#i'm going to do as many attacks/revenges as I can
lullabyashes · 2 years
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I’m officially doing @artfight this year!! 
My main focus is to draw as much body horror as possible but I’ll also do normal attacks for people who are uncomfortable with that.
Fight Me
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maehemthemisfit · 10 months
Hc that while Scaramouche was very "what are you doing? No that's stupid get away from me" wanderer is very "alright." He will tell you it's stupid still but he isn't going to stop you. You wanna put pigtails in his hair? Yeah, well, he's going to take a nap on your thighs and take them out when he wakes up. You wanna run up to him and hug him? Alright. He might hug you back. Casually.
I don't think he's good with emotions yet and he's still probably scared of being "weak" but not as much. Which allows him to enjoy his s/o more!
One thing that does not change is his reaction to someone hurting you. I'm talking more physically here because I can see Wander having some restraint with someone being verbally rude to you. Physically though? All bets are off. He's tracking them down and making them regret they were born. Murder, when it comes to your safety, is always on the table.
Wanderer is a bit more "big dog privilege" than when he was Scara mostly just because he has free time. Scara def made sure people didn't mess with you, but now Wanderer can go on late night walks with you. You wanna go to some event? Well, humans are fragile creatures and if he looks away from you for two seconds you're more likely to straight up die so he supposes he could go with you (he worries.)
In essence, Scaramouche is ur bf who's very emotionally unavailable and Wanderer is your emotionally unavailable boyfriend who lets you get away with everything
There's only so many times Wanderer can keep up his uncaring façade. Sure, he may roll his eyes at your forms of affection and make a small fuss about a few of your ideas for dates, but if you ever backtrack on any suggestions or hesitate when touching him, he's immediately taking back his words... by making it seem like he doesn't mind or that he's "only doing this for you so you won't whine about it later."
Wanderer: You wanna use my hat as an umbrella? Hmph. THE AUDACITY TO EVEN-
Wanderer 1 min later: *holding you close to his chest so you won't get wet* sigh, stop moving. do you want to get wet? 😒
Same with Scara, except his ego my win a few times and he does grumpily watch as you walk away, too stubborn to admit his act.
Even though his words don't express it, his body never fails to. Those hugs he'd sometimes reciprocate, becomes more frequent and he holds you closer to his chest. He'd fine more excuses to hold your hand, even if none of them make sense.
Its a... very slow process.
If someone ever lays a hand on you though, Wanderer would absolutely be livid. Thoughts about murder though? It depends on the severity. If someone just shoved you on the street he'd probably make their day miserable, but if someone genuinely attacked you with intentions to hurt you as much as they could...? MURDER?
Nahida: Is never the answer!
Wanderer: ...
Wanderer: But it sure is the question! YOU DARE TO GAZE UPON-
Nahida: *sprays with water* 💦🔫 No, bad Wanderer!
He'll get his revenge without causing death. She never said violence was was off the table. Dottore though? Murder is always the answer.
Emphasis on the scary dog privileges, I swear his glares burns right through peoples soul.
.° ୭ ៳ Genshin Drabble Masterlist・✩
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leoleolovesdc · 1 year
How I interpretate Jason Todd's post-death life
In canon, Jason Todd is legally dead and uses a fake identitiy to go around and do normal life stuff, but in what I consider to be my "Main AU" after the events of Under the Red Hood and many other not-so-friendly interactions between Jason and the fam, they finally managed to get into a truce-state.
While this "truce" didn't mean that they were on good terms it basically consisted that they would not bother each other. Meaning that Jason does his thing in his part of the city and the Bats can't bother him about it just as he can't go around attacking them in his seek for petty revenge against the family. Cough, cough. Titans Tower.
But when Jason finally decided to forgive Bruce, he didn't reach out to him in a normal way. No, no, no! This man decided to simply show up at the GCPD, unmasked, no suit, no nothing, find a random officer and just go:
"Hi, I'm Jason Todd. Yeah, that Wayne kid who died four years ago. Can you call Bruce, please? He needs to come pick me up."
Basically, he arrived at the police station claiming to be a dead child. No one believed him, of course, but he insisted that they made a DNA test. When it came back saying it was a match no one really knew what to do.
Jason claimed to be suffering from amnesia, that he had just woken up a couple months ago in Ethiopia (the place he died) confused and not knowing exactly what had happened. He told them that he was very lost, but after talking to people and working to get some money and free rides, he managed to find his way back to Gotham.
And this stupid mother fucker knew that the cops would go search for holes in his story, so before doing all of this he actually went to Ethiopia and executed all of the steps in his lie so there would be people who saw and helped him at the right time to back his story up.
Even with the "evidence" Jason made up the police didn't buy this story, neither did the goverment, but what could they even do? The DNA test was a match, after all. So they kinda just called Bruce to tell him that his son was there.
And like, obviously it wasn't a surprise to the family. Everyone knew that Jason was alive and had become the Red Hood, so when aproximately 15 Waynes arrived at the police station sobbing it was because they knew that in Jason Todd language, claiming back his civilian identity meant that he wanted to be a part of the family again.
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Hey, can I hear about your shatterbird thoughts? She's always been my favourite member of the nine :]
Oh I'm about to type for entirely too long.
Alright so a chunk of this is kinda headcanon, but any of that is fully based on canon. I had a giant fanfic planned that was literally an expanded telling of Shatterbird's life from trigger to death, and some plot points there may bleed into this unconsciously.
Number one favorite thing about Shatterbird is that initially, she did nothing wrong. She was unwillingly dosed with a Cauldron vial, and her scream and subsequent exploding of Dubai wasn't her fault. She had no intention to hurt anyone, it was done entirely out of her control as she gained powers and she should not be blamed for her first time destroying a city. The thing is, that doesn't matter in universe. She's still going to be hunted down by countless capes because she killed an untold number of people with that scream. No one's going to just let her go because it wasn't her fault, because she's the only person who can be blamed. People want revenge for their loved ones, and I'm willing to bet that she had a sizable bounty. It's similar to the situation we see with Rachel, where she can't have a normal life because she killed someone in her trigger and her identity is public, but on a much much larger scale.
I think the guilt ate at her so fucking bad at first. She killed her dad, her friends, her sister, her mother, countless others, and as much as it wasn't her fault she's still the one that did it. There's no way she doesn't blame herself for what happened, but when does she even have time to mourn? She's fled to a desert, she's gotta be struggling with food and water, and she's being hounded at every turn by people who want her dead. What's she supposed to do, let them kill her so she can atone for what she did or something?
I just love what a tragic backstory this is. She's one of the most horrible people we meet in canon, and I don't think it's unreasonable to say she has one of the highest body counts on Earth Bet, but she started as someone innocent and desperately trying to survive. And as much as I love this backstory and will defend to the death that she did nothing wrong at this point, it doesn't excuse who she becomes.
Shatterbird laughed.  “There’s only two ways to recover from something of that magnitude, to deal with the fact that you inadvertently killed thousands and thousands of people, and hospitalized twice that many.  You break, or you become it.”
(quote is from the missing interlude)
This is the quote that puts her entire character in a nutshell. The biggest question to me is... when did she become it? She implies in that interlude that it was rather quick, and that she went to Britain so she could hit a big target, but the Tattletale clone calls this out as a lie. She was running, the desert that she'd been in for months was unbearably loud with all that sand, and I think she was sick of living on the run. She wanted society, structure, something to make her feel human. I think she's full of shit saying she went there to destroy it, some accident or desperate confrontation occurred (timeline fits well enough for it to be a result of the Simurgh's attack, but that's just one possibility) and she broke London just as bad as she broke Dubai. What do you even do from there? Any slim hope of clearing her name is gone, she just has to keep running and try to ignore the guilt. And she ran to America, where the Slaughterhouse Nine found her.
The recruiting of people by the Slaughterhouse Nine fascinates me, because most are unwilling to join at first. Unfortunately the alternative is to die. No one in Brockton Bay was jumping to be the lucky winner, and the only people we know nominated themselves are Cherish and I think Siberian. Shatterbird (ever notice how she's the only S9 member with no canon first name? drives me nuts) was dragged into the recruitment process with no say in the matter just like most everyone is. Someone in the Nine found her, thought she would be a good fit because of London and Dubai (and how would that feel, to have someone on the S9 see you as just as bad as them?) and even if she explains that was on accident... what does it matter? It never matters that it was an accident. It never will matter. It's just something that she can tell herself to keep her sane.
So she's doing the fun little tests, I'm actually very curious how she altered herself for Mannequin's since he always does the same test, she's a very vain person, but that's off topic. Atrocities, horrors, being hunted by the Siberian, and suddenly she's at the end. Her and someone else.
“That’s not really a test,” Shatterbird spoke, “There hasn’t been a round of testing since I joined the group where we didn’t whittle it down to one candidate.” “We could forego the final test, pitting them against one another.” Shatterbird turned to him, “Ah.  But, again, the last test where we had to go that far was… mine?”
And she kills them. Dubai, London, those were accidents. This was on purpose, maybe even the first time she's done it on purpose. She could either break and decide she couldn't live with herself as a member of the nine, or she could just as horrible as everyone sees her. All her choices were rigged, there was never much of an opportunity to get better since so many paths closed off to her, but she voluntarily chooses to get worse. What's the point in holding on to the fact that it wasn't her fault at the beginning? She's never escaping what she did, so she'll become the monster everyone sees her as. You break, or you become it.
