#pretty sure the body has at least a couple anyway
thewilddoghaunts · 1 year
Magick just called me "The epitome of Cluster A personality disorders" and honestly I am.not even mad, he hit that nail on the head
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monstersflashlight · 20 days
Hello! I love all of your stories. I binged them today lol your stories give me a ton of inspiration. I'd love to see your take on a minotaur x fem!reader in a college dorm shower room setting with the minotaur being in heat hehe. Or a vampire x fem!reader where the Vampire killed a mailman and delivers a "special package" in his place (reader ordered a sex toy? Maybe? Lol)
Hi! Sorry for the delay of this answer, adult life sucks real bad. I love both of your ideas, so I’m writing one now and the other one I save for a soon-ish future, hope you don’t mind me “stealing” it. So, hope you enjoy this and thanks for your kind words. It means a lot! <3
Special delivery
Vampire x fem!reader || sex toys, vampire compulsion, dub-con || tw: stalking, blood, murder
You are in the middle of cleaning the house when the doorbell rings. “One sec!” You ran to the door not worrying too much about your looks. It’s probably just the mailman. He’s an old dude who likes to look at your cat more than he likes to look at you, anyway. Which very valid, because your cat is a precious baby who deserves to be looked at.
But today it’s not your usual mailman. “Uh, hi? Where’s Ed?” You ask as you inevitably stare at the newcomer. He’s so fucking tall, build like a fucking mountain, too. You lament your choice of ratty shirt and ugly leggings as soon as you open the door. He’s fucking handsome, and you look like a rag. His hand is extended in your direction and a big box is being pushed into your hands.
“He won’t be able to make deliveries anytime soon.” The wording of that statement seems weird to you, but you don’t pay too much attention as you take the package. It’s probably just your new toy.
“How come?” You ask, not really caring but knowing it’s the polite thing to say.
“He’s… feeling a bit dry.” He chuckles at his own words and the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. A weird feeling creeping up your spine. You are about to close the door when he stops you. “Could you… Could you offer me a glass of water? I’m thirsty and forgot my bottle.” He explains. Your eyes met his, and you feel something inside of you twist and switch, like when a key unlocks a door. It’s the weirdest feeling you’ve ever experienced, but it fills you with a sense of calm so deep you feel high on it. Not even weed got you so tranquil and relaxed.
“Yeah, sure, come on in.” You say as he sighs and enters, smiling like a madman. You walk to the kitchen slowly, your extremities heavy. His heavy footsteps following close behind you, a bit too close. You think you hear him sniffing the air, but that couldn’t be. Everything smells like cleaning products, or at least you hope so.
“So what did you order?” He asks behind you. You realize the package is still in your hands.
“Oh, this. Just a new sex toy.” You answer, not really sure why you tell him the truth or why does he even care. But you feel compelled to tell him the truth. He chuckles at your answer and you think he says something along the lines of something has to fill that little human pussy, but you aren’t sure. You offer him a glass of water and he drinks it slowly, his eyes traveling down your body, your skin on fire. You start fanning yourself, too hot. What is happening to you?
“You are such a pretty human.” He tells you next, setting the glass down and approaching you. You stand there, frozen in place. His eyes are so deep, so compelling.
“Open the package, princess. Let’s see what you order to fill your precious cunt.” He tells you. You follow his instructions, showing him the bright purple tentacle dildo you ordered a couple days ago.
“Look at that… Someone has a pervy side. Do you want to fuck a monster, princess?” He asks, voice deep. He steps into your personal space, his chest pressed to yours. You crank your neck up to look at his eyes, breathing hard. He’s smiling, and there’s something about his smile that doesn’t feel right, but you can’t pinpoint what it is.
“What?” You ask, your brain spinning, completely confused. What did he say? What were you talking about? You feel dizzy, like your body is too hot and your skin is too tight.
“I’ve been observing you, princess. You always dance around when you clean. And you always wear almost nothing around your house. Your nipples are always visible under your clothes and it drives me insane.” He says as he takes your shirt off, exposing your bare tits to his hungry eyes. You should be scandalized to have a stranger staring at your tits, but you are just grateful for the cold air hitting your scolding skin. “I wanted to do this for so long.” He says as he launches at you and closes his hot mouth over your nipple, making you groan.
Your panties are instantly wet. You don’t know what’s happening to you, but his mouth feels so good. You grab a fistful of his hair and pull his head against your torso harder, making him chuckle and bite you lightly. You groan, arching your back, trying to get him even closer. “I need… I need…” You try to say, but your brain is empty, you can just feel his presence and your lust, your body completely out of control.
“I know, princess. I know.” He picks you up and sets you down on the counter, opening your legs wide as he rips your leggings and your panties, a big hole right over your pussy. The cold air feels great against your burning center. You whine. “I’m so thirsty… I need to drink. Would you let me, princess? Would you let me drink from you?” You look up at him, confused about what he’s asking, didn’t you give him water just a few moments ago? But then your brain snaps into place, and you register what is wrong with his face. His fangs are way too big, his eyes way too bright.
“What are you?” You ask, already knowing the answer.
“You know what I am, princess.” He whispers against your neck, his fangs pressing intensely against your jugular, not breaking the skin just yet.
“A vampire.” You whisper. A flash of Twilight crosses your mind, making you giggle as he looks at you expectantly. You move your neck to the side, giving him more space to suck on your neck. You don’t know why, but you want him to do it. To feed from you. “Bite me, please.” You beg.
He doesn’t wait any longer. He sinks his fangs into your neck and sucks hard. You didn’t know what you were expecting, but the sudden wave of pleasure wasn’t it. It crashes over you like a tidal wave and makes your pussy gush, forming a pool of juices under your ass. His fingers find your clit next, rubbing it as if he could read your thoughts. You move your hips against his hand, as he keeps pulling the blood out of you.
And then, there’s something pressing inside of you. You can’t look down to see what it its, but when it starts to breach into you, you realize it’s textured. He grabbed your new dildo and he’s going to fuck you with it as he drinks off you. Good lord, you shouldn’t be getting hot, you should be scared and frightened, but you are so horny you want to climb him like a tree. You need to cum like you need air.
“More, please.” You plead. And he gives it to you. He starts a punishing pace fucking you with the dildo. Your pussy so wet it makes filthy sounds against your gaping hole. He keeps fucking the dildo into you as you rapidly ascend into what feels like a storm building inside of you. And then it hits. The biggest orgasm you’ve ever felt crashes over you and makes you black out for a second, just to come back and still be coming. The pleasure is so big you trash against his arms, he holds you tighter, sucking more blood. The sensations are too much, too raw, and you love it.
You don’t feel when he retracts his fangs from your neck, but his tongue is hot and wet against the punctures and the dildo in your pussy is rapidly replaced by a very hard dick. He pushes into you in one hard thrust, grabbing your hips and manhandling you until you are suspended in the air. His arms are your only supports as he fucks your body onto his dick, hard and fast, forcing screams out of you every time he hits your G-spot. You feel weightless, wave after wave of pleasure hitting your body and leaving you limp against his hold.
You come again around his dick, taking him with you. The feel of his seed inside of you makes your insides twist with a new wave of arousal. You grab his hair and kiss him roughly, tasting your blood on his lips. He keeps fucking you until you’ve come so many times you can’t count, and when he gets his second orgasm, he fucks his cum right into you again, overflowing your used hole.
You are exhausted, almost falling asleep against him when he says: “Well, now I don’t feel that bad about killing your mailman.” He chuckles against your hair, kissing your head tenderly, his dick still nested deep inside of you.
“You what?!”
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oceantornadoo · 3 months
Simon, staging the break in and what not so he could push you back into his arms??? INSANE!
Delicious story. Thank you for the food! <3
so originally when i made that last fic (which unexpectedly blew up tysm everyone) i added in the creepy elements almost on accident?? but this and another reply has me thinking...
tw: slight humiliation (but you'll like it)=
simon riley wasn't a bad man. he also wasn't a bad husband. at least that's what he told himself.
when you had presented him with those divorce papers a bit ago (13 months and 4 days, but who was counting), he thought it was a bluff. a joke. he had gone too far in your last argument, and that was your reaction. when he told you he'd go to therapy, you stared at him with a look he'd only see on men in the battlefield. dead all the way through, a walking husk. so he signed them and went to therapy anyways.
the whole time, this whole 13-month break, where you had been 'building a new life' or whatever, he had been planning. internalizing the commentary his therapist would make, and then spitting it back out to you while you moved out of his place. every time you seemed to forget one extra box, and who's to say if he hid a couple in his room? he had a plan.
over time, simon really seemed to have learned so much from therapy. so much about communication. he had become open and welcoming, far from that man who would respond to your complaints with hard stares and a lack of words. so maybe you met for coffee a couple of times and that's how he knew about the cafe by your new place. maybe that's how he tailed you one night after a date, just to make sure this new guy didn't try anything (and not to figure out your unit number). whatever he did, he played a dangerous game by letting you have this illusion of freedom while balancing his presence in your life, just enough to make you want more. after weeks and week of stagnant progress, he needed one extra push. something small, not even a shove.
and if he happened to mention your unit number to a bunch of shady guys that hung out in the alley by your building? happened to brag about your pretty pussy and sweet-smelling panties? maybe mention your habit of not locking the window when you left for work? who's to say. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
and now here you were, back in his arms where you belonged. a little frightened but comforted in the knowledge that he could protect you. the ghost wasn't shed when he took his mask off, but you didn't need to know that.
your body was so used to being in simon's arms you didn't even realize you had been grinding on him for the past ten minutes. his boxers you wore were sticky with arousal as you grinded against his clothed cock in the dark. even in your dream, it was simon underneath you, no one else. "si." you panted, a near-whisper that only a military man could have heard. "dove?" he adjusted your sleeping positions, tossing the covers to give you more room to maneuver against him.
"i know i said that thing about the line not being crossed." he gave you a low chuckle. silly little girl. you had finally realized how much you needed him and he was going to milk you for all you were worth. "and?" you stopped. shit. he needed to seem more responsive. he moved you from his thigh to his boner using one arm, the other one snaking its way under your shirt to stroke your back. you moaned as he massaged the tension from the day's earlier events away, giving you sweet relief. the sweetness of the massage made a hard contrast to the friction in your core as he rubbed you against his hardened cock.
"spit it out, baby." he growled. "can you-fuck." his hand had moved to the back of your neck now, holding it in a tight grip. his hand was so large he could feel the pulse points on either side of your jaw, heart racing. finally. "can you get me off? just this once?" he snorted, moving you up and down against him faster, dragging your sensitive clit over and over. "what's the magic word?" he flipped you both around, pressing his body weight on top of you.
simon turned the light on, wanting to see how needy you were. you were panting, shirt sticky with sweat as your chest moved up and down with exertion. he hiked up your shirt and took off your boxers, exposing your sticky cunt to the cool air. he took a sniff of the fabric, noting your small gasp as if you didn't know how obsessed he was with you already. "magic word." your mouth dropped. guess you weren't getting off that easily. "please, simon." he clucked his tongue at that. "ghost?" he left out a short laugh, arms reaching out to tug his shirt off of you. your nipples were so hard, aching to be pinched and sucked just how you liked them. "not ghost." he reached over to his nightstand, pulling something out of the drawer. he fumbled with his hand for a second, then held yours up to the light as he slipped something on it.
"husband." the words left your mouth in a whoosh, eyes transfixed on your wedding ring that was on your hand. the one you had flung at him after he complained about the divorce papers, the one you said you'd rather die than wear again. and here it was, right back on your finger, sparkling in the lamplight.
simon captured your mouth in a rough kiss, entering you with his ring and middle finger at the same time. "so willing for your husband, hm? all puffy and wet. look at your cunt, darling." you both looked down at your pussy at the same time. it was squelching, your vibrator sessions not holding a candle to what your ex husband could do to you. you were almost embarrassed by how desperate your pussy looked, clit enlarged from its earlier friction. his fingers worked in and out of you, wedding ring covered in slick. you watched as he pressed his thumb to your clit in small circles, a tightening sensation in your lower belly rising to the surface. "simon, si-fuck" he gave your pussy a small slap, pulling his fingers out as you addressed him incorrectly. "husband, please." he entered you again roughly, drawing a low moan from you. he captured your nipple in his mouth, teething it just enough to make you hurt. punishment.
"please please please i'm right ther-" he pressed hard against your clit and sent you careening off the edge into your orgasm, back bowing off the bed. simon gave you small love bites as you recovered, hand still working your cunt to draw out your orgasm.
finally, he removed his fingers and drew back from you, forcing eye contact. he put both in his mouth, moaning at the taste of your arousal mixed with the metal from the wedding band. your jaw was still open, looking at him like you had never seen him before. like the sheep's skin had finally been removed, and now only the wolf remained.
"let's get you to bed, wife."
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w.count: 2k - wanderer finally got his name and he feels like he's gotta tell someone... (bet yall never saw this comin)
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there was a humming in his head. and it felt heavy. like he had been dunked in a bin of well water and had only just resurfaced. regaining a whole past life of memories on top of immediately being thrown into combat with the past life god version of yourself... it certain had a kick to it. that kick being the biggest headache the nameless wanderer has ever experienced... past or present.
the wanderer had only just recovered all his past memories through simulations provided graciously by the dendro archon. trying to separate the dull, mindlessly kind life he had been living in this lifetime from the one he had just remembered where he was anything but? the whiplash was enough to make anyone second guess pretty much everything.
in the background of his emotional recollection the nameless mechanical puppet could hear the traveler and paimon talk back and forth with the small buer herself. just because he could hear them though, didn't mean he was listening.
wanderer's back turned away from them for a moment and his hand lifts up to pinch between his eyes, palm resting on the tip of his nose as he swallows back a sigh. they were talking about him following nahida's guidance, and he had no qualms with it, really. he just felt overwhelmed... not that he could say so aloud.
the trio continued talking and soon decided to grant him a new name. if it didn't have any connection to that insufferable man who was the root cause of all his suffering to begin with he didn't have a preference anyway-
"are you sure?" the nameless doll asked the blond traveler who had just spoken the new name he would eventually be using. "...ah, alright, if you say so."
-at least... he thought he had no preference.
wanderer had no issue with the name itself. it was given to him by someone who- foolishly- help him regain his memories and set him straighter. a debt he would have to eventually repay somehow since even he was capable of being grateful to someone. but, the way it sounded coming out of the traveler's mouth felt... wrong. like they weren't the right person to say it first; which made absolutely no sense as they're the one who came up with it in the first place. paimon had also not yet come up with an 'ugly nickname', but that wasn't his problem to begin with.
there was this digging in the back of his mind, like he had some other place to be. his legs were itching to move, feet ready to take him out of the sanctuary of surasthana. so, without much resistance, he listened to the silent cries of his mechanical body.
"goodbye, wise deity, and you two."
even if his jumbled up mind didn't process where his body was taking him, he trusted it to take him where he thought he ought to be. besides, with his new vision in hand even if he walked into some place dangerous to the common person- he could handle it.
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its crazy that just this morning he was walking through these same streets of sumeru city as virtually a whole different person. the mild-mannered boy who would return the smallest favors just to keep himself occupied. now he was different, but not the same as the 'him' who's memories he had regained. a combination of the two, just messy and unbalanced right now.
the sun was setting and casting the city in shadows and orange hues. mindlessly, wanderer had meandered down and out of the city gates. walking and casting glances to and fro before a small hut had entered his peripherals. his auto-piloted body stopped just short of a full step before kicking up speed. his easy gait turned rushed and before he knew it, he was jogging to the hut.
it was a tea hut. just a small one. a couple bench tables out front, a small chimey in the roof and what seemed like hardly enough room inside for five people and a stove to fit comfortably. still, the smell of boiled tea leaves hung in the air like invisible ribbons. just standing in front of the closed-up shop filled him with familiarity.
the memories that had been muddled started to separate into clearer views the longer he stood in the dirt just looking around at the lackluster area.
wanderer's shoulders jumped when the door that had been closed to the tea hut creaked open. a body carrying a small wicker basket with a cloth over it had pushed it open with their back, rolling it onto their shoulder before stepping out and letting it swing shut at their back.
"ah!" they- you- jolt. the sun was setting and normally people don't fancy a cup of tea at late hours where your little humble hut stood, so seeing the feet of someone in front of the building spooked you. the wicker basket had dropped to the dirt, causing small plumes of dust to breathe over your ankles. "you scared me- oh!" the stranger in which had scared you, was no stranger to you at all. "i didn't think i'd be seeing you again so soon."
"yeah..." the wanderer's voice was practically a whisper only carried by the wind. he knew you- the previous mild-mannered boy did anyway.
among his wandering, he had happened upon your hut and with nothing better to do had ordered tea from you. you were a chatter box. easily conversing and holding all sort of topics of discussion with your customers- as few as they may be.
he couldn't remember if it was because of your tea that was somehow exactly to his liking or if it was because, back then, he enjoyed the company, but he did remember frequently returning to this tea hut.
he had come several times and as embarrassing as it was to admit, he had built a sort of bond with you. to the point where he had explained to you that he had no name and always felt like he was missing something in his life. of course he didn't disclose everything there is to him, but just enough to ease the weight in his chest just ever so slightly.
'maybe you lost your memory or something? i've heard lesser lord kusanali can do all sorts of things, so maybe she could help!'
you had pitched that to him one time. probably just to try and cheer him up or something. who knew that you'd end up being right on the mark.
"is something the matter?" you had disregarded the basket at your feet- it was empty anyway- and came a bit closer to the nameless boy.
"no, it's nothing." he told you. something in his tone immediately gave him away. it wasn't the soft tone you had grown used to. it sounded choked, like he was trying to act. you think for a moment before twisting halfway around back towards the hut's door.
"you stay put here," you tell him. his gaze moves to finally look you in the eyes and his own twitch and burn when they connect. he's always hated eye contact, but yours felt so comfortable. "i'll go and make a cup of tea for you. since you like it black, it won't take long."
the feeling that drops into his gut when your eyes break away from his and you back stares to his gaze instead was akin to a type of panic.
"hold on-!" his voice was quiet, clogged in his throat and he felt pretty pathetic when it left his lips. his body again moves all on its own and before he could reel himself in, his hands grab onto you.
with your back to him, his hands grasp both of your biceps and keeps you in place like a shield between him and the rigidity ol' hut. you could feel the tips of his sandals at the back of your heels and the presence of his body behind you signaling how close he really was. his forehead rests on the back of your neck, just under the dip of your skull. the tip of his nose tickles your neck when your shoulders raise with each intake of breath.
"uhm," you have no idea what's gotten into him or why he's acting so strange, but it's not like you really had time to ask before he was spilling his guts.
"i got my memories back." he sounded so solemn, as he feels your shoulder's jolt.
"really?!" your voice was loud as it echoed in the empty space around. it sounded excited, curious too. "I bet that's a loud off your shoulders, huh?" you light heartedly say.
"in a way." he couldn't admit his past wrongs to you- even if all of that was in a whole other timeline. he still did so many awful things and he wouldn't deny it. "i might act differently towards you now that i know... who i am."
"that's alright, isn't it?" against the crown of his bowed head that made a home against your neck, he feels your head tilt back. your arms shifted too, like they had moved to cup your chin. he could picture it perfectly in his head when he closes his eyes.
"its complicated."
"well, that's alright too."
"is it?" his jaw clenches as your arms go lax again.
"can i turn around?"
"not yet."
"why not?"
"because i said so." his eyebrow twitches.
"oh, so you're demanding now?" you tease.
"that a problem?" he teases back, a chuckle brushing your neck as he does. he knows what you're doing and he's thankful for it. the banter is relaxing.
"not at all."
it's a while before he's finally dropping his hands from your arms, and letting you turn around. your hands on your hips as you look at him in the face again. he's calmed down, feels tired, and a little embarrassed at how his body impulsively moved in such a mushy, romantic-coded way. if he had a gag reflex, he probably would've gagged at such a cliche action of his own limbs.
"so, do you still like your tea black?"
wanderer's arms came to cross over his chest, his stern face relaxing into what was probably a bit more of a harsh tone than you were used to in the past. you didn't say it out loud, but this version of him would take some getting used to.
"of course i do. sweets are sickening." you burst out into laughter at his words and the disgusted tone accompanying them. in the past he would've politely stated that they 'weren't to his liking' or something. not outright rejected the idea of sweets.
"that's good. i was worried i'd have to relearn your usual cup of tea." you pop your fist into your opposing hand before your changing the subject away from tea preferences. "oh yeah! since you remember things, do you remember your name?"
"i've had several," he states curtly. "none of them i use anymore." he watched your face twist in confusion before falling into something like disappointment. were you really that excited to finally get to put a name to his face? he sighs. "a... friend," he grits, "technically gave me a new one. since i have nothing else to go by right now, i'll probably be using that for the time being." your eyes relit in excitement. he feels his insides get hot.
"that's great! what is it? i want to know!" you were pushy and he scoffs amusedly at it. the traveler's voice echoed in his memory, his new name bouncing around in his mind. then it all made sense with you in front of him.
reaching up, he pulled on your cheek. you squawk and whine as he stretches the soft flesh, pinching it between his fingertips. no wonder it sounded wrong coming out of that meddler's mouth. it's because it wasn't you and his subconscious knew it before he did. gross, he hisses to himself internally again.
"i'm only going to tell you once, so you better pay attention." the not-so-nameless boy released your cheek, watching bemusedly as you rubbed the sore piece of your face. his stance shifts, relaxes with his arms crossing comfortably over his chest. and with direct eye contact and an easy, yet almost smug smile on his face, he told you...
"my name is..."
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a/n: okay this is kinda sorta really messy and i apologize for that
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donutz · 3 months
Yandere Smiling Critters x male child reader[pt. 2]
Requests from Tumblr and Wattpad—!, but not really
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(Minus the fact I didn't include you being turned)
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—☆You are a human in this
Sadly, you couldn’t stay here forever.
You are home now. Adopted. You did spend your time at Playcare for a couple of years though, everybody knew you, everybody in Playcare that is. The critters and kids knew you, the staff knew you, Miss Delight knew you.
So you had a mark on the place when it was time for you to leave. To get your own house. You were happy to get a home, but sad you had to leave your friends behind.
Maybe you could revisit this place again. Come back. But you couldn’t.
Something happened.
You don’t know what happened that day, but you guess it was something pretty bad. It caused the whole company to shut down. You no longer saw any commercials of the toys.
Rumors were spread around, maybe somebody died, maybe a toy hurt somebody, maybe.. Maybe an experiment happened.
Anyways. There was a letter. A letter in the mail, something that related to your old home. Find the flower?
Sure. Why not, you were seventeen, you can handle yourself.
Which is something you shouldn’t have ever thought, after what you’ve been through.
It’s been scary. You haven’t died yet, but death has wanted to shake your hand a few times.
You almost bumped your head on a metal pipe while passing through a dark hallway, nearly broke your leg because you wanted to jump off a platform, wanting things to go by faster.
You’ve been chased through vents, and ended up at a dead end. You didn’t know what to do. You almost got shredded. But, were spared.
“.. Huggy?” He stared at you, maybe he recognizes you, even after all these years.
He didn’t kill you. He let you down on the second level of the metal stairways with his arm, and went back to where he originally was.
Then you were solving puzzles, with a particular doll following after you.
But the doll got snatched up, by a spider. Mommy Long Legs. She did remember you, you were the one who wasn’t so good at the games..(for the sake of your life in this story)
But she thought you left her to die, so she still forced you to play the three games. The first game has Bunzo! He was hesitant to kill you, you were the kindest kid to him when you lived here.
And for the first time, you actually beat the game! He was so proud of you! He wasn’t proud of his unfortunate fate in the future, but at least he didn’t need to kill you.
Then the small Huggies. They also remembered you, so they were sparing you. You also beat that game! They were happy, letting out tiny purrs at your success.
Then Pj— Wait. Since when were you so good at these games? The last I checked, you failed every single one of them! Fine. I’ll just sabotage the game for you, to make sure you never leave.
You could see Pj coming out of his pug-a-pillar hole, and you were sweating a little. Hopefully he remembered you too.
He did, once he saw you he stopped in his crawling tracks, taking a pause. He missed your younger adorable face when he gave you a small bump on your back, signifying that the ‘game’ was over.
But he unpaused at the start of the music playing.
You escaped. Out of there. That’s fine. I could just chase you myself
Three chases. You got chased THREE times. How desperate was she to kill you?!
You were putting the blue hand on the scanner, when you heard Mommy’s quick steps towards you.
You looked behind you— Eyes widening from her abrupt appearance. For the fourth time.
The door opened! And.. Mommy got killed, by you, by your hands.
A hand crept out from the thin crevice of a metal door. It took Mommy’s left over body, to wherever. You didn’t know what it was. Where it took her. But thanked god(or not, depends on your thoughts) at the fact that you weren’t Mommy at this moment.
Now you are somewhere. The train crashed, and you could feel the back of your shirt being picked up. You were sliding down a pipe, into somewhere.
You don’t know where it was, but you needed to get out, fast.
Doing some parkour, you looked around, and saw a long tail(plus paws) crawling up inside a vent.
“... Catnap?”
You went through some doors, and ended up seeing where the crashed train was. Going somewhere, you could see the recognizable entrance you went to at age 5. The way to Playcare.
You could hear the sounds of steps. Hurrying up you went inside the much smaller train compared to the one you were originally in.
“My name is Elliot Ludwig.”
Hm. Those words you could remember.
“When you look around at the world today,” You repeated after him.
“what one thing do you think it needs more of?”
Even at seventeen years, you were still mesmerized by what was shown.
You looked down, and could see 3— no. Five creatures walking or crawling around, resembling the Smiling Critters.
Some of the critters could hear Elliot’s voice continue about Playcare, eyeing the moving train.
They saw your shadowed figure. Not knowing who you were. But a light is shown on your face.
Bubba, Dogday, Kickin, Hoppy, and Bobby saw your face. You’re back?
No. They must be seeing things. You were gone. Away from them.
But Dogday could recognize those eyes. Your skin, your curiosity, your hair(if your hair changed colors, or texture after growing up, then.. Yea, he still remembered you).
“Angel?” (Even if you didn’t really save him, he’s going to call you Angel. Because I needed a nickname for you. Y’know, because I can’t list every single name of the people who’re reading this?)
The other critters heard his whisper. … Maybe it was you.
The train stopped. But you were kind of scared, were they like Huggy or Mommy? Were they going to chase you down?
“Ah shit.”
‘Language.’ Dogday thought, dogs have good hearing y’know!
You were trying to find a way for two possible outcomes of being down here.
A) Try to make the train go back if the critters try to kill you
B) Somehow reminisce in meeting your old friends
B sounded a lot more better than A.
And.. B did happen!
The 5 critters went over to the train, while you were standing there. Waiting for whatever will happen to you.
Dogday crawled over to you, it was you! Your scent!
He gave you the biggest hug while his tail wagged(really fast, it’s kind of crazy).
He was still fluffy even after these 10 years.
“Angel I missed you so much—!”
You were trying to hug him back, but a little too scared because of the critters staring into your soul.
Dogday noticed their silence and spoke up—
“Guys! This is Angel!! You don’t recognize him??”
“I was thinking that it was him but I wasn’t sure…”
You were escorted out of the train, and were greeted by a bunch of animals pawing at you.
You couldn’t get a word in!
Picky, Crafty and Catnap came over, hearing all of the excited animal noises.
Now you were crowded by a bunch of animals. You were so tiny compared to them, so they had to be gentle.
So much noises were going on that even the smaller critters came over to see the commotion.
You were back home!
Now you can’t leave.
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oddlykilledghosts · 2 years
Someone That Actually Likes Me - Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Working at Family Video and constantly being a witness to Steve’s neverending flirting, reminds you of how much you want to be liked by someone and like them back. It just so happens, at the same time, Dustin is up for some meddling between two of his elder friends.
