#and i started making my own little list of their biological traits
warlordfelwinter · 2 years
looking up anything about gallifreyan physiology is fun bc its really just. you could say literally anything and its probably true about them
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ms-scarletwings · 9 months
The Speculative Analysis About Irkens No One Asked For: Part II
Hiya! Back at it again with not shutting up about the lil green dudes. In case you found this first, here’s the Part One of this spiel, touching on some of the environmental theories about Irk and its cyberpunk-leaning cultural direction. While this post is dedicated to a more biological look of what’s going on with the Irkens, there was some leading context and other tidbits back in that one you may also enjoy, too.
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So, carrying through what we previously set up, I want to… admit off the bat that, I found it a little difficult at first, you know?-To pick an angle I wanted to sink my teeth into. With how old the show’s become and how creative & enthusiastic a fanbase it attracted, it’s getting hard to really note (or theorize) something about Irken anatomy that hasn’t been said before somewhere. And don’t get me wrong, that’s awesome and I love almost every word of it I’ve read. A lot of it from various sources is almost certainly going to bleed together into the first half of this. So, keep it in mind, yet I will try to chew a little deeper into the questions we can’t actually answer with just a rewatch of the show, all good? Because there’s a few more base things we know from the canon I’m going to include to start listing: - Irkens lack any visible form of nose or ears, but are equipped with a pair of sensory antennae. Presumably, these organs fulfill the same roles, as they do in real-world insects. - Irken organs are obviously very alien, not well explained, artificially enhanced, and hard to compare to that of a human’s- outside of their general body shape, the presence of a primary brain separate from the PAK, and the fact that they do possess something of an internal skeleton. - A petite race on average (relative to humans), Irkens universally follow an unquestioned social hierarchy based on individual height. - Irkens are endowed with a remarkable ability to regenerate and heal superficial injuries, even up to repairing the damage of being nearly skinned alive (chest-down) or severely burning their corneas within a matter of hours. - Their preferred diet is one that is rich in (if not primarily made of) refined carbohydrates, and while they seem to tolerate fatty sources, such as processed dairy, their anatomy is poorly suited for dealing with high-protein foods like beans and meat. - In fact, all forms of contact with exposed animal meat itself will cause it to dissolve and meld into their own flesh, via an incredibly painful process. - On contact with water from Earth, their skin will receive harsh chemical burns (This has been explained by Vasquez to be a consequence of impurities and man-made pollutants, which Irkens seem sensitive to). - While I’m already on a roll about their skin, it also contains/produces a substance capable of killing lice.
Now, I think we’ve all heard a lot about sqeedily spooches, but does anyone else want to keep marinating a second longer on the topic of s k i n ? Because I have some damn thoughts to release about Zim’s outer casing.
Let’s Get Chemical
First hot take, and the hill I am willing to be slain on: That ain’t actually skin! At least, it is nothing chemically alike to Earth-native vertebrate skin. I’ve given all of the above and the general running theme about Irkens resembling arthropods a lot of thought, and I’ve come to about the only conclusion I could that makes their dermis equivalent… make sense.
See, one of the biggest traits that sets apart invertebrates from other animals in real life is the “innie or outie” skeleton question, but you gotta understand that the “skeletons” that bugs and crabs have would still be considered something completely different from our endoskeletons even if they were on the inside. The hard tissues that make up OUR skeletal systems are mostly made up of a *collagen (remember that word!) frame that is reinforced by calcium, phosphorus, and other minerals. The hard parts of an ant’s skeleton, on the other foot, are mainly composited of chitin.
Chitin, now, is a very neat substance. It’s a polysaccharide, meaning that it’s made up of a bunch of sugar molecules chained together. This makes it distinct from proteins, which are made of amino acid chains instead of carbs. Chitin is also one of the single most important structural polymers in the universe to a ton of existing life. It makes up the literal backbone of arthropods and the cell walls of all fungi. We’ve even found it in fish scales and some amphibians. So, must also be important to humans, right? NAH. Not a chance. Higher animals actually long ditched the ability to synthesize the stuff, and are not any the worse for it, since there’s more than one way to stick a bunch of creature pieces together. For two examples, keratin and *collagen are proteins we naturally synthesize that functionally do the same thing. Keratin is the hard substance that makes up hair & fingernails, and collagen is practically the wonderglue of flesh: It’s a fundamental binder that holds together your bones, your skin, your precious muscle meats, the ligaments, the tendies, the nerves…
pretty much the whole person blueprint if you get the picture.
And thus concludes your (VERY overly simplified) highshcool bio class recap, but what the hell did that have to do with the cartoon spacemen again? I’m gonna round back to them through a funny secret about exoskeletons, actually: They have a softer part, too! Chitin’s hella diverse in its forms and utility. What’s in an exoskeleton is actually a version of it modified with other materials (like what’s done to collagen in bone) to make it so rigid and shell-like. A purer chitin, on the other hand, is more leathery and flexible, less like the shell of a beetle and more like the squishy wall around a caterpillar or maggot. Even the hard bodied insects still have an endocuticle layer like this hiding just under the “shell”, still considered part of the whole exoskeleton, but suddenly looking and acting more like we’d call a skin.
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Eh, see where I’m going with this? My conviction is this- Irkens may have used to be even more arthropodal in an earlier stage of their evolution, including BOTH an internal skeleton, and some form of protective exoskeleton in their body plan. And hey, maybe the two were extensions of the same system once, too. You recognize something like that in modern tortoises when you remember that their “shells” are actually just the bone structure of their own ribcage. Then, let’s say that Irkens later saw the loss of their heavier exocuticle, leaving behind the endoskeleton and the flexible inner (now just an outer) cuticle of what used to be an entire body shell. This could have been a gradual change, via natural selection, or it could have been another artificial mutation brought on by technology- wherein the elder brains decided the feature was less efficient and simply phased it out of the cloning process- the same as the loss of their species’ sexual organs.
But, you’re thinking, why on Irk would the loss of an entire badass armor layer be beneficial to their fitness? Few reasons- For one, they are cumbersome and limiting. The downgrade on freedom of movement and flexibility they would be for a bipedal humanoid is self-explanatory enough. When it came to structural integrity, the inner skeleton would have already done a well job with little modification. For all the protection they provide, they don’t leave much room for expansion, and need to be shed in order for the animal to grow any further or to recover from certain injuries. The process of molting itself would be an excruciating process for any intelligent species to have to endure; one that also temporarily leaves the critter in a very vulnerable and stressed state for every molt. To advance from more primitive origins into a dominant race, manual dexterity and mobility would have to take a front seat over a small amount of modest defenses, and mind you, Irk long ago woulda managed to compensate for that loss in the form of advanced weaponry (obviously).
I’m also of the mind that the shift away from an exoskeleton could have even been the key to allowing the Irkens to even grow to the size they are now. Recall back to Part One for a second, where I shared the likely case for Irk having a massive bulk behind its gravity field. Gravity is a hard thing on any skeletal structure, representing a constant strain to be fought against when moving, growing, and bearing weight .There’s a lot of factors behind why we don’t have horse sized spiders or elephant sized lobsters IRL, and weight is actually one of them. Notice how terrestrial isopods only get about to the size of a bean, but the aquatic ones can top out at over a foot long? And that’s only having Earth’s level of gravity to struggle against, let alone however harsh the conditions would be on a larger planet. So, there’s my framework for explaining what I think the aliens’ cuticle is not; however, what does that mean for what it is, besides “feels and looks like a grub’s”?
Well, look again at some of the extraordinary things it can do.
Cooties Immunity
“Germs” was a memorable episode that posed a very legitimate question to the viewer. Why IS IT that foreign pathogens aren’t a bigger concern for the invaders? They’re literally sent off to other worlds to blend in: Socializing with the native inhabitants, eating their foods, and living in an alien habitat. In the case of an undiscovered rock like Earth, our infectious diseases would have no reference available to the Armada whatsoever. Sure, species incompatibility would provide some protection, but the risk of something carrying over and adapting is always still there. Zoonoptic jumps happen all the time with bacteria and viruses, and Zim’s body temperature IS in the normal human range. And what about fungal pathogens, or parasites-
Oh, wait, the lice episode gave it away right there.
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I love this sequence so much, because it’s coincidentally like, an exact “art imitates life” parallel to something a real species of primate does. Black lemurs live in the same area of Madagascar as these vibrant, red millipedes.
The millipedes are special because when threatened, they secrete a poisonous substance from their skin. The lemurs are special because they like to grab the bugs and nibble them for no other reason than to make them release those toxins. Those chemicals are then rubbed into their fur, because somehow the lemurs figured out it makes a really handy mosquito repellant. The lemurs also like to get completely zonked out on the chemicals too but eyy- Point was it stands to reason that Irkens may also secrete small amounts of their own potent toxin from the cuticle, perhaps for more hygienic than defensive purposes. This secretion would be responsible for protecting them from parasites and topical infections. Could it also make people blazed out of their minds? …Maybe? I think I’d like to promote the “Just Say No” policy on the matter of licking aliens, though. Ffs at least ask them out to dinner first.
When it comes to other kinds of sick, looks like it might be the trusty old PAK to the rescue here again. I imagine that, being an intergalactic, partially mechanical civilization, the Irken race has come down this road enough to put in a workaround. A standard PAK contains the entirety of the population’s collective knowledge/history- which would include a catalog of all known infectious agents they have encountered across the universe. Some kind of nanobot-bolstered immune system that could detect and respond appropriately to new threats isn’t out of the question, nor should a feature that can automatically administer the appropriate medicine directly into the wearer’s bloodstream. For all this awesomeness, nonetheless, there remains a downside or two that they haven’t quite conquered..
The Meaty, Sweety, Mending of DOOM
Anyone ever actually think about how as far as resilience is concerned, Zim is practically an X-man compared to any Earthling? He has regenerative capabilities that surpass anything else on earth, save idk, bamboo shoots, if even. Injuries that would leave a human permanently disabled only seem to incapacitate an Irken for a few hours to a day at most. They’re all the more tough to put out of commission when considering that a PAK doubles as a form of backup life support, ready to “soft reboot” the host with a quick jolt if it detects a sudden drop in vital signs. It is tempting to credit the same device as the source of this healing boost as well, teasing the nanobot suggestion again; however, I see a chance instead to bring this back a step.
Although not as quick-acting as Zim, or Skoodge’s healing, there are some remarkable examples of regeneration in real arthropods, from repairing tissues/organs to replacing entire lost limbs. What the aliens are packing doesn’t seem all that different, only refined (through years of bioengineering) to work at a truly frightening efficiency. It shows through in their diet as well. Almost always, if we see a member of this species eating on screen, and believe me there was no shortage of examples, what are we watching them shovel their face with?
Space doughnuts, space popcorn, space Fun-Dip, sodas, and curly fries. Sure, there’s plenty of calories here, no doubt with the amount of carbs and grease that could even turn the stomach of a college freshman, but is this… nutrition?
Yes. Just not for us.
Like their civilization, we have also turned the mass production of sweet-packed, fat loaded foods into one of our favored art forms, and there are scattered pockets of our planet that can enjoy these items in cheap abundance. The catch 22? Obesity and heart disease. Meanwhile, Irkens are so metabolically blessed that they can follow the same lifestyle and actually be thriving by it. We know that the majority of human food is utterly toxic to Zim, but then there were waffles, a literal stack of dessert and butter that pretends to be a breakfast…. Our guy was experiencing the “finally some good fucking food” meme from the first bite off that plate, but this can’t seriously be healthy,or if it is, then how?
Well, if I did sell you on the idea that much of their tissues and skeleton swaps out a chitin base where we would be using protein, there you go. Sugars for the building blocks to synthesize the connective/structural tissues for maintaining the body, and the bulk of the energy required to keep it running. And I won’t make the leap and suggest that’s all they have.
After all, the Irken equivalent of sandwiches do actually seem to contain “lettuce” and something that people will say looks like meat slices while not convincing me. I can get behind the thought of the natural or maybe original Irken diet to be a mix of plant matter and supplemental fungi, but everything I’ve put together implies that they are completely unfit for processing the goodies in animal flesh.
Overwhelmingly, I believe that the only time they possibly even seek out more sources of amino acids is going to be when they are smeets. That’s how it works in many wasp species. I.e. The growing larvae are the only ones that actually get to reap from the hard work of a colony hunting down enough protein to feed them with, yet the adults live out the rest of their lives more than content to gorge themselves on nectars and fruits exclusively!
And you even could put that aside, but you’ll have to grapple with the ungodly thing that happens every single time you see Zim touching a piece of meat. Would be awfully convenient to blame it on his personal brand of weirdness, or earth contaminants, but we remember this was a weakness that Tak approached fully aware of and expecting.
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We know that polluted water can burn them. We know that beans and other foods can give them grotesque allergic reactions. Well what in the horrifying name of Resident Evil is this, though? Buddy pals, I think we got some unintended consequences of that bio-hacking on hand. Collagen and chitin aren’t just functionally similar to each other, they are practically analogous building blocks.
For a WILD science fact, consider that there’s a ton of ongoing research into the application of chitin and chitin-derivatives into having a role in tissue engineering, as a hypothetical scaffold in lab cultured meat, and as an effective wound dressing ingredient.
What we’re seeing with incidents like Dib throwing that Bologna at Zim could be an extreme form of the vise versa, because I know a certain protein that processed meat happens to be pretty high in :)))
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Imagine the coupling of this with the bioengineered genome of Zim’s kind being so… reactive to a foreign intrusion, yet also flexible to modification. Maybe it is the acids, or some contaminant/seasoning on the meat that first damages the cuticle. That healing ability kicks in, but doesn’t stop where chitin does, readily binding to and with the collagens in these strange tissues that are sorta like an Irken’s but also just enough not like an Irken’s that it also kicks the immune system into overdrive. Think of all the pain and inflammation of a poison ivy rash but if the damn plant itself could also fuse itself with whatever you brushed against it. I think Zim actually had an understandable reason to be homicidally pissed off for that Bologna assault. Also how the Bologna virus was accelerated in Zim’s body. Once it had incorporated itself into his own DNA, it was game set and match with the speed and help those cells had to replicate themselves.