And there's not much of the more sympathetic side of Shatterbird in canon (partly because her backstory chapter was removed). She's fully embraced herself as a mass murderer. She revels in the attention, the fear. She parrots Jack's philosophy as a way to feel better about what she's doing, and eventually she doesn't need to feel better because she enjoys who she is now.
I don't know, I rambled for a while there but it boils down to me being fascinated by the circumstances of her gaining powers, and the shift from innocent but hated/feared to making damn sure that fear is justified.
Ok, so moving on from the backstory analysis, other miscellaneous details. Fuck it, I'm putting every thought I have on Shatterbird in this post.
She's the Nine's primary recruiter! Woo, good for her. Notably, she recruits Burnscar. Mimi is in a similar position to Shatterbird's past self with the whole involuntary mass destruction, although on a lesser scale (it'll always be on a lesser scale, Shatterbird has the worst trigger event out there in terms of consequences and she didn't even trigger). Mimi was on the streets and trying not to use her power, and Shatterbird scooped her up into the Nine.
“I- before I knew it, the Slaughterhouse Nine had found me.  Shatterbird recruited me.  And now I’m stuck.  I’m trapped.  You know there’s a kill order out on me?  If I try to quit, either the Nine or the cops will off me.  So I keep going, I work for them, and it all just gets worse.”
It's a situation Shatterbird can very likely relate to, but she's perpetuating it and making Mimi suffer like she did. No sympathy, no helping someone get through it and avoid the pitfalls she fell into, she's dragging other people down with her like a crab in a pot. Worth noting that I believe she's still bitter about the hand she was dealt even if she's embraced where it led her to, she remembers how horrible it was to be forced into everything and she does not care if she inflicts it on others.
But if someone else willingly joins the Nine, she takes it personally. Cherie says Shatterbird hates her, and that's because Cherie chooses the life Shatterbird was locked into. She's bitter that she never had that choice, and so she makes sure Cherie understands what it's like by chasing her for days for her test, not allowing any rest or sleep. However, this could also simply because Cherie sucks and is an unpleasant person to talk to, and Shatterbird is stuck-up.
Another thing I like is Shatterbird's appearance of knowledge and elegance. She's trying to appear put together, confident, in-control, and to be fair she does a pretty good job, her costume and theming are great. But under that is someone violent and angry, she's keeping up appearances to everyone else but also to herself. The fact that she's always trying to keep up appearances, even when locked in a room and doomed to die with one Witness (haha get it) she's trying to make it look like she was calm and in control when her body is found, is what 100% convinces me exploding Britain was an accident. The Tattletale clone calls her out, and to me it seems like another attempt to seem in control by framing it as deliberate.
Anyway, my attempts to woobify a mass murderer aside, I also like that she was a spoiled rich kid before all this and her prim asshole attitude points to that. She quotes Edgar Allen Poe, she reads because it makes her feel better than others, she's just so pretentious and unpleasant and to be clear I love this as a character trait, it's fun and leads to her speaking in overdramatic ways.
“Then you should know, nearly-Tattletale, that I’ve spent too long in the company of monsters to be scared by words.”
She thinks she was soooo cool saying that.
I also want to look at the last few weeks of her life. She spends so much effort propping herself up as great and in control, only to be locked in a box and puppeted around against her will. Genuinely I cannot think of anything more humiliating and agonizing for her to endure. She has nothing to do but think as she's used as a marionette.
She had a long time to reflect on her life, to look back at how she got here and what she regrets.
But I think she spent it stewing in her rage, itching and planning to get violent revenge and keep hurting others to be respected. She's unwilling and unable to go back, she'll double down on this forever because this is who she is now. And because 99% of characterization for Shatterbird isn't in Worm anyway, I may as well toss in this minor AU summary by Wildbow. If she escaped, she would have started her own version of the Nine with Damsel of Distress and Trickster. There is nothing left to sympathize with or redeem Shatterbird by the time we see her in canon, she's simply past that point. Side note but Shatterbird + Damsel of Distress + Trickster as a team is perhaps the funniest combo ever and I really wish those 3 fuckers got to interact in canon. Weirdo assholes who dress up fancy and have a taste for theatrics as a murder crew, we were robbed.
I could analyze the Hookwolf interlude but I don't want to. I'm very annoyed that Shatterbird (still no first name) is the only member of the Nine to lose the fight against her recruit instead of appearing terrifying and unstoppable. How come Burnscar can solo Faultline's crew but 3 nazis can take out Shatterbird, who has way more experience? It's pretty uncomfortable to have the only member of the Nine who isn't white be the one that loses to nazis, while one calls her a slur in his internal monologue, in the interludes where everyone else on her team is introduced as a force of nature. I think we should just collectively agree to make this interlude not canon and un-retcon the Witness interlude. While I'm on the topic it's also a bit questionable to have Sophia and Shatterbird (no first name. I am annoyed by this) as the only named capes puppeted by Regent?
But that's not the topic I wanna explore. The topic is that Shatterbird is a great character and I wish that she had depth in the story itself rather than scattered through 20 different sources, because she's legitimately my favorite non-undersider in the story. There is a lot of potential to explore her, one could interpret her backstory in a less charitable way than I did just for an example, and I really think she's neat! She takes hurting someone in an accident and then becoming the monster people see her as, something we see a few times throughout worm, to its ultimate conclusion in terms of scale. That alongside her outer layer of intellectualism and pretentiousness, which I'm a massive sucker for as a trait, and she's just perfect. Did nothing wrong (citation needed). I love her and I do hope that at least some of the stuff written her makes someone appreciate her character more.
Ok! That was... 2.2k words about Shatterbird (no first name). Woo! If some stuff seems inconsistent between paragraphs here, it's probably because I wrote this in chunks over the course of a few weeks and my feelings at the time can influence my interpretation of things and my writing to feel different when read all at once and compared. If you think I'm woobifying her too much, cool. I think it makes her more compelling to examine how much we know was her fault and how much she shouldn't be blamed for, and making her have less agency makes her more tragic which I always like. If you actually read this to the end, thank you! Have a nice day!
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barrel-crow-n · 1 month
Obviously, we know that Inej knows Kaz best but really, even she doesn't know him - or at least, doesn't understand many parts to him.
"He just lets go" about a boy who has never let anything go. Who, since he was nine years old, has been unhealthily obsessed with Pekka and taking him down. Who was still obsessed with this revenge eight years later. Who hears his dead brother's voice in his head - cruelly egging him on on this maddened quest for vengeance. Who remembered every single last detail of the Hertzoon con; who killed eveyone involved.
People criticise this line, and rightfully because it's plain wrong, but it goes to show how isolated Kaz is and that even with the person he trusts most, he still holds many cards close to his chest. He still hasn't shed his armour completely - not even with Inej.
Inej also doesn't understand Kaz's language. She knows the signals he has established with her for moves and attacks but, funnily enough, it's only ever Matthias that truly reads Kaz (understanding his micro expressions and how he cares about Inej). She understands that she is trusted because he takes off his gloves - but even then doesn't seem to understand the extent; Kaz strips in front of her, as a show of trust - that he's willing to expose himself to her, but she doesn't understand that this is what he is trying to convey. I highly doubt this is a way of wooing Inej. At least, that that was the main reason. He was being vulnerable with her, showing his underbelly.
Kaz cannot say he cares, but he also can't seem to show it either - not in a conventional way, anyway. He carries Inej to the Ferolind despite it causing him pain, he yanks out the eye of the man who stabbed her. He says "I protect my investments." And that sounds completely dickish, but Kaz doesn't show appreciation. Ever. Inej doesn't understand that "I protect my investments" means "I want to look after you because you mean a lot to me" because that's what it means!!! In Kaz's language. "Protect" -> Look after, take care of, defend. "Investments" -> Very important to him, more valuable over time (liking her more and more as times goes on). "I protect my investments" isn't the stupid, asshole line Nina and a lot of people read it as. It's Kaz's kinda mean, not betraying how much it means to him, round about way of showing he cares. He won't say it outright because living in the Barrel has taught him that that is dangerous.
This is shown again when he says "I would come for you. And if I couldn't walk I'd crawl to you. And no matter how broken we were, we'd fight our way out, knives drawn, pistols blazing, because that's what we do, we never stop fighting." He can't say a simple "I care about you." but he can say all that. Why? Because he ties his care to violence. Protection. Causing harm to defend Inej. (Strooooong dog motifs for Kaz btw - the people of the Barrel were spot on with the rabid dog nickname)
And it links to how all the characters are always saying "ohh he's so mysterious, I don't know anything about him, where he came from, or what his motives are" when Kaz is literally openly saying everything.
He doesn't not speak of his trauma or his feelings! He talks about them all the time! He just isnt straightforward.
"Barrel boys don't have parents, they're born in the harbours and crawl out of the canals."
"My mother is Ketterdam, she birthed me in the harbour."
He's literally talking about being "dead" (thrown on the Reaper's Barge), how that affected him (traumatised him so bad he feels like he is no longer the same boy, that he was reborn as something else - a monster), about having to crawl out of the harbour, wet and weak from fever. He openly admits he's an orphan. He talks about it! Just in a cryptic way. A way no one understands.
It's like he's crying out, with people not far, but no one hears him. Like he's still on the Barge, making a futile attempt to cry out "I'm still alive." The Barge still has that hold on him. It's a manifestation of the trauma. It's the same way the flashbacks taking him back to that miserable night. A prison that he can't seem to ever be free from.
