems as tense as we are she thought with a grin and followed the two before she went to one of the capsules.
Opening it, she felt the soft lying material. ,,At least it was comfortable," she heard Jake say and smiled. She folded up her staff and placed it on a small shelf below the controls.
She sat on it and lay down before she heard Grave's footsteps. ,,So you know how it works?" she asked, apparently looking at the data on her pad. ,,Well, I can understand the language at least, speak with a bit of an accent, but I haven't been in a body yet...couldn't let them think my blindness couldn't handle the system," she admitted, watching the colors move back and forth. ,,Assholes," Grace mumbled before sighing and putting her hand on the younger girl's shoulder. ,,I don't have to tell you what you can do, but go slow, especially for your eyes," she reminded her before closing the flap and watching the colors turn a dark green.
She heard her blood rush, the relatively fast heartbeat, the soft ground beneath her. Before she closed her eyes and tried to relax. ,,Lie still, it's going to start in a few seconds," she heard Grace say, trying not to think about anything and clear her head. Before she slowly felt a tingling sensation all over her body.
Not as if her limbs had fallen asleep, but rather almost from fainting. It continued to move up her body and the colors slowly became brighter and brighter. Before she felt for a moment how she lost consciousness. And then it was dark. So dark that she saw nothing. No colors, no light, nothing.
And it scared her. Before she was suddenly torn out of the darkness and felt the tingling again, which slowly subsided. Slowly she felt her body again, the weight of her limbs, her fingers and toes, her arms and legs. And her eyes.
It was her eyes that she opened first, blinking. And immediately closed again, too much the light of the bright lamp burned. Too much it burned to see.
It was too painful to see her dream. ,,Y/n do you hear me?" she heard a woman say dully before she turned her head to the left and blinked again. Slowly she opened her eyes and realized that she was not looking directly into the light.
Slowly she saw the woman dressed in white sharper and sharper before she saw her fully in focus. ,,That's good...very good" she heard a man on the other side say. She saw him sharply as well and slowly she tried to get up. What was rather shaky and heavy and a short wave of dizziness went through her body. ,,Slowly, slowly, Wilder," she heard the doctor say over the radio. When she sat up, she looked around.
She saw that she was in a sterile room, lying on a couch, Jake and Norm in their avatar bodies next to her, also waking up.
Before she suddenly saw her clear reflection in the glass. For a moment she was completely taken. Taken by her new self. The light blue skin and the long black hair that hung down and lightly covered her body.
The new size, the longer dark fingers, the pointed fascinating teeth, the feeling of a tail like humans had millions of years ago. Like an extra muscle. The stripes and patterns that stretched over her entire body as far as she could see.
But they were lighter than her skin a light blue almost white. But her eyes. They were the same. ,,My...eyes" she mumbled with a slightly strained voice and almost touched her cheek carefully.
Instead of the normal engaging yellow they were white blue gray almost even still visible and also see but there was no difference to her previous eyes. The sky she thought and felt how her throat constricted for a moment and a toilet formed. Before the first tears gathered in her eyes and she cried.
She didn't even want it, it just came over her. It was the joy, the realization, the happiness and the fear. She could finally see again.
She would see everything again, herself, her mother, Jake, Norm, Grace and Quaritch, she would see them all. ,,Take a moment," she heard Grace say and looked from her reflection to a woman with reddish brown hair, a happy smile and a white doctor's coat. ,,Thank you Grace," she said, wiping away her tears. ,,You look fitting," she said, seeing the brief surprised expression on Grace's face before adopting an almost brief affectionate one. ,,I'm glad then," she said and shook her head with a smile.
Wiping away the last tears, she now saw the chaos that was slowly unfolding next to her. Jake who also received something back. His legs.
He stood up full of energy and broke more than he could hold back. ,,Jake, calm down!" she called, but he didn't seem to hear her properly, he was so taken in. But she understood, she herself had concentrated on what she now had again.
Even if only temporarily. Jake, who had even knocked over one of the doctors with his tail, had meanwhile discovered the door to the outside and headed for it. ,,Sully, stay here!" called Grace, but it was too late, he was already outside. ,,I'll get him back," came from Norm, who had already gained his body.
