#on the road again tour 2015
hsonlyangelxo · 1 year
I will never get over the fact that I never saw LHH live. Never. I would have seen him because they were in germany in 2015 but I wasn't there 😭😭😭🫠
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Monday, 8 September 2015/1
As part of their On The Road Again Tour, Liam and the boys play at Canadian Tire Centre in Ottowa - Canada, where they have 2 concerts in a day and start with Clouds
credits to Highlight Concerts La Serie
They continue with Steal My Girl and Where Do Broken Hearts Go
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After taking off his shirt, Liam has a little chat with Louis ...
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Then they sing Midnight Memories ...
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credits to Highlight Concerts La Serie
Also on their setlist are Kiss You and Fireproof
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Also on their setlist is Ready To Run, Happily and Better Than Words
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gifs are from matinee concert
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lukesdice · 8 months
Could you do one where y/n is part of the 5sos crew on tour. She also has always been their close friend. Especially to Luke. While playing their show in Amsterdam, he suddenly realises that he had feelings for y/n.
Luke Hemmings x Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Warning: Very small amount of swearing
Note: Thank you so much for the request! :) I hope you like it, and to anyone reading, please don't hesitate to send in more requests 🤍
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You stared out the slightly dirty window of the 5sos tour bus, encapsulated by the many cyclists and artistic buildings stacked along the streets of Amsterdam.
It was the seventh night of The 5 Seconds of Summer Show World Tour and you were currently on your way to park the bus at the Ziggo Dome, the boys already hyped up to see their fans again.
You had been on the road with them for the entirety of the tour so far, working as their assistant whenever they needed something or had to haggle with employees of the different venues.
As well as their assistant, you were also joining them as a now long-time best friend of theirs, knowing the boys since you had met Luke at a party after the release of Sounds Good Feels Good, him and you quickly becoming close. He had taken little time to introduce you to the rest of the boys, quickly after you both became friends. However, you and Luke had always been the closest and not long after you met, you couldn’t help but develop a small crush on the lead singer, knowing it was wrong and that he only viewed you in a platonic way. That thought hurt your heart so you buried your true feelings deep below your skin and carried on as friends.
When you first met Luke in 2015, he had a girlfriend, who you couldn’t help feel a little jealous of as your crush developed on him. When they split in 2017, you felt ashamed that you had screamed internally with excitement and danced around your apartment a little. Even though you felt awful for Luke at the heartbreak he had felt at the time, you couldn’t deny to yourself that you had never really liked his girlfriend anyway. You always thought she treated him badly and just used him. Although you were happy they had split, you never showed that to him and instead you were by his side each step of the way to help him heal.
He had been through a lot the first few years you knew each other, and you had been his rock through all of his struggles and pain. But also through his happy days and highs. This had brought you closer together than anyone else could ever be.
You were suddenly ripped from your people watching and daydreaming, big blue eyes landing on you as you turned your head to where the excited voice was coming from.
“You were so out of it there” Luke laughed, his curly blond hair bouncing slightly.
You laughed in reply, nodding your head as you couldn’t rip your eyes away from his sparkling ones and his cute little dimples that were popping out as he laughed.
“Anyways, we are almost at the venue,” Luke began, “but me and the boys were wondering if you wanted to explore the city before soundcheck?”
You nodded enthusiastically as you tucked a stray hair behind your ear, smiling up at Luke who was leaning his elbow on the seat you were currently sitting on, his tall form towering over you and the smell of his cologne tingling your senses.
“Hell yeah, I would be well up for that” you replied, as Luke did a little happy dance at your reply. You giggled at how cringe he was, but you deeply loved it.
You stood up slowly and balanced yourself on the head rest of the seat, so not to fall over as the bus pulled into the parking area.
Luke gave you a soft smile and pulled his arm around your waist to steady you a little.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got you”
Your heart warmed at his words and your stomach flip-flopped, the mixture of his firm arms around you, his hand tickling your hip and his kind words made you feel exceptionally dizzy. You desperately wished that you didn’t have to feel this way about him, because he certainly didn’t. You knew that, to him, this was just a mere friendship and he felt nothing when he touched you or hugged you, and that hurt so much more than the pain you felt over the years whenever you would see him dance with or kiss other girls.
“Thanks” you whispered in reply, as the bus slowed to a stop outside the venue.
“Alrighty, let’s go explore?” Michael piped up, standing and pulling a cap over his baby pink hair. “You coming Y/N?” He continued as you gave him a quick thumbs up.
“Of course!”
The five of you strolled down the streets of Amsterdam, stopping to buy little snacks and treats, as well as taking a quick look inside the Anne Frank House. You had stopped at a cute little clothing store, finding a furry pink coat that you had quickly forced Luke to put on, and taken a million pictures of him, gushing about how much it suited him. He had done a few poses in the long, narrow mirror that was propped against the dimly lit back area of the shop, before finding a matching pink cowboy hat and placing it on your head.
“How cute do we look?” He joked, as he snapped a quick picture of you both in the mirror, your bodies pressed against each other’s. You hoped and prayed that he couldn’t feel your heart beating out of your chest as your side was tucked into his, and as he leant his head against the top of yours.
“Oi you two, we are hiring bikes now, come on!” Calum shouted from the front door of the shop. You helped Luke pull off the pink coat before you both dashed out of the shop, catching up with the others who were now paying at a small bike kiosk.
You climbed onto one of the bikes as Ashton started peddling quickly past you, his curly hair blowing in the wind as you quickly peddled up beside him.
“Race you!” You joked as his eyes widened, the two of you trying to out-do one another.
“Hey suckers” Calum sang as he soared past the two of you on his own bike, instantly beating the both of you. You and Ashton looked at one another, rolling your eyes in amusement.
“Cheat!” Ashton yelled to Calum as you laughed at the pair, “Yeah Calum, such a cheat!” You called in unison with Ashton.
“What the fuck, how?” Calum laughed from in front, “you’re both just salty that I am a master cyclist” he boasted jokingly.
You started peddling slower so that Michael and Luke could catch up, who were just riding calmly and chatting with one another.
You smiled as you let the soft wind blow your hair backwards, admiring the trees dotted along the pavement and listening to the laughter of others as they walked hand-in-hand beside you or sat with their picnics on the grass that surrounded you.
“You look really pretty” Luke mused, as he struggled to balance his bike whilst cycling beside you, gazing over at you.
You turned your head to look at him, his cheeks tinted rosy pink as he realised what he had just said.
You felt your face go hot as the corners of your lips tilted upwards a little, your heart now hammering again, the happy noises around you suddenly drowning out.
“Um-I mean-” Luke stuttered.
“I mean, I’m very lucky to have such a pretty friend.”
Your heart sank a little at that. Friend. That’s all you would ever be to him.
You gave him a quick smile to say thanks, trying to shake his words off of you but not able to stop the word friend spinning in circles around and around in your brain, taunting at you and laughing at you.
Eventually you and Luke pulled your bikes to the side of the canal, colourful little and bigger boats dotted in lines down the side of the water bank. In your state of being lost in thought, you hadn’t even realised that you had lost the other boys.
“I think we lost the others” Luke said, circling his bike around slowly with his hands as he tried to find any sight of them.
“Oops” he continued when he couldn’t see them anywhere. He turned to look at you again, as you slipped back into your own thoughts.
“Y/N, you okay?” Luke asked, “you’ve been pretty quiet the last ten minutes.”
Luke had a small concerned frown on his face, his eyebrows slightly creased as a small curl fell in front of his left brow. This made you smile a little again, not being able to help yourself. He always looked so cute when he pulled his pouty frown-y face.
You shook yourself out of your thoughts, not wanting Luke to think something was up and start questioning further.
“Sorry no I’m fine, just lost in thought and enjoying the surroundings” you replied as Luke nodded in understanding, seemingly taking your explanation for fact.
“Hey, you want to take a short boat trip on the canal?” He asked, motioning towards one of the boats where a small man was leaning again the door that led into the boat, puffing on a cigarette with his arms folded, a small sign next to him, welcoming aboard passengers.
You excitedly nodded and leant your bike on the grass below you, “Yes definitely, I’ve always wanted to try this in Amsterdam, such a romantic thing to do-” you rambled, suddenly realising what you had just said and stopping yourself, looking bashfully at the ground and cursing at yourself in your head.
Luke chuckled beside you and entangled his hand with yours, pulling you closer towards the boats.
Your heart picked up in speed again as you let Luke hold your hand, his warm grip melting away all of your embarrassment and anxiety, the colours and blue sky around you suddenly feeling a little brighter.
“Very romantic indeed,” he chuckled, giving you a little wink before turning his attention to ask the small man about getting a quick canal tour.
You felt your breath fall away from you at his words but your head knew that he just probably said that as a joke, to make you feel better so you didn’t feel embarrassed, or maybe he was flirting? No he definitely wasn’t flirting, he only saw you as a friend.
The two of you sat at the railings of the outside section of the boat, side-by-side as you gazed up at the slow moving rows of old buildings, and listening to the calm waves of water that splashed against the edges of the boat.
Luke leaned closer to you, his shoulder brushing against yours, as he stared at you once again. You felt his gaze on you, suddenly a very nervous feeling washing over you. Every time Luke stared at you with that certain gaze, one that made you question if he really did like like you, you felt as if you couldn’t breath and that the whole universe suddenly became very dizzy and muffled.
“What?” You asked with a soft smile, finally turning to look at him. His blue eyes were shining as they melted into your own gaze, his lips turned a little upwards in a content smile, the blonde tufts, of the bottom of his mullet, tickled the back of his neck.
“Sorry,” he chuckled as he finally came back to reality, “nothing” he finished as he turned his attention back to the water ahead of you both.
“Forever a daydreamer, Luke” you giggled as you leant your head gently on his shoulder, him doing the same but instead atop of your head.
A few hours passed by, and you had eventually returned back to the venue for the show, finally meeting up with the other boys who were instantly jealous at the fact that the two of you had ‘sneaked’ off to a canal tour.
“We didn’t sneak off, if you all didn’t disappear and ditch us then maybe you could have come” Luke laughed as Calum rolled his eyes, “nah it was an elaborate plan to get rid of us!” Calum joked back, the boys already becoming silly and hyped up for their upcoming concert.
You had spent the next few hours running around and fulfilling your assistant duties, liaising with the venue staff and collecting drinks, snacks and equipment for the boys. As you dashed around, you heard loud chatter and excited cheering from the queues of fans outside, smiling to yourself and feeling intense pride for your best friends. You couldn’t be happier for them, and the fact that they were getting to fulfil their dream made your heart soar.
“Y/N, can you help me please?” Luke asked from behind you, half his body peering from behind the dressing room door.
You turned from setting up a tray of water bottles, nodding your head instantly without even knowing Luke’s request.
“Can you help me with my eyeshadow please?” He asked so innocently and softly, holding up a glittery palette and brush for you to take from him.
“Yes of course, let me work my magic” you giggled as you prized the makeup from his hands, and followed him to the dressing table which was situated in the corner of the room.
Soft rock music played in the background, a change from the normal loud music that they usually played before going on stage. The other boys had gone off elsewhere, probably to tune their instruments. You dipped the brush into the blue sparkly powder, Luke sitting on the seat below you as you hovered in front of him, your body situation in between his legs as you stood facing before him.
You dabbed the eyeshadow along his eyelids, swooping it out to create a small wing. You smiled at your work before re-focusing on making it look perfect.
The whole time Luke stared admiringly up at you, watching you as you intently made art upon his face, your free hand caressing his jawline to make sure his head stayed still in place.
You could feel his breath hitting your chin as both of your faces grew closer to one another’s, your own breath fanning his long lashes. You suddenly realised how close in proximity your lips were to each other’s, your noses almost brushing as you stopped applying the makeup for a short second. Your eyes flickered to his, which were already watching you closely.
“Hey” you whispered, letting your thumb run along his cheekbone ever so slightly, one of his blonde hairs curling around your pinky finger.
“Hey” he whispered in reply, as he reached his hand up to push one of your own strands of hair, which had fallen in front of your eyes, back to behind your ear, the cool metal of his rings brushing against your ear as he did so. You shivered a little at his touch.
“Just so you can see whilst doing my makeup” he spoke so softly, the soft beats of the music singing along to his gentle, velvety voice.
You nodded ever so slowly before casting your gaze back to your artwork, continuing on with his eyeshadow, as your heart rate sped up even more, breathing becoming heavier, and you hoped and prayed that Luke didn’t notice the state of anxious desperation you felt for him.
Suddenly a loud knocking was heard on the outside of the door, “Luke, five minutes until you need to be on stage!” You heard another of the employees yell from outside, you and Luke instantly locking eyes again. You quickly finished off his makeup and took a step back to admire your work.
“You look beautiful” you mumbled, a small smile on your lips as Luke’s cheeks became light scarlet.
He carefully stood up from his seat, once again towering over you and taking you in, with his eyes, for a short moment.
“I’ll see you after?” He questioned, acting as if he didn’t ask, then you would possibly disappear without a trace.
“Of course Luke, I’ll be waiting” you responded quietly.
“You’ll smash it, as you always do.”
The boys waved at the screaming and cheering fans, taking their places on stage as the bright orange curtain fell, the stage lights flashing and the beginning of ‘Bad Omens’ starting to play.