When he tells Inej "Tell Jesper he's missed around the Slat." he's doing it again, just more blatantly and more obvious, so that she picks up on it this time. He's showing her his language! Telling her to read into what he is saying! He's saying that he misses Jesper in his detached, cryptic way.
And this is so important with everything Kaz says. Reading between the lines - that's how you start to understand him. We get a cheat sheet by seeing his internal thoughts, but his dramatic talk is the olive branch for outsiders.
When Inej is asking him to open up, she isn't asking that he should share his problems and vulnerabilities like she believes she is saying. She's asking him to be more direct. And that's the difficult part for Kaz.
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astraerystarr · 8 days
Optimus Prime x Megatron fic recs!!
HII AGAIN, I had to delete my old account @numbraerys so I'm reuploading this rec list, sorry about the mess but I'll make the rec a little prettier this time ^^
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Homesick For A Memory by Eisengrave, Maelikki [M, 9k w., Bay Movies]
Even Primes can lose their faith. But sometimes, their failed Protectors make good on their word given long ago.(weird little fixit for AoE because we stan a protective Megatron and an Optimus who is finally tired of his human hamsters. Also, homecoming.)
~ugly crying, screaming on my pillow, rolling around on the floor
The Silver Lining by GeminiWishes [Teen and up, 38k w., Transformers Animated 2007]:
After Optimus was expelled from the Autobot Academy, he had no sense of what to do or where to go. Desperate for purpose, he ends up on a mining crew that travels the galaxy. But when their ship is attacked, Optimus' life will change forever.
Whether or not he'll be able to handle those changes is yet to be determined.
~I ran around my room on all fours reading this
Some Kind Of Forever by auri_mynonys (FAVE) [E, 8625 w., TFP]:
A chance meeting in a bar near the Pits brings Orion Pax and Megatronus together.
~I freaking love this fic, I'm so glad it was one of the first I ever read
Adeste Fideles by Legitconcrusher (FAVE) [Teen and up, TFP, 57,632+ w, ongoing]:
“Oh, indulge me, Optimus. How many times have you answered your desire’s calls to walk among these pitiful creatures…in the flesh?”
In which Optimus shares with his greatest foe, and former friend - Megatron, the one time a year he allows himself to feel amid the throes of their War within a Christmas market.
The angsty slow burn Christmas AU no one asked for.
~absolutely wonderful to read and incredible writing♡♡♡♡
Gaining Perspective by Dragonlingdar [Teen and up, BayVerse, 105,732 w., Ongoing]:
Megatron and Optimus are turned into humans by a prototype weapon Starscream uses against them. In order for Megatron to get his revenge and Optimus to free himself of Megatron, they must reclaim their original bodies. However, will they still be Optimus Prime and Megatron by the time they do?
~I hyperfixated on this fic for a whole month after finishing it
Contact by auri_mynonys (FAVE) [E, 98,747 w., TFP]:
Orion Pax knows there's a word for what Megatronus means to him. He just can't quite put his finger on what it is.
Which is probably how he missed the moment where he asked Megatronus to marry him.
~Slow Burn♡♡♡♡♡
Plus One by auri_mynonys [E, 64,631 w., TFP]:
Megatronus has a party to attend. A high-caste date will lend him status in the eyes of his fellow gladiators, and Orion Pax is all too happy to play the part…
~this fic was infuriating to read, I loved every second of it
Songs Of Metal And Sparks by EbonyAura [Teen and up, 58,741 w., Rock n' Roll AU, TFP]:
Imagine the Transformers Prime universe where war is nonexistent, and instead of the Autobot and Decepticon factions, it's the Autobot and Decepticon rock bands.
Imagine that both bands are nearly world famous, yet have no idea the other exists.
Imagine that Cybertron's festival of music is approaching, and with it, the chance for a lucky upcoming band to go on a world tour.
Imagine that both bands, ecstatic for the chance to finally reach world fame, are going to the festival.
~this cured my teenage heart that didn't get to read nice cute stuff like this
Optimus Prime Is Destined To Die!! by Chuzilllaa (FAVE) [G, 169k+ w, ongoing]:
Orion Pax is your typical archivist from a functionalist free universe and lives a peaceful life, but after dying tragically in a transport incident he’s reincarnated as Optimus Prime of the hit action novel Songs of the Spark, the beautiful but aloof eldest prince of the Prime lineage…who is a pathetic side character doomed to die a tragic death at the hands of the tyrannical Duke Megatron.
Of course his darling little brother Rodimus Prime is the precious hero and puts an end to Megatron’s reign, but Orion has no intention of dying a pathetic death! No! Not again! He wants to live damnit! So begins the attempts of a pax-turned-prime turning over a new leaf in the hope of living another day. Little does he know there’s a bit more to Optimus than a pathetic side character…
~I love this fic so. damn. much.
Lunch Date by Chuzilllaa [Teen and up, 6,000+ w, Earthspark, crack]:
With a new cafe opening at G.H.O.S.T headquarters, Optimus invites Megatron to try something new.
~fluffy and funny♡♡♡
At First Sight by Lyricality (FAVE) [M, 27,000+ w.]:
Optimus is the last of the Primes; Megatron is the greatest of Kaon's gladiatorial warriors. Their shared destiny - Optimus is certain - just needs a push in the correct direction.
~help I got obsessed with this fic and I can't get out
To give (in) by 0 (only_elsewhere) (FAVE) [M, 10,000+ w, Earthspark]:
After the war, Optimus confesses.
Victory Condition by astolat [E, 37,000+ w, TF Gen1]
“Do you want me to tell you a story?” Megatron said mockingly. “You won’t like it, Prime. It’s not a very nice one.”
~cave in fic with poetry and the heart wrenching story of Megatron's origins - my beloved
Cooking Off by zuzeca [E, 2000 w., IDW G1]:
Megatron and Optimus find themselves in an awkward position and learn some extremely personal information about each other.
~ Good reading ;3
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harrystylesfan2686 · 4 months
Pairing: Eris x Reader
Summary: When your ex destroys your most precious thing what do you do? Cry? Of course but not before taking revenge.
A/N: First Eris fic!!🥳 Reader is Rhysand's sister. I think I went a little overboard... oh well🤷‍♀️
What The Fuck?
I gasp the second I walk into my library, noticing the gaps in the shelves. My library shelves never have space. The whole room is filled with my most precious obsession.
My books.
Where the hell are my books?
When I walk deeper into the room, I notice a big box in the middle. The rectangular box is gift wrapped with a red shiny wrap, held together by a orange bow on top.
On closer observation, I see an envelope tucked under the ribbon. I take it out and open it, seeing only two sentences scribbled in perfectly fine handwriting, a handwriting I know by heart. Eris.
Seems like we are at war now, sweetheart. How do you like my gift?
My eyebrows furrow. I put down the note and envelope, and open the bow, tearing the gift wrap, I lift the lid.
I freeze upon seeing ash.
The box is filled with ash. Grey mixing with black, creating a rather beautiful image. Except it isn't admirable. When I touch the ash mixed with small pieces of paper that hasn't fully burned. My books.
He burned my books.
I intake a sharp breath, my vision blurs as tears fill my eyes but I don't let them fall. Some people might say I'm overreacting, but I'm not. My books are everything to me. I love them. I treat them better then I treat myself.
And He burned My Books.
That piece of shit.
He knew how much I love them. I've talked to him thousands of time about my books, expressing my feelings about them. I don't even let anyone so much as, touch my books. But I let him. I trusted him.
I loved him. We broke up because his father attacked us. Barron ordered a few Autum Court soldiers to parad down at the Court of Nightmares and kill innocent people, not that the people living there are innocent in anyway, but by attacking a part of Night Court, he declared War.
I gave him a choice, choose between me and his father. I was stupid enough to hope he would choose me. Of course it would be his father. Even though he hates his father to guts, he would still need him to make him high lord. And being The High Lord of Autum Court meant more to him than anything else, including me.
So now we are at War. Two courts fighting against each other. What could go wrong, eh? Apparently everything.
None of the other courts want to help any of us. They don't want unnecessary violence, which is alright, considering Night Court is much stronger than Autum Court. Barron is a fool to think he can win. And now, Eris is too, as it seems.
I blink my eyes clear of tears and stand up. I count the empty shelves where there once were books, trying to see how many I lost. Sixty–Five. He destroyed sixty–five of my most loved books.
Rage burns in my veins. Hurt overcome by anger. The need to burn him in exchange fills my entire body. But I calm myself before I do something idiotic. I take deep breaths trying to plan what I'm going to do in return. I get out of the room, taking careful steps as I go.
You want to play? Fine. Let's play.
I twist my hand, snapping the necks of the two guards standing in front of the entrance. I slam open the doors without touching them, barreling down the halls of Autum Court Palace.
This is too easy.
Killing every guard that comes in my way, I go to the main hall. I almost feel bad for the people loosing their life over something their stupid prince did, but my mind is seeing and feeling nothing but red.
When I first described my plan to Rhysand, he was hesitant to let me leave, but realizing that we would be at advantage in this fight by the end of it, he gave me permission.
Now here I am. Walking through enemy land, like a I own it. Removing every obstacle that comes between me and my destination.
I push the doors to the throne room open, and scoff at the few high fea trying to keep me out by their so called magic. I raise an eyebrow and stand their for a few minutes, giving them a chance to stop me. I smirk at their pathetic attempts of imprison me.
