#it's just an inside joke because whenever someone would ask me where i'd been
I'm so sorry I have to ask this, I'm sorry if it's been cleared up before but I just followed you so, your url. are you literally-fucking-Spiderman, or... you know... literally "fucking" Spiderman?
why not both
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convolutedblasphemy · 4 months
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Ace in the Hole
notes: originally didn't plan to write abt hazbin or interact with the fandom because i've... heard tales... but for a show with a canonically aroace character my fellow asexual brethren deserve more content that caters to them. don't let this flop please.
synopsis: playing cards with the radio demon, you decide to make a harmless ace joke after rosie informed you that alastor is aroace. you soon have to realize that he has no idea what you're talking about and now he wants an explanation.
contains: alastor x reader (platonic or queerplatonic), gn!reader, aspec reader (left as vague as possible), shenanigans
warnings: alastor's eating habits, i left it vague where exactly on the ace / aro spectrum reader is but they do make jokes about allonormative society in the story so be warned.
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"Come in", you heard Alastor's voice from behind the door, along with the familiar radio static you could perceive whenever you walked past his room. However, you had never actually been inside. But following the offer, you pushed the door open and stepped into the radio demon's quarters.
The sight that greeted you was something that was half bedroom, half forest. It was as though someone had ripped the hotel room in half and put it into the woods. Alastor was sitting at a small table on the grass, in front of him a plate with a raw deer head on it. His metal fork was buried in the creature.
"Ah, it's you", he exclaimed with a tone that sounded overjoyed, "how can i be of assistance on this fine day? Excuse the mess, my dear, I'm just enjoying a nice brunch."
You hesitated for a moment, caught off guard by the lifeless deer head and the questionable things that Alastor considered "brunch". You couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, glancing back and forth between the radio demon and the dead animal. Pressing your lips together to a thin line, you shook your head. "You know what... I'm not even going to question this anymore", you let out a sigh, "deer cannibalism... why the fuck not, I guess?"
The last part you mumbled to yourself but Alastor's ears perked up when he heard the statement. "Oh, would you like some?", he offered, holding the plate up, "I still have the eyes left. They're the tastiest part."
You cringed upon hearing those words, trying to limit the amount of disgust that showed on your face. "No thank you, Alastor...", you rejected his offer awkwardly, "I would like for my stomach to remain intact."
"Your loss. More for me!", he shrugged with a satisfied smile on his face and plopped one of the eyes into his mouth. A quiet ew escaped your mouth and Alastor looked up to you again. "Did you say anything, my dear?", he turned the fork in his hand, inspecting it, though you were unsure what he was hoping to find.
"I was just wondering when you'd be finished with our poor furry friend over here", you explained and Alastor, who had noticed how you felt about the beheaded deer on his plate, was kind enough to cover the rest with aluminum foil and put it in the fridge. Damn right, you better not put this thing in the community fridge downstairs, you thought to yourself.
"Oh, what's the rush?", he wondered and looked at you with a curious glint in his eyes. "I was just wondering if- god, you're so questionable", you interrupted your inquiry when you caught a glimpse at the inside of Alastor's fridge, containing many such "meals" as you had just seen, "I was wondering if you'd like to play a game with me. Board games, card games... you can pick. Just nothing where I have to sell my soul."
Alastor let out a laugh. "Ah, you know me too well", he put a hand on your back and led you over to a bench in the corner and a table, "well, I'd be delighted to. So long as it's not Monopoly, that game is a crime against humanity."
"How so?", you asked raising an eyebrow. "It has led to countless divorces and at least one case of someone being burnt alive", he explained. "I'm just going to assume you had nothing to do with the latter?", you chuckled and Alastor gave you a proud smile.
"I can assure you, it was one hell of a barbecue!"
"I trust nothing that you would label a barbecue", you sighed.
"And why is that?", he asked and you gestured towards the empty table where he had just devoured the deer head, "ah, good point. So, what game would you suggest we play? Will anyone else be joining us?"
You shook your head. "No, it's just us. Angel is making the others downstairs watch his 'best performances of the last decade' and I did NOT need to see that. Also one of Pentious' Egg Bois apparently has the measles- no fucking clue how that works- but I didn't want to risk it", you let out sigh, "and then I was bored so I'm glad that you have time to indulge me."
"Always a pleasure, dearest", he hummed, manifesting a deck of cards out of seemingly nowhere, "so what you're saying is that I am your last and only choice of entertainment?" He smirked at you from across the table.
"Well, considering that the other options are worse, I'd say you're my first choice of entertainment", you reasoned with a smile. "Flattery will get you nowhere, darling", he chuckled.
"Why is it so hard to be nice to you?", you rolled your eyes, which only made Alastor laugh again. "Would you like some coffee or tea?", he asked, summoning a cup of black coffee for himself. You nodded. "Tea would be nice." Alastor snapped his fingers once and you could now find a small porcelain cup in front of you with some tea.
"Just so we're on the same page here, this is normal tea, right?", you inquired. "What do you consider 'normal' tea?", he looked at you with an amused smile. "Well, tea that is made from herbs, has no meat in it and won't give me Prion's disease", you elaborated, resulting in Alastor snickering and holding his hand in front of his mouth. "It's just hibiscus tea", he assured you. You were satisfied enough with that answer and took a sip, realizing that it was indeed just regular tea. It had a nice taste and made you wonder why Alastor would dislike it.
"You seem to enjoy it", he remarked, watching you from across the table. You nodded. "It's nice. Thank you", you smiled at him and then shot him a challenging glare, "who knows, if you keep doing nice gestures like this for others, maybe you'll go to heaven after all."
"HA! Heaven?", he let out a laugh and leaned back into his seat, "I have a better chance at becoming the next queen of England!" You found the mental image of that amusing. "Who knows?", you shrugged, "the afterlife is long and if Charlie eventually intends to be able to redeem everyone, you're going to be the leader of the angels before there's any chance of progress on Mothman's ugly nephew."
Alastor gave you an amused chuckle upon hearing what nickname you had just used to refer to Valentino.
"If that happens, heaven's lost all sense of self-preservation", you could hear static over his laugh and his image seemed distorted for a moment, his pupils replaced by radio dials. He returned back to his usual form just mere seconds after.
"As for the game", you suggested, "how about we play Rummy? Haven't played that in a while."
Alastor nodded. "That should provide plenty of entertainment for me", he began handing out the cards, "especially when you lose and sink into the miserable pit of despair." The last part had his voice distorted by the radio static.
Alastor handed out the cards and you began playing. Unfortunately for you, he already had plenty of melds on the table when your hand was still full of cards. You watched him curiously as he was focusing on his hand, planning his next move. You noticed how the ears on his head twitched a little, one of them flicking back as if something had irritated it. That's so adorable, you thought to yourself, suppressing a smile.
"Don't think I don't notice you staring", he chuckled without looking up from his cards. You denied it. "Are you going senile or having hallucinations?", you teased and Alastor played three aces on the table.
The Radio Demon was ready to tease you in return when you interrupted him. "Oh look! It's us!", you pointed at the three aces. Alastor looked a little confused but ran with it. "And who's the third ace?", he asked.
"Well, technically I don't know any other aces in hell so far...", you put a finger to your chin, "I was making a joke. It was a little flawed but I thought it was funny." "So we're two aces?", he asked for clarification.
You nodded.
"So you view us as the most valuable cards in the deck?", he further questioned. Rosie had told you that Alastor was what people would nowadays classify as aroace. What she didn't mention with any word, however, was whether or not Alastor was aware of that and as you now had to realize, he had no idea, which put you in an awkward position. "Oh god, you don't fucking know...", you mumbled and Alastor's ears perked up.
"Know what? Which part of the joke am I not getting?", he wondered, tilting his head to the side as the static got louder and his tone seemed more threatening, "I hope you aren't trying to mock me."
"Not at all", you raised your hands defensively and sighed, "I just forgot you're from a different time period and unfamilar with the terms. Rosie told me you're aroace."
"A what now?", he blinked in confusion.
You sighed, whispering to yourself. "I should have a PowerPoint ready for scenarios like this- never mind!", you found your enthusiasm again and began explaining the terms to him.
Alastor nodded slowly when you were finished, as though he was having an epiphany. "So you're saying I'm not experiencing sexual and romantic attraction because I am aroace and not because I am unhinged and clinically insane?", he asked with a wide smile on his face.
"The clinical insanity is in fact its own separate thing", you confirmed. "Good to know", Alastor seemed delighted, "back in the day it might have been considered a mental illness, so I never brought the topic up with my psychiatrist, after all I wouldn't be able to do my radio show from the psych ward, right?"
"Priorities...", you remarked dryly, "wait- you had a psychiatrist? And you still ended up like this?"
Alastor shrugged. "I was there for my irrational fear of bees, not because of the homicides."
You raised an eyebrow: "And you really didn't think mentioning the homicides was necessary?"
"Of course not!", Alastor exclaimed gleefully, "they didn't cause me any distress."
"Right...", you gave him a slightly concerned gaze, "did it at least help with the phobia?"
"It did. I am no longer scared of bees."
"That's great."
"I eat them now."
You buried your head in your hands. "Well that's just wonderful, Al..."
"So asexuality... it's pretty rare from what I understand? During my lifetime I've never met anyone else who felt this way, at least not that I knew of", he explained and you smiled at him. "Estimated to be about 1% of the population", you answered. Alastor smirked at you. "Why do you seem so excited?", he asked.
"Solidarity!", you exclaimed and held your hand up so he could give you a high-five. The fact evaded you, that Alastor also didn't know what a high-five was, so he just ended up linking his fingers with yours and holding your hand. "So what now?", he asked, staring at your hands with a confused smile.
"You're a little confused but you've got the spirit", you brought out with a wheeze, trying to hold back from laughing. Alastor chose not to dwell on the gesture any longer.
"Well, I suppose you're right, it does feel nice to have somebody who is also immune to the flesh vessels of the feeble mortals", he admitted, and you raised an eyebrow in surprise at his description. "That's one way to put it..."
After losing the game of Rummy to Alastor and answering a variety of other questions he had such as "Why are there flags and what do the colors mean?" and "Does it still count if the garlic bread and cake has raw venison on it?", you decided it was time to join the others downstairs again, as Charlie had another exercise planned for today. "I must say, you're a delight to be around", Alastor remarked, wrapping an arm around your shoulder like he would with an old friend, "do feel free to stop by any time, my dear."
You thought it was a pity he didn't intend to join you downstairs, but you felt as though the two of you had gotten a little closer by finding something you had in common. And Alastor refused to show it on his face, but you had a feeling, that there was a little relief and peace inside him, knowing that there wasn't a big part of the human experience he was told he was missing out on after all.
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Reblogs and comments are appreciated! If this gets enough notes I'll write Alastor QPR headcanons.
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bowdownperv · 8 months
How about first time/losing virginity to Best friend Billy Hargrove
First Time [B.H]
Warnings: 18+, sexual content, virginity loss
"I like him, I don't like him"
Every time your heart said you liked him, your brain instantly shut it down. Why? Because you didn't like him. He was your best friend. A man you could trust who'd take care of you without expecting something in return. And okay, sure he was smoking hot. And you'd absolutely stare at his bulging biceps a little too long when he was done getting a pump at the gym. And fine, maybe sometimes you did look at the bulge in his sweatpants and think about how big his cock was; how it would feel for him to wrap his big arms around you and slam you down on it not letting you cum until you'd finally admit-
"Fuck, I like him."
Spring came and went fast, but little did you know you'd be coming even faster.
Billy was the type of boy that teachers warned you about and your parents scorned you to stay away from. He had a tough, bad boy looking exterior; but on the inside, he was the sweetest boy you'd ever known.
Whenever you were stressed in the library, head in your hands, Billy would come over and ask to sit with you. His warm presence automatically lifted you up as he tried, but failed, to help you with your homework and distract you by cracking dumb jokes; which still made you laugh.
He'd drive you home from school in his Camaro so you didn't have to take the bus. Giving you his extra pair of sunglasses and looking over at you with a smile when the wind would blow your hair into your face. Just driving through town enjoying each others company.
He was also someone you trusted. You'd have deep conversations with him where you'd tell him about all your boy issues, and about the ones who made you uncomfortable. Billy promised to always protect you from them.
He never tried to hit on you or imply anything sexual with you. It was always just sweetness. Telling you how beautiful you looked when you were a total mess. Holding your hand when crossing the street to buy you ice cream. And inviting you over all the time where you'd sit together on his bed watching cartoons. Maybe sitting a little too close to each other.
This is the way it had always been. You knew that Billy would be a perfect boyfriend to some girl but you'd just presumed you weren't her. Not because you didn't want that necessarily, but because you expected that it was off the table. That is until June rolled up with the last day of school.
❊ ❊ ❊
"Hey Y/N," Billy appeared behind your locker making you jump.
"Oh, sorry. Did you want to get ice cream after school with me?" he asked playing with his fingers.
You lost all focus, your eyes were staring at his hands and you cursed at yourself for the scenarios you were imagining.
You thought about his big hands holding your waist. How they would feel grabbing your ass. How his slender fingers would reach so deep inside your p-
"What? Oh, yeah sure. I'd love to," you said, coming back to reality.
Fuck. Billy was your best friend. You weren't supposed to be having all these dirty thoughts about him.
"Okay, great," he smiled. "I'll pick you up at 3."
As you watched him leave you felt so guilty — but mostly horny.
Admittedly, this wasn’t the first the time you thought about Billy in a sexual way.
There were those nights you were sprawled out on your bed, and your hand would reach underneath the soft fabric of your panties to rub your at pussy. Thinking about Billy behind you, tugging your waist into his own, plunging his thick cock inside of you. Forcing you to swallow his cum. Or maybe you’d be on top of him riding his cock while his warm moans echoed against your throat.
You'd like to think this mindset was a phase, and only temporary, but it had been slowly getting worse since you'd first met him.
The rest of the school day was filled with humid classes, boring speeches, and a wet pussy.
As the final school bell rang signaling summer vacation, you slowly made your way out the doors following the crowd. Feeling the instant sting of the sun on your shoulders as your fingers played with your tank top strings. Squinting from the yellow sun in your eyes, you looked around for Billy’s car. When you heard the rattle of gears scraping against metal, you knew to follow the sound. There Billy was laughing whilst revving the engine of his Camaro. You broke out a shy smile. It was an inside joke between the two of you. One of Billy’s main ways of attracting girls was through his car. The sound of rust grinding somehow turning them on. That kind of shit never impressed you though. Which was something Billy liked. You were different.
“Hop in, Y/N,” he said, popping the door open for you.
You crawled inside. Shaking your ass a little to get adjusted. Billy unconsciously stared at it. It didn’t help you were wearing your tiniest pair of denim shorts. You changed into them earlier in the locker room just to tease him. Your squinted eyes peered up at up at him while his hand naturally went to grab yours, squeezing it.
“We made it!” he exclaimed with a dumb, toothy smile. “Free at last!”
“I’m still surprised you didn’t flunk out,” you teased with a smile and a hand in your hair. You put on a pair of your red, heart-shaped glasses you kept in his cup holder. He had bought you them as a joke but you loved how cute they looked.
“That’s all thanks to my amazing tutor.”
It was true. When Billy briefly mentioned how bad his grades had fallen. You were the only one who actually cared. The only one that was there for him, and help him get them up. You’d come to his place every week with flash cards and quiz him on all his subjects. You were the reason he was able to pass his classes. And he appreciated it more than you'd ever know.
“I’m really proud of you Billy,” you said, tapping your cherry nails on the top of his hand.
“Now let’s get that ice cream you promised me.”
Billy’s face was covered in a sincere smile as he pulled the gear stick into drive and drove off leaving behind a contrail of gray, puffy smoke. The aroma of petrol lingered in the air.
❊ ❊ ❊
Riding in Billy’s car was like kissing summer. The wind blowing in your air. The sun shining on his steel, finished hood making tiny icy reflections. The smell of citrus and diesel. There was an invisible string of chemistry between the two of you. You felt it reeling you into Billy and you hoped he’d felt it too.
When you heard the click of his blinker, you knew you’d arrived. Billy hopped out first and grabbed your hand to help you. It was little actions like that in which you’d always remember.
You both got the largest ice creams you could. Sitting on a white, wooden bench, laughing. Enjoying the taste of sweet strawberry.
Billy was always very touchy way with you in the most adoring way. It was his love language. But something about today was different. It felt to you less playful and more passionate. The way his hand moved from the small of your back—squeezing your hand—and then settling on your naked thigh. You stared at your melting ice cream, unable to even look at him. His strong arms poking out of his black tank top, the bulge in his gym shorts, the stained, snug look that was always on his handsome face.
Your ice cream was dripping and so was your pussy.
“Hey, uh. I didn’t know if you were doing anything tonight. But maybe you’d wanna come over and celebrate at my place together. There's some things I wanted to say to you. I mean, you're the only reason I made it through this year.”
You hoped to god he’d mistake your blushing cheeks for sunburn.
“Sure, why not,” you giggled.
“Ok. Great,” he smiled scratching his head. You loved it. The way everyone built him up to be such a tough, bad boy. But how soft and shy he was around you. You loved how nervous he’d get when asking you to hang out with him, yet play it off like its no big deal. When in his head he's praying for you to say "yes".