And uh, yeah, I think this post has gotten about as long as it reasonably should be here. I did have a couple more points I really wanted to get out of my brain about the Almighty Tallest, and I think that would be a good launching point actually for a possible (and hopefully final jfc) part three to this. Till then I got some off-topic scoliids to taxidermy 👀
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pseudo-hero · 5 months
Superman #7 Discussion and Predictions for Superman #8
*Spoilers Ahead*
Sooo if you haven't been keeping up with the current run of Superman titled comics (Dawn of DC Superman)—you should. It's so good. Too many reasons why to list.
Now with that being said: My mushified-by-Clex brain saw a preview of issue #8, thought about what's been implied by previous issues and then started thinking some more about that one old but gold Kon-El character trait/plotline and how it may effect the future. The one that DC hasn't wanted to talk about in-comic, for a while.
I...I think this next issue may be leading up to Konner finally being re-solidified as the confirmed offspring of Clark and Lex—and possibly even more. So much of Superman comic media recently, this run included (even despite Lex's usual fuckery present from the beginning) has come across, to me, like they really are going to give Lex a real, no taksies-backsies redemption. One that—even if it's not permanent—will be as unforgettable as his "rebirth" was.
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(Above Images from Superman #7 [2023])
This on its own would be phenomenal, but could also (if true) help pave the way for DC/writers to acknowledge Kon's direct origins in a comic, in the present day. I also feel that they would most likely redo the reason for why Kon was created by Lex in the first place, by giving us a different, (hopefully) less toxic explanation. (But Lex's past with Superman staying messy in that regard would be nice, too, I guess.)
The explicit confirmation of Conner Kent's biological parentage is very important to me because the problem I have at this point, isn't just that a lot of people are denying what it is that makes Konner their son; it's also that I can't even tell anymore if that's how he was created, due to confusion caused by all the post-flashpoint/Perpetua/Dr. Manhattan/Rebirth/multiverse-resetting-madness. (But if anyone knows a recent comic/panel where it's straight up said how this version of Kon-El was created, please @ me.)
It should also be noted that Superboy (It feels so weird to still be calling him that, now. Damn it writer(s)...) said that he felt a "connection" to The Chained. One they both felt and which is apparently related to their powers.
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(Above Images from Superman #7 [2023])
So this leads me (and by the looks of it, at least a few others) to believe that The Chained (real name "Sam/Sammy") may turn out to be a third father to Konner! Or, perhaps the template they based Kon's powers on, which would easily explain why they have the same abilities. I'm kinda hoping the connection is no more than the latter. Otherwise it comes across as more predatory than if it had just been Lex and Clark's DNA, because it appears in the issue #8 preview that Lex was already a full-grown (balding) adult when Sammy was a little boy.
(Important Side Note: Does this version of Conner even know who his progenitors are?? Does Clark even know??)
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(Above Images from Superman #8 [2023] Preview)
I have some questions and theories about how that's possible as well (the Lex-clone-plotline from the 90's is still "canon", I guess?) but I'll just stop here on that.
Moving on: Most/all of the remainder of Lex's family has now shown up in his hospital room. That is, his somehow-still-alive mother and his daughter! (No sister present though, unfortunately. I hope she's doing well now and not in a coma or itching to harm her brother.) Why would that be the case if they weren't planning a big plot that centers on family, possibly regarding who is and isn't a part of the Super Family (Clark's family)? Action Comics to me, also has similar themes in it that have family at their core. (And both comic runs are technically connected.) Looks like a pattern to me and I don't think that's an accident.
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(Above Image from Superman #7 [2023])
Side Note: Lois is there for the ride, too, and her reaction is my reaction to this! Seriously, what is happening right now?? And although Teen!Lena has only just arrived to the scene, I think she's already a fave of mine. Love her enthusiasm (probably snark-flavored) and that choice of lipstick and eye shadow.
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(Above Image from Superman #7 [2023])
(Those Brainiac-originated dents on her head are definitely related to the role she's going to play in the next arc. I just know it.)
So Lex, having survived his attempted murder (Or whatever that scene was back in issue #5... they didn't even bother to make sure he was dead!) is the spur for all this drama (along with Brainiac, too, it seems and I guess others) and in the preview for next issue, is seen being contacted by watch. Guess who the caller is and what it'll most likely be about?
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(Above Image from Superman #8 [2023] Preview)
Praise be to this long-running, amazing Superman story!! Hope it stays entertaining and well written!!
Side Note: Seriously?! Why the choice to change Lex's gorgeous watch and its fantastic color scheme from issue #3 (where Superman gifted it to him)?! Assuming it's the same watch, at least keep it matching Superman's costume/uniform like before!! (I like the gold on it here, though.)
Do these two happen to remind you of anyone or anything, reader?
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(Above Image from Superman #7 [2023])
No? How about now?
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A-ha! No way that's not an intentional reference!!
Thanks for reading!! 😁
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batkidsandco · 2 years
Sons of the Bat
(this fic was inspired by a fic prompt by @batmanfan6)
Summary: Bruce learns that he has more than one biological child.
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Selina Kyle, Clark Kent, Diana Prince
Bruce stared at the screen unblinking. This couldn’t be, it wasn’t possible. ‘Bruce,’ Superman said his voice wavering a little. ‘Do you realise what this means?’ Bruce nodded. The file on the screen was clear. Conner hadn’t been the first human/kryptonian hybrid clone Lex had made. Just the first using his own DNA. The first clone had been only a toddler when they were removed from the pod. The file went on to say how the child showed no kryptonian traits. How they were to be disposed of in the woods. But something had gone wrong and the boy’s would be killer was forced to hide and watch as a young couple appeared from among the trees. The couple had taken the boy back with them to show him to the other circus folk. But what had really made Bruce stop and stare was the second file listing the DNA sources used to create the boy. The first of course simply read Superman. The second name was Bruce Wayne. ***
‘You can’t be serious.’ Dick groaned his head in his hands. ‘I mean you can’t seriously think that file was real.’ ‘I did have my suspicions, so I ran a quick DNA test, and they both came back positive. You have Kryptonian DNA.’ Dick looked up at him his expression clear that he knew there was more. ‘You also share DNA with me.’ Bruce finished. Dick ran his hands through his hair and shook his head. ‘This makes no sense. First of all why would Lex use your DNA?’ ‘I’m not sure. My best guess is he thought I child sharing Brucie’s DNA would be easy to manipulate. After all he’s not the smartest guy around.’ Dick nodded. ‘But I don’t have any powers. Conner has some so surely I would to?’ ‘Not necessarily. There may be many factors deciding whether or not you’d develop certain powers or none at all. And besides I don’t think it’s true you inherited nothing.’ Dick’s frown depend. ‘What do you mean?’ ‘Well your hearing has always been a little on the sensitive side. And whenever I took you to get your vaccines the nurse would have trouble getting the needle through your skin. But I’d never really thought anything of it before.’ Dick turned his head so he was facing the floor again. For a moment both men were silent, unsure what to say next. ‘I can’t believe my parents weren’t really…’ ‘No,’ Bruce cut in before he could finish. ‘You might not have been related to them biologically but John and Mary will always be your parents. They raised you, and a huge part of the man you are today is because of them.’ Dick nodded and smiled at him a little. ‘Thanks Bruce. Though I suppose I should start calling you dad.’ ‘Only if you want to.’ *** Bruce found Diana alone in one of the Watch towers many corridors staring down at the earth. Unsure what to say he stood and watched her as she wrapped her arms around her stomach. ‘Do you still think about him?’ she asked breaking the silence. ‘Sometimes.’ Bruce admitted. ‘I’m sorry all this is bringing it all back.’ She shook her head. ‘No it’s fine. I’ve learned to live with it.’ Bruce nodded and turned his attention to the window. It had been nineteen years but it felt like only yesterday. Not many knew that he and Diana had once had a child together. Only the original Justice League members and Alfred. They’d had a boy and he’d been perfect. At least for the month they’d had him. *** ‘No human should be that strong.’ The words rang inside Bruce’s head. Supergirl was right no human should be that strong. No ordinary human. He stared at the files in front of him. Two boys had been born on August 16th at Gotham general hospital. The wrong form had been attached to the wrong cot. Two boys had gone home with the wrong mothers. One boy had died a month later from cot death. The second had lived until he was fifteen. Bruce collapsed into his chair. It seemed Jason Todd had died twice. *** Jason’s silence unnerved Bruce more than the expected yelling ever could. Bruce had made sure to tell him outside, where there wasn’t anything for the boy to hurl at his head. But now he was starting to wonder of that had been at all necessary. ‘Is this a joke?’ Jason asked his voice catching. ‘I mean I know you have a weird sense of humour but wow.’ ‘It’s no joke.’ ‘Does. Does Diana know?’ Bruce nodded. ‘I’ve talked to her already. She wants to talk things over with you. I told her only if you want to.’ Jason nodded. ‘I do. Want to that is.’ *** Bruce wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting when he’d told Selina. But he was sure it wasn’t for her to burst into tears. ‘I’m so sorry she sobbed.’ She hadn’t known what else to do. Batman had been off planet with the League. They’re relationship hadn’t developed past the odd bit roof top, fun. She hadn’t learnt his real name, didn’t know who he was outside of Batman. She had almost changed her mind at one point. But the Drake’s had swooped in and adopted her baby before she could. *** This time Bruce wasn’t alone when he delivered the news. Selina had insisted on being there and now sat perched on the arm of his chair. Tim looked from one to the other as if waiting for one of them to crack up. But besides a small smile from Selina that seemed more nervous than anything there was nothing. ‘Why didn’t you say anything sooner?’ he asked her. ‘Why now. Why not the moment Bruce adopted me.’ ‘Because I was scared.’ She admitted. ‘Because I was a coward.’ She swallowed and shifted nervously. ‘I hope you’ll forgive me for that one day.’ Tim shook his head. ‘You have nothing to be sorry for. You did what was best at the time. I’m just glad I actually got to meet you.’ Selina smiled at him, stood up and opened her arms for a hug. For a brief second Tim paused before going over to her and wrapping his arms around her. Bruce was about to leave them to it when Selina pulled him into their hug. *** Bruce stood back as he watched as Damian pointed at the brightly coloured birds, excitedly telling Cass all about them. The others were using that weekend to bond with their mothers, or in Dick’s case his second dad. Well technically he was meeting with the entire Kent clan, at their bi-annual family potluck. It would be the first time he’d interacted with Lois as his stepmother. Or Conner and John as his little brothers. It would also be his first time meeting his grandparents. Diana hadn’t said what she would be doing with Jason as she wanted it to be a surprise. Though Bruce had a strong feeling he knew what this surprise would entail. Despite the fact they lived in the same city and not too far from each other at that Selina had insisted that Tim stay over so they could have a whole day together. Bruce looked at his watch and saw it was nearly 2pm. Around now the two would be going for lunch, both were late eaters. If Tim remembered to eat at all that was. *** Bruce looked at the paper and smiled a little. The papers had jumped on the story that his adopted sons were his biological children. Though they had to tweak a few details. For Tim it had been easy no lies were really necessary. It was no secret that Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle snuck off together during various charity events and had done for years.  They just kept quiet about the details as to when and where under the guise of privacy. Jason had taken a bit of tweaking but eventually they were able to come up with something believable. As with Tim they kept it close to the truth with some minor tweaks. A report or two might have gone missing in the process of making it more believable. Dick had been harder to explain. It would be easiest to say that he was his son but they didn’t know who his mother was. Only several of Clark’s journalist buddies had clocked that something was going on. They’d already figured out that his oldest Conner was also related to Lex Luthor, which had started a rumour that one of them was trans. Eventually they’d decided to tell the truth, that Dick was Bruce and Clark’s son and no they would not elaborate. The internet forums were full of people trying to figure if both the months leading up to Dick and Damian’s births had coincided with one of his impromptu trips abroad or not. In the picture the four stood arms around each other smiling at the camera. Writing under the photo read:  Pictured From left to right; Richard Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Jason Prince and Timothy Kyle-Wayne.
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doglover-trait · 2 years
Mix'n'Match Legacy Challenge
Yup! I'm back with another legacy challenge!
I noticed that I often utilized certain pack-related game features only by themselves. For example, I would never run a vet clinic and sell knitted items on Plopsy for extra cash. And I thought, why not? And so, the Mix'n'Match Legacy Challenge was born.
My goal was to combine pack-related skills and gameplay into generations that I could make a story out of, and I think I did it!
General Rules
You may play on any lifespan
Begin with a starter budget
Use money cheats sparingly (ex. freerealestate for your first home, an extra 5k to afford a house, etc.)
No cheats that will give you an advantage over other players
You must complete all the listed aspirations, skills, and careers (unless otherwise noted)
Have fun!
If any of these rules make gameplay less fun, ignore them! I want this challenge to be enjoyable for everyone :)
Generation 1 - Eco Lifestyle/Island Living/Spa Day
The environment has always meant a lot to you. You work hard to preserve your beautiful home; Sulani. You can get a little too passionate sometimes, but you can always rely on a relaxing stroll on the beach, a nice meditation session, or some soothing yoga to calm you down. The islands are your home, and you will always love them.
Traits: Child of the Islands, Green Fiend, Hot-Headed
Aspiration: Beach Life & Eco Innovator
Career: Civil Designer
Marry a conservationist (they must also reach Level 10 in their career)
Master the Wellness and Logic skills
Successfully clean up your neighborhood and have a green eco footprint (and keep it that way until the end of your life)
Befriend 3 dolphins
Generation 2 - Cats & Dogs/Seasons
While your parents cared more about the well-being of the islands of Sulani, you always loved the animals you found there. However, the heat of Sulani always got to you, so as a young adult you move to Brindleton Bay to open your own vet clinic. You adopt a few strays along the way (probably more than you should), and after having your first child, you decide to adopt a few of those too. Your biggest desire in life is to do good for all the people and animals you can. But you always make time to play in the rain and splash in puddles with your kids.
