#but it's DONE it's OUT THERE and i promise things will be more fun tomorrow
wheels-of-despair · 19 days
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Live A Little | A Worth It AU | Ralph Penbury x You | Masterlist
In This Edition: You join the gals on a mission below decks, officially meet Ralph, and have a crisis of conscience! Words: 3.3k
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"Are you going to sleep all day?"
"Yes," you grumble into your fluffy pillow, wishing your aunt would move along and let you finish a wonderful dream about dancing.
"You can sleep when you get home, come on!"
You keep your eyes shut, clinging to the last wisps of your dream. You want to see his face. To know whose arms were wrapped around you, floating with you across the dance floor like you were weightless.
A smack to your rear plucks you from the dream world and drops you back into your cabin. The lights are on, and your aunt stands above you impatiently.
"Good morning, sunshine. Ready for breakfast?"
You groan and haul yourself out of bed. The next hour is spent making yourselves presentable. The hour after that? Eating a breakfast that, you have to admit, was worth getting out of bed for.
After a walk around the promenade, your aunt drags you to the swimming pool. You find the concept a bit odd, but how often does one get to swim aboard a ship sailing on the ocean?
You didn't really know what to expect, given that it was the first of its kind, but the swimming pool was fabulous. It was much larger than you'd imagined it would be, and over five feet deep. You happily swapped your dress for a rented swimming costume and spent over an hour splashing around with other curious ladies.
Titanic was scheduled to stop near Ireland to pick up a few new passengers just before midday, and it would be the last land anyone saw for days. You didn't want to miss it. You and Aunt Molly went to the deck and sat in the sun as you watched the ship approach the coast. You stayed there until time for lunch, then went below deck to have another wonderful meal. The time seemed to fly by.
Molly decided to stay and chat with the ladies after lunch, so you went back to watch the departure from Queenstown by yourself. It had grown windier, but you didn't mind the fresh air. You wrapped your arms around yourself and stared at the land in the distance, wondering if you'd ever see it again.
This may be your last grand adventure. It had been a wonderful trip, and you'd been lucky enough to experience a great many things that most people would never get to. But were you really ready to go back home and resume your normal life? To plan a traditional wedding and be an obedient wife and an attentive mother in the little town you'd grown up in? Forever?
"What are you doing up here all alone?"
You whip your head around to see Victoria, Georgina, and the girls from your table last night. Your face breaks into a smile.
"I'm just taking one last look at Ireland. It's the last land we'll see until we reach New York."
"How dreadfully boring!" Victoria laughs. "Come with us, we're going below to pick out a peasant for Nora!"
A girl in the back of the group blushes, and you recognize her as last night's loser; the final dance partner of Victoria's brother.
"Alright," you smile, falling into step as the group proceeds inside to the elevators. Victoria secures directions to the third class accommodations from the lift attendant - who warns her away from the unpolished people below - but she reminds him that she paid for the privileges of a first class passenger, and can go wherever she damn well pleases. You aren't sure if that's truly the case or not, but it seemed to convince the nervous operator. You split into two groups and ride the lifts down into the belly of the ship.
Victoria leads the way to the third class lounge with determination. When you enter, the room falls silent.
"Alright, Jane," Victoria orders, "Pick one!"
Jane scans the faces beginning to whisper, and points at a man you'd imagine to be Italian and in his 60s, sitting at a table playing cards. "That one!"
The girls giggle. You feel like you're in a zoo. Only, you're one of the animals. Every pair of eyes in the room is on the group of first class girls who'd come down to gawk.
"Go on!" Victoria grabs Nora's shoulders and pushes her forward. The girl stumbles at first, but finds her footing and marches right up to the elderly stranger, bends at the waist, and kisses him. She stands and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, smudging her lipstick slightly, and returns to the group triumphantly.
They howl and cackle and congratulate her.
You wish you'd slept in.
The man sits there in a daze. You wonder what might be going through his head. A strange rich woman, just walking up and kissing you on the mouth? That surely doesn't happen every day.
A little boy, walking like he'd just learned how, wobbles toward the group and distracts you from your discomfort. You watch curiously, wondering what he's after. He reaches for Victoria's dress, which is covered with shiny metallic beads.
She sees him coming and leaps back with a squeal, snatching her dress out of his grasp. He giggles and wobbles faster, thinking she's playing a game with him.
Victoria keeps backing away, elbowing her way through the gaggle of other girls. When they spot him, they scramble and take off in the opposite direction, like the child is diseased. He pouts when they disappear from sight without playing with him. You wish you had something to give him; a trinket, a flower, anything to show the poor child that at least one of you is a human with a beating heart.
His mother rushes over to snatch him up, giving you a frightful glare, and you rush down the hall in search of the girls you'd arrived with.
"It's so disgusting down here, I need fresh air and a clean dress," is the first thing you hear from Victoria, who hasn't even noticed you were missing.
Everyone follows her back to the lifts. You bring up the rear. Nora the Loser is dismissed, and sent back to wherever the other girls competing for Ralph's affection - and a "heart-wrenchingly expensive" necklace, you'd recently learned - were spending their time.
You want to retreat and find a book, or go exploring on your own, but the devil on your shoulder tells you to stay. How often does an opportunity to observe the idle rich present itself, after all? Even if they are "heart-wrenchingly" horrible? Perhaps you'll write a book about them someday.
You step onto the promenade deck and breathe in the ocean air, feeling better already. The group walks in a slow circle around the ship, and you listen to the girls gossip about fashion and other passengers and the like. You didn't have a lot to contribute, but they didn't seem to mind.
Eventually, they stop for refreshments in the Café Parisien, a lovely room full of comfortable wicker chairs and ivy-covered trellises. When the gossip turns to white noise, and you take in the details of the decor. You've been to so many breathtaking places on your vacation, but somehow, this brand new ship seems just as wonderful as architectural wonders that have been standing for thousands of years. You could wander this ship for a lifetime and still not notice all the fine details.
An enthusiastic voice breaks you out of your reverie, and you turn to face the smiling young man at Victoria's side. Right. Her brother, Ralph. The object of many young ladies' affections.
"Hello!" You can't quite match his tone, but you return his smile as best you can. He beams, like no one has ever said hello to him before. His big brown eyes twinkle with excitement, and you wonder if his dimpled cheeks are starting to hurt. It's absolutely adorable.
"Down, Ralph!" Victoria snaps. "She's not for you!"
His face falls, your heart pangs. The poor boy shifts bashfully and stares at the ground.
"It's nearly time to dress for dinner," he says quietly. "You said you wanted to pick out my outfit."
Victoria smirks. "Go to your room and wait for me."
He retreats without a word. You watch his slumped shoulders exit the café doors and wonder what happened to the happy boy who was dancing with different dames all night. He seems like a different person now. Why does he let her boss him around like this? Victoria turns to make sure he's gone, and then leans in conspiratorially. All the girls at the table mirror her.
"Do you want to know what tonight's task is?"
The girls hold their breath and wait.
"They'll have to kiss him! The last person to do so will have to go down below and invite a steerage rat to dinner in the lounge!"
The girls gasp and cover their gaping mouths.
"In public?"
"Where they'll be seen?"
"Oh, Victoria, that's simply wretched!"
"I know!" she says smugly, leaning back in her chair and popping a pastry in her mouth.
The girls giggle, but your excitement about being included is definitely beginning to wane. Is this fair to the man who will be chosen to be part of their spectacle? Could he refuse a first class lady? Would it be fair to Victoria's brother, who was being used for their amusement?
"Alright, let's go dress for dinner," Victoria orders, draining her glass and standing. Everyone else follows suit. "Wait until you see the awful thing I'm going to put Ralph in, you're all going to die laughing!"
You broke from the group to go back to your cabin and dress for dinner with Aunt Molly. You helped each other into fresh outfits and returned to the saloon for another exceptional meal that helped take your mind off the girls you'd escaped. They'd all gone to the À la Carte Restaurant, but you told them that you'd promised your aunt that you would join her for dinner. It wasn't a lie; you just didn't tell them that she would've happily sent you off with people your own age. But you didn't want to. You needed a break from them.
By the time the dessert plates were removed, you thought you might give socializing one last try. This was a rare opportunity for you, after all. And if nothing else, it would make you appreciate being ignored by the other girls like them when you returned home.
You excuse yourself from the dining saloon and return to the lounge, arriving just in time to see Nora pull Ralph to the dance floor. Last night's loss has clearly not disqualified her from continuing the game.
"There she is! You missed all the fun," Georgina pouts, pulling you into the chair next to her. "I stalled Ralph so Victoria could tell the girls about the new incentive she thought of during dinner: Take Ralph to bed and keep him out of Victoria's hair for a full twenty-four hours, and you'll get to spend the rest of the trip with us! Look how she's hanging all over him!"
Your eyes drift back to Ralph and Nora. He's telling her something, and she's laughing frequently and loudly. Touching him as much as she can get away with in public. It's all fake. He can see that, right?
"Does Ralph know that he's playing a game?" you ask.
"No!" Georgina laughs. "It's just a bit of fun. He's hopeless and pathetic. They're bored and loose. Victoria's a genius, don't you think?" You open your mouth as if to answer, and then think better of it. Georgina notices your change in mood. "Don't you realize how lucky you are? Other girls are willing to be defiled by him for a chance to walk the promenade with us. You got in free of charge!"
This is why you never fit in with the girls at home; because they're exactly like Victoria and her gang. Scheming wretches who only care about social status, or money, or the latest fashion, or today's gossip, or having fun at someone else's expense. They don't care about people, or feelings, or things that actually matter. They're just like your mother. You'd rather be alone than be part of this.
You get up without another word and exit through the nearest door. It's chilly out, but it's better than being in there. You walk until you reach an open section of deck and find a bench. You sit for a moment, staring at the bright stars. It's so peaceful out here.
You lie down, stretching out across half of the double-sided bench, and stare upward so that all you see is the night sky. The stars look so much clearer than they do at home. Is it because there are no city lights to interfere with them? Or has your world really changed so much, that even the stars look different now?
You lie there and ponder until you hear footsteps and giggling. Pick another bench, you beg silently. Just keep walking.
"Here we are," a man announces before two bodies come to rest on the other side of your bench. Do you get up and leave? Pretend you're not here? What if they notice you? Should you pretend to be asleep?
You hear them kiss, and wish you could roll off of this bench and land two decks below.
"Dearest," the girl purrs. "Do you think you could show me your stateroom?"
"My stateroom?" the man asks.
You know that voice.
"Yes," she breathes, probably in his ear. "I bet it's fabulous."
"But… but…" he protests.
"I'd like to show you something," she whispers suggestively.
"Wh-what would you like to show me?" he stutters.
"Shhhh. It's a secret."
His breath hitches. You wonder where her hands are, and wish you were literally anywhere else.
"D-don't you think we ought to get to know each other first?" he asks nervously.
"I know all I need to know, lovey," she purrs.
You sense a shift on the other side of the bench, like he's trying to slide away. He yelps. She laughs her stupid fake laugh again.
You scoff.
And then you freeze.
You didn't mean to.
If discovered, you planned on pretending to be asleep.
But two heads peek over the top of the bench at you. You're caught. Do you apologize, or go on the offensive?
"What is it that you know about him?" you ask. Offensive it is.
"Pardon me?" she asks.
You sit up. "This person you've shared a whole two dances with. What do you know about him?"
"Plenty of things!"
"Such as?"
The question seems to stun her. And of course it does; he's only a pawn in a silly little game, isn't he?
"The reason he's on board? His favorite course during tonight's dinner?" She stares blankly. "Here's an easy one: What color are his eyes?"
She glances at him before answering: "Blue, obviously."
You might laugh if the brown-eyed boy sitting next to her on the dark bench beneath the stars didn't look so crushed.
"Do you even like him?"
"Of course I do!" she insists, hand over her heart as if you've offended her to the very core.
"Then why don't you tell him what you're really after? Or would you rather wait twenty-four hours and let him find out on his own? Would that be more fun for you?"
You run out of steam when you glance toward Ralph and see the recognition dawning on his face.
"Nora?" he asks pitifully. "Is this a game?"
She scoffs and gets off the bench, stomping back toward the lounge. You and Ralph are left alone.
"I'm sorry, Ralph," you tell him gently.
His head hangs, and your "sorry" doesn't seem like enough.
"I'm sorry that they treat you this way, and I'm sorry that I didn't speak up sooner. It's not fair, what they were doing to you."
He shakes his head. "I should know better by now. No one will ever really want me."
"I'm sure that's not true," you argue.
"It is," he sniffles. "Everyone knows it. I'm annoying and pathetic and no one will ever want me. Even my own twin says so."
Twin? Victoria is his twin, and still treating him this way? Your heart breaks for the poor boy.
"I know that I haven't known you for very long, but would you like to know what I think?"
He peeks up at you curiously through his wet lashes, so you continue.
"I think you're a handsome young man with a big heart and a nice smile," you begin slowly. "One day, you will find someone who deserves you. And she won't give a damn what your sister, or anyone else, has to say about you. Because her love will be real, and that will be all that matters."
He ducks his head and wipes away a tear.
"And you're a terrific dancer, too," you add to lighten the mood.
"Thank you," he chuckles, as another tear streaks down his cheek.
"You've ruined everything!" The shrill voice of Victoria cuts through the night like a knife aimed directly at your eardrums.
A crowd has gathered to see who's ruined everyone's fun. Victoria and Georgina are leading the pack. They stand square-shouldered and glare like you've ruined their lives rather than a stupid game. You wonder if you should get up and curtsy.
"We trusted you!" "We treated you like one of us!" "This is what we get for associating with people who clearly do not belong in first class!" Their voices overlap, but you get the gist. They stand there expectantly, as if waiting for an apology.
You give them a shrug.
"Ugh!" Victoria spins and stomps back toward the lounge. Georgina follows, and then the rest of their herd.
You let out a slow breath when they disappear from view. Where do you go from here? You and Ralph sit in silence until you can't stand it anymore.
"Well…" you chuckle. "I supposed I should get to bed, before they decide to come back and toss me into the sea."
"May I walk you?" Ralph asks, trying to dry his eyes subtly as he rises from his side of the bench.
"You don't have to do that," you smile.
"A lady ought not be wandering alone at nighttime, even on a ship as grand as this," he says, puffing his chest out in an attempt to appear broader than he is.