I may or may not be thinking of making a part two?? depending on how this goes?? who knows?? no it should have a part two
Word Count: 4.2k
Pairings: Eddie Munson x reader, FamilyVideo!reader
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The day was starting to become boring. There didn’t really need to be three workers at Hawkin’s local Family Video (even on a Saturday), but you had come into work anyway and pulled yourself together enough for the first couple hours. You tried looking your best, fixing your hair and putting on some fun makeup, as well as applying some electric blue eyeliner and smiling at yourself in your mirror when you topped it off with bubblegum pink lip gloss. You might not have been the preppiest person, but you sure loved the colorful makeup the 80s had brought on the masses. Hopefully it was at least enough for your flirting to be successful in getting customers to rent more movies. Unfortunately however, one of the only customers that the store had had all morning was Dustin, looking for another copy of Neverending Story (something about his girlfriend, Suzie, that you didn’t bother asking about further) and he had not even bothered to ask about your day (something about a pressing D&D campaign that was happening that very night). The other, a girl Steve was chatting up about what you were pretty sure was Pretty in Pink, even though you had never so much heard him mention ever even seeing that movie before. You rolled your eyes at the sight of the two; Steve, leaning up against the wall his body tilted toward the girl, and the girl not even the slightest bit self-conscious in the way she placed her hand on Steve’s bicep and laughed at something you were sure wasn’t that funny.
You felt a shoulder brush yours, and suddenly Robin was at your side seemingly done with rewinding the old tapes. “You’re sulking.” She said plainly, but even without looking you could tell she had a smug smile on her face. You and Robin had become fast friends. Faster, because you both loved to make fun of Steve. 
Sighing, you shrugged and said, “Maybe. Is it so wrong?” When Robin didn’t respond you resorted to turning your body away from the couple so that you could look at your friend and you found her giving you a disappointed look. Yet the smug smile hadn’t vanished. “What’s so bad about wanting someone to like me enough to pretend to like Pretty in Pink?” You definitely were sulking. Steve flirted with almost every girl that came into the store, it couldn’t possibly be that deep. But again, no one had quite been desperate enough to be an expert on a movie they’ve never seen for you. It had been awhile since you had felt seen by someone worthwhile. Flirting with customers felt hollow, however much it may have helped your job. 
Robin laughed and headed towards the computer to report the intake of tapes she had just finished with, typing fast on the keyboard. “I think it’s wrong when you’re longing for someone to pick you up with a Steve Harrington move.” She paused, feigning thought and continued, “But maybe it isn’t wrong. Maybe it’s just sad.”
“That hurts Robin.” You pointed to your heart and faked a pout, “Right here.”
Steve and the girl, who you assumed was now going to rent Pretty in Pink as it was held in her perfectly manicured hands, were now making their way over to the register. This meant you and Robin had to make busy and not totally fail at watching the couple out of the corner of your eyes. The girl couldn’t stop giggling. You almost scowled, but held back your facial features. It wasn’t embarrassing for her, you couldn’t care less whether she giggled for the rest of her life just because of this small encounter with Steve, but it still felt maddening to listen to someone else be so happy when you just felt bleh. Finally, before leaving the girl wrote down her number on Steve’s hand. Which would only be unfortunate for the boy if he found another girl to flirt with later in the day. The good thing for him was that you were close to closing and he could go home, wash his hand and be able to start anew the next day. Woefully, you would be there to watch.
You watched painfully out of the corner of your eye as Steve skillfully aced what boring small talk came out of the girl’s mouth as he checked out her rental. Gag. When the girl finally left, Steve’s demeanor changed and he was back to his regular self. Still handsome and charming, just putting on less of a show.
Robin beat you to speaking first by saying quickly, in a hushed chuckle, “Y/N wants you to flirt with her.”
Steve’s gaze immediately fell onto you, cocking his head in what was obvious confusion. And yet a smile tugged at his lips, “Is that so?”
The heat in your cheeks burned furiously and while you knew Robin was joking, you felt the undeniable urge to duck your head under the counter and stay there until everyone left. “No. That is not what I said. I merely want to be flirted with. By someone,” You shoved past Steve and picked up a pile of tapes that needed to be reshelved, “That actually likes me.” This time you really did duck behind the shelves, putting back the tapes where they belonged, thankful for the cover and blissful in not seeing Steve’s reaction to what you had said.
Steve’s voice followed you into the racks of movies, “Who says I don’t like you?” You hadn’t realized he was now standing at the end of the aisle you were in and bumped into his chest on your way to exit, dropping the remainder of the tapes that had been in your arms. Sometimes, you wished you had Steve’s effortlessness he used while flirting. You would definitely run into people a lot less. 
The two of you then simultaneously leaned down and began to pick up the movies when the bell to the door rang.
A new customer.
“Hello?” A new voice rang out. “Anybody here?” Apparently, Robin had been quick to hide in the back of the store and pretend to be busy while you and Steve worked with the small amount of foot traffic that made its way into the store. She often did this when she decided she deserved a break, and for all it was worth, she dealt with you and Steve almost every day so you’d say it was pretty well-earned. Footsteps sounded on the linoleum floors. “Helloooo?” This time the voice held onto the word in a singsong tune until it petered out softly into the store. The guy's voice sounded playful and amused as if this (aka a Family Video in Hawkins, Indiana) was all such fun.
Still busy with the tapes, Steve didn’t react to the newcomer and instead whispered a soft, “I got this.” to you before shooing you away in hopes that you would be able to deal with the customer. If the stranger to the store had been a murderer, you would’ve had to fend for yourself. Well, of course you had Robin but it was obvious you would die first in such close proximity. But clearly, when you stood up and found the long mess of wavy hair staring at you from the top of the shelf you were behind, that was not the case. He was smiling satisfyingly and his brown eyes gleamed from behind the rack of tapes when you popped up from the floor. 
“Hello.” He said pleasantly.
As you walked out from behind the stack, the customer followed. And when you finally reached the other end closer to the register and the door, it gave you both the chance to view each other fully. Your eyes went immediately to his shirt, and it triggered some sense of deja vu that settled in the atmosphere. The devil logo sneered playfully back at you as you stared at the guy’s chest. Unlike your unwavering gaze on his torso, his eyes, unbeknownst to you, hadn’t left your face. “You must be Y/N. Didn’t think you could be prettier up close.” When you looked back up, he gave you a smile that reminded you of the Cheshire Cat. Playful, but somehow devious. A new feeling shook through your body, ending up in your cheeks which were now charmingly warm. 
Your hands went instinctively to your face, where the new warmth was homed, in an act of sudden shyness and you smiled softly, “And you must be…?” Then you knew where the shirt had popped up in your memories. Of course. Dustin wore one just like it constantly. You looked further in your mind as Lucas and Mike also popped up in your head wearing it on certain school days. Days that always came with some obligation on their end. Then it struck you. D&D. Which meant that this was…
“Eddie.” He said with another overconfident smile. He didn’t hold his hand out to shake or anything, but was pleased when you kept your own grin. Of course you remembered him from school, even though his hair was a lot shorter in your recollections. He was your age too, although he still hadn’t graduated (unlike you and Steve who had done so the year before). Truly, you should have recognized him sooner. It wasn’t like Dustin constantly talked about him as if he were some mythical creature to be worshiped. That was totally not the case. 
“Right,” You said sincerely as you shook your head and led him to the large counter in the center of the room. As if by magnets, your eyes kept trailing to his leather jacket. Had you ever noticed how attractive leather jackets were before? You’re sure you had, just not in such close observation. Quietly you chuckled to yourself as you continued, “I should’ve known too. The shirt says it all. Dustin’s a part of your campaign, right?” 
Eddie’s performance of a smile shifted into more of a genuine beam as you got another thing right. The first was your unwavering smile, people’s expressions usually didn’t hold steady with him. Yet because he was still a little surprised you knew what a campaign was, he didn’t answer your question. People usually skipped over the D&D terms and just called it a club as it said so on the shirt, but it was nicer when people paid attention to the details. Especially about something most people in Hawkins considered so nerdy. Something people would usually turn their heads at when they found out it was led by a freak like him. You were trying, though it was obvious you didn’t know much on the subject. And that itself was different. 
There was a beat of silence between the two of you as Steve, at long last, popped up, seemingly having finished picking up the remainder of the fallen tapes. He made a load of noise as he struggled to get up and his sneakers squeaked awkwardly on the floor. Then, as if to further his inopportune entrance, the boy looked suspiciously between the two of you, trying to send you a secret look that asked if you wanted him to take over as Eddie’s guide to Family Video. You didn’t miss the message Steve was trying ‘ever so subtly’ to send you, but you ignored it. Dustin’s opinion mattered some, and you wanted to learn a bit why he looked up to the boy in front of you so much. Eddie was definitely different from most of the crowd you rolled with (though you could see Robin losing her mind over a nice leather jacket) and in this case, different was refreshing.
Taking things into his own hands, Steve walked over to your side of the register and leaned against the counter slyly. You noticed, amusingly, a piece of hair had fallen in front of his eyes and he was trying not to jump up and fix it. “Did you need any help finding anything?” His head was directed at Eddie, but his eyes stayed on you. 
“And here I thought, Y/N was being ever so helpful.” Eddie mocked Steve, an innocent look on his face. You thought back to high school…they didn’t have anything against each other, did they? Sure, there was that rivalry that Steve had fully concocted on his own because he was jealous that Dustin had another older boy to look up to. But other than that it seemed as if the boys had barely interacted. Then again, not everyone had gotten over “King Steve” as easily as you and Robin had. No one had seen just how nerdy and awkward (and sure, you could say endearing) as Steve Harrington really was on his off days of being a former high school douchebag. 
“Well,” You said as you flattened the creases in your work pants. “I was about to be.” This time you turned your head to Steve who was now a breath away, “I don’t think that Eddie will want your expertise on Pretty In Pink anyway, Harrington. I’m sure Robin needs help in the back.” 
Steve squinted at you while you saw Eddie hold back a small laugh. He, at least, thought your comment was amusing. “I don’t think-” And there were those brown, puppy dog eyes. Save them for the next girl, Harrington, you thought to yourself.
“No, I’m very sure that Robin needed help. It’s a mess back there.” You pushed Steve back out from the counter and towards the back room where Robin was most definitely not busy. “It’s one customer Steve, take your break.” With him sulking, you had to push him all the way into the back of the store, where you did happen to catch a glimpse of Robin watching Teen Wolf (just as Micheal J. Fox turned hairy) on one of the old TVs they kept back there. 
When you got back to the register, Eddie had made himself a little more at home. He was leaning against the counter, albeit the opposite side from you, and was playing with some of the rings on his fingers. You tried not to stare at his hands and the intricacies of his jewelry, wondering quietly where he got them all. And yet he had not made a move towards any of the movies in the store. The best thing about Family Video was the browsing, in your opinion. Sure, you had limited choices. It was only one store. But being able to actually have the options in your hand, and sift through favorites and classics was one of the reasons you liked working there. It was a tangible way to like films. And still, Eddie had not moved from the spot you had left him. Usually, no matter how helpful you seemed to think you could be, the minute you stepped away customers went with their bad selves in the store. Most of them thought they knew more than you. Which was rarely true.
Eddie almost looked uninterested, and a little nervous. But it was such a stark contradiction to how you had just perceived him that you questioned your own perceptions of things and moved on.
“So,” You started looking at Eddie and placing your hands on the counter in front of you. “What are you looking for?”
“War Games.” Then, after a beat, “The one with the computer. Want to play a game?” He said in a robotic cadence, copying Joshua’s voice. You ignored the fact that in the actual movie, it says ‘shall we play a game?’.
“Yup, I know the one.” You mused. Truly, you had seen most of the movies the store offered. Keith, the manager, made it practically part of the job. ”With Matthew Broderick, right?” You motioned for the boy to follow as you began making your way to the section of the store that you knew the tape would be in. “I really enjoyed that one. Sure, it’s fiction, but it shows just how far technology can go.” You weren’t sure why you were rambling, but Eddie just followed nonchalantly behind you, his hands stuck in his pockets as if he were a little kid with sticky fingers.
When you reached the section you grabbed the tape and turned back around to be met inches away from the D&D player’s face, almost knocking heads. He backed away first, suddenly shy. Then when he spoke, he backed away another step as if one wasn’t enough. You didn’t notice, however, that as he talked his body subconsciously tilted towards you. If you had noticed, it would’ve reminded you a lot of how Steve and the girl from earlier looked.  “It’s actually for Dustin, I owed him a favor.” Then with a more sarcastic spirit, “As if I don’t have things to do. Said he meant to get it and the only other time he could come back was during our session so…”
“As the leader, don’t you have minions for that? And isn’t Dustin one of them?” You laughed lightly, still waiting for Eddie to take the tape from your hands. 
“Yeah but Dustin’s-” He didn’t mention how much he liked it that you knew, at least in some capacity, that he was the dungeon master. 
“Special.” You finished, nodding with the secret knowledge you, and only a select few had of Dustin Henderson. “Yeah, I know. But wasn’t Dustin already here today? He could’ve picked it up then.” The tape remained in your hands as you talked, with no movement from Eddie indicating that he was going to take it any time soon. 
Eddie’s dark eyebrows knit together, harboring a soft annoyance there, although it didn’t spread to the rest of his face. Then like a light turning on, so slowly, “I think Dustin is trying to set me up.”
You smiled, especially since you knew Dustin would scheme to do just that. He meddles too much. “In what way?”
Eddie’s voice was low this time, all of his former confidence gone, scrubbing the surface of a softer interior, “With…you.” If it had been winter, you could’ve sworn that you would’ve been able to see one clear breath exit your lips at his words; as if all the air in your lungs had decided to vacate at once. Yes, it made sense to you that Dustin would try to set up his friends. But it didn’t make sense why Eddie came to that singular conclusion so quickly. And yet, you’d heard so much of Eddie over the past two weeks. Had you really tuned out Dustin that much? That the constant compliments weren’t just brags? That they could’ve been for your benefit. They surely weren’t for Steve’s. 
Then, as if in an instant, it all turned back on and Eddie straightened his back, “Well, this has been nice. But I actually have some unsavory activities to get to and I’m sure-”
Without thinking, you grabbed his arm stopping him from leaving the aisle of movies you were in. He protested for a second, stopping in his tracks, but turned back to you easily. Still guarded from the prying eyes of your coworkers as you stayed behind the stacks, you questioned the brunette, “Wait. What are you talking about?”
Eddie studied your eyes for hints of deception and insincerity, thinking that there must be at least some trace there for the simple fact that you hadn’t fun away yet. “Dustin, he’s a troublemaker. And here I am. In the making of his trouble.” Hints of Eddie’s mask were being put back up, and it looked as if he wanted to run out of the store.
“No,” You shook your head. “Go back. Why would Dustin set us up?”
“Right. Because ‘we’ wouldn’t make sense.” There was that wall again, still playful but defensive. 
You felt your eyebrows knit, “No. It just-” This time you were the one searching his eyes. Again, there were your memories flooding back up. Just as clear as day you had graduated last year and there was Eddie, floating around in your mind. In his band. Late nights passing each other after respective basketball games and D&D sessions. In the cafeteria. And in every single one, you found those deep brown eyes staring back at you through your own mind. The reason Dustin was talking Eddie up was because Eddie liked you. And in those memories, no one else paid him any mind. But you had. 
Had Eddie Munson talked about you to Dustin?
“Ask me out.” You said finally, letting go of his arm that you hadn’t realized you had still been holding. It had probably kept him from running initially, so no harm done. 
Eddie laughed, suddenly taken aback, “What?” Then realizing you were serious, “I don’t think it counts if you tell me to do it.”
“Do you want me to do it?” 
He thought for a moment, pretending to be vexed. “You realize if I ask you, we’re doing what Dustin wants.”
“Mm-hmm.” you hummed as a small response.
Eddie straightened again, this time with truer confidence, “Will you, Y/N…” He leaned forward, bowing a bit in front of you for show, which made you laugh, “Go out with me?” Then he perked up and placed his hands on his chest as if to protect himself from impending doom.
“Would you still want the movie if I said, yes? I have a quota.” You joked as you wagged the film in the air with your hand.
Eddie squinted at you, and yet a small smile tugged at his mouth and he staggered backwards. He struggled out the words as he held his chest where his heart would be, “I’m sensing that you’re saying yes.” Then he recovered slowly, his hands beating up and down where his chest would be and added, “My heart just grew three sizes.”
“Oh did it?” You smiled through a loud laugh as you put the tape back on the shelf. “I think you’ll still need a receipt though.”
Before Eddie could protest, you quickly walked back over to the register, leaned over the counter to grab a post-it and wrote your number speedily on the small piece of paper. Then, again, when you turned around to walk back you bumped into Eddie this time steading yourself by holding onto his arms. You had been walking faster than usual, with an excited energy around you, but was glad when you were able to touch him. Because yes, Y/N, he’s really there. Instead of feeling self-conscious, you stuck the post-it to the front of his shirt playfully. “There. Transaction done.” At the same time, you decided to ignore the two spying heads peeking out from the back room.
Eddie peeled it off his shirt gingerly and looked at it with a cocky grin, “You’re one of the good ones, Y/N.” 
“Like it or not, so are you Eddie. At least,” You smirked at him. “From what I’ve heard.” 
And then he and his leather jacket were gone. Not without him looking back at you as he left, for good measure.
You reminded yourself to hit Dustin over the head and thank him.
It took no longer than five seconds after the Munson boy had left for Robin and Steve to emerge from their hiding place. Usually, they wouldn’t have provided you any privacy during your interaction so you had to at least be somewhat thankful (even if you didn’t say it aloud). You sighed, turning around to face them, “What’d you hear?”
Robin, of course, exploded with energy the minute you invited her to talk, “Um, everything?” She immediately slid into the counter, leaning towards you and talking excitedly about how she wanted to help you get ready, even though she wasn’t sure she shared the same fashion sense as you. Really, she wasn’t sure she wanted to help with the fashion at all, but just wanted to be there before the date. Before you could remind her that technically there was no set date yet, she started prattling on about how you needed to prepare. Maybe Dustin could lend you a D&D book. She was sure she had at least one Metallica cassette somewhere. You were switching into a different social circle after all, you needed to know these things. You could tell Steve had filled her in on Eddie while they had been hiding together, though you knew she had been there on occasions as well when Dustin couldn’t shut up about him. This continued for a while, even after you assured her that you don’t need to change your whole personality to go out with Eddie. If you were lame and preppy then so be it. And then, to get his attention because the both of you had practically forgotten he was there, “Steve…?” 
Steve, who had gone back to reshelving some of the videos that had been misplaced by Dustin earlier in the day and didn’t seem as interested in quelling Robin’s ramblings as he usually is, smiled sheepishly, “I think Y/N found someone to flirt with. Someone that actually likes her.” He just quoted you, back to you. Get your own lines, Harrington. And stop pretending to be a responsible worker.
“And he didn’t even need to pretend to like Pretty In Pink.” You said, raising your eyebrows smugly in Steve’s direction. 
“Ha. Ha.”
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burntheedges · 2 months
Worth It For Once
Frankie Morales x f!reader | 18+ | ao3  chapter word count: 9.6k Taylor Swift Drabble Challenge, song: Slut!
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summary: After months of the whispers, rude comments and snide glances from people around town, you’re fed up. You’re trying not to let them get to you, but it’s getting harder to shake it off. And then you meet Frankie Morales.
a/n: this is part of @beskarandblasters' Taylor Swift Drabble (lol) Challenge! My song is "Slut!" from 1989. Sorry, Kel, this isn’t exactly a drabble. Spanish translations provided in parentheses. Thank you as always @katareyoudrilling aka the best beta 🧡
tags/warnings: flirting, banter, food and drink mention, reader has no description other than having a vagina and brief mention of breasts, able-bodied reader, reader’s ex spread mean rumors about her, small town gossip, bartender!reader, derogatory language used in a derogatory way (slut, other things) (not by Frankie), Frankie speaks Spanish and reader understands, pet names (hermosa, baby, querida, bebita), smut: kissing, groping, hickies, oral (f!receiving), p-in-v sex (protected), fingering (f!receiving), cuddling, oral against a wall
You could hear them talking about you.
You’d heard your name, which gave it away, but also the words “Chris”, “easy,” and “slut” and, well. You knew.
It’s not like they tried to hide it, really. But you always knew when they were talking about you. If the glances and overheard words didn’t give it away, the laughing whenever you walked by did.
You sighed as you gathered the glasses from the newly empty table by the low stage at the back of the room. “Just ignore them,” Laura had whispered to you earlier. “They’re not worth it.”
As always, it didn't really help.
You carried the dirty dishes back behind the bar and ignored the sudden, ostentatious hush from the corner booth full of guys that you had to pass to get there. They could at least try to be less obvious about it. You locked eyes briefly with Laura, the other bartender on duty that night and your best friend, and she frowned sympathetically. You shook your head in response. You both knew there was nothing you could do about it.
Once you were done dropping off your load in the kitchen, you allowed yourself one brief moment of leaning against the wall of the dark hallway that led back to the bar. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. 
“Fuck them,” you whispered to yourself. “And fuck him.” You shook your head and heaved yourself back up, heading back to work.
“You’d think they’d get tired of it,” Laura remarked, pushing her way back behind the bar with the signed tab from the corner booth. After a couple more hours of irritation they had finally left. 
“Not so far,” you sighed. “And it’s not just them. They’re just the worst ones.” Chris’ friends hadn’t let up in the 6 months since you’d been broken up and didn’t show any signs of losing interest in making your life miserable.
Laura furrowed her brow and made a disgusted noise. “They’re such assholes. At least he knows better than to come here.”
You nodded. It was the one silver lining around the whole situation – Chris would never set foot in this bar again, if he knew what was good for him. “Bill would kick him out and he knows it.” Bill was your boss and the owner and he had hated Chris even before you’d started dating.
Laura laughed, darkly. “He may be able to lie to most of the town, but Bill would never believe him.” She sighed as she started cleaning up behind the bar. “I don’t know why they all believe him anyway.”
You shrugged. You’d had a lot of time to think about this question, and you were pretty sure you knew the answer. It was simple, in the end. “He’s from here. I’m not.”
With a huff, Laura rolled her eyes. “That’s so stupid. You’re from here, too. You were six when your parents moved to town.”
You smiled a little. She was a good friend, but she was wrong about this. “That’s not enough for them, and you know it.” Them being all the old money families in town, the ones who hadn’t thought you were good enough for Chris in the first place. The ones who heard about your break up and clucked like satisfied old hens, finally proven right. The ones who gossiped about you over brunch and at the golf course every weekend. She was never right for him anyway. He can do better. You knew that’s what they thought – some of them had said it to your face.
But at least your bar wasn’t really their scene. 
“God I hate this town,” Laura muttered, violently shoving the dishwasher closed. “How’d we get stuck here, anyway.”
You laughed and nudged her with your elbow. “It’s not so bad. Just have to ignore them.”
She eyed you. “Is that working for you? Ignoring them?”
You bit your lip and turned, trying to hide your face from her scrutiny. “Most days, sure.” You felt her arms come around you from behind and smiled at the hug.
“My offer to punch him still stands.” 
Your smile turned into a grin. She’d offered the day of the break up and reminded you often ever since.
“Thank you, but I’ll pass.”
Laura grumbled as you both got busy cleaning up behind the bar and turned to talking about your plans for your upcoming day off. One more day of work and you had almost a whole free weekend, for once. You tried to shrug off your tension from a night of dodging the looks of the many people in this town who’d decided you were worth about as much as a bit of dirt on the bottom of their shoes. It sort of worked.
The next day was your last day of work before your day off, but you didn’t work until the evening. You celebrated by sleeping until almost noon.
Once you were awake and showered and feeling generally more alive, you decided to head to the coffee shop downtown for a late breakfast. You ignored the possibility that you might run into one of Chris’ friends there – you’d decided months ago not to let them keep you from doing what you wanted.
You were pleased to see that it wasn’t too busy when you arrived and your favorite table by the window was open and waiting for you. You ordered quickly and snagged it, settling in with your current book.
You glanced up as the door opened with a light jingle a few minutes later and did a double take. 
It was him.
Not your ex, thank God, but him – the man who’d been slowly taking over your thoughts and daydreams for the last month or so.
Frankie Morales, recent arrival in town and newbie-turning-regular at the bar you worked at. He’d been flirting with you since the moment you met, and you were living in fear of the day he would hear the rumors and stop. 
As he stepped into the shop he removed his hat and ran his hand through his curly hair, which caused it to fluff up and fall cutely around his face. He replaced the hat quickly, though, and glanced around the shop. You started to look away, afraid to be caught, but he met your eyes and grinned.
Changing course, he turned from the path to the counter to walk towards your spot at the window.
“Fancy meeting you here,” his brown eyes twinkled at you as he came to stand next to you. “You busy? Can I join you?” He nodded hopefully towards the empty chair across from you, and you started to smile.
“Sure, Frankie,” you felt hesitant but you didn’t want him to leave. You started to rearrange your belongings to give him some space.
“I’ll order and be right back.” He gestured back over his shoulder at the counter.
You nodded and smiled and tried not to stare as he turned and walked away from you.
There was a short line at the register. You tried to keep from watching him wait there but only succeeded in limiting it to quick glances at him out of the corner of your eye. You couldn’t help but trace your eyes over the way he looked in his jeans and denim shirt. He was so broad. You shook your head, trying to clear it.
Frankie was next in line when the door jingled again, and to your dismay two of the guys who’d just spent the entire previous night laughing at you at the bar walked in. You ducked your head, hoping they wouldn’t notice you. Out of the corner of your eye, you watched in growing horror as they came to stand behind Frankie. You clenched your hands in your lap and tried to breathe.
One of them clearly spotted you and a smirk came across his face that sent your stomach plummeting to your feet. He elbowed his friend and you couldn’t hear what he said, but Frankie clearly could.
His back stiffened and his hands clenched into fists. You desperately wanted to know what they were saying and you really didn’t want Frankie to hear it. You were frozen, wondering if this was it, if this was the end of whatever had been building between you since you met. Wondering if it was over before it even began.
Frankie ordered and you could see the tension in his frame as he tried to ignore the two men behind him when they started to laugh. You couldn't take it anymore and closed your eyes, hiding behind your hands.
Just a moment later you heard footsteps returning to your table.
“Hey,” his voice was low and soothing and you couldn’t help but look up at him. He was still tense, but his face was gentle as he looked at you. “Do you want to get out of here?”
You swallowed, mouth dry. You couldn’t tell if he was offering to go somewhere together, but you shook your head regardless. 
“I try not to let them make choices for me about where I go or what I do.” You twisted your fingers together, wondering if that was too direct, too much of an admission. Did he know?
Frankie nodded, a thoughtful frown on his face as he sat across from you. His eyes darted behind you to your right and his frown deepened. You resisted the urge to turn and look. 
“Is it always like that?” As he asked, he slid his right hand across the table to touch the back of yours lightly with his fingertips. You shivered.
“Not with everyone.” He slid his hand over yours and squeezed gently. You continued, “but with some people in town, yeah. What–” you cleared your throat. “What did they say?” You needed to know what they’d said in his hearing, but at the same time, you never wanted to know. You’d heard enough.
Frankie shook his head, scowling. “I’m not gonna repeat it.” 
You winced.
“Hey,” he squeezed your hand again, leaning towards you. “I’m not listening to them, alright? I promise. I haven’t, and I won’t.”
You blinked, taking that in. He hasn’t? Past tense? “You mean, you’ve heard something– I mean, something else? They said something? Before now?”
Frankie ran his thumb gently over the back of your hand, searching between your eyes for something. “Yes. But I haven’t paid them any attention. I promise, ok?”
