#mental health mention
heartnosekid · 29 days
hello friends, i feel it necessary to update y’all on my condition and to explain my general absence.
over this past week and some change, i have been having a severe mental health crisis. i won’t go into details too heavily, but i’m still a little “in it”, though it has calmed down pretty significantly. to explain the severity, i was at a 12 out of 10, and now i’m at a 7 and occasionally a 6, if that makes sense. i am still debating going inpatient for the time being, just to get my meds figured out, but my mental and physical health teams are still kind of divided on the matter.
however, i feel it necessary to say, i am and have not been a danger to myself during this crisis. i had just been having a significant and precipitous physical and mental decline that was mostly anxiety and panic related, but i believe i am now on the mend, albeit going slow. medication is still an ongoing issue but hopefully within the next few days, my team and i can get that resolved and squared away.
i have received some kind messages asking if i am okay and sending well wishes, and i appreciate you all so incredibly much. you have made this more bearable for me, and i am endlessly thankful for all of you.
that said, i’m not sure when consistent posting will resume. i feel like i could begin working on requests again, but i don’t want to say it will be consistent or push myself too hard right now. especially if i do decide to go inpatient! however, the queue will not stop posting regardless of what happens because i am queued up till september lol but i will post another update if hospitalization is what i decide to do.
i love you all so very much!!! thank you for your support and love and kind words during this incredibly difficult time in my life. i will be back, hopefully soon in full swing and with amazing vigor! ☺️ i will talk to y’all soon, ilysm 💕
- ish 💕
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zippyzstuff · 2 years
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prettybillycore · 2 years
You Are Not a Burden, Billy Hargrove || Billy Hargrove x GN!Reader
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Pairing(s): Billy Hargrove x GN!Reader
Universe: Stranger Things
Summary: After moving in with you, Billy has good days and bad days with his mental health. You were there for him in one of his darkest moments.
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: Neil Hargrove is his own warning, Billy's Anger issues, Mental Health Breakdown (Billy's), swearing, Police
Read it on ao3 (or on this Tumblr post below the cut)
Part of your deal with Billy was that he had to work on bettering himself. You told him from the beginning of your blossoming relationship– be nice to me and the kids and Steve or our relationship can’t continue. I know you’re still learning and I can see that you are trying, but respect is one of the most important things in relationships like this. 
Billy had never been in a relationship; this fact surprised you at first, but the more you thought about it, the more it made sense. It broke your heart a little inside knowing that he had never been shown gentle kindness and love. You were willing to give him the safe space he needed to heal and he knew that too. You said as long as he was trying to get better you would be there to support him and that was more than anyone else had ever done for him. I’ll do my best, Doll. I promise. I know I’ll have bad days, but I’m gonna do everything I can to get the anger out in better ways.
You brushed your hand across his cheek and smiled up at him. He had never seen someone look at him with so much pure adoration. It made him feel fragile. All I ask for is that you’re trying. I love you, Billy Hargrove. 
He set his hands lightly on your hips. I love you too. 
| < ♥️ > |
Billy had more good days than bad this summer and you were so thankful for that. You loved him dearly– he was protective of you, always brought you flowers on date night, and wouldn’t let you open or close your own car door. He essentially worshipped the ground you walked on most days and you felt so loved. The party and your friends were all starting to accept that Billy was treating you like a god(dess). They didn’t always love that he was hanging around, but they respected your relationship. It was enough for you to feel comfortable. Billy was making progress on being generally nicer to the soon-to-be freshman and he treated Steve was respect every time he saw him. It made your heart swell.
There were still bad times, though. Mostly now they consisted of panic more than rage. Billy was staying at your house all the time and Max stayed in your guestroom whenever she felt like she needed to get out of the Hargrove-Mayfield household. Billy would receive angry and threatening calls from his father sometimes. He would scream into the phone until you gently placed your hand on his shoulder and he hung up the phone. You two would curl up on his bed and you would let him sob into the crook of your neck. He held onto you like nothing you had ever experienced before; like if he let you go, you would evaporate. You would hum simple songs and play with his hair until you both fell asleep. 
