#thanks for asking! i forgot about this au actually and forgot i had it listed on my pinned
qprstobin · 1 year
PLS tell me abt this stobin wonder twins au
OKAY SO gonna preface this with this is a) very much a crack treated seriously sort of au and b) therefore not typically how I view the characters or relationships it was just fun to riff off of (aka i actually dont view stobin as having a sibling relationship normally and dont typically like secret sibling aus for a multitude of reasons)
the concept of the au was what if steve and robin were actually twins separated at birth (mid summer birthday can easily explain the different grades) but were both adopted bc their mom was part of a similar set of experiments to what el's mom was a part of, several years before hers happened. the experiment ends before their mom is far enough along for anyone to really notice, and so she is able to give her twins up for adoption without the lab realizing what they missed out on.
so steve and robin both lowkey grow up with powers they dont quite realize they have? think the skywalker twins in star wars, both had incredible force powers, were able to read people, do great feats, etc. but didn't have any idea of their force abilities until they were adults and someone else flat out told them. they wouldnt be using the abilities every day like the numbers are too, so they don't get that powerful either until they learn about them.
not sure if i ever decided for sure what their powers would be, i like steve with empathy and intuition bc he is just that good at reading people. i think while steves is more mental, robin is more physical, like psychometry in star wars where she can touch things and get skill/memory transfer, or impressions, etc. they both have some sort of healing factor and low-grade telekinesis (i think even with practice they wouldn't individually be able to compete with el there, tho maybe together mas y menos style???), steve just uses his healing factor more fidjgsihs
i think, like the skywalker twins, they also had something of a mind-link but initially they were in different towns and then in different social circles they didn't realize it. they were each others imaginary friends as kids, and they were drawn to each other as they got older but didnt know WHY. robin thought she was fixated because she was jealous but really was just picking up wild vibes, steve, esp pre-s1 steve, was picking up vibes and just ignored it as hard as possible.
they don't even realize something is up until they start spending actual time together at scoops and even then i dont think they really realize WHAT it is thats weird until they find out they have the same birthday and are like.... wait a minute. probably sometime during the russian drama. a lot of things come to light during the russian debacle that leaves them both very confused and they have a lot to deal with in the days afterwards
idk, its not my normal type of au like i said but i love the potential for dumb stobin shenanigans and i think arguably giving both of stobin powers is a terrible idea in the best way <3
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hvnnibvni · 1 year
Together Again | JJK *part 1*
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Pairings: Jungkook/Reader
Genre: Mature themes. Romance. Angst. Arranged marriage AU. Childhood best friends to lovers AU.
Warnings: cheating, reader is a rope bunny (ALLEGEDLY), hard!dom JK, switch!reader, reader likes to be slutted out, drunken sex, unplanned pregnancy(this is in the end dw😅), cunnilingus, oral (both receiving), fighting (talk shit get hit) daddy!kink, praise!kink, dirty talk, spanking, hair pulling. Just all around nasty y’all.
Summary: After reader finds her long-term boyfriend in bed with their mutual friend. She moves back into her family home, but under one condition. She has to marry her childhood friend that has been arranged since their childhood. For a wedding gift they go to a mountainous getaway with a group of friends, reader is told that ex and mutual friend get invited, so reader and jk decide to pretend not to know each other to avoid any confusion or miscommunication.
Authors note: Hi! Sorry it’s so late but here it is. I hope you guys enjoy. I’m making this into a series. I feel like it’s a little unprofessional not to have a masterlist but I’m working on that too. Just bare with me please in new to this lol. Also feel free to ask me any questions, or express your honest opinions Im all ears good or bad. Should I make a tag list?
‘How the fuck did I get here’
You thought as you sat in you car, filled with you things. You had just left the home YOU bought after catching your boyfriend Yunwoo cheating one you.. With your supposedly best friend. Sitting there thinking, you should’ve saw the signs. They were there right in front of your face. You felt like a fool. Luckily you’ve always kept a cool head, or else you would’ve done something you’d regret. You honestly wished you did. You wanted them to hurt just as much as they hurt you, but you knew if wouldn’t change anything so why stress yourself out about it. But silence is the best way to get under someone’s skin isn’t it. No matter how much he cried and apologized. You didn’t turn back, you’ll never go back to him. That a promise you made to yourself on you journey back home.
Earlier that day:
“Hey y/n what can I get you” the barista, you’ve gotten to know over the years asks, “Let me have my usual please Janine, oh! And can you serve it really hot please, thank you.” You were making you your normal daily rounds that day, which normally started out with a hot coffee at your favorite cafe when you realized you forgot you wallet back at the house. “Ah actually scratch that. I seem to have left my wallet at home.” You say, making the sudden realization. “You know what don’t walruses about it it’s on the house,” Janine says with a smile. “That you so much I appreciate the generosity, but I have to go back home anyway. I’ll come back and pay for the coffee.” You just couldn’t shake this strange feeling telling you to go back home. Your boyfriend of 5 years seemed was acting strange this morning. Being overly sweet all of a sudden, waking you up, making you breakfast. It just seemed like he was trying to get you out of the house.
when you pull into the driveway you see his car still out front, but you didn’t find that as strange as you best friend, Cristal car along side his. “Strange,” you say to yourself as you pull into the driveway. She never texted that she was coming over, but you check you phone to be safe. But you still can’t shake the uneasy feeling you have in your gut that something fishy is going on inside your home without you knowing. The calm rational you is telling you to just walk in your home as if it’s nothing, but the bad bitch part of you is telling you to unlock your fence and sneak in though the back door. So that’s just what you do. As you’re sneaking inside your house you notice clothes spread all across you living room floor training up the stairs to your bedroom. “Oh hell nah I know these motherfuckers ain’t- okay.” You whisper to yourself as you tiptoe up the stairs.
As you reach your bedroom you hear the faint sound of laughter behind the door. You decide to listen in on the conversation before letting your presence known. “Why don’t you just leave her already. She can’t make you happy the way I do.” You hear Cristal say. “I’m just waiting for the right time Cristal you know how she can be. She so clingy, she acts like she can’t live without me,” Yunwoo explains to Cristal. You scoff to yourself as head this. “Mmcht yeah right like this isn’t my house you’re freeloading it.” You number to yourself as you lean in closer to get a better listen. No one knew that you were he one that made all the money between you two. Yunwoo didn’t have a job and was too embarrée to move back in with his parents after he dropped out of college. So you bought this home for the both of you to stay in. You on the other hand were and heiress to one of the most biggest, prestigious designing companies in the world. In other words you’re the 1 percent of the q percent. But you’ve always kept it a secret, because it is taboo to mention your wealth in front of other people who are less fortunate.
“well I just don’t see how it’s right to keep pretending and leading her on like this. Im starting to get annoyed just looking at her. She’s so pathetic.” At this point you e already opened the door. They look at you in shock to see you home this early. “Y/n-“ you hold up your hand. Not trying to hear a single word coming out of yunwoo’s mouth, already disgusted. You don’t speak of give them the time of day. Of course you have lots to say, say you listened to their conversation you realized that these people were below you. These people betrayed your trust, and defiled your home. They’re worth less than the dirt on a dog’s paw. And what do you look like speaking to those who aren’t even worthy enough to lick the dirt off of your dogs feet? “Y/n please let’s talk about this like adults.” Yunwoo pleads. All you can do is scoff ass you go around the room and gather your things.
“Yunwoo baby just let her go. You don’t need something like that anyways. She’s not worth the time,” Cristal says picking through her nails. “You know what Cristal you’re right. I don’t need this. I deserve better and y/n baby you can’t give that to me. I’m on to better things in life. While you’re going to be stuck a sad, lonely, bitter, insignificant, bitch no one can stand. So go on. Leave.” Yunwoo, who has more than audacity says to you. You, the classy person you are smile at him, gather your clothes, jewelry, and dog walk away. Leaving everything behind.
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juno-of-wonderland · 2 months
Monster au: Lord of Thorns route ending 1 (part 1)
list tag: @112-darling, @rain112-darling, @callmedarling112, @mushroomfrog203 (wth, why didn't work? Sorry for this)
You look at the outstretched hand, a part of you wants to go with him, because you know he will protect you and another is afraid of what this decision will cause in your life. Your affection and trust for him wins and you hold his hand. “Thank you” Draconia told you, if you only knew how much it meant to him. You smile, you both start walking, hand in hand in this cold night. “I know it may seem like a stupid question, but why did you hide that you were the Lord of Thorns?” “I was afraid of scaring you, you were- you are the first experience in which I called a friend, a real friend… I didn't want to lose that” You smiled at him, a tender and affectionate smile, Tetsunotaro let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. “Silly” you hugged his arm.
… “…I was starting to wonder if I would still be alive for this day, but I'm happy and proud, you finally brought someone home” Lilia sniffed playfully and turned to two boys who were behind him “follow suit him, Sebek and Silver, bring someone cute home, I want to take care of babies again” Silver and Sebek's eyes widened as you swallowed hard, a tall vampire stared at you, the woman looked very much like Tetsunotaro himself. “Grandmother, this is the human I told you about” Draconia said, squeezing your hand in comfort. “Welcome” she turns her back and enters the dark castle. “It seems that Maleficia liked you, little human” Lilia commented before following her. Everyone else in the group did the same. You looked at every decoration, structure, detail and statue in the castle, it was something very gothic and dark, with green tapestry. “Do you two intend to stay in the same room?” Lilia asked. Sebek gasped, you blushed and Tetsunotaro seemed to consider this possibility.
. In the end, the two of you slept in separate rooms, but Draconia came to visit you before you fell asleep. The two of you were lying side by side in the softest bed you had ever felt. “You’re not too tired, are you?” Tetsunotaro asked “No” you let out a yawn “I can still take it a little longer…hey Tetsu, are those two, Silver and Sebek your brothers?” “Um, we actually grew up together, but I would call them my brothers, yes I would.” “And another one, the short one?” “Lilia? He created me as he created others.” You let out a hum of understanding, your eyelids became heavier and heavier, unconsciously, you hugged Tetsunotaro and slept with your head on his chest. This surprised him, but Draconia didn't reject the affection, instead, he carefully pulled you closer. “You don’t know how much I want you to know my name” he whispered with his nose in your hair. He loved the tender and innocent contact that he forgot to go back to his own room, during the day, you rubbed your eyes and found the extra weight strange. Tetsunotaro looked dead in his sleep, you wondered if that was normal with vampires. Carefully, you got out of bed, then out of the room and explored the corridors of the castle, it seemed to be infinite because it was so big, you didn't dare enter the rooms, just looking briefly, ah! You found the treasure room…better close that door more carefully. Only one of you entered, hoping not to disturb anyone, the library, you traced the books on the shelf, looking for one with images, since your poor background did not help with your education, you had great difficulty reading and it was a miracle knowing how to write your own name. Time passed and your stomach growled, deciding to put down the book and go back to exploring until you found the kitchen, which you were unlucky for, there was nothing in the drawers other than packets of red liquid that you didn't want to question what it was. “Top shelf, left” You turned around so quickly that you became dizzy, Silver was at the kitchen door, looking like he had just woken up. “Wait, aren’t you going to get burned in the light?!” He looked confused before something clicked in his brain. “I'm human, like you, I haven't introduced myself properly yet, I'm Silver” his voice was so soft that it seemed like he would fall asleep at any second. You introduced yourself, he helped you make a very simple meal and kept you company until nightfall, of course, just as you thought, he fell asleep sometimes, but the company was welcome. You two were playing chess when the vampires arrived.
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deathbecomesthem · 3 months
The Printer
A My So-Called Hawkins Diary Entry. (actually, 2 entries)
~700 words | Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader MSCL AU
50 minutes. That’s how long the study session between me and Eddie lasted. I can’t be sure, but I think the first 5 minutes we sat with our desks facing each other, I stopped breathing. I could see his lips moving, he was talking to me, but my ears were ringing. I don’t think I’ve ever actually talked to him before this morning, not for real. It was like I forgot how to be a person for a minute, like my brain decided to shut down or something. 
It was the way his eyes were looking at the left corner of my desk that snapped me out of it. That and the finger tapping. He was nervous too, for whatever reason, and his brain was just throwing out words for him to say instead of shutting down. It was a feeling that I needed to help him relax, help him pass this exam, that made the gears start turning again.
I interrupted his rambling, something about mnemonic devices as a study aid, and suggested we start working down the list of vocabulary words at the end of each chapter to gauge what we need to focus on. And then he looked at me and smiled. I don’t think I’ve seen him smile like that before. He turned his head to the side, kinda shy like. His hair (still damp this morning) touched the corner of his mouth. I would do anything to see him smile at me like that again. I would give anything to be that little curl touching his lip. 
Eddie’s lips are actually perfect, and the way he says, “deontology” set my skin on fire. How does he do that? Make the most ordinary things so much more. I think if I could feel his breath on my skin while he recited names from the phone book, I would evaporate. Cease to exist. For the first time ever, I want to thank Mrs. O’Donnell. Thank you, you old hag, I got to study Eddie for 50 minutes.
