#also: coming in with the ensemble in the finale is gonna be rough
shredsandpatches · 22 days
I've been prepping my music for Les Mis so I can be off-book when rehearsals start next month and it's reminded me of the importance of paying very close attention to the rhythm especially when singing stuff you have known basically all your life, but also: it's made it very clear to me that I can, in fact, reliably get down to a C3 (i.e., an octave below middle C). So that is awesome and I am very pleased with myself.
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sugarmaiiu · 2 years
Fuck You, Billy. (Part 2)
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Reader
Time Frame: between season 2 and 3 / September 1984 (Billy hasn't gotten his Lifeguard job yet)
Warnings: t/w rough handling/unconsented kiss (once again...this is Billy we are talking about)
Word Count: 4.9k
First Person POV
a/n: girlies ate up part one and I am not a woman to deny the people's wants so here I am with a Part Two! Just saying now, we're gonna see a lot of war with self cause why would anyone with common sense want to fall in love with a guy like Billy? Leave a note if you enjoy :P )
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I pulled the bag of clothes, Billy so kindly bestowed me, closer so I could further inspect it. I hadn't looked at what he had gotten for me yet, so I started laying all the clothes out on the bed. I was surprised when I laid out the dress flat on the bed that it was actually something I'd probably at least try on for myself at a store.
I pulled out some stockings he had bought for me to go underneath when out dropped something onto the floor.
I groaned, laying the stockings out on the bed first before leaning down to see the purple lacey underwear he had back at the school, on my floor.
What an asshole, I immediately thought.
I started putting on all of the attire, and yeah if I tried this on in store, I think I would actually buy it.
It was a knee length, blueish-grey hued A-line dress with a pink floral design and some black lace that trimmed the bottom of the skirt , the bottom of the sleeves, and cuffed the neckline. There was also matching black buttons that led from the top of the cinched band at the waist to the bottom of the neckline.
I'd bet money that Billy had picked this dress due to the slight plunging neckline and cinched band at the waist, that when together did not hide my figure what so ever.
I put on a pair of blue rose earrings I owned to match and a long dainty necklace to distract from the amount of chest I was showing in this dress. I looked in the mirror, and honestly I felt beautiful. Everything from the stockings to the lace made me feel good about myself.
Though upon realizing this I also wanted to gag as it was Billy Hargrove out of all people who I was going to be looking good for.
He's a dick but even I can admit he's got a great sense of fashion.
I stared at myself in the mirror with sweat building on my palms as I was definitely getting cold feet about showing Billy. I couldn't decide in my head if he'd like it or or not, but hell he's the one who bought the damn thing, so why should I even care if he does or not. I felt good and that was enough of a confidence boost for me to finally call out for Billy.
"I put your stupid dress on and you have about 15 seconds to come look at it before I'm taking this shit off," I yelled out as a lie.
I heard him say as he came down the hall, "Yeah, yeah, yeah only took you a lifetime to put the damn thing on, and it'd take you just as long to tak-", he paused coming in the door as I stood in front of the mirror not taking my eyes off myself, "it off. . .," he continued in a more quiet tone. He chuckled.
"Huh, you see when I bought the whole ensemble I thought you'd look more like Phoebe Cates not Shirley Temple," he said leaning against my door frame with a smile.
"I don't think Shirley Temple ever wore a dress with half of her chest hanging out," I said turning towards Billy.
"How about we go halfway and call you a Brooke Shields then," he said obviously teasing.
I rolled my eyes and kept looking at myself too keep myself from blushing, "Yeah if I was Brooke Shields I wouldn't be living in Hawkins would I?"
"Yeah, well I don't think Brooke Shield spends all day looking at herself in the mirror either. Hurry and get your shoes on we're heading out."
"Isn't it a bit early for dinner?" I said self consciously looking away from myself in the mirror and at Billy instead.
"I mean we can stall the time in a different way right here if you'd like that," he said with a egotistical smirk, "They say yoga is a great time passer, and is great for. . ." he paused to look at me in the eyes, "stretching the body."
This time I couldn't help but let the blush flood to my cheeks. I thought to myself, 'This guy just does not stop till he gets what he wants does he?'
"Well instead of yoga," I said with hesitation, "what other plans did you have?"
"Well if you'd hurry up like I said for you too do, we'd already be out the door and on the way, so let's go."
He started to walk back down the hallway, obviously in no mood to wait for me. I grabbed my black Mary Janes from the closet and began to awkwardly put them on as I walked.
I almost tripped down the stairs while trying to buckle the strap of my shoes, earning a smug laugh from Billy.
"I know you love yoga and all but you've really let that distract you," he said watching me struggle down the stairs, "You should have done this after I said let's go instead of asking questions don't you think?"
"Shut your fucking mouth Billy," I said earning me a tight squeeze of my aching wrist as I tried to pass him.
"What'd you say to me?", he said sternly.
"You're the one who came rushing me out the door, so yeah shut the fuck up Billy, don't give me that shit," I said trying not to wince from the amount of pressure he was putting on that same hurt wrist.
"Why don't you make me sweetheart?," he said getting in my face, "or did you already lose the balls to stand up to me after learning I can put you in your place."
I tried tugging my wrist away, ignoring what he said. I somehow managed to get it out of his grasp. In the same second I pushed him aside, finally moving past him.
It only took a second for him to wrap his whole arm around my waist so he could yank me back to him. He got even closer in my face this time, with a smile.
Who the fuck smiles after being pushed off?
"Get off of me Billy!" I said squirming in now both of his arms.
"Don't act like your tuff shit then not back it up. Your almost as pussy as Harrington you know? I thought you were different.," he said practically spitting in my face due to how close he was to me.
I stopped trying to break free and instead refused to look at him in the eyes. He expects me to fall head over heels for him just like the majority of the skanks he interacts with, but then acts like some child throwing a tantrum over getting put in time out.
I can't allow myself to love a man like this, even if his every touch sends a thrill down my entire body.
He didn't take the awkward silence this time and it just took a couple seconds for him to ram his lips onto mine, once more.
I was stunned in place for a moment before I uncontrollably let all my weight rest in his arms. It's like I have no control once I feel the sheer joy of the electricity running between us.
It builds every second the gap between us is fully closed, and my mind goes in and out. I should be pissed with the way he treats me like I'm some rag doll, but some part inside of me enjoys it.
If Billy didn't want something, I doubt he'd be this passionate towards it. Even if he only wants me to prove that he can pull anyone, even someone who swears she hates him, I can't help but drown in the feeling of somebody wanting me.
One of his began to glide down my back, to tightly grab a cheek of my ass. It was like he was trying to prove he could fit it all in one handful no matter how many times it squished out around his fingers.
I tried pulling away and it only made him even more aggressive. He was trying to prove he was in charge, but I wasn't going to let some self loving bird brain of a man take control of me that easily.
I rubbed my hand along his arm, as if I was getting more into the kiss, before taking a big pinch of the hair and pulling it upwards. He winced, letting his grip on me ease up enough for me to be able to break out.
I stumbled out of his arms, almost flopping onto the floor, but I managed to catch myself on a side table next to the front door.
He was laughing like a lunatic, which made me feel uneasy.
"Guess she's no Harrington after all," he said still laughing.
"We have somewhere to be don't we?" I said opening the front door, "Hurry up asshole."
After leaving a note for my dad and finally leaving the house, we got in his car. I had been silent the entire time so far we had been in it. Unlike last time I was in his car, where I didn't have anything to say, this time I just didn't want to say a single thing to him. I didn't even want him to get the satisfaction of my laughs when he tried to crack a joke at some 'hick' looking house or neighborhood.
I was just so angry.
To my surprise, I was angry with myself. I don't even know why I was so angry with myself, but every time I thought how good I felt when he kissed me, I wanted to jump out of the car and let myself roll down the road.
If he wasn't such a brat to put it simply, I could let myself enjoy the fact that we kissed. I repeatedly thought to myself, 'What's wrong with me?'
Here I am letting myself being coerced by a literal man baby into being his fake girlfriend. It made me so angry when I thought about how nice it felt to be held in his arms. Then it made me even angrier that I thought it felt even remotely nice.
It hit me like a baseball bat to the face, when I realized why I was so angry. I realized that at the pace Billy and I's relationship was going, I was going to end up falling. Just like he wanted.
I was so stunned that I could be this weak, that even Billy seemed to notice my change in emotion.
He looked over to me, "If you puke in here I will throw you in a lake with your legs tied to cement, you here me?"
I looked at him for the first time since we got in the car. What he said was vicious, but I saw by his facial expression and how he kept looking back and forth from the road to me, that he was curious if I actually was ok.
"If I was going to spew I would let you know, so you can stop looking at me like that," I said in an unintentionally pouty tone.
"You look like your gonna blow any second."
"I'm fine Billy!" I said in a loud outburst before almost whispering, "Can you just stop talking to me for christ's sake?"
I turned my knees away from him and that must of been the last straw cause he immediately slammed on his brakes in the middle of road and turned to me.
"You either start talking or we're going to be sitting right here until you do."
I looked in the side mirror too see if any cars were behind us, realizing we were stopped just on the decline of a hill.
"Fucking drive are you crazy? You're gonna get us hit."
"Guess that one will be on you sweetheart."
I looked in the mirror again, no sign of a car yet. Though due to the angle of the hill, it might be too late once a car would be in view.
"Fuck Billy, what's your damage?" I said looking at him in the eyes.
"I could ask you the same god damn thing, so either we get to the theater soaked in blood and with some broken bones, or you start talking right now.", he looked at me starting to rev his car, creating unnecessary drama to the situation.
I had to snap myself out of the thought of him taking me to see a movie and how that's actually a nice thing of him too do, in order to focus on the problem at hand.
"You are my problem Billy!" I yelled out.
After building up some momentum, he slammed the gas pedal sending us flying down the road. He yelled out, "That's more like it baby!"
"And your celebrating that?", I yelled back in confusion.
"How long you gonna take this shit before you decide to do something about it, y/n?"
"How about you just stop giving me your shit, that'd fucking solve my problem real quick."
We were both still yelling, but I felt my heart racing in my chest as we sped down the road.
"Why don't you just scream?" he said maintaining our incredibly illegal speed.
"Do what?"
He rolled down the windows causing my hair to blow everywhere.
"Scream!", he said before upping our speed once again as he yelled out a very guttural angry scream. He laughed diabolically after looking to me as if I was supposed to give it a try now.
I hesitated, I definitely still was angry and I definitely felt like screaming after all the stress Billy caused me today.
Billy turned up the radio, as to try and hide my scream in case I was embarrassed. AC/DC's song "You Shook Me All Night Long" abruptly came crashing on over the speakers, right in the middle of the chorus.
I gave a big huff as I screamed as hard as I could. It absolutely wasn't some pretty scream you see typically in horror films where they want to keep woman dainty and feminized.
This was deep, and came straight from my pit of anger. I was going to for sure feel the repercussions in my throat tomorrow morning.
Billy laughed, and I laughed with him.
He somehow turned up the radio even louder, leaving me to feel the bass of the music in my heart. He beat the steering wheel along to the music, still managing to go Mach 20 speed down the little one way road we were travelling on, with zero care in the world of how dangerous it was.
I would never admit to it, but in that moment I began my slow and inevitable fall for Billy fucking Hargrove
When we got to the theater and I was in a much better mood than before we left my house. Billy pressed down on my thigh, keeping me down in my seat, as I tried to lean up to leave.
He signaled me to stay and quickly got out, breezing his way over to my side of the car to open it for me.
"Well, maybe you can be a gentleman. I'm shocked.", I said practically climbing my way out of his low to the ground sports car.
"See what happens when you trust me and just have a good time?", he said closing the car door behind me.
He offered his arm up to me to wrap my own around as we walked, so being polite I took it, getting closer to him. "Oh so I should have trusted you for some 'yoga practice' too is what your saying?"
"As fun as that would have been," he said with a smirk, "I wouldn't have then been able to take you here."
I obviously ignored the comment and gave it no attention. Instead I looked up at the theater heading, remembering how Steve wrote 'featuring Nancy the Slut Wheeler' on it back when he was in highschool and a total douchebag. He and the rest of the chaos gang would be shocked to see me here with none other Billy Hargrove.
The thought made me sigh and made me want to try to get my mind off how disappointed my peers would be with me if they knew I was going on a date with a tool.
I looked around instead, realizing there was only a handful of cars parked nearby. "There's nobody here even here, do you think it's because of that mall they're building"
"To be honest I don't really give a fuck why people are here or not, just means we'll be alone in the theater room if it's dead inside."
"Yeah like I said at my house, don't get any funny ideas."
"I have the ideas, you're just too big of a pussy to go through with them."
I rolled my eyes and had to laugh, "Yeah, I don't think me not throwing myself down your pants like every other girl makes me a pussy, as you say."
"I'll have you begging soon so whatever you say," he whispered in my ear.
Billy definitely wasn't shy, and that was something I really enjoyed. I've felt like I've always had to initiate something from a partner in order to be even slightly satisfied. I blush, what the fuck am I thinking?
I put the thought aside and looked away from Billy to hide my blush, which was from half from my thoughts, and about half from what he said.
He laughed and roughed up my hair with his hand. I'd have to fix it later anyways before going to meet his parents, so I didn't mind.
Billy took care of everything, to make sure everything happened the way he wanted. I sat down in my seat of the theater, and to no one's surprise it was empty. He threw his arm around me, not caring what I thought about it, he just wanted to do it.
I didn't mind this time, but only for this time only. I for sure didn't want to cuddle up to him, so he could forget about me doing that.
I watched the film in bliss, just happy to be out and doing something for once after school that isn't just doing chores for the yearbook committee or siting at home on the phone with my best friend Robin.
Hell after seeing my sad excuse of a love life, I think even my dad would be proud to see me out of the house.
I looked too Billy who was focused on the film, god he really was pretty.
"See something you like sweetheart?", he said without looking at me.
I blushed, I literally just got caught gawking, that's a new low even for me.
"Nah, I just think your an idiot Billy Hargrove."
He scoffed, "If I was an idiot I wouldn't have been the King of our hick ass highschool would I?"
I thought it was weird that he still thought about highschool so frequently, its almost as if he still liked it.
That on its own made me think about the party, and how I threw my drink in his face after he tried to get me to sleep with him. Why the hell was he even there at a highschool party?
"I know you still know people at Hawkins, but don't you think it's weird that you still hang out with highschoolers and they still call you the almighty King of Hawkins.," I said in a half jokingly manor.
"They loved me there, you saying you wouldn't love all that praise?", he said with a smile.
"Yeah, but I just figured anyone after they graduate would be focused on getting a job and finally making something out of themselves. Not going to stupid high school parties and trying to bang your old classmates."
He sighed and didn't respond. "Yeah yeah whatever, want to get off my dick about it?"
"I can't believe you'd ever complain about me being on your dick."
"Yeah alright, just drop the whole subject y/n," he said in a serious closed off tone. I sat there and fumbled with my thumbs.
I didn't meant to make it awkward. I sat there for a minute thinking about how I could ease the tension. I gave it another thought, and I suppose leaning my head on him wouldn't be as terrible of a thing I first initally thought it to be.
I rested my head on his chest, sort of awkwardly resting on the arm rest to do so, but I eventually got situated enough for it too not be in my way.
"I don't need your pity," he said but not rejecting me.
"Good thing I'm not pitying you, it's not like you've told me anything to pity you over anyways."
He huffed, "Yeah well you just worry about impressing my dad tonight alright?"
What he said seemed random, but I think he was giving me a hint of why he was so tense.
"If I can impress you, I can impress anyone I think," I said keeping the mood light.
"Yeah as if it was your personality that I was interested in at first."
I playfully punched his chest and when I rested my head down all I thought was
I'm not very religious but dear God I'm in trouble if shit continues like this.
Billy and I managed to finish the movie and drive to his house without any screaming matches or sudden dangerous stops on hills this time.
I could tell Billy was feeling nervous, which is a sight I thought I'd never see. How bad could his dad be in order to make Billy out of all people feel nervous.
I felt pretty confident at first, as I know I'm a good person, but seeing Billy get bent out of shape just from the looming fact of his dad's opinion, it made my palms get sweaty.
We got to the door and Billy stopped me before entering.
"I didn't ask any girl to come here. I asked you." he said making me feel sort of warm inside, "Don't fuck this up," he continued squashing my said warm fuzzy feeling.
We walked inside and I saw what I assumed to be Billy's dad and stepmother sitting in the living room. Billy's dad whipped his head around to the sound of the door and gave us a disapproving look.
"Well I see why now Max came home on a skateboard.", he said looking me up and down.
I was going to introduce myself but Billy beat me to the start. "Dad, Susan this is y/n," he paused to look at me, "y/n this is my dad and my stepmom Susan."
"Charmed," his dad said from his chair not even looking at me.
Susan jumped up from the couch and met me to shake my hand.
"It's so nice to see Billy bringing home someone so pretty," she took my hand and for once it was the one without the bruise, "let me lead you to the kitchen and we can get you a spot set up for dinner, that would be nice wouldn't it Neil?", she said looking back at Billy's dad from where we stood.
"Perfect," he said not caring at all of my presence.
She smiled and she dragged me away. I gave Billy one last look before we were separated and I could see him mentally preparing himself for something bad I'd assume.
"So are you and Billy dating?" she asked immediately.
I swallowed nervously, between the stress and that screaming I did in the car, I felt like I was swallowing flakes due to how dry my throat was. "Oh yes, we are," I finally said after a pause.
"I'm not very close to Billy, but I think it's a really good thing for him to finally settling down on someone his age.
"Oh yeah, for sure." I replied awkwardly.
She asked me a bunch of questions about my life, like where I lived, if I graduated with Billy, I told her no and she asked what grade I was in. It really was all standard stuff really, but I still felt it was good for the sake of getting along like Billy wanted.
Things were going ok until I heard Billy's dad yell, "Oh what? Are you scared your whore will hear it?"
I looked to Susan who immediately looked at me. She smiled and that made me feel very uncomfortable, it was as if she just somehow didn't hear what was said.
"Lets uh- go set up the spot at the table for you alright sweetie?", she said leading me out of the kitchen. I was practically shaking from nerves and it didn't help when the front door started slamming from Billy and his dad taking the argument outside.
I heard another door open, softer this time, when I heard, "Mom is everything ok?"
Max popped herself into the room, and I gave her a second double take of the day as to why the hell I was still around. I shook my hand at her, it was a very awkward wave hi.
"Oh y/n, this is my daughter Maxine. She's a little bit younger than you, but I'm sure you guys will be just fine to chat for a minute while I go check on the boys," she moved from my side ushering me and Max to sit at the table before leaving the room.
I waited for the front door to open and close again before flopping my head on the table.
"Ok," she said stunned, "what are you doing here?"
"Billy," I responded half groaning.
"Yeah no shit, please don't tell me your going to seriously date him."
"I'm not actually dating him Max," I leaned my head up from the table. The stress of everything from today finally started to hit me and suddenly I felt as if all my lifeforce was drained from me.
"It sure as shit look like it."
"Yeah but I'm not," I sighed rubbing my face with my hands, "I threw a drink in his face after he tried to get in my pants and now he's interested in me."
Max snorted, "No please don't tell me he's only going after you due to blue balls."
"It's not funny, he literally came busting into the highschool this morning and forced me into this."
"Wait what? Forced you?" she looked at me confusion, obviously assuming the worst.
"No, not like that- I just mean- All he did was- Look nothing bad happened, the worst he's done is kiss me when I didn't ask for it," I said obviously lying, but I don't think Max should hear about how he pinned me against my bed or grabbed my ass at the bottom of my stairwell.
She sighed and I could tell she was trying to hold in a laugh again, "Well good luck fending him off he's a dickhead. Literally. That's the only part of his body that thinks."
"Neil called me a whore? Should I be worried about what's going on outside? Am I gonna get roped into this somehow?", I asked.
She squirmed in her seat for a second, "I mean, Neil and Billy are pretty similar actually. They both get really aggressive and stuff and I mean, he kind of deserves it sometimes, but I've definitely heard Billy get his shit rocked by him before."
"For real? Isn't that like abuse or something?", I asked in shock.
She shrugged, "My mom believes he's a good guy, so whatever he does I'd imagine Billy kinda' deserves it."
"Still. Just seems hardcore."
"Yeah well the apple didn't fall far from the tree, I think they're both controlling assholes."
I went to respond but I heard the door fly open and I immediately got nervous. In single file, Billy, Neil, and Susan all came into the dinning room where Max and I were sitting.
Neil came to me and shook my hand, choosing the undesired one to hold.
"I apologize for any inappropriate behavior you heard tonight," he looked to Billy and back to me, "I'm assuming you know Billy's history and I was afraid he brought home someone sleezy into my house without any warning."
"But hearing you are Billy's girlfriend, and we all just want to have a nice dinner with you, so we can have a good rest of the evening.", she butted in. She smiled but I could tell it was fake. She was obviously bothered by something that had to have occurred outside.
I looked to Billy who bore a stone cold face. It was very obvious something had happened and he just wanted this night to be over with.
I looked around at the entire family, all of them miserable. This should have been clear proof that falling for Billy was a bad idea. I would never try and fix someone, it's not my job to, but I can tell that Billy himself wouldn't be happy in a relationship unless things were to change.
In this short amount of time of being around him, I realized why he bounced around to different girls, never staying with one for too long.
I knew this fact, and I still couldn't help the feeling inside me that burned with fury. I wanted to comfort him.
I looked at him, and realized I couldn't ever fall for him and I was going to have to stop myself from falling even further.
Billy Hargrove is a fucking train wreck waiting to happen and somehow I'm on board. I have to find my way off, so I don't crash with it.
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romanthroughthefield · 6 months
Ranking All of the Newsies Songs Based on How Much I Enjoyed Being in Them!
disclaimer: i played jack over the summer. we had 2 weeks to produce the show. i am afab and a mezzo-soprano. anyway, enjoy!
18: The Bottom Line
i wasn’t in it + plus its a bad song
17: That’s Rich
i wasn’t in it
16: Watch What Happens
i wasn’t in it
15: Letters From The Refuge
i wasn’t in it
14: Brooklyns Here
i wasn’t in it but its so fun
13: King of New York
i wasn’t in it but me and the girl who played Medda had a really good time doing the choreography backstage <3 also just a banger
12: Overture
got wheeled in on a little platform during this. was silly.
11: The Bottom Line (Reprise)
i was in this one! barely! this is such a good villain song and it gave me chills every time. i was barely in it but i love that they mention jack’s newsies name in this one
10: Finale
made me sad that the show was ending and also i took the girl harmony on this one which is so random and hard lol.
9: Something to Believe In
had a rough time with the harmonies in this one and also the first couple times we ran the scene before it i completely forgot my lines after the kiss because i was nervous LMAO so during the show i was always wicked nervous that was gonna happen again.
8: Seize the Day
okay so im a dancer first. usually jack doesn’t dance much but i did! and then i ran around the entire auditorium because snyder was chasing me. i was so tired and out of breath and also just nervous for santa fe.
7: Santa Fe (Prologue)
i was chillin during this. the guy who played crutchie was amazing and we had a good time working on this song together.
6: Don’t Come a Knockin/I Never Planned On You
unpopular opinion but i love this song. cutie banter and i love when songs overlap eachother.
5: Watch What Happens (Reprise)
these harmonies are FUN! and i love jack’s little dialogue pieces in this.
4: Carrying the Banner
classic newsies getting ready. loved this so much.
3: Santa Fe
everytime i stepped off the stage after this song the cast would run and hug me. i was so so stressed during this though which is why it isnt number one.
2: Once and For All
you ever sang that section with a group of your best friends before? you know the section. anyway yeah its about the most therapeutic musical theatre can possibly get.
1: The World Will Know
and here it is! my favorite song that i was in. the energy in this song is so incredibly high and i just always felt that the ensemble was having just as much fun as i was.
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agrise · 2 years
i did this on an old blog once upon a time and i’m gonna do it again because bios are pending:  a basic summarization of each of my original characters featured on the blog.
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toshiyuki nakane ; human, ensemble stars oc. an idol who’s hanging on his last thread. motivated by spite & a need for vengeance for an old friend yet he’s also struggling to feel the same passion he used to when there was two. now that it’s just him he’s sort of lost yet he refuses to quit here. he wants to reach the stage his friend could never. maybe then could he finally give himself a break but until then he’s here to be your significant annoyance!
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acesis iyer ; wizard, mahoyaku oc, originally a southern wizard but presently lives in eastern country. a sort-of quack ( pretends to have experience and/or knowledge in the medical field ) / back alley doctor as a result of his magic specialty ( wound / pain transferal ). does this as a means to make a living and y’know survive. not against aiding or assisting various kind of people if it means the payout is good. kind of a jittery and jumpy person. quick to change how he acts depending on the person. somewhat jaded deep down but has a cheery exterior for the sake of keeping good blood.
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ciara enfield ; sage wizard, mahoyaku oc; a central wizard but was born in eastern country. very much one to stick to her ideals or logic. kind of blunt, outwardly cold but it’s more of her strict-image coming into play. she’s rather easy to get along with. it’s just a matter of respect and one proving themself to her. she’s all for doing things for the right cause and tends to hold grudges or ill opinions of those with the intent of evil or ill purposes.
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luther bazin ; wizard, mahoyaku oc ; former prisoner that has since been released for his crimes after serving his sentence. born from a bloodline with dragons and his magic specialty is heavily based around the fact. rather intimidating and scary at first look- but even after that can he be quite a gruff and a little too blunt. trying to re-adjust himself to his freedom and adjusted mindset but old habits are hard to shake!
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severus cross ; sage wizard, mahoyaku oc ; eastern wizard. easy temper & kind of hostile to strangers. holds humans in contempt and generally distrusting or has a preference to solitude. underneath the layers he puts up is he rather playful. sort of a dick but not intentionally. he just tends to poke or tease a lot, doesn’t hold himself back. 
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watanabe leo ; fate master oc (ritsuface) ; a dead apostle (vampire) that took residence in the chaldea as a means to be safe from the church. somehow lead him to being the master. fun shit. he’s rather awkward, pretty jumpy, and panics over the smallest of things. trying to do a REALLY good job so he doesn’t get killed y’know ( it’s do or die in his head. )
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aloysius baum ; wolf shifter, a very strong-willed confident man. holds criminals and most horrible people in contempt. seems rough on the outside but deep down is a person with a lot of compassion, he just has his own ways of expressing or showing this.
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asa reid ; half human half reaper. has to decide between giving up his humanity to be a reaper or continuing to live as a human and no longer be a reaper but since he’s yet to decide he’s somewhere in the middle. able to communicate and see the dead & spirits, as well as being able to tell or detect if/when someone is near death or dying. kind of bratty and a little cocky. 
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azriel lock ; werewolf - gravekeeper ; quiet and usually unapproachable. it’s clear as day he has scars given how guarded and uptight he is. he doesn’t just let anyone near and his only comfort is found in tending to his work.
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cole belcher ; metahuman (tarot personification of the devil)  - drug dealer who’s addicted himself (both drugs & alcohol). wild man. will do the most stupidest things for laughs.
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daichi nakajima ; metahuman ; highschool student , wannabe - hero! ; he’s a good person at heart- always aiming to do good by his community and people in his life. he actively fights for those in need and devotes a lot of his time bettering his surroundings.
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ezra calhoun ; multi - verse but default he’s a recently turned vampire ; hot mess. flirts a lot but kinda cringe tbh. lovable in a weird way tho. ezra will cling and whine to you about his troubles and then proceed to spoil you in gifts for doing all of that.
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gilbert clery ; witch specializing in dark magic; outcast , frowned down upon of due to the jobs he has no qualms to accept. torn between not wanting to live such a life yet being indebted to the god employing and blessing him with talent that goes beyond his natural capabilities. gilbert is an experience, invasive but desperate for attention.
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grant schuler ; metahuman ; delivery man (has a delivery service!) ; awkward at heart but it’s mostly because he spent way too much time around his grandpa than other people. generally nice and usually the type to adjust how he is depending on the person.
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haru kagami ; galah shifter, a standoffish man who keeps most newcomers into his life at a distance.  appears rather harsh and cold but more lingers under what he tries to play off as. a little nervous and incredibly shy person deep down. it just comes out the exact opposite.
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hongo hiroyo ; hongo hiroyo, 26 years old, cismale ; he/him, novelist, human horror novelist - sort of very graphic type stuff that lives a lot of his questionable “what if” scenarios, suave and a lil flirty but kind of a goof. tones it down in the public eye.
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hongo natsu ; hongo natsu, cisfemale ; she/her, student. detests her brothers and family to an extent- mostly because she hates the fact she has to be mindful of things like their image upkeep or reputation. wants to enjoy her youth in full and be reckless but she can’t so she’s a bit bitter.
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nitori ‘n’ kohone ; metahuman ; genderfluid individual who specializes in memory. some might even call him a dealer. extremely selfless and has shown he will do anything for the sake of freeing those with ache and discomfort.
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kuma ; android, 1st of his class ; he usually helps out the elderly or does a lot of cleaning for hire ; a android programmed for the sake of being aid to those who cannot readily do so for themselves. he’s serious in nature and focuses on the most important things.
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lawrence “sen” moores ; demon, leader of the litost foundation- an informant organization and one of four leaders of kalopsia- an up and coming crime syndicate. rather sly & can fall on the eccentric side of things. he’s nice until he’s not! do try to stay in his good favors otherwise he’ll likely unleash hell.
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lucid ; an eyeball witch! silly! eccentric! excitable. loves taking on familiars and loves giving others a fright (innocently tho). she likes to knock a lot of wizards or witches down a peg due to being the belief that they’re all too full of themselves.
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michigane nishikintoki ; ice dragon - old as fuck ; multi-verse but main setting michigane “do you wanna see the pictures i have of my daughters” nishikintoki. a very family orientated man who’s waiting for his flight to return; it’s been centuries since they’ve fallen but time is ticking for their rebirth. michigane is a dragon who’s lived a long time. he’s seen the worlds up and downs but really… all he wants is to live till the day the nishikintoki family prospers once more
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rika sanada ; human, “influencer” but she hates the term & model. just a girl who posts photos and videos online about fashion or trends she’s into. big into makeup and collecting weird figures of various creatures or objects. obsessed with dark colors and loooves face masks. always seen grinning or staring off into space.
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shinji yagyu ; human ; ex idol turned bassist for a band! ; shinji was the subject of a false scandal that blew up. ex member of a popular idol group and when they hit their peak - his downfall came. while the others prospered, shinji had lost everything he worked for. for a long time he remained hidden but in the end; his passion for music returned. much too scared to return as an idol he was wisked away by a band known as devoid.
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sloan tsugane ; ???, security affiliated with litost. on his way to also working for sen in kalopsia yet his alliance remains mostly with litost & porphyrios. sort of acts as a secret informant to keep porphyryios updated on what sen does. a rather quiet & mysterious man himself. the only thing known about him is the fact he smells heavy of nicotine and that he has a prosthetic hand.
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steffan gray ; glacier bear shifter, serial killer ... he does so out of love. kind of intimidating. really tall. definitely a looks scary, can be scary but is unexpectedly soft yet to be fooled by such nature is a risk. he has no qualms to letting up that behavior quick should something arise that sets him off. really... he’s just a weird dude. likes to kill people. what more do you need.
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shijo akiuji ; human, majoring in veterinary medicine - aspiring veterinarian, primary caretaker of his two younger brothers. lover of animals and caffeine. rather goofy in nature and tends to aim to make most people smile. a downside is he can appear rather simple-minded. 
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, October 18
Oz : Don't touch her again. Veruca : Come stop me. I like it rough, remember? Oz : You wanna hurt me, hurt me. You leave her out of this. Veruca : How can I? She's the reason you're living in cages. She's blinding you. When she's gone, you'll be able to admit what you are. Oz : You don't wanna find out what I am. Veruca : You're an animal. Animals kill. Oz : You're right. (Advancing towards her.) We kill.
