#simp nishinoya
katasstrophy · 1 year
aint no way i’m 5’0” and you , zari , and dawn are all taller than me WTFJDJDKD 5’6”???? that’s hot HEKDJD
LMFAOOO BABES c’mere pspspspspsppsps lemme put you in ma pocket and carry you around like a lil princess 🥺🥺🫶 giving you the sloppiest grandma forehead kiss FOOOUULLLL im foul for this
(i could …. i could kabedon the shit outta you tho oh LAAWWDDD choose ur fighter)
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being tall it IS super hot tho agreed you should see me in heels 👀 literally nothing boosts my ego more than when i strut up to a guy all sexy only to look down on him NIGHT MADE RIGHT THERE unless he’s a short king … then he can SMASSSHHHH
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hinahaikyuu · 2 years
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Noya is a energetic guy, but he’s very observant and he would definitely notice your laugh out of anyone in a crowd. There is this energy about you that seems like you could handle his, but also help keep him grounded sometimes. 
Noya always has his head in the clouds, which is why he didn’t notice you in any of your classes until your fifth year. He’s popular on the quidditch pitch, sucks in his grades and is always trying to run from them, and he is known to be quite the fun guy. He’s never really stopped to notice anyone outside of what he does, or Kiyoko for example until he heard your laugh in the great hall. 
He was a Gryffindor, and the Hufflepuff table sat in the middle of you but he was still about to pin point you like you were standing side by side. It was the sorting ceremony for the first years, and you were told to hush down while ceremony was continuing. He tried to find out after, to meet you but just kept missing you. 
and missing you. 
and missing you. 
It was one day, when you were sitting in the courtyard reading a book that he final met you- though, not the way he wanted. 
“Man.. I just can’t seem to keep up with her.” he groaned, hands behind his head as he walked next to Tanaka. “I find her, and then she poof. Disappears.”
“Just keep it up man. It’s a big campus ya know? Easy to miss someone.” He would know, he looses track of Kiyoko, another Ravenclaw, all the time. “So what do you think your going to do the next game? We’re up against the Slytherin team.”
“I don’t know- probably just kick ass like I normally do. I haven’t lost a game this year an- AHAK” He should pay attention, because he tripped right over you. “I’m so sorry, I wasn’t... paying... attention...” He looked up from his spot on the ground, watching you rub softly the spot he collided with you. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay.... I trip over my own two feet.” He heard that chuckle, and he knew for sure, it was you. 
“I’m Nishinoya Yuu...” 
He didn’t let you leave his sight again after that. 
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ladysierra117 · 2 years
There's something about seeing Noya that just makes me - ♡
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educatedsimps · 3 days
— they're in love with your laugh
i just KNOW hq characters would be so in love with your laugh like you could literally have ANY type of laugh and they'd fall even more in love with you. this is just how i think they'd react when they hear your laugh or i guess when they realise they really love your laugh? yeah, it's just fluff. enjoy :)
≪ back to fics masterlist
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he would say "i love that" out of nowhere. "what?" "your laugh" "weirdo" (but he's a cute weirdo). SHAMELESSLY stares at you with a giddy smile on his stupid lovesick face and literal hearts in his eyes. also if you're like sitting at a table or something, he'd put his elbows on the tables and tuck his hand under his chin while he stares at you. bro is Down Bad Pro Max, trust me.
↳ nishinoya, tanaka, HINATA, oikawa, hanamaki, KUROO, konoha, tendō, ATSUMU, terushima, hoshiumi
he's kinda awkward so he'd just start blushing and smiling secretly to himself. your laugh is like a melody to him and he swears he could listen to it on repeat forever. makes him realise that he's so in love with you and your laugh that he would do anything just to make you laugh like that for the rest of your lives.
↳ KAGEYAMA, yamaguchi, yachi, KINDAICHI, ushijima, kita, sakusa
he's the quiet type who would just look at you with a soft smile when he hears your laugh and he just feels a sudden surge of happiness in his chest. his heart is so full when you laugh and he feels so damn lucky to have you. he know he wants to spend the rest of his life listening to your laugh, which is exactly what he plans to do. also the amount of love in his eyes is UNMATCHED.
↳ asahi, ennoshita, kiyoko, IWAIZUMI, mattsun, kunimi, kenma, AKAASHI, kawanishi, suna, osamu, i can also kinda see sakusa here
he would laugh softly to himself and fail MISERABLY at hiding his smile. so he's just looking at you with the widest, happiest smile on his face and now you're both laughing together, though you don't know why he's smiling so much. neither of you even remember what you were laughing about in the first place and now he can't resist kissing you and showering you with so much affection because he can't believe this ANGEL is actually his. he never thought he could love someone - let alone someone's laugh - this much.
↳ daichi, SUGAAAAA, semi, aran, komori, HIRUGAMI
bokuto's heart feels like it might explode at any moment and he's about to cry with how much love he has for you. you'd probably be standing next to him (also a lil confused) as he's going through an emotional roller coaster just he heard your laugh. "Y/N I LOVE YOUR LAUGH" "my what-" "YOU'RE MY ANGEL, I SWEAR" and cue a fountain of happy tears!
and for you tsukki simps, he'd tease you when you ask him why he's suddenly blushing. "admit it, kei, you like my laugh." "no, i don't. it's annoying." "you loooove my laugh-" "i don't know what you're talking about, y/n." "then why're you blushing, big guy?" "shut up, shortie." would also ruffle your hair before walking away with his face, ears and neck the same shade as a tomato. cute.
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a/n: i don't even wanna count how many times i wrote "laugh" in this one like the word's starting to make absolutely no sense to me but i hope you enjoyed it???
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© educatedsimps 2024. do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarize any work from this blog on tumblr or any other platforms. if you do, the simps will hunt you down. likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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lovingache · 2 months
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𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝'𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝. 🏹
𝐫. 𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐚 𝐱 𝐟!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 summary: "𝐬𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞" | tanaka is the biggest simp for his girlfriend. warnings: f!reader, aged up!haikyu (karasuno is a university) | no y/n, swearing, fluff fluff fluff, i love ryū and im so happy i finally got an idea that works so well for him, tanaka is an absolute SWEETHEART to reader, names used: doll, babe, word count: 1.1k a/n: i was listening to cupid's chokehold and immediately had to start writing this because THAT SONG IS LITERALLY GHOST WRITTEN BY TANAKA IDC ARGUE WITH THE WALL
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Ryū didn't necessarily ask you to be his girlfriend. There was no grand gesture a few months into dating or a massive heart-to-heart to confirm that you two were taking that step together. He sort of just started calling you his girlfriend.
Something that surprised you about him is how deeply sentimental he is. During one of your dates, he insisted on taking photobooth pictures together, practically dragging you into the booth with him as he paid the fee and slung an arm around you. "C'mon, doll! It'll be fun, plus, this way, I can keep your picture with me everywhere!"
You two were there for almost an hour, striking pose after pose as you laughed with each other. You feel your cheeks heat up as he kisses you for a photo, his large hands cupping your face as he kisses you deeply. He hums with delight when he sees it printed onto the snapshots. "This one's just for me," he grins, wriggling his eyebrows at you as you smack his chest lightly.
He pouts when you say no after he asks you for one last set of pictures with just you, "Please, babe! That way, I can look at it whenever I miss you."
You roll your eyes playfully but oblige— you're not a monster. "You tell me you miss me all the time, Ryū," you tease, smiling at him as you stay seated.
"Exactly, I can look at your pictures all the time then! It'll totally help to see your face before a game if you can't be there in person— it'll help pump me up!" he grins, feeding the machine another bill as you pose for the pictures. He dropped you off that night with the broadest grin, knowing he didn't have to look far to see you smiling at him. It warms his heart knowing he's found a girl that not only puts up with his antics, but loves him for it.
He took the photos of you everywhere. His wallet, his phone case, his gym locker, taped up on his room's wall. You name it, your face is plastered there. You had to physically restrain him from ordering t-shirts with the photos on them, much to his dismay. "Fine," he grumbled. "I'll just show people the pictures of you then."
It's safe to say he loves being with you, showing you off as the brilliant woman who had, in your folly and his delight, chosen to be with him. The first time you'd visited him after practice, the team's eyes practically jumped out of their skulls after you ran up to him and kissed him on the cheek, asking him how it went.
"So she is real?!" Nishinoya yells as he runs up to Ryū to give him a high-five. "Holy shit, sorry, Tanaka. We all thought you made her up—"
He turns to you, introducing himself as Karasuno's libero and Tanaka's friend. "I've heard a lot about you, Nishinoya," you smile, giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder. You swear he swoons a little as you do.
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"Babe," he whines when you peel his arm off you as Daichi calls him into the gym. "I wanna keep my arm on you until we get in!" he complains, earning a snicker from Nishinoya and Kageyama, who are a few steps ahead of you.
You laugh, "Oh god, you big baby. Do you really want your opponents to see you pouting? Think of what message that'd send, Tanaka." You tease, knowing exactly how to rile him up for the match.
