#avenge tort
radicalgraff · 1 year
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"Avenge Tort"
Graffiti on the police headquarters in Providence, Rhode Island in response to the murder of Manuel Teran aka Tort, an Atlanta Forest defender who was shot and killed by cops on Wednesday.
The Atlanta city council plans to clear the forest to build a massive police training facility dubbed "Cop City".
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karunamedusa11 · 7 months
¿Qué me ha parecido Loki T2? (en lo que llevo)
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No me gusta…¡ME ENCANTA! Me he reído como no tienen idea. Incluso la misma experiencia de esperar una semana por capitulo y disfrutar el hype con cada estreno es totalmente a mi experiencia con la T1 que la vi toda dos meses después de que estrenó (este cuento es para otro día...)
Mi pobre vista con astigmatismo/miopía agradece la paleta de colores contrastada (bastantes naranjas, turquesas, etc.) y me llama la atención lo diferente que es con respecto a la paleta de la T1 donde predominaban los violetas, verdes y marrones (tal vez tenga algún significado implícito en la narrativa, quien sabe, el renacimiento de la AVT?)
Los parlamentos los siento mucho más amenos y al grano por así decirlo. No es que no pueda comprender textos complejos pero man! a veces llegaba un momento que tenía que pausar el episodio por lo abrumador que podía ser algunas escenas donde hablaban hasta por los codos (oh si..Ep03 fue una odisea!!).
¿Acción y magia? ¡¡Extrañaba esto!! Qué emocionante! Se siente genuinamente él!! Con todo y que en el interrogatorio... low key yo quería el Loki de la Avengers (¿más nadie le dio miedo esa risa cuando la cara era de obvio empute? Es más esta canción me sonó en la cabeza justo en esa secuencia), manito..temí por X5 (plp quería tort*ra pero Mobius lo interrumpió).
¡Ojo! No digo con esto que la T1 fuese mala, ¡para nada! estoy consciente de que al ser la temporada con la responsabilidad de presentar nuevos conceptos y personajes + la AVT y el entorno, no había tanto espacio como para mucha acción sin caer en marear la audiencia con tanta información nueva.
En mi humilde opinión: La T1 fue para lxs Sylkies y la T2 para el crew Lokius. ¿Con quién shippear a Loki? ¡No lo sé!
El tema Sylvie me confunde, yo me había creído el romance y el fluff de la T1, aún la escena de la manta verde la tengo a fuego en la memoria (casi lloro pero no sé porqué pero fue resonó fuerte conmigo) pero en la T2 se siente como lo que en realidad siempre fue: Unilateral. Loki caído de mata, Sylvie en plan "Eh tu me caes bien pero tengo una misión compa". Es como..¿extraño? La mujer tenía una cara de que mínimo "Ese es mi ex!" cuando Loki entró al McDonald! (no aguanté la risa en serio).
y tengo una pregunta de hace rato: ¿Alguien recuerda el "Un poquito de los dos"? cuando el man literal va en modo "Soy bi y qué!?", ¿qué fue? Tiraron la bomba y ¿ya?. Se cuan importante es la representatividad para cualquier colectivo pero pucha.. namas tiraron eso, en el momento se sentía como un detalle importante para el personaje o para la narrativa misma pero ahora no es más que un punto para trivia (no sé si es que no se supo como incorporarlo o era queerbaiting). Y digo que me causa curiosidad porque todos los días veo gentes pelear que si es queerbaiting, que si es gender-flux/género fluido y ya no sé si es head cannon o cannon de verdad.
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a-study-in-dante · 2 years
WIP challenge!
Tagged by @lithugraph a while back!
Write the last paragraph you wrote and then tag three people : @like-a-bucky @problematicprocrastinator @ladywithalamp it's totally optional, obviously!
Here is the freshly written most recent paragraph of Renaissance, an APH spamano AU set in Quattrocento Florence that I have abandoned far too long...
"Il n'avait jamais été réellement doué pour distribuer les coups, et en tant que juriste, il ne pouvait se permettre de les rendre, de sorte que son expérience, ces dernières années, s'était limitée à observer Nastagio régler les torts et venger les honneurs bafoués sans jamais participer. Quelque chose lui disait qu'à Florence, ce n'était plus un luxe qu'il pourrait s'offrir."
[He had never been too keen on striking first and, as a jurist, could not afford to retaliate, so that, these past few years, his experience of violence had solely consisted of watching Nastagio righting the wrongs and avenging flouted honours without engaging. But he felt that, in Firenze, it would soon be a luxury that he could no longer afford.]
It doesn't make much sense without context I know 🥲
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natasha10273 · 2 years
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“Right here you monster”
You spin around and glare at tony and then you run at him
You run at tony faster then he can react and grip his throat and throw him to the ground you pin him down and punch his face yelling at him and then you hear fast footsteps coming towards your way you throw one last punch to Tony’s bloody face and go to fade away but before you do you get some necklace type of thing go around your neck you raise your hand to up to get fire into your hands but as soon as you try to use that power you get shocked and you fall on your knees you over to your brother and sister (Wanda and Pietro) who you see looking at you and then you see a red head sneak up behind your sister with something in her hands
you yell then get over the shocking and teleport behind the mystery red head and grab her pocket knife and put it to her neck
“даже не думай об этом, сделай одно движение, это вонзится тебе в шею, если ты попытаешься что-нибудь сделать с братом и сестрой, твои мертвые, и если ты хоть немного пошевелишься, это вонзится тебе в шею, понял” you whisper into her ear pressing the tip of the blade to Natasha’s neck as she sucks in a shaky breath (don't even think about it make one move this is going into your neck if you try anything to brother and sister your dead and if you move even a little bit its going into your neck got it Natalie)
You look around and then hear two pairs of foot steps walking towards your way as all the avengers are eyeing you then you see wanda speak to a man with a shield as they nod and your sister steps forward with the two sets of footsteps coming closer
Wanda puts her hands up as you eye her but keep your stand with Natasha stringing in your grasp
“sora a lăsat-o pe Natasha să plece, sunt băieți buni, ne vor ajuta și domnul Stark nu este cel responsabil de moartea mamei și tatălui, a fost hidra acum, vă rog, lăsați-o pe Natasha, putem lăsa o viață normală, dar dacă nu o lăsați, vor trebui să plece. te șochează și te bagă într-o celulă, așa că te rog dă-i drumul și aruncă cuțitul, te rog, soră”
(sister let Natasha go they are good guys they will help us and Mr stark is not the one responsible with ma and pa's death it was hydra now please let Natasha go we can leave a normal life but if you dont let her go they will uave to shock you and put you in a cell so please let her go and drop the knife please lil sis) you look at everyone then look at Wanda and Pietro and they both nod there head at you then you look at everyone
“Aruncă-ți armele și o voi lăsa pe această femeie să plece” the team look at Wanda and Pietro then back at you then Wanda speaks up “she said drop your weapons and she’ll let Nat go” everyone nods and one by one every drops there weapons and then nick fury walks in and understands what’s going on and stands next to Steve you slowly let Natasha go and she hurry’s towards the team and then your brother and sister stand in between you and the team then nick fury walks in
“Right now everyone and everything is sourted out now we can talk now can young maximoff understand me or will you have translate for me and young one Miss maximoff?” “I’ll trainslate sister hasn’t been tort English or the basic” Fury nods his head and looks at all of three of you “Now that everything is settled down now you three have two options 1. You join our team we will provide you a roof over your head food clothes and education for all three of you but we can take that away from you at any time if yous don’t want BUT you will officially be one of the avengers and go on mission when needed or 2. We take you to the raft and lock all of yous up your choice I’ll give you three 72 hours too make up your minds have a good day everyone”
“Теперь, когда все улажено, у вас троих есть два варианта 1. Вы присоединяетесь к нашей команде, мы предоставим вам крышу над головой, еду, одежду и образование для всех вас троих, но мы можем отнять это у вас в любое время, если вы не не хочу, НО ты официально станешь одним из мстителей и отправишься на миссию, когда это необходимо, или 2. Мы отвезем тебя на плот и закроем всех вас на ваш выбор. Я дам вам три 72 часа. Всем добрый день" you look between your brother and sister and everyone and then walk forward to fury Natasha goes to step forward but Steve stops her and you stare at fury as you stop in front of him and Mira puts her hand on her holster as your red eyes flash with a shimmer of glossy light faded white at the same time as your whiskers show abit Mira steps forward but you put your hand out and you and Nick shake hands in respect “Oo I like this one she has a strong hand” Fury says and you nod your head in respect and walk to your sister and whisper something in her ear and she asked you a question and you nod your head then Wanda and Pietro step forward “we will work with yous all three of us but myself and sister have to be as close as possible got it” “that won’t be a problem Miss Maximoff we can make that happen the boys have there floor and you girls have your own floor with Miss Romeoff here with that Miss Romeoff show the girls there room and Mr Barton show Mr Maximoff his room please you all are dismissed” Fury and walks out and Wanda waves you down to follow here as the three of you girls walk out to the elevator
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kpcalw · 2 years
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Genuss und Farbe für tristes Wetter. #torte#himbeertorte#backen#avengers#avengerstorte#wochenende#autor#autorenleben https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb43S2ANPpB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tortenmaus · 6 years
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Avenger-Kuchen zum 9ten Geburtstag von Joobin (Schokoladenkuchen mit handgestalteten Deko-Elementen, vollständig eßbar) Avenger chocolate cake for Joobin's 9th birthday (all deco elements were hand-made, of course, and it is fully edible)
https://www.tortenmaus.de/ https://www.facebook.com/tortenmaus.neuss/ https://www.instagram.com/tortenmaus.de/ https://tortenmaus.tumblr.com/
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venfx · 3 years
magnus fic roundup
as tma comes to a close, i thought i'd post some of my favorite fics to come out of this fandom. most of these are classics, listed in no particular order.
A Weather In The Flesh by @cuttoothed​ | 3K | S1-S4 | Jon/Martin | Complete
"There is a span of years where Jon doesn’t touch anyone other than the occasional hand shake. It’s not so bad. He’s never been someone who’s needed physical affection."
Jon has never been any good at making people want to stick around.
