#i know if i go i'll die happy tonight
suchawrathfullamb · 5 months
Hannibal was probably like "I might die right now but damn the last thing I see is fine as hell"
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am a little bitter that multiple of my primary interests only surge in popularity (aka people only ever talk about them) during the september-october(-november too sometimes but usually only the beginning of the month) period of the year. they are a year-round thing for me and most of the other people who are into them year-round too either have me blocked or are blocked by me.
and things like the general rise of gothlit fandom in recent years has made the non-hammer tags mostly unusable for finding people to follow/talk to about my interests besides OMG Friend Jonathan ! + the rampant bigotism is so bad it makes me sick to my stomach with stress and disgust. so even though now i can find people who like one (1) of my interests the tags are too oversaturated for me to actually benefit from it. and still none of you want to touch the hammer films, which is truly where my interest hits its highest peak 😭
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writingouthere · 4 months
singlemom!reader x neighbor!Sukuna. You and Sukuna have been dancing around each other for weeks, and when you tell him you've found another apartment for you and your daughter, he decides he's had enough.
cw: smut, breeding kink(heavy emphasis), Sukuna is a bad dude but you know that already. Your daughter's nickname is Bug but she's given no official birth name.
Sometimes, Sukuna remembered how much he felt like he would die if he didn't touch you back when he first met you. Now, he wanted to go back in time and punch himself in the fucking face because that him, that him did not know what it meant to suffer.
The past few weeks since the birthday party where he felt like you had finally, finally seen him had been the worst, but somehow best, weeks of Sukuna's life. On the surface, not much had changed. You still were crashing at his place, he continued to take on more and more caretaker duties with your daughter and the two of you were continuing this dance where you participated in the outline of what a relationship between the two of you could be but for some reason, you still seemed hesitant to embrace it completely.
Sukuna could be patient, he had been patient, but the fact that you two still weren't together when he was positive now it was what you both wanted, it was driving him insane.
You looked at him more than you did before and sometimes he would catch these quick glimpses of a desire that burned him, that made him want to show you just how much he had been wanting you. How he was never going to want anyone but you. But then, he would look again and you were back to feeding your daughter or cleaning a dish and just continuing with this facade where you were just crashing temporarily at his place.
Sukuna could feel the tension tighten across his back and shoulders as the three of you finished dinner. Your daughter was telling a story about something her and her "Uncle Uuji" had gotten up to when Sukuna's brother had been babysitting that afternoon, and you were smiling and giving the right "oohs" and "aahs" when you had looked over at him.
You looked so content and happy that Sukuna felt his shoulders relax in response. The waiting was killing him, but he reminded himself it was worth it, he was so close he could almost taste it. Soon, he wouldn't need to hold himself back and he could hold your hand and kiss you anytime he wanted, while his daughter monopolized the dinner conversation. You were both so clearly meant to be his and if he needed to give you some more time so you were comfortable, then he would give you more time.
Feeling at peace with his decision, Sukuna took the lead on bedtime duty that night. He read your daughter a story-"Do the voices 'kuna!" "I am doing the voices, kid"- and then tucked her in. He pressed a kiss to her forehead as she was struggled to keep her eyes open.
"Night, Bug."
"Night, 'kuna."
Sukuna finished tucking her in while you watched from the doorway. He was about to leave when the little girl grabbed his wrist.
"Love you."
Sukuna felt something catch in his throat and all the sudden he was a scared kid again holding a little Yuuji to his chest so the roaches that were all over the floor of their apartment didn't touch him. A fierce protectiveness lit up his chest and he promised to himself, for not the first time, that his little girl would never know experience any of that. It had taken him years to get Yuuji out of there, and Bug had already lived a few years without him, but she was home now and it was clear she knew that too.
"Love you too, Bug." He couldn't resist pressing one more kiss to your daughter's forehead but the kid was out like a light already. You moved aside so Sukuna could close the door, which he did very gently.
"Took her long enough tonight, huh? I think I'll still be able to recite 'Goodnight Moon' when her grandkids ask for it."
You don't smile and he knows you're aware he's joking about the time. There's a reason you're co-owning story time now, Sukuna isn't developing his voice actor repertoire for nothing.
He goes to put his hand on your shoulder but you move back a little as if you're trying to avoid his touch. Now he's concerned.
"You okay?"
You shake your head and gesture your head towards the living room. Sukuna follows, not appreciating the uncertainty he's feeling at your strange mood.
When you get to the living room, you hesitate and take a seat on the armchair. Usually, you only use it when you're reading or doing something on your laptop. Whenever you're together, you always share the couch with Sukuna and he notes the decision to distance yourself with distaste. He's sure the wariness shows on his face as he goes to sit on the side of the couch closest to you.
"Alright, what is it?"
You bite your lip and he's about to ask again, with less patience ,when you take a deep breath and begin. Your eyes trained down on your lap.
"I found an apartment for me and Bug. It's close to the daycare and it's a little smaller than we're used to, but it will work for now. A friend helped me find it and there isn't even a creepy landlord! I'm going to sign the lease Monday and we should be able to move in next weekend. So, I just wanted to thank you for everything."
Sukuna thinks he's stopped breathing and he feels a wave of anger so intense he can taste iron against the back of his teeth.
"You're leaving?"
You take another deep breath and nod while Sukuna's world continues to fall apart.
"I think it's time. You know, I appreciate everything you've done for me and bug. The past few months have been amazing and we never would have gotten through them without you."
Sukuna doesn't have it in him to let the pause you leave sit there long. "I keep telling you, you don't have to thank me. It's really fine. I like having you here."
You look down at your fingers where he sees it looks like you've been picking at them. He gets a bad feeling, worse than what he was already feeling.
"I know and that's-it's really nice, really."
"But, I think it's starting to get confusing."
"Confusing? What's confusing?"
You go on, ignorant to, or ignoring the rage that's rising in him.
"It's just, when we were at that party a few weeks ago and everyone kept asking about us and if we were together, and about our situation, it's obvious that what we're doing isn't normal."
"Not normal, how?" Sukuna prompts and he's going to snap if you keep refusing to even look at him.
"You don't just crash with your neighbor for months on end because your apartment flooded. They don't help you with chores and spend all your time together. Neighbors don't babysit your daughter-"
"I like spending time with your daughter, that's not a favor I'm doing for either of you," Sukuna finally snaps, annoyed that the special moment he'd shared with Bug earlier was being overshadowed by you denying the relationship he'd been so careful about building with her. "I told you, I care about both of you and I don't give a fuck what other people think about our situation. I chose to let you both come and stay with me and I like the life we've built here."
You finally look up at that last part and your eyes are full of tears. Sukuna is able to hold back some of his anger at the sight of you in such clear distress.
"That's the thing, we're not building a life here, this is temporary and I think we've been forgetting that." A tear slides down your cheek. "A few days ago, Bug brought home a picture she drew in daycare. She drew the three of us as a family, Sukuna. She thinks you're going to be like her new dad and how am I going to explain to her that you're not going to be in her life when this is over? She barely understands what happened with her dad, I can't do that to her again."
Sukuna seethes. "Don't compare me to that piece of shit. He hasn't even tried to contact you or Bug since you moved in."
"Well, he's still her dad-"
"No, he fucking isn't," Sukuna is done and you're crying freely now and he doesn't understand where he went wrong with all of this. "In a few years, she won't even remember that bastard. I'll be the only father she's ever known because I'll be the one that's actually here."
You laugh a little and wipe at your face but it just exacerbates the mess. "What are you even talking about? You're her neighbor, Sukuna and when we move you won't even be that."
"Is that all I am to her? To you?"
"What else are you supposed to be?!"
Sukuna is so pissed, he doesn't know how he's going to recover from this. This is not what he wanted at all and here you were now-
Crying, you were crying.
The pieces started connecting and Sukuna realized that he wasn't being left. You weren't rejecting him or what he was to you or to your daughter. You were panicking. You were doing what you had been taught to do by everyone else in your life, to leave them before they could leave you.
You were right, after all. You were confused.
Sukuna was going to fix that.
You must have noticed the abrupt shift in Sukuna's mood because you seemed puzzled as Sukuna started to smile. You didn't have time to ask any questions before Sukuna stood up and walked over to your chair.
"I see now, I wasn't clear with you. That must have been so frustrating, sweetheart."
You'd stopped crying in your bewilderment. "Sweetheart? Sukuna, what are you doing-"
Sukuna shushed you as he leaned you so you were face to face, his body almost shielding you from the rest of the room. You blinked a few times to adjust to the lack of light as he blocked everything else but himself from view.
"I'm going to help fix your confusion, sweetheart. You seem to think I've just been doing this all out of the kindness of my heart and I want to assure you, that's not the case," he says, leaning his forehead against yours. "See, I'm actually not that kind and if you were anyone else, I wouldn't have given you a place to stay, even with a brat."
"You don't mean that-"
"Yes, I really do. I don't help people, I don't give a fuck even whether they live or die. The only people I give a damn about are Yuuji, you and the kid and that's it. When I say I would have left anyone else to tough it out on the streets, I fucking mean it."
"You don't give yourself enough credit," you argue and Sukuna finds it adorable. "You're making it sound like-"
"Like what, princess?" Your breath hitches at that one and his grin turns predatory. "Oh you like that one, I'll keep that in mind princess." You gulp and he watches the way your throat moves and can't resist pressing a kiss to it.
"No, no, go on princess, you were telling me what you thought the reason must be for me doing all these things. Go on, tell me your theory. You're a smart girl, I think you've figured it out."
"You like me," and the way you say it as almost a question is so endearing Sukuna can't hold back the trail of kisses he plants up your throat until he gets to your jaw.
"No, I don't like you princess." You seem to accept this and you're nodding, opening your mouth to probably say something stupid when Sukuna cuts you off. "Like isn't enough to describe the way I feel about you."
"Really?" You're so hesitant and sweet as Sukuna presses kisses up and down your tear stained cheeks. A new one slips down your cheek and he holds your face with both hands as he licks it up before it can fall all the way. You're almost panting now and he loves it.
"Trust me, I haven't gone to all this effort just for some lousy date or to get my dick wet." He leans back so he can see your face and cups your face so he can tilt it up to look at him.
"You're it for me, princess. This isn't temporary and I'm not going to let you go. Either of you."
"Sukuna, it's one thing to be interested in me but it's another to just-to just say you're going to parent my kid. I mean, she's a person you'd be tied to your whole life."
Sukuna hums, finding it cute how much you're still not grasping the situation. "All of your children will be mine, that includes Bug."
You laugh. "Children, plural?"
"Definitely plural." Sukuna looks your body up and down making his meaning clear and you seem determined to try to be the voice of reason as Sukuna goes back to kissing your cheeks, your temple, your forehead.
"We're not even dating, Sukuna."
"What do you call the past few months? We spend every day together, go everywhere together, we live together, we're raising your daughter together, what else do you need to know about me?"
"I'm wondering if there's in fact very important things I need to know about you." That's his smart girl and Sukuna finds the suspicion adorable, especially since it doesn't stop you from tilting your head so he can get to your neck.
"Well, you'll have the rest of our lives to get to know me," he nips at part of your collarbone that's exposed by your shirt and you hiss before gently pushing him away.
"Okay, this is nice."
That word again.
"But, just because you're interested in me and care about my daughter, that doesn't mean we should just jump into something. I still think the best thing would be for us to figure this out after Bug and I have our own place-"
You look confused, obviously thinking you misheard him.
"I'm sorry, you can't just say no, it doesn't work like that."
"But you can just decide to leave our home, with our daughter and for what? So we can do a worse version of what we've been doing? What purpose could that possibly serve?"
"Because this is too fast for me?"
"We already live together," Sukuna points out and knows this isn't the moment to mention he's the one who destroyed your apartment to make that happen.
"That doesn't mean we'll be good together."
"What exactly are you worried about? Do I not do my share of the chores?"
"No, that's fine."
"Do you not enjoy spending time with me?"
"Of course, I enjoy that," and he smiles smugly at that and pulls your arms gently so they loop around his neck.
"Do I not take of our daughter?"
You seem like you want to fight him on the 'our' but he goes back to kissing your neck and the way you tighten your grip lets him know you're getting distracted by the attention.
"She loves you," and that soothes the last bit of anger that had been present in Sukuna. Now, he was just ready to get started on the next part of your lives.
"Oh I see, so it's that I haven't been taking care of you? I'm so sorry for neglecting you. Don't worry, I can fix that right now."
Even if Sukuna kisses you a million times, he's never going to forget what it feels like to kiss you for the first time.
Your lips are soft and so warm. At first you don't react, your mouth still poised as if you're going to argue one last time, but then you're relaxing, leaning in and you give this sigh of relief and Sukuna knows you're hearing the same voice that he's hearing in his head.
This one.
Sukuna has long assumed that love and romance was nonsense shit for weak people who needed to find purpose. Sukuna wonders what it says about him that he thinks his purpose in life might have just been to find you.
You're kneeling on the chair now, Sukuna still hunched over so he can hold you. He's getting annoyed at the angle and how it's stopping him from feeling more of you and so he slides his hands down to your waist and pulls you up to him. With one hand on your hip, he uses his other to wind your right leg around him, you moving your left to follow suit. The new position has your core pressed up against where he's already half hard and you sigh into his mouth so beautifully, that he can't help but use the opportunity to explore your mouth.
It's hot and sloppy and so good that Sukuna moans and your legs tighten around his waist in response. The living room feels hot with every breath you exchange and he can hear the sounds you're making fill the space. Thinking about the child sleeping not nearly far enough away, Sukuna starts to walk you towards his room.
Even when he wants to be responsible and not have his first time with you interrupted by your daughter, he can't stop himself from pressing you up against the wall at least twice before you finally get to his room.
It's going to be your room now too, and he's so happy it disgusts him a little.
Sukuna has you pressed up against your door, one hand holding your waist and the other grabbing your ass so he can control the way you're rocking up to meet him. He angles you down a bit and you both moan at how the position lines you up to grind directly on his cock. There's too many layers separating you still, and it's that thought that pushes him to finally open the door.
He makes sure to lock the door behind you before he tosses you on his bed. On your bed. That's never going to get old.
He crawls over you and is back to kissing you into the mattress before you even have time to fully catch your breath. You're panting into his mouth and he nips at your top lip as you pull away to breath, catching it in his teeth. You don't need any prompting to spread your legs and he fits between them like he was meant to be there, letting his weight drop enough on you so you can feel him.
While he's excited to finally explore your body and see what he's been thinking about for months, he's having a hard time separating from you long enough to move any further than you are. Sukuna usually doesn't care much for kissing, but kissing you is different. He thinks he could kiss you all night even if his hard cock very much disagrees with that sentiment.
Fuck, if you kept grinding your cunt on him like you were, he may just come before he even gets inside you.
It's that thought that finally makes him get up on his knees to take his shirt off. You follow suit under him and he can't stop from kneeling down to kiss at your newly exposed skin. You're not wearing a bra and your tits are too perfect for him to ignore even for the sake of getting to your cunt.
These are the same tits that fed your child and will one day feed his and something about that gets to Sukuna in a way he hadn't ever really thought about before with other partners. It makes him softer, more gentle with his worship and you thread your fingers through his hair when he takes one of your nipples and sucks it gently in his mouth. He releases it so he can leave a few quick hickies around your chest. You're squirming so hard underneath him, he has to press you down with a thigh slotted between your legs to hold you still.
"Sukuna," you whine and he hushes you before leaving another mark under your collarbone.
"I'll get there, pretty girl. Just use my leg for now," he says continuing to leave marks wherever he can while you groan underneath him.
"I want you inside me," tempting but Sukuna is getting greedier the more desperate you are. Maybe if he fucks you hard enough, you'll stop thinking about stupid shit like needing your own apartment.
"I'll be inside you soon, I just want to taste a bit first. The way you are, I think humping my thigh will be enough to get you off," he teases and you whine, embarrassment clear in your voice. If you can still be embarrassed, more proof you're not ready for his cock in you. He presses against your cunt harder and he can feel the warmth of you on his thigh even through your leggings and his pants. He moves in a way more meant to tease than to provide you any relief and your frustration is clear when you start moving your hips to a faster, harder rhythm.
Sukuna smirks against your marked up throat when your whines start getting faster and closer together. You're still holding onto his shoulders when your grip tightens and you let out a gasp signaling your release.
Sukuna laughs meanly as you take in deep breaths, body still shaking from your orgasm. "Wow, someone was really pent up. No wonder you're having trouble thinking straight," he teases as he moves so he can take off his pants and boxers, giving his cock a quick stroke, drawing your hungry gaze down. "Don't worry, I got you. I'll give that tight cunt what it needs."
You pull him down so you can kiss him again and you're uncoordinated now, but Sukuna likes you better like this. Likes the proof that he's making you feel good. He presses down and your fingers scratch where his neck meets his scalp pulling out a moan that vibrates through his chest. He breaks off your kiss because he really does need to get inside you or he's going to come, and while the vision of you covered in his seed is a compelling one for another time, he plans on coming inside you first.
Sukuna pulls on your leggings until you get the hint and lift your legs so he can pull them off, leaving you in a pair of familiar blue panties. He laughs when he sees them and you come out of your daze a little bit, so he pulls them off too and tosses them aside so he can get to where you both want him.
Sukuna lightly touches your slit and smirks down at you when his fingers come away wet. Keeping eye contact with you he brings his fingers to his mouth and licks them clean and holds down your wrists with his free hand when you try to cover your face.
"All this just from my fucking thigh, just from some kissing. I'm starting to worry my cock might actually kill you."
You glare up at him and he grabs your leg as you try and kick him. "If you're so worried, maybe I should just leave then?"
Sukuna laughs and you gasp when he brings his fingers back down to you, slipping in two fingers to the knuckle. Your pussy is tight but you're so wet, he slides right in and he can't wait to get you on his cock. He brushes his thumb against your clit as he stretches you out, your voice leaving you in pants and gasps that are making him feel like a god.
"You're not going anywhere princess, not tonight, not on Monday, not next weekend," he moves so he's covering your body. His lips catching yours mid-moan. "When I'm done, you're going to be too tired to keep running from me."
