#plus i can climb in the window and sneak in and out—
bangchansgirlsblog · 8 months
Overprotective PT 2
-9th member
Warning: arguing, angst?
Pairing: Skz x 9th member
Thank you so much for the request!! Hope you enjoy the story yeah! :) last part comes out soon.
I had received a call right after Chan had left the room. He decided he wanted to watch a few YouTube videos and spend time with me because in his words “Your growing up so fast Y/nie!” Then he proceeded to kiss my all over my face and tease me.
Anyways once he had left to go to bed making sure to yell 3000 plus times to everyone to make sure their packed and that their in bed asleep because
“I’m not going to be traveling with cranky and annoying grown ass kids!”
I had received a call from Connor. Connor? Why was Connor calling me at 10 in the night?
“Hey Connor!” I say into the phone surprised to see his name pop up.
“Hey Y/n! How are you?” He asks through the phone.
“Umm I’m alright and you? How are you doing?”
“I’m doing good! I haven’t talked to you in a while,”
“Yeah I’ve been so busy with schedules and shows, I’m sorry.” I genuinely say because I had indeed been lacking when it came to communicating with people back home just because I was terribly busy.
“Oh no need to be sorry! I’m so proud of you love. Anyways you might me wondering why I’m calling right now but…I have a suprise for you!” I hear the excitement in his voice.
“Oh really? A surprise?” I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. “Is everything okay back home?”
“Yes yes yes, no need to worry but…geuss who’s in town!”
I frown not knowing, “Who?”
“Me silly!” A gasp leaves me grasping for air.
“Oh what?! Shut the front door right now!” I sit up in bed almost being knocked over by the shock and surprise that had run through my body.
“Yes, yes I got here in the morning and at first I thought I would surprise you but I read online that you have a show in two days meaning you’re leaving.”
“Yeah I leave tomorrow morning Connor.” I frown, “will I not find you when I get back?”
“No I’m sorry but we can meet up right now?” He suggests.
I sigh and look at the book that was in my lap. “I don’t think I can-“
I remember the lecture Chan and leeknow gave me. I really did not want to get into trouble but I really wanted to see Connor. Was it worth it? I mean…it wasn’t the concert I was sneaking out for so technically I’m not breaking rules…
“Oh come on Y/n! I haven’t seen you in four years! Please!”
“Ugh fine, I’ll meet you in 30” I finally give in.
“Okay great! Should we meet at the ice cream place by my hotel?” I hear some shuffling going on through the phone. He was probably doing something.
“Yeah just text me the details yeah?”
“Yeah sure, oh and Y/n..” he stops and takes a deep breath making me feel a-bit nervous.
“Yes Connor” I pause and wait for him to talk.
“I missed you.”
“I missed you too Connor.” A big smile played on my lips. I hear him chuckle before saying a quick
“Okay see ya!” And hanging up the phone.
The butterflies start to form in my stomach. Was it the fact that I was about to sneak out the house or the fact that I was going to see one of my long time bestfriends after 4 years?
I think it was the fact that I was about to jump out my window and could potentially get caught and hanged by Chan or Han or Leeknow or Changbin or Seungmin.
I had to do it though. ‘Do it for the plot’ was my motto and it kept running through my mind as I quietly get out of bed and walk over to my closet. I pick out a cute little baby blue party dress and grab my airforces making sure not to wear them yet.
“God I know this is wrong and I know you’re probably going to punish me for going against Chan’s will but please take me and bring me back home without getting caught!” I whisper a small prayer while pulling up the window and opening it wide.
I throw my shoes out and grab my jacket before slowly jumping out the window and landing on the balcony then quietly climbing down making sure I didn’t make a sound.
“Oh shit!” I duck down when I land outside Hyunjin’s window. He was listening to music on his headphones while painting some type of picture so he didn’t quite see me.
Close one.
I crawl under his window and quickly put on my shoes and jacket when I’m out of his sight.
“Now where can I catch a cab at this hour?” I quietly exclaim and smack my forehead. I was crouched down and thinking of ways to grab a cab without possibly getting kidnapped.
Luckily our dorms weren’t so far away from the actual busy streets. So making sure no one could see me from any point of the house, I quickly run down the dark road begging that I didn’t hear anyone calling my name as I flee.
“Taxi!” I called while panting trying to catch my breathe. The man stops and I get in )tired obviously from all the running) telling him where to go, giving him the address.
It was a 15 minute ride and when we pulled up.
The night was cold it was no doubt and looking forward at the dash board of the car the time read “11:59”
It was late. Very late to be out alone.
“Thank you so much,” I say and pay the guy. I quickly make my way to the tiny shops that were on the road, spotting the ice cream shop straight away.
It was cute and had booths. It was decorated like any other normal ice cream shop but it felt more like a cute hangout spot to chill.
Once I walked in I say a quick hello to the lady sitting by the cash register. Her eyes go wide. She probably had noticed me but she didn’t bother to say anything probably scared that she might freak me out I guess.
I stood in the middle of the shop looking for Connor,
“Hey Y/n!” I hear my name being called. I turn to see a familiar face except it wasn’t so familiar.
“Oh my God Connor?! You’ve changed so much!” I run and give him a big hug literally climbing on him as he laughed and caught me.
“Well what can I say, 4 years can do a lot to a man. Oh and puberty!” He jokes.
“Oh my God I can’t believe you’re here! I’ve missed you so much!” I squeal at his presence.
“I’ve missed you too! How have you been? We have so much to catch up on! Come on!”
He grabs my hand and we walk over to a corner and sit in the booth. He calls the waiter and we order milkshakes and some ice cream.
“So…you’re like an idol now,” he pokes my shoulder from across the table causing me to blush. My hands automatically hiding my face in shame.
“Yeah yeah I geuss I geuss” I shrug it off like it’s not a big deal.
“How’s it like?” He asks curiously. I start to explain to him the many things we do and his intrigued and interested in everything. He keeps asking questions and occasionally I would ask him questions as well making our conversation so interesting going back and forth.
Once we were done with the ice cream and catching up I take a quick glance at my phone and fuck.
3:15 am.
“Oh my, it’s so late. I should start heading to the dorms.” I tell Connor who looked like he was ready to go aswell.
“Here let me pay,” I grab my company card and he pushes it away.
“My treat for coming to see me yeah?” He smiles and I couldn’t help to feel warmth feel my chest. I missed him. I missed home. I missed my parents. I missed my friends.
“Hey, why the frown? We just had the best night ever.” His hand was around me as we walk down the road. His body slowly warming mine.
He had insisted to make sure I got home safe meaning he wanted to make sure I got a cab when he was watching.
“Just a little homesick, that’s all.” I sigh while kicking the rock that was in-front of me.
“Hey, don’t be. It might feel a little depressing but everyone at home is rooting for you. We can’t wait for the show next month! We’ve all got our tickets.”
He nudges my shoulder causing me to giggle a little.
“Thank you for tonight Connor, I can’t wait to see you again.” I tell him once we finally get a cab.
“I can’t wait to see you again yeah? Make sure to call and text whenever you can.” He looks me in my eyes and for a moment the world goes slow. Our bodies were now against eachother.
His body towered over me as he slowly leaned in. I tiptoe to make our lips connect. My body melts into his. I wanted this so bad. I wanted him to stay. I wanted him to be here longer.
This was wrong but it felt so right.
My idol senses were tingling. Something was wrong but I didn’t care. I needed this. I needed to feel something. I needed to feel like a normal person again not a robot.
We finally pull away and he clears his throat and rubs the back of his neck.
“Well…that happened.”
His cheeks were dark red and I knew I wasn’t any better.
“It did.” I softly say and bite my lip.
“Yah! are you coming or not?!” The Cab guy says causing me to jump and laugh.
“Okay bye Connor! Foreal this time.”
“Bye y/n!” We hug one last time before I get into the cab and make my way home.
I watch as he slowly turns and starts to head back to his hotel. I could finally sit down and process the night.
You know that feeling when you get away with something? It feels like you’re on top of the world.
I was on top of the world! I felt nothing could stop me.
I even felt more confident when I crawled past Hyunjin’s room and all the lights were off because he was asleep. I was able to climb up my balcony and get back into the room.
Everything looked exactly like how I had I left it. So I quickly undress and wear whatever I wore when Chan last saw me and unlocked my door just incase anyone wanted to come into my room in the morning.
I was so tired. I needed sleep and what bothered me was the fact that I had to be awake in 4 hours. Getting into bed and closing my eyes only to be waken up by trouble.
A loud knock on my door is what woke me up.
It was loud and it wouldn’t stop being loud.
“Ughh what time is it?” I groan and turn on my phone to see it was only 6 am.
Who was at my door at 6 am? We leave at 8! Ugh!
I groggily get out of bed and out on my slipper.
I was trying to rub the sleep out of my eyes when I open the door I find a very furious Han standing outside. He was in his pajamas and he had his phone in his hand.
“Y/n Y/l/n You are in so much trouble young lady!”
I stare at him trying to remember what I could have possibly did to him. Did I eat one of his meals? Did I use on of his skin care stuff? Did he know I snuck out? He couldn’t have cause if Han knew the whole house would know.
I look behind him and gulp when I notice Hyunjin standing behind him aswell, obviously not pleased by whatever it is I had done.
Both of them had messy hair and were in sweatpants and shirts that were a bit wrinkled.
“See you even look guilty!” Hyunjin says while crossing his arms and giving me a death stare.
“What is it Han and Hyunjin it’s 6 in the morning.” I whine. “What could possibly be so important? What did I do?” I play it off. If I got them to tell me what I did first I wouldn’t have to confess to anything but still the guilt was eating me up.
“You snuck out last night didn’t you.” He cuts me out
My heart drops. My body freezes and I feel my brain stop working. My body was cold. I felt like I was about to piss myself but I was not going to allow them to catch me.
“What no I didn’t, I was in bed, sleeping, ask Chan,“ I simply say and they both scoff at this. Now I was starting to really get worried. How did they know? I was so quiet? Even Hyunjin’s room was all dark last night, I saw him sleeping with my two eyes! How is it possible.
“If you were really sleeping in your room what’s this?” Han says. I gulp the saliva that was refusing to go down my throat due to shock.
He pulls out his phone and shows me an article.
An article of me? I squint to read it.
Think of a lie Y/n…think of a fucking lie!!
“What? What’s that’s not me!” I exclaim trying to play it cool.
“Stray kids Y/n, caught out last night with a boy kissing. Y/n are you joking right now. Kissing?!” He read from his phone. I gulp once again and stew at both of them.
“Do you know how much trouble you could get into young lady? Your career could be over!” Hyunjin growls and grabs the phone out of Han’s ham to read the article further.
“Hey, I’m trying to sleep in here what’s going on?” Changbin comes out of his room also rubbing his eyes.
Oh no. Not Changbin.
I look at the two boys that are standing infront of me and I give them the best puppy eyes I could think of. Begging them not to say anything without actually telling them.
“Guess what Bin,” Han rolls his eyes at me and furrows his eyebrows in anger.
“Han please don’t tell-“
“Geuss who was with a fucking boy last night kissing and everything?!” Han exclaims and turns to Changbin.
“What? What are you taking about?” He says before Han hands him the phone and he gasps looking at me.
His eyes now wide awake. His body posture up and alert.
“Y/n!” He shouts causing me to jump a little. “Y/n what the fuck is this?!” He yells.
“I can explain, they- I- okay-“ I start to stumble on my words.
He stares at me blankly before turning to Chan’s room and knocking. Really loudly.
“Chan!” He calls for Chan and I swear I wanted to disappear. It felt like I was going to be hanged if I did not run but it would be worse if I did run.
“No no no please don’t tell him Changbin.” I beg running to his side trying to stop him.
My heart was beating really fast and my hands shakes against his as I tried to pull him away.
“Are you serious?” Han asks looking at me trying to beg for my life.
“Bangchan!” Changbin calls again. Ignoring me and my begs.
Hyunjin and Han just both stand over on the other end and glaring at me. Probably wondering the many ways they were going to punish me.
I give up and let of his hand taking the looks they gave me as a warning not to make things worse.
“I’m so disappointed in you Y/n” he shakes his head and scoffs.
I look at my feet and shift uncomfortably.
“What is all of this commotion? We don’t leave in another two hours..” Felix groans getting out of his room.
“I was in my room scrolling through my feed and geuss what I found.” Hyunjin explains to Felix.
“What? It better be important because-“ he looks at the phone then gasps in shock. Great. “Is that actually Y/n?!” He asks looking at all of us.
“Yes it is and she was kissing I’m still stuck at the kissing part!” Han throws his hands in the air and starts walking back and forth.
“Who was kissing?” Seungmin asks joining the conversation walking up the stairs with tea in his hands. I cover my face in embarrassment.
“Yah! Will all of you shut up!” Leeknow walks out of the theatre with a blanket in his hands.
“Oh Hyung you should see what your amazing little princess was doing last night,”
I stand in shame as Felix passes him the phone. I could literally feel the slaps coming my way. (Not literally) but the fact that leeknow was processing the information and squinting his eyes.
He even dropped the blanket out his hand. His jaw left opened.
“Yes Binnie. You called?” The last door opens revealing Chan shirtless with long sweats on and his hair in a mess.
“Are you kidding me?…Are you fucking kidding me? I told you not to do one thing! One fucking thing-“
“Woah woah woah what’s going on? What did Y/n do? Why is everyone outside yelling? And why aren’t people getting ready for the flight?” Chan quickly interrupts Leeknow’s loud voice.
“Look Chan, just look. I can’t even deal with this right now.” Leeknow passes Chan the phone.
He stands there looking like he saw a ghost. He stands there for a long time. He stands there hands shaking trying to probably get words for me.
“Unbelievable behavior,” Changbin says. “Why do you not listen?”
I stand in the middle of everyone quiet. Not daring to speak knowing whatever I said would probably get me in more trouble. I wanted to cry.
I wanted to cry so bad but I couldn’t. It hadn’t yet hit me that I was now probably trending on every site.
“Y/n?” His soft voice stops the ugly thoughts running through my head.
I keep quiet and look at the floor refusing to look at him.
“Every-body into their rooms now and get ready for the flight. I’ll deal with this later.” He sighs while handing Han the phone.
That was bad. That was really Bad. If he wasn’t yelling and screaming at me now. He was mad. Really mad.
Everbody leaves the corridors and it’s just me and Chan.
“You’re dying your hair blonde right now. Go get dressed. I’m calling the stylist.” He says in a disappointing tone and slams his door. Not even letting me speak.
The tears automatically start to pour as soon as I close the door. I walk into my room and close my door. They didn’t stop when I took my shower. They didn’t stop when I slowly got dressed and it didn’t stop when I was doing my makeup which was a horrible mistake because the mascara kept running down my cheeks.
You’re so fucking stupid! So fucking dumb!
A knock on the door stops me from what I’m doing and I hopelessly open it to find the Madelyn our hair stylist standing outside with her equipments in hand. She gives me a sad smile. Almost like a ‘I know what your going through and I’m hear to fix it’
“Rough morning huh?” She asks setting everything down.
“Yeah” I nod and she pulls me into her arms as I start to cry even harder than before. Her little rubs on my back make me melt into her arms.
“Hey hey hey, it’s okay we’re going to fix this yeah? We’re going to make it seem like that wasn’t you at all and everything will go back to normal okay?”
“Yeah, except the fact that I’m grounded for life.” I say miserably and she chuckles.
“I was once like you my love, wild, young and free. Things like this happen and I know Chan is going to start understanding soon. His just so used to being around boys he forgets that he also has to raise a teen girl.” She smiles look at the mirror while doing my hair.
“Yeah I geuss but I was also in the wrong, I knew I shouldn’t have done it! I knew I was right. The feeling was in my stomach. Everything was too good to be true!” I huffed in frustration.
“Yeah but people won’t know it’s you if your hair is dyed now. They’ll think it’s fake and the secret will be between us.” She rubs my back.
“Not even management?” I ask her and she nods.
“Not even management. If they ask, you were home last night and I was doing your hair. Duhhh” she chuckles and pinches my cheek.
“Oh I love you so much Madelyn!” I say softly.
“Us girls have to stick together. Always! Now…tell me all about this boy! Don’t leave anything out!” She teases me and I feel my cheeks turn red.
“His just an old friend..” I start, “but I’ll tell you!” We both start squealing and gossiping like we always do whenever she did my makeup or hair.
We spent like an hour on my head before I was fully blonde. She quickly styled it and did my makeup for the airport.
“Alright all done, would you like me to help you carry your bags down?” She puts her brush down and analyzes my face.
Her hands were busy packing up her hair supplies.
“No it’s fine I’ll just take them down myself..“ she trails off as a knock interrupts the conversation and Chan comes in.
“Hey Madelyn, I didn’t see you come in. You good?” He asks and gives her a hug.
“Yeah I’m done with this little trouble maker. I hope you like it. I’m about to head out then head to the airport.”
“Yeah okay it’s fine” he turns and analyzes my big head of now blonde hair, “alright see you at the airport yeah?” She turns back to her and gives her a soft smile.
“Go easy on her Channie.” She chuckles and ruffles Chan’s hair.
“I’ll try,”
She packs up her stuff and leaves me and Chan in the room.
The air was tense. I stood there looking at anything but him. My hands rubbing against eachother.
“I’m not going to scold you or tell you off right now. But when we get to New York, you better pray that I don’t throw you off the skyscraper.” I gulp and look at him in fear, “now come on the cars are almost here and you need to eat.”
LOOK WHAT YOU’VE DONE Y/N!!🤣🤣Lmao see you in the next chapter bye bye.
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malum-forev · 1 year
has miscommunication for the bingo been taken? if not, can i request that one with bucky?
Hiii thank you so much for your ask! ❤️‍🔥 Here's what I came up with!
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BrothersBestFriend!Bucky x Reader
Cold. That was the perfect word to describe Bucky. Distant came in second place, followed by calloused, mysterious, brooding and lastly, your brother’s best friend. Although you were only two years younger than your brother, Bucky always saw you as the pestering little sister. Even now when you were out of college and living in the same city as your brother and his group of friends. 
You had fixed your hair and worn a tight dress your brother would certainly not approve of but if it were up to him, you would wear a full body sack of potatoes to the club. You walked down the hallway of the apartment you shared with your brother but stopped before you got to the living room, you heard voices. You placed your back flush against the wall.