You laugh even harder as he crosses his arms and gives you a "Hmph!" as he lets you go. "Fine, but you better be cheering the loudest in there, doll."
He blushes as you kiss him quickly, "You know I always am, honey." You marvel at how quickly he runs into the gym, energized by your affection as his teammates run in to catch up with him.
You sit beside a friend from class as the team warms up, beaming at him whenever he looks at you after nailing a spike. "Let's go, Ryū!" you yell as the crowd thickens.
Soon enough, the match starts, and you're as energetic as he is as the team plays, whooping when they score and yelling encouragements when the other team scores. "C'mon, boys! You've got this!"
He turns to point to you after every kill, grinning up at you like you're his sun, and when he gets the game-winning point, he screams your name as he lands back on the gym floor.
The team is huddled and celebrating as you run down to congratulate them and celebrate with him. You raise an eyebrow at Daichi when you don't spot Ryū in the huddle. He shakes his head, jerking a thumb back over to where Ryū is standing, arguing with a player from the opposing team.
You hurriedly walk over to try to pull him away, knowing that he can get a little too hyped up after winning games—especially when he's the one who scored the match point.
You're about to call out to him when his voice cuts you off, yelling at the player as he grabs his gym bag from the team's manager, ruffling through the contents to grab something.
Oh no.
"Uh yeah! I so, too, have a girlfriend, dipshit!" He yells as he smiles wickedly at the brown leather wallet in his hand, unfurling it with a dramatic finish.
Oh, god, no.
"Look and weep, dickhead." He bellows, the proud undertone incredibly clear in his voice as he puts a hand on his hip. To your dismay, the player actually looks, stuttering as he tries to downplay the photo, "Y-Yeah, whatever. That's probably just a random picture you printed off the internet, weirdo."
Ryū scoffs, his hand still on his hip and wallet still extended at the gawking player. "Ha! You'd think so, right? I mean, she's so gorgeous that there's no way she's real. I thought so, too, when I first saw her. Why'd you think I worked so hard to impress her?" He says, his voice brimming with pride and affection, before folding the wallet.
"Yeah? She's not even here, so she can't be that good!" The player argues, and you roll your eyes.
You take a breath, about to call out to him, but Daichi's voice beats you, "Tanaka!" He waits for a beat as Ryū turns to him slowly before gesturing to where you are, "Your girlfriend's been here waiting for you, dummy."
You give Daichi a thankful look and giggle as Ryū turns quickly to where you are, scooping you up in his arms as he celebrates the win with you. "Congrats, babe!" You cheer as you kiss him deeply.
He pulls away from you, giving your nose a delicate kiss, before turning to look at the player who's already walking away, one arm hooked under you to keep you held up as he points at the player before pointing to you.
"Hey! Asshole! Take a look at my girlfriend!"
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likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated! ♡
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ghost-recs · 2 months
OF COURSE!! and why not both? my favorite liberos getting much deserved love💕
Nishinoya Recs
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when you go away, i still see you by @kisskawa
synopsis: summer after graduation meant new beginnings, but it also meant goodbyes. however, you hope that some things never change.
i love the way this is written sm, fluffy oneshot with a tinge of angst.
thinking started feeling like burning by Grae_Coltrane [ao3]
synopsis: you had always thought you knew what would grant you happiness in life. but six years after graduation, you find yourself in front of your ex's house without a thought or feeling left in your body.
ngl, i was a little skeptical about this one, but it turned out to be so so cute! i love the way this is written, and noya is literally the sweetest little tornado! (thank you lovely anon for the recommendation!)
Bruises by Emocean (orphan_account) [ao3]
synopsis: you decided that soulmates are overrated, as yet another deep dark bruise appears on your body.
soulmate au in which the injuries your soulmate gets appears on your body as well, cute little oneshot!
Split Lives by GhostiMoth [ao3]
synopsis: you hate to think how slow and boring your life has gotten. after living a day in the body of your soulmate, hopefully that will change.
soulmate au where you and your soulmate switch bodies for the day, wholesome oneshot living the life of nishinoya.
Your Biggest Fan by queenofhyrule [ao3]
synopsis: being late to one of the most important games in nishinoya's career was not ideal, but the reason why was worth it.
best friends that obviously simp for each other, warning it gets spicier throughout (not totally sure how i feel about the ending, but still cute)
Strawberry Cream by skeletiddies [ao3]
synopsis: nishinoya takes tanaka's advice on how to confess to you, but things go horribly wrong.
crack oneshot, but a happy ending! this took me off guard, but made me laugh.
Bad Sleeping Habits by @oreosmama
synopsis: you and noya never know what to expect from each other before going to sleep.
just some short drabbles of the weird things you and noya do in your sleep, crack.
Yaku Recs
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untitled: cloud 9 by @writingbymoonlight
synopsis: yaku shouldn't be held accountable for the way he acts around you.
coffee shop au, adorable oneshot that made fall for flustered yaku.
another untitled oneshot by @shoulmate
synopsis: yaku will take the disses if it means you will reveal what you truly think.
cute lil oneshot that i frequently occasionally think about.
Begin Again by hyuniebaby [ao3]
synopsis: after a toxic relationship, you're not used to being treated in the way you deserve.
Burnt Out by 3rdgymmanager [ao3]
synopsis: yaku will respect your decision to quit volleyball, but not without some effort to persuade you otherwise.
oneshot that is purely yaku being the best supporter
If Only I Were Selfish by ThisNoodleWrites [ao3]
synopsis: yaku's biggest regret is that he wasn't selfish when it came to you, but time has given him a second chance.
timeskip oneshot with some reflections back to yaku's high school days, sweet happy ending.
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broshot · 1 year
how they eat pussy/how they eat you out
contains characters from: jujutsu kaisen, attack on titan, tokyo revengers, haikyuu, sk8 the infinity, chainsaw man, genshin impact (I don't play genshin so Idk how accurate it is)
a few of the characters are mentioned twice !!
tw/cw: nsfw, all characters are of age (timeskip tokrev etc), praising, degrading in one, fingering, mentions orgasming,
english isn't my first language so feel free to correct possible grammar mistakes
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messy eater, he's sucking and licking all over, spreading your juices everywhere. his face is wet and so are you, he has also made the insides of your thighs wet. he's moaning against your pussy because he loves eating you out. he's so pussy drunk!! he's just enjoying having his head squeezed in between your thighs tbh! wants to stay there forever. you'll have to pull his head away if you don't want to have him eat you out the whole night♡
yuuji, hinata, reki, itto, oikawa, nishinoya, tanaka, eren, yuuta, takemichi, denji, kazutora, angry (souya), bokuto,
your needs first, he sure wants to feel good himself but you first! he's going to make you feel amazing. sucking on your clit while he has two of his fingers inside of you, he's going to make you cum as many times as you want. will praise you. so much. cleans you up after, telling you how good you did. love these guys tbh
nanami, erwin, levi, jean, daichi, geto, inumaki, draken, aki hayakawa, cherry (sk8), mitsuya,
shy eater, shy at first but when the shyness goes away.. heaven. I'm not lying, he'll make you feel better than you'd ever imagine. loves using his tongue when eating you out. won't let your clit stay unnoticed. he'll use his fingers on your clit at first but will use his tongue as he gains more confidence. will circle his tongue on and around your clit. his tongue does magic. amazing aftercare, too.
megumi, armin, langa, kageyama, sugawara, mikey, shinichiro, chifuyu, osamu, albedo,
confident eater, for a reason. he KNOWS he's making you feel good, will 100% tell you and tease you about it. "you're feeling real good, huh? obviously you are, I'm so good at this." will praise you too. will push his tongue in and out of you with unhuman speed, literally so fast??? circles your clit while doing that, will make you cum so fast. just loves you so much and wants to show it to you!!! his aftercare is so good too.
gojo, bokuto, joe (sk8), baji, hanma, ran, rindou, kuroo, atsumu, oikawa, itto, kaeya,
the meanie, complete opposite of the one above. he does not care. he's just going to overstimulate you and do whatever he wants, will 100% slap your ass and thighs. slips a few degrating sentences here and there such as "you're such a needy slut, disgusting" "you're really going to cum again, huh? did I say you could, slut? obey me." probably little to no aftercare. I hate these type of fuckers but anything for the simps!
sukuna, mahito, toji (tbh)
the meanie but with praising and less degrading and also actually good aftercare, self explanatory, just read the meanie part for this
sanzu, smiley (nahoya), hanma again,
I haven't posted in ages BYE
merry christmas to everyone who celebrates tho!!! love you all ♡
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Angel dust with an s/o who's kind of like nishinoya from Haikyuu? Like short, chaotic and SIMP -🦑
I don't know what Haikyuu is but I think I get the idea.
Angel dust x short & chaotic Reader
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★ He calls you "short stuff" a lot for obvious reasons and has no intention of stopping. You being you most likely enjoy the nickname. You've started calling him "tall stuff" but unlike you he hates that nickname. Mostly because Alastor started to call him that.
