#but i will admit that as questionable as the hairstyle was
sanzaibian · 21 hours
Okay, I’ll admit it. I’m still in love. And it made me do some crazy stuff.
Let me talk to you about my first love. Unrequited, of course, but still, first love.
His name was Liam. Skinny, tall, handsome, you know how late middle-school crushes look like. He was sociable, unlike me, but we still did have the kind of deep discussions that I like having, about niche interests, walking back and forth the schoolyard. I was obsessed with him, letting my imagination run wild with scenarios involving him, ranging from seeing him out of school (shock horror ! … it was actually a big deal for me...) to being somehow abducted inside his body and living life as him, with him at the helm and me helping him in daily activities. I also imagined fantastic stories about him being a herald of a magical organization of which I was also part or to which he initiated me. I even wrote them, and hold dear to my heart those worlds I made involving me and Liam.
I even planned on marrying his sister just to be close to him, because I could of course not be in a relationship with him.
Oh, sorry, did I not mention that I was denying I was anything but straight at the time ? Sorry for the misunderstanding. But yes, the whole time I interacted with my first love, I thought he was just a very important friend. How shocking it was to find out just a few years later that I was indeed in love with him.
The problem is that it didn’t stop there, when life drew us to continue school in separate places. After that time, and even now, I see him in anyone looking anything like him. For example, take this guy :
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It’s not him.
He’s older, and if I look more closely, I find more and more differences.
However, I look at him, and can only see Liam.
It drove me crazy. Those look-alikes didn’t all look alike, some being buff, some having some stubble, some even being quite short, but all sharing the same short hairstyle, and that unmistakable face.
I just… couldn’t move on, move on from a crush on a straight guy on which I never made any move. I tried finding other people to have crushes on, to fall in love with, perhaps even date, yet I failed at every step. Failed in seeing attractive men as anything more than just that, attractive, failed in meeting men with which to create meaningful relationship, failed in finding any place in the LGBT community.
And punctuating all of that, a slow but steady stream of Liam look-alikes were met in the street.
So don’t blame me if I finished by believing in my own fantasies, that we were in a magical world, with him seeking me to be a part of it, whence all of his appearances in the street. Plus, growing more and more isolated, who was there to bring me back to reality ? Certainly not the internet, as I sought out more and more obscure websites in the quest to understand what was happening to me.
It lead me first of all to psychological knowledge, most of which I have forgotten since then, then to occult, to erotica in a strange turn of events, and then, finally, to that one website that seemed to be the key to all my questions. It was on a weird Weibo post, that kind that leaves links to websites with passwords to open pirated content, that I first encountered. Thankfully, all of my yearning gave me enough frustration to study Chinese enough to read it with a dictionary on the side, so I was able to understand what that post was about.
At first I was skeptical. It was sketchy, plus what it promised was ludicrous… a simple app that would be able to answer any question with 100% accuracy, plus it claimed to use no AI. It also promised to get some “real experience of the answer”, whatever that may mean – assuming my translation of “实际的答案经历” is even correct.
However, at that point, I was desperate to get anything conclusive from this endeavor.
So I entered my question inside the machine, in the best of my poor Chinese, and asked “為什麼我遇到很多像Liam的人?” (Why do I meet a lot of people like Liam ?). Looking back, I should have written my question using simplified characters instead of traditional characters, it might have confused the app…
When I entered the question, it simply answered “谢谢您的问题!请等一下答案经验准备好了!” (Thank you for your question ! Please wait a bit for the experience of the answer to be prepared !). I felt like I was cheated on, even though I didn’t really expect much. At least give me a paywall to be angry at, but no, it was an empty sentence, giving me no catharsis for the long search for any answer to all the Liams I saw. Of why he was still sticking in my mind, of why I couldn’t move on properly.
At that point, it was already late, so, with no catharsis, I decided that this was just not worth it. I uninstalled the app, looking back likely also a mistake, and decided to clock out for the night.
I didn’t sleep well that night, moving a lot, and never able to completely enter the realm of dreams. Instead of plunging in a seemingly instant coma, I was slowly and painfully experiencing all the hallucinations of slumber, tense and sweating.
The next day, when I woke up, nothing felt right.
The bed didn’t feel right, the room didn’t feel right, the weight didn’t feel right, the hair didn’t feel right… even the morning wood didn’t feel right. Yet… there was something undeniably familiar to everything. As if it’s inside the uncanny valley between being what is known to me and what isn’t. I stood up, the height also didn’t feel right… I walked a bit dizzily, and though I could blame my recent waking for that, the way my weight was distributed was too strange to dismiss it on this basis.
So, as any good protagonist in the erotica stories I read in my futile quest, I headed for the bathroom. The house layout wasn’t what I remembered, yet it still felt familiar and easy to navigate, so I found my way to it.
And although I already expected it, all the clues pointing to this very fact, I was still shocked when I saw my reflection.
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Let me tell you, nothing, nothing can prepare you for the experience of looking at a stranger in the mirror. Not even dysphoria, I tell you.
Because it was so unsettling, seeing the one thing that is supposed to always be familiar, that is supposed to only change little by little, so slowly enough that the human brain cannot process it changing, be so radically different. To not look like oneself, to not have even the same shape, as I was suddenly buff.
And to look like Liam.
I was unable to do anything but stand, bewildered, in front of the mirror, for quite a long while, trying to make sense of what I was seeing. However, finally, I snapped out of my inaction. I automatically reached for the gel and spiked my hair up, even though I never even touched hair gel in my entire life, before going back to my bedroom to find my computer.
All I found was a laptop, but it sufficed. I go little by little to find back the trace of that Weibo post – installing a Chinese keyboard at the same time – but find little luck. Although I did find some familiar-looking webpages and links, I had a hard time finding anything…
Then, suddenly, it was 10AM, and I remembered that I was supposed to go to the gym. And that I didn’t even take the time to prepare my protein shake… God, I was so taken by my sudden transformation that I didn’t even think about the essential !
It took me until I was greeted by the gym receptionist as “Liam” to notice that I wasn’t actually supposed to work out, only the body I was in was.
It shook me, but not enough to forget to answer the receptionist as I always do. I put away my things in the locker room, and made my way to the machines, performing a well-oiled routine, going from one machine to the other automatically. It was good that everything came to me this naturally, as otherwise I would have found myself silly, standing in front of the machines wondering how they worked.
As I was working out, I was thinking on this whole… experience. Quite clearly, I am not who I used to be, nor where I used to be, yet I was acting perfectly reasonably inside the role of the one who is called Liam – that is not, to my disappointment, the Liam I knew. I only look like him. It seems that, somehow, the Liam I inhabit and I merged, letting me insert myself in the life of that Liam seamlessly, yet still keeping my shock, my interests and my wishes intact. As if I was living the life of the one I had taken the body of, only really acting like myself when the Liam I now am has no obligations.
Coming back “home”, I continued my search, and found the original app that triggered this whole thing. Yet, I couldn’t find a way to reverse what it had done, not within the app, nor inside the documentation, plus the app wouldn’t grand any other answer but “谢谢您使用我们应用,请跟朋友转转!” (Thanks for using our app, please share a bit with friends !).
So I guess I now have to live inside this alien body that is in all manners similar to my first love, even in name. I mean, there are worse fates, especially as this Liam thankfully also seems to be into men, yet I cannot help but feel unhappy about this arrangement. Although I now partly am the Liam I inhabit, I can’t help but feel like I have robbed him of his life, forcing him to sit at the back of my mind, experiencing his life in the third person. Plus, I can’t possibly get used to not being me, and especially not to looking just like the Liam of my memories.
Which lead me to my realization that motivated me to write about this.
The reason why I still find Liam everywhere in the streets (even now, inside the body of one of his look-alikes) isn’t that he has facial features rare enough to be noticeable, yet common enough to be shared by a big number of people. No, it’s the fact that I’m still thinking of him, which makes my brain look for people who look like him, whence seeing the resemblances with the Liam I knew rather than all the differences. And why do I still think of him ? The answer seems to be that I still haven’t moved on, that I’m still in love with my first love.
However, now that his face is the one that is reflected in the mirror...
Am I ever going to be able to move on and find love ?
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i need the reasoning behind this Choice explained to me, really i do, because lord farquaad cameos were not on my s2 bingo card
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emjayewrites · 3 months
Lil’ Crush (Lewis Hamilton x Black!Fem Hairstylist Reader)
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SYNOPSIS: Lewis has a huge crush on his hairstylist.
PAIRINGS: Lewis Hamilton x black!fem hairstylist reader (Y/N)
WARNINGS: cursing, slow burn at first, obvious sexual tension, sexual content. RATED R (minors DNI/18+)
TAGLIST: @queenshikongo3 @cocobutterqwueen @httpsserene @mauvecherie-writes @pausmoon @a-moment-captured @yeea-nah @melodichaeuxx-lacritquexx @lewisroscoelove @hxneyclouds @questionable-behaviour @lovebittenbyevans @tian-monique @alika-4466 @saintslewis @cherry2stems @planetmimi @woderfulkawaii @d3kstar @liamundi @trinitoldyouso @scorpiobleue @pharaohanubis0 @certifiedlesbianbaddie @serpenttines-library @peyiswriting @royallyprincesslilly @motheroffae @hrlzy @sinflowersugar @hopefulromantic1
A/N: Just something cutesy/nasty to hold everyone over as I take a step back from writing 🤗 This will be the only part.
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Lewis tolerated your occasional tardiness at appointments, despite his dislike for waiting on others. Time and time again, you apologized, citing car troubles or traffic or double booking as the reason. But Lewis didn't mind; all that mattered was that you always showed up and delivered exceptional work.
You were skillful at your job, always in a chipper mood, explorative, and knowledgeable about your craft. You taught him the basics on how to take proper care of his hair, telling him what products to use for his specific hair pattern. You were licensed, a continuous learner of the industry, but most of all you weren’t afraid to put him in his place.
Although he hated to admit it, he enjoyed how straightforward you were, telling him off and letting him know that all of his championships, his celebrity, you couldn’t care less about it. Now, if that was anyone else, of course that will be the last time they will be within his inner circle, yet it was you.
They dubbed you “Lewis’ girl”, not meant disrespectfully but because there were rumors that Lewis forbids anyone else from pursuing you. He would never admit it openly, but you were special to him - his confidante. And he wasn't willing to let anyone else have you.
It wasn't possessiveness, just a desire to keep you all to himself. So he came up with a plan, vowing to be honest with himself and stop playing games. But knowing Lewis, it would probably take a while.
Until then, he continued pining - casual flirting here and there that goes under your radar, small gifts, giving you his undivided attention. The works. It was you after all.
Once again, you joined Lewis for another race weekend. Despite your growing fame and clientele, you made sure to schedule around Lewis's busy racing schedule. He always spoke highly of you and his fans loved every hairstyle you created for him since becoming his permanent hairstylist toward the end of last season.
Lewis only gave you the best: from hair tools to flights and hotel rooms, whatever you needed, you received it. After all, you were his girl.
Another race in another country. This time you found yourself in Japan. A first time for you whereas a countless number for him. Lewis flew you out first class and booked you a suite with a view. It was your first time, so you had to have a great experience.
Your hair was in its natural state, perfect spiral curls from your flexi rod set. Lewis loved your hair like this, how it framed your face beautifully and reflected your personality. You were always experimenting with different styles - silk presses, bohemian braids, wigs - and they all worked flawlessly. Despite claiming to not be into fashion as much as Lewis, he couldn't help but compliment your impeccable outfits.
You were in your own world, moving around freely as you listened to a song from one of your many playlists. You just finished washing his hair and was now in the midst of detangling his curls before blow-drying.
Lewis had always prided himself on being a disciplined and focused athlete, but when it came to you, he was powerless. Every time he saw you, his heart raced and his mind went into overdrive, imagining all the ways he could make you moan and scream his name, especially with the outfit that you wearing.
