#and i need to do everything in my power to make up for all my shitty qualities
creantzy · 2 days
Defying God - a parallel between Fyolai and Stavrovensky
The Demons brainrot is taking over, and you know what happens when I acquire a new interest: my brain WILL find a way to connect it to my other interests, whether I like it or not!! And this is essentially what it's about xD I've come here to present a parallel I found between Fyolai (Fyodor & Nikolai from BSD) and Stavrovensky (Verkhovensky & Stavrogin from "Demons" by Dostoevsky). Before I start I want to clarify a few things:
• I don't think these two pairings are similar, I just love picking up any crumbs of connections I can find between my interests, even if it'd count as reaching.
• This interpretation (in either character's case) is in no way "the only true way of looking at it". It's merely one interpretation out of many and I chose to focus on just a few aspects out of the many others there are to explore in these complex characters. 
• Feel free to add onto or disagree with anything I say! I'm interested in your thoughts :D
WARNING: There will be spoilers for Bungou Stray Dogs and Demons.
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The reason Nikolai wants to kill Fyodor is because he feels affection for him. Emotions are a prison to him, and he basically seeks the opposite of what his emotions make him want to do. Thus, in the face of affection, which makes you want to be closer and wish the best for your friend, he does the opposite and decides to kill said friend, going directly against his feelings in an attempt to prove free will. But here I want to focus more on the "You want to defy God in order to lose sight of yourself" part, specifically the bit about God.
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One part of my interpretation is that Nikolai associates God with control. If there is a God who controls all, how can there be a free will? He wants to go against Him and His creations (the human mind, morality, etc.) to prove that it's possible. But God is very abstract - the idea of God is influential but varies depending on cultures, etc. For this point, I'll use the example of the biblical God, or, more specifically, some attributes commonly assigned to the idea of God:
• omnipotence (all-powerful)
• omnipresence (all-present)
• omniscience (all-knowing)
What I am leading up to is the fact that these traits can, in one way or another, be applied to Fyodor. Fyodor's character represents everything Nikolai wants to defy. Nikolai hates control; he wants to fight the idea of God and prove the possibility of complete independence. Fyodor (though not in a "direct" way) could be seen as a symbol for God. He knows everything, he is always present (metaphorically and sometimes literally, the way he spawns sometimes I swear-), and he seems to control everything. Only few people actually see him, but he pulls the strings behind the scenes, and his power is felt everywhere. For Nikolai, to kill Fyodor is not just a protest against his feelings of affection, but can also be a symbolic act of defying "God", of killing "God", by killing Fyodor.
This is supposed to be very symbolic and not taken literally. I feel the need to repeat this because I personally dislike the notion of Fyodor as a literal God (and disagree with the idea of him having a God-complex), so this is merely about the God-like traits he possesses, like a "substitute" for the idea of God, and how it interacts with Nikolai's philosophy. (I've also exaggerated some points for the sake of simplification - for example, I don't actually believe Fyodor is in control of absolutely everything, etc.)
Moving onto Demons:
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Pyotr Verkhovensky grew up religious and (assuming based on Stepan's description) with a fear of God.
Now he's an atheist and very anti-religious. He plans to overthrow society, and destroying religion + everything it preaches is part of that plan. But interestingly enough, he picks not himself as the official future "ruler", but someone else: Nikolai Stavrogin. He chooses Stavrogin to be the role of the leader in Verkhovensky's ideal society. But not exactly the "leader" in the traditional sense, because he wouldn't necessarily give Stavrogin all the power. He would simply use him as a "pawn" (for lack of a better word) while himself pulling the strings behind said society. With that, Verkhovensky puts someone else above himself, in a God-like position, but he wants to do it while still keeping full control over Stavrogin. By doing so, he would overcome his childhood fear of God because instead of being controlled by God, *he* will control God.
(Same case here, not the literal God, but the character who he assigns God-like traits to.)
I am undecided (with both Nikolai's and Verkhovensky's character) whether this could be read as a solely subconscious intention or if it would make sense as a conscious one as well. Given that both have a different "main" goal (Nikolai focuses on emotions and Verkhovensky on the revolution) I lean more towards thinking it's subconscious (if present at all - like I said, just interpretations!)
It doesn't help that Verkhovensky describes his vision of Stavrogin's leadership as "hidden": Everyone believes in him and his power, but only very few people are said to actually have laid their eyes upon him. When I first read this part, I was honestly reminded of Big Brother from Orwell's 1984, but eventually realised that similar things can be said about God as well.
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While these are parallels, they don't come without differences. Nikolai needs Fyodor dead, Verkhovensky needs Stavrogin alive. Nikolai wants to kill Fyodor for a sense of freedom, Verkhovensky wants to keep Stavrogin for a sense of control. Yet both symbolic goals are bound to fail:
Fyodor turns out to be unkillable, and Stavrogin ends up dead.
At the end, "God" stays untouchable.
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anotherocean · 3 days
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My first pick a pile reading for you all! Been wanting to do this for a long time and hopefully add a little sparkle to your day, some guidance, maybe reassurance (?), or just a little divination fun.
This is a general reading for your life at the moment. I used tarot and my intuition to come up with these readings. If you aren't familiar with how to do this, you just pick an image that pops out at you, or choose one quickly and randomly. Whatever method you want to use it usually works. Pile readings below! Let me know if anything resonated with you! This is my first time doing this so feedback is really nice :)
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Hello my beautiful pile 1s! A lot of mental energy here!
My main piece of advice pile 1 is:
Looks like you could use some support with that overactive mind of yours. First thing's first it's going to be okay. It looks like you've had some sleepless nights recently and something is keeping you awake at night in worry-- whatever you are going through is not easy and would test anyone's faith. This might be the result of feeling betrayed (or a misunderstanding for some) in some way, or perhaps you are even lowering yourself to a level that feels untrue to you. In any case your soul is saying no to a lot of ways you are perceiving your situation right now and urging you to take a step back. Your idealism may be pushing up against some cold hard facts … about a person? (never a fun feeling) and disillusionment of some sort might be setting in. Your desire to win or succeed or have your own way may be clouding the best avenue toward your genuine peace and fulfillment (I've been there honey, I feel you). I am getting the feeling you are going around and around in your head playing mental games. Tap into your honesty and your intuition. Don't sneak out the proverbial back door. Patience is required right now. You'll make it through I believe in you! Things are going to work out, but maybe it's time to rest and reflect a bit babe? I'm getting the sense that rest frightens you a bit. Either you feel you can't stop, or rest has become equated with stagnation in your mind. In this instance that is not the case. Rest is a terrific idea for you because this looks like something you need to wait out. On the upside, I'm seeing that for some of you there could be some wonderful feelings of inspiration or drive or something urging you forward. Perhaps there is a complex mix of your excitement for a new idea or project, and conflict between something going on in your life, so you are experiencing some push/pull dynamics that are causing a lot of uncomfortable mental energy. My advice is rest, tap into some inner strength, and give in to not knowing and what a truly beautiful and relieving feeling that can be. You can't possibly know, so don't! You don't need to figure everything all out at once honey, or solve this problem immediately.
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Hello my incredible pile 2's! I love you.
You have an incredibly clear mind at the moment. You are approaching your situation with logic, which may feel a bit at odds with your needs to be nurtured. I'm getting maybe someone studying or pouring themselves into research but forgetting to take care of their more sensual needs like eating nice meals, going for walks, etc. In the distant or recent past you may have been in a limiting situation -- either victimized by some form of addiction, or bad relationship, or something that was bringing out parts of your shadow side that were not to your liking. This was something that you may have felt chained to... I'm getting your toxic ball and chain. That said, I'm seeing that you are harnessing a lot of energy positively right now, and will continue to do so. You have the power and ability to manifest your dreams, reach toward your goals, be the creator in your life. In the past you may have felt victimized and held captive by a person or situation, but you are now finding yourself (or about to be finding yourself) holding the power in your life. The world around you is aligned with you in presenting you with new opportunities for growth and love, and this is merely reflecting all the power you have right now. It seems you may be faced with an important decision, and while you are jumping and ready for new adventures, I ask you to also make sure you align your desire for adventure with your values related to the people and relationships in your life. You can do no wrong if you truly consult your heart in this important decision and take an honest look there by also allowing the people in your life to be included in that "gazing into the heart" that I mentioned. You are not an island, you are most definitely connected. You also have some doubts it looks like, or fears of separation or loss. The pain of heartbreak. A last word of advice is talk to someone you trust, perhaps a mentor, or consult your higher power for guidance. You may find resolution in aligning yourself with your traditions, or the traditions of people around you. I have to be honest pile 2, your picture isn't crystal clear for me, so I hope I filled in enough blanks to give this reading some value for you!
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Pile 3 hello! So much beauty here.
It looks like there are so many beautiful things in your life right now. Wonderful relationships, some degree of emotional fulfillment, and periods of gorgeous and harmonious socializing and abundance are all present. There is a strong, positive emphasis on community, but you also need to nurture your individual creative expressions (be that something tangible like painting a picture, or something more related to using your creative abilities for manifestation, or maybe just... spending some time in the garden planting seeds). You need to see the fruits of your own labor (!!!). Also, let it be known that as soon as I began your reading and was looking at the above image I felt such a lightness! Wish I were you pile 3! Like a breath of fresh air. Life is good. You also want to create some more stability for yourself. Even with all the good things, you have your sights set on something better and what a beautiful thing that is! You might be itching for something new and exciting, even with all the good things going on in your life, and the main and BIG POWERFUL MESSAGE of this reading is to embrace change. You may have built up something gorgeous and fulfilling but your heart is looking for more. EMBRACE the radical changes. EMBRACE the tearing down of the good things. More good things will come. You may currently find yourself feeling influenced by some conservatism around you (not necessarily a bad thing), but the stable attitude of those around you may be at odds with your need to honor your enthusiasm for adventure and break down what you have in order to build up something new again. As I mentioned, what you've built is gorgeous, but perhaps it is time to tear it down? You have some fears and worries around this, so take this advice as lightly or deeply as you like. Whatever the case, the changes you want aren't going to be a lightning bolt. You need to put effort into long term planning with patience, and perseverance. You need to carefully nurture your efforts right now, more than you need to immediately start a new life.
That's it! I had so much fun doing this, I hope you enjoyed it! It was fun getting a peak into some of your lives. At some point I may offer clarification card readings if any of you want to pay for additional info or extra questions related to the above readings. I'm not sure yet, just enjoying the experiment and maybe I'll do this with some regularity :) Also let me know if there's any specific reading you might like to see me do in the future! I have been so hardcore into astrology recently (truly obsession level) so tarot is a nice little sideline.
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darkstarofchaos · 3 days
Spoilers for EarthSpark S2 below the cut.
The problem with Starscream isn't that he was evil. I have to lead with that because apparently if you complain about how he was handled, people are just going to assume you wanted him to be redeemed. I am not a Starscream redemptionist, nor am I a fan of "redemptions" where an evil character becomes a Good Guy. One of the biggest issues I have with Megatron redemptions is that he never actually has to address what he did to his own side, he just fucks off to join the other side/goes his own way. Suffice to say, I was not hoping for EarthSpark to "redeem" Starscream (unless it was in the more personal sense of trying to do better by his own people).
The problem with Starscream is not that he was evil. The problem is that, to make him the specific brand of evil the Powers That Be wanted, they had to completely ignore his previous characterization.
I honestly did not have a problem with most of his (admittedly few) scenes. His motivation for being Evil was disappointingly shallow, but him being grumpy-but-accepting of the new Terrans fit with his S1 characterization. The bit where Skywarp complains when he doesn't do anything to punish "Spitfire's" disrespect could easily have been spun as him trying to be a better leader after his talk with Hashtag. I liked that he isn't stingy with praise when someone accomplishes something. Even the painfully underdeveloped motivation could have been expanded into him trying to do what he thought was best for his faction. All the building blocks for a villainous-but-sympathetic Starscream were right there.
Which is why watching everything fall apart in the last 20 minutes felt like character assassination.
You cannot convince me that the Starscream who knew Hashtag for an hour and was ready to risk his life for her is the same Starscream who murdered two children without blinking. You cannot convince me that the Starscream who criticized Megatron's violent leadership would consider it a compliment when he's called more cruel than Megatron. I don't care what previous Starscreams were like, this one had an established characterization that does not work with what we see later. Not unless working with the Autobots briefly completely disillusioned him to the possibility of a lasting peace.
Also, love how the time skip allows them to just avoid any sort of fallout from having the people you were working with go back to trying to kill you. Love how there was no deeper reason to the war restarting than "they're Decepticons". Heaven forbid we get any sort of conflict with the two sides trying and failing to work together, and the falling out being a shared responsibility and not just "the Cons were actually still evil, lol". Can't have anyone grappling with how things went wrong and wishing they'd done something differently to maintain the peace. Megatron yells at Starscream to end the war like the Autobots played no part in it continuing. Which is obviously the intent, but it just feels like such a lazy copout to keep the Good Guys morally pure.
The Decepticons were being hunted down and locked up. They had no reason to think well of the Autobots or the humans, which means that if the Autobots wanted peace, it was their responsibility to reach out and prove that things could be different. Yes, the Decepticons would need to put in effort too, but they were not the ones - at least not the only ones - who needed to prove that they meant well. If the two sides worked together for a while and the Decepticons still unanimously rejected the possibility of ending the war, the Autobots share the blame for that decision.
I have plenty of other issues with how S2 is going so far (why was Nightshade the only Terran who got completely relegated to side character?), but I'll save my rant about the Chaos Terrans for later. It'll be huge, trust me.
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battymommastuff · 1 day
Batmom x Batman
Prompt: My, my, those eyes like fire...I'm a winged insect, you're a funeral pyre
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Masterlist
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!!DISCLAIMER!! - This likely won't be comic accurate (Obviously), but I did draw inspiration from the comics. If you are looking for something accurate, then this fanfic isn't for you.
"What the hell are you doing here?" You asked as you shut the door to a random room in your lavish mansion. As soon as Bruce made himself known to you, you dragged him to the nearest place for privacy. The last thing you needed is your husband seeing you conversate with Gotham's resident playboy billionaire.
"I'm here for you, Y/n. I made a mistake, and I can't live with myself knowing you're with...him." Bruce said as he gestured to the self portrait of your husband on the wall. Even then, he still wore that damned mask. You just closed your eyes and let out a deep breath. You've imagined this day would happen. The day Bruce instantly made you regret your marriage. All you wanted in this moment was to jump in his arms and have him walk you right out of this mansion. You wanted that from the moment you accepted the proposal. Marrying you husband was the biggest mistake of your life.
"I believe I am attending a ball as a resident of Gotham's elite." Bruce answered as he took a sip of his champagne. God it felt so good to see you this close again. He's only ever seen you through binoculars or pictures. He missed being this close to you even though he hadn't touched you. Since you departure, he felt himself go slightly feral. Bruce never realized how much he wanted you until he saw you with another man. Now he was going to do everything in his power to make sure he gets you.
You just rolled your eyes. Out of all the events your husband has thrown, Bruce arrives now? When the place is crawling with Court members, "Why are you really here, Bruce?" You asked as you removed your mask. He felt his heart race when he finally saw you face. You were absolutely beautiful. Simply stunning. He couldn't put into words what he felt for you at this moment.
"Bruce, I can't..." You whispered as you shook your head. He didn't like that answer in the slightest. He closed the already short distance between the two of you, and grabbed your face. His forehead resting against yours.
"Y/n, please. All I've wanted...I've dreamed about is having you back. I was afraid of what would happen if I let myself be happy. I couldn't let myself love you, only to lose you." He confessed and shook his head as you started spouting more rejections. Eventually his lips just pressed against yours to get you to shut up. The kiss was instantly reciprocated as you tangled your fingers into his hair. He backed you up against he wall, and started kissing down your-...
"Ugh, I'm going to throw up..." You were knocked out from your story by all of your children looking at you as if they were going to be sick. You didn't go into heavy detail like you did in your mind, but they got the picture. So you just shook your head and continued on with the story after that moment. Bruce, who had been eavesdropping...kept the memory going in his mind.
Bruce had bent you over the desk that sat across the room His hands sliding up your dress to yank your underwear down. There wasn't time for foreplay. He needed to get this out, and he needed it out now. His lips moved along the skin of your neck and shoulders. He wanted to leave marks all over your skin, but he couldn't. It would make your life hell. Your hands gripped onto the edge of the desk as Bruce dropped his pants down along with his boxers.
The feeling of him slowly pushing into you...felt amazing. Your eyes widened as a gasp came from your lips. Bruce's forehead rested on your shoulder as he pushed into you, "At least I know I don't have any competition with the Grand Master." He teased after feeling how tight you were. He was having a bit of trouble fitting.
Minutes later, heavy panting along with the sounds of the desk scooting on the wooden floor was all that could be heard in the room. One hand had reached back to hold onto his wrist while the other had wrapped around the back of his head. His hands were holding your hips tightly, and his hips moved as quickly as he could muster. Both of you lost in ecstasy. You turned your head to kiss him, but it was barely a kiss. Mostly just heavy pants while your tongues brushed together. He had forced your wedding ring from your finger and thrown it across the room. In this room, you weren't the wife of the Grand Master...you were his. As if should be.
"B-Bruce..." You whimpered, your walls clenching around his length. He just groaned in response before pushing your head down onto the table. His thrusts became more sporadic. No ounce of rhythm. Your eyes rolled back once you came. His hand quickly covering your mouth to hide the moan that came out. Bruce's hips slammed against yours roughly as he fucked his cum into you. A 'Fuck You' to the Grand Master for stealing you away.
You both panted heavily as Bruce pulled away from you to grab some tissues and started cleaning you up, "I cheated on my husband..." You panted as you felt him clean you up. Bruce just chuckled in response.
Once you were cleaned up, you went for your panties. That wasn't very easy to do since Bruce took them before you could get them. He dropped them into his jacket pocket, "Those are mine now, beautiful." He purred then pulled you to him once again. Your lips connected in a passionate kissed, "Let me take you away from here..." He whispered and kissed your forehead.
You shook your head, "No let me stay. The Grand Master has something planned. He won't tell me what it is, but I'm close to finding out." You said, your hands running up and down his arms, "Let me be your spy. I'll give you information, and then we can take him down...together. We can get rid of the Court...for good." You said, and with reluctance...Bruce accepted.
Rejoining the party was a bit awkward. Considering the fact that your husband had been searching for you. He took note of your slightly disheveled appearance, but didn't want to question it. His arm wrapped around your waist as he pulled you close, "Where is your wedding ring?"
No Taglist for this one because I don't want to tag someone who isn't comfortable with reading smut.
~ Batty
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shaylogic · 22 hours
Love the way they handled Charles and Crystal's confrontation about whether she went to Hell too
It didn't feel like "you can't go cuz you're a girl"
And it didn't feel like "this has to be just an Edwin & Charles moment"
The writing and acting kept the in-universe logic sound and respected who the characters are and both their driving forces
Cuz I'm all about badass female protags too but girl you're not dead yet and it's literally Hell
And I wouldn't run to an abusive demon ex to get to Hell on my own, but Crystal would! It would be out of character for her to stay in that room with Niko, pacing and fretting.
And she needed to do that confrontation anyway to stand up to David and get her memories back. And it's her own self-actualization! Not Charles saving her in a heterotypical romance tradition. That scene makes the earlier one where he supports her against David when she's without her powers much more acceptable
Everything in this show is just handled so well!!
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lyril · 2 days
johnny & randall analysis / manifesto
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in taking a little break from other things and deciding to rewatch monsters, inc., only to then find out about monsters at work on my way there, i've ended up thinking about these guys a lot lately — and since there's not a lot of stuff really digging into these characters, i wanted to share all the thoughts i've had over the past few weeks as an exercise.
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as such, this'll be an analysis of johnny and randall's characters in relation to each other and their position as antagonists in the series, as well as how i'd personally go about extrapolating from their dynamic as a fun thing to explore if there was more time to expand upon and rewrite what we got! (as well as just having a little dubiously-healthy relationship fun along the way, you know how it is... give me and inch and i'll take a mile)
to me, the fun of filling in the blanks of them together is about how they've changed so much, and yet so little, falling back into old habits, feelings, and dynamics with an older and modern touch to them.
confused about the line of randall saying him and johnny were "besties"? not to worry, my friends. i got you.
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“It’s easy to think that these characters can’t possibly have any depth or feelings because they’re monsters, but they do,” says Crystal. “They’re young men figuring out who they are and what they want in life—and then what life actually has in store for them."
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general character / story analysis
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all the way back at the beginning, we have the events of monsters university — in my opinion, the movie with the most to chew on in an emotional sense, and the one that really sets the stage for everything that comes after (probably a recommended thing to have as a prequel, to be fair). i want to start off with a few quotes from the art book and production notes about the story's themes...
If Monsters, Inc. was about what happens when a new and strange door opens, Monsters University is about what happens when the door you’ve been headed towards unexpectedly slams shut. It’s a question every one of us has had to deal with at one time or another: What do you do when your dreams run into the roadblocks of real life? (art book)
Producer Kori Rae recalls that when Dan Scanlon decided that the film was really going to be about Mike Wazowski and his story, "he was really attracted to the idea of how we deal with failure. What happens when what we thought we were going to do or who we were going to be changes, and we end up in a totally different place? When you ask someone 'How did you get where you are today?' very seldom do you hear 'I went to school, studied what I planned on studying, and then went immediately into that field of work.' This film delves into that in a really powerful way.” As Scanlon explains, "Mike basically realizes he needs to let go of what he thinks he has to be in order to be great, so that he can make room for what truly makes him great. That is the real story of the film. His friendship with Sulley comes out of that, and Sulley changes and becomes a better person because of that." As it so happens, this arc is not so different from the arc of the story process itself. "You fall in love with these things that you think the story is about, and then you realize the story is about something else," says Scanlon. "Then you have to let go of those things, and it's painful a lot of the time. But, it's always for the best." (art book)
According to the filmmakers, Mike’s story—and the fact that he doesn’t accomplish what he sets out to do—not only makes the story more interesting, it makes it more relatable. “A big part of this film is facing reality,” says story supervisor Kelsey Mann. “Sometimes it’s harsh and unfair, but that’s okay. It just means you were meant to do something else, something that ultimately might be more rewarding." (production notes)
"It’s during these years, whether in college or not, that we tend to learn who we are. And it’s not necessarily who we thought we were." ... "We don’t always get what we want, including life-long dreams. It’s perhaps the hardest lesson for any of us to face, but it’s the benchmark of maturity." (production notes)
"To me, this movie is for anyone who has dealt with failure. We all come face-to-face with it at some point in our lives." ... "I think it’s these missteps and misdirections that make us stronger and make our life’s story more interesting. I love movies that inspire us to believe that if we try hard enough, we can be anything we want. The truth is, sometimes as hard as we try, as much as we believe, things just don’t work out; it happens to all of us. But in hindsight, these 'failures' often turn out to be nothing more than detours leading to wonderful discoveries of a life, a career, a love we never would have thought possible." —Dan Scanlon (art book)
a lot of my thoughts had sparked when reading passages like this, connecting it back to their own character arcs, as we start to pick up on a few questions: how do we deal with failure? what happens when things don't work out, and what we thought we were going to do or who we were going to be changes, and we end up in a totally different place? when the door you’ve been headed towards unexpectedly slams shut? and how do the character's reactions to these things set them apart from each other?
"This is a story about a guy who loves something desperately but can’t have it. So what do you do when that happens, when you can’t have what you want?" ��James Robertson, story artist (art book)
“College is the time when we all have so much optimism and confidence that we can change the world. We have dreams and goals. We’re unstoppable. And then reality sets in and we start hitting closed doors. It’s what you do when you hit a closed door—it’s what you do when your dream is shattered that really formulates who you are." —John Lasseter (production notes)
in doing a lot of analysis of the story's themes for me, this is the start of how these characters — mike and randall, sulley and johnny — are foils to each other.
james p. sullivan is a casual, laid-back guy who's just barely skirting by academically, as he believes his natural talent and family name are all he needs to succeed in life. johnny worthington III is already a popular and successful top dog with a legacy of his own to live up to, so he works to maintain his status and fraternity's image no matter the cost. mike wazowski is full of ambition, eager to make his dream of becoming a scarer at monsters, inc. a reality, with the assets at his side being hard work, wit, and determination. and despite his nervous and insecure personality, randall "randy" boggs wants to get in with the popular crowd to get a taste of recognition even if that means going down a different path completely.
breaking them down to the very basics, johnny and sulley are both Cool Guys/Nepo Babies who come from a long line of revered scarers, and who keep their fears, insecurities, and true feelings buried underneath of their outwardly shallow demeanor, while mike and randall are both Nerdy Guys without a lot of friends, making it out alone/together in the world, but with untapped potential and a very personal sense of mission for their years at university. they're each put in very similar positions, where sulley and johnny want to maintain what they have and use that to their advantage, and randall and mike want to surpass what they are into something bigger than themselves. sulley is everything mike wants to be as a natural-born scarer, and johnny is everything randall wishes he could be as the cool, popular guy. at the beginning of the movie, sulley gets paired with johnny, and mike with randall, but they end up swapping by the midpoint — sulley teams up with mike, and randall teams up with johnny. mike and sulley stay together by the end, but johnny and randall are ultimately split up. you get the sense that these duos are meant to be together with how they're divided, and, eventually, the results of everything, and how the characters deal with the prospect of failure color their positions as protagonists and antagonists, respectively.
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"When it all goes south, it’s not pretty,” says Rae. “They get kicked out of the Scare Program by the Dean herself and their dreams are crushed. But as fate would have it, they’re forced to work together to make things right. The unlikely bonds they form with a group of misfits, and how they grow—individually and as friends—results in a very funny, very touching story that at its heart is completely relatable to people of almost every age." (production notes)
when mike and sulley get kicked out of the scare program, they're not about to give up just yet. after a lot of hardships, but also unexpected success along the way, they land themselves at the very last event of the scare games, and sulley goes the extra mile to secure a false win through cheating for mike, only for it to be a breaking point for the both of them — it drives mike into doubling down on his ambition, and then into disillusionment at his own inability to achieve what he's been so desperate to reach the entire story, as well as sulley into finally letting down his unaffected façade and admitting he has no idea what he's doing either. he knew how someone like mike would take the loss, after he's worked so hard for everything, but in the end... the measures taken to prevent that from happening only ended up making things worse. at the end of the day, the true victory they get to have is in a personal sense, since they do get kicked out of university and have to continue working hard to get what they want... and they're also to be able to prove something to themselves in an honest accumulation of their efforts, through what they've learned and gone through together despite them not coming out on top. by the end of the movie, they accept their fate in stride — even (especially) mike, who sulley helps to realize that he has other avenues to explore, not just that one defined path he set out so desperately to chase. after they come to terms with the failure they went through together, they're able to grow and become better friends and people because of it, and it doesn't stop them from working as hard and honestly as they can... and eventually, they end up where they are today!
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on the other hand... the way johnny and randall take their shortcomings end up being the exact opposite!
getting into it ✨️
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JOHNNY WORTHINGTON has reason to be supremely confident—he’s the top Scare student at Monsters University and president of the best fraternity on campus, Roar Omega Roar (RΩR). Voiced by Nathan Fillion, Johnny comes from a long line of MU Scarers and respects the school’s legacy, traditions and most of all, the system by which Scaring excellence is judged. He may have been born with a silver spoon in his jaws, but this monster’s no softie. (production notes)
"Johnny runs RΩR, so if the look of the house is designed around any one character, it's him. The RΩR interior gives you this feeling of tradition and entitlement, sort of 'Don't touch anything.' [There are] walls of trophies, walls of history, and pictures of past classes. It should give you the feeling that Johnny has something to lose, too. It's not just Mike and Sulley who have things at stake. Johnny has a tradition to live up to, and he's afraid of failing." (art book)
"[He] was probably raised by a dad who was a real jerk to him, who 'didn't raise a loser', where winning's the most important thing..." —Nathan Fillion (interview)
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it's that idea of success, of staying on top and maintaining that image, position, and legacy that came before him that has shaped his worldview and that johnny's character is all about. for johnny, to not live up to tradition is failure.
johnny worthington already had it made by the time he was born, clearly growing up wealthy and with connections in life lined up for him in advance, where even in school he's popular and well-liked for his highly-ranked natural talents and "charming" personality, despite still being a shallow, manipulative asshole at heart... and all he has to do is to hold on to that silver spoon, which is at the same time, is a lot of pressure on his shoulders...
and with so much importance put on appearances, it's his tendency to read books by their cover that leads him to completely underestimate what mike and sulley are capable of together in monsters university. an emphasis is put on how big of a deal it'll be if RΩR loses the scare games to a team of underdogs like OK, since, as mike puts it... no one will ever let him forget it. not only does he care a lot about maintaining that status as top dog, but he wants to ensure nothing gets caught up in the process, as he takes precautions earlier in the story by putting sulley's place in RΩR on hold until he can live up to what he says he is... and when it comes to OK's unexpected success throughout the scare games, there's a sense of him starting to feel threatened, which leads to pulling stunts like the "cute-ma kappa" prank. johnny goes out of his way to try and take them down a peg through methods like "cutting remarks, taking shots at [their] confidence, and humiliation," as nathan fillion puts it in regards to johnny's more "insidious" bullying techniques. we don't get a lot of time to linger on how he takes the "loss" in the end (other than it very clearly shaking his entire world) before he later goes to offer sulley his position back, and then is rejected even further. what i enjoy very much about the situation is how RΩR didn't actually lose to OK, on account of sulley's cheating — it's just enough for it to appear as if they do for a while and to make an impact on johnny at first, and it kind of leads to a perfect uncertainty of how he really takes things in the end... even if he's no sore loser on the surface.
and i think it makes a lot of sense in how exactly johnny's changed over the years when we see him again in monsters at work. on the outside, it absolutely looks as if he's now humbled, as if maybe that sliver of defeat put enough of a number on him... and yet on the inside is someone still clinging to the importance of the legacy he has to maintain. i don't think johnny is heartless by any means — it's not like he's been nefariously plotting over the last 20 years or anything, as he's already set and successful as a CEO as well as a husband, a father, a family man and a charitable force of his community... and in a lot of ways, he has changed, softened around the edges, and is living life as everyone else is... right?