You took a deep breath and tried to push back the pricks of emotion you felt building behind your eyes. “I’m sorry, Frankie, I don’t know what you heard but I can imagine, but it’s not–”
“Shh,” he hushed you gently and scooted his chair around the small round table towards you so he could take both of your hands in his. “Hey, no. I promise, I’m not listening to them. I know what small towns are like, hermosa. I know what small people are like. I’d rather hear about you from you. I–” he smiled, a bit sheepishly. “I’ve been trying to get up the nerve to ask you out for weeks.”
You grasped at his hands, clutching where he was already holding them. “You have?”
“Yeah, I have. Just wasn’t sure you’d be interested.” You scoffed and he smiled. He said your name quietly and leaned forward. “D’you want to go out with me?”
You bit your lip. “Are you sure? You know they won’t– they’ll talk. I don’t want them to start with you, too.”
Frankie frowned and looked down. When he met your eyes again his gaze was fierce. It pinned you in place.
“They’ll talk anyway, and I don’t give a fuck what they think.” He squeezed your hands. “I only care what you think. Can I take you out, hermosa?”
You nodded and started to smile. 
He smiled back. “When are you free?” 
“Well, tomorrow’s my day off,” you started. He grinned when you continued, “how’s tomorrow night?”
He nodded, looking excited. “Baby, I’d love that. Mind if I drop by your work later today, too?”
Baby. You shivered and nodded and as he started to plan your date, you couldn’t wipe the smile from your face.
You headed into work that night with the smile still on your face. Frankie had promised to come by the bar that night, so you’d be seeing him soon. That thought combined with your excitement for the date had you floating through the doors of Bill’s bar.
Laura took one look at you and demanded details, which you happily provided as you got ready in the back together. 
Laura knew him too, since Frankie and his friend Santiago had first visited the bar almost two months before, when Frankie had first moved to town. His best friend had helped him move and stayed in town for a few days while he got settled, you’d learned that night. Among other things. (Like how pretty Frankie’s eyes were when he smiled at you, and how he hadn’t stopped smiling at you the whole night. How he’d been looking at you like that ever since.)
You knew you’d been standoffish in the beginning. You’d wondered if he’d figured it out, if he’d heard the things they said about you and seen the way they looked at you in town. And now you knew he had, but as you thought back over the time you’d known him, you realized you couldn’t figure out when that might have been. He’d never treated you differently, never stopped flirting with you. Never hesitated, never looked at you with anything but delight and wonder in his eyes.
“So, a date with Frankie, huh,” she nudged you with her elbow as you walked back towards the front together, ready to start your shift.
You nodded. “He’s coming by tonight.” You felt the smile tugging at the edge of your lips where it had made its home since you saw him at the coffee shop. “Not sure when, though.”
She went through the door first, and you heard her laugh. “Now.”
“What?” you asked as you came through. You turned to see what she was looking at.
“Now. He’s already here.” Laura kept laughing as she headed to the other end of the bar and you grinned as you locked eyes with the man waiting for you at the bar. He smiled back and watched you approach. 
“Frankie, didn’t you just get done with work like half an hour ago?”
He shrugged. “Wanted to see you, hermosa. Just went home to change and figured, why wait?”
You laughed. “You know I won’t be able to talk to you much, right?” You wanted to stay and chat but you knew work would pull you away, repeatedly.
“I know.” He nodded. “I’ll be here when you’re free.”
The idea of Frankie wanting to see you so badly he’d sit here alone made something twist in your chest. “Ok, Frankie.” 
It wasn’t busy yet, so you stayed to chat until some of the regulars started to arrive. Somehow, even with the interruptions of you needing to actually do your job, you felt connected with him like you were on two ends of a string. You’d pour a drink and glance up, and find him already looking at you. Or think about him and look over to find him smiling down at his drink, looking like maybe he was thinking about the same thing.
Laura teased you mercilessly about the smile on your face that you couldn’t seem to get rid of.
Your good mood lasted through the first couple of hours of your shift, but right after the dinner rush you turned towards the taps to find Laura in front of you, scowling.
“What is it?” She shadowed you as you started to pour a couple of pints for the guys at the other end of the bar.
“They’re here,” she whispered, gesturing with her head towards the back corner. 
Your shoulders climbed up around your ears at the news. “Of course they are. Which ones?”
She crossed her arms and huffed. “Jared and his buddies.” Jared was Chris’ best friend, and usually the ringleader whenever he wasn’t around. 
“Great,” you muttered.
She helped you carry the drinks back. “Hey, you know I’ve got their table. Don’t worry about it.” You nodded and bumped her hip with yours in thanks.
Laura headed over to meet them and you tried to put them out of your mind. They were all the way across the bar from where Frankie was sitting, and you moved back towards him. 
He was studying you as you walked up and you knew he’d probably seen them come in. “Is that more of them?” he asked, voice low. You nodded. He sighed. “I’m glad Laura’s got your back.”
“Yeah,” you agreed as you refilled his water. “I usually don’t have to talk to them at all.”
Frankie tilted his head, thoughtful. “Do they come in here just to bother you?”
You sighed and leaned towards him, crossing your arms. “I think so. They never came here before.”
He raised his eyebrows. “Before?” He repeated, obviously curious.
“Before I broke up with their friend. He’s not here, Bill won’t allow it.”
“Good,” Frankie murmured, brow furrowed. “But they keep coming back?”
“At least a few times a week,” you confirmed. 
He glanced across the bar at them, frowning. “What do they do?”
You shook your head and reached out to turn his head back to face you. He smiled and tilted his jaw so that his cheek rested against your palm. “Mostly just stare and talk about me. I can’t hear them, usually, but they make it obvious.”
You could tell he wanted to ask why. Why they bothered you, why they did all this. The surprising thing was how much you wanted to tell him.
“I’ll tell you about it later, ok? Not here.” You brushed your thumb over his cheek and his smile grew.
He nodded. “Ok, baby. But you don’t have to tell me anything, it’s like I told you. I want to learn about you from you. There’s no rush.” 
You smiled, warmed by his words, and headed back to work.
A few hours later, the crowd was winding down and Laura waved you off when you offered to stay and close with her. 
“We don’t need you,” she said, gesturing down the bar towards Sean, whose shift had started later than yours. “Go take your man home.” You laughed, and glanced back at Frankie, but he wasn’t looking at you. 
He was frowning and looking off to his right because Jared was walking straight towards him. 
You squeezed Laura’s arm and she turned to look. “Shit,” she muttered. “Maybe he’s just going to the bathroom.”
You both winced as Jared stopped right beside Frankie’s chair. You started to move towards them, but Jared was already speaking. 
“... you shouldn’t bother with her, man, she’s a real piece of work.” Jared’s snooty tone grated on your nerves. It’d been a while since you had to listen to it.
“Excuse me?” Frankie’s voice was low and you could hear the anger in it. He looked absolutely furious, mouth drawn into a straight line, brows furrowed. His hands were clenched on the bar in front of him.
“Hey, ready to go?” You spoke only to Frankie, ignoring Jared, who huffed. “I’m off for the night.” Frankie nodded, visibly taking a deep breath and releasing his fists.
Jared sneered and you caught it out of the corner of your eye. “You know, even for one night she’s not worth the–” 
You cut him off before he could say whatever vile thing he was thinking. “Get lost, Jared.”
He huffed again and turned from you to Frankie. “Look, man, I get she’s probably fine in bed, given where she’s been, but I promise you, you don’t want to touch this one with a 10-foot pole.”
Frankie looked like he was thinking about putting Jared on the ground and you decided enough was enough. 
“C’mon, Frankie,” you slipped out from behind the bar and tugged him towards the back with you. “Let me grab my stuff and we can go.”
“Hijo de puta,” (son of a whore) Frankie muttered. He made a low sound almost like a growl and you startled. He looked immediately apologetic. “Sorry, baby,” he murmured, leaning in to press a kiss to your hairline. It was the first time he’d done anything like that, and you almost froze in place at how nice his lips felt on your skin. “Let’s go.”
Jared scoffed behind you, but you were already turning away. “Fine, man. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you about the town slut when you regret this later.”
You heard Sean start to threaten to throw Jared out so you grabbed Frankie’s arm and dragged him back to the staff area. He immediately gathered you in his arms as soon as you let the break room door fall shut behind you.
“Mierda,” (shit) he breathed, burying his face in your neck. “That’s the type of shit you’re dealing with? I am so sorry baby.” He pulled you in tighter, and you relaxed into his hold. “I promise I can keep it together. Just took me by surprise, how bad it was.” 
“Thank you,” you whispered. “I’ll tell you about it. But let’s get out of here first.”
“Hey,” he started, pulling back. “You don’t have to–”
“No, I know,” you interrupted, gathering your stuff. “I want to.”
He nodded and slid his hand into yours as you turned to leave. “Wanna go out the back?” He squeezed your hand gently as he asked.
You sighed and nodded. “Might as well.”
The two of you slipped out the back of the kitchen and turned to walk around the building to your cars. “Follow me home?” You asked nudging him. 
Frankie smiled. “You sure?”
“Yes.” You leaned in to press a kiss to his cheek. “C’mon.”
Soon enough the two of you were pulling into your complex and walking up to your door. You felt his hand come to rest on the small of your back as you dug for your keys and you leaned back into it for a moment. The way he’d started touching you more today since you agreed to a date was sending your mind spinning. You hoped he’d still want to, after your talk.
“Come in, Frankie.” You invited him in and he followed your lead in removing his shoes before you both dropped onto the couch. 
“Wait, sorry, do you want something to drink?” You started to stand again but he stopped you. 
“No, I’m fine. Just had plenty of water from a very attentive bartender.” He winked, and you laughed. “C’mere.” He tugged on your hand and you slid closer until you were settled on the cushion next to him, slightly turned towards him. You let yourself relax, leaning sideways against the back of your couch. He looked so warm and broad and comfortable in your home – you wished you felt up to leaning on him instead. But you needed a little bit of space for this. 
You sat for a minute, trying to figure out where to start. As if he could sense your hesitation, he reached out and took your hand in his again, and you sighed. “Ok, well. I guess I should explain.” 
“Whatever you want to tell me, I’ll listen.” He started to rub the back of your hand with his thumb and you smiled. 
“Ok. Here we go.” You drew in a deep breath and tried to let his presence ground you. You stared down at your joined hands as you spoke. “I was dating Chris for almost a year. It went ok, I guess, for a while. But it turns out he’s a massive asshole.” Frankie squeezed your hand. “Yeah, I should have known better. I’ve known him all my life. But he was never mean like some of them.”
“Them?” Frankie asked. You could feel that he was looking at your face, but you couldn’t look away from the way his thumb was caressing your hand. 
“The rich kids. The ones whose families have been here since forever, the ones with land and big houses and so on. They were always mean to anyone who wasn’t like them. And I was never like them.” With your free hand you started to idly pick at a stubborn thread that was sticking out of your couch cushion. It refused to budge and you bit your lip.
You sighed. “But he wasn’t mean, back in school. So when he asked me out I gave him a chance. We’d all been away to college and come back. I figured he’d probably grown up some. And it seemed like he had, for a while.” You shrugged. The thread started to wiggle a little and you tugged at it harder. “But he’s not different. He used to bring me to family stuff, and his parents always treated me like shit and he swore he didn’t notice. Then at the end I found out he’d been cheating on me for months, almost the whole relationship. And when I confronted him he caused a scene and flipped it around on me.”
Frankie stiffened and you closed your eyes. “Like a hundred people heard him yell that I’d been cheating on him with his friends, that they all told him it was true. I couldn’t believe it at the time — it was a side of him I’d never seen before.” You laughed to yourself, darkly. “He’s a great actor. And then on my way out of the house his mom accused me of stealing some jewelry — the earrings I was wearing. Which he had given me a gift.” You opened your eyes, finally, and saw that you’d tugged so hard the thread was pulling away from the fabric of the couch, but it looked like it might create a run in the fabric. You knew you should stop tugging on it, but you couldn’t. “But it was enough. Now the rich people in town who all go to the same country club treat me like shit and whisper behind my back. Chris started dating some new girl a few months ago but she’s rich, too.”
Suddenly Frankie’s free hand smoothed over yours, and he gently pulled yours away from where you’d been about to create a hole in the fabric of your couch cushion. He tugged both of your hands into his lap. “What’s up with the guys who come to the bar, then?”
You groaned and finally looked up to meet his eyes. “I have no idea. I can’t figure out if they know he was lying and just decided to protect him, or if they believe him and decided to make my life miserable. Maybe they just hate me for some reason. Whatever it is, I just try to ignore it.”
Frankie frowned, gently, and squeezed both of your hands. “You deserve better.”
You smiled at him. “Thank you. I know.”
He nodded and finally smiled. “Good.” He looked at you for a moment, studying your face. “Thank you for telling me.”
You nodded, not sure what to say. But Frankie continued, “I promise not to lose it on those guys.”
“They’d deserve it,” you laughed as you agreed. “But they’re not worth the trouble.”
Frankie looked thoughtful as he lifted both of your hands to press soft kisses along your knuckles. “Well, hermosa, I’m glad you agreed to go out with me.”
You perked up and tried not to look anxious. “You still want to go out? Are you sure?”
He shot you a look and you laughed a little. “Of course I do, baby.” He leaned a little bit closer and continued, voice low. “I mean it, you deserve better. And I want to give it to you, if you’ll let me. I want to give you everything.”
Your breath caught in your throat. All you could do was nod. He grinned. “Good.”
The next night, you were anxious.
Frankie said he’d pick you up at 6pm, so at 5:55pm you were standing nervously behind the front door of your apartment, getting a text pep talk from Laura.
He seems like a good guy. But if he says or does anything weird just text me. I’ll come get you.
You smiled. This was your first date, the first time you’d really dressed up, in six months, and you were nervous. But Laura was right – Frankie seemed like a good guy. You rocked back on your heels as you waited by your door. Maybe this would work out, after all.
Just then, someone knocked, and your smile grew as you flung the door open.
Frankie looked nervous on the other side of it and your breath caught in your throat as you took him in. He had on dark jeans, a button up shirt, and his hair was styled without a hat. 
“Frankie, you look–”
“Hermosa, te–”
You both laughed when you talked over each other. Frankie stepped forward to tangle your fingers together. 
“This is gorgeous on you, baby.” With his free hand he ran his fingertips down your side and you shivered. 
“You’re looking pretty handsome yourself, Frankie.” He blushed in such an adorable way that you wanted to kiss him before you even got out of your apartment. You cleared your throat. “Shall we?”
Frankie nodded and stepped backwards to lead you out of your apartment. He kept his fingers laced with yours as you locked the door and made your way to his car.
“So where are we going?” You asked once you were settled in the passenger seat. Frankie had wanted it to be a surprise, and you wondered what he picked. 
“Well, hermosa, I thought you might enjoy getting out of town for a bit.” You looked at him, surprised. He shrugged. “I heard at work that there’s a restaurant in the next town over that’s pretty amazing, thought we could try it. Got a reservation and everything.”
You smiled and reached out to take his hand again. “Sounds perfect, Frankie.” 
On the way to the restaurant he updated you on his coworkers’ shenanigans – he usually visited the bar at least weekly and gave you the update then, and you felt a little thrill at the idea that you and Frankie were spending time together outside of where you worked. He wanted to spend time with you. He knew, and it still felt as easy and warm as it ever did with him. You sank into it with a smile.
“I’m really glad you asked me out, Frankie,” you told him in a lull in the conversation. You watched as he blushed again and grinned. 
“Me too, baby.” He tugged your hand up to press a kiss to your knuckles, the same way he had the night before. You bit your lip. His lips were so soft and you wondered what they might feel like somewhere else. It sent your head spinning and you took a deep breath. You knew this was only the beginning of the night. 
When you arrived, Frankie met you by the passenger door of his truck. He slid his hand around your waist until it came to rest on the small of your back, walking next to you into the restaurant. 
“Two for Morales,” he told the host, stepping away from you briefly. You took the opportunity to study the restaurant, since you’d never been. It was all deep, rich tones of green and brown, with dark wood floors and low lighting that flickered like candlelight. The tables were far enough apart to feel cozy and romantic and you smiled a little bit to yourself as you thought about Frankie seeking out a place like this for your date. 
The host gestured for you to follow and you started to weave through the restaurant towards a small round booth in the back corner. As you did, though, you heard a voice you recognized.
“What the devil is she doing here?” She wasn’t shouting, but then, she never had to to be heard. 
You tried to glance discreetly to your right and felt the blood drain out of your face. Chris’ new girlfriend and a bunch of their friends were seated at a long table near the front windows. You didn’t see Chris himself, thank God, but this wasn’t much better. 
Your foot came down funny on your next step. You felt yourself start to stumble and it kicked off a spiral of anxiety inside of you – you were going to hit the ground in the middle of this fancy restaurant, and they would see it, and –
But you barely wobbled before Frankie’s arm slipped around your waist again and supported you, keeping you upright. Somehow you both continued forward as if nothing had happened.
You could hear them whispering behind you as you moved farther into the restaurant and you struggled to take a deep breath. Frankie tightened his arm around you and leaned in. You could feel his lips brush against your ear as he whispered, “fuck ‘em. They don’t deserve even a glance from you, querida.” 
He guided you into your both and slid in next to you, and you realized you couldn’t see them from here. Frankie could, but he was only looking at you. You looked back and you felt the tension in your shoulders start to slip away.
You knew what they thought. You knew what they were probably saying, what Chris had told them about you after you broke up. But somehow, for once, it really didn’t matter. They might have been looking at you, but suddenly you couldn’t feel their stares. You had Frankie’s eyes on you, only for you, and that was worth more than anything else. Your spine straightened and you leaned forward to tangle your fingers with his on the table. 
“You’re right, Frankie.” You smiled. “There’s only one person I want to look at in here, anyway.” 
He grinned and ducked his head. “I know you’ve caught me looking at you at the bar, hermosa.” 
You bit your lip. “Maybe. But only ‘cause I was looking back.”
Frankie laughed and lifted your hands to press another kiss to the back of yours. “Well, good. Having your eyes on me is all I’ve wanted.”
You felt your own cheeks heat as his words. You’d been suffering under the unwavering attention of half the town for months, slowly shrinking into yourself even as you tried not to let them get to you. But somehow the attention of this man was doing the exact opposite. You felt like you were glowing under his gaze, like you were emerging out of a long darkness into the sunlight at last. 
The rest of dinner felt the same. You lost yourself in the low lights, the warm room, the soft touches, the rumbling sound of Frankie’s voice as he flirted and laughed and whispered in your ear. You felt like you were in your own world with him in the booth as the sounds of the restaurant swirled around you but never quite reached you. The flicker of the soft light across his face captured your eyes and he smiled whenever he caught you looking at his mouth.
By the time you fought briefly over the check (Frankie won, but only because you secured a promise that you would pay for the next one) you felt like you were floating. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d felt so wanted. You wanted to sink into Frankie and never come out.
He stood first and offered his hand as you stood from the table. You smiled up at him and took it. As he slipped his hand around your waist again you finally glanced back towards the front of the restaurant. You realized you’d completely forgotten they were there, but you remembered suddenly when you saw them again. They hadn’t left.
But you felt different than you had before. Frankie’s arm pulled you in and he started to walk towards the door. You looked at him and smiled, and felt yourself sink back into the connection the two of you had started to build over dinner. 
They might as well look, you thought as you walked past their table. You looked at Frankie again. I’d look at us, too.
You floated out the door and through the parking lot towards his car. You reached for the door handle but he stopped you, turning you around and crowding you back against the passenger door. 
Frankie’s eyes were dark and intent and you felt a shiver climb up your spine.
“Can I kiss you, hermosa?” He whispered into the air between you and you could have sworn you saw his words in the reflections of the lights and the stars above your head.
“Yes, Frankie,” you breathed. “Please–”
He leaned in and finally pressed his lips to yours, and you heard yourself moan into the kiss. His lips were soft as they pressed against yours, sending every thought and worry flying out of your head. You opened for him and he took the invitation, running his tongue lightly over your bottom lip. You gasped as he deepened the kiss.
After a few moments he broke away to press a line of kisses down your jaw and neck until his face was buried in your shoulder. “Fuck, hermosa,” he was breathing hard and you realized suddenly that you were, too. “You feel so good in my arms.” He kissed you again, on the spot where your neck sloped into your shoulder, and you shivered. “You looked so hot walking past those assholes without so much as sparing them a glance, you know that?”
You grinned up at the sky and tightened your hold around his neck. “I was just looking at you, Frankie.” You weren’t nervous anymore. You knew what you wanted. “Come home with me?”
He whipped his head up to stare at you. “Are you sure? I don’t– we don’t have to rush anything, baby.”
You nodded, warmed by his concern. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” You watched the grin take over his face, slow and sinful. 
“Me too, baby. I’d like nothing more than to go home with you,” he agreed, before kissing you again. 
“Then take me home, Frankie,” you mumbled against his mouth. He groaned and pulled away to do just that.
Your ride home was full of the best kind of tension. Frankie’s hand came to rest on your thigh and you resisted the urge to scoot it higher up your leg, holding it there under yours. You could feel the tension in his muscles as he held himself still.
By the time you reached your apartment you could have sworn you were both vibrating with the need to touch. 
As you unlocked your apartment door, Frankie stepped up behind you, just like he had the night before. This time he closed the distance and crowded up against your back, snaking his arms around your waist. You leaned back into him, distracted, until he lifted one hand to guide yours with the key towards the door.
You felt him huff a laugh against your neck. “Let’s get inside, querida. We’ve got things to do.” 
You laughed, charmed, as you finally opened your door. “Is that so?” You turned to look at him and his expression made something in your chest clench.
“It is,” he agreed, stepping towards you and closing the door behind him. He turned the lock and stepped forward again to pull you into his arms. “Hi, baby,” he whispered against your mouth, and you smiled as he kissed you. 
Frankie backed you into the wall by your door and you let your keys drop from your hands as you raised them to bury your fingers in his hair. His hands framed your face, flat on the wall on either side of your head as he leaned in. The kiss suddenly went from soft to searing as his body pressed yours into the wall. You could feel him everywhere, surrounding you, all down your front. You became suddenly aware of the hard length of his cock pressing against your hip and you gasped.
He kissed you again but then moved away to scrape his teeth lightly down your neck. He started worrying a mark on your neck under your ear, and you sighed.
“Frankie,” you breathed, tugging at his hair to bring his mouth back to yours. 
“Hmm?” He hummed into your mouth.
You reached back and tugged at one of his arms. “Touch me, Frankie.”
He was so close to you you could feel him shudder in response. “Is that what you want, bebita?” You nodded and felt him smile against your cheek. He moved his right hand from the wall to your side, squeezing your hip. “Where do you want me to touch you? Here?” He teased his fingertips down your hip. You shook your head.
“No? Here, then?” He leaned his weight on his left hand, using his right to trace idle designs up your torso until his fingertips came to rest just under your breast. Your breath hitched.
“Hmm, no, I don’t think so. I think you want something else.” Frankie slipped his hand back down your chest until his fingertips brushed over your core through your clothes. He turned his hand and cupped you gently. With his lips pressed to your ear, he whispered, “here?”
You gasped and nodded. “Yes, Frankie, yes—”
“Shhh,” he pressed kisses to your cheek and the corner of your lips. He gripped you firmly with his hand and you squirmed. “I told you, baby. I want to give you everything.”
You closed your eyes against the feelings he was drawing out of you, overwhelmed at his words. 
He kissed you again, quickly, but pressed his forehead to yours right after, meeting your eyes. 
“Can I put my mouth on you, bebita?” His voice was deep and warm and it melted down your spine.
Your hands flew up to grasp at his shirt. “Frankie, you–”
“I love it,” he murmured, looking right into your eyes. “I’ve been thinking about it. Will you let me?”
You started to smile. “Let you? Frankie, please.” 
He grinned and started tugging at your clothes gently. “C’mon, bebita. Quiero verte.” (I want to see you)
You soon found yourself leaning back against the wall of your hallway, completely bare from the waist down. Frankie dropped to his knees before you, mouth open, eyes wide.
“Fuck,” he whispered, crawling forward. “You are so fucking beautiful.” You felt the heat rise in your cheeks at his words and resisted the urge to wrap your arms around yourself. 
Frankie settled between your knees and smiled up at you. He winked. “Open up, bebita.” He lifted your left leg over his shoulder and you steadied yourself against the wall. “I won’t let you fall.” Frankie moved closer until he was framing you in place with his shoulders. He sucked in a sharp breath. You bit your lip.
“Qué cosita más linda,” (what a pretty little thing) he murmured, leaning forwards. He placed his left forearm over your hips like a bar and pressed a gentle kiss right above your clit. You sighed and slid your hands into his hair.
“That’s right, bebita.” His lips moved against you when he spoke and you shivered. “Relax. Let me take care of you.”
You felt his fingers brush along your slit and then press you open. HIs tongue followed right behind as he teased you, licking from your entrance to your clit. You felt boneless, suddenly worried your leg wouldn’t hold you up. But he was pressing you firmly into the wall with his shoulders and his arm. You could see his muscles working in his shoulders and back and it made your head swim.
He flattened his tongue and licked again and you squirmed. He teased the tip of his tongue around your clit and your hips thrust forward before you could stop them. 
“Hey,” Frankie said your name and you blinked and looked down at him. You could see his eyes and the bridge of his nose and you felt your heart rate pick up at the sight of him between your knees like this. “That’s good, baby. Ride my face.”
“Frankie–” you started, breathless.
He moved his arm higher so that your hips could move more easily and leaned forward to slip his tongue through your folds again. You thrust your hips forward and he made an encouraging noise. 
You closed your eyes and let your head fall back against the wall. Frankie teased around your entrance with his fingertips as his tongue worked a slow rhythm on your clit, and on your next thrust forward his finger slipped inside. You gasped and you felt him smile against you. You clutched at his hair, suddenly much overwhelmed.
“Yes, Frankie–” you moaned, and he pressed a second finger inside, twisting both in a way that made you chase them with your hips when he pulled them back. His tongue was moving mercilessly over your clit and you felt it, starting to build at the base of your spine. With every thrust of your hips and curl of his fingers and slide of his tongue he was working you closer and closer, relentlessly driving you upwards towards your peak. You couldn’t catch your breath, you could only do as he asked and clutch at his hair as you ground your hips forward to ride his face.
You chased the feeling climbing up your spine and he urged you on with his fingers and his mouth. On your next thrust, Frankie closed his lips around your clit and sucked, gently, as his fingers thrust forward again, and you were there. 
You cried out as you curled over him, pressing his head into you with your grip in his hair, holding him there as you fell over the edge. His left arm curled around your back and urged you forward, holding you to him as he opened his mouth wide against your pussy. You quivered around his fingers, locked together as he worked you through it with his tongue.
“Fuck,” you choked out as you felt your leg start to give. Frankie caught you by the waist, slipping your leg off of his shoulder and easing you to the floor in front of him. Your eyes met, on the same level again, and your eyebrows raised as you took him in. His face was red and wet and his lips were puffy. His expression was both delighted and wrecked. He was grinning. 
“You taste so fucking good, baby.” You gasped as he leaned in and pressed his wet mouth to your neck. He left a trail of moisture behind as he kissed a path up behind your ear. “Better than I ever imagined. I could spend all night between your legs and never get tired.”
You laughed, slipping your arms around his neck as he leaned over you. “Never?” you teased, and he nodded.
“Can I do that again?” He pulled back and looked down at your pussy and your legs twitched. 
Again? You shook your head. “You can do that anytime, Frankie. But right now I want your cock inside me.” 
His eyes darted back to meet yours and his grin turned into a smirk. “Oh yeah?” He leaned in to kiss you and you smiled. 
“Yeah, Frankie. Take me to bed.” 