↳ this is such a well-done exploration of jon’s character and his relationship with touch, and i’ve re-read it at least five times. sweet and sad and phenomenally well-written.
in the chillest land and on the strangest sea by imperfectcircle, singlecrow | 20K | Safehouse, S1-S4 | Jon & Daisy, Jon/Martin | Complete
Jon remembers a statement he read years ago given by a Jesuit priest, who said that the shortest prayer he knew was, just, fuck it, as in fuck it; it's in God's hands. He takes Daisy's hand and trails on after her.
or; hope is a thing with feathers.
↳ hey, you wanna fuckin..... feel things? read this.
The Magnus Institute vs the 21st Century: a series of emails and IMs by shinyopals | 26K | Series | S3 | Pre-Jon/Martin | Complete
The Magnus Institute hires a Data Protection Officer. He sets about diligently booking in meetings, writing policy documents, and training all the staff in the importance of confidentiality. Now if only he could get hold of the Head Archivist, who seems to have vanished again...
(Jon is only trying to save the world, but apparently some people think he should still be doing his day job.)
↳ i’d be surprised to find people who haven’t read this series, but it’s the definition of “the magnus archives is a workplace comedy”. also, alasdair stuart has actually read some clips of this on Twitch, so that’s a fun bonus.
Bell, Book, and Candle by yellow_caballero | 102K | Series | S3 into S4 | Jon/Martin | Complete 
In accordance with the Ride or Die Pact of 2009, Jonathan Sims can call upon Georgie Barker at any time for aid with no strings attached. Despite their rocky history, their childhood friendship, and Jon’s barely recovered alcoholism, this pact is sacred and must be upheld.
Georgie Barker may regret this. She may regret it when she discovers that the world is full of monsters and eldritch gods and dickhead managers. She may regret it when a punk rocker who should be dead collapses on their doorstep, a teenager again who needs their help. She may regret it when her stupid ex-boyfriend starts selling his soul for knowledge and the ability to keep his new family safe.
But she probably won’t. Georgie isn’t scared of anything - not a Clown’s apocalypse, not the apocalypse that Jon is destined to begin, and not Jon’s own loss of humanity.
Maybe she should be.
↳ if you’re looking for an everyone-lives-no-one-dies-happy-ending fic that also happens to be massively chaotic, look no further. 
The Reverb in These Holy Halls by @wolftraps​ | 98K | AU, S1-S4 | Jon/Martin | Complete
Undoing the apocalypse would have been enough for Jon, if all his people survived. Without them, Jon's only recourse is making it so it never happened in the first place. He's going to do better this time.
↳ quintessential time travel AUs. plot-wise, i feel like these can be difficult to write, but op does a fantastic job of tying things together in a way that makes sense. plus, it’s just fun to read.
jon sims v the nhs by @thoughtsbubble​ | 12K | Series | S3 | Complete
Joan Bright has a new patient. He's carrying an old tape recorder and is covered head to toe in scars. Jonathan Sims looks dangerous, but Dr Bright has dealt with all sorts of atypical individuals. She has no reason to be nervous.
↳ if you’ve ever thought “hey, jon should probably go to therapy”, then 1) you’re absolutely right and 2) this is... probably what would’ve happened. prior knowledge of The Bright Sessions is not required. also, apparently, this fic is written by the showrunner of The Underwood Collection? wild.
Family, Found by Dribbledscribbles | 9K | S4 | Complete
It’s Basira who catches onto it.
The collective shift that seems to come over them when heading in or out of the Institute. Not just the oppressive sensation of being observed, their every move catalogued for the voyeuristic cravings of some unseen Eye(s). That feeling remained with them even when they left the Institute these days, but it was always stronger inside its walls. That wasn’t the change. Nor was it the point.
The point was: making life worse for Jonathan Sims.
↳ i think being part of the avengers fandom circa 2012 has given me permanent found-family-trope brainrot, but you know what. jonathan sims can have a little happiness, as a treat. 
Road to Damascus by @titanfalling​ | 107K | Series | S4 | Jon & Tim | Complete
n. an important moment of insight, typically one that leads to a dramatic transformation of attitude or belief
Or, in which Tim becomes an avatar for the end of all things.
↳ tim dies and then he doesn’t. there is catharsis and world building. just....read it.
Come, Change Your Ring With Me by @backofthebookshelf​ | 29K | S3 | Peter/Jon, Jon/Martin, Peter/Elias | Complete
The Lukases demand the Archivist marry into the family, and the Institute relies on them too much to say no. Peter is smug. Elias is fuming. Martin is suffering. Jon thinks this might be tolerable if only Peter would hurry up and leave him alone already.
OR, the soap opera we call an Archives revolves around Peter Lukas this time.
↳ superb evil-bastards-in-love content, feat. martin pining, tim being obnoxious, and jon being... well, tired, mostly. i will literally never get tired of how op writes peter. 
creatures that i briefly move along by @dotsayers​ | 16K | Series | AU, Post-S4 | background Jon/Martin 
Mr Sims was so weird, was the thing. Miss Grant always said calling people weird was rude, and Anna sort of agreed, but she didn’t know what other word to use to describe Mr Sims.
He’d only been in with the class for a few days, really, and half of that he just sat at the back listening, but that didn’t stop her from making a swift judgement. 5BG had had student teachers before, back when they were 3ST, and they’d been uniformly normal.
Mr Sims was… actually, Anna had a better adjective. He was interesting.
↳ i just.... love teacher!jon fics. this series delivers. 
Once Bitten by @apatheticbutterflies | 1K | S4 | Jon & Daisy | Complete
Jon Sims has always been a jumpy kind of guy. Nervous. Twitchy. Daisy used to think it meant he was guilty. Turns out he was. Just not of what she’d thought.
Daisy learns how to peel an orange.
↳ daisy and jon’s relationship is an example of an instance where i’m happy to say “fuck what you wrote mr. jonny ‘chocolate torte of tragedy’ sims, i want them to be friends”.
pins and needles by mutterandmumble | 13K | S1-S4 | Complete
He’s got a reputation to uphold anyways; an uptight, rigid reputation that dictates the way that he interacts and functions and is such an integral part of him that he can’t let go of it anytime soon. He likes his safety nets. He likes his contingencies. He likes his privacy, and everything around this place right down to the walls seems to have ears, so he’ll stay tight-lipped up to and beyond the threat of death.
He’s good at that.
In which Jon takes up embroidery and bumbles through life the best that he can.
↳ out of all the introspective jon pieces i’ve read (and there are many), this one stands out. maybe it’s the symbolism or the characterisation, or maybe it’s the fact that i have an embroidery kit lurking in the back of my closet along with a hundred other half-pursued hyperfixations. whatever. this is excellent.
sleeping in by @ivelostmyspectacles | 5K | S2 | Jon/Tim | Complete
“Who are you trying to convince?”
Jon gives up, letting his head sag against Tim’s shoulder. “I don’t know.”
aka Elias gets tired of Jon and Tim's bickering, sends them away for a "team-building" weekend trip, and is sure to book them a room with only one bed
↳ this has everything you’d need from a “oh no there’s only one bed” fic. someone please get these men therapy.
if you try, sometimes (you get what you knead) by @ajcrawly​ | 3.5K | S1-S4 | Jon/Martin, Tim/Sasha | Complete
It starts with an abundance of boeuf bourguignon and ends up as a team tradition.
Food and love in uncertain times.
↳ more found family fic, this time with a diverse og!archival staff and food as a metaphor for love. hurt in all the right ways. made me hungry in the process.
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hgsn-moved · 2 years
its ok bestie we are all fackin fuming at staff rn
we have to avenge him... vixen fans grab your torts
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radicalgraff · 1 year
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"Stop Cop City / Avenge Tort"
Graffiti in a skate park in Brooklyn, NYC in response to the murder of Manuel Teran aka Tort, an Atlanta Forest defender who was shot and killed by cops on Wednesday.
The Atlanta city council plans to clear the forest to build a massive police training facility dubbed "Cop City".
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Danke Mom für die tolle #torte von #captainamerica alias #chrisevans #chris #evans #schoko #schokolade #white #whitechocolate #chocolate #chocolatecake #cake #rot #blau #sterne #red #blue #stars #marvel #avengers @ChrisEvans #hulk #ironman #captainmarvel #spiderman #antman #thor #guardiansofthegalaxy #endgame #infinitywar (hier: Berlin, Germany - Europe) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4ZxTScienS/?igshid=sojzneb8dk7o
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benoitblanc · 3 years
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yeah, i’m FULLY aware that i haven’t finished the 1k gifsets. i will soon, i promise!
ANYWAY... i’ve reached another milestone, which is crazy! where did you all come from?! i love you all as much as jarvis loves ana... as much as ana loves apple torte... as much as bernard loves terrorizing jarvis ❤️
i don’t have a lot of time on my hands right now but i wanted to do something fun, so we’re going to do blogrates!
the rules:
must be following this peggy carter enthusiast
reblog this post
(optional: join my fandom fam)
send me an ask with up to two of the following:
🎶  for a normal blograte!
💥  for a marvel blograte!
✨ for a vibe check (mutuals only)!
that’s it!
blograte formats + tagging mutuals under the cut:
normal blograte 🎶:
url: i don’t go there | nice | cute |  *heart eyes* | NANCY WHEELER
icon: nice | cute | *heart eyes* | DONNA NOBLE
mobile theme: nice | cute | *heart eyes* | PARKER
desktop theme: nice | cute | *heart eyes* | LEIA ORGANA
posts: nice | cute | *heart eyes* | ALLISON HARGREEVES
original content (pls tag): nice | cute | *heart eyes* | EVE POLASTRI
overall: nice | cute | *heart eyes* | PEGGY CARTER
following: not yet but ily | +f! | ofc! | i’m in this with you till the end
marvel blograte 💥:
tony | steve | thor | bruce | nat | clint
quill | gamora | drax | rocket | groot | nebula
peggy | jarvis | daniel | angie | dottie | howard
coulson | daisy | may | jemma | fitz | mack | yoyo
avengers | shield | sword | ssr | guardians | revengers
tony’s suit | cap’s shield | mjolnir | infinity gauntlet
mind | space | power | reality | time | soul
new york | san francisco | westview | wakanda | asgard | xandar
mutual vibe check ✨:
book rec:
film rec:
song rec:
what fictional character you remind me of:
what absolutely batshit episode of doctor who you remind me of:
my fave of your recent creations (if you create):
blog compliment:
some mutuals: @anakinskyiwalker @earthbendcrs @newgenesis @hopefulbeautifulfool @sleepsongs @phupha @herowilson @favreaus @carolmaria @vibraniumbuckys @skcywalker @wintersoeldiers @danielsousa @dinidjarin @ginnypcttcr @kathrynshahn
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Hell-bound with you
Fandom: Doctor Who
 Pairing: Doctor x Reader
 Summary: You are the unwilling companion of the Doctor.