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after knowing him first in monsters inc., we can easily see through sulley's character in monsters university where the façade ends and james p. sullivan begins, as he's long grown past the need for something like that, paving the way for him as the kind-hearted and humble guy he is today... and johnny, on the other hand...? over the years, it seems to have become a little hard to tell where exactly that point is, of what part of the act is really "johnny" under all of that flourish, benevolence, and self-restraint. with how he would play it up in university, it was quite obvious for him too that he was putting on a show... and yet now the moments in and out of it are few and far between, where it almost feels as if the mask is glued on until he gets pushed to his furthest point, only showing cracks of a different face... and in all that time, johnny clearly has been honing his skills — a constant performance with anyone and everyone, polished to perfection even with whom he lets in on his little scheme. as a businessman, i think it makes sense that his manipulative tendancies never really went away, as that's something that would benefit him a ton. he's come to veer out of "smarmy" and back around again into "charming", with less of that outward swagger and leaning even more into the extra subtle approach — he's a lot more down to earth even when he's still got that glint in his eye. a picture of performative altruism, yet is still doing good nonetheless... and it sort of puts him in a strange position of everything he does being simultaneously fake and real and the same time, superficial in an all-new way. how much is what he said to tylor is true, especially when he does have genuine reason to see himself in him, to respect the scaring legacy and see how tylor's potential is being wasted? what would johnny with no filter on a regular day even look like? how much does randall see, or even claire, or his kids? who even is johnny worthington, really...?
and i have to wonder if there's a fundamental issue in how johnny approaches the world, of someone born with a silver spoon in his mouth — really honing in on that nepotism of someone very privledged, and how his background in an environment like that might've shaped him in ways like this. and when his prize jewel is threatened — the precious legacy of what came before — that's when he starts to act again, all under the cover of the rock solid image he's created...
with laugh power on the rise, johnny has to think about what it would mean to adjust to a changing world, of something so far off the path you're on, to start from the ground up in a completely different way for the greater good in terms of both efficiency and in a moral sense... and of what it would mean for his company, of the kind of light it would paint him in within the world he's grown up in (a lot of very relevant political views we get a peek of in the whole laugh power vs scream power debate!) and what we know of the looming figures of those that came before him — monsters who are very clearly not made for being jokesters. considering what we know about him, and the lessons we never actually get to see him learn and grow from... the choice he'll make is clear. for a guy like johnny, there's no easy surrender to something like that. all of this is a lot bigger than little competitions in university. laugh power may as well be the future (and boy, does he know it!) but it's scare power that made his family business what it is. and there's a resurgence of image first and foremost when it comes to the underhanded way he goes about it, where whatever's going on behind the scenes (such as outright stealing laugh power sources from monsters, inc. and with a total disregard for the moral side of it all) may as well not be relevant as long as that outside picture is kept clean and the appearance of tradition is being maintained, which makes it very clear where exactly his priorities lie.
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(even someone like waternoose almost had a more benevolent goal at the end of the day — everything he did may have been something he was doing for the sake of his company, but it was also for his people, to quite literally "keep the lights on" all while he really did care about monsters like sulley! i'm willing to bet that if laugh power had been effectively realized in his time, he wouldn't have even needed to do all that, as it all seems like a "desperate measures call for desperate solutions" thing... while johnny is a lot more concerned with holding onto what's already his, for his own sake, rather than everyone else's — at the end of the day, he doesn't actually care about the city's power situation at all... he really plays into the weight of the "family business" side of it all.)
"One of the themes in [Monsters University] is seeing a person’s hidden value—a skill Johnny certainly lacks. He takes people at face value, and he’ll never know them. That’s a hurdle Mike and Sully have to overcome with one another." —Nathan Fillion (production notes)
a core of him remains the same, still concerned with image and legacy, and possibly still... "unable to see people for what they're really worth", as what's described as his fatal flaw in the monsters university days. i've been trying to wrap my head around what it means to say that exactly, as clearly, he can see through people well enough to manipulate anyone well enough, to even pick at their spceific weak spots and see why they may be useful to him, all to exploit that as he pleases... maybe tylor and randall are just particularly easy marks for him, or maybe that is the point of it all. i have to wonder if it's because he sees most people — not just tylor as part of the plan — in terms of what they can do for him, and how they and the relationships he forms can be used to help further his own goals and agenda, since... he's sort of been doing that for a long time now. business as usual, you could say. a very transactional measurement of worth, always looking out for the best of the best, but it leading to still missing key features in people's MO as he's still biased in his own certain ways. and to be fair... that is sort of how relationships work in general. we're both here because we get something out of it, even if it's for something as simple as companionship... yet i can imagine it as being a lot more mechanical, calculated, and in focus for someone like johnny, when he's never not playing 5D chess. he may act friendly with everyone, but i bet there's a degree of distance between the relationships johnny has with his employees and the ones sulley and mike do.
over the course of monsters university, the trait as johnny's fatal flaw — maybe improved upon over the years, maybe not — plays into his downfall, as another theme of the movie (as well as carried on into monsters at work) is about seeing people's hidden strengths beyond what they appear — and so he completely underestimates mike and his team. in monsters at work, i get the feeling they're playing with that again on purpose, a testament to how he hasn't really changed, by still falling victim to the same motivations as before.
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as self serving as it seems... throughout the season, we do get to see through his company and characters like rosie how it's not just him grappling with these changing times, but a lot of people — and that's why a very similar thing is reflected in tylor, who is dealing with the same situation! tylor has graduated college, expecting to go down the path of scaring, only for the rug to be torn out from underneath of him. ("what happens when things don't work out, and what we thought we were going to do or who we were going to be changes, and we end up in a totally different place?") tylor is face to face with changing times, threatening to completely upheave what he knows, forcing him into and to consider situations he isn't sure he's meant for, and he's struggling to adjust to the path and new world around him... and when johnny is already on his way to push back against that narrative, that's why his story gets intertwined with tylor's — they're in a similar predicament, and that's also why he reminds him of himself, playing into the "you can't escape who you are, so embrace it" angle (something i bet he really does believe when it's his father who told it to him) all while narratively, everything in the season plays with the motifs that both movies have explored. ("what happens when the door you're heading towards unexpectedly slams shut?" and "what happens when a new door opens?") and yet... we know tylor's here to be manipulated, and has been picked out from the start. tylor's worth to him in all of that is (primarily) measured by that role, where in the heat of the moment, he even says himself the only thing he can see tylor being good for is a pawn on his chessboard... and i think it's (part of) why it looks like johnny is written a little "stupid" in the finale episodes, in that they're trying to play with this weakness of his. johnny overestimates everything he's done to tylor, through severing all those ties, appealing to his own ego, giving him a reason to come crawling back to him and him only... he thinks he's got tylor fully hooked and already reeled in, and maybe for anyone else, that plan would've worked out flawlessly, but... tylor is our ProtagonistTM. he doesn't understand what tylor would even have left to his name, how his moral code may be shaken awake in scaring a kid he knows, how his friendships could prevail despite it all... all of these things that make tylor ultimately still sympathetic and able to turn things back around, even when he's fallen so hard for johnny's bait and in such an awful situation. johnny may be good at this game, but he's not an expert, and he still doesn't fully see tylor, only what he picks out in him, what's useful to him... and how much does that extend to everything else in his life?
as the head of fearco., of course johnny is still stuck in that old mindset and fear of failure when he's got even more at stake — he's always trying to stay one step ahead, using his position to keep control of what he's afraid of and manipulating the people around him and their circumstances. in a lot of ways, johnny is a bit different now, but we know that he never really went down a path of acceptance, to start to let go of the fear he has, so he's the same old johnny at heart, even if under a slightly different cover... and what better to lead him down the path he's on?
(compare all of this to sulley, who, in contrast, feels like he's moreso capitalizing off of his family name, rather than it really being what's at stake for him... and in his situation, who is able to move past the crushing idea of having to live up to what came before him, to be more true to himself, and to help embrace the new path forward, not only in terms of efficiency for his own people, but for everyone, as he embraces the laugh power and monsters, inc.'s new CEO...!)
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Monsters University freshman RANDY BOGGS has big aspirations for college life. The peculiar lizard-like monster with his host of gangly arms and legs plans to major in Scaring and lead an active social life filled with fun, friends and fraternity parties. “He’s not the Randall that we know from ‘Monsters, Inc.,’” says Steve Buscemi, who once again provides the voice of the iconic character. “He’s a little insecure and he wants to fit in, so he works toward pledging the coolest fraternity.” Story supervisor Kelsey Mann says he thinks audiences will be surprised to see Randall’s humble beginnings. “He’s super happy and positive. And, just like Mike, he’s always dreamed of becoming a Scarer.” He certainly seeks inspiration. One of Randall’s most memorable lines from “Monsters, Inc.” finds its way into the prequel. Hanging above Randy’s bed is an inspirational poster that reads “Winds of Change.” Audiences will get the inside scoop on just what sparks Randy’s competitive spirit—but the future top Scarer at Monsters, Inc. will first need to get his embarrassing disappearing habit under control, because Randy’s not sure how he’ll ever be a great Scarer if nobody can see him. (production notes)
"In Monsters, Inc. Randall has a real problem with Sulley and being second-best to him. So we thought, let’s see that happen for the first time in this movie, in a big public event. That’s why we have Sulley and Randy go head-to-head in the final competition." (art book)
as of now, randall doesn't actually have as much screentime as johnny does to talk about — although, his time may very well be coming soon! even with the amount he does have, i think randall also shines especially well in his response to failure.
in the midst of humble beginnings, randall "randy" boggs is a sweet guy, although a bit naïve on top of being timid and insecure as someone who hasn't really figured out his place in life. at the bottom of the food chain, he wants to fit in and get in with the cool, popular crowd, the people who have already had it made.
by the last half of monsters university, randy's finally gotten what he's wanted — he's in with the "cool kids", he's getting attention and recognition as they push through ahead with his dream team in the scare games... until his match-up with sulley, where he accidentally messes up randy's camouflage and therefore his scare attempt, which ultimately ends up getting him kicked out of RΩR. we see earlier in the movie how embarrassment is something he wants to avoid ("if i do that in scaring class, i'll be a joke!" and "whoops! that could've been embarrassing...") so to top it all off, it's also in an utterly humiliating, public moment. not only is this is randy's big taste of failure, but he also gets something very important taken from him, severing that chance, those connections, everything he was aiming for by no fault of his own... and what he's left with is a grudge, where in his own inability to accept and move on from the event, it digs its claws in deep. he may say that'll be the last time he'll ever lose to sulley, but we know randall goes on to lose to him over and over and over again — and it ruins him!
by the time of in monsters, inc. randy has continued down the path he was already on the way to, molding himself into a completely petty, spiteful and arrogant jerk. as randall, he's a loner who runs hot and cold, where he's got that sleazy underhanded smugness, but is also incredibly tempermental and becomes hot-headed and irritated on a dime, especially when he lets his ego get the best of him... he's got a no-nonsense tolerance for stupidity, but still finds time to be snarky and play it up every once in a while. he's grown the confidence he wished he could've had before, and now he's the one bossing the nerds (fungus) around. with an unrelenting and ambitious ruthlessness to him, randall is one lizard who never learned his lesson. he's still trying to climb to the top, not only to beat sulley, but to have him beneath him... all over something that happened so long ago!
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when it comes to randall's motivations, and between him and sulley, there's a bit of a "chicken or the egg" situation in monsters, inc. where you wonder if the personal aspect of despising what sulley has done (and in his eyes is continuing to) to him and wanting to put him in his place once and for all or the desire to be #1 is more important, but they're pretty much intertwined... with a lean in the personal direction, in my opinion.
at the end of the scare games, it's only sulley who messes everything up for him, and he decides that he'll never lose to him ever again — not just in general, but specifically to sulley, and that's something he keeps with him for a very, very long time. throughout monsters, inc., there's definitely a very personal way he goes about his competitiveness and interacting with him, where he won't so much as offer him a friendly handshake. when he talks to mike about revolutionizing the scaring industry, he even singles out how it'll finally make sullivan beneath him, and when he gets banished — kicked out, you could say! — he states that's what he deserves, anyway... for what, exactly? when waternoose tells him how sulley, the guy he treats like a son, is twice the scarer he'll ever be, you can tell that really gets to him. even the way he talks about him is very off-topic ("you stupid, pathetic waste!"), and after all... "you still think this is about that stupid scare record?"
to be fair, though, the goal of his from the beginning was to cruise with the popular crowd, so clearly that's a big factor in everything, but what we see just makes you think that he wouldn't be nearly as crazy about everything if it wasn't james p. sullivan on top, always being second best to him, the guy who ruined everything for him in the first place. he's clearly a man of grudges and petty revenge... and yet, if it's just attention or achievement he wants, he's already crazy high on the scoreboards which isn't a bad spot to be in at all! he's still excelling in his field (i do wonder if his awful personality gets in the way of attention) and yet that isn't enough, he's never satisfied even when he would be getting the very thing he wants, because it's sulley he has to take down once and for all in order to prove he's the best... and he loses, and he loses, and he loses.
especially with everything that happens in monsters, inc., it's no surprise to anyone that randall is back in the way he is for monsters at work, even more hellbent on getting revenge against mike and sulley, except this time with the connection that had been lost to him before... and who knows how everything will turn out next time?
(mike is an ambitious over-achiever from the start, and yet, even as stubborn as he is, he eventually realizes the worth in his true callings and is able to start a new journey. on the other hand, randall's persistance paints him as someone who never learned when to quit... even for his own good.)
for both of these characters, the message is clear: "It’s what you do when you hit a closed door—it’s what you do when your dream is shattered that really formulates who you are." to not face the reality of everything... look at where it's left them.
as we can see, it's in mike and sulley's ability to humble themselves after everything and to eventually accept, learn from, and move on from the failure they go through even when it changes the trajectory of the journey they're on, that they find their strengths by the end of monsters university, leaving the doors open for new paths ahead of them... and when we see them again, johnny and randall are still caught up in long unresolved hang-ups and shortcomings and stuck with old problems/habits that never really went away in the first place. as long as they persistently hold onto the past (in randall's case) and in maintaining control over what they fear losing the most, unable to move on in a different way (in johnny's case), it's these kinds of things that prevent them from growing and from facing the reality of everything, as they only go on to become the bad people they are today... all that is what drives them as antagonists — their reaction is anti-thetical to the story's themes and messages.
and now that we know the characters and their deal, what about how their stories intertwine with one another's...?
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dynamic in university
before we get into my thoughts about johnny and randall in the present, let's go back to the start again, to the time spent together at university. (with the days between the scare game events that we see, under the assumption that most of them were spaced at least a bit evenly, i like to think randy was in RΩR for about a month... give or a take a week or so.)
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"stay outta trouble, wild man."
we never get to see how johnny became how he is, but it's not too hard to figure out how it happened. on the other hand, we get to know firsthand how randy transforms, and the moment we first meet him actually says a lot! when randy accidentally uses his camouflage ability in front of mike, we can see that he's uncertain and self conscious about it until mike tells him what he thinks, commenting on how he could pull it off if only he didn't have the glasses to give it away. and even with something as small as that interaction, the guy just... stops wearing his glasses altogether, even though he (clearly) needs them to see! of course, this is a fun retcon explanation of why randall is always squinting as he does (along with all the other ways the dialouge here is ironic considering what later becomes of him) but it's also something that almost immediately gives off the sense of him as a young, impressionable guy who's easily influenced by other people... it's just kind of funny to think about how he'd willingly make life harder on himself on the evaluation of someone he just met, if it means he can pull off a neat trick of all things, isn't it? and it makes sense as we learn about how he wants to get in with the popular crowd, the "cool" kids, in the chance of finally being accepted and recognized, to get the attention and power he's never really had, and to get a sense of being seen in an active and fun social life.
we see randy go from someone who always faded into the background, a bit nervous about being invisible, and after a shift of perspective... now he's adapting to and changing himself to blend in to what's around him, and in order to cover up what he once was in the process, randy sheds his former skin. (he's not beating the lizard boy allegations, i'll tell you that.)
everything leads to him falling in with the wrong crowd, and as he's welcomed into RΩR, he begins to pick up on the sort of attitude and behavior he feels he needs to "fit in" — he turns on his friend mike, he joins in on the cruel pranks they pull, and his mindset starts to change...!
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The ROAR OMEGA ROAR fraternity is made up of the best of the best. They’re the smartest, most skilled, scariest monsters at Monsters University, and come from families with a long, proud history of Scaring. While the RΩRs may be preppy in dress, they are ferocious in action and downright ruthless if necessary. Self-declared as the most elite house on campus, the RΩRs are lead by Johnny Worthington who presides over the house like an all-powerful monarch. Eager to continue their Scare Games winning streak, the RΩRs will do whatever it takes to stay on top. (production notes)
the fact that johnny let him into RΩR at all is fascinating/a little wild, cus he's still got that nervous, nerdy disposition at the start, and it feels as if he absolutely doesn't have the attitude to fit in with them especially when johnny is all about appearances... so i have to wonder what happened to land him in this position in the first place! (and i'll be honest — what we actually see of them in the movie and in general isn't really all that interesting, since a lot of it is either off-screen or the plot is busy covering other, more important stuff in its runtime rather than giving them much of a chance to shine... but that's why we're here right now, to speculate on that dynamic. and because i'm insane!) (it's also not something we're even supposed to think about too hard, but when do i let THAT stop me?)
the question here is definitely about what he can get out of having someone like randy on the team, in what he can use him for, and in a way, it sort of has the same energy as getting asked out as a joke... i can imagine the rest of the RΩRs were pretty skeptical at first, so for johnny to reassure them he knows what he's doing is fun to think about, although... i'd also expect some backhanded comments comparing him to sulley in his time there — a little salt in the wound for later. given how it's randy's ability to "camouflage" that got him into all of these situations, good and bad, i like to think he accidentally managed to scare johnny with it at some point, and while randy's response was to panic because he just bumped into Johnny Worthington III... it's still something that does catch his attention and he thinks it's a cute enough trick. outside of being a little one-trick wonder for them, i could also imagine he noticed randy's association with mike and purposefully had an eye on him for that reason, in a similar fashion to how johnny plays with tylor's relationships in monsters at work, where he picks tylor specifically to turn him against val in the softball game and put another bad mark on their relationship status ("y'know, i sorta had trouble figuring out which team you were REALLY playing for...") and all that... even the fact that randy is willing to switch sides on a dime at the offer (something that tylor certainly takes a while on) is all johnny needs to hear. with the scare games coming up, and having just lost sulley on the team, i can also imagine he might be a little desperate...
after all, randy is a pretty rounded guy — he's still doing well academically, while he also isn't as much of a stick in the mud as mike is, yet we see he's already got the potential to be scary in utilizing his camouflage, and... he's also easy to manipulate, eager and even desperate to do anything if it means he gains the approval of someone like johnny...!
and johnny is playful in such an alluring way, and even if other characters like mike can very clearly see the fakeness in johnny's demeanor, he's outwardly "kind" enough for a naïve randy to truly mistake it as all genuine, and can't help but to be easily drawn in by johnny's charm. i can imagine him getting kind of teased in there without even realizing it but johnny a bit facetiously getting others to back off a bit, which leaves an impression on him... on the outside, it kinda looks like johnny's taking him under his wing, but for the most part... it's more like johnny playing with his prey. a test run on using people as he does nowadays. a little pet... of course, all of this to randy? to not only be noticed, but also picked out of everyone else by someone like johnny worthington...? what a sweet taste of validation. no one like johnny has ever recognized or noticed him, and to seriously give him a chance. maybe he wasn't as socially awkward or as much of a loser as he thought he was! randy genuinely wants to impress johnny, to hold the attention he gets from him, to feel like he's accepted and truly part of the crew, and even be... friends...?
i want him to be fascinated with johnny, to idolize him, of the symbol of what he stands for, of what he has to teach him and of what randy has to learn from everything. after all, johnny's always been everything randall wishes he could be, both past and present — johnny is confident (as he compliments mike on), suave, and talented, already set-up at home and in his future career paths, he's got power and endless attention/validation and all that through his popularity... truly, he's the "coolest" of the "cool" kids.
and if this is what he wants, with johnny included in the mix... i want to highlight that, to carry it on and see how it'll change in the present time. in this way, you kind of concentrate a dynamic and person into symbolizing a desire, and warp it into something else, which inherently makes it a little... dangerous to chase. and i feel like it's something that makes a lot of sense of what could exist off-screen, y'know?
(in designing my gijinkas for these guys, i give johnny a classic slick-backed hairstyle, only for randall's monsters, inc., design to mimic it along with a popped collar for himself — a carrying over of that inspiration in a subtle way, where you might not even notice unless you put them side by side. i see a lot of people design randall as a bit more formally-uptight, but in my opinion the vibe he gives off is definitely a "corporate sleazy wannabe cool-guy" rather than just "office worker")
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even with as brief of a time as he's with the RΩRs, i love thinking of what he must've picked up from it all... in order to stick around, he's got to play johnny's game by johnny's rules, lest the idea of getting kicked off hovers over his head damocles-style. to start as a baseline for his personality shift, all then compounded with his growing cynical bitterness and with his grudge piling on itself over the years. he seems pretty straight-laced when we meet him, after all — the guy starts out trying to get in with the crowd by making them cupcakes of all things, which may be very cute, but it seems a little off of the target demographic he's aiming for... and it's fun thinking of them engaging in a lot more rowdy and mature of things than he's used to (congrats to randy on the first underage drinking experience) since he's also the freshman to a lot of their seniors. even when he is finally in with them, a lot of his body language throughout the movie is still very nervous/to himself, so it's fun to imagine him trying despite that to imitate their behavior and join in on the chaos... to give him a little bit of experience. (honestly, he's so susceptible to peer pressure at this point he might as well be on an ad campaign talking about it...)
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i've also played around with the idea of randy being offered to rejoin RΩR after sulley turns down johnny at the end of the movie, because i absolutely would love for him to have more time in there, but i think the idea actually takes away from the impact of things a Lot... the point of things here is that randall feels personally victimized by having something taken away from him, as if he's truly LOST everything here, by no fault of his own... since, at this point in time, johnny is also a lot more shallow in his judgements, so i feel like randall's place in humiliating them and in being the "weak link" of the team means i find it hard to believe that johnny would ever let him back in, but, as i said... i've still played around with an avenue for it anyway. i can imagine he got teased for the incident for a long time, and bringing it up in present day would REALLY hit a nerve...
and by the end of things, he's under the impression that johnny genuinely thought he was on the same level as everyone else, and how it's sulley's fault — all from one little slip up — that his dreams were ripped from him... and maybe, that randy and johnny were even... friends...!
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dynamic in monsters at work
i'll start off this part of the essay by saying i don't really enjoy how they've written randall in monsters at work so far. there's a certain balance of his character that feels off to me. and they do sort of accomplish the energy he has (the voice is also really throwing me off) but they also really play up his general snarky attitude/mischievousness in a way that's written really... lame. it's not good! i think he'll need to have more screentime to really say for sure how well they've done him overall, and as usual, the fault is more in the execution of the ideas rather than in the ideas themselves. the actual building blocks they've given me are very interesting, as we'll see, and i really hope the writers step up their game again and know what they're doing with him if they give us another season... on the other hand, i think how they've written johnny is nearly perfect, as i feel like it's a very logical continuation of his character, and the way they ramp up his subtle manipulation is excellent. there's so much to him that looks completely normal on the surface, and is enough to effortlessly fool the viewer if they're not paying attention, but is all apart of the long game and absolutely woven in there tightly if you're looking close enough. and when johnny's character has circled around so well into utilizing the original unresolved motivations he had in mind from the start — of wanting to maintain the legacy before him — personally, i feel like it's only fair for randall's character to do the same in a new, twisted way, as neither of them continue to learn their lessons... and if you're gonna pair them up again, how the past affects them now is an utterly unavoidable topic, so i'm going to LoseTM my mind if johnny's relationship and influence on him never comes up again in a future randall storyline.
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even so, i think we can all agree that the way johnny and randall meet up was completely fumbled, and it's something i would adjust and change to be completely different if i could. sulley and mike were able to find their way out of banishment just fine, and randall could easily do the same by finding another door eventually. (i've heard someone suggest that johnny was just happening to be scaring at the time and randall is interpretating it as johnny outright coming to save him, and as much as i love that sort of thinking for randall, as we'll see, i still think that's a bit too unclear and coincidental...) i have no idea of a better alternative at the moment of writing this, though. EDIT: i do like this as a starting point!
all that aside, what is actually going on in their relationship here, anyway?!
we're going to have to wait and see, but i can imagine a world in which the writers take a route of randall having planned to backstab johnny in some way, and i feel like something like that is... predictable. maybe he's secretly wanting to get back at johnny for underestimating him. maybe his tendency to go so far he loses track of the whole point of it all has him lean even further into the desire to be #1 and eventually wants someone like johnny beneath him too, under his control. maybe there's an echo of competitiveness, where mike and sulley lift each other up, johnny and randall end up tearing each other down. i don't know! and yet, the way this all of this plays out, with johnny now in jail, doesn't really leave any room for anything like this to actually go and happen in front of us at least...
and really, it all depends on what randall's goal even is at this point — as i've talked about in the past sections, i get the feeling how in his case it may actually be more about the personal grudge and response to those who've wronged him, and the following desire to put them in their place once and for all. especially after monsters, inc., he's very much honing in on the revenge angle before anything else and will be especially going forward, which, at this point... could use some spice to it, y'know? (<- scared)
i also can't buy the idea that they would secretly hate each other, and especially not outwardly so. i think it's only natural for them to get on each other's nerves a bit as part of the dynamic, even if just through their natural clash of methods and attitudes — randall's got an awful temper, so he'll be complaining no matter who he's with, but johnny is also incredibly good at maintaining his cool as he wants to keep people wrapped around his finger... still, if sulley mike fight like an old married couple, they should too. i think part of the fun in them together is how randall is usually the straight man in a lot of his other dynamics, such as with mike or even fungus, but when paired up again with johnny he's got a great opportunity to be the one reeled back in, which we don't usually get to play with... and so they complement each other in a fun way. short fuse vs almost unshakable demeanor, openly hostile vs openly friendly, defensive, fragile ego vs genuine confidence...
we've also got a final question here in terms of "using" one another, and what they have right now is a mutually beneficial situation — an already established "you scratch my back, i'll scratch yours" deal. johnny's clearly looking for a good asset in randall, which is enough for him to consider a team up, and randall is looking for a good way to get revenge on monsters, inc., so working in johnny's overarching scheme is great on that. so in a way, of course they're "using" each other! (it's also fun to think about how they must really enable each other to not be able to really grow past their issues and into better people, very unlike what mike and sulley's friendship does for them, as the goal of everything is both of their hangups intertwined as they're stuck chasing the past... if the storyline goes on, it's only going to be more of randall refusing to let go)
okay, okay, okay — so if randall wasn't planning to backstab him for any reason, and they don't secretly hate each other, and they really did just happen to be working together in the awareness of a mutually beneficial relationship, then...