A miracle happened today. We all got to school at the normal ungodly hour, ready to take that torture session called Mrs. O’Donnell’s midterm exam, and god decided to bless us. The old biddy came in looking ready to spit nails, which is pretty normal for her. But instead of handing out packets of papers, she shook her head and stood in front of her desk empty handed.
The copier ate the exam when she went to print them. I saw Eddie’s shoulders drop in relief at the news, even with Mrs. O’Donnell glaring at him. I swear, she’d blame him if she could. She hates him so much. Instead of taking the exam, we all had to sit in silence and read the next chapter of the textbook. We’ll have an extra 5 days to study for the exam since it’s a long weekend.
And that’s the best part. The studying. Because EDDIE’S COMING OVER TO MY HOUSE IN ONE HOUR TO STUDY WITH ME. He actually asked if I would mind him coming over. (and he fucking smiled like that again.) I told him, sure, that’s a good idea to get more study time in. But what am I going to do? He’ll be here in an hour. ONE HOUR. An hour. One. Hour. Do I make a snack? Do I order pizza? My parents are, mercifully, gone for the night. It’s date night (barf). Mom left $20 on the counter, so I guess I’ll order a pizza, but what kind? Does he like pepperoni? Of course he does, everyone likes pepperoni. Nero’s or Johny’s? Should I get a soda? Pepsi or Mountain Dew? Oh my god, do we study in the dining room or MY ROOM? 
This is so stupid, I’m freaking out. I need to put some makeup on, but like in a way he won’t be able to notice. What if I kiss him accidentally because his lips say, “deontology”? I need to be sedated.
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beautifulchris · 1 year
messing with the wrong witch
wc: 0,6k
pairing: demigod!yeonjun x gn demigod!reader
summary: Kai tricks Yeonjun into stealing from you, of all people.
genres: fluff, action, demigod!au, camp half-blood!au, son of hermes!yeonjun, child of hecate!reader
tw: magic, flirting, thief, mild language, a punch
notes: i'm reposting the works i posted while shadowbanned, please don't mind me
networks: @kflixnet @k-labels
tag list: @badwithten send ask/dm/comment to be added!
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GIF publié par yvesjun-deactivated20230408
Yeonjun was a master of trickery. He was known in cabin eleven for his amazing stealing skills. So, naturally, he was asked to 'get' stuff from other campers, usually in the form of a bet. It was all fun and games until he was betted to steal from you.
At first, he was weary.
Of all the cabins, it had to be Hecate's.
Of all the campers, it had to be you.
Kai didn't need the ingredients; he couldn't do anything with them because he was not built for witchcraft. He just innocently thought that it would get your attention.
No, he did not think this through.
Thanks to your magic, you were able to track down the thief, who was still in possession of your stuff, to the Hermes cabin.
"Y/N," Yeonjun forced a smile, gulping loudly, "what a pleasure."
He was seated on his bed while Kai was on his way to him. He stopped in his tracks when he heard your name, then walked to his own bed.
"Can you all leave us, please? It'll only take a moment," you spoke with a gentle voice, in contrast to your determined eyes.
His cabinmates fled rapidly. "Not you, Kai." He cursed under his breath but stayed there.
"You stole from me. You better give it back or you'll regret it."
The younger one was shitting his pants thinking about all the ways you could get revenge, while Yeonjun smiled. "You're quick, I'll give you that."
Both you and Kai raised eyebrows at his statement, Kai in disbelief and you in mild interest.
"You made it too easy. Are you really the best thief here?"
Kai slowly marched closer to the door. He knew his friend took pride in his abilities, and your words had surely made an impact.
"Maybe I wanted you to find me," he countered.
"Sure. Hand me my stuff and you won't suffer too much."
He pondered. "Come take them."
You took three steps and he was gone. How could he have disappeared right in front of you, you had no idea, but two could play that game.
You felt a presence behind you, but when you turned around, no one was there.
Using the Mist, you made the room grow smaller, forcing Yeonjun to unconsciously come closer to you. When he stood in front of you with nowhere to go, he chuckled.
"You got me."
"You wanted me to catch you," you simply said, like you finally registered the words he spoke earlier.
He shrugged, handing you the ingredients. In a fraction of seconds, you were face to face, gazing into each other's eyes.
The Mist dissipated. "I could cut the tension with a knife. Can I leave now?" You forgot about Kai.
You promptly stepped back and coughed. The question as to why they did this was on the tip on your tongue but you had an idea why. You nodded.
It was only Yeonjun and you now.
"You're cunning, I'll give you that."
"And you're smart."
"But you were stupid enough to think that stealing from me was the best idea to get my attention."
"It was Kai's idea, actually. And since I can't back down from a challenge..." he shrugged again.
"I figured he had something to do with this. Just come speak to me next time, it'll be enough."
You winked and left his cabin, leaving a smug Yeonjun behind.
That was until you made him think you walked back in there and punched him in the face. He felt it.
People don't mess with you and come out unscathed, even pretty boys.
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thank you for reading! if you enjoyed, here's my masterlist <3
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xnchxntmxnt · 2 years
hihi!! i saw your event and i love the theme jdbsjs <33 also happy (early?) birthday to both you and koi!!
can i request a 4 star pull for genshin impact? the trope would be they forgot your birthday (hurt/comfort pls) ☺️☺️ with xiao, diluc, and gorou?
thank you so much!! if i didn’t request correctly pls feel free to dm me :,)
when they forget your birthday...
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etc: established relationship, modern au![character] x gn!reader, gn pronouns used (they/them/mx.), food mentions (not descriptive), probably very ooc i'm sorry
notes: the favoritism is real in this one :,)
reblogs > likes ! <3
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preface: he gets home late from his work and has yet to say anything about it being your birthday. reasoning that he has a surprise for you, you decided to stay up. but as the hours went by, you drift asleep, the creak of the door when he finally returns waking you up. pretending to be asleep, you could barely contain your excitement. he whispers your name, but no response (you have to commit to the act after all), so he showers and gets ready for bed. as he gets under the blankets, he pulls you closer and kisses you goodnight. yet there's still nothing about your birthday...
doesn't realize until he sees his reminder too late
it's already the morning after: he wakes up to find that you're not in bed but hears the kitchen sink running so he assumes you're doing the dishes 
picking up his phone, he notices the notification he had failed to see the day before "y/n's birthday - yesterday"
sits up in a panic, thinking back to see if he had even wished you a happy birthday (he realizes that he did not)
he even goes so far as to remember how sad you were that he was scheduled to work on your birthday (but you brushed it off, saying that as long as you could spend some of it with him, it'd be alright)
he scrambled to throw some clothes on (he has not checked the time yet but it's 11:48am - he doesn't wake up early, anything before 12 is a miracle)
reasons that he should at least get you something, so he thinks back, desperately trying to remember anything you stared at for too long or tried to subtly hint that you wanted (he knew what you were doing and always tried to keep a mental list of everything)
remembering something, he rushes out (you don't hear him as you were listening to music as you were doing some house chores to keep yourself distracted)
makes it to the store with the item still in stock (it was the last one) and immediately buys it (doesn't even look at the price tag, just shoves his card at the employee - but politely because he's not rude)
notices a flower shop and stops by to get you a bouquet of your favorite flowers (he asks the florist for the prettiest and best arrangement they could make, assuring them that he could pay for it and not to worry about that)
when he gets home, he notices that you made him lunch when you didn't have to since you were bound to be at least very upset with him if not extremely (his stomach growls, he's used too much energy on an empty stomach)
he's not the type to make lame excuses, he gets straight to the point, apologizing that he forgot that it was your birthday and asking if there was anything in particular you wanted so that he could make up for it
also hands you the gifts he got for you, noticing that you're trying to fight back your smile (he thinks the way you're trying to keep up your anger is adorable, but he knows that now's not the time for that)
does absolutely anything and everything you ask (within reason of course), treating the day as if it were your actual birthday
finally earns a thank you kiss from you at the end of the day and lots of cuddles 
is up before you (he has to supervise today)
but is most definitely stalling, savoring the time that he gets to see you as he gets ready to leave
kisses you softly, whispering that he'll be back soon and not to miss him too much
doesn't realize until one of his employees mentions it casually ("oh, mr. diluc, what did you get mx. y/n for their birthday?")
he freezes, like actually freezes and is like "what did you say?"
never once has he forgotten your birthday, and to think he's started now makes him literally sick to his stomach
he's demanding to know the day and when he learns that he indeed did forget your birthday, he flips
gives everyone the day off and puts up the closed sign
he makes lots of stops afterwards
the first is the jewelry shop (he decided last year that he was going to get you a ring this year, and so he does)
despite being in a rush, he takes his time with his gifts - he's looking through all of the displays, finally deciding on what he deems the most perfect and purchases it
next is the supermarket, he's going to make you your favorite so he takes his time to choose the best ingredients
third is a flower shop to get you the basket of flowers you had always wanted (yes he remembers even though you mentioned it once on your first date together)
his final stop is the bakery to choose out the best cake and if there wasn't any, he would go to each bakery within a 10 mile radius to find one
it's later than he had hoped when he returns home to you - he finds you sitting on the couch hugging a pillow and watching a show on the tv
whether you noticed him or not, he didn't know, so he set everything on the kitchen table and walked up to you, hands gently holding yours as he pulled you into a hug, burying his nose deep into the crook of your neck, whispering how sorry he is for forgetting and promising that it would never happen again
he then takes your hand again and leads you to the kitchen to give you all the gifts he had gotten you today
he spoils you a bit more than he usually would but he doesn't mind, because the smile you give him afterward makes it all worth it
is tossing and turning as he slept - something itching the back of his mind kept him from sleeping peacefully, as if he were forgetting something
shoots awake as he looks at the time (03:17) when he notices the date too
is flipping out and he looks at you with your back turned to him, the steady rise and fall almost lulling him back to sleep, tempting him to fall back into his pillow and cuddle with you until he fell asleep again - almost
but he shakes you awake, "let's go somewhere"
you're both in your sleep clothes as you walked around the neighborhood, making it to the street lamp where you both had shared your first kiss
his heart always beats a little bit faster whenever he passes by this street lamp, lips tingling as they remembered the feeling of yours on his 
he spins you around before his hands find their spot on your waist, and as he gently pulls you in, he whispers “sorry i’m late, happy birthday, my love”
and of course he kisses you (you’re literally at the place where you shared your first kiss with him, why wouldn’t he)
he’s tempted to make it a tradition now (but on time obviously) so he does
next year, you can expect him to pull you out of the comfort of your shared bed, walking through the neighborhood to the lamp
but today he calls in sick (he told you that he was lovesick, and therefore needed the day off to spend cuddling with you - he didn’t tell his boss that of course)
would also vow to himself to just take the entire day off on your birthdays from now on as to not let this happen again
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love, koi
p.s. ALSO I DON'T HATE GOROU OR ANYTHING I SWEAR it's just that i got super carried away with xiao's and diluc's :,)))))))) thank you miso so much for joining!! <3
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dragonwritersblog · 7 months
Five Times Jax and Pomni Share Dreams of Their Past Lives (And One Time Where They Remember)
Read on AO3
Hi! The last chapter of the first fic! We actually made it! I just wanted to go a huge thank you for all those who have supported me! Whether it was on AO3, twitter, tiktok, tumblr or discord. You guys have been amazing! I still can't get over the fact that my fic has over 10k hits you guys are insane and I love it! I have some other stuff that I need to work on after this (a fnaf one-shot, a funnybunny royal au for my mutual artie on twitter and discord, and a funnybunny pirate au as well) but that doesn't mean I won't be working on the sequel at the same time.
Also, I forgot to include this last week and I'm so ashamed of myself, but please go check out this art of my fic that was drawn on tumblr, it's amazing!: https://www.tumblr.com/pomni-stare/734273534847860736/more
This my pal berry also drew a reference to my fic with her art here as well: https://twitter.com/CheyennePlayz/status/1725864159139738099
Once again, thank you so much!
And now, the final chapter...
Pomni woke in a cold sweat.
That was…it couldn’t be, could it? It was her at the end of that dream! Right after Penny put on the headset! When she first got here! But how could that be?! These dreams weren’t real! They were just, well, dreams! Just made-up figments of her imagination! But then again, no one else had them here, just her. So why did she have them? What made her so special?
Penny…why did that name feel so strikingly familiar to her? Why did it feel like she walked the steps that she walked? That she spoke the words that she spoke? Every single movement and decision that Penny Reed had made, why did it feel like Pomni had done it all before? And Penny’s mother and sister, she felt as though as though she truly knew them. That she could list off everything they loved, from the music the liked, to the foods that disgusted them, all the little things that made them into the people they were. It felt as though if she reached down hard enough, she could remember every piece of information about them. But why?
And then there was Jack, the one that invaded her mind, body and soul each time he appeared, when he spoke, laughed, cried, joked and breathed. Every time she saw him was like dancing an old waltz, the steps might be fumbled and clumsy from the lack of practice, but the heart and joy of it was still there.
