#continuation of the slow dancing in a burning room I wrote for my friend
curi0us-gh0st · 6 months
Seasons (Bada Lee)
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pairings: Bada Lee x Fem!Reader
word count: 1.887
genre: fluffy, angst
summary: You think there are no feelings in your relationship with Bada, because you are distant, but you are completely mistaken.
warnings: nothing too big, insecure reader, distancing yourself, crying, I think that’s all? [no review]
a/n: Yes, I just wrote this and god, I've had this in my head for a long time, ignore the mistakes and if it's too confusing.
Your relationship was something you loved, especially because of the person you were with. The beginning was so magical and the chemistry you had made your heart swell with love and your mind thought it was in a book you read.
The romance with Bada began when you accompanied your friend to a practice class to test out new hobbies, and well, you couldn't help but notice the tall and sexy choreographer everyone was talking about before, during, and after the class.
The class itself was energetic and caused a lot of excitement for you and your friend. You continued going to dance classes but in the end, your friend gave up to pay attention to something else and you focused on something that was finally good, dancing.
You weren't the best or the worst, but you had a lot of fun practicing the choreographies and steps that you saw and were assigned during practices.
Until the day he was changing classes, in his rush to get to the next class, he ended up bumping into someone, his hands on the person's abdomen, on the person's waist for support, his eyes opening and looking at the familiar shirt, his eyes going up and meeting the playful gaze of her dance teacher.
“I think you can let me go now.” She giggled, removing the hand that held her from her shoulder, her cheeks burning with embarrassment, walking away quickly.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…” You bowed in embarrassment.
"All good." She ruffled her hair a little. “You must be late for something, so go carefully and don’t fall there.” Bada joked and left.
Since that day, when she saw you, she joked about the incident that occurred, resulting in you being as red as a tomato and a giggling Bada.
At the end of one of the classes with Bada, it was just you and her left to tidy the room, a pleasant silence until she brought up the subject, playing with you again and praising your red cheeks, after stopping laughing, she sighed and looked at you, your eyes met, a mixture of joy and confusion, until you asked what she was looking at and she asked if you would like to go out with her, of course her red cheeks became visible.
Bada Lee, your dance teacher who everyone wanted and praised your performances asking you out? Of course he caused a short circuit in his brain, accepting the invitation in a friendly way.
The meeting evolved into several other meetings, visiting and getting to know cafes, going to cinemas, the beach, festivals, dance events and many others. One of these meetings took them to the Han River, on an October night, the cold wind that blew leaving their lips, noses and ears red, their bodies warmed by the laughter and conversations they shared, their eyes meeting at different times and shining. one to another, even the atmosphere thickens to the point where their lips touch, a passionate and slow kiss, transmitting unspoken and hidden feelings.
The moment they pulled away, they looked at each other, shy and nervous now, thinking about what would happen now.
“Well… I, uh… I think I have more than friendly feelings for you, Y/N.” Bada confessed, looking shyly at her own feet. “I would like to test how far this can take me, actually us.”
She finally looked you in the eyes, their hearts beating in sync, a smile appeared on her face, honored by the confession, causing Bada anxiety for her response.
“I would also like to test how far these feelings can take us, Bada Lee.” You smiled, before the choreographer's arms pulled you into a tight hug and a kiss that made your stomach bubble.
These feelings took you to distant places, the relationship brought you to the present, your relationship with Bada had lasted more than four years, always together and supporting each other, comforting and encouraging in your times of need. Bada and you grew up as dancers, doing duets together and small appearances in some groups' music videos, Bada became famous over the course of her talent and her beauty, especially among girls, which you don't mind so much, since In the end, it was you she would sleep cuddling with after a long day. And you focused on your career as a teacher, teaching at the academy as Bada.
This was shown when Bada accepted the invitation to be a street woman fighter, to show the world her skills with the BEBE team. Bada even asked if you would like to participate with them, so you denied, you didn't like so much attention and you certainly didn't want to appear on television out of embarrassment.
From the first episode, in fact, since she received and started preparing for the program, you encouraged her to do her best, praising her effort and congratulating her because she deserved it in addition to all the stress she suffered along the way.
You watched each episode, rooting for the team and even feeling a little jealous with the battles and interactions you had and had with your girlfriend. Every time she arrived at the shared apartment, you greeted her with compliments and your playful opinions about what happened episodes always make her laugh.
But since then, it started to slow down, Bada's free time decreased, her focus on the program's missions increased, making her always arrive home late at night, spending a little bit of her free time with her team or surrounded by friends. new fans that she obtained during the episodes for her dances and her masculine and feminine aura that she had.
And your insecurity awakened, the number of Bada's followers increased, every day more people found her, complimented her and flirted with her, the thought of you disappearing and her not noticing caused nightmares and a fear grew in you, your thoughts were consuming , making you insecure and unhappy because you seemed so distant from your girlfriend, you were falling apart and no one was noticing.
Perhaps such thoughts were too trivial because it was you she would hug after a tiring day, even if you had fallen asleep, she would smell your shampoo and kiss your cheek before leaving for another day.
Little did you know that Bada was in bad shape too, she knew that you valued her privacy and her success during the program made her afraid of people invading her personal space and messing up her relationship. That's why she thought that by moving away from you, you wouldn't feel suffocated by the crowd that was behind her, she was always thinking about you, all the missions she couldn't tell you and made her cry, she wanted to run from the room practice and run to you, hug you and cry until everything is okay, because your hug was her safe haven, it always was.
When Bada heard from you that you were going to travel, fear settled in her, she thought she couldn't be without you, just as you thought you couldn't be without her, but it would leave her freer to practice and focus on the program.
The short time spent with her parents, Bada made sure she would receive notes accompanied by daisies, her favorite flower, until you returned home to her.
When you arrived at her apartment, it was almost half past midnight, nervousness taking over you, you had the plan to talk to Bada and review her feelings, if they were there.
Upon entering the room, you were greeted with Bada's tight hug involving you, saying that she missed you and that she missed you, there were only a few days left until the end of the program, she was so nervous lately that she was barely sleeping and when she heard you coming in she ran to see you.
After the long hug, you were nervous about saying something and Bada took the initiative, asking how your visit to your parents was and you responded by saying how the past few days had been. Silence took over soon after and it was you who started this time .
“Bada… I think we need to talk.” You said, looking at her sitting with her legs crossed as you shared the same couch.
"Of course dear." She adjusted herself to look at you better, she was nervous. “Is there something bothering you? Anything I can help with?”
The nickname she used reminded you of the moments together, the beginning and everything before all this snowball suffocated you.
“Do you… Do you still have feelings for me?”
The question made Bada confused, of course she was, but the confusion came because of the lack of confidence you appeared with the question.
“Why this question? Of course I do, I love you. What made you think not?” She grabbed his shaking hands.
“We seem so far away... I love you, but I feel like I don't have you anymore... I don't know, I'm feeling so confused. There are so many people complimenting you and flirting with you, of course forever, but this has intensified and I... I'm so insecure that you don't like me anymore.” The confession made Bada squeeze his hands to comfort him.
“Ah princess…” She pulled him into a hug. “Forgive me for that, I thought you would like privacy so I stayed away for the sake of the program. I didn't want to make you insecure or uncomfortable through any of these things, I thought I was keeping you safe but I think I ended up moving away from you, I'm sorry.” Bada spoke during the hug.
“I didn't want this to happen... I was praying for you, that you could be by my side, but I got caught up in it all.” She continued, pulling back to look at you.
Her eyes were teary, bright with unshed tears, realizing that she was so bad seeing only the negative side that she didn't realize Bada's intention to protect her.
“Sorry, now I feel so selfish for not seeing your point.” The tears rolled down her cheeks.
"Oh, darling. Don’t cry, don’t blame yourself for it.” Bada tried to wipe the tears from her cheeks. “I love you so much, I would give my life for you, you are my safe haven, my season, I would never do anything to hurt you on purpose.” She whispered to you, tears threatening to fall more.
"I love you so much much much." You said as you wrapped your arms around her neck to hug her. “You are my everything, Bada. You are my favorite person and the one I love most, I’m sorry.” You asked through tears.
Bada held your face with her hands, kissing your face while whispering statements and compliments to you, after an intense session of kisses and hugs, she helped you take a shower and made you wear comfortable clothes to sleep, hugging you under the blanket, kissing your cheeks and lips, holding you close to her, as if she would lose you if she let go.
"I love you my love." She whispered, kissing his nose.
“I love you too, Bada.” You hugged her tightly, hiding in her neck, smelling her, this woman was yours, just like you were hers.
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a/n: in my head, this woman is in love and doesn't know what to do lol
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luzuraaa · 1 year
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byler fanfic recs !
these are all of my byler fanfic recs :)
also, you may have seen this post on my old account @scrunklykou but i decided to just copy it to here so i could continue updating it. i am not copying them given that they are me lmao
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favorite of all time !
force of gravity - oceanfruit
literally the best fic i’ve ever read tbh. it’s got slow burn, angst, fluff, all the good stuff you know? idek how to describe the emotions i felt while reading this but it was an amazing experience. definitely my #1 byler fic recommendation 🫶
one shots !
i’d love to see me from your point of view - unidentifiedblackthorn
Mike and Will get high on Jonathan’s weed and Mike has an amazing idea.
you know me better than i do - unidentifiedblackthorn
Will can't avoid Mike forever, and they talk about what happened the day they got high together.
the right idea - candlelitheart
the basis for this fic is loosely inspired by the scene where jonathan and nancy get together in season two because i think it's one of the cutest scenes ever.
kiss it better - beansie
Mike and Will, through the years and in between the lines of friendship and something more.
magnetic pull - pressedviolets
Mike gets drunk at a party and kisses a boy. Will catches them together and is understandably confused.
sweeter than candy - smpshift
where Mike realizes he's head over heels for Will at 3 AM and mindlessly rides his bike across Hawkins just to tell him.
garden song - bafflingyew
Will is rooted to the ground, heart pounding. He wants this. He wants this so bad, but he needs to know that Mike is sure. He needs to know that he’s serious. He needs to know.
home is where the heart is - snoosnoom (moonsooms)
Living in a shared apartment with Will is all Mike could ask for, except for the part where he keeps thinking about kissing Will in the middle of their kitchen.
what do you do now, will the wise? - rainbownixie
The party is playing D&D together and Mike, as the dungeon master, won’t stop trying to make the Paladin and the Cleric flirt. He’s basically making moves on Will through the game. Will is caught off guard by this, and doesn’t know how to respond to the following question:
What do you do now, Will the Wise?
Everything comes down to a simple roll of dice.
the wooing of will byers (and other mishaps) - softzombieboy
With El still in confinement and Dustin increasingly preoccupied the remaining four members group together. Lucas and Max are inescapably a couple now, which makes it a little awkward for Mike and Will as they are unintentionally tagging along on dates. It is especially uncomfortable because Mike keeps insisting that he and Will do the same romantic things as their friends.
a little of that human touch - poetic patron
Will wakes up from a nightmare and Mike helps in the best way he knows how: Cuddles. Which would be fine, except for the fact he's been trying to hide his feelings for his best friend since the moment he touched down in California.
are you happy? - twistedrocketpower
Hopper doesn't care that Will is gay. He doesn't care that Will is in a relationship with a boy. He only cares that the boy is Mike Wheeler, the bane of his existence. He wants to make sure Will knows what he's doing, so he has a little chat with his stepson.
a three step plan to make will byers fall in love - romeowrites
The party concocts a three-step plan to get Will Byers to fall in love assuming, of course, that he hasn’t already.
busy tone - spaceeggscreams
Mike calls Will after a bad day, hoping to get through to his best friend after he's moved away. Instead, he's confronted with a busy tone. He talks anyway.
defensive positions - on_the_rook_cliff
Will and Mike end up cornered and Will becomes protective while Mike becomes flustered.
yes this is a byler fic but i wrote it at 5am and couldn’t think of a title - lillajoba
Just two bros being totally platonic in a motel room.
dance where the rain won’t hurt us - venusperia
mike wheeler doesn't love art — he just loves will byers.
four lessons about you - lia (liastories)
A collection of four times where Mike discovered new methods to make Will feel safe in his company, including how his ‘Will voice’ was born.
are you still mine? - shoto_scribbles
How music brings Mike and Will closer than any trauma could.
more than anyone else - idkilike5sos
An imagining of what would've happened if Will had been at home when Mike and Lucas went to apologise after the fight in season 3.
i want to dance with somebody (somebody who loves me) - beanwithaq
It's the S2 snowball but everyone is actually gay. Including the girl who Will is dancing with and Jennifer Hayes. Who really wanted to dance with that girl
birds of a feather flock together - bundibird
"You know," Robin tells Mike, her voice low and calm and soothing. "You can like both girls and boys."
Steve jerks in his seat like someone slapped him.
"What!?" he splutters, and it comes out as something halfway between a yelp and a squawk.
I Never Find Out 'Til I'm Head Over Heels - orphan_account
Wherein Mike believes he’s being obvious, Will doesn’t know what he believes, and the pair of them could use a lesson or two in effective communication. Somehow all of this has both nothing and everything to do with five years' worth of school dances.
eyecatcher - smoosnoom (moonsooms)
While volunteering at the Hawkins' help center, it seems like every girl around has a newfound interest in Will Byers, and Mike doesn't know why he feels the way he does.
you had me for a minute there - delusionaltogether (Whyyyyy)
senior year in hawkins
sealed with a kiss - astrobi
Listen. No one should ever let Mike make decisions right after he wakes up from a nap, okay? Especially not decisions where Will is concerned. This is so not his fault.
Follow Your Heart 'Til it Bleeds - teej_318
Will and Richie spend the summer bonding over their feelings for their friends Mike and Eddie. Robin gives them some much-needed advice when they hang out at Scoops Ahoy.
you got a fast car - castlebyer
it's spring of 1989, will and mike are young and in love. loosely based on how the song fast car by tracy chapman makes me feel minus the sad ending bc who wants that ?
Down to the Heart - disaster_energy
Mike doesn’t actually think Jonathan’s doing it on purpose, but he's starting to have his doubts.
Or, 5 times Jonathan shatters the moment and one time he doesn't.
dance with me (I think I really like you) - borealisaurora
Mike feels sad after coming back to his dorm from a party, and he reveals to his roommate Will that he’s never danced with anyone before. Will decides to change that :)
(College AU set in the 80s!)
Sober Thoughts - idk_ilike5sos
After an awkward game of spin the bottle at a party, Will takes Mike back to his place and receives a drunken confession about the game.
Walk of Shame - idk_ilike5sos
Mike wakes up in Will's bed, hungover after attending a party the night before. It's normal. Everything's fine... then he remembers.
make me your future history - andiwriteordie
A story of Will and Mike’s past, present, and plans for the future, told in seven parts.
What Are You Doing New Year's Eve? - BoNUKA5
It's the end of 1988, and Mike is determined to confess his feelings to his best friend, Will. He hatches a plan to confess on New Year's Eve, because what is more romantic than kissing on New Year's Eve?
that funny feeling - delusionaltogether (Whyyyyy)
"So you- you haven't, like. Kissed anyone, then?" Mike asks, fully aware that he should probably just quit while he's ahead but needing to know, suddenly, if Will has any sort of romantic entanglements that he's neglected to tell Mike about. He's not sure why, but there's something in his gut that demands to know, has some sort of sudden need to know if Will has kissed anyone that's not him.
If Will has kissed anyone that's not-
Wait, what?
or: Mike is jealous of himself.
you in my heart - soukeye
It was sundown. Mike finally had the courage to look at Will straight in the face, witnessing up close the rosy blush on his cheeks and his long eyelashes. Mike Wheeler is so lucky to have a best friend like Will Byers. So lucky it made his heart hurt. Is this normal? Is this what close friendship is like? Because never did he feel so much with Lucas and Dustin, his heart practically palpitating with the only thoughts clouding his mind being the boy staring at him so affectionately.
undertow - beansie
Will has never had his first kiss. Mike is happy to lend a hand.
I don't quite know what to say (but I'm here in your doorway) - mikeslawyer
Mike confesses to Will - then kisses him. They don't talk about it, but maybe they should.
he's gonna notice me (it's okay, we're the best of friends) - mikeslawyer
Will gets sick and tired of never knowing if someone has a crush on him, so he asks for advice. Why do all the signs point to Mike?
in progress !
why would you ever kiss me? - aghostlybreath
When Eleven saves Will from Vecna she gets more than she bargained for when they wake up in the wrong bodies. Now to prevent Vecna from infiltrating the mind of his most perfect host the two of them must pretend to be the other.
i think we have a lot in common - teddythebear
Eddie Munson Adopts Will Byers because Gay Found Family is my favorite trope!
god, just kiss already! - californiasummer
5 times the Party watched Mike and Will uselessly pine after another + 1 time they did something about it.
as the world ends, i'll find my home in you - romeowrites
The end of the world was almost peaceful. And then the screaming started. 
My version of Stranger Things 5.
a loserparty groupchat <;3 - heydorothea18
Mike refuses to tell Richie anything about his friends. Naturally, this is an issue because Richie feels the need to make his cousin's life torture. After a thorough Instagram stalking (with Bev's help), a group chat is created.
When It's Over - ikrannn
Mike Wheeler disappeared from his family's household in Minnesota due to a wolf attack two years ago. One year ago, he came back to them in Hawkins Indiana, where he met his Party and the Losers Club. Now, he hopes that he can survive the turmoils of high school and balance being inhuman on top of that.
OR, haha werewolf fic go BRRR
The Search is Over - ur_ur_ur_mom
Mike moves to Hawkins from Chicago and completely changes Will Byers life.
i'll be your quiet afternoon crush - heydorothea18
Mike hadn't planned on getting arrested on his last day of summer vacation, but at least the chief of police had a cute son.
In Max's mind, getting arrested wasn't that huge of a deal. Getting arrested alongside Mike Wheeler, however, was. And El- the chief of police's daughter- was the biggest deal of all.
Rock 'n' Roll - bylerisc4non
One fateful October night in 1995, Will Byers is dragged by his step-sister, Jane, and her best friend to a rock concert. That was just the beginning…
Or, it's the 90s, Will's in college, Mike's in a band, and there's some...tension.
The Webbing of my Heart - kindoffruityig
Will Byers was a normal 16-year-old living in New York. That was until he got bit by a radioactive spider which changed the trajectory of his mundane life. As Will experiments with his new powers, he finds that he can help people, and save them from the everyday crimes that happen around the city of New York. Juggling his superhero life and his normal life is no easy job so Will has to put his all into it. Through his adventures of being a superhero, he pushes away those that were once the closest to him and has to deal with the responsibility of keeping a whole city safe and also keeping up with his ever-growing pile of schoolwork. Will he be able to keep his identity secret? Can he fight off the dangers that are headed for New York City? The only way to find out is to read, so enjoy!
completed !
i hate accidents (except when we went from friends to this) - blackdeathmamba
five times Mike kissed Will, and one time Will kissed back.
A Box of Unsent Letters Under My Bed, All Addressed To You - adhd_bisexual_nonbeany
Mike Wheeler doesn't understand why he can't just put a stamp on the envelope and place the letters in the mailbox
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ill add more as i read more ! if your fanfic is in here and you want it removed, just comment/dm me. :)
also keep in mind that if you reblog this, any updates i add after that won’t show up on your reblog. if you want to see if i added more fics just go to the original post !
last updated 4/30
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dorksideoftheforce · 9 months
Held on and slow danced to myself while listening to slow dancing in a burning room last night and I fucking cried cause damnit…fucking damnit 💔
I listened to continuum on repeat after we broke up. I played gta5 and listened to that album and on repeat so much that I memorized all the lyrics to every single song on that album and watched all of Grey’s anatomy and this show called Being Human about a werewolf, a vampire and a ghost. I beat the Lego lord of the rings game and wrote a few things here and there but what I remember the most is just how no matter what I did, no matter all the good I did…i was so haunted by what I didn’t do that i ended up putting myself in a box. My friend said that it’s like I’ve been in a Jack in a box all these years, one that opens from the inside and I’m deconstructed like a motherfucker and have gone through so damn much to become the person I am today like i don’t even know where to fucking begin. Like there’s so much.
The lyrics in slow dancing in a burning room always got me but you see, I haven’t listened to that album in a long time until last night and I feel like my entire being exploded into pieces when that song came on because you were hands down one of the greatest loves of my life and one of the greatest blessings I’ve ever had and now you really are gone and I am finally able to feel it because i told you the truth and now i just feel everything now, i guess cause i can handle it, right? This is by far one of the most excruciating things I’ve ever been through and I’m so grateful to be here on the other side of this because i did my best to heal and be the best person i could possibly be after you without running away like how i used to, from people to people.
I didn’t date anybody for a year and a half and that relationship brought so much out of me that i haven’t dated or even talked to anybody like that in over 6 1/2 years so now over 9 years have gone by and you finally know the truth about me and I’m not this idea of a person you thought you knew anymore and i am grateful. Thank you for being such a light to me all these years. I know i just said a lot of words…i just pictured in my head, all my words stretching far enough to reach you and i honestly hope they reach you again one day. I’m writing a book, you see, of everything that happened In between and what i went through to become the person who had the courage to tell you the truth because that’s been my mission all these years and I’ve prayed so hard for all of this and it’s here and it’s like i went through a portal and you aren’t here anymore but you are in my heart and when i go out there to fight for liberation for everybody, so as much good as I possibly can and do my best to pass the torch because i accept that me being who i truly am in this world is puts a target on my back…i am so thankful for you and all my loved ones.
I pray for the strength and courage to continue to be who i am, the person God needs me to be and I thank him for all of my many blessings because he really did bless me. I am ready to receive the love I’ve always longed for from myself and be open to receiving it from others, to continue to heal and have boundaries and simply love and keep learning and keep my heart open and have faith and trust that whatever God has planned for me, that I am strong enough now to really show up and not be so afraid that i don’t do anything anymore. I have connected with people that I’ve been praying for who will help me to be able to fight for Trans liberation and have found queer people who believe in God too and it’s funny how it’s all happening now but i am so here for it and in my heart, I wish I could talk to you again and see you but I also trust that what’s meant for me will find it’s way to me and for that I am grateful because the comfort I get in my soul from simply knowing you at all really helps keep me going because i really did become the best me i could ever possibly imagined I’d be and I’m still going and learning and going and going and going….. I love you completely and I know you have love for me too. That’s all. The rest is confetti.
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langyabangs · 4 years
Slow Dancing In A Burning Room, Take Two.
You walked into the room and you're welcomed by the scorching heat of the fire that burns down the whole place. The place used to be so warm and comfortable but suddenly it gets vacant and cold. Then, next thing you know, the whole thing is on fire.
It takes two to tango so even as you tried to dance with him it just doesn't feel the same anymore. The steps are mismatched and you keep bumping into each other, exchanging words of apologies to one another instead of ’I love you’.
And suddenly the word ‘sorry’ becomes repetitive as it changes nothing but to add more into the destructive flame. You probably thought at some point that playing with fire is exciting. It's thrilling for some, and sure there's a bit of truth in it.
But too much of something isn't a good thing—anything should be done in moderate amount, and even a five year old knows that playing with the fire too much will destroy you (and him, and everything).
You can drown in the pool of guilt but no one will save you but yourself, just as how you won't be able to made it out safely if you don't leave the burning room. Perhaps you thought that it's still fixable. You're a fixer, after all. A solution-oriented person.
Sometimes you think that you can fix everything, but my dear, some things just aren't meant to fixed. You don't have control to everything; so walk out of the burning room — no one's gonna save yourself but you.
Close the door as you leave. Let everything else crumbles but don't lose yourself while you're at it. You still have a long way to go, so take a break, you deserve it. Walk into a room that isn't burning or cold or empty but walk into a place that brings you comfort.
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yaehao · 3 years
prayers answered - js
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summary: in which by the time you realize your feelings, it’s too late
genre: highschool!au, fluff fluff!, also angst :(, love at first sight lol, mutual pining hehe, slow burn? raaaa
pairing: jake sim x reader (ft. park sunghoon!)
word count: 6149
warnings: joking/metaphorical violence, some cussing, you’ll probably be as frustrated as sunghoon while reading this LMAO
note: hey lol i haven’t written something this long in a hotttttt minute hehe and, like with all my other one shots, i wrote this in class LMAO specifically in my ap english literature class instead of reading macbeth like we’re supposed to >:0 but anyways, i’m not completely sure if i like this or not but it’s fine :’)
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He showed up in your class like an answer to a prayer you weren't even aware you were reciting.
On the first Monday morning back from winter break, where a fresh dewfall coated the grass outside lovingly, a cacophony of excited voices surrounded your head, but the only thing you could hear was the deterioration of chalk against the chalkboard, watching as particles fell off the white stick and dropped to the floor. His hand pulls away from the board, and he turns around, moving out of the way to reveal his name.
He smiles.
You’d never known what love at first sight felt like until that exact moment.
“My name is Jake Sim.”
⊱ ────────── ⊰
Jake Sim.
The name sticks in your head for the rest of the day and follows you around, haunting you like a ghost.
It follows you when you leave your classroom to go to lunch. It follows you when school ends and you stay in the library to finish homework with Sunghoon. It follows you when Sunghoon says his goodbye and gives you a hug before heading home. It follows you when, while placing your notebooks in your backpack, you hear the faint sound of a guitar and a voice you swear was handcrafted by Apollo and placed in your hands by Pandora. It follows you when you follow the sounds to the music room. Peeking in. Hands that were once writing on a chalkboard strumming the strings of the guitar ever so effortlessly. 
He looks up at the sound of your footsteps outside the door. His hand clamps down over the strings, mouth shut, eyes afraid.
“You scared me, holy shit,” He chuckles nervously, and you spill apologies from your lips. He laughs at that, and you can’t tell if you find that or his musical talent more beautiful.
He motions for you to step in, inviting you to sit on the floor in front of him and listen to him play.
He strums a few random strings on his guitar before picking up conversation with you once more.
“I thought you were a teacher,” He laughs. “When I toured the school, they told me that no one really comes by the music room.”
“Yeah, no one really uses the room. That’s why I was curious as to who was in here.”
He shook his head, beginning to play a tune on the strings. “It’s a shame. You guys have a really good set of instruments.”
You shrugged. “They’re old. Haven’t been replaced in a few years now.”
He continues playing on the guitar as you watch him, and you genuinely believe that you could sit there for hours on end just admiring the way his hair falls in front of his face as he glances between the guitar’s neck and body, the way his fingers dance across the strings, the way his eyebrows furrow when he tries to remember which chords to play next and-
“So what were you doing here so late?”