Billy didn’t have a great life at home. He didn’t have people who supported him, or even cared whether he failed out of school or not. All he had was you. But you cared so much. You wanted nothing more than to see him do good and cheer him on the whole way there. Billy never took you for granted. He never had a girl like you who saw him for anything more than sex. And for that, he was so incredibly grateful for you.
Suddenly, unable to control yourself. You kissed his cheek with your cold, strawberry lips. Watching how it instantly turned red. Before he could say anything, you quickly stood up and plucked a wildflower, placing it in your hair. You walked back over to him with a smile and stood between his spread legs. Your faces inches apart.
“Look how pretty,” you said. Grabbing his much larger hand to touch it.
“Almost as pretty as you,” he said confessionally.
You blushed so hard. Not knowing what to say or do. Despite the blazing heat, you were frozen. Frozen in time with this man in front if you. Your bodies radiating love to one another. Your heart jittery from the touch of his hand and the way his sunset eyes were glued onto you. The sun could explode right now and you wouldn’t even notice. A cage of exotic butterflies were unleashed in your tummy.
You held onto his left calloused hand and spun. A contagious smile washed over his face as he watched you. Teeth shining brighter than the rays of sun. His tan skin as creamy as honey. He could’ve got down on one knee right then and there.
It was a beautiful day. The sun beaming over your heads like a spotlight. Green grass contrasting the blue sky. Cotton balls of pollen hopping around like bubbles in the wind. But the most beautiful of all was the man standing in front of you.
You absorbed each others energy. Reminiscing on memories from the past year. The time when you saw a cherry tree and Billy held you on his broad shoulders so you could pick the fruit. And how you later tripped and stained your white skirt red. Making Billy carry you back to the car.
You remembered all the late nights of tutoring Billy. Where you’d both crash from exhaustion. How he’d be a gentleman and give you his bed while he slept on the floor. How you secretly wished he would share the bed with you. Cuddling his pillow that smelled like him. Pretending it was him.
❊ ❊ ❊
Before long, you were back in the Camaro heading to his place. Head looking out the window peacefully, but sadly because Billy wasn’t yours. He always right there, so close to you. Yet so far away. You didn’t want to risk destroying the relationship that you’d had, but some friendships were made to be broken. You sighed.
The gravel grumbled under his tires as he pulled up to his trailer.
“Here we are.”
Billy carried your school bag with his own as you followed him inside.
You entered his trailer and made your way to his room. Billy’s bedroom was a small, but cozy sanctuary. A safe place that housed so many memories. You hopped on his unmade bed, legs dangling off the edge.
Billy came over to you and rubbed your thigh. You felt your heart free fall.
“I just wanted to say that I’m really grateful for you Y/N. You were always there for me when I needed someone. I hope I can do the same for you.”
Your cheeks felt like they were going to explode.
“Awe, of course Billy. I’m always here for you. You’re very special to me.”
You wrapped your arms around his waist and pulled him into you. You were instantly at peace. He was your home. With his chin resting on top of your head, you’d wish you could stay like that forever; together.
“Hey uhm, why did you kiss my cheek like that earlier?” he asked hiding his hands in his short pockets.
“I don’t know,” you shrugged. “You just looked really cute I guess.”
“I could say the same about you,” he laughed.
Your hands naturally went to play with your hair. It was one of those awkward moments where you didn’t know what to say. Was he flirting with you? Do you flirt back? What if that’s not what he was implying at all. What if you ruin everything.
“Let’s play a game,” you said. “Truth or dare.”
Billy sat in the floor and looked up at you. Squinting his eyes like you were his prey.
“You go first.”
“M-kay, truth or dare Billy.”
Oh, the things you could dare him to do. Kiss your lips until you suffocate. Lick your pussy. Fuck you on his bed...
“I dare you to slap yourself in the face”
He landed quite a hard slap to his face making you giggle. Making you daydream about him slapping your ass while balls deep inside you.
“Alright, truth or dare, Y/N”
You watched as Billy furrowed his eyebrows and strokes the stubble on his chin.
“Have you ever faked an orgasm?”
Your pussy literally gasped.
“I’ve never actually done it before.”
“What, have an orgasm?”
“No, I’ve never had sex before,” you kicked your legs nervously.
Billy almost didn’t believe you. You had told him everything. Or so he thought. You were so a beautiful girl. Out of his league he assumed. How could you be a virgin?
“Oh, so are you waiting for marriage?”
“I’ve just never really had the opportunity. I want to do it with a guy I can trust.”
“That’s understandable,” he lowered his chin. “You deserve that.”
Your heart was beating so fast you felt like you were going to pass out.
“Truth or dare, Billy.”
“I dare you to kiss me.”
Billy’s eyes glowed.
“Is that what you really want?”
“Fuck, Billy. Just come here and kiss me.”
Billy practically ran to your body sitting on the bed. Cupping your face with his big hands as his lips collided against yours. He tasted forbidden. Like the first bite out of the apple in Eden. He eagerly stuck his tongue in your mouth which you encouraged by sucking on it.
Hit calloused fingertips traced your skin like warm sandpaper. His hot breath mixing with your own. You were right where you were supposed to be. All the stars and galaxies somehow aligned to put you in this exact moment; together. After all these years of jarring up your feelings, you were finally brave enough to open the lid.
“Billy, I want you to fuck me.”
Billy couldn’t believe the dirty words coming out of your sweet lips. He put his hand on his head. Unable to think straight with all the blood going to his cock, and the thought of fucking his best friend.
“I hope you know I didn’t invite you over here just to get in your pants,” he said sincerely.
“I know, I know Billy. I’m ready now and I want it to be you. I always have.”
“Are- are you sure?” he stumbled on his own words. Waiting for the word, "yes," so he could finally do what he’s wanted to since his eyes first saw you.
“Yes, please.”
He quickly planted one more kiss to your mouth. You could feel his smile against your lips.
❊ ❊ ❊
Billy's hand cupped your jawline, pulling you into his lips. It was warm. The way his lips felt, his taste of honey that dripped down your throat and filled you with sweetness. Your lips fluttered with one another’s.
Before you knew it, you were reached to bring his hand under your t-shirt. Holding onto his wrist and guiding his palm. You could see the shock in his face. He didn’t know what to do. You were in control.
Billy cleared his throat.
His hands roamed your tits. Whatever Billy was touching felt good whether that was your hand, your chest, your pussy. You wanted his electric touch all over your body. You needed him everywhere at once.
You guided Billy's hand in pulling off your shirt. Tossing it on the carpet of his messy bedroom floor. Billy stared at your bare tits like they were the light beyond heavens door. His big hands engulfed them and squeezed them hard, but somehow angelically. You threw your head back in pleasure. His mouth peppering your exposed throat in kisses and soon to be hickeys. Sucking on your delicate skin.
"Feels good?" he asked with a raspy tone. His hot breath beating on your throat made your nipples harden. His fingertips definitely noticed.
"So good Billy," you nearly cried. "No one's ever touched me like this before."
You could see by how he cocked his brow that your words raised his ego. He kept quiet with a smug look to his face and continued massaging your delicate tits. Your eyes fixated on the bulge in his gym shorts. It was always apparent, but it was significantly bigger now. You could always tell Billy had a big dick. He constantly had to readjust his pants. Sometimes you'd be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of his round cock head highlighted deliciously in his grey gym shorts. You'd wanna crawl between his legs right there and milk him with your sweet mouth.
You reached for his cock and rubbed it through the fabric of his shorts. It seemed so large and intimidating against your small hand. You could feel it chubbing up. He let out little whimpers into your neck.
"Can I play with your cock Billy?" you asked with a sweet voice and Bambi eyes.
"Fuck, Y/N..." was all he said. His face red and already beating with sweat like he had just finished a brutal workout.
You crawled over to him and pulled his shorts down curiously. You jumped back a bit when his giant cock sprang out hitting your lower lip. The tip already glazed with precum.
"I don't know what to do Billy," you pouted. "Tell me how to make you cum."
"Oh...fuck," he groaned. Billy was already trying not to bust a huge load all over your pretty face just from the dirty words coming out of your voice so heavenly.
"Spit in your hand for me sweetheart, ok?"
"Then use both hands to stroke it up and down."
You followed his orders. Spitting in your tiny hand and then coating your saliva along his cock. You had to spit in your hand a second time to fully lubricate it. Soon, his pink cock was bulging and completely painted in your saliva.
You shuffled your body closer to him and wrapped both hands around him. You looked up at him and batted your cartoon eyes. Slowly moving them down his impressive length. You started at his leaking head and moved down the shaft. Once you reached his big balls, you moved it up again. Going slow; painfully slow.
"A-am I doing it right Billy? Does it feel good?"
"Fuck," he groaned. His eyes wide with excitement as he watched you work.
"Feels too fucking good, you're such a good girl."
You smiled as your cheeks turned rosy.
"Can I put it in my mouth?" you asked nervously with a swallow.
"Goddamn baby," he whined. I'll guide you, okay?"
You nodded and stared down at his massive dick. Fuck, you thought. How were you supposed to fit that in your mouth?
Billy reached a hand to hold your hair behind your neck.
"Start slow baby, okay? Put the head in and I'll help you get the rest."
You looked down at his cherry mushroom head and licked your lips. Then, without hesitation wrapped your sweet lips around it and sucked. Tasting the salty precum as your tongue danced around it. You gazed up at him to see his reaction.
"Shit, baby," he exhaled. He looked like he was falling apart and you'd barely done anything.
"I'm gonna help you go down more, alright? Tap my thigh if it's too much."
With that, Billy took his free hand and pushed your head down his cock slowly. It didn't take long for him to hit your gag reflex and you frantically tapped his thigh. Your throat made a disgusting noise as your saliva poured down his cock and collected on his balls. He quickly pulled you off as you wiped your mouth. His cock and balls now dripping in your saliva.
"M sorry," you frowned. Looking up with him with glossy eyes.
"Can I try again?"
"You're doing fucking amazing," Billy reassured you, giving you a soft kiss to the forehead.
"We'll go slower this time, okay?"
You smiled bright enough to light the room and nodded.
This time, you were much more confident. As Billy guided you down his thick cock, you prepared yourself. Once his head started grazing your reflex, you trained yourself to not gag. Your mouth was more lubricated now than before which made it easier. You enjoyed the sentiment of having your best friends cock shoved down your throat.
Billy guided you about 3/4 the way down his cock before raising your head back up. Not wanting to push you too far on your first time. When his cock plopped out of your lips, a long string of saliva still connected it to your mouth. Billy smiled and wiped your lip with his thumb.
"Your cock tastes so good," you moaned. Still catching your breath.
"You did so good princess. I'm proud of you," he said rubbing your sore cheeks.
"I think I'm ready to feel your cock inside my pussy," you said bravely.
Truthfully, you were terrified. You had no idea what it was like to have anything up there besides your own fingers. Billy's cock was huge. Was it going to hurt? What if you couldn't handle it? But, taking one look at Billy made the worries in your head vanish. This is what you wanted, with who you wanted. And you were ready. You trusted Billy with your soul and you wanted no one other than him to cross this bridge with you.
Billy smiled at you and helped you undress. It was slow; sensual. You put your legs in Billy’s lap and watched him trail your panties down your legs. He looked up at you for validation; you nodded. Your panties were thrown in with the pile of your scattered clothes collecting on his floor.
You gasped as Billy gently pushed your body against the bed and held him self over you with one arm; his tricep muscle bulging. You slid his boxers down his calves and off his feet. Your hands naturally placed themselves on his bare ass.
With his free hand, Billy lined his pink, mushroom head up against the opening of your virgin pussy. You were the wettest you’ve ever been.
“I’m gonna put it in now, okay?”
You smiled and nodded.
Once he slid his cock into your folds, your mind evaporated. Suddenly, you knew what it meant to be alive. The beating of your heart telling your mind that this is what you want; this is who you love. Pleasure, lust, love all filled your head.
It had been a tight squeeze just to get the head in. You felt your pussy get stretched out for the first time ever. The long blue vein of your best friends cock was coursing with lust. You could feel it pulsing inside you due to how hard he was and was continuing to become.
Your hands pulled him closer. Your legs spread open for him with your ankles tied around his thighs.
“Shit, you're tight,” Billy moaned.
He leaned down on his forearms. His face inches away from your own. You felt his hot breath against your lips every time he moaned. He slowly slid more of his cock into you.
"Tell me if it's too much, I don't wanna hurt you."
"No-no, fuck its perfect," your hand reached for his cheek. He smiled in relief as you pulled him in for a deep kiss. You almost suffocated from how good he was making love to you. His lips fluttering against your own, his hot breath in your mouth, his cock filling up your pussy.
"Gonna put the rest in okay?" Billy said in-between a kiss. You smiled and wrapped your hands around his head. You pulled him close; wanting his lips deep with yours in the moment he bottomed you out.
"Oh fuck...fuck-," he hissed. Suddenly, hips smashed into your own as his balls kissed your ass. His cock fully stretched you out. His head fell down to the side next to yours. You could hear his puppy whimpers in your ear.
"Holy shit," you whined. You felt a tear roll down from how incredible your pussy felt. You had never been this turned on before; never this wet. Your arms grasped his sweaty, broad back; needing something to hold onto as your pussy adjusted to having such a giant cock stretching it out for the first time.
It was exactly what dreamed on for so long coming true. Billy's body on top of you dominating you. His cock plunging into you marking you as his territory; his girl.
Billy's mouth never shut the whole time.
You two stayed like that for a while, needing time to fully process what was happening. From the day Billy first met you, this is all he wanted. All he ever wanted was to call you his girl. You were the star of all his dreams. His daydreams were he fantasized about kissing you and holding you tight. His wet dreams were he came to the thought of fucking you just like this, hearing you scream your name as he made you fall apart. Waking up drenched in his own cum.
But you felt better than he'd ever imagined. Better than his fist when he would jerk himself off to the thought of you under him. And the fact that he was lucky enough to be the first person to ever fuck you? He almost came at the thought. He wanted nothing more than to be the only person to ever fuck you.
Billy slowly introduced a bit of thrusting. Swinging his hips and pressing you into his mattress with the force of his body, the bed was squeaking. His rough hand gently caressed the side of your face, keeping your eyes glued to his own as he fucked you. You could hear how wet you’d gotten from the damp sound his cock made driving into your pussy. Billy was your guide. Guiding you from the realm of girlhood into womanhood. Introducing you to love. Real love. How beautiful it is to be loved and be able to experience it in such an intimate way. How in this moment with Billy’s body on top of your own, you felt one with him. Two hearts beating together and connected sexually.
“Goddamn. You feel so good,” Billy whined connecting his lips to yours. It was so much. Too much. But not enough at the same time. You needed more of him.
“Fuck me harder. Please Billy,” you damn near cried into his mouth.
Billy’s eyes beamed with determination as he pummeled his cock deeper into you using the force of his glutes. Your mouth dropped open at the sudden change of pace. Your body squirmed but Billy kept you pinned down with his muscular arm against your chest. Tears of immense pleasure rolled down your rosy cheeks. You were moaning so loud the books on his desk were shaking.
“Fuck!” you screamed. “My pussy loves your cock!”
Your tits bounced against Billy’s chest with every thrust. You felt the hair on his chest brush against them. You felt the beating of his heart and his warm exhales against your skin. The way he takes care of you everyday translated to the bed where he was entirely focused on making you feel good.
“Shit-shit.” Billy moaned frantically. His hand pushed his sweaty hair back.
You were chanting his name like a cheerleader. Telling him how good his cock felt inside you. Holding onto any part of him you could grasp for support as he destroyed your pussy.
“I’m gonna cum Billy!” you screamed breathlessly.
“Cum for me. Please baby. Cum all over my cock,” Billy begged. Continuing to plunge his cock into you. Droplets of sweat and precum spraying out each time his skin slammed into into you.
Your head felt dizzy; drunk by lust. The amount of pleasure your pussy was getting hammered with was intoxicating. You could feel how swollen it had gotten. Your insides began untying like a ribbon. You couldn’t hold back anymore. Your pussy was giving up to the power of his cock.
“Fuck Billy! Fuck, I’m cumming!” you shrieked. Your mind ascended as you squirted all over Billy’s cock and bedsheets. Some droplets of your cum even sprayed onto the floor. You pulled him close to you, needing his comfort. The intensity of your orgasm was almost scary.
“Fucking shit,” Billy moaned at the beautiful sight of you falling apart under him.
“Need your cum,” you whined greedily. “Cum in my pussy.”
Billy’s strokes came to a stop. His body froze and you felt his cock twitching inside you and the warmth of his cum filling you up. It was satisfying feeling a mans cum inside you for the first time. Especially one who you trusted and loved so dearly.
The two of you had made a mess. Your pussy was overflowing like a cream pie with too much cream. Cum was dripping all down your thighs and Billy’s cock still tucked inside you. The two of you both sweating and panting, trying to catch your breath with heaving chests. Billy leaned down and smashed his lips against yours. His tongue interlocking with your own.
Billy tried to pull his cock out but you pulled him back.
“No. Stay,” you whined.
Billy smiled and plopped down next to you. Spooning you with his wet cock still tucked inside you. A puddle of your mixed cum collected on his bedsheets. His fingers combing through your hair. Untangling the strands that had become matted from him pounding you into the bed. He felt safe. Like home. Like the sun in your dark sky. You knew that this is where you were meant to be forever. In his arms. And you weren't gonna let any other of those basic bitches at school fuck your man.
“Truth or dare Billy?”
“I dare you to make me cum again.”