You took your place off the side of the stage, watching the boys begin to play and loose themselves to the feeling of euphoria, and to the rhythm of their songs. You danced a little and sang along as you did every night, grinning widely whenever Luke did his happy little bouncing movements, and whenever the crowd sang loudly to their lyrics.
‘Want You Back’ came to an end and Luke steadied his mic stand, lovingly looking out at the shining phone lights and happy fans in front of him.
“This next song is an old one” he began, as the crowd cheered crazily and excitedly.
“And I want to dedicate it to someone very special to me” he continued, the fans screaming even louder at his words.
“There’s someone in my life who I care for very much, someone who’s been by my side for the last eight years and whenever I’m with her-” he said breathlessly, the fans still going crazy over his small speech.
“I feel so disconnected from the world”
The fans cheered as the opening chords and lyrics of ‘Disconnected’ started playing.
For a moment you saw Luke turn and lock his eyes with yours, giving you a look from across the stage that made your heart batter against your ribcage, and almost knock you over from shock.
You didn’t want to be too presumptive but you were 100% sure that he had meant you, and when he gave you that look, you just knew.
As the set came to an end, the fans clapping and cheering as the boys took their final bow, waving and blowing kisses to the fans, you instantly felt nervous, impatiently waiting for Luke to be back with you.
Eventually the boys came tumbling off the stage, sweaty and full of their post concert high. Ashton galloped past you, giving you an excited hug, followed by Calum and Michael who were giggling with one another.
You smiled at them and congratulated them like you did after every show, matching their excitement.
You turned to face Luke who had just bounced off the stage towards you, his blonde hair all sweaty, the makeup you had delicately painted on him now a little smudged, but a huge grin still perfectly drawn on his face.
“You did amazing out there Luke, as always!” You cheered, as you pulled him into a warm hug. The two of you stood there in silence, arms wrapped around each other as the noise of the fans continued but began to die down a little as they began to leave.
“Did you hear my tribute?” He asked, suddenly becoming obviously nervous as he pulled away from your hug a little, but with his hands still grasping your sides.
You slowly nodded your head, unsure of what to reply, and hoping he would continue.
“Y/N, this is going to sound fucking cheesy and I might ruin our friendship saying this but I don’t give a fuck, I need to tell you” he began hurriedly, like if he didn’t say it fast enough then he would chicken out of what he was about to say.
“Whenever I’m with you, I find my sweet escape” he smiled, an air of confidence suddenly washing over him as he clearly knew how cringey he sounded but went with it anyway.
“And I’ve been worried for so long that you only thought of me as a friend and maybe you do, but Y/N,” he continued now more slowly.
“I fucking love you with all of my soul and mind and heart”
It took you a few moments to collect your thoughts, your whole body feeling weak and numb at his confession. You felt as if your heart just stopped, everything around the two of you blanking out as you stared dumbfounded into Luke’s worried blue eyes.
“What?” You asked, wanting him to say it again just to confirm it for you once more. Just to make sure that you hadn’t imagined the last minute that had passed by.
“I love you” he repeated, “and not in that platonic friendly I love you way, I love you like I love you” he rambled.
You laughed a little at his awkward way of wording his confession, but it made you fall for him even harder. You wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders, clasping your hands behind the nape of his neck as he closely watched your movements, his breathing heavy and irregular.
“I love you like I love you, too” you repeated his words back, as he let his shoulders drop in relief.
“Can I-uhm” he began nervously.
“Can I kiss you?”
Luke leant down slowly, his nose brushing the tip of yours softly, his warm breath hitting your lips as you let your eyes flutter shut.
All of the noise and commotion around you became nothing, it was just you and Luke entangled in each other’s arms.
Luke finally pressed his lips to yours, both of you melting into one another and becoming one, as you felt him pull you even closer to him, his hands squeezing your hips gently.
You felt his tongue caress your bottom lip, noses pressed firmly against one another’s now, your hands tangled in his hair, as your lips deepened against his, never wanting to let go.
As you finally pulled apart, breathing heavily and staring into each other’s souls, chests rising and falling, and hearts beating in unison, the noises around you slowly became louder again as you were brought back into reality.
“Fucking finally,” Michael bellowed from behind you.
“I was sick of listening to Luke pine for you since he basically fucking met you!” He laughed, clearly happy for the two of you.
You smiled up at Luke, twirling the wet strands of his hair around your fingers.
“You were pining for me?”
Luke blushed a little again, “Guilty” he shrugged a little.
You laughed and lifted yourself back onto your tip toes to re-attach your lips to his, the two of you falling back into your disconnected world away from reality.
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daisyblog · 10 months
YN Tomlinson
Our Story Masterlist Summary: An insight into YN's life.
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Background Information: Birth Name: YN Olivia Tomlinson Born: 13th of April 1994 Origin: Doncaster, England, UK Occupation: Hair Stylist, Fashion Influencer, Owner of Styles Fashion Siblings: Louis Tomlinson (brother), Charlotte "Lottie" Tomlinson (sister), Félicité Tomlinson (sister), Daisy Tomlinson (sister), Phoebe Tomlinson (sister), Doris Deakin (sister), Ernest Deakin (brother)
YN Olivia Tomlinson, born on the 13th of April, 1994, is an English hair stylist and fashion influencer. She is also the founder of the fashion company, Styles Fashion.
YN was born and raised in Doncaster, South Yorkshire. Her older brother is singer Louis Tomlinson. She was raised with Louis and four younger sisters: Charlotte, Félicité, and twins Phoebe and Daisy. Her parents divorced in 2011. YN has two younger siblings, twins Doris and Ernest, who were born in 2014, from her mother's relationship with Dan Deakin.
Like her brother, YN attended The Hayfield School and later on Doncaster College where she studies Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy, which are both located in Doncaster.
YN began travelling with her brother, Louis and boyfriend, Harry on tour with their band One Direction when she 18 as the band's hair stylist and make up artist Lou Teasdale's assistant. She worked as Lou's assistant from 2013 until 2015, during their Take Me Home Tour, Where We Are Tour and On the Road Again Tour, and for the bands promotional appearances during those years.
In 2016, she collaborated with several fashion brands including ASOS, Adidas and Zara. Later in the year, YN debuted the collaborative clothing collection with Adidas, where her brother Louis and boyfriend Harry both attended.
In 2017, YN released her first book, Styles: Fashion By Me. The book includes over 50 different fashion outfits and styles. A year later in 2018, YN launched Styles Fashion, her own company and clothing line, including clothing items that she designed herself. In June 2019, alongside her sister Lottie, she released a collaboration collection with fashion brand In the Style.
YN began dating her brother's bandmate, Harry Styles, in 2011. The couples relationship was exposed after a photo was taken of them kissing, at Harry's childhood's friend party. Despite their relationship, it is still clear that Harry and Louis's friendship has remained strong.
Speculations began that the pair may have split in 2018 when YN did not attend Harry's Manchester or London dates during his Live On Tour show. The pair were not seen together until December 2018, when YN posted a photo on her Instagram of the pair at her family's home in Doncaster.
In 2019, Harry released his studio album Fine Line, where fans were quick to conclude that the couple did in fact split the previous year. The album is a mixture of happy and sad times that the couple experienced and Harry said in his interview with Zane Lowe "The times when I felt good and I felt happy, we're the happiest I've ever felt in my life, and the times I felt sad was the lowest I ever felt in my life". In the same interview, Harry also confirmed that the voice played at the end of the track Cherry is YN, which was from 2014 when she was trying to learn how to speak French.
YN has featured in some of Harry's music video's, including Lights Up, Watermelon Sugar, Adore You, Treat People with Kindness, As It Was, Late Night Talking and Daylight.
After the loss of her mother and sister, YN has been open about her anxiety and has since been an advocate for mental health and currently is an ambassador, alongside her sister Lottie, for the bereavement charity, Sue Ryder.
Following the announcement of her sister, Lottie's, pregnancy in 2022, YN launched a maternity clothing line, quoting in her interview "My sister begged me to start working on maternity clothes as soon as she found out she was pregnant...how could I say no?".
YN has joined Harry on his Love On Tour tour, from 2021-2023. Harry announced during one of his Wembley shows that he had proposed to YN at the venue that very same day. Despite being on a world tour, YN still used her platforms to work in partnership with brands, but most importantly, provide the fans with the updates they wanted.
Tag List: (let me know if you would like to be added) @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @harrys-flower @platinumbarbie143 @frickin-bats @harrysbbyh0ney @chronicallybubbly @goldensunflowe-r  @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @kaverichauhan @peterholland04 @panicattheuc @indierockgirrl @or-was-it-just-a-dream @hittiesontour @bunnyharold @fanfictioncafe @lilfreakjez @jerseygirlinca @iamahallucinationnn @theekyliepage
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Styling Mr. Styles.
harry styles were in desperate need of a hair stylist for one direction’s uk leg of tour culminating in 2015.
although he doesn’t do much with his hair before shows, perhaps a bit of gel and hairspray here and there, he needs someone who can cut his hair when he feels it’s necessary and someone who he can just talk to when he needs a bit of space.
and he knows for a fact that hair stylists always talk the most, so he needed to hire one, a hair cut could take place at any given moment and although his hair was long he liked to keep it in check.
so when his good friend lou teasedale recommends (Y/N). harry’s quick in taking the recommendation and hires you.
so the autumn of 2015 was bound to turn out a good one, especially when your surrounded by all your close friends and some even closer.
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authors note - this is my first time writing a series as i’ve only ever written just one shots before so this is brand new to me. this mini series will include real life events that have taken place during the 2015 leg of the on the road again tour. harry is 21 in this fic and (Y/N) is 19, so there is a slight age gap.
warnings - explicit language, angst, mentions of domestic abuse, slight innocent reader, mentions of alcohol, social anxiety and panic attacks, badly written smut.
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prologue. [published - 06.07.2023]
in which, harry is in desperate need of a hair stylist, so when his good friend recommends you, with a lot of persuasion you decide to take the job. having no idea what the future will have in store for you and for him.
chapter one.
in which, it’s your first day on the job and your best friend decides to drive you up to london so that you have a familiar face when you arrive. that’s where you properly meet everyone and even have some one on one time with a certain curly headed lad.
chapter two.
in which, it’s the first show of the uk leg of tour, and getting to know everyone you’ll be seeing for a prolonged period of time leaves someone in a slightly angry mood, which is an especially bad thing when you’ll be styling his hair in a few minutes.
chapter three.
in which, after an article appears of you being seen at the show surfaces, you panic about certain people seeing it. but due to the circumstances you have to move on quickly and move on to your next tour location. the home of the man your starting to develop a crush for. manchester.
chapter four.
in which, you’ve got a fear of flying that no body knows about, and after some gentle persuasion someone occupise the seat next to you. gesturing a cutie named lux and the wonderful city of glasgow.
chapter five.
in which, you introduce the curly lad to your favourite tv show, and arriving in your next destination he decides to take you on a tour of there set. the day ends with fireworks and a heart full of gratitude. all thanks to him.
chapter six.
in which, you’ve all arrived in the country that makes up 1/4 of the band. the lovely ireland. where nightmares take place, and the truth about your past finally comes to surface. hair gets braided and a mechanical bull lingers in the background.
chapter seven.
in which, getting ready to head to the next tour location begins all cute and fluffy, as if nothing can burst the bubble you and him have created, but an oblivious maid interrupts that bubble, leaving the two of you feeling vulnerable and create a whole other issue that leads to the two of you telling the truth.
chapter eight.
in which, events take a turn for the better as you and him cuddle in his bunk on the tour bus, where you start to feel good and the afternoon ends with saccharine lullabies. leaving both of you to let the feelings you have for each other to linger in the back of your minds.
chapter nine.
in which, another article reached the eyes of one direction fans and family, a flashback occurs in the midst of the chaos your mind is enduring upon yourself and an unrealised song gets sung for the first time, putting you once again in the spotlight.
chapter ten.
in which, waking you up with breakfast in bed, the curly headed lad had a very important question to ask you that will need a very important answer.
in which, it’s the finale chapter of your and his story so there’s one thing to say… welcome to the final show…i hope your wearing your best clothes.
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hlficlibrary · 16 days
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AO3: reminiscingintherain
Tumblr: @reminiscingintherain
✤ Number of fics: 72
✤ Posting Since: 2015
1️⃣ Latching Onto You {T, 34k}
“Wait a sec,” Harry interrupted. “Zayn and Liam?” “Yeah, my best mates, who are getting married?” Louis said slowly, slightly baffled at the question. “This is a gay wedding?” “Is that going to be a problem?” Louis asked, his voice losing its friendly edge and taking on a decidedly icy tone.
Or, the one where Louis wants to book Harry Styles to perform at his best friends' wedding.
2️⃣ On This Winter's Night {T, 27k}
When a random bloke offers his lap for a seat on a busy bus in December, Louis' Christmas ends up being much different, and far less lonely than he was expecting.
3️⃣ Say It With Flowers {G, 2k}
From the prompt: Person A owns a flower shop and person B comes storming in one day, slaps 20 bucks on the counter and says “How do I passive-aggressively say fuck you in flower?”
4️⃣ Another One For The Road {T, 15k}
She looked up at Louis with a smile. "Congratulations Louis. You're pregnant." "Oh fuck," he said softly, before his eyes rolled up into the back of his head and he promptly passed out.
