#got sappy about my friends in there too <3
pensocks · 2 days
i really don't normally do these things but i've been starting to feel just a teensy bit guilty about not being the sappy type lol and i got this urge at 1 am this morning while in a coffee-driven all-nighter and decided fuck it (this is a repeating factor in decisions i make. send help.)
so here's a small lil list of amazing people i'm genuinely overjoyed to be friends or even just moots with <3
yes im copying brookie bite me /silly
stuff under cut cuz this is gonna be long lol
@mischiefburns - my darling husband first of course !! <3 half joking marriage aside i'd say you're one of my closest friends - even if we've only known each other for just a few months. you're just the right amount of gentle and still know when to put your foot (er, claw-bug-thing) down, and i admire that about you. you know when to stop when boundaries are set up and to not push those, and you're not afraid to enforce your own, something i constantly fail to do (• ▽ •;) i love how open you are about yourself and how caring you care <3 ilysm !! mmmmwah :3 (im trying to get better at regretevator i promise)
@bluginkgo - first things first if you disagree with anything here i will punt you. (/silly /hj) you're so endearing, and your little emoticons never fail to make me smile. the message you sent me the other week really helped a lot, and your reaction spamming when i post art really does help with my motivation !! you're one of the most wholesome people i've ever met, and when your discord pfp changes to your sona with a bandaged leg i get worried for you. i love seeing your discussions in the nuzi server or your art popping up on my dash because HOLY SHIT YOU'RE GIFTED I TELL YOU !!!! like your nuzi fankid exploded my final 0.3 braincells i have left in the absolute best way but i'll save that speech for another time <3
@noridoorman - HIIIII MOM >:3 (i hope this tag is ok!! lmk if it's not <3) you're literally the second person i thought of when writing the idea down for this fhsfeesfigr. i love hanging out with you in VC and watching your stream or you drawing or listening to you and doomed voice ace attorney and you threatening to throw certain people (brookie and blu specifically) out windows or grab them by the scruff is literally the highlight of my day and never fails to make me laugh. you're so kind and funny and i'm sorry i can't share your love of k-pop 😔 (/silly) TRYING TO CATCH UP ON CINNAMON SCENT TOO BUT THE ADHD IS LIKE NUH UH </33
@brookiedaaroacecookie - im claiming you and miko as my siblings we can be triplets (/hj /nf) BUT SERIOUSLY THO i view you as my younger sibling and i love hanging out with you <3 you officiating mischief and mine's (GRR OFC IT WAS REAL /silly) wedding will forever be a memory i'll keep and tell to my grandkids in sixty something years or something like that idfk. i still have your little tag thing screenshotted and i'm sorry i can't tell the difference between french toast and grilled cheese </3 (/silly) also whats keats and why do you always laugh at it or was that an autocorrect thing /silly but also /gq
@spinnydraws - DFUHERFGRGIE I KNOW WE'VE ONLY BEEN MOOTS FOR LIKE. A WEEK AND A HALF OR SOMETHING IDK. BUT. HEAR ME OUT. already i view you as a friend and i'm extremely grateful to be moots with you! you're extremely funny and kind, and when you like or reblog my art i ascend to heaven. everytime i see your art i explode all over again even if i've already exploded not five minutes ago. AND WHY ARE YOU LITERALLY SO N. LITERALLY. WAHT. (/vpos) BUT LIKE. honestly you're a big comfort of mine already (i have a problem of wanting to be besties with literally every n kinnie out there. uzi kintype noises.) and i'd love to get to know you more !! <3
@nuzilicious - i refuse to give up trying to make you undislike me. until then all u get is ur awesome and im extremely thankful u havent blocked and banned me!!!!!! /silly /j
@uzibrainrot - omg what do i even say. you're so wholesome and so goofy and i loved roleplaying md with you on roblox even if it was just for a bit and if you wanna do it again sometime i'd absolutely love to!!!! i know we don't interact much but when we do it's awesome !! i promise the art trade is almost done i promise promise promise shhdshjdshfh. ALSO WHEN YOU WANNA WORK ON THAT VOLL CRACKFIC TOGETHER LMK!!! :DDD!!
i would @ andy but idk his tumblr so um. andy if you see this, you're not only one of the kindest most woke and most funny beings on this planet (i've never seen a cishet guy do a colon three it's literally so funny HELP /lhj /gen), but also a mind-blowingly awesome mc player !! :DD
ok i must disappear into the void to take care of my cramps (ew) so im gonna die now but ily all sm and hope you're all doing MORE than great !!! :DD!!!!! (/p /gen) explodes and dies in the grand canyon. or something. idk i need to stop exploding.
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I'm not really coherent right now, there's a lot going through my brain, but. Being sappy is not something I do a lot - but fuck I'm gonna do it this once.
To the Fable SMP cast, thank you. Those words don't, never have, and truly never will encompass how I feel; how much gratitude and thanks and appreciation I have, but they're the best that summarize it. Thank you. For the bottom of my heart and from the bottom of my *everything* - Thank you.
As a cast, you guys have taught me a lot. How to deal with more complex problems and emotions, how to process things, how to realize things. You guys have shown me so much through disability rep - being able to look at characters and go *oh* and *understand* has been a wonderful thing I've been able to do, and I thank you for that. You guys have thought me so much about friendships and relationships and how messy they can be - but also how kind and caring and gentle they can be. You've shown me just how big a found family can get - how the people you call your friends morph into family after so so much. You guys have shown me how messy sibling relationships can get. This is probably a bit more a a specific point in Heyhay and Sherb's direction but *fuck*, seeing how you can fucl up as a sibling, bit as long as you try your hardest, maybe just maybe you can be forgiven - it means a lot to me. I have 5 siblings - which is wild, but it means there's problems left right and center sometimes, but seeing that these characters can get through it, always makes me happy. (And you've reminded me just how little I tell my siblings that I love them - and how little they tell it to me in return. Maybe we should work on that..) Really in general you guys have taught me so much aboit *life* it's hard to know where to begin. But yet again, I thank you. Not for anything specific but *everything.*
I probably wouldn't be here as I am without Fable. Emotionally or mentally. I've learned so so much. And I've figured out so so much - and I've created so much based upon the things you guys have written out for us. I wouldn't be as good as character analysis as i am without this. I wouldn't be as good of a writter as i am with out this. I wouldn't have the friends I do today without this - wise, echo, cobalt, sunny, ash, howl, all the quixivists really, snow, rin, *everyone* - I wouldn't have those people wouldn't this. And I really want to thank you *all* for that - because I don't know what'd I'd do without some of those people. And I just. Thank you. Really truly thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I don't know what other ways and thank yous I can give - but if I think of any I will gladly tell them; because this community and this smp has meant so much to me. Seeing *all* these stories grow and blossom - I know I'm "the icarus poster" and probably won't be relinquishing that title any time soon, *fuck* if I haven't watched everyone's story. I've watched and observed and I. I love everyone's story - and I'm glad everyone's gotten a good ending. And I thank you all so much - again, I know I keep saying it and I don't know how many times I can repeat it before it's too repetitive, but I really really *really do.*
To the Fable smp cast, thank you so much. I am glad I was here for this - I'm glad I was here to watch as this story came to a close. And I'm glad I'm going to stay and see how we continue it. And I'm glad I'm going to stay to see where *you all* are off to next.
Thank you. You all are wonderful people, and I hope you know that. <3
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bmpmp3 · 11 months
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MORE REVENGE Sylvester and Ombeline for Cyellolemon/@cyellolemon and Ghost for Rgbeatboxing !!
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kitchen-spoon · 4 months
Steddie where Eddie moves into a small house in a retirement mobile home park. He is the youngest guy there and is pretty handy. All the old ladies in the neighbourhood start to talk about him when he begins to offer his handyman skills to them as well.
One day after finishing up winterizing Mrs. Harrington’s water supply to her trailer she invites Eddie inside for some tea to warm up. Winter hadn’t hit yet but it was already nippy out she told him. Once inside she invites him to come over Sunday night to join her and her friends ‘book club’. At first Eddie politely declines but once she explains to him that its all the old ladies in the neighbourhood sitting around drinking wine, smoking joints, and gossiping he’s in.
Enter Steve who visits his grandma every Sunday for dinner and sometimes stays for her gossip sessions with all the other bitties in the neighbourhood because the snacks are always great. Steve is surprised that week when the door bell rings and a hot long haired pierced man covered in tattoos is standing there instead of another old woman handing him her coat and cane. Steve sputters for a moment but then his grandmother is coming up behind him explaining this is the young man who fixed her water supply for her.
“Well um, thank you for that.” Steve nods awkwardly, watching over his shoulder as his grandmother waddled away back to her friends. “You didn’t have to come though, sorry if she twisted your arm about it, she’s stubborn.” He rubbed at the back of his neck with a small chuckle.
“It’s okay I really don’t mind.” Eddie smiled easily, inching his way into the house and Steve’s personal space. “Smoking weed with a bunch of old ladies and gossiping about my new neighbours sounds like a great way for me to spend my Sunday.” He winked.
“I- yeah it is pretty fun.” Steve agreed having not moved at all. “The snacks are always great too, you’ll have to try Betty’s blondie cake it’s always my favourite.” Steve leaned in to whisper conspiratorially.
Eddie beamed back at him, eyes roving all over Steve’s face before pausing at his lips for a second then darting back up to his eyes. “Lead the way then big boy.” Eddie bit his lip at how red Steve’s face got, he decided to push it slipping his hand into Steve’s.