 Warning: ooc, plot holes as usual, dark!doctor, insanity, etc. You have been warned.
   A/N: I hope this post show up in search result  just fine. The part four of my other fic I posted at the end of last month just won’t show up in any search result, tags not working. I hope this one work okay.
     I watched in amusement from my spot as Jack tried to summon the Doctor but failed instead, he kept getting her companion. I couldn't help but laughed at the old man expression when Jack kissed him in the mouth. 
  I was surprised when the old man, Graham, revealed that the Doctor is now a woman. Jack is giddy with excitement as he wanted to see the Doctor so much. But he kept pulling in the companion instead. Yaz and Ryan. 
  Eventually Jack realized that the judoon technology is the reason why he can't pull the Doctor to him. Personally, I was grateful that the Doctor is not here. I wouldn't want to catch his - i suppose now - her attention. I admit I am a bit curious about how she looks like. The Doctor's first time as a woman, I wonder how she will act.
  My attention snapped back at Jack as he warned the companion about the lone cyberman. It was all very cryptic. 
  Turned out the companion has never encountered a cyberman before so they understandably are confused.
 Both Jack and I had suffered together in the short time since we met and you know what they said about forming a close bond during a life and death situation. It makes us comrade.
  Jack knew some stuff about me that I would never tell anyone. I am so grateful that I met him while stranded in this alternate universe. 
  Of course, it just my bad luck to have landed in a time period where cybermen overrun the world. I was lucky I met Jack. It would take me forever to sort thing out otherwise. I shuddered at the thought of being taken by cybermen for conversion.
  I didn't know what to think of the companion because I didn't know of them. I didn't know of the newest incarnation of the Doctor being female either. There were rumor floating around about it but I missed her first season on the account of finding myself suddenly existed within the impossible DW universe.
  I hated it. It wasn't fun. And I ended up ruining the Doctor's timeline. I had to run from him when he changed into that monster. Oh, I know he would come looking for me sooner or later. He would never let me go just like that. Misery loves company and all of that. Some part of him did blame me for changing him, I just know it.
  But running away and found myself stranded in another DW universe isn’t exactly how I planned my escape. The upside of being here is that I’m finally free of that person.
  I heard an amused chuckle within my mind and I frowned. Right, I guess technically I am still haunted by that person. I glared at the bow-tied figure that only I can see, a proof of my insanity. I tried to ignore him and his unwanted commentary on whatever it is Jack and I did.
  This particular universe thankfully still follow the canon, I think. I don't know if it will be a blessing or a curse my escape being here, knowing my luck it will ended up as another curse. I do know one thing, this time I have to avoid the Doctor at all cost. It will be hard, I'm sure, as I felt it so many times before back then, someone pulling the string and play on me like a puppet. Of course, no one believe me, not even that person.
  I didn't know the future of the Thirteenth Doctor but I will still be a threat to her should she realized what I am. That's what happened with that person. He insisted that I stay with him and everything has gone wrong ever since. 
  I tried not to think about that person and his now-never-happened future courtesy of me, of my presence, in his life.
  I snapped out of my trance as Jack called out to me in concern.
  "Is it him?"
  I blinked when I realized I must have been talking out loud and thus gaining Jack and the companion’s attention. "I'm fine."
  Jack gave me a look that said he didn't believe my bullshit. 
  I ignored him. I noticed the companion are staring at me as if I was insane. I held back a frustrated laugh. Well, I am insane, somewhat.
  Jack introduced me to them. “This is (Name). She is with me.”
  "Is she a friend of the Doctor too?" Graham asked Jack.
  "No." I firmly said as I glared at him in warning. "Oh, just shut up." I glared at an empty space on my left.
  The companion stared at me warily.
  “err, did she just talk to an empty space?” Ryan asked.
  “Yeah, she does that.” Jack replied, not taking his eyes off me.
  I tried to focus on Jack and the companion. I rubbed my forehead, feeling a headache forming.
  Jack's frowned as he observed me. "She's...complicated." He suddenly yelled in pain as the nano-genes started to attack him. He complained very loudly.
  I was worried for him. "It’s time. We should leave here, Jack." I said as I grabbed him. “You already did your part, warning them.”
  "You are right but there is...” Jack groaned. “...one more thing, (Name), you are not coming with me."
  "What?! What the hell are you talking about?" I punched his arms in annoyance.
  Jack rubbed his arms and give me a look. "You should go with them and stay with the Doctor."
  I was pissed. I thought he understand. "No. You..."
  "I know what you think of her but I still think you would be safer with her than with me. Also, maybe she could help you with him." Jack replied, turning to glance at the space I have been staring at before despite not being able to see what I see.
  "Like hell, I'm not going! And you can't make me!" I yelled petulantly.
  The companion stood there looking confused at our argument.
  Jack let out a sad smile. "I'm sorry, (Name)." He took my hand that is on his arm and let it go.
  I blinked in confusion and annoyance. I was momentarily distracted and Jack took that opportunity to activate the vortex manipulator on my person and I suddenly blip out of the ship and found myself on Earth instead.
  I almost lost my balance as I landed harshly. I cursed loudly.
  I saw the Doctor's companion materialized not too far from me.
  "Son of a..." I growled. "That damn head jar!!" I cursed Jack. "Shut it!" I snapped on the empty space near me.
  The companion stared at me warily.
  I groaned in annoyance.
  "We should go find the Doctor." Yaz suggested.
  "Yeah, you guys go ahead. I'm out of here." I said.
  "But I thought that Jack fellow said that you should stay with the Doctor?" Ryan asked.
  "Ignore that cheeky bastard's words!" I said and then stopped myself. "Except about the cyberman. That was true. Alright, I'm leaving." I waved at them and left despite their protests.
  Screw Jack. He is not the boss of me. 
  I walked without a purpose as I ponder over what I have to do next now that Jack has abandoned me. Like hell, I’m sticking around to see the Doctor no matter how curious I am of the female Doctor.
  “He’s right, you know, you would be safer if you stay with the other Me.” He said.
  I glared at him. “And what? Risking of her turning out like you because of me?”
  “I think you give yourself too much credit. I was always going to turn out this way sooner or later. Valeyard, remember?”
  “But you are not the Valeyard.”
  “And that’s what make it worse. I did this to you. I turned you...”
  “Victorious. That’s what I am, thanks to you. It wasn’t that bad.” He said with a shrug.
  “You burned down planets!”
  “I did that once in a while. You know this." He is referring to Gallifrey. "Besides, you know they deserves it.” He said as a dark expression crossed his features.
  “We lost Clara. I wouldn’t call that victorious!!”
  “And we avenged her.”
  I was ashamed that it was the truth. I did help him to avenge Clara’s death. In fact, I was the one who urged him to do it because I couldn’t accept her death. They haven’t even done Trenzalore yet. And now they never will. Because of me, Bow-tie won’t even get a new set of regeneration. But considering how he turned out, am I doing the world a favor by limiting his life to his eleventh self? Now he will not get the chance to regenerate into Eyebrow. Or did I just make it worse? Like he implied, he is very well on his way into becoming the Valeyard.
  “I am curious about the Doctor of this universe.” Victorious pondered. “I have never regenerated into a woman before. I was on my last regeneration right now."
  I tensed at that. I kept reminding myself that the person in front of me is not quite real so even if he did figures out the truth, there is nothing he can do about it. No Clara, no new regeneration. Unless he made me fill her shoes, play her role so to speak on Trenzalore. I hope not. Well, I had escaped him, somewhat. 
  The real Victorious probably was too busy right now to ponder about the calling of Trenzalore. And knowing him now, he might actually let Trenzalore burns.
  I think I bought enough time for myself so it might take him a while to locate me especially since I have a bio-damper ring on my person to hide the void stuff that apparently covered me when I first arrived in DW universe. With the ring, he won't be able to track me down easy. It also help hid my presence from the Doctor of this universe too.
  I sighed as I stared at my 'companion', the one only I can see, an accidental result after some weird mind meld with the Doctor. 
  When I first took a glimpse of him the first time I was stranded in this alternate universe, I thought he was somehow in my head, then I beginning to question my sanity, creating a shadow figure of the Doctor in my headspace. Seemed like I could never be free of the Doctor. Part of me believed I deserved it, to be haunted by the Doctor that I ruined.
  Sometimes I really thought he is the Doctor when he suddenly said things that sounded like something the Doctor will says. And then he is being all sarcastic with his unwanted commentary on everything I do and...meh I thought of him as a figment of my imagination designed as my personal demon to torture myself. But, weirdly he does know information that I could not possibly know, things that the Doctor or some other screaming genius might know but not little stupid, ordinary Me. There is no way if he is a hallucination created by me for him to know those complicated stuff. Anyway, thanks to that, Jack trusted me, I did save his life, both our life actually, by following the advice of the shadow Doctor. 
  Jack believe me albeit a bit reluctantly at first and eventually did trust me enough to watch each other back through hell and back. It was all very dramatic but also rewarding as we formed a friendship. Unfortunately, he's loyal to the Doctor hence he disbelieved me when I said I am bad for the Doctor, he still somewhat believe the Doctor is the answer to fix everything that could go wrong, even though he should know better. 
  I groaned as I ponder on what to do now. I understand the truth in Jack's words that I might need the Doctor of this universe help should Victorious able to track me down to this universe. But I am also right about my presence around the Doctor never bode well. So you see my dilemma?
  Thankfully the Doctor and her companion never look for me. I guess she is not curious enough with me.
  Back then as I watched the first two episode of season 6, I found it weird that bow-ties who supposedly adores children, didn't bother to look harder for little Melody Pond after she escaped the astronaut suit. Maybe there is some additional information about it from DW book or the audio-book but I never got my hands on them.
  Anyway this is good. It would be troublesome if she did decided to track me down.