Especially when she was with Jax…
There was so much déjà vu with him, it kept her in within its strong grasp. Even when Jax was only a thought in her head, it was as if she were replaying the old song and dance of Jack and Penny with him.
But why?!
Her head began to pound, she immediately grabbed it as it throbbed painfully. What was going on?! Suddenly, the warm face of a girl with dark hair appeared behind her squeezed shut eyes.
“So,” Winter turned in the passenger seat to face Penny in the back, “Sorry that it was under these events how you met Jack, hopefully you were okay with him.”
“I’m not,” said Riley, focused on the road.
“Just keep driving mama bear,” Winter rolled her eyes before turning to Penny again.
Pomni gasped. Winter…she knew her. She knew so much about her. She met two months after meeting Riley, trying to sneakily ask for tips on how to ask the other girl out. Carrot cake, her favourite food was carrot cake. She loved it so much that she had it every year on her birthday and baked it whenever she could. “Oh god,” Pomni exhaled, she knew Winter. Not just from the dreams, but really knew her! She was her friend!
Her head throbbed again, a red headed girl about 4 years older than her appearing, replacing Winter.
“Penny! Oh thank God!” Riley rushed over to her, wrapping her arms around her younger sister and pressed a kiss at the side of her head, “You gave me a heart attack going into that house, and then hearing that you fainted?! Don’t ever do that again!”
She grabbed at her pyjama bottoms. Riley Reed, one of the strongest people she knew. A protector who forgets to protect herself, always putting her mother and little sister first. Had saved said younger sister many times and seen the wounded parts of her that weren’t visible to the everyday eye. There was a secret that she kept, that she never told anyone, not even to her mother. It was always for Riley’s little sister’s ears only. If she ever had a son, she would same him Percy after her youngest sibling. No one knew that, that secret was locked tight in a vault. “Why do I know this?” Pomni asked herself.
White pain flashed in her mind again. It hurt, it hurt so much. But it numbed the moment an older woman took Riley’s place.
“He really is, and you will be too my little costuming star!” Amber nuzzled her daughter’s nose with her nose, laughing at Penny’s groans.
“Mom!” Penny buried her head into Amber’s shoulder, “Stop!” She didn’t mean it and Amber knew that.
“I can’t help it if my daughter is amazingly talented,” Amber grinned, loosening up a bit as she peered down to look at Penny’s face.
Amber, mother of two girls. Divorced from her awful husband. She enjoyed cooking, spending time with her girls, always offered a shoulder to cry on. For Penny to cry on…no matter where she was she knew that her mother was her safe place. The soft feeling of familiar soothing fingers running through her hair made Pomni grasp at her chest with a pained cry, she knew who those memorable hands belonged to. “Mom,” she whispered.
There was another flash. Pomni grit her teeth, trying to ease the pain. It disappeared the moment a handsome young man stepped forward in her mind’s eye, taking a pair of small hands into his one large ones. She knew those hands…
“I would tell her that I’m not a perfect person, but I am someone who’s always trying. You’ve taken over my mind and have stolen my heart, but I can’t find it in myself to care as long as it’s in your hands.” Jack took her hands in his at those words, “I just hope that she feels the same way.”
She did…no, she does. She loved Jack! She loved him so much. The idea of being with him lifted her higher than the sun and moon themselves! She loved him! She loved him because he…he…he. Jack was here.
Her mind throbbed again, it felt as though it was twisting, moulding, transforming. Not into something new, but into something that she never knew she lost.
“I know,” he nodded, bringing her in closer, “I’m always good whenever you’re here.”
She sighed, pressing her forehead against his, “Okay, just tell me if there’s anything going on if there is.”
 Penny laughed wetly, cupping both Jack’s cheeks tenderly in her hands, “I don’t deserve you.”
“No,” Jack disagreed, turning his head and kissed the palm of her hand. “It’s me who doesn’t deserve you.”
Penny let another tear fall as she brought Jack in for another kiss. The two relished the moment they had together.
“You’re so beautiful,” he knew what he said, and he wasn’t going to take it back, not when she peered up at him through her long lashes with a gasp.
“Y-you’re ridiculous,” she uttered, handing him her jacket.
“Hey, just telling the truth here,” he replied as he went to hang up her jacket on the wall, “Besides, someone’s gotta point out how pretty you are.”
Penny was about to go inside when she decided to do one more thing while she still had the courage, after all, the night was still young. “Jack, wait!”
He lifted his head at the call of his name, “What? Is everything okay?”
“Yes, it’s just, um, you f-forgot something,” Penny stammered, working herself up as much as she could, “You forgot this.”
She planted a kiss on his cheek, pulling away quickly.
He held his hand out to her.
Penny took it in her own and shook it, “I’m Penny.”
The throbbing finally passed, Pomni let her hands drop to her sides as waves and waves of anything and everything came rushing back to her.
Penny…Penny…Penny. “…My name is Penny Reed,” she was still for a moment before she jumped up and stood on her bed as she let out a thrilled holler. She had a name! “My name is Penny Reed!”
She clasped her hands over her mouth, praying that no one heard her. It was a silent as a mouse, thank goodness. She plopped herself back down, letting tears of relief flood down her cheeks. Her name was Penny Reed, she had an amazing mother and a great big sister. She wanted to be a costume designer and create amazing garments for the whole world to see. She found a friend in her sister’s wife who became a rock for her. But most importantly, she was in love with an incredible man named Jack Bloom.
That was why she put the headset on! That was how she ended up here! Jack had to be here, if the cases that Riley described was like how she got here and how he went missing, then Jack had to be here too.
But who was he? Oh god, what if he already abstracted and she was too late?! No, he’s close, I can feel it. She felt him, she felt him here. He’s close. In fact, he felt closer the more she thought about her. Could he…no.
“Can’t make any promises little lady,” Jack smirked.
Jax sighed, “You’re welcome little lady.”
Pomni’s eyes widened.
“Keep the chivalry to yourself sir,” Penny placed a hand on her hip.
“Can’t help it, I’m dreamy,” Jack was unable to keep the grin off his face at her pout. His face softened, holding out his arm, “Shall we?”
Penny raised a brow at him, grinning. “Mr Jack how thoughtful of you.”
“Just until you’re more aware of your surroundings,” Jax told her, “After all, I have a reputation to uphold.”
“Ah, right,” Pomni gave him a joking grin, “We wouldn’t want anything to happen to that.”
“See, now you’re getting it,” Jack agreed, returning her grin.
No way. It couldn’t be, they were both so different. But the similarities, they wouldn’t stop adding up.
Penny sank to the floor as she watched Jack shove David away.
There was nothing but fury in Jack’s eyes, “If you ever put your hands on her again, I’ll make sure you lose them!”
One moment Jax was at the side like everyone else, watching the whole thing go down. Next, he was in front of Pomni, staring at Caine as the AI tilted his head at Jax’s new and sudden behaviour.
Was he really…Jax was really…
“Oh Penny” Jack sighed. Tears welled up in her eyes as she all but collapsed into him, wailing as he soothingly stroked her back. “He’s never coming back here again, I’ll make sure of it. Shh, it’s okay, I got you.”
“Well, I have a proposition for you,” Jax said, she perked up, “Until you feel like you understand this place a little more, I’ll be there to make you don’t have one of your episodes. Whether you’re spiralling or hyper focusing, I’ll be here to ground you in case that happens.”    
“Jax…Jack,” she let out a gasp. He was – Jax was – he was right beside her all along and she didn’t even know! “Jack!”
She jumped off her bed and ran to her door, opening it as quick as she could as she made a beeline to Jax’s room in front of her. She swung the door open, a grin widening on her face, hoping to see a purple rabbit tangled in sheets. But he was gone, nothing but an empty made up bed with no sign of a body being in there whatsoever.
She closed the door, he wasn’t here. He couldn’t have gone far. She had to find him, she will find him. Now that she had a grasp on her life and her love again, she wouldn’t let go any time soon.
She ran down the hallway.
The lines began to blur together, the puzzles slipping back into place. Jax was Jack! She had to complete her forgotten mission. She had to get Jack!
“Penny!” Jax screamed as he awoke, the image of the girl trying to painfully claw off the headset still fresh in his mind. But then, it led to Pomni arriving in the circus. What did that have to do with Pomni being here? Could she…no its just a dream! They’ve all been dreams Jax! There’s no way that I’m allowed to be that lucky. Someone like him didn’t deserve people like Pomni or Penny. Two kind-hearted individuals who tore his heart out the minute it looked like their spirits were broken.  How could Jack do that?! Penny was amazing, kind, beautiful! How could he let her go like that?!
Jax gripped the fabric of his shirt where his heart was, who was he kidding, he sounded like a damned hypocrite. Pomni nearly drowned because of him, he would want to stay away from him too. All he did was get her hurt when he was supposed to protect her. He was just as much of a fool as Jack was…
…Actually, now that he thought about it, he had been here as long as Jack was missing in his dream. Time had its own rules here, but Jax would be damned if he didn’t try to keep track of how long he was here, scratching a line on the wall behind his wardrobe to show each night he spent here. Jack had been gone for 6 months, he was here for 6 months – 9 if you counted the three months since Pomni arrived. It was too much of a coincidence for him to not to notice it.
No, don’t! Thinking of this type of stuff never did Queenie any favours! Just stop Jax! But he couldn’t, his mind just kept rushing and rushing, but it didn’t hurt, more like the waves of an ocean gently guiding him to where he needed to be.
“Hey, are you free on Halloween?”
Jax froze. That voice, he knew that voice. He turned, spotting a dark-haired woman on a bed that wasn’t there before.
“Depends,” his mouth moved on its own, saying words against his mind’s control. Was he even trying to control it in the first place? “Why, what type of genius plan have you concocted this time?”
“Well, Riley and I are going to the Halloween festival that day and she’s bringing her sister,” said Winter, smiling coyly. “Maybe you should meet up with us and get a chance to meet her.”
“Meeting mini-Riley?” He raised an eyebrow at the woman. Why did this conversation feel so familiar? He never met Winter in his life!...Right? “If she’s related to Riley she might have ‘I’ll punch you in the face tendencies’ so I’m not so sure yet.”
“Trust me,” Winter grinned, “This girl is the total opposite from Riley, her personality is a complete 180.” She stood up and walked over to him.
He crossed his arms, an action that felt repeated in so many ways, “What are you up to?”
“Nothing…” she drawled, “I just think it would be idea to meet this girl, she’s pretty cute.”
“Mmhmm,” he wasn’t convinced in the slightest, “Spill the truth Winter.”
She sighed, he could see right through her and she knew it. “Look, Penny is a sweet girl who’s gone through a lot like you have and she’s struggling to find someone to relate with. And yeah both she and Riley have gone through shit, but Penny is really sensitive and there was some other stuff that happened that’s left her shaken up. I’m not forcing you to be friends with her, but I know that you’ve been looking to relate to someone as well. I think Penny is that someone.”
He fidgeted with his hands for a moment, “I’m getting better you know. I’ve been talking to people in my classes and Andrea has been a great help as well.”
“I know and you’re doing great!” Winter reassured him, “This is just something to think about. If you’re free, the offer’s there.”
Jax paused, as though he were thinking about it. Why was this happening, why was he talking to Winter as though he did this before? Why did it feel like he knew Winter for a lifetime? Why was he begging himself to say yes next? Winter was supposed to be a dream, Penny was supposed to be a dream, all of this was supposed to be a dream!
“You know what, sure, what not. But if she pulls a Riley and sucker punches me in the face I’m blaming you,” He pointed at her.
Winter laughed, shaking her head. “Penny would never do that. And Riley thinks you’re cool! She won’t be getting pissed at you anytime soon.”
Jax gave her an uneasy nod, “Uh huh, if that’s what you say. I’ll check my schedule and see if I’m free. Don’t make me regret this.”
“Oh please, have I ever been wrong?” Winter scoffed.
“Should I list it off right now?” Jax chortled as she punched him in the shoulder.
The second Winter made contact with him, she vanished, leaving the rabbit stunned. That moment, it happened before, didn’t it? This wasn’t some hallucination, this…this was a memory. His mind flashed, he gripped his head as it pounded with agony.
“Hey cariño, how are you doing?”
Another voice snapped him out of it as he whipped round to face a short older woman with darks curls. Her eyes remined him of Winter.
“I…I’m fine,” He sniffed, “I’m really sorry for snapping Laura.”
“Est á bien, come here,” she stepped closer, wanting to comfort him but gave him some space in case he didn’t want to be touched. “I know you’ve been through a lot, and though I’m not happy with some of the ‘colourful language’ you used, you’re a part of our family now and we’re never gonna let anyone hurt you ever again.”
Jax wiped his eyes, how could someone be so forgiving? If only she knew what type of things he did here, “I don’t deserve this Laura.”