"If you insist?"
He nods and holds his arm out. You take it gently.
"I'm sharing a cabin with my aunt on A-Deck."
Ralph nods in acknowledgement and leads you the long way around instead of to the door you'd both recently come out of.
The walk passes in silence.
"This is it," you say quietly, turning to face him when you reach your door. "Thank you for the escort, Mr… I'm afraid I don't know your surname."
"Penbury," he supplies with a sad smile. "But please call me Ralph."
"Ralph it is, then." You introduce yourself, thank him once more, and he leans down to kiss the back of your hand like a gentleman who hasn't just had his heart broken.
"Good night, kind sir," you whisper when he stands.
"Good night, lovely lady," he whispers back.
You step inside your room, close the door, and listen to him walk away before getting dressed for bed.
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ghosts-cyphera · 6 months
In my opinion reader only actually finishes with Ghost…she fakes it for every other person she’s with. And he knows it and it fully boosts his already disgustingly huge cock ego lol.
18+; mdni / suggestive / pornstar!ghost x fem!reader; masterlist here ♡
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"what the fuck was that?" ghost—lounging on the couch of the break room—raised an eyebrow as soon as you walked in.
"what was what?"
"I heard you with graves," his brows furrowed, and just as you thought him to be genuinely concerned, you saw the nearly boyish twinkle of amusement in his eyes. "I heard you come, alright, but that wasn't—"
"you faked it."
"you don’t fuckin' fake it with me, right?"
"you know the answer to that," you let out a groan as you fell onto the couch next to him. your fingers now mindlessly playing with your lunch, you avoided his gaze. "do you never—you know? just to be done with it?"
"too fuckin' often," he grinned. "not with you though."
"believe me, I know," you let out a warm laugh as you nudged him with your knee—grinning as he nudged you back. "if I tell you something, do you promise to not let it go to your head?" 
"you know I can't fuckin' do that, darlin'."
"yeah, alright," he grinned. "promised."
"I think you're the only one I've never faked it with."
"well, makes sense, don't it, darlin'? it's bloody hard to perform in front of the whole fuckin' crew 'n—"
"not just at work."
for a moment, he was silent. 
and then, "huh." despite the simplicity of his hum, you could see the tugging of the corners of his lips as he visibly tried to hold back his grin. 
"I swear to—"
"I said nothin', love," he laughed, and with that, the smile had taken over his features, goddamn radiant as he leaned back his head. "fuckin' A. that bloody special, am I?"
yet the warmth waking up at the pit of your stomach was not brought on by hearing him laugh or seeing him smile. not only. first and foremost, it was from the touch of soft red on his cheeks.
he was blushing.
he was actually—
"fuckin' don't," he let out a low laugh. "don't you fuckin' go and blame me, darlin'."
"who said anything about blaming you?" your laugh was warm: your smile just as bright as his was. just as happy. "it's kinda cute."
"y'know what?" he pushed off the couch with a warm grin. "have fun with graves, yeah? and tomorrow—," he wet his lips as he glanced at his wristwatch, "in eighteen hours, give or fuckin' take, I'll make you come until your voice is hoarse and you're beggin' for a break. and then we'll see which one of us is kinda cute."
he tilted his head, amused. "what was that, love?"
you managed out a breathless chuckle: warmth visible in your eyes, no matter how hard you tried to hide it. "you're the worst."
"that's not what you'll be tellin' me after your first orgasm," he grinned as he took backward steps from you. "let alone your third."
he would be the death of you.  
"see you then, darlin'."
but oh, what a way to go.
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a/n: giggling blushing kicking my feet. blushy ghost -> teasing ghost is my new favorite thing. // to elaborate on this ask just a tiny bit more, check out this post <3
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sunflower-lilac42 · 23 days
✧ 𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 || hughes brothers ♔
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summary: in which she is asked to call her brothers to see who would send her money
warnings: luke being siblingly mean
publish date: 04/07/24
notes: just a little blurb idea thing i thought of when i was watching youtube shorts and yes there are two versions because i couldn't help myself. it is short and dialogue-heavy but oh well | add yourself to the taglist ➺ taglist!
nhl masterlist | main masterlist
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Version One | The One Where They're All Together
She was walking through campus with her friend, talking about what had just happened in the past day that they had seen each other. As they got closer to their destination a man approached them. He was around their age, maybe a year or two older, he had a microphone in one hand as a camera guy trailed behind him, “Do you guys have any siblings?”
The two nodded, a little skeptical, “I’ll give 20 dollars to whoever can convince their sibling to send them more money than the fiend person.”
Her friend whined, “No, her brothers are rich, this is so easy for her, it isn’t fair.”
“Oh, they’re actually all together right now so that works! Wait, why am I making them send me money? I’ll think of something.”
Y/n pulled out her phone and face-timed Jack, hoping that out of the three of them, he’d pick up, “Hey y/n/n!”
Quinn and Luke joined the frame soon after, “Uh hey, can I ask you guys a huge favor?”
All three raised an eyebrow, but Luke answered, “What is it?”
“Can you guys send me some money? I need to buy a new textbook but my paycheck hasn’t come-“
“How much?”
“Like a 100? I’ll pay you back, I kind of need it soon.”
Quinn, being the big brother he loved to be, answered right away, “Yeah, of course. no need to pay me back too.”
“I promise I will.”
“Nope, I make like millions a year, I think I can spare my baby sister 100 bucks.”
“Thanks, Quinny. good luck tomorrow you guys. Love you.”
“Love you too.” The three chorused back right before she hung up.
Quinn was quick to send her the money, yet instead of the 100 she asked for, he sent her 200. Attached was a note saying that they missed her and to go buy some food for her and her friend.
“Hah, have fun beating that.”
Her friend called her sister, getting a mere $30 from her. She frowned and rolled her eyes, telling y/n that she owed her for lunch now. And after the guy left, she sent all $200 back plus the extra 20 she had just got saying it was just for a video and that she loved him. Jack and Luke whined about losing 20 dollars after that.
Version Two | The One Where She Asks All Of Them Separately
She and her friend had been walking back from class, talking about the new project that they were doing. They were on their way to grab something to eat as it had been slowly approaching lunchtime. There was a guy in the courtyard, with a microphone and his own camera guy. It was a little weird and they became a little skeptical when he asked them if the two had any siblings.
While her friend shook her head no, she replied, “Yeah, three.”
So while they couldn’t see whose sibling would send them the most money, they could see which ones out of hers would, “Okay we haven’t done this one before but I’ll give whatever sibling of yours who sends you more money 20 bucks.”
She called Quinn first, figuring that out of the three of them, he would be the one not doing anything at this time of day. He answered instantaneously, a soft hi coming from his side of the phone. 
“Hey Quinny, I have a favor to ask you.”
“What’s up?”
“Can you send me some money? I have-“
“Yeah, how much?”
“You didn’t even let me finish my question.”
“You’re my sister, I’m going to send you money no matter what. I mean unless you’re buying drugs, are you buying drugs?”
“No just my-“
“Yeah okay. How much?”
“Like 50?”
“Okay, I’ll send you the money. I have to go, but I’ll call you later, okay? I love you.”
“Love you too.”
She looked back at her phone and smiled when she realized he sent her 75 instead of 50. She looked back up as she moved to call Jack, “Alright, let’s see what Jack will do.”
Jack answered his phone within the first three rings, “Y/n.”
“What’s up sasquatch?”
“I got a favor to ask you.”
“Should I be scared?”
“I don’t know, do you have a reason for the Devils to stop paying you?”
“No?” His voice was more confused than worried at this point.
“Okay cool, can I borrow some money? Just like 50 bucks.”
“For what reason?”
“I need some new books for class.”
Jack raised an eyebrow from the other side, “positive?”
“Okay fine. 50 you said?”
“I’ll send it when we hang up.”
“Thank you, Jack. I love you.”
“Love you, you dork.”
And when the phone hung up and she got a notification, she realized Jack had sent her the exact amount she was looking for, “Cheapskate. Just kidding, I’m sending this back anyway after this video. Alright, I highly doubt Luke will send me any money, but we can try at least.”
“Hey y/n/n.”
“Listen I got this huge favor I need to ask you.”
“Whatever it is, no.”
“Not even for your favorite sister?”
“Not even for my “favorite” sister. What is it anyway?”
“I was just wondering if you could send me some money for my-“
“Yeah, no.”
“What do you mean no? You didn’t even let me finish?”
“I’m broke.”
“You play hockey for a living and make more than me right now.”
“So? Get your own money.”
She scoffed, “Rude. And this is why you aren’t my favorite.”
“Oh well.”
“Bye Luke.” She hung up before he could say anything else.
“And just for that I’m sending Quinn and Jack like an extra 20 each.”
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kathaynesart · 1 year
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The call has ended, but the final recording still has a bit further to go.  
Sorry these past several updates have been such downers.  I promise the next one will have some fun banter.  Can’t wait to get back to the real world with less digital effects and data dump.  I don’t know how Donnie deals with all of it. 
Below the cut I’ve added a little talk about Donnie and the way he handled this heavy conversation, something I fear might come off a little harsh without the proper context clues.  Also, below is a fun little discovery I made about Omega! 
I’ve already had a few people express how Donnie seems mean to his family in this update, which I totally understand how it can come off like that.  A certain amount of nuance is lost in this sort of comic format with neither descriptors, actual voice acting, or even Donnie’s face to give context for the way he is saying certain lines.  It’s an artistic choice I made, but one I still wish to clarify.
I see the sudden hang up as less Donnie being a jerk and more him having to cut the conversation short because he has to keep focus and he’s scared of Leo talking him down from the ledge he’s standing on.  He’s sticking to his guns and it hurts him to see how much it’s hurting his family and so all he can do is distance himself before the strong emotions cause him to make a mistake in the middle of enemy territory (placing legitimate logical concerns over emotional ones).  At the same time he is attempting to remain calm if only to try and let some of that wash onto Leo and April, because he knows if Leo freaks out too much he could risk bleeding out faster, which is why he was pressing for April to care for him first and foremost.  Were he a better liar he might have done so just to keep Leo calm a little longer, but no such luck.   Donnie holds so much love for his family, and I don’t think an apocalypse has changed that, he just has difficulty at times knowing the hierarchy of emotions expected of such a rare and dire situation and instead chooses to focus on the logical issues because at least those are some things he has certain control over. He wants to keep his family safe at all costs and if he has to cut off the last conversation he initiated and desperately wanted with his family to do so then he will.  I hope that clears some things up.  I might make this paragraph into it’s own post tomorrow for those who might have missed this update. 
On another note, I discovered something fun while researching Donnie’s screen UI!  (Extra photos under the cut:) Omega is actually in the movie (kind of)!  Look at the lil’ guy!  All sorts of dead!
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Thanks as always for your support and comments, it means a ton!
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newtkive · 3 months
shift shenanigans - s1 social media au
note: jus for fun ! may or may not do more parts.
warnings: crude humor, slightly offensive jokes from richie sry
part two
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liked by syd_adamu, marcus.brooks11 and 30 others
chefboyardee: my friends! i love my friends! the two on the right more than the left (i’m joking i promise) 😁😁😁😁
see all 8 comments
syd_adamu: brave of you to call him your friend y/n
↳ chefboyardee: boss man carmy save me
↳ syd_adamu: oh.. :///
marcus.brooks11: you did me so dirty, friend.
↳ chefboyardee: love you marcus you look spectacular
↳ marcus.brooks11: don’t start
richietheking: Where am I?
↳ chefboyardee: ya motha
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liked by syd_adamu, chefboyardee and 10 others
richietheking: Getting sh$!t done.
see all 8 comments
marcus.brooks11: This is coolllddd.
↳ richietheking: You already know it man.
syd_adamu: this is actually crazy
carmyberzatto: can you show this on instagram? i think you should delete this.
↳ richietheking: Delete your life.
chefboyardee: come down to the beef for a number 6 the occy way 💯 the safest joint on the block 🤑💯we are 🔛🔝
↳ richietheking: Eyyy I know that’s right.
↳ carmyberzatto: please don’t advertise this.
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[ 8:25 am ]
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bruh im about to lose it. heads up when you guys get to work.
marcus: that catering order is about to be crazy
DO NOT REPLY: These white boards are stressing me out.
syd: we know, probably giving you ptsd from not finishing high school
DO NOT REPLY: Fuck you I did finish it.
y/n: oh i gotta change ur contact name richie
richie poo: ????? What
y/n: it was ‘DO NOT REPLY’ lols
marcus: valid
syd: real
richie poo: What? Why?! That’s so rude
y/n: cuz you piss me off
and you kept blowing up my phone yesterday
richie poo: You weren’t answering, and we needed help at the cook out.
syd: the one where you poisoned everyone?
richie poo: Fuck off.
y/n: when i’m off work, i’m off work.
marcus: don’t let carmy hear that, y/n
y/n: don’t remind me
syd: he’s trying at least, go easy on him. he really has great ideas
richie poo: You mean you have great ideas in that little notebook
tina: Never trust a broad with a notebook.
syd: hey! i’m just being helpful
y/n: do you guys think my ig post will hurt carmys feelings
marcus: it would make me a little sad if i were him, but i don’t think he cares
y/n: great i’m gonna cry now
syd: i doubt he even saw it y/n it’s fine
richie poo: Check the work chat. Cousin is in a mood.
y/n: oh great
tina: Help us all.
syd: be nice you guys
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[ 9:15 am ]
carmy: Everyone, we have huge catering orders tomorrow to prep for today. Please get here as soon as you can, the earlier you clock in the better. Additionally, please be careful what you post on social media. I don’t want people to get the wrong impression
y/n: yes chef 👨‍🍳
syd: ok sounds good
richie poo: Cool it, Cousin. What’s the issue with the social media
tina: I use FaceBook. That not allowed now??
carmy: Tina, you’re fine. I’m talking about those who post work things on public accounts
marcus: facebook is crazy
richie poo: I can’t go private
y/n: he needs the likes
richie poo: No I’m disabled from doing so. Not sure why
y/n: liar
richie poo: 😑I don’t like you
carmy: Then please don’t post pics of yourself posting up with a gun and an air horn outside of my shop anymore.
marcus: that pic was fire can’t lie
carmy: Well, it’s bad for business.
richie poo: Fine, whatever
y/n: carmy
carmy: What, Y/n?
y/n: is this because of my caption on my post i’m sorry i promise i wasn’t being for real
carmy: I don’t care Y/n.
y/n: is that code for ‘i care a lot and i’m crying in the office right now and that’s why the door is closed’
syd: ? why the oh
y/n: he opened the door and yelled no 🤨 but i think i saw red eyes
carmy: Please get back to work and I’ll comp a meal for you later
y/n: OMG yes chef 😍
richie poo: Inappropriate emojis and you shouldn’t have to incentivize her to work
y/n: shut up acting like HR i’m gonna beat your ass
jealousy is ugly which is why you have that mug on your face
carmy: Stop
y/n: yes chef 👨‍🍳
i heard your giggle tho
richie poo: Again with the schizo episode
syd: you can’t say that richie
richie poo: Oh sorry
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simphornies · 3 months
Yeah im down on my knees for a part two of that teasing reader x vox, your writing gave me brainrot and its the only thing that's gonna be on my mind all night
A/N: Happy Valentine's lovely readers. Short because my brain was going insane with the imagery
Word Count: 1.3k (1,328) Content: suggestive content, eating out, mirror sex, implied creampie(s) idk I think that should be it
Tease [ Vox x Reader ] part 2 NSFW
Ever since pushing Vox to the edge with your teasing and earning a long night of fun with him. You two decided to become an official couple. Even as a couple, you found him constantly glitching whenever you messed with him. Everyday was no different besides the fact that at night, you two share the bed together. And depending on how much teasing you’ve done, you two could keep going all night.