“Ah, I was just studying in the library with my friend, his name is Sunghoon.”
Surprises have never been your cup of tea. However, the moment Jake’s eyes lit up at the name that left your mouth, you decide that maybe you could appreciate them sometimes.
“Sunghoon! Like, Park Sunghoon? You know him too?”
Your eyes widen and you can feel your stomach do a flip, although you can’t pinpoint exactly why. Well, you can, because you know exactly what a mutual friend entails, but you wouldn’t dare admit it out loud.
“Wait, are you Yn?”
Your stomach does another flip as you nod.
“Yeah, Sunghoon tells me all about you all the time! We were best friends when we were kids, but then I moved away to Australia for a bit. I’m back here now, though, for my last semester of highschool, but then I think I’m going back to Brisbane for college. But wow, I didn’t think I’d meet you like this!”
Jake Sim. Best friends with your best friend.
At first, you can’t exactly decide whether or not you like the idea. However, the thought of Jake Sim joining your daily hangouts with Sunghoon makes your heart skip a beat. He’d sit next to you during your library study sessions. He’d go with you and Sunghoon to the ice rink on Saturdays to hang out and then get dinner after. He’d go with you to help pick out a gift for Sunghoon’s birthday that year and-
You’re pulled out of your thoughts with a call of your name and you hadn’t even realized how much you were thinking about him. Wait, thinking about him? You’d only just met him and-
“Yn? You’re spacing out.” He waves his hand in front of your face and you snap out of your thoughts completely.
“Huh? Oh- sorry. I was just… surprised that you knew who I was and that you’re friends with Hoon.” You stutter out some sorry excuse and hope that he can’t tell how bad at making things up you are.
Jake smiles at you before standing up and moving to place the guitar back in its case before putting it back where he got it from. You follow suit, standing up as well and slinging your backpack over your shoulder.
“Do you usually walk home? Bus? Car?” He asks while not even looking in your direction.
You shrug although he can’t see it. “I just walk, my house is fairly close to the school.”
“Oh, perfect!” He throws his backpack on and turns to face you. “The sun is almost setting so come on, I’ll walk you home.”
Jake Sim walks you home on the first day of meeting him.
The thought just about makes your brain spontaneously combust.
⊱ ────────── ⊰
Sunghoon looks at you with a semi-disgusted, mostly confused look on his face as he watches you hum to yourself happily while shoving forkfuls of noodles into your mouth at lunch the next day. He doesn’t think he’s seen you this happy since your sophomore year crush asked you out to homecoming those years ago, which was promptly followed by him ghosting you the night of the dance and Sunghoon having to pick up the pieces as usual.
Every time you get like this, he’s afraid that the only way everything can go is downhill.
Not that he minds having to be there for you, after all that’s what friends are for. He just hates seeing you have a kicked-puppy look in the first place when he swears you looked like you won the lottery just a few days prior. He contemplates how he’s supposed to approach you this time. Maybe just straight up ask what’s got you so happy? But how would he do it without sounding condescending? Maybe he could just wait for you to be the one to tell him what was happening. 
However, he didn’t need to think much longer. All his questions were answered when he saw a familiar figure walking toward the table out of the corner of his eye and take a seat right next to him.
The way your eyes lit up were unmissable. Well, to him at least. And he knew exactly what had gotten you so charged up.
Jake puts an arm around Sunghoon, greeting him with a sarcastic “Aww, saved a seat just for me!” Even though it was only you and him sitting at the table with every other space around empty. He situates himself on the bench and places his lunch on the table before turning to greet you with his signature smile. You smile back at him, a little too sweetly for Sunghoon’s liking, and return his greetings in a tone Sunghoon doesn’t think he’s ever heard from you before.
Sunghoon looks at you, who’s too busy looking at Jake. Then he looks at Jake. Then back at you.
“You two know each other?”
You pipe up while Jake is taking a bite of his sandwich,”Oh- we met yesterday after our study session! I found him in the music room and we just started talking!”
Jake chimes in. “Yeah, I didn’t realize at first that it was Yn until she brought up that she had just gotten done hanging out with you, and then I put two and two together.” He snickers a bit. “Because, you know, you literally don’t hang out with anyone else.”
You laugh at that and Sunghoon lets a small grin spread on his lips as he lightly punches Jake’s shoulder at his comment. For a moment, he thinks to himself that maybe the three of you hanging out won’t be as bad as he thinks it will be.
 ⊱ ────────── ⊰
While Sunghoon is almost never on his phone during class, he texts you. He texts you a lot, and it’s almost too much to keep up with. You think he’s typed more words in that one sitting to you than you’ve ever heard him speak for the entire time you’ve known him.
hoonie ^-^: you look in l-word
hoonie ^-^: are you in l-word
hoonie ^-^: why are my best friends in l-word with each other
hoonie ^-^: yn that’s so weird please don’t tell me you’re in l-word with jake
hoonie ^-^: did you actually meet him for the first time yesterday
hoonie ^-^: like yeah i know he transferred in yesterday but you seem too infatuated already
hoonie ^-^: yn answer ur phone
hoonie ^-^: are you sure?
hoonie ^-^: you look like it
hoonie ^-^: it’s not worth it yn
hoonie ^-^: he’s going back to brisbane after we graduate
me: yeah, he told me
hoonie ^-^: so why even bother?
me: why can’t you just let me form a new friendship with him?
me: he’s seems like a super cool person, and don’t you think it’s tiring that we only hang out with each other? 
me: should get to know him too, he’ll be my friend as much as he is yours!
hoonie ^-^: YOU ARE IN L-WORD
hoonie ^-^: YN’S IN L-WORD
Your giggle in the fairly quiet classroom catches Jake’s attention, and eyes trail toward you. He watches as you try to hold in your laughter, stealing glances at Sunghoon, then turning back to your phone. He feels something bloom in his chest. A feeling that he despises deeply, and one that he understands as soon as he experiences it.
He knows he shouldn’t feel whatever this is. He’d just met you yesterday, all he knows about you is your name and that you’re best friends with his best friend. And yet, he wants to know what you and Sunghoon are talking about. What could his best friend be saying to you that’s making you giggle in the middle of class. What could be so much more important than your teacher’s lecture that you’re paying absolutely zero attention to him, but instead texting Sunghoon under everyone’s noses.
Jake is jealous.
 ⊱ ────────── ⊰
The end of school feels like it couldn’t come any faster as you spent most of the rest of class stealing glances at Jake, sending winks whenever the two of you made eye contact. Sunghoon watches you, just wondering which one of you will break first.
It’s the first time Jake joins you and Sunghoon for an after-school-library-study-session and you couldn’t be any more excited. The thought of Jake joining your usually mundane study sessions sent your brain haywire. You could just imagine how pretty he’d look just sitting across from you, you wondered what his thinking face looked like, if he would run his hands through his hair every time he was stuck on a problem, or chew on the inside of his cheek while he was writing down a physics equation. You were definitely more excited than you should’ve been.
Sunghoon is the first to toss his bag on the table you two usually take. It was always empty whenever you went there, as if the table was made just for you and everyone knew it too. Or maybe because it was tucked away in the back corner, secluded from just about everyone else, and no one even knew it existed.
Nonetheless, you liked your table. Loved it even. It was you and Sunghoon’s own little world. The only difference, now, was that Jake was officially being welcomed into this world.
Now, as you were situating yourself at the table, the more you thought about it, the more terrifying the idea was. You’d said it yourself, that for the longest time, it was only you and Sunghoon. Though, that was the thing. It was only you and Sunghoon.
That's all Sunghoon thought he needed, too. After Jake moved away as they were kids, he'd always been alone, only becoming your friend by chance when, on one fateful day freshman year, you went to your usual library table tucked away in a remote back corner to do some studying alone, only to find the boy already sitting there. However, there was no way you'd just give up your table to some random classmate, so across from him you sat. It'd been just you and him ever since, and you didn't think you'd have any intentions of it being any other way.
The thought of ever letting another person into your friend group was exhausting. It was a hassle to be vulnerable with new people. It was tiring to have to introduce new parts of yourself to any outsiders, whereas Sunghoon already knew what you needed, what you liked, when you were uncomfortable, when you were happy even though your face wouldn't show it. 
However, now years later at that same table, you found Jake standing over you, leaning forward to look at your physics textbook as he helped you through that night's homework problems. 
And you accepted it with open arms.
 ⊱ ────────── ⊰
The first time Jake asks you to hang out outside of school is a month after you meet him. 
It was a casual ask. Just if you wanted to get food with him after school on the Friday of that week. You agree, of course, because how could you have not? However, you also were extremely confused as to whether or not it was to be just the two of you, or if your third counterpart was coming along with you. So, cautiously, you had to ask,”Did you already ask if Sunghoon is free?”
Jake lies straight through his teeth. “Yeah, and he’s not, he has something to do with his sister that night.”
Sunghoon didn’t have anything to do with his sister that night. In fact, he didn’t have anything to do that night. However, he did have a text from Jake in his notifications that read “I think I’m gonna ask Yn if she can hang out on Friday. Just the two of us.”
To which he replied, "Why won’t you just tell her you like her already?”
To which Jake replied, ”I don’t like her, wdym?”
And Jake could feel Sunghoon’s eye roll all the way from his house.
If there was anything Sunghoon knew better than how to do a triple axel, it was understanding his best friends. Sunghoon never talked much in the first place, however he was extremely observant, and you and Jake both constantly agreed that it was one of his most annoyingly impressive traits. And, of course, with his extremely impressive observation skills came the ability to read the both of you like an open book.
He knew exactly how you felt about each other.
Now it was just a game of getting you two together before it was too late.
You fake sadness about Sunghoon not being able to join you two, but it was all a farce. You’re beyond excited to finally hang out with Jake outside of school, with it being just the two of you.
However, you wouldn’t dare ask if he was considering it a date or not. No, that would be too far. He was definitely only thinking of it as a hangout. The only reason it’s only you two is because Sunghoon’s busy and definitely not because Jake deliberately told Sunghoon that he wanted to hang out with you and you alone.
Yeah, that was it.
 ⊱ ────────── ⊰
Friday comes as a slap in the face that morning while you rush to plan what to wear when you hang out with Jake after school. Would jeans be too casual? A skirt would probably be a bit too much, though. Or maybe a loud tone from your phone signaling you had to leave the house in five minutes if you didn’t want to be late to class would be the best option to tend to at the moment. You sigh and throw something in your bag before putting your shoes on and stepping out of the house.
You learn quickly that Jake doesn't care about what you're wearing. He thinks you look cute in whatever you wear, whether it be your pajamas during movie nights at Sunghoon's house or your everyday school uniform.
You also learn quickly how aware you are of Jake. Of the fact that he doesn't eat with his elbows on the table. Of the fact that he covers his mouth when he chews. Of the fact that he's a lot sweeter when it's just you two alone than he is when Sunghoon's around too. 
There's something about him that just feels different today. You don't know if he's giddy about how good the sushi is, or if it's just because he's eating with you, but you decide that it's just because of the food. Nonetheless, the way he looks at you now is noticeably different than the way he looks at Sunghoon. He looks at you like you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen in his life.
And you like it this way. You like him- Wait. 
You like him.
You like him.
You've been aware of these feelings all this time, though, haven't you?
No, there’s no way you can like him, you only met him a month ago. And vice versa, there’s no way he could like you only after hanging out with you for a month, right? 
That’s all this is supposed to be.
That’s right, this isn’t a date or anything.
It’s just you two hanging out as friends.
 ⊱ ────────── ⊰
It rains next week.
And of course, you were completely unaware of the forecast until you had finished your weekend college app session at your favorite local cafe. It was a fair amount of distance to walk home, one that you usually wouldn’t mind running through the rain during, but you had your laptop and notebooks with you. No way were you going to risk getting them wet. Instead, you opted to call-
No, Sunghoon. Calling Jake at a time like this would most likely inconvenience him.
What if he wasn’t even available to bring you an umbrella? That would be embarrassing then that you had even asked.
You opted to call Sunghoon and ask him if he could come to you with an umbrella so you could walk home without getting your belongings wet. He begrudgingly obliged, obviously, because how could he say no to his favorite person in the whole world? 
You thanked him profusely before hanging up, and waited patiently inside the cafe.
Sunghoon calls Jake.
Sunghoon calls Jake and tells him which cafe you’re at, and that you need him to bring an umbrella because you forgot one. He tells Jake to use some excuse that he ended up having to do something for his mom so he asked Jake to bring you the umbrella instead.
Of course Jake wants to do it. He accepts the request almost instantly and almost a bit too excitedly.
He grabs his umbrella from its spot near his front door and rushes out of his house. The pace of his speed walking could probably be considered running at that point, but he doesn’t care. He doesn’t mind the looks from others on the sidewalk wondering why he’s in such a hurry.
He arrives at the cafe, smooths down his shirt, and sends you a single text.
I’m outside :)
When you receive the text, your head shoots up toward the front of the cafe and you can see him beyond the glass door. You throw your tote bag on your shoulder and walk over to him, Jake moving out of the way as you open the door.
“I could’ve sworn I called Sunghoon.”
“You did. But he ended up having to do something for his mom I’m pretty sure, so he called me instead.”
You smile sweetly at him, although you feel like you could melt on the spot. “Jake, you really didn't have to-”
“No, it’s okay, trust me.” He interrupts. “I wanted to.”
You lock your arm with his as you walk home and try to convince yourself it’s to stay as close as possible so the umbrella covers you both completely. However, if that was the only reason, then your heart shouldn’t have been threatening to burst out of your chest the entire walk home. 
You shouldn’t have been wishing that he would wrap his jacket around you even though you weren’t even that cold. You shouldn’t have been wishing that he would kiss you under the umbrella before he left you at your house and continued the rest of his walk home. You shouldn’t have been wishing that you could relive the moment with him all over again.
 ⊱ ────────── ⊰
It’s always seemed like Jake’s favorite activities included asking thought-provoking questions about the secrets of the universe. You were always learning new things from him, and although most of it was never about practical skills like how to properly clean paint stains off carpet or how to pump gas in a car, it was interesting nonetheless.
His questions were never ones that you could give answers to, of course, because he not only already knew the answer to the question, but was also going to explain it . He just wanted to know if you were interested in his explanation in the first place.
The first time he asked you a question was when he was already done with his homework for the day and resorted to watching you work on your own assignments.
“Do you ever think how crazy it is that we’ve only discovered 1% of our oceans? There’s gotta be some batshit crazy creatures at the bottom of the ocean that can withstand those water pressures, and I hope I’m alive by the time they discover them.”
You stopped writing altogether, your head slowly tilting up to look at Jake with a slightly concerned look on your face.
“Think about it, Yn!” He leaned forward and pulled his chair closer toward the table. “We’ve already discovered crazy things like the giant spider crab and pistol shrimp. Who’s to say SCP-3000 isn’t real? Something of that size could definitely withstand deep sea pressures, and since we can’t explore that deep in the ocean, how would we know if it exists or not?”
A smile grew on your face the longer he went on his tangent. He was cute when he talked about things that really interested him.
Now, months later, he was still asking those same questions. Ones that were interesting, and frankly usually a little bit crazy and unrealistic. Their general topic, though, was about the universe, the ocean, space and time.
However, absolutely nothing could’ve prepared you for today’s question.
“Do you think it’s better to risk a friendship for a relationship or push romantic feelings aside for someone and not risk the friendship?”
You almost choke on your coffee bun, the suddenness of the question surprising you. He doesn't look phased by his own question, nor your reaction to it. You try to swallow your snack as fast as you can so you can produce a proper answer to his question.
“I’m not sure. On one hand, most relationships start out as a friendship anyways, don’t they? And I think if you have feelings for someone and they reciprocate then sure, date them. But there’s the other side of ‘what if we break up?’ The friendship will probably never go back to how it was before. I guess it’s just all a big conflict of whether the friendship is too important to risk or not.”
Although you’re not looking at him, you can feel his eyes on you as he asks his next question.
“What about you? Personally? Would you risk a friendship for a relationship?”
“Honestly, Jake, I’m not completely sure.”
 ⊱ ────────── ⊰
College acceptances come in a flash. 
Letter after letter arrives to let you know whether or not you are welcome into your school of choice.
You and Sunghoon are overjoyed that you, of course, were accepted into the same university together. It wasn’t a surprise, really, as you both were more than qualified to attend, but it was still a moment to be celebrated.
When Jake opens his acceptance letters, it almost feels like he resents them. He really didn’t. He was grateful that he was accepted into those schools, yet-
“I wish I could just go to university with you guys.”
You give Jake a sympathetic look, you’d never seen him look so devastated until this moment.
“I wish you could come with us, too.”
 ⊱ ────────── ⊰
Sunghoon almost never gets frustrated with you. Aside from his annoyingly impressive talent of being able to read you like an open book, his less annoying but still equally impressive gift of his patience with you was one that you were grateful for. You’d almost never seen him get upset before, let alone angry. It just wasn’t who he was.
Today, however, he looks like he wants to hit you over the head with his chemistry textbook.
And that’s a big textbook.
“Why can’t you just admit that you like him?”
“Because I don’t, Hoon, and I don’t know why you’re being so pushy about it.”
“Because it’s so obvious!” He raises his voice a bit, and you recoil from the unfamiliar volume. “And it’s frustrating because he literally has feelings for you too.”
You look at Sunghoon, the idea of Jake actually feeling the same way for you that you do for him crossing your mind. Sure, there might’ve been hints of it, but who were you to say that he wasn’t doing things just to be friendly? It just wasn’t a chance you didn’t want to take. A chance that you were sure you shouldn’t even think about taking.
“I really don’t think he does.”
“Yn, I’m going to hit you over the head with this book.” He rolls his eyes at you. “And then you know what’ll happen after? Jake will come running asking if you’re okay and I’m gonna sit here wanting to vomit in my mouth while he coddles you.”
“You’re being ridiculous, Hoon. It’s not like that. And besides, you said it yourself, he’s leaving after this semester so it won’t be worth it, isn’t he?” The thought clouds your mind, and your next words come out sounding a bit more hopeless than you expected them to. “What would be the use in trying to pursue him if he’s just gonna leave in the end?”
Sunghoon stares at you, mouth agape.
“You really are an idiot, aren’t you?”
“I’m just protecting myself, Sunghoon. I don’t want to have this fling with him just for him to leave the whole country and I’ll never get to see him again. Or if I do get to see him again it’s just brief moments during winter or summer at best.”
Sunghoon takes a deep breath before running his hands through his hair and sitting back into his seat. “Fine, I guess so. I just don’t understand why you can’t accept that you both like each other and just enjoy it while it lasts. But it’s your decision after all, not mine.”
He stands up from his seat and goes to sit with Jake, leaving you to your own conflicting thoughts.
 ⊱ ────────── ⊰
Graduation day was the most fulfilling and unfulfilling event of your life all at the same time. You were beyond ecstatic to finally move on to the next chapter of your life with your best friend, but there was just something that told you that you hadn’t done everything you wanted to do in high school. It probably wasn’t anything big though. After all, a lot of people wish they did more in their high school years. 
You’d gotten the best grades you could, did all the extracurriculars you wanted to, had time to hang out with your best friends after school, and were accepted into your dream university.
So why did graduation day feel so bittersweet?
Oh, right.
When they called his name to walk the stage, it hit you. It didn’t even hit you, it beat you up. Terribly. And it left a stirring feeling in your stomach. It wasn’t butterflies, but it definitely made you want to hurl. Or cry. Whichever came first.
It seemed as if crying would come first, your eyes welling up a bit as you watched him receive his diploma, his academic awards for everything he’d accomplished in such a short period of time of being at the school. But you also found yourself cheering for him. Louder than everyone else.
 ⊱ ────────── ⊰
You spent your first week of summer and last week with Jake with a collection of bittersweet moments. Every sweet memory made was constantly overrun with the thoughts of him leaving soon.
It was already the night before he was supposed to leave; you and him sitting under the moon and stars on the bank of the Han River.
His questions to you, still, were never ending, although this time there was no talk about the depths of the ocean or the vastness of space. That would be too boring, he supposes.
“Are you gonna miss me while I’m gone?”
You scoff. His question shouldn’t even be a question. But you suppose he has always already known the answers to his questions after all.
“Of course I am. It’s gonna be weird not having you around every day.”
“You’ll still be able to call and text me, though.”
“You know it’s not the same.”
He chuckles. “Yeah, I know.”
A silence falls between the two of you before he poses his next question.
“Why did you never tell me you loved me?”
There’s a lump in your throat that you can’t quite get rid of in order to speak properly. And when he notices your silence, he continues.
“You knew I liked you. Hoon told you multiple times, didn’t he? And frankly, I thought I was making it pretty obvious.” 
“And why did you never tell me you loved me?”
Jake pauses. “I was scared.”
You let out a breathy laugh. “So was I.”
You were going to leave it at that. Just accept that you hadn’t told each other you loved each other just because you were scared. However, if this was the last day you were going to have with him, you decided that it would be best to just leave it all on the table.
“I was scared that you didn’t feel the same way about me at the time. And by the time I knew that you did feel the same way about me, I thought it’d be better to just not say anything about it because the time we’d spend together would be so short before you’d have to leave. And I was right. It still feels like I only met you yesterday and now, here we are. You’re already leaving tomorrow and I get to go back to my daily life of being stuck with Hoon every day.”
You giggle a bit at that. “I just... I don’t know if I made the right call or not. Maybe if we’d told each other earlier then those few months we spent together would’ve been happier, more exciting. But then leaving each other would’ve been more heartbreaking, wouldn’t it?”
You turn your head toward him and smile. “But we’ll never know now, will we?”
He smiles back at you. You recognize the look in his eyes. It’s the look he gives you when it’s just you and him. When Sunghoon isn’t around to bother the both of you. When the rest of the world feels like it doesn’t exist. When the moment is yours and yours alone. He looks at you with nothing but love and adoration in his eyes. Like this is the last time he’ll ever see you.
He decides that he has one last question to ask you, one that you were expecting the least, even after everything he’s already asked you.
“Can I kiss you?”
You nod.
You swear your heart stops when he uses a hand to cup your face as he leans in. His lips mold perfectly against yours, he tastes like rain and sunsets, he holds onto you like if he pulls away, he’ll lose everything he’s ever loved, and for a moment, you wish you had said no just so that you wouldn’t have to want this again as bad as you know you will.
Nonetheless, you allow him to kiss you. You decide that if this is your last night with him, that you’d leave everything on the table. Months of harboring feelings and constant fear melted down into a single moment. 
You allow yourself to be consumed by the force that is Jake Sim.
 ⊱ ────────── ⊰
The sun just barely peeks over the horizon, the leaves on the trees just starting to turn brown as you made your way to your 9 am lecture. It was your first day of university, to which just an hour earlier you were complaining to Sunghoon that you didn’t have your first lecture together. Jake was long gone, although he was sure to text you that morning making sure you had a good first day of classes.
His name still haunted you, honestly, but this time with more lingering feelings than you’d like to admit.
As soon as you sat down in your lecture hall, a text popped up on your phone, one that you immediately went to check.
hoonie ^-^: hey!
hoonie ^-^: after your first lecture come meet me in the rec center
hoonie ^-^: i wanna get food here
me: sure!
You tucked it away in your pocket afterward, the lecture feeling like it couldn’t go by any slower. Though, as soon as the lecture was over, you made your way to the rec center, excited to get some food after such a long class.
You pulled the handle of the tall glass door to step in, examining the large hall for a moment before finally seeing  Sunghoon sitting at a table near the back motioning for you to join him.
And the boy sitting next to him didn’t go unnoticed either.
It felt like the world stopped at the very moment you locked eyes with him. His dark brown hair had grown out a bit more since the last few months you’d seen him, but he had the same smile that dragged you in all those months ago.
You ran.
You didn’t care about all the eyes that laid on you as you ran at full speed toward the table, Jake standing up and opening his arms to embrace you.
And embrace you, he did. Loud giggles left both of your lips. There’s nowhere in the world that felt more like home than in his arms, and you didn’t think you could feel anymore grateful for the familiarity.
After a few moments of holding each other, you finally pulled away, looking up at him with eyes that asked “What are you doing here?”
He read you, and explained,”I convinced my parents to let me stay for university. I didn’t wanna tell you I was applying here in case I didn’t make it or they wanted me to come home, but luckily Sunghoon helped convince them that I would be better off here than anywhere else.”
“I missed you so much.” You whispered as you buried your face back into his chest.
“I missed you too, Yn.” He kissed the top of your head and held you even tighter if that was possible. Feelings of warmth bloomed in your chest, butterflies filling your stomach and threatening to spill.
You had Jake in your arms once again.
And this time, you wouldn’t let him go.
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Here’s my fic for @heloisedaphnebrightmore’s writing challenge! I actually wrote one the other day that I wasn’t 100% happy with. I might edit it and post it separately later. But this was so fun to write!
Congrats on 3.5k @heloisedaphnebrightmore!
Azriel x reader - Prompt: When it’s a slow burn, and the characters just look at each other like “Fuck it, I’m done with this.” and they finally kiss.
You could feel the beat of the music blaring from the speakers in your bones as you downed another shot with Cassian and Mor.
“Hell yeah!” Cassian yelled, barely being heard above the noise, “I fucking love it when you guys actually agree to go out.”
Mor cackled, “I always want to go out, it’s y/n that is a homebody!”
You pouted as your friends continued to talk about how you only wanted to sit at home and read. You really hadn’t wanted to go out tonight, but after overhearing a conversation between Rhys and Azriel, you needed to be anywhere but the House tonight. You had nearly fallen to the floor in tears as you heard Azriel confess to Rhys that he had feelings for someone besides Mor for the past 20 years. You hadn’t caught her name, but your heart broke as you fled down the hall to your room.
So tonight you were doing shots. And dancing. And anything else Cass and Mor did on a wild night out. Anything to forget that one of your best friends was in love with someone else.
Mor dragged you to your feet. “Come on!! Let’s go dance!”
“Mor, we’ve been here for 3 hours dancing!! My feet hurt!” You whined, feeling the sudden effects of the last two shots of whiskey you had taken, per Cassian’s request. As you moved to sit back down, a presence clouded in darkness joined your table.
“Fine, I’ll go.” You jumped at the chance to go off with Mor before Az could even question you about what was going on.
He stood there, puzzled, next to Cassian, trying to figure out exactly why you were there in the first place.