~~Buffy Episode #62: "Wild at Heart"~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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"Happy Halloween, Girl!" (Faith, M, Final Fantasy xover) by apachefirecat
An Eternal Decision (Spike/Buffy, Joyce, T) by apachefirecat
Reversal (Xander, G, Iron Man xover) by madimpossibledreamer
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just like heaven (Buffy/Spike, M) by EmilytheSlayer
Locker Room Talk (Lindsey, E, Leverage xover) by TheologyDiscography
Ante Up (Spike/Angel, T) by Gabriel_Is_My_Guardian_Angel89
Moment of Pain (Wesley, G) by NAOA
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Stake your bets (Faith/Reader, unrated) by prose-for-hire
[Chaptered Fiction]
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God Complex Ch. 1/? (OC, Ensemble,M) by pfftcrush
A Numbers Game (Spike/Angel, E) by girlpire
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Bound Chapter 28 Twisted Sister (Buffy/Spike, unrated) by spnae
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Absolute Destiny Ch. 3 (Buffy/Faith, T) by Forgotten Conscience
The Sun Ch. 18 (Willow/Tara, T) by heckate
Shadow Over Hellmouth Ch. 1 (Buffy/Tara, T) by Tuxedo Mark
The Footprints Left Behind Ch. 4 (Buffy/Xander, M) by Willow-98
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The Footprints Left Behind, Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Willow91
Take Me Out, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, E) by MillennialCryBaby
Willing Slave, Chapter 24 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Sigyn
Needs Must, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, G) by EllieRose101
After Last Night , Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, E) by alittlemoretime
If Only, Chapter 17 (Buffy/Spike, E) by MixSaysRawr
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Consequences of Bargaining, Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, T) by All4Spike
Marriage, Sunnydale-Style, Chapter 29 (Buffy/Spike, M) by scratchmeout
Did You Ever Know, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, ) by violettathepiratequeen
No Remedy for Memory, Chapter 7 (Buffy/Spike, E) by scratchmeout
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Darkest Before the Dawn CH. 61 (Dawn, T, LotR xover) by Luna
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:Blood in a mug (Spike) by inkcalamities
Artwork:Buffy sketches () by chrispypapas
Artwork:BTVS “Every Outfit” ���Who Are You?” Xx () by whatshisfaceblogs
Artwork:Vamp WIllow () by goofwarrior
Artwork:Lil Ripper () by goofwarrior
Artwork:Spike () by goofwarrior
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Video: spike + buffy | tonight is gonna be the loneliest () by
Video: l0veisntbrains () by
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Artwork:Buffy The Vampire Slayer Pinup Fan Art by Emma Munger
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Buffy Rewatch 2k22 5.12 Checkpoint by handsofabitterman
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PODCAST: Episode 87: Restless by Mythtaken
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Call For Banners by seasonal_spuffy
[Fandom Discussions]
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I'm looking for fics where spike is turned into a girl. by slytherinbrat15
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I've stopped listening to Buffy podcasts. by baumanhp
does anyone know a good Buffy podcast where Buffy is someone’s favourite character? by baumanhp
Why does the Boom Buffy comic love the idea of Xander getting played and victimized? by confusedguytoo
Buffy is by far the most complex and interesting character in the whole buffyverse by baumanhp
What makes a hero? (Vid commentary) by girl4music
I also dropped off reading the Buffy comics after they cancelled “Angel and Spike”, and now I have no idea where to start in order to catch up! by buffythecomicslayer, mostharshrepose
the Season 2 finale of ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ is not that different or dissimilar to Season 5’s finale. by girl4music
So did Willow really turn into a Goddess at the end of the series or was Kennedy just being a simp for her? by girl4music
Spike Turning You Into A Vampire Would Include by multifandomfix
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Thoughts on Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992) by Key_Shallot_2415
how do the morticians deal with the missing bodies?? by JJRGuitarMan69
The Vampire Slayer by vetworker24
What is your favourite podcast that covers the series by RyanRebalkin
Just realised that three of the show’s most unpopular storylines involve substance abuse by unappliedknowledge
Where did Adam keep the ammo he fired from the minigun in his arm? by Malk_McJorma
Something Blue, S4ep9 by Cazolyn
Poll - Character you wanted to take more accountability for their actions by InfiniteMehdiLove
Willow taking over for Jenny by chemeli888
Question about Angel season 3 episode 1 “Heartthrob” by cutestcatlady
buffy and faith by Normal_Pay963
Angelus vs Glory: Which is your favorite villain? by Opening_Knowledge868
The whole Jasmine thing. by missxfaithc
Are any of the buffy books good? by Naive547
How was Enyos death possible? by omegaskunkeh
Character foils by LightBlueSky55
For those who have been fans for 20 years, how do you explain the significance of BTVS by 3littlebirds__
Any Buffyverse theories or headcanons that you firmly stand by despite having little to no evidence by same1224
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PODCAST: Episode 87: Restless by Mythtaken
PUBLICATION: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Rankings by thegameofnerds
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commentaryvorg · 2 years
Digimon Savers Commentary Episode 42 - The Burst Mode of Tohma’s Determination
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In this episode, Tohma goes to protect his family from the Royal Knights’ attack and his father’s own stubbornness. Many Norstein family issues are aired out and explored, leading to Tohma and his father finally beginning to understand each other.
The nicely short recap focuses entirely on Masaru’s issues in the last couple of episodes and doesn’t even bother mentioning Dukemon. I approve.
Anyway, with Masaru having headed off to another world to prove his dad’s not a mass murderer, we catch up with the invasion in the human world. Royal Knights are casually disintegrating entire skyscrapers with their attacks. I’m still sceptical as to how much good this is doing in terms of destroying the entire planet, which is what would need to happen if Yggdrasil is actually telling the truth about only wanting to avoid the collision. Doesn’t really seem like it to me.
There’s also massive armies of Knightmon, Armour-level (so, basically Adult) Digimon who all work for the Royal Knights, I guess. The narrator – narrating over something that’s not actually recap, which is rare – tells us that they’re invading every city around the world, but I kind of doubt that, too. There’s only like seven Royal Knights that we’ve seen, and even with much larger armies of subordinate Knightmon, I doubt there’d be nearly enough to get to literally every human city ever.
Still, one of the cities they definitely are attacking is Yokohama, naturally. MirageGaogamon, Rosemon and Ravemon are working to fend off the attack, effortlessly taking out individual Knightmon, but the numbers are tough to deal with.
In amongst the battle, Tohma gets a call on his DATS earpiece from Yushima, who’s still hanging out with the Norsteins.
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And then there’s an unusually early opening! As this episode’s title already spoils, Masaru’s not gonna be the only one of the crew getting Burst Mode. There’s this one shot near the end of the opening in which only ShineGreymon is seen in his Burst Mode, which might make you think this is one of those (very common in Digimon) times where the most central main character gets to achieve a higher final evolution level than everybody else. But actually, this shot’s misleading! Fair and equal evolutions for all our main cast in Savers, even though this is much less of an ensemble cast and Masaru really is much more the single main character than in any other Digimon series.
We cut back in at an airport, which is having a very rough time of it in the Knightmon’s attack, with flames and destruction everywhere. And yet, one very foolishly reckless plane is trying to take off: the Norstein private jet.
Yushima:  “The man is crazy! He’s planning to take off?! After all I went through to stop him!”
Evidently, Yushima called up Tohma and asked him to come here because his father was about to do something extremely stupid and needed to be protected from his own stupidity. I also appreciate the acknowledgement that Yushima, having promised he’d take care of Relena in Tohma’s absence, didn’t just sit back and let this happen and did try to stop it, but in vain.
A Knightmon shows up in front of the plane’s cockpit, smashing the windows and effectively blinding the pilots. Gawappamon (I do not know why Kamemon is still only in his Adult-level form, more on that later) is there to take out the Knightmon, but the damage is done and the plane careers off the runway, unable to take off. (Which is probably for the best. Better it gets attacked now when it’s still on the ground than while it’s in the air.)
Inside the plane, Franz Norstein, Tohma’s father, is not pleased.
Franz:  “What the hell are you doing?”
What do you think the pilots are doing, Franz, you must know full well that there’s a Digimon invasion going on, including at this very airport. Someone’s very used to always getting his way no matter what.
A worried Relena staggers her way out of the back section of the plane that’s being used as a makeshift hospital room for her.
Relena:  “Father, what happened?”
Franz:  “Stay inside!”
[Relena winces at his shout]
Franz:  “I mean… it’s dangerous.”
Franz is stressed out enough that he snaps at her and kinda freaks her out, then realises his mistake and tries to explain how he meant it in a softer voice. He did mean well and warn her out of concern for her safety, but he’s not great at showing it, especially at a time like this. Not the best at dadding, this man.
Relena:  “Father… why are we leaving for home so suddenly?”
Relena doesn’t listen to his warning and staggers further towards him anyway. I don’t blame her for just wanting to understand what’s going on and why her father’s even putting them in such a dangerous situation right now. Evidently he didn’t bother to explain his Big Important Norstein Reasons to her.
More attacks shake the plane, knocking them both to the ground. Franz gathers up the fallen Relena in his arms, desperately crying out for someone to help them.
Someone does come and help them: MirageGaogamon – or, in other words, Tohma. The big dog-knight effortlessly takes out all of the Knightmon flying around the airport, making the place safe, for the time being at least.
(More points on the using evolved Digimon for transport chart! They really are getting the hang of that at last. But still not evolving him specifically for transport, since MirageGaogamon was already evolved fighting elsewhere.)
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Tohma watches with this bitter look on his face as the doctors stabilise Relena in her hospital bed on the plane. She would never have been hurt at all if his father hadn’t been so stubborn and foolish.
Tohma:  “No matter where you run off to right now, the situation will be the same. Please stop exposing Relena to unnecessary danger.”
Franz:  “I must return to Austria and protect our manor.”
That’s Franz’s reason for the reckless attempted take-off, apparently. As if protecting his manor is worth risking his daughter’s life, or as if he even could protect it himself against Digimon whom he has no way to fight. Someone’s sense of Norstein responsibility is extremely strong, to the point of overriding all common sense.
Tohma:  “You *know* that flight take-off is currently prohibited!”
Franz:  “That can be fixed just by mentioning the Norstein name.”
Franz, you absolute moron, it’s not about some arbitrary rule that you get to break because of your power and influence, it’s about the fact that if you take off then you’re going to freaking die because of the turbulence and the Digimon. Franz is clearly extremely used to being able to do whatever he wants and can’t quite grasp the idea of a situation so far beyond his control that he literally can’t.
Tohma:  “That’s not what you should be saying!”
Franz:  “You dare to challenge your own father?!”
Tohma, who kind of hates the Norstein name and everything that comes with it, really cannot stand the way his father is willing to wave it around in order to put Relena in danger, and snaps at him. Franz snaps right back by continuing to cling to his unearned authority based on titles – he’s Tohma’s father, so what he says goes.
Gaomon:  “Master…”
Gaomon’s here too, and though he’d usually be a good dog and keep out of things like this, even he can tell his master’s getting rather concerningly worked up about this.
Tohma manages to calm himself just a little and tells his father that more Digimon troops might arrive, so they should take shelter.
Franz:  “Take shelter? Don’t be stupid. I’ll have another jet prepared to take us home.”
It’s very rich that Franz insists the suggestion to take shelter and not put themselves in more danger is being “stupid”. What does Tohma mean, Franz should change his mind and admit he was in the wrong.
Tohma:  “I just told you, you can’t do that!”
Franz:  “Then you’ll act as our escort.”
Franz really is being very entitled about this. Tohma, one of the few people in the world with a Digimon partner capable of fighting off the waves of Knightmon, happens to be here and happens to be his son, so obviously he gets to make use of that for his own purposes. Tohma doesn’t get given a say in it; it’s his duty as a Norstein, obviously.
Tohma:  “You are really…”
Tohma’s getting absolutely sick of his father’s entitlement to ordering him around and controlling his life like this. He’s grimacing and shaking in barely-suppressed anger and sounds like he’s very close to snapping out some sort of insult.
Franz:  “What? Don’t you at least want to protect your sister’s life?”
And again, here’s Franz, using Relena in order to emotionally exploit Tohma into staying and helping when he otherwise wouldn’t. If he wasn’t putting Relena in danger in the first place, Tohma wouldn’t have any reason to want to do this.
Tohma:  “Then… Then, what about you?”
Franz:  “What?”
Tohma:  “What have you ever protected so far?”
Tohma’s anger here isn’t even specifically focused on this one instance of his father being like this. This particular incident is hitting all the sore spots and turning into a reason for him to let out all of his long-bottled-up frustration about everything his father’s ever done – or rather, not done, as he feels.
We move into a flashback. Little Tohma stands forlornly in his house in Japan, which has been emptied of furniture, holding a funeral portrait of his mother. He’s about to move out to go and live with his father instead.
Franz:  “Let’s go.”
Little Tohma: “Okay.”
Tohma mumbles this reluctantly after a pause, obviously not wanting to leave his home and the memories of his mother behind at all, but what can he do?
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On the way out, in the hall, he glances at a wooden beam into which is carved some lines and writing, marking his height at different important days in his life. It’s a cute little ordinary-kid thing that he did together with his mom! Aww. Based on the highest-up birthday listed here, Tohma is currently only six years old. Ouch, that’s young to lose your mother. (This is how I knew to cite that age during episode 15.)
Seeing this, Tohma perks up just a little and heads outside to his father, seemingly wanting to show him and share this cute family thing with him, perhaps something they can start to bond over?
Little Tohma: “Dad, wait a…!”
But his father’s already getting into the car and doesn’t listen, too busy and grown-up to care about silly little sentimental things like that. Tohma’s face falls in disappointment.
…Also, something I can’t believe I only just picked up on while writing this: little Tohma tries to call him Dad here. Yet, every time we’ve seen in the present, Tohma calls him Father. Tohma really did want to have a closer, more personal connection with his father, but Franz’s demeanour and unwillingness to engage forced him to make the whole thing more formal and distant. Gah.
Later, in Austria, inside the gigantic Norstein manor, little Tohma sits awkwardly on a chair in a hallway as he overhears an argument in a nearby room between his father and his grandmother.
Franz:  “Why, Mother?!”
Grandmother: “This isn’t a joke. I have no obligation to meet that child.”
Franz:  “He’s my son! He’s *your* grandson!”
Grandmother: “Only through blood. That boy cannot be called a true Norstein.”
Credit to Franz – and a sign of the way he really feels about Tohma that he’s very bad at showing – he really does want to introduce his mother to his son, just because Tohma’s his son. Never mind anything else about those rules of noble pedigree that says he’s not a “true” Norstein because he’s half-Japanese, which Franz’s mother is very insistent on sticking to.
Something to note is that this conversation must be actually happening in German, and we’re just getting translation convention here – Franz might know Japanese, but there’s no way Grandmother Norstein would stoop to speaking some foreign language in her own home. So I suppose, for little Tohma to be listening in, he must already be fluent in German. Which makes sense; he’s a genius, and his mom might have encouraged him to learn it, because of his heritage.
Little Tohma couldn’t manage to sit still and just listen to the argument; by now he’s peering in through the doors to the room, and his grandmother notices him there.
Franz:  “Tohma!” [he clears his throat] “What are you doing over there? Don’t you know how to greet others?”
Since she’s awkwardly seen him now, the best Franz can do to salvage this and make it seem polite and proper (and to not be an absolute dismissive dick to his son, which he doesn’t want to be) is to have Tohma introduce himself to his grandmother anyway, despite her wishes.
Little Tohma: “How do you do, Grandmother?”
Tohma nervously walks up and greets her, his gaze on the floor, because he overheard and knows full well that she doesn’t actually want him here. His grandmother lifts his chin to look at his face.
Grandmother: “His eyes are just like his mother’s.”
She doesn’t even greet him back. She just immediately comments – about him, not to him – on the physical feature of his that marks him out as not a true pedigree Norstein and the son of some foreign commoner. Being told you have your mother’s eyes is often meant as a compliment, but very definitely not here.
(Awkwardly, they’re literally not his mother’s eyes. Tohma’s eyes are blue, like his father’s, while his mother’s were brown like a Japanese person’s. It seems like the series’ artists finalised Tohma’s character design as someone who looked European without thinking about this relevant point for his half-blood heritage. It’s a shame; it would have been neat if he had blond hair and brown eyes to kind of reflect that. But, shush, please ignore what we can literally see here and focus on the narrative point of his grandmother’s words. I appreciate the spirit of the writers still wanting to go for this narrative point anyway despite that the character design had screwed them over on having it actually make visual sense.)
Grandmother: “I’m sure it must have been easy for you to mislead that young and ignorant exchange student.”
This is all we need to know about how Tohma’s mother and father met. She was an exchange student studying in Austria, and they happened to fall in love and conceive a child – out of wedlock, of course – despite that such a thing is very much not what a true proper Norstein should do in terms of creating offspring and potential heirs. Franz may have tried to do the proper dutiful Norstein thing, but he couldn’t help being driven by his emotions and his love. A little bit like another Norstein we know, really.
Of course, because a Norstein fathering a child in this way Will Not Do, Franz’s lover quietly took her baby back with her to Japan and raised him there. I imagine the Norsteins would have been quite happy to pretend this embarrassment had never happened, and Tohma would have grown up as a (relatively) normal Japanese kid, if things had been different. But then his mother died in that accident, forcing his father’s side of the family to awkwardly take custody of this kid they never wanted to be associated with.
Tohma’s grandmother finally looks straight at Tohma and addresses him directly.
Grandmother: “Listen closely. You are of the Norstein family, yet at the same time, you are not. You’ll do well to continue bearing that in mind.”
Geez, what a thing to say to a six-year-old kid who’s only just lost his mother and has been taken halfway across the world into a new home. If you’ve ever wondered how Tohma can seem full of himself sometimes and yet at the same time have such an inferiority complex? Yeah, this explains it pretty comprehensively. On the one hand, he’s technically a Norstein, which means that attitude of him being More Important than common people would be subconsciously ingrained into him no matter how much he doesn’t agree with it. But on the other hand, he’s not a “true” Norstein, and he’ll never be good enough for his family no matter what he does. Imagine growing up with that hanging over you from such a young age.
Little Tohma, almost on the verge of tears, glances to his father for any kind of support in this cruel disapproval from his grandmother – disapproval that he knows full well is because of his mom, aka the one person in the world he loves and misses dearly. And wasn’t his father supposed to have loved his mom, too? Surely he’d stand up for her?
Franz doesn’t. He’s twisted his entire face away from Tohma, not saying a word.
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Seeing his father refusing to defend his mother against such insinuations, little Tohma feels very, very alone.
Tohma:  “I will never forget what you did back then. You insulted my mother, in the most despicable way, through your silence!”
And it seems like Tohma never let that go, for eight years. His mother was the one who raised him and loved him and was most important to him, so of course his first impressions of his father were horribly tarnished by the way Franz seemed to not even care about her. Tohma’s always been carrying that resentment towards his father. And similarly, remember how he brought up his father not helping his mother when she was suffering, presumably from money problems, when they were arguing in episode 34? Though growing up in the Norstein household with someone as uptight as Franz as a father can’t have been fun in general, all of Tohma’s most bitter feelings about it all revolve around his mother. She really did mean so much to him, even though he almost never mentions her to anyone.
Hearing this, realising his son still resents him for this, Franz grimaces and looks away.
Franz:  “You know nothing. Nothing.”
His words indicate that there was a lot more to his actions back then than simply not caring and not wanting to stand up for the woman he loved. It’s that he knew exactly how his own mother would react to such a thing. A Norstein isn’t supposed to care about some commoner, and he was desperate to not disappoint his own parent here any more than he already had.
And it’s very true that little Tohma didn’t take Franz’s point of view on this into account at all back then – but then, how could he have been expected to? He was six. Still, Franz acting like Tohma knows nothing at all of the Norstein family pressures he was under even now is maybe not quite as much the truth as he thinks it is, is it.
Gaomon gets their attention and pulls them out of the family quarrel by pointing out that there’s another squadron of Knightmon approaching outside the plane, just like Tohma predicted.
Franz:  “Do something, Tohma! Since you’re a Norstein, you should be able to do something!”
In his panic at the renewed danger, Franz instinctively clings to two things – his belief in his son’s abilities, and the notion that the Norstein name in particular makes somebody worth more than someone without.
Tohma rounds on him, scowling. Being told that he should be able to help because he’s a Norstein is the last thing he wants to hear right now, after the words of his grandmother’s that he was just remembering.
To his credit, Franz shrinks back a little at that, seeming to realise that that was not the best choice of words under the circumstances.
Doctor:  “Master Franz! Miss Relena is going into spasms!”
(Incidentally, though I’ve been calling Tohma’s father Franz since he showed up in episode 34, this line is the only point in the series at which we actually learn his name. I’m glad we have this, because it’d have been a lot more awkward wording-wise to talk about Tohma’s issues with him, and Franz’s own issues, if I didn’t even have an actual name to refer to him by.)
Yushima:  “Well, then. I guess it’s time to show them how serious I can be.”
Yushima, outside the plane and watching the squadron approach, does a Digisoul Full Charge and evolves Gawappamon into his Perfect-level form, Shawujingmon. I do not know why he didn’t have his partner evolved to his highest possible level earlier. Or, well, I do: it’s because the writers wanted to show off this form by having him evolve onscreen, even though he’s not important enough for a full-length evolution animation.
What I also don’t get is why we didn’t see Kamemon’s Perfect form earlier in the series, back during the ElDoradimon arc, where most of the main cast were already Ultimate-level and most of the Gizmon they were fighting were Perfect. That’d have been a much more appropriate point for it. And then maybe we could have got to see an Ultimate-level form for Kamemon here, like we’ve also seen Satsuma’s partner as an Ultimate? (Okay, yeah, I know, Kudamon’s a Royal Knight so he was always going to be that strong, but still.) It’d make Yushima feel a lot less awkwardly behind the times for someone who’s the Chief of DATS and therefore presumably supposed to be kind of a badass.
Still, even at only Perfect-level, Shawujingmon is more than a match for this army of Armour-level Knightmon, because of course he is.
Relena:  “Brother…”
Back in the plane’s makeshift hospital, Relena’s been stabilised, somewhat, but she’s still clearly in distress, grimacing and mumbling through her oxygen mask. She reaches out to grasp hold of Tohma’s hand as it rests on the railings of her bed. Tohma gasps – that simple gesture’s reminded him of another very important memory of his…
In the Norstein manor, perhaps a year or two later than the previous flashback judging by little Tohma looking a little bit older, Relena’s just been born. Franz and his mother hurry to consult with the doctors about the condition of the child, while Tohma lingers behind, watching from around a corner, obviously not properly allowed to be here even though this is his half-sister they’re talking about.
Grandmother:  “A girl?”
Tohma’s grandmother sounds vaguely displeased at hearing the child’s gender, despite that she herself is a woman and seems to be the matriarch of the Norstein family. I guess that ingrained sexism still runs strong enough that she was hoping for a boy regardless.
Doctor:  “However… both the mother and child were in danger during the labour process…”
Grandmother: “Very well. Do everything you can to save the child’s life.”
…But not the mother’s, apparently? I guess she can be sacrificed, in the name of bringing a new Norstein heir into the world. Presumably, after his, ah, mishap with the “ignorant exchange student” who was Tohma’s mother, Franz was married to a European woman of suitable noble pedigree, and since then they’ve been trying to conceive a child who can be a proper true-blood Norstein heir, unlike Tohma. That’s far more important than said woman’s life, right.
Grandmother: “She is a precious child who has finally been born into the Norstein family.”
Implicit in her words, which little Tohma clearly picks up on in some form as he listens from around the corner, is that he was never a precious child, and they never cared about him being brought into this family.
Sometime a little later, with baby Relena safe and sleeping (her mother presumably didn’t make it, because we never hear anything more about her), little Tohma heads into his sister’s hospital room to see her for the first time, while nobody else is around. He probably isn’t allowed to see her with others around, because he’s not Norstein enough, but how could he not want to anyway?
Little Tohma:  “So you’re Relena.”
The way he phrases this, like she’s so important already, even though she’s just a little sleeping baby, says a lot.
Little Tohma: “Everyone is worrying for you.”
Not stated but thoroughly implied in Tohma’s words: just like nobody ever worries about him.
I get the sense that he’s come here to see her not just because she’s his sister, but because he wants to try and understand what’s so special about her that makes her so much more important to his family than he is, even when she’s just a baby. After all, Tohma’s still pretty young himself, and genius or not, he probably doesn’t entirely grasp the Norstein politics and understand what it actually is that makes him “not good enough”.
Baby Relena, of course, understands all that even less. She begins to cry and wave her arms around, searching for some kind of human contact, and manages to grasp Tohma’s hand as he holds onto the edge of her crib. As soon as she does, she stops crying and chuckles happily.
Tohma stares in surprise. He takes his hand away, experimentally, and Relena immediately begins crying and reaching out for it again. Tohma keeps staring at her, like he can’t believe it. She wants him.
Somebody wants him.
Slowly, Tohma lowers his hand back towards his baby sister, and as Relena grabs hold of it, again she stops crying and becomes happy.
This is exactly what little Tohma needed. Someone who doesn’t care about any of the Norstein pedigree nonsense, and loves him unconditionally exactly the way he is. He smiles back at her, and there’s a kind of subtle determination in it. You can almost see him resolving then and there to do absolutely anything for this little girl.
I love this sequence; it shows so subtly and succinctly just exactly why Relena is so incredibly important to Tohma. She gave him unconditional love when he needed it most, when nobody else in his family would. No wonder he went and devoted his entire life to getting himself a medical license and research degree, all for the sake of curing her. No wonder he pretended to participate in genocide to keep her safe when an evil man put a bomb around her neck.
In the present, Relena’s still holding Tohma’s hand. He puts his other hand over hers protectively.
Tohma:  “I will do something… for Relena’s sake. But I won’t be doing it because I’m a Norstein!”
No matter how he feels about his father’s approaches, he cannot ever say no to protecting Relena. But he can at least do so while making it clear exactly who he’s doing this for, and that it’s not about those Norstein ideals that have caused him so much pain.
With that, Tohma heads out of the hospital section, leaving Franz and Relena in there. Franz calls after him, in vain, and then looks back at Relena, wincing. Seems like Tohma’s words lodged somewhere.
Gaomon:  “Master…”
Tohma:  “It’s all right.”
Tohma says this without looking at Gaomon, speeding up in his exit from the plane as if to prove just how all right everything is by getting straight into the action.
No, Tohma, it’s not. You are clearly not okay right now, with all this baggage that’s being dredged up. Gaomon can tell. (Gaomon, talk to him about his issues! You too-obedient dog, you.)
Outside the plane, Shawujingmon is still taking out Knightmon but is beginning to get overwhelmed by numbers, so MirageGaogamon joins the fray to help out.
Tohma:  “Yushima-san! I apologise.”
Yushima:  “Hm? For what?”
Yeah, Tohma – don’t apologise when you’ve done nothing wrong! I like how Yushima points out that he’s got nothing to be sorry for. Apparently Tohma being around his father and subjected to those ridiculously high standards has made him feel like he needs to apologise for something as insignificant as, I dunno, taking an extra minute to leave the plane and come help because he was dealing with family issues.
After some more fighting, the Knightmon fall back as one of the Royal Knights, RhodoKnightmon, descends dramatically from the storm clouds.
(Guh, thanks to Digimon Frontier, my brain still can’t help but want to call this guy LordKnightmon, which is how his name was romanised in those subs, but nope, I am going to insistently make myself stick to what the Savers subs call him anyway, because Savers.)
RhodoKnightmon: “You will pay for laying your hands on my subordinates.”
[Tohma scowls]
Tohma:  “Let’s go, MirageGaogamon!”
MirageGaogamon: “Yes, Master!”
Yushima:  “Don’t! Tohma!”
Yushima can be seen taking notice in the background upon seeing Tohma’s uncharacteristically fierce and charge-in-headfirst approach. Tohma is not being himself, and Yushima, who’s good at observing interesting people and figuring out the gist of their issues, can tell.
MirageGaogamon, as ordered, simply zooms right up to RhodoKnightmon, who dodges his attack and counterattacks with a super-speed flurry of blows from every angle, sending MirageGaogamon crashing to the ground. That’s the sort of reckless mistake Masaru might make, but not usually Tohma.
Tohma:  “Damn it…”
Yushima:  (His composure is breaking… Just as I assumed, he’s agitated about something.)
Again, I like how Yushima can tell. Tohma’s getting too worked up by his family issues to be thinking straight right now.
Franz:  “I… I…”
Meanwhile, in the hospital section of the plane, Franz is also getting rather worked up with his own issues. He briefly flashes back to all the times Tohma’s snapped at him this episode, perhaps starting to realise that his son might have a point.
We move into another full flashback – this one from Franz’s perspective. It’s not long after Relena’s been born; maybe a few days or so? Long enough for the poor state of her long-term health to have been confirmed by the doctors, at any rate.
Grandmother: “Tohma shall succeed the Norstein lineage.”
Franz:  “What did you say?”
Grandmother: “Because of her weak body, Relena will not do.”
Thinking about this from Franz’s perspective, this has got to have been a slap in the face. He finally goes and does the Proper Thing instead of being led by his emotions, marrying, and conceiving a child with, a woman he presumably didn’t have any feelings for (and even if he didn’t, it’s still got to hurt that she died giving birth). And after all that, it turns out those efforts still weren’t good enough to produce a proper heir after all.
(It’s probably not a surprise that Relena’s so ill, when you think about how much the Norsteins seem to care about proper “pedigree” – her condition may be a result of the rather shallow gene pool available among European nobility.)
Grandmother: “Instead, arrange for a lady of suitable pedigree to become Tohma’s wife. Choose one that will prevent others from talking behind our backs.”
Even though a part of Franz might be happy that his son is finally being recognised, his mother makes it clear that Tohma’s existence is still a stain on their reputation, and he needs to make up for that and cover it up by giving Tohma a suitably pedigree wife. Clearly the “talking behind our backs” remark is referring to what other noble families will be/have been doing about Tohma’s heritage and Franz’s “mistake”.
(Also, imagine how this must have felt for Tohma. You’re a Norstein, except you’re not really. Oh, wait, except you are, but only because you’re the inferior back-up option, now have all these immense pressures and standards to live up to as we decide the rest of your life for you. Gah. It must have been such a relief for him when he ran off to medical school and then also joined DATS, just to be able to get away from all that.)
Franz:  “But Mother!”
Grandmother: “Understood?”
Franz:  “Yes…”
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Franz’s expression wavers before he gives in and accepts his mother’s demands. Seen from this perspective, it reads as quite similar to the way Tohma has been protesting his father’s unreasonable demands, and has been given little choice but to accept them and go along with the Norstein Way. It’s not just Franz; every member of the Norstein family imposes these values and pressures on their offspring, until they learn to impose it on theirs in turn. It wouldn’t even be fair to say that Franz’s mother is the sole villain here, because although she’s never presented in a sympathetic light in this episode, she must also have grown up with those same pressures from her parents until she internalised it all. (Especially as a woman leading the family, which it seems like this culture is still vaguely sexist about.)
In short: the Norstein family is messed up as all hell, by its very nature.
As Franz, in the present, clutches his head and grimaces from his own issues and guilt, one of the doctors comes and tells him they’re ready to move Relena back to the airport so that they can transport her onto the replacement jet. (They’re still apparently going with that plan to continue trying to fly back to Austria, although I wonder if Franz would really be so willing to stubbornly insist that’s the best approach any more. But either way, they’ve at least got to move Relena out of this plane.)
Doctor:  “We must do this while Master Tohma is distracting them.”
Franz:  “Tohma…”
Franz mutters his son’s name like he’s worried, or perhaps proud, as it sinks in (not for the first time) just how much Tohma’s willing to risk himself and sacrifice for Relena’s sake.
Out in the fight, RhodoKnightmon gets in an attack on Shawujingmon, instantly devolving him, because of course. MirageGaogamon, while remaining evolved, is taking quite the beating from the Royal Knight too, ending up collapsed in pain on the runway.
Relena’s doctors emerge from the plane, wheeling her bed across the runway as fast as they can while RhodoKnightmon is hopefully not looking their way. Relena regains consciousness and looks over to see her brother rushing to the downed MirageGaogamon’s side. With all the self-preservation of a scared little girl who’s just desperately worried about her precious big brother (that is to say, no self-preservation whatsoever, but let her off, she’s very young), Relena climbs out of the hospital bed and starts running as fast as she can towards Tohma out of some frantic attempt to help him somehow.
Relena:  “Brother… No… Don’t go…!”
Or perhaps it’s not about helping him, but some sense that she’s being taken away in a different direction to him, and so she thinks he’s going to leave her and just wants to stay with him? I’m not sure if this is meant as a warning or as a plea.
Franz sees this from the door of the plane and rushes towards his daughter. One of the Knightmon sees a free target and fires an attack directly at Relena, who freezes up in fear as it approaches.
(Seriously, Knightmon, what a dick move. Of all the exposed human targets you’ve got here right now, you aim right at the defenceless child before anyone else?)
Franz desperately reaches out for his daughter as the attack draws close, but he’s never going to get there in time. He collapses before he can see it hit – and looks up to see Relena safely in Tohma’s arms, with MirageGaogamon kneeling behind them. Despite how injured he was, the good good dog managed to stand up and get there just in time to block the attack, because he would do anything for his Master’s precious sister.
Franz couldn’t do anything to protect his daughter – but Tohma could.
Relena smiles at seeing her brother safe (and is hopefully learning her lesson about feeling like she can protect him in a dangerous situation if that’s what it was, Relena that was sweet of you but please) and passes out in his arms.
Franz staggers closer to both of his children, and then he drops to his knees in front of Tohma, as if begging for forgiveness.
Franz:  “Even I… Even I have acted out of desperation. I always did everything in my power to protect the Norstein family’s name!”
Finally, after seeing what almost happened to Relena and having himself be powerless to protect her, Franz is willing to humble himself in front of Tohma and admit that he’s not perfect. Everything he’s done has also been out of a desperation to live up to those ridiculously heavy Norstein family pressures, but it’s hard, and he’s never been good enough at it, and he’s messed up his own son in the process.
Franz’s voice cracks with emotion as he says this, and he breaks down crying.
Tohma:  “Father…”
This is, almost certainly, the first time Tohma’s ever seen his father cry, or show any real amount of vulnerability at all. This is the first time he’s realising that his father has also been suffering under the Norstein pressures, just like he has. His father’s not such an unreasonable tyrant after all; he’s just a flawed, imperfect human being.
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Tohma remembers himself, as a kid, crying alone outside the Norstein manor. We’re not shown why, but surely it must simply have been from all of the pressures put on him and the loneliness it made him feel – this probably happened a lot more than once. That image gets overlaid over the image of Franz crying here and now. Father and son aren’t so different after all. Tohma can understand what his father’s going through, because he’s been through the same kind of thing.
Tohma:  “Father. Please take care of Relena.”
[he hands Relena over to Franz]
Franz:  “Tohma?”
[Tohma stands up]
Tohma:  “I will protect you.”
That seems to be all Tohma needs – coming to some kind of understanding of his father as a person, seeing him be vulnerable – for his protective instinct to kick in towards him, too. Tohma may come across as logical and calculated on the surface, but he really is so deeply driven by the desire to protect those closest to him more than anything else.
Tohma:  “I’ll make sure to protect you. I won’t let them lay a finger on Relena, either.”
[he puts a hand on MirageGaogamon]
MirageGaogamon: “Yes, Master.”
I like MirageGaogamon’s “Yes, Master” here. There’s somehow more gravity to it than most of them, like he understands the resolve his master’s just come to and how important this is to Tohma, and he’s even more determined than usual to support him. Tohma didn’t even give him a verbal order, but he knows exactly what his master wants him to do. Good dog.
With that, he and Tohma turn dramatically to face RhodoKnightmon.
Tohma:  “RhodoKnightmon! You won’t get away with this any longer! With my name, Tohma Norstein, on the line… I will defeat you!”