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we have a guy who believes johnny went out of his way to save him (with the fact that he apparently cares enough to help him out at all being notable in itself) and now they've been working together since he "owes him one" (a doubtfully binding contract for mister randall boggs, I Know What You Are). randall is written as extra mischievous, even to the point of being kind of juvenile about it... and to top it all off, he thinks him and johnny were friends in college, actively referencing that period in their lives. joined at the hip. besties. when all of this is coming from a guy who's held a grudge for the past 20 years over the incident that severed the connection they had in the first place, and when we take the rest of the concepts i've been building up to for the entire post, doesn't it all just scream a regressive denial of the past?! if the whole "besties" thing isn't just a weird side-effect of bad writing (and really, i would like to trust the writers here...) i feel like there's a perfect avenue here???
i wouldn't be surprised if any of this was how they went about it, and we know what his main focus is at the end of the day, but it's the idea of randall genuinely still wanting johnny's praise and approval, companionship, and to be his little henchman again in this era that appeals to me the most to play around with.
think about how much value must be placed on what happened at the scare games for it to domino effect so hard into what he is now, after all this time! and its just so... wonderfully naïve of him. randall, who's a cynic, now jaded beyond recognition of what he once was and practically a different person these days, a loner and an asshole with no real connections anymore... who still can't resist the craving of a connection, and deep inside it all, still has a piece of what randy wanted in his heart... all through his boss, johnny — in part the starring idol symbolization of past aspirations, something he's lost but has now reclaimed, the only person who could ever hope to understand him, all wrapped up into someone deviously charming as he is... isn't that compelling? an opportunity like this, where he can work together with johnny worthington and also get his revenge on monsters, inc. at the same time... it's all coming up RANDALL! i want to take his character, put him in a container, shake him around, and tell him You Are Not Immune To Very Real Human Emotions regardless of how self aware he is about it. it kind of takes things back around in a satisfying way for me, where despite how much they've changed, they fall back into a similar, yet different dynamic, in which old habits die hard. i think it'd be so interesting to really play it up!
despite the mutual awareness of the relationship, there's still a very recurring imbalance here as there was before, where johnny's his boss, and randall is the henchman... and if randy really does still think they're friends above all else, and the part of him despising being second-best is still relevant in a general sense, that opens up a lot of fun perception-shattering paths...
my favorite tidbit about the two is how they address each other — johnny is on a first-name basis with nearly everyone, as it's apart of his own personal brand of manipulation in his openly friendly and casual demeanor to open up a sense of familiarity, in order to keep other people's guards down. on the other hand, randall calls people by their last names, usually dripping with scorn while he's at it (fungus, sullivan, wazowski...) and yet, with each other... it's the complete opposite. we only ever see johnny refer to him as "boggs", again, despite even his other employees being first-named, and randall calls him a more familiar and respectful "johnny" in return, despite him being his boss, which is... an absolutely insane detail that i hope stays intact, because what the fuck. when johnny is as calculated as he is about stuff like this, very purposefully insisting on that first-name basis, to call randall of all people "boggs"... i like to compare it to how one might withhold a kiss from someone nonverbally asking for it. a little ah ah ah. despite how close they may get otherwise, it's a tool of leverage, a way of keeping him at arms length all the same... he knows randall wants something like that, but he doesn't let him have it. (although, i'm thinking about the idea of him on a very special occasion calling him Randall, maybe even a Randy to butter him up/get something from him/keep him from doing something impulsive because it really gets at his attention...)
and i think that kind of sets the scene for how i imagine randall is more invested in this than he is, as he always has been... randall truly addresses him like a friend after the introduction, referencing the past in a pretty notable way, and yet johnny sticks to the formality...?
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you still got it, boggs!
even so, i also want to avoid the bit of overlap with chet's situation, who still feels completely unacknowledged by johnny. i've always thought it was a bit weird that johnny's front isn't extended to chet, so i have to wonder if he's always been a bit of a subtle punching bag, an outlet for annoyance, since he knows — or rather, thinks — that after all of this time, chet won't stand up for himself or leave no matter what he does, even when he doesn't really care for him all that much. and i don't think that extends to randall at all... with how johnny responds to him going up to jumpscare tylor, where he shoves chet off of him and then immediately goes to play it up and throw a bit of praise in randall's way... i can imagine he gets a bit of special treatment! even the loyal chet wouldn't get to drink afterhours with johnny in his stupid mancave. (imagine the jealousy angle they could've played up here... maybe even with tylor and randall too? he'd fucking HATE tylor's ass...)
i have to admit, i am a little too obsessed with the idea i proposed earlier of randall as being like johnny's little "pet" and enjoying it as such. after all, they must've been working together for quite a while now, and randall would honestly be REALLY good at being the evil cat on the villain's lap... he should put that on his resume or something, because he's gonna do such a good job at being johnny's henchman, something both normal to want and possible to achieve. curling up to him for attention and praise, and johnny keeping him close as company on top of it as someone he can really let everything in on... like a confidante of sorts. a best friend. a... silly little lizard. (randall is this comic to me)
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while i do keep getting a bit mad at the writing for him in the show, it's also kind of hilarious how petty and juvenile the stunts randall pulls are, even if i don't think he's nearly as sly as he should be. in monsters, inc., he absolutely is a little impish, as well as insanely petty... but is overall still trying to keep on the down-low and be cautious about everything, openly scolding fungus the whole movie. and yet, i do genuinely adore the idea of him being more excitable, unhinged, and mischievous when he's working with johnny, sort of bringing him back around to those glory days, chasing old highs... even getting kind of playful, which is another side of him we don't really get to use very often. maybe even... a bit happy for once in his life? C'mon, Johnny, it'll be just like we used to!
i can imagine him wanting johnny to see him in a new light and validate what he's become once and for all, as if to say, Look at me, Johnny — I've gotten rid of my ooey-gooey interior just like you wanted! You'll take me back now, right? he's not that same nervous young guy from before, still in the process of leaving his old pink-and-white polka-dotted hearts self behind... now he's a capable and underhanded perfect henchman for the job, now he's off the rails, and he's still got something to prove all over again, since... apparently, his ego's not as rock-solidly immovable as he thinks it is. in fact, in comparison to johnny, his ego is pretty fragile and he can get very sensitive and defensive at times... an echo of not truly having ditched that early insecurity. so when things like praise and bribery are tools in johnny's toolkit, i can imagine him being effective in sort of taming randall at times, calming him down... after all, wouldn't that make it all worth it? deep down, the idea of for real private attention and praise??? from johnny worthington????? now finally being able to appreciate his efforts again, to forgive him and accept him back? the college boy buried inside of him is very satisfied with this situation, to say the least. he finally feels more on johnny's level, less like an apprentice in training, he's got the experience of his own... and that leaves him wide open for johnny to have him wrapped around his finger all over again. (i love a villain who earnestly thinks they've gotten rid of feelings like that, casting aside vulnerability, but in reality there's still a part of them who really hasn't)
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and johnny is, in fact, impressed in how he's changed, even if he thinks he could be a little more subtle in his methods. (i can imagine that's something they'd bicker over, of randall bringing back his spoils of victory but johnny wanting him to play it safe... even though, hey, he never gets caught, does he?!)
i really do think it's fun for him to be entertained/amused by having randall around, especially in a world where he's got to keep things a secret from most people in his life and keep things up on friendly terms first and foremost... randall gets to see a side of him that no one else gets to see — not even his family! sure, it was a lot easier back when randall was mild and eager to please, but, in a way, someone who could really bite back brings a bit of excitement to it all... who can tease him in return... y'know, i bet that's part of what makes johnny like claire, except with randall he can still always knock him down a peg if he needs to... and i'll get back to that in a second. the weird fondness that can arise from that shared company, that only they in this position can really have, the lines between being under his thumb and genuine compansionship blurring... is so good to me. even with how convoluted the plan was, they're a real power couple at the end of the day!
in a way, johnny needs randall more than randall needs johnny when it comes to accomplishing what they want... and outside of that is another story. if you think about it, johnny is a LOT more intertwined in randall's arc than randall is in johnny's, when during the recap of things, it was always a lot more about randall's side of it all. johnny could still easily move onto new endeavors, where everything that happened to randall involving RΩR has kind of changed the whole trajectory of his life. johnny could've not even met randall and probably would end up in a similar position as he is...
since, unfortunately... we do have all that about johnny's "fatal flaw". when johnny is the person he is, when randall is the person he is, there's always going to be something off here.
what johnny's looking for is a capable asset, and randall pulls through in that — he's a good henchman at the end of the day, as long as he's a good henchman at the end of the day. johnny's a star figure in randall's past, but randall's shoes could still be filled by anyone else who could do the job better. i do think there's something very transactional about how he goes about the given relationships we see, where he often places a value on people through what they can do for him and how he can use and manipulate them... and that very likely extends to randall, where he is definitely more invested in the personal aspects of it all than johnny is. i can imagine them both underestimating each other, where randall thinks he's capable of turning the tides at any right chance when all's said and done if he wants to (maybe even thinks he's gone a bit soft!) and johnny especially knows he calls the shots around here, with there still always being ways he sees him as the same young and impressionable guy as before...
after all, if randall were to get a redemption arc, he'd have to let go of his grudges, and let go of johnny and what he symbolizes for good... maybe even having tylor confront him and break it to randall that johnny doesn't — and never has — cared about him in the way he wants him to. there's a lot of ways they could still maybe play with that even without johnny actually in the picture, even though imagining otherwise is interesting, and i wish i got more time actually spent with them because if left to my own devices this is what starts happening to me...!
check out how johnny looks at randall when shows up though ⬇️
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the claire affair
alright, just for fun and to close everything all off... you probably knew it was coming, but the idea of a sort of weird gay thing going on and/or affair situation between johnny and randall here is pretty funny. not as funny as tylor and johnny, and of course is not something that lasts, but what else do you think i was leading up to present here?
i do think that johnny loves claire, but you kind of have to speculate about them a little bit, y'know? in a narrative sense, i think he's married and has a family and all that in part to make him look better, as if to point at him and say, Look at this guy with his loving wife, maybe he really has changed if he's found someone he loves and she loves him back! Look! They've got a nice little family together! and yet, they do feel a bit thrown in there at random, and i hope claire has a presence at all next season, where we get to see how she reacts to and deals with everything, cus they're going to have to cover what happens to FearCo... or, i would hope so, anyway. (😳)
when it comes to johnny and claire, i like to think with johnny's way of interacting with the world, after everything, it's an attempt for him to be more in tune with these things and really, genuinely try (although maybe not even consciously) to be more Normal about it all... his vices slip through on occasion, but it is just enjoyment of companionship while he's navigating struggling with being genuine and letting walls down and all that, at least part of an attempt at being a better person in all those years of life going on as usual... and yet, when he's always keeping everyone at a distance, there's still just something kind of... intangibly missing in the end? even claire can't really place it, because in the end, everything really is normal enough to not think about it too hard at least. i can imagine he fell for her over the years, maybe after meeting again after college, they got hitched, and even though the honeymoon years were fun, in current times it's almost sort of going through the motions, in a way, for both of them, really. We don't need to think about it too hard, this is what we do, we are a Married Couple, we have a Normal life, i'm satisfied, aren't you satisfied, Claire? We get along, and we like each other, and its Good 👍 its Okay 👍 We are a Normal Family. (and if everything's a secret to them too, no doubt he still puts up a performance with them...)
and yet, she's got her kids at work and is always seen as a unit with them, and johnny's always busy, they're both always pretty busy, so who knows how much is delegated to her while he's also off scheming with randall in his little mancave or trying to win tylor over? i know i mentioned earlier that johnny is usually on a first name basis with people, and it seems to be a pretty intentional little detail that sticks out like a sore thumb with randall... and yet, we never actually see him call her by only her first name, either. the most we get out of him is "claire worthington", last name attached, and in public, it's always "mrs. worthington" even when he's just... chasing after her to go and talk to her like a normal person??? you would think his wife of all people would get a first name pass at least once, so it almost feels like an active reminder of how he's a Married Man under His Name...
and i think there's a very hilarious and potent concept in the fact that claire and randall are both snarky as hell, even having a very similar vocal inflection as their casual speaking voice, just a little drawn out... as well as her character being taken to utilize in monsters university led to her being described as "something of an achiever" herself. so considering what i said about someone who could bite back and tease him in return... i think the second you cross over into "reminds me of traits of my wife" territory with a new, exciting spin to take you away from it all, it's like... Over.
trying to figure out how something like that would spark and who initiated it is also interesting, and my bets are on randall. it was johnny who was sort of guiding him around in the college days, but randall, who's got reason to be a lot more invested in this, being the one to tempt him into that reflects in an interesting way with how they've changed... and i think it would be funny if it actually took a bit for randall to get him to crack, for him to even feel Guilty about it as a pinnacle of self control, but... all of this is already such a secret, and randall's already his little secret in more ways than one, so what's one more if no one finds out?
that's how he plays, isn't it...?
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anyway they suck blowing them up forever and so on and so forth
61 notes · View notes
chiqelatasblog · 3 days
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In the Middle of the Night 🌙
-> Ao3 link is here.
-> Part Five is here.
Pairings : Bi-Han/Sub-Zere x Reader, Kuai Liang/Scorpion x Reader, Tomas Vrbada/Smoke x Reader
Author’s Note : Hi guys! Sorry for the wait (again). I didn’t like how this chapter was going, so I changed and restarted writing halfway through. That’s why it took so long to finish. (It’s also my first time writing intimate scenes with four people at once.) I’m proud of this chapter. Thank you for your support and kind words! Hope you enjoy this chapter. 💕
Life after death never seemed so… chilly, a little bit cold but not enough to be uncomfortable.
And hard.
As you slowly and softly emerged from the darkness, the first sensation you noticed was the coolness touching your skin. You could tell you were in contact with something hard, but your body was so heavy and full of pain that opening your eyes seemed impossible. As you tried to make sense of your surroundings, a vaguely familiar smell reached your nostrils, out of place with the darkness you had just left.
It was the scent of fresh snow on a cold winter day.
As you struggled for clarity of your thoughts, everything became more confused. Why was Bi-Han here? Your heart fluttered nervously, barely mustering the strength to open your eyes against the throbbing ache that gripped your body. Gradually, as consciousness began to seep back in, a soft, yellow light danced at the edges of your vision. With furrowed brows, a feeble moan escaped your dry, cracked lips, the pain a stark reminder of your ordeal.
"Shh, you're not fully recovered yet, àirén," Bi-Han’s deep voice came from right where your head was resting. It took you a few long seconds to realize you were lying on his chest. You could feel the weight of the covers laid over you to keep you warm. You couldn’t understand what was going on; your vision was still blurry, and everything seemed like a big blur of colors and lights. If you were fully conscious, you would probably start to panic, thinking you had done something wrong and hadn’t lifted the curse at all. But all you could do now was try to keep your eyes open, which caused you pain even with the slightest effort.
“Keep sleeping, your body needs it.” Feeling Bi-Han’s cool hand on the top of your head, stroking your hair, made you feel safe and calmed the ball of panic and anxiety that was waiting for an opportunity to rise. “I am here, àirén. I will never let any harm come to you. Go to sleep now.” Bi-Han kissed the top of your head, his voice sounding softer and more protective than you’ve ever heard before, was all you needed to close your eyes.
Although you wanted to ask him where Kuai Liang and Tomas were, if they were safe, and what was going on, the questions left your mind one by one as you drifted back into the darkness. Your breathing became heavy, and you fell asleep again, your body relaxing under the steady beat of Bi-Han’s heart.
When you managed to open your eyes for the second time, it was evening. Colors and shapes became clearer, and as you looked up at the familiar ceiling, you realized you were in your bedroom. Darkness enveloped the room, with the soft yellow light from the bedside lamp providing the only illumination.
Your body still felt heavy, and you were in pain, although not as intense as before. Nonetheless, fatigue weighed heavily on you, and the ache seemed to penetrate your bones, making you feel ancient beyond your years. As you shifted slightly, you felt the weight resting on your waist and the warmth it emanated. This body felt so warm, without any covering, enveloping you in its comforting embrace. You knew immediately who he was.
Kuai Liang.
As you murmured his name with numb lips, unaware, his powerful body behind you shifted. His arm around your waist reacted instinctively to your voice, pulling you closer to him, and you felt his warm breath on your neck.
“You should get some more sleep, tiánxīn. There’s a little more for you to heal,” he said.
Heal? When you attempted to turn towards Kuai Liang to see his face, he anticipated your movement and assisted you. Despite the slightest motion, your body rebelled, eliciting a moan as Kuai Liang planted a kiss on your forehead.
“I know, tiánxīn, I know. You’ll be fine, everything will be fine,” he reassured you, his voice warm and protective.
As you managed to tilt your head back slightly to gaze at Kuai Liang’s face, even in the dim light from the lamp, you could discern the expression on his face. His handsome features were marked by strong lines, and his eyes held tender, soft emotions, melting your heart as he silently watched over you. It was as if he couldn’t bear to look away. Yet, beneath the tenderness, you noticed dark circles under his eyes and other details that had escaped your initial notice. Besides the fatigue evident in Kuai Liang’s appearance, stress lines marred his features, accentuated by the deep scar between his eyebrows and the tension visible from clenching his jaw.
Your lips parted to speak, but exhaustion weighed heavily upon you. Your tongue felt heavy, your mouth dry, and even moving your lips left you incredibly tired. Kuai Liang noticed your silent struggles and placed a loving, soothing kiss on your lips.
"We'll talk when you're better, I promise," he whispered, drawing you closer until there was barely any space between you, his chin resting on the top of your head, enveloping you in his protective embrace.
As warmth and the scent of summer evenings filled your senses, a profound feeling of peace washed over you, and within seconds, you surrendered yourself to the arms of sleep.
When you woke up for the third time, soft fur tickled your nose, accompanied by the sweet sound of purring filling your ears. Blinking against the weight on your chest, you realized it was none other than Ninja, positioning herself snugly under your chin, her tiny paws massaging your chest as she rubbed against you.
"Ninja, what did we talk about? You're not supposed to bother her until she's better," came Tomas' familiar voice, his large form filling your field of vision. In an instant, a myriad of emotions flickered across the silver-haired assassin's face, too quick for you to decipher. Tomas stood there, his pallor nearly ashen, resembling illness. His eyes, red as if filled with blood, were sunken, encircled by dark circles contrasting with his pale complexion. You couldn't help but notice the way his clothes hung loosely on him, indicating weight loss. It pained you to see him like this, prompting questions about how long you'd been confined to bed and how long Tomas had been in this state. If he looked like this, what about Kuai Liang and Bi-Han?
"Tomas, what's going on?" Your voice emerged dry and hoarse, scratching at your ears. With a controlled expression, Tomas gently lifted Ninja and placed her on her paws. Then, he helped you sit up, propping you up with your elbows, and handed you a glass of water from the nearby jug. Though you managed to grasp the glass, a dull ache lingered throughout your body, a throbbing sensation that made its presence known. Consequently, your grip was shaky and weak, easily noticed by Tomas. He sat beside you, placing his hand over yours, assisting you as you drank. The water soothed your dry throat like balm, prompting Tomas to break his silence.
"I'm so angry with you for what you've done."
The tone of Tomas' voice was starkly different from what you were accustomed to. It was stiff, cold, and tinged with a hint of snarl. Yet, when you met his gaze, his expression betrayed his true feelings. Despite the furrowed brows and the anger simmering beneath the surface, his light gray eyes reflected a profound sense of resentment.
"I... I can't understand what's going on," Your gaze shifted from Tomas to your hands resting on your lap. There, you noticed the scar on your left hand, a reminder of the methods you tried to lift the curse weeks ago. As your fingers traced the wound, questions poured from your lips, each one tinged with uncertainty. “Hasn’t the curse lifted? Did I fail? Is that why I’m alive?”
A sound akin to a wounded animal escaped Tomas' throat as he enveloped you in his embrace with a speed you couldn't comprehend, planting a kiss on the top of your head and burying his nose in your hair. You weren't sure how long you had been confined to this bed, but judging by Tomas' condition, it had been quite some time, and you were certain you didn't smell pleasant. Yet, Tomas seemed unfazed by it all.
"Don't you ever, ever try anything like that again."
"Let me finish," Tomas interjected, cupping your face in his palms. His thumbs stroked your cheeks tenderly and carefully, as if he feared you would shatter at the slightest pressure. His gray eyes, bright as the full moon, bore into yours with such profound love that it made you tremble inside. Tears welled in your eyes at the intensity of emotion reflected in his gaze.
"The curse has been lifted. Lord Liu Kang will provide the necessary explanation, but I can tell you that if it weren't for him... right now... you..." Tomas' voice faltered, his jaw clenched so tightly you feared he might break his teeth. "Your heart had stopped. There was so much blood, and you weren't moving, you weren't breathing..."
"Tomas, my love, look at me, shh," you interrupted gently. You kissed Tomas first on the lips and then on both cheeks, desperate to reassure him that you were here, safe in his arms. The details of your return to life were irrelevant at this moment; what mattered most was calming Tomas. You knew the depths of his despair, having lost his family, and the mere thought of him experiencing such despair and fear again drained the color from your face. “I’m here, I’m with you.”
A small, wet laugh escaped Tomas' lips, but it carried no joy, only pain and grief. "Look at me, when I should be the one calming you down, you're doing this," Tomas said, taking hold of your wrists with both hands. He kissed your palms in turn before pressing your hands to his face, inhaling your scent deeply. His actions betrayed a desperation to reassure himself of your existence, as if he needed constant confirmation that you were truly alive.
"Don't ever do that again. We can't bear to lose you. Neither I nor my brothers are strong enough to survive such a loss. You mean more to us than anything," he pleaded.
"I'm sorry, but if I ever have to make that choice again, just know that I'll do it without hesitation," you responded. Tomas' brows furrowed deeply, his mouth poised to object, but you gently silenced him by placing your fingers on his lips. "You mean the world to me as well, my love. I would gladly give my life for you. I only wish you hadn't witnessed that moment. I didn't want you to see it. For that, I'm sorry."
Tomas swallowed hard, bowing his head and closing his eyes as he pressed his forehead to yours.
"You're a selfless, sweet woman... I don't know what we've done to deserve you, but I thank fate," he murmured.
Exactly half an hour after regaining consciousness, you expressed a desire to take a shower first, despite feeling incredibly hungry. According to Tomas, you had been asleep for a week. It had become more of a necessity than a mere desire to rid yourself of the fatigue and grime, to reorient yourself a little. Your body still felt uncoordinated, as if your limbs didn't quite belong to you, and moving them as you wished proved challenging for more than a few minutes. Nonetheless, somehow, you managed to take a shower, albeit a brief one.
Once dressed, you leaned against the bathroom door, trying to catch your breath, drained from expending all your energy. As the towel you had loosely tied around your hair fell onto your shoulders, you squeezed your eyes shut, waiting for the dizziness to pass. You prayed silently that your legs would carry you to the living room, despite their violent trembling and the growing weakness that made it difficult for them to support your weight.
When you heard your name being called, you opened your eyes to see Bi-Han at the end of the corridor. With a few swift steps, he reached you and effortlessly lifted you into his arms, preventing you from falling.
"Why didn't you call us?" he asked, his voice laced with concern, as you rested your head on his shoulder.
"I was trying to manage on my own," you murmured softly.
A sarcastic grunt escaped Bi-Han, indicating his disagreement. "You look like you could faint at any moment."
You had no rebuttal to offer. You were exhausted, hungry, and, most importantly, you had returned from the brink of death. So you remained silent, relishing the comfort of being held in Bi-Han's arms. It felt miraculous to once again discern his scent, feel the coolness of his touch, and hear his deep voice, which never failed to make your heart flutter. In a way, that was all that mattered. Even though you were aware of everything happening around you, your brain still struggled to comprehend the fact that you had defied death and returned, unable to fit it into a logical framework.
Despite Liu Kang's best efforts, the sensation of the knife piercing your flesh, the warmth of the blood, and the searing pain that coursed through your body lingered in your memory. After experiencing it all, the mere act of breathing and moving felt like a surreal dream.
"I wanted to stay angry with you," Bi-Han said, pulling you from your reverie. Though his usual biting, harsh tone, it now held a hoarse quality, revealing a truth he seemed reluctant to admit. Even as you attempted to gauge his expression by turning your head, Bi-Han’s steely gaze remained fixed ahead. “If it weren’t for Liu Kang-”
"Tomas mentioned it," you interjected gently, not allowing him to finish his sentence.
"How could you risk your life like that? Did you think we would simply resume our lives as if nothing had happened?"
"I couldn't bear to see you return to that cursed life. You can ask me for anything, Bi-Han, but not that. I couldn't let you go back to that existence. If it had happened, do you think I could have lived happily?" The mere thought choked your throat and brought tears to your eyes. "I couldn't. Please don't be angry with me."
"I'm not, anyway," Bi-Han replied, taking a sharp breath. "When it comes to you... fuck." His gaze shifted from the living room to you. Despite his tightly clenched jaw, furrowed brows, and attempt to maintain a poker face, you could discern the faint pinkness that tinted his otherwise pale cheeks. "Do you even realize what you've done to me, àirén?"
Instead of answering, Bi-Han settled into one of the seats without releasing you from his lap. Moments later, Kuai Liang emerged from the kitchen with a tray in hand and joined you. When you glanced curiously at the contents, the pyromancer smiled and took a seat beside you.
"I've made some soup and bread. It'll be good for your stomach."
Your eyes widened in surprise. "You can make bread?"
"He's quite the bread maker," Tomas chimed in, joining the conversation as he entered the room with Ninja nestled on his left shoulder. "When Madame Bo first taught him how to bake bread, he became completely absorbed in it for several months. Despite his fast metabolism, he consumed so much bread that I recall our trainers, especially our father, complaining that he was starting to gain weight and slow down." Tomas chuckled, eliciting a small smirk from Kuai Liang.
"You can't blame me when Madame Bo's recipes are just too delicious. Even Bi-Han couldn't resist the ones with sun-dried tomatoes."
Bi-Han responded with a small grunt, prompting you to inquire curiously, "Who is Madame Bo? I don't think I've heard you mention her before."
"She was one of our former clan members. For a brief period when we were children, she served as our instructor," Bi-Han explained from behind you. His deep voice, coupled with the fact that you were leaning against him, sent shivers down your spine. "She excelled not only in fine dining but also in combat. As she grew older, she chose to leave the clan. Now, she runs her own restaurant in Fengjian, keeping herself busy."
"We definitely need to take you there! I'm sure you'll love her food," Tomas exclaimed enthusiastically.
"Madame Bo will adore you as well," Kuai Liang added, echoing Tomas' sentiment. "Now, come on, start drinking before the soup gets cold."
As Kuai Liang dipped a spoon into the steaming soup and brought it to your lips, your cheeks flushed, and your voice came out feeble.
"Kuai, I can drink it myself."
"You've just returned from the brink of death," Kuai Liang replied softly, yet his tone carried a firmness that brooked no argument. "You're still in the midst of the healing process. Let me help you. You've already exerted yourself enough while showering."
"I'm not too weak to drink soup," you protested again. However, no one took your objections seriously, and you had to drink from the spoon that Kuai Liang offered you, feeling your cheeks grow hotter and hotter. After a few moments, you came to the realization that the situation wasn’t as embarrassing as you initially thought; in fact, it was rather pleasant. The fact that these three men, each possessing frighteningly powerful and deadly abilities, were caring for you in this way made you feel extremely valued, special, and protected. It was impossible not to be swept up in this feeling.
The rich taste of the vegetable soup calmed your stomach, easing away any lingering nausea, while the sourdough bread infused with soft olives and thyme proved to be the most delicious bread you had ever tasted.
"This is the best bread I've ever had, Kuai Liang! You must teach me how to make it," you exclaimed, eliciting a chuckle from Kuai Liang. Grasping one of the hands resting on your lap, he placed a kiss on your fingers. "I'm glad you enjoy it," he replied, returning your smile as you tenderly stroked his cheek with your hand.
After finishing the soup in no time, the front door opened, and Sektor and Lord Liu Kang entered. As you cleared your throat and made a move to get up from Bi-Han's lap, he tightened his grip, preventing you from moving.
"Bi-Han, let me get up. Lord Liu Kang is here," you insisted, turning to him with a huff.
"Yes, I can see that,"
"How am I supposed to make eye contact and talk to him and Sektor while sitting on your lap? Bi-Han, please—"
"There's no need for that," Liu Kang's calm voice gently interrupted, filling the room. You turned your attention to him and Sektor, who stood beside him, both wearing understanding expressions. "It's quite understandable that they want to be as close to you as possible after what happened."
Your lips parted to respond, but before you could, Ninja wriggled free from Tomas's grip, darted towards you with a stressed meow, and leaped onto your lap, curling into a ball and burying her head. Sensing the kitten's trembling, your brow furrowed with concern, and you immediately began stroking her small, black fur in an attempt to soothe her. Your eyes scanned her carefully, searching for any signs of distress.
"Sweet girl, what's the matter? What happened all of a sudden?" you murmured softly.
"She's afraid of Lord Liu Kang," Tomas explained, addressing your question. "I think recent events have left her a bit traumatized."
"Oh, innocent baby," you cooed, continuing to stroke the trembling kitten in your lap. Liu Kang chose to remain in the middle of the room, as if to avoid further distressing the poor animal. An somewhat embarrassed expression flickered in his unusually bright eyes. As Ninja realized that the Fire God wasn't approaching, she relaxed slightly, though she remained pressed against you, clearly unwilling to move anytime soon.
As the kitten's tremors subsided, you turned your attention to the duo standing at a distance. After exchanging a brief nod with Sektor, your gaze settled on Liu Kang.
"Lord Liu Kang, why did you bring me back to life? I thought you couldn't interfere in such matters."
"That's correct. But occasionally, there are rare opportunities in life where I can grant people a second chance for compelling reasons. Your sacrifice due to dark magic was one such instance," Liu Kang explained carefully, his gaze unwavering on you. A warm, kind expression softened his strong features. "Your selfless sacrifice had a profound impact on the fabric of existence. Without the curse, none of this would have occurred. This provided me with a unique opportunity to intervene."