“What did you guys do?”
Cassian chuckled, “We didn’t do anything! This was all her idea.” He gestures towards you as you moved to the beat, letting your hair down.
Mor twirled you around the dance floor, and when you stopped in front of her she smirked.
“So what’s the deal with you and Az?”
“Wha-what do you mean? There’s nothing with Az! I mean I don’t know why you’d think there was anything with Az. What are you even-“
“You’re cute when you’re flustered,” Mor laughed. “I just know you’ve been avoiding him for the last two days. You’ll have to talk to him eventually you know.”
You glanced longingly in the direction of the Shadowsinger.
“For now, I just want to keep dancing.”
You all had gone back to the house around 2 in the morning. And while the rest of the group fell asleep the moment they got to their beds, sleep escaped you. You tossed and turned, thinking about what an idiot you were to fall for your best friend.
After sulking, and tossing and turning for nearly an hour, you carefully snuck down the hall to the kitchen to make some tea.
“Why are you avoiding me?”
“By the CAULDRON! Azriel! You cannot come out of the shadows like that! We’ve been over this! You nearly gave me a heart attack.”
He reached up to rub the back of his neck.
“Sorry. I heard you leave your room so I followed you down here. I really thought you knew I was here.”
You smiled sheepishly at him, turning your attention back to the boiling kettle.
“So…why have you been avoiding me?”
You sucked in a deep breath through gritted teeth, unsure of how to tell your best friend you have fallen in love with him when he’s clearly in love with someone else.
He took a step toward you, cornering you between the counter and him. He towered over you, but his eyes showed nothing but gentleness.
“Please talk to me,” he whispered.
“Fuck, Azriel. I can’t do this.” You pushed past him, trying to clear your head.
“You can’t do wha-“
“I know you’re in love with someone. I heard you talking to Rhysand the other day, and I’m so happy for you. Truly I am.”
Tears brimmed your eyes as you looked up into his.
“But I’m in love with you. And I don’t expect you to do anything about it. I want you to be happy and I don’t want to get between you and whoe-“
You blinked away the tears forming in your eyes.
“I was talking about you. With Rhys.”
You stood there, still as a statue. Not sure if this was real, or just a cruel, drunken dream induced by the tequila and whiskey.
“I told Rhys I was in love with you, because I had no idea how to tell you. I was asking for advice.”
He approached you and gently took your chin in one hand, cupping your cheek with the other.
“It’s always been you. I’m in love with my best friend.”
You stood up on your toes to press a gentle kiss to his lips. He moved his hands down to your waist and hips, sliding them under your thighs to lift you into his arms. You let out a moan as he swept his tongue along your bottom lip, giving him access to deepen the kiss further.
“AHA! I knew you guys liked each other!”
Azriel gently set you down before stepping back from you, both of you breathing heavily from the kiss.
Mor and Cassian stood in the doorway to the kitchen.
“You owe me 10 gold pieces, Cassian.”
“I told you I wasn’t betting on shit anymore! I always fucking lose!”
You and Azriel chuckled. As an argument started between Mor and Cass, the two of you slipped out the opposite door of the kitchen, taking the back stairwell to your room to pick up where you left off.
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gretnavanfleets · 2 years
bars / jtk 18+ (pt. 1 of 2)
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x female!reader
Word Count: 1.3k
AN: this is going to be a 2 part collab with a friend of mine! she wrote this part <3
Summary: You're Jake's phone call after his arrest.
Warnings: 18+. Cursing, oral (m receiving), mentioned exhibitionism, sexual content.
tags @celestialfauna <3
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You were sitting in your room, it was a normal night, despite the fact that Jake should have been to your apartment 45 minutes ago. You’d called him several times already and on the 12th try, you gave up. His Snapchat location was off and his location hadn’t updated on Find My Friends in over an hour. It was getting late, 10:12pm exactly. As much as you were worried, you also didn’t want to let your mind wander too far into the worst of worsts and just assumed he’d accidentally fallen asleep. That was until your phone rang. SAGINAW COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT lit up your screen in bold white letters and you felt your stomach drop. Hesitantly answering the phone, your mind jolted through every single horrific situation that could have happened. “Hello?” You answered and were met with a familiar tone, it was Jake on the other line. “Hey baby, it’s me. I need you to come get me. I’m in a bit of trouble.” His voice was low and you could tell he was embarrassed, maybe a little worried. You let a sigh of relief drop the tension from your shoulders and stood from your position in your bed, ready to slip your shoes on as you responded. “Jake, did you get arrested? What the hell did you do?” “Babe can we please talk about it on the way home. I just need you to come get me please.” “I’ll see you in fifteen. I love you.” “I love you too.” ••• The officer let you to the back cell, it was a one-person, maybe two holding. His name badge read “BARNES”. Officer Barnes ran his ID card to the door, the metal cranking against itself as the wide down slid open. You followed in behind him to find Jake leaned back against the cell walls, his arms crossed and by the look on his face, he was definitely pissed off. When your eyes met, he lifted from his slumped position and came up to the bars, “Thank god, can I have out now?” Barnes shook his head, “Sorry kid. She has to sign some paperwork and pay bail first.” Jake groaned at his denial, turning his head to you. “Hi baby, miss me?” You scoffed, giving him a light laugh. “Maybe, now tell me what the hell you did?” “I might have ran a stoplight or two.” He danced around the question, you knew there was more to tell. “Or two?” You questioned him, raising your eyebrow. Jake rolled his eyes, “Okay, okay, three. I didn’t see the lights the first time.” Officer Barnes was shuffling the paperwork at his desk, riling through piles, and being menacingly slow at his job. Jake, you could tell, was becoming slightly impatient. His rings tapped against the bars as he attempted to hide the displeasure on his face. “With all due respect sir, can we quicken this process?” He asked, receiving zero response from the officer. “Impatient, maybe? What are you gonna do about it, you’re behind bars.” You teased him. Jake shot you a quick glare, his face half-covered with one of the silver rails keeping you two separated. You covered your hands over his as he held onto the bars, smiling at him through the slits. You liked this funny feeling of superiority over him, something you didn’t quite get to experience so often due to his dominant nature. It was a nice change of pace, and quite funny. Jake smirked at you, he could read the energy you were giving him. He leaned in close, beckoning your face closer to his. “When I get out of here, I’m going to ruin you.” His voice was low as his eyes darted from yours to the officer at his desk, making sure his comment wasn’t as easily heard as he might have thought it was in the small room. You felt your face rise in heat, your cheeks burning as you thought about the consequences of riling him up. But it also filled you with excitement you could practically beg to continue. “Maybe we don’t have to wait.” You smiled at him, turning away from his confusion as you approached the officer's desk. “Sir, I have a quick question.” You twirled your fingers around your hair, smiling at the officer, almost flirting it felt like. “Of course, ma’am. How can I assist?” He asked, peering up at you as he filed his case. “Well, I was just wondering,” you trailed off your sentence, looking up at
the ceiling through your eyelashes and back down to meet his focus, “it’s always been a fantasy of mine to give someone a blowjob while they’re behind bars, I just think the whole bad boy trope is so sexy and this opportunity is perfect.” His eyes widened, his focus dropping from the files at hand. “I could pay you to leave, or maybe you could stay for free?” Officer Barnes darted his eyes away, seemingly towards the camera directly pointed to the entirety of the cell. He nodded at you, “5 minutes. I’ll be back.” He gathered his things and promptly exited the room. The look on Jake’s face was astounded. “That was fucking hot,” his voice was rough, the smile on his lips told you everything you needed to know as you approached his figure at the bars. “Was it, daddy?” You asked through innocent eyes, running your fingers down his stomach and hooking one into his belt loop. “I think you look hot here, too.” you teased him, pulling his hips further into the bars and closer to you as possible. “Knees.” He commanded. You kept the ‘innocence’ look up as you kept them locked with his and made your way to the ground. His hands gripped the bars, his rings scrapping the bars as he did. The hungry look in his eyes you could tell came from his lack of ability and mobility to move you, adjust you, face fuck you how he wanted. Even if he tried, he couldn’t have had the ability. You fumbled with his belt, pulling his jeans over his hips and letting his hard cock slap up onto his stomach as it caught on his boxers and give it a small kiss on the shaft. “Don’t be such a tease,” Jake hissed through his teeth, watching you intensely as you took him in your hand and delicately slid your thumb over the head. He shuttered under your touch, his tongue licking across his bottom lip, eyes promptly locked on yours. He let out a deep throaty moan as you slid your tongue from the base of his cock to the tip, taking him in your mouth as you finished. His hips bucked, his cock deep in your throat. You used one hand to hold yourself on the bar while the other pumped his cock simultaneously as you blew him, you picked up a pace that sent moans of pleasure to escape from his chest, his knuckles turning white the harder he gripped the bars. “Come on baby, let me cum in your mouth, huh? You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” His tone was breathy and harsh, you mumbled back in agreement, lightly nodding your head. “Come in as close as you can.” You obliged, his hand slipped between the bars and rest on top of your head as he thrust his hips the best he could with the given space before letting himself release into the back of your throat. “Fuck,” he groaned as you pulled your head back. To some divine timing, you heard a knock on the door. ••• After finishing his paperwork, Jake was released from his cell. Officers Barnes brought him into the lobby, hands cuffed behind his back. When you made eye contact, your stomach lit with butterflies. The smirk on his face and the sadistic glare in his eyes caused you to squirm in your seat. Barnes whispered something to him, resulting in a laugh before he was released from his cuffs, his eyes never leaving your body. As you walked out, you thanked the receptionist. His voice was low in your ear as you made your way to your car, “I’m driving, take your panties off.”
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amphxtrite · 3 years
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sirius black x fem!reader
warnings: fingering, teasing, mentions of one night stand, alcohol.
do not read if you are uncomfortable.
summary: a movie night after hooking up with your crush.
word count: 1.9k
a/n: wrote this one for the lovely @le-weasley-simp sorry it’s late love, had work today :)
hope you enjoy!
Today was shaping up to be the worst day ever.
It all started when you woke up in Sirius Black’s bed, completely naked with him lying beside you, also wearing nothing but an elastic in his thick hair.
“Oh Godric…” You murmur, sitting up in the bed and holding your head as you try to recall what happened.
Memories of gryffindor winning the quidditch match, a party, shots of firewhiskey and a game of seven minutes in heaven begin trickling into your head. Your hands in someone's long hair, your tongue dancing with another, the feeling of being filled up over and over again and pleasure coursing all over you as you moaned out one name. ‘Sirius.’
“Fuck.” You sigh, holding your head in your hands. You managed to hook up with your best friend, and the worst part was, you liked it.
You knew you had a crush on Sirius for years, but you always thought of him as the one you could never have, now with him laying clad in nothing beside you, your emotions were all over the place, in your head, heart and the deepest part of your core.
“Y/n? Merlin, what time is it?” A low voice rasps from beside you.
“It’s only six am Sirius, you might as well go back to bed.” You mutter, trying your best not to focus on the gryffindor’s morning voice.
“What, no pet names today darling? You seemed to use them quite a bit last night.” Sirius teases, running his long digits up your arm.
“Haha, very funny Pads.” You breathe, spotting Sirius’s jumper below you and picking it up.
“No it’s true, I mean there was Padfoot, Sir, Daddy…” He drawls on, watching you playfully as you slip on his sweater.
Your face burns as the words leave his mouth and you couldn’t help but pray Sirius didn’t notice.
“Oh there’s nothing to be shy about, love.” Sirius chuckles, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you back down towards him.
“Siri!” You squeak, feeling the gryffindor’s chest nuzzle into your now clothed back.
“What?” He laughs back, trying to imitate you as you turn around and roll your eyes.
A silence falls over you and while you try to break it, Sirius decides to have a little fun. Using his hand, he pulls yours over to his abdomen and holds it there as he leans in closer.
He can’t help but smile as your eyes widen to the size of saucers and your breathing quickens along with your heartbeat, only for Sirius to whisper.
“I’m getting hungry, let’s go find everyone.”
Your breathing hitches and Sirius gleefully rolls off the bed to throw on the first shirt and pants he sees.
“Yeah- sounds good.” You mumble, staggering behind him as he rummages through his closet and throws you a pair of his boxers and shorts.
“Oh Sirius, it’s okay, I can just-” Sirius cuts you off as you catch them.
“Nonsense pup, you have to let me take care of you sometimes.” He chuckles, throwing a wink in your direction as he laces up his trainers.
You can feel your entire body heat up in a mix of embarrassment and shame, embarrassed Sirius had this effect on you, and shamed because you liked it, no, you loved it.
You do your best to distract yourself from the growing feeling of need pooling between your legs as you slip on his boxer and shorts and gently push your hair back to compose yourself.
The entire day, the little shit known as Sirius Black teased you, whispering his dirty thoughts into your ear if you sat too close to him, throwing his arm around your shoulder when you walked down the halls and purposefully going to his room to change into his loose white t-shirt that cut just enough to see the top of his chest. He knew exactly what he was doing as he pulled you from behind into him and rested his chin on your shoulder. He memorized that nervous look in your eyes that told him to sod off and continue at the same time, and by nightfall you were a mess of need, but you were far too conflicted to say anything.
As per tradition on weekends, you decide to head to the Marauder’s room that night to hang out with the guys and Lily, despite the fact you were having second thoughts on your decision.
You arrive just after the sunset to see James, Lily and Sirius. The couple were setting up Lily’s projector for a movie as Sirius lay on his bed. 
Hearing the door open, his ears prick up and a sneaky grin creeps up on his face.
“Y/n, sit by me tonight?” Sirius asks with a small pout, causing the red-head to roll her eyes.
“She sits with you every movie night Padfoot, there’s no need for that.”
“I guess you’re right Evans, but you know I like to have my fun.” He winks, pulling an exasperated sigh from Lily.
You smile at the exchange and make your way to Sirius who has now sat up and opened his arms for you.
“You look marvelous tonight, pup.” He teases as you nervously sit beside him on the bed.
“It's just a t-shirt and shorts Siri-”
“But you look absolutely ravishing in them.” He mumbles, leaning in close to your ear so the others wouldn’t hear him.
You gulp nervously and squeeze your legs together, partly because of nerves, but also because the heat between your legs was becoming too much to bear. 
Remus and Peter return with snacks and drinks as the movie begins to start, a classic action movie that the group had yet to see.
Halfway into the opening credits Sirius shifts his body so he is right against his headboards, before spreading his legs and pulling you into him by your waist.
You did your best not to yelp as you hit his back, but you couldn’t help but sigh in content as his lips trailed down your neck. On movie nights the boys moved their beds so there would be an empty wall for the projector to hit, Sirius almost always took the spot closest to the corner of the room, you never thought much of it, but when his hand moved to the drawstring of the curtain beside his bed, the two of you were hidden and now he could do whatever he pleased. 
Your breathing begins to pick up a bit and unconsciously you begin to squirm against his body.
Sirius grabs you by your hips to stop you.
“You better stop that, pup, or else I’m, gonna have to punish you for everyone to hear.” He murmurs, letting one of his hands trail up and down your body then further to caress your neck.
“Understood?” He smirks, bringing his lips back down to your shoulder.
You nod your head ‘yes.”
“Perfect.” He sighs, pulling the blanket over your legs and letting his fingers wander to the waistband of your shorts.
You nibble on your lip as Sirius bites the sensitive skin at the base of your neck before kissing it and teasing his tongue up your throat.
At the same time his fingers slip into your shorts and fidget with the cloth underneath.
“You’re still wearing my boxers, pup?” Sirius mumbles, letting his fingers move over your clothed folds.
“And so wet for me already? Such a good girl.” He continues, massaging his fingers in a circular movement around the damp fabric.
“Fuck-” You moan out silently as Sirius hits your clit perfectly.
“Feel good darling?” He chuckles, kissing your jaw.
“Y-Yeah… So good.” You whimper, moving your hand to your mouth to muffle your moans.
Sirius smirks and retrieves his fingers, you start to squirm in protest only for him to push his long digits into your folds.
“Mh-” You squeak.
Sirius doesn’t hesitate to move his fingers up and down your folds, teasing your clit with his fingers and swirling it around in soft circles.
Your legs spread further, begging him to keep going as you throw your head back onto his shoulder, choking back moans of ecstacy that begged to be let out.
His thick fingers slip in deeper and you arch your back needily. His fingers trace your slit teasingly for a couple seconds before he plunges two fingers in without hesitation.
A soft gasp escapes your lips, luckily masked by the sound from the film and Sirius begins pushing his fingers in and out of you.
Your vision clouds as his fingers curl and hit your g-spot over and over again, your toes curl as his other hand moves down you play with your clit as the feeling of a third finger being added to the mix has your heartbeat moving to your pussy and a coil tightening in your stomach.
“Siri-faster, p-please.” You beg, grinding your hips into his fingers as he obliges, pumping quicker and shifting between curling his fingers and thrusting deeper.
“O-Oh.” You murmur, clutching the bed sheets beside you tightly as Sirius’s hands work magic on your pussy, roughly playing with your sensitive clit and pumping his long fingers in and out of your slit.
“That’s it, pup.” Sirius chuckles, feeling you begin to squirm again. 
“I-I’m so close.” You pant, biting hard on your bottom lip as the tight feeling of your climax prods at your stomach.
“It’s alright, pup.” Sirius murmurs, pressing a kiss to your neck and picking up the pace one last time as the feeling of pure ecstasy floods your entire body, making your body go weak. You rush to cover your mouth as a moan of relief threatens to reveal you to your friends.
Sirius smirks as a small squeak of a whimper pushes past your fingers and he slows his digits into a slow massage to help you ride down your high.
“You did so well darling, absolutely perfect.” Sirius mutters, finally pulling his fingers out of your core and bringing them to his lips.
You watch in amazement with bated breath as Sirius drags his tongue along his fingers to clean up every drop.
Noticing your stare, the gryffindor smirks and leans in closer against your ear.
“Be good, pup, and next time, you’ll get my tongue.”
Blood rushes to your cheeks as you pull the blanket covering you over your face, ignoring the feeling of your release all over your shorts and you tuck your legs in and snuggle into Sirius’s chest.
“Here.” Sirius smiles, lifting his wand and muttering a short incantation.
In seconds, the feeling was gone, and you were left feeling cozy and warm cuddled up against his chest.
You were absolutely ecstatic to finally have your wish fulfilled, but there was still one question that had left to be answered.
“Something on your mind?” Sirius asks, feeling the silence grow.
“Yeah, it’s just…” You pause, shifting so now you are sitting, facing Sirius. “What- What are we Sirius? I mean you are my best friend and after last night, today and for years, I’ve known I’ve fancied you but-”
Sirius sighs playfully as you speak, but cuts you off mid sentence with a soft peck to your lips.
“Y/n, I’ve known I fancy you for the longest time, but it wasn’t until last night that I really got to show you. So… If you’d have me-” 
This time it was your time to cut Sirius off.
Your arms fly around the gryffindor’s neck and your lips crash happily into his.
Sirius’s hands move around your hips and pull you closer to him as you deepen the kiss and rest your forehead on his.
“So does this mean?” Sirius begins.
“Yes! Yes Pads, of course I’ll have you.” You murmur, locking your lips once more.
Maybe, today wasn’t so bad after all.
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Death By Bagel
NCT Culinary Student!Mark Lee x Fashion Design Student!Reader Summary: Mark makes a cake cause he's realized he can't lose you to some f-boy. Word Count: 3k+ Warnings: Fluff, childhood au, college au, slowish burn, slight cursing, reallllly fluffy, some broksi-dude action, typos sksksksks, etc.
R E Q U E S T my friend: mark lee, slow burn, friends to lovers
A/N: I wrote a fic that already had like 1k+ word then I LOST IT (i think i deleted it) thus this. It took me 10 years to write this msmsmkskskks. PLEASE TUMBLR IS MESSING WITH ME AND MIXED UP THE ORDER OF SOME OF THE DIALOGUE
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“As a doctor, I don’t think you should be doing that,” Mark says, not even bothering to look at his patient seated rudely on the floor. Oop, he’s lying down now.
Mark huffs and looks up from the clay block he was molding on his tray, “YOU’RE SO UNPROFESSIONAL!”
Mark’s mother nearly spits out her coffee upon hearing the words of his five-year-old son. Her husband snorts, “He got that from you.”
The woman throws a look at the man and was supposed to give a snarky retort, up until the sound of the doorbell ringing. She grins from ear-to-ear and dashes to get the door.
When she comes back to the living room, she’s accompanies by another woman and a tiny version of her.
“Markie! Say hello to your Auntie!” Mark’s mom calls.
Mark from the carpeted floor looks up and blinks, examining the stranger-woman and its human-ling. Mark turns to his father who was sat on the couch and receives a nod of approval almost. Mark purses his lips and waves at the woman.
The woman waves back and then crouches down to the little girl, “Baby, say hello to Mark.”
Unwilling, she shakes her head.
“Aw come on, baby. Don’t be shy. Mark over there is a really sweet boy. I knew him when he was in his mommy’s tummy, just like Mark’s mom knew you when you were in mine. You’re the same age so you’ll get along just fine.”
With the unnecessary explanation that gave no justification to the scene whatsoever out of the way, the girl was fooled into peeping up, “Hi, Mark.”
“Hello,” Mark says, not particularly interested, as his patient was still in the midst of dying in his office. He turned to his stuffed toy called Mr. Lion and attempted to stand him up once more.
At this point, the girl makes her way to Mark.
“We’ll be back in two hours, honey. Keep an eye on the children,” Mrs. Lee tells his husband who had been occupied with TV the entire time.
“Yeah. I got this,” he smiles to his wife then goes back to watching.
The bumble bee clad figure sat down to Mark in blue and watched him play.
Mark ignored her for a few seconds, needing to assert all efforts on standing that dumb toy up. Once successful, Mark turns to her, “Do you play doctors?”
Mark was then met with the same lack on enthusiasm. She hums, “I like playing baker doctor.”
All at once, Mark gasps, “ME TOO!”
It was unbeknownst to the children it was oddly specific and the chance of this happening was pretty slim.
And in a blink of an eye, excited giggles erupt in the room, as if they had been having so much fun before this scene. It was here and there the two would become best friends to the very end.
... so I guess it means the reckoning is upon us.
“MARK LEE I SWEAR TO THE FU--” “WHAT! WHAT!?” Mark laughs.
"YOU ATE MY BAGEL! AGAIN!" I growl in a loud whisper, throwing the wrapper at him and his flat head before he could think to dodge it while he annoyingly laughs.
"I asked if I could have it though!" he says, fully knowing his sins.
I glared at him and say lowly, "I thought you were referring to my notes, bread for brains."
Mark snorts loud enough for our teacher to wake up from his nap. Once the class notices, we all pretend to be doing something productive and Mark plays it off with a cough.
"Mr. Lee." Mr. Kim says sternly, clicking his tongue, blinking his eyes rapidly.
Mark finishes coughing and turns to our seated professor, "Yes sir."
"Don't go to school if you're sick and going to cause a racket with your coughing."
Mark nods firmly and Mr. Kim closes his eyes again, mumbling, "page 65 is due tomorrow."
The entire class grumbles. Mark beside me scoffs and makes a face, "Yeah, yeah, Doyoung."
I turn to him and elbow his side.
"Whatever," Mark shakes his head, "professor bunny-teeth won't hear me."
Once class ended, we both get our things and head out for lunch. We walk to our canteen, fussing over assignments, deciding we should do it together later in our mutually free period.
I groan and narow your eyes at him as we have an argument over how he hasn't finished the essay for English, "That's not the point."
"Yo Mark!" a voice calls from afar. Mark and I turn, looking for the voice, and I spot the dimpled senior, Jung Jaehyun, in a table with the rest of his squad.
I nudge Mark and point at the pale guy seated by the corner.
Mark throws him a smile and waves. I follow closely behind him as he walks over to the table. "We're going to sit with them?" I say in some sort of gasp.
"Yeah." Mark replies simply, not bothering to turn to me, "they're cool."
I knit my brows at that and nod, "Yeah I know. But I'm not cute today."
Mark stops in his tracks and throws me a confused look, "what?"
"I didn't put any make-up on today, also I'm pretty sure there's a visible stain somewhere on my jacket, I just don't remember where."
Mark scrunches his face up again, even more confused. "What? How do you... forget a stai-- that's not the point. Why do you wanna look cute today?" He scoffs and continues lowly, "hardly as if you ever look cute."
I let out an annoyed groan and punch Mark's shoulder. "Like when you panicked when Seulgi came over and asked for notes."
Mark openes his mouth, "That is so not the same! Jaehyun's a fuck bo-"
"Just shut up already," I snap and shove him forward so he'd continue walking. "Let's not keep him waiting," I add and mumble, "also I know. Dong Sicheng however is very cute."
Mark chuckles, "he's dated every girl on the dance team."
"Okay, maybe not that cute."
"Ya, Mark," Jaehyun grins and greets the said person with a high-five and chest bump. He turns to me and speaks my name with a smile. I smile back politely and wave.
I'm about to sit next to Sicheng, but Mark shoves me and so I end up sitting on the other side of the bench table with Jaehyun. I turn to Jaehyun with a small, non-awkward smile and shoot Mark a glare. He seems unbothered though.
"So, you up for a round later?" Jaehyun asks Mark.
Mark talks over me, "you know it, dude."
Jaehyun flashes his dimple smile all the stupid girls fall for. I'm only half falling for it cause I'm only half stupid. He raises his brows, "you bought the dough, right?"
This makes me knit my brows.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I really did this time," Mark mumbles quickly. "It's my turn anyway."
Jaehyun gives an off look, "that's literally what you said last time bro."
"Yo, no for real. It's in my bag, if you wanna check."
Jaehyun shakes his head when Mark begins to scramble for it, "no, Lee, it's good. We wouldn't want you friend to get dirty."
Is it just me or do you feel slimey all of a sudden?
Jaehyun then gives me a somewhat, somehow sincere smile, "so. I hear you're in fashion design."
I give a soft chuckle, "yeah. That's me."
"I could tell from a mile away. Mark looks horrible next to your getup."
I look down at my sweater and ripped jeans. Mark exclaims in protest, "shut the hell up, Jae."
I give a soft smile at Jaehyun, "don't know where that comes from but thanks I guess."
Jaehyun chuckles, "I'm kidding," he eyes Mark, "I saw your Fashion Design pin on your bag when you sat down."
"Oooohhhh, haha, okay, that makes sense."
