#except ben is trans
swsapphics-ao3feed · 1 month
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Kylo Ren/Rey Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux, Rose Tico, Finn (Star Wars), Poe Dameron, Beaumont Kin Additional Tags: Alternative Universe - Lesbians, It's all our favorite characters but they are all women and they are all gay, everyone is queer as hell, Kyla Ren is the hottest woman anyone has ever met, Oral Sex, Age Difference, Finn is a Fynn, Poe is a Posy, Army Hux is an Amy, Kylo is a Kyla, Beaumont is a butch bartender called Beau, Rose is just Rose, Rey is just Rey but very gay, Gay Bar, Strap-Ons, Taking as many Reylo tropes as I can and making them GAY, It's too big, we'll make it fit, Squirting and Vaginal Ejaculation, POV Rey (Star Wars), Written by an annoying and unrepentant bisexual, Vaginal Fingering, I hate that tag but there is a lot of that activity Summary:
Baby dyke Rey is trying to find her feet in the scene. (Un)fortunately, Kyla Ren arrives to knock her off them.
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nibblelinephym · 2 years
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woe. transgenderism be upon thee
[ID; two identical images of an assortment of characters. all are done in simple doodles over the transgender flag. the first is done in black lining, and the second is lined by swapping the colors of the lines in the flag. the characters in the first line are, from left to right, ethan green (black friday), klaus baudelaire (a series of unfortunate events), and spider-man. the second line is hannah foster (black friday), lindsay (total drama island), and an original character named near. the third is ben tennyson (ben 10), bug (starship), paul (the guy who didn't like musicals), and an original character named adair. the fourth and final line is kermit the frog, esther (the solve it squad returns), scrags (the solve it squad returns), and hiccup horrendous haddock III (httyd).]
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cyeayt · 8 months
writing poems is fun and weird, when i read older stuff i think of it as a song but newer things and my own works tend to be more like short stories or monolouges
i write a lot of religious themes, and i never know if its cohesive because i often write with god and the devil as ambiguous forms, and although i hate god it often takes the more moral position
ive also been writing a lot about the moon lately
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omgthatdress · 5 months
The Importance of Studying Queerness in Context.
When studying queer history, one always has to keep in mind two seemingly contradictory things: firstly, that queerness and queer people have always existed, but at the same time, that queerness and queer identities have not always existed the way they exist today.
Modern queer terms and identities did not exist to queer people in the past. They would not have thought of themselves as "gay" or "trans" or even "queer." While these modern terms may seem to fit certain historic individuals, these individuals would not have thought of themselves as such, and it would not be a part of their lived experience. To apply the modern identities of queerness to history is to erase the lives and experiences of queer people in history, and care must always be taken to understand queer history within the context of its time.
When looking at queer history online, there is a *lot* of misinformation and misidentification out there simply because people are eager to apply modern queerness to history, often in places where it doesn't belong.
A lot of old photos get misidentified as gay because they show two people of the same sex showing some level of physical affection towards each other. Okay, I'll admit that the open-mouth kissing photobooth pictures are probably actually gay, but an old picture of two men or two women holding hands or with their arms around each other, or even kissing on the cheek, were common shows of platonic affection.
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I hate to break everyone's gay little hearts, but without explicit documentation saying so, assuming that these couples are all gay is putting modern queer identity in places where it simply didn't exist. The women in the final picture are sisters. The "not married" boys are bachelors interested in marrying women.
In the silent film Wings, the emotional climax of the film comes in the form of a kiss exchanged between the characters played by Jack Powell and David Armstrong. It often gets attributed as the first gay kiss in cinema history, even on the fucking YouTube clip I found:
Except it isn't gay. The two men spend the whole film fighting over who gets to be Clara Bow's boyfriend. When Richard Arlen's character is fatally wounded, his dear friend rushes to his side and kisses him goodbye, because in the 1920s, that was considered the ultimate show of friendship. The movie ends with Jack Powell falling in love with Clara Bow.
Similarly, a kiss shared between Lillian and Dorothy Gish in the 1921 movie Orphans of the Storm often gets attributed as being queer, but it wasn't.
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They were sisters playing sisters. None of this was considered unusual.
Pooh-poohing on all of these images that so many people on the internet breathlessly and joyously laud as proud gay history isn't fun. It makes me feel like I'm fucking Ben Shapiro. But if misinformation is allowed to flourish, it allows people like Ben Shapiro to come in and make the argument that queerness is a modern invention and queer people didn't exist in the past.
Everyone loves to see queerness represented in history, but the fact is that none of the stuff in this post would have been seen as explicitly gay and thus shouldn't be called gay today. If we are to understand queer history in its fullness and richness, it is absolutely crucial that we get it right. We owe it to our queer ancestors to recognize, honor, and not embellish the actual lives they lived.
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doctor who but i've never watched it
and so it begins again. the people asked for it. the people got it. i will ensure the people regret it.
i have never watched this show, or seen an edit, but i am a thorough researcher and i feel that i've got the essence of it.
this is what i have gathered. academicians worldwide take note.
Firstly, so I don't anger anyone, I accept and acknowledge that the tardis is blue and not yellow. My misinformation was from a Drarry fanfiction, and I had hitherto regarded Drarry fanfiction as the absolute truth.
There are doctors, and there are at least fifteen of them. At least two of them are David Tennant, which I can respect.
I'm not sure why the doctors are doctors, because I can find no trace of any medical procedure except for one doctor who licks things, which he learned from the previous doctor. If this is sufficient reason, I apologise for doubting their credentials.
On the other hand, if they are doctors thanks to a postdoctoral degree, this is also fine, though I have never seen anyone study anything. There is however a doctor, and there were people upset about her, but the fandom pointed out she set the tardis on fire, which is apparently a very doctor thing to do. Setting things on fire is absolutely something any research scholar would love, so again, apologies for doubting their credentials.