★Oh you are a simp? I mean, it's not like he hasn't met his fair share of those. Probably doesn't care all that much but would prefer it if you kept the mushy PDA at a minimum. Feel free to shower him in gifts tho!
★ Why do you do the things that you do? The underworld may never know, and he sure as hell doesn't. Usually you have a 40/60 chance of him joining in whatever are doing depending on what it is.
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hmperil · 1 year
! hugs with haikyuu characters ! ( sakusa , ushijima , bokuto)
please request if you want any fluff or comment if you want another character in this series ❁
includes : asahi , nishinoya , tsukishima
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asahi :
king of hugs , I guarantee his hugs would just feel like comfort and home. he would embrace you and you would just know everything would be ok , that is the power this man holds . I mean just look at him he may look a little scary but he's definitely just a big softie. would give you a big hug when you need one .
nishinoya :
#1 simp, you need a hug he's got you. I mean you're practically royalty to him , he would drop anything he was doing just to cuddle you. he's small but still found a way to make you feel so safe and warm when he was embracing you .
tsukishima :
he may not show it but I just know he's whipped, he thinks your like the prettiest person in the world. watching movies while hugging would definitely be a big thing , he likes the way you can snuggle together and feel like he's protecting you from the world. still a salty beanpole and will pretend like he isn't actually enjoying it but you can see the way he relaxes in your arms.
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himiko-kuro · 23 days
Hello! Can you write smthing (headcanons or oneshot) about the karasuno team and/or the nekoma team reacting and finding out that kenmas dating a girl (reader) who's a very elegant and well known dancer and play actor? Thanks :)
This is for kenma fans
I am also gonna make this gender neutral sorry .
《 My apologies for making you wait this long Anon》
Part 1
The Karasuno Team
The team would generally be shocked that you were dating kenma out of all the people out there you chose to date him but of course the most shocking ones being Nishinoya and Tanaka
Were they shocked that you were a actor and a dancer?
[ Yes they would be shocked ]
they were kinda shocked that You a very well actor that was known for their elegant dance and plays is also dating a volleyball player.
Would somebody be mean to your lover?
[ Yes two simps to be exact ]
Tanaka and Nishinoya would be glaring at your poor kenma until their captain scolds them and apologises on their behalf. [of course they still won't stop glaring at your kenma. ]
Would they care yes or no?
[ No they wouldn't care that much ]
Kageyama and Tsukishima wouldn't really care that much about you and your boyfriend, would probably just shrugged and go back to what they were doing.
[ They would be happy and glad ]
On the other hand Sugawara, Daichi, Azumane and Yamaguchi would be glad for kenma cause he has crossed his comfort zone.
Would they tease you?
[ Yes some of them will and some won't ]
Sugawara and Daichi would tease you both none stop until you start to get anooyed glaring at them then will they stop. [ or will they ]
Who would be jumping up and down until they can't breathe cause of happiness?
[ Hinata ]
Hinata would be over the moon. He would be so happy that he would start jumping up and down until he was on the floor panting for air while kageyama would be shouting at him for being stupid.
Would they give you two personal time together?
[ Maybe maybe not]
Okay so overall they all are happy for you and would try to give you guys some alone time excluding Hinata, Nishinoya and Tanaka tho. ( Lol )
[ I give you my sincerest apologies for not making this earlier Anon hope you forgive me. ]
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cynoswifey · 1 year
Nishinoya Yuu Headcanons
AN: Bruh I feel ugly rn T-T
Warnings: None
° Noya is your number one fan he is always supporting you and always has your back. If your in sports he there for every game if you're in band hes there for your every recital... along with the whole Karasuno team
• Loves when you go his game's espeicaly when you wear his jersey or his jacket which he always gives you before games like when he sees you on the bleachers watching him he's on fire
° Sleepovers like everyday and he always walks you home and ends up staying the night of course you sleep over at his to.
• If you like flowers you better be prepared to get a shitload from Noya but if you don't like them he'll buy you candy or really anything that you like because he's a simp
° Noya is more protective than jealous he will go full chihuahua on anyone that looks at you for to long. He knows your good looking but damn
• He gives you piggy back rides even if your taller than him but hey hes pretty strong so don't worry
° If you ever have to miss school or something he is kinda down the whole day but then basically sprints to your house after practice he just really wants to see you
• It's no secret that Noya loves you no matter how you look all he really cares about is your personality.
° Noya can be pretty calm when it's just you to but anything will spike his engery back up
• His cuddles are some of the best haikyuu cuddles ever like this man loves cuddles and he is amazing at cuddling hes just so comfortable to lay on
° Nishinoya is definitely the type of boyfriend who let you do face mask on him whenever your doing one. He might even be able to convince the whole team to do one to
• Noya is very affectionate but not to a overwhelming degree. He'll hold you hand when walking and hug and kiss you randomly
° He's extremely friendly and extroverted so I'd your introverted or just hate talking to people he'll gladly do it for you
Reblogs likes, and requests are appreciated!
Thank you!!!
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itsloverrrboy · 2 years
──HAIKYUU with a metalhead s/o
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i. haikyuu
ii. kageyama, tsukishima, tanaka, nishinoya x m.reader
iii. language/cussing, fluff
iiii. part one
iiiii. a/n: decided to make this for my metalheads out there, also I had a lot of fun making this lol, enjoy shitheads
p.s: sorry if it's long, I might've accidently over done it a bit
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-So the first time Kageyama meeting you...
-He didn't even blink💀
-Honestly, I think it was love at first sight (kinda like with Hinata but we ain't gonna talk about Haikyuu ships rn-)
-Going into the gym to talk with coach Ukai, bro was too scared to talk to you.
-MANY MONTHS LATER he'd only see you in the hallways....
-He was being so obvious stalking you, you'll see him around the corners glaring at you😭
-He looked so scary and tried to "smile" at you.
-It felt like he was trying to beat you up-
-He really went: "😠"
-Tanaka tried to push him to go talk to you but the plan failed.
-Kageyama just stood there and 10 sec later his face turned into a tomato.
-One day. You just spawned in out of nowhere, asking Kageyama about the volleyball club schedule.
-He panicked-
-Didn't get to practice his "conversations" in the mirror.
-But with your fucking beauty right in front of him...he just-🤷
-He's gonna die of a stupid death but maybe a reasonable one.
-"Tobio Kageyama, died from simping"
-That being on his grave, it was...self-explanatory👍
-"No. I can't die now-I still want to play volleyball and marry (Name)"
-Is what he thought when he was just having a nosebleed-
-Stuttered so hard💀
-"Uh, you ok man?"
-"y-ye-I m-mean, yes-fuck...I m-mean-"
-Que Hinata in the back watching the whole time
-Get ready for Hinata to go to the doctor.
-Like bro...we get it, you don't want anyone taking your little honey boo boo bear away😥
-After that...the memory was stuck in his head now.
-So you know when you just tryna sleep and then you remember your most embarrassing memories?
-Just like that
-It'll haunt him forever🕺
-Gay panicked into fucking oblivion when you said hi to him
-Soon...you guys become friends (surprisingly) but my boy Kageyama is still tense as a plastic board when he's 10 feet away from you😟
-You finally knew his crush on you btw-
-And he took MONTHS just to try and confess, so you just ✨improved✨ a lil
-"I like you"
-"Wait-W H A T! ?"
-So romantic.
-Anyone want to just bluntly tell your crush that you like them with no hesitation?
-Yeah, me too (actually I don't have a crush💀)
-Some metalheads have long hair👀
-If your one of them then he'll always want to play with it or touch it
-But this boy is too tense to do anything.
-Play any type of instruments like the drums or guitar?
-He watches you like a hawk and act like you just did rocket science😀
-FREE TICKETS!! And only for him if you're in a band.
-Almost died the 2nd time when he saw you headbanging on stage.
-Making a song about him or for him?
-Lord half mercy...you're gonna kill him with your love and affection.
-Will wear your clothes BC they look cool and wants to secretly show off he has a badass boyfriend👀
-Tries to listen to the music you like, either metal or some other genre.
-Just #couplegoals💘
-I tried with this guy-
-I headcanon him listening to any music.
-Bet he'll listen to classic metal.
-(Yessss go king😔)
-So, you two meet at a...
-Drumrolls please?
-✨Record Store✨
-Not too flashy but it's something.
-We all know Tsukishima enjoys music-
-Especially with those dusty headphones around his neck👹
-Looking at a record label in the metal section, ofc he meets you grabbing the same one.
-You two didn't do anything for 5 min.
-Stand there looking at each other like:
-"🕴" "🕴"
-*Awkward silence*
-You just grabbed it and zoom out like sonic💀
-But for the rest of the day, manz fell HARD, and couldn't stop thinking about you.