  I thought I covered my track very well but the time bounty hunters somehow able to track me down at some black market in some random planet. It was weird but it seemed the Tardis translation circuit still work on me even if I am not anywhere near the Tardis. Or maybe it is thanks to that annoying 'companion' of mine?
  I'm following the advice of the shadow Doctor to find an equipment to, as he said he will indulge me for now, hide me better. I used my vortex manipulator given by River a long time ago at the Library. She taught me how to use it so that I won't accidentally kill myself while using it.
  Anyway after I purchase the said equipment and before I could use it per the shadow Doctor's instruction, the hunters found me.
  Honestly I hope the self defense lesson I got from River and then Jack would be enough to at least help me escape my pursuers. I thought I did good but they still found me.
  That's when the shadow Doctor 'helpfully' told me that I had a tracking chip somewhere inside my body courtesy of the real him. That bastard. Putting a tracking chip without my knowledge or permission like I am some freaking pets.
  I glared at him angrily.
  He grinned in amusement. "Hey, technically it wasn't me who did it."
  "Close enough..." I muttered.
  He told me the equipment I purchase earlier should destroy the chip into dust inside me without harming me in the process. Removing the chip would be better but without the correct equipment and a professional medical knowledge, it would be too dangerous.
  But before I could use it, they found me again. I was at some random abandoned building. One of them broke my wrist as I fought him. I screamed in pain.
  "Hey, don't hurt her! He won't be pleased!"
  "She won't stop struggling! She bites me!"
  I groaned in pain as they pushed my whole body on the wet floor.
  "She is not to be harmed in any way." Someone said. "The client is very specific about that one. He need her for something. He is willing to pay so much for her."
  My eyes widened in fear as I realized they are not planning to take me back to Victorious. That would be even worst. Are their client some enemies of the Doctor who is trying to take me as hostage? Or do they after the knowledge I have of the Doctor? But there is no way someone could know. I was sure Victorious remove all threat on me.
  I catches the glimpse of dark expression crossing the shadow Doctor's feature as he too listen to what the men had said.
  "Who even is she? Why do they willing to pay so much for her?"
  "Don't you know? She's the consort of that guy, the Doctor."
  I rolled my eyes in disdain at that misinformation but made no move to correct them. There is no point.
  "For real? But she is running from him? Why?"
  "Have you been living under a rock? That man has gone insane. Who would in their right mind stay with him?"
  "I heard the stories about him."
  "Not stories."
  "So, is it wise to betray him like this?"
  "You assumed we got the job from him but we didn't. By the time we hand her over to the client and got our money, with this technology to cross over universe..." He glanced at the elaborate vortex manipulator on their wrists which you assumed they got from the said client. "we can make a new life in some other universe. He won't be able to find us."
  The shadow Doctor chuckled coldly. "Whoever that client of their is, I know they are not stupid. To go after what is mine, they would have to take care loose end in order to remain undetected from me." He said as he observed the men. "That vortex manipulator probably has an expired date on it and more..."
  He turned to look at me, kneeling before me with almost a bored look. "I did warned you that you would have been safer if you stay with the other me."
  I glared at him. "Quit talking, do something." I hissed at him.
  He smirked. "You didn't say please."
  "Who is she talking with?" One of the men asked.
  They hauled me up to face them.
  "You are not very smart, are you?" I said with a smirk. "He is already here. The Doctor. Or should I say Victorious?"
  They looked around nervously.
  I pulled my sonic screwdriver, the one I stole from Victorious, and set out sonic sound, as instructed by him, that momentarily hurt everyone's ears but also caused some old hanging lamp to either explode or fell to the ground, causing chaos. 
  I ran immediately out of the building. Ignoring the growing pain in my wrist, I yelled at him to tell me how to use the equipment to destroy the chip. I moved the equipment to some spot of my neck and pulled the trigger.
  I clamped my mouth as burst of hot fire pain filled me. I gasped as I fell to the ground. Tears filled my eyes. I felt so dizzy.
  I distinctly heard him telling me to stay awake and ran. So I did albeit really slow.
  Like I said before, someone or something seemed to be pulling the string on me because as I made my weak escape, I found myself face to face with the companion I met with Jack weeks ago and there is a woman with rainbow stripes on her clothing with them. The Doctor, my mind supplied.
  "It's you." Ryan whispered, seemingly surprised to see me.
  "Doctor, she is the one we told you before. she was with Jack." Yaz explained.
  The woman glanced at me in guarded curiosity. She walked toward me and opened her mouth to say something but I fainted right into her arms.
  I woke up inside the Tardis in the medical bay. How did I know that? He told me.
  The Doctor, the female one, entered the room and smiled upon seeing that I already wake up.
  I no longer feel any pain, not on my broken wrist and on my neck. I assumed she fixed that. And someone changed my wet dirty clothes with something comfortable.
  I heard her yapping about the danger I put myself using the equipment she found with me. I didn't listen, still a bit too dizzy.
  "Who are you?"
  "(name)." I replied.
  "Ok, (name), I'm the Doctor. My fam said you were with Jack and that he instructed you to stay with me?"
  "He was wrong." I said bluntly. I forced myself to get up and stand up despite her protest. "I should leave."
  "You can't. We are in the vortex. Also you were hurt. Who hurt you? Also who put a tracking chip inside you? You destroyed the chip using that equipment. Are you running from a prison? Did Jack broke you out of prison?"
  I groaned and chuckled harshly. "You talk too much." I said as I clutched my pounding headache. "Prison, huh? I guess you could say that. Oh, shut up." I snapped at my right.
  "Who are you talking with?" She observed me curiously. "The fam told me that..."
 "I am a bit insane? That would be correct. Better stay away from me, doc." I said in derisive.
  She glanced at me.
  "Stop looking at me like that!"
  "Like what?"
  "Like I am some animal in a zoo."
  "I am so sorry."
  "For what?" I asked in confusion.
  "For whoever hurt you like that." She whispered. "Yaz changed your clothes. She said you have scars on your arms, consistent with someone being restrained and being injected and also..."
  "Stop." I glared at her menacingly. "That was private. None of your business."
  She, thankfully, stopped talking about that topic. But she suddenly pulled my sonic screwdriver. "How did you get this?"
  I took a deep breathe trying to calm myself over the fact that she and Yaz invaded my privacy. "It's mine."
  "Not possible." She said firmly.
  "Uh-oh, someone in trouble..." I heard him said in a teasing sing-song voice. I glared at him before turning to face her. 
  "Someone gave it to me." I lied. "Now give that back and let me leave." I demanded.
  She shook her head as she took a step back. "Did you steal this?"
  "Ding dong, she got it!" The shadow Doctor answered cheerfully much to my annoyance.
  Fine, I'm going to give her some shock value. "River gave it to me, satisfied?"
  The Doctor look shocked, her mouth dropped open. "You know River? River Song?"
  "That was a low blow, (name)." The shadow Doctor whispered at me in disappointment.
   "She was my friend." I spat. That wasn't a lie, technically. River was my friend but in the other universe, not in this one. "I'm sure you wouldn't know me, Doctor. She wouldn't talk about her friends with you. Mostly because you would not be interested." 
  The Doctor observed me, trying to spot the lie. She seemed satisfied to find none. But she is still suspicious though. "Why would she give you this?"
  "For my protection. I will only know how to use it whenever I was in danger." That one is not a lie since the shadow Doctor only tell me how to use it whenever I need to escape danger.
  She hummed at that, probably wondering if I ever misuse it. She didn't seem to keen of returning it though. At least she didn't confiscate the vortex manipulator.
  "Jack vouched for me. Do you think he would send someone not trustworthy to you?" I said. The answer is yes, by the way, because that traitor Jack ignored my warning how I am not good for the Doctor's timeline. If I am to stay with her, predictably things will not be canon again and it will definitely be hell-bound.
  The shadow Doctor chuckled at what I said.
  The Doctor didn't say anything.
  I raised an eyebrow. "I guess you don't trust Jack or do you only trust him when he is useful to you?" I asked in vicious tone. "Fine, keep the damn sonic screwdriver."
  "Oh now you have done it. She is not going to let you leave now." The shadow Doctor helpfully informed. "That is my 'i-don't-trust-this-person-i-need-to-solve-what-she-is-hiding' look." He grinned gleefully.
  I almost want to slap the jerk if not for the fact he is not really there so it is kinda pointless.
  Resigned to the fact that I am stuck with the new Doctor, I am determined not to let her in my head. A mistake I made with bow-ties which in turn caused him to become Time Lord Victorious.
  But I have no idea what the future hold for this version of Doctor and her companion. One thing for sure, the canon is about to go to hell, especially since I have no idea what to do and what to avoid doing.
  "I think you should stay with me. I can help you with whoever after you. But I need you to trust me."
  What a hypocrite. She doesn't even trust me. Why should I trust her? 
  "I don't want to intrude. Just dropped me back on earth at 2020." I said.
  "Oh, bad year." The shadow Doctor supplied. 
  "I insist you stay here for a while. After all, isn't that what Jack want me to do? Welcome to the Tardis. It is..."
  "I know what it is. River and Jack told me."
  "Well then...if they trust you, I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt..." She smiled brightly. "Welcome aboard, (name). We are going to have adventure of the lifetimes."
  If she think I would rejoice, she is sadly mistaken as I stared at her flatly, not impressed.
  He chuckled at my expense.
  The Doctor glanced at my unimpressed look, sighed. "Well, you are a tough one."
  And so I ended up becoming the Doctor's unwilling companion...again.
  She re-introduced me with her fam and officially give me a room in the Tardis.
  Yaz is wary of me but Ryan and Graham are nice and friendly.
  And just like that I got pulled into their adventure. I tried to refused saying I'm feeling ill most of the time, preferring to stay behind but unfortunately the Doctor doesn't trust to leave me inside the Tardis.
  Does she think I could drive the Tardis or something? Seriously...
  I was stuck in a nightmare. I was back with Victorious and he punishes me for escaping. He trapped me in a special room designed to punish me mentally. He always did know I am weak mentally. He was surprised that I could survive this long by luck alone.
  I saw the laughing figure of a trickster, saying the joke is on me and...
  I woke up to the concerned face of the Doctor, the female one.
  I remembered now. I fell under the clutch of some wannabe gods from ancient Syria. They fed from people's nightmare.