At least one doctor is gay. It is probably one of the David doctors, which checks out. He says someone, I think a dentist, is hot. I envy the maybe-dentist.
A t least one doctor is trans. I was unable to find them. But they exist. Oh yes, the fandom assures me they exist.
David Tennant as well as Ncuti Gatwa were fanboys, first of the show, and second of David Tennant, and thus they got into acting. Just a fun tidbit from me, since I am now the authority on this fandom.
There are time machines with which the doctors have sex by piloting them, which is questionable because the time machines are only partially sentient. I am not sure if the time machines are the tardis. But the tardis is blue, and not yellow, of that I am certain.
There was a stage play. Or maybe that was a metaphor for the production budget of the early seasons. I am not sure, but toddler David Tennant watched it. I assume no one took a 3 year old to a stage play, so through scientific deduction, it must have been a metaphor.
At some point, Death is an agony aunt and they have to spill secrets to it, or drown in a lake of human skulls. Who is this they? It's so obvious that the fandom sees no need to explain it, and neither do I. I do know it though. Of that you may remain certain.
A David doctor has a niece and she likes being his niece.
A David doctor has a best friend named Donna. He kisses her head. She supports his fruitiness. It is wholesome. It killed him when he lost her.
Slight tangent, but younger David doctor looks like Andrew Garfield. Current David in photos does give Ben Barnes energy. Any Wolfstar shippers, I believe you've found the Wolfstar kid. It is David Tennant.
A lot of people are David Tennant. A reliable Pinterest post on Doctor Who, clearly well researched, gave me the statistic that 15% of Doctor Who is David Tennant. From the amount of David Tennant that I ran across in my research, I don't understand it but I don't doubt it, either.
Speaking of Andrew Garfield, he in involved in this somehow. I am not sure how, but you cannot escape Andrew Garfield. He is even a part of fandoms he never acted in.
There is an individual named Catherine, I think she is the actress, but she could be a character. She seems to have much less knowledge about Doctor Who lore than I do. David Tennant finds it funny. Maybe he would find me funny, too.
The doctors installed some things in the tardis, from a wheelchair ramp to a jukebox. I don't know why a jukebox was needed. If I'm honest I don't know what a jukebox is. I don't know what the tardis is. But it is blue, and not yellow.
There is a French catchphrase.
Something happens in Wales. I don't know what it is, but something always seems to be happening in Wales in these fandoms, so I don't doubt it.
There is an old Doctor Who in a wheelchair, and he is happy to see a David doctor.
They go around in space, and do things. Who is this they? You and I both know the answer, so we needn't talk about it.
The show intro is "doo wee doo".
There is an alien who is not a mouse, the alien is The Meep, and uses the definite article as pronouns. David doctor is supportive of this, which is very good.
I found baby Yoda in the show, but apparently they call it a 'goblin' there, and someone doesn't like it.
There is a lot to do with time. There is a time hole, and things happen, and people die and are resurrected. There is danger, but it is fun.
They have CGI, and it is not good, which is the best thing about it. Who is they? Please stop asking me. It is rather obvious and something I definitely know.
Someone's boyfriend dies and the boyfriend is then resurrected but then gets lost with his boyfriend but then is reincarnated as a girl who would still call herself the someone's boyfriend but then she is replaced by the boyfriend but he's different now. I apologise for any errors that have crept it, but the tardis is blue and not yellow.
Someone named Martha is a doctor, and someone is very proud of her for it.
The eleventh and twelfth doctors like bow ties.
David Tennant wants to be ginger. David Tennant always gets what he wants. Who can refuse David Tennant? David Tennant is then ginger.
A David doctor gets a happy ending.
Someone yelled at Neil Gaiman about this. It was a mistake. He said that since it had already been done, he wouldn't want to give David's character a happy ending in S3, that would be a trifle unoriginal.
A lesson to be learned, Good Omens fandom, just a bit of advice from your son, do not yell at Neil Gaiman, it does not go well. Rumour has it he murdered the people who complained about him always wearing black. Of course, there is the fact that he doesn't exist, but that doesn't seem to have stopped him.
The doctors manifest in the previous doctor's clothes, which is apparently so last season. The tardis also manifests. I don't know where, or how. But it is blue, and not yellow.
I know, there was a lot of lore, so many of you thought I wouldn't be able to gather it all. But look how much research I did! I've got it better than maybe-actress-maybe-character Catherine, I'm sure :"]
Anyway, all the major plot points are covered above, so anyone who hasn't watched Doctor Who, feel free to refer to this and impress your Whovian friends with your knowledge! [not to be judgemental, but what a dreadfully Dr Seuss name, I rather like it]
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bennitastisch · 2 years
going out in pink sunglasses while not really passing but also kinda is so funny bc strangers either look at me with the most disgusted look they can muster up, are so confused they never stop staring or look super kind and theres no in between
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AITA for talking shit about and leaving a friend with severe mental health issues?
(CW for mental health issues, self harm, and transphobia)
For context, everyone in this story is pretty young, in Year 11/12 (American equivalent would be sophomore/junior year) and we live in a pretty religious country
I (16M) met a friend (15F) through her approaching me and saying my pins (including a pride pin) was cool. We clicked immediately, i went over for sleepovers and became close with even her mom. I only once brought up politics offhandedly, and she got quite uncomfortable, but i thought nothing of it at the time.
She constantly told me that I was her only friend who "understood" her, and would be there for her, so I never brought it up again. However, when I was introducing her to another friend (who is very gnc and identified as transfemme at the time) we opened up her youtube reccomended and it was quite literally disgusting.