It sure marks a turnaround that Tohma’s willing to dramatically swear on his name like this. I imagine this is a lot less about the family name in and of itself, given how much pain and grief that’s caused to both him and his father, and more about just Tohma himself. He’s being proud of every single part of him, his sister and his father, because they’re all his family, even if that family’s pretty messed-up.
RhodoKnightmon: “You will defeat me? Even as a joke, that’s quite insulting. Such a sin is punishable by death.”
Oh my god, more ridiculous Royal Knight pompousness. Yes, clearly, simply saying you’ll defeat a Royal Knight is such a terrible insult that you deserve to die for it. Get over yourself, RhodoKnightmon.
RhodoKnightmon flies at MirageGaogamon, who, despite his earlier injuries, blocks the knight’s ribbon-sword without missing a beat, before Tohma even begins to flare up with Burst Mode energy. I guess his partner’s new determination and resolve already managed to give MirageGaogamon a pick-me-up, even without the whole thing being charged through the Digivice into Burst Mode just yet.
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But anyway, it’s Burst Mode time for Tohma, as if the title of this episode didn’t already give that away. Look at this unicorn dog-knight with fabulous hair. I think I actually like MirageGaogamon’s Burst Mode form distinctly more than his regular form, while for the other Burst Modes I’m kind of indifferent. Something about the different shape of his body is more appealing to me.
His animation also involves him dramatically pulling his new weapon out of the moon, which makes for some nice duality with how ShineGreymon’s Burst Mode animation has him pulling his flaming sword and shield out of the sun.
Also, as you’d imagine, we get Believer again, which is always a good time when we haven’t heard it since episode 38.
MirageGaogamon’s new moon-flail weapon shatters one of RhodoKnightmon’s ribbon swords. Then RhodoKnightmon’s attack of striking at super-speed from multiple angles, which did a number on MirageGaogamon earlier, is now something he’s fast enough to block every single strike from.
There’s not much else that’s interesting about the fight. It’s not quite won in a single attack, but it’s your pretty standard comprehensive victory brought on by a new evolution. RhodoKnightmon was never an interesting antagonist anyway, so I don’t mind. This episode was about the family issues, not the fighting.
As RhodoKnightmon disintegrates into an egg, a beam of light appears and carries it upwards towards the Digital World. All of the Knightmon’s eggs were just left here, but apparently Yggdrasil doesn’t want to let any humans get their hands on the egg of one of its Royal Knights in particular.
Later, Relena’s sleeping safely in a hospital bed in the airport building. It seems Franz has seen sense and is not about to try and risk her life again by taking off with her in another jet. Protecting the Norstein manor (as if he even could; he’s probably been humbled enough to realise how out of his power that is right now) is not worth that risk.
Franz:  “I see. So you’re leaving.”
Tohma:  “Yes.”
Franz:  “Will it be all right?”
Tohma:  “Set your mind at ease. Relena has already settled down.”
Franz:  “No. I was talking about you. Will you be able to come home safely?”
Aww, Franz. He’s very awkward and bad at showing it, but he really does love and care about both of his children. His strict Norstein upbringing just forced him to always treat those feelings like they were a secondary priority next to whatever he had to do to protect the Norstein family name.
It’s also not a surprise that Tohma initially assumed his father’s question was about Relena, because he is thoroughly not used to the idea that his father worries about him. He stares at his father in shock for a moment as the reality sinks in.
Tohma:  “It’ll be all right. After all… I am a Norstein.”
I am, again, going to assume that this is not about the lofty Norstein pedigree like his grandmother would have meant it. Instead, perhaps he means it in the sense that, well… being a Norstein messes you up, but that also means it gives you the resilience to get through any kind of challenge and still stay standing. His father must understand that too, surely.
(Something that might be worth noting is that we never get any sense that the influence of Tohma’s grandmother is still around in the present day. She may well have passed away by now? …Or, I suppose, maybe she’s just back in Austria, having not joined Franz on his trip to Japan to cure Relena through Kurata’s methods, because she doesn’t care about Relena enough when she’s not the heir anyway.)
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Franz:  “I see.”
I kind of like this shot of both of them sitting side-by-side like this. They’re still both so awkward about this communicating and talking-about-their-feelings thing – but at least Franz is now making an attempt, which is significant progress from how he was before.
Tohma exits the hospital room, implicitly leaving his family’s safety in Yushima and Kamemon’s hands. He’s resolved to head out to the Digital World to help Masaru.
Which… is a bit of a sudden turnaround from the end of the previous episode, in which he promised Masaru he’d stay behind to protect the human world from the Royal Knights’ attack. This does somewhat smack of this episode transparently existing to get Tohma his Burst Mode before he can head off and join the real fight.
But it does make a certain amount of sense for him to join Masaru anyway. As much as they might talk about protecting the human world from attack, there’s just so many Royal Knights (and minions) that there’s very little that one person can do to help, even with an Ultimate-level partner. The only thing that’s really going to make a difference to the fate of the world here is getting through to Yggdrasil, so really, Masaru needs all the help he can get with that side of things. Tohma and the others may have been briefly swayed at the end of last episode by Masaru’s stubborn insistence on Doing This Alone because of his dad complex, but despite the legit argument about staying to protect the human world, following Masaru to help him really was always the best call all along.
Yushima:  “He’d rather face the danger than wait for it to come, is it?”
Perhaps that’s one way of putting it. Tohma’s new resolve found in this episode seems to have also come complete with nudging him to take a more head-on Masaru approach to things.
Overall thoughts
This really is nothing but a Tohma’s Issues episode, but it does still feel reasonably integrated into the plot, being wrapped up with the current crisis, which is nice.
And man, what a good Issues Episode it is. I am very glad to have this to cap off all of Tohma’s other issues and development that we’ve had throughout the series. It’s masterfully done – I love how all these flashbacks tell us everything we need to know to fully explain Tohma’s character and let us realise where every part of him comes from: his inferiority complex and perfectionism, his resentment of his father, his devotion to Relena, everything. All my analysis of Tohma in previous episodes has been done with this stuff low-key in mind in the back of my head, even as I’ve not mentioned it directly, because it’s just so vital for understanding what makes him tick.
I also enjoy that this episode shows us Franz’s issues and humanises him a lot, drawing parallels between father and son in terms of the pressures they’re under. This doesn’t excuse Franz for not having been a great father until now, but it’s for flawed human reasons and not simply because he’s A Bad Person. While he was terrible at showing it, he has always loved his kids, and at least he’s now admitted to his mistakes and shown willingness to try and do better. It’s still going to be awkward at the Norstein dinner table for quite a while, but they’ll be able to get somewhere.
RhodoKnightmon is admittedly barely a character, but also, who cares; he’s just here to be a Villain of the Week to give Tohma something to fight. At least the writing isn’t trying to treat him like we ought to be invested in him – see me side-eyeing next week’s episode.
[Dub comparison]
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twh-news · 3 years
"Loki" Director Kate Herron Talks The Epic Season 1 Finale And The Easter Egg Fans Should Go Back And Listen For | Buzzfeed
Warning: There are MASSIVE spoilers ahead for Season 1 of Loki!
Welp, Loki Season 1 just came to an end and I think it's safe to say that the Marvel Cinematic Universe will never be the same. Following the Season 1 finale, we sat down with director Kate Herron to talk about everything — like how it felt introducing the multiverse and Jonathan Majors to the MCU, casting this incredible ensemble cast, Loki's bisexuality, and so much more. Here's everything we learned:
1. First, Kate has always loved Loki, so she knew she wanted to be involved in the "character's next step" in some way.
"Basically, I love Loki, and I found out they were making a show about him. As a fan, I was like, 'I need to know where he's gone.' Then, I just wanted to know what the story was going to be. I loved the character. I think Tom Hiddleston's performance is amazing. I really wanted to be part of whatever this character's next step was because I think Loki's had one of the best arcs in the MCU."
2. Directing all six episodes of the first season felt like filming a six-hour movie.
"Directing all six episodes was a really unique experience, right? Because normally TV is run through the showrunner system, and Marvel didn't do that on Loki. It was incredible. It was quite an undertaking to do six hours and run it like a giant film. I'm so grateful for the opportunity, and I'm really proud of what we made."
3. When Kate signed on to Loki, only the first few scripts had been written, the "rough shape of the show" was in place, and they knew Loki would be arrested by the TVA.
"When I started, Michael [Waldron] had written the pilot. Then, there was a second episode written by Elissa [Karasik], and Bisha's [Ali] episode was written. So, there was a rough shape of the show. It was already fixed in that Loki was gonna be arrested by the TVA and then it had this twist that he was going to try and solve the mystery of who this other Loki was, but then it pivots and becomes this love story about him falling in love with himself. I just thought that was so inspired and the message that had about self-love. I just really wanted to be part of that."
4. And they always knew the show would end at The Citadel at the End of Time and the multiverse would be born.
"As we dug into it with Kevin Wright, our producer, the studio, Michael, Tom, and also our whole team, I think it was always thinking like what was the best story, in particular during the second half of the show. We always knew they were going to The Citadel, something would happen, and the multiverse would be born, but we didn't necessarily know it would come out of Loki and Sylvie fighting. That idea came out of discussions with me, the writers, and the studio."
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5. It was "always the plan" to introduce Jonathan Majors to the MCU during the Loki Season 1 finale.
"I think me and the writers were just like, 'Well, they haven't told us we can't introduce that character. I guess we're doing it.' It was really exciting and I felt really honored that I got to be part of it."
6. Kate was involved with Jonathan's casting for He Who Remains/Kang alongside Peyton Reed, who will direct Ant-Man: Quantumania, and Marvel Studios.
"Being part of the casting discussion with Marvel and Peyton was amazing. It was massive. I was just like, 'Wow, I can't believe I get to be part of this conversation.' Everyone was just so excited about Jonathan. He's one of the best actors. I just couldn't believe we got him."
7. Jonathan brought a lot of "cool ideas to the table" once he was cast, and Kate gave him "space to play."
"He just brought so many cool ideas to the table. I think when you're working with an actor like Jonathan, it's really just about giving him space to play, and let him find the character and give him a cool way to do that. I really enjoyed working with him. We finished the shoot filming in The Citadel, so it was really interesting that we finished filming with Jonathan. I just felt very lucky I got to direct him."
8. Jonathan actually voiced the Time-Keepers in Episode 4, which added to the Wizard of Oz homage.
"Obviously, the Time-Keepers were being made in post, and we hadn't cast anyone [for the voices] yet, and I thought, 'Well, Wizard of Oz. Like it should be the wizard, right?' So I thought it would be cool if it was Jonathan, and I think the key thing then was just working with him in a way that we could disguise his voice. I think the fun thing was, Jonathan is an amazing character actor. So we just sent him the art and he was sending audio clips to me and Kevin Wright and being like, 'What about this voice?' It was just so much fun to do that with him. I think that was just joyful."
9. Kate's favorite Easter egg from Episode 5 was Throg — in fact, Chris Hemsworth recorded new lines and sounds for that small part.
"That one I was very proud of and it was very fun. I had that shot designed for a while. I think I'd seen it in Futurama, and a lot of animation does it, but I love the idea of going through the dirt and it reveals something. I always felt like that shot would be the place to insert an Easter egg. When we had Throg in there, it was so much fun and it was perfect. We also recorded Chris [Hemsworth] for that. It was just so much fun."
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10. She also loved the Thanos Copter and said it was a "funny" detail the producers loved from the comics, so they had to include it.
"The Thanos Copter was great. Kevin Wright, our executive producer, was really obsessed with that copter, I was like, 'We have to put the helicopter,' and it was so funny. Episode 5 is our best Easter egg episode. There's so much deliberately because of the nature of The Void as a place where deleted things are sent."
11. There's one Easter egg/detail Kate hasn't seen fans catch onto yet, and it involves a "familiar" voice at the very end of the Season 1 finale.
"The one I would say is — it's less Easter egg and more cool story-wise. So, at the very end of the finale, when Loki is in this alternate TVA, there's a character that runs behind him and is going to the armory and people should listen to the voice. It's very quick, but it's someone familiar."
12. Loki was inspired by numerous iconic sci-fi movies, like Children of Men, Alien, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Metropolis, Starship Troopers, and more.
"Bisha, in the episode [she wrote], she spoke about Children of Men and also Before Sunrise as a reference, so I was really inspired by that and the idea of bringing these sci-fi things together. Across all the TVA, I wanted it to just be a big love letter to sci-fi movies, like Metropolis, Brazil, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, [and] Alien. A reference I could never talk about early was Starship Troopers just because, obviously, the TVA are bad guys and in that movie they also use a lot of propaganda film and we had our Miss Minutes film. So, that movie played a hand. There was so much across the show. We had references from everywhere."
13. And the inspiration for how The Void would look in Episode 5 actually came from Teletubbies.
"I never really spoke much about it, but basically in Episode 5, The Void was originally written like a desert, but when I pitched, I said I thought it would be cool if rather than like a Mad Max desert apocalypse, it's more like an overgrown garden. Like, this is the place where the TVA throw their rubbish in. I just loved the idea of that. I think I realized as it started to unravel that I'd basically pitched the British countryside. As we were building it, I was like, 'Am I just homesick?' I remember trying to explain it to the visual effects artists who were making it, and I was like, 'You know, it's like the Teletubbies. You know, rolling hills just one after another.' So, yeah, the Teletubbies became a useful reference when describing The Void. So, that's how they played a hand in it."
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14. Kate was the one who suggested Sophia Di Martino audition for the role of Sylvie.
"Sophia was in a short film of mine called Smear. I was very happy to pay her, finally, for her talent. When we were reading for the role, I was like, 'There's this actor I know and I think we should ask if she wants to read.' Everyone was like, 'Yeah, sure.' So, she read in these audition tapes, and we were all watching the tapes back and I remember everyone at the studio was like, 'Wait, who's that?' And I was like, 'Oh, that's my friend Sophia.' They thought she was amazing."
15. Sophia's audition tape was so good that she was immediately cast.
"Basically, everyone was really excited by her tape and I think she got cast in the room, which is incredible. I was excited because I got to bring my friend along. She's such a good actor. She's fantastic in Flowers and I was just so happy that she was coming along for the ride. I think she's done such a beautiful job with Sylvie."
16. One of the most important things when crafting Sylvie and the other Loki Variants was making sure they were their own characters, and not just Loki copies.
"I think the most important thing, minus just tiny little gestures, was really making it important that Sylvie was her own character and that all the Lokis weren't just 'faded photocopies.' They were all their own Loki. It wasn't even that they stood in a similar way or looked similar, but what in their soul made them a Loki. I love that line, 'Lokis always survive.' That idea goes across all our characters who are Lokis."
17. Casting Sylvie was one of the hardest things, and Sophia was able to bring her own spin to the character and she was the perfect "sparring partner" for Tom.
"Sophia has this talent — and I think Tom has it as well — where she's so funny and naturally so witty and charismatic that you can't take your eyes off her. She's also really good at playing characters with a lot of anger, pain, and vulnerability. I just felt that those qualities were so Loki to me. She brought her own spin on it too. Tom's performance is so iconic, so Sylvie was a tough role to cast because you need to give him a good sparring partner, but also, it's another Loki and people love Loki. So, it was really making sure that she felt distinctive enough that she was different, but also that we gave Tom a really fun actor to play alongside. It was really fun watching them. It was really fun seeing their chemistry grow."
18. Sylvie's fighting style was actually crafted to have similar movements to Loki's, thus showing that they are basically two sides of the same coin.
"I know Tom and Sophia spent a lot of time together. I think the fun thing with Sophia was the little things, like the fighting styles. She has a very different life to our Loki. Loki is very balletic in his fighting style, because he grew up in the palace, whereas Sylvie grew up in apocalypses. So, she was going to fight a bit more like a feral cat. I thought that was fun to play with. We worked with Mo [Ganderton], our stunt coordinator, and it was really fun to find little mirror image stuff they would do when they fight. We did a little bit of that on Lamentis and there's little bits here and there where we've done that. There's also little gestures that they do that are quite similar."
19. Kate had a "four hour" phone call with Owen Wilson before he was cast. They talked about Marvel, Mobius, and Loki.
"Everyone was so excited to cast him. I remember, they were like, 'Kate, just call him and see if he's up for it.' That was a lot of pressure. But then, I spoke to him on the phone and we spoke about Marvel and Loki in Marvel. Also, we talked about what our show was doing, who Mobius was, and then just getting his take on it. It was a very detailed conversation. I think we spoke for like four hours. At the end, he was like, 'I'm in.'"
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20. Wunmi Mosaku's role was originally supposed to be a male character, but Kate suggested having an "open casting" because she thought Hunter B-15 would be really great as a female character.
"When I spoke to the studio, I was like, 'This character is cool, but I just think it could be really interesting if this was a female character. So, could we do open casting? We'll have men and women read, and we'll just see who's the best person for the role.' So, Wunmi read for it and just blew everyone away. We were like, 'We have to cast this person!' So, we kind of remade the role, really, around her."
21. Kate loves the idea that Hunter B-15 joins this club of sci-fi female characters who were originally supposed to be men.
"It was cool because I love Ripley in Alien and I love Kara Thrace in Battlestar Galactica. In the original Battlestar, Kara Thrace's character was played by a man, and Ripley in Alien was originally written as a man, so I liked that Hunter B-15 was joining these badass women in sci-fi. That was really cool to me."
22. When Kate pitched her ideas to the studio, she include Gugu Mbatha-Raw as the actor she wanted to play Ravonna.
"Gugu was in my pitch when I spoke to the studio. I was like, 'I think she'll be really great.' I love her work as an actor. From Belle to the episode of Black Mirror she's in, everything she's in is so different. I think that's so interesting with Ravonna because in the comics, Ravonna's been good and bad, and she's such a big character. I was like, 'I'd love to see Gugu's take on that character.' The studio was really excited by that and so was Gugu."
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23. Kate said it was "important" to recognize Loki's bisexuality in the show, and she loved how it was naturally worked into a conversation between him and Sylvie.
"It was just important for us to do it in a way that made it canon, acknowledged it, and also done in a way where like, if someone asked me, I would just be matter of fact about it, like, 'Yeah, I'm bi.' I think that was the important thing for it and building it into the conversation. It was important to the whole team and the way that it was written was really beautiful. It felt like the right place to do it because these two characters are starting to open up to each other and are being a bit more honest about who they are. So it felt like the right place to have that moment."
24. The TVA weren't always going to be Variants/humans. That idea was born out of conversations with Kate, the writers, and the rest of the Loki team.
"When I started, I think it was a bit more up in the air with like, who are the Variants who work for the TVA? Are they Variants? They actually weren't Variants when I first joined. Casey was an alien, for example. I think something we all locked onto was it was more effective to make them more human. It was already in there that the Time-Keepers wouldn't be real and that would be a big Wizard of Oz rug pull. But the extra rug pull we added was that, on top of all of that, the TVA don't realize that they're actually Variants."
25. One of the things Kate enjoyed the most was figuring out the "inner workings of the TVA," like how the Minutemen would operate.
"I think it was really fun, in terms of the bigger structural stuff, to work with everyone. Also, figuring out the inner workings of the TVA, like every squad of Minutemen would have a hunter and they'll be little details sprinkled across all the world building in the show. Generally, we always looked at the characters and what was the best story and how to get to the end goal in the most effective way."
26. The season finale intro — which included seeing space, the sacred timeline, and hearing quotes from the MCU and history — was an homage to Contact.
"Basically, Eric Martin, our writer, he'd written in this amazing idea that for the opening we do an homage to Contact, and kind of move through space to the end of time. Then, we'd see the physical timeline, and then we see The Citadel. I love Contact, and I was like, 'Oh, that's so cool.' We took that idea to Darrin [Denlinger], our storyboard artist, and me and him just nerded out about space and about how we wanted to pay homage to Contact but not be completely the same.
So we played with the idea of time and he was bringing in so many cool ideas. But then, the amazing pitch he had as well was like, 'What if when we pull out at the very end, the timeline isn't a straight line like how you guys have been showing it in the show? What if it's actually circular?' I thought it was such a good idea."
27. Kevin Feige helped come up with the idea to include Marvel quotes over the Marvel logo because it was something the MCU had never done before.
"I had this weird idea where I remember saying to my editor, Emma McCleave, I was like, 'Oh, can we add a baby crying or the sounds of the city? And it's like we just hear life.' So her, me, and Kevin Wright got really into that. So we were adding all of these different sounds into the timeline. We also had quotes from just life, not Marvel. Then, we showed that cut to Kevin Feige and the rest of the team.
They all thought it was cool, and then Kevin Feige was like, 'Oh, do you know what? We've never done quotes on the Marvel logo before.' So, we thought that was cool and we added the quotes to the Marvel logo intro. Then, me, Kevin Wright, Emma, and Sarah Bennett, Emma's assistant, decided to just put the MCU quotes across the whole thing."
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28. Going from hearing all of the voices in the season finale opening to utter silence in The Citadel was also a way of learning something about He Who Remains.
"I loved the idea of all the noise and this Greek chorus building because when you finally pull out and see The Citadel and how isolated it is, it tells you so much about He Who Remains' psychology because he's surrounded by all this brimming life, but he's completely isolated and alone. I thought it tells you a little bit about his character and who he might be before we see him."29. Kate loves that the season finale opening is a "beautiful handover" from the previous phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe into this one with the multiverse.
"It was a real group effort, and we were just really excited at the idea of it being this really beautiful handover from the previous phase of Marvel. Also, we get to encapsulate a little bit of our world as well, which was really fun. The editing team put so much time into that. I really want to watch it in a planetarium or something."
29. Kate loves that the season finale opening is a "beautiful handover" from the previous phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe into this one with the multiverse.
"It was a real group effort, and we were just really excited at the idea of it being this really beautiful handover from the previous phase of Marvel. Also, we get to encapsulate a little bit of our world as well, which was really fun. The editing team put so much time into that. I really want to watch it in a planetarium or something."
30. And finally, even though Loki sets up a lot of upcoming MCU projects — namely, Spider-Man: No Way Home, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, and Ant-Man: Quantumania — Kate didn't have a lot of conversations with other MCU directors and writers.
"Kevin Wright and Stephen Broussard from Marvel were our producers on Loki, and they worked with Kevin Feige, Louis [D'Esposito], and Victoria [Alonso]. They always steered us in terms of the Marvel big picture and let us know if anything was off base. It's so secretive at Marvel, so I only spoke to Peyton just because our timelines crossed [with Jonathan]. Generally, Marvel manages everything internally and keeps us all in check."
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sansmania · 3 years
part 1 | part 2 | art that goes with the fic
Title: Your Man
Ship: Boss [ @bonelyheartsclub ]/ GN Reader
Descrip: take it im drifting out to sea because HES GONNA BE A COWBOY thE END
Willie had taken his time to take in the damage done to the beloved boots, tutting and frowning at the holes and shredded leather.
"Oh yeah, I can fix 'em for ya, but it'll take a few days, Mr. Boss. That lil' dog did a number to these." Boss exhaled through his nasal bone with a silent nod. It seems 'Toby' had also managed to dislodge some of the pins that held the heels in, which would mean the boots needed to be completely stripped and rebuilt from the sole up.
"That is fine, I suppose. They mean a great deal to me, so take the time you need to get them back to perfect condition." He seemed a bit emotional about leaving the boots behind, and you gently assured the skeleton that they were in skilled hands. Leaving his contact information, the two of you turned to leave. 
Until a bony hand grabbed your neckline again.
"You said this store specializes in leather and boots, correct?"
"Yes?" You held the word out longer than necessary, red pinpricks looking down at you, then to the fluorescent shoes between you.
"I would like to peruse them, then. It would not hurt for me to have a few more sets, anyway. And I am beyond done with these sneakers. I feel like one of those fictional circus clowns."
You bit your tongue at his presumption, knowing Boss wouldn't listen to a word you had to say on the subject, and accepted your fate in the tobacco and wood lacker scented hell.
After a bit of searching, pausing only to laugh at some of the ridiculous 'southern fact' signs they had decorating a shelf, the pair of you found the boot section of the large store.
"Human, I highly doubt if Texas were real, that it would home ninety percent of the planet's spider population." You couldn't help the snort that came out at Boss' comment as he walked over to the wall of shoes.
His eyelights were transfixed on the detailed stiches in some of the leather boots. His phalanges traced over a pair that had some gaudy gems placed into them- a pair that had studs- red stained leather- black snake skin. He was strangely silent as he looked over each set with wonder.
You didn't think any of them were Boss' style, to be honest. They were about classic as classic cowboy boots get- you could have sworn you even spotted a pair made of alligator skin.
"These." He finally spoke, pulling down one of the only sets that seemed to be ankle high. They were a deep maroon, black stitching along the sides and folds, and a very obvious steel toe embedded inside. There were a few gold embellishments and you felt they were gaudy as all hell.
But, that expression of wonder in Boss' eyes made him look like a child on gyftmas morning.
It was cute.
He was cute.
"I mean, sure, if you're into red, black and gold-" The skeleton flicked his eyes towards you, making your mouth snap shut. He took a seat on a nearby bench, listlessly kicking off the offending accessories to try the new boots on.
Boss became silent once again, taking in the shine of leather as he tilted his feet and legs to get a good look at them.
"There is a mirror over there." You mention, pointing a few feet away, and he stood up to admire the shape of the shoes. And while he did so, you also found yourself admiring him.
Boss was very tall- even without the help of his stiletto heels- and his broad shoulders squared in perfect posture made almost anything he wore look breathtaking. His choice of attire today fit snuggly against his ribcage, tapering down his spine- making Boss look, pun intended, skeleton thin. Tight, but soft, leather pants hugged his narrow hips and bony legs, perfectly shaping his body.
"Hmm. A bit lower than what I am used to, but they are quite fetching on me. What do you think, human?"
He caught you staring, once again, in the mirror- just as your eyes had been slowly trailing down his legs, brain becoming grey mush. You curse quietly, turning your head away with a mutter of agreement.
"Sadly, they do not match the rest of my attire. I should see if they have apparel here to compliment my figure and accessories." He made an amused sound when you cocked your head at the suggestion, cheeks burning with new fervor.
Oh. He knew exactly what he was doing now. Boss wouldn't even play with the idea if any of his family was around, but since it was just the two of you, he was going to continue his sadistic game.
When you had first met Boss, you would have sworn he didn't have a playful bone in his body- the serious tone and way he carried himself made it seem he was all work and no play. But, as you got to know him, his true colors seemed to blossom forth. Yes, he hated puns, that didn't mean he had no sense of humor. His humor was dry and a little cynical- and you had nearly soiled yourself in laughter when he cracked his first joke around you.
He also found Blue and Nox's rivalry amusing, egging them on at times just to get under their skin.
And when then two of you were alone, he was much more relaxed, allowing more of his jovial side to come out. Sometimes it was a welcome blessing and sometimes it was not.
As it was at your expense today, it was one of those times that his sense of humor didn't delight.
"Uh, s-sure. Why not? Let's find you a nice pair of chaps-" Boss' amused smile caught you off guard as he held a hand up to stop you from moving. You had hoped he would allow you to help, maybe in a way save yourself from this horrible fate.
"No, I believe I can handle dressing myself just fine. Though, I will listen to your opinion after I have chosen an outfit." The smirk didn't go away as you made a noise of disdain. The skeleton sauntered off on his own, leaving you to scream internally at being caught red handed and was going to make you suffer for it.
When he turned a corner, you were on your feet- tossing the old converse in your inventory- and did your best to sneak around the store behind the him. Occasionally, Boss would turn his head out of suspicion, causing you to duck behind a shelf, while he thumbed through the racks of clothes.
He was enjoying teasing you like this, smirk still apparent on his face. You were by no means subtle, so Boss knew you were tailing him around, and that only added to his amusement.
You peeked over a row of jackets that were fastened with tassels while Boss sifted through some button up shirts. His foot tapped along to the music with perfect rhythm, though, you were more shocked when his low voice was barely audible.
He was quietly singing along to the tune.
Boss Gothic Serif.
Was singing country.
And he knew you were watching and listening.
The next time he glanced over his shoulder, Boss caught your reddened face as a devious smile curled on his skull. He knew exactly what he was doing.
"Human, I have picked out a suitable ensemble. Feel free to wait there for me to change." You didn't hide this time when he spoke up, accepting defeat, stepping out to follow the monster towards the changing rooms.
You knew from the first day of meeting these skeletons that they would be the death of you. You just didn't expect it to be in a dime store cowboy shop in the city.
Flopping down on another bench, you waited for death to finish his wardrobe swap and drag you to the dark depths- knowing now that he was going to be dressed like a cowboy with Shania Twain playing gently to send you off.
The shuffle of cloth behind the barn themed doors caught your attention, the soft click of bones on wood as a lock was lifted and the doors swung open.
Words choked in your mouth as it hung ajar, Boss stepping out of the small room with the most smug look on his face you had ever seen him muster.
His head was tilted down ever so slightly, burning red eyes shaded by the black hat atop his skull. Your eyes dragged down to the crisp maroon and black button up, gold skull bola tie strung in the collar and rested on his nearly bare breastbone.
The shirt was rolled at the sleeves, showing off his battle scarred hands and arms, and the tail tucked neatly into a pair of tight black dyed jeans; adorned and held up by a red leather belt that had a large gold skull buckle to keep it all together. The jeans hugged the skeleton's frame all the way down to the coordinated boots.
Boss leaned against the doorframe, taking in your reaction with sadistic glee; How you couldn't form a single word in appreciation to his wardrobe selection. How your face was red enough to put his shirt to shame. How your eyes lingered over the single undone button at his clavicle.
How your reaction made his soul thrum with pride.
"Comments?" He finally spoke, beyond amused at the way you startled to his rough voice- dropping it an octave or two, successfully getting further reactions out of you. Finally, you managed to swallow the hard, dry lump that formed in your throat, tearing your gaze away to look back to Boss' expecting eyes.
You coughed and looked away
"Yee. Haw?" Was all you could manage as he stepped forward, boots loudly clacking against the hardwood floor. The terrifying skeleton you called a friend, and obviously waxed red towards, stopped mere feet before you, dragging your attention back to him.
"Is that all you have to say? I would appreciate some feedback, maybe I should make another selection if this doesn't suit me-"
"No, don't!" You found your voice as Boss turned heel to find something else to fluster you with. He quirked a brow ridge at your outburst, returning to his previous position, arms crossed as he awaited to hear your real feelings. 
"You. You look good, Boss." You did your best to hold your voice steady as his gaze made you shrink into the bench, like you were going to become a permanent fixture in the store.
"Just ‘good’?" Oh, he was going to make you suffer. Breathing hard through your nose, you looked back up at him. Boss already knew how you felt, so this was just torture to feed his ego.
And you may as well feed it.
"Fine." There was a pause as you found the words. “You look amazing. Handsome. Stunning.” You could feel your face and neck darkening with each admission- at this point, had you even been referring to just how he looked now? He seemed to preen at each compliment, all too pleased to drink in your words of praise.
"Then I do believe I will purchase these items. They may be in start contrast to the rest of my wardrobe, but some variety in life never hurts."
It was interesting to watch Boss fannagle with the cashier about buying all the clothes items while he was still in them- but he managed to do it, and in style, if you were honest.
With his boots squared away, clothes tucked into his inventory, and you at his side, Boss literally strutted out of the store- leading you both back to his car.
"Human, you make it so easy to fluster you, you do realize that." Boss' smile from before had not left his features, even as you pulled into the culdesac in which you lived.
"Yeah, I'm aware, Boss." You heaved a final embarrassed sigh as the car came to a stop at your curb. Gathering your belongings, and what little bit of pride you had left, the car door swung open and you turned back to him. "Tease the human that has feelings for you. Ha, ha."
"But, uh." You pause, leaning on the door to look Boss in the eyes.
"Have fun getting into your room before Red or Stretch see you, Cowboy."
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Not Broken Part 15 (Jaehyun Mafia AU)
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Jaehyun X Reader
Not Broken Masterlist
Y/N is a burlesque dancer living in Seoul. Jaehyun is one of the most powerful mafia men in Seoul. How will Y/N survive when Jaehyun suspects that she is involved with a rival gang?
Reasons to read this story: Ten’s a cross-dressing madam so….. yeah read it ya freaks.
This chapter is dedicated to @rinzennie​ who designed a lovely banner for the Not Broken Masterlist. Thank you so much for your support!
Trigger warning: Mentions of abuse. Light depictions of self harm and suicide 
Taeyong led us into the parlor room where Jeno was already waiting for us along with two other staff members.  
Mere moments after we arrived, we heard the sounds of an approaching car engine. Jeno nodded at Taeyong and then towards the two staff members who quickly positioned themselves in front of the two large entrance doors.  
Taeyong leaned in before whispering, “Don’t look so nervous. You’ll be fine.”
I nodded, grateful for his words of encouragement though my nerves were anything but soothed.
As the two men opened the doors, bright ribbons of light began to shine violently through the increasing gap. After having spent several days cooped up inside, my eyes were more irritated than appreciative towards the unanticipated blast of vitamin d.  
Before my eyes could fully adjust to the light, both Taeyong and Haechan were gone from my side. Once I caught a glimpse of their vanishing figures, I began to follow shortly behind.  
“Mrs. Lee! What a pleasure it is to see you!” Taeyong greeted, opening the door of the sleek black Hyundai.
Despite it being bright out, I was unable to even see anything except darkness stirring from within the car. When Taeyong extended his hand out, I realized why that was the case. A black glove covered hand reached out towards Taeyong’s, only instead of accepting the gesture, it handed him a large black leather bag. Taeyong was caught off guard by the action and almost fell forward from the abrupt weight he had been entrusted with holding. I instinctively took a step forward, intent on helping him out but Haechan held me in place by my arm.
“Watch, you’re not gonna wanna miss this,” He chuckled, a wicked grin etched on his face.  
A thin figure dressed head to toe in black slowly emerged from the expensive car which sported a similar hue.  
I didn’t know what I was expecting, but I definitely wasn’t expecting this.  
Her outfit looked like that of a 19th century widower still mourning the loss of her husband... but sexy?  