He pulls his fingers out and you whine at the sudden emptiness but he keeps kissing you as he moves so his cock is touching your entrance. He moves it up and down, wetting himself in your slick. He cuts off your kiss so he can see your face, wants to look at you when he fucks into you for the first time. Finally getting some oxygen to your brain and the feeling of his cock pressing into you seems to bring your thinking back online.
"Wait, Sukuna, a condom," you say and he grins, not even pretending like he's thinking about it.
"We don't need a condom."
"Yes, we do, I'm not on birth control," you say and Sukuna has to tighten his grip on himself so he doesn't come.
"And?" He asks and he slips just the head in, you let out the cutest noise and your pussy clings to him as he pulls out.
"I-I could get pregnant, Sukuna!" He hums like he's actually thinking about as he presses in again, this time moving another inch into your tight cunt. It's teasing you both and he doesn't know how much longer he's going to be up for conversation as he pulls out only to thrust in, again just barely giving you his cock.
"Good, Bug wants a sibling. She was telling me how excited she'd be to be a big sister."
"What? You don't think we'd make a cute kid? I think they'd be as beautiful and as brilliant as their mamma," Sukuna would take your protests more seriously if your pussy wasn't literally gushing. He could swear his balls were wet with your slick and you weren't even really fucking yet.
"This is a big commitment, Sukuna. It's not a joke."
"Good thing I'm not fucking joking then," Sukuna kisses you again and nothing beats the way you gasp into his mouth when his rubs the head of his cock against your clit. "You really want me to stop? Want me to go away? If you tell me you don't want my baby, that you don't want to be my little wife and grow our family, I'll go find a fucking condom. But I'm going to need you to tell me that. Make sure you're loud, princess. I'm a little distracted, right now."
You hesitate and Sukuna thinks he might actually have to try and figure out where he stashed his condoms, since he hadn't gotten laid in damn near six months when he feels your hands move to cup his face.
"And if I want that?"
Sukuna feels his heart skip a beat despite it all, your hands on his face feel just as intimate as all the rest, another way you continued to humble him.
"Want what, princess? Going to have to be more specific for me."
"All of it, the family, the baby, everything." You seem to be drawing on your courage and Sukuna is proud of you despite himself. "I want you, Sukuna."
Sukuna crashes his mouth into yours and you follow him willingly. He uses his hand to guide his cock into your cunt and you move your hips, greedy for him, as he slowly pushes in. When Sukuna is finally in all the way, he feels a warm contentment fall over him. Imagining this, it had always been defined by a frenzy that he finds absent in the actual event.
Maybe it's because you've finally acknowledged him and what he means in your life, but he doesn't feel desperate as he fucks into you slowly, his thrusts purposeful. He feels victorious. The satisfaction curls around his body and makes your lips sweeter, your hips fit even more right in his palms and your cunt wraps around him like it was molded to fit his cock. He doubts you were made for him, you were too good for that, but he had managed to get you anyway and you're recognition of his possession over you made him smile into your mouth.
He kept his pace slow, thrusting deep enough inside you each time that you couldn't stop the way your breath hitched at the feeling.
"Yes, princess?"
"F-faster, please!"
"So polite, how could I say no," his voice is more breathless than he means it to be but he doesn't give a fuck. Not when your pussy is so sweet, or given the way you moan for him as he begins to pick up the pace. Sukuna loves the way you sound but he thinks of the little girl sleeping down the hall and he covers your mouth with his hand.
"Don't want to wake up our daughter, do we?" Something about that makes you tighten up and your eyes roll backwards and Sukuna thinks he knows what it is.
"Gotta make sure I can put this baby in you, right? You did so wonderful with the first one, I just got to see it happen again." You're moaning so loud Sukuna isn't sure his hand is doing much good, but you're both close enough he doesn't think about trying to stop you aside from a throw away thought about gagging you with your panties.
Oh well, thoughts for next time.
And the idea that there would be next times, that you were going to his to fuck anytime he wanted, had Sukuna reaching down to play with your clit. He could barely stand to pull out of you at all and at this point you two were more grinding than fucking but it was so good, you were so good-
"Come on princess, you're almost there. Be a good girl and come for me and I'll give you a baby, I promise. Just need to feel you come on my cock."
You bite his palm as he feels your cunt spasm and he only gets in another few thrusts before he's coming too and he hopes it takes. He presses his lips against your temple as you catch your breath and he continues to kiss your face as he feels himself soften inside of you.
Later, he'll clean the two of you up and finally get you under the covers. He'll get to hold you in his arms and feel what it's like to fall asleep with you. He'll also wake you up for another round so he can make sure Bug gets that little sibling he was now very excited to meet.
When Sukuna wakes up to you in his arms, he's debating waking you up for round three when he hears the sounds of sniffling and little footsteps outside. He gently moves your body off his arm and gives you a pillow to cuddle when your body turns to look for him. Your little pout in your sleep makes him feel bad for the trick but there's someone else who needs him right now.
Throwing on his pajamas, Sukuna makes his way out to the hallway, shutting the door behind him.
"Good morning, bug."
"Morning, 'kuna," your daughter is holding onto a little plush fox that Yuuji had won for her at an arcade a few weeks ago and she's still sniffling looking confused. He thinks he knows why.
"Your mom's asleep in my room, kiddo. She's okay, she's just sleeping."
"Why is she in there?"
This is a loaded question and Sukuna knows he should probably ask you on how you plan on introducing your relationship to your daughter, but he feels that same unsettled feeling when he looks at her sad face now that he had felt looking at your tears the night before.
Sukuna leans down and holds out his arms and Bug goes to him, trusting despite her confusion, and he picks her up and carries her to kitchen. He puts her down on the counter so she's as close to his eye level as she can get given her size and he decides to be honest with her.
"You know how I love your mom?" Bug nods her head and Sukuna feels warm. "Well she loves me too, so we decided we're going to share a room from now on."
"Yeah kid, it's going to be forever."
"Can I sleep with you too?"
Sukuna smirks and then kisses her forehead. "Sometimes, but you're going to want to stay in your new big girl room I think. It's way cooler than the boring adult room."
"Big girl room?" Her eyes widen and there's a familiar gleam of ambition.
He's got her.
"Well now that it's your own room", and her eyes just get even bigger at that. "You're going to need all your own stuff to make it yours."
"All mine?"
"All yours, Bug. At least until you have a little brother or sister, you may have to share then. Would that be okay?"
Bug jumps on the counter and then into Sukuna's arms and he holds her close to him as she burrows her face into his neck. He breathes in the smell of her hair and he's so relieved now that he knows she's going to stay here forever, that you both are.
"Does that mean we're going to stay with you?"
"Uh huh, you're stuck with me. I'm never leaving."
Bug pulls back and holds out her pinky finger. "Promise?"
"Yeah, kid, I promise."
Many, many years from now, at your thirtieth wedding anniversary, Bug will stand up and tell the story about the day Sukuna became her dad. Her mom, her siblings, her Uncle Yuuji and many attendees will cry, but Sukuna will maintain his dry eyes and his dignity.
Or that's what anyone should say when asked.
He'll still kill a motherfucker.
That's it, it's the end! I may return to this universe in little drabbles but the main story is done! As a fatherless daughter, ending it with Bug was very necessary to me. I also think a big part of this story is Sukuna finding fulfillment in the family he was denied growing up(projecting is the name of the game here).
Much love.
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piplupod · 1 year
the brain better figure out a way to fix this shit real quick or idk what is going to happen honestly. i feel very sick
#counseling appt tomorrow (well today now lol.) and it is very hard for me to not ask to be put in psych ward#i would be free from spiders there. they would feed me meals. i would be given sleep meds#i would still be able to kill myself or hurt myself bc they're so shitty abt safeguarding things there but I'd at least have ppl around#i feel really sick and really awful#i just cannot stop having my heart pounding from anxiety and its been all day and I'm so tired#i dont want to do this anymore#i feel like im going to die from all this honestly even if i dont kill myself fjfkdl like this has to be taking a toll on the body#idk ! i would honestly go to psych ward tomorrow if i could but unfortunately my mother is an issue lmao#i hate that the ward feels like the safest place rn i hate that i dont have a safe home i hate this house I want out of here#im trapped and stuck and even if i filled out all the applications for everything possible tonight i would still be stuck here for weeks#at least weeks lmao its more likely months to even potentially like... 2+ years#and theres no way out !!!!! i dont know what to do. im very scared#sorry im just. really reaching the end of my rope and ik I've said that a lot lately but this isnt even pmdd rn#this is just me rn fjfldl no fucked up hormones at play#im very afraid and i feel very sick and i cannot sleep and i just feel like i want to go home and when i question myself on that-#-i think of the psych ward as the place i want to go and thats rly bad fjfldl thats rly rly bad that that is what my brain wants#okay I'll stop now sorry#i hope everyone else is doing okay fjfkdl i am glad ppl exist and live their lives and have ppl around them#it makes me very happy that other ppl are real and alive and are doing okay#idk . im tired. i hope i can sleep soon and i hope my heart stops acting up. i hope the holter monitor on thurs can get me help for this#pippen needs 2nd breakfast#suicide tw
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cocaineheartz · 1 year
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I'm feelin' electric tonight
Cruisin' down the coast, goin' about 99
Got my bad baby by my heavenly side
I know if I go, I'll die happy tonight
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thevoidstaredback · 19 days
"Guys!" Nightwing shouted once he and Batman arrived in the main are of the Bat Cave, "I have some fantastic news!"
Bruce pulled his cowl off, his amusement no longer being hidden as he nearly failed to keep from laughing.
Everyone had gathered in the Cave to await the two who'd gone to the Watchtower, so everyone was already there to hear the exclamation. Even Alfred was with them all.
"Calm down, Big Bird," Jason said from his place on the meeting table, "What's going on?"
Dick was bouncing on the balls of his feet, "Can I tell 'em, B? Can I, can I?!"
Bruce chuckled, "I'm not stopping you."
He cheered before turning back to the rest of his family, "They think there's a total of three-" he held up three fingers on his left hand, "-of us operating within Gotham, myself excluded because I'm in Bludhaven."
"Wait," Stephanie called, "They think Batman only has three people helping to cover Gotham? They know we're human, right?"
Dick shook his head, his grin only getting bigger. "Nope! They think Batman only has two sidekicks covering Gotham with him."
This caused everyone to laugh, the humor breaking any seriousness anyone would've tried to control to keep on topic. It was nice, Bruce smiled, to be able to let loose with everyone like this. His family was altogether, spending time with one another, doing things that didn't include head hunts or injuries.
Alfred took his place beside Bruce. "This is nice, isn't it."
"It is."
"You can die a happy man now?"
A chuckle. "You killing me off so soon?"
"Of course not, Master Bruce," He's smirking, "I'm simply stating a fact."
"What're you guys talking about over there?" Tim called. Everyone had gathered at the meeting table to go over final details and slight changes for the set up tomorrow. "C'mon! We've gotta finish putting this all together."
Duke nodded from over his shoulder, "Yeah! New information allows room for some much more fun!"
Jason smirked. "Yeah, old man, Alfred! We want to see if we can get away with switching out with each other. It'll confuse the hell outta the Leaguers."
Bruce raised an eyebrow as he and Alfred joined the kids at the table. "How are you going to pull that off? Despite what you all may thing, the others are all a lot more observant than given credit for-"
"Except the Flash and Green Arrow." Cass cut in.
"Hey!" Dick said, "Don't dis Barry like that!"
"Yeah," Barbra agreed, "And Ollie's whole thing is spotting details. He prides himself on it!"
"If that were true, then we wouldn't be planning on how to mess with them, now would we?"
Tim nodded, "Damian's right."
"As you were saying?" Bruce prompted.
"Well," Jason continued, "You, Damian, and Dick have to be here as Batman, Nightwing, and Robin. They all probably know about me, so I'll stay out of the Cave, but you can bet your ass that I'll be in the Clocktower with Babs, listening in on everything." He looked to Tim and Babs. "Should we set up cameras?"
Tim thought for a second, "If we want to record this, then yeah. I can have them all set up by morning."
"I'll help you set it up before I head out tonight," Barbra agreed.
"Anyway," Stephanie interrupted, pulling the attention to herself, "Tim, Cass, and I could totally get away with running around and messing with their senses and shit. And if we can get Kate and Selina in on this-"
"You've already talked to them, haven't you." Bruce asked. The matching grins on everyone's faces was answer enough. He sighed.
"Having fun," Cass patted his arm, "Bonding."
He snorted. 'Bonding', yeah right. Maybe letting his coworkers be the target of his childrens' whims is a bad idea. Then again, their not hurting anyone. It's all fun in games.
Bruce sat at the head of the table. "Alright. We all know about Superman's ability to hear heartbeats and breathing patterns. He's able to memorize someone's vitals, especially his friends. It's safe to assume he's got mine down, as well as Robin's and Nightwing's."
Damian scoffed. "Changing my vitals will be no issue for me."
Bruce nodded, "Me, either."
Dick nodded along, "Soundseasy enough. But what's the plan?"
"Oracle will call you out for an emergency in Bludhaven. Red Hood will call me out for some information at the docks. We'll met up at the Clocktower and switch costumes." he explained.
Barbra had a manic look on her face. "We should have Steph and Cass stay away from the Cave at first, then have them come in separately, but sharing a costume." SHe turned her attention to the blonde. "You have a spare Spoiler costume, yeah?"
Stephanie matched her grin, "Naturally."
"What about me, Tim, and Damian?" Duke asked.
"How would you and Tim like to be actual bats?" the red head wondered, "Or maybe ghosts?"
"Do we get to mess with shit?" Tim asked.
"I'm in," the two responded.
"Damian will run distraction," Jason said," He'll be the only one who stays with the JL the whole time they're here. Alfred will have to keep cover upstairs. I'll bounce between the Manor, the Clocktower, and patrol."
"Are you quite sure?" Alfred asked, "That's quite a lot to be doing."
"Yeah, I'll be fine," he assured.
Brice cleared his throat. "If everyone's ready?" Looks around the table before nods of affirmation. "Good. Finish up any last minute changes and preparations. They've agreed to meet at the Watchtower at fifteen hundred New Jersey time so that I can bring them here. Damian, I want you to come with me."
"Of course, father."
"Ready? Break."
Part 3
Tag List: @sebas-nights
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roosterforme · 4 months
Smarter Than the Average Beer Boy | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
Summary: After months of attending your lectures, Bradley has honed his math skills beyond his wildest expectations. A night out with the boys reveals just how smart and endearing your husband really is, even when he has a hangover.
Warnings: Swears, fluff, drinking, oral sex, shirtless Beer Boy, 18+
Length: 3100 words
Pairing: Beer Boy and Sugar! Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader (former fuckboy college student Bradley)
Happy birthday to @cherrycola27!
This is a one-shot to accompany my fics Old Habits Die Hard and Right Girl, Wrong Time but it can be read on its own! Banner by @thedroneranger Check out my masterlist
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You were on your way to teach your last class of the day, and it was your least favorite one. When the class schedules were being organized for next semester, you planned on begging Dr. Rosenthal to let you trade this awful linear algebra class away for one of his calculus lectures. Because at least calculus was something to which you could add a little spice to keep your students interested, unlike this one.
Even though you already ate the snack your husband packed in your tie dye lunchbox, you were still hungry. You'd have to remind him to pack you something extra next Thursday. But as you were on your way to the lounge to quickly get something from the vending machine, you heard his voice. 
You spun around in your loafers and tweed skirt and saw your husband in full khaki uniform heading your way. "Beer Boy. What are you doing here?" you asked, giving up on the idea of a snack and heading in his direction instead. "I'm about to give a lecture."
"I know," he said with a smirk, voice all deep and raspy. "I got dismissed early, and I stopped at home to get you a snack. Thought maybe I could join your lecture tonight since I won't get to spend tomorrow evening with you."
You almost dropped your notebook as you wrapped your arms around his waist and propped your chin on his chest. "Are you my snack?" you asked as he leaned down to kiss you.
"Nor exactly," he laughed, holding up two small containers. "I brought you some homemade hummus and pita chips. But if you want to skip your lecture and head up to your office, I'd be more than happy to fuck you while I feed you."
"Tempting," you told him with a moan. He was always so sure of himself when he was with you, and it was a massive turn on. But when he grinned and started pulling you toward the elevators, you had to dig your loafers in. "I can't let my students down," you said with a little pout. "Come on. You can sit in the back and take notes."
"Nah. I'll just watch my hot wife in action. Take some mental notes that I can think about at the bachelor party tomorrow night."
You rolled your eyes as you took the containers from him. "You'll have so much fun with Jake and the boys, you won't even be thinking about me at all."
"Newsflash, Dr. Sugar," he whispered as you entered the lecture hall with his hand on your butt. "I'm always thinking about you."
Yes, it was fun watching you work. Your lectures were informative, and you were very passionate about the subject. You were also gorgeous, and Bradley wouldn't mind watching you do this all day long. And sure, he loved that you wrote a few problems on the board for your students to work through so you could eat the hummus and pita chips he brought. And yeah, he squirmed a bit in his seat when you winked at him from the podium as you licked your fingertip. 
But the really interesting thing was the fact that Bradley was getting pretty fucking good at math now. If he could go back to undergrad studies, he might even choose it as his major instead of political science. Nobody ever really encouraged him to show off his smarts after his mom died. Well, besides you. There was something about the way you always recognized that he was intelligent that made him fall even harder for you. And since he knew what it felt like to live without you for ten years, he didn't mind watching you teach the same classes over and over. He just wanted to be around you.
When you asked if there were any volunteers to work through the problem, Bradley was able to follow every detail and come up with the correct answer from his seat. And when you finally ended the class, he went up to the front of the room and kissed your cheek right in front of the straggling students. "Any chance you can bring one of the homework sheets home for me to work on later this weekend?" he asked, stealing your last pita chip.
You looked up at him with adoring eyes, and it wasn't fair, because you knew what those little tweed skirts did to him. "You're really going to work on a problem set?" 
"Yeah," he told you with a shrug. "Why not? This class was fun, and maybe you can check my answers and reward me?" he asked hopefully. 