Traits: Cat Lover or Dog Lover, Family-Oriented, Good
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals
Live your entire adult life in Brindleton Bay
Buy a vet clinic and work there as a vet
Master the Veterinary and Parenting skills
Unlock and master the secret Skating skill
Adopt at least three strays
Have at least one biological kid from a one-night stand
Adopt at least two kids
Purchase the 'Heatproof', 'Iceproof', and 'Stormchaser' traits from the Rewards Store
Use the 'Cook Together' interaction whenever possible
Decorate for every holiday and do something to celebrate every season
Have at least two hot weather outfits and two cold weather outfits (pro tip: use raincoats!)
Generation 3 - City Living/Dine Out
You grew up in a close-knit family in Brindleton Bay, spending time with your siblings and cooking with your parent. Food is your passion, but in your tiny coastal town, you can’t share it as much as you'd like. So as soon as you’re old enough, you move to a tiny apartment in San Myshuno to become a chef. Social media is how you share your delicacies with the world, and your food blog blows up right away. To your delight, your rising popularity gives you the chance to open your very own restaurant! You don’t have an interest in romance, but when your fans start shipping you with another foodie celebrity, you feel like you have no choice but to start a relationship.
Traits: Vegetarian, Foodie, Unflirty
Aspiration: City Native & Master Chef *since the Master Chef aspiration requires you to be in the Culinary career, you may either use cheats to skip those specific goals or choose not to complete the Master Chef aspiration
Career: Social Media (Internet Personality Branch)
Max the Cooking, Gourmet Cooking, and Singing skills
Own a 5-star restaurant
Become at least a 2-star celebrity
Marry a celebrity with the Foodie trait (you may create this sim, since they'll be hard to find in the wild)
Have only one child
Learn every vegetarian city recipe
Generation 4 - Get Famous/Get Together
Your parent was definitely the quiet type, but you? You want loud music at the club, hoards of fans, and lots of friends, parties, and drinks. You dream of becoming an actor and making waves in the music industry at the same time. So when your friend finds a place in Del Sol Valley, you don’t hesitate to move in, even though you’re still a teen. Your posse grows fast, and you’re beloved by all of your friends. They’ll follow wherever you lead. But you want more. You want FAME. And you’ll do anything to get there. Because you’re the most important; you deserve it more than anyone else.
Traits: Insider, Dance Machine, Self-Absorbed
Aspiration: Leader of the Pack & World-Famous Celebrity
Career: Actor
Move away from home as a teen
Master the Acting, Charisma, Dancing, and Media Production skills
Become a 5-star celebrity
Be the leader of a prestigious club
Marry a fellow celebrity
Generation 5 - Get To Work/StrangerVille
While your parent loved to soak up the attention and socialize with all manner of people, you’re much more focused on your studies. You’re an intelligent sim, and when you grow up, you decide to use this intelligence to further sim-kind’s discoveries in the field of science. But the tiny town of StrangerVille is boggling your big mind. The residents are suffering from some sort of affliction, but you can’t figure it out! You’ve never been wrong in your life, and you certainly aren’t about to start now. Everyone else is waiting for you to fail; you just know it. They’re watching, whispering, commenting on your inability to solve this mystery. But you’re going to do it. You’ll solve the StrangerVille mystery even if it costs you your life.
Traits: Genius, Ambitious, Paranoid
Aspiration: Nerd Brain & StrangerVille Mystery
Career: Scientist
Master the Logic and Handiness skills
Marry a sim who used to be infected
Travel to Sixam and harvest all the alien plants (after all, you want to know where the Mother came from!)
Generation 6 - Cottage Living/Parenthood/Nifty Knitting
Your parent was the revered Hero of StrangerVille, and so your family was always in the limelight. But you want a quieter life, one filled with peaceful days in the garden and animal companions by your side. So you move to a small cottage in Henford-on-Bagley and cut all ties with your family. You want to raise your kids without their influence. Foolishly, you fall for young love, but it doesn’t work out. Romance was never your forte. Still, you end up with your bundles of joy, and so you regret nothing. You and your kids spend the days tending to the farm, cross-stitching, and knitting sweaters for the kids and the animals.
Traits: Animal Enthusiast, Noncommittal, Cheerful
Aspiration: Lord/Lady of the Knits & Super Parent
Master the Gardening, Knitting, Parenting and Cross-Stitching skills
Make all your money from gardening, knitting, and cross-stitching
Grow a Perfect Quality oversized crop
Own both a cow and a llama (it doesn’t have to be at the same time)
Win at the Finchwick Fair at least twice
Have three failed relationships before giving up on romance
Have a child with at least two of the three partners
Adopt at least two children
Generation 7 - Snowy Escape/Jungle Adventure
You grew up in a peaceful house in the countryside... and it was BORING. You crave adventure and excitement, thrills and risks. Mt. Komorebi seems like the perfect place to live life to the fullest, but you’ve always wanted to explore more than just the traditional little town. Selvadorada presents many risks and many rewards; it’s your kind of place! You love to explore the ancient ruins and uncover sacred artifacts, but you’re just as happy to spend the weekend skiing, snowboarding, or going on a rock-climbing expedition!
Traits: Active, Adventurous, Self-Assured
Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast & Jungle Explorer
Career: Athlete
Master the Selvadoradian Culture, Archaeology, Rock Climbing, and Skiing/Snowboarding skills
Reach the peak of Mt. Komorebi
Marry a Selvadoradian native
Gain and maintain the Energetic lifestyle
Generation 8 - Tiny Living/Outdoor Retreat/Bowling Stuff
You had an awesome childhood. You lived in snowy Mt. Komorebi and had chill parents that did all sorts of outdoor activities with you. You loved nature, but you also loved to make others laugh. Seeing someone’s eyes light up with joy made your day. You’re a social busybody, bouncing from work to performing comedy routines to a bowling game with your buddies. But you still like to come home to your cozy little house to brew some herbal remedies and rest. You always find time in your busy schedule to go on a camping trip to Granite Falls, and when they’re old enough, you bring your kids too. You love roasting marshmallows and telling them ghost stories just as much as you love laughter.
Traits: Goofball, Outgoing, Loves Outdoors
Aspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast
Career: Entertainer (Comedian Branch)
Master the Bowling, Comedy, and Herbalism skills
Complete the insect collection
Always live in a tiny home (the tier is up to you, but you must live in at least two different tier types)
Have at least three good friends whom you go bowling with once a week
Go camping in Granite Falls at least once per season
Purchase the ‘Great Storyteller’ reward trait
Generation 9 - Discover University/City Living
As a kid, your parents always took you and your siblings on lots of family camping trips… and you HATED them. Bugs, dirt, smelly public bathrooms… YUCK! You like things nice, neat, and perfect. Everything has its place, and yours is on top. You dream of becoming a powerful politician, and a distinguished one at that. You study History at Britechester and graduate top of the class before moving on to bigger and brighter things. Your sensibility and level-headedness are highly valued in your work life, but in your home life? Your kid can’t get over their obsession with the supernatural, and you definitely do not approve.
Traits: Squeamish, Perfectionist, Neat
Aspiration: Academic & Neighborhood Confidante
Career: Politician
Reach Level 10 in the Politician career
Max the Research & Debate, Charisma, and Writing skills
Graduate from Britechester with a Distinguished History degree and a perfect GPA
Gain and maintain the Workaholic lifestyle
Have a strained relationship with both your parents and your kids (acquaintances or worse)
Generation 10 - Realm of Magic/Paranormal Stuff
You always loved the stories your grandparent would tell you; ghosts, witches, vampires, even aliens! And though your parent never believed in or supported you, you’re determined to prove them wrong and explore the supernatural world.
You move to the small, secretive town of Glimmerbrook, getting a house with some “issues'' for a very cheap price. And you discover an amazing secret; an entire magical realm! But the house’s issues soon make themselves known… and you love it! You pick up the Medium skill quickly and eventually decide to make ghost hunting your career. Up until now, you’ve been selling your paintings on Plopsy. Needless to say, through ghost hunting, you earn enough to move out of your own haunted house.
Traits: Creative, Art Lover, Good
Aspiration: Spellcraft & Sorcery
Career: Paranormal Investigator
Master the Medium, Charisma, and Painting skills
Complete the Spellcraft & Sorcery aspiration
Learn every Potion and Practical Magic spell
Purchase the 'Brave' trait from the Rewards Store
Live in a haunted house on heroic mode for at least half of your young adult life
Have a garden full of magical plants (all the plants needed for potions)
Make and drink the Potion of Immortality
Make money only from your garden, your paintings, and the Paranormal Investigator career
Generation 10 - Vampires/Dream Home Decorator
You always loved the stories your grandparent would tell you; ghosts, witches, vampires, even aliens! And though your parent never believed in or supported you, you’re determined to prove them wrong and explore the supernatural world.
You move to the small, secretive town of Forgotten Hollow, chasing the rumors of vampires in the area. And to your delight, they're true! You convince them to turn you, and you revel in your power, desperate to grow stronger. But you don’t want your eye for design and style to go to waste, and a job as an Interior Decorator gives you a great source of plasma. But after a long day of design work and fighting Vladdy Daddy, you like to settle down and lose yourself in your music.
Traits: Creative, Music Lover, Evil
Aspiration: Master Vampire
Career: Interior Decorator
Max the Vampire Lore, Pipe Organ, and Violin/Piano skills
Become a Grand Master vampire
Drink the plasma from all of your clients
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therealjordan23 · 3 years
So, a recent question people have been asking me is whether Scrooge deserves to be called dad.
Fuck no.
Scrooge McDuck doesn't deserve an ounce of title "dad", especially when he's competing against characters like Drake, and more importantly, Donald. These 2 characters have proved to be more of a dad than Scrooge will ever be.
In the beginning of the series, we see Donald already taking on more responsibility as a parent than Della and Scrooge combined. Donald actively believed that their adventuring days have come to an end, as there is a brand new adventure waiting for them, which are Huey, Dewey, and Louie. When he caught wind of Della’s desire to go up into space, while 3 boys were on the way, he told her not to.
Scrooge clearly didn't understand how severe the situation was, he didn't have that parental instinct. He played the, 'fun uncle' role, and it never went beyond that, even though he was the guardian of Donald and Della from a young age, along with HDL. This is what tempted him to build the rocket in the first place.
You can be someone's "biological parent", but it doesn't necessarily mean that you're their "parent". Personally speaking, my dad wasn't around when I was a kid, and I never considered him to be my parent, until he stepped up and actively took on that role. And even in the show, that's Della’s whole arc! In Season 2, Louie doesn't consider her to be his "mom", until she stepped up to become a proper parent. More on this later, though.
Scrooge didn't actively do anything to earn the title, "dad", he truly didn't. And that's the difference between him and Della, she actually put in the effort.
This is why Beakley has earned the title of a parent.
This is why Donald has earned the title of a parent.
This is why Della herself, (even though I have made it clear multiple times that she's not my favourite, sorry Delly) has earned the title of a parent.
This is why Drake has earned the title of a parent.
Frank himself has made it clear several times that Donald is considered to be Huey, Dewey, and Louie's dad, even though he's not their biological father, but that's the point. It's through Donald's actions that we see that, "Okay, he's a dad, he's earned it."
Donald sacrificed so much to become a parent: he sacrificed a lavish life at a mansion so he could get away from the man who effectively took away their mother, he gave up what would've been his prime time to get his life going: if Donald and Della are canonically 36 in the series, and Della has been gone for 10 years by the time the pilot aired, it would mean Donald was at least 26 years old when he took the boys. Please note that it was confirmed that Donald's been living in the manor since he was at least 12-13 (I'm basing this off of seeing him in Last Christmas, I could be wrong).
So we have a fresh 26 year old, who has left his place of comfort and financial stability since he was 12 or 13. He has given up the lifestyle he was used to. And as if that doesn't sound bad on its own, he had 3 kids to raise, because he believes that their mother is dead.
26 shouldn't be when you scramble to find a home, find a job, and on top of that, raise 3 kids! 26 should be a time where you're just starting to figure things out, slowly easing into ideas like marriage, a full time job, and then maybe having kids. (These aren't my personal beliefs, I literally Googled what 26 year olds should be doing, and this came up)
**obviously I don't speak for everyone, there are certain factors that affect these 'common beliefs' at what you should be doing at a certain age**
Anyway. I have barely listed what Donald has done for these boys who haven't even been born yet. Donald has done so much more at the age of 26, than Scrooge has done in his 153 years. So, I can say with full confidence, he has earned the title Dad.
And then there's Scrooge.
It's truly insulting: when you see what truly makes a parent a parent, compared with the 30 seconds of Webby calling Scrooge dad? It completely brushes aside Donald's efforts of being a parent.
He didn't earn it. He never did anything to earn that title. @moonstoneflowers, @l-thefriendlyghost, and @dellyduck said it best: the overprotectiveness we see once it's revealed that he was Webby's 'father'? It's disgusting that he acted like that after he knew that Webby was his 'daughter'. He didn't care about Huey, Dewey, and Louie, or Della and Donald. He only did that because he felt obligated to be Webby's 'dad'.
"When you look at someone through rose-coloured glasses, all the red flags just look like flags."
—Wanda Pierce to BoJack Horseman
This quote totally applies to Scrooge. I mean, his name is literally Scrooge, he's designed to be a generally unlikable character and person. We see traits and toxic behavior that we brushed aside until now: when the show has ended, and we're forced to analyze it.
A great example of this is in Timephoon, where we can actively see where Scrooge and Della finally show their true colours. It's at the end, where the family is reunited, and Louie gives his half-ass apology.
Tumblr media
Scrooge is completely okay with the fact that Louie almost destroyed space.