He had a preference for skirts over pants on you, admiring how they showed off your long legs despite being a few inches shorter than him. Your ass looked amazing whether you wore pants or skirts, but there was something about you in a skirt that drove him wild with desire. Many nights, he dreamt of bending you over, reveling in how the skirt would rise up to reveal your thighs and perfect backside. He imagined taking you from behind, delivering mind-blowing thrusts and relishing in the sounds you made when you were near climax. You bent over in a skirt, wet and willing for him - it was one of his favorite fantasies. Another was listening to your sultry voice praising him, a kink he didn't know he had until you comforted him after a tough race. As you paused in the middle of braiding his hair to hold him close and speak softly, it aroused him more than he'd like to admit.
The sight of you in that skirt today distracted him like no other. The way the fabric clung to your thighs, subtly emphasizing your hips and drawing attention to the gentle curve of your waist, was nothing short of intoxicating. He could have spent hours just watching you move, the hem of the skirt brushing against your calves as you walked, offering fleeting glimpses of skin that sent a shiver through him. But he knew he had to control himself, or risk losing all restraint and giving into his desires right then and there.
Lewis sat in his seat, stealing glances at you and attempting to distract himself from thoughts of confessing his feelings. He had been keeping them hidden for months, fearing that revealing them would destroy the strong bond of friendship that had grown between you over the past year. Before meeting you, Lewis was known as guarded by his close friends and family, but your presence had slowly broken down the barriers he had constructed after his breakup with his ex.
“Any ideas on what you want to get done today, or are you open to trying something new?” you ask as you part his hair into four neat sections.
Lewis winces as the comb glides through his tight coils, causing him to shift in his seat and prompting you to gently guide him back.
So tender-headed, you thought to yourself. But it was always worth it for the end result - styling Lewis' hair was one of your favorite things to do. You talked about everything and nothing - work, family, hobbies - and each time, Lewis opened up a little more. Plus, he was easy on the eyes.
He hummed thoughtfully before answering, "Hmm, let's go with the usual fade on the sides and maybe some blonde in the braids."
"Okay, I see you, Lew Lew," you exclaimed, causing him to chuckle.
As you worked on his hair, Lewis couldn't help but admire your skill and grace. You had always been artistic and creative, but watching you braid his hair was simply mesmerizing.
"How's it looking so far?" you asked, holding up a mirror for him to inspect the back of his head.
Lewis tilted his head to the side, admiring your handiwork. "Perfect as always," he replied with a smile.
"Good," you said with a satisfied nod before returning to braiding.
"So how have things been going for you lately?" He asks, breaking the comfortable silence between the two of you.
You pause for a moment before replying, "Pretty good actually. I've been busy with work. I got a lot of new clients."
"That's great to hear," Lewis smiles warmly at you. "You deserve all the success that's coming your way."
Your heart flutters at his words and you feel a warm flush spreading across your cheeks. Lewis often showed such overt affection towards you, but it still made you giddy.
"Thanks," you reply with a shy smile. "And what about you? How's everything been since your last race?"
Lewis hesitates for a moment before answering, "It's been...strange. But good." He reaches up to rub at his neck nervously. "I've been feeling different lately. I was in a sour mood about the car this season, but I’m just trying to enjoy the rest of the races."
"As you should, King," you say, making him grin widely. Lewis closed his eyes in relaxation as you worked on him, massaging oil into his scalp as you continued to section off his hair. He enjoyed feeling your hands on him, how gentle you were. "Don't fall asleep on me now," you reply with a laugh as you catch him dozing off.
"I'm not sleeping, just resting my eyes," he responded, trying to play it cool.
"Mmmhmm," you said skeptically, remembering the last time he had said that and ended up snoring away. "You said that last time and your ass was out like a light."
Lewis chuckled sheepishly. "Well, don't be so good at your job," he teased playfully.
"Bye, Lewis," you quipped in a dismissive tone, rolling your eyes. "Flattery will get you nowhere,” you shoot back with a wink before continuing to massage his scalp.
After a few minutes, you finish applying the hair oil and begin braiding the remaining sections of Lewis' hair. You work quickly and efficiently, your hands moving in sync as if they were made for this very task.
"You never cease to amaze me with your skills," he says sincerely.
"Well, I have a pretty amazing canvas to work on," you reply with a smile, referring to Lewis' hair.
He chuckles before getting serious again. "But seriously though, thank you for always taking care of me."
You pause in your braiding and look at him with concern. "Of course Lewis. You know I'm always here for you."
"I do know that," he says softly patting your arm.
Your heart races at the intimacy of the gesture. Lewis clears his throat and sits straighter in the chair.
"Alright, enough of that," he says, "what are your plans for the week?"
"Well, I was going to hang out here for another day or so then head back home to rest before I travel for another client."
"What do you mean 'stay for a day or so'?" Lewis asked incredulously. "Y/N, the suite is reserved until the end of the week. This is your first time in Japan; don't leave so soon."
I want to spend more time with you, Lewis thought to himself. But he couldn't express those feelings out loud, at least not yet.
"I have to rest, Lew," you stated, trying to sound firm.
"You can rest here," was his response, making you frown slightly. Although you didn't mind spending more time with Lewis, you didn't want to intrude on his personal space.
"What are you trying to do, convince me to stay longer so that you can bother me?" you teased half-heartedly, trying to hide your true feelings.
Lewis chuckled and shook his head. "No, I just don't want you to miss out on all that Japan has to offer. Plus, I would love for you to experience it with me."
His words tug at your heartstrings. You couldn't resist that charming smile and pleading look in his eyes.
"Fine," you finally relent with a smile. "But only if you promise not to bother me too much."
"Deal," he says with a grin before pulling out his phone. "I’m texting the guys now to tell them that you’re coming with us to dinner."
"Of course you are," you say as you finish up the last braid and give it a final spritz of hairspray. "All done."
Lewis rises from the chair and swivels around to face a mirror, examining his new hairstyle with a satisfied grin before turning his attention towards you. "Looks amazing."
"It was my pleasure," you reply with a warm smile.
The moment feels charged with unspoken tension, and for a moment, you both just stand there looking at each other until Lewis’ phone dinged with a text.
He checks the message and his grin widens. "It’s Miles," he informed you. "Looks like they're already waiting for us at the restaurant. You good to go?"
You glanced down at your outfit. You freshened up earlier and was currently wearing a mini cargo skirt and a black bodysuit. Simple yet stylish nonetheless. You nod, gathering your purse and other necessities then slipped into a pair of heels. You followed Lewis out of the suite and into the elevator. The ride down was quiet, but you can feel Lewis' gaze on you, making you shift slightly under his scrutiny.
As soon as the elevator doors open, Lewis leads you through the hotel lobby to one of the hotel’s restaurants.
Lewis fills you in on some interesting facts about Japan and its culture as you walk to your table. You find yourself hanging on to every word he says, enjoying not only his knowledge but also his company.
The rest of the guys are already seated, chatting animatedly amongst themselves.
Miles jumps up from his seat when he sees Lewis and rushes over to give him a hug. "Hey, bruv! Glad you could make it," he says before turning to face you with a warm smile. "Y/N, how are you babygirl? Looking as gorgeous as ever."
"I’m doing great." You greeted Lewis' best friend with a warm smile and leaned in for a hug. The embrace lingers longer than you expected, with Miles holding onto you tightly before finally pulling away. You don't think anything of it, as Miles is just as, if not more, flirtatious than Lewis. However, you can't help but notice Lewis's scowl from the corner of your eye. You then greeted Andrew and Tim, engaging in light conversation with them.
"Seriously, cut it out," Lewis whispered to Miles as he watched you talking to his friends.
Miles looked confused. "I just said hi, I can still talk to Y/N, right?"
"It's not about that, man. Just tone down the hugging and all that." Lewis was trying to keep his jealousy in check, but he didn't appreciate Miles being too touchy-feely. Miles was a hugger by nature, but sometimes he could be excessive.
"Relax, bruv," Miles said quietly so only Lewis could hear. "You need to be honest with her and stop messing around. If you keep dragging your feet, you'll end up losing her to someone else."
"But she--"
"Lew, are we going to eat or are you two going to have a private conversation all night?" you interrupted playfully, causing Andrew and Tim to laugh.
Miles nudged Lewis towards the booth. "Go sit next to your girl and quit being a dickhead."
Lewis chuckled and playfully swatted him away before doing as he was told and sitting next to you. He placed an arm around the length of the seat, engulfing you with his closeness and the addictive smell of his cologne. "Get whatever you want, Y/N."
"Oh okay, big spender," you say as you peruse the menu, your eyes stopping at the wagyu. "What if I want this?"
Lewis made a face of disgust at your choice. "You know how I feel about meat, but if you want it, you can have it."
Smiling mischievously, you pointed out another expensive option. "And this too?"
Lewis shrugged. "Anything you want."
You raise an eyebrow at him and put the menu down. "Are you sure? Because I can keep going."
Lewis laughs, knowing exactly what you’re doing. "Okay, okay. Let’s not bankrupt me. You can get things within reason. I don’t want you to become a little brat."
"I’m almost there with the way you’ve been spoiling me lately," you said. "I mean, who flies out their hair braider in first class?"
Lewis chuckled as he leans in closer, whispering in your ear. "Well, I can't have my girl flying in economy."
"Your girl?" you scoff, rolling your eyes as you continue playing the game with him. Lewis has always been a flirt, and sometimes the two of you engage in playful banter, but it never goes beyond that. A small part of you can't help but wonder if all the rumors about him being great in bed are true, and the thought briefly crosses your mind to take things further. However, your professionalism always took precedence, and you kept a decorum between the two of you. "So what’re you? My Sugar Daddy?"
"If that's what you want, I can definitely make it happen." He wiggled his eyebrows playfully, causing you to laugh and shake your head.
"You wish," you teased, knowing that Lewis was not one to shy away from spending money on those he cared about.
The conversation continued to flow easily between the two of you, with Miles and the others occasionally interjecting with their own comments and jokes. You couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment of normalcy amidst the chaos and hectic schedule of race weekends.
As the night went on and dinner came to an end, Lewis insisted on paying for everything before escorting you out of the restaurant.
"Thanks for dinner," you said sincerely as Lewis walked you back to your suite. "I had a great time."
Lewis smiled warmly at you as he watched you open the door. "Anytime, Y/N. Can’t have my girl out here starving."
"There you go with the 'my girl' bullshit," you say. "I bet you say that to every woman you’re around."
"Nah," he replied. "Only to you. You’re my girl."
You gave him a quick examination, noting how his frame filled out his clothes. He appeared to have bulked up since the last time you saw him; clearly, he had been spending some serious time in the weight room. You were fully aware of Lewis' reputation as a womanizer and didn't want to be just another conquest, yet you couldn't deny his attractiveness. And with him staring at you with such intense focus, you felt yourself on the verge of giving in to temptation.
"Why are you so quiet?" he asked you, pulling you out of your reverie.
"Honest answer?"
“Of course.”
"Just admiring you," you boldly stated, catching him a bit off-guard. "I’m surprised that you never tried anything with me. I mean, we flirt, but it never ends in anything."
Lewis looked at you with a mixture of surprise and curiosity, his eyes searching yours for any sign of jest, but the serious expression on your face told him otherwise.
"Well, to be honest," he began, "I didn't want to overstep any boundaries. You’re my hairstylist and I respect you."
"Is that all it is? Respect?" you inquired, unable to keep the hint of bitterness out of your voice.
Lewis hesitated for a moment before reaching out to tuck a wayward strand of hair behind your ear. "Of course not," he said softly. "I think you're an amazing person. It's just... I don’t want to ruin our friendship or make things awkward between us."
"We're grown adults," you told him. "Trust me, I wouldn't be even considering this if I thought it was going to fuck up everything."
Lewis searched your face for any signs of hesitation or doubt, before finally nodding in understanding. "I know…and you have no idea how much…fuck Y/N…you have no idea how bad I want you."
"Then show me," you challenged.
Without hesitation, Lewis leaned in and captured your lips in a heated kiss. The passion and desire between you two was palpable as his hands roamed over your body, pulling you closer to him. You eagerly responded, your own hands roaming over his muscular frame, feeling every inch of him.