Crushed velvet wrapped itself around her curvy frame. The dress’s hovered only a few inches above the pavement. Every inch of her skin was covered, but by a fabric so tight I could easily see the Madam owning such an ensemble. Everything except for the hat at least, which was draped in a loose charcoal colored netting that covered the wearer’s face completely.  
I watched as she pulled the netting away from her face, lifting it to reveal a face much younger than I had been expecting. From the looks of it, she couldn’t have been older than 36, even though that couldn’t be the case as Jaehyun was 22. That’s when I remembered that Jaehyun was adopted when he was eight years old, so it wasn’t impossible for her to only be in her mid-thirties.  
She looked around, paying no mind to Taeyong as he continued to greet her. When her eyes caught sight of Jeno unloading her bags, she cried out his name.  
Jeno had just finished setting down a rather large suitcase when he was ambushed by the former lady of the house. I watched her pull the taller towards her, causing him to stumble into her embrace.  
“Oh, how I’ve missed you!” She squealed, only allowing him to withdraw from her arms so she could get a good look at him.
“Goodness, Jeno! You’ve lost so much weight! Your cheeks are practically concave!”  
Her hands reached out to grab at the fleshy tissue which was painted red with embarrassment. I couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle. I wondered how anyone could ever look at Jeno and see someone who was slowly withering away.  
Despite his flustered state, Jeno smiled at the woman, his eyes disappearing into little crescents.  
“How are you Mrs. Lee? It’s been quite a while since we last spoke.”
“Mrs. Lee?! Jeno, I needn’t remind you again. I will not be referred to by my former title, especially not by you.  I am no longer the lady of the house and nor is my late husband the current master. Thus, I shall not be referred to by hisfamily name. Let the staff know that I shall only be addressed with my given name, Ho. You, however, are family. You may call me by either of my first names.”
“Ah. Yes, Hyun-ju.” Jeno corrected himself.
There was something off about her voice, something I couldn’t quite place. While her manner of speaking wasrefined in nature, her nasally accent made her sound more thuggish in a way. Despite the apparent roughness in her tone, I found it almost comforting in a way I didn’t understand. It felt familiar.  
“How are things going with that that boyfriend of yours? Is he adjusting well to working with the children?” She whispered to Jeno.
Jeno nodded.  
“I had yours and Mr. Lee’s old bedroom prepared for your arrival,” Taeyong announced, interrupting their reunion.
“Why on earth would you think I’d want to sleep in a room filled with reminders of my late husband? I mean really, Taeyong. Use your head for once!”
“Ah. Sorry, I wasn’t thinking,” Taeyong apologized sheepishly.
“I will be staying in one of the guest rooms in the north wing so that I can be near my daughter-in-law. Now, where is she?”  
Haechan’s elbow dug into my side reinforcing that I had been summoned.  
To say that I was nervous would have been an understatement. If I wanted Jaehyun to keep his word, I’d have to make as good of an impression as I could on.  
“Hello,” I quietly greeted, drawing her attention to my presence.  
The woman slowly strutted towards me, pausing to take in my appearance I as I had done with hers. Her cold eyes were somehow more frightening than even her son’s. I didn’t know that such a stare could be passed down from parent to child, especially those who lacked common blood.
I held my breath, sure that I had already somehow managed to spoil her first impression of me. I braced myself for whatever cold response was coming my way when her eyes began to crinkle.  
She was smiling. No, not just smiling; she was laughing.  
“Oh sweetie, don’t look so scared! I don’t bite! And speak up, will you? I know you can, us being cut from the same cloth and all.”
Suddenly, it became clear as to why her voice sounded so familiar.  
“You’re American?” I asked, making sure to speak clearly.  
“Born in N’York but grew up on the streets of Jersey. At least till’ I got a nice gig here in Seoul. H’bout you? Where ya from?”  
I was taken aback when Mrs. Ho’s formal Korean was suddenly replaced with crass English. I was so caught off guard that I could only gawk at her in response.
“What’s wrong with ya? Cat got ya tongue?”
I swallowed before responding in English.
“Oh, umm. I moved around a lot, but I guess you could say I grew up in Colorado.”
I became aware that Mrs. Ho was smacking her gum as she listened. I explained the states that I had lived in, heronly interjecting to say, “uh huh,” “yeah,” or “I see.” When I was done, she looked at me expectantly.  
“Yes?” I asked, still nervous.
“Well, go on then.”
I stared blankly.
Mrs. Ho rolled her eyes, though telling from the smirk on her face, she seemed more amused than annoyed.
“Introduce ya’self. Tell me ya name.”  
“Oh! Umm.”
“Come on now, spit it out. I ain’t got all day.”
“Y/N,” I finally answered.
“Y/N, huh? Well, you can call me by my English name, Jessi.”
I hesitated, unsure whether it was really okay for me to refer to her so casually.  
“Why? What’s the matter? Don't tell me ya surprised. We’re family now after all.”
“Oh, okay.”  
Wow she really has a lot of names.  
“Great, now that that’s settled.”
Jessi turned back towards the car where Jeno and Taeyong were standing idly by.  
“Taeyong, bring my bags to my room,” She ordered, switching back to Korean.
“Mrs. Lee- I mean, Hyun-ju, I can bring your bags in,” Jeno vocalized.
A relieved look spread across Taeyong’s features.  
“Nonesense! Jeno, honey, you and I need to go over the plans for this week. Let Taeyong do it, he could use a bit of weight training.”
Haechan struggled to maintain his composure as a string of muffled giggles escaped from the short male.  
“This is going to be a hell of a week, isn’t it, Y/N?”  
Haechan led me back to my room while Mrs. Ho, or Jessi as she told me to call her, got settled in. A few hours later Jeno came by to inform me that I had been summoned to her room. As we walked, Jeno took the time to give me advice on how to get along with the former lady of the house and also to quiz me on my backstory.  
“She says that she wants to get to know you before jumping straight into matters regarding the wedding,” Jeno informed me.
When we got to the door, Jeno knocked a few times before entering.  
The room was smaller than what I had anticipated. It was still much larger than the bedroom I was staying in, but I couldn’t imagine that Jaehyun’s mother would turn down the master bedroom in favor of more modest accommodations. The bed was littered in neatly folded clothing, which Jessi was currently organizing into drawers. Though she was well aware that we had entered the room, Jessi continued to place the articles one by one into the dresser as we stood and watched.  
Once the top drawer was closed shut, she turned to face us.  
“Sorry about that, I guess I still had a bit more unpacking to do when I asked you to come.”
“It’s no bother,” I replied humbly.  
Jessi hummed in approval before switching her focus onto Jeno.  
“Jeno, do be a sweetheart and leave us ladies to engage in a bit of gossip.”
She smiled sweetly at Jeno who nodded before making a swift exit from the room.  
It was just us now.  
Jessi gestured towards a nearby chair which I promptly sat in. Instead of sitting in the chair across mine, she began to walk away.  
“Now I know that you were probably nervous to meet me and that you probably just as nervous now,” She spoke using the same formal manner she used earlier,
She paused, glancing back at me expectantly.  
“Oh, um I-” I couldn’t help but stutter.  
“Oh, no. I understand completely. It can be a daunting thing, meeting your mother-in-law. Let me assure you that I am very much impressed with what I’ve seen so far. I mean, why wouldn’t I be? You’re beautiful, polite although a bit tense, and anyone who can manage to win my Jaehyun’s heart has to be interesting. Plus, I heard from Taeyong, that you’re more than willing to challenge him when you see fit.”  
I allowed myself to relax a bit.
“That’s always a good thing in my book,” She chuckled.
“Thank you,” I replied, feeling more at ease with myself.
My eyes widened; my relief short-lived.  
Uh oh.
“But I must say that I find performative niceties to be more tiring than charming.”
Jessi pulled her purse from the ground and began walking back towards me.
“If you plan on putting on a façade to earn my approval, then you won’t get it. Agreeable people bore me.”
Jessi pushed the open chair closer to mine so that when she finally sat down, her knees were mere inches away from mine.  
“I want to get to know who’s really marrying my Jaehyun, not who you think I want marrying him.”
My heart felt like it was sinking deeper and deeper into my wounded ribcage. She opened her bag, reached inside,and grabbed onto something choosing to not yet free it from its leather confines.
“So, I guess what I’m asking is...” She began pulling out a bottle of Jack Daniels.
“Are ya gonna waste my time? Or are we gonna have a real honest drink?”
“Wait really?!”
“Really! I swear it’s true! When Louis died, none of us had the heart to tell him, so we just adopted a new cat and told Jaehyun that Louis had a rare condition that made his fur change color.”
I guess that’s why Taeyong told me not to pick the name Loius when he offered to get me a cat.
“Wait so did he ever figure it out?”
Jessi took another swig from the Jack bottle before bursting into laughter.
“That’s the thing. The first time we did it, Jaehyun was 9 years old,” She revealed.  
“The first time?” I gawked, unable to keep myself from joining in on the laughter.
“Louis number two got into a scrap with a stray dog and lost. Damn, I shouldn’t be laughing. That’s not the funny part, the funny part was that after three days after Louis went missing, Jaehyun came rushing into the kitchen shouting ‘I found Louis, his fur changed color again!’ The boy was 13!”
The two of us toppled over one another drowning in our own laughter. As the conversation went on and the liquor bottle became lighter, Jessi and I found ourselves entangled in each other on the floor. I didn’t know what I was expecting, but I never thought meeting my future mother-in-law would go like this.  
“So, what happened then?” I asked, pleading for her to go on.
“We kept the cat for a week before missing cat posters starting poppin’ up all over the neighborhood. Ji-eun and I considered buying a new cat and just telling him that his fur changed again, but Sooman decided that it was time for Jaehyun to grow up. The poor boy, he was always a sensitive one, but ya could tell he was holding back in front of his father.“
“Sensitive? Jaehyun? Please, there isn’t a sensitive bone in-”  
I stopped myself, worried about what possible reaction she could have to me badmouthing her son, the man I was supposed to be “in love with,” but when I looked at her, she had on a soft smile.  
“I know that Jaehyun can be a hardass sometimes, but would you believe me if I told you he wasn’t always like this?”
Without waiting for my response, Jessi stood up from the floor, leaving the Jack bottle behind. She walked over to the nightstand and picked up a small picture frame.
“I’m sure you’re aware of this, but from the moment we signed the adoption papers, Jaehyun’s fate was sealed. He was to be the future of NCT. Although Sooman was already thirty-four at that point, I was only twenty-four years old, not much older than you. I tried to give him as much love as a mother could give, but Sooman was focused more on being his mentor than on being his father.” She explained, switching back to formal Korean  
She lifted the frame in order to get a better look at it, smiling as she did so.
“You know, sometimes Ji-eun seemed more suited for the role of successor than he was, not that it mattered. You see the Mobb world is one ruled by outdated values,” She continued, handing me the frame.  
“This was before Jisung and Chenle joined our family.”  
It was a simple family portrait, the picture itself was no bigger than a postcard. There were four people in the photo. I recognized one of the subjects to be Sooman. I only knew what he looked like because of the few pictures of him I came across within the estate. Nothing about him particularly stood out to me. He looked like a normal middle-aged Korean man. His hair wasn’t dyed an unnatural color like his son’s was, nor did he have the most handsome features.  
Also, in the picture was a younger looking Jessi and a much younger looking Jaehyun holding in his arms what I assumed to be Louis number two. I took notice of the small divots that centered his cheeks. His face was much chubbier than it was now and his body much less developed. From what I could tell he must have been around thirteen years old at the time the photo was taken. Standing next to him was a young girl much taller than he but seemed to be only a few years older.  
Despite hearing about IU from a few of the members, I hadn’t ever seen any pictures of her around the house. The only time I had ever seen her face was after it had been bloodied and beaten, the night I met Lucas.  
She was a very beautiful young girl. She wrapped one of her arms around her brother’s shoulder in a manner that seemed protective in nature. They all smiled in the picture, but her smile was the brightest.  
They looked happy.  
“Jaehyun was a sweet child, although he was quite the troublemaker. Ji-eun on the other hand was so well behaved, it was almost heartbreaking. She was well aware that her adoption was a product of Sooman’s wishes to find an heir so she did whatever she could to keep from being a bother. I wish she would have acted out just a little bit though, just so that I could have shown that my love for her wasn’t conditional.”
Jessi pressed her back against the wall and slid back down to the floor where I was sitting. We both leaned against the wall staring off into space. She continued to speak, while I continued to quietly listen.  
“Her and Jaehyun were inseparable at first. He relied on her to communicate for him since he still struggled with his speech. We hired speech therapists, language teachers, psychologists, you name it, but he still wouldn’t say a word unless he was whispering it into his Ji-eun's ear. In the end, it was her who got him to start speaking. I don’t know how she did it, but she did. After that, he slowly became more independent. Even then, they were still closer than twins. He was a bit of a crybaby if you can believe it, which obviously didn’t please my husband. He wanted nothing more than for Jaehyun to be the cold-hearted fighter that he was at that age but Jaehyun had no interest in the family business; he wanted to be an idol.”
I felt more confused than surprised. Were we really talking about the same Jaehyun? It seemed like every time Jaehyun’s childhood was brought up, young Jaehyun was described as the total antithesis to the man I knew.  
“An idol? Like a Kpop star?”  
“Yes, exactly. Jaehyun always had an interest in music. I used to catch him sneaking out at night to go busking in Hongdae. Luckily his father never found out about that.”
Jessi let out a long drawn out sigh as she stared at the Jack bottle. Although we both made a significant dent in it, neither of us were more than a tipsy at most. Probably for the best since Jeno came by to remind us that there was going to be a formal dinner to welcome the former lady of the house.  
“When Jaehyun had just turned 14, he asked Ji-eun to give him idol makeup. Sooman was furious when he walked in on them. I told him that it was harmless fun, but all he could focus on was the fact that the future of his organization was playing makeup. After that, Sooman practically threw him into the family business, forcing him on his first mission just a few weeks later.”
Jessi laughed.
“Men, right?” She joked in English, giving me a glance.  
“He thought the mission would toughen him up a bit, ya know, teach him some responsibility. The mission was different from what NCT was used to. Basically, they were trying to in smuggle guns using fishermen’s boats. Jaehyun was supposed to stand watch by the docks. Sooman gave him a tranquilizer gun and a walkie talkie, told him to stun anyone who might be poking their nose in the wrong place then to let everyone know.”
I quirked my head to the side wondering why her story sounded so familiar, like I had somehow heard it before.  
“Well, you might have guessed it, but someone did come by. Instead of doing what he was instructed, Jaehyun got scared and hid under a table. The poor boy was scared beyond belief. He didn’t want to give away his position by talking into the walkie talkie, so the guy ended up walking into the middle of everything and the whole mission blew up. A few men were killed either by the dock guards themselves or the police who came shortly after. Over twenty of our men were arrested, most of which were from Wayv.”
“Oh my god!”  
Surprised by my outburst, Jessi’s eyes shot from the liquor bottle back to mine.  
“It was Jaehyun? He’s the one who got Lucas’s dad locked up?”  
Jessi’s surprised expression melted away as she let out a dry chuckle.  
“Guess someone already told you this story. I’m surprised they didn’t tell you that little detail.”
“Lucas told me the night he...”  
I paused, not sure if I wanted to finish my sentence.
“Don’t worry, pumpkin,” She hummed reaching a hand out to cup my cheek.
“We don’t have to talk about that anymore.“
She spoke in English, but it wasn’t in her usual tone. It was somehow softer.  
I felt strangely comforted by the gesture. It had been so long since anyone spoke that softly to me. I unconsciously placed my hand over hers, not wanting her to let go.  
“My mother used to call me that,” I choked out.
My stomach clenched as her face contorted in confusion. I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable, but the wave of emotion that washed over me was almost too much to bear. I felt relief when, instead of pulling away, Jessi brought her other hand to my face, wiping away a stream of tears I didn’t realize were staining my cheeks.  
She smiled.  
“Jeno told me about your parents. I’m sure they would be so proud of you if they were able to see the fine young woman you’ve become.”
The tears only fell faster after hearing her kind words.  
I had no idea what my parents would think if they saw me today. Would they be embarrassed that their only daughter became a burlesque dancer? Would they feel shame hearing how badly my life has gone since their deaths?
My worries were instantly vanquished as I felt strong arms pulling me into their embrace.  
“Just knowing that their little girl is alive and healthy would be enough for them,” She cooed.  
Jessi held me, allowing me to cry in her arms until the tears had run out. When she released me, I became mortified at the sight of the snot and tears that stained her dress sleeve. She merely laughed it off and changed into a dress that seemed to be an exact copy of the first. When she finished changing, she sat me down in front of her vanity and began fixing my braid which had become messy from my crying.  
“I still can’t believe that Jaehyun stepped in to save you from that customer,” Jessi laughed.
“Yeah... I can’t really believe it either,” I replied, forcing the words out with an equally forced smile.  
Jessi smiled but I could tell that she had a lot on her mind.  
“What are you thinking about?” I asked.  
I made eye contact with her reflection.  
“That obvious, huh?” She chuckled.
I looked down at my lap.  
“If I’m honest, hearing the story of how you two met gave me quite the bit of relief.”
I lifted my head back up to look at her.  
“After Ji-eun died, Jaehyun didn’t have anyone left who could fully understand him. The mistakes he made during that mission weighed heavily on him. Sooman sent the both of them to America to wait until things blew over. His father was the one to push him into a role he wasn’t ready for, but he could only blame himself for the lives that were lost due to his actions. He began to take his role as his father’s successor more seriously even changing his name from Yoon-oh to Jaehyun in an attempt to distance himself from his past self. He only allowed himself to be his honest self when he was with Ji-eun, and sometimes not even with her. When Sooman died, everyone thought he was still too young, too inexperienced, so he had to become a colder, more hardened version of himself. I remember even Ji-eun struggled to break down his walls at that point. He blamed himself for her death thinking he was the reason Lucas’s dad died and why Wayv betrayed NCT in the first place, but that wasn’t the only reason he blamed himself.”
Jessi paused the story to wrap a hair tie around my newly braided locks.  
“What do you mean?” I asked.  
“Well, a few months after Jaehyun took over his father’s role as leader, he held a ball here at the estate.”
“A ball? Like some Cinderella type shit?”
Jessi let out a snicker at my crudeness.  
“I guess you could say that. Balls are commonplace in the mob world. They’re often used as political tools. Host a ball, seal connections, earn trust. This ball was meant to keep up the appearance of a strong front. To show that even after Sooman’s death, that NCT was in good hands. That’s why, when Ji-eun said she didn’t want to attend, Jaehyun wasn’t pleased.”
“Why didn’t she want to go?”  
“Who knows? She wouldn’t say. Jaehyun practically had to force her to attend. That’s when-”  
“That’s when she was taken, right?” I chimed in.  
Jessi could only stare back at me.  
“Oh. Sorry,” I apologized, aware that my interruption was insensitive.  
“Don’t apologize. You’re right after all.”
The two of us stayed in silence for several moments. Me sitting down, her standing up. I racked my brain, desperately trying to find a way to change the subject without it sounding forced. Luckily, I didn’t have to.
“Y/N?” Jessi voiced.
“Promise me that no matter what, you’ll try to be understanding of Jaehyun. I know that he can be a bonehead sometimes, but he really is a good man.”
I was caught off guard by the sudden request.  
“Hearing the story of how you two met, it made me hopeful for the future. Jaehyun isn’t one to poke his nose in other people’s business, but the mere fact that he intervened to save you from that man brings me great comfort. It’s been years since I’ve seen a glimmer of the old Jaehyun, but from what it sounds like, you’ve been able to get him to open up, even if just a bit.”
Jessi scootched out from behind me and took a seat on the vanity table.  
“He obviously wouldn’t have brought you here if he didn’t care for you. I just hope that you’re able to keep chipping away at the walls he built around himself. He could use a friend now that Ji-eun is gone.”
Jessi stared back at me.  
How was I supposed to tell her that the story of how Jaehyun was all an elaborate lie made up to keep her from know the truth? That her son wasn’t the one who had saved me but the man I needed saving from. The man who kidnapped me, beat me and was still holding me captive in order to further his own self-interest. How was I supposed to tell this woman that her son was a monster?  
That was it though. I wasn’t supposed to tell her any of that.  
My only role was to keep up this deranged façade in the hopes that it would get me out of this mess, so keep it up I would.
“I promise.”
“Thank you, Y/N. Jaehyun might have Taeyong, but I’m glad that he’ll have someone like you to keep him in check as well.”
I was ridden with guilt. Here Jessi was, comforting me and treating me like her own daughter and yet all I could do was lie to her, not only about who her son was, but about who I was as well. I could barely stand myself right now.  
“Hey, Jessi?”  
“Since you brought him up, I wanted to ask. Who is Taeyong to Jaehyun?””
“Oh, you don’t know?”
I shook my head.
“Jaehyun and Taeyong have been friend since Jaehyun and Ji-eun came to live with us.”
“Really? That long?” I asked.  
“Well, Taeyong’s lived here at the estate since he was a little boy. Even longer than Jaehyun and Ji-eun. His parents were actually members of our staff.”
“Oh, so do the staff’s children often live at the estate?” I asked.
“No, never. Taeyong was a special case. His father, Jong-in, was one of Jaehyun’s guards while his mother, Jennie, was head of staff. When Taeyong was only five years old, there was an attack on the manor and his father died after taking a bullet for my husband. To repay Taeyong’s father for his sacrifice, Sooman covered all of their family's expenses and allowed them to move into the estate. Sooman always makes a point to repay his debts, but if we’re being honest, I’m pretty sure he just didn’t want to lose her as a staff member. Like Jeno, she was very good at her job.”
I nodded as she continued to talk about Taeyong. I knew that he and Jaehyun were close, but I had no idea they grew up together.  
“Besides, Ji-eun, Taeyong was Jaehyun’s closest companion although they didn’t get along at first. Taeyong was a bit rebellious growing up but he wasn’t a bad kid. He got into fights nearly every week and even got kicked out of school. We ended up having to send him to the same private school as Jaehyun. When Jaehyun started talking, he’d always try to play with Taeyong but I think Taeyong saw him as more of a nuisance than anything else. The only reason they got close was because of Ji-eun. Taeyong had such an obvious crush on her, it was adorable, really. He’d follow her around all day like a puppy dog, asking if she needed anything or if anyone was bothering her at school. Instead of asking anything for herself, she’d ask him to take care of Jaehyun when they were at school. Since Jaehyun was the sensitive type, he was often picked on by his peers. Ji-eun was in high school so she couldn’t do anything while Jaehyun was at the middle school. So, despite him being the same age as Jaehyun, Taeyong became Jaehyun’s protector. Now that Jaehyun’s become so much larger than Taeyong, it’s hard to believe that he was ever the one who needed protecting.”
Jessi stood up from the vanity to head to the nearby dresser.  
“Taeyong and Ji-eun.” Jessi hummed their names.
"I always thought they’d end up together. It’s too bad. I know I’m hard on the kid, but you really couldn’t ask for a better son-in-law.”  
Jessi picked up a pair of earrings, taking special care to put them on.  
“I hope you don’t mind me asking but what type of man was his father?”  I asked.
“To say that he was a kind man would make even the devil laugh He did have his moments though. You might have heard already but our marriage to one another wasn’t out of love, or at least not out of mutual love. I apparently caught his fancy at an event meant to celebrate my parent’s gang joining EXO. He asked them for my hand before even asking me. Despite my wishes, they agreed. I tried to get out of it, but you can probably guess how that worked out. It was hard at first, but I eventually accepted my new life. It wasn’t all bad. Sooman was a fair man who respected my boundaries and he never made me feel guilty for my inability to have children.”
“Ah.” I reacted, not knowing what to say back.
“As you’ve probably already guessed it, we didn’t adopt Jaehyun and Ji-eun simply out of the kindness of our hearts. Finding out about my condition was extremely hard for the two of us but Sooman never showed me any resentment. If anything, he was more worried about me and my feelings about it than about his lack of an heir. After we found Jaehyun and Ji-eun, we had no need for any more children, but we adopted them out of respect for their fathers.”
“Wait, what do you mean?” I asked, genuinely curious.  
You see, after the mission failed and several NCT member’s lives were lost, Sooman did everything he could to make up for his apparent negligence. While most of his reparations came in the form of financial assistance, for two of his men, repaying his debt wasn’t so easy. Both of the men had sons. Jisung’s father, Taemin, ran away from his family when he was only 12 years old and his wife died during childbirth so there was no one to take care of his son when he died. That’s why Sooman and I decided to adopt him.”
“And Chenle?”
“Chenle’s father had a similar situation. He was one of the Wayv members that ended up in jail following the mission. He was killed in the prison yard by a rival gang. Unlike Jisung, Chenle had an older sibling, but the two had never met. His father had an affair with a woman outside of his marriage and had gotten her pregnant. He rented out an apartment for them in Itaewon so he could keep their existence a secret from his main family. Sooman only found out about this when he received a call from the man’s lawyer. The lawyer gave him an unofficial version of his last will and testament which specified where to find the son and mother. It requested that the two of them be taken care of if anything were to happen to him. He also requested that Chenle be kept away from anything relating to NCT or gang activity in general.”
“Wait so Chenle’s mother is still alive?”
Jessi noticeably hesitated before going on.
“Sadly, no.” She answered.
“Instead of calling, Sooman immediately went to the address listed on the document and thank god he did. Nobody answered the door when he knocked but he could clearly hear a child crying on the other side. He ended up breaking the door down to find Chenle lying beside his mother’s body.”
“Holy shit. What?” I blurted out.  
“She must have found out about her lover’s death and decided life wasn’t worth living. At first, Sooman wasn’t even planning to support the two. He thought that the will had been a scam and that the woman was trying to get a free lunch or something. Once he realized that he was responsible for not only the father’s death, but the mother’s too, he accepted Chenle as his own son. Jisung was six and Chenle was seven when we adopted them, so they were old enough to remember some details regarding their past lives but thankfully Chenle wasn’t old enough to understand what happened to his mother that day.  
“Does he ever ask about his parents?”
“A few questions here and there. He knows that they died but he doesn’t know how. We told him it was a car accident. Apparently, his father must not have visited often since he wasn’t able to recognize him from any of the photos we showed him. He doesn’t even know that his father worked with NCT and I’d like to keep it that way. Do you understand what I’m trying to say?”
“I won’t say anything.” I promised.  
Jessi stared at me as if gauging her trust in me.
“Good, Let’s head down to the dining room. We don’t want to keep everybody waiting now, do we?”  
Jessi and I made our way downstairs where we were greeted by a staff member who escorted us towards the dining room. When we entered, I was surprised to see that all the members were already seated and cheerfully conversing among themselves. Well, almost all of them.
Johnny was the first to notice our presence. He cleared his throat, catching the attention of those around him and thus towards us as well. The only thing keeping the room from falling silent was the sudden chorus of soft scraping sounds emitted from the men’s chairs as they all stood up to greet us.  
Jeno pulled out a chair for Jessi to sit in next to the head of the table while the staff member who escorted us did the same for me. As we sat down, so did everyone else. There was only one empty chair remaining next to where Jessi and I sat across from one another. I didn’t have to look around the room to know who the empty chair belonged to.  
I kept my head forwards unsure of what to do. Nobody was speaking and I didn’t want to be the one to break the silence.  
I quickly looked around the table. A mixture of concerned and bored faces stared back.  
Next to Jessi was a very anxious red head who greatly juxtaposed the disinterested medic sitting next to me. I turned towards him expectantly yet Winwin only continued to look forward.  
I didn’t know what I was hoping for, “Are you okay?” “How are you feeling?” or even just a simple “Hello,” would have sufficed. Anything that would let me know whether I could consider him an ally. What I was met with instead was apathetic indifference.
“If I wanted to attend a funeral setting, I would have visited my husband’s grave. Seriously, what’s with this solemn mood?” Jessi marveled, poking fun at the intensity that dominated the room’s aura.
“I’m sure they’re all just waiting for you to tell them one of your stories, mother.”
Everyone turned towards the sudden voice to see the head of the estate as he approached the table. Once again, the members of NCT stood up. Even I was about to stand up until Winwin placed a hand on my shoulder queuing that it was not my place to stand. I felt a tinge of reassurance from the unanticipated gesture though it didn’t do much to ease me otherwise.  
“You may be seated,” The man announced.  
I felt an alarming amount of anxiety from the room’s newest occupant, but that didn’t stop me from blatantly staring at him as he made his way towards the head of the table.  
His rose gold locks, which had been fading more and more with each day, had been replaced by a light shade of natural brown similar to that of a chestnut. It was styled in its usual fashion; pushed back and out of his eyes, with not a strand out of place. His attire, while not as formal as it was the night of the performance, still gave off an air of aristocratic poshness. A black button up tucked into black slacks held up by a black belt. Not exactly something the average son would wear to have dinner with his mother, though this was far from the average family get together and Jaehyun was far from the average man.  
Jaehyun smirked, aware of the eyes that were on him.  
“It’s good to see you, mother.” He asked as he bent down to give his mother a kiss on the cheek.
“It’s good to see you too, especially since you’ve finally gotten rid of that ridiculous pink hair of yours.”
Jaehyun gave an honest laugh in response to his mother’s words.  
“Please excuse me for not being able to welcome you myself. I had some business I needed to attend to.”  
"Oh no, it’s fine. It gave me a chance to spend some alone time with the lovely Y/N, here.” She responded, gesturing towards me from across the table.  
Jaehyun hummed in response, having fixed his gaze onto me.  
“Am I to assume that your first meeting was a pleasant one?” He asked, flashing his charming smile.
Though his expression was what one would expect from that of a loving fiancé, I knew the true meaning of his words.  
“I’d say it was more than pleasant. Y/N is a well-rounded young lady with the kind of spark you don’t see much of nowadays. I must say I’m a little suspicious.”
“Hm? What on earth do you mean?” Jaehyun asked, keeping his cool.  
“You’re not being held hostage are you, dear?” Jessi asked as she turned towards me.
My breathing hitched and I instinctively looked up at Jaehyun who seemed just as surprised by the question as I was.
I opened my mouth to reply but Jessi beat me to the cut.
“I mean how else could you find someone to put up with your snappy temperament,” She snickered.
Several of the table’s occupants, began to laugh awkwardly, Jaehyun and I included.
“As always, mother, your humor is second to none,” Jaehyun said, leaving his mother’s side to take his place at the table.  
“And how is my little mouse?” He asked reaching a hand towards mine.  
Before I could think better of it, I quickly withdrew my hand from his.  
Big mistake.
Realizing what I had done, my eyes flickered between Jessi’s furrowed brows and Jaehyun’s menacing glare.
“Honey, not in front of everyone.” I whined, doing my best to make a cute but bashful expression.
Jaehyun’s threatening stare swiftly turned into one of bewilderment. His eyes only left mine once Jessi began to laugh whole heartedly.
“Oh, you don’t have to act shy in front of me, dear. I know how kids are when they’re engaged,” Jessi insisted.
I smiled at her and looked to Jaehyun who nodded in approval. He held his hand over the lower half of his face to hide the smirk that wouldn’t seem to leave his lips.
Dinner lasted around an hour. Jessi took turns asking each of the members questions and simply catching up with one another. I was happy to listen to them all talk about things not having to do with me since it meant less chances for me to mess up. The liquor that lingered in my bloodstream granted me a bit of comfort though it did little to protect me from the unease that came from Jaehyun’s constant stare.  
When dinner was finished and everyone was dismissed, I stood up only to be pulled back down by an abrupt hand. I turned towards the hand’s owner.  
Jaehyun didn’t say anything. He instead waited for everyone to leave the dining room including the staff whom he waved away.  
Once it was just the two of us, Jaehyun stood up, throwing his napkin onto his plate.  
“Training starts at 5 a.m. Get there early if you have to, just don’t be late. I don’t think you want to know what will happen if you make me wait.”
He began to walk away from the table, leaving me behind. Once he reached the door, he paused.
“You should wear something blue. The color suits you.”
I stared blankly at the now empty doorframe.  
“Something blue?” I echoed, staring down at the baby blue dress.
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Random Knife Post (kinda Danganronpa related, ha)
Oh my god, guys. 
So! Backstory. My family and I decided to do a family outing today and went to this nice place with a bunch of cool shops and things. One of the shops there was a knife shop, and while I’m not super into blades, I do have an appreciation for well crafted knives and swords, as any woman does. So I decided to go browsing and see what selection they had. I’ve been to this store before a few times and they always have some nice looking blades, so it’s always worth a look at least.
Now, I had not been intending to buy anything, since I don’t really need any knives and I don’t really collect them, though I do own a sword. However, I stopped dead when I saw that the shop had these super cool looking switchblade knives that, when folded, looked like motorcycles. And my first thought when seeing these knives was....”Oh my God, this is SO MONDO” (and yes, that was legit my first thought. I am a nerd.) 
I still hadn’t intended on buying any of the knives, to be honest. I just thought I’d take a picture and share it with y’all later, being all “ha look at these cool Mondo Knives!!!” But one of the knives in particular really caught my eye. And after I left the store and wandered a bit, I was like...... “you know, Katie, if you don’t buy this knife now, you know you will regret it later...” so......
I went back and bought the knife. 
I don’t regret it! It wasn’t super expensive and it looks so cool!!! Sometimes it’s nice to be an adult, ha. ^-^ I’ll share some pictures below a read more if anyone wants to see it, both alone and with me holding it. I also have some bonus pics of the sword I mentioned before, so if anyone likes blade you can see that too, ha. 
Also, y’all wanna know the best part of all of this?? I was actually wearing my Danganronpa ensemble shirt that I bought from Hot Topic a few weeks ago today. Ha.
(Click the read more if you want to see the pictures! :-D )
Alright, so here’s a picture of all the knives that I initially took. There were four designs in total, though the one I bought was the one that's second from the bottom, which is a dragon.
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Personally, I think Mondo would like the one above the one I bought, since it looks like a regular motorcycle, but I like to think he’d also really like any of these knives, ha. And given his belt, I think he’d really like my knife too. Oh, and if anyone is curious, I think the top one is an eagle, though you can’t see it too well here. I didn’t like that one that much so I didn’t focus on it, ha. 