"If you want to be my top student, you better get them all correct." You ran your fingers along the front of his khakis as you picked up your notebook and started walking away.
"I'll be so good, Baby," he promised as he followed you out. He was planning on working on the problems on Sunday after he spent all day Saturday recovering from Jake's bachelor party. Tomorrow night was for the boys, but tonight he would be spending with you. 
When he got you home, he boiled a pot of water for some of the homemade pasta he made and dried last weekend, and he started heating up some of his homemade sauce and meatballs. "This is so fucking sexy," you whispered, rubbing up on him in your tweed while you sipped a beer. "You are really good at feeding me."
He stole the bottle and drank some. "You're really good at everything else." When he tried to hand it back, you just shook your head and dropped slowly to your knees. He was already a little hard from all the tweed rubbing, but then you kissed his zipper, and his dick responded immediately. "Look at that. I didn't even have to do the math problems."
You grinned up at him while he sipped the beer. "Maybe this is just a little reminder for you to be good tomorrow night when you're out with the boys. No drinking and driving. No letting them get into fights. No playing beer pong without me. If you're good, then there's more where this came from."
Bradley was really enjoying the cold beer as you undid his belt and button before you eased his zipper down. "I'll be so good. I'm a hundred percent domesticated."
You moaned as his cock sprang free, and you rubbed your face against him. "I know." He was about to tell you he'd been that way since the two of you were college seniors, but suddenly all coherent thoughts left his brain. You were gently kissing his balls as you ran your fingers up underneath his shirt and teased his abs. "You're a very good boy."
His cock was throbbing and tapping you on the cheek as your tongue flicked out to taste him. "Sugar," he grunted before sipping the beer again. 
"Hmm." You were looking up at him as your lips barely met his skin. "What should I do with you?" Somehow you were making Bradley feel submissive even though you were on your knees for him, and he tipped his head back and groaned.
"Fuck me up, Sugar."
"Gladly," you replied, and he felt your tongue draw a slow and steady line from his tight balls all the way to the head of his cock. Bradley watched as you took the very tip of his bouncing length between your pretty lips. All you did was hold eye contact as you sucked on him like he was a piece of candy, your fingers tickling the trail of hair below his belly button, and he was mesmerized. 
"Those pouty lips will be the death of me," he whispered before sipping the beer again. "So fucking pretty." You sucked on him a little harder, and he clenched. Damn, you hadn't even taken him deep yet, and he was already eager. But he didn't care, because you already knew what you did to him.
Then you popped him free, rubbed your nose against his trimmed pubes before kissing his tip and said, "I love you." Then you grabbed him by the hips and let him slide all the way so he was tapping the back of your throat. 
"Oh, fuck," he grunted, already thinking about you gagging on his cum. You shook your head slightly when he was deep, and tears filled your eyes as you sucked. Bradley gripped the bottle, his voice only a harsh whisper as he said, "That's it. That's it. Fuck."
A few more deep thrusts had you struggling, which was honestly so fucking hot to him. You were making desperate little sounds, but you bobbed on him until you gagged. And that's really all it took.
You moaned as he filled your mouth, and he ran his thumb along your cheek as you gently sucked every drop from him. "Show it to me," he whispered softly and you smiled as you released him. Slowly, you parted your lips and tilted your face up for him, showing off your cupped tongue full of his cum. "Beautiful."
Then you swallowed him down and kissed his drained balls once more before you stood and took the beer bottle from his hand. Casually, you took a sip like you didn't just leave him twitching before you. "Is dinner almost ready?"
He was still thinking about it the next night when he was out with all the guys. Jake was marrying Jessica in a month, and all he asked for was a night of bar hopping. Normally Bradley would have been very good at this, but he was thinking about the way he'd fed you bites of pasta while standing in the kitchen as you moaned over how delicious it was. 
"Come on, Rooster, have a shot," Payback said, passing him some tequila. Just a few drinks would help him focus on the night with the guys. "Bottoms up." 
But at first, the drinks just made him think about calling you to see what you were up to. Jessica was supposed to stop by the house to hang out for a while, and he wondered if she was still there. Maybe she left and you were already changed into his Grateful Dead shirt for bed. Maybe he could just get an Uber right now and go home and find out for himself. He'd slip right into bed next to you. 
"Time for the karaoke bar!" Javy announced, and then Bradley had more shots in front of him before he ended up onstage, and he couldn't be sure where his shirt went, but oh well, it didn't really matter since his favorite shirt was at home with you, and it was suddenly time to sing. 
But he did remember to text you and let you know he'd be home very late.
Having the empty house to yourself felt a bit like it did when Bradley was deployed. So in that respect, it made you a little antsy. But on the other hand, it was peaceful when you had Jessica over for some snacks and a glass of wine. It was close to midnight when a bunch of photos came through to your phone and hers. 
"Oh no," she groaned as you scrolled through the images from Mickey. It appeared as though Bradley lost his shirt. Typical. 
"They are a mess," you muttered, finally getting to one where the guys were physically holding Jake up. "You're going to have your work cut out for you tomorrow."
She shook her head but laughed. "I think I'll head home and wait for him. I don't know if he'll even be able to make it from the front door to the bedroom without help."
"Bradley doesn't look much better," you added as you got to the last photo where he was chugging a beer, the amber liquid dribbling down his neck and bare chest. "Oh Lord."
"Call me tomorrow and let me know how bad it is?"
"Yeah," you agreed, walking her to the door and giving her a hug. 
And then you were met with silence again. You changed into Bradley's tie dye shirt and his robe that he'd had since college, but you weren't even slightly tired now. You glanced across the hallway to your office door covered in your own handwriting. 
Working through an advanced calculus problem before bed would definitely help you unwind. You walked to your white board while you looked up a problem on your phone and then scribbled it down and got to work. Oh, this one was a bit tricky with lots of side math to complete first. The squeak of your marker was soothing, and by the time you got to your tenth line in the proof solution, you were yawning.
"Works like a charm," you muttered, capping the marker and heading back across the hall where you climbed into bed. 
At one point during the night, you thought you heard Bradley stumble in the front door. "Beer Boy?" you called out, rolling over in bed.
You heard him slur, "It's just me, Sugar," followed by the sound of the refrigerator opening up. He'd come to bed eventually after he got a snack. You scooted back all the way to your side, preemptively trying to avoid him being a sticky, sweaty mess. You smiled and curled up, and you were back to sleep in seconds. 
But he never did come to bed, as evidenced by the still crisp bedding on his side when you woke up again at nine. You stretched and climbed out from the pocket of warmth and reached for his robe before you went to search the house. 
You started in the kitchen, thinking that being near the refrigerator might have been more appealing than the bed, but he wasn't there. You glanced out back and on the living room couch, but you didn't see him anywhere. 
"Bradley?" you called out as you looked in the bathroom, but he hadn't even fallen asleep in the tub. You pressed your lips together as you poked your head inside your office and gasped. "Seriously?"
He was sound asleep on the floor, his shirt nowhere to be seen, and he was snoring loudly. An empty ice cream carton and spoon were next to his head, and it looked like he'd eaten a value sized bag of pretzels. There were a few more wrappers and a lot of crumbs on the floor, and you just gaped at him as he started to roll onto his side and look around.
"What the fuck? Why is it such a mess in here? I just cleaned on Wednesday," he groaned, hair sticking up at every angle. He tilted his head and looked up at you through squinted eyes. "What happened?"
You gave him an incredulous look. "Why don't you tell me?"
He continued to look around the room as he sat up. "I don't know," he replied, pushing the pretzel bag to the side as he cradled his forehead in his palm. "Last thing I remember is the guys making me sing Caress Me Down for karaoke. Where's my shirt?"
Your deep sigh should have been warning enough for him, but he looked down at his abs, shocked that he was only wearing half of his outfit. "Once again, Bradley, why don't you tell me?"
"Baby, how am I supposed to know?" he whined. "God, now I have a fucking hangover, and I can't think."
If Jake was also this bad at the moment, then Jessica might need a reassuring phone call later. Hopefully he hadn't destroyed the carpet in their condo. You needed to get Bradley into the shower and then put him in bed so you could clean up the floor, but your eyes caught on your white board, and you gasped. "Bradley."
"What now?" he moaned as he got to his hands and knees in the crumbs. "My head is throbbing."
Your eyes skimmed from the top of the board to the very bottom, and you started laughing. He was looking up at you, confusion swirling along his handsome features as you had to brace your hands on your knees while you gasped for air and cackled. "Beer Boy!"
"Okay, yes," he grunted. "I'm beginning to think I was actually the one who made the mess in here, but I'll clean it up. It's not that funny."
"Bradley!" you screeched, pointing to the board. "You solved my advanced calculus problem!"
Slowly and seemingly painfully, he turned his head to look and crawled closer to the wall. "I don't think so," he muttered. "I don't even know what all of that means." He was standing on his knees, and trying so hard to figure it out. "Holy shit, that's my handwriting."
"It definitely is," you said through your laughter as you gently combed your fingers through his messy hair. He practically melted against your leg with his big hand on your thigh below his robe. "I am... somehow really impressed by this? You got drunk, got a ride home at four in the morning, and then you solved an advanced math problem before you passed out on my office floor."
"Yeah, I'm impressive as hell," he whispered, kissing you through the robe fabric. 
"You know... if you weren't so terribly hungover, I'd offer to blow you again like yesterday. Because this is something only my very best student would be able to do. And I love rewarding my best student." 
You stroked his cheek softly with your knuckles as he stared up at you with parted lips. "Professor Sugar," he rasped. "I'm totally fine. Barely hungover at all."
"Are you sure?" you laughed. "You look a little rough. And you made a huge mess."
"Yeah," he replied immediately. "I'm great. Wanna join me in the shower?"
You bent to kiss his forehead and whispered, "If you think you can handle it."
"Hell yes," he groaned, trying three times before he was able to get to his feet. Then he took you by the hand, and you helped him down the hallway to the bathroom. 
You pointed out the small closet on the way. "And when we're done, the vacuum cleaner is just hanging out right in there, waiting for you to clean up my office."
"Yeah, okay."
Happy birthday, Nik! When you mentioned this idea, it had me cracking up. I hope you enjoy it as a birthday gift one day early! Thanks @mak-32 @beyondthesefourwalls and @thedroneranger
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 9 months
If you're comfortable with doing smut, can you do a yan! best friend fic where reader says one night "I'm still a virgin" (yk because he never lets them go out) so he almost immediately changes that.
Will oblige <3
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(Reader) cracked open another beer, a small frown on their tipsy face as they sat on their living room floor.
Not three hours earlier, (Reader) had been excitedly trying to sneak out of work after clocking off, hoping to do so without being caught by their best friend. (Reader) had seen their best friend getting chewed out by their management, so a small (not so) guilty part of them hoped that he would be stuck staying late to make up for whatever it was that he had done wrong. But as (Reader) silently clocked off, Max's voice right behind them startled (Reader) so bad they released a squeak.
"Why do you look so guilty?" He had meant it as a joke, but (Reader's) uncomfortable attempt at a smile caught him off guard.
"Heyyy.. I thought you were working late?"
"No? Why would I be?"
(Reader) swallowed hard, a tight smile still twitching on their lips. "Ah, the stars told me so! I knew astrology was a sham!" They replied sarcastically, unable to contain their annoyance.
"Is everything okay, (Reader)?" Max asked in a concerned tone, leaning in to better read (Reader's) expressions.
"I was just... hoping to go out drinking tonight. I was pretty excited to get home quickly and get changed."
Max's concern melted into another happy smile. "Oh, that sounds like fun!"
"Really?!" (Reader) was sure that Max would lecture them on the dangers of public drinking, or the disturbing hygiene levels of pubs, which is why they wanted to sneak out in the first place. Max was an amazing friend. An understanding, ride-or-die kind of man, (Reader's) sidekick since middle school, extremely hot, and the only person (Reader) felt they could trust with (almost) any secret.
There was only one problem..
Max was controlling. He was never mean about it, and (Reader) never felt like their friendship was abusive, but he was so nervous about everything that (Reader) didn't have much of a social life outside of work and it was starting to drive them crazy. He even moved in to the apartment right next to (Reader) so that whenever they tried to go out without him, he always knew.
"Of course! Why don't you start heading home, and I'll go pick up some beers?"
(Reader's) heart sunk. "S-sounds good.." they feebly attempted to appear pumped, smiling while raising a fist.
Which is why (Reader) was now in their comfortable pajamas getting drunk on the floor in front of their couch, increasingly becoming more and more frustrated while their best friend watched TV, oblivious to (Reader's) bubbling anger.
The dumb comedy made Max chuckle, the booze turning him silly. Usually it was contagious, but at that moment his laughter grated on (Reader's) nerves.
Max finally got the hint that (Reader) might be upset when they loudly crushed their empty can in irritation. "What's going on down there, (Nickname)?"
"I wanted to drink at a bar." (Reader) grumbled, reaching for another drink.
"What? Why?" Max asked, honestly confused as to where this was coming from. "Bars aren't safe, especially for cute people like you. Do you know how many people only go to bars to try and take home drunk people?"
His words snapped (Reader's) patience. "That's what I was going for."
(Reader) jumped to their feet, exasperated. "Oh my GOD, Max. I have needs! I want to fuck, Max, I. Want. To. Fuck." They ran their hands through their hair, leaving Max shell shocked and bright red. "It's getting pathetic, like, really sad. I can't even masturbate, because I'm afraid you'll hear me through the walls."
They collapsed back onto their ass, hands covering their heated eyes.
"You've chased away everyone I've ever had a crush on. I've never had a real relationship. I'm still a virgin. I just wanted to go out and have fun..." (Reader) whined, almost on the verge of tears.
Max slinked off the couch towards (Reader's) curled up form, gently prying (Reader's) hands away from their eyes. "Why didn't you ever consider me?"
"What?" (Reader) pulled away, falling back onto their elbows as Max continued crawling over them.
"I spent so many years praying you would look at me like a man instead of just as your friend. If you were so pent up, why didn't you ever turn to me?"
(Reader) flushed, their dumb little drunk mind having difficulty understanding what Max was trying to say. "Y-you're only saying that because you're drunk." They stuttered, the feeling of their friend's breath tickling their lips making them squeeze their thighs shut instinctively.
"Do you remember, when we were in highschool, and you told me that you liked Robin? That less than average looking basketball player?" Max leaned in, trapping (Reader) with his arms as one knee forced apart their legs, pressing against their crotch. "Do you remember how hard I worked to constantly keep you two apart?"
(Reader) bit their lip to contain a moan. Why were they so turned on right now? They tried to convince themselves it was the alcohol, but the scent of Max's favorite aftershave was making them quiver.
"There's nothing embarrassing about being a virgin, (Reader).." Max tugged on their ear lobe with his teeth, "but if you want, I'll gladly take it for you."
Despite his words of consent, Max's lips were on (Reader's) before they could answer, hungry and dominating, tasting every corner of their mouth while he rubbed his knee against (Reader's) fully aroused sex.
Pulling back, Max smirked at the blushing mess under him, wiping some of (Reader's) saliva off his lip with his thumb. "I never wanted to be your friend." He pulled off his shirt, while smiling almost teasingly.
'This isn't like Max...' (Reader's) half gone mind puzzled. It was like he was possessed.
"Do you know how painful it was, being in love with someone as oblivious as you? How many times you would invite me to sleepovers, and I would spend the entire night watching you sleep?"
His large hands reached down to his zipper, drawing (Reader's) attention to the noticable bulge straining against his pants. "I wanted our first time together to be after you finally fell for me, but..." he pulled down the zipper, and released his erect cock out over the top of his boxers. "... I have the rest of our lives to make you love me."
(Reader's) eyes widened at the size. They hadn't seen a dick that big in real life before, their only frame of reference for erections being in porn. "I don't think that'll fit." They spoke quietly, almost in a whisper.
Max smiled wider, his eyes almost watering with how hot they had become. "It will if you make sure it's wet enough." And for the first time that night, (Reader) understood what Max was saying. They sat up, nervously bringing their face closer towards Max's exposed dick. With experimental touches, their fingers danced along his shaft. At first they were scared that in their drunkenness they couldn't make Max feel good, but soon what little was left of their mind was overcome by desire. (Reader) kissed the tip before thrusting Max's cock as deep into their throat as it could reach. They had imagined themselves doing this so many times that (Reader) thought they knew what to do, but the smell and taste, the building yearning in their groin, and his pleasured moans... There was so much happening all at once that it made it hard to focus on just sucking him off.
(Reader) looked up into Max's eyes, searching for approval, searching for a sign that they were doing a good job. Apparently looking up was the right thing to do, because Max cried out suddenly and pulled himself out of (Reader's) mouth. "God, you're so cute! I can't hold it anymore, (Reader)..."
Max stood to remove his clothes entirely, before getting back on his knees to tear off (Reader's) pajamas. As their pants came off, it was received that they hadn't been wearing any sort of undergarments, which made Max pause, eyes widening and scarlet face deepening.
"Is.. is something wrong?" (Reader) asked fearfully.
"You're more beautiful than I imagined."
As (Reader) soaked in his words, Max was already positioning his drool lubricated member against (Reader's) hole.
He slowly entered his best friend, and laughed as he felt their body swallow him up. "God, you have no idea how long I've wanted to do this!" The second he was fully submerged he began fucking (Reader) hard and fast, unable to hold himself back, especially when their pleased gasps and cries of pleasure sang from their lips unconstrained. (Reader) clawed at Max's back, not knowing where to put their hands but needing to touch him everywhere.
"Fuck, you look so sexy right now. I love you so much, (Reader)."
(Reader) felt their walls subconsciously constrict at Max's words. They thought about every single time they had ever noticed how attractive he was, and how they would chastise themselves for thinking about their best friend that way.
"I love you too."
Max leaned back, pulling (Reader) up with them as he continued pumping in and out of (Reader) like a machine. "Say it again."
Something was getting tighter in (Reader's) stomach, and they felt like it was going to pop.
"I love you too!"
Max's speed picked up, like a desperate animal. "Again."
"I love you, Max!"
A hot feeling spread throughout (Reader's) insides as Max came inside them, his thick cum triggering their own orgasm.