"I'm sure you've learned… something."
—Scrooge McDuck to Louie Duck in Timephoon!
You are the adult in the situation sir. I'm not even counting Launchpad as an adult here, he is a literal manchild. And even though Beakley is just as much to be blamed here, she spent the episode convincing Della to be a little stricter and discipline her kids better. She knew where to cross the line, and the only reason that Beakley agreed to forgive Louie was because she assumed Della wasn't taking it seriously.
"No… not this time."
—Della Duck to Louie Duck in Timephoon
I’ve had my problems with this, but even I can confidentally tell you that this marked the moment where Della Duck earned the title of a parent, while Scrooge was clearly about to forgive Louie for a literal crime he committed, and was really about to let Louie go off scot free.
And I personally find that alarming. If us adults didn't catch these red flags the second we watched the show itself, what about the kids? You know, the actual demographic it's aimed towards?
Another issue that I'm happy @moonstoneflowers brought up was the fact that Frank said Webby had to "earn" her place in the family?
She is a child, sir. She shouldn't have that mindset at the age of 10-12. A person who should have to earn their place in the family is an adult like Della. She went out for a joyride in space, but she actively regretted that decision, and immediately sought out to fix things with her family and kids. She changed for the better.
Scrooge? He makes things so that they revolve around him, and makes it so that he doesn't have to change for anyone. He makes things work in his favour.
The sad part that @dellyduck brought up is that Donald, and let's be real, 99% of his problems exist because of Scrooge, is the one who has to deal with them! He isn't a fucking mop! He isn't here to clean up your shit! This man is the only functional parent, and Scrooge uses that to his advantage by shoving all of his problems onto Donald.
He didn't deserve his ending, goddammit. Scrooge McDuck will never be considered a father. He can be biologically related to Webby, sure, but please don't strip away what truly makes a parent a parent, and apply it to someone who has never made an effort to change to become a proper guardian.
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outoftheframework · 4 years
characterization cheat sheet: the batfamily boys
Hey everyone! I had the idea to compile a comprehensive list of different traits and attributes for each member of the batfamily based off of both canon and fanon interpretations. I think this could be useful for new members to the fandom, or those looking to write and/or draw for these characters. Remember that these will have a slight bias considering I, a fanon creator, am creating the lists. But I’ll try to make them as accurate as possible.
Appearances vary from artist to artist, so I’ll try to stray away from general details and add more little things you can consider in your art.
Bruce Wayne:
Age: 35-45
Appearance: Extremely physically fit, but signs of aging and prolonged exertion can slip through. Has a collection of scattered scars varying from fresh to fully healed. Strong, dark features. Conventionally attractive, but can easily switch to be foreboding/intimidating. Well kept in public appearances, but can look like death incarnate when in private.
Personality: Dual personas: “Bruce” (at home, but not as batman) and “Brucie” (public appearances like galas, news interviews). Bruce is stoic, well-read and educated, well-mannered, and occasionally can be witty and laid-back. Smirks rather than smiles. Brucie is loud, spontaneous, charming, and sometimes oblivious. He is the womanizer and scandal-maker. Often the actions of Brucie are motivated by Batman’s interests.
Speech: Bruce was mainly raised by as English butler, so his speech patterns are proper and smooth. Rarely uses speech fillers such as “uh” and “um,” except when interrupted while concentrating. Despite living in Gotham his entire life, he has not picked up the accent. His voice is newscaster American, almost impossible to pinpoint to a certain region. His speech as Brucie changes to relate more to the audience he is addressing. Speeches to Gotham high society will sound different than those aimed to the general public.
Additional Attributes: Bruce Wayne in all of his personalities is fiercely protective, and can easily slip into a deeper voice to intimidate. Bruce can be extremely empathetic and slightly impulsive when it comes to children who have lost their parents. As learned through his training to become Batman, Bruce is disciplined and can work for hours straight.
Dick Grayson:
Age: 23-29
Appearance: Dick Grayson mirrors a young Bruce Wayne despite their not being blood related. This could be a subconscious action by Dick to absorb traits of his father figure. His lean acrobatic body starts to set him apart from Bruce’s image. Dick manages to be well-built but still limber and flexible. His feet and hands are rough and calloused. His hair can get long but usually stays at a length in between Bruce’s and Tim’s. His eyes are bright blue without even a hint of green or brown. 
Personality: In one comic I believe it was Superman who said that Dick Grayson is a universal constant, meaning that on every alternate earth or timeline, you can always rely on him to be good and pure. I think this really sums up who Dick should be. He is kind to a fault, and can sometimes be naive and not think things through. He loves to love, be that in his family, in his romantic relationships, in his friendships, and even in strangers. He is a chronic hero who only wants to see the world as a better place. But it’s important to note that Dick can get angry when pushed, and holds grudges.
Speech: Dick is an extremely interesting study in speech patterns. As a child he traveled with the circus, until he lived with clear-spoken Bruce Wayne and a proper English butler. So influences to his speech and accent come both internationally and locally to Gotham and Bludhaven. As a child living at Wayne Manor, Dick picks up a slight Gotham tinge to his accent with some British flourish in his vowel sounds. He regularly speaks in slang. As Nightwing he is able to suppress his unique speech to sound more evenly American.
Additional Attributes: Dick acts differently around each of his family members as to be what they need in a big brother. For example, he is more fatherly to Damian while to Tim he is more an equal. Dick can fidget and has less of an attention span than Bruce. He can use jokes as a coping mechanism.
Jason Todd: 
Age: 22-26
Appearance: Hair is often long on top and shorter on the sides, sometimes with a white streak as a side effect from the Lazarus Pit. Tallest and heaviest of all the kids, very physically intimidating. Has a lot of scars and burns, and in some fan works he has a “Y” shaped scar the length of his chest from his autopsy. Never skips leg day. Green/blue eyes.
Personality: Jason goes through a lot of character development, but for this list I’m going off a timeline of post-Under the Red Hood, where Jason is on okay, yet still a little shaky, terms with the rest of the family. Jason has a hard time separating vigilante life and civilian life; his death as Robin ended his life as Jason Todd, blurring the lines between the two. Jason is legally dead, so he is basically building an identity back up. He holds some attributes from childhood: brave, impulsive, loud-mouthed, and street-smart. But his experiences post-Robin have made him a hardened loner. He lives modestly and with some semblance of order. He’s hard to foster a relationship with, but can be a passionate friend/family member when he opens up.
Speech: Jason probably has the least influence from Bruce and Alfred’s speech patterns, seeing as though he spent a lot more time with his biological family/on the streets than he did as a preteen in the manor. He is the definition of Gotham vernacular, with a rough edge. So much so that as a child, the high society gala attenders sometimes had a hard time understanding him. Often talks in curt, short sentences.
Additional Attributes: He has trouble expressing his emotions, more specifically anger and/or grief. Can both love or hate furiously. Inherently good, but sometimes does “bad” things. Protective over children, especially those living on the street. Very much a believer in “the ends justify the means.”
Tim Drake:
Age: 17-20
Appearance: Pale skin, dark hair. Sharp cheek bones and jawline, mostly from how skinny he is. His body isn’t technically “built” to be extremely athletic, but he’s forced a nice lean build from stringently working out. Easily loses and gains weight as a direct result of his work, causing fluctuations in his build. Five foot something, will eventually be out-grown by Damian. Long hair that can still be styled to look professional.
Personality: Tim Drake is very passionate in pretty much everything he sets his mind to. He feels as though he imposed himself onto Batman to become Robin, so he works twice as hard to prove his worth. He can be self conscious and deprecating. Tim as Robin or Red Robin is very different than civilian Tim; his hero personas can be bolder and more confident. Despite dropping out of high school, he values education.
Speech: Tim grew up rich, and his speech reflects an intelligence gained from private tutors. Despite this, he knows how to interact with those his age in using less formal language and slang. Often quotes books and movies. Can be awkward and stumble over his words when teased by his friends/family. He can manipulate people easily in business settings by talking fast and confidently while explaining complex topics.
Additional Attributes: Tim’s demeanor is directly tied to his varying levels of confidence and anxiety. Tim is has above-average intelligence and is diligent in detective work, but can still act like a teenager. He can be stubborn to extremes and will patiently play the long con. He does not cope well with loss.
Duke Thomas:
Age: 17-19
Appearance: Short dark hair, shaved on the sides and/or the back. Often wears the colors yellow and black. Around the same height as Tim, but a little taller. Stronger and heavier build more alike to Jason than Dick, but he’s still light on his feet. Expressive face that can give away his feelings easily. Still a bit of a baby face, but he’s still well-proportioned and conventionally handsome.
Personality: In my works, I’ve often described Duke as having a “sun-shiny” personality. He is one to not even think twice about putting others before himself. Duke uses his own personal experiences to guide him as a hero rather than suppress his emotions. Duke went from being an only child to having a large family, so he can sometimes feel overwhelmed. He is on friendly terms with every member of the batfamily, as well as many other heroes. Duke is self-sacrificial and is still learning how to effectively work as a detective.
Speech: Duke grew up in a middle class Gotham family, so his speech is influenced by his parents as well as his city environment. Duke has a mild Gotham accent and speaks a lot in modern slang. He hasn’t had much influence from Bruce and Alfred, considering he hasn’t lived with them for long. It’s possible that as he grows he will pick up some influences from Bruce and Tim’s way of speaking, but will most likely hold onto the accent of his childhood.
Additional Attributes: Duke is a metahuman vigilante in a city where Batman typically bans them, which causes a bit of an insecurity and a perfectionist drive. These are exasperated by the long line of history preceding him, as well as the fact that he involved himself in the Robin movement rather than being handpicked by Batman. He and Tim can relate in that way. Duke is an ardent student of Batman and is dedicated to the cause.
Damian Wayne:
Age: 10-14
Appearance: Looks similar to Bruce when he was the same age, yet stronger and with tanner skin. His hair is expertly cut and styled, but still age-appropriate. He is the shortest of the batkids, but still has a lot of time and potential to grow. He pretty much won the genetics lottery with Bruce and Talia as his biological parents, and is made for athletics. He has some scars that stand out with their pale coloring against his tan skin. 
Personality: Damian is slowly becoming less of a brat, to put it bluntly. He admires his family and tries to mimic them, but will never confess it. Damian is quick to judge and will voice his opinion no matter how scathing it may be, both as civilian and hero. Damian is slowly realizing he may not want the Batman mantle as quickly as he planned. Jon is a perfect foil to Damian, and often makes him a better person when they’re together. 
Speech: His speech is proper and formal. Prefers formal titles: ex. “father” over “dad” and last names over first. Damian is at least bilingual (Arabic and English), and can switch between languages easily. Most of his speech patterns developed from his tutors in the League, and more recently, Alfred. Influences like Jon and Dick have introduced him to a more modern, laid-back way of speaking, which he sometimes utilizes when relaxed.
Additional Attributes: Damian has problems with authority, especially those that he doesn’t respect like his teachers at school. He can be arrogant and childish ever though he often acts like he knows everything. Damian is still a child and has much to learn from batman and family as well as unlearn from his time at the League. Dami was forged to be a ruthless warrior, but now has to find a balance between the hero Robin and the child Damian Wayne.
Hope this helps someone! Feel free to add on if you think I missed anything. Just please remember to be civil and respect different interpretations of these characters. Let me know if you want another one of these posts outlining the girls or other characters.
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businessbois · 3 years
You know I was also a fan of batfam, and I was just thinking about it, and the batfam shares a lot of similarities with sbi.
You have Phil and Bruce who, depending on the depiction, fall all over the best parent-worst parent scale. Some people think they’re the world’s best parent who is super attentive to their kids, some people think they’re full on abusive(though most of that end think they’re just neglectful), and still others think they’re bad but trying their best. They’re given the mentor role and all the kids desperately crave their attention. They are commonly depicted as being extremely scary to the outside world, but much softer to their family.
Then you have Wilbur and Dick. The sensitive older brother who basically parents their younger siblings. The one who is good with words and getting people to like them. The one with the strange talent that no one else in the family has (acrobatics and music). Hides their own negative emotions in favor of taking care of others. A leader who’s willing to take on emotional distress for the sake of those they lead. Not super buff, preferring to use more subtle and tricky ways of fighting.
Techno and Jason. The strong tough children who actually have a lot of emotional distress that they don’t know how to express. Doesn’t like to admit it, but is super protective over the people they love. Has a small group of friends who handle things in ways that many people look down on who they trust with their life. People trying to kill them, but they come back through some magical artifact (the Lazarus pools and the totem). Far more violent than most of the family, has less problems with killing others.
Tommy and Damian. Clearly younger than the others. Is secretly super soft and loves animals and their family, but hides it behind an agressive and often violent mask. Bonds with other kids but doesn’t like to say it, but the other kids realize anyway. Has a complicated relationship with their father figure and a very close relationship with one of their older brother figures. (Bonus points to the fact that a lot of people have started to make Tommy biologically related to Phil as a clone created to rival ‘the angel of death’ similarly to how Damian was raised to become greater than Batman)
And then despite not actually being a part of sbi, Tubbo somewhat matches Tim. They’re both the Tech kids who had their own family but got adopted in. They’re both usually described as the logical ones who run on chaotic genius and no sleep.