He stood and put out his hands to guide you to your feet. “Show me the way, querida.”
He followed closely behind you as you walked to your bedroom, spinning you around the moment you crossed the threshold. He pulled you into another kiss as he walked you carefully backwards towards your bed.
You ran your hands down his sides and realized he was still wearing all of his clothes. “Take these off, Frankie,” you murmured as you undid the button on his pants. He unbuttoned his shirt as you slid his pants down over his hips, and soon he was standing in front of you completely bare. Your eyes widened as you took him in. He was all golden skin and soft muscles – the kind where you knew he was strong without so much definition, with a soft midsection that you wanted to rest your head against like a pillow. You stepped forward and pressed your body against his and found he felt as soft and warm as he looked.
As your naked body came into contact with his, his breath caught and you felt it. “Fuck, hermosa,” he murmured as his hands slid over your back. “You feel so fucking amazing.”
You wrapped your arms around his waist and pressed kissed down the line of his collarbone. “So do you, Frankie.” 
As he pulled you in, you felt his cock standing proudly against his stomach. It was hard between your bodies and you squirmed, tilting your hips forward in a vain attempt to feel it against you.
He pressed his smile to your hairline. “‘S that what you want, bebita?”
You nodded, and he walked you back two steps towards the bed without releasing you from his embrace. His cock shifted between you and you sighed. 
“Lie down,” he murmured, guiding you onto the bed. You scooted back and he followed, crawling over you until he was perched above you on his hands and knees. “You look good under me, baby.” 
“You look good over me, Frankie.” You smiled and reached up to tug him down for a kiss. 
He lowered his body to yours slowly and you gasped as you felt his cock come to rest against your hip. You moved your hips, but he continued forward and to the side, coming to rest against you on the bed. “Not yet, bebita. Need to get you ready first.” You frowned and he smiled at you. “Don’t want to hurt you.”
He trailed his fingertips down your chest and stomach until he was teasing at your slit again.
“I’m ready, Frankie,” you insisted, reaching down to grip his cock in one hand. He was big. “You just fingered me by my front door, remember?” You raised your eyebrows at him and pumped his cock in your hand. His hips stuttered forward and you grinned.
He sighed and shook his head at you. “Let me just make sure.” He leaned down to kiss you as his fingers slipped inside you again, two this time, and you opened your legs to give him more room.
“Hmm,” he hummed as he twisted his fingers inside of you. “You were right, bebita. Ya estás mojada.” (you’re already wet) He kissed you as he slipped another finger inside and you arched your back at the sensation. 
“Frankie–” you started, but he interrupted you with another kiss. You could feel how wet you were around his fingers and you wanted more.
“¿Estás lista, bebita?” (are you ready, baby?)
You nodded and reached towards your nightstand and the condoms you knew were inside the drawer. You tried not to let out the whine you could feel at the back of your throat when he pulled his fingers from you gently. He reached over you and grabbed a condom, making quick work of slipping it on.
“C’mere,” he murmured, lifting your leg until it was wrapped around his waist. He bent your other knee and extended it to the side on the bed. You realized you were completely open to him, pussy on display. “Just like that. Fuck, you look gorgeous like this.”
You felt your cheeks heat and looked down to see what he was looking at. Your pussy was open, spread wide, and glistening with your arousal. His cock was mere inches away as he held his hips above yours. You swallowed hard.
“Hey, look at me.”
You looked up at his face and found him smiling softly at you. He tilted his hips forward and you felt the head of his cock nudge against your clit. You sucked in a sharp breath.
He nodded. “That feels so fucking good, baby.” You blinked, trying not to close your eyes. You wanted to see everything.
He shifted his hips until the head of his cock notched against your entrance, and you both gasped. “Ay, mira,” (look) he demanded, and you looked down to watch as the head of his cock pressed inside of you. Your eyes fluttered closed, you couldn’t help it, and you moaned.
“That’s right.” He pressed inside and you felt every inch of his cock as you stretched around him. “You’re taking me so fucking well. You feel so amazing.” He bottomed out and groaned. “Fuck.”
You realized you’d tangled your fingers in his hair, and you tried to tug him down into a kiss. He resisted long enough to pull back out, and the glide of him inside you was devastating.
On the next thrust, he leaned down to capture your mouth with his.
He kissed you as he established a slow, overwhelming rhythm that stole your breath away. You couldn’t feel anything but Frankie, inside you and all around you. Your head spun as you tried to keep up with the movements of his hips and the slide of his mouth against yours.
After a few moments he twisted, reaching around to tuck your leg tighter around his waist. When he did his cock slid in at a new angle that was just right and you gasped.
“¿Así?” (like that?) he breathed. “Right there?”
You nodded, and held him tight against you. “Yes, Frankie,” you sighed. He thrust forward again and your next breath felt like a sob. You could feel it building inside you again, pooling at the base of your spine and tingling down your arms and legs.
“C’mon, baby,” he murmured into your ear. “Let me see you come again. So fucking beautiful when you come.” He pressed a kiss to your neck and you held his head there with your grip in his hair. He reached down to press his thumb to your clit and you gasped. “Dámelo.” (give it to me)
On his next thrust, you did. You felt your pussy tighten around him as you sobbed out his name. You felt like the bed was spinning away beneath you while you were struck, unable to do anything but arch your back and scream Frankie’s name.
He suddenly picked up the pace, and you tugged on his hair to lift his head. You wanted to see his face when he came.
It was beautiful.
His eyes locked on yours as his mouth hung open, and you watched as his orgasm took him. After only a moment he slumped forward, slightly crushing you, and started pressing kisses anywhere he could reach. You giggled at the brush of his mustache against your skin..
“Fuck, hermosa,” he murmured against your skin. “Only our first time, and it was that fucking amazing?” He shook his head and glanced up at you, eyes playful. “Don’t know how we’ll survive getting any better at this.”
You laughed and kissed the corner of his smirk. He turned his head to kiss you back, gently, and you sighed into it.
“Was it as good as you hoped?” You couldn’t help but feel nervous. It had been so long since you’d had this kind of intimacy with someone, and the last one had ended so badly. But Frankie had been carefully taking care of all of your worries and insecurities one-by-one since you’d met, and this time was no different.
“Good?!” Frankie sounded incredulous as he cupped your cheek in his hand. “Baby, it was better. Better than I could have imagined.” He kissed you again, and you squirmed when you felt his soft cock shift, still inside you.
You smiled. “Alright, Frankie, let’s get cleaned up.” He nodded and pulled carefully out of you before heading to the bathroom. He looked back over his shoulder at you and you took a moment to admire his ass and the curve of his spine. “Can I stay? I don’t want to wear out my welcome, but–”
“Of course.” You cut him off. “I want you here.” He grinned and ducked his head.
After a few moments of cleaning up, you found yourself back in bed with Frankie. He had on only his briefs, and you tugged on an old, oversized t-shirt and nothing else. Frankie crowded up behind you in the bed.
“Thank you for going out with me tonight, baby.” He murmured into your neck as he wrapped his arm around your waist, spooning you.
You smiled. “Want to go out again tomorrow?”
You felt him grin against your neck. “Yes, how about tomorrow morning for brunch and then dinner and then, oh, every day this week. As a start.” 
You laughed as he tugged you closer. “Ok, Frankie.” 
He pressed a gentle kiss to the back of your neck. “I mean it, baby. This is just the start.”
As you closed your eyes, half asleep, you thought to yourself that you’d never bother paying attention to them again. 
Not when you had Frankie all to yourself.
a/n: let me know what you think? 🧡
tag list and some Frankie fans who I think might be interested: @jeewrites @islacharlotte @iknowisoundcrazy @beardedjoel @undercoverpena @goodwithcheese
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boremore · 11 months
steve sneaking up to reader room because he misses her & she’s been quiet all day.
i changed this up just a little, hope that’s okay <3 (shy/anxious!reader) (588 words)
mush little mouse ♱ steve harrington
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Steve’s house is jumbo.
You could easily get lost if you’ve never been here before. Though, it seems everyone’s been here before. It’s Steve Harrington.
It’s summer, and summer means parties.
You hadn’t really wanted to come. Parties, big parties, at least, aren’t necessarily your thing. You’d also woken up this morning with an awful feeling in your chest. Like a boulder’s been sitting on your chest all day just rambling about nothing important. And mister boulder won’t seem to move till he’s done talking, and he won’t stop talking.
You’d come to the party anyway. For Steve. Because you like Steve. And Robin says Steve likes you too. But you highly doubt that.
You’re not sure, but around twenty minutes ago, before you disappeared upstairs, a crowd of them were doing shots off bodies. It might’ve been Eddie on the counter with Nancy’s lips against his tattooed skin. You aren’t really sure. Your head is still spinning.
You’ve been in Steve’s home before. You find his door quicker than you mean too. It’s quiet up here.
Your back pushes against the wood once you’re in, taking a deep breath. Your eyes screw shut as you push the ends of your palms into them. You smudge your mascara.
Your eyes ghost along Steve’s room. You’ve been in here briefly a couple of times before. Your palm glides over his made comforter before you take a gentle seat. You stare at his wood floors for a little before letting your body fall back into his bed with huff. You aren’t sure what’s wrong with you now. You hug yourself. It’s quiet for about six minutes before the door opens.
“Knew I’d find you here, cupcake.” Oh.
Your eyes peel open at the all too familiar voice. You sit up on your elbows as the door closes. Steve looks awfully pretty. Hair highlighted and a bit messy, like his fingers have tugged on it endlessly. He looks like he’s glowing. Plain black shirt. Jeans that sit low on his waist. He’s got his gold chain on, he always has it on. There’s a red solo cup in his hand, but he doesn’t seem drunk. He seems very far from it. He seems to catch your eye as he stands before you.
He smiles small. “Fruit punch. The normal kind. You want any?” You smile small up at him, you shake your head as in no. He places the cup in your hand anyways. He’s like that.
He takes a seat next to you and gently squeezes your bare knee. You’ve got a cute little, short flowy white skirt on. It complements you nicely. “Thank you for coming,” he says gently. You sip the drink gently. He carries on, staring at your scuffed high tops. “I know you hate these things. It means a lot to me.”
Your gaze flickers to his now. He seems to feel it, he looks over at you too. He smiles. Warm. Sweet. Honeyed. Your cheeks fade pink. “It’s no biggie, Stevie.”
A whimper almost crawls up his throat and slams past his lips to break his teeth. He smiles more. Skin a little hot. “S’okay if I hang out with you up here?” He’s doing it again. Making sure you’re all good.
You raise a brow and place the drink back in his hand gently. “It’s your room?”
Steve can’t stop smiling. “Yeah. True, but you’re more fun to be with than the mess downstairs.” You aren’t sure you believe him, but you decide to take his word for it. “Okay.”
He laughs a little and presses a soft, wet kiss to the highest point of your cheek. You laugh gently, nose scrunching up. He squeezes your knee again.
Guess his parties aren’t that bad.
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charliemwrites · 7 months
i cannot describe what keeper ghost is doing to me, i'm ready to sell all my belongings and leave my soft life to live in a crate for him
please charlie, tell me what happens when reader asks to go down on Simon but ONLY A LITTLE BIT and ONLY TO SEE IF SHE LIKES IT
Honestly same, I just wanna stop doing taxes and waking up before dawn 😭
But going down on Simon, you sayyyyyy?
You’ve been letting (demanding) Simon take care of you with his hands and mouth for weeks now. It’s your favorite pre-bedtime ritual in fact. You sleep like a rock after an orgasm or three and Simon always seems so enthusiastic to provide. (He is.)
That said, you haven’t reciprocated. Not on purpose, anyway. Sometimes while getting off on his thigh, yours will rub against his cock through his sweats. (A few times now, feeling it twitching and rock hard has been the thing to tip you over.) But mostly, intimate encounters have been one-sided and you-focused.
You’re not totally oblivious, you know he’s turned on by getting you off (which… took some time to wrap your head around but wasn’t entirely shocking either.) But again, he never pushes, suggests, asks, or even hints at wanting you to do anything. At most he’ll adjust himself and…. That’s it.
But now you want more. Simon is a private man - at least that’s the sense you get watching him interact with Johnny a couple times. It’s different with you though; he grants you liberties that you’re pretty sure would get anyone else very Murdered.
So, as is usual in your never-ending quest to stretch him to the limit, you pin him down on the couch one night, hands on his chest again. You’re sitting on him, the length of his powerful body stretched out over the cushions.
“What do you need, pretty? You want my mouth? My hands?” He asks.
You shake your head and wiggle down to perch on his thighs, palms in the hard planes of his stomach now.
“I wanna taste you,” you announce. “But don’t move. I might not like it.”
“‘Course,” he soothes, putting his hands up in mock surrender. “Go ahead and explore. All yours, little one.”
You tug at his belt and zipper, nearly rip the button off his jeans. You make an annoyed noise when you struggle to get them off.
“Easy, easy,” he coos. “Let me help.”
You hmph as he sits up a bit, tilting his hips to slide them down his ass, leaving black boxers behind. He’s already tenting the fabric, a single tiny dark spot just under the elastic waistband. You bat his hands away, mumbling that you’ve got it now so move, tapping your fingers along the outline of it. It twitches beneath your touch, hot and hard.
You dip a hand in, knowing and not caring that your hands are cold. If it bothers him, Simon doesn’t show any sign. Not that you’re looking, either, it’s your playtime after all.
For a minute you just explore the shape and size it through fabric, admiring the shadow where the flared head disrupts the polyester. Then you tug the band down, eyes going moony when his cock springs up, already flushed and wet at the tip.
“Ooh it’s so big,” you murmur, talking to yourself. That Simon is there and might hear is just coincidence. “How the hell does that fit anywhere?”
You trace a fingertip along a prominent vein on the underside, following the curve. When you reach the head, a bean of precum wells up. And you have to taste it.
Simon lets out a little puff of air when you swipe your tongue over the head. Then another when dip the tip into his slit, wanting more.
“Tastes good,” you muse, pleasantly surprised.
He doesn’t respond, knows you’re not talking to him. You press your lips just under the head and hum, giggling when you feel it vibrate throughout his shaft. It feels… good. Fun. You’ve never gotten to just have your way with someone’s cock before, and never been close like this with Simon. Usually there are still plenty of layers of clothes between you too. The novelty is intoxicating.
You lick along the shaft, up and down. Little, tiny flicks of your tongue that are probably maddening. Occasionally, you tilt your head to apply gentle suction along the side, like how it flexes against your cheek.
Eventually, you make it back up to the head and rap your lips around it. Just that much feels like a lots, feels like you’re playing a dangerous game with your jaw. You won’t be taking much more than this. He’s thick.
And all the while, Simon’s little grunts and sighs and gasps are so much background noise, just like the show running forgotten on the TV. He doesn’t thrust into your mouth, or twitch, or reach for you. He never does. He just lets you have your fun in silence.
You lose track of time lavishing just the head of his cock with attention before pulling away, feeling almost sleepy from the meditative headspace you’ve fallen into.
“Mm that was fun,” you conclude. “I want to do it again sometime.”
You wander off to bed, the taste of his precum like honey lingering on your tongue.
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cupid-styles · 9 months
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Y/N has always wanted to have a threesome, and Harry is always willing to give her whatever she wants.
Word count: 3.7k
Content warnings: SMUT!!!! 18+. Like, literally just smut without plot. I wrote this as part of a longer series I abandoned and figured this was still fun enough to post!
Anyway, this is a FMF threesome with daddy kink, dirty talk, pet play, some anal, dom/dom/sub dynamics, some degrading vibes, a lil cum play. I need to take a cold shower. Enjoy!!
I wasn't entirely sure how I ended up in this position. 
Harry and I had talked about our sexual experiences a few times. We both preferred to keep our sexualities unlabeled and had had many hookups and flings with people of all types of genders and identities.
We exchanged stories about realizing that we weren't straight, and talked about the first times we kissed or had sex with someone of the same gender. It was freeing, I think, for him to be able to express that side of himself.
He said that his friends knew, but always felt a little uncomfortable talking to them about it. I was happy to provide a safe space for him, especially if it meant we could be more open with one another.
Because of our fluid identities, we'd had some conversations about potentially having a threesome, or even inviting another couple entirely. We were both on the same page about it — that we'd prefer it to happen organically instead of planning it out, which made me feel nervous.
Harry had had a few threesomes before, but I never had. In fact, I never even had a partner who was as open and understanding as he was, and when he said that he wanted me to safely explore and have any experience I wanted, my knees buckled. I knew that a threesome was something that I'd always been interested in, and I most certainly wanted it to happen with Harry and another girl.
It just so happened that Ash, a friend of a friend from nights out together, seemed to be equally interested. 
We were friendly with Ash, but we didn't really know anything about her, which made her a good candidate — we wouldn't see her in our friend group all the time, and it was a no-strings-attached type of deal. It obviously helped that she was attractive and flirty, with long hair, pretty tattoos, and nipple piercings that always showed through her tee-shirts. 
So, when Harry noticed Ash and I being flirty and touchy at the bar that evening, he pulled me aside. I had expected him to be jealous and possessive but instead, he proposed inviting Ash to join us for a night.
"Y'can say no if you want, puppy," he mumbled, his thumb finding my bottom lip as he searched my eyes for a semblance of my feelings towards his question. He gently flicked my lip, making me pout, which always made him smile. "Jus' figured that you two were getting along so well, and I know you think she's pretty, so it could be fun."
"Yes," I had breathed out, nodding, feeling like a bobblehead at my immediate affirmative answer. I didn't have to think long before I started envisioning it — Ash's lips on mine while Harry's hands wandered my body, her soft fingers as a contrast to Harry's more calloused, rough ones. "Yes. I want that."
"Yeah?" Harry smirked, "Y'want me to ask her, or do you?" 
From there, it all just kind of... happened. The three of us had a few more drinks at the bar — I needed at least one more to get me feeling floaty and confident, but not enough to the point where I was teetering on drunk — before we headed back to Ash's apartment since it was the closest. I was silently grateful for that. I trusted Ash and Harry, and I trusted the situation, but I didn't want to always think of her whenever I laid in Harry's bed.
On the walk back, I started to feel a little bolder. The mood was definitely starting to settle in between us, and fizzles of excitement popped amidst us as we each tried to predict what would happen first. It was just a matter of time before one of us broke, tearing down the walls and giving into the thick sexual tension. 
My hand was tightly clasped around Harry's as we entered Ash's place. We were both quiet as we politely slipped off our shoes as she gave us a small tour. 
"Y'doing okay?" Harry asked, peering down at me. Ash looked at me with concerned eyes, and I appreciated that they both wanted to make sure that I was still feeling safe and interested. Though, with the fact that they both were looking at me like that, it was clear that I had unintentionally assumed a submissive role in the dynamic, making my core warm. 
"Yeah," I said, clearing my throat. "Are... are you guys still doing okay?" 
Harry smiled and nodded, a dimple popping out of his right cheek. Ash stepped towards us and intertwined her fingers with mine so that now I was holding both of their hands. 
"Do you guys have a safe word?" she asked, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. "Just in case any of us wanna stop at any point, no questions asked."
"We'll just go with red," Harry spoke, answering for me. "That okay, puppy?" 
I nodded my head and looked up at him, then back to Ash. 
"Puppy, hm?" Ash smirked, wandering her hand to the back of my neck, squeezing gently. "Are you gonna be our good pup tonight, sweetheart?" 
My mouth went dry and Harry squeezed my hand, as if he was urging me to answer. I was starting to feel overwhelmed, but in the best way possible. I began to feel wetness pooling in my panties at the domineering tone of Ash's voice. 
"Go on, angel," Harry encouraged, his other hand finding the small of my back. "Don't you wanna be good tonight?"
"Yes," I swallowed, blinking owlishly. "Yes, I wanna be good for you both." 
"That's sweet," Ash murmured. She tucked her bottom lip between her teeth as her head angled towards mine. "Can I kiss you, puppy? Is that okay?" 
I looked up at Harry. We hadn't exactly discussed limits before going into this, so I wasn't sure what was appropriate and what wasn't. Harry smiled gently at my submissiveness, and I could tell that he was pleased I wanted his permission before I answered. 
"You can kiss her if you want," he said, tapping my butt gently. "'s fine, baby, I can tell that you want to. You're nearly drooling over it."
My cheeks warmed up in embarrassment and Ash snickered, waiting for me to make the first move. I leaned forward to close the gap between us, pressing my lips against her soft ones. She was eager in her movements, but I didn't mind it. She licked over my bottom lip, silently asking for permission to explore my mouth, which I quickly granted. I felt Harry's arm wrap around my waist, pressing me closer to his body as our tongues licked at each other. My core was starting to ache, and I was surprised at how turned on I'd gotten in such a short period of time. Apparently, it didn't take much with these two. 
Ash was the first to break apart, and she smirked at my spit covered lips. She pressed her thumb against my bottom lip, tapping it once, and I opened my mouth, allowing her to push it against my tongue. I closed my lips, sucking gently on her thumb. 
"Pretty girl," she mumbled, flickering her gaze to Harry. "Does she always look this sweet when she's sucking your cock?"
I felt myself flush at her words. Harry's dirty talk always got me off quicker than anything else, and Ash's was no exception. 
"Mhmm," Harry hummed, brushing my hair behind my ear as he watched me. Ash pushed her thumb further into my mouth, gently testing the waters of how far I could go. When she got to the tip of my throat, drool started to leak out of the sides of my mouth, making her coo. 
"Look at that," Harry whispered, wiping away the spit steadily leaking down my chin. "Such a good fucking girl. Bet you're all wet down there already, hm? We've barely even touched you yet and you're gagging for her fingers." 
I nodded submissively and Ash smirked, removing her fingers from my mouth. She grabbed our hands and guided us to her bedroom. Harry laid back on the white bedding and pulled me into his chest, Ash automatically finding her way between my legs. They moved so quickly that it made my head spin, but I was so excited and thankful that the teasing seemed to come to an end.
"Is he right, puppy?" Ash asked as she leaned forward to unbutton my jeans, gently pulling the zipper down. Harry helped to shimmy them off my hips and down my legs. "Have you already made a mess in these pretty little panties?" 
I glanced down at the sheer pink underwear covering my bottom half. I was grateful that I'd gone with something cuter today, complete with pretty lace detailing and a bow. 
"Answer her, puppy," Harry said. "Use your words."
"Y-yes," I spoke up, clenching my thighs together. 
"Can I see?" Ash asked as she lifted her tee-shirt, leaving her in a lacy black bralette, "Ask your daddy if I can get a look between this thighs."
I swallowed and looked up at Harry, who's pupils were already blown out. I felt his cock harden from beneath me and I bit my lip, his hand squeezing my hip. 
"Can she look, daddy?" 
"Jesus Christ," Harry mumbled, hooking his fingers beneath my underwear. "Yeah, baby, she can look."
Ash smirked and lowered down to her knees. She pushed the strip of fabric covering my modesty to the side and I nearly moaned at the way she gently blew against my pussy lips, then used her fingers to separate them, revealing my clit. 
"What a pretty pink pussy," she murmured, leaning forward to kitten lick my clit. I gasped and Harry gave my hip another squeeze, a wordless demand to stay still. Ash's movements were slow and deliberate. It was suddenly clear that she wasn't done teasing me — in fact, when her lips wrapped around my clit to gently suck at it, I felt my hole clench around nothing, making her giggle. 
"Aw, you want something to fill you up?" she asked teasingly, making my eyes nearly roll back, "I'm sure your daddy is just dying to see how messy you've gotten down here." 
Harry nodded, pressing a kiss to the side of my head. 
"Would it be okay if he helped me, puppy?" Ash murmured, her fingertips circling my hole, making me clench again. "I think we both wanna see your sweet pussy cum."
"Please," I immediately gasped out, my hand reaching out to grab Harry's, squeezing it. 
"Ask politely, pup." Harry said curtly, adjusting himself below me. He was undoubtedly growing uncomfortable with his cock quickly swelling in his trousers. 
"Please make me cum," I said, biting down on my lip as I felt Ash's fingers lightly trail up and down my pussy, "I want it so bad. Please help make me cum, daddy." 
Harry smirked at that. He pressed a chaste kiss to my cheek and nodded, untucking himself from beneath me and sinking down to his knees next to Ash. 
"Oh," Harry peeped out once he looked between his legs. His hand gripped my left thigh while Ash's fingers kept me spread open. I felt slightly embarrassed at having them stare at me, but I was too overwhelmed to say anything. 
"Pretty, hm?" Ash muttered, her thumb finding my clit and rubbing it small circles. 
"Gorgeous," Harry breathed out, allowing his own finger to brush against my hole. He watched it flutter and I moaned out, wordlessly begging for more. 
"Can we make you feel good, baby?" He asked, looking up at me. I sat up on my elbows and nodded quickly, feeling my chest and neck flush. 
"Yes, please."
I was grateful that they were finally done with their teasing, because I didn't have time to breathe before Ash's lips wrapped back around my clit. She sucked harshly as Harry slowly pushed his finger inside, curling it upwards to brush up against my g-spot. 
"Fuck," I sighed out, squirming beneath their grasp. They each had a hand wrapped around me, with Ash's nails digging into my hip and Harry's fingers splayed over my thigh. I loved the way Harry made me feel, but there was something about having two pairs of hands on me that pushed me over the edge. 
Harry steadily pumped his finger inside of me, stretching me out slightly before adding in a second. His fingertips pushed up against the soft spot inside of me while Ash's tongue moved quickly, alternating between flutters and sucks. I felt her moan against me and I sat back up, looking down to see Harry grabbing her ass, giving it a harsh smack. My eyes widened and he slapped her ass again, staring back at me with a smirk. Ash whimpered again, pushing her ass out further against his palm. 
"Thought my puppy here was the only slut, but it seems like we have two," he mumbled, give her other ass cheek a swift slap. I was surprised when I felt myself get wetter at the sight of Harry touching another girl, but feeling Ash groan out against my clit was only pushing me closer to my orgasm. "Hm? Is that right, angel? Daddy's little slut, yeah? Gon' cum for us?" 
I nodded quickly, my jaw falling slack as he smacked her ass again, continuing his assault on the spongy spot inside of me. Ash moaned out once more before I came, pushing my hips down against her mouth to create more friction as my hole pulsed around Harry's fingers. 
"Pretty fuckin' pussy," Harry muttered, withdrawing his fingers to lick them clean. I shivered at his words and Ash placed a kiss to my pussy lips before crawling up my body. She hovered over me and pressed her lips against mine, pushing her tongue into my mouth. I groaned at the taste and wrapped my fingers around her torso to unhook her bra. She sat up to allow me and smirked when my eyes instantly shot down to the silver bars in her nipples. She moved upwards a bit, then lowered her breast into my mouth, encasing my tongue around her nipple. 
"Shit," Ash mumbled, lolling her head to the side. Her hand came up to fondle her other breast, tweaking her nipple slightly. I switched to the other, biting at it gently, making her squeal. 
When I looked up, Harry had ditched his pants and was palming himself through his briefs. I could only imagine how painfully hard he was, and I wrapped my arms around Ash's hips, motioning for her to move up. 
"Can I taste you?" I asked, my eyes finding hers. She still had her skirt on, but I was too eager to even think about anything else but making her cum on my tongue. 
"Yeah, bunny. You've been so good," she murmured. Her hand dipped below her skirt and pushed her panties to the side, and she whimpered as she slowly circled her clit. "Want me to ride your face while daddy fucks your sweet pussy?" 
I nodded quickly and glanced over at Harry. His jaw was slack as he watched me, and I knew he was waiting to see a glimpse of me eating Ash's pussy. 
"Fuck me, daddy," I whined, licking a long stripe up Ash's pussy, eliciting a moan from her lips. "Please?" 