After what felt like an eternity, you pulled away slightly, both of you gasping for air. "Wow," you breathed out, looking into Lewis' dark eyes.
"Yeah," he agreed, his voice low and husky. "I've been wanting to do that for a long time." Lewis rested his forehead against yours and whispered, "Let's take this somewhere more private."
Nodding in agreement, you grabbed his hand and led him inside your suite, shutting the door behind you.
Once inside, there was no slowing down. He lifted you up effortlessly and carried you to the bedroom, gently laying you down on the bed before crawling on top of you. His lips found yours again as his hands continued to explore every inch of your body. You moaned into his mouth as he kissed and nipped at your neck, sending shivers down your spine.
Lewis' hands traveled down to your hips where he began to unzip your skirt. "You don't understand how bad I wanted to do this, especially with how you kept teasing me with these fuckin' skirts," he groaned, tossing the skirt aside before trailing kisses down your chest.
You let out a breathy moan, arching into his touch as his hands found their way under your shirt before he removed it and the bra you wore. His touch was electric, sending sparks through your body and igniting a fire within you. You ran your fingers through his hair as he continued to leave a path of kisses down your body, finally reaching the waistband of your panties.
He looked up at you with dark eyes filled with desire and need before sliding them off of you. You couldn't help but feel self-conscious under his intense gaze, but he leaned in to press a soft kiss against the inside of your thigh, leaving a trail of wet kisses along the way to your womanhood.
"Look at how wet this pussy is for me," he commented as he glanced at your glistening mound. "You’ve been craving a nigga badly, huh?"
You couldn't even form a coherent response as Lewis dipped his head between your legs, his tongue expertly finding all the right spots and sending you into a frenzy of pleasure. You moaned and writhed under his touch, your hands gripping the sheets tightly as he brought you closer and closer to the edge.
When you finally came undone, it was with a loud cry of his name. He didn't stop there though, continuing to lick and suck at your sensitive folds until you were begging him to stop.
"You taste so good," he murmured, licking his lips before crawling back up to kiss you again.
You could feel his hard length pressing against your thigh and couldn't wait any longer. You reached for the waistband of his pants, but he stopped you, shaking his head.
"So impatient," he whispered against your lips.
"Shut up," was your response, making him chuckle. He stood up from the bed and quickly undressed himself before returning to hover over you.
"Tell me what you want," he demanded, positioning himself at your entrance.
"I want you inside me," you moaned without hesitation.
Lewis didn't waste any time thrusting into you in one smooth motion. The feeling of being filled by him was almost overwhelming as he started moving in a steady rhythm. You wrapped your legs around him, urging him on as your nails dug into his back. He groaned as he felt your tight walls clenching around him. He had been waiting for this moment for what felt like forever. He had imagined it a thousand times in his head, but nothing could compare to the real thing.
Lewis started moving faster, the sound of skin slapping against skin filling the room. Your moans and whimpers only spurred him on as he chased his own pleasure.
You couldn't believe how good it felt. You had been with other guys before, but none of them could compare to Lewis. He seemed to know exactly how to touch you, how to make you feel like you were on cloud nine.
"You're so fucking tight," he groaned, his thrusts becoming more erratic. "So fucking wet."
He leaned down and captured one of your nipples in his mouth, swirling his tongue around it while still pleasuring you. You wrapped your arms around his neck, wanting to feel even closer to him. The intensity was building inside you and you knew you were close to another climax.
Lewis must have sensed it too because he reached between your bodies to rub your clit while still thrusting into you and sucking your nipples. It was too much and you screamed his name as you came undone again, your body shaking with pleasure.
He followed closely after, his hips stuttering before finally stilling as he spilled himself inside of you.
You both stayed in that position for a few moments, catching your breaths and enjoying the afterglow of sex. Lewis rolled off of you eventually and pulled you close against his chest.
"Damn," he murmured into your hair. "That was amazing."
You smiled contentedly, feeling more connected to him than ever before.
"I can't believe I waited this long," he continued, placing soft kisses along your forehead. "I should have made a move on you ages ago."
You laughed softly and snuggled closer to him.
"Well I'm glad you finally did," you replied, feeling completely happy and satisfied in that moment.
The two of you spent the rest of the night tangled up in each other, talking and laughing until you both fell asleep in each other's arms.
The next morning, you woke up to the smell of coffee and the sound of Lewis moving around. You stretched and smiled, feeling content and at peace.
"Good morning," Lewis said, walking into the bedroom with a mug of coffee. He handed it to you before sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Morning," you replied, taking a sip of the hot drink. "Thank you for this."
He grinned. "Anything for my girl."
Your heart fluttered at his words, still not quite used to hearing him call you that, but it felt right and it made you smile even more.
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mire1li · 4 months
Reader as Alastor's Mother part 3
So I took a little while oops Part 1!, Part 2!
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𓋼 You brush his hair every morning. He pretends to find it annoying but he secretly loves it.
Whenever you'd brush his hair, you'd sometimes mention how short it was and that you couldn't do any hairstyles with it, which, on one hand, was good for his pride, but on the other hand, made you sad which also made him slightly sad. So he made the very rational decision to grow his hair out for you so that you could style it one day!
"Alastor, is your hair longer than before?"
"Hm? Is it?" he would never admit he did it for you! 𓋼 At one point, you were in the lobby with everyone else and you started wondering about Alastor's ears since he never actually mentioned anything, of course, you remembered Charlie's constant pleading to pet him, to which he always refused with his typical "Ha! No.", which made you more curious, if perhaps you could get away with it as his mother.
So, only naturally, you placed your hand atop his head and pet him, his ears lightly twitching. Charlie squealed. Of course she did.
"Oh my gosh! Can I do that too?!" she asked
"Haha! Absolutely not."
She wasn't very happy. She ended up pouting the entire day, Vaggie having to comfort her. To Charlie, it was like someone telling her not to pet a cute cat! Absolutely heartbreaking 𓋼 On that specific day, you also asked if he had a tail, and considering he had ears, it would make sense for there to be a tail too. Of course, silly Alastor was too embarrassed to answer in front of everyone, so he avoided the question!
"You're very positive today, Mother, did something good happen?"
"Nothing in particular, so about your tail-!"
"That's for me to know and you to… maybe, find out, Mother!"
You asked him about it again when you two weren't around the others, so he decided to show you! it was a nice revelation. 𓋼 You noticed that the shadow Alastor has following you around all the time, sometimes disappears, so you used that opportunity to go meet Lucifer as he invited you for tea countless times, and who are you to decline such a kind invitation?
When Alastor realised he couldn't find you anywhere in the hotel, he panicked and searched every inch of it multiple times, until Vaggie had finally had enough and asked him what happened.
"What are you doing, Alastor?"
"Searching for my Mother! She's gone missing, you see!" of course, he had a menacing look on his face.
"She mentioned she was going out for a while"
"Oh? And did she say… where?"
"Nope, well anyway, good luck!"
Yeah, Vaggie just left him. So he waited for you patiently at the hotel entrance. When you finally returned, he clung to you like his life depended on it, asking you many questions. 𓋼 I feel like whenever the Overlords had important, confidential, meetings, Alastor would immediately return to the hotel and tell you all about them, whether it be out of spite or fun. You definitely enjoyed knowing all the things going on in hell. 𓋼 You and Niffty put makeup on him when he was asleep and pinned his hair back (Alastor was pretending to sleep, just letting you two do your thing). Angel started laughing and giving him silly nicknames when he saw his hair, which inevitably caused him to shake his head very fast, removing the pin from his hair. 𓋼 Your first birthday with everyone. Of course, Alastor threw you a party. It was meant to be a surprise but considering he’s always with you, you found out because he was more secretive than before (you managed to guilt-trip him into telling you what he was hiding) 𓋼 For Christmas (if you celebrate it), you decorate Alastor with Christmas lights! He says he hates it but he definitely doesn’t, although it certainly made him a little bit scarier when he did that spooky thing with his eyes!
"Mother. Please do explain again why you decided to put christmas lights on me."
"You're more colourful this way!" you turned the lights on, so that now they were switching between multiple colours
Angel and Niffty ended up hanging a few baubles on his antlers too, before he noticed. 𓋼 Charlie had asked about your time alive so you began telling her, and everyone else who was listening, about some silly stories! When Alastor came into the lobby and heard you telling an embarrassing story about him, his ears lightly twitched and flattened against his head. He was just a little bit embarrassed.
Of course, he tried to leave again, unnoticed, however, the all-too bubbly charlie saw him and invited him to join.
"Alastor! [Name] was just telling us stories, come join us!"
"Alastor, darling, Charlie is being very kind! You need to be around these souls more! Come join."
Of course, he can't say no to you, so he ended up sitting by your side as you continued to tell the story about him, you lightly pet him and hugged him from time to time. Although his ears still stayed flat against his head. 𓋼 You wanted to make a flower crown, but since no flowers actually existed in hell, you had to make do with other things (paper). Yes, you made paper flowers and then turned them into a makeshift flower crown, which you then placed on top of Alastor's head.
"Darling, I made you a paper flower crown!" 𓋼 Alternatively, you may've decided to sneak out again to find Lucifer.
"Luci, can you sneak us into Heaven?"
"Heaven?! Why?"
"I need flowers"
"Why would you need flowers?"
"To make Alastor a flower crown!"
Yeah, he wasn't too excited about that idea but he still agreed, although it did take a bit of… bribery…
"I'll… give you a kiss if you agree!"
"Let's go!" he opened the portal immediately and took you with him.
In the end, you got all the flowers you needed (after being chased out by Lute and Adam), so you were both… somewhere in hell, for sure.
"So… about what you said, before I got us into Heaven…"
"Oh, right!" You never specified where you'd kiss him so you simply kissed his cheek, he was a little disappointed but it's alright, you got Alastor a lovely flower crown! 𓋼 I feel like he would've been very afraid of spiders when he was alive, and then you were left with the task to exterminate any that entered your home (whether or not you were also afraid) 𓋼 You were quite a fan of new technology (though not completely obsessed), it made life far easier for you, though Alastor always 'confiscated' everything when he was around as he wasn't too keen on it.
"Mother, I don't see what you like about this device so much."
"It's simple to use and makes things quite a bit simpler than back when we were alive."
"I think it's pointless."
"Yes, you've always been a fan of radio… I see that obsession has stuck, even after death"
"It is not an obsession, Mother. I prefer 'fascination'!"
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 months
I´m struggling with a writing research question and you seem like the person to ask, so I hope you don´t mind me showing up here: do you happen to know when girls/teenagers made the transition to adult style dress (i.e. full length skirts, or at least I´m under the impression that this is the distinction)? My brain insists it´s 17ish, but of course I can´t find the reference now that I´m looking, nor any other. The story is set in the (late) victorian period.
16-17, yes! You were pretty much on the money there. this chart, printed in Harper's Bazaar in 1868, expresses the generally agreed-upon age ranges, although of course individual practice could have a 1 or 2 year margin of error
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(the implication being, of course, that at 16 she would adopt the instep-length skirts of adulthood. the reason it says "2-16" is the toddlers often wore longer skirts than girls who could confidently walk. I'm not fully sure why that was, I admit, but I'm pretty sure what they mean is "this length is theoretically appropriate for girls of all ages between 2 and 16")
(and keep in mind that these are approximations and magazine ideals- I generally average it out to "knee-length when very young, calf-length when a pre-teen or young teenager." parents weren't necessarily freaking out because their 12-year-old daughter had her skirts an inch shorter than Harper's said she ought to. not everybody saw this chart; not everybody had the ability or desire to hit precisely every benchmark on the list at its assigned age. it's a good general rule of thumb, basically)
this whole "long skirts = adulthood" thing started around the 1820s-30s, of course. before then, little girls and adult women had pretty much identical hemlines. and hairstyles; see also, mid-late Victorian and Edwardian practice of putting one's hair Up as a sign of maturity around the same age as letting down skirts
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tomieafterdark · 1 year
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hate fucking with Eren drabble..18+
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want more? I got you<3 here’s my masterlist
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pairing: Eren x fem!reader
cw: hate fucking, sex through the prison bars from that one season 4 scene, no prep but reader is wet enough by just seeing Erens drastic glow up, vaginal sex, ass slapping, choking, hair pulling.
a/n: I haven’t watched season 4 properly and that includes this scene so if something is missing you know why😭 anyways enjoy this drabble, I am having a writers block kinda so I am stuck on my requests and longer fics rip.