Today was different. Vox had this urge to take you before the night came. You took quick notice of him not glitching as much at your attempts and instead tried to catch you in his arms. You decided to have a little fun with it this time.
Vox sat in his security room, paying close attention to how his new release is doing with revenue. You made your way down to him and cheerfully hugged him from behind. “Hey, Vox~” You purred.
“I was wondering how long it’d take for you to come in here.” He smiles, immediately trying to pull you onto his lap.
You dodged his hand and waved a finger in his face. “Ah ah. I want to play a game.” You smile at him mischievously, “I promise it’ll be worth your time!”
He leans back, pouting at your rejection of getting pulled on his lap. He crossed his arms, “And what is this game?” He asks.
“For the rest of the day, until night time, you aren’t allowed to touch me one bit.” You giggled at his appalled reaction, “But! I’m allowed to touch you. You just have to hold back no matter what.”
“That’s unfair!” He protested, “How am I supposed to keep my hands off of you, babe? You’re irresistible!”
“It’ll be worth it, trust me~” You grin. “It starts now!” You exclaim before inching closer to him. His hands were kept at his side as you rubbed his chest with a seductive look in your eye. Your hands trail down further and further and just before you touch his erection, you pull away. “See you later, Vox~”
“Wh—Y/N! That was such a tease!” He yelled, getting a laugh in response from you.
The rest of the day was torture for him. You did things on purpose to rile him up. In one instance, you dropped the stack of notebooks you were holding and you bent down in front of him, giving him a peek of the underwear you were wearing from underneath your skirt. You pretended to stumble back and grinded on the tent in his pants before quickly collecting everything you had dropped to file them away.
His eye twitched, systems glitched and his breath was uneven. He wanted to touch you so bad and he felt unable to hold back. He watched as you worked, humming a song while you put away files. He sighs and distracts himself on his phone.
After a long day of working and bothering Vox, he was more than ready to hold you again. He was practically counting down the minutes until night time.
You opened the door to his office, on the phone with one of the Vees. His eyes darted to you, watching you intently. You were distracted and didn’t realize how intense his gaze was on you.
20 seconds until sundown.
Your pace was unbearably slow, taking your time almost. “Velvette, I told you I’m already doing the show tomorrow! Wh—Yes. I’m going for the next one too.” You explained, groaning at her persistence. She hung up and left you in the group call with Valentino. 
10 seconds until sundown.
You leaned up against the side of Vox’s table, facing away from desperately trying to get Valentino off the call now. “I’m not filming a porno, Val. No…You’re gonna have to ask Vox about that—Wh–NO. Valentino. Goodbye.”
You groaned and hung up on him. You gathered yourself and turned to look at Vox. “Hey Voxy~”
Your initial smile turned into a confusion as soon as you saw a countdown on the side of his screen.
“Vox, what’s that?” You bent down and leaned towards him, squinting at it.
His hands remained on the chair and he was quiet as ever. You tapped his screen lightly.
His hands flew up and grabbed you. Picking you up and putting you on his couch. His door locked at his command. He didn’t hesitate to touch every part of your body.
“V-Vox!” You breathed out, his wandering hands touching you everywhere but where you wanted him to. You squirmed, almost trying to get away from him to catch your breath.
He let out a low growl, pinning you in place. “I’ve been waiting all day, baby.” His hands wandered to the inside of your thighs but didn’t go any further up. He glanced at you with pleading eyes, almost begging for consent.
The sight of a strong overlord like him begging made you giggle, “Go ahead, Vox. You did the game.” You winked at him, “Go all out.”
You didn’t have to tell him twice. He practically ripped your underwear off as he stuck his tongue inside of you making you throw your head back. He didn’t slow down when you grabbed the edges of his screen while you rode his tongue. He pulled away as soon as he felt your walls tighten around him.
He stripped himself quickly, practically ripping his pants off. He flipped you on your stomach, lining himself up at your entrance. He slipped inside of you with one swift movement, your arousal making it a smooth entrance. Your breath hitched when you felt him fill you up. You didn’t hesitate to move your hips to get him going, desperate for more. His hands dug into your hips, his claws poking your skin. He fucked you into the couch with hunger, not giving you a moment to breathe. You were such a moaning mess under him you hoped his office was soundproof. Your nails dug into the fabric of his couch. You felt a knot getting tighter and tighter inside of you. “Vox-” You gasped out.
His hand grabbed your face, making you look into the mirror on the wall he had parallel to the couch. “I want to watch your pretty face when you cum on me.” He grinned with pride. His lust filled eyes pushed you to the edge, the growl in his voice ultimately snapped that knot you’ve been feeling. Your body convulsed in pleasure. You felt yourself melt into his hold, unable to keep yourself up.
He turned your head so you could face him, “You’re going to have to hold up all night, baby.” You smiled and looked back at him with a challenging look, “Get your fill in, Vox.”
Your words unlocked a stronger sense of pride within him, you felt him twitch inside of you. “You don’t have to tell me twice.”
The night was long and he definitely got his fill. You lost count of how many times you came on him but Vox counted and recorded each one. All you remember is his face as soon as he finally reached his limit, almost short-circuiting inside of you. He fell on the little space you had next to you. Before you and him could pass out to sleep, he had pulled you on his chest placing his coat over you two. You fell asleep to the feeling of him playing with your hair, too tired to say anything.
Vox woke up from a call and he answered it without looking.
“Vox. I’m glad you found your true fucking love but can you take your shit somewhere soundproof next time?” Velvette screamed into the phone before hanging up.
He looked down at your sleeping body, nestled up on his chest and the memories of last night hit him like a truck.
His phone rang again, this time Valentino called. “Will you both please consider that porno?”
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ellastone-olsen · 3 months
I’d love to request a Lizzie x Reader smut fic where Reader is Lizzie’s stunt double - almost uncanny in how identical they are - and after a late night training session together, things really heat up between them.
Are we the same person ? | Elizabeth Olsen
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★Pairing: Elizabeth Olsen x f!stunt double!reader
Summary: Elizabeth has always liked her stunt double, but no one knows how much she likes you.
★Warnings: NSFW 18+, alcohol, thigh riding, fingering, oral, it looks like selfcest but it isn’t, fluff I love fluff
★Word count: 1.6k
★AN: another interesting request, how could I not write this?
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Wanda 838's body flies sideways through the staircase railing and lands on the kitchen table, breaking the furniture into splinters. "Stop! Cut!” You hear the director's voice and try to get up from the floor. It definitely hurt, even with the safety lines. Elizabeth, dressed as the scarlet witch, immediately approaches you, offering a helping hand.
"Hey how are you? Are you seriously hurt?» You took her hand and stood up, groaning in displeasure. The thigh on which you landed was in pain, there was no doubt that there would soon be a bruise there, but that’s your job. "Thank you. This is probably the most traumatic scene in the entire film." You tried not to show how much the fall had unsettled you. Someone approached the two of you to shower Elizabeth with compliments about the work she had done, but the woman brushed the man aside like an annoying fly. “I’m busy right now, isn’t it obvious?” She didn't even notice who it was.
You were flattered by the attention of a star of her level to a simple stunt double like you. Elizabeth has said more than once how ideally suited you are for this position and even joked that you and she are more twins than her famous sisters. Perhaps it was so, the other actors on the set when they saw you for the first time were shocked by your similarity, right down to your facial features and hairstyle. “Admit it, have you been preparing for this job all your life?” They made fun of you.
You and Elizabeth crawled arm in arm to a small trailer park where each was signed with the names of the main cast. As an stunt double , you weren’t entitled to such luxury, so the woman brought you into her “home on wheels” and closed the front door with her foot. “You really shouldn’t have done that, Lizzie. Besides, you need to change your own clothes, you’re still the scarlet witch.” You joked with her in a warm, friendly manner. You spent a lot of time training together and managed to become friends. You were glad to have the honor of not being a stranger to her, but you always wanted more.
“No, you do such a big work and I want to take care of you for once before you sneak home as soon as the cameras turn off.” Your heart swelled at her words. Lately, your relationship has become much closer, which did not go unnoticed by your colleagues on the set and the paparazzi. “Okay, fine. But you still need to go and get rid of this entourage, no matter how much I love Wanda, but give me Lizzie back.” The woman sighed and left the trailer, promising that she would return soon, leaving you alone. A hot bath or shower (depending on what is in this box) would definitely be welcome right now.
“No, look, I do this part, and then you replace me.” You were sitting in the private small gym in Elizabeth's house and rehearsing for tomorrow's big scene. As soon as you entered the house, the older woman immediately offered you something to drink and took out a bottle of pomegranate wine. Now each of you has drunk a glass and your brain has begun to get confused in this whole huge scenario and the replacement of you with her and back. “Get up, come here.” The woman rose to her feet to rehearse again. You walked up to her and she wrapped your body in her arms, guiding you.
“I've practiced this scene alone too many times, look if you do it like this...” She took your hands in hers and made the motion the way Wanda would cast a spell. She pressed herself dangerously close to you and you turned your head, coming face to face with Elizabeth. You were frozen in that position and your wine-clouded brain was screaming for a kiss with the most beautiful woman you had ever seen, who was holding you in her arms. Your green eyes looked into her equally green ones and it seemed like little sparks were running around.
Elizabeth has made hints about her sexuality more than once in interviews, and when she realized that she was attracted to her double, it was not a surprise to her. The only thing that confused her (but only at first) was your too strong resemblance. Later, the thought of sleeping with “herself” began to seem too attractive to her. She would even say that this became her kink. And now, when you were dressed the same, with the same hair, from afar it was impossible to tell who was who. This turned her on even more, but the woman did not have the courage to admit it.
“Lizzie...” your whisper broke the ringing silence and the woman returned from her thoughts. She tried to back away, but you had enough impudence for both of you. You took her hands in yours and closed the distance again. "What do you want?" Her gaze running over your face, cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Your lips almost touched hers and you asked the last question in a whisper. "Can i kiss you?" A hum of agreement was all she could muster and you placed a quick kiss on her lips. And then another and another. The pace became faster and hungrier and you began to kneel down along her body. Hands lifted her black sports T-shirt so that lips left kisses on her toned stomach. The woman's hands slid into your hair and you looked up at her with puppy dog ​​eyes.
As you pulled her sweatpants off, your mouth kissed every exposed piece of skin: her hip bone, her upper thighs. When the pants and underwear slid down to reveal her center, you noticed how a string of sticky moisture stretched from her dripping pussy to her panties. “So wet.” Elizabeth stepped out of her unnecessary clothing and you pulled her down so she could sit on your lap, straddling you.
“Y/N...” She squirmed on top of you and took off her shirt, revealing her full breasts. Your lips wrapped around the nipple and the women let out a quiet moan, like a sob. Lizzie took your hand and lowered it to her crotch, wanting the long-awaited relief. “Now you see me without clothes, do we still look alike?” She needs to know this. Two fingers pushed inside, stretching the tight warm walls and you answered. "Absolutely identical." She began to ride your fingers, bouncing and squirming like a snake. She grabbed your shoulders for balance and moaned into the crook of your neck. Your other hand stroked her back and you whispered to her what a good girl she is, how well she doing for you. And when your fingers curled, pressing against the sensitive spot inside, she came, moaning into your mouth as she kissed you.
It was hard for you to sit on the hard floor of the gym and you leaned back to lie down and wrapped your arms around Elizabeth to prevent her from falling. The woman lay on top of you and sprinkled small kisses on your face, neck and lips, whispering quiet “Thank you.” Again and again. When the older woman's breathing returned to normal, she attacked your neck, biting lightly, making you squirm in place.
“I need to make sure your words are true.” That's all she said before instantly undressing you and pressing her lips to your bare chest with already hard nipples. You didn't lie. "You look as precise as I showed, although it wasn't difficult." She teased. Women’s teeth left bites on the surface of your stomach and thighs, what difference there will still not be visible, you thought. Let her to do what he wants, you told yourself, but all that came out was whining. “Oh please, I need you so much.”
And she gave you what you asked for, reaching your dripping center, she licked and sucked it clean so she could immediately push three fingers and pound into you at a fast pace. “So beautiful...” Lizzie whispered and placed a hand on your stomach to hold you in place. “Oh my God, oh my God!” You screamed into the empty gym as you came all over her fingers and tugged at her hair, pushing her head closer. "Yes! Fuck!” You fidgeted all over her face, unable to control yourself, you've been dreaming about this moment for too long.
When it was all over, the woman came up to you to give you one last kiss and stood up, picking up the clothes scattered on the floor. You looked at her in confusion, not understanding what it meant. It's good that she answered your silent question. “Are you just going to lie on the floor or are you going to come upstairs with me and take a shower before bed?” Sleeping in the same bed with her? Hugging? Oh, of course, this prospect immediately brought you to your feet.