This bad day wasn’t like those bad days, unfortunately. You walked into the house after dropping the Party off at the Wheelers’ place, and Billy was fuming. Much like Steve’s parents, your parents weren’t around much. Billy was just alone, just pacing around and mumbling to himself. You could see how angry he was in his body language. You closed the door behind you, “Billy, Love, are you alright?”
His nostrils flared, but he didn’t stop pacing. “Do I look fucking alright to you, y/n?”
You kept your temperament even and you were so glad that Max was off at the mall with the Party right now. “What happened?”
“Fucking Neil! Ugly bastard called the cops on me.”
“What? Did the cops come here?” You had only been gone for like an hour; you picked up all the members of the Party and drove them to Starcourt. 
“Just Hopper, thank fuck. He said he recognized your name from when Neil called the station. He came to check on everything and told me he would handle Neil, but fuck! Why can’t he just leave me alone? I’m completely fucking moved out at this point. I live here with you and I’m not a fuckin’ burden to him anymore,” he seethed. His teeth were clenched together so tightly you were worried they would break. 
“I’m so sorry, Billy. You handled it well; let’s get you a drink and sit down for a minute. I’m worried about you,” you said. You started to reach your hand out toward him, but he pulled back and glared at you.
“Don’t treat me like a child. I know I’m a burden to you too. You don’t have to pretend to care about me.”
You were dumbfounded. “What? Billy, you are not a burden to me. You never have been and never will be. Your brain is just saying that because you’re raging. You’ll be okay, I promise you’re safe here.” It was the first time those words had ever come out of his mouth. You couldn’t bare the thought of him considering himself a burden to you. “Honey Love, you are the most important person in my life. Your mental health doesn’t make you a burden, it makes you human.”
Normally, when you said things like that, he would go soft. He would fall into your arms and you will hold him until he was ready to talk about what was going on in his brain. Again, today was different than usual. He had really gotten into his own head while you were gone. “Stop lying to me, you fucking bitch! You don’t care about me! No one–”
“God I hate you sometimes. I hate your brain sometimes, fuck!” You cut him off with your cursing. His near-constant pacing stopped as you put your hands over your eyes. “I wish I could take away your pain. I wish I could take your trauma and lock it away and throw the key into the fucking ocean, but I can’t! I don’t know how to help you when your rage transfers to me. I know you aren’t really mad at me, but fuck it hurts…” Your hands were becoming damp with your own tears. 
“Baby…” Billy mumbled. His raging monster inside had been shut up with those sentences. The guilt was crawling up his spine and made him feel like he was going to be sick. He wanted to talk to you about feeling burdensome, but not like this. This broke everything in him. His one promise to himself was to not hurt you; he never wanted to hurt you. You told him that was unrealistic because he’s human and we are all capable of hurting people, but he still told himself not to hurt you. He couldn’t believe that he had let those words come out of his mouth. “I’m… I’m sorry. I’m pissed at Neil, not you. I didn’t mean to make you cry.”
You pulled your hands away from your face and he was standing still a little ways away from you. He looked absolutely horrified and you were sure that he was thinking all kinds of self-hating thoughts right now. You wiped your eyes and walked over to him with open arms. He hugged you back quickly and tightly. “I know, Love. You’re still going through things with Neil and there are still going to be bad days.”
“I never want to make you upset though… Fuck…” His face was hidden in your hair. You could feel him trembling. “I don’t want you to leave me, but I understand if you want to.”
You squeezed him tighter. “Absolutely fucking not. Even when things happen and we fight or you slip up, I know you’re trying to get through your pain. You’re starting to heal and I’m not going anywhere. You are not a burden, Billy Hargrove; not to me or anyone else. You are a human who’s got some growing to do... And I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I did either.”