“Yeah- uh sure yeah.” Steve nodded dumbly staring at their connected hands for a moment before snapping out of it and tugging Eddie along. “Everything is set up in the living room, I just got the fire going to so it should be warm.”
By the end of the night Eddie and Steve were melted into one another on a small single seater in the corner of the room. They watched as all the ladies gathered their coats one by one as their husbands came to collect them.
“It’s sweet.” Steve sighed unprompted, his head lolled against Eddie’s shoulder. Eddie made a questioning noise so he continued. “Seeing their husbands come walk them back home at the end of the night. They aren’t annoyed that their wives are giggly and a bit wobbly they are just happy they are happy and want to be there to take care of them.”
“You are a sappy stoner Steve.” Eddie teased, he moved his hand over and dropped it onto Steve’s thigh giving it a squeeze. “Can’t say I blame you though, it is very cute to see.” Eddie sighed before unsticking himself from Steve’s side and making his way to the door himself. “I better get going, no husband to come walk me home”. He blushed at the implication of his own words.
“I’ll be your husband.” Steve blurted then immediately turned red. “I mean- I meant that I uhum-“
“You can walk me home Steve.” Eddie smiled wide and teasingly. He looked his arm through Steve’s and tugged him through the door, waving goodbye to Mrs.Harrington with a promise to be back next week.
The walk was short considering Eddie was only 2 houses down and one across. They kept their arms looped the entire 3 minutes they walked, and once they reached the door Steve still hadn’t let go.
“Well goodnight.” Steve spoke first, ducking his head away. He took a deep breath then looked back to Eddie determination on his face when he spoke. “See you next week?”
Eddie smiled but shook his head, “I was hoping sooner, how does Wednesday sound?” He moved in closer his hand sliding down to Steve’s waist.
“Wednesday is great I love Wednesday.” Steve nodded frantically then cringed. “I mean I don’t actually love all Wednesday’s just this one because we are-“
Eddie cut his rambling off with a kiss. He leaned in and connected their lips, his free hand coming up to cradle the back of Steve’s head.
Steve melted into the kiss, his body going lax in Eddie’s hold, “Thanks for saving me from embarrassing myself further.”
“Anytime sweetheart.”
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krkiiz · 5 months
take a chance with me . luke castellan x reader
you decide to confront luke about your current situationship with him.
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luke castellan x f!reader , reader is the daughter of Athena , crack , misunderstandings , “what are we” , “i thought we’re already dating” , fluff with slight angst , overthinking , kisses , them being sappy , nicknames
note : can’t stop falling in love with this evil betrayer smh. inspired by niki’s song “take a chance with me” ! (IM SORRY IF THIS IS CRINGE this is my first time writing kiss scenes help 😭😭😭😭)
let me know your thoughts ! likes, reblogs, and comments appreciated <3
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“It’s getting dark. Let me walk you back to your cabin, yeah?” The dark haired boy smiled at you.
Gods how you loved that smile of his.
It’s a tradition of yours. Him walking you back to your cabin after your outings. The two of you walk hand in hand as your near the Athena cabin.
You and Luke had been acquainted for quite some time. You both first met when you arrived in camp for the first time.
You were fifteen back then. Time passed by as fast Zeus’ lightning strikes as summers blurred after summers. In a blink of an eye, you guys were both eighteen now. Adults, no longer those carefree teenagers that relied on your counselors.
During those three years of friendship, you and Luke only got closer. It was hard to admit, and after an excruciating time of denial (and constant pestering from your half siblings including Annabeth), you finally surrendered and admitted the growing feelings you harbored for your close friend.
You’re too afraid to confess your feelings as you treasured your friendship with him deeply. You would gush about how sweet he is to Annabeth, rolling yourself on your bed as blood rushed to your cheeks at the thought of him.
Little did you know he was doing the exact same thing. Confiding to Annabeth about your recent encounters, eyes lit up rivaling the shine of Apollo himself as he thinks of you.
Poor girl. Annabeth was sick of it.
But this summer, you felt a shift in your dynamic with the curly haired boy. He would eat lunch with you more often, asking you to go on more hangouts, challenged you on more duels, battles. It felt different, closer.
You were not complaining, matter of fact you were quite glad. Maybe your feelings wasn’t just one sided after all.
But as time move forwards, the closer you two get, more couple-ey interaction commends. He would tuck your hand behind your ear as you both converse, intwining your hands when your in the same path, calling you nicknames.
The more your relationship with him progressed, the more it blurred the line between friends and more. At this point, you knew he had feelings for you as well, and he too was well aware of yours.
A bubble of thought soon started clouding your mind. What were you both now? Friends? Close friends? Lovers? You don’t remember Luke asking you to be his girlfriend.
What was the nature this relationship?
You feel his grip on yours loosening as you stopped near the grey building of Cabin 6. “This is it for you, princess.”
Words rolled of his tongue like honey and you felt like a honeybee, drawn to its sweetness.
Friends don’t call each other nicknames.
Luke placed a gentle hand on your cheek, drawing closer has he placed his lips on your temple, as if he was kissing your thoughts away. “What’s got you thinking so hard since we started walking, hm?”
Your cheeks lit up like campfire at his action, he smiled noticing your flushed state.
You look up to the curly haired boy, his fingers still pressed on your cheek. What are we, Luke?
What if Luke suddenly doesn’t want you anymore because of that question?
Were you too selfish by wanting more?
Was this not enough for you?
No it wasn’t. You want to draw a clear like between friends and more, and Luke and you were shoveling a deep hole in the middle of said line.
What if he fears commitment and disappears?
“Oh no, it’s nothing Luke.” You shook your head away from his grasp, pushing all your thoughts away. “It’s late, I should probably get in.”
But before you can turn away from him, Luke was quick to grab your hand, not letting you go any further. “No, Yn. Something is clearly bothering you. And I don’t want you to go to bed with an unpleasant feeling.”
He squeezed your held hands. “Please, Yn. Is it something I’ve done?”
You were quick to deny him. “It’s not, Luke. I don’t even know it’s just. I don’t know, confusing? I think complicated is the right word.”
The dark haired boy brought your intertwined hands to his lips, kissing your forearm softly. “It’s okay take your time, darling. I’m listening.”
You sighed seeing him caress your hand gently as he brushed his lips on the skin. “It’s about us, Luke.”
Dark hues make contact with your own. “What about us?”
“What are we Luke? I don’t even know anymore.” You retracted your hand from his grasp, frustration getting a hold on you. “Friends don’t hold hands while they walk, friends don’t kiss each other’s foreheads, or hands, or even call each other nicknames.”
You look up to see the confusion written clearly on his face. “What are we, Luke Castellan?” You asked once more.
There was a moment of silent and you dreaded it. Each passing second you can hear the rustling wind, chirps of birds, and the sound of your heart falling into your stomach.
Before he finally broke it. A wholehearted chuckle graced his lips, creasing his eyes.
You scrunched your eyebrows at his reaction. Clearly displeased. Were you some joke to him?
“Luke, this is serious, why are you laughing right now?”
He quickly straightened his composure after hearing your tone. “Ehem, wait sorry. You’re serious? Is this what you’ve been worrying about?”
“Well yeah. What’s so funny about it? Am I just some joke to you?”
“No no! Yn, wait.” He placed both of his hand above your shoulders. Eyes peered at yours before genuinely asking. “Haven’t we been dating for like two months now?”
What? Confusion warps your face.
“Yn, remember? Two months ago when I took you on a picnic by the lake? I asked if you wanted to be together and you agreed to it, remember?” He tried to recall your memory.
Then it snapped.
“Oh, that was a confession? I thought you meant it in a friendly way.” Luke mentally face palmed himself and you sheepishly giggled.
“Okay maybe I was too vague with my words so let’s redo it right now yeah?” You tilted your head at him.
The dark haired boy took both of your hands from your sides, lacing them into his. “Yn L/n, daughter of Athena, one of the best warriors I’ve ever seen, wisest and the most just ever, will you take the pleasure of being my girlfriend?”
You unwind your laced fingers, your hands moving, circling themselves around the nape of his neck as his hands are now placed on the sides your waist, drawing you closer. “Hm will I?” You teased him lightly.
“I guess you got yourself a girlfriend, Castellan.”
You laughed against his chest. And you can feel his ribcage expanding was he laughed along with you.
You tilt your head above, standing on the tips of your toes, as you pulled him even closer than before. Your noses touch at the proximity and you could feel his breath on yours. “Is this why you’ve never kissed me before?” you hear him whisper.
“Well I am doing it right now.” You pull him in, his lips crashing with your own. His grip on your waist tightened as your hands made its way to the softness of his curls. Eyes tightly shut as you both bask in the bliss of ecstasy before pulling apart.
He leaned his forehead against yours. Giving your lip a small peck as he craves for more of you. “I don’t know if this is not obvious yet but I like you, so so much, my Yn.”
You softly giggled. “I like you just as much, my prince.”
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©️ sirena | krkiiz 2023
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yawneon · 3 months
percy will a s/o that’s always sleeping🫶
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a/n : this is so bad 😭😭😭
pairing : in love!percy jackson x hermes kid!reader
summary : in which percy jackson has his best birthday yet.