-Tsukishima's famous last words:
-"LoVE aT FIRst siGHT is StUPId"
-Here comes Kageyama and Hinata in the chat (I'm srry, I'll shut up)
-He wanted to go in the store to find you again by "accident"
-Kageyama 2.0 with his stalker behavior shi💀
-He didn't really care how "scary" you looked or the way you dressed, have you SEEN MY MANS??
-Bros 10 feet tall😭
-I know he scares people on PURPOSE-
-2nd time meeting, you just said sorry for running off.
-Friendship being magic, you two became best buddies. (Sorry Yamaguchi)
-Speaking of him
-He had his Tsuki senses tingling that Tsukishima was acting off and told him he had to do something "important"
-And sooner found out the "important" was you.
-He actually made a friend for once👁
-You two scare the shit out of people without trying🤝
-Meeting the Karasuno's team...you didn't know if it was the biggest mistake or best choice of your life💀
-A metalhead and a smartass.
-You two fit perfectly with each other.
-Confessing to you was...interesting.
-"Hey, uhm...I realized I like you in a romantic way, it's fine if you don't accept"
-"Oh...that's cool man, I like you too"
-Smh, Tsukishima didn't even bought you flowers or nothing😒
-But it's fine since he bought you your favorite snack :)
-If you know how to play a keyboard or you're a DJ (like Sid from Slipknot) please teach him😫
-Will show love for you by sharing his earbud and listening to metal together.
-Overall...He's glad he met you in a record store :)
-I'll be honest.
-Tanaka didn't like you (AT FIRST)
-Enemies to lovers??
-It's not even bc of you're style, tbh he thought you looked STUNNING but didn't wanna admit it💁
-That's a lil fruity🍎🍊🍓🍉🍇
-You grabbed the attention of most the girls at school.
-You had so many fans bc of your band too.
-Oikawa could never☝
-Soon, his feelings started to change.
-(Omg, no way)
-Hint the sarcasm^
-When he ACTUALLY talked to you, you were a cool hot dude and not a total jerk.
-Being friends
-This was the end🤗
-(Whoa, that rhymed)
-But this story is not over yet gentlemen's👌
-He then realized you were good looking AND had talent-
-All in one pack.
-Crushing on you when you showed him how to play (whatever choice of instrument you want) and the way you correctly fixed his position-
-Teaching him that day might've caused his bi awaking btw.
-Like Kiyoko WHO!?
-Nah-he only knows his god, (Name).
-He was used to getting butterflies in his stomach everytime he sees Kiyoko.
-But now this time It's you.
-"Wtf are these bugs in my stomach"
-"They're called Butterflies Tanaka-"
-So after knowing...
-Suga telling him he had a crush on you
-He immediately confessed like a week later.
-"I know."
-This was the start of his villain origin story
-You knew all this time?🙂
-Poor boy was like a tomato after that but you gave him a lil kithy kith to make him feel better.
-Wrong idea-
-He had to miss practice because he lost too much blood.
-You killed him.
-But he came back from the dead so he's fine👍
-After that, now you both can be scary boyfriends together<33
-Suga didn't expect this at all but hey...Noya can have Kiyoko all to himself.
-So basically a win win.
-Will beat the shit out of anyone with no hesitation if they make fun of you by the way you look or say dumb shit like "metal is satanic"😤
-I mean do people still say that?💀
-IF you have a guitar-
-He'll carry your guitar pics with him in case you need or forget them.
-Playing the drums?
-You better keep an eye on this fucker bc he WILL hide your drum sticks to see you struggle.
-Play random ass notes.
-One time he did, the neighbors called the cops bc of the noises he was making😭
-A vocalist?
-The notes or lyrics you write down, he'll draw doodles on it.
-"Tanaka...what is this?"
-"It's you pooping"
-He put his whole heart into it so don't erase it😔
-Dancing, kissing, cuddling to music at 3am??
-Who knows? Might become a metalhead himself ;)
-Let's just say you two met at a skating park.
-Noya noticed you first and tried to impress you.
-But this dumbass fell on his ass, it didn't impress you but he did caught your attention.
-It's a win ig🤷
-So you gave him some tips and helped him out.
-Yk usual skater boy thingz-
-But my manz was too memorize by your gorgeousness and wasn't paying attention💀
-Noya: 'why he kinda...'
-You two talk for a while-
-It scared the shit of the rest of the team, ESPECIALLY his bff Tanaka bc Noya wasn't all over Kiyoko.
-Meanwhile Asahi knowing about you-
-This short mf didn't realize he had a crush on you until Jesus pointed it out.
-(I'm srry, I'll stop-I know that joke is way too old😭)
-You Invited him to your concert.
-DUH, he said yes.
-Seeing you up on that stage and going shit crazy-
-Randomly just confronted you about how amazing you were, he suddenly kissed you and asked you out right then and there.
-It was a bit awkward though😬
-Some of the Karasuno team thought who in their right mind will date that THING💀
-Top ten mysteries.
-If anyone decides to say anything bad about your style, like Tanaka. He would try to defend you but wouldn't be imitating enough.
-Now if this was the opposite-
-The person making fun of Noya will get one of your glares
-If they didn't leave or stop after that, don't say that they didn't get a punch to the face.
-"(Name!) Did you see my rolling thunder!?"
-"Mhm, so cool"
-You two would be a 10/10 couple.
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obsessedace-jazz · 2 years
Random Haikyuu NSFW headcanons!:
Tw : nsfw work, aged up characters, dark content
•Going to a cookout event where Bokuto and Kuroo are, they come up to you—Bokuto half-hugging you from behind while Kuroo talks to you. Eventually they ask you if you’d like to ’hang out’, you agree. You show up to Bokuto’s house and it leads to neither of them being able to play volleyball for a while.
• Nishinoya aggressively simping over you, begging for your attention…and you give it to him, then he’s begging for more.
• Having all of the pervy and such characters simp over you and chasing for a chance just to talk to you (Atsumu, Oikawa, Nishinoya, etc)
• Being Bokuto’s coach and testing out his ’skills’…in bed.
• Tendou being a sick little freak who drives off of insults
• Having both of the Miya twins fight over you
• Teaching Oikawa a lesson to not be so harsh to Tobio
• Fucking Ushijima’s tits
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hispipsqueak · 1 year
Training Camp
Tsukishima x F!Reader - fluff
TW: college au, drinking mention, mild cursing, jealousy, pretty fluffy. There is one mention of reader having long hair.
A/N: wake up besties, Pip posted. I’ve been writing this off and on for like months just as a comfort fluff piece but I decided to finaly share it after some sweet feedback. I hope you like it. It’s v self-indulgent bc i am a SIMP. 
Everyone is 18+
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Hinata was yelling.
Tsukishima rubbed his temple. It was 6 AM and the team was on their way to an intercollegiate training camp. He was not excited. The cold bus was a stark contrast to the soft warm bed he left too early this morning.
The training camp was going to gather a few different schools so he was going to see his friends, Bokuto and Kuroo. He was hoping to work on a few more blocks with them, to improve his playing. However, having to deal with HInata and Nishinoya on the bus was testing his patience.
"Screaming isn't going to make you any taller, idiot." He hissed at Hinata. Hinata made a face and was about to shout back until he was interrupted by Ukai.
"We are pulling into the camp. I expect you guys to be on your best behavior as you're representing Karasuno University." He parked the bus and the guys started loading out their bags. Everyone was buzzing, excited to see their friends and test out new skills. Tsukishima pulled his headphones around his ears and started moving his bags to the team dorms.
"OI TSUKKI!" A boisterous voice shouted from behind him. He was immediately enveloped in a hug that lifted his tall frame off the ground.
"Bokuto...it's like 7 AM." Akaashi muttered, wiping sleep from his eyes. He nodded at Tsukishima who was grateful toward the dark-haired man for getting the giant owl to let him go.
"Tsukishima! Aren't you glad to see us?" Another cocky voice came from the corner. Kuroo sauntered in before clapping him on the shoulder. Tsukishima rolled his eyes.
"I feel like I see enough of you two, especially since you added me to a groupchat that you won't let me leave."
"To be fair, they won't let us leave either." Kenma muttered from behind his Switch. Akaashi chuckled in agreement.
"Anyway, Karasuno better be prepared because the practice matches are gonna go HARD!" Kuroo said laughing. Kenma rolled his eyes and they headed back to the Nekoma dorms. Bokuto's laugh echoed in the hallway and Tsukishima was just grateful the actual practice wasn't starting for another two hours so he could nap.
"Welcome all to the intercollegiate training camp for 2020! We are glad to have you all here!" The man running the camp said. He was an older athletic coach and was going to assist with match setup and drills, though individual matches and team practices would be run by each respective coach.
"Sorry I'm late, I got stuck in traffic!" You said running into the gym, tossing your bag on the nearest bench.
"Ah! Glad to see you –" The older coach started before the yelling commenced.
"Y/N!!!" Bokuto shouted, running and spinning you around. Kuroo ran up as well and gave you a tight squeeze.