  The woman, Rakaya, glanced at me wickedly, saying I have some delicious nightmare.
  The Doctor saves the day and able to trick the wannabe gods into eternal imprisonment.
  At the end, as I sat with a blank expression on my face on the stairs at the console room, Yaz and Ryan approached me and asked if I want to talk about my nightmare.
  I just said that I dreamed of being back in the room. They didn't push me for more. Yaz, being a police officer, probably suspected based on my scars, that the room was where I was imprisoned before.
  Darn it.
  Despite my determination not to get attached with the Doctor and the fam, I failed. Damn adventures and dangers and excitements, it does bound us closer with each other. I saved them, they saved me.
  "Admit it, you miss this, didn't you? The adventures, dangers, excitements?" The shadow Doctor teased me. "You got used to it already."
  "what about you?" I asked him. "Do you miss being the Doctor? Saving people and planets instead of destroying them on a whim?"
  He was silent. For once, he left me alone. I think I hurt his feeling despite him being a hallucination.
  Once I was almost taken by another bounty hunters, the Doctor rescued me and declared that I am under her protection and anyone who want to take me, will have to go through her first.
  The oncoming storm expression on her face is enough to make them back off and I was left in peace.
  The Doctor is not pleased that I still won't tell her the reason.
  "You have your own secrets and I have mine. Respect that!"
  "I can't protect you if you don't tell me the truth." The Doctor had said.
  "Fine, let me leave. I can take care of myself!"
  Both the Doctor and the shadow one snorted at me much to my anger.
  The fam has to interfered with our arguments. 
  "Cool off, the both of you!" Yaz demanded.
  Reluctant to leave for the next adventure but having no choice, I went with them. Another life-threatening incident passed with me rescuing Ryan, softened the Doctor and she apologies to me, sort of. 
  It finally happened. As Jack warned, the lone cyberman has come.
  The Doctor asked me the thing that the cyberman after so I told him about the cyberium. Jack did told me about it in passing. He was part of the alliance, after all. I guess he told me about it because he always planned to dump me at the Doctor. I admitted I hold a grudge against Jack for this still.
  The Doctor took me with her but instructed the fam and the rest to stay put. She asked me more about cyberium. I honestly don't know anymore but she kept pressing me, taking her frustration at me.
  To be honest, she frighten me at that moment, reminding me of Victorious.
  From the way the Doctor reacted when she explained about cyberman to the other, the shadow Doctor concluded that she must have lost someone to the cyberman.
  Bill Potts, my mind supplied. I knew she was supposed to be the Doctor's companion after Clara. Since Bill is not here anymore, I can only assume she is the one the Doctor lost.
  The Doctor raced against time competing with the cyberman called Ashad to get the cyberium before him.
  She eventually figured out the cyberium is possessing one of the residents in the house. She managed to trick the cyberium into leaving its current host.
  The cyberium is attracted to the Doctor for a host much to my horror as she started to blurt out something the Time Lord Victorious would say.
  I saw the shadow Doctor glanced at the other Doctor in amusement and curiosity. His eyes darkened with the lust for power. At that moment, he look so much like the real Victorious I have to believe he is truly him, not a pale imitation of him.
  He turned to look at me as he finally notice the look of dread on my face. "You see? The Doctor has always headed to this..." He said with a chilling smile. "It wasn't you who turned me, dearest (name)."
  "Get away..." I whispered in fear. I snapped out of it and yelled at the other Doctor, "Doctor, don't!" at the same time as Yaz.
  Thankfully, the Doctor snapped out of it too.
  The lone cyberman threaten to destroy the planet right that second if the Doctor refused him the cyberium.
  Having no choice, the Doctor give its back to him. I have failed Jack. I know she has no choice but this meant Jack and the alliance would be in danger again.
  As we returned to the Tardis, the Doctor made a plan to go after that asshat, I mean, Ashad. 
  She prepared some machinery in order to fight against the cybermen armies. At least she is confidence she could win this. 
  I planned to go with her to help and rescue Jack and then I am going to slap the hell out of him.
  Of course, things just don't worked as well as the Doctor planned. We are in the far future where the last of the human race located. I couldn't find Jack or the alliance.
  We are overpowered by the cybermen and got separated from each other. I ended up with Yaz and Graham while the Doctor is with Ryan.
  Somehow we ended up in cybership with the cybermen armies in the middle of waking up.
  We are trapped. Everyone is panicking. I heard Yaz tried to talk to the other Doctor via an unreliable communication device.
  I turned toward the shadow Doctor. "Do something!"
  He turned to me with a chilling smile. "I have taught you before, right?"
  I swallowed down my fear. "Please..."
  He sighed as if what I am asking him is too troublesome.
  I jumped when the steel door started to shake some more under the constant attack from the cybermen.
  "You remembered when you were taken from me by the Division?" He suddenly asked.
  I remembered it. I was taken, my mind half lobotomized in order to gain access on what I know of the Doctor. I woke up to everyone in the building died. I assumed Victorious did it.
  "I could activated the physic bomb I planted inside you."
  "What?!" This is the first time I heard this. "What the hell is that? Why do you insist of putting things in me?" I lost it at him. I am furious, wouldn't you be?
  "(name)!" Yaz called out to me in concern but I ignored her and the rest who thought I finally lost my marble.
  "Oh chill out, it won't kill you, well, only temporally." He said as he played with his nails.
  "If I activated the psychic bomb, you and everyone in this ship will died, well not you obviously, and the cybermen but they will lost all function for roughly an hour or more. Enough time for you to escape, well, once you are resurrected that is." He said.
  "What about them?"
  "What about them?" He parroted. He shrugged. "Not my concern."
  "The hell with that! Save them too!" I demanded.
  "I warned you not to get attached..." He sounded bored now.
  "Find another way!"
  "Why should I?"
  "Please. You are the Doctor."
  "I'm not the Doctor anymore, remember?"
  "Fine, you are victorious! So prove it!! Save them and be victorious over the cybermen!!" I screamed at him, tears of desperation filled my eyes.
  He took a look at me and relents. "Fine."
  I let out a shaky relieved breath at his answer.
  He instructed me to tell the mechanic of the bunch with me to remove some electrical thingies to support enough for teleportation for all of us to escape.
  "It is not enough!" The mechanic said. "Only enough for four and there are seven of us!"
  "If only someone has a sonic screwdriver..." The shadow Doctor said mockingly. "Guess you have some decision to make, little (name), which four gets to escape with their life."
  I cursed the other Doctor for taking the sonic from me. To my surprise, Yaz pulled a sonic screwdriver from her bag.
  "She told me to give it back to you." Yaz explained.
  My mouth dropped open in shock. I laughed in near hysterical and turned to the shadow Doctor with a grin. "Tell me."
  He sighed in exasperation. "Fine."
  I used the sonic as instructed, giving the teleportation enough power to transport all seven. "Go!" I instructed Yaz and Graham and the rest to go first.
  "What about you?" Yaz demanded.
  "I have one last thing to do." I turned to the shadow Doctor as everyone left the ship. "Do it."
  He glanced at me with a look and smiled. "Being a martyr?"
  "Buying them some time. They are far enough not to get affected by the psychic bomb, correct?"
  "And you are the one who said I will survived it so not a martyr."
  He hummed. "You sure?"
  "Do it."
  "As you wish."
  Just as the door crashed open, I screamed as he filled my head with so much pain it triggered the bomb creating a pulse of energy that sweep the cybermen off their feet.
  I clutched my heart as it was rudely stopped.
  The last thing I saw is the shadow Doctor hovering over me, muttering something I couldn't hear.
  "I only ask because triggering the bomb would send a signal directly to him..." He said. "He is coming, (name). I am coming."
  I slowly opened my eyes, found myself on the ground. "Oww..."
  The Doctor and the fam are there, surprised to see me alive.
  The Doctor scanned me with her sonic. "But...this is impossible." She blurted out. "You are only human, how can you...? You are immortal? Like Jack?"
  "Ugh stop talking. Can I get some water please?" I pleaded.
  Everyone stared at me weirdly but an old man thankfully gave me some water.
  The Doctor still couldn't get over the fact that I survived and demanded to know what I have been hiding from him.
  "Take it easy, doc, she did save our life." Graham said.
  The Doctor relented.
  "The cybermen..."
  "Out of commission for now. How did you do that?" The Doctor asked.
  "Tell you later."
  She glanced at me. "You better." She said firmly before turned to Ko Sharmus who showed us to the Boundary and there a portal opened.
  Both the Doctor and the shadow one blanched in horror when they recognized the ruins of Gallifrey.
  And then some random guy leaped out of the portal.
  "Master." I heard the Doctor spatted in disgust.
  "What?" I accidentally yelled. Last time, to my knowledge, the Master is Missy, though? What happened to her?
  "Like a pest...he just keep coming back, huh?" I heard the shadow Doctor said with a chuckle.
  The Master demanded the Doctor to go with him. She refused at first. But when he threaten to kill the rest of us, she relented.
  Reluctantly, she goes with the Master through the portal, instructing the rest of us to stay behind.
  "Follow them." The shadow Doctor demanded. 
  I stared at him as if he has lost his mind.
  "Do it!" The force of his words gave me headache.
  "Oh, alright! Geez!" I glared at him in annoyance but did as I told and the pounding headache lessened just a bit.
  Yaz and the other tried to stop me but I told them not to follow me.
  The Doctor is enraged when she saw me. "What the hell? (name), get back out there!"
  The Master is not pleased to see me either. "Control your pet, Doctor, or I will be forced to kill her."
  I glared at the shadow Doctor at my predicament of having two very angry Time Lord. "I have no choice, okay!" I said to them.
  The shadow Doctor chuckled and told me to say something for him intended for the Master.
  "Like hell, I'm gonna say that. He is going to kill me." I refused as I glared at the empty space beside me much to the confusion of two still very angry Time Lord. He wanted me to call him by his name 'Koschei'. I clutched my head. "Oh, fine!!"
  "You always have such a sort fuse, Koschei." I repeated word for word.
  Both the Doctor and the Master flinched and glared at me suspiciously.
  Great. Nice going. Is he planning to get myself killed?
  "How do you know that name?" The Master demanded.
  "He told me." I gesture to the empty space beside me.
