fuck-marvel · 2 years
I like marvel
And I'm gonna call you a marvelous human being because I like puns and dad jokes
Tap read more pls
Thank you
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This is kinda my NAVIGATION post here, so I guess let's start
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↳ my opinion on the movies and which i've seen... same for comics and video games
↳ stuff about this blog because i honestly don't even know myself
↳ things about me... and maybe my oc. her name is valei. mine isn't
↳ just what the hastags i'm gonna use mean
↳ i might write on here. i'll likely write on here. i might also do other stuff. but this is where you'll find it
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That's it, send asks pls
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tygerland · 1 month
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A Hard Day's Night (1964)
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bluerosesdiary · 1 year
teen wolf: the movie (2023)
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eli hale you are my new baby and i love you so much
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king-crawler · 5 months
The scene where Ralph meets King Candy for the first time is one of the most interesting ones on a rewatch because you already know who King Candy is pretending Not to be. The way Ralph behaves is interesting too. (I’m studying these little 1kb game characters under a microscope)
Below the cut is a LONG scene/character analysis (~6min read?)
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First off. King Candy’s mere Entrance in this scene already characterizes him a ton and he hasn’t even said anything yet. He speeds obnoxiously around Ralph in his little go-kart BLARING HIS HORN. This immediately gives off the impression of: Very in your face. Very full of himself. And Very Annoying About It. (sir.. your Turbo is showing)
(Ralph Face Reveal While Screaming)
“Milk my duds! it’s Wreck-it Ralph??”
“Yeah...? And who are you, the guy who makes the donuts?”
“Hoohoo, please- No! I’m King Candy!”
I love this interaction because King Candy INSTANTLY knows who Ralph is. And from Ralph’s perspective that’s… weird.
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Ralph is probably a little confused. Given how he answers “yeah?” He doesn’t just straight up ask “How do you know who I am” because he’s currently being interrogated (Probably Not a Good Time) Also that recognition is something he rarely receives in the first place, so why from this guy…? So instead he asks: Well who are you supposed to be?
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WELL FIRST OF ALL. HE KNOWS WHO RALPH IS BECAUSE TURBO’S GAME CABINET SAT NEXT TO HIS FOR YEARS. Which is why King Candy is so surprised - he’s probably seeing him for the first time in decades.
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“Hoohoo, please- No! I’m King Candy!”
I also love how he nervously laughs at first before responding with “No!” In that particular way- simply laughing it off before being Rather Quick to reject Ralph’s proposal that he could possibly be someone else. Interesting .
But it’s the way he says “I’m King Candy!” That carries so much implication. His pose and smile, the perfect inflection in his voice- it’s theatrical, it’s like he’s rehearsed it. It’s almost like he’s trying to convince Ralph that he’s really who he says he is with the best performance possible. He’s been doing that for years and by this point he’s totally mastered it. Nobody suspects a thing. (For now……)
—————————— Skipping forward a little, Ralph explains that he got a medal from Hero's Duty.
"Your medal? (giggles) Bad guys don't win medals!"
"Well, this one did. I earned it over in... Hero's Duty"
"You game-jumped?? Ralph... You're not going Turbo, are you?"
"What? No no no no no..."
"Because i-if you think you can come in here- (laughs nervously) to MY kingdom, and take over MY GAME, YOU'VE GOT ANOTHER THING COMING!"
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First off we'll focus on Ralph. The way he admits it... He knows it sounds bad. He breaks eye contact and hesitates before saying "Hero's Duty." Probably because he knows what King Candy is gonna retort with. But he still says "I earned it" not only because he doesn't want to incriminate himself, but because he believes it. He did earn it... right? And then Ralph tries to brush off the suggestion that he's going Turbo before being interrupted by King candy's rampant tantrum. (WHICH I WILL GET TO.)
At this point, Ralph is becoming less confident that he earned his medal because he's in denial about “going Turbo.” His confidence wavers here especially because he's in the presence of this apparent authority figure whose trying to guilt and incriminate him. (And this is a situation he's already all too familiar with- think of how Surge Protector always halts him when going into games just because he's a bad guy.)