"GUYS STOP HOGGING HER!" Noya shouted before running up to squeeze a hug in as well.
It seemed all the older boys knew who you were, though Tsukishima had never seen you before. A few other guys shouted greetings and waved, from each team. You smiled and Tsukishima felt his body grow tingly. He rolled his neck and focused on the older coach, who began speaking again.
"As many of you know, this is Y/N. She's our resident medic and will be taking care of anything you guys need. Y/N, a few words?"
You grinned. "Hello guys! I'm glad to be back here. As Coach Sato said, I am Y/N, your medic. Please meet with me before you leave today to get my contact info in case anything occurs after hours and you need assistance. I'm in the Medic dorm, so feel free to come see me whenever!"
You bowed slightly and waved before turning back to the older man.
Tsukishima wasn't sure why he felt restless all of a sudden but he pushed it out of his mind as the coach discussed the agenda for the day.
Day one was grueling. The drills were tough and since everyone had vastly improved, everyone had to work harder to top each other. Tsukishima saw you a couple of times, discussing things with Coach Ukai and Coach Sato. You were always smiling, and it seemed everyone was drawn to you. You complimented Daichi on his receives, laughed with Tanaka and Noya, and even got Kageyama to crack a smile. You were walking towards where Tsukishima stood when a guy from another team skidded across the floor, 
You jogged over to pull him up and check him over. Tsukishima couldn’t help but feel a pang of something...wash over him. Why was he so...aware of everything you did? You were just some girl whom he didn’t even know. Yet, like everyone else at the camp, he was drawn to you for some reason. He had to snap out of it. He put all his effort into playing for the rest of the session and even Daichi complimented his newfound energy.
They were wrapping up for the day and Tsukishima headed to the bench to grab some water when he felt a soft voice calling his name. He turned around and you grinned at him.
“You’re...Tsukishima Kei right? I’m Y/N! Sorry to bug you, I just wanted to give you my number.”
Tsukishima gulped, swallowing too much water. His face reddened as he tried not to spit up water all over you. You laughed, the sound pouring over his heart like warm honey, and patted him on the shoulder.
“Sorry! That sounded weird. It’s just in case something happens I can rush over if you need medical assistance. Sometimes you’ll get hurt in practice and walk it off only for the pain to worsen late at night or something. So don’t be afraid to text me any time of day, if needed.”
He nodded and handed you his phone. You input your number and smiled before heading over to speak with the coaches again. He looked at his phone.
Y/N 🚑 😉
“Tsukki!” Bokuto’s booming voice echoed across the hall. Tsukishima looked up from his book.
“Kuroo, Akaashi, Kenma, and I are gonna work on some blocks later. You should join us!” 
Tsukishima looked back down at his book. He was exhausted and about to tell Bokuto no until Kuroo walked into the room.
“Bo, I reserved the back gym and Y/N agreed to stay with us for practice tonight.” He said, tossing a volleyball in the air. “Tsukishima, you joining? Or are you too tired? I know you crows are weak.”
“Shut up, stupid cat. I’m fine and I need to practice some blocking anyway.” Tsukishima said a little too quickly.
Kuroo cocked an eyebrow. “You...you of all people are agreeing to extra practice? We have to drag you to spend time with us and now you are so...eager? Interesting…”
Kenma, who was behind him smashing buttons on his Switch, smirked without looking up from his screen.
“Probably because of Y/N.”
Kuroo let out his classic hyena cackle, eyes wide.
“NO! You have a thing for Y/N?” He asked incredulously.
Bokuto’s jaw dropped. “TSUKKI YOU LOVE Y/N?!”
Tsukishima rolled his eyes, trying to hide the blush creeping up his ears. 
“No I don’t LOVE Y/N. I don’t even know her.” Tsukishima said, trying to remain casual.
“You wouldn’t stop staring at her the entire day. Every time she was on your side of the court, you slammed on the ball like some final boss. Also, you choked on your water when she talked to you.” Kenma said, still engrossed in his game.
Tsukishima glared at him. Kenma ignored him, unfazed. 
Kuroo grinned wickedly.
“So, we have a new plan. Get Tsukishima to confess to Y/N.”
Bokuto clapped. ‘YEAH! Tsukki, you gotta tell her how you feel.”
Tsukishima turned back to his book. “I don’t FEEL anything. I don’t even know her. I’ll see you guys tonight. To practice, not for some ridiculous love story.”
Kuroo and Bokuto shared a conspiratorial look.
Operation: Tsukki and Y/N was a go.
“Y/N! Fancy to see you here!” Bokuto said grinning mischievously. You furrowed your brow.
“Did Kuroo not tell you I was going to join you guys tonight?” You turned toward the raven-haired boy, who glared at Bokuto.
“Yes, Bokuto just doesn’t listen. Anyway, we are just waiting for one more...there you are!” Kuroo threw a megawatt smile to someone behind you. You spun around to come face to chest with Tsukishima. His gaze narrowed as he looked down at you. You gave a small smile and cautiously stepped back.
“Oh! Tsukishima. I didn’t realize you’d be joining! Great, because I don’t know if I can handle these four by themselves.” You smiled, gesturing to Kuroo, Kenma, Bokuto, and Akaashi. 
Kuroo tossed a volleyball up in the air. “Now that we are all here, let’s practice.” You took this as your cue, to head to the sidelines and finish up work for the day. Once you were safely out of earshot, Kuroo leaned in towards Tsukishima.
“‘This is your chance. Show her how good you play. We’ll even go easy on you!”
Tsukishima shook his head.
“I’m not here for some girl. I’m here to get better and improve. Play me to win or don’t play.” His honey-tinted eyes held a fire behind them that Kuroo had never seen before. He shrugged and the boys split up on either side of the net to start practicing.
You watched them from the sidelines, while filling out your reports for the day. You knew most of the guys from previous training camps. Tsukishima, being a first year, hadn’t met you until today and you didn’t get a whole lot of time to interact with him throughout practice so you could tell he still hadn’t warmed up to you just yet.
You watched as the guys jumped, and methodically blocked the ball from scoring on their respective sides. It was amazing to see really, especially because you knew these guys outside of the court. Akaashi, who was one of the sweetest people you knew, was slamming the ball over the net like a man in war. Bokuto, who normally was all over the place, was hyper focused on preventing the ball from passing the wall of him and Tsukishima. Even Kenma, who normally showed very little passion outwardly, did an impressive dig to stop the ball from hitting the floor.
You tried to gauge some sort of personality from Tsukishima. He was methodical, calculating every move from each member and putting himself in a way that forced his opponents to do what he wanted. His demeanor changed from apathetic to focused and driven and for a first year, he had a lot of skill. You hadn’t had a chance to really gauge who he was outside of a first impression so you made a mental note to focus more on him in the coming week.
Your phone buzzed, pulling you away from the practice.
Yūji : hey bbygirll ;P
You rolled your eyes. Terushima was always overly flirtatious, though harmless.
Y/N: Hey Yuuji, what’s up?
Yūji : throwing a party ths wknd N u better goooo ;)
Y/N: mmm...maybe. Who’s all going to be there?
Yūji : literally evry1. Tendou n Ushiwaka, Oikawa  (🤢) and those guys from Seijoh, some guys from inarizaki, maybe some from ur training camp thing, and YOU
Y/N: FINE. But I might bring backup since last time I had to take care of your drunk ass.
Yūji : :D can’t wait to see you
You looked up. The guys had finished their practice and were staring at you. 
“Sorry, Terushima was talking about some party this weekend. You guys going?”
Kuroo nodded, “Thought about dragging Kenma to it. You going?”
You shrugged. “Maybe. I’ll go if you guys go, because I don’t wanna have to deal with that mess alone again.”
Bokuto laughed. “We should go together then. It will be a good way to end this week.”
He looked at Tsukishima. 
“You have to go with us Tsukki!���
Tsukishima shook his head. “No way. A party with loud, obnoxious drunk people? I’m fine, thanks.”
You giggled. 
“Come on Tsukishima! It’ll be nice to blow off steam from this week, plus I’d kill to see you at a party.”
Tsukishima looked over at you, his expression unreadable.
The rest of the week was tough but fun. You got to see all the boys improve, and you even managed to get Tsukishima to crack a smile a few times. You couldn’t deny that you were showing a slight favoritism toward the tall blonde. You told yourself it was because he was so difficult to reach, but you couldn’t help but seek him out in each practice.
Turns out you didn’t have to look far today.
“Medic!” Coach Ukai shouted. You looked up from your clipboard and saw a group of boys crowded in the Karasuno area. You jogged over there and the boys cleared.
Tsukishima was standing in the center of the circle, clutching his hand. You could see it was red, swollen, and bleeding. You pulled on gloves, and started inspecting it, gently squeezing and prodding to see where the pain was at.
You pushed on his knuckle and he let out a low groan. 
“Ouch. It looks like you may have dislocated this. Come with me back to the medic bay, and I’ll patch you up.” You led him by the elbow to your office. He remained silent but you could hear his breathing had become heavy.