His hold on (Reader) did not loosen, keeping his grip cemented as though they would disappear if he let go. Even after (Reader) passed out he didn't pull out, simply lying back with (Reader) now on his stomach. Max finally had them, the person he had been head over heels for for the past decade. And as he fell asleep what replayed in his now sober mind wasn't how (Reader's) body felt on his, but their words, echoing on loop in his mind.
"I love you too!"
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worksby-d · 4 months
Tangled up with you all night
Pairing: Ari Levinson x escort!Reader x Steve Rogers
Summary: Your favorite client has a surprise for you on Valentine's Day.
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Warnings: AU, voyeurism, threesome, oral (f + m receiving), m masturbation, unprotected sex, fingering, anal, 18+
Word count: ~3,500
A/n: This is my first time writing more than one character in the same fic, so I hope it's readable!!! I enjoyed writing this a lot and I'm excited about it and I hate saying that cause I fear I'll jinx it and it'll flop, but I really hope you enjoy it if you give it a chance 🥹💝 Happy Valentine's Day!
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You’re no stranger to the dimly lit, quiet hallway. The walls have echoed the sound of your heels against the tile floor back to you countless times. Instructions are always the same – Let yourself in, the door is unlocked. 
Your first time here was terrifying. It was one of your first jobs and you were naive back then. Who knew there were guys so desperate for your company that they would trust you enough to just walk into their penthouses. 
You remember your hand shaking as you took a deep breath and reached for the door. It’s funny now because it couldn’t be any more different than how you confidently stride in tonight. 
Since then, this guy – Ari – has become one of your regulars. Despite what you were there for that first night, he had a way of making you feel comfortable instantly, which certainly isn’t always the case. 
“You couldn’t get anyone else to keep you company on Valentine’s Day?” Your quip carries as you walk in. The sound of ice falling into a few glasses tells you he’s behind his bar, so you follow it. “Had to settle for me?” 
“It was you or no one.” He winks as he tops off your drink, always sure to have your favorite ready for you. “You know that by now, sweetheart.”
He’s told you time and time again that you’re the only reason he keeps the agency’s business card on hand. But you’ve convinced yourself that he tells all the girls that… In an attempt to not get attached. He makes it damn hard not to though.
Taking the drink from his reached out hand, you roll your eyes. That’s when they land on another man walking into the room. 
“Oh–” You’re mid sip when you pull your glass away from your mouth, licking the small amount of alcohol off your lips. A switch flips and your professional persona is back on – Standing up straight with an innocent smile on your face. “I wasn’t expecting…”
A smirk tugs at the corner of Ari’s mouth. “Surprise.” 
It’s clear to you where this is going, but you know men are simple creatures – They like when you play dumb. So you cock your head slightly, feigning confusion. 
“This is Steve.” 
You take in the sight of him – Tall, built, sleeves rolled up showing his to-die-for forearms. It’s your lucky day, you think to yourself. What are the chances of two attractive guys spending their Valentine’s Day with you? 
You snap yourself out of ogling him, finally speaking to him. “Just ‘Steve’?” 
You’re used to no last names, but it’s fun to tease them about it. 
“For now,” he nods, mirroring your smile. 
“Then hi, Steve,” you nod, holding out your hand to shake his. 
It's his turn to let his eyes wander, but he's respectful about it, not letting his gaze linger for an uncomfortable amount of time. His eyes reach yours again and he lets go of your hand. 
He shakes his head as if he's speechless for a moment. “Even more beautiful in person.”
“A smooth talker like Ari, huh?” You giggle. 
Ari hands your drink back to you. 
You flash him a smile, not dropping the innocent act yet. “Is your friend, Steve, staying?”
“I think you know the answer to that.” Ari sees right through it. “Why don't you go get ready for us? He brought a gift for you, you gotta try it on.” 
Who are you to deny a gift? You let Ari walk you toward his bedroom door so he can have just a second alone with you. 
“As long as it's okay with you…” His voice is low and genuine. He may pay to have sex with you, but he's still a gentleman. “I thought it would be fun to try something new, but you know I never want you to do anything you don't want to–”
“It's fine,” you chuckle, bringing a hand up to pat his cheek. “I promise it's fine. He better be as good as you though.” 
With a teasing look, you open the door to step into his room and shut it again behind you before he can say fuck it and follow you in.
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His bedroom is cozy. You've always thought that. He keeps it dark, allowing the glow from the city lights outside to illuminate it just enough – Just enough for the unspeakable things you ever do in here anyway. 
Your eyes drift from the windows to the bed where there's a small box with a bow tied around it. There's a tag and it's addressed to you from Steve. 
You would never ask any of these guys to their faces, but you always wonder if they know that gifts that aren't lingerie exist. Or even just different looking gift boxes to throw you off every once in a while. 
Carefully removing the bow, you open the box. You can tell by the neatly folded lace and mesh that it’s a babydoll set. Matching red panties fall from underneath the top as you hold it up to take a look.
The lace detailing across your chest leaves little to the imagination as you look at yourself in the mirror once you have it on. 
As if the two men in the other room can sense that you're ready, they walk in right as you're sitting on the edge of the bed to wait for them. 
“Hot damn,” Ari whistles when his eyes fall on you. 
So far, you can tell Steve is more reserved. He settles for a—not quite silent—but a whispered wow as he pulls the door closed behind him.
“Thanks for the gift, Steve.” 
You flash him a soft smile and bat your eyelashes, leaning back to subtly push your chest forward. It works every time. His eyes noticeably linger there before making their way back up to yours. 
Ari senses the tension between the two of you. You catch the smirk on his face—as if he’s a proud matchmaker—as he takes a few more steps to get close to you. 
The brush of his fingers against your cheek gets you to look up at him. 
“Why don’t we let you and Steve get acquainted first, hm?”
Nodding, you glance at Steve and he’s looking back at you for your approval. 
The wave of your hand tells him to come closer and Ari steps back to take a seat on the sofa that faces the bed so he can watch the two of you. 
“Sit,” you tell Steve, letting him switch places with you. 
You do a slow twirl in front of him, showing off the set he got you, sure to move just enough so the hem of the top flows up, revealing the pretty bottoms underneath.
“Does it look as good on me as you hoped it would?” He bites his lip, admiring the way it hugs your body. You can tell it’s taking everything in him not to touch you, so you lean forward to whisper in his ear, “You can touch me.”
You don’t have to tell him twice. His hands go for your hips, finger tips pressing into your skin as he pulls you to straddle his lap. 
“It looks beautiful.” His fingers trace some of the lace. “Pretty sure you would make anything look good though.”
“There you go with the smooth talking again,” you laugh. “What do you want me to call you?” Your hands come up to begin unbuttoning his shirt. “Just your name? Sir… Maybe daddy?”
You suppress your smile when you swear you feel his cock twitch beneath you. 
“What do you call Ari?” He asks, glancing over at his friend. 
Before he can answer, you put your hand on Steve’s cheek to get his eyes back on you. 
“He just has me call him Ari because he’s boring,” you joke. “I make fun of him all the time for it.”
“Got it,” he chuckles. “My name is fine too.” 
“Yawn,” you sigh, pulling his shirt off of him and tossing it to the floor. 
He raises an eyebrow at you. “What do I call you?”
“Whatever you want,” you smirk. 
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Steve’s quick to once again switch places with you, laying you at the edge of the bed so he can kneel between your legs. 
Holding yourself up on your elbows, your head rolls back when he begins placing soft kisses along your inner thighs. He grins to himself, noticing the chill bumps that follow his touch as he caresses your legs. 
He pulls away slightly to get your attention and looks up at you. “May I?”
His fingers hook on the waistband of your panties and you think he’s asking if he can take them off of you. So you nod, but he’s impatient, settling on just pulling them to the side instead.
He shakes his head seeing how wet you are for him already. “Gorgeous.”
A guttural groan falls from his lips before his mouth is on your pussy. 
“Oh–” You gasp, letting your head fall back again. “God, Steve.” 
You usually have to put on a show during sessions, but never with Ari, and not with this Steve guy either. Your moans and the arch of your back is genuine as he skillfully devours your pussy. 
His tongue on your clit has your breaths becoming more shallow already. Lifting your head back up, you reach a hand down to run your fingers through his hair and give yourself leverage as you roll your hips against his face. 
He chuckles and the vibrations from his voice have your eyes falling shut. With a few more strokes of his tongue along your slit, he slowly eases off, back to pressing a few last kisses to your thighs. 
You let out a frustrated sigh. It felt too good for him to stop. He must have gotten a run down of the rules from Ari, you think to yourself. He knew not to let you come yet. 
He untangles your fingers from his hair and holds your hand to pull you back up so you’re sitting in front of him. You let your lips meet his in a slow kiss, tasting yourself on him. 
Ari clears his throat, reminding you both that he’s there. He’s rid himself of his clothes as he watched Steve warm you up. 
“Send her over here,” he says from his spot on the sofa. 
Steve breaks the kiss and gets out of the way so you can stand up. Your few steps toward Ari are done on shaky legs, practically falling into his lap once you get to him. But he stops you, holding his hands on your hips. 
“Nuh-uh.” He shakes his head. “Face Steve.” 
He helps you turn to face away from him, quickly helps you remove your panties, and guides you to sit back with your knees on either side of his thighs. 
You reach down to stroke his cock a few times. He’s hard already from watching you and Steve. 
Both of you moan out in unison as you sink down onto him. You have enough sex where you’d think it would be easy by now, but something about Ari is different. The way his cock stretches you open proves to be painful every time, but it’s a welcome pain, a pain that you crave when you’re not with him. 
“Missed this, didn’t you?” He teases. All you can do is nod pathetically. “I know you always do.” 
He helps you roll your hips, taking his cock as deep as you can. His hand slipping down, allowing his fingers to play with your clit, makes you cry out. 
He knows what he’s doing. You won’t be able to hold back much longer. And he doesn't want you to. 
“You getting shy on me?” He whispers, kissing your shoulder when you become quiet, focused on not coming yet. 
You groan, legs beginning to quiver. “You know I’m not supposed to come until you have.” 
He doesn’t let up. “Who’s gonna know?”
Your gaze shoots toward his friend on the bed who’s stroking his cock as he watches Ari fuck you. 
“Him? You can trust him. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be here.”
Your eyes clench shut as you continue to ward off your orgasm. 
“You don’t mind if she comes before us, do you?” He asks Steve. 
“God no,” he moans, keeping his eyes on the way your cunt swallows Ari’s cock. “She can come as much as she wants for all I care.”
“You heard him,” Ari whispers in your ear. His fingers press harder against your swollen clit. “Come for us, princess.”
“Ah–” Your body betrays you, easily giving in to them. 
The eruption of pleasure renders you numb, Ari having to take over to prolong your high. 
“Good fuckin’ girl.” 
Maybe he is just that strong, but it must be part adrenaline too, the way he manhandles you, keeping you bouncing on his cock when you don’t feel like you have control over your body to keep moving yourself. 
“Ari!” You cry out, unable to take anymore. You can lift up just enough to let him slip out of you. “Fuck.”
Your chest heaves as you take a few shuddering breaths. He laughs a little, but you’re too in a daze to even notice. He keeps his hands on you as support while you turn to sit beside him with your legs over his and your head against his shoulder. 
“I’ll have to start paying you at this point,” you joke. 
“Nonsense…” His hand caressing your thigh moves slowly, nestling between your legs to part them, and you don’t know if his careful movement is out of consideration of the fact he just gave you a numbing orgasm that your body is still recovering from, or if he’s doing it to tease you and keep you a mess for him. “Your pleasure is my pleasure, remember?”
Your head falls back, lips parting in a silent moan when his fingers brush against your used cunt. 
“Oh, sorry.” He frowns at you, voice laced with fake sympathy. “Are you sensitive?”
“Fuck you,” you laugh, hiding your face against his neck when it turns into a whimper. 
When he lets up, you can’t help the quiet sigh of relief that escapes you. 
“Why don’t you get on your knees for me now?”
“What about Steve?” You ask, giving him a wink before looking back to Ari with a pout.
“Greedy girl,” he chuckles. “Gonna let him have his turn fucking you?”
His hand slapping your cunt elicits a gasp from you.
All you can do is shake your head. You’re not used to being with two guys. Usually a blow job would mean a break for your poor pussy, but not tonight. 
He leans to whisper closer to your ear, “What if we let him have your ass instead then, hm?”
“What?” You’re a little taken aback. “You’re the only one I let do that.”
“Only me?” An amused smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth. He didn’t know that. “You fuck all these men and only I’ve had this pretty ass?”
You just shrug. A wave of heat washes over your skin. 
“I knew I was your favorite,” he teases. “You can trust him though. I’ll make sure he’s gentle.”
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“Here,” Ari says, handing Steve a bottle of lube. 
You impatiently reach for Ari’s hand to pull him onto the bed with you. 
“I’m not goin’ anywhere.” He chuckles at the desperation, giving in to you easily. “Trust me.”
Your eyes are fixated on his hard cock as he sits in front of you, legs spread to accommodate the position you’re in on your hands and knees. Lowering your head to take him in your mouth, he stops you with a hand resting on your cheek. 
“Not yet.” 
He waits for your eyes to meet his so he knows you’re listening, and you give him a nod. 
Steve’s behind you proving your earlier assumption about him being more reserved. His hands roam your hips and your ass, reacquainting you with his touch while you grow desperate for more. You swear any other guy would damn near be coming by now instead of making you wait for it. 
A frustrated groan is at the tip of your tongue and Ari can sense it. 
“Slap her,” he tells Steve. “She likes that.”
Your eyes flutter shut when you feel the strike of his palm against your ass. And another slap elicits a soft moan from you. 
Ari doesn’t let you look away from him as Steve gets more comfortable with you, finally dripping some lube to rub against your tight hole. 
“That feel alright?” He asks, teasing you with his thumb. 
You sigh. “Yes.”
Since you can't look back, you cast your pleading eyes at Ari. 
“Oh–” You whimper, feeling him press his finger deeper. “Please.”
“Please what?” Ari can't suppress his smile. He loves fucking with you. “Tell us.”
“I…” I don’t know, you want to choke out. “Need both of you!”
“There you go,” he coos, rubbing his thumb against your cheek as he looks at Steve behind you. “Give it to her.”
Steve strokes his cock a few times before pressing the head of it against your tense hole. You suck in a breath at the feeling and he gently pats your lower back. 
“Breathe, darling.”
Ari drops his hand from your face as you let out the breath and you take that as your cue to finally touch him. 
You move your hand, resting it on his thigh. Your fingertips press against his skin as Steve pushes his cock deeper into you. 
“Oh, wow.” Your jaw trembles, dropping open in a broken moan. “That feels good. Don’t stop.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” he groans. 
You pull it together to run your hand up Ari’s thigh, reaching to wrap your fingers around his cock, but he puts a hand on your wrist, halting you. 
“No hands,” he tells you. “Just that pretty mouth.”
“Why?” You have enough sense yet to poke fun at him. “You’ll come too fast?”
He scoffs, shaking his head at you, but he can’t help but smile. 
“Harder, Steve.” He presses his hand against the back of your head to bring you down to his cock and you more-than-willingly open your mouth for him. “She can clearly take it if she’s still talking to us like that.”
“Shit, I know she can,” he pants. You moan around Ari’s dick as you push your hips back against Steve. “She’s fucking back against me she’s so desperate for it.”
Ari’s head falls back. The room echoes with pleasure-filled sounds from all three of you. He keeps his hand on you as your head moves up and down, stilling you even when he feels you gag on him. 
“Rub your clit, baby. Come for us again.”
You’re determined for them to let go before you this time. You listen to Ari, slipping your hand beneath you to play with your clit as Steve fucks you harder.
Not that you need to fake your pleasure with them, but you do play it up a little bit with some louder moans, letting the hum of your voice bring Ari over the edge. 
“Fuck yes,” he groans, cock twitching as his release spills against your tongue. You gently ease off of him as you swallow what you can. He swears he could lose it again when you drop your face to lick up the rest of the mess that drips down his length and onto his skin. “There you go.”
You don’t miss a beat of continuing to tease your sensitive clit. The trembling of your legs has you clenching around Steve’s cock to keep yourself from coming yet. But as soon as you feel his hips stutter and his grip on your waist tighten to keep you in place, you let go. Your pleasure draws his out and your movements are sloppy, but you push your hips back against him again until he can’t take it anymore, reluctantly pulling out of you. 
You can’t hold in the whine you let out when you lose the feeling of being full of him. It felt too good, but they don’t keep their hands off of you long enough for you to beg for more. 
Ari knows you won’t be able to move on your own, so he helps you turn over to sit with your back against him as he holds your legs back for Steve to get between them and clean up the mess he and you made. 
“You’re a fucking dream,” he laughs, pressing kisses against your neck. 
Between the feeling of his lips and the occasional nips against your sensitive skin and the feeling of Steve taking his time, lapping at your pussy, residual jolts of pleasure course through your body. 
“You can–” You’re cut off by your own quiet moan. “Damn– Bring the rest of your friends if they’re all this good.”
You feel his smirk and you know his words are a promise. “I’ll remember that.”
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Tag list: @patzammit @thummbelina @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc @astheskycries @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @la-cey @turtoix @harrysthiccthighss @tvckerlance @mrspeacem1nusone @murdcox @geminievans1 @doozywoozy @americasass91 @dwights-new-plague @wwwmarissa92 @redhairedfeistynerd @whxre4cevans @aubreeskailynn @white-wolf1940 @melchills-j @xoxabs88xox @before-we-get-started @chrissquares @christowhore @ice-dtae @mariestark @justile @rogersbarber @dilfbarber @livstilinski @payperhearts @vintagestarlight @gitasor @chaeycunty @miss-ariella @bemysugarbean @t-stark35 @seitmai @reginaphalange2403 @raelorns21 @mrsgweasley @pandaxnienke @brandycranby @cutedisneygrl
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tonkatsubowl · 1 month
aventurine can't help but admire you from afar.
the way the wind flows with your hair, the way your eyes lit up when you smile, the way you just... ugh, everything! despite being bold, haughty and confident, the man was actually a bit nervous to talk to you—or confess, even.
trust issues and trauma, of course.