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ryanmarshallryan · 2 years
How to tell your boyfriend you like vore
So I told my boyfriend that I had an unusual kink, but hadn’t explained it in detail to him yet. I was trying to think of the best way to explain it, so I started writing this story as a potential way to introduce him to it, but ended up making a funny slideshow fit with jokes and memes about it instead… But then he decided to break up with me for unrelated reasons before I could share either the story or slideshow with him… I’m missing him today and decided to finish up this story and share it. I still meant what I said, even if it just ended up being a moment that won’t happen with him again.
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Jason and I had been going out with each other for more than a few months. What had started with an innocent attraction became a regular engagement, with daily chatting online, weekly visits watching movies, eating lots, and cuddling just as much.
I wasn't looking for a committed relationship. The idea of it sounded nice, but based on my previous experiences with men I struggled to believe that a healthy relationship would be viable. But here I was, spending time with a man who wanted me, not only respecting my boundaries but being proactive about them. He never pushed me to do anything I wasn't ready to, or didn't want to do, and always made sure I was comfortable. When I had anxiety he was there to listen when I wanted to talk about it, and patiently waited as I worked through it. He bought me a dozen florist roses simply because "I thought you’d enjoy them," and kept my favorite ice cream, snacks and drinks stocked for whenever I came over. He didn't expect anything of me, but simply cared.
"My friends asked where you were on Saturday," I began telling him as we cuddled, "they expected that I would invite you to their party. I didn't even think to, because I've never really had someone to invite to parties and events. I'm used to being independent, I guess."
"That's all right. As long as you had fun," he replied.
"I did, but I do hope you'll come along to the next one! I'm sorry I didn't think to ask before."
"I'd love to go next time." Jason smiled at me, running his hands through my hair with his left hand and running his thumb along my chest with his other.
"I know we’ve been getting a lot closer, so I want to make sure I am fully open with you. You know I'm pretty vanilla of course, but there is one kink I have that is kind of weird I haven't talked about yet."
"I'm not sure of the best words to describe it yet. It's pretty easy to misunderstand what it is."
"I won't judge you for it."
"I know you won't, but I still want to explain it well…” I began, “Obviously I love cuddles - "
"Of course"
"And I get turned on when we make out and you pretend to eat my face - "
"What can I say, you have a very eat-able face.”
"And naturally I am a fan of dad bods - "
"My diet of only carbs really comes in handy with that one."
"--- and we share a great love of food."
"Every time we've gotten together that seems to be a major focus of our bonding."
"Well if you put that all together… I get really turned on by a kink that's all about me being very close with a bigger guy who loves to eat food…”
“That just sounds like a normal day”
“Have you heard of vore before?"
"No, what is that?"
"It's the fantasy of being swallowed whole by another guy, or swallowing another guy whole… I'm more the first one though. I just find arousing the idea of someone I care about eating me.”
Jason considered me for a moment, "But it's just a fantasy? It’s not cannibalism?"
"Oh no, though I have had actual cannibals flirt with me, but they are creepy as f***. No, just the fantasy of being swallowed whole is hot to me. I think because it's so vulnerable to be that close with someone; you are literally inside them. I think my brain must have hinged on that intense trust and closeness, and mixed it up with eating food and I developed an interest in vore.”
"This doesn't change how I feel about you," he said, hearing the anxiety in my voice.
"- and it never has to play a part in our relationship. I obviously find you incredibly attractive and love everything we've been doing even if it’s not vore related. I just wanted to let you know since I like to chat with other friends who have the same kink sometimes. It's nice to have other friends who experience the same thing since it can feel crazy at times and I like to feel grounded.”
Jason’s eyes unfocused in thought as he replied, “How would we even put it into a relationship?”
“Oh - well, little jokes about me being good enough to eat, - or maybe food play - eating food off each other maybe, but we don't have to.”
“No, that could be fun”
‘Yeah. I may not be as into it as you, but if it makes you happy I'd be happy to try it. And I do in fact love food whether I eat it off you or not. Hey, it'd give me an excuse to have some dessert. Maybe I'll start with your face,” he said, pulling me in and passionately making out with me. His hands ran up and down my back, and his lips explored my neck and face, lingering on my lips for some time.
“You know what, let's try it,” he pulled back to say.
“Try what?” I asked, getting so caught up in the passion of the moment I forgot what we’d been talking about.
“I've got some Ben and Jerrys in the freezer and some chocolate syrup too. Maybe I'll make a little sundae on you.”
A short while later, following some refrigerator-light kisses, there we were in his bed, on a towel laid out for any melted ice cream mess. He pushed me down, spooned some ice cream onto my belly and chest and began to lick it off slowly. He worked his way up my body, enjoying playing with my nipples, eating the ice cream off of them. After the ice cream was all gone, his lips found mine again and we continued to make out, him crushing me under his weight.
He paused for a moment to nuzzle up to my neck and just lie there for a moment. I slowly kissed his neck and rubbed his back and body. We enjoyed just being with each other. And then he broke the silence.
“Alright then, time for the main course,” he said, climbing off of me and standing on the end of the bed. He picked up my legs and looked me up and down for a moment. He smiled and took a deep breath.
“What are you doing?” I ask.
“This - “ he replied shortly. He proceeded to shove my feet into his mouth and swallow hard. He leaned forward and pulled my legs down his throat with unexpected speed. I barely had time to register what was happening when his mouth was already past my crotch. My entire lower body was completely engulfed in his mouth and I could feel the still cool ice cream tickling my feet in his stomach. I had no words, as I was in shock; so horny I don’t think I could have made coherent communication.
He made eye contact for a moment and his eyebrows gave me a look as if to ask for permission to continue. I moaned “Oh my god, you’re so hot - “ and he put his hands under my back and began swallowing my torso. He used his thumbs to rub my nipples momentarily, causing me to tense and shiver in sensual elation. My wriggling body slid further into his throat, feeling his warm body encase me in saliva. I knew his lips so well, but I was experiencing them in a whole new way. I took a deep breath and for the first time, I saw his smile from the other side.
In moments I was completely encased in his stomach and I heard him moaning in delight. There was a large jostling feeling and I knew he had flopped onto the bed.
“Wow, that felt great but took a lot of energy,” he said.
I couldn’t tell if my shivering was due to being hornier than I have ever been in my life, or if his clammy stomach walls were simply jostling me around so much.
“How are you feeling in there? Was it everything you hoped for?” He asked.
After a moment of heavy breathing I replied, “This is the hottest thing to ever happen to me.”
“That felt so good, but I’m so sleepy now…” he said, with heaving breaths in between.
I felt around his belly and curled into a ball to cuddle up to him. The ice cream had mixed with the hot stomach acid and tingled my skin.
“That feels good… so good. Hey, how do I get you out later?” he asked.
“I don’t know. I didn’t think this was actually possible enough to think that far.”
“ - we’ll figure it out later, then,” he said, moving about to get comfortable on the bed.
Stomach acid sloshed around as his belly gurgled. I shut my eyes to avoid the juices stinging them. At the same moment I shut my eyes he gave a great belch and the air around me vanished. His stomach muscles closed in on me and began squeezing more tightly. His belly rumbled ever more fiercely.
I tried to say something, to ask him to swallow more air, but he didn’t seem to hear me. Then I heard snoring. I could feel it too. As if the snoring was happening on top of me. I was torn between enjoying this vore experience, and realizing the scary fact that I was about to be digested by my sleeping boyfriend.
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I took a deep breath. "Wait a moment, that can't be right…" I thought. How was I freely breathing air? I opened my eyes.
I was staring at Jason's stomach, but not the inside. I wasn't being digested, but must have been asleep in bed with him, his arms tightly embracing me. My face was a little crushed up against his chest as he reflexively hugged me tighter in his sleep.
I must have dreamt up the whole thing. The loud stomach rumbles were actually his methodic snores, or perhaps actual stomach rumbles, but just from the other side. Being squeezed down his throat must have been when he began to hold me tighter, the kneading stomach muscles simply his belly and chest pushing against me as he breathed.
I tried to unpin my arms from my sides to embrace Jason back but couldn't get my arm between his torso and the bed. The sensation must have caused him to stir slightly.
"Huh?" he began, eyes still shut. His arms relaxed a bit and I was able to get into a more comfortable position. I rolled around a bit to be a little spoon, and wrapped my hands around his. He seemed to gain a bit more consciousness and gave the back of my neck a tender kiss before returning to his usual snoring.
It felt nice to be in his arms. It didn't matter whether or not vore was real. What made vore arousing to me was something I had, that was genuine. To be so close with someone I trusted and cared for. To feel wanted by someone, to feel safe with them, to be happy for being a part of their lives, and to have them feel the same… and to be cuddled up with a cute belly, of course…
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cssiop · 1 year
LA VIE EN ROSE… trent alexander-arnold
part two
trent buys white roses every week in maisie's flower shop, becoming her favourite customer.
trent alexander-arnold x fem!oc word count: 1.9k
other parts
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"white roses?" wonders maisie jokingly when she sees trent walking through the door of the shop a few days after the torrential rains that had fallen on liverpool.
he nods with a laugh, "you're getting to know me," the same joking tone animates the corners of his mouth and maisie feels herself melting under his soft irises.
their little chat last time when the scouse weather decided to get wild seems to have made the two young adults more familiar with each other, especially when they realised they were the same age. maisie now feels more comfortable joshing with him than before, although his presence still intimidates her.
"soon i'll know everything about you," she laughs in a fake threatening tone.
trent bursts out laughing as if she had just made the joke of the century, and his eyes take on a special glow. they keep joking and talking about all sorts of things while maisie prepares the bouquet. she thanks her luck, there are not many customers on tuesday mornings so they can chat for longer than usual.
"you have good taste, you know. white roses are beautiful," says maisie as she adjusts the flowers together so that the bouquet is perfectly round.
"you too," trent replies and maisie watches his face break down into an embarrassed expression, "i mean... you have good taste too."
"thank you," maisie is unable to contain her delighted smile followed by a nervous chuckle, "do you know what white roses mean?"
trent shakes his head negatively, scratching the back of his neck, still embarrassed by the awkward moment he has just created, waiting to hear what the girl is thinking next. indeed, he has never wondered about their meanings, trent has just always found them particularly pretty.
"when you give them to someone, it's either as a sign of peace, reconciliation but it can also be a sign of respect when you think very highly of that person," trent smiles when she talks about respect because it fits perfectly with the person he's giving them to. "or, more rarely, we offer them to our secret love, someone we don't dare to admit our feelings to."
trent nods, he doesn't need to, but he thinks the meaning is still very nice. for him, the changing messages depending on the colour you choose shows a remarkable sensitivity that he hopes he has grasped. roses are the language of silent love. trent is a loving person, obviously, he adores them.
"and... how long have you been working here?" changes the subject trent.
"i used to help my grandmother when i was a kid, but it really became my job, i'd say, two years ago, when i moved to liverpool," says maisie.
trent nods, then bites the inside of his cheek, hesitating, "can i ask you where you used to live, or is that too weird? you're allowed not to answer me, i'll understand."
the young man starts scratching the back of his neck again and maisie can't help but smile. this little habit he has of being overly mobile whenever a situation embarrasses him is adorable according to the girl. his complacency touches her a lot, trent truly seems to be a sweet person, shy around the edges.
"no, it's okay," maisie reassures him, "i was in brighton for law school before, but i didn't like it anymore so i moved to liverpool to be closer to my grandmother. i'm from london actually," trent nods thoughtfully as she feels she's laying out her life too much in front of the man who is still a stranger.
just as maisie is about to add something, the bell rings and a customer in her twenties enters the shop. disappointed, she then cashes in trent and hands him his flowers before greeting the new customer, who is left speechless beside the man.
trent is, for sure, very handsome, has a smile that would make anyone fall over, and exudes charisma like no other, but the florist doesn't think that's a reason to be speechless in front of him.
especially since it's so strange.
trent then starts to act weirdly too, he seems to be in more of a hurry than before. in a flash, he has disappeared into the doorway, almost without a goodbye. frowning more, she watches the young woman in the shop close her mouth and pull herself together.
"hello, can i help you?"
"uh, i-, lisianthus please," says the still confused customer.
as she begins to prepare the bouquet, maisie asks, "is everything okay?"
"i guess so," the woman simply replies and the florist blows out a breath and decides to pretend nothing has happened.
her mind is absent all afternoon afterwards because she can't figure out why trent left so quickly. she didn't even have time to write on the little tag and she feels bad about it —maisie doesn't like to do her job halfway.
margaret, who has been in the shop for almost an hour, seems to notice. after cashing in a customer, she approaches her granddaughter before asking, "what's on your mind?"
"nothing. i'm just... tired," maisie finds it hard to explain what happened earlier since she herself has no explanation. her grandmother doesn't insist, and it's for the better.
when she closes the shop at the end of the day, maisie tries to put it out of her mind, but no matter how hard she tries, trent occupies her thoughts.
for a fortnight, trent doesn't show up at the belrose boutique, and maisie feels a little sad. she has the impression she did something wrong last time, especially when she thinks about the way he left without saying a word. so immersed in her thoughts and the flowers she is readjusting on the displays, maisie doesn't have the presence of mind to hear footsteps stop behind her.
"what kind of flowers are these?" trent asks as he leans over her shoulder to take a closer look at the bouquet she's holding in her hands, a bouquet that quickly ends up on the ground after the stupor the man's gesture has produced in her. "shit, sorry, i didn't mean to scare you," trent apologizes and the girl picks up the bouquet, getting up at the speed of light.
"uh... chrysanthemums," maisie stammers as she adjusts her hair, still embarrassed that he startled her again.
it's then that she realizes how close they are as they stand facing each other. trent is wearing a multi-colored jumper that must be worth more than the entire shop, accompanied by a long black coat that only he could wear without looking ridiculous, and maisie finds herself even more intimidated by the man. he's not even that tall but the aura he exudes has a way of charming, especially the girl, who can feel her face turning all pink.
for her sake, she takes two small steps back and trent finally greets her as maisie does the same. a small silence ensues where neither of them knows what to say. to be honest, maisie didn't expect to see him again —his departure was so precipitous the last time.
"you came back," the woman simply says with a small smile.
"yeah, i needed a few days to get over the 'you too' thing," laughs trent, still a little embarrassed, and maisie nods to let him know it's nothing. scratching the back of his neck, he continues, "sorry about last time, i left a little fast but i was in a hurry and-"
maisie cuts him off rather quickly, "it's okay, i promise. it's all good."
to tell the truth, the young woman is relieved. he seems sincere in his apology so the fear that it was her fault he left so quickly fades away.
"can i have some white roses then, please?"
as she does every time he comes in, maisie nods and begins her preparations. always finding something to say while waiting for his bouquet to be ready, trent seems unusually quiet this morning, except when he begins to hear the first notes of 'you'll never walk alone' over the shop's speakers.
he wonders, "football fan?"
frowning, maisie is confused, "what?"
trent then proceeds to explain how the song is related to football and especially to the club liverpool.
"oh. my dad is a fan of that club, that's probably why we have that song on the playlist in the shop, he must have added it," she finds herself talking a lot because she's coming to the end of the bouquet but for some reason doesn't want to see trent leave already. "to be honest, i don't know anything about football."
the subject broached, trent straightens up and a smirk appears on his mouth without maisie noticing, "you don't even watch the english team play?"
she huffs and puffs, "i must have watched the final last summer, what was it again?" her memories are hazy, but she had only followed the match with one ear.
"the euro. it was against the italians," trent's words bring back the girl's memory and she lets out a little 'ah yes'.
"do you follow football a lot?" maisie asks so innocently to continue the conversation. trent looks tired behind his small eyes and drawn features —she thinks he is probably having a bad day.
"i think it's cool," he shrugs.
"i think i only know a few of the players on the england squad. like mark rashford, harry keen and, and... and that's it really," she gives a little sorry pout.
her last sentence finally triggers a flash of hilarity in trent, and some of the tension in his shoulders disappears. really, the young man doesn't seem to be himself this morning. maisie smiles at his beautiful laugh, and inwardly applauds herself for having managed to cheer him up —even if she doesn't understand what's so funny.
"it's marcus, not mark and harry kane, not keen," trent corrects her once his laughter has subsided and he can pronounce his words clearly.
maisie's face immediately flushes and she doesn't dare to look the man in the eye anymore. finally, she bursts out laughing too. the situation is quite comical after all, her football knowledge is close to nothing.
"i didn't ask you last time, but why did you stop your studies? well, if it's not too indiscreet," he clears his throat, hoping he hasn't made a blunder, but when she hands him the bouquet with a reassuring smile, his widens with a relieved sigh.
"law school was too much pressure. i think it was definitely not for me. nothing particularly interesting, though."
but trent turns his head negatively, "i don't agree. it's good that you realized that early on. besides, florist suits you better, i think," he inquires and something in his deep voice makes her blush, forcing her to look away.
"thank you," maisie stammers, her cheeks flushing.
they look at each other for a long time, smiling, just separated by a counter and windows full of flowers of all kinds. the radio continues to play the same music in the background, and they seem to be caught up in another world, a dimension where time is suspended. trent suddenly opens his mouth, as if to say something, but is interrupted by the ringing of the bell and the doors opening.