But Y/n also decided rather involuntarily that it was time to act. ,,Well then," she said and looked at herself one last time in reflection before she stood up and headed first swaying and then slightly staggering towards the door.
Straight towards the outside world. Into the world of Pandora that she would finally see. ,,Jake wait!" she called and ran after Norm as best she could.
But as soon as she stepped out, she hissed, squeezed her eyes shut, and staggered back slightly. There was a fire. It was brighter than in the room, and yet the natural light was different. After blinking several times, it went slowly and she looked around the courtyard with a broad smile.
Next to a soprt square, plants were grown that identified themselves as food. The big huts that served as sleeping place were crowded. It was perfect.
She walked behind Norm and Jake through the fields of fruit laughing and taking in as many things as she could. ,,It's all so beautiful!" she called to Jake, who nodded and took a hearty bite of one of the fruits. Purple fruit juice ran down his chin, but it seemed immensely delicious.
Y/n was also about to grab one of the fruits when she heard someone run up to her. ,,Well, you experts!" called Grace, who was also coming towards them in her avatar body. ,,You have better taste in clothes than we do!" Norm quipped as the three were still in white coats and Grace had pants and a top and braided hair. ,,Come on, let's find you something to wear," she said and swayed over to one of the huts.
Beside the simple beds it was anngenehm in the individual small private areas if one could call it so. In nature and yet protected. She decided to wear a simple top and pants because of the heat outside, which was much higher than in the air-conditioned interior.
Simple and suitable. That was the main thing. After the small tour over the place all were allowed to look around further alone something and they did also.
Just as she had walked through the fields and recognized with joy each fruit on the surface, she was even more pleased to be able to see them now.
Before she slowly came to stand in front of the wall of steel and stone. ,,It is ugly," she noted to herself, wishing she could see more of the forest. To see if it was like in her dreams. ,,An ugly but sturdy thing," she suddenly heard a familiar voice next to her.
She flinched, slightly surprised, slightly startled, as she looked down and saw him. ,,Quaritch" his name came over her lips. ,,I thought I'd see if you had the process down, not that we'd lose the money," he said, taking his eyes off the wall and looking up at her.
She felt her cheeks grow warm. But instead of red, they turned a light dark blue.
He looked good. Better than the colors. Better than anything. Behind the oxygen mask, two bright blue eyes looked at her. Which seemed to see every move she made. As if he knew exactly what she would do.
She watched and waited for what? A mistake, a sign, a touch. The slight smile on his lips, the distinctive features of his face.
The white short hair which stood for his age but in no way for his frailty. On the contrary, it made him look even more handsome. The military clothes they were loose but fitting on his body were cut.
The hands that had touched her, the body on which she now saw the muscles. But what fascinated her the most was the scar on his head that went almost to his right eye.
He was truly handsome in his own way. ,,Be careful, Wilder," he warned, shaking his head, as her tail suddenly nudged him slightly forward. ,,Oh, apologies Colonel" she said hastily and after a few tries had her tail in her hand. It swung back and forth. ,,I expect results ma'am...so far well done" he said and gave her a smile before going back into the base.
She looked after him, her ears standing and her tail wagging again. She realized one thing when she looked at him.
His eyes. He was the unknown from her dream. She had been dreaming about Colonel Miles Quaritch all along.
Taglist : @mooniequeen , @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed , @manymaria111 , @isabellekenway , @perseny , @itzyahgirllkita1
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crystalsenergy · 5 months
Celebratory dates and Energies
have you ever felt a decrease in energy during Christmas, New Year, and the like?
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Have you noticed something common with year-end celebratory dates? I don't know your level of sensitivity, and it's okay if you haven't noticed this, but every year-end, the collective vibration level drops a bit, and this happens because of what is behind the way we experience these dates.
Currently, we still force and reinforce various patterns around the "perfect" way to celebrate a special occasion. It's the time when many people feel somewhat obligated to be part of something they 1) don't enjoy, 2) be close to people they wouldn't want to be around, 3) experience something that does not reflect their true desires for that day.
Especially because we're talking about a moment that commerce and society define as a "family moment," those dealing with difficulties around family feel double the pressure and limiting beliefs projected by others, thus, the vibration decreases.