!!! : praying for more reqs, this one is so cute, i try my best 😞, maybe the plot was the friends we made along the way, unspecified demigod reader, book percy, ooc camp, i wanted it to be rainy in camp so ITS GOINF TO RAIN 🤬, the curse of never being able to write alot returns, THIS IS SO BAD
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
people at camp could’ve sworn there had been a mix up in olympus.
you. an hermes child? what a laugh.
you had to be a kid of hypnos. you slept so much, how couldn’t you? genuinely you couldn’t peel yourself off your bed like ever. everyone in camp knew, you were the person in cabin 11 that won’t get out bed if not needed. alcoholics had alcohol, gamblers had casinos but you… you had something far more worse.
you had the (in your humble opinion) the most comfortable bed in all of camp. sure, it wasn’t a 5 star hotel quality but shit was it good.
and more importantly it was the beds fault that you were oh so tired all the time and you just needed to sleep more than half the day.
everyone else couldn’t care less.. your siblings would just give you a small glance before ignoring you because honestly it was more surprising to see you awake! and trust me when you started dating percy.. did this get worse.
whatever you thought about having the best bed in camp was trampled on and thrown over a cliff edge the moment you laid in percy’s bed.
not only was his bed adorned with comfortable sheets and pillows his cabin was quiet.
percy didn’t understand however.
how on earth could you sleep when you have the most handsome and amazing boyfriend in all of the whole universe??
he has whined and frowned at you multiple times but you’ve slickly avoided his dramatics by lathering him up with sweet and sappy comments like “im dreaming of you~” that make annabeth and grover cringe at when he goes and boasts to them.
but today,
today you couldn’t avoid the dread of getting out of bed.
you stood at the foot of his bed holding a plate of waffles, blue ones. it was far too early for you, (it was 8am) but it was percy’s birthday. you weren’t going to neglect your boyfriend because gods you would never hear the end of it. so you decided to go against your force of nature and got up to whip up a batch of waffles for him.
despite it being the midst of summer rain pelted down against the hard exterior of cabin 3. it didn’t rain usually in camp, the rain would usually just pass right by but maybe the gods were arguing again and the storm was especially hard this day.
sluggishly you drag your feet to stand beside the bed in which percy sleeping.
you wished that was you.
the plate adorning the blue waffles are set down on his bedside table and you place a gentle hand on his shoulder shaking him. despite your (sucky) efforts he doesn’t stir awake.
you grab his arm now with both hands and you shake him harder than before and finally does he grumble awake.
he looks up at you, confused.
“happy birthday, idiot” you pick up and hold the plate of waffles up so he could see them a tired but sweet look on your face. he sits up on his elbows and a dopey smile appears on his face, a very common smile he shines when he looks at you.
“this all for me?” percy sits up fully now taking the plate from you and he smiles bigger now gaining his full conscious. he pats the empty side of the bed next to him and you basically throw yourself into the white sheets.
despite the innate need to sink further in and take ahold of the sleep thats so desperately trying to drag you down you sit up and watch him. “you’re up, today.” percy teases, his shoulder nudging yours.
“just shut up and eat your breakfast.” you laugh softly amused by his jokes.
he begins gobbling the waffles down, scoffing down the cream on top and cleaning the plate of any remains of food. it was actually very impressive how well he ate all of it.
percy’s eyes trail to the window of his cabin his eyes watching as the raindrops pelt down at the glass and the sound of the rain hitting the walls and roof echo loudly.
percy places the plate back onto the bedside and looks out the window. “say aye if your in to stay home all day?” he peeks at you, another dopey smile that you just couldn’t resist is painted on his face.
you didn’t even reply to him, your arm snakes around his collarbone and you basically slump him into bed. you both lay on your back and then percy starts talking.
he always did this. percy would talk and talk and talk while you laid next to him, even if you were asleep he would keep going. just the feeling of having you next to him was comfortable so he would talk about all different kinds of things and today wasn’t any different.
you however wanted to listen to him today but oh geez was it hard.
again it wasn’t your fault that his voice was smooth and calming to listen to even of he was talking about how he fell one time and scraped his knee when he was 7. it was like ypur white noise. you already slept a fuck-ton and having a boyfriend with the most sweetest voice was not helping you.
he held your hand as he laid next to you, his eyes tracing every detail of the ceiling as his fingers dance along your palm. he starts telling you all about how his first quest went. a story you’ve heard over.. and over and over again.
“when i started my quest..” blah blah blah.
your eyes shut and all you could focus on was his voice and the noise of water hitting the window panes. his hand was warm in yours and with his free hand percy pulls the covers over the both of you so only your heads were poking out. he slips his arm under your head and his other hand grabs yours again as he keeps rambling on.
before you could fully drift off you turn into him, you could feel his eyes on you as he watches you shift and his words pause for a moment.
“i love you.” he whispers, hoping that you were asleep. you smile into his skin, a clear sign you were still all there.
“i love you too, happy birthday percy.” you half open your eyes you pull his face down by grabbing his cheeks and you kiss under his eye before moving back down.
percy flashes his signature smile before his story changes from his quest to tell you about how on his 9th birthday his mom baked him a blue cake and how it was awesome. you make a mental note to yourself before drifitng off.
you dreamt of percy that night.
let me rephrase that.
you dream of percy.
you dream of him even though he is yours.
his pretty green eyes, his black hair, his sandy skin on the beach. but more often than not you dream of him like how you are now.
cuddled up beside you, warm under the covers as he tells you about all kinds of things like how he thinks the universe was made.
you dream about him dreaming of you which you know he does (since he tells you).
you dream about the way he wants you despite your sleeping routines, you dream about the way he calls you his sleeping beauty.
yet all those dreams are the reality you live. maybe missing a few hours off of slumber isn’t all that bad when your spending it with the boy you see when you close your eyes.
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atinyniki · 7 months
flowers and confessions.
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group: stray kids !
pairing: nonidol!bangchan x f!reader
genre: fluff, pinch of angst
warnings + additional info: reader is referred to as y/n, reader and chan are both whipped for eachother, chan is referred to as channie, yeji of ITZY and changbin have a crush on eachother in this au for the sake of the plot (NOT SHIPPING), reader and yeji are roommates, love confessions, college au, reader and chan like cooking together.
authors note: this is something i was doing with a friend of mine at uni a year back but he had a gf </3 i never ended up confessing, so i decided to make this story a happy ending :) this is also not proofread. english is not my first language, so please excuse any grammatical or spelling errors. happy reading :)
wc: 3733
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“and she’s more of a tulip girl than a rose girl. got that?”
“yes ma’am”, chan chuckles nervously.
“listen to me chan. you’re a good man, and i know if she gives you a chance she’ll give in eventually. just… please don’t fuck it up.”
chan nods his head slowly, processing what she’s said to him. “okay, i’ll try my best not to. thank you, yeji”
she nods, escorting chan out of her home. 
‘what could i do…?’, chan thinks to himself. the walk his dorm isn’t all that time consuming, but it feels even longer with the thoughts of you plaguing his mind. 
the envelopes on his desk seem to strike up an idea. you guys are best friends, he doesn’t want to ruin anything of course. so… why not confess anonymously?
“like… love letters? from a secret admirer?”, changbin asks incredulously.
“yeah… im sure she’ll tell me about the letters and then… i can ask if she likes them. you know?”
changbin sighs, staring at chans lovestruck face. “you do you. i don’t need any letters because… i’ve got these.”, changbin says as he points to his biceps and wiggles his eyebrows. “shut up bin”, chan chuckles.
he quickly goes back to his room, writing the first letter as an opening. he quickly writes the letter, placing it in an envelope and closing it with a red wax stamp.
the excitement was getting to him, he had a hard time sleeping that night.
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“seriously…?”, yeji stares at him, completely unamused.
“what… is it bad?”
“dude. i give you all of that info, and you use it for love letters?”
chan sheepishly nods at her. he knows it’s crazy, but he just doesn’t want to say anything face to face yet. you’re such great friends already, he’s afraid that he’ll ruin things.
“yeji, listen. this way, if i ask her about the letters and she says they’re weird or something, i won’t have to handle direct rejection. she would never know it was me.”
yeji seems to be understanding this more now. “ah… i see. go on then, make sure to make them super sappy. she loves that… for some reason.”, she rolls her eyes.
chan bows quickly, rushing to his next class. he can’t stand being late to this one. it’s his favorite class, not because of the subject, but because of you. seeing your face and being able to sit next to you brightens up his mondays every time. 
you watch as he makes his way up the stairs, a small smile on his face. “hey chan”
“hey”, he says with a smile.
he takes a seat next to you, the warmth emitting from his body. you love that you can sit next to your best friend first thing in the morning, especially in the winter. 
your professor walks in, and you both immediately focus on your work. mr. bae is no joke. chan makes small talk with you of course, as much as he possibly can without being scolded by your professor. he’s been caught too many times for him to be let off easy this time around. 
class ends not too long after, meaning the two of you have to part ways for now. it’s okay though, you always hang out outside of school anyways.
you make your way to your locker to put away some things before your next class. you don’t have much time, but luckily the class is in the same hall. 
you open the locker and put away your things, but something catches your eye. a beautiful pink tulip, placed nicely on top of a white envelope. there’s a cute heart on the wax seal, and you’re careful not to rip the envelope while you open it.
you begin to read the letter, a pink hue spreading across your cheeks as you process the words. your heart flutters in your chest, knowing that someone thinks about you in this way.
you don’t think your smile is all that special, but this person definitely thinks otherwise. you quickly put away the envelope, reminding yourself to dry press the tulip later. 
all of a sudden, you’re smacked out of your thoughts. you run towards the hall. you’re definitely going to be late.
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you arrive at chans with the ingredients, waiting for changbin to get back. you’re cooking his favorite today, so you’re very excited to see his reaction.
the tulip that your admirer gave you is pressed in between a stack of books, you plan on air drying and preserving it later. 
“who gave the flower?”, he asks with a smirk.