“It's alright... I love you… so fuckin’ much,” he whispered.
“I love you too, Billy.”
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cypriathus · 1 month
Here is an OC inspired by the biblical Jonah and the apocryphal Enoch!
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: I talk about mental health issues like dissociative identity disorder, anxiety, and abandonment issues for the following character. There is also a brief mention of self-harm and an uncomfortable obsession.
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Joluszeniah is a shepherd, fisherman, and baker who’s a hybrid between an ophanim and an earthly angel that developed a second personality after the brutal death of his father and another traumatic event. He struggles to handle his emotional stress, and secretly engages in self-harm and obsessive fantasies about murdering people he dislikes and sexual intercourse. He often experiences memory loss of certain time periods, events, and people that has occurred when as his second personality. He has a blurred sense of his true identity, feels detached from his real emotions, and views people and differences in his surroundings as distorted fiction. He has generalised anxiety disorder, and is occasionally prone to throwing an angry fit when he feels too overwhelmed and annoyed. After his mother mysteriously abandoned him, he began to develop abandonment issues and a deep fear of being left alone or forgotten. He’s overly eager to please people by seeking reassurance from them and trying to grab their attention, but struggles to trust their intentions. He’s not the greatest with communication, so he often comes off as taciturn and unbearably insecure. Joluszeniah also withdraws himself socially, experiences feelings of worthlessness, and is excessively clingy to people who are close to him.
He feels uncomfortable, self-conscious, bashful, and timid when around new faces as he’s unsure if he should trust them or not. He puts a strong emphasis on his moral rectitude and emotional intelligence, believing that everyone should lead a life of righteousness and tenderness. He tries his best to treat everyone with respect and kindness, but will be dismissive of those who aren’t respectful and kind-hearted in return. He can be quite the perfectionist when it comes to filleting fish, decorating baked goods, and doing arts and crafts. He’s somewhat recalcitrant, especially in regards to heavenly authority, protective warfare, and helping people who mistreated him. Joluszeniah is the kind of individual who extremely values his humility, being too afraid to feed into any praise he receives for his hard work. He strongly values his alone time during hardships and moments of relaxation, shows genuine sympathy to the plight of others, and is a lover of nature. He possesses a generous heart, deep curiosity in the unknown, and an enjoyment in sharing his thoughts with other people who are interested in what he has to say. He secretly has a deep hatred for Eylvhraszokjumni for how they abused him and mistreated sinners who had every right to sin, especially if they had a terrible childhood. He absolutely despises horrible and cruel people, and most of the higher-ups of Eylvhraszokjumni without a second thought.
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Inemovakhus is Joluszeniah’s second personality and he’s a warrior, hunter, and record-keeper of all apocalyptic events that took place throughout the multiverse. He has seasonal depression, but never lets it bring him down as he’s passionate about his work and living life to the fullest. He has a fairly optimistic, yet cynical outlook on life and doesn’t give up easily, even if he was defeated or warned to back off. He’s quite flexible when it comes to new circumstances, and isn’t afraid to communicate with people in an assertive manner. He does have anger issues and will become belligerent when pushed over the edge, but is strangely able to remain tranquil during heated situations. For a fighter and hunter, he’s surprisingly kind and gentle, but isn’t gullible and naive like Joluszeniah. He has a courageous spirit, impartial decision-making skills, and a bad habit of spending resources in a recklessly extravagant way. He can easily rekindle people’s faith in whatever they’re beginning to lose confidence in through encouragement and advice. He has a tendency to act pompous and apathetic towards “inferior lifeforms” and individuals who views as annoying, unintelligent, and disrespectful. He can be fairly ruthless when on the battlefield or during hunting expeditions, and is a chivalrous thrill-seeker. Inemovakhus is warmly polite, flirtatious, joyously unrestrained and enthusiastic, and marked by a clever use of humour.