"i suggest you try speaking with them. in reality, not everyone will constantly betray you or stab you behind your back. take a leap of faith, and test the waters, gambler."
dr. ratio says as the gambler slumps back against his seat, grumbling. aventurine's face was occupied by an open book, in which he definitely did not read.
"this is all too frustrating. really, i'm experienced with talking with women, bedding them—but it's rather annoying that i can't even talk to them." aventurine sighs with a sheepish smile, "perhaps this is a curse that was placed upon me. truly, a riveting way to die." he sarcastically says.
"you're not going to die," dr. ratio says, folding his arms across his chest, "you are merely confused with your actions at this point. i had already suggested you a few ideas, and i won't speak any further."
"oh, c'mon now, don't be like that~."
"you are being pesky, and stubborn. the door is behind you whenever you wish to leave."
the gambler sighed, rubbing the back of his head, "alright, alright. i will leave you to your... whatever you were doing earlier. i'm not opposed to your suggestion, but rather, i am... conflicted, as you say."
dr. ratio sighed again. he did say he wouldn't speak any further after that. but finally, aventurine left, leaving the man be.
days later, you were with the express team. as though aventurine had successfully guessed you'd temporarily depart ways with your crew, he approached you. you were visiting a cat café that time, and he first admired you through the windows of the building. you were happy, and it was a beautiful sight. you held a few cats, took a small nap with a few of them, and you began to play with them. that was when he finally approached you, letting the cats come to sniff him out.
"my, i didn't expect you to visit this kind of café," aventurine says, catching your attention.
like a cat, you perked up, gaze wandering towards the familiar voice before your eyes sparkled upon seeing him. "oh, 'ven!"
his heart skipped a beat, but he hid it. he had nearly forgotten that you gave him a nickname the moment you two first met. aventurine was too much of a hard word to say, you told him that one day, so you decided to give him a nickname.
"the one and only." he says, lowering his sunglasses. as he sat next to you on the floor, the cats came to snuggle up against him. one cat, in particular—a white one with a luxurious collar—came to sleep upon his lap. you cooed at the sight, lifting a kitten and setting it on your lap.
"what brings you here? i didn't expect you to be the type of person to visit a cat café, especially with how busy you are."
aventurine shook his head, "i just wanted to see you."
you blinked, tilting your head. "you wanted to see me?"
he nods, stroking the cat on his lap, giving you a faint smile. "... i was wondering. this request i am about to make isn't business related, or anything of the matter. i've no ill motives behind it—but would you like to... come join me for dinner sometime tonight? that is, if you allow it if you aren't busy. or your... friends allow it." he knows how protective the express team can be of you.
you paused for a moment, blinking. "... like... like a date?"
he nods again, "a date."
"oh! then sure!" you smiled brightly, and your answer was instantaneous too. "i'll just let the others know i'll be busy tonight. where are we going?"
"ah, nothing too fancy (a lie). i just wish to show you my favorite spots here in penacony."
"okay! well, i'll try to dress up nicely, then."
"no need," aventurine shakes his head, "i've already set up a whole schedule for us. let's look at various of clothing later, and see which one you like most."
you blinked. you didn't have that much credits to spend, honestly... "ah... but my budget—"
"who said you were paying?" he flashed a smile. "my dear, i will be the one spoiling you tonight."
"... oh. but wait, that's so much money! please, you don't have to do all of that for me..."
"ah, don't worry! i have all the credits in the world."
"... o-okay."
the night of the date, you were a tad nervous. you didn't know what to wear, and luckily enough, march was kind enough to dress you up a bit.
waiting at the designated location of the date, aventurine shows up wearing his sunglasses as usual. he smiles, taking your hand into his, before gracefully leaving a kiss atop of the back of your palm. you lightly flush, before following the gambler towards wherever he wanted to go...
... and the first stop was the expensive clothing store! it consisted of luxurious of dresses, suits, tuxedos and what not. throughout your time there, the man was practically dolling you up. letting you try on different sets of clothes, getting one custom made on the dot, and even trying to have you match with him.
you finally found the right set, and it was ungodly expensive... but aventurine paid it off like it was nothing, and waited for you to come out with the dress, or whatever you had on. and once you left the dressing room, aventurine's heart melted a bit. his eyes softened, but the color of his shades had hid his admiration for your beauty. he clears his throat, snapping himself back to reality (dreamscape) before rising.
"you look stunning, (y/n)." he says, taking your hand once more, "i adore seeing that on you. perhaps you should wear it more frequently, it suits you like no other."
you felt butterflies roam in your stomach as you look at yourself in the mirror. "you... think so?"
he shakes his head, "i know so."
the second stop was a fancy restaurant. it was built into a casino, so from there, he introduced expensive, five star meals to you and showed you how to play a few games. he won you a cute little plush of (insert favorite animal) through a game vendor, and proceeded to bring you around. he was showing you off like a trophy, too, bringing his arm around your waist to show the world you were rightfully his.
at least, not yet.
the third and final spot was a scenery.
it took a while for the both of you to get there, but the hike was worth it. once you got to the top, you saw the outstanding view of penacony, and you took a moment to admire the horizon.
the night sky, how the stars sprinkled and welcomed you into their sights, and how... aventurine looked stunning underneath the night sky.
you admired him for a moment. he was truly a beautiful man, and instead of admiring the stars, you were admiring your future lover. you felt your heart melt as you sat, staring at him so lovingly.
"hmm? is there something on my face?" asked-he, his smile widening as though to tease you.
you decided to get a little bold, "beauty."
he chuckled to himself, his heart racing. his pride won't admit that he literally felt the world around him explode as you said that. there was just something about you that was just so... perfect.
and yet, all in all, the man was still terrified of you. given his trust issues and everything, he wasn't sure of you - but he knew that he was happy being around you.
all it took was time.
"i can say the same for you," he says in a soft voice, coming closer to you, "did you enjoy tonight?"
you smile, brushing his golden locks away from his visage, "i did. when will we have a second date?"
you paused.
"w-wait, i mean... that's too far, right? i mean, don't get me wrong, i-i'd love to have a second date with you, but that is if... you're okay with it!"
he blinked, before smiling, a chuckle leaving his lips as he returned the favor for you. brushing your hair away from your face.
"... i wouldn't mind. let's have another one again soon."
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love-belle · 1 year
my entire universe !!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ in which they're all one big happy family.
for when you find everything you spent your life looking for. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
social media au // pierre gasly x fem!reader
warnings - language
author's note - hello!!! i absolutely loved writing this so much, dad!pierre so ❤️❤️❤️❤️ and he'd be such a girl dad likeeee !!! anyways, i hope u liked it!! thank you so much for reading, i think i'd be able to post another social media au by tonight but im not sure :/// i love you all so much <3
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liked by pierregasly, carmenmmundt, lilymhe and 789,426 others
yourusername can't believe that im a MOTHER like i MADE that baby and the baby is real cute
username addy's mom is y/n y/l/n and her dad is pierre gasly what's there to explain
username i love baby adelaide so much omg
danielricciardo missing miss addy ❤️❤️❤️
-> yourusername she misses her uncle danny ❤️
username i would die for baby adelaide
username y/n really is MOTHER
*liked by pierregasly*
lilymhe missing my best friend ❤️‍🩹
-> yourusername me or addy???
-> lilymhe yes.
username still in disbelief that y/n and pierre have a CHILD like they're actually PARENTS
username adelaide ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
lewishamilton roscoe misses his best friend 🤍
-> yourusername she misses HER best friend ❤️‍🩹
username i live for the grid basically adopting addy
charles_leclerc my fav god daughter ❤️
-> landonorris MY god daughter
-> danielricciardo actually no
-> maxverstappen1 move it's me
-> lewishamilton not really no
-> carlossainz55 it's me actually
-> yourusername i'll just stay out of this one 🔥🔥🔥
pierregasly we make cute babies
-> yourusername fuck yeah we do
pierregasly she takes after her maman
-> danielricciardo thank god
-> yourusername LMFAOOO
-> pierregasly you're now banned from our house.
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, georgerussell63 and 864,427 others
pierregasly nine months of the most important job ever ❤️
username DAD!PIERRE
username tearing up ngl
carlossainz55 my fav gasly and then it's pierre
-> pierregasly ok fuck u i guess
username ADELAIDE AND PIERRE 😭😭😭😭😭
-> username iconic duo
username he's such a girl dad i love him
lewishamilton can't believe it's been nine months already
-> pierregasly i know like time flies
username i would go to war for baby addy im not even kidding
charles_leclerc she's growing up so fast
-> yourusername charles don't he'll start crying AGAIN
-> pierregasly she is 😭😭😭
username i feel like a proud mother omg
username the way we basically witnessed them getting together and now they're PARENTS like
-> username we went from them awkwardly flirting to them having baby together 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
-> username we've come so far ❤️‍🩹
yourusername my whole world ❤️
-> pierregasly we love you so much
yourusername the bad papa ever 🗣️🗣️🗣️
-> pierregasly 🤟😏
-> username HELP THE EMOJIS
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by danielricciardo, lilymhe, carmenmmundt and 789,625 others
yourusername the loves of my life ❤️
tagged pierregasly
username IM GONNA CRY
username they're so ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
username pierre in the first photo 🫤🫤🫤🫤🫤🫤🫤 i love my parents so much 🫤🫤🫤🫤🫤
lilymhe ❤️❤️❤️
*liked by yourusername*
username they're so family goals 🔥🔥🔥
username what do i gotta do to be adopted by them question mark
charles_leclerc maman misses her petite fille ( grand daughter )
-> yourusername bringing over addy asap she misses her grandmère ( grandmother )
username the fact that baby adelaide is literally the paddock's princess
-> username she has every single driver wrapped around her finger and she can't even talk
username i have only had baby addy for some time but if something happened to her i would kill everyone in this room then myself
username this family gives me so much serotonin ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
*liked by yourusername*
username ok but we NEED to know who's her godfather
-> username REAL like it's such a mystery
landonorris stealing baby adelaide watch out
-> yourusername pierre is asleep rn but he would kick your ass
-> landonorris i 👏 don't 👏 care 👏
username god me when
username this is so domestic i love
username pierre is so babygirl in the first photo like
-> yourusername he's always so babygirl
-> yourusername im getting this comment framed btw
-> username HELP BABYGIRL
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, carmenmmundt and 896,426 others
pierregasly my whole universe ❤️
tagged yourusername
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holybibly · 1 month
i’m literally so obsessed with your work 😭
could you possibly do some sort of shiburi/toy play with san?
i would literally die if you did 😩
Bunnies, I haven't been as active lately as I'd like to be, but today I'm here and Unholy Hours are back on the air.
Hmm, I haven't tried shibari yet, but San is too attractive for me to give up the idea.
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"Tied up like that, you look so divine. I can't take my eyes off you, my angel; the way the ropes leave marks on your delicate skin is driving me insane." San practically purrs into your neck before he pulls away from you. No matter how tempting you look at the moment, he is going to have to be patient. He has the whole of the night in front of him, and you are completely in his power.
The soft rope whispers and snakes across your bare skin, hot as sin, each intricate loop pressing tightly against your body, leaving exquisite marks. Through the soft lace of your blindfold, you couldn't see the pattern that San was creating today, but you could imagine each intricate knot being wrapped around your body, all of them evenly spaced and perfectly tied.
In San's eyes, you were nothing less than a work of art.
San left your hands free, but you didn't dare move them. You knew that if you started to squirm or tried to rub your throbbing clit, the slow glide of the rope over your skin would stop immediately. San didn't like it when his princess was disobedient, especially when he was making her beautiful for himself. Of all the dolls he so desperately wanted to play with, you were the most beautiful.
You could feel the rope sliding down just below your chest and then tightening around your rib cage. The slight tension of the rope around you makes your breathing harder and more labored, and heat begins to build in your lower abdomen as you feel the rope digging into your skin. It starts to get wet between the folds of your pussy and you know that soon you are going to start dripping.
The tension of the ropes is perfect; there is nothing to put you in any danger. San always knew how to treat you properly.
"Black is your color, my angel." San purred again, but this time his voice was a little more husky and sultry, like that of a big, contented cat. "But you already had that knowledge, didn't you?"
"Yes, I know that, Daddy."
"This is my angel, all mine." He circles around you like a predator on the prowl.
You smile shyly at his praise as he gently runs his fingers over your round, flushed cheek and then leans down to give you a kiss. You lift your face to meet San's soft lips halfway.
You can hardly remember how it all started. You just woke up one day with the thought that you had to have him, even if you had to hide all the delicious marks on your body that San kindly left on your skin after each 'game'. It's so stupid, such a terrible cliché, like in the most naive of romantic films: a rich, gloomy boy and an innocent nerd who was supposed to be his tutor, but instead San ended up being the one who taught you.
And if San wanted to get you tied up and exposed in the most vulgar of ways tonight, you'd obey whatever he wanted. He would be able to throw you down on the floor and fuck you into the parquet, and you would be grateful to him for it.
San pulls away from your lips, leaving you wanting more, and you lean forward as if in pursuit of his love. He just chuckles at you and holds your cheeks as he straightens up. His feline eyes are soft, but they hide a dark desire.
"You're so in need of me, angel." He coos in a loving way. "Do you want my lips, my fingers, or my cock so badly, little princess?" San muses and uses his thumb to smear some saliva over your plump lower lip. He lifts your head up again, and you give him a kiss on the thumb.
"I'll take anything you give me, Daddy." You whimper softly.
"Such a good girl." San senses how much you need to be touched, worshipped, and played with, and he is more than happy to satisfy your needs.
His warm hands begin to slide down the length of your body. San runs his fingers along the textured rope, just feeling and enjoying the sensations, gently rubbing against your skin under the tight tangle of ropes, leaving ghostly warm marks where they touch your skin.
Your skin tingles where the hot texture snakes into a pattern, and you feel another loop begin to slide across your body. You still can't make out what kind of pattern San is tying around you, but you can tell he's creating something like a corset. Each loop of rope lies directly under the previous one, with the knots neatly tied in the center of your torso. Each knot is more intricate than the one before it, and it probably frames your body in the most beautiful way possible.
There will be a brief tug on the rope before the pressure is released and the next knot is tied around you.
San's hot breath kisses the skin of your bare shoulder, and you moan softly, rubbing your thighs lightly against each other in the hope that it will ease your excitement.
"You are so beautiful, my angel." He whispers in your ear in a low voice. "I love seeing you like this—all bound up and just for me. You were made for this—to be adorned and decorated by my hands. You are my very own little masterpiece, Princess."
The praise licks over your body like fire and pools in a liquid, viscous warmth between your thighs. You have the feeling you're even wetter, if that's even possible. Your breathing is getting harder; the thought of how beautiful you look to San turns you on, and perhaps it might not last as long as you'd like, but right now you're perfect for him, and that's all that matters. These thoughts cause you to rub your thighs against each other again, desperate for any kind of friction that might help you ease the aching excitement in your cunt.
San digs his hands into the soft flesh of your thighs and spreads them apart with a growl. He doesn't want you to cum too soon; you've just started playing. His strong, slightly rough hands slide over your thick thighs and then brush lightly against the wet, slippery folds of your pussy, allowing you to enjoy some pressure where you need it so much, your hips rocking as you ride his palm. Excitement drips from your hole like a waterfall and spreads over San's palm.
You whine pitifully as his hand leaves you and San goes back to tying knots on your body, and you stay like that—horny to the max and in need of some relief.
"Shhh, angel, it's okay. You are a good little princess, and Daddy will give you anything you want. Now sit still and let me make you beautiful. Let me make you so perfect for me, my angel."
You obediently freeze in place, the world around you blurring as you melt under his praise. San's voice is so deep and calm, but you hear those hot, dark notes in it that tell you he is just as horny as you are. In his arms, you always feel like sex personified, as San does whatever he wants to your body, molding it to suit his own desires and kinks.
You feel the last loop around your waist before the remaining rope runs down your soft belly, the slightly rough texture rubbing nicely against your skin. The tightness of the rope prevents you from thinking; all thoughts fade as you let the fuzzy sensation in your stomach from being bound spread through your mind. Your fall into subspace is slow and gradual, and your breathing is deepening as if you were on the verge of sleep. San is skilled at luring you deeper and deeper into a web of lust and depravity.
San's hot hands squeeze your thigh, lightly scratching it with his nails before he wraps the rope around it. It's so hard for you to maintain any kind of coherence, so far down, especially when you hear the quiet whisper of a hoarse, purring voice: "my beautiful angel" and "sugar bunny" on your thighs, along with wet kisses and long, slow licks, which literally make your pussy literally dripping with arousal.
San pulls another length of rope through the center of your makeshift corset. You're not quite sure what to expect from him when he slips the loose end of the rope between your legs as they are spread apart. He moves around you and kneels down behind you, pressing his hot body against your back. San was wearing nothing but a pair of ripped black jeans and a leather belt with a heavy metal buckle. He preferred to feel the coolness of the room against his skin, and he refused to wear a shirt or t-shirt. It's wonderful to feel the warmth of his smooth, golden skin and the pulsing muscles that stretch and contract as he moves. His hard, massive cock presses against the softness of your plump ass, rubbing lightly against you, trying to ease the painful arousal. You can't bear to look at him with the lace blindfold that is tightly fastened over your eyes, but it makes you feel good to know you've had such an effect on him.
San stretches the rope between your beras, and you shiver a little as the rough texture of it slides between your labia. His fingers part your wet folds so he can place the rope where he wants it. San gently pulls the rope upwards, watching as the knot rubs directly against your clit, causing a burst of stars to explode from behind your closed eyelids as you finally get the stimulation that you so desperately need.
As San attaches the end of the rope to the back of your exquisitely woven corset, taking his time tightening it to tease you while keeping you safe, the intricate knot continues to rub against your swollen clit in the most delicious way.
He finally finishes tying you up and makes sure all the loose ends are securely tied to the back of the corset. San rises to his feet again, and you feel a chill run down your spine as his hot body moves away from you. He walks around you in a circle, like a graceful cat of prey, admiring the work he has done.