“oh… no one”, you reply shyly.
he continues to wiggle his eyebrows at you, causing you to shove him playfully. 
you and chan continue talking about some studies, when you hear changbin come in.
he stands in the doorway for a second, inhaling for a little while. he rushes to the kitchen when he smells it. “what is all this?”
“we decided to make your favorite tonight, help yourself. we’ll bring the danmuji out in a second”, you tell him.
he smiles so wide it almost reaches his eyes. “ooohhhh thank you thank you thank you! you did all this for meeeee?”, he says excitedly.
“it was all chans idea, thank him”, you chuckle.
changbin jerks his head towards chan, a cute pout on his face. “you did this for me channieee?”
chan stares at him for a little while before rolling his eyes. “no. why would i do it for you? shut up and eat now.”
you both knew it was all an act. as much as chan tried to pretend he hated changbin, you knew that it was just brotherly love.
“thanks chan”, he says with a smile.
chan can’t help but smile back.
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you open your locker the next week to a black tulip, your heart sinking to your stomach.
you pick up the note, reading it quickly before you go to class. 
“don’t worry, nothings wrong. i just gave you a black tulip this time since i always see you wearing black clothes. i assumed it’s your favorite color.”, it read.
the note went on with the usual, except this time it was about your nose. you giggled to yourself, the words lingering in your mind for far too long. your heart flutters in your chest thinking about who could possibly be writing these.
you run to class, afraid you’ll be late. you lost track of time reading the note, but you don’t regret it. not one bit.
you hope he’ll reveal himself soon.
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“mmhhh noo…”, you whine.
chan giggles a little, pulling you closer into his embrace for a second. “i really need to go to the bathroom y/n…”
“you’re warm though…”
chan takes your hand in yours, “i’ll only be a minute. besides, you have the blanket.”
you nod, watching him go and sitting in the spot on the couch where he previously sat. the seat was warm still, almost enough to pull you into a slumber.
chan quickly locks himself in the bathroom, his heart beating almost a thousand times a second. why did he do that? why did he hold your hand… oh gosh. his entire face is red, he tries to wash it away. it doesn’t work.
maybe it’s his fault for sitting so close to you in the first place, but he can’t deny that he enjoyed it. he wants to be in your embrace forever. 
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“gosh… this is beautiful.”, you whisper to yourself. the note contained a little poem about your eyes this time. you didn’t think they had much effect on anyone.
you pick up the red tulip, admiring it for a moment before placing it back in your locker inbetween some tissues and a stack of books. you enjoyed pressing them.
that way, if you were to ever find your secret admirer, you could keep the memories of your feelings.
wait… feelings? do you like this guy? you don’t even know what he looks like! maybe they’re just… shy?
you never thought for once that a man would be too shy to see someone like you of all people. you’re not really all that special in your opinion, but surely there was more to you that this guy sees.
maybe you could go searching for him…
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“you really like pressing those damn tulips.”
you chuckle nervously, “yeah… they’re really pretty”
chan is surprised you haven’t told him anything yet, but he makes sure not to push you. he doesn’t want to let anything slip.
chan sits back down on your bed, admiring you for a bit while you talk about some things that happen at school.
“and she’s been- she… why are you looking at me like that?”, you ask. the look on his face has you tripping on your words, oddly flustered.
“huh? o-oh… um.”, he stutters, afraid he’s made things awkward. he tries to think of an excuse quickly, “you still have a little sauce on your cheek.”
embarrassed, you wipe a bit at your cheek, trying to wipe the sauce that wasn’t even there in the first place. suddenly, chan speaks up. “i’ll get it.”
he scoots incredibly close to you, stroking your cheek and “wiping away the sauce”. your eyes widen, cheeks turning a bright red.
chan seems to notice, smirking at you again and wiggling his eyebrows. you scoff playfully, flicking his forehead causing him to recoil.
“heyyy! what was that for”, he says with a fake pout. you can only giggle at his antics, running a thumb over his forehead to ease the pain. 
you continued going on about the girl in your class, ignoring the way chans close proximity made you feel.
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“what the hell?”
the note came with a baby blue tulip this time, writing about how your voice makes his day. ‘so he knows me…’, you think to yourself.
maybe you two share a class or two. either way, you’re determined to find out. this time, you write a note in your locker for him to read the next week. 
it’s a simple note, not as cute as his are. the only thing it asks is if you two share a class.
you hope he notices it next time, it’d be a shame if he didn’t. you place the note in your locker and quickly run back to class.
now that you think of it, he must have a class in the same hall as you since he always gets to your locker in the morning. maybe he’s in your first class. 
wait. why are you so eager to know? gosh, how are you falling for someone when you don’t even know who they are? 
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“oh come onnn, please?”
“jeez, why do you wanna know so bad?”
“becauseee… you seem so happy when you get these flowers. do you finally have a boyfriend?”
you shoot him a look, shutting him up immediately. “what do you mean, “finally”? i’ve had many boyfriends before”, you say while shaking your head. 
chan laughs beside you, causing you to laugh a little bit too. “well, the truth is, i don’t know who these flowers are coming from. someone puts them in my locker every monday with a love letter…”
chan looks at you, wide eyed. he fakes his surprise, “wait… you have a secret admirer?!”, he giggles.
“yeah… i guess i do”, you smile.
you turn your head to look at him again, his boba eyes staring right at yours. you can’t help but think back to what the note about your eyes said. does chan see them the same way? do you… want him to see them the same way?
chan pulls you into an embrace when he sees the look in your eye. “well, hopefully he reveals himself soon”
your face is painted with a light blush again. how could you possibly be falling for two men at once?
why do feelings have to be so confusing…?
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the weeks go by, different tulips and notes arriving in your locker every week. you’ve confirmed that you’re both in first period together, but that seems like the only clue you’re getting for a while.
each day, you press the flowers and place them in your special frame next to the decorative box, in which you place the letters.
your frame is just a blob of colors now, the ivory, purple, and crimson tulips popping out the most.
you’ve been meeting with chan a lot more recently for movie nights. you’ll have to admit, they’re really fun, but you’re finding it difficult to evaluate your feelings.
you’ve started to develop stronger feelings for chan, as well as your admirer. your heart is torn between the two. you don’t know who to choose. you dont even know if you can begin to choose.
how could you break their hearts?
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you wake up early in the morning, surprised because you normally can’t seem to bring yourself to open your eyes. you nuzzle closer into the warm pillow, wondering why it feels so much better than usual.
“sleep well?”, chans voice revertibrates through your entire being. you pull your hands back, scooting away from him and looking up.
“wait… i- what the hell?”
“hey it’s not my fault! you were incredibly drunk, and you insisted i stay.”
“oh channie… please stay! i can’t sleep without you… you’re so warm”, he mocks you and laughs.
your eyes go wide, a hand clamped over your mouth in shock.
“i actually said that…?”, you hide your face in your hands. 
“no biggie”, he smiles.
you bury your face in your palms, embarrassed. you’re glad you didn’t let anything else slip out though. chan pulls you back into his embrace, drawing patterns on your back and laughing a little. 
“hey, seriously. it’s fine, i don’t mind keeping you company you know. your channie will always be here”, he giggles.
“shut. up.”, you reply, your voice muffled in his chest. 
you hear the door open, quickly jerking your head towards it. “you lovebirds done? i brought breakfast”, yeji smiles.
“yejiii” you whine, hiding your face again. chan gets out of bed, laughing again as he gets ready for the day.
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“fuck…”, you mutter under your breath. it’ll be much easier to confess to chan right? you can confront him face to face, but with your admirer it’d be more difficult.
what if they’re just joking around? if you confess, the tulips will stop. you’ll have no more notes to keep in your box. but then again, if you do confess, there’s a high chance of the both of you ending up together.
there’s no way chan likes you, but you really need to get it off your chest. you can’t pursue your admirer while still having feelings for chan, that’s not fair to him.
if chan is so excited about this admirer, there’s no way he could actually like you… right? fuck it.
you run over to chans dorm, changbin opens the door for you. “y/n? chans not home right now, sorry.”
“yeah i know… i was um- i was meaning to talk to you actually.”
“oh! come in”, he says with a smile.
you explain the whole thing in depth to changbin, even your feelings for the two boys. changbin laughs to himself, ‘what has he gotten himself into?’, he thinks.
changbin doesn’t even seem to notice that tears are leaving your eyes. he quickly grabs your hand, running his thumb over it. “hey, i’m sure nothing bad will happen if you confess to chan. he loves you too much to let you go just because of a crush.”
“no but that’s the thing changbin! it’s not just a crush- i love him. i love the both of them. and i don’t know who to choose, or how to tell them, because it’s not fair to date one without telling the other and…”, you trail off.
“just tell chan you love him. and if you really want to win him over, tell him while you’re cooking or baking together or something.”
“what? why?”
“just do it, trust me.”
you nod, continuing to plan out your confession with changbin. you figure out how you’re going to confess, you hope chan will enjoy having his favorite dish.
“i should tell yeji about this too, she’ll probably have some advice.”
changbin goes silent, thinking about what else you could do. you notice the way his face goes red at the mention of your roommate.
hopefully he’ll confess too.
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“i brought everything… what’s the occasion though?”
“you’ll see”, you say with a smile. 
you both make your way to the kitchen, smiling along the way. of course your nervous, but it’s a lot easier when you have his reassuring smile.
it seems to be something that always puts you at ease, it’s one of the reasons you love him so much. you feel so safe with him. 
you guys work on dinner, smiling and giggling the entire time. “that damn coral tulip really put you in a good mood hm?”
you chuckle a little, “hm, yeah”, you beam at him. hold on… did you tell him about the coral tulip? “wait… how do you know about the tulip”
“huh?”, chan seems to be confused, but then his eyes go wide. he realizes his mistake immediately, but he doesn’t know what to do.
