#disabled pagan
mysticvolva · 5 months
I am physically disabled and chronically ill so I’ve a very limited amount of energy and have to deal with lots of nonstop pain.
Energy is my most valuable resource, and thats why I offer it to my gods.
I consider actively practicing witchcraft (doing divination, crafting something, cleaning or cleansing my altar, etc… anything that requires physical activity ) an offering because it takes away most of my energy. This is more valuable than any food or object I can offer. They value the intention behind the offering over everything else.
I know they’re fine with this, they want the best for me, they understand that I am limited when it comes to what I can and what I can’t do regarding my practice.
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cpunkwitch · 7 days
On another note
I may make a new blog for paganism
I feel bad putting a lot of witchcraft here already since the blogs about disability
I don't have any url ideas but if anyone is interested I do plan on talking about making alters, offerings and other things easier (low effort, low energy and low money cost) so things that would help disabled pagans for sure!
As soon as I come up with a url..
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that-norse-pagan · 17 days
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Low Energy and Accessable Deity Work
I've gotten a few DMs now that inspired me to make this post- Thank you All who asked, I love getting post inspiration !
I know not every Norse worshipper (including myself!) does not always have time to put full efforts into their work. I personally am disabled and sometimes I am in and out of hospitals, as well as simply don't have the energy to keep up! Sometimes my altars sit dusty for months.
I want to start by saying Deities are forgiving. While some have seemed frustrated with me before, they always end up settling back into routine with me in time. I tend to start by dusting off and cleaning the altar when I have the time and energy, as well as give an offering and prayer. The short of it is-
Modern Life gets busy. You get Busy. You get sick. They understand. They won't hold it against you or abandon you.
Now for the actual advice! (Sorry for the long intro 😅)
I find apps to be incredibly helpful when I don't have the energy to do a full workup to my worship. There are apps that you can draw and read tarot cards from, apps to track moon phases, apps for runes, all of it! Some of my most useful FREE apps I'll list below. (Not Sponsered)
Daff Moon- this app can track the cycles of the moon down to the percentage! It also tracks sun rises and sets, planetary alignment, and other astronomical events! When I can't do my research for moon phases in the coming days or weeks, this app is very helpful.
Runic Formulas- This one is SUPER useful to me personally. I don't always have energy to throw my runes, bones, etc. Not only will it give you runes with deep descriptions, associations, and more, but it's SO helpful when it comes to creating your own bindrunes or studying pre-made binds! It also has an in depth course that teaches beginners about Norse Paganism and different Deities!
Learn Old Norse- Not for everyone of course, but I like to try and pray in the original languages of the culture. It will teach you Grammar, Pronunciation, and more!
Low Movement Days:
Sometimes, pain, sickness, and Disabilities make it hard for people to move. And there's no shame in that!
Prayers in "odd" places- one does not always need to kneel before ab altar or raise their hands or even speak to pray. Sometimes it's easier to lay in your bed, couch, wherever you are, and think of your deities and your prayers to them.
PDFs! Sometimes books aren't accessible to all, but often I've been able to find online versions of most texts and books I adore (Somewhere there is a post with book recommendations), but it's very useful for affordability, restricted movement, etc.
Offerings- not all offerings need to be a huge ritual, I promise. Sometimes it's as simple as setting a new item on the altar. Sometimes it's a small prayer when you think of them. Maybe it's going on a small walk for them. I personally work with Fenrir, and will go on walks offering to let him use my eyes and experience freedom from his chains briefly, or I offer my pain, some food as I eat, etc. I've also simply sat on my bed and meditated. Your practice can change day-to-day, and that's okay!
Sometimes we are away from our altars. Whether it's a vacation, a hospital stay, or just a time you're gone from home for ages. You're not required to pack up your whole altar or bring a ton of things with you, it can add more stress than good. Sometimes, all I do is sit in front of the altar, speak that I'm leaving for a while, and promise an offering or altar clean when I get back.