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Joluszeniah is a 7 ft (213.36 cm) mesomorph with a trapezoidal figure, an average musculature, sloping shoulders, a well-endowed penis, and a square chest. He has fairly delicate snow-white skin with reddish-black freckles on his face, neck, chest, and hands. His faint golden veins slightly protrude from his strong neck, biceps, triceps, and muscular back and thighs. He has twenty white-breasted nuthatch wings, three rows of omnivorous teeth, claws and talons that are slightly rounded, and a left seven-fingered hand. His left eye can never physically, psychically, and magically heal, so he had to replace it with a glass greyish-green one. His right eye is a sunburst green-gold and he styled his red blonde hair into a faux hawk with a fringe cut and soft fade. He bleached his hair a gorgeous pink lavender and painted his fingernails and toenails a glittery bluish-black. He has a gruesome scar that snakes down from above his left eyebrow to the bottom of his right ear. He has a blotchy, vaguely triangle-shaped patch of scarred skin that takes up most of his right deltoid. He also has a somewhat U-shaped laceration from the left side of his lower lip to near the tip of his chin. The entirety of his right arm is covered in third-degree burns and his lower left leg has been subjected to second-degree burns. There are cut marks and stab wounds on his inner thighs, lower back, and hips, which he tries his best to hide from the public. Joluszeniah has two tattoos: a brazen serpent with a lamb’s head in its mouth on his left shoulder area; and a winged lion and a phoenix encircling each other on his right outer thigh.
As Joluszeniah, he’s draped in shaggy Alaskan musk ox fur that covers most of his body, only revealing his wings, left arm, forearms, and lower legs. He wears knee-length drawstring pants of plum-hued silk and rope sandals made from olive-brown leather with dull gold grass-woven straps. He has a large scarf with silver tassels and flannel patterning of blue, purple, red, and yellow draped over his left shoulder. He dons a peach basket hat of turquoise-dyed straw that’s adorned with a green bronze silk ribbon and artificial white lilies, common primroses, dark purple tulips, coral roses, and red-and-white anemones. He has a golden cowbell necklace, a pair of steel shears tied around his waist with rope, a hazel fishing rod with an indestructible horsehair line, a fishing net, and a shepherd’s crook made from a yew tree.
As Inemovakhus, he wears a full suit of plate armour in shimmering lilac with silver edging and a moss green and sky blue sheen. His metallic yellow gorget has sculpted wavy fur lines and his pauldrons are emblazoned with two foxes that have shaggy black fur, crimson eyes, and seven golden tails. His right pauldron depicts a fox encircling itself, while the other one is playfully leaping across three dark blue rocks. His armoured gloves have fingers with razor-sharp scarlet claws, his cuirass has tassets, and his greaves have the same design and colour choice as the gorget. He dons a teal blue capirote instead of a helmet and a small cloak of Pallas cat fur that reaches to his mid-back with bleating lamb’s head shoulder clasps in green gold. A wisteria sash with tassels and pearlescent greenish-white polka dots is wrapped around his hips with both ends hanging in front of his crotch area and close to his knees. He wields a bow of gleaming light with quiver of opium-tipped arrows and a 5’ 8” (172.72 cm) sword that has a golden open-mouthed, azure-bearded lóng hilt with a blade of blue holy flames protruding out of its black-toothed maw. He carries around a circular shield of olive wood that’s twice his height, depicting a coppery wheel cross with a fiery blue-green whale jumping in the air. Inemovakhus’ shield has a burningly cold sensation and it can protect people, animals, and flowers from the intense heat of the Sun or any bright star.