“chan… i never told you anything about the tulip. how did you know what color it was?”
he opens his mouth to say something, but it won’t come out. “i…”, the lump in his throat rises more, cutting off his air flow. he’s seconds away from hyperventilating.
“channie, was it you the entire time?”
tears well up in his eyes, he didn’t want it to happen like this. he planned a whole reveal for you, and now it was all ruined.
you quickly turn off the stove, walking over to chan. you’re being careful not to scare him away, a smile on your face. “it’s you isn’t it?”
he nods softly, some tears escaping his eyes. “i’m sorry…”
you cup his cheek with your hand, wiping away the tears on his cheek. “can i…?”
he nods, and you crash your lips into his. “i love you channie”, you say breathlessly. he grabs your waist, picking you up and setting you down on the island. he pulls away from the kiss and looks you in the eyes. 
“i love you so much y/n. i’m so sorry i didn’t tell you i was just… scared of ruining our friendship.”
“chan… i um. i didn’t- i don’t want you to think i kissed you just because of the letters. i was planning on confessing to you today but that just made it so much better”
chans eyes twinkled in the light, stunned by the sincerity in your voice. “y/n… i truly do love you a lot. i- thank you.”
you give him a quick peck on the nose, wiping away his tears again.
“so, you were making all this so you could um… confess?”
you nod shyly, averting his gaze. he giggles at how adorable you look right now, sitting on the kitchen island.
“what’s so funny chan?”
he picks you up once again, this time pinning you against the wall. your heart flutters again in your chest, the butterflies erupting in your stomach.
“no. not chan… i’m your channie”, he smiles at you, leaning in for another kiss. you enjoy the moment with him, but all of a sudden you stop.
“chan! we still have to make the food”
he looks at you, sets you down on the floor and then turns away from you. you’re a little confused by the sudden change in attitude, but then it hits you. 
“sorry dork, i meant channie”
he smiles at you again, helping you fix dinner.
“wow… first dinner with my girlfriend and we even cooked it together.”, your eyes widened. you were going to have to get used to chan calling you his girlfriend.
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“wake the fuck up you two!”, yeji yells from her room.
you’re in the same position as last time, you face nuzzled into chans chest and your arms are wrapped around him. he’s holding you this time, whispering sweet nothings into your ear and stroking his fingers through your hair. 
suddenly, yeji barges in to see you two practically looking like a pretzel. “oh my gosh…”
chan continues running his fingers through your hair, not paying attention to yeji at all. “wait… really?!”, yeji says excitedly.
it seems like shes finally gotten the hint, and you reach up to give chan a little peck. you smile at yeji, watching her visibly gag. “you know, you couldn’t just said ‘oh yeah we’re dating now!’. you didn’t have to kiss him. gross…”
chan laughs a little, the sound being music to your ears. “hey, it’s not my fault”
“yeah yeah whatever. get ready, we’re going out with changbin.”
you turn your head towards yeji again. “changbin? why so?”
chan lifts his head from the pillow. “are you finally dating now?”, he asks excitedly.
“ew no… gross”, yeji says while rushing out the room, not wanting you to see the crimson red covering her face.
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you open your locker, instantly met with a much bigger envelope. you quickly open it to read it, smiling to yourself as you do. you’re so glad that chan did all this.
you searched your locker again, looking at the floor to see if the tulip fell, but you couldn’t find one. you pouted a little, the tulips seem to be something you cherish a lot. just then, you hear chans voice behind you.
in his hand is a bouquet, all different assortments of tulips. he doesn’t say anything, he just gives you a kiss and heads off to his next class. 
you stare at him as he leaves, completely in awe. tears almost spring to your eyes, but you fight them off. quickly placing your bouquet in your locker, you run to your next class.
you make it there just on time, but before taking out your notebook, you grab your phone.
y/n: thank you channie :) channie <3: i hope you liked them :) y/n: of course i did! y/n: i love you channie <3 channie <3: i loved you first <3
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maimurariki · 5 months
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cameras - Drake 1:36
𝖯𝖺𝗂𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀: Idol!nrk x Idol!reader
𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗲: fluff, old friends reuniting
𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁:
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: none
You had been getting interviews from left and right ever since you debuted under hybe. today was like any other, someone wanted to interview you. You were wondering why your entire group didn’t come along and the staff said the person interviewing you only wanted you there. Kinda creeped out, you still went. What you didn’t know, is that your best friend Riki was the one interviewing you. You haven’t spoken since his debut but you gotta say you’re proud of him. though you haven’t been able to talk, you were there for him throughout the years.
The staff had walked you into a building, blindfolding you in the process. You tripped up a couple of stairs, but made it to the top floor. They sat you down on a black chair and you remained calm, but confused. soon enough, a tall boy with dark ends of his hair walked in, smiling at you as if you could see.
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you didn’t recognize who this man was. His voice was incredibly deep, you only asked a couple of questions such as “how old are you?” Or “do I know you?” All Riki had said was “we’ll get to that at the end.”
Riki had asked the same questions your group had been asked in multiple interviews, just a little kick to get you annoyed. But then, he asked if you had anyone that inspired you into doing what you’re doing now.
“well, I’m actually under the same label as him. His name is Riki but I guess he prefers to go by ni-ki now. I’ve been friends with his since his time on I-land since I was a trainee that happened to be helping on set at the time. We became inseparable. we stopped talking when he debuted though. His schedule was pretty busy and we NEVER got to talk.”
You let out a sad sigh, opening your mouth to talk again. “He was one of the people that really helped me with my homesickness, even if he was homesick too. We got around the language barrier pretty well since I was fluent in Japanese. That’s all though. I really hope I can see him again soon.”
riki could tell on your face that you looked pretty sad, he smiled at it though, knowing that you’re completely clueless as to what’s about to happen.
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after some sappy answers to his questions, he finally told you to take your blindfold off. With a relieved sigh, you took it off, only to be met with rikis smile. That smile you had yet to see after 3 years. You remembered him, he remembered you.
Riki held his hand up to his ear with his pinky and thumb out, making a phone sound. “Ring ring! wassup y/nnie?”
letting out a laugh that he just had to hear again, you did the same thing as him, a smile never leaving your face.
“wassup riki?”
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I apologize if this mini fic isn’t up to the expectations :( I’m a new writer but I’ll get better !>_•
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olive-fics · 9 months
Abby Anderson comforting you on your period *giggles and twirls hair*
-Simple Abby headcannons and how she would comfort you on your period. Fluff
-Mention of blood ofc don't act surprised.
For the girls and the gays, Men DNI !!!!!!! (Please)
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-Abby is the type of girl to come over at any given time of the day just because you texted her you feel sick from your period. "Abby,My cramps hurt so bad-” “On my way princess.” anything. JHFDJKGHNDF.
-Abby would tell you a time she’d be there and end up late, why? Because she was looking for one of her hoodies you enjoy so much and she was at the local Walgreen’s picking up your favorite snacks, drinks, tylenol (cramp relief meds), pajamas or a throw blanket for you. (Walgreens is a drugstore btw!)
-Comforting Abby would let you sit on her lap, lay on her, anything. She wanted you to be comfy.
-Abby could handle blood unlike many who find it gross. Abby thought that was ignorant and rude and she wants you to always be comfy around her. She adored you. <3
-As much as Abby always gives you her full attention, she always makes sure to give you more attention when aching like this. She knows how needy or clingy you can get, Abby would shower you with kisses, hugs, and sometimes gifts.
-Omfg I feel like Abby would give the best like back rubs or scalp massages with her muscular fingers. Abby wouldn’t stop after like 5 min either with the lame excuse of like “My hands are tired..” She would keep going until you either fell asleep or told her enough.
-Abby would carry you literally everywhere, bathroom, Bedroom, Kitchen too if you didn't already make Abby get you everything.
-Abby didn’t mind your mood swings if you even got them around her, she would take them calmly, never yell back and always let you come back when you’re ready. (Idk if that makes sense but like she’s giving u time and that’s hot LOL)
-Back to the Abby not minding the blood, If you mentioned any concern about bleeding on her or in her bed she would shush you so fast. “shh..Shh..Shhh..I don’t care My love.” or something sappy to make you giggle.
-Abby knew your attention span on your period was VERY limited so to keep you happy Abby always brought her Nintendo switch to play Mario kart. (duh.) every time you and Abby played Mario Kart it was like sports to you two. Abby normally picks Dry bones or Bowser.. But guess who also did? You. It was like a damn race alone to just see who could pick it first. Of course you both could be the same character but you liked to see the different characters plastered across the screen. In desperate times like this though? Abby would always ‘accidentally’ miss-click so you could always win and get the character you wanted, Abby just loved to see you laugh at her.
-Yk how Abby said she would do anything for you? She meant literally any type of relief to ease your pain.. even if that meant-🧛
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My friend gave me this idea and it made me think..so..
Reblogs are appreciated!
I have anonymous requests in my bio! Send me SFW. requests! Head-cannons on TLOU characters or smth idk LOL.