So I feel like it’s not surprising that fans of one are often fans of the other.
omg yes i want to talk about this all the time!! so i know the batfam personalities change with like every writer and reboot and fanon perception but there are so many good comparisons to be made and i felt so strongly i wrote an au about this. you really said most of what i was thinking about but ill add other little points.
so yes phil and bruce obviously. even like their titles the "angel of death" and "the dark knight" are kinda similar in a way. i dont know if this makes kristin talia or selina but i love it.
wilbur and dick. this feeds my oldest sibling wilbur preference and just fits so well. like, they're both performers, they're closer to tommy/damian, they're extroverted and better with people. i didnt even think about some of the stuff you listed like the leadership and fighting style but you're so right.
techno and jason i feel very strongly about. so yeah the violence is the obvious comparison. there's also like the fondness for literature which is a trait of jason's i hold onto dearly. there's a frame in rhato where jason has the art of war on his bookshelf and that's just perfect honestly. im sure theres something with niki as starfire that could be drawn with her being wilbur friend but then joining techno's group later.
tommy and damian. tubbo's his jon (i almost said colin but i remembered colin doesnt exist anymore) and like henry and batcow? it's perfect. damian was very briefly vegetarian in some iteration and i mean osmp tommy's a vegetarian. i'll take any tiny connections i can make. i literally thought about damian and bruce when the "tommy was made in a lab" theory arose. i have a complicated opinion on damian but to be fair its been awhile since ive been really into dc so if i took a look at him now i feel like my opinion would be better especially with all the connections that can be drawn between him and tommy
you saying tubbo is tim brought me an image of the absolute hilarity of ranboo being stephanie so thanks. the only caveat there is the fact that tim and damian just do not get along. to be fair, none of these guys get along in dc canon, but i chose to ignore that.
but yeah i like didnt think there'd be batman and mcyt crossover with fans, but there is and that's real neat cuz then i get to do little rambles like this with you
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moveobjectsonblogs · 3 years
Zodiac Challenge
Welcome to the Sims 4 Zodiac Challenge!
This idea came to me in a dream after a month of um-ing and ah-ing over whether or not I should start my very own Sims inspired Youtube Channel.
This is also inspired by the Not So Berry Challenge over on my queen, lilsimsie’s page, since I recently started playing that myself and found myself engaging with aspects of the game I never used to before. 
SO, the Zodiac challenge... It’s a legacy challenge inspired by Zodiac traits*, aspirations and careers with a little extra spice to keep the story moving along.  
*Please keep in mind that this is not a direct reflection of Zodiac traits, but merely an inspired challenge based on some common information surrounding each sign and a need to make a workable legacy challenge. I love all you little start signs out there equally and I believe we all have some positive influences on society as a whole. 
Okay, okay, cut to the chase already. Here are the rules of the challenge: 
No excessive money cheats (freerealestate is acceptable, as well as moderate transfer of household fees when a sim moves out) 
You have full control over CAS for your sims/partners/children, however traits are to remain according to challenge 
The color attached to each generation/sign needs to be visible on all sim outfits as well as in household, but you can decide to what degree
You can create looks inspired by the signs, but again, you can decide to what degree 
Make it your own! Where a generation requires pack-specific traits, aspirations, careers etc which you do not own, please substitute and come up with your own unique spin on it!
If a skill, aspiration, or career is listed, the expectation is to MAX IT OUT!
Please tag me! I want to see your videos, characters and creations on this
Generation 1 - Aries / Red - The Go-Getter
You start out as a runaway teen, trying to make it in the Big City. You believe you have what it takes to be the next National Leader, and the City is the place to be! You have a quick temper and a fiery personality, so in order to appear calm in the public eye (everyone wants a piece of you!) you need to practice Wellness every day. You don’t have time for marriage, but your PR Manager advised you it would look good for your political career to adopt!
Hot Headed
Leader Of The Pack
Politician (Politician branch to become National Leader)
Additional Requirements
Reach Level 3 Fame
Must have no biological children, only adopt
Don’t have a good relationship with child/ren
Never marry
Never retire 
Generation 2 - Taurus / Dark Green - The Loving Nurturer
All your life you tried to get the approval of your always-too-busy presidential parent. You were pawned off to day-care, baby-sitters and after-school activities to fill your time and never knew what a parental figure or family time was. You were told to always appear perfect in terms of good grades, a good university degree and a stable career but in your heart all you ever wanted was love! You spend quality time with your children and your greatest pleasure is helping them grow and succeed in life. You believe in taking the time to grow your own produce in order to eat only the healthiest food and other sims would describe you as ~earthy~.
Family Oriented
Big Happy Family
Freelancer (any branch you want)
Additional Requirements
Marry your High School/University sweetheart
Have minimum 3 children 
Work part time in order to help children with meals & homework everyday
Generation 3 - Gemini / Yellow - The Open-Minded Adventurer
You loved your cozy (some would say sheltered) and unconventional upbringing with your earthy parent and many siblings; however, you want to see the world and all it has to offer for yourself! You love people, creativity and being busy and you want to see it all, try it all and be it all. Thanks to your loving mom, you were always made to believe you can be whatever you want in this world. You can never sit still. Due to that, you have many different careers, many different worlds you live in and many different lovers...You’ll try anything once!
Renaissance Sim 
Any 3 (as per Aspiration)
Flower Arranging
Video Gaming
Additional Requirements
Have a love child before marriage 
Have 3 failed romances before marriage 
Move to 3 different worlds in lifetime 
Generation 4 - Cancer / Grey - The Intuitive Gossip
You want a nice and normal life, no surprises, everything as it should be and in the right order. You want to settle down, and live an uneventful life. But when do plans ever work out like that? You earn a university degree in something sensible, and you follow that route with determination; however, you’ve always been described as psychic by those who know you, and you always have the dirt on the town folk. Finally, late in your life you understand that this ability can bring in some serious cash. You switch to the social media career and always work from home to protect your identity from those who’s secrets you spill. Who would ever suspect you, the nerdy Brainiac who barely speaks up? xoxo, Sims Girl
Initially something connected to Degree, but switch to Social Media (Internet Personality Branch) in late Adult Life Stage 
Media Production 
Additional Requirements
Attend university (Business or History degree)
Change careers when in Adult life stage to Social Media Career
Always work from home
Marry for convenience and not love (not attracted to partner)
Have no relationship with child/ren
Generation 5 - Leo / Gold - The Romantic Star
Your life growing up was boring. Your mom and dad were the least romantic people ever and everything was cookie-cutter perfect (and devoid of any emotion) growing up. So, from a young age, you throw yourself into movies and get lost in the romantic, passionate and fairy tale aesthetic of it all! You move to Del Sol Valley straight after high school to try and make it as a big star and start your own fairy tale! But it turns out not all fairy tales are perfect, and you have to kiss a few frogs to find your prince/ss!  
Self Absorbed 
World Famous Celebrity
Additional Requirements
Move to Del Sol Valley straight after high school with very little money (10K max)
Cheat on 2 different partners
Date both genders
Generation 6 - Virgo / Beige - The Critical Perfectionist
Owing to your famous parent, you always attended red carpet events with the best food imaginable. Let’s face it, you always thought your taste was just a touch above everyone else. And when you’re good at something never do it for free! Your dream is to criticize others and earn a pay check for it.For you, life is about experiences, perfection and having something to show for it in the bank account. You want to wear and eat the finest things!
Fabulously Wealthy
Critic (Food)
Gourmet Cooking
Additional Requirements
Marry a famous sim or a sim at the top of their career
Have a house worth over 100K
Have 1 child
Generation 7 - Libra / Pink - The Classy Advocate
You grew up in a very classy home, with only the finest things. You believe in the value of beautiful art, intellectual discussions and physical beauty. From behind the thick, gilded window panes in your childhood mansion, you always witness the injustices of the world and felt a calling to help those without a voice.
Art Lover
Party Animal
Law (Any Branch)
Additional Requirements
Attend university, join the debate guild
Marry a sim you find extremely attractive
Volunteer weekly
Own art pieces worth over 20K
Generation 8 - Scorpio / Black - The Beautiful Empath 
You’re a sweetheart deep down and you find beauty in all things physical. Where your parents saw beauty in materialistic things, you see beauty in yourself and others. You always dreamed of perfecting your own body as a testament to your intense passion towards your goals. You meet a beautiful partner along the way and together, you create a perfect image of love, beauty and emotional intensity.
Athlete (Bodybuilder career)
Additional Requirements
Marry a sim seen as extremely attractive
Have 1 child minimum and encourage active side (from toddler to teenager)
Go on a date night with your partner every weekend
Generation 9 - Sagittarius / Purple - The Traveling Spy 
You’re fun to be around and can never sit still. You’ve used this to your advantage to lure people into trusting you, and you have friends all over the world! Little do they know, you’re a secret agent with some top-tier missions to accomplish. Your passion for love and romance means you have a few slip ups and made some (unexpectedly great) mistakes along the way. You can’t ever be tied down. Keep it moving, blend in with the locals and you’ll never get caught!
Serial Romantic
Secret Agent (Any Branch)
Additional Requirements
Live in Mt. Komorebi and Sulani in lifetime – dabble in local culture and activities  
Have children from both of the above worlds with one of the locals
Never marry  
Generation 10 - Capricorn / Brown - The Idealistic Pragmatist
You’re smart – scary smart. You are a quiet, intelligent soul and you love to lose yourself in the mountains when life gets overwhelming. You approach life with military intelligence, routine and perfection and never thought you could meet someone who cracked through your tough exterior. When you do meet them, you marry them after the first few dates and start your family. Your partner adores you and your family and quits their career to take care of the large brood of kids and animals in your rustic, outdoorsy home.
Loves the Outdoors
Extreme Sports Enthusiast
Pet Training
Additional Requirements
Marry a spouse after a maximum of 3 dates
Have spouse quit job to raise children
Have 4 children minimum
Go Climbing/Hiking or do Snow Sports every weekend
Generation 11 - Aquarius / Blue - The Outspoken Activist 
You grew up with nature and animals taking preference over technology and humans. Therefore, you are sickened by the state of the world that humans have created and you decide to pursue a green future. You are all for eco living, off the grid lifestyle and conserving the environment for generations to come.
Green Fiend
Eco Innovator 
Civil Designer (Green Technician) 
Additional Requirements
Live in Evergreen Harbor (all 3 neighborhoods) and convert all to Green Eco Footprint
Live off the grid at least once
Adopt children and animals until household limit of 8 is reached 
Generation 12 - Pisces / Light Green - The Creative Overthinker 
You’re a dreamer and you want to heal everyone. Due to your parent’s ideals growing up, you want to make a difference... but you also want to create art and move souls. You tend to internalize your dreams and fears and as a result often feel misunderstood. You move around as a doctor trying to heal the world and as a result, love is last on the list of accomplishments.
Painter Extraordinaire 
Additional Requirements
Have no friends apart from future spouse
Gain fame through paintings  
Marry for the first time as an elder
Never have children
Live in all worlds through lifetime
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jinkang · 2 years
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Hello, everyone! I’m A, I’m 31, I go by they/them pronouns, and I live in CST. Please enjoy my son Jin, he’s a real estate agent, gallery owner, and artist who lives in Iron Hill. Feel free to reach out for any types of plots and threads! I look forward to writing with all of you!
FULL NAME: Myeongjin Haneul Kang (born Haneul Kim)
DOB: July 7, 1985; 9:47AM
PLACE OF BIRTH: Seoul, South Korea
ZODIAC: Cancer sun, Pisces Moon, Virgo Rising
AGE: 37
OCCUPATION: Real Estate Agent & Investor (Co-owner of Kang Real Estate Group), Owner of Graphite Fine Art Gallery and Artist.
NEIGHBORHOOD: Iron Hill. His main residence is his own personal wing at the Kang family estate, but he also has taken control of one of the guest houses as well that doubles as an art studio. He also has an apartment he uses as a hideaway located Downtown, close to Graphite.
ORIENTATION: Pansexual, panromantic.
GENDER: Cis-male, he/him.
SIBLING(S): Miyeon (Miya) Kang, adopted sister (biological cousin). 
CHARACTER INSPIRATION: Stefan Salvatore (TVD), Rhysand (ACOTAR), Elijah Mikaelson (The Originals)
TRAITS: Compassionate, loyal, empathetic, noble, brooding, self-destructive, insecure, selfless, over-protective, intelligent, creative.
TW PREGNANCY, MULTIPLE BG CHAR DEATHS Myeongjin Kang was born as Haneul Kim in Seoul, South Korea on July 7, 1985. His father passed not long after he was born, and his mother passed a few years later in a tragic accident, leaving the three year old in the care of his aunt. He was considered a blessing to his aunt, who was not only happy that she had a remnant of her dear sister with her, but she and her husband had failed in having children of their own thus far and desperately wanted to start a family of their own. And now they had Jin, who they renamed legally to Myeongjin Haneul Kang, when the adoption finally went through.
A year later after the adoption process was complete brought another surprise bundle of joy into the Kang household, with Jin's younger sister Miya being born. Jin was instantly enamored by his little sister, always doing his absolute best to be the best big brother he could, which only persisted over the years, even as they grew apart when they got older. He's always loved his sister, looking up to her and seeking her approval even if she's younger than him, only wanting to be close to her and for her to be happy. She never made it easy on him, however. They always had a tumultuous relationship, at best, though it certainly wasn't made easy for them by their parents consistently going out of their way to accommodate Jin, putting the siblings at odds.
Things shifted for Jin when he was 24, just finishing up his bachelor's at Yale, where he met his college girlfriend. Things were good, mildly serious, but Jin was young and wasn't necessarily focused on the future just yet, just wanting to have fun while he still could before he settled down. That all changed when the girlfriend informed him she was pregnant, and before he knew it he had a pregnant wife walking down the aisle, and then a sweet baby girl - Hana - welcomed into the Kang family. Despite the abrupt change, it was nice, and while it was a big adjustment to transition into married life and parenthood, Jin found that he loved it. He loved having a family of his own, the unconditional love of a child unlike anything he's ever felt before.
Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worst when Hana fell sick, and after an array of tests, was diagnosed with cancer. With Jin's father being a prolific doctor, he took charge of his granddaughter's treatment, doing everything in his power to make sure she was able to fight her way into remission. It was a long, hard battle, one that they fought for two years until, finally, the sweet little 4 year old passed. The loss absolutely devastated the family, not only for Jin and his wife, but the rest of his family as well. The loss put a strain on Jin and his wife's marriage, the next year incredibly rough as they both coped in their own way and grew apart, until finally they filed for divorce, which was finalized about a year later.