“Can you quit being an asshole? Try, for one day.” You heard Sam whisper.
“Why does she have to follow us everywhere we go?” Bucky groaned. “If I wanted that, I would have bought a dog.”
Steve shushed the brunet. “She’s one of our best friend’s sister, you can’t say that!”
“I’m just saying what we’re all thinking.” Bucky’s words hurt, a feeling of embarrassment burned your being. You felt the edges of your eyes prickle.
“We think she’s nice.” Sam said. “She’s funny and tells us childhood secrets about our friend, like that time she told us he got caught sneaking out of a girls window and broke his arm during the fall! What more can you ask for?”
“Well I think she’s immature.” Bucky drove the knife deeper.
You brought your hand up to your mouth to muffle your gasp, the tears falling from your face. Your brothers door opened so you quickly wiped your face and gulped down your feelings. 
“Not to sound like mom but, we know you’re a girl, you don’t have to show everyone at the club.” He laughed, pointing at the short hem of the dress. “You ready to go?”
You offered your brother a smile. “I think I’m going to sit this one out, I just got my period.”
He made a disgusted face before peeking into the living room. “Hey guys, it’s just us this time.”
“Fuck.” Bucky whispered as he closed his eyes and leaned his head back, knowing you’d heard every wretched word you’d said. 
The next weeks were filled with apologies to your brother, flaking on plans and making up late nights working. 
“Have you thought about talking to HR?” Your brother’s voice said through the speaker on your phone. “I don’t think it’s normal for your boss to make you work late again. It’s the third time this week!”
You hiked your tote bag up your shoulder. Trying to balance your takeout on one hand and your phone pressed to your ear was proving to be a difficult task. You sighed of relief as you turned the corner to your street. 
“Yeah, I should but I don’t want to get on my boss’ bad side.” You expertly lied. Of course you felt guilty lying to your brother but what else could you do? They were his friends after all and Bucky made it clear you weren’t welcome. Plus, you’d been tagging along for far too long. 
“Call me if you get off early, yeah?” He said. “We’re going to go bar hopping and you deserve a drink!”
You kept your eyes on the steps of your apartment complex as you climbed them. “Yep, I’ll let you know when I leave the office.”
“You tell them they can shove their extra hours up their ass-“ You heard Sam yell over your brother.
You chuckled as you searched through your bag for your keys, two more steps and you’ll be home- your feet bumped into another, a combat boot wearing pair of feet you recognized instantly. 
“Oh shit.” You muttered, your eyes traveling from the black boots to the tight black jeans up towards a red Henley. Ocean blue eyes looked straight into your soul. Busted. 
“Are you okay? What happened?” Your brother asked.
“Everything’s fine, I’m fine just- it’s an Excel emergency. Got to go, call you later.” You hung up quickly.
“Late night at work?” Bucky raised his eyes at you. “Excel emergency?”
“Don’t even.” You sighed as you pushed past the beefy man, unlocking your apartment. 
“May I come in?” Bucky asked, hands resting on the doorframe.
You rolled your eyes, setting all of your things down. “You’ve been here a million times, you don’t need to ask to come in.”
“I’ve been here with your brother.” He emphasized the word. “Never as your guest.”
“I wouldn’t call someone who was waiting at my door a guest.” You mumbled, eyeing the man who still hadn’t entered your apartment. “What are you? A vampire? You need to be invited in?”
“Only one way to find out.” His smile was wicked as he dragged his boot across the bottom of the door. 
You considered letting him burst into flames, maybe he was a vampire. That would be one reasonable explanation as to why he’s a dick. 
“You can come in.” You said, taking your food and setting it in front of the TV. “Only if you promise to be quiet while I watch Vanderpump Rules.”
“I never thought of you as the lying type.” Bucky closed the door behind him and watched as you started eating dinner. “You were supposed to be a good girl.”
“You’re already breaking the first and only rule I gave you.” You shushed him. 
“You have no idea how badly I want to break the rules.” Bucky muttered to himself. 
You paused your show. “You’re not going to be quiet so, why are you here?”
“Why did you lie to your brother?”
You stood up from the couch. “I asked you first.”
“I’m here because-“ Bucky ran a hand through his hair, following you into the kitchen like a lost puppy. “Because you stopped going out with us.”
A true laugh ripped through your chest. Is he serious?
His expression urged you to answer, like he didn’t know the reason for your absence.
“Do you ever make up your mind?” You snorted. “First you say I’m immature and you don’t want me near you and now, now you ask me why I’m not there.”
Bucky felt heat rise up from the back of his neck to his cheeks. There was some part of him that hoped you hadn’t heard- maybe your boss did suddenly become a raging SOB. 
“I didn’t mean it like that-“ Bucky started. 
“Please, do enlighten me as to what you meant when you said, and I quote: ‘Why does she have to follow us’ and then ‘I think she’s immature’.” You let out a dry chuckle.
Bucky’s Adams apple bobbed, trying to figure out what words he should say. But his blank expression gave you everything you needed to know.
You walked to the front door of your apartment, opening it. “Look, I don’t know who forced you to come here and apologize but it’s okay. No hard feelings, Buck. Just don’t tell my brother I didn’t have to work late and we’ll call it even.”
Bucky leant his head back and groaned. “You don’t understand.”
“And I’m done trying to understand.” You added. 
“I understand that you say no hard feelings but that’s the problem-“ Bucky walked towards you. “I want to have no feelings.”
“Bucky it’s fine. I get it, you don’t like me and don’t want to be my friend. I’m over it.” You rolled your eyes again. 
Bucky’s chest heaved, his emotions taking over his brain. He took your body and slammed it against the door, shutting it closed. Bucky’s large hands cupped your face, his once clear eyes now turned dark. 
“You don’t understand.” He whispered dragging his knuckles lightly against your cheek. “I don’t want you there because I can’t control myself whenever you’re near.”
Your throat became dry. “What? I thought you didn’t like me.”
Bucky chuckled lightly, now his finger ghosted over your lips. “Quite the opposite. I like you, I want you, I needyou. But I cannot have you.”
Hi hiiii This is part of my 1k Celebration, if you like this please be sure to look at the Bingo Card and ask for a prompt! Love y'all <33
And you can find the Bingo master list and what prompts are still available here!
*Any gifs posted are not my own and I give the artist full credit.
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stevesbipanic · 4 months
@steddielovemonth Day 2: Love is protection ❤️😉 @steddieas-shegoes
Mild smut under the cut
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"Mmm, Eddie, fuck please," Steve moaned biting his lip to try and stay quiet, they hadn't exactly told Eddie's uncle yet. He'd been climbing through Eddie back window for weeks now, he almost ripped his jeans last night. It wasn't like they thought Wayne wouldn't accept them, he loved Steve and he knew Eddie was gay. But the fun of sneaking around hadn't quite worn off left, only Robin knew because movie nights were boring if they couldn't cuddle, plus Steve couldn't not tell his soulmate.
"Please what, baby, you need something?" Eddie responded teasingly. Steve would've glared at him if his fingers weren't dipping under Steve's waistband. "Lemme just grab a condom, sweetness." Robin liked to remind them about the news despite not wanting to know exactly where the condom would be going.
Eddie pulled open the bedside drawer, pulling out an empty box. "We finished that one this morning, did you not buy another one?"
Eddie looked at him confused, "But we never run out." Now it was Steve's turn at being confused. "Eddie, it's only a ten pack, of course we run out."
"But there's always condoms in here."
Steve's eyes widened, "There's always refills and you're not buying them?" He says slowly, connecting the dots faster than Eddie. "Eds, either the tooth fairy picked up a new hobby or your uncle has been refilling your fucking drawer," he explained flustered and definitely no longer in the mood.
Down the hall they could hear movement in the kitchen, Wayne clearly awake for dinner before work. They quickly got dressed and decided to face the music.
"Hey Wayne, hi Mr Clarke," Steve said sheepishly as if he'd been here the whole time and hadn't snuck in twenty minutes earlier.
"Steve, I've told you you can call me, Scott, Eds does."
"Right, Scott."
Eddie was looking so red looking at his uncle.
"Wayne?" He strangled out, "Have you been buying me condoms?"
"Protection is important, Eddie, your dear Robin keeps me updated."
"You've been talking about our sex life with Robin!"
Steve accepted the plate of food from Scott, sitting down to eat, might as well see this through now.
"Who did you think was buying them?"
"I thought it was a big box!"
"I'd put them on your bed, did they walk from the drawer?"
Steve had now started giggling, he loved his boyfriend but he could be oblivious when he wanted to be. Oh, he loved his boyfriend.
Eventually, Eddie calmed down enough to sit through dinner, and later, after they'd said good night to his uncles and were back in bed, Steve cuddled into his side.
"I love you, by the way, even if you think a condom fairy exists." Steve felt Eddie's grip tighten.
"Did you really tell me that you love me for the first time and say condom fairy in the same sentence?"
Steve laughed, "Yeah, seems like our kinda style."
"I love you too, Stevie, but I'm buying our condoms from now on."
Despite their family being a bit too involved in their extracurricular activities, they were both glad they had people that loved them enough to care.
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luveline · 2 years
can I request a baby blurb with either eddie or steve x reader, where the reader‘s a little like luna lovegood and she gets bullied? Like one day some people from school hide her shoes and she has to walk home without them. You can decide what steve/eddie does when he finds out or sees her without shoes🤍
eddie <3 everlasting patience and good looks <3
A familiar van slows to a crawl on the road beside you. You come to a stop, the asphalt hot under your socks. 
"Hey, Eddie," you say, very happy to see him. 
"Y/N. Pray tell, where are your shoes?"
"I was getting changed after gym and they were gone," you explain easily, fingers at the rolled down window. "It's unfortunate. Hot out." 
"Get in." 
You swing open the passenger door and climb in, resting your head heavily against the seat. Your mind feels microwaved. It usually does, but today it's worsened by the hot weather.
Eddie gives you a once over. "You were gonna walk home without shoes?" 
"Yes. Can I turn on the radio?" 
He rolls his eyes though you don't get why. "Sure, babe." 
You smile mildly and flip on the radio. It's set to a metal station he enjoys. You turn up the volume and stretch your hands out over your knees, skin hot from the sun. 
Eddie starts toward your house, sneaking glances at you every now and then. You're busy looking at your knees.
"How'd you do that?" he asks.
You scratch your thumbnail lightly over your grazed skin and shrug. "Fell over." 
"In gym? You should be more careful." 
Everyone always says that. Be more careful. You're starting to wonder how careful a person can possibly be. 
"Y/N, listen… I want you to come find me when stuff like this happens." 
"When I fall over?" 
He chuckles. "Yes. When you fall over and when people take your shoes. Whenever anyone tries anything with you. You understand?"
"I don't think someone stole my shoes." 
"Where did they go, then, sweet thing?"
"Fairies, probably."
"Yeah?" he asks.
You squint, but he doesn't sound like he's making fun of you. 
"Yeah. They're devious. They might give them back in a week, but if they do they're not gonna be the same ones. You look pretty right now." 
He smiles at you like he knows you're sweet on him. You are, obviously. You've never been very good at hiding how you feel. Plus, it doesn't feel like flirting with Eddie to tell him he's pretty: he must know. 
"You look prettier," he promises. "You wanna come back to my place? I'll fix your knees up." 
Eddie laughs again, a quick exhale coloured by the highest pitch of his voice. "Alright. I have some shoes you can take, too. Can't have my best girl walking around barefoot." 
"I have socks on." 
"Jesus Christ." 
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byechristopher · 6 months
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– Chris Sturniolo angst/fluff.
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depressed-stoner!chris x f!reader
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Author's note: there's a playlist I have on spotify (literally my childhood) that 100% inspired me to write this – hits too close to home, pft. So here, Chris smoking w33d. Do not copy/steal my work. :) didn't proof read.
Warnings: w33d obviously, mentions of alcohol and depression. Sad, messy love. Also, super long – don't know what else, tbh. This is JUST a fan-fiction.
Time was passing by and the voices from inside the living room wouldn't stop – I can hear them getting louder and louder. I bring my knees close to my chest, hugging myself and I turn the volume of my speakers up.
It's always like this; they get loud and then they pretend this never happened, like I never heard what they said to each other. Or how they talked about this family, this house. It was exhausting for me, to say the least.
A few hours later, with the loud music still filling the dark room, I decided it was maybe time to sleep. This would all end faster that way. But when I was about to do that, I saw.. something out the window? I know I did. There it is again... hold on – a shoe? I get up, a little scared, and look outside. I knew it. I open the window.
"Chris, what the fuck.." I yelled and I saw Chris picking up his shoe, jumping around for a few seconds before wearing it again.
Oh, Chris. We've been close friends for so long. As long as I can remember – my childhood is filled with memories of him. I've always been so thankful. He has always been the safe place that I desperately needed but never really knew I wanted. He would always be there whenever I needed him and if course, I did the same thing for him. He was worth it anyways.
"Come on!" he yells, not caring if my parents heard him.
"Really, Chris? Your shoe?" I place my elbows on the windowsill, laughing a little bit.
"I couldn't find any rocks. Now shut up, and jump!" he grins and I roll my eyes.
I turn the volume down, not all the way down, enough to not let my parents hear what is going on in here, but also without disturbing their sleep. I quickly wear a big, black hoodie, I put on my lace up boots and after grabbing my phone, wallet and cigarettes, I walk towards the windowsill – I've been sneaking out my room ever since I was little, I cannot believe I'm still doing it in my twenties. But who cares.
I place my foot on the windowsill, grabbing a branch of the tree that is right outside my room (thank God), and I climb up that tree till it's safe enough for me to jump – Chris catches me and we fall down, like every other time. We laugh.
"Hi." he says, it's simple, but it makes me smile.
"Hi. I didn't know you were here – I thought you were coming back next Tuesday." I say and I keep walking next to him; we know exactly where we're going.
"I was supposed to, yeah. But I didn't like it there, so I left. Plus, you are here." he has a little smile on his face and only now do I notice the paper bag in his hand, "beers." he says before I get to say anything. I nod, smiling.
We keep on walking and about ten minutes later, we finally reach our destination. There is an old, abandoned school that we found out about a few years ago. I still remember that day – I was so scared, especially when I saw these old stairs that were leading up to a big, rusty door. When Chris opened the door, though, we found out that there was a flat roof behind that door, old school chairs then and there. I smoked my first cigarette here. Also, my first blunt. Hah.
The chairs are still placed right in front of the parapet wall that's built along the edge of the flat roof. So we sit down – Chris is already rolling a blunt and I open two cans of beer, handing him his.
"Now. Tell me, what's wrong?" I break the silence abruptly. He doesn't look at me.
He doesn't need to tell me anything, I always know when he's not feeling well. And I know he wants to see me too, but that's not the exact reason he is here.
"Fought with my brothers." he murmurs and licks the wrap to seal the blunt while looking at me.
"Yeah, no shit. Why?" I watch him as I take a sip of my beer.
"Just bullshit. It doesn't matter. They know I'm here with you anyway." he mutters. His hair is a little messy and his hoodie is also too big for him, as usual, "what's wrong with you anyway?"
"The usual." I sigh and place my feet on the parapet wall, the can of beer in between my thighs, making my bare legs cold and making goosebumps rise on it – not the wisest choice to keep these shorts on.
We talk and talk and talk, for hours. We're both high, drinking beer and a mini bottle of vodka that was hidden in his big hoodie, we both had our legs hanging from that low wall and laughing like idiots.
He grabs the back of my head and brings me closer to him, his breath fanning over my lips, "missed this." he whispers and places his lips on mine. I groan in his mouth and start moving my lips against his, my tongue licking his bottom lip. He lets my tongue enter his mouth and I get up quickly to straddle his thighs, sitting on his lap so that I can be more comfortable, without breaking the kiss, of course.
His hands sneak under my hoodie and his cold fingers travel up my back, my hands are buried in his hair, tugging at it gently. The kiss is slow but hungry and I find myself getting lost in it. Then, it hits me. I part our lips and I place my forehead against his, my hands are placed against his chest, "I can't." I murmur.
I can still remember the last time this happened. And the previous time. And the time before that. Blah blah blah. But last time I said it was the last time, because I cried myself to sleep that night. Whenever we get high and we drink, we sometimes make out. Just sometimes. He's always the first one to make the move because I'm too scared. I told myself it wasn't that deep the first time it happened, but I was secretly craving the next time it would. When we didn't make out, I would go home disappointed. Crying, sometimes. I didn't know if I was subconsciously falling in love (or already in love) with Chris or just really deprived of affection, but I was more and more hurt each time it happened.
"What is it?" he whispers and grabs the nape of my neck with both hands, pulling me close to place a soft kiss on my forehead.
"Why.. do we do this, Chris?" I whisper, I'm sacred to even ask the question, but I have to. For my sanity.
"I thought you wanted it." he stiffens a bit, pulling away a little bit.
"I do. And so do you. But why do we want it?" I search for his eyes but he averts his gaze from me every time I try to.
"What kind of question is that.. we're high and we make out. It's not a big deal." he says and I know I will cry myself to sleep again tonight.
"It might not be. For you." I sigh and he tries to sit up, indirectly telling me to get off of him but I don't. He's uncomfortable. So am I. But we have to do this.
"You're fucking high and you're drunk. You don't know what you're saying." he shakes his head and looks away. He knows I know exactly what I'm saying and that's what pains me the most.
"I might be in love with you." I say and the silence gets louder than my goddamn parents earlier.
"I love you too, what does that have to do with anything.." he says, completely dodging what I just said to him.
"Chris. I'm fucking serious. I think I'm in love with you." I whisper and I cup his cheeks.
"Don't do this to me. I can't deal with this." he whispers back, closing his eyes for a moment.
"Do you love me like this, too?" I ask the question I dread the most.
"We can't do this. This just won't work. We're a fucking mess. How will we ever be good for each other? Can't you see it?" he says and my eyes fill with tears; I don't know what to say, because deep down I agree with him, "don't do this to me." he continues and I know he's talking about the tears in my eyes.
He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me as close as possible, kissing my cheeks to catch the tears that escape my eyes, "I just.. you know I can't. Can't do this again."
