#he doesn't even try to hide it anymore LMAO
sapphire-weapon · 1 year
say what you will about vendetta, but it is the best RE movie (so far) simply because it gives us this moment
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of leon staring blankly at rebecca because he’s literally too drunk to understand what’s being said to him
like. leon doing shots alone in his hotel room while on the phone with hunnigan at the end of damnation was pretty good, but this was just
next level
with chris pulling leon’s hand away from his glass, and leon defiantly pulling a flask out of his back pocket in response, because a professional drunk is always prepared
and i swear to god if death island doesn’t have leon literally stumbling out of something and hitting the floor, or like a scene with his head in a toilet, i’m gonna be so disappointed
edit: no wait i lied
the best part of vendetta is leon’s continuous cries for help and chris just not getting it
chris: so, what? you’re just gonna sit around here another week and do nothing? leon: i never make plans that far ahead
(at the end of the movie)
leon: (earnestly) chris... how long can we keep going on like this? chris: i don’t know. i never make plans that far ahead chris: (grins because he’s very proud of himself for what he thinks is a very clever callback joke) leon:  leon, internally: he doesn’t realize i say these things because i’m one bad day away from blowing my brains out in front of my bathroom mirror ha ha ha fuck i’m gonna kill myself aren’t i
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xo-cod · 7 months
fluff w simon <33 :') so obsessed w him, lmk if you'd like this w the others 🤍
cw: mentions of his abusive past, babies. also probably ooc/rushed LMAO 🫣
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simon riley ♡ who swore to himself that love simply wasn't meant to be in his life after the traumatic past he had to bear now grew to enjoy baking with you, frowning and tutting playfully when your fingers hover over the chocolate chips and placing them on top of the fridge when you keep eating them all. he sighs after a few minutes and gives them back to you, your pout too cute to resist but you make up for it with kisses. they taste sweeter to him anyway <33
simon riley ♡ who worked to the bone as an escape from his personal life, finds himself becoming anxious when he's delayed and suddenly working overtime. he has to try to resist the temptation to become frustrated since he was the second in command and and this was technically the job he had signed up for but the fact that you're waiting for him at home is enough for him to risk everything run straight into your arms. he tries to reign in his impatience but it's hard when every precious minute that ticks by, he could be bundled up in your arms and watching a movie together. he doesn't care which one, so long as it makes you happy. and when he finally does rush back home, the very first thing he does is take you in his arms, ripping away his balaclava to kiss your sleepy face with such tenderness it warms your whole body <33
simon riley ♡ who used to spend the nights alone in his bed, hating to go to sleep because he wouldn't have any restful dreams now looked forwards to the snuggles you'd give him curled up in the bed. needing your body weight on him as if a weighted blanket to help him and keep him calm throughout the night. it's the way your body molds so perfectly to his, your hands interlaced, he can overcome anything like this. such a love wasn't allowed especially in his dangerous line of work. admittedly it was difficult finding the line between work and pleasure. it was hard at first to find the line between simon and ghost but you gave him patience and understanding. something he wasn't used to, something he didn't even think he deserved. you were the first to actually listen and understand his situation. the first to be sympathetic and knowing at how delicate the line had to be. he didn't like lying to you but you never put him in that position to ever do so. his dreams are much sweeter with you now <33
simon riley ♡ who walked around the base with a blank stare, stoic expression now breaks into a small smile whenever he sees you near. there's a lightness around him, the team have noticed. many a times has soap and gaz teased him when he's leaning against his chair risking a slap to the head when they catch the lieutenant deep in thought with crinkled eyes and a soft smile hidden under his mask. he doesn't have the energy to hide it anymore. he rolls his eyes when they make comments but he knows deep down they're true. he's happier with you, he's become better with you. you've got him wrapped your pretty lil finger and don't he know it <33
simon riley ♡ who grew to hate the world around him slowly learnt there was light even in darkness. who carried so much trauma, never experiencing the love of a family held back his own emotions when your parents and siblings accepted him with open arms. getting along with your father, complimenting your mom, all the small kids adoring how funny he was. he found himself looking forwards to next family gathering with your family that now considered him as their own, your mom giving him a gentle hug everytime and him biting his tongue to not cry because he can't remember what his own mothers hug had felt like. but it was similar to this warm feeling he got when he hugged your mom. he could only stand there as the warmness creeps through his heart like a ray of sun, that maybe perhaps this world wasn't as cruel as it once was <33
simon riley ♡ who was always fine doing things himself since he didn't have anyone to rely on now had separation anxiety when you were gone too long. he calms himself down, he's a trained sas soldier but when it's been a while and you're not in close contact, he's prone to becoming anxious. he doesn't want to be clingy or unbearable but you're his anchor in this treacherous world. keeping him grounded when his world has tilted on his axis. his calmness when there's trouble and his relief when the hardships are there. suddenly all the boring and menial tasks such as cooking and shopping are so much fun with you as you both playfully argue over what to buy. he always picks you up a treat no matter what, you're just his love <33
simon riley ♡ who thought his world ended when his mother and tommy died found renewed comfort in a new world waiting for him with you, teary eyed at the end of the aisle. trying to hold back the tears because you look like an angel, an angel he didn't even know if he deserved to have. you always reassure him but as you walk closer and closer, he just wants to take you in his arms and never let you go. the second your hands touch his, a shiver of delight runs through his body and calms his mind. you were his and he was yours, certainly no doubt about it. the years may not have been kind to him but you were a beacon of light throughout it all, this time you were his knight in shining armour. you saved him, even when he didn't realise it <33
and finally, simon riley ♡ who thought it would be him alone in this world now had you and a baby girl. his eyes shining with tears, kissing your forehead as he looks to small little baby sleeping in his huge arms. she was so incredibly small, barely even taking space in one arm. god he was so emotional, the walls that he spent years building around his guarded heart all but melted and crumbled into so many pieces. he looked at you with adoration while you slept in the hospital bed, looking back in his arms and noting all the similarities she bore between the two of you. how he noticed she even shared the same dimple placement just like his mother did, how her eyes crinkled in the same place tommy's did. she was so beautiful, all the parts of his past that he thought he'd lost forever lived on with her. simon sniffled softly, his eyes shining under the hospital lights while his thumb caressed her small forehead gently. he cradled her close to his chest, his heartbeat a soothing lullaby for his little one. his family before may have been snatched cruelly from his fingers but here he made an oath to protect you and his baby until his very last breath.
finally thanking the universe for his rock and now, his baby <33
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cheekinpermission · 2 months
I wanna talk about the scene in the museum with Azul...
During Ch. 38 of Book 3, Azul and Yuu have a short conversation post-overblot in the underwater museum place. I always felt that this bit of dialogue was weirdly charged? The whole scene felt very intimate to me (and the soft music in the background doesn't help lmao), but I never knew WHY since nothing said was inherently romantic.
So, I went back and re-read through every post-overblot and realized that Azul is the only who who has a one-on-one conversation with Yuu after their overblot??
It's rare enough to have one-on-one conversations between Yuu and another character, but then Azul goes a step further. He's the only one to open up to Yuu about his problems:
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Some of the other overblot boys talk about their problems, but not to Yuu specifically. It's more of a declaration than confiding in someone, you know? (E.g. Riddle talking about how he prefers milk tea even though the rules stipulate lemon tea)
We, the players, are shown flashbacks of the overblot boys to explain how they reached this point but I can't recall if Yuu is privy to this information as well. (It's theoretically possible since Yuu already has visions / dreams of the Great Seven, but no one ever mentions it so who knows. I'm personally on the side of Yuu NOT knowing because it feels a bit invasive that they'd have this knowledge of people who weren't ready to share it.)
Regardless of whether Yuu can or cannot see those flashbacks, Azul is the only one to willingly talk about his motivations to Yuu. For Azul, this is especially important as he's so protective of his image as a clever and upstanding housewarden, and yet here he openly admits to Yuu that he was a bit of a loser as a kid (his words not mine!).
I guess you could argue that he felt there was no reason to hide it anymore since Yuu already saw him as a chubby octopus baby, but he didn't have to talk about it at all if he didn't want to. But he did. On his own. With no prompting. (Really, though. Yuu can either say they want to make sure he puts the photo back or that they're worried about him, and either way he drops his lore on them lol) And then Yuu tries to help him feel better??