Charms! Sometimes is one so desires, you can enchant a devotional piece of jewelry, a veil, or even a water bottle you carry around (I see you, chaos magic users) to carry around as a symbol to your devotion, and sometimes touching or feeling it or saying a prayer on the go is a lovely way to connect. I wear an Obsidian ring for Fenrir and a Coffin Nail necklace for protection. It's very helpful to have as I travel.
Important Travel- our health and well-being need to come first. I view it in the same light as many Islamic and Muslim religions. One can prioritize themselves when in any danger. Deities will not be important in those situations, and they will absolutely understand.
Mental Blocks/Disabilities:
As someone with Autism, it can be hard to know exactly what to do. I struggle with meditation when I get distracted easily and can even forget about my routine and duties I like to do. ADHD and more forms of Neurodivergence, like depression, can make it extra hard on some folks.
Don't be too hard on yourself. - Its very easy to feel like you're not doing a "good job" or failing promises to your Devotion. Beating yourself up over it (as hard as it is not to), can be extremely difficult. I find it helpful to simply apologize if I feel like it. They'll understand
Base your practice to you! Not everyone has the exact same abilities and not everyone can do certain things! You don't need to be perfect or follow everything you see on the internet. Often it's people showing their best and most dramatic presentations. It doesn't need to be perfect all the time.
You don't have to do everything. Some people struggle to meditate, others with focus on tarot readings or pendulum readings. It's okay to completely opt out if those despite them being common!
Accessibility and Affordability:
Not everyone is able to afford fancy crystals, tarot decks, and to set up entire altars. Some people grow up in houses with other religions and can't practice safely. Paganism isn't always accessible to everyone, but here are safer more accessible ways! Here's a couple:
Tarot Deck replacements- playing cards can make a great replacement for a tarot deck. If anyone wants a tutorial, let me know and I'll post one! You can also make/draw your own and make it comfortable to you, and if anything it's easier to connect more. You can hide them easier by saying it's just drawings. They also make Braille tarot cards for my blind folk. :)
Crystals- They aren't a necessity for your work. I often see people talking about their beautiful altars and crystal collections, but it really isnt needed. Not to mention the prices some shops charge! Sometimes connecting with nature is easier. Rivers rocks for water deities is an example. You can also see what crystals can be found in your area and dig them yourself.
Pendulums: It's easy to make your own! Before I could afford all the "fancy" supplies, I used a ring on a necklace or a necklace with a heavy charm to communicate.
Deity Statues: In religious hoseholds that don't accept you, this can be very unsafe, not to mention expensive! I had to pay 80 US dollars for a Hekate piece once. You don't need expensive statues to worship your Deities, you can print out small pictures if them you are drawn to at home. If you don't have access, some libraries offer free or 10ish cent (a US dime) printing. :)
For my closeted folks, celebrating pagan holidays in private can bring joy. Find foods associated with those holidays and eat them! I've attached a basic wheel if the year above. :)
A Farewell:
I think I've touched on many things in this post, but I'll keep updating it as I think of more things! Also feel free to comment if you want me to add anything to said post.
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aditheursula · 2 months
I was thinking about Hecate and the entire Greek pantheon (like I usually do) and this popped up in the game chat.
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Like...Excuse me?!? I don't even care about the fact that it's a player. IT'S THE FUCKING TIMING! Just like with a Hecate reference link popping up in my email when I was thinking about being at a crossroads. The timing, yall! OMFG! Their timing is never wrong. It is precisely when then want it to be and when you need it to be.
And the group tag?!? Gods?!? Hello?!? And this was the only message in the game chat. The only one.
This was right after I was thinking to myself how I feel I'm not doing enough spiritually due to my disabilities and illnesses. Us disabled pagans and witches always have times when we feel like we're not good enough because of how our mental and/or physical health impairs us in a multitude of ways. We go through bouts of feeling like we don't belong on our path because of not being able to afford certain things, not being able to use certain items, not being able to devote enough time to spirituality in any capacity due to health, etc.