"Chris.. seriously? We were kids!" I open my eyes just to look at him.
I know I hurt him when we were younger. But that was years ago, he can't keep blaming me for it.
"Yes, fucking seriously. I carried that around for a long time. You knew I was in love with you. You were the only one I wanted to be with." he glares at me and I sigh.
"I've apologised a million times, Chris."
He wasn't wrong. I remember how hurt he was back then – I knew he was in love with me when we were young and took advantage of the affection he was giving me, even though I didn't want him. I didn't feel the same way he did. Or at least, I didn't know I did. So I cut him off out of the blue and told him I would never want him this way. To make sure he knew I never would, I kissed his best friend. I don't know why – I think I wanted to prove that I really didn't like him. Now that I think about it, I wanted to prove myself more than him.
"You apologised and I forgave you. But you can't come here and tell me you think you are in love with me. What does "think" mean?"
"I don't know, Chris! It's.. overwhelming." I groan and I get off his lap, walking towards the door. I don't want to leave. But I don't know what to do, "you hurt me too, Chris. Ever since we kissed for the first time, I haven't been able to do it with anyone else. Hell, every time I tried to even talk to another guy, I could only think of you." I yell.
"Well. We can't be together. That's all I know." he clears his throat and grabs a cigarette.
"That's all you have to say?" I turn around to look at him as he smokes.
"That's all I have to say." he mumbles. He gets up. He leaves. I stand there. I grab my stuff and I leave, too. That's what I get for wanting to be with an emotionally unavailable guy, who I know will probably hurt, as much as I will probably hurt him. We're both messed up. Broken childhood with broken hearts.
I walk towards my house crying but I don't want to go home. It's almost 5 in the morning, it's cold and it's dark. I should be in his fucking arms now, not walking around with nowhere to go.
At 05:20, my phone rings. Chris. He is crying and my heart shatters.
"I am afraid I will hurt you more than you already are." he says and I cry, "I'm afraid that one day, my problems will make me unavailable for you and I can't imagine not being able to be there for you. Ever." he sniffles.
"I'm scared too, Chris.. but.. I want to be selfish this time. I want to be with you. I don't wanna think about my parents, I don't wanna think about your friends, I don't wanna think about anyone other than you. I know I am in love with you." I sit down on the pavement and I try to make him hear me as much as I can through the tears.
"Fucking hell. I am in love with you. Where are you? I'm coming."
I tell him and in less than two minutes I see him running towards me. I can see his red eyes and his wet cheeks. He sees me and immediately gets on his knees to be on my level, cups my tear-stained cheeks and kisses me with so much love that I can feel my heart beating normally again.
"You came quickly."
"I always come for you. I go wherever you go." he whispers in between kisses and we fall backwards – I'm on my back and he's kissing me again and again.
"Then never leave me."
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rafeandonlyrafe · 7 months
locked in
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words: 1.7k
warnings: getting grounded as an adult lol, rafe sneaking in to your house, struggling in school
“dad, this is so unfair!” you shout. “i’m an adult, you can’t ground me!” 
“as long as you live under this roof i can do whatever i want.” your dad says, taking your phone and locking it in the safe before shoving they key in his pocket. “you’re lucky that your professor agreed to let you redo your exam. now go up to your room and study for it. i don’t want to see you again until morning.”
“at least let me text rafe-” you begin, but the glare your father gives you says it all. “ugh!” you shout, throwing your hands up and stomping up to your room, slamming the door hard shut. you shove your textbooks off your bed and flop down, letting your angry tears spill.
you knew taking college classes on the mainland was a mistake, but you wanted to make your father proud by being the first one in your family to graduate from college, even if it was just an associates degree from a community college. 
you tried to argue that while your dad didn’t have a degree, he still made it, living in a big house on an island, but he argued back that he only made it because he put in hours and hours of manual labor into construction before he moved up the ladder to own his own company.
“so fucking stupid.” you mumble to yourself, rubbing your eyes that are now sore from the tears. you look around your room. maybe your dad was right when he said you’ve been too distracted lately. it was just that things were so good with you and rafe that you wanted to spend all your time with him. 
you pick up your textbook and grab your notebook. there’s nothing else better to do and you really do want to pass this exam. you’re only one more semester away from getting your degree, it would be silly to give up now that you’re so close.
you find it slightly easier to concentrate without your phone, but you’re distracted by thoughts of rafe. you wonder how bad he’s worrying about you right now. you didn’t have anything specific planned for tonight, but you always spent as much time together as you could, so it was natural that you saw each other every night.
you get through the couple chapters you need to before setting your textbook to the side, knowing you now have to go through and actually do the assignments that you rushed through and therefore didn’t understand when you were tested on them. you don’t realize how long you’ve been studying until the sun from your window doesn’t illuminate the room enough for you to read the words. you hop up and flick on your light before going to the window, opening it to get some fresh air, feeling trapped in this one box, even though you can technically leave, your dad would just be pissed.
you look out the window, feeling tears well up in your eyes at rafe standing in your side yard. you wonder how long he’s been waiting. he probably came right over when you didn’t respond within five minutes to one of his texts.
“i got my phone taken away.” you tell rafe. 
“fuck, i knew something must have happened and that you weren’t just ignoring me.”
you can’t help but let out a giggle. “never.”
“can i come up?” rafe asks, and you quickly shake your head no. “my dad won’t let you in, plus i have… stuff to do.” “i can help.” rafe says, looking at the lattice leading up to your second story. “and your dad doesn’t have to know.” “rafe, you’ll fall!” you say, but you know once he has an idea in his head that they’re no swaying him. you rush away from the window to lock your door and by the time you return, rafe has already started to climb up. you slide your screen out of the way so once he’s up he can climb in.
“be careful.” you say as rafe’s hands reach your window. he climbs up some more and you help him all the way in, and the second his feet hit your floor, you’re in his arms, his lips against yours. you melt into the kiss, feeling all the stress, anger and anxiety of the last couple hours leave your body. you kiss back, bringing your hands up to his chest, feeling his strong muscles underneath your palms.
“what happened, baby?” rafe asks as he puts the screen of the window back in place for you. 
you realize in that moment how embarrassed you are to tell rafe what happened. you avoid talking with him about your studies at all, wanting him to think that you’re smart and sailing through them, when in reality it’s been a struggle.
“i, um… i failed my exam.” you say, moving to sit on your bed to avoid looking rafe in the eye.
“oh, baby, i’m sorry.” rafe says, coming to sit next to you. he wraps an arm around your shoulders, letting you lean against him. he gives you a minute to just be in his presence before he continues, “why didn’t you tell me, love? i could have helped you study.” you let out a sarcastic laugh, “you don’t want to help me study rafe! it’s boring.”
rafe frowns. he takes his arm away and tries to get you to turn and look at him, but you just can’t, you’re too upset, so you keep your head down. rafe slides onto the floor, kneeling in front of you and taking your face in his hands so you have no choice but to look at him.
“i want to help you study, y/n, if that’s what you need to be doing. don’t skip out on school work just for me. i’ll do anything as long as it’s with you, okay?” “i love you.” you tell rafe, relief flooding through your body as you pitch forward, kissing him intensely. your hands slide over his neck, feeling the cords of muscles that run down it, but before you can deepen the kiss further, rafe pulls away.
“i love you too, and that’s why i’m going to help you study.”
you groan and fall back on your bed, but rafe grabs your assignments anyways. you work well as a team, and you find everything so much easier now that rafes here. it makes you regret not letting him help you over the past year when you were silently struggling. you finish up your last homework assignment as rafe makes flashcards for you. 
once you’re done you lay down on the bed together, your head in rafes lap as he quizzes you. you struggle at first but keep going through the set of cards until you know the answer before rafe even finishes reading the question.
your flow is suddenly broken by a loud knock on the door. “y/n.” your father says, and your wide eyes meet rafes. “don’t bother. i know he’s in there.”
you sit up and kiss rafe, probably the last time you’ll be able to before he’s kicked out, and head to unlock the door. “he’s helping me study, dad!” you say, not even letting him lecture you. “and i was doing really bad before he got here so please don’t be mad!”
“mr. y/l/n, can i talk to you in the hallway?” rafe asks, and you can tell that your dad is taken aback. he nods in agreement, probably partly in shock at the request, and probably part because your dad is often contracted out by ward cameron, so your dad can’t be that mean to his son. 
you look at rafe in confusion as he walks out of your room. he presses a kiss to your forehead and then shuts the door behind him.
you pace your room for a minute before realizing they probably didn’t move too far away, and you press your ear against the wood of the door to just barely make out the conversation.
“you know how much i care about your daughter, mr. y/l/n. i only came here because i was concerned about her. she didn’t tell me she was struggling in school. i hope you believe me when i say that, because if i had any clue that she was going to fail an exam, i would have been the one locking her in her room to study.” rafe says.
“i figured you were the one encouraging her not to.” your dad admits.
“i would never. i can understand now looking back why you would think that though. i love her, sir. i want the best for her, i want her to graduate. i am incredibly serious about our future together and would do everything for my future wife.”
you pull your ear away from the door, covering up your gasp with your hand. future wife. rafe never referred to you as that before. sure, you talked about a future together after you graduated, but nothing like that. you go to sit on your bed, no longer feeling good about listening to the conversation as it feels too personal, even if it is all about you.
it’s only another minute or so before your door opens, and rafe steps inside, shutting it gently behind him as you sit there and wait for him to say something.
“you’re not in trouble anymore.” rafe says, coming over and stroking a hand over your hair, “as long as you pass your exam tomorrow. i’ll drive you that way you can study your flashcards on the way there.” “thank you rafe.” you say, accepting his kiss when he leans down to press one against your lips. “i heard a little bit of your conversation.” you feel weird keeping it a secret.
“oh, yeah?” rafe smirks, “did you hear the part about how i want to marry you one day?”
you nod, a blush coming to your cheeks. 
rafe leans down again so you’re face to face, “then you know how serious i am about us, about you. no more keeping your struggles from me. we are in this together.”
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mikalame · 10 months
Heyyy i loved “fixing up” can u pleaseee write some hcs of little tom and bill x reader😘🙏 (PLUS YOUR PROFILE IS SO CUTE I LOVE THE PINK)
Just some cute lil head canons of being besties with the kaulitz gald you like the pick kat 😝
Taglist: @oppopotamus @violentnewmarley @saumspam
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After band practice you 3 would go to there house and play with their dads cards and play snap and go fish while eating snacks or talking about the being famous.
Playing around with the kaulitz mums makeup and bill copying what you do and doing it on himself but yk messy cuz yall are 8.
Helping tom with his dreads up keep or just raking your nails through his dreads aswell as bill or brushing out the hair spray in bills hair after a concert.
After bill went to star church and he only comes 2nd you comfort him by you and tom doing silly things like falling over or making funny faces and only stopping when bill cant breath cause hes laughing to hard
When its yours or theirs birthday you always do a cake smash where you 3 just make a total mess of the dining table and just trash it.
When your having a sleepover you 3 go to the park with like a cig each and smoke it while hiding in one of those plastic tubes that you hide in and when ever you heard something you would snuff it out and peek out of the holes in the tube.
When tom had told both of you he had lost his virginity you and bill made a cake with like a lil card and candles with icing congratulating him about it
When you got your first boyfriend and they saw you and that person holding hands then doing a cute lil peck on the lips they would scrub your hand till RED same with your face it would look like you had red lipstick smudge
If you were neighbours with them you 3 would have friday nights bbqs your parents would still and drink while you 3 would be running out of each house causing a muck and would end up sleeping on the trampoline
Your parents would also do like a carpool rotation so they would take turns taking you 3 into school and out of it
In school you and bill would hide under the bleachers during lunch and would gossip about what was happening in school or just people you didn't like
You three doing dress up and being all cute and stuff like tom being dressed as a dragon, you as a knight and bill as a lil princess being stuck in the tree house and tom pretending to kill him while you come in a save him
You sneaking over climbing through their window with your parents wine but spitting it out on the ground cause of the taste and putting it back like nothing happened
If you guys went on school exhibitions you would always try and be together and try and complete they scavenger hunts before the other groups you would always be super competitive
You three would do drawing comps and get your parents to judge but because they don't wanna be rude they say you 3 tied but being competitive little 9 year olds you start yelling at them to pick a winner and that you wont be sad if one of the other win (bill cry's when he don't win then tom calls him a sore loser (only when he wins tho)
Being the only girl you have some ups and downs they might be a little bit softer on you but not a lot you would also get teased a lot if it was windy and your hair was getting messed up.
Trying to bake and you 3 just end up throwing flour at each other and you and tom ending up on the floor brawling over who was going to mix but bill just ends up doing rolling his eyes.
At carnivals you 3 would get matching stick on tattoos like tom would get a lion bill would get a tiger and you would get a leopard all on your arm like a sleeve and would look in the mirror flexing and posing.
Every now and again you get beg tom enough to put makeup over him give him a make up tom usually ruins it by drawing a fake mustach on himself with eyeliner when you and bill rent looking
Hope you like Kat 😘
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katyawriteswhump · 4 months
a deep and dreamless love (steddie love month, day 11)
For @steddielovemonth, day 11. 'Love is saving the last bite for them,' from (@acasualcrossfade) Thank you <3
Rating: M  WC: 1,630 CW: blood drinking and mild horror. Tags: Vampire au, vampire Eddie, angst and whump with fluffy softness!
“You sure you can make it home all right?” Robin climbed out of Steve’s car and paused at the driver’s window. “It’s awfully dark already.”
“It’s cloudy, Robin! Cloudy daylight fries vampires as good as any July scorcher. Now get inside. Before you have to run and fall on your face.”
“Low blow, Dingus.” She curled her lip, muffled her overlong woolly scarf tight beneath her chin. “You know you can always crash h—"
“Robin! If you don’t quit yammering, we’ll BOTH end up as vamp juice-boxes.”
“If we’re gonna play that game, Shit-bird, don’t catch sight of your stupid hair in the rear-view mirror and start fiddling. Don’t wanna find your shrivelled body with my mail.”
“Hilarious. Get inside. Please?”
Steve waited to check she was safe indoors before driving off. He felt bad for being extra cranky, because she was right. He was running late. Their boss had made them stay for extra cleaning at the store, and thick clouds brooded low across an already darkening sky. However, crashing with Robin wasn’t an option.
She was safe now.
Eddie needed him more.
He drove fast, burning rubber round the corners. Nobody enforced speeding laws in Hawkins these days, not this close to sundown. He was halfway home, when the engine spluttered. Then clonked. He hit the break, thrashed at the gearbox. The BMW choked pathetically and conked out completely.
“No.” Steve flicked the ignition key. Nothing. “You gotta be kidding.”
He jumped out, opened the hood. Oil, water. Is the battery disconnected? He could hardly see in the dim light, plus he’d little faith in his basic car maintenance skills. 
Especially with his damn stupid hands shaking. 
He slammed down the lid, sprinted the hundred yards back to the nearest phone booth. He fumbled a coin into the slot and dialled.
It rang. Once, twice, three times, four times. Steve pushed sweaty hair from his eyes. “C’mon, Eddie, pick up! I really don’t wanna die, 'cos you’re moshing to Van Halen.”
The rings finally cut off: “Munson Mansion.”
“What took you?” Now Steve spoke, he realised he was practically hyperventilating.  “I’m in serious shit. My car broke down.”
“Dammit, it’s dark already? Shiiiiit! Must’ve overslept. Okay, calm down.” Eddie sounded, if anything, even less calm than Steve. “Where are you?”
“C-corner of Mason and Sherman.”
“Hold tight, Sweetheart. I’m a comin’.”
Steve pulled the collar of his jacket up—redoubling the defences of the scarf he’d worn all day—and started swiftly back toward the car. The shadows of night slinked across the grey front lawns, swallowing up broken picket fences. 
Then swallowing up Steve. 
He considered running up a driveway, hammering on somebody’s door—a better option than hunkering down in the car, though only if someone let him in.
Too late.
A tall figure in a hoodie appeared as if from nowhere, and blocked Steve’s path. The vampire’s toothy grin flashed in the chilly twilight.
“It’s rude to sneak up on people." Steve squared his shoulders, battling to keep his voice low and steady. “You hear me, knucklehead?”
He reached into his jacket, gripping the wooden stake he always carried. Before he could line up any kind of aim, the vamp was on him, knocking the stake from his hand. He grabbed Steve by the front of his shirt, lifting him clean off the ground. Goddamn vampire super-strength! Steve kicked the bloodsucker on his leg. Hard. Son-of-a-bitch didn’t even lose his grip.
“Payback time, Harrington.”
“What the—”
Steve attempted a punch, which fell short. He then registered the face behind the leering fangs. It was a football player, who’d graduated a couple of years before Steve.
“Chad Lloyd? Seriously? You’re not still pissed about—”
“You kissed my girlfriend, douchebag.”
“I was lifeguarding! I had no idea she was fake drowning till she shoved her tongue into my mouth. Gimme a break.”
Chad beamed, cheesier than ever. “Oh, I’m gonna break you, Harrington. Before or after I drink you dry.”
“Look, if you wanna keep a date, you really need to work on your one lin—”
He hurled Steve to the ground. Steve landed with a bruising, stunning thud. Then the vamp was upon him, rolling him over, ripping off his scarf and pulling down his collar. Steve kicked and struggled, though he’d almost no hope of escape.
“Hey, what’s this?” Chad tore away the neat dressing tucked under the side of Steve’s chin. “Guess I shouldn’t be surprised that slutty Steve Harrington is someone’s sloppy seconds.”
No. Not there! Nobody else drinks from there!
He rammed his knee up into the vamp’s happy-sacks. Then shoved the tender side of his wrist—and that throbbing latticework of veins—right in the sucker’s face.
Chad snarled, grabbed Steve’s arm, hoisted the whole of Steve upright with it. His freshly erupted fangs ripped deep into Steve’s wrist, and he chugged greedily.
Steve’s vision spotted. The usual woolly, sicky feeling swelled in his guts, fogged his brain. He slumped, helpless and terrified, against the vampire. Who just kept drinking.
Okay… I screwed up… Screwed up bad... I always tried so damn hard to save myself for you... Miss you already, Babe… Oh, Jesus!