And why does the energy reduction happen more collectively? Because it's something we still have to evolve and improve.
Empaths and beings with a heightened sensitivity understand well what I'm saying. If your conscious mind hasn't made you think about it yet, just remember the times you felt down or melancholic at the end of the year. It's not just because it's the end of a cycle; it's a moment when collectively shared limiting beliefs (about family, etc.) are reinforced.
Here in Brazil, at least, we deal a lot with very traditional ideas about family. According to Brazilian tradition - that is ingrained in our collective consciousness - family holds immense value in a person's life, which is interesting. However, due to the almost sacred nature attributed to family, all pains, bitterness, complications aren't dealt with in the most appropriate way because (before any reflection) idolatry comes first…
And so, the pains are experienced differently: they are kept, buried, because parents and family members are sacred authorities, and one cannot question them.
With joy, I see here and there that we are encouraged to open our minds, with famous cases coming to light (here in Brazil, for example, the case of Larissa Manoela, among others), showing us that there is no automatic love or perfection just because someone is a father or mother. After all, they are humans like us, destined to make mistakes and they also can be really difficult people to keep close - just like anyone.
On days like these when, for whatever reason, we still cannot fully exercise the desires of our hearts, days when we cannot live the dates our way, I hope everything goes as smoothly as possible because the melancholy that lingers in part of the collective energy (not all of it) is evident.
I hope that one day we experience more of the flavor of what Love truly is… not to restrain, not to demand that a person be and act in a certain way; but simply to be as they are, naturally, without these demands that tie, imprison, and represent much more projection than true love.
After all, who said that blood ties are an automatic source of Love? Reflecting is necessary - observing the world around us too! The evidence is there.
May we be more and more free each day and able to perceive the effects of these prisons in which we place ourselves and others.
Ask yourself: Why demand that Christmas be a certain way? Does everyone feel good being in that same environment at the same time? What did each person want to do on that day? What is the value of this tradition if it generates more inner sadness, melancholy, anger than unity?
Appearances, social status.... why?
Everything has a price, and unfortunately, we collectively deal with the price of seeing and living celebratory dates like this.
May we learn the language of freedom once and for all.
Freedom is synonymous with fluidity, peace, love…
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madamlaydebug · 3 months
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Love is synonymous with truth, freedom, and understanding. Love cannot grow into its greatest forms without honesty. Sending love to all beings. May we all have the strength to cultivate our personal inner peace. May we all be happy and free.
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Amid global conflicts and endless sources of stress, Pantone's color of the year for 2024 is PANTONE 13-1023 Peach Fuzz, a gentle and nurturing peach shade that serves as a reminder to slow down and care for ourselves and one another.
The romantic color's name reflects the tactile sensuality associated with the hue:
velvety peaches, soft marabou feathers, and smooth vintage satins and silks all come to mind when thinking about the pink and orange combo.
For Leatrice Eiseman, the Executive Director of the Pantone Color Institute, Peach Fuzz is a fitting color for the moment we're living in, a reflection of the basic human needs and desires many may be feeling in the midst of challenging times.
"As we enter 2024, some of the things that have become especially apparent to us is the concept of lifestyle taking on new meaning," Eiseman told TIME.
"We've been living in this time of turmoil in many aspects of our lives, and as a result of that, our need for nurturing, empathy, and compassion continues to grow stronger as we imagine a more peaceful future."
Eiseman points out that the delicate shade summons viewers to the human experience, with an emphasis on the importance of health and wellness for mind, body, and soul.
From the warm colors of a sunrise or sunset to the coziness of a fuzzy blanket, the color affirms moments of internal tranquility with the deep need for community, gathering, and connection.
"We've been reminded that a vital part of living a good life and a full life is having the good health and the stamina and the strength to enjoy it," Eiseman said.
"In a world which often emphasizes productivity and external achievement, it's important we recognize the need to foster our inner selves and find moments of respite, creativity, and human connection."
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For Laurie Pressman, Vice President of the Pantone Color Institute, this year's color selection is especially significant, given that it's the 25th anniversary of the Pantone Color of the Year program.
To Pressman, the curation of a color that is synonymous with human connection is symbolic of not only this year, but the overall goal of the program itself.