Laura tsked at him, “Everyone deserves a chance to be happy. You, you’re just a kid who went through hell and back, you deserve one more than anyone. It’s gonna be okay.”
She opened his arms for him. Jax leapt forward, desperate for the hug she was offering. But just like Winter before, she vanished before he could get the chance.
Laura, Winter, Riley he knew these people, didn’t he? These…these weren’t dreams.
“Okay, I need a little help here. What do you think? Indoor wedding or outdoor wedding?”
That…that was…how…
He turned, only to see Pomni sitting on the bed this time, with a laptop on her knees. The stage disappeared, the rooms of an apartment bedroom replacing them, with only the jester and the rabbit looking the same as before.
“I…I don’t mind, I want this to be your dream wedding sweetie,” he said, moving to sit beside her, “Whatever your heart desires.”
Pomni blushed, gripping the laptop tighter. “Stop being charming and help! This is your wedding too, where do you want it?”
“My dream wedding is your dream wedding,” he replied suavely with a shit-eating grin.
She groaned at his teasing, closing the laptop and flung it onto the plush mattress and she flopped her back onto the bed. “I’m serious,” Pomni told him, “I need to know cause if we want it outside we need to figure out a good date so that it doesn’t rain. But if we want it inside should we rent out a hotel or get married in the church? If your family even religious? And don’t even get me started on the menu with all the dietary requirements and the types of food everyone wants. And my dress – oh god my dress I totally forgot-”
She was cut off by her own squeal when Jax’s hand shot out and tickled her belly, making her curl up and giggle. “Okay, okay, let’s keep calm,” he said, soothingly as he retreated his hand, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to cause you more stress.”
“No, it’s me,” she sighed as she hugged her knees to her chest. “I panic about everything, it’s no surprise I’m panicking over our wedding. Pathetic, huh?”
“Hey,” he gathered her in his arms and carried her over to the headboard of the bed, sitting them both down as he cradled her in his arms. “You are not pathetic, and I should’ve been more sympathetic. I know you want this to be the ‘perfect wedding’, but I don’t want you to overwork yourself.” Jax kissed his forehead, “The only reason why I suggested that you choose was because you’ve been so caught up on making sure this wedding was perfect for everyone else, you forgot to ask yourself what you wanted. I’ll help you with planning, but for now, would you rather get married inside of outside?”
Pomni smiled sweetly at him, placing an appreciative kiss on his cheek before humming in thought. “Outside, during summer. But then have dinner and the reception inside.”
“There you go,” Jax gave her a squeeze, making her laugh as she snuggled into his arms. “Don’t worry, I’ll handle the menu and all the other stuff that’s giving you grief.”
“Except for the dress,” she informed him, “I wanna handle my dress, no surprises for you mister!”
“Oh no!” he whined sarcastically, making his fiancé laugh harder. “How will I cope with not seeing the beautiful dress my future wife will wear!”
“You’ll survive,” she tapped his nose.
He took her hand, placing a kiss on the inside of her palm.
“I love you Penny,” he whispered.
“I love you too Jack,” she hushed back.
There was no longer a jester and rabbit in that room, replacing them was a young couple with rings on their fingers as they gazed into one another’s eyes with so much love.
Jax blinked and he was back on the empty stage.
“He…I…Pomni…Penny,” he inhaled, fisting his shirt. “I’m…Jack.”
The waves became stronger, suddenly everything was rushing back to him. From the fears of his childhood, his friendship with Winter, his newfound family with the Alvarez’s…and Penny. The love of his life. And she was here. She went looking for him and she’s…
“Pomni!” he gasped.
Penny was Pomni! Pomni was Penny!
She found him! He found her! And she…she went looking for him, after everything he did.
Jax let go of his shirt. He had to find her, he had to tell her how sorry he was, that he couldn’t believe she was here, that we would never let her go ever again!
He let his feet lead him, searching and scanning everywhere for the jester. He had to get to her, he had to!
“Jack! Jax!” Pomni continued to search every room. She dodged every gag thrown at her, she didn’t leave a door wasted unless a purple rabbit was inside. She called out his name, loud enough for him to hear but quiet enough to not wake anyone. Especially Caine.
“Pomni?!” Jax ran up to the first hallway, calling out the jester’s name, begging for an answer. His stomach churned when there wasn’t a response. He wouldn’t stop, he had to keep going until she was found. “Penny!”
Pomni ran up to the stage, it was the only place left. Maybe he was behind the curtain, planning some kind of prank for tomorrow. “Jax?!” she shoved the curtain aside, but there was no rabbit in sight, only the wooden floorboards and the looming height of the ceiling above her. So much space yet he still wasn’t here. He couldn’t have abstracted, it might have sounded crazy but she swore she could still feel him here. She can’t give up. “Jack!” She ran off the stage.
Jax raced up the stairs to the rooftop, where they had their late-night conversation, she had to be here! He looked everywhere so she had to be! When he arrived however, the only things that greeted him was the twinkling stars in the sky and the vast endless world of the circus grounds. But still no jester inside. Inside, she still had to be inside. And so inside he went.
Pomni sprinted back up the stairs and into another hallway, she lost count at this point, but she was determined to keep going. She was going to start checking when the door flung open at the end of the hall, revealing a panting and exasperated Jax. Pomni froze, was it really…?
Jax pushed some of his dishevelled fur back, about to continue searching when his yellow eyes made contact with Pomni’s red and blue. It was her, she was here. She was up to, did she know? There was only one way to find out. “Penny?”
Pomni felt her eyes well up with tears, for the first time, she was crying with joy here. “Jack,” she let out a relieved breath and ran up to him.
Jax let laugh-mixed cry escape from his throat as he ran to Pomni as well. The jester jumped into his arms, with him sliding an arm under to support as she gripped the fur at his neck while he grasped onto her pyjama shirt. Jax pressed kisses all over her face wherever he could reach, Pomni laughed wetly and did the same. He spun her round, nothing but carefree laughter filled the empty hall. Only two lost souls finally finding each other against all the odds thrown at them.
“It was the dreams!” she spoke between kisses, “You were in my dreams! It helped me remember!”
“Me too, I had the dreams too,” he replied, as she pressed two kisses to each of his eyelids, “You were in every one of them Penny.”
The small kisses seized and the two returned to holding each other as tightly as they could. This wasn’t a dream, it would be too cruel for them. Pomni wasn’t sure if she could bear it. “Is this real?” she barely whispered into the rabbit’s ear.
“Yeah, this is real as it can get Pen,” he buried his head into her shoulder. “I’m so sorry Penny. This is all my fault.”
“No,” she cupped his cheeks into her hands, “None of this was your fault, you didn’t know you were gonna get sucked into this.”
“But I left you,” he sniffed. “I left you and said all those awful things and got you trapped here too. I didn’t mean it, any of it! I love you so much Penny! I’m so sorry.”
“Hey, hey,” she wiped away his tears, “I’ve already forgiven you long before my mind was stolen here. I love you too.”
He rested his forehead against hers, he missed this, he missed her so much.
She missed him too, all those months of him being gone when everyone tried to look for him. Trail after trail yet still coming up empty. It was too much to bear, to scream out a name that wouldn’t answer back. But he was here, he was alive, he remembered her and she remembered him! It was her turn to cry now, letting a few stray tears fall.
Jax immediately noticed her sniffling, stroking her hair and pressing her face into her shoulder as he soothingly rubbed his hand up and down her back. Wordlessly, he carried her back to the bedroom hallways, make his way to his room. His bed was big enough for the two of them.
Once he entered, he noticed that his bed was still made – due to the fact that he decided to sleep on the stage – with a small stuffed plushie of him in the centre of the pillows. He shut the door with his foot, carrying Pomni to the bed as he laid her down. She didn’t want to let go, but he pried her fingers off him and laid down next to her, pulling a comforter over the two of them.
Pomni grabbed the plushie, squeezing it tight before latching herself onto Jax, not wanting to lose his touch for a second. He was the same, holding her as though she would disappear if he let go. “I never thought I’d get a chance like this again,” she mumbled, “When you disappeared I just-”
“Shh,” he pressed a kiss to her hair, “I’m here now, and I’m not going anywhere. Never again.”
“Jax...Jack,” her mind was still processing everything, “What made you…why did you…what happened?”
He sighed, stroking her hair. She meant what made him react the way he did that day. The day he left and set of this catalyst. He had to tell her, hiding it caused all of this. He gulped and felt her small hand grip his. With the newfound reassurance, he began, “You remember when I told you about my old foster family?” He felt her nod against him, “Well, the day when I went to get the stuff you like from the coffee shop, I ran into my foster brother Luke.” He heard her gasp, she knew about everything Luke did to him when he was a kid, even the bad stuff. “Yeah, the things he said, it made me spiral a bit. I was gonna tell you and go to Andrea about what happened, but I just felt so weak to do that. There so much going in my head, so much fear and anger. I just wanted to handle it on my own so no one else could be affected by it. Heh, guess that didn’t turn out so well.”
He felt her snuggle closer. “It’s just,” Jax continued, “I was doing so well. I was happy, had a good support system, fell in love.” He ran his fingers through her hair, making her hum appreciatively, “I always thought that if something like that happened I could talk to someone about it. I relapsed pretty hard though. And I’m sorry that you were the one who had to pay for it.”
“Jack-” she started.
He pressed a finger to her lips. “Please, let me finish. You have been nothing but the most extraordinary person in my life, you were always prepared to be there for me whenever I was gonna go through something. I’m so sorry I didn’t talk to you about this. I do trust you with talking about this, I’m the problem. You didn’t deserve any of the hurt I placed onto you. I love you so much, and I’m really sorry.”
She brushed the fur on his cheeks with a smile, “Like I said, I forgive you. I know you Jack, I know how hard it’s been for you. But I also know that you’re able to overcome it as well. That’s something Luke has never been able to do. You made a life for yourself, Luke is just an insecure jerk who was jealous that you were able to be happy. If I ever see him again, I’m gonna use that move Riley taught me and use it on him.”
“You don’t mean…” Jax gaped.
Pomni gave him a sly grin, “Oh yeah, that move.”
“Oh you’re vicious, woman,” he chuckled, diving to her neck and pressed a dozen kisses to her collarbones, “I love it!”
“Jax!” she chortled, trying to shove his shoulders away. “You idiot! Get off!”
“I have to shower my little lady with all the love she deserves. I never knew she could be so wicked! I can’t believe I’m rubbing off on you short stack,” he pressed a few more to the sensitive spot behind her ear, earning him a yip from Pomni.
“Jack!” she giggled. She then dove her head to the side of his neck, taking his fur between her teeth and nipped him.
“Ow! Pomni!” he let out a laugh as he retaliated, “Okay, I yield I yield!” He fell back against his pillows as Pomni laid her head on his chest, feeling rather proud of herself. “You do realise your teeth are sharper here, right?”
“Good,” she hummed, wrapping her arms around his waist.
“Jeez,” his chest shook as he laughed, “Riley taught you well, huh?”
Her sister…Pomni’s smile faded. It had been so long since she last saw her older sister.
Jax immediately picked up on her downed mood, cupping her cheek and lifting her head to his. “Talk to me,” he said.
“I-,” Pomni sighed, “I miss Riley so much. And my mom too. I can’t imagine what they’re going through right now. I forgot about them. They matter so much to me and I just forgot about them! And now that I remember them, it just makes me miss them so much. All I want is to find a way, any way to reach out to them! To tell them that I’m okay and that I’m trying my best to get back to them! I just wanna go home.”
Jax pulled her closer, running his fingers up and down her back again. “I know, I know. I get it. I miss my family too,” he told her. “I miss Winter and her teasing, I miss Laura and her empathy, I miss Nina and Alex’s craziness. I miss everyone. But we’re gonna get back home. I know we will.”
“But it’s impossible,” Pomni interjected, “The exit doors, the void. It all leads nowhere.”
“We remember who we are, don’t we?” he remined her, “That’s a sign that there might be a way to escape this place. Those dreams, we had them for a reason, to remind us of who we are. We’ll find a way.”
“And Caine?” Pomni asked, her voice taking on a more subdued and unsure tone, “What’s gonna happen when he finds out about this.”
Jax froze, recalling that not only had Caine frightened her before with him yelling at her. But he never forgot how Caine had watched her drown, without making a move to help her. He watched Pomni tremble at the thought of the AI, the poor thing was terrified of him. He gripped her tightly and protectively, earning him a surprised squeak from the jester. “Caine isn’t gonna do anything,” he informed her, “If that pair of dentures tries to do anything to you, I will tear him apart. He won’t hurt you while I’m around.”
“He’s a force to be reckoned with Jack,” she said, “The second he catches that something is different he’ll stop at nothing to make sure it’s erased.”
“Then we’ll make sure he doesn’t find out about us,” Jax suggested, “We’ll pretend that nothing’s happened. We’re just two people who don’t know anything about our pasts and are just trying to survive here.”
There was still a bit of doubt lingering at the back of her mind. But Jax’s voice spoke nothing but honesty and safety, she couldn’t help but feel inclined to believe him. “You sure we’re able to do that?”