Okay Drink water girls. <3
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 3 months
Puppy Fight: Chaggie ft. Emily
Puppy Love part 3 / Jazzercise part 2
Charlie: (hyping herself up and shadow boxing as she walks into the new hotel gym) Alright! I got this! I've been working on my cardio. Just a few more sessions before- *SCREEEEEEEEEECH!!!!*
Vaggie: (wearing even shorter spandex shorts than last time, wrist wraps, and her sports bra, grunting as she works through a set of Muscle Ups, body absolutely slick with sweat) Eighteen!!!..... Gah, fuck! .......Nineteen!!!
Emily: (hair tied up in a messy bun, powder blue, long sleeve, skin tight exercise shirt, and navy blue shorts that cut off just below her glutes) Come on, Vaggie! You got this! One more!
Vaggie: (takes a deep breath, scowls as she grits her teeth, and nearly roars as she muscles her way up and over the bar into a full extension) Twenty!!!
Emily: (jumps and squeals excitedly) Woohoo! You did it! (makes another check on a whiteboard) That's three rounds of twenty muscle ups, fifty mountain climbers, and 100 jump-ropes!
Vaggie: (drops to the floor with a sigh, wipes her face with her black sweat rag, and takes a drink of water) Thanks for helping me push through, Emily. I was kind of surprised you even showed up. Charlie didn't have another group exercise planned for a couple more days when the next meeting with Heaven came up.
Emily: (staring bashfully at Vaggie's muscles) Oh! Well, you know! I figured it would be good to come down early! You know. Catch up with Charlie. (eyes scour over Vaggie's abs and shoulders) See the sights.
Vaggie: (suddenly feeling a little naked) Riiiiiiiiight.... Well, I'm gonna go hit the showers. Thanks again for the help. (quickly jogs towards the door and stops as she sees Charlie) Hey, Babe! I didn't know you were going to be working out today. You should have said something. I would have waited for you. (shifts her eye back at Emily)
Emily: (awkwardly looks around to make sure she isn't being watched before she sneakily takes the sweat rag Vaggie left behind)
Vaggie: (whispering back to Charlie with a slight blush and a wink) We could have shared a shower after.
Charlie: (heart throbs painfully) Dammit! How did I not think of that before now?!
Vaggie: (chuckles before kissing Charlie lightly on the cheek) Another time. I'll be sure to save you some hot water. Love you. (slips through the door and jogs up to their room)
Charlie: Love you too~ (eyes dart to Emily as soon as the door closes and she zips over to the pull up bars with a smile painfully plastered on her face) Hi, Emily!
Emily: Yipe! (jumps and hides Vaggie's rag behind her back) Oh! H-Hi, Charlie! H-How are you?
Charlie: I'm good. I'm good. (obviously not good as her tail slithers along the floor behind her like a snake ready to strike) I wasn't expecting to see you for a few days.
Emily: Oh! Yeah, well, l-like I told Vaggie. I figured I'd come down a little early so we could catch up!
Charlie: (sickly sweet tone) Well, what better way to catch up and build a bond than by exercising together?! (wraps an arm around Emily's shoulder tightly and leads her over to the treadmills) How about it, Emily? I'm sure you guys up in Heaven exercise all the time!
Emily: (balks) Actually, Charlie, I'm suddenly not feeling the greatest. I think I got teleportation sickness.
Charlie: Then a light jog should help you get that good airflow that you need. (pushes Emily on a treadmill and takes the one right next to her before turning them both on and ramping up the incline and speed to 5/10 and 6/10) This should be a good warmup, right?
Emily: eeep!
Charlie: (sitting and soaking her dead legs in an ice bath with a whine-growl)
Vaggie: (brings in a protein shake and hands it to Charlie) And what did we learn?
Charlie: (growling and baring her teeth like an angry puppy as she takes the shake) To mark every last inch of your skin the week Emily arrives. (all sad and sappy) She's still my friend! (back to snarling as she takes a sip of her drink) But she needs to remember that you're MINE!!!
Vaggie: (blushing) ......Did I completely miss something?
-In one of the guest rooms-
Emily: (whimpering as she soaks her noodle legs in a hot bath) Owie.... (stares at the sweat rag on the bathroom sink) ......*sigh* Worth it. I'll have to apologize to Charlie later. I think she liked those rainbow sprinkles back in Heaven.
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fairytoge · 3 months
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dating headcanons ; k.choso, z.naoya
this only took me like,,, four months to complete this 😭 but i hope you enjoy!!
other parts ; n.kento, g.satoru, g.suguruㅤi.yuuji, f.megumiㅤi.toge, o.yuuta
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the loml choso (not including all the other lomls)!!
but anyway!!! choso is an absolute sweetheart, as long as you're not fighting against him in a battle or anything
he 10000% would do pretty much anything and everything to make you happy or to just make you smile
he loves you sm it makes other people cringe... you two are definitelyyy the couple people see in public and slightly grimace at because they're so in love
he'd probably do subtle pda but if you don't like that sort of stuff, he wouldn't do it!! he loves you too much to make you uncomfortable and push your boundaries
he's basically like a typical gentleman?? like when people say that men aren't like how they used to be, choso is their ideal man!!!
summary: he's so in love and whipped for you
but it's vvvvv endearing!!!
i think, as soon as you two begin officially seeing each other, he'll want to introduce you to his brothers and get their opinion on you too
they mean the world to him and he would probably love nothing more than for the people he loves most to also be friends!!
someone help me the older brother issues are realll
but yeah, he's just a sweetheart and would worship you like a god if you asked him to <3 (he does that without you asking 🤭)
choso would also go along with whatever you say 99% of the time!! the 1% off is when it endangers you lmao
if you call him some dumb nickname or do the trend where you call a s/o the most random things, he will genuinely take it as a compliment so seriously that it makes your heart hurt
he's a bitttt naive, but you love him!! and he definitely loves you omg
i hate his personality but he's hot 😔 so!! this is gonna be kind of ooc for him icl
dating naoya issss.... interesting? he's got a unique character for sure
realistically, you probably wouldn't see him that often assuming that he's a full-time sorcerer and you are a housewife (or househusband!!)
but, the times that you do see him, you are both so sappy and touchy with each other, no matter who or what is around
naoya is spoiled, so it doesn't come as a surprise to know that he has always been able to get what he wants, and that nothing has changed since he was a child
with this in mind, he would definitely not be shy about pda, unless you're both in a proper environment like a clan meeting i guess...
he probably wouldn't even let you in there though 😭 his superiority complex is off the charts
pleaseee start training him to not act like a creep
leading on from this!! naoya would treat you like a princess if you're both truly in love, and would stop at nothing to get you what you want!
you mentioned that you would like the garden to be redesigned so that you can plant more flowers? done! the kitchen isn't to your standards? it's gone before you can look at it for another second!
suddenly you understand why he is the way he is, because if this is the life he's been living, it's 100% worth it lmao
i also feel like naoya has tunnel vision for you!!
like, let's say that he's come home from exorcising a curse, or from a particularly hard mission, and being more impolite to the servants than normal as he literally hunts you down in your own home
he lowkey scares you but not in a bad way?? he's just kind of intimidating sometimes, without meaning to be!
overall, naoya would probably be a good s/o to have!! as long as he loves you 😭
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© fairytogeㅤ ꔫㅤ please do not copy, repost, translate, etc without my permission
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starstruckmoony · 1 year
pairing - sirius black x fem!reader
summary - you and sirius start dating after accidentally running into each other at a concert but confirm nothing (till now), just to watch everyone lose their shit online.
trope/tags - band/celeb!au, instagram/social media!au, modern!au, fluff, terrible humour
word count - 1k
warnings - language
part 1 / part 2 / part 3
yourusername added to their story
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❤ liked by yourusername, ev.rosier, marymacdonald and 856,327 others
starmanblack shades
yourusername cigarette*
starmanblack ok duolingo
yourusername smash tbh
starmanblack not you copying my comment
yourusername i don't have the rizz it takes to come up with something original
starmanblack ain't no way you just said that
prongsyboy stop stealing people's glasses 😤
starmanblack never
vance_emm i'm like ragingly gay but you're kinda cute
starmanblack this is why you're my favourite lesbian
mmmckinnon TRAITOR
mmmckinnon it's not too late to delete this
starmanblack get out of my comment section
user828181 address the rumours sirius
user000423 run me over with your car i promise i'll pay for the damages 🙏
user999653 i'm perfect wife material, just saying
user424227 y'all realise that he's less likely to address the rumours if we keep being annoying 💀
user209996 nah fr he's gonna start hating us all
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❤ liked by starmanblack, prongsyboy, pandorasbox and 899,997 others
yourusername never would have though that my shows in dublin would be the craziest ones out of all but you guys actually delivered and i couldn't be happier! 💕 these past three nights were absolutely insane and i can't wait to be back (and i may or may not have already booked a few venues 😩) PLUS someone got proposed AND I DIDN'T EVEN SEE 😭 so if any of you beautiful people who were there have the video my dms are open for business lmao 🙏💞
tagged ev.rosier
starmanblack apparently the proposal happened right next to me 💀
starmanblack my guitar ate as always
yourusername she's even signed 😱
starmanblack slay 😝
yourusername GO TO SLEEP OMG
starmanblack say it to my face 😤
xeno_lovegood i had so much fun
yourusername i'm smiling so hard rn
pete__ sirius is a certified simp because how do you miss a proposal that's happening next to you?
mmmckinnon it's because he's both sirius and a simp petey
prongsyboy sirius doing sirius things 🤣
user552520 dunno bout y'all but i got my confirmation tonight
user843632 i'm so lonely the proposal made me cry
user439546 love me some sappy shit fr
user674848 this was un fucking real no joke
user200017 learn to read between the lines lol
starmanblack added to their story
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❤ liked by starmanblack, bellatrixieb, cissy_blck and 901,077 others
yourusername date night ⭐
starmanblack pretty dress
yourusername why thank you
starmanblack my stomach feels funny from all that wine
yourusername my precious toilet 😭
marymacdonald gorgeous!!!