You motioned for him to sit in the chair as you started pulling out different creams and aids to ease the bleeding first. 
He hissed as you applied pressure to his finger.
“Sorry, Tsukishima. It’s just to stop the bleeding so we can start working on your knuckle. This is going to sting okay? So keep your eyes on mine.”
Your voice was soothing and he felt his heart slow down as you started pulling out some sort of tonic. You looked up at him and he tried to focus on anything else but the blush creeping on his face. You smiled at him and then…
The tonic you sneakily applied on his wound BURNED. You held his hand firmly, while avoiding the injured area.
“Don’t move too much or you could hurt yourself worse.” You said while wrapping a small bandage around his finger.
Your hands felt so delicate in his. He almost forgave you for the stinging. Almost.
“Okay, let’s look at the swelling. Can you move it at all?”
He tried and his finger gave a pathetic twitch.
“Okay, so that’s not broken. I think we’ll just splint it up, but you may want to follow up with your doctor if it becomes more of an issue after a couple of days.”
“Can I still play?” He asked. 
“Definitely not today, but you should be good to go by next week. Unfortunately, you’ll be out for the rest of this week.” You gave him a sympathetic look. “I’m sorry.”
He exhaled slowly and nodded, though you could tell he was disappointed, which surprised you a little. You busied yourself putting away your tools and pulling out the wraps. “So you really like volleyball huh? Wait…sorry, of course you do. Just…I didn’t peg you for being so passionate.” Face burning, you turned around digging in a cabinet.
“I’m not like Bokuto or Hinata, if that’s what you mean.” His voice was quiet and you snuck a glance back at him. He was staring at his finger. You waited for him to continue but he stayed silent.
Grabbing the supplies you needed you sat in front of him and pulled your tray next to you. “Yeah those two can be a little…enthusiastic.” You laughed and reached for his hand. He hesitated a moment and you grinned. “No more tonics, I promise.”
His hand dwarfed yours and he felt his mouth go dry as you delicately ran bandages over the injury. Why did he suddenly become hyper aware of how close your knee was to his? He looked away, blood rushing in his ears. He suddenly realized it had gotten silent and you were looking at him. Fuck. “Uh, sorry.”
You smiled, that smile that made his hands tingle with electricity. “I was just asking if you were excited about the party this weekend.” 
Fuck, The party.
“I know, it can be a lot. But I’m glad you’re going. I’m excited to see you in party mode.” You winked and he felt his heart stop for a second. “Anyway, you’re all done.” You let go of his hand and he tried to push away the emptiness it felt now. “I’ll let Coach Ukai know and I’ll see you this weekend.”
“Hey Tsukki…how was your chat?” Kuroo sidled up to Tsukishima who was sipping water on the bench. Tsukishima rolled his eyes. “What are you talking about?”
Bokuto slid on the opposite side, sandwiching Tsukishima in the middle. “So did you tell Y/N you love her?” 
Tsukishima glared at him. "No. And I don't love her. She just bandaged my finger."
"Oooh romantic. You guys were in there for a while." Kuroo said, winking. Tsukishima forced himself not to look in your direction, instead focusing intently on his water bottle. 
A whistle blew and the guys headed to their respective teams. Tsukishima allowed his gaze to wander over to you. You were looking at your phone, a small smile on your face. You must have felt his gaze because you looked up, meeting his eyes. You shot him a small grin, before you were distracted by Lev tripping on a mat. 
Tsukishima looked back down at the bandage wrapped neatly around his finger.
"Okay boys. We gotta make sure Tsukki looks good." Kuroo declared, dragging Kenma, Bokuto, and Akaashi behind him. 
Tsukishima looked up from his book. "What are you talking about?"
"The party tonight. You have to dress to impress. You want Y/N to fall for you, don't you?" Bokuto said, rummaging through the closet. Kuroo looked Tsukishima up and down. "Is that what you're wearing?"
Tsukishima rolled his eyes. "Yes. I don't need fashion advice from a rooster and an owl, thanks." He didn't mention that he had gone through three different shirts before settling on the current one he was wearing.
"He looks fine. We better get going anyway." Akaashi said, looking at his phone. Kuroo looked at Tsukishima smugly.
"Don't worry. She's meeting us there. So we can pep talk you on the way."
Tsukishima grabbed his jacket. "You are delusional. There's nothing between us." He turned away, trying to ignore the buzzing in his stomach. The guys headed to Bokuto's car, piling in as Bokuto drove to the party. 
Bass boomed from the house and people were strewn everywhere. Tsukishima saw a few people he recognized as he walked in. Oikawa and his cronies laughing in the corner, the Miya twins dominating the beer pong table. Kuroo led them to Terushima, who was doing a shot of an amber liquid.
"Yo, where's Y/N?" Kuroo asked. Terushima made a face as the liquid went down, before pointing to the staircase. Tsukishima turned.
You looked incredible. Your hair was down from its usual ponytail, and it spilled down your back in long waves. You wore a tight shirt and jeans that hugged all of your curves and had that gorgeous smile on your face. You were standing next to Ushijima, listening intently to him discuss something before you nodded, replying back with something that made the large man smile. 
"Oi Y/N!!" Bokuto yelled, and you turned, blinking at the interruption. You excused yourself from Ushijima and walked to where the guys were standing. 
"Hey guys! Glad you finally made it-" You started before Osamu Miya tapped you on the shoulder. You turned around and he gave you a tight hug. "Hey come be my partner for this. `Tsumu got Suna and he's scary good." You nodded before waving a quick goodbye to the guys and followed Osamu to the beer pong table. 
"Don't worry Tsukki, she's just really popular. We need drinks." Bokuto said, dragging Tsukishima to the cooler in the kitchen. Tsukishima narrowed his eyes. "I'm not worried. I didn't come here for some girl."
Bokuto fished two beers out of the cooler, handing Tsukishima one. "Exactly. Play it cool. Girls love that." 
A cheer came from the beer pong table and Tsukishima glimpsed Osamu carrying you in a celebratory hug. 
Kuroo sidled up next to him. "Miya's been desperate forever. She won't give him a chance. In other news, Oikawa brought his fan club with him." He rolled his eyes, gesturing to the gaggle of girls that were whispering next to the pack of Seijoh boys. They were all young, way too young to be at this college party and definitely overdressed. Oikawa and his crew barely gave them a second look, choosing instead to laugh amongst themselves.
The tall one, Mattsukawa, Tsukishima thought his name was, turned to Oikawa and whispered something before stalking toward the table.
As Tsukishima watched, he headed toward you. He saw a glimpse pass between Osamu and him before Matsukawa approached you. You listened, before nodding and laughing, turning to say something to Osamu and walking back to Oikawa's group. Oikawa's fans shot daggers at you, as you hugged Oikawa and talked animatedly with the group. Tsukishima frowned into his drink. You were friendly with everybody. He didn't know why he had let Kuroo get into his head.
The room felt hot and he slipped out the back door. The cool night air was refreshing on his skin. The house was near a dock, which was probably not the safest for drunk people, but it was quiet. Tsukishima walked along the wooden planks, the party sounds dying down as he moved further away.
The moon was bright, reflected on the water. He remembered an old story his mom used to tell him, something about a kingdom on the moon. He sipped his drink. 
"There you are."
He turned around. You walked towards him and sat next to him at the edge of the dock. He became very aware of how alone you both were out here.
"I was looking for you. Guess parties aren't really your thing, huh?" You laughed, pulling a bottle of water out and taking a sip.
He shook his head. "People aren't really my thing." He cringed internally. Why did he sound so pretentious?
"I definitely understand that." You nodded, looking out towards the water.
He blinked. "You seem pretty popular." 
As soon as the words left his mouth, he felt his ears burn. Now you would think he was some crazy stalker, watching your every move. 
Surprisingly, you didn't seem fazed.
"I know a lot of people. It comes with the territory. But, sometimes I feel like…I don't know. None of them really know me? Ugh that sounds cliche, I know." You groaned. 
He laughed, in spite of himself. "That does sound cliche." 
You laughed. "Tsukishima! You're supposed to pretend I said something profound, not agree with me!"
Tsukishima shrugged, biting back a smile. He liked the way his name sounded on your tongue. You said it almost like a song, Tsukishima. 
You scooted closer to him on the dock. "But cliches are cliches for a reason, right? There's some truth to them, I think." Your arms wrapped tightly around yourself and you shivered. 
Tsukishima unzipped his jacket and draped it over you. "Here. Aren't medics supposed to be prepared for anything?"
You smiled, grateful for the warmth. "Well yeah, but then we can't steal jackets from grumpy volleyball players." You teased.
You were inches apart now. Tsukishima could see the glitter in your lip gloss, reflecting the moonlight. Your lips looked really soft. He felt his face burn and turned away, grateful for the darkness. 
The wind blew a heavy breeze and he shivered in spite of himself. Without a second thought, you wrapped your arms around him. 