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To my knowledge, Yuu doesn't do this with any of the other overblot boys, either. I could have missed it during my research, but if they did it wasn't nearly to the same extent as with Azul.
I still don't know why Azul felt like opening up to Yuu. He didn't have to, but maybe he wanted to? Maybe he wanted to try his hand at being genuine for once and felt Yuu was the least intimidating person to do it with (the magicless human that they are). Who knows? I wish there were more scenes like this. It makes Yuu feel more included in the story. I also think it shows a lot of growth on Azul's end to open up about his problems to Yuu of his own volition.
I'm not sure what I wanted to say with this post, only that I wanted to get my thoughts out there about this scene because it always stood out to me. I felt there was always an undercurrent of something and I think it's because this was the only post-overblot private conversation we got with Yuu and an overblot boy, plus the added encouragement from Yuu at the end.
I'm curious to know if anyone felt the same way about this scene or if I'm just imagining things. I'm also interested in hearing any theories why Azul suddenly felt the urge to open up to Yuu, if you've got them!
Thanks for enduring my rambling!
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Azul's so funny for trying to play it off all cool like he isn't doing flips and princess twirls in his head rn. Yuu laid it on THICK. We all know he's freaking out internally.
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gojoux · 10 months
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『 𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄 (2) 』
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· Pairing: Geto Suguru x Reader
· Summary: You confront the little brat in her room. Luckily for her, you boyfriend is there to stop you before you went further.
· CW: 3.1k // You and the brat calling each other bitches lmao. Arguments. Act of threatening. Hair pulling. Slapping. Geto being a kind soul and being your moral compass.
Continuation of this because I hold grudges and reader deserves justice 😭👍
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You walk towards her room, knocking on her door. Since she's not your responsibility anymore, you don't have the obligation to be ‘nice’ to her.
Yui quickly opens the door and stares at you. “Why are you here?” She asked in an annoyed tone. “Don't tell me that you're still mad because of what I did earlier.”
“We need to talk about earlier, brat.” You cross your arms as you glare at her. No more princesses, just brats. Like she actually is.
Her face slightly changes when you call her ‘brat’, her eyebrows furrowing together. However, her facial expression changes once again after realizing that you're not joking and is actually serious about talking to her about what she did earlier.
“What... What do you want to talk about?“ She asked slowly, her facade crumbling as she got even more nervous, feeling worried about what you might say.
“Another sorcerer named Mei-Mei will replace me as your ‘babysitter’ on your last day here.” You inform her.
She looks at you unamused, “So? Must be another boring babysitter.” She feigns yawning before checking her nails. “Anything else?”
You frown at her. “You know... Four days taking care of your spoiled ass really got me annoyed.” You step forward, closer to her. She quickly steps back, looking in fear and surprise as you step closer to her, almost touching her.
But then, she looks angry at your statement when you mentioned taking care of her. “I'm not all that bad, you know! You have to admit that.” She added, trying to justify herself and how she has been acting as of right now.
“Admit what?” You roll your eyes. “Anything else to say before I continue?” You step closer again, looking at her face to face. Oh, she's nervous, however, she doesn't back away even if it means you are pressing yourself against her. “What are you doing?” She asked, almost scared.
This brat's emotion changes quickly, no wonder you're equally moody around her.
“You kissed my boyfriend.” You say, “You know what you're doing, don't you, brat?” You step closer, pushing her back to her room before you slam the door shut behind you.
She lets out a small shriek at your sudden action of slamming the door. She knows that she went too far back then, but right now, she doesn't know what to do and is scared of what you might do.
“I... I just... I thought he liked me. I... I didn't think it was a wrong thing” She said before letting out a small chuckle, acting as if she was joking. In the back of her mind, she knows that you're not going to buy her excuse right now.
“Is that so?” You nod sarcastically at her response.
“I... I was just... I... I know what I did...” She said before stopping herself. She doesn't want to continue with her excuses, not right now. A look of slight shame appeared on her face.
“Four days...” Your voice is low, and you're pissed. “You make me your slave, trying to drain my money, talking my ears off, mocking me here and then, and you dare flirt with my boyfriend? Kissed him, even?” You keep yourself calm as you speak.
Yui's face is full of fear now as she looks at you, feeling somewhat intimidated by you now. Her expression slightly changes with each sentence you say because of your tone.
She stares at you for a moment, trying to find a way to cover up her action, ready to hide under her mask of protection called attitude.
“I... uh...” She sighs in frustration, feeling confused about what she needs to say right now. And then, she gives out a bitter laugh. “You know...” She then said, her voice turning sarcastic.
“At least I have enough guts to tell him how I feel about him. What about you, huh? Do you even have the courage to admit that you have feelings for him? Or are you too afraid to admit that you like him? Or rather, lust for him?”
You let out a sarcastic laugh at her nonsense response. “Oh, please, he's mine already. Why should I do that?” then your laughter dies down into a frown again before you give her a slap on the cheek.
Man, your hands were itching to do that the whole time.
“Watch your mouth.” Your voice is low again in anger as you point at her. “And know your place.”
Yui lets out a small gasp when you slapped her on the cheek. “Ouch! What did you do that for?!” She asked angrily, feeling her cheek become red after that slap. She rubs her cheek while looking at you with widened eyes, trying to recover from the pain of your slap.
She can't help but also feel angry at you. “It's his fault, too! I mean... I don't think he didn't want me to kiss him... He was looking at me all lovestruck, and he didn't say a thing, despite me flirting with him earlier.” She sounds annoyed.
“I only wanted him to know that I find him attractive!” She said before scowling at you. “He should be with me instead!” She continued, sounding angry and frustrated at the moment.
You scoff in disbelief, “Not only spoiled with an attitude problem, but you're delusional, too?” You clenched your jaw, completely fed up with her arguments.
She glares at you before, her face looking upset right now. “Delusional? You're the one who's delusional if you think you have him.” She said, sounding offended by your action and comment.
“You can't have everything that you want, you little b—” She was going to say something else before stopping herself, realizing that you still have self-control right now and she doesn't want to make things worse by insulting you too much.
“What was that?” You keep your voice steady. “Say that again.” You dare her, you want to know how much further can this little princess push your patience.
She just glares at you. “You're so angry... What if I say it again?” After a few moments of thinking, she finally said something that you're waiting for her to say.
“You're a bitch.” She says that with a grin on her face, and that's the last word out of her mouth before she bursts out in laughter, showing the smug look on her face.
You slap her other cheek, harder now, until she falls back on the bed. You bet she can feel that one, because your palm stings.
Yui lets out another wail of pain, both due to the slap and her body hitting the mattress of the bed. She lays on the bed, trying to recover from the pain.
Her ears were ringing and she held her both cheeks, feeling the sting of your slap. She stares at you, wide-eyed and afraid. “Hey?!” Her facade crumbles once more at your action.
You can hear her breathing heavily as she tries to calm herself, her cheeks starting to turn red, and her eyes slightly watery from the pain, but she doesn't want to cry.
“Listen to me, you delusional bitch.” You grab her hair from the back, one of your knees on the side of her waist on the bed with your face close to her, threatening her with a growl.
“I shouldn't be caring for you and whatever you do from now on since I'm not— or I hope I will not see your face ever again.” You grip her hair still. “But you've got to be careful who you're messing with... especially if that person holds grudges...” You lean closer to her ear, “Like me.”
She groans in pain when you grab her hair, causing her to look at you in fear. Despite being angry, her face still shows that she's afraid of what you might do to her right now.
She shakes her head, feeling your grip on her hair tighter, showing that you mean business.
“Let me go... Let me go right now!” She said, trying to wriggle from your grasp, but she just can't. Her eyes staring back at you, looking both frightened and angry at the same time.
“I'm not going to listen to you, you psychopath!” She added with a snarl, trying to sound defiant even though you already made things clear on who has the power in this situation.
“Is that so?” You let her hair go harshly before standing up straight again, looking down at her as if she's the lowest being you've ever laid your eyes on.
She's as dirty as her grandfather is, that old geezer that stood his place as a higher-up in the Jujutsu community.
Yui let out a small gasp when you let her hair go, feeling both anger and hurt at the moment.