“If we arrive together tomorrow, the paparazzi will again shout about our non-existent romance.” You said this with deliberate indifference, as if you really didn’t care what happened to you next. But Lizzie wrapped her arms around your shoulders to ask another question. “Who said that this is a non-existent romance? Hmmm” Your eyes widened and you didn’t know what to answer, the gears in your head were spinning intensely, processing what was said.
"Nobody." You answered. "Nobody said that."
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moonstruckme · 3 months
Aftercare with Sirius black is stuck in my mind 🤭🤭.
....mine too babe. mine too. (thanks for requesting!)
cw: post-smut (mdni?), implied choking + rough play
Sirius Black x fem!reader ♡ 738 words
You’re still shaking when Sirius needles his arm under the dip in your back, wrapping a hand around your waist to pull you closer. 
“You can’t tell me you’ve never done that before. You’re too good at it.” 
A laugh bubbles out of you, your brain still fizzing from your release and the praise echoing around in it. Your legs ache pleasantly. “Nope,” you say. “Never.” 
“Huh.” He turns his head towards you, smearing a kiss on the side of your head. “You’re a natural. You looked so pretty up there, baby.” 
The praise renews a welcome tingle in your brain. You turn your head into Sirius’ chest so he can’t see your smile, but he catches on anyway, humming teasingly into your hair. You both take your time catching your breath, you tracing your forefinger over the tattoos on Sirius’ chest and him sweeping his thumb back and forth over your side. 
“You’re being quiet,” he says after a while. “Didn’t take things too far, did I?” 
“No.” You look up at him in surprise, shifting to see him properly. “No, everything was great. I’m just tired, I think.” 
His mouth purses. “Let me see your neck.” 
“You didn’t squeeze that hard,” you reassure him, though you comply, lifting your head up and back so he can see the undamaged skin of your throat. 
Sirius runs a knuckle just under your jaw before humming satisfiedly. His hand moves to your nape, cupping the back of your head and bringing it to his chest again. You stroke his abdomen soothingly. 
“Y’sure you’re not hurting anywhere?” 
“Just my legs, baby,” you promise him, tilting your head up to kiss his chin. 
He rolls lazily on top of you, propping himself up on elbows digging into the mattress just above your shoulders. 
“Okay. Want a bath, lovebug?” 
You consider it for a moment. “I think I’m too tired.”
Sirius pouts, an impossible combination of mocking and genuine sympathy. “My pretty baby. Guess you’ve earned a bit of laziness, huh?” He raises up onto his knees, patting your thigh. “Stay right here.” 
He climbs out of bed, going into the bathroom and returning a minute later with a warm, wet washcloth. You try not to squirm as he cleans you up, cooing and pressing sweet, chaste kisses to the inside of your thigh. When he’s done, he folds the cloth over and works his way up the rest of you. You think it’s more for fun than for hygiene at this point, but you’re not complaining. The rough fabric drags satisfyingly over your skin, warm water soothing your aching muscles and wiping away the sweat pooled in your crevices. 
At some point you shuffle up the bed so your head is on a pillow, closing your eyes while Sirius takes care of you. The washcloth cools, and you hear the wet sound of it hitting the floor when he tosses it away from the bed. You’re too drowsy to scold him. His hands rove your legs, massaging at the tense muscles in your thighs. A heavy slumber tugs at your consciousness.
Warm, soft lips find your cheek. 
“Sweetheart,” Sirius coaxes. 
“Don’t forget to go pee.” 
You groan, rolling over and smushing your face into the pillow. You have absolutely no intentions of moving until tomorrow morning. Maybe afternoon. 
“Come on,” you can hear laughter in Sirius’ voice, can tell he’s enjoying the game of arguing with you. “I know you haven’t forgotten the last time you skipped it. You complained about that bitter-ass cranberry juice all week.” 
You hum your dissent into the pillow. 
There’s a sharp pinch to your bum, and then he’s gripping your hips, hauling you up and backwards onto your knees. 
“Why?” you whine, letting him manhandle you out of bed. “Why would you lull me to sleep just to make me get up?” 
“Vile and unjust accusations,” he protests. “Excuse me for trying to help you relax.” 
“Mean,” you mutter. 
He laughs, the sound loud and clear. Your mood lifts automatically, some stupid, lovey-dovey instinct. “I wasn’t trying to put you to sleep, baby.” He dips his head to kiss your shoulder, tone teasing. “Want me to hold your hand while you pee?” 
“Fuck off.” You steal the blanket from the edge of his bed, wrapping it around yourself as you tromp to the bathroom. 
Sirius’ heinous laughter follows you in. “Love you too, sweetheart.”
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flynnriderishot · 3 months
hi, I loved the last vinnie image. I was thinking what If it's the other way around and it's him who sometimes forgets to take care of himself. like he doesn't go to sleep even if he's exhausted or something like that. thank you ❤️‍🩹
without you (vinnie’s version) - v.h
a/n: hope this is okay! i’m glad you enjoyed the last one :)
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vinnie groaned in annoyance as he tossed his towel to the ground.
the sound of your sweet voice easily calmed his tense nature.
“are you alright?” you asked, trying not to get distracted by the car oil that covered his biceps, or the thin layer of sweat that coated his golden skin.
“i’m okay. what’s going on?”
“it’s almost ten.”
he furrowed his brows, “okay?”
“ten pm.” you elaborated, watching his brows raise in shock.
he mumbled to himself at how he managed to lose track of time while working on his car. he immediately began to apologize as he noticed the little pajamas you were currently wearing.
“it’s movie night, vin.”
“i know, babe, i’m so sorry.” he ran a hand over his face, his wife beater lifted up at the action, “i was working, adjusted the wrong part and got caught up in fixing it.”
he didn’t go into too much detail, knowing that the information would completely go over your head as the only thing you knew about cars was how you loved seeing the ones that looked like they came straight out of the Cars movie (author insert 😉).
“maybe you should take a break.” you suggested, “relax, shower, watch a movie with your favorite person, sleep, maybe cuddle with your favorite person—“
he scoffed out a laugh, shaking his head at your no so subtle hints.
“wake up tomorrow with a better attitude. and come back and fix your car. either way you need sleep, you look exhausted.”
you stepped up, running you thumbs over cheek bones.
he sighed softly, “you’re right.”
“when am i wrong?” you shrugged.
“almost never.” he agreed, “let me clean this up and i’ll come meet you, okay?”
you nodded, walking towards the exit of the garage, “don’t take too long.”
“i promise i won’t.” he called out, watching with a smile as you walked off.
he smiled to himself as he began to put things away, his mind focused on his favorite person waiting in their shared bed for him to hurry.
truthfully, if you hadn’t come out to get him, vinnie could have stayed up all night working on his car. while it would have gotten done, he knew he would’ve regretted the lack of sleep caused by pulling a possible all nighter.
thank god you were there to stop him before he could.
you walked down the hall with a plate of alfredo in your hand, a dr pepper in your other.
usually, when your boyfriend was doing his streams, you chose to stay away from the room. you didn’t enjoy hearing him yell and scream at his game for whatever reason, it just wasn’t worth the headache in your eyes.
you opted for allowing him to have his fun with his fans and fellow gamers while you enjoyed the peace and quiet in another room.
in the end, it all worked out fine.
until you realized how dedicated he was to playing a game and completely neglecting himself and his needs in the process.
you knocked on the door before entering, already having an idea that your boyfriend most likely wouldn’t have heard you over his own screaming.
he immediately turned at the sound of your voice, “yes, ma’am?”
“you need to eat.” you spoke softly, yet your tone was still somehow stern as you stepped further into the room.
he watched you with soft eyes as you made your way over to him. his eyes trailed over your body, taking in your simple outfit before smiling gently once he noticed the plate of food in your hand.
“thank you, baby.”
“you’re welcome.” you nodded, standing behind his chair, leaning against the back of it as you watched his chat go crazy at your monthly appearance.
it wasn’t often that the fans got to see more than a small glimpse of you walking in the background when vinnie streamed.
it sucked, because the fans truly did adore you as a person. they also loved the small bits of coupes content they would get when you appeared on any of vinnie’s accounts.
while you did social media yourself, you didn’t post as often as you did when quarantine was still a thing.
you weren’t a fan of how drastically things changed once everyone decided they wanted to become social media stars.
you weren’t against people pursing the career that you and your boyfriend did, it was just how weird to you how things went from dancing and thirst trapping on tiktok to bullying and berating random people for views and attention.
instead of risking getting involved in anything, you chose to slowly stray away from the toxic world of social media.
so it was safe to say that you running your fingers through vinnie’s hair as his cheeks flushed red at the simple sight of you was the highlight of their day.
“yo, chat. i want you all to know that if it wasn’t for y/n, i’d be dead by now.”
although you knew he was joking, you couldn’t stop yourself from swatting at his shoulder playfully, “don’t joke like that.”
“i’m not joking, babe. your daily reminders are the reason i’m even still standing.”
“al-right.” you dragged out, a short chuckle following as you straightened up, pressing a sweet kiss to the top of his head before you started to walk away.
“text me when you’re finished so i can either get you more or just to grab your dish, yeah?”
“yeah.” he nodded, “i love you, baby.”
“i love you.”
he read over the chat, his happiness clear in his eyes as he took another bite out of his food. thinking about it, his mind went through all the times you’ve managed to pull him out of his ways.
he really didn’t know what he would’ve done without you.
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starsforselene · 3 months
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Pairing: Bang Chan x afab reader
Rating: explicit MDNI
Contains: fingering (f receiving) oral (f receiving) chatty Chan, masturbation (f) hot roommate walking in on you
Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: You’ve had a crush on your roommate, Chan so long he’s part of your weekly self love sessions. However, this particular Sunday night, Chan comes home early and overhears you.
Note: it’s just a little self indulgent pointless smut.
“God damn it,” you mutter between clenched teeth as your head hits your pillow.
You fling the now lifeless vibrator across your room where it lands in your dirty clothes pile; with a sigh you stare at the ceiling, the dull ache between your thighs almost mocking you. It’s Sunday night and normally the only time your roommate, Chan, is gone long enough for you to get some alone time in since he’s got his weekly boy’s night at his best friend’s place. As luck would have it you forgot to charge the damn thing after your last session.
Now, you’re laying in bed, half cocked and out of fun options. You could either suck it up and get ready for bed, or handle things…manually. The thought of facing Monday morning unsatisfied is not ideal so you figure it’s better to take care of things the old school way. Closing your eyes, your hand roams down your stomach towards your center, slipping between your folds to gather the slick that had collected from your earlier ministrations, swirling them around your still-swollen clit. You let out a low moan as pleasure starts to build back up, steady and warm in your core.
It’s not long before images start flooding your mind: long, strong hands roaming over your body; soft lips kissing their way through all of your sensitive spots. You gasp as pleasure thrums through your body; visions of dark hair tickling your thighs as a sly smile peeks up from between your legs. A low moan slips from between your lips along with a muttered name as your fingers circle your clit faster desperately wishing it was his mouth, his hands bringing you closer to edge.
“Fuck, Chan,” you whimper, fingers working your bundle of nerves as you picture his tongue there instead.
Your breath quickens as your release approaches, legs buzzing with pleasure that zig zags its way up to your belly where it coils tight. Chan floods your mind: his long fingers inside you, pumping in and out as his lips suck on your clit—things he’s never actually done but you’ve thought of more than you can count. Your hips buck as you approach your high, sheets slipping off into a heap at the foot of the bed.
“Hey, did you remember to put the stuff—Shit!” Chan closes the door as quickly as he opened it.
“Oh my God! Why didn’t you knock! Jesus, fuck—Chan! What the hell!” You shout as you scramble to cover yourself despite the damage being done. Your heart is thundering in your chest, hands shaking as you wrap the sheets around yourself.
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t—I just thought that—“ Chan says from the other side of the door, voice filled with panic.
”You thought, what exactly? That you’d barge into my room?!” you shout back as you get up and walk across the room, opening the door to find him standing there, his back to you.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t think you’d be, uh, busy. I wasn’t sure if you had put the clothes in the dryer or if you needed me to do it.”
“You could’ve just looked in the washer? Why are you even home? I thought tonight was boys night?” you ask the back of his head.
“Oh, I didn’t think of that. Boys night was cut short, Han has an early meeting tomorrow. I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt…anything.”
“Turn around, Chan, I’m covered,” you huff as you lean against the doorway.
He obliges, face and ears red as he looks you directly in the eyes as if he’s willing the rest of you to not exist.
“Did you see anything?”
He swallows hard and you know right away that whatever comes out of his mouth is going to be a lie.
”I didn’t, I promise. I was in and out so fast I didn’t really see much.”
“Much or anything?”
“I didn’t see a lot…I promise. It was more what I—nothing.”
“Chan,” you say as he’s looking at the floorboards like they’re fascinating works of art. “It was more than what?”
“What I heard,” he admits, glancing up at you. “Or what I thought I heard! Maybe I misheard you or I made it up or something. Listen, I’m sorry. I’ll just go and we can forget this happened.”
He makes to leave but doesn’t, like he’s got something else to say. Your heart is hammering in your chest along with a thousand thoughts running through your mind.
“Just tell me. I don’t feel like tip toeing around this for days. It’s embarrassing enough you walked in on me masturbating. I don’t want a repeat of the time I caught you in the same position last year. We skirted around each other for weeks, it was beyond tedious.” The memory of that night fueled many Sunday sessions for you but he doesn’t need to know that.
Chan sighs in defeat and runs a hand through his hair as he glances up at you.
”I heard you moaning my name before I came in. At least I thought I did,” he says in a rush.
Your stomach drops down to your feet, heat rushing up your neck and into your face. Curiosity gets the better of you and you find yourself looking at Chan to gauge his reaction. He doesn’t look utterly disgusted, which takes you by surprise. Instead, he meets your gaze with his own, eyes darker than they were a minute ago, the connection sending heat through you. Your breath catches in your throat as you slowly realize that Chan looks the opposite of disgusted.
“Oh. Umm, well…”
“So did you?” he asks, eyes on yours still, slowly peeling away your resolve.
”I might…have…”
The air shifts between you like your admittance has opened a door that barely had hinges to begin with. Chan’s eyes alight with something you can’t quite place but it makes your core throb all the same.
The question catches you off guard and you straighten out of your haze.
“Why what?”