  The Master stared at the empty space before chuckled darkly. "Your pet has gone insane, Doctor?"
  I stared at him flatly, trying to cover my fear. "The Doctor told me." which is the truth. "just not the Doctor you know." also truth since the Master technically never met bow-ties.
  The Doctor stared at me in confusion.
  "Yeah, don't care." The Master shrugged and pointed his gun at me as I raised my hand in surrender but the Doctor stood firmly in front of me, shielding me from him.
  "Don't you dare." The Doctor hissed at him.
  "You don't want to do that. Unless you want me stop both of your hearts." I said, more like repeating the shadow Doctor said.
  "Are you threatening me?" The Master look pissed.
  "(name), who are you talking with?" The Doctor turned around and grabbed both of my arms, demanding an answer out of me.
  "I..." Is this it? Do I have to tell her the truth? I turned to look at the shadow Doctor. I swallowed down hard as I look at the Doctor and then at the Master. "To answer your question, yes, that was a threat. How do you think I made the cybermen lost his function, Doctor? I have a psychic bomb inside me, killing me would trigger it, would kill myself and stopped both of your hearts. So unless you want an early death, I suggest you temper yourself." I said as flat as possible.
  Both Time Lords stared at me in shock.
  "Psychic bomb? Who did that to you?" The Doctor demanded in concern and slight fear.
  "The Doctor did." I said softly.
  She released me as if stunned.
  The Master curiously looked at me and the Doctor. "Oh fuck this, you ruined my moments, ape!"
  "(name)..." The Doctor stared at me as if I grow two head suddenly.
  "Come on you two, we need to be somewhere else right now!" The Master demanded.
  The Doctor grabbed my hand and took me with her as the Master led us the ruin of the citadel.
  As we entered the hall of matrix chamber, the Master suddenly hit me over the head, causing to collapse on the floor, losing my consciousness.
  Both Doctor and the shadow Doctor are enraged at my behalf. The Master claimed he need her attention on him, not on her stupid pet.
  I woke up to huge commotion. The Master is yelling something at a hologram of Ashad and his armies, asking them what happened. We could heard explosion. He turned to the Doctor asking her what has she done but the Doctor claimed it wasn't her.
  They were shouting at each other. Until a signal caught on his communication device.
  "A signal. The four taps of two hearts." The Master suddenly said in confusion.
  I glanced at those two as they started to bicker again. They are the last two Time Lords, so who was it that send him a signal?
  My heart suddenly beats faster as dread filled me.
  "The signal is getting close but something seemed to prevented it to come through..." the Doctor said as she pulled her sonic at the device that now emitting some sort of pulse. A portal suddenly appeared in the middle of the room.
  I turned toward the shadow Doctor who look at me fondly. I couldn't decipher the meaning of it for a time. He suddenly started to fade away and my eyes widened as I suddenly have a realization.
  "No!!" I shouted at both the Doctor and the Master trying to make them stop just as a pulse of energy exploded knocking all of us off our feet and I lost my consciousness once more.
  The portal opened. A man in bow-ties and dark purple suit stepped out of it.
  The Doctor and the Master groaned on the floor. They looked up to see the newcomer.
  The Doctor froze in shock when she saw her past-self. Her mouth dropped open.
  He fixed his bow-ties with a grin. "Finally..." He turned and glanced at the other two Time Lords. "Hello there."
  "Who the hell are you?" The Master asked.
  "Victorious, at your service." He said, bowing mockingly at them.
  The Doctor's face paled at the name. "But you can't be..."
  "Oh? Why not?" He asked.
  "You were me. And I never, he never..."
  "You are the Doctor. Interesting." He said, eyes gleaming in excitement.
  "You...are not me." The Doctor finally realized.
  Victorious turned toward the unconscious human at the floor. His eyes softened considerably as he walked and squatted before the human, one hand gently removed the strand of hairs covering the face. "I guess even here, you couldn't escape a Me after all, huh?" he said. He sighed as he cradled the human into his arms. His forehead touches the human gently. "Seemed like you still keep some secret from me too..." He glanced at the Time Lady before him with a chilling smile before turning to look at his human again. "You bad, bad girl, what is to be done with this?"
    A/N: I don’t know if there will be more. Maybe if inspiration hit, I will. Bear in mind, if I do write more, I might just add it in the same post instead of making another one so stay tunes? But for now, TTFN.
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fanficqueenie · 3 years
Major TW Warning!! Ab*se, Tort*re, K*dnapping, N*edles And angst, lots of it. Don't like, don't read.
Avery opened his eyes, and immediately felt his head pounding with pain. It was so bright. Where was he? He could see dark figures appearing in the light, and he blinked again, moving to rub his eyes.
Moving to rub his eyes... apparently that wasn't going to happen. Something was holding his wrists, something cold.
He tried again, to no avail. His ankles were chained, too. That's what it was, he discovered after his eyes finally adjusted to the light. Chains. The figures... they were people. People in bullet proof vests and white lab coats. But one. One was dressed in a nice, formal suit. Maybe even a tuxedo.
"It's the kid."
Avery heard the man speak, a deep, low tone.
"He's the one we could catch, sir—“ a white coat answered the man with a frantic and apologetic tone.
The man waved his hand. "No worries. None at all. This is even better.” Avery couldn't see it, but he could practically hear the sickeningly sweet smile forming on the man's mouth. Whatever he was planning, it wasn't good. Not at all.
Avery made a weak attempt to escape, trying to pull his arms off the wall behind him. The metal cuffs made a loud clang against the heavy chains, and everyone looked up.
He could see now. He could see the whites of each of the scientists eyes, scared, frightened. But... it wasn't for themselves. They were no longer worried about being punished for not grabbing one of the actual Avengers. They were terrified for him.
And that was frightening all in its own.
"Ah, you're awake!" the man said cheerfully, sauntering over. "Good to know, Avery."
Avery glared, trying to recognize the man's face. Well, he recognized it, but he just... just couldn't place it. He spat at the suit-clad man with the little saliva he had in his dry mouth.
The man looked up at Avery, disgusted. "Not going to be cooperative? Well then.” Streaks of pain flashed across Avery's vision as he was struck by the man's hand. "We're gonna have a bit of a problem."
Avery gasped for breath, chest heaving at the intense pain. He squeezed his eyes shut before reopening them. It shouldn't have hurt that much. How weak was he?
The man smiled in satisfaction. "Wondering why it hurts so much, pretty boy?" He sneered, and turned to face the room behind him. As if he were simply teaching a class, not abusing a teenager, he asked, "Can anyone tell me why he's in so much pain?" He pointed to a scientist who had shakily raised their hand.
"We injected you with a serum that amplifies your nerve endings, as well as your pain receptors," the white coat whispered, in an ashamed and hushed tone.
Avery looked up with wide eyes. That couldn't mean... no, they wouldn't. Not to a kid. Not to a kid.
The man seemed to read Avery's face. "Oh, we would, pretty boy. But not if you give me answers."
That’s when it clicked. The tone of voice, the face, the actions.
This man was none other than Alexander Pierce.
Avery decided to pretend to comply and give in at first, though he knew it would come back to bite him in a moment. "What do you need to know?" He rasped out, his normally projective voice nothing more than a breathless whisper.
"Where's Nick?" Pierce growled in Avery's face, before poking him with something rather sharp.
He hadn't even given Avery a chance to answer as the pain pushed a wave of oblivion over him, black spots clouding his vision. Avery gasped curled away from the pain naturally, only to tug on the tight restraints.
He couldn't get away from it, he was stuck. He panted heavily, squeezing his eyes shut as if he could will the pain away. It was only then that it occurred to Avery that he was shirtless, his earned wounds would be available to the eyes of prying scientists.
"Where's your adoptive father?" Pierce snarled and poked Avery again, who let out a whine of absolute pain. It hurt, it hurt so much more than it should. "Where's Nick Fury?"
He had to stay strong, he needed to. He couldn't give anything away. "I don't know! I don't know," he said. Well, scratched out.
"I think that's a lie." Pierce frowned, voice going soft for a moment. "What do you say we go easy at first?" The head man waved a scientist forward that had three syringes with needles attached.
Avery squinted, trying to figure out what they were.
There was no need. "This—this is truth serum," Pierce held one up, and then pressed it into Avery's neck, though the boy squirmed as much as he could. The little prick felt like a fly bite timed a thousand. Avery cursed, his voice full of absolute pain and dread. Pierce smiled a Cheshire smile of satisfaction. "And the other two are more pain serums. We'll use those if you still don't cooperate."
Avery shook his head. He didn't want to do this. He knew where Nick was. But he wasn't going to tell anyone. Especially not Pierce.
After living with Fury for so many years, he had undergone a lot of training. Which included building up an immunity to truth serum.
"Where's Nick?" Alexander asked politely, sitting on the edge of one of white coat's desk.
In hiding, the voice in his head said. In hiding. "Dead!" Avery spat instead, ignoring his altered instincts. "You killed him."
Pierce's face dropped into a grim glare. "I'm going to ask one more time. And then the pain serum." He gestured to the shots. "Where is Nick Fury?"
"Dead," Avery hissed weakly.
"Alright then," Pierce said simply, picking up one of the needles, holding up to the light. The amber liquid inside shone like a topaz, adding to the terrifyingly calm effect that Pierce was trying to force onto Avery. The boy shook his head, shivering with horrible anticipation of what was coming. He didn't want it. He didn't want it.
But he got it anyway.
The needle ripped into his neck like it was lead pipe instead of a small needle. He yelled out in pain, not bothering to stop the tears that began to form. It hurt, so, so, much. The pain was excruciating. And yet it was only the second of three.
"Oh... our dear boy can't take another one, can he?" Pierce said sweetly, though Avery would have to be stupid to think it was a real question. The scientists shook their heads, they knew he couldn't. Not without passing out.
Unfortunately in this case, this was a boy raised by Nicholas Joseph Fury.
"He'll have to," Pierce finished with a growl, stabbing the second needle harder than the first.
And, oh my, did it do its damage.
Avery couldn't even scream, it hurt so much. It felt like he couldn't breathe, and all the whitecoats had to watch as he gasped for unreachable air. Well, not unreachable. Impossible to feel.
"Stop, please," Avery cried, the teen reduced to a whimpering child with a simple few needles. "Please..."