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Hange just came back up from asking Eren some questions, it seems she didn’t have much of a breakthrough though.
“He kept babbling on about fighting…” she said and sat down with the others. She looks disappointed as she continues explaining what else had happened.
You wanted to go down and check on Eren knowing damn well Eren despises you. Ever since you first met, you’ve had this weird energy of constantly competing or tearing each other down. Deep down inside maybe you were just looking for a way to let out your pent up anger and sadness, to tease Eren or full on argue with him. You just needed an outlet for your feelings…
As you get closer to his cell, he is still mumbling to himself about fighting. What a weirdo. And he is shirtless with a freaking manbun, you take a minute to stare at him not knowing he is aware, his body looks like it was carved by the gods themselves. As much as you despised Eren, you couldn’t help but admit he was so attractive right now, he has changed a lot.
“How long are you going to stand there and not talk, you know I am not deaf. I heard you walk down.” He says, his voice is husky and sends chills down your spine. You hadn’t seen Eren for a while, last time you saw him he was annoying and whiny and just cried a lot…this time he is different. You bite your bottom lip. His face was hotter too, that hairstyle looks like it was invented just for him.
“Whatever.” You say in a bratty tone, and walk closer to him.
He doesn’t care, he is just sitting on the edge of the bed now. He looks annoyed, as if he was doing something important earlier and had been interrupted.
You start to bother him on purpose, hoping for a reply. He must be equally desperate to let out his pent up emotions because he argues back. Suddenly you and Eren are full on arguing about god knows what because it doesn’t make sense to anyone but you two. It goes from petty things to you bursting into tears, asking Eren why he has changed so much and why he is hurting everyone he once cared about. Eren doesn’t take kindly to that last part, you don’t know it but you hit a sore spot inside of him.
He grabs you by the collar of your shirt through the bars, eyes full of hatred and rage with a hint of pain and regret if you look deeper. You don’t stop there, you’re so angry and upset you end up bringing his mom into it, and then the real hell breaks loose.
He yells at you to leave her out of it, you scream back about everything that’s wrong with his behaviour and plans and how she would never approve of this. You’re trying to reach the little humanity he had left in him but it’s not working, the tension between you becomes weirdly sexual at some point. He can’t deny the tension and neither can you, he may have neglected his humanity but that doesn’t mean it’s not there deep within him, screaming to be let out, to express its feelings. The very feelings he has been pushing down to work toward his goal, pushing everything else aside. With you being here, and the sexual tension already between you the grief and pain chooses to express itself sexually.
He turns you around, with little care for how it affects you or if it hurt. He is rough with you, even though there’s literal bars between you he doesn’t seem to care. He pulls you in close, you can feel his breath on your neck. You giggle in response to Eren’s rough manhandling. “Geez, I didn’t know you had this side to you. Last time we argued it just ended with you crying like a bitch!” You laugh.
He slaps your face really hard in return, causing you to moan a little. Something about his cold broken energy just made you so attracted to him, and the carelessness and manhandling only made you more weak in the legs. You had not planned for this sexual tension to arise with Eren. Sure, all your arguing earlier helped you release the anger you were wanting to express but the sexual side of you needed release too and Eren’s glow up alone had awakened it. You hadn’t had sex in so long, too much work and too little time for anything else left you neglecting your sexual needs a lot.
You arch your back and push your ass up against Eren, to your surprise you’re met with some hardness. “Arguing makes you hard? You really are a mess Eren Yeager” you say to him in a snarky tone and laugh.
“Shut the fuck up, aren’t you the one pushing your ass all up against me like a bitch in heat?” He says in a husky voice that sends shivers down your spine. You almost accidentally moan yes daddy in reply, this new Eren has your mind racing. You just smirk back at him. “I’ll fuck this sly smirk off your face bitch, when I’m done with your ass you’ll be crying begging me to stop.”
“Ooh I’m so scared. Face it Eren, you couldn’t last a minute.” You brag, hoping to get a rise out of him and get manhandled even more. Oh how you wish those stupid bars weren’t between you, so Eren could have his way with you.
He chokes you in return and pulls your pants and panties down, you’re so wet just from this alone. It’s good you are wet because Eren was so pissed off he would’ve bottomed out in you wether you were wet or not. Your eyes roll back as you’re gasping for air, he is choking a bit too hard. He gets closer to your ear as he continues choking and whispers “spread your legs more bitch.”
You’re so dizzy from being choked you accidentally reply back “yes daddy” out loud instead of in your head and spread them causing Eren to chuckle, he low-key likes it and even more when you said it in the state you were in. He shoves his entire length into you, it’s so big it hurts causing you to wake up from your dizzy state. He knows you’re struggling to take it, from the way your body tensed up to the way you’re almost pushing him out is telling but he keeps pushing it in making you take it all. Your moaning is starting to get a bit to loud, which has him hiss “quiet you whore. Do you really want them to find you like this? All wrapped up around my cock moaning like a slut?” He lets go of your throat and puts it over your mouth, your muffled moans are still loud but it’s better than before. He keeps thrusting at a merciless speed, your body finally stopped resisting his sheer force and you’re taking him. Limp legged, barely able to stand up and he just keeps going, you can feel it reach all the way up in your stomach. He grabs your hand and makes you feel it. “Feel it slut, that’s me re-arranging your tiny little guts.” You cry out in return, it’s making you lose it, it’s just too much. You just want to collapse here and now, but Eren pushes your hand down on the bulge his cock is making on your pretty stomach. Your reaction is gold to him. “What was it about me not lasting huh y/n?” He snarks and starts slapping your ass, not once or twice but so many times your cheeks turn red.
You squirt all over Eren’s cock, orgasming so hard your cunt is once again trying to push him out. Eren just buries himself deeper inside you, feeling every small movement your cunt makes in hopes of pushing him out. Your breathing is getting faster, with legs shaking. “Please Eren, pull out for a second it’s too much” you cry out with tears running down your pretty cheeks.
“Shut the fuck up and take this dick” is all he says and starts fucking you deeper. He puts you on all four, positioning you into a mean painful arch even though there’s bars between you. He somehow reaches deeper into you with the position you’re in and you’re leaking all over the cold cement floor from your eyes and cunt. Eren is brutal, you had enough ages ago but he keeps going. You are so overstimulated you try to crawl away but you’re met with more brutal manhandling, he pulls on your ponytail keeping you in place. “What’s wrong y/n? You can’t last longer?” He mocks.
You end up getting your absolute brains fucked out by Eren, at the same brutal pace for what feels like hours. When he is done, you’re a mess. He didn’t stop until your cunt was overstimulated, bruised and gaping. You hear the others come down to check on Eren, you quickly put your clothes on. You’re struggling to stand as they come over, you’re just standing against the wall with your legs threatening to collapse any minute.
thanks for reading I didn’t proof read so sorry for mistakes 😵‍💫
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ponderingmoonlight · 3 months
Satoru Gojo trying to make a bun with his daughter's kinky hair
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Pairing: husband!Gojo x black!reader
Word Count: 1,1k
Synopsis: It always looked so easy to him, the way you put your thick hair into the most breathtaking hairstyles. But when his daughter asked him to do a sleek bun on her, he was confronted with the stinging fact how difficult styling kinky hair can be. But that doesn't stop the dad of the year from learning...
Warnings: This is the first time ever I'm writing a black reader and I'm beyond excited 😭 I'm hoping with all my heart that you guys like what I came up with! I'm not a poc myself so if this offends you, don't read this work. Also, I'm writing from the point of view of my own research and the tellings of my beloved moot @almostshinymiracle. As usual, there's many ways to do your hair and this specific one might not be yours 🤍
Comments, likes and reblogs are so appreciated, I'd be more than thankful for you guys telling me what you think - THANK YOU 🤍
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Your eyes widen when the loud shriek of your daughter echoes through your house. What’s wrong? Did she hurt herself while playing? As fast as your feet carry you, you run down the hallway and open the door to her room.
But no, your daughter didn’t fall, she didn’t hurt herself. She sits in front of her dad who holds a brush in his hand.
“Hey honey, is everything alright over here?”, you question softly while kneeling down next to both of them.
“I’m so sorry. She said she wants a bun like the one you wear so often and I thought it can’t be that hard. But the brush doesn’t even get through her hair…”, your husband explains, bright blue eyes fixated on his daughter’s hair.
“It’s not that simple with kinky hair, babe. Look, the bristles of your brush are way too tight to get through her hair. That’s why I’m having a special one.”
Oh, how absolutely adorable he looks with his face visibly in guilt, still holding onto the brush that seems to be his while visibly pondering about your soft explanation. Making your daughter’s hair as a dad without experience has to be difficult already, but a girl with black roots and a hair structure completely unknown to him? You chuckle to yourself, remember the countless times he observed you doing your hair already.
“This seems so damn exhausting, babe. Can’t you just…brush it?”
“If I just brush it, I’ll look like a mop. That’s the price I have to pay for having kinky hair I guess.”
“But you look like a princess. My princess”, he purred into your ear while his long fingers tried to brush through your thick hair.
“She just asked me and as her dad…I just wanted to help, y’know”, he mumbles with a pout.
“And I’m so proud of you for trying, Satoru. It’s just an art itself and if you didn’t grow up with it, it’s quite difficult. Sometimes not even hairstylists are able to tame my and her hair from time to time. No worries, I’ll do her hair and I’ll show you how it’s done when there’s enough time, okay?”
You can’t help but give him a kiss on his cheek, letting yourself fall into his arms.
“Mommy, can you do my hair?”, your daughter interrupts your way too short cuddle session.
“Of course, angel. We’ll be ready in 10 minutes, Satoru. Don’t worry about it-“
“My name is baby”, he corrects you before leaving the room, his shoulders almost hanging to the floor.
This doesn’t sit right with you. It shouldn’t hurt him like this that he wasn’t able to do his daughter’s hair when it’s absolute not comparable to his very own. Mindlessly, you run your fingers through her thick mane that is so similar to yours, so familiar that you’d be able to make a sleek bun with eyes closed. You’ll definitely show him how to take care of his daughter’s hair when there’s more time than today.
“Is daddy sad?”, your daughter asks innocently while you apply gel.
“He was so excited to do your hair, honey. But with kinky hair like ours, this can be really difficult, you know?”
“It hurt…”, she admits shyly.
“Did it hurt as much as doing braids?”
Your little daughter chuckles while you tickle her playfully on her neck.
-the next day-
The heartfelt laughter of your daughter makes your eyes flutter open. What time is it? Given the fact that the sun already rose, it has to be late in the morning. Your naked feet meet the cold wooden floor, carry you to her room on their own. Satoru’s side of the bed was already cold when you woke up. Did he have to leave for a mission? Or is he the reason why his precious little daughter laughs?
“Okay, let me remove the scarf from your cute little head. Is this how mommy does your hair?”
You stop in your tracks, already grinning from ear to ear like an idiot. A scarf wrapped around her daughter’s head? You know exactly what that means.
“That tickles!”, your daughter shrieks.
“Shhh, don’t you wake up Mommy before I’m done here, okay? I want this to be a surprise.”, Satoru whispers exaggeratedly mute.
It takes all your strength to not break out in laughter, to stay hidden behind the slightly open door.  
“Okay, now let me wrap this around it…and…Fast, I need a bobby pin, honey!”
Your heart almost overflows with warmth. When did he learn how to do his daughter’s hair, what steps it takes to create a sleek bun with kinky hair? It’s hard to keep you from entering the room, to keep your composure. The urge to see what he’s doing becomes almost unbearable-
“Did you hear that daddy?”
“Yeah, that sounded almost as if someone behind that door stalks us!”