"i've got to go," he murmurs, and grabs his bouquet in a hurry, "i'll be late for work."
with the will to ask him back what he does for a living, she doesn't even have time: trent is already out. so charmed, she doesn't notice the excited whispering of the boy in the red shirt tugging at his mother's jacket.
part 3
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fox-daddy · 11 months
The arcana as memes again
TW: swearing, smut jokes, being mean to Lucio because it's fun. Also marked as spoilers just incase.
Asra: what flavor of ice-cream would you be?
Julian: vanilla
Lucio: Vanilla? Basic bitch, huh? I'd be pistachio~
Asra: beacuse nobody likes you?
Lucio: offended Lucio noises*
Asra & Julian: dying of laughter*
Asra: nobody likes pistachio ice-cream
Asra: pre grame post plague singing* hey- how you doing? Yeah, I'm doing just fine. I lied. I'm dying inside.
Julian: I want to be a reverse tooth fairy where I rob people and then scatter human teeth on their bed
MC: A dentist?
Julian: I don't know what your dentist has been doing to you but I think you need to tell Nadia
Asra: reading is just staring at a dead piece of wood for hours and hallucinating
Portia: please delete this
Lucio: when you become famous you're called a legend because your leg ends
Asra: what?
Lucio: your leg. it ends
Nadia: I'm not a linguist but I think that's wrong
Lucio: are you saying your leg doesn't end?
Nadia: I mean. at some point it does. yes.
Lucio: then what's the problem?
Asra: my proposal for humans 2.0. Wings, detachable boobs, better knees, ears that you can turn on and off
Julian: I agree and would like to add reinforced spines
MC: more eyes
Asra: I just slept for fifteen hours what did I miss?
Julian: trying not to laugh* this dick
Asra: oh good, I thought I missed something big
Julian: depressed noise*
Valdemar: If you put a bee in the freezer, it will get cold and fall asleep. After it's asleep, put it in your mouth, but don't eat it. Just let it sit there. It will get warm and wake up. Now you have a bee in your mouth.
MC: Why the fuck would I do that?!
Lucio: I just pretend I know what I'm talking about 150% of the time
Nadia: if you can't blow them away with your brilliance, baffle them with your bullshit
Valdemar: Bacteria. The only culture some people have
Lucio: doctors are jerks
Julian: our sense of humor is infectious though
Asra: Laid is pronounced like paid but not said and said is pronounced like bread but not bead and bead is pronounced like lead but not lead
Portia: when I was young Julian told me old people sag because they're being pulled to hell and I cried
Julian: If someone points at your black clothes and asks you whose funeral is it?, take a look around the room and casually say 'Haven't decided yet' because that is always a good response
Asra: looking at something absolutely weird and yet awesome* why commit murder when you can have one of those?
MC: I'd kill for one of those
Asra: I think you're missing the point, MC
Asra: your bed is probably as happy to see you as you are to see it. 'here comes the warmth slab' it thinks
Portia: WRONG! it thinks 'I hope this dipshit doesn't spill beans all over me again, who the fuck eats beans in bed?'
Julian: you eat beans in bed?
Portia: not the point!
MC: eats a snack while looking for a better snack*
Drunk Lucio: I was using the bathroom and I needed to pee and I couldn't so then I thought in my head. 'pee, come on! I know urine there' and then I wound up laughing to hard that I peed
MC: I am a piece of trash
Nadia: As someone who cares deeply about the enviroment, I am obligated to pick you up. Is seven okay?
MC: you smooth bitch
Asra: - saves rare item for a more dire situation
Asra - never uses rare item
MC: what if theirs an emergancy?
-MC gets into an emergency-
Asra: an apple a day keeps anyone away if you throw it hard enough
Valdemar: bold of you to assume I won't just swallow it
Julian: that's not how swallowing works
valdemar: not if your a whimp
MC: I like wearing oversized sweaters. Not because they're extremely comfy and cuddly, but because whenever the sleeves are really big, I get to flop them around and smack people
Asra: I love sleeve smacking people
Lucio: if I were dating you. well, heh. Let's just say horses wouldn't be called 'horses' anymore.
Julian: hey, Lucio? what the fuck does this mean?
Julian: I'm actually shaking what does this mean?!
MC: oh my god, theirs a dog outside Muriel's house. Best. day. ever. Hello fuzzy baby friend.
Asra: rolling a 1 on a perception check
Nadia: if you bite it and you die; it's poisonous. If it bites you and you die; it's venomous.
Lucio: what if it bites me and it dies?
Nadia: that means you're poisonous, pay attention!
MC: what if it bites itself and I die?
Asra: It's magic
MC: okay and what if we bite each other and none of us die?
Julian: that's kinky
Asra: showing them a picture of a ^ shaped bridge* moon bridge
Julian: how the fuck are you supposed to cross that?
Nadia: with determination
Nadia: I am at a loss for words!
Lucio @ the audience: despite being loss for words, Nadia spent the next forty-five minutes yelling at me.
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How do you let go of someone that you planned forever with..... Again?
How to you turn your back and walk away from a person you can't imagine your life without?
How do you unlove a soul that you literally lived for when you couldn't find the strength to live for yourself?
How do I KNOW now that it's all over, that it's all a waste of time? Because I can see it and feel it, I can hear it and even taste it.
I see it because your eyes no longer light up when you see, you roll your eyes (and not in a good way) when I try to joke with you, your smile towards me no longer reaches your eyes, you appear to be in agony or at best pained when you spend anytime with me. I see it when you would rather look at your phone than at me, when you put as much distance between us as possible without being obvious.
I can hear it on the way you say my name, there's nothing special about it anymore just another obligatory word in your sentence, when you see love ya too whenever I say I love you, or when you say see ya workout looking up from whatever you're doing. They hold no weight anymore just a knee jerk response to a person speaking. I can hear it on the silence from you when I'm begging for a response, for you to tell me I'm wrong when I tell you I feel it ending. I hear or the loudest in the silence that now feels the space between us where once there was laughter, conversation, and inside jokes.
I feel it when I hug you and I loosely get a one arm drap above my shoulders as you turn your head away from me, when I reach for your hand to hold and it's no longer there, when I put your arm over me in the middle of the night and you don't squeeze me or pull me closer instead you just roll over. I feel it in my gut when I hear your phone go off and when I ask you say it wasn't you, I feel it the most when I look at you and realize that you don't see me the same and you don't want to.
But the worst of these is the taste of longing on my lips for yours, of the biter comments that you spew so easily, of the dryness of any conversation that we have, but mostly in the tears that I'm not often left to cry alone behind closed doors and in quiet cars in the dark, because crying in front of you feels so wrong now you can't see me in that vulnerable state you wouldn't protect me, you'd attack harder and tell me I'm manipulating the situation or that I'm overreacting and you'd leave.
No longer do I feel safe confiding in you because it's just giving you ammo for later. No longer to I feel heard or seen or loved or wanted. There's no appreciation only entitlement and disapproval. There's nothing I do that you get excited about or that you look forward to. No plans for the future, but plans to leave under different circumstances. The taste of betrayal when I realize that my feelings and wants and needs don't matter once I'm out of sight. The taste of heartbreak realizing that I no longer matter to you as I once had.
I've given you more than enough time, too many chances. I've laid out the bare minimum that I need and I've compromised those just like the originals to bend and cater to you, but the time has come that if I were to bend anymore I'd break and I can't afford to break again. Especially knowing that there will be no one there to help me pick up the pieces or to put them back together. When I know that there is no longer a fire or even a spark left because you've been smothering the ashes of what was once the most beautiful I ever stood within. I've fought to hold on the whole time knowing in my heart that you were extinguishing any hope that appears, in some of the most damaging ways possible. But I held onto the hope that you were having a hard time and that I could love you through it, and that ñ when you saw how much I loved you and all that I'd do for you maybe you'd understand and it would get better, but it's only getting worse. I have no desire to even entertain the idea that maybe some day you'll snap back and be the man I fell in love with. You've the good in you is fading and you don't care in fact I think you're happy about it mm someti and that's nothing I could say, or do that can change the outcome because say the end of the day....
It all comes down to a choice that you made, and sadly it wasn't me. But know that I love you still, and I would have chosen you a hundred times and a hundred ways. I would have sacrificed everything for you, but knowing that you don't feel the same I gave to choose myself this time over you because if I don't choose me that isn't anyone else that's going to anymore.
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dailynabu · 6 months
nabu: day 0
Hi, everyone! It's Nabu. I'm currently 7986 days old and just now I've realize how young I truly am. By age 18 I already thought I was old enough to deal with life and I thought about how everything that would happen, the idea of all of this distress, anguish, pain and lots and lots of stuff made me uneasy. Of course, consider I had spent more than half of my life inside a box, a house that's not a home.
It feels so strange now, uncanny. How was I once 17 and now I'm 21? Don't come at me with all of these math witchcraft. Where all that time go? I don't think I had lived till last year. I don't think one quarter of my breaths were actual. All fake. I'd say: "but not in a bad way", but there's no "good way" to be fake. You're either bad for people or bad for yourself... And I've been too harsh with this person who stares at me in the mirror.
Everything I could, I've tried. I'm trying so hard to love myself but it is actually so incredibly hard. Went to all forms of therapy, tried every med and form. I don't know how to do it. I don't think that people like me does, but I want it, want it so bad it pains me physically.
Do you ever went outside and met a person that looked so confident you envy them? I did. Everyone always seems so much better than I do and I can't conceive the idea of being wanted even if it's about some kind of interest (not necessarily personal interest). I've worked so hard for so long and still is not enough. I catch myself falling into old patterns again and again.
Another question that just popped out my mind is where is that extroverted, cheerful, positive and bubbly person everyone around me seems to know, yet I do not? That person is always smilig and saying nice things, showing love and smiling, asking about how everyone's doing and mastering the art of telling people about how much they're worthy and how they care.
Not to brag, far from it, but people come to me saying they feel safe and not-lonely around me. I sympathize with everyone, like lots of them, love some and even worship a few; still, I feel lonely. Some of them may say: "you can count on me!" and I know they mean it, but I don't feel it, like it's some kind of sin of mine to count or seek them if I'm in need. Lastly, trusting people and opening up seems dangerous, to say the least.
I don't know. Today I don't feel sad nor upset nor distressed, just a bit tired and sleepy. I slept 4 hours in the last 2 days and I've been studying like a dog so I can have this 1 month off college. Exams and homeworks always make me feel insanely anxious and my heart problems keeps attacking me, but this time everything was... Calmer. Certainly not 100%, as you can see I barely ate and slept. I think that, under this hard skin, there's someone, a child I might add, who's extremely anxious.
For the record, I can't stand watching a match of the team I support. My hands feel sweat, my arms hurts and my heart beats faster. I know it's "just a match" and I don't really care, I barely watch something: but when I do, I do feel anxious like it was something really important. I don't really know if it's because my heart condition or anxiety or both, I run from this a-word "like the devil runs away from the cross".
Boyfriend keeps noticing it, how I hate this word (and a lot more) and he lightly jokes, but I truly get offended. I know, it's stupid. Anyway. Today was kinda... I'd exhausting, but it wasn't. I woke up by 9:20am, studied till 2:40pm and then went to college, do a test. 3 hours and half in only 4 questions, I can't stand seeing numbers nor greek letters, honestly. All of this humilliation for a degree, can you imagine? After it, went to Boyfriend's, watched some short films and cuddle till I got back House. Pretty much it. Not a hard day, I'd say, I had worsts and everyday is my best whenever I see his face.
Not too much to add. I don't feel extremely emotional to be venting, actually I'm so tired I could sleep right now. Normal day. I just wanna save this words and every single day of my life so maybe I start valuing it.
(About how much I want self love, how I feel fake with myself. About trust and difficult of opening up with people I know love me. In a good way, I don't feel bad while word-vomiting).
— 20.12.23
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cloudie-skay · 11 months
This would have been a post befitting of Pride month but I say I can post about sexuality and gender any damn time I want. I also just want this written down somewhere
Identity is one shitty puzzle and I lost the box for it ages ago
It was easy to accept that I was nonbinary. It's one of the first things I discovered about myself when the idea of different genders and sexualities was just getting introduced to me. There were signs that even a younger me recognised. I have journal entries dating to 2016 where I referred to my as a gender-neutral person back when I thought I was inventing the term. I told my best friend I was genderfluid but then whenever they asked what pronouns I felt like that day it was always they/them. There had always been some sort of disconnect when people called me a girl that I couldn't quite pinpoint. So when I stared at the definition of nonbinary for maybe a bit too long, it all kinda clicked in place.
It was easy to accept that I was asexual. Getting rid of all the imbalanced hormones and religious trauma, there was no desire left. There was a morbid curiosity for something I was barred from really knowing about but then that was it? Catholic school really scared us into thinking we'd become deranged sex addicts if we looked at porn at all. Then came how others described how they perceived attractive people. Sometimes it came with an underlying motivation that I didn't really understand. I really went through life thinking sexual attraction was some sort of inside joke I just didn't quite get yet because I haven't had sex. Though it didn't initially occur to me that it was because I simply didn't have any sexual attraction, I figure it out eventually. At this point, I wouldn't bat an eye if it turns out I'm demisexual instead though.
Despite all these lables seeming slotting into my identity pretty neatly, it was not and still isn't easy to come to terms that I might be aromantic. To me it simultaneously doesn't make any sense and makes too much sense.
I'm a hopeless romantic, I say with emphasis on hopeless every single time. I've had crushes, I've dated people, and I have a desire for romance! Surely that means something?
But I fantasise over the most mundane things, I read fairy tales of princesses and their knights, I watched movies of people falling in love. Maybe the romance I want isn't something I could even get.
I want to love and be loved in that way. I want the intimacy and emotions you get from romantic love. I've always wanted that kind of love where you are each other's world, where you put each other over most else. I still want to be held desperately close by the person who knows me like the back of their hand, as I do them
But whenever I think of these scenarios and images, I can never really put someone there with me. There's never a solid image of someone in my life that I could fully imagine doing those act with.
The pessimistic side of me thinks I'll feel like this forever, that I'm just not built for that kind of love no matter how hard I try. And that I shouldn't pull someone through my fantasies without loving them the same way.
The desperate optimistic side of me thinks that maybe I just need to find the right person. That when I finally do, I would pour all this bottled up love on them as soon as I can. Maybe even a little scared that I'd love too intensely.
As of now, I can't piece that part of my identity and even then, I don't even know if I'd like what piece ends up fitting in that empty space. I feel like that this point, I'm avoiding finishing the puzzle because halfway in, I realised I didn't like the picture I was about to complete.
I like the parts I did put together before, and I'll probably stare at the unfinished puzzle for a while before I dare put it together fully
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saviourkingslut · 2 years
Chia, camellia and palm tree!
chia ⇢ what’s an inside joke you have with someone else? honestly i mostly have inside jokes with my sister, and they consist of us quoting vines or other videos at each other. one of the most occuring ones is saying WATER!? whenever someone says 'im gonna drink some water' which is us quoting a vid from some dutch local news where they were interviewing some alcoholic to ask him abt his opinion on the heat that day and asked him if he was staying hydrated and this guy responded to it with with 'water?! do you want to poison me or something'
camellia ⇢ what were you like when you were younger? do you think you’ve changed a lot? honestly i was much the same in the ways that matter. i've gotten a bit better at social interactions through a lot of practice, and ive gotten better at overcoming social anxiety and just walking up to people/doing things in public that i wouldn't have dared to do before for fear of looking like an idiot or whatever. and as a white person i've become much better at looking at the world not just from my own privileged point of view, but trying to see the world through the eyes of other people and other communities. as a kid i didn't even have a conception of the way where and how you are born changes the way you can live your life and how you experience it, but both through the internet, watching tv (evening talk shows) and reading newspapers i've really broadened my horizons in that regard, because it's given met the chance to see how other people think and live their life and the problems they encounter that i, as a white person, just would never encounter. i think being able to see that kind of nuance is really important in understanding why different kinds of people and communities have issues with rules or ways of being addressed or things that were done to them in the past that to you, as a white person, don't register as a problem at first bc they aren't a problem to you. and then that ability to see the world from others' points of view just helps in a lot many other areas in life as well. palm tree ⇢ do you have a fictional villain you shouldn’t like but love regardless? ngl im usually a whore for villains. edel/gard is kind of an exeption bc i simply thinks she sucks ass and is badly written to boot, but villains <3 i think the one villain that im mentally ill about that no one really likes is elias bouchard from the magnus archives. he's my favourite character from the whole ass show and i think im one of like, 5 people who genuinely enjoy him and 1) don't dislike him for being an evil monster of a man who treats people like pawns and tortures them psychologically and also 2) don't say stuff like 'oh i enjoy him ironically i would definitely punch him in the face though' like damn sorry to hear abt that i'd kiss him with tongue though
EDIT: actually im gonna be cringe and add to this that i've always been mad abt how disney apparently changed the story of frozen around halfway through development or whatever and decided hans should be the villain, at least as far as i heard, which is why his 'if only there was someone out there who loved you' comes out of absolutely nowhere as for the entirety of the film before that moment he's been concerned with keeping the people of arendelle save in the frozen wasteland elsa has created and bc both members of the royal family are off to some fuck-off mountain while their subjects freeze to death so yeah actually im a hans apologist and i've always chosen to ignore the last scenes in the movie bc they don't make no sense
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johnsamericano · 3 years
𝔖𝔲𝔤𝔞𝔯 ℜ𝔲𝔰𝔥 𝔧.𝔧.𝔥 •3•
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I hope this ain't getting shitty. Thank you for reading, sexy people. Send me a message or an ask if you'd like to be added to the tag list.
warnings: hungover jaehyun, age gap, hospitals, nothing too extreme.
sugar rush m.list.
taglist: @thoreeo @trustmahluv @sunny-nyu @nanascupid @silent-potato @painted-hills
Yoonoh woke up on a strange bed, the mattress stiffer than the one he had back home. He refused to open his eyes, fearing that the daylight would worsen his headache.