JK rowling, terf videos and tradwifes galore. Candace Owens, Ben Shapiro, you name it, she had literally nothing except videos titled shit like "trans people mutilate themselves".
I was very hurt, because I happen to be trans, as well as most of my friends and my partner. I questioned her, but she pulled the "mental illness" defense. I was scared of her hurting herself so i apologised (to my other friend) and tried distancing myself from her, admittedly made a few jokes at her expense to others.
She began being more radicalised, positing insane, borderline qanon stories, but my plan to cut her off was interrupted by her going missing and me having to be the one coaxing her back to school, i felt she was too dependant on me to be as harsh as i shouldve been.
The final straw came when she 1) said she thought of my (healed) scars as something that encouraged her to self harm and 2) when i found out she outed me and my partner as T4T and queer to a random transphobic youtuber to put in a cringe compilation. this was not only immature but really dangerous to us.
Heres where I might be TA: my partner confronted her because he was worried about my mental health, and she apparently showed up to school and cried. I felt bad, but when i first found about it i laughed about it, and didnt support her even when i knew she had no other friends.
My partner asked her to either stay away from me or not express her beliefs, and as a result she called me crying that night, borderline suicidal, and in a panic I soothed her and said I wasnt going anywhere. A couple days later, a mutual friend sent me the screenshots of her outing us, and I think that sort of made me snap.
She used her religion as a shield against finding us "disgusting" and wanted a video made against us etc etc, describing horrible statistics and threats, describing "mutilation" and I felt like i couldnt endorse that attitude towards trans people in good faith, so i argued with her over text, with her accusing me of manipulating her multiple times.
Again, I mightve fucked up here because I called my friends while texting her and talked shit about her during this confrontation, sending screenshots of our private dms to them, and afterwards she became a bit of an inside joke within our friend group- she also left the school because i think she had barely any other friends.
I cant help but feel like i shoudve been more mature about it, and especially because she was ill, i dont want to be That Guy that makes fun of vulnerable people, even if she sucked herself. So, tumblr, AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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superawesome40 · 2 months
Imagine this:
It starts with Bobby John. Dean can't let the baby go, he reminds him too much of Sam, way back when Sam was this age, and Daddy was always sad (or drunk), and when Dean tried to speak the words got stuck, and he could not make a sound. He can't let the baby go, so he doesn't.
Over time, they gather more. Bobby John, Ben, Joe and Ryan, Emma, Alex, Krissy and Aiden and Josephine, Magda, Claire, Jack. They find Jesse again, 16 years old and alone and scared of himself. They find Charlie and Kevin, and even though they aren't quite their kids, they treat them with the same care.
Somewhere in between the always rising tide of children, they find the Bunker. It's perfect - dozens of rooms for everyone to spread out, to have their own space. Bobby doesn't die, but he does move to the bunker "To keep an eye on ya' idjits,”. The modifications they make to the Bunker for his wheelchair are worth it to see the pride in his eyes. Linda Tran moves in, and she and Dean have an ongoing war over who's in control of the kitchen.
Of course, things aren't perfect. Chuck is still a problem, and eventually he must be dealt with. They win, but the cost is heavy. Cas and Jack are gone, and Dean... well he's as good as gone. He never leaves his room anymore, except to get a drink. Their dysfunctional family is mourning, both for those who they've lost and for themselves. Disappearing and coming back is much more traumatic than you'd expect.
Eventually, in an attempt to cheer him up, they convince him to go on a hunt. Just a small thing, a nest of vamps. They've killed a man and mutilated his wife, as well as taken their kids, two small boys. Someone (later, no one will remember exactly who) jokes that they can take in the boys. Sam and Dean leave, looking more cheerful than they’ve been in weeks.
They get the call a few hours later. Sam tells them over the phone, barely understandable through his tears, that Dean was hurt in the fight and that the doctors aren’t sure if he’ll pull through. Using the variety of cars in the bunker, they break a handful of laws and probably the sound barrier on their way to the hospital. Bobby pulls Sam aside and he explains, in detail, what happened. They wait for hours before a doctor finally enters the waiting room, asking for the family of Dean Fletcher* (Millie Winchester’s maiden name).
Dean survives, barely. Recovery is an uphill battle, and the damage done to his spine, muscles, and nerves leave him wheelchair-bound and in near-constant pain. Eventually, he’s able to move around for short periods of time using forearm crutches and leg braces, but it’s only after a few years and a lot of physical therapy. At the very least, the Bunker needs no new changes to accommodate him, having been updated for Bobby ages ago.
A year passes. The two boys from the vamp hunt are moved into the Bunker after their mother succumbs to her injuries in the hospital, and quickly adjust and thrive in the new location. Sam and Eileen quit hunting, permanently. They move to town, only fifteen minutes away, and visit every Saturday for family dinner. When they get married, Sam Winchester becomes Sam Leahy. Jody retires, and moves her hoard to the Bunker. They’ve got the room, after all. Donna follows not too long after. Miracle is officially trained as a service animal, to help Dean with his panic attacks.
One night, Dean can’t sleep. He hauls himself into his wheelchair and goes to the kitchen for a glass of water. He stops at the sight of three people sitting at the table.
The reunion is a tearful one. Dean cries from relief, and guilt, and of course the burning pain that rips through his back as a result of him temporarily forgetting he can’t stand and launching himself out of his chair. Cas also cries, sobbing apologies into Dean’s hair from where they are curled on the floor. Jack, pressed between the two of them and both overwhelmed and overstimulated, can only beg for Dean’s forgiveness. His dads wipe away his tears and press kisses to his cheeks, assuring him that he has nothing to apologize for.
The only one who doesn’t cry is Adam, sitting slightly stony faced at the table. Later, once the commotion of the reunion has died and Sam has been woken and summoned to the Bunker, the three sit down to chat.