She sits up on the bed and crosses her arms in front of her chest, trying to look intimidating right now even though she can't do anything against you. “Don't think you can get away with hurting me that easily…” She said with a slight growl, trying to sound tough.
“Or what? You're gonna cry and tell Daddy?” You smile sarcastically at her.
She huffs softly at your words, feeling angry that you're making fun of her. “Don't think that I'm weak!” She snarled, acting as if she was not already in pain, her face still showing the marks from the slap.
“I can just slap you back!” She said, letting you know that she can hurt you in return. “Don't think you can just slap me and get away with it, bitch.” She added angrily.
You gritted your teeth in annoyance, but before you can really pounce on her, you feel yourself being held back by someone.
“Suguru?” You say his name with a frown. He pulls you away from Yui. Too distracted by your argument with Yui, you didn't notice that he barged inside the room when he hears the commotion from outside.
He then stares at her with a disappointed look on his face, letting you know that he didn't like what he's seeing right now.
“Settle down, girls.” He said in a stern yet calm voice. He sighs before looking at both of you again. “Can we all just calm down and be civil about this?” He asked, already impatient.
Yui then sees Geto holding you back. She lets out a small chuckle at the sight and looks at him with a smug look on her face. “What's the hold-up, Suguru-kun? Scared that I'll slap your girlfriend?”
“You little—!” Your comment is cut short as Geto then tightens his grasp around you, his face looking frustrated and annoyed at the scene.
It's more like he's trying to hold you back from slapping her, again.
He then slowly turns his attention towards Yui. “Yui-chan, I think it's time for you to stop right now.” He said in a firm tone, letting both of you know that he can no longer tolerate Yui's actions anymore.
She just laughs at you who is in Geto's grasp. “Oh please, what can you do right now? Nothing.” She says her arms crossed and looks at you with a smug expression on her face.
Despite her words, there's a hint of worry in her voice. She's not really sure how far you are willing to go just for her. She can see you're very angry right now and she's really curious if you'll break the line or not.
“Suguru...” You call his name between your gritted teeth. “Let me go and I will teach this brat a lesson she'll never forget.” Your eyes are locked on Yui.
Yui looks at Geto for a few moments, wondering what decision he'll make in this situation. She's actually getting a little bit worried because she realizes that Geto is a kind soul who's not known to cause harm to others. That's why she's hopeful that in this situation, he'll take her side.
He looks at you, keeping you still in a hold as he stares at you with a concerned expression in his eyes. “Darling...” He begins, sounding anxious and worried. “It's okay for you to feel angry right now...”
He pauses for a moment before continuing again. “But I can't let you hurt Yui, love... She just wants everything to be for her... but that's no reason for you to hurt her.” His voice is soft as he tries to convince you to see her in a different light.
You turn your head quickly at him, glaring at him as well. “Are you defending this brat, huh?!“
He holds onto you, his grip on you becoming stronger as he feels you're wanting to do something reckless.
“I'm not defending her, darling.” He said softly yet seriously. “She's still a spoiled girl. I don't support her behavior.” He continues with a calm and soft voice.
“I'm defending you by not letting you damage your moral compass or hurt Yui.” He then looks at Yui with a stern expression before sighing once again. “We'll talk about this later after all this blows over.”
He then looks at you again, trying to get you to calm down. “So, please... don't... do something you might regret later...”
He looks like he's not really sure what to do when you scowl at him. “Love... Please calm down. She's not worth your time.” He said, sounding a bit worried about your action and anger right now.
Yui then lets out a soft giggle. “See? Even Suguru-kun is telling you that you're in the wrong right now.” She said, sounding annoyed, but trying to sound sweet at the same time.
“What if he dumps you because of this? Is that what you want to happen?” She added teasingly right now before laughing softly again.
You groan in anger, almost like you're barking at her. “The hell you said?!” Your cursed energy bursts out in an intense amount, but Geto is still right there, holding you back easily.
He looked at you, feeling conflicted between the two of you. On one hand, he wants to let you do what you want to Yui because he knows that she deserves what's coming. On the other hand, he fears for your future, and how this might affect it.
“Look, I know you're hurt and mad at her, but don't let that feeling cloud your judgment, okay?” He said, sounding genuinely concerned.
“Are you even hearing her?!” You keep glaring at your boyfriend, not caring that he's holding you back like a person holding his dog from lashing out.
“Yes, I heard what she said. But she's just trying to get a reaction out of you." He said with a soft tone. “She's a spoiled brat... You know that yourself, get a hold of yourself, love.”
He looks away from you for a moment while still holding onto you. “You know that what she's saying is just to trigger you, so don't fall for it, okay?” He said, sounding concerned.
And then there's a knock on the already open door. “Hanada Yui?” There stands Mei Mei, proud with her battle axe. Looks like she just came back from her mission.
Yui just stares at Mei Mei in confusion before letting out a small chuckle. “Oh, is this the Mei Mei girl you mentioned earlier?" Her attention is now drawn to the person standing in her doorway.
Then, her eyes widen when she saw her carrying a big weapon easily on her one hand, and she lets out a small sigh. She knows that it's not going to be a smooth ride with her around. “Oh, no...” She said softly as she backed away from her.
Mei Mei just smirked at her, feeling happy with the reaction she got and can't wait for what's next with this brat. “Oh, don't worry.” She speaks in a soft tone with a smile on her face and her eyes sharp. “I'll be the best caretaker for you, sweetheart.”
“Mei-san! I could kiss your feet right now, you're a lifesaver.” You smile widely at Mei Mei. It's your turn to smile smugly now, knowing that this time, Yui is the one going to have a hard time because Mei Mei is in control now.
“Oh, please, don't be that dramatic, darling.” Mei Mei chuckles softly, sounding amused by you. “Your problem is small compared to my work, you know? It always feels great, being in control of the situation.”
Yui, meanwhile, doesn't look pleased with the fact that you're praising Mei Mei. She can just see how terrible things are going to go right now.
“Looks like I should excuse myself.” You get off Geto's loosen hold. “Please do whatever you please with this brat, Mei-san.” You snicker when you walk past Mei-Mei, both of you looking at each other knowingly before looking at Yui.
Mei Mei just smirks in response, enjoying this little exchange, already looking forward to what she's about to do with her. “Hanada-chan... I'll take good care of you, don't worry.” She then looks at you and winks before turning back to Yui. “I'm really eager to know what you want to do right now, sweetheart.”
You can see Yui's eyes widen in fear, but she's trying her best not to show it. She already knows this is not going to go well for her.
“You're going to have such a great time,” Geto said jokingly, trying to calm Yui for her safety. Mei Mei just smiles back at him and doesn't say anything.
Yui is already shivering in fear, and she can't even stand straight as she backs away from Mei Mei. “Please…” She said with a trembling voice, feeling desperate right now.
Mei Mei just steps closer to her instead. “No need to fear. You're mine now, and you'll learn how to behave in time.” She said, the sly grin on her face showing no signs of leaving.
Once you and Geto walk out of the room, you can hear the door shut behind you with a thud.
“Mei-san will take care of her now. Hopefully, Yui will become a better person afterward.” He said before sighing. He then looks at you with a worried look on his face, “And you need to calm down, love.”
“Let her taste her own medicine.” You shrug nonchalantly. He just shakes his head and keeps moving, not wanting to dwell on it much longer.
“Let's go get some snacks, okay? Would that lift your mood, my baby?” He ruffles your hair as you walk side by side. He remembers how you texted him that Yui took all your snacks when you first met her.
“Maybe.“ You shrug again, but you feel your mood getting better now. “Sweet or savoury?” He pinches your cheek playfully.
“Savoury. I already have something else that tastes sweet.” You decided to joke back. “And what would that be?” He places his hand on your head as you walk.
You stuck your tongue at him before running off towards the vending machine, leaving him stunned behind before he shakes his head with a soft laugh.
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Just...had an idea....about a sweet but kinda shy reader (bonus, maybe...autistic reader? Sorry just thought relatable...if ya don't wanna do it with that kind if reader I understand!)