"Do you have any idea how bloody perfect you look, my angel? A perfect little toy for me to play with. I want you to see yourself, Princess." San helps you to your feet and guides you closer to the mirror. Then, in one swift motion, he unties the lace blindfold over your eyes, allowing you to see how beautiful you are right now.
As soon as you caught sight of your reflection in the mirror, you let out a long, drawn-out moan. You looked much more beautiful than you could have imagined, the black silk rope wrapping around your body like a smooth snake, contrasting perfectly with the soft pale tone of your skin and leaving bright scarlet marks on the most sensitive and delicate areas.
You were right—the pattern San had created on your body did indeed resemble a corset—the rope, tied in exquisite loops, ran from your chest to your waist. The tightness of the knit made your breasts look astonishingly voluptuous and lifted them up in the most seductive way possible. The rope goes down to make it look like you're wearing sexy lingerie, wrapping around your hips like a garter belt. Another piece of rope is placed between the labia of your pussy. The tight knot of the rope presses perfectly against your clitor and stimulates it with your slightest movement.
You look and feel absolutely beautiful and safe with the black silk rope tied around you and the warmth of San's large body behind you. His handsome, sculpted face is rubbing on your shoulders and neck like a contented cat, and he is purring admiringly in your ear. You were truly his perfect little plaything—the sweet plaything of a big, feline predator.
San's hands trace the intricate pattern of the rope, enjoying how it feels to wrap around your body, sometimes gently squeezing your sides.
"You are the most beautiful thing I have ever owned, my little angel. You look like a beautiful fallen angel, but that won't stop me from destroying you." San whispers in your ear like velvet. You turn your head to look at San and fall into the dark, magnetic trap of his eyes in an instant. Never before in your life have you seen someone who looked so much like a real cat in the form of a human.
Everything about him—from his mesmerizingly sharp eyes, high cheekbones, and chiselled jawline to his purring voice, sensual personality, and elegant movements—was the embodiment of a little predator. And you—you were his little mouse, the one he could play with whenever he felt like it.
San grabbed your chin with his fingers and turned your head back towards the mirror. With his other hand, he pulled on the rope between your wet folds, the tight knot rubbing against your swollen clit. You almost choked at the sudden pull of the rope as its thick texture slid over your sensitive cunt.
San moves away from you and sits down on the bed in an elegant manner, leaving you standing alone in front of the mirror. At the moment you are so confused that you don't understand at all why he has left you standing there - tied up and excited. You look over your shoulder and see San sitting on the bed, legs spread wide, stroking his thick, hard cock lazily as he watches you. He enjoys the way your body looks wrapped in his ropey silk masterpiece.
You moaned loudly, you were so excited, you want to cum right now, and San's hot, dark eyes sliding over your skin didn't make it any easier. You knew that you weren't allowed to use your hands to ease the tension between your thighs until San gave you permission to do so.
A seductive smile spreads across San's soft, plump lips as he watches you from where he sits on the bed. He slows the movement of his hand on his cock, running the pad of his thumb over the wet head. His eyes roll back in his head, and his mouth opens in a soft, sweet moan.
He nods gently in the direction of the mirror behind you, indicating that you should turn to face the mirror once more. You obediently follow his silent instructions and turn to face your reflection. You look at yourself once more and feel your pussy throbbing with desire. It only seems to increase the intensity of the stimulation as the juices flowing from you are absorbed by the rope stretched between your labia.
You feel so empty and so desperate to want San to use you, for him to sit you on his cock, to pull the ropes around your body as he fucks you deep and slow. From these thoughts, your hands begin to slide down your thighs in an unconscious way, and even this light touch makes you let out a sigh of pleasure.
"Don't you dare touch what is mine." San hisses. "If my little rope bunny wants to come, it'll be from the rope between those thick, juicy thighs or nothing at all."
You're moaning at his words, both enjoying his praise and completely disappointed that he didn't let you touch yourself. But you know San better than anyone else, and you are not going to try to awaken his dark side. You begin to squeeze your thighs together, and thick muscles tense with the effort, causing the rope to stretch tightly between the soft folds of your wet cunt. Your hips begin to rock seductively, the tight knot of rope clinging deliciously to your clit with each successive movement of your hips. Completely overwhelmed by the sensation, you throw your head back in ecstasy and let out loud and long moans. You can feel the viscosity of the moisture starting to flow out of your hole.
"Look at yourself in the mirror, angel, as you try to cum. Don't you want to see the rope sliding down your sweet little cunt while you are desperately humping it like a needy little whore?"
San is absolutely right—you do look like one. On the silver surface of the mirror, your reflection is completely depraved. Your hair is dishevelled, and your eyes are clouded with lust. Your skin is red from the tension of the ropes that are tied around your body, and it glistens with sweat. All in all, it can feel as if you've been fucked for hours on end, but San hasn't even touched you the way you'd like him to.
You begin to rub harder and harder against the rope between your legs, your face contorting in pleasure every time the knot of the rope presses against your clit, the rough texture sliding over your sensitive folds. A particularly strong movement and a tight squeeze on your thighs brings you to your climax.
"Oh God, San…" You moan loudly as you literally fall forward onto the mirror, your hands shooting up into the air as you grab hold of the massive frame to keep yourself on your feet as your whole body shakes with orgasm. Your juices flow copiously down your thighs and drip onto the floor, some being absorbed by the rope still pressed tightly against your pussy.
You barely have time to catch your breath before you are pushed forward by San's rough touch, causing you to literally press your chest against the mirror. The coldness of the reflective surface on your nipples makes them harden in an instant, making them more sensitive to any kind of touch.
"My pretty Angel..." San's voice is silky as he whispers into your ear when he presses his naked chest against your back, trapping you between the mirror and his hot body. "It was so hard for me to stop myself from cum while I was watching you enjoy yourself, but there is a better place for my load of sperm, isn't there, angel?" San emphasises his words by stimulating your clit, still throbbing from the previous orgasm, with a sharp tug on the rope between your labia. You let out a loud cry and squeezed your fingers together on the heavy frame of the mirror until your hands were white.
His tongue begins to slide slowly down the length of your neck, pressing lightly on your pulse point, which is why he can feel how fast your heart is beating at the moment. San leaves hot, wet kisses on your skin, gradually turning into dark hickeys as he continues to stimulate your pussy with a rope, sometimes pulling hard, then releasing. You feel San rubbing his big, thick dick against your buttocks, smearing pre-cum all over the tender, plump flesh, and you want to get down on your knees in front of him and lick that bittersweet wetness off his hard length. You want to hear him moan, and you want to enjoy his beautiful face as it is contorted with pleasure.
But right now you're desperate for him to fill that void inside you, and the thought of him stretching you and stuffing you with his thick cock until you can see the bulge of his length against your belly makes your pussy throb and contract, spouting fluid. The textured knot of the rope continues to press against your kitor every time San pulls on the rope, but even this delicious sensation is not enough to satisfy you. You need him to fuck you so hard. Fiercely.
You're on the verge of another orgasm when San pulls back and unties the rope from your corset. He presses you harder against the mirror with his body, biting the skin on the back of your neck, and you feel the swollen head of his dick slide between your wet folds until it is pressed against your quivering hole.
San enters you in one smooth motion, his pelvis touching your ass as his whole thick, hot length ends up inside of you. He lets out a low moan as he feels the rope garter belt around your hips, brushing against his hips with every move he makes. He loves fucking you like this—bound, helpless, completely controlled by him. San immediately picks up the pace and starts fucking you hard and fast—just the way you want him to do it.
He grabs hold of the back of your rope corset and uses it as leverage to fuck you even harder. You look at yourself in the mirror once more and lock eyes with San as he fucks you from the back. His eyes are too dark for you to understand the emotion that is hidden behind the black, gleaming irises, but you are sure that it is something deeper and more dangerous than just ordinary lust.
Your breasts bounce with each hard thrust, and your breathing becomes heavy as San's hand clasps your throat, cutting off some oxygen. This action only serves to push you even closer to your orgasm.
You can feel San's hot length pulsating inside of you as it rubs against your sensitive, smooth walls with every powerful thrust of his hips. The sound that fills the room is sickeningly wet and loud, intertwined with your screams and moans and San's deep, purring groans. It sounds like fucking porn.
The tension inside you is growing with each passing second, and the walls of your pussy are beginning to shrink as you try to hold his dick in and make it harder for him to move. Every time you squeeze his cock, bringing him closer to his own orgasm, San hisses behind you. For a second, you're completely lost in what's happening. San's hand is squeezing your throat so tightly that black spots start to dance in front of your eyes - while the head of his cock hits your G-spot every time he enters you. Tears begin to flow from your eyes, and your mouth opens slightly, either to catch your breath or to try and moan his name. You're so close to cum.
San tightens the rope loops of your corset even further and pulls you against his body before his teeth sink into your shoulder, and he pushes into you with a rough, powerful thrust. He growls like a cat as he clenches his teeth on your skin, making it bleed as he fills you with his thick, warm cum. Such an animal act of power pushes you over the edge, and you come on his cock, your eyes rolling back in and choking on your moans.
San watches your orgasmic expression through the mirror, lazily licking the bleeding wounds of his teeth on your skin. Your sensitive walls tremble with stimulation as he continues to thrust weakly into you. Some of his cum, mixed with your juices, begins to leak from your used cunt and drip onto the floor.
You remain in this position for a few more minutes as you catch your breath from the intense orgasm you have just experienced. San pulls out of you, and this causes even more of his cum to flow out of your hole. He turns you over so that you are facing him, tangles his fingers in your hair, and tilts your head back so that you are looking into his eyes.
"You're absolutely beautiful, my angel." His lips are soft and too tender as he plants a kiss on you. This is the kind of kiss that can make you fall in love, and falling in love with San is as dangerous as a voluntary refusal of oxygen. Fatal. When he leaves your lips, the look in his eyes is dark and utterly evil, and you don't know what else to call him if he's not the devil himself. "You still look too pure and sweet for me; it seems I'm going to need to work harder to get you destroyed, my princess."
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joontroverted · 20 days
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kiss it better (nsfw)
husband! ran haitani x wife reader
fandom : tokyo revengers
word count : 2.9k
cw : anal beads, anal fingering, vaginal fingering, penetrative sex, daddy kink, reader is a brat, impregnantion talk, fluff! this is a sweet fic, i'll have you know 😤
twitter porn that inspired me!
happy reading!
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ran comes home late often enough that it's not an issue.
his schedule is erratic. he doesn't work every single night, but when he's called to work he's gone, and almost unreachable too. and he's definitely coming home late on those days.
between the two of you (two sleepy people) he knows it's no hard feelings to come home to you fast asleep. he just strips off, does a quick shower, speedruns through his unskippable skin care routine and settles into bed with you. one arm snaked around your waist and into your panties, two fingers in your warm pussy, and he's out like a light.
it's a fun routine.
but you miss him.
sure, you have the sleepy mornings and the evenings filled with wine and whichever new little snack ran had flown in from God knows where, but you missed the nights.
the nights of opening your arms and legs for your man, undressing him, tumbling around in bed till you're both sore and filthy and then hopping in the tub for another round- ahem, a bath.
so tonight's the night!
you're adorned in a light blue lingerie set, the type that highlights your titties and has a crotchless panties. your usual home clothes are thrown on on top of this sexy get up because of the chill from the ac, and even though you've fought back many a yawn, the moment you hear scuffling and the beep of the lock, you throw off your loose clothes and position yourself spread across the sofa.
you watch as ran staggers into the foyer, stumbling, stifling a yawn. he makes a beeline past the hall and straight to the master bedroom without paying you even the slightest glance.
you sit there dumbfounded.
you can hear him tossing off his clothes, washing his face and finally turning the lamp by the nightstand on to do his skin care before he realises you're not in bed.
you hear him jog out of the room, turn the corner and seeing you sitting on the sofa, all (sex) dolled up, and glaring holes into him.
"what are you- oh," he stops, eyes taking you in. "oh honey, come here," he calls you, spreading his arms.
you stare at him and get up, and walk past him to your bedroom.
"honey? honey! baby, i'm so sorry, it's so late and it's been such a long day, this has nothing to do with- "
"literally die," you mutter, clambering onto the bed.
"are you wearing those crotchless panties?"
"die! go hang out with your precious besties! die!" you hiss, wrapping the blankets around yourself and settling in.
"baby- "
"i don't want to hear one fucking word ran haitani."
you shut your eyes, turning your face into the pillow, tears of anger stinging behind your shut eyelids. god, this was so humiliating more than anything. you were so excited, and the worst part is you can't even blame him, you know how tiring his days can get.
you hear him slowly sit down on the bed and turn the lamp off. no skincare, nothing, and he settles into bed next to you, almost spooning you, but giving you some space.
you feel his hand come up to stroke your hair.
"good night angel."
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something's keeping you up.
you can't put a finger on what it is exactly.
you twist around and see ran fast asleep next to you, no doubt too exhausted to even pleade his case with you. his hand is on your pillow, having fallen asleep while stroking your hair. you had fallen asleep too, but something woke up you up around twenty minutes ago, and you can't seem to figure out what.
the temperature of the room is perfect. chill, but not cold. the blankets aren't too heavy to make you hot. you aren't hungry and you just took a few sips of water some time back when you had woken up.
so what is it?
do you miss ran? do you miss the contact of him spooning you?
no... not that you wouldn't miss it, but more like you and ran moved around in bed a lot while you sleep so you aren't always touching each other.
no, this is something more related to your body.
for a second you wonder if you're secretly pregnant.
you press a hand on your stomach. you feel like you're close to the problem, because now you can zero in on something inside you being wrong, but pregnant? no. not even food poisoning, you didn't eat anything disagreeable.
something inside you...
"ran. ran!"
you shake him, and if you weren't so taken aback, you would've stopped to admire how gorgeous he is. his purple and black hair fans out on his forehead, and his chest gently rises and falls. he really could be a model, his strong angular jaw and his angelic features uniting masculinity and femininity to create such beauty.
"ran!" you smack him across his face with your pillow.
"what, what, fuck!" he shouts, rising up to his elbows, his eyes flitting over you. his hands immediately roam over you before his eyes adjust to the dark to make sure that you're in one piece and not hurt in any way.
"wha' happened," he says gruffly, sitting up this time, his hands still on your waist protectively.
you falter, seeing how protective he is of you, and how much sexier he sounds with his voice deeper from sleep.
you bite your lip. "hi."
"what the fuck happened," he blinks at you slowly, like he can't believe this situation. he's just been forced awake by his panicked little wife who had just been screaming and now you're sitting pretty, hair mussed, bra strap sliding off your shoulder, eyes wide, looking ditzy.
"um, nothing much. what's up with you?" you shrug, looking down.
"i'm going to count to three- "
he doesn't even have to finish his sentence for you to start talking. you know all too well what happens when he counts to three.
"so you know how i dressed up for you and then you so very rudely ignored me?"
"i apologized for that, and you told me to die."
"yeah, that."
he stares at you. "and?" he prompts.
"i didn't actually want you to die."
that makes him crack a little smile. "why thank you. that's one less person now. unfortunately the list's a bit too long for me to be in the clear, honey."
you scrunch up your face at that. ran's a terrible person. you forget that sometimes. his worst crime is probably torture and homicide, not kicking your plushie off the bed.
"was that all?" he asks, thumb stroking your waist. "can we sleep now?"
"no," you say firmly. and then you mumble something.
"there's something inside me."
"what did all those creampies pay off," he laughs. "wait a minute, did they?" his face morphs into horror.
"no, jesus. this is less scary."
"just spit it out already!"
"fine! when i was waiting for you, i..." you shift. "um i stuffed myself with some... beads," you trail off, nodding, glad that the lights are off, so he can't see you clearly.
ran leans to the nightstand and flicks the lamp on, making eye contact with you. well there goes decency. he looks at you, his face a mix of disbelief and criticism. "you stuffed yourself with some beads."
you nod again, unable to look at him.
he grabs your face and forced you closer. "you stuffed yourself with the anal beads i bought you and told you that i would help you with."
"i wanted to surprise you okay?"
"and then you fell asleep with them inside you. who was that for? the icu when they surgically remove them from you? what if i couldn't come home tonight?"
"fine!" you pull yourself away from him. he had spent his entire life being both a brother and a father to rindou that when he brought up his stern voice he could be so goddamn condescending. "i'll do it myself then! i don't need your help anyways!"
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you most definitely did need his help.
and that's why you find yourself laid on your tummy between ran's spread legs, him having pulled your hips towards him, ass facing him, legs locked around his back. your bra was tossed to the side, and your crotchless panties dangle from your ankle in sad defeat.
ran had sat back quietly, arms folded as he watched you try to pull the beads out. he didn't say a word, but watched you seriously, as though he were a teacher watching his student helplessly mess up an equation even further. the scrutiny sure didn't help, and only made you more tense.
you sniffle.
"and whose fault is it that you're in this position, huh?"
you get a sharp slap on your left asscheek.
"it's my fault! i'm sorry!"
you can't see him, but you're sure he's enjoying this. ran's rather laidback and chill, but all of that is made up for with how much of a stern disciplinarian he is in situations like this.
he pulls your ass closer and your pussy settles on his crotch, feeling his thick and hard cock beneath his boxers. you snicker.
"what was that for, slut?" he asks, giving you a harsh pinch on your other cheek.
you squeal and kick your feet. "nothing. just nice to know you missed me too."
"hmm," he hums, taking you in.
you really are the stupidest little girl in the world. of course he misses you. he'd be mad not to. the light of his life. he loves his job, but he's been liking it less and less as it eats up all the time he keeps especialy for you. he's missed too many meetings and too many trips just to spend an evening watching a movie with you or a weekend away with you. and here you are, pitching a fit because apparently he doesn't miss you anymore.
as much as he chides you for your carelessness, it's landed his beautiful wife face down ass up, stuffed full in her ass with purple anal beads. all that could be seen of it was the glinting sea pearl that hung out like a charm from the base, with the backdrop of your pretty little pucker behind it.
he grabs the base and gives a little tug, causing you to yelp.
"you need to relax honey," he mutters, rubbing your back.
"well you're not helping with that," you grumble.
he rolls his eyes. he reaches for the lube and sees the half empty bottle and can't help but think about how much lube you had emptied within yourself trying to get it in in the first place, a finger pushing each bead in while the other hand poured lube on your gaping hole. his cock jumps at the image of that.