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Here are some pics of me showing that I am Totally a woman who should be trusted with a knife. :-) 
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A wider shot so you can see my shirt too, ha. Fun fact: when my brother took this picture, he suggested I hold the knife up to Sayaka on my shirt, to be “true to the game.” I decided against that idea 😂
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Here are some close up shots!!! I had this cool holographic gold poster paper I use for a background to some pics, and I thought it looked nice with the knife, ha. Fun fact: I’ve never owned a switchblade knife and was concerned when I couldn’t get the knife to retract after fully extending it once I got home. It took me a couple minutes to realize it had a little switch that kept it open when it’s open, ha. Also! The knife has a little mini light on it and the “seat” of the motorcycle is the button. I didn’t look at the knife before buying it (I totally was gonna buy it no matter what, duh) so it was def a surprise to find! 
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Another thing I didn’t know before buying it was that the blade has a cool design of two people racing on motorcycles etched on both sides!!! It’s so cool!!!
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Finally, here is where I’m gonna keep my knife! Right next to the little Mondo doll I made a few weeks ago but never posted pictures of since he’s not very well made, ha. But I love him regardless. 
Oh, and the sword behind it, by the way, is actually Sting from The Hobbit and LOTR! I found it for cheap at a local Renaissance Faire several years ago and HAD to have it. They’re supposed to have the faire again this year and if they have Orcrist, I’m gonna get that too. They had it the last time but it was a lot more expensive than Sting, since it’s a full sized sword, but I Really want it. Again, I’m not super into blades, but like... come ON. 😂😂
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Just for fun, here are some pics my brother took of me playing dead in a coffin display they had near the knife shop, as well as me frowning at my brother because he is Annoying, as all older brothers are. You can see my shirt pretty well here, ha. Which, by the way, I got at least 3 compliments on today! And I got a couple the last few times I’ve worn it, and even had one dude strike up a brief  conversation about Danganronpa with me when I wore it the first time. I didn’t know so many people liked this game/anime where I live! 
Bonus bonus:
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Oh! I found the pictures I took of Sting when I bought it, so if anyone was curious, here’s what it looks like. I apparently bought it in November of 2018. Nice to know. 
Anyway!!! I hope y’all liked the knife and bonus pics, ha. One last thing: I now really, REALLY want to draw Mondo holding my knife, OMG. Like... this is a Thing I need. I may draw a rough sketch tomorrow if I find the time, since I don’t have anything for graduate school due. Let me know if anyone else would want to see this, or if I’m alone in my Need. 😂😂
Also, I know this post was long, but I’m super excited about my new knife! I doubt I’ll never use it, but it’s still neat. And if I do ever need a switch blade, at least I’ll have one...... aha. Thanks for reading! ^-^
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fortheloveoffanfic · 3 years
This Christmas pt5
John Wick x Reader (A/n- short but final chapter)
Masterlist    This Christmas Masterlist
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Staring forward blankly as she picked the tips off lettuce for a salad; her actions merely from muscle memory as she went over everything that had gone down with John the day before; the way she’d fooled herself a couple too many times into thinking he’d kiss her, how she’d ended up accepting his gift just because she didn’t want to get into a fight. Y/n could see that he was trying; trying to be different, to be more personable, but still, she was selfish enough to want more. She wanted John to want her. 
“Everything okay dear?” Her mother interrupted her thoughts, causing Y/n to jump, dropping the rumpled lettuce into a rounded ceramic bowl as she turned to face the older woman, faking a smile in the process.
“Yeah,” Y/n smiled a bit wider, her cheeks pulling stiffly at the expression, “I’m fine, why?” 
Her mother shrugged, frowning, “You've just been really quiet since you got here. Did something happen at work?”  
Thinking back on how awkward and close she and John had grown, Y/n simply shook her head dismissively, “No,” warding off the bombarding thoughts of her boss, Y/n sniffled softly, hoping her mother wouldn’t hear it, “Nothing like that, everything’s fine mom.”
For a minute more, Y/n’s mother eyed her suspiciously, about to probe deeper when, from the hallway, through an arched entryway, came her father, poking his head, “Y/n?” She raised her head in question, “There’s someone outside, asking about you.”
Gnawing on her lower lip, Y/n reluctantly abandoning her task and wiggling out of her mother’s embrace. Slowly, she dragged herself to the front door, brushing her palms over the thighs of her jeans and then combing through any tangles in her tresses with delicate fingers. The cold, winter draft had freely entered through the open front door, though, even as she grew nearer Y/n couldn’t see any signs of a visitor. But, still curious, she went over the door anyway, tugging on the sleeves of her sweater so it would cover her hands.
“John?” She gasped upon seeing him standing nearer to the porch steps, back to the house and hands casually in the pockets of his thick, long, woolen coat. He turned at the sound of his name, seeming surprised despite having been the one to show up unannounced. “What are you doing here?” Knitting her brows, Y/n folded her arms, suppressing a shiver.
Seeing her, after everything that had gone down in London; all the flustered, intimate moments, their almost kisses and the way she’d looked at him before she left homebound, it was almost surreal. It was like John was seeing her in an entirely new light; she wasn’t as unattainable as he’d made her out to be, there was still a chance for them, if only he could find to tell her how he felt. 
That was why he’d taken the chance and flown out to her hometown, knowing he was risking his heart but also knowing that she was worth it. Anyone who could care enough to look past his hardened exterior and stay long enough to put up with how closed off he could be, was worth it. 
“I needed to see you,” he began after a deep breath, keeping his hands warm in his coat as he toed closer, “I…..there’s so much I haven’t told you Y/n, so much I’ve been keeping to myself because I was scared you wouldn’t feel the same. 
Licking her lips, she glanced away from John, fixing her eyes on the snow freckled hedges, and John could feel the nerves bundle up in his stomach. Of course she was mad, it wasn’t like they’d exactly smoothened things out before she left. 
“Yeah?” She scoffed in disbelief. Part of her, most of her, wanted to believe him, but the rest was frightened that as soon as she reciprocated, he’d just recoil into himself again, leaving her to deal with muddled emotions,  “I don’t know what you want me to say to that,” she finally offered.
“I don’t want you to say anything,” by then, John was standing before her, his eyes pleading with her to just give him one more shot. He could make things right, he knew it, she just had to listen and give him the chance to say everything that he’d been keeping from her. And it was so much.
Out of her periphery, Y/n could see that he had added the scarf she’d given him to his ensemble. The sight of it thawed her anger, just enough to make her look at him as his next words came, “I just want you to give me a chance; I just want you to listen,” John shook his shoulders, his eyes brimmed with hope.  
“You….” Trailing off, he took a deep breath and Y/n sighed deeply, wrapping her arms around herself to break the chill, “I’m sorry about the way I acted in London,” he declared, taking a deep breath as he sorted his thoughts, “And-and I just….well, I don’t really know what I’m doing,” John confessed with a short, dry chuckle. “But I do know that I’ve never felt this way, and when I realized that I did, all I could see was the way you were with Robert, I was jealous.” 
The admission had her head snapping up and Y/n sucked in a surprised breath. Jealous? John? She’d never think to put those two together. “So, I pushed you away. But you have to believe me when I say I never meant for it to go like that. Y/n,” her name was a husky whisper off John’s lips, whipping with the gentle breeze that blew the white flakes sideways, “But then you told me you cared about me, and I’ve never had someone to care the way you do, I couldn’t lose you. So I decided that I had to protect what we already had, instead of trying to turn it into something more, something that you might not want from me. And then there was the whole Robert situation-”
“You know,” she cut off his aimless rambling, finally allowing a smile to break through as she seemed to get where he was going faster than he could. As it turned out, John Wick, the textbook definition of the strong silent type, really knew how to talk circles around himself. “For a man of very few words, you really know how to talk a lot without saying anything at all.”
Chortling nervously, John tried to steady himself. “Right,” he gave his best go at a smile, only managing an expression that was vaguely reminiscent, “What I’m trying to say, what I want to say, is that I think I’m in love with you and the thought of losing you scares me half to death.”
Tilting her head to the side, Y/n nibbled on the corner of her lip, hiding her giddy grin, “That’s all a little heavy, if you ask me. I mean, you haven’t even asked me out yet.”
Panicked, John’s eyes went wide, thinking he’d just made a fool of himself, “What?”
Barely a handful of seconds had passed before Y/n was shaking her head, giggling softly, “I’m just kidding. Cause honestly? I think I’m in love with you too.”
“Really?” The tension in his shoulders left almost instantaneously and a breath sigh of relief parted his lips. Slipping his hands out of his pockets, John let them guide Y/n closer, pulling her in at the waist, “I’m gonna kiss you,” he announced softly, “For real this time.
“You’d better,” she giggled, only for her soft, gleeful noises to be cut off by John’s lips on hers. It was slower than she’d imagined it to be. He wasn’t rough, or so passionate that the meaning was lost. Instead, his lips simply guided hers in sweet tangle, their shared warm breaths providing welcome heat and the taste lingering on his tongue sending sparks down to Y/n’s toes. “What happened to the no fraternization policy?” She teased when they broke, her palms still steady on his shoulders, while John’s arms had snaked around her, keeping Y/n tucked against his broad chest.
Huffing, John flashed her a bright, cheeky grin and it warmed her heart to know that she was perhaps the first, if not only, person privy to such a gorgeous sight. “I think the boss will be okay with it,” he returned lightly.
“Good, cause I want you to come in and have dinner with us,” Y/n pecked his lips again, “I know it’s soon. Like really soon, and maybe we’ve got this all mixed up, but I don’t really care.”
Closing his eyes, John pressed his forehead to hers, reveling in their closeness and the euphoria that had accompanied finally having things fall into place for them. It didn’t matter what came next; John would, for the very first time, spend Christmas with someone that he loved and that loved him back, and Y/n would finally have the man she’d only ever thought would be a school girl crush right in her arms. “I don’t care either,” he hummed, “I’d love to  have dinner with your family.”
“Good,” inch by inch, not yet ready to leave their little bubble on the porch, Y/n let her arms  wind around John’s neck, trying to get closer, which arguably wasn’t possible. “Merry Christmas, John,” she smiled, laying her warm lips on his.
“Merry Christmas Y/n,” John returned happily, between long, languid kisses, the heat brought on by each other’s embrace far more cozy than any they would find in front of a fire. 
Tagging- @harrisongslimited @magnificentclodpiebanana @keandrews @greenmanalishi  @rdjloverxxx @danceoftwowolves  @planetkt @wheretheriversrunintothesea
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casmoments · 4 years
Marriage of Convenience; part 4
Prompt: “Arranged Marriage” -  Certain factions of heaven are on your tail, the consequence of your death a trigger to greater destruction.  In order to protect your life and others, you agree to an old custom that prevents any heavenly agent from harming you.   The basic ritual?  You have to marry an angel.  Fourth part in a series.  
Reader Gender: female Word Count: 4800 Warnings: not very rough sex, but if you’re sensitive to it, then warning.  also some forward action in an empty but public place  
part one ; part two ; part three
You awoke to Castiel kissing your temple.  He was dressed and seemingly rushing.   You blinked your eyes open, looked at him confusedly.
“Cas?” you murmured.  “What’s—”  Your question was interrupted by a yawn but he seemed to understand, brushing some of your hair back.
“You should sleep,” he said, inclining his head.  “One of my allies is summoning my presence to heaven.   I should see what’s disturbing them.”   You groaned, shifting beneath the covers.   You realized you wore a large t-shirt though you had not fallen asleep in that—you had not fallen asleep in anything.  You looked down at yourself and he followed your gaze, smiling gently.   “It was difficult to pry myself from your side,” he said, “I hope you don’t mind.”
“’s fine,” you grumbled, lifting a hand to touch the side of his face.   “Will you be back soon?”  He turned his head and kissed your palm, looking down at you with sincere affection.
“I will try,” he said.
He was gone shortly after that, kissing you again before he departed.   You rolled over and fell into sleep, hoping he would return by dawn.    It did not happen.    You awoke to an empty bed and sighed to yourself, nonetheless rising and dressing for the day.    You met the Winchesters in the kitchen.   They appeared to be packing some provisions for the road.  
“Got another case?” you asked, making for the fridge.   Sam looked at you a bit funny and Dean had a moment of amusement, but you were still a bit groggy and didn’t heed it.  
“Yup,” Dean eventually answered, tossing Sam an apple.   Sam caught it, his eyes on a newspaper.   He bit down while determinedly skimming an article.   “Sounds like there might be a vamp nest couple states over.   We’ll be gone a few days.   You gonna be okay?”    Dean asked that every time, though his question held gravity because this was their first expedition after your marriage.   You could venture outside now and they all knew you would.   Though you admitted that despite knowing you were now protected, it was a daunting idea, especially with everyone so far away from you.
“I’ll be fine,” you said.   You decided to do some research before committing to any journey.   For now you just smiled, grabbing some food out of the fridge and returning to the table.   “You guys be safe, though, you hear?”   You always replied with such a comment and that eased Dean.   He ruffled your hair.
Not long after that, the Winchesters were gone and you sat alone in the library.   Sam had provided you with a text outlining your marriage.   You skimmed through it and verified your thoughts.  You mostly wondered what force actually prevented heavenly agents from harming you because it surely wasn’t an honour system.   But it seemed to involve the celestial consummation on your wedding night.   You had some of his grace inside of you, all but melded into your soul, and it served as some kind of shield.   It protected you as well as him.   If something happened to him, his grace somehow taken, angels attempting to break the accord by rendering him human, it would still be partially locked inside you.   Your contract would always stand; he would always be an angel and you would always be part of him.
Bound for eternity, you thought.   Once the prophet and angel had joined, it was everlasting.  Not even heaven could undo it.   Some of Castiel’s stronger abilities had waned but he was irrefutably angelic.   Thanks to this, he would perpetually remain so, regardless of his enemy’s attempts to dismantle him.
You waited in the bunker for a while, uncertain of when to expect Castiel’s return.   His visits were once rare but you supposed that would change.   Your stomach knotted in anticipation.  
Otherwise idle, you daydreamed for a moment, one of your oldest fantasies playing in your mind.   The first time it occurred, you could not meet his eye for weeks.   You were always careful to never utter his name aloud lest you be heard by someone.   Even when you were alone, you kept it all inside your head.   He could suddenly materialize and hear you and that would have horrified poor, infatuated you.  
But you had no such worry anymore, wanting nothing more than for him to appear while you murmured his name.    You slouched in your seat and closed your eyes.   His name fell from your lips with a gentle sigh, reflective, wistful, gentle.   Your daydream floated absently though your mind, dream-Castiel sitting across from you, his eyes wandering your form.   You innocently skipped around him, dressed in a skirt which lifted suggestively when you stretched or bent over.   He would admire each swivel of your hips and dip of your body, watching and watching until it was too much.   He would stand and approach you, eyes blazing with predatory intent.  A wildly confused question would fall from your lips—“Castiel, what are you doing?”—but he would just press you against the table, his front aligned to your backside, hard ridge of his cock straining through his pants.   His arms would cage you, his hands beside yours on the table.  
“You know what I’m doing,” is all the reply he would offer, and your oh-so scandalized self would gasp as he hoisted your skirt, flipping it above your waist.
“Oh, Castiel,” dream-you always murmured, an utterance in actuality this time.  But you were still alone, even as your thoughts played themselves out.   Castiel would yank your underwear down, desperate and impatient, and he would part your legs, grip your hips, undo his pants and fill you with one solid thrust.   He would be unrelenting and you would gasp, groan, writhe in pleasure.   And when he had finished, he would lower your skirt, pocket your panties, and straighten you.   He would hold you tight against him, your back to his front, and his hand would curve around your throat and hold just tight enough to lock you in place.   He would turn your head and kiss you, nip at your bottom lip.  
“You know whose you are,” he would say, and his mouth would find that spot between neck and shoulder to brand.
You touched that mark now, recalling it still existed.   You blushed when you remembered the looks Sam and Dean had thrown you that morning.   They made a little more sense now.   Still, you didn’t have it in you to be embarrassed, not while thoughts of your husband danced around your head, his mark on display, his touch like a phantom presence across your skin and—
—and waiting for him was going to drive you mad, you realized.  You had only been married a couple days but you supposed heavenly wars did not care about interrupting your honeymoon period.   At any rate, you couldn’t just sit around in the bunker waiting for him.  Making use of your newfound freedom, you pulled on shoes and a coat and took a walk.   You were a bit jumpy but your greatest adversary proved to be a squirrel.   After your walk, you decided to eat out.   By the time you finally returned to the bunker, it was getting late, and still no sign of Castiel.   You couldn’t hold it against him; the things he did were important.   You idled around the bunker for a bit, watched some television, then fell asleep listening to music.  
You hoped to wake the following morning to Castiel in your bed, but no such luck.  You spent another day out, chatting on the phone with Sam for a bit.  The day was not very exciting but you enjoyed yourself, hopping a bus into the city and spending some time just experiencing the things you had missed for the past several months.   You returned home with some dinner, ate while listening to the radio, then turned in shortly after that.
This regime continued for three more days.   You wondered how you could ever go weeks without seeing Castiel, then supposed the answer was obvious; there was never a promise of intimacy until now.    All the same, you had your independence, but damnit if you weren’t already going through withdrawal.  
Though you tried to wait, you couldn’t help but fall onto your bed with your hand between your legs, attempting to recreate every glorious sensation he had shared with you.   It was a pale comparison but satisfied some tension.  
“Castiel,” you murmured, picturing his return.   He would be absolutely mad with desire, taking you right up against the door.   He would utter stories of the past few days, how he had thought of you, wanted you, needed you like you needed him.   You gasped, moaned, whimpered, throwing your head back and bucking your hips as you came.   Then you just lay there, panting, staring up at the ceiling and bracing yourself for another day.   You dressed then stood in front of your sparse closet, frowning.
Because you had been in the bunker for so long, and because your move had been quite spontaneous, you didn’t actually own many clothes.   You would lounge in the same grungy ensembles for days at a time, your few appropriate outfits saved for when the boys accompanied you somewhere.   Now that you could come and go as you pleased, you realized you would need a bit more clothing. Grabbing the emergency credit card Dean had given you, you left the bunker and made for the city, hitting up a department store.
You hummed to yourself, content, ever anticipating Castiel’s return.   You refused to call the knots in your stomach anything but anticipation.   Nerves implied he was in danger.   You knew he could be but you tried not to think of it, attempted to be optimistic.  
A kind employee helped you with your shopping, taking some outfits to the dressing room for you to try on.   You browsed for a few more ensembles when something caught the corner of your eye.   Hmm.
You wandered over to the lingerie section.   You owned a few nice articles, purchased for yourself and your own sense of sexiness.   But lingerie was expensive and you never really went out of your way to obtain it.   But you looked over a few pieces now, pictured yourself wearing them, pictured Castiel if he returned to find you lazing in some of the more provocative numbers.
“Can I try some of these on?” you asked the employee, not wanting to purchase something that turned out to be unflattering.
“Some of them, yes,” the lady said.  “Some you can’t.  Hygiene reasons, of course.”
“Of course,” you said, fiddling with the silky material of a push-up bra.   “Could you, um, show me which are okay to… I’d like to try…”   Apparently marriage had not totally cured your blushes.   The lady took pity, smiled kindly.
“Of course,” she said.  “I’ll help you.  This way.”
You picked a few pieces and she took them to the dressing room, adding them to your other articles.   You returned to the clothing section, browsing one last time before your dressing room retreat.   The store was quite empty.  It was a decent establishment but you supposed this wasn’t a popular hour for shopping.   You were halfway to the dressing room, mind wandering absently when a hand landed on your arm.   You thought it was the lady and politely turned around.
“Castiel!”  You all but launched yourself at him, arms thrown around his shoulders and face plastered to his chest.   He chuckled, smoothing a hand down your hair, the other wrapping around you.   “Ugh, you’ve been gone for days…”   You pouted, tipping your head back to look at him.
“I apologize,” he said, blue eyes swimming with promise and sincerity.  Your heart beat faster but you swore something rippled deeper, right in the core of your being, and you wondered if it was the reunion of his grace inside you.   The culmination of everything just increased your heart rate, your smile bright, his glance affectionate.   He leaned down and kissed you, not half so desperately as you would have liked but you supposed this was a public place.   He pulled back and looked around, squinting a bit.   “Why are you here?” he asked.
“I wanted to do some shopping,” you said.  “I needed some new clothes.”
“I see.”  He looked down at you again, a certain look flashing in his gaze.  “Are you finished?”
You bit your bottom lip, unable to refuse the action, smiling a little bit.   His eyes dropped to your mouth and you freed your lip, locking your hands behind his neck.
“Why?” you asked, boldly teasing.   He looked at you dryly, humouring your feigned innocence.
“I have been securing some levels of heaven for days,” he said, hands on your hips, drawing you close, “though I seemed to endure weeks because of distracting prayers.”    You looked at him with legitimate confusion, tipping your head.   He leaned down towards you, chastely kissing your cheek.   It looked like an innocent action, and no one else knew that he leaned towards your ear to whisper lowly, “When you utter my name with such yearning, wife, you open your thoughts to a channel of communication.”
Your fantasies from the past few days all flittered through your head.   You couldn’t help but blush, thinking of the images you had unwittingly sent Castiel.   You had heaped your own sexual frustration on top of his, not to mention accidentally sharing ideas you could not openly admit.  He lifted a hand to your face, thumb stroking your pink cheek.   You were two seconds away from forgetting about the clothes, allowing him to zap you back to the bunker and just have his damn way with you… when you remembered a couple of the pieces hanging up in that cubicle.  
“I’m almost done here,” you said, sliding your hands down his chest, fidgeting with the lapels of his coat.  “I just want to try a few things on.  Will you stay while I do that or do you have somewhere to be?”   He placed a hand over yours, held it to his chest and looked at you fondly.
“I’d like to keep your company,” he said, then seemed to surrender a thought.  “Will this take very long?”  
You couldn’t help but laugh, shaking your head.   He smiled.
“No,” you said, “I don’t think so.   Come on.”   You pulled out of his embrace, took his hand in yours.   You smiled up at him while weaving through racks of clothes, eventually turning your gaze ahead.   Your cheeks were still warm, alight with a faint blush, and you doubted it would recede—not with what you were planning.    The employee was leaving the dressing room area just as you entered.   She offered her assistance should it be necessary and then retreated.  
“She was very kind,” Castiel said absently, looking around.   The dressing rooms were tucked inside a nook, a row of cubicles with floor-lengths doors, white and wooden and slatted closed.  There was a rack of clothes to be returned outside and three full-length mirrors, framed around each other to pose and admire your own form.   There were two armchairs and a bench, though the room was empty of all people.  
“Just sit there,” you said, gesturing to an armchair in front of your cubicle.   “I just have a couple things I want to try on.”    He nodded, seating himself in a chair, sitting rather stiff before awkwardly leaning back, not succeeding in finding much comfort.   You just giggled, stepping into the cubicle and closing the door.   You looked at yourself in the mirror inside, pulled a face before shaking your head.   Right, you said.  Gotta do this properly.
You changed into pants and a shirt first, stepped out to look at yourself in the mirrors.   You had a decent idea of the ensemble with the one cubicle mirror, but there was a science to your presentation and you would not screw it up.  
“Nice, huh?” you asked, looking at Castiel.   He nodded.   He seemed to have found a comfortable position, leaning slightly to one side.   He propped his head against his fist, his other arm draped over the back of the chair.   You swallowed, looking away from him.   You still weren’t too sure why that position was so attractive but damn, was it ever.   Get it together, you told yourself, returning to the cubicle.   This is your sexy parade, not his, damnit.
You changed into a summer dress, loose and flowy, cutting off just above the knee.   You had picked it up in recollection of your library fantasy, and now that he knew about it you wondered if it would affect him.   You stepped out of the cubicle, smoothing the material over your hips, and you felt his eyes follow you as you approached the mirror.
“This is pretty, I think,” you said, turning a bit, giving him a decent view of your backside, the dip of the dress.   You looked at him over your shoulder.   “What do you think?”
His eyes were a bit low, sweeping up your legs before meeting your gaze.  Despite the inherent flirtation, his words were spoken kindly.
“You look… very beautiful,” he said, head lifting off his fist for a moment.   You smiled, looked at yourself in the mirrors before retreating.   “Are there many more?” he asked.   You looked back at him, slowly closing your cubicle door.
“Almost there,” you said, watching as he pressed his temple to his fist again.  How he could be adorable and sexy at once, you weren’t sure.    You closed the cubicle door and locked it, turning to look at your next piece.   You carefully undressed, taking your time to don each article.   You kept an ear on the space outside make sure no one else wandered into the dressing room.   It sounded pretty empty out there, though.
You looked at yourself in the mirror once dressed.   It wasn’t too brazen, lacy black panties that slung low at your hips, a black bra which pushed up your breasts, full cups but lacy like the underwear.    You snapped one of the straps against your skin, smiling as you looked at yourself.   You weren’t going to lie, the lingerie thing really worked wonders.  
You opened and the door stepped out, fighting a blush as you went over to the mirror.   You did not look at him directly but you saw Castiel was immediately affected.   His arm dropped from its perch, his head following you very deliberately.   You looked at him, expression innocent as ever.  
“What do you think?” you asked.   He didn’t seem to know where to look, gaze flicking over your body before he looked up at you.   He said nothing but tipped his head, looking at you with a sort of scrutiny—he totally knew what you were doing and that heated glance set a fire in your core.   “Not this one, then?” you asked, snapping the waistband of the underwear against your hip.   His eyes fell to the motion before he met your gaze again.   His pupils had dilated noticeably, blue pierced with black.   “Right.  Better try again then,” you said, returning to your cubicle without further ado.
The really skimpy bits couldn’t be tried on in-store, only purchased, so you couldn’t torment him beyond any brink.   But your second ensemble pushed a decent boundary.   The underwear was thin, almost see-through, the bra strapless and cups small, just covering you enough to stay on.  A sheer material draped over your middle, leaving little to the imagination.  You turned in front of the mirror, smiled to yourself, and stepped out again.
He was sitting straight this time, arms on the armrests, staring at your door.   He watched as you passed him, stepping up to the mirrors once more.
“So?” you asked, looking at him.   You gathered your hair and lifted it onto your head, arms stretching, exposing a little more skin.   You turned your hips this way and that, faced him with your eyebrows lifted.   He was breathing very evenly, like it required effort to keep that rhythm, and his gaze was fixated low on your body.  You watched him wet his lips as his eyes moved up.  Then he looked at you as one solitary word tumbled from his lips, gravelly and hot and dark.
That sound hit you right between the legs, fires melting to wet heat and you figured you would have to buy this underwear pretty soon if you didn’t get them off…
He stood when you reached the cubicle, though, and suddenly you were rushed inside.   You stumbled backward, hitting the mirror, and he closed the door behind himself.   Your heart raced, breath catching, the look in his eyes hungry and determined.  You lowered your gaze, not missing that hard bulge in his trousers.   Looking up again, you pressed yourself against the mirror and gasped as he approached.
“We can’t do this here,” you said quickly, swallowing.   He stopped inches from your face, leaning over you, his wild eyes not straying anywhere else.   “And I can’t bring this with me.  I haven’t paid for it.”
“Then you should take it off,” he said.   His hands were on you before you could blink, unhooking the clasp at the front of the bra.   It gave way, floating to the floor around you.   His hands were rough and quick, exactly how you fantasized, and you were pretty sure prayer was not intended for such usage but blessed be accidental prayers.   He shoved at the material on your hips, crouching as he pulled it down your thighs and past your knees.   You stepped out of it and he stood again, leaving you completely naked under his roving stare.
“Castiel…” you murmured, his gaze lifting to meet yours.   A hand lifted towards your face, thumb running over your lips.
“You do enjoy my name, don’t you, wife?” he asked.
“And you enjoy calling me wife, don’t you, husband?” you returned, lips moving over his thumb as you spoke.   His other hand slid over your shoulder, moving into your hair and gripping the back of your head.  You made a low noise as he tugged lightly, tipping your head back, exposing the line of your throat.   Your chest thrust forward as your back curved.   You breathed hard, murmuring nonsensical sounds as he dragged his thumb over your lips, down your chin, fingers splaying over your collarbone and freezing there while his gaze wandered lower.  
“You are irresistibly beautiful,” he said.  “This might be why heaven first outlawed our engagement to your kind.”   You shuddered as his fingers wandered lower, slipping between your breasts, down your stomach, his grip on your hair tightening.   “You’re a welcome distraction,” he said, hand moving aside, down your thigh.  “Though lesser beings would struggle to let you leave their beds.”   You made a wanting noise, his hand sliding to your inner thigh, running upwards but pulling away at the last second.  
“So I haven’t beaten down your resolve yet?” you asked.    His wandering gaze lifted again, dark, focussed.   You licked your lips, fingers curling against the mirror behind you.
“We’ll see,” he said.   “For now, I want my wife.”  
You yelped as he flipped you around, the moment whirling to dizzying heights as the scene shifted around you.   A wooden door was suddenly in front of you.   It took a moment to realize, but you were back in your bedroom at the bunker.   Your hands were flattened to the door, one of his hands on your hip and the other undoing his pants.   You moaned, a helpless, shaking, desperate sound, realizing this was a combination of two fantasies you sent him.  
You were bent over, hands braced on the door, hair falling over your bare shoulders.   His hand moved between your legs, one of his feet nudging yours.   You groaned, head dropping forward as you spread your legs as per his silent request.   You bit your lip as his hand teased at your wet heat, fingers deftly pressing upward.  
“Take me, please,” you murmured, pressing back against his hand.    A week ago, you could never imagine yourself in such a position, so open and unabashed, but you were completely undone and wanting of one thing.   You tried to press back against him again but he removed his hand, both of them sliding over your backside, moving onto your hips.
“Take you,” he repeated.   “That is very different from making love, isn’t it?”
Your response was a vague grunting noise, then you felt the head of his cock between your thighs.  You thrust back, only pausing when his hand moved between you, guiding him to your entrance.  
“You’ll have what you want,” he said, easing inside of you.  You moaned, the feel of him inside you again perfect.   “If I had ever known you were so eager,” he said with a grunt, pulling back a bit to thrust forward again, “I would have taken you much sooner… thrown you against the nearest space and fucked you until you trembled to think of me.”   You moaned, thudding your hands against the door as he started guiding your hips, sliding them over his cock with each intense thrust.   “But I would not rewrite our story.”  After a few more thrusts, he pulled out and straightened you, hand lightly circling your throat as in your fantasy.   He held you against him and you realized he had zapped his clothes away at some point—some very recent point, because you could feel the brush of material before this.   You all but melted against him, head landing on his shoulder, his fingers soft on your neck.   He kissed the side of your face, slow, warm.   “I take far too much pleasure in being your husband.”
“I love being your wife,” you said, words scarcely spoken before he sat on the bed.   He kept your back pressed to his chest but helped you onto him, your legs spread over him, straddling his thighs as he entered you.   You sunk onto his cock, tipping your head back so his temple pressed to yours.
“Then I would say I have succeeding in taking you,” he said, all but bouncing you in his lap.   You panted, reaching back to touch a hand to his face.   His breath hit your neck in short, hot bursts, his hands sliding down to your thighs, moving you over him.   His thrusts only slowed when his hand moved towards you, fingers prying, circling your clit as he moved inside you.  Your sounds turned frantic, delving to one moan as you came apart, clenching around him.   He pounded up into you, low noises rolling past his lips as you squeezed his cock inside you.  Your faint convulsions finally ceased, just as he finished.  You slumped against him, a small, weak noise still threaded into every pant.  
“Y/N,” he said, kissing your cheek, brushing your hair back.   “Are you all right?”
“All right,” you repeated, “I’m more than all right.”   He laughed at that, a short but pleased sound, his arms wrapping around your waist.   You reached back for him, groaning as he lifted you up and onto your feet.   You stumbled for a second, then found yourself back in his arms.   He laid back on the bed, not high enough to reach the pillows, but centred quite surely.   He held you against him, your head tucked under his chin, fingers on his shoulders.   “I missed you,” you said after a moment.   He kissed the top of your head.
“I did as well,” he said.  “I find it very difficult to be apart from you, even more than before.”   He looked down at you then and you looked up, curious.   He smiled gently.   “Have you enjoyed your freedom?” he asked.   You smiled back.
“Yeah,” you said.  “But it’s nice when I get to share it with you.”
“I look forward to sharing days with you,” he said, brushing his fingers over your cheek, leaning down and kissing you.    You remained there for a while, languidly kissing, unwinding from the passion before.  After a while you leaned back, arching your back a bit as you stretched.  
“Come on,” you said, slowly sitting up.   He followed, looking at you curiously.   “I do want to buy some more clothes eventually,” you said, “though I think you shouldn’t accompany me.”  He sort of grinned at that, his fingers idly stroking over your thigh.   “But that’s not where I’m headed.  After all this, I think,” you smiled to yourself, batting your eyelashes, “that I need a shower.”  
He looked like he had a comment but then paused, considering it.   He looked at you again and you lifted your eyebrows, tipping your head.
“Are you coming?” you asked, offering your hand.   He looked at it and then met your gaze, smiling.  
He placed his hand in yours.  
part five
castiel x reader masterpost
33 notes · View notes
dreamyjoons · 5 years
heartbreak trials // jjk
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⇢ it all started with a bet: the one with the highest body count would get the most illustrious prize - Namjoon’s bedroom. For you and Jungkook, the race was on.
Genre/warnings: angst, smut! roommate!au, sex talks, best friend & fwb!Jimin, very background Namjin, swearing, alcohol use & drunkenness, creepy/pushy guy at a bar, oral (m & f recieving), fingering, unprotected sex, a creampie thing (lmao sorry), overstimulation, snarking constantly I can’t stop it
Words: 13.8k
A/N: In celebration for Jungkook’s birthday, enjoy this baby. I hope you all like it. Thank you to the incredible underthejinfluence for the support, suggestions and letting me complain regularly lmao.
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“I swear, one of these days I'm gonna kill him.”