Anyway, so can imagine shadow milk cookie leaves his tree and the others, including reader cookie, are scared of him...at first...but not liking the fear on reader cookie's face (bonus idea if you want...maybe what triggers what happens next is seeing y/n cry from fear), he shrinks down and starts giving reader their own private magic show. He focuses only on reader cookie as the other cookies stand and watch as the jester starts showing reader...they mean no harm with cute tricks to calm them down! Maybe even doing classic magic coin tricks or the card trick where they are told to pick a card, any card and then shadow milk pretends to be unable to find it and then goes 'wait, what's that behind your ear?' And pulls out the card y/n had chosen! At some point, they make y/n laugh! Like he acts goofy and friendly to make y/n not scared of him anymore. Can imagine the other cookies would be shocked at how....gentle shadow milk is with y/n, choosing to make y/n smile with tricks and perhaps some hugs over trying to be a menace!
(....tldr: y/n, the accidental jester tamer lmao!)
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The freedom and fresh air were absolutely divine to Shadow Milk Cookie! He was free, finally free, and now he could do as he pleased. He could terrorize Cookies, make them scream and cry, and revel in their misery!
So as he looks down to spot everyone he's.. confused when why he doesn't like seeing fear on your face. You're trembling the most, shifting to hide behind the Cookie hold a simple version of his Soul Jam.
He.. he didn't like that.
And as he climbed from the seal, footsteps shaking the ground.. you start crying. It's quiet, not even audible to him, from how tall he was, but he could see it on your face. You were terrified.. of him.
Shadow Milk Cookie didn't like that, so he shrunk down. Approached you calmly and started.. doing tricks? Putting on a show, for you.
All the other Cookies present were absolutely flabbergasted. Ribbon and coin tricks, along with cards, which were working. You were beginning to smile, your tears drying up.
Elder Faerie Cookie was the most stunned, merely watching with wide eyes and an air of complete confusion surrounding him. Even as Gingerbrave started going on about how this could be a good thing, because they didn't have to worry about Shadow Milk Cookie wreaking havoc now!
And judging by the smile on your face and Shadow Milk Cookie's, he very well may be right.
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infernalurge · 24 days
The Astral Prism Isn't Grindr!- Why the Emperor didn't catfish you.🦑
Very long, rambling post I wrote while manic at 4 am. Enjoy!
I feel like the worst thing you can actually say about Emp in regards to his actions towards the player is that he lies by omission. But even then, to consider it lying you basically have to work from the perspective that you as a player, person, character or whatever, are entitled to know everything about someone you just met, who might have some very good reasons for not wanting to reveal certain things
He didn't "catfish" you the prism isn't grindr lmao?! And the game/companions/etc repeat to you over and over that the Dream Visitor is some kind of manufactured vision. You all have one and it's specific to your individual minds. He wasn't exactly doing some deepcover shit with a fake backstory to get your cryptowallet information or whatever real-life equivalence you keep trying to make. As if you run into alien squid monsters every day or something!
It's doubly bizarre because there is an extremely popular companion character whose entire arc is ACTUALLY lying to you about who they are, only admitting it when you catch them attacking you in your sleep, and then goes on to try to ACTUALLY manipulate you with sex and intimacy while at that point, not actually feeling it. This is the most popular character in the fandom btw- Astarion.
Emperor's morality is held up to a ridiculous standard. Not even the companions are held to that level- not even close!
A better equivalence to his situation than "catfishing" (a term completely exclusive to our world) would be if a sentient, alien creature was stranded on our planet and had to use a disguise to y'know....not be shot at and killed by confused humans? Why the heck would your brain first jump to catfishing? Girl if you approached your DG as a tindr date that's on you! Lliterally the only prompt the game gives you before creating them is "you need a guardian" (At least currently that's how it works, after official release.)
if you met a kind of weird guy and fell for him and he then revealed he's actually a sentient squid monster, I don't think your first response would be "OMG YOU CATFISHED ME?" I'm pretty sure it would be "HOLY FUCK A SQUID MONSTER!" because it would be very obvious and apparent (by virtue of them being a squid monster) that the intent was not to "catfish" you, but to survive a world that would be actively hostile towards him, on sight.
We accept this type of "ambiguous morality for the sake of survival" from characters like Astarion who are traditionally attractive, but we don't accept it from a being whose very appearance, forces them into that position of moral ambiguity. Emperor is not afforded the same privilege of even being able to consider full honesty, because just one look at him could make someone hysterical. Hiding himself from you is not an active choice he's able to make, anymore than a turtle can choose to break open it's shell- it will die.
Even if YOU wouldn't kill him, what about companions like Lae'zal, who are already suspicious of him and will definitely cut him down at that point? Even if you think that would be a good thing, you would then lose your protection from the tadpole/the Absolute. The game basically wouldn't exist without the Prism.
Let's also not use "well Astarion is traumatized" as an excuse here. Emperor is pretty obviously traumatized as well, in addition to being a brain-eating squid monster and having to manage that part of his nature, the way Astarion has to handle his. Yet he's still more up front than Astarion was. Astarion can accidentally kill you while drinking from you and he still doesn't reveal who he is to the others, AND pretends he doesn't know what happened to you lol.
Note my point here isn't "Astarion bad" but simply that if you have room in your heart to sympathize with characters like Astarion, then there's no reason you can't squeeze my man Emp in there too. He doesn't do anything significantly worse than any of the other main characters but is the most hated, and it's literally because of this ridiculous perception of him "catifshing" the player. The most media illiterate take I have ever seen in my life, honestly
Like first off, he's a squid, and secondly! ☝️ Read all that again.
tl;dr if you feel "cafished" by the Emperor you simply weren't paying attention for more than half the game. Fantasy might not be for you if you can't remove the plot from real life circumstances and turn complex fantasy monsters into human romance scammers, as if they're actually alike in any meaningful way.
Read more books maybe. That might help.
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utilitycaster · 16 days
no d20 spoilers here since i know you know the gist of the drama but the fact that both kipperlilly (and the ratgrinders as a whole) and laudna are sending the their respective fandoms into meltdowns is FASCINATING to me!!! Especially happening at roughly the same time
I am now officially caught up and. not to brag but, called it re: the Rat Grinders, huh, except it's even more stupid. Like. The "but they're literally minors?" argument sort of falls apart given that they're the same age as the Bad Kids, and are actively trying to kill them, the "but redemption" argument doesn't mean shit since at no point did they make any forays towards redemption and indeed sicced a bunch of dragons on the Bad Kids, and so we're left with nothing but an impotent desire to not have a sick-ass battle in the finale of a D20 Campaign. And, perhaps, an uncomfortable realization that they are not unlike the Rat Grinders and the narrative said "lmao yeah you suck".
Laudna's shit? not that different actually. Like there's a lot of reasons why the arguments defending her are bullshit but the biggest one is that the "Laudna has never done anything wrong ever in her life and Imogen is her tether" crowd have painted themselves into a delightfully tiny little corner and they can't hide it anymore. Like, okay, so, is Laudna in control of her actions? Because if so she just attacked Orym in the middle of the night. Is she not? Because if so why hasn't she made the efforts that Chetney and FCG and Imogen (at least sometimes) did to address that? If the issue is trauma why is hers more valid than that of others? If it's abuse tell me how you feel about Caleb, Fjord, Beau, and Percy? Why is Orym shutting down the conversation when he says the Vanguard killed his family but Laudna's not doing the same when she tells Ashton not to speak to her of loneliness and Chetney not to speak to her of loss when she doesn't have a monopoly on either?
Why is it Bells Hells' job to endlessly accomodate Laudna and why are so many people suddenly talking about Bells Hells as an abstract 7-headed entity that didn't deal with Laudna's problems when those same people (if they were around at the time of the gnarlrock airing, and many of them weren't) were like "NO THEY SHOULD MAKE UP AS FAST AS POSSIBLE AND IMOGEN IS A BITCH BECAUSE LAUDNA DIDN'T MEAN IT." Why wasn't it an issue for them when Laudna's ranting about her time in Issylra and how hard it was got shut down by Imogen kissing her because that's why it didn't stay in the spotlight. Why wasn't it an issue for them when Imogen said "if you need her, that's my answer"? Why is it Orym or "Bells Hells" in the abstract who never spent time on Laudna's trauma after months if not years of throwing a fit any time someone (often me) (not always though) pointed out how much Imogen and Laudna were shoving under the rug and not dealing with? What does it say that you can't even expect Laudna's partner to be the one supporting her through this- it has to be Orym? Why doesn't Laudna have any responsibility here? At minimum she could have spoken up about the sword at at least two if not three junctures and she didn't.