Or the one where Louis' on tour when he finds out the hard way that men can get pregnant too....
5️⃣ Falling {T, 4k}
"Are you already in a relationship?" Harry asked warily. "Because... I completely understand if so.""No, I'm not," Louis frowned."Then...?"Louis sighed heavily, rubbing a hand over his face."Look, I'm Zayn's best friend," he said bluntly.
Based off the prompt:  you’re my soulmate and I know we’d have a happy ever after but you’re my best friends ex and if I dated you they’d never speak to me again and I don’t know what to do
💎 Camboy on Lockdown (series) {E, 12k}
While Louis was working on the final draft of his thesis for his Master's, the world went into lockdown around him without him realising. Now he's trapped in student accommodation, and needs a way to earn some money...
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paigeloves1dand5sos · 2 months
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Today 9 years ago on march 25 2015, Zayn left One Direction. He left well 1D was in the middle of On the Road Again Tour, and One Direction continued to do the rest of tour without Zayn. Then the next year on March 25 2016. Zayn released his 1st solo album, Mind Of Mine.
Then One Direction made an album without Zayn called Made In The AM. Which happened to be One Direction’s last album, before 1D announced they were going on a 18 months break. More like 18 million year break 😅. One Direction started making music again, but as solo artist. Which was sad, but exciting at the same time, because 1D promised they would be back in 18 months, and they have an album they haven’t toured yet.
If Zayn never left One Direction, there would be no solo One Direction music, and One Direction would probably be on there 20th new album by now, but the boys were so over worked, because for 5 years they had released a new album every November, and then toured the new album. Which was not normal for most bands or singers. They had other problems too, no control over there schedule, barely any sleep, barely saw there families, had mental health issues and other things.
Zayn must have been over all the things he couldn’t control in his life. That probably was a big reason why he left 1D. Remember when the boys auditioned for The UK X Factor in 2010. The boys originally auditioned as solo artists, but got put together in a band they named One Direction, and the boys were so young when they started out. They didn’t know what to do, and just went along with being in a band, even though they originally planned on being solo artists
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acesofspadess · 10 months
Worth The Risk
"if you knew all those years ago, walking onto that stage about to be put into a band, knowing everything that happened, the good, the bad, the ugly, would you still have said yes?"
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X-Factor (2010)
'Hi! We're One Direction!'
Up All Night Tour (2011-2012)
'Baby you light up my world like nobody else'
'I mean it was our first ever 'solo' tour... none of us really knew what was to come.'
Take Me Home Tour (2013)
Where We Are Tour (2014)
On the Road Again Tour (2015)
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writtenbymkl · 1 year
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[22:36 pm]
word count: 473
a/n: little mark drabble i thought of while looking at my old 2015 wattpad account 🤔
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊
“Yo, there’s my favorite superstar,” You say, wandering into the room full of clothes and racks. On one hand, you have some flowers, and on the other, you have a watermelon cake.
“Y/n? Dude, what.” You look at Mark's surprised face as he drops the chopsticks he just had in his hand.
“What? Weren’t expecting me? You know how I am with surprises, dude,” You walk over to where he is sitting and place the cake on the table.
“These are for you, Fork,” you shove the flowers into his hands. Not just any flowers, though.
“Yo, you got me tulips?” He mumbles.
“Duh, what else would I get you?” You watch as Mark places the tulips on the seat next to him and gets up.
“Bring it in, dude,” He pats his chest and spreads his arms out to signal you to hug him. You roll your eyes as you wrap your arms around his neck.
“Congratulations or whatever. You guys completed your tour,” Mark pats your back and lets go.
“Yeah, I’m a bit sad it’s over, but I’ll be on the road again soon enough,”
You squint at Mark. “You better rest up. I don’t want you calling me at 3 am like last time because you got sick and insisted on staying up to write.”
“Ay, it’s all part of the job, man,” He shrugs. You’re about to mention something else when the door opens.
“Y/n, you’re here! Johnny told me you were around here somewhere,” You hear someone say in a baby voice. Arms unexpectedly engulf you from behind.
“Hey, Donghyuck, long time no see,” You say as you try to signal Mark for help.
“Dude, let her go. She can't breathe,” Haechan lets go and goes to stand next to Mark.
“I told you not to call me Donghyuck,”
“I know, but I like making you mad,” You stick your tongue out at him, and he rolls his eyes.
“You guys are literally children, like wow,” Mark blinks.
“You know, Mark, it’s funny that you call us children when you were crying last night saying Y/n wasn’t gonna make it to the con-“ Mark’s hand suddenly flies to Haechan’s mouth.
“Yo, what? Haha, what are you even saying, dude,” You watch as Haechan licks Mark’s palm. “YO, what the hell, man,” He exclaims while shoving Haechan away from him.
“Don’t be embarrassed, Marker. I’m your number one fan. I’d never miss it for the world,” You wink at him.
“Shut up,”
“Hey, what about me? I love you more than Mark. I thought we were best friends,”
“What? Of course not. Y/n is my best friend, not yours.”
“Y/n, choose. Me or mark?” You watch as they continue to argue over who’s better. When you’re friends with Mark Lee, you have a lot in store for you.
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊
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foxes-that-run · 5 months
If I could fly
The TLDR is that If I could fly is about Harry being vulnerable with someone he is separated from by distance which is painful. Harry wrote it in February before the OTRA tour. When asked about it in the Track by Track, (1:52) Harry spoke about the album for 2 minutes, when prompted he covered his body language was closed before saying it 'kind of fell down, it was natural to sing it' then talked about Johan. Thank for sharing your music Harry.
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When was it written
Harry wrote it with Johan Carlson and Ross Golan in Los Angeles. Johan said they wrote together several days a week over four weeks leading up to the On the Road Again tour, which started 7 February 2015. Harry wrote with Johan on ‘Just a Little Piece of your heart’, ‘I love you’, Maybe Someday and 'Stockholm Syndrome'. Johan said:
"He's such a good songwriter - it's an honour to write music with him. He's fantastic with the words and he can really put down lyrics that are very conversational and people can relate to. We're just having a good time."
Niall also said Made in the AM was written in January and February, before Zayn left the band in March. He also told Ryan Seacrest the bulk of the album was written before tour and recorded on the road.
Live performances
One Direction never performed it live and Harry hasn't since 2018. Harry included it in his first main setlist throughout 2018. He performed it on the B stage after Sweet Creature. When performing it live Harry paused, shushed the crowd with a finger for up to 2 minutes before saying "it's your turn" for them to sing the last chorus and "I feel it," both of which Harry led on the album.
What the band said about it
To Apple Music Liam said he got emotional listening to "the song Harry wrote", which is likely 'If I Could Fly' because his other writing credits were with 1D and/or 1D writers. Harry deflected answering what it is about but said it was a farewell (to a hoodie they had been joking about). The farewell is interesting to me as the lyrics are ambiguous to me, Harry sings of being apart from his muse, going out of mind and hoping they don’t run from him.
Julian Bunetta said to Rolling Stone:
“I remember when Harry first played it to me. That one I didn’t write, but I remember when I first heard it. We were in Westlake Studio for a week. I kept asking why he wanted to call it ‘If I Could Fly.’ It’s a great song, so it doesn’t really matter what it’s called, does it?”
The title is only in the first line, compared to 'for your eyes only' which is the main line of the chorus. If I could fly is a reference to the paper airplane necklace and Taylors Out Of The Woods "Two paper airplanes flying, flying, flying". It also sets the meaning of the song as about someone he's physically apart from rather than the band or fans.
27 October - 1989 release, Harry and Taylor seen together again in November and December. (2014 timeline)
10 January - 4 weeks writing with Johan incl. 'If I could Fly'
16 January - The last time Harry and Taylor were seen together before the Exile BBMAs was Lily Aldridge's birthday. (WITW)
1 February - Taylor not at Harry's 21st birthday, in Nashville the next day, maybe broke up (Hunger and Coney Island).
7 February - ORTA tour start, end of writing period.
14 February - Style Music Video released and Two Ghosts written.
27 February - Harry posted the overgrown Winding Wheel.
7 November - Harry Tweeted 'If I could fly' before it was released. He had given Taylor the Airplane necklace on 7 November 2012.
If I could fly I'd be comin' right back home to you
"If I could fly" is not an obvious title for this song, but was important to Harry.
The opening of Taylor’s vault track The Very First Night is “I wish I could fly / I'd pick you up and we'd go back in time”
It is one of Harry's last One Direction songs, he fly's (over an ocean and woods) in the MV his first solo song, Sign of the Times, which works as a through line. Harry said to Jimmy Fallon that he 'would have been happy with a green screen' which sounds like the flying was his idea before he got concepts.
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Harry has sung about flying and the distance separating him from his muse many times, especially in One Direction songs. This title and opening lyric are clear the song is about someone Harry is separated from by touring and living internationally:
Fools Gold "You're the shining distraction that makes me fly home"
Half The World Away "Never gonna be the same / 'Cause you're half the world away"
Lay down "Hearts are divided / Now that we’re worlds apart"
Trouble "And you know that i’ll be gone in the morning"
Already home "You don’t have to go, but you’re already leaving" and "From aeroplanes to the bullet trains, summer skies to the pouring rain / All the future plans we will never make, from a beating heart to the farthest place"
Daylight "If I was a bluebird, I would fly to you"
Canyon Moon "I'll be gone too long from you"
Daydreaming "You know I'll be gone for so long / So give me all of your love, give me something to dream about"
Since meeting Harry while writing Red, Taylor has sung about flying in more than 10 songs about him, most closely in The Very First Night: "I wish I could fly, I’d pick you up and we’d go back in time"
Home is also an important theme in Harry's music, home being with the person rather than a physical place.
I think I might Give up everything, just ask me to
Here, in Maybe Someday and in Taylors 'The Lakes' they have both sung about being together after giving up their careers, Slut! and Gold Rush Also has a similar message.
however on Harry's House in Music for a Sushi Restaurant and As it Was Harry started to say he should be able to have both because 'he's not going to go broke' or 'you know it's not the same.'
Pay attention, I hope that you listen 'Cause I let my guard down Right now I'm completely defenseless
Harry guards his privacy carefully, he has spoke in the Behind the Album that the world knew everything about him in the band and he found he didn't like that. To let someone in is important.
For your eyes only I'll show you my heart For when you're lonely And forget who you are I'm missing half of me When we're apart Now you know me For your eyes only For your eyes only
I really love the phrasing of 'when you're lonely and forget who you are' it beautifully communicates how highly Harry thinks of his muse, but knows they don't see themselves as he does. This is quite similar to
Lay Down: "Two Hearts are divided / Now that we’re worlds apart, They seem so hard to take"
Satellite "I can see you're lonely down there, Don't you know that I am right here?"
Little Freak "I was thinkin' about who you are / Your delicate point of view"
I've got scars Even though they can't always be seen And pain gets hard But now you're here and I don't feel a thing
This verse gets me everytime. Harry is speaking about past trauma, which he also touched on with Rolling Stone discussing his parents separating and wanting to protect his mother, as well as internet criticism. Taylor Swift has a similar story in Seven, and in Cardigan "You drew stars around my scars"
I can feel your heart inside of mine I feel it, I feel it I've been goin' out of my mind I feel it, I feel it Know that I'm just wastin' time And I hope that you don't run from me
To me the outcome for the relationship in the song is ambiguous, as it may have been for Harry. He’s vulnerable, hoping the person doesn’t run from him, but is leaving and thinks he wasting his time. To me this reflects a relationship that’s complex, but clearly special. As we can see with how Harry didn’t want to discuss the song.
This verse reminds me of these lyrics.
Sweet Creature "Two hearts in one home"
Where do broken hearts go "Mind is running in circles of you and me"
Fools Gold "You're the raise on the waves that calm my mind"
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Chapter 1
Series Summary: Gemma is definitely Cassidy James' favourite Styles family member, considering they are best friends and all. And especially considering that Harry Styles is Gemma's smug and self-centered younger brother. Her life isn't perfect, and neither is she, but she hates how everyone thinks Harry is. Because she knows that's not the case.
Chapter Summary: Cassidy, begrudgingly, finds herself at Harry's secret show in London in December 2019, and thinks about some of the few times she actually liked being in the same room as him, and a few of the reasons why that changed.
Chapter Warnings: Some explicit language, alcohol consumption, alcoholic parent, smut- intercourse using a condom, anxiety attack, mention of Kendall Jenner (please no hate)
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[ present - Dec 2019 ]
It's been a couple of years since Cassidy's seen, and talked to, that twerp. No, twerp isn't the right word. That's what she'd call him when he'd throw mud pies at her and his sister. No, asshole is a much better word to describe him. Because his level of arrogance and annoyingness only grew with him over the years.
So, why she agreed to meet Gemma for this specific event is a mystery. Being at one of Harry's shows is less than ideal. Gemma could have picked anywhere else. And Cassidy would have preferred anywhere else. But, she's here because Gemma is her best friend, and she's missed her, so she just couldn't say no.
Her anxiety heightens as the lights dim and the crowd begins to cheer.
"Style." A voice sounds through the speakers. "Style is the answer to everything."
Is he serious? The answer to everything? He really is an arrogant son of a bitch. Of course this is his intro. Clearly his ego hasn't changed. It has definitely grown, which she didn't think was possible, but also can't be shocked by.