“Well, you’re going to have to control being head over heels in love with me, but I’m sure we can hide it pretty well,” he was cut off by a pillow whacking him in the face. “No please, not my pretty face!”
“That pretty face of yours won’t save you now bunny boy!” she snickered as she continued to pillow attack. “Besides, you couldn’t keep your hands to yourself in the maze! You picked me up and everything!”
“Only because you cuddled me in your sleep!” he retorted through another laugh, managing to grab her arms and pull her back onto his chest, caging her in his grasp.
Pomni tried to wriggle out and whack him again, but the warmth of his body and softness of his fur lulled her into a state of relaxation. Never mind, she would get him back later. “You’re the worst,” she muttered, “But I don’t mind.”
“Heh, I know…” he paused, taking both her cheeks in his hands again and raised her gaze to his. “Trust me, we’re gonna get out of here. And we’ll see our families again.”
Pomni nodded, a sweet smile gracing her features, “I believe you.”
Jax pressed another kiss to the centre of her face before she relaxed in his hold again.
The two paused, a low tension filled the room as they let their eyes linger on one another for a bit longer than they would like to admit. Slowly, Jax and Pomni came closer and let their lips touch ever so gently. It felt different – they weren’t human lips after all – but it was like all the kisses that they had shared before. Whether it was a chaste peck, a deep kiss when no one was looking, or a promise left on one another’s lips after a night tangled sheets, each one was filled with nothing but the tender and sweet love that they shared for each other.
They pulled away, both of them letting out a breath. Within the silence, they were sure they could hear their hearts racing a million miles per hour. Unable to hold back, the two let out a mirth-filled laugh and as they connected their lips again.
And again, and again, and again.
After a while, they settled back into the mattress, With Jax running his fingers through Pomni’s hair and over her back, making sure that this was real, that he finally had his memories back, that he finally had Penny back. She squeezed him, a silent telling for him that confirmed what he wanted to know. This was real.
“I love you,” Jax whispered into her hair.
“I love you too,” Pomni breathed back to him.
That night everything was perfect. That night the storm had finally cleared. That night, two separated spirits finally found their way back to each other. That night, they would stop at nothing until freedom was granted for them and everyone else here.
That night, Jack and Penny slept in each other’s arms.
Riley sighed as she drove down the road, taking a breath to steady her nerves. She had just come back from work after another endless and failed search for her sister and Jack. Winter was at her mother’s house with their son, it was her day off and her wife desperately needed a break. It took some convincing and promising, but Winter had eventually agreed to go.
It was a hard time for them both, but after the stress of Jack being added to her pregnancy and the birth of Percy, it hit Winter hard. But it didn’t mean that Riley wasn’t affected too. Seeing her baby sister’s face plastered on a missing poster, a constant reminder that mocked her over the fact that Penny was missing. It made Riley want to scream, cry, punch someone in the face, beg to whatever entity that was out there to return her little sister.
It wasn’t fair, Penny was innocent she didn’t deserve this.
And Jack, oh how she wished she took back everything she said about Jack. Of course she was protective over her sister but hearing Winter’s cry every night over her lost brother, it just made the guilt of saying those things to him sting so much worse.
Riley groaned, rubbing a hand over her face. What she needed was a glass of wine to calm her nerves before tackling anything else.
She was coming up to her and Winter’s house when she stopped the car as quietly as she could beside her neighbour’s house. At her front door was a man, his back was facing her so she couldn’t get a good look at his face. He seemed to be looking through the window on the door, trying to get a look through the patterned glass to see if there was anyone inside. Riley reached for her belt, unhooking some pepper spray that she had on hand. Even before she became an FBI agent, she was always well equipped with it in case anyone tried something.
When the man started to move to the windows on the side of the house did she start to intervene, hopping out the car as quietly as she could and made her way up to him. He was lucky that Winter and Percy weren’t here, otherwise it would have been a lot worse for this intruder. She snuck up behind him as he tried to peer through the windows, not noticing the fuming redhead coming up.
Before he could register the glimpse of her shadow, Riley grabbed his arm and threw him over her shoulder, sending him to the ground before pressing a foot on his stomach, making sure he didn’t get up. “Who are you? What the hell are you doing loitering around my house?!” she demanded, aiming the pepper spray at him.
The man whimpered, he looked quite young. But Riley didn’t relent, he was still an intruder after all. “I-I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” he cried, holding his hands up in surrender, “I wasn’t trying to do anything bad! I was just wanting to see if you were in!”
“Oh really?” Riley wasn’t convinced in the slightest, “Normal people don’t try to look in the windows to see if anyone’s in!”
“Wait, wait, wait!” he begged, he was trembling now, “I swear, I didn’t mean any harm! I just need your help! Please!”
Riley slightly lowered the pepper spray. She got a proper look at his face once the guy’s arms were lowered. He looked pretty young, probably starting college but the look in his eyes made him seem more youthful than he should. Guilt twinged at her, he was probably some awkward kid who didn’t know any better. She signed, putting the pepper spray away and taking her foot off, letting the young man gather himself but still kept an eye on him in case he did anything suspicious. He was still a stranger lurking around her house.
“Talk,” she said, keeping her hand on her belt.
The boy gulped, wringing his hands anxiously. “R-right,” he cleared his throat, “You’re Riley Reed right? Your younger sister is Penny Reed?”
She stiffened at her sister’s name, each muscle in her body tightening, “My last name has been all over the news since she disappeared, if it isn’t obvious enough.”
“I k-know,” the boy nodded, noticing the woman’s unease. “My name I-is Samual, Samual Abel.”
She knew that name, back when the very first case came out, “Your Kaleb and Quinn Abel’s kid, aren’t you?”
The boy’s face lit up, “Yes! I mean, yes, that’s me. Look, I know this might be hard to believe but I think I know what happened to your sister.”
Riley froze, as though a bucket of ice had landed on her head. “You…you know what happened to Penny?”
“Well, no, kind of?” Samual told her.
“Excuse me?” she groaned, “You came all this way here to tell me that you might know what happened to Penny, only for you to say that you actually don’t. You better not be wasting my time here.”
“I’m not!” he exclaimed, “I’m not, trust me! Whatever happened to your sister, I know it has something to do with C&A!”
“And why should I believe you?” she crossed her arms. “I’m not here to entertain whatever conspiracy theory you’ve got going on. You can’t dangle the promise of me being able to see my sister again and then say you have no idea what’s going on!”
“Because whatever happened to her happened to my parents!” Samual cried, “I know they wouldn’t just leave me, I know something was going on that day and whatever it is, it’s started taking other people, including your sister! I’ve just been too afraid to investigate because Jason always told me that it’s all in my head, but I don’t think it is anymore.”
Riley paused for a moment. This kid seemed to be genuine with what he was saying. He’d been dealing with this much longer than she had, his parents were the first to go. To have to bear with that type of weight and have everyone turn you away when you wanted to look for them. The way he spoke, as if he knew something was going on. What if this was really the first step to finding Penny?
“I know it sounds crazy,” Samual admitted, “But I need your help. You’re one of the only people that I can think of who can help me with something like this. Please Riley, you’ve gotta trust me with this.”
If this was true, if C&A had something to do with her little sister going missing, if Samual was really speaking the truth, then she couldn’t turn away from this. There was an internal pull, her gut screaming at her to go through with this, to take this chance, that if she chose this then she’ll find Penny and Jack.
Riley sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose between her thumb and index finger before looking back at Samual, “You better know what you’re doing.”
The kid looked like a thousand fireworks went off in his brain, jumping and fist bumping the air in complete and utter joy. “Yes! Thank you!” he cheered, going in for a hug.
“Nuh uh,” she raised a hand to stop him, “No touching.”
“Right, sorry, of course,” he apologised, “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, just glad to have someone on my side.”
“Baby steps,” Riley told him, “There’s a long road ahead of us.”
“I know, trust me, you won’t regret this,” he beamed, “We might actually find them.”
Riley hummed, “I hope so kid. I hope so.”
Hang in there, Penny, I’m coming.
End of Part 1
To Be Continued...
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fandxmslxt69 · 11 months
Writer Self-Rec Fics Ask Game
Rules: writers list your top 5 favorite fics of yours and then send this to 5 writers! :)
AH HI ROMANA <33333333333
okay this is hard cuz. cuz i dont know how I feel about most of them BUT OKAY. prepare for some rambling i guess lmao
Holidays With Them - This is a little Moon Knight drabble with all three boys. It's a sort of little list about how I envision they'd be like with a muslim!reader during holidays like Eid and Ramadan. Basically....horribly tooth-achingly sweet activities with our favourite boys during the Islamic holidays <3 I'm actually veryyy proud of this one cuz it took a lot of confidence to post it lmao. But yeah, for my muslim girlies out there who wanted a little cheer-me-up with the lack of muslim centered fanfics <3 and for. um. educational purposes.
Friendzoned - A little harmless prank on Jason ends up in a bit of angst and some mind blowing sex. AHAHAH so this was the first (and currently only) DC smut I've written. It's the first request I got and actually...I love it. I mean like, it's Jason Todd, it's possessive smut it's hot...how could you say no to hot sex with Jason Todd? Maybe I'll like. have time to write more for him cuz...cuz I love him a lot.
Royal Pleasures - After an awkward (and slightly upsetting) encounter with Loki at one of Tony's parties, he comes to make it up to you (he can;t communicate his feelings, he has a um sex dream and well. Yknow he's horny, he's Loki, you can't say no its LOKI.) OKAY this was the first um Loki smut I had ever written and it's special to me because its like a Royal AU and...it's special cuz..cuz I worked hard on it (Atlas did too yes) um...and it's got pretty decent amount of interactions (wish there were more) but yknow its LGG certified (its not, she simply reblogged it and I still think about it to this day feels like I got celebrity recognition omfg @lokisgoodgirl I love you dearly.) anyway yeah it's Loki sex. Loki. mmmm Loki...
Lesson Not Learnt - More Loki smut. Innocent flirting with your friend Matt puts Loki in a bit of a....teaching mood. AHHHHH THIS WAS SO. FUCKING self indulgent I went APESHIT with this thing like the idea ate at me for WEEKS and its. probably SO UNHINGED but like. idc. Its hot (in my opinion) like wow. MMMMMM.
5. Anything For You Here For You - Putting these two together cuz in my mind they're like. "in the same world" I guess. LITTLE COMFORT THINGS WITH JAKE <33 Purely fluffy cuz it's Jake and I LOOOOOVE him and I was feeling rather shitty around those times and they just <3 yeah. Jake <3333
it also showed me that. I need to write a bit more other than. Loki smut. And...I need MK smut. I will ring my editor immediately about this problem lmao
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theresawritesstuff · 1 year
How about this one randomly chosen from "Awkward First Meetings AUs" list just added to sherlollylists:
“I’ve never talked to you before but the teacher just used us as an example for a scenario where we are married.”
“I needed a drink of water after my shower but I forgot that I opened the blinds to my balcony and you just saw me walk into my kitchen naked.”
Oh these are so fun! Thanks for the prompt! ❤️
Sherlock sipped his cup of stale coffee and scrolled through his texts as he lounged against the wall towards the back of the room, looking for anything worth his attention while Lestrade fumbled his way through the mandatory workplace conduct seminar HR had ordered for everyone working with Scotland Yard.
And apparently that meant everyone. Himself included.
God only knows why.
He barely talked to Lestrade when working a case, let alone any of his underlings. He certainly wasn't going to waste time with–what were they talking about now?
He glanced up briefly.
Ah yes, interoffice romance.
A fool's game if there ever was one.
"But what if they're married?" Anderson piped up, raising his hand.
Anderson, really. Shut up.
"Now that actually raises a good point," Lestrade said, glancing at the representative from HR.
"Well, um…Sherlock, get down here."
Sherlock looked up. "Hm?"
"Just come over here."
Feeling the expectant eyes around the room fall on him, Sherlock put away his phone and came to the front of the room.
"Right. So let's say Sherlock here was married to…Molly! Would you mind?"
"Wassthatnow?" a petite brunette jerked herself awake from the desk she'd been dosing on.
"Just a quick demonstration," Lestrade assured her.
"Oh. Okay sure. Sorry…"
Sherlock eyed her curiously as she came to stand beside him.
Working the graveyard shift. 
Callous on her right hand likely from the use of a scalpel. 
Practical shoes. Hair swept back. Tidy. 
Layered jumper despite it being summer. Working in a cooler environment. 
"Right, so let's say Sherlock and Molly here are married and working on a case together. Maybe they have some downtime while they're waiting for some analysis or other to finish up."
She let out a squeak as Lestrade ushered her next to Sherlock, stumbling slightly. 
"Oh! Um…hi. I'm Molly. I guess I'm your wife," she greeted shyly with a chipper smile.
Christ she was tiny. Elfen even.
The harsh fluorescents were doing those wide brown eyes of hers no favors, though he suspected they'd be rather captivating in the sun or perhaps under candlelight…
He blinked the thought away.
