#english exercise
scealaiscoite · 10 months
bodyguard/protectee prompts ˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🍊 ꒱
-ˏˋ. dialogue ˊˎ-
⋆ “um, look- i know i’m only meant to be here for you in a professional capacity, but if you ever need anything i’m here for you.”
⋆ “come on, just admit it- i’m starting to grow on you, aren’t i?”
⋆ “since when does your job extend to giving me relationship advice?” “it doesn’t, but i wouldn’t be able to live with myself if i didn’t at least try to tell you how much more you deserve than that idiot.”
⋆ “don’t tell your coworkers, but you’re my favourite.”
⋆ “i know it’s like your job or whatever, but i- i’ve never had anyone protect me like that before. so, uh- thanks, i guess.”
⋆ “don’t worry. i’m not going to tell anyone that my big bad bodyguard like to be the little spoon.”
⋆ “i think if you let people see this side of you more often, you wouldn’t have any need for me.”
⋆ “we’re gonna be in this car for eight hours! you’re not gonna combust if you speak to me more than one word at a time.”
-ˏˋ. actions / scenarios ˊˎ-
⋆ while the protectee is in the process of overworking themselves, the bodyguard reluctantly steps in to make them take a break
⋆ after an event that shakes the protectee, the bodyguard silently takes their hand and doesn’t let go until they’re safe again
⋆ the bodyguard gets injured in the process of coming between the protectee and a physical threat and, in a panic, the protectee fusses over them as they gingerly tend to their wounds
⋆ after overhearing a personal argument that leaves the protectee upset, a very out-of-their-depth bodyguard tries their best to comfort them
⋆ whilst trying to cheer up a downtrodden protectee, the otherwise stoneyfaced bodyguard divulges the first pieces of personal information they’ve ever given to anyone on the job
⋆ during an overnight protection detail, the bodyguard finds themselves keeping company to an insomniac protectee
⋆ one finally building up the courage to ask the other out on a date once their professional relationship is over
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yea-baiyi · 11 months
i just posted but i feel INSANE hua cheng’s entire appearance in the ghost groom arc is just symbolism.
when xie lian is alone (having sent everyone away, in danger but perfectly capable of fighting his way out), hua cheng steps in front of xie lian, offers his hand, and guides xie lian through the woods to where he needs to be. monsters cower before him, magical barriers don’t stop him, he steps on the skulls of enemies and crushes them so thoroughly that xie lian behind him feels like he is walking on flat ground. he doesn’t just swoop in without asking — he offers his hand, and waits, and xie lian willingly reaches out and lets himself be guided. and his grip is featherlight, even as he steers xie lian through danger and darkness. his blood rain warns away all who would dare harm them, but xie lian doesn’t get hit by a drop. and hua cheng does this all in his true form, not in disguise, because he’s not playing a character or trying to achieve anything, this is just him. despite not being confident enough to face xie lian directly, hua cheng has already shown him exactly who he is.
(now excuse me while i gnaw through an entire wall because how was this not glaringly obvious to me all along)
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autistic-katara · 5 months
when ur family’s discussing politics and u have to resist the urge to say that we should riot
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one-time-i-dreamt · 11 months
My old middle school got the cast of Heartstopper to read in the audio exercises for their new English learning books.
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I think a lot about that one anecdote about Jeremy - the one where he wrote himself fan mail. I obviously didn't know him, but for me, this story encompasses many of the character traits I think he possessed: a delightful eccentricity, humour, a perfectionism that was both a blessing and a curse, a little vanity perhaps, and an underlying sadness.
I think and talk/write a lot about him and Granada Holmes, and while I am sometimes glad I don't belong to those people who have to worry that their idol goes online and sees all the unhinged things written about them, it also makes me sad that none of us has the chance to write him any actual fan mail. I get the impression that he was the kind of person who would be very flattered to receive fan mail for his 90th birthday! So I decided to do just that! It's very embarrassing and sappy and probably mad - but here we go!
Dear Mr. Brett, since you would turn 90 today, I think you would love to learn just how much your portrayal of Sherlock Holmes still means to so many people (including me) today - decades after you worked so hard to gift us the best possible version of Holmes! I greatly admire and love the depth you gave to the character, and no less your own strength, kindness, and determination. I was born too late to ever have the chance to tell you, but you and your work make me a little happier every day and I am so very grateful for that. You truly played the best Holmes there ever was, and maybe the best one there ever will be. I wish there was a thing I could write to give you back some of the joy you give me daily. Happy birthday! Sincerely yours, a Tumblr user who now feels extremely embarrassed but nevertheless meant every word she wrote Ps: Please do send me a signed photograph, I can guarantee you I will faint if I find it in my mailbox. Pps: I agree that you are prettier than Rathbone, Wilmer, and Stephens!