You throw yourself over the arm of the couch, letting your head flop on Namjoon’s knee. You sigh and pout up at him, waiting for him to pay you attention.
He casually ignores you, thumbing through the book in his hand. Another louder sigh passes your lips. Namjoon rolls his eyes, hastily dropping the bookmark in his hand between the pages. Once the closed book sits neatly in his lap, he turns his unimpressed gaze on you.
“What’s he done now?”
“He brought someone else home last night. Which is fine” -noting Namjoon’s raised eyebrow- “but Jungkook always seems to pick the loud ones.”
“I see. But do you not think he’s getting back at you?”
You sit bolt upright and spin, fully focused on Namjoon. Sure, you and Jungkook had some weird… thing going on when it came to having hookups in the house. Sometimes it felt a little premeditated. But you didn’t hate each other enough to have that kind of rivalry. Not that you thought so, anyway.
“For what?”
“When you brought home that guy from work who yelled the whole time you both fu-”
“Yes, your point?” You rush, ignoring the heat creeping across your face.
“Kook had an exam the next day.” Namjoon shrugged, his fingers idly teasing the edge of his book.
“That? That was last year Joonie! he’s graduated already!” You yelp, throwing up your arms for good measure.
“Yeah, but you never apologised.” You splutter at his quiet words, a Jungkook-shaped rage beginning to simmer inside you.
“Did he apologise when that devil ex of his put her thong in my bedroom? Or when that other crazy bitch tried to punch a hole through our connected wall-“
“Oh Sana? I thought you’d like her.” Jungkook smirks, strolling into the living area.
You jolt as he swaggers into the room, messy hair falling into his eyes. Wearing yet another all black ensemble, he casually strides to the sofa and sits himself between you and Namjoon, shimmying in the spot for good measure.
“What do you think?” You snap, scooting as far away from the demon as possible.
“Oh, I'm not interrupting, am I?” He smirks at you, brown eyes glittering with mischief.
“You’re fine, Jungkook. Actually I’ve been meaning to talk to you both.” Namjoon says gently, leaning forward to place his book on the table before turning to face you both. You and Jungkook both forcibly break your tense glare at each other to turn to Namjoon.
“I finally have a date for when I move in with Seokjin.” He smiles, his little dimple flashing on his face.
“Congrats, man!” Jungkook grins, slapping a hand on Namjoon’s shoulder.
“That’s amazing, Joonie. I bet you’re both so excited.” You smile, warmth spreading through you. It had been a long time coming - two bean poles who annoy each other constantly but found each other made your heart swell.
“We can’t wait, but that leads me to something about here. Obviously this was originally my flat, so I’m gonna pass it to you both. But it’s listed under my master bedroom.” He stops, taking a second to collect his thoughts. “So you both need to decide between you who’s going to have my room.”
An uneasy glance passes between you and Jungkook, a chill descends upon the room.
Namjoon’s room was not only nearly the size of yours and Jungkook’s room combined, but it also had an ensuite bathroom. It was prime real estate, and there was no way you were going to pass that up.
“I’ll have it-”
You both shout before another deadly glare passes between you. His eyebrows knit as he stares at you, but you’re not intimidated. You never are by Jungkook. He was a bunny! And apparently he banged like one-
“No way Jungkook, I deserve it! I’ve had to listen to you one-stroke wonder for nearly two years now-“
“Not a chance, Y/N! If I have to listen to you fake another orgasm I swear-”
“Fake? Fake?!” You splutter, heat surging to your face as you gawp at the floppy-haired idiot.
“Oh please, I’ve had to listen to you enough to know when you’re putting it on, which sounds like it happens regularly.” He shrugs, flicking his hair out of his eyes before smirking over at you.
“What makes you an orgasm expert?” You scoff.
“Oh baby, I know how to give an orgasm or three.”
You splutter and try to play it off as a cough, but Jungkook grins triumphantly. Namjoon loudly clears his throat, shuffling to the edge of the couch to give you both a meaningful stare.
“I’ll be out of here by the end of next week, but the contract will be changed in just under a month.” Namjoon gets to his feet, tucking his book under his arm. “You both have until then to decide.”
You stare at each other, sizing the other one up.
“I don’t care who takes the room as long as nothing gets broken in the inevitable fight you both are gonna have. Now, goodnight.” He smiles, before ducking out of the room. You and Jungkook both sit in silence until you hear his door shut.
You’d known each other for a year or two - you’d moved in with Namjoon after graduating after seeing an ad for a room. Jungkook had moved in three months after, having needed a place for his final year of college. That had been almost a year ago, and things were a lot different.
It wasn’t that you didn’t get on - you did. Most of the time. But there had been this strange atmosphere between you which had resulted in a weird competition; namely who can have the most sexual partners. Or in Jungkook’s case, the loudest.
“Obviously we both want the room.” He states, and you force yourself not to roll your eyes so hard your retinas detach.
“So how about we come up with a fair way to battle it out?” He asks, his full attention on you.
“Like what?” You ask, but he merely shrugs, hiding behind his hair slightly.
“I dunno. But we need a fair competition, because neither of us are gonna with over an argument.”
“I mean, I probably would-”
“No. Let's do this somewhat fairly.” He asserts, raising an eyebrow at you. You huff, but finally nod.
“Fine, but I can veto it if it’s a stupid idea.” You counter, holding out a hand.
He reaches out and takes your hand in his, gripping it as you shake hands, finalizing your agreement. You both break apart, sinking into separate ends of the couch.
“It’s gonna be weird without Joon being here.” Jungkook says quietly, and you nod at his words.
“Who’s gonna burn all our food and break up our fights now?” You smile, a genuine ache seeping its way into your chest.
Jungkook lets out a small chuckle, running a hand through his hair as he looks around the room. So much of Namjoon’s personality was in that place. The book titles with too many words strewn about the pace, the huge, earthy blankets laid over nearly every surface. The one bonsai he trusts you and Jungkook not to kill sitting proudly in the window. It was cosy, and completely Namjoon.
A silence settles over you, the air palpably thick.
You drag your eyes back to Jungkook, and find his eyes on you. They’re gentle but probing, like he’s trying to read your deepest thoughts. You nervously drag your lip between your teeth, heat flashes across your face as his eyes follow the motion.
And there it was. The deep ache in your stomach whenever you’re alone together, or when he creeps into your thoughts every day. You could never dwell on it, because you and Jungkook in any other context but roommates wasn’t something you could see. The risk of a broken heart is something you couldn’t handle, so you avoided it at all costs.
You push yourself to your feet, needing fresher air to fill your lungs. His bright eyes widen at your movements, following your every move.
You stare back at him, hair pushed back out of his face, mouth parted as he watches you, hands resting on his muscled thighs.
“Got work tomorrow, gonna get an early night rightokaybye-” you rush, darting around the couch and heading to your bedroom.
You shut the door and lean against it, tipping your head back against the wood. You take a deep breath and slip into autopilot, changing and climbing into bed, trying to clear your mind of Jungkook and his smile. And those thighs.
— —
Staggering through the front door, you kick your shoes off and slam your keys onto the little key rack Namjoon excitedly hung a month ago. You push the thought aside, not wanting to deal with the sadness of Joon moving out today.
Dragging your feet, you moan as you stumble into the kitchen and throw yourself on one of the island chairs, slumping into the counter.
“Fucking managers… ‘we need you to file these before you clock out’... yeah well file my fist into your face, asshats…” you mumble into the counter, the cool granite seeping into your forehead.
“Rough day?” A tinkling voice greets you, and you lift your heavy head to stare at Jungkook, half in the fridge with a banana milk in his hand, wiping some escaped liquid around his mouth with the back of his sleeve.
“... have you been there the whole time?”
“Yeah. Work sucked, then?” He asks, closing the fridge and leaning on the counter, head in his hands as he looked at you. You blink stupidly at him, his big eyes sucking you in.
“Uh… yeah. Yeah, it was crappy.” You rush, before slamming your head back down on the counter, letting the cool seep into your burning face.
This is why you prefered arguing with Jungkook. Fighting him was easy. Because when you’re not being snarky and insulting each other, he has the stars in his eyes when he talks to you and you become a stuttering mess.
“You need to blow off some steam.” You can hear the smile in his voice, and you pick your head up to look at him.
“Yeah, by taking the bubbliest bath ever and sleeping until next January.”
“Nope, you know what I mean.” He winks, and you roll your eyes at him.
“Thanks, but no. I’m not in the mood.”
“Awh, don’t think you could get it?”
“Please. I can pull way more people than you, Jungkook.”
“I doubt that, Y/N. I mean, look at me.” He gestures to himself, and you focus on keeping your eyes fixed firmly in his face. You weren’t going to follow those gorgeous hands-
“Whatever. Keep dreaming.”
“Wanna bet on it?”
“Yeah, say, one the one with the highest body count gets Namjoon’s bedroom?”
“I dunno Jungkook, that sounds like a lot of work. And shaving.”
“You haven’t got to shave. Or are you just looking for an excuse?” He smirks at you, eyebrows wagging.
“... how long would it have to be for?”
“Until we have to sign the contract for the room, right? Namjoon said less than a month, so let’s say… three weeks.”
You flick your eyes over him, weighing him up.
It would be a lie if you weren’t tempted. Both you and Jungkook had a … colourful sexual history, which seems especially ramped up with your unspoken competition over the last year. There was a chance you could win, but no one could resist Jungkook - you often wonder how you’ve lasted so long.
But then again, Namjoon’s room did have a shower with amazing water pressure.
“You’re on.” You grin, holding out your hands.
Jungkook reaches across the counter and takes your hand in his, shaking excitedly. He pulls back over the counter and gives you a bunny smile, eyes practically sparkling.
“Don’t we need some rules or something?” You ask, and his smile drops as he groans.
“No? It’s sex, there’s no rules.”
“Oh come on, stuff like using dating apps, and, I dunno, lying about our number.” You frown, waiting for his reaction.
“Why would I lie?” He asks, genuine concern crossing his face. A twinge of guilt settles in you, and you have to admit: Jungkook may be a lot of things, but he’s never been a liar.
“Fine, fine, I know you won’t. But we need to talk some things through.”
A fierce discussion and a lot of colourful words later, you both agree to some tentative terms for your competition.
“Okay, so. One, no dating or hook-up apps, we have to do this the old fashioned way. Two, we can’t interfere with each other when we’re trying to get laid-“
“Ugh, can you not say it like that?” You groan, sinking back into your chair.
“Okay - when we’re trying to bump uglies-“
“Three, we can sleep with the same people, but more than once doesn’t count. Failing to do any of this will mean we forfeit.”
“Right. And once we’re done we note it down on…” you pause, getting to your feet and walk to the fridge.
You take off the magnetic white board and scrub it clean. You draw a line down the middle, and put your and Jungkook’s name on either side of the line.
“Namjoon’s gonna be pissed that you got rid of his cleaning rota.”
“Shut up. We tally it here.” You tap the board for emphasis.
“Done. So are we starting now?” He asks, but you shake your head. It wasn’t enough that work had worn you out, but now the exhaustion from the conversation and the task ahead of you was threatening to totally wipe you out.
“Nope, too tired. You’re not gonna have an advantage over me like that Jungkook. Tomorrow.” You assert, getting to your feet.
He stares at you for a moment, assessing. A soft look passes his face - a glimmer of something. But it vanishes instantly.
“We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” He says gently, his eyes fixed on you.
“I want to, Kook. I’m gonna win that bedroom and sing in my shower all the time. I’ve got this.” You grin. He watches you for a moment before his demeanour changes, slipping back to the bubbly Jungkook you’re so used to and grinning at you.
“Keep dreaming, Y/N.” He smiles, before picking up what’s left of his banana milk and chugging it. You roll your eyes and walk away, your bed calling your name.
“Good luck getting someone to sleep with you when you have banana breath. Night Jungkook.” You call over your shoulder.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
You walk through your door and shut it behind you, finally letting yourself sag on your bed. You stare at the ceiling, the bet ticking through your brain.
It was probably dumb, but competition with Jungkook was always interesting, and it had been a while since you’d had some action. At least you could find someone to distract you, and get a nice bedroom out of it.
You wearily get to your feet, changing out of your work clothes and into pajamas. Then, after a second’s thought, you tidy your room just a little. If you’re gonna have company, you may as well be presentable.
Finally you drop into your bed, bone weary but mildly excited. Time to get up on the saddle, and show Jungkook who’s the real cowboy.
— —
Your blissful sleep is interrupted by a dull thudding, one that seemed to get louder and louder. You vaguely register it coming from the wall you share with Jungkook, but you were desperately trying to cling to the remaining tendrils of sleep. A grunt meets your ears, and you realise something wasn’t right. Groggily you open your eyes, the rude awakening souring your mood already.
“Jungkook! Fuck…” you hear a faint whine and you freeze.
You hear a few more thumps until reality hits you. Throwing yourself from your bed, you grab your phone and storm out to the kitchen. Namjoon sits at the kitchen counter, sipping his coffee calmly. Thankfully you couldn’t hear the smut from here, so you sink into the seat next to him, planting your forehead onto his shoulder.
“Take me with you to live with Jin, I beg of you.”
“You started this, Y/N. Never make a bet with Jungkook on anything! The boy will stop at nothing to win.” He sighs, placing his coffee down.
You sit bolt upright and glare at him suspiciously. He blushes a little, but he meets your gaze.
“How do you know about the bet?” You ask, forehead creased.
“I’m very smart, I tend to know things.”
“... Jungkook told you.”
“Yeah Jungkook told me.” He laughs. “He waited for me to get home and told me.”
“Why would he do that?” You frown.
“Oh, uh…” he flusters. “He- he just wanted to give me a heads up.”
“Okay… well whatever, I’m not gonna be beaten.” You mumble, picking up your phone and scroll through your recent messages.
“That doesn’t sound good.” Namjoon says under his breath, but you decidedly ignore him.
You find the number you’re looking for and shoot a quick text before locking your phone. You grin at Namjoon as you stand up, grabbing a glass of water and chugging it.
“Gotta go prep, have fun at wo-”
You're cut off by the door of Jungkook’s room opening, and you and Namjoon spin in unison. Out totters a relatively familiar girl, and you recognise her as one of Jungkook’s usual hookups. He walks her past you both to the door, his hand hovering in the small of her back as he leads her out. You move your gaze to Namjoon who looks between the both of you, frowning.
After a brief murmur, the front door shuts and Jungkook saunters back into the room, a small grin on his face. You flick your eyes up to him and see that he’s only wearing a pair of gym shorts, his hair messy and wild. Perspiration still clung to his bare chest, his hair slightly sticking to his forehead. You swallow hard, forcing your eyes away from him.
“Looks like I’m taking an early lead.” He shrugs, bunny teeth on show as he smiles. Your phone buzzes on the counter and you look over at it, a smirk lighting up your face as you look back to a curious Jungkook.
“Well, I think we'll be even before you’ve even got dressed, so don’t get too cocky.”
A groan cuts off his answer, and you both dart your gaze to Namjoon who has his head tilted back, eyes screwed shut.
“Please just… can you both make sure no one gets hurt if you’re actually going through with this?” He sighs, bringing his head back to glare at you both.
“Get hurt? Who’s gonna get hurt?” You ask, but your gut screams that you know. Deep down where you try to ignore, you know.
Jungkook flusters, settling to stare at Namjoon with wide eyes. Sighing again, Namjoon gets to his feet and dumps his cup into the sink before turning to stare at you both one last time.
“You know what I mean. Now, I’m going to work. Please don’t get your bodily fluids all over my apartment.” He tells you both sternly before walking away.
You and Jungkook look at each other for a moment before you buckle under his gaze, grabbing your phone and heading to the bathroom.
“We’re not gonna get hurt, are we?” Jungkook asks quietly, and you spin to face him.
“No- no, why would we? We’ve got no reason to.” You say awkwardly, fiddling with the hem of your pajama shorts. “As long as neither of us do anything stupid, we’ll be fine.” You finish with a forced smile, ignoring the voice in the back of your mind telling you that this was dangerously stupid already.
“You’re right. Yeah.” He nods, stepping back. He bumps into the stool behind him and flounders before regaining himself, giving you a small salute before he vanishes to his room.
You stare after him for a moment before you shake your head and walk to the shower.
Taking your time to shave and moisturise so that you were feeling yourself, you finally step out, wrap yourself in a towel and head back to your room. A quick check of your phone tells you he’s almost there, so you slip on a top and some shorts - it’s not like you’ll be wearing them long, anyway.
You faintly hear a knock at the door and you speed out to answer it.
Swinging open the door to see Jimin smiling at you, you can’t help but grin back.
“Hey Y/N.” He smiles, his eyes scrunched as he beams at you.
“Hey, thanks for coming so quickly.” You laugh, grabbing his hand and dragging him through the house and towards your bedroom.
“Well, you know I’m always keen to help you beat Jungkook at something.” He laughs as you shut your door behind him.
“That’s why I can always count on you.” You smirk, pressing him back so that he falls onto the bed. You straddle him, hands pressed gently to his chest. “And please, be as loud as possible.”
— —
“I’m gonna go pee. Then we can talk about your battle plan to defeat Jungkook.” Jimin says gently, smiling at you before he gets out of the bed and pulls on his boxers and jeans.
You wave at him and stretch out on the bed, smug at closing the gap already - and you’d only been awake for three hours.
You sit waiting for Jimin, keen to talk to him about the whole bet with Jungkook. But you waited and waited, until finally you got impatient and got up, throwing on a tee and shorts.
You walk out of your room to find Jimin in the kitchen, head thrown back with laughter as he talks to Jungkook. Both were shirtless, but you felt your face heat up when you tried to avoid staring at Jungkook. You approach them, eyebrows drawn together and an uneasy smile on your lips.
“Hey guys…”
“Oh, Y/N! You didn’t say Jimin was coming over.” Jungkook smiles, fixing you with a bubbly giggle as he watches you approach.
You shrug as you walk to the fridge and pick up the pen, putting your first tally on your scoreboard. You spin back to smile at Jungkook, a surge of excitement rushing through you. He swallows as he looks between you and Jimin, his bubbliness dulling a little.
“So, neck and neck, huh? Don’t expect it to last long.” You wink at him, before flicking your eyes to Jimin.
“Wanna go out tomorrow?” You wiggle your eyebrows at him, ignoring Jungkook’s noise of exasperation.
“If you’re going out, I’m coming too!” He yelps.
“No way, not happening! I’m not having you cramp my style.”
“Cramp your style? What are you, sixty?” Jungkook snarks, causing Jimin to stifle a giggle into his hands.
“You’re gonna mess me up! No way.”
“Oh come on, if I do ‘mess you up’ then I’ll void the bet and that’s not gonna happen. So buckle up baby, we’re going out.” Jungkook leans against the counter and crosses his arms across his toned chest, challenging you to try and deny him again.
You look to Jimin and see that he’s set his puppy dog eyes on you. You huff, throwing your hands in the air, and Jungkook grins.
“This is gonna be fun.”
“Whatever nerd, we’ll see who’s gonna be having fun.” You snap, grabbing Jimin by the shoulders and pushing him back to your room before slamming your door shut.
“Chill out Y/N, I’m not gonna take your man.” Jimin giggles, stretching himself out on your bed.
“He’s not my man, you ass.” You hiss, picking his shirt off the floor and launching it at him.
“Well either way, I can’t wait to watch the train wreck happen tomorrow night.”
— —
Night and day passed too quickly.
Namjoon or Jin couldn’t be persuaded to go out with you, citing that they weren’t going to be around ‘childish games of romance’. You elected to ignore what they were trying to say, and simply took your frustrations out by stress texting Jimin all day.
But it couldn’t be held off any longer, and soon you found yourself pressed between sweaty bodies making jerky movements to loud music.
Jungkook had been relatively silent for the whole of your journey, only replying in solemn nods and prolonged staring.
Jimin -who was sick of both of you- ignored the pair of you, practically skipping his way through the club to the bar. He orders a round of shots, passes one to both of you and chucks his down his neck. You blow out your cheeks, forcing yourself to relax.
Jungkook being there wasn’t going to cost you Namjoon’s room. Keeping that in mind, you tip the liquid into your mouth, the burn rippling down your throat as you swallow.
Your eyes flick to Jungkook as he does the same, eyes fluttering shut and lips pulling tight as he forces down the shot.
You forcefully drag your eyes away from a spot of alcohol that escapes his mouth and creeps down his exposed throat, and focus on the crowd.
There were a lot of people in the small club, and your hopes at finding someone were high. Jungkook walks off, mumbling something about the bathroom, and you watch him leave. You turn to look at Jimin, a smile finally slipping onto your face.
“Feeling lucky?” He asks, noting your grin. You shrug your shoulders at him, a twinkle in your eye.
“As long as Jungkook stays out of my way, I’ll be fine.” Your voice is low, and you fiddle with the shot glass in your hand before gently placing it on the bartop.
“Why would he be an issue?” He winks, eyebrow raised.
“He just… gets in my view and I can’t concentrate because his stupid face is in my vision.”
“Sure, and it’s not because you -“
“Shut up, Jimin. I don’t know what you think but you’re wrong.” You snap, eyes narrowing. He simply laughs, holding up his hands in a surrender motion, before his eyes flick over your shoulder.
“Well whatever, I think you’re gonna have company in a minute.” He nods, and you follow his eyes to find a man down the bar looking in your direction.
He’s cute, kinda tall, a little beardy. You give him a shy smile, before turning back to Jimin and winking. He shakes his head, a small giggle passing his lips.
“Give me a signal if you need any help.” He whispers, watching the man walk towards you. You squeeze his arm gently, before turning back to rest on the bar.
After a mere moment, you feel a figure slide next to you, a faint air of expensive cologne filling your senses. You hide your smirk, electing to run a smoothing hand over your hair. The loud music thumps along with your heartbeat, the thrill of the chase lighting your veins on fire.
“Hey.” His deep voice filters in from beside you, and you turn your slightly head to face the man.
“Would you like a drink?” He asks, bringing his mouth low by your ear.
“Depends if you’re buying or not.” You smirk, meeting his hazel eyes.
“If it means I get your company for the evening, it’s on me.” He tilts his head as he smirks at you, pulling a light laugh from your lips.
“Does that work on all the girls you try it on?”
“I don’t know - will it work on you?” He whispers, his cool breath brushing over the hair by your ear and down your neck.
You lick your lips, letting a hand rest on his arm as you bring you gaze level with his, mere inches away. You were already mentally checking off another mark on the scoreboard, causing a smirk to slip on your face.
Leaning into him and letting your eyes flutter shut, your lips are on the verge of grazing when he’s suddenly ripped out of your space. Your eyes fly open as you search around you, only to find Jungkook pushing the guy through the crowd and out of sight. Shock etches across your face, eyebrows rocketing up as you jaw hangs.
Jungkook stalks back to take the guy’s empty place, fury written across his face as he looks at you. His side is pressed against you in the busy bar but you take a dizzying step back, trying to uncloud your mind. Your stunned stillness fades, replaced by blind rage.
“Jeon Jungkook, what the fuck-“
“I know him, Y/N. He’s a complete asshole.” He fully faces you, bright eyes holding yours in a deadly stare.
“He doesn’t have to be a Nobel Peace Prize winner for me to sleep with him! You’re way out of line!” You shout and he winces at your tone, but he doesn’t falter.
“Trust me, it’s better if he’s not around. I’m trying to help-”
“Are you? It doesn’t look like that from here.” You snap, holding his gaze.
“Believe me, Y/N.” His voice is quiet, and for a moment the storm in your mind clears. But you can’t let him into your head like that, you won’t.
The crowd jostles around you, knocking into you and Jungkook as they try to get to the bar. You’re both pressed together, held in place by unaware figures. But you don’t bend, intent on letting him know how you feel.
His dark eyes examine your face, drawing his lip between his teeth as he lets your words sink under his skin. Your eyes dart about his face, unable to focus. The small freckle that sits just under his mouth, the flare of his nostrils, the way his teeth sink into his lip. It was all him - impossibly Jungkook, and hard to stay angry at. But you wanted to, you needed to.
There’s something electric about him when he looks at you like that. Breathing your air, painted in red and blue lights, surrounded by darkness. It’s heavenly - and too much.
“Stay out of my way, Kook.” Your voice is low, but he hears you loud and clear. With one last withering look, you step away from him and go to find Jimin, his eyes hot against your back.
You deliberate leaving the club completely, Jungkook fully ruining your mood. You can feel him working his way under your skin, and it alarms you that you don’t mind him being there. You shake your head, expelling those thoughts. You’ve got a bet to win, you tell yourself. It shouldn’t be that deep.
Finally, you find Jimin surrounded by a crowd as he dances. They’re cheering over the music, strobe lights illuminating the graceful moves the makes. He laughs as he moves, catching your eyes across the sea of bodies. You smile at him, but his head cocks and he ceases all movement, making a b-line for you. Some of the crowd complain, but he ignores them, stopping before you and placing his hands on your upper arms.
“Are you okay?” He asks, eyebrows creased and plush lips pulled into a thin line.
“Yeah, I’m fi-“
“Do I need to beat that guy up? Where’s Jungkook, we’ll grab him and-“
“No, it’s not the guy that was the problem, it’s Jungkook.” You murmur, eyes shooting away from Jimin.
You find yourself scanning the crowd for him, but not finding him anywhere. You ignore the small pang that hits your chest and instead turning your attention back to Jimin. He has a soft look on his face, his thumbs rubbing soothing circles in your arms.
“So you finally admit it?” He asks softly, barely audible over the music.
“Admit what?”
“... nothing. Come on, let’s get another drink and you can tell me about it.”
With a soft embrace, Jimin steers you to the bar. Pressing through the crowd, you let yourself lean against the wooden bartop, watching but not seeing.
Jimin’s served, and he slides two shots of something clear towards you. You look at him and raise an eyebrow, but he shrugs at you before throwing back his own. You drink one, then two. Wiping your mouth in the back of your hand, you look at him and smile weakly.
“So what happened?” He asks, and you take a steadying breath before relaying what went on with Jungkook.
Jimin is silent as you speak, weighing the value of each word. He’s quiet after you’ve finished talking, and you wonder for a minute if he even heard you. But he looks back at you with a sad smile, and suddenly you don’t feel so brave any more.
“You two don’t learn, do you?”  He sighs, shaking his head. Your eyebrows cross as you stare at him, waiting for him to elaborate. But he doesn't, letting the words hang in the air.
And you know. You know what he means, you know how you feel. But thinking any more of Jungkook will never be reciprocated, and ignoring your heart is better than having it broken.
But heartbreak follows you.
You cast your eyes back around the room again. You see someone flick their hair, and you know it’s him, you know it. But moving your eyes around him stops your heart.
Jungkook stands just off the end of the bar, whispering in the ear of a petite brunette. There no playful air about him like there usually was, no thrill of the chase. Determination ripples around him, no sense of ease. In a way, it felt personal.
You blink back a sting in your eyes, turning back to the bar and suck in a deep breath. Jimin looks over his shoulder, spotting what you had been fixated on. He looks back and lays a light hand on your shoulder, but it’s too much.
“Excuse me Jimin, I’ve got a bet to win.” You say in a low, dangerous voice, before slipping away from his grip and moving quickly towards the dancefloor.
You let yourself be distracted for a mere moment, letting nothing but music, people and darkness fill your senses. A coldness creeps through your system, your protection. You let your eyes flutter shut, forcing everything but that second away from you.
You’re bumped forwards, and you begin to trip over your feet when a small hand grips your arm and steadies you. You right yourself and turn, only to come face to face with a beautiful, tall blond woman. She looks at you gently, letting her eyes linger on your body.
“Sorry about that.” She smiles, letting her hand linger on your arm.
“Oh, no worries.” You smile at her. She steps away after a prolonged glance, and you bite your lip.
You take a quick look around, eyes immediately darting to where you knew Jungkook was. The girl's hands were pressed to his chest, giggling something excitably in his ear. His expression doesn’t change, but you watch as his hand slides over to her hips.
For once halting moment, his eyes find you in the crowd. It’s fleeting, but you share something that you can’t pin down. He looks pained, guilty.
But he doesn’t push her hands away, and his hand stays rooted to her hips.
You drag your eyes away, your decision for the evening settling in your chest. You briefly make eye contact with Jimin, an unending pity deep in his soulful eyes. You swallow thickly before turning back to the retreating woman, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.
“Wanna dance?” You ask, fake smile slipping onto your lips.
“I’ve been dancing all night, I was gonna head home.” She smirks, and you school your face, another rejection threatening to slice through you.
“But I could do with some company.” She winks, threading her fingers through yours.
You smile at her and let her lead you towards the bar exit. You look to Jimin, a sad expression on his features. You offer him a blank stare and a small wave, ignoring the flicker of concern in his face.
With an ache in your chest, you flick your eyes to Jungkook - only to meet his. He watches you get pulled by, examining the woman before looking at you. His mouth is parted, his normally sparkling eyes glazed over. The girl he’s with paws at his face, but he doesn't look away from you.
You’re the one to drag your eyes away, trying to erase how her hands looked over him in your mind.
The girl looks back at you and smiles, and you return it, your heart heavy. But you follow her, out of the bar, into a taxi and into her arms.
— —
The next week and a half was painless - purely through the power of ignorance.
You barely saw Jungkook. You spent an entire day with him at one point - but fortunately Namjoon had too many books and lots of furniture to move, so you were barely in each other's presence for long.
But Namjoon was gone, and the two of you were left to haunt the apartment like lonely spectres in his wake.
It wasn’t a total bust though - you’d managed to take the lead in your bet. You were two ahead of Jungkook with eight. Namjoon’s room was in your grasp, and you had planned to go out with Jimin again tonight.
You quietly eyed the whiteboard - Namjoon left it behind saying it had been ‘tainted’. You pull out a carton of juice and pour yourself a glass, trying to delay going into your room.
You knew Jungkook had someone over. You didn’t want to go to your room and hear them, and you wanted them to walk out and see you much less.
Instead you drain your glass and make a grab for your keys - but you had to go to your room and get them from your bag.
Steeling yourself, you make a break for it. You’re almost at your room when his door swings open, and you’re blindsided, your gut wrenching.
“Jeni?” You splutter.
She turns, dressed only in one of Jungkook’s oversized shirts. Her perfect blond hair fell into her precise bob, beautiful features pulled into a look of confusion and disdain.
She places a perfectly manicured hand on her hip whilst the other pulled Jungkook’s door shut. You glare at Jungkook’s ex, your head beating so hard you thought it would burst from your chest.
“What are you doing here?” You growl, letting malice seep into every word.
“Isn’t it obvious?” A spiteful laugh falls from her lips, eyes sizing you up.
“Come back to break his heart again? Or did you get lost on your way back to the swamp?” You snap. She laughs mirthlessly at you.
“Well, Kookie said you weren’t any different. Glad to see nothing’s changed.” You cringe at her nickname for him - it always sounded so cold and calculated when it came from her lips.
“He said that?” You ask, eyebrows creased.
Why was he talking about you - to the ex who tore his heart to shreds? You could remember nights where you’d stay up until 5AM to distract him from the pain he felt - as if you could absorb it for him. In some way, you did-
“Oh Y/N, dense as ever, and hopelessly in l-”
“Shut up Jeni. I know it uses up a lot of brain cells for you to form words, so you can just stop.”
You brush past her, making sure to knock her as you walk by. She squeaks at the impact, but you don’t feel anything but empty.
“It was good to see you. You’ll be seeing more of me soon enough.” You can hear the smile in her voice but you ignore her, bursting into your room and slamming the door behind you.
Pacing the room, your mind reels and your stomach churns.
Jeni being here had changed things. Jungkook was left shattered by her, why would he bring her back into his life? Even to win a bet, that was dumb.
But her being here was bringing to a head something you hadn’t wanted to admit to yourself - how you truly felt about Jungkook.
Because you realised if she is here, you can’t be. Him sleeping with people was one thing, but a relationship, emotions and love with someone else? That wasn’t something you could watch again - it broke your heart enough the first time around.
Your plans to leave the house abandoned, you sit on your bed and pull out your headphones, placing them tightly in your ear before blasting the first song you could find.
When the roar of your headphones was the only thing to fill your senses, you lay back on your bed and curl on your side, letting the music take you some place that wasn’t here, and that didn’t hurt.
Only an hour or so later, you were rudely woken by someone shaking your shoulders.
Groggily you snapped the earbuds out of your ears, and rolled on your back to see a blurry Jimin standing above you.
“Hey.” He says gently, hand resting on your arm.
“Hey.” You whisper back, sleepily rubbing your eyes.
“You doing alright?” He asks softly, big doe eyes examining your face. You nod and sit up, letting the sleep work its way out of your system.  
“Come on, get dressed. We’re getting out of this damn apartment.” He orders, taking your hand and pulling you to your feet. You didn’t argue - you didn’t want to.
“You’ve seen Jeni, then?” You ask, walking to your wardrobe and finding anything to pull on.
“Yeah. Stupid boy…” he sighs, the last part quiet but you hear it all the same.
You finish getting dressed on autopilot, throwing on a quick layer of light make-up before you're ready. Grabbing your purse and phone and slipping on your shoes, you nod at Jimin.
He offers you a small smile before taking your hand in his and leading you both out of your bedroom. He squeezes your hand lightly, and your heart swells at the support from your friend. He was a lighthouse through the fog of all the bullshit you felt.
You hear her voice in the kitchen and tense, but Jimin runs a soothing thumb across your knuckles, and you shudder in a breath.
Both of you walk past the kitchen and see Jungkook making coffee, a pained expression on his face as he half listens to Jeni speak. At the sound of you and Jimin walking by his head snaps up, bright eyes fixed on you.
You feel your face heat up as you make eye contact, but Jimin continues to pull you away. Jungkook’s eyes snap to your locked hands, before back to you, his lips parting.
“Where are you going?” Jeni asks, obviously annoyed at Jungkook’s distraction.
“Out.” Jimin snaps, pushing you to the door.
You open it and step out, heaving a heavy breath of air. Jimin shuts the door behind you and throws an easy arm around your shoulder.