The loss of both his daughter and his wife left a hole in Jin's heart, one that he did his best to fill - mostly with work. He had considered going to law school once he'd graduated from Yale, having started the first semester, even, before his daughter was diagnosed. But he put it on hold when she fell ill, wanting to focus on her recovery. Afterwards, he decided to go into real estate with his mother, as well as focusing on his true passion - art. Growing up Jin had always held a deep love for art, something that his birth mother was passionate about as well, and he cherished the paintings that hung in his bedroom that had come from his birth mother's hand, something that always helped him feel close to his roots.
It's what caused him to want to open his own gallery, and to share his work with the world. He loves his work, both at the real estate firm that he runs with his mother, as well as at the gallery. He feels as though he's really found his calling. But there's still an emptiness he feels inside of his heart, something that aches within him that will always be there.
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miraculousgemscc · 3 years
Not So Berry Extended
I was inspired to write out a few more generations for the Not So Berry Challenge! I’m currently playing it in my spare time as a Vampire Not so Berry (cause why not?) and i’m having a lot of fun playing it and watching others play through the challenge! If you’d like to see more of these or maybe another version of Not So Berry Extended but with more of the careers then please let me know!
NOTE: This hasn’t been play-tested! If whatever’s listed below is impossible to complete please let me know and i’ll make the needed changes!
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Gen 11: Black
(Requires Snowy Escape, Get Famous, Parenthood)
Growing up, you always thought you had the perfect life: You had the dream house, the dream family. Until one day you found out that your mother/father/parent had a secret affair. This completely broke you and in order to cope with the news, you decided to become a rebel. I mean, don’t we all go through a rebellious phase in our lives? Your whole perspective on life went 360: you changed your sense of style, your personality, etc. all at once. At least you had the great outdoors giving you comfort during your “everlasting phase”! Your favorite season was Winter because you could ski/snowboard all day, everyday. And what about those dreams you had of becoming a famous skier/snowboarder? Well we can do that too!
Traits: Hot-Headed (give as a teenager), Active, Self-Assured
Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast
Career: Manuel Laborer, Ski/Snowboarding YouTuber (once you reach Level 10 of Ski/Snowboarding)
Must enter “rebellious phase” either at the end of childhood or beginning of being a teenager (you don’t need PH for this, it’s just apart of storytelling) (this is when the black color of this gen. should occur)
Must get the Argumentative, Insensitive and Uncontrolled Emotions Character Value traits (PH)
Must max either the Skiing or Snowboarding skill (SE)
Must enter the Manuel Laborer job as a teenager and stay in that job
Once your able to create Snowboarding videos, you must make your money off of your videos only
Reach at least Rising Star of Celebrity level (GF)
B-Lister is preferred but since getting fame with Get Famous is hard as it is Rising Star is ok
Must move to Mt. Komorebi (SE)
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Gen 12: Dark Academia
(requires Get to Work, Nifty Knitting) Your mother/father/parent was one of the most famous skier/snowboarders in Mt. Komorebi. She/He/They always encouraged you to spend your time outdoors and take in the fresh air. Yet, you preferred to spend your time indoors, curled up in bed with your tea and book in hand. You craved to enter the fictional worlds you’ve read in your books from a young age. When you entered high school, you found your love for the arts and decided that you’d become an artist. At least then you could bring the worlds you’ve read to life on a canvas! And why not have a little snack while we’re at it? You can just learn some new foods you can make through cooking books after all!
Traits: Bookworm, Creative, Art Lover
Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire
Career: Stay-at-Home Painter, Painter career (⚠️Only if you get offered the job⚠️)
Must complete the Painter Extraordinaire aspiration
Must max out Painting skill, Cooking or Gourmet Cooking skill and Photography skill (GTW)
Must make your money through your paintings only
if you get a call about joining the Painter career, you must accept
Must move into a “rundown” lot/apartment with only a kitchen, bathroom, and a bed (and maybe your books if you want but you can’t sell these for money)
your funds when you move out after moving into your house must be $60
(this will be enough for your painting and some extra money to spend elsewhere)
Must have a library in your house
Must have 3 kids (biological or adopted)
spouse must be employed as a Salaryperson and/or Business career (recommended if it’s game generated but you can give them either job yourself)
can only marry partner towards the end of adulthood
Must purchase Knitting Skill Book 1 from bookshelf (NK)
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Gen 13: Pastel
(requires Nifty Knitting, Get To Work, Get Together) Your family was pretty stable for the most part. Sure, you may have had trouble paying the bills here and there but what mattered most is that your family was together. Even though you enjoyed your mother/father/parent’s love for Forrest Green, Rosy Brown and overall Earthy tones you felt like you needed a bit more color in your life. And by color, you mean bright and colorful. One day while going through your mother/father/parent’s library you discovered a book on knitting. Figuring your mother/father/parent spent all of their time cooking and painting anyways you decided to take the book and learn how to knit. Yet, knitting cute decor and beanies isn’t going to put food on the table and a roof over your head. Guess running your own business is going to have to wait. Oh yeah, you also have a weird obsession with the letter B...
Traits: Perfectionist, Cheerful, Childish
Aspiration: Lady/Lord of the Knits
Career: Barista (teen), Business (young adult), Business owner (adult)
Must complete the Lady/Lord of the Knits aspiration
Must max out Knitting skill, reach required skills needed for jobs before quitting them (ex. If you need Level 3 of Charisma for the Business career but you’ve age up to an Adult, you must reach level 3 before quitting the job)
Must Donate to Charity at least once a week
Quit your career in Business and open your own business as an adult (GTW)
Must get 2/5 stars for your business
Must live in Windenburg and have your business in the Old Platz neighborhood (GT)
Must create a Knitting Club and meet your friends (GT) when you reach Level 3 of the Knitting skill
Can only have relationships with immediate family (siblings, parent(s), grandparent(s), aunts/uncles) until you create the club. Once you create the club you may make friends.
Must become good friends with club members and best friends with one of the members
Marry your partner from the Knitting Club
Must have their first and/or last name start with B (you can cheat the name if you want)
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Gen 14: White (Requires Get Famous, Get Together, City Living) Living in Windenburg for most of your life, you always loved how the town was so inclusive to everything and everyone. You always found yourself vibing with the music and dancing whenever you had the chance. But you also had a passion for music, specifically rap. While browsing the internet one day you came across some videos about some kid with blue hair rapping with his friends and you immediately became obsessed. (yes, I just made a FNF reference) From that day on, you wanted to become a Triple Threat: a dancer, musician, and a producer! The world isn’t stopping anytime soon so you gotta act fast and get your dance on!
Traits: Dance Machine, Music Lover, Geek
Aspiration: Musical Genius
Career: Entertainer Rules:
Must max the Dancing skill, Media Production skill, and Guitar/Violin/Piano skill (your choosing) reach level 6 of Singing skill
Must complete the Entertainer career
Must be signed to a Record Label and release your music (GF)
Must marry someone named Keith and has the Proper trait (you may cheat the name only)
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/partner in high school but break up with them before becoming a Young Adult
must be Hot and Cold with High School love (negative friendship, positive romance)
Have Dance Battles with your friends at least once a week
Have at least 2 Enemies (you can have more if you wish) (this doesn’t include your High School love)
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Gen 15: Navy Blue
(Requires Discover University, Eco Lifestyle, Parenthood) Growing up you tend to lean towards a more sophisticated lifestyle thanks to your father. With having good role models around you and supportive parents, you were able to pursue your dreams of becoming a lawyer. Helping those in need was one of your biggest goals in life. The world right now isn’t perfect and you strive to change the world for the better. Having been the smartest kid throughout your school career, you were given the chance to jump straight into the Law career. Although you were grateful for the opportunity, you decided to continue your studies and learn as much as you could before going into Law.
Traits: Proper, Ambitious, Genius
Aspiration: Academic
Career: Law
Must complete the Law career
Become a Private Attorney
Must max out Research and Debate, reach level 5 Logic skill, reach level 8 Charisma skill
Must complete the Whiz Kid aspiration and Academic aspiration
Must attend college for the Law career (you may disable aging while you go to college if you want)
Must get an A in school (child and teen)
Must have the Responsible and Mediator Character Value traits
Must make your neighborhood a Green neighborhood (EL)
Attend volunteer events at least once a week (PH)
Never get married, only have 1 child
(can have boyfriend/girlfriend/partner)
Must move to Britechester when you start the Law career (you can live in Britechester while attending college if you want)
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Gen 16: Phoenix
(Requires Vampire) You grew up wanting more from the world besides all of the “change the world” stuff your mother/father/parent kept blabbering on about. Instead of changing the world, you wanted a change of scenery. While roaming the world trying to find your new normal you discovered the world of Forgotten Hollow. There, you met your soulmate and later the person who would eventually turn you into a vampire. As crazy as it sounds, the minute you became a Young Adult you up and left your home in Britechester and moved to Forgotten Hollow. This you thought was it! You were finally free to be yourself! Until the dreaded accident.....
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Romantic, Erratic
Aspiration: Master Vampire
Career: none
Must purposely burn in the sun and die
Must have no kids
Must complete Master Vampire aspiration except the, “Survive for an Additional 20 Days as a Vampire” section (you must Die by Sunlight before this reaches the full 20 Days)
Must max Vampire Lore skill and Pipe Organ skill, reach level 5 Gardening skill
Have your own garden in Forgotten Hollow and make your money through your garden only
Must unlock the Thin Skinned weakness from Vampire levels
Must immediately move out as a Young Adult to Forgotten Hollow
your partner must be a Vampire and turn you into a Vampire
And that’s it! I hope you find this as interesting as I did! :D
If your wanting more ways to spice up your gameplay, I have a save file that i’ve been working on the past couple of years! You can find it here.
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jokerfan99 · 3 years
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My Top 10 Favorite Anime Heroines by DarkChild316
Being a hero isn’t easy, but someone’s gotta do it! And these ladies have shown to be just as capable as their male counterparts. Now I’ve already done a list showing everyone “My Top 10 Anime Villainesses”, but I figured: “Hey the good girls deserve some love too,” so I decided to give you guys my list of my Favorite Anime Heroines as well. So, with that in mind, here’s my list:
#10. Saeko Busujima (Highschool of the Dead): This is an anime that will give you plenty of two things in abundance…boobs and zombies! While it may seem like your run-of-the-mill apocalyptic fanservice anime, among the well-proportioned ladies is this kendo warrior who’s more than capable of holding her own against any foe and would fit right in with even the most old-school samurai-themed anime. When the dead start to walking most of the cast usually reach for a form of firearms, not this lady who prefers to slice apart the undead with the greatest of discipline and precision, whether it be with her signature bokken or her deadly Murata-tou sword. There’s no denying that Saeko’s the ideal companion we’d want on our side for a zombie apocalypse.
#9. Touka Kirishima (Tokyo Ghoul): Living as a ghoul isn’t easy, especially when you’re trying your damnest to retain what little remains of your humanity. Starting off as a cold, yet collected individual, Touka found shelter in both the horrors of her dark past and her constant hunger for flesh in her day job at a café as a waitress which serves other ghouls and as a hangout stop for ghouls. While she grew warmer as her relationship with one Ken Kaneki grew, she’s not without her bestial side, possessing an abject hatred for the CCG after they killed her parents. In a series where everyone seems to be on the edge of insanity and turning into a rampaging, bloodthirsty monster, Touka is one of the few characters genuinely fighting for a chance at a peaceful life.
#8. Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist): Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye is undoubtedly one of the best female anime characters of all time and for good reason, she is truly the perfect soldier. As both an Amestrian State Military’s officer as well as Colonel Roy Mustang’s bodyguard, Riza Hawkeye is a dangerous sharpshooter and firearms specialist. From the outside she can seem strict and even a little cold, but those close to her know that there’s much more to her than her strict no-nonsense attitude, including a courteous nature in the presence of her allies and a desire to protect those she holds dear. Beneath the strict persona is a kind soul who understands the difficulty of carrying a heavy burden and let’s not forget…she’s a true badass in every sense o the word!
#7. Erza Scarlett (Fairy Tail): She went from child slave to arguably one of the strongest mages in all of Fiore. All while battling against S-Class mages, terrifying demons, and even her own psychotic mother, now that’s dedication folks! Forced by her possessed childhood friend to build the Tower of Heaven, she manages to escape her captivity and make her way to Fairy Tail, where she would soon rise to become one of Fairy Tail’s youngest S-Class mages and one of the most truly badass fighters in Fairy Tail’s ranks. With her magical ability known as Re-Quip, she has an unlimited number of weapons and armors at her disposal, each possessing their own devastating abilities. She’s a stoic warrior with a soft heat and a dark past, and you can bet your ass that she’ll fight to defend her Nakama to the bitter end.
#6. Ryuko Matoi (Kill la Kill): Her choice of armor may be a bit on the revealing side but going against this rebel isn’t the smartest idea if you value your life. You’re not likely to find a more stubborn soul in this absolutely whacky series and trust me…NONE of these characters are on the subtle side of things. In search of her father’s killer, Ryuko takes up the sentient life-fiber uniform Senketsu, and openly battles the dictatorship that is the Student Council. Stubborn as hell, Ryuko will always stand up to anyone who gets in her way, no matter how badly the odds are stacked against her. How can you not love someone with that kind of drive!
#5. Saber (Fate/stay night): Before she became a hero in the endless Holy Grail Wars, Saber was actually Artoria Pendragon, known throughout history as King Arthur, the mythical King who united Britain. As the Saber-class servant, Artoria generally tries to hide her identity in battle by using an invisible sword. When pushed, she can brandish Excalibur instead though, a sword she wields with unmatched skill and can do long-range attacks as easily as close-range. With her holy sword, and her “Mana Burst” ability, she is one of the most powerful Servants. Saber is loved by fans worldwide for good reason: she is kind, valiant, and fierce, all traits that make for one divine heroine. None would mind putting the fate of the world in this blonde beauty's hands.