Their timing is never wrong.
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wolfhowlwitch · 9 months
I have a great need to decorate my wheelchair (especially as the colder months come and I’ll need it more frequently)- does anyone have any inspo or ideas they could share? my wheelchair is pink but otherwise totally plain and bc it’s a transport wheelchair (i.e. I can’t propel it myself- bc I genuinely can’t have one where I propel myself) it feels like a hospital wheelchair and that isssss depressing. also interested in any ideas to decorate my cane !
tl;dr I need wheelchair (or cane) decoration or (aesthetic) customization inspiration!!
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running-out-of-spoons · 10 months
slightly not what I usually post but if there are any trans or disabled pagan people on here I would love to chat. I was raised pagan but the community I was in was pretty toxic so I distanced myself but I've been thinking about spirituality a lot recently and I would love to talk to someone about paganism who isn't going to be a terf or an ableist. feel free to message if you're up for it <3
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maxs-grimoire · 1 year
you are not less of a witch, pagan, or spiritual person for taking medication. 
lemme say it one more time for those people in the back.....
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crazycatsiren · 2 years
Exhausted AF from all these medical appointments, but I have a feeling Apollo would be proud of me.
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whereserpentswalk · 2 months
The nazis that you see in movies are as much a historical fantasy as vikings with horned helmets and samurai cutting people in half.
The nazis were not some vague evil that wanted to hurt people for the sake of hurting them. They had specific goals which furthered a far right agenda, and they wanted to do harm to very specific groups, (largely slavs, jews, Romani, queer people, communists/leftists, and disabled people.)
The nazis didn't use soldiers in creepy gas masks as their main imagery that they sold to the german people, they used blond haired blue eyed families. Nor did they stand up on podiums saying that would wage an endless and brutal war, they gave speeches about protecting white Christian society from degenerates just like how conservatives do today.
Nazis weren't atheists or pagans. They were deeply Christian and Christianity was part of their ideology just like it is for modern conservatives. They spoke at lengths about defending their Christian nation from godless leftism. The ones who hated the catholic church hated it for protestant reasons. Nazi occultism was fringe within the party and never expected to become mainstream, and those occultists were still Christian, none of them ever claimed to be Satanists or Asatru.
Nazis were also not queer or disabled. They killed those groups, before they had a chance to kill almost anyone else actually. Despite the amount of disabled nazis or queer/queer coded nazis you'll see in movies and on TV, in reality they were very cishet and very able bodied. There was one high ranking nazi early on who was gay and the other nazis killed him for that. Saying the nazis were gay or disabled makes about as much sense as saying they were Jewish.
The nazis weren't mentally ill. As previously mentioned they hated disabled people, and this unquestionably included anyone neurodivergent. When the surviving nazi war criminals were given psychological tests after the war, they were shown to be some of the most neurotypical people out there.
The nazis weren't socialists. Full stop. They hated socialists. They got elected on hating socialists. They killed socialists. Hating all forms of lefitsm was a big part of their ideology, and especially a big part of how they sold themselves.
The nazis were not the supervillians you see on screen, not because they didn't do horrible things in real life, they most certainly did, but because they weren't that vague apolitical evil that exists for white American action heros to fight. They did horrible things because they had a right wing authoritarian political ideology, an ideology that is fundamentally the same as what most of the modern right wing believes.
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mysticvolva · 10 months
We should stop that “you can’t buy it, you need to make it yourself” narrative when it comes to witchcraft and paganism.
This narrative is not only pretty stupid (IMO) but also very ableist.
I’m disabled (I’ve EDS) and I’ve a very limited amount of energy and I’ve physical limitations. For me it would be imposible to craft my own rune set. I physically cannot not do such thing, plus the fatigue and the lack of money (you need to buy all the materials to make it and it would end up being more expensive that just buying a cheap set).
So following this narrative I shouldn’t be doing rune divination, since I bought the runes they’re not valid.
And, honestly, I highly doubt the gods prefer me not doing divination at all instead of doing it but with some cheap set.