As Liu Kang continued speaking, you slowly stood up, carefully depositing Ninja into Bi-Han's lap, while attempting to muffle her protesting meows behind your back. Bi-Han let you leave his arms this time, making no move to hold you back.
"In return for your courage and compassion, I have bestowed upon you the flame of life. Thus, you are now under my protection and supervision, as well as that of the Lin Kuei," Liu Kang declared.
"I-I, uh-I don't know what to say, Lord Liu Kang," you faltered. The news of being under the special protection of a god was certainly unexpected. Hoping that what you did would not be perceived as disrespectful, you closed the distance between you and God in a snap and responded decently with a hug that showed your gratitude. "I don’t know how to express my gratitude, but thank you very much."
You could sense Liu Kang's surprise through the slight stiffening of his body. Though he was the God of Fire, his body felt strangely cool, though not as cool as Bi-Han's, and a distinct scent emanated from him. It was a scent that sent shivers down your spine, an otherworldly fragrance that seemed to hint at the presence of magic. It was a blend of raw, harsh wilderness and the smell of freshly extinguished ashes.
After returning the hug with equal kindness, the two of you stepped back. The Fire God placed his hands on your shoulders in a friendly gesture, a small smile gracing his face. "There's no need to thank me. I simply did what was necessary. Your sacrifice could not go unrewarded in the face of Quan Chi's curse. If anything, I should be thanking you," he replied.
"I would also like to express my gratitude," Sektor spoke up, taking a step forward and approaching you softly. As Liu Kang withdrew his hands, you turned your head towards Sektor. He made a fist with one hand and placed it over his heart in a gesture you had not seen before, then bowed deeply, bending his body almost halfway down.
"You have brought our clan back to us. As Lord Liu Kang said, even though you are under Lin Kuei's protection, I would like to offer my services to you as a token of our gratitude on behalf of myself and Lin Kuei," Sektor expressed.
Once again, you were silent for a few seconds, unsure of what to say. Then, to avoid stuttering, you cleared your throat slightly and touched Sektor's shoulder with one hand. "Please raise your head, Sektor. I appreciate your sincere words, but you don't need to offer me your service or anything as a token of your gratitude. There's no need for any of this," you said, turning your gaze from him to the trio, who had been quietly observing everything transpire behind you. Bi-Han wore a small, ghostly smile, while Kuai Liang and Tomas were clearly beaming with pride.
Though Sektor complied and lifted his head, his expression betrayed a hint of displeasure at your words. "There must be something I can do for you," he insisted.
"Well... we can be friends? I guess... I don't know if that's allowed in a clan that trains assassins, but—"
"You are a part of us now," Kuai Liang interjected, putting an end to any further debate. Rising from his seat, he quickly approached you with wide steps and planted a kiss on your temple, instantly filling you with peace. Despite standing near someone as powerful as the Fire God and possessing abilities that defied logic, being beside Kuai Liang, Bi-Han, or Tomas made you feel safer and more at ease. "Our home is your home too."
"I would be honored by that," Sektor agreed, right afer Kuai Liang. With a smile that stretched wide enough to make your cheeks ache, you felt a profound sense of happiness fill your heart.
It took you about three days to fully recover. Now, you could comfortably move around without needing to hold onto anything or anyone. Your body was completely free of pain, leaving behind three cut scars that stretched from your stomach to your heart. They stood out as old scars, paler than your skin color, as if years had passed since they were inflicted. Though the scars didn't bother you, each time one of the three men saw them, their expressions darkened, evident of the pain it caused them. To spare them this discomfort, you usually opted to wear clothes that concealed the scars.
Liu Kang had already left three days ago after bidding farewell to everyone. Sektor, on the other hand, had returned to China the day after that to make the necessary preparations in the clan. You didn’t know when Bi-Han, Kuai Liang, and Tomas would return, but you were sure that the time was near. Although you really wanted to go with them, they had been away from their clan and hometown for ten years, and although Sektor expressed that he had managed the clan as best he could during their absence, you were sure that they would have a lot of work to do and take care of when they returned. For now, you didn't want to be in their way while they sorted everything out.
Moreover, you had received a positive response from a job interview and were awaiting the second session and the review of your demo, marking the first step towards your dream. You refused to let the thought of being apart from them dampen your spirits. You had faith that everything would work out somehow. The worst was behind you, and the future no longer seemed as daunting. You could face it with hope.
"You have to knead it well, like this," Kuai Liang instructed, guiding your hands as he demonstrated bread kneading. His warm breath tickled your ear as his broad hands enveloped yours. Pinned between him and the counter, you struggled to maintain focus amidst the sensory overload of his presence—his powerful body, warmth, sound, scent—making it a miracle you managed to concentrate on this moment at all.
With the lifting of the curse, it had now transformed from a relentless, tormenting fire into a gentle whip that ignited your desire. As much as it felt great to revel in the details without the pain and intense pressure that once invaded your mind, you found yourself craving more. Yet, you were also afraid to cross that bridge because of their past. You didn’t want to do anything that might trigger them or that they wouldn’t like.
‘’I doubt she’s paying attention to what you’re saying, brother,’’ Tomas teased from the other side of the counter, his voice laced with amusement.
‘’She seem to have something else on her mind besides bread,’’ Bi-Han said, leaning against the counter with his arms crossed. Caught in your momentary embarrassment, you shifted in place, aware of Kuai Liang’s knowing chuckle.
‘’I’m aware.’’ The pyromancer gently guiding you as you placed the bread in the container and covered it to let it rest for a couple of hours.
‘’So, you were teasing me, were you?’’ You quipped, turning to face Kuai Liang.
‘’Not entirely,’’ Kuai Liang chuckled, turning you to meet his gaze. ‘’Okay, maybe a little.’’
‘’The expression on your face says otherwise, Kuai,’’
‘’I enjoy the effect I have on you,’’ Kuai Liang confessed with his usual honesty. ‘’You can’t blame me for enjoying that—‘’
Before he could finish his sentence, you acted on impulse, rising on tiptoe to plant a kiss on his lips. In an instant, his lips parted, his tongue delving into your mouth, deepening the kiss into something passionate and fervent. Excitement coursed through you, as if your body had awakened anew, blooming like a flower receiving water.
The bronze-skinned assassin effortlessly lifted you, placing you on the counter with a firm yet gentle touch, urging you to spread your legs. Welcoming his strength eagerly, you couldn’t help but feel a rush of heat each time you witnessed his power. It was undeniably arousing, the way his muscles flexed beneath his skin as he maneuvered you into position.
As Kuai Liang leaned in close, his body pressed against yours, radiating warmth and hardness that sent shivers down your spine. You arched into him, craving the contact. A soft moan escaped your lips as you felt the delicious friction between your bodies. Your heartbeat quickened, and your body responded instinctively, hips moving in small circles to intensify the sensation building within you.
A low, guttural growl emanated from Kuai Liang as a respond. Gripping your legs, he drew you closer, the weight of his body pinning you completely. You could feel his length, firm and hard and burning hot, the heat seeping through the fabric of his trousers. Despite being confined, his thickness was unmistakable, pressing against you with a delicious weight.
‘’Fuck.’’ Bi-Han’s deep voice snapped you out of your trance. Turning to him and Tomas, panting with flushed cheeks, you noticed their arousal, evident as day with the bulges straining against their trousers. Bi-Han’s dark eyes seemed almost black with desire, fixed on you like a predator eyeing its prey. Tomas’s cheeks held a faint pink hue, his desire mirroring Bi-Han’s intensity. ‘’To the bedroom. Now.’’
When Kuai Liang, obeying Bi-Han instantly, lifted you up by continuing to grab you by the legs, you automatically wrapped your legs around his waist and tried to calm your rapidly beating heart. Although it took quite a short time to reach the bedroom, it was as if time had suddenly slowed down, a kind of excitement that you had never experienced before had taken over your body. Your heart was beating so fast inside, it was like it was going to jump out and leave your rib cage.
The moment Kuai Liang released you onto the bed, Tomas materialized behind you, his lips trailing kisses along your neck and shoulder, his teeth grazing your skin, leaving behind faint scratches. As Kuai Liang captured your lips once more, the kiss ignited with a fervor and urgency that consumed both of you. There were more teeth than lips as he nipped at your lower lip, his tongue sweeping through to soothe it before plunging deep into your mouth, as if he was trying to claim you with just that kiss.
All you tasted was him. You whimpered out loud, your head swimming with raw want.
‘’It’s alright, kotê. We’ve got you. You’re safe with us,’’ Tomas murmured against your skin, his lips traveling your shoulder to your neck, pausing at your earlobe. With a gentle nip, he whispered, ‘’Do you allow us to touch you completely, lásko?’’
Gasping, you pulled your head back to answer his question. “In exchange for me touching you too, yes,” you replied. A smile graced Kuai Liang’s lips.
‘’Everything that defines us already belongs to you. You don’t need permission for this, tiánxīn,’’
In one fluid motion, Tomas’s hand journeyed down from your rib cage to your stomach, deftly unbuttoning your trousers and pausing at the edge of your panties. With a gentle touch, he lowered it a little until they reached your wet heat.
‘’Shit, you’re already so wet,’’ Tomas exclaimed, his long fingers teasing just below your panties, eliciting a string of curses in Czech. ‘’I need to taste you. Now.’’
A ragged moan escaped your throat. Tomas’s voice was so thick with want that it made you clench your legs reflexively and imagining his words made you even wetter. Though being sandwiched between two bodies was exhilarating, the heat was becoming overwhelming. Sweat dampened your skin, and breathing felt labored in the rising temperature. Your chest rose and fell rapidly, almost painfully, as you struggled to maintain composure. Then, Bi-Han’s voice cut through the haze.
‘’You’re going to overwhelm her. Give her space to breathe, you idiots.’’
‘’Clothes—‘’ Bi-Han’s warning prompted the two brothers to withdraw, allowing you to gulp down sweet oxygen several times in quick succession. ‘’There are too many clothes.’’
‘’We can take care of that.’’ While Kuai Liang helped you take off your clothes, Tomas assisted you in removing your pants. You watched with bated breath as all three of them started to undress, moving in perfect sync. Their bodies were a sight to behold—beautiful and strong, like sculptures carved from marble. You could easily see the years of training etched into their forms, along with the pale scars left behind by their duties. When your gaze involuntarily shifted downward, you felt your cheeks grow warmer.
It wasn’t the first time you had seen them naked. The first time they emerged from the book, you were too afraid to focus on anything but their faces, and your feelings for them weren’t as intense. Although you could now look at them comfortably, it wouldn’t be a lie to say that their size intimidated you a little. The three of them were similar in stature, their impressively large members standing upright and stiff, all for you.
‘’Are you alright, kotê?’’ Tomas’s nose rubbed against your cheek gently. ‘’Don’t hesitate to share your feelings with us.’’
‘’Yes, tonight, the only thing we ask is for you to communicate your limits openly. If there’s anything you don’t like, you will tell us immediately.’’ Bi-Han said. With Kuai Liand and Tomas flanking you, he reached forward, planting a kiss on your forehead before tilting your chin up with his index finger, locking eyes with you. ‘’Are we agreed?’’
Swallowing hard, feeling your mouth dry up, you responded with a thick voice, ‘’Yes.’’
‘’Perfect. Now tell me, which one of do you want first?’’ Bi-Han whispered toward your lips before withdrawing back, leaving you to blink in turn at each of them. Choose? The decision weighed heavily; each brother held a unique allure—Kuai Liang’s passion, Tomas’s sweetness, and Bi-Han’s watchful dominance. They were all so different, yet equally special— ‘’I can’t choose.’’
‘’If it’s agreeable to both of you, I can go first,’’ Tomas offered, prompting silent agreement from Kuai Liang and Bi-Han as they withdrawed back, giving space to the silver-haired assassin. You couldn’t comprehend how all of you managed to fit in the bed, since it’s just for two people. But somehow, you made it work, moving in quite harmony.
‘’You are so beautiful,’’ Tomas murmured, his kiss tender and deliberate, suffued with compassion. ‘’Thank you for sharing this moment with us.’’
‘’I’m yours. Every part of me belongs to you, I accept everything that will come from all three of you.’’
Somewhere nearby, Kuai Liang uttered something in Chinese, and Bi-Han’s breath caught sharply. Meanwhile, Tomas, kissing you once more, guided you to lie down on the bed, his weight comforting rather than oppresive. Propping himself up on his elbows, he hovered over you, his short, soft silver hair a tousled mess, cheeks flushed against his pale skin, lips glistening, and silvery gray eyes shining like stars.
“You are very beautiful,” Tomas’s words a gentle caress against your skin. “I can’t get enough of looking at you; it tugs at my heartstrings every time.”
As his hand trailed over your throat, then down to the first scar, you observed his furrowed brow and darkening expression. When he leaned down to kiss the scar just below your left breast, a shaky breath escaped your lips. His kiss held not only tenderness but also an unspoken apology.
“I hate to see you hurt. I’m grateful that you’re with us; I just wish there was a way to solve what happened in a different way,” he quitely spoke against your skin, his voice laden with regret.
“It’s all right now, Tomas, and that’s what matters. Let’s enjoy the moment; we all deserve it. Don’t you think so?”
“You are right.” He showered your stomach with kisses, paying equal attention to each scar, while you glanced at the other two brothers watching you. Kuai Liang sat regally on a chair pulled close to the bed, like a king waiting for the perfect opportunity to conquer, his powerful legs spread wide as one hand leisurely stroked his erection. When your eyes met, his amber gaze sparkled with pleasure, a small smile gracing his lips.
“We will all take care of you in turn, tiánxīn. Do not worry,”
You gulped at this words, your gaze then shifted to Bi-Han, who sat at the end of the bed. His intense desire burned in his eyes, evident in the veins that stood out on his neck and the icy vapor that escaped his nostrils. It was the first time you noticed the freckles scattered across his broad, muscular chest, rising and falling with each controlled breath.
It was exhilarating to feel and witness their raw emotions so palpably. To be wanted. To be desired. There was a hungry part of you that craved more, yet you weren’t quite brave enough to voice it yet. Bi-Han caught your gaze, rising from his place with a growl, and captured your lips in a kiss that stole your breath away. Unlike Tomas’s sweet kisses or Kuai Liang’s burning passion, Bi-Han’s kiss was dominant, demanding, and deep enough to make your toes curl. As his tongue explored the depths of your mouth, you clung to his shoulders, trying to anchor yourself to reality amidst the flood of sensations.
“I want to mark you,” Bi-Han declared, his teeth grazing your lower lip with a hint of pain that only added to the pleasure. “I want to see my marks on your skin, to claim you as mine. Do you allow me, àirén?”
“Yes. Yes, please,” you gasped breathlessly, surprised at how incredibly hot and sexy his want sounded. Bi-Han’s gaze darkened even further, if that were possible, a predatory smile dancing on his lips as his minty cool breath washed over your face.
“Don’t beg. You never have to beg for us, àirén. As much as you are ours, we are also yours. Simply expressing your desires is enough for us to fulfill them.”
“O-Okay. You have not yet told me what the words you say in your own language mean—Ah!” Your head fell back as Tomas bit into the soft, delicate flesh of your thigh. The ache between your legs intensified, your body trembling with electric anticipation from head to toe. Another whimper escaped your lips as you desperately tried to shift your legs to alleviate the ache, only for Tomas to restrain you with a firm touch.
“I know, darling. I’ll relieve you in a moment. Don’t worry.”
Tomas kissed the sensitive skin of your inner thighs, each touch sending shivers down your spine. Sometimes his teeth grazed your skin, eliciting involuntary squirms from you. His once gentle touch was now more firm and strong, leaving you sure there would be fingerprints tomorrow. Meanwhile, Bi-Han redirected his attention from your lips to your neck, catching you off guard with a sudden bite that drew an embarrassing squeal from your lips.
While it stung, it wasn’t unbearable; instead, it ignited a tingling flame in your belly, spreading warmth throughout your body like a wildfire. Being claimed in such a primal manner felt undeniably hot and intoxicating, reaffirming your belongingness to them.
“Are you all right?” Bi-Han murmured as he gently licked the bitten spot, to which you simply nodded in response. “If it becomes too much, you’ll let me know. I trust you to do that, right?” Another nod from you earned a smile from Bi-Han. He pressed a kiss to your shoulder, “Perfect. Our perfect woman.
“The sounds she’s making…” Kuai Liang’s groan cut through the air, his voice deep and thick with desire that it was almost impossible to understand the words. “I want to hear more.”
“So do I,” Tomas added, his voice joining his brother’s. As if punctuating his words, his mouth closed over your aching core, surprising and rendering you breathless and causing your entire body to stiffen.
“Breathe, àirén,” Bi-Han urged, placing kisses on your neck and grasping the side of your neck with one hand, offering an anchor for you to hold onto, his thumb grazing your pulse. As you took a deep breath, the cryomancer nibbled on your earlobe. “That’s it. As for the answer to the previous question, àirén means ‘my love’ in my language.”
“Tiánxīn means sweetheart,” Kuai Liang said, his voice taking on a growl towards the end.
“And kotě means kitten,” Tomas’ voice was almost unintelligible, muffled by his actions. You moaned as his tongue curled over that little bundle of nerves, while Tomas let out an almost feral, uncontrolled growl that made your body tremble. “Fuck— your taste is amazing, I could get drunk on it.” Adjusting himself between your legs, he lifted them over his broad shoulders to get better access, ensuring your stability with his hands, pinning you down easily. “And lásko means love.”
You wanted to say something in return, but the words seemed to leave you. You were caught between Bi-Han’s bites of a mixture of pleasure and pain and Tomas’s deceptively moving tongue. When one of your hands went straight to Tomas’s hair and the other found Bi-Han’s, a groan went up from both of them, which made it clear that they liked it, and set your skin on fire. The sounds you made were completely primitive and loud enough to make you blush, when you closed your eyes tightly, you heard Bi-Han growling.
“Open your eyes, I want to see and watch the pleasure we’re giving you.’’
‘’There is nothing to be ashamed of here, tiánxīn.’’ When Kuai Liang appeared on your other side, you wanted to reach out to him, but it was difficult to move your hands. Fortunately, Kuai Liang had no difficulty reading you, so he leaned right over you and made you relax, leaving little kisses starting at the corner of your chin until they reached your lips. ‘’You are too beautiful for words, don’t hide yourself from us. Even looking at you is a pleasure in itself for us.’’
You felt a small laugh climbing up your throat. Everything felt so comfortable, easy and most importantly, safe. You had complete trust in them, and it was such a trust that it made it easier for you to put yourself in their control. You knew that they would never hurt you, the comfort and peace you felt from their presence came first.
Although your lips were parted to thank Kuai Liang, the words remained stuck when Tomas rolled the small nub with his tongue and closed his lips on it, sucking on. Stars, literally golden stars appeared behind the eyelids that you closed without realizing it, a long moan left your lips. Tomas was kind, but also cruel. He knew so well how to use his tongue and lips, where he should touch and at what speed he should move, that in seconds he managed to turn you into a tight ball just begging for more.
You heard Tomas chuckle; you didn’t need to look to see the proud expression that settled on his face, you could imagine it clearly. Bi-Han took a break from his assault, and you trembled with another wave of pleasure as he stepped away, just like Kuai Liang. Tomas’s tongue was hot and strong, and when that clever muscle opened your lower lips and dipped into your warmth, you both groaned at the same time.
Tomas pleasured you with his tongue in a way that left you unable to keep track of time. He used his mouth so skillfully that it should be considered a crime. It was as if he was a man lost in a desert who had just found water. His tongue licked your lips, sometimes teasing that small bud to make your breath hitch, and then easily slid his devilish tongue into your wet channel. He was literally devouring you, guttural sounds leaving his throat matching the sounds you were making.
While Bi-Han was cursing, Kuai Liang asked in a hoarse voice, “Can you bring her to peak like that?”
“Yes. She’s so wet and hot and sweet—My Gods, may they have mercy on us.’’
‘’W-Wait, ah- a minute.’’ As soon as you managed to somehow get the words out, Tomas obeyed you in a breath and stopped. The only thing you felt was his warm breath that touched your wet heat. Kuai Liang asked, stroking the top of your head, in a gentle and careful voice that you could call worried, ‘’Are you all right, tiánxīn?’’
‘’Yes, I just… I don’t want to come this way.’’ Even though your face was cut red, you continued. ‘’It felt so good. Just—Some other time, but not today.” Because if Tomas had continued for a few more minutes, you would have come easily without even needing to feel his fingers or his length inside, and you didn’t want this to happen the first time without feeling them inside.
“Of course,” Kuai Liang leaned down and placed a small, loving kiss on the top of your head. ‘’Thanks for sharing with us.’’
‘’But you’re letting me stretch you on my fingers, right? I don’t want to hurt you.’’ Tomas said, in a voice so deep that it made you shiver inside. When you turned your gaze from Kuai Liang to him, your heart misfired. Tomas’ lips and chin were completely covered with your juices, shining. His hair was even more messy than before, some of the short tufts had risen into the air, his gray eyes were dark, and the raw hunger lying there had accelerated your pulse, you almost couldn’t hear them because of the buzzing in your ears.
Remembering at the last moment what you were asked, you mumbled a ‘’Yes.’’ Chuckles poured out from all three men.
“Perfect. You’re so perfect and good for us.” As one of Tomas’ long fingers easily slipped into your wet warmth, a wave of relief washed over you, soothing the ache that had been constantly building up. “Next time, I want to see the moment when you come apart just on my tongue. Your taste is addictively sweet.” While Tomas peppered kisses on the inside of your thights, his clever finger moved back and forth with an ever-accelerating rhythm. It felt good, but it wasn’t exactly what you craved. You wanted to feel more—fuller.
“Use your words, darling,” Tomas said, sensing your desire through your squirming. Swallowing the urge to express yourself by closing your eyes, you met Bi-Han’s gaze and forced your lips to move. “More. I want more.”
Tomas smiled, and when he pulled his hand back, your eyebrows furrowed, and you let out a little desperate whine as if in objection. This was not what you wanted, what you wanted—just as Tomas returned to your entrance with two fingers, Kuai Liang’s fingers also began to stroke over the small bundle of nerves, causing you to see stars. As Bi-Han’s mouth closed over one of your hardened nipples, your body stretched like a bow. Every sensation felt overwhelmingly good, especially the tension building up beneath your belly, dragging you closer to the edge.
Bi-Han bit the delicate bud before sucking on it to soothe the pain, while Kuai Liang’s other hand kneaded your other breast. Callused fingertips left a trail of fever wherever they touched, and as Tomas’s fingers moved in and out, coupled with the pressure on your core, you were on the brink of climax.
Realizing how stretched your body was, all three of them ceased their sweet torture. As Tomas donned the condom handed by Bi-Han, you took a deep breath, desperate for the oxygen you badly needed.
“Are you ready, lásko?”
“Yes,” you answered in a flash. ‘‘I’m ready, Tomas…Please—I—“
“Shh, what did my brother tell you, darling? Don’t ever beg to us.”
As his length, bigger and harder than fingers, pressed at your entrance, your legs instinctively opened to welcome him in. Slowly, Tomas entered your molten hot depths, and you whimpered, clinging to his shoulders, trying to adjust to the incredible fullness.
“That’s it, you’re doing great, beautiful. Just a little bit more.” When Tomas’s groin met yours, the silver-haired assassin leaned in, gently stroking your cheek as he gazed into your eyes. A small, sincere, and happy smile adorned his face, sending a tremble through your heart. “Are you with me?“
“Feeling all right?“
You nodded your approval, and Tomas chuckled, his thumb stroking your lower lip.
“I want to hear it in words, lásko.”
“Yes, very much.” Then, as you reflexively squeezed your inner walls, the overwhelming fullness made your head spin, and you both groaned in unison. Tomas surged inside you like a pulse, strong, hot, and hard, filling you completely, beautifully. His length reached every part of you, leaving no inch untouched. “How do you feel?“
“More wonderful than I’ve ever felt.” As Tomas leaned down further, kissing you deeply, you tasted your own essence on his tongue, unable to stop yourself from moaning into his mouth. It felt as though flames coursed through your veins, while your heart raced and the tension under your belly mounted. “Our woman,” Tomas purred, kissing you once more. “Ours.”
“Yours,” you gasped.
Tomas smiled, but his grin was feral and hungry, just like a hunter. As he began to move his hips, a gasp then a thin moan escaped your lips involuntarily. The pleasure coursing through you was indescribable, urging you to squirm for more. Wrapping your legs around Tomas, you tried to draw him closer. Tomas and Kuai Liang chuckled simultaneously, their laughter devoid of mockery, sweet as honey, warm and loving. Bi-Han planted a tender kiss on your temple.
‘‘Shh, he will give you what you want, àirén.’’
‘’Certainly,’’ Tomas replied, smiling. The rhythm gradually picked up pace, smooth yet intense, making it challenging to restrain the sounds of pleasure escaping you. The warmth emanating from Tomas, the flushed pleasure on his face, the sexual harmony… Everything felt magical and uniquely special, filling your heart with love.
In this moment, it was as if you existed only with these three brave and strong warriors, ready to fight and spill blood for you without hesitation. You were enveloped in a sheltered bubble where time seemed to stand still.
As Kuai Liang took your nipple into his mouth this time, Bi-Han’s hand trailed down your quivering stomach. When his fingers found that sensitive spot and applied just right amount of pressure, sharp waves of ecstasy mingled with the pleasure, eliciting helpless whimpers from you. The impending orgasm approached faster than you anticipated. All three of them made encouraging noises, pleased with the sounds you produced.
‘’Gods, your voice… Fuck,’’ Tomas breathed heavily.
‘’You moan so sweetly,’’ Kuai Liang remarked, joining in.
‘‘I want to see you peak, I bet you’ll look divine.’’ As Bi-Han increased the pressure on your mound, you moaned helplessly. Tomas swallowed the sound with a low growl, his lips never leaving yours. ‘’Let us see, àirén.’’
You were just barely breathing, unable to focus on anything except the white-hot pleasure coursing through you. Tomas’ hand found your hair, effortlessly tilting your head back to dominate your mouth as he pleased, while Kuai Liang’s fingers toyed with your sweetly abused nipple, sending sharp but addictive pain coursing through you. And when Bi-Han’s touch once again grazed your core, the world slipped away for a moment. The tension under your belly reached its peak, finally snapping. Shaken with pleasure, you couldn’t breathe—maybe you screamed, you couldn’t tell. Time, space, even your surroundings faded into oblivion for a fleeting moment.
It took a while for you to regain awareness, noticing Tomas’s hardness twitching inside you as he breathed heavily, trying to recover. ‘’Perfect, sweet lásko.’’ he gasped, kissing the tip of your nose. ‘‘You were wonderful. How do you feel?’’
Taking a moment to assess yourself, you realized you felt more than good—you felt great, alive, and fully satisfied. ‘‘I’ve never felt better,’’ you replied honestly. A bright, proud, and somewhat smug smile spread across his face as he planted a chaste kiss on your lips.
‘‘Can you go on?’’
‘’Yes, I trust you.’’
A growl of satisfaction emanated from all three at your response. As Tomas carefully withdrew, you took a deep breath, feeling a sense of emptiness after being full. While Tomas removed his condom, Bi-Han approached with a glass of water, and Kuai Liang helped you sit up. As you drank the cold water, surprised at your thirst, Kuai Liang peppered your shoulder with little kisses, while Bi-Han gently stroked the back of your head. If it weren’t for the lingering energy pulsating through your body, you could easily fall asleep like this. Their touches were gentle and caring, a stark contrast to the intensity before.
When you finished all the water in the glass, Kuai Liang asked, ‘’Would you like some more?’’
‘’No, this is enough, thank you.’’
Upon your answer, as Bi-Han rose to put down the glass, Kuai Liang arranged both pillows back to back, leaning them against the headboard. Then, he settled his powerful body against the prepared pillows and turned his amber eyes on you, bright as the sun. His sun-kissed body, rippling with muscles and adorned with a few scars, along with the flex of his scorpion tattoo on his arm, he was a sight to behold.
‘’Come here, tiánxīn.’’
Approaching him as instructed, you let Kuai Liang pull you towards him. His hair, usually gathered into a bun but now left in a ponytail, was scattered, its dark strands cascading over his broad chest, surprisingly soft to the touch. Kuai Liang effortlessly turned you over, making you lean against his chest, and you let out a shaky sigh as you felt his hard length, warmer than Tomas’, at your entrance. Though not as long as Tomas, Kuai Liang was certainly more well-endowed, the tip of his arousal flushed with red.
‘’Remember, if you don’t like anything, you’ll tell us. You are the most important thing to us, and we don’t want you to force yourself in any way.’’
‘’All right.’’ Turning your head to the side, you dropped a small kiss on the edge of his strong-lined chin. ‘‘Everything that comes from you, I already accept. There can be nothing that I will not like.’’
‘’You’re too sweet.’’ Kuai Liang returned the kiss on your lips. His hands slid from your waist to the back of your legs, parting them gently. ‘’Open up for me, tiánxīn.’’ As he pressed you down, his length entered you easily and effortlessly. Moaning softly, you rested your head on his shoulder, one hand curling up at the back of his neck while the other gripped the hand holding onto your leg.