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corneliushickey · 1 year
every now and again i come across a gifset and i am hit with the full force realization of exactly the kind of psychosexual.... well it was certainly a psychosexual something or other! between hickey and crozier. like. christ alive. there is something fucking wrong with you two.
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magistralucis · 1 year
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theindefinitearticle · 3 months
"would you prefer we were ruled by our own home grown sodomites?"
"it may be better! Why, do you know anyway?"
"I may."
Face of a women thinking you know what I always thought my shitty twink son was bisexual.
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projectbatman193 · 7 months
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Seriously Duo, stop spying, back off dude! Lol
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pawsitivevibe · 20 days
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Nice walk in the park with the spaniel crew today.
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kaiju-shenanigans · 14 days
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Attempting a productivity challenge since its exam season for me. The goal firstly, is to study (obviously🫡) and secondly, to incorporate my hobbies into my study routine, so that I can get back into them and not doom scroll anymore🫠. Day 1: Went through Media Studies content, and started exercising again! It wasn't much but it felt good to be moving again. Let's hope I stick to this lol.
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Okay so I’ve purposely not read anything about the new companion/her actor, but like, with the way RTD has started off his return, with Tennant’s costume and calling him the 14th doctor and overshadowing Gatwa’s entrance and naming Donna’s daughter Rose, it all really feels like he’s trying to milk nostalgia to bring him/the show back into the good graces of its worst critics from the past few years.
Like, with Ruby Sunday (what a name…) being a young blonde girl immediately after the Doctor’s return to Tennant’s body, I feel like RTD’s just going to use her to be the vessel for the Doc’s Very Own Morality Nostalgia Trip/Getting Over Rose Time like he did with Martha, which I think was a pretty universally disliked decision.
Maybe I’m wrong, but Doctor Who has been built over the past half century to be a show about moving forward, and all of these gestures look more like bringing things “back to normal” to me, which i think is the wrong move.
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very curious what are everyone else's words that you know how to spell correctly but also cannot for the life of you spell correctly. every time you use it you just know you're about to fuck it up in so many ways. mine are lose/loose, exercise, and rhythm
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yaggy031910 · 1 year
It‘s Davout time!
Happy 253th birthday, dear iron marshal! ☺️🇫🇷🥖✨
Louis-Nicolas Davout is known for the devotion and love he had for his wife, Aimée Davout (born Louise-Aimée-Julie Leclerc), so I was interested about their correspondence. To cut a long story short, I started reading their letters (specifically the ones around the Russian campaign because I also wondered how Davout had dealt with this mess of a campaign).
Let‘s say it was simply heartwarming and I was melting away most of the time so how about I share one of my favourite little moments? Shall we? :D Davout‘s desire to have a second son and how he throws all of it away as long as Aimée‘s health is fine:
Ce 12 décembre Je profite, ma chère Aimée, de l‘estafette pour te rassurer sur la santé de ton Louis; elle est, malgré la rigueur de la saison, très bonne. Tu trouveras mon écriture tremblée. Je te jure par toi que la seule raison en est au froid qu‘il faut, et que je sens d‘autant plus que je t‘écris en plein air pour ne pas masquer cette estafette. Desessart part demain pour Paris, il va bien. Beaupré, malgré son âge, s‘en tire assez bien. Beaumont et les deux Fayet ne sont que fatigués. J‘envoie mille baisers à mon excellente Aimée, qui est peut-être, - à l‘heure où je lui écris, - dans les douleurs: puisse mon Aimée me donner un second fils! Cependant, si c‘est und filled, elle sera bien accueillie. J‘envoie mille caresses à l‘enfant chéri qui es Louis et à nos deux petites. Assure ta bonne mère de ma tendresse. Tout à toi. L.
German translation: Der 12. Dezember Ich profitiere, meine liebe Aimée, von dem Kurier, um dich über die Gesundheit deines Louis zu beruhigen; sie ist trotz der Strenge der Jahreszeit sehr gut. Du wirst meine Handschrift zitternd finden. Ich schwöre dir, dass der einzige Grund dafür die Kälte ist und ich fühle mich dementsprechend mehr dazu, dir im Freien zu schreiben, um den Kurier nicht zu verpassen. Desessart bricht morgen auf für Paris, ihm geht es gut. Beaupré hält sich trotz seines Alters gut. Beaumont und die zwei/beiden Fayets sind nur müde. Ich schicke 1000 Küsse an meine exzellente Aimée, die vielleicht in der Stunde, wo ich ihr schreibe, in Schmerzen ist: Möge meine Aimée mir einen zweiten Sohn geben! Jedoch, wenn es ein Mädchen ist, wird sie auch willkommen sein. Ich schicke 1000 Streicheleinheiten an die lieben Kinder, die Louis und unsere zwei Kleinen sind. Versichere deine Mutter meiner innigen Liebe. Alles an dich. L.