With a swift motion, your husband exposes you to his bright blue orbs. Your heart skips a beat. Is he mad, disappointed? The look on his face is rather amused, calms down your tingling nerves.
Until you look at your daughter.
Your precious little daughter with a perfect sleek bun.
“Oh my”, you breathe out.
Instantly, you kneel down in front of her, eyeing her from every angle. He really managed to put all her unruly hair in one of your afro puff hair ties, the whole package covering the floor along with multiple tubes of different gels and countless diverse brushes. It looks like an absolute mess around her room, different brands and tools clustered around. But you only have eyes for your daughter and beloved husband.
“This looks absolutely stunning!”
“Do you…really think so?”, Satoru mutters while scratching the back of his head.
Is the strongest jujutsu sorcerers of your time really…blushing? Immediately you grab his hand covered in dried gel and press a passionate kiss against his cheek.
“She looks like a model, I couldn’t have done it better! How did you do this? Only yesterday, you didn’t know what to do!”
“I did some research…”
“The whole night?”
“The whole night.”
“This looks fantastic!”, your daughter cries out when seeing herself in the mirror, twisting and turning herself in order to soak in her gorgeous bun.
“You always make it look so easy. Sometimes I forget how much skill this requires”, he mumbles against your ear, dragging your body onto his lap.
“I hope you’ll remind this when you ruin my hair next time”, you playfully reply.
“Want me to ruin your hair right now?”
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geekgirles · 4 months
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I'm actually quite proud of Armand right now. Openly admitting to Amalia the reason their relationship was always strained was because he'd always been jealous of her and her relationship with their father is such a great character moment for him.
One thing season 4 is definitely delivering is some much needed depth and exploration of the Sadida Royal family. And I find myself fascinated (not only because Amalia is my favourite character and I have a soft spot for her people).
Personally, Armand is a character I have a lot of trouble having a clear stance on. I don't hate him, and it's true his motives become clear and even understandable once you give them some thought, it's just that Ankama does a wonderful job at making him both outwardly dislikable given his abrasive personality and some of his most questionable actions.
For example, season 3 Armand and season 4 Armand are almost like night and day. Maybe it is indeed that his new role as king has forced him to be more responsible and emotionally mature, but the vibes between L'assamblée and Falling Down are completely different.
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In season 3 he just oozed contempt for his sister, and his actions towards her reeked of ulterior motives. The fact that Aurora has been described as manipulative (even her hairstyle is meant to hint at her true nature) and was purposely placed in between the two siblings as a visual nod to how she's keeping them apart doesn't help matters.
Which is another factor to take into account: Aurora's character and the role she plays in the siblings' deteriorating bond.
Even if so far she seems to genuinely love Armand, I really can't bring myself to trust Aurora. Not only because of all the behind-the-scenes facts I already mentioned, but because her actions are just sketchy and clearly veered to the betterment of the Osamodas rather than the Sadida.
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First of all, her contempt for Amalia is genuine and she legitimately seems to be planning to send her away to keep her from interfering with her plans. After all, this is literally what she had to say about her sister-in-law:
"Ne vous en faîtes pas mon prince, nous finirons bien par redresser cette mauvaise herbe."
Translation: "Don't worry, my prince, we'll get this weed straightened out in the end."
(I haven't watched the English dub, so my apologies if the translation doesn't match the official version).
There's also the fact that, despite being the new Sadida Queen, her intentions in season 3 clearly laid in the benefit of her own kingdom, the Osamodas. Such is reflected in her choice of suitors for Amalia:
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She intended for Amalia to marry Ashdur, her own cousin, thus, strengthening the Osamodas' hold over Sadida politics. In fact, it becomes quite clear Aurora's choice in suitors, only supported by Amalia implying back then her sister-in-law had already tried the same thing with her brothers, was much less about the future of the Sadida Kingdom and more about the Osamodas' sake.
After all, while arranged marriages between royal families isn't anything new, usually the sensible and even most strategic thing to do is for rulers to"spread" their children and marry them into different families around the world. That is exactly what Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabela of Castile did with their own children, they married them off to the royal families of England, Portugal, and Austria.
With that in mind, having both Sheran Sharm children marry Osamodas royalty just seems dumb, doesn't it? It all comes to show Aurora is more concerned over solidifying her power over the Sadida Kingdom than its actual well-being.
Which is why I'm still going to keep my guard up regarding her character until the season ends. After all, we still have 9 more episodes where everything can go up in flames.
But going back to Armand, even though he is in love with his wife, his treatment of Amalia in L'assamblée is leagues better than it was in season 3. Unlike most of his appearances and his interactions with his sister, where he kept treating her like a child who didn't know any better (what she just so happened to accuse him of when presented with Ashtur, as a matter of fact), here not only does he finally open up to his sister about his insecurities and his reasoning for his behaviour towards her, but he offers her support in the wake of their father's passing and even invites her to attend the assembly with him.
He is entrusting her with responsibilities befitting a queen, not a child.
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Their relationship is finally healing.
As I said earlier, despite the undeniable depth behind his character, it's difficult to really side with Armand in plenty of occasions. Not only because of his difficult personality and flaws, but because it is so much easier to sympathise with Amalia.
And I'm not talking exclusively about the fact that, as one of the main characters, we've been by her side throughout everything, witnessing her true selfless, responsible, and brave self, but the fact that her position within her own family certainly tugs at our heartstrings.
Amalia is the youngest sibling, the princess. For all the sheltering and privileges that can get her, it also became her gilded cage. And for the most part, not even her family was a safe haven.
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Queen Sheran Sharm died when Amalia was probably still a kid, whereas Armand was most likely already a teenager. As King Oakheart revealed back when he explained to Amalia it had been Armand who insisted they let her go, the queen's death shook their entire family, making the king and prince unintentionally turn their backs on Amalia during a time she needed as much affection as possible. And so, her royal duties became stifling, her royal upbringing unbearable. Thus is the reason for her wanderlust.
And then we have Armand's reason for not always being fair to her: jealousy. He resented her for being Oakheart's favourite, despite constantly going off to adventures while he remained in the kingdom by his side. Now, as I said, this was a great character moment for Armand, one that also belies his character development. However, it doesn't change the fact that, while easier to relate and sympathise with him, we still sympathise with Amalia more or have been doing so for far longer because we knew the effect this had had on her.
We all have been someone's scapegoat to their frustrations with a third person, we have all been treated unfairly by someone who, for whatever reason, couldn't solve their own issues with the person they had problems with in the first place and took it out on us. This is the crux of Armand and Amalia's strained relationship: for years, Armand took his frustrations and insecurities out on Amalia instead of having an honest conversation with their father.
That's why it's easier to sympathise with Amalia, because we know that, deep down, for all her flaws, she was never at fault for how their relationship turned out. Because we can understand her frustration and pain when, even with their dying father, Armand still chose to listen to his wife over her and try to marry her off instead of being there for each other when they both needed most. As Amalia called him out for before leaving with Yugo, he still chose politics over family. Everything involving Armand and Aurora is about politics.
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But now that they are at least beginning to rebuild their relationship, I sincerely hope things get better for them. Unless their original intentions back in 2017 have changed, I seriously fear Ankama will still use Aurora to complicate things further between these two.
Please, Ankama, I'm literally begging you. They're all the family they each have left, don't let their relationship be ruined forever.
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koolades-world · 4 months
Can you do headcanons on MC being blind but then by some sort of accident or something MC suddenly gets their eyesight back?
I just imagine that MC would be so overwhelmed at first. They’re not use to seeing all these colors 😔
Also the brothers + others would probably look completely different from how they imagined them lol
Nah imagine they go back to earth and because it’s so bright because the earth actually has sun there so they constantly have to wear glasses everywhere 💀
Please and thank you 🙏🙏🙏
hi!! sure thing!
actually, I learnt that with the power of science (and gene therapy), this is possible to an extent! it's for a very specific condition that I'm pretty sure occurs during childhood due to a recessive trait that causes retina cells to die off. it's called Leber congenital amaurosis. if the correct dominant gene is inserted into the eyes, which are a great place to insert them since they're small and direct, the person can regain vision! cool, right??? really wanted to share this with someone other than the people who've already heard me ramble about it
now that you have something cool to tell your friends, please enjoy!
Mc that regains their vision after being blind
very upset with solomon (please see the end lol) but he softens once he sees the recognition that you're looking at such a familiar voice clicked in your face
the first to give you a tour around house before his brothers can argue about it and sweeps you off your feet to give you an arial view of the devildom
also takes the chance to give you a tour of the demon lord's palace
he takes this chance to shower you in even more finery and take you out to do more fancy, fun stuff
he seems more emotional about it than you do
tries to hide it but he's almost in tears and hugging you really tight
he's so happy for you and gets excited about all the little things with you
still uses every chance to hold your hand even though it's not necessary <3
he wasn't present when you got home with the news, but he almost drops the boba he bought for the both of you when you tell him he has pretty eyes
together, you rewatch all of your favorite shows and replay all of your favorite games so you can reexperience everything
he thinks it's very refreshing to see your new outlook on things
he can't wait to show you how great all the conventions are!
he can't help but take in every moment of your newfound curiosity and help you out at every step of the way
he answers any and all questions you might have
he's relieved (and a little flustered) to hear he's just as handsome as you'd imagined him and that he and lucifer were very different in your mind
reading is your new favorite hobby together since now you can enjoy any book in his collection without the need of a spell
he's literally squealing one he hears the news
he can't wait to show you his room and all of the shiny things he loves
fashion show!!! helps you discover what your favorite color and pattern is
if there's something you don't like about your room, he will help you change it until you do
he hadn't realized how much he'd taken sight for granted until he met you, and now, he was going to help you along every step of the way of getting used to seeing
he walks you to each of your classes and shows you the route you've been used to taking
listens to you and your rants about how great your new favorite color is
once you're more comfortable with seeing, he takes you on nature hikes to see what he thinks is some of the most beautiful sights
like mammon, he also won't admit he's a little emotional
while the two of you do have a moment where you stare into his eyes for a while, admiring them, you immediately question his hairstyle afterwards
after this though, he makes more of an effort to stay awake for longer and to sweep his hair out of his face
he takes the time to finally show you his favorite hidden spot to nap in the garden so you can see it for yourself
Solomon (bonus!)
this is 100% his doing, purposeful or not
the first person you see when you see for the first time, leading to a very cute, personal moment
you do tell him you didn't actually think he looked like an old man but the white hair didn't help
not wanting to be alone to break the news to the brothers, and especially luci, you do it together and you keep them from jumping him for using experimental magic
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dilvuc · 2 months
Hi I'm Liam and I came up with a cute idea that I hope you can write
Jamil and Reader (Male) make a bet with each other and the loser has to do what the winner says. When Jamil loses the bet reader decides that he gets to do Jamils hair and he has to wear the style for the entire school day. Jamil aspects that it's gonna end up really bad but reader actually does a really good job and Jamil starts asking reader to do his hair ever once in a while
That's my idea. If you don't wanna write it you don't have to but I hope you do. Anyways make sure to take care of yourself and get plenty of sleep.
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A cute picture I found on pinterist of Jamil 🙂
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𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: fluff
𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗: male
𝖙𝖎𝖙𝖑𝖊: bet
𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌: jamil x m!reader
𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌: none
𝖘𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖞: jamil lost a bet to you and now had to listen to what you say. however, your order isn't that bad.
“Look like I lost the bet. Ok, what do you have for me?” jamil asked you, awaiting your order. you thought to yourself then snap your finger, “Let me do your hair.”
“Eh? My hair? Why?” the tan skinned male asked while stroking his hair. you nodded, “I couldn't resist trying to do your pretty hair.”
“...! M…my hair isn't that pretty…” jamil blushed.
“Plus, you'll be keeping your hair in the way I put it for the whole day.” thanks for ruining the mood for jamil, you. the tan skinned male unbraided his hair and untied his hair, letting it fall back, “Ok…Do your worst.”
“What do you mean by that??” you sweatdropped. you remember watching rapunzel back in your world. so, you know exactly what hairstyle you'll give him. you reach for jamil's lock, realizing how soft it is. “Soft…”
“H-hey, don't be a creep…” jamil shivered.