‘’You’re perfect. You were made for us, tiánxīn. Wrapped wonderfully around me.’’
Kuai Liang, when he placed his teeth on the other shoulder that Bi-Han hadn’t marked, you shivered with another helpless moan. You’d never thought that pain could feel so sweet and good, or the happiness you’d feel when you woke up in the morning to see their claims on your body. While the pyromancer filled you inside with a strong and steady rhythm unlike anything you’d known before, Bi-Han came into view.
His hair was also disheveled like Kuai Liang’s, his black locks spilling over his chest, a stark contrast to his snow-white skin. From his perfectly lined muscles, your eyes trailed down to his painfully erect arousal, adorned with fine black hairs, and it didn’t surprise you that his size matched Kuai Liang’s.
‘‘You can always stop us,’’ Bi-Han said as he closed the distance between you. Without averting his gaze from you, one hand carefully descended, teasing your entrance with his fingers before slowly, very slowly, inserting one finger, eliciting a scream-like sound from you at the incredible fullness and stretching you felt. Kuai Liang licked the spot where he had bitten and reached towards your neck, while Bi-Han placed a kiss on the edge of your lip.
‘‘Are you all right? Is it too much?’’
“No. I’m good,’’ you said, gasping. Kuai Liang’s size was extremely endowed, and Bi-Han’s finger was definitely not considered small. Despite facing the kind of stretching you hadn’t experienced before, it didn’t hurt. Instead, all you felt was an indescribable pleasure that made you tremble uncontrollably.
‘’Can you take both of us?’’
‘‘Both of you… at once…?’’ As you responded to Bi-Han’s question with surprise, Kuai Liang planted a small kiss on your neck.
“He will prepare you carefully, tiánxīn. There will be no pain, only pleasure. Always pleasure. Don’t doubt it at all, but if you don’t want to, there is no problem in that. Whatever you want, we will fulfill it happily,”
All three of them carefully observed your every reaction, constantly checking your condition, trying to discern what you liked. ‘’I want to try,’’ you said in a voice that suddenly became shy. ‘‘I trust you. I know you won’t hurt me.’’
‘‘Never,’’ said Bi-Han in a harsh and sharp voice.
‘’We just want to give you nothing but pleasure, tiánxīn,’’ added Kuai Liang, joining his brother. Bi-Han leaned down and began showering your neck, collarbones, and breasts with kisses, occasionally sucking on your skin, while Kuai Liang continued his sweet torture on your neck and shoulder.
After a while, a second finger joined the first one. You didn’t know what you sounded like—a scream, a moan? It didn’t hurt, but it definitely burned now, the pleasure was overwhelming. You were sure you were scratching Bi-Han as you clung to his shoulders, drawing blood where you pressed your nails into his flesh. But you needed to steady yourself and do something with your hands. You moved as if you had lost control of your body, but under Kuai Liang’s grip as hard as steel, and with him impaling you, there was nowhere for you to go.
‘’That’s it. You’re opening so beautifully for me,’’ Bi-Han inhaled deeply while sucking on the spot where your throat met your shoulder. ‘‘Fuck, do you see how you’re sucking me in? So perfect.’’
You tried to babble something, his words making you blush hotly, but all that came out of your lips was a broken moan. You didn’t know if they could understand you, you weren’t even sure how you could still contain this much pleasure. As if you were about to fly away, your head fell to the side as the hot tension gathered under your belly spread in waves throughout your entire body once more, and you bit Kuai Liang’s neck, the only thing you could think of to suppress your uncontrollable moans.
Since Kuai Liang didn’t expect you to do this, his rhythm jerked for a moment, and an incomprehensible curses poured from his lips. As if it were possible, when his hardness, which was pulsating inside and burning like an ember, grew larger, you couldn’t stop yourself from moaning against his skin.
‘’I didn’t know you liked being bitten,” said Tomas, although his voice sounded close, you were not yourself enough to understand where it was coming from. You heard Kuai Liang take a sharp gasp.
‘’So do I.’’
At that moment, Bi-Han was completely focused on stretching you. His touch was gentle and extremely careful as he slowly pushed his fingers a little deeper each time, causing your whole body to tremble with it. After a while, when his third finger teased at your entrance, you tried to relax. Two fingers and Kuai Liang’s length were quite a lot, but you wanted this.
While trembling under Kuai Liang’s strong grip, you pulled your mouth back and gently licked the place you had bitten as a kind of apology, then looked at Bi-Han through your eyelashes. When his eyes, as dark as the starless sky, met yours, Bi-Han said, ‘’Breathe,’’ and then added his third finger to the others.
As you accepted him, all the air you could draw into your lungs flew away. You couldn’t scream, couldn’t even make a sound. When you opened your eyes again, which you hadn’t realized you had closed, you saw Tomas standing over you.
‘’Are you okay? Do you want him to stop?’’
‘‘No. I’m—I’m all right.’’ When you could breathe again, you continued in a weak voice. ‘’Just… Too full— oh, my god-too much.’’
‘’You’re doing great.’’ Tomas reached down and planted a kiss on the top of your head. “But if this hurts you-‘’
“No.’’ As Bi-Han pushed his fingers a little deeper, your eyes closed once again. ‘‘I’m all right.’’
The cryomancer growled, his fingers began to move back and forth a little faster and smoother as his grunts echoed through the room. After a while, you found yourself getting used to this feeling; to this fullness and the perfect harmony of hot and cold. When Bi-Han rooted his fingers and pulled them back without any warning, a confused, unhappy whimper poured from your lips. You wanted them back, just when you were used to it-
‘‘I know, àirén. I know, I’ll give you what you want.’’
When Bi-Han put on the condom that Tomas handed him and aligned his length, which was much, much bigger than his fingers, to your entrance, your heart started beating so hard inside that for a moment you thought you were going to faint. Kuai Liang leaned back a little more, pulling you along with him, while Bi-Han slowly began to insert his length through your entrance. Although you thought that Kuai Liang filled you too much and that Bi-Han would never be able to enter, Bi-Han carefully slipped into you within seconds, slow but sure, and—
You wailed, it was an absolutely overwhelming feeling, it was beyond fullness. But somehow, you stood up to it. It didn’t hurt, but it all seemed too much and too intense at once.
‘‘It’s all right, àirén. Shh, we got you. Breathe, yes just like that.’’
Bi-Han stopped when he settled down to the hilt, and while giving you time to get used to the feeling, he reached out to you and planted a kiss on your slack lips. Even though you tried to respond to him back, all you could do was moan and gasp brokenly into his mouth. Kuai Liang kissed you wherever he could reach, while whispering words of love and praise in your ear and caressing you with a broad hand that he slid over your belly.
When you finally managed to open your eyes, you came eye to eye with Bi-Han’s dark and hungry gaze.
‘’Are you ready, àirén?’’
“Yes.’’ You whispered.
When he bent down to kiss you with a feral smile that mostly bared his teeth, his long hair tickled your cheeks. Then when he started moving, you screamed and couldn’t stop yourself from putting your nails on his shoulders again.
Bi-Han snarled into your mouth, catching your lower lip with his teeth, as Kuai Liang also started to move, you completely gave yourself up to their control and mercy. Their movements were very harmonious, as if they were reading each other’s minds, one was on the way out, the other was inside, and they never left you empty. While Kuai Liang was warming your body from behind, Bi-Han was soothing you with his coolness with every part he came into contact with in front of you.
‘’Will you let us see you peak once more, beautiful?’’ Kuai Liang said as his hand on your stomach slid down. You moaned from where you were leaning your head on his shoulder, even the slightest movement was enough to make your eyes roll back. You didn’t think it was possible to survive such a pleasure if Kuai Liang touched you there—
‘’Kuai-’’ You said, gasping. Although it was foolish to hope that he would understand what you meant by voicing his name, you didn’t know at that moment how you could communicate otherwise. The hot tension in your stomach was so tense that you could have exploded at any moment. All you need is—
When Bi-Han, uttering a curse, grabbed your legs and placed them on his shoulders, burying himself deeper than ever, he touched a place in you that make sparks and stars appearing before your eyes, liquid hot electricity running through your whole body, making you tremble. As you contracted so hard that the two men took a sharp breath and snarled like predators. As Bi-Han pressed the same spot several times, his rhythm was smooth and relentless. All you could do was hold on to him. At that moment, Kuai Liang’s hand was resting on your mound, and you clawed his arm desperately, he stroked it once, twice, thrice, and then you came screaming. Your body stiffens, breath leaving your lungs, and your vision blurs into blinding white.
Although you don’t know how it happened, after a while, as your vision gradually clears, you find yourself curled up in Kuai Liang’s lap, gasping for breath. Your body still trembles with lingering aftershocks.
‘’Hey, there.” Kuai Liang gently stroked your cheek and kissed you. ‘‘Are you all right?’’
“Yes.’’ You said in a cracked voice. When Tomas appeared on the other side of you and brought the glass closer to your lips for you to drink water, you opened your lips with great satisfaction, grateful that you didn’t have to hold the glass because you were sure that there was nothing left in your body for strength.
You had some soreness, and after getting used to being full, you were feeling very empty now, it was a strange feeling. But other than that, you felt refreshed and great. A sweet tiredness that went down to your bones had settled on you, you heard Kuai Liang laugh when you yawned without being able to help yourself.
‘’Go to sleep, tiánxīn. You’ve earned that, we’ll take care of you.’’
With a sigh, you curled up on his chest, while sleep overtook you, you fell asleep in seconds because you had no doubt that you knew your men, that you were in the safest place on earth.
When you opened your eyes, the morning light filtered in through the window. With the fitness of having slept the best sleep of your life, you turned around where you were lying with the touch of a body behind you while yawning in the bed and met Tomas’s gaze, which was watching you with a pleasant smile. Under the morning sun, Tomas stood quite soft and relaxed, his eyes almost like shining stars.
He didn’t have a shirt on, so you could clearly see the marks you left on his skin—bruises and thin scratches scattered here and there. A faint heat flared in your belly at the sight of him, but you brushed it aside. It was early in the morning, and despite Tomas looking very handsome and enticing at the moment, you were incredibly hungry.
‘‘Good morning. Did you sleep well?’’
‘’More than enough.’’ You said it in a happy voice. Then, after taking a look around the room, you asked curiously. ‘‘Where are the others?’’
‘’They are in the kitchen, preparing breakfast.’’
‘’Both of them?’’
‘’Although he doesn’t show it, Bi-Han too, is a good cook. He just doesn’t like cooking very much.’’
‘‘I wonder why I’m not surprised to hear that.’’ You said with a chuckle. At that time, a meowing was heard inside the room, and then within seconds, when Ninja’s tiny body came into view, you pulled her to yourself with a hug.
‘’Good morning, little menace.’’ While placing a few kisses on the top of her head and scratching under her chin, Ninja let out happy purrs, then lying on her back, she exposed her round belly, which was obviously filled with food. You both laughed at the sweetness of the kitten, and when Tomas bent his head and tried to kiss Ninja’s soft belly, the kitten meowed and grabbed Tomas’s face with four paws, trying to gnaw and kick.
“Ninja, shh, we don’t show our love that way.’’ As you gently stopped the kitten and pulled her to you, you couldn’t help but laugh at the betrayal that appeared on Tomas’s face. “To touch the open belly of cats is a death sign, Tomas. Didn’t you know that?’’
‘’I thought she was getting used to us.’’ Tomas said with sad puppy eyes and a voice full of betrayal.
Some things are instinctive; don’t take it to heart.” After giving Ninja a bit more affection, as you straightened up to start the day, the cover slipped and landed on your lap. It was then that you noticed the array of purple bruises, bites, and fingerprints covering your body. To an outsider, you probably appeared as if you had been attacked. Tomas, with a quiet voice, voiced his concern.
“How are you feeling? Do you feel any pain anywhere?”
Finding his worries sweet, you kissed his shoulder instead of his lips, considering how awful your morning breath must have been. Despite sleeping deeply, your body, especially your lower half, was aching. However, it was a pleasant sensation rather than painful; you knew you would walk funny for a bit, but that was perfectly fine with you.
“I’m fine, Tomas, don’t worry.”
Tomas helped you out of bed and helped you get dressed after giving you one last worried glance. You made your way to the kitchen with Ninja trailing behind you, where you found Kuai Liang and Bi-Han arranging dishes on the counter in sync. The delightful smells instantly made your stomach growl, causing your cheeks to flush slightly. Tomas chuckled beside you.
“Good morning, my loves,” you greeted them softly. Their faces lit up as they turned towards you, and they each gave you a hug halfway and planted a kiss on both sides of your head.
Like Tomas, they also didn’t wear anything other than sweatpants to cover up below. Their skin bore your marks, and from the looks on their faces, they were proud of them, just as you were proud to display and carry their claim on you. It was primal, indeed, but it somehow satisfied something deep within you.
“It smells amazing in here. What have you cooked?” you asked as you approached the kitchen. Bi-Han handed you a mug of green tea, and Kuai Liang explained how they prepared a Chinese breakfast while you listened and sipped your tea with happiness.
The table was adorned with an array of dishes, from steamed buns filled with pork and vegetables to dumplings swimming in fragrant broth. Crispy fried rice cakes glistened with a sweet soy glaze, while golden brown pancakes dripped with honey. Fresh fruits adorned the table, adding a refreshing touch to the feast.
Soon, you started enjoying the breakfast laid out in front of you, accompanied by a lively conversation that had you laughing. The food was as delicious as it looked, and you couldn’t help but shower them with compliments. Bi-Han even stuffed a dumpling into your mouth at one point to quiet you, which almost made you choke with laughter.
As you took another sip of your green tea, a sound from your laptop caught your attention. Curious about the early morning email, you rose to investigate, careful not to trip over Ninja who was lounging nearby.
“Is there a problem?” Kuai Liang asked as he approached, reaching to take the kitten on his lap. Ninja immediately melted at his touch, her purrs filling the living room.
Opening the mailbox directly, when you saw where the message was coming from, your heart immediately began to beat with excitement. You held your breath, opened the message box with trembling fingers, and tried to read the message in a snap.
“Is everything all right? You turned pale in an instant,” Tomas said with a worried voice as he sat on the other side of you. A growl rose from Bi-Han. “Who do we have to kill? Give us the names.”
“Guys,” you blinked back tears of happiness, trying to steady your racing heart, “remember when I told you that the first round of the job interview went well?”
“Yeah,” they replied in unison, prompting a wet laugh from you, on the verge of tears.
“I passed the second round too! They liked the demo I sent them. They want to work with me! I got the job!”
When tears of happiness that you couldn’t hold back any longer started flowing down your cheeks, Tomas was the first to hug you. His huge body enveloped you, and he whispered how proud he was of you. Kuai Liang, who had dropped Ninja to the ground, hugged you in the same manner. He gently wiped away your tears and planted a loving kiss on the top of your head. Finally, Bi-Han didn’t hug you like the others, but he gave you a chaste, sweet kiss that lingered longer than expected. Then, with pure confusion evident on his face, he asked, “What the hell is a demo?”
“It’s a preview of the game that hasn’t been fully developed yet. I had been working on it for a long time, unsure about the storyline or characters, until I met you guys,” you explained, pulling up the files on your laptop to show them. Their curiosity piqued, all three leaned in to see the screen. As you navigated to the character screen, three names appeared: Smoke, Scorpion, and Sub-Zero, in that order, accompanied by their gray, yellow and blue appearances.
“Hey, these are our code names, and they look like us. Wait a damn second—” Tomas paused incredulously, and you planted a loving kiss on his cheek amidst his confusion.
“Yes, I know the graphics aren’t great, but everything will be improved. You guys have been my inspiration. Did you like it?” you asked, hopeful.
“This is incredible,” Kuai Liang said, eyes widening in amazement. “How did you manage to do this?”
“Well, I wanted to create a fighting game since highschool. My software was ready, but I was missing characters and a plot,” you explained.
“Are they fighting to the death?” Bi-Han asked, curiosity piqued. After your confirmation, he inquired further, “What’s it about?”
“Based on what you’ve told me, I might have drawn some inspiration from certain events. The main theme revolves around the power struggle between our world and other realms, with fighting tournaments organized to maintain balance,” you elaborated.
“This isn’t just inspiration; it’s reality,” Kuai Liang chuckled, trying to stifle his laughter.
“Why don’t you also call it Mortal Combat, to tie it all together?” Tomas suggested as a joke.
“Well, that’s not a bad idea actually,” you said at the idea Tomas had thrown out. ‘’I couldn’t think of a better name. But maybe with a K instead of a C, it’ll be more catchy,” you added with a smile, trying to read their emotions. However, as the silence stretched and they continued to stare at the screen, you began to feel apprehensive. “Are you… mad at me that I used the information? I can change it completely—”
Bi-Han was the first to drop his mask, a teasing smirk playing on his lips as his normally cold eyes held an amused glint. “Of course we are not mad. Military superiors, monks, and various criminal organizations around the world are already aware of the existence of Outworld and its tournaments. Making some changes in your game to avoid direct parallels won’t be a problem.”
“So you liked my surprise then?” you asked, glancing at them, and they responded with genuine happiness and pride. Tomas chuckled beside you.
“But you’ll pay us commission fees, won’t you? After all, we played an important part in this—” Before he could finish, you threw a cushion at his face, causing him to topple over. But just as he fell, he pulled you into his arms, laughing heartily before kissing you on the lips. “It was a wonderful surprise. Thank you for deeming us worthy of this,” he said, his voice warm and affectionate. “It’s a nice feeling to know that we are your inspiration.”
“Certainly,” Kuai Liang chimed in, joining his brother to kiss you on the shoulder. Bi-Han knelt down to get on eye level with you, lifting your chin slightly to plant a kiss on your forehead.
“We are so lucky to have you,” Bi-Han said sincerely, his voice calm and genuine. You closed your eyes with happiness, feeling content and loved. Everything felt perfect, and your heart was full of love and hope. Starting with Bi-Han, you answered back in a voice overflowing with pure happiness before kissing them each in turn.
“So do I.”
Author’s Note: You stuck with my silly idea and finished the story?! Thank you so much for reading it; I hope you enjoyed it!🥰 I know neither of them said "I love you" to the reader—I wanted to save that for an upcoming one-shot where each of them expresses their love to the reader separately. After that, I have a couple of interesting ideas where Quan Chi and perhaps Leilani will appear and have a plot in the next story. Hope you stick around! If you have any ideas, feel free to share them with me. Take care! 😘
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echobx · 20 hours
I feel like high school sweethearts jj maybank fic would be so cute if you need jj ideas
author's note: okay so,,, bc this is so close to the OC!fic I've been working on for over a year now, I'm gonna give you HCs also bc my brain isn't letting me write at the moment
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you meet in detention, you're first time in detention, JJ's not so much. he knows his way around, how to sneak out especially and when he proposes the idea you decide to just do it, to follow him out.
from that day on he will always try and get you to move more out of your shell, be more poguey than you have been ever before.
he doesn't even realize that he's falling for you until a guy from the football team asks you out on a date.
JJ tries to convince you to not go, but he doesn't have a good enough reason, because surely being in love with you won't convince you to stay.
but the date goes well, and you don't know why you hate that it does. maybe you would've liked it more if it went horribly.
JJ introduces you to the Crew after knowing you for just a month, and they all welcome you with open arms.
so when you come almost crying to Kiara about how weird everything feels, and she has a hard time to not laugh in your face for how oblivious you are, it all starts to dawn on you.
but risking your friendship with JJ? you aren't sure if it's worth it.
and when John B dares him to kiss you in a game of Truth or Dare, he can't find a good answer to not do it, and you can't either.
when you officially start dating, nothing changes much. sure you go out with him, and your alone time is now split into friends stuff and making out, but other than that it's the same.
you have a few rough patches, especially while in school because people start to make up rumors of JJ cheating on you, and even though you know he would never, it still gnawes on your ego.
college is better that way, although the distance doesn't feel so good either. but you get through it with weekend visits or fully focusing only on JJ when you are on break and can go back home.
and at your graduation dinner, JJ finally decides to propose, not having wanted to pull your focus away from studying if he had done it earlier, he says.
of course you say yes, he's the love of your life after all.
the ceremony is rather small, just your family and friends, at the beach.
and when you find yourself pregnant JJ takes care of everything, even going so far to be the stay at home dad for the first two years, and then the next two because two kids are better than one.
he does everything in his power to let you have the family and the carrier you always wanted.
and there isn't a single day that you ever regretted skipping detention with him.
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
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vent-stink · 21 hours
Everything (1)
Summary: Jongho wrote his song, Everything, to move on from his ex-girlfriend so he could finally pursue you.
c/w: slight angst pairings: idol!Jongho x idol!reader a/n: this was sitting in my drafts since I wrote that one drabble ages ago!
Jongho pretended not to care too much about your presence. You weren't there for him, you were just seated with your group, not too far from his. He'd spoken to you a few times that left his heart pounding but left you wondering if he even liked you. When you caught his eye, he flushed, embarassed, but you didn't seem to notice as you waved at him with a kind smile that he returned. Okay, at least he does like you.
Jongho wanted to talk to you more, but he found himself reading through his old conversations with someone he shouldn't be thinking about anymore. It stopped him from seeking you out further, though he couldn't deny that he wished he was the guy you'd sing your groups' love songs for. He felt guilt eating away at him for these feelings, knowing he had yet to move someone else, so he didn't pursue you further.
When he was approached by Hongjoong to make a song for their next full length album "The World Ep. Fin : Will" He took a week baring his soul on papers that ended up cluttering his room more than he ever had before. Sleepless nights were spent trying to write the right thing. He wanted to do his feelings justice. He wanted to sing them out of his system and then, after the promotions and tour for this album were over, never think about them again.
Hongjoong and Wooyoung worried for him as he heard the youngest practice the heartbreaking lyrics to his song through the walls of their flat, but the result was beautiful, and though they never talked about it, they could see that writing it had been cathartic for Jongho and they didn't need to force him to talk to them about what he was going through.
When the song was released, his ex-girlfriend knew it was about her, but it didn't have the affect he was hoping for. Instead of letting her go, it made her come back. She used fansites to find him, and he locked eyes with her as he passed by, waving to Atinys. Seeing her again shook him, and she ended up unblocking his number to ask him to meet that very same day. He wondered if he even should, if he would undo all the progress he gained when writing the song.
In the time he was contemplating whether he should meet her, he ended up seeing you in a reality show. He was surprised to see that you were excited to see him. "Your song on your new album was beautiful, Jongho-ssi," you said, "Everything you sing is full of emotion, but… this one felt especially powerful. It was very moving."
Jongho was stunned. He didn't even know you liked his work, but to know that you made time to listen to his b-side of all things made him particularly feel some type of way. He thanked you kindly, and by the end of the reality show the two of you became quite close, but there was a line that yet to be crossed.
This urged him to see his ex-girlfriend and cut all of his loose ends. He didn't want to pull on one accidentally one day and unravel his whole sweater later, so he had to cut them off now.
At a basically unknown coffee shop with a mask and oversized hoodie, he met her and she frowned at him. "What's with all that getup. You didn't do this before." "I'm a real idol. I can't be caught in any scandals. Nobody knew me before," He said to her quietly, "Why did you want to meet?" "I heard your song." Jongho didn't say anything to that. Obviously she had. To anyone who'd known his relationship with her, it was obvious that she was the song's subject. "Okay…?" Jongho honestly thought his heart would be a lot more bothered by her presence, of course the nostalgia was prominent, but the love he had dwindled significantly. His heart twisted, but didn't beat as hard as it used to.
"I miss you, too." She replied. He paused, buffering for a moment before he asked, confused, "What?" "It was about me, right? My Everything? You still think about me?"
Jongho looked at the table thoughtfully, brows furrowed before he looked back up at her, "I- yes, I guess. It was about you but that- I just felt sorry for what happened-" She cut him off with a smile, touching his hand across the table, and he stared at it, feeling the unfamiliar desire to snatch his hand away. Her touch felt wrong. "I was wrong before. I love you. I want to try again."
This was not what he wanted. Now he was worried for an entirely different reason. He pulled his hand away, putting both hands in his lap and leaning forward slightly, "I'm sorry. That wasn't my intention when I wrote the song." Her face dropped in disappointment and then accusation, "Then why would you write me a song-?" "It wasn't for you, it was for me. It was just about you," Jongho said, "I wasn't trying to hide that, but even though you heard the song… I don't think you really listened to it."
"…You said I'm your everything. What else am I supposed to think?" "I wish I could go back and say all of that to you, but I can't. It ended with 'you were my everything.' Things have changed. This- this was my apology to you, but the concerns you had then are even more prominent, now. I would never have fathomed you coming to this conclusion…"
"Jongho-ya… I said I was wrong. I want to be with you…" "I can't give you a normal life, though," he said firmly, "What changed?"
"Everything changed, Jongho-ya. I missed you, and I didn't realize how you felt about me back then…" "…It's in the past now. I don't feel that way anymore. Did you even watch the MV? That house burned down."
"What?!" She exclaimed. She hadn't even watched the music video. Now looking at her, he wasn't even confident that she'd listened to the whole song.
Though painful, this conversation brought clarity to his mind. He wronged her, he apologized, but things would have ended someday anyway. She wasn't right for him, and there was no way he was right for her either. He didn't regret being with her all that time ago, but she wasn't in his future. He realized that he hadn't imagined a future with her in a long time. He couldn't even remember what he thought it would look like.
"You were my everything. I was finally able to meet you again and convey my feelings from before. I wish I could have told you that you were my reason for living and that I struggled so hard to run to you after falling down a hill of idol responsibilities… but I can't tell you that back then. I can only tell you now. I can't change the past because it's different now. My feelings aren't the same. You were my everything, but you're not anymore. I'm sorry if the song made you misunderstand."
She gripped the coffee in her hand so tightly as she listened to Jongho prattle on in the same indifferent tone she remembered from the day he had finally let her go. She stood, throwing her half-full cup at him, but he was too quick, blocking her hand and spilling the drink everywhere else more than him, even on her.
They stared each other down and she spoke bitterly, "I don't think you ever loved me."
Jongho replied confidently, "I think you're just refusing to see it because I didn't say what you wanted me to say."
The stare-down continued until he gently let go of her hand and left the cafe. Though Jongho was not one for emotion anyway, he was actually surprised that he did not shed a single tear after talking to her. His head was clear and he didn't feel guilty anymore as he drove away, finally leaving her behind.
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justatalkingface · 2 days
New leaks are out
Izuku loses One for All. The one thing he wanted in life was to be a hero, and we all know Horikoshi wouldn’t let him be one without a Quirk. He got One for All for a year and change and then it just gets taken away from him.
It’s so mean-spirited
This shit. This shit is why I'm reluctant to catch up.
Worst thing is, this has been broadcasted as coming for awhile, because that MHA movie? Hero Rising, or whatever, the one where Izuku hands over OFA? If you believe (random shit I found on the internet) (which... admittedly, seems sus, I'm not sure of the validity) that was apparenlty supposed to be the original ending.
(Never mind that Bakugou only came into prominence after MHA got rolling, so unless he was forking it over to... I don't know, Shigaraki, or Uraraka, or Shoto (... my god, imagine the look on Endeavor's face if his anti-All Might child gained All Might's power and became his defacto heir, that'd be amazing) or something, that's already a different ending than the 'original' ending.)
That said, that rumor seems pretty damn validated now, doesn't it? I really don't get why Hori seems to hate his own character so damn much, because the first couple of chapters he seemed to like him well enough; the narrative respected him, he made sense, there was a steady build up of confidence and ability... and then he just... lost all interest, and just seemed to include him more and more grudgingly every time he showed up.
Considering how often the main character had to show up, it really feels like Hori built quite a grudge over the years. And between how damn hard Izuku has been side lined in every possible way, and how much Bakugou is being thrown into the spotlight, this really isn't surprising, all things considered.
A good deal of manga like to end with 'main character is brought down to normal', and honestly I've never liked it; I can only think of one where it was really done well, where I liked the ending (the main character never wanted it in the first place, he always wanted to be normal), and even in setting it only works because shonen manga in general love the 'secret world hidden from the rest of society' bit, so they can 'retire' gracefully to being a normal person without any issues (beyond probable PTSD), but in MHA they can't even do that, because there isn't a hidden world; Izuku is world famous, and without powers I'd honestly expect some random psycho to revenge kill him to get some fame, like that Ending guy.
(...I hate that that doesn't seem impossible still?)
Moreover, big part of that kind of build up is that the character has grown up, and doesn't need the super powers any more, to save the world from the world ending threat, to live the chunnibyo dream of being special instead of being part of society, but being a hero is a job, a career he can do for most of his life and make money in. The super police are still needed, because as far as I can tell, the overarching problems haven't been resolved at all. Just like how Naruto ended up, status quo is god, and the normal that was once terrible and to be fought against is good and just.
And, of course, he's just going to be happy about it, too, I know he is. That's how this kind of thing goes. He's going to be happy about losing everything he's always wanted, even though his friends (which he only got from being heroes) are still going to be heroes, even though Bakugou is almost certainly going to be number one at this point (speaking of which; whatever happened to the 'this is how I became the greatest hero' bit? Let me guess, he'll be referred to that somewhere, and that'll be it.)