"To do a dangerous thing with style is what I call art."
Wrong. To do a dangerous thing, or really just anything, with Harry Styles is what Cassidy would call stupidity. And she knows first hand. She was stupid once.
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[ flashback - Oct 2015 ]
Cassidy only went to shows with Gemma, and this time was no exception, but usually she is dragged there. However, the last concert of the 'On The Road Again' tour, the last concert before their hiatus, seemed like an important enough event for her to attend, without any resistance. Well, without as much resistance.
And she has to admit, the energy is electric. Even her disdain for a certain One Direction member can't really prevent her from enjoying the night. So much so that she tears up at the end, with all the 'thank yous' and hugs. So much so that she agrees to go with Gemma to meet up with them backstage. So much so that she agrees to go to the after party they have planned at the hotel, on the vip floor.
Thankfully, she and Gemma managed to snag two hotel rooms to avoid taking the hour and a half hour drive home. They usually share, but with Gemma's boyfriend there, she is not about to share a room with them. This means that there's nothing in the way of her attending the party and easily escaping back to the room when she wants to leave. She is certain she won't want to stick around too long.
Cassidy walks into the party in a black velvet crop top with matching fitted mini skirt. A bit casual, but still meeting the party vibe. She instantly feels excitement and anxiety wash over her simultaneously, seeing the grandeur of the room and the abundance of guests already in attendance, and already in full party mode.
"Come on, CJ, let's live it up tonight, 'kay?" Gemma states, more so than asks, and Cassidy knows she doesn't have much choice. Not that she's one to turn down a party, but she's never been to one this elaborate.
"Drinks first then." She replies, pointing straight over to the open bar across the expansive room.
They make their way through the crowds, who are chatting and dancing, to finally reach their destination.
"Long Island iced tea, please." Cassidy orders.
"Oh my god!" Gemma chuckles, glancing at her friend with wide eyes. "You're not messing around!"
"Nope!" She replies, grabbing the glass as soon as it is placed in front of her and immediately taking a sip. "Living it up, right?"
Gemma chuckles again with a nod, ordering her own beverage. Cassidy turns around and leans on the bar counter, scanning the faces just to see if she recognizes anyone in attendance. Anyone besides the obvious.
She spots Louis' sister, Lottie, who she has talked to before a few times backstage, so she motions to Gemma that she's going to mingle, and makes her way to the middle of the room.
She's about ten steps in when a tall figure blocks her path, causing her to abruptly freeze in place. She looks up to find Harry's piercing green eyes, something almost dangerous within his gaze.
"Didn't think you'd be here…" He states, a low hum to his tone. "Didn't think you'd even wanna come."
"I didn't." She replies, taking a long sip of her drink as she glares up at him through her lashes. "But I'm here for Gemma. And the band."
"You know, I'm part of the band."
"Oh, I'm well aware." She rolls her eyes, knowing full well that he is trying to pull a compliment out of her for himself. "But not everything is about you. Not just you, at least."
He smirks, much to her annoyance, and shakes his head. He looks past her, catching the attention of someone else, then drops his gaze back down.
"Have fun, Cass." His palm quickly comes up and pats her shoulder as he walks around her, leaving her alone again to get back to her original intent, finding another friend.
She takes a deep breath and notices that Lottie has moved, so she scans the room again and makes her way over to chat with Louis.
"Hi, love!" He greets her.
"Hey." She replies, meeting him halfway for a hug "So… do I congratulate you or what?"
He laughs and shrugs his shoulders.
"S'pose. Don' really know. Ya know? Bu' it's cool I guess."
"Well, congrats anyway."
"Ya 'aving fun?" He asks with a wide grin. "Did Harry find ya?"
"Unfortunately, yes." She groans, bringing her glass to her lips and letting a decent amount enter her mouth. They all know about the back and forth between the two of them.
"Keep drinking tha' and ya might be best friends by the end of the night!"
"Doubtful." She shakes her head, knowing there would have to be a lethal amount of alcohol in her system to even consider that as a possibility.
It's not lethal, but there is definitely a lot of alcohol in her system, which is thoroughly taking over her, because she is still there and having a lot of fun.
She is dancing with Gemma, Lottie, and a girl who is dating the drummer. Or the bass player. She can't really remember in her inebriated state, but she knows she's enjoying herself.
"Shit. I need some air!" She exclaims, slowing down her body and fixing her hair before making her way out of the doors to the large balcony.
She leans against the railing, looking out at the city nightlife below, and takes a deep breath in.
"Taking a break?" An unfamiliar voice asks. "You've been going at it all night!"
She turns to the voice beside her, to be met with a guy she doesn't recognize. She smiles and lets out a breathy laugh.
"Yeah. I'm just trying to get some peace and calm to recharge."
"Cig?" The guy asks, already holding out an unlit stick in her direction.
She never smokes. She has before, it's just not her thing. But apparently all inhibition has now left because she takes the cigarette and allows the stranger to light it.
"It looks like you've been having fun out there…" The stranger leans over to make eye contact, Cassidy meeting his gaze as best she can with her lightheadedness.
"Surprisingly, yeah!" She chuckles, placing her lips on the stick and sucking in, letting a cloud of smoke exit in front of her.
"I'll join you if you hit the dance floor again." He offers, bumping her shoulder playfully and displaying a small smirk. It's not as noticeable as Harry's is. But it's also not as annoying or arrogant either. No one's could be.
"Okay!" She smiles back, glancing over and noticing how pretty the stranger's eyes are. Or at least she thinks they are.
"Hey mate!" She suddenly hears on the other side of her, causing her head to whip around and find herself meeting Harry's gaze.
"What's up. You're Harry, right? I'm Nathan." The stranger asks, whose name she now knows is Nathan. Hopefully she can remember that in her current state. She turns around to see him reach his hand out to the pest standing next to her.
"Yeah. Nice to meet you. Is this one bothering you?" Harry chuckles, pointing his thumb right in her face. She lifts up her free hand to swat it away, and does something a sober Cassidy wouldn't. She turns and giggles at Harry's gesture.
His eyes go wide and a blush rushes to her cheeks. She turns back to the stranger and takes a deep breath to do anything she can to regain control over her actions.
"Nah, we're having fun." Her new friend replies. "We were about to get back to the dance floor. Right, umm…?"
"Her name is Cassidy." Harry responds before she does, a neutral but almost stern tone.
"Cassidy? Cool." Nathan quietly states. "So, yeah. Are you… ready to head in?"
"Yeah." She replies with a nod. "I'll be there in a minute."
He nods and snuffs out his own cigarette before walking back inside.
Her head immediately snaps over to Harry, a little surprised that her level of frustration with him is not nearly as high as it usually is. But it's still there.
"What are you doing?" She asks, watching as he pulls on his lower lip.
"Why'd you walk over here?" She subtly scowls back, again surprised that it isn't as intense, but also recognizing that the Long Island iced teas have weakened her guard against him.
"Wanted to introduce myself. I like to know the names of the people at our parties."
"Yeah right. You only came over to annoy me." She rolls her eyes, realizing there is a smile across her face and swiftly corrects her expression.
"Not everything is about you, Cass." He smirks, clearly feeling triumphant for his use of her earlier insult.
"Yeah well you don't have to try and ruin the night for me either way…"
"Doesn't look like I've been ruining it. Looks like you've been dancing around and having fun."
"You were watching me?" She shakes her head and holds her hand up in front of his face. "Doesn't matter. I was having fun, and now I'm going back to have some more."
"See you inside then."
"Please don't." She pleads, snuffing out the cigarette she admits she didn't like smoking, then turning back towards the doors and heading inside.
Gemma, Lottie, and now Lou Teasdale are all still dancing right where she left them, so she bounces up to her friends and begins to join in on the dancing again.
She glances around, not seeing the guy she had just met outside, the one who was supposedly her new dance partner, but she is drunk enough, carefree enough, and having enough fun to shrug it off.
After one song ends and the next transitions in, Michal appears next to Gemma and whispers in her ear, causing her to giggle, and then motions to Cassidy that they'll be heading over to the bar.
"We're grabbing a drink too. But we'll be back." Lottie states, linking arms with Lou. "Are you good here?"
Cassidy shrugs and nods, truly not in the mindset to care anymore. They walk away and she is left to dance by herself. Hopefully not for too long.
About half a song in, warm hands slide on to her hips, and she smiles. Finally her new dance partner has joined her. But her eyes catch the gaze of the guy she thought was behind her, also standing over at the bar, and she suddenly smells the unmistakably deep fragrance that can only belong to the one and only Harry Styles. So not only has she been left alone, which she doesn't mind, but now she's left alone with the one person she didn't want or expect to be dancing behind her.
Yet, she doesn't move.
His hands are strong, and ever so slightly caressing her hips as they sway to the music. His breath is warm, and hitting her neck in a labored rhythm. His chest is pressed up against her. She doesn't know if she's ever felt this way with someone on the dancefloor. Maybe that's just the alcohol talking. But she knows she's never felt this way with Harry, in any situation.
Yet, she doesn't move.
Instead, something ignites in her. She, unintentionally, reaches a hand behind her to grab onto the back of his neck. His breath hitches and hers follows as he pulls her closer and she feels how much he's enjoying it all.
"Cass…" He whispers in her ear.
She spins around within his hold, locking on his gorgeous green eyes that now have a hint of excitement and danger.
Her fingers travel up into the hair on the back of his head. He releases a low growl and pulls her hips flush against his, causing his lips to hover just in front of hers.
"Wanna leave?" He asks, sending a shiver down her spine.
It's the alcohol. She's blaming the multiple Long Island iced teas for the fact that she nods in response. That and the fact that she hasn't had much intimacy in a while. That is what is to blame.
He spins her back around to face away from him and guides her through the crowds with his hands on her waist. Her bare waist, thanks to her fantastic choice in outfit.
The elevator ride is only down one floor, and he all but pushes her down the hallway to his suite. As soon as the room door is closed, he pulls her in towards him and places his soft, pouty lips against her neck. She lets out a sigh and he lets in a breath, followed by a low growl.
"You smell like that damn cigarette smoke." He mumbles, and she pushes back, mildly embarrassed that the smell on her has stopped their activities.
"That way."
She swiftly makes her way to the other room, immediately grabbing a bottle of mouthwash and swishing as much of it around in her mouth as she can. After she spits it out, she finds a small bar of soap to quickly wash off her neck, hoping it'll remove the smell. As soon as she dries off, she catches her reflection in the mirror.
What is she doing? This is Harry. Her best friend's brother and the guy she usually can't be bothered to be around. What is she doing?
She walks out, deciding she should probably stop what has been started, or about to be started. She is almost instantly met by Harry's frame, pushing himself off the wall nearby.
He slinks over, closing the gap between them, and places his hands on her bare waist once again. Her hesitation seems to melt away by the warmth of his touch, as his forehead presses on hers. Then his lips meet her neck again, causing that heat to wash over her, as her entire body melts into him, just as her hesitation had seconds before.
"You okay with this?" He utters against her skin.
"Y-yes." She replies, the shakiness of her words produced by the anticipation in her body. The alcohol. It's the alcohol. It has to be.
He pulls his head back, his eyes flickering between hers and her lips. One hand places on the back of her head and brings her closer to him. Their breaths are matched in their acceleration and she bites her lip before they press against him.
Goosebumps rush all over her. No kiss has felt this good. At least, she has no memory of one feeling this good. Not that she can think of much else at the moment.
His tongue parts her lips, working itself inside her mouth in the most tantalizing way, as he walks her backwards to the bed. Her legs hit the side of the bed frame, then her back hits the mattress, and she finds herself caged within Harry's tattooed arms.
His fingers run up her shirt as his lips meet hers once again. Everything tingles. Every inch of her body is sparked by him.
The next thing she knows, all remaining clothes are removed, and everything becomes an ignited blur of her senses. The feeling of hands roaming each other's skin, the sound of their combined symphony of moans throughout the room, the smell of sweat and Harry's sultry cologne, the taste of his lips on hers, the sight of his toned, tattooed body hovering over and rolling into her.
"Oh my-... Harry…" She whimpers out, her eyes scrunched shut and her head thrown back from the overwhelming pleasure he's providing her.
"Say it-" He utters, panting as he thrusts back into her. "Say it again." He pleads, pulling out and slamming back in. "Say my name again."
If she were sober, and not completely succumbed to the ecstasy of being filled by Harry, she would have scoffed at the narcissism. But she knows she won't hold back. Almost as if he deserves to hear her do as he's asked.
"Fuck, Cassidy. That sounds… like fucking music!" He growls into her neck. "Are you close?"
"Yes. So-" She breathes out, feeling her body tighten. "So close."
"Look at me. P-please." He asks of her, and she obeys, her eyes snapping open and fixating on him.
"Harry, I'm-"
"Go on." He moans, picking up the pace of his thrusts as his eyes fill with determination. "I need you… to cum on me, Cass."
That last statement opens the floodgates and her jaw drops open as complete satisfaction rolls over her.
"Oh my god… Oh my god!"
Harry growls again and his motions get faster. And deeper. And unsteady.
"That's it. Fuck. That's…" He thrusts deep once more and halts his movements, moaning as she feels the pulsating inside of her.
They pant together as they both ride their highs, his body falling down onto hers as they both attempt to catch their breaths.