English translation: The 12th of December I benefit, my dear Aimée, from the courier/messenger to reassure you about the health of your Louis; she is very good despite the harshness of the season. You will find my handwriting shaking. I swear to you the only reason for that is the cold and I feel more like writing in the fresh air to not miss out the courier/messenger. Desessart leaves for Paris tomorrow, he is fine. Beaupré, despite his age, is going well. Beaumont and both Fayets are just tired. I send a thousand kisses to my excellent Aimée, who is perhaps in pain in the hour I write her: May my Aimée give me a second son! However, if it’s a girl, she is going to be welcomed. I send a thousand caresses to the dear children, who are Louis and our two little ones. Assure your mother about my tenderness. All for you. L.
Just like Napoleon, Davout had a desire to sire sons and - as far as I am concerned - it‘s clear that his enthusiasm for the possibility of having another son is strong. We might say it’s even stronger than for the possibility of having another daughter although he wrote that a daughter would be welcomed. Now, let’s read the next letter he wrote to his wife where he threw all of that away, shall we? :D
Gumbinnen, ce 17 décembre Je suis bien tourmenté, ma chère Aimée, du long silence auquel les ciconstances m’ont forcé et de toutes les inquiétudes qu’il t’aura données, à toi si ingénieuse à te tourmenter sans motifs. L’état où tu te trouvais, à la veille de faire tes couches, ajoute à mes tourments: jamais je n’ai plus éprouvé le besoin de recevoir de tes nouvelles, et j’ignore quand j’aurai ce bonheur, malgré les estafettes qui arrivent régulièrement; mais le comte Daru, sous le couvert de qui tes lettres me parvenaient, étant parti pour Koenisgsberg, me prive absolument de tes nouvelles. […] Ta santé, dans ce moment, est tout ce qui occasionne mes inquiétudes; lorsque je serai rassuré sur ce point, je désirerai connaître de tes couches: fille ou garçon, l’enfant sera le bienvenu si la santé de mon Aimée est telle que je la souhaite. […]
German translation: Gumbinnen, der 17. Dezember Ich bin sehr gequält, meine liebe Aimée, von dem langen Schweigen, zu dem mich die Umstände gezwungen haben und von den ganzen Sorgen, die es dir bereitet hat, so geistreich von dir, dich ohne Anlass so zu quälen. Der Zustand, in dem du dich am Vorabend mit der Geburt befandest, fügt mir Plagen zu: Nie habe ich mehr den Bedarf verspürt, deine Neuigkeiten zu erhalten und ich weiss nicht, wann ich diese Freude haben werde, trotz der Kurier, die regelmässig eintreffen; aber der Graf Daru, unter dessen Deckmantel deine Briefe mich erreichten, hat mich, nach Königsberg aufbrechend, von deinen Neuigkeiten beraubt. […] Deine Gesundheit ist in dem Moment alles, was mir Sorgen bereitet; wenn ich darüber beruhigt bin, wünsche ich mir, über das Wochenbett zu erfahren: Mädchen oder Junge, das Kind wird willkommen sein, wenn die Gesundheit von meiner Aimée so ist, wie ich es wünsche. […]
English translation: Gumbinnen, the 17th of December I am quite troubled, my dear Aimée, of the long silence to which my circumstances forced me to and of all the worries it caused you, so ingenious of you, to torment yourself without reason. The state you were in on the eve with the birth caused me torment: Never have I felt more the desire to receive your news and I don‘t know when I am going to have the happiness despite the couriers who regularly arrive; but the count Daru, under whose cover your letters came to me, having left for Koenisgsberg, deprives me absolutely of your news. […] In the moment, your health is everything what causes me concern; when I am reassured, I desire to find out about your postpartum period: girl or boy, the child will be welcomed if the health of my Aimée is how I wish. […]
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whumpshaped · 2 years
tw conditioned hybrid whumpee, implied past torture, humiliation
"I said passport, Mx. Not any of these." The person behind the glass held up the three cards Whumpee had handed over, apparently none of them being a 'passport'. "We cannot proceed like this. Either provide a current, valid passport, or I'll have to ask you to leave."
"No!" Whumpee dug deeper into their worn out bag, with such momentum that their claws almost pierced the gloves they were wearing. Their ears were twitching with anxiety under their hat. They didn't know what a passport was, they didn't even know whether they had one. They just knew that if this fell through, and they didn't get a permit to leave this place, they would live the rest of their life as an attack dog. "Please, just one second, please..."