"Ya, Jeff," Sicheng calls for Jaehyun, "it's almost time."
Jaehyun turns to his friend and nods. He turns back to me and Mark, "well, it's nice to meet you. Mark won't put a sock in it even if I beg. See you around, fashionista."
He stands and slaps Mark's back, "see ya later, broski."
"Yeah, bruh," Mark replies.
Once it's just Mark and I, I snap at him and blurt out in a whisper yell, "YOU'RE ON BROSKI LEVEL WITH JUNG JAEHYUN?!"
Mark gives me a weird face, "bruh, I think he calls the principal broski, for real."
I smack Mark, making him whine, "you know what I'm talking about, Mark! And what, are you doing drugs?!?"
He shakes his head in confusion, "Wait, what!? Who the hell told you that?"
"Uhhhhh you were talking about dough and showing up later. Sounds like you owe him money for drugs, Mark."
"??? In what universe did we even mention drugs?? Does this," he slaps his face, "look like a face of a drug addict to you?"
"A gullible idiot maybe."
Mark's jaw drops, "oh wow, okay. I'm done with this conversation." He proceeds to stand attempt to walk away. I scoff, "not on my watch bitch."
Like the true idiot that he is, Mark begins to legit run away from me, like a criminal who stole my cookies. It's embarrassing that he, a man much taller than I, could not even outrun me. I suppose I should be grateful, but this just fortifies my thoughts of him being an idiot even more.
But okay... I wasn't actually expecting this... like... Mark and Jaehyun... like... actually baking bread after school with dough Mark premade at home. Also, uh, Jaehyun looks super cute in an apron that I'm having a mental breakdown. And what's new, so does Mark.
"I can't believe you thought I was a drug dealer," Jaehyun says in a soft pout as he rolls out dough on the marble counter of his friggin large kitchen in his friggin large house. Like dang, I knew he was rich, but he's like Rich™ Rich. Rich with a golden diamond encrusted Rolex watch rich that's in a glass display rich-- wtf.
Mark wheezes in his telltale high pitched laugh as he opens a pack of unsweetened chocolate pellets, "she thought dough was some sort of metaphor or something."
"Cute," they say at the same time. Mark turns to Jaehyun in slight surprise and Jaehyun turns to me. I roll my eyes, though I feel my neck burn. I avert my attention to the scene I was sketching on my pad, Jaehyun and Mark baking croissants. I clear my throat, "I'm just making use of the single braincell between us, cause if he doesn't die falling down the stairs, he's gonna pull some idiotic stuff like baking with Jung Jaehyun."
Oddly, it's Mark that reacts to that with a, "hey!"
Jaehyun rubs his chin on his shoulder, "I also can't believe you think so little of me.'
I break a sweat but decide to answer honestly, "... ... ... You have a reputation."
"Of being a fuck boy?"
Mark loudly transfers the chocolates into a metal bowl, making the two of us snap at him. Mark makes a face, "oh gosh, sorry."
Jaehyun sighs, "well. I admit I get around, but that's only because I get dumped every time."
I raise a brow.
Jaehyun purses his lips, "nah, let's not make this weird. The croissants will be flat."
"Dude," Mark turns to him, "that's literally only because you messed up the recipe."
Jaehyun grits his teeth, "no. It's because Kun's a little teacher's pet and sabotaged me so he could get the best grade."
"No, but like Kun is really nice, he helped me with the fold techinique."
Jaehyun scoffs, "He stole me vanilla extract, Mark. Who does that?!"
"No, listen, he's cool, like, for real--"
"No, you listen, he's a little shit and--"
The two begin to bicker like a married couple, and I begin to draw inspiration form the scene to design some random sketches of wedding dresses.
I look back to the two and still can't get over the fact that I learned Jaehyun was a culinary arts major with my best friend, and that I was currently in the Jung's boojie home because I thought Mark was buying drugs from him. Not what I was expecting at all my day to go like, but I'm not mad this is how it went.
"No, no, no, no," Jaehyun says. He turns to me and points, "let's just get an outside opinion. Babe, what's your favorite color?"
"BABE?!" Mark barks.
I take a moment to reply. I blink slowly, "uhh... pink?"
Jaehyun bites his lower lip and claps his flour covered hands, "Right. Pink croissants it is."
Mark shoots him a glare and turns to me, back to Jaehyun, "she has a name."
Jaehyun nods, "yeah, and she wants pink croissants."
Mark makes a face and Jaehyun examines it, chuckling under his breath. "Wah, you two are something, huh."
No one really responds.
We began to always eat lunch with Jaehyun and his friends. It's funny cause I realized Jaehyun, although I still firmly believed he was out to get nasty with every other girl he sees, he was actually just like Mark. A total loser with a love for cooking.
"Hey," Mark says with a snippy tone.
I give him a look and suddenly receive a paper bag to my face. Mark sits on his chair next to me, as per usual. I smell the thing before I realize what it is. It's a freshly baked bagel. I perk up and smile, "Aw, you baked me a bagel?"
Mark raises his upper lip, "no. Jaehyun did."
I knit my brows, "what? Why?"
Mark narrows his brows, "do you, like, like him?"
I give him a look. I take a bite of the bagel, making Mark look at me in disbelief. I answer, "You do know I only hang with him cause you do, right?"
"Then why'd you eat the bagel then?"
"Uh, a number of reasons. 1) it's a bagel, 2) free food, 3) I'm starving, 4) it smells amazingggg."
Mark does a face, "fair. I've been meaning to ask how he does his seasoning for a while now too." He releases a breath, "and anyway, I'm pretty sure he made a bagel cause I told him you liked them. Never talking about you to him anymore though."
I look at him, "why do you talk about me so much to him anyway?"
"Uh because you're amazing," Mark says instinctively.
I feel my heart skip at that. I coo and place my hands on my chest, "wait that's really sweet."
Mark looks at me. His face begin to shift, "too bad it's a lie- haha."
I give him a look and rebut, "jerk."
As quickly as I found out about Jaehyun being Mark's friend, that's about as quickly as I found out he didn't like hanging out with him anymore. It's kind of a shame I never got to go back to his boojie house.
There was this one encounter I had with Jaehyun though... which was a little weird, not gonna lie.
He was waiting for me outside my Tailoring class, smiling and waving when he saw me. I Reluctantly reciprocated and walked over to him.
He releases a breath, "I've been waiting for about 20 minutes for you. I didn't know when your class would end."
I raise my brows, "you could have asked?"
"Well I would need your number for that, and that would have ruined the surprise," he pulled out a brown paper bag, reminiscing the same one Mark chucked at my face.
"I made you two this time," he smiles.
I take a moment to reply, "you don't have to make me bagels, Jaehyun."
He grabs my hand, "yeah, but I want something out of ya," he places the bagels in my hand. He proceeds to lead us off and we begin to walk down the hall.
Truth be told, it's a little scary that his ulterior motive is up in the air. Jaehyun places his hands in his pockets, "I like your dress, by the way."
I smile, "thanks. I made it."
He smiles and nods, "right. That makes sense as to why it suits you well."
I can't help but blush at that, and simultaneously feel conscious when I realize a bunch of girls in my course are looking at me and Jaehyun as we strut down the hall.
"So, what did you want, Jaehyun?"
"Well, I clearly wanted to ask you out."
Jaehyun smiles and give a soft laugh, "is it so ground breaking?"
"... Uh..."
He sniggers, "hey, you can say no. I mean I hope you don't but you can." Jaehyun leans in and raises his hands, "I won't like it, but a man should take rejection from a lady well."
I turn to him as he straightens up. I turn to the bagels he made me and bring it back to him. He laughs, "no, I made them for you really. It's not poisoned, in fact it's made with love."
I visibly react to that, which makes Jaehyun wheeze. I can't help but laugh back, "that was hella tacky."
"Worth a shot though," he says. "Good luck with Mark."
I look at him with silence and he chuckles, "ya, you can't fool me."
I'm about to retort but then Jaehyun gets called by one of the frats dudes I identify as Johnny Seo. Jaehyun does a curtsy and clicks his tongue, "see ya later babez."
"You know, I would have said yes if you didn't do stuff like that."
Jaehyun purses his lips, "no you wouldn't."
I shrug, "worth a shot though."
Jaehyun places a hand on his chest, dramatically calling, "Uh, rejection hurts, man."
Yeah, I never went to Jaehyun's boojie house ever again.
Silver lining though was Mark's dorm smelled equally as nice because of all the food he cooks, although it came with a whiff of axe body spray from his roommate, Lucas. It's cool though, he was almost never around for me to smell it in its whole intensity.
"Aite," Mark calls from his side of the dorm. I perk up from the two seater dining table they had and turn to Mark who was covering the cake he was making for his finals.
"Don't, like, peek, okay. I want you to see the cake all at once and give me your honest reaction to it. Please, like, all my lives kinda depend on it."
"How many lives do you have?"
"9, I'm pretty sure."
I stand from my seat, "not you faking your life as a cat, but get it I guess."
Mark raises a hand at me as I walk over, "can you not, I'm high-key panicking right now."
"Over what? You literally made a box of donuts for your midterms and it looked better than Misty Mreme! I'm sure your cake is hot."
"It was in the minifridge for a day. I mean it barely fit cause of all of Lucas' mountain dew."
I groan, "just show me it, Mark Lee!"
Mark whined and dashes over to me, grabbing my shoulders, "okay, but like, don't be mean about it. I swear, I might cry."
I give a sound and fake cough, "it's ugly."
Mark doesn't respond to that particular jab, "I'm serioussss. Please be kind, okay?"
I look at Mark's nervous face and give a soft pout, "Markie, please, not that I think it would be ugly, but I promise you don't have to be nervous about my reaction."
He isn't soothed by that, but he does release a sigh, "okay. So for context, Mr. Moon wanted the cake to be one or two tiers, but I went with one, cause there aint no way I'm going to the other side of the campus to freeze a two tiered cake. Then, the theme was something from your childhood, so, I, uh, thought this was fitting. The exam is 60 percent decoration, 40 percent taste by the way."
Mark gives me a hesitant look, but steps way for me to see it. I then see a heart shaped, medium sized cake in my favorite pastel pink color. By the top there's a little boy on the floor playing with a toy oven set and little girl in a bumble bee dress, holding a stethoscope. At the bottom of the cake, there were jelly letters spelling out, "I like you."
I cup my cheeks at the sight of it and feel my eyes start to well at the sentiment.
Wait... was this really happening?
Mark heaves in and out, "okay, so like when Jaehyun began to like hit on you, that sucked pretty hard because he's known for getting girls and I thought maybe he'd get you too and I got panicky. Anyway, I....... have liked you since we were kids... And... I know you probably don't feel the same way but I have to try, you know.... Yolo."
My feel my tears retract from what I hear. I rub my eyes. I turn to Mark and find his nervous face. "Did you just say yolo in your confession, Mark?"
He looks like he's about to throw up.
I can't help but chuckle and pout, "dude..."
I prolong the moment. Mark gets even more nervous as he repeats softly, "dude..."
"We could have dated in grade school all this time."
It takes a moment to register in his head.
Like, a really long moment.
I sigh, "Mark! I like you too, dummy."
He freezes and blinks. His face begins to burn. He breaks into a soft smile, "nice."
I break into a laugh.
"... Uh... So... Can I like... Kiss you?"
I snort and feel my own cheeks begin to burn, "I think you should refrigerate your cake first."
Mark snaps out of this trance, "oh shoot, you-" I give him a quick peck on the lips.
He is dumbfounded.
I feel butterflies go wild in my stomach.
"I'll wait over there for when you've fixed that."
Mark watches as I walk away, "yooo.... That's not fair though."
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sunlightwoo · 3 years
Maybe In Another Life
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☀︎ pairing: soulmate!eric x g.n reader x soulmate!sunwoo
☀︎ genre: soulmate au, best friends to lovers au, there is some hints of fluff, but there is like really heavy angst cause of warning major character death,,, but there is hints of a love triangle going on, and twinge of slow burn in terms of lovers to exes to also strangers to lovers
☀︎ wc: 7.1k
☀︎ plot: you think that it’s strange that your soulmate bond is based on the colors that you are able to see. the more that you’re with them, the more present the colors are said to be. however you notice that the color in your life drains more and more away your life and know that it only happens when someone is falling out of love with the other. could that be the reason why you stopped seeing color with him when you thought that you were soulmates?
☀︎ a/n: this is now... my longest fic up to date and i’m impressed with myself these last few weeks since january when i started this idea but also concerned,, however: IT IS THE 18TH OF MARCH SOMEWHERE IN THE WORLD SOOOO happy 19th birthday to me hahaha :) i decided to celebrate my birthday with this painful love triangle i wrote for myself with my ults and to be quite honest guys, no i am not okay HGUSEOGJNAEHSOUGJ anyways, i wrote this based on these two tiktoks : TT TT2 | and i hope that you guys liked reading this as much as i liked writing this!!
[ gina is listening to: daisy - pentagon ]
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“He still hasn’t picked you up yet?”
Your head whipped over to look at Haknyeon, your coworker that was finishing up wiping down the last of the tables of the restaurant and you gave him a small smile as you shook your head in response. It had been over an hour since your shift had ended, and usually on days that you’ve had a long shift like today, your boyfriend Eric would have picked up since the busses would not be running that late at night.
“It’s Saturday, he’s probably running a little late at the dance studio today with practice and stuff.” You whisper softly and continue to glance outside the window to see that the rain didn’t want to stop at the fast race it was pouring at.
It wasn’t the first time that your soulmate had been running late from picking you up at work, but you couldn’t blame him. He had been practicing a new choreography that he had been creating with his friends these days and you knew that he was a perfectionist, one that was willing to practice until all of his limbs fell off to make sure that he had gotten all of the moves down in one go.
That was how you met him in the first place, since a mutual friend of yours had introduced you both to one another. It didn’t take long for you both to realize that you were each other’s soulmates until you noticed that your soulmate mark was color, since your life had always been monochrome until you spent more and more time with him. He was the one person that had brought the vibrant colors into your life, and you knew that you were soulmates.
Even though he had often been busy at the dance studio that he was often found at, he always made time for you to go on the little, but meaningful, dates that you always treasured. You remember falling in love with Eric slowly, but surely, as he had been nothing but caring and acting as though you were close to one another long before you had realized that you were soulmates.
And you loved him.
The sound of a car going off brought you back to reality as you notice the car headlights shining past the window and you recognize it to be Eric’s car. After bidding your goodbyes to Haknyeon and grabbing your stuff, you tried to outrun the rain that poured as you had gotten inside the car to see Eric holding a bouquet of flowers in front of himself towards where you were looking at him with a surprised and curious expression.
“What’s the occasion, Sohn?” You teased as you took the bouquet into your own hands, raising your eyebrows at him while he was already giving you a playful look on his face.
“I can’t spoil you once in a while?” He playfully retorts and you jokingly shake your head in response, just as he lets out a quiet laugh and held your hands into his before gently kissing your knuckles, “I just wanted to get them for you, because I know we haven’t been spending, much time together even if we are under the same roof.”
He wasn’t wrong; these last few weeks have been more off than you had felt it where it was days like today that made you think about how distant you were with Eric, compared to when you first started dating. You remember the vibrant colors that flew in when you first met him, remembering that the colors of the sky when it rained were gloomy, but still more colorful than you had imagined with monochrome, and since then you remember all of your colors being more and more full of love and illuminance.
“I love you, Eric.” You say with a small smile on your face, hand still in his as he started to drive once again while you were on your way back home and the three words that were reciprocated from his own lips made you feel full of love.
“I love you, too.”
Or it should’ve, as you weren’t sure what to think of it as you drove home in comfortable silence with your hand being held in his on the gear shift and your other holding the bouquet of flowers. However, what you didn’t notice until that night was that the starry sky looked a little dimmer as you looked out the car window, the moonlight that you had grown loving for its brightness became more dull than what you remembered seeing at night.
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You were currently sitting on your couch with your phone in one of your hands, humming to yourself as the other was brushing through the soft locks of Eric’s hair in your lap. The two of you had decided on a lazy day and were currently waiting for your takeout that you had earlier to arrive as today was one of the few weekends that both of your schedules had synched up for a date night at home, and you were excited for it.
Despite the fact that you had thought about the idea of the color draining from the night weeks ago from the sky when you looked outside, all of the remaining colors of your life remained vibrant as you weren’t as worried as you thought it to be. You continue to go through your phone and hum when suddenly a giggle erupts from Eric that you look at him confusedly for a moment, when his eyes locked onto yours in a split second as a small smile paints his face.
“Is there something on my face?” He muses and makes a weird expression that made him look too exaggerated to you as you playfully hit his chest in retaliation, shaking your head in response as you smiled back at him.
But he had never giggled around you like that, not in a while and you were confused as to what might’ve initiated it now.
“No, but I’m guessing one of your friends texted something funny to you that you giggled?”
You watched as his face reddens for a moment at your words, and you were even more curious at what he might’ve been looking at on his phone that made you wonder what he might’ve been giggling about. However, it seems as though he might’ve caught onto your thoughts when he shakes his head in response and suddenly shows you a picture of who you recognized as some of his friends, Sunwoo and Hyunjae from the stories that you’ve heard, messing around at the studio they danced at.
“They’re just being dumb again,” He chuckles and sits up for a moment just as he mentions the both of their mere existences, “Reminds me, Sunwoo is actually coming over to give back the spare clothes that he borrowed the other day because he tore one of his other clothes the other day.”
For almost a split second you were nervous; you had never met any of Eric’s friends except for Haknyeon since you worked together, but in the three years that you had dated and been soulmates with him, you had never met all of his friends that he’s mentioned before. You were pretty sure that they knew of you, considering there were moments that he had come home playfully complaining about how they teased him about your existence, but you were also amused and confused at the very thought of never introducing you to his friends.
Was he embarrassed of having you as his soulmate?
Just as you were about to speak up, the sound of the doorbell rings as you close your lips shut, watching Eric leave from his spot on the couch to grab the front door as it leaves you with your thoughts once more. It drowned out the loud chatter that came from the duo that must’ve been at the door and the more that you had thought about him never introducing you to his friends, the more you wondered how much of your relationship was actually real considering the fact that these last few months, or almost an entire year, you had been having dates in your own home when you were able to have the time to.
“Prove it that your soulmate is real, Eric.” You hear someone say at the door, and you could only assume that it must’ve been Sunwoo, when suddenly the view of the two entering your living room is present in your line of vision.
You smile at the new individual that you had yet to introduce to and let out a small wave, when you notice how he had stood there with a nervous, but also an unknown expression on his face. On the other side of the spectrum stood Sunwoo with his mind suddenly in places that should not be in the areas that they were in.
When he had first heard about his best friend having a soulmate of three years, he wasn’t sure if they were even real because even though they had been friends since high school, never had Sunwoo once seen a picture, or even met the said soulmate that Eric speaks so highly of. However, now that he was standing in your living room seeing that you were real, he feels like he had been struck with cupid’s love arrow mixed in with all the possibilities of soulmates even existing.
All because his mark of the red string was tied to your pinky finger, even though you were already someone else’s soulmate.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Sunwoo, I’ve heard a lot about you.” You softly say and he nods in response, just when he hands over the bag that was slung over his shoulder over to Eric, before turning back towards where you both were standing.
“I’ve heard a lot about you too. Y/N, right?” He reiterates, making you nod in response and think about how you feel just a twinge of guilt from the fact that maybe you overthinking it all earlier and doubt Eric shouldn’t have been there in the first place.
“I’ll go and take my leave, since I am assuming you guys are having a night to yourselves, but don’t let me stop you.” He chuckles awkwardly, turning to greet his friend goodbye and leaves out of your apartment before you could even let out a goodbye, however you thought that maybe you should get to know him more considering that both him and Eric were well friends.
It was one of your goals that you plan on accomplishing and you could only hope that maybe you could understand why the color that was draining from your life was becoming more and more evident. 
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“Hey, where are you heading out to?”
The sound of Eric’s voice ringing out from behind you makes you turn around from where you were standing at the front door and you noticed how the colors that were in your vision were duller as his neon pink hair that you knew he had recently dyed became more monochrome. You didn’t want to jump to any more conclusions since the last time that you did had ended up where you both didn’t talk for almost a week and it was because you were scared of what was yet to come.
“I’m just going to grab some lunch with Sunwoo. I thought you had to help Changmin with the choreography today?” You ask as there was a small hum that escaped his lips when he closed the water bottle in his hand with its cap and you wondered why the small glance that he was giving you sent chills down your spine.
“I was going to get ready, but you’re going to hang out with Sunwoo again?” He replies to your question, and you nod in response just as you stood your ground from where you were still standing at the door.
For the past several weeks, you had been hanging out with Sunwoo on the days that you knew Eric would be busy on your free days as you wanted to be friends with him, given the fact that he was Eric’s best friend. However, with the price of somehow spending time with Sunwoo apparently had the cost of the other being more distant, as you found him staying at the dance studio longer than he usually would stay, even if it was later into the night.
Along with the distance that was created between you and Eric, the colors that you once adored while being with him continuously became duller and you knew what it was. You could tell that something was wrong with your soulmate bond with him, and you didn’t want to make the same conclusions that you made the last fight you both had, but who were you to judge when all the color in your life was slowly draining out?
The sound of a car horn brings you out of your stare down with Eric and you watch as he disappears back into the kitchen without another word, leaving a small pang in your heart that left you unsettled just as you decided to walk out the front door. You notice how Sunwoo was giving you a small smile by the time that you had reached his car and mumbles for you to seatbelt just as he starts up the car again.
From Sunwoo’s end, he knows that you were soulmates since he could never ignore the red string that was connecting his pinky to yours. However, he also feels guilty knowing that you were oblivious to that information, along with the fact that you were also somebody else’s, his best friend’s. He doesn’t know when he would ever confess to you that you were soulmates, because he knows that you would probably pick Eric anyways because of how long you’ve been together as a fated pair.
He never would’ve wished it upon himself to be the person to break a soulmate bond, even if it was for his own selfish needs.
Until then, the red string felt like a burning reminder that he almost could’ve had a happy ending, if he had met you sooner. The thoughts of him constantly practicing how to tell you that your soulmates haunted him, as he could never find the right words to say them, which was why his first resort was to ignore and push you out of his life, if you weren’t so insistent on wanting to be friends in the first place.
That was something that he had regretfully, but also selfishly took upon himself. He didn’t want to get close to you because he’s scared of the heartache that comes with being rejected by a soulmate. He knows that those heartaches are known to be deadly to people that yearned for a soulmate, like him, and there were ways for him to get rid of his bond before it was too late, but he also knew that it was unfair to both you and him if he were to sever the red string, being warned that he would never have a soulmate again if he cuts it.
Which was why he chose the selfish way out and continued to get closer to you just as friends, knowing that you were Eric’s soulmate and not his as the two of you were currently grabbing some lunch at a nearby burger and boba joint.
The two of you had planned to come here for days, since the minute that you both heard that it opened closeby to where you worked. Despite the fact that it was raining outside again, you still made sure that today was the day that you got lunch together, because it was the only other time that you knew that you were free before you were swamped with life responsibilities once more.
“The boba is really good here, I think I have a new favorite place now,” You smiled as the cold cup in your hand filled your taste buds with a delicious sweet flavor from the drink in your hands, “You didn’t have to pay for today though. I’ll have to owe you for next time.”
Sunwoo shakes his head at your words with a smile on his face just as he puts down the burger that was in his hands, taking a moment to finish chewing before he could speak again. If anybody were to look at you both from the way that you were unknowingly looking at the other, they might assume that the two of you were on a date, and you couldn’t help but think about Eric again as there was a flash of a frown that appears on your face until you remember that you weren’t out with him right now.
“It’s fine, Y/N. You don’t have to pay me back, today’s my treat, remember?”
You do remember, as the last time you guys talked about grabbing lunch was the day that you and Eric fought as he walked out the front door to cool off. That night you had called Sunwoo to see if the latter had arrived at his best friend’s apartment, in which he did, making you relieved as he had asked you for your side of the story when Eric had fallen asleep in his guest room. You had fallen asleep to reassuring words from him that the two of you would figure it out in the meantime, but you couldn’t help but wonder why Sunwoo’s words left a warmer feeling in your chest more than usual knowing he still has yet to meet his soulmate.
Was it normal?
“Sunwoo, what’s your soulmate bond, if you don’t mind me asking?” You say while crossing your arms on top of the table, curious as to what the latter’s bond was because he had never once mentioned it in your presence whenever you two had met.
“It’s the red string.” He replies, suddenly growing nervous at how you were already asking about his bond, unsure of how he was going to go at it now that he was caught off guard at your sudden question about it.
“By any chance, do you know where they might be?” You ask, now even more curious about the possibility of him finding his soulmate pretty soon if he was connected to his soulmate by a string that is known to appear if they’re closeby, however Sunwoo knows that he shouldn’t bluntly say it.
“I do know where they are, but I found out too late, because they already found their soulmate that isn’t me.” He grimaces, noticing how the sudden curiosity that was in your eyes reduces to now an expression that left questions in both your minds as the two of you now sat in complete silence.
And maybe the both of you realized something that you shouldn’t have known, because the rain outside that was downpouring became louder than the ringing that was in your ears from your pounding.
Maybe this was a mistake.
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You were now living in constant fear, but not for the reasons that you had thought it would be because of. It was another rainy day, but this time in mid-August as the colors of your life around you almost matched the grey and gloomy clouds that were storming above you. The sound of your heart constantly pounding in your chest was making you nervous every time that you woke up next to Eric, unsure of whether or not the breaking point of your relationship will actually end.
You couldn’t even remember when you had last exchanged I love yous.
Your stomach churns at the mere thought of an empty feeling that used to be so filled with love and care, but now all you could ever feel around Eric was the constant worry of whether or not he still loved you. Did he even still love you, you think to yourself as the reasons why the colors draining from your vision erupted in your mind.
They would only leave if one of you had lost the love for the other, but you didn’t want to think that Eric didn’t love you anymore. You knew that he always loved everyone, platonically and romantically in your case, with his entire being to the point where he would always be willing to put their needs before his own. Could it be any different that he stopped loving you as the distance between you both grew deeper and farther?
The sound of the front door being opened and slammed shut makes you look away from where you were working on a new menu for the cafe, only to see an upset Eric walk straight past you and into the kitchen as you were suddenly confused at the sudden act.
“Is everything okay, Eric?” You called out to him quietly and just as the words had left your lips, he reappeared from the kitchen with an exhausted look on his face before speaking up.