Harry pulls out, removing, tying up, and throwing away the condom in the bedside rubbish bin. He lays back down on the bed, staring at the ceiling, just as she does.
"That was… wow!" He exclaims with a breathy chuckle.
"It really was." She admits, having yet to make eye contact with him since he was inside her. She begins to push herself off the bed, grabbing the bra that had been discarded on the floor nearby.
She feels his warm hand on her hip, causing her to look back over her shoulder.
"Cass, you don't have to go." He whispers. Her heart almost stops, and she finds herself laying back down, curling into his toned, but comforting chest, and she can feel sleep begin to take over her as the pleasurable adrenaline wears off.
Cassidy's eyes blink open and her hangover-induced headache prevents her from initially getting her bearings. She looks to her side as she hears subtle, steady breathing.
"Shit." She whispers to herself. It's not as if she doesn't remember the activities from last night, but her sobering has brought clarity to the situation they find themselves in now.
She had sex with Harry.
It was drunk sex, she gets a small pass for that, but it was sex nonetheless. He's her best friend's brother. He's her personal pest. He's a fucking mega popstar who probably has a girl in every city, waiting for him to call on them whenever he is in town and needs some release.
"Shit. Shit. Shit." She repeats, slowly maneuvering out of his hold and off of the bed. She grabs her clothes and swiftly redresses herself, making sure to not make any noise.
Harry begins to stir, and after she opens the door, she turns back to face his direction, seeing his eyes still shut and his body still sprawled across the bed.
"Bye, H." She whispers.
"Mm." He mumbles, not giving her certainty that he actually heard her words.
She sighs, feeling so many things, incomprehensible at the moment, and closes the door behind her.
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[ flashback - Dec 2015 ]
Either she doesn't learn her lesson, or she just likes to make life difficult for herself, because once again Cassidy finds herself sitting next to Gemma. This time it's in the X-Factor studio, waiting to watch One Direction give their final performance.
But then again, she isn't there solely for Harry, and she isn't there to get into anything with him again. She is there to support Gemma, who just happens to be supporting him, as well as the other three members of the group. That's all it is. So she doesn't need to feel weird or bad about being there.
Besides, it's not as if he made any effort to reach out after she left his hotel room that next morning. It was just another drunken one night stand to him.
And to her.
Just a one night stand that needs no further acknowledgement or conversation. Especially since Gemma doesn't know. She doesn't need to know, because it meant nothing and nothing more is coming from it.
She shakes her head. For someone who doesn't care about that one night, she realizes she is dwelling on it, and him, a bit too much.
That's the end of that.
She looks over to her best friend, and rubs her hand along her back to soothe her when she sees the tears trickling down Gemma's face. This is why she's there.
"You are coming with me, CJ!" Gemma exclaims, throwing an outfit to Cassidy, who is sitting on her own hotel bed.
"I'm really inclined to pass on that offer." She replies, standing up and grabbing some sweatpants from her bag.
"It wasn't really an offer. More of a demand."
Cassidy lets out a laugh. Gemma is quite persistent and quite persuasive. But Cassidy is stubborn and won't go down without a fight.
"Gem, I don't want to get drunk and I don't want to be around a bunch of people I don't know."
"You don't have to drink. And you can hang around me!" She grins. "Plus, honestly, everyone loved you at the last after party…"
She felt flattered, and knew that Gemma really wanted her there. With Cassidy having started a new job, and Gemma about to venture off to start some projects of her own, their hangouts together would be cut down in quantity.
She sighs, rolls her eyes, and grabs the outfit that has be thrown in her direction.
"Fine. But m'not gonna like it."
"Don't care." Gemma replies, both smiling at each other.
As long as Cassidy can keep the drinking to a minimum, though she'll have some to keep her stress at bay, she should be able to survive the party. And not wake up regretting the night before.
One drink in and she feels good. She's having fun, dancing, but still able to keep her guard up and be on alert for anyone trying to charm their way into her pants. Or her sleeveless, sweetheart neckline mini dress, in this case.
She's managed to do just that, so far.
As Gemma twirls Cassidy around on the dance floor, a tall figure with long curly hair catches her eye. She finishes her spin under her friend's arm, but her eyes stay fixed on him. Harry's gaze is piercing. Right through her. Enough to make her shudder, despite the room being filled with warmth from all the bodies. The furrow of his brow, the way one arm is crossed over his chest but the other hand is pulling on his bottom lip, the way his frame is pointed directly at her, all causes a knot to form in the pit of her stomach.
He looks mad that she's there.
He can be. He has no reason to be, but he can be. That's none of her concern. He has plenty of girls to choose from to satisfy whatever needs he has tonight. And she can party away however she wants to. It's not just his party and she's allowed to be there, because it's not all about him.
Her eyes flicker to her left and she realizes there is a gorgeous girl dancing next to her. Maybe his look isn't of anger towards her, maybe he's picked his victim… his partner… for the night.
"Hey." Cassidy leans over to the girl. "I think Harry is eyeing you…"
The girl's eyes snap over to where Cassidy discreetly points, not being as subtle.
"Harry Styles? No way…"
"He's staring over here. It's definitely at you."
The girl looks back towards her with a giddy grin, shrugging at the suggestion.
"I don't know…" She replies sheepishly.
"Go over and talk to him. He only looks intimidating. He's really not." She has no idea why she is trying to sell this idea to this random girl, and more so than that, doesn't understand why she's basically lying to her. Although, Harry seems to only put out his true, horrible nature towards her. No one else. So, she supposes, it's technically not a lie.
As the girl turns and makes her way to that side of the room, Harry straightens up but his glare to Cassidy deepens. She has no idea how he could still be mad, she just tried to help him. She sent a gorgeous girl his way, if anything, he should be grateful. But, he can't, and clearly won't, give her any credit. That's the selfish prick he is.
After allowing herself another drink, since she's been feeling fine and controlled so far, she mentions to Gemma that she urgently needs to use the restroom.
She trots out of the banquet room, and down the hallway.
"Cassidy!" She hears shouted from behind her, just as she reaches the door to the ladies room.
She turns around to see Harry hastily making his way to her.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" He scowls, pressing one palm firmly on the wall as he reaches her.
"Going to the bathroom, you twit!" She replies.
"That's not what I mean!" His breath heaving as he stares down at her. The need to relieve herself becomes strong and she begins to squirm.
"Look, whatever I did, m'sorry. Okay?" She rolls her eyes, beginning to push the door open slightly. "But I have got to go. So, piss off!"
"I said piss off!"
She pushes the door further open and lets it slam shut, hopefully right into his face.
She does her business and checks her outfit in the mirror, making sure her hair and makeup are still holding up as well. She stands there for a moment, a little proud of how she handled Harry in the hallway. Maybe it was a little snappy. She's only had two drinks, so it wasn't a drunken tone. They just have nothing to talk about, and he definitely didn't need to come at her like that, for no reason. The familiar frustration resurfaces, and she feels better with the comfortable emotion she usually feels towards him. With that she exits the bathroom.
She almost stops in place when she sees Harry's long, curly hair and tall, broad frame leaning against the wall, his back turned to her. A giggle rings out through the hallway and Cassidy rolls her eyes as she sees a hand grab his bicep.
Flirting in the hallway. Not surprising.
She makes her way past them, not even a glance in their direction, and pushes through the doors leading back into the party.
Her eyes scan the room, looking for friends or even a familiar face she can converse with, but she is stopped when a large palm gently grabs her shoulder from behind, the other sliding onto her waist.
She growls, not only at who it is, but also because of the fact that she is now able to recognize him just by the touch. Well, the touch and the fragrance. She pulls away and twists around.
"What do you want?" She scowls, and sees Harry's intense frown, yet again.
"Why've you been ignoring me all fucking night?"
"What are you talking about?"
He stands up straighter and crosses his arms, causing some sort of anxiousness to course through her.
"You haven't even bothered to say hello!"
"I didn't know I was required to."
"You're not…" His volume dims down slightly, and his tone slightly softens. "But it's polite… it's my party after all."
"It's not just your party, Harry. It's for the band, and the crew." She scoffs, pinching the bridge of her nose. "And you've been getting enough attention. I don't understand why you're hung up on not getting mine."
He leans his back against the nearby wall, arms still crossed and gaze still piercing.
"That's the other thing. What the fuck was that? Why'd you send some random girl over to, like, flirt with me?"
His question completely throws her off and she's unsure if she heard him correctly. There's no way he can be upset about that. He can't be upset that a girl went to do the one thing he himself seems to be so good at, besides singing.
"What the-... You were looking at her! I just encouraged her over there."
"I wasn't-" He sighs, running one hand through his hair, shaking his locks to reset their style. She remembers how they felt within her grasp, and takes a subtle step back to compose herself. He seems to notice, though, as he takes a bigger step towards her. "Whatever. I don't need your help, yeah?"
Of course. His ego. It was a blow to his ego that she thought he needed some assistance to get someone's attention and hook up with them.
"Trust me, Harry, I could care less what you do and who you do it with."
"Trust me, Cassidy, I know."
For the second time, his comment throws her off completely, but she doesn't have time to respond as.he brushes past her and heads back into the crowds of people.
Determination to not let him ruin her night bubbles up and she makes her way back to the dance floor, where she finds her friends.
"You alright, CJ? Do you wanna go?" Gemma asks.
Cassidy happens to catch Harry's glance, causing them both to frown in the other's direction, especially when she sees Harry turn back towards the girl he was supposedly upset was encouraged to go to him. She sees him whisper something in the girl's ear, receiving a nod, and both beginning to make their way to the door.
She clenches her jaw. What a prick, to argue with her about that girl, when he is doing the thing that Cassidy had assumed he wanted to do. At least now she doesn't have to be on edge, now that he has gone.
"CJ? Hello?" She hears. "Me and Michal are gonna head to our room. Are you staying?"
"Oh, umm, yeah I actually wanna stay." She brings her gaze back to Gemma, being met with a wide-eyed expression from her best friend. Cassidy just shrugs. "I'm having fun."
"Wow!" Gemma chuckles. "Okay! Well, I'll see you tomorrow then. Have fun…"
"You too…" She replies, kissing Gemma on the cheek and sending her on her way.
She continues to stick by Lottie and Lou, but after just a few more songs, they also state that they are calling it a night.
With no one else to hang out with, Cassidy quickly decides to do the same. She walks over to the bar, intending to pull out some cash that she had previously stored in her strapless bra, but she realizes she cannot feel any there.
"Need help finding something?" She hears, a chuckle following, and she sees Harry arrive at her side.
Her entire body tenses. Why can't he just leave her alone? Why does he have to bother her?
"Piss off." She sighs, dropping her head in embarrassment at her lack of tip. "I thought… I had money."
"Oh." He replies, in a surprisingly compassionate and gentle tone. "Here."
He pulls out his wallet and hands a few notes to the bartender.
"I don't need your help."
"Clearly…" He replies, rolling his eyes.
She growls, glaring into his green eyes, remembering the way they had looked so lustful at the last after party she attended.
"Thank you." She quietly states between her teeth.
He chuckles and she turns away, taking a few steps before she feels her body being guided to a dark corner of the room.
Harry turns her around to face him, as she backs up to the wall. It was an attempt to get some distance, which she immediately realizes is a failure as he steps closer.
"You're infuriating, you know that?"
"Me?" She gasps at the audacity, and irony, of him calling her that. "You're joking!"
He keeps silent, keeping his gaze locked on her, as if she'd disappear once he moved it.
"What are you doing here?" She asks in a whisper, her breath beginning to falter at keeping steady. "I thought… I thought you left with that girl."
A smirk appeared, showcasing his devilish dimple, the one every girl seems to swoon over.
"Did you miss me?"
"Get over yourself." She replies. He scoots closer, his palms pushing against the wall on either side of her head, and her breath hitches. "Whatever game you're trying to play, I don't want to participate."
"No game." He bites his lower lip, his eyes flickering down for a moment before meeting hers again. "But I think you do want to participate."
She looks down to where his eyes drop again, taking in the sight of her own hands grasping his half-buttoned shirt. It was unintentional. She pushes against his chest, only moving him back an inch, if that, and she wraps her arms across her chest.
"Leave me alone. Go back to your girl."
"Why are you so insistent that I be with her?"
"You don't want to be? 'Cause you left with her..."
"She was wasted so I walked her to the elevator." He utters, his warm breath heating her cheeks. "She wanted more, thanks to you I guess, but I didn't, so I sent a security guy with-"
"I'm surprised you actually turned someone down!"
"You'd know all about that, wouldn't you." He whispers, leaving Cassidy a little unsure if she was meant to hear the statement.
Her heart races as one palm makes its way to her hip, and his eyes flicker down to her lips.
With all he's done to pester her throughout the years, this frustrates her the most. Not just that he's doing it, but that she seems to be caving in to it.
"What are you doing, Harry?" She utters, unable to produce much volume, and also not wanting to grab attention from anyone else.
"Whatever you want me to do." He smirks, his hand slowly moving over her hip and to her thigh, where he begins to play with the hem of her mini dress. "Stop me if you don't."
She exhales a shaky breath, all heat and sensation rushing to her core. Her hands grip his biceps, feeling the muscles contract under her touch. She's definitely caving to it.
His fingers slide under her dress, just enough to grasp onto her upper thigh and begin playing with the hem of her panties, running his fingers along the fabric. She bites her lower lip and moves her hands up to his shoulders, weaving her fingers into his hair. He smirks, pushing her panties aside, and he glides two fingers along her folds, drawing a hiss from her lips.