"Whatever you want, puppy," Harry said, quickly ditching his briefs and positioning himself over my lower half. I heard him pumping his cock, which was undoubtedly slick with pre-cum. I felt him nudge at my hole, which was still slightly sensitive from my previous orgasm, but still welcomed him, especially when I heard the lengthy groan tumble from his lips when he bottomed out. As he slowly started to build up a pace, I moaned against Ash's pussy, trying to keep my focus as my tongue darted in and out of her. 
"Fuck, your cock looks so good fucking her," Ash mumbled out. Her hands found my tits and she squeezed over my bra, slowly testing out the waters as she began to ride my tongue. 
"Mhm, mhm!" I whimpered out, the sensations quickly becoming overwhelming again. I could feel Ash's pussy clenching over my tongue and I reached up to circle her clit, using my fingertips to press against the pearl. Between her taste on my mouth and Harry thrusting in and out of me, I was beginning to unravel again. 
"You're gonna make me fuckin' cum," Ash sighed, picking up the pace on my tongue, "Rub my clit faster, puppy, y'can do it." 
"Make her cum, sweetheart," Harry slurred out, his fingers finding my own clit. "Be a good girl for us and make Ash cum all over your tongue." 
I moaned loudly and rubbed at her clit faster, just as she instructed. I listened to her chants of "just like that, baby", looking up to watch her come undone. Her head fell back as I felt her hole clenching violently, her swollen clit slick with her juices and my spit. 
"Shit!" She exclaimed. "Fuck, what a good mouth." 
I heard her let out a sigh as she dismounted, laying down next to me to give me a kiss. Her tongues danced together but Harry's thrusting caused me to moan into her mouth, making Ash smirk. 
"Talk to him," Ash instructed, trailing her fingers over her breasts and back down to her pussy. "Is he fucking you good, pup?" 
"Yes," I whimpered, my pussy gushing as I felt his balls smack my ass. "'M gonna cum again, daddy." 
Harry smirked, his fingers pressing harder against my clit. "What do you need, angel?" 
I couldn't even think with the way my core was winding up so tightly. Feeling Harry's cock so deep inside me and watching Ash touch herself made me speechless, my brain going fuzzy at the sensations around me. 
"Aw, are you all cockdumb, puppy?" Ash teased, flipping onto her side and lifting her leg up, allowing us both to see her finger herself. "Your daddy asked you what you need. Are you gonna answer him?" 
"I— I need more," I slurred out, my eyes fluttering. 
"More?" Ash asked, her eyebrow quirked. Harry nodded, quickly understanding and pulled out, tapping my ass. 
"All fours, sweetheart," he instructed. I scrambled to get onto my elbows, pressing my face into the pillow and pushing my ass into the air. Harry pushed his slick cock back into my hole and he grunted out, spreading my ass cheeks apart. 
"Oh!" I gasped when I felt him spit down into my asshole, his fingertip circling. 
"A little anal whore too?" Ash asked, shifting on her knees, "You really got lucky with her, hm?" 
I couldn't think as I felt Ash's smaller finger press into my tight hole. My eyes rolled back, spit steadily leaking from my mouth as my pussy clamped around Harry's cock tightly, signaling that I was close. 
"Show her how hard you cum for me, puppy," Harry instructed, continuing his constant assault on my g-spot. I trailed my fingers down my chest and to my pussy, where I found my wet and swollen clit begging for attention. I moaned loudly as I began pressing circles into the pearly nerves, making Ash giggle. 
"So fuckin' desperate, aren't you?" she cooed, a hand — I wasn't sure if it was hers or Harry's — coming down to harshly slap my ass. "Greedy puppy, having your daddy fuck you and some random girl finger your ass. That's all you're good for, hmm? Silly little pillow princess."
"Fuck!" I exclaimed, the knot in my core finally fraying. My limbs let out and I trembled, muscles contracting harshly as my orgasm came over me in intense waves, making me scream a myriad of curses. I heard Ash crooning behind me, encouraging Harry to continue fucking me through it, but my vision went white, my body hot and sweaty. My body flush against the sheets, I felt Harry pull out followed by a spray of warm cum dispersing on my butt. 
I was barely aware of what was going on around me, still twitching and coming down from one of the strongest orgasms I've ever had. I shivered when I felt a wet sensation from behind me — it took me a second to figure it out, but when I heard Harry groan out in sensitivity, I realized it was Ash licking his cum off of my body. 
I whimpered at the feeling of her soft tongue slurping up the liquid. She crawled up to me and I shifted my head, leaning on my side to look at her. She had a smirk on her face and I nodded willingly, knowing what she was looking to do. 
"Open up." Ash mumbled before pressing her lips to mine. It was mere moments before both of our mouths were open, tongues dancing as we swapped Harry's cum between us. I moaned as I swallowed the remaining bit, backing away and licking my lips. 
"You two are trouble," Harry muttered from behind me. Ash let out a giggle and I looked up to see him pulling his briefs on, his tee-shirt from earlier in his hand, the other wrapped protectively around my shoulder.
“Lemme grab you two some water,” Ash said, climbing off the bed. She picked up her shirt from earlier and pulled it on her form. “You can stay the night if you want, there’s a guest room down the hall.”
Harry glanced at me as I bit my lip, “That’s alright, I think we’ll probably grab an Uber and head home.” He replied, grateful that he could read my expressions without a second thought.
"Don't worry about it. Just make sure she gets some aftercare, she's looking a little floaty." Ash murmured, stroking my cheek. I smiled gently, still buzzing from my orgasm. Harry chuckled as he sat down on the edge of the bed, pulling his tee-shirt over my body. 
"Was that good, baby?" he asked quietly, running a hand through my messy hair. 
"Mhm. Thank you."
"Anything for you, puppy. Now, let's get you home and in the bath."
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qatarsprint2023 · 4 months
Hi im shamelessly in love with Oscar so how about Oscar x reader, where the reader gets really overwhelmed and Oscar helps calm her down!!!
I really liked writing this because I've been getting so many Lando requests and I'm not even that big of a Lando girl (I'm sorry!) I'm not quite sure if you meant it like this or more like a meltdown overwhelmed, but I hope you enjoy anyways <3
That overwhelming world of his — OP81
Oscar takes his girlfriend to an official event for the first time and she gets overwhelmed from how it all works — Oscar Piastri x f!reader, comfort, fluff, no use of y/n, Oscar being a sweetheart, reader has social anxiety, body image issues word count: ca. 1.3k
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Being with Oscar also required being okay with the fame and spotlight that came with dating an athlete in the most prestigious category of motorsports— Formula One.
You adored watching your boyfriend race— even more when he had a good result, but you were always there for him, comforting and holding and reassuring him when he didn't do quite as well, too.
Today was the day Oscar had been looking forward to with excitement for at least a month now. He was going to be awarded his second Rookie of the Year award at the FIA prize giving tonight. He had received his first one in 2021 when he was still a rookie in F2 and not driving for one of the most prestigious teams in Formula One.
However this year was the first time he'd bring you as his date because unfortunately you'd been way too busy with working to get your degree to even take a few days off for his first award. You didn't usually go to these kinds of events with Oscar. It wasn't like you needed to be attached at the hip to still be a loving couple with a healthy relationship. He could do things without you and you could do things without him.
That didn't mean that you didn't care about the other's career, though. In fact, it was quite the opposite actually. Oscar had instantly been one of your biggest supporters when you'd finally decided on what you wanted to study. Your boyfriend had helped you through exams and countless late night study sessions, just like you'd always supported his passion for racing through highs and lows.
Now this was different. Today you'd spent hours getting ready. Redoing your hair and make-up over and over again, criticizing your appearance in the mirror until you looked presentable. Getting dressed had been even worse. One dress you tried just looked like a potato sack on you, the next had you picking and pinching the fabric in front of the full length mirror in the bedroom with a scrutinizing gaze.
Oscar had been a silent presence in the doorway as he watched you stare at yourself like that until he'd slowly gone and hugged you gently, hoping it would make you feel better about whatever your mind was telling you. Then he'd taken the decision problem off your hands by looking at the dresses in your closet for about a minute and then taking out a very nice dress with navy blue fabric and pretty embroidered flowers. Eventually you'd just gone with that one, knowing you couldn't spend hours trying to fix what didn't really need to be fixed.
The ride in the car afterwards was tense and quiet as your mind wandered. Oscar mentally prepared himself to receive his award while you kept bouncing your leg and picking at your nails. That was until Oscar just took your hand in his and gently let his thumb draw small circles into the skin there, whispering a soft "You'll do great," as he kept one hand on the steering wheel.
When you arrived at the venue, Oscar got out first and walked around to open your car door for you like a real gentleman. As you stepped out of the car, you were both instantly caught in the flickering flashlights of cameras to each side of the entrance and calls of "Oscar! Oscar, here!" from photographers who hoped to catch your boyfriend smiling at their camera.
The onslaught of flashing lights and clamoring voices overwhelmed your senses, made your heart speed up and your mouth go dry as your eyes darted all around. It felt like stepping into a whirlwind of attention and scrutiny, each flash of a camera a reminder of Oscar's world—a world where every move was watched, every word dissected.
You clung to Oscar's hand like a lifeline, trying to navigate the sea of people and paparazzi, your heart pounding like it wanted to run away. Each click that came from the cameras around seemed like a spotlight on every single one of your insecurities, leaving them out for everyone to see and judge.
Your grip on your boyfriend's hand tightened as you felt your breathing speed up a little, seeking solace in the familiar warmth of his skin. He seemed to sense your unease and pulled you a little closer, shielding you from the chaotic scene around. His touch offered reassurance as he guided you through the maze of photographers and flashing lights. The voices calling out faded into the background as he whispered a tender, "I've got you."
As you entered the venue, the atmosphere shifted from the outside frenzy to a more controlled chaos within. The air was thick with anticipation and the buzz of conversations. Oscar led you towards the event hall, his hand a steady anchor in the overwhelming current.
You caught glimpses of familiar faces, fellow drivers and their partners, all effortlessly navigating this world that felt like an alien landscape to you. The weight of inadequacy pressed upon your shoulders, and you couldn't shake the feeling of being an outsider in this world of glamour.
You could feel eyes on you and the pressure seemed almost suffocating. You knew you didn't have that model look the girls that dated Oscar's fellow drivers had, and you'd never really thought of that as something too bad, however surrounded by people who looked so perfect, so unreal, you felt so wrong.
As you took your seats, the crowd's buzz continued, but Oscar's focus remained on you as you started bouncing your leg under the table, your fingers subconsciously picking at your dress' fabric just like earlier in front of the mirror. Leaning in, he murmured, "I'm here. Just be yourself, okay? I'm happy to have you here with me, you know that?"
You gave a short nod in reply, however still kept your fingers intertwined with his under the table as he made conversation with the woman in the seat beside him. His hand felt so warm and reassuring, his skin slightly calloused from years of hard training for a very demanding sport.
Throughout the ceremony, Oscar's gaze periodically met yours, silently offering encouragement through his honey brown eyes, telling you that you were allowed to be here just as much as everyone else. When the moment arrived for him to accept the award, he gave your hand a quick squeeze before stepping onto the stage with a big smile on his face as applause and cheers echoed through the hall. You'd never felt more proud.
After the accolades subsided and the night unfolded, Oscar made a conscious effort to ensure you felt included despite obviously being confused by everything, introducing you to fellow racers and their partners.
A little later in the evening, when people had almost forgotten about the actual reason they were even here, Oscar guided you to a more quiet corner, away from the prying eyes. The genuine concern in his eyes mirrored the unspoken understanding between you. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice gentle and filled with sincerity.
"It's so overwhelming," you muttered quietly. "There are so many people, so many cameras, the noise... It feels so wrong to be here."
"Hey, don't do that," he scolded you softly, taking your hands in his. "You're allowed here just as much as me. Take a deep breath, okay? We're a team right?"
"Right," you replied with a nod and drew in a shaky breath.
"You're doing wonderful, don't worry. I know you get anxious around so many people, so many eyes," your boyfriend told you in a soft tone of voice and gently pulled you close, brushing his lips against your temple. "I'm just happy you came with me, sweetheart."
In that moment, as Oscar's words wrapped around you like a comforting embrace, you realized that even in the whirlwind of this foreign world, he cherished you and all the love and support you brought into his life.
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belxveds · 1 year
[wisdom has left the chat]
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pairing: peter parker x f!reader
summary: you get your wisdom teeth removed...who the fuck gave you your phone? (peter did.) where you're extremely high on anesthesia and pain meds, flash can't get a hint, and peter is flushed bright red at your lack of filter on the group chat.
tags: humour. fluff. crack fic. texting. sex mention.
requests are open!
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"Am I being kidnapped?", you whisper out breathily as you writhed under the fastened seatbelt that Peter had done up a couple moments earlier, twisting around clumsily as you tried to press down on the buckle and free yourself from the restraint.
Peter who had just placed away the prescription note and after-surgery procedure instructions in the backseat sighed before quickly getting a grip on your wrist, holding it in place so that it wouldn’t do more damage.
Making eye contact with you and holding your gaze for a few seconds to make sure that you wouldn’t try to get away for the 4th time that evening, he dragged your hand over onto your lap and let it drop softly against your legging clad thighs before responding, “No babe, I’m taking you home.”
You crossed your arms, or at least tried to- only whacking Peter’s nose twice before pouting through the window like a petulant child, spit and blood pooling up underneath your chin as the gauze between your teeth started to fall out. Grumbling under your breath, you garbled out, “Don’t call me babe.”
Peter let out a giggle as he reached for a napkin, holding you by your jaw with extreme caution and turning you towards him so that he could clean up the saliva gathered there, “Why can’t I call you babe, babe?”
Your pout deepened at the outright disrespect as you you gently patted Peter’s knee, as if trying to let him down easy, “Only my boyfriend can call me babe. He’s Spider-Man, you know?” The second part tilted up at the end into a proud and fond voice, your eyes turning soft before realizing where you were and snapping your hand back into yourself.
“Is that right?”, Peter asked amused, finally pulling out of the parking lot of the dentistry and towards the road.
“Yup.”, you exclaimed, popping the p and dancing your fingers across the dash in front of you as you felt the small vibrations tingle up your palm, smiling wide when a small brr emitted from your nails dragging along the textured pattern set around the vent of the AC.
A few more seconds passed of you randomly grazing your fingers along different parts of the interior of Tony’s car, the different materials stimulating your touch before you turned your head completely around and faced your body and attention towards him. Your gaze flickering across a strong jawline and soft set cheekbones, stopping as you paused at his hair. “You have curls.”
Peter glanced at you quickly before returning his focus to the road, sparing a look at himself in the mirror as he ran a hand through the unruly mess, “I do.”
You sighed wistfully as you rested your head against the cushioning of your seat, “Peter has curls.”
Peter let out a laugh, “Y/N, I’m Peter.”
You gave him the most incredulous look before falling into a fit of hiccupped laughter, your palms spaying on your flushed cheeks as you looked back up at him again as if he had just the funniest thing you’d ever heard, “Oh! Don’t be silly, Peter’s at home!”
Peter’s eyebrows furrowed. He doesn’t think he’d ever heard you use the word “silly” unironically in his entire 3 years of dating you. Anyway. That wasn’t the point. Peter only hesitated for a second before continuing, if the roles were reversed, he knew that you’d do the exact same thing, “Hmm, right. How…silly…of me. So ba-Y/N, tell me about Peter.”
You sighed wistfully, twirling your hair as if you were in a teen rom-com before starting, "He's so pretty and oh my god, you should see his abs. You could wash your clothes on them, I'm telling you. Washboard. And he's so smart and kind and fuck...the way he fucks-"
Peter choked a little, wide-eyed, sneaking a quick glance at you as he swerved into the parking lot of the pharmacy before interrupting, cheeks red as he said, "I-uhh-listen, I've got to go in and grab some medicine for you so I'm going to need you to be very responsible, ok? Can you do that?"
You scoffed, offended, "I am the most super very much responsible person in this car, sir, and for your information, I'll have you know, that I am very responsible."
Peter let out a small giggle at your antics before nodding, slowly bringing out your phone from his pocket before begrudgingly handing it over, watching you squeal like a child as you gripped it to your chest, "Call me if you need anything and please, Y/N, for the love of god, don't post anything or text anyone."
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Y/N Stark's FanClub 🤩 10 members . Private Chat
11:52 am . May 7th
Y/N: HLEP SOS RED Jason: ... Betty: Y/N WHAT HAPPENED?? Y/N: I'ev been kidnpaped 😧 Cindy: And the kidnapper didn't take your phone? Kind of a stupid kidnapper if you ask me Betty: CINDY- OMG Sally: HUH 😧 Y/N: He's hot tho...so it's fine ig BUT STILL >:( how dare he Flash: Idk what you're talking about hun, I didn't kidnap you Y/N: Shut your ulgy ass up Jason: BAHAHAHBDAJBDJKSFBK Sally: pFFTTT- Betty: Is no one else concerned? :,) MJ: Peter took her to get her wisdom teeth removed, she's fine. Cindy: high y/n 😧 Charles: Why tf are there so many 😧😧😧 Charles: Y/N IS KIDNAPPED?? OUR QUEEN- Charles: oh :) nm
Jason: nonono cindy it's more like
Jason: high y/n 😈
Y/N: yes jason hehe 😈
Ned: @peterparker @peterparker @peterparker
Ned: bro come collect your girlfriend
Y/N: hey! pter doesn't own me >:( i'm an indepnedant woman
Sally: yeah ned wtf
Sally: sexist
Cindy: that's so digusting
Betty: you think women belong to men 🤨
Ned: skfjnskjfednsjkefnskefns 😭😭😭 ?!?!?!?!
༶ Y/N STARK has started a group call for Y/N Stark's FanClub 🤩 ༶
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Blinking a bit deliriously as familiar faces of your friends popped up on your screen, you giggled in glee at their appearance as you struggled to smile through your puffy cheeks and bloody cotton pads.
Propping your phone up on the dashboard with some struggle as you folded back, your eyes widened over the chaos of questions erupting from the speakers as you caught a glance of your kidnapper returning.
Based on his stern glare as he checked his phone and then back up at you, you panickedly gargled, "Guys! Oh no oh no oh no- he's coming back!"
Sally, still in her pajamas yet more alert than half the rest of the group call attendees, pitched in, "Hide? I-"
You stared at her in confusion as you looked around at the limited hiding spaces big enough to fit your uncoordinated body in the car.
"What?", Jason snorted, "No- Y/N, Y/N, hear me out...seduce him."
Your face of disgust made him burst out into laughter as Betty played along, no longer concerned, "Tell him your dad's Iron Man!!"
Jason who'd finally caught his breath wheezed, "I still think my idea is the best-"
You'd just let out a noise of distress at the thought of flirting with someone other than your boyfriend when the door to the driver's seat swung open.
Wincing as the handsome man sat down, you made panicked side-eyes at the screen as you murmured out a small, "Hello, not-my-boyfriend Peter."
Watching him roll his eyes, he peeked his head into the view of your camera as he gave a small wave at your friends. All them chorusing their greetings as he turned and huffed at you, "What was the one thing I said not to do when I left you with your phone?"
"Well...technically it was two things-", your murmured as you withered in your seat, bringing your palms to your face as you heard laughter echo from the screen.
"I don't think you guys see the opportunity in front of us right now", Flash grinned, "This is basically Y/N on truth serum."
The mischievous glance Flash gave you made Peter sigh in defeat as he pulled out of the parking lot, knowing a lost battle when he saw one. There was no going to make you cut the call now as you squealed forward, taking the phone into your hands and giggling, "Like truth or dare!"
"Ok Y/N...I'll ask first...", Flash began, Peter's forearms going up in goosebumps as he heard noises of wariness erupt from the screen. This was going to be interesting.
"Are you actually in love with Peter?"
The smirk MJ gave at your bewildered expression made Peter let out a snort of laughter, Flash's endless pursuit to get a chance with his girlfriend nothing less than amusing.
You sighed wistfully, smiling like a disney princess as you looked off out the window, "He's like a shot of espresso, like...being bathed in sunlight. He's incredibly energetic and enthusiastic, and has this sense of… play and fun when you're alone with him, which was incredibly exciting."
You faced the phone again, "He's so- smart and sweet and caring. Like a prince. Extremely charming, especially when he's nervous. And there's thing he does when he's trying to pretend he's annoyed at me as he fights off a smile like- like he just scrunches his nose and it's so...he's so cute, I just want to pinch his cheeks and suck his dick, you know?"
You leaned in close to the camera ignoring the embarrassment of Flash's face and the giggles from everyone else as you whispered, as if indulging them in on a secret, "He's also amazing in bed. Like there's this thing he did with his tongue last night and-
Peter's hand had never moved faster as it slapped across your mouth to keep you shut, his ears burning red as he let out a cough, "Aaand that will be the end of that, say bye to them, we're almost at the compound."
The hoots and hollers from your phone made him groan, knowing he'd never hear the end of it as Charles brokenly said in between tears of laughter, "S-simp."
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strangemaleswaps · 2 months
Strange Job Swap
“Oh it's beautiful!” exclaimed the customer waiting in line. I handed her a nicely decorated cake for her son's birthday.
“It's no big deal. Just doing my job.” I acted like it was no big deal, but really I was gladly accepting the praise!
“This is perfect though. Have you considered being an artist?” she replied with a slightly more serious look.
“Yes I have actually…but the job market is tough.”
“Aww you'll get there eventually! Don't give up! Well anyway, you made my day so for that, thank you!”
“You're welcome.” I was a bit sad though, because she was right; I SHOULD be an artist. I recently earned my bachelor's degree, but yet I was still stuck in this dumb hick town, working as a grocery store cake decorator. I may have been good at what I do but I wouldn't want to do it forever!
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At least my co-workers are pretty decent, especially my fellow bakery buddies, Chase, Amber, and Domingo. Amber was cool and didn't take anyone’s shit, which is why I loved seeing her because I didn't have much confidence when dealing with unruly customers. Domingo was very sweet, and even though he didn't speak very good English, he's hella good at his job. And Chase, well…he's hot! His bleach blond hair somehow always caught the light at a perfect angle. I don't know how I even kept my focus when he's working next to me.
At the end of my shift, I clocked out, and decided to buy a couple groceries like I normally did. I scanned everything at the self-checkout, put the receipt into one of my bags, and started walking towards the exit. The store had 2 exits on either side of the front, but I only took one because the other had a certain asshole at it - Richard.
The greeter position was removed a long time ago, but they bring it back for employees that have been injured or are too old, so that they can keep their jobs. Now this old guy named Richard had surgery a long time ago and became the greeter while he recovered. But yet he never went back to his old position.
He always stays at one specific entrance, and the reason I hated him so much was because he's racist. Part of his job has him checking customers’ receipts to make sure they didn't steal anything, which seems pretty unnecessary when you have those anti-theft machines at the exit. But I've seen him. The only people he checks the receipts for are minorities. It's not a subtle thing either; he’s super friendly, greeting and saying goodbye to all the white people passing but when it comes to someone who's not, his demeanor suddenly changes. 
My luck must've run out today, because I found the sliding glass doors at my usual exit were broken and currently being fixed. The area was blocked off by a barricade, and I knew there was only one other way to leave. I headed over to the other exit, and there Richard was, waving goodbye to a white mother and her toddler. He was wearing his typical gray uniform shirt that was clearly too small, because you could see his gut and nipples trying to poke through. Gross.
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I moved through the aisle, trying not to draw attention to myself, but it was all for nothing because right on cue, Richard walked up to me and gave a great big (and so obviously fake) smile.
“Hello sir, can I see your receipt please?”
“Richard, it's me, Marco. I work in the bakery. You've seen me a million times before.” His smile suddenly faded, and his eyes narrowed, as if every ounce of happiness in his body just vanished.
“That's no excuse. How do I know you aren't stealing?”
“Because I want to keep my job?”
“Don't backtalk to me. You seem awfully suspicious today.” He then reached for his walkie talkie and started to page a manager. I really was able to walk out with no repercussions because I truly didn't steal anything, but there's a chance he would page the Asset Protection lady, who was almost as awful.
“Hello? Is anyone there?” Nobody answered him. Thank god.
“Am I free to go now?” I said happily. The anger returned to his face.
“Just don't let me catch you stealing again. Or there'll be consequences!”
“Yeah…suuuure.” I walked out the door, into my car, and back home. I can't believe some people honestly. I was so sick of this town! I needed to move away real soon.
When I got home my dog, Kenny, was excited to greet me as usual so I let him outside to do his business while I got into my running clothes, prepping for a run. As I let Kenny back in, I went to check the mail and found a weird envelope in between the bills and spam. I opened it up and it was a letter addressed “to whom it may concern”. I threw it away without a second thought but Kenny suddenly ran up to the trash can, took it out, and placed it back in front of me.
“You really want me to read this, don't you boy?” I said cheerily as I patted him on the head.
“To whom it may concern,
Are you struggling with your current job? Unhappy with the life you have? Well I have just the cure for that! We are now selling happiness inducing coins for only $1 with free shipping! One flip of this coin will guarantee you will soon get a job you love! Get it fast before it all runs out! Just follow the link on the back of this letter if you are interested.” - VV
I wondered who or what VV was supposed to be, and $1 with free shipping sounds too good to be true, so this seemed like a scam. I also wasn't a superstitious person,  but for some reason my gut was telling me that this was a good idea. Kenny seemed to think so too as he was wagging his tail under the table and I read. I followed the link listed on the back of the page, typing in each random letter and number combination into my phone and ordered the lucky coin. I went to bed that night feeling a little more hopeful.
The next day at work was just like the previous day, only the door was fixed so I didn't have to walk out the exit Richard was standing at. We did make eye contact though, and he shot me a dirty look. I got home to find that the package had already arrived, which was awfully quick. I cut open the box and inside was a golden coin with a picture of a brain on it. The other side had a picture of a person with their arms spread wide. It was a really weird design. I read the instructions.
How to use:
Flip the coin
No matter what side it lands on, you'll be guaranteed happiness in your new job!
It sounded so lame, but I followed the instructions anyway. I flipped the coin the air, and slapped it on the back of my other hand. Tails. Nothing happened. I guess it was just $1 so it wasn't a huge waste of my time. It's pretty cool looking so maybe I could display it on my dresser or something.
I felt especially tired the rest of the night, but I was fine because I had a day off tomorrow. I was gonna go to the park with Kenny, as well as do a few errands. I was just glad I had time away from my job.
The next morning my alarm went off for some reason. I must've accidently set it by mistake. The weirder thing was Kenny wasn't there. Normally at the sound of my alarm, he comes running from wherever he was sleeping, and jumps on the bed to get me up. But there was nothing. When I started to truly wake up and become more alert, I realized that my alarm was set to the default or something. Instead of my usual calming piano, it was an annoying ringing. I opened my eyes to see what was happening. My vision was blurry, but I could tell I wasn't in my own room.
What happened? Did someone kidnap me? The alarm clock wasn't even on a phone, but rather it was an actual alarm clock. I had no idea what was going on, but I reached over to turn it off so I could think. I'm certain I must've been kidnapped somehow but why? And why would they set an alarm clock? I couldn't see but felt around the nightstand for a clue and found a pair of glasses. When I tried them on, just like that, my vision returned to normal. I had perfect vision before! Why did I suddenly need glasses? I reached up to scratch my head and found my hairline was incredibly receded. I was balding! I looked down with my now clear vision to find an even worse fact. I was chubby!
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I sat up and stared at the foreign gut and two large man tits, as well as numerous graying chest hairs. I ran my hands through the hair, pinching them to make sure they were real. I pinched the tits as well, and felt sensations I've never felt before as they wobbled when I let go. I ran my hands through my face and felt a mustache and double chin, and began feeling nauseous at the thought of what I actually looked like. I didn't see a mirror in the room so I walked out the door trying to find a bathroom. The fat jiggled all around as I ran.