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He was born with a magical affliction called the Curse of Yona, which makes his presence on board any ship an omen of bad luck. His presence also attracts large fish that try to eat him and small fish that are dead, and causes sheep to birth deformed lambs. He has prophetic visions about the wickedness and restoration of countries, settlements, and nations every three days. He can manipulate stormy waters, fire, wind, the abyss, completeness, perfection, and all forms of energy, and doesn’t require a need for physical sleep. He’s invulnerable to physical damage, and was gifted with absolute speed from the deities in order to commemorate his hope and skillful evasion. His mind can understand and articulate the languages of animals, and the uneasiness or seriousness of his gaze can pierce through illusions. The sound of his laughter can create rainbows and the warmth of his smile can calm the most turbulent of seas. Joluszeniah can transform into any roaring beast and a lamb with seven horns and eyes, and create a scroll with seven red wax seals. The first, second, third, and fourth seals bring a bought conquest and pestilence, war, famine, and death. The fifth seal summons furies and gives white robes to the morally right people who are about to die to cement their place in Eylvhraszokjumni. The sixth seal creates a global earthquake, blocks out the sun, turns the moon red, causes destructive meteor showers, and moves every mountain and island into different places. The seventh seal creates silence in Eylvhraszokjumni for about half an hour and summons a golden censer filled with fire. This golden censer is thrown into the core Earth after the silence, which creates peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning, and a less devastating earthquake.
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Unnamed ophanim father
Unnamed earthly angel mother
Smajuzhoktrine Zeliphojandus-Mnelohaviktus Gomeszukiva (ex-lover)
Zorsjahlen (daughter)
Kasvedolun Zuraphomiel (wife)
Yomajuzhiel Galesoturvik (son)
Aremophivus Brejzuktophina (daughter)
Angel of the Lamb and Fish
The Belly of Hate
Joluszeniah is questioning his sexuality, while Inemovakhus is confident that he’s heteroflexible.
As an Æylphitus, his name means “dove”. In regards to the name of his second personality, Inemovakhus means “to inaugurate”.
He was actually born as Dawusoghiel (“roaring beast of god” in the Æylphitus language), but changed his name because he believes that he isn’t worthy of it.
He was born as an accursed angel with no true form and a defected biokinesis that struggles to heal his wounds. As a result of these three things, a lot of angels ostracise him or playfully tease him because he’s different. Whenever he’s being ostracised or teased, Joluszeniah would either ignore them and pretend nothing is wrong or instantly leave to find a safe place and break down in tears. On the other hand, Inemovakhus would either aggressively confront them or politely tell them off and walk away.
Joluszeniah rubs his forearms or bite the inside of her lower lip when feeling anxious or stressed out
He’s strangely popular amongst the female-bodied angels and he’s not sure why
He often dreams of wintry regions of stormy clouds, an outpouring from the watery abyss, an ancient storehouse of all winds, and the four cardinal winds supporting the firmament of Earth.
Inemovakhus has a secret plan to overthrow the corrupted members of the divine council and isn’t afraid of the idea of becoming a fallen angel if it ever happens.
The scarred skin on his deltoid was a result of monstrous ticks eating away at his flesh
Extreme and mild heat bothers his second- and third-degree burns, so he tries to stay inside his ramshackle home or find deepening shade to maintain normal body temperatures.
He gets cranky when hotter weather comes around, especially when it begins to cause him pain.
He sleeps in the fetal position with a thumb in his mouth
Joluszeniah likes to bake pies and different flavoured breads
Joluszeniah loves all animals and flowers equally
Inemovakhus only views animals as food, clothing, or obstacles
Inemovakhus has a greater love for flowers than animals as he’s enamoured by their simplistic, yet intricate beauty.
Joluszeniah’s herd of sheep with rainbow-coloured coats that leave trails of glittering stardust wherever they roam and sing in harmony. Their wool is woven into garments that grant wisdom to those who wear them and protect the wearers from physical harm.
Joluszeniah’s fishing nets are woven with threads of pure starlight that allow him to catch fish that grant wisdom and inspiration to those who eat them.
Joluszeniah’s baked goods are infused with the sweetness of divine love and those who consume them will receive temporary blessings of protection, wisdom, or courage.