Yoonoh woke up on a strange bed, the mattress stiffer than the one he had back home. He refused to open his eyes, fearing that the daylight would worsen his headache.
“Wake up, sunshine.” He groaned, all the memories from the past night hitting him like a truck. “Come on, I made breakfast.”
His eyelids finally fluttered open, frown softening at the sight of you in a messy bun and your cute pajamas.
“How come you look so fresh?” The dark circles under his eyes had deepened in the span of a few hours. Thank God he didn't have to work that day.
“I always look fresh.” You seemed to be more comfortable around him. Perhaps it was because you had to tuck him in last night. “Up.”
You tugged both of his limp hands, forcing him to sit up.
“What did you cook? It smells nice.” He scrunched up his nose like a little kid.
“Eggs, bacon, and hash browns.” Fast as lightning, he got up from bed. On his way to the kitchen, he noticed the blanket hanging from the edge of your sofa. Disappointment pinched his heart.
“Why didn't you sleep with me? You would've been more comfortable.”
You set two plates on the small table, pulling the pan out of the stove to serve them.
“You spread yourself all over the bed as soon as I laid you down.” You lied successfully. You didn’t have the heart to tell him you weren’t that comfortable yet.
You let the pan down on the kitchen counter, taking a seat in front of him.
“Do you still want to visit my father?” Sparkling orbs stared at him timidly, fearing his answer would be negative.
“I mean���” You hummed, trying not to give it as much importance. “I do want to go!” He quickly corrected himself, frantically shaking his hands. “It’s just that I don't want to meet your father like this.” He pointed at his bed hair, which had only become messier since he woke up.
“You’re acting like he's gonna see you.” There was a slight bitterness in your tone, along with a fake grin.
“Alright, let's do this instead...” Yoonoh sat up straight, clearing his throat as if he were about to give a speech. “We’ll have breakfast, you'll shower quickly, and then we’ll drive to my house so I can fix myself. How does that sound?”
“So I'm finally gonna see your mansion? How exciting.” You kicked his leg teasingly under the table, his cheeks inevitably dipping as he tried to suppress a smile. “I bet you have some peacocks in your backyard.”
“And there's also a dolphin in my pool.” He let out a hearty laugh, extending his arm over the table to grab your hand.
His house was most definitely not what you expected.
It was about the size of the one you grew up in, the decoration inside minimalistic. There were no expensive paintings framed with pure gold, only pictures of him and his family. There was a small backyard you could access through the French door in the kitchen. Half of it was occupied by a greenhouse.
“I had to donate the peacocks to the zoo.” He whispered as you looked through the glass door, squeezing your shoulders with his slim fingers.
“What a shame.” Hesitantly, he wrapped both of his limbs around your torso, letting his chin rest stop of your head. Your heartbeat was thumping loudly against your chest. Yoonoh surely felt it but decided not to comment on it.
“There’s a Tv in my room in case you want to watch something while I shower.” A hint of mischief adorned his honey-like voice. “Or you can come in and watch me instead.”
“Stop!” Your elbow connected with his ribs out of pure panic, making him bend in pain with his hands covering the injured spot.
“It was a joke...” He whispered, teeth gritting together.
I made him mad, you thought. Should you escape or face the consequences of his anger? All thoughts erased from your mind as he grabbed your calves, lifting you over his shoulder.
“Put me down!” You hit his back with closed fists, unable to see the expression on his face. “Yoonoh!”
He went up the stairs, proceeding to enter his room and throw you on his bed. Thousands of dirty scenarios crossed your mind before he threw himself on top of you, crushing your bones under his muscular body.
“Oh, sorry, what is that?” To make matters worse, his fingers tickled your sides, provoking a fit of desperate giggles to escape your mouth. “I’m not hearing an apology.”
“Sorry! Sorry!” His hands finally stopped, giving you time to breathe. Nonetheless, he remained laid on your chest, using his forearms to lift his weight. “Aren’t you gonna shower?”
“I like you.”
The confession was so sudden, so raw it took you some time to finally react. But you had no words to give him an answer, instead, you combed your fingers through his long hair, massaging his scalp while waiting for him to speak up again.
“I never thought I'd be feeling more than friendly affection for you. Our agreement doesn't include love, after all. But I've started feeling like a teenager all over again. I can't help but get excited whenever you call me. Do you know how sweet your voice sounds through the phone?” He sighed, discouraged at your lack of response. “I guess you're not there yet.”
Instead of verbally answering, you planted a sweet kiss on his head, right where small, grey hairs had started growing.
“I’m not good with words.”
“That’s alright.” He snuck his hands under your back, holding you tightly as a sudden need to nurture you took over him. The mature image he had of you faded in less than a second, leaving behind a young, troubled woman. “I’ll shower quickly so we can go see your pops. I bet we’ll get along just fine, maybe even go golfing when he wakes up.”
“I forgot you're almost the same age. Creepy.” He smiled, though uneasiness started steering in his guts.
“Does that bother you?” He asked without giving it a second thought.
“I don't know yet.”
The man with high cheekbones and bruised skin laid limp on the hospital bed. Yoonoh had been working on his case for about a month, yet, it only started feeling real the moment he entered the room.
“This is my dad.” All emotions had escaped your eyes as if your soul wasn't there anymore. Only an empty shell.
“You look so much like him.” he was afraid touching you wouldn't be the right thing to do, so instead, he said: “He seems like a suitable golf buddy.”
Tension finally loosened its grip around his body as you snorted, pigment returning to your cheeks. Finally, he wrapped his hand around yours.
“He will wake up, y/n.”
“He’s taking his sweet time.” You glanced back at the laying figure, skinnier with every day he spent asleep. “I want someone to pay for taking away the last person that loved me.”
The last person that loved you. Would Yoonoh be able to fill that spot? Not yet, probably. He couldn't modify the depth of his feelings, but he could surely give you the vengeance you longed.
“Do you trust me?” With your eyes still glued to your father, you nodded. “Then I can assure you we’ll win the case.”
“I know we will.”
He sat silently with you, holding your hand without saying a word. The smell of alcohol and the beeping noise of machines made him nauseous. He hated hospitals. You noticed the change in his demeanor, his hand becoming cold while holding yours with strength.
“Do you wanna go?”
“No!” He smiled through the pain, scooting his chair closer to lay your hand on his lap.
He wouldn't agree to get his ass off the plastic chair. You had to tell him you were hungry for him to finally stand up, still clutching your hand like your father did when you were still a kid. His parental behavior caused several emotions to stir inside your guts, so mixed up you couldn't quite put a finger on any of them.
“What do you want to eat?” The tension finally left his body once out of the building.
“Soup.” You smiled while swiping your thumb on top of his knuckles. “I know a place, but to be honest, it isn't good. So we can go to the store and get the ingredients to- but you can't cook.”
“I’m up for a cooking lesson if you are.” He wanted to see your pretty smile again. Maybe making a fool of himself would help. “Let’s hit the road.”
“Wow, so cool.”
“I know.”
“Can you grab that can of chicken broth?” You pointed at the high shelf, letting go of Yoonoh’s hand to allow him to move freely
“I have a better idea.” He dragged you by the arm so you were standing in front of him, trapped between his body and the shelf. “I’ll lift you so you can reach it.” Matching his words, his hands grasped your waist, ready to carry you.
“Stop!” You slapped his hands repeatedly between giggles. Ignoring your complaints, he started lifting you. “Yoonoh!”
“Yoonoh?” A feminine voice had him placing you back on your feet in less than a second.
“Seryeong, I didn't expect to see you here.” His hands remained seated on the curve of your waist.
“Neither did I. I was surprised when Sungchan told me you'd left early yesterday.” She seemed a bit older than you but still younger than the man behind you.
“I had some matters to take care of.” She eyed you from head to toes with a smug grin plastered on her lips. Just by the look of her clothes, you could tell she was as wealthy as Yoonoh. You feared the scene would turn into a tv worthy drama.
“I’ll go get the chicken breast.” You tried escaping his grip, only to be pulled closer to his warmth.
“No need to. It's already inside the cart.”
Why am I so dumb?
“Does your father know about your little girlfriend?” She asked without hesitation.
“I guess.”
“And why didn't he tell me anything?” She cocked an eyebrow, his hands finally loosening around your body and allowing you to move from your position.
“Look, this is something you should talk about with him. Now, if you excuse us...” With a hand on your shoulder, he began pushing the cart to the next aisle, the chicken broth long forgotten.
“Is this some kind of arranged marriage situation?”
“Something like that.” His hands were tense while holding the cart, knuckles turning white from the strength used. “Before you start asking, I'm not really in the mood and I don't want to direct my bad mood toward you. Let's talk about something else, alright?”
Who was that woman that had the power to turn him into a literal raging ball of fire with just a few words?
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rehkkuma · 3 years
she's all yours | okuyasu x reader
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summary: unlike his partner in crime, Okuyasu lacked experience in the dating field. Once he believes that he may have a chance with his crush, his best friend begins to get in the way.
words: 1.8k
disclaimers/tags: fem pronouns, modern AU (basically just phones being involved), tiny bit of angst, fluff, and cursing.
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He was staring again. The poor 16-year-old boy couldn't help but notice every single detail about her: the slight tilt in her walk whenever she went up the stairs, how she would tie her shoes, and the unfortunate glint of light in her eyes whenever she spoke with his best friend.
Y/n L/n was someone extremely special to him (whether she knew it or not). She could read his expressions so clearly, sometimes knowing more about Okuyasu than Okuyasu did himself. The emotions he couldn't quite put his finger on, she always had an answer to. At times, he felt undeserving of the friendship he had with her. After coming to terms with his developing feelings for the girl, of course she began to get closer with his best friend.
He was painfully aware of the difference in treatment he received compared to Josuke. While Josuke could be referenced as Morioh's pretty-boy delinquent, Okuyasu was more like the intimidating ruffian that stood by his side. Obviously, Y/n did not think of Okuyasu in that way, but her perception of him didn't matter if he was considered nothing more than a friend.
"Hey," Josuke called out, concerned for his friend.
"Y-Yeah?" Okuyasu stuttered, trying to regain his thoughts.
"Whatcha lookin' at?"
Okuyasu silently thanked Y/n for standing in a crowd with other students. If she stood any further from the school's front entrance, it would've been easy for Josuke to pinpoint who he was eyeing.
"Nothing, really. Just thought I saw a cute girl."
Josuke shrugged his shoulders, repositioning himself so his back laid more comfortably against the tree. "Well, if you do see one, ask 'em out or somethin'. I wanna see you have your first kiss before we graduate," he chuckled.
"Mhm, yup," Okuyasu responded, eyes now glued to the grass he was sitting on. He was about to spew out a self-deprecating joke but stopped himself once he noticed Y/n approaching the two of them. Immediately, he recognized Josuke's energy shift from disinterest to eagerness.
"Y/n!" Josuke cheerfully said, waving at the girl.
"Hi, you two!" she waved back. Once coming close enough, she sat down along with the boys, her knees lacing together in a criss-cross position. Because of the short distance between her and Okuyasu, the boy could smell the flowery essence emitting off of her body. He wasn't too fond of fragrances, but the one Y/n had was light and sweet-- perfectly suiting her personality.
Before he knew it, Okuyasu was staring again. The only thing that got him to snap back into reality was the cry of laughter Y/n let out after Josuke made a funny remark.
"Did you hear that Okuyasu?" Y/n choked out, leaning back with both hands on her stomach.
"Y-Yeah." Okuyasu fake laughed, really having no clue what the hell was going on.
"God," Y/n sighed as she wiped off the faint tears forming in her eyes. "I wish I could hang out with you guys a bit longer, but I just wanted to drop by and say hi. I gotta help out with some chores tonight."
"It's all good," Josuke smiled. "But only if you promise to call me tonight."
The girl rolled her eyes while getting up from the ground. "We'll have to see about that, Jojo!" She then stuck her tongue out before scurrying off to her house.
Josuke chuckled, slowly placing his chin on the palm of his hand. "She's pretty cute, isn't she?" he said, eyes glued to the girl's figure in the distance.
"Yeah, she sure is."
* * *
Okuyasu could remember the first time he met her as clear as day: his hands were tucked deep into his pockets, feet dragging along the sidewalk while he was on his way to school. Unlike his regular routine, Josuke was unable to walk with him due to an argument breaking out between him and his mother. It seemed like a bummer at the moment, but maybe it was actually a blessing in disguise.
In front of Okuyasu's feet laid a girl. Her uniform was stained with a bright red juice and its can rolled next to her. He didn't recall exactly what happened, but he did feel someone's face hit his chest before hearing a thud.
"I didn't get any on you, did I?" the girl asked with panic.
Okuyasu, hands still in his pockets, shook his head. "Mnn. Don't think you did."
"Okay, thank God. These stains are so hard to get rid of."
That was one of the first things that Okuyasu remembered from Y/n. Her casual way of talking was enough to make any stranger feel like a good friend. Something about this girl piqued his interest.
"Guess it's not your first time, huh?" he hummed.
"You'd think I'd learn my lesson after the third time."
After the small accident, Okuyasu took the girl to the laundromat. Classes would begin in any minute, but neither one of the pair minded skipping it.
"Oi, what're you gonna be wearin' in the meantime? Don'tcha think the teacher's gonna kick your ass for showing up like that?" Okuyasu pointed at the revealing tank top she wore.
"Yeah, definitely. That's why you should totally let me borrow your top," she winked.
"Don't get too ahead of yourself. I don't even have a clue on what your name is."
"L/n." she replied crassly. "It's Y/n L/n."
That was several months ago. Since then, their relationship started to significantly grow. From sending short texts to sharing a few inside jokes, to hanging out every other day after school. In Okuyasu's eyes, it was inevitable for him to fall for a girl like her.
Right before he could spill about his crush to his best friend, Josuke had already introduced himself to her. It crushed Okuyasu to see the girl he loves slowly start to move on from him-- to his own best friend nevertheless.
All of his frustrations were best to be kept to himself. No way could he express his jealousy to Josuke or Y/n. Out of all the girls that fawned over Josuke, why did she have to be one of them?
Okuyasu rolled his body to the other side of his bed. On a nightstand was his phone that rang. The alarm was just loud enough to break through the pessimistic thoughts roaring through his brain.
"Who's this?" he asked, too lazy to check the contact number.
"It's me, Okuyasu! Why, is it that hard to use a second of your time to check the contact name?"
He recognized that voice anywhere. It was her.
"Aw, look. I was in bed, alright?" he smiled, feeling his mood change immediately after speaking with her.
A small giggle echoed from the other end of the phone. "Alright! I wasn't here to nag you all night anyways." The girl then cleared her throat with a cough before soon speaking again. "I was thinking we should hang out tomorrow. For ice cream, maybe. Just us."
Small butterflies began to form in his stomach from hearing the last sentence. "Just us" had never sounded better.
"Sounds good to me."
"Great!" she nearly interrupted. "A-Ah, sorry! I just got excited. It feels like we've been parting ways the past couple of weeks, but I promise tomorrow's gonna make up for it!"
"It's alright," Okuyasu sighed. "See you tomorrow?"
"See you tomorrow!" she repeated.
* * *
Was it just Okuyasu or did she look way cuter today? The makeup she wore differed from the one she usually had on, her accessories managed to compliment her eyes even more, and she even put an effort into customizing her uniform like Josuke and Okuyasu despite expressing her laziness multiple times. She looked like an absolute doll.
"Hmph." She huffed. "You've been doing that a lot lately," she said flatly.
"Doing what?"
"Staring at me like I'm some crazy person."
Okuyasu internally panicked for a few seconds but composed himself. "You just look pretty lately, that's all."
He expected a cheeky comeback in return but was left with a bashful smile from her instead.
"Let's just hurry up and get ice cream..." she said, eyes faced to the ground.
Okuyasu nodded at her suggestion and began to walk, making sure his pace wasn't too fast for Y/n. He'd occasionally give a glance at her direction to know if he was walking at a comfortable speed for her.
Several minutes of walking and a few casual conversations later, the duo made it to the ice cream shop. Y/n ordered a mix of her two favourite flavours while Okuyasu ordered two scoops of mocha almond fudge. Feeling a bit more gentleman-like today, Okuyasu insisted on paying for the both of them.
"Thanks for the ice cream!" the girl said, taking a small lick of the cone. "I feel like the more I hang out with you, the more things I owe you back," she chuckled as the two left the shop.
"Don't sweat it. Hangin' out with you's enough for me." Okuyasu smiled.
"Ah, really?" she blushed. "That's... really sweet of you."
There she did it again. No witty comeback. Just a flustered reply.
"Somethin' up with you? Eat something bad today?" he asked.
"You're just actin' a bit different, that's all. Not sayin' it's bad though. I kinda like it." Okuyasu continued to walk on the sidewalk but stopped once he realized Y/n was frozen still. "Hey, you comin'?"
Y/n began to slowly jog her way to Okuyasu. When she caught up with him, she paused once more, now looking into the young boy's eyes. "I feel like you don't hear yourself talk sometimes," she said. "I can't tell if you're flirting or you're just naturally this oblivious."