"Sherlock," he introduced.
"So obviously these two snogging in the supply closet would still be frowned upon," Lestrade went on, earning a chuckle from the room. "But in this scenario if they wanted to, I dunno, hold hands."
Molly looked up at him in question with those wide eyes of hers, prompting him to awkwardly take her hand.
Nimble fingers entwined with his, squeezing lightly in reassurance. 
It was a surprisingly comforting gesture.
He felt a smile tug at the corner of his mouth.
"That would be okay, yeah?" Lestrade asked the room. "Or if Sherlock wanted to pay his wife a compliment, as long as it was still workplace appropriate…"
Sherlock felt his mouth go dry, looking down at her, his usually lightning quick brain stuttering on the uptake.
It wasn't that there wasn't anything to compliment, but rather too much to choose from.
"Um…your hair looks nice today, darling."
Molly's smile grew, her cheeks tinging the subtlest shade of pink. "Thank you."
Were his palms sweating? He couldn't recall that ever being an affliction of his but he was suddenly vary aware of the possibility…
Lestrade clapped his hands together loudly, unknowingly pulling Sherlock out of his brief mental spiral. "Right. Okay. Does that help? Basically if you're an already established couple and you've cleared everything with HR, keep it G rated and you'll be fine. Otherwise just keep your thoughts and extremities to yourself. Does that about sum it up?"
The representative from HR checked her clipboard. "Yeah alright, good enough. I need to pick my kid up from rugby practice."
"Alright. Good. You're all dismissed," Lestrade said, barely masking his relief.
Sherlock realized he was still holding Molly's hand and let go abruptly, clearing his throat.
"So, um…what is it you do Sherlock?" she asked conversationally as she gathered her things.
"Consulting detective."
He gulped down a swig from his cup, making a face as he tossed the rest.
She smiled sympathetically at his display of disgust. "I know a place up the block that's got better coffee. I-if you want. I wasn't trying to make a pass at you. I just meant–"
"Better coffee sounds terrific actually," he replied. "And if my wife recommends it, I should probably give it a chance, right?"
"Only if you want to stay married," she quipped.
He found himself smiling at the joke. "Care to join me?"
She smiled brightly, shouldering her bag and something in his stomach flipped, leaving him feeling oddly… fuzzy. 
"Sure. I'd love that."
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kakushigotofanclub · 17 hours
Can I ask you about your wips? I'm curious
Oh boy you're so going to regret asking me this but THANK YOU SO MUCH I have been DYING to babble about all my wips
Enjoy this weirdly organized and non-exhaustive "list"
The big one is Burning Bridges, which I have a whopping 25,000+ words written for already. Here's the summary:
After Muzan is defeated, Inosuke doesn’t know what to do with himself, feeling unable to either adapt to his new life or return to his old one. Restless and frustrated, when he comes across a chance to go back to demon slaying, he can’t refuse. But getting stuck in an alternate timeline in which Tanjiro became the Demon King was not exactly what Inosuke had in mind.
But, uh. I really don't know if I'm ever going to finish and post it, and tbh the main reason is kind of petty lol...like, a couple years ago I used to get tons of comments on ao3 and lately I just barely get any feedback anymore. I kinda don't want to post anything I've worked really hard on to avoid getting my feelings hurt. I'd be happy to talk about it, though, if anyone's interested.
Another multi-chapter fic I will never post but would love to ramble about is A Couple of Bad Ideas and a Shot in the Dark, which is a KnY rewrite that takes place in the MHA universe. Although, this one is abandoned because I got too invested in a side-plot and literally forgot what I was actually going to do with the story.
I've also got one called Smother, which I do fully intend on finishing and posting someday! I don't have an official summary for it but it's about Obanai living with the Rengokus right after he was rescued. Here's a piece from the scene where Kyojuro and Obanai meet for the first time:
“Hi! Why are your eyes two different colors? Where did you get your pet snake? Are snakes your favorite animal? My favorite animal is a cat. Or maybe a dog. Or an owl. I don't know, I can't pick! How old are you? I'm eleven years and five months and two weeks and six days old, which means I’m almost eleven and a half. What's your snake's name? Oh, and what's your name? My name is Rengoku Kyojuro. Do you have any-" "Kyojuro." The man who saved Obanai glared at a person that looked exactly like him except smaller and way more annoying. “Give it a rest. I don’t think he’s in the mood for making friends right now. Just shut up.”
I have another fic about Obanai and the Rengokus—modern au, no summary but I think the plot can be summed up in this excerpt and the fact that I headcanon Obanai with ARFID:
“No! I said I was going to take her to her favorite restaurant,” Obanai exhaled sharply. “So I’m going to take her to her favorite restaurant.” He hesitated, gaze cast downwards. “That’s why I’m here. I wanted your…help.” “Of course!” Kyojuro exclaimed enthusiastically. “With what, exactly?” Obanai crossed his arms, refusing to meet eyes with Kyojuro. His face was red and he mumbled his next words: “I have to be able to eat food from there without gagging or freaking out by next week.”
Then my reincarnation AU called Da Capo Al Fine, which I've posted a few excerpts from before—basically, everyone reincarnates a hundred years later and Tanjiro and Giyuu are the only ones who remember their past lives. Honestly this one I feel like would just be a pain to actually write the whole fic the way I have it in my head lol. I might write one-shots for it, though, idk.
That's. Not everything but I think I've probably talked for long enough now 😅
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tennessoui · 1 year
I had my evening unexpectedly free, so I present:
My top ten tennessoui au’s of 2022 (specifically the small ones/ones that don’t have fics)
Gone, but not forgotten 😔🙏 (/j)
(10) - Playmaker au (this is only so far up bcs it has a a lil christmas ficlet and gets updated/posted about frequently)
(9) - Freudian slip au (it has a fic BUT IT ISNT TALKED ABOUT ENOUGH!!! I LOVE IT SM!!!!)
(8) - cheating au (ONE OF MY FAVES!!!! gets posted about a lot tho so it’s high up the list)
(7) - pool boy au (i feel like everyone forgot about this one BUT I DIDN’T!!!)
(6) - remedial mechanics au (this one slips my mind every so often but then I get the joy of rediscovering it)
(5) - pirates of the caribbean au (this was literally my life line at one point I’m not even joking. it’s not my favourite anymore, but it’s close to my heart fr)
(4) bartender au/when all we have are shadows (MY LIGHT!!! MY LOVE!!! MY EVERYTHING!!!!!)
(3) - professor can fvck me au (I ALMOST FORGOT THIS ONE BUT ITS ACTUALLY THE BEST)
honourable mentions:
- that one actors au that im pretty sure I dreamt???? they’re fake dating but actually real dating and it’s a whole thing and it made me giggle and kick my feet n shi 🤭
- haunted house fic from like 2 years ago?? was that real???? or am i crazy???
also literally all of ur au’s omg they all make me 🥹😍😞🤩😭🥵😱🤭
LOL omg thank you so much for this
(playmaker au)(freudian slip au)(cheating au)(pool boy au)(remedial mechanics au)(pirates of the caribbean au--squick tag: a/b/o)(bartender au)(professor can fuck me au)(twilight au)(bodyguard au)
(honorable mentions: costars au, haunted house au)
i literally adore asks like this because i have so many aus and stories but when people tell me a list of their favorites im like ooooh ok i think i can see the sort of dynamic you like the most (at least in my writing) based on the things most of these aus have in common for example most of these feature a gruff, rough around the edges obi-wan --probably tattooed-- coupled with an earnest, pretty boy anakin who obi-wan is a tad unreasonable about. one of them is really into their age difference and the potential power dynamics there. it's probably anakin, but obi-wan is gonna get a lot of pleasure out of it too
this is sooooo valid we love a toppy obi-wan who wants to pinch at the bridge of his nose in frustration until his partner slips onto his lap and kisses away his worry lines even though he tries to remain grouchy etc etc
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armpirate · 1 year
Tumblr media
Pairings: tattoist!jk x fem!reader
Genre: smut, angst, friends to lovers, tattoo au, virgin reader.
Summary: They say there are two versions for every story, and it's important to hear both of them. Everybody is hearing your side of the story, but it's just fair to get to know his.
After breaking up with his girlfriend, the only thing he wanted was to have fun with no attachment. You wanted to get rid of your virginity, and he wanted to tick you off his list. What he didn't expect was getting so emotionally attached to you that he would regret the deal.
Previous || Next
First thing I do when I'm done with one of the customers is drive to Tae's pub to hang out with him and Jimin. I have been meeting Tae quite frequently these two weeks, but it's been impossible to hang out with Jimin at all.
I get it though. Out of the three of us, he's the only one who's still in a committed relationship. I used to be like him when I dated Leslie. I even stopped hanging out as much with Tae because of her -even after we both came from Korea together, because neither of us knew what we would do without the other. And probably that was one of the reasons why he never really liked Leslie that much -he almost threw a party when he got to know we both broke up, and almost fought her when he learned that she cheated on me.
—Hey, cutie —Brooke greets me with a malicious smile.
—Hey —I greet her, eyes fixed at one of the tables in the middle of the pub—. Give me a coke, please.
I don't really wait for her to say she got the command. I make my way to their table, although I regret it the exact moment they lay their eyes on me.
—Oh, look who dared to come after thirty minutes —Tae jokes.
—Yeah, all the whining, just for you to be late —Jimin complains.
—Don't get me started —I lift my finger at him—, when you're the one who has been standing us up continuously.
—Says the one who forgot he had friends for five years —Jimin looks at me with one of his eyebrows raised.
—Wait, that's right —Tae looks at me—. Why am I even hanging out with you?
I roll my eyes when they both team up to come against me. They always do this, it doesn't matter what the context is, I'm always the one on the losing team.
—How's Nori doing? —I ask, trying to stop the joke before we three actually get worked up on it.
—Fine —Jimin shrugs—. We barely had any free time with the whole moving thing.
—Will you throw a party at the new place? —Tae asks.
—What's this obsession with parties? —Jimin squints his eyes at him.
While they are about to start an argument between them, I feel my phone shake in the front pocket of my jeans. I bite my lip, playing with my lip ring, as I try to hold back a smile when I see her text.
Cocktease: Tam won't be here today
Cocktease: Just in case you want to put my observing skills to test after you're done with your customer.
Me: I probably will finish late today
—Cocktease? —Brooke gets my attention— Do you really have someone saved that way?
—It's no one —I lock the screen—. Thanks —I dryly say, moving the iced drink closer to me.
Brooke seems to get I don't want to talk about it, nor find her question funny, because she leaves without saying a word. I know she meant no wrong with that question, but thanks to her now I have Jimin and Tae looking at me, and probably waiting to see who will be the first one to start the interrogatory.
—Who the fuck is "Cocktease"? —Tae frowns at me.
—And why haven't you talked about her with us?
—Her? It could be a man —I give a sip to my drink after I mention that.
—Kook —Jimin snorts—. Come on. Who is she?
—She's no one —but I know they won't let it go.
But of course, that still doesn't convince them, and that's why I end up giving in and giving them the vaguest explanation.
—She's someone I met.
—No, fuck off —Tae huffs—. You can't be this big of an asshole to have her saved as "Cocktease" because you don't remember her name. Poor girl.
I sigh in relief when he mentions that, and Jimin just seconds his words, both of them scolding me for my attitude towards all the random girls I meet and hook up with. But, of course, all their ranting is for nothing because I disconnect long before they're able to start.
On that message she seemed pissed off. And while I can't blame her, I think it's a good idea she takes a look around her into the real world -by what Tam told us, Y/n doesn't really seem the type that has lived her life to the fullest. Proved during Melanie's birthday and our drinking games, and confirmed when she threw her hands at her head when I suggested having sex when we met. Well, that's one of the reasons why I barely met with her with the excuse of making her watch over people every night. The other being I probably won't be able to hold back if we get to the other part of our deal.
It took me my biggest effort and self control to stop the kiss before it got too much the other night, I'm sure I'll fuck it up somehow if we decide to go further.
My phone shakes in my hand again. And while I first think it could be Y/n again, I see it's Mark -and I don't even bother to open the chat when I read his text.
Inlaw: Don't bother to come back. Your client canceled, because he regretted the idea last minute. Take some rest.
If I actually thought today would be a bad day...
I take a sip of my drink, before I stand up again and start walking to the door.
—Are you leaving? —Tae asks from afar.
—After the show you two did to get me to come? —I hear Jimin complaining.
—I'll invite you to dinner next time we meet. I promise.
Those are the last words I dedicate to them, before I leave the pub and head to my motorbike -which is, as usual, parked at one side of the main door. And just like I did at Tae's pub, I do the same in the bar she works at, leaving the motorbike at one side of the entrance before I place the stand and hop off.
Before I enter, I see her. She's looking good despite wearing the most normal and basic clothes -she's just wearing a black t-shirt and a small apron surrounding her hips. But soon I'm aware that her serious expression isn't only due to tiredness, when I look a bit better and find a man looking at her up and down while she's just working.