"Where is Nick?" Alexander demanded again, getting into Avery's face, ignoring the trembling of the boy. "Don't you dare lie to me! The director of SHIELD is not that easy to kill!"
"Dead," Avery whispered, head hung.
"Liar," Pierce hissed, and brought a small rectangular box out of his pocket. A lighter. He lit the box, the orange flame easy to see against the scarily white blur Avery saw. He met the boy's eyes before holding the miniature blaze under Avery's chin, forcing a sharp gasp, and him to look up. "Where is Fury?!"
Avery hyperventilated, his whole body shaking in hurt and shock. He closed his wet eyes. The tears that dripped down his face shown like dewdrops on a spiderweb. What a pretty sight, in the wrong circumstances. Avery could smell the flesh beginning to burn, the searing pain hitting a moment later. He screamed a bloodcurdling scream, only stopping when his voice was lost.
Everyone knows a burn under normal circumstances hurts, a lot. But with the serum... it was a whole something else. Unworldly.
Pierce pulled the flame away, with a satisfying click as the flame died. He grinned smugly before harshly squeezing Avery's neck, cutting off his air and destroying the freshly burnt skin even more. The boy was only so tough. He had to give in.
"Ready to speak coherent words?" Alexander asked, before lighting the box once more . . .
"That's enough," the super-soldier said quietly from over Nick's shoulder. "For all of us."
Nick buried his face in his arms, leaning his torso over the table in the cold underground of the rebuilding SHIELD. Most people thought the infamous director of the earth protection agency was an unbudging, emotionless, unyielding, diehard of a person.
And most of the time he was.
Except for when it came to the boy. This boy he had raised, trained, and shared meals with. He had come to love the boy like a true father would. And the boy treated him in return, in the right respects, always.
He didn’t sass back like a normal teen. He didn't storm off to his living quarters. He didn't sneak out. He was a trooper, he was. And Fury had let Pierce get to him.
Natasha looked between Steve and Maria, sharing the parental feelings that Nick had. They had grown to like the kid. But not the same way Nick had.
Nick closed the laptop, pushing it over to Maria. "Boss?" she asked softly, quietly, kindly.
Nick didn't respond. He simply looked up, staring at the eagle-shaped logo in front of him. "He got what he deserved," he whispered angrily, thinking of Pierce. Now that he knew who had taken Avery, he wished he could've been the one to pull the trigger instead of the Black Widow.
Steve nodded, and looked at the floor. He looked back up at Natasha, cocking his head toward the door.
She hesitantly patted Nick's shoulder, letting her small hand rest there before following Steve out. She glanced back, only letting her eyes lay on the shuddering and shaking balled form in the corner for half a second.
Nick waited until he heard the door close before meeting Maria's eyes and then letting his rest on the boy as well.
"Avery," he said quietly.
The boy with light hair looked up, with wide, scared, and empty eyes. "Please leave me... it hurts, don't talk to me... don't touch me," he rocked back and forth in a ball, the several trays of food beside him untouched.
"Don't be so hard on yourself, Fury," Maria said softly.
But the dark skinned man just shook his head and sighed. "I can't, Hill."
The boy hadn't told Alexander a word.
*Reposted from quotev.com, user @.goddessofsecrets
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the-wiresmarvelau · 3 years
T.H.E. W.I.R.E.S.
Peter and his Friends are allowed to design the compound and couldn’t help but riddle it with secret tunels and hallways. While Peter installs said hallways he makes some new acquaintences who he has to help and gets help from.
Chapter 1 chapter 3
Chapter 4: arrangements 1
It was a quiet day at the palace.
There was no feast in preparation, no troops being gathered for a war and the days of children running around, playing catch or practicing with swords were long gone.
Outside the sun warmed their stone benches and the garden bloomed even more colourful than the bifröst.
On days like these Frigga couldn’t help but miss her children even more than usual.
Back when her boys had been younger, she used to spend hours with them in the gardens. Keeping an eye on Thor playing swords with the warriors three while Loki read to her or practiced shapeshifting, or sewing, or playing the harp.
The ravenette’s interests were everchanging and she had always encouraged him exploring all he possibly could.
A sigh escaped her lips as she leaned to the side, resting her head on the window frame. Halting her hands in their persistent movements of her embroidery.
‘Ironic how the most beautiful days are the saddest nowadays’ She thought.
After a few moments of revisiting memories of days like this spent outside, she felt the space behind her shift in a familiar way.
Immediately, she knew what it was.
Everyone uses the flows of magic differently, leaving signatures in the atmosphere which can be interpreted by experienced magicians or sorcerers.
“I should have figured you’d find a way” She said, a smile playing on her lips. “You never liked to stay put for long.”
Only after she had finished her sentence did she turn around.
The moment she lay eyes on her precious little boy however, she was stopped dead in her tracks.
There he was. Kneeling in the middle of the room, looking up at her like he used to do all those centuries ago.
But his chest was baren and littered with bruises and abrasions.
Every single rib was visible and his hands were shaking. The worst though was his face.
Bloody hair fell into his eyes and a silver wire was holding his mouth closed.
For the most part at least… A few of the stitches had ripped through his lips completely; leaving it sliced open in multiple places.
Of course, she was aware of her son’s reputation to lie and trick around.
He had never lied to her though.
He had kept many secrets, but had never lied to her; never tricked her.
A single tear slipped down her cheek. The cooling sensation, grounding her back into reality.
She slid down from her place at the windowsill, fighting for something.. anything to say
“I didn’t know.” was all she managed in the end.
The eyes of the illusion became soft and he inclined his head in a way that she knew meant that he was aware of that. It had always been common for him to be unwilling to speak while concentrating on something.
“How can I make this ri-ght?” she asked, looking at him for guidance.
Loki barely ever did something without thinking of the next step.
Not only that but he was also at least as much renowned for his ability to find ways out of seemingly impossible situations as he was for playing tricks.
“I found help on Midgard.” His voice announced. Right after, his illusion changed to that of a young, curly haired boy.
In the voice of this boy, he continued. “He calls himself ‘Spiderman’ and seems to be some kind of hero on his world, he agreed to find a place for me to stay. I told him to wait for you to tell him when and where to meet. You should find him in New York”
His mother nodded. “Leave the rest to me. I will get you out of there; But try to rest now, we can’t have you dying this close.”
He gave a single nod before disappearing, leaving his mother alone with her thoughts.
Frigga closed her eyes and took a deep, shuddering breath.
She should have known.
Since the beginning, Odin had been harsher towards Loki than to Thor or even other children. Spending less time with him and criticising him a lot.
When she was with them, she would always step in and with time her husband seemed to accept his son a little more… but it still didn’t sit quite right with her.
If she had just listened to her instincts.
Now it was apparent that there was something going on behind her back; and she should have known.
From the way the ravenette shrunk back whenever his adoptive father raised his voice and his reluctance to speak to him.
She should have known seeing the way Loki sometimes looked at the man with hatred on his face and from the many secrets he held.
After a few moments of wallowing in self-doubt and reproaches she pulled herself together.
Her beloved son was right. Nowhere in Asgard would he be safe; she just had to make sure that on Midgard, he would be.
With that in mind, she made her way to Heimdall.
Everyone who could find out about him had to be in the know of his circumstances.
He knew.
The moment she arrived on earth; Stephen knew that she did.
If it wasn't for the gigantic shifts in the magical currents around him, then it would have been his cloak's excited flapping and tugging in the direction of the door.
Not that he still used them much nowadays, portals were a lot more practical.
A sigh escaped his lips and he finished the protection spell he was currently putting over one of the new artefacts he had acquired.
Well aware, that such a powerful spell was easily detected by anyone with the level of inherent magical power this newcomer seemed to poses.
In but a second, he felt a shift again and knew that, whoever the new magic wielder was, they stood right behind him.
“How forthcoming of you to come by yourself. I was just about to bring you here.” The sorcerer said by way of greeting, while turning around.
To be honest, he was a little taken aback by what he saw.
Before him stood a middle-aged woman in a layered, light blue dress, reaching down to the floor.
A golden shimmering aura seemed to surround her, accenting the golden band adorning her head.
Half of her hazel-coloured hair was pulled back, while the other half fell freely around her shoulders.
What surprised him however, was not her overall appearance.
It was the strange look in her eyes, betraying her relaxed posture by mirroring a mix of desperation and determination. She seemed to be in panic but clearheaded.
Still, her warm smile almost fooled him into thinking he was mistaken.
"I take it, you are a guardian of this realm."
It wasn't a question; still he answered. "That is one way to put it." He raised a brow. "What brings you here, if I may ask?"
Being polite never hurt when talking to magicians. He had learned that the hard way.
“To come straight to the point: this is about Loki.” She began, searching his body language for clues as to how careful she had to be with her phrasing.
Since he only tensed up the tiniest bit, she deemed it safe to proceed.
“I know he has been banished for a reason. He committed terrible crimes and I don’t try to deny that, even though I have reasons to believe, it wasn’t of his own accord. That is not what this is about.” She briefly stopped to take a deep breath before continuing.
“Officially he was sentenced to a lifetime, isolated in the dungeons. My husband however has begun to outright tort-ure him.” Her voice broke and because she knew she’d have trouble continue talking without crying for her boy, she conjured up a hologram of Loki how he had shown himself to her only about an hour earlier.
The sorcerer was genuinely shocked by what he saw.
He knew he was an asshole and he didn’t exactly hold that much sympathy for the young god.
But he was still a doctor.
A retired one. But still, he had taken an oath to try and not let anyone die if he could prevent it. And he could still clearly see, that this man was close to dying if not immediately tended to. That didn’t sit right with him.
“I understand you want to help him, though I’m not sure as to what that has to do with me. I’m convinced you can get him out of there without my help.”
She answered with a wry smile. “I can, but I cannot give him a safe place to stay on Asgard. However, after all that happened, my husband wouldn’t think to look on Midgard. Someone called Spiderman? has agreed to take him in.”
As sign that he knew who she talked about, he just nodded.
Personally, he had never met him; was just barely aware of his existence. But he knew that Stark seemed to trust him, which was a feat, considering the inventor’s -not completely unwarranted- paranoia.
“To allow that I would need insurance that he won’t go rogue again.” His tone was stern.