Adam tells them that he’s not angry anymore, and begs them to explain everything to him, starting from the beginning. He is especially curious about their father, and realizes through their stories that John badly mistreated them. Dean invites Adam to stay in the Bunker, but Adam declines. He says that there’s a lot he needs to do, but hesitantly suggests that they stay in touch. Their relationship is tentative at first, but eventually he becomes a permanent fixture in the family.
Cas and Jack are filled in on what they missed. Dean pulls them each aside and apologizes privately for the things he said and did before the end. He assures Jack that he is part of the family, and always will be. He tells him he’s willing to be Jack’s dad, if that’s what Jack wants. Jack enthusiastically agrees.
He can’t quite bring himself to say “I love you” to Cas, but he says something along the lines of “maybe one day.” He also implies to Cas that John was extremely homophobic, and the combination of that and the sexual trauma he has experienced through his life (getting money for food/rent as a teen, Hell, Lydia) makes him hesitant now to form romantic relationships. Cas, understanding as always, agrees and comments on how he has improved at opening up, to which Dean replies that there wasn’t much else to do when he was trapped in bed and couldn’t escape Sam and his relentless therapy-talks.
Jack tells them as a group that he has decided there doesn’t need to be a God, and has stepped down after reforming Heaven. He says that he used his power for the last time to bring back Castile and find Adam. He confesses to his parents that the power is not gone, and likely never will be. He also says that he would like to grow up as human as possible, and promptly shrinks to the size of a toddler, much to the bewildered amusement of his parents. They discover that he no longer has his memories, and Bobby suggests that they may come back when he’s older, and that forgetting is his young mind's way of protecting itself.
As time passes, Cas and Dean open the Bunker to other hunters as a research facility and safe space to stay for a few nights. Neither of them hunt anymore, but they offer support and badly needed organization. With Charlie and Kevin’s help, they set up a system like the one Sam originally had.
When Eileen and Sam announce they are expecting, Dean is ecstatic. When they reveal the baby is a boy and that they are naming him “Dean II”, he cries for a solid hour. He’s the first, outside of Sam and Eileen, to hold the baby, who he affectionately nicknames “Junior”.
In the end, they are happy. They live together peacefully.
Would anyone be interested in reading this on ao3? I miiiight be planning to write this… also any suggestions/question/concerns are welcome! Also, if I missed any kiddos (canon only, please), feel free to tell me! I’m perfectly open to expanding their hoard.
Also, I cannot take complete credit for this story. Quite a few elements are inspired by foolondahill17’s stories, Dean Winchester’s half-way house for orphaned half-monsters (and humans), and the miracles ‘verse by the same author. Both are absolutely amazing stories, and I highly recommend.
*According to the Supernatural Wiki, Adam Glass wanted the actress Louise Fletcher to play Millie Winchester should she appear on screen.
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tw33k-tucker · 3 months
Doodle requests are open‼️
The series characters I can draw the best(In order) are:
South Park, Eddsworld, Creepypasta, n' SMG4
Just a some things about me(changes/updates so much)
Fictionkin of:
Tweek Tweak
Craig Tucker
Clyde Donovan
Kyle Broflovski
Kenny McCormick
Stan Marsh
Damien Thorn (South Park)
Eric Cartman
Tweek Tweak (Mirai Park)
Gregory House (House M.D.)
Dipper Pines
Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
Hunter (TOH)
Michael Afton (FNAF)
Crying Child/Evan Afton (FNAF 4)
Mr Puzzles
Louise (Bob's Burgers)
Angel Dust (Hazbin hotel)
Medic {Pls, istg I'm not insane anymore, I swear😭}
Scout (TF2)
Tom (Eddsworld)
Kevin (Spooky Month)
Selever (FNF)
Shadow (Sonic, but not sure which specific Sonic yet)
Gnarpy (Regretavator)
Jax (TADC)
Jeff T. Killer
BEN Drowned
And Ticci Toby (Creepypasta)
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Questioning 2
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Therian but not completely comfortable to reveal more then a few of my Theriotypes, those few are a Border Collie, Island Fox, Clouded leopard, Red Panda, Some kind of Shark, and an Opossum
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He/Him (Trans FTM/Masc)
13 !! :D
Christan (but excepts any religion)
Favorite Animal is Guinea pigs
2nd favorite drink is coffee (My #1 favorite drink is water cause I need it to survive)
Top 5 Favorite songs:
1st: Riptide - Vance Joy
2nd: Cooler Than Me - Ethan Fields
3rd: Boys Don't Cry - The Cure
4th: Bad Habit - Steve Lacy
5th: Cupid's Chokehold / Breakfast In America - Gym Class Heros
(it was top 10 before, but I'm to lazy for that crap)
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A few last random shit facts 'bout me
I am very scared of alarms(Like, fire alarms)
I have Trypophobia aka fear of holes(it's very bad)
I have a love hate relationship with insects
I'm AroAce and BI
Wolverine is my all-time favorite hero(I don't care that he's technically an anti-hero/also an X-Men, he's the best)
Black and Red are my favorite colors
HTTYD is my favorite movie series
I love Scooby Doo(Especially Mystery Incorporated)
I am a mix of Introverted and Extroverted
I swear I wanna cry when stuff I've been waiting for is altered(Don't ask, I have no idea why)
I have anxiety
I freak out VERY easily
Salamanders are so cool istg
I have sensitive ears so I hate loud noises(I think I'm just a wimp)
I was in a car crash when I was 8(Luckily me and my dad were fine)
I like Diary of a wimpy kid
I have an older brother that I fight with(Imagine Rodrick and Greg's rivalry)
Some noises also make me want to bawl my eyes out(Also don't ask why, I seriously don't know)
I will 'kill' you if you look in my sketchbook(I swear you do not wanna see it, like really, you do NOT)
I have social anxiety👍
I'm seriously fucked up in the brain
I have OCD and BPD
And also i've decided to make tags because it is so annoying trying to find certain posts. So: the art tag is #Tw33k Draws the ask tag is #Tw33k Answers and I also use #Tw33k Rambles when I'm just talking and then as well theres just the #Shitpost tag on the posts I post that have words or images that isn't art, I also #Tw33k Rants, I think that name is pretty self explanatory, I also don't add tags to like any of the stuff I reblog unless I'm talking in the tags
And yeah, that's all I'm willing to tell
Also please don't hate me, I can't control who I am
Thanks for reading
Random Icons :D
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Okay! One last thing, sense I have started the Zombie Park series, you can ask them questions about litterly ANYTHING some stuff they might not be allowed to answer at the moment like some stuff that'll happen in the future, but if you have any questions about the AU feel free to ask
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yes-17-15 · 11 months
Hargreeves sexuality and gender headcanons cuz I’m bored.