He's going to be happy and content with what he was allowed to have (and even though he'll never be able to truly realize it, it is allowed, it's that Hori will allow him this much), and will never dream of wanting anything more. Just like an abused spouse in a truly fucked up marriage that has accepted that this is the 'best' they're going to ever get.
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sinkingnotsoslowly · 2 days
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Pairing: (f) Reader x Hyunjin
Warning: angst if you squint, royalty au
Autumn's sighs- little soft thoughts about our favourite boys
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Life in the palace was lonely. The tall ceilings and dark walls seemed never-ending. The end of the hallways looked like black holes, once they suck you in there’s no way out. The only place Hyunjin felt at ease in the entire palace was his bedchamber. It was devoid of the darkness that seemed to engulf everything in the palace. Instead, it was decorated by splashes of colours here and there, paintbrushes scattered across the floor, several complete and incomplete canvases kept wherever Hyunjin could fit them and even the bed unmade. It was not what any other person would call ‘decorated’ by any means. Even Hyunjin knew it was a mess, “But a pretty mess” he would argue.
One would think life was easy for the royals. They could have whatever they wanted, and with the whole nation at their feet achieving so was as easy as pie. And maybe it was true to a certain extent. But unfortunately for Hyunjin, he did not desire anything that the royal life was able to provide. What need does he have for power and wealth? The little prince used to ask his tutor. And the only thing everybody he asked this to had to say was that he was the eldest prince, the future king, and he ought to have the power to rule the nation. Hyunjin did not want to rule anything.
 “Your brother is being made the crown prince” the royal guard stomped onto the balcony where Hyunjin had set up his easel and canvas.
“And I remember telling you not to pester me when I am painting, Changbin.”
The sunset was becoming too yellow, this wouldn’t do. Hyunjin started mixing some red with the yellow on his palette and looked up to see the guard still standing there, looking at him with a face of disbelief. “Do you have anything more to say?”
“Don’t you have anything to say? You were supposed to have that title Hyunjin”
Hyunjin went back to put some orange on the canvas. Now the sunset had some texture. “I am happy for Yongbok is what I have to say”
Sighing, he put down the brush to look at the guard frowning. Changbin was the only person in the palace he could call upon. He was a little dense at times and maybe that was why when everyone left Hyunjin to his own devices, he followed him like a lost puppy.
“I never wanted that title. I am glad that the King deemed me unworthy. I would have much rather enjoyed being born to a simple farmer. Work hard during the day and paint at night. It is a dream indeed.”
“And it will remain a dream. There is no point in dreaming what you cannot achieve. Hyunjin, you could have handled the business affairs during the day and painted at night-”
“I do not want to handle the business. Yongbok is far more willing and capable of it. It is the right decision to make him the crown prince. I am happy like this” Hyunjin picked up his brush to continue the finishing touches. It was almost dark now; he couldn’t sit out here much longer.
“So, you are all right with people making you out to be mad?” his brush stilled for a moment. “Yes. Yes, I am. It is nothing new. You should leave, I want to finish this painting before it gets too dark.”
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Hyunjin had expected to be at peace after his younger brother was made the crown prince. The King now had no reason to fret and Hyunjin could go about doing his own things. But he was wrong. His peace of mind did not last long as not even a week later the King decided that it would be best for the eldest to get married. Perhaps a wife would help his delirious mind.
To Hyunjin that was worse than being the next King. A wife? It was the nation’s ruler who was mad not him. Having a wife meant letting an outsider enter the little delicate space he had so tenderly sewed. An outsider who would judge him for his choices, call him a lunatic and tear apart his safe abode. Then there would be nothing remaining of him. How would he survive? These thoughts kept him up at night. And when finally sleep came he was haunted by nightmares, where a faceless woman would smirk at him, looking at him with disdain and make a mockery of him.
No amount of pleading stopped the marriage. Even the younger prince tried to convince his father against it after seeing his brother in so much distress. The King stood firm on his decision. And so the wedding preparations began. Hyunjin was certain that the King had lied about him to make a man marry off his daughter to a prince like him. Or maybe this man did not value his daughter enough to pick a worthy husband for her. Either way, Hyunjin did not think his to-be wife would treat him differently than the rest of the masses. So he did not bother to show any interest whatsoever in the maids’ gossip about the unfortunate lady who was to become a part of the royal family. But Changbin enthusiastically visited Hyunjin to tell him about her whenever he heard something new. And so he’s heard that the lady was the princess of a small kingdom far south. Their nation was suffering from famine, so their King was marrying off his daughter to save their people. More of a trade than a marriage. Hyunjin should have known that his father had played some cards for a nation to give up their princess to him.
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The first time Hyunjin saw her was at the altar. Dressed in white with accents of gold and a veil drawn low upon her face. Still, Hyunjin could make out her features; as delicate as a flower, full of innocence, untainted by the harsh condemnation of the world. At once Hyunjin thought of how exquisite she would look sitting in one of the garden chairs among all the other flowers while he painted her. And when she shyly looked up at him, gauging the features of her new husband, Hyunjin knew he was done for.
The first few weeks after the grand wedding passed with the newlyweds awkwardly shuffling around each other and stumbling over their words like babies learning to speak. “This is intolerable. Both of you make me want to smash my head against the wall " Changbin barged into the library, where he knew he would find the older prince. He’d had enough of the couple.
“And what did I tell you about disturbing me when I’m in the library Changbin?” Hyunjin said as he flipped through yet another romantic novel, he says inspired him to paint. Changbin ignored the prince’s blatant show of uninterest and continued, “Do all of us in the palace a favour Hyunjin, grow a pair and talk to your wife properly. You cannot keep running away forever”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Although Hyunjin chased away Changbin he knew that it was becoming ridiculous. He had not touched his paintbrush since the night before the wedding when he locked away all his paints and brushes in drawers, hid the easel under the bed and all his finished and unfinished paintings in trunks. And when his wife stared at him with a questioning look when he insisted on always keeping those drawers locked, he had stupidly said, “I’m a very paranoid man.”  Hyunjin never considered himself to be awkward when conversing with people, he could be very charming at times. So he kept wondering why this sudden idiocy had seized him.
Hyunjin was certain that he had reached a point of restlessness where he would spontaneously combust at any moment if he did not get his hands on even a pencil and a piece of paper to sketch. And of all times now his head was swarming with inspirations when he could not put them down on paper. Ridiculous is what it is, he thought. He did not even know why he was hiding himself from his wife when he never bothered to do so for any other person no matter how many vile words they spewed at him. Maybe he did not want those doe-like eyes, wide with curiosity, to look at him with disdain when she would find out that her husband was not right in his head, that he devoted all his time not to his duties to the nation but to playing with paint. He did not want her to be disappointed since he was not what she had expected.
But as the fates worked their way it turned out that his wife was not the one Hyunjin had expected. It was one night when Hyunjin was sitting with his nose in a book when (Y/n) seemed to no longer able to hold her tongue and asked, “Do you, perhaps paint milord?”
Hyunjin looked up from his book looking like he was caught with his hand in a cookie jar.
“What- how did you know?”
“I noticed the smell of paints on the very first day and I couldn’t hold my curiosity anymore,” seeing Hyunjin’s face ashen she hurriedly continued, “I paint too. Well, at least I used to before I came here.”
“You paint?”
“Yes,” Hyunjin couldn’t believe his ears.
“Would you- would you like to see my paintings?”
“I would love to.” This was the first time he saw her smile that bright since the wedding day. There was no doubt that it was true, that she was not just mocking him. Hesitantly, Hyunjin unlocked one of the trunks and brought out a small painting of a magnolia they had in the palace garden. (Y/n) gasped and Hyunjin quickly looked at her face for signs of disappointment. “That is so beautiful. It looks more real than the paintings I have seen in botanical books,” her eyes were dazzling with amazement. This encouraged him as he brought out more of his paintings, always checking to see how (Y/n) was reacting.
One would say that the chambers were back to how they used to be with how canvases were spread across the room. And amidst those paintings were the princess and the prince, in their little world. “Will you teach me how to paint like this milord?” shyly she asked. But even her shyness could not hide the excitement in her eyes.
“Of course. But only if you stop calling me milord”
“Then what should I call you?” Hyunjin chuckled at how adorable she was.
“Hmm, you could call me Hyunjin, Hyune, darling, love, whatever you wish angel.”
(Y/n) hid her face in her hands. Hyunjin could only giggle seeing her flustered. But even his ears felt hot. He did not mind; he was happy. This was not the type of happiness he felt after completing a sketch or reading a ‘happily ever after’ ending. He hadn’t felt like this for a long time, since after his mother passed. He did not feel judged when (Y/n) picked up the canvases and looked closely at them. She was not disappointed in him, rather she looked like this was everything she could ever ask for; she looked happy. And Hyunjin wanted to paint that happiness on the white canvas, he wanted to paint her. Hyunjin had found his muse.
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ayayiiie · 15 hours
Make me love you
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Song playing: Taeyeon - Make me love you.
Pairing: fuck boy! Heeseung x good girl! Reader. (Feat Enha)
TW: cursing, mentions of sex, drugs, smoking, throwing up. (Y'all is Heeseung very a bad boy in this one? :3)
Genre: hints of angst, fluff
Words: ~ 13k
Lee Heeseung wants you real bad. So what? He needs to prove how much he's worthy.
- « Don't you want to claim me as yours baby girl? »
- « You will only bring me problems Lee. »
- « You don't know til you try. Look at me, ready to give my entire self to you. »
« Then.. Take me far away. »
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« Shadows come from the light in the darkness 
In times that are even lonelier »
He was foully beautiful, has a disgustingly pretty smile and a diabolically angel face. He was as hot as Sukuna Ryomen, smart like Chrollo Lucifer, toned like Eren Yeager and flirty (and annoying) as Usui Takumi.
Every one of his steps scream power and dominance, people in town were obliged to recognize his god-like features.
Lee Heeseung was a piece of wonder. He was the personification of the Great Chinese Wall. Well, for others it means he was one of the seven wonders, his friends being the others six. For you he was illigible, like a void devoid of colors, feelings, words. Looking at him was like walking on the Great Chinese Wall. Infinite stairs, a never ending pathway, long exhausting adventure where you can get lost easily.
You never knew how to understand Lee Heeseung.
And people were here, yelling at you for not being liquified by his unbelievable visuals.
You were not attracted to Lee Heeseung.
And people were here once again, crying about you not having a good eyesight because who in the world would tell a big NO NO to THE Lee Heeseung ?
Despite his apparence, one thing you knew for sure was that he was the synonym of troubles. And that compensated his visuals. Lee Heeseung was a big red flag.
Vandalizing walls, driving fast past three in the morning, drinking heavily almost every night, skipping class (even though he always passed his exams with flying colors which confused you), smoking, sniffing drugs you never heard the name before, fucking some random women of every age everywhere.
Yeah, for you he was the worst of the worst, and you sure would not (in this peaceful life of yours) like to have an affair or everything as minuscule as it is with him.
You knew that Lee Heeseung had no interests in you either and it was perfectly perfect for you.
« The hand that was carefully held out
I couldn’t hold it, I’ve only hesitated but »
« Hey, did you heard that? Lee Heeseung has won the cars’ racing yesterday!
- Listen Young-Hee, you do know I don't give a freak about him right? This man screams problems.
- But don't deny he's attractive! Plus Seo-Hyun had a one night stand with him last week, are you realizing? THE Park Seo-Hyun?
- Please why do you look so interested about that? What is incredible about this?
- Oh please Y/N, we ALL know that Seo-Hyun has a purity ring given by her dad! She promised chastety and here she was, fucking with Lee Heeseung!
- And so? It's something between her, her father and Heeseung, what do I have to do about that?
The strawberry milk you were drinking went out of your mouth to someone's shirt. Eyes widening in both shock and embarrassment, you quickly excuse yourself, not even looking up to cross eyes with them and lend them a tissue while repeatedly apologizing.
« I'm sorry I'm sorry, I didn't attend to do that! »
The bell ringing was a lucky sign for you to sprint directly to your class. As you both pant from the little course, you suddenly hear a loud chuckle from Young-Hee.
« Girl that's what I call being "purged"! she said in between laughs.
- Shut up that was embarassing! And it's your fault! You did it on purpose right?!
- I will keep doing it to see those faces you make! She laughs loudly, people staring.
- Hee! » you yell, trying to grab her arm. But she was faster and quickly went to her seat.
Let's say you couldn't focus on the entire class. Your mind was busy spacing out and thinking about the conversation earlier. Of course you knew that Park Seo-Hyun was the famous virgin of the campus, because everyone knew that. And the fact she wore proudly her ring was her way of showing her engagement !
« You could be next in line! »
This sentence keeps repeating in your head like a malicious mentra and you can't help but to imagine Lee Heeseung devouring you with his eyes. As much as you hated to admit it, he was indeed handsome. But that was a facade to you. Because deep inside, you kept telling yourself that he was someone bad, manipulative and who had no interest in women's feelings. That's what you hate the most. Your dad always made sure to show his love to your mom, so it sure was a big shock when you learn that some men were beating and mistreating their girlfriends or wives. The perfect image of love just crumbled down and you couldn't help but to be on your guard ever since. Especially with people like Lee Heeseung. People categorized you as the « girl talking to only girls » because you always talk with girls only. Not that you despise men, you just don't feel like talking to them and you were perfectly fine with it. Even if some dare to approach you, you woulk kindly answer them and then dash as fast as possible, avoiding the interaction like plague.
Indeed, you did not hate men, you just never knew how to talk to them.
Beside your big brother of two years older your dad and to any men in your small family, talking to the opposite genre was a real challenge for you. Sweaty hands, swifty gazes, mumbling and rosy cheeks. You hated making a fool of yourself and indirectly, men were making you this way. You discovered later that you had heterosocial anxiety. « Good » you told yourself ironically while rolling your eyes, this means talking to men was making you nervous.
But like all stories, there was an exception, a boy in who you could talk to without stuttering and being insecure about your side profile, about the way you would smile, all the mimicks you had. He was your childhood neighbour, Kim Sunoo.
Maybe because he looked less scary and more welcoming, or the way he would smile and his eyes would form two little crescents. Maybe because he seemed more boyish ? Kim Sunoo was the only boy you could talk without being feared of being judged. For you, he will always be the little boy who shared strawberries his grandma prepared for after-school snack. He will always be your super adventures’ companion in your garden.
So it sure was painful when Kim Sunoo transferred from public school to private. Being children, you did not keep in touch and never saw each other ever since. But Sunoo gifted you with a braided bracelet. It was synonym of you guys’ friendship as he too, had one. His mother would show you pics of him, he would send her some after he finished his class, in secondary school. His peace sign beside his wink and little smile would bring a grin to your face too, somewhat relieved he was doing so well.
As you were thinking deeply of your childhood friend, a hand came crashing on your face.
« Young-Hee! I swear you're a dead woman!
- Listen, it's lunch and I'm hungry, stop thinking about Lee Heeseung and let's go to the cafet! she crosses her arms with a devilish smirk plastered on her face.
- I wasn't even thinking about him, cut the drama. »
The walk to the cafeteria was filled with laughters and a warm mood. Tray in hands, you were searching for a place to sit. It seems like today was filled with students as the only places you found were in the middle of two groups, hastily chatting. Not even two minutes after Young-Hee and you started eating, a breaking sound was heard on the other side of the cafet.
« LEE HEESEUNG YOU FUCKING SON OF A BITCH ! » was heard by a female voice.
There, was standing Park Seo-Hyun, infront of a sitting Lee Heeseung. It looked like she threw her glass at him within her tray of food. You see how unbothered he looked, even with food and water all over his clothes. Seo-Hyun scoffed at his lack of reaction and quickly walk out of the cafet, her two best friends following her. Shrugging, you turn back and start eating like nothing happened.
« Oh my god, what do you think did just happen?
- Well, this is what happens when you go inside Lee Heeseung’s circle. That’s why I don’t want anything with him, you said, unimpressed while digging in your tomatoes (I’m sorry for those who don’t like them 😭)
- But don’t you want to know? I loooove gossips hehe…
- If you want to investigate it’s without me you already know that, you say, unbothered.
- But please, she said, a tiny pout on her lips and giving her best doe eyes.
- I really hate you, you know? You sighed while shaking your head.
- Yey! I love you bestie! » She smiles happily then proceeds to swallow everything she had in her mouth.
For you, it was none other than some childish things, without harm. At least, that’s what you expected.
« My heart already trembles, I keep
getting scared
On this night when you secretly held out
your hand »
After disposing your tray in the conveyor belt, Young-Hee excitedly locked your cubital fossa together and has speed towards the almost empty hallways.
« Where are we going? You tell just loud enough for her to listen.
- In front of their class, Heeseung and Seo-Hyun are classmates, didn’t you know? She said making sure to be discreet and to look everywhere.
- I’m not such a big gossip girl like you Hee, you know that, you watched her getting agitated.
- It’s not some gossip, it’s general knowledge Y/N!
- As if, you couldn’t help but to roll your eyes.
- Let’s hide here! » Young-Hee said as she sweeps you both behind a big pillar glued to the classroom’s wall.
Peeking through the marble, you quietly observe your surroundings. Seo-Hyun was in the classroom with her friends, talking angrily about something you couldn’t hear.
« This situation kinda stress me Hee, you said playing with your bracelet. The tropes were so lose they could ripped anytime. It was a habit of you to fidget with it when you were nervous.
- Shh, I’m trying to decipher what they’re saying », she shushed you, looking attentively at the girls.
You couldn’t help but to roll your eyes a second time. Young-Hee was really persistent when she wanted to be but you couldn’t blame her, she lifted up your moral numerous times with this personality of hers.
« I fucking hate his guts! He promised me so many things but at the end what?! I gave my fucking virginity to an asshole like him?! Screams Seo-Hyun.
- He doesn’t deserve you Seo, trust us, said one of her friends.
- But Chae I gave him my v card, my dad’s gonna kill me if he learn that.
- You can just wear the ring again, he wouldn’t know.
- The whole school knows it! No way he will not be aware!
- Seo, calm down first. Instructed Chae-Won.
- I can’t-
- Y/N! Hide quick! » whispered-yelled Young-Hee.
Panicked, you rapidly hide behind the pillar, pressing your body as far as you could.
« What’s happening? » You whisper to your friend, completely lost.
Hee only gave you her big eyes as a response and gestured you that someone was coming. You didn’t think two times about it and just nodded.
« What are you gonna do Hee? She’s super mad at you and look at you, you’re covered in tomatoes’ sauce. You both hear a man voice talking.
- Huh? She took my hoodie when we did it last week, I just want to take it back, and I need to change clothes too. You could recognize Heeseung’s voice at the same time steps were coming your way.
- You’re unbelievable man! Exclaimed the other guy with him, chuckling in disbelief.
- I know, Heeseung only replied. You could practically hear and imagine his smirk as they open the door.
- What do you want bastard?! Screams Seo-Hyun.
- Wow, I didn’t came to be assaulted. I just want to take my hoodie back, I left it at yours last week.
- Already threw it in the trash can. She spat bitterly.
- Ouch, » murmured Young-Hee.
You looked at Young-Hee but didn’t expect her to make a silly face so you accidentally snort without realizing you both could be in big troubles if they happen to know you were here.
« Hey, did you heard that? Said the friend accompanying Heeseung.
- Hear what Jake? Questioned Heeseung.
- I heard some muffles over there, let me check. »
Panic immediately took possession of your body as you hurriedly run and turn in the near corridor.
« Hey! Wait! » You hear from the other side as you run endlessly trying to turn in the maximum corridors possible to left him.
Finally arriving at the back of your school, you both pant loudly, trying to catch your breath.
« That was freaking close! For once Mr Hwang’s running class weren’t useless! Pant Young-Hee between each inspirations taking.
- Listen carefully Hee, you stand fully up as your hands were resting on your knees to catch your breath, last time. I swear, last time forever.
- But they didn’t catch us, I’m sure he didn’t even see our faces! » She exclaimed feigning innocence.
You frown. If Jake was running behind you, he must have seen two figures at least. Plus, girls. You subconsciously touch your wrist to feel your bracelet when nothing brush your fingertips. Imagining the worst, you look down only to see it gone.
« Shit shit shit, don't tell me it fell off while we were running? You mumbled.
- What happened? asks Young-Hee, concerned.
- My bracelet fell off when we ran Hee, I need to search for it, it's a gift!
- Wow, it's okay, let's go back and see if it's there. »
You then walk the opposite way, following exactly each corridor you took. You were stressing, losing the only memory of your friend was the last thing you wanted to face right now. And as you kept approaching the classroom, your fear only increased.
« It's nowhere to be found Y/N... said your companion, empathic.
- Maybe it just fell right next to the pillar? I will take a look, you finally sighed, feeling hopeless.
- Okay, I'll search in this area over there, » she pointed the opposite direction with her finger.
As you were searching, you failed to notice a stare on you, silently watching every move you made.
You finally concluded after fifteen minutes that it was lost and you couldn't do anything about it. To feel guilty and sad were an understatement to what you were feeling right now. This bracelet was your anti-stress and now it was gone.
« Make me kiss you
 Ma-make me kiss you »
The end of the day came up rather quickly and you were now packing your things in your backpack. Young-Hee bided you goodbye earlier because she has tennis sessions so today you had to walk back home alone. It was actually great for you as you long for loneliness and peace sometimes. It eases your mind, not that being with Young-Hee create headaches but she was a little bit too loud sometimes.
As you exit the hallway of your university, someone secretly hold their phone up and snap a picture of you walking away. Shuffling it back in their pocket, they act like nothing happened and watch your back disappears.
« So you’re like that huh?! Taking pic of someone without their consent?! » Screams a girl.
You abruptly turn around to see the scrap. There you see again Seo-Hyun and Heeseung. Looks like she was yelling at him for something he did.
« Does it concern you? Just because we fucked doesn’t mean we’re dating idiot, » he spoke calmly, his chin lightly raised alongside a brow.
Reminding you of your « mission » with Young-Hee, you can’t help but to approach the scene quietly, making sure you’re discreet. As you hide behind a spot you continue to listen.
« Then you shouldn’t have promised me so many things that night! Was it nothing to you?! She angrily tells.
- And what are these things? Because I don’t remember any actually, he answers casually. He was used to it.
- You told me you will make me feel special, that I’m not like the others and that I’ll be the only one! At this point she was just stomping her foot on the ground brutally.
- Oh. Yeah it was in the heat of the moment. Never actually think this way. Plus I was drunk so I didn’t really paid attention to what I was saying, » he said once again as if it really didn’t bother him to see her on the verge of beating him up.
Your eyes widened at the loud clap your heard and you were sure it came from her hand entering in collision with his cheek. « Must have hurt » you told yourself in your head.
« Fucking asshole, I’m gonna denounce you for what you’ve done and also for taking a pic of Y/N in secret! » she lastly said before storming away.
You slowly realized what she said and confusion took all over your mind.
« Wait, what? He took a secret pic of me? » You wondered in your mind.
- Stop hiding. I know you’re here, you hear a masculine voice calling, broking your self-thought bubble.
- Oh shit, you mumbled, it was over now, you were discovered, umh, hi haha, I was just about to go haha, you said, the uneasy feeling slowly climbing in your whole body as you step out of your hiding spot, walking awkwardly like a robot with a grimace.
- Really? You do know it’s not really polite to listen to others in secret yeah? »
Lee Heeseung grabs onto your shoulder, the scene particularly comic as he turns your around.
As you face him, your eyes immediately locked together and you can’t help but to feel intimidated by his gaze. It was teasing, almost mocking and shockingly traversing your entire core. You feel naked under him and once again you remind yourself why you hated talking to men this much. Instead of his uniform’s shirt he was wearing a plain oversized t-shirt of color white, he probably changed clothes after receiving the food on himself at the cafet. His black hair were swaying by the wind, softly falling on his mischievous eyes. God he was perfect.
« So? Kitten got your tongue angel? He tilted his head, waiting for an answer.
- Don’t… call me that, it sounds naughty coming from your mouth, you said looking finally down, not supporting his gaze.
- Oh really? That’s what y’all say, he chuckled slowly moving forward, but y’all love it in bed.
- And you talk about me listening to conversations in secret but you are not so good yourself, taking pic like a creep of someone without their consent, » you spat, your tone harsher than you intended too and your eyes piercing his when you lift your head. As much as you wanted to deny it, your cheeks were already red and your heartbeat as quick as the speed of light.
In response, he smirks, clearly pleased by what he’s seeing and hearing in front of him. You tried not to take in details his black hair perfectly styled as well as his perfect face and soft creamy skin. You then notice how bad Seo-Hyun had slapped him as a red mark was clearly visible on his left cheek.
« I don’t really like brats but with you I think I can make some efforts, he shrugged and came even more close, I don’t want to be harsh with you baby it would break my heart, he whispered, his hand coming up to brush against your chin.
- Who said you could touch me? Delete this pic as soon as possible and leave me alone, you’re carrying troubles, you sweep his hand away and step back.
- And what if I don’t? What are you gonna do? His cocky grin never leaving his face.
- I… I will report it to the police! You stumble over your words, quickly regretting the way you look so weak in front of him.
- Will you? When you know that my dad is a powerful CEO? In fact, the most powerful of the country? » He retorts, a feeling of satisfaction filling him up when your eyes widen up.
You sigh then frown at him and quickly dash away, not wanting to talk further. It was infuriating you that he was always winning. You hated him so much.
« We can find a way if you’re willing to be mine! 
- Never!! » you shout loud enough for him to hear you, only to hear a laugh as a response.
- How would you react if I tell you that you’re the reason I bring troubles Y/N? » Heeseung finally sighed watching your silhouette ventures between the buildings.
You let out a scream after making sure nobody was around you.
« This freaking Lee Heeseung!! You and your bad mouth will go down in hell I swear! You angrily said as you stomp your feet.
- Pff. »
You turn around as soon as you heard something. Scanning your surroundings you search the source of the noise.
« Is someone there? You ask, unsure and on your defensive.
- Not at all, act like I’m not here, answered a voice.
- Are they dumb or dumb? I just yelled my frustration and you’re telling me to continue embarrassing myself? You thought, low key judging them. Where are you? Show yourself. » (Frozen enwnkzjwnz)
After a few minutes, a boy finally step out and came infront of you. He was wearing a white t-shirt and by the look of the small pink stain on it you immediately remembered what happened this morning.
« Oh, you said taken aback.
- Like you said « Oh », he laughed, thank you for customizing my t-shirt, I didn’t know it was a tradition in your uni, he looked down at it, a small smile on his face.
- Huh… sorry… you didn’t had any clothes to change? You nervously ask.
- Oh no, I’m new here and I needed to get my dorm’s keys after school so nope.
- I’m sorry you had to walk like this the entire day. Uhm… » you said, hesitant.
In fact you were hesitating, one part of you wanted to go home, feeling the urge to burry yourself alive because a male was talking to you but yet another part was feeling too guilty to just go and you feel like you had to forgive for what you’ve done.
« Yes? He looked at you, a soft smile appearing on his face.
- Do you want to go to the cafe shop with me? We can go and drink some chocolate milk? I want to apologize properly.
- Uh, it will be coffee milk for me, he laughed, but yeah sure, » he smiles.
You couldn’t help the dumbfounded expression on your face as you heard his answer. « Mr is picky I see. » you thought to yourself. Well, you thought you said it in your head but his laugh caught you off guard, WAIT DID YOU JUST ASKED A BOY OUT ?
« I heard you, and I personally do not think that I’m picky, I just have my preferences, » he says proudly, mischievous eyes looking straight right through yours.
You just shake your head, already embarrassed about the fact he heard your thoughts.
As you both make your way to the cafe shop, you learn that his name is Sunghoon Park. He was currently an ice skater and was preparing for his national competition. As a big fan of Yuzuru Hanyu, you couldn’t help but to feel interested in his career’s story.
« So you learned ice skating when you were 10? That’s quite amazing. Do you have any friends? You ask without really knowing how you could talk to him this easily.
- Mh.. only one, her name is Eunseo, she is the only girl who dared to come to me when we were young, he shrugged looking unbothered.
- Oh, were you the only boy? You keep asking, trying to match his walking pace, your voice weakening as you saw the unbothered look on his face, were you boring? Did you forced him to go with you? And what if he didn’t wanted to?
- In my club yes, it was kinda lonely back then before I met Junhwan, he notices that you were having a hard time keeping up with him so he slowed down, quickly scanning your smaller figure with a glance.
- I see I see, you nod rapidly, your eyes that were on him now looking in front of you, throat suddenly dry as the conversation touched its end.
- And you? What’re you doing on a daily basis? He raised an eyebrow towards you.
- Me? Haha nothing as interesting as you, I’m a simple girl, you try to brush the subject away, surprised that he kept the conversation on going.
- Really? Aren’t you working at an animals center? He opens the door for you as you were now arrived.
- How… how do you know that? You enter, waving a hand to thank him.
- A friend of a friend, » he grins once more, passing before you towards the counter.
« What in the world..? » you thought again, gradually joining him as your mind overflowed with thoughts, finding him kinda creepy.