“We haven’t got to go out if you don’t want. We can go for a walk or something.”
“No, no it’s okay. I need something loud. And alcohol. Definitely alcohol.” You sigh, wrapping an arm around his waist, grateful for the support.
An hour later, you find yourself gulping down your sixth - seventh? - shot of the night, and your third glass of a bright blue liquid that was definitely strong but tasted too sweet for you to care.
The bar wasn’t too busy, it being a weeknight, but there was enough people there to keep it interesting.
Loud pop music filled the room, bouncing off the dark walls. You bopped along to the beat, the haze of drunkenness clouding your vision. You were numb, comfortably so.
Jimin had disappeared a little while ago, phone pressed to his ear - he said he was going to the bathroom, and for you to stay put. He’d been trying to tamper down your behaviour all evening, holding back too many shots and chasing off anyone who approached. But still you had managed to get a drink or two bought for you and gulped it down without him catching you in time. However you had gotten bored waiting and being babied, and drunkenly wandered off.
The bet still rattled around in your head, which caused you to flirt with everyone you came across. The still rational part of you screamed - your heart wasn’t in it, not any more. But your clouded brain wouldn’t see past it, and instead you let yourself be pressed against strangers, their hot breath rolling across your face as you tried your luck.
With your most recent attempt telling you that he’ll come find you later in the night, you gave him a sloppy wink before staggering away.
You press yourself against the bar, sloppily propping your head on your hand. The bartender places a small glass of water in front of you and you smile your thanks at him, pulling it to your lips and lightly sipping.  
The look in his eye catches you off guard - pity. Your smile falters, your drunken haze shattering around you. You gulp down the rest of the water and in a moment of clarity, realise you should find Jimin. You shouldn’t be here any more.
Your turn from the bar a little too fast, causing yourself to stumble. A pair of hands catch you, and prop you back up against the bar.
You look up at the man and thank him, and he smirks down at you. His brown choppy hair frames his face sharply, his lips drawn tightly into a smile.
“You heading somewhere in a hurry?” He asks, and you offer a polite smile.
“I’m- I’m” you pause to hiccup, “gonna find my friend. ‘Scuse me.”
“Woah, what’s the rush? I’m sure your friend will be here in a minute.” He takes hold of your wrist, pinning you in place. You try and snap your hand out of his hold, but his fingers are an iron grip.
“Let me g-go.”
“Don’t you wanna stay and chat? You’ve been hitting on everyone here, why not me babe?” He laughs, but his voice has an edge to it, an underlying bite.
“I’m going home… asshole. Getoffme-”
“Listen, slut-”
“Let go of me or I’ll scream.” You grind out, rage and fear bubbling in your chest. The man simply laughs, and you see red.
You dig your nails into his hand around your wrist, and he releases your hand with a grunt. You snap your hand away and begin to scramble from him, but he grabs your upper arm and slams you back against him.
“Isn’t this nice? Now-”
Just as suddenly as you’re pulled against the guy, you’re pulled away into someone’s chest.
“Jimin, I’ve got her!” The shout rumbles from the chest you’re against. You flick your eyes up to the owner of it, only to have the air sucked out of your lungs.
“Kook?” You whisper, his wide eyes meeting yours, a softness touching each corner of his face.
“Bro what the fu-” the man starts, snapping Jungkook gaze from you.
Jungkook wraps a protective arm around your waist, holding you to his side. Rage fills his face, his teeth gritted as he stares at the man.
“I’m not your ‘bro’. You’re disgusting.” Jungkook spits, steering you away from the guy.
You let out a breath, fingers gripping tightly into the material of his shirt. Jimin finally finds you, rushing to you and cupping your face in his hands. Jungkook tenses a little under you, but you don’t let him go.
Jungkook explains what just happened, and Jimin looks between the two of you and towards the man you were just with.
“Get her home, Jungkook. I’m going to have a little chat with our friend.” Jimin almost growls, letting his hands drop from your face.
“Be careful Jimin.” Jungkook offers quietly, but Jimin shakes his head.
“Just get her home.”
With a final nod, you’re walked out through the door of the bar and out into the darkened street. The wall of fresh air makes your head spin, and you cling to Jungkook for support.
You let him lead you down the street as he waits for an uber, his arms still snugly around your middle.  
“Why are you here, Kook?” You slur, lifting your lidded eyes to his face. His eyes stay firmly glued to his phone.
“Jimin called. Said you needed me, so here I am.”
“Yeah, but why are you here?”
His eyes flicker to you just for a second, a glimmer of something flashing across his wide eyes.
“Because… I care about you. Even if you think I don't. And if I left you to fend for yourself, Namjoon would castrate me.”
“I-I can handle myself. I don’t need you… stepping in like some knight in shining armour-”
“I know.” He murmurs, interrupting your rambling tirade. “But I want to.”
Your words die in your throat as you look at him. He’s aggressively avoiding your eyes, instead searching the roads.
It’s overwhelming, the need to tell him the depth of your feelings. You know it’s the alcohol coursing through your veins, but it’s deeper than that. And sober you would hate the drunken delivery, but you need to lighten your heart, your soul.
You’re stopped by a car pulling up beside you. Jungkook confirms with the driver through the window about his pick up before reaches for the door, helping you in.
You reluctantly disentangle from him and climb clumsily into the car. Jungkook shuts the door behind you, and appears a moment later getting into the other side. As soon as the door shuts the car moves away, your mind spinning.
The ride’s quiet, but your eyes never leave him. You can't tell if it's the alcohol or not, but you can't stop. After a moment, he turns his gaze on to you, his lip between his teeth.  
“Why don’t you call me that more often?”
“... what?”
“Kook.” He says softly, and you feel your heart begin to thump wildly in your chest.
“I dunno, it just happens.” You shrug, but the weight of his question sits on your chest. He was your Kook, you wanted to scream. Not just Jungkook. Kook.
The rest of the ride is quiet. And despite all your anger and hurt, you slide against him and rest your head on his shoulder, lacing your fingers with his. You couldn’t stop yourself, but it felt right through your haze.
Too soon, the car pulls in front of your apartment block. Jungkook throws open the door and slides out, but keeps his hand clasped with yours. You follow him out on wobbly feet and close the door behind you.
You fight to keep your mind blank as he leads you back up to your apartment, only pausing to unlock your front door.
“Is, uh… is that devil bitch still here?” You whisper, pressing to Jungkook’s side. He nearly drops his keys as he looks at you, eyes wide.
“Jeni? No, no. She finally left when Jimin called.” He sighed, at last getting the door open.
You stumble in, momentarily forgetting your hands were linked and dragging Jungkook with you.
He says nothing, simply kicking the door shut behind him as you head straight for the sofa, pulling him down beside you.
The only light came from the windows, dewy street lights strobing the room. Shadows fall across his face, soft, and so close.
His lips part as he watches you, eyes wide. You don’t know how long you sit there for, but it felt like an eternity - and it was perfect. You could spend a lifetime looking at him, seeing him.
He forces his mouth shut and swallows before disentangling your hands. You make a noise of protest, but he holds a finger up.
He hurries to his feet and disappears, only to emerge a moment later, a glass of water in his hands. He offers it to you and you accept gratefully, gulping the cool liquid down.
You place the glass carefully back on the table before settling back onto the chair, head falling to his shoulder.
It couldn’t be helped - the neediness that was trying to claw its way from your chest. You wanted nothing more than for him to consume you, to hold you, to kiss you. It felt so amplified in the moment.
But you couldn’t - how could you? You had to live together, you shared the same friends. Would he ever feel the same? You weren’t like his exes, you weren’t like anything he knew.
You feel his weight shift, and your heart thuds as he leans his head on yours, fingers lacing once again.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” He asks, his voice so soft you barely hear it above the roaring in your head.
“I… yeah. Tired.” You mentally kick yourself, chickening out of your true feeling and leaving a bitter taste in your mouth.
“You should go to bed-“
“No! I mean… just a minute longer. S’nice.” You murmur, tracing your thumb across his pink knuckles. He lets out a soft sigh, and you feel him relax beneath you.  
You realise as you drift off that you can’t do it - the bet, Jeni, any of it. It was heading to something you didn’t want, a trial you weren't prepared to face.
“Stupid.” You mumble aloud. Jungkook hums at you but you don’t hear as you quickly drift off, the heat radiating from him to you being the only thing that matters.
— —
There was only four days of the bet left.
When you had woken the morning after your night out, you were on the couch alone. You were in the apartment alone. You shifted, only to find a blanket draped over you and the blinds pulled to block out any unwanted light in your fragile state. A fresh glass of water sat on the small coffee table in front of you, and you swallow thickly.
You remembered the night in gory detail, but the essence remained true enough - the bet was over for you. You couldn’t do it anymore, no bedroom was worth it.
And so the next few days had passed uneventfully, slowly and totally alone. You hadn’t seen Jungkook at all since that night, but a glance at the board on the fridge told you that he hadn’t stopped the bet - in fact he’d overtaken you. The wonky lines under his name sliced through you, a chill settling in your chest.
It had begun to feel claustrophobic in the apartment, a constant pressing on your mind and heart. Even though you hadn’t seen Jungkook, knowing he was around was enough. You barely left your room, conscious about running into him.
You waited until he had left for work before you emerged from your room, keen on devouring anything in your path. You’re midway through rummaging in the fridge when a knock raps quickly at your door.
You hesitate for a moment, waiting to see if they would leave. When the knocking continues, however, you decide to answer. Scraping your hair back neatly as you approach the door, you swing it open-
Only to be met with Jeni.
“Charming. Is Kookie here? He’s not replying to my texts or calls.”
“Work.” You sigh, ignoring the way she waves her expensive phone inches from your face.
“Hm. Well, maybe I’ll wait for him to come back- we’re talking again, you know.” She smirks at you, smugness radiating off of her as her eyes scan your face for the slightest hint of weakness.
You let nothing slip despite the punch you feel in your gut. You swallow, trying to wet your drying throat.
“Oh really? I didn’t know gargoyles were able to converse. Congrats for your species.” You say, the fakest smile you could mister plastered on your face.
“You’re just jealous, Y/N. It’s obvious.”
“Are you done? I’m bored of this conversation.” You snap, leaning awkwardly against the door.
“You know what, I will wait for Koo-“
“Yeah, I’m gonna be late, I left my keycard at home- oh.” Comes a voice from down the corridor, and you lean out to see Jungkook stopped in his tracks, his eyes rapidly flicking between you and Jeni. He had his phone pressed to his ear, dressed impeccably in his suit and tie, perfectly pressed trousers tailored to his figure. You’d seen him in what he wears for work many times, but it never failed to knock the breath from your lungs.
“Kookie!” Jeni squeaks, fixing him with a wide smile.
“I’ll be in when I can. Bye.” He deadpans into his phone, not waiting for a reply before he ends the call and pockets the device. “What are you doing here?”
“You weren’t answering my calls-”
“Because I told you I wasn’t going to.” Jungkook’s voice is low, dangerously low, but his eyes are deadlier.
“Jungkook, what are you talking about?”
“I’m sorry you’ve misunderstood me again Jeni, but I told you from the start that nothing would happen between us again. I won’t let you hurt me a second time around.”
The stunned expression on her face is almost laughable, but you do feel a slight tinge of pity for her. It doesn’t last long though. She pulls her expression into a scowl, sneering at him. She casts a sharp glance at you before glaring back at him.
“Whatever Kookie. You’ll come crawling back to me, they always do. Let me know how this all works out.” a spiteful laugh pulls from her lips, flicking a finger between you and Jungkook.
Your eyebrows shoot up as she walks away, letting her hand trace across his bicep as she walks by. You watch the strain on his face as he suppresses a shiver, refusing to move until she was finally gone.
“You okay?” he asks, voice softened as he looks at you. You nod, unable to find your voice.
Panic flushes through you as you step back, ducking back through the door and into the apartment. The gentleness that had crept into his face when he looked at you was too much, it was what you were trying to hide from. You were nearly at your room when his voice hits you, deep, and pained.
“You’ve been avoiding me.”
You breathe in deeply, steeling yourself. You’d hoped it wouldn’t come to this. Jungkook had never liked confrontation, so you were banking on him ignoring the tensions that hangs in the air. You just wanted enough time to forget. To get over him.
“No, I haven-”
“Yes you have, Y/N. What have I done?”
You didn’t want to look back at him. You couldn’t bear to see the galaxy in his eyes. But he deserved a reason. And maybe, finally, once he knew you could breathe a little. There was no glimmer of hope that he’d return the feelings, but at least you could get some space. But getting that would hurt too.
What a fucking mess.
Slowly, you turn on your heels and walk back to the kitchen to meet him. He stands in the doorway, eyes fixed on you. You take a steadying breath, stamping down the fear that begins to rise in your throat.
“You haven’t done anything.”
“There must be something. I don’t want to upset you, Y/N. Talk to me.” He takes a step towards you but you take a step back.
“It’s me, Kook.”
“What? Y/N I’m confu-”
“I like you. Okay? I really like you. Fuck, I don’t want to say the ‘L’ word but...I can’t do it any more.” Your voice shakes and your eyes sting, but you hold strong. His eyes widen as he drags his eyes away from you, and appealing to the dark irony within you, his eyes fix on your scoreboard sitting glaringly on the fridge.
There were your words, your heart, head and hopes all laid out for him.
But he just stares at you. Silently, suffocatingly. Time stretched, and the longer it went on, the blacker your heart felt.
“Please?” You croak, your voice thick.
“Y/N. I don’t know what to say.”
“Spare my feelings, Kook. Just say something.”
His eyes finally meet yours. They’re wide, tainted with a softness that made your chest hurt.
“The ‘L’ word?” He asks, eyebrows pulled together, fingers nervously twitching by his side.
“Love, Jungkook. I love…” But you can’t finish the sentence - not with the way he’s looking at you.
“Why do you love me?” he takes another step forward, eyes desperately searching for an answer in your face.
“I-I don’t know. It just crept up on me. I can’t stop. Believe me, I would if I could.”
“But- but why would you want to?” You frown at him. His words come from a much more innocent place than you imagined, but it stirred up so many feelings inside of you. You chose to focus on anger.
“Because I can’t watch you love other people that aren’t me, Kook. I can’t have my heart broken any more. I don’t want to hurt.”
He steps forward, hand reaching out to hold yours. He fills your senses, and you can’t think straight. Everything becomes him, and as much as you don’t want him to leave, he’s too much.
You step back from him, letting your hand slip from his. His mouth parts as he watches you, the lost expression you’re so used to creeping back onto his face.
“I- I can’t. You’re everything, Jungkook. I can’t let you break my heart again, watching you fall for people who I can’t be.” You walk back slowly, eyes flicking everywhere but him. “I’m gonna go stay with Joon and Jin, and find somewhere else to live-”
“It’ll be better for both of us-”
“I don’t want you to leave me.”
His eyes are wide, but determination seeps through him, his unending need to see things through permeating his very being.
“I- what?” You blurt.
He strides the distance between you in a few easy steps, his hands finding your face before he crashes his lips onto yours, desperate for you to understand just how he feels.
You tense under him, your heart thudding so loudly in your chest you’re sure he could hear it.
But your body lets him in, finally, totally and completely. Your hands knot around his neck, yout eyes fluttering shut as you finally give in to your heart.
His hands gently caress your cheeks as he kisses you, fiercely parallelled by how hard he pressed his lips on yours, small sighs escaping him.
You’re the first to pull back, your arms still pressed against his neck as you explored his face, freely and unashamed. His thumbs drag across your cheek, the universe swimming around you both.
“I… may ‘L’ word you too.” He whispers, a goofy bunny smile sliding onto his face. He tucks his face into his chest, almost as if he was trying to hide.
All the pain and confusion seemed to melt at his words. The weeks, the months, you spent aching for something you didn’t know.
“You do? But what about Jeni?” You ask, and his smile turns sheepish as he looks up at you.
“Oh..uh, yeah. I kinda, was a little, maybe bitter. Jealous. Possibly.” A blush creeps along his face, and it unfurls something hot in the pit of your stomach.
“Bitter about what?” You raise an eyebrow, and his next words are barely above a rushed whisper.
“Park Jimin!” He yelps, before hiding his face in your arms.
“Jimin? What’s he got- oh. You were jealous of me and Jimin? Why?”
“Look, I know it’s dumb-”
“It is, yeah.”
“-but I couldn’t help it. You two had some… thing, and you hang out all the time. I just… got caught up in it and the bet. Knowing you’d been with him first and had slept with more than me… it just got to my head.”
“But Jeni…”
“Yeah I know, I wasn’t thinking straight. But she was here, and all I could think about was you.”
The admission stunned you, your jaw dropping.
“So why didn’t you say anything to me?”
Why didn’t you?” He asks quickly, and you feet heat creep across your face.
“Okay, touché. We’re both stupid.”
“Yeah. But not any more.” A smile slides on to his lips, and you mirror him.
“I doubt that.”
He chuckles as he looks at you, bright eyes meeting yours. He brings you forward once again, pressing his lips to yours. It’s softer this time, slower. Something that had been worth waiting for.
You pull back from him, placing your hands on his chest and push him back before you fall in too deep.
“Aren’t you supposed to be at work?” You ask, your voice croaking.
His eyebrows knit as he looks at you, kiss-reddened lips pulled into a pout. But then an easy smile slips onto his face. It shines so bright it felt like you’d been living in shadows your whole life.
“I’ve waited long enough for this. They can have a day without me.”
You smirk, the fire inside you burning as you finally, finally have Jungkook where you wanted him. And you weren’t going to pass this up, not for anything ever again.
You back him against the wall to kiss along his angular jaw and down his throat, his adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows thickly at your ministrations.
You slide the jacket from his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor before you start to undo the buttons on his shirt.
You remove your lips from his neck to watch the shirt slip from his body, the fine fabric rippling off his supple skin. You let your finger drag across his bare chest, excitement bubbling in your chest at finally being able to touch him.  
Meeting his eyes you let one hand slip to his belt, slowly unbuckling it. You let your other hand slip into his pocket, pulling out his phone and handing it to him.
“Call your office.”
He takes the phone tentatively from you, confusion crossing his face. But he does as he’s told, scrolling through his call history, eyes fixed on you.
You wait patiently for his call to go through, your fingers subtly undoing the button on his trousers. Finally his call gets picked up, and you prepare to spring into action.
“Oh hey, it’s Jungkook.”
At his words you rip his trousers and boxers down to his ankles, take his girthy cock in your hand stroke him quickly to his full hardness. Jungkook’s eyes bug out of his head, jaw hanging open as he watches you.  
Y-yea I’m not, oh go-“ he slams his mouth shut, taking a steadying breath as your hand twists around his tip.
“I’m not gonna make it in!” He rushes, heaving a relieved breath.
You can hear them ask why, and hiding your smirk, you wait for him to start replying.
“Oh, uh, my apartment, it’s-“
You take him in your mouth as far as you can, lips wrapping around his cock and pressing your tongue against his underside, dragging off slowly with a pop before taking him again.
“Fuc- f - flooded! It’s flooded. Shit.” He pants, his free hand weaving into your hair as he stares down at you, bunny teeth sunk into his lip.
You twist your hand around his base and you bob up and down on his cock, heady at the precum that oozes into your mouth.
“Oh, I’m f-f-fine. Gotta go!” He yells down the phone before ending the call and throwing it at the kitchen counter.
He lets out a juddering moan, letting both his hands knot into your hair.
“You’re the fucking worst.” He pants, hips rolling off the wall.  
You hum onto his cock, swirling your tongue around him. With each swipe, his hands on your hair pull tighter, the tingling in your scalp that sets you on fire.
You feel him throb in your mouth, and despite the tears that spring to your eyes each time his hips stutter him further down your throat, you can’t take your eyes off him. Breathless, wide eyes watching you take him in, bare chest rapidly rising and falling.
He cries out, quickly but carefully sliding you off his length, the tip oozy and red.
“Not yet. Not yet.” He croaks, before pulling you to your feet.
He walks you backwards into your kitchen counter, before turning you and pinning you against the cool granite.
He leans over you, lips pressed to the shell of your ear as he slides his hands down your body.
“I’ve wanted this for a long time.” He breathes in your ear, and you shiver beneath him.
“You better get on with it.” You murmur, circling your ass into his crotch.
He groans, and furiously yanks down your track pants and panties. He stands back from you to examine you as you sit there, totally exposed to him.
“Kook…” you groan, the cool air meeting your soaking slit.
He says nothing, and you can’t feel him around you. Confusion creeping in, you move to turn around when you feel his tongue lick from your clit all the way along your dripping core.
“Sorry - was admiring the view.”
You squeal as your fingers clench on the counter, his hands moving to grab your ass cheeks. His fingers knead in as he works his tongue, catching just the edge of your clit before he swipes up. He’s perched behind you, on his knees with his face buried in your pussy. The reality of it all makes your face heat, so you lay it back on the counter to cool off.
He only kitten licks, never enough pressure to make your eyes roll back but too good to stop. A light suck on your clit, a fast flick all the way up to you asshole, never anything with substance. Every time you try to roll your hips back for more friction his hands would hold you down, pinned and bent over the counter.
“That feel good baby?” There was a hint of genuineness in his voice, vulnerability that made your heart quiver. And your-
“Jungkook…” you moan, toes curling as he blows cool air across your dripping slit. You were too turned on for his games.
“Not’ Jungkook’.” He whispers, his hand sliding down to run a feather light touch over your throbbing core.
“Wh… what?” It’s more of a moan than a question, but he delivers a light slap across your pussy and you yelp in surprise.
“Call me the other name. The one I like.”
Another quick kitten lick has your hips rolling, the teasing pushing you too far.
“Brat.” Another slap, this time a little harder.
“What was that, Y/N? I didn’t hear you properly.” You can hear the smirk in his voice, and as much as you want to turn around and fight him, you want his mouth on you so much more.
“Kook, just eat my fucking pussy already.” You growl. He gives you a small giggle before he obeys.
He begins to eat you out like a man starved, licking fat strips up your length and rolling his tongue across your clit. He groans as he works, fingers kneading into your ass cheeks as he tastes you.
You were practically dripping, Jungkook’s tongue expertly hitting your clit in every way to make you moan.  
He ghosts a finger across your ass, bringing it to your clit to replace his mouth. His mouth moves higher, moving to press just inside your walls. A cry leaves your lips, his finger coating with your wetness they swipe quicker and quicker over your clit.
The tip of his tongue impales you, his moans vibrating you and sending your mind reeling. Your clit throbs beneath his touch, sending you hurtling to your orgasm.
“Jungkook, fuck…”
“Hmm?” He hums, and you groan at his petulance.
“Sorry… brat.” You smirk, only to have him fully pull away at you just as you were at your peak. The absence makes you ache with need, whiney and desperate.
Another slap lands on your pussy and you squeal, the heat of his hand leaving you dripping as the cool air rushed in to replace it.
“Who’s the brat now?” You can hear the smirk in his voice.
“Kook, please!” you shout.
With an incredibly unsubtle laugh, his fingers fly back to your clit, circling faster than before. His tongue seeks you out, pushing inside and letting your wetness coat him.
A cry escapes you as you begin to cum, twitching and bent over the countertop. Jungkook coaxes you through it, whimpers erupting from his throat. He pulls away from you once your gyrating stops, hand gently tracing along your sensitive slit.
On shaky legs he turns you, smiling at your flushed expression and blown out eyes. His eyes scrunch as he pulls you in for a kiss, quick and sloppy, the taste of you fresh in his tongue.
With gentle hands, he hoists you from your ass, settling you on the counter. He comes back to kiss you again, body pressed against you. And despite how tender he was being and how it made your heart clench in your chest, you needed him.
Sliding your hand between your bodies, you take a hold of his cock and begin to rub him up and down your wet slit. His face scrunches, the feeling of you coating him rocking him to his core.
He grabs hold of your hip and places a hand over yours so that you begin to guide him inside of you together. He pushes in slow, the drag of his girthy length inside you sends your head flying back. He frowns as she concentrates, finally bottoming out inside you.
He pulls slowly back out before driving home, the sensation making you both moan.
Pure euphoria is written across his face, an infectious happiness that you find yourself wanting to bask in forever.
You move to meet him, the cool surface beneath you biting into your hot skin. His fingers knit into the bottom of your shirt before tugging at it, pulling it up and off you, His eyes shoot to your bare chest, a groan leaving his lips.
He surges forward, lips latching to your nipple, but his hips never missing a beat as he thrusts deeply into you. A guttural moan of his name leaves your lips.
His tongue swirls over your stiff nipple, the bud aching under his touch. You lean back against the counter, toes curling as you wrap your legs around him.
He’s pushed up on his toes, trying other angles to be able to reach inside you properly without leaving your chest, but he struggles. A whine leaves him as he slides off your breast with a pop, his fingers pressed against your back.
“What’s the matter Kook,” you moan, blurry eyes focusing on him as he drags back out of you. “Can’t reach me?”
A shadow passes his face, a challenge he can’t refuse. Gripping you around the waist, he slides you off the counter, still fully seated inside you.
With your legs wrapped around him, he carries you to the sofa, a smirk on his face. Lowering you both down, his eyes fix back on yours, pressing you into the couch beneath him. With a quick peck, he’s pulling back out of you again and pushing back in, his hips picking back up speed as he pounds you into the sofa.
You wrap your legs around him for support, his forehead coming to rest on yours. You wind your fingers in his hair, holding onto the strands for stability as Jungkook rocks into you. His brow creases in concentration, small gasps and murmurs falling from his lips.
He hits your soft spot inside of you with the drag of his cock and your vision goes blurry. Your fingers tighten in his hair, the pressure making him hiss.
In the blink of an eye he takes hold of your wrists and pins them above your head and you whine, a smirk clear on his face.
“What’s the matter, Y/N, can’t handle it?”
You gasp, rolling your hips particularly viciously at him and clenching as hard as you can. His hips stutter for a moment as he lets his head fall into the crook of your neck, catching his breath.
“Do that again and this is gonna be over very quick.” he pants, and a wave of pride fills you.
“What, this?” You whisper into his ear, rolling your hips and clenching down again on his cock that sat deep inside you.
He picks his head up and kisses your roughly, fingers digging into your wrists. Your hips still, Jungkook sat inside while you enjoy the moment for what it is. He finally releases you and smiles, sparkling eyes and bunny teeth. And all yours.
His hips begin to move again, working you both back towards the fast pace he drilled into you before. You hook your legs tighter around him, pulling him closer to you with every thrust.
He collects both of your wrists in one hand above his head and brings his hand down your arm, fingertips tracing along your skin to your face. He thumbs over your jaw before bringing his hand down to your throat, fingertips ghosting on the delicate skin there.
You suck in a deep breath, eyes latching on his above you, perspiration sticking his hair to his forehead as he smirks down at you.
His hand slides off your throat, and trails down your body to reach between your legs - but not before stopping for a light flick of your nipple on the way down. His finger drag across your clit drawing a moan from you. Your hands twitched in his grip, desperate to feel him. Your hips begin to roll, The pressure inside you mounting.
“Kook, close…”
“Let go for me baby.” He whispers, before pressing his lips against yours.
You manage to snap one of your wrists from his grip, and bring your hand down to twist your fingers in his hair, kissing him back deeply.
A few more circles of your clit and you come undone, Your body juddering beneath Jungkook’s strokes as you see stars. You clench uncontrollably on him, the motion tipping Jungkook over the edge with you.
He cries out against your lips, hips stuttering as he comes inside you. You both ride the sensation out until he lets himself collapse on you, head tucked into the crook of your neck.
He takes a moment for his hips to stop their ministrations, his hot breath fanning against your chest. Finally he lifts his head up and smiles down at you, his nose scrunching at the motion. You smile back at him, totally lost in his eyes.
Sitting back, he pulls himself out of you, stopping to watch his cum drip out of your pussy. Entranced, he runs his fingers along your sensitive clit, your body twitching under his touch.
Gathering up some of the spill, Jungkook slides a finger inside you, pushing it back in.
You immediately clench down on his fingers, your core oversensitive but still completely responsive to him. His fingers build up speed, jackhammering his come back inside of you, his fingers crooked so that they brushed your g- spot with each move.
“Kook, my god!” you yelp, hands curling into the cushions beneath you. Your hips gyrate at the pressure. Despite the sensitivity and the sting, the waves of pleasure that washed through you couldn’t be stopped.
“What was that?” He snarks, before flicking his finger over your clit at lightning speed.
Your orgasm breaks over you, your hips thrusting off the chair as his fingers work, a strangled cry escaping your throat. He only stops when your tired body begins to slow, sliding his fingers out with a smirk on his face.
Once your unfocused eyes finally zero in on his he smiles at you before sticking his finger in his mouth, sucking them clean. A low moan emits from your throat.
“Wow yourself.” He mumbles, taking your hand and pulling you up. He gently wraps an arm around your waist and flops back on the couch, settling you on his chest.
You sit in silence for just a moment, letting the reality settle into your skin. Finally you rest your chin on his chest, and stare up at him with a smile on your face.
“I told you I could give you an orgasm or three.” He smirks and your sigh, planting your face into his skin. He laughs, the light rumble from his chest shaking you, squeezing your heart tighter.
“You’re the worst. I don’t know why I like you.”
“Well I know why I like you.” He whispers, and you pick your head back up to look at him, teeth sunk into his bottom lip.
A small smile slips onto your face, your heart thudding wildly in your chest as you stare up at him. You bring your hand to brush over his jaw, before stretching up and pressing your lips softly against his own.
You release him and open your eyes, his bright eyes fixed on yours. His hand moves to rest in your hair, the strands woven around his fingers.
“So, do I get Namjoon’s room?”
“Kook! No way-”
“Come on, baby. I kinda did win!”
“You can’t ‘baby’ me! I was in the lead and gave up. If I kept on pace then I definitely would have won.”
“Not fair.” He huffs, but a small smirk turns the corner of his mouth. “How about another bet? First to cum wins.”
You laugh and shake your head, letting your hand smooth down from his jaw to trace across his chest.
“Screw it, be prepared to lose..”
He smiles, leaning forward and pressing his smiling lips against yours. He pulls back to press his forehead against yours, nose scrunched.
“If I’m still yours after, then this is one competition I don’t mind losing.” His whispered words clench in your chest and you giggle, despite yourself.
“You will be, Kook. But I’m still gonna win.”
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beetlebitchywitch · 4 years
hey uh could you do a smut fic where it’s incubus beej (idk if i spelled that right lmao) x bratty reader and they are just teasing him to gods end and no matter how many punishments he’s givin em’ they are still being a brat? (also btw i wanna let you know that oml your fics are a m a z i n g you really are a insanely talented writer!!)
Warning: lots of name calling, Daddy kink, punishment, rough sex, v mild blood kink, just an all around good time
    From the very beginning, Beetlejuice was drawn to you more than any other breather he’d gotten to feed him in the last century. Usually, the people that called on him were looking for a rush of excitement, longing for the forbidden touch of a demon in their otherwise meaningless, trivial lives. But they’d get bored of him too, eventually- in reality, they weren’t interested in a demon, in him...they just wanted something new, something to excite them. It could’ve been anything, so long as it wasn’t the same old same old. He just so happened to fit the bill. 
    And then you came along. You, who only met him through an accidental summoning after a ritual gone wrong. You, who seemed not to care one iota about him being an incubus, seemingly untempted by his otherworldly charm. You, whose utter indifference intrigued and excited him more than anything had in a long, long time. Screw anyone else- he knew he had to have you. He finally managed to earn himself a place in your bed after several infuriatingly long weeks of pining, flirting, and peak levels of seduction. You’d wanted him the entire time, of course, drawn in by his playful demeanor and the promises of pleasure unlike any you’d ever known, but you weren’t about to give in that easily, especially if he was inclined to give up after only a few days. If he wanted you, he’d have to be patient enough to fight for you... 
    ...And that tendency of yours to make him wait stayed with you well into your relationship.
    One weekend, he was away on Netherworld business, so you’d had to banish him for the time being. He’d cupped your cheek, dragging his clawed fingers lightly down your skin and promised you that when he was ready to return, you’d know. The thought sent a bolt of excitement down your spine, and you spent the next few days drunk with anticipation, wondering just how he planned on getting your attention. The longer he left you alone, however, the more mischievous you became, your plan of action slowly coming together over the several days you spent in your empty apartment. When the day finally came that he’d attempt to return, something in you just knew. You dressed with purpose, slowly rolling your favorite thigh high stockings up your legs and revelling in the silky feeling on your skin. Paired with a matching bra and panty set that highlighted the curves of your breasts and ass, you stood in front of the mirror, admiring your body and how your choice of lingerie highlighted its best features. You had to admit, you looked hot as hell, and you knew that Beetlejuice would think so too. 
    Speak of the devil and he shall appear, or so it seemed, since you suddenly felt a cold breeze sweep into your room, raising goosebumps on your exposed skin. From in the mirror, you could see a vague, shimmery outline of a figure standing behind you, seemingly staring directly at your ass. You turned around to face it, but couldn’t see him at all, so you turned back around and saw him even closer now, seemingly only visible through the mirror. You looked up towards his face, where his eyes would be if he were fully corporeal, and you smirked, lifting your hand to your bra strap and slowly sliding it down your shoulder. You shivered as your shoulder suddenly felt cold and you looked in the mirror to see his spectral, barely-visible hand stroking across your skin. You batted it away with a sly smile and slid your bra strap back up, winking at him as you decided to show him a little mercy.