I am most powerful here, and they know it.
I raise my hands and twist my wrists, snapping a dozen necks in one motion. I walk father into the room rolling my eyes at the laying bodies. Such a mess.
I take a look around the room. The red carpet running in a straight line from the door to the throne. The levels containing seats for every nobal in Barron's circle. And finally the throne Eris so badly wants to sit at.
Coloured with different shades of red, orange and yellow mixing together. Backrest shaped like fire, built so tall I have to crane my neck to see the top. It's beautiful, I'm not going to lie. Almost makes me feel bad for what I'm about to do.
I turn back around, walking out the same way I walked in. Passing the fallen bodies, I snap my fingers once. Heat explods behind me as I walk out of the door. When I turn to look at the damage I'm doing, I smile.
Fire is lined up from the throne, quickly catching and burning everything in it's way. I smile brighter when I slam the doors shut and drop a small note on the ground near them. He burned my books so I'm burning to only thing he holds most dear in this entire world.
It seems we are. Hope you like my gift.
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pankowperfection · 1 year
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Summary: You piss off JJ and he takes revenge
Warnings: dark!JJ, rough sex, bondage, dubcon, hair pulling, 18+
Kooks vs Pogues, a story as old as the island itself. Lucky for you, you've been blessed with the good life. Growing up on the right side of town, never knowing what it was like to not get exactly what you wanted. Nothing seemed out of your reach, except for him.
Every girl in the Outer Banks wanted JJ Maybank, yourself included. You spent many nights toying with yourself, imagining the sharp lines of his jaw buried between your thighs. You always attempted to flirt with him when you were at the Island Club, wearing the skimpiest outfits possible and savoring the way his eyes couldn't resist focusing on your curves.
He hated you, simply because you were a kook and the fact really pissed you off. No one told you no, and you were willing to do whatever it took to get his attention.
Friday night at the club was going as usual, you and your friends sharing countless drinks while you talked about everything under the sun. The more the alcohol buzzed in your system, the more the damp spot in your panties grew from watching the blonde boy.
Everything he did was effortlessly sexy. How could someone looks so hot carrying a tray of cocktails? Your gaze flicked to him whenever possible, trying to stay under the radar of your judgemental friends. They wouldn't understand your obsession with someone like JJ.
Finally, you decide to make a move. "Excuse me, I'd like to speak to your manager." You watched the blood drain from his face, adams apple bobbing in his throat as he schooled his expression before answering.
"Of course ma'am, let me go get him."
Your friends giggle, thinking you just want to cause him some trouble, unaware of your ulterior motives.
"Hi, what can I do for you?" The manager looks stressed, realizing exactly who you were and knowing the implications of upsetting your family.
"Well, you see, the service has been pretty poor. We have to keep requesting another round, rather than our drinks being refilled before our glasses are empty. And I really don't appreciate how Maybank here has been looking at me all night. I want him gone."
The manager sighs, turning to JJ who was standing just behind him watching the scene unfold. "I'm sorry JJ, but you need to go. Can't have you upsetting my customers."
Before he storms off he fixes you with a hard stare, almost a warning of what is to come.
As you stumble into your posh apartment, you don't notice the dark presence in the room. You toe off your heels, leaving them by the door and making your way into the kitchen for a glass of water. As you reach for the light switch, a strong hand clamps down over your mouth. Before you get the chance to elbow your attacker, his arm wraps around your body, trapping you against him.
"Hi sweetheart. You really thought you could get away with that, didn't you?"
Your heart hammers hard in your chest, adrenaline mixing with arousal as electricity shoots through your system. The scent of salty air mixed with something that is uniquely him fills the air, your body responding to how he feels pressed so tightly against you.
"I think it's only fair that I get something in return. A little payback." He forces you to turn, slamming you down onto the cool stone of the island. He quickly ties your wrists together behind your back, thick rope making your skin burn as you attempt to free yourself.
"JJ stop." Your protest sounds weak even to you, battling with your mind about how much your body wanted this.
Suddenly his bandana is in your face, roughly pushed between your lips and tied behind your head. "Shhh. The only thing I want to hear out of you is moans and whimpers. Besides, you don't really want me to stop, do you?"
The rough pads of his fingers trail up the inside of your thigh, your clit pulsing as he gets closer to your core. Your back arches, trying to get his hand where you need him most. He chuckles darkly, pulling away at the last second and leaving you panting for more.
You tense at the sound of his zipper, unable to turn around and catch a glimpse of his cock. He gives you no warning at all before burying himself balls deep inside you in one thrust. You scream at the stretch, sound slightly muffled by his makeshift gag. He's bigger than anyone you've ever had, each twitch of his cock making your walls burn.
"God damn, so fucking tight," he grits out between his teeth. He winds one hand into your hair, pulling hard to make your back arch further while your scalp sears with pain. His thick cock surges impossibly deeper, forcing you up onto your toes as he nudges your cervix.
His free hand grips your bound wrists, withdrawing slowly before slamming back inside. You can't help the loud moan that escapes your lips, the way he feels filling you up driving you wild. He uses you for leverage, setting a brutal pace that makes you see stars.
"That's it cupcake. Not so bitchy when you're drunk on my cock are you?" He lets go of your hair and you collapse onto the marble, band tightening in your stomach as he uses your body for his pleasure.
Broken moans spill from your lips as you teeter on the edge of your high, needing more to get across that line. He stops abruptly, manhandling you onto your back with your legs dangling off the counter. "Wanna see your face when you cum for me, want you to watch my cock destroy you."
The moonlight filtering through the window highlights his sharp features, the sweat dripping from his brow making drool pool underneath your tongue. You wished you could taste him, craving the feeling of his cock on your tongue. He breaks you out of your trance as his hands rake up your thighs, nails biting into your skin and making you bite back a groan.
When he lines up his cock with your entrance, his thumb brushes over your clit. You attempt to plead with him for more, struggling to speak around your gag. This time he pushes in slowly, both of you entranced by how your bodies are joined together.
His thrusts are slow but extremely deep, throwing your legs over each of his shoulders so he can get a better angle. He reaches down and pulls down the bandana before crashing his lips to yours, forcing his tongue into your mouth before biting down hard on your bottom lip. You taste the metallic tang of blood before he pulls away with a grin, tinge of red glinting on his lips.
"J please. I need more."
"Whatever you say princess." He wraps his dominant hand around your throat, pressing just enough to make your pleasure double. The speed of his thrusts starts to pick up, his fingers expertly massaging your clit.
"Oh god, please don't stop." Your legs start to shake as your high approaches. JJ releases your throat at the last second, your cries filling the room as you gush over his cock. He fucks you through it, his pace faltering as you feel him pulse inside you before filling you with his cum.
When he withdraws you wince, slight red tint glistening on his cock from his roughness. He grabs a towel to wipe himself off, silently tucking himself away and straightening the rest of his clothes.
You watch as he heads for the door, panic slowly setting in at your vulnerable position. "Aren't you gonna untie me?"
"Nah - you can sort that out yourself. Next time you fuck with me, I'll make sure your punishment is worse. Oh, and you're mine now. Don't touch anyone else, I'll know."
@adventuresinobx @starkeyobx @paradisehamilton @ailee-celeste @pankhoeforlife @outerbankspov @houseofperfecttaste @drewbooooo @maybankslover @maybanks-luver @blueicequeen19 @toystory2wasjustokay @penny4yourthoughts @maddie-routledge @ilovetheavenger143
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sarnai4 · 2 months
I was going to make this a fun post, but then I discovered that there are Dagur gifs on here and...yeah, that light topic didn't happen. So, here goes a little sad something.
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I think these frames of animation are very interesting. Actually, this entire scene is to me. It's in "The Night and the Fury" and is right after Dagur learns that Hiccup lied. I love how this occurred because it would have been so easy to just have him be like, "You have dragons? Okay, now I'm about to kill you." They didn't do that, though. Even as Dagur is connecting the dots, he harps on the fact that a lie was told. "Your father lied to me...YOU lied to me!" If you go back to Dagur's threat from "Twinsanity," he never even said that he'd attack Berk if they had dragons. He specifically said he would if he found out they did after they denied it. Technically speaking, Dagur could have attacked immediately if he wanted to, but he still had the intention of keeping the peace. These expressions in the gif are right after he says, "You could've been my brother, Hiccup. Now, you're my enemy." When he says this, he actually sounds sad. His expressions match that. Dagur, Mr. Gets Angry At The Drop Of A Helmet didn't immediately respond with rage. He's hurt and I think I know why.
Dagur doesn't perceive things like other Vikings to put it lightly. When he has his first episode, he's talking about how he and Hiccup had great laughs after he tries to drown the poor Berkian. He calls Hiccup his old friend when they see each other again in the episode with the gif. I think he genuinely believes this. For the strange things Dagur does, he doesn't see it. So, it's not just someone lying to him, it's his best, his ONLY friend lying to him and making him looking like a cool in front of his tribe. That's why he sounds sad instead of angry. That's why he has to look away and think through what his next move is. Yes, he attacks, but what are his options?