The gods do not care where your runes came from, they don’t care how pretty your altar is, they don’t care how much you pray… they only care about YOU actually talking to them and working with them.
Disabled pagans exists and are valid.
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ts-witchy-archive · 7 months
Low Energy Devotional Activities and Ways to Connect with the Gods
Let's be honest, religion and consistent practice can be HARD, especially when you're chronically ill, disabled, mentally ill or neurodivergent. This is a list of lower energy practices you can do to connect with your Gods when you're having a rough day.
Pray. You don't have to say the prayer. You don't have to do the full cleansing and offering. Just think about the prayer. It could be as simple as "'Deity Name', thank you. I'm thinking of you and appreciate you."
Dedicate any self care you do to the Gods. You've got to take meds? awesome. it's now a devotional activity.
If you can, light a tea light candle. You can think about who you're dedicating it to as you're lighting it.
Tell them about your day. Have a simple conversation with them (again, this can be in your head if needed).
Offer some water! Water is a great offering if you don’t have the energy to cook, collect or buy something.
Incense is also a great offering because you can light it then forget about it and your house won’t burn down (if you follow regular safety measures). 
Resting. Your deities want you to be okay. Dedicating your rest to your deities is especially great if you feel guilty for allowing yourself time to heal.
Turn on a video of someone reading mythos! 
Put on a deity playlist. There are plenty of pre-made ones on Spotify. 
Veil or bind your hair! Whenever I’m low energy I’ll throw my hair in a ponytail and bind it that way. It doesn’t have to be extravagant. 
Make a Pinterest board for them!
Post on a digital altar! There are plenty of discord servers that have digital altars and temples. You could also make a devotional Tumblr blog. 
Change your phone lock/home screen to something that reminds you of your Deity.
I hope this is helpful to anyone who needs it! Take care of yourself first and foremost. If you don't think you can manage something on this list then thats perfectly fine too! you're not a bad person for not being able to do something spiritual or religious. Ultimately, these things are not a necessity. Don't stress :)
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little-witchys-garden · 8 months
I hate hearing
"that's not a real cane! You can't be a cane user if you don't use medical grade cane!!"
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If it keeps my bum leg from tumbling me then it's a good cane. I can't afford one of those fancy metal canes and I don't much like em none neither, so I'm fine with my wood cane. I'm a cane user even if I can't afford a doctor's cane.
This cane has my energy, pain, relief when it takes my pain and craft in it.
it's my cane and I am not ashamed of it.
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czortofbaldmountain · 9 months
A Hekatean Spell for Body Pain
This spell calls upon Hekate as Soteira - the Saviour, Einalia - of the Sea and Kratais - the Mighty or the Rocky, an epithet also connected to the sea. I've created it to deal better with my chronic pain, and I hope it can help some of you as well.
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Take a warm shower or at least wash your hands and face. If you cannot, lie down somewhere comfortable. Whatever you do, imagine water washing away your pain and filling you with strength to go. Try to not just visualize, but invoke the feeling. Engage your inner senses as much as you can in this act. Begin chanting:
Hekate, Hekate, Hekate,
Soteira, come to my aid.
Hekate, Hekate, Hekate,
Einalia, give me relief.
Hekate, Hekate, Hekate,
Kratais, come, send me your strength.
Chant - doing so, continue calling upon your imagination and, unless you really cannot use physical water, to wash yourself - as long as you find appropriate. When you feel better, say thank you.
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Divider by @firefly-graphics.
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wolfhowlwitch · 9 months
spent a VERY long time on making some sigils for someone’s sibling’s health today. which felt nice! except for that I’m disabled, I hurt myself by bending over for that long, and now I need someone to make sigils for MY health 😅
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My healing altar ❤️‍🩹
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v-4-l-0-n · 9 months
Friendly reminder that if your feminism doesn’t include woc, queer women, trans women, disabled women, women of any religion, or sex workers then your “feminism” is shit <3
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