    “Beetlejuice…” you sighed, smiling as you saw his figure grow more solid, finally revealing his face. His mouth moved rapidly, but you couldn’t hear a thing, and his eyes narrowed when he realized it. You shivered again, but not from the cold- this time it was from the angry crimson crawling through his hair, practically glowing in the reflection. Warmth pooled in the pit of your stomach at the thought of him, angry and impatient and completely at your mercy. You didn’t want to think about the consequences of your actions, not when he was there, only visible through a pane of glass and practically vibrating with his growing rage. You looked him in the eye as you slid to the ground, spreading your legs in front of the mirror to reveal the best part of your ensemble- your panties were crotchless, easily parting to reveal your pussy, dripping wet and aching from days without him. You could’ve sworn you heard a low growl rumble throughout the room and you grinned victoriously, letting your fingers trail teasingly up your exposed inner thigh. Beetlejuice’s eyes grew wide at the sight, his mouth stretched into a scowl at his own lack of physical form, his frustration growing ever more evident on his face. You chuckled, finally dipping your hand between your folds to collect your slick on the tips of your fingers. Looking back up, you saw Beetlejuice staring with rapt attention, his mouth agape as you lifted your fingers to your lips and sucked on them, moaning at the taste of yourself on your tongue. You felt the floor shake underneath you, but you thought nothing of it- he had no power over you until you said his name two more times. Still, you missed the sound of his voice, and, well...one more time wouldn’t hurt, would it?
    “B-Beetlejuice…” you moaned, your fingers coming down to circle your clit. You watched as he grew even more solid, so close to being real but still completely invisible anywhere but in the mirror. His touch was faint, but you could feel it, his claws dragging ever so slightly along the back of your neck.
    “Can you hear me now, snack?” he growled, trying and failing to wrap his hand around your throat. You let out a shaky chuckle and nodded as you continued to toy with your clit, feeling his ghostly fingers phase right through you.
    “Good, then you better listen the fuck up, shit for brains,” he snarled, growling as his attempts to choke the life out of you repeatedly failed. “If you don’t finish summoning me right the fuck now, you are gonna regret ever being born.”
    Oh, come on. He could do better than that, couldn’t he? Your smile remained firmly planted on your face, though you bit your lower lip as you sped your fingers up on your clit. A bolt of fear shot through you at the sight of his narrowed eyes flashing a brilliant crimson, but you held your ground, throwing your head back with a moan. 
    “Is that how it’s gonna be, you little brat?” he asked, cracking his knuckles as he glared down at you. “You do realize you’re gonna have to summon me eventually, right? Sometime soon, you’re gonna say my name, and when you do, ohohohoho, you have no idea what you are in for. I can’t wait to see you on your knees for me, bruised and bleeding and begging for something I might not even give you. You want this cock, feeder? Then you’re gonna have to be a good little girl for me and say. My. Name. Or did you get all dressed up just to tease me?”
    Fuck, his voice was starting to get to you. You rubbed yourself even harder, your lips parted around soft whimpers at the thought of what he planned on doing to you once you released him. He was right, something had to give eventually, and you knew well enough that it was going to be you. But still, you wanted to hear more from him, so you quickly slid two fingers inside yourself, whimpering as you drove them into your G spot. 
    “No, you want me to come out, don’t you? Tell you what, kitten. When I get outta here, I’m gonna have three fingers in your goddamn mouth to keep you quiet, and another three in your pussy to make you scream. And oh, if you think that pretty little ass of yours is getting out of this scot free, then you’ve got another fucking thing coming. I’m gonna whip you within an inch of your life, and then whip you some more- maybe you’ll catch a glimpse of the Netherworld before I shove my cock in you and fuck you up against the stupid God-forsaken mirror until you can’t walk straight for the next month-”
    “BEETLEJUICE!” you finally screamed, clenching around your fingers. Christ, his words were too much, his promises too delicious for you to ignore any longer, and you couldn’t stop yourself from screaming his name as you rapidly approached your orgasm. Before you could climb and surpass that peak, however, your newly corporeal incubus was gripping your wrist harshly, tearing it away from your pussy while his other hand wrapped securely around your throat from behind you.
    “Did I give you permission to cum, you little slut?” he growled into your ear, his eyes meeting yours in the mirror. You grinned at the feeling of his hand wrapped around your throat, though you whined as your pleasure slowly waned just shy of an orgasm. 
    “No,” you retorted playfully, winking at him slyly. He glared at you with a growl, tightening his grip on your throat, but your smile never faded. 
    “You still on this fucking bratty streak, feeder? Fine,” he snarled. He let go of your throat and you sucked in a grateful breath which quickly turned to a gasp as he fisted his hand in your hair and dragged you onto your hands and knees, your face directly in front of the mirror. You could feel anger radiating off of him like a warm heat as he stared you down, his eyes burning like hot coals as he pulled your panties down to expose your ass. “I better hear you count, slut.” 
    You braced yourself as his tail whistled through the air and landed on your ass, putting all your effort into not crying out as the pain blossomed on your skin. You looked him dead in the eye as you kept your mouth clamped shut, and after a moment, his nostrils flared and his eyes glowed a deep blood red. 
    “I said count,” he growled, whipping you three times in quick succession. This time, you couldn’t hold back a little yelp at the stinging pain, but you still kept your lips held firmly together. Fear bloomed in your belly as his fist tightened painfully in your hair, unbridled anger coursing through his entire body. “You better fucking count if you know what’s good for you, feeder.” 
    Clearly, you have no idea what’s good for you, because your first instinct caused you to stick out your chin, look him in the eye, and say “Make me.” In an instant, he was baring his teeth, tail swishing angrily across the floor, and you expected another several hits on your ass, but they never came. Instead, the hand in your hair was gone, and Beetlejuice was striding over to the bed, sitting on the edge seemingly as calm as could be. You looked over at him in confusion, sitting back up and wincing slightly at the pain from the welts on your ass. 
    “Oh, I’m sorry. Is a little brat trying to get my attention?” he asked, looking around the room and not meeting your eyes at all. “Because if she is, she’s gonna have to learn how to behave. Maybe if she tells Daddy she’s sorry for being such a fucking brat, then he’ll give her what she wants.” 
    Christ. You knew you’d been had, and you resented it. You knew that you could keep it up, obstinately ignoring him and teasing him until he caved, but you had no doubt that he had a much stronger resolve than you. With a sigh, you crawled over to Beej’s feet, your head hung as you settled onto your knees.
    “I...I’m sorry, Daddy,” you murmured, folding your hands politely in your lap. Inside, your urge to defy him and to tease him was just as strong as it was before, but your urge to take his cock so deep inside of you that you couldn’t think straight was winning out. You heard him chuckle before feeling his fingers card through your hair.
    “That’s better, isn’t it?” he said victoriously, and when you looked up at him, he was smirking proudly, red intermingling with a dark magenta at the base of his hair. “Thank you for apologizing, snack. But still, you were so naughty, teasing me, disobeying me...I’d say a punishment is still in order, don’t you?” 
    Oh god. You suddenly felt icy cold fear spreading through your belly at the thought of what he’d have in store for you. Before you could blink, he was on his feet again, his hand grabbing a fistful of your hair and dragging you back to the mirror, your knees struggling to keep up as you yelped at the pain. He got you back into your original position, your face directly in front of the mirror and your ass presented to him, just waiting to be whipped.
    “Now let’s try this again, feeder. Count.” 
    This time, you cried out freely as his tail whipped across your ass, the stinging pain mingling with pleasure as it cracked against your skin. 
    “Mm, good girl.” 
    It continued like this for another 25 lashes, each coming at inconsistent rates and speeds to keep you on your toes. And like a good, obedient little girl, you counted each one, no matter how loudly you screamed. 
    “T-twenty five!” you cried out, hot tears dripping down your cheeks as your sure this last strike broke skin on your bruised ass, which was confirmed as Beetlejuice dragged his tongue across the skin, moaning at the sweet taste of your blood. When you looked up at him through the mirror, you moaned at the sight of his lips stained red as he grinned at you. 
    “What a good little snack. Bet you’ve learned your lesson now, huh?” he asked, licking away the last of the taste of you from his lips. “Up on your knees, kitten.” 
    You obeyed him, crying out softly at the burning feeling of the multiple raised welts on your ass brushing the back of your legs as you knelt. Beetlejuice quickly undid his fly and pulled his cock from his pants, achingly hard from the sight of you bruised and bleeding because of him. He gripped your chin harshly, forcing your mouth open and pressing his thumb onto your tongue. 
    “Fucking gorgeous mouth,” he groaned, holding your mouth wide open with his hand until drool started to spill from the corner. “Beg for my fucking cock, slut.” He let go of your tongue, moving his hand to grip your hair. 
    “Beej...please, Daddy, I want your cock so badly,” you moaned, yelping when he yanked harder on your hair. 
    “Louder,” he demanded with a snarl. “The neighbors better fucking hear how much of a fucking slut you are for my cock.” 
    “Please!” you yelled, desperation bubbling up inside of you. “God, Daddy, wanna feel you cum down my throat, on my face, please put your fucking cock in my mou-”
    Your words were cut off by the cock you’d been begging for being shoved into your mouth, and you moaned gratefully as Beetlejuice held your head in place to fuck his cock down your throat. He set a fast pace, forcing himself into your mouth and groaning at the wet heat as it practically choked him. Tears ran down your cheeks as you gagged around him, but you kept the worst of your gag reflex in check and groaned at the feeling of the weight of his cock in your mouth. You trailed your hand downward, hoping to be able to touch yourself while Beej fucked your face, but you suddenly felt two invisible hands grab at your wrists and pull them roughly behind your back.
    “Don’t you fucking dare,” he growled, grunting as he continued to thrust into your mouth. “You don’t get to cum until my cock is in your fucking cunt, understand?”
    You nodded, your jaw beginning to ache from the stretch around the girth of his cock. How much longer would he make you wait? Just as the thought struck you, he pulled out, reaching out again to hold your mouth wide open. 
    “Mm, my gorgeous little whore,” he groaned. “Stick that tongue out for me.” 
    You obeyed, looking up to meet his gaze and shuddering at the pure hunger in his eyes. Finally, he let go, using the hand his hair to force you back onto your hands and knees, the invisible hands releasing you so you could rest on your elbows, your bruised ass once again presented for him. He stroked his clawed fingers over it and chuckled at the sound of you hissing from the pain. 
    “Looks like you stretched yourself out for me earlier, hmm?” he said, rubbing his thumb over your pussy just enough to make you moan. “Better hope so, because I’m aching to fuck that gorgeous cunt.”    With no further delay, he lined up at your entrance and began to slide inside. You gasped at the delicious stretch, looking at his smirking face in the mirror as he filled you. When his hips met your ass, you cried out at the pain and pleasure intermingling so beautifully. He laughed darkly, running his clawed hands down the expanse of your back. 
    “Fuck, you’re always so tight, feeder,” he moaned, quickly setting up a bruising pace. “Tell me how good it feels.” 
    “Hnn, Daddy, feels, oh fuck, feels so good,” you whimpered, grinding back against him as he thrusted deep inside of you. 
    “Yeah, I bet it fucking does, you little cockslut,” he growled, letting his hand fall roughly against the raised welts on your ass. You screamed, clenching around him as the pain momentarily overtook you before immediately mixing with pleasure as the head of his cock ground deliciously against your G spot. “That’s right, you take my fucking cock like a good little whore, Jesus Christ you’re so fucking hot.” 
    His words sent hot pulses of pleasure throughout your body along with the drag of his cock inside of you as he took you as hard as he possibly could. He dragged his claws down your back, scratching the large expanse of skin and moaning as little pinpricks of blood welled up on the service. You whimpered at the pain, but it felt so incredibly good that you wouldn’t complain in the slightest. He leaned down and slowly licked a trail up your back, groaning harshly at the intoxicating taste of your blood paired with your wet heat clenching around his cock as he fucked you. 
    “Daddy, please, I wanna cum so fucking bad,” you whined, reaching down to rub at your clit while he fucked you. He quickly slapped it away, replacing it with his own, and you moaned at the feeling of his rough fingers rubbing you so perfectly. “Fuck yes, just like that, ooh Daddy, please can I cum?” 
    He growled, rubbing your clit in little circles while he drove his cock into you as hard as he could, his thrusts growing erratic as he chased his own high. 
    “Fucking cum for me you little slut,” he growled into your ear. “Let Daddy feel you cum on his cock. Cum for me.”
    You felt it building, the pleasure of his cock pounding into you combined with his filthy words and his fingers on your clit dragged you over the edge and you screamed, squirting harder than you ever had before as you came. You could feel it dripping down your thighs and onto the carpet, but you didn’t care, you simply gave yourself over to it as each drive of his cock inside you made little bursts of liquid squirt out onto his cock and all over the floor. 
    “Oh fuck, that’s the stuff, sweetness, you give me that fucking cum,” he groaned, his thrusts growing even more erratic as the feeling of you squirting around him sent him even closer to the edge. “Fuck, you’re so fucking good, kitten, I’m gonna cum, gonna fill you up so good-FUCK!” And then he was cumming, spilling inside you with a shaky groan as he buried himself as deep as he could. Coming down from your orgasm, you moaned at the feeling of his cum inside of you, already dripping out and sliding down your thighs. After a few moments, he pulled out of you, groaning at the sight of a rush of cum spilling out of your pussy and falling to the floor. He pulled you up onto your knees and into his arms and you buried your face in his chest. 
    “Feelin’ alright, snack?” he asked softly, his fingers stroking soothingly over the scratches he’d made down your back. You nodded, snuggling even closer to him and smiling as he chuckled. “Looks like you are. How about I get the shower going and we’ll clean up, and then I’ll tell you all about how business went over dinner. Does that sound good?”
    You didn’t answer. When he looked down, he saw your breath had evened out, unconsciousness taking you over after the exhaustion of being dominated as hard as you were. With a good-natured laugh, he lifted you bridal style and carried you to the bed, resting back against the headboard and holding you against his chest. 
    Never a dull moment with you around.
@realmonsterboyhours sorry for @ing you so hard 🤣
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fanartfunart · 4 years
Prom Date
Me: *listens to Prom Dress by Mxmtoon* ...Ah, time to write a fic.
Summery: Logan’s at prom. Alone. Roman’s gonna fix that whether Logan likes it or not. 
Ships: Platonic all around basically, w/ emphasis on the platonic Logince & miss-it-if-you-blink implied pining Dukeceit. (It’s not like, shippy-shippy, but there’s some mild flirtation & talk of crushes.... if you’d like, please feel free to imagine that it turns into Analogince or LAMP eventually, because that’d be where it would headed. >w<)
Warnings: Um, being lonely? Hh, Remus is an absolute dork who intends to do a prank?? ....idk man, I think it turned away from the key inspiration a bit and turned fairly cute for the most part.
Words: 1751
The clouds were a hazy orange as dusk fell over the courtyard. The air was brisk and cool now. The muggy heat of summer only just at its start.
Logan tugged at his tie, adjusting it for what must’ve been the hundredth time this night. Half his suit was borrowed, the blazer a different shade of black from his slacks. Awkwardly tight across his shoulders and chest.
Music was blaring at a level that was certainly harmful to one’s hearing. If he could hear it from out here, the doors closed, it must be absolutely deafening inside. How could anyone hear themselves in there? Logan was clearly much saner than the rest of the crowd for having migrated outside.
Logan let out a huff, fixing his hair back. (For perhaps the 15th time tonight. Surely it was messier now than before he began fixing it back). 
Boring when you’ve got nobody to go with.
He glanced back towards the inside of the building, lights flashing and dizzying. Shadows of people dancing- having fun. He turned his head to look at the early stars of the night. This was stupid. He didn’t like the social climate of traditional high school, why would he ever agree to go to their prom?
That was the thing, wasn’t it? It was Their prom. He was just an intruder none of these people had seen since middle school. He groaned and leaned his head against the wall. God even the wall was vibrating from the music. How could any of them stand it?
The music was briefly allowed outside as the door opened, and Logan sat up, excuses ready on his tongue if it was a chaperone who was supposed to keep them inside.
Instead it was an individual he didn’t recognize. (however, Logan was rather confident that the groups he once knew were busy with their prom.) 
Their attire was… interesting. Possibly homemade, now that he inspected the shimmering golden embroidery, swirling on the draped skirt swishing around their ankles and the dress shirt cuffs. The mostly white outfit was accented with a red vest peeking out from under the unbuttoned white blazer. A corsage that nearly held the whole rainbow in flowers was tied around their wrist in a way that only half-worked with the ensemble. Eccentric. That was the word for it.
They swore under their breath, glancing back through the windows as if searching for someone… that they were avoiding. 
They finally glanced at Logan, blinking rapidly. “Oh.” 
A polite smile flickered across Logan’s face, although he was rather more inclined to ask them why they were so inclined to interrupt his silence, he uttered a polite, “Hello.”
“How long have you been out here?” The individual opted to ask, pleasantries apparently the least of their problems. 
“Approximately 30 minutes,” Logan responded, pushing his hair back and adjusting his glasses, he glanced back through the window, “Why did you come out here?”
They sighed so heavily Logan was mildly concerned they had expelled the entirety of their lung’s capacity. “I needed an escape from my brother.” They gestured at the bench Logan had taken to himself, and he shifted so they could sit next to him.
“What about you, what’ve you been doing out here for the past 30ish minutes?”
“Um. Thinking, I suppose.” Logan gestured towards the building, “It’s loud.”
“Is it?” The individual tilted their head, “Must be used to it.” They leaned back on their palms, glancing at Logan, green eyes examining every inch of Logan’s face. “Have I seen you around before?”
“Unlikely,” Logan huffed, “I’m Homeschooled.”
They hummed, “Nah, I think I know you from somewhere- I’m good with faces- admittedly bad with names- but!” they gestured to the whole of Logan’s face, “Good with faces!” 
“Ah, so I assume that’s why you never mentioned your name then?” 
“Oh! I’m Roman-” they-Roman, threw out a hand and Logan glanced them over before accepting the hand.
“Logan. He/him pronouns.”
“Oh, frick, pronouns are a thing-” Logan laughed, taking his hand back to cover his smile. Roman let out a gasp, “Hey, don’t hide that shining smile, it just made you 5% cuter!”
Logan quirked a brow, “Only 5%?”
“Well, you were already cute, and I need to give all the rest of your features a percentage of the pie.”
“That’s not how percentages work in that context; but, I’ll take it. Clearly the classic brick and mortar schooling system has done you a disservice.”
“Who doesn’t it do a disservice to?” Roman scoffed.
Logan shrugged, eyes flickering over the other, “Returning to the previous topic of introductions, pronouns?”
Roman glanced over Logan, smiling a little lopsided- Logan might presume they were a little nervous if he was confident at all at understanding emotions. “They/them is preferable.”
“Perfect, thank you.” Roman’s smile grew. A small silence followed. A timid space where each of them were searching for something to say. 
Roman’s eyes lit up, “Oh, wait, Logan-”
“Yes, that is indeed my name.”
“Logan Sanders?”
“That is the other half of my name-” Logan tilted his head, raising a brow.
“You’re that mysterious nerd who dominated the debate club in like, 8th grade, aren’t you! Virgil complained about you a whole year, and then complained about another two years after you dropped.” 
Logan glanced up at the stars, taking a breath of the cold air. “I, hadn’t considered anybody would have- cared enough when I stopped.”
Roman laughed, “To be honest, I think he had a tiny crush.” Roman’s nose crinkled up when they smiled, bright and wide, “I can see the appeal.”
A soft “Oh” is all that left Logan’s lips, feeling the hint of warmth rush to his face. Out of embarrassment or from the compliment he wasn’t entirely sure.
The music intruded on the quiet space again. “Excuse me, but shouldn’t you two be inside?”
Roman spun, eyes wide. They clutched their chest, and laughed, bright and boisterous, “Pat! You scared me!”
Patton raised his hands, “What? You’re not supposed to be outside, you’ll get in trouble!” 
“Well there’s hardly anything they can do at this point. We’re graduating soon. It’s not as if we’re doing anything wrong in of itself, and I don’t even go here-”
“Ohmygods he doesn’t even go here,” Roman whispered.
“I have no idea why you found that amusing, it is simply true.”
“Well it’s cold out here- oh and Remus is looking for you, said he needed you to help him with something?”
“He wants me to help him slime the prom royalty because he likes the Prom King and doesn’t know how to deal with it.”
Patton glanced back through the doorway, “Oh geez-”
“He can’t do it without me, I hid the slime and I doubt he’ll be able to scavenge more unless he gets real creative. He might dump water on them though and somehow blame me when he gets in trouble. Virgil’s supposed to be watching him anyway.”
“Still!” Patton squealed, promptly turning heel, to, Logan assumed, find one or more of the involved parties.
Logan’s eyes flickered over the door as it shut again, and he curled his legs against his chest.
Roman leaned back again, eyes looking up to the sky. “Have you had a chance to dance yet?”
Logan shook his head, “Again, homeschooled, loud. Not- This isn’t my usual scene.”
They nodded, “What’s the usual scene then?”
A far away look fell over Logan’s features, inspecting the stars. “I don’t think I really have one.”
Roman huffed, “You’re starting to sound like Virge. You two would get along, I think.”
Logan practically whispered in response, “A bit late to be making highschool friends.” A laugh bit through the quiet. Logan turned to glance over at them, “Did I say something amusing?”
“Sorry, it’s just- Better late than never, sometimes, right?”
“Well it’s bound to fail after we go to college, as most relationships do when stressed by a decrease of face to face communication and communication overall.”
“Mm, sounds like somebody’s just scared.”
Logan turned sharply to stare at the eccentrically dressed teen, leveling a glare.
Roman tilted their head, a melancholy smile flickering on their face. “Can’t lose a friend if you don’t try to keep one, right?”
Logan folded his arms, he glared at the corsage rather than Roman’s face. With all it’s paled, mismatched colors- Logan considered the possibility that it too, was homemade. And maybe that was part of the charm.
“I get it. I even actively pushed people away sometimes. 10th grade was rough, ok?” Roman laughed, “Look, I know I don’t know you, and you don’t know me, but, I would very much like to try to be your friend. Even if for a summer.” 
“That’s stupid.” Logan grumbled.
“Eh, stupid is fun though. Remus is stupid 24-7, and he’s the happiest guy I’ve ever met. He’s absolutely terrible and I want to defenestrate him, but my point stands.” 
Logan kicked at the ground, and sighed, “I’m- not amazing at friendships. I don’t understand people. And I’m exceptionally unpracticed at social interaction.”
“Perfect, we like ourselves some terrible social interaction. Adds some flavor, can’t bake a cake without the salt and awkwardness!” Roman smirked.
“I’m quite sure you can bake a cake without awkwardness. And also probably salt, given you replace it with another ingredient that fulfils the role of salt-.”
“God, you and Virgil are gonna get along perfectly-” Roman muttered in a way that Logan was unsure if he was meant to hear or not.
Roman abruptly stood, and held out their hand, “Anygay. May I perhaps have this dance? It is prom, you gotta dance at least once. If not for yourself, then to tell your parents that you did.”
Logan scoffed, “That’s true. At least to tell my parents I did.” 
Roman smiled, bright and wide and a little lopsided. Logan stood, brushed off his jacket and straightened his tie. He took Roman’s hand and smiled in return, gentle and soft and a little awkward. And in a fashion fairly similar to the rush that was their entrance, Roman pulled Logan back into the blare of music. It was loud, and probably still too loud for the safety of one’s ears, but it wasn’t quite as intimidating as it had been before.
Prom. Boring when you’ve got nobody to go with. 
And there would never be another dance where Logan had to go alone again. That was for sure.
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sohin-ace · 4 years
Mista - Laundry
This is cross-posted from Wattpad and available on AO3.
You had taken it upon yourself ever since you joined Passione that you'd take care of chores as much as you could since the gang, children as they were, could be quite messy.
You didn't want someone like Bruno to take responsibility of something as trivial as chores when he was already so busy.
He, as well as the boys were grateful of your helpfulness, and even though nobody asked you, you still whole heartedly put yourself at work for everyone. You really loved the gang like your own family so it was only natural for you.
You really were like the mom friend of the group, which was well appreciated by your Capo, who could only understand your position.
"Oh my God Y/N! What did you do to my shirt?! It smells so good!" Narancia squealed one day when he found you in one of the hallways.
"Oh, nothing special," You chuckled. "I guess it's just the detergent." You stated humbly while playing with the straps on his top. "How do you like it?"
"It's soooo soft and way more comfy than before!" He felt the fabric on his chest as if to emphasize his words. "Thank you so muuuch, I love you!"
"Huh? Giorno what happened?" You grabbed the blonde's arm and lifted it to inspect the material of his shirt that was tearing up at the seams. "Your sleeve is all torn up."
He glanced at it and widened his eyes in surprise. Aw, too bad, he really liked that shirt and now it was ruined.
"Hm? Oh.. I guess it was a particularly rough fight. Damn it..."
You could hear the defeated undertone in his voice and you gently smiled at him. "It's okay, give it to me, I'll sew it up for you."
"Really?" He blinked at you before sighing lightly. "Thank you, Y/N. Pardon me for the trouble..."
"Don't be sorry Giogio, it's fine! We wouldn't want to have such pretty clothes in bad conditions, now, would we?"
Thankful towards you, he gently grabbed your hand and kissed the back of it before walking away to change clothes.
Those were the kind of occurences that happened ever since you joined. Your addition to the team made their daily life easier and much more pleasant.
It also didn't help that you were so selfless and kind to all of them that even Abbachio quickly warmed up to you, seeing how similar you were to Bucciarati.
As much as the boys were nagged here and there to actually help out and not let the same person do chores everyday, you were fine with volunteering when you weren't on a mission and had free time.
You were happy to help your boys out and never really had any problems with that. Not until one particular day.
You were finally putting away the laundry that had been drying in the sun all day. You hummed a little song as you lifted the basket and walked inside, starting to sort each member's clothes out and fold every piece carefully, as you always did.
Over time, you learnt to recognize each member's more or less iconic clothes and knew them by heart, whether it was Abbachio's black everything, Narancia's precious collection of Band T-shirts or Giorno's silken and golden ensembles.
As Mista was passing by the living room to get food for the Sex Pistols, he saw you picking out a familiar pair of briefs. He gasped, blushing instantly and ran towards you, snatching the piece away from your hands.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING Y/N?!" You jumped and almost screeched in fright at his sudden booming voice.
"OH MY GOD!!" You put a hand over your nearly exploding heart. "Mista you scared the living shit out of me!"
"What do you think you're doing with my underwear ??!!!" He yelled at you in a mix of anger and embarassment, a furious blush dusting his face and ears.
"I-I'm... What do you mean? I'm doing the laundry...?" You squeaked, still shaken by his sudden outburst.
"No no no no no!!! NO! NO! You don't understand! You can't do that! You can't just- I don't want you fiddling with my stuff like that!!" He pursued, scolding you almost, like you were guilty of some crime.
"Huh? Why not?" You asked in confusion. "It's fine, It's just me. I'm not gonna judge you- Look, I'm doing everyone's laundry, it's nothi-"
You were about to lift a random piece of underwear to prove your point, which happened to be Bucciarati's lace bralette, but he cut you off, scoffing as you didn't seem to understand the problem.
"No no no, Y/N my girl." He started making adamant and frustrated hand gestures. "It's EMBARASSING! Would you like it if I was handling your panties?!"
"I-I mean..." You stuttered a bit, flustered by the whole ordeal and not knowing what to tell the poor guy. "If I didn't want you seeing my panties, I'd do my own laundry..."
He froze for a second and he swore he heard the Pistols snicker somewhere. Oh shit, you had a point. He paused, having nothing to come back at you.
"B-but... If you want... I can tell Bruno, or anyone, to do your laundry... If it's what's bothering you, I'll just stop touching your stuff..."
Mista then calmed down and watched your defeated expression. He realized he was a bit too harsh on you over nothing and must have hurt you.
"W-wait Y/N, uh..."
"No, no, I understand." You dismissed him. "You're a man, I'm a woman, I should keep my boundaries. You're right."
You lifted the small pile of his underwear that you neatly folded beforehand and shoved it surprisingly gently to his chest.
He grabbed it while still looking at your dejected self. He started to regret going ham on you. You were only trying to help, after all.
"Wait, no- that's not it..."
It's just that he didn't want the girl he was crushing on witnessing some things. He wanted to impress you, and for you to see him at his best shot.
And you knowing that he owned underwear with 'Lucky you' or 'This gun has perfect aim' printed in bold fonts right over the crotch was definetely not the best way to proceed.
"It's okay, Mista... I'm sorry if I invaded your privacy."
"No, Y/N! Listen-"
"What's going on here? Oh Guido, you finally decided to help." Bucciaratti came in and saw you both.
"Actually Bruno, Mista doesn't feel comfortable when I sort out his underwear, so... Could you maybe-"
"Huh?" Bruno raised an annoyed eyebrow at his gunman. "Then wash your damn clothes yourself, stop bothering Y/N. She's as busy as you are. Be grateful that she's nice enough to take the time to clean and cook for us when none of you do."
Bruno walked to you and helped you up. "I'll take care of this, Y/N. Go take a break."
You obliged and thanked your capo as you left, leaving Mista to groan out in frustration and feeling like shit next to his leader who was going to lecture him all day.
"Oohh, it's laundry day? Can I help you?" Narancia said a bit too giddily for his own good as he found you all by yourself and you smiled at him.
"Sure! Can you take care of the sheets? It's the basket over there, I'll help you hang them."
"Okay! Hey wait a minute..."
Narancia furrowed his eyebrows and stared at the basket in your arms before he started searching through it.
He then took out some clothes, inspected them, and put them back in front of your very confused eyes. He did this a few times, but before you could even ask him what he was looking for, he said.
"Didn't Mista put any clothes for washing? All week?!" The boy exclaimed, absolutely baffled by his friend's filthiness.
"Um, he didn't want me to do his laundry anymore."
"What? Why?"
"I think he got shy from me seeing his underwear." You sheepishly told him and he snorted at such a stupid reason.
"Pfftt! Pussy."
"That's ridiculous." Abbachio added as he took the heavy basket from your arms. "Does he have dirty secrets or something? Would he rather have stinky-ass underwear? This boy doesn't make any fucking sense I swear."
"It's fine. I mean, I do have myself some embarassing pieces of undies, so I can't really say anything."
"He's such a drama queen." Abbachio commented as he walked off to hang the clothes outside, leaving you to barely have any work to do.
As you were done with the task at hand, you grabbed the men's attention before they could slip away and thanked them for helping you.
"Thank you Nara, thank you Abbachio. I'll make it up to you two with a special meal~"
"Ooh yeaahh!!" Narancia pumped his fist in the air in victory and Abbachio rolled his eyes.
"Don't mention it. I was bored."
They both went on their own way and you followed suit, but before you could even pass through the living room, none other than Mista came in and blocked your way.
You looked up at him and smiled, but your smile soon fell when he suddenly grabbed your upper arms and pushed you backwards.
He guided you across the room until you reached the small closet that was rearranged to be the laundry room. He pushed you inside and entered with you, closing the door behind him.
"It-it's uh... A very tight space." You managed to utter between hitched breaths as you looked down towards his hips, his gun poking you from how close you were.
There was barely enough space for you two and his body practically trapped you against the washing machine behind you. What the hell was he thinking?
"It's the only place where I know we'll have absolute privacy."
Your heart skipped a beat at his words and your eyes widened. "Wh-what do you need privacy for...?"
He realized what he said and how you must have misinterpreted and it was his turn to panick. He turned red and choked on his own words.
"W-wait... Don't get me wrong! It's not like tha- I mean-...I'm not gonna do anything. I just want to talk!" He stuttered and rubbed his head in frustration. Gosh he was so nervous around you.
"I'm listening, Mista."
"Okay." He took a deep breath and tried not to concentrate on your cute form right beneath him. "I wanted to say... I'm sorry for what I told you last week. It was so stupid and I got mad at you when you were being helpful. You're so nice to be a mom to the gang... And I hurt you."
Your eyes softened on the boy and how sincere he sounded. You reached out to gently cup his face in your hand.
"Oh, Mista." You breathed, endeared. "I already forgave you. I'd never want to make you uncomfortable, caro."
His heart pounded in his chest and he felt hot as he started to sweat bullets, your soft gestures putting him on edge and turning his legs to jello.
"I-I actually... Jeez... Oh man..." He stammered, completely unnerved by you.
Why did you have to be so sweet? Now he could barely form a proper sentence. His glance shifted from your eyes to the walls around him and he cleared his throat.
"I have a reason why... Like... Why I was so y'know... Embarassed... And stuff..." He trailed off mumbling.
"What is it?" You encouraged with honey voice, letting your hand slide down from his cheek to his chest, making him bite his lip.
"Oh god... Actually Y/N... I...I'm..." He tried, between heavy breaths, squeezing his eyes shut and balling his fists. "I fell in love with you. Shit damn, I said it."
He felt so relieved to finally have confessed to you after so long, but he almost regretted it right afterwards.
As he was about to take your silence as rejection, he felt your warmth hitting his neck, feeling your soft lips reaching his jawline in a sweet kiss and your hands run up and down his biceps, groping at them occasionally in a comforting manner.
He shuddered at the pleasurable sensations and relaxed visibly. It took all his self-control to prevent himself from letting out any weird noises. He was already crazy for you before, but if you kept touching him like that, he might just die on the spot.
"You're so cute Mista." You chuckled at the boy who was now a blushing, flustered mess who could barely keep his eyes opened. "But I knew already."
His froze and his eyes widened like saucers as he pushed you away to get a better look at you. "Y....You knew?! But how?!"
"The Pistols told me."
"The Pisto-... What the actual fuck?! These bunch of assholes!" He grumbled, wanting only to call them out and scold them for betraying him.
You leaned in and wrapped your arms around his torso, resting your head against his warm chest as you squeezed him against you.
His whole body stiffened at the intense proximity and how your body felt against him. Oh god. Was it wrong to feel like you fitted perfectly against him, like two puzzle pieces? Because that was his exact thoughts.
"I was just dying to hear it from you directly. I'm happy."
He let his hands shyly find their way on your back and locked you in his arms. He sighed in delight and relished in your softness resting his head on top of yours, smiling like a little boy. He couldn't be happier.
You suddenly slid your hand between the two of you and right towards his front which made the sensitive boy gasp and almost scream at what you could possibly be doing now. But to his surprise you only stole his gun and slid it out of his pants, tucking it inside your own pocket.
"That thing was a bit uncomfortable." He huffed a heavy but relieved breath at your words.
"Oh god, you drive me nuts sometimes..."
Oh man, do I love Mista, such a sweet bean.
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