—Don't play hard to get —I overhear after I enter the establishment and get closer to them—. You've been looking at me all night.
I see her tilting her head while her back is still facing him, and she taps on the long lower fridge with her fingers, as if she were trying to control herself.
—May I have a beer? —I interrupt them.
After seeing the relief tinting her eyes, I look at the old man from head to toe. I could knock him out with no effort if I wanted to, and it seems like he also knows I could, because he turns around and leaves us alone before I can even add myself into the conversation.
—You didn't have to do it —she serves me the cold beer.
—Do what? —I frown— I only asked for a beer.
—Your puffed chest says otherwise —she points to that part.
When she does that, I'm fully conscious my chest is a bit higher than usual and my back is tense. Tilting my head while smiling, after I know I used that body posture to intimidate him, I relax and go back to my natural state.
—He isn't the first one —she assures me—, and he won't be the last. There are, at least, four assholes like him every night —she looks at her invisible clock—. Actually, this is the time they start showing up —Y/n supports herself on the counter—. You told me you wouldn't come.
—The customer canceled at the last minute —I sip on my jar—. Have you done what I told you?
The way she squints her eyes and looks around, gives away that she did actually spend some time looking around. But I'm not sure whether she's actually looked into people and their body languages, or if she just stood here and looked at everyone like a security guard at the mall.
Y/n finally nods, and she bends closer to me, supporting the weight of her body on her two elbows resting on the counter.
—Will you make me watch people as if I were Kevin Carter? —she raises an eyebrow— I thought you were going to help me.
Kevin Carter... Who the fuck is that?
—You didn't see anything that could be of help? —I mirror her, raising one of my eyebrows as I try to mock her— Examples of what you should do and what you shouldn't do. Some dudes' expression when they want to run away from a girl?
I'm not saying this is the only way to learn, but it's definitely the best way to get a visual indicator of what you should do or not, without you actually being the one doing shit.
I turn on my stool, just to turn back to her a few seconds after when I spot a girl that reminds me of the scene she pulled with Seokwoo back at the party. She's desperately trying to keep the conversation going, while he's just looking for a safe and fast escape from there.
—She is you.
While the brunette insists on getting closer, the blond male looks at her, takes a sip of his drink and looks around him fast. And he repeats the same cycle a few more times until he's finally able to walk away.
—We're simple —her eyes go back to me—. We don't want to know everything about you the moment we meet —I sip on my drink—. And the male nature is... primitive. We like to believe we're in control of the whole thing, even if it's not true. A girl that speaks too much and leads the conversation? She's out 99% of the time. She reeks of desperation.
—What about the other 1%?
—She's an eleven out of ten, the dude is way too drunk, the dude is even more desperate than her —I start counting with my fingers.
—That's offensive.
—You started your words-vomit with my cousin. You didn't seem desperate, but you seemed nervous and insecure. And you proved it even more when you ran away right after. Result? You ended up upstairs alone.
And actually... Thank god she ended up upstairs alone.
—We are assholes. And we want what we think it's difficult to get —I shrug—. If you play hard to get, keep stuff to yourself, tease a bit, and act unpredictable... any man will be after you. Whether it's on Tinder, a friend of a friend, or even that guy that's almost going to pass out over there —I point with my head to a long haired guy almost falling from the edge of the counter.
—Ohh so you're into girls like that? —that's the only conclusion she gets from everything I've said.
—Yup —I look at her, tilting my head—. That's why I like you.
✸ ✸ ✸
Even if I could've left long ago, I still stayed to keep her company the rest of her shift. And I also stay to help her pick everything up after she closes.
—You can go —she tells me, as she walks to where I'm standing—. Thank you for the lesson.
—I'll take you home —behind the counter, I'm still placing the glasses inside the dishwasher.
—It's alright.
—I said I'll take you home —I insist, without looking at her.
And probably it sounds rougher than I intended to. I didn't pretend to sound like I was forcing her to go with me, but I don't think she should be going home alone this late, when I can easily drop her off anywhere.
After we're done inside, we walk to my motorbike. I hop on it first, waiting for Y/n to get on it after me and wrap her arms around me. But that never happens. When I turn to her, and try to look over my shoulder, I see her smirking as she holds onto the bars on the sides of the seat.
Grinning at that image, seeing her upper body slightly lifted up because of her arched back in that position, I take off the stand and make the engine roar.
—It's up to you.
She doesn't move an inch while we go straight on the road, and I actually have no reason to turn right yet, but she's begging to be teased right now. I turn abruptly, feeling her arms instantly wrap around my body, followed by a short scream as she sticks her body to mine.
Something that should've been used to tease her, ended up playing against me. Because the feeling of her fast heartbeat and her tits pressing on my back is clouding my mind with the filthiest scenarios.
Everything I've been trying to avoid these weeks goes to hell as soon as I feel her closer than I should for three minutes.
She stands next to the motorbike when we arrive to her place, but before she's able to say goodbye -and before I can think it better-, I drop the question:
—Can I go up to your place?
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gas-station-chai · 1 year
Tony Vargas Vs the World
So @multi-lefaiye and I have been cultivating another AU. Mashed TFTGS with Scott Pilgrim VS the World and got this beautiful Jantonio-centered mess :3 (with Tony as Scott Pilgrim and Jack as Ramona Flowers)
First evil Ex: Karl Thomas:
Jack’s first ex is the one who’s super easy to defeat (like a mini-boss) so he doesn’t really matter. I’ll make him Jack’s first stalker from vol 2, Karl Thomas (the guy who had a shrine of jack and his missing socks and hair clippings in his trailer). Jack and he dated for like a week or two in middle school, but Jack interpreted “you’re my partner now!” for “let’s pair up on this project” and didn’t realize Karl’s intentions until the project was over and he kept hanging around him. Karl's still stalking him in this au too and Tony ‘defeats’ him easily in battle… with a gun (/hj)
Second evil Ex: Benji:
Next ex on the list is Benji! “Jack, what the hell! This guy’s huge!!” “What can I say? I like guys that are bigger than me.” “Everyone is bigger than you!” “Haha yeah” (Battle ideas: Hunting? Either each other or things in the forest. Or hunting each other in the forest)
Third "evil" Ex: Rosa Vasquez:
Third ex is Rosa <8 “Hi, Jack!” Rosa waves excitedly at Jack, who waves back with a friendly smile.  Tony: “Oh, what? She doesn’t seem so bad, why’s she on your ‘evil ex’ list?” Jack: “Yeah, Rosa’s not so bad. We still hang out once in a while! The weird, Dark God possessing her, on the other hand…” Tony: “The wha--” Tony’s interrupted by the giant tree root hand that snatches him up and drags him into a fight with the now possessed!Rosa
Fourth and Fifth evil Exs: Brick Roscoe x2 (Xavier’s idea <8)
Jack dated one of the brick roscoes for a few months, probably shortly before Jack left for college. He never actually found out that there were two of them and that they were identical twins until much later, because neither of them ever said anything. basically they both just kinda gaslighted jack for a while and each dated him while he thought he only had one boyfriend. he broke things off with both of them when he found out (which happened when the bricks messed up and forgot to coordinate their schedules so they'd never both be in the room with jack at the same time. offering him a threesome did not make him feel better about the whole thing.) In terms of the battle, I think playing up the identical twin thing would be fun. probably a bit predictable, but y'know.
Tony: oh god which one do i fucking shoot Jack: SHOOT THEM BOTH
i think a fun tie-in with this would be like. early in jack and Tony's relationship, Jack asks him if he has a twin, and Tony says no, and Jack says "oh thank god."
Tony: Why'd you ask?? Jack: Uh. don't worry about it.
Sixth evil Ex: Jerry Pascal
6th ex is Jerry :D They dated in college and Jack really liked him until he started getting interested in this new cult that started warping his mind. Jack had to break things off when Jerry wouldn’t stop insisting on him joining so they could “put a stop to all the world’s suffering together,” whatever that meant. (battle idea: battle of wits? Tony thinks it’ll be a piece of cake because this guy acts dumber than a rock. Ends up getting his ass kicked kahoot style)
Seventh evil Ex: Spencer (Fucking) Middleton
7th evil ex is the one and only Spencer Middleton! Jack’s most recent (and most evil) ex of them all. Jack won’t even talk about why they broke up, so Tony assumes it’s really bad. He does tell him that it was his most recent breakup, though, and they’d been dating for a few years after meeting at one of his part time jobs. Spencer's probably the one who orchestrated the whole "League of Evil Exes" thing just to piss off Jack and make his (dating) life a living hell. (Battle idea: fistfight!!!)
feel free (please do) drop suggestions for how jack met/broke up with other exes (or any other trivia you'd wanna add)
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fruitdragon1a · 1 year
Two questions for the fanfic writer ask game!
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
Thanks so much for asking!
Okay, so my answer turned out to be really long, so I'm just gonna stuff it all under a cut. Also, second question first, cuz that's always fun.
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
The answer? Lots. I read a lot of fanfic (I'm a fast reader :) and I struggle with picking a favorite amongst things like books, movies, and fanfic. So, here's a (hopefully I can keep this) small list of awesome fanfics for both Amphibia and The Owl House that I absolutely recommend. Btw these are not in preferential order or anything, just a simple list.
(Some of the) Fanfics I recommend:
A Witch in Wartwood by @discet. And, of course, I have to include the sequel An Alchemist Abroad.
A Valeween Night To Remember by QuirkQuartz on Ao3. Just amazing worldbuilding and writing
Of course, I had to include this one: Let's Get Some Strings on You by @runemyth0 (It was just so well-written and captivating, what can I say?)
this will be our last dance by @kaseyskat- truly a wonderful story, I've reread this like three times now, and every single time I come close to tears.
Lost and Found by @themissakat- one of the first fics I read on Ao3, and I loved every second of it.
Literally my first fic ever in either fandom and one I still follow to this day- The Owl and The Frog by ChampionElCid.
The Days Ahead by GeminiAlchemist: just all-around amazing, a good ending to a bad end AU, and well-written to boot.
77Xfire's The Fourth Light: One of the best crossover fics I've ever read.
Return to Amphibia by @thenightslayers-musings: an amazing fic about the aftermath of Amphibia, and what would happen if the girls managed to make it back.
Message in a Bottle by BSChocolatte is amazing, really moving, everything. I have no words.
in the glow of the vending machine by Anonymous- I just really love this one, I spent like an hour trying to find it after the first time I read it and forgot to bookmark it
Medicated by @silly-sketchy, @opin88 (official Tumblr account is @medicated-au): it's just awesome, so well-developed and thought through.
(Some of the) Fanfic authors I recommend (sorry there aren't any words to go with the rec):
Discet @discet
runemyth0 @runemyth0 (Hi!)
kaseyskat @kaseyskat
Missakat @themissakat
Thenightslayer @thenightslayers-musings
kfaerie @kfae
ghostadventurespiritorb (marcylore) @marcylore
nosferatank @banyanas
Lollytea @lollytea
fictitiousregrets @bardicspiration
Dragonlovinggirl6 @silly-sketchy
Opin88 @opin88
And there's actually more, but that's literally all I can think of right now. Maybe I went a bit overboard, but you know what? It's all nice things anyway, so I kind of hope this makes some people happy.
❤️ What is your favorite line that you've written in a fic?
Okay, well, this was a really tough one. So tough that I had to go through like half my fic to find lines I loved enough to call them my favorites. In the end, the win goes to three lines- more like a tie, then? Anyway, after a small warning of very minor spoilers for later chapters-
Luz gasped in delight. "Backstory..." she whispered almost reverently. (Chapter 7) I just love this line because I feel like it really fits Luz as a character, plus it's just a really fun callback (or shoutout cuz it never really happened in this AU?) to Canon!Luz and literally every time she says she loves backstories.
Anne shrugged. "I don't question the strange laws of Amphibia." "Don't worry, I'll question them for you," Marcy said, already lost in thought. (Chapter 12) This is undoubtedly one of my favorite lines. It just encompasses the Marcy and Anne dynamic I'm trying to go for, not to mention it emphasizes their friendship? Man, I'm taking this way too seriously, I just really love this line. I debated separating them but they're definitely better together.
He scoffed, finally working his hands free of the rope bindings. “Whatever. Don’t listen to me. Who cares.” Give it two weeks and I’ll be out of here. (Chapter 16) Okay, so this chapter hasn't actually been published at the time of answering this question, lol. But I love this line so much I just had to include it, so here you go. Technically spoilers, but makes like no sense without context, so *shrug*
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coffy-cat27 · 9 months
Thanks In Advance (seongjoong flower shop au)
Everyone who's close with Seonghwa knows how the man loves flowers, which isn't weird now that he opened his own flower shop.
But never in a million years did he expect someone to ask such a weird request.
Note: English is not my main language, so I apologize for any grammatical errors.
"Thank you, please come again!" The bell above the door dinged as the customer walked out. Seonghwa sighed as he still have orders needs to be done by Valentine's day, that's two days away.