“With this year’s Pantone Color of the Year 2024, we see an increased focus on community and people across the world reframing how they want to live and evaluating what is important–that being the comfort of being close to those we love," Pressman said in a statement.
"The color is one whose warm and welcoming embrace conveys a message of compassion and whose cozy sensibility brings people together and enriches the soul.
In the spirit of PANTONE 13-1023 Peach Fuzz, we reflect back on the last 25 years of the Pantone Color of the Year program, grateful to provide an avenue where designers and color enthusiasts all over the world can engage in a conversation about color, be inspired by color and showcase their creativity within their communities."
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femmefatalevibe · 6 months
Hi! I recently found your account, and I'm obsessed! I am pretty young, and have always struggled with self-image and am always trying to re-invent myself. I'm sure you have answered this a million times, but how do you start embracing your dark femininity? Thanks so much!!
Hi love! Thank you so much<3 Please see below:
Hope this helps xx
Cultivate your sense of self: Let go of your people-pleasing tendencies. Discover your values, likes, dislikes, goals, and dreams. What are your most genuine desires? What gives you energy? Who and what ignites a fire inside you? Write down your list of core values and 'rules for life.' You deserve a personal manifesto.
Build your cult of personality: How do you want your authentic self portrayed to the masses, your inner circle, partners in business, or pleasure? Which aspects of your personality do you want to be associated with your personal brand? How do you dress, smell, and carry yourself? How do you do your hair, nails, and makeup – what's your 'signature' look? What industry, professional, and social circles/activities do you want to be associated with? What hobbies, favorite meals, music, and destinations, should be synonymous with your name? Over time, these aspects of other people's lives with be synonymous with you. Elevate yourself with this allure of living through association. It encourages others to perceive you as equally relatable and unattainable.
Refine your wardrobe, speech, and habits: Streamline the external and internal aspects of your personal brand. This attention to detail demonstrates that you value yourself, your appearance, and your presence with others.
Set goals: Professional, financial, health, relationships, self-development, creativity, and pleasure. How do you want these areas of your life to look? What activities can you engage in to feel fulfilled, successful, and desirable in each category?
Construct routines, habits, and systems that serve you: Cultivate a ritual for every aspect of your life and time of day. Set a morning routine, night routine, diet and workout plan, workflow and schedule, budget and investment plan, relationship and sexual expectations to help you achieve your goals.
Indulge daily: Drink your favorite coffee in the morning, invest in high-quality skincare and pajamas, have that glass of wine after work, listen to music that speaks to your soul, draw, sing, dance, write, create a vision board – find ways to make your soul feel alive every day.
Set Boundaries: Protect your peace at all costs. Your life is for you. Decide what behaviors, people, and circumstances you will accept. Know when to compromise and when to walk away. Your life is for you.
Seduce yourself daily: Write and say affirmations, admire yourself in the mirror, and engage in activities that make you feel more confident (in your body and mind). The perception of an alluring personality starts with the habits you practice alone.
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definitelymustard · 7 months
The A's
Doing some commentary on Rainbow High plot, Feel free to suggest anything if you want
Have you ever thought about what they did with the A's, Ainsley; the perfectionist, Aidan; the one who really should see their inner self worth and Avery; well, she has really inconsistent plot points so ''fashion designer'' or ''understanding one'' is what I would say
Some synonyms for Ainsley would be ''betrayer'' or ''traitor''
I've always wanted to really see the A's relationships strain and why they felt they can't talk to each other, Recently it's just been Avery * Aidan vs Ainsley and it's... weird
The story is that legend has it that Kia Hart ''expert matchmaker'' thought to match them and now they are... them
Why couldn't they show more about Avery and Ainsley's relationship strain?, Why it's there, How Aidan feels about it, His actual play in their best friend relationship rather than ''peace-keeper''
Cause I mean wtf is ''we clearly can't be friends together, so you being at Shadow High gives our friendship more possibility to survive'' it's almost as if they want Ainsley to leave now, When they were in tears a few episodes ago?
Ummm... I'm ranting about Finn and Gabriella later if you want to stick around for that
Feel free to interact with me!