“Depending on what you’re more concerned about, we could cast a barrier only he can’t pass, or I can give you a way to monitor any magic he will be using.”
Stephen contemplated his options for a bit bevor deciding it was best to consult the time stone.
As politely as was in his nature, he asked his guest to wait for him to come to a decision.
When he was satisfied with the number of futures he had seen and how they played out he asked for the monitoring option. Though more to be safe than because he thought it to be necessary.
The goddess was relieved to hear that and proceeded to open her hair and fish out a slim strand of black hair, which was braided into her own.
She plucked three individual hairs out of it and began to perform a complex looking spell which somehow ended up with her having a short band of colourful yarn, slowly weaving itself on one end, while the other end disintegrated.
A short instruction on how to read out of it, what magic her son was using and she was sent on her way, with the information that, if spiderman wasn’t out patrolling, he was probably either at Stark tower or the new Avengers compound that was supposed to be build.
If neither, then the sorcerer didn’t have an idea where he could be.
Meanwhile at the compound, Peter was trying to wind down from the day.
He and Ned had met up again, actually managing to code the last lines missing to make their AI operational, to a level that they could introduce it to the compound.
Immediately they had sent him over to Mr Stark so he could check everything and give his go ahead to install him properly into THE WIRES. Only a few Protocols did they hold back to not make the genius suspicious of someone being hidden.
Tony’s response had taken longer than usual because he had been in a meeting when they had sent the code.
The waiting time had been like hell for the boys; For fear they had messed up or forgotten to withhold something that could point to someone living in the walls.
In the end they had finished the service robot, Ned had started the day bevor and then decided to go outside to play around with the obstacle course the superpowered teen had built rather spontaneously.
His friends had (once again) been mildly upset that they couldn’t enjoy the training parcourse they had made for the gym.
To have one they could equally participate in, Peter had the Idea to design one specifically challenging ones jumping ability and just give his friends a tool to enable them to jump just as high as he could.
Soon he had an interesting course figured out, while Shuri had made the plans for some pretty cool prosthetics one could easily put on and have a fun time with.
A physically challenging activity such as this helped to keep the two boy’s nerves at bay while they waited.
When they finally got their go ahead, they rushed inside to install Manual in THE WIRES, welcoming him in his new home.
Delightedly they found out that everything had worked out as intended and the AI was as sarcastic as can be.
They chatted with KAREN and Manuel until Ned had to go home leaving Peter in his room to, for once, do nothing.
Currently he was laying on his stomach in an orb web-like net, hanging only inches beneath the sealing, right beside his panorama window.
He really loved how his room had turned out.
Turning his head away from the beautiful view over the compound grounds and the edge of the neighbouring forest; he let his eyes wander about the interior of the room. (visual)
In spite of traditional rooms, his was hexagonal in shape.
Originally, he had wanted to make it octagonal to match his spider aesthetics -everything covered with webs and in pairs of eight- but it hadn’t worked out how he wanted it to, so he settled for hexagons when it came to shapes, resembling how chemical structures were written down.
At last, he was glad for that decision.
On the wall opposite of him was the door; well, doors. Had he mentioned? He had a room two floors high.
The upper level consisted of only a gallery spanning a little more than one and a half wall; The one with the door (obviously) and half the one on the right-hand side when you came in.
In the corner to the left was a sofa and a chair as a sort of seating area. The right wall was lined with a bookshelf, which hadn’t yet been completely filled.
About in the middle of that wall started the double stairs leading down. Double because it was technically two curved sets of narrow steps, angled in the opposite directions with a joined middle part.
Behind the stairs was his elevate bed, which was only a little lower than the gallery and was partly let into the wall.
Around the bed were more bookcases, ending higher than the mattress lay, forming a little wall as well as a sort of nightstand.
Hidden in one part of the shelf was the entrance to his walk-in-closet beneath the bed.
Alternatively, Peter could enter it via the wall at the head end of the bed, by knocking a code on the wall, which opened it up to reveal a hole down.
To the right, when he ‘d step out of his closet was the door to his private bathroom.
If he’d look up while standing bevor it, he’d see a web, held up by two thick metal poles spanning through the middle of the room, located a good few inches higher than the gallery
Partly beneath it, on the wall opposite to the door leading into the room was a big desk with a computer on it and space for his homework.
Two thirds of this wall were made out of glass, seamlessly joining the wall next to it, to form a panorama window.
In the corner were the two glass walls met was a huge beanbag, partly let into the floor.
Lastly at the wall to the right of the door was a fireplace enclosed in a part of the wall standing a little into the room.
Bevor it stood a cosy armchair as well as a loveseat.
Beneath the gallery, in the corner near the fireplace was the other door, leading out to Tony’s floor.
Next to it was a terrarium standing like a partition. It was empty at the moment but Peter had planned to make a robotic snake to put in there.
On the other side of it was another seating area with a couch lining the terrarium and part of the walls. A flatscreen TV stood under the stairs, at the foot of his bed, a little couch table crowded the space further to make it feel like a tiny room inside if his big one.
Because big it was.
He couldn’t help but feel a little guilty with how overboard he and his friends had gone.
And that was only the ‘normal’ parts of his room.
Most of the wall space not covered by furniture had hexagonal shelves and cupboards let into them. All of them were in groups of eight and imitated a spider’s eyes in how they were sized and placed.
Many of those shelves were in places one couldn’t reach without the wallcrawler’s abilities.
Then there was the net he was currently laying in. It spanned along the two window walls
If someone other than him wanted to get up there, the teen could let down a rope ladder but most of the time it laid bundled up its corner next to the fireplace.
In the corner above his bed was another web. Unlike the other ones, which were made from soft but firm ropes, this one was made out of a permanent variant of the webs he used as spiderman.
The corner behind it was curved in a way that allowed him to completely press his back against it.
He had found that after nightmares he was sometimes overwhelmed with the urge to be as high as possible and have something solid and sticky behind him.
That’s what the web was for. It had a pattern of sticky threads woven into them and spanned a good few feet across the walls and ceiling.
Webs like these were called molt mats. They were only built by tarantulas for when they were molting and were usually located on the ground; but his human, common sense seemed to have convinced his instincts, that a higher position was safer.
His eyes lingered a little on the web.
It was purely made for comfort.
Comfort he wished he didn’t need.
...But he did.
With a sigh he looked over to the last furniture on the ceiling.
A desk with two chairs hanging over the little seating area on the gallery.
On the underside of the tables were clamps for any papers or books he wanted to read while upside down.
The height (lowness?) of both the table and seats were adjustable, so he could decide whether he wanted his feet to touch the ceiling while he hung there or not.
When he wanted to be upright, he could lower everything enough to comfortably sit on the top side, much like you would on a swing.
The free spaces of the ceiling were used much like the one on the walls; only that it was hexagonal latches, you could pull down a bit to reveal what was stored on top.
All of these latches as well as the shelves in the walls were rimmed in the same red his suit displayed. While the rest of the wall was painted in an ombre of blue. With a dark, almost black hue on the ceiling which lightened to a baby blue at the floor.
He turned his head back to the window and plucked absentmindedly at one of the ropes he lay on.
For some reason he was nervous, with his spider sense dully buzzing at the sides of his skull; like it always did when there was a test coming up or something like that.
It was probably the whole Loki situation that had him so worked up. But he couldn’t do anything more about it.
In his head he went through everything he had prepared to try and figure out if he had forgotten anything.
THE WIRES were closed and equipped with Manuel, who he had already informed of Loki’s arrival and how to handle everything.
To get food and other supplies to the trickster, they had the service robot. It had a plan of every hallway, secret or not, and knew how to plan routs that were entirely hidden.
His Watch was currently in his lab.
He wanted to modify it in a way that allowed him to switch between KAREN and Manuel; officially so the other Avengers wouldn’t get suspicious when they noticed Peter Parker had Spiderman’s AI with him.
Tony was the one who had insisted that he keep his identity a secret. The inventor still didn’t like the idea of him even being in the same room as the rogues.
What else was there…
The room for the god was long since furnished, FRIDAY wouldn’t be installed until the day after tomorrow and even then, she wouldn’t be able to trace the hidden resident via the electricity he might use because, as an emergency bunker, the room had its own arc reactor. Just in case.
A few moments of pondering later, he suddenly shot up in recognition, promptly banging his head into the ceiling.
Clothes. He didn’t have clothes for Loki.
Briefly rubbing his head, he made his way towards the wall and down.
He had to find something for him to wear.
He had roughly Clint’s size, didn’t he?
Chapter 1 Chapter 3  Chapter 5
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peppersonironi · 4 years
The Batfam sing Dumb Ways To Die
(this is inspired by chapter nine of my Batfam/Avengers crossover fic on Ao3, found here)
So I have a headcanon that the bats like to sing on patrol. They change up the lyrics to different songs to fit their own dramatic selves (It drives Bruce crazy, though he secretly loves it). Their favorite is “Dumb Ways To Die”! 
Their rendition goes like this:
Set fire to Robin's cat
Poke a stick at a grumpy bat
Drink Red’s coffee, any day a’the week
Tell Red Hood to turn the other cheek
Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways to die
Dumb ways to di-ie-ie
So many dumb ways to die
Ask Hood, who wrote Frankenstein
Listen to a Nightwing pick-up line
Tell Robin he’s not the best
Challenge Spoiler to a waffle-eat’n contest
Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways to die
Dumb ways to di-ie-ie
So many dumb ways to die
Invite a psycho-clown inside
Scratch Black Mask's brand new ride
Ask Superman, for tech support
Insult Agent A’s fresh-baked torte
Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways to die
Dumb ways to di-ie-ie
So many dumb ways to die
Let Nightwing in the kitchen
Give Red Hood some ammunition
Tell Bats, you got a tattoo
"I wonder, what's this red button do?" (Said by Bruce before proceeding to mute his comms, much to everyone’s amusment)
Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways to die
Dumb ways to di-ie-ie
So many dumb ways to die
Dress up like a clown during halloween
Tell a Martian your favorite color isn’t green
Stand on the edge of a roof next to Robin
Joyride in the Batmobile while B’s away
Run across Agent A’s flowerbeds
They may not rhyme but they're quite possibly
The dumbest ways to die
The dumbest ways to die
The dumbest ways to di-ie-ie-ie
So many dumb
So many dumb ways to die
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