He was unsure if he heard the distant roar of a motorcycle engine. Could’ve been the fading thunder of his own blood. Then the whoosh of a crossbow bolt gashed into his waning consciousness. Once more, the sidewalk flew up to meet him. He’d a vague notion that the vamp fell too, smacking down beside him.
Eddie’s worried face filled his vision. His heart squeezed sluggishly, aching with love, and the world disintegrated to nothingness.
“Steve? C’mon. Wake up. Please wake up.”
Steve’s eyes fluttered open. “Huh?”
“You’re back!” Eddie squeezed him tight. “You scared the crap outta me.”
This was nice. He’d never object to waking up in bed with his naked boyfriend, and half-naked himself. Apart from…  Actually, not feeling so awesome.
Unsettling memories trickled back.
“How you doing?” asked Eddie. “That bastard drank waaaaay too—”
To be truthful, the whole right side of his body felt like it’d been slammed by a truck. He lifted his bandaged arm to drape around Eddie’s shoulders and struggled to disguise the effort. 
“Nothing the usual routine won’t fix.” He smirked. “You know, water, spinach, lentils. Gourmet steak dinner with red wine.”
Eddie planted a sizzling kiss on Steve’s cool, sticky brow. “Only wish we could afford that for you, Sweetheart.”
“I’ll take sex for dessert. Plus we don’t have to pay for your food.”
Steve’s fingers had barely touched the fresh bandaging on his throat, before Eddie snatched them, kissed them, tucked them away again.  “You’ve lost too much already.”
“I can go a night without feeding, Baby.”
“If you skip dinner, you’ll be grouchy and pathetic in the morning.” 
What Steve really wanted was to wrestle Eddie into submission. He’d tease and goad him into unleashing that vampire super-strength, grappling till Steve was the one pinned to the mattress and then...
Annoyingly, Steve was too feeble to even try and sit, so he sneered. “What happens if I’m dumb enough to get jumped again tomorrow? Or Robin, or Dustin, or any of the kids? As much as I hate to admit it, they need a tame vamp looking out for them, way more than they need me these days”
“Answers still ‘no way in Hell.’ Which I’m heading to for sure, but at least the music will be—”
“Don’t change the subject. Look, I nearly got my arm torn off offering that moron my wrist. All to save the best bite for you.”
Eddie stroked Steve’s hair. “Emotional blackmail ain’t gonna work tonight.”
Good job I’ve learned to play dirty.
This time, Steve ripped the dressing from his neck before Eddie could stop him, revealing the twin fang marks Eddie left last night.
And every night.
“What? Why!?! Don’t want…” Eddie flinched away. “I don’t like this, Stevie.” 
Steve snaked his good arm up, threaded his fingers through Eddie’s lush tresses. He tugged Eddie down toward his throat.
As if on cue, a drop of hot blood trickled from the barely healed punctures. A groan shook through Eddie. He clamped onto Steve’s lifeblood, incisors piercing deep.
Steve bit his lip against a keening, desolate cry. Love didn’t only suck—it stung like a bitch, and the tide of Eddie’s hair smothered him. Still, the slip of Eddie’s tongue against his blood-slickened skin always flipped him out, in a not-entirely-bad way. From the corner of his eye, he strained to catch glimpses of Eddie drinking.
Gnnng! Too damn hot.
Soon, little stuttering gasps escaped him, as he teetered on a knife-edge. Damn, if Steve wasn’t already so shattered, so woozy, he’d be so up for sex after this…
…until he wasn’t. It hurt too much.
Eddie ripped himself free, jumped from the bed, and was  gone.
Steve lay there, trembling violently, his blurry vision further misted with tears. Completely at Eddie’s mercy. 
I’m safe. I'm safe.
Soon after he grew too weak to keep his eyes open, he sensed the skitter of featherlight fingertips. Eddie had returned to bandage him up again. Then Eddie gathered him into his arms and roused him with a tender kiss.
“Wasn’t so hard, was it?” mumbled Steve, lips moistened with his own blood.
“Holy shit, Stevie.” Eddie stuck out his tongue, kinda silly. His eyes shone with fear. “I’m a vampire. A goddamn evil, blood-sucking predator. One day, I might not be able to stop.”
“That’s bull.” No evil could overcome a nature as sweet and soft as yours. “I trust you.” I trust our love. Steve nuzzled into his favourite tattooed parts of Eddie’s chest.
I’ll save the last bite for you. Always.
He slipped away, warm and cherished in Eddie’s arms, and into a deep and dreamless sleep.
(also part of my steve whump fic series on AO3.)
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shegatsby · 10 months
Hear me out — Reader saves Hannibal from some sort of “his ass was this -> <- far away from being caught by fbi & friends in the dumbest way possible” scenario. They don’t want his gratitude, money or gifts but instead worm their way into his office, home & kitchen — which we all know is his life. Disrespecting his desk by using it as a chair while he works, shuffling papers around, molesting his multitude of couches & books, re-arranging his coffee station, moving all the huge / weird and not nice to use cutlery to the bottoms of the holders. This plus other things that he doesn’t know if it’s slowly driving him insane or if he’s being brainwashed when he starts preferring their ways of organized chaos.
But then they also do less annoying things, like always walking around with only socks inside. Taking over a small section of his fridge / freezer. Tugging on his apron, jacket, sleeve - anything they can reach to get his attention. Pointing out the neighborhood cats that often sunbathe in his garden; with little recaps of some of their antics. Using non-metal cooking utensils in his pots and pans. Filling the bottom drawer of his desks with mini snack packs and tiny chocolates. Giving his patients or colleagues odd nicknames - usually to do with their actions or an item of clothing they were wearing when they accidentally met Reader. Playing videogames or reading on the top floor while he has patients & then making a short comment or 2 occasionally when they leave. Getting a very plush and huggable animal pillow and leaving it on his bed — the first few weeks it will get moved to the top of the dresser when he goes to bed, shooting it with untrusting side eyes. And then later it gets moved to the empty side. And every so often when he cooks Reader will sneak up on him & just hug him from behind, moving wherever with him and eventually letting go when they have energy for the world again or when their meal is ready.
Sorry this got so specific! You’re free to ignore any of it lol! I was thinking fem or GN reader. Reader also probably knows about his dietary quirks and isn’t that bothered - their own quirk is that they view vegetables as a luxury and will clear anything and everything he makes of the sort; while also making sure to leave some for their lunch the next day.
A/N; Hi! Sorry it took me a while to post, I was busy with work. Sorry for any typos, enjoy!
Warnings; None.
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When Hannibal Lecter looked at you from afar, his mind went back to the time where you changed his entire life. 3 years ago he was in Italy, teaching and enjoying his time. Well, maybe he was enjoying his time too much, because in his entire life this was the first time he almost got caught, one of the professors at the university he was teaching got too cocky and last thing he remembered was he was holding a blood dripping knife in his dominant hand, there was a knock on the door, -the professors wife- and you climbed through the window to save him. You were his assistant at the time, carrying his bag and papers, grading papers for him, you were following him almost everywhere. That night, you had a hunch, and you followed that hunch which led you to this scenario. The rest is history…
After 3 years so many things have changed, you started to live with him, he didn’t know if he wanted to kill you or not because you saw him killing, and you proved yourself to be useful so decided to keep you. Your rooms were separate, not even on the same floor, but whenever Hannibal was stressed you were always by his side, it was like a marriage but without the any complicated paper work. He liked to take you to his office sometimes, or dinners etc. Whenever someone would ask about you Hannibal’s first instinct was to protect you and tell people that you were his partner. You were protected.
At the moment he was watching you, you were watching a movie from your laptop (which Hannibal bought) covered in comfy blankets, sitting on your bed, you looked so calm and focused. He wondered what would’ve happened if he killed you that day..
‘’Is there a room for me?’’ he said, he was startled by his own question, sitting with a young person and watching a movie together wasn’t like him but over the years he found himself doing things he could not imagine before.
You looked up to meet his maroon gaze, your bedroom door was open and he was leaning on the door frame, his hair was a mess and rolled up sleeves showed his tense arms, you didn’t say anything just moved from the center of your bed. He approached with lazy steps, sat next to you, ‘’How was work?’’ you asked, ‘’Psycho was a handful as usual.’’
Hannibal had a patient and he was something else and you named him Mr. Psycho
‘’He asked about you.’’ Hannibal said as he got comfortable, ‘’What did you say?’’ that patient was asking about you a lot lately, maybe he was interested in you but whatever that was it made Hannibal irritated. You could tell by a glance, ‘’I said they are busy.’’ Even his tone was irritated. You could feel a smile forming in the corners of your mouth. No matter what you knew that Hannibal would do anything and everything to protect you.
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mynameismisty · 7 months
☆SUMMARY: All he wanted was to be with you, but that isn't so easy with the fact you were royalty. But you'd make it out right? Right?
☆ORIGIN: honestly i just said "fuck it lets play a taylor swift song and write about it", shuffled the playlist and had love story play first so LMAO
☆ADDED: Honestly idc if its shit i just needed to project my idea on something😭
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☆"I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run. You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess."☆
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You came from royalty, just a small kingdom near Outworld. Yet, being from a small kingdom, you were still known amongst Outworlders, practically being able to recognize you everywhere you go.
You still remember when Liu Kang called you to the Temple to help train his students, and that's where you met Raiden. Something just clicked between you two, you guys had chemistry, and Liu Kang gave knowing looks at you but you just shrugged them off. Besides, you were just helping train them right?
But you felt a pang of sadness when the day came to an end and you had to be escorted back to your palace.
You also remembered when he chased after your carriage, yelling.
"Wait! Ms. Y/L/N!"
"Stop the carriage!" You said as you turned a light shade of pink when you peeked through the door of it. "Yes, Raiden?" You said, trying to look unbothered, even thought your heart was racing a million miles per second.
"I- I never got a way to communicate with you. May I have the opportunity to write to you by any chance, your Highness?" He asked subtly, giving a small smile with worried eyes.
You stared at him for a minute before giving a short smile.
"You may. And-" You hesitated. "And you can call me Y/N instead. I prefer it rather than my last name." And you gave him a piece of paper with your location, plus your number.
"I...I have to go now Raiden. If I do ever have the time to help train you at the temple, I will. See you around, I suppose?" You gave a chuckle and waved goodbye to him.
"Thank you, your Highness. I'll write to you as soon as I can." He smiled at you dreamily and waved goodbye as your carriage left the temple. Your soft chuckle seemed to echo through the walls of his head as he watched you get further and further away.
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Your parents, as king and queen were strict about their only daughter. And you needed to write to Liu Kang to help ask for permission to help train at the temple. Fortunately, your parents gave in and allowed you to go. With simply just giving you a curfew and their basic rules of "no boys or boyfriends". Which you hated alot, I mean, you were in an arranged marriage alright, but that doesn't mean you had to be stripped away from fun.
"Really? A curfew? I'm past eighteen, mother! I should be able to make my own decisions!"
"And mess up our chance with the other Kingdom? You are going to be married to the prince of the neighbouring Kingdom and yet you want to act like a wild party animal?"
"Mother, I'm not acting like that! I'm only leaving for the Shaolin Temple, for god's sake!"
After this small argument, your mother decided to take back allowing you to go and made you stay in your room.
And you did so, slamming the door as loud as you could as you heard your father shooing Liu Kang away.
You were annoyed. Pissed to say the least. I mean you were stuck here and you wouldn't be able to see the cute boy that you liked maybe a little too much.
You refused to be stuck inside there and did what any normal girl would do.
Sneak out.
And sneak out you did, you had rope you kept in your drawer and tossed it out your window, tying it to your bed post and climbing down.
You ran, you ran so fast you felt like you were about to lose your breath and fall. But needless to say you made it and climbed over the wall, giving a smile of triumph after managing to get out without getting seen.
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Liu kang was suprised to even see you at the Temple.
"Y/N? Why are you here? You should be stuck at the palace right now." He said, giving a genuine, but very confused smile.
"I.. persuaded them to let me come." You lied between a tight smile. "I managed to change their mind. Again."
So he just smiled back and gave you a small hug.
"Come then, the boys already left, as I let them have a day off but you are free to have tea here."
You looked sad and sighed. Oh wait, but was he here?
"Is...well, you know, here?"
Liu Kang suddenly seemed to realize why you were so persistent on coming.
"This small crush seems quite funny to me, you have your hand in marriage yet you don't seem inlove with him. And to answer your question, Y/N, I think he left to-"
"Oh! Who left?" You heard a very familiar voice say. "Y/N! I mean- Your Highness! You came." He came up to you, and he was shirtless, with droplets of sweat coming from his very very formed chest.
"Yeah, yeah." You said cluelessly as you stared at his chest. It looked like it was carved by the Elder gods specifically just for you. "Yeah- I was- I was wondering when you were going to write."
"I was about to after seeing that you weren't coming but I mean, hey I see you did come."
You stared at him and he stared at you. And both of you just started staring into eachothers eyes, trying to read any feelings inside them.
"I'll leave you two then." Liu Kang said, as he gave a small nod accompanied by a smile and walked away.
"Well then...uhm..do you wanna eat out somewhere after this?" He asked shyly, turning a slight shade of pink after asking.
"Yes! Shall we go to Madam Bo's?" You say excitedly.
"Madam Bo's? I thought as a princess from another Kingdom you wouldn't have heard of that place."
"Are you kidding me? I love that place! My parents got it delivered to our palace doorstep when I was a kid...actually I think you were the little boy I always saw with Madam Bo." You said, then suddenly realized something. "Did you always have that hat?" You pointed to the hat he held in his hands. "If you did then I'm sure you're the little boy I always saw as a kid then."
"Wow." was all Raiden managed to say. "To figure, back then I think I did always go to that specific palace atleast...3 times a week."
You smiled at him as he gave a small laugh.
"Well wow, I can't believe we already knew of eachother before meeting." He said.
Both of you were silent for a while before he spoke up.
"So Madam Bo's?" Raiden said as he put his shirt on and wiped the sweat off his forehead.
"Of course!" You tucked your hair behind your ear and mentally thanked yourself you wore something that wasn't flashy to not grab too much attention.
He finished up and stuck his arm out for you to hold.
"Such a gentleman for me." You laughed and linked your arm through his as you left the temple.
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Liu Kang watched as you both walked off, laughing, arms linked and gave a knowing smile.
He knew you two would find eachother again.
Just like in any other timeline.
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putaposyinyourhair · 11 months
Slowly but Also Like All at Once
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part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7
noah diaz x mirage (aka the literal personification of ‘wait, did you just flirt with me?’ and ‘have been for the past year but thanks for noticing’)
warnings : mirage isn't exactly himself but it's only temporary and also more f bombs dropped
oh shit here comes reek
“Could you— can you transform into, like, a Civic hatchback or somethin’?” Noah inquires quietly after having to clear his throat a bit awkwardly— probably because he’d spent pretty much the entire ride back to Brooklyn in stunned silence, still mulling over Optimus’ request. “Y’know, before we roll into the neighborhood?”
There’s a beat of silence. And Noah wonders if he’s said something wrong.
“I know you did not just ask me to do that,” Mirage snorts then, in a clearly offended tone. Because apparently, Honda Civics are beneath him.
Noah scowls heavily down at the radio.
“Oh, my bad, your highness—” he begins to apologize sarcastically, only to be cut off by the mech.
“You’re not forgiven,” Mirage points out snobbishly.
Noah lets out a frustrated groan, fingers curling inward around his box of electronics— which he’d pulled into his lap earlier amidst the silence, as something to busy himself with, checking if everything was as promised; not crushed— and one of his fingers pokes a hole straight through the worn down cardboard.
“Look,” he sighs. “It’s broad daylight out. My man, Reek, he’s always out front and he’s gonna recognize you in a second flat. Plus, everybody and they mama knows I’m way too fuckin’ broke to be crusin’ ‘round in a Porsche, bro. Come on.”
Mirage’s radio emits a droning buzz, followed by an annoyed groan just as the Porsche begins to slow and pull over.
“The things I do for you,” Mirage snaps. “They’re not natural. It should be studied.”
He pops the driver side door open.
Noah’s brows furrow, confused, but nevertheless he does as he’s told and climbs out with his box still in hand. He rounds the Porsche and steps onto the sidewalk, chuckling awkwardly under his breath as a few pedestrians glance his way when the silver and blue vehicle burns rubber and sends up a puff of smoke as Mirage peels away from the curb.
Noah feels kind of abandoned for a moment.
His chest does that stupid twisty thing that he’d thought it had finally decided to stop doing. He wonders for a moment if he should’ve sucked it up and just not said anything.
But then the loud sound of an engine revving calls his attention and Noah’s jaw drops when a silver Volkswagen Corrado SLC VR6 coupe with blue stripes rolls up to the curb.
It’s definitely not a Civic.
The passenger side window rolls down.
“I hope you know this is like the equivalent of me asking you to shave all your hair off for me.”
Noah definitely should’ve just sucked it up. Maybe asked Mirage to drop him off down the block instead. There’s so many other ways he could’ve gone about this.
He feels like shit. And it shows in the way his shoulders droop and he lowers his head, looking up at the Corrado kind of sheepishly.
“I’m just yanking your chain, sweetspark,” Mirage admits casually. “I don’t give a flying frag. Hop in.”
The words are said so flippantly, Noah almost misses the new term of endearment the bot somehow manages to sneak in there— at least he thinks it’s a term of endearment anyways; the cybertronian version of sweetheart.
His cheeks flood with a swift rush of heat. And he tells himself it’s just because of the stifling heat outside. But he can’t exactly explain away that stupid hot jabbing sensation in his chest that’s also decided to make a sudden return.
He huffs and rounds the car once more, Mirage opening and closing the door for him as he climbs inside.
“You’re a dick,” Noah grumbles beneath his breath as he sets his box down on the passenger seat then fastens his seatbelt, his face still flushed.
“Yeah, but it’s not like you didn’t already know that.”
God damn him, he’s right too.
Noah decides to ignore him for the next few minutes it takes for them to roll up outside his apartment building— evading the bot’s comments and questions with a few spaced-out hums. Instead, he keeps watch out the window for anyone who knows him too well and might think it’s weird for him to be pulling up in a strange car. A car that Noah still— despite the change into a Volkswagen— could never be able to afford.