Hiccup doesn't give him any more time to think. He tries to leave with Toothless, so Dagur has to act then. Regarding his options, they all are bleak. If he attacks, then you have war and what we got. The alternative is that he doesn't then, right? Well, that's not great either. As soon as he gets back to his ship, one of the Berserkers says that he wants to kill Hiccup himself. Dagur has to make it clear that no one besides himself will go after Hiccup. This shows how the Berserkers really can be vengeful. They're not even an aggressive group (as shown in "Something Rotten on Berserker Island"), but they have tempers. So, if Dagur holds onto the friendship that he just realized didn't exist, he has to go back with his tail between his legs and admit not only that he was played, but that he doesn't want to do anything about it.
Dagur already was worried that no one would respect him as chief. They never would if they found out he was tricked and didn't even want to get revenge for it. He would be the young chief who was too foolish to see through lies and too weak to defend his people in case the liar decided to lie again and actually attack. So, yes, Dagur attacked. Was it a mistake? Oh most definitely. He could've caused the deaths of many people and was arrested for this. So, I'm not saying that Dagur is in the right for his war, but I'm saying that I don't think it's a black and white as the show tried to portray. We see it from Hiccup's perspective with Dagur being this wild kid who just likes killing. Dagur's so much more than just some angry or deranged Viking. I just wish we got to see more of his side of things.
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your-turn-to-role · 1 year
so, was rewatching s1 of lovm, got to episode three again. and i'm thinking about percy's backstory. and also because of sylas briarwood, thinking about dalen's closet
and percy's got a real interesting relationship with the concept of drowning, huh
i mean first of all he's almost drowned (or actually drowned) three major times in the story. and all of those had similar themes, though different outcomes
so to explain what i mean, let's look at these in chronological order
1) the river. one of the worst days of his life, if not the actual worst. watching your entire family murdered, being locked up and tortured, your siblings bodies dumped in the cells next to you, just to rub it in. after weeks of this, you learn your youngest sister is alive, and she helps you escape, it's the first tiny bit of hope you've had. and then they kill her. you realise you're on your own all over again. you're hurt and you're lost and you don't know what to do, you run because you can't do anything else. and then you trip and before you know it you're in water and it's freezing and you can't breathe or move and you're so scared and so tired- and you don't remember much after that
when that fishing boat finds percy, he's basically in a fugue state, he has no idea what's going on and is barely responding to anything, his mind just couldn't take it anymore and left. and it doesn't get any better when he comes back to himself, because he survived, but for what. they're all gone. he couldn't do anything about it. he couldn't even save his sister like she saved him
and yes, they eventually save whitestone, and get cass back, but that experience stays with him
because then we get 2) duskmeadow.
percy's just learned that ripley bought up near industrial amounts of gunpowder, and he's terrified. he doesn't know what she's planning, but he knows what she will do with his weapons will change the world for the worse. it'll get countless people killed. and he made the decision to let her go, because at the time his personal revenge mattered more to him. he's feeling that "i survived for what" more than ever, because now not only did he survive when his family didn't, he didn't deserve to be the one that survived. none of the others would have caused destruction on this scale. he's not just alive for no reason, him being alive made things worse. (this is kinda explicitly his most suicidal point in the campaign, to the point of he literally wrote a goodbye letter that evening, and then just kept it on his person knowing vox machina would find it when his mistakes inevitably got him killed)
and so he goes to ask the raven queen for help. he's not yet reached the point where he's stopped trusting in gods (this meeting is about to be what sparks that), and he knows she's helped vax, so maybe she can help him, tell him how to fix this, he'll do anything
but there's only one way to talk to the raven queen. and that's to willingly let yourself drown in the communion pool.
and he tries, he tries so hard. he's putting every bit of trust he has in the raven queen right now, that this will be okay. but it's freezing and he can't breathe and he's so scared and so tired and all he can think about is how he survived and he shouldn't have, and then he has a panic attack. the only reason it eventually works is because he hits his head on the stone of the pool and then he's too confused and hurt to fight it
and when he finally talks to her, she tells him he can't fix it. that he was a broken person right from the start.
so far his two experiences with drowning have not only caused him lasting trauma around the whole experience, but continually affirmed that he's not only incapable of saving anyone he cares about, he actually makes the situation worse just by getting involved. and drowning honestly in itself makes a pretty good metaphor for how overwhelming and out of his control all of this is
but 3) dalen's closet. god, this was so good for percy and vex in so many ways, you can keep meta-ing about this episode for years. and in this case, sylas' attempt to murder vex and percy? chain them up and drop them from a cliff into the ocean
they're both drowning. there's no easy way out, and no one around who could rescue them
their attempts to free themselves, while clever, don't work
vex loses consciousness
it's just percy, alone, about to lose the person he loves most in the world, again. to a man who only knew vex even existed because percy got her involved
and percy doesn't panic
by all rights he should have, he's certainly got more than enough reason to. but he manages to stay calm enough to figure out a way to get his head above water, and to yell for help, because his fault or no he is not losing anyone else
and because of that, their friends can find them in time. he didn't get vex killed, he saved her
he's not helpless underwater anymore. and he's certainly not broken beyond repair. and it's only now that he's come far enough to realise that
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parkkiablah · 6 months
Teasing game - pt. 6 (Zevlor x Tav)
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 7
You were standing next to Wyll, Zevlor behind you as Wyll had asked him to guard you for todays event for whatever reason. You thought that you could protect yourself pretty well, but you weren't going to question it, as you were always glad knowing Zevlor is by your side.
The event was rather boring as you weren't used to the amount talking and hand shaking you had to do that day. You were glad that Wyll decided to do most of the talking, as you personally didn't really feel welcome here. Knowing these people spent their whole life with these kind of event just seemed utterly boring to you.
You were trying hard to hold back a yawn, sipping on heavily overpriced wine. This surely wasn't your place to be.
Wyll and the people you had been talking to moved away as other people joined their conversation and you honestly had no plan on following behind.
Turning to Zevlor you noticed how his tail was hovering around you, like he was shielding you from other people, but not touching you.
Did he do it the whole time you were here and you just hadn't seen yet?
"I can see on your face how bored you are, do you want me to tell Wyll you aren't feeling well so you can leave?", Zevlor asked quietly, not wanting others to hear.
"I shouldn't leave yet, I barely arrived and I spent a fortune on these clothes.", you replied sighing.
"I'm glad you decided for this outfit, it has been my favourite." His gaze was moving over your body again like he didn't already see you in it. He seemed like he had to memorize every detail about you in these expensive fabrics.
"I'm glad you like it.", you responded. Your face was heating up again and you looked around unsure where to look, trying to escape his gaze that made you feel so many things. You were confused where this game would take you, feeling warm and comfortable in his presence but still excited and nervous whenever you just saw him.
Wyll came back to you, wanting to introduce you to someone and basically pulled you along with him. The next boring conversation happened and it wouldn't be the last one for this evening.
Some hours later you went for the excuse Zevlor had offered earlier, getting tired of the repeating conversations and the ever polite smiles.
When you left the building you felt the cold air of the night. You hadn't noticed how late it was already, the moon up high and just very few people still out on the streets.
A slight shiver went through you as you wrapped your arms around you to keep yourself warm, regret on your mind for not bringing a jacket.
Just as you finished your thought you felt Zevlors arm around your shoulders, his warmth surrounding you and pulling you close to him.
"Can you read my mind or something?", you said laughing.
"No, I just look out for you.", he replied and smiled at you.
You walked in silence for a moment, Zevlor had offered to walk you home and you both enjoyed the peace of the rather quiet night.
Both of you were walking slowly and it felt like you silently agreed on it to enjoy more time spent together.
Your thought was quickly interrupted by Zevlor pushing you to the side and turning around, the sword he had quickly drawn colliding with a dagger that was meant for you.
"The savior of Baldur's Gate, how lovely.", the man in front of you said.
Your outfit wasn't really meant for fighting and you hadn't brought any weapons, so you had to rely on Zevlor for this.
"What do you want?", you said.
"Your head. You killed my family and I will get my revenge now."
"I never killed innocent people, so seems like your family made the mistake to attack me. Just like you did right now.", you responded.
"You will regret this.", he shouted angrily and tried attacking you again, Zevlor easily keeping him away from you, having the man stumble backwards.
"You will join your family soon, no worries.", Zevlor said calmly. He seemed collected. You knew he was in his element here.
He noticed some movement behind him, another person attacking you and he turned to keep them away from you. Keeping two enemies away from you was a rather busy fight, but nothing he hadn't done before. A few moments later both of their dead bodies were on the floor, Zevlor sheating his sword and moved over to you.
"Are you okay?", he asked, looking you all over.
"I'm fine, thank you.", you responded, shock still in your bones.
"Lets get you home quickly."
He had his hand on your back, gently pushing you to get going, obviously worried there could be more enemies.
Nearly at your home was when you noticed he was walking rather tense. You blamed it on his worries, but there was something off.
"Are you hurt?", you asked. You hadn't noticed he got hit, the fight being too quickly done for you to see.
"I'm fine, it's just a scratch.", he responded. His tone telling you it wasn't just a scratch for you.
When you arrived at your home you just pulled him along with you inside your place.
"What are you doing?", he asked as you pulled him inside.
"Do you think you are leaving alone when you are injured?", you replied, rolling your eyes.
"It's really nothing. I've had much worse."
"Show me the 'nothing' then.", you said when you arrived in your living room.
He winced in pain when he was just trying to take off his armor, indicating it surely wasn't nothing.
You moved around him, helping him loosen the buckles holding it in place.
When the armor came off you noticed the blood soaked through the shirt he was wearing under it.