“Can we seriously not do this tonight? I’m really not in the mood to argue or talk about it all.” He snaps and you felt taken aback from the sudden anger that was clearly evident in his words and at the tip of his tongue as you crossed your arms in front of him to stand your own ground.
“What’s your problem-”
“You, you’re my problem and I hate it.”
The three words that left his mouth leaves a heavy feeling into the atmosphere as the feeling of your heart grew heavier by the minute. There were definitely words that were waiting to be said as the two of you stared at the other, one with frustration in their eyes and tears filling the other. However, you weren’t sure what else to say, because you had never thought that you would suddenly hear him say that you were a problem to the burdens in his life.
“What problem am I to you, then, if all I’ve been doing is try to save the dying relationship that we’ve been avoiding?” You press, already hearing the rising tone of your voice from the fact that you were growing hurt from what he was saying, unsure where all of his thoughts had come from but you were also almost sure of where it was going to go, and you wanted to wait for the right moment to ask him.
“Everyday when I wake up next to you, the colors from my life start to drain and I know that it’s the living guilt that I created for the both of us-”
“Then when did you stop loving me, Eric Sohn?”
It’s silent again as his throat suddenly becomes dry at your question, his frustrated expression from earlier suddenly falling short as his eyes were now starting to avoid your pained ones. He knows he had started the fire this time around, not knowing how to deal with the almost monochrome vision that he had been experiencing the last few months, but he couldn’t let it go if he were to lie to you about when he had first stopped loving you, because that night was when he felt it that you also stopped loving him as well.
“The first downpour, when I gave you those flowers.”
Neither of you talked as you felt your heart pound even louder than it was earlier in your chest, but you weren’t even sure what else to say when you suddenly think of all of the fights that have piled up and climaxed to this exact point. The signs were all there, and you felt as though you were foolish enough to not realize that it wasn’t even healthy to stay knowing that there was something wrong in the first place when you first noticed the first wave of colors vanish.
Rather than saying anything, you grabbed your phone from where it was sitting on the couch and put on your shoes before leaving past the front door with a slam behind you. Despite the fact that there was a heavy rain outside, you didn’t care as you felt like you were being suffocated if you were to stay in that room with him any longer, and you allowed for your legs to let you run to wherever they wanted you to take you to.
That place somehow ended up being Sunwoo’s apartment after running in the rain for almost half an hour.
Your hand was raised to knock on the door, the thought of him possibly being busy past your mind as he opens the door with a confused look on his face, until he realizes that you were shivering drenched from head to toe. After dragging you inside, he takes it upon himself to grab some xtra clothing and blankets so that you could dry off, but he was concerned at the way that you had stood in the middle of his living room with no words leaving your lips to explain why you had run in the pouring rain.
“I think me and Eric just broke our soulmate bond.”
With those words hanging in the atmosphere of Sunwoo’s living room, there was a broken sob that already slipped past your lips as your knees buckled from beneath you, making you kneel with your head low crying with your arms hugging yourself. You were definitely feeling the immense pain that came with the slight sever of your soulmate bond and you weren’t sure what was even worse, the fact that you might never have another soulmate again or the actual heartbreak itself.
“Can I wash up in your bathroom, Sunwoo? I don’t want to get sick in your own home.” You mutter almost inaudibly, not wanting to talk about it with him when you notice how he nods just slightly, before handing you an extra towel and the spare clothes that he had earlier for you to wear.
By the time that you were alone in the bathroom with your thoughts in the shower, you could feel the tears from earlier still stream down your face, but there was nothing else except for a numbing pain that came with them as you washed up. You hated the feeling of the heartache that came along with the fact that the person you had thought was your soulmate wasn’t the person, and now you weren’t sure what else to do.
It was when you finally dried yourself off and got dressed that the little bit of color that you once still had suddenly became monochrome and your heart sank into your stomach. A life that was once filled with color, that you were so used to in the past few years was now so easily gone as you were now greeted with the shades of blacks, whites and greys again, and you thought that maybe it was finally concluded that your relationship from fate was finished.
You walk out of the bathroom and head back to the living room to where you last saw Sunwoo, but it sounded as though he was in the middle of a call with someone, making you wonder who might’ve been calling since it was close to midnight. It wasn’t until you had gotten closer that he finished up the call and made eye contact with you, however there was a solemn look on his face that made you feel uneasy, since you had never once seen him in this scenario where he had looked like he was hit with bad news.
And it was.
“Hyunjae called from the hospital,” He whispers quietly as you noticed that there were tears in his eyes this time around, his phone clutched tightly in his hand and you could feel a lump in your throat with newly fresh tears that were already threatening to leave your eyes once again.
“Eric passed away in a car accident.”
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A little over a week passes by.
You were currently collecting your thoughts and leaving the funeral home where Eric’s funeral was being held, heart feeling heavy as you were slowly walking back to your car in silence. There were many things that you wanted to say to his family, ones that made you want to apologize a million times for not being enough for him, but you also have heard his side of the story from Hyunjae the night that it all happened, because he was on the phone with Eric seconds before the accident.
There was something that made you feel sick as you sat in the passenger seat of your car, waiting for Sunwoo as you noticed something out of the corner of your eye; a speck of color. You weren��t sure how it could’ve gotten there as you were pretty convinced that the universe wouldn’t be able to give you another soulmate so soon, and why would they when you had lost touch of all color as soon as Eric passed?
The sound of a car closing beside you makes you turn to see Sunwoo, who had the keys in his hand, in which he was already looking back at you with a curious, but also concerned look.
“Are you okay?”
Those three words felt heavy like a lump in your throat as you wondered whether or not you should answer it with the utmost sarcasm that you can spare, or the truth. In the last week of mourning, Sunwoo had always been the one to check up on you despite the fact that he had also been mourning in his own time, the loss of his best friend feeling unbearable, but he didn’t want to go through the pain alone.
It was cruel of the universe to take him away from you, Sunwoo thinks as he remembers holding onto your shaking figure the day that Hyunjae had broken the news to him and his heart aches at the memory of you looking helpless. He hated how much you were in pain for the last few days, where it was hard for him to get you to eat meals and sleep during proper hours when you weren’t crying, but he knew that you also felt bad for having him around; yet somehow he didn’t mind it.
“I can see a bit of color today,” You whisper quietly, turning away to look out the window of the car and it stops, just in time as there was a slight hue of red that you were able to see from the traffic light that makes you not want to meet his eyes.
Sunwoo’s heart was now pounding in his chest and there was a feeling of dryness that was suddenly in his throat, words caught up in it as he wasn’t sure where he could even step in to tell you what he had been dying to tell you the last few months. The red string on his finger felt like it was tightening by every second that he was with you, but he wasn’t sure how you would feel about it, especially after the events of today.
However, it was you who had started to connect the dots, seeing as though the more that you have been spending time with him, the more hues of warmer and eventually cooler colors start to show up again in your vision. The only thing was that you knew about the various types of bonds, where the same person would not get the same bonds twice for different people, making you question what the actual bond might be.
“Sunwoo, I want you to tell me the truth… Are you also my soulmate?”
The light turns green and Sunwoo drives again, this time the tension that was between you both growing heavy as you were waiting for his response, when all he wanted was to buy some more time. He didn’t want to tell you the truth now, not like this as you were regaining color into your sight again, but it was almost like when you had asked him that question, his pinky had burned from the string that made him almost flinch at the pain it had inflicted onto him, which was why he had pulled over to the side of the road so that you can talk, without any other distractions towards any of you.
“Are you able to see where my red string ends?” He whispers to you quietly, in which you shake your head in response, wishing that you could in order to ease your stumbling thoughts, but there was nothing as he takes a couple moments to collect his thoughts and takes a deep breath to himself.
“I’m sorry for not telling you the truth when we first talked about it, Y/N.”
There was a small smile on your face, one that was on your face that expressed both pain and almost relief that his soulmate was nearby and that you weren’t going to be soulmate-less. You remember the one day that you had lunch with him when he mentioned who his soulmate was, but you didn’t think that it would be you, making your stomach churn at how guilty you felt knowing that you actually had two soulmates that existed right in front of your eyes.
“Sunwoo, you don’t have to be sorry, it’s not your fault that all of this happened. If it was meant to be, then I guess everything leading up to now was meant to happen…” You breathed out, feeling tears prick at the corners of your eyes when he suddenly reached over to hold your own hands into his, “But I’m going to need some time to just let this sink in. I want to be sure that it’s you, okay?”
He nods in response, feeling almost as if a weight had lifted off of his shoulders and there was the urge that he was holding back to just hold you into his arms right then and there in his arms. Time, he thinks to himself as he knew that it was also a big block as to whether or not your possible relationship could continue to blossom into something more, which was why when he had started the car back up and started driving again, he can only think of the best thinking to make sure that you two could keep going with what you had, and to him it was to bring laughter and teases to make you at least feel better for the time being.  
“Sunwoo, what if we did this-“
“We say that we’re soulmates right now and kiss.” He teases, making you look at him with an amused look but shake your head in response with your hand still in his as you wonder where the sudden burst of energy had come from despite the moment that you had earlier.
“Sunwoo, no-“
“We officially become soulmates eventually,” He jokes and watches how there is a glint of sparkle in your eyes that he hadn’t noticed present before when he glances over to look at you, but he doesn’t push it as he decides to just keep your distance temporarily, “You’re not saying no, love, you have to say something.”
You thought about it for a moment, thinking that maybe playing the long game with him wouldn’t be too bad as you knew that maybe this was a sign that could test to see if he was actually your soulmate. Colors may be one thing, but would you also eventually see the red rope that he has been seeing the past few years of dealing with it?
“How about we play the long game?” You propose, looking at him with a small smile as he raises an eyebrow at your words of waiting a bit with him, “We see how the next year or so goes, and if more color appears on my end, then we’re soulmates. If not, then we can just overthrow the universe and see what happens then.”
“So it’s not a rejection then?” He whispers hopefully, suddenly feeling nervous at the fact that you weren’t opposed to the idea of him being your soulmate and feels his heart pound louder in his chest as he watches you nod in response.
“I think I knew back then that I was connected to you at some point, Sunwoo, with or without the red string visible to my eye.”
There was a shaky breath that left your lips as you finally felt a sudden weight lifted off your chest, seeing as though you were somehow finding your own way to move on from Eric’s passing. It wasn’t ideal, considering it was by testing the waters to see if Sunwoo was actually your soulmate, or if it wasn’t real since you weren’t even sure of what was happening in the moment, but you knew something was there.
“Can I kiss you?” He asks almost teasingly, and there was a smile that coats your lips, one that you haven’t been able to express in the past few days but somehow with him it almost came naturally because of how calming his aura came to be around you.
“Maybe during another downpour, we’ll see what happens.”
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“Hey Y/N, thanks for letting me head out early it means a lot.”
You look up from where you were currently cleaning up behind the counter of the glass case that was once filled with delicious sweets, giving Haknyeon a small smile in response as you waved him off.
“It’s not a problem, Haknyeon. Besides, you better not be nervous because anybody who says no to marrying you will regret it.” You teased, watching the male stand at the closest table to the counter of your co-owned cafe blush a bit at your words.
“Yeah but… it’s raining hard out there tonight. Will you be able to get home dry?” He asks in which you nod in response, just as another individual has entered right on cue like it was meant to happen.
“He’s here to take me home, just go propose to your soulmate already.” You grinned, watching as Haknyeon gives you a soft smile and leaves before he can get caught in the rain tonight.
With an amused look on the latter’s face, your eyes met with Sunwoo’s, who had been standing against the counter that you were currently cleaning. There was an umbrella in his hand, along with a familiar jacket that you must’ve forgotten to take with you, but he brought it anyway because he knew that you would’ve gotten cold from the rain.
“You could’ve gotten sick, you know. That wouldn’t be good on any of us.” He teases and you give him a playful look, not wanting to be bothered with the jacket when in a split second, you felt his arms wrap around your waist swiftly, chin on your shoulder as he was swaying both of your bodies side to side.
Two years have passed since you remember talking about the effects of a downpour with him, the sight of it making you feel various emotions as you stared at the red string tied at the end of your pinky of your left hand that was almost parallel to the ring on your ring finger on your right. After opening up your new co-owned cafe with Haknyeon months after you and Sunwoo decided to play the long game, the rush of colors came along with that new success as you knew that it was for all the times that you have spent with him.
Every downpour and daylight that led to the very moment made you feel grateful that you made the decision to play the long game, because the promise ring that came with the downpour the night you both kissed felt like sparks. You probably would never forget how realizing that he was your soulmate felt, because it was the same electricity and love that overwhelmed you like you had when you first found out about Eric.
“Okay, let’s go home you big baby.” You giggled, shaking your head at his playful banter and took the jacket from his hands over your shoulders, before grabbing your keys to lock up the cafe for the night.
The two walk into the city with peace on your mind, the gentle downpour highlighted perfectly the illuminated city buildings that were around you both as you walked to your shared home together, and you wouldn’t want to have it either way. Whether it was a day with rain or sunshine, you knew that it couldn’t be too bad as long as you had someone with you with their hand in yours.
“Do you think he’s watching us, from up there?” Sunwoo suddenly mumbles softly, your hand in his as the sound of the soft drops of the rain hitting your umbrella resonates from on top of you guys and you hummed in response, nodding as you smiled and kissed his hand gently.
“I think he’d be happy that his best friend is the one to save me from being soulmate-less for the rest of my life, instead of someone that I could be with that might hurt me.”
“I don’t think I could ever want to intentionally hurt you, Y/N, or in any other life. You know that, right?” He says, joking slightly to relieve the small tension that was starting to rise, but you knew it was both of your worries that were talking and you couldn’t blame him.
The tomorrow is unpredictable and you weren’t sure what could happen to any of you by then.
“I know Sunwoo, and I know that you love me, like I love you.” You reply and suddenly you are pulled into his arms, hands cupping your cheeks as he places a soft kiss on your lips as you kiss him back and smile against his own.
There were small bursts of giggles that came from you at the flustered feeling of him spontaneously kissing you, but the shimmer in his eyes said elsewise as you knew that even though the entire universe was held in them, they were only meant for you to see. A galaxy that was meant to be lost in, but somehow you knew right where you were as you were both standing underneath a shared umbrella on a night of downpour, but this time it was flushed with colors and vibrant illuminations that made you feel ignited especially with him.
“I love you too, Y/N.”
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Pillow Riding- Jeongin X Hyunjin.
Our love stay boy is back!!!
Note: I wrote this while half asleep so I hope it’s okay. Sorry if there are any mistakes or typos.
Trigger warning: praise kink, corruption kink, embarrassed Jeongin.
Plot: Jeongin is innocent and doesn’t know what’s happening so when his friend finds him he kindly offers a helping hand.
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Jeongin's face was flushed red. He was alone in the dorm laying face down on his bed squirming, begging for this sensation to just go away. Recently he had been avoiding the rest of the members he had been feeling too.... strange? This was the problem, Jeongin didn't know how he felt. For the past week his body has been feeling hot and his stiff cock ached endlessly but he didn't know why.
He was too embarrassed to ask any of his friends. But no matter how hard he tried the feeling wouldn't go away. A soft whimper left his lips as he changed positions, his cock rutting up against the mattress sending waves of pleasure through his body. Maybe he should keep doing that? Experimentally he grinded his hips back against the mattress once again letting out a breathy moan. Pants left his slightly parted lips as he continued this movement before deciding he needed more. Without thinking he picked up a pillow from the floor before folding it in half and stripping from his boxers. God if anyone walked in on him now. He mounted the pillow and began to rock back and fourth. He didn't know why it felt so good but he never wanted to stop. He picked up his pace yelping when a white liquid squirted from his Cock, but he didn't stop.
"Innie I heard a noise are-"
Hyunjin burst through the room, cheeks reddening at the sight of Jeongin sweaty and panting on top of a pillow... but it wasn't just any pillow. It was Hyunjin's.
Jeongin immediately hid under the covers throwing the pillow at Hyunjin without thinking.
The man catches it shocked when he feels the sticky substance.
"I uh... did you cum on my pillow?"
He hated to admit this but he was getting more and more turned on by the second.
"Cum? What's cum?"
The innocent words left the maknae's lips.
Hyunjin knew that the boy was innocent but he never thought he was THAT innocent.
The elder smirked walking towards the bed where Jeongin was hiding with his red face hidden amongst pillows.
He sat on the edge of the bed and reached out to stroke the maknae's hair.
"Innie do you want to explain to me what you were doing hm? I can help you to understand things. How does that sound?"
The shy boy sat up still covered by the duvet hugging his hands around his knees.
"It's really embarrassing b-but it was um, well it was hard down there and it ached and I tried to get it to go away so I started moving my hips into the mattress and it felt good s- so I got a pillow and did it on there. Then something white came out. Is something wrong with me?"
Hyunjin could feel himself growing hard at the boys innocence.
"You were horny Innie."
His voice purred.
"H horny?"
"Hmm yeah, that's why you were hard down there. When you grinded your cock onto the pillow it felt good that's why you got cum everywhere. But it's rather naughty of little Innie for making a mess all over my pillow."
The younger boy blushed again as he heard his friends words and he could feel his own length growing again.
He shifted trying to relieve the feeling and Hyunjin instantly noticed what was happening.
"What's wrong Innie?"
Hyunjin inched closer to the boy who looked down squirming.
"It's happening again ."
His voice was a whimper.
"Do you want my help babyboy?"
The younger just nodded.
"Use your words."
"P please help me Hyunjinnie."
That's all he needed to hear.
He instantly attached his lips to the youngers causing his eyes to widen in shock before he melted into the kiss. Their tongues hungrily danced together as soft whimpers left Jeongin's mouth.
His entire body burned with embarrassment and lust.
The elder trailed wet messy kisses all over the maknae's neck. Sucking gently on his sweet spot leaving a bright red hicky.
"H-hmm Jinnie T that feels good."
The boy moaned out at the feeling before Hyunjin looked up smirking at him.
"I can make you feel even better babyboy."
He licked a small stripe over the boys nipple before taking the sensitive bud into his mouth and swirling around it causing the bottom to Yelp out.
As he worked his mouth on Jeongin's left nipple his fingers flicked at the right making sure they both equally got the same attention.
The younger began to squirm. At this point his cock was achingly hard again.
Hyunjin noticed the boys desperation, placing a kiss on his chest he purred
" look how cute your little cock is Innie, so hard and leaking all for me."
He blushed, his friends words made him feel dirty but in the best way and he craved more.
"J- Jinnie I need more."
He didn't even know what he was begging for but he needed to release.
"Be patient baby, get on your hands and knees."
The younger obeyed his orders gasping as he felt strong hands cupping his ass and spreading the cheeks apart.
"H- Hyunjin . Don't look there it's embarrassing."
He felt exposed but all thoughts of embarrassment left his mind when he felt something wet circle his hole.
The elder was lapping at the boys rim making sure it was wet enough for what was soon to come.
Jeongin bit his lip trying to hide the moans that threatened to spill out.
After a while of teasing, the long haired male pulled away admiring the way the maknae's tight pink hole clenched around nothing.
"Did little Innie like that hm?"
All he could do was whimper in response.
"Cute." Hyunjin giggled before demanding the younger to suck, placing two fingers in his hot mouth.
The sight was completely lewd. The way Jeongin's plump pink lips wrapped around the elders long fingers, salava dripping down his chin and his tongue swirling around the two digits.
"That's enough."
He pulled his spit covered fingers from his mouth before rubbing them around his entrance.
His hole pulsed as Hyunjin slowly pressed the two fingers in, carefully scissoring the male out as he slowly became undone.
"Mh you take my fingers so well kitten. I wonder how well your tight little hole will take my cock."
Jeongin shuddered at the pet name, his mind clouded with confusion and lust. He didn't know what was happening but he knew he didn't want it to stop.
"Jinnie, W-why does it feel so good having your fingers In me?"
The maknae questioned between whimpers.
"This will feel even better."
With those words Hyunjin removed his fingers before placing his cock at the boys entrance.
He pushed in slowly, groaning at the tight warmness around his length.
"Ugh god Innie you are so fucking tight."
He began to rock his hips at a slow pace letting the younger adjust.
"J- Jinnie it hurts."
The pain of being stretched out around the elders thick cock made the youngers eyes well up with tears.
"Ssh baby I promise it will start to feel good soon."
Hyunjin snaked a hand to pump The maknae's cock in time to his trusts to ease the pain.
After a few more thrusts Jeongin began to moan out reassuring the elder that it was okay to speed up.
He thrusted his hips harshly, repeatedly hitting his prostate.
"Ugh feels so so good Jinnie mmh need more."
Jeongin bit onto his hand trying to muffle his moans but it was no use. He felt like his entire body was on fire. He was embarrassed yet so insanely needy. If any of the other members knew what was happening right now he would probably die from the shame of being caught like this.
"You are doing so well for me beautiful. You feel so fucking good."
Sounds of skin slapping skin and the two grunting and moaning echoed through the dorm and the younger began to feel a pit in his stomach.
"Mmh J-Jinnie my stomach feels weird what mmmh is it?"
The younger could barely compose himself , his hair was slick with sweat, his pretty pink lips parted to moan and his eyes so dark with lust.
"Cum for me kitten."
With those words Jeongin shot his load all over Hyunjin's hand while the elder came inside him filling him up so well.
After riding out their highs Hyunjin pulled out, admiring what a pretty little mess he had made the boy.
His hands grasped his ass, kneading it slowly as he watched the cum drip from his hole and down his honey coloured thighs.
The sight was truely beautiful. The younger collapsed onto the mattress trying to catch his breath.
"So . Did you like that pretty boy?"
Once again his face flushed crimson.
"I- I did . Thank you Jinnie."
The maknae nuzzled his face into the warmth of his friends neck, sighing in content as he felt the strong arms wrap around his slim body.
"So whenever you feel like that baby come to me. I'll help you. How does that sound hm?"
He stroked the younger boys head twisting his hair around his fingers lovingly.
"Hmm sounds good Jinnie."
He chuckled at the youngers sleepy voice. Of course he was tired after his first time. Before long the boy fell asleep, wrapped in the warmth of the elder male.
God it wouldn't be long before all of his innocence was gone if he let Hyunjin have his way. He was too irresistible and now he's had a taste he couldn't get enough of the maknae. This certainly would make room mating more interesting. But they just had to not get caught because if the other members found out that Hyunjin was fucking their innocent maknae... well Chan for sure would give Hyunjin an earful.
After a while Hyunjin drifted off to thoughts of further corrupting Jeongin.
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sp00ky-arts · 3 years
You Take My Breath Away
I can’t believe I’m doing this *hides face* Okay so I wrote this some time ago but never got to posting it because I thought it was trash (though I draw mostly anyway.) I was having Bo feels and needed to let them out so I wrote this for the heck of it. So enjoy this crappy smut story.
Synopsis: Basically you patch up Bo after a victim gets difficult and things get heated
(Sorry if Bo is a little out of character I changed him a bit)
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You were making your way up to the gas station to see what Bo was up to. You tended to stay away from their work, as they didn’t want you getting mixed up in the mess, but it was okay because you preferred it that way. A few months back you were actually a victim yourself. However, miraculously things changed and were spared, you became part of this little family. They very rarely used you as a distraction like I said before but sometimes it came in handy having a girl around. The guys seemed to warm up to you pretty quickly. Lester warmed up to you instantly when he first spoke to you the first time, Vincent took a liking to you as well, him being a brother figure to you. Bo was a little bit harder at first but eventually he came around, sharing a bond quickly. But truth be told, you had a bit of a crush on the bastard mechanic man. It was insane to have a crush on someone who was about to literally kill you, yet you couldn’t stop thinking about the blue eyed man. So you simply buried those feeling and moved on.      
 Upon arriving at the gas station you here clattering noises and you froze. ‘Was he dealing with a victim?’ You though to yourself. Maybe you should come back later. But hearing Bo yelp out, your curiosity peeked further. Walking slowly down the basement were the noises became louder. Your heart beating at the possibilities that could be going on right now. Reaching the bottom of the stair your eyes widened at what you saw. Bo was indeed dealing with a victim that got loose. His nose seemed to be bleeding, and judging from the bruises that were forming he’s taken a few blows as well. Part of you should you feel relief that he was getting a taste of his own medicine, but another part you wanted to jump into his defence. After all, you had no one to go home to really. Home life was a struggle to begin with, and on top of that you found out your boyfriend had been cheating on you with your now ex-best friend so there was that. Really nothing to go back to. Here, you oddly felt at home, relaxed and at peace. Back home it was just pure and utter chaos. Seeing a lone crow bar strewn on the floor among all the ruckus, you pick it up, a firm grip as you tiptoed behind the man who was currently taunting Bo with a knife. His eyes flicked to you quickly before looking back at the man and feigning a look of defeat.
 “Well, l-looks like…. you got me fair n’ s-square, man. You win.” He said in between breaths to make it seem more believable.
 “That’s right, motherfucker, you’re gonna rot in hell when I-” You struck the man at the back of his head cutting him off. The sickening crack could be heard before he slumped to the floor knocked out.
 “Fuckin’ prick. Help me get him upstairs, Vincent’s on his way.” He stood up, a groan of pain escaped his lips as he stood up from his crouched position. You did as told, dropping the crow bar and grabbing the other side of the man that was still unconscious. You made it upstairs and sure enough Vincent was already there waiting. He tossed him in the back of the truck and with a wave he drove the man back to the house to finish with him. You look back at Bo as you heard him making groaning sounds again.
 “You okay?” You ask, frown on your face.
“Yeah, it’s just, the fuckin’ dick can really pack a punch. Shit…”  He hisses in pain.
 “Let me get the first aid kit.” You say and walk back into the gas station with Bo in tow.
 “Where is the first aid kid?” You asked as you couldn’t seem to find it on the upper level.
 “Downstairs.” He pointed back downstairs. You drag him by the hand and brought him back downstairs before telling him to sit in the chair.
 “it’s okay, darlin, you don’t have to.” Bo spoke up. The nickname made you heat up. You’ve heard it so many times and yet it still caused butterflies to rise in your stomach.
 “I know, but I just want to help, besides some of those could get infected.” You gestures to some of the cuts on his face. He chuckled and let you do your thing.
 “Always keen on helpin’ out, don’t ya, sweetheart.” He muttered mostly to himself. You bring over the first aid kit and trying to get to his height as best you can. Trying not to cringe at the bruise that was blooming on his cheek as well as cuts.