While you guys took commands, you quickly paid for both drinks before he could do anything, muttering a shy « it’s on me ». Unfortunately for you, you missed the way his eyes shone as his heart skipped a beat. You then found a table in a corner, near a window offering you the view of a busy crowd. The more you were thinking of the situation you were right now, the more you’re nervous. Endless fears and thoughts invading your head as you look around in an alarmed state, your knees automatically shaking under the table.
« You seem to have a lot of thoughts in your head. Every time you’re quiet, I’m quite sure you’re thinking of something, he softly puts his chin on his palm as his elbow is resting on the table, his attention entirely on you, making things even harder for you to support the awkward atmosphere you were feeling alone.
- Yes, I actually think a lot haha, not you? Your gaze darting away from his stare.
- Depends, he responds, eyes not blinking and continuing to stare right into your orbits.
- Number 38! You perked, reacting to your command’s number.
- Will be right back, » you stand up and walk rather awkwardly feeling his intense gaze on your back.
You went to grab your drink and thanked the woman. On your way back, you notice a frown adorning Sunghoon's soft features as he was staring at his phone. Not wanting to bother him, you sat down quietly, sipping on the sweetness awaited, immediately calming your stress. He quickly put his phone back into his pocket before looking at you, eyes softening upon seeing your content eyes. You were zoning out, so did not notice his eyes staring at you.
« It's unfair really, he managed to mumbled, a grin evident on his face as he finally looks away.
- What is unfair? You barely heard what he said but did anyways.
- It's unfair to look this cute actually, he whispers, still looking around the cafe shop.
- W-what did you say? I didn’t hear you, you purse your lips, blinking in confusion. To be honest you did heard him, you just wanted to be sure and not be delusional.
- Nothing, a simple note to myself, » he shrugs and then stand up when his order is being called.
You couldn't help but wonder to what he said earlier, what does he mean by "unfair"? Anyways, you checked the time on your phone to see that it was late (or that you wanted to escape from this situation?), and that you needed to revise for a test coming soon. Sunghoon was just arriving when you stand up. He gave you a confused look and you quickly told him the reason of your departure.
« Already leaving? We have just arrived? He asks, incredulous, standing still with his drink in hand. (Sunghoon be like : 🧍‍♂️)
- I know and I'm sorry for that! I'll see you around! You say, in a sort of a rush.
- Wait lemme at least walk you, he tries to slow you down, but you were faster and have already left the cafe shop. Aish... This girl... » he tilted his head, disappointed in himself or in you he didn't know, but he for sure wanted to spend a little bit more time with you.
After all, you caught his eyes and with it, his cold heart.
« Make me touch you 
Ma-make me touch you »
The following week was packed.
You finally let out a sigh of relief, it was now the week-end, you will have the deserved time to breathe. You were now in your room, on your bed, laying on your chest. You had just finished your night routine and was on the verge of sleeping when you heard something hitting your window. Panicked, you quickly turn off your bedside lamp, telling who-the-hell they're that you're sleeping and above all, that you want to be alone. In fact, you were scared it was a stealer or a serial killer and hurriedly hide yourself under your blanket as if it will protect you from them. Even though you tried to sleep, your eyes tightly shut, the noise wouldn’t stop, it was quite the contrary. Taking your courage in both hands, you quietly stand up and gently push aside your curtains before looking for the culprit of your peacefulness. Being shocked was an understatement as you saw none other than Lee Heeseung standing behind your gates, getting ready to throw yet another rock on your window before you furiously open the latter.
« Lee Heeseung! What are you doing at this hour? I'm trying to sleep! You whisper-yelled, not wanting to wake up your parents.
- Come with me! He offers you a big smile, waving at you.
- Is he crazy or what? You murmured to yourself, not believing his words. What? Why? Are you going to give me some candies and then kidnap me? You say ironically, I don't know you! Go to your home! » You finally pronounce your last words before closing your window.
« I wouldn’t mind kidnapping you though, » he mumbles under his breath as he smiles, heart racing.
Not even two seconds after it was closed, you hear knocking sounds again. Taking a deep breath, you tried to calm yourself, you were not one to be very patient, plus the lack of sleep these days were really working you up. Lee Heeseung or not, you were strangers and he was invading your privacy at this point ! It has to cease before your parents found him out and call the police. As much as you didn’t liked him, it's not like you hated him too and you just wanted to avoid problems. God knows what could happen to you if this story disclose around, his fangirls would grab your hair, make a pretty haircut (note the sarcasm) and throw you in the nearest dump while his father would probably kick you out of the country with your parents. So you decided to slip on an oversized hoodie, stolen from your brother (working overseas), and to step down your stairs in the quietest way possible. You needed to be extra careful because your mother was a light sleeper so even the weenie mistake would wake her up and you would then be in big problems. Reaching the entrance, you open the door without a care about your looks, after all, it completely went out of your head.
« What's your problem? Why are you here? You hiss, now infront of the fuckboy of the campus.
- Woah ~ so sexy, he whistles at the sight of your disheveled hair, oversized hoodie, slippers and your annoying face.
- Just answer the damn question Lee, you switch your weight on one of your leg, the foot opposed stomping against the fresh grass of your garden. Your hands were on your hips as you were glaring at him.
- Just wanted to see you, that's all, he lifted his hands above his shoulders, acting as if he was surrending himself.
- And why so? I don't understand, we are not friends, not even acquaintances even more, we don't speak to each other at all. How did you even got my address?! And most importantly : What do you want from me? Your frown deepening, your arms cross on your chest.
- I'm racing tonight, I need to bring someone with me. I thought of-, he began but you quickly dismiss him.
- Rejected. Did you really think I was going to accept? In your dreams, you scoff, not believing him.
- Come on, it will be fun I promise you, » he extends his hand, as if waiting for you to grab it.
The truth is, you heard from some classmates that racing with Heeseung was amazing. He would have excellent driving skills and it would have been a shame to miss it. Closing the distance between you and him, you raise your hand, almost as if you were going to accept his proposition, only to clap his hand down. His eyes, that were hopeful of you possibly agreeing, lose their light, like a sad puppy not getting his treat.
« I will say it one last time Heeseung, you look straight into his eyes, rejected. » You gritted, emphasizing on your last word.
You then turn around, not letting him the time to reply back, and enter your home. Not even two minutes inside and you're glidding down the door, your hands pressed against your chest, a futile attempt to calm your messy heartbeat. This interaction with this man was in no point good for you and put you in one hell of a state you couldn't even imagine.
Why everything was suddenly happening to you? And most of all, why did it has to be LEE FREAKING HEESEUNG?
That night, you couldn't sleep.
« Make me want you 
Ma-make me want you »
The next morning you felt especially groggy. You didn't had much sleep and it was also the first day of your period. « I hate this world » you mumbled to yourself, already feeling the cramps coming. As you peacefully went out of bed to ready yourself, a notification caught your attention.
« #Lee_Heeseungs_new_chick »
Seriously? Was he going to follow you everywhere you were going? Would you believe! Now he’s even invading your notifications… You feel like Lee Heeseung was stuck with you for whatever reason and it pissed you off. For wanting him away it looks like the opposite.
« Are you ready Y/N? Hurry or you will be late, informs your father, peeking through your door, ajar.
- Yes I'm coming right now, is mom already gone? You ask, standing up and taking your uniform hanging on your wardrobe.
- Yup, said she has to go early today, » you hear his faint voice as he was walking down the stairs, his voice resonating in the corridor.
It was unusual for you, your mom never had to go early to work. But you shrugged it off, everything happens for a reason. You quickly do your morning routine then finally went out of your house.
As you arrived at the university, you couldn't help but notice how stares were directed at you for a reason you ignore. Being self-counscious, you found a restroom and checked if you had anything on your face or your clothes, only to notice that everything was perfectly fine. What the hell was happening?
The only way to know was to ask Young-Hee as she always keep herself updated. And you didn't had to search for her for too long as you could pratically hear her yells from the other side of the hallway.
« Y/NNN! Oh my god why didn't you tell me? She grabs your hand and pulls you towards a quieter side of the hallway, where nobody could hear you both.
- About what? You ask, like a lost puppy.
- You and Lee Heeseung are dating !Congrats! She cheerfully says.
- Wait- what?! No way in this freaking world! I do not like him and you know it! You offer her your most disgusted-shocked face, making her laugh.
- But the whole campus is aware! She then take out her phone from her bag's pocket.
- And why am I not aware then? What's happening?
You noticed that everyone were looking at you with weird eyes, you panicked a little, looking repeatedly on both side of you.
- Look! » She shows you her screen.
You couldn't believe what you were seeing right now.
It was a picture of you and Heeseung last night. The picture showed the moment you just taped his hand down to refuse his proposition, but it gives the impression of you two holding hands. Who would take a picture of you and him this late at night? One of his fans? Or maybe he planned this all along? You were confused and soon a striking pain started to pounced in your head. Good, you were having a headache because of all the ruckus. Not to mention the pain of your cramps too, you knew how bad they were particularly during the first few days.
« Are you okay? Worriedly ask Young-Hee, seeing you squinting your eyes in pain.
- Having a headache and period cramps are the worst I swear, you mutter under your breath, taking a big inspiration only to wince when you feel the contractions.
- Today's really not your day ma girl, she shakes her head, going through her bag to find a potential pill that could helps you.
- Let's go in class, it's about to start, » you take her extended hand that was giving you the med and walk to class, steps galloping in fear of being late.
Mrs So was already in the classroom, spreading her books and belongings and not even after being seated, she began her lesson. You quickly ate the med while rummaging through your bag to pull out your belongings.
« Pssst Y/N, »
It was one of your classmate, in whom you never really spoke. The way her eyes glinted in curiosity was slowly freaking you out. You knew what she wanted to know.
« No, we aren't dating, don't misunderstand the pic, you respond drier than attended and not even sparring her a glance making it look even more rude.
- Okay okay sorry for wasting your time, you could hear the sarcastic tone with an eye roll, not that you really care. What a boring girl you are, why would he choose you instead of me? »
You silently sighed, it's not your fault if his flirty ass was in front of your house at 1 A.M. But maybe you shouldn't have approached him and just should've shut him down and go to sleep like nothing happened.
« Ladies at the right, stop talking, warns Mrs So.
- It's Y/N, she can't keep her mouth shut, she said, voice filled with sarcasm.
- Huh? Are you talking about you?
- Tch, what are you five?
- Yup five times smarter than you, you proudly smile, the whole class hyping you.
- YOU-
- Mrs Park, this is your last warning, stares Mrs So.
- I'll kill you Marilyn Monhoe, she lastly whisper.
- At least I'm hot, » you quietly say, hearing the snickers of some of your classmates.
Internally, you were screaming because how in hell someone spotted you with THE Lee Heeseung? This just made you exasperated and more determined to have less contact with him...
Days had passed and you were avoiding Lee Heeseung like plague. The latter did not understand your behavior as he was secretly longing for you.
Following you with his eyes each time you happened to walk by him. His friends, except one were looking at him with a grin, they knew oh how much Heeseung wanted to own you, well the reason was unknown to them, but the way he was devouring you with his eyes spoke enough for them to know you were his prey.
In fact, Lee Heeseung has been infatuated by you the day he saw you rejecting one guy. The latter was known for being a real playboy in disguise, playing the Prince Charming to get girls. We could say he and Heeseung were sworn enemies, competing over who could catch more girls. So when you turned the guy down, it only created a spark in Heeseung, the desire to win you invading his brain. If he could have you, he could brag about it to the loser who failed, gaining yet a tingle of pride. At first, winning you and throwing you like an old rag was all he could think of, yet what he didn't expected, was the fact you were *actually* attractive and interesting. He felt like you were an unpolished gem, a precious diamond that didn't showcase its spark yet. In his head he was the miner, you were the diamond, he had to polish you, to make you shine.
« K-kiss you, t-touch you, w-want you »
« Make me love you »
Soon enough, seeing and thinking that Lee Heeseung's attention on you was finally finished, you lowered your guards and peacefully lived your life, knowing the only person you needed in your social circle was Young-Hee.
The sound of your phone makes you freak out as you take it out of your bag. Speaking of the devil, Hee has just send you a message, claiming she was feeling sick and won't be able to come in class.
« Is this for real? The exact moment I think about her, she's sick, this girl I swear, » you sigh.
Young-Hee was the type of girl who got rarely sick, so it feels empty to eat alone in a classroom. You thought that it could bring you peace and to be honest, you didn't want to be looked at for eating alone. So here you were, eating alone in a classroom, just minding your business.
« Oh, did I just caught a fish eating alone? » a voice resonated in your ears, breaking the pleasant silence you were in.
Immediately perking your head, your gaze falls upon the ice skater. His tall frame was leaning against the door, his arms crossed with one hand holding a drink.
His eyes had looked you from toes to head, analyzing every details and to be fair, made you slightly uncomfortable. His grin and teasing eyes just made you feel self conscious and you looked away, a slight blush creepig up your face.
« I didn't expect you to be here... What brings you here? you ask softly, resuming on eating your lunch.
- I saw you eating alone, so I thought I could keep you compagny, are you okay with this? » he says, already making his way to take the chair in front of you, pulling it so the back could rest against your desk. He finally plopped down on the chair, facing you directly, propping his forearm on the top of his chair.
- Well... looks like you already eased yourself here, beside, who am I to tell you no? You suck in a sigh, his intense gaze was just urging you to hide in a hole and to never get out of it.
- We didn't get to finish our conversation last time, so why not catching it up now? he asks, looking at the window, the sun rays shining on his handsome face, did he thought he was in a drama? Even the breeze was a paid actor as it made your hair and his leisurely dancing.
- Hum... I'm kinda an awkward girl, you may go on your way...you mutter, dumbfounded as to why someone like him would want to have a conversation with a girl like you, trying to escape guys like death.
- It's okay l'm awkward too, » he chuckles to himself, his head lowering slightly as he does.
Gosh he was beautiful, what did he ate to be this handsome?
« Sung- », a voice called but immediately stopped.
Lee Heeseung was there, and the scene before his eyes was like a bad dream. His close friend, Park Sunghoon is having a face to face conversation with the girl he's trying so hard to catch the attention. Heeseung wondered why it looks easy for his friend to talk to you, he did not understand at the moment why you weren't hostile towards him. If one day Heeseung was being told he got jealous over one of his friend, he would have just laughed it off, shaking his head while mumbling some incoherent things on how it is impossible for him to feel that way.
« What is it hyung? » asks Sunghoon, clearly aware of his senior's intentions with you.
« Well... I didn't expect you two to be together, his eyes were locked on your figure, long time no see Y/ N, » he smiles at you, closing the distance between you three. You couldn't be in a more embarassing situation. Firstly, the tension could be felt from miles, secondly, you never asked to be talked to, and finally, how can it be so hard to be alone these days?
Feeling uneasy, both by their intimidating gazes and their presence, you shakily release a sigh.
« I don't know what I did to you guys... what do you want from me? » you ask, on one hand, not wanting to know their answer, and on the other one, craving to know what their full intentions were.
« Didn't I told ya already? I want you to race with me, » he says nonchalently, shrugging his shoulders.
« And I was clear about it, I don't wanna do it, » you sigh, not really knowing how to formulate your words so he could give it up.
« Racing with Heeseung could be dangerous, that's why I'm never riding with him, » says softly Sunghoon, his expression betraying his voice. But it ceased when his attention finally focused itself on you, the older man glaring at him.
« Don't act like you are not riding like him, » your brows creased, not impressed.
« I don't do cars races, I swear on my lovely dog, » he lifted his hands up, claiming his innocence.
« I don't wanna drive with either of you two, you sigh, closing your eyes, what did I do for you two to want me to ride with you? There's plently of girls in the campus! »
At this point they didn't know if you were really clueless or if you were doing this on purpose. It was as clear as water that Lee Heeseung and Park Sunghoon were hitting on you. We couldn't really blame you: never got confessed, never got a boyfriend, never had male friends after Sunoo so yes, what is love anyways?
Heeseung thought for a while, trying to find a way to make you agree. When the idea comes to him, he smiles brightly and stand in front of you, looking down at you with a smirk.
« How about I buy you those pretty pencils from this one shop near the campus? I noticed that you have a lot of them, » he smiles, proud.
Touché, you felt blocked, because as much as you want to deny it, you always had a things for books and stationery stores. You took care of the esthetic of your belongings and it didn't go unoticed by Lee. Gritting your teeth, your head became fuzzy as well as your thoughts, the tentation was high but a side of you keep reminding you that he was Lee Heeseung, the campus' playboy. You failed to catch the smile of Sunghoon sightly faltering. Freak, Heeseung got a step ahead, and you, who were usually direct to reject him, was now hesitating.
The first time Park Sunghoon came visiting the new city he was gonna moved in, he didn't thought much of it. His introvert character made it hard for him to open up to people. Only on his friends he could lean on and they were everything he needed. Sunghoon didn't planned on falling in love. Indeed he was known for being quite the heartless and cold guy, ignoring confessions and not showing a bit of interest in the opposite gender. His sister and mom were enough for him, he didn't need other women in his life than his family. But fate worked against him when he saw a young girl from his age, crouching near a dog while patting it. His eyes traveled up to see the longstanding crusty letters that formed the two words « Animal center » written on an old building, dilapidated enough to imagine it was there for many years. The girl was standing just behind the opened gate, talking sweetly with the dog in front of her. She looked like she was the happiest on Earth, in her own bubble as her soft chuckles resonated in the silence of the street. Sunghoon was too stunned to speak a word, clearly dazed by the scenery painted in front of his eyes. The golden hour made it look even more beautiful than it was already, melting his icy heart the more he was watching you.
« HUM... Can I help you? » Sunghoon heard a voice calling out to him, stopping him from his dazy state and regaining consciousness. The sight of you was nowhere to be seen as an old granny, smiling softly at him, stood a few meters away from him, eventually blocking him from seeing you.
« Oh, hum, n-no... I was just passing by... » he answered, caught off guard and blushing from embarassment. He quickly bowed before hasting his steps out of sight. At this moment, he believed that he could never see you again.
So the day you splashed your milk onto his shirt, his anger immediately turned into surprise when he saw your face, the image of you patting the dog inked in his brain. He hadn't got the time to speak a word that you were already dashing out of his sight, handing him a tissue while looking down and walking past him.
« How long does a racing lasts? » You ask, reclaiming again Sunghoon's attention on you.
Watching as Heeseung heaved a sigh alongside a sly grin, his face showing nothing else but satisfaction and victory.
« It's tonight, midnight, I will pick you up at 11:30 PM » Heeseung smirks, eyeing you with fancy eyes.
« I didn't ask when it was, I asked about the duration, you sigh, besides I didn't even agreed, you stated and raised a brow at him.
- Yet. If you really wanted to refused you would have already told me no, he smiles, knowing he won, so tell me, are you coming or not? »
Gritting your teeth, you looked everywhere besides the two men in front of you, one eager to know your answer, certain you will say yes. The other, praying you will say no, his eyes not leaving yours.
« Y/N- », begins Sunghoon before getting cut of by Heeseung.
« Come on! First and last time I ask you to! »
« I really hate you... » you mutter enough for them both to hear.
« Shit… » thinks Sunghoon, completely devastated you agreed.
« Every day, I enter into a different world
I was a butterfly, attracted to the temptation 
I’ve fallen into a sweet scent
How do I look ? »
Here you were, waiting for Lee Heeseung to come pick you up, your hands tightly grabbing the strap of your purse. Soon enough, you catch a glimpse of a car's headlights. Stopping just in front of you, the driver's door opened to reveal Heeseung. His hair was up, showing his forehead, wearing a dark blue baggy jeans, an oversize black t-shirt with a leather jacket. His looks were complimented by earrings and necklace. And on his face, a smirk was plastered. You could tell he loved what he was seeing.
« Here we go, Mrs Y/N, » he smiles, opening the passagenger's door for you, and you oblige, sitting inside his car. His car was impressive, a black Alfa Romeo Giulia quadrifoglio. « Perfect for his car's racings », you thought to yourself as your eyes wander on the illuminated dashboard. As much as your heart was beating loudly, a part of you was telling you that Lee Heeseung has made a special propose for you to drive with him made you feel unique, until the other part of your brain reminds you that the seat you're currently sitting on had tons of women on it. It gave you chills and a little frown make its place on your face as Heeseung finally eases himself beside you.
« Are you comfy? he asks before stopping himself when looking at your face, I feel like I just kidnapped you while you agreed to come with me. » He chuckles while you refused to look back at him, a small pout on your lips.
« Nothing, hurry so I can go home as fast as I can, » you mumble while looking at the window.
« Alright, received loud and clear. » He smiles before pressing his foot on the pedal, the car dashing at top speed.
You suppress a loud gasp when he does, firmly gripping anything you can grasp. Your heart that was already beating real fast feels like it could explose anytime. You could not even apprehend what was happening at the moment, the city flashing at an incredible speed, soon reaching the small-town.
You try not to pay too much attention on the way he has his left elbow on the ledge of the window, his fingers grazing his lips and the other hand, firmly seizing the steerwheel. Gosh why was he still attractive after all the troubles he did to you?
« Liking the view my lady? » he says, snapping you out of your trance.
« I would be pleased if I could get another one right now. » You answer without missing a beat.
All you recolted was his laugh filling the tensed silence.
« I can say you give your trust easily Y/N, he stated with a grin, you really do look like those children who are seen being proposed some candies by a total stranger, he looks at you for a few seconds before looking back at the road, fallen into the trap. »
«I-, » you tried to answer back but couldn't say anything as it was true.
The rest of the trip was spent in the silence as a soft music played in the background. You were feeling uncomfortable. Mainly because you were not expecting to spend a soiree with a man and mostly Lee Heeseung.
You finally arrived when you see an infinite amount of cars alongside cheerful people, suddenly feeling self-consicous about the situation you're in right now. You didn't think about the fact that Lee Heeseung was very well known in town and so, that everyone surely already knew it was him by the sight of his car. As Heeseung parked right in front of a crowd, he turns his head to look at you. « Just be natural pretty, you will mak’em all speechless » he whispers smoothly, you took a deep breathe, nodding quickly before going out of the vehicule.
« Yo man, came with your new chick? Whistle a man upon seeing you, his eyes roaming up and down your silhouette.
- Yup, m'racing with her tonight, » grins proudly Heeseung, glancing back at you with a glint in his eyes while you roll yours up.
You then noticed how people were staring at you, mixed reactions coming up as you try not to pay attention to it. However, in the corner of your eyes, you notice a familiar body. Park Sunghoon. He was standing alongside the rest of the band. His eyes were fixed on you, a frown visible on his features. This made you uncomfortable. To be honest, everything made you self-conscious and anxious. This wasn't something you were used to, all the ruckus, this seems like another world to you and the dryness in your throat wasn't helping.
« Everyone! I'm gonna list all the races of tonight! » announces a slender men wearing a pair of sunglasses even though it was pitch dark, his long hair hiden behind a red cap.
Soon, everyone turned their attention towards him, listening actively to what he was saying.
« And for the last race, we will have Lee Heeseung against a new opponent! Tonight signs his first participation! Please, welcome Park Sunghoon! » he screams happily as he gestures towards the said man, standing not so far away from you, screams soon invading your ears as your eyes were fixed on him.
You notice the way his face remains close, not a single emotion discernible except for determination. And as your eyes cross each other, a firm grip on your hip made you look up, a low angle-shot of Heeseung's side profile entering your vision.
« Stop staring at him and focus on me. He says lowly only for you to hear.
- And who are you to order me that? You answer him, an eyebrow arched, surprising yourself at the way you could respond with confidence.
- Consider tonight like a date. He grins, finally looking down at you, his eyes flickering between your lips and your eyes.
- ...Tch. » You sigh. You really felt into his trap.
When your turn finally came, your hurriedly walk to go to Heeseung's car, but not before a hand gripped your forearm, yanking you slowly back.
« Can we talk real fast before going? You recognize his voice, it's Sunghoon.
- Okay... but quick. You nod along before isolating yourself with him, Heeseung watching afar not really liking what he is seeing, but the crowd around him make it impossible for him to reach out to you.
- Fuck. » He curses under his breath, feeling his blood boiling in his veins.
Being now a few meters away from all these people, Sunghoon halt his steps and turns around, his eyes immediately falling on your delicate features.
« Listen-
- Sunghoon-, you both started at the same time. He quickly gestures you to keep going as you heave a sigh, why? Why are you participating in this race ? Weren't you the one saying it was dangerous? You frown, your arms crossing against your chest.
- I know, I'm sorry I just... I just.. I think I just can't trust Heeseung hyung with you. He spoke, his words faint as if he was searching for his words. Thanks for the darkness of the sky, you couldn't decipher his red cheeks and ears nor even the way his eyes were looking everywhere but you.
- And why so? » You tilt your head, ignoring the reason behind this reasoning.
Your eyes were fixed on his face as he looks right back at you, determination written on his face.
« Because I… »
You were now in Heeseung's car, your heart beating crazily against your ribcage.
« What happened with Sunghoon? the driver asks, tone colder than a few hours ago.
- Nothing concerning you, you answer slowly, the name of the other man making you anxious.
- Y/N, what did Sunghoon told you? » Heeseung repeats, his voice a bit menacing as he places his car on the left side of the track, a gorgeous woman standing at your right with two flags in her hands. Soon, another vehicule stops just beside you. Not wanting to face Heeseung, you look at the window only to meet Sunghoon's fierce gaze. Your cheeks reddening, you quickly look in front of you, breath stuck in your chest.
« Well, if I win, you better tell me, he scoffs, foot on the pedal, pressing it hardly, both cars' motors roaring up.
- No, you frown, your hands clasping against the belt.
- It wasn't a question, » he finally says as a loud sound comes from an air horn signalling the start of the race.
Your words got stuck in your throat as the car dash at an alluring speed, your hands quickly grabbing the door's handdle to keep yourself steady.
« Fuck you Lee Heeseung for pulling me in this shit, you curse, feeling like your heart could explode anytime.
- The pleasure is mine baby, he smirks, shooting a glance in the rearview mirror, seeing as Sunghoon was close behind you, I can't believe it's his first time, you don't drive like this on your first time, he chuckles lowly, accelerating.
- Well, don't blame me if I end up barfing in your car, you say, breathless as he took a sharp turn on the left, your head almost colliding harshly against the window.
- Mark your territory pretty, » he only chuckles loudly.
It was a close race, one you couldn't tell who will win. And to be honest, you were more on the verge of throwing up and dying than to take care on who was winning. The only thing you could do was to focus on your breathe, cursing here and there and wondering why on earth did you accept to accompagny him, for what? Some dumb stationnary things you could buy yourself?!
In no time, you heard another loud bang of air horn, concluding the end of the race. Your eyes previously closed, opened slowly to reveal the crowd cheering for you.
« Did you win? You ask, voice weak and wet.
- Yup, I won baby, » the playboy declares, quickly opening his door as people were cheering loudly for him.
He quickly blend into the crowd, happily celebrating his victory as you got out of the vehicule, running to a secret corner to throw up. Coughing, tears in your eyes, you felt a striking pain in your head.
« I hate this man so much... kof kof... » you blabber, wiping your mouth with the hem of your hoodie.
You hurriedly dash out of the car once the latter stops in front of your house. The ride back was silent as you had closed your eyes all along, not answering the winner even once.
« Hey, Heeseung spoke, after stepping out of his car too, hands in his pockets, he makes his way towards you, a grin evident adorning his face, care to explain what had happened between you and Sunghoon now that I won?
- No. And after this night, I think I hate you even more, you spat, tiredness written all over your face.
- All right all right, what did I even do this time? he smirks, coming closer to you, his scent invading your nostrils as the wind carries his perfume.
- I... I freaking threw-, » you said before feeling another wave of vomit climbing back up your esophagus, your hand clasping against your lips.
Seeing your state, Heeseung couldn’t help but laugh out loud, his bright smile making you blush.
« It’s alright, just throw up, » he snickers as you walk fast away from him, crouching down near the drain in front of your house. Soon enough, you throw up once more, feeling breathless and thirsty. You then feel two warm hands tying your hair up in a makeshift ponytail, then a delicate hand massaging the back of your neck.
« I’m sorry I had to put you through this, but I had to win, » he smiles, his eyes inked to the back of your head as you cough, a few tears escaping your eyes.
Lee Heeseung, apologizing? This does not goes together very well. But why does he sound so sincere? Did he really meant those words?
« And for what? What did you won? » You ask, spitting not so gracefully in the drain, feeling well aware of his eyes on you, at this point you couldn’t care because your head was throbbing so painfully that receiving a bullet in your skull was the only solution you could think of.
« I was wishing for a chance with you actually, he said unbothered while you choked on your own saliva.
- Are you kidding me? You say, your throat so dry you feel like all the water in your body left you when you threw up.
- Nope, I want you. » he said, crouching down next to you, his fingers cupping your jaw to make you look at him. His thumb coming up to wipe off the saliva at the corner of your lips, the movement making you dizzy.
In the breezy night, it felt like only you and Lee Heeseung remained on Earth as time seems to have stopped. His eyes were hypnotizing you, your breathing stopping as you contemplate each other. For a second, your mind sure felt bewitched by his pupils. You felt like you were drunk, was it the effect of your periods? The fatigue? The stress? Or was it simply because of him?