Joluszeniah likes to communicate with wise old owls and sly foxes as he finds their perspectives on the matters of existence and survival to be unique.
Inemovakhus can sense the vibrations of the multiverse, allowing him to predict and prepare for impending apocalypses.
Inemovakhus’ armour is forged from the metals of a thousand fallen stars, granting him resistance to even the most catastrophic of events.
Inemovakhus likes to track down and collect artifacts from destroyed worlds
All of Inemovakhus’ records are stored in a mystical tome made from the breath of deceased souls and dying planetary cores. When being viewed by mortals, the language in the tome is ever-shifting, which is a tactic used by the divine council to disorient them and keep the histories of all apocalyptic events a secret closely kept amongst the Æylphitus.
Inemovakhus will never admit to this, but he’s haunted by the memories of countless universes he has seen destroyed and is driven by a deep sense of responsibility to preserve the knowledge of the past.
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kitten-forward · 7 months
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gaysexdungon · 7 months
Me: I seriously am going to end my shit right here I can’t keep doing this
Me five minutes later: watching tik tok in a silly goofy mood
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theethlezprincez · 2 months
im reading my book about psychiatry and DO THEY REALLY SEE US THAT WAY? FUCKING HELL
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zuzsenpai · 4 months
personal post. tw for mental illness and medication mentions
About four months ago I started having bad anxiety almost completely out of nowhere. I've had depression for about 13 years, but never a whole lot of anxiety until recently. I was also extremely restless, legs constantly shaking, irritable, and unable to focus. My psychiatrist seemed to think that one of my depression meds (I'm on two) that I've been on for three years was suddenly causing these symptoms-- maybe not the anxiety, but probably the restlessness. So I started tapering off of that med. I was extremely worried about taking common "as needed" anxiety medicines because they can be addictive and sedative. So while I was tapering off of the depression med, she prescribed a non-addictive daily anxiety med. Once I was completely tapered off of the one depression med (and my restlessness actually did stop!), she upped the dose of the anxiety med.
Two weeks ago I started feeling constantly lightheaded, extremely fatigued and exhausted, zero concentration, and had frequent mild aphasia (in which I couldn't form proper sentences while speaking without a lot of effort). I thought they were pre-migraine symptoms since I have had those in the past and the weather has been a little weird recently. These symptoms had honestly been scaring the shit out of me. I haven't been able to enjoy things I wanted to. I haven't been able to get work done at work. This past weekend I had guests over and I was sick pretty much the whole fucking time.
SO.... I had COMPLETELY forgotten that I started the higher dose of the new anxiety med exactly two weeks ago. Lo and behold, I looked up the side effects for that med yesterday and ALL of my recent symptoms line up with those side effects. I'm relieved that it can be something potentially fixable if I taper off of this particular med. But..... my anxiety is literally gone now, most likely because of this med. So.... what the fuck am I supposed to do now? Do I wait another week to see if the symptoms subside? If they don't, do I ask my psychiatrist to take me off of the med? What will I do if the anxiety comes back?
I was talking to my mom about this (bad bad bad idea and yet somehow I did it anyway) and she got very mad that I'm not trying "exercise, meditation, and prayer" as a cure for the anxiety. I don't think she realizes that my depression is so shitty and debilitating that I can barely do anything outside of take meds (which mostly don't work regardless of which depression med I take).
I've been extremely stressed as my projects at work pile up and my hobbies have been pushed to the side. I have no idea what to do. I guess I need to fucking exercise.
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heartnosekid · 1 month
well, here’s an update y’all. i’m having a huge fibro / ibs / anxiety / panic flare due to having to do 3 rounds of antibiotics in less than a month. my belly is absolutely wrecked and i am just now able to start trying to repair it with probiotics and easy foods. aaand i’m still sick 🙃 so i’m probably gonna have to keep the queue running at one new gifset a day at least for the foreseeable future. however, i am still going to be working on requests and getting them completed as quickly as possible. thank you to everyone for being so understanding, i just wanted to post an update for those that asked if i was feeling better!!! i love you all!!!