 “Now, you gotta ice the bruises because those look nasty, but I can put a little Polysporin on the cuts.” (I googled it, you can put polysporin on cuts, scrapes, and burns.) You took a bit of the cream on your finger and gently dabbed it on his open cuts. Bo was so focused on you as you tended to his wounds, your face burning as he was watching your every move. You tried ignoring it and focused on your task at hand but it was getting difficult, you could feel his minty breath on you, lips practically beckoning you for a kiss. You should stop before you start creating scenarios in your head.
 “Okay and done. It’s not the best but it’s what I can do for now, hopefully it helps, just gotta ice those bruises…actually I think we-” You started to say but Bo pulled you back into him. You were practically on top of him, you were sure if you moved at the right angle your lips would touch. Your gaze locked at his lips before looking up at his eyes.
 “Bo?” You ask, quirking your brow up at him. He stares at your lips and bites his before he meets your eyes. He starts leaning in and your heart starts thumping in your chest. ‘Holy shit, is this about to happen right now?’ you think to yourself. He was so close that if you nudged forward in the slightest you’d be kissing.
 “Tell me to stop and I will.” He muttered lowly. Before you had time to comprehend what he said, he quickly shut his eyes and placed his lips atop yours. You were practically stone in your position as Bo proceeded to kiss you. Crap, it was happening. Your eyes slowly closed and gently kissed back, the taste of copper stimulated your senses. Hands placed on his shoulders gently, as you didn’t really know where else to put them, kissing him with a lot more passion and vigor. He licked your bottom lip asking for entrance. Your eyes widened at and pulled away, gasping for breath.
 “What happened?” Bo asked, searching your face.
 “D-Do you think, we’re moving too fast?” You asking biting your lip.
 “You wanna stop?” He asked back. He got you there. It honestly felt good but you weren’t sure if this was moving too quickly, still you shook your head no. He smirked at that.
 “Then where were we?”
 “I think we were here.” You reply with a smirk of your own. Crawling up until you straddled his lap and re-connecting your mouths once again. It soon became a dance of tongues and hands exploring as you melted into each other. Before you knew you were both stripped out of your clothes aside from your bra and panties and his boxer briefs.
 “Fuck, you’re beautiful.” Bo mumbled against your neck, pepper soft kisses on the supple skin. You leaned back to give him more access.
 “Nnghhh..B-Bo…” You moan out. His hands traveled down your back, stopping at the clasp to your bra where he quickly undid it with no problem. He tossed the material across the room and looked at your now revealing chest. He trailed down to where he was facing your chest, sucking a taut nipple into his mouth. He lashed his tongue over the nub as you gripped onto his hair.
 “Jesus, Bo, s-slow down…” You moan. You didn’t expect that this would happen, but man was this better than your imagination.
“Sorry, Doll, just can’t control myself.”  He says switching to the other. As much as you like this foreplay that was going on, you just wanted him inside of you already.
 “B-Bo, can you..ahhhh,, c-can you please put it in.” You bite your lip.
 “Can’t wait can you? That’s alright neither can I, wanted to tear into you for quite some time now, babygirl.” Bo rasps. He takes off his undergarments along with your, leaving you both completely naked.
 “I wanna ride you.” You say, cheeks heated.  
 “Go ahead, Darlin’, it’s all yours.” You bite your lip as you align yourself with his member.
 “Can’t wait to tear into this cunt.” He utters to himself. You sink onto him as he held himself for you. You both groan at the feeling, you for feeling full, and him because the tightness and warmth your cunt is doing to him.
 “Holy shit, Bo…” You toss your head back as you begin slow movements, up and down slowly. However, this just wouldn’t do, you needed more. You speed up your movements and set a good pace.
 “Shit…now ya sure you’ve never done this, Darlin’? He asked. You slap his chest and playfully roll your eyes at his comment.
 “Hey, I’m kidding, I’m kidding..fuck.”
 “Ohh sorry, did I hurt you?” You say in worry.
 “Nah, I’m fine.”  You continue your ministrations. You couldn’t believe you were already feeling like you were gonna finish.
 “B-Bo, I-I think I’m gonna….” You moan out. Bo’s hand darts to your clit and starts rubbing quick circles on it as as he fucks in to you harder, you felt your walls start to flutter
“That’s it, do it.” He instructs. You came with a moan and a shout of his name and that was enough to send Bo over the edge to his release.
 “Shit, baby…” He groans and clenches his eyes shut.  You slump against him out of breath as he holds your still shaking body against his.
 “Bo?” You look up at him, eyes searching into his blue hues.
 “Mmm?” He hums while stroking your hair and staring back at you.
 “You know I care about you.” You say.
 “I know ya do, darlin’ He replies tucking hair behind your ear and kissing you softly.  
   If for some reason you want to see more let me know.
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““ you look like shit. “ “ thank you. “” with Janus and Remus or Virgil?
Thanks for this request anon! I wrote this with Remus and Virgil, then Janus is mentioned here and there :)
There's warnings for injury detail, a fight mention and swearing but it's not too graphic! It was fun writing enemies to lovers- but it's a pretty slow burn, I'm almost tempted to write a part two for this :) This is basically the start of an enemies to friends to lovers.
Hope you enjoy! <3
General writing taglist: @psychedelicships @jwillowwolf @lost-in-thought-20 @red-imeanblue @writerwithtoomanyships
Read on Ao3!
I hate you, but I'll look after you.
Remus/Virgil (Pre-Dukexiety)
Warnings: Injury detail, fight mention, swearing
The firm knock on the door startled Virgil awake. He rubbed his eyes and realised that he had fallen asleep on the sofa once again while watching some complete garbage on the TV. He stumbled over to the front door as the knocking became more insistent and frantic.
“Alright, alright! Calm the fuck down down, I’m coming!” The irritation clear in his voice, whoever was on the other side of this door better have a good excuse. He grabbed his key and unlocked the door before pulling it open aggressively. Virgil was about to shout again but faltered when he saw the sight in front of him.
It was Remus, a person who has been in his life for many years. They never got on, or agreed on pretty much anything. They argued and bickered whenever they were in the same room as each other, which continued to the point where they hated each other with every bone in their bodies. They’ve had to be physically separated on multiple occasions by their long suffering friend Janus who was always caught in the middle of their altercations. Enemies would be the perfect word to describe them, but even in the epitome of hatred, Virgil couldn’t turn away.
“Woah… you look like shit.” He said in a matter of fact way. Remus was clutching his side and he was gripping the pillar next to the door with all the strength he had left. There were cuts and bruises all over him, a particularly nasty cut shone in the light above his eye. His other eye was swollen and he was clearly in pain, but despite it all he managed to smirk and give Virgil a sarcastic comment in response.
“Aww, thank you! Ah, Virgil. My mortal enemy. After all these years, it’s nice to hear a genuine compliment from you.” Virgil rolled his eyes before grabbing Remus’ shirt and dragging him inside the house. That cut on his head was concerning if nothing else. He finally lets go of Remus and pushed him down onto the sofa. He clicked his fingers while pointing to him as a warning. Move, and there will be more injuries for me to clean up. Remus slouches on the sofa, the pain was starting to get to him and he was not in the mood to argue or intensify the situation. He gritted his teeth and tried to breathe through the pain, so he looked around the room while listening to Virgil moving around the kitchen getting things out of cupboards.
He had to admit, this wasn’t he was expecting Virgil’s house to look like. Given his coldness and callousness towards Remus, he didn’t anticipate how… warm the house felt. The rich purple walls covered in photo frames, the tables with various textbooks on them, and the windowsills that had several plants on them. Unlike Remus’ place, these plants were alive and thriving. Seeing this side of Virgil made him realise that he wasn’t the tough, closed off guy he had always assumed him to be. He shook his head of that thought, he only came here because he was desperate, not out of any kind of sentiment. Remus began to try and assess the extent of his injuries, so he carefully placed his fingers on his face and hissed when he felt the deep wound above his eye.
Remus was so busy making his injuries worse that he didn’t realise that Virgil had come back into the room and was moving everything onto one arm so he had a hand free. He walked up behind Remus and slapped his hand away from his face. He whimpered like a lost puppy and Virgil rolled his eyes for the hundredth time since Remus turned up at his door unannounced.
Virgil dumped his arsenal of first aid equipment on the coffee table, and he sat down on the other end of the sofa while scanning Remus’ face trying to decide which cut to clean up first. Remus watched as Virgil concentrated, and how he tried not to make eye contact. He laid out everything that he needed, and Remus’ eyes widened in fear as he saw the bottle of antiseptic. Had he fallen for some kind of trap? Virgil wasn’t going to help him at all… he was going to hurt him.
“Oh, I see. You’re going to use this opportunity to torture me… tell me. How much have you dreamed of this moment?” He tried to mask the fear he felt with sarcasm, but he chastised himself due to how scared he sounded. He’s had many experiences with wounds being cleaned up, and the agony that comes with the antiseptic. Virgil was pouring it onto some gauze when Remus began to speak, and when he reached the end of his performance, Virgil stopped what he was doing and put it down carefully on the side while sighing.
“You know I have to use it to help you, you dumbass. Yes, it’s going to hurt, but I’m not going to enjoy it… what do you take me for?” He grabbed a new bit of gauze before putting the antiseptic on it once again. He took a deep breath and waited for Remus to nod reluctantly before dabbing it delicately on the cuts. The other ones were okay, Remus grit his teeth and dug his hands into the cushion next to him. When the smaller cuts were cleaned up, Virgil turned his attention to the worrying one above the eye, and despite his best efforts, Remus couldn’t help but cry out every time the gauze touched his head. He couldn’t see it because his eyes were closed, but Virgil looked at him with sympathy, regretting the fact that he was causing pain. Even though they have caused each other a significant amount of pain and injuries over the years, this was different.
“Okay. It’s done. I’ve patched up what I can, you’ll need to keep an eye on them all, especially the one above your eye… so as payment for my kindness. Tell me what the hell happened to you. Now.” It was Virgil’s turn to try and disguise the worry in his voice, but it failed. Remus heard the sincerity and sighed, this wasn’t going to be easy to admit given their history. He winced as he sat up properly but stared at the floor as Virgil waited patiently for an answer.
“I was walking home earlier tonight, I saw some of our old… friends. They were talking shit about you. Bad stuff, even by my standards. I couldn’t help it, I- I saw red and I went for them. They got me in return pretty good… but I think they got my message loud and clear.” He looked up and saw Virgil staring at him in shock, confusion danced in his eyes and Remus leant back a little, not looking forward to the response.
“This all happened… because of me?” Virgil’s breathing started to get frantic, and Remus could feel the anger coursing through Virgil. “Why the HELL would you do that?! You HATE me!! I hate you! Where the fuck was Janus?” Remus shrugged, he didn’t know how to explain why he did what he did, but the hatred he usually felt wasn’t as strong, not anymore.
“I went to him first, but Janus wasn’t home, and no fucking hospitals. We might hate each other, Virgil… but the only person who can talk shit about you is me.” He couldn’t help but smile when Virgil chuckled at the statement. It was nice to see Virgil smile, it made him feel like all of this was worth it. He looked at the clock and saw that it was already 2am, so he pushed himself off the sofa and gave Virgil a nod of appreciation. Virgil followed suit just to make sure he got down the street safe. Not that he cared… of course not. As he stepped in front of Remus to open the door, he turned back trying to work out what to say.
“You know, as mortal enemies go… you’re the best one a person could have.” Virgil shuffled his feet before looking up at Remus. They smiled at each other, lingering in the company before Remus finally made the first move and left into the night.
As he heard the door shut behind him, he felt his cheeks that were red hot. Maybe Remus didn’t hate Virgil anymore, not really. Unbeknownst to him, Virgil was leaning against his door thinking the exact same thing.
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13atoms · 3 years
Deep Focus: Chapter 1 [Tom Hiddleston x Reader]
Summary: Tom’s a successful porn director with a romantic streak which proves very popular with his female audience. His resident porn actress and business partner has been with him through thick and thin, the two of them growing completely inseparable, even as her own career starts taking off.
But working in such close proximity is intense, and burgeoning feelings threaten to complicate their professional relationship.
Mature, smut, porn director!AU, ethical porn production discussion, porn-star-and-coworker!reader. Friends to lovers, slow-ish burn. [7.7k]
There was such a style to everything Tom wrote, everything he directed. A sincere passion that you suspected was always meant to be used elsewhere. You wondered if his craftsmanship was ever appreciated, on the other side of the screen, as strangers got hot and bothered watching each meticulously designed frame of his vision come to life.
Sure, it was porn. But Tom directed it like he could win an Oscar for ‘hot lifeguard pounded poolside’. This was his livelihood, his passion, and it was a damn shame he wasn’t award-season eligible.
The names would make you wince, as you saw them uploaded to the site, thumbnails and previews drawing in viewers by the million with their shots of heaving bodies and glistening sweat. Tom never called the videos such crass things. Not in his scripts. You would get copies titled ‘Romantic Night In’ or ‘Office Love Affair.’ He was a fan of sugar-coating what would be inside those innocuous white pages, a veneer of respectability which Tom insisted upon, regardless of how obvious the true nature of the videos was. But once the videos were sold, it was out of his hands. Your face contorted mid-faux-orgasm would be plastered across the site, and everyone involved would try and forget what happened.
Ignore the comments.
Keep moving.
You often wondered how Tom wound up in this place, with his sharply tailored suits and polished shoes, eloquent and educated, his words almost poetic as he directed mid-budget porn in hotel rooms and his studio day-in, day-out.
Then again, he never seemed particularly bothered by it. He gave each shoot his full attention, his full boundless enthusiasm and all the professionalism he could muster. You wondered how he balanced it, sometimes, the creative drive to press on with trying to be creative and shoehorn romance into films knowing that, ultimately, it was porn.
He had interviewed you like a real director might, talking about your life and experience and ambitions, almost apologetic when he had finally choked out ‘could you undress’, barely glancing at your naked form before he hired you as his first employee.
You asked him early on, while watching him try and assemble a fake restaurant-date set in the studio, complete with faux windows and an extra playing a waiter, why he bothered when three-minutes of good quality fucking footage would make him the same amount of money. He’d given you a strange smile, the wrinkles beginning to appear at the corners of his eyes, and shrugged.
“I make what I’d like to see.”
The words haunted you later, as your rather attractive co-star bent you over the white-cloth covered dining table and you allowed mewls and groans to escape your mouth without a second thought. Trying to avoid the muted blue of Tom’s eyes behind the cameraman.
Despite your reservations when you first started to work for him, Tom had won you over. His gentler, more romantic approach to pornography had a loyal following. Both of your pseudonyms garnered huge numbers of views across various platforms, and Tom was keen to cultivate a collection of female-friendly porn. Against all the odds, it was working.
And you loved working with him. He was a great director, and inspired writer, and a genuinely brilliant boss. He made sure you saw royalties, good pay, that everyone you worked with was screened and tested, always keeping you safe. Always.
Each time he called a wrap, passing you a robe and offering a meek congratulations on your performance, you found yourself more and more pleased you had wound up working with him.
“You really do have a talent,” he’d told you one day, distracting you as you discussed a new script in his office.
You were sat opposite him, Tom’s glasses perched on his head as he watched you read, your feet resting against the leg of his desk. You’d come in to your shared workspace to try some costumes out, to discuss new scenes, still recovering from a thoroughly exhausting shoot the day before. There were still light bruises around your wrists, and you caught Tom glancing at them worriedly each time your long-sleeved shirt slipped.
“I love that you’re such an actor,” he continued, hands tapping the desk as he spoke, “like, a real actor.”
Your eyes drifted across the script, scanning it with your bottom lip between your teeth. He always appreciated your input, wanting the ‘female fantasy’ in a lot of his work, and he’d timidly shown you some ‘student-professor’ script he’d been working on. He was like that, embarrassed in a way which you wouldn’t expect from a man with his considerable experience in adult entertainment. He was assertive, certain, even stern where it counted. But with just the two of you together, dancing around what was sexy and what wasn’t, he seemed desperate to avoid saying anything you might perceive as too ‘crude’.
“What do you mean?” you’d chuckled, still flicking through the first draft.
He only entrusted you with such early versions of his work – but that made sense. Your careers were symbiotic, tied to one another with an unspoken pact. He directed everything you were in, and you were in everything he directed.
It made sense.
“You don’t just… I don’t know. You never make my scripts seem silly. Or cheesy. You… you really try and make them feel real. I could write anything, and you’ll deliver the lines well. I was overseeing auditions earlier and... I just kept thinking none of them were you. I think you might be the best in the business.”
You rolled your eyes, offering him a disbelieving smirk, and he scoffed.
“I’m serious! I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
The weight of his words settled heavy in your chest, and you turned back to the script, frowning as you flicked through the loose-leaf pages. Tom fidgeted behind his desk, unhappy with losing your attention, but you ignored him.
“Here. If you want the fantasy to be believable, I think he needs to lock the office door. Make a show of it, you know. Cover my mouth,” you comment dismissively. Tom already has as pen in his hand, making notes. “It could be hot, maybe ‘Don’t make a sound or you can’t cum’, something like that. As if there’s other students in the corridor outside.”
Nodding, Tom dutifully wrote down your words, mouth slightly open in realisation as he listened.
“Don’t make a sound…” Tom repeated, and you felt yourself blush.
“Not… not that exactly,” you backtracked, “you’re the real writer! I just think, there needs to be some build up. A remind of the power dynamic. Him going straight to oral is a bit… fast. That could happen in any old plot, you know?”
You felt his eyes on you, looking up from the paper to spot Tom leaning back in his chair, a distant smile on his face.
“You really are the best,” he praised, “that’s great. I’ll do rewrites tonight.”
For a moment, you let his words hang heavy in the air. Then you blinked back at him, a slight frown pinching your forehead at his strange mood. He was calm, for once. Tom was usually a ball of enthusiasm, and you wondered if your dismissal of his words earlier had done something to hamper his spirit.
“It’s always easier to critique,” you dismissed, “I love the script, it’s great. I really think it’ll be good. Hot. Maybe I can wear a Britneyschool girl costume, or something?”
He frowned a little, pinching the bridge of his nose at the thought.
“No, weird. We’re going for University student, just… a nice pair of jeans or something.”
“Don’t they wear suits where you went, posh boy?” you teased, loving how it riled him up. “I’ll try and dress like a smart person.”
“You are smart, don’t give me that.���
You rolled your eyes, loving how you managed to fluster him, putting the script back on his cluttered desk as you reached for your bag. This was how your meetings always went, a few hours of notes, some teasing, and a hasty retreat once Tom told you the next shoot day you had to attend. You still had a few hours of social media to do for the last video you’d shot together, notes from Tom, and you lamented the sight of the sun setting outside of your shared office. You’d hoped for at least a bit of natural light today.
“I’m serious, you are!” Tom asserted, and you ignored him purposely as you shut down your laptop, preparing to take it home.
“Yeah, I know, whatever. Don’t work too late!”
“Rich coming from you,” he sighed, “it really doesn’t matter if we send that last edit late.”
“It matters to me! I’d quite like to get paid this week, you know?”
Tom sighed. The two of you tried to produce a couple of videos a week – one for Tom’s site and another to sell to a third party. It didn’t leave either of you with much free time, both of you left in the tiny office at all hours as you worked to keep up with demand.
“Very true. But I’d rather you got some sleep, you know I can help if you’re short on money,” he offered, shuffling papers on his own desk.
He was always quick to jump to an offer to help, and you tried to ignore the fondness spreading through your chest at his eagerness to look out for you. That gentle protectiveness which coursed through Tom was enough to make you melt.
He was one in a million, that was for sure.
“I’m fine, Tom. Thank you though, I’ll ask, if, y’know –”
“Do! Any time. Actually…”
Tom cut himself off, typing something into his phone, and your pocket buzzed with a notification.
“Get yourself a nice dinner.”
You checked your phone to see a transfer from Tom. It wasn’t a crazy amount, but too much for just dinner, and you huffed performatively as he grinned at you.
“No! Don’t be ridiculous –”
He barely made more than you, and you were certainly doing perfectly comfortably.
“Royalties are really good this month. That old break-up sex video is trending again, apparently.”
You smothered a smile. It was hate-fucking, as you’d told Tom a hundred times. That was the title. You could still remember the look on his face the day you’d filmed it, his twitchiness, the unknown male actor who had slightly scared both of you with his sheer size as he stepped into the studio. The male star had fucked you like you’d broken his heart, hands on your neck and hips bruising yours as he pounded into you, and you’d be a little alarmed at how little you had needed to act in his domineering presence. He’d been muscular and tall and assertive, almost injuring you with his enthusiasm, and the shoot had ended with you a sweaty mess, struggling to walk, eyes watery.
You had ached from the moment Tom helped you up from the bed, a protective body between you and your costar as you watched the man collect his clothes and his paycheck. The footage had been great, you’d watched Tom edit it, but it had been your first taste of Tom’s protectiveness. The actor had never returned, and Tom had bought a hot water bottle for the office, pressing it into your lap as he brought tea for the pair of you, loathing how you winced as you moved.
He’d taken you out for dinner that night to celebrate a good edit, but you knew the real reason. That neither of you wanted the other to be alone. It had been a lovely evening, a restaurant then a bar, without a break in laughing conversation the entire night. It hadn’t been a date, but if it had been a date, it would’ve been the nicest date you’d ever been on. In those moments, you wondered if Tom was really cut out for the industry. If you were.
As much as Tom hated the film, it was hot. It had propelled your studio into the spotlight, and it paid a significant chunk of your rent.
“Thank you,” you smiled to him, wracking your mind for anything else that needed discussing before you headed home.
Maybe you’d get takeaway. That would be nice.
Tom cleared his throat.
“What are we shooting tomorrow, by the way?”
You looked up at his words, frowning a little at the realisation you hadn’t been given a script yet. It was unlike him, to be so unprepared. Usually everything was organised weeks in advance. With a glance at the shadows under his eyes, you decided not to tease him about it.
“We’re shooting tomorrow?”
“This week… we’ve only got one video. I was just thinking something simple, I haven’t called a costar yet, but we don’t have to if you don’t want to –”
It was your paycheck on the line as much as Tom’s, and you wondered how the hell you’d forgotten.
“Do we have a camera crew?” you frowned.
“No, not yet. I can call though. Or I could just do it myself, if we’re not doing anything too complicated?”
You thought for a moment, leaning against the open doorframe as Tom started to pack up his own desk, nimble fingers tapping across his keyboard.
“Solo?” you suggested, stifling a laugh as Tom blinked and tilted his head to face you.
“I missed that, love?”
“Solo. Like ‘hot female solo’ or something?”
He smiled slightly, closing his laptop lid.
“That’ll do well, I’m sure. Do we need anything costume-wise? Props?”
Toys. He meant toys. You smiled at his refusal to call a spade a damn spade.
“I’m sure we can find everything here. It’ll be nice to do a simple shoot for a change,” you enthused, holding the door for Tom as he moved to turn off the lights, lingering nearby as he locked up the office.
“Yeah. Single-shot, no camera-man either.”
“Cheap,” you sighed, as though it was the sexiest thing in the world.
You did the books, and avoiding having any more costs this month sounded great.
“Yeah,” Tom smiled, falling into step beside you as the two of you left the warehouse studio.
He looked ready to say something else, but changed his mind. For a second the two you stood by the exit, words trapped beneath your closed lips as the early evening air enveloped you.
“Do you need a lift home?” Tom finally offered.
“No. No, I’m good. Thank you.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, yeah. Usual time. Twelve?”
He reached an arm out, ready for you to walk into his embrace, and you froze. The moment was over as soon as it started, his arm retracted, and you could only stare. His hand found the curls at the back of his head, scratching there, a blush dusting his cheeks in the harsh fluorescent lights of the car park. You could kick yourself as you watched the bob of his Adam’s apple, the clench of his jaw. He felt awkward. You contemplated hugging him, but the moment had passed. Instead you rocked on your heels for a second, before turning to leave.
“Bye, Tom!”
“‘Night! Look after yourself, don’t forget dinner. I’ll see you – ”
He cut himself off as you walked too far away, and you could have kicked yourself for the sadness in his final syllable. You sighed as your feet fell against the pavement, your whole walk home haunted by the awkward shuffle of Tom’s hands as he went to hug you goodbye.
You were surprised by how difficult it was to brush off that awkward memory. As you ordered and ate dinner, you were reminded of Tom with every bite, that he’d snuck aside part of the company’s petty cash budget to give you dinner. That both of you had gone home, separately, to separate empty houses and empty beds.
Had he wanted to go for drinks? Wanted company? You had come to accept a long time ago that the man was your closest friend. He would be the person you called in an emergency, a shoulder to cry on. You liked to think he’d lean on you the same way.
Despite that, you spent limited time together outside of a professional context. You never met up on weekends, or casually called. Of course you didn’t. He made a career out of seeing you naked, watching you fake orgasms for other men. As you readied yourself for the day, you reminded yourself that of course, he would be nice to his only full-time, very lucrative actress. To his business partner.
As you’d queued up the company’s social media posts the night before, you could only think of Tom behind the camera, orchestrating each photo and clip you uploaded.
You couldn’t help the grin which split your face as you walked into the studio, bag flung over your shoulder, overpacked with everything you thought you could possibly need. Tom greeted you, emerging from his office with a smile.
Before you could overthink it, you walked into his arms, giving him very little choice in the matter as you greeted him with a hug. In his surprise you felt his body stiffen, his arms slowly wrapping around you, and you were momentarily gobsmacked by the muscular form he seemed to hide behind those suits.
He was a little more dressed down today, smart black jeans and a button-up white shirt, unruly hair sticking up like it did when he forgot to brush it. He looked better than yesterday, like he’d had a good night’s sleep.
“Good morning,” he chuckled, bemusement clear in his voice.
You pulled back from the hug, a little embarrassed at the affection until you saw the smile stretching across his face, reaching his eyes. Suddenly the previous night, worrying you had inadvertently rejected him, seemed to be erased.
“Morning! What have you got for me?”
The studio space was cleaned, but empty. The camera stood in the corner as Tom lead you further into the room, his office door open to the side of it, and you frowned at the emptiness of the space.
There were tape marks on the floor where sets were usually assembled, conspicuous without the usual hive of activity buzzing around some piece of furniture you would be thrown onto or fucked against. There was nothing.
“I didn’t know what you wanted to do,” Tom was saying, his gentle voice booming in the empty space, “we don’t have a script or anything so… I’ll leave it to you.”
You bit your lip.