There's a lot of things I hold in contempt, and after the obvious things like bigotry, two I really detest are hypocrisy and dereliction of responsibility. It's been extremely telling with both the D20 and CR discourse that people do not like seeing the story and the fandom say "hey actually you need to take responsibility for your actions, you only get redemption if you work for it, and if you leave a room hoping someone will follow you without saying that's what you want? Don't be surprised if no one does." The reason everyone was preparing to stop Laudna was because she was, in every action and decision, showing herself to be a person in need of being stopped. Can you describe this perfect balance of gentleness in which she's never pushed too hard but she does talk about her trauma and work through it and in doing so leaves Delilah? Have you demanded any other member of Bells Hells be granted that same gentleness and patience and kindness or do you think Orym should get over his grief because it's inconvenient to your arguments.
Just as the Rat Grinders show the narrative saying "being an entitled, resentful, jealous person who hurts others from jealousy makes you an easy tool to be manipulated into cruelty and you need to deal with that," I think Laudna shows the narrative (and certainly the fandom) saying "you do have an obligation to deal with your trauma, especially if it causes you to hurt others, and you can ask for help but you can't just sit on your ass waiting for someone else to initiate the process for you" as well as "if you do hurt people because of your trauma they may be angry with you, this may shape how they see you, and they are justified in that because you hurt them" and I think people in both fandoms hate being told that because I think a lot of the people sparking the discourse really do think that you can shield yourself from criticism over your hurtful actions by claiming trauma or neurodivergence or mental illness or whatever and it's like, no, you do still suck, you just also had sucky things happen to you as well.
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moumouton4 · 7 months
Itachi x reader who likes to read fiction and falls for fictional men
When You Fall For Fictional Men || Itachi Uchiha x reader
A/n : Here it is ! I really feel like I'm back on track lately ! It feels refreshing ! I hope y'all will like it ! 🌭🍟
Warnings : no mention of gender for reader, fluff fluff fluff, jealousy, self-consciousness, implicit mention of sex and woshipping a the end
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 712
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He isn’t the jealous type, because he knows what he has got. He knows you’re not going to go somewhere else because he is already so good in whatever he does - don’t get me wrong he has his moments of self consciousness too
Besides he trusts you and he knows you’re not going to do something that will break the relationship and the trust you had built. You just value it so much
Though when he hears you rambling on and on about some guy you just read about in a fiction he can’t help but smirk… at first
If he didn’t know this was some fictional men he would have asked you who it was, because well, he prefers to be aware if another man is part of your life, even if he is a friend
So at first he doesn't care because it’s harmless for your relationship and connection, it’s just a fictional character after all
But the more you speak about him the more intrigued he becomes. He is going to try to understand why you’re so interested in him. Like he must be so worthy if you keep speaking about him so often
At some point he is so eager to understand that he is going to ask you nonchalantly what kind of fiction you’re currently reading. If he is too embarrassed to directly ask you he is going to try to read above your shoulder, he is a ninja after all 😂
As he finally reads the said fiction, his jaw drops… this guy doesn’t have anything that special - in his opinion - talking about so often. The guys in the fic just acts like any other guy should be acting with his significant other, with respect and love
He huffs feeling his ego swell with some kind of pride as this is already everything he has been doing
As he continues reading a little part of him wonders if you too speak and ramble about him with your teammates
But then as his eyes fell upon the physical description of the man he frowned. This guy isn’t your style at all, though you keep bragging about how sexy he is - you’ve seen fan arts
With a frown still plastered on his face he is going to look quickly at himself. His hands aren’t this veiny, besides he doesn’t seem as muscled as that guy ( I’m having Toji in mind lmao )
That’s when the self-consciousness subtly turns into jealousy
Each time you say something about that guy, Itachi is going to react more and more annoyed. Yes he is going to hide it for your sake and a bit for his pride
He is subtly going to try and be even better than what he has ever been in hope you’ll stop talking about this man. But to his despair the fiction you had been reading gets even more exciting and you’re bragging even more about that dumb f-... about that dude
One day he is going to come up to you and tell you the famous “Can we talk please ?”
You’re shittig yourself lmao
But after a moment you can see it in his eyes and he speaks to you with open heart
Soon enough you can’t take it anymore and you hug him very tightly, your eyes getting teary as you repeat “I’m so sorry I didn’t know” like a mantra
As he sees you almost crying he tightens his fists and his knuckles turn white as he hugs you back “I didn't know you’d react like that. I wouldn’t have mentioned it if I did”
You shook your head “No please don’t say that. Your feelings are valuable. I’m sorry. You know you’re the only one I love and want to be with”
His own eyes get glassy and he gives your neck a loving kiss. The trust between you two shone as he let himself be vulnerable in your arms
You promised him and yourself to do your best to compliment him each time you spoke about that fictional man and also without having to mention the character before
And in case he still feel a little bit self-conscious you’re going to worship his body like you never did tonight, just like he deserves
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here are some "quick" rvb restoration thoughts before i go to bed that i may expand upon later, in no particular order:
this movie was ABOUT tucker but tucker is not in it. there is a tucker sized hole. we see tucker only a little bit more than we see donut, but tucker is still there the whole time!!! at the beginning, i was excited for the tucker whump, but does it count if not a single character reacts to the truly horrifying news that their friend has been controlled for a few months by eight or nine ais, at least two of which have tried to kill him and everyone you love before? like even if they had retconned red and blue teams being friends (which they didn't), you're telling me that we never get to see wash's reaction to this news? carolina's? two people who lost a different friend to this exact gruesome process of de-personing? no one ever tells carolina that tucker is in there and no one objects when tex goes to fucking decapitate him? like i get that caboose was the only person to see that tucker was actually still in there, and he can't really be trusted to communicate things clearly, but they could have even just included some sort of discussion where they decide that they think that tucker would rather be dead than be dragged along in this parody of life (and with the way the ais were torturing him, he probably would have agreed.)
speaking of caboose knowing that tucker is still in there - grif and simmons abandoning caboose rubbed me SO wrong. usually if a character is trying not to involve themselves, they'll "run away" to the nearest place to hide, not GET ON A SHIP TO FLY AWAY LEAVING CABOOSE TO DIE AT POSSESSED TUCKER'S HANDS. i get why they (the writers) did it, but that doesn't mean i have to like it lol
why weren't they FRIENDS ANYMORE
where was donut
what was that wash b-plot. what did the wash b-plot add?? what it did: make me feel weird about dr. grey's character, kill doc off screen, and make wash useless in the main plot. what it did not do: make sense. when did wash get injured post chorus? why is he hallucinating, period? why was he institutionalized? (and why is the room number the same as his prison number?) why did they spend so much time on it for it to have no real conclusion? they didn't need to have this weird "wash is hanging onto the past via doc" plot to have the carolina-wash-freelancer ghost heart-to-heart. (also i have never laughed so hard as when i saw the post pointing out that they left wyoming out bc neither my friend or i noticed lol) why wouldn't he know there was a manual way to activate the recovery beacon since he was LITERALLY recovery one? so many questions, no answers. what have you done to my boy, burnie.
the pacing was ATROCIOUS. nothing happened for the first half of the movie, a bunch of stuff happened in the second half, and none of it felt resolved.
where was donut
why was everyone separated at the beginning? why was no one worried about it? where was donut? where was carolina? why was no one worried about where tucker was? had caboose been the lone blue for the few months that tucker was gone and wash was hospitalized? genuinely, my friend and i thought that the reds and caboose had been mind wiped and dropped into their undisclosed locations without knowing why, and the plot was gonna be them all reuniting and piecing together what had happened and getting tucker back. alas.
it felt like it was the grif-simmons-caboose show, which was interesting because that's not a problem i feel like i've had before with this show. even if i saw less of a particular character than i wanted to. they usually have a pretty good balance of characters and this movie felt like they suddenly Realized how many characters they had and fumbled it.
i did actually really like the tex reveal that was BOSS i LOVED IT
i have more thoughts but this is far too long already so i'll save it for later lmao
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derangedanomaly · 11 days
...So, Chaos is like my comfort character rn, and him getting mad at us... again... genuinely makes me want to cry, I can't handle getting yelled at... Like at all, and right now I'm literally shaking, if like anyone yells at me in anyway, my brain immediately says that it's my fault and I mad them mad, and to get away from them... Ha ha ha..... I think I have a problem.... But, when I get like this, I hide from the person that yelled at me, for like hours, sometimes I disassociate from the person to the point I stop responding... Completely... And then I avoid them, fearing I'll get yelled at again, and make them mad again. I won't even ask for help, I'll stay quiet and do as I'm told, without a single thought running through my head, like completely empty.