His pulse raced. He could feel his heartbeat in his ears and smell the sweet perfume you wore as it enveloped him. He froze and felt you shrink back.
"Sorry! I thought, since I stole your jacket I…uh…" You stammered and a buzzing noise came from your pocket. You fumbled with your phone and answered it. 
"Yeah. What?! No. No. So? Why did you- no please. Well can anyone else-? Uh-huh. But- I-..." You frowned as the line went dead. You looked upset, your brow furrowed and bit your lip. 
"Um, so that was Kuroo. Bokuto got drunk and threw up in the car and so he asked me to take you to the dorms since they don't have room. Um…yeah." You trailed off, fidgeting with the zipper on the jacket you wore. 
Tsukishima got the feeling you were not excited about spending time in a car with him. 
"I can just find a ride."
Your eyes widened. "No! I mean, I don't mind. We are going to the same place. Um, here's your jacket. I parked uh, pretty close so we can just head there right now." You hopped up, yanking his jacket off and handing it to him stiffly. He blinked and took it from your hands. You avoided his gaze and you led the way to your car. 
"Door is unlocked." You said and he opened the door. A waft of your perfume, that damned intoxicating scent, washed over him. He squeezed into the passenger seat and you fiddled with the radio, tuning to an old rock station before checking your mirrors and backing out.
Your hands drummed on the steering wheel as you drove, determined to not look at Tsukishima. He looked out the window, the tension in the car thick.
What happened to make you switch your mood so fast? You seemed jumpy, almost in fear of him and he was 1000% sure you would rather be anywhere else. 
You pulled into the parking lot of the dorms and stared straight ahead, your knuckles white. Tsukishima waited a moment before undoing his seatbelt.
"Er, thanks."
You nodded, still avoiding eye contact.
"Of course, no problem. Sleep well." He closed your door quietly so as to not disturb the dorms and slipped into his room.
You finally sighed, looking at your passenger seat where his dark jacket laid on the seat.
Tsukishima quietly slipped through his door and flicked on the light.
"Hey hey hey how was it?!" Bokuto yelled and Akaashi shushed him. Tsukishima stumbled back.
"What the hell?"
Kuroo clapped him on the shoulder. "I told you, we got your back. So did you kiss her??" Even Kenma looked up from his game.
Tsukishima frowned. "No. What the hell? I thought you were drunk." He said, pointing at Bokuto.
Akaashi smiled. "Of course not. I wouldn't let him get drunk and drive." Bokuto nodded solemnly.
Kuroo shot his signature cat-like grin. “We told a tiny white lie. But more importantly, did you make a move?!”
The boys waited impatiently. Tsukishima sat down on his bed.
Bokuto jumped up. “What?! Why Tsukki????” He cried out, Akaashi desperately trying to shush him.
Kuroo stared incredulously at Tsukishima. “What? Why not? You two looked cozy on the dock!” 
Tsukishima narrowed his eyes. “How did you see us at the dock?”
Kenma shrugged, turning back to his game. “It’s a Pokestop. I was trying to catch a Wartortle.”
Tsukishima rolled his eyes. He looked at his phone, scrolling past your contact info, the winking emoji taunting him from the small screen.
Kuroo sat down beside him. “What happened, bro?”
Tsukishima took a deep breath.
“Nothing. We talked on the dock and then she got really weird and distant and it was very clear she did not want to give me a ride, thanks for that by the way, and she drove us here and barely spoke to me. She didn’t even look at me when I left.”
Three pairs of eyes stared at him stunned. 
“Wait, what? She was VERY clearly into you based on the picture Kenma sent us.” Kuroo said, scrolling through his phone. “Look.”
He pulled up a picture of you and Tsukishima sitting very close on the dock. It was blurry and far away but he could make out the image of you in midlaugh. If he hadn’t been there, he wouldn’t have believed that was the same girl who barely spoke two words the entire drive home.
“I don’t know! She just started stuttering and wouldn’t talk to me.” Tsukishima said, exasperated.
Bokuto looked close to tears. Akaashi hummed. “Well what happened before she started acting strange?”
Tsukishima thought back. “She was shivering because she was dumb and didn’t bring a jacket. I lent her mine and we were fine. And then she hugged me and when she pulled away she got distant.”
The room was silent. Then Kenma spoke up. “Did you hug her back?”
Kuroo laughed. “Of course he did Kenma, what kind of question is that?” He looked at Tsukishima and then frowned. “Are you fucking serious right now?”
Even Bokuto looked aghast. “You didn’t hug her back? She gives great hugs, what the hell, Tsukki!”
Akaashi cleared his throat. “I think what they are trying to say is, that was a stupid move. She thinks you rejected her.”
Tsukishima frowned. “What?! I didn’t have time to react. She was hugging me and I just…I froze, okay? I don’t do well with that stuff. By the time I realized what was happening, she was already handing me my jacket.”
Bokuto facepalmed. Kuroo grabbed Tsukishima by the shoulders, shaking him. “YOU LET HER GIVE YOUR JACKET BACK?!” 
Akaashi groaned. “So now she thinks you rejected her and probably only gave her your jacket out of necessity.” 
Even Kenma looked annoyed. “Practice is going to be weird tomorrow.”
Kuroo looked over at Tsukishima and frowned. “Wait, where’s your jacket?”
Tsukishima looked down.
Tsukishima woke up and stared at the ceiling. Coach Ukai pounded at his door. 
“Up and at ‘em! Just because you’re finger’s broken doesn’t mean you can stay in bed!”
He sighed, throwing on his practice gear. He stared at his phone, willing a text to come in from you. Or maybe you would just pretend he didn’t exist. That might be helpful too. He stared at the ground.
Ukai pounded at the door again and Tsukishima sighed.
When he got to the gym, he glanced at the area you usually worked, near the coaches. There was no sign of you. He re-tied his laces, fiddling with the knots. 
“She’s not here yet.” Kuroo muttered from behind him. Tsukishima looked up. “Weird, because she’s never late.” He looked pointedly at Tsukishima before he headed back to the Nekoma team and Tsukishima frowned. 
With each slam of the door, he expected to see you saunter in, laughing as you carried your clipboard. When Coach Sato blew his whistle, you still hadn’t arrived.
“Teams, we expect some good matches today. As you may have noticed, Y/N is not here today as she is under the weather. If you have any injuries, please reach out to Coach Itto here who will assist you for the day.”
A short man bowed to the teams and Coach Sato blew the whistle again. 
Tsukishima headed to the area where Karasuno was stretching. Nishinoya was talking to Tanaka.
“Sucks that Y/N is sick today. I was gonna show her my new receive.” He said and Tanaka nodded. 
“I heard there was some wild party last night. Maybe she’s hungover?” He guessed, laughing. Sugawara, who was stretching next to them, frowned. “I doubt it. She’s responsible and wouldn’t do something like that. I hope she feels better soon.” He noticed Tsukishima staring. “Tsukishima, aren’t you two friends? If you see her, tell her we hope she feels better.”
Tsukishima looked down, saved by Ukai’s whistle. 
Your phone buzzed.
Bokuto: Hey Hey! Are you feeling okay?
You smiled at the screen, typing a message back before collapsing onto your pillow.
Y/N: I’m okay, just a little under the weather. How about you?
Bokuto: I’m doing great! I gotta go tho because Akaashi is staring at me. Bye!
You grinned. He was definitely cheery for a person so drunk he threw up in his own car the night before. You sank back into bed.
You knew it was a coward’s solution, avoiding Tsukishima by missing practice. But ugh, you felt like an idiot. You were sure he liked you, he gave you his jacket for crying out loud. But then when you stupidly made a move, he just…stared at you. You shivered thinking about his look when you let go of him. Ugh, he probably thought you were some lovestruck schoolgirl. 
You groaned, covering your face with your blanket. Peeking out from under the covers, you spotted his jacket on your desk. He had been so freaked out, he left it in your car. Now it taunted you as a reminder of how you threw yourself, literally, at him.
The last whistle blew in the gym and Tsukishima grabbed his water bottle as he turned to leave. He ran smack into Hinata.
“Oi Saltyshima! Watch where you are going!” The tangerine yelled at him, rubbing his head. Hinata carried a box in his other hand. 
“What’s that?” Tsukishima asked, gesturing to the box. Hinata smiled wide.
“We are going to take snacks to Y/N’s dorm so she feels better. You want to come with us?”
A few other boys perked up from their respective teams, including unfortunately, Bokuto and Kuroo. Kuroo sidled up next to Tsukishima.
“He would love to go, RIGHT TSUKISHIMA?” He turned, glaring at the blonde. Bokuto stood on the other side of him, boxing him in. Tsukishima sighed, taking the box from Hinata’s hand.
“Fine, I’ll go.”
Hinata glared at him. “No way. You don’t get to take credit for these snacks!” 
Tsukishima stared down at him. “What are you gonna do about it?”
Daichi came between them. “Tsukishima will tell her that they are from you. But we shouldn’t all go. It will overwhelm her.” He looked knowingly at Tsukishima. “I think Tsukishima should go alone.”