“I wasn't!” you huffed before getting to work. it didn't take long for you to finish his hair. you were hoping that he would like it. since you knew that he would look pretty in it. “Done~”
“If you screwed up my hair, I'm gonna make you eat more spice until you're unable to handle it.” jamil threatened you. you deadpanned, “Is that a threat…?”
the tan skinned male grabbed the mirror from you to check his hair. and…it was all that bad. why does it make him feel…?
“Beautiful…” you grinned, catching jamil off guard. he turned to you in question. you chuckled, “I wouldn't want to screw up your hair. I just wanted to do your hair because I have been desperate to do it. Do you like it?”
“...I…it's not half bad…” jamil blushed. “But…do I look beautiful with my hair like this?”
“Silly question. You still look beautiful in whatever hairstyle you have.” you winked.
“...! Heh. Your charm never ends…” the tan skinned male smiled timidly, looking away. you snickered, “Now, you can walk around with your hair like that for today.”
jamil shyly asked, “C…can you do my hair every once in a while?”
“Sure~” you nodded.
“Whoa! Jamil! Your hair looks pretty!” kalim beamed as he gently grabbed jamil's braid. “We should add some accessories in them!”
“Good idea~ Some beautiful flowers and gold.” you smile at kalim’s idea. jamil sweatdropped, “Eh? W-wait!”
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“Wow…I must admit. Your hair looks…gorgeous.” vil complimented the tan skinned male's hair. “Look at the accessories. Who did your hair?”
“[Y]...” jamil blushed, gently stroking his hair, “I lost a bet, so he suggested that he can do my hair.”
vil blinked owlishly, “Oh? Maybe I should ask him to do mine. Not bad for a potato.”
╰┈➤ author note: please note that this is a slow update. i will still accept your request, but it will take a while since i'll be working on my books on wattpad. if you wish to read those books, here's my wattpad account.
twst masterlist
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impact-theater · 4 months
𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧'𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐲𝐞𝐭
Pairing: yandere!Albedo
TW: descriptions of Albedo bug skin, yandere, obsession
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You've been walking through Dragonspine, looking for Albedo. He's been oddly quiet for past few days and haven't visited Mondstadt at all! Not even to check up on Klee or anyone!
─ "Traveler? What are you doing here?" - you heard a familiar voice from behind your back, putting your heart a little at ease
─ "Oh Albedo, here you are! I started to worr-" - you stopped mid sentece after turning around, realizing you may not talk to who you thought you were...
The boy standing in front of you had the same cloth, same hairstyle, same eye type and so on... but his colors... he had the same skin color, though everything besides that was pitch black. His head tilted a bit unnaturally to his left, as he kept casually looking and talking with you, as if everything was fine.
─ "You look a bit shaken. Would you like to rest at my tent? It's not far from here." - he asked you with his usual kind and soft voice
─ "I... I think I'm good..." - you hesitated a bit before continuing what was on your mind - "But you... what... what's happening with you?"
─ "Oh, you must mean my current appearence. It's just... side effect of too many experiments."
You nodded thinking it's just temporary problem of his. He tends to risk a lot with his experiments from time to time after all...
But then you remembered his words.
"If one day I lose control… destroy mondstadt… destroy everything… can I rely on you to stop me?"
─ "Albedo... did you... lost control?" - maybe it wasn't logic question to ask looking at his condition but it'd certainly answer some of your worries, especially if he admits to it willingly
─ "You may see this as so, yes. That's why I need your help."
You wanted to tilt your head in confusion but when looking at him... you decided to stop yourself out of pure fear of becoming like him. Instead, you made sure he knows just by your expression how confused you are.
─ "I might've lost control of myself... but one feeling stayed with me." - his pitch black eyes were digging into your gaze by now - "Most important one... You~"
─ "Me?" - your face only gew more confused
─ "Yes, that's exactly right. I may've lost control of myself but I haven't lost you." - he began his explanation as he took small step towards you - "And I know it because you're the only one who came back to simply check up how I'm doing."
Albedo took another step towards you, making you back away a bit but that only made him furrow your eyebrows.
─ "I'm not loosing you too." - he sped up and swiftly grabbed your wrist - "You're need to stay with me."
Before you knew it, he was dragging you back to his laboratory with no intentions of letting you go so far. What was worse... he still had... different look that honestly scared you a bit...
Did he wanted to make you just like him to make you stay? Or did he had something else planned?
All you knew was that there's no point in trying to run now... his intense gaze combined with his looks was enough to make all your hopes of escaping his grip shatter. But it looks like he's still his soft self!
As long as you're around anyway...
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Author note: finally wrote about some bug!! I wanted to make Albedo first from the very beginning so I'm happy how it turned out :D
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chubypotato · 1 month
Having 3b 3c curly hair
This one was a request by @valenspuppy
Including : Umemiya, Kaji, Sakura, Suo, Kiryu, Nirei, Sigoshita.
For the one having trouble imagine what is 3b 3c curly hair here is a panel!
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At first Umemiya didn't thought that much about your hair.
Sure it was unusual in Japan but for him it was just hair.
He'd rather pay attention to who your are instead of how you look.
But after a few time with you buying products for your hair he started to have interest of how you take care of them.
He really wants to help you. He now knows how much time and effort you have to put in them even though you like taking care of your hair.
He even ask kotoha for advice since he doesn't know a lot of girl and kotoha just told him to ask you if you could teach him.
And that's what you did. Now you two have fun time in the bathroom taking care of your hair.
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I didn't find any gif for him. 😔)
I feel Kaji first thought about your hair would be something like how does she even can put headphone.
It started to question him like just how it would damage the form of your hair.
Then after a few meeting with the other you went to talk to him cause why not ?
And then he finally ask the question. At first you were surprised but you laugh about it and start talking to him.
I feel like he wouldn't be the type to take care of your hair for you but definitely like to watch you do it with loud music.
Boy even tried to found matching headphone you could wear without damaging your curl.
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Boy absolute love your hair. He thinks it's an unique style.
At first he wanted to touch them but when you told him it would damage your curl he would try his best to not touch them. They are so beautiful.
He would come with you buying product and even question you about them.
When you try new hairstyle he thinks it's so cute and complement them with little blush on his face.
I think one things he loves about you is the fact you embrace your unique features. Unlike him when someone says something about your hair you wouldn't be the type to fight you just take them as compliments.
He absolutely admire your self confidence.
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He also love your hair he thinks the way they curls is cute and give you elegant style.
He was in fact really curious about them and keep asking you question all the time.
How do you keep them so bouncing? Do you sleep with special pillow? And stuff like that.
He's genuinely curious about it and really want to help you.
Some time he even buys you product to try.
He tried once to take care of them and it was such a cute moment. Now he does it time to time.
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As we all know Kiryu becomes a king when it's about hair. Bro has so much shampoo and takes so much care about his hair.
So naturally he knows a bit about curly hair. Not that much but he knows the average.
He absolutely loves doing your hair and he's doing it so well.
Like perfect result now he always do them cause you trust him so much about it.
Plus some time you also take care of his hair too. Little date at his home taking care of each other hair. How cute.
One time you even tried your curly hair routine on his hair. It didn't turn good but it was still funny.
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Absolute sweety he's just so scared to touch them cause he knows how much time it takes to do your hair.
He just loves them so much always hype you up with it.
Some time when you feel a little low and you don't wanna do your routine he'll do it for you. And surprise it turn really good.
Whenever he sees a new product he makes a list about it.
He has a tier list of the product. To the healthy one to the baddest one. He even tried the routine too!
Such a cutie we love him.
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That's the only gif I found wher she was alone-)
Even if he doesn't say it he love your hair. It's the first thing he noticed about you.
He thinks it gives such a cool style. Literally admire them every chance he gets.
He won't never admit it to the other people but he really wants to learn how to take care of them.
Watch video about curl hair and gives you the most common advice about them. But he's so proud about it you don't want to break his heart so you tell him thanks.
Just sit behind you and watch you take care of your hair.
One time you tried the routine on him and it gave him little wave.
.・゜゜・✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*.・゜゜・
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blippymilk · 4 months
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John Dory x Kpop Fem! Troll
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A/N: The reader is a female Korean pop troll. She is John Dory’s girlfriend during the events of the Trolls: Band Together movie (and so forth but you get it). I know the request doesn’t say K-pop but the user that sent this let me know. Please forgive me for any mistakes, I am NOT fluent in Korean at all!
Warnings: Slight cussing, mentions of death (yk Floyd)
This is also a lot longer than I intended but I was quite interested actually
I hope you enjoy 🥹
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You laid back in your bed shifting under the covers to find the right spot. You placed your sleeping mask on, as you rolled towards the empty space in your shared bed. You took a breath and let your body relax as a small smile graced your lips. Your beauty sleep being so abruptly interrupted by your boyfriend busting the door to your room open. “아 젠장!” You screamed. “WAKE UP Y/N! We’re going to save Floyd!”
You sipped your tea at the dining table, wrapped up in your heavy blanket. Your boyfriend had just told you the story and the plan to go save his brother Floyd. Apparently he had been captured by two pop singers under the names Velvet & Veneer.
Once finished with your beverage, you placed your mug in the kitchen sink and headed over to your boyfriend who was driving ‘Rhonda’.
“Sorry again about that scare babe.” John Dory said turning to face you as Rhonda kept on the road. “Mhm” you said giving him a small peck on the lips. “That’s it?” He frowned as you scoffed. You sat down in the passenger seat next to him (yes there is one bcs I said so) and stared at the road in front of you. The looks of the setting around you was a lot different than what you knew truly.
“So Mount Rageous? Ever been there before?” You asked your boyfriend. “Nope.” John replied, still a little sour. “Then how will we know what it looks like then?” You questioned. “Different? Guess we’ll find out.” John said taking charge of the wheel again.
Mount Rageous was something different alright. It was so bright, and shiny, and full of color, and teens. Lot’s and lot’s of teenagers. The people that lived in Mount Rageous looked different too. The had an extremely skinny build, several types of hairstyles and colors, and most of them in colorful rompers and head pieces. They were always dancing whenever music was on, so they were a little bit like trolls in a way.
Once you and John searched around, you found the live concert area of Velvet and Veneer. They were no different from to say the least, they looked like Mount Rageons too. But they had shiny crop tops and shorts/skirts, diamond bracelets, and beautiful voices. They’re music was catchy you had to admit, but until further notice they were the enemy.
You and John snuck into their dressing room and found Floyd trapped inside a purple, stable, diamond bottle.
“Floyd!” John spoke as he looked up. “John Dory? I can’t believe it, I’d never thought I’d see one of my brothers again.” He smiled. Then he tilted his head back when he saw you, slightly behind John and waving. “And who’s this?” Floyd’s smile growing a little wider. “My girlfriend!” John said with a proud smile. “Hii!” You said still waving at Floyd as he wave back. “She seems sweet.” Floyd whispered to John through the bottle. “She’s definitely that! But what’s going on Floyd?”
From there Floyd explained Velvet and Veneer’s plan. Apparently they were using Floyd’s talent to sing and stay on top as the hottest celebrities in Mount Rageous.
It was almost embarrassing to watch your boyfriend attempt to break his brother out the jar. “John stop! The bottle is made of diamond, and there’s only one thing powerful enough to shatter diamond.” Floyd spoke. “Right, a diamond shattering diamond hammer!” JD said as you face palmed. “No Johnny,” you sighed, “It’s the perfect family harmony.” You and Floyd spoke in unison.
“Our voices sound like garbage, we’re dying out there! What we need is more troll!” A girl spoke as the automatic doors slid open. John picked you up and released his hair up towards the vent you both entered in. “We’ll be back with the bros, you have my word Floyd!” John said before you both disappeared out of Floyd’s sight.
When you made it back to Rhonda you worried for John, he seemed a little discouraged. “What are we gonna do JD?” You asked him sincerely. There was silence for a moment before John spoke boldly, “We’re going to find my brothers.”