Mirage’s engine cuts off as soon as he pulls over, after expertly parallel parking between a Mazda 626 and an old Lincoln town car Noah recognizes as Mr. Delano’s, a senile old man that lives a few doors down from him and sometimes gets into shouting matches with the ghost of his ex-wife, Shirley.
“Ladies and gents, we have arrived at our destination,” Mirage announces through the radio with a crackle of static— and Noah thinks he does it on purpose, to make the dumb joke sound more authentic. “974 Wilson Avenue. You may now unfasten your seatbelts.”
It’s adorable, unfortunately, and Noah can’t help the smirk it pulls out of him.
“Got ‘em.”
Noah shakes his head and turns to look out the window— hoping that it somehow hides the quickly-growing full blown smile on his face from Mirage.
Across the street, Mrs. Moreno’s triplets are playing double dutch with a long jump rope that obviously used to be a few smaller jump ropes, which have now been tied together.
“So, I’m picking you up later tonight, right?” Mirage inquires after a moment, his playful tone falling into a far more somber one— like he’s kind of scared Noah’s going to say no. “After you talk to your family and pack?”
The smile on Noah’s face drops.
He’s had a long ride back to Bushwick to think about the answer to that question. A long time to think on Optimus’ offer. And he still doesn’t know what he’s going to do.
Or maybe some part of him does but he’s torn between his options.
On one hand, he has to face his ma— who’s already gonna tear him a new one for missing dinner and not checking in— and tell her he’s leaving again, with barely an explanation as to why. And on top of that, he has to explain it to Kris too. At least when it comes to his little brother, he can give the kid a version that’s closer to the truth.
On the other hand, he has to do something that he’s pretty sure is gonna break his heart; say goodbye. Might break Mirage’s heart too— or rather, his spark.
A few buildings down, Noah can see Mr. Jackson’s son— Noah thinks his name is Paulie— feeding the neighborhood stray cats, something that usually brings his neighbor, Mrs. Vargas, out with a broom in her hand, yelling at him in Spanish because she hates that the ‘pequeños demonios’ keep eating the plants she has on her windowsills.
Except Paulie doesn’t speak Spanish and usually just waves obliviously.
Noah glances down at the radio and heaves a soft sigh.
“Mirage,” he begins to say. “Look, dude, I don’t know if—”
Mirage’s radio releases a garbled, high-pitched whine that makes Noah wince a bit.
“Aw, come on,” the bot moans— and Noah imagines that if the mech were in his rootmode, he’d be kicking his legs in a fuss. “You can’t leave me with those tightasses, man!”
Noah huffs softly beneath his breath, digging his teeth into the smooth skin on the inside of his bottom lip.
“I’ll beg if I have to, gorgeous.”
Noah’s just about had it with him.
Mostly just because he thinks his heart might give out with the way it keeps tripping over a beat every time the mech uses one of those goddamn pet names.
Is it flirting? It feels like flirting. But Noah’s not sure. Because he’s a loser and he doesn’t actually know the first thing about flirting. He’s never had time for that before.
He’d always been too busy serving in the army and then running around, worrying about Kris, to even let himself stop and think about something as frivolous as trying to get his flirt on.
Plus, Noah doesn’t know if cybertronians even know what flirting is.
Sure, it feels deliberate. But it’s totally possible Mirage is just repeating shit he’s heard on the streets, or on TV. Right?
Noah’s eyes widen.
What the hell is he even thinking?
He shakes his head.
“Look, Noah. I know this is… a big decision,” Mirage comments softly. “I really want you to come with me. I mean, come on, man. We’re partners. But… I’ll understand if you don’t.”
Why does the mech have to be so freaking sweet about it too?
Noah wants to dig the heels of his palms into his eyes and push until he starts seeing stars.
“How about I give you some time to think about it?” the bot suggests. “I’ll drop by later tonight. That sound like a plan?”
Noah just nods. Because he doesn’t trust his voice not to betray him in that moment and drop like he’s some kind of pre-pubescent teenager.
The Corrado’s driver side door clicks open.
Noah unfastens his seatbelt.
“Don’t forget your gizmos,” Mirage reminds him pointedly. “I know how important they are to you.”
A sharp squawk from a few feet away has Noah’s head snapping up to see a wide-eyed Reek— who’d clearly crossed the street, headed in Noah’s direction— trip over nothing but air and go down hard on the pavement.
“Oh, shit,” Noah exclaims, jumping out of the Corrado. “You aight, man?” He zips over to his fallen friend’s side and reaches down to help the man up.
Reek, with the help of Noah who’s got ahold of one of the other man’s shoulders, stands on shaky feet. His nose is busted and a small rivulet of blood is running over his lip and down his chin.
“Shit, bro, you’re bleedin’,” Noah tells him.
But Reek doesn’t seem to be paying Noah or the blood on his face any mind. No, instead he’s gawking at the Corrado behind Noah.
Noah feels his muscles tense.
“Noah…” Reek begins slowly. “Did that motherfuckin’ car just talk?”
Noah thinks he should be commended for the way he immediately snaps into action, releasing his friend and taking a step back, forcing out a chuckle that’s only kind of awkward.
“A talking car?” he snorts, reaching back to shut the Corrado’s driver side door in a way he really hopes looks chill and unbothered. “Man, you trippin’. You been smokin’ way too much of that chronic shit.”
He hears the window make a whirring noise that clearly means Mirage is rolling it down and he steps back again— his backside coming into contact with the driver side door— in an attempt to shield it from Reek’s view.
“Don’t play with me, man!” Reek cries out, pointing at him. “I ain’t crazy. I know what I just seen with my own two eyes!”
Noah’s eyes widen and he takes a moment to glance around the street, hoping their little spat isn’t drawing any unwanted attention.
“So, I’ma ask you again, dawg,” Reek snaps. “Did that motherfuckin’ car just talk?”
“No?” Noah tries again.
The admission comes from over Noah’s shoulder and Noah absolutely freezes.
“What the fuck…” Reek breathes out, utterly stunned. “It just talked again. The fuckin’ car just talked.”
Noah turns his head to the side for a second and narrows his eyes down at the silver and blue Corrado.
“Shut up,” he whispers, both hands fisted at his sides, before he whirls back around to face Reek. He stubbornly ignores the way the metal at his rear warms up and seems to tremble.
“It just talked again,” Reek is babbling away, his wild gaze jumping between the car and Noah. “It talks. It’s a talking car. The fuckin’ car just talked again, Noah.”
“No, it didn’t!” Noah denies immediately— unable to control the way his voice rises in pitch in his panic.
Mrs. Moreno’s kids pause their game of double dutch for a second to glance across the street at them.
Noah reaches up and waves at them dumbly until they return to their game.
“Yes, I did,” Mirage’s voice contradicts— and Noah’s gonna kill him, strip him for parts, something, because the asshole sounds proud of it too.
He snaps and whirls back around.
“God damn it, Mirage,” he stresses, forcing his voice to stay low and ignoring Reek’s ravings behind him. “So much for being a master spy. Announce it to the whole world while you’re at it, why don’t you? Way to be slick, dude.”
“Oh, I can show you slick,” Mirage’s sly voice drawls. “All you gotta do is ask nicely, baby. I’ll put on a real good show for you.”
Noah thinks it’s finally safe to assume that Mirage isn’t just repeating shit he’s heard on the streets or on TV. This is definitely deliberate.
Noah thinks even the back of his neck flushes this time around.
He bites out an exasperated groan and bends down to lean into the Corrado’s cabin as Mirage rolls his engine over, reaching out for his box. He steadfastly ignores the way the metal digging into his stomach vibrates just a little more than strictly necessary.
“We’re gonna have a serious conversation about this later,” he points out, glaring at the radio as he pulls the box into the driver’s seat so he can get a better grip on it. “Now get outta here before you give my friend a heart attack.”
“Yes, sir,” Mirage taunts immaturely— and Noah’s sure that had the bot been in his rootmode, he would’ve stuck his tongue out at Noah. If that’s even what it’s called. Noah knows he has one, he’s noticed it before.
Noah yanks his box out of the car and, reaching out to grab ahold of Reek’s arm, moves them both over to the sidewalk where he can do nothing but sigh as Mirage once more peels away from the curb with a shriek of screeching tires— damn near scratching the faded paint on Mr. Delano’s Lincoln.
Noah turns to face Reek, his freckled cheeks absolutely still blazing away.
The man’s got one brow firmly arched. And he still looks kind of blanched, something Noah’s never seen from him before, but he’s also got this wary look on his face
“Look, man, I can explain—”
“Noah,” Reek begins again, tentatively— like he’s about to ask something that even he can’t quite believe he’s going to ask. “Did you fuck that car?”
Noah damn nearly chokes on his own tongue.
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bowieandqueen11 · 2 years
Looking After A Sick Billy Butcher Would Include...
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Request: I love your Billy Butcher headcanons so much! 🥰 If you are looking for another Billy Butcher idea i think either 'Looking after a Sick Billy Butcher' or 'Billy Butcher with a Plus Size reader' would be adorable, as your Steven Grant ones are so beautifully written 💕 thank you for all your incredible writing, you are truly amazing 💐
Oh thank you so much @missscarlettangel!!! You’re always the loveliest and kindest
Warning: a little strong language and slight NSFW!
(I do not own The Boys or its characters, all rights go to creators. Gif credit goes to @9thblogboyz.)
Billy Butcher is such a dramatic ass hoe when’s sick dearie me. If you think he’s an annoying git before this, just wait until the sniffles start settling in, the man could annoy a saint to high heaven.
The man will not stay in bed. At all. You came into the home base to immediately be greeted with a near-crying Hughie and near-fuming Kimiko trying to wrestle the a**hole down onto his bed. Naturally, this ended with Hughie flying back and landing ass over tea cup through the bed side table and half off the wall, and Kimiko releasing her failing grip on his arm in shock. As soon as Billy spots you standing there, he comes swaggering out from the room, clad in his black jumper and jeans and pretending that he’s ‘alright, love. Me ‘ead is just a bit unda the weather today, that’s all.’ Even with his slick words, you can tell by how sweaty his forehead is that the man is about to keel over. He’s so damn stubborn - too prideful to admit that he could ever have a fault, but deep down, he’s also scared stricken to think he has an exploitable weakness when he’s supposed to be the big mad Charcuter. He’ll only let you touch him: and so you do, wrapping an arm past the buckles of his belt and holding onto the thick muscles around his hip. He jauntily wraps an arm around your shoulder, pretending to be as cocky as ever as you stroll him towards the living area.
‘Thanks darlin’, he whispers against the tip of your ear with a ragged breath. ‘I couldn’t take the yammering of them two cunts in my face any more. I’m glad you’re back now, we got a new job-’. He lets go of you, fisting his hand and hacking a cough against it until you push him down on the sofa to make him nap.
He’s literally that knackered that he passes out pretty much straight away. You sigh, squatting down near the window to pull off his boots and leave them resting under the perch. You wave at Hughie as he sneaks out on his tip toes like he’s in ‘Scooby Doo’ towards the door and mouths exaggeratedly at you that he’s ‘going to get some soup’. Once you’re done smiling him out, you lift Butcher’s head and wiggle onto the sofa underneath him, gently squishing his cheek back down onto your lap. For once you’re overjoyed that M.M. and Frenchie are busy arguing as they stand in front of a makeshift cork board in the safe, or Billy would never let you hear the end of it for making look like such a sap. You’re stuck there for a while: Billy whimpers in his sleep, his arms ending up at some point wrapping around your knees and sticking you in place under his thick biceps. 
The man is still clambering all over you as soon as he wakes up though. It could be the literal raining hell fire of the end of days washing down on the two of you and Billy Butcher would still be trying to climb over you like a tree. Not even in a fully sexual way - he adores you more than anything in this world, and needs some kind of constant touch when he’s feeling unsure as a reassurance that you’re still real. That you haven’t left him yet too. That he hasn’t destroyed you. You could be be sitting cross legged on the sofa next to him, huffing as you pull the blanket back up his shoulders every time Billy grumbles and pulls it off again. Dropping the cup of tea he was sipping, he uses his large fingers to quickly grab yours and pound them both down on the table. The desperation is evident in every sharp movement: the way he’s straight to grabbing your waist and pulling you onto his lap till you’re straddling his thick thighs, the pressure of his chin as his stubble scratches the curve of your neck, right under your earlobe. By the smirk you can feel, you know he’s doing it just to tease you, knowing it drives you wild. His arms wrap like an iron vice as he peppers languid, unrushed kisses up your pulse point. Like I’m sorry but can you imagine those coarse, rough, devoting hands running up your shoulders? Those harsh thumbs gripping the back of your head tightly and pulling you back until he’s angled you perfectly? You’re putty in his grasp, and as he grinds his midriff up against you and hears the pained whine fall from your lips, he knows it. He wets his lips, attacking your chin, and then the corner of your mouth - and then he ends up sneezing before his desperate mouth can rove any further.
The problem is, he sneezes exactly as M.M. is walking past; the poor man is just holding a cup of coffee, minding his own business as he goes to read his file in his desk chair. After a moment of standing there in confusion, he runs off to shower and makes Frenchie and Annie hose down his clothes outside for half an hour straight. He spends the rest of the day glaring at Butcher from his desk, taking out antiseptic wipes every ten minutes and spraying a can of air freshener out in his direction with a disgusted frown. 
You know better than to try and feed Billy. The man would literally snap your fingers off. Sadly, Frenchie was still under the illusion that he could just... skirt around this lesson, and came waddling happily towards Butcher with Hughie’s broth in one arm and a holding a spoon with the other. Once the airplane noises start, and the whooshing spoon through the air... well, let’s just say that it is a very lucky coincidence that there was so much traffic down fifth avenue today and the broth was tepid by the time Hughie got back. Two hours later, Frenchie is still running around with wet trousers, picking pieces of celery out of his pants and running after M.M. every time he calls him ‘pee pee boy’.
Billy always acts as if everyone’s annoying the heck out of him, but in reality, he just wants to be left alone with you for a while. By ten o’clock he’s so fed up of Hughie throwing him pity looks, and Frenchie pecking like a mother hen in his face, that he gets up and locks himself in the bathroom just to breathe for a damn minute. When you hesitantly knock twice on the door, and he unlocks it, on the floor is where you find him: curled up with his back to the wall and his knees drawn up to his chest, trying to drown out the memories of how similar the withdrawals from compound V felt as they pound through his brain. You’ll have to sit by his side, huddled up with your arm looped through his stiff one and spreading your fingers out over his kneecap, massaging it. Although he doesn’t like too much physical touch when he’s so withdrawn as he is, if your fingers leave his knee for one second he’ll start whining like a kicked puppy.
You do get to help him change out of his jumper at the end of the night though hm hm (even though he’s bloody perfectly well enough to do it himself and you both know it.) He has that shit eating smirk on his face when he sees you back in his doorway, and he holds his hands out to you, beckoning you towards him. He takes a few steps back once he feels your fingers latch onto the pads of his own, his face lighting into a smile as you draw them down to tug at the hem of the rugged material. Before you can lift it though, he brings his sock round to kick the back of your heel and has you tumbling over the edge of the bed to lie on top of his chest.
And then... *ahem*... well let’s just say that all the clothes came off pretty quickly shall we?
By the way Hughie is literally sinking his face into the cereal bowl the next morning: the way Frenchie is trying to hide his spurts of laughter from where he’s playing cards with Kimiko: how M.M. rolls his eyes and lifts his newspaper to cover his face when the two of you come dandering out of his room, you didn’t manage to be as discrete as a *sick* Billy Butcher believes himself to be. His pair of undies swinging from the ceiling fan all but confirms it.
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funnylittlelad · 1 year
Rules Made To Be Broken - Steve Harrington x gn!reader
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Masterlist - AO3
<< Prologue | Rule Two >>
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summary: As you and Steve grow closer, things seem to be going perfectly. That is until your police chief father steps in. The more you lie the deeper a hole you dig, but what else can you do? No matter what your dad says, you're not staying away from Steve Harrington.
wordcount: 6.4k
notes/tags: Hopper!reader, secret dating, sneaking around, fluff, friends to lovers, almost teenage car shenanigans, events of season three do not take place (canon divergent), Hopper is a bit of an (redeemable) overprotective helicopter parent, mentions of/talks about: abusive parents, tumultuous relationships, divorce, death, and family trauma., brief description of a minor cut.
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Rule One: No Hanging Out Alone, Unless It's In Public
“Aren't you seeing Robin tomorrow ?” Your dad asks in response to a question you asked him.
He and Joyce are watching a rerun of some show they like.
“Yeah, but it’ll be with Steve. Robin wants some one-on-one time before that. I think there's something going on at school,” you lie a little too easily, “She’s been anxious about going back. I'm trying to help her not think about it this early.”
“Someone giving her a hard time?” Your dad quirks a protective eyebrow.
“It’s high school. I don't doubt there is.”
He hmphs and nods.
“Do you need a ride over there?” He checks.
“No, I can walk. It’s nice out,” you smile.
Robin truly doesn't live far. She's just a street away. Plus, it's late June and just after five. The air is warm and breezy as the sun starts to lower slowly.
“Alright, if you aren't home by nine the door will be locked,” he warns.
“I know,” you drone.
“You’re like a broken record,” Joyce chirps from beside your dad on the couch.
“At least a broken record would be pleasant to listen to,” you jab.
Joyce laughs, but your dad is unamused.
“Watch it or the door'll be locked at eight,” he threatens with a playful finger pointed at you.
“Okay, okay,” you chuckle.
You bid them goodbye and set out for Robin's. It's a short walk that you spend humming. You haven't seen Steve since his father cornered the two of you at the award ceremony. The rest of the evening was spent quietly making fun of other people there with your dad at the table. It was a light-hearted night after everything. Yet, you spent the whole time wondering if Steve is okay. 
The sudden change in his demeanor is crossing your mind as you approach Robin’s. She’s reading on her porch swing already waiting for you. 
“Hey, Rob,” you greet.
She smiles and snaps her book shut. 
“You made a clean escape?” she asks.
“It's not really an escape,” you roll your eyes, “They knew I was leaving.”
“Barely,” she teases.
You plop down on the porch swing right next to her. Once you're settled you rest your head on her shoulder. It’s a nice quiet evening, like most in Hawkins. It’s only marred by the first rule your dad gave you, watching you from behind the line you crossed.