"It's alright, Mx. We can figure it out, if you'd just come and sit-"
Whumpee dropped to their knees at the command, before they could even process it. They stared at the perfectly clean floor in disbelief for a few seconds before squeezing their eyes shut in shame.
Whumpee didn't bother asking for their papers back. They scrambled to get on their feet and rushed out of the office. They had been a dog all their life. They were stupid for thinking they could ever be a person.
@ashh-ed @whumpsday @whump-queen
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bigmooneyes · 2 years
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wikipedia poem about dpdr, because i can never find the right words when trying to explain; so borrowing them will have to do
Depersonalization-derealization disorder From wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Specialty: Psychiatry, clinical psychology Symptoms: Depersonalization, Derealization Usual onset: Young adulthood Duration: chronic, episodic
Contents [hide]
The core is the subjective experience of "reality of one's self" or detachment from one's surroundings.
thought to be caused largely by interpersonal trauma adverse early childhood experiences, specifically emotional abuse and neglect have been linked
the state of mind could last either hours, days, and possibly even weeks at a time.
These experiences which strike at the core of a person's identity and consciousness may cause - substantial distress;
the real thing was overwhelming;
fearing loss of control, detached from their own thoughts; these symptoms cause -- unreality,
dissociation from the rest of society; disconnected or detached from one's self; or from one's surroundings.
there is an alienation; uneasy or anxious -- constant or varying intensity.
Insidious onset may reach back as far as can be remembered.
Society and culture [edit]
patient who "feels that he is no longer himself", attempts to describe experiences that are difficult to articulate into words.
In order to comprehend the nature of reality we must understand what reality actually is.
some descriptions were metaphors;
as if the world around them is foggy, dreamlike/surreal, or visually distorted.
The ability to sense that something is unreal is maintained when experiencing symptoms of the disorder.
^ Radovic F (2002). "Feelings of Unreality: A Conceptual and Phenomenlogical Analysis of the Language of Depersonalization".
the conceptualization of dissociation involves detachment from one's self;
it doesn't diminish just the experience, but more or less all experience.
the majority of people (about 80%) responsible for child maltreatment are the child's own parents.
^ Thomson, Paula; Jaque, S. Victoria (15 March 2018). "Depersonalization, adversity, emotionality, and coping with stressful situations". Journal of Trauma & Dissociation.
Prognosis [edit]
as if the world lies within the understanding of reality.
experiences with depersonalization may be frightening, a loss of control over their thoughts or actions; persistent or recurrent feelings of detachment from one's mental or bodily processes; difficulty concentrating; a sense that self or the world is unreal; impairment to one's ability to perceive reality.
The Scream may have been inspired by depersonalization disorder. (i.e. patient is aware of a perceptual disturbance)
symptoms tend to be constant and quite unsettling.
an illness of lost opportunities.
^ Blevins, Christy A.; Weathers, Frank W.; Mason, Elizabeth A. (1 October 2012). "Construct Validity of Three Depersonalization Measures in Trauma-Exposed College Students". Journal of Trauma & Dissociation.
Anxiety vs. fear
Types 3.1 Existential
The most common comorbid disorders are depression and anxiety; significant and uncontrollable feelings of anxiety and fear; fear is more complex than just forgetting or deleting memories, the hereafter, the next ten years or even tomorrow.
DPDR is typically chronic and continuous; between reality and the symptoms; a feeling of being detached from the world; divorced from their own personal self; Treatment of DPDR is often difficult and refractory.
Appearance [edit]
I find myself regarding existence as though from beyond the tomb, from another world; all is strange to me; I am, as it were, outside my own body and individuality; I am depersonalized, detached, cut adrift.
Is this madness?
(In the upper right corner is a heavily edited black and white ghost picture of The Brown Lady of Raynham hall. The descriptive text underneath it is unreadable.)
all dissociative phenomena involves a detachment from reality; Familiar places may look alien, bizarre, and surreal.
they are not in the notion of the present; experiencing themselves and their lives from a distance.
as if the world around them is disconnected; distorted. as though time is passing them by.
they are able to recall a memory but feel as if they did not personally experience it.
In some cases, individuals may be unable to accept their reflection as their own, thoughts and acts elude the self and become strange.
^ Daphne Simeon; Jeffrey Abugel (7 November 2008). Feeling Unreal: Depersonalization Disorder and the Loss of the Self.
think critically about the nature of reality and existence.
depersonalization is understood as a defense; a type of coping mechanism.
Although residual sunlight does not penetrate the depths inhabited by deep-sea lizardfish, their eyes aid in detecting sources of residual or bioluminescent light.
^ Mauricio Sierra (13 August 2009). Depersonalization: A New Look at a Neglected Syndrome. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. p. 120.
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