"hmm, what how can we get you to relax, huh? would a spanking work? you get pretty brainless from a good spanking, don't you honey? i was meaning to give you one in the morning just because of how you behaved with me."
you kick at the thought of that, heat filling your face, pussy pulsing at the thought. yes, unfortunately ran had trained you into taking his spankings well, but that would tense you up too much, and he knew that. he's just doing this to rile you up.
ran smirks as he watches your pussy squeeze around nothing, dampening. he's trained you well.
"but on second thought, maybe you need something more humiliating. you think i'm just wasting time hanging out with my guys at work, huh? how 'bout i handcuff you over the table with your panties pullled down, huh? so all the bad, bad men i work with can remind you of how tough this job is, huh?"
"no!" you whine, pushing your ass out. "no!"
he watches your pussy get wetter and wetter. he massages your lubed up hole with two fingers and slips two fingers inside you. you really were a sick girl. his sick girl.
"o- ohhh," you moan, as his thick, long fingers sink deeper inside you.
in and out, up and down. all while teases your asshole into opening. his finger swipe further and hurther in, scissoring before they finally curl down and hit your g spot.
"ran! ran! please, please, more!"
and that's when he slows down.
the rhythm he had built up slows down into a gentle massaging on your g spot.
"ran, what the hell? you're so- "
you falter as a another feeling takes over. an insistent pushing from in the inside of your hole.
"there we go," says ran, and you can hear the smile in his voice. " there's my big girl."
the first bead popped out, shiny and glossy, warm from your insides, lube dripping down it. your hole closes up again, and he presses down on your g spot again, causing you to let out a strangled cry.
"another one sweetheart," he coos, "relax for me?"
the second one pops out as your mind is lost from both the sensations. the bliss from having your g spot massaged combined with the odd pleasure that's coming from him playing with your hole.
"oh, there's another one," you murmur, dazed.
"my big girl can count can't she," he laughs. he sure has the fucking audacity. "last two honey."
you push your ass out and get onto your knees, chest pressed on the bed. he snickers at your eagerness and drives his fingers deeper in you, stroking away.
you feel lighter, both inside and in your head. you can't believe that for all your complaining, you're spending the night with your husband yanking anal beads out of your asshole. not even in a sexy way particularly. for the sake of not having a medical emergency.
"last one angel," he kisses you ass cheek. "can you do that for me?"
"uh huh."
"what do you say?"
"yes daddy," you keen as his fingers push deeper in you again. you feel his lips a feather light kiss on your perineum, and you can blush from how soft it feels.
he watches as the last bead slowly pushes it's way out of your hole with a final little plop!
watching your pretty hole gao almost sets something primal off in ran, and with a low growl he gets on his knee, one leg braced against the bed. he lowers his boxers and brings his heavy cock out that he had neglected for a little too long. the grinding of your pussy on his crotch wasn't nearly enough for what his eyes were feasting on.
the thick head of his tip slaps against your sloppy pussy and you whine, finally getting a taste of what you've been missing.
"give it to me ran, i've been waiting for too long."
"i know pretty, i've been gone for too long these days, haven't i?"
he pushes in, and that familiar feeling of being filled is back. you husband is back.
"daddy," you cry in ecstacy as his tip finally reaches the deepest it can go. "i love you."
"daddy's home honey," he pants, having mounted you finally, and now driving into to you. "i love you."
the pace picks up and you're boneless as ran's firm grip on your waist is all that's holding you up. he slams into you, his cock hitting all the right places as he leans down and covers all of you, holding you tight.
"i'm sorry angel, i'm sorry i haven't been home lately. but it's all for you, yeah. it's all so i can give you a beautiful life and make you a mama one day, nice and plump and spoiled."
"ohhh!" that sends a wave through you. "you wanna make me a mama?"
"yeah honey, you'll be a good mama, won't you? perfect girl?"
"yes, yes daddy," you cry, "i'm cumming, gonna come!"
"come for me angel," he pushes into you one final time, and you come together. the orgasm hits you like a tidal wave, causing you to sink under bliss as you feel him filling you up to the brim with his thick, warm cum.
he bites the crook of your neck and coos as he watches you shake underneath him.
"my wife," he whispers, pressing kisses down your neck. "my beautiful silly wife. i always miss you. i love you."
he turns you over, and you immediately twist your limbs into each others'. you smile as you look into his eyes, his hair still untouched despite it all. you reach out and mess it up, causing him to laugh and kiss your wrist.
"i love you," you mutter. "and i know you love spending time with me. i was just frustrated... and in need of a rough night with you. i don't actually want you to die."
"i know." he nods, giving you little kisses. "i'm the luckiest man alive to have a wife who loves me so much she stuffed herself full of the anal beads i told her not to use without me."
"my hole is sore," you groan as he nuzzles against your chest.
"bend over, i'll kiss it better."
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reblogs, tagging, comments, likes and asks are HIGHLY APPRECIATED!!!
read my other tokyo revengers fic -
bully baji x popular reader fic
all right heathens. this one's done. pls hop on anon/asks and tell me i'm not alone in my insanity and you're this horny for this man too ❤️
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 6 months
Hi I'm back. How are you?
How about... A yandere that has had a bunch of lovers and either killed them because he got bored or broke their heart beyond repair? But them he meets the reader and something changes?
Idk it seems like a fun dea.
Yandere! Male! Player x gn! Barista! Reader
Uh ohz, here is the player 🙄 there's a little twist to the request, meowing! I hope you don't mind. (Another Greek mythos twist. Not as blatant as Hades though. Only a bit of the Greek mythos is grabbed, not all.)
I'll see to it how can we break this little man
ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ)
AND, I AM GOING TO STOP TAKING NEW YANDERE REQUESTS! But, I am going to take asks about the existing yanderes now!
Yandere! Player name: Amor
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A resounding slap echoed throughout the bustling cafe, silencing the people talking to each other. The woman, tear stricken and angry, looked at the man in front of her.
"We're over!" She yelled before stomping away from the cafe, leaving the man behind.
The people started to gossip amongst each other, but one particular action by the man stunned them.
He just sat down, took out his phone, and called somebody.
"Hey, fancy meeting tonight? I just know of this nice cafe. Date, my treat."
Shameless, the people thought as he chuckled and ended the call with a lazy smirk, stirring his coffee and sipping it.
Amor. Extremely handsome man. Charming, always knew how to get the ladies.
That's what made him full of shit since being handsome is his only redeeming quality.
He's arrogant, a bastard, selfish, has a pride taller than the Eiffel tower, and a total player.
He juggles women left and right, flavor of the day, who's gonna be my girl for the morning, afternoon, and night?
Why do people flock to this man again?
Ah, because the Gods favor this bitch.
What did he do in his past life that women love this man?
Well, in his past life, he's a boring nerd.
His family loved him dearly, and wanted him to succeed in life.
So, attending academic camps, prestigious schools, goddamn Kumon? He got it all.
Awards, upon awards. He collects them like pokemon.
Did it make him interesting?
No. All he knew is academics, and no outside skill.
He's book smart, not street smart.
Poor guy wasn't even attractive. So, when he finished University in an Ivy League Uni, he's lost. He doesn't have charisma to charm employers, he doesn't have the confidence to do public work...
Well, that, and NASA already hired him.
What? He is not street smart and has a hard time finding a job himself, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have connections.
In short, he's a Nepo baby.
At least he's a genius so NASA made sure to use him thoroughly.
But, he felt... Bored.
He wanted more from this life of his.
He wanted a girlfriend for fuck's sake!
So, by some stupid and desperation he himself never thought of doing, he turned to the old gods.
The old Gods, surprised by a sudden influx of eager and desperation of faith from only one man, decided to entertain them.
Oh... That's not...
He's really superficial....
Did the Gods care though? Nah. He's really entertaining. Awakening old Gods just for... Women?
So they granted his wish.
When he died of old age (unfortunately for him.), He woke up to another wealthy and loving family. But this time, he's the son of a world renowned Kpop idol, and a Miss Universe.
"This is overkill." Amor thought to himself as his mother cradled her. "But damn, ain't I happy!"
Growing up, even as a kid, girls liked him. He felt like on the top of the world. He retained his memory, so he's practically a gifted child. No, perfect child even!
Except that he's actually a foul kid.
He became arrogant, a snob. Someone who viewed himself too highly for people.
But do his parents care?
They spoil the kid a lot. And turn a blind eye to his lack in manners.
Again, went to prestigious Universities, to Kumon, academic camps.
Everything was a breeze for him now.
He got a job as a model immediately. He decided to not go down the academic path, but use his parents' connections once more to climb up the showbiz ladder!
He's still a Nepo baby in this life.
Well, again, his handsomeness is almost too good to be true (work of the goddess of beauty), so his model career is skyrocketing in success.
And women.
Countless of them.
He cycles through them like toilet paper. Throwing them away once he's got his fill.
Yet, people don't care.
He somehow built a reputation off of being a player. When people say that "he broke somebody's heart again!"
"Eh, what did you expect from being in a relationship with Amor?" They would say with a shake of their head and a smile.
That's how much the Gods intervened with his life.
Once he sets his eyes on someone, he 100% would get them.
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"Tsk. Where can I go now..."
Amor paced around the street, turning heads left and right as this man sculpted by the gods had a worried look on his face.
The cafe he frequents closed down, now he needs a new place to take his women to dates to.
He's about to get his phone when a flyer hit him directly on his face. With an irritated glower, he grabbed the flyer.
"ow! What the f... Oh?"
He stopped, seeing the content.
"new cafe open?"
It looks like a generic cafe. But what was interesting was that the cafe is located in an indoor garden. Like a greenhouse.
"This is interesting. Women love flowers, don't they? And a garden of all places!" He laughs, making the gods stir from the sudden new cafe they got.
They all fuzzed, saying that this would be a good place. But, the goddess of Beauty stirred. Saying she got a bad feeling about this.
"relax, nothing will happen."
And when he got inside the cafe, he immediately got shocked by the barista, you.
Has there ever been an ethereal beauty like you? Someone... Someone who rivals even the goddess of beauty herself?!
The goddess stirred again, shackles raised. She never made you, so why are you this attractive?
Then, the goddess whispered on his ear.
It's to make you fall in love with a monster. Someone ugly, a beast... Anything to get your status down! Nobody can be as beautiful as her!
Envy filled the goddess as she gave Amor arrows to hit you with.
Now, assigned with the task of making you fall in love with what the goddess call a 'monster', he sets off to your house in the middle of the night. With the help of the other Gods, he became invisible and flew on to your balcony.
With a creak, your balcony doors opened. Making him shimmy inside through the small crack.
Yet, fate tempted him as the moonlight hit your form. In a vulnerable state, your androgynous beauty is amplified. Your long eyelashes, your skin... Your figure...
Truly, your beauty rivaled the goddess. No, you were more beautiful than her.
His throat dried, eyes glazed over.
Gods, are they tempting him?
It would be a waste for you to fall in love with an ugly guy.
His fingers twitched, trying to grab the arrow.
He seethed, doubling over as he clutched his finger. It got pricked by the arrow.
He somehow forgot a crucial information.
'whoever the first person the pricked sees if the arrows only pricked one, they will fall in love with the first person they sees.'
And, as his eyes irritably looked at you, overwhelming love filled inside him as he gasped in the sudden influx of emotions.
He kneeled down, eyes wide.
He's rigid. All he could see is your form. Lovely and so bright.
And hid eyes softened. A dull light in it as his lips twitched into a lovesick smile.
He was already attracted to you before, and now, pricked by the arrows, he's utterly obsessed with you.
With a twitch of his hand once more, he grabbed the arrow and stabbed himself fully to the thigh.
He doubled over, gasping, twitching for air as his heart pulsed through his ears. His eyes frantically finding your sleeping form before letting out a shaky moan from the satisfaction.
It was like a drug. Everytime he sees you, he gets overwhelmed with feelings of affection.
Is this what love is about?
And before he knows it, the arrows are all used up.
It was morbid, seeing this man stabbed with so many arrows.
But his face says otherwise. Like a drugged up man, overdosed on ecstacy, he was in a drooling trance from the addictive feeling of love for you.
The arrow is effective enough by one arrow, and now this?
Well, let's just say...
"I count, right?" He shakily asked the gods. "I'm a monster, somebody who breaks women's heart left and right."
He trembled, standing up.
He walked over to you, legs unsteady as he dropped to his knees once more and planted his lips on your own.
It tasted, you tasted so sweet, divine upon his lips.
He wants more, but he can't risk waking you up.
"Goodbye, my love. See you tomorrow." Amor whispered, grabbing your hand and dragging his nose on your skin and inhaling your scent. Exhaling shakily, he stood up and flew away.
Let's say, the goddess of Beauty was really angry at him.
But her condition, a 'monster', fits him. So, what can she do?
She gritted her teeth and looked at him with hatred, yet complacency.
You're so pretty, it hurts.
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"Welcome to the Psyche cafe! How may I help you-- oh hello, sir Amor! The usual?"
Amor slowly nodded, clearing his throat.
"yes. The usual."
It's been weeks since then. And he made sure to make himself a regular in the cafe. He stopped going on dates, and pulled a lot of strings to somehow burry the player accusations. He knows he can't really burry it all.
So he made (threatened) the women he dated to be positive about him.
He wants to fly on your radar, spot on the middle, so bad.
So, with the invisibility power he got from the Gods, he always followed you. Even up to your home.
At first, his heart pounded like crazy. What if he suddenly appeared? Will you be freaked out? Surprised? Will you run away--
No, you can't run away.
Like you can, anyways.
He knew of your favorite food, fashion sense, hell, your taste in men...
He slowly changed himself into the man of your dreams.
Like a persona he integrated into himself, this sudden change shocked the people. But, they welcomed this change.
"Is he in love, that's why he's changing?"
More than that.
He's making himself into the perfect boyfriend for you.
Now, all he needs is you!
"Here's your coffee, sir!" You greeted with a sweet smile that he swore he had to grab his soul from leaving his body. "Enjoy!"
He gently grabbed the coffee and as usual, gave you 200$.
"sir..." You grimaced.
"Please, just accept it." He smiles. "You've always been a pleasant person to talk to, y/n. So, just see it as a generous tip. That I frequently give."
You looked down at the bill and smiled. Warmness spreads through your chest.
"thank you s--"
You looked up, and froze from the look he's giving you.
Deep, crazed...
You shivered in fear.
Sensing your eyes on him, he coughed loudly, averting his eyes before returning to the man you knew.
Or did you actually know him?
You don't even know anymore.
But hey, he gives huge tips.
"Thanks again for the coffee." Amor smiles, trying to sweep what happened under the rug as he waved at you.
He went to his usual table. Somewhere secluded, yet has a clear view of you surrounded by flowers.
He observes you. Plans on what to do next.
He knew he can't just waltz in and whisk you away. That's barbaric.
But he's not opposed to the idea though...
He smirks.
He can probably pull tons of strings for you to end up in his arms.
He loves you, don't mistake that.
But, a little bit of... Force would be good.
He's an impatient man.
Also, did he mention that he's a selfish asshole?
How about, making your life so miserable. Getting you kicked out of this cafe, your family suddenly getting a huge debt...
Something he knows you can't pay immediately.
And his family would coincidentally sponsor you by giving you a condition of marrying him!
Anything to be with you, really.
Or, just steal another arrow and hit it with you. That's also plausible.
But, the goddess is pissed with him. So that's the last resort.
He sips his coffee and crosses his long legs.
He's favored by the Gods anyways.
His eyes narrowed slightly as you interacted too amicably with your coworker. An obvious blush on the coworker's face as he got too touchy with you.
No, everyone in the cafe is enamoured with you. Your beauty too good for this world.
He gripped the handle of his cup.
But first, let's get rid of potential rivals, yes?
You are only his.
What is there to fear? He has the resources in his hands to make you his.
You didn't know yet, but your fate is already sealed, tied, and shackled to him.
You don't really have a choice.
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chrissv4mp · 10 days
i'll love you 'til the day that i die! MATT S.
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summary: you and matt have been frenemies since the 8th grade. when you both go to homecoming, you get picked for homecoming queen, and chris is your king. matt can't help but storm outside of the school angrily.
pairing: matt sturniolo × fem!reader
warnings/topics: arguments, vulgar language, fluff, sorta angst, confessions, highschool au, etc.
a/n: LOVE THIS SONG SMSMSMS also this probably makes no sense towards the end cause i was purely running on 2 bottles of water😖
"matt," you exclaimed, running into his room without any warning.
he jumped a little, eyes snapping toward the direction of his bedroom door.
you took a seat at his desk, pushing yourself toward his bed with your feet before spinning around to face him.
"why do you have so much energy this early in the morning?" he groaned, rubbing his eyes as he had just woken up a few minutes ago.
"cause, i just got big news? and, sorry for being so happy to see you?" you joked, rolling your eyes and leaning back in the chair.
matt hummed in curiosity, running a hand through his hair in an attempt to make it look better, "and what's the news?"
you almost couldn't stay still, changing the way you were sitting every moment or so.
"i got nominated for homecoming queen!" you all but yelled, making matt flinch slightly at the loud noise.
his smile was small, but very smug as if he was gonna say something to bring you down.
he could never shut his mouth whenever you brought up something good that happened to you, he always had to one-up you.
"cool, cool, but i've gotten nominated for homecoming king like years in a row. it's nothing big to be nominated once," he shrugged, keeping direct eye contact with you and watching as your face contorted into a subtle look of sadness.
your frown was small, and if matt hadn't been the one to trigger it, then he probably wouldn't have noticed.
he always did this, and you should've been used to it by now. but, god, did matt know how to push your buttons.
"yeah, well, i didn't see your name on there this time. you're not someone special, y'know?" you laughed, trying to hide your frustration.
matt's grin only widened at your words, "huh. well, it'll be there by tonight. those girls can't resist my charm, not even you, y/n."
"shut up. nobody wants a homecoming king that's an asshole to every girl he meets." you groaned, crossing your arms over each other.