I got to the bathroom and nearly puked on the spot when I saw who I was. Richard. Oh god no. Of all people, I had to look like this racist bastard? I stared at myself and grazed my hands along my face. Suddenly I felt angry and started pinching it instead, as if I was doing the same thing to the real Richard, but denial didn't help; that was my face and it hurt. I touched his mustache and pinched it, as if it would come off. 
Just then I heard the doorbell ring. I didn't want to interact with anybody looking like this but until I figured out how to fix it, I knew I had to pretend to be Richard. I answered the door to find the mailman.
“Howdy Rich! Woah uh.” He stared at my chest. I forgot I was still shirtless. Having this much fat hanging from my body was almost like answering the door naked. “I see you've lost some weight!” he said, obviously lying.
“Oh uh, thanks.” I replied, trying to imitate Richard’s voice, which was pretty easy considering I've mocked him before.
“Well anyway, not much today; just a letter.” He handed me a letter with a purple stamp on it.
“Well uh see you tomorrow!” The mailman went on his way and I closed the door. I opened the letter and found a note similar to the lucky coin advertisement.
To whom it may concern,
Good morning! I trust that your lucky coin worked well? Welcome to your new life! As promised, you now have a job that you love. Unhappy with the results? Just flip the coin once again, and make sure it lands on what it landed on before! If not, however, your fate is sealed. Best Wishes! - VV, Venefica Viola
Shit. They're not lying though. Richard did love his job. And since I was in his body, I now had that job! But who is this Venefica Viola? It sounded like Latin somehow. I walked back to the bedroom to find Richard’s phone. Luckily he didn't have any lock screen pin so I could easily get in. I searched for a translator, dodging the random pop up ads that were everywhere on his phone and looked up Venefica Viola.
Violet Witch. So magic is involved somehow. I needed to get my coin back so I could undo this! It must still be at my own house. Shit! I just realized why the alarm clock went off. Richard worked today! He had perfect attendance and never uses his PTO, so not going in was gonna look suspicious. I glanced at the clock and realized I only had 20 minutes. 
Even though I'd love to see Richard be humiliated by going to work in his underwear, I decided that it wasn't worth attracting attention so I looked through his clothes to put on a work uniform. I found a pair of boxers and accidently flashed myself when I completely forgot I didn't have my own dick either. It was all wrinkly, but honestly a lot bigger than I thought. No. I was not about to get horny over Richard's dick! I found what he normally wore to work and put the rest on. I found tucking the shirt was more difficult than usual, as I had to pull it over my belly.
I guess I could make this work…for now. I hated to admit it, but Richard wasn't all that bad looking. It was his personality and habits that made him so repulsive, but now that I was in control of him, he didn't look all that bad. Maybe I could even turn things around for now and do something nice for the people I know he hates. I grabbed the car keys on the nearby table, and drove to work.
I walked in the store, put Richard's nametag on, and clocked in. I nearly started walking to the bakery area but stopped myself. I guess I'm really going to have to be a greeter for a day. This feels humiliating. I made my way to the front entrance and just stood there, waiting for customers to enter or exit.
Soon enough customers began arriving and I tried my best to act like Richard, though one customer asked if I was all right because I guess I overdid it. I didn't ask any customers to show their receipts though, because I might as well take advantage of being a greeter. I noticed Domingo at the checkout and when he bagged up his groceries, he approached me first instead of the door. He hastily grabbed his receipt and started showing it to me. I wasn't about to let this happen.
“No no it's ok. You don't have to show me the receipt anymore.”
“No?” He looked shocked.
“Checking receipts is stupid anyway. I don't need to do it anymore.”
“Really? I can go?”
“Yep! Have a good day.” It was unnerving seeing him so scared at the sight of me, but he smiled like normally did as he put the receipt back in the bag and walked out.
As I moved towards the break room to take my break, I noticed someone who looked awfully familiar walk through the door. It was…me! I mean Richard. It must've been; if I was in his body, he must've been in mine. It became more obvious by the way he was walking, taking big steps as if he was used to having his gut swinging around…like mine was now. God I hated this. I had to talk to him to sort things out. He smirked as I approached.
“Oh it's you. I mean me. I mean,” he paused for a second and rounded his mouth into an even bigger smile, which looked uncanny with my face. “The old me.”
“What do you mean ‘the old you’”?
“Well seeing as I'm much younger now, while you're much older, I think the term is appropriate.”
“Well yeah, but not for long. I'm going to switch us back.”
“Oh no you're not! I may have preferred being white, but I’m enjoying youth again! Oh, and don't worry. I saw that coin thing and that letter this morning, and I made sure it would never see the light of day again. You got that…Richard?” 
He called me that in the same mocking tone that I always use to call him. I can't believe this!
“Y-you can't do this! I had a future!”
“That's my future now old man. You know maybe I could be a model with these looks. Maybe make one of those, what do you kids call it? OnlyFans?”
God no, I'm an artist, not a pornstar. He can't do this!
“The greeter is a real fun job, Richard. Enjoy it. You're hired!”
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k2ntoss · 4 months
"“On your knees.” While their fingers thread through your hair, guiding you onto the floor." with Jason? 😳
guess who fell sick FROM A KFC CHICKEN PIECE!!! i'm dying but anyways first one of the nighty-night!!! omg i just love writing this stuff with jay it's just hehehe :3 here we go, my dear anon, thanks for your request. adding vigilante!reader here bc my head has ideas.
"on your knees." while their fingers thread through your hair, guiding you onto the floor.
it was usual for you to steal kisses from jason's lips whenever you walked past him and everyone around had grown used to it, soft pecks followed by a pretty smile as you carried your gear after a mission or when you walked around the training arena. it wasn't weird anymore not even for bruce because he knew that you needed each other.
this time wasn't much different besides the fact that tim and damian were fighting right in front of jason at the time you had to pass by his side, carrying a couple of knives you stood next to him and nudged his side softly, a silent sing for him to lean down so you could reach and kiss him and he did, lips softly touching yours in a sweet motion that made his younger sibblings grunt at the missing attention because they sworn they needed his opinion.
"i bet you have better things in mind to do rather than getting involved on a new discussion with them" you murmur against his lips, a small smirk when you noticed your tease working on him even if it wasn't meant to at first.
"and i bet you've never been told you speak way too much, haven't ya?" jason asks cockily, standing straight once again and looking at you with his arms crossed over his chest and you can't help but chuckle when his eyes linger for a little more on your lips before he looks back at his brothers.
"all i hear is you're in love with me, todd" your words bring a scowl to damian's face and drag a tired sigh from tim, probably a little too over the loverbirds shit you always manage to pull out of jason when you're close. of course he's not always so sweet with you but you've pulled onto his more human side and that had helped jason to feel more worthy of a lot of stuff, because you've been there to teach him that not being perfect wasn't bad.
"i hate it when you're right." he chuckles and shakes his head, leaning in to drap an arm over your shoulders and pressing a kiss to your temple, looking over you and taking in your figure, the way the gray suit hugged your curves before getting lost under the waist of your cargo pants made your body look even more desireable and he just smirked to himself "i wish there was a way to shut your mouth at least for a while."
if you didn't knew him you would have thought he was pissed off by your comments but the undertone of tease and mischief on his words was clear for you and you understood his intentions, even clearer when you noticed jason's eyes wandering around the cave to make sure it was just the two of you there.
"well, maybe there is" you say, as if wondering the answer but jason is quick to grab your hand and pull you upstairs and between chuckles he makes his way to the library as he looked into any other room to make sure there wasn't a chance of being caught like two horny highschoolers, but that was the fun in this all.
"yeah? what would that be?" he asks once he finds a nice spot. that chair he always picks in between all the spaces around the manor because it's comfortable and because it is the first place he kissed you "does it has anything to do with that pretty mouth of yours wrapped around my dick?"
it takes jason almost nothing to change the tone of his voice, he sits on the big chair and pulls you closer by the waist to place you on his lap just so he can capture you lips in a new kiss, this time hungrier and harsher. his hands grip onto your hips as yours claw softly on his chest, kissing him back and letting his tongue intrude into your mouth when he deepens the contact of your lips.
"here? in broad daylight?" you ask him teasingly but jason knows you couldn't care less when your hips push against his making your body grind against his "if we get caught you know we won't hear the end of it, jason." and your boyfriend knows that's true but there isn't too many people to find you both and he is 50% sure he just locked the door but that's just details.
"i don't really care and i'm sure you don't care either" he says in a low tone, looking up at you as his hands trace the outline of your figure until he squeezes your breast playfully and leans in to kiss your jaw, nibbling on the zone as if he was tasting you for the first time ever and he just got adicted to the feeling of your flushed skin.
it takes a few more heated kisses, your hips grinding against him and the sound of your heavy breathing mixed with the noise of your clothes until he pulls away with a predatory smirk as he pushes your body from his.
"on your knees." jason's voice sounds hoarse and it drives shivers down your spine because his hand touches you in a soft way as his fingers threat through your hair as his other hand pushes you by the waist to get you off his lap, the hand that is still on your head is now guiding you slowly to the floor and making you kneel between his legs.
it's not hard to do as he wants and it's even easier to lean in closer and press a playful kiss on the bulge that you can spot under his pants, the action itself makes jason's eyes darken as your fingers work undoing his belt and the buttons of his jeans, pulling down slightly with a hint of urge just to lift his shirt a little, exposing his lower abdomen and kissing a trail until your lips reach the waist of his boxers.
"you look so pretty like that, princess," he practically growls as his hand brushes your hair out of your face, a smirk playing on his lips when your eager hands pull down his underwear as your eyes remain fixed on his.
"i don't know what i'll do if you keep looking at me like that, jay" you purr and he chuckles but the sound stops as soon as it starts when you grab his hardened dick on your hand and give him the first slow stroke as you lean in to wrap your lips around the swollen tip and at the feeling of having him in your mouth you hum.
"i think i know what you'll do" jason teases, letting out a deep groan when you bob your head up and down with your tongue tracing his shaft but what drives him crazy is the way you look at him through doe eyes and the ghost of a smile on your expression as you start moving with him in your mouth.
"that's it, ma," he growls as his eyes close and his head drops back, his hand finding its way to the back of your head where it grabs a handful of your hair "feels so good to have that pretty mouth of yours taking me so damn well, such a good girl."
the sight is amazing, the way he frowns when a deep raspy sound escapes his throat when he starts pushing your head down his dick, making you gag a little when he hits the back of your throat and keeps you held there making it hard to breath, he enjoys it.
the way your hands hold onto his thighs and how you look up at him with teary eyes, your cheeks red and the sloppy sounds his cock makes as he fucks your mouth slowly but harshly makes him feel his ego grow at each helpless moan you let out.
"think i'll shut you up by fucking your throat more often," he says, voice completely low and hoarse now that he controls the movements of your head and sets the pace on his own, getting off with the way you look with your chin full of your drool and his precum, a few tear trails now painting your cheeks.
it's right then when he pulls you away from his dick, stroking himself needily as he looks at you with a wide grin that lets you know what he wants to; you sit on your knees and your eyes follow the movements of his hand around himself and you can't seem to notice when you start to bounce a little in expectation.
"just look at you, how eager you look, ma" he mumbles, his voice struggled between sighs and growls as his hand moves fast when he is about to reach his climax "bouncing like a pretty bunny... open your mouth, love."
the way he speaks and the sinful scene mixed with the sweet pet names he calls you makes everything better. as soon as you part your lips, tongue sticking out jason moves a bit closer and places the tip of his cock over your tongue and a few second later his load is being spilled inside your mouth, a little of it staining your chin when he pulls away panting.
jason is unable to take his gaze away from you as you swallow what you just got and the tension builds up again on his body just with the sight of it, he tries to hold it back and cleans your chin with his thumb in a sweet caress then moving to search for something he could use to clean himself and also you but stops as soon as you take his hand and suck his digit clean.
"what? haven't you been taught not to waste?" you ask him teasingly and his control vanishes completely at your words.
"fucking hell, you're gonna have to come here because there's no way i'll be letting you go right now"
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reiderwriter · 10 months
discard this request if it isnt your style but it might be funny
bdsm and kink culture reader with vanilla spencer. r is being super 🌶 and spencer is not understanding (maybe r teaches him and he gets really into it)
Vanilla Spencer is so fucking funny to me, because given the chance this man could have the most fucked up sexual habits of anyone in the BAU but he also seems like the type of guy who would be like "idk people get murdered with shit like this" you know 😭 anyway, here's the fic, hope you enjoy, anon!
Summary: You want to spice up your bedroom activities with Spencer, but he's just not getting it.
Warnings: BDSM themes, vanilla! Spencer into soft! Dom Spencer, mentions of spanking, some dry humping, dirty talk, daddy kink mentioned. 18+ MINORS DNI
Here's my masterlist and my requests are open!
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“Oh, what are you gonna do about it? Gonna spank me?”
“Actually, no study has found physical punishment to have a long-term positive effect, and most studies have found negative effects, with children who undergo physical punishment found to grow up to be more aggressive adults.”
You really weren’t sure what you were expecting from your boyfriend.
So far your sex life together had been pretty vanilla. He was an absolute gentleman, making sure to gain your consent everytime he tried something new. He was soft and sweet, and quite honestly, one of the best you’d had in your life because of how attentive he was to your body language.
But recently, you’d been aching for something a little more interesting, to say the least.
“Oh but I’ve been such a bad little girl.” You try again, hoping that he gets the idea this time.
“You shouldn’t think like that, baby, you know you’re doing a great job at work, and if there’s anything you’re struggling with, we can talk it through, okay?” You want to rip your hair out in frustration.
“No, god, Spencer, I want…” you let out a groan and pick yourself up from your chair, choosing instead to climb into his lap and make it more obvious.
“Do you remember that case we took two weeks back? All the couples had some pretty interesting private lives?” You wrapped your hands around his neck and started grinding down on his lap, hopeful that he’d get the idea.
“The family annihilator that went after couples engaging in the BDSM lifestyle? The one who was so traumatised by the discovery of his parents hobbies that he started murdering couples with families that looked like his own?” He still seemed a little confused but he grabbed your hips, aware of the direction this was heading in, at least.
“Heinous murderer aside, were you not at all intrigued by some of the research we had to do?” You pushed your hips down into his again and again, but now you could feel his reciprocation from beneath his slacks.
“Are you talking about the japanese rope bondage, or the dog leashes, specifically?” Spencer teased you, as his hands started trailing up and down your back.
“Spencer don’t tease….”
“No, I’m really curious, what was it that you wanted me to do first?” Spencer was smirking now, and whilst you were happy he was finally picking up what you were putting down, you weren’t exactly excited to have to voice your needs.
“I want you to….I want you to, ummm…..” Your mind was going blank now, because one of Spencer’s hands was now under your skirt drawing small circles, moving closer and closer to your centre.
“Oh that's right, you wanted me to spank you, right baby?” You couldn’t hold back the moan as you felt him finally touch you where you needed him.
“Oh, you like that idea, do you? Want me to throw you over my lap and ruin your nice little ass until you can barely sit.” You were grinding desperately into his fingers now, wishing that he’d make the final move and push your panties aside.
“Use your voice, baby, you know we can’t go any further unless I hear you say what you want.”
“Fuck, fuck, touch me, fucking touch me now.”
“How about we try saying that a little bit nicer this time?” He makes to move his hand away and you whimper - you actually fucking whimper - at the loss of contact, obviously enjoying this a little bit more than you thought you were.
So you partially blamed your unconscious need for him on the next set of words to escape your mouth.
“Fuck me, daddy.”
His hands stilled completely and your eyes shot open, immediatley looking into his darkened ones.
“What did you just call me?” You felt his hips shift under yours and knew you finally fully had him.
“I called you daddy.” You whispered, your lips moving closer and closer to his, practically begging for some more attention.
Instead, he pushed you off him, and you fell unceremoniously onto the floor while he stood and straightened his clothes.
“I want you on the bed, ass up and legs spread for me. What kind of daddy would I be if I denied my little girl, right?” he smirked down at you.
It was going to be a fun night.
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pedgito · 2 years
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alone, in my mind ✧ ˚ · . eddie munson x afab!reader.
summary: so what if eddie munson had a really pretty face, it was just too good not to admire. so what if you liked to draw him in your free time, he definitely didn't mind. yet somehow, tutoring him still felt like the most scandalous thing you've ever done.
cw: 18+ content (minors, shoo!) afab!reader, virgin!reader, graphic smut (including p in v, oral, fingering, and all that jazz), orgasms, this is v dirty i'm sorry.
word count: almost 14k! don't judge me pls, i've been sitting on this for a few weeks.
prompt requests are always open!
alternate ao3 link
There was something therapeutic about sitting alone during lunch, watching chaos take place in front of you; from kids running around the cafeteria, traveling from table to table, conversing among themselves, yelling to each other from across the room, even standing up on tables like a stage and yelling out to the entire high school class. Eddie Munson was an enigma. You couldn’t figure him out. Other than him dealing you weed under the table and the occasional class you had with him, you hadn’t spoken more than ten words to him at one time.
So, he might find it slightly weird that you’ve drawn him in your sketchbook more than a few times. You couldn’t help it, that hair was just too glorious not to draw. But to be fair, you’ve drawn up a lot of the other students without speaking to them. A lot of it was pure observation—a student focused on a book they were reading, a group of the cheerleaders circled up and giggling among themselves, Jason Carver pictured in his actual form, the true evil of Hawkins. Sometimes you liked to draw devil horns on him for fun. No harm, no foul, you didn’t actually mean anything by it—you just hated how much he bolstered himself up at school, despite still paying you to write for his English homework. But hey, you gotta hustle where you can. He left you alone for the most part, anyways. 
Once the bell rang and the last few stragglers were leaving the lunch room, you finally gathered your own things. Shoving the last minute homework into your bag and clutching the sketchbook to your chest, you leisurely walked your way to the exit. The sound of your pencil clanging to the floor beneath you had you pausing in your tracks. 
Part of you just wanted to leave it, you had enough in your bag that it wouldn’t really matter anyways. 
“Hey, this yours?” The voice asked.
You turned slowly, scanning the floor, stopping on the dirtied-up white sneakers that squeaked against the floor as they turned toward you. Of course it has to be Eddie.
“Yeah. Yeah, sorry.” You said softly, reaching forward to grab the pencil from him. The silence was apparent now, only the two of you left in the cafeteria. 
“No problem.” He laughs slightly, “Oh hey, I’ve been meaning to tell you,” He leans in, lowering his voice—not that it really mattered since it was only you two, “I got a couple new strains in, if you want to meet up at the usual spot.” 
Against your own rational thinking, your mouth spoke before your brain could process. “Sure.” You hadn’t even smoked the last bit of weed he’d sold to you yet. 
He smiled, leaving wordlessly.
Sometimes it felt like life was happening around you and you weren’t even present, your body just did and said what it wanted.
“Oh, you fucking idiot.” You spoke to yourself.
⋆·˚ ༘ *
Four o’clock. The woods just west of Hawkins High. Picnic table. That’s how you’d set up your meetings from the start. And of course, you were always right on time. Eddie however, he’d get here eventually. At least you hoped. Your shift at the Family Video started in a half hour and not that Keith would even take the chance to fire you, you just hated the idea of being late.
“Come on, Munson.” You grumble to yourself, checking the watch around your wrist. You sigh, sitting your bag on the table to grab your sketchbook, scribbling down a rough version of the wide expanse of trees in front of you. 
“I’m late, I know.” A voice startles you from behind. The scream that leaves your mouth is involuntary, but you quickly cover it in an attempt to compose yourself.
“Jesus Christ, Eddie.” You tell him, pulling your hand from your mouth. “You can’t sneak up on people like that!”
“You okay?” He asks, chuckling lightheartedly. The question was genuine, though. The way his eyes connected with yours assured you of so.
“Sure, one tiny heart attack later.” You reply sarcastically. 
“Hey, I was loud as fuck walking up.” Eddie says like he's trying to prove it to himself, pointing behind himself briefly. “You completely forget other things exist when you shove your head into that thing.”
You glance down at your book before promptly snapping it shut. “Shut up.” You say, no real bite behind it. 
He threw his hands up in defeat. “Hey, just a harmless observation.” Not that you were bothered by him observing, but the fact that he had—it was surprising. He only ever talked about two things, Hellfire Club and D&D, which went hand in hand. But so much so, that he was almost hyper fixated on it. 
“Anyways,” you say, shifting the subject. “I’ve got work in thirty—well, about twenty now,”
“Yadda, yadda, yeah—make it quick, I know.” He grins, placing his small chest of goodies on the table. You roll your eyes in annoyance, even if you weren’t really that annoyed in the first place. He slaps two baggies on the table, presenting them like prized possessions.
“Colombian Gold, Northern Lights.” He says, pointing them out individually. “Pick your poison.”
You tilted your head, deciding on which sounded better. Eddie interjects thoughtfully, “Personally, I’m a fan of that sweet, sweet Colombian Gold.”
You laugh quietly, nodding in agreement. “Fine then.”
“Twenty for the ounce.” He says, shoving the leftovers back into the metal chest. 
You swing your bag around to dig for the pocket change, shoving your hand inside to grab for your wallet. But, there’s nothing there. Not the familiar chain or zipper that sticks out, nothing.
“Shit, shit.” You say suddenly, beginning to panic. You close your eyes shut, trying to retrace your steps. But it dawns on you, your wallet is probably sitting on your bedside shelf where you left it the night prior, coming back from your late night run to the store after leaving work. “I think I left my wallet at home.”
Eddie ponders for a moment, then shrugs. “Get me when you can, I know you’re good for it.”
You hated the idea of not paying him the money you owed, “I swear I’ll pay today. I can meet up with you after I get out of work or—“
Eddie snorts, walking forward and grabbing a pen that had fallen out of my bag during my wild search. He opens my palm, holding it firmly. He pulls off the cap of the pen, holding it between his teeth as he scribbles something on my hand.
You inspect it closely. It was an address. Eddie caps the pen and hands it back to you. “Can you stop there after work?”
You were apprehensive for a moment, but figured there couldn’t be much harm in it. “Yeah, I can try. I don’t get out until nine, though.”
“Works for me.” He tells you, shoving his hand in his back pocket to adjust the black handkerchief that was shoved in haphazardly. You snorted softly, shoving your things back into your bag as quickly as you could. 
“Okay, well—I’ll see you then, I guess—“ You swung back around, coming directly in contact with Eddie’s chest, who hadn’t moved from his spot. Why hadn’t he moved? More importantly, why was he reaching down?
Fuck. You looked down to notice some of the papers from your sketchbook had sprawled out on the ground. You scrambled to gather the drawings back into the pocket of the book, hoping you could avoid another awkward encounter with Eddie today.
But, as luck would have it—“Damn, these are good.” Eddie says suddenly, holding up one drawing in particular, an offhand drawing off Steve while you had some downtime at work.
“Make sure you do my hair justice.” He’d told you. You laughed and smacked him in the back of the head softly. 
“Is that Harrington?” He asks.
“…yeah.” You answer, trying not to die of embarrassment. 
He glances at you, noticing your discomfort. “Shit, I’m sorry. Here.” Eddie hands the paper over, realizing he may have overstepped. 
“Thanks.” You answer, taking the paper from his hand.
“Oh, hey-“ He interrupts, reaching down to grab another page that had fallen under the picnic table seat. “You forgot,” He pauses, looking at it closely, “one.” His voice is soft, thoughtful.
You curse inwardly, trying not to physically facepalm yourself.
“Is that me?” He asks, the smallest smile forming in his face. “Well, at least—-the back of me?” 
You stutter for words, your brain suddenly lacking the English language entirely. 
“Does my hair really look like that from the back?” He asks playfully, head tilted in curiosity. 
“Ms. McNally’s class gets really boring.” You tell him, snatching the paper back. “Like, really boring.”
But no, his head definitely looked like that from the back, despite the unruly curls in his hair, there wasn’t a piece out of place.
“Glad to know the back of my head gives you some entertainment then.” It’s a lame attempt to lighten the mood, but it works. Your thankful his immediate reaction isn’t to find it odd or make fun of you, he almost seemed amused.
“Here.” He finally hands the page over. “No more peeking, I swear.”
You place the page back into your sketchbook carefully. Looking up, Eddie’s still standing there, though looking around aimlessly.
“Eddie, what are you still doing here?” You ask.
“Got another deal going on soon.” He tells you. “Top secret.” And if the wink didn’t make you blush, it was the grin that spread over his features, you shook your head and laughed it off. 
“See you at nine, Munson.” You tell him, backpack slung over your right shoulder.
“Can’t wait.” He says playfully.
⋆·˚ ༘ *
Your bike squealed to a stop outside of Family Video, nearly burning rubber. Clocking in with thirty seconds to spare, you breath a sigh of relief. 
“What’s got you riled up?” Steve asks, organizing the Horror section of movies from a few feet away.
“Nothing.” You grumble, setting your bag down and throwing the god awful work vest over your sweater. 
“You just missed Keith, by the way.” He adds, shooting you a knowing but amused look.
“Thank god.” Keith had a small obsession with you, not that you were creeped out about it. He was just so hopelessly in love with you, which blinded his ability to see that you had no interest in returning the sentiment. “That’s the last thing I need.”
“It’s the undeniable charm you’ve got.” Steve jokes, shrugging casually. “The ladies and gents love it—right, Robin?”
Like a jack in the box, Robin pops up from where she’s squatted behind the counter.
“Stop teasing her.” Robin warms, throwing a VHS case at Steve’s head. It promptly smacks him in the forehead. 
“Ow, what the hell?” Steve shouts, fingers touching his forehead for any sign of injury. Not that there would be any, Robin had barely hit him in the process and Steve was kind of dramatizing things. You’d still consider it one of his more positive traits, even if it did serve as more entertainment to you and Robin than anything.
“No, he’s right.” You play along. “It’s a blessing and a curse.”
There’s a beat of silence and then you finally speak up.
“What do you guys make of Eddie Munson?” You asked, grabbing the stack of returned rentals to be checked through.
“The dude who’s been held back twice? Doesn’t he have that weird after school group thing he does?” Steve asks, looking between you and Robin.
“Yes.” You nod. “It’s a D&D club, Steve. Not a cult.”
Steve shrugs nonchalantly. “He always seemed off to me.”
“Yeah and you were prancing around with Tommy and Carol most of junior year.” You reminded him. “Don’t you remember when Tommy hit me on my bike with his car during Spring Break? During that giant party he had at his house?”
Steve immediately looked regretful at judging Eddie.
“Thank god you found Robin.” You tell him, trying to make Steve feel less guilty about it all. Tommy had always been jealous of Steve, but Carol and her constant snarky remarks always egged Tommy on. 
“Yeah!” Steve cheers, reaching over to high five Robin. She scoffs in annoyance, leave Steve’s unanswered high five hanging in the air.
“We both love chicks and boobies, it works out great.” Steve adds, returning hand to his side.
“He’s still learning.” Robin says quietly, leaning over toward you. “Why are you asking about Eddie anyways? Doesn’t he deal weed to the students?”
You shot Robin a knowing look.
“Oh. Oh.” She catches on. “Well, did something happen between you two?”
“No. Nothing, really. I just have to meet up with him after work and was wondering if I should be worried.” Robin didn’t seem to question as to why you would need to meet up with, which made you grateful.
“He doesn’t seem like that type of guy. Not to me, at least.” Robin assures, lowering her voice as the entrance bell jingled, signaling a customer. “But, you could always take your pocket knife with you.”
Your mouth dropped open at the suggestion, but to be fair, Robin just wanted to make sure you felt safe.
“Yeah—murder first, ask questions later.” You retort playfully.
“You’ve been watching too many scary movies with Steve.” Robin tells you.
“Hey, don’t knock ‘em til you try ‘em!” Steve says, greeting the customer as they walk by. 