« Make me love you… you breathed out, quietly.
- Mh? He only hums, slowly approaching his face closer to yours.
- If you so want me… then try to make me love you… you whisper, your ears and cheeks turning crimson as your heartbeat pounded furiously.
- Are you allowing me to? Because once I start, there’s no turning back, and… I will not accept any complain coming from your pretty lips » he mutters, his eyes closing slowly.
On the contrary, your eyes opened wildly, is he really going to kiss you? Like, right now? Your thoughts invaded your brain and without thinking twice, you quickly pushed him away, both your hands on his toned chest before getting up and running towards your house.
« I threw up! You say embarrassed as you fidget with your purse while searching for your keys.
- Wouldn’t have bothered me… » he mumbles to himself as he chuckles, a smirk plastered on his face as he watches you, hands in his pockets.
« Farther, a little bit farther, high in the sky
I’ve come a white star as I fly away
Never seen it before 
(Such warm eyes) »
You sigh in relief as you remember that it was Saturday.
« Finally alone! » You huffed softly, stretching out on your bed as birds are chirping.
Thanks to your great organisation, you already did all your homework too, so the weekend will be pretty chill. As you were humming contently, memories of what happened last night flew in your head and you quickly hide your tomato face in your cushions, screaming your frustration out.
« Are you okay girl? A deep voice asks.
- Huh? You’re back?! You instantly lift your head up to look up at your big bro, standing against the door of your room.
- Yup. Why did you screamed like a dead hen? Did you realized you’ll be single for the rest of your life? He grins mockingly.
- Shut up you cow! You spoke back, yeeting a pillow in his direction which he avoids easily.
- Breakfast’s ready, move yo ass down. » He smiles, satisfied before going down the stairs.
Fortunately for you, the breakfast went smoothly, catching up with your brother and spending time with your family is something you particularly enjoy.
« Someone threw up in the drain just in front of our house, if I catch them I’ll send them to Hades! Rumbles your dad as your face turn pale and you gulp down.
- If only you knew Dad… you thought to yourself, once again remembering Heeseung’s lips near yours.
- Hey, why are ya red like this? Smirks your brother, teasing you for the ninth time.
- Eggs are hot, you try to dissuade him, glaring.
- They’ve been on your plate for an hour what do you mean they’re hot? Liar. » He replies back, an eyebrow cocked, not believing you one bit.
You just snort and keep on eating, missing the way your brother’s stare remained on you for a bit longer than usual, examining your face.
**Buzz buzz**
The table trembles slightly as your phone vibrates. All eyes on you as you check your notifications. Some messages from an unknown number. Well…. Not so unknown if you’re being honest because you knew exactly who it was.
« Answer, grins your brother.
- No phone at the table. Strictly orders your mom.
- Mom, your daughter is probably seeing your future son-in-law, snickers your brother which earns a small kick from you under the table, ouch! Why so violent sis?
- The day my daughter will have a boyfriend will be the day your father will stops snoring, your mother chuckles as your phone keeps vibrating, Y/N answer the poor boy.
- …, you watch every member of your family before sighing, okay…, » you mumble, taking your phone and walking away.
You then isolated yourself in the kitchen, a groggy voice reaching your eardrums.
« Hey beautiful, he greets you, the raspy voice being a clue of his recent awakening.
- What? You answer drier than intended, making him chuckle.
- Do you feel better? He asks, his eyes closed as your voice soothe his heart.
- Yes… thank you… for holding up my hair…, you mumble shyly, suddenly embarrassed about the fact you actually threw up before a human other than your family.
- Are you free? I want to see you. His tone sounded so pleading, you thought for a second.
- …Let’s buy what you had promised me, you whisper softly, unconsciously smiling.
- All right, will be here in 20, » he says, making a kissing sound before hanging up.
Your cheeks flushed when you realized he sent you a flying kiss. Before quickly shaking your head and slapping your cheeks. « Get your shot together Y/N! » you think to yourself.
« It was cheesy sis, sneers your brother peeking through the door, I actually can’t believe my sister has a date like right now, by the way can you run some errands for me? I will send you by texts. Thank you! He quickly says before disappearing.
- This kid I swear, I wonder if I’m not the older sister sometimes. » You roll your eyes up before quickly preparing yourself.
« Is it a date? Is it not? » After all, Heeseung did promised to buy you some stationery items, right? So he was just fulfilling his promise, right? So why couldn’t you stop the speed of your heart nor the unstopping back and forth thoughts in your head? Twenty minutes flew by in an instant and you were nervously waiting for him in front of the gates.
A loud roaring takes your attention as you search for the familiar car of last night. Here you see Heeseung’s impressive car, stopping in front of you.
« Tut-tut-tut, before you go lemme do a small check, cut off your dad, surprisingly standing next to you, I gotta see who is taking my daughter away from me.
- Dad it’s not a date..! You mumble between gritted teeth as you watch anxiously the way Heeseung got out of his car to come to you.
- That’s what your mom told her dad on the first date with me, he scoffs before examining Heeseung from head to toe.
- Good morning, I’m Lee Heeseung, » the latter says, extending his hand after bowing politely to your dad.
Your dad only shakes the younger man’s hand, his grip strongly engulfing Heeseung’s one. He puts some more pressure on his grip before Heeseung tightens his too making your dad chuckles shortly.
« 11 PM, not one second more, » he just said before turning his heels away and going back home.
You scoff at what he said, rolling your eyes up.
« I‘ll be home earlier than that, » you shake your head in disbelief.
Lee Heeseung could only smile as he opens the door for you, before going to the driver seats and driving you two in direction of your favorite shop.
« Deeply place me in your universe
(I’ll close my eyes) 
Take me far away
And make me love you »
8 PM, you couldn’t believe your eyes as you saw the time. Did you just spent a whole day with the man you thought hated from your deepest guts? The day flew by so quickly you did not even noticed it. And you hated to admit it but you had a great time with him. It almost felt too real to be true.
You were sitting on a bench, facing a lake as some shopping bags were at your feet, a respectable distance between you and Heeseung.
**Buzz buzz**
Your phone vibrates as you were staring at the female duck and her children swimming in the water.
« Ayo sis, I’m sending you what I need, just go to the 24/7 store! Thank you! » was the text your brother sent you before a list followed right after.
« - Cigarettes
- Lighter
- Candies
- Lube
- Condoms- »
You cough out loud, almost throwing out your phone in the lake as you saw the two last items he needed.
« Is everything okay? Heeseung asks with a small frown upon seeing you coughing badly.
- Y-yeah…yeah yeah… you chuckle it off, looking elsewhere but him.
- Do you want to go home? I will drive you-
- No actually I need to buy some stuff for my brother you can go ahead, I’ll go home alone, you smile sheepishly.
- Your dad’s gonna kill me if he ever learn I let you go home alone, Heeseung responds, and he was right, besides, I do want to drive you home, » he smiles softly, grazing his eyes over your features.
You could only sigh. Secretly noticing how the Lee Heeseung you knew in college wasn’t the same one standing in front of you.
« Well… why should I be shy since you saw me spitting out my intestines? You finally say before standing back up on your feet. Let’s go, » your turn to face him, his eyes staring up at you.
You didn’t noticed the awkward feeling right away but now it was eating you up as you were in the aisle presenting every brand of condoms that existed.
« Did I miss a hint from you? Smirks Heeseung, a box of condoms in his hand as he fixes the product.
- Stop it, I already want to bury myself alive right now, you whisper lowly, checking your surroundings like a psycho every two seconds, checking if someone is witnessing you.
- Should I help you out? These ones are great, he said, pointing a particular brand on a shelf.
- God, I didn’t have to know! You bite down on your lower lip, heat quickly spreading across your cheeks and your chest.
- And for the lube, take this one, » he says softly, ignoring your words, his body suddenly behind you as he reaches for a box of lube, the proximity making you breathless.
It seems like you stopped working as you couldn’t answer him nor move. So Heeseung took the matter in his hands and grabs the necessary items in one hand and your own hand in his other before leading you to the cashier. He then puts down the items that were quickly scanned by the young lady, eyeing you not so secretly.
« 28080.55₩, announces the lady.
- W-what?! Twenty thousand freaking won for some condoms and lube?! You thought to yourself before a little sound comes from the POS machine, indicating that the payment was done.
- Thank you! Have a great night! Bow the cashier before you couldn’t even process anything.
- Let’s go, » says Heeseung, grabbing the plastic bag and your hand, leading you outside.
You only snapped back to reality once the cold wind hit your face.
« Why did you paid for it?! And why did you choose the most expensive ones?! Twenty thousand won for condoms and lube were not worth it!
- If we want to do it correctly, the price is not important, he grins, tilting his head curiously.
- It’s not for me! You blush furiously, looking away and walking towards his car, let’s go home now.
- Should we eat a bit before I drive you home? He offers.
- …Then let me pay for it, you suggest after taking a few seconds to think.
- Alright princess, » he smiles as you both enter his car.
Like promised, Lee Heeseung let you pay for the dinner. You didn’t know if he was doing it on purpose or not, but his menu was cheaper than you, almost making you believe that he didn’t wanted you to pay a crazy amount.
« Are you sure this will be enough? You only took some fries and a soda… you mutter, looking down at his tray.
- Don’t worry, just eat, he shakes his head, plopping one fries in between in lips, slowly munching on it as he stares at the window.
- Here… you extend your untouched burger close to his mouth, your lips in a thin line. Hurry before I take it out. »
Heeseung looks at you with wide eyes before a warm smile spread onto his lips, holding onto the eye contact as he bites in the burger. His hand engulfs yours placed on the burger as he munches slowly. You then noticed how his fingers are long and slim, bigger than yours.
« Liking the view? His words seemed oddly familiar, reminding you of the scenes that happened earlier this weekend, finding it odd how everything changed in only a week.
- It’s not too bad, you answer boldly this time, keeping the eye contact.
- Want to see more? He grins.
- Nope, no more, don’t cross the line, you suddenly stopped him, his eyes going wide, a shocked expression before he burst out laughing, what? You ask, in disbelief.
- Nah you’re just cute, » he says, his chin on his palm, watching you endearingly as you eat your burger.
You stopped in front of your house’s gates, turning around.
« Thank you, I guess? » You say in a sigh.
Heeseung comes close to you, taking the bags from your hands and putting them down.
« I’ve never in my life waited this long, he mumbled, hands clasping around yours.
- For what? You ask a bit incredulous, palms sweating as the unusual feeling creeping in your chest comes again.
- After everything I’ve done to you, you’re still clueless of my intentions? I even said it to you multiple times already, he chuckles, incredulously.
- It doesn’t change the fact that you’re a playboy Heeseung…
- Do you want me to stop? He grins, a loving beam in his eyes.
- And what if you do? You answer back, looking up at him, getting lost in his eyes.
- Then I can have you for myself, he whispers, leaning dangerously close to you.
- I don’t know… you speak softly, voice fainter and fainter.
- If I give you something you longed for ever since, will you let me kiss you? He stares deeply in your eyes, searching for any hints of rejection, none besides hesitation.
- Depends… » you say, not really sure what he meant by that.
He fiddles with something in his pocket before a too familiar stringed bracelet comes into your field of view: the one your childhood’s friend gifted you, your anti stress.
« How…
- It fell when you were escaping Jake the other day, he gave me this and I knew it belonged to you when you came back searching for it, he whispers as he ties it back around your wrist.
- Thank you… for the day… for the bracelet, you trail off, not taking your eyes off from the simple but precious accessory on your wrist.
- It’s okay… he murmurs, his finger lifting your chin up, so is that a yes? You’re not going to reject me now, right? You didn’t threw up nor-
- Hurry up before I change my mind! You hiss, blushing and hitting his chest lightly.
- I love you. »
His words caught you off guard as his lips meet yours in a sweet kiss. Warmth spreading everywhere in your body as you felt butterflies in your stomach. Kissing Lee Heeseung was so easy, he made it so easy by taking the lead, kisses intoxicating your trail of thoughts.
His gentle bite on your bottom lip made you gasp, his wet muscle quickly claiming yours in a burning tango.
From his point of view, Heeseung sneakily slide his hands on your hips, grabbing them firmly as he practically presses his body to yours. His eyes half opened to see the way your eyes fluttered or the way your cheeks flushed. His heart couldn’t take any more of it, pounding in sync with yours.
« Gosh you make me go insane Y/N… he whispers against your lips, heavy breathing as you both seems in a trance, forehead finally joining.
- I hate you…you lie, looking away.
- You’re so sneaky Y/N, » he chuckles, ready to capture your lips for another kiss.
A loud gasp emitted from behind you as you quickly step away from Heeseung, turning around to see your brother.
« Sorry to interrupt but… Lil sis, do you have my condoms? »
« K-kiss you, t-touch you, w-want you »
« Make me love you »
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Your Highness!
We are delighted to see you here!
After a long break, our Queen had finally decided to wake up and had works her magic again!
She charged me to inform you about her ongoing activities! Lots of things are happening so we are hoping you will enjoy them!
Apologizing for taking so long to come back, we wish you a happy day.
- Butler of the castle.
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one-idea · 1 day
:D I'm so glad you liked my absolute obedience idea!!! I thought part of the problem would be Zoro's own terrifying loyalty, and I think if it were Literally Anyone Else Zoro could have shaken off the devil fruit with sheer will but... it's Luffy. It probably scares the hell out of the crew, too, not only because they know if given the same order they would fall in just as easily but also because *they couldn't tell*. Are they bad friends??? Bad crewmates??? No Zoro is just insane about his captain and always has been
You are so right!!!
Zoro, a man with Conquers Haki, is not one to be controlled. He has willed himself to stay alive. If he was ordered to obey anyone else he probably would have shaken off the command. If not immediately then very quickly.
But his loyalty to Luffy is all encompassing. He doesn’t blindly follow him. He trust Luffy and that trust has been earned and given over and over. He could never doubt Luffy and he wants to follow him. He wants to make his captain proud and protect him and their crew.
If it was anyone else their orders wouldn’t matter to him. But Luffy, the King of the Pirates, ya he’d follow his orders any day.
And it is terrifying for the crew. In so many levels
Zoro is one of the most stubborn strong willed people alive. If he can fall under this devil fruits power than they all can. If Zoro can’t shake it off then how could they? (He would shake it off if it was anyone but Luffy he was obeying.)
They feel awful that they didn’t notice sooner that Zoro was under the influence of a devil fruit. How could they not tell that their friends free will had been striped from him.
It has to be so unsettling to watch Luffy not talking to Zoro. Because once Luffy finds out he’s doing everything he can to not give Zoro orders. But at the same time Zoro is fallowing all his non-verbal commands. And for the crew that has to be so uncomfortable to watch to people who you know love and trust each other be put into such an awful situation where that trust and loyalty is being perverted.
But like you said Zoro is insane about his captain. Anyone else this wouldn’t be a problem for him. But it’s Luffy.
Bonus points: the fruit forces Zoro to obey every command, and he’s picking up on the non-verbal. When Luffy needs a hug or someone to sit with and there are some he’s (even as a professional Luffy reader) has never caught before. Luffy needing reassurance, or other scenarios.
But know that Zoro knows what Luffy needs in those moments he’s happy to provide.
Luffy feels awful because again Zoro doesn’t actually want to do any of this
Until they catch up with the guy three days later and Luffy’s all “free Zoro!!!!!” And the king looks at them confused because “my powers wear off after 48 hours” and everyone realizes that the last day was Zoro doing all that stuff because he wanted to.
When confronted he just shrugs “I didn’t notice that the spell broke because I do all that stuff anyways. I’m the first mate it’s my job to be there for my captain. I want to be there for my captain.”
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jazeswhbhaven · 2 days
Astra Meets Mammon for the First Time
Please enjoy this excerpt from my longfic...these two are sick love puppies and it's cute.
Astra’s eyes struggled to open, the sudden fluorescent lighting stinging her eyes letting her know she was not back on Earth in Minhyeok’s room. More importantly, something was rubbing against her, her thighs and trailing up to the small of her back and down to her backside massaging and gripping her ass like kneading dough. 
What the… Astra turns, only to be face full of a large, abundant chest. A black neck decoration with a cross draping down toward the upper abdomen that was ripped, solid muscle, and smooth peach-colored skin. Her eyes then met the owner, eyes sparkling like gold, as if diamonds were decorating the irises. Eyebrows low, lids at rest with a laid-back gaze that could give anyone heart palpitations and a wet seat. 
Holy fu-what…who is this? Her eyes focused next on one solid, thick golden horn that curled toward the end. The other side was only occupied by a cut stump of the missing horn’s base. His hair was jet black and seemingly soft to the touch. All she wanted to do was touch whoever it was that was holding her in bandaged muscular arms, a heavy gold and black robe. The smell that she had experienced earlier came from this humongous devil, everything about him overstimulating her senses all at one time, except what he sounded like. 
“You were squirming a lot while you were sleeping. What did you dream of?” 
Astra wanted to excuse herself to the nearest restroom to throw cold water on her face. His voice made this situation no better as her insides swirled and made her shiver with anticipation. She didn’t want to seem forward, or rude, but everything in her brain wanted to tell this devil exactly how she felt. 
“I was dreaming of a friend, but I wish I were dreaming about you instead.” 
The devil smirks, taking a handful of her backside and giving it a tight squeeze that makes Astra whimper. No one handled her waist and thighs like this, it felt like a massage she was long overdue for. His gaze was overpowering, the smell of musk and spice getting stronger as it seemed the devil was getting excited by her statement. 
“Oh? Then I’m right, I knew that I’d like you as soon as I spoke to you. Daughter of Solomon.” 
Does he know me? But then, that would mean…is he a noble or a king? 
“What’s your name?” Astra asks her hands idly trailing his chest and down his form. She continued behind his back until she was met with a handful of his backside against her fingers and palms. With a squeeze the devil grunted, still keeping a fixed stare on her. 
“Mammon. The devil of avarice and ruler of Tartaros.” 
“Mammon…do you understand how gorgeous you are?” 
Astra at this point was saying whatever came to her mind. He was a king, and whether it was his influence or her true nature, she wanted nothing to do with the outside world at this time. All she wanted was his time, his attention, anything he could give her. She needed him not only emotionally, but carnally. “A human giving me so many compliments the first time seeing me. I like it. I like you.” 
“Then, that means...I can break your contract and then that means you’ll be free to do anything you wish, right?” 
“Hm? Break what, now? You must mean the pact between Solomon and I…I’m already powerful and don’t wish to break it.” 
Astra tilts her head but then sighs. “How am I supposed to create a new contract to claim you if there’s already one in effect? Hell is confusing.” 
Mammon’s eyes widen and then lower back to their rested state and he pulls Astra closer to him. His breath was on her neck, his lips traveling and hovering over her collarbone until he picked a spot to lick and kiss her gently. 
“Own me? A human? What a proposal…to own the person who owns everything in this Hell is the very core of greed itself. Just hearing you speak of it is…arousing.” 
Astra then gently grabs Mammon by his cheeks, staring down at him as he softly smiles. “Then, tell me what I have to do. Letting you slip is not an option.”
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Daughter of the Sea One Piece x reader
Just an extract of my story. The story has about 9 chapters so far. Available on Wattpad if you're interested. Goes by the same name as the heading. Initially it supposed to be a x black reader but anyone can read it since there are no specified feature.
The girl's eyes opened at the feel of her captain frantically shaking her. His face seemed like he was slightly panicked.
"What's wrong?"
"You were calling for help in your sleep."
"I was?"
The two stared blankly at each other. Luffy's eyes seemed to be scanning her soul. The girl lay on the couch as he bent down to be at eye level with her. Luffy's braincells worked for a moment. He had never really questioned her past, a feeling having coming over him when his eyes met with her's from the first time. But now he wanted to know what troubled her. Even if it was something small, he wanted to be there for her too. He is her friend afterall.
"Y/n is there som-"
Zoro's voice could be heard outside."Hey, get your butts out here!"
She stood up first and headed to where Zoro was calling them, Luffy following close behind, hand holding onto the fabric of her coat to catch up. Soon Ussop, Sanji, Y/n and Luffy looked up at Zoro.
"I find it hard to get motivated when you're giving the orders," Sanji commented.
"Shut up!" Zoro said to Sanji, irritation clearly showing at the blonde's remark before he focused on the topic at hand. " We need to catch the portside wind."
Sanji turned to Nami, who seemed to be placing her weight on the ship's bannister."Nami what's up? It's a perfect day. The sun is shining, waves are quiet."
"The wind." She let out tiredly.
"The wind?"
"There's a powerful wind coming this direction."
Y/n closed her eyes to feel the wind against her face. 'She's right.'
Luffy placed his hand on Nami's forehead and then retracted it after feeling her temperature and yelling at how high it was before the woman claimed it was her normal temperature.The wind began to pick up and the crew began to follow Zoro's orders.
Ussop announced. The sound of thunder with a flash of lightning came into everyone's line of vision. Out there, not even a few kilometres away was a large cyclone and the current was slowly pulling the Going Merry toward it.
"Oh no. It's too late!" Nami yelled in worry,.
"How the hell did this even happen?" Y/n asked no one in particular.
"Zoro was in charge of navigating." Nami simply stated.
Y/n abruptly turned to look at Zoro , her eyes looking bewildered at the green-haired swordsman. "WHAT THE HELL, MOSSHEAD?!"
"That's my line."
She turned to Luffy. "What do we do?!"
He scratched his head. A faraway look in his face. "Don't know."
Y/n paused for a moment.She heard a faint voice coming from somewhere on the ship as it filtered into her mind. "He never really knew much anyway." Her eyes caught sight of a white rock and it was moving on its own? Not now. Now was not the time to question her sanity.
She turned to Nami up ahead. "Nami what do we do?" The navigator was still too busy trying to stay conscious.
"Nami what's- y'know what, I'm taking the lead, you head back inside." (Y/n) ordered. The navigator looked at her, confused by her sudden change in tone but obeying nonetheless.
"Zoro, Sanji!"The both of them turned to her. There was a serious look on her face. Her stance emanating a tad bit of power.
"~Yes ,Y/n-swaaan?"
"Furl the sails. Make sure everything is tied up."
"Okay." The two made their way to their assigned stations. She turned to Ussop and Luffy. Ussop was on the floor curled into a ball and Luffy was staring at the cyclone intrigued.
"Ussop! Pull yourself together and man the rudder, pull it the moment you feel the ship moving. Luffy, Help him."
The two looked at her confused. Their eyebrows raised at the order.
" Just do it!"
"Yes ma'am!" Ussop ran to his assigned post, Luffy trailing behind.
Y/n ran to the head of the Merry. The ship was metres away from the large storm and frankly she was as confused as to how she'll save every one.
Zoro and Sanji had furled the sails. Luffy and Ussop were at the rudder and Nami and Vivi were safely inside. It was time for her part.
'Guess I gotta wing it.'
She ran as far as she could away from the ship's railing before stopping to face the direction from where she had ran.
As she was about to sprint back she stopped and took off her boots, coat, scarf, beanie, t-shirt and lastly her warm pants. "I paid money for these I ain't about to lose em."
She took a rope and tied it loosely around her belly. Zoro caught sight of this her actions.
"Fixing your mistake!"
Zoro turned away from her, an irk mark visible on his forehead. "Y/n's so beautiful when she puts people in their place." Sanji noodle danced a few metres beside him.
She went back to looking at where she would run and then began to sprint.
Her breath came out with short inhales and long exhales. Skin slowly shimmering in the sunlight that was slightly covered by clouds. She jumped onto the railing before diving and plummeting towards the dark blue waters, a rope following behind.'Please let this work.'
Sanji nearly had a heart attack when he caught sight of her jump.
The sound of a splash could barely be heard from their position atop the sails. There was a deafening silence before Sanji tried to get off the sail to go and rescue her from her sudden actions.
The ship came to a sudden halt. The blonde chef losing his balance as he climbed down and ended up landing on his bottom.
"What was that?"
Soon the ship started to move away from the storm's direction. Ussop and Luffy began to turn the rudder that was previously jammed.
"What's going on?"
The sound of a whale call echoed all around them. The ship turning a different direction completely.
Sanji ran towards the head of the Merry only to find the rope that Y/n had tied around herself on a giant Blue whale.
His cigarette slowly dropped from his lips. (The cigarette's a paid actor.)
Zoro could see the creature moving the ship before piecing two and two together. A proud grin became apparent on his face.
Once the ship was far from danger,Luffy ran out to see what was happening outside. Once he stood beside Sanji to see what he was looking at his mouth dropped in awe and his eyes had turned into bright stars.
"Did that whale pull our ship? SOO COOOL!!!"
The large whale let out some water from its blowhole. A smile evident evident from its smiling eyes. Ussop ran out to see what all the commotion was about. He let out a dramatic gasp at the sight of the whale."Where's Y/n she has to see this."
"That is Y/n." Zoro simply stated as he pointed at the whale.
"What?" Luffy looked at the whale in confusion.
"That's rude of you to say Zoro." Ussop shook his head at the statement. His eyes narrowed at the swordsman as if scolding him.
"No, that actually is her."
Looking closely at the whale it looked like any other whale but it's eyes were similar atleast.
Before any of them could anticipate it the whale shrunk back down and all that could be seen was Y/n's head above the water.
Once Y/n was dressed, everyone sat around Nami's bed in the women's quarters.
"Why didn't you tell us you could shapeshift?" Ussop asked as he took a sip of his tea.
"I didn't want Luffy to mistake me for food."
Ussop nodded at her reasoning without question."Makes sense."
"I'm not that bad!" Luffy sounded offended, a pout evident as he crossed his arms.
'You are ' Everyone thought at the same time.
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cuppajj · 2 days
Don't mind me as I found out this AU a day ago and heard you're waiting for BY ep 4 to form stuff w Dark Choco and Frigid Cacao and BOY do I have ideas.
(This is going to be a long ask, it's been cooking for a while and I need to ramble abt it, hopefully Tumblr won't eat it. Also a little spoilers about ep 13 & 14 and odyssey ch 1 if you're not there yet)
So, we're not talking about Dark Choco's perspective just yet (I'm also waiting on BY ep 4 for that) but from Cacao, we can establish stuff about how he feels about Choco in canon and go from there and speculations on BY ep 4.
Canon Cacao very clearly loves his son and truly longs for him back in his life. But, as referenced from the Hollyberry interaction, he's very reluctant to seek him out, preferring Choco approach him first instead.
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One of the ways Cacao shows his love is how he respects the boundaries of those close to him (and, in turn, expects the same for them to him. That's why he violently snaps at Clotted Cream and feels very betrayed by Vanilla for keeping Lily a secret in Odyssey) and I feel this applies to Choco the most. He understands Choco needs his time and space, especially after the whole ep 14, and won't feel comfortable around him or his kingdom for a while. There's also the chance that Choco may not want to have him in his life again (untrue) and he'd rather not risk finding out that's true by personally seeking him out and further upsetting his son. (That last one was just my interpretation but AUGH)
This is the building blocks I found for forming Frigid Cacao's side of the relationship. Should Dark Choco return to the kingdom, Frigid Cacao would feel Very Much Conflicted™️ about having him back, but for different reasons.
On one hand, he would be relieved and overjoyed to sense his son's return. There's so much lost time, so much regrets, he wanted to make up for it and rebuild his relationship anew. But on the other hand, this clashes with the Soltitude he built for himself. Accepting his son back in his life would mean breaking down his walls, thus tearing down everything he built and betraying his own light. Perhaps that part of him would also be angry that Dark Choco would impose this on him. But it saddens him to turn him away. And so on and so forth it cycles.
This duality is the internal conflict that, while it opens the gate for redemption (or at least loosen his terror and maybe actually get him outside), is also very hectic for Choco himself because it also manifests in his powers.
The licorice monsters are noticably more docile around him, but they can just as soon lash out randomly, coming in big waves and heading for only one target. The weather is constantly shifting from mild snow to freezing blizzards in minutes. The paths feel cleared out but it feels like there's always something out to get him.
That's assuming Choco didn't return to the kingdom after the Beast Yeast expedition (bc I'm assuming you're setting Cacao's fall after BY ep 4). But if he did, there's two possibilities. One is the more boring Frigid Cacao's reign didn't last really long bc Choco was there from the beginning. The other one, ooh the other one also works as a bad ending for the first scenario.
(I ended up writing a full oneshot for it. If you want, I can send it in another ask, hahaha)
As someone who hasn’t gotten to that chapter in odyssey yet (i really oughtta watch a video on it bc these quills brake for nobody), this is a really good reference for Cacao and Choco in beast ancients!! I won’t say much about Choco since yeah I’m waiting for apathy pt 2 but I’ve definitely been wanting him to be a huge source of conflict for frigid cacao in the au, and this helps describe it pretty well. Cacao’s fall is being worked on because the timeline of beast ancients is a WIP, it does come after BY 4 for all I know atm, and whatever happens to Choco in that episode will determine where he is and how he affects his dad when he becomes a beast. But the bottom line is that it is not gonna be easy for either of them either way :D
Would love to see your one shot btw!
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