“Thank you for doing this, Robs,” you sigh.
She rests her head against yours. The two of you gaze at the sherbet sky above the house across the street.
“Don't mention it. I like you two together,” she tells you softly.
Her words bring a smile to your face.
“You do?” 
“Yeah, you’re both so giggly and happy. It’s disgusting.”
You laugh and give her side a little pinch. She squeals and jumps. Before she has a chance to retaliate, Steve's car rolls up her driveway. You’re up and jogging over in an instant. 
“Hey, Rob!” Steve calls by sticking his head out his window.
“Sup, dingus!” She calls back.
Steve’s head returns to the interior of his car as you climb in. He catches you in a quick kiss before you can say anything. You scrunch your nose at him dramatically when he pulls away. He mimics your expression causing you both to laugh. He pulls out of the driveway smoothly. As he drives down the street, he laces his fingers through yours. The back of your hand gets brought up to his lips so he can press a sweet kiss to the skin.
“Missed you,” he murmurs against your hand.
You smile at him as he drops your intertwined hands onto your lap.
“Missed you too,” you reply softly. 
A smile spreads easily across his lips. He hums happily. A breeze brushes through his hair from where his window is cracked. After a moment, his smile tugs downward.
“I'm sorry about my dad,” he says.
“Me too,” you sigh.
“I’d rather deal with the Chief than my dad,” he admits.
“Yeah, you seemed… different around him.”
Steve takes an even breath through his nose. 
“Yeah, I kinda have to be. I’m sorry if it was weird o-or-”
“No, Steve, it was fine. I just want to make sure you’re okay,” you assure him.
He glances at you with a tiny smile that you want to cradle in your hands. His hand squeezes yours.
“I’m okay now,” he says. 
“You sound sweet on me, Harrington,” you smirk.
“Sweeter than pie,” he flashes you his own world-ending smirk.
“Aren't I the luckiest?”
“Oh, no, honey, that'd be me,” he’s quick to correct you. 
You’re quick to look away to hide your flushed face. His hand tugs at yours for your attention.
“Hey,” he coos, “C’mon, don't get shy on me.”
Your glare is sweet on him. It earns an adoring smile that makes your fingertips buzz. 
“What exactly d’you plan on doing with me once you get me alone in that house of yours?” You ask quietly as you creep up on his driveway.
“Honestly?” He lets out a breathy laugh, “I plan on wrapping you up in my arms and not letting go until I absolutely have to.”
“That right?” You inquire as he parks.
“That’s right,” he nods and kills the engine.
You lean in toward him, eyes on his pretty pink lips. He inches closer to you in response, eyes hooded. Just before your lips can brush against each other you speak.
“You’ll have to catch me first,” you tell him.
“Wha-” he starts, but you’re already gone.
You’re scrambling out of the car by the time he processes what's happened. He calls out for you as he struggles to free himself from his seatbelt. When he finally does he races up behind you. You’re so close to the front door, but it's been a while since you've gone running. Steve’s arms wrap around your center. He lifts you into a spin as you let out a shriek-like laugh. 
“Steve,” you giggle as you struggle in his hold.
“Caught you,” he murmurs in your ear.
He doesn't let your feet touch the ground. Rather, he walks right up to the door holding you like that, only letting you go to open it. Once it's open he’s lifting you again to carry you in.
“Are you gonna let me go?” You laugh.
“Nope,” he chimes, “Already told you, m’not letting you go until I absolutely have to.”
“Fine,” you huff as if it's a chore, “If this is my fate, I guess I’ll just have to accept it.”
“Guess so,” he mumbles into your hair and kicks the door shut. 
He brings you to the living room and drops onto the couch with you landing on top of him. The tip of his nose is warm as he burrows into your neck.
“What’s got you so touchy-feely?” You ask teasingly, loving this mood.
“You kidding? I haven't seen you in days and even then I couldn't touch you. I’m surprised I didn't go nuts,” he complains, “Plus, my parents had me practically ripping my hair out. I just… need this.”
You wiggle to turn in his hold. He loosens his arms to allow you. When you're nose to nose you bring a hand up to his cheek, drinking him in through every source you can. Those caramel apple eyes pour into you as if you’re the cure for everything that ails him.
“D'you wanna talk about it?” You whisper.
His mouth tightens and you think he’s going to say no. You expect him to shake his head and change topics. Steve nods so minuscule you nearly miss it.
“My dad was on top of me about wasting my life away. As far as he’s concerned, I’m basically promised to his stupid finance company in the city. My mom just goes along with whatever he says. I don't want to suffocate in a suit while stuck in some board meeting,” he vents.
“What do you want?” You ask softly, raking a hand through his hair.
His eyes flutter close at the touch. 
“I don't know exactly, but not that,” he sighs. 
“You’re eighteen, you don't have to know anything yet,” you tell him.
“It'd be a lot easier if I did.”
“Well, it may not be easy, but you’re not alone,” you mumble shyly.
His eyes open and find yours. A smile that warms you from the inside out spreads across his face.
“No, I’m not…,” a thoughtful knit of his brows and twist of his lips takes over, “Is Diane your mom?”
The stillness that grabs you doesn't go unnoticed by him. His hand starts to rub soothing circles on your back. 
“She was, at some point. I haven't spoken to her since about a year after we moved back,” you answer.
His hand trails up until he’s cradling you where your jaw meets your neck. A warm calloused thumb skirts back and forth over your cheek. Your muscles loosen, the tension seeping out of them as you allow Steve to surround you.
“What happened? You don't really talk about when you lived in New York.”
You worry your bottom lip between your teeth nervously. Steve’s thumb moves to gently pull it free before he continues speaking.
“You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.”
“I want to,” you reply quickly, “I do. I’m just not used to talking about it.”
“Take your time.”
You give him a small smile. 
“Things were fine in New York. We were happy, at least I thought we were,” you sigh, “I think my parents were having problems for a little while, but then Sara got sick.”
He nods in encouragement as you take a breath. 
“They were better after that. For a while, anyway. Then Sarah got worse. She just kept getting worse and we tried to make her feel like she wasn't, but… But she knew. The-” your voice cracks a little and you clear your throat of the thick emotion that's settled there, “By the end, they were barely even speaking outside of the hospital. My mom was gone after the funeral. They divorced a few months later and I was given a choice.”
“Mom or dad?” Steve asks.
You nod.
“Hawkins or New York. Honestly, part of it was how pissed I was at my mom for leaving my dad like that, but New York was starting to feel haunted. A new start sounded nice. Besides, I couldn't leave my dad he was… God, he was such a mess. I’m not sure he would've even been eating if I wasn't there to make sure he did,” you get a little lost in the memories.
Your voice becomes a touch distant. Steve frowns.
“So, you came back to take care of your dad?” He questions slowly.
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“Who took care of you?” 
You blink at him blankly for a moment.
“I- I- uh- Well, at- at first my mom. Y’know she called to check in or I would call her. At least once a week, but then… Then Bill showed up one day. Next thing I knew there was a wedding and a baby,” you say the word like it's dirty, “and I… I wasn't important anymore.”
“Who’s taken care of you since then?”
“I’ve gotten pretty good at taking care of myself,” you shrug insecurely.
Steve clearly isn't a fan of that answer. He wears it on his face, not even attempting to hide any emotion from you. It's a swift motion as he presses a tender kiss to your forehead.
“M’gonna take care of you from now on,” he kisses the promise into your warming skin.
He pulls back to take in your flustered features. 
“I think I’d like that,” you tell him quietly as you take him in with wide eyes.
You’re drowned in kisses after that. The two of you make a mess of giggles, light kisses, and cuddling limbs on the couch. The night passes you far too quickly. There's never enough time with Steve. An untouched VHS sits on the coffee table. You had picked something to throw on but never got that far. Instead, you spend most of the time as Steve promised, wrapped up in his arms while he takes care of you. He’s absentmindedly pressing gentle kisses to your hand as you wonder how your dad could ever think he’s capable of anything else. 
The clock on the wall ticks closer and closer to nine. Each stroke of the second-hand sinks dread in your chest a little more. You don't want to leave Steve. Even if you will be seeing him again tomorrow. 
“How d’you think your dad would feel,” Steve starts quietly as he plays with a piece of your hair, “if you spent the night at Robin’s?”
“He might go for it…,” you trail off with a smirk. 
Steve shoots up into a sitting position. He snatches the phone from the end table and hands it to you. The goofy smile on his face causes you to roll your eyes as you chuckle. You dial Robin first. She picks up after a handful of rings.
“Buckley residence.”
“Hey, Rob, would you be able to cover for me tonight?” You ask.
“I’m confused, I thought I was already doing that,” she answers after a beat.
“Yes, you are, but I was going to see if my dad cared if I stayed at your place tonight,” you explain.
“Oh, I mean, sure, as long as you don't think he’s going to show up on my front porch with a rifle,” there's a shrug in her voice.
“You’re the best, Robin. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“Yeah, just remember that when you're writing your vows,” she teases.
You ignore Steve's curious eyes as your face reddens.
“Alright, goodbye.”
You don't waste a moment hanging up and dialing your house.
“This is Hopper,” your dad answers lazily. 
“Hey, dad,” you greet.
“Hey, what’s wrong? You need a ride?”
“No, nothing’s wrong. I was actually wondering if you cared if I stayed at Robin’s tonight,” you grimace as you ask, expecting nothing good.
“When would you be home?”
“After work tomorrow. I’ll just go there from here, it’s not a big deal,” you answer.
“You sure you’ll be able to get there?”
You roll your eyes at the expected third-degree.
“Yeah, she works with Steve tomorrow so he can give us both a ride in.”
There's a moment of loaded silence.
“Alright,” he sighs, “As long as you’re home for dinner.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be there,” you promise, “Love you, good night.”
“Love you, good night.”
You hang up and beam at Steve. He beams right back. An entire night with Steve. It doesn’t even matter if nothing happens tonight. Just the simple act of being with him is enough. The movie finally ends up on after that, but it's mostly background noise. When your curfew comes and goes, Steve leaves to find you clothes to sleep in. You explore the images on the walls of Steve growing up to a certain point. If you believe the story that the pictures tell, he never grew past fifteen. 
A subtle pang echoes in your chest at the thought of Steve being left alone for so long. At least you have a family that loves you, despite their problems. Steve doesn't even have that. If he’s determined to take care of you as no one else has, you're determined to love him as no one else has. Even if you’re not sure you're ready to call it love. It’s toeing ever closer to that line.
Steve comes back with a pair of green basketball shorts and an old swim team shirt. They aren't as big as you’d imagine, but they smell like him. Crisp and sweet like cinnamon and apples. His eyes drag up and down your form when you step out in the clothes. Pink blossoms on his cheekbones as you smile shyly under his gaze. The moment you're within reach, his hand shoots out and takes hold of your wrist. He pulls you into him in a fluid motion, kissing you as soon as your chests press against each other. When he pulls back he rests his forehead on yours.
“You look good,” he comments.
“I’m in your clothes,” you chuckle.
“Yeah, exactly,” he grins.
There’s a good thirty minutes of you making fun of his room and the sheer, ungodly amount of plaid. He pouts as you tease him.
“My mom did it when I was like seven, okay?” He whines. 
“Why haven't you changed it?” You laugh.
“I don't know, I never thought about it,” he shrugs.
“My point exactly, Stevie.”
It's when you’re settling in for bed that reality catches up with you. It crashes down with all the force of a tsunami. Thankfully, you have Robin to sound the siren and give you a head start. The phone trills obnoxiously as you cozy into Steve’s bed. He lets out an exasperated sigh before answering the landline next to his bed.
“Hello?” he answers.
When he freezes you look up at him curiously.
“Fuck,” he hisses, “O-okay, we’ll be there in ten just stall until we get there.”
He slams the phone down and turns to you with wild eyes.
“Your dad is at Robin’s, we have to go,” he informs you.
You’re confident you've never moved so fast in your life. You don't bother with your clothes or any nonsense like that. Steve doesn't even put on his shoes, opting to drive in his socks. 
“Why did he show up?” You agonize.
“He brought your uniform. Robin told him you were in the bathroom, she said she left the window open for you to climb in through,” Steve explains.
You nod, trying very hard not to hyperventilate. All it takes is for your dad to see Steve’s car. Everything is so close to falling apart. Steve parks on the street behind Robin's house. You plant a rushed kiss on his lips with a promise to see him tomorrow before sprinting. There are two backyards between you and the window you need to get through. Silently, you thank whatever is out there that you did track in high school. The fences were the hardest part, but you managed to haul yourself over them with only a scratch as evidence. 
A bottle of soap gets toppled over as you crawl through the window. Quickly, you pick it up and try to straighten yourself out. Your face is beet red, your chest is heaving to catch air, and your skin feels ablaze. As fast as you possibly can, you splash water on your face and collect yourself. Before leaving, you flush the toilet for good measure. With one final steadying breath, you kick off your shoes and exit the bathroom. You can hear your dad’s voice carry down the hall. 
“Dad,” you feign surprise, “What are you doing here?”
His eyes snap to you. You swear there's relief in there. As if he was moments away from interrogating Robin about your whereabouts. He holds up your folded arcade uniform.
“Figured you’d need this,” he says. 
You take the clothes gratefully.
“Thanks, you really didn't have to,” you smile.
He manages a smile in return, but there's an uncertainty behind it. It’s an uncertainty usually reserved for suspects, not you. 
“Are you feeling okay? You look feverish,” he comments, examining your still half-flushed form.
“I’m fine, I just- erm- ate something that didn't sit well with me,” you cringe as you lie.
He immediately holds up his hands to stop you before you have a chance to elaborate. You smile meekly. 
“What happened there?” He nods toward your arm. 
An angry red scratch tears across your upper arm, right beneath your sleeve. The offending sleeve had gotten caught on Robin’s fence on your way over it.
“Robin got a cat,” your eyes flicker to her.
“Yeah, it’s in my room,” she backs you up.
Your dad’s eyes bounce between the two of you for a moment. Ultimately, they land on you. He eyes you for another moment before deciding there's not enough evidence to charge.
“Okay, well, I’ll see you tomorrow,” he sighs.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” you say. 
The two of you hug before he leaves. You press your back against the door once it's shut. Robin’s wide eyes meet yours. 
“Holy shit,” she states slowly.
“Holy shit,” you echo.
“He was definitely suspicious,” she tells you.
“It’ll be fine,” you shake your head mostly trying to convince yourself, “He has nothing to prove I did anything wrong.”
“You’re dressed like the dingus,” she gestures to your clothes.
You look down at the offending garments. Steve’s scent still sticks to them. Cold pours over you as you realize you just hugged your dad while looking and smelling like Steve.
“You don't think he noticed, do you?” you ask with furrowed brows.
She frowns, causing you to frown. The answer hangs silently between you. Sleep isn't restful tonight. Guilt plagues your dreams showing you distorted images of your father. In some he’s angry, in others he’s hurt, and in the worst ones, he’s just as depressed as he was when you first moved back. It was such a close call. Too close a call. Yet, you still find yourself longing to see Steve again. 
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You get more careful and it pays off. Rendezvous with Steve has become a weekly thing. Jonathan isn't too happy, but your dirt on him is enough to stop him from snitching. Mostly, he just hates having to wait up to make sure you come home. Your dad’s suspicion seemingly dies, making inconveniencing Jonathan worth it. 
Lying doesn't feel good, but you’re getting better at it. At least, you think you are. There are still times your dad levels you with an uncertain stare that twists your gut, but you can ignore that. You don't attempt another sleepover. The first time scared you enough to wait a while on trying that again. 
As mid-summer crawls into late summer, the heat closes in like it's tightening its grip on Hawkins’ throat. Before you know it, you're staring down the barrel of the anniversary of Sara’s death. A few days before, your dad knocks lightly on your open bedroom door. You look up from where you lay on your bed reading. He’s in uniform.
“Hey,” you say.
“Hey, d'you wanna grab lunch?” He asks.
“Sure, all of us?”
“No, just us.”
You give him a small smile with a nod. He leaves you to get ready, shutting the door behind him. When you're finished, you meet him in the living room. Will and El are playing a board game, waiting to leave for the Wheeler’s. You hug them both before you go. If either of them thinks it's weird they don't make any indication of it. It’s a tough week. Everyone in the house knows that. 
The sight of the chief’s truck tightens your chest. Any space of your dad’s has felt different since you started lying. As if just by being here, he can read your mind and catch your lies. He gives you control of the radio. You turn it to a rock station you know he likes. 
You don't think to ask where you're getting lunch. When you get there you kind of wish you did. Your heart skips a beat as you stare at the diner where Steve and you had your first kiss. You don't know what difference it would have made, but the warning of such a reminder while you're with your dad would've been nice. 
“How’s everything going?” He asks as you slide into cracked a booth.
He smiles at the waitress to signal for menus. 
“Good,” you reply, but it comes out more as a question.
“I'm just checking in,” he explains a little defensively.
“Okay, sorry,” you chuckle.
The waitress drops off the menus and takes your drink orders. Coffee and a soda.
“So, you're good?” Your dad checks.
“Yeah, I’m good. I have an interview for the supervisor position next week,” you tell him.
Both of you thumb through the menu noncommittally. It's a diner, you already know what you'll be getting. 
“You’re feeling good about it?”
“Yeah, I think I have a decent shot,” you shrug, “What about you?”
“What about me?”
“How are you? How’s everything with you and Joyce?” You ask with a silly effect in your voice.
It earns you a chuckle from him as the waitress sets down your drinks. Your dad orders you both waffles with eggs and bacon. It's what the two of you always get from diners.
“We’re good. I’m good,” he answers when the waitress walks away, “I think El is adjusting well. Can't tell about you on the other hand.”
“I’m adjusting just fine,” you assure him, “I’ll be a lot better adjusted with my own room…”
“We're working on it,” he sighs.
The Government gave you hush money for all the Upside Down-related trauma. The trick is finding something that will fit all of you and keep you relatively distanced from the greater Hawkins population. The latter is your dad’s request. He isn't a fan of neighbors. You had enough of those in New York.
“I know, sorry,” you say, “I almost have enough saved up for a car.”
“Jesus, when did you get so old?” He breathes with a shake of his head.