- ish 💕
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gallium-spoon · 5 months
I'm about 100 pages into Rhythm of War and Kaladin has such clear and obvious clinical depression I am climbing the walls about it
And he doesn't know! He doesn't know that's what's wrong because Roshar hasn't invented depression diagnosis yet! He's just walking around like why am I sad all the time? Why do I feel disconnected from my friends and like nothing I do matters or is good enough? Boy you are capital D Depressed!!!
I need the ardents to get on inventing antidepressants and get my boy a Prozac prescription stat!
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lilymaidofgallifrey · 7 months
I have read a lot more books than last year, partly because I was going through it with my mental health at the beginning of the year and couldn't watch TV, but I'm happy I seem to have gotten back into reading. My mental health is in a good place how but I'm still finding time to read which is great. I also gave myself permission to not give books ratings on Goodreads because assigning a star value to books was majorly stressing me out for some reason.
Anyway I hope I'll be more active on here with book content again. I would love some book recommendations from the best books you read this year, or just something fun or good you think I should read!
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arorabbit · 1 year
nier automata is so crazy imagine having two characters with entire boss fights dedicated to their shit coping mechanisims
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scenicphoenix · 1 year
Getting a pet really benefits the mental health for some people, because I am doing things for this little guy that lives on my floor that I never really did for myself until I got him
Depression brain: no cleaning today
But what about our cat
Depression brain: I'll make an exception
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angstyaches · 8 months
Just saw your latest tags. I know it’s easier said than done, but please try not to put too much pressure on yourself, Flick. Your writing is always great, and even if it wasn’t as good as the standards you set yourself, I’m so attached to the StW boys that I’d happily read a 5000 word fic about Elliott baking a cake at this point - and I’d enjoy it, because it was written by a writer I love about characters I adore!
Nobody will mind if things take a little longer. Just try and have faith in yourself and take care <3
(Being brave and coming off anon for the first time to post this!!)
My dear, thank you so much for this beautiful ask. I appreciate that coming off anon means a lot so please know I'm so, so grateful. You're already a precious human to me, and seeing you in my notes always brightens my day immensely. (Honestly, Elliott would happily be caught in a 5,000 word cake-baking situation.)
For the rest of the asks relating to this topic, I'm going to pop them under a cut because I don't want to take up too much of people's dashboard space, but I adore and appreciate you all 🖤
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🍄: You're an absolute star, which I hope you already know by now. Thank you for always being such an amazing human.
🐆: Thank you my dear!
And last anon, this legitimately made me choke up when I got it so thank you as well 🖤🖤🖤
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rumoredtoexist · 2 months
being medicated for adhd is amazing until you start mourning the loss of all you could’ve been doing all that time when you were begging your parents to get you therapy and to get you checked for adhd
atp idek if i have depression i think it was just horrendously bad executive dysfunction?? or at the very least depression that isn’t as bad as i had originally thought. it’s just frustrating and kind of awful to think about sometimes because i had so much h potential and everyone saw it too they just thought i wasn’t applying myself ir was being lazy in purpose
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thebestorworstofit · 1 year
quite honestly i’ve been in a very low place recently, like worse than its been in a long time. fairweather friendships have been heavy lately and it’s been fucking with me more than i typically let it - which has also involved shutting myself off from some people, as well as new interactions just out of fear of letting people see the tragic mope of a person i can be sometimes - i mean, who enjoys being vulnerable? 
that being said i do miss being here and indulging in this side of my creativity so i am trying to dig in my heels and find a balance again, however i will not be indulging in friendships that only hold value to others when they need me or when it’s something convenient to them; no plot or fc is worth feeling that small.
huge thank you to everyone for their patience, i’m going to try to get back to everyone’s messages as soon as i can. <3
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