"Seriously, this is what you call nothing?" You would be mad at him if he didn't just save your life.
You pulled his shirt up and he tried his best to lift his arms to take it off.
The wound you looked at reached from his left shoulder to the middle of his chest, the cut not too deep yet enough to bleed heavily.
"Shit, I should bring Shadowheart here, I'm not good at this.", you said, looking at the amount of blood showing on his skin.
"Really, it's nothing. Do you have something to sanitize it and some bandages?", he asked, holding the shirt he was wearing onto his injury to try and stop the bleeding.
You searched your cabinets, finding both items he mentioned.
"Come sit down.", you said, pulling a chair out for him. "This will probably hurt a little."
You sanitized his injury, watching him bite down on his lip to not shout in pain. There were many scars along his body so you were sure he had worse injuries as he mentioned earlier. You felt bad seeing him hurt, with his skin glistening with sweat and his face clearly showing how painful it was.
Once you were done sanitizing, you started wrapping the bandages around him, careful not to touch his injury while standing in front of him between his legs. His tail found its way around you again, comfortably resting on your waist.
You could feel his exhausted gaze on you, while you finished wrapping the bandages, securing them so they won't move.
"All done.", you said, one hand resting on his not injured shoulder, the other one wiping the sweat off his forehead. "Thank you again for saving me."
"No need to thank me, you have done the same more than once before." His eyes were on you, his hand catching yours and bringing it to his cheek, leaning his face into it. "Thanks for cleaning my injury for me."
"It's the least I could do."
His eyes closed as he leaned his face into your palm, he looked incredibly tired.
"I hope you know I won't let you go home like this.", you said.
His eyes opened again and looked up at you.
"Honestly, I was hoping you would say so, I am too exhausted to move much.", he admitted slightly embarrassed.
"My bedroom is over there, make yourself at home, I'll sleep on the couch."
"Absolutely not. I won't claim your bed when you'd have to sleep on the couch just because of me.", he said.
"Stop being so stubborn, you saved my life and you will have my bed for tonight. It's the least I can do.", you replied.
"Share it with me then. I promise I'll keep my hands to myself."
You were surprised by his request but if that's the compromise he would agree to, you weren't going to complain.
"Okay, fine.", you said, locking eyes with him.
"Thank you." He looked at you with a tired smile on his lips, yet his eyes showing his affection for you.
"I even lost my chance to tease you today due to the fighting.", he said, his smile growing a bit wider.
"There's more days to come, I don't think you need to worry about that.", you said avoiding his gaze.
You both kept silent for a second, your eyes finding his again, your face heating up when you noticed just how close you were. You still stood between his legs, him sitting in front of you and his tail curled around your waist. You weren't sure what to do, yet it wasn't uncomfortable to just stand there and look into his eyes while being close to him.
"Are you finally going to kiss me?", he asked.
Your eyes went wide while he just kept looking at you, waiting.
"Close your eyes."
He did as you said, still waiting. You weren't sure why a simple kiss made you so nervous.
Your hands were on his cheeks as you leaned closer, chewing on your bottom lip. When you finally placed your lips on his, it felt like your heart jumped. His lips instantly moved with yours and his hands were on your hips, pulling you even closer.
Your hands moved into his hair, gently holding onto it.
He pulled back a few seconds later, smiling up at you, his face showing his affection towards you but you couldn't help but notice the tired expression on it.
You moved some strands of hair that had loosened back behind his ear.
"We should go to sleep, you look exhausted.", you said, taking a step back, your hand finding his and pulling him along to your bedroom.
"I'm never too exhausted to kiss you, you know."
"You'll have plenty of time for that when you wake up tomorrow.", you responded.
"I'll hold you to that."
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sailtomarina · 8 days
Wands at the ready
You took a deep breath, then let it out slowly over the course of a slow few seconds. You could do this.
“Wands at the ready.”
Tightening your grip on the slim birchwood, unbending but reliable, you stood in position. Across from you, Fred raised his own wand. Your eyes met in the brief time between stillness and action. Was it you, or was he smirking?
“And, go!”
You flicked the tip in a quick down and up, keeping your voice low. “Flipendo.” There wasn’t any point to yelling out spells like some Firstie. What mattered was precision. Focus.
Just as quietly, Fred negated your jinx with a well-timed Protego. The knock-back bounced off harmlessly, but you were already moving into the next plan of action.
This was a trick Hermione had taught you, one that had saved her life back in Fifth Year and many times since.
Your spell hit its mark, leaving your opponent’s mouth moving soundlessly. You took his surprise to gloat, just a bit. This was one of the Weasley twins, after all. Not easily out-manoeuvred, nor put on the defensive. 
You really should have pressed forward.
Fred’s grin was wide as he twirled his wand while you laughed, and the next thing you knew you were toppling forward, completely unable to stop the rush of the floor.
Except, you never made contact.
Right as you squeezed your eyes shut for impact, arms wrapped around you instead.
“I got you, love.”
You still couldn’t move, but he rotated you so could see. The rest of the duellists paid you no heed as they continued to throw spells at one another. When you refocused your attention to your attacker-turned-rescuer, it was to find his eyes trained on you, lips curved into a gentle smile. They were slightly chapped, and, if you could move, you’d lick your own on impulse.
“Can you counter the curse, or do you yield? Two blinks for the latter.” He waited patiently for your response.
Theoretically, you could undo the full-body bind without moving or speaking, but doing so would require time. He’d taken advantage of the opening you’d provided. He deserved the win. 
You blinked twice.
Fred kept a hold of you as he spoke the counterspell, and gently helped you back to your feet. His hands felt rough against your bare arms. From Quidditch, or maybe tinkering on more of their pranks?
He could have let go sooner than he did, but he checked you over first, the cushion of his bottom lip between his teeth in the process. 
“You all good?” he finally asked.
You nodded, equally parts self conscious about your failure as you were about his continued proximity. He was taller than you, and his broad shoulders blocked out much of the room behind him. Were this a physical duel, you didn’t think the odds would be in your favour. Then again, being pinned beneath Fred Weasley didn’t sound bad at all. “Again?” 
White teeth flashed. “Looking for some revenge are we?”
You knew your own window when you saw it.
“This time, the loser has to do whatever the winner asks.” You stated your wager clearly, holding his gaze to let him know just how serious you were.
He cocked his head, and you held your breath. Would he accept? There wasn’t really much in it for him to do so.
Then his smile returned, wide enough to make his eyes crinkle at the corners. The hand at your elbow squeezed briefly, before letting go. You immediately missed the touch.
“You’re on.”
597 wc
5.8.24 WWW Humpday prompt: “Wands at the ready”
Cross-posted on FB, Tumblr, and AO3
I'm typically a Charlie girl, but I've been feeling Fred's charm quite a bit lately. I hope you enjoy!
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person-behind-books · 5 months
kakashi has been choking on flowers for longer than his lungs have been without. the seet developed when a small boy kicked him into a tree and grinned visciously at the victory and a flower bloomed when said boy, now a bit taller, yelled at him that leaving comerades behind made you worse than trash. not even two hours later the boy was dead. the flower didn't die with him but also didn't continue growing. kakashi, unable to let the memories go, kept it. with time he got used to the pain and found ways to work with the lessened lung capacity. then on a battlefield many years in the future a mask cracks apart and to flower stirs for the first time. there is hope, obito is alive, and despair, obito is trying to kill everyone, and the flower neither whithered nor bloomed but simply stirred. her roots having made kakashi's flesh their home too long ago. when the war is over and his team and his friends and obito are all miraculously still alive, kakashi collapses. more so for his lack of breath than his chakra exhaustion or his injuries. obito, limbs shaking from the strain is the one to pick him up and follow sakura along as she makes her way to naruto and sasuke. sasuke and obito, after an uphill battle with only the support of the kazekage are given in the sole custody of konoha, to deal with and punish as they deem acceptable. their case, especially obito's, are difficult ones. sasuke because he betrayed his village, killed a council member, and attacked the five kage but also helped stop the war. obito, because he played a big a role in starting the war as he did in ending it. in the end sasuke is released on probation, to be accompanied by an anbu guard at all times for at least a year, at which point his case will be revisited and re-examined. obito, meanwhile, has a permanent home in the detention cells for at least the next five years. most people know this is only because obito accepted the verdict. with his sharinganhe could eseasly leave even the most secured cell and sealing a persons chakra for more than a month was considered too inhumane even by shinobi standarts. so kakashi is the new hokage and the uchiha are dealt with. life moves on. the flower in kakashi's chest isn't contend with that, however. it's roots start to bury deeper over the coming months and the flower begins shedding petals that kakashi coughts up in bloody puddles. it's a whole now agony, to have the roots move and extend after his lungs had spend almost two decades growing around and fusing to it. it'd even worse than when they had first pierced found their home in his lungs.