“When did you get so old?” You shoot back playfully.
You both chuckle.
“When did I get so old?” He agrees in disbelief. 
“How’s the station?” You ask.
“You know those jokers. Same shit as always. Flo’s still bothering me to set you up with one of her grandkids,” he answers.
“Let me guess…,” you tap your chin in thought, “the one that's going to be a dentist.”
“Yup,” he nods.
“Boring,” you scrunch your nose.
“Nothing wrong with boring.”
“Except that it's boring .”
He rolls his eyes.
“What I mean is, you've been through your fair share. No shame in taking it easy… settling,” he attempts to reason.
You narrow your eyes at him.
“Oh my god, are you trying to pawn me off on the dentist?” You gasp dramatically.
“No, I just mean that not everything has to be this grand adventure,” he levels you with a steady stare, “Sometimes I worry you’re more attracted to the thrill of something, and that ends up getting you hurt, or leading you into life-threatening situations.”
You frown as you meet his eye. He isn't completely wrong. That's what hurts about it. Your dad has seen a pattern and he’s trying to help you out of it. The only thing is, if the way out of it is someone like the dentist, you’re not interested. You’re not interested in taking the easy way and settling.
“Are you settling? With Joyce?” You ask quietly, toying with the straw in your cup.
“What? No, that's not- You’re taking what I said out of context,” he protests. 
“Am I? I mean you just told me I should settle .”
“Okay, maybe I used the wrong words, but all I’m trying to say is sometimes you can be more interested in a situation than a person. Just try to be mindful of which is which,” he says. 
“Yeah, okay,” you sigh, “is that why you brought me out? To grill me on my dating habits?”
“No, it's… It’s a hard week for both of us. Figured this would be nice,” he rubs his eyes.
“It is nice,” you promise, “But why have you been so weird about me dating?”
“It's not-” He pauses as the waitress places your food in front of you.
You both smile up at her and thank her before she goes. When she goes he continues.
“It’s not being weird. It’s being your father. At the end of the day, you can make your own decisions-”
“Can I?”
“Can I make my own decisions?” You challenge.
“Yes,” he pauses, “to an extent.”
“There it is,” you chuckle dryly.
“Look, you might technically be an adult, but you live under my roof-”
“I know, I know.”
“Can we just-” he gestures curtly at the food on the table, “please?”
“Yeah,” you mumble and start cutting up your waffles.
The two of you eat in silence for a moment. The local news drones on a tv hanging in the corner of the ceiling behind the counter. Your dad empties his mug down his throat and sets it back down steadily.
“Are you seeing someone?” He asks suddenly.
The question causes you to choke on your waffle. You glare at him red in the face, thankfully able to pass that off as being from almost choking.
“What makes you ask that?” You counter.
“You've been different lately,” he shrugs, “Not bad different- just different.”
“And what if I was?” 
“You can make your own decisions.”
“To an extent,” you remind him sarcastically.
“Right, to an extent,” he confirms pointedly, “So if I say they're bad news then they're gone.”
“Dad, try as you might, you can't police my life. When there’s something to tell you about my dating life, I’ll tell you,” you state evenly.
“I don't want- It feels like- I-,” he sighs in defeat, “It feels like something's changed with us. You don't come to me anymore.”
Your heart cracks in two. Hurt pours down until every inch of you is drenched in it. Guilt comes next. 
“I just grew up, dad,” you shrug noncommittally, “I get to grow up.”
He nods solemnly, going to take a sip of his coffee before remembering the mug is now bone dry.
“Just because you’re grown up doesn't mean you can't come to your old man, alright? No matter how old or grown you get, I’ll be here when you need me,” he promises, “Even if it's stuff you think you can't come to me about. I’m here.”
Another hot streak of guilt tears through your chest.
“I know, dad,” you give a small smile.
He nods curtly, gesturing to the waitress for more coffee. The rest of lunch is spent talking about lighter subjects like stories of Callahan being dumb at the station. A little monster made of guilt comes to life, gnawing at your calves.
On the anniversary of Sara’s death, everyone knows to leave the Hoppers to do their thing. Your dad hides away in his room for twenty-four hours, sometimes more. You float around like a ghost haunting the house. You don't speak or interact, you just do what you need to do to fulfill your needs and go back to bed. Jonathan made himself scarce to allow you some privacy. It's not a well-thought-through plan. Hell, you’re willing to admit not a lick of thought went into it. All you know is that you’re falling into a deep spiral of guilt and grief and there’s only one thing- one person you want.
“Harrington,” Steve answers on the fourth ring. 
“Hey, Steve,” your voice comes out much quieter and more strained than you expect.
“Hey,” he coos softly, “What’s wrong? What's going on?”
“I- uh- um,” you swallow your emotion, “Could you come over? Jonathan is gone tonight. I’ll sneak you through my window.”
“Your dad isn’t-”
“My dad won't be a problem today.”
“So, can you?”
“I’ll be there in ten.”
You spend that ten minutes tidying up your side of the room. Steve can think what he wants about Jonathan’s slightly frenetic side. You drift through the house to see where everyone is. Your dad is locked in his room, Joyce is watching the Price is Right, and the Wonder Twins are going over something nerdy in their room. No doubt Will fell down a rabbit hole trying to explain one thing to El. When you go back to your room you lock the door and sit on the edge of your bed.
Not too much later. Steve's lovely face appears at your window. You fling it open and pull him in for a frazzled kiss. He’s smiling when you pull back. You realize you are too.
“Can I come in?” He asks. 
“I guess,” you reply playfully.
Steve takes you into his arms on your bed. He sits with his back against the headboard and your back to his chest. His arms circle you to play with your hands. It's so easy to melt into him, to allow yourself to feel consumed by him. 
“What can I do to help?” He whispers after a moment of silence.
He doesn't need to ask what the problem is. He knows. You told him the day was coming up.
“Just be here with me. I’m a-always alone. I j-just want you here,” your voice wavers as a couple of stray tears run free.
Steve is quick to wipe them away with sturdy hands.
“It’s okay. You're not alone anymore,” he promises softly, but earnestly.
“I’m not alone anymore,” you echo, confirming it to yourself.
There’s a beat where it feels like you're holding your breath. As if someone stuck a cork in you to trap all the emotion, careful not to spill any on Steve.
“You don't have to hold back. You can let go,” he whispers.
The tender touch of those words breaks the dam. Fat juicy tears stream down your face. At first, the sobs are ugly and make anything you say incomprehensible. After a few seconds of Steve wiping at your tears, you're able to calm down enough to speak and cry at the same time.
“Sometimes,” you hiccup, “I wish it was me instead of her.”
Steve holds you tighter.
“That’s normal. It’s like survivor’s guilt,” he murmurs into your ear, “but it’s not your fault that it was her and not you.”
You nod as a few sobs shake your system. Steve’s lips trail gentle kisses all over the top of your head. His fingers trace soothing shapes into your shoulder. 
“I think…,” you stop yourself before deciding that you can say anything to Steve, “I think my parents wish it was me instead of her sometimes too.”
“Whoa,” Steve breathes while taking hold of your face to make you look at him, “That’s not true. I can tell you just from knowing your dad, that’s not true. I can guarantee that he would rather trade himself than you.”
“Then why aren't I ever enough?” You break in a whisper.
“What?” Steve’s brows furrow deeply.
“My parents- after me they had Sara. Which, fine, people have multiple kids. Then after everything m-my mom went off and had another kid, b-but I was right here! And I love El, I really really do, but I took care of my dad for years and he still needed someone else around,” you finally let long hidden emotions rise up and spill over, “Wh- why aren't I ever enough on my own, Steve?”
His hold tightens like a love-filled hug from a boa constrictor.
“You’re enough. You hear me? You're more than enough. It isn't you. Everyone handles loss differently. It isn't you,” he hushes reassurances into your ear. 
The two of you fall asleep like that. When you wake up your eyelids feel like stone. Your face is sticky with drowsiness and stale tears as you process the sky outside the window. When Steve arrived the sun was setting. Now, it’s well below the horizon. Then it registers why you woke up. Someone is knocking carefully on the door. 
“Shit,” you hiss, “Steve, wake up!”
Steve stirs with a groan. You clamp your hand over his mouth causing his eyes to widen fully alert. You press your free pointer finger to your lips to tell him to be quiet.
“Is everything okay in there?” Joyce’s voice asks. 
“Y-yeah, just give me a minute,” you call back, voice hoarse from crying. 
Steve’s expression is startled when you look back at it. The two of you scramble up trying to figure out what to do with racing hearts. You shove Steve down. He gets the hint, sliding underneath your bed. You take a breath to compose yourself. Joyce has dinner for you when you open the door. 
“Is someone in here with you?” She asks, straining to look a little to check.
“What? No,” you lie.
She shrugs and hands you the plate.
“How are you holding up?” She smiles warmly.
“I'm okay. I’ll be okay,” you shrug.
She nods.
“You let me know if you need anything, okay?” She raises her eyebrows at you.
You smile tightly and nod. She walks away and you quickly close the door. Steve’s head pops up over the side of the bed, hair a little disheveled.
“Anything good?” He jokes.
You can't help your laugh, covering your mouth to muffle the sound. He shouldn't, but Steve stays for a little longer. Mostly he just makes you feel normal, which is exactly what you need today. He looks nervous as he gets ready to leave.
“What’s up?” You tug at his hand for him to look at you.
He looks from where he stands in front of you, besides the open window. There’s a halfhearted tug of his lips.
“I told my parents I’m dating someone,” he tells you, “They were on me about going out with some corporate partner’s kid.”
Your eyebrows shoot up. The butterflies have escaped your stomach and now flutter in your throat.
“Wh- what did they say?” 
“Not much, but they want to meet you.”
You blink in surprise.
“We can work out the details later. I just wanted to tell you. I know it's complicated, but this is still important to me and I wouldn’t ever leave you alone with them,” he tells you. 
You nod slowly, still really taking the idea in. The logistics don't matter right now. This is important to Steve. You’ll figure it out.
“Yeah, okay,” you agree.
A wider smile grows on his lips. He swoops down and steals a peck.
“We’ll talk tomorrow, yeah?” He quirks his eyebrows up.
“Yeah,” you smile.
Then he’s gone and you're left with the memory of sharp green eyes on you. You’re going to be meeting Steve’s parents. Steve’s parents who you promised to not go near. Now, you’ll be officially meeting them, holding a conversation, and shaking hands. The guilt monster officially reaches your hip now.
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<< Prologue | Rule Two >>
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11x13kyle · 1 year
hardlaunching the yandere cartman masterpost
cartman genuinely, hand to god, believes that stan is in a relationship with kyle to spite him specifically. he believes that he did something in preschool that pissed stan off, and for that, stan is now committed to fucking cartman over by dating, then proposing to, then marrying, then having children with kyle
one time while drunker than he’s ever been in his life he pulls stan aside to confront him, begging him to admit to this longcon. stan is so confused and has no idea what the hell he’s talking about. this drives cartman up a wall because he is allergic to seeing reason.
stan also (much like kyle) can’t process cartman being in love with and psychosexualy obsessed with kyle because it is way too weird and fucked up for him. it makes him VISCERALLY uncomfortable and he is constantly begging kyle to just get a restraining order, which kyle can’t do, because his livelihood is literally tied up in having public arguments with this guy for money 
needless to say, stan and kyle’s relationship (or, to him, “relationship”) makes cartman feel insane levels of rage. he usually just takes this out on stan and kyle in the normal ways, but there have been multiple times where he has tried to murder stan in earnest
his entire life, cartman believes that he Can get stan and kyle to break up, there’s just something he hasn’t figured out yet. he kind of believes that if he succeeds in one of his stan murder attempts that this will woo kyle. for some reason.
one of the stan murder attempts ends like this: cartman is all giddy right before going on the pod that day because he is certain that his most recent attempt worked, so he’s anticipating kyle showing up sobbing, inconsolable because his boyfriend just died of eating poisoned food. instead, kyle shows up perfectly fine and normal. cartman is already mad about this, but it gets worse when kyle offhandedly mentions that a fan sent him and stan and cake, but he says that it “looked like dogshit” so neither of them ate. now cartman is mad about TWO things.
“well you’re WRONG. the cake DIDN’T look like shit. WHATEVER it looked like. and i bet it was a GOOD fucking cake. i’m sure whoever made it put a LOT of effort in and filled it with LOVE and absolutely ZERO arsenic.”
cartman was not invited to their wedding. he still came. kyle factored this into his wedding planning because kyle factored every possible outcome into his wedding planning
kyle paid cartman off to make sure that he didn’t object. 
once the cartman issue is dealt with, kyle can get back to picking colors and accents for the tablecloths
when cartman sneaks into the wedding he brings cupid me as his plus one because he thinks this may help him to break them up. cupid me is just thrilled to finally have that date -> cartman forgets about his objection plans because cupid me keeps foiling them by making sure the wedding goes PERFECTLY
the months following the wedding re: cartman’s kyle fixation are so bad that listeners start to kind of PITY him
kyle makes a whole point of referring to stan exclusively as his husband on the podcast like listeners don’t know who stan is. this ENRAGES cartman. he responds to most of kyle’s comments with snappish one word answers and then rants about absolutely nothing over and over again. he’s never been this upset over stan and kyle in his LIFE. it is getting harder and harder to believe that this is stan’s longcon but he still is able to convince himself of this because he’s ridiculously delusional
cartman keeps calling him sobbing begging him to leave kyle, threatening to kill himself, the works. he climbs into their window the night before the wedding to try and convince stan to change his mind
stan: *takes long drag of a cigarette* if you think i’m ever going to actually leave kyle, you’re wrong.
when they have children, cartman is incapable of being a “fun uncle” because he is so horrifically jealous that he just acts evil to the style kids
also, tweet about anna khachiyan’s baby that reminds me of this whole thing: 
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cartman engages in increasingly cartoonish attempts to murder their babies, such as dangling one of them off a balcony, putting them on one of those moving saws, etc. 
he claims it’s a bit. it’s not a bit.
when they have their second child he’s so mad because the only thing harder than getting away with murdering one infant is getting away with murdering more than one infant
he is so so mega furious that the kids aren’t his, again, he believes this is part of stan’s longcon. whenever they exhibit stanisms or whenever he notices just how much they physically resemble stan this increases his rage
the older the kids get the more verbally nasty he is, but he makes fewer attempts on their lives because its harder to get away with
cartman will do fucking anything. but he is unfamiliar with stan and kyle’s game. as in, the fact that they are legitimately in love and that kyle finds cartman repulsive on every single level. 
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foreverindreamlandd · 2 years
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Pairing: Neighbor!Steve Harrington x Plus Size!Reader
WC: 2.6k
Summary: The Harrington pool used to be your favorite place growing up. It's been years since you've been there, but when you catch Steve sitting outside all alone late at night, something tells you that he needs you there by his side.
Warnings: Body imagine, reader is self-conscious about weight. Suuper angsty. Brief mentions of blood and injury. Steve talks about not having a great relationship with his dad.
Note: Here's the next part of the Neighbor!Steve Harrington x Plus Size!Reader AU ****does not need to be read in order, this fic can read as a one shot!. This story takes place at the end of season 1, the night after Steve goes to the Byers house and helps Nancy and Jonathan fight the demogorgan. I hope you enjoy! Feedback is always appreciated :)
The Harringtons moved into the house next to yours when you were six.
You watched from the giant window from your living room that one summer day as the giant moving truck pulled in. It was followed by a red convertible, where a boy around your age with unruly brown hair jumped out and zipped into the house, his eyes wide and smile even wider.
The next day, your mother had you put on a sky blue summer dress and walked over with you to introduce yourself, a plate of weird fruit jello in hand.
A man answered the door, dressed in a full suit, hair slicked back with way too much gel, and he smelled so much of something that it made your nose tingle in a not good way.
“Steve! Get down here and say hello!” he yelled out over his shoulder, so loudly that you flinched, hand clinging to the skirt of your mother’s dress.
The boy with wide eyes - you could now see they were a deep brown, almost black - barreled down the stairs in jeans and a red t-shirt. You were jealous of the fact that his clothes seemed much more comfortable.
“Steve, this is Mrs. Y/l/n and her daughter, Y/n. They’re our new neighbors.”
Steve beamed, shooting out a hand to you. 
“Hi Y/n! I’m Steve!”
You giggled, immediately more comfortable around the boy than you were his dad, taking his hand and waving it up and down dramatically. “I know you’re Steve. Your dad just said that!”
His face scrunched, but then started giggling with you. “Do you want to play ball with me?”
Before you could accept, your mom rested a hand on your shoulder. “That’s very kind, Steve, but Y/n isn’t dressed to play right now. Maybe another time?”
Steve’s smile fell and he looked from your mom back to you. “Okay.”
Once the pleasantries were done, your mom guided you down the walkway back to your home, and you peered over your shoulder to find Steve waving goodbye.
A few days later, you were at home with a babysitter. It was a Wednesday, so your dad was at work and your mom was out getting her hair and nails done.
You were in your room coloring, but heard splashing outside. You looked out your window to see Steve climbing out of the pool, running along the edge to the diving board, and leaping into the air as he cannonballed into the water.
With a grin, you ran to your dresser and pulled out your bathing suit.
Though you were only six, you had learned from an even younger age how to sneak past your babysitters. The current one - Stacie - was well distracted by her walkman and magazine to even be bothered to notice you creeping through the kitchen and out the back door.
As soon as you were in the clear, you ran up to the Harrington yard, not even saying hello to Steve before doing your own small cannonball into the pool. 
Steve’s wide eyes stared at you in shock, then his lips pulled back into the smile as he realized who had just barged into his day unexpectedly. 
“Not bad,” he said, swimming to the stairs. “But wait till you see this.”
The rest of the day was spent doing cool moves off the diving board, Steve’s own babysitter resting on one of the lounge chairs soaking up the sun, not even bothering to say something about this random kid showing up out of nowhere.
Once you had exhausted yourselves, the two of you floated in your own rainbow tubes, popsicles in hand.
“I’ve never had a pool before,” Steve said mindlessly, staring at his feet underneath the water in awe.
“What was your old house like?” you asked.
“Small. My old room was basically the size of our bathroom here.”
You grimaced, trying to imagine your bathroom being your bedroom. Your family had always had money, and this way of life was all you knew. 