“Why were you moaning my name while you were touching yourself?” he asks as if he’s asking whether you want to make dinner or have take out.
You stare at him, unsure whether he actually wants an answer. He’s watching your face, almost like he wants to make sure he isn’t crossing any lines but also like he’s wanting to see if those lines can be erased instead. Your crush on your roommate is something you barely even acknowledge to yourself but right now, with the way he’s looking at you, it’s hard to think about much else other than your go-to fantasies of him and how they might become reality.
“I-uh-I- was thinking of you,” you say and immediately regret. Shit, why did you just—
“Do you think of me a lot when you do that?”
“Chan, I-“
”I think of you. I think of you a lot, actually,” he says quietly.
Your eyes meet again and that heat flares. You suck in a breath and sit on the edge of the bed, looking up at him. He looks less embarrassed than earlier, that line fully crossed now. He walks into the room and sits beside you, the heat from his body permeating through you.
“You…think of me?” you mutter as you fidget with the edge of the sheet, incredibly aware of how naked you are underneath.
Chan takes a deep breath, exhaling it slowly.
“Yeah, I do. Have for a while.”
A thrill runs down your spine, that familiar heat pulsating in your center. Chan thinks of you when he’s—you take a breath to push the thoughts away.
“I like that you think of me like that,” he adds softly.
You look back up at him and find molten fire in his eyes. It matches the fire burning inside you.
”What do you think of when you think of me?” The words escape you before you can even think of stopping yourself.
Chan smirks, like he knows he’s got you, turning to face you as his hand reaches up to cup your cheek. Your pulse quickens along with your breathing but you immediately want more. His thumb grazes your cheek, he leans in but stops short, as if waiting for you. All thoughts of hesitation leave you, a quick nod is all it takes before he’s bridging the gap between you. His lips are soft, tentative—at least until you kiss him back.
The moment the switch flips is almost tangible. Every glance, every accidental touch, every single time you thought of Chan in ways that you shouldn’t culminate in this moment where his lips are on yours and all you can think is more. You deepen the kiss with a moan, dizzy with this new feeling of having Chan’s lips on yours. His tongue explores your willing mouth, his hands moving down your arms and grabbing around your waist to pull you closer. You groan, his touch igniting small fires in its wake that burn brighter the more he touches you. His lips leave yours with no warning, breaking the kiss; it’s a bucket of ice water over you.
”Do you really wanna know what I think about?” he asks between panted breaths.
God, yes, you almost say but hesitate. You squeeze your thighs together to find reprieve for the ache that robs you of self control. His eyes never leave yours, pupils blown wide as he waits for your answer. The nagging curiosity wins over any doubt that might try and dissuade you; you need to know.
“Yeah, I do,” you whisper.
“Can I show you?”
You’re nodding before you can stop to think about it; all you know is that now that he’s touched you there’s no going back. Chan leans in, electricity sparking between your bodies the closer he gets, and he kisses you softly. His lips move slowly down your cheek, featherlight kisses that travel down your jaw towards your ear where he hovers, breath fanning over the soft shell of your ear.
“Lay back on the bed for me. Make sure you take that sheet off.”
Arousal rushes out of you at his words, a small whimper is your only response as you stand up and gingerly remove the sheet from around your body, exposing yourself to his hungry eyes. He takes in your naked form greedily, tongue darting out to wet his plush lips, an obvious bulge in his pants that makes you clench around nothing as you settle on the bed for him.
Chan stands at the end of the bed and looks at you, at first it’s full of desire but something clouds it. Your furrow your brow, panic rising in your chest. Maybe he’s changed his mind? Maybe it got weird? You know it should feel weird to you but it doesn’t, you’ve had feelings for Chan for far too long but maybe he doesn’t feel the same way? You reach for a blanket to cover up when he sighs.
”Are you having second thoughts? We can stop, you know. I understand if it’s weird,” he says.
Your chest feels light again, at least you’re on the same page—kind of.
”I’m not! I was worried you were having second thoughts—that maybe you didn’t like me like this and just got caught up or something.”
Chan chuckles and kneels on the bed between your legs, running his hands up your legs and settling them on your thighs, making you shiver. He licks his lips as his eyes roam down your body and settle on your face.
“I promise you that I’ve been fantasizing about this for far too long to have second thoughts,” he drawls with a half smile. He lifts your leg and slowly kisses his way up to your knee while his other hand spreads your leg to open you up for him. His eyes are obsidian, his want for you almost palpable. “Watch me baby, hmm?”
A pathetic whimper is all the response you can provide, body covered in goosebumps of anticipation as you watch Chan lower himself between your legs. He takes his time; kissing and caressing your thighs, slowly coming closer to the pulsating heat at your center. He bites and sucks the sensitive skin at the apex of your thighs and you gasp, fingers digging into the sheets when he quickly licks the pain away.
You feel the smirk against your skin as you hear his deep chuckle, it’s enough to make you dizzy with need. You’re about to beg for relief when he licks a broad stripe from your entrance up to your clit, moaning when he finally tastes you.
“Oh, fuck!” You cry out, shuddering as pleasure rocks through you, hands gripping his hair to keep yourself grounded.
Chan groans against you, tongue circling your clit just enough to make your hips buck up against his face; a silent, desperate plea for more. He doesn’t seem to take, taking his time licking and tasting every last bit of you, making his way back towards your entrance to dive his tongue inside enough to prolong the sweet torture only to stop and taste his way back up towards your throbbing clit. He licks and sucks on your clit until you’re a whiny, quivering mess; every nerve in your body buzzing with pleasure and desire.
“Chan,” you whimper between panted breaths as you lift your head to look at him.
You’re not sure what it is you’re asking for at this point but his dark eyes look up at you with molten desire in them as he smirks.
“I got you,” he purrs as he slowly inserts two fingers into your heat.
The deliciously slow stretch takes your breath away, your head falls back against the pillow as pleasure warms its way through your veins. How he knew what you needed before you did adds to the building tightness in your belly. He hums in approval as his fingers press against the sensitive spot inside you that makes you gasp and clench around his fingers, taking his time stroking it. You writhe on the mattress, Chan’s name falling from your lips with each pump of his fingers in and out of you, stars exploding behind your eyes with every drag of his fingers against your walls.
The heat builds in your belly, coiling tighter and tighter, making your toes curl and your eyes squeeze shut. Chan’s soft voice brings you even closer to the edge with each half moaned encouragement like he’s enjoying this just as much as you are. He presses his thumb against your bundle of nerves and the room spins, pleasure radiating through you and tears spring to your eyes; it’s too much but not enough.
“P-please, Chan,” you plead, voice barely a whisper, body wound tight.
He groans in response, fingers working you faster as his thumb flicks your clit. It doesn’t take much until the coil inside you breaks and you’re lost to the overwhelming release that crashes over you. Chan moans along with you, sending shocks of pleasure through you as he coaxes you through your high.
“Mmm, that’s my girl,” he chuckles darkly as he kisses your inner thigh.
A shiver runs down your spine as you start coming down, everything covered in a sweet haze that envelops you.
“That was…really something,” you breathe, covering your face with your hands.
“Better than what I imagined,” he responds as he kisses his way up your body until he’s settled between your legs.
He caresses your sensitive skin while placing soft kisses over your cheeks and eyelids, sweet nothings about how long he’s wanted you peppered in between.
“What now?” you whisper, a beat of uncertainty panging in your chest.
“We can figure that out in the morning. I’m tired,” Chan replies gruffly.
You giggle and roll your eyes, a smile settling on your lips. You’d argue but you’re tired and satisfied and his arms are way too inviting; you’re not too concerned with whatever comes next.
Knowing him, it’ll be the best thing that’s ever happened to you.
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multi-fxndom446 · 6 months
Through your phone
Johnny ‘Soap’ Mactavish x Reader
Summary: johnny 100% is the type to let his s/o go through his phone whenever they wanted.
Warning: angst at the beginning, cheating not from soap or reader, hurt/comfort, fluffy ending.
Word count: 2.4K
Just something short and sweet. I’ve been really into call of duty recently and I think Soap deserves more love that’s all. Kyle too so expect stuff for him. Horrible attempt at writing for someone who has a Scottish accent
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It first started slow. Practically unnoticeable.
Your boyfriend would still wake up, still give you a kiss on the head when he woke up, still eat whatever small breakfast you prepared for him and still would tell you he loves you as he rushed out the door.
But he stopped kissing you goodbye.
You didn’t think anything of it at first because he still kissed your head when he woke up and the kiss goodbye seemed so insignificant in the grand scheme of things because he loved you.
Then he stopped kissing your head in the morning and was on his phone more often.
Again you thought it was strange but not enough to have you questioning his love for you. Maybe he was just stressed out? You hoped that was the reason.
But then he started setting his phone face down anytime you got near him. He was getting distant but still had date nights with you, still cuddled with you..until he didn’t.
One night after a day of practically not saying anything to each other at all, he went to bed and turned his back to you. You watched from your side of the bed as his phone lit up a few more times before dying out yet you still couldn’t bring yourself to look through it. Even if your entire body was begging you too.
Then the days would pass where he was out the door before you even woke up or if you woke up at the same time he’d be tying his shoes already with a quick, “I’ll be working late tonight.” As the door shut behind him, leaving you feeling suddenly cold in the place you once called home.
He grew cold and distant, there always seemed to be a space between the two of you wherever you went all the while he was on his stupid phone for “work related” issues.
On those nights he was gone for hours on end you would be talking with Johnny on the phone while you cleaned the apartment that seemed darker and darker every day. Johnny had begged you on multiple occasions to leave him, that you deserved better but you dismissed him because he loved you…right?
That night when for the upteenth time of him returning home at an ungodly hour just to crash into bed, faced away from you. This time though he seemed intoxicated and he fell asleep before he could even change and that’s when you noticed the girly perfume coming from his clothes.
Your stomach churned as you sat there staring at the man you once thought you loved and after a moment you leaned over quietly and took his phone before hurrying to the bathroom and locking the door.
When you sat on the edge of the bath you noticed he changed his lock screen from a picture of the two of you to some random Lock Screen. It made you pause to take a deep breath to try and control the tears threatening to spill.
Finally, you unlocked his phone. You were surprised it was still the same. As you looked through his apps you weren’t even sure where to start when someone labeled at ‘work’ texted.
“Had fun tonight😘 same time tomorrow?”
You honestly couldn’t even say that your heart was broken. You prepared yourself for this for way too long, endured his distance for far too long. You couldn’t feel heartbroken. You just felt numb.
Even when you went through the hundreds of text messages between him and his so-called work. It wasn’t until you hit the end and saw the date of when they first started texting each other that you realized just how done you were with this relationship.
They started texting a day after your 3 year anniversary. Everything was gone, all the feelings, all the promises..gone.
You walked back into your shared bedroom to where he was still faced away from you completely oblivious to your findings but you also had a feeling he wouldn’t feel too sorry about it.
How could he sleep so peacefully knowing he was willingly destroying your relationship this entire time.
You watched him while you picked up your phone. You brought it to your ear as it rang softly. “Hello?” You felt the sudden heartbreak hit you as Johnny's Scottish voice came through. “Lass?”
“Johnny.” You whispered and you could hear rustling on his end like he was getting out of bed. “Can you pick me up?”
That whole situation was what was playing through your head as you sat on the barstool in yours and johnnys shared apartment while you watched his phone light up every few minutes next to you.
Johnny was running around the kitchen preparing a dinner he had begged you to let him make when he finally took notice of his phone blowing up. “Can you check my phone fer’ me?” Your eyes shot up towards him but his back was turned towards you.
You felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest. You didn’t want to be heartbroken again not after you got over that stupid ex boyfriend. Hell it took you almost a year later for you to give Johnny a chance, you loved him you did but the wounds were still deep.
You knew he would never cheat on you. You knew it the moment he came to get you in the middle of the night, not trying to be quiet at all as he helped you pack as much as you could and loaded it into his car. You knew he wouldn’t the moment he had brought Ghost with him to take you back to said apartment for the rest of your things the next morning and they stood by like two brooding bodyguards while your ex tried to beg for you to listen, which surprised you.
You knew he wouldn’t cheat on you when he waited patiently for you to be ready to go out with someone again.
So why was your heart in your throat?
You grabbed his phone softly, his phone lighting up again and you were greeted with your two smiling faces and an onslaught of texts from his group chat with Kyle and Simon, whom after a year and a half of dating Johnny you finally just started to call them by their real names.
“Anythin’ important?” He asked after a moment of silence. His back was still turned to you.
“It looks like it’s from Kyle and Simon.” He hummed in response before asking you to read through to see what they needed. “Apparently your captain is planning to make you all do drills when he sees you next.”
At this Johnny turned quickly, a look of disbelief on his face while he held a spoon in one hand. You almost wanted to laugh, he looked like a real housewife with the apron and all. “No bloody way. For what?!”
“Ah,” you looked back at his phone hesitating for a moment before you started scrolling further up. “Something about a prank that was pulled and now he can’t find his cigars. Simon said ‘soap fix this’”
You looked up at Johnny again to see him visibly wince. “I thought he woulda found them by now! Bloody hell, can you text back and say I’ll figure it out?”
“You want me to text them back?” He nodded like it was the simplest thing he’s asked you to do and turned back to the stove. “Are you sure?”
“Yer just replying to them before they come murder me, no pressure.” He laughed before noticing your silence and you couldn’t see the way his smile fell a little bit when he realized why you were so tense. “I’m sure.”
After a moment He heard the click of his phone shutting off and being set on the counter before he asked you to do another thing. “Can you see if there’s anythin’ else I forgot to respond to?” In all honesty he really just wanted you to look through his phone, to show you you could still trust him and that he was head over heels for you.
“Uh, another group chat with Price included sent something. Can I check?” He hummed in response and you started scrolling through to see if there was anything important. You knew any mission details are on a completely separate phone that quite literally cannot be used for anything other than talking to his task force so you never felt inclined to even ask.
“Dinners almost ready, I’ll be right back just gotta change.” He told you before running to the bedroom while you scrolled.
Anytime your name got mentioned you felt your heart clench until you read them and it was just the boys asking how you were doing. It made you feel nice. Just knowing his friends cared about you.
You’ve only known them about the year and a half you and Johnny have been dating but you’ve heard of them on multiple occasions from when you first met Johnny almost seven years ago, a year before you started dating your ex.