"Harry…" She whines, squirming at the need for more.
"Not yet. Not here." He whispers, removing his fingers from under her dress and bringing them to his lips, sucking on them slowly. She swallows to clear the lump in her throat in an attempt to compose herself.
"Wanna leave?" He asks, exactly like at the last after party, a sultry deepness to his tone.
And just like the last time, she finds herself nodding.
"I've been wanting to get this dress off you all night." Harry mumbles, sliding his hands up her thighs as she straddles him on the couch in his hotel suite.
"All night?"
Her question is met with his lips on her collarbone, and her dress being pushed over her hips to her waist. She grabs the hem and pulls it off the rest of the way, smirking at the way Harry's eyes widen with desire as he looks over her body.
"Fucking beautiful." He pants out, subtly bucking his hips up, and she gasps at the feeling of how hard he is under her. She reaches down and unbuttons his pants, propping herself up as he slides them down his legs.
She stands up, removing her own panties, and he quickly plucks a small square package out of the wallet in his jean pocket. She unclasps her bra and watches as he pulls down his briefs, releasing his big, thick cock from its confines.
His gaze snaps up to her, his lips pulled inward.
"Are you sure?" He questions quietly, almost as if he's afraid her answer has changed. Of course he wouldn't be used to rejection, but she's not exactly in the mood to be the first one to do it. They've come this far, she isn't really considering turning back now.
She grabs the condom packet and rips it open between her teeth, stroking the latex down his length before returning to her spot on his lap.
Her lips return to his neck, his hands returning to her waist, and she guides herself down slowly onto his cock.
"Oh my god." She whispers into his shoulder, slowing down even more to adjust to how much he's already stretching her out.
They both let out a breath once he's fully inside of her.
"Bloody hell, Cass. You feel so good." He mumbles, throwing his head back against the couch as she begins to grind. "So… fucking good."
She pulls back to watch his face melt with pleasure, her hands traveling through his hair with a tight grip, extracting a deep moan from his chest. He brings one palm up to the back of her head and brings her closer, pressing his lips to hers. His tongue pushes between them, and swirls with hers in parallel motions.
The moans leaving her lips are reciprocated by his, along with some pushing up of his hips, deepening himself inside of her.
"Harry… h-hard."
"I want you to… to fuck me… hard." She almost whines. If she were in any other mindset, she might think she was pathetic, but all she can focus on at this moment is just how good she's feeling. How good Harry is making her feel, and how she just wants more.
"Fuck. Okay." He moans out. "I'll do anything… anything you want, Cass."
He thrusts up into her more vigorously, holding her down by her hips, getting a lot deeper than he'd been before.
"Oh god. Yes. Harry that's-" She moans out. "That's it."
"Fuck, I love that… you moaning my name."
"Harry, I'm… I'm…"
"Show me." He states against her skin. "Come on, Cass. Show me how good I'm making you feel!"
His way with words is impeccable, because his statement, along with him moaning her name, sends her over the edge. The pleasure of her orgasm ripples through her entire body, feeling better than any she's had before.
"Harry! Oh god!"
He thrusts up even harder and faster, grunting with every motion as he stares down to where their bodies meet.
As she catches her breath, she kisses along his shoulder, up his neck, and nibbles at his earlobe. She feels him squeeze her hips tighter and smiles as she feels his body tense.
"Fuck! Cassidy!" He exclaims, slamming into her one more time before she feels him throbbing inside of her.
His head drops backwards to the couch, and her face nuzzles into his neck, as they both come down from their high. Panting is the only sound left in the now quiet room.
"Wanna stay the night again?" Harry chuckles, and Cassidy is suddenly brought back to the realization that she just had sex, for a second time, with Harry. Her biggest annoyance, Harry. Gemma's brother, Harry. A member of One Direction, Harry Styles.
She feels his hands gently rubbing up and down her arms, snapping her back to the present, just enough for her to realize that her breathing has become shallow again.
Because sitting on top of Harry, with his cock still inside her, after amazing sex, is the perfect time for an anxiety attack.
"Hey… Cass…" He whispers, taking her chin with one hand and directing her to look at him. "Y'alright?"
A deep frown forms on his face as his eyes flicker all over hers. She's unsure if she's ever seen that expression on him before. It's always been one of mischief, because that's who he is. Not this.
She feels so stupid. And embarrassed. She isn't better than any other girl that has or will drop their pants at the sight of his seductive smirk, or his entrancing gaze, or his overwhelmingly thick charm. In fact, she's worse, because she actually knows better. She knows him, how he teases and tortures her, how his arrogance alone could be the fifth member of One Direction now. She knows how he figures he can win over any girl he wants, and that he actually does most of the time. She knows better than to be that girl. Except, she's not.
"CJ!" She is pulled out of her thoughts by the nickname. He's never called her that before. Only the closest people in her life ever use it- her own mum, Gemma, and Anne. Never once has Harry. Because they've never been that close. But now that he's been inside of her, he thinks he knows her that well?
"Cassidy… look at me." His finger moves her face again, finally grabbing her full attention, even though it's through blurred vision from the sudden lightheadedness. "Breathe with me, yeah? Inhale for ten. Then exhale for ten."
He may think he knows her now but she definitely doesn't feel like she knows him anymore. Concerned? Caring? It's not how she knows him, but she acknowledges it's how she needs him right now, so she breathes with him.
"... and exhale for ten." He utters, his eyes still fixed on hers as they breathe out together, one hand on her back and one tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Better?"
She gives a quick nod before abruptly standing up, causing them both to hiss at the sensitive motion. Her breath may be steady but her thoughts are not. Everything feels so complicated and uncertain. She hates not knowing what's going on, she hates feeling out of control. She's had enough of that in her life already.
She gathers her clothes and redresses quickly, avoiding any eye contact as Harry does the same, almost in a panic himself.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He asks quietly, arriving at her side as she attempts to move to the door.
"Umm… yeah." She manages. "I'm just gonna go."
"You don't have to." He replies, reaching out and gently grabbing the hand that's not holding the door handle. "Please stay."
"I don't think-"
"I'd…" He runs his free hand through his hair, and displays another expression she has never seen before. If she could clear her head, she might be able to decipher whether it actually is what it looks like. Because it looks timid, and almost insecure. "I'd feel better if you stayed. Just so I know you're okay."
"I'm fine Harry." She replies, flickering her gaze up for a moment in an attempt to persuade him.
"I'm sorry if I did something wrong…"
If her brain wasn't swirling enough, his sudden change in demeanor is not helping in the least.
"No. I just… I think it's better if… I just go." She mumbles. He softly squeezes the hand in his hold and leans down to place a kiss on her cheek, sending more sparks throughout her body and more thoughts to swirl around her head. She opens the door and walks out, turning around before it comes to a close, and being met with a solemn expression. "Goodnight, Harry."
A knock on the door late at night would've normally woken her up, but tonight she has had no sleep. After leaving Harry's room, and arriving at her own, she almost wished she were with him again as she felt another anxiety attack threaten to appear.
A shower and change of clothes helped to calm her, but not calm her enough, so she was able to hop right out of bed when she heard a subtle, rhythmic noise on the hotel door.
She cautiously cracks it open, considering the time of night. Or morning at this point.
A figure, adorned with a hoodie and shorts, leans with one hand against the doorframe. He lifts his head slowly, tired eyes clearly visible even through her own sleepy vision.
"I couldn't sleep." Harry mumbles. "M'sorry. I needed to know you were okay."
Her heart flutters, even with all the knowledge she has of how he normally is, the concern was too flattering to ignore. She reaches for his hand and walks backwards, pulling him inside her room. The door closes behind them and she walks him to her bed, lifting the covers so they can both slide in. It's not the first time they've slept in the same room. Every time she stayed the night for a sleepover with Gemma, he had found a way and a reason to sneak down there. Most of the time, it was to execute a practical joke. But there were a few times they had awoken to him sleeping on the couch across from them in the living room.
Plus, she stayed with him the last time they had sex.
As they both settle in, she feels a warm arm rest across her waist, and she scoots back to nestle into his frame. For the first time that night, since getting back to her room, she felt some peace, as well as her eyes becoming heavy with sleep.
Cassidy blinks awake as the room becomes a shade brighter, and looks over to find an empty spot next to her. She shouldn't be surprised, and she isn't, but that doesn't stop a mild amount of disappointment from creeping in.
That is until she registers the shower turning off. Harry is still there? Harry is still there.
The bathroom door opens and she props herself up to see his tall, toned, and tattooed body half wrapped in a towel, with his hair styled up in a bun.
"Morning." He states with a smirk, probably noticing the way her eyes travel up and down his frame. "Sleep well?"
The shock in her system prevents words from forming, but still functions well enough to respond with a nod.
"W-what are you-"
"I ordered breakfast. My shout, don't worry. Hopefully you still like crepes."
Her brain is still having a hard time processing the fact that he didn't just leave. Not only has he stayed and ordered breakfast, but he ordered something she used to eat with his family years ago, before his journey to fame even began.
"Yeah, I do. Thanks."
"No problem." He replies, walking over to the bag he brought the night before, and rifling through before pulling out some sweats and a shirt.
"Harry… what are you still doing here?"
He turns around to face her, a clear frown on his face, as if offended by her question. It shouldn't be unreasonable for her to wonder. He's sure to have had plenty of one night stands before, and usually those don't include breakfast the next morning.
"I couldn't just leave you. That'd be rude."
Cassidy's head drops with a bit of guilt for questioning him, though she still does feel a little justified considering his reputation. But the fact that he is still standing in her room causes another flutter and she pushes away her assumptions.
She opens her mouth, not exactly sure what she wants to say, but is interrupted by a knock on the door. She sits up on the bed, bringing her knees to her chest, as Harry opens the door and wheels in a food cart.
"I know you don't have a proper table…" He states, wheeling the cart to the edge of the bed and patting the mattress for her to scoot up there. "But I figured this might work."
She bites her bottom lip, unintentionally, and moves to sit next to him. He removes the lids from the plates and takes a bow.
"Bonjour!" He exclaims, in his best attempt at a fake French accent. Cassidy lets out a giggle, thankful she didn't already have a bite of food in her mouth.
"I think you mean… bon appetit!"
"That's what I said." He smirks, taking a seat next to her on the bed. "Bon appetit."
The TV becomes background noise throughout their breakfast. Much to Cassidy's surprise, Harry quickly initiated conversation, and it was easy to talk to him. Even more to her surprise, she liked it. They talked about many of the things she and Gemma have talked about over the years. They talked like friends.
"Nope, never been to New York. I've never even been further than London!"
"My parents… don't exactly travel. Only my dad, for work." She shakes her head, dropping it a little before covering up her sadness with a smile. "Maybe one day I'll get there."
"You've already got the look." He chuckles, his gaze dropping to her lips.
"You've got a little…" He brushes his finger under his nose, but she shakes her head, not understanding. He brings his thumb up to her cupid's bow, gently rubbing it along her skin, and causing a spark to run over her skin. "Got a little white powder under your nose."
"Oh my god!" She lets out in a breathy laugh, her lungs still regaining their function after the surprise of his gesture. She stands to reach across the food cart for a napkin, but stops when she feels his hand wrapping around hers.
She faces him and gazes into his gentle green eyes. She's never seen the speckles of different shades laced throughout them before. He pulls her close, her body between his legs, and brings his palm up to run his thumb against her cheek. He gathers up the remaining sugar and brings his thumb to his mouth, sticking out his tongue to slowly lick it off.
"You forgot a bit." He whispers. Everything he has just done makes her heated and dizzy. She bites her lower lip, caving again. She doesn't want to admit it, but she can understand how girls fall for him so easily. Apparently, she's no exception, and she's not about to start dissecting all of that right now. No, right now she wants to cave even more.
Her hands come up to cup his own cheeks, and she moves forward, leaning down and stopping in front of his lips.
"You're gonna pay for that." She whispers back, pressing their lips together the most minimal amount before pulling back.
Harry runs his tongue along the inside of his cheek, and grabs her hips to pull her in even closer. He lets out a low growl, sending shivers down her spine and the building heat to rush to her core.
His hands slowly glide up to her waist, and as he begins to tug her onto his lap, a knock sounds at the door with a loud statement of his name.
"For fucks sake." He grumbles, letting out a heavy exhale through his nose. He squeezes her waist, having her step back so he can stand up. His breath hits her face and eyes flicker to her lips. Then another knock.
"Alright!" He shouts towards the door, turning back to her with a frown on his face. Not anger, but disappointment. "I'll, umm, see you at Christmas, yeah?"
She smiles. Every Christmas morning is spent at her house, but the afternoon and evenings are spent at the Styles household. It's always where she would rather to be, and this year is no different. She tries not to entertain the thought that it might be even more this year.
"Would never miss it." She replies, matching the sudden grin that appears on his face.
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[ present - Dec 2019 ]
So, she wasn't stupid once, she was stupid twice. She let her guard down, she pushed aside every single moment that he had frustrated or pestered her during the many years they have known each other, and she let her body make all the decisions.
She hears the cheers from the crowd and tilts her head down from the upper level where she stands, to view the stage, seeing Harry walk out and give a little wave before grabbing his guitar.