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But there's still one major thing keeping this denial intact: He wants to hold onto the fact he deserves his medal so bad. Others have hurt him for so long, he thinks getting that medal alone means he'll finally be respected, praised, and loved.
"Is it Turbo to want a friend? Or a medal? Or a piece of pie every once in a while? Is it Turbo to want more out of life?"
(I know that’s literally the Conflict of the Movie. BUT ITS WORTH MENTIONING OKAY I LOVE RALPH’S CHARACTER LEAVE ME ALONE)
I think the fact you can gather all this info just from the way he's portrayed during this SINGLE INTERACTION- its amazing. Amazing character writing is when when nearly every action a character does reinforces their motivations or personality and you're able to SEE IT!!
Now to focus on King Candy again… this FUCKER‼️
First off, him mentioning Turbo Isn’t even that suspicious at this point in the film… well… at first glance at least.
At first it seems like everyone knows who Turbo is. Ralph is questioned at Bad-Anon, Q*bert tells Felix and the nicelanders freak out- everyone who’s been around for a while knows who this guy is. But if you think about it… isn’t Sugar Rush a newer game? Not as new as Hero’s Duty, but it’s still a little odd that King Candy would know who Turbo is ON TOP of knowing Ralph. Just a little.
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"You game-jumped?? Ralph... You're not going Turbo, are you?"
Ok but Seriously. That Part. The pure irony of King candy saying THAT a threat against Ralph in an attempt to incriminate him. The way he says it too... He breaks eye contact and glances to the floor like it’s something forbidden to even mention. His accompanied hand movements too (and King Candy speaks with his hands A Lot) they move like he’s describing a ghost story. He’s obviously trying to scare Ralph… trying to scare him into admitting something.
This is... a lot. Maybe even some level of self projecting...? Cuz MAN. that is too deep for me to even start getting into
But the fact that his OWN NAME (a SECRET IDENTITY MIND YOU) has become so infamous that now HE’S WEAPONIZING IT?!? IS INSANE??? Can you Imagine his thought process. Like how far gone into the deep end is he.
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THIS. this is so good. And the way King Candy eludes to “Turbo” as some kind of monster. Could that be offering him like. A Brief moment of catharsis. Or fuel some twisted sense of pride. What the FUCK is going on in this SICKO’S HEAD !!!!! I NEED TO KNOW!!!!
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"Because i-if you think you can come in here- (laughs nervously) to MY kingdom, and take over MY GAME, YOU'VE GOT ANOTHER THING COMING!"
SECOND!!!!!! King Candy gets SO defensive SO FAST. That man jumps to conclusions IMMEDIATELY!!! He essentially throws a tantrum while stepping closer to Ralph, stumbling over his words and giggling nervously. The mere thought of there being ANY threat of someone else taking over "his game" riles him up SO BAD.
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This is the same EXACT SAME TEMPER that made him storm into Roadblasters as Turbo years ago, because he saw Roadblasters as a direct threat to his own game's popularity - HIS popularity!!!! Because getting exposure- infamous or otherwise- is the ONLY thing that drives him. (Pun intended. Sorry.)
And the way he repeats “MY” kingdom “MY” game… mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine. Are you done with your tantrum old man.
Wow. Anyways I think that’s enough for now. And that was in response to only a minute of content. (Oh dear.)
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that-girl013 · 1 year
Jealousy-Eli Hale
As you were walking out from school, you were trying to find Eli, your boyfriend, to ask him something. You knew it was the full moon tonight, and you wanted to help, but you didn't want to intrude. You've been helping him out for a while now. Whether you were planning on helping or not, Derek would always end up calling you to come help. You could always calm him down. Derek had a thought that maybe you were his anchor, but never asked Eli.
You stopped to see if you could find him when Charlie, one of your guy friends, walked over to you
"Hey, Y/n! Whatcha doing" He said
Not wanting to be rude you turned around to him with a fake smile. You didn't not like him but he flirted with you when he knew you had a boyfriend and that made you mad.