Tsukishima looked down at the box. He shrugged. 
The walk to your dorm was long. Tsukishima dreaded having to face you. You probably hated him, which he didn’t mind from other people, but didn’t want that from you. When he thought of your eyes scrunching up when you laughed, the way your hand felt over his…it made his stomach hurt. He finally could delay the trip no longer. He reached the medic dorm and knocked.
It was silent. He waited a moment before knocking again.
“Y/N?” he called. No answer.
He looked at the box in his hand. Should he just leave it here? Should he leave a note? He heard voices coming towards your dorm and turned around.
You were walking with Osamu Miya, that damned smile on your face. You laughed at something Osamu said before you noticed Tsukishima standing there.
“Tsukishima! Um, what are you doing here?” You looked at the box in his hand.
He shoved the box into your hands, not meeting your eyes.
“Hinata sent these for you and says he hopes you feel better.” He turned around, walking quickly back to his dorm, ignoring your calls of his name.
Tsukishima ignored his phone as it buzzed on his desk. He tried to focus on his book, where he had re-read the same line at least 5 times. His phone buzzed again and he glanced at the screen.
He didn’t know whether to be relieved or frustrated that it wasn’t a text from you. On one hand, he wanted you to feel guilty. But on the other hand, what did you have to feel guilty for? You weren’t together. You could talk or date anyone you wanted, even Osamu Miya, though he didn’t know why you would choose him. The guy had grey hair and was just as annoying as his stupid brother.
A knock at his door broke him from his thoughts.
“Oi Tsukishima, open up!” It was Kuroo. 
He tried to ignore the door, focusing back on his book. He banged on the door again.
“Tsukki, I know you are in there and I will wait here all night.”
Tsukishima groaned, getting up to answer the door.
Kuroo barged in, followed by Kenma, Bokuto, Akaashi, and surprisingly, Daichi. The guys stood in a weird semicircle around Tsukishima’s bed.
“Well, what happened?” Kuroo asked. Bokuto nodded, looking excited. “Did you finally apologize for being an idiot?”
Daichi nodded. “They filled me in. Please tell me you fixed this.”
Tsukishima sighed and rolled his eyes.
“Everything is fine. She was out and got there when I was about to leave and I gave her the stupid box.”
Akaashi looked at him. “What did you talk about?”
Tsukishima shrugged. “We didn’t. She was with Osamu Miya and they were coming back from somewhere so I just handed her the box and told her it was from Hinata.”
Daichi, Kuroo, and Bokuto groaned. Akaashi stared at him, disappointed. Kenma was focused on his game.
“Well, did you declare your love for her? Kiss her in front of him or something?” Bokuto asked and Tsukishima rolled his eyes. 
“No. Clearly she’s over whatever happened. The end. She’s with Osamu. Can we stop this stupid romantic comedy bullshit?” Tsukishima said, frustrated. 
Kuroo grabbed his shoulders. “Tsukishima! She would never choose Osamu. That guy has been chasing her for YEARS and she has never said yes. She missed practice today because you were a dummy who hurt her feelings. You need to go make this right!”
Daichi nodded solemnly. “Tsukishima, you don’t understand. There’s something big there between you two. Everyone can see it. The tension between you two is insane. Osamu probably called her at a time when she was vulnerable and hurt. You need to tell her how you feel.”
Tsukishima looked at the guys. Even Kenma was nodding along. Tsukishima groaned and sighed.
There was a knock at his door.
“Who is that?” Kuroo whispered. Tsukishima shrugged. “Probably Hinata to ask about the snacks.” He answered the door.
You stood there, shivering and wet, holding a plastic bag.
Tsukishima closed the door.
“Was that her?” Daichi asked and Tsukishima nodded. 
“Open the door idiot!” Kuroo hissed. Akaashi pointed to the bathroom and the rest of the boys silently herded into the small room. Tsukishima swallowed hard and re-opened the door.
You shivered again and he blinked. “Shit, sorry er, come in.”
You gave a small smile and stepped into the room. He grabbed a towel from the small closet and handed it to you.
“Um, here.”
Taking it, you nodded. “Thanks. Sorry it rained on me when I was walking here.” You quickly tried to dry your dripping hair. The room was silent except for the occasional droplets of water.
“Um, I uh, I brought your jacket.” You said, extending the bag to him. 
He looked at your outstretched arm and silently took the bag from you.
“Thanks.” He placed the bag on his desk. 
The two of you were silent again. Then you both began.
You laughed. “Um, you go ahead.”
He swallowed hard.  “I guess you are feeling better.”
Inside the bathroom, Kuroo facepalmed silently.
You nodded. “Uh, yeah. I was just feeling really uh, weird this morning.”
The room got quiet again and you concentrated very hard on the floor tiles. He spoke first.
“I’m really bad at this.”
You looked up. “Bad at what?”
He sighed and fiddled with his fingers.
“I’m not a person who talks about feelings. Or very good at reciprocating them…appropriately? I feel things, obviously, but–” he trailed off.
“I’m sorry I hugged you. I thought I was getting a vibe but then I saw how you reacted and it made me realize you do not like me like that. I shouldn’t have been presumptuous.” You said quickly. Your face was flushed.
He blinked.
“I do though.”
Your eyes met his. “What?”
He nodded. “Like you, I mean. In that way.” His face was reddening and you had the urge to kiss his cheeks.
You stared at him. “Wait what? But you–” 
He sighed. “I froze. I told you. I’m not good at expressing these things and it was overwhelming, a cute girl on top of me.”
You blushed, then frowned. “I was not ON TOP of you.”
He smirked. “Yeah, you kind of were.”
You pouted, and he had the strongest desire to kiss your lips. “Tsukishima, I was NOT on top of you!”
He cocked his head to the side. “Are you calling me a liar, Miss ‘called in sick to work today’?”
Your mouth fell open in mock offense. “Tsukishima Kei, you are a mean guy.”
He smirked, again. Stupidly handsome mean guy, you thought.
“JUST KISS ALREADY!” a voice from the bathroom startled the two of you. You turned to the noise and Tsukishima grabbed your face, surprising you with a kiss. Your eyes widened in shock before you melted into his embrace. His lips were soft and you felt fireworks exploding in the back of your brain as all the stupid drama floated away for this moment.
You didn’t even notice the trail of boys leaving the bathroom, Kuroo stopping to shoot a thumbs up at the two of you.
“God I love training camps.”
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chaoticevilorange · 2 years
Haikyuu x volleyballplayer!reader fluff
He and his team see you play
Your're the ace of the female team on his school, he knew you played but he never actually saw you until he saw a practice match, you jumped and spiked gracefully, the amount of points you scored matched Ushijima's on a good day (yes, we need references)
He is the proudest boy ever! Look at you go "daaaam that's my girl! Did you see that? I'm dating them" his team is impressed as well, they've seen him simp for you before, is not rare, but now he will brag 10 times more about you and how amazing you are, he wants to kiss you every time you spike, he obviously has no self restraint, his team had to stop him
Oikawa, Tanaka, Nishinoya, Satori, Lev, Yamamoto, Bokuto
He's impressed, he actually wants to play against you, he is excited, he's cheering for you obviously, and you can see him scream even louder when you spot him, his teammates are quite surprised, they didn't knew he was the kind to scream that loud "you're doing amazing Kitten!" Your teammates are looking at you like 😏 making you blush furiously
Iwaizumi, Yamaguchi, Hinata, Semi, Aran, Futakuchi
He is smiling, he is pumped as well "my princess is the best" he says nodding making their whole team snap their head in his direction to see how his face is showing how proud he is, his team would never expect to hear that kind of words coming from him, let alone in public. Now, they won't mention it ever, but they are definitely gushing right afterwards
Kyotani, Tsukishima, Kageyama, Ushijima, Kenma, Akaashi, Kita, Sakusa
He has a smirk plastered on his face, like anyone within a 2 feet radius can almost hear him purring "Kitten got claws" his teammates can see how his demeanor changed from his usual self to a normal teenager, the boy is in love, leave him alone guys, he also lowkeys cheers every time you spike, he's thinking about to treat his school's ace after the game
Matsukawa, Kuroo, Ennoshita, Daichi, Suna, Osamu, Aone
Okay, hear me out, this guy turns into an embarrassingly supportive mom, if the other could yell sweet pet names, this guy uses them all "go get them sweetie!" "You're doing great pumpkin!" "That's my beautiful cutie pie!" We could say his team got second hand embarrassment, seeing how flustered you are they try to stop him, keyword 'try'
Hanamaki, Sugawara, Asahi, Goshiki, Yaku, Atsumu, Koganegawa
Thanks for reading! 🐨✨💖
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yandere-romanticaa · 6 months
We already know that I have some faves in Haikyuu but another one that I kinda low key simp for is Nishinoya. He's just?? So?? I just love him, his energy. I also am really into how small he is LOL
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