Seeing him, after all this time, causes a storm of emotions so strong that it almost causes her to stumble. His hair is different, and his clothing style is different, but it is still Harry. The smug, self-centered Harry that flustered and frustrated her more than anyone else. The Harry that charmed his way into bed with her. Twice. But worst of all, due to the stupidest and most dangerous thing she did with him, he is the Harry that she allowed to charm his way into her heart too. Which means, he is also the Harry who left her feeling like a fool.
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[ flashback - Dec 2015 ]
Christmas morning always comes with mixed emotions. The usual ones coming from her own family- from some nice quiet time with her mum in the morning to her father's obnoxious behavior after a few splashes of whiskey are added to his coffee. Those are normal, and unfortunately, expected.
The other ones, the new ones, are coming from the anticipation of what the afternoon with the Styles will look like. She and Harry haven't talked since he left that morning from her hotel room. Eleven days, but she won't admit she has been counting.
"Where the hell you goin?" Cassidy's dad asks, words already a little slurred. She rolls her eyes as her back is turned to him, under the disguise of simply grabbing her coat from the rack near the front door.
"To the Styles house."
"They seem like good people."
Taken back by his complimentary comment, she looks over to her dad. "Yeah. They are."
"M'surprised they let you over then. Better than you being here 'nnoying me though…"
There it is. His true nature. The reason she hates being at home and finds refuge at her best friend's house. That place never fails her.
She simply replies with a scoff as she exits the door, not even bothered by the sharp cold that hits her immediately. And thankfully, she's only walking a block away.
"Crashing our Christmas again?" Harry asks as she walks into the kitchen of the Styles home. She rolls her eyes at the typical Harry statement. She can't tell if she is relieved at the normalcy or a bit put off by everything being brushed off.
"Yeah, well, you're never home, so someone has to fill that 'second child' spot." She quips back, noticing a subtle smirk appear on his face as she walks closer to grab a glass of water.
She takes a sip, and sees Harry scanning the room, before leaning down to her ear. His warm breath on her skin causes her stomach to tighten from nervousness.
"Maybe there's another spot I can fill."
Cassidy throws her hand over her mouth to stop spitting everything out across the kitchen counter, trying to also hold back a cough from the shock of such a tantilizating statement.
"Piss off, Harry."
"Aww, come on, it's the season of giving!" He chuckles, low and deep, teasing and mischievous.
"Give it to someone else." She instantly replies, unintentionally out of her instinct to squabble with him. Regret covers her as his brow furrows and he stands up straighter, all flirtatious demeanor having immediately disappeared. "Sorry, I-"
"I was only teasing, Cass. Like usual." He brushes past her and heads to the living room, where everyone else is gathered.
That response really wasn't intentional. It was how she was used to acting around him. Well, before the nights spent together at the after parties. She isn't entirely sure what her plan was when she came over, or what exactly her feelings are, but if things have gone back to normal for him, then that's where it ends. Whether she wants it that way or not.
She sighs and joins the rest of the group, giving Anne and Robin hugs before taking the only empty spot to sit. Of course, it's right next to Harry, and with the way these things usually go, that's where she'll be for most of the night.
After a few rounds of playing 'Family Feud: Home Edition', which Cassidy, Harry, and Robin won, it's time for the wonderful feast Anne has prepared.
That's what Robin calls it at least. In reality, it's a few homemade pizzas, but she'd consider anything a luxury while she's there. Plus, they really are delicious.
"Are you doing anything extravagant for New Year's Eve?" She asks Anne.
"Actually, yes, we've been invited to go along with Harry on a yacht to… somewhere tropical…" She replies, lifting her shoulders and smiling with excitement.
"St. Barts." Harry adds with a mumble, his eyes and fingers suddenly infatuated with the toppings on his pizza.
"That sounds lovely! Who invited you?"
"Kris Jenner. And… Kendall will be there too, right Harry?" Anne asks.
She can just make out Harry's quick glance over in her direction, out of the corner of her own eye.
"Yeah." He replies.
Her chest begins to tighten a little. She knows who Kendall is, of course. She's beautiful, and famous, and is rumoured to have been dating Harry at one point. She isn't sure if that's totally accurate, but either way, she knows their families are close.
"Well… it sounds fun." She replies, giving her best attempt at a genuine smile as Harry glances more obviously towards her.
"Speaking of New Year's Eve, CJ…" Gemma states, catching the attention of the both of them. "Michal and I aren't going on that trip. We're thinking of going to a big bash with some other friends. Want to come?"
"Oh, umm… I was kind of planning to just bunker down at home, to be honest."
She notices a small smile appear on Harry's face, as if he's pleased she won't be mingling with others. As if he has the right to feel that way. There's the arrogance she's used to.
"You know… that guy you met… Nathan? I guess he's been asking about you." Michal states, and she could swear she hears Harry groan.
"What? Really?"
"Yeah. Heard it through a friend of a friend. And he's going to be there…" Michal replies, wiggling his eyebrows in a suggestive manner.
"Just come with us. At the very least, you can hang out with us and won't be home alone at your house."
Gemma does make a good point. Cassidy's parents usually go out with their own friends, and of course her dad comes home extremely drunk. She could avoid those next few hours that he fumbles around the house yelling, and get home once he's asleep.
"Okay, okay. I'll go." She agrees.
Harry chuckles quietly and shakes his head, getting up from his spot to head to the kitchen. He's back to his normal, annoying self.
Everyone begins to chat among themselves, so Cassidy takes the pause in activities to use the restroom.
Before the door is closed completely, it stops, and is pulled back open for her to see Harry standing on the other side.
"What's your problem with me using the fucking toilet?" She asks, frustratedly.
He exhales a strong breath from his nose, his expression stern, causing her nerves to peek. She's astonished that her new reaction to him is so intensely physical.
His eyes flicker down to her lips, letting out another strong exhale, and sending a heat to her cheeks. He leans closer and she closes her eyes, not even thinking before preparing herself for a kiss.
"Oh god, is there a line for the toilet?" She hears from the hallway, and they both look over to see Gemma there with her hands on her hips. "I'll use the one upstairs!"
She walks away and Harry looks back at Cassidy.
"I have to use the toilet." She whispers, dropping her gaze to the ground.
He doesn't respond. Simply scoffs, stands up straighter, and walks off.
After doing her business, she opens the door back up, partially expecting Harry to be there waiting to continue their conversation. If it could be called that. But he wasn't there. She walks to the living to rejoin the group and sees Harry back in his spot on the couch, pressed up against the armrest he's been next to.
She sits down again, turning towards the television, as their next tradition begins. Watching 'Love Actually'.
An actual shiver runs over her skin and she looks around for an extra blanket, only to find that there are none left. She sighs softly, but looks to her side as she hears Harry clear his throat. She meets his gaze, now much more gentle, and he motions for her to share his. It's big enough to stretch across both of their laps, so she grabs the half that he offers and whispers a 'thank you' to him.
She turns back to the movie and feels a tug on the fabric. She looks back to Harry and notices him pulling the blanket gently back towards himself with a smile. Of course he wants it back. Playing a practical joke. Selfish prick. She frowns and begins to hand it over, but he shakes his head.
"Scoot over a bit if you need to." He whispers. She fails to hold back from biting her lower lip, and is unable to prevent the blush rushing to cover her face. She moves the minimal amount to stay undetected by others, and he readjusts the blanket to fully cover them both.
Just as she settles in, Harry scoots even further towards the armrest, putting the distance she had just removed back between them, but still allowing her some extra covering on her lap.
This guy is annoying and confusing and she hates it. At least everything else is comfortable. She's always felt that way there.
The first thing Cassidy notices is the loud noises of laughter filling the room. The second, after multiple blinks of her eyelids, is an episode of Friends playing across from her. And then she senses a dark, sultry fragrance close by.
She turns her head to see Harry, his eyes fixated on the show, half of a smile across his face, and his green eyes glimmering from the reflection off of the television.
She's curled up into his chest, his arm is resting behind her, and his fingers are gently stroking her shoulder. Shocking herself, she realizes she likes it. Really likes it. And even debates pretending that she is still asleep so that she can enjoy it even more, even longer.
"You're staring." He mutters, eyes still directed away from her. Her breath leaves her body, as if completely knocked out of her. She doesn't even know how long she has been looking at him, not that she necessarily regrets it, but now that she is caught, she feels embarrassed. And vulnerable.
"Because you have pizza sauce on your face."
He doesn't.
"Well…" He finally turns to her, eyes regaining the lustful undertone that she's seen a few times before. "Are you gonna get it off?"
If it was actually there, yes. Yes, she would.
"You can pick how you do it…" He adds, his famous dimple sinking in deeply with the extreme smirk he's displaying.
"Do it yourself."
"That's not as much fun." His tongue runs along the inside of his mouth, and she realizes his fingers are still grazing her skin, maybe with a little more pressure now.
"You're obnoxious."
"Maybe. But you didn't seem to mind when you were cuddling me."
"I was asleep."
"You were playing with my hair." He licks his lips and his eyes quickly dart down to hers momentarily.
"Well…" She takes a deep breath. "I'll admit, just this once, that you do have good hair…"
He smirks, quickly peering down to her lips again, and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
She tries to gulp down the lump in her throat, becoming less and less able to compose herself and keep her guard up around him. How did she stand her ground for so long, and why is it all of a sudden crumbling so easily, out of her control?
He suddenly straightens up, dropping his hand and pulling back his arm. She doesn't have to wait long to discover why, as she hears footsteps coming from the other room. She immediately scoots back from him and shoots her head towards the sound, seeing her best friend walk in from around the corner.
"Hey Sleeping Beauty!" She chuckles, looking over in Cassidy's direction, hopefully not seeing her fidgeting and accumulating a small amount of sweat on her forehead. "Are you gonna stay the night?"
"Oh. I… umm…" She quickly looks over to Harry, an unreadable expression across his face. It's not exactly helpful.
"You can take my room… if you want…" He suggests, letting her feel some relief from not having an answer. And then she feels flustered, like she has plenty of times with him, especially recently. Relief, flustered, and then very aware that Gemma is standing in the kitchen waiting for an answer.
"Thank you." She meets Gemma's mildly confused and curious gaze, bringing Cassidy back to the reality of what this situation is.
Gemma is her best friend, and Harry's sister. And Harry isn't just Harry. He is Harry Styles of One Direction. He has a busy and extravagant life. He most likely, and unfortunately, has girls across the globe. He is beautiful, and desirable. And she is just Cassidy. The girl he grew up with, who was always hanging around his house. The girl he bugged and pestered constantly. The girl he played mind games with by pretending to flirt with her, just to be annoying. And probably, also, just his hometown hookup.
"But… I think I should get home."
"Okay. I'll talk to you tomorrow, and give you more details about that party."
For the second time since she's been there, Harry groans over the subject of her attending that New Year's Eve party.
Gemma walks out and Cassidy turns back to Harry. His gaze has dropped and his expression has turned down along with it.
"You sure you don't wanna stay?" He mutters, a sincere look in his eyes.
"I… yeah, I don't want my mum to worry." She sighs. She'll call it self-preservation, running home right now. Ironically, that's the one place she usually runs from.
"At least let me walk you back."
She nods, sitting there a few seconds longer to gaze at him, before getting up from the couch and gathering her belongings.
Harry helps her put on her coat, and does the same, then ushers her outside into the cold. This time, for Cassidy, the bite of the air isn't a relief like it was when she exited her own home.
"So… umm…" Harry starts as the begin to walk, his arms across his chest to keep himself warm, her own body doing the same thing. "You're, umm, working for POPSUGAR now, right?"
"Yeah. Junior writer." She simply replies. It's not exactly the biggest thing to brag about. Especially not to him. Plus, Gemma was a reference, so she's sure that helped her get the job.
"Is it local?" He asks quietly, turning to make eye contact.
"Umm… yeah. Well, I mean, I go to London a few times a month for meetings, but I mostly write from home."
She notices him pull his lips inward, seemingly to hide a smile, which he is failing at.
"That's awesome." He clears his throat. "I'll be 'round here for a bit, and a friend is planning a birthday party for me next month. Maybe… we can hang out sometime?"
Her heart skips a beat and her thoughts begin to race. This is so confusing, he is so confusing. She honestly never thought she'd be in this situation. She actually told herself she never would be. It's Harry, for crying out loud. But here she is, feeling a small flutter of butterflies in her stomach at his suggestion of seeing her again. But it's also complicated. Again, it's Harry. Enough said.
"Umm… maybe." That's about as good of an answer as she can give at the moment.
They reach the front door of her parent's house, and she turns her body to face his, her eyes only flickering up for a few seconds to catch a couple glimpses of him.
"Hm." He responds, picking at his lower lip. "Was kind of hoping for more than a maybe."
"I just don't know."
"Is it because of your New Year's Eve plans?"
"What? No. What does that have to do with anything?"
"Well, because you're going on a date."
"It's not a date. It's just a party. And why do you care? You're going on vacation with a supermodel…" Frustration begins to build.
"Our families are just spending time together. Plus, those plans were made before we-"
He points to her but goes silent, instantly dropping his hand. Her anxiety peaks and her eyes go wide. Would he not have gone if it wasn't already scheduled? Because of her? No. First of all, choosing her over Kendall fucking Jenner is a ridiculous thought. And besides, two hookups doesn't mean he's suddenly interested in her, at least not in any capacity that has more significance than sex. And if it does, it's probably not possible to indulge in. Gemma would probably flip! It would be too weird and she couldn't do that to her best friend. It keeps coming back to all of that. So as much as she may want to even entertain the idea, it's probably not a good one.