yourusername i was impersonating you
ev.rosier am i about to get fired?
yourusername of course not, you're my second favourite person
starmanblack i'm first
pandorasbox my friends are all so beautiful 🥺
yourusername us hot people stick together 😌
pandorasbox ONG
user329295 sirius is so lucky
user400128 i've never been more jealous of a man
user883265 mother is mothering
user306084 THE STAR
user243123 if this is another sike istg
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❤ liked by mmmckinnon, ev.rosier, casmeadowes and 916,222 others
starmanblack platonic snog
yourusername people just don't appreciate friendships nowadays 🙄
starmanblack it's just so so sad 😣
yourusername i have better photos of us 👹
starmanblack strongly disagree
yourusername you don't wanna make this a competition
marymacdonald my mum said friends don't do that
starmanblack mama macdonald may be onto something
r.a.black affection 🤮
starmanblack i thought you unfollowed me?
r.a.black i did but i like lurking around here
starmanblack fan behaviour
rjlupin best friend things
rjlupin you were supposed to play along
user500447 you still need therapy
user432777 AIN'T NO WAY
user718710 I DIED DEAD.
user138282 are you still alive?
user907015 NO
user882446 this and platonic don't go together sirius 🙄
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❤ liked by walburgablack, cissy_blck, bellatrixieb and 933,052
yourusername pda is afraid of him
starmanblack FINE you have better photos
yourusername see? that wasn't so hard to admit!
starmanblack i actually won in life
yourusername damn right you did
starmanblack celeb_gossip losing their minds rn
yourusername the kettle is B R E W I N G 🥵🫖🤩👀😳☕😝😻
yourusername well you're the favourite child...
lily_evans kinda illegal how you're both so hot
casmeadowes i've been saying!!!
cissy_blck REG'S SISTER IN LAW 😭
bellatrixieb he's one lucky man
r.a.black lucky isn't exactly the right word but okay
user292920 swifities can't relate
user993929 narcissa is so real LMFAOOO
user032386 THAT SHOULD BE ME (idk which person i want to be more)
starmanblack added to their story
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❤ liked by cissy_blck, luciussy, bartyyy and 942,773 others
yourusername happy birthday to this idiot who i unfortunately love very much 💕
tagged starmanblack
starmanblack tragic how i love you back
yourusername absolutely
starmanblack rizz god since 12
yourusername are you still 12?
lily_evans got me tearing up over here
yourusername awwww 🥺
rjlupin you should have used that one photo where he was on the potty
rjlupin denying it would have worked yk
casmeadowes i woke up to this 💀
starmanblack good
mmmckinnon mondays.
user939355 THE CAT
user019661 i'm making this my profile picture
user763772 tell him i said happy birthday
user195666 imagine having someone say they love you so publicly ha ha ha ha ha
user244488 fuck being single fr
yourusername added to their story
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420 notes · View notes
lemmetreatya · 1 year
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content: very soft, suggestive tones
dilf!onyankopon is a loving father to his kids and a beautifully affectionate husband to you. hes such a family oriented man and genuinely finds pleasure in working hard to provide for his family. 
dilf!onyankopon whos sometimes away for long times because of his work as a pilot, but he’s always making an effort to make up for his time away. 
dilf!onyankopon who loves setting up anything from pools to trampolines to swings to slides for the kids. he doesnt consider himself a handy man but give him a set of instructions or a youtube video and he works it out just fine. he will also not think twice about joining in with them when they ask him to.
“daddy, come play with us!” 
the loud giggles of children have been ringing within the backyard all day but its now that his oldest daughter calls out to him that he’s suddenly alerted by the call. 
“want me to come and beat you guys again, huh?” he grins widely. not that he cared about participating much, but its you he turns and gives a look to. 
can I? his eyes silently ask and you can only roll your eyes before nodding your head in their direction with a thick smile. 
“just make sure nobody come to me crying bout a pulled back or bumped head.”
dilf!onyankopon who absolutely will not mind throwing down onto the bbq. will take every opportunity to call the boys and their families round for a grill up as soon as there’s even a GLIMPSE OF SUN. uses the “Ive got everything but ____” trick on his friends so that he can get away with them all bringing the extra items and him just supplying the meat 💀💀💀
dilf!onyankopon likes letting you have moderate reign over his money. he isnt too fussed about what you spend it on but best believe he demands to see specific things that you buy. not so he can keep tabs, but so he can see how good things look on you.  
Onyankopon (ICE): Show me. 
You: show you what?
Onyankopon (ICE): Don’t try play with me. 
Onyankopon (ICE): Whatever you got at the lingerie store. I want to see. 
You: HOW????
You: you cctv’ing me now?! 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
Onyankopon (ICE): Bank notifications. 
Onyankopon (ICE): Now show me. I’m getting impatient. 
Onyankopon (ICE): Attachment 3
You: shiiiit???
Onyankopon (ICE): Exactly. So don’t keep me waiting. 
Onyankopon (ICE): Please. 
dilf!onyankopon whos a massive lover about the food you cook him. will never fail to compliment you on what you cook for him and is greatly appreciative of when you do. goes out his way to promote the kids to do the same
dilf!onyankopon who is absolutely infatuated with you regardless of your state — or his state, for that matter.
“how did i ever get so lucky with you?” 
the man continues to pepper kisses over your face. his main target is your lips but he seems to miss that spot occasionally. however, you’re careful not to push him away or act in opposition to his affection. drunk dilf!onyankopon a sappy man once upset. 
“baby, please go to sleep.” you whine once his mouth is off yours. 
“but i love you!” he says through a pout. “do you not love me too?”
“onyankopon, i love you too much to comprehend, but right now you’re wine drunk and need to go to sleep. you have work in the morning.” 
you place a hand lightly on his head and try lower him back down onto his own pillow but dilf!onyankopon makes a sound of resistance before springing upwards. 
“but im not tired! i have so much energy! with you by my side, i could conquer the world!”
“oh really?” you say with a raised eyebrow. “well, since you’ve got enough energy to conquer the world, you could start at home by mowing the lawn.”
as soon as you say those words, dilf!onyankopon suddenly plops his head onto the pillow, his cheek squished against it. 
“awe man, i feel so sleepy…” he fake yawns. 
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yawujin · 17 days
Hiiiiii if you don't mind can you pls write v3 boys x reader who can't read social cues for the life of them and need to be told directly to understand a situation.
For example: *one of the boys shows romantic interest*
Reader: "WOW so friendly"
The more I describe it the more it sounds like Marinette from miraculous ladybug
i've never really written something like this so i hope you like how it turned out anon! ദ്ദി( ˶^ᗜ^˶ )
request | how the v3 boys would react to reader that isn't good with social cues
type | react , established relationship , non killing game , gender neutral reader
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shuichi saihara ♡
he's trying his best to make it known that he likes you
kaito and maki have definitely noticed how he's grown so fond of you
although he had to tell kaito straight up that he liked you
well, he finally does it, confessing to you
"to be honest with you, (Y/N), i really like hanging around you..."
can he make it any more obvious?
no, seriously, can he?
you thank him and say you'd love to hang out more!
he instantly realizes he needs to be more clear
"no! i mean, i like you, alot... as in more than a friend..."
you encourage him to be more outspoken in the future
rantaro amami ♡
tries to confess to you in a lowkey way
but once he realizes you don't really get what he's saying
he ups the ante
he starts showing more affection towards you
and then finally he tries again
"you know i really like you, right (Y/N)?"
he explains that he wants to go on a date to show his likeness
ohhh he likes me in that way you think to yourself
K1B0/kiibo ♡
firstly, he does everything you want him to do because he thinks that's how easy it will be to get you to realize he likes you
but it's not
secondly, he tries to just straight up tell you but it's hard to express his emotions
finally, he uses himself to print out a note that has his messy handwriting all over it
who knew he could be so forward when writing?
it read "i love you, (Y/N)! i hope you accept my feelings"
and it definitely got the message across
korekiyo shinguji ♡
he's pretty nonchalant so it's difficult at first for him
he knows that gift giving is a pretty common way for someome to show their likeness towards someone
so he tries that (althought he might not be the best at giving gifts)
but when he does
you just think he's being friendly
kiyo, just like rantaro, will try showing more affection towards you
he touches your arms, plays with your hair etc
"everything about you is so wonderful..."
"i would like for you to share that wonder with me"
and that gets the message across
kaito momota ♡
he would realize that you probably took his outright profession of love to you and chalked it up to him just being a good friend
as per usual
he woke up in a cold sweat about this and decided that starting tomorrow he'll be extra kind towards you
over the course of a few days, he creates a nickname for you
you guys hang out together even more you two are alone more often than not now
he held on to both of your hands and squeezed them
"(Y/N), i'm not sure else how to say this but...will you go out with me sometime?"
gonta gokuhara ♡
gonta accomodates you and invites you everywhere
he just wants to show that he likes you!
he thought it was working for a while until
"you're such a good friend, gonta!"
he shakes his head 'no'
"gonta want him and (Y/N) to be more than friends..."
you understood but was taken aback
he shys away almost instantly
"only if that what (Y/N) want!"
ryoma hoshi ♡
he gets it completely
he isn't a stranger to being outspoken so he's fine with telling you how things are straight up
it just so happens that he likes you a lot
so in this case, he asks:
"would you want to go out with me?" "tell me what you want and you'll get it."
your transition into a platonic relationship to a romantic one was easy
ryoma is easy to get along with <3
kokichi ouma ♡
he has to quickly find solutions on how to tell you his feelings without being too sappy about it
he isn't too good at that
he also wants to do it before he runs out of patience with himself
he does what he does best and pulls a prank on you
when you ask him why he did it he just says:
"isn't it obvious? it's because i like you."
is he being fr? you can never tell
but the confusion you had finally gets cleared up when you get outside confirmation from miu that he is falling hard for you
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wooahaes · 8 months
an act of caring for others
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pairing: non-idol!husband!s.coups x gn!reader
genre: fluff. married life au. grad student!cheol mentions.
word count: 1.0k~
warnings: food mentions. sappy loving domestic life <3
daisy's notes: hes just so husband shaped idk what to tell u
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In your married life, you never expected to become the kind of couple who hosted dinner parties regularly. 