I was wondering if you could write um, some headcanons on Mare, Chaos, and the trio getting angry and yelling at us and then we just start disassociating and then when they stop yelling, we just disappear for hours only to reappear and not say a single word, but avoid them because we feel like we upset them and fear that if we get close to them they'll get angry again. And we won't even ask for things, we just hide and won't come out until our mind feels it's safe. And if they try to talk to us, at all, our mind immediately feels its no longer safe, and then we disassociate again.
You're so real for this.. I literally can't handle arguments- I don't like conflicts at all.
Of course he snapped. How could he not? You keep on making excuses upon excuses, just so you can get out of doing certain chores. Nightmare just can't keep it together anymore... he's seriously too tired for this.
He was surprised when you ran up to your room, and didn't show up the whole day.
He honestly started to get a lil concerned. But his pride didn't let him check up on you
It was a shock to him when you finally came out of your room.
But even through all this... he's still the king of negativity. Of course he's gonna enjoy your negative feelings.
Honestly- won't end well. He doesn't know how to comfort someone, and he'd probably make it worse than it is actually- so.... Not the best choice 😭
He didn't want to yell... He didn't mean to yell and let his emotions out... But you just suddenly started mentioning his mom...again. He truly doesn't want to think about it- he doesn't want to hear about it. Then something in him just- snapped.
You wouldn't even make it up to your room, before he grabs your hand, and looks at you with tears in his eye.
The only thing that he didn't want to happen- happened. He yelled at you.
You two immediately resolved it!
Everything went back to normal- and now you know not to mention that topic again..
Honestly, one of the best choices here lmao.
He tries to stay away from creating conflicts...he can't stand them. He doesn't search for them- and he sure as hell doesn't want them. But hearing you spitting "facts" about his favorite tv show just made him angry..
He feels horrible after he sees you run up the stairs, a total mess.
He also- much like Chaos- won't let it sit. He'll try to immediately solve your argument!
He'd apologize really passionately! Just snuggling up to you, telling you how much he appreciates you..
Blade couldn't keep his cool when you fiddled with his collection of knives. He just COULDN'T. And being the idiot he is, he raised his voice....which he quickly realized was a mistake.
He was confused when you started avoiding him-
This dumbass is such a dum dum that he lets this go on for a whole week 💀
He just doesn't know what to say/do😭🙏🏻
He'd crack though, after he starts missing you.
Yeah...you got yourself a begging mess of Blade lmao
He doesn't yell at you
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GUESS WHO FINALLY WROTE THESE 💀 Sorry it took a hot minute to finish these- I got distracted, on another note there's gonna be some small Ghost Headcannons soon lmao. AAA it's nearly half 1 in the morning- I need to go to sleeppp
Regressor!Phillip Graves Headcannons
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He's just small kiddo bless him, 0-4 age range.
He denies that he needs to regress/that he does. "I'm a man I don't need stupid stuff like that to cope." (Yes. Yes he does.)
So emotional. Anything and everything can and will set him off.
^ Gets so emotional when alone. He needs a Caregiver to help ground him because he's just too small, he needs cuddles and to be held and told that he isn't bad.
He's a biter. This goes for clothes, toys, and even people. Clothes and toys are normally just because of his young age however people tend to be when he's upset about everything. He doesn't want to hurt anyone or be bad he just gets overwhelmed quickly and if someone is there it normally make that worse, his default reaction is to do something that will get them to leave. (Chances are no he doesn't actually want them to leave, he just needs support.) It's made so much worse by Graves knowing that he shouldn't, it's instinct. He doesn't know why he bites the hand that feeds him. He is in constant need of reassurance that he shouldn't have done it but no one is angry at him for it, no one hates him for a reaction that he couldn't control at the moment. He can't tell the difference between the hand that wants to help him and the hand that wants to hurt him..
He has a duffle bag that he keeps his little gear in. He also stores an oversized hoodie, the hoodie is large and makes him feel small, it's plain black and very comfortable, therefore it's very discreet. It's only real purpose is to initially hide his regression gear if the bag is opened.
Graves is terrified that people won't want to be around him anymore. He gets these thoughts at random and it will completely consume his thoughts until he's reassured otherwise.
Punishments really just can't be done, it triggers him. He needs someone to talk through whatever he's 'in trouble' for and explain.
He cannot be put into timeout he will hyperventilate and has got to the point of passing out before.
On a bit of a happier note he is the utter cutest just curiously toddling around, taking in his surroundings like it's the first time he's ever seen it. (Even if he's seen it a million times before)
When he's deep in his headspace he finds himself scared of Ghost. (It's the mask.)
He had a freakout once and the others (Soap, Gaz and Ghost) were in the room. They were all regressed and no-one knew what to do without a Caregiver there to help out, helping Graves was always hard but Gaz wanted to try and do something. Gaz gets hit a few times in the process of getting close to him but he is eventually able to calm Graves down, running his hands in the younger boys hair.
When it comes to hanging out with other Regressors Gaz is definitely his favourite to be around, he just knows how to calm him down.
Colouring in >>>
If Price or Ghost cradle and/or rock him like a baby it's game over. He's asleep within 10 minutes. ❤️
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cheeseceli · 11 months
Proud - Bang Chan
Pairing: Bang Chan × gn!Reader
Genre: little bit of angst with fluff ending, small drabble
Warnings: reader has low self-esteem, reader's mom doesn't help at all, not proof read, and one (1) bad word i think bullshit (idk if that counts as bad word)
Request: by my inner child lmao
A/n: i thought of this last night because i relate to and admire Chan so much, so he is precisely the person that could make me feel better in a time like this. This drabble ain't supposed to be good, I just wanted some comfort and luckily you can feel some comfort as well
"Were you crying?"
You don't know why, but lately it seems like life hasn't been kind to you. You were doubting yourself and your talents (did you have any?) more than usual. Everything you did seemed wrong, seemed like it could be better. Even things you were sure about, like your potential and hard work, weren't certain anymore.
The last straw was when you were calling your mom before you went to bed. You wanted to vent, to try to understand what was wrong and how you could fix it. Instead, she said "you should give up abot that. You're not that good anyways". You doubt she was saying that out of malice, like she was praying for your downfall or something like that. She actually thought you'd be better if you settled down and just gave up in your "dreams". She was actually trying to help.
But now, past midnight, you're in bed trying to hide your tears and silence your hiccups. The overthinking, the pressure and the fact that everything you were doing this past days was collapsing made you cry. The last thing that you needed was to wake up and worry the man beside you.
Unfortunately, luck was not on your side.
"Babe, look at me" Chan said, growing worried because all he could see was your back facing him "Please."
With that being said, you felt like the worst human being to ever live. You made him worry over something that was probably just drama. He'd ask what was wrong and you would explain to just later realise that you were being dramatic. You didn't want to look at him. Not now, not like this.
So you did the most reasonable thing that came across your mind: you pretended you were sleeping. Perhaps he would believe. He didn't see you crying anyways, he just heard the hiccups. Maybe he would believe that nothing was wrong and he probably misunderstood the sounds.
When he laid back his head in the pillow, you thought it worked. You almost sighed in relieve until he hugged you closer from behind. He wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you softly, you almost couldn't feel it, in the back of your neck going down to your shoulder.
"You know I'm here, right? It doesn't matter what it is, I'll always be here."
That was it. Now that was in fact your last straw. As comforting as it was, you couldn't handle it. Because you thought of yourself as someone who wasn't deserving of love, you forgot you were actually loved. And now you were crying even more.
As a reminder that Chan was never leaving your side, he hugged you tighter. You didn't feel suffocated. You were embraced, you were warm. For a second you believed you were safe.
"Could you tell me that you're proud of me?" was the first thing you said that night, it was almost inaudible "You can lie. Just say I'm doing good or something like that. Please."