⋆·˚ ༘ *
You locked up for the night as soon as you could, making the short trek to your bike behind the back of the Family Video store. You pulled the small piece of paper you had scribbled on earlier, the address Eddie had left earlier started to smudge about an hour into your shift and you didn’t want to take any chances that it could last. And luckily, your mother had dropped your wallet off in the process of making her way to work that night, which was a lifesaver. The idea of biking home and then to Eddie’s made your legs hurt at the very possibility.
It was a ten minute bike ride away from the store, leading you down a long road that led to a dimly lit trailer park. The uneasiness set in immediately.
As if on cue, one of the poorly lit lamps sprinkled throughout the residence flickered a couple times before going out completely.
“Great. This is how I die.” You say to yourself, double checking the number on the paper so it matched with the trailer you were riding up to. 
Everything seemed normal, the lights were on inside. Aside from the totally barren mobile home and Eddie’s truck parked in the driveway, nothing felt too grim about the whole situation. Normally, you’d be in a rush to get home and relax, but you knew your parents didn’t care one way or another, as long as you came home in one piece.
You sighed, stepping off and leaning your bike against the deck. If it wasn’t for the muffled music playing inside the trailer, you would assume whoever was there had left but forgot to turn their lights off. You reach forward to knock tentatively on the flimsy screen door.
There’s a rustling from the back of the home, the sudden silence of music being turned off, then a twisting of the doorknob as the door creaked open.
“Well, well, well.” Eddie says, grinning at you through the screen door. “I didn’t think you’d ever show.”
“It’s only five after nine, Eddie.” You tell him, reaching around into your bag to make things quick.
“It was just a—nevermind,” He mumbles quietly to himself, “Whatcha got for me, princess?”
You curled your head to the side subtly, but didn’t think anything of the harmless and playful endearment. Save it, bookmark it, stow it away for later. You slide him the twenty, he eyes it for a moment. “You know,” he begins, arm resting against the trim of the door, “I’d take that drawing of me over the twenty if you’re willing to fork it over.”
“Are you serious?” You ask, hand frozen in place from where Eddie was hanging onto the bill.
“Deadly.” He tells you, tongue smoothing over the teeth that showed through his grin.
You debated, not sure why he was so interested in the first place.
“Why don’t you want the money?” You ask.
“You’ve bought enough from me, I think that warrants a little discount.” He shrugs, like it wasn’t a big deal at all.
“You’re so weird, Munson.” You reply, pulling out the sketchbook and handing the drawing over.
“Got anymore?” He asks jokingly, albeit a little curious.
“I’ll let that remain a mystery, thank you.” You tell him, snapping the book closed. He holds the drawing up to the light, watching him scan over it admiringly. 
“It’s really good, you know. You probably draw a lot of kids at school, don’t you?” He asks and you’re not sure where his sudden interest in conversation with you is coming from. Both of you didn’t interact outside of deals—this reality almost didn’t feel tangible. 
“Sometimes.” You answer skeptically, “Not all the time, though.”
“We’ll, I’m honored.” He says, noting one of the small details in the background. “Did you make Ms. McNally resembles a hobbit on purpose?”
You snorted at that. It was something, in hindsight, that you’d completely forgotten about. “She was really pissing me off that day.”
“Nice.” He laughs to himself, finally setting the drawing down on a table out of view. “Anyways, don’t worry about the twenty. You’re covered.”
“You really don’t have to do that, Eddie. I can pay.” You felt guilty at the thought, but Eddie seemed pretty serious about the whole ordeal. 
“Nope. We’re good.” He tells you, flashing you his trademark smile. He still hadn’t changed his school earlier, brandishing his Hellfire Club tee proudly. 
“Okay,” You draw out, dragging the last letter a bit. “Well, I’ll see you at school tomorrow then.” 
“Aye, aye.” He replied in mock salute, coming to stand at attention.
You couldn’t help but laugh aloud at the act, it was undeniably goofy, but adorable in its own right. He shut the door slowly, waving you a sweet goodbye as he finally disappeared. 
And despite all efforts, there was one giant fucking elephant in the room that you couldn’t ignore–because not only was Eddie devastatingly beautiful, he was charming as hell, which was something you had overlooked for far too long. 
⋆·˚ ༘ *
“Stupid. Fucking. Lockers.” You grumble to yourself, slamming the locker shut with every word. It was as if the world was setting you up for the shittiest day possible. It started with you sleeping through your alarm, burning the toast you’d made for breakfast, and somehow managing to spill orange juice all over your jeans in the small span of an hour–so not only were you on your second pair of jeans, you were ready to slam your head against the locker in defeat, ready to be put out of this complete, utter misery that had been your Friday morning.
“Woah, woah.” The voice carried down the hall, you peeked behind you. 
Eddie Munson was heading right for you. You turned and sighed, slamming the locker again for good measure.
“Lucky for you, I’ve got just the touch.” Eddie assures you, wiggling his fingers in your face. 
You tried to ignore every flipping feeling in your stomach at the sight of it.
It took him a second, but he swiftly lifted the locker door in a quick motion and slammed it close, that time for good. He’s smiling down at you–again, with that annoying, shit-eating grin.
“No. Don’t even start.” You tell him, finger pointing accusingly. “My morning has been horrible. I don’t need jokes, right now.”
“I was just going to ask if you wanted to walk to English together?” He replied, looking slightly defeated. “If that’s okay?”
“Oh.” You frowned. It still didn’t feel right to be conversing in front of your peers, like it was almost illegal. “I mean, I don’t see why not. But, Eddie–”
“Yep?” He asks, turning on his heels. You both had English together, which most of the time, was spent staring directly at the back of his head because you couldn’t be bothered to listen to Ms. McNally’s grating voice for more than a few minutes at a time.
“Why are you talking to me?” You ask, genuine and honest. There had never been any reason not to before, but why now?
“You seemed a little scary–well, not scary, scary–but like, she could definitely break my fingers if I said the wrong thing to her–that type of scary.” He explains in one breath, fiddling with the rings on his right hand.
Fair enough, considering the pocket knife you did carry in your bag for instances like that. There were too many assholes and you had plenty of ways to deal with them.
“Ah.” You replied, as if it all made sense. “Well, the jury's still out.”
“I’ll try and remember that.” He tells you, laughing slightly. “I also just wasn’t sure you liked talking to anyone from school–I mean I get that, but I just wanted to make sure you knew that you don’t have to sit alone at lunch like you do–”
“I don’t mind it–” You interject.
“I know. I’m just saying. Our table wouldn’t mind. The guys usually don’t know how to talk to girls, so most of them don’t say anything anyways.” He assures you.
The friendliness caught you off-guard. It seemed genuine, but you were also waiting for the catch. 
⋆·˚ ༘ *
The teacher slaps the graded test onto your desk, brandishing a bright red A. You quickly shove it under your textbook, glancing up as you hear the rustling of Eddie swiveling around to face you from his seat.
“All good?” You ask, mostly in an attempt to be friendly. But, you can’t help but notice the giant circled F on his paper. You’d heard lots of stories about Eddie and his inability to pass, being held back, and every lousy nickname that came along with that. People liked to pick on Eddie because he was different, he didn’t fit in with anyone at Hawkins, and while you might be able to get away with slipping under the radar–Eddie couldn’t. 
“I could tutor you, you know.” You suggest, instantly regretting the words the moment they leave your mouth. 
“Seriously?” He asks, looking caught off guard. “I appreciate it but–”
“Seriously.” You say, “English is my best subject and as long as you put in the same effort I am, I could at least get you up to a C.” In for a penny, in for a pound…I guess.
“That’s–yeah, that’s cool. I’m kinda busy with Hellfire most days though–” He starts, rolling the paper up in his hands. It was a small detail, but you noticed how often he used his hands when he liked to fidget, whether it be his rings or a poor piece of paper being strangled to death. 
“Weekends are good.” You assure him. “I work a lot during that week so I wouldn’t have time anyways.” 
Eddie nods slowly. He seemed apprehensive, like he didn’t really deserve the help you were offering. His jaw was clenched, eyes downcast.
“Eddie, I don’t mind.” You told him, offering a small smile to ease whatever worry he was feeling. “It's just–we’ll have to study at your place though, not mine.”
You didn’t even want to begin to explain the ordeal to your parents, as understanding as they may be–any site of a boy and your parents would be seething at the idea.
“My uncle is gone most of the time, so I guess that works out.” He shrugs.
The sound of the teacher clearing her throat from a few rows over interrupts you both. You roll your eyes inconspicuously, turning in your chair.
Eddie taps your leg softly, having already turned around in his chair. You look underneath the desk to find a small piece of paper between his thumb and middle finger. Prying it from his fingers.
You unfold it quietly, fingers smoothing over the creases in the paper. 'Tmrw at 4?' It read it dark blue ink. His handwriting wasn’t as messy as you expected, you quickly scribbles a ‘Yep :)’ adding the smiley face for fun. Maybe this was a good thing, you could make it a good thing. Helping someone bump their grade and maybe make a friend in the process—what’s the worst thing that could happen?
You slid the paper over his shoulder, ignoring the way his fingertips brushed against yours. You didn’t see him unfold the paper, but the way his shoulder shook with silent laughter was a good sign. He pocketed the paper for safekeeping. 
You couldn’t help but smile to yourself, but what you couldn’t see was the same smile that Eddie shared with you.
⋆·˚ ༘ *
The cafeteria was already packed by the time you had arrived, the hustle and bustle of kids grabbing their food and chit chatting like it was musical chairs was enough to drive you insane. You quickly ducked your head, attempting to make your way to your usual spot in the corner of the lunch room.
The hand that grabs your wrist stops you in your tracks. There’s a moment where you’re ready to swing back in retaliation. 
“Hey, want to sit with us?” He asks. He was really starting to throw you off. 
The idea of going from speaking in short, clipped—and sometimes one word answers, to full fledged conversations was not something you were used to. The only two people you talked to that much, outside of your parents, was Robin and Steve. And maybe Steve was a cop out, you two practically grew up together, toppling over each other as babies. 
“Uh, I don’t know—“ You begin, but the bellowing, boisterous voice of Dustin Henderson overpowers your own. 
“Steve graduated already, you gotta make new friends eventually.” 
That little fucking twerp. Him and Steve together in one place was a nightmare.
“I will murder you, Henderson. Don’t try me.” You threatened.
“You wouldn’t.” He counters.
“Try me.” You quirk your eyebrow. “Remember what Steve told you about summer of ‘84?” 
Your voice was lowered, but it didn’t seem like anyone was paying any attention, aside from the people sitting at Eddie’s table. It was like they had front row tickets to the most talked about movie in town. Dustin’s eyes widened in fear.
“He also told me about that time you two—“ You quickly shoved your hand over his mouth, stopping him from saying what was possibly the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done. He muffled the rest of whatever he was saying into your hand.
“Don’t you dare.” You say seriously, fingers pinching the tip of his ear. His hands fly up, signaling his white flag of defeat.
“You’re so mean sometimes.” He whines, rubbing his tender ear. 
“You’ll live, Henderson.” You assure him, bumping him aside with your hip to take a seat.
Eddie had been watching with intrigued amusement the entire time, not sure how well you and Dustin actually knew each other until now. And apparently, it was entirely too much. 
“Not gonna eat?” Eddie asks, noticing your lack of a lunch tray.
“I hate big crowds. I usually just wait until everyone sits down.” You say softly, setting your bag on your knees to rest your arms on. 
“Here.” Eddie says, sliding his uneaten apple and bag of carrots over like it was a game of poker and he was dividing up his chips. “For now, at least.”
“I’m fine, honestly.” You laugh lightheartedly, but take the fresh fruit and vegetable anyway.
⋆·˚ ༘ *
Your halfway through lunch when you lock eyes with Jason, who’s practically burning eyes into your skull. He motions toward the door leading to the back of the school, hoping you’d get the signal. 
It made him look ridiculous more than anything. You’d already planned to meet up with after lunch earlier on in the week, but Jason never seemed like he was focused on anything other than basketball or Chrissy—which fair, Chrissy was a great girl. 
You leave without much of a word, other than a smile and a pat on Dustin’s shoulder, hoping he’d get the message. He knew just as much as Steve did about your arrangement with Jason, considering Dustin and Steve were practically conjoined twins, at this point. He clears his throat, distracting Eddie with something about their meeting tonight so you could sneak away without worry.
When you’re finally outside, Jason is pacing, not nervously, but definitely impatiently. “You got it?” He asks.
You pause, “…Yeah.” You answer him, pulling the midterm paper out of your bag and handing it over, he quickly snatches it away and slides you over the money he promised.
“Jesus, Jason. This isn’t a drug deal. Chill out.” You finally find the courage to say. 
“If anyone finds out about this, I could lose my chance at any type of scholarship, you know?” He tells you, and you don’t even want to begin to hear his sob story. His parents could buy his way into any school he wanted, though you appreciated his poor attempt to manage it himself.
“Hmm, well maybe—just maybe, you shouldn’t be asking people to write your papers for you then.” You snark back, zipping your backpack closed aggressively for good measure. “Figure this shit out yourself, Jason. I’ve got work, my own school stuff, and plenty of other shit to worry about. I don’t need you hounding me for a paper that you could finish on your own in a night if you actually took the time.”
“But basketball is my priority.” He tells you, you join in to mock him at the same time. 
“Fuck off, Jason.” Enough was enough. Jason was nothing but a problem, even after all the pain and embarrassment he’d put you through a couple years prior. “Ask your perfect, pretty little girlfriend to do the work for you.”
And for once, he finally looked defeated. But, he was smart in not responding. He shoved his way past you, making his way back inside. You don’t remember how the arrangement between you two started initially, or why you fell pity to him after the stunt he pulled a couple years ago—you figured you were more desperate for the money at the time, sacrificing and swallowing your pride in the process. But now? Fuck that.
You could just ditch the rest of the day, which didn’t sound entirely too awful, but it was rash and you didn’t like to act on impulse, which you’d been doing entirely too much of lately.
“Pull it together.” You remind yourself before forcing yourself through the rest of what was already a horrible day.
⋆·˚ ༘ *
Steve tagged along to lock up with you tonight, considering you two had plans to hang out tonight and he had picked you up from school that evening as a favor. 
“What’s got you so tense?” He asks, swinging his keys around his pointer finger.
“Everything.” You sigh through clenched teeth, outwardly groaning as you take a seat in Steve’s car. “God, my feet are killing me.” You quickly toe your shoes off on the floorboard of his car and curl your legs up criss cross.
“Care to elaborate?” He pushes, backing out of the parking lot to pull out on the main road. “Everything is just like a blanket statement, you know. You know I’m never gonna repeat anything you tell me to anyone, ever.”
“Except Dustin.” You remind him.
“Okay, that was fair game. You told him some embarrassing stuff about me. I couldn’t just stand there and watch.” He laughs, you try to hold back your own laughter but it bubbles out soon after.
“It’s just—the shit with Jason, trying to keep up with school, my parents hounding me all the time, and then I promised Eddie I would help him with English—which, you know how my motor mouth works, once I get an idea it just comes out, it’s impossible to stop it.” And god was that a fucking breath of relief to finally let out.
“You’re still doing Jason’s schoolwork?” He asks, slightly disappointed in you. It was understandable, he hated him just as much as you. 
“Only the important stuff. Essays, the higher graded stuff, you know. It’s easy money.” You tell him, but it sounds like a lousy excuse.
“Let’s not forget he embarrassed you in front of the entire basketball team and cheerleaders last year.” 
“Which was partly your responsibility, Steve.” You remind him. But, it was so far in the past that you couldn’t be mad at him. Holding a grudge against Steve was like hating your own brother and you couldn’t do it. Your gut was pointing to every possible sign to say no to Jason, but Steve gave you the push you’d needed that night.
“I thought it was genuine. I’m sorry.” Steve tells you, you could see the way he paused, swallowed, thinking back on the memory.
“Anyways. I’m just stressed. Not that I can’t handle it, but Eddie’s been acting unnaturally friendly with me and it’s kind of giving me weird vibes.” You admit, like trusting Eddie was just too good to be true. Not weird in the way that made you want to run in the opposite direction, but the way that made your stomach clench in anticipation—and occasionally your thighs. Eddie had always been attractive, but only from a distance.
“Just keep your guard up, that’s always the best option.” He says honestly. “Not that you don’t already have the personality of a brick wall.”
You promptly hit Steve in the shoulder, watching him yell and reach for the spot where you’d landed the blow. “Ouch!”
“I'm not that boring you pompous ass!” You replied in playful disbelief. Steve slowly pulled into the driveway of his home, gradually letting the car come to a stop.
“Have you ever heard yourself talk?” He asks, voice teasing. 
“And I sound like I have the voice of a thousand fucking angels, Harrington.” You assure him, shoving him to the side as you both raced to the front door. 
“You mean a thousand fucking gremlins.”
You gasped outwardly, caught entirely off guard by his response. “Steve!”
⋆·˚ ༘ *
You wake up Saturday morning with everything Steve had told you fresh in your mind.
No getting too close. Don’t talk about anything personal. Take the arrangement for what it was. Studying, that was it. You rarely got nervous around boys, but Eddie, you just couldn’t put your finger on it.
Which was exactly why your heart was pounding out of your chest as you knocked on his front door. You silently prayed he’d answer the door quickly, the sweltering sun doing nothing to help your pale skin. You pulled your shorts down where they had ridden up on the bike ride here, the unnecessary sweater covering your plain tee proving to be nothing but a giant heat trap.
“Princess.” There it was again, the soft tone in his voice and the teasing smile that painted his face. “Welcome to the Munson residence, once again.”
“I’m dying out here.” You deadpan, hiking your bag up higher over your shoulder.
“Oh yeah,” Eddie fumbles with the door knob, swinging the door open. “Come in.”
You quickly step inside, watching as he closes the door behind you. It wasn’t much cooler, but it was definitely a welcomed change from the heat outside.
“You know, the sweater might be your problem.” He says as he makes his way beside you, leading you toward the back room. “Not that I’m judging, I’m just sure you’d suffer from heatstroke if I left you out there another five minutes.”
“And then I’d come back and haunt the shit out of you.” It was a lame attempt at a joke, but the response from Eddie has you snapping back into defense mode.
“Promise?” Your cheeks burn a dark shade of crimson, which you lamely attempt to hide by turning to dig into your bag and fish out some of your English notes and one of the books the class was currently focusing on.
“I figure we should probably go over the paper from the other day, so I could explain what you got wrong and why, if you don’t mind?” You change the subject entirely, taking a seat on his bed. It smelt like fresh linen, it was made neatly, you weren’t sure what you were expecting but it wasn’t that. Even you didn’t take as much time to make your bed that often, at least not as neatly as this. To each their own though—maybe Eddie was a bit of a neat freak, not that you minded. 
“Sure.” He agrees, taking a seat on his bed beside you, although a comfortable distance away. You could appreciate him respecting boundaries, even if you could still smell the cologne he was wearing, not that it was distracting…at all.
His interest is genuine as you explain through the test, even if much of it isn’t sticking with him, he’s still asking questions and staying engaged more than you anticipated. Even you were ready for a break after an hour of endless talk of metaphors in literature and the re-explaining of Macbeth in detail.
“My fucking brain hurts.” Eddie sighs, laying down, hands crossed over his stomach. You try not to stare at the small patch of hair at the end of his stomach, leading down just past the tip of his belt. Or the way his surprisingly toned stomach stretches against the shirt he’s wearing—which was just a plain, black shirt, surprisingly enough. You couldn’t remember the last time you’ve seen him without any type of Hellfire or metal band shirt on his body. Not that you noticed. Not at all.
Your brain finally stutters back awake at the feeling of his finger poking your thigh. “Huh?” You asks.
“I said, if you’re hot you can take off the sweater—that really can’t be comfortable.”
He was right, it wasn’t. But part of it was because it was like a safety blanket. Also, it was just one of your favorites. You let your brain run on autopilot, slipping it over your head. You tried not to think much of it, thankful your shirt was baggy enough that it didn’t reveal to much of you. Even if your shorts were scandalous in their own right. You had to pick and chose your battles. 
You toss the sweater onto his nightstand, noting the paper that falls to the floor as a result. Your drawing, he’s moved into his room, at least. Which was both comforting and odd. You couldn’t understand the interest he’d had in it in the first place, but you weren’t really in a place to question it. 
“I’ve been meaning to tape it up somewhere.” He mentions, noticing the way you stared at the lonely piece of a paper. “Not that my wall isn’t already covered in stuff.”
It was the first time you’d actually found the chance to take it all in. Posters, an amp—Eddie definitely came across as a guitar guy, so there wasn’t much surprise there, nightstands littered with random crap—your eyes immediately snapped toward the cuffs on the wall and quickly glanced over. There was no way you were touching on that topic, no fucking way. 
“I’d be honored.” You joke, tapping your pencil against your notebook.
“Do you take it with you everywhere?” He asks curiously. “That sketchbook, I mean. I’ve never seen you without it until now.” He laughs innocently, adjusting himself to lean up and back onto his outstretched arms.
“It’s…in my bag.” You say quietly, almost embarrassed at the fact that he read through you so well. 
“Can I see some other stuff?” 
If there was a way to make you go into cardiac arrest with one sentence, Eddie Munson had found it. 
“It’s cool if you don’t want to. I just think it’s cool. At least, from what I’ve seen.” He says openly, gesturing toward the drawing you had given him.
“They’re really not that good, a lot of them are just rough sketches and—I mean, you might find this weird but—“ Don’t mention that fact that you totally draw him a lot—like he won’t notice it the second he opens the book. You had a valid excuse, you just didn’t want to come across as a total creep.
“Just show me.” He smiles, nudging your leg again.
You reach for the book buried in your bag and hand it over. There wasn’t any shame behind the stuff in there, but the way everyone perceives art is so different that the idea of any type of comment or criticism was your worst nightmare.
He flips through slowly, landing on the particular one of Jason you drew from a few days prior. “Now that one’s spot fucking on.” He chuckles to himself, the tiny little devil horns was a nice detail, he seemed to enjoy it just as much as you did in the process of drawing it out.
He flips through the next few pages, nodding silently. The anticipation driving a hole through your chest, you couldn’t even comprehend why you were doing this right now. Every single thing that Steve told you flew right out of the window. 
He flips another page and you interrupt quickly, “Before you say anything. You have a great hair for drawing, I don’t mean for it to come off as weird but it’s honestly helped me improve a lot.”
“No, no.” He shrugs, “I dig it. I guess I’m kinda your muse, in a way.”
That’s definitely not where you expected that to go. Actually, it was completely left field. So many miles away from where you planned.
“Not exactly.” You assure him. “I just—your hair is really distracting in class. And your side profile is really nice—“ You can feel yourself starting to ramble, the giant Cheshire grin on Eddie’s face only making things worse. “I’m just going to shut up before I embarrass myself more.”
Eddie closes the book and hands it over gingerly, “I really don’t mind. I’m serious.” He means it, you know that. “It’s fucking ridiculous how detailed you are.”
“I-“ You laugh softly, “nevermind. Thank you. Just…thanks, Eddie.”
You were so pleased in the fact that if there was anyone to see your work, someone you considered more of a stranger than a friend, like Robin or Steve, that it was Eddie. 
“Anyways, we should probably, you know, get back to work.” You interject after a while of awkward silence, not sure how to move on from the topic. 
“Cool with me.” He nods.
The next couple hours pass quickly, finally packing up your stuff after the long tangent Eddie went off on about D&D and the inner workings of it, which was a lot more interesting than you expected.
“Oh hey, you ever get to try out the weed I gave you the other day? It’s pretty damn sweet, right?” He says handing you the pencil you’d lended him.
“Actually, I haven’t.” You admitted. “I’ve been so busy with work that I completely forgot.”
He holds the joint between his fingers like he’d been keeping it stowed away for safekeeping, waiting for the right moment.
“My parents are going to ground me for life if I come home high.” Okay, it was a bit of an over exaggeration, but still buried in truth, nonetheless. “Let alone even smelling like weed.”
“Do you not realize who you’re talking to?” Eddie asks, he tried to seem offended, but it definitely came off as more of a joke. “Come on, miss perfect. We can just smoke it outside.”
You scoff in annoyance, knowing you were far from any type of perfect. “I have to be home in an hour, Eddie. If you get me in trouble with my parents, I swear to god.”
“I know—you’ll murder me and bury me in your backyard.” He jokes, knowing it’s all mostly playful. “Then I’ll come back to haunt your ass.”
You chuckle, your own words coming back to bite you. “Promise?” You ask, in an attempt to one up him.
You weren’t really expecting a response, but he gave you one anyway. “Someone’s gotta keep you out of trouble.” Eddie teases, bumping his shoulder against yours. 
You smiled to yourself, adoring the way that Eddie charmed himself out of any situation with ease. He lit up the joint on the short walk to the wooded area away from his home, safe from any random bystanders that may decide to wander by. 
“First hit?” He asks, handing it over to you, 
“Such a gentleman.” You reply, hand over your heart. You took a long hit, inhaling until your lungs couldn’t take it and the slight burn lingered in the back of your throat, breathing out slowly through your nose. 
For the first time, the silence is comforting. You pass the joint back and forth wordlessly until there’s practically nothing left.
“The stars are so pretty here.”
“Yeah.” Eddie answered after a while, staring directly at you.
You tried to ignore it, the heat of his gaze burning into the side of your face.
“The deeper you get into the city, the less you can really see.” 
He hummed to himself, “Totally.” 
He hadn’t heard a word you said, too focused on the way you were mindless focused on the sky, mesmerized by something so simple.
“God, I don’t think I’ve ever been this high.” You sigh to yourself, feeling like you were having an out of body experience. Your body didn’t feel like you own, even these clothes felt foreign, the way you ran your fingertips over them. “You’re a really bad influence, Eddie.”
You finally lock eyes with him after a few minutes. He was in a complete daze, high out of his mind–you weren’t even sure if he was still on the same planet as you, which obviously, but there was no way he was leaving this picnic table without some assistance. You take a quick glance at your watch, feeling yourself jump back into reality almost immediately.
“Shit, I’m so dead.” You panic, clumsily placing your feet on the ground–any faster and you probably would’ve twisted your ankle. “I have to go, right now.” 
“I can give you a ride, if you need it.” Eddie suggests, but it’s far, far–literally a galaxy away, from the safer option of biking home high.
“I need to ride off the smell anyway, I’ll manage.” You tell him, rather than declining his offer outright. You hesitate for a moment before lending your hand out, gripping his in an effort to pull him up.
“No smoke sessions tomorrow, Eddie. I’m serious.” You point an accusing finger at him, watching as he follows it, then looks up at you with his stupid, dopey smile. “I’m fucking serious.”
Super duper serious. Strictly business from this point forward. 
“Fine.” He agrees in defeat, finding his own footing. “But, I’ll definitely feel like an ass if you don’t let me drive you home.”
There was no way Eddie could even put a coherent thought together right now.
“I’ll be fine. I swear.” You tell him, smiling sweetly. He didn’t seem like the type to push back thankfully and dropped the argument there. “See you tomorrow, Munson.”
You leave in a rush, blinded by the idea of having to explain any of this to your parents, and only once you’re home, after a very bumpy, sobering ride–you realize the one very important thing you left behind–your school bag. 
⋆·˚ ༘ *
It shouldn’t be something you were worried about, Eddie had already looked through the one possession you were most insecure about–but still, the idea of being thrown so far off your game that you would leave your bag behind was enough to have you showing up at Eddie’s trailer bright and early, the morning dew still stuck to the grass and the birds chirping away at nothing.