It was more freedom than you were used to, less direction, less to build the fantasy where you could forget you were ultimately in a warehouse with just your business partner. It was… nothing. Tom said your name quietly, and you nodded, stepping back to assess the space.
“I’m just thinking,” you reassured him.
Had the studio always been this quiet? You tried to remember a shoot day where it had been this silent, this calm, without the stress of lighting people or cameramen or scripts being thrown around. You could hear every step Tom took as he walked towards the camera, the wheel-mounted tripod creaking as he moved it across the floor, checking batteries and SD cards while you stood in place, your bag still hanging from one shoulder.
Noticing your frozen stance Tom frowned across at you, nothing but gentle concern in his blue eyes and the fine lines around them.
“I was thinking something kind of minimal, maybe cosy?” he offered, “Maybe an armchair? Something like that?”
You thought about it for a moment, crossing to the corner of the room to finally set down your bag.
He was finally getting into ‘director mode’, growing more energetic by the second.
“I’m thinking we just frame it on you, no distraction. Single take, if we can.”
You nodded silently as he crossed to the storage cupboard he’s overeagerly labelled a ‘props department’. It was stacked high with fabric and furniture and lingerie, tubs of various exotic sex toys near the door. Tom stepped straight past them.
There was a mattress in the props room, materials to build a bed, and you pondered on the idea for a moment.
“We could keep it really simple, maybe?” you suggested, “Find a warm background. Or just use white. Try and get one twenty minute shot, or something.”
You reached for lube without thought, collecting the near-empty bottle of body oil beside it too, as you perused the options in front of you.
“Remind me to buy more of that,” Tom mused, sparing a glance to the bottles in your arms before standing beside you to peruse the options.
You nodded silently, your free hand rifling through bagged silicone toys, slightly in a daze as you picked out a few options. There was a slight blush dusted across Tom’s high cheekbones as he turned to see your arms full of dildos. You smiled as it took him a second to find words, and wondered how the hell he’d chosen to start a porn studio in the first place.
“Colour co-ordinated,” he commented, and you smiled, picking out yet another pink toy from the pile.
“Naturally,” you smiled, “I think that’s everything? Could we drag a mattress and pillows out?”
He nodded silently, already moving to manoeuvre the double mattress leaning against a wall in the props room. You rolled your eyes before helping, knowing he was being a gentleman, or whatever he called it. You called it putting his back out.
He rejected your help, so you grabbed as many pillows as you could, following him back into the main studio, privately smiling at the dramatic grunts he made trying to move the mattress. He tossed it to the ground with a grunt, shoving it into the corner of the room, before pausing again.
You dropped everything down on to it, toys, lube, pillows and all.
And then both of you waited.
It was so strangely intimate, just the two of you in the room, the strange nature of your relationship weighing heavy after last night’s miscommunication. Suddenly there was nothing you wanted to do less than take your clothes off.
“White sheets?”
“Hm?” you hadn’t processed what Tom said, too wrapped up in your own world, frowning down at the bare mattress.
“I was thinking white sheets.”
“Oh, uh, yeah.”
He was off, assigned another task, and you almost envied his distraction as you slowly sorted the pillows how you wanted, gathered the toys absentmindedly. Before Tom came back from the props closet you made yourself scarce, catching sight of his slim outline through the doorway. Facing away from you as he rummaged.
In the single bathroom of the studio you cleaned anything that would be going inside of you, avoiding your reflection, trying to shake off the odd nervousness coursing through your veins.
Why? It had been years since you felt this way before a shoot. Before you’d met Tom, even. Sure, shoots could be exciting, exhilarating, intimidating, but this self-consciousness, this self-doubt… it had come from nowhere.
You pressed your forehead to the mirror, closing your eyes, breathing deeply. The tap running sounded like a waterfall, the silicone under your fingers felt alien, the air almost claustrophobic as you wondered what the hell was wrong with you.
Tom was done making the bed when you got back, frowning at his phone until he heard you re-enter the studio space, quick to look up and see if you were happy with his set. You felt hyper-aware of him, of every movement he made, a clean towel and toys cradled in one arm as you took in the space. It was a simple premise, just a clean fitted sheet pillows in a corner, a clear space for you in the middle. You knew it would look good on screen. You knew this was an easy job.
You felt sick to your stomach.
“Do you want to face the camera? Or kind of, not acknowledge it?” Tom asked, speaking again as you forgot to reply, too caught up in your own mind. “Maybe if you ignore it that’s more… voyeuristic?”
“Sounds good,” you responded, kneeling to prepare your space. This was autopilot, your day job. You could do this.
He sounded a little put out by your response, but moved the camera anyway, switching to a knee-height tripod. You stood, stepped back to give him space, and frowning at the sudden headrush. You blinked, catching yourself staring at the flex of his arms as he moved the heavy equipment. You didn’t realise how long you had been staring into space until Tom called your name a second time, crossing into your personal space.
“Are you okay?”
Tom’s voice was so soft you wanted to cry, fingers hovering beside your bicep, his gentle eyes demanding for you to meet them, daring for you to lie while his face is so close to yours.
Somehow, the guilt of his worry made you feel worse.
“No, I’m…I’m being stupid. Sorry, just tired.”
“Did you not sleep well?”
“No, I, uh, I slept fine. I’m not sure. Just not really feeling it.”
His face fell, but you knew he wasn’t disappointed in you. He thought he’d done something wrong. Immediately you were talking, doing anything you could to soften his guilt.
“It’s my job, though. I can do it. This is great Tom, I think it’ll be a good shoot.”
“Sweetheart –”
You sighed, eyes falling to the mattress, before forcing a smile.
“Let’s get this over with!”
He looked like he wanted to argue with you, but you forced yourself to move, pulled your feet from the floor with far more effort than it ought to take. There was some comfort in rummaging through your own bag, that piece of home, something private from the studio. You found the vibrator you’d brought, a pink bullet you used almost exclusively at home, fully charged that morning. Behind you, Tom snorted in amusement.
“Nothing here is ever charged,” you shrugged off his stare, knowing damn well you didn’t have to explain yourself.
You wanted to explain anyway though. Just in case, Tom thought anything he did wasn’t enough. He seemed perfectly fine with the criticism, though you knew he was making a mental note. He always did, then you had something to say.
Trying not to make a big deal out of it, you stripped to your underwear, folding your clothes neatly and being careful not to show any self-consciousness in your posture. You’d never been ashamed or embarrassed before now, and you weren’t about to start. Even if it was just you, and a very well, fully dressed Tom. Vibrator clutched in your fingers, you finally sat on the damn mattress.
He was the other side of the camera now, somehow both distant and a few feet away. You found yourself staring at your body in the monitor, just watching. Tom’s voice broke you out of yet another daze, and you wanted to pinch yourself. Why couldn’t you do it today?
“We don’t have to do this today, if you don’t want to.”
“No, it’s okay I just… I forget it’s just us sometimes, you know? There’s such a production and so many people and at the end of the day…”
Tom smiled, a relief on his face that told you he had been feeling it too. That this was weird.
“I know what you mean. If you’re uncomfortable…”
“Just give me a second to warm up, we need to make something, after all.”
You stretched, not really sure why, moving a little around the nook Tom had created, shuffling pillows and practicing where you wanted to lie back, watching a monitor as Tom played with a soft lighting, twisting and turning to find the most flattering angles you could.
As he shuffled things around, Tom nodded to the spread of toys you’d set out. You’d added your vibrator to the pink line up, perfectly organised on the white towel.
“Do you want those in shot?”
You shrugged.
“Might be hot?”
He nodded silently. You moved the toys in to the frame, trying to blink away the cloud which had settled in your mind. The world felt foggy, your arms like they were moving through treacle, and you knew Tom had noticed.
As he prepared two directional microphones, you tried not to feel claustrophobic. The audio from the microphone he was pointing towards your pussy would be almost grotesque, and you fought not to shuffle further from it as you imagined Tom listening later, headphones in, as he balanced the levels between your moans and the wet sounds of you fucking yourself.
Why was this so different to a regular shoot?
You’d done solo shoots before. With Tom. And half-a-dozen other crew, you reminded yourself.
You caught sight of his curls above the monitor, face serious as he set everything up.
“Testing, testing,” you spouted off nonsense until he offered you a thumbs up, happy with the audio.
Then there was nothing else to do.
He stood, looming over the equipment. And you looming over you.
“What’s the plan?” he asked, smiling at your frown. “You’re in charge here, I’m just the camera guy.”
You rolled your eyes, knowing he was trying to put you at ease.
“You’re the director,” you reminded him, knowing how he preened himself under the title.
You were impressed that his eyes had only roamed down your body once as he took in the shoot, glancing at the indulgent layout of toys, double checking the monitor, one headphone in. He had that stance he always adopted when he was directing, and you knew it was his favourite moment in any of this. The moment everything was pinned on him.
It happened so quickly you almost missed the moment he knelt down, blinking in surprise as his face remerged at your level beside the camera.
“Then my direction is: enjoy yourself. Forget I’m here. Let’s show them something real.”
He must have seen your shock, because it made him smile.
“Real?” you questioned, and he nodded firmly.
“I’m serious.”
For a beat, both of you were silent, his eyes meeting yours over the body of the camera.
“If you can,” he offered, “I understand it’s not always…”
You interrupted him with a hand, smiling your understanding of what he was saying, and dismissing it in one motion. The silence dragged on, and you decided to push this forwards. If you were done by lunch, Tom would probably insist on taking you somewhere nice.
“I don’t know if I should use – ” you ghosted a finger across the biggest toy, worrying a bottom lip between your teeth, “Simplicity might be key.”
“Do what you want, darling. What feels good.”
You nodded mutely, and for just a second you saw doubt flicker across his face. This was new territory, and even you weren’t sure if this was a step too far.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah! Yeah. If I’m… actually… it might take a while. Let me know if I’m taking too long.”
“Take as long as you need, darling. I’ve got nowhere to be.”
Tilting your head at him a little, you realised abruptly just how intimate this was. Moreover, that you wanted it anyway. That you were about to make him watch you cum. Make him hear you, smell you. He couldn’t touch, but he could watch.
And that was enough for you to perform.
Tom gave you a countdown, red lights peppered your field of view, and he was recording. He had taken a seat on the floor behind the camera set up, one headphone in to monitor audio, waiting.
You stayed sat up, back arched a little as your hands began to caress you own body, keeping on eye on the monitor while your face was out of the shot. You rubbed along your thighs, across your stomach, teasing at the lace of your bra and the elastic of your underwear each time you passed them, trailing your fingertips. It didn’t really feel like anything, doing this to yourself, but you knew to tease the camera. Tom would cut out anything too slow.
Your gaze remained firmly on the screen as you began to make your touches firmer, more deliberate, dragging lines into your skin and flirting with the camera. You admired the soft skin of your breasts as you started to shift your bra, enjoying the stiffening of your nipples in the monitor until –
The screen went black, and you immediately glanced at Tom, frowning as you lost the visual of yourself. He met your questioning gaze sternly, eyebrows furrowed, and you remembered his direction.
“Enjoy yourself.”
With nothing left to look at you closed your eyes, feeling the blood rushing to the surface of your skin, the sensitivity of your breasts as your fingers idly danced across them. You shoved your bra down unthinkingly, wanting to feel more, rubbing at the heaviness of your breasts and wincing as you enjoyed the pleasure and pain of pinching at your nipples, teasing them to attention. You glanced your nails across them, feeling it in your core. You didn’t want to wait anymore. Fuck the cameras.
It was hard to let to, to stop the delicious feeling of your fingers on your own breasts, but you forced yourself to free one hand, shoving off the bra, desperate to feel yourself without it. You knew you were grimacing, it wouldn’t be sexy, but you didn’t care. That was Tom’s problem.
You needed to touch yourself.
One hand reached below the waistband of your underwear, seeking out your clit, guided by a familiar ache. It was all you could focus on, your other hand forgotten, cupping your breast, the sensation vague and lost as your fingers found your clit. The sensation overwhelmed you as you shifted the hood, your body beginning to produce wetness. The room was a little cold, the air relieving against the heat of your bare skin, making your nipples peak as you leant back into the nest of pillows behind you.
You felt your stomach tense, a bolt of electricity tensing the muscles up and down your body as you brushed across your clit a little too hard. Your middle finger probed your pussy experimentally, slipping inside of you, quickly joined by a second as you played with the wetness there.
One, two, three pumps of your fingers inside you was enough for you to gasp, your eyes still closed against the bright lights as focused on nothing but feeling. No more fucking around.
You reached for your vibrator, hand knocking against the thick silicone toy lined up beside it, writhing as you pressed it against the fabric covering your clit. You cycled through the settings as fast as you could, still desperate for more stimulation.
More. It was on the highest setting. You wanted more.
Without moving the vibrator you shoved your underwear off, huffing as you kicked them away, not caring where they landed. The tip of the toy nudged against your clit exquisitely, and you froze.
You thought about Tom watching you. The hot blood coursing through your body, the line up of toys just waiting to be shoved inside of you. The sensitivity of you clit as you held it against that perfect point. The air against your dripping, aching pussy. The muscles starting to clench, the rhythm of your body. Building, building, you didn’t fight the feeling.
This was what you wanted.
That warm familiarity of the vibrator on your clit, the runaway train of your thoughts, it was enough to drive you over the edge. You hadn’t realised the keening, groaning noises you were making until you heard them, pleasure leaving your lips as an afterthought.
You felt empty.
Blindly you reached out, sticky fingers finding the shaft of a toy you wanted, a smaller one you could take right now. A dollop of lube in the palm of your hand was all it would take, a few pumps of the toy enough to coat it, the excess lubricant smeared on the sheets. You didn’t care. Not your problem.
Without conscious thought, you were still rubbing yourself, two fingers absently making circles against your clit as you fidgeted to be able to take the dildo. You didn’t bother preparing yourself anymore. You were wet enough, and you wanted the stretch.
Needed it.
Needed to feel full.
You shoved the toy into yourself, gritted teeth and your spare hand grasping at your breast, giving the nipple a sharp pinch to interrupt the overwhelming feeling of that silicone pushing inside of you. Your walls were stretched open, a gasp reaching your ears as you felt a nudge against your cervix.
It wasn’t enough. You felt wild, desperate, as you sloppily pulled the toy from yourself and shoved it back in, clenching down and still needing more.
Your fingers found a larger toy, arousal and lubricant smearing across your body as you discarded the dildo which you had just been fucking yourself with, leaving it somewhere on the mattress, forgotten in favour of the bigger option. It was thick. Maybe, in your right mind, you wouldn’t have considered it. But instead you coated it in lube, squirting the clear liquid on to the tip and rubbing it down the toy, focusing on nothing but the need pulsing through your pelvis.
On the emptiness inside you, begging, pleading to be filled. It hurt, how much you wanted to be stretched out, to feel something pounding into you. You felt animalistic, desperate for anything. The last of your conscious thought was occupied by the need in your clit, the demand for friction, and you just didn’t have enough hands. It was impossible to think. When you finally sank down on the fake cock, leaning back, legs apart, gaze focused on nothing but your own swollen pussy, it was a relief. You gasped, then sighed, pushing another inch of the toy inside you. You felt stretched already, split in half, but you kept going. With each thrust, you took the silicone further inside of you until you felt the dull ache of the toy going too far.
Finally, that emptiness felt sated, and you stayed still, too stuffed to risk moving and too blissed out to care.
But you needed more.
Each bear down made the toy threaten to shift, and you didn’t have the brain power to thrust and pay attention to your aching clit. You moved gingerly, grabbing a pillow to straddle, holding the toy inside you as you hunted for your vibrator.
You couldn’t even lean too far to reach it, you were so full it ached. And it was delicious.
With the smooth plastic finally in your hand you leant back, ready to bring yourself to another orgasm. With a blink, you realised there was a tear tracking its way down your cheek, and you smiled to yourself.
And then you accidentally looked forwards. Your eyes met Tom’s. The camera. The lights. The switched off monitor.
You wanted to cry.
He was watching you directly, with those sharp blue eyes, one finger resting along his jawline, his usual calculating, wide stance replaced with one knee hugged to his chest as he sat on the concrete floor. He was watching you.
You. Stuffed full, straddling a pillow on the bed Tom had fucking made, covered in a mix of lube and your own arousal. That strange feeling from earlier came back full force.
God. He had seen you actually come. Without acting or cheesy lines or clever angles to hide the worst of your O-face. You could pretend to come, tell your male co-stars what a good time you’d had, follow direction, anything. But this was too real. And it was just you and Tom. In the corner of a huge studio, bright lights and cameras and –
Had he called cut? You wouldn’t have heard. Did he realise you’d lost control? That you had forgotten you were supposed to be acting and been so desperate and –
“You’re doing amazing.”
You smiled at him weakly, gasping as the toy inside you nudged your cervix as you fidgeted. You didn’t realise that you were awaiting direction until he spoke.
“Another one?”
His voice was a little throatier than usual, though you supposed he’d been quiet for a while. His eyes kept drifting from your face, and you wondered if he felt as uncomfortable as you did.
You nodded silently, closing your eyes, listening to the increasing pitch of the vibrator as you turned it up to its maximum setting.
The minutes stretched on as your orgasm built, little raises and falls of your hips accompanying that insistent buzz of your favourite vibrator, the toy inside you starting to ache as it stretched you apart. It was impossible to forget that Tom was watching you now. That his piercing gaze was on you. As a matter of professionalism, you tried to avoid looking up. You ignored the camera, fucked your body in the way you knew it would respond to, only half-faking it as you came a second time.
You moaned and groaned and gave the camera an indulgent few seconds of overstimulation, the vibrator pushed against your clit to make you writhe and shake. You pulled yourself off the dildo in a mess of arousal, played with yourself, showing off how stretched out you were.
Fingers swirling in the arousal inside of you, you sighed in relief when Tom called, “cut.”
Dropping the toy, you pulled your legs together, ignoring him for a second as you took deep breaths. Taking stock of your body, the residual pleasure and pain and stickiness. A lot of stickiness.
Tom took pity on you, shifting a softbox so you had a clear path out of the corner you were hemmed into.
“Go and have a shower,” he told you, the most softly-spoken command you’d ever heard.
Nonetheless, you followed orders. On weak legs, you indulged in as long as shower as you dared, cleaning up and then just… waiting. Trying to avoid the real world. When you finally opened the door, wrapped in a robe, you found your clothes folded outside. Tom was nowhere to be seen, but you thanked the universe for him anyway.
When you re-emerged you were fully dressed and feeling a lot more like yourself again. And, actually, quite proud of yourself. Tom’s busyness told you everything had been recorded properly, equipment moved and the mattress bare, leant against the wall.
“All good?” you asked, more to announce your presence than anything. He stopped moving, offering you a gentle smile.
“Perfect! I think it’ll be great. Do you want to go get lunch somewhere? To celebrate?”
Predictable as anything. The thought made your heart swell with fondness for him, his head tilt and excitement, his strange place here.
“I think I’ll just go home,” you tried to smile apologetically, but you could still feel the ache inside you, the dull oversensitivity of your clit against your underwear.
The embarrassment and excitement fighting in the fit of your stomach.
Tom nodded, clear understanding on his face. He held the door for you on the way out.
“Are you coming in tomorrow?” he asked, quietly, like you might run off if he asked.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’ll see you then.”
Your bedroom fell silent as the vibrator stopped, the battery finally flat. You whined in disappointment, desperate for another orgasm. Your fingers replaced it instantly, rubbing, desperately pulling more wetness from the arousal weeping from you, but you were too oversensitive.
Panting, vision blurry, your thighs aching, you blinked away tears. You glanced at the nightstand. Tom hadn’t text you.
When you woke up the next morning your phone was dead. You’d forgotten to charge it last night, and leaving it in your room to charge offered a strangely peaceful morning. You had a few hours before you would be expected at the studio, and no work to do before then.
You indulged in spending time getting ready for the day, making a decent breakfast, doing a few chores you’d been putting off.
Processing what had happened yesterday.
In the clear light of day, you wondered if you ought to be embarrassed for the way you’d completely lost yourself at the shoot. The more you thought about it, the more you thought about it, the more you rationalised at you’d just followed Tom’s direction. Done what he’d asked. It had been intense, for sure, but you’d done what he’d asked. If anything you regretted the moment he’d had to speak, losing your nerve. You hoped he didn’t want pick-up shots today, you weren’t sure your body could take any more.
You thought about the night before, clearing up the scattered clothes and charging the vibrator you’d left strewn beside your bed, more ashamed of the images which had been conjured by your overactive imagination in the late-night privacy of your bedroom. You hated that everything you imagined was involved blue eyes. Distinctive curls. Pulling buttons from smart shirts and kissing along sharp cheekbones. Poor Tom. He didn’t need you overstepping that mark. And yet when you had closed your eyes, imagined you were under those lights again, all you could imagine was Tom. His creative gaze. Listening to the smoothness his voice leant to everything he said as he instructed you even more intimately than usual.
As you switched your phone back on, you forced the thoughts from your mind. They couldn’t follow you to the studio. The two of you had built something good. Something successful. The studio was doing well, you were both saving money away for the future, building your brands. You couldn’t screw that up now by imagining him like that. He trusted you. You trusted each other. Relied on one another.
You wondered if he ever fucked other actresses.
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scorlettimagines · 3 years
Lonely Heart: A Nick Scratch Imagine
Request from @flowersichxng​: heeey, first of all i just wanted to tell you that I am loving your imagines with the songs from the CALM album, I have to say that your writing is amazing and I loved every one of your imagines (but I'm suspicious in saying that Red Desert is my favorite). I'm not sure if you're still taking requests but I'd love to read a imagine with Lonely Heart or Teeth, because I'm ✨obsessed✨. English is not my first language btw, so I'm sorry if I wrote something wrong.
Hope this is okay for you lovely, and enjoy x 
Want to hear the song? Find a link to it just below:
Lonely Heart
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Your type of mind, so hard to find Native of mine, you're just my kind
“You look amazing, Y/N.” Sabrina smoothed down her own dress as she looked at you in yours. You both had dates for the annual dance at Baxter High, both of you wanting some normality after the chaotic events that had happened over the past few months. Of course, next week, you would return to the Academy, so you savoured the moments of peace.
Your date was picking you up soon. He was perfect, everything a girl could want. You knew a man like him was hard to find, and you two had so much in common.
It only seemed right that you ended up together, and you smiled at the thought of him.
“Thanks, Brina. You too.”
The doorbell rang, and Sabrina beamed before leaving you in your room. You heard voices downstairs, familiar ones of Ambrose and Sabrina’s date. You heard Sabrina rushing downstairs to meet him, heard him compliment her, heard her say, “You should wait until you see Y/N. She looks amazing.”
You heard, “I’m sure she does. But I’m going to the dance with you, and you look stunning, Spellman.” You smiled at that, forcing your heart to slow down.
Your date was perfect, you knew that.
But he wasn’t the man downstairs.
He wasn’t Nick Scratch.
Down on my knees, I'll always follow I promise you until the end of time
“Hey, Nick.” You stood at the top of the stairs, looking down at the warlock with his arm linked through Sabrina’s. They really were the perfect couple, and it broke your heart that you had the power to cause them so much pain.
You were in love with Nick Scratch; the worst part was that it wasn’t even something you could fix.
“Hey, Y/N. Spellman was right, you do look amazing.” A blush rose to your cheeks, and you smiled at him before making your way down the stairs. A thought crossed your mind, a thought that allowed you to think about what it would be like if you were walking down those stairs to kiss him.
The thought of following him onto the dance floor and promising to love him until the end of time.
You pushed it away, focusing on the smile on Sabrina’s face as she looked at her boyfriend with adoration. She was your friend and you weren’t going to ruin everything for her. “Not too bad yourself, Nick.”
Seconds that felt like years passed before the doorbell rang. You looked on at the happy couple, so absorbed in each other, before Ambrose announced the arrival of your date. The arrival of the man who was just so perfect for you.
The arrival of the man who wasn’t the person you loved.
Our house on fire, we're burnin' We dance inside, you're hurtin'
You sat at one of the tables, alone, your date having left you after one too many drinks. You could see him out of the corner of your eye, flirting with some other girl.
Apparently he wasn’t as perfect when he was drunk.
Not that you cared, not as you looked at Nick and Sabrina dancing together, so utterly in love. For a moment, you wondered what it would be like to be the one dancing with him. It was a thought that was so wrong, but as you felt your heart burn at the image in your mind, it felt so right.
You knew Nick Scratch better than anyone else in the entire world, knew how damaged he was inside, a kindred spirit to your own really. You wanted to be the one to help him feel joy, knowing that he would help you do the same, but that role belonged to Sabrina, to your friend, and you wouldn’t deny her of it.
The music stopped, signalling the end of the song, and you watched as Nick leaned over and whispered something into Sabrina’s ear. She nodded and took a seat at the table where her mortal friends sat.
Your date was still preoccupied with the other woman.
And now, Nick was walking towards you.
If you leave me in the mornin' I'll have such a—
Nick stopped in front of you and held out his hand. “Care to dance, Y/N?”
“Come on.” He smiled, that perfect smile that haunted your dreams, that stayed with you for the rest of the day, never leaving you. “You can’t just stay here for the rest of the night.”
Every part of you was screaming, willing your brain to tell your mouth to speak. To say yes. You knew it was sympathy, knew that Nick was just being the good friend that he was, but part of you couldn’t help but feel that this could be the start of something more, the start to everything you ever wanted. “What about Brina?”
“She’s cool.” Nick looked over at his girlfriend, who waved at the two of you, affection in his eyes which remained as he looked back at you. “Come on Y/N, one dance, and maybe that date of yours will realise that you’re worth sharing the evening with.”
It was like you were in a dream, one that ended with Nick kissing you slowly on the dance floor. But like all dreams, it wasn’t real, and your fantasy ending would leave you, reality coming back in the morning.
Maybe you could live it for a little while.
You took Nick’s hand and he smiled. “There we go.” He led you over to the floor.
Such a lonely heart, oh woah Such a lonely heart, oh woah (Oh woah)
As the music started, you were conscious of one of Nick’s hands on the small of your back, the other in yours, fingers intertwined. You looked up at him, and noticed how deep dark eyes were staring down at you. “How am I doing? Not too bad a dance partner, am I Y/N?”
“No, not too bad at all.”
It was a perfect moment, one that you wanted to live in forever. As Nick swayed with you to the music, you were aware of only him, of the feel of his body against yours, of the way he made your heart soar. It felt as if it were trying to beat out of your chest, to bind itself to Nick’s.