You couldn’t help but smile at the goofy text messages they would send back and forth until you came across a few that had you frozen to your spot.
‘Have you asked her yet?’
‘Hop to it Johnny, I’m surprised you didn’t ask her long ago.’
‘Will you tell us what she says?’ That one was price and it was followed up by a quick “of course” from Johnny before they all texted him good luck.
That was about a week ago.
Almost as if sensing your silence, Johnny came out of the room quietly. He noticed the way your mouth was agape in shock while your eyes scanned the messages over and over. And it took him a moment to realize why.
“No! Ya weren’t supposed to see that part yet!” Johnny called exasperated as he ran to you, scaring the crap out of you as you dropped his phone like it was a hot potato. “Didja read everything?” He asked after a moment of stunned silence.
He sighed when you wouldn’t even answer him and walked over to a drawer in his kitchen where he pulled out a small velvet box. “I was gonna ask ya tonight.” He mumbled softly, opening the box to reveal the most gorgeous ring you’ve ever seen.
Upon seeing the shock on your face his blood suddenly ran cold. “I didn’t just spoil it myself did I?! You did get to that conversation right?!” He was frantic but you were still frozen to your spot. It wasn’t until he brought his hands to your cheeks that you realized you were crying. “Why’re you crying Bonnie? Is it something I said? Is it too soon?”
You just shook your head as tears fell harder. “Are you serious? You want to marry me?” His eyes softened instantly and he brought you into one of his famous hugs. “Are you sure?” You whispered
“Lass, I’ve been sure I was gonna marry ya when I met ya seven years ago.” He muttered and you almost wondered if he could feel your heart skip a beat. He pulled back after a moment and picked his phone up off the floor. “Let me show ya somethin’”
You watched as he typed in a few words in the search bar of his message app and pulled up messages he still had saved between him, simon and Kyle seven years ago.
‘I swear on my mother, I’m gonna marry this girl’
‘Johnny don’t you think that’s a little soon?’ Kyle had asked him but Johnny seemed to ignore him as he sent multiple pictures of rings next.
‘Which one do ya think she’d like?’
‘Couldn’t tell you we don’t know anything about the girl.’ Ghost replied.
‘You sorry lads are gonna regret this when I force ya both to be in my wedding when I marry the love of my life’
The other two just disliked the message and that was the end.
You looked up at him in shock. “For seven years?” You whispered and he nodded softly. “Even while I was-?”
“Especially when ya were with that prick. I wasn’t gonna leave ya hangin’ to spend the rest of yer days with ‘im.” He scoffed as if thinking back to those three long years where you were in someone else’s arms.
It made you cry harder. “You waited for me?”
“Of course I did.”
“He never let me look through his phone.” You sobbed out and Johnny brought you into another hug. You felt silly, like this was such a childish thing to cry over but it just plucked all the right heartstrings for you.
“You can look through everything on my phone. I waited this long to finally be able to call ya mine. Why in the bloody hell would I screw that up?” He held on tighter. “You can even check my Snapchat, Gaz says I might have something called a snap score? Whatever the hell that means.”
He let a relieved smile come out when he heard you laugh softly before he pulled away from you and held the box back up to you. “We found each other, you just took the scenic route and that’s okay ya can make up for it by sayin’ yes.”
His eyes held so much hope in them especially when a big smile finally broke out on your face and you nodded softly, uttering a quiet ‘yes’
He felt like he could cry, “yeah?” When you nodded again he grabbed the ring and softly put it onto your ring finger, kissing your knuckles right after. “I love you.” He said pulling you into a kiss.
“I love you too.” You replied when you pulled away before a teasing smirk crossed your face. “Now let’s see what that snap score is.”
He laughed loudly as he pulled up the app, “I only really talk to Gaz and my family on there.”
“Not ghost?”
“Christ no. I’m surprised the man even has a phone.” He joked while watching you click your way through to his snapscore.
“Barely 1,000?!” You barked out laughing and he was frantic as he took the phone back. Looking between you leaned over laughing and his phone.
“What does that mean?!” He asked frantically he almost thought it was a bad thing until he noticed the way you clutched your side from laughing so hard. “Is that low?”
“So low Johnny.” You finally calmed down as you hopped off the stool. You kissed his cheek as you passed him. “God I love you. Now let’s try this dinner!”
He looked between you and his phone again before muttering, “Steamin Jesus.” To himself.
Yeah, you loved him.
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koolades-world · 10 months
The moment the om cast realized they fell in love with you (part three)
requested by a few people! here it is :)
He had been looking forward to the end of the week for what felt like hundreds of years now. He always wished it was the weekend, so that wasn't it. Although the thought of making every day Saturday was very tempting, Lucifer and Barbatos would not forgive him. What he really was looking forward to was his first one-on-one sleepover with Mc. Every time in the past they had happened to have a sleepover, everyone else was there. The brothers loved hogging Mc's attention. Not that he could blame them, though. He adored spending time with Mc. Just the fact that they agreed to come to the palace to spend time with him without the brothers present made him giddy. He wasn't sure if it was getting to have casual time with Mc and getting to learn human sleepover traditions.
When he initially suggested having a sleepover to Mc, it was because they mentioned having lots of fond memories when they were younger of sleepovers. It was only after the fact that he realized what he had just done. It didn't make him any less excited, but he felt more antsy about it. He had even worked extra hard and gotten more work done than he usually would to get Barbatos off his back for a night. Lucifer had even promised to keep his brothers away from them for the night so they could enjoy time together.
Mc had sworn to show him everything that humans younglings do at sleepovers, including doing each others nails and hair, throwing mini fashion shows, reading popular magazines, raiding the fright for midnight snacks, binge watching movies, and of course, playing games. He was looking forward to learning more about humans, but he found himself looking forward to spending time with Mc. He was always so busy, so this would be a rare opportunity.
The moment he heard Mc had finally arrived at the castle, he was scrambling to meet them at the door. Unfortunately Barbatos was too attentive for him, so he had to settle for meeting them in the grand hall. They were carrying a pink duffle bag that could barely close, something they borrowed from Asmo thanks to his name being embroidered across the side. They were dressed in pajamas, already prepared for the night. Mammon stood by their side, looking like he was ready to go out.
"Have fun, Mc. Let me know if ya wanna go home at any time. I'll come getcha even if it's three in the mornin'." He wrapped an arm around Mc's shoulders and side hugged them for a moment before letting go.
"I will. See you tomorrow. Stay safe, get home at a good time. Don't stay out too late." Mc patted Mammon's arm, and he reluctantly left after glancing at Barbatos, Diavolo, and Mc. Diavolo felt smug, but he wasn't sure why. There was no reason to be. He quickly let go of that feeling in favor of finally getting to spend time with Mc. "Hi Dia. Hi Barbatos." Mc waved to the prince and his butler.
"Please let me know if you need anything, My Lord. I'll be attending matters else where. Dinner will be done shortly." Barbatos excused himself.
"So, where are we sleeping?" Mc shifted the bag on their shoulder. Diavolo reached over and took it from them since it looked heavy.
"Well, would you be fine staying in my room? Of course, if you're uncomfortable, I can arrange something else-" Diavolo began to regret his earlier decision and grew anxious that Mc might not like it.
"I don't mind. That's part of a sleepover anyways!" Diavolo let out a mental sigh of relief. He should have known Mc would have been fine with it. They happily followed him through the castle, waving to Little Ds as they passed by. They arrived at his room eventually. He nervously opened the door. He had made sure it was extra clean before hand.
"Earlier today I went out shopping and bought loads of things I think you'll love! It wasn't easy to find some of this." They unzipped the duffle bag once they were in his room. Underneath the clothes and toiletries were an assortment of items. nail polish, various human board games, a Devil Switch that he recognized as Levithan's, and some magazines.
"Woah! You got all of this just for me?" Diavolo excitedly picked up a game box and shook it, listening to the pieces inside.
"I would say let's not start too much right now since Barbatos said dinner is almost done, but, I have another idea. A core part of a sleepover is ordering takeout! My favorite is Chinese and Thai, but pizza is more typical. Actually, do you even have that down here? I'm still not sure." Mc began removing the things they needed from their bag.
"Are you suggesting we... skip dinner?" Diavolo looked at Mc.
"Well, not exactly. We can still eat some, but just leave room for takeout later. I can't deny, Barbatos' cooking will be better." Mc nodded, with mischievous grin. Diavolo felt his heart skip at that smile; the smile they gave to everyone in the room. But, this time, it was all for him. It actually reminded him of the smile of an angel. He basked in their glory.
"Alright! You don't think he'll figure out, will he?" Dia questioned. Mc turned away from him, and when they turned back, he felt blasted by their smile again.
"Oh, there's no way he won't know. I don't think he'll stop us though as long as he eat a little. We can't waste his hard work, after all." Mc stacked the boxed games in a pile, placing the magazines on top of that. They pulled a laptop out of the bag and placed it with Devil Switch. He suddenly felt very stupid. He should have known that Barbatos would know, and probably knows right now.
He could blame the pounding in his chest for this forgetfulness. He always felt this way around Mc. He always managed to find a way to act afool around them. Before their arrival, he was always more put together and serious. Things were more chaotic now, but he wouldn't trade it for anything. He finally had someone to be less princely with, someone who would indulge his shenanigans. He would trade the fun with consequences for the boring days of paperwork any day.
Diavolo suddenly received a text from Barbatos telling him dinner was ready, and to bring Mc. "Barbatos says dinner is done and we should go down to eat." Mc looked up from their things.
"Alright. Let's go then." They began giggling as they left, leaving Diavolo to follow. They pretty knew their way around the castle from how often they were there. They excitedly told him everything they had planned for the rest of the night. He chimed in with all the questions he had, to which Mc answered diligently. Once they reached the grand dining room where Barbatos had set out their plates. Tonight was brushetta, dinner rolls, and a fancy looking pasta dish.
"Thank you Barbatos!" Mc thanked the demon. Despite saying they would not eat very much, they finished their entire plate. The entire meal, both Diavolo and Mc were chortling together to which Barbatos looked at them knowingly. As soon as the meal was over, they both thanked Barbatos again and scurried off quickly.
"First, we have to order the pizza, because we need to eat that before we do our nails, otherwise we might mess them up." Mc turned on their D.D.D. and placed the order online with Dia's opinion. As soon as the order was placed, Mc moved onto the next thing. Dia found it a little hard to keep up, but was excited. Time flew when he was with Mc.
First, the played a few human board games. They played Scrabble, Operation, and Life. Mc had brought more but they decided to stop early since they thought they might run out of time if they kept going. Their food arrived in the middle of the second game, so they ate as they played. After that, Mc insisted they do their nails and skincare. All the products they had were curtesy of Asmo. After using the products he knew he needed to get them for himself. After that, they played games on the Devil Switch that Levi had lent them. However, time seemed to slow when Mc brought out the magazines.
It wasn't the magazines themselves. Mc had brought a few choices, just in case Diavolo wasn't in the mood to read one of them. Mc recommended one fashion magazine to him, but he found himself lost in several places, so Mc suggested they read it together. What he wasn't expecting was for them to climb into his lap. They began flipping through the magazine in his hands, pointing at things on the pages, but all he could focus on was Mc on his lap. No other real thoughts went through his head. Luckily for him, Mc didn't notice and eventually, he was able to pay attention to what they were saying.
He felt warm with all the feelings buzzing inside him. At one point, he thought they might leave him, but they just leant far enough to grab their laptop. They pulled up Deviltube to put on a movie. Again, the entire time, the only thing he could focus on was Mc. Mc was so trusting and kind to him. They had been nothing but the best to him. He just couldn't place what he was feeling for them. It felt oddly familiar. As Mc leant back into his chest, he suddenly realized what that feeling was. He sat on it for a while as the movie played in the background.
"Mc?" Diavolo whispered after the movie was over. Mc didn't respond. He tilted his head and realized they were asleep. He smiled and tucked a blanked over the both of them. Now he was just left with his love for Mc and where he might go from there.
Barbatos carefully set up the tea table for two. He was expecting Mc over at the castle that evening, just after dinner. He would have preferred before dinner in order to steal them away from the brothers for longer, but this still worked. He has to make sure everything was just perfect, for them.
He made sure the tea he made was the kind the liked and all the little snacks were their favorite. He has grown to have them as his favorite too, since it reminded him of them. He thought the little set up for two was quite cute after looking back at his work.
“Barbatos! Mc is here!” A little D called out to him. He quickly stopped rearranging the table cloth. Was it really that time already? He grew slightly embarrassed at losing track of time and not being there in person to greet them.
“Thank you. You are most appreciated.” He made sure he was put together before heading to the door.
“Barb! So happy to see you!” Mc smiled at him as soon as he opened the door and practically tackled him into a hug. He chuckled and patted their back.
“Hell, Mc. It’s a delight to see you as well.” Mc took a step back to look him in the eyes.
“I have something for you!” They rocked on the heels as they presented him with a little gift bag that had a cute little label that said “for Barbatos.” He felt his heart begin to race at how giddy they looked.
“How thoughtful of you.” He accepted the gift and met Mc’s expecting eyes.
“Well, what are you waiting for? Open it! I’m excited to see what you think.” They giggled. He carefully pushed aside the tissue paper to reach what was underneath. Inside, was a few small bags of tea was labels he didn’t recognize. “It’s tea from the human world! I figured you must have tried pretty much all of them by now, but when I went to the human world the other day, I couldn’t help but wander into that shop and think of you.” They clasp their hands together, swinging them around.
“Thank you very much. It smells lovely. You always know exactly what to give as gifts.” He found himself lost in their happy grin.
“If you like them, we can go to the human world together. I remember the name of the shop. I think you would like it in there.” They flipped over one of the small bags to reveal the name of the shop hand written on the back.
“That sounds wonderful. We must do that.” Despite how collected he looked, on the inside he was scrambled. Mc invited him to the cute little tea shop. As… a date? Was he thinking too far into this? They both enjoyed tea, that’s all. Surely that wasn’t their intention.
“Let me know what you think. I tried the green tea, and that one in particular reminded me of you.” They showed him a different bag of a green, almost silvery colored tea with various little pearls of some kind mixed in.
“You really are the most endearing human I have ever met.” He held the bag up to the light, watching as the light eddied and danced around it.