obito notices when kakashi's visits trickle down from twice a week to weekly to bi-weekly. how he looks worse and sicker each visit. he isn't told that there is anything wrong with the hkage but even someone who hadn't stalked kakashi for years, someone who wasn't as obsessed with the man as obito was would be able to tell somethign was wrong. then, one day kakashi stands in front of his cell, his breath coming in loud, wet rhasps and tiny conculsions making their way through his muscles. technically obito could activate his sharingan and the chakra blockers on every wall wouldn't be able to stop him form seeing the injury but it seems wrong. to look at him with his sharingan without kakashi's wish to do so. obito had taken so much from kakashi in his lifetime and he daren't take more. "i have hanahaki." kakashi talks in a voice so hoarse it can barely be heard but a tone steady and composed. "i'll die within the week either way so i was commanded," a wry chuckle "to try the last option. I'm alright with dying and this isn't anybodys fault. do you get that, obito?" obito is frozen in shock but he's been a shinobi for too long to let that hinder his actions so he hesitantly nods. if kakashi wants him to not enact revenge on whoever he loves for not loving him back obito will accept it and mourn kakashi like he failed to for rin. "i'm in love with you." becasue it's kakashi the words are spoken with a calculated moncholance that stops obito from understanding their meanings for a couple of seconds. then he activates kamui and vanishes from his cell. the guards aren't fast enough and kakashi to ill to stop obito from grabbing kakashi when he re-appears and taking him into kamui with him. he doesn't love kakashi. not like that. there's only ever been rin and even his obsession with kakashi isn't love. obito is fond of him and needs him to keep living but he's not in love and now that will be what kills kakashi after years of surviving whatever the world threw at him. obito can't accept that. he has trained for years to only send some parts of his body to kamui. he has precice control and an almost perfect understanding of his body. and kakshi also has a sharingan. his sharingan. they are connected in a way no other two people are. he tries but when his chakra flows along and inside kakashi's ribcage he understands that to cut the flower out now, to leave it behind in a bloody, wooden pile would be to leave half of kakashi's lungs open. he would drown in his own blood before even suffocating. still, he manages to leave some part of the flower behind. and goes to the second plan. it's disgusting how madara's influence still haunts him. how it shapes his actions and guides his thoughts but in this situation he's grateful for it. kakashi is too smart to fall for it if he hesitates for even a second.
obito moves just fast enough that kakashi can see him move but not interfere and before he can act they're in the kamui dimention. his breath, inexplicably comes a bit lighter but hsi lungs are still being torn apart by flowers. obito takes a step back from him. then another. the he turns around and just screams into the void for a good moment. kakashi has no idea what's going through his head. at one point obito's shoulders begin to shake, his voice breaking, and when he turns back around he looks so vulnerable. "you love me?" his voice is tiny, small and terrified in a way kakashi never heard from him before. he nods because he promised naruto to do it and by now it's too late to back out. "and you're dying?" another nod "because of me." kakashi shakes his head because this is no ones fault. not his for falling in love. not obito's for not returning the feelings. "i- i'm sorry." kakashi has seen obito cry a thousand times. this time it's no different. big blubbering tears and a snotty nose are running down his face. kakashi doesn't understand how but something in his chest stirs at that, his chest filling with warmth. obito is an ugly crier, always has been, but to kakashi - for some reason - he is still beautiful. "i didn't know. i didn't know. if i knew i wouldn't have. i didn't know." he's still standing out of touching distance but everything in his body language is screaming a yearning to reach out. "i'm sorry. i love you, i'm sorry. i'm sorry. please stay. please don't leave don't die. i'm sorry. i love you i love you i'm in love with out. i didn't know i'm sorry. i would have told you. im sorry." obito is flinching further into himself with every word and pulling himself away, without moving a muscle. the flower in kakashi's lungs grows smaller, leaving chakra in it's wake that heals but not vanishing completely. kakashi believes obito when he tells him he loves him but he knows the rest is bullshit. obito isn't in love with him. it's obvious. still, it feels so good to have the pain vanish kakashi is floating. if obito want's to lie he'll accept it. he'll help him. they'll both just lie. it's enough for now. kakashi reaches out with his left hand. his right having entered too many ribcages between them to be considered neutral and at the brush against his arm obito collapses forward and his arms snare around him. this is fine. for now it's enough.
he'll keep lying as long as he needs to. as long as the other needs it. as long as the other accepts it. for the rest of his life if he needs to. to be able to keep the other's warm bodie in his arms. maybe they'll one day be in love maybe they'll die as liers. it doesn't matter as long he stays for now.
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cocktailjjrs · 4 months
So, Chapter 112 is out.
We don't exactly get much of explanation or distinction from S5 ending ep.
Mori, he really just glued in the fangs for FUN! What even is the Mafia! (Plus, Dazai Laughed!) We had old man Yaoi. I am not going to talk about it as we already know what went down there. We got Kunikida, Atsushi and Tanizaki. And Gogol man being sad (it broke my heart again to see his reaction). Ngl, even i would be sad if someone killed my Situationship But not Chuuya calling out that Situationship, lol (That was my exact reaction when a friend of mine told me she was in one and how it works) SKK bickering, still. And Fukuzawa being handed the greatest responsibility.
All in all, everything we had seen so far, only an added reaction here and there.
Next chapter will most likely also follow through the rest of the episode. But nothing much is left, so chances are that we may get new content. Or latest by April.
This all seems well and good, but I'm suddenly feeling anxious about how things are going to progress further.
I've said time and again, BSD takes 'it can't get worse than this' phase and just proves it wrong again and again. We reach new rock-bottoms every time.
So, things looking up now, gives me anxiety that something is going to go horribly wrong. (Cue the flashback of the 'Two hours later' bit)
All things that can horribly go wrong:
Everything with Soukoku at Meursault. I find it so weird that we are not getting detailed explanation of how things are proceeding there. We have seen Dazai and Fyodor play mind games for so many arcs now, there is always an explanation at the end of each one. But this doesn't have that 'satisfactory' level of explanation yet. Yes, Chuuya again came to Dazai's aid, but how? How did Dazai knew that the Vampires were turned in his favor. Would killing Fyodor (if he actually is dead) really be wise? How is he sure that it was Fyodor plan all along to get killed and he played right into it? You know when things are kept ambiguous, as most things related to Prison break arc are, it means there will be some facts that will come in light later. And that's what I'm scared of because it can be anything! It does not help that Dazai is yet to take that antidote! What if it doesn't work? What is Nikolai goes for revenge? Since he love's loosing himself and that's why he fought, so what if he continues? Can Chuuya's gravity manipulation even be effective against someone like Gogol? He can just go from one place to another, dodge all of Chuuya's attacks. We also know he can use his ability with Dazai as long as he isn't touching him. What is he takes the antidote form the case before Dazai can take it? That makes him such a kryptonite for Soukoku.
Then we have,
The Shin soukoku's battle against whatever that (Fukuchi) was. Two hours, if you think about it is not a long duration of time for things to start fucking up suddenly. There must be something already laid in waiting for it to start going shit when time comes. We are yet to get the details of how the Vampirism is going to wear off. Because it does, Akutagawa was back to normal when he was fighting with Atsushi. Sskk teaming up is well and good, but can they stand against that being? They had a hard time dealing with Fukuchi only a while ago, this enhanced being will be much tougher than them. What if this also is set for failure? only for the world to be purged into more chaos? Maybe i'm being a bit to pessimistic, but i've lost confidence in the mangaka's they always do the unexpected and kill everyone's favs, fr.
That also makes me think
Will taking on the role of Mankind's leader, lead to Fukuzawa on a deeper end? We know he struggled earlier, before founding agency, with his assassination work. He had refused to work in the war for a reason. Won't this be undoing everything he's worked for so many years? Also, taking in that honor from their government (or officials, i don't exactly remember what it was. I'm talking about the appreciation symbol of katana'?' they received at the beginning of S4) that basically led them to take on that case that declared them terrorists. Won't taking the role of Mankind's Leader also make Fukuzawa susceptible to be declared as the Mankind's Enemy? This seems similar to that previous situation. Reminds me of how Ranpo called this responsibility, or last wish, a curse. And Ranpo is always right, so there's that. Maybe that's how they are going to introduce the next adversaries?
Too much uncertainty and what-ifs.
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picturejasper20 · 7 months
If you have been following me for a while you may have noticed that i really like the ¨hero-villain¨-rival dynamic that Danny Fenton and Vlad Masters have in Danny Phantom. I have made some posts about it and commenting about some of their scenes.
However, one thing i think i have never done is to make a post analysis about the reasons of why i like it so much and it is one of my favourite hero-villain dynamics.
In this post i'm going to go by different points of why i enjoy this dynamic so much and analyse how it works.
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First, one aspect that is crucial of Danny and Vlad's dynamic is how similar they are. They both used to be regular humans until they went through a portal accident that turned them into ghost-human hybrids and, as result, they have to hide their ghost half from other people.
They both used to be/are part of a friend trio with them having a crush on their woman/girl best friend. In Danny's case it is Tucker and Sam. In Vlad's, it used to be Jack and Maddie before the portal accident happened.
The main difference is how they reacted to their portal accidents and how their respective frienships changed after that.
After Danny got transformed into a half ghost, he decided to use his new powers to protect Amity park from other ghosts that went through the Fenton portal. He always does the best he can to help others even if he does makes mistakes.
His friendship with Sam and Tucker remained the same after the accident. He didn't get angry with any of them and didn't push them away. From their part, they accepted Danny for who he was, keeping his ghost identity as a secret and supporting him with any issue that he had to face.
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For Vlad... his accident was quite different since it was caused accidentally by Jack, who was his best friend. This left Vlad hospitalized for many years and having to deal with new ghosts powers by his own. As result he was consumed by desire of revenge of the person he considered his best friend and believing that Jack ¨stole¨ the family that should have been his.