#4. Mikasa Ackerman (Attack on Titan): Attack on Titan's Mikasa is one of those reserved, stoic characters who doesn't speak very often and seems to be stuck in her own head. After all the trauma she’s experienced living under the looming terror of Titans and the carnage she witnessed while part of the Survey Corps, not to mention the brutal murder of her biological parents by criminals, it would be difficult to come out unscathed. Perhaps it’s endurance that is one of Mikasa’s most relatable traits. Despite her often-cynical comments about the world around her, she manages to retain her humanity. Mikasa herself said, “This world is cruel. And yet... so beautiful.” The stereotypical boy-saves-girl gender roles that play out in media are also very much reversed when it comes to her relationship with Eren, which is a refreshing and welcome change of pace to see, though her protectiveness of him seems a little unhealthy at times. On top of everything mentioned, she’s also totally ripped.
#3. Asuka Langley Soryu (Neon Genesis Evangelion): I just couldn’t leave out Neon Genesis Evangelion’s Asuka Langey Soryu from this list of awesome female protagonists. Asuka is a classic anime heroine and remains beloved by fans of the show to this day. Asuka is an American teenage girl who serves as an Eva pilot for the Evangelion Project and pilots the Evangelion Unit-02. Asuka was raised in Germany and often swears in German. She was a child prodigy with a college degree at only fourteen years old, but definitely has her human flaws. She has a temper and is obsessed with being the best at everything she does. Despite these flaws, Asuka is hilarious in her own way and has the kind of confidence and pride you rarely see in a young girl. She knows she can do her job well and isn't afraid to tell you about it. Asuka is relatable in that she is stubborn and often has a hard time properly expressing her feelings and vulnerability to others. Her eventual nervous breakdown shines a light on her humanity-- she is not a perfect person and she is still a child forced to do a job that no child should be forced to do.
#2. Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell): Major Motoko Kusanagi is one of the primary protagonists of the popular Ghost in the Shell franchise of manga, films, and animated series. Motoko is a cyborg who works as a field commander for Public Security Section 9 on the Japanese National Public Safety Commission. Motoko is a very physically strong and incredibly intellectual who that is quick-witted and an excellent hacker. But put a firearm in her hand, and she’s especially deadly. As a child, Motoko was comatose following an airplane accident. After her health began to steadily decline, her consciousness was put into a  "full-body prosthesis,” an augmented-cybernetic human body. Motoko causes us to question exactly what makes us human. She is an emotional, stoic, strong woman who fights for the citizens she protects, yet she lives inside an artificial body. But her greatest use is as a platform to speak on the nature of humanity in a technological age. She's a human mind that has been stuck in an artificial body since childhood, and her life and trials bring up the age-old question, "What does it mean to be human?"
#1. Usagi Tsukino (Sailor Moon): You really can’t have a list of awesome female protagonists without including everyone’s favorite schoolgirl superhero: Usagi Tsukino from Sailor Moon. Usagi is the embodiment of an empowering female in anime in her fearless display of conventional femininity without any implied weakness. Usagi is your typical teenage girl who is all about her friends, food, and cute things, while simultaneously being a badass heroine who cleanses the streets of evil. In the original manga and anime, Usagi was portrayed as reluctant to be a superhero and would often run away from fights and be a crybaby. However, through her careful character development, Usagi becomes a brave, reliable, and confident person who cares deeply for her friends. She becomes a better version of herself without stereotypically “shedding” her girliness. Instead, her femininity becomes a defining feature of hers, deconstructing the idea that being girly makes you weak. On the contrary, Usagi’s girliness makes her funny, relatable, and a good role model for young girls. Usagi set the template for a generation of female heroines for generations to come, and it’s for that reason why she’s well-deserving of my #1 ranking on my list.
So that's my updated list, what did you guys think about it? Love it, hated it? Go on and tell me what you think and let me know who your favorite anime heroines are. See you soon!
Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/darkchild316
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trulycertain · 3 years
fic writer interview
Tagged by @skogrr Thank you very much! It's a while since I've done one of these, and I've missed them.
Name: Tru/"Oi you" Fandoms (that I write for): Dragon Age, mostly. Still the fandom of my heart. Mass Effect, Deus Ex... uh, accidentally GreedFall? I don't know how or when that happened. Two-shot: Hmm... The actual last two-shot I wrote was Terms & Conditions, a very silly Dorian/Inquisitor modern AU where Gal is the guy Dorian hires to stop his late father's house falling apart. Recently? I suspect that's going to be Driftwood, which can stand on its own as a sort of weird post-canon first-meeting AU, but is trying to tempt me to continue it. (Vasco ends up going looking for Tír Fradí, which has disappeared - and finds it. He also finds De Sardet as a highly avoidant tree god of the island, post-Bad Ending, who transformed against her will. And he ends up falling in love with her anyway.) Weird tree gods! Pining by literal pine! An eventual happy ending! More grumpy commentary by Vasco!
Most popular multi-chapter: Either An Unquenchable Flame or Distraction, probably - both juggernaut pairings, the former close to the game's release and the latter with some fancy forbidden romance, so not so surprising. But surprisingly, Prague, 10:42 PM has done really well, considering it's for a small fandom (Deus Ex) and a rarepair age/rank-difference pairing that I thought would be a one-off experiment? I get it, guys. I like sad repressed stoics too.
Actual worst part of writing: Editing - which can be fun, but that "over and over" stage when you're about to post, especially in a longfic if you fear you've lost the spirit of the thing and the character voices and you can't see the wood for the trees. And when I have to remove a whole scene which Jenga-unbalances the fic, and then I have to redux from the top. Basically, most things to do with pacing. How you choose your titles: I like double-meanings and one word titles. If that fails: quote from a song. If that fails: quote from poetry, but very rarely. Do you outline: Only a little. A bulletpointed list of events or noted-down major lines of dialogue, that's usually it.
Ideas I probably won’t get around to but wouldn’t it be nice: Uh... oh god. I blame so many people for some of these.
Post-Destroy ending where John is attempting to build a shed on Rannoch because that's the kind of thing retired people do, right? and Tali is far better at it than him, and it's just... disgusting fluff.
Actually, just reduxing the early John/Tali stuff with a bit more nuance and a stronger style.
Eva and Kaidan, and their mutually wary first meeting. ("Wow, that's a lot of pomade." "Wow, that's a lot of death-glare.")
AU where Gal and Dorian never met in DAI, and after everything went down, Gal tried to fade into the shadows and leave. He ended up working in Tevinter as an occasional informant/odd-jobs guy the way he was pre-Inquisition. He ends up being a gardener for a bitter, wry magister who seems to hate the entire Magisterium, has recently lost his father to political scheming and murder, and wants to take down the entirety of the remaining Venatori with one staff and maybe his teeth if he has to (hi, Dorian). But first, Dorian's going to drink his own body weight in whiskey and be a recluse for a while and start thinking about time magic again. Gal is trying to keep his head down and should definitely not be falling in love with said magister. Who's someday going to end up at one of the more southerly ports, come across a statue of the great Inquisitor, and go, Oh.
Stuff on Jensen's PT and rebuilding himself post-augs. More of Proprioception, basically.
Mer-AU where Marie De Sardet is still a diplomat attempting to make new connections, just not a human one, and it's a disaster. An awkward disaster. Highlights include her being framed as the beast trying to drown their best captain; her attempting to wobble about on brand-new legs and Vasco's coat while everyone assumes the dear captain has had a few too many; her asking Vasco if his "fascinating markings" glow; them getting into a duel, and her (fondly) getting punted off the side of the ship going "Woo-hoo." OK, I wrote a bit of that, but only a 1k doodle I'll probably never return to.
Non-Naut court AU where Marie gets promised to Bastien D'Arcy, because he's a bit of a layabout but he's also rich, popular at court, and amenable to bribe - [cough] suggestion, and the D'Arcys have prominent trading links with the Alliance. Instead she falls for his far less of a social butterfly, tired, worried-numbers-guy brother Léandre, who's pretty damn uncomfortable around Nauts because he's well aware he nearly got sold to them and he is not the favourite.
Straight-up role-reversal AU (another thing where I've put down 1k that I'll probably never return to), where Marie's Naut name is Paz, and she's a fed-up second-mate who's tired of noble idiots and feels a little strange and conflicted about her mark (and has context for it, because they make frequent crossings to Tír Fradí). Also a little more jaded, without the love of her mother, and not nearly as much of a tryhard as Vasco in canon; she ended up here because she had nowhere else to go and the Nauts were like "Ooh, free kid," and she's well aware. She gets stuck escorting the D'Arcy brothers to Tír Fradí for their new venture and is not looking forward to it. Except one of them is intensely bright and wry and keeps asking questions about the ship and noticing shit he is definitely not meant to notice, and they keep ending up in strange conversations, even if he seems really, really wary and uncomfortable about Nauts.
Some vague stuff about Vasco's thoughts on Jonas and that whole side quest, considering he's also a sea-given and implies sea-given take some shit in the Nauts, and also how damn difficult it must be watching a sea-given's parents endeavour to get their kid back when he knows full well his didn't do that for him.
Actually, just more Vasco POV in general, even though he's damn hard to nail down. I've written much pining for him from Marie's perspective, and I'd like to try things from the opposite. This guy's idea of wooing someone perfectly normally is to panic and then recite Baroque poetry. You know he's sappy as hell in the privacy of his own head, even if he's trying not to be.
Jean and Síora having the "I'm a sad healer who just lost my mother and I'm trying so hard not to crumble under the weight of assisting the leader" mutual talk way too late at night around the campfire and maybe him crying on her shoulder a little, with mutual kindness and the beginnings of attraction, and her finally getting past his jokey-smug facade to understand him.
More stuff about Jean's past in general, and how he wanted to be a doctor before he was dragged away from it by looking after Constantin and being nobility.
Síora and Eseld and the ways they changed over the years; something like an exploration of grief and growing her own will and the ways they very differently view the renaigse. Also maybe more about the en ol menawi magic, if I can worldbuild well enough?
I'd also love to do a GreedFall soulmark AU - it's generally not my kind of trope, I'm not into biological determinism type tropes - just because names and aliases and assumed identities are such a mess in GreedFall and it's a repeated plot point. That said, I feel like it's been done so beautifully in this fandom before that I wouldn't have much to add.
Callouts @ me: So. Many. Commas. So much over-explaining everything. If they get out of the car, your readers do not need a five-page manual of "and then he undid his seatbelt and leaned over to grasp the door handle, and then pulled it, and then stepped a foot out before he almost thought better of it - but no, he was going to get out of this car. The other foot joined the first, and he nearly banged his head on the doorframe."
Best writing traits: People say I have a head for finding small-but-important moments. I'm also told I write likeable protags. People have more than once said my writing makes them feel safe or makes them smile, and I really couldn't ask for more than that. I'll take those.
Spicy tangential opinion: I don't think I have any, really? Oh god, that makes me sound so very boring. Oh! Um. There should be more tree body horror in fandom. And body horror in general. *thumbsup*
No pressure tagging: @artemis-crimson, @eridanidreams,@rainypixel, @aphreal42.
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palettepainter · 3 years
Do you have your villain kids quirks
Yep, here's a list! Also it should be known my AU for MHA does follow the quirk doomsday theory in that quirks get more powerful with each generation and some more harder to control then others. So while some of the quirks I mention have already been seen in the anime my NG's do have a few other abilities
Also sorry if I miss any out
Jin (Toga x Mustard, then later on has Kotoba as a step-mum)
Quirk: Blood Control
The name is pretty self explaniatory, he can control the flow of his blood once it's outside of his body. He can control how it moves freely and harden it into any shape he wants. Tasting the blood of someone else will also give him all sorts of biological information on that said person (their blodo type, quirk, gender, all biological based stuff).
Jaakuna (Kashu (OC) x Compress)
Quirk: Magic
Magic allows the user to create large rings from their hands, Jaakuna can make the rings as large or as small as he wishes and can use them to help transport objects or people. While his quirk allows him to create rings he can also use them to trap people by shooting his quirk from his hands at high speeds, causing the ring to form around a person like a rope.
Yuki (Dabi x Unknown women)
Quirk: Cremation
Yuki's quirk is more or less the same as Dabi's, she can create blue flames anywhere on her body with minimal effort or movement. The flames are hotter then normal fire and lava, making her quirk one of the most powerful when it comes to the league kids. Yuki's body sadly is not capable of handling the temperatures of her flames, though her body is stronger then her fathers her body is still not strong enough to handle the extreme heat. She hardly ever uses her quirk due to this, Dabi has pretty much banned her from using it (fear he'll end up training her like his dad did so he just avoids the topic all together. Not the best parenting method but it's only cuz he cares)
Yurei (Yukubo (OC) x Mimic)
Quirk: Telekenisis
Yurei's quirk allows him to telepathically move objects or people at will, he can't move anything bigger or heavier then a fridge. When using his quirk the horn on his head starts glowing red, the brighter the glow to more of his quirk he has to use
Stain NG (He doesn't have a propper name yet - Stain x Lady Nagant)
Quirk: Flesh bending (name may change)
Flesh bending allows the user to freely control the movement of their flesh and bone even when their body is standing still. With minimal effort the user could turn their arm into a spear by splitting bone, or remove pieces of bullet by control their flesh to remove them from the wound and can even use the quirk to heal a wound, this requires the user to have some basic medical no how though- the drawbacks to this quirk are that overuse can lead to extreme pain and scaring
Rekkei (Rappa x A female pro hero - later adopted by Fatgum x Kumo (OC)
Quirk: Strong arm
Rekkei's quirk allows him to swing his arms at insane speed to throw an assault of rapid punches at an enemy, this takes little effort and Rekkei can use his quirk in seconds. Ontop of that Rekkei also has heightened hearing and physical abilities, he can run faster then some of his classmates and is remarkably quick and agile on his feet. Rekkei assumes he got these traits from whoever it is his biological mother is
Kiru (Setsuno NG, Tengai later becomes her step-dad)
Quirk: Razor sharp
Razor sharp allows Kiru to create blades over any part of her body, these blades can be any size or shape, and are strong enough to cut through metal pipes (commonly made of steel or iron) and able to withstand a point blank explosion. The drawbacks to Kiru's quirk is that overuse can lead to Kiru's own blades hurting her when she produces them from her body which can lead to long lasting scaring
Kowai (Adopted by Nemoto x Deidoro)
Quirk: Sloshed
Sloshed causes anyone who approaches Kowai to lose their sense of balance, falling into a state similar to inebriation. In order for the quirk to work Kowai must first ingest alcohol into her body, the more she drinks the greater the affect her quirk has. However due to poor circumstance and Kowai's biological mother Kowai has a weak immune system and ontop of being only 15 cannot handle the alcohol her quirk needs to function.