I 100% believe he is CisHet but he is absolutely an ally. He probably didn’t understand everything at first but Viktor and Klaus helped explain and he got the gist of it. He also maybe uses He/They pronouns? He thinks They/Them just sounds nice.
I know a lot of people think that Diego is a trans man and I think that would be cool (as a trans man myself) but I just don’t really see it. I kind of understand it but I don’t really agree. I definitely do think he’s Bi though, female leaning. Definitely He/Him.
I also see lots of people thinking she’s a trans woman, and I think that’s a great headcanon imo but I again do not agree. I absolutely don’t see her as anything but Cisgender Heterosexual. And I honestly like it that way. I don’t think all of the Hargreeves siblings have to be LGBTQ+, I think some of them should be straight too. I think Allison might have messed around with girls but she just didn’t really feel a click like she does with males. She/Her.
I think most of us agree Klaus is not Cis or Straight. There is no way. I would probably say he is Non-Binary or Gender-fluid. He never heard those terms until they were a bit older, probably after Five disappeared, and the first time he heard it was someone shit-talking it, and they wanted to look more into it. So occasionally Viktor and Grace would be allowed to go to the library because Viktor usually didn’t have much else to do so Klaus asked him if next time he goes if he could look up those words for him and Viktor obviously said sure. He came back and told Klaus about it and Klaus was like, “yep, that’s me.” They were happy there was a word for it. I also think Klaus is Pansexual, but he also isn’t very fond of labels anyway. They honestly just think everyone’s hot (EXCEPT CHILDREN NOT CHILDREN). Any pronouns but mainly He/They.
I think Five’s above gender and stuff like that. When they were kids Viktor had a crush on Five and Five just found it disgusting. Partially because they’re like siblings but also because Five does not want a relationship or anyone to have a crush on him. Five also never liked gender roles and was confused why there were differences in the uniforms depending on gender. Five saw Viktor and Klaus wearing each others uniforms and was a little confused why Reggie wouldn’t just let Klaus wear what he wanted but also was kind of confused why Klaus even wanted to wear skirts. Five never really thought about gender much though because he thought it was incredibly stupid and useless. Five always thought that way. But especially whenever Five was in the apocalypse, he had absolutely no use for it. Five wishes that they didn’t live in a gendered society but he we are. If he has to use terms for himself, he’d say he’s Agender and AroAce (Yay AAA battery). Five doesn’t like using pronouns and prefers his name but if it’s mandatory Five uses He/Him pronouns but Klaus uses They/them for him cause he knows Five likes it.
I don’t know enough about Ben to give a really detailed answer but I have a simple bit to say. I would like to think he’s Bisexual, but I don’t really think he is. I like the headcanon but again we don’t know enough about him. I think he’s Cis too but maybe DemiBoy? I’d probably say He/Him but maybe some neos?? I’m not experienced in them though so I don’t really know any he might use (I’m also talking more about Brellie Ben than Sparrow Ben).
I absolutely adore Viktor. I know lots of people thought he was a Lesbian before season three but no, that’s not the case. He actually liked Leonard/Harold. Before he found out about all the things Leonard did he actually liked him. And when he was younger it’s confirmed (I’m pretty sure??) that Viktor had a crush on Five. Viktor doesn’t only like females, he actually does like guys. I absolutely think Viktor is Bisexual, possibly Pan. I think he could also be on the Aspectrum maybe? But he definitely doesn’t only like women. I also thought he might have been Non-Binary before he transitioned but now I absolutely like him as just a trans man. He/Him maybe He/They and possibly neos?? Again I don’t know much about neos so.