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alyjojo · 1 month
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Thinking of You - April ✂️ 2024 - Capricorn
Whole of their energy towards Capricorn: 10 Wands rev
Feelings: The Hermit
Intentions: Knight of Pentacles
Actions: 2 Wands, 3 Pentacles & Ace of Swords
This feels like a work colleague or someone platonic in your world, they either see you as a loner or they are one, someone that keeps to themselves. Probably because they don’t like you, that’s how it comes off, but somehow have to interact with you. They’ve given up ever trying to make this better than what it is now, they don’t have faith that you *can* or want to, and it’s like they’re being patient with your bs (how I heard it) but that’s only because they have to. If you work together, that’s the clearest story I see, they need the money. They feel like they can see right through you & your intentions, which they don’t see positively, and they celebrate that fact to anyone that knows them on a personal level. They feel like they’ve been separated from you or have purposely tried to, waiting on a bad cycle to end, waiting for you to be moved to the other side of the room, another office, not in their immediate periphery. Could all be switched too 💯 They just want this issue you two have or you to go away as a whole. It’s like negativity and you are synonymous with each other - in whatever way they know you - or whatever problem exists.
More work energy, in their intentions they just plan to celebrate their work and their successes, which they seem to be having, and otherwise stay away from you. Come in, do their work, collect their money, go home. They’re independent and grateful for what they have and like the Oracle says, they don’t allow any irritation with you to get to them, they’re a serious person with their priorities in order. I do see something of a celebratory nature, like they may have sly comments that make it very clear where they stand, they’re not a sneaky or quiet type. Like they’ll leave you alone gladly, but…say something 😳 In their head anyway. In action, they’re making an attempt to work together with you to bring clarity to a situation, like a forced business meeting/project or something. Do they choose it, no. Will they be an asshole, also no. They’re trying to be the bigger person and gain a higher perspective, trying to cut through some bs so that you will then have to - especially if this is your boss. They definitely won’t hold back what they think or how they feel, but also it’s in the spirit of teamwork, and I don’t see them being unnecessarily sharp either. They can’t be. The oracle could be your advice 😆 or their attitude.
Their side:
- BOSS 😎
- Follow My Lead
- This was only temporary for me.
Your side:
- I just want to start over!
- Cannot Handle Reality 😵‍💫
The path to inner peace begins with four words: Not My Fucking Problem 💯
Justice ⚖️
Equality - Neutrality - Logic
Goal 📈
Purpose - Expectation - Destination
Possible signs:
Virgo, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Aries & Pisces
If you’re dealing with:
Ace of Swords brings clarity & truth to all situations and relationships in your life. Sometimes the truth hurts, but it’s better than living in confusion or murky bs, rather have all of the information available so that you can make sound decisions and give sound advice, like Caps tend to do. You could be being very open and honest with your people about all sorts of things, or you’re hearing a lot of information that also somehow helps you learn a thing or two, I’m seeing training for someone. Maybe you 🤷
Aries - their goals are running out of steam due to drama or arguments, possibly competition, they’re starting to feel defeated
Taurus - apologizing or healing a connection, 10 Cups at the bottom, could be a loving relationship or a close family member
Gemini - has an opportunity to travel or they’re giving you one, and it’s a good thing 💯
Cancer - someone very chatty, could be telling you their every thought at every moment
Leo - leaving someone for someone else, or a new opportunity that connects with their heart
Virgo - one of you has no leg to stand on but somehow will die on that hill, so stubborn, and the other person is like 🤷 okay die then
Libra - wants to quit their job every day, plans it out and changes their mind, could also be a deeply committed relationship complete with spouse and kids, but they haven’t yet, running out of steam
Scorpio - could be going through an awakening, it’s like they’re having to question every belief they thought they had ⛪️
Sagittarius - secrets will come to light at home or within their/your relationship
Capricorn - expecting someone else to step in and take charge, and if not, will happily do it themselves…move 💯 They keep getting that everywhere.
Aquarius - nostalgic about you in positive ways, probably doesn’t talk to you much
Pisces - one day they’re super generous and loving, the next day they’re icy and uninterested, hot/cold Pisces style, could have something to do with a passionate approach that turns them off, or switch it
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