He didn't know how to respond. He was starting to get nervous from how close their faces were. If he wanted to, he could practically count each beauty mark on her face.
"Well?" she said.
"Well..." Okuyasu tried to come up with something but found himself paying more attention to the girl's lips. They looked plush and soft with a slight glossy coat from the ice cream.
Eventually, the girl noticed where he was looking at. Slowly, she closed the already small gap between the two.
"Okuyasu," she breathed out with a gentle tone. "I really like you."
"I-" he stuttered. "Not Josuke?"
"Josuke?" She covered her mouth with the back of her hand and chuckled. "I don't know what you think is going on between us, but it's not that. He's not exactly my type either."
Okuyasu couldn't believe what he was hearing. Before he could say anything back, he felt her lips against his right cheek. It was a delicate kiss. Maybe a bit sticky, but it made his heart do several backflips nevertheless.
Once her lips left his skin, she stood awkwardly in front of him. The way she looked up at his eyes with that lovestruck gaze made Okuyasu realize something he didn't before: he wouldn't need to jealous of other guys. It was clear that Y/n L/n was all his.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
Kickstart My Heart Pt.1 (Racer! Yeosang)
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Pairing: Racer! Kang Yeosang × Waitress/Fuckgirl! Reader (Female)
Genre: Fluff, Angst, 80s AU.
Summary: During an era known for its vibrant colors, eccentric fashion styles and rise of new yet unconventional genres of music, the young generation of that time was infamously known for their need to rebel and live their lives rather scandalously and Y/N is no exception. So when a new and attractive man moves into her town, she has her eyes set on making him her next boy toy.
Word Count: 4K+
Warnings: Dumb attempts at crackhead humor, reader is a cold hearted bitch, guy gets dumped in public, reader's friend is lowkey creepy.
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Throwing on the last article of clothing that had been discarded the night before, the young woman shook out her hair, still damp from the quick shower she just took. Picking up her bag, she looked over at the figure still sleeping soundly, the subtle hint of a smile on his face. With a pitied pout on her lips, she walked over to the edge where his face was. Taking out the lipstick tube from her bag, she applied it all over her lips, painting them in the dark burgundy color that she fancied so much and had practically become her signature hue. Bending over, she pressed her lips against the corners of his mouth, giving him the faintest whisper of a kiss before pulling away. A satisfied smirk was plastered on her pretty features as she stared at the lipstick mark on his face, the only memoir she'd leave him with as she had done with countless others.
Closing the front door behind her, she pulled her denim jacket tighter on her body, shivering slightly from the early dawn's breeze that blew across. It was always like that even though summer had just begun, the early morning hours still feeling obnoxiously cool and then transpiring into slightly uncomfortably warm afternoons that had more than one soul in that quaint town grumbling and fussing about the weather. But oh did the evenings feel absolutely refreshing, and that's when everything would start bustling to life.
Having finally made it out of that small residential area and finding one of the main roads that helped her locate where to go, she started heading south towards the all too familiar diner where she had been working in ever since her school days, first starting part time and eventually transpiring to full time when it came time for her to spread her wings and fly out on her own, a feat she had been most anxious to do to get away from the overly controlling nature of her parents. She knew they cared about her, but she herself cared very little about the morals and principles they had raised her with, a common trait all the young people in that town shared: their rebellious and headstrong nature to not conform and go against everything they had been taught thus far. Live their own lives as freely as they chose to do.
And she definitely lived as she wanted to, even if it ended up with a rather bad reputation and ugly labels that rather than infuriate her, she openly embraced, as others had come to as well.
The light twinkle of the bells above the glass door let the person at the register know someone came in and they immediately plastered on their business smile, which quickly faded when they saw who it was.
"You're late Y/N." The minuscule raven haired waitress informed her, eyes never leaving her coworker's figure that came behind the counter and started punching in her number.
"Only by like 7 minutes." She waved her slip at the nonchalant looking girl before placing it back in its respective slot.
"One day it wouldn't surprise me if you just didn't show up because you got too caught up in.... something else."
Chuckling softly, Y/N walked up behind her coworker, hands coming up to ruffle the cheekbone level bob cut hair framing her unusually small face.
"Awww come on Lynn, you know I'd never leave you hanging here to attend customers by yourself. You're my bestie." Y/N assured her, playfully poking her lips out as she tried to place a kiss on her friend, the poor girl craning her neck away as she tended to dislike physical affection.
"I will squirt ketchup on you." Lynn threatened as she picked up the cherry red bottle as a last resort to get her attacker to back away. A rather noisy struggle ensued between both girls, catching the attention of the owner and cook behind the two doors, prompting her to come out and see what was the cause of such ruckus.
"Well I'll be darned. I don't remember paying you youngsters to simply slack off and behave like the hooligans you are." The middle aged woman spoke up, her thick accent becoming more prominent. Although she had a stern look and hands placed at her hips, the girls knew she was not in reality angry at them.
Looking over at the recently arrived girl, the owner closed her eyes and sighed deeply when she took in the attire she was wearing: low cut white tank, ripped denim shorts that left little to the imagination if she bent down, fishnet tights with a few holes in them, and her beloved denim jacket that was almost always on Y/N's body.
"I swear to god, Y/N , everytime I see you wear them rags you call clothes, I feel like my body is about to collapse. Why must you insist on dressing like a common street worker?"
Y/N wasn't at all offended by her words, having grown used to and becoming fond of her boss's abrupt, direct and honest manner of speaking.
"Gotta start looking the part if I'm going to dedicate my life to the occupation." She giggled at her own joke, resulting in the older woman taking the rag off her apron and smacking her with it.
"This little runt, talking nonsense like that- get your ass back in there and change into your uniform. Can't have you prancing around here in those skimpy clothes and have all these men that come here say disrespectful things about you. Nuh uh, not to my girls." She shook her head.
"Yes Miss Audrey." Complying with the woman's wishes, she pushed open the swing doors leading to the back and quickly made her way to the corner where all the employee's cubicles were located. Grabbing the necessary items, she turned and went inside the bathroom to change into her uniform, consisting of a knee length crimson red dress, which she had actually altered so it would be shorter and display her thighs more, the cap sleeves slightly puffed up and the torso part had a trail of white buttons going all the way up to the modest v-neckline, usually most buttons were left undone so her cleavage would shamelessly peak out. Exchanging her black Doc Martens in favor of her white Nike sneakers, Y/N tied her apron around her waist, making sure it was as tight as possible so it would accentuate her curves and give her body a more flattering appearance. As she made her way out, she quickly piled her hair up before securing it with one of the many elastics she kept around her wrists, leaving out a few tendrils to fall on her temples.
Coming back out to start her daily work, she stood in front of Lynn, who merely spared her an unamused glance.
"How do I look?" Y/N asked.
"Like a total slut." Her friend answered in her usually rude way.
Rolling her eyes, Y/N grabbed a spray bottle and a rag. Making her way over to the table that had just finished being used, she quickly picked up the plates and glass, bringing them back over to where Lynn was, who took them so she could wash them in the sink. Spraying the top of the marble piece, she had began her task of wiping down the table when the ringing of the bell signaled new customers had arrived, and rowdy ones at that too.
"Damn! Is today's special fluffy sponge cake? Cause I would sure love a piece of that ass."
Y/N recognized that annoying voice even from miles away, belonging to none other than one of her old classmates, Jung Wooyoung, whom she considered a friend, if he didn't manage to irk her too much. Turning around, she of course wasn't surprised to see him surrounded by his crew of equally idiotic and adrenaline junkie friends, whom she had to admit were pleasant and fun to hang out with.
"Sit your asses down already, I'll be over in a minute to take your order." She told them before resuming her previous task, earning a scoff from the most dramatic of the group.
"Fine customer service! Don't think you'll be getting a tip from me." His words made her nearly burst into a fit of giggles.
"Wooyoung please, you never ever tip whenever you come. None of you, except Yunho." It kinda saddened her that said male unfortunately wasn't there with them at the moment.
"He doesn't tip you, he tips short stack over there." His friend with cat like eyes pointed towards Lynn, who upon overhearing him held up a rather explicit finger in his direction.
"I'll poison your food San." She threatened with a sing song tone.
"Like I wouldn't know that you already spit on it." San spat back, sticking his tongue out in his immature and infantile fashion.
"Can you guys hurry up and order already? I'm starving and we gotta head to the tracks as early as possible." The fiery red haired male known as Song Mingi blurted out, fingers tapping impatiently against the top of the table.
"If little miss g-string would care to hop her luscious ass over here, maybe we could."
Strutting over to where they sat, Y/N harshly threw the dirty rag on Wooyoung's face, causing a faint grunt to come out of his mouth.
"No matter how many times you mention my ass, I'm still not letting you tap it." She firmly stated, making Wooyoung slightly purse his lips outwards in a disappointed grimace.
"So anygays-" Mingi began.
"Umm I think you mean anyways." San corrected him.
Leaning in towards him, Mingi locked eyes on the shorter male and stared him down with an intimidating glare.
"Did I stutter Choi?"
San immediately shook his head rapidly. With a victory smile, Mingi reclined back in his seat.
"I'm just going to get the breakfast platter with some orange juice."
Y/N couldn't stifle her snort when he said his choice of drink, the other two men looking away in embarrassment.
"You've been drinking orange juice since you were in grade school Mingles, don't you think you outta start taking something more grown up? Like coffee?" San suggested and Mingi did not appreciate it.
"Coming from the one who still brings a plushie to sleep with him, your suggestion holds no value or power." He retorted.
"OK SHIBER IS NOT A PLUSHIE, HE'S FAMILY YOU JACKASS!" San sprinted up from his seat, nearly leaning across to grab Mingi by the color, but he was held back by Wooyoung.
Lynn, who had thus far stayed quiet, promptly came up with a spray bottle and consequently doused the untamed boy on his face.
"Bad kitty, bad kitty." She reprimanded him, unable to resist the opportunity to attack her long time frenemy.
"Lynn!" Y/N looked at her with surprise.
"You're welcome." Lynn replied rather monotone before going back to her place behind the counter like she didn't just spray San with disinfecting water.
"There's too many germs going around anyways..." She muttered under her breath.
Without any further interruptions, aside from the rumbling coming out of the boys' stomachs, they finished ordering what they wanted and Y/N sent it over so they could be prepared. Not wanting to be near their loud asses, Y/N went back over to where Lynn was, peeking over to see what she was currently reading in the magazine she held.
"What you reading?" She casually inquired.
"Horoscope section." Y/N wasn't surprised, her friend tended to be into more mystical, eccentric and rather.....extreme with her taste in fashion and music. If Y/N was the one who turned heads for her scandalous attire, Lynn was the one people turned away from in fear when they saw how she dressed. It was a sight that truly made both of them laugh at people's foolishness, well at least made Y/N laugh. Her friend rarely had any other expression plastered on that wasn't utter disdain for society and life.
Unexpectedly, another customer came in. Both girls looked at each other in confusion when neither of them recognized him. Their town was rather small with few people living there, so they deduced that he must be a traveler who probably got lost on his route. He himself looked around nervously, eyes barely lifting up. Y/N couldn't help herself as she took in his perfect face. Big, round eyes with crystal clear orbs, small face with a V-line jaw, perfectly sculpted nose with no sign of defects, skin smooth and blemish free, he looked like a prince out of a fairytale. He was incredibly pretty, yet stood there so awkwardly that it was almost comical.
"Hey Yeosang! You made it! Sit down! I ordered for you in advanced!" Wooyoung surprised both girls when it seemed he knew the stranger and even waved him over to where they sat. The other two boys also seem familiarized with him and welcomed him to sit with them, chatting up a storm already with him.
"Who's that?" Lynn was the one to finally ask out loud.
"Beats me.....but he sure is adorable."
Noticing the way her lips curled upwards, Lynn could already see the wheels inside Y/N's head turning.
"And I bet you're going to go over there and find out- aaand there you go." She ended up answering her own deduction as she watched Y/N happily walked over with a more bright expression on her face, that soon soured when her boss came out of the kitchen and beat her over to the table, laying down several plates of food.
"I knew as soon as I saw the orders that it had to be the lot of you." She scoffed softly as she looked at the boys' grinning faces.
"You know us Miss Audrey, we wouldn't ever think of eating anywhere else but here. You're the best cook in all of town." Wooyoung praised her with a sparkling charm that could have fooled anyone else but not the robust woman in front of him.
"Boy stop trying to tickle my ears, I've known you since you were in your soiled diapers being carried around by your mama, running around and creating chaos anywhere you went. Flattery may work on them poor girls you play with but me? I can see right through ruffians like you."
Turning her head to finally notice the new addition to the group, she looked him up and down.
"Boy who might you be?" She questioned him, earning the ears of the girls nearby to listen in for any valuable information.
"I'm..... Yeosang Kang, nice to meet you." He introduced himself, tilting his head slightly down when he said that.
"He just moved into town this week! He's the new guy who is going to work with us down at the car shop and help on the race track!" San enthusiastically shouted, making the older woman cringe.
"I may be old, but I still haven't gone deaf for you to yell in such a way boy. So...." She crossed her arms and looked at Yeosang again.
"You a racer too?"
Now the girls, particularly Y/N, were more interested in what his response would be.
"I- yes. So it seems." The poor boy looked so flustered, obviously being more of a soft spoken individual, contrasting starkly to the other 3 boys.
Miss Audrey let out a seemingly displeased hum at his answer.
"As if we needed anymore hooligans running wild. We already got enough with the 3 Stooges over here."
The girls couldn't help but snicker at their boss's words, always having a blast whenever she put the boys back in their place. They however looked displeased, glaring at them intensely.
"Shouldn't you both be off somewhere cleaning dishes or making sandwiches?"
Snatching one of the knifes, Lynn held it up and was about to jump over, but Y/N came up in front of her.
"Lynn, no. Just calm down ok? You know they're just being idiots." Y/N reminded her.
Grumbling something in a foreign language no one knew for sure if it was real or not, Lynn put the knife back, squinting her eyes at them before turning around to not look at them again. Y/N giggled softly, finding it absolutely cute whenever her friend lost her cool and collected form cause it reminded her of a chihuahua, barking and yelping at anything larger than itself trying to establish dominance.
Noticing that in her display of aggression, Lynn had inadvertently knocked over a few of the brochures that were on display for people to take, Y/N stooped down and proceeded to pick them up in a casual manner. Standing up, she neatly arranged them properly, making sure they all faced the same direction and the sides weren't poking out anywhere. Feeling as though someone had been watching her all along, she looked at the table of boys, half expecting Wooyoung's smug grin to greet her, but she was completely wrong as it was none other than the new guy who seemed unable to keep his eyes off her figure, staring intently at the length of her skirt. When he realized she noticed, his eyes went wide, cheeks burning up with utter embarrassment. Y/N however seemed unbothered by this. Wanting to test something, she pretended to accidentally drop one of the pamphlets. Bending over, she made sure he could get a perfect glimpse of her cleavage, if he payed enough attention, he'd be able to see that she was in fact, not wearing any bra. Coming back up, Y/N looked over to see the results, smirking when the agape mouth of Yeosang confirmed to her that he had indeed noticed everything.
"Oh sweetheart, you're gonna be too easy..." She had already made up in her mind that Yeosang would be her next target, and she had to put her plan in action. Placing the brochures down, she was about to go over and start flirting with him, until a familiar voice called for her.
"Y/N! There you are!"
She internally groaned when she heard him, wondering why on earth did he not get the hint of ditching him like that, especially when he very well knew about the reputation she had. She tried ignoring him, but of course, he had had to be the persistent type, no doubt thinking he was going to have a different ending than the rest before him.
"I thought you'd be here. You could have told me you were going to be gone early. I would have made you breakfast."
Knowing she had to say something, Y/N grabbed her pad and gave him the fakest smile she was capable of donning.
"Hi, what can we get started for you today? Waffles? Eggs and bacon? Coffee to start off with?"
The trio of friends, having no choice but to witness the interaction due to it happening right in front of them, snickered amongst themselves.
"Oh shit. He's in for it." San whispered lowly.
The boy obviously looked extremely confused, his smile lightly falling off, but then returning to its hopeful state.
"Why are you acting like this candy bear? Pretending like you don't know me?" When he tried to reach a hand to pull her close, the girl simply pushed him away with one of her fingers.
"Look, clearly you're too stupid to understand so let me spell it out in a language you can understand." Letting out a tired sigh, she crossed her arms in front of her chest, a sour look displaying on her pretty face.
"We had a nice time together, and last night was... average to put it nicely."
"Oh man. That was a total burn." Mingi couldn't help but snort, some of the orange juice being spit back into his glass.
"But that was all it was and all it's ever going to be. So why don't you do yourself a favor and just go back home to your Star Trek figurines and watch the latest episode of Thunder Cats?"
The not so discreet snickering coming from the table behind them only made the humiliation for the man multiply significantly. Turning red with utter despair and rage, he quickly brushed past Y/N rather brusquely.
"Fucking bitch." She heard him mutter under his breath, a phrase she had grown accustomed to hearing among many others.
"Oh god. Homegirl struck again." Wooyoung laughed, swirling his milkshake in his hand.
"Ayo why you gotta do Thunder Cats like that? It's actually pretty entertaining." San commented.
Looking over at the time, the guys quickly stood up, dropping their share of bills onto the table.