But soon enough, the song would end, and Nick would let go of your hand. Soon enough, your heart would be alone again, leaving you wallowing in self-pity as you continued to fall for someone you couldn’t have. Someone who wasn’t made for you, but who you loved more than anything.
Nick’s hand still on your back, the song came to an end. He paused for a moment, looking at you in a way you had only wished for.
If this was a movie, he would have kissed you, lips on your own.
If this was a movie, you would get your happy ending.
You held your breath.
If you can't find another reason to stay Then I know I'm gonna always have a lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely Heart, oh woah (Oh woah) Heart
Nick coughed, seeming to come out of his daze. He had been lost in the moment, you were sure of it, and as Sabrina came back over, you slipped out of his grasp.
You couldn’t have him, no matter how much it hurt to leave him, no matter how much you hated being alone.
You didn’t really focus on any of Sabrina’s words as you watched Nick slide his arm around her waist, eyes still on you, a message hidden within pools of brown. The two of you had shared something special in that dance, but it was something that could never be expressed to the world. Not without people getting hurt.
“Maybe that date of yours will have realised what he’s missing out on.” Nick nodded in your date’s direction, the man in question now looking at you with envy.
“Maybe. Thanks, Nick.”
He smiled. “Anytime, Y/N.”
Your heart stopped as he leant over and placed a single kiss on your cheek. You knew it was a friendly gesture, but you couldn’t help but feel that maybe it was something more. Not that it mattered as another song began to play and Nick swept Sabrina off to the middle of the dance floor.
As you walked over to your date, the man who was supposed to be perfect for you.
The man who wasn’t Nick Scratch.
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poutyyybangtan · 3 years
ready or not - j.jk
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genre: friends to lovers, enemy to lovers, (almost a slow burn?), a mix of everything lol  character pairing: jeon jungkook 9bts) x female oc warnings: not really any lol just angsty fluff kinda stuff word count: 5.4k (it’s alot) authors note: i wrote this months ago and it’s not finished but i can finish it if yall want? let me know :)
(prompts from @im-here-to-help-you-all-write​)
“i think the longer you look at it, the worse it gets.” “yeah, kinda like your face.”
“i need your help.” “holy shit, i never thought i’d hear you say that.’ “please don’t rub it in right now.”
“i don’t feel like i’m ready for this yet” “you’re going to have to be, because we’re out of time.”
you can’t believe you actually had to do this. the last person you ever wanted to look at was your only shot at getting out of the situation you brought upon yourself. you had originally counted on one of your other friends to help you out, but of course, life never seemed to work out the way you wanted it to. 
“jin, please. can’t you just cancel and come with me?” you begged, watching as your older companion continued to chop away at some vegetables. 
“you know i would love to help bamboozle your family with my impeccable acting skills, but unfortunately, i do have a business to run. this weekend is a big deal for the restaurant and joon would kill me if i left him alone to handle such a thing. and besides, we all know joon can’t toast bread without having to call the fire department first,” jin laughs. you laugh softly, knowing jin had a point. poor namjoon had amazing business skills, but unfortunately that means he lacks in the cooking department. 
“i guess you’re right,” you mumble begrudgingly. 
“why not ask jimin if he can go?” jin asks, sliding the chopped vegetables into a pot.
“my mom knows him, she’ll know something isn’t right. and besides, he and hobi are going to a dance camp for school,” you shrug.
“and tae? yoongi?” jin asks.
“he’s got that test retake for his photography class and yoongs has an audition for an entertainment company in gangnam,” you sigh. you’re really proud of all your friends and the successes they have, but you really wished they could’ve helped you in your time of need. but you couldn’t be that selfish, so maybe you had to admit defeat. 
“you know, you could just ask jungkook,” jin asks nonchalantly. 
“you know i can’t do that,” you answer bluntly, refusing to even entertain the idea.
“i mean, you could,” jin laughs, putting the lid on the pot and onto the stove top, turning to you afterwards.
“jin, you know i can’t. he is the last person on earth i would ask to help me. i would rather die of embarrassment than to ask him for his help,” you dramatically claim.
“you just might if you don’t ask. besides, what's the big deal? it’s only for a weekend,” jin shrugs.
“yeah, a whole weekend of him pretending to be my boyfriend. jin, we can barely tolerate each other as is, having us cooped up together and pretending like we actually like each other is a whole other ball game,” you said.
“well, here’s the way i look at it. either you tell your mother that you don’t have a boyfriend and face embarrassment at your mother's wedding, or you can suck it up, ask jungkook nicely to do you this one favor, and have fun this weekend. you never know, jungkook might actually be up for it,” jin says, an underlying suggestive tone in his voice; one that you never caught.
you had to admit, jin was right. as painful as it was, jungkook was your only chance at escaping this nightmarish weekend. 
you found jungkook in his usual zone of comfort: with his lips attached to some random girl he probably barely knew. you found yourself scrunching your face in distaste. such a vulgar display in a library no less. you huffed off your second doubts and approached the table with confidence. you noticed that neither party acknowledged your presence, so you knocked on the table to gain their attention. reluctantly, the girl pulled away first to throw you a bitter look.
“jeon, can we talk?” you say softly, not trying to cause a disturbance.
“i’m kind of busy, can’t it wait?” jungkook asks, a smug look on his face, the girl sat next to him donned a complacent smile on hers.
“please, i saw you making out with some bimbo blonde yesterday, i’m sure you can find some other toy to play with when we’re done,” you smirk, watching the look on the girls face fall with every passing word that escaped your lips. she glanced over at jungkook with disgust before grabbing her belongings and walking away in a fit.
“great, well there goes my whole afternoon,” jungkook scoffs. he leans into his chair, folding his arms over his chest.
“you’ll deal. look, i need your help,” you admit, much to your dismay.
“holy shit, i never thought i’d hear you say that,” jungkook laughs ironically.
“please don’t rub it in right now,” you groan.
“how can i offer my service to you?” jungkook smirks, looking up at your obviously irritated figure.
“i need... i can’t believe i’m saying this. i need you to be my boyfriend for the weekend,” you spit out.
“you what?” jungkook asks incredulously. you don’t blame him for his confusion. what you were asking was heinous, add to the fact that you two barely tolerated each other? it was the biggest taboo situation you could’ve put yourself in. but you were desperate.
your mother, as loving as she was, was relentless. she just wanted the best for you. you were about to graduate college soon, about to get a real career and be a real adult. and to her, that meant start a family as soon as possible. and that couldn’t happen without being in a relationship first. and what better way than to hook your daughter up at a gathering for family friends? cause nothing says love like a wedding, right?
“what’s in it for me?” jungkook asks. you looked at him in disbelief.
“wait, you’re actually considering it?” you asked.
“well, you gave me a proposition, so why not?” jungkook asks. 
“uh, because we’re not necessarily friends? it’s not like you owe me anything to even consider the idea,” you chuckle.
“you might not be my friend, but that doesn’t mean i’m not yours,” jungkook shrugs, finally standing up and collecting his scattered books. you hadn’t actually noticed them before, you just thought that the library was a good place for jungkook to hook up, not an actual study zone. 
“well, uh, what do you have in mind?” you asked, answering his question finally. 
“i need a date for this work thing, and my usual hookups aren't going to cut it. they’re not exactly what you would say… modest?” jungkook jokes, causing you to laugh a little bit. 
“sound like a deal?” jungkook asks after a moment of silence passes. you pretend to consider his proposition, as if you actually had a choice. you look up at him and you can see that he saw that too.
“what kind of work thing?”
“where are you going?” jimin asks, watching you step out of your bedroom clad in a cocktail dress. you really would’ve rather been at your shared apartment, cuddled up next to jimin and tae watching some horror film eating greasy food, but alas, you had to uphold your end of the bargain.
“remember i told you that in order for jungkook to uphold his end, i have to uphold mine? apparently, he works at some magazine company and they’re having a company gathering to celebrate the issue's 90th anniversary and he needed me to come with,” you groan, strapping on your heels. 
“you’re going all out for this,” taehyung comments, a teasing tone hidden in his words. you looked up and glared at him, knowing what he meant.
“if i put forth 100%, maybe he will too,” you say. 
“oh, he most definitely will be putting in 100% effort,” jimin says, low enough for only taehyung to hear which makes him giggle. you look up and see jimin smirking at you which makes you groan internally. 
suddenly, the doorbell rings and you thank whatever being there is that saves you from the conversation that was happening, with or without your participation. you pull the door open and the first thing you see is jungkook, properly dressed head to toe. you notice the bow tie pressed snuggly against his neck, not a wrinkle in his suit jacket or his dress shirt. his long hair was parted down the middle, brushed out out of his eye. you hated to admit it, but he looked breathtakingly beautiful. 
“wow,” jungkook finally says, eyeing you in a way that made the blood pool in your cheeks. 
“uh, yeah. let’s- let’s go,” you murmur, noticing the boys in the living room giggling at your guys’ interaction. you shove him in his chest. he grabs your hands and laughs, pulling you out the door.
“what did i miss?” jungkook asks. you roll your eyes, noticing the way jungkook held onto your hand, even after you got further and further away from your apartment, but not minding the warmth his hand provided against your cold one. 
“trust me, nothing you want to hear, and nothing i’m willing to repeat,” you scoff.
jungkook was right. he had warned you beforehand that everyone at his job was stuck up and snobbish and would continuously point out that fact that you were no model. and like he had forewarned, all you heard all night was “you’re too pretty not to be a model” or “jungkook ended up with you?” you were appalled, sure, but you didn’t take their words to heart. you don’t know these people, and after tonight, you’re never going to see them again. 
but jungkook flinched every time someone opened their mouth. he felt bad for you, but when he saw you delicately handle the situation, he knew you would be fine. still, it didn’t make him feel any less bad. 
“we can leave whenever you want, you know?” jungkook whispers into your ear. you look up at him and smile.
“sounds like you’re using me as an excuse to ditch this snooze fest,” you giggle. jungkook smiles back down at you and laughs with you.
“busted,” he finally says.
“thank god, let’s ditch these runway wannabes and get some pizza. i’m starved,” you groan, looking away, missing the endearing glance he tosses your way. you both ditch the stuffy building, and headed to a late night pizza shop down the corner. you sigh in relief once you step into the restaurant, inhaling the smell of cheese and dough. you both decide to seat yourselves in a booth in the corner of the dining area.  once you both place your orders, you settle into a comfortable silence. 
“so, what caused you to conjure up this boyfriend lie?” jungkook asked after awhile. 
“my mom thinks that i need to be in a relationship to be happy since i’m getting ready to enter the real world,” you sigh, rolling your eyes and leaning into your elbows that rested on the table.
“thats stupid,” jungkook scoffs, leaning into the booth. you were caught off guard by this, expecting jungkook to somewhat agree with your mother.
“you look surprised,” he says, gauging your reaction.
“i kind of am. not gonna lie, i was expecting you to agree with her,” you say, shrugging. the waiter brings your slices and leaves you two alone, settling back into the conversation.
“no way. if you want to be single, you should. i’m sure you’re single by choice anyways,” jungkook says, picking up his pizza and taking a huge bite of it.
“what do you mean?” you ask him, slightly confused behind the intentions of his sentence. 
“i just mean that you’re insanely smart, funny and talented. and you’re extremely beautiful. if you wanted any guy, you could have him,” jungkook shrugs, munching on his pizza in peace. meanwhile, his statement sent you into a frenzy. who knew jeon jungkook thought so highly of you. you were under the impression that he dispised your entire being. he never really complimented you before, so his statement shocked you. 
“never knew you thought so highly of me,” you said, smiling to yourself. you can’t really explain it and you don’t know why, but knowing how jungkook truly felt about you made you extremely happy. 
“there’s a lot you don’t now about me,” he winks, causing you to roll your eyes and eat your pizza. and yet again, you missed the way jungkook smiled at you, enjoying your presence more than he would care to admit to. 
“i don’t feel like i’m ready for this yet,” you murmur, feeling your hands start to shake as you stood outside the venue. 
“you’re going to have to be, because we’re out of time,” jungkook smiles, taking hold of your hand and waltzing you two into the building. your mom had asked you to come early for a surprise so you decided to give her a surprise of your own.
“jungkook, maybe we should say you caught food poisoning and we had to leave,” you murmured as jungkook continued to drag you further and further into the building. jungkook smiled at your child-like nature and shook his head.
“we’ve come too far to give up now. let’s just rock this and get home,” he says, smiling at you. you felt a sudden urge of confidence that surges through you and gives you enough momentum to swing open the doors of the chapel hall. you were taken aback by the way the chairs are decorated with white pieces, hanging off the backs. you take notice of the pale yellow and white combo that you didn’t think would match so well. you felt happy for your mom and that she met someone who loved her so much that they were willing to do this for her to cherish the day.
“it’s beautiful,” you gape, admiring all the minute details your mother probably agonized over. jungkook admired the astonished look on your face as you practically ignored his presence to take in your surroundings. he always found you beautiful, but watching you be you while nobody was looking was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. jungkook had the biggest crush on you for as long as he could remember. and he refused to even fathom the thought of confessing to you when he knew how you felt. he knew you couldn’t stand his lifestyle, his choices that he’s made regrettably. but how else was he supposed to cope with the fact with the one person he’s allowed to steal his heart hates him. 
“ah, there you are,” a voice says from behind you two. you both turn around and you see your mom, hair curlers and full glam. 
“hi mama,” you smile, running up to her and giving her a big hug. 
“hi sweet pea,” your mama coos, swaying you both back and forth. you pull back and look behind you to see jeon smiling at the interaction. this made your heart jump for a split second before you returned back to your surroundings.
“ma, this is my boyfriend, jeon jungkook,” you smile. 
“oh my, you’re so handsome,” your mother gushes, rushing up to him and pulling him into a hug.
“thank you,” jungkook smiles, blushing slightly. you’ve never seen jeon blush before and to see him in a such a fragile state made you happy. and you couldn’t seem to figure out why. your mom finally released jeon from her clutches and she turned back to you. 
“hun, i’ve got a surprise for you. follow me,” she says, grabbing yours and jeon’s hands dragging you to what you assumed was the dressing room. there were two dresses that were covered hanging off of a clothing rack. your mom shoves you guys onto a couch and rushes over to the dresses.
“one of these beauties will be yours to wear for the wedding because… hon, will you be my maid of honor?” your mother asks, eyes full of stars that made your heart swell. you felt the air leave your lungs and your heart begin to race. you remember watching your mom struggle with love all her life, her face in a frown always. you’ve never seen your mom so happy now, and you would do anything just to see her happy. 
“ma, are you serious?” you ask, wanting to be sure this is what she really wanted. 
“of course baby,” she smiles. you jump up and hug her tightly, muttering a yes into her hair. you both squeal with delight, jumping in place like teenage girls. suddenly, another pair of arms are wrapped around you, chest pressed against your back. you managed to look up and see jungkook bouncing with you and your mom. 
“i wanted to join too,” jungkook says, his voice high pitched and filled with excitement which in response, made you giggle. you all finally stop bouncing and jungkook pulls you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you, catching you off guard. you felt your heart race and you swore his heartbeat matched yours. you brushed it off as it being the sudden activity you all had just endured.
“i’ll leave you two alone so you can try the dresses,” your mother says after she catches her breath, winking at you. 
“you’re just gonna let your daughter get undressed in front of her boyfriend alone?” you ask incredulously. 
“hon, he’s your boyfriend. i’m sure he’s seen more,” she giggles, exiting the room, leaving you with your jaw wide open. 
“can you believe this?” you ask, shocked at your mothers bold statement.
“i’ve always wondered where you get your vulgarity from,” jungkook teases, his chest causing a vibration that you felt in your back, reminding you of your close, read as nonexistent, proximity. you push yourself away and whip around to face him, catching a glimpse of him trying to fight the smile that tried its best to take place on his delicate features.
“i’m not vulgar and you’re not watching me change. however, i do need an opinion on the dresses, so i guess you can stay,” you say, walking past him to try on the dresses. you snatch both of them of the rack and head into the bathroom, changing into dress number one. 
at first you thought it was a joke, the frills and exotic colors making your eyes hurt from how loud it was. you tried it on anyway, and you couldn’t believe how ridiculous you looked. no way your mother was being serious when she picked this dress out. you unlocked the bathroom door and stopped your way to where jungkook was sitting on the couch, playing on his phone. you clear your throat to capture his attention and you nearly explode with the laughter with the way his eyes widen and face drops.
“what do you think?” you ask him, twirling around in the godforsaken dress you know your mother probably bought as a joke. 
“i think the longer you look at it, the worse it gets,” jungkook says, a dumbfounded look on his face. you withhold your laughter and stare at him in distaste.
“yeah like your face,” you scoff, playing with the dress as if you actually admired it. 
“are you gonna wear that?” he asks, secretly hoping you’d say no so he could release a breathe he didn’t know he was holding. 
“well, i like it, don’t you?” you say, continuing to pretend like you actually were considering wearing this deafening dress. 
“uh.. if you like it then… sure,” jungkook says, shifting in his seat. you admired the fact that he was trying to cater to your feelings and for some reason it made your heart race at the thought. you don’t know whats been going on with you lately but every kind gesture has made your heart race with excitement. you didn’t know when it happened, but you started looking at jungkook as more and it scared you. you couldn’t be with him. you knew that. jungkook had a reputation, and he was proud of it. he was proud of the amount of women he could pull in one night. hell, in one hour. he was used to the idea that feelings were a concept he wasn’t willing to understand or try out. and you had to accept that.
“i’m messing with you gukkie. my mom probably bought this as a gag, the real dress is still in its cover,” you say laughing at jungkooks face that was contorted into one of discomfort. you leave him to relish in your teasing as you retreat back to the bathroom to change into the actual dress. you could still hear jungkook laugh to himself as you unzipped the dress to change into the other one. little did you know, he was laughing to himself about the nickname you gave him. he’s never had a nickname he actually enjoyed before. he was still lost in the thought of you calling him gukkie forever when you finally exited the bathroom.
he always thought those scenes in cheesy rom-com teen films where the guy is staring at the girl like she’s the only one that matters was cliche. but he was wrong. so very wrong. watching you in the tight floor length pale yellow dress that just made you glow knocked all the air out of his lungs. you’re hair that was in a messy ponytail allowed some pieces of hair to frame your face as you continued to fumble with the dress.
“it’s a little longer than i thought, but it fits well, yeah?” you say, still looking down at the gown. you honestly felt ridiculous. you rarely dress up like this. you hid your body underneath baggy clothing so to have something so tightly pressed against your body made you severely insecure. the silence coming from jungkook made everything worse. you looked up to see jungkook leaning forward, elbows resting on his thighs, hands holding his head up. there was a look in his eye you had never seen before and it made your stomach churn with excitement.
“that bad huh?” you joke, hoping to ease some of the tension that was building in the room. jungkook stands to his feet and approaches you, his body so close to yours you could feel the heat radiating off of his body. 
“you look beautiful,” jungkook says, smiling down at you. you feel yourself blush and begin to fumble with your fingers, a nervous tic jungkook found absolutely adorable. jungkook was helplessly in love with you, this much he knew. from the way you laughed, to the way you rolled your eyes in his presence. he loved the way you gave yourself wholly to the ones you cared about, willing and able to do any and everything for the people you love. he loved the way you strived to work hard and how incredibly intelligent you were. and suddenly, his heart was full with all the love he was dying to give you, but know he never could. because you deserved much more than some player who was willing to sleep with anything with legs. but if he could at least pretend like the love between you two was real, even if for a short while, he’ll take it. as desperate as he was, he wanted to know what it felt like to have you love him back. even if he knew it was all pretend. 
“jungkook, i can’t thank you enough for doing this. i know you would rather be in some girls bed trying to figure out a way to sneak out without her noticing, but i’m glad you’re here… with me,” you smile, hands gripping his bicep’s to keep him close. his cologne was hypnotizing, causing you to pull him closer and closer.
“there’s no place i would rather be,” jungkook said honestly, placing his hands onto your waist, allowing you to lean in. 
“you don’t mean that,” you scoff, smiling and rolling your eyes, getting ready to pull yourself back from a dangerous territory. jungkook stops this from happening, wrapping his arm around you til your pressed flush against his body. 
“you have no idea how bad i want you. all of you. mind, body and soul. but for right now, for the sake of our friendship and the momentum its growing, i will take you in whatever way you will allow me to have,” jungkooks says, forehead pressed against yours as he wills himself to hold back from pressing his lips against yours and taking you on the small couch in the dressing room. the words jungkook spoke so honestly made you shake from it’s intensity. 
“jungkook i--” 
“how’d the dress fit?” you mother asks, barging into the room. you and jungkook scramble apart from one another, him taking seat on the couch and you standing in front of him. you mother misses the way you two seemed highly unfocused and nervous as she coos over how adorable you look in the right dress. 
“you need to finish getting your hair and makeup done, so scooch along so me and your beautiful boyfriend can get to know each other,” your mother says shoving you out of the room and directing you to where the other bridesmaids were getting their hair and makeup done. it wasn’t until you were sat in the chair that you realized.. your mother and jungkook were alone. oh boy. 
you never felt so girly in your life. your hair was curled and put up in a half up half down situation, your makeup light and barely noticeable, but enough to tell you were wearing it. this wasn’t you, you didn’t like wearing makeup mainly because at the end of the day you forget to take it off and causes acne. you were working part time and went to school full time so you always left your hair in a ponytail or a bun. this look was new for you and you were kind of excited yet nervous for jungkook’s reaction. 
you surprised yourself with the thought, not really caring about jungkook’s opinions before, but now it was all you could think of, and that scared you. you knew this was just a favor he was owing to you, but he was really going above and beyond and it warmed your heart. but you had to remind yourself that you were just friends, nothing more. hell, you were barely friends. had it not been for you incessant need to prove yourself to your mom, you two would’ve never even became cordial with one another. 
you brush these thoughts aside, trying to manifest positive vibes for such a joyous occasion. you leave the dressing room, filled with chatter, in search of jungkook who may be suffering your mother’s constant conversation. you return back to the room you first were in when you arrived, catching your mother exiting the room. 
“you didn’t scare him off, did you?” you tease, hugging your mom. 
“honey, you look beautiful!,” your mom gushes, taking in the sight of her daughter. you smile and thank her, happy that she was happy.
“is he still in there?” you ask, nodding towards the door she came out of. she giggled and placed her hands on your shoulder. 
“he is, and he is absolutely in love with you,” she smiles, causing you to furrow your eyebrows.
“what do you mean?” you ask, your heart starting to race. 
“the way he talks about you, the way his eyes gleam with love with the mere thought of you. hunny, this man is undoubtedly in love with you,” she smiles. you couldn’t believe what you were hearing, there was no way that jeon jungkook, the university playboy, is in love with you. you two barely conversed without an argument taking place. you doubt he knew anything about you, despite you two running in the same circles. sure, you knew a lot about him, just because your friends talked about him a lot and it was hard not to listen to sometimes. 
“you’re crazy ma. you need to finish getting ready, the weddings going to start soon,” you laugh, trying to brush off the conversation. 
“jungkook is in there getting ready, one of robert’s groomsmen caught food poisoning so he’s gonna walk down the aisle with your cousin, sam,” she said, rushing off to get ready, leaving you no room to reply. this wasn’t what he signed up for and you felt bad, so you went into the room to check on him. you caught him standing in front of the vanity, trying to finish off his tie. you had seen jungkook dressed up before, but there was something different about this time. you felt something more for him, and honestly, you always have. but his reputation…
“looking sharp,” you smile, looking up at him. his eyes meet yours in the mirror and he smiles, and this time you see it. the love your mother was talking about.
“you look beautiful, as usual,” he says, his charm peeking through. you scoff at his comment, walking up to him. you seemed small compared to him, and it was kind of an odd sight for you. you leaned your head against his shoulder, just staring at him staring at you through the mirror. 
“something on your mind?” he asks, noticing how lost in thought you were. you focus in on him and the surroundings around you.
“my ma said something interesting earlier that’s got me thinking is all,” you say, hoping he wouldn’t press the issue much further. you didn’t want to make the air awkward or uncomfortable by trying to involve feelings, but a big part of you want to know how he feels from his own lips. 
“what did she say?” he asked, his nerves jumping. he didn’t say anything wrong did he? he tried to be as cordial and respectful as possible, wanting your mother to like him. if things were to happen in the future, he didn’t want to be on bad terms with your mother. 
“she said… she said that you love me?” you murmur, you heart caught in your throat now that the truth was out there and you can’t take it back. jungkook froze, caught off guard by your confession. he wanted to play it off like it wasn’t true, that your mother was delusional. but he knew the truth. and he knew that you also knew it too. he wanted you. he’s always wanted you. and now, he’s presented with the opportunity to have you in any way he wants and he can’t make the move to move forward.
“is it true?” you ask, trying to get a clear and concise answer. you’re not sure what’s going to happen, regardless of what his answer is, but the anxiety of not knowing is starting to kill you. you shouldn’t be forcing him to confess, but now that it was out there in the air, you couldn’t take it back. maybe you should tell him?
“if you’re not comfortable talking about it it’s o--”
“i love you,” he blurts, interrupting you. you pick your head up off of his shoulder and now you’re standing side by side, staring at him through the vanity mirror. you’re frozen, unsure of what to do now. you didn’t actually think he was going to say it. you thought your mother was pulling your leg. but she didn’t know that you two weren’t actually a couple and maybe that’s why you had hoped what she said was true. 
“did you hear me?” he asks, voice laced with nerves. he couldn’t even begin to explain the amount of fear and vulnerability he was feeling at the moment. he meant it. he loved you. but why should you believe him. he was a playboy, and though you may never understand his reasons as to why he tried so hard to escape you by sleeping with other people, he wanted nothing more for you to believe him now. 
“i did,” you whisper, afraid that the sound of your beating heart was louder than the words you spoke. you wanted him, god you wanted him, but you were scared that his words were from false bravado. a heat of the moment feeling that was fleeting. 
“i know you might not believe me, and you have every right not to. but i love you with my entire being and.. it’s scary,” he chuckles, trying to explain his emotions to the only person he’s ever been vulnerable with. 
“and like i told you earlier, for the sake of us finally gaining friendship, i will play it to your pace and whenever you’re ready, let me know. because i’ll be here,” he smiles. he turns to you, leaning down and placing a gentle kiss to your cheek before walking out of the room, leaving you confused as to what the hell just happened.
an: part two? let me know :)
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