Even if she does want it to be more, he is Harry Styles. And that comes with so many implications and complications on its own. For fucks sake, she doesn't even know how he feels about her.
"Tell me why you don't want to." He interrupts her thoughts, catching her so off guard that she doesn't have a good enough answer for him.
"I don't know… I don't know what you want from me…"
"I just want to hang out!"
"Really? Are you-... Bloody hell, this is exhausting! Nevermind!" He pinches the bridge of his nose, shaking his head. His eyes snap up to hers and she's met with a deep, intense frown. "Have fun at the fucking party, Cass."
She turns away and grabs the door handle. A sigh comes from behind her so she swivels back around. Her own frown is met by his. "And have fun on your fucking vacation."
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[ flashback - Jan 2016 ]
Sitting at the large table, waiting for the office meeting to start, someone takes the seat next to Cassidy with a beaming smile.
"What's going on?" She chuckles, looking down at the papers in her coworker Roxie's hands.
"I'm buzzing! I got assigned an amazing story to cover!" She exclaims, practically bouncing in her chair. "You're friends with Harry Styles, right?"
Her heart stops. Or is it racing? She's not even able to fully comprehend her reaction, because all she can focus on is what Roxie could possibly have written about.
"Sort of. Sure… why?"
The article is placed on the table, right in front of her. She tries to quickly skim it over, attempting to gather the important information, but her vision quickly becomes blurry. She doesn't need to read the entire article. The headline tells her everything she needs to know.
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Series Masterlist
If you like what I post, and want to just send some extra support, I have a ko-fi account. Even the smallest amount is greatly appreciated. There is no obligation or expectation to donate, because I am honestly just so grateful that you're here! 💗 Bee xx
Overall Taglist: @watermelonsugacry @tw1nflamebruis3 @hopefulwastelandcreation @tenaciousperfectionunknown @that-daydream-look @queenmadi2 @runway-to-my-aid @theekyliepage @be-yourss @harryistheonlyoneforme @b-reads-things @behindmygreyeyes @michellekstyles @a-strange-familiar @yousunshineyoutempter @buckybarnessimpp @little-freak-satellite @msolbesg @sleutherclaw @katiebaxterrrrrr @percysaidnever @thatbitch2828 @mrspeacem1nusone @thurhomish @sushiabby @harrystylesrecs @vickiii17 @itsbebeyyy @divalovesyou @bxbyysstuff @jessitpwk @sunshinemoonsposts @theroosterswife24 @boybands-baseball @austynparksandpizza @missmielyhoran @harryspirate @qualitygiantshoepsychic @tiaamberxx @matildasatellite @fool4him @cherryshouse @yatebe-kohayu @perfectzinenerdperson @babyiamperfectforyou @daphnesutton @around1302 @daydreamingofmatilda @swiftmendeshoran
245 notes · View notes
Sunday, 11 October 2015
With their On The Road Again-tour the boys strand in Birmingham and between songs Liam and Harry take the time to talk to the fans
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credits to umthatsliam
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credits to harryfeatjack
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credits to liamotra
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swiftiethatyouhate · 5 months
taylor and karlie relationship timeline but delulu / fanfic in a nutshell version
2013- meet at the victoria’s secret show, shy vibes for a bit but things speed up around new years, karlie comforts taylor throughout the whole harry styles thing and helps her gain confidence again
2014- road trip, kissing and.. yknow, but not labelling anything as a relationship, happy where they were
2015- officially girlfriends, on the run from the world and being super careful
2016- taylor starts to get reckless and too confident and does a bunch of things to hurt karlie (mentally) and karlie slowly falls apart from taylor, but then after taylor breaks down after the whole kanye thing, they rekindle it and karlie helps taylor like… not be depressed ig. something crazy happens and they break up the night of lorde’s birthday party, faking their friendship till the end of 2016.
2017: *cricket noises*
also i don’t want you like a best friend
2018: *cricket noises*
2019: *extra loud and obnoxious cricket noises*
2020: *sad cricket noises*
2021: *even sadder cricket noises*
2022: *midnights = gay*
2023: “all is well, i’m on tour, i haven’t seen or heard of my ex gf in like 6 years.”-(taylor)
“taylor there’s someone in the audience…” -(tree)
“what? who?” -(taylor)
“karlie kloss.” -(tree)
“oh okay co- WHAT THE FUCK DHSJDBDIWN” -(taylor)
they meet up the party and they slowly start talking again BUT karlie reveals that she accidentally and unknowingly helped with the masters scandal HENCE the infamous “i love griff”(in all lowercase) “vertigo” on taylor’s story, now we’re all assuming the reunion did not go well
2029: travis kelce dies
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svt-rei · 10 months
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profile .. visuals .. personal background .. facts .. family.
playlist .. iconic rei moments .. fan favourites .. dorm room .. home tour
wardrobe .. stage outfits .. fan meetings .. award shows .. met gala .. vogue japan .. paris fashion week
.. whats in my bag? .. whats in my phone?
weverse .. twitter .. instagram .. fan tweets
mini albums & albums--> in my dreams ... angel
singles & eps -> try again .. time slip ..
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seventeen: 95z. 96z. 97z. 98z & 99.
TAGS:: 95z-> seungrei ... reihan ... shuko || 96z --> junrei ... reishi ... wonrei ... woorei || 97z--> seokrei ... minrei ... reihao ...|| 98z&99--> seungko ... reinon ... chako
hybe artist || idol friendships ... idol relationships ...
--------------- N/A -------------
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---------------N/A -------------------
interviews ... news articles ... contriversies
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★ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀⠀ SEVENTEEN -> 2015 - 2019
17 carat — boys be. — love & letter. — very nice. — going seventeen. — al1. — teen, age. — director's cut. — you make my day. — you made my dawn. — and ode
★ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀⠀ SEVENTEEN -> 2020 - PRESENT
heng:garæ. — semi;colon. — your choice. — attaca. — face the sun. — sector 17. — FML.
★ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀⠀ SEVENTEEN MISC. ->
we make you. — a-teen. & 9-teen. — happy ending. — fallin’ flower. — 24H. — not alone. — power of love. darl+ing. — dream. — betting
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★ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀⠀ YOUTUBE:
going seventeen. — inside seventeen. — hit the road. — fancams. — variety shows. — youtube compilations. — viral videos.
★ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀⠀ PAID CONTENT:
in the soop. — tour videos.
tour. — concert. — fan-meeting.
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@svtrei est. 2023
layout credits to seul9yu
52 notes · View notes
fallingforel · 1 year
6 & 101 please! Fluff with Harry - imagine these used in a bit of banter between them x
a/n: If you would like to put in a request the people I write for and the prompt list is here.
words: 855 words (sorry it's one of my shorter ones I was running dry for ideas.)
PROMPT 6 & 101: “This isn’t fair!” “I hope you’re happy.”
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I had joined Harry on love on tour this year, with our 7 year old daughter in tow, we had decided that she would do virtual school as it was too much of a risk of her being recognised at school, when Harry or I would pick her up, having our relationship being in the public eye for 10 years now, plus it allowed us to be on tour with Harry, hating being away from him just like I went through when he was in One direction.
Now we were sitting on the hotel room bed, after coming back from our anniversary dinner, Mitch and Sarah taking Juliet for the night. currently reminiscing on our relationship of 10 years. We hadn't gotten married.
"Do you remember The night we made Juliet?" I asked
"vaguely, remind me again what happened"
31st October 2015 (a/n sorry 1d fans I know it's a soft spot 😔)
Harry and I had just gotten back from going out on a night out to celebrate the last ever show with Harry's bandmates, we celebrated out in sheffield and now we had gone to our flat, sheffield was my home town so it was a bittersweet moment for me, because sheffield was where Harry and I had met 2 years ago while he was doing his take me home tour and now everything was changing but not our relationship. No our relationship was as strong as ever and it had been some amazing past 2 years with him.
Now though, I was lounging about in out flat just watching out the big panel window of our flat, While Harry was somewhere around doing something. Harry and I had bought this flat before he left for the on the road again tour, and now we finally had time to spend in it together.
"What are you doing?" Harry asks while wrapping his arms around me while his front is pressed against my back, making me jump about 6 feet in the air. "geez H! way to scare a girl, why don't you go scare Petal while you're at it Harry" Petal was my cat from my old flat, from before I met Harry. She was a stray when I took her in finding her in a bunch of petals while walking home. I took her to the nearest to the vets but there was no record of previous owners and I couldn't just leave her there when she was just a baby so I gave her a good life and promised to give her all the love any animal deserves.
Looking down at the cat, who had now disappeared from where she was previously and not being anywhere where she was in plain sight taking it as a sign that she was scared. Harry and now moved to be facing me looking me right in the eye, "oh come on darling,this isnt fair you sneak up on me all the time, like this morning when we were at the venue you came up and hugged me making me jump 12 foot in the air." "that's different!" "Oh is it now?" he asks sarcastically "yes it is" I say before pulling him in for a kiss.
We stay kissing for a few moments before Harry pulls away. "Wow way to make a girl know that you don't like her Harry" I tease playfully. "Oh yeah, Y/n I have some news. After, being with you for 2 years and buying a flat with you. I don't like you." He teases back with the same amount I just gave him "I hope you're happy. Just for that, you can sleep on the sofa tonight." I say, acting serious before walking into the bedroom, knowing I'm only joking.
He follows me while talking "oh come on Y/n/n, you know I love you." he pauses then says "I" was only joking". I giggle before I say "so was I you fool, haha got you" he joins me on the bed tickling me. "you little menace, had my heart going for a second thought I'd really upset you. You are so crafty honestly." He says before kissing me again, going a bit deeper this time.
And that was that, this was where we would start our family.
"ahh, Now I remember I loved that night, you looked gorgeous. Not that you don't now though"
"Harry, you have always been so scared of upsetting me I love you for it though"
"you know maybe for good measures we should try again, I don't feel as though we're complete yet."
"Is it really the best time though? What about me being too pregnant to fly? What about Juliet? "
"You won't be. I have a break coming up in july, I can easily not go on tour for another couple of years. As for Juliet, she's been telling me how she wants a brother or sister."
"Okay, Harry. You'll have to give me a few days so I can book in to get my IUD out, then we'll start."
And that was that before 3 became 4.
the end.
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miashyperfixations · 8 months
04.10.2023 @ AO Arena, Manchester (21,000 Capacity) ⚠️ TW: some flashing lights in video ⚠️
I've wanted to see 5SOS for a while now. As with many artists, I started listening to them properly in the pandemic, having heard several of their songs beforehand. I went back and listened to their whole discography which made me able to see their progression in its entirety, especially their subtle changes to shift genres slightly with each album but still stay true to their roots. The first release I was a fan of the band for was that of their newest album '5SOS5' which saw them venture into the pop-alternative genre but listening back, it's clear that they still pull on their rock influences within certain tracks. 
I bought these tickets back in April, when tickets first went on sale & looked forward to it for a long time. It was my first Arena gig since 2018 & we were up in the lower bowl as close to the stage as you could be from the side, meaning we could see both the stage & the steps the band came onto the stage from. We got there just in time to see the openers. Charlotte Sands (who @artbyamixx is a big fan of) was up first & performed amazingly - I was blown away. The crowd really got into it (as they should've) & we were able to hear an unreleased track as well as her newest songs. The second opener was a pop duo called ar/co who were unexpected but delightful anyway with their psychedelic, electronic pop sounds.
When 5SOS came on, they played songs from every single one of their albums as well as some other singles, which was super fun considering I'd never seen them live before this. Similarly to the whole concept of surprise songs at concerts (introduced by Taylor Swift at the Eras tour), the boys have a dice song. Their huge inflatable dice is thrown into the crowd & they then have 90 seconds to throw it around & get it back on stage. Each side has a song from the band's debut era, songs they don't play anymore, so everyone on there is wanted. I think the crowd wanted 'English love affair', a song wanted by the UK crowds in general but in the end, it landed on 'Voodoo Doll', one of my favourite of the deluxe tracks off the debut album.
Another segment of the show was 'Ashton VS You' where the crowd battled the band's drummer (Ashton Irwin) to see who could be louder - although I think it's kind of cheating cause the sound guys at the back could've just turned up the speakers for all we know. I loved how this incorporated a song off of 'Youngblood' because the drums in it are just *chefs kiss* amazing so hearing them isolated was incredible. Additionally, the band tied the show together with pre-recorded skits that played on the side stage screens which kept the crowd excited & also gave the band a moment's reprieve throughout the show, which was no doubt tiring given how energetic everyone was. A random thing I noticed from our angle of the stage is how both Luke & Michael switched out their guitars for several others throughout the show. I assume Luke was switching between a rhythm & normal electric guitar but Michael switched to an acoustic for 'Amnesia'.
The last time 5SOS played this venue was back in 2015, when they opened for One Direction on the ‘On the road again’ tour. Since this is their last tour for a little while, the night genuinely might be a once-in-a-lifetime experience (although I hope it’s not!) I think everyone there can agree, it was an unbelievable night and I’ll be looking over my videos forever. 
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