He had opened his flower shop, "Utopia", several years back, right after his degree. At first, he only had some elders coming in to see the flowers but over time, the words spread. More people come in to buy flowers for their parents, lovers, or funeral.
But that doesn't help the fan girls he got over the years,asking whether he's single or if they could take him on a date. He couldn't bring himself to reject them directly so he made excuses;
Sorry, I have a grocery run later and this week is full of orders,
Sorry, my friends stole my ps4 and I need to take it later,
Sorry, I need to take my fish on a walk,
He prayed for the day he could drive all of them away without being a heartbreaker.
Seonghwa was making the last order for the day; a bouquet for their mother's birthday. He was about to wrap the flowers when the bell rang loudly and the counter was slammed. He was about to cuss the fuck out of the person when they asked;
"How do I passive-aggresively say fuck you in flowers?"
Seonghwa looked up in confusion. The man, a bit shorter than him by several inches, in a biker's jacket with sand coloured mullets haircut and a golden frame glasses perched on his nose. If Seonghwa said he's not attracted to him then he's a big ass liar that Wooyoung and Yeosang will always bring it up to his deathbed.
The man looked at Seonghwa with determination as if he knew how to solve his problem. Seonghwa cleared his throat;
Okay, Seonghwa focus. Don't lose your shit over some godly good looking man.
"Hey, I'm sorry if it's a big request and it's almost your closing time but you're the only one opened right now so," he explained while taking a step back, wondering if he had overstepped any boundaries.
"No, just one sec," Seonghwa wrapped the forgotten flower bouquet and put it aside, the customer will take it tomorrow. "Now, you said you wanted to say fuck you in flowers?"
He leaned forward, interested in why would someone asked such flowers. It's so petty that he needs the backstory.
"Well, my asshole of an ex asked to get back together with me when I already caught him cheating for God knows how many," he placed his hand on the counter, face scrunched in disgust.
Seonghwa would sympathize with him, but seriously, that guy deserve nothing other than worse things to happen on him for breaking this cute guy in front of him.
Wait cute??
Seonghwa's cheeks heated up a bit with that thought and internally slapped himself. "Actually, you can say fuck you in flowers, but I just need to make sure, does he even know flowers languages? Like, what certain flowers mean and what goes well to reciprocate it?" He needs to make sure or all of this will give to waste.
"Oh, yeah. He majored in agriculture back then and too invested in flowers. So if he doesn't know the meaning then I guess he's a fat ass liar."
Good, he could work with that.
"So, do you wanna know which flower means which? I mean, it could be for your future reference."
Seonghwa why are you offering such things??
The man smiled, oh my does his stomach does a full acrobatics acts. "Sure! And oh, I forgot I haven't introduced myself," - he reached out a hand, - "Kim Hongjoong." Seonghwa hold out his hand, "Park Seonghwa."
"So, geranium for stupidity, foxglove insincerity, meadowsweet as in uselessness, yellow carnation disappointed and orange lilies for hatred," Hongjoong listed out one by one the flowers Seonghwa had showed him.
The bouquet itself kinda petty but hey, he wanted nothing more to do with that asshole.
"Yes! That's cool you managed to memorize these flowers quickly," Seonghwa placed all the flowers carefully on the wrapping paper. "You know, how about you bought him a cake, his favorite cake and boldly written fuck you on top of it?"
Petty Seonghwa is a Seonghwa you don't want to mess with.
"Oh God, I love that. Wait, let me called San. His bakery should be closed by 10," Hongjoong took out his phone and dialed the number.
"Wait, you know San? As in Choi San the baker who kick asses on the weekends? Son of the Choi family that owns a taekwondo studio?" Seonghwa stopped his hands from arranging the flowers, looking at Hongjoong as if he grew a second head.
"Yeah, I knew him during college, he's in culinary while I'm in music but we share a few classes together." He placed the phone on his ears and make a quick order. Then he ended the call when they heard some screaming at the end of line.
"Don't worry, he's not dead. Mingi and Yunho was trying to make the highest chairs stack to which one of it almost fell on them."
Seonghwa snorted at that. Mingi and Yunho has always been known as the local troublemakers. Then a realization set in, "Wait, if you know San, Mingi and Yunho, how come I've never heard of you?"
San loves to share stories while Mingi and Yunho can't never shut up if there's something interesting. So for them not telling Seonghwa about this man, there must be something they're hiding.
"San had known me since college. Mingi was featured in several of my tracks and Yunho made a choreography for some of my tracks recently." Hongjoong placed his phone in his pocket, "So it's normal for you to not heard of me before cuz we are fairly new to each other, besides, I just moved somewhere near recently."
That explains a lot.
"Wait, tracks? Are a singer or something?" Seonghwa was ready to run if it's some uprising singer in front of him right now.
Hongjoong laughed, "No, no, just some underground rapper and my main job is a producer."
"Oh...okay. I was scared for no reason."
They laughed at his demeanor. "So, when can I pick up the flowers?" Hongjoong swiftly took out his wallet.
"As early as tomorrow, as late as Valentine's."
"Oh? Closed during Valentine's. Do you have a date?"
Seonghwa placed the foxglove at the sides for the bouquet when he sighed. "No, the last person I dated said I was 'too much' or 'clingy', which might be true but still, it doesn't hurt less."
Oh how he doesn't want to remember the one that gave him too much hopes and dreams then left him burning, like Icarus to the Sun.
"Oh shit, I shouldn't have asked. I'm sorry, please don't cry," a hand wiped his cheek. Seonghwa hadn't realized when did he cried but when he does, he can't really stop.
"S-sorry, it's just that, whenever I thought about him, it's always a bad memory and I couldn't remember if there was any happy memories with him." Seonghwa broke down even more. He's usually not like this but somehow he felt like he could be fragile around Hongjoong.
As if he could catch Seonghwa before he fell to deep.
"Hey, no need to apologize. You feel what you feel. I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked that. That was insensitive of me," Hongjoong continued wiping his tears.
"It's fine, I wasn't expecting be crying like this when those shits happened years ago," he snickered. He hates how he always deep in the feels. The crying had died down a bit. "Sorry but, where were we at?"
"Wait, now I don't remember anything before I asked about your date and you broke down-" Hongjoong stunned at his feet, trying to remember.
"Oh, right. The payment and pick-up time."
"Ah, right."
Once the payment was done, Hongjoong slipped a paper on the counter. "If you ever wanna talk about something random, you can call or text me. I like talking to you."
Seonghwa really hoped that the pink on Hongjoong's cheeks were illusions his eyes playing.
"I might only talk about Lego's, Star Wars and random romcoms. You sure about this?" He gave a questioning look. "I don't want you to regret it later."
Hongjoong smiled, genuinely, "Yes, I've never been certain like this before beside the time I was choosing music and art as my majors."
Seonghwa smiled, "Then, I'll text you later."
After saying their partings, Hongjoong was about to leave when he remembered, "Hey, you said I could take the flowers on Valentine's, and you don't have a date, right?"
Seonghwa nodded.
"Then, after I send off those flowers, I'll pick you up for a date. How's that sound?"
Seonghwa blushed profusely. The cute guy asking him on a date after saying 'fuck you' to his ex lover on Valentine's.
"Sure, I only opened from 6 to 10 on Valentine's morning, the rest of the day is free." Hongjoong grinned at that, "Well, it's set then."
He closed the door and the bell dinged. Valentine's in two days and Seonghwa just wished the day would come by quick.
It did come by quickly. He was watering some of the flowers outside his shop when he heard some running.
Well, not running exactly.
Hongjoong stopped besides him, one hand holding a box, possibly the cake, smiling blindly and all Seonghwa wanted to do is squish those cheeks and kiss him.
Okay, maybe the kissing is too fast but he really wanted to squish those cheeks.
"Hongjoong, you're early," he calmly said even when his brain is on overdrive of how cute this small man in front of him.
"Just wanna pick up the flowers and take you out quick," Hongjoong shrugged. "Do you have any place in mind for our date later?"
The raven head thinks for a moment. "Nope, nothing comes in mind." He invites Hongjoong inside the shop, placing the watering tin on the counter and picks the bouquet he done last night.
"Here, the flowers, and how about you surprise me for the date?" Seonghwa smiled, tilting his head to the side a bit.
Hongjoong grinned, "Well, you're up for a ride then."
All Seonghwa remember was a peck on his cheek and the bell ringing as the sandy haired man ran out, saying something he couldn't care about.
The bell rang for the nth time, Seonghwa sighed as he got up, he's gonna lock that door for good.
"I'm sorry but I'm not interested in you if you're thinking on a date for today."
"Ah, but I thought we already planned one?"
Seonghwa looked up quickly, the crack on his neck might concerns him another time, but not now when he sees the sandy mullet and the black biker jacket.
"Hongjoong..." The said man chuckled.
"I'm taking it as there's a lot of your fangirls asking you out, yeah?"
He took slow steps towards the smaller man, and pulls him into a crushing hug.
Hongjoong patted his back, laughing slightly. "Tired, aren't ya?"
The raven head nodded on his shoulder.
"C'mon, I bought two sets of flower Lego. Thought that might be realizing for you?"
Seonghwa looks at him with excitement. Hongjoong would compare him to an excited black cat with those round eyes.
"Yeah, that sounds good. My apartment is upstairs, so we can do it there."
Hongjoong smiled, "Let me get it from my bike then we can have our lil Lego date."
Seonghwa's face brighten at that.
You should be my boyfriend.
"I will, if asked me seriously," Hongjoong looked at him without hesitation in his words.
Fuck, did I say it out loud?
"So, what do you say, Seonghwa?" He cupped his cheek.
"Wanna be boyfriends?"
The blush was prominent as he leans oh his palm.
"If you don't mind, I would like too."
"Then boyfriends it is."
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epickiya722 · 2 months
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i want to ask u questions about the star rebirth au!!! but idk if they would be considered spoilers or anything but whatevs!!! 1 - how did the culling game end? like, do u have a list of characters u plan to bring back from the dead/keep alive or leave dead/kill? 2 - idk if i asked u this bfr but do u have any songs/playlist in mind for this au?? if so, pls leave the link to it!! 3 - did u had any outside inspo to make it? like other animes/movies/books? 4 - do u have any idea of how many chapters u plan to write?? anddd thats all i have (for now)!!! this au has been living on my mind rent free lmfao and above all, thank u sm for writing this!!!
That gif of Anya just touched my heart. She is so precious!! Anyways!!
There are spoilers mentioned for the manga though! So anyone who isn't caught up, I do advise you be mindful about continuing on!
Also spoilers for the Star's Rebirth AU if you haven't read those fics yet. [Link below for those who do want to read it.]
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1 - In this AU, it pretty much ended the same way it does in canon (since the manga is now in a different arc now), but there are some slight changes I gave such as have Takako and Yuji meet, therefore she joins the others against Sukuna and Kenjaku. I loved her character too much so I decided to put The Pink Sky and Cherry Blossoms in the AU. I'm glad I did because I enjoy writing her.
It's the same case with Yuki. Here, she doesn't die. She survives. Hana and Takaba are still here, too. The Kyoto students are also in this AU.
Kenjaku is actually still alive, but immobile.
Hiromi, I do want to write him in somehow. I haven't decided to either have him die or have him survive just as Yuki and Satoru, I forgot to mention him, have done. Probably the latter.
Now, yes, some of the characters that are dead in canon are dead, but it doesn't mean they probably won't make an appearance.
Cases being Suguru and Kaori, both who are dead in canon, but they did have speaking roles in the fics (His Mercy and His Mother, respectively). Kaori, I needed to write a fic for her desperately.
The only one who are explicitly dead in this AU but stil alive in canon is Sukuna. Uraume, I'm actually living that ambiguous for the timing being.
I'll be honest, when I first wrote His Role, it was just on whim as with most of my fics. Even the fics that follow. I don't exactly plan on who will show up or a scene, but I have an idea and as I write, I create that vision as to how I think it would fit in. I just go with the flow!
2 - I actually don't have a Playlist! I just listened to whatever songs that I wanted, but four songs I do remember listening to on repeat during His Role and His Mercy was Fujii Kaze's Matsuri and Shinunoga E-Wa and Kvi Baba's Tired But Fine and Tombi (which is Trigun Stampede's opening song). During the writing for TPSaCB, I repeated Megan Thee Stallion's Cobra. I love that song and it actually helped me captivate Takako's emotions during that fic.
3 - Actually no! His Role was written during a time I really wasn't feeling like myself at all. I had an idea and I went to putting words together. Writing that fic helped me feel better. And truth be told, I wasn't expecting the reception I got for it. Though, it does make me happy.
4 - I have no idea how many fics will be added into this AU. To be honest, when during the writing the first fic, I didn't plan to add a sequel but I decided why not? The timing was perfect since Yuji's birthday was coming up and I wanted a fic out for it.
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Here's the AU for anyone interested. ⤵
And please feel free to ask questions anytime!
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