While it isn't clear what happened during those years between Jack, Maddie and Vlad, there are some implications that Jack and Maddie ¨abandoned¨ Vlad and over time they married. It is possible that Vlad may have pushed them away from his part and later became obsessed with making the Fenton family his own.
In contrast to Danny, Vlad used his ghost powers to get more power to fill the void that came from the loneliness he had. He became obsessed with always being control, manipulating and tricking others, out of fear of being left alone and being hurt again.
They both are clearly intended to be foil of each other, with Vlad representing what Danny could have turned into had he followed a darker manipulative path and maybe if he hadn't had the support that he has from his friends and family in the series.
Another aspect i really like is how personal Vlad as antagonist feels, something that was intentional from the writers' part since he was created to act as a sort of an annoying family member that you can't rid of.
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Source: From an old interview of the series Vlad is often referred to as an "uncle" by Danny, usually in a mocking sarcastic way. Maddie and Jack consider him a very close friend (later mainly from Jack) and Jack often goes to Vlad's events to support him.
So, yeah, Vlad is a "very annoying uncle" that Danny has to put up with constanly and can't do much except throw sarcastic remarks when his parents are around.
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In addition to this, Vlad really knows how to get in Danny's mind and provoke him. He knows how to push Phantom's buttons and trick him into doing what he wants. He often teases Danny about how he is becoming like him, usually as a way to mess with him or persuade him into joining him.
One of my favourite exchanges is this is scene from "Reign Storm":
Vlad: Sneak attack, very good, Daniel. You're getting more like me with every battle. Danny: I am nothing like you! Vlad: Oh, you're not? Using your powers to get back at people you don't like? Throwing the first punch? You're more like me than you know.
The thing is that Vlad is right that Danny was using his powers to get back to people he doesn't like and "throwing the first punch". Masters was probably saying this to mess with Danny's head or making him believe that he isn't much different from him, which, to a certain extent, is true.
Another example of this is in "Bitter Reunions" when Danny tricks Vlad into making a truce with him if he doesn't want others to find out that he is half ghost. He uses this opportunity to see this as a "small win" since he "teached" something to Danny.
Vlad: Using your opponent's weaknesses against him. I am teaching you something after all.
This idea of feeling ¨personal¨ or knowing how to push the protagonist buttons is something that i wished to see more in antagonists from other series. It makes them more entertaining to watch. On third point, it is what Vlad's goals are in relation to Danny. In contrast to main antagonists you see in other animated shows, Vlad isn't out to destroy Danny. On the contrary: He wants Danny to be his son.
This comes from two things: One, thinking that Danny is the family that should have been his and was "stolen" by Jack after the ghost portal accident back in his college years. Second, from the extreme loneliness he lives in and the desire to have someone else who is just like him, a half human-half ghost, that being one of the main reasons he finds himself so lonely all the time.
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Many of Vlad's episodes involve him trying to make Danny his pupil/son in some way, either by provoking him, manipulating him or trying to break the relationships he has with his family. It's one of Vlad's biggest obsessions in the show.
It goes to such extreme methods that he starts a project to clone Danny. Something that takes him months and multiple attempts of watching clones disintegrate over and over again. This is explored in the episode "Kindred Spirits" where Danny finds out about this project, befriends Danielle -one of the clones- and destroys the whole lab.
Now, one thing that is interesting of all this is because Vlad has this obsession of making Danny his pupil/son, he has an emotional attachment to Danny, in the sense that he has a desire to protect him and help him if the boy is in trouble. Just like father takes care of his son.
This is more of a fanon aspect that is more explored in fanfics than in canon. However, there are some examples of this in the series,some being more clear than others.
The biggest one of this is in the alternative timeline from "The Ultimate Enemy" where Danny's friends and family die, Vlad takes care of him and decides to help Danny get rid of his ghost half to make him feel less miserable. Future Vlad also kept Danny's school bag intact for years even after that version of Danny transformed into Dan.
Another more subtle one is Vlad bringing a knocked out Danny back from the Ghost King's castle near the end of Reign Storm ( which was also to get on Jack and Maddie's good side).
There is also how Vlad rarely tries to go all out with his ghost powers against Danny and the implications that he could have got rid of the teen any time he wanted to in the show but he didn't.
Many fanfics involve Vlad saving Danny or protecting him from some powerful ghost enemy. This usually leads to the two characters working together to fight against said enemy. Other fanfics explore the idea of Danny getting scared/accidentally hurt by his parents when they find out that he is Phantom and him choosing to stay with Vlad until they both find a solution to the situation.
These fanfics potray Vlad as a bit more of morally grey character in contrast to the main series. Often while working together, both Danny and Vlad come to understand each other better and the story ends with them making a truce or Vlad starting a redemption arc.
In A Glitch in Time graphic novel, which is inspired by Danny Phantom fanon up to a point, has Vlad helping and protecting Danny in more than one occasion during the battle against Dan. They later fight together and are able to defeat Dan, separating him from Clockwork.
On last point, that has to do with the previous point, it is that there is a bit of tragedy in their relationship. The two are the only ghost-human hybrids in existence (If you don't count Danielle and Dan, the later being a fusion of Vlad and Danny). The two would benefit from helping and supporting each other, specially Vlad having more experience could teach Danny how to control his powers and guide him in cases he doesn't understand what is happening to him.
But, due to both clashing with their goals and Vlad not being able to let go of his past, they become bitter enemies in the series. They are constanly at each other's throats, with Vlad always coming up with some plan that involves manipulating the Fentons or leaving the city of Amity Park in danger.
In spite of this, after the events of ¨A Glitch in Time¨, they seem to be in better terms, with Vlad trying to make amends for all his past misdeeds and the chance of becoming somewhat allies in a near future.
To sum up: These are the main reasons i really like Danny and Vlad's rivarly in Danny Phantom. I like how complex it is and that it has different sides to it. In that regard it stands out to me from other hero-villain dynamics and it makes it one of my favourites.
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maarrgarr · 1 year
The Unknown Heir
part three
masterlist of the Unknown Heir.
Gojo Satoru x fem! reader
Synopsis: The reader returns after being gone for two years and leaving her boyfriend, Satoru, without giving him a reason. But now she doesn't come back alone.
Warnings: English is not my first language, possible grammatical and spelling mistakes, some plot changes.
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A year and a few more months passed since that event, and it seemed that karma was taking its revenge.
That sweet lady who had given you a job in her real estate agency had died of a heart attack. Although at first it seemed that her children were going to take over the business, they all declared that none of them could since they already had their respective jobs. And so you were left without a job.
It was a very hard blow, not only the loss of your job, but also the death of that lady whom you considered a mother.
Although you had your savings, you hated the fact of being left without a fixed income, so you started looking for a job, but this time you had no luck. Many of the jobs were part-time, and you didn't like the idea of leaving Ryusei with someone else for so long. And the ones that weren't part-time, didn't want to hire you as soon as they heard you had a son who was almost two years old. And to top it off, none of them could offer you a salary even close to what you had when you worked at the agency.
"I don't know what to do" you said frustrated to Ieiri through the call, "Well, you always have a very reliable option to choose from" she told you, while you were preparing food for Ryusei, "Oh yeah? which one?", "You can always go back and practice as a teacher here" you let out a laugh, thinking she was joking, but you stopped when you realized she was serious, "Ieiri, it's not an option to go back, tell me, how am I going to show up at school with a two year old, who happens to look like a copy of my ex-boyfriend, Gojo Satoru, who it should be clarified also teaches there? it's crazy". Of course you had thought about going back, from the first moment you did, but you didn't have the guts to face Satoru and tell him the truth. "Y/n, are you seriously thinking of not telling him, you said it yourself, Ryu is a copy of his father and therefore, surely, he's going to have the same skills as Satoru, and that makes him the future heir of the Gojo clan", there was silence in the call and she spoke again "Besides you not only have to go back for that, you also have to claim your place in your clan, your father disappeared more than a year ago and you're still the only heir". You got a shudder when you heard that, you weren't interested in claiming anything and you didn't think it was right to do so either.
"Think about it, you know I can talk to Yaga-sensei and I'm sure he will be very happy to welcome you here again." Masamichi Yaga, besides having been your teacher, was like a dad to you, he always understood you and helped you in everything, you remembered how Satoru always bothered you saying that Yaga-sensei had a preference with you and it wasn't a lie.
"Okay, I'll think about it" you told her, "Alright, I'll call you later, say hi to my cute nephew" she replied. "When he stops eating and pays attention to me, I'll tell him you said hi" you heard her laugh on the other end of the line, "Bye Ieiri" and they both hung up.
You walked over to your son and stroked his white, slightly messy hair, but he continued to eat and watch a children's program on the TV. "Hey Ryu" he finally looked up at you, his big little eyes that seemed to reflect the sky, just like his father's, and the corner of his mouth a little smeared with food, almost killed you with tenderness, "Would you like to go live near Aunt Ieiri?" you asked him and his eyes seemed to sparkle more than usual, and a smile formed on his face, showing his little teeth, "Yes, yes!" he replied. Ryusei adored Shoko, even though he didn't know her in person, he loved talking to her on video call and loved when she sent him toys as gifts.
Even though you were so scared, you made up your mind. You were going back to Japan. You needed work and maybe it was time to face the problems you left behind when you ran away.
And mostly, it was time to tell Satoru the truth.
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Hii, I am very happy for the support I am receiving and I thank you very much🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷.
I was just dropping by to tell you that the question box is open for any request you want to ask me!
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