"Oh just looking for my boyfriend'' You sadi, putting an emphis on the boyfriend part
"Oh yeah, that Hale kid" He said as if he didn't know who he was
"That Hale kid has a name and it's Eli. Did you need something Charlie, cause I really need to find him. Not to be rude, but you are kinda in my way of doing that" You said
''Oh yeah yeah, sorry 'bout that. If you and Eli ever break up though, you know who to call babe" He said witha smirk and walked off. You scoffed and went back to trying to find Eli. Little did you know he was right around the corner listening to everything. Normally he wouldn't get so jealous, but he was losing control, and the one person that keeps him in control is the reason he's fuming.
Eli walks to his dad's car and gets in. Derek trys to talk but Eli just huffs back something. As Eli gets out of Derek's car his phone started to buzz. He looked at it and saw it was a message from you asking if he needed you to help him through the full moon. As much as he wanted you to help him through it, he was going to be stubborn so he said no. You wondered why he said no because he always wants you to help him through it, but you decided to let it go.
——time skip to Eli losing control——
Derek had decided to call you knowing you'd be able to calm Eli down. As soon as Derek asked, you didn't waste any time making your way to your boyfriend's house.
Once you got there you heard Eli's roars. You ran into the room you heard them and kneeled in-front of him. You nodded at Derek to leave. He was reluctant but did anyway.
"Eli, listen to me. You have to control it. Look in my eyes and breathe with me" you said soothingly. Eli looked into your eyes and started to breathe with you. When he finally gained control he collapsed into you lap as you ran your fingers through his hair, another trick you use to calm him down.
"I'm sorry I was so jealous'' He said leaving you confused
"Jealous? About what?'' You asked
"I saw Charlie flirting with you and I got mad, so I just left and didn't even talk to you. I was being a bitch and I'm sorry. Also I made you have to walk all the way over here'' Eli explained guiltily
"Eli, it's okay. And of course I would walk here, I would do anything to help you" you said still running your fingers through his hair. You placed a general kiss on his forehead but got startled when Derek walked into the room
"I was watching from the doorway, Y/n, you are Eli's anchor. For some an anchor is anger or sadness but for others it's someone they love. Eli you love Y/n and she is the only person who can calm you down"  Derek explained. He gave a general smile and walked out of the room
"Well, I'm honored, damn Eli Hale loves me and I'm his anchor wow" you said in a joking manor
Eli rolled his eyes and mumble come here. You guys shared a live filled kiss and ended the night with a cringey rom com
I hope y'all liked this one.
Word count: 730
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bivampir · 1 year
idk what about dog day afternoon made me go so insane but like. the fact sonny is a character who tries to make everyone happy so bad but he's a terrible person and the efforts always go wrong. every decision he makes is to make someone else feel better but it doesn't fix anything, it doesn't fix his mistakes it doesn't fix their problems it doesn't fix the whole situation he just slaps a bandaid on a broken bone and says there, i helped! im trying my best can't you see! and the whole time he's digging his grave deeper and deeper and he wipes the sweat off of his brow and says there, it's fixed now, it's working, we've been doing so well, why did you broke it when it was going so well, because he's incapable of seeing that he's standing in the grave he dug himself. he keeps trying and it's all for nothing. masterclass
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nattaphum · 1 year
Man Suang - today’s updates
This morning’s stories:
LAST QUEUE !!!!!!!!!!!!
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The camera in Tong’s story is ARRI Alexa.
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It’s the best (and most expensive) movie camera to exist on the market. 40-50% of the movies nominated for Oscars each year, use ARRI Alexa🥹. Some examples are Mulan, Dune, The Batman…
The 35th model, that BOC uses, adjusts the color according to Color Science allowing to obtain this type of result:
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Alexa 35 was released in June 2022 and costs around 77.000$ for 1 production set.
The investment on Man Suang is unbelievable!
They used Color Science in Kinnporsche too and the results were amazing!
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(Source) (Source) (Source)
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“7 Secrets of Man Suang” - by BeOnCloud
2/7 photos
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Black Chinese Wooden Abacus 👀
Tonight’s update:
IT’S A WRAP !!!!!!!!!!!
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destinyc1020 · 3 days
About to go see "Challengers"!! 🎬 😁
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oughtabeinpxctures · 2 months
"...here we go again."