Maybe “regularly” wasn’t the best word for it. It wasn’t as though the two of you hosted these nights every month or anything. Simply put: you learned a couple things in your two years of marriage. One was that several of your grad student husband’s friends were crushed underneath the weight of classes and jobs (you, thankfully, only had a job to worry about). Two was that a few of his friends couldn’t cook to save their lives (Wonwoo and Soonyoung and sometimes Vernon…). And three: you genuinely, truly loved cooking for other people. This one wasn’t exactly new, though. Sure, you loved cooking for your now-husband while the two of you were dating (sometimes he’d help where he could, always in love with the domesticity of it), but you loved cooking for your friends and family, too. 
A little over a year ago, you had invited his friends over with this ‘bring a side dish or a dessert, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to’ tacked onto the message. Hell, you’d mentioned that they could bring a lunchbox if they’d like to take leftovers—but they’d have to settle things out themselves. It was during that first night that you really got to listen to a few of them talking about life. You and Seungcheol were pretty lucky to not have to worry too heavily about things, since your job paid pretty damn well and you both also had family to fall back onto. But Joshua had been talking about how he kinda missed being in the U.S. sometimes because his mom only visited so often, and when you heard Seungkwan talk about missing Jeju and his family…
Well. It tugged at your heartstrings enough to ask Seungcheol how he felt about maybe picking a day every few months so that most of his friends could come together for a meal. He’d agreed pretty easily, admitting his own concerns over people like Junhui and Minghao who didn’t have family here. So the two of you started hosting little dinners here and there, always for people who were feeling homesick. Sometimes that would mean Seungkwan would call you up and ask if he could join the two of you sometime, other times it was Jun saying he would come help make dinner and Minghao would bring wine. 
Other times were like today: you and Seungcheol waking up early on a day you didn’t have to work, and immediately getting started in the kitchen after you’d had breakfast. This time, Seungcheol would have to stop helping in order to study for a bit since he had a test tomorrow morning in one of his classes, but that was fine. It was the prepwork that was the most hell, in your opinion: endless chopping and whatnot. 
You couldn’t help but admire him now. He was standing near the fridge, glasses sliding down his nose as he studied a recipe book, hair half-pulled up. Sometimes you thought that you would marry him again if he asked you, no matter how silly that would be. 
“You’re staring again,” he hummed, smiling. 
“I’m admiring, thank you.” 
He chuckled, turning to kiss you as you came closer. “I’m doing the math in my head,” he said, turning back to the book. “I might have to run to the store for more of this…” He tapped at something on the page, although you didn’t really care to look. You were still admiring him. He noticed a second later, and smiled into another soft kiss. “I hate that you’ll have to do the majority of the work this time…”
“I don’t mind,” you said. “I care about you and your friends. You can’t help that you need to study,” you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. “You’re almost done, y’know?”
“I know,” he said, dragging out the word. His arms wrapped around your waist, drawing you in closer. “But you already do a lot for me. Other people would be annoyed—”
“And other people aren’t me, so I don’t care. You’re studying hard to get farther,” you said. “I wouldn’t have married you if I didn’t support you.” 
He smiled again, a charming look in his eyes as he gazed at you. Seungcheol was always so soft when he was near you, to the point where the tender look on his face was enough to make you cry on your wedding day. In turn, it made him cry, so you considered the two of you even. “I love you,” he said, soft as a promise. “Let me know if you change your mind and want Jun to come help. He said he didn’t mind—”
“It feels wrong to say yes,” you admitted. “I mean… We’re hosting. All the others need to do is show up.”
“Jun knows how many people we’re cooking for,” Seungcheol said. “There’s nothing wrong with needing help. Especially when I can’t help you.” 
With a sigh, you nodded. “I’ll think about it. Are you going to the store now?”
“Are you coming with me?”
Normally, you would… But duty called. You had things to keep working on. “Grab me something sweet?”
“I’ll be coming back—”
You swatted at his arm, but fell only deeper in love with the warm way he laughed at his own dumb joke. “Something chocolate, please,” you said. “We can share it if you want.” 
He stole one final kiss from you before he stepped away. “Whatever you want,” he promised. 
You purposefully waited until he was about to leave to call out to him. “I love you, too.” 
And, oh, that warm smile on his face made all of this work worth it. You would kiss that smile when the two of you went to bed tonight, exhausted from the long day and dinner that you had to put away any remains of when it was all said and done. And you would kiss that smile again tomorrow morning, just to remind him that you knew he could ace it.
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taglist: @twancingyunhao @wonuziex @staranghae @synthetickitsune @weird-bookworm
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midnight-black2 · 23 days
now that it's farleigh's week in your event (yay!!) could i request prompt #10 for him?
i really can't imagine farleigh in a serious committed relationship, so i guess having a fuckbuddy's as close as he can get lmao; maybe reader was initially brought into the cattons' as venetia's friend but they really hit it off with farleigh and they both decided to be friends with benefits bc neither of them could be bothered with an actual partner?
i'll let you decide if they're actually chill with this arrangement or if there are some unsaid feelings between them, ty for your time byee <3
pairing : farleigh start x reader
synopsis : what the req says
disclaimers : smut with a (kinda) plot, handjob (m!receiving), sub!farleigh, dom!reader, gn!reader, choking (m!recieving), slight degradation if you squint, praise, reader can have a dick or strap
note : based off of billie eilish's "my strange addiction." fun fact : i'm going to her concert when she goes on tour later in the year !! also thanks for the compliment ! anyways, enjoy !
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you were addictive, insatiable, really. he couldn't get enough of you, and he had never felt like that before. he had sworn any fuck-buddy off--actually, he had sworn love itself off. there was no way he could be in a relationship for longer than two weeks and not get tired of it. but you? you made him second guess that. a at
it was an agreement that was mutual from both parties. you two had quite literally held an oath that you would never fall in love, ever. none of that sappy stupid shit. you guys simply just got too bored too easily. but, but...no. but nothing. that was how it was, and farleigh knew it. so he was content. he was content with you fucking him stupid, experimenting with him, and if he was really lucky, exhibiting some sort of aftercare. he was content, more than.
"does that feel good, farleigh? you like it when i do that?" you teased, as you squeezed the hand wrapped around his throat a bit. not too tight, but tight enough the restrict his breathing slightly. he nodded, letting out a choked moan. you were simply getting him off, your hand wrapped around his cock going at a merciless pace.
"god, look at you. already fucked dumb, hm? a little pathetic, baby," you said, smirking. he whined, bucking his hips into your hand.
"s-sorry, shit, m'sorry," he apologized, before throwing his head back in pleasure. it went on like that until he came, crying out weakly. and then? you guys exited the room as if nothing even happened. like he didn't just make a mess of a bed that wasn't even his. like you didn't just wash his cum off your hands. but sure, nothing happened.
you fled to venetia, where she was playing tennis with felix. they took a quick break, and she called you over.
"goodness, where were you? we were looking for you two," she said, dramatically.
"oh yeah, sure you were," you replied, with a playful eye roll.
"we were," felix butted in, tilting his head to the side.
"really? looks to me like you guys were playing tennis," you said, quirking a brow.
"well eventually we got tired of looking," venetia said, smiling.
"but seriously, where were you guys?" asked felix, as he looked between you guys. you and farleigh exchanged a glance, and he tried to suppress a smirk.
"three guesses," you guys said in unison. both felix and venetia rolled their eyes.
"smoking," venetia suggested, shrugging.
"talking shit," felix said, looking at her. "or..."
"or...?" she questioned.
"or you guys were fucking," felix said, and you laughed.
"you have no evidence to support that claim," you said, simply. farleigh snickered. truthfully, everyone knew about you and farleigh. the tension was always there, but nobody chose to speak on it. everyone also knew that maybe you guys were more than just friends with benefits.
there were other times that made farleigh especially second guess himself. the times where you weren't so mean. when you talked him through it, fucking him softly and with care. that always made his heart beat faster (it also made his orgasm come faster too).
"that's it, farleigh. you're doing so well for me," you said, softly. he whimpered as you fucked him. easy goes, in and out. he was calling out your name deliciously.
"f-fuck, oh my god Y/N," he moaned. "i-i can't."
"i know, baby. just cum for me this one last time, okay?" he nodded, wanting to be good for you. wanting to please you as much as possible. after a little longer of bringing him near his high, he came with a silent moan. a few tears fell down his cheek, but you were quick to wipe them away.
"there you go, you're so good, farleigh," you said, gently cupping his cheek.
yeah...all in all, farleigh was pretty fucked. he had feelings for you, no denying it. but for now, he would be happy with what he had.
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𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐲? 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
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