“You must really like it here then.”
Steve shrugged. “I guess. My dad works a lot more than he used to, and now he acts kind of mean and stuff. Like he’s totally different after getting this new fancy job. Doesn’t seem to want anything to do with me.”
You grimaced. “No offense, but your dad is dumb, then. You’re really fun to hang out with.”
He smiled, pushing your tube. “Thanks, Y/n.”
You gave him a big, toothy grin, showing off the gap where one of them was missing.
The two of you were inseparable after that.
It was late. So late that you ignored the clock on your night stand because you knew that it was a time that you should not be awake.
But you just needed to get through these last few chapters of Little Women, to reach the satisfying end after crying your eyes out again during Beth’s death.
You wiped away a falling tear, lids heavy as you read the final line, closing the book with a content sigh. 
Then, you looked at the clock.
And winced.
It was 2:30AM.
“Shit,” you mumbled. Tomorrow was Saturday, so at least you could hopefully sleep in, unless your mom decided to force you to attend one of her jazzercise classes. Every little bit helps, honey. Gotta keep moving if you want those pounds to drop!
Perhaps if she found you in a comatose state at 8am, she’d give up on trying to wake you and just go to the class on her own.
You stood up, walking to your bookshelf to return the beloved book where the rest of the ‘A’ authors resided.
As you walked back to your bed, you noticed something in the corner of your eye out the window. You walked closer to examine further, and saw a familiar figure sitting at the pool, legs dangling in the water.
Usually, when you saw Steve outside, he was with friends, drinking beers and listening to loud music, a pretty girl on his arm (the newest one being a girl in your grade, Nancy Wheeler). Seeing him alone at this hour was a bit strange, somewhat off putting.
Had you been 6, it would have been an easy decision to run down and join him. 
Now? Things were different. Sure, you shared a locker, and he drove you to school, but you weren’t the best friends you had been.
Now, you would be more inclined to just walk back to bed, let him be on his own as he probably preferred.
Still, something nagged at you in your chest, screaming for you to go down and see him.
With a deep breath, you threw on a sweatshirt and slippers, then crept down the stairs, through the kitchen and out the door.
“Steve?” you called out softly once you were close enough and he jumped, hands clenched into fists as he turned around.
You stepped back, hands in the air and eyes wide. “I’m sorry,” you murmured. “It’s just me. I didn’t mean to startle you.”
His breathing was heavy, eyes somehow wider than yours, fear painted across them as he tried to register who was in front of him. You noticed the bruising and blood on his face, remembering the rumors from this morning about him getting into a fight with Jonathan Byers.
After a few seconds, realization set in, and he let out a breath of relief as his body relaxed.
“Y/n,” he said. “Hey.”
“Hi,” you breathed, fingers knotting together in front of you from discomfort. “Are…are you okay?”
Steve let out a small, breathy laugh at that. “Now that’s a question.”
“Are your parents home?” you asked, taking a few steps toward his house.
He shook his head. “Are they ever?”
With a sad smile, you gave him a single nod and headed inside to the laundry room. You and Steve always managed to get into enough mischief growing up to know exactly where the first-aid kit was, and the ice packs, and the painkillers.
When you returned, you rolled up the bottoms of your sweatpants, and moved to sit by his side, legs dipping into the warm water.
You forced yourself to ignore the growing discomfort of the situation. Your proximity to him,  which felt much different than standing next to each other at the lockers or sitting in a car. You were much more wary of how close your legs were to touching in the pool, the way your body bulged out in different directions in this position, the fact that you had no makeup on and your hair was a mess.
You forced yourself to ignore those things, focusing instead on Steve’s body language. The way his hands were shaking, how his eyes were glued to the water in front of you, something in his eyes that brought you fear.
Twisting your body around to grab the glass of water, you handed it to him along with two painkillers.
“Let me guess,” you said, trying to add some humor to your tone, “I should see the other guy?”
Steve didn’t respond, just continued staring into the water.
You wanted to rest a hand on his shoulder, but his obvious jumpiness made you remain in your own bubble.
“Steve?” you said, trying to get his attention back.
“Do you remember when we used to play shark attack in here?” he asked, still not looking at you.
You nodded. “I still get a little jumpy swimming in the deep end of any pool.”
The corner of his lip curved up slightly. “I was the best at getting your ankles when you played the human.”
“That’s because you always had your eyes open when I was the shark!” you exclaimed, unable to fight back a smile.
He let out a small chuckle, turning to meet your eye at the fond memory. The smile dropped quickly, though.
“I think there was…a shark in here…and something really bad happened.” You saw tears well in his eyes.
“What do you mean?” you asked, dread turning your stomach to knots.
Steve just shook his head, looking back at the water.
It was silent for a few seconds before he spoke up again.
“I feel like everything I knew about life went up in flames today. Like, what the fuck even matters, you know? You could run a whole school and still fuck everything up. Nothing I’ve achieved or whatever means anything. I’m just some asshole high school jock.”
“Hey,” you put down the water and painkillers and rested a hand on his shoulder, noticing the way his body was trembling. “Steve, look at me.”
He turned, and for a second you saw your childhood best friend, a boy with wide, nearly black eyes that you always managed to get lost in.
“Listen,” you started, “I don’t know what’s going on, but you have to stop talking about my friend like they don’t matter.”
He rolled his eyes and you shook your head. “Nope, don’t do that. Steve, you are an amazing person. You’re kind, funny, hard-working, brave. And you stick up to assholes when others are too afraid to. You made it so that I don’t end up crying every time I’m at my locker. Ever since we were kids you’ve made sure I felt safe. You’re good, Steve, and I’m sorry for whatever happened to make you doubt that.”
His bottom lip began trembling, more tears welling in his eyes. “I’m really scared, Y/n. The shit I saw…I-”
Your other hand moved to grab his. “You’re here now, and whatever it is is gone. It’s just you and me, Steve. And if whatever it is comes back, then I’ll be there to keep you safe. Okay? If you need me, I’m there. For anything.”
At that, his small smile returned, tears streaming down his face as he rested his head on your shoulder. You wrapped your arm around him and held on tightly as he relaxed into your touch.
You woke up a few hours later as the light started to bleed into the sky, turning it into a vibrant purple.
It was a beautiful view to wake up to, and also a bit alarming, since there was no way you could see so much sky from the confines of your bedroom.
That was when you remembered where you were, turning your head to the figure next to you.
A small gasp escaped your lips when you turned, not realizing how close you actually were.
Those deep brown eyes - only inches away - stared into yours with heavy lids. 
Once Steve had settled a bit last night, you finally managed to convince him to take the painkillers and let you clean the cuts on his face. When that was all set, you suggested it might be time for you to go.
Before you could get your legs out of the water, his hand was grabbing yours. “Please don’t go,” he begged. “I- I don’t want to be alone right now.”
You nodded. How could you ever say no to Steve?
It was how you ended up laying in two of the lounge chairs by the pool, pulling them together until they were touching, a blanket covering you to keep you warm from the cool fall air. Not that you really needed it. It could have been below freezing and you still would have felt warm from being in such close proximity to Steve.
The two of you stared up at the stars, sharing some of your favorite stories from growing up, talking about anything and everything to try and would help distract Steve from whatever had happened today.
Eventually, his body became less jittery, and his smile lingered on his face instead of dropping to his fearful gaze, and his demeanor seemed to completely relax as the night went on.
Based on the dark circles under his eyes now, you could tell he still hadn’t managed to get any sleep.
But, he was smiling, and that was what truly mattered.
“Morning,” he said, his breath tickling your skin.
“Morning,” you murmured.
Steve cleared his throat, and for a moment you could have sworn his eyes flickered down to your lips before looking up again. “Thanks…for last night.”
You nodded. “Anytime. I mean that.”
His hand rested on your forearm, sending an electric current through your spine.
“Listen,” he said, voice low and serious, “if you ever feel like you’re in danger. Like there’s something out there that doesn’t feel real or possible, you call me, okay? Call me and I’ll be there, no matter what.”
Your brows furrowed in concern. “Steve, what the hell-”
“Just promise me, Y/n. Promise you’ll call. I know things are..different between us, and it’s mainly my fault.” He bit his lip. “But I need you to know how important you are to me. And that I don’t want it to be the way it has this past year. I want this,” he looked between the two of you and you felt butterflies in your stomach. “I want us to be…to be best friends again.”
The butterflies died. Friends.
Steve quickly glanced at your lips again.
“I can’t ever have anything happen to you, Y/n. So will you call me if you’re ever in trouble? Even if it’s something you think I wouldn’t believe. If there are actually sharks in the deep end of the pool.”
You breathed out a small laugh, both from the joke and just to have some sort of release for the whirlwind of emotion flowing through you.
Your hand moved to rest on his.
“Yeah, I’ll call you Steve. I promise.”
His lips curved into a relieved smile.
“Good. I’ll be there to answer. Always.”
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leviathansshadycorner · 4 months
You’re spiderman?! Peter parker/ Spiderman x Venom! Reader pt.2
A/n: I did write more lol
part one here.
Rain fell on your face as you ran through the alleyways that were all too familiar to you. Once again you were bait to catch Venom’s food. You were wearing an outfit not suitable for the rain at all- Venom’s idea- and as you walked around waiting for some creep to show up you failed to see the muggers on the other side. They’d just finished killing some dude when you caught their attention. 
“FUCK THIS VENOM I HATE THIS PART.” You gasped as you turned a corner to catch your breath. 
“STOP WHINING (Y/N) THIS IS THE FUN PART.” He called out as he took over your body, black tendrils wrapping around your arms and legs as your body became his. You were taller now, Venom flexing your body as you waited for the criminals. You’ve gotten used to your brain shutting off when Venom was in his feeding frenzy, only influencing him when you didn’t want him to go too far. 
As the criminals rounded the corner their faces morphed into terrified ones. “What the hell is that..” One of them let out as he shifted to run. Before the two criminals could get away, Venom let out a roar, flaring his sharp teeth as he picked them up with his claw. He didn’t hesitate to bite his head off, the blood spurting out. You weren’t sure why he liked the taste of  brains. He chewed off the other guy’s head as well- dropping both of their lifeless bodies onto the floor. 
“HEY! Finish your food!”  You scolded.  You were trying to get Venom to be less wasteful. He only needed the brains, but you were teaching him to not be a picky eater, plus it helped in the long run since it didn’t leave much evidence. 
“You eat literal BRAINS, now clean up after yourself.” With a groan the symbiote finished off the criminals, the only thing left behind were blood splatters. “See that wasn’t too bad.” 
When the two of you were done feeding, you walked back to your home, still in Venom’s body. The night was surprisingly tame! Only a few cop cars here and there trying to run you over. Venom retracted back once you reached the safety of your home. As you crawled into your window you were stopped when you spotted a certain spider latched onto your building. 
“What are you doing here?” You called out. 
“I could ask you the same thing.” He crawled down to meet you. 
“I live here.” 
“Right- well I was just visiting.” He replied through the mask. 
“How do you know where I live?” God you couldn’t believe this guy had your address. 
“Followed you home yesterday.” He said casually as the rain drops slid off his suit and onto your forehead. “Can I come in?” He raised his brows which made his mask look interrogative. 
“STALKERRRRR.” Venom called out. “Yeah fine whatever just- be quiet ok?” Your parents were already suspicious enough of venom, you didn’t need to give them a reason to believe they were right about you sneaking boys in the room. 
Stepping backward you allowed Peter to climb his way into your room, his hands sticking to the ceiling as he crawled into the center. “So are you just going to stay up there?” 
“Yeah- don’t want to get too close in case you bite.” He commented playfully. 
“WE DO BITE.” Venom’s face covered yours as he licked his teeth. 
“Yeah see him- he’s the reason I’m up here.” He said cautiously. 
“Venom stop that. He’s our fri- classmate.”  Venom groaned, licking Peter’s masked face before retracting back into you. “DAMN YOU FOR PROHIBITING THIS DELICIOUS MIDNIGHT SNACK.” 
“You just ate.” You rolled your eyes. 
“Aww so we’re not friends? Cold (Y/n)- harsh, even after I helped you with chemistry.” He acted hurt, placing a hand on his chest, still sticking to the ceiling. 
“So why are you here?” You asked again, taking a towel off your door’s hangers, using it to pat yourself dry. 
Peter took his masks off, revealing his own wet hair. You envied how long his lashes were, plotting to rip them out in his sleep and attach them to your own. Even through you hated to admit it- Peter Parker looked fucking hot in his hero suit. The red and blue- webbed suit hugged him in all the right places. You only wished he’d turn around. “Can we talk?” 
“About?” You grew self conscious realizing you were still in that stupid outfit Venom had picked out for you. “Wait- I’m gonna change first.” You said. “Can you by chance like- wait outside orrr…” “AND YOU SAY I’M RUDE. (Y/N) IT’S RAINING! WE CAN’T LET OUR POOR GUEST GET SOAKED. WHAT IF HE CATCHES A COLD? HE WON’T TASTE AS GOOD THEN.” The alien protested. 
“Yeah no problem- I’ll wait outside.” Peter said, throwing a web out the window and catching himself with it. 
Taking a  breath of relief you let out a tiny fart, one you’ve been holding in the whole time. You then raided your dressers for some comfortable clothes, but not ones you were too attached with since you’d shower after Peter was gone. You landed on some basketball shorts and an oversized shirt. You then tidied up a bit, hoping he hadn’t seen all the dirty clothes sprawled around your room. Venom helped discard the trash that lingered, leaving your room presentable. 
“Alright, you can come in.” You whisper shouted to Peter, sticking your head out the window. 
At the sound of your voice the boy had already been pummling towards you, assuming you wouldn’t be standing directly in front of the window. He landed into you knocking the wind out of you. Venom lent a hand, catching you both before you could make a loud thud on the floor and wake your parents. He shook you around, hoping to help you catch your breath. 
“Oh my god (Y/n) I’m sorry!” He rushed to your side, his gloved hands taking hold of your arm as he tried to help. You didn’t say anything since you were wheezing. Just stuck your thumb out for him. 
“I thought you were out of the way- I would’ve just crawled in, I'm so sorry.” He continued to freak out.  
“FOOLISH BOY LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID TO MY DARLING!” Venom’s face was close to Peter's, his eyes angry. 
“I’m.. wheeze fine wheeze cough.” You protested. 
As you caught your breath Peter helped you to your bed where you took a seat. Waving your hand you signaled for him to start talking. His kind expression returned as he stood in front of you, unsure if he could sit. 
“Right well I thought we’d get to know each other.” He smiled, “You know, get well-acquainted. 
“HE’S SCARED YOU’RE GOING TO SPILL HIS SECRET. I CAN SMELL THE FEAR.” Venom let out a guttural noise, his figure once again sizing up Peter. 
Trusting his judgment you let out a groan. “Is that why you’ve been following me? I’m not gonna snitch on you Peter. I made a promise. Plus- you know my secret.” His expression fell, you could tell he was feeling a bit ashamed. 
“Sorry it’s just… this is the first time this has happened. I mean my own Aunt May doesn’t know about this.” He explained. 
“Yeah I get you,.. It’s hard trying to keep something so big a secret. How are you even managing?” He had to be tired if not annoyed. How could someone keep up a double life as Spider-man? Only a few weeks ago you saw him on the news get flung from the sky and crashing into a building. Days before that he was on fire as a result of a bank robbery gone destructive. 
His thin lips curved into a smile. You two sat in silence before he spoke up again. “By the way- I wanted to have a chat about your eating habits.” 
“Eating habits?” You rolled your eyes. “Look- I already told you. I don’t eat brains.” You paused. “Venom does.”  
He shot you a look. 
“He needs them to survive. I’m not gonna deprive an organism that makes me into a superior version of myself of food.” Shrugging off his remarks you turned to the other side. 
“(Y/n) I can’t have you going around killing innocent people. There’s already a number of people who think that Venom is Spiderman turned evil.” Peter decided to take a seat next to you but stood up when you looked at him weirdly. 
“First of all, they’re not innocent people ok? I made that very clear with Venom when we got into this relationship. Second of all, we are way cooler than you.” You scoffed. 
“Still. It’s unethical to kill people, that practically puts you in the rank with murders and the bad guys I help lock up.”  Ok, that struck a chord with you. 
Peter stepped back. It was so trippy to see his classmate get overrun by an Alien. He stood away, still not comfortable enough with venom to predict his unpredictability. His boots squeaked on the floor as he looked up at you.  
“YOU’RE FORTUNATE THAT MY PET HAS PUT YOU OFF LIMITS.” He continued, stepping closer to the boy who was breathing shallowly now. As Venom’s temperament came to a high, the door swung open. As fast as light- both Venom and Peter hid. Peter hiding in a corner that so happened to be shielded by your closet wall, Venom retracting into you, leaving you on the floor. 
“(Y/n)? What in the goddamned hell are you doing up?” Your mother asked, her tired face wrinkled with anger. 
“I was uh practicing lines for a play.” The lie you had gone with to distract your Parent’s from the fact that there was an Alien living inside of you was that you were in Drama- playing a character that so happened to use a monster voice. Peter stifled a laugh as he heard your voice go from Venom’s baritone to your soft one. 
“Do you see what time it is?” She began. 
“Do you see  what time it is (y/n)?” She raised an angry brow. 
“!1:30…” Reluctantly you responded, 
“Exactly go to- what the!” Her eyes landed on your open window. Your room smelled like rain. “Why the hell is the window open? You’re gonna get sick!” She grumbled as she went over to close it. 
Your asshole clenched as you prayed that she didn’t see Peter on your ceiling. Luckily for you he maneuvered his way across quietly, escaping from her field of vision, repeating the process when your mother turned back to leave your room. “You better be in bed by 12.” She warned. 
“But I still have to shower still.” 
“12! (y/n).” 
When the coast was clear Peter detached himself from the ceiling. 
“Well she’s pleasant.” He said putting his mask back on. He took her intrusion as a sign to leave, not wanting to risk you getting in trouble. “We can talk about morals and ethics another day.” He said as he opened your window to leave. 
“That’s it? You’re leaving?” 
He nodded. “Night (y/n), see you in chem tomorrow.” He jumped off, his webs shooting onto a building. 
With an annoyed expression you watched from your window. 
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