For some moment all you could hear was the silence. You knew he was there, you could feel him. But he didn't reply. The overthinking crossed your mind once again. You aren't worth, not even in a lie.
You tried to close your eyes and forget that you even said something until you heard him
"I'm so proud of you. I'm not telling you this because you asked me to, I'm saying this because it's the truth and I should've made it clear from the moment I saw you for the first time. To be honest I'm kinda shocked that you are even doubting it in first place." He giggled silently and God, you loved that small laugh "I don't know what made you think that you're not good enough but believe me when I tell you that you are way more than just enough. You're awesome, you're amazing, I wouldn't change a thing"
You kept your eyes closed to keep back the tears. You hated feeling so vulnerable or a burden, and that was the feeling that ever showed up whenever you cried. But tonight, the feeling was slowly becoming something else. Like you were allowed to fall, cause someone, cause Chan, would catch you.
Chan made you turn around gently and placed a soft kiss on your wet cheek, making you hug him closer. Everything that you needed right now was his comfort. He happily obliged.
"I'm so so proud of you. I'll spend the rest of my life telling you this if that's what will take for you to believe it. I admire you so much, Y/n. I love the person that you are and the person that you are becoming. And no one else's opinion matters because everyone that says bulshit about you is wrong and I'm the only one who is right" you couldn't help but giggle at the last part, knowing that it was somewhat true and that made it even funnier.
"thank you"
When you thought it was impossible for him to hug you even tighter, he did it and hid his face in your neck "don't thank me for saying the obvious. Now let's sleep, mm? It's late"
You nodded, feeling way more relaxed than you were when the night began. You close your eyes only to hear Chan saying "Good night, my love."
Reblogs and feedbacks are always appreciated ❣️
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shepherds-of-haven · 7 months
How would the ro's react if one day they woke up and their hair was a completely different color? would they be devastated/try to figure out what happened?
Blade: I think it would depend on what color! If it was something like close to his original color, like brown, he'd probably be like, "oh" and assume it was like...... a natural process of like aging or something... and be mostly indifferent and go about his day because he rarely looks into mirrors anyway, so it doesn't really matter to him. But if it was something ridiculous like pink or white, he'd probably, like, wear a hood up/attempt to hide it from everyone while trying to figure out how to reverse it discreetly lol
Trouble: I think he'd be so stoked that he wouldn't even question it lol he'd be like YEAHHH MY HAIR IS BLUE THAT'S AWESOME! He'd just carelessly operate under the assumption that it could be reversed in some way so he'd just be excited to enjoy it lmao
Tallys: I think she'd be intrigued, she's not that attached to her hair color so she'd probably like the change and end up embracing it, honestly!
Shery: I think she would panic, her hair is like one of the few things she's proud of appearance-wise so she'd just be like "???? what's happening to me??? 🥺" She wouldn't have a full-on meltdown or anything, she'd just be really confused and distressed!
Riel: UNACCEPTABLE. ABSOLUTELY NOT. he's not letting ANYONE see him like this and he's locking himself in his room and communicating through the door until he or someone else can figure out what's happened to him and how to reverse it... (and how to punish whoever is responsible!) the theatrics of it all would be quite intense! (can you imagine if he turned blonde lmao?)
Chase: I think he'd be like "...huh. That's new." and would spend about an hour checking himself out in the mirror lol then he'd be like, "damn, I'm kind of hot with [color] hair... should I have been born a redhead??" In other words, he'd be fairly nonchalant and just feeling himself... like always. If people asked him about the color change, I feel like he'd insinuate that he'd done it himself just to troll them lol!
Red: I think outwardly he'd be pretty calm, like "oh! that's unexpected..." and mild-mannered and good-humored about it, like making jokes about it along with everyone when they exclaimed over it, but inside he'd be panicking just a little, he's a tiny bit vain so inside he'd be like 'please change back 🥹 I can handle this only if it's not permanent 🥹' He wouldn't be super frantic about it, though! Can't have anyone suspecting he really cares about his hair (they all know anyway) LMAO
Ayla: I think she wouldn't really give a shit, she could either be indifferent like "😒... didn't ask for that..." or she'd be stoked if she liked the new look better. If it turned out to be permanent she probably wouldn't really care either, she's not very attached to her hair color!
Briony: she'd be DEVASTATEDDDD, her pink hair is like a part of her identity (and also one of the few things that she kept from her past) so she'd probably have some sort of existential crisis where she'd look into the mirror and not be able to recognize herself and would be like "WHO AM I??? AM I STILL THE SAME PERSON IF CHASE CAN NO LONGER REFER TO ME BY VARIOUS PINK-THEMED NICKNAMES?....... WHAT IF PEOPLE CAN'T RECOGNIZE ME IN THE STREET ANYMORE, HOW WILL PEOPLE FIND ME?" She'd be spiraling lol
Lavinet: I think it depends on the hair color, if it was unflattering she'd be PISSED and would be on a scorched-earth campaign to get it reversed, but if it was flattering she'd be preening, she was planning on dyeing her hair sometime in the future anyway so this is not a big deal!
Halek: I think he'd be low-key excited, his white hair draws a lot of attention so an excuse to not have it while no one can tease him about vanity and deliberately dyeing his hair would be fun... at least for a little while!
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obey-me-disaster · 2 years
Hello! Could you do MC with rode rage, just imagine a little sheep behind the wheel just screaming at people lmao you don’t have to but thank you anyways! Love your stuff :)
A/N: No because imagine a small fluffy pink sheep swearing and screaming behind behind the wheel. Sheep MC probably needs like 7 books to reach the steering wheel 😭
Also I don't know which characters do you want for the hc so I will use the demon brothers. If you want anyone else feel free to request.
Demon brothers x gn!MC
MC with road rage
There is a reason he is the one that usually drives. He had the pleasure of witnessing MC cursing that shit out of some old lady that jumped in front of the car to cross the road.
Who is more angry? Lucifer when Mammon gets in trouble or Mc while driving? The world shall never know.
He saw MC contemplating if they should run over some guys that pissed them off in the traffic or not one time and decided he should be the one to drive. For the safety of everyone around.
No matter how many times he scolds MC about their attitude while driving it never works, he has better chances of making Levi give up on anime than make MC stop having road rage.
If anyone tries to fight back to MC, Lucifer does a 180° and is on their side in that exact moment tho
He is the one that usually drives because he just loves driving that much. Especially when MC is right besides him.
They acted calm while being in the passanger seat that it came as a complete shock when MC started to scream at someone while driving.
He fully supports them tho! Will flip off anyone that MC is angry at while driving. Someone tries to fight his human? You can bet he is right besides them in order to protect them.
Finds it hilarious most of the times. The times he tries to calm MC down is because he can see they are genuienely getting into a bad mood.
Lucifer might have to get the two of them out of trouble due to MC's agressive driving at some point.
MC nearly have the poor weeb a sheer heart attack when they started swearing out of nowhere.
Levi was playing on his phone so he wasn't paying attention, so when he heard MC screaming he really thought he upset MC and he started to apologize. It took MC a few minutes to reassure Levi they weren't mad at him.
After he got used to their road rage he fully supported. He goes full blown "Take that normies!".
MC kind of tones down their swearing just to not give Levi anymore heart attacks when he isn't paying attention.
If anyone tries to come to your car to fight he either trying to sink in his seat to not be seen or summons Lotan out of instinct. If he does the latter he won't stop apologizing to MC since Lotan probaby destroyed their car.
He can't say shit since he is probably worse than MC. It takes more for him to get road rage but once he gets angry enough, not even their road rage can compare to his.
Feels a bit guilty because he feeds on their wrath without meaning to. He has mixed feelings seeing them so angry. On one hand he likes seeing MC like that, on the other hand he doesn't want MC to get angry.
He has a pretty good control over his emotions, but he sometimes gets angry with MC, even if he isn't the one driving. It doesn't happen often but still..
He can talk both of them out of any trouble MC might get in since he has a lot of connections both in Devildom and in the human world.
If MC really wants to run over some jerk he will turn a blind eye to it. He knows how to hide a dead body and knows the right people in order to cover the crime.
that reminds of that one time he offered to kill someone for MC
He finds it both entertaining and frustrating. He finds it funny the way MC reacts but he is also worried for them, that much rage is not good for their health. "MC, dear, please calm down, it's not good for your skin to be that angry!"