You hummed quietly as you watched John Dory’s brother Branch, look over his ‘Clue Board’. You were going through album photos of Brozone with his girlfriend that you had clicked with named Poppy. “Oh my gosh Branch! Denim Tuxedos! Ahhh!” Poppy squealed holding a photo. You giggled at the way she fan girled over her boyfriend. It reminded you of yourself when you first began dating John.
“So how are we finding Bruce guys?” You snapped out of your thoughts, as John Dory walked over to you. “Not to worry because I got this!” He held up a postcard that said ‘Wish you were here’. “Seriously?” You and Branch spoke in sync. “Come on it’s definitely Spruce, I mean he’s the only one I know who talks like that.” John said matter-o-factly. “It’s not even signed.” You said. “And there’s no return address. This could be form anywhere!” Branch concurred. “All we have to do is find this sunset!” Poppy spoke. “Liking that optimism Poppy seed, one word Branch keeper.” He said as Branch stormed away to the front of the bus to talk to the bus driver. Did I forget to mention the bus driver was a 1 foot 2 inch sparkly baby troll with glasses and the bars of Eminem.
You pulled John aside to talk to him. You’d noticed that for the small amount of time John has been with his brother, he’d been treating him like the child he’d once taken care of. “John you should stop treating Branch like a baby ok? He’s an adult now, let’s treat him like one.” You explained. “What are you talking about? I’m not treating him like a child, he knows that I just love him. You don’t understand the brotherly love babe.” John deflected, not surprising you at all.
Once you guys found Bruce (and gave a little performance) you were on your way to find Clay. You’d decided to head to the front and control the radio after JD had given you a cold look for seeing you fan girl over the name Clay.
You finished humming the last lines of ‘Russian Roulette’ before it went off, and set your hand on the dial to play it back. “Again!” “NO!” John shouted running up to you and blocking the radio station. “That’s five times this week.” John Dory groaned. “Yeah, and it’s usually six, now move.” You said trying to move him which caused bickering between you both. “Damn, you two fight like a married couple.” Bruce was walking back to the steering wheel with Tiny Diamond, after taking a coffee break. “What? No we don’t.” John stuttered trying to hide his faint blush. “I think he would know, he is married ya know.” Tiny said with a little sass.
“They’re perfect for each other.” You heard Bruce whisper to him.
You and the rest of the group stood in frozen shock, as a light pink troll excitedly buzzed around you. You’d gotten off the bus, walked into a dark abandoned golf course, got jump scared by a clown, and now you’re being greeted by someone who’s almost two times more energetic than Poppy. It was nice that she’d welcomed you all in after the scare with food, and drinks, and beautiful lights.
“These fries are awesome! They would really go great with a burger!” Bruce said as a ear shattering scream left you all squirming. The trolls around you had run away as if something was about to attack. “What in the world?” You spoke. “Yea we try not to use that word around here,” Viva started going up to Bruce, “It’s just that burger sounds a little bit like…bergan.” Another shriek in the distance cut her off. “We call burgers,” You all looked up to see a troll with green, fluffy hair, emerging from a dim lit area, “Meat circles.”
“No way!”
“Hey how you been man?” Clay walked up to Bruce. “CLAY!” John shouted for his brother. “Hmm, John.” He said coldly as John’s jaw dropped. You tried to hold back your laugh a little bit, but you failed and John shot you “hurt” look. After Clay was done talking to Bruce, John Dory spoke again, “Well if you won’t talk to me, maybe you’ll talk to my girlfriend huh?” John said out of pure pettiness as he brought you foward.
“Oh cool! You’re John’s girlfriend? Nice to meet you, I’m Clay if you didn’t know.” He smiled and put out his hand for you to shake. John’s jaw dropped (again) at this as you shook Clay’s hand, “I definitely know who you are! You’re like the best dancer ever! And so talented.” You said excitedly as Poppy started jumping up and down excitedly behind you. Clay smiled (a little nervously) as you finally let go of his hand. As Clay made his way over to Branch he gave John a little thumbs up (which may or may not have made him feel proud).
“Are we ready to practice brothers? Errrm- and ladies?” John asked pointing at you and Poppy as you nodded enthusiastically. “Ready as I’ll ever be.” Clay said sneaking in a little bit of a silly robot move, as you and Poppy shrieked in awe. That was quickly put to an end as John gave you a side eye, and Branch just blatantly stared at Poppy.
You all attempted to practice singing the hit Brozone song: Perfect, before John Dory stopped everyone midway. “Dude what are you doing?” Clay asked taking the shades of his face. “It’s not good enough, Clay you need some sillier robot, Bruce we need more smolder in those eyes, Branch maybe a smaller diaper?” John went on and on. “If this diaper was any smaller I could taste it.” Branch fumed. “Calm down JD, you’re acting like you’re perfect.” You said quietly to soften the blow. “Actually, you were a tad pitchy yourself.” JD said tapping his chin, which set you off a bit. “See now you’re being bossy.” Clay butted in. “Way too bossy and controlling !” Bruce told him. “In what way? John asked. “You’re 20 something year old brother is in a diaper!” You stated. “I’m doing this for Floyd!” John shouted. “Are you? Or do you just want to tell us what to do again?” Bruce shouted.
And from there it was just so much commotion. Eventually you separated yourself and sat down covering your ears, hoping to block out all the bickering. “Let’s just get this over with so we can go save Floyd!” Branch spoke. “Branch is right, let’s get this done so we can all go our separate ways.” John said. “Fine.” Clay agreed. “What?” Branch asked as you looked up. The boys went on about how they planned to save Floyd then go back to their own lives. “What you didn’t think we’d all live together? Sitting around roasting marshmallows?” John Dory joked as you gave him a stern look. “Oh I’m sorry is that funny to you? That I might actually want us to be a family again?” Branch as before telling Tiny to pull over.
From there Branch told his sob story and exited the bus, Poppy right behind him. You watched them and looked back at John who almost seemed to know your next step before you went through with it. “No ____ don’t…” John said as you shook your head. “I just need a break ok? Tiny Diamond, grab your bike.” You said exiting the bus, Tiny right behind you.
“After that luxury vehicle!” Poppy shouted as the van (Rhonda) took off. John, Clay, and Bruce had all been captured alongside Floyd by Velvet and Veneer. The two popstars had subtly hidden the trolls in their matching gem shoulder pads.
You were specifically after Veneer since he had John Dory in his right gem. You, Rhonda, Tiny, Poppy, and Branch were all after Velvet and Veneer. Shifting through the crowds and trying to dodge the multiple cars driven by teenagers, eager to see their favorite pop stars. “No respect for the blinker at all!” You and Tiny said in unison.
The duo were now on top of their car singing, giving a “live road performance”. You guys were trying everything; Branch attempted to grab Floyd before being knocked off by Velvet, Tiny had given Branch a…substance and more. “Uh guys what does the end of the road mean?” Tiny asked as you all froze and looked at the cut off road in front of you, plastered with the word ‘END’. “예수께서 운전대를 잡으세요 (Jesus take the wheel)” you whispered before you all fell off.
You landed back on a platform somewhere, as Velvet & Veneer abandoned their car and got away on a yacht. “Oh no!” Poppy said as she looked around. “Let’s hustle!” Tiny said before clicking the swirly orange button on JD’s van. You were carried across the sky by the three eyed entity you’d all met earlier. He dropped you off as you all fell out the reality, and onto a motorcycle driven by Bridget and Gristle. And surprisingly along with them, Viva was along side them.
You and Viva took her elastic hand and stretched it across the sides of the boat, causing Veneer to trip and fall backwards. You both grabbed his gems, you taking John Dory, and Viva retrieving Bruce.
Still Velvet and Veneer managed to get away, taking an escape route to the top of their yacht as Velvet finished off her high note. The other trolls had managed to retrieve Clay, but Velvet still got away with Floyd. “Are you guys ready for an encore?” Velvet shouted as their fans whooped and hollered. “It’s like she just wants to kill him!” You exaggerated.
You all huddled together as Branch pulled out a pep talk. As one thing led to another, you were all singing together. You finally saw the results of a perfect family harmony, and for the first time before too.
Soon Floyd was ejected from Velvet’s shoulder pad, as he floated up in the air along with the rest of you. Hitting the last note of ‘Better Place’, a wave was sent all through Mount Rageous, causing Velvet and Veneer to fall off the high platform of the boat.
You all slowly floated back onto the boat as you watch a clear, slightly blue, version of Floyd float back down as well. Branch caught him as you all rushed over to his lifeless body. “Floyd.” Bruce sighed. “Oh no.” Clay shed a tear. “I built that bunker…without the ten story water slide…” Branch said softly. You didn’t have time to question because you were all met with a familiar voice, “But, how will we shower?” You looked down to see Floyd fading in.
“Floyd! No way, yeah!”
“Anddddd tax evasion, I’m gonna have to reposes your yacht.”
“Fair enough, prison it is!”
You watched as Velvet (angrily) and Veneer (calmly) were being hauled off. “And sorry about that fall! Don’t take it personal, you just had my man.” You finger gunned Veneer as he nodded before being taken off the boat.
Just at that John Dory approached you, “Hey babe? I just want to say I’m really sorry for all that bickering, and if I was a little bossy.” He said as you chuckled. “And I’m sorry for butting into you and your brother’s personal lives.” You sighed laughing a bit. John smiled before pulling you into a long awaited kiss. You were shocked by the sounds of cheering off in the distance. Once you pulled away you looked around to see the commotion, and there was Branch and Poppy also getting intimate (kissing 🤨).
John laughed as you both walked past them and over to his brothers, “Get a room you two!”
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Jealous Girl
Pairing- Spider x Metkayina!reader
Summary- You cut Spiders hair amd he gets the attention of many others getting your jealous.
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Hopping down the beach you hum an old Metkayina tune stopping when your eyes meet just the person you were looking for. Spider Socorro, he was kidnapped by the sky people and he finally escaped when the battle happened a few months ago.
You admit that you were a little wary of him to begin with. But the more you watched him, how kind and generous he was to animals and Na'vi alike. It was so strange how he ignored all the badgering from Na'vi who still wanted him off the island. But he was a part of the Sully's he helped save Neteyam and many others that horrible night. They made it just in time for Neteyam. But as I was saying he had a strong heart, and was brave for a sky person.
And when you remember the first time you interacted with the strange boy a smile always finds its way to your lips.
You watched the Sullys swim with the tawtute (human) you had been observing him the past few weeks since he had arrived in Awu'atula. He was a bit strange looking with his hair and all, but you couldn't deny he was cute. You stayed a cautious distance from him until you watched him more. And watch him you did, whenever he stepped into a room your eyes were glued to him, he entranced you and you wanted to know more about him. You waited until everyone else had to do something and Spider would be left alone. You never understood why they left him but this time you took the opportunity to talk to him.
Walking to the dock he lifted himself up on, even though it looked as if he was really struggling. He sat and you stepped lightly. He didn't notice you until you sat next to him.
"Hello Spider." You say making the boy jump a little. "Oh hi Y/N." He said he knew your name because Tsireya introduced you to him but you never said anything to him more than that. After the small hellos were exchanged nothing else happened, just awkward silence.
"Awu'atula is beautiful—"
"What was it like in the Omatikaya—"
Cutting each other off you both stop and look at each other. You begin to laugh putting a hand over your mouth and he slowly lets loose as he laughs with you. "You…you go first." You say after calming down a bit. "Yes, I said Awu'atula is beautiful." He said looking at you. You look out into the ocean. "It is. Sometimes I feel like I take it for granted." You say a small smile cracking in your lips. "I know how you feel." He says and your smile widens. "What did you say?" He asks and pulls you out of your trance. "Oh, uh I just was wondering what it's like in the Omatikaya." You reply.
He smiles softly, "It was amazing, you know I'm not Na'vi obviously," he says pointing to his small human body. "But what I did see and what I was able to experience was amazing being in the trees. It was the place where I never felt judged." He says. "Like the ocean." You say and he throws you a confused look. "You being in the trees is like being in the ocean for me that's what I mean." You explain and he smiles. "Spider, do you want to be friends?" You ask with a big smile. He looks caught off guard but he returns your happy smile before nodding.