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graham-cheshire · 4 years
Study & Theories for the Gromm
Hello once again dear readers. For those of you who haven’t heard of @starr-fall-knight-rise I suggest visiting them and reading their stories, as they are some of my favorite sci-fi stories and provide entertaining perspectives on humanity from the viewpoint of aliens as well as forming the basis of this post here.
I have been very pleased with how well my previous two posts were received and have considered continuing this little series. Today though I will be covering a species I did not anticipate doing when I first considered doing posts like these, called the Gromm.
My decision to cover this species came after starr-fall’s big reveal on April 23rd got me to finally create a Discord account and getting on their server, where I discovered a composed list of the alien species and their appearances. The Gromm is one species that is not on that list and in fact has little information on them despite playing an important role in an arc of starr-fall’s stories known as “The Burg War”
As usual I shall start by providing confirmed facts and information about the physical appearance of the Gromm by starr-fall’s stories and answered questions, then I shall list what information we can infer from other provided details, and wrap up with my own theories regarding what is the most plausible for their appearance.
As a note about the Gromm, most of the information given on them is that they are coated in slime and are described as being slug-like, so for reader with a weak stomach to such things I advise reading at your own risk.
Before starting there are the following disclaimers= First: I want to give thanks to starr-fall-knight-rise for allowing me to do this & for receiving my speculations positively, I in no way own the Gromm or make any claim to doing so & want to say that I am doing this simply because I love starr-fall’s stories & wish to contribute in some way to the fandom. Secondly: I am by no means a biologist & most of my research comes from the internet, if I am wrong in my information please do not bash me and simply provide clarification in the comments. Thirdly: I will use reference images to help describe my thinking and theories and I in no way own or take credit for these images. 
The Confirmed Appearance Details
In this area we have more to go on than we did with the Gnar’lack or the Finnari, but also not having much that lends to a full description with which to imagine their total appearance, but they provide great starting points.
“...considerable mucus tissue covering most of its body.”
“...eyes rolling against its chapped skin,”
“The creature had no real mouth to drink like a human,”
“the Gromm, who have mucus membranes covering their bodies,”
“a sort of gelatinous slime-covered species”
“slug-like creatures that require water to survive”
The Inferred Appearance Details
“...the shriveled corpse dried into a husk under the sun. “This thing looks like a F***ing mummy.” The captain mumbled...” = With this and a general knowledge of mummies I believe we can infer that the Gromm possess both skin and an internal structure of bones &/or organs that can support such skin when the body is desiccated, rather than being just a blob of slime.
“The average Gromm was about three times the size of that body,” = With this we can infer that a large amount of a Gromm’s body mass is made up of moisture, suggesting either that their exterior layer of slime is thick or that they have a bloated appearance.
“...no real mouth to drink like a human, so instead, they dumped the bucket of water over the creature’s deflated form. Immediately, it began to look better, perking up & swelling to a proper size.” = From this it can be inferred that they don’t possess mouths that are typical to humans and suggests that they absorb moisture and hydration through their skin. More will be discussed about that in the Theory section.
“It took a gasping breath” = With this we can infer that the Gromm at least possess some form of mouth through which they can breathe, due to the nature of the act of “gasping”.
“The average Gromm didn’t produce more than a quart of slime per day,”= More on this will be covered in the Theories section but this can be used to infer that the Gromm are likely larger than humans.
“The Gromm sat up...”=  With this we can infer that the Gromm possess bones to support movement and some form of waist or structure with which one half of their body in on the ground and the other half raised and held aloft.
“...settlements...”, “...buildings...”, “...city...” = With this we can infer that the Gromm possess appendages with which to operate tools and perform construction.
“as the Gromm citizens dived for cover.” = With this I think we can infer that the Gromm are not totally slug-like in the manner of movement, as “diving for cover” would suggest a need for speed that slugs and the like do not possess.
“...species that required a lot of water to maintain their homeostasis,”, “...creatures that require water to survive,”= With this I think we can infer that the Gromm might be amphibious in nature, or possessing qualities that would aid in marine-life or travelling in water.
Theorized Appearance Details
To start this section off let’s confirm that two main points on the Gromm is that they are slug-like and covered in slime, so a large part of my theories shall be draw from information on these.
To begin I’d assume that the complete body structure of the average Gromm would resemble that of an earth slug, see below:
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And I think we should keep this comparison in mind and attempt to not stray far from it in the future theories as the Gromm would need to retain resemblance to slugs for the comparison to be made.
As general information on slugs, they are a type of animal called a gastropod, in the same area as snails. The majority of all named species of slug live in marine environments but people are more familiar with the type known as “land slugs”.
The majority of land slugs have two pairs of retractable “feelers”/tentacles on their head, with the upper pair being light-sensing and having eyespots on the ends, while the lower pair provide a sense of smell. With the Gromm I feel it’d make sense to keep these “eyestalks” as in the Confirmed section one was said to have had it’s “eyes rolling against its chapped skin”, which would be a weird phrasing for simply rolling eyes.
For the mouth we have inferred that it is not the standard mouth like with a human so I’m inclined to think that it is a mouth like that of a slug, which eats using a minutely toothed chitinous ribbon, called a radula, that is typically used for scraping or cutting food.
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As a further point on mouths and as a jumping point to the next main point of the Gromm let’s cover the fact that they don’t seem to absorb hydration by drinking and instead through their skin. This is actually a trait used by frogs and salamanders, who have mucus coatings that keep them moist and help them with oxygen diffusion across their skin, same as worms. The layer of mucus on frogs helps them retain moisture in their skin, which they use to both breathe and stay hydrated, so a similar function could be used by the Gromm.
Now let us cover another big point on the Gromm, their slime. To start I’ll clarify something from the Inferred section, where I suggested that the Gromm are larger than humans. It’s stated that the average Gromm produces about a quart of slime per day. Now in vertebrae, like humans, mucus is a slippery liquid that is used as a biological lubricant with a major function of protecting against infection. The difference here being that human mucus is interior while a Gromm’s mucus is exterior, covering the entirety of their body, every inch. The reason I theorize that the Gromm are larger than humans is that humans produce around 1 liter of mucus a day. Now not only a 1 quart is slighter larger than 1 liter but humans produce mucus in several parts of our body. While most people might already know that mucus-secreting tissue can be found in the nose, mouth, throat, and lungs it can also in our eyes, ears, GI tract, and reproductive and urinary organs. If one were to take all that mucus and balloon it out to form a layer I think it would be larger than a human, if not the same size.
To further cover the mucus it would likely not be a thin or runny layer as the Gromm have also been described as gelatinous, which suggests that they have an overall jelly-like appearance or that the slime layer is thick. It’s also likely that the slime is clear, as that is what mucus normally is, with the immune system making it white or yellow, and bacteria making it green.
As we established this slime likely helps the Gromm in hydration and protection against infection, but with slugs their slime serves other functions such as aiding in movement, finding mates, and warding off predators. And with that I’ll cover what I think is most plausible for the Gromm’s form of locomotion. Given the facts we have I don’t believe that the Gromm would move in the same way as a normal slug, they would need to be faster and have a body capable of sitting up and sitting down. Since the structure thus far has been largely gelatinous and doesn’t suggest limbs with joints or bones I’d be inclined to go with a tentacle approach, possible with smaller tentacles working similarly to legs to push and pull them along, example provided below:
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This picture also provides a good example of how a Gromm might sit up as we’ve given the impression that they do. 
Finally let’s discuss the limbs, particularly the appendages that they would use for manipulating tools. While it might be easy to assume that they’d have longer tentacles that doesn’t seem to be a theme among starr-fall’s other alien species, as most of them have hands, and so I’d stick with the hand structure but perhaps tentacle-like arms and fingers like so:
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With that I do believe that we are done. I apologize for taking so long to post this collection of studies and theories, my work and life schedule have taken recent turns and upheavals, nothing major but things that did distract me. I hope this was all informative and that it was close to what starr-fall imagined. Hopefully I’ll have time to do another one of these soon for another of starr-fall’s less well-known species. If any readers have tips on where they think I could improve in my writing please comment they are always appreciated.
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script-a-world · 4 years
How do I create species in depth but have little understanding of biology? Which parts are more fundamental or at least fundamental to what I'm focusing on. I most certainly want to highlight different organs and body functions as well as skeletons. I find researching biology very difficult, even at basic ideas I get so confused.
Tex: We don’t know what you don’t know - organs, body functions, and skeletons are some fundamental things to know, so that’s good to hear from you because that helps lay down starting points for research.
Rather unfortunately, successful worldbuilding in a given subject requires a solid understanding of the basic topics therein, because otherwise your internal consistency is thrown off and creates plot holes which can be difficult to patch. Any sort of checklist would be useless, then, because lack of background in the subject, no matter how casual, would make the list look like gibberish as soon as you have the slightest problem or question about it.
I’m going to err on the side of caution and start with recommending this book: “CK-12 Life Science Concepts For Middle School” for a few reasons. One is that it’s interactive, in that review questions pop up on the side while you’re reading - this will help direct you to understanding what the pertinent topics are, as well as acting as a study tool. Another reason is that their “Resources” tab has a lot of PDFs for answering the questions posed within the book - this is a good method to help reinforce knowledge and reduce any anxiety surrounding learning new subjects.
Lastly, if you find that you like how information is presented in this book, there’s more in the series! That link directs you to middle school level texts, but the homepage does offer some variability in grade levels (mostly downward, but it does make for engaging reviewing of fundamental concepts in many subjects).
CK-12 also has something called a “PLIX series”, which offers interactive ways to learn many of the subjects presented in their textbooks. Here is the link for their biology section. There’s a lot to pick from!
If you feel you’ve either already mastered this level, or picked up the topics well, then there’s this higher-level textbook to read (PDF). It has more complex language, and isn’t as interactive, but the upside of it is that you can easily copy down the terms you don’t know and make a study guide of it. It’s at this point familiarity with chemistry is crucial, however, so if you’re weak in that area, I would recommend repeating the same steps with chemistry as I outlined with biology.
Once you have a good foundation in the subject, researching is much easier - this is mostly because you’ll have a set of keywords already trained into your mind, which will help immensely in fine-tuning your searches. At the very least, it will help make reading the nearly inevitable Wikipedia pages a lot easier to comprehend.
Constablewrites: There’s always the team-up. It doesn’t even have to be a full-fledged co-author--I had to have my characters infiltrate a fortress and I’m not much on strategy, but I have a friend who is, and I’d already talked to him about some of the fundamentals of my setting. So I bought him dinner and laid out the situation and the resources the characters had, and we worked out a basic plan of attack. Granted, such friends can be rare and valuable diamonds. But if you know someone who groks the subject better than you do, get with them and pick their brain.
(Also, I’m a little curious why you want to focus so much on their biology when you find that subject so difficult. Usually a writer’s focus in SFF reflects their own interests and areas of expertise. There are plenty of stories out there with species that are biologically… questionable that are still good stories. So if it’s just that you want to create a somewhat plausible and interesting species, don’t feel like you have to be able to build one in the lab.)
Brainstormed: Here’s the starting question: what do you want this species to do? Fly, swim, sculpt, hunt, etc, what is their niche? Maybe there’s a few cool traits you want them to have. From there, do some research on real creatures that fill that niche, and study the anatomy that makes this possible. I find nature documentaries and, interestingly enough, anatomical oddity or vulture culture communities to be particularly useful for this if you’re intimidated by a source that uses mostly academic language like Wikipedia.
Birds can fly? Look at their wings. Look at the different types of wings and how their shapes affect their flight style. Look at how their respiratory system works (it’s pretty funky, let me tell you). Look at all the little ways they’ve adapted to streamline their bodies and lose weight to make flying easier, for instance, hollow bones with interior scaffolding for strength. Look at what diet is necessary to maintain the energy output for flight. Look at how their digestive systems adapted to that kind of diet.
It may seem like a dizzying list of questions, but I think of it more as a rabbit hole. Once you start with the first few, you find yourself with a dozen more. Just keep asking “how” and “why”, and look at multiple species within the same niche to get a variety of biological traits. Base your species off of what you’ve learned! Pick and choose the things you like and what makes sense to you. If you feel like you have a good grasp of it, you can even try figuring out how two completely different sets of organs or skeletal structures might blend together. It’s incredibly difficult and arguably impossible to write something completely new, because everything we know comes from what’s around us. Using existing biology to create a species is your best bet for solid, believable specbio.
To some degree, you can cheat and just copy-paste the cool bits from what you see. There are plenty, seriously plenty, of good stories with unrealistic or even unbelievable species design, as Constable said. But if you do end up throwing a bunch of disparate parts together in a jumble, it may not make much sense by the time you’re done. If you have a poor understanding of biology right now, you can either try what Tex recommended and study some general biology (which I also recommend), or try jumping in at a specific point of interest. If you want to learn about wings, start with wings, and then branch out into related biology from there. All of biology is an interconnected web, and one organ, skeletal structure, muscle group, or bodily function exists in relation to all the others. Maybe a starting point of a particular piece of anatomy can help get you started. The degree of realism is up to you, but getting at least comfortable with what it is that you’re writing should help you a lot.
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