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crystal-cloudzz · 5 months
sbg headcanons (part 1/2)
ashlyn 🎧💚
-shes only cut her hair once, she hated it
-shes used to want to do a sport, but in one class, she got introduced to ballet and fell in love with it
-i don't know why but I have a strong feeling she'd love apple, grape and raspberry flavoured stuff
-every time when she was younger and saw a dog she begged the owner for it (they said no)
-she already has lots of freckles. She gets even more in sunlight
-shes a beach and mountain girl
Aiden 🔪💛
-has depression but got very good at hiding it
-used to sh
-has insomnia
-sprayed chemicals into eyes once by accident
-hes an avid great wall of china Eiffel tower burg khalifa skyscraper tree climber, he climbs to the peak then jumps off
-his parents keep forgetting his birthday, and his dad even keeps forgetting his name (he calls him aaron)
-once had a really good friend then moved
-hes the type to suggest to Netflix and chill then put on how to train your dragon 3 and pass you 7 tubs of chocolate ice cream then says "eat up :D" with a creepy grin
-has a fear of being left alone
-used to be sucidal
-hes a smileycore bitch, like with the drugs aspect and everything
-"oh it doesn't hurt, I'm fine" *arm literally snapped in half, twisted 360 degrees behind his back
-cant cook for shit. Not even 5 minute noodles are safe
-very self destructive
-hin dying his hair is a coping mechanism
-has a bad relationship with his parents (mainly his dad)
-his latest b-day party was when he was 5
-attention deprived
-touch starved
-once add raw meat to get attention (it worked, he never did it again afterwards)
Ben 🎤🤎
-trans male
-sofia the first (that's it. That's all I'm saying)
-has a way with animals, it's like he's telepathic with them
-no but he's actually Sofia the first I have so much proof for it I have an entire au for it
-cant cook either, can only bake
-makes the best cakes and you can't convince me otherwise
-hes the reason Aiden bounces off walls all the time
-always one of the last to be found at hide and seek (except when Lily's playing. Then he goes easy on her)
Oh btw Aiden and Tyler are my favourites if you couldn't tell by the abundance of Aiden hcs
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billy-jeans23 · 5 months
Hello friend, I trust you're having a great day, I'm not a bot(lol) I'm Ben, the transwoman who was sent to a correctional home by her parents for wanting to be Trans. You reacted to a post(url! Fartherbyfar) of mine back in 2021- when I made a post of me wanting to flee(I don't want to add the link, so tumblr won't flag me, but you can see the post on my page). I know it sounds cliche, but unfortunately, here I am 2 years later, still needing support to flee. I made an update on the post about my 2 years journey and how my account was locked. I need all the support i can get from you AGAIN - Kindly boost/donate/like and share if you can. Please check my pinned post for my campaign(including my correctional home story).
I think you are a scammer, your gofundme and ko-fi links are fake. Are you trying to steal card numbers ?? Also, I saw you send the exact same message to a lot of people. If you are not a scammer, please DM me so we can talk about it. Their links :
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VS what it should look like :
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This is not even just low level scamming, this is creating websites levels of scamming. I checked "buy me a coffee" website, and a lot of it seems clean except their linkedin page does not exist, thier facebook page last interaction is some saying they are a scammer because they have been contacting help center for months and never got any answer despite getting orders, and the website is OBVIOUSLY based on ko-fi and trying to be ko-fi without being kofi. Same thing for the donatefundme / gofundme link. Either this is a real person beign scammed by two donating websites or they are part of the scam themself. They also sent dozens if not hundreds of the exact same ask, so yeah, likely a scam.
I am tagging people that got this ask or will soon so you are aware of it @vaspider @canisonicscrewyou @seananmcguire @danielwekwek @quotidianish @discount--dracula @fandom-cereal @the-name-is-loser
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opennwindows · 9 months
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hello!! i am a new writer/account and i would love to accept some creepypasta x reader requests! to get used to writing and to get some works out, i would be more than willing to help y'all get your little nasty pasta scenarios into words.
i'll write fluff, platonic, smut, dead dove (with exceptions in my rules), and just general hcs if you guys are interested in my interpretations of the pastas!!
below the cut are my rules and what i will and won't write for but spoiler alert: there's not much i won't do lol.
i currently write for afab readers because thats what i'm most familiar with but if the request is intriguing enough i will try to do my best at amab!! just be patient.
going off of that last statement, i will probably use she/her pronouns unless it's specified that you want a gender neutral reader. i can do my best at writing trans reader content too but please be aware that i am a cis girl so i wouldn't be able to do it the justice that a trans writer would. but i will definitely try <3
characters i WILL mainly write for: jeff the killer, ticci toby, masky, hoodie, jane the killer, clockwork, eyeless jack, BEN, nina the killer, laughing jack, liu & sully.
characters i DON'T write for: offenderman, bloody painter, herobrine (is anyone actually requesting this), zalgo, any animal pastas (the rake, smile dog, seed eater).
i will ONLY write sally in PLATONIC/FAMILIAL scenarios.
i'm iffy on slenderman content but if y'all want to fuck the faceless tentacle demon THAT bad who am i to deny you
things i will NOT write: underage, scat/piss, rlly rlly rlly heavy noncon, amputation (not kinkshaming just not for me personally), zoo, necro, eds.
things i personally tend to FAVOR: smut obv, breeding, somno, knifeplay, gunplay, dubcon, sub!reader, toxic pastas, yandere/darling, praise, degradation, reader absolutely getting their shit wrecked y'know.
im a big fan of hcs and blurbs/scenarios but i will write one shots too, those will just take significantly more time and care. if you don't specifically say you'd like a one shot i will write it as either hcs or blurbs.
if i haven't mentioned a character in my do's and don't's feel free to send a request and if i'm down i'll do it!!
if you feel even the slightest urge to request i beg u to pls send it my way i am scratching like a crackhead to start writing for y'all. i've been in this fandom for a decade and i need to let some thoughts go wild.
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kayetra-spade-queen · 2 months
Because @drawnfamiliarfaces got me into their AU rabbit hole of a variant version of the Teen Heroes™, I hope they don't mind of me making my own variant (I'm self-conscious, please excuse me-).
First and foremost, I can't draw, at least not to the extent of completely fleshing out a sketch out of my ass (ok- I can, but only a single eye, and even then it looks like shit to me-). I can draw clothing better than making a full body to make a whole ass scene. Comics are out the window cuz I will suffer.
Second, it'll probably be more on writing than making fanarts.
Third, I didn't watch the majority of the other characters' respective shows. I watched Danny Phantom a bit because of Nicktoons, and Ben 10 because of the same person who got me into starting this whole thing. I'll probably get my own snips and bits of necessary info from the wiki, but don't expect any accuracy, and I'd appreciate if anyone could dump some info that could prove to be very necessary for me.