“I’m glad you like it.” Mc smiled nervously. He felt himself begin to melt at their precious smile.
“Let me go drop this off in kitchen, then we will be off to our tea. Please excuse me for a moment.” Barbatos bowed and turned to leave the room. As he left. He heads Mc saying goodbye. He wasn’t sure what they would do while he was gone, but he needed a moment to regather himself.
He placed the tea with the rest, leaving the little gift bag on the counter for later. He glanced in a nearby mirror for a moment. He looked as he usually did. Nothing was amiss with his appearance. It was always perfect. Despite this, he still fixed his hair and shirt. He took a deep breath and made his way back to where he left Mc.
When he reentered the room, he couldn’t find Mc at first. He grew nervous. Had they left him? Was it something he said? However, the situation had no time to escalate. He heard Mc just down a nearby hall, conversing with a Little D.
“Sometimes, I don’t know what to do with Mammon. Maybe Lucifer will let us do a trade! You’re both yellow.” Mc laughed. He has heard that laughter about a million times now, but he never grew tired of it, and how gorgeous is sounded. When he pushed open the door a little more, he saw Mc on the ground. Barbatos rushed over to check on them, just in case something might be wrong.
“Hi! Sorry I wandered off a little. Just helping #2.” Barbatos looked at what was in their hands. They were holding a dust pan flat against the ground. Little D #2 was holding the matching brush and pushing some debris into the pan.
“You are a guest here. Please do not feel obligated to help out around here.” Barbatos knelt beside them to take the dust pan.
“I wanted to! I love #2. I just happened to see them here, and lent a hand since this is what they were doing. You know me. I hate standing around while those I love are hard at work.” Mc placed a hand on his shoulder. At first, he was unsure about how to feel about what they said. Then, he felt a little jealous that Mc had admitted they loved Little D #2. It was stupid of him to be, and he knew it was more of a parental love (even though #2 was much older than Mc). But he couldn’t help it.
Barbatos got back up and watched as Mc finished cleaning with #2, musing over his thoughts. He replayed their words in his head over and over again. Maybe he was looking too deep into it, but he still grew hopeful. Maybe Mc loved him too. Mc always found a way to interrupt his cleaning duties and take them over. He still found it odd that even though they were just a human and were limited on everything that he wasn’t, such as energy and time, they still went out of their way to reduce his work load.
He waved these thoughts away. He was most definitely looking into it too much. “If that’s what you so wish, I will not stop you. If you’re done here, may we proceed to our tea?” Barbatos offered his arm to them once they stood up. He hoped they would take it.
“We may! You’re such a gentleman.” They giggled and accepted his offer. They leant close to him, placing their head on his shoulder. “Bye #2! Nice seeing you!” As Mc waved to the Little D, Barbatos led them to the tea table he set up. He was so giddy at how close they were to him. It felt nice to have them all to himself. It felt good to not have to compete with the brothers or His Majesty.
While he would never admit it, he was always unsettled of sorts that Mc might choose someone else and never return to him. He wasn’t sure how to describe the feeling despite living for as long as he had. He recognized the underlying reason behind all of his bubbling emotions when he was around Mc. It has been so long since he felt like he loved someone they way he did Mc. But he wasn’t willing to admit it, not yet, at least.
The whole way to tea, Mc talked his ear off. Barbatos enjoyed listening to their chatter. He felt like he could listen to it forever. He chimed in at their request, as when they asked questions and such. When they finally reached the cute tea table he had set up, he proudly presented it to them.
"Barb! You shouldn't have! You're so sweet! This is adorable. You remembered my favorites too!" Mc squealed and did a couple little happy hops. They pulled Barbatos into another tight hug. Before they pulled away, however, they gave him a peck on the cheek. He felt himself seize up, his arms frozen around them. Mc didn't notice, as they continued shaking him around joyfully.
If he had felt this before, he surely would have remembered it. He had felt love before, but it hadn't been nearly this strong. The love he had for Mc had him in a tight chokehold. Despite him working hard everyday, nobody appreciated him as much as Mc did. Every little thing he did for Mc did not go unnoticed and they always tried to take some of the work off his back. They always said thank you, which even Lord Diavolo and Lucifer couldn't even match. Once they let him go, he tucked them into their seat and let them pour about how amazing his work was to him.
"Awwww, you even iced my name on the little treats! Next time, you should come to the House of Lamentation, so I can do the same for you! It won't be this but I want to do the same for you." Those words are what finally sealed the coffin. He was most definitely in love with the person across from him. Nobody ever did anything for him. He found himself sad once their time together was over. He insisted on walking them home, so he could keep them safe and enjoy a little more time with them. He had always taken time for granted despite being the one to understand it to the fullest. Now, he treasured every second.
"Thank you Barb. I really had so much fun. I hope you enjoy the tea." Mc leant in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. It was like the one from before, but this one was more deliberate, and lingered.
"It was my pleasure. Please feel free to stop by the castle anytime. We will have to arrange another gathering shortly." He felt himself avoiding eye contact. Mc was the only person with the ability to make him nervous.
"We should! See you tomorrow." They waved to him. Before they shut the door, he saw Lucifer greeting them. He turned to walk away, but before he was out of view from the window, he glaced back. He saw Mc enthusatically waving him goodbye. He waved back with a warm smile.
Once he got back to the castle, he stared down the gift bag. He admired their handwriting on the tag. He found himself almost reluctant to return to his work. He took the little bag to his room and tucked it away in a drawer. He touched his cheek, and sighed. He couldn't wait for tomorrow.
@mona-aiko sorry I took so long!
will do the next part for sol, thirteen, mephisto and simeon!
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aledethanlast · 10 months
I want to clarify something about my Lawyer!Andrew post:
Andrew is not doing this to impress people. In fact he actively doesn't want to impress people. He is done being a superman who holds everyone's lives in his hands. It's not good for his mental health when he's doing it and it's not good for anyone when that he fails, because the law is too big and some of these fuckers are just legitimately dumber and more guilty than his literal murderous mafia husband.
Anyways. Andrew wakes up in the morning, goes to his closet and shoves aside the 15k dollar Armani suits so he can put on the two piece he got at Macy's (then tailored to fit, cause he still has standards), and a matching tie.
He goes to the office. Brad asks him if he heard about the latest draft picks. Andrew stares him down until Brad goes to Andrew's desk and drops a quarter in the "Asking Andrew about Exy" jar. Andrew's coworkers seem to think that he's gonna buy the office a Foosball table with the jar money. They are wrong. It is for a new cat tower. Also, no Andrew hasn't seen it, but he got the rundown from Neil and Kevin, so he knows enough to tell Brad not to bother with a season pass for the Sealions this year.
He has two cases to deal with today. The first is a vehicular manslaughter charge. The client is pleading self defense, and that the victim was a stalker. Andrew likes her because, despite bursting into tears every time they have a trial prep session, she actually listens to instructions and knows when to shut the fuck up. He's confident.
The second is grand larceny. The guy is so super incredibly guilty but Brad gave him this case because he knows Andrew loves police misconduct cases and this one is just so full of protocol breaches that Andrew only had to show Neil the file for him to burst out laughing.
Janet says he has a call waiting. Janet is the highest paid paralegal in the county, because she also filters his celebrity mail. Technically Neil's pr firm still represents him, but Janet knows to turn down the DA's gala invitations without needing to argue with him.
He picks up the phone. It's the DA. The man invites him to the police gala because he knows Andrew ignored the emails. Andrew assumes the man was banking on Andrew giving a polite refusal he can wheedle or harangue into compliance. The man is new to the job, so Andrew will forgive this embarrassing miscalculation.
They spend the next hour discussing court dates for a certain case. Andrew's client for that one is disabled and only has partial aid, and he won't let them set court dates that they know she won't be able to attend. The DA, despite his embarrassing naivate, seems to be on the same page in this regard, so hopefully this will go well when they bring the matter to the judge.
In the span of this phone call, two of Brad's clients come into the office, and within five minutes of walking in are made to contribute to the jar. They don't get their questions answered, because he's on the phone, and they're not Brad.
He has court tomorrow. Court is annoying, because it's a room full of strangers who hear his name and forget why he's there, and he's not allowed to bring the jar. Court is a chore, because he has to walk people through their own idiocy, and then occasionally convince the room of just how stupid or brilliant it actually was.
Court is also, maybe, just a teensy bit fun, because whatever the stereotype of a lawyer is, Andrew really isn't it, and that makes people take him a lot less seriously until he starts quoting their words back to them faster than the stenographer.
(Janet also filters job offers. They tend to crop up every few months.)
(It used to be more fun, back in the early days when Neil would sit in sometimes, until he remembered just how horrifically boring the whole thing is. But that's fine. Andrew is happy having his own thing.)
But really, court is easy. It's a place where your word has weight, where promises are binding, and when everything is going to shit, nobody looks at Andrew like he's the freak for keeping his head.
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dreamescapeswriting · 20 days
Stray Kids || You're Friends And He Finds Out You Have A Praise Kink [Male Reader]
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⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - April 2024
A/N: My first male reader piece I hope it's okay for you all! <3
"I'm glad I've got a friend like you around," Chan said as he watched you going to grab his laptop from his desk in his office, the two of you were working late on a project that was due tomorrow, even though it wasn't your project you were down to help your friend. 
"I'm always here, you know that," You said as you carefully placed his laptop down,
"You're a good boy," The words slipped out with ease from Chan without thinking and his eyes widened a little as he turned around to look at you, you were a nervous wreck, backing up and stumbling a little as you walked to your desk.
"YN! I'm sorry, it just slipped out." He admits as he walks back over to you, smiling a little as you try to hide how embarrassed you were,
"I didn't know you had a praise Kink," He smiles, showing off all his teeth as he watches you,
"Shut up," You whine a little, you wanted the ground to swallow you whole at this point,
"Nah it's cute!" He smirks at you, rubbing your shoulder softly,
"My good boy." He winks before heading back to his desk while you try to decode what that wink would have meant.
"You come here every week?" Minho asked as the two of you walked through the cattery you'd been volunteering at for about a month now, you smirked at him and nodded.
"Yeah, I love getting to come and look after the cats." You admit with a warm smile, that it was one of your proudest things you were doing lately and it was safe to say you were happy with yourself.
"He's one of the best we have working for us!" A friend yells from behind the counter, your body heating up as you roll your eyes at her and sigh,
"She's being too nice." You mumbled a little and headed to the backrooms where you could show Minho all of the cats you'd been looking after,
"I think you're great, you're always doing such great things, Yn." He praised, your body shivering a little which didn't go unnoticed by Minho who smirked to himself,
"You're a good boy," He added, watching closely for another reaction out of you, you were stammering trying to think of something to say and Minho knew he had something knew to tease you with. 
"Don't be shy, you know you don't have to be with me," He chuckles softly as you groan, rolling your head back and trying to ignore him.
At first, Changbin had been caught completely off guard when he noticed how much you enjoyed being praised, and not just by him but by others as well and he had made it his mission to praise you as much as he could.
"You're a good boy, you know that right? Everything you do is so great," Changbin told you and you froze in place, you were unsure if he meant it in a good way or if he was teasing you to be mean about it and it was starting to annoy you. 
"You don't have to tease me, I get it, you think it's weird," You grumbled a little making Changbins heart drop, the last thing he wanted was for you to think he was being harsh about it,
"Yn, no...I-I just-"
"If it makes you uncomfortable I'll stop coming around," You sniffled a little and Changbin grabbed your hands, shaking his head at you
"No, don't. I like having you around. I was just having a little fun." He smiled weakly at you, realising clearly this hadn't been fun for you,
"At my expense," You mumbled and Changbin smiled weakly,
"No more, I promise." He held out his pinky for you and you locked it with your own.
Ever since Hyunjin had discovered your praise kink he'd done nothing but tease you about it, lightly of course since he didn't want to annoy you with it or make you feel uncomfortable,
"What a good boy you are," Hyunjin praises as you bring him his dinner for the night, you stare down at him while holding the plate and raise an eyebrow at him. At first, it would send you into a frenzy hearing the words come from Hyunjin but now it didn't faze you.
"Do you want to eat this or do you want to wear it?" You questioned sternly, Hyunjin's smirk dropping as he nodded.
"Eat it, please." This time it was your turn to smirk as you stared down at him,
"You like being bossed around, Hyunjin?" You teased, placing his plate down on his lap and rubbing the top of his head,
"Be a good boy and eat," You chuckled walking off and leaving him alone, his mouth hanging open ever so slightly. 
You'd been beating yourself up all day about a presentation you'd given that morning at work and Jisung could tell it was getting to you a lot so he ran out at lunch to get you all of your favourite snacks for work. 
"I got everything," He tells you as he places them all onto your desk, creating a mini picnic for you as you stare at him confused,
"You did a great job today, I wanted to make sure you knew that," You smiled weakly as you looked at everything in front of you.
"You did a good job, I'm proud of you." He told you as he rubbed his hand up and down your arm, a small whimper leaving your throat at the sudden praise from him. Jisung smirked a little as he watched you closely you did your best to act as though it hadn't sent your body into a frenzy with a simple sentence.
"You okay?" He arched a brow at you, and you nodded, your breath catching in your throat and smiled weakly.
"Not used to compliments," You both knew it was a lie but Jisug just nodded at you,
"Well, get used to it. You deserve every bit of praise coming your way," He smirked putting an emphasis on "praise" before heading back to his own desk.
Felix was caught off guard when he realised that you had a thing for praise and he started to use it all of the time with you, it had started as a way to tease you softly but as he continued to do it the more he liked to praise you for things. The two of you would eventually praise each other and Felix discovered he had a thing for it as well,
"Good job, proud of you," Felix whispered in your ear as you sat down beside him after giving a presentation in the office, your heart had been racing before but now it was working overtime to battle the praise and how close Felix had been to you.
"You too," You chuckled, looking at him with a smirk as you noticed his cheeks were starting to turn a slight pinkish colour.
"Good boy, Lix," You wink at him as he goes up to give his presentation next, his cheeks still pink as he watches you from the front of the room.
Seungmin had been excited to use it every single chance he had, he was cocky with it too, not caring if someone else heard him calling you his "good boy" or even if the boys would tease him for it. He enjoyed teasing you and it was something he did on a daily, today was no exception except you'd wised up to what he was doing and you were going to take a stand for yourself.