"You guys get paid today too right? Come meet up with us at the track." Wooyoung suggested.
"Why on earth would we want to go see your greasy, oil smelling ass after dealing for nearly an hour with you already?" Lynn questioned him, eyes never peering up from her magazine.
"Because Yunho would be there?"
Still she didn't respond, the only movement made was her finger turning the page.
"Bro we been knew she don't give two shits about him." Mingi reminded them.
"Because we're going to the drive in theater after work, they're playing a horror movie."
Lifting her gaze, Lynn closed the magazine, although still stone faced, her eyes seemed to brighten up.
"My interest has been greatly piqued." Her lips showed the faintest whisper of a smile that gave a rather eerie and chilling feel down the people's spines.
"Maybe we should rethink inviting Satan's offspring." San leaned in towards Mingi, shivering significantly.
"Great! So we'll catch you gals later."
The boys quickly dispersed themselves, save Yeosang who still sat quietly, keeping mostly to himself. His fingers fidgeted with the half drunk cup he was holding, gaze fixed on the table in front of him. Looking up, he was attempting to work up the courage to talk to Y/N, but before he could even get the chance to gather strength, the owner came out from the back, whispering a few orders to her and gesturing for her to go tend to a situation in the kitchen. With a defeated sigh, he got up to go join the rest of the gang outside who were waiting for him. Slumping his hands in the pockets of his pants, he moved out of the booth with a solemn gaze.
His steps came to a screeching halt when he heard Y/N call out to him. Looking over, she smiled sweetly in his direction.
"Hope I see you later." With a flirtatious wink, she bid him goodbye as she disappeared into the back.
Yeosang stood there stunned momentarily, replaying her words over and over again in his mind, pondering endlessly at their meaning.
"Little pussy cat sure got you brain dead, didn't she?"
Startled by the unexpected voice next to him, he jumped when the face of the kind yet stern old lady studied him carefully. With a disapproving shake of her head, she decided it'd be best to warn him before he started getting ideas in his head.
"Listen, you seem like a sweet and sensible young man, so it's best for you to listen to me and stay away from that darn girl. Don't let them sugar coated lips of hers sweet talk themselves into your heart. You'll just end up heart broken like all the lovers she's had."
Picking up some of the plates, she gave him one last look, pointing an accusatory finger at him to get her point across.
"She's dangerous." Finally saying what she needed to say, Miss Audrey headed back with plates in her arms, slapping away Lynn's hands when they attempted to pry them off her, barking instructions at her to watch the counter and leave her be.
"Dangerous....." Yeosang thought to himself, the warning the good intended woman gave him sinking deep in his mind. Although he took her words to heart, something about the way she glanced at him pulled at the strings in his chest, taking his breath away when he remembered the risque position she was in that purposely allowed him to view more than he should have. That memory tinted his cheeks pink, lips unable to suppress a small smile. He knew that he should heed the old woman's advice.
But he had to admit that he loved danger and the thrill it came with.........
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Taglist: @little-precious-baby @yunhofingers @brie02 @galaxteez @multidreams-and-desires @deja-vux @hanatiny @couchpotatoaniki @daniblogs164 @a-soft-hornytiny @yunsangoveryonder @minhyukmyluv @nanamarkie @ateezbabysitters @mingismoon @rainteez02
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Horror Villains x Reader || Reactions
Reacting to: Reader getting slipped a love potion so whoever they see first, they fall madly in absolute and total love and adoration of. They first see Slasher. Notes: Yep, I've been watching scenes of Strange Magic. This is because of that. I definitely recommend listening to a version of 'I Cant Help Myself (Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch)' while reading XD I'm listening to the Jessica Mauboy cover! ^^
Warnings: Definitely non con elements (Not sexual though) Characters Included: Billy Loomis, Bubba Sawyer, (Mayor) Buckman, Carrie White, Chucky / Charles Lee Ray, Chop Top Sawyer, Drayton Sawyer, Freddy Krueger, Jennifer Check, (Sheriff), Hoyt, Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, Patrick Bateman, Pennywise (OG), Stu Macher and Thomas Hewitt.
Billy Loomis:
🎶'I can't help myself'🎶
What kinda - bullshit- leave me the fuck alone-
Honestly he's trying to get the hell away from you (As you tail him) while Stu's at the side texting you where they're gonna be and laughing his bloody ass off when you turn up and Billy suddenly sprints to the bathroom.
Bubba Sawyer:
🎶'Sugar pie, honey bunch You know that I love you'🎶
Oh my gosh, the moment you expression changes from one of fear and disgust, to wide eyed adoration and you start fawning over him?? He has no idea what to d o. Oh, the poor baby XDD
Like, he's just hugging his chainsaw to him as you get up close and touch his shoulders and fix his tie and follow him around and he doesn't r e a l l y mind, cuz its not like you're hurting him, but he is just confused. He's searching for Drayton. Like he'll have any answers, pft.
(Mayor) Buckman:
🎶'I can't help myself I love you and nobody else'🎶
-I'm sorry, what now? Beg your pardon, there?
As soon as he recognises that sparkly, attentive look on your eyes he's slightly baffled. I mean, he's used to being loved - his town a d o r e their mayor, - so he isn't quite as lost as Bubba is or even Billy, but- he just had your friends killed? Sweetheart are you in your right mind?
I can see him sorta, awkwardly starting to treat your a little better then your friends. What?? He'd feel just awful being terrible to someone who 'loves', him! I mean you'll still die probably, but you can stand by him until its time. Self absorbed prick
Carrie White:
🎶'In and out my life You come and you go Leaving just your picture behind And I kissed it a thousand times'🎶
(*^^*) I'm sorry (*^^*) What? (*^^*)
Oh my gosh she's a mess. What do you mean by calling her Sugar Pie? Honey bunch? Sweetheart? Cutie!?!?
She's going to run away my guy, she's going to flee. She is not used to this kind of attention (Or any at all, for that matter) and you've flustered her. She doesn't believe you're just making fun of her though (Since you're just so... adoring. She intense. So in love- this cant possibly be an act) though at least, so there's that.
Just calm. down. bitch. You're going to scare her.
Chucky / Charles Lee Ray:
🎶'When you snap your finger or wink your eye I come a-running to you I'm tied to your apron strings And there's nothing that I can do'🎶
Depends- as a human or a Good Guy?
As a human he might be a bit more reserved about the whole thing and a whole lot more confused like... is this a joke? That's a gun in my pocket, not somethin' else if that's what you're thinkin'. You gettin' off on this? What? What's the deal, here?
As a doll though it TOTALLY goes to his head. You just took this bastards ego man and shot it up with some steroids. Like yes- they even want me when I'm plastic. That's fuckin' right.
I would say, 'No way hosay, he's fleeing- he's got a hot ass wife already!! But that has never really stopped our asshole gremlin man so...
Chop Top Sawyer:
🎶'I can't help myself No, I can't help myself'🎶
*Drayton from somewhere else in the part* 'YOU'RE WHAT?!'
Yep. No getting outta this now. You're getting married to him. Enjoy.
Drayton Sawyer:
🎶''Cause sugar pie, honey bunch I'm weaker than a man should be I can't help myself'🎶
*Cough* me *cough*
I mean... *awkward cough cough's*... what?
Oh boy, Drayton is awkward. And PINK. Why're you looking at him like that? Why are you running your fingers through his hair? Why're
Like Bog in Strange Magic I think Drayton would set you aside from the rest of the victims for a while, until whatever's gotten into you has worn off at least. And begrudgingly take care of you- and try to tell you that your feelings are just whatever poison's jacked you up- and to please calm down- you wont want this old boy when your senses are back-
Gosh, he's too cute. I love him a lot.
Freddy Krueger:
🎶'I'm a fool in love, you see Wanna tell you I don't love you Tell you that we're through And I've tried Every time I see your face I get all choked up inside'🎶
Hmmmmm~ What'd you just call him?~
You're playing fire here babes-
And by that I mean he's going to push you until he finds the limit to this potion- for fun. Will you still 'love' him if he leads you off a cliff?~ If he carves his name into your back? If he forces this disgusting sludge down your throat? Will you do aaaanything for him?~ How about killing your friend over there?
Jennifer Check:
🎶'When I call your name Girl, it starts a flame'🎶
Yeah, I mean of course, who doesn't, bye-
This is not shocking to her XD She's hot and amazing, she knows, alright? Shoo.
Depends- are you a dude? Cis or trans- a dudes a dude. And if you are a dude, she is going to take this admiration and use it to her advantage.
If you are not a guy, though, you'll probably get off easy, with an eyeroll as she stalks off. Maybe even a smirk.
(Sheriff) Hoyt:
🎶'Burning in my heart, tearing it all apart No matter how I try, my love I cannot hide'🎶
... Is this a trick? You fucker-
Paranoid military man kills you immediately because he thinks this is a ploy to survive and hurt his family.
Jason Voorhees:
🎶'Sugar pie, honey bunch You know that I'm waiting for you (waiting for you)'🎶
Mmmmmm... 😐 this is new territory... he really doesn't know what to do, here...
Uhh... he may lower his weapon, and tilt his head; Silently asking his mother what to do in this situation as he assesses you- you and your own tilted head, corner of your mouth tilted up as you look up (UP UP UP- ) at the 'love of your life'.
Tea? Do you want some (cold lake water and floor leaf) tea?
Michael Myers:
🎶'I can't help myself I love you and nobody else'🎶
Wh... what?
Not gonna lie- you threw him off, for sure when you got down on your knees and just gazed up at him. Even with blood all over him, even holding a shar knife, even with the corpse of your friend a few feet away.
But mostly his feelings are please go away you're freaking me the fuck out.
*The sound of your neck snapping*
Patrick Bateman:
🎶'Sugar pie, honey bunch I'd do anything you ask me to'🎶
How sad for you.
He really doesn't care, man. Just tries to go on with his life, even with you following him around everywhere and trying to get his attention, and being there at his every beck and call- he does enjoy having coffee whenever he wants it, though.
Pennywise (OG):
🎶'I can't help myself I want you and nobody else'🎶
Oh this is HILARIOUS.
Penny figures it out immediately and has a good laugh, as you giggle softly, awkwardly along with him (Which makes him laugh harder-). Ohhhh, you made his century.
You're gonna taste delicious, when he's done with you.
Stu Macher:
🎶'Sugar pie, honey bunch You know that I love you'🎶
Ahhhhh... say what now?
Billy cackles like an evil ferret behind him as you wrap your arms around Stu (The boy himself a slave to his hornier impulses but struggling as Billy's right there and also this is kinda rapey-). Good. he gets a taste of his own medicine now. He looks mortified. GOOD.
Thomas Hewitt:
🎶'I can't help myself No, I can't help myself'🎶
Thomas is a mix of Michael and Bubba- he's thinking but why, but also what do i do what do i do what do i do-
Like one one side, he's annoyed. Because you're geting in his way and he needs to help out his mamma and do what Hoyt tells him to, in order to keep his family safe.
But on the other- he's kind of enjoying this kind of attention.
God, someone just take the decision out of his hands.
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lalaangeldust · 3 years
𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲'𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 & 𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬
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[ 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ] : none :)
[ 𝗳𝗲𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 ] : kaminari denki // bakugo katsuki // sero hanta
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𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢 𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐤𝐢
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ah yes, the bakusquad's resident pretty boy
he would definitely be the most obvious about his crush
two words: shitty flirting
horrible pick-up lines and just overall bad flirting
he pulls through sometimes though ( with sero's advice ) and his ego inflates through the roof if he can get you flustered and blushing
but if you give him the same energy, he will immediately combust
all function out the window
congratulations, you broke denki
none of your possessions are safe when denki is within the vicinity
shirts, hoodies, skirts, hats, jewelry, hair accessories
if he can grab it, he will have it
he has worn / stolen everything in your closet at least once, if not it is most definitely his goal
it does not matter if he fits it or not, he will make it work
he has no shame
but one time he stretched out one of your favorite skirts and it tore a bit and he felt soooo bad
"it not my fault i have a fat ass, y/n"
but he brought you to the mall on a date with him to get a new one, so it's all works out ;)
denki honestly just lives to make you laugh
every time he's the reason you're laughing, it makes his chest puff up so big
if you two are close, he will without a doubt start a mock wrestling match and it always turns into a tickling fit with you pinned underneath him and wailing
but do NOT under any circumstances tickle him
he with shriek like a girl and accidentally activate his quirk
you nearly died
he's also just so infatuated with like- everything you do????
it doesn't matter how mundane you think it might be, as long as you're doing it, denki is so enthralled watching whatever it is you're doing
it's rather endearing
in all honesty, he'd probably blurt out he likes you outta no where while in the middle of a convo
he lights up every time your name is so much as mentioned
or- or
he'd be day dreaming, completely lost in his own world and someone would come up to him and ask him what he's thinking ab cus he looks basically dead to the world
still in a daze from being abruptly brought back to reality he'd just dreamily sigh, "y/n~" without even realizing
mans was SO embarrassed afterwards
face was beet red
*frantically looks around to see if you heard him or not*
bonus: love languages!!
physical touch // giving
words of affirmation // receiving
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𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢
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he's so emotionally constipated
that's not to say we wouldn't know he'd have feelings for you
he's actually pretty emotionally intelligent, and would be very perceptive of your emotions contrary to popular belief, he's just oblivious to his own feelings and emotions
he'd just ignore them
try his best to ignore you
key word try
but he always gives in and he'd make up dumb reasons to come bother you like-
he'd barge into your dorm while you're studying and he'd be like
"y/n i need a pen,"
"oh? uh ok, here you can have this one," you hand him a pen that you happened to have tucked behind your ear
"no not that one,"
"can't you go to momo and ask her to make the pen you want..?"
bakugo starts to get grumpy at this point lmao
"no, she doesn't know how to make it,"
"well, what pen do you want..??"
bakugo hesitates cus he doesn't wanna admit that he doesn't actually want a pen, he wants to be with you
"that one," he lamely points at a beat up tinkerbell pen that you've had since you were like twelve
"really?? out of all the pens you choose that one?"
"shut up and just get it"
"... you can grab it,"
he goes and grabs it and goes to walk out the door without a word and right before he leaves he leans back and looks at you
"i need a pencil"
he kept the tinkerbell pen btw
like denki, bakugo would steal things from your dorm and not just anything, things that are actually inconvenient to misplace
he'd take your bobby pin container or your favorite brush so you'd come to him to ask where it went, he'd give it back ofc but not without a fight
he'd act totally clueless and he'd wait till you actually start to get pissed to tell you where he actually put your thing
so back to how he'd actually be very aware of your emotions
he'd notice the smallest changes and can always tell when you're upset but he wouldn't exactly know how to help you
so instead of using words, he'd use actions
you had a really bad day and he walked you to your dorm and when he came in he's like
"shit, your dorm is a fucking disaster, how do you live like this," you scowl at bakugo cus like- wtf i'm rlly emotional here you're not helping
he scoffs and bends down to start picking up your shit
"seriously, i have no idea how you find anything in here, nothing is organized" and he'd just keeps grumbling like an old man while completely cleaning and reorganizing your room
dont you dare try and help him though, he will yell at you
bonus: love languages!!
acts of service // giving
quality time // receiving
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𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚
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sero SCREAMS besfriends to lovers troupe
like- you two are already practically dating without even realizing it
the romantic tension
you guys banter and flirt with eachother so often, you both have no idea whether you're serious when you jokingly call the other sexy or not
the oblivious idiots troupe
sero makes everything a competition
not nearly to extent as bakugo would, but still goes a bit over the top
he'd use anything as an excuse to show off for you
one time, like the spiderman fanboy he is, he challenged you to see who can hang upside down the longest without passing out ( literally the stupidest idea, sero, you're going to loose braincells )
sero won, obviously and he takes full advantage of bragging rights
everyone says how denki's the flirt and whatever but NO
sero is the biggest mf flirt and denki got his game from him
so with that being said, you are not safe
he respects boundaries of course but that doesn't mean he's not gonna try and test his limits a bit and mess with you
he's always trying to get you flustered
god forbid you're shorter than him because he will tease the shit outta you for it
when you two train together, mf goes on overdrive ESPECIALLY if you two happen to be sparring together
he'd hover over you and lean his face in ever so slightly while your talking to him just to get a rise outta you
"could you repeat that? i'm having a hard time hearing,"
but you also make fun of him for being tall, so it checks out
whenever he says some slick shit you're just like-
"I'm sorry, what? That's funny coming from someone who's above the national average height. you're disgusting, tall man; shrink perhaps" ( if anyone knows what tiktok audio i'm referencing, i'm in love with you )
hope you have your casket ready because sero's gonna slaughter your ass for that shit
ok but one time while you two were partnered up for hero training, you got on his nerves and he tied you up and left you hanging and the mf just left
maaaan were you livid
15 minutes
15 minutes you were left up there while sero was doing god knows what
you gave him the silent treatment for the rest of the day and sero was genuinely distressed cus he didn't mean to make you so mad
but lucky for him, he always knows how to get you to smile no matter how sad or are or how angry you are with him
he shoots you a piece of tape with his handwriting on it
he made up some stupid, horribly written poem asking for your forgiveness and he's just looking at you the entire time you're reading it with an exaggerated pout
how can you say mad at him?
on the topic of him sending you notes on his tape
he'd totally leave pieces of his tape in really obscure places in your dorm or even under your desk
they'd be really stupid messages too like-
"you stink"
or a really random inside joke you two have that makes literally no sense but even just the thought of it makes you laugh to tears
he'd also leave little origami figures he made with his tape in random places for you to find too
or he'd just give them to you
you have a shelf specifically dedicated for the things sero has made for you ( and he's really touched you actually keep all his shitty arts and crafts projects )
in conclusion, sero is the best and he is my favorite and i'd die for him
bonus: love languages!!
gift giving // giving
physical touch // giving and recieving
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If you guys want, i can elaborate on their love languages in another post! <3
𝒇𝒊𝒏 . ✩
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rayslittlekitten · 3 years
You Got This - Part 2
I recommend reading Part 1 first if you haven't.