Fourth, this is an entire AU itself, so I'm mostly not gonna follow canon at most. There will be stories I will try to twist to my liking.
Fifth, ships. Yes, but bear with me here; thanks to my overconsumption of media, I will be putting just a few ships that I think are neat, but if anyone disagrees with me or didn't like how I didn't mention a ship they like (cuz I barely knew shit about the characters), then please just either move away from my blog, or block me entirely to avoid unwanted conflict. We all have our interests that make us happy, the least you could do is to respect and/or completely don't interact.
Sixth, the clothing are gonna filled with my own personal headcanons, mostly their clothing when they battle (the characters themselves too, but I'm gonna focus more on the clothes because I'm a fashion illustrator). Danny, Ben, and Randy are gonna wear heels because yes.
The ships involved;
Tigerghost (Manny Rivera from El Tigre x Danny Fenton from Danny Phantom) (I completely blame izbubbles for this one)
Benrex (Rex Salazar from Generator Rex x Ben Tennyson from Ben 10) (surprised? Probably not lmfao-)
Jimmytimmy (Timmy Turner x Jimmy Neutron) (first and foremost; no, none of the Nicktoons (Jimmy, Timmy, SpongeBob, and Manny) except Danny and Jenny are part of this team. Danny and Jenny still go on missions with the NU team because duh. And second; they're only here as some sort of filler and cuz I really love Nicktoons since most of them I have watched)
Headcanons involved (will get expanded in due time I swear-);
Trans Danny
Anodite Ben (still wields the Omnitrix. His anodite powers are pink too)
Dani and Dan are Danny's kids (under a different name because they have to go through a re-birth process that I'll touch upon later)
Ben's necrofriggian children now comes to earth to live with their mom (like I said, I'm not following canon)
Randy is still ninja, but because this AU involves a 3rd power/skill, I'll have to twist a bit of the canon my way, especially when it comes to the Ultimate Lesson and memory wipe
There will be some Genshin Impact references here and there, because I do play them, and I love it-
Ghost King Danny (by extent, Ghost Princess Dani and Ghost Prince Dan)
Fashion designer Ben (his sassy and confident nature could be more of a use tbh)
Primal Iudex Randy (he and Furina would get along nicely-)
Pearl Keeper Jake
Side gig magician Rex (leave me be, I think it's neat-)
Engaged Rex and Ben (all of the members are adults over 20, so don't be surprised)
Sandra Tennyson is French, so that makes Ben half-French by heritage
Ben and Randy are pen pals turned close friends by the time Ben moved to France (yes, I made Randy somewhat French here for this reason, but I'll have to put in more details later)
Rex won't lose his memories, but he'll get short-term amnesia often, which just need something to trigger the old memories back
Everyone is under the same universe
Danny's ghost team are Sam-Tucker-Valerie-Jazz and his parents (Valerie deserves better than what was given to her by canon)
Yes, Maddie and Jack knew Danny became a ghost from the very start, but they didn't treat him any differently than he was before; if anything, they felt guilty that their son had paid the price for their ignorance and neglect
Phantom Planet do not exist, and it shouldn't have been to begin with, but whatever
Valerie had always been part of Danny's gang. In terms of Shades of Gray, I'll have to change a lot of things, that includes her father's job (he didn't get fired), so I have other things in mind regarding Cujo
Cujo became Danny's pet dog later on, cuz you can't tell me these two aren't made for each other
Members from oldest to youngest, I do hope @drawnfamiliarfaces wouldn't mind me using their headcanon as well (eldest Kim, youngest Randy). I think they're really neat.
Please keep in mind that none of this follow canon whatsoever, they follow my headcanons and versions. Character backstories are written purely by my own personal headcanons too. I'll probably add actual canon when I didn't have anything good to offer, but this is what I could put for now.
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debunkingtherightwing · 2 months
The Daily Wire, which regularly portrays itself as a defender of women's sports to demonize trans athletes, cries about people calling for Caitlin Clark's salary to be raised
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Also, Ben is probably one of the last people to be complaining about anything coming even remotely close to exerting yourself physically (source: Daily Wire on YouTube)
The Daily Wire's whole stance on women's sports twists in the wind depending on what's most convenient for the narrative at that exact moment. Apparently, despite caring about women's sports enough to make a whole transphobic comedy film about it, the Daily Wire is also content with mocking women's basketball and even saying that it shouldn't exist anymore when it suits the narrative that they are trying to paint around the recent controversy about Caitlin Clark's salary. If anything, this response really exposes their "we care about the integrity of women's sports" grift and shows that the Daily Wire and the conservative media ecosystem only really care when they can use it to attack trans athletes. Lets get into it.
Ben Shapiro:
First of all, in an utterly brilliant stroke of journalistic genius Ben spelt Caitlin's name wrong in the title of his video.
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There are few more basic facts than somebodies name so this is a pretty disappointing performance from the man of FACTS and LOGIC.
00:00, Ben Shapiro: "Well folks, apparently we're all supposed to be really really disturbed by Caitlin Clark's new WNBA salary."
So, this controversy arises from the fact that the WNBA's top draft pick Caitlin Clark's salary is $338,056. She will earn 76,535 for her first year, $78,066 for her second year and $85,873 her third year. For contrast, the top NBA draft picks salary is $55 million. This is obviously a massive difference and just another example of the gender pay gap at work.
Do I think that someone like Caitlin Clark is the most horrible example of the gender pay gap in action? No, there are women who obviously have it way worse. But this still merits conversation if only because it shines a spotlight on the ever present gender pay gap in the United States.
On average, women earn 16% less than men. In some industries, the gender pay gap is staggering. For example, in the legal industry men earn 59% more than women do. Even in the industry with the smallest gender pay gap, Life, physical, and social science occupations, men still earn 9% more than their female counterparts. To deny that there is a gender pay gap is to deny reality.