"Can you be a good boy and go and get me a drink?" He arched a brow at you as you shivered, slowly rising from the sofa and heading toward the kitchen he smirked a little, knowing he had you wrapped around his finger.
"Being cocky with it will get you nowhere!" You called out to him as you caught the smirk on his face, turning to face him as his cheeks flamed a bright red colour. 
"You never cease to amaze me," Joengin exclaimed, his words dripping with sincerity. You and Jeongin were walking home after a particularly long day from work, it had been stressful and everyone had been under an immense amount of pressure but you'd somehow kept your cool. 
"The passion you have for your work is inspiring, you're so great at everything you do," The small praise from him sent your whole body into a spiral, your stomach flipping as you stumbled over what to say to him.
"T-Thanks, Innie," You mumbled a little,
"I appreciate it." You added with a stutter which didn't go unnoticed by Jeongin who stared at you, noticing that your usual calm exterior was replaced with a slight unease.
"You like it when you're praised?" Jeongin smirked, you knew that smirk all too well he used it whenever he teased you,
"N-No! No!" You yelled before the smirk took over completely,
"What a good boy you are," He chuckled softly, rubbing your back as you pushed him off, rolling your eyes a little at him as you knew you were never going to get him to drop this.
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@chiisaiblog @sw33tnight @kaitieskidmore97 @laylasbunbunny @stayconnecteed @saymyspringrain @toplinehyunjin @katnisspeetaprim @acciocriativity @just-aelia @choisoorin @straykids5star @midnightfrog625 @beccaskz @scarletemeterio @halesandy @junhannies @gothic4under4lord @lixie-phoria @soulphoenix1618 @aerastus @jin-from-the-block @lensfilm @elizaschuyler18 @piratequeen-impact @kpopsstuffs @chaeyoungs @delulu18 @xyahrinx @katsukis1wife @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan @blairscott @4-chan-inpadella @niktwazny303 @moonlight-the-writer @armystay89 @hadassahchan @yxngbxkkie @myyouthdonut @extrhotjne @ca11me3mily @elissasimp @piercedddriver
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aurora-starwars · 1 year
Hi!! Can I request a scenario of Jake Sully and Reader bonding with their kids and telling them a story of how they fell in love. Also maybe a bit of Reader bonding with Lo’ak who’s a mama’s boy?
Family Is One Of Nature's Masterpieces
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Pairing: Jake Sully x fem!reader
Summary: To get their energetic kids to bed, Reader and Jake tell them the story of how they fell in love
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: language
A/n: Thank you so much for requesting! I really liked this idea!!!! Please enjoy! <333
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The kids were hard to put to bed at this age. Always wanting to run around and play. It was a wonder that [Name] and Jake got anything done.
Lo’ak seemed to lead the chaos most of the time, Tuk encouraging his behaviour. This more often then not lead to Lo’ak doing or saying something dumb, usually causing him trouble from his parents. While Lo’ak always seemed to lead the shenanigans, Kiri was easily convinced to join although she pretends she wants nothing to do with them. And despite her ‘indifference’, she always seems to have the most fun. While Neteyam joins them every now and again, it’s more often that the three attempt at playing a prank on him.
Although that never seemed to work.
Once they tried replacing his drink with juice from a plant that was so smelly, that plants around it struggled to grow. But when Neteyam went to take a sip, he was pulled away for more training. Or when they tried to dye his loin cloth, the plant they used turned out to have no pigment when it dried.
These were small things that Jake and [Name] observed about their children. Small things that meant the world to them. Small moments like the one now while they run around the canopy in their Home tree. Although, the chaos can become loud and much too energetic for bed time.
Jake smiled at the kids running around playing a strange game of tag while he held [Name] snug in his arms. Looking down quickly, he found [Name] smiling at the kids as well. Jake could feel the vibrations of her laugh from under him as she reacted to something smart-ass Kiri said. The two could only feel a sense of pride as they watched their children. Jake laughed at Tuk sticking her tongue out at Lo’ak before she started to yawn.
“Alright! Time for bed!” Jake called, having apparently decided to call for bed time at the peak of their fun.
[Name] cringed to her self about the timing, the kids were not going to like this.
Sure enough, loud whining started from the kids. Well, mostly just Tuk and Lo’ak.
“It is not bed time yet! It’s barely even eclipse!” Tuk complained, pointing at where she thought the sun would be before slouching dramatically.
“Yeah! I was just about to beat Tuk! Again…” Lo’ak remarked, mumbling the last part with a grin.
“Come you two, your father is right,” [Name] started with an amused smile.
“As he usually is.” Jake added quietly, only to receive a small elbow in his stomach.
“We should all head to bed if we want to get a good night’s rest. We want to be ready to run faster for tomorrow, right Tuk?” [Name] smiled, watching as her youngest resist a smile at the chance of beating Lo’ak.
“Yeah… But I don’t wanna go to bed!” Tuk complained once again.
“Why don’t we tell you a story?” Jake suggested.
The kids were slowly closing in around them, finding interest in this idea. Tuk jumped right into [Name]’s arms, looking up expectantly at her parents. Neteyam and Lo’ak sat on either side of [Name] and Jake, facing the person promising a story. It wasn’t often that their parents would tell stories like this before bed.
Sure they had told stories of past and passed on information using this medium but a voluntary story before bed? Their parents saved the best stories for this time.
“Could you tell the story of how you fell in love?” Kiri asked softly, hoping that just they would hear as she moved to sit in front of her parents.
“How we fell in love?” Jake smirked, looking at [Name].
“Yeah we can do that.” [Name] looked at Jake, smirking back.
“Ewww. A love story. Of course you would pick that Kiri.” Lo’ak complained, rolling his eyes at Kiri.
“You are going to die sad and alone, Lo’ak.” Kiri stated, smacking his arm.
To which Lo’ak only pouted at, causing Neteyam to laugh.
“I think it is sweet, she can get ideas for her and Spider.” Neteyam teased, drawing out the ‘r’ in spider. Clearly having no such feelings as he laughed.
“You’re going to die alone too!” Kiri remarked, glaring at Neteyam which he only laughed harder at.
“Oh put it a rest you three.” [Name] rolled her eyes, finding not only Tuk laughing, but feeling Jake laugh from behind her as well.
When [Name] heard as close to silence as she was going to get, she began the story.
“Well, it started when your father wandered in this forest with his small crew of scientists.” [Name] began, watching as all of their faces morphed to those of great intrigue.
“After he was separated from the group, he was struggling to survive on his own.” [Name] spoke confidently.
“I wouldn’t say I was struggling.” Jake argued.
“You were struggling.” [Name] repeated with the same confidence.
Jake huffed as was met with the giggling of his children.
“When he was attacked by a pack of viperwolves.” [Name] said dramatically, all of the kids around her gasping.
“As he was struggling to fend them off-”
“What is with all of the ‘me struggling’?” Jake asked, cutting her off again.
“Well if you weren’t struggling then you wouldn’t have needed me to help.” [Name] smirked, knowing she won.
Jake only huffed again and rolled his eyes playfully.
“As he was struggling to fend them off, I jumped down and saved him, scaring all of the viperwolves off.” [Name] explained, a proud tone in her voice that Jake couldn’t help but smile at.
“As I went around accessing the damage he had caused, he dared to thank me.” [Name] shook her head.
Jake rolled his eyes, thinking about how it had been years and she still was not at peace with it. But then he saw he children, shaking their heads in agreement, to which he smiled, shake his head with disbelief at how similar they were to [Name]. Jake thought it was about time to take the story into his own hands.
“Then your mom looked at me, and it was love at first sight.” Jake smiled as he looked at [Name].
“She fell hopelessly in love with me.” Jake smirked, look around at his children who were equally entranced at his telling of the story.
“The only hopeless one here would have been you if I hadn’t helped you.” [Name] stated in a monotone voice, receiving another laugh from her kids.
“Regardless, from that day on, she couldn’t get enough of me.” Jake boasted with a smug smile.
“I then yelled at him for being a bumbling baby and how he should go back to his lab rats.” [Name] smiled with victorious glint in her eye.
“I was not bumbling!” Jake argued again, causing another wave of giggles.
“I don’t know, dad. Kinda sounded like you were a hopeless bumbling baby.” Lo’ak remarked, putting his hands in the air and looking away acting as if he were innocent.
“Nice one Lo’ak.” [Name] smiled, offering a fist to fist bump, which only mean Lo’ak beam with pride.
“Then he followed me to the root of the Hometree. Where I almost got rid of him. But then, like a miracle, the seeds of the tree fell on him, covering him completely.”
Several simultaneous ‘woah’s sounded from the kids.
“It’s actually funny, because if it weren’t for Eywa’s message, I would have shot him while he was prancing around with the viperwolves." [Name] giggled, clearly find that fact hilarious.
Jake did not so much.
“It wasn’t that funny.” Jake pouted, before continuing.
“She then was obviously obligated to bring me in front of the Olo'eyktan, seeing as I was the chosen one.”
“Chosen not to die…” Kiri remarked, [Name] smiled at her.
“Okay, why have we became a Jake Sully hate club today?” Jake asked rolling his eyes at the laughs he received from all of his family.
“Just continue the story, yawne.” beloved
“When we got their they told me that [Name] would teach me to be one of The People.” Jake boasted.
“After he told them he was an empty cup.” [Name] whispered to Tuk, but her voice was loud enough that everyone heard, resulting in another wave of laughter.
“Alright you four, now it’s really time for bed.” Jake stated, fed up with all of this slander.
[Name] kissed his cheek softly, causing Jakes face to move from a pout to a smile as complaints sound from the kids.
“He is right, it is now time for bed.”
[Name] smiled as they all got situated for sleep, when Lo’ak sat next to her, a timid look on his face.
“What’s wrong Lo’ak?” [Name] asked softly, concern written all over her face.
“Do you think I will ever find love?” Lo’ak asked quietly, no doubt trying to hide the question from his siblings.
“Of course you will, Lo’ak! You are a wonderful young man who is going to grow to be a wonderful man with a mate that Eywa has sent, just for you.” [Name] smiled at the boy.
“I have no doubt in my mind that you will meet someone who loves every bit of your wonderful self.” [Name] gazed softly at him.
Many saw much of Jake in Lo’ak but [Name] saw so much of herself in him as well. Lo’ak smiled back before hugging her tightly.
“Thanks mom.” Lo’ak smiled more confidently now, before yawning.
“You get to bed, little man.” [Name] laughed as Lo’ak made his was to where he was sleeping.
Jake walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around his mate.
“We did well with them.” Jake smiled, resting his chin on [Name]’s shoulder for a moment before kissing her neck quickly.
“We did.” [Name] smiled, leaning back to enjoy his arms around her.
“We really did.”
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A/n: Thank you so much for reading! Please read the request guideline before requesting! It makes it easier for me! Thank you! <3333
Taglist: @nyotamalfoy
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holllandtrash · 8 months
london boy | lando norris (6 to 1) - smau
part of the lover x 6 to 1 series | lando norris x leclerc! reader
So I guess all the rumors are true You know I love a London boy 
takes place 3 months after part 12 of 6 to 1 vote for the next part here
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ynleclerc added to their story
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landonorris added to their story
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ynleclerc 📍 London, England
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc and 54,103 others
ynleclerc london night 1 + lando picking me up from the airport (merci to the person who captured him giving me a literal garden)
view all 508 comments
landonorris only the best for the best
ynleclerc i will expect flowers everytime now landonorris okay
givememclarens not a fan of the soft launch pics bestie everyone knows you're dating the least u could do is give us bf lando
liked by ynleclerc
charles_leclerc please return home in one piece
ynlelcerc no promises
lewishamilton my second home 🖤 let me know if you need recommendations
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liked by ynleclerc, arthur_leclerc and 314,484 others
tagged: ynleclerc
landonorris london rookie had to see all the sights today
ynleclerc you loved that double decker bus ride as much as i did landonorris i lost my bucket hat ynleclerc i told you not to wear it
charles_leclerc why aren't you sitting like a normal person
ynleclerc because i know how to have FUN charles
ynleclerc 📍London, England
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liked by danielricciardo, riabish and 67,810 others
ynleclerc im sorry..the old y/n can't come to the phone right now
view all 315 comments
danielricciardo you know you're not just supposed to look at the phone booth right, you can actually go inside
ynleclerc leave me alone
charles_leclerc why are you wearing shorts in october
landonorris i asked the same thing ynleclerc its called fashion look it up
riabish cuuuute
ynleclerc can't wait to see you tomorrow ♡
ynleclerc added to their story
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riabish added to their story
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liked by landonorris, maxfewtrell and 31,406 others
tagged: riabish
ynleclerc ria is a better tour guide than landon i said what i said
view all 830 comments
riabish love you♡
charles_leclerc landon
danielricciardo not the landon slander
mclaren landon?🤨
oscarpiastri i love my teammate, Landon Orris
landonorris my goodness
landonorris added to their story
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ynleclerc added to their story
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liked by riabish, charles_leclerc and 478,309 others
tagged: ynleclerc
landonorris she cleans up nice for someone who didn't get out of bed until 4pm
view all 18,305 comments
ynleclerc i got ready faster than a red bull wins a race
liked by landonorris, danielricciardo and 5,607 others
mclaren but where's landon?
ynleclerc we are done with this joke oscarpiastri no we are not
thepaddockbulls never in my wildest dreams did i think i would ever see a leclerc make a joke about red bull winning
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liked by landonorris, maxfewtrell and 43,360 others
tagged: landonorris
ynleclerc day 6/6 🇬🇧 could this photo dump get any more british
landonorris there's no tea in any of those pictures
ynleclerc remind me to get some tmr before we leave
oscarpiastri where's landon?
ynleclerc OSCAR
nofornorris sad that her little london trip is ending i was living vicariously through her
sunnyseb petition for them to just move to london full time
landonorris added to their story
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ynleclerc 📍home
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liked by landonorris, mclaren and 89,205 others
tagged: landonorris
ynleclerc you know i love a london boy
view all 1,104 comments
landonorris im from bristol
ynleclerc not today you aren't
danielricciardo you kids grew up too fast
mclaren Well if there's ever an F1 race in London, we know who'll be the first to support it 😉😉
OscarPiastri thought you loved Landon Orris
landonorris mate shes gonna block you, i just watched her throw her phone across the airport
----- vote for the next part here
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