You should have figured Eddie wouldn’t be fully dressed when he answered the door, but you weren’t really sure what you were expecting exactly. Still, the door creaking open and revealing a half naked Eddie, boxer-briefs leaving little to imagine–your eyes immediately snap back from where they’d lingered, because nothing about Eddie seemed little, not in the way he was towering over you, right now. Was he really that tall? Huh.
“What can I do for you on this fine–” He begins, voice still fighting through sleep, a yawn escaping him.
“I left my bag last night.” You blurt out. “I just need it back.”
It all seemed ridiculous, in hindsight—showing up like this.
“Uh, yeah–” He looks around, trying to gain his bearings. “It’s on my bed–I think.”
He nods in the direction of said bedroom, swinging the door open to welcome you inside. You side-stepped wide enough to avoid his shirtless chest, trying to ignore the fact that it felt like you were literally going to burst into flames at the slightest touch. Whatever high you had last night was gone, but you couldn’t ignore the fact that you still found Eddie attractive, sober or not.
You move around silently, flipping his blankets around to dig for your bag. He’s standing in the hallway now, just outside the doorway that leads to his room. His arms crossed over his chest tightly, still desperately attempting to rub the sleep out of his eyes. Eddie Munson was nowhere near a morning person, but that made perfect sense in hindsight. 
“Gotcha!” You celebrate quietly, throwing the strap of your bag over your shoulder. 
“Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask—” His voice startles you, “how do you know Henderson?”
It was a weird way to start a conversation, but Eddie wasn’t one to dwell on semantics on proper conversation starting.
“Him and Steve are a package deal.” You explain, like it was the cure all. 
“Oh.” You can see the gears turning in his head. “Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.”
“I’ve known Steve since I was in diapers.” You admit, finally catching his gaze. “We’ve been friends for a really long time.”
“So that stuff at lunch the other day–” You had managed to push that so far out of your mind that you were surprised Eddie had even remembered. He was a curious person, you couldn’t really blame him, but the thought of explaining any of it to him was the last thing on your mind.
“Long story.” You laugh it off, feeling eager to escape now. “Anyways, I’ll be over at four. Is that still good for you?” You ask.
He nods silently, angling his body to let you through–because god, why was this hallway so fucking tiny? You clear your throat and quickly move past him, practically jogging toward the door. The faster you escape, the better. 
“Later, Princess.” He adds–and you bite down on nothing but air, teeth clenched. He was trying to be coy and you knew it. 
“Bye, Eddie.” You reply, lamely attempting to force the nervousness out of your voice. You’ve never forced your legs to pedal so fast in your life, feeling like jello by the time you arrived home.
⋆·˚ ༘ *
“Why the fuck do they talk like that?” Eddie asks, looking up at you from where he was stretched out on his bed, legs kicked up lazily behind. The soft sound of a random rock song you don’t know the name of playing on the radio to fill in as ambient noise.
“It’s archaic and prose.” You answer simply. “It makes a lot more sense the more you read it.”
“Well, I needeth a break, M’lady.” He jokes, forced accent and all.
“That actually wasn’t bad.” You admit, closing the book that you’d place between you both. 
At some point, you’d ended up in a similar position, sprawled out beside Eddie, head resting in the palm of your hand.
“Not to boost your ego or anything, but you’re a pretty good tutor.” Eddie says, twirling the pencil between his fingers slowly.
“Whatever.” You shrug off lightheartedly.
And you can feel the impending question before it even leaves his mouth–blame it on your amazing intuition, but Eddie was also incredibly predictable sometimes. 
“You want to know what Dustin and I were talking about during lunch, don’t you?” You ask, eyeing him carefully. 
He shrugs, “I’m just a little curious, I guess.”
Fair enough. It might feel good to get off your chest anyways–not to mention half the school already knew about the instance.
“Jason asked me to meet up with him during that back to school bonfire they were having, right before Junior year–you remember? Anyways, I talked to Steve about it. He kinda pushed me toward it initially, he was the only reason I even went–I used to have a huge crush on Jason–horrible, now that I think about it. To make a long story short, he made this whole elaborate show about how he liked him and I ended up half naked in front of him, standing on the dock at his parent’s lake house, but the entire basketball and cheer team watched the entire thing happen. I didn’t realize until I heard them laughing from the bushes. There’s a picture, somewhere, I’m sure–I just try to block it out of my memory.” You explain slowly, enough time had passed that you could think about it without bursting into tears from embarrassment, but it was still terrifying to say out loud. “Steve felt really bad about all of it. I know he didn’t know any of that was going to happen, but I just took a lot of my frustration out on him.”
Eddie was eerily quiet, like he was attempting to soak all the information in. You tried not to gauge his reaction too much, knowing that pity was a normal reaction from most people.
“And then,” You say on a deep breath, “Steve and I got really drunk and made out and it was fucking weird. We joke about it now, but it was just…a lot of mistakes in one night, so I try to forget about it.”
“Good to know that Jason’s still a total dick.” He adds, not like that wasn’t already obvious. “I can’t believe you made out with Harrington.”
You want to gag at the long, distanced memory. “It wasn’t my best moment.” You agree. 
“So, yeah–Dustin knows a couple secrets about me. And now you do–but if you tell anyone–Eddie–”
“I won’t.” You can see the seriousness on his face, coming from his voice. 
“Swear?” You ask
“Pinky swear.” He answers, holding up his ringed pinky finger. You hesitate for a second before wrapping your own pinky finger around his.
He doesn’t let go. But to be fair, neither do you. He’s looking at you, not ogling, but admiring–although, it definitely could’ve been interpreted as him checking you out. You avert your attention to the intricate design of the ring on his finger, making some attempt to break the heavy, thick blanket of tension that had fallen over the both of you. It wasn’t like you’d never laid in bed with a boy before–you could lay and talk with Steve for hours, but Steve didn’t look at you the way Eddie did, not ever. 
You clear your throat softly, twisting the ring with the few fingers that weren’t interlocked with his, both of your hands now resting against the soft duvet. “Is that a pig?” You ask lightheartedly. The answer never comes.
Instead, “Can I kiss you?” Eddie asks, almost too timid to be his own voice.
Your mouth hangs open for a half second, before you force yourself to pull it together. And you’re pretty sure your heart was making a desperate attempt at beating its way out of your chest. You nod slowly, leaning forward before you can even think about stopping yourself.
His lips were soft, gentle–but firm in the way they pressed against yours. You only had a couple other experiences to compare this too, but it was obvious that Eddie had confidence in his own abilities. You pulled back after a few seconds, wetting your lips nervously. Eddie followed the way the tip of your tongue dragged over them, the heat from the breathy exhale he let out fanning over your face.
“You never answered my question.” You say softly, eyes flicking up to look at him. His gaze still locked on your lips, you repeat yourself once more, this time calling him out directly. “Eddie, you never answered my question.”
“Yeah, yeah. It’s a pig.” He says, eyes finally locking with yours. “It’s a stupid fucking pig.” His voice is strained, breathy–and you’re just as sure as he is in the fact that you can’t believe this is even happening.
And even if you may end up regretting the decision later, you decide to put him out of his misery. Letting go of his hand completely, hand settling and finding a place to call home against the back of his neck, you pull him forward. He grunts slightly, almost inaudible as you press your lips against his own, more delicate than he had. In the way that he was entirely too sure of himself, you had restraint, hesitance. You let a long, breathy sigh and try to ignore the way your body shivers with nervousness and anticipation. 
Eddie takes the opportunity to find his way past your lips, teasingly dragging his tongue against your own. Your brain could literally short circuit at the thought of his mouth being anywhere else on your body, even now you could feel yourself screaming internally and if you weren’t so goddamn turned on, you probably would just scream out loud.
His hand found your waist at some point, playing with the frayed fabric attached to the bottom of your shirt, kissing you fervently, playfully–and like the tease he’s proven to be, he bites down on your bottom lip gently, for good measure. 
“Eddie,” You breath out, pulling back. You can’t even bring yourself to look at him, only following the way his hand is massaging the dip in your waist, “studying, remember?”
“Shit.” He curses to himself, allowing himself to drop back into reality. “Yeah, sorry.”
“It’s fine.” You assure him, knowing that studying was the last thing you were hoping to focus on now. 
“I didn’t mean to overstep, I’m sorry if–” Eddie starts, and you can’t help but feel like a sucker for the way his voice stutters over the apology. And studying be-fucking-damned, you had plenty of other time to help him out. You had to allow yourself to self-indulge, at least once, and regret it later. 
“Fuck it.” You sigh, shoving your belongings out of the way and pulling him toward you again.
He immediately takes the advantage of being above you, slotting his own legs between yours, still remaining enough distance that you both wouldn’t simultaneously combust from the idea of grinding against each other, though you weren't sure how long that would actually last.
He delves into your mouth like you’re the last meal he’s ever going to have and Jesus Christ–-no one’s ever kissed you this way. You sigh openly, letting Eddie deepen the kiss further. You try to find every reason to pull away, but you’re drawing the biggest fucking blank, gasping softly when Eddie’s hands dip behind your lower back, grasping onto your ass and bring you closer. And there’s no way to ignore the feeling of Eddie’s groin pressed against you, dick straining against the material of his jeans. His openly sighs into your mouth, switching from sweet, closed mouth kisses to dirty, deep open mouthed kisses that leave you both begging for more. His hand slips between you both, palm coming to rest against your clothed mound. He stops for a moment, like he wants to ask permission.
“Eddie,” You say softly, almost startled by how spent you sound, “I don’t know if we should–”
You wanted to keep going–god did you want to, but there was a lot of shit you needed to figure out first. And luckily, this didn’t feel like a one off experience, the way Eddie looked up at you with his wide eyed gaze, lips still obscenely wet and puffy.
“I’ve never–you know,” You struggle to find the words, “I’m a virgin. You should probably know that.”
You had enough common sense to know that Eddie wasn’t, judging by the pack of condoms he never bothered to put in his nightstand drawer, it seemed likely enough that he’s probably fucked a girl or two before, not that you cared. You just weren’t sure if this was the right time to be delving into uncharted territory. 
“Fuck, I-” He replies, slightly breathless, “We totally don’t have to. I didn’t really expect–I just wanted to kiss you at first but Jesus–you’re fucking amazing.”
You laugh openly, falling back against the mattress. The look on Eddie’s face was priceless, something you wanted to take a picture of and remember forever. But, the way his fingers accidentally drag against you from where they were now resting against your inner thigh are enough to shake you back into reality.
“Sorry.” He says sheepishly, dragging his fingers back.
You stop him on a whim. The whim being the fact that you’re just incredibly to horny to leave with the state you were in. Fucked out, without even being fucked properly.
“We can…if you want.” You suggest tentatively. “Just for a little.”
Teenage hormones were a hell of hard thing to overcome and you were desperately losing that battle.
“If you don’t want to it’s fine–I get that you’ve never–” Eddie starts, but you emphasize by dragging his finger up your thigh and right about the waistband of your shorts–similar to the one from the day before, short and just as scandalous. 
“It’s not like I’ve never touched myself before, Eddie.” You assure him, feeling the way his fingers played with the fabric teasingly. “I’m a virgin, not a puritan.”
“God, you’re so fucking hot.” He sighs, forehead resting against your shoulder. You jump at the first touch of his fingers against your bare cunt, and part of you wants to feel embarrassed about the wetness that had collected there, but you were way too horny to give a shit. “And so wet.” It comes out as a moan. A fucking moan.
It should be criminal how attractive Eddie sounds right now, fingers exploring a part of you that only you’ve ever known. He drags a single digit from bottom to top, collecting the wetness. The tightness of your shorts left little room for him to move his hand around and the contact was almost earth-shattering. He hesitates, taking a moment to circle around your clit. You sigh quietly, which he takes as a good sign, testing the motion out again, and again, until you’re practically keening from the pressure building there. The way his finger slips into you is jarring, how easily he moves past your folds, starting a slow, steady motion of guiding his fingers in and out of you, occasionally stopping to drag his fingers against the most sensitive part of your body, the only place you wanted him to be.
“Oh,” You moan softly, “fuck, please.”
Eddie could come at the sound of you, the way your voice squeaks in desperation. He chuckles softly, using his thumb to circle your clit, teasing and slow. You could get yourself there just fine, but the foreign feeling of a hand that wasn’t yours, knowing your body almost as well as you did, it was enough to have you squeezing down on his fingers in pleasure. 
“More?” He asks softly, looking from his face had been resting against the middle of your chest, watching as his fingers disappeared into your shorts. 
“Please.” You beg, almost desperate. His second finger joins the first, adding a nice stretch that you’ve never really felt like this. His fingers were so much bigger than your own, so much more filling. You gasp loudly at the sudden change in pace, closing your eyes in a bid to hide your own embarrassment at the sound of your own voice. When you finally pry your eyes open, Eddie is staring at you. You weren’t sure how long he had been, but his gaze is dark, hot–you want to disappear. 
“I want to hear you.” He assures you, emphasizing his words by working his finger against your clit quickly, causing you to mewl in response, back arching off the bed. “You sound so pretty, princess.”
And if there was any other way to die, this is exactly how you wanted to go out. 
The pressure builds and builds, Eddie finding every way to pull sounds out of you, some you didn’t even know you were capable of. You can feel the way he’s absently, but still gently, grinding against your leg, where he’d maneuvered himself after a while, in hopes of relieving some of the pressure off of his own issue. You could tell he was holding back, which made you feel slightly guilty. 
The thought is immediately interrupted by your orgasm washing over you out of the blue, fast, nearly knocking you out from the feeling that spreads throughout your entire body. Eddie works you through the end, even when your body is oversensitive and tingling. 
“Jesus Christ.” You sigh, staring up at the ceiling. 
“Nah, just me.” He says cheekily, grinning.
You reach for the clasp on his belt on instinct, but he stops you with a hand on your wrist. “It’s fine.” He laughs softly, “Besides, the second you touch my dick, I’m done for.”
It’s absurd, but it makes you giggle to yourself. 
“I’ll take care of it later.” He admits, adjusting the front of his jeans to provide relief. The thought of him in bed, dick in hand, had you squeezing your thighs together shamelessly. 
“O-Okay.” You reply, pushing yourself up as he moved off of you. “Well, thanks—I guess?”
You both fall into a fit of laughter immediately, not finding any reason to ignore how ridiculous you felt. Not to mention that way your heart twisted at the way Eddie’s grin reached from ear to ear. It wasn’t a new thing exactly, Eddie smiled a lot, but you knew this one was reserved for both of you, and that had your stomach doing back flips.
“My pleasure.” He replies, putting on a fancy, pretentious accent. “Princess.”
“Why princess?” You ask curiously, wondering where the name fits in for you.
“I don’t know,” Eddie shrugs, sitting back on his heels, “You've always been little miss ‘pretty and perfect’ to me—smart, and you don’t really put up with anyone’s shit—I almost didn’t believe it when you asked me to sell weed to you that first time.”
“Thought I was gonna rat you out, huh?” You ask teasingly.
“Maybe just a little.” He admits, holding his thumb and pointer finger an inch from each other. You toss a pillow at his head, he takes the hit like a champ, throwing it softly back at you. 
⋆·˚ ༘ *
You two spend the next couple weeks studying off and on, not really bothering to avoid hanging out at school. Dustin actually enjoyed it; since he practically worshiped Eddie and you were another friend he had to talk to, not that Mike Wheeler wasn’t sufficient enough, his mind was just flooded with girls and Dustin was so far from the precipice of females.
Even if you spent half of your study sessions making out, you still managed to get enough work done that Eddie was making a little improvement—not to mention the look on Ms. McNally’s face when she called him out in class and he answered her question correct—you would’ve thought hell had finally froze over. Study sessions went from a weekend basis, to Eddie showing up to your shift at Family Video to ask about a question on the homework on any given day, not trying to hide the fact that he wanted another reason to talk to you outside of school.
“If you manage to help him graduate, it will be a miracle.” Steve says one day, leaning in as Eddie left the store. 
You show up at his door that night, ready for another one of your tedious study sessions. But he’s answering the door before you have a chance to think. 
“My uncle’s home.” He tells, looking back over his shoulder. You’d gotten lucky with the past couple of weeks, timing your visits almost perfectly, so that they aligned with his uncle’s work schedule. But, you weren’t sure what to do now.
“Well, we can just study—it’s fine.” You tell him quietly, “or I can come over tomorrow?”
“No.” He all but blurts out, “Sorry—we, we can just take my van. I know a spot where we can go.”
You’re hesitant at first, but you agree—it’s Eddie, you knew it would be fine. 
His van is incredibly spacey, to your surprise. It made a lot of sense, though. You could tell he’d had more than a few smoke sessions based on how it practically reeked of weed and his cologne. When you’re stopped at the spot—a wide expanse of trees covering a large area and a giant skull shaped rock in the middle, he swings the back doors open, giving you a better view of his setup. 
“Skull rock, Eddie? Seriously?” You deadpan, climbing out of the passenger seat and to the back of his van.
“What?” He asks innocently, hands flying out to his side in question. “It’s a great spot.”
You could point out every surface that Steve had made out with a girl on that rock, from memory—despite wanting to know, Steve just hated keeping his sexcapades to himself sometimes. Either way, you couldn’t complain. It was quiet, secluded, you didn’t have to worry about anyone finding Eddie toking up in the back if he so decided, even if you didn’t plan to partake. And part of you knew, not much study was going to take place anyways.
“Can I draw you?” You ask randomly, Eddie peering at you from where he’s perched on the edge of his van. “Sorry, that was really forward—I just—“
“Sure.” He agrees, moving deeper inside the van, the night sky nearly swallowing the van whole. If it weren’t for the overhead lights, you wouldn’t be able to see more than a couple inches in front of your face, luckily they lit the interior up well enough.
“How do you want me, Picasso?” He asks, flaring his jacket out.
“Just sit—and, what are you doing?” You laugh, watching as he knelt down, chin on his fist, a goofy attempt at a heroic pose.
“Too much?” He asks, but he doesn’t need the answer. He can tell by the amused look on your face, so he shifts onto his backside, legs spread out slightly, one lifted up so his foot was planted in the floor.
“Act like we’re in your room, talking—just be comfortable.” You remind him, letting the pencil feel out the paper.
And you don’t think you’ve ever heard Eddie stay so quiet, for so long. But he’s watching you, just as much you had been watching him, fiddling with his rings occasionally. 
“Something on your mind?” You ask curiously, about halfway through the sketch, “I can see the gears turning in your head.”
“Just thinking.” He says quietly, eyes still locked on yours. “I don’t want to distract you, though.”
Though, that was really the plan all along—so you took the bait. 
“No, tell me.” You demand, setting the pencil and book down.
He chuckles to himself, “I’m just thinking about how I wanna kiss you right now.”
You smile knowingly, a little shy now by how intently he’s looking at you. “Then why don’t you?”
And like a dam breaking, he’s on you instantly, hands gripping under your thighs to lay you down on the blanket that was covering the expanse of the back of his van. 
“Wait, the doors.” You tell him through quick kisses. “Close the doors.”
And you’re right. The last thing you need is someone walking up on two high school students getting hot and heavy in the back of a van. The doors slam shut and he’s finding his way back to you, eyeing your mouth greedily. Eddie had gotten more and more comfortable with maneuvering you around how he wanted, knowing just how to have you begging for more and more.
His mouth leaves yours, kissing the underside of your chin, your neck, the small part of your chest that was exposed to him. He wanted to worship you in every way and form possible. He’s got his dick pressed against your core, still jailed by the confines of his jeans, the coldness of the chain he had attached to his pants, the one bearing factor that was keeping you grounded. Otherwise, you probably would have left the planet already.
“Wanna taste you so bad.” He groans against your neck, free hand coming up to rest against your cheek, stroking the delicate skin. “Please?”
“Yeah,” You rush out, licking your suddenly too dry lips, “only if you let me taste you too.” You slip your hands in the waistband of your sweatpants, pushing them and your underwear down in one go. You definitely want to feel ashamed, but you can’t help yourself. He freaking out at the thought of your mouth around him, you could say the same for yourself.
You expect him to delve right in, devour you immediately, but he stills himself. He mumbled something into the inside of your thigh, you try not to think about it too much, opening your legs a little wider. He’s nipping and biting at the most sensitive parts of your skin, watching you squirm in anticipation. 
And when the flat of his tongue finally makes contact with your core, you moan unabashedly, reveling in the feeling. His nose nudges at your clit, and the sounds—god, the sounds. You blushed a particular shade of red, ashamed at how well your body was responding to his touch.
“So pretty and perfect.” He says against your cunt, “Just like I suspected.” 
You laugh at the absurdity of it all, moaning when he sneaks a finger up to join with the work his mouth couldn’t cover. He was working you up, he wanted you to come, but the fact that he already had you 1-0 was a crime and that just wouldn’t suffice. 
He grabbed your hands, which had been laying useless at your side, and guided them to the beautiful mane of hair attached to him. You wrapped your fingers around the hair at tugged, ever so softly. The look on his face as he pulled back was something you’d never soon forget, mouth covered in your clear slick, his tongue reaching out to lick his bottom lip.
“Wanna suck your dick, Eddie.” You begged. “Please.”
The look of pleading you gave him had him melting in your hands. He wordlessly lifted himself to his knees, wasting no time to undo the buckle of his belt. You helped him along the way, unzipping and pulling at the waistband of his jeans. When you finally found the chance to switch positions, he was already pulling the top of his underwear underneath his ass, but you couldn’t be bothered to wait any longer. You moved on instinct, grabbing his dick in your hand and tugging on the shaft gently, testing his body out. 
Even though you didn’t have much to compare it to, Eddie Munson still had the prettiest dick you’ve ever seen. 
“Shit, say that again.” He groans, watching you lean forward to kiss at the tip. You hadn’t realized you even said that aloud until he was staring down at you, completely wrecked by the idea of you finding his dick pretty. 
“It’s so pretty and perfect.” You tease, licking the underside of his dick in one, long stripe.
He curses audibly, head banging against the metal of the van.
You take him carefully, slowly. Maybe you’re doing everything wrong, but the moan that escapes him proves otherwise. His hand curls around the back of your head gently, guiding and setting a pace. He’s showing you what he likes, so you give it to him. You’re careful not to scrape against his shaft with your teeth, using your tongue to trace slow circles around the tip before swallowing him down in one go, it was a lot more than you could initially handle, it makes your eyes water and you pull back for a moment to catch your breath.
“Sorry, too much.” You apologize halfheartedly and Eddie gives you an incredulous look, both mesmerized and completely caught off guard.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” He breaths out, eyes searching yours for a moment. “I don’t want to sound forward but I really wanna fuck you.” 
If it was anyone else, they’d probably be dead. But, the way Eddie sounds almost desperate is the entire reason you’re nodding your head in earnest. 
“Yeah. Yeah, we can do that.” You agree, despite how terrified the thought made you feel.
“We can stop if it’s too much for you.” Eddie tells you, sincerity ringing through. “I’m serious.”
You nod, “I’m good, I swear.”
⋆·˚ ༘ *
Eddie has you wedged in between the makeshift pillow he made and himself, laid out comfortably on your side, naked from head to toe, and you try not to linger on the way he’s staring at your breasts, or the hand that’s running between your legs, dipping into your folds again. You adjust yourself slightly, legs widening at the touch. He’s gentle and you want to cry at the thought that someone would want to take so much care with you. He fingers you open slowly, swallowing your moans throat deep, lingering kisses that you never want to end. You can hear the wrapper crinkle between you, watching as pulls away to rip it open with his teeth.
Mesmerized as he rolls the condom down his shaft, you clench at the idea of him being inside. You didn’t want to think anymore, letting your body run on autopilot. 
“We can go slow. Just tell me what feels good.” He reminds you, hiking your leg up against his hip, positioning himself at your entrance. You nod silently, bracing yourself. Your hand wraps around his wrist where he’s caressing your head, letting the slow, stretching feeling of him pushing inside take over your body. It stings, but barely—you nod again, looking up to let him know that this was okay, that you were okay.
He gradually picks the pace up, once he’s finally seated inside you and you’re accustomed to the feeling of him. It wasn’t until then that you realized just how noisy Eddie could be—moaning every obscenity under the sun into mouth as you swallowed up everyone with a kiss, gasping for air when he grazed your clit with his thumb from where it had been resting against your hip bone.
You can feel the way he’s holding back, not sure how much you could take. He’s gripping you tight, and you attempt to break him from whatever daze he’s locked himself into.
“Eddie, it’s fine.” You say breathlessly, “I can take it.”
And like that, he releases you, maneuvering you onto your back to adjust himself over you, pulling himself out to adjust before he’s careful thrusting back in, hand tucked under the soft skin at the back of your knee, bearing the weight you couldn’t bother to hold up. 
He leans forward and mouths at your breasts, taking the time to graze his teeth against the tip of the the soft bud of your nipple, causing a gasp to bubble out of your chest. “Do that again.” You beg.
He laughs quietly, showing the other breast the same care, then switching back to the other. Fuck, it was so good. You’d almost been too distracted to realize the pace he’d picked up, more consistent as the sound your bodies coming together filled up the silence. That and the moans you couldn’t bother to keep quiet, mixing in with his own. 
“Feel so good, princess.” He groans, mouth tucked away into your neck, mouthing at the skin there. “Squeezing my dick just right.”
Eddie has a filthy mouth, obviously. You were definitely bookmarking that for later. 
“Wanna come, Eddie. Please.” You gasp, trying desperately to push back to meet the more desperate pace Eddie had set. 
“Here,” He’s grabbing your hand, guiding it between the both of you, “wanna see you touch yourself, see if you can make yourself come as good as I can.”
Part of you doesn’t know how to respond, so you don’t, but you mindlessly obey the request at hand, circling your clit with your own two fingers, gasping at how sensitive you were. Fingers were one thing, but Eddie’s dick—that was something else entirely. You’re trying desperately to keep up, but Eddie can tell you’re overwhelmed, overworked, so he slips his hand against yours, helping you through the motion. 
“You’re almost there, I can tell.” He murmurs against your ear, the hotness of his breath sending tingles down your entire body. “I got you.”
He moved your fingers with his, hips shaking sloppily, thrusting himself through his own climax, watching as your mouth dropped open in a wordless shout, orgasm hitting you in a flash of white, leaving you panting for breath when you came back to earth. 
Eddie gives you a few minutes to settle, brushing your wild hair behind your ears and out of your face—he pulls out slowly, removing and tying the condom, discarding it in the front of the van inside of the tiny trash can nestled underneath the passenger side dash. He seems worried.
“It was good.” You assure him, hoping he wasn’t stressing over the idea of ruining anything for you. “I don’t really have anything to compare it to but if it’s anything like that, it was pretty damn good.”
He chuckles gently, his chest shaking at the motion. You finally have a clear view of some of the tattoos you never really noticed until now. Eddie had slipped his underwear back on in the process, helping you search through the flurry of mixed clothes to find your own. 
“I guess I just wasn’t sure how we’d handle things after.” He says quietly, taking a seat next to. You see him reach for the pre-rolled blunt sitting in the ashtray and you grab his wrist, pulling it toward you.
“Well, do you want me to leave?” It wasn’t meant to sound harsh, Eddie didn’t seem to take it that way either.
“No.” He replies sheepishly, hands resting in his lap. 
“Then stop worrying. Stop acting like you just scandalized me.” You laugh, poking his stomach. “I think we’re way past that.”
“God, because the sounds you make should be illegal and I don’t like being a one and done type of guy—“ Eddie would have gone on a tangent had you let him, but the gentle reminder you offered was enough to shut him up. 
“Well, next time—“
“Next time?” He quirks up, eyebrows raised.
“Next time,” You repeat, feeling a little silly, “we’ll find out just how long the both of us can get. But, first—you gotta pass English.”
The exasperated sigh that Eddie let out was enough to have you curling forward in laughter.
“You’re gonna be the death of me, princess.” He smiles, reaching forward to kiss you, chaste and sweet. 
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