00:12, Ben Shapiro: "The highly awaited, much watched WNBA draft, apparently it actually did get some decent ratings but only because of Caitlin Clark."
What kind of dumbass argument is that?
"Yeah, I'm gonna be sarcastic about nobody watching the WNBA....except I guess people did watch it...but ONLY because of the person who I'm arguing should get a lower salary."
Newsflash Ben, if people are only watching the WNBA for Caitlin Clark that means that she's singlehandedly bringing large amounts of revenue into the company and thus deserves a higher salary. Ben, in his effort to be pithy, accidentally destroyed his own argument with FACTS and LOGIC.
00:29, Ben Shapiro: "So first of all, I'm gonna use the left-wing argument that they're constantly using with regard to entertainers who make a lot of money which is 'But a public school teacher is only making like, 45 grand so why is Caitlin Clark more important that-'. Again, all those arguments go out the window when it's somebody that they supposedly like."
I've never heard that argument made in my life. My guess is that Ben heard someone on Twitter say that about some billionaire CEO and is now projecting that onto the entire left.
Also also, how does this even relate to anything? This discourse is about Clark's salary in comparison to her male counterparts.
00:45, Ben Shapiro: "In any case, Caitlin Clark making 76 grand and Hoda is very disturbed, super -- not disturbed enough to, you know, cut into her multimillion salary for Caitlin Clark but disturbed."
What does Ben want Hoda Kotb to do? Make a donation?! Again, the discourse isn't around Caitlin being so underpaid that she's going to starve away and die. It's about the difference between her salary and her male counterparts.
Ben plays a clip of Hoda Kotb and then comes back.
01:37, Ben Shapiro: "When women are complaining about the salaries in the WNBA, as comedian Bill Burr has pointed out, women are half the population. They can go to WNBA games, but they don't. So why are you yelling at men about the salaries in the WNBA?"
This is great because I did a one second google search for WNBA and this headline was the first result - "WNBA Draft Reaches Largest Audience Ever, Up 374% Among Women". Hmmm, it seems like women ARE watching WNBA games since WNBA viewership is at a record high especially amongst women.
Ben decides to talk about viewership, says the viewership numbers are bad even though the WNBA has had record viewership this year, and then says something hilariously stupid.
02:12, Ben Shapiro: "Now, maybe that changes because Caitlin Clark is in the WNBA although I have doubts because we've seen this story before. Every time the Women's National Soccer Team wins a championship, wins a world cup, everybody's like 'this is the moment when women's soccer in the United States is just gonna take off on a professional level' and two years later the league is bankrupt because no one went to see a women's soccer game because why would you? A bunch of high school boys could beat them."
Ok Ben, if you're so confident I propose that you and Matt Walsh and Michael Knowles go up against three professional women's soccer players. You guys can bring Tim Pool if you can convince him to leave his compound and experience direct sunlight coupled with the possibility of experiencing the touch of a woman for more than twelve seconds. By Ben's logic him and his Daily Wire cronies would absolutely mop the floor with them. Naturally I think they'd get absolutely demolished but I would love to see that.
You know, for a guy who becomes a staunch defender of women's sports every time a trans athlete competes in them, Ben really doesn't seem to care about women's sports that much. Huh, it's almost as if his concerns about the integrity of women's sports aren't all that sincere.
Matt Walsh:
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Lets look at another one of these heroic defenders of women's sports. Matt Walsh, a guy who's based a good quarter of his entire career around whining about trans people in women's sports, surely would be supportive of the WNBA.....right?
04:45, Matt Walsh: "In fact, WNBA players are not underpaid at all.  They are, if anything, vastly overpaid. By all rights, as a simple economic matter, WNBA players should not be getting paid anything. If they're getting paid anything above zero, they are overpaid."
Oh. Hmmm, maybe he isn't being sincere when he talks about trans athletes in women's sports either.
"Yeah, I don't want trans people in women's sports....I also think women's sports shouldn't exist but IF they continue to exist I don't want no trans people in there."
This is another one of those "bedrock" episodes that's pretty valuable for dissecting a conservative media narrative - that narrative being that the right cares about women's sports and is trying to defend it from those evil trans people who....went through years of hormone therapy and oftentimes surgery for the soul purpose of cheating at women's sports I guess?
When you've got guys like Ben Shapiro and Matt Walsh attacking the very notion of having a women's basketball league, maybe they honestly just don't give a crap and are just using this as an excuse to attack trans athletes. It's just pure in your face hypocrisy.
Cheers and I'll see you in the next one.
Original Videos:
“WNBA Players Are Actually Being OVERpaid.” Www.youtube.com.
“Caitlyn Clark Does NOT Need a Bigger Salary.” Www.youtube.com.
Gender Pay Gap:
Haan, Kathy. “52 Gender Pay Gap Statistics in 2023 – Forbes Advisor.” Www.forbes.com, 27 Feb. 2023.
Caitlin Clark:
Lenthang, Marlene. “Gap between Caitlin Clark’s WNBA Salary and Her Male Counterparts Draws Outrage.” NBC News, 16 Apr. 2024.
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List of unhinged trans man head cannons (I’m correct)
- Nick Miller (new girl)
- Every Nick Offerman character (especially Ron Swanson)
- Every JK Simmons character
- Beau Smith (Yellowstone)
- Everyone on Letterkenny
- J Jonah Jameson (except MCU, cause he has Ben Shapiro vibes)
- Skull Fucker (Metal Lords)
- BNL (Canadian pop-rock band)
- the vibe of Canadian folk rock music
- Sam Elliot (the most transgender name of a cis man)
- Scott Pilgram (every character)
- Sue Sylvester (glee)
- Marge Simpson (the Simpsons)
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