He makes devilgram stories of MC cursing out some poor demon/human when driving. Those always get viral, which means Lucifer finds out pretty quick and they're in for one hell of a scolding..
Offers MC to relieve them of their stress while driving. I will leave that up to you to imagine.
MC gets in trouble with some random demon/human or the police? No worries he will use his charm to get them out of trouble.
If he gets offended on MC's behalf he will make a post about it on social media to probably ruin that person's day. They should have thought better than to do whatever got him mad.
Who should demons be more afraid of? Some sheep human cursing them out or some giant demon? People and demons alike tend to leave MC alone when they see Beel sitting next to them.
Tries to get MC to calm down, that much anger is not good for their stomach. Big chance he suggets the two of them go to McDonalds or something after that.
He honestly thought for the first few times that MC was expressing some repressed anger in their road rage so he tried to get them into some sport to let out their anger in a more healthy way. It turns out they just have road rage, no repressed feelings probably
Another demon MC calms down for. They don't like seeing Beelzebub lookig like a kicked puppy when they get mad. If they do have a good reason for their road rage, Beelzebub will support them. In what? Probably scaring some demons/people away, they will run just from seeing him.
Idk why but he seems like the type to just pet MC's head when they get angry. Like how he would try to calm down an angry Cerberus when he needs to give him a bath. It works too, which he didn't really expect.
It took him a while to notice MC's road rage because he would sleep thought the entire car ride. When he woke up one day to screaming in the car he thought Satan was driving for a second
As along as MC doesn't wake him up he doesn't mind them cursing out some random demon while driving. MC can run them over for all he cares.
During the times he is awake he finds it entertaining. That's what they get for getting into MC's way.
Chances are he had to use his powers to put someone to sleep more than one time.
After driving he always insists that MC goes and takes a nap with him as a way to relax and let out all that anger. It's a pretty lame excuse for him to get cuddles but MC doesn't really seem to care.
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Your Boyfriend Tomura Headcanons ❤️
Main love language is Quality Time. 99% of the population annoys the hell out of him. If he wants to spend a lot of time with you, out of his own will, it's probably because he likes you a lot.
Secondary are Acts of Service and Gift Giving, in no particular order. It usually takes a casual form of giving you food, medicine, sending you helpful articles when you're doing research etc. With gift giving it's similarly casual - him noticing you're running out of that one product. Him leaving your favorite snack somewhere you can notice etc.
He doesn't really clock it as his love language though, or even really making an effort. It's just "something you do for some people". He's hopeless lmao
Naturally gets into most of your interests
Granted, he has a preference for those of the non-physical variety
Meaning, yes, he will absolutely watch this new tropey romance shojo with you
He's probably the type to talk during though. On topic but still.
I feel like his main ways of showing affection are very non-verbal
Not at all the cuddly type, though likes being constantly close to you. Touching shoulders when standing close to each other, you sitting between his legs when he's reading, leaning against his thigh, etc.
Also likes propping his chin against the top of your head, or just lean his head against yours. If you're taller than him, he will find a way.
Sometimes when he's tired or fed up, he will physically lean against you and sigh, loudly. Absolutely does not care if he's too heavy for you.
In other words, cat-coded lmao.
Very dry, sarcastic humor. Will mutter snarky shit under his breath, no matter how serious the situation, and you will crack sooner or later. He will be very proud of himself, but won't show it. If it gets you in trouble, occasionally will send you a smug self-satisfied grin.
Secretly loves it when you wear his clothes. Underwear included. Outwardly will complain about you "making him run out out of clothes"
If you say you won't do it anymore, he will absolutely switch sides at the snap of a finger and complain you're making a big deal out of this for no reason. What does he care? He doesn't care. At alll
He's rude. Kind of?? If you do something stupid, don't expect to not get called out lmao. It's not really a lack of respect for him, he's just very matter-of-fact.
In major denial of his feelings when he first starts to feel something. It's just… Inconvenient. So he pretends it's not real.
Needs time to think and talk things through, during every decision. At the start, he will shut you off completely during this process but as time goes on, he will either involve you in its entirety or have his time to think and then discuss his thinking process with you later.
Very perceptive. Hiding things from him tends to be rather impossible.
Kind of jealous? Not really suspicious or controlling but lowkey gets really pissed off at people trying to hit on you, or even just seeing you in a romantic or sexual light.
Not the type to make things official official but extremely loyal and expects complete loyalty in return. Doesn't really see the point of following the traditional couple behavior - you like him, he likes you. What's more to it?
Lowkey would want to get married though. Doesn't care about making it a huge thing but likes the thought of that sort of symbolic commitment.
Very slow about certain things and breakneck about others. For example, basically living together after like a week is fine. Won't sleep in the same bed for months though.
Generally doesn't like to be touched, much more prefers to be the one touching. Especially if it's something like being grabbed, or hugged. Makes him feel kind of suffocated. Has a pretty good chance to make him go into fight more if it's by surprise. He can tolerate but for the most part, won't be something he enjoys.
And for the love of God, don't ever attempt to pick him up, unless he specifically says it's alright.
Okay with surprise kisses… Will send you a look about them though.
Very protective of his partner, in a surprisingly healthy way. Including sometimes physically placing himself between you and something that makes you just uncomfortable, let alone being threatening.
Only amusement is suffering… Well, that's not exactly true. He's amused at banter or some jokes but hearing him laugh without malice or irony is like hearing an unicorn sneeze. I feel like he truly laughs at the dumbest things though. You just see him choke-laughing at some shit like the "rat jumps off the balcony" video.
Gets annoyed with no direct communication. He doesn't care about the form it will take - written, verbal, whatever. But if you have something to say, he wants you to say it. Doesn't play mindgames in a relationship
Overall, probably not a good fit for sensitive, or "communication/understanding by emotion" people lol
Prefers you to do house chores but surprisingly flexible on that. Hates most of them, but will put in the work.
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vampyrsm · 2 years
Like imagine staying up veery late reading or watching something but, you pretend to be sleeping the moment Bakugou is home from his night patrol. And now you're totally aware of how angry he is, big frame towering over you with this frown on his face, and you just can't keep holding back your laughter anymore LMAO
(And ofc you'll be punished for this later)
Omg, it's me. I do that, I've always done this but I can't keep quiet when I know I'm being watched
The second you hear the front door open and then close with a muted slam, you're scrambling across the bed to turn the TV off, reaching across to turn off the bedside lamp and shoving your phone beneath your pillow to hide any evidence that you're awake. Scooting down into the bed, kicking your feet about a little to make it look more slept in before slamming your eyes shut when the door slowly opens.
You wonder if it's actually Bakugou because he doesn't move at first, just stands in the doorway and you're very tempted to look over your shoulder but something in your mind tells you to just stay still. The air under the covers is getting pretty hot, you hid your face partially so he couldn't see the fact you're unable to keep the giddy smile off of your face (you've never been good at keeping a poker face around Bakugou), you hope he didn't hear the shaky breath you let out in an attempt to stop your bubbling laughter.
Unsure of how much time has passed, it could've been 1 minute or 10, you go against your better judgement and open your eyes. A scream escapes your throat, and you end up throwing yourself backwards as you find your boyfriend actually squatting down right in front of you on your side of the bed with a very unamused frown on his face.
"The fuck you doin' awake?" he asks, voice gruff and heavy with the need to sleep off his long shift. "Thought I told you to stop waiting up for me, it makes you feel shitty in the mornings."
You pout a little, hand over your heart trying to steady your racing heartbeat. "You know I can't sleep without you," and Bakugou's expression softens a little at that, hardened red rubies melting into soft cherries.
"Did you even try to sleep?" he asks, getting up from his spot to go about undressing himself for bed. He looks over at you when you're silent to his answer, at least you have the gall to look guilty about staying up for him. Bakugou sighs, not really wanting to start a tiny argument with you right before bed.
Instead, he climbs into bed, letting you magnetise yourself to his side as his arms come around you in a comforting all-consuming bear hug. You relax easily in his arms, letting your sleepiness finally settle into your bones when he breathes in deep against the crown of your head. "Don't think I won't forget about this though," it's a very quiet threat, one that has your toes curling and thighs squeezing to stop the sudden throbbing between your legs.
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