Back to the present you saw Spider and waved him over. His small body ran past a few Na'vi soldiers who obviously made fun of him after he passed them and he only rolled his eyes as he finally reached you.
He looked different, you really couldn't put your finger in it. Until he moved a peice of hair out of his face. Oh. My. Eywa. You've never seen such a matted hairstyle. Has no one done his hair yet?
"Spider can I do your hair?" You ask and he looks taken back. "My…..hair?" He asks questionably pointing to his hair. "Yes, some of those sky women showed me how to cut hair with something called scissors." You explained and he nodded. No one had ever done his hair except for the dreads he had done very young. And the thought of you doing it made him all giddy inside.
"Ummm, sure." He said and you jumped in happiness. Spider was surprised by your sudden outburst. "Come, come let us go do it." You say, guiding him to your family's marui.
You grabbed a bowl of hot water and settled his hair in it. You gathered some soap your mother taught you to make and some other things. It would take quite a while for his hair to be done.
"Okay, let's get started."
-A few hours later-
"Y/N are we almost done, my neck is starting to hurt and it's like way past Eclipse." Spider complained and you tsked, "Yes I am just adding lay-ers." You sound out the strange word you heard one of the women use it when they taught you.
With a few more 'snips' of the scissors you sat them down and tapped the boy's shoulder. "It is done." You say and he groans out a tired 'Finally.' He goes over to the nearest reflective surface, his hands go up to his short hair. It was fluffy on the top and short on the back. It looked good, surprisingly.
"You look great!" Clapping your hands excitedly. You sat on your knees to be at his height somewhat your still taller than him (short king). He turns to face you and he gives you a bashful smile. "It's great Y/N you know no one has ever really cared about what I've looked like before so thank you." He said and you tilted your head, how could no one care about him? You pull him into a small hug.
It was a short hug considering his face was right at your chest.
"It was an honor doing your hair Spider Socorro." You say bowing your head a little letting a small laugh out. He chuckles after looking outside and how late it was. "I should get going, let's hang out tomorrow alright." He says and you nod your head feverishly. Smiling at your excitement he walked out giving you one more goodbye wave.
-The Next Morning-
When you awoke you got up immediately, first tended to the crops that needed to be picked today, and then you made your parents breakfast, they were surprised to see you so happy you usually aren't a morning person since you stay up all hours of the night. Then you pulled your outfit for the day. It was a gorgeous top intricate with beautiful pearls and shells found just on the reefs of your home. And a loincloth for your bottoms that had dark colored leaves on the front. And just before you left you packed a few things you needed for your hangout.
Quickly you changed as you saw more and more Na'vi step out of their own homes as the day began. You said goodbye to your mother and father, giving them a kiss on the cheek and bowing your head in respect.
You say your 'Hellos' and 'How are you' and, 'Tell your Mother my Mother said Hello' to those who you passed quickly trying to get to the docks.
You walked past a little rock that sat on the path to the docks. And then you see Spider and his new and improved haircut and your smile got even wider when you saw him and then your smile faded as you saw, Heyian, she's a healer as you are a farmer. (You're a farmer bc I say so).
You now drag your feet and slight anger bubbles in your stomach when her hand finds its way onto his arm. You look at your hands, you've been farming since you knew how to count. Your's were a little rough since you used your hands to pick the fruit and vegetables, and moving heavy bags of dirt, dealing with the rough earth when you don't know when or where the climate will change. You shake those silly insecurities off as much as you can, though some still lingers.
When Spider clocks you be immediately checked out of the very long, and very boring conversation he was having with this girl named, Heyan, or Heian something along the lines of that he can't remember.
"Hey Y/N!!" Spider called out and you got a little pep in your step seeing how excited he was about seeing you. Heyian looked back and obviously rolled her eyes before looking back at Spider. She's never shown interest in him so why now? And then some other girls ran past you to Spider and ran there long and touchy fingers in his hair.
Spider was overwhelmed, what was happening?
You were shocked they were just touching him, touching Spider.
You ran faster to them, and it was like a battle to see who could get Spider to talk more or to hang out with. He kept trying to get away from their grabby hands but if one wasn't pulling him one way someone else was.
You made your way through the girls and pulled all of them off of him. He gave you a quiet thank you but you heard it. "So who did your hair, Spi." One said and you look at her almost offended, no not almost definitely offended, Spi. Spi! "Y/N did it." He said and you smiled at them it was almost smug, you got to do his hair and he was proud of it. (Delulu ass)
"Really?" Another one said. Glaring at her slightly you smile again blinking, "Yes. Really. Now if you will excuse us, Spider and I have some stuff to do, okay, bye bye see you later." You quickly said and before anyone could let there protest out or follow you two you ran down the beach as fast as the both of you could.
You held his hand and he laughed as you pulled him behind a large rock and then you two fell into a fit of laughter.
"Eywa," you say laughing a little bit more before sighing and sitting up back resting against the rock. "Thought we'd never get away from them." You say and Spider laughs a little bit more watching as you pull two bags out of your satchel. "Whatcha doing?" He asks, getting curious.
Handing him a bag he has a confused look on his face. You wait for him to open but he was just stuck with a confused look. Maybe he needed a little help. "Open it you'll see." You say.
He opened the bag and it looked like a bunch of shells. He began to pull them out and when he pulled all of it out and revealed a beautiful necklace, made for him. It had brown and green colors in it. "Um the brown is to match your eyes and green cause you look good in it." You say but he was still starstruck.
"Thank you Y/N I love it." Spider said and you only smile back as he puts it on. After a while it was just sitting in silence, drawing in the sand, usual stuff from when you and Spider hang out. But what you couldn't get out of your head was how those girls were all over him earlier. Your stomach twisted and you closed your eyes. "You good Y/N." Spider asked and you opened your eyes. "Yeah I'm okay—"
"Oh my Eywa! Spider there you are!" Heyian, the girl from earlier, exclaimed running over to where you and Spider sat. Although you Thank The Great Mother that none of the others were following her as she sat down and she just had to sit right in between the two of you.
Both you and Spider scooted a good distance away as Heyian chippered on and on to Spider as she flung her hair in your face.
You wanted to be nice, but everyone has their limits and hair in your face is one of them. You decided to just be passive aggressive. "Watch where you fling your hair." You say and she just lets out a loud giggle before turning back to the blonde boy.
Spider noticed your irritation most of the time you just ignored Heyian's presence. And then her hand found its way to the back of his neck fiddling with his necklace.
Huffing with irritation you scoot even farther from them. "It's so cute Spi, let me try it on?" She asks and you look at them, is he? No he wouldn't. Would he?
He stood up and wiped his hands off walking in front of you. "Actually Y/N gave me this as a gift and we have somewhere to be right about now." He explained to the girl. "Oh…..Y/N." She said and you rolled your eyes. "Yes, Y/N bye Heyian." Spider said, helping you up and walking further down the beach.
"Gosh it's like they leech onto you." You laugh but in reality it kinda stung. Spider laughed as he observed your face. "If you asked me I think you were jealous, Y/N.". Spider laughed at your bewildered look on your face. "M–Me…..Jealous?" You say trying to play it off. "Cause I have all these new girls trying to talk to me and you don't have me all to yourself." He chuckles after every word and every reaction you give. Huffing for what seemed to be the hundredth time, "Whatever." You say.
"But the truth is I only want you." He says and you look at him, your steps closed down before you smiled. "Yeah." You whisper as you pick your pace back up, you grab his hand slowly placing it in your palm, holding hands with him and as Eclipse comes peace surrounding you.
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“I’ll Teach You.”
A/N: This story is about to the reader teaching Daryl how to braid hair! Hope you like it! ❤️
Pairing: Daryl x Reader
It was a slow day today. There hasn’t been much to do, not even all that many walkers trying to get in. It’s almost like the walkers had chosen to take the day off.
It was unusual for us to have an off day, but we definitely weren’t going to waste this chance to relax and unwind.
Daryl and I laid in bed, his head on my chest, my chin resting on top of his head. Neither of us could sleep, so I needed to do something to keep myself entertained.
I started playing with Daryl’s hair.
I was messing around with Daryl’s long locks of dark colored hair, and that slowly evolved into me braiding, a couple small braids into his hair. It wouldn’t last long enough for anyone to see since I’d run my fingers through them and smoothing out his hair.
I did this plenty of times and one day he asked me the age old question, “What are you doing back there?”
“Braiding your hair.” I smiled leaning down to plant a kiss to his forehead.
“Because I like messing with this hair of yours.” I admit running my fingers through his hair, causing him to hiss as it got caught on some knots embedded in his hair. “Sorry.”
“You keep messin’ with it this much, I’mma cut it.” He says and I playfully hit his shoulder.
I knew Daryl was just saying it as a joke, but instead of it stopping me, it only encourages me to keep doing it.
I like it. Daryl likes it. If he didn’t he be up in a heartbeat.
He also knows I mean no hair to him or his hair, this is one of the many ways I show affection.
My eyes go wide when I think of the best idea yet, and I look down at him, a mischievous grin plastered atop of my face. “What’er ya up to this time?”
“I was thinking, I could teach you to braid hair.” I said, and Daryl starts shaking his head, as he sat up straight. “Come on! It’d be fun.”
“Yeah, for you maybe.”
“Come on, you know you want too…”
“What would I even do wit’ it? Zombies ain’t got no hair.” Daryl said and causing a laugh to erupt from me. I then pointed over at little Judith playing around with Michonne.
If there’s anything he cared about more than anything, it’s that sweet little girl. And he’d do anything for her, and I loved and admired that for him.
“A’right. Come on.” I smiled and hugged him, and that’s when I taught him how to successfully braid someone’s hair.
I smile and watched as Daryl tried his hand at braids Judith’s hair. After teaching him how, I’d catch him repeating the steps to doing it to himself, even when he’s braiding.
If he’s not murmuring it to himself then he’s repeating it in his mind.
He wants this to be perfect, and I adore his dedication to learning it.
I watch as he gently parts the center of her hair, and takes the hair in his hand and separates it in three sections.
Slowly intertwining the sections of hair along the side of her head, bringing it downwards, and then gently tying it off with a rubber band then a sunflower hair clip.
He then did the same to the other side, giving Judith a little tap on the shoulder letting her know he was finished. She thanked him with a huge smile and even bigger hug, before leaving to show off her new hairstyle.
“Looks like we have a natural-born braider of hair over here.” I grin and he nudges me in the side.
“But really though, that was really good. You are truly gifted with everything you do.”
“What’re ya tryna butter me up or somethin’?” He said and I give him a look.
“Well… now that you mention it..” He shakes his head, knowing exactly what I was going to ask.
“Come on, just this once? I’ll never ask again.” He gives me a look, knowing good and well, I’m going to forget and ask him again at a different point in time. “Whatever! Just- please?”
He sighs finally agreeing, and I hug him and sat down in the chair, letting the master do his work.
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en-whims · 1 year
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[ 10:30 AM ] “hey, y/n?” you look up from the book you were reading and rushed towards the bathroom. jungwon sits in front of your mirror, softly scratching his hair with a towel.
“i couldn’t find the hair dryer.” he softly mumbles while looking at you in desperation. jungwon doesn’t like to admit it, but he has a habit of staying in front of the mirror for too long just doing his hair. he got it straightened and you thought it’s probably the new hairstyle that got him quite vain in the bathroom lately.
you fumble through the drawers of your bedside table and came back with the boy’s lifesaver, as what he would sometimes call it. jungwon lets out a deep sigh of relief.
“next time, let me do this for you, okay?” a small smile slowly forms on his lips with his dimples gradually showing from the little act of service you gave him. “i like this.” you hummed in question. “you playing with my hair. it feels nice, i like it.” you playfully scoffed in response and shrug your shoulders.
it’s the little things that makes jungwon’s heart flutter the most and you’re happy he’s enjoying the little gesture. “you’re welcome.” you muttered under your breath to which jungwon let out a sudden giggle and a soft “i love you, too.”
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