Plot: After having a heart to heart, you and Jax re-live your youth.
Pairing: Jax Teller x F! Reader
Contains: a lot of fluff and fluffy sex, also a shit ton of Jax smoking porn, and you see his butt 🙃
A/N:  Thank you Anon for this request.  I hope you and the other readers enjoy this (if not more) than the first part. This took me longer than I expected to write this, but it's finally done.  I kept going back and forth on trying to decide what to include and what not to.  Also, had I known I was going to be writing a part two for this, the beginning of this would have been at the end of part one, but hindsight is 20/20. I actually did already write out most of the beginning but decided to leave it out of part one because I thought where I left it was a good place to end it. I also thought about eliminating it completely but I really like the interaction that happens with Gemma.  To me it's like a beauty shot. Is it necessary and does it move the story along at all? Not quite, but it looks good so let's just leave it in there anyways. Also to squeeze a little bit more angst out of Jax.
Also, I had a bit of trouble writing this as well because as strange as this sounds, I couldn't find the perfect song to pair with this.  Sometimes I need music to help me get into the mindset and mood.  I was going for like a nostalgic summer love kinda thing. I had actually thought to use a song form the mid-90s because to really make it feel nostalgic and Shanice's "Saving Forever For You" was the winner for that but I decided it was not right for this. Maybe their actual first time, yes.  Then it was a toss up between "Honey Whiskey" by Satica and "Take Me Away" by Sinead Harnett/EARTHGANG and the latter won given the situation. I'd recommend giving it a listen below (or any of the songs listed) to get the mood I was going for while writing the sex scene. I really thank you for reading my ramblings if you've gotten this far. I just want to give the readers the best experience to my stories and how it was intended when I wrote it.
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A loud commotion outside interrupts the moment and you both realize you need to get dressed before someone finds the both of you.  He pulls out of you and you both quickly get yourselves together. You hop into the bathroom inside the bedroom to clean yourself up. When you walk out, you see Jax sitting on the bed smoking a cigarette with all his clothes and hair in place, like he had been sitting there this whole time and didn't move from his spot when you first walked in.  He glances over to you and you're reminded of how his handsome charming face is something you miss so much.
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"I should probably go before someone starts looking for either of us." You walk out of the bathroom and towards the front door.  Jax grabs your hand and pulls you back to him.
"Hey." He stands up, cups your face and looks at you. "It's really good to see you again."
Suddenly you both hear the door knob rattling and then a knock following it.
"Jax, are you in there, honey?" You both hear Gemma on the other side of the door. 
You both separate and smooth yourselves out and Jax walks over to open the door. 
"Honey, what are you doing in here? Tara--" Gemma's facial expression shifts when she spots you. She looks at the both of you suspiciously. You both thought you were so slick when you were younger but if there was anyone who knew what you both were up to, it would be Gemma. Nothing slips past her. In fact, she’s always secretly hoped you two would get together. You were born into SAMCRO, making you MC royalty. The Princess of Charming.
"Oh, I didn't know you were in here too. I'm very sorry about Opie, sweetheart." 
"Thank you, Gemma." You walk closer to the door and Gemma pulls you in for a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"Where's your fiancé?" Gemma asks curiously.
"Fiancé?" Jax glances over at you.
"I came by myself this time," you answer. "We're kind of on a break." You wrinkle your nose.
"I'm sorry to hear that too. Must be one hell of a break." Gemma's knowing eyes are boring a hole into you. "Lyla tells me you're staying a while?"
"Yeah, I'm gonna help her out with the kids for a week or so until she can figure it out.  I know you and the club will be a big help, but with everything going on, I think her and the kids can use another familiar face."
"Family is important and I'm very happy to see you here." Gemma's eyes shift to Jax with the same knowing look she gave you. "Well, whenever you're ready, Tara's looking for you."
"Thanks, mom." Jax runs his hand over the top of his hair. Gemma glances at you both again once more before she walks away.
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You start making your way out the door when Jax pulls you back in.
"You're engaged?" Jax asks with wide eyes.
"Was," you reply. 
"Was it to that pretentious English prick you brought back with you last time?" Jax snarls.
"Ray is a good guy and he treats me really well. We're just going through a bit of a rough patch right now," you tell him. "Also, the last I heard, you're married with two children, Teller."
Jax just looks at you, knowing he has no right to be upset about you being with another man.
"And I believe your wife is looking for you," you say before walking away from him as you see your nephews and niece running up to you. "Hey guys!"
Jax takes a drag of his cigarette while he continues watching you as you kneel down to greet the kids.
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A few days later...
The sun is beginning to set and Jax is at the clubhouse. Most of the people have already left. He needs some quiet and alone time after spending a few days earlier in the week not just watching his best friend get killed, but also saying goodbye and laying him to rest. He climbs up the ladder onto the roof of the clubhouse, one of his favorite places to think and reflect quietly while smoking.  What he didn't expect to find is someone else had beat him to the spot.
"I didn't know you were here," Jax says as he walks over and sits next to them. "You've been avoiding me like the plague all week."
"I miss watching the sunset," you reply without looking at him.
"The sun doesn't set where you are?" Jax asks as he lights up a joint.
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"It's not the same."
Jax takes a long drag and then offers it to you. 
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You look at it for a moment and form a small smile before taking it from him.  The roof was also a place you both frequented in your youth to smoke pot, away from your parents and the adults. Eventually they figured out your secret spot, but it didn't stop you guys from coming back. You take a pull and hand it back to him.
"I also miss this.  There is nothing like California-grown weed."
Jax takes a hit and blows out the smoke from the corner of his mouth.
"Do you ever miss me?" Jax looks over at you and passes the joint back to you.
You look over to him and squint an eye to prevent the sun from blinding you.
"Yeah, sometimes I do."
"Does your English weed taste like fucking tea and crumpets?" Jax jokes.
"Oh, I get the best shit there is over there. Trust me." You chuckle. "But... it's not home."
"So why don't you come home?" Jax looks back at you with the same squinty face.
You look at him for a moment deciding what you want to say. "You know, that's the reason why Ray and I put the engagement on hold. With everything happening here, I wanted to be closer to family. Figure my shit out." You take another drag and return the joint back to him.
"There's more than family that would love to see you back home too." Jax reaches for your hand and squeezes it.
"Jackson, what happened the other day, we both acted out of impulse. We were both just... vulnerable.  I'm sorry if it gave the wrong impression."
Jax shakes his head, then takes another long pull of the joint. “Ope was like my moral compass, kept me grounded and always pointed me in the right direction, and now he's gone, because of me."
"Jackson, you can't--" You start shaking your head.
"You’re the closest thing I have left of Ope. I need you." Jax holds your hand.
"Jackson, in your heart, you always knew what was best. You don't need me." You push a loose chunk of his blonde hair away from his face and tuck it behind his ear.  "I know you're hurting, but I can't fill the void that Opie left. Nothing ever will. Just focus on what's important to you and you'll figure it out.  You always did." You smile at him while caressing his cheek with your thumb. "You got this." He closes his eyes and leans in to your hand, soaking in your touch.
"You still have too much faith me." He turns his head slightly to kiss the palm of your hand.
"Yeah, maybe. Besides, our boat sailed a long time ago," you add, pulling your hands away from him and looking away. Jax takes the last drag of the joint and tosses it off the roof.
"Maybe that boat can make one last stop before sailing away for good?" Jax gently grabs your chin and turns your head to him to look into his slightly droopy eyes.
Even all this time, it's still hard to not get lost in his baby blues. It's even harder with the perfect setting: the firey orange sky, the slight California breeze, the clubhouse rooftop. Maybe it's the weed, but it feels perfect in the moment. It's all taking you back to the summer when you were 14, when the only care in your worlds were right in front of each other. It's also the perfect setting for cruising around. Jax use to "borrow" one of the bikes from the clubhouse and take you on joyrides, basking in the sun while the wind hits your faces.
He slowly leans into you, and you close the distance, pressing your lips against his. Jax immediately responds and kisses back, his tongue slipping between your teeth. You can taste whiskey mixed with a faint linger of cigarettes and marijuana. Jax cradles your neck and pulls you in closer to him.
The loud roar of a motorcycle driving by and backfiring breaks you up.  You both are brought back to reality that you are both still on a rooftop and a bit baked.
"Come on, let's get inside." Jax jerks his head towards the latch.  Jax helps you down the ladder first and he follows behind.  He quickly makes a sweep and doesn't see anyone except for a few guys at the bar with their back turned towards the both of you.  Jax grabs your hand and leads you back into the spare bedroom you both were in earlier in the week. This definitely feels like you both are hormone-driven teenagers again, sneaking around the clubhouse. 
Once Jax closes and locks the door, he turns his attention back to you but he stops in his tracks to really look at you. All of you. He never thought he'd ever be with you or see you like this again.  What happened the other day was different.  Like you said, it was a moment of weakness, an impulsive move on both of you because of shared pain.
This time, there is no urgency, there is no hurt, just the two of you re-living a moment the two of you wish you had the opportunity to experience over and over again. This time it's intentionally and purely for the most selfish reasons. He walks over to you and presses his lips onto yours, taking his time to actually taste and feel your soft lips on his.  He pulls you in close to his body as his hands explore yours.
As the both of you continue to deliberately and slowly make out, Jax grabs your ass and presses himself against you, feeling his erection through your clothes. Jax pushes you backward towards the bed and you fall back when you feel the edge hit the back of your knees. He falls on top of you and expertly starts disrobing you while making out with you.  In one quick swift, Jax pulls your shirt over your head, leaving you in a satin black bra.  He takes his time with you, starting with his lips on your neck, licking and kissing it, even nibbling at it.  He's always wanted to leave a hickey on you, letting all the guys know you're taken. He then makes his way down to your collar bone, the top of your chest and then pulls down your bra on one side to reveal a nipple.  He puts his mouth over it and swirls his tongue around it.  Jax looks up to see your reaction and find you looking back biting your lower lip. He smirks and pulls down the other side of your bra and gives that nipple the same attention, making you arch against his mouth. 
"Oh, Jackson," you moan.
He lets out a low growl.
"As much as I want to hear all the sexy noises coming out of your mouth while I'm pleasuring you, you gotta keep it quiet, darlin'." He kisses you while he unhooks your bra and tosses it aside. He then unbuttons your pants and backs himself off the bed. He slowly slides your pants and thong off your hips and down your legs. He licks his lips, excited to unwrap you like his present. You watch him as he lowers himself to his knees and kneels at your feet to help you with your boots and removes the rest of the clothes off your body.  Suddenly feeling a bit exposed and shy like it's your first time with Jax, you keep your legs together. Jax places his hands on each of your knees and coaxes them open. He looks at his gift and licks his lips.
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He dives in between your legs while looking up at you. His soft lips and warm wet tongue are licking and sucking you on all the right places and his beard tickling your inner thighs.  That's new to you.  He barely had peach fuzz in his teens. You feel him slip a finger inside you as his lips are pulling at your clit.  Your breathing is getting shorter and more shallow.  Jax inserts another long finger in you and finds your g-spot, rubbing circles on it.
"Jax, I..." Feeling your orgasm building, you are rendered speechless. Jax continues sucking and stroking you until you come undone into his mouth and on his fingers. He watches you squirm and thrash as you scream quietly in ecstasy. He doesn't stop until you are sensitive to his touch and you push him away.  He wipes his beard and smiles at you, proud of his accomplishment. Jax surely still knows his way around your body.
You glance up to him as he gets to his feet.  You watch him strip his clothes off, first the kutte, then his shirt pulled over his head.  He kicks off his sneakers as he takes his time unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his jeans.  You're glad he's taking his time though because it allows you to soak up and remember every second you have with this gorgeous man in front of you.  He finally pulls his jeans and boxers down.  Besides from the other day, the last time you and him were this intimate, the both of you were shorter, slimmer and clearly less experienced.  Now you’re both grown, gained curves and muscles and are far more seasoned in the bedroom.  He's also certainly grown in other places as well.
"Back up," Jax nods his head as he climbs onto the bed and  hovers above you.  You scoot back so your whole body is on the bed.  Jax lays on top of you and smashes his lips against yours again, cradling your neck and grinding against you.  You can feel the head of cock teasing your opening.
"Maybe we should use a condom this time," you tell him in between kisses.
"I'm not gonna lie.  You did feel amazing without one the other day," Jax admits.
You and Jax had always been careful and taking the right steps when you were younger, using condoms at all times so that time was the first time you both had sex without one. Thankfully you are on birth control and both are STD-free, but you know you shouldn't take any chances.  
You give him a knowing look.
"Anything for you, darlin'." Jax gives you a kiss on the cheek before getting up to put on a condom.  He climbs back on top of you and looks at you as he caresses your face, still not believing that you're beneath him.
You gently grab his face with both hands and kiss him deeply. You then feel him slip inside you. All of him.  You moan into his mouth and move with him, both of your hips slowly thrusting in unison. Jax grabs your hands and brings them above your head. He intertwines his fingers with yours and thrusts deeper into you.  He watches you while you relish in the moment, as he pulls these lost emotions from you with each deliberate push.  You wrap your legs around his waist and it encourages him to pick up the pace.  You try to do the same and meet his rhythm.
Jax releases your hands and reaches for your legs behind him and brings them in front of him to rest on his shoulders, deepening his access to you.  His hand reaches up to cradle your neck as he pounds into you. You then feel his thumb slide over the front of your throat.  You start to feel his fingers tighten slightly around your neck. This is also new for you and Jax, but you're loving it.  You can feel yourself getting closer to achieving another orgasm.
"Jackson..." you pant.
"Come for me, darlin'.  I know you're there," Jax grunts.
You close your eyes and feel bliss as you let yourself go, letting your body take over you.  After your orgasm subsides, you open your eyes and find Jax is no longer making love to you, but just smiling at you while still inside you. Now it's time for you to show him a few tricks you've learned.
"Get on your back," you tell him.
Without any protest from Jax, you both switch positions.  Jax lies on his back with this hands behind his head, waiting for you to take the wheel.  You straddle him and take your time sinking yourself onto him.  You feel a lot more confident about being on top than you did when you were younger.  You were shy and inexperienced.  Now? You're going to ride him like the sexiest Harley you've ever had the privilege of sitting on. You slowly start riding him, rocking back and forth, grinding on him and teasing him. You enjoy the feeling of him filling you up to the hilt as you push down on him.
Jax looks up at you, watching you take charge and own his dick.  He definitely notices you're a lot more comfortable in this position than he remembers.  He reaches up and runs his hands over your breasts, massaging them and caressing your nipples as you enjoy the ride. He's certainly enjoying the view.
"You are still as fucking beautiful as the day I fell in love with you," Jax says, mesmerized by the image in front of him.
You smile and then lean back, placing your hands behind you on his thighs. Jax looks at you curiously. You roll your hips and start sliding up and down on him, giving him a clear view.  He looks down and watches himself disappear in and out of you.
Jax groans and runs the palms of his hands over your thighs and settles on your hips.  One of his hands then slides over between your legs and he starts rubbing circles on your clit with this thumb. You moan and gasp. You then lean forward, placing your hands on the pillow of each side of his head and lean down closer to him.  You start bouncing your ass up and down as you look down on him, your hair forming a curtain around your faces.  Jax grabs your ass and starts thrusting up to meet your movement. The only sounds echoing in the room are your pants and your bodies slapping against each other.  Jax speeds up and watches your face as it distorts.  He knows you've got another one inside you and you're very close.
"Come on, darlin'. Let it go." Jax coos.
You let out a loud moan as your legs shake and feel like a firecracker exploded inside of you.  Jax clamps a hand over your mouth as he continues to drill inside.
"There you go, Y/N." Jax smiles watching you fall apart on top of him.  He then swiftly flips you onto your back and roughly drives into you a few more times until he finally gets his own release.
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As he slows down, you both look at each other, savoring the moment and then kiss softly.
Suddenly the door knob starts to rattle and the person on the other side is banging on the door.
"Yo, hurry it up! I gotta take a shit!" an unrecognizable voice shouts.
"Hey asshole, the bathroom is further down!" You both hear Chibs shouting. You place your hands over your mouth as you start to laugh.
"Shh!" Jax puts a finger over his pursed lips as he tries to suppress his own laughter.
A/N: I never put notes at the end but I figured I'd let you enjoy the fic first before mentioning I currently don't have plans to expand this story. I might in the future, but not in the near future.  I originally intended the first part to be short and be a one off, but I just kept writing and writing and there were so many places and opportunities to keep expanding. Same for part two.  There were so many directions I could have gone. I had a bit of struggle with this for some reason. It's not quite exactly how I pictured it ending but it works for what it is.
If you haven’t read it yet, I wrote two short scenes titled “Carry Me Home” and “Joyride” which are like flashbacks in this universe.
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