"Tonight's feature is The Ghost of Frankenstein"
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ladybugd0ts · 1 year
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juno - 2007
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frecklystars · 1 year
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cool, coolcoolcool 💕🎬🧡🌟🚀💙✨
☆ ̗̀  drawn in December 2022   ̖́☆
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fuck-marvel · 2 years
— #movies🎬 —
✔ - watched; ◇ - started/watching
Phase One
〔✔〕 Iron Man (2008)
〔✔〕 The Incredible Hulk (2008)
〔✔〕 Iron Man 2 (2010)
〔✔〕 Thor (2011)
〔✔〕 Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
〔✔〕 The Avengers (2012)
Phase Two
〔✔〕 Iron Man 3 (2013)
〔✔〕 Thor: The Dark World (2013)
〔✔〕 Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
〔✔〕 Guardians Of The Galaxy (2014)
〔✔〕 Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)
〔✔〕 Ant-Man (2015)
Phase Three
〔✔〕 Captain America: Civil War (2016)
〔✔〕 Doctor Strange (2016)
〔✔〕 Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 (2017)
〔✔〕 Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
〔✔〕 Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
〔✔〕 Black Panther (2017)
〔✔〕 Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
〔✔〕 Ant-Man And The Wasp (2018)
〔✔〕 Captain Marvel (2019)
〔✔〕 Avengers: Endgame (2019)
〔✔〕 Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Phase Four
〔✔〕 WandaVision (2021 - 2021)
↳ 〔✔〕 Season 1 (2021)
〔✔〕 Falcon And The Winter Soldier (2021 - ?)
↳ 〔✔〕 Season 1 (2021)
〔✔〕 Loki (2021 - ?)
↳ 〔✔〕 Season 1 (2021)
〔✔〕 Black Widow (2021)
〔✔〕 What If...? (2021 - ?)
↳ 〔✔〕 Season 1 (2021)
〔✔〕 Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings (2021)
〔✔〕 Eternals (2021)
〔✔〕 Hawkeye (2021 - ?)
↳ 〔✔〕 Season 1 (2021)
〔✔〕 Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
〔✔〕 Moon Knight (2022 - ?)
↳ 〔✔〕 Season 1 (2022)
〔✔〕 Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness
〔✔〕 Ms. Marvel (2022 - ?)
↳ 〔✔〕 Season 1 (2022)
〔✔〕 Thor: Love And Thunder (2022)
— Deadpool
〔✔〕 Deadpool (2016)
〔✔〕 Deadpool 2 (2018)
— Spider-Man (Venom as well)
〔✔〕 Spider-Man (2002)
〔✔〕 Spider-Man 2 (2004)
〔✔〕 Spider-Man 3 (2007)
〔✔〕 The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)
〔✔〕 The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)
〔✔〕 Venom (2018)
〔 〕 Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse (2018)
〔 〕 Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021)
— Serieses
〔◇〕 Ultimate Spider-Man (2012 - 2017)
〔◇〕 Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013 - 2020)
〔◇〕 Daredevil (2015 - ?)
↳ 〔✔〕 Season 1 (2015)
↳ 〔 〕 Season 2 (2016)
↳ 〔 〕 Season 3 (2018)
— Comics
(Not in any particular order because they confuse me and I barely read any so far... Only started last week as well tho tbf)
I gave them to my brother so I can't look up the exact names rn... I'm gonna add this later on
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tygerland · 13 days
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Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song (1971)
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bluerosesdiary · 1 year
willow (2022)
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she's so me
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king-crawler · 16 days
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This part is subtle foreshadowing/setup that Vanellope's glitch can travel to others.
Taffyta is completely fine because her code is stable and she's native to the game, meaning she's easily correctable. (speculating)
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Turbo isn't able to recover because he's not native to Sugar Rush and his code is a tangled mess. The game doesn't know how to "correct" him after an error. (Rip bozo)
And both are from yanking someones arm in attempt to defend herself. Taffyta trying to hurt her emotionally and Candy trying to hurt her physically. Man.
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that-girl013 · 1 year
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They are still together (canon) They are going to get married (canon) They are unstoppable (canon) They. Are. Endgame. No. Matter. What.
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