"maybe, but you're the only girl i dislike at the school." matt bit back, leaning against his headboard as he stared you down.
you let out a quiet huff, looking around his room and letting your eyes land on the corkboard he had on the wall opposite his closet.
there were letters, pictures, and polaroids of all of his friends. and in one corner, there was a polaroid of you and him at the beach.
there was writing below it, 'i want u to stay 'till i'm in the grave<3' it was in dark blue sharpie.
your lips upturned into a small smile. he didn't hate you. he never really could, even if he tried.
"doesn't seem like you dislike me," you broke the silence, pointing over at the board.
matt's smile dropped, and his face flushed a soft pink color as he sat up straight. "just get out, would you!"
you giggled to yourself as you got off his chair, not forgetting to give him the middle finger before closing his door and walking back down the hall.
nick looked up from the sink as he heard your footsteps walking past the kitchen, turning around to look at you.
"bye, y/n," he smiled softly, waving over at you and accidently splashing water on the kitchen counter.
"see you later, nick," you smiled, waving back before resuming your walk down the stairs and out of the house.
"birds of a feather," chris said, breaking the silence between the four of you.
nick raised an eyebrow, looking to the side to see if chris was talking to him.
the younger boy was pointing over at you and matt, at the opposite end of the booth you all were sitting at.
"what?" matt laughed over the loud chatter of the cafeteria, crossing his arms before looking over at you.
you were confused just as he was, staring over at chris with an unsure look on your face, "right... and what are you yapping on about this time?"
chris looked dumbfounded, staring at the three of you in disbelief as he scoffed, "you guys seriously don't know that saying? i thought you were older than me."
"by, like, 2 seconds?" nick said, leaning on the table as he picked at the cafeteria food with a plastic fork.
chris punched his brother softly, rolling his eyes before explaining, "birds of a feather flock together, it basically means you guys are alike in one way or another."
matt laughed, looking over at you before giving his attention back to chris, "we are nothing alike, trust me. she's horrible at communicating, and i'm amazing at it. i'm popular. she's not."
"yeah, he's stupid, and i'm smart. remind me how we're alike, again?" matt looked away at your remark, silently mocking you.
"look at your outfits right now, if i didn't know any better i would think you guys are matching." chris pointed out, nodding his head in your direction.
nick nodded, "he's right, you guys look like a couple."
both yours and matts face flushed bright pink, and you looked seperate ways, embarrassment washing over the two of you.
"yeah, more like a couple of friends." you forced out, looking back up at nick and chris.
nick raised his eyebrows, looking away.
"and not to mention the many times you both have said the same phrase. like, tell me you hang out too much without telling me you hang out too much?" chris joked, laughing at himself.
nick chuckled quietly, nodding his head in agreement with his brothers.
"that's a coincidence." you mumbled, sitting up straight.
"it's happened more than i can count, i don't think it's a coincidence of any sort." nick said, looking over at matt, who just dragged his hands down his face.
"well, whatever. not like it's gonna last forever," matt said, and before anyone could reply, he stood up and left to his next class.
the bell rang a few seconds after, and you, nick, and chris gave each other confused looks.
"sorry, y/n. he's probably just had a rough day, i promise you he doesn't mean it." nick reassured you, reaching over the table to hold your hand.
he left a few moments later, and chris stayed with you.
"don't take it to heart, 'kay?" chris muttered softly, smiling at you.
you nodded, and chris began to add on, "i've seen him cry over you. he tells me he doesn't know why. all he says is that he doesn't think he could love you more than he already does."
nodding, smiling softly before watching chris get up and leave. now it was just you and your thoughts at the table alone.
huh. who would've thought matthew sturniolo, one of the most popular guys at school, would be crying over you, quiet, kept to herself, y/n l/n?
you couldn't tease him about it, you did the same thing for him. you always cried over matt, not even knowing why because he had never really hurt you.
you always just sobbed to nick about how you would love him 'til the day that he dies. and after those words registered in your head, you only cried more at the thought of matt dying.
but those nights, you were usually drunk or super high. nick always knew how to calm you down, though, he was always there for you whenever you needed.
matt had also occasionally been there for you in your lowest times, never hesitating to break the speed limit getting to your house.
he always confronted the boys that had stood you up, never let anyone talk bad about you or even give you dirty looks. even if he didn't consider you a friend, you thought of him as one.
"i just don't understand," matt whispered shakily as he looked up at the night sky, stars scattered all around and lighting the place around in just the slightest.
you sat next to him, fingers playing with the blanket the both of you were on, "what don't you understand?"
he shrugged, "i don't understand how anyone could love me."
your neck snapped in his direction, eyes widening a little as a million thoughts came to your mind.
you wanted him to see how he looked in your eyes. he was the funniest, most handsome, kind boy you have ever met (even if he did occasionally tick you off).
you wanted him to know how many subtle compliments you gave him that he never noticed, but still took.
but then again, you wanted to just tell him how he was so full of shit. he knew that anyone and everyone was capable of loving him.
he knew that he could get anyone wrapped around his finger in less than a week. hell, he sure got you wrapped around his finger in just a matter of 2 days.
"i just don't get what people see in me. sometimes i just want to quit everything i do at the thought of it." matt added, finally turning his head to look at you.
your gaze softened as he looked you in the eyes, a subtle look of concern plastered on your face as you reached out to pat his shoulder.
"don't be stupid, matthew. i think that if anyone even glanced in your direction, they would instantly fall in love. you're all any girl would want."
matt smiled, and you reached over to move his hair to see his face better. he was truly beautiful. you couldn't ever get tired of the sight of him.
"you really think that?" matt asked, and there was just the tiniest hint of smugness in his voice.
you nodded, tilting your head to see matt better in the pale moonlight.
"i do," you whispered, and before matt could speak, you cut him off, "and don't ruin this moment with one of your stupid remarks, matthew."
matt's lips parted, but he chose to stay silent. he was grateful for moments like this with you, when it was just you two alone and nobody else.
he loved being alone with you, especially late at night when you guys would have these deep talks. no words spoken here would ever leave, neither of you would bring those topics up.
it was a nice feeling, one that made him feel safe and secure in your presence.
as the months passed by and new memories with you were made, matt felt like you were slowly creeping into his heart, invading all of his senses.
all he could think about was you now, and he couldn't ever get you out of his head. not even when he was in boston, more than 2,000 miles away from you.
it came so fast, and you almost couldn't believe that you were standing outside of your high-school with your best friends, all dressed formally.
you were wearing a satin dark blue dress that went down to your knees, while matt and chris were wearing suits and ties.
matt's suit was navy blue, his dress pants being white to match with chris, who was wearing a white suit and navy blue dress pants.
nick wore an all blue suit, his tie being the only white thing on his outfit besides from his collared shirt he wore underneath the suit.
"holy shit, you're stunning, y/n!" nick exclaimed, stretching his arms out before you hugged him tightly.
he smiled into your hair, patting your back before pulling away from your embrace.
"talk about stunning, look at yourself, nicolas! you look amazing, blue looks beautiful on you." you complimented, smiling up at him before walking to stand beside him.
he interlocked your arms, and you finally got the chance to look over matt and chris' suits.
"we look better than you guys ever could," matt said, swinging his arm over chris' shoulder and pulling him closer.
chris smiled, nodding in agreement as he wrapped his arm around matt's waist.
"i don't know, y/n's dress might beat us." the younger boy shrugged, to which matt rolled his eyes at.
"you tell yourselves whatever you want, we're gonna go inside to get the night started," nick stated, pushing past chris and matt and purposely shoving matt playfully.
the two brunette boys weren't slow to follow you and nick, chris rushing in front of you to hold the door open.
when the four of you got intonthe gym, it immediately felt like you guys were gonna have the best night ever.
the lighting was a darker blue, illuminating all the bodies beneath it and capturing every small movement the kids made.
"wow," you whispered, and nick echoed you.
"hello, and welcome, los angeles lions to our 34th annual homecoming dance!" madi exclaimed into the microphone, her eyes scanning the paper she was holding.
the school cheered in excitement, and chris screamed out an encouragement for madi.
she smiled at all the familiar faces before leaning into the microphone to read from the paper again, "these past few weeks have been a little chaotic with all of the new nominees for both homecoming queen, and homecoming king, and tonight won't be any less chaotic."
"now, i'm honored to welcome up on stage the nominees for homecoming queen," madi spoke before flipping the paper over to the other side.
she read over the names, and a big smile came to her face when her eyes landed on the first one.
"please welcome up to the stage y/n l/n," she said, her smile frowing impossibly wider.
chris and nick shoved you around playfully before you finally came to your senses and ran up to the stage. it was an unreal experience, being one of the nominees, you felt like you couldn't compare to any of the other girls.
"alahna estrella," madi said, reading a few more names over the loud cheering of the students before she moved onto the boys.
the gym went silent once madi announced that she would be calling up the boys for homecoming king, now.
"now, i'm very happy to call up to the stage one of the very popular sturniolo triplets..."
matt got ready to walk up to the stage, but when the name fell from madi's mouth, he froze in shock.
"christopher sturniolo!" she said happily, clapping along with the other students.
your eyes widened at the sound of chris' name being called, and you clapped for him.
nick watched as chris made his way up the stairs onto the stage, yelling out his name and clapping for his brother.
matt clapped slowly, the realization that he wouldn't get to be the homecoming king washing over him. whatever, it didn't matter anyway because he already had 3 crowns from past years.
more names were called, and even nate was invited up to the stage as a nominee for homecoming king.
when the crowd settled down, madi had began to speak again, "now, the announcement that we've all been waiting for... this year's homecoming king is.."
madi's eye widened in surprise before she smiled big and read off his name, "christopher sturniolo!"
matt sighed, clapping for his brother. he was happy sure, but then again he was jealous. things always went his way, and he just wasn't ready for this happen.
was he being selfish?
after chris was crowned homecoming king, he stood beside madi up on the stage, smiling big at all the students of his high-school.
"and, for your homecoming queen. this year's homecoming queen is y/n l/n!" madi said, clapping proudly at you as she watched you get crowned.
you couldn't believe it. it felt surreal, like you were in a dream you couldn't wake up from. as you walked over to chris, he pulled you into a huge hug, muttering a quiet, "congratulations." into your ear.
madi took yours and chris' hand as she walked back up to the mic, bringing all of your hands into the air as she yelled out into the microphone.
"please give big love to our new homecoming king and queen, y/n and chris!"
the students cheered, some jumping up and down out of excitement as they screamed their hearts out.
matt huffed angrily, jumping out of his seat before pushing his way past multiple people to get to the exit.
he didn't go unnoticed by you, your eyes following him as he stormed out of the gymnasium.
you were surprised the door hadn't made a sound, it looked like he slammed into the door without even flinching.
"shit," you whispered, worry flashing over your features.
as soon as you got off stage, you ran out of the gym, ignoring all of the people who tried to congratulate you on your way down.
you ran outside of the school, turning every way to try and spot matt. when you did, his eyes locked with yours.
he was sat on the sidewalk, a streetlight illuminating his face as the spotlights had done inside.
you ran over to him, taking a seat next to him and scooting close to him.
it was silent for a few minutes. the two of you just absorbed in all of your thoughts about what just happened.
"congratulations on homecoming queen, i'm happy for you." matt said, looking over into your eyes.
you smiled, "thanks."
"sorry you weren't nominated, i thought you would have been considering you have been every other year." you apologized, and matt shook his head softly.
it wasn't just that, it was the fact that his brother was your homecoming king. it was the knowledge that matt would never get to be your king.
it was the fact that he would never get to be yours.
"i'm sorry, i just can't do this anymore, y/n." matt stood up from his spot, and you looked up at him.
you raised an eyebrow, worry still lingering in your head from matt's earlier outburst, "what? you can't do what?"
you stood up next, now face to face with the boy you both hated and loved the most.
"i just don't understand what we are, what i mean to you and what you even think of me. you keep giving me these fucking mixed signals and i don't know how to interpret them!" matt held his head in his hands, rubbing his temples in an effort to calm himself down.
you swore you felt your heart shatter at his words. maybe this wasn't gonna be the best night you've ever had.
"what- mixed signals? i.. matt, what are you talking about?" you thought you knew what he was getting at, but as the words came out of your mouth, the thoughts fled from your mind.
matt muttered inaudible words before he finally spoke clearly, "you keep pushing me away and then pulling me back again, and i don't know what to do, y/n."
"do you want me, or am i just some guy you're toying with to get popularity? one minute you're nice and you have my back, and the next you're so fucking cold it's like i'm not even there, like you don't even care about me."
your eyebrows furrowed, he was explaining exactly how he made you feel.
"don't be a hypocrite, matt. i don't even act that way, you're explaining exactly what you make me think. i have all these thoughts and ideas i want to share with you, but when i do, you come over and push them down. why would i even want popularity? i don't give a shit about it, matt!"
"why do you do this to me, seriously?" your voice cracked, and only then did matt realize you were crying.
he groaned, taking small paces back and forth as he breathed heavily.
when he stopped, he was right in front of you, gaze soft as he stared into your e/c eyes.
"because i love you," he finally spilled it, and he didn't regret it. not at all.
the look on your face was not at all what he was expecting. he thought you might he disgusted or even angry.
"don't act so surprised, y/n." he said quietly, cupping your face with his hands.
they were cold, but you still leaned into his touch as he wiped away your tears.
he pulled you closer to him, and you ended up in his arms as you began to calm down. "god, i hate you, matt."
"yeah? well i'll love you 'till the day that i die." he muttered softly.
you laughed quietly, punching him playfully before pulling away.
he stayed silent, a soft smile on his face. as he continued to stare at you, he started to realize more and more things.
one thing he realized was that he never wanted to say goodbye.
maybe chris was right. maybe you two were birds of a feather.
. . . . . . . . .
tags: @cindylcuwho
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munivrse · 11 months
Jake couldn't help but admire how pretty you looked while talking up his friends. Tonight you both were sat in a booth on the terrace of a wine bar, the party as whole more tipsy than anyone would like to admit.
Jake takes the time to admire your pretty little outfit. He thinks the color dress you chose matches your skin tone so well that he cant help but feel his cheeks heat up. He wants you. right now. he takes one hand and presses it to your thigh, the other coming up to tuck your hair behind your ear as you continue conversing with his friends.
you take a bit of a break, looking back to see jake flashing his million dollar smile. you give him a quick kiss and turn back around to continue doing the conversating as it was clear that Jake was going to be of no use.
Jake licks his lips. he needed to figure out how to get you the fuck out of this bar and on to his bed. he scoots closer to you, the hand on your thigh inching up, breath fanning at the back of your neck. he looks around, scanning the crowd to make sure there were no peaking eyes. as soon as he confirms safely, he presses a kiss on the juncture between your neck and shoulder.
the scratchiness of his voice makes your thighs rub together. you muster up the courage to respond,
"yes jaeyun?"
"lemme take you home," jakes hand begins to shimmy its way in between your thighs.
"stop playing, we are out with your friends."
jake scoffs and continues to move his fingers deftly up your thighs, now reaching the outline of your panties,
"I'd fuck you in front of them too but i figured you'd be more comfortable in our bedroom."
You turn around, scandalized. cheeks red and jaw just about on the floor. jake sees this and giggles, reaching to close your mouth,
"careful baby, you'll catch flies."
"Jake I'm serious. let me socialize in peace."
jake pretends to think about it and then sits back with a sigh, hand now moving up and down your thigh.
he ponders more on how to get you into his bed. at this point he's nearly salivating. you have a pretty vivienne westwood choker on and it's making him dizzy. he sits up again to whisper in your ear,
"c'mon baby, let me take care of you, hmm?" jake softly kisses your earlobe.
you sigh in contentment, letting jake continue his ministrations,
"don't you want me to make you feel good? stretch you out? make you cum?"
jake is now leaving kisses behind your ear and down your neck. it's a miracle nobody's noticed.
you sigh again, a slow nod forcing its way out. jake jumps up and announces that you guys are gonna have an early night in. after some swift goodbyes, you are walking out of the bar, jake bouncing as he walks.
he walks behind you with his hands pressed against your stomach, whole body pressing against you to hide how hard he is,
"Y/n i swear to god i'm gonna let you ride my face for hours."
you giggle in return, swatting at his hands. secretly you hoped he meant it.
And mean it he did.
you'd gotten home an hour ago, stripping clothes starting at the door, heavy petting through the kitchen, fucking the first round out in the hallway, the second round on the edge of the bed, and now you're hovering over jake's face.
Jake kisses where he can reach on your thighs trying to coax you into relaxing.
"Y/n, baby, I know you're nervous but if i die i promise i'll die a happy and content man."
"you're so fucking unserious sim."
you begin to climb off when jakes hand grabs you by the thigh,
"you tryna take this pretty pussy away from me?"
his hands move up to your hips, guiding you back over his mouth.
"sit y/n."
your legs shake out of nerves. you'd never sat on a mans face before out of fear of suffocating them and your previous partners we're never great at giving and would much rather be on the receiving end. Jake, however, was a giver. Jake loved to give. jake would eat your pussy all day long if you'd let him.
"Please baby, sit on my face."
Jake looks up at you with puppy eyes and you cant help but give in. As you lower yourself down jake whimpers out, mouth in search of your cunt before you are fully situated.
After 15 minutes, jake has made you cum twice, refusing to let you up until hes covered in you.
"jake- please baby"
jake hums and continues moving his tongue in and out of you, thumb circling your clit.
"I'm too sensitive."
you try and push his head away. jake grunts,
"one more baby. please give me one more."
Jake looks up at you, pupils blown wide, cheeks red and lips glossy.
"I need it angel, just one more for me."
You think on it for a second. your legs are sore and you can hear your heartbeat in your ears.
"My thighs hurt."
jakes eyebrows raise in concern,
"You wanna stop?"
you quickly shake your head no- as sore as you were there was nothing quite as hot as pussy drunk jake. your first two orgasms he mightve been moaning more than you.
jake begins to kiss at your thighs, massaging them.
"tell me you want to keep going. I'll flip you over and bury my head between your thighs so that you won't have to lift a finger, but i need you to tell me you want it."
your stomach swirls delightfully,
"I want it."
jake gives you a boyish grin,
"'Atta girl."
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